#but for real my partner is on like day two of her trip that lasts a little over a month
lunarsapphism · 2 months
lesbian long distance actually is completely different from any other long distance and i believe that so wholeheartedly
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Something There (Chapter 3)
7.1k words
Roy Kent x Reader
Warnings: Language, some angst, putting the "enemies" in "enemies-to-lovers", some sexual references, more childish arguments between adults who clearly want each other
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“Oi! Coach Buck! Need a hand?”
“Thanks Jamie.” I smiled as I handed my duffel bag to a smiling Jamie Tartt. Just as I was about to ask where he got his adorable headband a gruff voice barked out-
With a groan, I turned my attention to the middle of the parking lot, which was full of Whippets and Greyhounds, who, up until a moment ago, were mingling and chattering as they loaded their luggage onto the two team buses. In the center of it all stood Rebecca, still managing to look like an absolute goddess in her ponytail and activewear that probably cost more than I could ever afford, and Roy, standing like a drill sergeant in a black tracksuit, scowling at everyone. If I didn’t know him, I’d think he was just angry to be in a parking lot at six in the morning with two professional soccer teams who were acting more like teens going on an overnight trip. But, knowing Roy Kent, that was just his stupid, rugged face.
Rebecca plastered on a smile as everyone turned in their direction. “Thank you, Roy,” she hummed. She turned to the two teams. “Good morning, all!” Everyone called back either mumbled or enthusiastic greetings- nothing in between, although I did notice that most people seemed excited. “Right, so thank you all for being on time. We are just about ready to head on out. But we thought, in the spirit of this weekend, that we shouldn’t all be on our separate buses. Instead, you will be seated with someone from the other team, Greyhounds and Whippets.” There was a pleased buzz among the players. “Just a way to start getting to know each other and becoming that united Richmond community I know we can be.” With those last words, her eyes pointed meaningfully at Roy and then me.
It was all a bit embarrassing. There was no secret at Nelson Road that the reason for the “First Annual Pre-Season Retreat” was because of us. It had become something of a joke. Someone even tried to start calling us “lovebirds” after Rebecca’d screamed at us in the hallway, but Roy had very quickly put a stop to that with just a growl. Of course, no one could stop Lucas from making those same jokes to me in private as we watched Lust Conquers All at my place.
“So, Whippets, you’ll report to your dear Coach Lucas-” Rebecca pointed at Lucas, who stood between the buses holding a drawstring bag. “-and you’ll pull out the name of one of the Greyhounds. Once you have your seat partner, you can start climbing aboard.” She offered me that same tight smile she’d had that day in her office after she screamed at Roy and me. “Coach Buck, why don’t you lead by example?”
Praying my blush wasn’t as bright as it felt, I made my way to Lucas, who looked suspiciously chipper as I dipped my hand into the bag. I felt around the papers before grabbing one, praying I’d get Jamie, or Dani, or Sam, or Nate, literally anyone but-
“Roy Kent,” I read flatly, narrowing my eyes at the still-grinning Lucas. “This thing’s fucking rigged,” I grumbled.
“Of course it’s rigged,” confirmed Rebecca, who I hadn’t realized had moved towards the buses. “You two are the whole reason we’re here in the first place. Now on you go.” She gestured towards the Whippets’ bus. “Any two seats as long as they’re together.” She turned to Lucas. “Go ahead and put the real papers in, please.”
I watched with utmost betrayal (and a little admiration) as Lucas emptied out the bag- which I now realized was full of papers just bearing Roy’s name- and filled it with fresh pages, which held the names of people I’d actually want to sit with.
Roy, whose pained expression probably matched my own, scowled down at me as we headed towards the bus doors. “You don’t get fucking carsick, do you?”
“Nope.” What the fuck?
He nodded. “Good. We’re sitting in the back. Dunno about your team, but mine’s annoying as fuck on road trips, and I want to be as far away from them as possible.” He stomped up the steps, not bothering to glance back to see if I was following him. I let out a deep breath and adjusted my backpack on my shoulder.
When I stepped onto the bus, Roy was already sitting in the very back, arms crossed and eyes focused on the window. Because, obviously, he took the window seat. With a huff, I plopped down next to him, stuffing my backpack between my feet.
“Coach! Can we sit with you?” Jamie had stepped onto the bus, followed by Kira, the Whippets’ newly dubbed captain.
“No!” Roy barked, rolling his eyes.
Despite Roy’s answer, Jamie and Kira sat down in front of us, with Jamie assuring Kira that Coach Kent was just joking. He turned and sat up on his knees to look over the seats at us while the rest of the bus filled up.
“Coach, can we roast marshmallows tonight?”
Roy looked comically disgusted, either by Jamie’s suggestion or the simple fact that the striker was talking to him. “Fuck no.” He turned back to the window.
Jamie pouted and turned his attention to me. “Coach Buck would let us roast marshmallows, wouldn’t ya, Coach?”
“That’s more Rebecca’s call, she’s the one planning this thing,” I reminded him. “Besides, did you even bring marshmallows?”
“Oh, no.”
With a grunt, Roy looked back at us. “Then this is a fucking pointless conversation, isn’t it?”
Jamie lit up again. “Sam brought the marshmallows, actually. I was in charge of chocolate.”
Roy’s eyes narrowed at his player before he looked back at me. “’m taking a fucking nap. If I wake up with a dick Sharpied on my face, I will make sure to find a lake to throw all of your clothes into.”
“I’d be doing you a favor,” I muttered like a child, folding my arms and slouching. “A dick on your face would distract from what a dick you are.”
He opened his mouth to retort, but the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted us. In unison, we looked up to see Rebecca, eyebrow arched as she gazed down at us. Fuck, that was the exact face my mom would make when she had to pick me up in the principal’s office.
“Jamie, could you keep an eye on the gaffers here? Make sure there’s no fighting?”
The striker nodded earnestly, clearly intent taking his job seriously. “You got it, boss.”
Next to me, Roy snorted. “What, you don’t want to do babysit us yourself?”
“Oh, no,” Rebecca scoffed. “I’ll be on the other bus. I am not subjecting myself to the two of you for the next two hours.” With that, she whipped around and strutted off the bus, offering us a teasing wave before climbing down the stairs.
I slumped further down in my seat, determined not to look at Roy for what I knew would be the longest two hours of my life.
Roy wasn’t sure how long he’d been napping. He just knew that when he opened his eyes, there were trees everywhere, the sky was overcast, the players had finally stopped singing Taylor Swift songs, and someone’s head was on his shoulder.
He looked down out of the corner of his eyes. Her eyes were closed, and her eyebrows were scrunched, and the way her lips twitched made Roy wonder what she could be dreaming about. Him? She’d probably say that was a fucking nightmare.
A small, idiotic part of Roy wanted her to stay there, close to him. Wrapping an arm around her was almost fucking tempting, especially when she shifted closer and he caught a whiff of- was that lavender? Fuck, why did she always smell nice? Another part of him- the logical part, he assured himself- wanted to wake her up by shoving her off of himself and chastising her for drooling on him.
But the part of him that didn’t want Jamie fucking Tartt to narc on him decided just to pretend he was still napping and sit up a little, gently, so that she would slowly wake up, realize how fucking close she was to him, and get the fuck off of him. So, that was what Roy did.
Sure enough, as soon as he shifted, her eyes fluttered open. Quickly, she pulled herself away from Roy, checking that he was still asleep- or at least appeared so. Relieved to see his eyes closed, she turned her face towards the aisle, hoping none of the players had seen her admittedly embarrassing moment.
That stupid part of Roy missed her warmth.
After a bit, figuring she wouldn’t suspect a thing, Roy pretended to wake up, wondering why he fucking cared so much going through all this trouble to save her the embarrassment of being caught using his shoulder as a pillow.He glanced over at her; as if she could feel his gaze, she turned in his direction, her cheeks growing in color the moment their eyes met.
“Don’t worry,” she hummed, cool as ever. “Didn’t draw a dick on you. Couldn’t find my Sharpie.”
Instead of the small chuckle that grew in his chest, Roy gave a little grunt of acknowledgement before pressing his forehead to the cool window, not sure what he’d do if he kept looking at her, in those leggings and that cozy-looking fleece jacket with the little Whippets logo embroidered right over her heart. He spent the rest of the bus ride sitting like that, watching the trees whizz by, listening as Jamie turned around and engaged her in an animated conversation about the places she’d visited in England so far, with both of them giggling when Jamie mentioned that club. Roy’s ears grew white-hot as he remembered that night when all three of them were there. Fucking idiot.
What if he’d been in a good mood that night? If he’d smiled and helped a pretty stranger order her drink? If he’d asked where she was from and discovered she was American? If he inquired about what brought her to England and discovered who she was? Hell, what if he’d done his homework and read the damn report Keeley had written? He’d have recognized her immediately and probably put in the effort to introduce himself. Maybe even bought her that drink, welcome her to Richmond. And they’d smile at each other at work and have pleasant conversations and chat as they ran on the treadmills at the end of the day and share the Dog Track like mature adults and maybe one day, down the road, Roy would ask what she was up to some weekend and if she would maybe be interested in-
Nope. Nope. Shut the fuck up, Roy. Just keep staring at the fucking trees.
When the bus finally arrived at the campground, Roy did some quick math, and realized they’d napped together for about forty minutes. Forty minutes of her sleeping with her head on his shoulder, their faces just centimeters away from each other without anyone shouting or arguing.
Not that it fucking mattered.
Everyone loaded off the buses, chattering excitedly. Finding a good opportunity to put some space between them after the too-close bus ride, Roy helped unload the luggage from the Whippets’ bus, relishing the chance to throw Jamie’s bright pink leather duffel bag in his face.
Once everyone had their belongings, Rebecca waved to get everyone’s attention, projecting her voice in a way that impressed even the gaffers. “Right then. So, we have just a short trek to the cabins. Ladies will be one way, gentlemen the other, and coaches-” The coaching staff perked up. “We’ll be in the middle.”
Roy threw his head back as Rebecca warned the players against turning the weekend into the Olympic Village, which caused more than a few Greyhounds to pout. All of the coaches would be sharing a cabin? More of this co-ed shit? Sharing with anyone would be bad enough, Roy would rather sleep on the fucking bus than have to listen to Coach Beard’s snoring, but having to spend his weekend sleeping in the same room as-
“You know you’re in the way.”
“Fucking seriously?” He turned around and glared at the coach as she adjusted her duffel bag on her shoulder, ponytail bouncing like she was in a fucking shampoo commercial. “There’s an entire fucking forest. Just fucking go around me.”
Jamie Tartt clicked his tongue as he walked by. “Careful, you two, or I’ll have to tell Rebecca you’re bickerin’ again.”
“Fuck off, Tartt,” Roy grumbled, just as Coach Buck muttered, “Can it, Jamie.” The two coaches blinked at one another before following the group along the path, neither of them saying anything more as they walked side by side.
“Bunk beds. Of course it’s fucking bunk beds.” Roy Kent scowled and dropped his bag on the cabin floor, right in front of the doorway.
“Seriously, Kent?” I groaned, glaring down at his stupid duffel bag. “Move your fucking bag.”
He rolled his eyes, but nevertheless Roy picked his bag back up and moved further into the cabin. I followed him in, tossing my own bag onto the closest bunk I could find. Slowly the other coaches and Rebecca filed in, all carrying their luggage.
Sitting on one of the bottom bunks, Roy scowled. “Any chance I’m allowed to sleep outside and hope a fucking badger mauls me?”
Before I could second that idea, Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Roy, I will assign you and your shit knee to a top bunk if you don’t watch it. Besides,” she continued, “just think of this as one big sleepover. We’ll stay up late, tell ghost stories, share our deepest secrets, and drink the booze I know Coach Beard has in his backpack.”
“Moonshine always makes me feel better when I’m feeling a little homesick,” Beard explained, winking in my direction. I grinned back.
“Right,” Rebecca hummed. “Well, we are all meeting in that big open space once we’re settled in.” She checked her watch. “Doctor Sharon should be arriving soon.”
Nate lit up as he unzipped his suitcase. “Doctor Sharon’s coming?”
Rebecca nodded. “She’ll be running this weekend basically. She’s kind enough to drive back and forth to be with us.”
“We could’ve just driven back and forth?” Roy groaned, throwing his head back. “Fuck!”
I scoffed as Lucas tossed his own bag on the bunk above mine. “You really think Rebecca’d give us that option?”
“No one fucking asked you,” he mumbled, loud enough that only we could hear.
Lucas gripped my shoulders and steered me towards the doors. “Why don’t we head on out before Rebecca schedules you two some couple’s counseling, hmm?”
About thirty minutes later, both teams were assembled in the amphitheater behind the coaches’ cabin, listening as Doctor Sharon explained what the weekend would consist of.
“… and I did make sure to schedule time for team-building games,” she was saying, which was rewarded with a giant whoop from Isaac McAdoo. “Now, there will be a block of time in the afternoons where you’re able to train with your coaches-” She gestured towards us. “-and I will be set up to meet with anyone who just needs to talk one-on-one during that time.”
My eyes wandered as Doctor Sharon continued to talk about the small groups we’d all been assigned to. It was almost impressive to see the Greyhounds pay such attention; they could be absolute toddlers sometimes with all that energy, but apparently something about Doctor Sharon commanded their respect and attention. She and I had only said hello a couple of times, but already I liked her no-nonsense attitude.
As I continued looking around, a pair of brown eyes locked with mine across the amphitheater. Fucking Roy Kent, making me spend my weekend here, I thought with an instinctive scowl, which was quickly returned by the bearded man.
“Hey,” Lucas hissed as he elbowed me. “Stop undressing that man with your eyes. I don’t care about how much you want to run your hands through his chest hair and let him have his way with you. You are in public, Bucky.”
