#but for the love of heaven get rid off that jacket
thefallennightmare · 5 months
Just Pretend-twenty
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: We worked so fucking HARD on this! Please appreciate it and please 🙏 pay attention to everything.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @koskeepsake @bngurngheart @shilohrosechicken @emzandthevoid @casangel1986 @qualityvoidcollectorsblog @myownthoughts12 @jilliemiw86 @bellaboo967 @halloweenaesthetic
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I stood in front of the mirror, straightening out my shirt, and made sure my hair was perfectly pulled back into the low bun. Excitement filled my veins, making me jittery, knowing that Y/N would be showing up shortly. We all were ready to help her and Malcolm set up for Chase’s surprise birthday party. 
Y/N had been texting me the last couple of days stressing out about every last-minute detail for this party. Chase was never big on celebrating his birthday but he was turning twenty-five so she and Malcolm wanted to make sure that everything went off without a hitch tonight. 
I also was nervous to see Y/N again after our conversation at Davis’ house the other night because she knew the truth; most of it anyway. Bailey and I were done, something Y/N knew. But with the stress of the party, we couldn’t continue our conversation from the other night. 
The nerves were eating away at me, like a disease, so I started pacing in front of the mirror, trying to hype myself up. I woke up anxious this morning and even after meditating earlier, I still couldn’t get rid of this feeling. 
I pinched my cheeks and smiled. 
“Hi Y/N,” I said to myself. 
No, I sound like an idiot. 
“Hi, angel. You look gorgeous today.”  
Eh, a little bit better. 
I continued to pace back and forth in my room, muttering words under my breath. 
 “Hi, angel. You look beautiful today. I’m happy to have the party here.”
My feet came to a halt as I snorted to myself. “I’m happy to have the party here. Who the fuck says that? That’s so stupid. It’s just Y/N; her. Why am I overthinking talking to her?”
I get those ridiculous butterflies, even in my current state. It’s like being in a botanical garden, waiting for them to emerge. Waiting for Y/N at any stage feels like that. 
“Shit, that’s corny isn’t it?” I muttered under my breath as I ran a hand over my face. 
Another thing I suppose I’ve noticed about myself all this time lately. Growth in words- is this maturity? A grown man with grown feelings. 
I often saw my future as not so bright and wasn’t sure if this thing called life would work out. So, I stood here in front of the mirror in my bedroom and thought that maybe this life that I yearned for would work out and Y/N possibly, maybe, needed to be included in it. 
With a final deep breath, I threw on my leather jacket and then checked myself over in the mirror one last time. The black shirt underneath the jacket was pristine, not a hint of hair or lint, and my white wash skinny jeans had a hole in the knee showcasing the rose tattoo. 
Y/N would be here any minute. My mind went straight to what she looked like, what she’d be wearing, and how badly I wanted her perfume to penetrate my senses.
As I bounded down the first set of steps, I turned on the landing to retreat down the rest of the stairs but came to a halt when her presence was immediately felt. In the threshold stood Malcolm and Y/N, talking with Jesse who answered the door. The bright smile on her face made my stomach twinge in a good way as my breath caught in my throat. 
Her long hair fell to the middle of her back in waves. The black dress hugged every one of her curves in all the right places, stopping right beneath her ass. Her tattoos were on full display tonight. The swell of her breasts poked through the mesh part of her dress that covered her neck and chest.
I wasn’t sure if Y/N having a glowing halo effect was normal, hence why the nickname I had for her only made sense.
It began to feel like she was specifically meant to shine for me alone, a long time ago, even with that time we were distant. I couldn’t possibly imagine another man seeing it or enjoying the warmth Y/N brought. My palms were sweating, I knew this had to be it. I had to make the move.
“You’re such a sweet talker, Jesse,” Y/N giggled while playfully rolling her eyes, tapping his cheek twice.
As I took the last step, stepping into the living room, something fell from her bag causing her to bend over to pick it up. Orie snuck up beside me and tilted his gaze toward Y/N’s ass; something I noticed immediately. 
“Orie,” I seethed low. 
His eyes snapped over to me, a sly smirk on his lips. “Y/N looks good, huh?” 
My jaw ticked but I let out a deep breath while counting to my ten in my head. 
I’m not mad. It’s innocent. It’s Orie, he knows how I feel about Y/N.
As Y/N stood tall, a bright shine from around her neck caught my attention, and gone was the anger replaced with sheer adoration. She was wearing the necklace and bracelet I bought her for her birthday. 
My heart skipped a beat as our eyes finally locked. 
“Hi,” Y/N smiled warmly. 
“Hi, angel.” 
I shifted on my feet, suddenly hot under her bright gaze. She looked absolutely breathtaking in that dress and how it hugged her tits perfectly made my cock throb in my jeans.  She softly tucked a strand behind her ear and our eyes never left each other. Malcolm looked between us, a sly smirk on his lips. 
“Y/N, why don’t you hand me the bags? I’ll start getting things set up while Noah gives you the tour,” Malcolm said while taking the bags of party supplies from her. 
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Sure.” 
As she walked past me, the scent of her perfume filled my senses and my cock now ached when I remembered how pretty she looked while sitting on top of me, her hands grasping my braids. 
“Oh, you smell good,” Y/N smiled up at me as I began leading her to the kitchen so she could set down the rest of the bags Malcolm couldn't carry. 
My cheeks warmed and I rubbed the back of my neck. “Thanks-uh, so do you.” 
“Let me take those from you,” Jolly smiled while giving Y/N a friendly kiss on her cheek. 
“Thank you, Jolly.” She smiled. “Did we get enough alcohol? I ordered the pizzas but I won’t have time to pick them up. Oh shit, I forgot to buy cups!” 
Y/N went to turn on her heels but I gently grabbed her shoulders to keep her in place in front of me, her back to my chest. 
“You need to relax, angel. You're trying to control so much of this party. Let us help you,” I rubbed out the tense muscles in her shoulder. 
“I just want to make things perfect for Chase,” she relaxed in my embrace. “The last few years of his birthday have been filled with unnecessary drama.” 
My nose brushed along her hairline. “It will be fine. Davis will pick up the pizzas and we’ll have Nick buy the cups.” 
“Someone has to pick up Chase. If I go, he’ll be able to read me and know something is up,” Malcolm said while unloading all the party supplies. 
“Fuck, I can’t. My car is filled with the balloons,” Y/N tensed under my touch so I was quick to offer a solution. 
“Okay, so this is what we will do. Davis will pick up the pizzas. Nick will stop at the store to buy the cups. Michael and Orie are in charge of setting up the alcohol. Jolly and Jesse, you guys figure out the music. Folio will pick up Chase. Those two can talk about drums or cymbals.” 
Y/N instantly relaxed once again and leaned her head against my shoulder. “Matt is picking up the cake.”
My hands rubbed her arms. “See? We have everything figured out. There’s no need to stress, angel.” 
“I know,” she let out a deep breath. “Thank you guys for letting us have the party here. It’s a nice place, lots of space. ” 
Michael chuckled while setting up the makeshift bar on the kitchen island. “You’d think so with the five of us but I’m starting to think we’re out-growing this place.” 
“Soon, it’ll be four of you. I move out at the end of the month,” Orie said as he walked into the kitchen, giving Y/N and Malcolm a fast fist bump. 
“Oh, that’s right. With the Mrs,” Jesse smirked. 
Orie rolled his eyes with a small smirk. “She’s not the Mrs. Yet.” 
Y/N watched my roommates bicker back and forth with a bright smile which in turn, made me hold onto her a bit tighter, not wanting to let her go. From day one, she always fit in with us, never once feeling left out. Everyone welcomed her with open arms and for that, I’ll always be grateful for that. 
“Angel,” I said into her hairline.
Y/N eyes sparkled as she gazed up at me, a loose strand of silky hair fell into her face, so I brushed it away and let my finger graze over her cheek. 
“Hm?” Her voice was quiet. 
“Let me show you upstairs,” my voice matched hers.
The corner of her lips lifted in a smile. “I’d love that.” 
As the others chatted amongst themselves, I led Y/N back to the living room, hand now on her back, and as we reached the stairs Bryan walked through the front door with Matt. 
“Hi!” Y/N smiled and stepped away from my embrace to give them their own separate hugs. “Malcolm is in the kitchen, he can show you guys where to set everything up.” 
Matt smiled while letting his hand rest in the middle of her back. “You look beautiful, Y/N.” 
I kept a watchful gaze on her, even though there wasn’t a need to.
“Oh, such a sweetheart,” she playfully pinched his cheeks. “You forgot to grab the cake didn’t you?” 
“Don’t worry,” he waved her off. “Davis will pick it up on his way over here; after he gets the pizza. I already texted him.” 
Rolling her eyes, Y/N turned her attention to Bryan. “Did you bring it?” 
He held up his camera bag. “Everything is ready to go.” 
“Awesome,” she clapped her hands with excitement. 
“What are you planning?” I questioned while crossing my arms over my chest. 
Y/N merely shrugged with a coy smirk. “Oh, nothing. Now are you going to finish giving me the tour or what?” 
I held out my arm towards the staircase on my left. “After you, angel.” 
Her heels clicked against the hardwood floor only to be muted by the carpet on the stairs and I followed close behind her, Matt’s voice calling after us. 
“Leave the door open, you two!” 
Without Y/N seeing, I flipped off Matt and then led her down the long hallway, telling her whose room was whose. She walked in front of me, her scent filling my senses the entire time, and my hands ghosted over her hips as I led her to the last door on the left.
“Welcome to my abode! Mi casa su casa and all that shit,” I said as we came to a stop. 
Y/N giggled. “And you said you couldn’t speak Spanish.” 
“I tried, gave up,” I chuckled, now grasping her hips from behind. 
With her standing in front of me, I stuck my arms over her shoulders to reach for the doorknob. But before I opened the door, I rested my chin on her shoulder, and Y/N immediately relaxed in my embrace. 
“This is my room,” I breathed against the crook of her neck. 
I saw her skin prick like a cactus as my breath tickled her sensitive skin. I only imagined her nipples probably did too but had to switch thoughts to avoid my cock twitching in case Y/N could feel it brush against her ass. I gazed down at her, my eyes immediately watching the rise and fall of her chest, and I licked my lips at the sight of them. 
A light click sounded as I opened my door, gently patting Y/N’s thigh so she could walk inside. She took a few tentative steps but I didn’t let her go far without me right behind her. It’s been so long since I felt her this close and now nothing was stopping us.
My heart was so heavy with my devotion, that I nearly kneeled at her feet.  If she only knew, I would do anything for her- to the fucking grave. Either way what bliss. This would be the best chance for me to explain it; to cave and tell her those three words.
I craved Y/N’s touch, her in this room was beginning to consume me and I’d fucking let her.  I watched her eyes close and open slowly, her body movements so gentle she leaned into my tiny touches. The way my hand grazed up her back. The way my fingers danced with hers as we stepped through the threshold of my bedroom; her pinking hooking with mine. I was so close to forgetting what the event tonight was. All I wanted was her all to my fucking self and I wanted to throw her on my bed only to rip off that dress. My tongue craved to taste every single part of her. 
Y/N’s eyes took in all aspects of my room; my desk with my computer. 
“Levi, huh?” She smirked while pointing to my monitor. 
Earlier, I was watching Attack on Titan and paused the episode, never exiting out of the app. 
I shrugged while stuffing my hands deep into my pockets. “You know he’s my favorite, he’s pushing for Naurto to move for the top spot.”
“It’s the hair I bet,” she began looking around my room once again. 
To the mirror, my bed, and the rosary beads. Her eyes darted from the bed back to me, a silent question. 
I nodded, letting her know it was fine to sit, which she did by resting on the edge. I followed, not leaving any space between us. 
“Shit,” Y/N cursed with a groan. “I don’t know why I even wore heels. They kill my ankles.” 
Bending over, I lifted both her feet into my lap to remove her heels then set them on the bed behind me. 
“But they complete my outfit,” she pouted. 
I chuckled while tracing a finger over the small tattoo on her ankle, the one that mirrored mine in design and spot. 
“Just rest your feet for a little while,” I suggested, eyes still on her tattoo. 
Mine subconsciously began to itch with the memories of when we got the tattoos. Her birthday. 
“Oh,” I said suddenly, remembering what I saw online earlier. “I saw that Hollow Souls are going on tour again?” 
Y/N smiled brightly, pure excitement on her face. “Yeah. Who told you that?” 
I waved her off with the hand that wasn’t grazing over her ankle. “Oh, must have been the little birds.” 
“Sneaky birds. But did you see who we’re touring with?”  
I hummed. “Nothing, nowhere. I bet you’re fangirling on the inside right now, huh?” I teased. 
“Can you blame me?” She scoffed. “Joe’s been one of my favorite artists for years now and to experience touring with him, I haven’t stopped smiling since I got the call.”  
When I first found out about this tour, I expected myself to get jealous at the thought of her being on the road with another man while being so far from me but surprisingly, I felt at peace. I trusted Y/N and knew that although she might have had an artist appreciation, I would have liked to think that her heart stayed with me. 
“It will be a sick tour,” I nodded. “Maybe I’ll come out to a show and support you guys. How does it feel knowing this is your first tour as a three piece?” 
Y/N played with the hem of her dress. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited; nervous but very excited. But it's still daunting to know that we have to go up there without a screamer, you know? Everyone seems to be loving our new singles but having to go out there and perform them is scary.” 
“Well, if you’re ever interested in taking up screaming. There’s this great vocal coach that I’ve been looking into. She helps out a lot of artists and I have my first lesson with her at the end of the month,” I stated, fingers still grazing over her skin. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks Mochi,” Y/N reached over and ruffled my hair. 
I dragged my finger up her calf now, her skin pricking under my touch, and I dared a glance to her inner thighs and my cock was now aching in my jeans. Her head turned towards my mirror closet as she watched our reflections. 
“Hm, a mirror right in front of your bed. Kinky,” she winked. 
By now my cock was straining against my zipper and knew I needed to do something about it soon otherwise it would be an issue for the rest of the night. There it went again, my mind completely doing the opposite of what I wanted right now. All I saw were those erotic images over and over.
Y/N kneeled down on the floor between my legs and I shivered under her touch again as her nails raked up and down my thighs. I watched her actions from the mirror behind her, eyes drinking at the sight of her large back tattoo and the perkiness of her round ass. My cock twitched in front of her face as she gazed up at me, taking her bottom lip between her teeth.
“I’ve dreamed of the way you tasted, Noah.”
I shook the thought away but it didn't last long because another image of Y/N flashed in my mind. 
A guttural groan sounded from the back of my throat and I titled my head up towards the ceiling, my long hair cascading down my back. I gripped Y/N’s head with a vise grip and guided her up and down; slowly at first until I reached the resistance of the back of her throat and buried my cock deep in there.
That dream was so vivid when I had it months ago, just as the memories are now. 
Her pussy clenched over my cock as she came undone, her arousal spreading down my thighs. I hooked my fingers in her mouth to hold her up so she could watch us in the mirror now.
“Watch as I fuck your pretty pussy,” I ordered, long hair covering my face.
Y/N did the best she could to nod with my hooks in her mouth and my pace became relentless, slamming into her so hard and fast that the noises echoed throughout my room. The burning felt warm at the base of my spine as my heart pounded wildly in my chest, my own orgasm so fucking close to destroying me.
My eyes snapped away from our reflections in the mirror to Y/N’s ethereal face, my fingers still grazing up and down her leg. “Hm?”
“Well, before you zoned out,” she giggled while removing her legs from my lap only to sit on her knees. “I was going to tell you, I love your house and your room! It’s- it’s cute. The LED lights are a nice touch.” 
I smiled. “I love the way you look with them. Soaked in neon glows.” 
Y/N’s eyes sparkled as she looked over my shoulder towards the wall where I had old Bad Omens tour posters framed. 
“No way,” she muttered while climbing off the bed to gaze upon the frames. “You kept the tour poster with Hollow Souls?” 
I rose to my feet, brushing away any hair or lint from my leather jacket, and stood behind her. 
“Yeah, it was our first tour together. It may not have ended in the best way but it’s where we met,” I brushed away her hair from her neck, seeing the tattoo of her large snake back piece peek through the top of her dress. 
Fuck, this had to be my favorite tattoo of hers. It fit her back so well, each groove of her spine. 
I really should book that appointment.
My fingers now grazed over her bracelet and I hummed low in approval. “These look really good on you, angel.” 
“I wear them all the time now. I never take them off. Not even in the shower,” she winked while gazing over at me.
My cock twitched and I let out a low groan, imagining Y/N in the shower with her necklace and bracelet only on her unholy skin. I leaned my face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent, and when my lips brushed against the skin behind her ear, Y/N shivered at my touch. 
“Noah,” she breathed. 
“I’ve missed the way you smelled,” my teeth grazed on the shell of her ear. 
Slowly, Y/N turned in my embrace, now gazing up at me through those long lashes, and I sucked in a breath at her sheer beauty. That magnetic pull that we always felt between us began to vibrate within us, causing her to lean up towards my lips. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, letting my fingers linger on the side of her neck briefly before cupping her cheek. 
“Mochi,” she moaned softly.
I swallowed, my voice just above a whisper. “Angel.”
Y/N’s hands grasped at my arms, her nails digging into the leather of my jacket, and I continued to hold her face in between my hands. Our lips were so fucking close now, I could feel her warm breath fan across until the taste of raspberry lingered on my bottom lip. 
“Hey, Davis is wondering if the pizzas are already paid for?” Jesse came barreling through the closed door. 
My head snapped to the right, eyes narrowing at him as he peeled an orange with a smug smile on his face. 
“Shit, did I interrupt something? I tend to do that. Just with different fruits,” Jesse popped a piece of orange in his mouth. 
I sighed and let my hands fall from Y/N’s so I could point a finger at him. “You’re peeling an orange and the juices are dripping all over my clean floor.”
“It’s fine. See?” He wiped some of the juice with his foot, his sock getting citrus on it, smearing it all over the hardwood. 
“Jesse,” I gritted out through clenched teeth. “I spent all day cleaning and mopping this entire space.” 
He rolled his eyes and finished the rest of the orange in one bite. “So, Davis.” 
Y/N, who was stifling a giggle behind her hand, nodded. “Yes, the pizzas are already paid for. It’s under Malcolm’s name.”
“Cool. Speaking of which, Malcolm needs help with the banner.” 
“Of course he does,” Y/N shook her head with a chuckle and began to walk away. 
My hand reached for hers, locking around her wrist. “Do you want some help?” 
She patted my hand lightly. “I’d love that, Noah.” 
As Y/N put her heels back on, I pushed Jess out of my room, orange peels and all. Then I led Y/N back downstairs with my hands on her hips. 
“I swear, I’m going to have to buy a lock for my door if Jesse keeps popping in,” I grumbled. 
Y/N turned in my embrace slightly to smack my chest. “Oh, be nice.” 
“And if I’m not?” I teased with a raised brow. 
Just as her lips parted, another shrill voice echoed through the space of the living room; one I hadn’t expected to hear. 
“Hi, baby!”
Y/N’s feet skidded to a halt and I nearly tripped over her since she was still in front of me. 
“Surprise!” Bailey yelled while shaking her hands, standing on the other side of the open door. 
Michael stood holding the door open, unsure what to do. 
“That’s not until later,” Y/N snapped with fists clenched. 
Bailey’s eyes landed on Y/N and I could easily see the way her jaw ticked. “What are you doing here?” 
“Excuse me?” She scoffed.
Bailey pushed past Y/N towards me, trying to rest her hands on my chest; an action I quickly brushed away.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” I asked dumbfounded. 
Her brows furrowed. “I thought maybe we could talk.” 
Bailey’s breath had a lingering scent of alcohol and I scrunched up my nose in disgust. She was a fucking mess; this whole thing was a fucking mess that I needed to rid myself and everyone else of. 
I peered over her shoulder towards Michael and Y/N, whose eyes burned straight into my own; she was furious. 
Angel- my angel. She was going to be so angry with me. I had to explain; fast. My feet couldn’t get to her fast enough
“Y/N-,” I began while stepping away from Bailey. 
She shook her head, ignoring my pleas as she brushed past me. “Malcolm needs my help.” 
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I’m angry-no, I’m furious. 
Should I be angry? Do I have the right to feel this way? It’s not like Noah and I were together. I learned quickly what Bailey’s place was. He was clearly trying to make me jealous, and it worked. 
I ripped apart a piece of tape to hand up to Malcolm who was standing on a chair to hang up the banner. 
“What’s wrong, sweets?” He asked. 
Grumbling in response to his question, I handed him another piece of tape just as Noah walked into the kitchen. 
“Angel,” he reached for my arm. “Let me explain! I ended it!” 
I ripped my elbow from his grasp to walk away from him, ready to help Jolly finish setting up the alcohol. 
“I don’t have time for this bullshit, Noah. I have to finish setting up for Chase’s party. Not talk about unwanted guests or lies.” 
His face fell. “I’m not lying. Please, can we talk?” 
Malcolm stared down at Noah from the chair with confused eyes as Jolly’s gaze bounced back and forth between us. “What’s going on?” 
“There’s nothing to talk about. Chase will be here soon,” I ignored Jolly. 
“Y/N,” Noah begged with a trembling lip as he stepped in front of me, blocking my path. “The house is already ready. We need to talk.” 
“I’m not doing this with you right now!” I spat with venom, eyes burning into his. 
“Y/N,” he tried to reach for my hands but I smacked them away. 
Jolly quickly picked up that something was wrong so after setting down the bottle of booze, he motioned for me to follow him. 
“Let’s get some air, huh?” 
Turning my back to Noah, I let Jolly lead me out of the kitchen onto their back porch, the cooling air of the afternoon immediately causing goosebumps to graze my skin; skin that Noah moments ago was touching with his lips. 
“Everything alright?”  
I began pacing, running a hand through my hair. “He lied to me, Jolly! He told me he broke things off but she’s here!” 
He shook his head. “No, Y/N, I promise you; Noah broke up with Bailey. We can all vouch for that.” 
“Then why is she here?!” I yelled with a hand extended towards the house behind him. 
“She’s here to salvage whatever she can. But that’s not on him or you,” Jolly said with his ever-calming voice. 
I swear, his accent is what always made any difficult situation easier. 
“It's just-,” I sighed while falling onto the step, Jolly immediately following me. “Every time I think Noah and I are getting somewhere, some bullshit comes up to continue to keep us apart.” 
Jolly nodded. “I can understand that, I get it. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. It really doesn’t, Y/N.” 
“Then why does this keep happening?” I blew out a shaky breath while looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. 
I was so fucking tired of the universe trying to keep Noah and me apart. I was so fucking tired of trying to be happy for more than a mere moment before something came to crash around me. 
Was I not worthy of a happy ending? After all the bullshit I’d gone through?
Jolly brushed away a stray tear, a solemn smile on his face. “Maybe the universe is-shit-I don’t know trying to humble you both first? Heal? Hell if I know, I’d kill to have that spark you two have. I don’t know shit about this, Y/N. But I do know Noah; he isn’t perfect. But he’s trying so hard to be. He also isn’t lying to you, he isn’t.”
Reluctantly, I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder. “Is it alright if I just sit here a minute with you?” 
He patted my knee. “Take all the time you need, söt.” 
“Huh?” I looked up at him. 
With a chuckle, Jolly wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “It means sweet, in Swedish. Sorry, sometimes it slips out without-.” 
“No!” I patted his knee now. “I like it.” 
With a relaxed breath, I eased into Jolly’s comforting embrace, thankful that I had so many friends to confide in when things became tough. 
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So ‘distressed distraction mission fail’ was here. I chuckled to myself, my inner monologue taking over. I felt like it was closing in around me. In my mind, I was growing larger and larger, expanding with aggravation. If I say something too fast, to get myself under control, I’d explode and take the situation in my hands. 
This wasn’t my fuckin fight, I knew that. But- once again, this girl proves to me she doesn’t belong here and surely, doesn’t understand the words no.
Noah ended this shit so why was she here? Dogs and fucking rabid raccoons understand basic shit better than Bailey.
I often tried to bite my tongue. I often tried to be kind when I didn’t need to be. It was important to be kind, however, not when you fuck with my family. Bailey didn’t get my message the last time. However, I knew tonight was going to be the last time she’d be around. I felt that shit in my gut.
Good fuckin riddance.
Noah was still in the kitchen and from the way Malcolm was laying into him about something, I knew he’d be held up there for a few minutes. 
I walked up to Bailey as she was sitting on Noah’s couch, a glass of wine in her hand. 
“Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.” I taunted while crossing my arms over my chest, staring down at her. 
Bailey rolled her eyes while taking a very long sip of her wine. “Matt, seriously?” 
“Yeah, seriously. Any particular reason you’re here tonight, trying to, I don’t know, ruin another gathering?” 
“I just wanted to talk to Noah,” she slurs while slowly sanding to her feet, swaying slightly. “I think we can figure things out.” 
My face scrunched in disgust. “Why don’t you sit down, no need to make a bigger fool of yourself.”
“‘M not,” the red liquid swirled in her cup as she shook her head. 
“I’m sorry but have you been blind this whole time?” I wondered.
Bailey scoffed, suddenly falling back onto the couch and spilling a few drops of wine onto the couch. “I’m not blind.” 