I broke the staring contest to gape at Lucas. “Quit saying shit like that! Someone’s going to fucking hear you one of these days.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s not exactly a huge secret. Everyone knows you two want to shag.” He loved using British slang now, especially when he was being obnoxious. “Well, except maybe you two.”
“Luke, I swear to-”
“So, go ahead and get into your groups,” Doctor Sharon was saying. “And we’ll start our ice breaker.”
Lucas stood and pulled me up with him. “Gee, I wonder who’s in your group.”
“Bite me,” I grumbled as I left him to walk over to Dani, who I knew was in my small group based on the lists Rebecca had given everyone.
“Hola, Coach Bucky!” he greeted with that dazzling smile. “I am so excited that we are in the same group for this weekend!”
I couldn’t help but return his infectious grin. “It’ll be fun,” I agreed. Of course, I immediately regretted my words when Roy strode over to us, already frowning.
“Can’t believe we’re in the same fucking group,” he muttered, crossing his arms.
“Really?” I scoffed as Kira, Olivia, one of my defenders, and a couple more Greyhounds- Colin Hughes and Richard Montlaur- strolled over. “You think Rebecca wouldn’t use this as an opportunity to punish us even more?”
He only growled in response, which I’d realized was his way of admitting that I was right about something without actually telling me I was right. Fucking idiot. Against my will, Lucas had given me the lowdown on Roy Kent’s romantic history; how the hell did he get models and actresses to sleep with him? He was so damn weird.
Okay, well he had been a successful soccer player and was a pretty solid coach now. Which meant he was famous. And probably pretty wealthy. And obviously in shape. And I could see how some people would think he was attractive in a rugged, lumberjack kind of way way. And even I had to admit that there was something kind of sexy about that growling way he spoke-
Realizing I was staring at Roy still, I turned my attention to the players who’d joined us. “Hey Colin, how ya doing?”
He nodded. “Good, good. Just kind of cold.” He rubbed his bare arms.
Before I could point out his lack of jacket, Doctor Sharon called for everyone’s attention. “Right. Just to start things off simply, we are going to play Human Knot. It’s a great way to practice cooperation and communication. So, please, circle up, grab hands, and, well, you know the rest.”
Our group did as we were told, quickly thrusting our hands into the center and grabbing whoever we could. The next few minutes were full of tugging and climbing over arms and ducking under arms. Despite Roy’s growling, I found myself having fun, laughing with the players as we tried to solve our self-made puzzle, determined to be the first group finished. It wasn’t until we were nearly done that I realized whose hand was holding in my left.
“Whoo! Bucky!” Lucas called across the field as my group spread out into a perfect circle, finished with our game.
Roy’s eyes were fixed on our joined hands, a scowl on his bearded face. I wondered if my hand was warm in his, like his felt in mine. Not that it mattered; the moment Doctor Sharon declared our team the winners of the game, he yanked his hand out of mine, nearly ripping my arm off in the process.
“Dick,” I hissed, rubbing my now sore shoulder.
“Priss,” he shot back, rolling his eyes.
“How are we doing here, coaches?” Rebecca, who’d appeared with the stealth of a ninja, clapped her hands on our shoulders, beaming at us with scrutiny behind her eyes, daring either of us to complain.
In unison, we both plastered on fake smiles and chirped, “Great!”
When everyone was dismissed for lunch, Roy watched as she waved goodbye to everyone except him, then went on her merry way to Lucas so they could walk to the dining hall together, hating the feeling he got in his stomach as he watched her figure stroll away.
It was the longest fucking morning of Roy Kent’s life. He’d had to play childish icebreaker games, do a fucking relay race that killed his knee, and sit in some fucking hippie circle talking about what it means to be a good listener or some shit. Worst of all, he had to do all of it while trying not to stare at the only other coach in his group.
“How’s it going?”
Because this was shaping up to also be the worst day of Roy Kent’s life, Jamie had appeared at Roy’s side; Roy wondered if the striker had caught him staring at the Whippets’ manager.
When Roy only grunted in response, Jamie continued talking as the two men began walking. “Boy, you really got it bad for Coach Buck, don’t ya?”
Roy stopped in his tracks, fists clenched at his side. “The fuck did you just say?”
Jamie cocked his head. “Coach Buck. You like her, right?” Receiving no answer, Jamie shrugged and kept walking; Roy reluctantly followed suit. “I mean, I don’t blame ya. She’s mad fit and smart and obviously likes football and she’s the only person I’ve ever seen get under your skin more than I do.”
“I don’t fucking like her,” Roy spat, glancing around to make sure no one was close enough to hear Jamie’s lunacy. “Can’t fucking stand her, actually. And the feeling’s mutual so don’t worry about me hurting her fucking feelings.”
A small O formed on Jamie’s lips. “Oh fuck, you’re in complete denial then? Shit, I thought you were just trying to keep it a secret until you figured out how she feels.” He patted his coach’s back. “Let me know when you realize you fancy her so we can have a proper chat, yeah?”
Not bothering to wait for Roy’s inevitably expletive-filled answer, Jamie jogged ahead, slowing down so he could walk backwards while chatting with a trio of Whippets.
Finally alone, Roy sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. You’re in complete denial then? Fucking Jamie Tartt, he really was stupider than he looked. Roy didn’t like her; on the contrary, he thought she was the most infuriating person he’d ever met. So fucking argumentative. He’d yet to have an actual conversation with her; how was he supposed to tolerate her, let alone like her?
Roy didn’t like her. Roy didn’t like her. Roy didn’t like her. Roy didn’t fucking like-
“Coach Kent.” Doctor Sharon offered a small smile as she approached him. “Mind if I walk with you?”
Roy cleared his throat and his mind. “That’s fine.” He bobbled his head from side to side. “Can’t believe they got you to drive up here for this shit.”
Doctor Sharon’s smile became a smirk. “Can’t believe you’re the reason for ‘this shit’, as you call it.”
“Oh no, not you too,” Roy groaned, throwing his head back. “Listen, I’m fucking sorry everyone has to give up their weekend, but come on, we all know Rebecca was the one who came up with this idea, fucking blame her.” He shrugged. “She could’ve just sent us to go do some fucking mediation with you and be done with it.”
The doctor shook her head. “Roy, this is about more than the two of you. This is about two teams becoming a community. It’s something Ms. Welton feels quite strongly about. She wants the Whippets to be successful, and she thinks having the Greyhounds in their corner is a key part of that. You can understand that, right?”
Roy shrugged. “Fucking guess so,” he mumbled as they approached the dining hall.
“And it doesn’t help things when her two managers are at each other’s throats all the time, does it?” Doctor Sharon asked pointedly.
“No,” Roy admitted with a defeated sigh as they joined the line for food.
Once they’d loaded their trays with whatever food Roy couldn’t be bothered to try to identify, Roy heard someone call his name. When he turned, he saw Coach Lucas waving at him from a table with all the coaches and Rebecca; only one of them looked annoyed at the sight of him.
“Come on, then,” Doctor Sharon said as she nudged Roy. “Good opportunity for you two to practice being civil.”
Roy reluctantly followed Doctor Sharon to the coaches’ table, grunting as they were greeted. Internally, he groaned when he realized he was sitting directly across from the Americans.
While everyone ate, Roy did his best to focus on Beard sitting to his right, he really did. But he kept feeling his gaze shift across the table, where he’d catch glimpses of her smiling, laughing, joking. He especially hated the way his eyes lingered on her mouth when she sipped her water through the straw of her water bottle; even without her red lipstick, he couldn’t help the way his eyes continually settled there, wondering if those lips were as soft as they looked.
“Roy? Did you hear what I said?”
Blinking and praying to whatever deity was listening that no one had caught him ogling, Roy turned to look at Nate on Beard’s other side. “What?”
Nate leaned forward. “Rebecca was telling us about a nearby field we can use for training. D’you want me to go ahead and set up cones to make the pitch?”
 Roy nodded. “Yeah, yeah that’s fine.”
The lips he really wished were out of his eyeline started moving. “You want some help Nate?” Her eyes flickered to Roy for a brief moment. “We’ll be using it too, after all.”
“That would be lovely, thanks Coach!” Nate beamed and picked up his plate. “Ready to go?”
“Absolutely.” Her eyes returned to Roy as she grabbed her plate. She stood up and stared at him for a moment, head slightly tilted. It was an unreadable stare, one that didn’t hold her usual fiery anger. It was a look that made Roy’s stupid heart flutter for a brief moment.
Of course, she couldn’t know the effect she had on him. Fuck no. So, he let his eyes narrow at her suspiciously, much to the chagrin of an observant Doctor Sharon and the amusement of a perceptive Coach Beard, and was rewarded with an exasperated eyeroll.
“You’ve got fucking spaghetti sauce on your shirt, Kent,” she huffed.
Roy didn’t check his shirt until she had turned on her heel, put her plate in a stack of dirty dishes by the kitchen, and strutted out of the dining hall with Nate right behind her. It was only once she was out of sight that Roy looked down at his chest, where a small splatter of red stained the bright blue of his Richmond jacket, right above his stupid, stupid heart.
As much as Rebecca wanted to torture us that weekend, she still wanted winning teams. So, after Doctor Sharon’s presentation on “healthy communication methods” (during which Roy Kent communicated his annoyance by healthily glaring at me pretty much the whole time), the teams were dismissed to go to the pitch Nate and I had set up.
I turned away from Lucas, who’d been asking about our warm up. Roy towered over me, his fingers twitching slightly as he stared at me. He looked like the slightest movement would spook him, so I simply raised my eyebrows to let him know I was listening.
He cleared his throat. “If you want, we can work on the north half of the pitch. You can have the shade.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lucas’s jaw drop slightly. It was hard to blame him; Roy Kent was speaking to me civilly. Even worse, he was offering to do something nice. Nate had to have put him up to it. Or Beard. Hell, knowing Rebecca, she’d probably threatened him into it.
Not that I was going to turn it down.
“Sounds like a plan,” I replied. Lucas nudged me sharply. “Thanks,” I quietly added.
“Hmmph.” With a curt nod, Roy headed to the north side of the field, where, with an earsplitting “Whistle!”, he gathered his team.
Lucas blew his actual, physical whistle and had Kira lead the Whippets in warming up. With the team occupied, he turned to me. “Well, wasn’t that sweet,” he hummed, waggling his eyebrows.
Eyes glued to my players, I scoffed. “It was the least he could do, considering how we landed here in the first place. Besides, everyone’s chomping at the bit to rat on us if we start fighting. He’s probably just trying to make it look like he’s the bigger person.”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” Lucas laughed, turning his attention back to the team. “But hey, stay in denial, that’s fine. Just don’t come crying to me when you wake up in that man’s bed someday.”
The punch that landed on his arm would end up leaving a bruise that lasted for several days.
On the bright side, at least my assistant coach shut up and focused on practice. Sharing the field proved a bit difficult, but I found solace in the fact that Roy Kent was suffering just as much, having to pause when one of our balls ended up on their side or realizing he didn’t have enough space for a certain drill. As the afternoon came to a close, I blew my whistle and called my team over.
“Great job, all,” I declared. “I know it wasn’t our normal practice, so I really appreciate your patience.” I glanced at my watch. “You’ve got about forty minutes til dinner, so you’ve got some free time. Shower, rest. Don’t forget Doctor Sharon’s available, too.”
Kira Malone spoke up. “Actually, Coach, we’re staying out here for a bit. You’re welcome to watch if you want.”
Lucas and I exchanged looks. “Okay,” I said slowly, trying not to show my confusion.
The Whippets stayed on the field, kicking around a couple of balls. It took a moment, but I realized they were watching the Greyhounds; no, they were waiting for the Greyhounds. The moment Roy dismissed the men, they jogged over to the women, and everyone began chattering excitedly.
“What the hell are they doing?” Lucas whispered as we planted ourselves on the grass.
I shrugged. “No clue.”
Each team lined up at one end of the field, everyone looking exhilarated, bouncing on their heels and smiling. Nate strolled over to us, holding a ball in his hands.
“You two staying to watch?”
Lucas tilted his head. “What exactly are we staying to watch, Nathan?”
A knowing grin spread across the assistant coach’s face. “Oh. You’ll see. Isaac and Kira had the idea during lunch.” He turned and walked to the center circle, where he placed the ball as if a game were about to begin. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Roy and Beard standing by the goal post, watching with just as much interest and muttering to one another.
When Nate, who’d moved off the field, blew his whistle, Isaac and Kira, who were first in line, sprinted forward, racing towards the ball. Kira reached it first and began making her way towards the men’s goal; Isaac managed to steal and ball and take it the other direction. After a bit of back and forth, Isaac scored, eliciting thunderous cheers from both sides. Lucas and I exchanged glances. What the heck?
Colin Hughes and Cheri Willis competed next. Then Sam Obisanya and Sandra Finley. On and on. Eventually, every player had ran up to the ball and had a little one-on-one with a member of the other team. When Kira and Isaac ended up at the front of the line again, both lines rushed forward and, keeping their lines, exchanged giggly high-fives- as if they were children after an AYSO game instead of professional athletes.
As the players mingled and laughed, Beard and Nate made their way over to us; Roy followed, keeping his usual distance.
“Did you guys know about that?” Beard asked, eyebrows raised over his sunglasses.
We shook our heads. “You?”
Nate perked up. “Isaac told me about it during training. I guess during lunch one of the Whippets mentioned how much she liked doing playing that after practices as a kid, everyone thought it sounded like fun.” His smile turned thoughtful. “That looked like a blast for them. I had fun just watching them,” he added.
“Me too.” We all turned; there was Rebecca, watching us with an amused grin. “That is what this weekend is about.” She pointed to the players, who were beginning to make their way to cabins and showers, laughter on their lips and springs in their steps. “Respect. Collaboration. Community.” She eyed me and Roy, who’d slowly made his way over once he’d caught sight of Rebecca. “Something we could all learn, hmm?”
Roy and I turned our gazes to one another; I could tell he was trying just as hard as I was not to narrow or roll his eyes, or let out an annoyed huff, or make a snarky comment. We both knew Rebecca was waiting for us to surrender and call a truce. Maybe even pay a compliment about each other’s coaching. Hell, just a mutual nod of agreement would be enough. Just offer her some glimmer of hope that the entire season wouldn’t be all bickering and screaming.
But neither of us was willing to yield first.
“Gonna go take a fucking shower,” Roy mumbled, turning and following the players back up towards the cabin, his head ducked downward, as if he felt the same embarrassment I felt. I wondered if he was also asking himself, Why is this so fucking hard?
Roy banged the back of his head repeatedly against the cabin wall. This was stupid. Childish. A fucking waste of time. And he wasn’t positive, but he thought it might be a human rights violation.
Despite the players’ little game and Rebecca’s “one happy family” moment after training, they’d found a new opportunity to argue: Roy had left his towel hanging from the wrong bunk. And of course, that was a fucking problem. Because everything was a fucking problem, apparently.
“Alright, I’m done!” Coach Beard scolded, reminding Roy more of an exasperated father than an assistant coach. “You two, with me.”
The still seething managers reluctantly followed Beard along the dirt path to a small cabin, more of a shed really, filled with tools and gardening equipment. Beard opened the door and gestured for them to go inside.
“Excuse me?” she had squeaked as Roy grumbled, “What the fuck, Beard?”
With an eerie calmness that made Roy’s blood go cold, Beard nodded towards the shed. “Go inside. Do not come out until you figure out how to get along. Or you’ve banged this thing out of your systems. Or one of you is dead. At this point I don’t care.”
“I doubt Rebecca’d be okay with this,” Coach Buck tried, clearly as desperate as Roy not to go inside the shed. “Or Doctor Sharon.”
Coach Beard laughed in their faces. “Do you two really want Rebecca to know you’re fighting again?”
Fucking Beard. He had a point.
So now Roy sat on the floor of a fucking storage shed, with no light but a bare bulb above them, trying to stay in his little personal space bubble as best he could, trying not to flinch every time their knees bumped, each tiny touch sending Roy’s heart into overdrive.
“Can’t believe I’m missing the fucking s’mores to sit in a shed with you,” she sighed, closing her eyes as she leaned her head against the same wall Roy was trying to kill himself on.
Roy snorted. “Really? You’re upset over marshmallows? That’s the most American shit I’ve ever heard. And I played for fucking Lasso.”
She tilted her head towards him, the soft light on her face making his chest tighten almost painfully. “Yeah, Kent. I’m upset over fucking marshmallows.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m missing a bonding experience with my team, idiot. You’ve coached the Greyhounds for what, three years now? And you played with most of those guys, right?” She wiped some dirt off her knee, brushing his knee as she did. “I’m still getting to know my players. Earning their trust. And I’m missing an opportunity to spend time with them off the field because I have to sit in this shed with you.”
There was a heavy silence as Roy took in her words. She was always pointing out the differences between their experiences; he was experienced, she was new, he was home, she was an outsider, he was a man, she was a woman.
Of course, when she was feeling particularly feisty, she’d also remind him that she was an Olympic champion. Which he was not.
To his surprise, she broke the silence. “Tell me about Lasso.”
Roy furrowed his brow and stared at her. “What?”
“Ted Lasso.” She shrugged. “You all keep talking about the guy. This American manager who got Roy Kent to actually tolerate him.” She narrowed her eyes, a hint of playfulness behind them this time. “Kind of curious how he managed that.”
The snort that came out of Roy’s nose surprised them both. “Dunno. He fucking wore me down with how fucking kind he is. Made me fucking soft. Wanker.”
She nodded. “So, if I’m aggressively nice, you’ll stop rolling your eyes every time I walk into the room?”
“Maybe.” Roy didn’t bother to stop the corner of his mouth from tugging upwards. “You’ve got to be real fucking annoying about it, though.”
“Shouldn’t be too hard. Everyone knows you think I’m annoying as fuck already.”
Both coaches let out breathy chuckles, each thinking about how silly, and ridiculous, and stupid this whole thing was. They were fucking adults, after all. Professionals. They both wanted to lead their teams to victory; and, if they were being honest, both wanted the same for the other coach’s team.
So why the fuck were they in a fucking shed in the middle of the woods?
Roy took a shaky breath, not sure where he was going with this. “It’s impressive, you know,” he murmured. “The whole moving to a new country to start a new team shit. Don’t know how you did it.”
Even in the dim glow of the lone bulb, he could see her face tint pink. “It’s kind of fucking scary,” she admitted softly. “But it’s also kind of the coolest shit I’ve ever done.”
“Yeah,” Roy agreed, shouldering her playfully, amazed by his own actions. “Even I have to admit, it’s pretty fucking impressive.” He bobbled his head and rolled his eyes. “Almost as impressive as an Olympic gold medal.”
He liked the sheepish grin she shot him. It looked good on her. “Alright, I might bring that up a lot. But no one gets mad at Michael Phelps for talking about his.”
“That bastard has, like a million of them,” Roy laughed, feeling his shoulders relax for the first time since he’d walked into the changing room on her first day. “But I guess you have a fucking point. It’s impressive,” he repeated.
“You know what’ll be really impressive?”
Instinctively, Roy leaned closer, not caring if she noticed the way his eyes flickered down to her mouth, still gorgeous even without that red lipstick. “Hmm?”
Her raised eyebrows told him that if she noticed, she didn’t mind. “When both of our teams win the whole fucking thing at the end of this year.”
“I hate to break it to you, but Chelsea did that a few years ago,” Roy informed her.
“So? Fuck Chelsea.” She was completely grinning now, a sight Roy couldn’t believe was all his to witness, rather than stealing a glimpse of a smile meant for someone else. “We’re fucking Richmond. You guys are, like, perennial underdogs, and we’re a brand-new team led by an American. That’s some fairy tale shit.”
Roy nodded softly. “Fairy tale shit,” he repeated. “I like it.”
Before Roy could do something about the warm feeling in his chest that he hoped she was also having, there was a buzzing noise coming from her pocket. With a frown, she pulled out her mobile, clearing her throat as she glanced at it. Unable to help himself, his eyes flickered to the screen, where he saw fucking George Willows’s name above a text message.
“Guess I finally got a fucking signal out here,” she joked, locking her phone and darkening the screen. She looked back at Roy. “So, fairy tale shit?”
Roy leaned back, putting distance between them again- physical and metaphorical. “It’ll be a good season,” he said bluntly, ending whatever moment he decided was one-sided. “I’m sure your team’ll do fucking fine.” He paused, finger tapping on his bad knee. “D’you need to text fucking Willows back? Set up an interview or some shit?”
This time, the color on her cheeks wasn’t for Roy. “Oh, yeah. He wants to do some profiles on the Whippets, so we’re setting that up.”
Roy let his head fall back against the wall, wondering how hard he’d have to hit it to give himself a concussion. “Shouldn’t you let Keeley deal with the devil? It’s part of her job.”
She sighed. “He’s not the devil. He’s a nice guy. And I don’t mind helping out.” Smile now completely gone, she frowned at Roy. “And I don’t have to justify myself to you, Kent.”
“No,” he agreed. “Guess you fucking don’t.” He stood as suddenly as his knees would allow, nodding towards the door. “Come on. Let’s just fucking tell Beard we apologized to each other and agreed that ignoring each other is the best course of action.”
“Fine.” She hoisted herself up, slower and more carefully than Roy expected. “Thanks coming up with that idea right now instead of, oh I dunno, an hour ago.”
Not quite looking at Roy, she brushed past him, giving his shoulder a little shove with her own, and threw the door open. Roy stood in the doorway and watched as she walked, not to the campfire, where the sounds of laughter and joking and even singing could be heard, but instead to the coaches’ cabin, her shoulders slumped and head down.
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Taglist: @optimisticsandwichgladiator @reading-blogs @callmecasey81 @ladygrey03 @puckyou-forpuckssake @royalestrellas @shineforever19 @rae4725 @burnafter-reading @her-fandom-sanctum @infinetlyforgotten @giggling-sewer-ginger @whataloadofmalarkey @agentstarkid @kingleahhh @tortilla-maria1 @geekgirl1996 @amatswimming @meg-ro @spicyraccoonlordking @spaghetti-dad187 @needlesthreadandbuttons @elissaaa @imsoluckyeverythingworksoutforme @reverieisaway @djskakakaksjsj-blog @thatonedogwithablog @allthetroubleiveseen @sunderland-6 @netflix-addict @paranormal-is-my-life @jill2629-blog @itsbuzzfeedbitch @pretzelactivist @amieinghigh @kashee-h @beingalive1 @mythicalbinicorn @needyomega @kno-way-home @janalustare @sssatorus @its-a-rich-mans-world @confessionsofatotaldramaslut @hesitant-alien33
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nerdraging4point0 · 6 months
Scorpion and the Scales // Chapter Eight // Polyverse AU
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Tropes and Tags: why choose romance, MF, MFM, MFMM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed musicians, polyverse, friends to lovers.
Content warning: 18+ only minors DNI. PinV, PinA, oral (f!recieveing, m!recieving), threesomes, light BDSM, voyeurism, exhibitionism, partner sharing, jealousy, angst.
The work below contains fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
Taglist(click to be added): @ladyveronikawrites @synthetic-wasp-570 @beaker1636 @thesazzb @itsjustemily @vinyardmauro @circle-with-me @tearfallpixie @poisongirl616 @shilohrosechicken @th0ughts-pr4yers @meliferafaerie @letmeadoreyoux @latenightmusiclover @transparentwitchnightmare @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @rumoured-whispers
Eve's POV
I was barely back home in Colorado working for a few weeks before putting in a new vacation request. I had the time, that wasn’t the issue, but the way my boss emailed me and asked me to push it out for the week after my initial request sounded like she was already annoyed. I reluctantly did as she asked and the time off was approved, but her tone filled my insides with guilt. One of these days I was going to have to put my foot down and have one of the boys visit me, no matter how inconvenient it was for work. The thought of bringing one of them back to my small two bedroom apartment that I shared with my saint-like roommate made me chuckle - she would die of shock hearing our loud, raucous extracurricular activities. With Chris, we were always vocal and laughing - sex was a fun game for us. But with Noah, it was endless; sometimes slow and sensual, other times quick and dirty, but always endless. The man had no rebound time whatsoever.
The moment my plane's wheels made contact with the tarmac at LAX, I felt a swell of excitement. Though my visit would only last a week, I was eager to make the most of my short time in the city of angels. As the plane taxied to the gate, I grabbed my trusty backpack from under the seat in front of me and pulled my carry-on from the overhead bin. I was traveling light, having packed only the essentials for my quick jaunt through LA.
I had timed my trip strategically. Noah was about to embark on the European leg of his worldwide tour. We both happened to be passing through LA this week before going our separate ways again. Noah would be completely preoccupied with last-minute tour prep during my visit. Likewise, Chris was already on a tour of his own. With the guys absorbed in their music careers, I was off the hook for any major travel plans or events after this. My boss would certainly be pleased that work commitments wouldn't be disrupted. 
Noah was waiting at the baggage claim in his signature casual style - cotton shorts showing off his tattooed athletic legs, calf-high socks paired with classic white Vans sneakers, and a soft t-shirt layered under an unzipped black windbreaker. As soon as I spotted him across the crowded airport, I felt a thrill of excitement and familiarity wash over me. Abandoning my luggage mid-stride, I ran full speed into his open arms. Noah enveloped me in a warm, tight hug, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around right there in the baggage claim. Our reunion was so emotional that Folio simply shook his head in amusement as he dutifully gathered my forgotten bags to clear them out of the busy foot traffic. I was too preoccupied to care or even notice. With my face buried happily in the crook of Noah's neck, I breathed in his comforting scent - a mix of fresh laundry and his woodsy deodorant. As I leaned back to admire his beloved face, I suddenly realized his shaggy, shoulder-length brown hair was gone. In its place was a dramatically shorter, cleaner style with his hair trimmed neatly above his ears. I ran my fingers through the top of his glossy brown locks, marveling at this stylish new look. Noah smiled sheepishly at my reaction, shaking his head a little in an endearing display of shyness. I couldn't help but giggle at this rare moment of vulnerability from my normally confident boyfriend.
"Do you like it?" he asked, his broad white smile practically blinding me even in the dim indoor light of the airport.
Unable to contain my enthusiasm, I exclaimed "Like it? I love it!" and pulled his head down to shower his soft, short hair with excited kisses.
It was a typical overcast afternoon in Los Angeles as Noah drove the three of us down to The Grove shopping center for a fun day out. As we strolled leisurely through the bustling outdoor mall, hand in hand, I was struck by a deep sense of contentment. Noah's sturdy arm wrapped protectively around my shoulders, gently guiding me to his side where he would plant the softest of kisses on top of my head. I couldn't help but wrap my own arms tightly around his torso, nuzzling my face into his side, breathing in his warm, familiar scent. At that moment, I felt like I was finally home again after so much time apart. While we browsed the trendy shops, Noah picked out a new cologne that made him smell fresh and masculine. Meanwhile, Folio found some stylish new sneakers that he just had to have. Despite the gloomy weather, being together and enjoying simple outings like this filled me with gratitude. Noah's affectionate gestures reassured me that our connection was as strong as ever.