Fuck, if Noah wasn’t pissed with this girl before, he definitely would be now for staining his couch. 
I bent low on my knees to make direct eye contact with her. “You keep acting like it, Bailey. You should have just taken the voicemail for what it was. Noah ended it with you; it’s done. What was the point of even coming over here? Because this thing with him isn’t going to happen. You're water and Y/N is milk.” 
“What does that mean?” Bailey hiccuped, resting her head against the back of the couch. 
I peered over my shoulder to point toward Noah, who was watching Y/N directly as she walked back inside with Jolly. She didn’t bother to give Noah an ounce of attention as she was led by Jolly into the dining room. The look of hurt and yearning from Noah made my own stomach drop. His usual stoic face was void, it was evident that his emotions were coming to the surface. Noah loved Y/N with his entire essence but this woman sitting in front of me was going to ruin it. 
The hurt I felt for my friend; no, my brother made the tone in my voice turn to ice as I glared back at Bailey.
“Y/N is the fucking moon that lights his entire dark sky. Come on, stop playing stupid,” I stood to my feet and ran a hand through my hair. 
Leaving her to sulk on her own, I motioned for Malcolm to come out front with me so we could talk privately. 
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Music blasted throughout my house, the party well underway. Chase arrived about thirty minutes ago, not a hint of surprise on his face but still wore a happy smile. Somehow he managed to find out about the party, which immediately brought a sad smile to Y/N’s face; one I wished I could brush away with my thumb. 
“Ah, it’s alright sweets. I really appreciate the effort,” Chase kissed her forehead before laying a kiss on Malcolm’s lips. “Thank you, guys. I love you.” 
I tried talking to Y/N one more time before the party started but with Malcolm’s ice-cold gaze, I knew it wasn’t the right time. It would have to wait until later. 
Something else needed my attention. 
Bailey stumbled into the living room, red solo cup barely hanging between her fingers, as she was in a fit of giggles. I internally was smoldered with resentment as I watched Bailey. Rage flowed through me like lava because she came here and did this. I tried, I fucking tried.  I realized this was the consequence of my previous actions. 
However, have I not atoned? 
I apologized. I-I tried, I called Bailey and told her I couldn’t be what she wanted. I ended it. 
I knew she knew, she told me that night in the car. I had eyes for someone else. 
I couldn’t allow her to destroy what I was working towards. I tried to swallow my frustration. Angel wouldn’t even look at me- I felt like I could die right here.  I was sitting on the couch with my arms resting along the back of it, eyes watching Y/N’s every move as she talked with Davis. 
Until Bailey fell onto the couch next to me. “I-I thought I haad a driinkie for you.” 
My jaw ticked as I ran a hand over it. “Bailey, I’m sorry, but you weren’t invited.”
“Wha-what does,” she hiccuped. “That mean?”
I moved towards the other end of the couch to give us more space. “Bailey, I left you a voicemail!” 
“I haven’t checked it! I have like 20 messages,” she waved me off before drinking from her cup. 
A mutual friend of Orie’s came by with a tray of shot glasses, one that Bailey reached for. 
“Oh! Shots!”
Quickly, I pushed away the tray from her and dismissed the friend, stating we were fine and didn’t need anything to drink. 
“Noah!” Bailey whined while cupping my face. “Why’d youuu do that? I’m thirsty!” 
I smacked her hand away as gently as I could. “You’re drunk, Bailey. You’ve had enough.” 
She, of course, ignored me and was fast on her feet to stumble into the kitchen. “I’m gonna go get another!”
A look of great bitterness swept across my face when I approached Bailey again and attempted to get her to leave. “Bailey, let me call you an Uber. You need to go.”
She tried to push me away but ended up crashing into the kitchen counter, knocking over the vast variety of alcohol. The loud noise caught the attention of everyone around; Y/N watching Bailey with a look of disdain, never once looking into my eyes. I curbed the way my heart fell to my stomach only because I couldn’t focus on the pain. 
I needed to get Bailey out of here.
“I missed you,” she slurred while running a finger down my chest. “I miss the way you fucked me. Can we try again?” 
I threw her arms off of me as she tried to wrap them around my neck. “No, Bailey, whatever this was is finished. You need to go.”
“We need to talk right now, mother fucker,” Chase spat as he gripped my eblow to drag me to a far corner of the living room, away from prying ears. 
“Man, not now,” I ripped my arm from him. “I’m fucking busy trying to diffuse this situation.” 
“Bailey is drunk, Noah! What the fuck!” Chase ran a hand over his buzzed head. “You’re going to do this? Now? We fucking talked about this! What did I tell you? Get it together or leave my sister alone.” 
He roughly pushed my shoulder and I took a deep breath to keep myself calm. From the moment Bailey showed up tonight, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and there was nothing I could do to stop it; breathing be damned. 
“STOP!” I suddenly snapped, earning a few stares from people around us. 
Nick R. went to step forward as he leaned against the wall with Nadia but I was quick to wave him off. I refused to ruin their night. His girlfriend was in town for the first time in a long time so the last thing they needed was to deal with my drama. 
“Fuck!” I spoke. “I did! I fucking broke it off, it’s over! Bailey just fucking showed up! And I’d hate for her to drive and die. I do not need that shit on my conscious.” 
“Noah-,” Malcolm stepped up next to Chase.
“I swear to fucking Hades himself, if you tell me to break it off with Bailey, I will lose my shit,” I snapped, the vein in my neck twitching. 
“I’m not,” Malcolm’s voice was even, steady, almost a low whisper because he knew I was seconds away from sheer catastrophe. “Y/N’s fucking hurt, Noah.” 
“I’m-.” I couldn’t even finish my sentence before Chase snapped. 
“I know you’re fucking sorry, alright! But please for the love of fucking Neptune, get rid of her!” 
“Working on it, man,” I reminded him as I turned on my heels to head back into the kitchen but came to a sudden halt. 
Bailey was dragging a guy towards Y/N, her loud shrill voice echoing over the music. 
“Y/N! This was the friend I was talking to you about!” 
Friend? What the fuck? 
The look on Y/N’s face was one of embarrassment and awkwardness. Not many could read someone from across the room but I could. I knew exactly what Y/N was feeling without an utter from her sweet lips; her body always gave her away. 
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Oh shit, oh shit. 
If only I had known how tonight was going to go. 
Truth be told, I really wanted everyone out of my fucking house. I wanted to lock Y/N and Noah in the garage, not letting them out until they talked this shit out. Although, depending on what happens next, I might have to.
I leaned against the kitchen sink as I watched with careful eyes as Bailey approached Y/N with some guy in tow. 
“Y/N! This is the friend I was talking about! The one I wanted to introduce you to! Jared, this is Y/N.” 
My gaze snapped over to Noah just in time to see him crush the red solo cup in his hand. 
“Oh, hi. Hello,” Y/N shifted on her feet. 
“Fuck,” Jared licked his lips. “You know you’re really beautiful. You’re a model ain’t you?” 
Y/N cleared her throat. “Musician, actually.”
Something was off with this guy so without them noticing, I took a few steps closer toward Y/N, just in case she needed me to step in. 
“Wow a musician, that’s right! Bailey mentioned something about that. I have heard your band before. Souls Hollow.” Jared snapped as if he found out the answer for a million dollars.
“Hollow Souls”. 
The loud pop of Y/N’s water bottle made me jump slightly as she crushed it between her hands. 
“Right! Well, you have the face and the body for modeling if that’s something you want to get into,” Jared ran a hand through his short hair. 
“No, not my interest or my forte.”
Somehow through her drunken state, Bailey was able to feel the sudden tension and patted the guy's chest. 
“Jared, why don’t you get us a couple of drinks? I need to have some girl talk with, Y/N.” 
Girl talk?
“Girl talk?” Y/N chuckled low.
Once it was the two of them, or so Bailey thought, I leaned forward on the kitchen island to listen better. 
“You know,” Bailey threw her hair over her shoulder. “It might be good for you to blow off some aggression. He could be a good fuck.” 
“Thank you for your interest in my well-being.” Y/N scoffed, ready to end this conversation, and went to walk past her. 
“I’m just saying. I’d love to be fucked by Noah again, but he hasn’t been interested,” Bailey shrugged while leaning against the counter for support. 
Oh. Fuck. 
Y/N turned swiftly on her heels with a look of pure fury behind those eyes, the ones that drew Noah in that first meeting; something he told me many times before. I could see the hurt behind that fury though. It was clear that Bailey’s words dragged the knife deeper into her heart. But just as quickly as the hurt surfaced, Y/N was quick to close herself off by crossing her arms over her chest with wide eyes, internally going into herself. 
The shit I just heard. Bailey did that on purpose, or she was so far gone on liquor she didn’t realize what she said.
 No, it was both. Bailey came here to hurt Noah, that was obvious.
Daring a glance over to Y/N, I felt my stomach drop at what I saw. While it wasn’t easy for me to read her face all the time, that look was something I’d seen on Noah’s face one too many times. 
She was passed beyond the point of disassociation. 
Y/N was silent. The calm before the storm. 
“Shit, Noah.” I quietly said under my breath as I nearly sped to him. 
He was sitting on the edge of the couch, elbows resting on his knees as they bounced wildly. Even with me approaching him with a fury, Noah’s eyes never left the two women behind me. 
“Noah!” I waved my hand in front of his face. “Noah!” 
“Not now man,” he waved me off, still not looking up at me. 
Following his gaze, my shoulders slumped when I noticed that Jared had returned to Y/N and was trying to hand her a drink; one that she kept refusing.
Noah’s fists were balled tightly underneath his chin, his chest unmoving as if his breath was caught in his throat.
“Yes, now! Fuck, Noah. I need to tell you something.” 
Before I could sit down, Bailey barreled her way past me onto the couch to plop down next to Noah, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Oh, don’t they look perfect together? I’d say I’m a great fucking matchmaker. Heaven knows she needs to get laid. She’s been so uptight since I’ve met her.” 
Mother fucker. 
All this time and Bailey still couldn’t read the fucking room. 
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I shifted my body away from Bailey, her head falling away from my shoulder, as I glared at her. 
“What did you just say?” I was eerily calm even though my heart was in my ears. 
Bailey did her best to fix her hair, trying to make herself presentable. “Y/N looks so good with Jared! I’m so glad I set them up. It seemed like she’d been so lonely since the break up with Trey.” 
Jesse sat next to me. “Noah-.” 
Ignoring him, I kept my hard gaze on the mess of Bailey. “Why do you insist on bringing that asshole up in every conversation?” 
“Why does her love life bother you so much, No-O-ah.” She hiccuped then let out a low belch, the smell rancid.
It disgusted me.
I was beginning to see slight parallels with this. Trey, Bailey, Trey Bailey. Drowning their demons. Once again confirming I will not be like this. I won’t become them. My demons won’t swim.
“Why can’t you mind your own fucking business? You don’t know shit about her or any of us. You think you do because of things you read on a blog?” 
Fuck, Bailey was getting inside my skin and I wanted to scratch it away until it bled. I chewed roughly on the inside of my cheek, doing whatever I could to keep my anger under control. I couldn’t make a scene in front of everyone because of Bailey. 
She took a large gulp of her wine and lazily shrugged. “Trey was a big part of Y/N’s life; I can understand that.”
Jesse reached past me to grab the glass of wine from her since she almost dropped it because of her weak grip. The sound of glass clanking on the table in front of me was a white noise in my ears. 
“Oh, Jo-O-lly,” Bailey whined with a hiccup. “You’re no fun.” 
“Jesse,” he corrected.
She ignored him with a wave of a hand towards Y/N and this friend. “Look at them. Y/N’s so into him.”
My gaze snapped over to Y/N expecting to see her all over this guy but breathed a little easier to see that there was a decent amount of space between them and her arms were crossed over her chest. 
She was closing herself off from the conversation but ever the sweetheart, Y/N couldn’t find the way to end it.
“Hopefully, they’ll fuck. I mentioned to Y/N that we did as girl talk, so maybe she finally will too!” 
My eyes doubled in size as my head whipped back to her, heart now leaping out of my fucking throat. All the noise around me fell away, the only thing I could hear was two words. 
You’re fucked.  
“You fucking told her we had sex?” I spat through clenched teeth. 
“It was girl talk, Noah. You’re freaking out about nothing,” Bailey rolled her eyes. 
Terror washed over me because there was absolutely no fucking way she told Y/N. 
“She did. I was right there,” Jesse informed, almost as if he could read my mind. 
The fine hairs at the back of my neck rose as the anger now ran through me in waves. 
Bailey told her. She fucking told her. 
My hands raked through my hair, ripping it from the low bun, and I vibrated with rage. 
I should have told Y/N right after it happened. I shouldn’t have let it drag on this long. It would have hurt coming from me, yes, but now that Bailey was the one to tell her, I knew it was eating away inside of Y/N. 
Fucking bitch. 
My heart continued to pound rapidly in my ears. I wanted to scream; the sudden shock made my muscles tense. Innate fear was instinctive and hard-wired into my brain.
This kept fucking happening. Every time I thought Y/N and I were getting somewhere, something fucking came crashing into it. How did we go from almost kissing upstairs in my bedroom to now? She ignored me as another man was practically drooling at the sight of her. 
Mine. She’s mine. She’s always been mine. 
This feeling that burned low in my gut involved a fight-or-flight response triggered by a perceived threat; Bailey. 
I hated myself more than I had in a long time. 
A sudden thought crossed my mind which made me blow out a shaky breath. Was I the threat?
No. I broke it off. 
Fuck this.
“Oh,” Bailey’s voice was sad. “I hope Jared won't mind Y/N’s scar, though. I never had the chance to warn him.”
“Excuse me?” I fumed, nostrils flaring. 
How she continued to misread the room appalled me. 
“Well, I noticed her scar during the pool day. It’s a nasty one. I can't believe she deals with that endo bullshit,” Bailey sympathized. 
“Endometriosis,” I corrected but then shook my head with the sudden realization. “How do you know about that?” 
“Why does it matter, Noah?” She shifted uncomfortably. 
The only people who knew about Y/N’s scar beside herself were Malcolm, Chase, and me. It was a very sore subject for her, something she didn’t want brought up. It was from a procedure she had years ago, one to remove a thin layer of tissue that lined her uterus to help with her heavy bleeding. 
I never noticed the scar however during our night together. My mind was elsewhere. I never paid attention to that, it could have been a stretch mark for all I knew. I was a little too occupied tasting her to care. So enamored in her, so thankful just to have every inch of her at all that night that I didn’t see it as an imperfection on her. 
And I never would. 
“It fucking does matter, Bailey!” I roared. 
Jesse’s hand rested on my shoulder, his soft touch easing the rage slightly. However, out of the corner of my eye, something else caught the attention of my rage. 
Bile rose in my throat as I watched Jared’s slimy fingers graze down Y/N’s bare arm towards the silver chain on her wrist; the bracelet I bought her. He twirled it between his fingers before flicking it away with a look of distaste. Y/N yanked her arm away from him, holding her wrist close to her chest. 
My nostrils flared as my shoulders went rigid, my body going taught. Something cold and wet dripped onto my lips and the copper taste was bitter on my tongue. I could feel my increasing heart rate, the blood rushing in and out through my ears. I swallowed thickly with my dry mouth, producing no saliva. 
My clenched fists were aching, I was sure to leave half-crescent marks on my palms. My jaw was tight as if it was wired shut and my gums must have been bleeding. I could taste it in my mouth as one simple thought continued to repeat in my mind. 
Destroy. He’s touching what’s yours. 
I could do it, it’d be so easy. 
This piece of shit dared to look at something I gave Y/N with distaste and it made me bare my teeth. 
“Fuck, Noah. Are you alright?” Jesse’s concern brought me back from seeing red. “Your nose is bleeding.”
I wiped my palm over my nose. “Is it?” 
Crimson smeared all over my hand. 
With every step back Y/N took, this guy followed in an attempt to close the distance between them. A muscle in her jaw ticked as her brows furrowed, eyes darting around the room to look for someone. 
Chase and Malcolm were in the front yard with others playing one of the yard games Steven brought. Everyone else was scattered throughout the house which meant I was closest to her. 
Perhaps this fear of loss is only proof of my love for Y/N, one that she will always depend on. The curse is the blessing. Blessed with a curse. Love is tough, but I’m tough enough. I needed to get to Y/N and get to her now.
Bolting to my feet, I moved like lighting and did not listen to Jesse’s protests as I reached Y/N in a few wide strides. 
Even though she was angry at me, Y/N’s eyes lit up with relief as she saw me only for a moment. 
“Everything alright?” I asked while standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her. 
Jared motioned towards Y/N. “I’m trying to get your beautiful friend from Sollows to go out with me.”
I ground my teeth while taking a step towards him.  “It’s Hollow Souls. Hollow. Souls. You don’t even fucking know her band's name. Get the hell out of here.”
“Noah!” Y/N jeered from behind me. 
“All I’m asking for is one date, dude. She’s hard to break down to agree,” Jared shook his head. 
I stood toe to toe with this asshole, my words stone cold and stern so he understood completely. “She isn't available!”
“Really?” He scoffed while stuffing his hands in his pockets. “That’s not what your girlfriend told me. Why do you care so much about who Y/N talks to?” 
“Bailey isn’t my girlfriend; not anymore. I broke up with her days ago, it’s not my fucking problem that she can't understand it,” I reiterated for what seemed like the tenth time today. 
“Why is she here then?” Y/N muttered behind me. 
Ignoring her, I continued to stand tall in between her and Jared. 
“So again, Y/N isn’t available,” I repeated. 
“Really?” Jared chuckled. 
“Yeah, dude. Really.” 
One step closer to him. 
He outstretched his arms. “I don’t see anyone around to claim her.”
I despised the way he was talking about Y/N; someone that was mine. 
“She isn’t a fucking object,” I hissed. 
I studied him with unforgiving judgment, an icy stare bored into him, making it hard not to back away.  I gripped the glass I had in my hand. My first thought was to throw it to the floor and smash it, but I knew if I did that, I wouldn’t stop until every glass in the cupboard was in shards and Jared’s face was pushed into it. 
Violence never solved anything. I had to remind myself that this is not what I am. Not what Y/N would want. I had to keep my composure at best. I had to.
I also would never want to incite fear in Y/N. Never. I knew she wasn’t into him, but I couldn’t help but notice sleazy Jared letting his eyes roam her entire body, as much as she tried to hide herself away. His eyes went to her exposed legs, the colorful and detailed drawings on her right one. 
 I didn’t like that. 
Y/N’s smooth skin. Her perky, round, and full chest was probably what caught Jared’s attention in the first place. At this moment, he became just another enemy. But nobody, not even him, was going to try and take Y/N away from me. Not when she was mine. I wanted her all for myself.
I inhaled and exhaled so harshly; like a fucking  bull ready to charge
“I’m not saying she is an object. All I’m saying is-.”
“Yeah, I know what you’re fucking saying,” I barked “And I’m telling you Y/N isn’t available. She’s with me.” 
Jared snickered. “If that’s the case then why did she spend the last ten minutes talking to me.” 
“I’m right fucking here!” Y/N screamed while pushing past me to now step between us. “Stop acting like I’m not!” 
Jared went to reach for her which prompted me to wrap an arm around her shoulder, ready to lead her away. 
“We need to talk; let’s go upstairs,” I begged with wide eyes. 
She hastily removed my arm from her. “No, fuck you! I have nothing to say to you. This conversation is over.” 
“The hell it is,” I snapped while running my hands through my hair. “This isn’t over until we talk into the light. Please, angel. Let's go upstairs.” 
Y/N pushed my chest. “Oh, you want to talk now? You’re bored with Bailey so yet again, I’m your second option?”
Jared shifted on his feet. “Am I missing something here?”
I glared at him over my shoulder. “Yeah, none of this concerns you. Fuck off.”
“Noah!” Y/N chastised. “STOP IT!” 
My head snapped back to her. “No, don’t Noah me. We need to talk! Without this asshole.” 
“Fuck you, man!” 
Jared went to reach for me but I was a hair faster than him, pushing him back into the kitchen island. By now, our little argument caught the attention of almost everyone in the house, and the music ceased, an eerie silence falling around us. 
“Don’t you ever put your fucking hands on me or Y/N.” I seethed, my chest rising and falling with each deep breath.  
So many different gazes burned into me but I didn’t give a shit about the scene. The only thing I cared about was Y/N. 
“Angel, please can we-,” I turned back around just in time to see her bolt up the stairs, away from everyone. 
“Shit,” I muttered while bounding up the stairs two at a time to catch her. 
As I reached the landing upstairs, I caught her frame slipping into the bathroom but before I could reach her, the door slammed in my face. 
“Y/N,” my voice was soft as my knuckles tapped against the door. 
“Leave me alone!” She choked on a sob, it echoing through the wood
My forehead rested against the wall next to the bathroom, the rage and anger that consumed me minutes prior suddenly faded into the void, my heart only feeling one emotion; despair. I needed to feel Y/N in my embrace. I needed to console her and assure her that everything would be okay. 
We will be okay. 
“Noah, what the fuck was that man?” Davis demanded. 
Turning my body around, I leaned against the wall with pure exhaustion and ran my hands over my face; images of Jared’s hands all over Y/N were clear in the darkness. 
“He was touching her,” I chewed out. “His hands were-fuck!”
I pushed myself off the wall and began pacing up and down the hall, right in front of my bedroom. 
Davis watched with his hands on his hips. “You need to pull it together. What the fuck was that downstairs?! Why hasn’t Bailey left yet? I thought you ordered her an Uber?”
“I’ve been trying!” I snapped while coming to a halt. 
But when I saw the look on his face, I sighed while pinching my nose. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to snap at you but I’m just so tired of being accused tonight of shit that’s out of my control. 
“It’s alright, man,” Davis reassured me. 
“Fuck, where’s Chase? Or Malcolm? Maybe they can talk Y/N out of the bathroom.” I suggested. 
“Chase is pissed. Malcolm had to hold him back to keep him from coming up here to kick your ass.” 
With my hands on the ledge, I peered over it to see that Davis was telling the truth. Malcolm had Chase pinned against the front door, arms on each side of him in a way to lock him in a makeshift cage. It helped that Malcolm was a bit bigger than Chase so he couldn’t push past him, which I was thankful for because his usual bright eyes were dark with hatred. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about up here but I knew with the way Chase pointed up at me and the vein in his forehead throbbing that it wasn’t good. Malcolm rested a hand on Chase’s cheek, the latter immediately relaxing in the former’s touch.
“I never meant for this to happen,” I blew out a shaky breath, doing my best to keep my tears at bay. 
It wasn’t fucking fair. I did everything right so why was it coming back to bite me in the ass?
“I know,” Davis stepped up beside me to lay a hand on my shoulder. “I fucking know this is killing you right now. But you have to move past this. Y/N doesn’t deserve this side of you. And frankly, neither do you.” 
“I know I said I can wait for years if I have to, Davis. But fuck, I want us right now! I can’t see anything else but Y/N.  I want her with me! I want all of her forever. It’s her and me I-.” 
A sob crawled its way out of my throat.  "I want all of her. Forever.” 
“It’s okay, Noah,” he rubbed my back in smoothing circles. “It may not seem like it right now but I promise you, it will be okay.” 
The soft click of the bathroom sounded loud in the hallway upstairs but when I turned towards it with a hopeful smile, it faltered when Y/N whipped past us, her hair flowing behind her in waves. 
I reached for her, only for Y/N to rip farther away from me, and retreat downstairs. 
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Tears fell from my eyes as I hid behind my hair, heels reaching the bottom of the stairs. While my heart beat rapidly in my chest, my mind screamed one thing in my mind over and over again. 
You need to leave. Get out. Get out. 
I looked around with frantic eyes for Chase and Malcolm, knowing that I wasn’t in the best state of mind to drive. By now, the vast group of people that came for the party had dispersed only leaving our small group of friends. Instead, my gaze locked with Nick R’s and I nearly sobbed at the sight of him. I needed some sort of comfort from someone and it didn’t matter who it was; as long as it wasn’t Noah. 
Before I could make my way over towards Nick R., a vice grip wrapped around my elbow to spin me around. 
“You couldn’t stay away, could you?!” Bailey’s nails dug into my skin. 
I hissed. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” 
“Noah could have moved on with me! I could have made him so happy!” Her words slurred together, the heavy stench of alcohol on her breath. “But no, every time I was with him, there you were! You couldn’t fucking leave him alone!” 
The tears tasted bitter on my tongue. “Excuse me?”
Bailey chuckled dryly, barely able to keep herself up on two feet.  “You’re his fucking ghost. You’re here all the time. It’s a good thing I showed up tonight. I followed my gut. But I don’t know what hurts worse; you and Noah sneaking around behind my back or-.” 
She stuck up a finger to hush me. “Behind my back or you both lying about your feelings for each other to my face. You’ve been in love this whole fucking time and I was only a pawn in this story.”
I slowly shook my head, suddenly feeling guilty. It was true, even though we didn’t want to admit it, but she was a pawn. An innocent person caught in the crossfire of a tangled mess of soulmates. 
“No!” She screamed with her own tears. “What also hurts is that I can’t blame you! I can’t! But I truly don’t know how you’re going to be able to give him anything he needs.” 