The warm pressure of Noah's hand in mine as we strolled down the busy street made my heart flutter. I thought back to my last meeting with Chris, when he had professed his love for me not just once, but twice. At first, I was caught off guard, unsure of how to respond. But the second time, his words resonated within me and I realized that I reciprocated those feelings. Now, walking hand-in-hand with Noah, I was overcome with a similar warmth and affection. As he teased Folio playfully, I was filled with lightness, as if my stomach had disappeared entirely, leaving behind a hollowness that was somehow pleasant and freeing. Noah's voice broke through my reverie as he gave my hand a soft squeeze. "How about Mexican?'' he asked with a smile.
Alma was nothing like I expected. The restaurant was a stunning two-story building with a beautiful Spanish Mediterranean architectural style. I wasn't surprised when the staff looked at Noah with some concern as we entered. Between his and Folio's casual style of dress, with Noah covered in tattoos, and my own post-travel exhaustion, we didn't look nearly as polished and high-end as the patrons they were used to seeing. But despite our appearance, they didn't turn us away at the door. We were promptly shown to our table.
Once seated, Noah eagerly ordered himself the Birria de Res, a traditional Mexican beef stew, while Folio and I opted for the shrimp dish with a chipotle cream sauce. Not missing a beat, Folio quickly ordered himself a beer and became absorbed in scrolling through his phone. With a few moments to ourselves before the food arrived, Noah reached over and gently took my hand, pulling my chair closer to his.
"I'm sorry I will only get a week with you. It seems like forever since I saw you last," he said wistfully. I leaned in, touching our foreheads together in a tender moment. 
"Your birthday was a long time ago, Noah," I replied, thinking back to the last time we had been together in person, over five months ago now. While we had spoken on the phone every day since then, the long separation had been harder to endure than I had anticipated.
"I know, I'm sorry," he offered sincerely. I gave his hand an understanding squeeze. “How’s Chris?” When Noah asked about Chris, it brought a smile to my face. Chris and Noah had never been close - Chris was always too focused on living in the moment to care much about my boyfriend. But during our late night phone calls and text messages, Noah knew exactly who I was talking to. Though Chris didn't pay him much mind, Noah made an effort to ask about him, showing he cared about the people who mattered to me. 
“He’s good. He dyed his hair purple.” thinking back to the new edgy fade he was trying to keep secret until his upcoming music video release. Chris wanted the dramatic hair change to shock his fans and keep them guessing, building anticipation for the video that wouldn't come out for many months. I had bet him that he couldn't go that long without revealing the new 'do. Noah laughed at the idea, certain that people would notice long before the video debut. Unlike Chris, Noah was constantly being photographed and scrutinized in public. But Chris didn't have the same level of fame, so I thought he just might be able to pull off the covert purple hair until his big reveal.
As our food was passed out to us I noticed across the room a couple girls in their twenties whispering at each other across the table, their eyes locked on our table.
The hushed voices and furtive glances in our direction immediately put me on edge. I felt their eyes boring into us, no doubt recognizing Noah as an up-and-coming celebrity. My gut twisted with unease as I saw one girl slyly pull out her phone, her thumbs flying across the screen. Were they taking photos? Texting their friends about spotting Noah out to dinner? The heat rising in my cheeks confirmed my worst fears - our private date was about to become public fodder for gossip blogs and social media.
Noah's style and abundance of tattoos made him stand out in any crowd. I had naively hoped the girls were simply judging his appearance, writing him off as some spoiled trust fund kid living off his parents' money. But the laser-focused attention on our table left no doubt we had been made. My budding romance with Noah was about to be splashed across the internet, our intimate dinner reduced to salacious clickbait.
As reality sunk in, my anxiety spiked. I knew the fame game came with dating someone like Noah. But I wasn't prepared for our relationship to become a public spectacle so soon. My private life was on the verge of being picked apart by strangers and I felt powerless to stop it.
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Noah's POV
Damn she looks beautiful like this. 
Eve stood gloriously nude on my balcony, back arched and hands splayed against the glass as I took her from behind. Her skin glowed ethereally in the dim light, a sheen of sweat glistening as our bodies moved in urgent rhythm. The sparkling expanse of the city sprawled below us, a sea of lights I knew concealed countless open windows. Our exhibitionist display for any wakeful onlookers to see, though propriety was the furthest thing from my mind.
It was late, or early, I don’t know what you would call it at one o'clock in the morning when you haven’t slept yet? 
We'd been tangled up in each other's arms since the moment we walked through the front door after a long day of shopping downtown. I've missed her far more than I ever expected. My exes always accused me of being too controlling and clingy, even needy they would say. But it's not possessiveness or insecurity - I simply didn't trust them. I should have listened to my gut instincts back then, realizing that if I feel the need to cling and control, she's no good for me. Too often I let my dick convince me to keep them around just for the sex, despite the headache and stress their presence caused me. But with her, everything just feels right.
Maybe it was the lack of commitment, she may have been my girlfriend-i guess that’s what you would call it-we fucked we talked every day, she called me babe. But not once was there ever I love yous or talk of moving in or talk of weddings, not even hints. It was like having a best friend I could occasionally get my dick wet with. The casual nature provided freedom but also left me yearning for more. I wanted fiery passion, not just fleeting thrills. I craved a partner who felt like home.
Her moans echoed across the hills, startling a dog that began barking in the distance. We smiled knowingly at one another, stifling giggles at having been overheard in our intimate moment. Undeterred, I drove onward, her hips rolling to meet each powerful plunge. The frenzied momentum built to a crescendo and finally, with a guttural groan, I reached my climax, spilling myself completely as her body milked every last drop. 
We stood there on the balcony, her naked body pressed against mine, for what felt like an eternity. The cool night breeze caressed our skin as I gently stroked her back, running my fingers slowly up and down the curve of her spine. Far below us, the city lights sparkled like a sea of stars, the occasional flash of red and blue piercing the darkness as police sirens wailed in the distance. But up here, high above it all, everything was tranquil. This was home. This was peace. My cock, now softened, slipped out of her as she pulled away and walked towards the edge of the pool. Without a moment's hesitation, she dove gracefully off the edge. The splash echoed through the quiet night as I sank down into the porch swing. The chains creaked under my weight as I rocked slowly back and forth. I watched her lithe form gliding through the inky water, her pale skin glowing ethereally in the moonlight. This was perfection. This was contentment. This was home.
She'd been upset since lunch, I could see it all over her face. But as soon as I had her home with me she perked right up. The moment we walked through the front door, her whole demeanor changed. The furrowed brow and downturned lips that had clouded her face all afternoon were replaced with a sparkle in her eyes.
Later in the evening we had reservations at the cool hibachi place downtown, walking into the restaurant everything was fine. But she seemed extra tense. Looking over her shoulder watching people's faces, I'd never seen her so paranoid. It was clear she was on edge about something, constantly scanning the room as if expecting an attack. Her usual carefree demeanor had vanished, replaced by jittery glances and rigid body language. Matt seemed anxious to talk to me all night, and finally when Eve ducked out to use the bathroom he pulled me in to show me what was bothering her. Some fan at the Mexican place had posted a photo of us at lunch, obviously throwing the internet into a frenzy of speculation about whether I was dating Eve or not. I read through the comments quickly, each more hurtful than the last. "If it was a date, Folio wouldn't have been there," one commented, cruelly dismissing Eve as not worth dating alone. "That's who he is dating? She looks nothing like I'd expect from him," another wrote, attacking Eve's looks and worthiness. More comments piled on, talking about how dreams were shattered and bashing Eve for every little perceived flaw. After reading a couple more, I couldn't stand to look anymore. Now Eve's strange behavior made sense - she must have seen the photo and comments, which had clearly cut her deeply. The nasty remarks had ruined what was supposed to be a fun night out, leaving Eve insecure and me furious that anyone would try to hurt her that way. I wanted nothing more than to comfort Eve and assure her none of those hateful words were true.
I started to worry about the upcoming week and how I wouldn’t just be states away from her, I would be continents, a whole time zone away. With Chris on tour through the U.S I felt like we were all abandoning her. Her vulnerability and dependence on me had grown over the last few months as she struggled with increasing anxiety and depression. I knew being so far away for over a week would be hard on her, even though she tried to downplay it. As the day of my trip grew closer, I couldn't stop the panicked thoughts from swirling through my mind about whether she would be okay without me.
"You're overthinking again," her voice broke me out of my trance-like thoughts. My eyes looked at her chin resting on her crossed arms as her legs floated out behind her. I could see the appeal sailors had for mermaids, especially if they looked like this. The moonlight glinted off her wet hair as she treaded water in the pool. Despite her lighthearted tone, I sensed a touch of neediness in her gaze.
"What makes you say that?" I asked.
"Your eyes go wide when you're overthinking, baby," she said with a sad smile. I sighed, knowing she could read me all too well. As much as I wanted to be there for her, I couldn't pass up this tour. “Is it the tour, or is it the fans?”
"I'm sorry," it was all I could say as I stared into her eyes, filled with both understanding and hurt. I had never meant for this to happen. I watched helplessly as she shrugged her slender shoulders in resignation.
"It bothered me a little, but one fan post doesn't mean we’re outed," she replied softly. I knew she was trying to downplay it for my sake, but I could tell the constant spotlight on our relationship would take a toll.
My frustration boiled over as I thought of her boyfriend and fellow musician, Chris. He was just as famous, yet somehow avoided this kind of invasive speculation about his love life. I never saw headlines plastering his personal details across the internet for all to judge and comment on. It just wasn't fair.
I started to fume as I realized the steep price I was paying for my success. I had dreamed of fame and fortune my whole life, never fully grasping how it would impact those I loved most. Now here we stood: her identity and privacy stripped away, me helpless to stop it. 
All at once my anger came to a grinding halt, did she say we? I gave it a thought, pondering the idea that she was mine, obviously not entirely, but mine. The word "we" implies a togetherness, a uniting of two into one. 
I looked into her eyes, wanting desperately to believe her, to trust in the possibility of an "us". She gazed back steadily, affectionately, not recoiling from my anger but standing her ground. "Talk to me, baby," she cooed softly, and I couldn't help but smile, feeling the bitter tension in me unwinding. Her voice soothed me, as it always did, smoothing the jagged edges of my temper.
"So there is a we now?" I asked, still hesitant, keeping my heart protected. I needed to know if she was serious about this, serious about me.
"We, Us, whatever you want to call it," she replied without hesitation. She wasn't backing down or qualifying her words. She meant it.
"What do you call it?" I pressed her further, seeking reassurance.
"I call you my boyfriend," she stated plainly, simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And just like that, my doubts melted away. 
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one-idea · 9 months
Wado Ichimonji pov. Whiskey peaks part 1
Part 3 baby. I wrote this more like an actual chapter from a fanfic. Hopefully you like it.
Part 1
Part 2
The three blades had a little bit of time to get to know each other before their first fight. During their travels from Lougetown to the Grandline, then their short adventure with the whale, Zoro had yet to need their assistance. So they took the time to acquaint themselves.
Or Wado and Yubashiri tried to acquaint themselves. Sandai Kitsune whined about the lack of battle, and more importantly blood.
The only fighting they had done so far was spars with the cook. Wado had warmed up to the guy. Yes he made no sense fighting with his feet but he was a good sparing partner and he cared for the crew, and for Zoro. Even if the two had a weird way of showing that they cared. Wado also carried some pride as she was the only blade Zoro would uses against their Namaka. (Zoro knew Sandai Kitetsu would slice the chef open if he gave her the chance)
Sandai Kitetsu is just as annoying as Wado knew she would be. Constantly begging for blood. Wanting to cut open the whale, wanting to cut into the strange Mr. Nine and Miss Wednesday. And while Wado understood the last two. They were obviously lying, but that’s not what their King wanted them to do. Zoro wouldn’t go against their King no matter how much Sandai whines.
Though watching her boy question the two over their names, almost revealing them to the crew, was quite entertaining. She knew they were part of baroque works, after all she was there when Zoro sliced Mr. Seven in half. These two were weaker than him and he had the strength of a baby duck when compared to her Zoro!
But the Navigator interrupted her boy before he could reveal their identities to the crew, striking Zoro over the head. Sandai Kitsune instantly cried out for her blood. She attacked them, now she pays.
But Wado knows the Navigator. She is frustrated with her boy, he did just sleep through a storm, but can’t the Navigator see what a sign of trust that was. Her boy would have woken up instantly if he sensed he or the crew was in real danger the fact he slept through the storm meant he trusted the crew to see him through such dangers unharmed.
It seemed the Navigator did not see how honored she should be by the action as she struck Zoro three more times. But despite Sandai Kitsune’s calls for her blood Zoro never once reached for any blade. The Navigator was Namaka, she was under their protection, Zoro would never strike at her. Not unless she initiated a true duel between them.
When they arrive at Whiskey Peak, Wado does not like the warm welcome they recieve and she can tell Zoro doesn’t trust it either. Her boy is smart like that. But they let their Namaka enjoy themselves.
The Navigator pulls them into a drinking contest. And she knows her boy could drink this town dry and barely be affected by it. But again her boy is so smart, so cunning, he fakes passing out on drink 12. Just in time for the Navigator to ‘win’ on drink 13.
And once the Navigator has drunk the town under the table, the chef and sniper are asleep, and the King has placed himself in a food coma, it is time.
Wado knows Zoro’s heart. Knows that he won’t let a single person harm his crew. Won’t let any one disturb the rest of his King and crew.
He goes out and greets baroque works. “Can you let my friends rest it’s been a long day and the trip was exhausting or so I’ve been told.” He told the bounty hunters. When questioned on how he was still awake he just smirked, “I had a nap earlier.” This is why the Navigator should see Zoro’s rest as an Honor. He rested where she could protect him, now she and the crew can rest where he can protect her/them.