Pure venom filled her eyes; a snake ready to snap at its prey. “I-I don’t-I know everything and I can’t help but feel sorry for you. I know how hard it will be for you to have a child. How do you think Noah feels about that? You’re taking away his chance of having a family, any chance of normalcy!” 
I nearly stumbled back, being smacked in the face with her words, and I blinked rapidly at her. “Wh-How do you know?” 
Bailey ignored me by throwing up her hands. “So take him! Noah is all yours. You two fucking deserve each other.”
My eyes now sliced into her. “How the fuck do you know about that, Bailey?”
“He’ll never love me like he loves you, and it’s selfish of you to keep throwing him away.” She yet again avoided my question. “He wouldn’t touch me, never. Especially when you were around. Only that one time but all he thought about was you.”
“I’m not! You don’t know a fucking thing! Noah doesn’t love me! He doesn’t.” I bellowed as loud footsteps came running down the steps. 
Noah’s frantic face pleaded for me to stay, to listen, but I refused; I was done with this entire day and wanted to leave. 
“I’m leaving,” I said, turning on my heels. 
“Angel, please wait!” Noah reached for me, yet again.
“Hang on,” Bailey stepped in front of him, blocking his path to me. “Y/N is Angel?” 
I didn’t bother hearing the excuse Noah came up with. My only path was the front door where Nick R. stood, waiting for me with it wide open.
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Somewhere an hour outside of Cheston, South Carolina in a nursing home, a resident named Duke was so enamored with the elderly woman that sat beside him. He read to her every day about a story of love, loss, and the power to fight for love.
“Did they love each other?” The woman asks, brushing away the graying strands of her hair.
Duke closed the book and smiled. “They didn’t agree on much. In fact, they didn’t agree on anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other every day. But despite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other.”
The older lady rested deeper into her chair, a faint smile on her lips.“I like these kinds of stories,” 
“Yeah? Me too.” Duke smiled at her and set the book on the table in front of them. “Somewhere out there, I’m sure this exists. It did for me.”
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“Leave me alone!” Y/N screamed over her shoulder to Noah who was following on her heels. 
He let her walk away so many previous times and he was done letting the cycle continue. 
“You’re not leaving!” Noah ordered, his voice echoing into the night air. 
Chase and Malcolm, who were sitting on the front porch, watched the entire scene unfold in front of them. Chase wanted to intervene, still reeling from what happened before the party ended but Malcolm held him in place with a hand on his knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“They need to figure this out on their own, Chase. We can’t keep helping them.” 
Davis and Matt also wanted to intervene as they watched through the large window in the living room. They wanted to help, but even they shook their heads. 
“This is it. The dam broke and it’s about fucking time,” Matt said while leaning against the wall next to the window. 
“Let them hash it out. This is going to be cathartic for both of them.” Davis said while peaking through the curtains. 
Steven almost popped out of nowhere with a sigh. “Here we go.” 
Suddenly, the dark sky above cracked with a bright light, rain immediately falling from the clouds and soaking Noah and Y/N as they continued their stare off in his driveway. 
“Have you been paying attention to anything happening?!” Y/N accused, wet strands of hair clinging to her face. 
“No, I guess not!” Noah retorted back. “I must have misread every fucking signal!” 
“Guess you did!” Y/N scoffed while turning back on her heels, the loud clicking being muted by the sounds of the onslaught of rain and thunder. 
When she opened the door to her car, Noah was quick to slam it shut. “You’re bored! You know it and we wouldn’t keep doing this if something wasn’t missing! But you don’t fucking get it!” 
“Get what?” Y/N questioned while trying to open the door again. 
Noah slammed it shut again, not allowing her to leave.  “WHY?! Why am I not worthy?” 
As he screamed those words a few more times, his despair was heard by everyone inside the house who watched with broken eyes, the yellow hue of the street lamp casting him in his own angelic aura. 
Y/N’s lips mimicked a fish out of the water, despite being drowned under the rain
“This whole fucking thing of hot and cold with you!  You’re being a pain in the ass!” Noah rested his arm on the top of her car, bright eyes burning into hers. 
Her eyes bulged out of her head and she gave a hard shove to his chest. “Excuse me? You arrogant son of a bitch, you tell me all this shit! I sit there and tolerate this distraction of yours, who sits there and tells me little theories and fucking intrusive bull shit. She pries into parts of my life; parts she shouldn’t know!” 
Noah’s face softened, immediately knowing what Y/N was referring to. “I didn’t tell her, Y/N. I swear to Hades, I didn’t tell Bailey about your endometriosis.”
“Then how does she know? It’s not public knowledge!”
He tried to reach for her but Y/N pushed him away with yet another hard shove. “Don’t fucking touch me!” 
Chase went to bolt outside into the onslaught of the storm to protect his sister but Malcolm was quick to bring him back inside. Unfortunately, this wasn’t their fight anymore. It was up to Noah and Y/N. 
“Angel, please,” Noah begged with a trembling lip. “Come back inside so we can talk about this.” 
Y/N ripped her hands through her hair. “There’s nothing to talk about, Noah! Don’t you get it?! We keep running in circles with no positive outcome. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t.” 
They both were drenched, limbs shivering from the cold wind and rain, but neither of them made the first move to falter; to end this fight. 
“Stop acting like I don’t care about you; about us!” Noah snapped. 
“I never said you didn’t! If anything I felt the same way you fucking idiot! I-I’m-.” 
The words died from her lips, unable to finish her sentence due to the fear of Noah not feeling the same. 
“You what?” He urged while taking a step towards her. 
Y/N wildly shook her head as her make up ran down her face, staining her cheeks and neck in mascara. 
“I-I can’t.” Y/N pressed her palm into her forehead. 
“Yes, you can,” Noah licked his lips in anticipation. “Fuck, Y/N! YOU WHAT?!”
“I’m in love with you! Okay?! I fucking love you.” Y/N turned on her heels to walk down the driveway but stopped, quickly turning to Noah. 
Everyone inside the house gasped, all looking at each other. 
“Did she?” Folio wondered. 
Malcolm had a hint of a smile on his lips. “Yeah, she did.” 
“You always just pretend that everything is fine when it’s not!” She pointed a firm finger at him.  “Then you stand there and have the right to say I’m the pain in the ass? Fuck you, Noah! I’m so tired of you pretending that you don’t have feelings for me.” 
Noah’s eyes widened with furrowed brows and his jaw slacked. “You-You-’re-wait!”
He shook his head in disbelief but then confusion etched over the features of his face. “I’m pretending? I’ve been trying to tell you for months! But I don’t know how to do any of this, okay? These feelings are new for me and I don’t know how to deal with them!”
“This isn’t going to work,” Y/N sobbed while holding her arms close to her chest, whether it was due to the cold or to protect herself from the feelings, no one but her was sure. 
Noah gapped at her. “We haven’t even started anything! And I’m fucking sorry about everything and Bailey! I’m so fucking sorry! I should have never even walked into the record shop that day. My head was a mess after seeing your instagram post and I lost it.” 
“Wait,” Y/N shook her head. “What Instagram post?” 
Noah ran a hand on the back of his neck. “The one you posted in Japan. I-I thought you found someone there that could get you actual ramen.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but internally snicker at that but the anger and hurt she felt outweighed that glimmer of humor. 
“So you dated someone because you misunderstood a fucking Instagram post?!” She pushed Noah once again. 
However this time, he grasped her hands so she couldn’t pull away. He held them against the beating pulse underneath his soaked shirt. 
They were exactly alike. In every aspect. Mannerisms, interests, and their souls were the same. Which is why they always seemed to find their way back to one another, no matter the outcome. 
“Just fucking stay with me, Y/N! Stay till the morning and we can figure this shit out. Please,” Noah begged with trembling lips. 
“Stay with you?” Y/N pushed away then pointed between them. “Look at us, Noah! All we’ve been doing is bickering and fighting!” 
“Well that’s what we do. We fight. You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you’re being a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99 percent of the time. I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you’re back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing!”
By now, the rain was a terrental down pur, branches of the trees swaying widely in the wind as the sky cracked loudly with lightning and thunder; it shook both Y/N and Noah to their bones. 
“So what?” Y/N scoffed. “Why does it matter to you?”
“Because I fucking love you, angel!” Noah blurted out. 
He planned on telling her how he really felt from the moment the feelings clawed their way to the surface but something always managed to get in the way of it. But here, now, outside his house with all of their friends watching, he admitted it to her. 
And he’d spend the rest of his days shouting from the rooftops his love for his angel. 
“This shit is hard for me. I’m being vulnerable, but fuck, man” Noah pinched the bridge of his nose, inhaling and exhaling his breaths; like Dr. Poulos had told him to do so. 
Y/N gazed up at him with a fixed gaze unable to move. “What?” 
The onlookers had their ears peeled to their spots, doors and open cracks of the windows.
“Oh thank the gods.” Michael breathed out
“Fuck!” A low clap from Jesse.
Noah stood no less than a few inches apart from Y/N and his arms fell to his sides. 
“I love you! I’ve loved you since I heard your fucking voice for the first time through my Ipod that night on Nick’s couch. The first day of the tour when I got off that bus.” 
Y/N’s bottom lip quivered. “You love me too?” 
“Yes, angel. I want all of you, you and me! Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? Five, ten years from now. What does it look like? If it’s not with me then, go. Go!” 
Noah smacked the hood of Y/N’s car. “I lost you once. Shit, twice. I think I can do it again. If I thought that’s what you really wanted. But don’t you take the easy way out.”
Chase, yet again bolted up from his spot from in front of the window, ready to run outside to protect his sister but now it was Nick R. who stopped him. 
“Move,” Chase spat through gritted teeth. 
Nick R. shook his head with a stern face. “We can’t intervene anymore. This has to be between them and them alone.” 
“He’s getting violent! Noah just punched her car!” Chase yelled, not bothering the sleeping drunk on the couch behind him. 
Nick R. stood his ground. “We all know that Noah would never put his hands on Y/N.” 
Reluctantly, Chase nodded with a long sigh. “I know, I know. He might be your brother but she’s my sister. I’m just tired of seeing the same scene unfold between them.” 
Malcolm gently reached for Chase’s hand and brought him back to the far corner they were seated in. 
A loud crack of thunder made Y/N jump closer towards Noah, who instinctively reached for her but held back, not wanting to push her farther than she could handle. 
“What easy way, Noah? This isn’t easy!” Y/N sighed. “None of this is easy!” 
“No it is, actually.” Noah nodded. “Don’t think about anyone or anything else. What do you want from me? What do you want, angel?”
She rapidly shook her head, choking on a sob. “It’s not that simple.”
“What. Do. You. Want?” Noah enunciated every word with a pound fist to his chest. 
When Y/N remained silent, Noah grasped her face to bring her into his warm embrace, even with the rain. “God damn it! What do you want?”
Her eyes darted between Noah’s and her bottom lip caught between her teeth. He watched as she swallowed thickly, anxiously awaiting her answer. 
“I think-,” Y/N stumbled over her words. “I need to clear my head right now.”
Noah’s shoulders drop, disappointment clear on his face. “Are we doing that? Are we back there? What about everything we feel? What about everything that happened hours ago and beyond that. It happened, you know. They’re going to keep fucking happening. We belong together, Y/N.”
The grip on her cheeks tightened, his thumb brushing away the tears or rain, he couldn’t tell, from her cheeks only smearing her make up even more. 
“No! I don’t want to go back there. Noah,” she shook her head the best she could in his tight grasp. “I-I need to grasp all of this! But there’s one thing I know for sure; it’s always been you, Noah.” 
The crushing weight around his heart lifted at hearing her words. Noah’s thumb brushed along her cheek bone. 
“I can stay away if you want me to, but I don’t want to. I know you don’t want me to,” he whispered. 
Y/N whimpered while holding onto his wrists with a tight grip. “I love you, Noah. It was never really over for me.”
“It wasn't over and it still isn’t over,” Noah declared while crashing his lips to hers, locking her into place against her car with his hips. 
Moving fast, sensual, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath. One sensation. One timeless and passionate moment. Their hearts were electric as the familiar scars faded with their lips upon each other.
The heat rose in Y/N cheeks as her tongue touched Noah’s, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined. More curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them. 
His hands were so soft despite the callous’ on his fingertips. Holding her face so delicately but with pressure.
The others in the house felt as if they should look away, however, given the rollercoaster they were on, they earned a peek at what their inner hearts also yearn for.
Noah’s hips pressed deeper into Y/N and he swallowed her moan, drinking in every part of her that he craved all this time. Her hands tangled through the strands of his hair, secretly reveling at the length. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Noah could pull off any haircut but deep down, she was thankful that the moment she met him, his hair cascaded to his back in glorious dark waves. 
She pulled on the lapels of his leather jacket to bring him closer, her teeth grazing over his bottom lip. 
“Angel,” he moaned into her mouth. 
“Mochi,” she breathed when his cock pressed against her heated core. 
The storm suddenly ceased as soon as their lips met, thunder and lightning no longer. 
There was a commotion coming from inside the house, one that went unnoticed by the two forms molding together; their souls connecting in a way that they so desperately needed.  
He pulled away from Y/N, hands still on her face and lips parted, drops of the rain falling into his mouth. One more quick kiss upon those bruised lips, he looked up towards Jesse. 
“You have to deal with Bailey.” He said with a stern face. “Now.”
Cursing under his breath, Noah looked back to Y/N. “Don’t leave, alright? Give me a few minutes to deal with her. But I promise, we’re going to finish this.” 
Y/N sniffled while wiping away the rain and make up from her face, giving him a slow nod. 
With one final peck, savoring the sweet taste on her lips, Noah bounded up  the yard with Jesse in tow. However, Nick R. met him half way. 
“I know,” Noah held up his hand. “I’m dealing with it now.” 
“Good,” Nick R. nodded. “Because Bailey locked herself in the bathroom and won’t leave until you talk to her.
However, unbeknownst to Jesse and Noah who slipped back inside, Bailey managed to exit through the back door unseen. She had her gaze on one person, making a beeline towards her. 
“Like I said, you can’t stay away from him!” Bailey screamed. 
Y/N was touching her lips softly, as she remembered the kiss, but looked towards Bailey as she stormed into her. Nick R. was ready to head back inside with the rest of them but as soon as he saw Bailey push Y/N into her car, he quickly changed his path. He couldn’t leave the two of them alone, not when Bailey was drunk and actions were unknown. 
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I hung back off to the side but not too far as I watched Bailey and Y/N finally have words with each other. 
“You ruined everything!” Y/N brushed Bailey off of her, standing her ground. “This party was for Chase but you couldn’t handle your fucking booze as usual and had to run your mouth!”
“All you had to do was stay away! Why couldn’t you let Noah be happy?” Bailey accused. 
Oh, please. The only time the last time I’d seen Noah happy was when he was with Y/N. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Y/N scoffed with a dry chuckle. “You were the one that was brought into something you couldn’t understand.” 
Something flashed in Bailey’s eyes which made me stand taller in attention. I’ve read the signs. I’ve heard them before. That’s what Bailey didn’t understand. This wasn’t a fling, or a feeling of empty love lost. This was something created by a force no one was sure existed. This wasn’t anyone’s intention. They can’t be apart for too long, the anguish will swallow them whole.
When passion generates within the relationship flows into other areas of life. Bailey disrespected my friend. My best friend’s other half. That just wouldn’t do. 
She could yell, scream, and curse the ground Y/N walked on. It wouldn’t change anything. It will never change the course this is. 
It’s always Noah and Y/N.
“You want to talk about things you don’t understand? You’re delusional if you think your band can hack it without Trey. He was probably in his right mind to leave and do his own thing.” 
I gazed over towards Y/N and my stomach fell at the broken expression on her face. 
Bailey continued her onslaught, not caring how deep her words were cutting. Noah told me months ago how fucked up Trey was and how long it took Y/N to over come how far he dug himself into her mind. 
“You guys want to be innovative! And be the next big thing but guess what, you’re just going to fall on your face. I got news for you, next time I see your record? Clearance it goes.” 
Y/N took a step forward which in turn made me reach and arm out to keep the space. Her eyes flashed to mine but with a curt nod from me, I allowed her to continue what she was going to say. 
“You don’t know shit about my life or my music,” she hissed with venom. “What, because you read some blogs online and work in a music shop you think you know what’s best?”
Bailey tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I don’t need to know the little details. I know just enough to know you’re never going to make it and you’re gonna ruin Noah’s life.”
“News flash Bailey,  I’ve already fucking made it. With or without Trey, Hollow Souls is where it’s at because of me.” 
Y/N stabbed a finger into her own chest and I couldn’t help the proud smile that played on my lips. 
“And it will continue to thrive because of me. And Malcolm. And chase. Not some girl's opinion who thinks she knows everything because she’s been in our inner circle for all of two months.” 
Bailey opened her mouth to retort but Y/N pushed past my arm so she could get right into her face. 
“I would rather chew concrete than ruin Noah’s life. I love him, I’ve loved him for a long fucking time and fuck you for thinking I’m going to allow you or anyone to intervene. Never again.” 
With a hand on Y/N’s lower back, I motioned towards the house. “Bailey, I think you’re done here. 
All the fight that Bailey had left in her seemed to falter and reluctantly, she turned to retreat back into the house. To do what, it didn’t matter to me. I needed to make sure Y/N was alright. 
“Hey,” I finally forced her to look at me. “Are you alright?” 
“Uh,” she let out a shaky breath while wrapping her arms around herself, shivering. “No. I’m not. It’s been a shit night.” 
“Do you want me to see if Nadine has some clothes for you? Get you out of those wet clothes?” I offered. 
Y/N shook her head. “No, it’s alright. I think I’m going to leave.” 
My stomach dropped for Noah, knowing that he wished for her to stay. But I wouldn’t force Y/N to stay. But what I could do was give her some sense of reassurance. 
“You want to know something cheesy? Something- a little too cliche?” I asked.
“What’s that?” Y/N sniffled with a slight chuckle 
I leaned against the car next to her, both of us staring up at the sudden clear sky; stars sparkling upon us. 
“The reason why it hurts so much is because your souls are connected.”
“Nicholas-.” Y/N started. 
I turned towards her now.  “No. No, I’ve been studying up on things like this, purely out of fun; Well, interest? Maybe genuine boredom but that detail doesn't matter. I’ve watched you both for a while now and it’s clear the two of you were always meant to find one another. I thought this kind of shit only existed in books. Turns out, I’ve watched it happen to my best friend. Noah found you. You’re his other half.” 
She sobbed quietly. “And he’s mine.”
“Yeah,” I nodded with a smile. “He fucking smiles with you, you know. He laughs with you. You mean everything to him. I’ve known this kid since he was 12-.” 
“Did Noah put you up to this?” Y/N questioned.
I shook my head. “No he didn’t tell me to talk to you but as his brother I needed to.”
“I just need-I need a space from this right now, just to get my head together.” Y/N said after a few beats of silence. 
I had some reservations about that, ones that I  made clear as I opened her car door for her, letting her drop in with a huff of a breath. 
“It didn’t work out so well the last time you two had space. So please don’t wait too long, Y/N. One friend to another,  I’m begging you, please, don’t break him. You both love each other. Noah can’t stay away from you and you can’t either.” 
“I know, Nick, I know. I love him, I- just-,” she rested against her head rest.
I lent in her car to start it, quickly turning on the heat, before leaning over the open door once again. 
“Work on your record. Get all this angst out. But don’t make him wait forever,” I said.
“It won’t be, I promise,” Y/N smiled up at me. It was weak and faint but it was there. “Can you tell him I had to go but we’ll talk soon.” 
I buckled her seatbelt, making sure she was safe. “I will. I’ll let Malcolm and Chase know you left too.” 
“Thank you, Nicholas.” 
“Oh Y/N?” I hesitated before shutting the door. 
Broken but hopeful eyes stared up at me. “Hm?” 
“The album release- we’re only a few songs away from mixing and mastering. It’s almost done. Keep an eye out of those deets,” I pointed a playful finger at her.
She smiled again, this time large and bright. “Noted.”
I stood with my hands in my pockets as I watched her pull out of the driveway, giving one final wave as she turned down the block. With a deep breath, I focused my attention on another friend that needed my help. I know that he was dealing with a huge issue inside and he needed to know the truth. 
As I stepped back inside the house, it didn’t surprise me to see that everyone in our inner circle had filled the kitchen as they watched the scene of Noah and Bailey unfold in front of them. 
Chase went to rise to his feet from the kitchen island but I assured him with a tigh smile. 
“She’s okay. She went home,” I mouthed.
That eased Malcolm and Chase only slightly as they went back to watching this mess unfold.
Bailey looked my way but my eyes were locked on Noah and I could see he was one more blow away from breaking. 
It’s intervention time. 
I knew where Noah was headed and it wasn’t good. Bailey let into him, and had no qualms on what she said to Y/N.
If looks could kill.
No scratch that. If Noah could change into a werewolf I think he would. The rage he held in his shoulders was proof enough. 
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I felt that rage burning low in my gut again as Bailey stood in front of me. I wanted to kick her out, have her find her own way home, but the good part of me knew that it wasn’t right. She was drunk and it was late, something could happen to her and I couldn’t have that on my conscience. Thankfully while I was outside with Y/N, Matt called Bailey an Uber that was minutes away. 
A few more words and this whole mess would be done and over with. 
“Bailey, you need to tell Noah what you said to Y/N,” Nick said as he came up next to me. 
My eyes snapped up from the old, worn, floors and up to her face. “What is he talking about?” 
She shifted on her feet with hesitation before she explained every mean and hurtful thing she told Y/N tonight; no ounce of regret on her face. 
“How could you say that to her?” I snapped while running a wild hand through my hair. “Why?! You think you know everything but you don’t know a fucking thing. My god, you were one of my biggest mistakes. You need to get the fuck out of my house and life. I’m serious.” 
Except, she ignored me and rested her hands on her hips. “Y/N is Angel?” 
My brow furrowed. “Why the fuck does that matter?” 
“Uh,” Bailey hesitated, fidgeting with her nails. “I thought that’s what you called me because when I saw the contact in your phone-.” 
“What the fuck,” I doubled back, head swirling in disbelief. “You went through my phone?”
A low whistle sounded from the kitchen but I didn’t have to look to see that it came from Matt. 
Betrayal dug its knife deeper into my chest. 
“I-I-just wanted to see what you were hiding-,” Bailey stammered. “I looked through your phone. I had this feeling you were hiding something from me. I thought it was my name but the texts didn’t match up.” 
Suddenly, the little light bulb in my head clicked on. 
“That’s how you know about Y/N’s endometriosis. You saw the group chat with me, Malcolm, and Chase?” 
Bailey remained silent, only nodded to give me an answer. 
“What the fuck, Bailey?! You know how private I am but yet you still went through something of mine!” I began to pace the room, running a hand over my face. 
“I heard the voicemail, Noah! I just thought if we talked it out- I don’t know. We could work it out,” Bailey blew out a shaky breath. 
I came to a halt in front of her. “There’s nothing to work out, Bailey. We're done; finished. You never should have been in the picture to begin with. 
“Noted,” she nodded. “It’s Y/N, isn’t it? It’s always about her! I knew it. I should have followed my gut!” 
A look flashed across her face. “You’ve thought about her..with me didn’t you?” 
Everyone’s eyes landed on me like a burning itch to the back of my neck. 
“Bailey,” I sighed, suddenly done with this conversation.  
“She’s the one, isn’t she?” Bailey questioned, all the anger gone from her eyes and voice. 
There was no use in denying the truth any longer. Y/N and I confessed our love for each other, it was time everyone else knew about it. Although, I’m sure they already did. 
When I finally nodded to Bailey, it hit like a ton of bricks. She said those things, she uttered them. She spit at the face my soul was intertwined with. 
I dare put my angel through this. That’s over now; never again will I put in the crossfires of someone else’s demons. This was my last battle. I could sense Bailey understood, but she wasn’t grasping with the idea that I wasn’t hers. She needed to let go.
There was something in the way I shouted at her earlier, a pain behind it. “How could you speak to her that way?” 
My heart hurt, my hand clutching my chest in anguish. It’s as if I could feel her pain physically. 
Must be a soulmate thing. 
Nicholas watched me, he watched my eyes then he knew. 
The anger was nothing but a shield for pain, like a cornered soldier randomly throwing out grenades, scared for his life, lonely, desperate. I breathed in real slowly. 
What if nothing blew up? What if Bailey just truly didn’t grasp this?
With a deep breath, I rested my hands on my hips. “Bailey. I’m sorry. I wish I could give you what you’re looking for but I can’t.”
Once again my emotions turn jagged and my insides tight.  I waited, wide eyed and heart in my mouth, hoping for kindness, when I explained this again.
“I didn’t want to hurt you. It was never my intention. I sincerely apologize,” I continued. “I fucked up and admit that. It was never supposed to get this far.  I just-I’ll never get over these feelings for her. She’s all I think about. I love her and although I'm not proud you were caught in the crossfire. I’m not sorry for who I love. It’s always her, that’s my angel.”
Finally, a hint of a smile cracked on her stone face. “I already know what this was. There’s a part of you that you kept closed off from everyone, including me. It’s as if I wasn't the one you were really with. Your mind was always on her.”