Zoro challenges the whole island to a fight. The whole time it’s Wado Ichimonji that is raised. As Zoro calls out their organization. Mocks their structure and skill. And as he declares that he will fight all 100 bounty hunters to keep his crew safe it’s Wado he holds.
The fight starts and the big blond sums up most of their combatants “incompetent morons!” (though she might as well call them training dummies) They didn’t even see Zoro move from the top of the building to the middle of the crowd. When they finally did notice him, a good chunk of them shot each other trying to get to her boy. They were unprepared for Zoro’s speed and hopelessly out matched.
Zoro starts out with just Wado sneaking up behind the blond leader and tricking him into shooting his own men with his secret weapon. Wado is proud of being Zoro’s first choice. Proud to keep their friends safe from these mediocre threats.
But then Zoro decides to try out his new swords. Sandai Kitsune cries to be used, has been since before the fighting began. Begging Zoro for blood.
Wado’s had just about enough of the whiny sword. But she agrees with Zoro. These weaklings bounty hunters are the perfect opportunity to test out their new companion’s strength. There are plenty of enemies and none of their namaka around. Zoro doesn’t have to hold back, worried over injuring a wayward crewmate, or any civilians that doesn’t deserve it. No these people are scum who want to turn their King and crew over. How dare they! So Wado thinks it’s the perfect time to try out their new companions. She knows Yubashiri will do well, but the other one….
Wado is also quite pleased with Zoro because even though Sandai Kitsune whining, begging to be used, he starts with testing Yubashiri. Sandai is furious that Zoro didn’t use her first. Now he’s not even using her second!?! Wado is laughing in her scabbard. This is the funniest thing Zoro could have done. She loves her boy.
Yubashiri is more than happy to serve. Zoro even complimenting her on her lightness and calling her “light and well balanced” she practically gleams with pride. She’s light and fast, cutting through their opponents so fast their enemies barely realize they have been cut before their injuries drop them to the ground.
He uses Yubashiri to cut through a wine barrel that the huge woman threw at him, but in doing so another one of the pathetic bounty hunters thought they could sneak up behind him. A mistake they won’t live to regret.
Finally after much screaming, begging and whining, he finally draws Sandai Kitsune. She cuts through the weapon quickly. But she also cuts though their enemy, an enemy Zoro didn’t want her to cut yet. Her lust for blood pushing against Zoro’s will.
For just a second Wado worries for her boy. Curse swords are know to possess their wielders. She knows Zoro has a strong will. But if he can’t get Sandai Kitsune under control they could be in trouble.
But she quickly shakes off her worry. This is Zoro. Her idiot son. Her idiot who as a boy wanted to wield as many swords as possible so he train himself to wield a sword with his teeth. His will won’t bend to that of a curse blade. Especially not a grade blade!
Zoro pauses to reprimand Sandai Kitsune for her actions. Telling her “listen Sandai Kitsune the third, you’re quite sharp, but you’re also a bit of a trouble maker aren’t you. A good sword only cuts when it’s master directors it to.” Sandai flares up at this moment. Her pride as a blade injured by Zoro’s words. She has waited far too long for blood and she would have it! She thought he was like her, itching to fight. He can’t deny her her purpose as a sword, to cut their opponents down.
Her essence flares and tries to possess Zoro. Wado is enraged, how dare she try to possess her boy! Their master! But Zoro shakes it off as if it were a fly to him “Cursed or not you’re going to listen to me now.” He says exerting his own will on to the blade (unknowing conquer haki)
The action forces Sandai Kitsune back in line. Wado taunts Sandai (there’s no reason to tell her off now, Zoro’s already put the grade blade in her place) ‘Zoro won’t use a blade he doesn’t trust.’ Sandai tries to excuse herself, it has just been so long since she tasted blood. Since she has felt the thrill of battle. Surly Zoro could understand? She’ll listen. Just give her another chance.
A boy had tried to sneak attack Zoro while he spoke to the blade. But the boy was unsuccessful and would have been cut down had the bounty hunter dressed as a nun not come to the little boys aid. She sat there begging for mercy only to attack Zoro. But Zoro was already aware of her trick, he attacked both her and the boy before their trick could work.
But he didn’t cut them. No he knocked them out using the backs of his blades. “The back of the blades is mercy.” Not because the woman’s pleas for mercy moved him but to test Sandai Kitsune and Yubashiri ability to listen. He already knew Yubashiri would heed his commands, the skilled blade was eager to please even though she had a quieter demeanor. No this was a test for Sandai Kitsune. One she passed, which came as a great surprise to Wado.
While Wado didn’t want the two bounty hunters to die. (Honestly she didn’t care for their lives but they shouldn’t die unless Zoro commands it, he is their wielded, they should listen to him)
(note that if Zoro wasn’t a competent swordsman Wado wouldn’t listen to him either, but he is, and Wado won’t trust any blade that isn’t 100% obedient to her boy.)
So she doesn’t want them dead, but she had hoped Sandai Kitsune would fail and they could hurry up and get rid of her.
Now that both of his new swords appeared to be listening, Zoro decided to take their test to the next level: try out a named move. After playing with a few bounty hunter on a ladder, Zoro jumps to another area full of bounty hunters. He moves Sandai Kitsune and Yubashiri into position. “Two sword style, Hawk Wave!” He called out moving both blade in tandem and sending out his attack. It worked perfectly. The two blades listening. Sandai Kitsune thrilled to cut into their opponents.
He then takes Sandai Kitsune and uses her to cut a whole in the roof, laying a trap for the bounty hunter jumping down at him from above. She grumbles a bit about the lack of blood but besides that does a beautiful job and offers no resistance to his command.
But then that huge woman grabs her boy by the throat. Slams him into the ground and punches him in the face. The nerve of this woman! She’s strong. Wado can admit that. She made Zoro bleed. But she’s not as strong as her Zoro. Her boy is back up in less than a heart beat. Beating the woman with his bare strength alone.
Finally these fools seem to understand who they are dealing with. As they stare in fear. Or she thought they did. Until these idiots say that Zoro must be the captain of their crew. That the 30 million berri bounty is his. How dare they! Wado loves her boy, has no doubt he could lead his own crew is so desired. But that is not the case.
How dare these people disrespect their captain, their King! Their Ling was strong! Their King was good, in ways these low life’s can’t begin to imagine. How dare they think Zoro’s captain, their King, was nothing but a pawn. Even worse how dare they think Zoro would dishonor their King by using him as a puppet.
They are dumber than Wado could have imagined. If Zoro is this strong then they should assume their King was just as strong, or (and she hates to admit it) stronger. Not that Zoro is using him as a cover. The dishonor in that claim is making the blade beg for their blood.
Yubashiri doesn’t know the King as well yet, but she understood Wado’s rage. The claims are dishonorable at best and don’t paint their master or their King in a respectful light.
Sandai Kitsune asks why they are so upset. Their master IS the strongest in the crew. These people are right to assume him to be the captain.
If Wado Ichimonji could she would fight Sandai Kitsune herself. Beat her until she learned to respect their King.
The whole time they were having their debate Zoro was listening. The baroque works agents were trying to explain the way their organization works. Zoro cuts off both arguments with an easy “I’ve found that fancy titles mean nothing when it comes to fighting. The strongest wins and that’s it.”
Sandai Kitsune took that as her new master agreeing with her point of view. But Wado knew better. Knew that Zoro didn’t expect Sandai Kitsune to respect Luffy just because he did. No a sword like Sandai Kitsune need to see Luffy’s strength to respect him. Just like Zoro did in the beginning. He had no doubt in his captain. Sandai Kitsune would come to respect Luffy not because of his title as their captain and King, but because he was the strongest captain and King there would ever be.
The baroque work agents had obviously taken Zoro’s words as a challenge, the big blond shooting at them and the blue hair girl grabbing a duck?? Just when Wado thought they couldn’t get any more pathetic. The green suit, Mr nine, started to flip at them with bats. He knocked into Zoro who used his new blades to block his attack. The stupid fool had the nerve to tell Zoro not to chip his blades. As if Zoro was inexperienced enough to do so.
Zoro quickly made him regret it, using Yubashiri alone to chase the man off the roof. Sandai Kitsune whined for his blood but Zoro knew the fool was too pathetic to kill.
The blue hair Miss Wednesday tried next. And was she… was she trying to seduce her boy? Wado had bad news for the girl, her boy was not as easily distracted as the cook. And even if he was, well the politest way Wado could put it was that this woman didn’t have the right…. figure to turn Zoro’s head if you understood what she was saying.
But the girl was smart. For while Wado was judging the girl’s lack of awareness, and she’s sure Zoro was doing so to, the girl had poisoned the air and brought Zoro to his knees. This could be bad! Or it could have been if the duck she road didn’t run them right off the roof, completely missing her boy.
“Man these guys are so pathetic fighting them is starting to get embarrassing.” Zoro commented. Wado rattled in agreement. She couldn’t have said it better herself. Were these really the best this organization had to offer?
The big blond shot a Zoro. Her boy dodged and moved to plan out his next move. Mr. Nine popped up and chained one of Zoro’s arms. The big blond, Mr. Eight, arrived to help Mr. Nine. No problem. Her boy can take them both. He’s far stronger and smarter than these fools.
Or so Wado thought until Miss. Wednesday arrived with their King. Threatening to kill their King if they stepped out of line.
How dare she!
Wado could feel Zoro’s anger as it aligned and mixed with her own. That was their King! She dared to threat his life! She dare to use his life against them! Wado hopes that Zoro will use her to kill this insolent girl. Sandai Kitsune cried out her disdain, not for the threat to their King but for the fact that she wanted to be the one to spill this woman’s blood.
Zoro growled wishing Luffy would wake up, this would be easier with him awake. Mr. Eight aims his weapon at Zoro, as he fires Zoro moves. Her boy pulls Mr. Nine by the chain connecting them and uses the imbecile to block the shot, launching him into Miss. Wednesday.
Her boy was amazing, now their King was out of danger! Zoro moved quickly using their King’s inflated stomach to spring himself up to where Mr. Eight was. And her boy, her wonderful boy, chose her to do the honors.
Sandai Kitsune screamed as Zoro drew Wado as he jumped up to Mr. Eight. The movement was so fast. As Zoro moved past Mr. Eight he slashed out with Wado drawling the man’s blood. As soon as Zoro landed he placed Wado back in her scabbard. This may have started out as a test for his new blades. But when it comes to their King’s safety he only trusts Wado to get the job done, something she is endlessly proud of. She is his most loyal sword. Just like him she will defend their King to the end, so she is the one with the privilege of protecting their King.
No matter how big of a fit Sandai Kitsune throws about it.
So it’s over. They had defeated them. Now the crew is safe and Zoro can rest. Wado is satisfied with this. The new swords have shown their worth. Sandai Kitsune has shown her colors and while she is listing now, if she tries her cursed crap again Wado’s sure Zoro will get rid of her.
But it turns out not to be over. A Mr. Five and a Miss. Valentine’s Day show up. Apparently Miss Wednesday is a princess? And Mr. Eight her security. (Shame but not all royalty could have competent guards. But then is not like any one can compare to THEIR King’s security, her boy! Who could take out a 100 men without a sweat. And she guess the cook was helpful as well)
Oh and would you look at that they’re here to kill the princess. Well that’s not their problem.
Or it wasn’t until Zoro spoke. “This isn’t good. I left Luffy down there with them.”
How could Wado forget. Their King is down there in the middle of an assassination attempt. And he was currently sleeping through it! Her boy was right this isn’t good.
Sandai Kitsune just laughed. There would be more blood tonight.
I hope you liked it. I had to rewatch the episodes to get all the details right. I’ll post part 4 soon. The whiskey peak battle between Zoro and Luffy.
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icryaboutit · 9 months
It was all acting?!
SUMMARY: Imagine, somewhere in the timeline of Twst, Vil asked for GenZ!Yuu's assistance when one of the actors failed to show due to reasons. So GenZ!Yuu of course agreed to it cause why not. And the real kicker to it all is that the person they were replacing is a lover who got their heart broken, so crying was involved. Now IMAGINE, the sheer amount of suppressed trauma GenZ!Yuu have finally had a reason to come out.
or something along those lines
TAGS: Male Yuu, OOC, Angst?
WORD COUNT: 1,290 words
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"What do you mean, they can't come?!"
The high-pitched voice of Vil's manager echoed through the place, garnering much attention from nearby crowds.
"Keep quiet Adeline, you are garnering unwanted attention."
Vil's calm yet somehow tired voice came from behind his manager, making her look at him with a distressed expression.
"How can I stay calm Vil! One of our actor is unreachable! And today is a big day!"
She exclaimed, clearly today's event was something that was of great importance. Which it is, the current event at play may help Vil rise in more fame, hell! It might even help him finally beat Neige LeBlanche.
"I know how important this is Adeline. But there is no need to fret and stress over something that we couldn't have known would occur."
"But Vil-!"
"Hmm? What's going on?"
This snapped the two out from their own world arguing, when a familiar voice had interrupted their talk.
"Ah, potato, what brings you here?"
Vil greeted, as Yuu stood there with some things in hand.
"Rook had asked of me to deliver this for you Vil-san."
Yuu said as he gave the stuff on his hand to Adeline.
"Thank you potato."
"No problem~ Rook promised to give me some trinkets for this trip so it wasn't really free labor."
Yuu explained with a shrug, as Vil looked at him up and down with calculating gaze. Feeling this, Yuu decided to make a quick ran for it.
"Well, then... I'll be off no-"
"Wait a minute, potato."
"What is it Vil-san..?"