My face twitched as she cupped my cheek “Don’t let her slip away, Noah. It will be the biggest regret and I don’t want to see it destroy you.”
I gently removed her hand and nodded. “Thank you. Again, I’m sorry.” 
“I apologize for the scene I caused tonight. That wasn't mature of me. I was hurt but this wasn’t fair to any of you,” Bailey began to sober up. “I also owe a big one to Y/N.” 
“Well make sure to let her know.” 
“Uber is here,” Matt shook his phone while walking to the front door, opening it for it. 
With a tight smile, Bailey grabbed her things and quickly ran out the door. Matt, with a two finger salute, kicked the door shut and locked it for good measure. 
“Good fucking riddance,” he muttered under his breath. 
“Wait, Y/N’s still outside,” I shed off my jacket, tossing it on the railing of the staircase. “Let her in.” 
“Noah,” Nick spoke up. “She left.” 
My eyes snapped over to him, heart rate intensifying as my breathing became harsh and ragged. 
“She told me she’d stay,” I swallowed thickly. 
My ears rang with white noise as the room began to close in around me. 
“Don’t panic Noah, I spoke to her,” Nick reassured me with a hopeful smile. 
“But-,” I shook my head. 
“It’s okay. Y/N just needs to work through this. It’s a new phase Noah. You both have to get passed through some shit. You love each other. You are going to be together. Just have some hope.”
Knowing there was nothing I could do at this moment, I nodded and thought about that one word. 
Hope is in the way I feel like I can smile, in the way we are quiet when she can reach out with her eyes. 
Gathering strength to make a better choice, to breathe and let love have a moment to guide me, to guide us.
I knew Y/N needed a little space after this. I knew that, perhaps I needed space as well. To feel love and be loved back. 
We love each other. We love each other. 
I still had a few things I needed to work out, and I think she might too. 
Hope is in that soft shrug of hers, the playfulness of her smile. Every time we reach for the sun.
Maybe when we’re not so different, we will make amends and no longer having to pretend.
Nick’s voice was faltering as I sped up the stairs towards my bedroom where my phone was, still perfectly perched on my desk; almost as if Bailey set it back in the exact spot it was before she looked through it. 
Me: Why’d you leave?
Message Undeliverable. 
“What the fuck?” I muttered while sending another text. 
Me:  I understand you have some things to work on and so do I. But please don’t stray too far, Y/N. I’ll wait for years if I have to. 
Message Undeliverable. 
There was a chance her phone was off but that didn’t deter me from stopping. 
Me: I love you. 
I breathed out a chuckle when I saw the text bubble turn blue, meaning the text went through. 
Angel 🪽: I love you too, mochi.
The corner of my lips curled up in a smile as that word echoed in my mind again. 
As I stood in front of the bathroom mirror shirtless and a pair of warm gray joggers, sometime after setting my phone back down, I had the scissors on one end of the counter and a buzzer on the other. A soft knock sounded on the opened door and I gave a weak smile to Folio. 
“Are you doing alright?” He questioned while leaning against the doorframe. 
“It hurts, knowing that once again there’s this space between us but the outcome is different this time around. For once, there’s hope.” 
“It’ll be okay man,” he assured me.
“I know.” 
Folio pushed himself off the door frame to hope up on the bathroom counter. “There’s no fucking universe where yall don’t end up together.”
“Thank you for your optimism,” I smiled lightly. 
"It’s true! Somehow in every universe you end up together. Whether you two are married with a son named Kenji or she joins us on the road together after the two of you spend one night together."
My heart fluttered at the sound of those alternate lives. “Kenji? Let me guess-we kick Matt’s ass in Mai tai?”
“Yes, bro!” Folio smacked my chest. “ Y/N is always meant to be there, Noah.” 
I leaned against the opposite wall. “It’s wild how thought out you have this idea of me and Y/N.” 
“Ah, I don’t know,” he shrugged with that goofy smile. “I can see it. There’s other universes out there, you know? I watched this special about it on Discovery+ or some shit.”
“That so?” I raised a brow with a chuckle. 
“Yeah, who knows. But I believe y’all will be.”
We fell in silence for a long beat before it was me who smacked his chest. "Michelle has you watching these specials, huh?”
Folio scoffed while rolling his eyes. “She barely pays attention after she asks to put it on.” 
I couldn't help but laugh, imagining Y/N snoozing on my lap after we watched another episode of I Think You Should Leave. 
“I can’t wait to have that,” I admitted. 
“In time. I promise you. I'm your friend, and I know. Take the time you both need. Heal. I’m a firm believer in patience when you’re trying to catch a good one. Trust me, I’m a fisherman,” Folio grinned while adjusting his fishing cap. 
“Fucking fishboy,” I rolled my eyes with a smile. 
 A hopeful one.
“So what’s with that?” He pointed to the scissors. 
I shrugged while holding the scissors now. “I’ve had all this weight at the back of my neck for years now. I need something new, a breath of fresh air. I’m suffocating. I need to see the back of my fucking neck, man.”  
“I’m not going to be here in case you regret that decision,” Folio patted my shoulder before jumping off the counter, leaving me alone yet again. 
With a long breath, I gathered my hair in a low ponytail, keeping it in one hand while I brought the scissors to it, the sound of chopping echoing in the small bathroom.
“Hang up my shame on display for you,” I sang low as I held up the cut ponytail in front of my face.
I shivered when a cold breeze brushed against the nape of my neck, reveling in the feeling. 
When there was no light, when there was nothing beyond the boundaries of my skin, hope was a ladder woven of heaven’s vibrations that spoke right to my healing soul. 
Hopes was a ladder that both Y/N and I could make it to the top. Because I believe it's destined in our hearts.
All I knew is that Y/N loves me back.
She fucking loves me.
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prentissluvr · 6 days
warm brown jacket — sam winchester
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for : 200+ followers event [ open ] ➖⟢ pairing : sam winchester x gn!reader ➖⟢ genre : major fluff, friends to lovers ➖⟢ cw : mentions of canon typical gore, violence, and bloodiness at the very beginning, mentions of being casually shirtless around each other kind of?, dean teasing a little, barely edited ➖⟢ wc : 1.3K prompt : sharing clothes in a totally (not) friendly way
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you’re used to the grime and gore of the job; you don’t really have much of a choice. but the whole front and back of your shirt and jacket are so unpleasantly sticky from a horrid concoction of blood, mud, and maybe more, that your fingers itch to peel the layers from your body as you head for the car. of course, you’re just going to tough it out until you can shower and change at the motel. you know that sam and dean will let you take the first shower tonight; they’re not the ones who beheaded a vampire then got shoved into a mud puddle by a second right along with the decapitated body gushing blood from it’s stump of a neck. it sucked, to say the least.
you can’t resist pulling your jacket off, and you’re lucky that it gets rid of most of the mud. but it’s the front of your shirt that took the brunt of the blood, and it’s sticking to your skin, warm and just about dreadful. there’s a rustle beside you coming from sam, and you don’t have to look over to know the sounds of him taking off that big brown carhartt jacket. your favorite.
it’s only when he nudges you, holding the fabric out for you to take do you look at him. he’s got that pretty, borderline awkward smile when he’s trying to be subtly sweet. he doesn’t want to make you feel self-conscious about the mess on your clothes, but your fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt and the grimace on your face that’s so subtle just about no one else but him could spot it, and he knows instantly that the stickiness of your clothes is bothering you.
you smile at him, not too wide so you don’t accidentally show him that he makes you feel in love, and accept the jacket with one hand. you’re trying to maneuver your own mess of a jacket away, but sam takes it from you with a soft, “here, i got it,” as you near the car.
“thank you, sam,” you say, pausing at the door so you can shrug the much cleaner layer on without being confined to the small car.
“course,” he replies, all casual and kind as if he isn’t dying to see you put the jacket on. then he remembers his manners. “dean and i’ll look away if you wanna,” he forgets how to be smooth for a moment, clearing his throat as he gestures vaguely to your bloody shirt, “you know, get rid of the shirt too. ‘m sure the blood’s worse than the mud.”
“right, of course. don’t wanna get the inside of your jacket covered in the blood anyways,” you agree, glad sam said something about that because you weren’t quite sure what to do. you certainly didn’t want to keep the shirt on, and you’ve been shirtless around the boys plenty before because of the way you live out of motel rooms, but with sam so close like this, waiting for you to put on his jacket, you feel the tips of your ears go flaming hot at the idea of taking your shirt off without some sort of awkward warning. this way, sam’s being an utter gentleman and taking the shot for you when it comes to who’s the most awkward this time around.
sam gives you his silly, pursed-lip smile and his dimples pop out and all you want is to kiss them til they never go away. he slides into the car, and as the door shuts closed, you turn your back to the impala, tuck the jacket between your knees, and shimmy the mess of a shirt off your body. a chill of air hits your sort of blood-wet skin, making you shiver before you can drop the ruined shirt and pull the warm layer over yourself. but the second the soft fabric is over your shoulders, then around your arms and torso, it’s sweet heaven. sam’s body heat lingers, warming you in an instant and pushing a sigh of relief from your parted lips.
the time-worn softness of the fabric is glorious after such uncomfortable textures, and though the metal of the zipper is a little chilly against your stomach as you close the jacket around you, you couldn’t care less about that. 
a moment later, you’re settled into the back seat, trying not to look at sam to see if he’s taking in how you look in his favorite jacket. instead, you catch dean’s eye through the rearview mirror and he sends you a teasing wink that has you stuck between rolling your eyes at him and flat out planting your face into your hands to hide.
the ride is quiet save the few minutes in a fast food drive-through. dean grumbles about the restaurant’s lack of pie as he drives off in the direction of the motel.
standing in the motel room, you hate to take off the jacket, but it’s a must if you want to shower and get the rest of the day's grime off of you and down the drain. sam’s already assured you that you don’t need to wash it for him, so you leave it on the foot of your shared bed before you head to the shower. you know that he likes to pack up any piece of clothing he isn’t using right away.
you try to keep your shower short for the sake of your companions, though it's difficult when the hot water feels so comforting and cleansing. even so, being back in your own clean clothes afterwards is certainly nice as you leave the bathroom after brushing your teeth and running through your short post-shower routine.
sam’s sitting at the table across the room and dean stands from his bed, ready to shower next. you’re expecting to mourn the loss of the jacket on your bed, but your eyes immediately fall on the nicely folded bundle of brown fabric placed neatly by your pillow. unable to resist, you walk to it and pick it up, placing it on your lap as you sit on the edge of the bed. you try to catch sam’s eye to silently ask what he means by leaving it there, but it almost feels as if he’s avoiding your gaze in favor of staring at the book in front of him.
since you can’t get sam’s attention, you turn to dean before he can go, but all you get is a sly smile before he disappears into the bathroom. 
it has got to be your raging crush on pretty boy over there, sitting so close and far all at once, that’s making you jump to silly conclusions. but the barely visible blush on his cheeks, his refusal to look up when he heard you pick up the jacket, and dean’s knowing look makes it feel like sam wants you to put that jacket back on. and you do too.
so, you stand and turn as if you’re not looking at sam anymore, but you’re careful to keep him visible out of the corner of your eye as you unfold the fabric and put it back on. the ac is too strong; it’s cold, you tell yourself that’s enough of an excuse.
if you could tuck sam’s pretty brown hair behind his ears like you so often get the urge to, you bet the tips would be pink. even with his face half blurry in your peripheral, you can see the look he's giving you, because he is looking now. it’s an expression you don’t see on him often at all; he’s the kind of guy to always school his features away from betraying what he thinks and wants. this time, it’s loud and clear and you can feel it as much as see it. you, wrapped up safe and warm in his jacket, are exactly what he wants. 
you think you’re gonna kiss him, and he’s gonna kiss you back with his hands clutching at that soft brown fabric to be sure it’s all real and glorious like he thinks it is.
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fairyofhee · 2 years
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PAIRING. ex bf!heeseung x afab!reader
SYNOPSIS. a simple game of seven minutes in heaven leads to a realization that you want one last time with him.
WARNINGS. contains smut! MINORS DNI. handjob, fingering, protected car sex, more plot than porn with lots of wanting, some fluff and angst. a bittersweet ending. 5k words.
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“Hey, are you sure you’re down to go?” your friend Nari murmured just loud enough to catch your attention. You take off your headphones and turn around before you were able to find the perfect dress to wear for the party.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you questioned with shrugged shoulders as you tried to laugh. A low exhale left Nari’s mouth before she spoke, “Heeseung’s gonna be there,” she mentions.
Your brows quirked at the bombshell, not expecting your ex’s name to be spoken in your room after a whole year. “Heeseung’s in town?” You asked while turning back to your closet to rummage through your clothes once again.
It was an odd feeling having his name roll easily off your tongue after not saying it in a long time.
“Yeah, he’s been here since last week. How did you not know?”
An actual laugh was then let out from your mouth. “Because I don’t keep up with him,” you uttered with a scoff, “and I don’t bother to.”
Nari noticed your agitated expression and response to the current topic of your ex. “Sorry to bring him up,” she said with an apologetic tone.
“It's okay,” you responded with a closed-mouth smile after picking out a tight black dress. You dreaded the idea of possibly running into him or being in the same room.
“Do you think Jay will like this perfume?” your lovely friend snapped you out of your thoughts.
You inhaled the scent in the air, “he’ll love it.”
It was like invitations to parties arrived on your doorstep every week by how often you were invited, thanks to your friends who were very sociable and their good looks as they claimed.
You began to enjoy attending parties after your breakup because it was an excuse for you to get fucked up. Honestly, you were sociable as well.
Wearing the tight black dress that hugged your body well, you were in the kitchen pouring a drink. A red liquid in your cup, fruit punch mixed with alcohol traveled down your throat as the thought of him wandered in your mind.
Having the same friend circle, of course, you knew that you would see him again. You just didn’t know and weren’t prepared that today would be that day. As if your racing heart couldn’t race any faster, it was like everything played out to be on cue.
“Y/N,” a familiar voice rings out in between the bass thumps of the music. You turn your head at the calling of your name and your heart skips a beat when the boy in your direction begins to walk over. He's wearing a black hoodie and leather jacket with tight jeans; his hair parted to the side to reveal his forehead. It's only been a year but he looked so different — more handsome even.
The rest of your drink was downed and gone as you watched him approach you. “Hi,” you managed to say when he was now standing before you. The cup in your hand began to feel slippery by sweaty palms when he tilted his eyes to meet yours.
“I didn’t know you were back in town.”
Heeseung smiled widely, possibly due to your statement which sounded like a lie. “Yeah, I got back last week,” he scratched his head. That fucking smile you mentally cursed.
“I actually leave tomorrow night,” he said while nodding. You unknowingly nod along with him.
You needed another drink. It seemed too awkward and you were feeling things that you shouldn’t. “Want a drink?” you offered Heeseung before walking to the area that had all of the alcohol and pouring yourself another mix of what you had minutes ago.
“Please, I’ll take one,” he murmured with a tone that sounded too sensual to your ears. You quietly swallowed, getting rid of your dry throat while making Heeseung’s drink. Your movements were tense and evidently stiff when you sensed him standing behind you.
It was either the drink you had or your mind playing games when all you could feel is this unknown familiar tension between you two. You weren’t sure if he could feel it too.
After making the drink, you give it to him and watch as he takes a sip before nodding in satisfaction. It was silent as you both dozed off, listening to people chattering and the music loudly playing throughout the house.
“How are you?” Heeseung asked after a few people went in and out of the kitchen. It was surprising how you both stood still in your positions and didn’t leave despite the moment of stillness and silence.
“Hm?” you shot your head up and hummed. “Oh, I'm doing good and staying busy with school,” you tell him with a nod of your head.
"How are you?" you ask in return before he could respond to your previous answer. The corner of his lips turned upward, "I'm also staying busy with school."
"How is it over there?" you blurted out before taking a sip of your drink. You've always wondered how he was doing 800 miles away. At your question, Heeseung mirrored your action by taking a sip of his drink, then he chugged it.
You carefully trained your eyes as he began to make himself his own drink. "Everything's new, but I like it," he said while mixing the two liquids exactly how you did. You noticed that he paid attention to every detail, paid attention to you.
Backtracking to his words, you couldn’t think of anything else to say. He seemed to enjoy his life far away. You were happy for him but weren’t exactly thrilled. The feeling of bitterness that took time to get rid of still lingered.
When Heeseung finished making the concoction, he raised his cup in the air after taking a sip. A stupid grin formed on his face pushing your thoughts away and you giggle at his pride.
"I need your help with the keg,” suddenly a voice behind you pleaded. You turned around to see Sunghoon glaring at you, then at Heeseung who leaned against the kitchen countertop. A blank expression appeared on Sunghoon’s face until the middle of his brows creased, catching sight of you and Heeseung in the same room.
Assuming that Sunghoon asked for your help, you nod before taking one last look at Heeseung. He was swirling the mixture around in his cup before meeting your eye contact. "I'll see you, Heeseung." A smile was let out too forcefully.
"See you, Y/N."
That was the last conversation with Heeseung until he leaves tomorrow, and possibly forever, you thought. Your heart wanted to say much more for reasons that were obvious, but also oblivious to you. At the same time, your mind was smart enough to remind you that you guys are exes for a reason. It simply didn't work out.
“What do you need help with?” you asked Sunghoon after following him outside. Sunghoon stood in front of two kegs and stared at them, “Do you know how to tap a keg?” You loudly sighed at his genuine, confused face, “Did no one teach you?” He shook his head.
You grabbed a cup before taking the valve of the keg in your hand, “It’s a new keg so you don't need to pump it,” you tell Sunghoon as he carefully watches. “Just push down this valve and the beer should pour out.”
The beer indeed pours out into the cup and Sunghoon laughs out loud which almost startles you. “What's so funny?” you laugh with him. “That was so fucking easy,” he said like he was embarrassed that he had to ask for your help.
“I’m surprised no one taught you,” you teased. Sunghoon rolled his eyes before turning the valve of the keg and pouring himself beer. You were about to leave after giving Sunghoon a lesson when he spoke, “I’m surprised that you and Heeseung were in the same room.”
“What do you mean? We’re friends,” you say while a gust of cold air hits your blistering, warm cheeks. Sunghoon tucked his lips and raised a brow. Did he not believe you?
“We told you guys that we ended on good terms, right?” You remember explaining the breakup.
“Yeah, it’s just,” he paused, “Nari told us you didn’t know that he was in town.”
“Call us acquaintances then,” you said seriously. At that, Sunghoon laughed again. You weren’t intentionally trying to make him laugh but the thought of you and Heeseung being back to square one as acquaintances seemed amusing to him. “There’s no hard feelings between Heeseung and I. We’re civil,” you simply explained.
“Alright, well we’re gonna play games soon and Nari’s looking for you so you should see what’s up.” Sunghoon dropped the subject.
Walking back into the house, you scan your eyes for Nari but she was nowhere to be found. Interesting. Disappoint hits, realizing that you were also looking for a certain someone who was too, nowhere to be found.
Luckily, you went upstairs and passed by the bedrooms to find Nari in one of them. She was fixing her makeup in a brightly lit room.
“Where’d you go?”
“I ran into Heeseung,” you said, watching Nari’s eyes go wide as she twisted the cap of her lip gloss closed. “Was it awkward?” She faced you.
“Very,” you dramatically nodded, “but not too awkward that I had to run out of the room.” Nari narrowed her eyes, quickly understanding you in spite of how intoxicated you think she is.
“What’d you guys talk- oh, hold on,” she was interrupted by her phone ringing. “It’s Jay,” she whispered and you glared with your lips turning into a smug smile, making her eyes roll.
You watch as Nari nods her head and replies with a few ‘okay’s’ until she says ‘bye’ then hangs up. “He said to come into the living room. Apparently we’re going to play games?”
Sunghoon indeed mentioned games but didn't mention what type. Hopefully it was just a friendly game of beer pong.
“Tell me what you guys talked about later,” Nari insisted as you both walked down the stairs. She was still curious to know. Entering the living room, you noticed a few people talking to each other and your friend group standing in the middle. Yes, Lee Heeseung who is apart of your friend group is here too. Not that you complained.
“Okay everyone’s here,” Jake blurted out as soon as you and Nari walked up to your friends. You watch as the other people gather in the middle of the room, while also avoiding Heeseung and the possibility of making eye contact with him.
Turning your attention back to Jake, who you thought was going to talk again, you made one quick look and almost missed the way Heeseung looked at you. It was more of a stare, but it’s not like it means anything.
“What are we playing?” Someone standing behind you asked. The boys whispered to each other and a few giggles were heard as everyone patiently waited for one of them to answer.
“Seven minutes in heaven,” Jay said.
Loud, disappointed, and complaining groans echoed into the room. No one expected that this childish game would be played at a college party.
A few people left the room and now there were only six, who either wanted to play the game or were bored and had no choice. “You guys couldn’t think of anything else to play?” you asked, hoping to change their minds. But they were already sitting on the floor, making a circle.
“We’re calling it a catch up and a ‘get to know me’ game,” Jake claimed, patting the empty spot next to him for you to sit down. You should’ve left after Jay announced the game since you weren’t interested to play, you told yourself, but you had nothing else to do and Nari already took a seat next to Jay. It had nothing to do with Heeseung.
Speaking of, Heeseung was sitting in between Sunghoon and a random girl, who was sitting across from you on your right side. “Heeseung, get the bottle,” Jake pointed to the bottle that was on a coffee table in front of the tv.
Heeseung placed the bottle in the middle of the circle once he got it. A sudden rush of nerves and uneasiness flows through your body, knowing that there’s a chance the bottle will pick you and Heeseung to spend seven minutes in heaven.
Everything was said during the breakup so what else was even there to say? Ironically, you both had much to say, but will it be said?
After Sunghoon explained the rules which was ultimately ‘no funny business’, the game started and will end once everyone got a turn. A guy you didn’t know volunteered to go first and his spin of the bottle landed on the girl who sat next to Heeseung. Seven minutes were on the clock which meant seven minutes of waiting.
Everyone was in their own bubbles of conversation except for you who stared at the flow and drank another beer. This happened for a few rounds until it was your turn. In the back of your mind, you knew who you wanted the bottle to pick. But you were too afraid to admit it. You felt your hand shake when making contact with the bottle, anxiously giving it a spin. You raised your head and noticed eyes heavily trained on the bottle. People were nervous and looked anxious for you, even Heeseung who looked uptight.
The bottle slowed down, finally landing on someone. Shit. Your heart instantly sinks when it points to some guy sitting across from you. You didn’t catch everyone’s reaction since you were too caught up in your own feelings. Feelings that are supposed to be nonexistent by now. You looked at Heeseung who was already talking to Sunghoon. He didn’t even care that you were about to go to seven minutes in heaven with another guy. You weren’t upset about his reaction rather it made you realize that again, you are exes.
Seven minutes in heaven with someone named Minjun wasn’t as bad as you thought. The topic of school seemed like the only thing interesting to talk about and it made the time go by fast. When you both walked back into the living room as you expected, people’s eyes heavily on you, waiting to tell what happened. You didn’t bother to look at Heeseung since you knew that he didn’t care.
“We just talked about school,” you announced while taking your seat. Soon, the game was almost over and you were bored until it was Heeseung’s turn. As more beer was consumed, the more you admitted into having hope.
You’d hope the bottle chose you. Being with Heeseung was easy and comfortable, so who could blame you for wanting to talk to him more?Heeseung rubbed his hands together before hesitatingly touching the bottle. The boys were excited for him while a few girls were waiting for it to land on them. Funny, you thought.
He gave it a spin at the same time your heart felt as if it was spinning. You were desperate and hopeful as if your life depended on this bottle. A loud cheer rang into your ear, coming from the person to the left of you. Your heart stung when realizing that the bottle landed on the girl sitting next to you, and it sadly didn’t land on you.
You turned your gaze to Heeseung, who had a harried appearance, running a hand through his hair and scrunching up his face. He didn’t seem pleased with how the game played out for him.
Why couldn’t the bottle choose you to be with Heeseung in a room alone for a few minutes? All you wanted was a chance to sort out your feelings, a chance for actual closure and one last time with him for a proper goodbye. Maybe this is how it’s supposed to be, back at square one as acquaintances and soon to be strangers.
Your face turned sullen as you watched the girl next to you and Heeseung disappear. Seven minutes were on the clock again and honestly, you thought that this whole game was a waste of your time. You didn’t blame your friends, but you hoped to be fucked up by now. “You okay?” Nari asked after sitting in the empty space next to you.
“Yeah! I’m fine,” you sounded convincing. “Good! Oh, is it okay if I bring you home after they get back?” She pointed to the room that Heeseung and the girl were in. “Jay wants me to stay over and I want to drop you off before I get drunk.”
“He wants you to stay over?” you almost squeal. Nari’s face lit up with her cheeks flushed, “Yeah, I guess the perfume worked,” she laughed. Hearing her news brought your mood up, “You don't have to drop me off. I'll just call an uber or something.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, her tone uneasy. “Of course, go have fun with him. I’m probably gonna go home soon anyways,” you didn't want to take your friend’s time away from Jay.