Yuu cautiously asked, knowing whatever Vil halted him for would end up in a disaster.
"Potato, how would you like to star in-"
"No thank you~!"
Yuu sweated bullets as he declined Vil's offer in a swift move,
"You haven't even heard the proposal yet potato."
"Whatever Vil-san was about to say, my senses were telling me that such sacred duties are bound for a much fortunate soul~!"
In short, "Hell, no, fuck off!" was what Yuu wanted to give off which was brutally ignored by Vil's next choice of words.
"Oh~? Do you think my eyes would deceive me once I see talent potato? You must have mistaken me for someone else's personality."
In short, "Give up, you have no choice." And thus, getting the message, Yuu was added in the list of actors at the last minute.
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"Where did Yuu go?! I can't find him anywhere!"
"Henchman! Where are you!?"
"Maybe he just went to the bathroom?"
"You guys need to calm down..."
"Bold of ya ta even think they'll just calm down."
Currently, a group of first years were looking for a certain Yuu who still hasn't come on their meeting place.
Despite their current shenanigans, all of the first years were deeply worried as they wondered what kind of mess Yuu had gotten themselves involved in just by being in the area.
The sound of the notification on all of the first years' phones rang, informing them of the message that they had received.
Opening the message they were greeted by a text from the same person they were looking for.
YesImYuu: Can't make it guyz~!😥 Vil-san has me trapped!😭You guyz can go ahead and go🤧😞 AND BETTER BE ON TIME!😤
"So he's fine, good to know."
Jack who was the calmest exhaled in relief knowing that Yuu was alright. He then proceeded to push the flabbergasted group towards the entrance.
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"So I can say whatever I want?"
"Yeah, we just need a way for people to gather towards us so that the plot can be constructed... I guess, I'm not sure either."
Yuu was conversing with his partner who was as clueless as him, since the one who got information about everything was the one who was currently unavailable.
"Okay... So like, do you have anything particular topic in mind?"
"Well I mean, we just need to cause a commotion that will enable Schoenheit-senpai and the female lead to meet through the crowd. And we thought, what better crowd gathering option there is but a lover's quarrel..."
At the mention of the words lover's quarrel, Yuu had a bright idea popping into his mind.
"Oh~! Then how about-"
And this was the start of the famous lover's quarrel, staring the prefect of NRC and some dude from Pomefiore.
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The play had started, and just as Vil and his manager had expected, the theme garnered a lot of attention. Adeline only prayed that the scene where Vil and the female lead would end up meeting would be a success. Considering that Vil had made a choice to add an outsider the last minute.
The moment that scene appeared, the first years who were either only there for the free food, or because of some reasons or just genuine support, had their eyes widen at the sight of Yuu with some pomefiore guy as they argued in the background their voices inaudible.
Not to mention the prefect had a dress on, along with longer hair, and makeup that brought out his feminine side.
It wasn't only the first years who were shocked. Everyone who was somewhat close or friends with Yuu was flabbergasted and shocked to see him acting on the stage. Even more shocked as the play continues.
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"Who are you referring to?"
Yuu's face contorted into that of confusion and anger.
The man spat with a look of indifference. The fake crowd on the stage was now genuinely intrigued by what was happening with him and Yuu, as they crowded over the two who were "arguing".
"Why would I care about her?!"
"Because I care about her!!"
At the sudden explosion of emotion from the man the people couldn't help but flinch at it.
Yuu who was on the receiving end looked like he wanted to scoff at the unbelievable proclamation.
"Morning, noon, and night I care about her!.. And you hurt her."
The man looked angrier by the second, the look of insanity dancing in his eyes. Yuu on the other hand was silent, but his eyes told everyone his true feelings on the matter.
"If you hurt her... You hurt me."
There was silence as there was tension, the people watched in great apprehension as they watched the scene unfold.
The man held a broken and emotionless smile, as he stared at Yuu who held and expressed nothing on his face.
"Camilla is who I want, that is where my loyalties lie, that is who my priority is."
"Not the mother of your children?"
Gasps were heard as a big revelation came. The sky darkens as the weather visibly shifted to a much gloomier setting.
"Don't bring the boys into this."
"Alright, not the woman you married!!"
"I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance! I wash my hands of it!"
It was then that thunder strike, yet none were paying any attention to the weird weather changes as they watched the two on stage.
It was also the time that Yuu seemed to have enough, as he raised his hands in the air, a resounding slap echoed through the stage. Yuu looked at the man with an unreadable expression, but the tears that fell from his eyes held every ounce of emotion that was left for the man in front of him.
Gasps were heard, and the sudden movement made the crowd move suddenly, as they unconsciously pushed off a woman from the crowd, who happened to be the female lead. Only to be caught by Vil, who happened to have positioned himself there.
Nothing about that act was in the plan. But in the end, the play ran smoothly.
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solarisstyles · 1 year
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Pairing: Harry Styles x F!Reader Word Count: 2.3k+ Warnings: tooth rotting fluff!, mentions of periods and cramps :( Summary: It takes a village to raise a special needs child. Gemma's son is growing up and starting kindergarten in the fall. Uncle Harry is struggling with not being able to spend all day, everyday, with his nephew who he's grown quite attached to. When he accompanies Gemma and Arlo on his first day of school, he meets Ms.Honey. Harry decides Kindergarten might not be so bad after all. A/N: For the sake of the story, Gemma and Harry live in the states. I know more about the school system in America than the UK so it just made sense! This story is not meant to be a 100% depiction of what a family of this dynamic is like. Harry and Gemma Styles are very real people and are only being used for fictional purposes!
*please like and reblog to help your local fic writers*
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The following week Arlo came home with two envelopes in his backpack. One with Gemma’s name on it and the other with Harry’s. Gemma opened the one with her name on it and pulled out a card. The front of it had a small bee on it and said ‘Bee-yond Thankful”. She couldn’t help but smile at the silly pun as she flipped open the card to read it, her smile grew even wider.
  I wanted to thank you for chaperoning the zoo trip last week! It was such a pleasure having you with us. I hope you and Arlo made plenty of memories! I know I did :)
Immediately grabbing her phone, she hit Harry’s contact bubble to call him.
“I need you to stop by my place when you have a few.”
“Why?” Harry asked, confused.
“You’ve got a card from Ms.Honey. I got one too and it was a thank you card” Gemma said in a teasing tone.
Harry chuckled, “Open it and read it to me then.”
Gemma was quick to pick up the envelope and tear it open. Pulling the card out, she began to read it silently to herself.
“Uh, Gemma?” Harry called through the phone.
“Sorry, sorry.” Gemma said, clearing her throat to read. “Harry, this was probably the most fun I’ve ever had on a zoo field trip and it was all thanks to you. You are the perfect chaperone partner anyone could ask for. You entertained the kids, and even entertained me.” a soft gasp could be heard from Gemma as he read the next part, “Since you were so forward to ask me out I would like to be forward in return. At the bottom of this card is my cell number. Call or text me whenever. Yours sweetly, Ms.Honey.”
“Holy shit.” Harry whispered while Gemma giggled manically like an excited school girl.
“I’m going to text you this number and you’re going to hang up and call her like NOW.” Gemma demanded, putting Harry on speaker to open their texts and quickly send him your contact information.
Harry’s text notification sounded in his ear quickly after Gemma sent it. “Fine, talk to you lat-” the end tone rang through his ear letting him know Gemma had hung up on him. Rolling his eyes, he opened the text and stared at your number. His psalm suddenly felt sweaty, his stomach turning with nerves. This was all becoming very real, very fast. He loved it but it also terrified him.
Quickly tapping the number before he could overthink it he held the phone up to his ear and listened to the nerve wracking sound of the dial tone.
It rang three times before you picked up, softly answering with a “Hello?”, making Harry melt into his chair. “Hey Ms.Honey. It’s Harry. I got your card.” he greeted back, picking his nail along the arm of the chair out of nervous habit.
“Oh! Hi Harry! I’m so glad you got it.” your smile could be felt through the phone and it helped ease his nerves some.
“It was very sweet. Thank you for all the kind words. I had a lot of fun with you and the kids at the zoo.” your cheeks were stained pink with blush, and so were his. This was the fun part of having a crush on somebody. Everything is so new and fun. You never know what to really expect that might knock you off your feet, or take your breath away.
“I had a lot of fun too. AJ and Sean have asked if you will come on more field trips with us.” you recalled with a tiny giggle. “They really took a liking to you. I shouldn't be shocked though considering how great you are with Arlo.” covering your mouth, you inwardly cringed hoping you didn’t say too much.
Harry was absolutely over the moon though and felt as though you really paid attention to him. It was genuine attention and not the ‘what can i get out of you’ attention like he was used to from most women. You saw HIM. Harry Styles. Not Harry Styles the world famous pop star.
“I’ll definitely be at any event your class has this year. I’ll make sure of it.” He guaranteed. “So, how was your day?” he decided to ask.
You sighed softly into the receiver of the phone, “As far as my class goes it was great. They’re so helpful! I was feeling under the weather today and they could tell. Arlo was so worried about me!” you giggled. 
Harry laughed with you. Arlo was always sensitive to those around him and never liked when somebody else was sad or sick. “I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well today. What’s wrong if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Well, this might be T-M-I but I’m on my period and the cramps have been horrible.” scrunching your nose in distaste at the mention of it. The heating pad that laid on your stomach helped relieve the pain some but not completely. “This is the worst it’s been in months.”
Harry was instantly sympathetic for you. He could remember his sister crying over her cramps and even having to buy her tampons and pads. “Are you craving anything in particular? My sister would always want something chocolate.”
“Chocolate sounds amazing right now.” you groaned, longing for it. “I’ve also been craving Wendy’s. It’s not my go to but for some reason I just want to dip my chicken nuggets in a chocolate frosty right now.”
“You what?!” Harry said, surprised by the combination.
You couldn’t contain your laughter. “I know it sounds disgusting and crazy but I swear it’s delicious!” you defended.
Harry shook his head, smiling at your ridiculousness, “I’ll take your word for it.”
You smiled as well, looking down at your lap and fidgeting with the cord to the heating pad. “I should probably get ready for bed. Got to be up early to teach some kids ya know?”
Glancing at the clock on his wall, Harry didn’t realize how late it was when he called her and suddenly felt stupid for calling so late. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize that time when I called you. Go get some beauty rest.”
“Oh, it’s no problem at all. I’m glad you called. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” you asked hopefully.
“Of course you will. Good night Honey.”
“Good night Harry.” you teasingly said in return, ending the call.
Harry sat there for a minute with a goofy grin on his face, looking up at the ceiling. He instantly knew what he was going to do tomorrow.
The next day, Harry got an early start. His first stop was the pharmacy by his house. Picking up an assortment of chocolates for you and a new heating pad that you could use at school. His next stop was a little later in the morning to Wendy’s. Getting you the nuggets and chocolate frosty you were craving. 
At the school you were gathering your students together to take to the cafeteria for lunch. In a single file line they followed you with their lunch boxes in hand or to just join the line to get a hot lunch. Today was pizza day for those who didn’t pack a lunch. After dropping them off, you walked back to your classroom and to your surprise Harry was standing there in front of Arlo’s desk that was now covered in bags. “Well what a lovely surprise! To what do I owe such a pleasure?” you asked with a bright smile.
Harry returned the smile back to you. He couldn’t believe his luck to show up and surprise you. “Nothing m’lady. Just wanted to have lunch with you. I might have gotten you a few presents as well.” he shrugged nonchalantly.
Placing your hand softly over your heart you approached the desk with your bottom lip pouted out. You admired the bags of goodies before looking back up to him “Harry you shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted to.” he insisted, holding out the first bag to you.
Taking the bag from his grasp, you opened it and pulled out the box that held the heating pad, giggling when you realized what it was.
“I figured you should have one at school and at home. That way the pain won’t be so bad while you’re at work.” he shrugged.
“That’s so thoughtful of you. Thank you!” you said, setting it to the side and looking to see what else was in the bag. “Oh my gosh that’s so much chocolate!” you laughed. “I’m set for a couple months now!”
Looking up from the bag, he was now holding out a Wendy’s bag and a cup. 
“It’s the nuggets and frosty you told me about last night,” he explained.
Doing a little happy dance you took the bag and cup, “This totally beats the microwave dinner I was going to eat!” Setting it on the desk next to you, you then reached for Harry and pulled him into a hug. “Thank you.” you softly whispered in his ear.
Wrapping his arms around your waist he pulled you in closer, hugging you back. “A queen bee deserves to be spoiled.” he whispered back.
Giggling, you pulled away and pushed two of the desks together, “Join me.” you said, patting the desk in front of you.
“As you wish.” he bowed dramatically and brought his own lunch over, sitting in front of you.
“So, how are you feeling today?” he asked, taking a bite of his food then looking over to you.
He watched you take one of the nuggets and dramatically dip it into the frosty before taking a bite of it. Shrugging your shoulders as you chewed, you covered your mouth to be respectful. “Better than yesterday. That heating pad will be my best friend after this.”
He chuckled, nodding in understanding, “I’m glad it’ll come to good use. My sister had it rough too. She probably still does. I haven’t really talked to her about it.”
“She’s lucky to have a brother like you. Your mama raised you right.” 
Your compliment made him smile shyly down at his food. “Thanks. She could definitely tell you some horror stories about growing up with me.” he chuckled. “We would give her the world though.”
“I can tell.” you softly said with a gentle smile. “Have you always been this close with Gemma?”
“Yeah. It was mainly just the two of us when we were younger. Mum worked a lot to take care of us. Dad wasn’t really around. I do have other friends now like Brad and Llyod.” he explained, taking a sip of his drink.
“Who’s Brad? I hear Arlo mention him and Llyod sometimes.” you asked, leaning on your hand that was propped on the desk by your elbow.