Seven minutes felt like an eternity. How ironic, that time suddenly felt slow. But soon the game was finished when Heeseung and the girl came back from their turn. Heeseung’s eyes were dull and the girl wasn’t jumping in happiness which was a good sign, even though the rules were clearly ‘no funny business’ as Sunghoon stated.
Everyone separated and went their own ways into the house. Disappointment creeped once again as you watched Heeseung leave and your hopes of possibly having another chance to talk to him were quickly shattered like glass. The only thing holding you back from approaching him was the last conversation from the breakup. Everything said, was said between you two and you didn’t want to seem like a crazy ex girlfriend who missed their ex. Though, it wasn’t just a supposition because you did miss him.
You decided to call it a night since there was no point in staying, despite shamelessly wanting to see your ex who didn’t want to be associated with you, as you thought. After sending goodbyes to the friends who didn’t disappear, you took your last shots of soju until you felt delusion lifting off your shoulders, an attempt to get rid of feelings that were only going to last for tonight.
You stood outside in front of the house now, feet on the curb and arms close together with your phone cupped in your hands as you ordered an uber. How were you going to forget this night? You had no idea. Regret of not getting fully fucked up hits with a sudden urge to go back outside but your uber was a few minutes away. It was too late.
“Are you going home?”
You whip your head around and there he was, the boy you’d least expected to be hung over all night, flashing a kind smile.
You stare wide-eyed in surprise that he’s walking towards you. “Yeah, I’m waiting for my uber.” You checked your phone and the uber still seemed a few minutes away.
“I can give you a ride, if you want,” he said with his brown doe eyes gazing into yours. The pace of your heart starts increasing when taken back at his sudden offer. “No,” you repeatedly shook your head, “No it’s okay. You should go home now since you’re leaving tomorrow.”
“My flight’s not until tomorrow night,” he scratched his neck awkwardly, a hint of a pout in his tone. You looked up at him perplexed while containing feelings of happiness because, Heeseung is here and offering to take you home. Your hopes weren’t completely shattered.
“Haven’t you been drinking?” You ask, brows visibly furrowing at him. Heeseung shakes his head, “I only had a beer and that drink you made for me.”
It was a bad idea, you thought, and as much as you wanted to protest, you accepted his offer and got in his car anyway. The car ride was mostly silent, not what you had expected but you were still grateful and content that he’s bringing you home. Familiar music played as you tried not to pay any mind to Heeseung’s glance from time to time. It was impossible to ignore yet you were convinced it was nothing.
“You know, I really thought the bottle was gonna choose you when it was my turn.” Heeseung suddenly says and you shift in your seat, watching a small smile overtake his face as he focuses on the road. “Why?” Your face lits up.
“I don’t know, I just had a feeling.” He laughed, leaving you bemused to sit in silence with your gaze still on him, not knowing what to say. “Minjun’s cool, right?” Heeseung spoke again.
Now you were having a hard time understanding him, considering that he didn’t seem to care during the game at the party. But of course he cared. He cared too much that it was important for him to hide how he felt. He wanted the bottle to pick him, he wanted to catch up with you and ask about your life without him.
Heeseung knew things ended for a reason, which is why he’s mentally slapping himself for feeling things that he shouldn’t — feelings that you were also feeling. He knew that the breakup was merely his fault, and how it was hard leaving and going to a school that was far away from you. But it was important for his career and both of you understood this.
Still, he feels guilty and upset that you weren’t his anymore. Heeseung loved you too much that it nearly killed him when he said goodbye.
“Yeah, he was easy to talk to, I guess.”
The conversation ended when you both were pulling up in the parking garage of the building you lived in. You texted your roommate to unlock the door because you forgot your keys as Heeseung parks and turns off the engine, leaving you both sitting in silence. You were stunned when you found him suddenly locking his eyes with yours and taking off his seatbelt. The shock made you turn away instantly, swallowing what felt like your heart down your throat. You stared at your phone while playing with the fabric of your dress until your roommate finally replied back.
“Thank you for the ride,” you softly murmured, returning his prolonged eye contact that was still on you. “It’s not a problem at all,” he says in response. It's ridiculous that he’s always sweet to you, it’s so ridiculous that a moment of silence urges you to lean closer. Then your breath silently hitches when Heeseung’s eyes shift between your eyes and glossy lips while studying your face for any signs of discomfort. If only he knew how much you’ve been waiting all night for a moment like this with him.
You shouldn't do this, you shouldn’t kiss your ex boyfriend knowing that it took nearly a year to get over him. But his lips are only an inch away from yours now, breath fanning across your mouth, and you take the chance to kiss him.
Before Heeseung could prepare himself, you cup his cheek to gently slam your mouth against his. Relief rushes through your body when you feel him kissing you back and not pulling away. You slightly opened your eyes for a second while continuing the kiss just to notice any discomfort on his face. Heeseung feels nothing but heat rising throughout his entire body when feeling your lips connecting with his.
He would’ve never guessed kissing you in his car tonight. And he’s afraid that if things continued, you would regret it the next day. Before things can escalate, Heeseung is pulling away and can’t help but look at you in shock. “Why’d you kiss me like that?” He whispered dryly.
“Kiss you like what?” You pull away completely and panic. “Like-“ he hesitates and tries to find the right words to say, “Like you still want me.”
You dismissively took off your seatbelt before trying to open the locked car door. “Goodnight and have a safe flight tomorrow,” you almost mumble while attempting to unlock the door. You felt relieved once you managed to get out and nearly tried to run inside the building until you felt slender fingers suddenly grapple onto your wrist.
“Y/N, wait,” his low voice reverberated, sending currents through your body. You refused to look at him knowing how flustered you looked. You tried to run off and yank your arm away from his grip to prevent doing what your body wanted – because you thought it wasn’t what he wanted, but you felt Heeseung’s hold on your wrist tighten. There was no choice but to turn around.
A small moment of silence passed and you thought he was going to lash out in anger. You relaxed until he suddenly pulled you towards him, your figure gently getting back into the car. “Are you drunk?” His words cause your heart to fall into the pit of your stomach.
“No,” you wished you weren’t sober but it was the truth. Sure, you had a couple of drinks, but you don’t get drunk easily. Heeseung knows this.
“I don't want things to be left unsaid before I leave. We tried long distance and it was too hard for us.” As much as it hurt to say, he spoke matter-of-factly. Why couldn’t you just devoid the fact that you two weren’t even together anymore? Heeseung was practically trying to spell it out for you, but even if it was wrong, your body desperately yearned for him.
And you exactly communicated that.
“I don’t want to get back together,” you huffed an incredulous laugh, as if embarrassed that you got rejected. You go on anyway, “But maybe I do want you. Just for tonight at least.”
“What?” He mutters.
“Just let me have you for tonight. I need you, Hee.” You wondered aloud and ripped off the bandaid that’s been stuck in your mind all night.
“Will you allow me to want this?”
Heeseung sits and stares at you in disbelief for a moment, processing your words until he’s nodding sheepishly. He wants this as much as you do, the reason why he tried avoiding you at the party because he knew he couldn’t control himself, the reason why he finally approached you and offered to take you home. Just one last time wouldn’t hurt, right? He thought to himself.
You hear the sound of his seat sliding back before he’s pulling you towards him, welcoming you to sit on his lap. Straddled atop of him, your face is cupped by his warm hand and the other one gripping your thigh tightly under your dress as if he doesn’t want you to leave. The close proximity feels familiar like home, and it’s so comforting that your heart stops beating for a second.
Heeseung’s pulling you into a deep, addicting, passionate kiss and you begin to grind on him slow while already feeling a stiffness beneath your core. “You’re hard already?” You meet his eyes.
He huffs out a scoff, “C’mon, why wouldn’t I be?”
You pointed out the obvious, but of course he is. You weren't just a random person to him. His answer causes your heart to strongly skip a beat that it’s shooting through your whole body.
He’s sending shivers across your heated skin by starting at the hollow of your throat and kissing with his plumped lips, keeping a steady grip of your thigh until you’re letting out a small noise. Cute, he thinks. You continue rocking your hips which leaves Heeseung to unexpectedly moan on your skin, his low sounds causing an unbearable feeling between your legs.
You quickly remove your panties while nudging your nose against his. His hand that was on your thigh reaches inside you, spreading your wetness before removing his hand to show his fingers glistening from you. He lowers his hand, points his two fingers to the direction of the car roof and you sink onto him, a hard groan leaving your mouth when feeling the stretch from the thick digits. “Fuck- so tight and it’s only my fingers.”
Heeseung notices your flushed cheeks before giving them a kiss. You grip his hair while rolling your hips on his fingers, heavy breathing leaving your mouth as feel him moving inside you. He watches you move with ease which wasn’t something new. He missed holding your body and having it close with his.
His creased brows appearing while he stares causes you to move faster and squeeze tightly. “Heeseung, I’m gonna cum.”
He felt his growing crotch twitch at the mere thought of being buried deep inside of you for the first time in a year. “I wanna move to the back.” He begs, his voice deep and laced with desire.
“Can I cum first? Please,” you whined, the feeling of release becoming closer than you think.
Heeseung nods instantly before moving his fingers in circular motions to place friction on your folds while rubbing your clit with his thumb. With his help, you heavily release on him.
You raise yourself off of him and move to the backseat of the car after noticing his large bulge and knowing that he needed help. “How do you want me?” You ask, watching him unbutton his pants. He made his way to the back while wiping his fingers of you on his sweatshirt. “Lay down.”
Heeseung’s car was small but you perfectly lied flat on the backseats. You lift up your dress until it reaches your waist as Heeseung pulls his pants down, along with his boxers to reveal his hard length that looked so painful. You couldn’t help but touch him. “Are you sure you want me?”
His question almost causes deja vu. You think back to the first time he took you like this.
“Just for tonight,” you reiterate to remind yourself that this is a one time thing. Heeseung felt his chest tightening from your statement, realizing that this is the final, last time with you. He hates if things were to get too intimate and emotional because he has to say goodbye again.
You interrupt his thoughts by stroking him. “Fuck,” he curses before placing his hand around yours that was wrapped around his dick. You let out a sound, watching both yours and Heeseung’s hands moving faster together. “Wait- I’ll cum,” he draws back to get rid of your contact.
“Are you still on the pill?” He asks while grabbing the end of your dress that slipped down to fold it up to your waist for better access and a better view of you. You shook your head which causes his lips to purse and his brow to raise. His dazed expression doesn’t last long when he’s quickly reaching to the front of the car and opening the glove compartment where the condoms are at.
The fact that he has condoms in his car creates odd thoughts in your head. You can’t help but to think how many girls he’s had after you.
Nonetheless, you push those thoughts away when he’s hovering over you and pressing his lips on yours. He pulls away and hits on his head on the car roof which makes you laugh since he pretended that nothing happened.
“What?” He laughs along while opening the foil package with his teeth and stroking himself once more before putting on the protected rubber. You shake your head and let out a soft giggle, “You own a small very car for someone being so tall.”
“Hey, this is the cheapest car I could get.”
You held back from laughing too hard, “I’m not judging, I just think it’s funny.” He grins and nods accordingly before spreading your legs open and lining his length on your core, his tip slowing rubbing on your folds. “Would it be easier if you’d ride me instead?” He knows that the space is quite small and wants you to feel comfortable.
“Fuck me now, Hee.” You say while raising your hips and grabbing his arm to pull him closer. Without much warning, Heeseung slips inside you. It was hard to contain the growl that escaped his throat when feeling you stretch around him.
You tried to widen your legs even more for him, but you were confined by the passenger and backseat. Heeseung starting to thrust slow, notices your uneasiness when you began to whine, wanting to feel him as deep as possible.
“Do you wanna stop?” He gently slid his cock in and out of you. You stop him from possibly slipping away by tightly holding on his arm. “I want to feel you more- come closer,” you begged.
Heeseung grabbed the headrest of the backseat to keep his balance before lifting your leg and placing it on his shoulder, wanting the best angle so he could be inside you as deep as he could. He slips out of you for a moment until he slams back inside causing a moan out of your mouth.
“You feel so good,” he praised lowly, watching a satisfying and content smile form on your face. You reach for his hand that was on the headrest while he’s rolling his hips and deeply thrusting. Heeseung tilts his head back, enjoying the feeling of you. You felt amazing and you were doing well for him, another thing that he missed the most.
“Heeseung,” you gasp his name out in pleasure. His tight grasp around your ankle loosens to let your leg drop from his shoulder. His hips are bucking faster even faster, making you feel so full.
“Hee- I’m close.” Heeseung gave a few strokes before you began to cry out and tighten quickly around him. “Oh fuck,” you moan out, feeling an intense orgasm rippling through your body.
“Y/N,” Heeseung buries his head in the crook of your neck as chased your orgasm with deep, hard thrusts before spilling into the condom, his moans rumbling through your upper body making your walls tighten around his cock once again
“You’re gonna make me cum again,” Heeseung whined before pulling out of you and slipping the condom off. You pull your dress down, trying to not make his car dirty from your mess.
After catching your breaths, both of you sat in silence in the back of the car until Heeseung spoke. “Why aren’t you on the pill anymore?”
His questions were catching you off guard tonight, you thought. But you don’t blame him since a lot of time has passed when you were together. “I don’t have a reason for it anymore.”
You raise your head to see a panicked look of his face. “You’re seeing someone? You don’t need the pill because it’s that serious?” He asks, his voice slightly trembling which makes you laugh.
“Quite the opposite, actually. I surprisingly haven’t had sex since you.” At your confession, Heeseung fixed his seated posture, his brows raising in shock. “Why not? That’s- that’s like a year without sex, isn’t that boring for you?”
“I can find ways that’ll entertain me without having sex,” you said truthfully. “What about you? Are you having fun and having sex?”
Heeseung nodded slowly, causing your heart to sting even though you knew what his answer would be. He tried his best to avoid the question, but ignorance always reveals the truth.
“They’re not like you though,” he mumbled.
You playfully roll your eyes and giggle, “You don’t have to make me feel better. I’m happy for you.” Heeseung bites his lower lip, this conversation turning into a catch-up feels a bit bittersweet.
“Are you happy?” He pokes your finger that was resting on the seat. You nod your head although you didn’t have an honest answer. But you were happy for him, which is all that matters.
You hear your phone ringing that was still on the passenger seat and you reach to get it. Your roommate was calling, probably asking where you were. “I have to go now,” you told Heeseung and he nods in understanding despite his sullen look.
“Have a safe flight tomorrow and thank you for tonight,” you tried not to sound choked up. You quickly fix your appearance and get out of his car before your feelings were to get the best of you.
“Hey,” he called out and you turned around to see a smile plastered on his face. “I love you,” he softly said. A final goodbye from him.
Typical Lee Heeseung, always saying ‘I love you’ whenever he leaves. This time, it was the last.
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© 2022, fairyofhee on tumblr.
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eimids · 8 months
Mastermind part 2
Lucy Bronze x reader
Warnings: smut, no aftercare, kinda mean Lucy, fluff to angst
The drive to Lucy's house was filled with tension. You were nervous to go to a seemingly random persons house and fuck them. It wasn't typical to you. You never enjoyed one night stands and were looking for something more serious. Could Lucy give that to you? Could she be more than a one night stand?
Lucy had always been one to enjoy her one night stands. If it was a girl she met in a bar, she was taking her home. A fan after a match? Lucy would make that woman scream her name. But with you it was something different, she didn't know what it was but she wanted to take care of you. She wanted to hold you and have you close, protect you from the world. You looked so innocent and pretty, she just had to have you.
She kept glancing at you during the drive. Putting a hand on your thigh and squeezing it every now and then to get some reaction from you. And you gave her exactly what she wanted. You were squirming in your seat as she watched. You enjoyed it, she enjoyed it, it was a win win situation.
When you finally got to her house, she was quick to pin you against the wall. Then guiding you to her bedroom where she pushed you to the bed. She got rid of the jacket of her suit and then started to unzip your dress.
"I can't wait to see you under this dress. I swear you look even better than I can imagine" She mumbled to your neck. She got rid of the dress and turned you around so she could take you in.
"Holy fucking shit you look gorgeous. The things I want to do to you" She whispered under her breath. She then proceeded to take off your underwear.
"Please do those, I want to have you, I want you to fuck me" You said sternly, voice filled with need.
Lucy got rid of her own clothes to let you see her naked. She enjoyed your gaze on her body as she stripped from her clothes. You admired her toned body. The abs that were like a painting and those fucking arms that could do anything to you and you would thank her.
"I want this to be enjoyable for the both of us so why don't you be a good girl and eat me out while I play with your pretty pussy?" She questioned but it was more like an order.
"Please, can I taste you Lucia" You pleaded impatiently. Lucy loved that you were calling her by her full name. It sent wetness straight to her core.
She then came closer to you. Her body hovering on top of your face before she sat down. You would be happy to suffocate between those legs but you didn't do that. You got to work, immediately lapping her juices and moaning at the taste. It was nothing like you've ever had before, Lucy had completely her own taste but you didn't complain, happily thrusting your tongue into her folds.
"Oh just like that my sweet girl, you're doing so well for me, keep going" She moaned and after that she leaned to a bit different position to get closer to where you needed her the most.
She brought her fingers to your slit and covered them in your wetness, not needing any lube. She then stuck two of her fingers inside of you which made you moan against the older woman's clit. That brought pleasure to Lucy, the vibrations of your moans felt like heaven.
She started a steady pace, thrusting her fingers in and out of you. Curling them to find the spot that would later make you see stars. At one point she brought her tongue into action, swirling it around the sensitive bundle of nerves that craved the attention.
"Oh Lucia yes" You moaned when she finally found you g spot. The touch of that brought stars to your eyes and legs shakes. Your moans were like music to your ears, she enjoyed them so much, and the fact that she was the reason you were making those noises. She fastened her pace a little. Her own orgasm was approaching quickly as you were doing your best with your mouth. Flicking her clit and thrusting your tongue inside of her.
She wanted you to come at the same time. She wanted you to see stars as she came on top of you. She needed you to feel good while she was enjoying her own pleasure. Lucy was a giver, she mostly just wanted you to feel good, she didn't care about her own pleasure that much. But you looked so willing to give her what she wanted that she couldn't help but to let you eat her out.
"Lucia I'm close, mm please harder" You stuttered.
Lucy was a bit surprised you wanted it harder. She assumed you would be very vanilla and lovey dovey during times in bed, but she was happy to be wrong. So she opplicated, thrusting her fingers faster and sucking your clit to her mouth even harder. She was nearing the edge herself but didn't want to cum before you. She wanted to hear you moan as you clenched around her fingers as you came.
"Oh Lucia, Oh I'm so close, please, please, please" You moaned.
"Oh come for me angel, make a mess and come all over my mouth and fingers" Lucy gave you the push you needed to go over the edge to the pleasure.
White covered your vision as you could feel Lucy's fingers repeatedly touching that sweet spot inside of you. Soon you also felt Lucy starting to come on top of you. Her legs shaking and juices coming out of her. You were truly in a paradise. You needed nothing more as you rode the orgasm that felt never ending.
"Oh yes Lucia, oh you make me feel so good" You kept moaning when she stopped sucking your clit but still continued to thrust her finger in a fast pace.
Lucia was getting sensitive so she guessed that you were getting sensitive too. Not wanting to hurt you she pulled her fingers out and came laying next to you.
"Shit that was amazing" You stated.
"Oh I can give you much more than that" She winked before standing up and going to her cabinet.
True to her words, she gave you more, so much more. You ended your actions when it was around 4 am and you were exhausted. She had fucked you in every imaginable position until your legs were like jello.
After all that you tried to cuddle next to Lucy but she realized that once again she didn't want anything special.
"I think you should get going" Lucy stated and stood up herself.
"What?" You questioned dumbfounded.
"You heard me" She simply said and took your dress from the floor and handed it to you.
You were silent as you put the dress back on. You knew you were going to be a one night stand, but didn't realize that you were going to get kicked out of her house in the middle of the night. She didn't give you any kind of after care which you craved, she didn't offer to drive you back to your hotel, she didn't even say bye when you left.
As you walked outside you started crying. You didn't want to bother Mapi and Ingrid after their engagement party but didn't really have a choice. You didn't know the language and you decided that you weren't getting in on a taxi. So you called Ingrid who answered surprisingly fast.
"She kicked me out" You managed to say while crying.
Ingrid and Mapi understood immediately. They had seen how you disapeared with Lucy. So they quickly got to their car and drove to get you. When they saw you, they were relived.
"We're here sweet, we're gonna take care of you" Ingrid whispered to your ear.
This ended angsty. lol
Don't worry the Alexia smut fic is coming next ;)
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dawnagustd · 1 year
keeps || jjk
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⇝ title: keeps  ⇝ pairing: jungkook x f!reader  ⇝ genre: angst, maybe? | fluff | smut | established relationship but it’s complicated ⇝ summary: Memories. Sometimes they’re good. Sometimes bad. Still, you end up in your feelings. ⇝ rating: 18+  ⇝ word count: 1.6k  ⇝ warnings: an unedited mess | JK POV | language | protected sex | clothed sex | car sex | quickie | scratching | soft/rough sex | brief pussy eating | fingering | public sex | hair tugging | uncertain feelings and doubt | most of this is just a flashback | i think that’s all
⇝ author’s note: I’m shamelessly late but I couldn’t get this to post. Yeah, Jungkook’s live broke me and I had to write them. I hope you’ll still accept it since I’m like 3 hours late lol.
masterlist | permanent taglist form
follow the story: hours (main story) | the unholy drabble | nails drabble
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11:21am You: Someone left this in my car. I wonder who it belongs to...
Jungkook laughs as he looks at the picture on his phone. It’s been almost two months, and you’re only just finding the beanie he may have or have not left beneath your backseat. Memories of the day it was tucked into the crevice replay in his mind.
“I couldn’t wait.” 
He murmurs those words as his lips crash against yours. 
You wrap your limbs around him in a needy embrace, drawing groans from his throat. He’s just happy you’re as excited to see him as he is to see you. Sure, it’s only been two days, but what can he say?
You’re addicting. 
“Should we really do it here?” Your moans grow slightly louder when his hands start to explore your body over your clothes. “What if my coworkers come back from lunch early?”
Jungkook lifts his head momentarily to scan the parking garage. Besides a few vehicles closer to the elevator, this floor is mostly empty. 
“We’re good. I’ll be quick. Promise.” 
Returning his attention to you, he buries his face within the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent as if it’ll be the only thing getting him by until the next time he sees you—and it will be.
“Fuck. I miss you, Jungkook,” you utter and he almost hops in the driver’s seat and takes you back to his place.
“I miss you too, love. That’s why I’m here.”
Don’t get him wrong. He’s happy you got a promotion but he can’t help but be selfish and wish you were able to come over as much as you used to. It’s not your fault at all, but he hopes you aren’t using work as an excuse for space. He’d totally get it if you just wanted him to back off a little. He can’t help how he feels about you, but he does care enough to value your boundaries.
As the heat begins to warm your bodies, clothing begins to shed. First your jackets, then anything extra that’s preventing you from accessing your most intimate parts. He gets rid of your pants first and then pulls down his jeans. He could care less about who has a view of his toned ass. He’s only here to give you what he knows you need.
“Let me have a little taste, okay?”
“Please, just a little,” he pleads.
His doe eyes always make it hard for you to resist. Especially when it’s something you secretly want yourself.
“Fine. But hurry!”
Jungkook doesn’t waste a second. He peels your panties away from your center and gasps as he watches the strings of arousal stretch and snap. He can’t help but tease you while he dips his finger in to scoop some of it up.
“Always a fucking mess,” he whispers.
“Don’t you start.”
Your words come out shaky, the neediness in your tone revealing how sexually frustrated you are. He’s not going to make you wait for it any longer.
He dives in, tasting your pussy and moaning like it’s a delicacy. Slurping and smacking noises fill his ears as he feasts. He’s in heaven, but reluctantly he has to pull away.
You whimper in disappointment at the loss, but he shushes you.
“It’s okay, baby. I got you.”
He digs in his back pocket until he finds the condom he stashed in there in preparation for this moment. Your impatience has your hips lifting off the seat, bumping into his crotch. Your nails dig into his flesh when your pussy finally feels his cock waiting to slide into your entrance.
“Say my name if it feels good.”
Slowly sliding in, he can feel your walls expanding to let him in, but they grasp him like a vice when he bottoms out. His arms are trembling as he struggles to hover over you. However, when you pull him on top of you, he doesn’t resist. You moan his name into his ear like he asked you, and he’s never heard anyone say it so beautifully. 
“Jungkook, I–”
You stutter, struggling to express how much you’re enjoying him buried in your guts.
“Feel good?” he asks, and you nod your head. “Want some more?”
You nod instantly, begging him to satisfy your cravings.
“Please… I just want you to fuck me.”
Your whining brings a smile to Jungkook’s face.
“I think I can do that.”
Your small SUV starts to rock as soon as he starts thrusting. The music playing through the stereo sets the tone, fueling his determination to ruin you in broad daylisght. He really didn’t think this through. There’s more room in his truck, but Jungkook didn’t have a second to spare. He’s on his lunch break too so this has to be quick so he can make it back to work in time.