“He’s Llyod’s best friend. We’ve all known each other so long that we consider ourselves brothers. So Arlo knows him as Uncle Brad. Don’t let the kid fool you either…I’m the favorite uncle.” he proudly said.
You laughed, shaking your head, “I never doubted that for a moment. Arlo adores you and he’s lucky to have you.”
“I think it’s more like I’m lucky to have him. I’ve learned so much being his uncle and I continue to learn everyday. I also wouldn’t have met amazing people like you. So, yeah I’m the lucky one.” the dreamy smile on his face as he looked at you made you blush.
“You sure know how to sweet talk.” The teasing wasn’t unnoticed by him and he was happy to see that you could be playful back to him. 
“Not hard when you’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever met.”
“Oh, please don’t make me vomit!” you both laughed together.
The laughter slowly faded and you both eat silently, stealing quick looks at one another and catching the other staring each time.
Glancing at the clock, you realized you only had five minutes till you had to go get your class from the cafeteria. “Oh, shoot I should clean up and go get my kids.” you said, standing up.
Harry held his hands out, taking your own in his, “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ll clean up and be out of here before you get back. Don’t rush.”
“Are you sure?” your apprehension had you feeling guilty for wanting to accept his offer. He’d already done so much for you and the last thing you wanted to do was take advantage of his kindness.
Softly smiling at you, he gave your hands a soft squeeze, “I’m positive. Now you can walk and go get your kids.”
Standing from the desk, he pulled you in for another hug that you didn’t hesitate to return. “Thank you for having lunch with me.” he whispered once more to you.
“Thank you for bringing me lunch and the gifts.” you whispered back. “Better watch out or they’re going to start calling you Mr.Honey.” you teased.
His giggle made you smile and when you pulled away from the hug, his cheeks were as red as ever.
Feeling bold, he leaned forward and gently kissed your forehead, “It would be an honor to be Mr.Honey next to you.”
There was no doubt that your eyes were shining like a disney princess when she saw her prince charming for the first time. Never did you dream of such words being spoken to you, or such thoughtful gifts being given to you.
“Go get your kids.”
“CRAP!” you whisper yelled, turning to quickly dash to the cafeteria. “Call me later!” you said as you walked out of the room.
When you returned, the desks were moved back to normal and the desks were cleaned off, Harry nowhere to be seen. Your leftover frosty now sat on your desk next to a little sticky note that Harry had scribbled on.
Have a good day
–Mr.Honey ;)
TAG LIST: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @justlemmeadoreyou @squirreljoe @end-of-the-earth
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simpxxstan · 9 months
perfect complements (ch. 5)
pairing: professor!seungcheol x professor!f.reader
genre: fluff, enemies to lovers, angst, smut
series summary: four and a half years of working together breeds familiarity, resentment, and everything in between. it's almost like living together.
chapter word count: 2.7k
warnings: nothing really except a few curse words and one suggestive joke.
a/n: exams are finally over! going to try and update this as regularly as possible before i get busy again. also: congratulations to bss for the daesang! their aaa performance was GOLD like no one does it like them honestly. hope you like this update! do let me know your feedback, it motivates me so much! this is a filler chapter, largely. kinda important to understand the gaps i guess. sorry again if the slow burn is hurting, next chapter promises action. also, about the poll: i promise mingyu fic coming up real soon! last thing i wanna say: thank you for 200 followers omggg lost my mind over it for a day yk <3 i hope i keep entertaining you for a long time on my blog!
taglist for the fic: @minhui896 @yunoyeol
series masterlist
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It is well past midnight, but you cannot sleep at all. Perhaps it is the caffeine and sugar from the coffee and the crepe cake you had indulged in after dinner. Perhaps it is the stress of packing for the upcoming trip. Perhaps it is the chill in the wind that lingered in your bones for too long. 
Or perhaps it is the weight of Minhee’s words weighing down on you. 
You keep thinking of the conversation you had with her in the afternoon. 
Eight hours ago, Minhee had appeared at your front door, carrying bottles of soju and convenience store food, an apologetic expression on her face as you had opened the door in confusion. “I can explain, Unnie. I’m really sorry.” One look at her usually bubbly face now scrunched up and clearly distressed, and you didn’t have the heart to be mad at her anymore. Soon you were sitting on the couch, slurping ramen from the big cups, already two cups down, biting into cheese kimbaps, and drinking soju. It was an utterly unhealthy combination, but it was oh, so healthy for your hearts. After gobbling down the food and getting over with casual small talk, she had finally nearly lying on your lap, as you huddled into one blanket. 
“My sister’s getting married this weekend.”
She looked up, smiling but it was not quite reaching her eyes. 
“Isn’t your sister already married…?”
“My youngest. You forget we are four sisters. My eldest got married three years go, the one right after me got married six months ago, at whose wedding you ate half the cake,” she teased, and you pushed your face into your chest in embarrassment. “This time it’s my youngest.”
“But you’re not happy?” You asked, even more confused. 
“No, no, I am! You know I’ve rooted for Miso and her partner forever!” You nodded, having heard about this couple quite a bit. 
“Nothing, it’s just… I’m the only sister who’s not married now. My sister who is five years younger than me are getting married but…. I can’t even last a stable relationship. And my parents-”
You huged her, noticing her eyes getting teary. “Minhee-ah! Don’t mind what your parents say, please. You know how parents can be…”
“But Unnie… I’m thirty now! I’m turning thirty-one in, like, three months, but I haven’t even been able to last a relationship for more than a year in my life, and it’s quite fair honestly for my parents to be bothered about this-”
“But this is your life! You should decide the pace, darling. It’s not important if your parents want you to get married early. They may have done it early at their time, but you should definitely wait till you’re ready! It’s not that late honestly-”
“Unnie, I think it is late though. I should think about freezing my eggs-”
“Oh baby, why are you thinking so hard!” 
“I’m not Unnie! Trust me, you’re lucky your parents haven’t pressurised you with this. It gets so claustrophobic whenever I sit with my parents these days. It’s all they can talk about. My mom keeps sending me photos of sons of her friends, forcing me to go on these blind dates with random guys, like honestly does she even look at the guys she sends me with? It’s so stressful, Unnie!”
You rubbed her back gently, feeling her heat up in agitation. “Minhee, tell me honestly. Do you want to get married soon?”
She stopped shaking in your arms and said softly. “I do. But I want to wait for love.”
“Then wait. This is the 21st century. This isn't the 18th century that people will scorn you for marrying late. Plus, your mom probably just wants to see you settled down and rid herself of her last responsibilities towards you. She doesn’t mean any harm. Have you spoken to her about this?”
“I’ve tried to-”
“Well then, you gotta be a big girl and speak up, huh? Unless you talk to her, she’ll never understand that she’s forcing you. There must be some middle ground for you to reach.”
She moved away slowly, nodding in gradual understanding. Her face looked infinitely more calm now, and she stretched her legs onto the carpet. “This is why I was so worked up that day… I’d just gotten over with a phone call from my mom interrogating me as to why I hadn’t liked the last blind date she had sent me on.” She then turned to you, facing you. You could see the clouds in her eyes, urgent and earnest. “This is why I’m worried about you, Unnie… you should speak to Hyunsik Oppa about settling down. You’re not getting any younger… and four years together isn’t a joke.”
You sighed, looking away. It was your turn to be worried, and you decided not to meet Minhee’s eyes for that while, knowing too well she’d catch on to the doubts that had been lingering in your mind for months now. You said softly, “I know you meant well, Minhee…. It’s just that, this is something for Unnie and Oppa to talk about, hmm?” She nodded again, speaking up with enthusiasm, “Yes yes, I’m sorry for that day! I just want to be your friend! I won’t be nosy from now on, I promise!”
And that had been that. You both had switched on to lighter topics after that, casually flicking through fancams of idol groups you both liked, or funny episodes from reality shows you had grown up watching since teenage years. Suddenly, it struck you that the next weekend was supposed to be your trip with Minhee and the undergrads to Singapore, and you panicked. She had calmed you down, calling Wonwoo for both of you, and speaking to him for advice, knowing he’d give the best option available.
He had not.
He had actually insisted you go with Seungcheol, mad man Wonwoo, and even agreed to calling off the therapy sessions if you called Seungcheol to ask him. After that, you had no option but to call Suengcheol, who had absurdly agreed. Like, you were seconds away from cutting the call off, calling up Wonwoo and blaming it all on Seungcheol denying the trip request, thereby getting the easy way out- Wonwoo would have no option but to cancel the therapy programme and also let you go alone on the trip, but the damn bastard just had to agree now. For the first time in four and a half years, he had willingly agreed to spend time with you and you didn’t know what to do now. 
“Fuck him!” 
Minhee giggled, slyly saying, “No shit Unnie!”
You were fuming with annoyance and this was not the time for Minhee’s jokes. “What?!”
“Isn’t that what you both want, ultimately? Getting into each other’s pants?” She kept giggling like it was the funniest thing ever, while you made disgusted faces at her mere words. “Minhee-ah, you’re so drunk.” “Am not!” She picked the fourth bottle of soju and uncorked it easily. “Unnie, can you not overreact so much? It’s just three days!” “Three days of torture! Oh god, he’s going to be so smug now. I just know he’ll behave like he’s doing me this huge favour and be all arrogant about it.”
“Unnie, I see why Dr. Lee asks y’all to do colouring and stuff. You really are kids, you know?”
“Minhee, I’m not in the mood now!”
“I’m not kidding, please. Everyone has co-workers they may not like. I remember hating my boss at the research institute I interned at. He was so slimy and always wanted to show me down because I was young. But I tolerated him, right? We just have to get along and live with it because that’s what the world is about.”
You tsked at her sudden philosophy lesson, bobbing on the heels of your feet, not quite calming down. 
“Unless you… don’t just dislike him as a co-worker? Minghao and I are just waiting for you both to tell us that you’ve been secretly crushing on each other for years now. The tension is real, ya know?” she smirked, and you threw a pillow at her face, causing her to duck, laughing at your flustered face. “Minhee, how many times do I have to tell you and Minghao?” “Right, right, sorry! I’ll drop it. You call Wonwoo Oppa now, or I’ll do the honours.”
At the end of the day, when the lights are off and you finally lie down in the softness of your bedsheets, however, worries about Seungcheol and the trip aren’t running laps in your brain. It’s thoughts about you and Hyunsik. 
You’d met him for the first time in the third year of your college. He had been everything you’d dreamt of in a boyfriend, coming into adulthood. You’d been too much of a nerd as a teen to ever think of dating, but now that you were in college, you were so ready to date an oppa like the heroines of k-dramas. Or perhaps you’d read too many fanfictions and you had fallen in love with the idea of falling in love rather than the act in itself. Hence, when you saw Hyunsik walk into your undergraduate statistics class as the RA, you’d toppled over your feet and fallen headfirst for him. From daydreaming over how his pretty fingers traced the words on your answer scripts when he corrected them for you, to journaling every day about how many times he made eye contact with you, you had become completely smitten by him. But he was an RA, a Postgraduate student, two years older than you. He hung out with many pretty unnies, one of whom definitely had to be his girlfriend. So before you could gather up the courage to actually confess your feelings, he had passed out of college, and you’d been forced to move on. 
It wasn’t like you hadn’t dated since then. After the initial crush on Hyunsik and the heartbreak of unrequited feelings, you had become bolder and started moving into the market more decisively. You had dated a total of eight people in the five years after that, most of which relationships had ended without any hard feelings and you had remained distant acquaintances with them. It wasn’t that none of them had captured your heart- they had each loved you in their own special ways, but it never felt enough. 
So you framed a pretty excuse for yourself: it was because none of them were Hyunsik. It was because he was perfect and nobody else compared to him. 
In hindsight, you were so wrong.
In hindsight, you probably should not have ended things so quickly after comparing them with what you imagined Hyunsik would be like. Imagined being the key word, because you had filled in the gaps that you didn’t know about him (which were a lot, considering you had only known him from a superficial level), using romance novels you had grown up reading. 
And you’d lived with that perfect image of him, until you’d met him at the college reunion. Apparently it had been organised for the two batches before you, and the two batches after you. And Hyunsik was there. So when he came walking up to the corner where you and your friends were chatting up on the old times, you had been stunned and had fallen back into the rabbit hole you’d been trying to get out of for years. He was still as gorgeous as before, and as he soon slipped, single. He had bought you drinks, made you laugh too many times, and then taken you home that night. 
Life had not been the same since then. It had been a whirlwind for the first two years, and you had gladly found out that he was exactly what you had imagined him like. But then-
Then he had got a new professorship opening in Canada, and he had moved away, on your insistence that this was a wonderful opportunity for him. You were so sure long distance would not affect your relationship, in fact, you’d been confident you’d even be stronger now. 
In hindsight, you were so wrong. 
You let the phone fall onto the pillow next to you, gently fading your attention away. You’re confident he will not pick up the call, like the last few days. 
You hear a faint voice squeaking out from your phone, and turn to the screen in shock, seeing the phone screen alight with his call receipt. You quickly click the speaker button, and reply, “Oppa! You picked up!”
You can hear his soft chuckles on the other end. Quickly checking the time, you realise it’s 9.30 am in Toronto. “I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy. I’ve really had no time to even eat properly,” he explains softly, making you worried. “You’ve not been eating properly? Yah, do you need me to come over and take care of you now?” You’re half teasing, half anxious. Somewhere you hope that he’ll bend and say that he does need you to come there for him. You know you’ll cave in if he says it, you’re that desperate for the least bit of his attention. Anything that’ll convince you that Hyunsik from two springs ago will be back.