Your moans become a little too loud so he leans in and conceals them with a kiss. It’s a gentle gesture, but it only makes you want more. As if he can get any closer, you tug on his strands to bring him closer, pushing his black beanie off of his head in the process. It falls on the car’s floor and becomes another random item tucked underneath your seat. Maybe one day you’ll need it, maybe you won’t. Who cares? It’s yours now; he’s forgotten about it.
He only has one thing on his mind.
“Hug me, baby.”
You never hesitate to do anything he asks, so your legs wrap around his waist, and your arms envelop him in your embrace. He can feel your pussy getting wetter by the second. Your walls are snug around his dick, but the grip only brings pleasure. It won’t be long now. He suddenly remembers the timer on his phone and he looks at the floor to see where he is on time.
Five minutes. He only needs three.
He shifts to a slightly different angle to hit the spot he knows will take you to your highest peak. He doesn’t even care if someone can hear you at this point. He’s just focused on making you feel good.
“Fuck. Jungkook, I have to–”
“I know, sweetheart,” he breathes. “Don’t worry about me. I’m right behind you.”
Jungkook can feel you clenching around him, bracing yourself for what you both know is coming. His back burns from the way your nails are piercing through his t-shirt, but he refuses to lose the momentum he’s created. 
When your words start to make no sense and your eyes roll back is when he knows you’re coming undone. You cry his name as your cunt pulses around his stiffened cock. He can barely thrust properly because you’ve gotten so tight around him. He bites the sleeve of his shirt as he tries desperately to hold on until you’re satisfied. 
The moment finally comes when you let out a relieved sigh, your body relaxing. Jungkook comes seconds later, allowing the tightened coil in his stomach to finally snap. He shudders above you while you stroke his hair, telling him how good he feels. He’d tell you how good you’re making him feel right now if he could form any thoughts. His cum spills inside the condom while he’s buried deep within you.
Jungkook gives himself 30 seconds to calm his heart rate but then jumps into action. He slips out of you and grabs some wipes out of your center console. He didn’t even have to ask you where to find anything to clean you up; something told him you’re just always prepared.
“Did you really miss me?”
He hears your small voice break the silence and he turns to your exhausted figure.
“Yeah, why do you think I’m here?”
“Pussy,” you snort.
Jungkook laughs.
“Alright, true. But that was after I saw you.”
He steals a kiss from your cheek while you’re slipping your pants on, making you squirm away and giggle. He’s never been so hooked on someone. Just seeing you smile is enough for him.
“I have to go if I’m going to be on time but come to my truck. I brought you some lunch,” he says, looking around to make sure he picked up his mess. Really he’s trying to spend every moment he can with you. Who knows how long you’ll avoid him this time.
“I think about you, you know.”
Jungkook pauses as he opens the door and turns to you. He nods.
“I sure hope so,” he replies. “Because you’re always on my mind.”
Before he can get caught up in your beautiful smile, he hops out and reaches for your hand.
“Come on. I gotta get going.”
“My car smells like you. I don’t wanna leave,” you pout.
Jungkook sighs and strokes your hand with his thumb. “Just come over later, alright? Just for a little while, kay?”
Excitement fills him up when you nod. He’d jump for joy if he didn’t know you’d tease him.
“Okay. I’ll come.”
But you never came. It was another week and a half before he saw you again.
He’s held your hand many times during sex, but this felt so different. He still remembers the electricity racing through his veins from the bit of contact. That’s why his smile keeps growing despite how unsure he’s feeling about this whole relationship.
11:22am You: So… You want it back? Gonna have to take it;)
11:22am Jungkook: I don’t want any smoke with you, love. It’s yours.
He wonders if you’ll wear it or just toss it somewhere. It doesn’t matter. He just wants you to have it for reasons he isn’t even sure of.
11:23am You: Smells like you. Yup, she’s a keeper.
Jungkook scoffs.
“So are you, love,” he whispers.
He just hopes you even want to be.
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everlastingdreams · 8 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 2
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title:  Traitor
Notes: /
Warnings: Violence. Torture. Sexual Assault. Rape Threat. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. Spicy and smut parts. Slight redemption arc.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn...
Word count of this fic: +190K
Chapter:  2/ It's a secret.
By the second day alone in the woods, you were starving and exhausted from the walking. A few berries was all you had eaten. With the sword, you at least had a way to protect yourself, it came in handy when scaring off predators who lurked in the wild, even if it was only by tapping the steel loudly against a rock to do so.
The circumstances weren’t good, but at least you were free from that dungeon and the Monk had killed the Brothers.
The Hidden had made you heal a traitor and left you drained. It bothered you to no end and you took consolation in the fact that the bastard had at least gotten rid of those sadistic Brothers in return.
The first drop of rain falling on your hand had you cursing to the high heavens. How long could you survive like this in soaked clothing? By closing your jacket more, you hoped it would protect your bodice and shirt from getting wet.
Minutes of gushing rain turned into hours and that hope was long gone by the time you finally reached a village in the evening.
The cross-bearing sword of the Church would draw attention in the hands of a Fey, still you would not part with the only weapon you had.
If you could ‘find’ something to eat while avoiding curious eyes it would have you one step in the right direction.
A merchant was loading baskets of wares on his wagon and you waited for the right time to run past and steal a loaf of bread. The shouting of the merchant drew unwanted attention and you ran through the streets to avoid getting caught.
It had been quite some time since stealing was necessary, being imprisoned in a dungeon had prevented you from doing so.
By hiding behind stacks of crates, you lost any pursuers and began to eat the bread.
Where were the days were you could sit in the grass with friends and family to eat together? Now a meal was eaten behind crates filled with smelly fish. The life of a Fey wasn’t easy.
The running had exhausted you further, the healing of a heavily wounded person took a lot of energy.
Across the cobblestone street, you saw a child, Fey kind.
The young boy was chewing on an apple and drawing the attention from Manbloods, if one of them snitched to a Red Paladin…
You left your hiding spot to approach the boy, quickly taking him by the shoulder. “Boy, why are you wandering the streets alone like this?”
The boy looked you up and down. “That’s none off your business.”
Oh, really?
You whispered, “Then it will be none of my concern if one of the Manbloods tells a Paladin about a Fey wandering the streets.”
“My Fey camp was attacked by paladins.” He admitted.
You understood that he had fled a massacre and ended up here alone. “I’m sorry. Are you wounded?”
Apart from a healed cut on the side of his head, the boy seemed healthy, he shook his head.
“My name is y/n, what’s yours?”
“Squirrel.” He answered, feeling less wary of you after you had shown concern over his well-being.
You thought you had misheard him. “Squirrel?”
He nodded while taking another bit of his apple.
With those chubby cheeks filled with food, you began to understand it was probably a nickname given to him. “I like it.”
“Are you here alone too?” Squirrel asked.
“I am. I just escaped the Weeping Monk.” You admitted.
The boy’s eyes widened. “You escaped too? He caught me in the woods not long ago and killed the ones who tried to save me from him. Then he let me go.”
You were astounded at the news that the Weeping Monk had let a Fey child go. “He let you go?”
Squirrel nodded. “He said to tell the Fey that he was coming for them.”
That wasn’t something you hoped to hear, it was a blatant threat to your kind from that traitor.
“Typical for a paladin to scare children.” You quietly mumbled.
“Where did you find bread?” He looked at the bread in your hands.
“Where did you find the apple?” You shared a grin.
With a mischievous smirk, Squirrel just about admitted that he had stolen the fruit too.
You proposed the idea, “If we stay together, we can help each other?”
He squinted his eyes for a moment, then agreed to it. “Sounds fine to me.”
You broke a piece from the bread and offered it to Squirrel, who eagerly accepted it.
At last you weren’t alone anymore and you took Squirrel to walk into streets that were less crowded.
While chewing, he suddenly asked, “Isn’t that the Weeping Monk’s sword?”
Once you had had your own sword, it was stolen from you by Ives, now the sword of the notorious Monk rested at your side.
“It is. I stole it from him.” You told the boy the truth.
It piqued his interest. “Did you steal anything else?”
Well, the boy clearly had nothing against theft…
You sighed. “No. I wish I had stolen more of him. We could have sold it and used the coin for food.”
Squirrel patted you on the arm amicably. “Don’t worry, y/n. We can just steal food.”
Some merchants even refused to sell to Fey kind. “I wish we didn’t have to steal.”
The boy offered what was left of the apple and you took a single bite before handing it back to him. “Are you Sky Folk?”
“Yes. What sort of Fey are you?” Squirrel asked.
You thought of lying about it, but it felt wrong to lie to a child who was Fey just like you. “Dawn Folk.”
Squirrel was in awe, Dawn Folk were considered rare. “Really? Is it true that Dawn Folk can heal people?”
You held up a hand playfully. “Yup. I’ve healed quite a lot of people already. "
He brought up another rumor about your kind, “And you can hear the Hidden?”
It was true, the Hidden often made themselves known to Dawn Folk. “Sometimes. Hey, listen. We should find a place to rest tonight, do you know of a place?”
Squirrel did not worry about that at all. “I’ve been sleeping in a shed, it’s big enough for both of us.”
Thank the heavens for this boy and his will to survive. “Excellent. Lead the way.”
The young Fey boy showed you the way to this abandoned shed, and after ‘borrowing’ some wool sheets from around the village the two of you were able to turn it into a small cozy space to rest in.
It wasn’t much but it held the rain and cold out quite well. It was enough.
After spending a few days with that young rascal whilst hiding in the village, you grew quite fond of him.
Squirrel sure had his wits and he often disappeared from your sight, leaving you worried sick until he returned like nothing ever happened.
The two of you worked together to ‘retrieve’ the necessary things to survive. The food you were able to gather wasn’t much, but it was enough to survive day by day.
During one of these plans to retrieve some freshly baked goods, it all went terribly wrong.
A group of paladins had been scouring the market as well and spotted poor Squirrel, the boy had to run.
You darted after the group to try and save Squirrel from them.
“Hey!” You shouted at them when they did not stop chasing the boy.
One of them stopped, took one look at you and then called out for his red Brothers, “Brothers! IT’S THE GIRL!”
How could you have known that the Monk had given them your description, what you wore and how you looked like, to find you?
By darting into the other direction, you led them away from Squirrel.
You rounded a corner, by the time you saw the paladin he was already swinging at you with the pommel of his sword and it struck against the side of your head.
It was like the light had just went out instantly, long before your body hit the ground.
The group of paladins stopped to watch you lay on the ground unconscious, the one who had struck you down quickly left and returned with the Monk.
“Is this the girl, Brother?” The paladin hoped for good news.
The Monk had awoke alone in the forest, covered in blood but alive and healed.
After the disorientation had passed, the search for you began.
His brothers had received one order from him personally, to find the Fey girl and bring her to him.
His Weeping Brother knelt down briefly, barely acknowledging his presence now. “Put her on the wagon. We return to Father at once.”
The wheel of the wagon hit a rock on the road and woke you. That headache…
It was still daylight so you could not have lost much time, at least you hoped that was the case.
Your hands were bound in the way that you remembered they had been before. The sword at your side was missing and when you lifted your head up a little, you saw the Monk riding on his horse not far behind the wagon.
The cold steel of a sword touched your cheek suddenly.
“Stay down, Fey whore.” One of the paladins, who rode the wagon with you, warned and made you remain as you were.
The wagon hit another rock and pain shot through your head. It was like they had picked the most rocky road on purpose, maybe they had.
By the time you arrived at the Red Paladin’s camp, you felt sick.
They had to pull you up and out of the wagon, they weren’t careful in the slightest.
The Monk took over and steered you towards one of the biggest tents in the middle of the camp.
“Traitor.” You hissed at him when no other could hear.
He stopped dead in his tracks to look at your face, hatred had it’s home in the way you looked back at him.
The will to please Father overrode the fear that his secret could be exposed.
You were pulled into the tent by him and put on your knees in front of Father Carden.
“Is this the girl?” The priest looked at his Monk with expectation.
“Yes, Father.” The Monk replied obediently, then told you, “Speak your name.”
The priest cared not for your name. “Her name is of no importance. Tell me, girl, is it true you can heal the wounded?”
The cloak of silence fell over you again, you weren’t willing to converse with that paladin scum.
Father Carden was not impressed. “Ah, she is stubborn. Bring her along.”
The priest walked out of the tent and towards another large one, the Monk had a strong hold on your arm to make you follow.
Once inside this tent, it was clear that this one was used as an infirmary for sick and wounded paladins.
One was chosen, a large blood stain on the paladin’s stomach had ruined his robes.
“Heal him, or you will burn like the rest.” Father Carden threatened.
The Monk placed you next to the cot with the dying paladin.
This would hurt. The heavier they were wounded, the more energy it took from you to heal them.
You didn’t even notice how much you were shaking until you had to place your hands on the paladin’s chest.
The paladin’s breathing rattled, he was dying.
You wanted him to die.
They must have seen your hesitation and reluctance.
The Monk came close enough to whisper, “Heal him. Set your anger aside or it will cost you your life.”
A murderous glare was send his way and you wished he had died in that forest so you wouldn’t be here now.
You were anything but gentle and pushed on the wound a little while letting your magic flow to heal.
When it was over, you were on your knees on the ground and shaking heavily while the paladin looked like he had never even been wounded.
“God smiles on us today, my son.” Father Carden expressed his joy to the Monk. “The girl will serve her purpose here. After she has healed all, bring her to the tent, make sure she cannot escape.”
The priest grabbed hold of your chin, demanding you look up at him. “You serve the Church now, girl.”
By spitting in his face, you brought across your opinion on the matter.
Not a tear went to waste when he slapped you in return, the Brothers had gotten you used to it.
Father Carden left the tent and wiped off his face with his sleeve.
The Monk hooked an arm under yours and helped you to your feet again.
That bruise on your cheek must have just healed and now another was in it’s place.
This defiance would bring you no gifts from Father.
“Heal them. The weakest ones first.” He steered you to the ones who had lost a lot of blood from various injuries.
By the time you healed the last one in that tent, you could barely stand.
The sun had gone down about an hour ago.
The Monk walked you out of the tent and you lost the strength in your legs just outside the entrance. The cold grass under you wasn’t helping in the slightest.
There was some form of mercy from him as he let you remain on the ground for a while to regain your strength.
You were exhausted, hungry, and parched for a sip of water.
The mixture of discomfort had you into a state were your head felt oddly light.
With a distant look in your eyes you stared at the ground, and it almost felt as if the energy of nature was very slowly healing you through the soil.
In the meantime, the Monk stood beside you and waited. There was little trust, because his hand never left the pommel of his sword as it rested at his side.
A little while later, he touched your shoulder and then pulled you up.
He brought you to a tent guarded by paladins and walked inside with you.
There was a pathetic wool blanket on the floor, stale bread and a tankard of water you doubted was clean. And still you let him sit you down on the spot, the short walk was already too much.
All you wanted to do was sleep and hope your energy was returned by morning.
He was looking down at you, seeing you suffer after using your powers.
Had the healing truly weakened you so?
Was this what had happened after you had done it to him?
You turned to face away from him, weakly calling him, “Traitor.” again.
At that, you heard him walk away and leave the tent.
They did not even allow you time to sleep until you were rested. Paladins came to collect you at dawn and brought you back to the infirmary where a fresh batch of wounded paladins waited to be healed.
Why had the Hidden cursed you with this power?
At least they did not appear to be as wounded as the previous ones had been.
It didn’t cost much energy to heal them and you did it slower.
One made a filthy comment, “I know someplace else she could put her hands.”
Around his throat to strangle him?
His Red Brothers laughed, further fueling your hatred for those drapes.
Only when your eyes glowed green upon healing, did they fall silent.
You heard them utter the word among each other.
A paladin entered the infirmary tent. “Brothers, Father ordered for the girl to be taken to the monastery. Others are waiting to be healed there.”
Your heart sank at the announcement, if they forced you to heal others today it could result in your health declining rapidly after yesterday.
The entrance of the tent was unguarded for the first time when the paladins were too distracted by talking to each other.
They really did underestimate you…
When you sprinted out of the tent, they no longer ignored you.
You didn’t stop running and collided with others in your track, baskets with fruits your stomach so craved fell over as you bumped into them.
A couple of horses stood tied with their reins at a hitching post, loosely tied…
From experience you knew that the black steed would not let you get on, so you aimed for the brown mare.
The mare’s reins were untied swiftly, you put your foot in the stirrup and began to pull yourself up into the saddle.
A firm tug at the back of your vest had you falling backwards into the Monk’s chest.
He had been busy caring for Goliath when he noticed your escape.
Freedom was so close and your will to fight returned, you tried to claw at his face.
He must have anticipated it, the bastard moved you a step back and used his lower leg to make you lose your balance.
You were on the ground, looking up at the Monk who had yet to draw his sword.
The paladins rushed over to aid him.
With a gesture of his hand, he ordered them to stay where they were.
Surrounded by enemies, the Monk seemingly offered you the chance to surrender.
He came closer and tried to take hold of your arm, you smacked it away bitterly.
“Bastard!” The insult was thrown at him.
With an agitated sigh, he ignored your protest and roughly pulled you up from the ground.
The paladins bore witness to how you tried to hit him.
It was far from an equal opponent, he had your arm blocked behind your back within seconds, your back against his chest again. You hated having the enemy breathing down your neck, it was instinct to be unnerved by strangers being behind you.
“Bring the wagon!” He barked the order at his red brothers.
They scurried off to do his bidding.
When you didn’t stop struggling, he used his other hand to grab your throat, it stilled you instantly.
“Stop it.” The Monk was far calmer than you were.
He was quiet for a moment, and then you heard him inhale close to your neck.
You recoiled upon sensing it happen, he stopped immediately and acted like nothing strange had occurred.
As a woman being held a prisoner in a camp full of men, it scared the living daylight out of you when something like this happened.
The Monk let go off your throat when noticing the fear in you. “You will heal those at the monastery. Do as you are told and I will see to it that you will not sleep with hunger tonight.”
By trying to step on his toes, he took that as a ‘No.’
“I see you have made your choice.” There was disappointment in his tone.
A paladin who had returned piped up, “Hit her, Brother!”
The Monk gravely disliked to hear how a paladin tried to command him now. “Why? Can you not handle one Fey girl?”
It was to remind them who had let this happen in the first place.
Once the paladin was put in his place, he ordered for a rope to be handed to him.
He bound your hands in front of you again, it made you think that he preferred to be able to easily see them, just in case…
The wagon was brought forth and the Monk placed you on it, then appointed the two paladins himself who would travel on the back of the wagon with you.
After the Monk went to retrieve his horse, the red priest came out of the large tent and seemed oblivious to what had transpired moments ago.
It would not surprise you if they all kept information from the priest in fear of repercussions.
The mist that hanged in the air made the weather feel colder than it actually was, your trousers, vest and worn down boots did little to shield you from it.
This time the paladins on the wagon weren’t as hostile, alert yes, but not as aggressive.
Considering you would be forced to heal more at the monastery, you took the liberty of trying to get some sleep against a bag filled with linen to be washed. A time would come where they would be distracted again, and you would flee the hell you had found yourself in.
@ourlazydetectivekitten​​ @the-great-adventures-of-me​ @linkpk88​​  @fxrchxldws​​  @elenaoftheturks​​ @slytherlight​​ @beananacake​​    @crystallizedtime​​  @moonlightaura03​​  @angrygardendeer​​  @have-aheart​​   @5am-cigarette​​ @arcanenature​​  @thewinterskywalker​​ @notyourwildestdream​​ @coloursforyourportrait​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @nike90​​ @n1ghtlux​​ @rachlovesactors​​ @luckyzipperscissorsbat​​ @morena-doing-stuff​​  @the-fangirl-diaries​​ @gipsydanger17​​ @heavenly1927​​  @phantasmalbeiing  @labyrinthonmymind  @asarcastic-thiamstan​​  @rainyv-skies @kissingandromeda​​
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navnae · 1 year
At a young age when Steve thought of heaven he had always had a specific image in mind. He thought of big fluffy white clouds and angels in white robes with beautiful wings. That’s the image his parents burned into his head for years and they made sure that he would never forget it. Every Sunday Steve had no other choice but to be in the church by his parents side. Not only did it look good for their family to give off that image, it made everyone feel like they could connect to them on a personal level despite the income differences which Steve never understood because money didn’t mean anything when it came to building relationships or creating this facade that his parents were desperately tried to show to others. They showered him with bible verses as he got older once they noticed how distant he was being and when he entered high school he stopped going to church. While they begged him to wait til he’s married to be intimate he already broke that rule, he smoked, he drank, he stopped dressing up as the perfect boy next door and went for a more rough look which they didn’t like in the slightest. That was only the half of what Steve did and what they saw with their own eyes, they had no idea what was happening behind his bedroom door when the house was empty.
During those lonely nights when Steve was laying in his bed snuggling next to his teddy bear that his parents forced him to get rid of but he refused, it had the scent of the man that he love the most on it. Steve perked up at the sound of a vehicle pulling into his driveway. With a wide smile on his face he jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. He opened the door revealing his boyfriend, Eddie, who has been by his side for awhile now. Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s neck as he pulled him into a hug and Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck nuzzling his nose against Steve’s skin. The laughter that came from both of them was so sweet and cute, nothing could prepare Steve for this kind of happiness. Eddie kissed Steve softly as he held him close. Steve felt like a kid in a candy store whenever Eddie was around that’s why it was so important for Steve to be with him no matter what. Sadly he knew the day would come and his parents would find out about their relationship. He’ll never forget all of those hateful words that his parents spat at him. They told him that hell will be the only place that is going to accept him and he was no longer welcome in their house. Steve and Eddie left the house feeling ashamed when they shouldn’t, loved each other and that’s all that mattered.
“You’ll never make it into heaven.”
Was what his parents said to him.
That night, Steve’s image of heaven changed drastically. When Steve thought about heaven he didn’t see the big fluffy white clouds, he saw Eddie’s trailer and his bedroom. When Steve thought about angels, his angels didn’t wear a white robe. Instead he wore a black leather jacket, ripped jeans, chains dangling by his side, variety of rings decorating his slim fingers, tattoos were inked in his soft skin, and he had dark curly hair that Steve couldn’t get enough of. So whenever the conversation was brought up about what image came to mind when Steve thought about heaven, Eddie would always be there. For the first time in years Steve felt free and actually loved by someone. It hurt Steve that his parents wouldn’t be able to see him grow into the person that he was becoming but Eddie let him know that he was going to be there for the ride. He let his tears fall as he laid in Eddie’s bed that night, Eddie gently ran his fingers through Steve’s hair as he sobbed in his arms.
“It’s okay baby. I’m here.” Eddie whispered. He placed a soft kiss on Steve’s forehead making him cry even harder.
“They couldn’t even look at me, it felt like I was a stranger to them. I wanted them to meet you and i wanted them to see how amazing you are. Now that’ll never happen! Eddie I feel so bad for putting you through that, I’m so sorry.” Steve rambled as his voice cracked while the tears kept running down his face. Eddie held Steve tighter in his arms trying be as present as possible for him.
“Shhhh. It’s okay, all that matters is that you’re alright. We’re safe here.” Eddie said before smiling softly. Steve lifted his head up to meet Eddie’s eyes, he couldn’t but smile back.
“I love you.” Steve said while tugging at Eddie’s shirt. Eddie laughed softly then cupped the side of Steve’s face, rubbing his thumb slowly over the light pink tinted skin.
“I love you too.” Eddie leaned in making their lips connect. Steve smiled in between kisses as he felt a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders. He could stay like this with Eddie forever.
This was his heaven.
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starry-hughes · 5 months
❝ don't hide your face away from me, let me see the blush on your face and that shy smile of yours. ❞
with charlie and trevor
star’s 1 year celly!
charlie had been shy way before she met trevor. over time, she had gotten more comfortable with him, but every once in a while, he still would catch glimpses of the shy girl he met in the parking lot. the same one who on their second first date, kissed him suddenly and apologized for it.
she was nervous. sick to her stomach. is it normal to feel this sick on your wedding day. charlie was pretty quiet the whole morning, despite her couple of bridesmaids trying to hype her up. “can you get trevor?” she finally asked softly.
“it’s bad luck to- i’ll go get him,” one of her bridesmaids said after seeing charlie’s expression. the room cleared and charlie looked at the wedding dress that was hanging on a rack. “char?”
trevor’s voice immediately calmed her down. he wasn’t fully ready himself, no suit jacket on yet but he was wearing his white dress shirt already. “hey, what’s wrong?” he frowned. “i’m overwhelmed.”
trevor made his way over, trying to ignore the dress she had yet to put on. “what can i do to help?” she shrugged, avoiding eye contact as she tried to get rid of the anxiety brewing in her. “okay… um, do you want me to help you get dressed? my mom can come in and get you ready if you want-”
“what if you decide you don’t love me after we get married?” trevor was taken aback by the words. he stared at her for a second. “that would never happen. i promise you. do you want me to tell you some of my vows?”
she didn’t respond but he started anyway. “charlie, when i met you, i knew i’d never grow sick of you. i knew i’d be happy to spend my whole life just to get you to pay attention to me. when i wake up next to you or see you in the kitchen in the morning, i think to myself god this is heaven… do you want me to keep going?”
she shook her head, feeling her anxiety drift off. “don’t ask silly questions charlie, you know how much i love you.” she blushed and looked away.
he grinned, “don’t hide your face away from me, let me see the blush on your face and that shy smile of yours.”
he cupped her face and looked at her. “i love you,” she whispered. she rarely said it first and his heart soared. “i love you too,” he kissed the top of her head, “you okay now? you’re going to be okay if i go back to get ready? i kinda have somewhere important to be in like an hour.”
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queen-of-deans-booty · 8 months
A Film of Deception
Pairing: No Pairing
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: angst, getting revenge for a loved one's death, being manipulated, torture
Request by anon: Hello can i request a imagine where the reader is a hybrid (half demon half witch) daughter of whatever demon (azazel, Asmodeus, Lilith, etc) who coming for vengeance after the Winchester and Castiel kill her parent and in the end they convinced her to be good? Some villain and powerful reader
Summary: The ones responsible for your father's death are Sam, Dean, and Castiel. They're the ones who are going to pay for what they've done. They killed your father... right?
Square Filled: angel blade (2020) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Angel blade? Check. Hex bags? Check. An array of knives? Check. A leather jacket that’s also bulletproof? Check. High-heeled boots that can stab a man? Check. Anti-angel powder you created? Check. You grab two of your knives and holster them onto your thighs as well as slide the angel blade into your right boot. You really don’t need these weapons considering you’re half-demon, half-witch but you like to be prepared anyways.
You’re on the path of revenge and won’t stop until all three of your targets are dead. Pictures of them hang on your wall as a reminder that your father died for nothing, and they are going to pay for it with their lives. 
Sam Winchester. Dean Winchester. Castiel. Three dead men walking.
“I promise, Dad, I won’t fail you now,” you say to the sky.
Your dad isn’t in Heaven or Hell but in the Empty. He’s sleeping and won’t be able to hear you but on the off chance that he is, you want him to know you’re going to finish what was taken from him. Your dad is Asmodeus who was one of the most powerful Princes of Hell. He was doing great things for the world but couldn’t finish because he was done dirty by Sam, Dean, and Castiel. They’d always fight him every step of the way but he kept you out of family drama like that. He was focused on training you to rule next to him, to take over what he was doing. He did nothing but good things for the world. Yes, he was a demon, but he oversaw all those evil things and overcame them.
So, when you heard of his death and the people behind it, you started running on this revenge path to kill those responsible for your father’s death. There’s only one place in the world where these three would reside, and it’s in the most secure place in the world. A few higher-power Gods have gotten through the Bunkers warding, but you’re confident enough that you can bypass it as well.
After finishing your checklist, you stuff a picture of your dad into your breast pocket and head out. With your demonic and witch powers, you’re able to travel to the Bunker with just a thought. You’ve never been here before, but all you had to do was think of the last place your dad was in and go from there. This place is disgusting and filthy and red with the blood of their victims, ones that they can never wash away.
You’re going to burn it to the ground with their dead bodies still inside it.
The Bunker has advanced warding all around it to keep monsters out. They were very efficient in the 50s, but you’re not going to let that stop you. Asmodeus had taught you how to bypass shit like this and put you through many tests to make sure you were capable of doing so. You run your hand in the sky from left to right, allowing the warding to appear so you can physically see them. They glow dull blue and glitch in and out of existence but it’s enough for you to see which symbols you need to get rid of.
You take out a hex bag and open it up to reveal the contents. If you just alter some of the ingredients, you can make a magical spell that will erase the warding permanently. You use your magic to transform some of the ingredients into others, and you throw it at the symbol you want. The entire building shakes upon the removal of the warding symbol.
Whoever is inside will know you’re here so you have to work fast.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel are inside the library doing some research when they feel the building shake.
“What the hell is that?” Dean asks. Ten minutes later, the building shakes again. “Okay, that’s coming from here. Cas, can you see what it is?”
Castiel stares at the ground as he projects his power to the outside of the Bunker to see what is going on. If he can’t find anything, he’d search the entire Bunker for the source. Castiel sees a young woman fiddling with a hex bag before throwing it at another warding. He loses concentration when the building shakes again.
“There’s someone trying to get in,” Castiel says. “She’s burning off the warding to bypass it, which means she’s not human. We need to prepare for an attack.”
Castiel and the brothers get ready for the attack just as you burn off the last warding. You leave your hex bags outside since you won’t need them anymore. You blast the front metal door clean off the hinges and walk inside the Bunker. It’s completely empty from what you can tell but you’re not going to let looks be deceiving. You walk down the metal stairs and peer into the library from the war room.
You hear it before you see it. The whiz of something flying right at you. You quickly move only to see an angel blade get stuck into the wall behind you. You slowly turn to the person who threw it with deadly black eyes, and Sam stands there with wide eyes. He really thought that was going to work. You use your demonic powers on Sam and throw him across the entire library into the telescope in the back. Dean steps out from behind a bookshelf but you’re way ahead of him. 
You teleport to right behind him and put both hands on either side of his head. He’s forced to his knees as you use your powers to burn his brain. His yells of pain are what cause Sam to push back his pain to help his brother.
“Dean!” Sam yells and starts to run at you.
You let go of Dean only to blast Sam into one of the concrete pillars. You keep him suspended in the air and turn to Dean who is now standing up. You don’t give him time to attack you and pin him to another pillar effortlessly. You slowly make a fist with your right hand and both brothers’ chests close up as if there is something weighing heavily on them.
“There’s a third one. Where is Castiel?” you ask.
Before they have a chance to answer, you’re tackled to the ground by the angel. His eyes glow bright blue with the more grace he’s using to subdue you. You smirk up at him completely unaffected by his efforts to stop you. Your eyes switch from their normal color to pitch black so you can let him know he’s not the one in charge.
“You’re no match for me,” you growl.
You reach into your pants pocket and grab a fistful of the powder you created to subdue angels. You shove the powder into his eyes and watch as it starts to burn him from the inside. Castiel cries out in pain and falls back, and you get up without a scratch on you. You lift the angel into the air and blast him into the war room, over the war table, and into the metal staircase. He hits it so hard that he actually bends the metal out of shape.
You turn back to the brothers who are still suspended in the air and grab a knife from one of your thigh holsters. You run the blade over Sam’s chest and press hard enough to draw blood. He tries not to let it show how much you’re hurting him even though you know it’s pretty painful. You move to Dean and do the same thing so they both have matching wounds.
“I’ve been waiting a long time to get you three completely at my mercy.”
“Who the fuck are you?” Dean gasps.
“You don’t know me but you know my father. Does Asmodeus ring a bell to any of you?” you ask angrily. Sam and Dean have a look of recognition across their faces. “You three will pay for his death. I’ll make it rain blood.”
You slash Sam and Dean again, this time on their legs.
“Asmodeus was the bad guy,” Castiel says from behind you. 
His eyes are red from the powder but he’s fighting through the pain to try and appeal to your humanity. You turn to Castiel with red-hot angry eyes.
“He was my father!” you yell. “He loved me and you killed him!”
You take the angel blade from your boot and throw it at Castiel as hard as you can. The angel blade impales Castiel’s shoulder and throws him into the wall so that the blade is stuck in the wall as well. He shouts in pain but he isn’t going anywhere. You turn to the older Winchester and grab his throat tightly with black eyes, and you unsheath one of your knives.
“Any last words?”
“We didn’t kill him,” Dean struggles to get out.
“Yes, you did! I saw you three leave the scene of the crime. He died here! I went to find him only to see but ash where he stood.”
“It wasn’t us,” Dean gasps when your hand gets tighter. “It was Gabriel, the archangel.”
False memories filter through your brain making you confused.
“Do not lie to me!”
You cut his brother as repentant for Dean’s lies.
“We’re not lying. Asmodeus kidnapped Gabriel and tortured him for his grace. He was chugging the stuff to get more powerful.”
You let go of Dean’s neck and take a step back from him.
“No, you’re lying to me. My dad was loving and caring.”
“He was a psycho maniac who only cared about power,” Sam bites out. “He was manipulating you into thinking he loved you.”
The memories you have of your dad being loyal and loving are replaced with memories of the truth. Your father trained you and helped you hone your powers to make you more powerful only to steal a bit of power each and every day. No, he was a loving father. Then why are you having these memories replaced? Has he been manipulating you even after he died? Your magic is released on Sam and Dean so they fall to the ground in heaps of coughs and groans. You cry out in pain and clutch your head tightly.
“Stop putting these memories in my head!”
“We’re not the ones doing it. Your dad was evil but you don’t have to be,” Sam says gently. “You can choose a different path than he did.”
You’re even more confused now. You don’t immediately want to kill them because you’re confused as to who your father really was. In order to determine that, you need to go back and look into his life through the victims he had and the people he associated with.
“What have I done?” you whisper fearfully.
Castiel grabs the handle of the angel blade and yanks it out of the wall with his incredible strength.
“You were manipulated. You didn’t know what you were doing,” Sam says.
“I’m so sorry,” you cry and back away from them.
You quickly leave the Bunker to rethink your entire life’s purpose. Everything you thought you knew is a complete lie. You have no idea who you are anymore.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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bluemusickid · 2 years
Trophy Husband Lloyd/Sugar Baby Lloyd. My brain conjured this up on a whim. And now, I shall bother y'all with it too.
Warnings// smut, slight mommy kink, Dom-sub dynamics, orgasm denial, marking this slight dubcon, just to be safe, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy, kids), mentions of injury, 18+, MINORS DNI.
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Lloyd was bored. A life always on the run had been hell. Literal hell. Weird safehouses, weird people. But then he met you, rich heiress with daddy's unlimited account. You were partying with your girlfriends, and goddamn were you sexy. You'd just opened the most expensive bottle of champagne, half of it falling on the floor. The other half? Well you were busy licking it off your friends' breasts.
Lloyd knew what he needed to do. Seducing you wouldn't be tough, you were just another rich bored naïve little girl who was spending more than she was saving. No more safehouses, no more shitty food.
He charmed you in a way only Lloyd could. At first you were bemused, the weird moustache dude hitting on you was taking away precious girl time. But then you saw something in him, something deeper and darker; but it could be harnessed. And what perfect timing: you just happened to need a new boytoy.
So you entertained his attempts at hitting on you, clearly zeroing in on the fact that you were rich. You were kinda bored with him, to be frank, and were going to leave, but then he trapped you against the walls of the club, promising you a good time. He was right, you thought, as he fucked you in the club bathroom, his thick cock hitting spots you'd only read of in books. As you clenched around him, you knew what you had to do.
And so you kept him around.
The first month was what heaven probably was like. Both of you fucked like rabbits, going at it every chance you got. He would sometimes fuck you to sleep, wake you up in the middle of the night for a quickie and then some early morning oral. Heck, by the time the month had passed, there wasn't an inch of the house you hadn't fucked on. Lloyd made sure he kept you stuffed to the brim, no matter how busy you were. One time, he pulled you to the floor and fucked you into it as you were on an important conference call with your investor. The second the call was over, you rode him into oblivion, not letting him touch you and feel you as punishment. He'd sulked at first, but then forgave you when he saw the brand new sports car he saw outside the house.
The power dynamic in your relationship was very perplexing. Lloyd enjoyed all the lavish gifts, but he enjoyed having power more. Many a times, you would find yourself pinned to the ground, your hands held down by his, or under him. Even when you rode him, he would dictate the pace by bracing your hips. Or he would even try and take decisions on your behalf, not caring if you approved of them or not.
That needed to change. He needed to know that you were the boss, his boss. Thankfully that day came sooner than expected.
He was being more of a brat than normal; getting cranky, answering back. Normally, you would've found it cute. But today, it got on your nerves. He needed to be made aware of who he was dealing with.
After breakfast, you left for work and Lloyd lounged around the house, lazily whiling away time. After a long bath, he walked into the room, surprised to see a well tailored three-piece suit, with a velvet jacket. You'd even gotten you a gold Rolex. Lloyd smirked. He'd gotten you wrapped around his little finger, eating out of his hand. He would never have to work another day.
As evening approached, Lloyd got ready, taking extra care to oil his moustache. You seemed to love the damn thing and he would be a fool to get rid of it anytime soon. He spritzed on some perfume you gave him, pocketing an extra box of condoms; the insatiable temptress that you were. The thought of you in a dress got him hard already, as he palmed himself through his pants.
As he sat in the Limousine, he briefly wondered his next steps. Obviously, he would have to propose to you. No way would he let the well run dry, now that he got a taste of the opulence; the pomp and glamour. He needed you for his lust, but he needed your money more. And by God, would he get the best of both worlds.
His thoughts were interrupted by the limo pulling to a stop outside a grand mansion; even bigger than the one you lived in currently. The large structure was a sparkling example of Greco-Roman architecture, complete with a beautiful front lawn and greenery surrounding the whole estate. Lloyd gaped, taking in the sight; his eyes drinking it all in. All this money needed to be his. He would need to act fast though, he thought as he smiled crookedly, spotting you on the threshold.
You were the very vision of beauty, dressed perfectly and well-groomed, as always; down to your nails. The black velvet gown you wore accentuated your gorgeous curvaceous body, the slit leaving little to imagination. Lloyd could already see himself fucking you into the wall, the glorious gown bunched around your hips as he feasted on your gorgeous globes. It was strange to him; normally he would be planning millions of things, but around you, his primal self kicked in, and all he wanted to do is be inside you, all the time.
You held out your hand to him, leading him into the house with a secret smile. The irony wasn't lost on you. And very soon, this would be the status quo.
You watched as he gorged on the delicious meal. You knew that he had no real feelings for you, and honestly, neither did you. He was a good fuck, who needed to be shown that he was just your little boy toy for the moment being.
Leading him into your bedroom, you sit him down on the bed. Running your fingers through his hair, you slowly massaged his temples, taking in his groan of contentment; your fingers slowly caressing his cheeks, his plump lips. That moustache used to annoy you, but now? You'd grown to like it.
"So my baby was being a little fussy these few days, huh?" You murmured, your hands making their way to his beautiful neck.
"Hey, i'm a not a baby-" he began indignantly.
"Shhhhh. Just answer my question, baby."
Lloyd gulped, his mouth thinning in anger.
Running your thumb over his pillowy enticing lips, you pushed it into his warm mouth, urging him to fellate it. You could see him toy with the idea as he slowly ran his tongue over your finger, the sensations making a beeline straight to your core. You sincerely hoped you didn't lose this fight, because whenever you were around this man, you seemed to stop thinking clearly.
"Enough." You rasped.
Pushing his jacket off his shoulders, you slowly unbuttoned his vest, your mouth watering as saw the black dress shirt clinging to his muscular body.
"The thing is, I don't like when people get fussy. Makes me a little...mad. And you wouldn't like to see me mad, would you, sunshine?"
Lloyd eyed you warily, slowly shaking his head. All the bravado that he seemed to have had evaporated as he saw your flashing eyes, and your uncharacteristic calm demeanour. He couldn't even string a few words together.
"Good boy. My good lil' baby." Running your hands over his torso, you grabbed the shirt he was wearing, ripping the damn thing apart; the sheer lust coursing through your veins giving you the energy you needed.
"You trust me, right?"
He nodded as his breathing turned shallow.
"Words, sunshine. I need you to use your words."
"...Yes." he murmured.
You ran your fingernails over his nipples, not hard enough to draw blood, but just enough to send a message. He gasped, alarmed at the action more than the feeling.
"The magic word is ma'am, sunshine."
"..y..yes, ma'am."
"You're such a good boy, sunshine. Such a quick learner. I'm glad I kept you around. We're gonna have a lotta fun together." You grinned at him, grazing his nipple with your teeth, before sucking on it voraciously, laving it with your hot tongue. He groaned, moving his hands to your hips, pulling you closer.
Pushing his hands off, you held his face between your fingers, causing his lips to purse up. He looked up, his eyes registering a mix of lust and fear; stoking your already charged-up self.
"Now, now, sunshine. You know what you have to do. You can't touch me without my permission. Are we clear?"
"...yes...ma'am." He added on, hesitantly.
Your mouth pulled into a small, lazy smile. Time for phase two.
Lloyd didn't know how he'd ended up in this place. He was feared, by everyone. He was a ruthless man, for crying out loud. Even the most notorious men/killers would shake at the thought of him. Yet here he was, blindfolded and handcuffed to the bed, eating you out for all he was worth as you fucked him with your mouth. He stopped, to catch his breath, gasping as you pulled your mouth off him, panting.
"You stop, I stop, sunshine. And I know you're close. Do you want to come, baby? Do you want to come in my mouth?"
His strained yes turned you on like nothing else, the slick from your core now running down your thighs. He lapped it all up, his tongue running over your lips, swirling over your engorged nub. His moustache tickled your clit, this particular action making you groan on his member, the vibrations causing him to let out a moan.
You could feel him pulsating, ready to come on your face. You pulled away, suddenly turning around. His cry of alarm was silenced by your lips as you swallowed it, your tongue caressing his as your lips moved against each other, not willing to pull away anytime soon.
Breaking the kiss, you moved down, your core sliding over his chiselled abs. Panting, you slowly rubbed yourself on him, your slick rubbing onto him, covering his torso in the process. You begin grinding on his abs, the muscles rubbing against your clit, sending little shockwaves through your body.
Opening your eyes, you saw him squirm. You decided to let him out of his misery. But not without a little fun first, you smiled, as you thought to yourself.
Lloyd groaned as he felt your silky walls around him, your warm, wet heat enveloping him in a way that could only be described as heavenly. You moved over him, slowly, at first; his thick cock hitting all your spots, making you feel fuller than you ever had before. You began to move, really move, your hips slapping obscenely against his thighs. He moaned as he felt your walls tighten around him, your speed increasing with every passing moment. He felt his climax setting on, his balls beginning to tighten. You seemed to notice too, as you pulled off him, your silky heat leaving him as quickly as it you had started.
"Awww, does my sunshine want to come? Not yet, baby. Not yet."
You gave him a few moments to calm down, before retaking your position, moaning as you sunk down on him, his thick cock making you see stars. You rotated your hips, feeling him hit every point on your inner walls. Gasping, you continued your movements, holding yourself steady on his torso. Your breaths intermingled as you sped up your actions, bringing both of you to the brink once again.
Lloyd needed to come, desperately. But you weren't letting him, nor were there any signs of you letting up this fast. He groaned in frustration, feeling himself nearing his peak again.
"Please..." he muttered through gritted teeth.
"..wha...what was that, sunshine? Did you say something?" You panted, slowing down a bit.
Lloyd knew what you were trying to do. He knew that he was powerless at the moment. But his pride stopped him from speaking out the truth. So he stayed silent, which was the wrong move on his part.
You stopped and got up off him again, moving to take off his blindfold. He squinted in the harsh light, as he tried to regain his bearings. He saw you sitting on his torso, your legs spread eagled.
"Well, if you can't say it, then I guess I'll have to take care of myself then."
He saw your fingers move over your lips, slowly circling your clit. You moaned as you slipped a finger inside your aching channel, finally giving yourself some respite. You closed your eyes, speeding up, your mouth slack jawed.
Lloyd growled as he saw you pleasure yourself, the sight beyond erotic. He wanted nothing more than to hold you down and pound you senseless. His cock was throbbing, the tip red and leaking. He wanted to come; no, he needed to come. Right. Fucking. Now.
"I...I need..."
"Yes, sunshine?"
"I...need...to come..."
"Awww, poor baby. You know what you have to do."
Lloyd grimaced, slightly tugging on his restraints. He had his pride, sure, but now he needed to come. Badly. Or god knows what would happen to him.
"Beg for it, sunshine. Beg for me." You whispered, raspily; stroking him slowly.
"Please...ma'am. Please...let me...come." he gasped in hushed tones.
You grinned.
"Oh baby, with pleasure." You purred. And with that, you rode him, leaving no prisoners. His thick cock was hitting your spongy spot repeatedly. You wailed, your hips moving against him in a frenzy. It was a battle; a race, of who could let go first. And you could feel yourself hurtling towards completion faster than even he was.
You screamed as you fell over the precipice, leaving scratches along his torso. You could feel your walls tighten impossibly around him, swallowing him, as he reached his end exposively; shouting as his spend coated your walls, his hips moving of their own accord and shunting against yours as he emptied every drop into you.
You panted against his neck, leaving featherlight kisses along the column of his neck, as the both of you struggled to catch your breath. Lloyd felt like he was floating, he hadn't had an orgasm this intense ever. He felt his thighs shake a little, his brain beginning to work a bit again. Unlocking him, you rubbed his sore wrists, leavimg soft kisses along the marks left behind. Running your fingers through his hair, you softly kissed his lips, lightly massaging his head as you whispered words of praise in his ears, caresses and touches punctuating your every word.
That night, as you cuddled him while you drifted off to sleep, he realised two things. One, you were not meant to be taken lightly. And two, he was truly fucked.
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eeclare · 6 months
Headcanons: but a Lot
I made a pinterest board for the belchers & co. and saved pics that i feel represent the characters lol and they have inspired me and my latest Bobby borger headcanons :) enjoy
You would think that bob would have the wicked classic rock cd collection but irl that is our lovely lady Linda
She isn't the BIGGEST classic rock fan but her dad was and she just kinda picked it up
makes her feel nostalgic, y'know
but generally she's more of an 80s pop and show tune enthusiast
and she’s def an overall kinda gal
With a classic red long-sleeve? Yes pls
when she wasn’t allowed to keep buying porcelain babies she switched to ceramic birds for a little while
And she fs has a bird feeder hanging outside the kitchen window
Linda sometimes gets her nails done
Bright red and LONG
sometimes a french tip but that’s only when she’s not feeling the long guys
And red lipstick is a must ofc
she discovered that red was her colour and just let it overtake her
Cherry pie and a little bit of ice cream go a long way in her book
But her fav food and breakfast most days (when neither she or Bob are in the mood too really cook) is Tomato toast
Sometimes with cream cheese, but mostly just toasted with butter and season with salt and pepper
She just can’t get enough of it she loves tomatoes and she loves bread so it just works
The medicine cabinet in the bathroom is full of her clutter and crap lol
No true medicine to be found (other than bob’s prescribed pills ofc)
lots of nail polish, for when she can’t afford to get her nails done
One for her bday gene made her a ceramic tooth trinket box
to keep all of his teeth in, obviously
Keeps forcing her family on “quick” three hour hikes
she STILL tries to knit, esp after how great the kids’ reactions were to the one she made for Christmas
Whenever she and the kids are waiting around for bob to make thanksgiving dinner she puts on the thanksgiving day parade on TV
her fav float is snoopy
Ideal boblin date? Wine in the eve on the beach with chocolate and strawberries
she one time heard some teenager say that they were “frickin’ zazzed” and now she says it all the time
She doesn’t know cut her some slack 😭
It makes Louise pee herself laughing lmao
When Linda is behind the grill she gives the burgers ketchup smileys
One time she got drunk and made a pope hat out of paper and tried to put it on little king trash mouth
….it went about as well as you would expect…
Bob tries to do the NYT crossword
When he gets his new phone she discovers the mini cross words and the app
linda literally could not get him to turn the phone off lmfaoo
eventually tho he gets her into wordle and now they play together nightly
I say they play 'together' but they actually play against each other
Like, hardcore
His fav. Halloween candy that the kids would get are those burger gummies
The kids had never actually had one until Gene hid a few in his socks bcs Bob would take them all before they even had the chance
he’s a cool dad. (tm)
Bob’s got this one Jean jacket that is so filled with holes it’s unsightly
But he just will not get rid of it lol
Why? Who knows
his ideal thanksgiving dinner is one of those idealistic 70s thanksgiving ads
Genuinely bob’s heaven
once for his bday he was served a burger with candles in it
linda thought it was funny
(so did bob)
i think that he secretly loves making spaghetti
Esp spaghetti Bolognese idk it just feels like a very Bob coded dish
When he serves the kids eggs and bacon he makes them a little smiley face AWWWH
Louise gave him a world’s okayest dad mug which he uses
the glove compartment in the car has one of those flip through cd cases and it is just FULL of pirated cds lol
In his younger days he was a big fan of Levi’s jeans
He’s saved them all for when Gene is big enough to wear them
Or whichever of his other kids are interested ofc he doesn’t judge
Hates that Linda let’s the kids watch the thanksgiving day parade
He just thinks that it perpetuates the fact that thanksgiving has turned into a capitalist’s dream
“It’s the principle, Lin!”
One time Gloria gave her one of those sand animals (ykno the ones)
And now she can’t get enough of them
I also firmly believe that she never gets her ears pierced lol
But she was incredibly tempted to when she saw those spiky rainbow earrings in Clair’s
Secretly Louise fs enjoys linda and Gene’s spa days and facial routines and she often participates
Hair wrapped up in a towel, face mask and everything
when linda makes them all go on those loooong “short” hikes Louise occasionally finds a bone or two
Which she (incorrectly) bleaches and keeps in her room obvi
If it were up to her shoes would be a never
Loves the feeling of grass on her feet
When she was a toddler Linda would put her in those purple jelly sandals
Sensory hell for her
BEGS Bob and linda for a hamster or Guinea pig or ANYTHING but alas, fails miserably
Chronic frog catcher
Gene, who is terrified of frogs, hates it
genuinely the bane of his existence
she eventually upgrades the walkie talkies to further range ones
Bob one time went into a comic book store and found a gummo figurine and gave it to Louise and she loves it
But he did have to convince her to keep it in the box
“It could be worth A LOT one day Louise”
Louise got into rainbow loom
Not as a fun little hobby but as a black market business
frond caught her tho so rip that
As a “middle schooler” she collects anime figurines
the cute ones, not the sex ones
As well as horror movie figurines
When she was a kid she was obsessed with those light up shoes lmao
Personally I believe that Louise eventually needs braces for a couple years
But she convinces Bob and Linda that she loves/wants to keep her gap tooth so they get them removed early
Collects silly bands
Always covered in bandaids (but like, the colourful kind)
She eventually starts to paint her nails
Each finger is a dif colour
She likes to collect creepy porcelain dolls too
She’s a big collector, if you couldn’t tell
Paul frank t shirts for daaaayyyys
Big graphic novel/manga reader
She almost convinced Bob to let her get a frog
But again, gene
She hates socks but I firmly believe that she will wear tights/stockings if she absolutely has to
Has a few of bobs old band tees (gene has most of them)
Went through a phase where she constantly drew shit with chalk outside the restaurant
Some of it was cute, some of it was plans for world domination
Tina also gave her a little star necklace for her 13th bday and Louise literally never takes it off
(cuties pies)
Big graphic novel enjoyer
and im hoping this isn't too niche but she really enjoys courtney crumrin specifically
I may be projecting here a little tho bcs that was MY fav graphic novel when I was her age lmao
Has three tamagotchi pets that he keeps on a keychain that he keeps in his pockets/backpack
So. Many. Hawaiian shirts.
Loves super hero comics
Not a graphic novel fan though
Also likes collecting super hero action figures
Sour patch kids are his fav candie
Has the most narrow bed
has to sleep with a fan on at all times
not just cuz the noise makes his senses go brrr and helps him sleep
but because he is also a very sweaty boy
twinning with tina fr
Huge 80s vibe always
All of his pencils have bite marks all over them lol
Genes a nervous test taker
his palms get sweaty knees weak arms are heavy
on that note, he lowkey gets into rap
any rap: mumble, freestyle, mainstream
He wears his red converse until they literally falls of his feet
Has buttons and pins on all of his jackets/sweaters
Yugio fan??
Wears his white socks in the grass all the time
Drives linda CRAZY
Over alls are a staple in his wardrobe
same with flannel button ups
Bob thrifts Gene an acoustic guitar for his 14th bday
so he learns to play the guitar! He’s kind of a natural
okay so he's not THAT good but he's good enough
He also gets a cheap mini synth at some point and it replaces the casio just a little bit
Has to get braces and sticks to it
The bands are always funky colours, often in a rainbow order
Has a bunch of vintage Jean jackets
After his red converse finally fall apart he transfers to blue knock off converse with orange laces
Has at least three bags full of discount candy at all times
He went through a space phase so he’s got planet stickers on the wall by his bed
Gets a cassette player and tapes for his bday at some point
From Linda
And at some point thrifts himself doc martens
Obsessed with the muppets
Esp animal and janice
Lana stan
Tons of bobs old band tees
becomes a SoundCloud rapper as a joke
But why is he lowkey good 😭
Gets a pink bike
“I’m cool bcs my mom says so”
Thrifts himself a cheapo electric guitar and covers it in stickers
Sounds like shit but tbh it works
When she was little Linda made her a canopy for her bed
It’s kinda patchy but that’s okay it suits her
Tortoise shell glasses become her jam in high school
Still has a classic black pair as a backup
Always worried
Has a notebook/journal on her at ALL TIMES
Multiple unicorn figures
And porcelain horses (from Linda ofc)
Her chariot doll stays on her desk and/or nightstand
Her room is a hot pink, not a baby pink lol
It’s a little obnoxious
Loves lip smacker
Never gets rid of her bangs
But she does grow her hair out a little bit past her shoulders
Thinks it makes her look older
Paul frank t shirts that she hands down to Louise over time
Emergency phone becomes her phone lol
She does put a horse sticker on the back and she loves it
MLP themes pencil case is the mlp think she owns
Most of her school supplies is horse related, tho
Lisa frank stickers
Likes the classic vintage my little pony dolls
Horse shaped birthday cake
Teal nail polish when she’s feeling fancy
But she consistently has clear polish on
Makes Tina feel classy
She lowkey collects plastic farm animals lol
She read the perks of being a wallflower once and it became her whole personality for about two weeks
Blue collared shirts with jean shirts
Or an overall dress
Has a locket with a drawing of jerico that she made
She wears it pretty often lol
Jimmy jr’s school photo sits snugly on the other side
Loves 80s windbreakers
Her fav is blue with a yellow stripe across the shoulders
Star shaped barrette that Louise found for her on the sidewalk lmao
Called herself ‘ghost girl’ while she was pretending to be a so-called bad girl
Poofy 80s pink prom dress that’s passed down to her from Linda
Can write in cursive rlly well
So many unicorn plushies
Put beads on her shoe lacss
She has three blue t shirts with an embroidered rainbow on them
She loves them and wears them all the time
Enjoys playing solitaire
Still big into drinking coffee lol
Linda made her a pony keychain out of felt and she uses it as an accessory
i.e. hangs it off of her overall dress, belt loop, backpack, etc
swiftie?? she just vibes with the music so hard
esp folklore
She's so sweet and relatable i just love Tina so much
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rosewriteroyal · 10 months
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The creaking of the door followed by the soft shut echoed around the mansion as the soft tapping of feet walk across the hard wood floor towards the office. Y/N knocked on the door firs tbut to no reply, He than opened it slowly, there sitting at the desk was his lovely husband of 3 years, Dann.
Dann swift swung the chair around, pulling down the sunglasses and biting his lip towards his husband, the sound of chuckling from Dann stopped as Y/N feel to his knees, joking started to be beg. Following along Dann reached for the gun that laid in the draw, a pointed it as his lover
'Shoot me sir, I know you won't do it but please to die by your hand, oh I'd be in heaven, as much as I am when I rid your cock until I'm numb' Those words from Y/N mouth set Dann of, from the cocktail, playful mood to a now Dominating, Lustful mood.
Pulling the trigger and hearing the safety pull, his lover looked up to see Dann's lust feeled eyes. Dann grabbed Rough but gently around the neck, he placed a sloppy kiss on his lips. The sound of paper moving as Dann placed his lover on the desk infront of him
'Your going to behave, Kitten. Daddy will take care of you' Dann muttered is a deep raspy voice as he went and kissed Y/N neck. The wet sounds turned Y/N on more, the deep feeling inside his stomach as dann started to take of his lovers shirt (Dann's shirt) and kissed down Y/N chest. Tugging at Y/N nipples and hearing the sweet moans
'DADDY!Please' His kitten screamed as Dann looked up
'Kitten! Be patient. I'm getting there, this sweet pussy will have its time with me, just let me enjoy body' Dann said looking Y/N directly in his eyes, Y/N blown out pupils and the slightly open mouth aroused Dann as he could feel his dick growing, oh how he'll use that mouth and make it so pretty with cum.
Dann started to kiss his lover, tounges fight for control, His lover started to unbuckle Dann's belt and started to unbutton Dann's suit. Breaking the kiss, Dann looked at Y/N.
'Let Daddy, do it for you, kitten' With that Dann pulled of his suit jacket, throughing it across the office, next came his tie which he placed on thw desk, to be used for later, He belt also wa space Don the desk, Y/N looked down at the belt and tie and gulped, wondering what torture he had created. While y/N mind travelled to all the things Dann could do with the belt and tie, he didn't here then unzipping of pants, the sudden movement of his arm jolted him to look at Dann.
Y/N had forgotten how large Dann was, beig their last fuck was a long time ago, Dann moved Y/N head to face him
'eyes up here Darling. Oh Kitten, how you do look so tiny, do you think you can handle this' Dann said roughly pulling Y/N down to face his dick, pre cum leaking from the tip, the sound of the belt moving from the table caught Y/N attention
'Know I know you like a good spanking so heres what we are going to do. I'm going to sit on my chair, you are going to suck me off if I see you, not chocking on my cock I will spank you, 3 hits and the punishment gets worse' Dann said sitting back in the chair, his husband came crawling on the floor towards him, grabbing Dann's dick roughly
'Kitten, roughly grabbing my dick is also against the rules, same with biting' Dann said sliding the belt from his lover ass. Y/N slowly started to Kitten licker the head of Dann's cock
'Kitten, are you doing this on purpose? Baby, I told you, chocking or a smack' Dann said pushing his dick into Y/N mouth, hearing the sounds and seeing the drawl hanging from his lovers lips, made him even more hard. 'OH KITTEN, YOUR MLUTH IS AMAZING!'
Pulling of Dann's Dick, Y/N looked up with a unapologetic smile
'You are doing this on purpose' Dann said as he inspected his dick
'I only grazed you, Daddy' The smalll voice came form his lover
'Oh baby, you know what needs to be done' Dann said, pulling his botten draw out and searching for the object. This draw was full of their sex stuff. Collars, gags, beads, dildos you name it, Y/N even once joked they should have a sex room.
'Ah here it is' Dan. Said pulling out a small craving knife. Y/n could feel himself getting wetter by the second, he has so many scars of Dann writing degrading shit on him
'What should we write today, kitten' Dann said 'What about bad cockwhore' and Y/N nodded, sitting on his knees so his chest was on show 'Here baby, right above your heart, oh how sweet' Dann said, starting to scratch the skin, blood ran down Y/N chest, knowing Dann has a blood kink and the amount of bloody sex they have had before, this was Dann plan all along.
'And done, oh you look so pretty covered in blood and with my branding, "DANN'S BAD COCKWHORE" was craved into his chest and Y/N looked happy. Pulling down his underwear and sitting on the Dann's desk, Y/N begged
'Please Daddy. Coke fuck this bad cockwhore until he's all worn out, use my pussy until your done, breed me if you have too' Dann took that beg and walked over, looking down at the puddle on his desk
'Your dripping, kitten. Oh how I'm about to ruin you' Dann said, sliding his cock into Y/N pussy and started thrusting manically, holding Y/N by his legs, Dann pounded away, using Y/N as his own personal sex doll, the sounds of Y/N moans and begs filled the air as the crecking of desk joined in.
'Oh Kitten, im about to cum. I'm going to breed you, you going to look so hot and fuckable when your pregnant, I wont be able to keep my hands off youuuuuu' Dann said with a groan, he came inside of Y/N, his liver wasn't to far behind, squirting all over Dann's dick, all of a sudden their was a crash.
'I think we broke your desk' Y/N said failing to get up off the floor
'I think I broke you aswell, my love' Dann said picking Y/N up and taking him into their shared bedroom 'I'm going to run us a bath, ill come get you when it's ready, there's os water over on the table next to you. Y/N reached for the water and gulped it down, trying to gain his breath back, all of a sudden Dann emerged from the bathroom, walking over to the bed and picking Y/N up, 'we are going to have a ice relaxing bath, with champagne, bubbles and cuddles ' Dann said placing Y/Nin the bath and Dann getting in after, placing his lovers head on his chest.
@minheeskitten (Zephyr :3) This fic was dedicated to them.
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mateidontevenknow · 2 years
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Ship: Klaus x Damon x OC (Fem)
F*ck with finesse
Klaus and Damon sat in a bar, Gloria's. They were looking for a toy to take home and Damon had his sights set on a certain someone. He elbowed Klaus as his target sat down at the bar, she was alone.
Klaus looked to see a woman in her mid twenties. She was gorgeous with shoulder length black hair, dark eagle eyes, full lips and elegant glasses that fit her face perfectly. She looked like a regular gym goer with perfectly sculpted arms and thighs that could crush watermelons. She wore black jeans, with a black tank top, showing off her neck and collarbones, and a denim jacket. She was flawless.
Damon looked at Klaus and he nodded enthusiastically before standing up and dragging Damon towards her.
"What is a fine young lady, like you, doing here all by herself?"
The two vampires sitting down on either side of their new plaything.
"Trying to get a drink mostly, why do you ask?"
"Just curiosity really. It's not often we come across a beauty like you. What's your name, love?"
"A fitting name, for a goddess. So what brings you here tonight?"
She laughed, a melodic song.
"You make the assumption that, one, I don't know what your trying to do, and two, that I don't know who you are."
"So you've heard about us. Does that increase our chances of getting what we want?"
"Exponentially, because now I know that if I agree, I'm not going to be disappointed."
The two men smirked at each other.
"And how long have you been around, love?"
"671 years now. I was turned when I was 28."
"Well, we offer you the best night of your life, if you're willing to give us what we want."
"You'll have to convince me first, with a little bit of a free trial."
She winked at them before walking out, leading the two men into an alley outside. Klaus pushed her up against the wall, kissing her fiercely. She was strong, but she was still no match for the hybrid. Damon latched onto her exposed neck, kissing, sucking and nipping at the delicate skin. He ran his hands along her sculpted body.
She was in heaven.
"Ok, you win."
That was they needed to hear before Damon’s hands was around her waist. Her surroundings blurred as she was taken away from the bar.
Damon threw her onto a bed in what looked like a fancy hotel. Klaus started getting rid of his clothing while Damon kept her busy. They had clearly done this before.
Damon hovered over her as he kissed her, slowly removing her jacket as he did so. His tongue slipped into her mouth but he was quickly overpowered as she drove her fingers into his hair, slowly massaging his scalp. He couldn’t believe it, she had rendered him useless in less than 30 seconds.
Klaus joined in, giving her hickeys on her neck and collarbones as he searched for her sweet spot. She whimpered at the sudden attention her skin was getting. Damon got off the bed, discarding his clothing as well as putting it in the hamper. Klaus took over for him. He smashed his lips onto hers.
Her hand reached for his hair but Klaus caught it, pinning it to the bed above her head.
"That won't work a second time."
Her other wrist was collected as well and both were tied to the bed frame above her head. She tugged at it, before deciding that it didn't really matter. Damon took off her glasses before replacing them with a blindfold. She grinned into her kiss with Klaus. These two were kinky. And so was she.
Damon began removing her clothing, revealing pale skin and a few stretch marks. Klaus saw this as an opportunity and brought his hand down to stroke her inner thigh. She whimpered into his mouth.
Klaus moved to make room for Damon as he kissed from her bellybutton down to her clit. He licked her clit, getting a moan from her as a reward. He dug in. Flicking his tongue in all the right directions. She threw her head back, exposing her neck to Klaus.
He latched on, sucking at every sweet spot he could find. This was heaven. Damon pushed a finger into her, curling it around and stretching her open. She let out another loud moan. Klaus rolled her nipples between his fingers, getting a whimper in response.
She could feel as she was being stretched open by Damon’s fingers. He added a third before pulling them out. He aligned himself and pushed into her. Slowly thrusting inside her.
"You feel amazing."
She couldn't respond.
Damon started thrusting quicker as Klaus kissed her mouth again, inhaling every moan she let out. His tongue pressed against hers.
As Damon sped up, she could feel her high approaching. She took short shallow breaths before she tightened around him, reaching her climax while moaning loudly into Klaus' mouth. Damon pulled out satisfied as he came too.
Klaus grinned into the kiss before asking,
"Up for round two?"
Artemis replied breathlessly,
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auxiliarydetective · 10 months
These ask game questions are all amazing, Evie!! Thank you so much for making them!!
On that note: I would like to ask about questions 1, 4, 7, and 11 from the Not-So-Basics questions for dear Philomel!! I would love to know more about her!!
Hope you’re doing well, lovely!! 🤍
DOLLY! There you are, I was waiting for your approval :) Hope you’re having a great day/night!
1. How good is your OC at making plans? Do they follow through with them?
Oh God, bless her, she's a mess when it comes to planning. There's one master plan she has carried out in her 6000 years of life and that’s her secret waterfall cave she managed to hide from both Heaven and Hell, a plan that was over a century in the making. But aside from that, pretty much the only plan she can reliably make and follow is plans for a date or a secret meeting with a lover. She spends all her braincells on matters of the heart. Oh, and preventing armageddon, of course, but that's also a matter of the heart.
4. What is the one thing about themselves they would change?
Pre-1960s-ish, I'd say it's her wings. Before the fall, it's because her wings aren't fully white which makes her an outcast among Heaven. The archangels don't fully trust her because she "isn't pure enough" and that gets her down whenever she spends time around angels that aren't Aziraphale, which is admittedly very rare. After the fall, it's her dark pink tips. They're a constant reminder of her fall and the anger and sadness she feels towards it. Thankfully, thanks to Crowley, she grows used to them and starts to love them over time. But from her fall onwards, the thing that she would really like to change or maybe even fully get rid of is her aura. She's too attractive for her own good. That wasn't really any issue as long as she lived more or less secluded from society, but now that she's living in London, well... It's rare for her to walk the streets without people staring or whistling at her and she refuses to enter bars, pubs or clubs after a certain hour without somebody around to ward off potential drunks or walk around dark alleys by herself.
7. What odd habit do they have?
It's hard to explain but she essentially flirts without realizing it. Or at least does things that could be interpreted as flirting even though she isn't actively trying to flirt. Like, she'll bat her eyelashes at people, wink at them, tell them how beautiful they are pretty often or just compliment them on the tiniest of things... Most importantly though, she's touchy. Mainly with Crowley and Aziraphale. Like, she'll lean against them, put a hand on their shoulders, place a hand on their chest and stand really close to them while talking, give out hugs often, hold on to their jackets while walking even though they're not even in a crowd... Also, rarely, she kisses them on the cheek, which completely fries their brains every time. It's her aura, they're totally not naturally in love, no... With all that, you'd think you wouldn't realize when she's actually flirting but you absolutely do. It's on a whole new level.
11. What is their favourite and least favourite food?
Oooh, though one. I'd say she probably likes most things to do with fruits. She loves strawberries. Anything strawberries. There's a flower pot in her flat where strawberries grow in abundance no matter the season, so she always has fresh strawberries handy. She loves to coat them in chocolate (and share them with Aziraphale) or use them for strawberry shortcake (and gift it to Aziraphale). Even when it comes to food, she's a total romantic, a big part of which is because Aziraphale loves whatever she makes so much and she wants to make him happy. She isn’t big on eating herself, she's more of the drinking type, but she definitely shares Aziraphale's love for sweets. As for things she doesn't like, it's anything bland or bitter. Aronia berries are one of her least favourite of God's creations, like, why make berries bitter??? They’re supposed to be sweet!
Thanks so much for this, it was super fun!
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lifmera · 4 months
Sup, I'm a friend of Devil Lily using their phone because they forgot to add something to his request so I'm doing it for them because they passed out.....sleeping.
They wouldn't like to be matched with Husk, the snake guy who appeared in episode 2, and Alastor. Husk will remind him of his brother, the one they hate. Snake guy is to "pure" for them and probably replaced their shitty brother with him. Alastor is a lot like a ancestor that they look up to by how both of them act alike and both being cannibals so it's purely platonic feelings.
They forgot to tell you their love languages and how he looks.
Their love languages are physical touch and quality time, sometimes gift giving. Physical touch is like Alastor, they like touching others but when someone tries touching them he will be pissed off. Quality time is something he always does. Whether it's comforting, chilling, or helping with a task, they will always do it with a smile. Gift giving is rare but sweet whenever it happens, according to them it either takes time or money for gifts and he rather do it on something more important and helpful.
They are tall like 7.ft, has a subtle muscular build, and looks like adult Kipo from Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts.
They wear like Converse or worn out boots with either slacks, jeans, or cargo pants. They usually have a tank top or T-shirt on and with their signature black leather jacket. Their jacket is decked out with patches that represent each friend that they have and they add on with each new friend, it's how you tell that they like you. But on rare occasion you'll see them in a white dress shirt and with a vest like Vox's or Alastor's on, sometimes with a bowtie.
Finally, they act like that one non-binary friend that you have that's really chill and witty like is just so calm and collected like they have everything under control but in a second is really aggressive and pissed off that they take it out on everyone and push them away. Yeah that's them. They kin like a few characters, here are some that I can come up with.
Kipo from Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, not only looks and style but how they act and the overall feel of the character.
Adam and Lute from Hazbin Hotel. Okay so Adam because they both like rock... that's it really. However Lute and them are almost twinsies. They both are fiercely loyal and will stand for what they believe in. They also get rid of traitors however unlike Lute who didn't hear Vaggie out and all that jazz, Devil Lily actually almost killed a guy in our group who SA'd like half of the group, we had to hold them back before killing him.
Wow this is getting long but lastly their playlist/kin songs.
Bones - imagine dragons and other songs
This is love - Air traffic
Like a lot of Melanie Martinez
Alec Benjamin - if I killed someone for you
Locked out of heaven - Bruno Mars
Skillet - monster and feel invincible
That's it thanks for reading this.
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Kipo from Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts.
Hi hun! You honestly didn’t miss anything with the first request! Ill get to it! But i’ve stated before that looks dont really play into much!
But i have to admit, this made me a little uncomfortable with mentions of real life cannibals and looking up to them? and actual SA. I just need general stuff about personality, and thats what i got! I do appreciate that you came back! Obviously no hate to the commenter, but its more of a general statement gor everybody else to know, since a lot of people usually miss other things!
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dominickmedici · 2 years
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Waking up next to her was a slice of heaven in his permanent life in Hell. He needed her like he needed to breathe. Every touch sent his body on fire. Every kiss was a kiss from an angel. The way she looked at him made him weak. Ever since he had walked into the building, he had been hooked. Drawn in like a moth to a flame. He’d never met anyone like her before. She was intoxicating and he couldn’t get enough.
Tonight was date night, and he was very excited to be able to take her out. Getting out of the shower, he wrapped the towel around his waist and ran his fingers through his hair. Leaning against the sink, he brushed his teeth and let out a little hiss, making sure his fangs were clean too. When he was satisfied that his teeth were good, he dried off and walked into the bedroom to dress in a pair of black jeans, a white button down shirt and a nice jacket. Slipping on his shoes, he checked himself in the full length mirror and grinned. “Very nice Dom.”
Getting into the car, he headed over to Ruby Diamonds and Akasha’s home. She had mentioned meeting him at the restaurant, but he definitely wasn’t going to make her commute. He may be a vampire but he had manners. He was Italian after all. He knew how to treat his lady.
Parking out front, he checked himself once more in the mirror then got out. He headed inside and was greeted by Amy. “Hello Amy. Is Akasha here?” “Of course Mr. Medici. She’s waiting for you. She said you could go on up, wait in the living room.” He flashed the girl a smile, chuckling when she let out a nervous little giggle, and disappeared up the stairs that led up to Akasha’s private areas.
Taking a deep breath as he walked into the room, he tilted his head. Something didn’t feel right. Something was definitely off. The more he walked around the living room, the more weird things felt. “Akasha?”
No response. Usually she responded. He walked through the room. The scent was wrong. Definitely wrong. Akasha’s scent was all over the room, but there was one he couldn’t place. But he didn’t like it- for more than one reason. Hissing quietly, he left the living room and made his way through the rest of the house, growling as the scent grew stronger as he got closer to her room. He definitely didn’t like that.
Getting to her room, he took a breath. He hissed and growled as he pushed the door open. “Akasha?” He peaked his head into the room before stepping all the way inside. She was gone. The bed was a mess and it looked like she’d packed in a hurry. The scent he didn’t like lingered in the air and it was only making him even more angry. As he looked around the room, he saw a note with his name on it.
Dom, you are amazing, never forget that. I love you, but I love him more. I’m sorry. Xox A
Reading the note, Dominick wanted to throw up. He felt sick. A million thoughts ran through his mind, and none of them were good. Had he done something wrong? Did she really love him or was she just telling him that? Was what they had more real for him than it had been for her? How long had she been seeing the him?
He read the note again, his hand shaking as he held it in his hand. He didn’t have a heart but for a brief moment he did. And it was breaking. His breathing grew heavier the longer he stood in the room. Grabbing one of his favorites of Akasha’s shirts, he sat on her bed. As soon as he sat down he was hit with intense smells. Akasha and a male.
Even worse. A wolf.
He growled, hissing sharply as the hurt sank even further. An image flashed through his mind- one that he would never get rid of. His beautiful Akasha underneath a wolf, moaning and moving with him the way she did with him. The thought alone made him sick.
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Sliding off the bed to his knees on the floor, Dominick let out a soul bearing, soul piercing scream- one full of anger, pain, and hurt.
After a moment, he put the note into his pocket, held into the shirt and scowled. He picked up a pillow and took in the scents. Ignoring Akasha’s scent, he isolated the wolf’s scent. He had him. Dominick was going to make this man pay.
-several hours later-
Standing in the woods, he knew he was close. He could smell both of them. His scent was strong, but hers was faint, but closer. He moved towards the scent and what he saw broke his heart even further. Hoping he wasn’t actually looking at what he thought, he slowly walked closer. The closer he got, the more his heart broke. Again. Sinking to his knees next to Akasha’s lifeless body, he picked her up and hugged her to his chest. Growling, he pulled the arrow out of her chest, gripping it in his hand.
Akasha has been killed by a hunter because of that damn wolf.
The Hunter was going to die. But the wolf was going to suffer. In so many ways. He’d not only taken his woman but she was now dead because of him. He was going to die. Slowly. Painfully.
Dominick was going to make sure of it. That was a promise. He wasn’t going to get away with this.
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(To be continued….)
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