“Y/N-ie, please stop overreacting. I need to lose weight anyway, a few meals skipped here and there don’t matter.”
You sigh, biting your lip. 
“Oppa has to go now, okay Jagi? I’ll drive to university now.”
Your eyes prick with the hints of long-dried tears. 
“Okay, good night Oppa… call me when you get time, hmm?”
“Hmm!” The line disconnects, and you’re left staring into the darkness of your bedroom. Once again, the pain of the past and a dark fear of the future grips your heart and refuses to let go.
“Hello Dr. Lee!” You call out loudly as you step into their office, thinking you’re early for your appointment, only to see a very smiley Seungcheol already standing with an even more smiley Dr. Lee near the window of their cabin. You had successfully avoided spending more than five minutes with Seungcheol whenever you encountered each other in the staffroom, hoping he’ll not raise questions about the trip. 
They both turn around to see you walk in through the door. 
“Oh you’re here, Prof. Y/L/N! I just heard from Wonwoo that you’re no longer in need of my services from next week onwards,” they smile knowingly. 
You blush in embarrassment of getting caught. “It’s not like tha-”
“I heard about your bargain, and don’t worry, I’ve not taken offence.” They smile again, walking away from the window and towards the coffee machine sitting in one corner of the room. 
Seungcheol pipes in, “Take note, Dr. Lee, this bargain was framed by our resident darling, Prof. Y/L/N. I have no contribution. I assure you, I quite enjoyed our sessions and I shall miss them.” You roll your eyes, resident darling, really! and slap his arm lightly, laughing sarcastically. He chuckles back in an equally sarcastic tone, both of you throwing daggers at each other using your eyes. It doesn’t help that he’s slicked back his hair today, giving a more prominent show of his strong forehead with eyebrows more bushy than you could ever dream of having, even after makeup. Dr. Lee laughs out loud at your antics and give you both two cups of the vending machine coffee. 
“Well, I know exactly well how you both will be feeling, so no need to convince me. But before I let you go, I have one last task for you both, to conclude my notes.”
“Notes?” you ask, crossing your left leg over your right, ignoring the way Seungcheol squirms away from you as your left leg extends forward slightly.
“My analysis notes. I’ve been studying you two, of course.”
“But you have notes about us?”
“Force of habit, you forget that I am a psychologist and my primary interest is observing behaviours of people.”
You smile at their words, and quietly sip on your coffee. 
“So, what is the final task?” Seungcheol asks. You notice that his coffee is nearly finished. 
“I have a harmony-building task for you two.”
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kinkyintherealworld · 6 months
Sissification - a toxic construction of femininity or getting off on outdated social constructs?
Becca here. 😀
First… I LOVE THAT YOU STARTED THIS DISCUSSION!!!! Thank you so much @youngchastity - who wrote to us (and tagged us in a post) for some healthy discussion around the sissification kink. We’ve definitely had a few things to say about it on the podcast, as have our guests. You can read his post, that started this conversation, here
Rather than speak for both of us at @kinkyintherealworld, I’m going to jump in and answer this from my point of view.
@youngchastity I love your thoughts on gender - I totally agree. I actually reblogged a post by @necromimetics the other day that said: 
“can’t stop thinking about my friend’s cishet partner who said last night that he doesn’t think anyone is the same gender. god-tier take.”
And I agree - we’re all a wibbly-wobbly swirl of masculine, feminine, and everything in between energies, and everyone has their own unique blend. Trying to squash us into labels is lame as hell. 
I like to think I am never one to kink shame (keeping it safe, sane and consensual), and in world where I (and many other women) want to smash the patriarchy, I may be a bit more sensitive to kinks that look down on femininity - or that’s how I have perceived it to date. As someone who has struggled with gender equality issues in real life (your capitalism comment made me give a disgruntled, but amused, snort), it’s hard to not knee jerk react and feel like I need to defend womanhood/femininity. There is still a power imbalance in the world, and equality is still a goal yet to be achieved, but upon dissection, is in the bedroom, playing with kinks, even a place we need to bring this battle? A question that has been raised to me, even before your message.
It’s funny, because I have actually had your very points discussed with me, last fall with my partner, Misty (who if you have read my personal tumblr is trans-personality who enjoys both sides of the gender spectrum fluidly) - we were on a road trip discussing the two episodes you made note of in your post, episode #16 and #19. And Misty, like you, felt we were missing the mark. S/he felt that in no way does sissification for the purpose of humiliation somehow degrade/make fun of/make lesser femininity. For all the same reasons you stated. S/he and I actually talked about doing a podcast about it, to dive more into the topic, Misty felt that strongly. It should be noted that Misty is NOT into sissification or feminization for the purpose of humiliation, and still she felt that we gave the sissification kink a bum rap. 
Hearing her thoughts and yours, I think it is something that should be revisited and, for me personally, I need to take a closer look at why I find it uncomfortable.
Since you made such lovely points I want to try and address each one!
We’ve established that we both agree the trappings around what we consider to be masculine and feminine are made up (and ridiculous). I think, the kink we are talking about here is ultimately humiliation through outdated (but still most commonly accepted) societal norms. IF you get embarrassed about having those things stripped away, and “forced” into the opposite direction… good for you? I mean seriously, how fun is it to get off in weird and wonderful ways with someone who shares your kink from a slightly different perspective! The reality is, I believe, this isn’t hurting anyone. You want a person to lock up your dick, make fun of your little penis (your actual size is irrelevant), or put you in clothing that bends your mind with eroticism and makes you flustered with sexual need - awesome! Life is too short not to enjoy the kinks we have. The bigger question, if I want to dig into the piece that makes me feel uncomfortable is, “Is there misogyny in the specific kink?” - and the answer to that, for me upon reflection, is no. Misogyny comes from the person performing it. So yeah, some kinky things are done with TONS of misogynistic intent… but that isn’t concentrated in one area. Those assholes are everywhere.
To me, feminization is never something that goes hand-in-hand with sissification. My partner feminized himself (their pronouns are all over the place), in a loving way. To empower the feminine in himself. He has often described it as blooming or becoming a butterfly - his higher form of being. So no humiliation to be found, for either of us on either end. I find it hot as fuck when he is all dolled up. 
I haven't dipped my toes into the humiliation via feminization kink (...yet?), so it’s hard for me to wrap my dirty little mind around it. 
Weirdly I do have a bimbofication kink for myself… sometimes. 😁 If I am in a particular mood for the fantasy. I have never found the right time/partner/energy to explore that. Am I feeling humiliation when I go there? I don’t think so…? More the need to feel desired, trophied (yes I made up that word), and used in a deeply submissive way. I’m not embarrassed about that. ;)   I too would be interested in hearing from women who enjoy humiliating others through feminization/sissification, and how they feel about it. Awesome point! 😀
Celebrating feminization! Now that is my jam! 💗 Give me a soft cute boy, and let me make him weak with wanting to be pretty and obedient for me. To me this is a huge mind shift  - the key word “celebrating”, not shaming. Gosh, I could just sink into this topic like the perfect bubble bath. To me, this is a core element to gentle femdom. It is about making boys better… pretty, soft, sweet things that want to please - the D/s element being a key piece. The submissive to be absolutely loved and worshipped for their submission. No shame, not less than me, and certainly not shifting my own very feminine self. I love the feminine. I love to see it in men, and men embracing that side of themselves. Is this a form benevolent sexism? I don’t know. And more to the point, if I am engaging in it with my partners, writing about it on tumblr, and reblogging things that I enjoy around the topic, am I hurting anyone? Food for thought, but I am going to keep doing my thing. ;) I feel like you can look at BDSM here, and for those who wish to criticize it, could for its dynamics. But that feels like a giant, whole other post.    Another thing you mentioned in this point was the strapon, and it’s use as a symbol of power. I have never seen it that way. To me, it is my soul penis… and I love being able to be inside my partner(s). It is an act of love, and makes me want to bring them to amazing places of pleasure (while I get off too). I really don’t enjoy the pictures of women wearing strapons who look like they want to punish their partner with it. But that’s just me. I know lots of people must enjoy that because there is a shit ton of porn that looks that way.
Playing with gender. I like that - and I do it! I love being able to put on a penis!! I really enjoyed trying my hand at Drag King make up and going out as a boy (I’ll post my picture again). I LOVE seeing boys in make up and fucking gender norms right out the window. You said it in your post - gender is made up and stupid. So yeah, let’s play with it, and maybe even break the molds! Though then you’ll have to find something else to get embarrassed and turned on about. ;) Our kinks are about orgasms and pleasure. Let’s enjoy them. In the end, it is all about intent and the people doing it. Not about the kinks themselves. People who want there to be an imbalance of power between women and men will keep doing mean spirited things to keep that nightmare alive - in the streets and in the sheets.
I feel like I have answered your points (I may have jumped around a bit), and I don’t feel the need to argue any of them. Misty had already shone a light on where I may have not been seeing the bigger picture. 
I am SO HAPPY you wrote us a message, and that you took the time to write out your thoughts (that can be read here). So sorry it took me a while to see it and respond! I am always up for conversation and debating (with kindness) any of the points. 
I definitely feel this topic should be a podcast. Any chance you'd like to be on it @youngchastity? ;) 
Hugs! Becca
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 5 months
Sing Yourself to Sleep - Bucky x Y/N - Part Seven - Adore You
Something about this chapter was so so hard to write. I wanted them to have a beautful day together where they could be free to act like a real couple, because shit is going to hit the fan soon. Loosely inspired by Adore You by Harry Styles
'We're going to London Major, together.'
Bucky was certain someone had given him too much pain meds and he was hallucinating. Seeming to notice his confusion and shock she continued; 'I told Bertie I wanted to go to London to buy some new ingreedients for baking. Said that I could use some time away from the base. He wasnt sure about me going on my own but then I subtly reminded him that there were a few servicemen travelling to London this weekend and I'm sure they would be happy to escort me.' 'And I certaintly will.' he said, eyes beaming. It took all his self control not to kiss her right there.
Two days later they were boarding the train. It was just Y/N, Bucky and a young Lieutenant. Colonel Clarke had escorted them to the station. 'Now Egan, you are on leave for the weekend, but I trust that you will still do your gentlemanly duty and make sure my wife makes it to and from London safely.' the Colonel spoke while fetching Y/N's bags from the car. 'Of course sir, wouldn't want anything happening to my dancing partner.' he shot her a wink, which she tried to ignore. 'Yes, perhaps you might find a dance hall to attend some evening, if you don't have any other plans Egan?' Before Bucky could speak Y/N cut in 'Oh Bertie I'm sure the Major has other things he would rather be doing during his time off. Besides, I'll be tired after frequenting the wholesalers I told you about.' 'Well don't you go too crazy, only so much room in that kitchen.' he said with a laugh. He pulled out some money from his wallet, 'Here, get yourself something nice. You deserve it.' He kissed her on the cheek, which she resiprocated. 'Thank you Bertie.' The Colonel took one last look at his wife and said 'Enjoy your trip. I love you.' 'I love you too dear.' she said it, struggling to meet his eyes.
Bucky watched the interaction with a mixture of guilt and disgust. They never said I love you to eachother. He wasn't even sure if she felt that way about him. They quickly bundled into the train and Bucky felt a sigh of relief. Finally alone. The lieutenant, Connors, Bucky thinks, is quite a quiet fellow and shouldn't pose much of a disturbance. He guided Y/N into one of the carriages, they sat opposite eachother, Bucky leaning across the table. 'Finally, I have you all to myself.' He grinned, his foot sliding up her leg under the table. 'Easy tiger, we're not in London yet.' she giggled.
When they arrived in London, they made quick work of getting into their hotel and checking in. They had obviously been booked into seperate rooms, but luckily they were just across the hall from eachother. Y/N took some time to freshen up, but it wasn't long before Bucky was knocking at her door. As soon as she opened it she was attached with kisses from Bucky. He pushed her into the room, kissing her as he backed her towards the bed. In between passionate kisses he spoke; 'Thank..god... I can finally...kiss you...properly.' She kissed him back, giggling between kisses. He pushed her onto the bed. She laughed as her body hit the mattress. He climbed on top of her. 'I've thought about this endlessly.' He started kissing her neck, working his way to her chest. Before he could get to work on her clothes, she pushed him away. 'Bucky, we cant right now.'
Bucky was confused, if there was ever a moment he could undress her it was right now. She noticed his confusion. 'I have to go shopping remember? Stores will be closed tomorrow.' 'Shopping? You want to spend our weekend away shopping?' She brought me here to kill me, surely. 'Bucky I told Bertie the reason I was coming here was because I had to buy stuff for the kitchen. I can't arrive back to base empty handed...I'll go shopping, and then we can go for a nice dinner.' she said. Bucky liked the sound of that, a real date out in the open. 'Sounds good to me doll. I'll come shopping with you. Help you carry your bags. I don't want to waste a single moment of this weekend by not being with you.'
A few hours of blissfully walking through the streets of London and purchasing baking supplies went by in a flash. When they were on the way back to the hotel, Y/N saw a beautiful red dress in the window of a boutique. Albert did say to treat myself.. She knew it was wrong, using his money to buy a dress to impress another man, but nothing about what she was doing was right. So why stop now.
They parted ways for a few moments when they arrived back at the hotel, both wanting the opportunity to rest and freshen up. Bucky didnt have much freshening up to do, he just splashed some water on his face, fixed his hair and put on some more colonge. Y/N meanwhile fixed her hair, put on some more makeup and changed into her new dress. She felt beautiful. She felt like she was being taken out on a real date, like this was actually her real life and not some play pretend weekend. She felt guilty too, Albert always in the back of her mind. Her thoughts were shaken from her head when there was a knock on the door.
Bucky was speechless. She was always beautiful, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. But in that dress, she was magnificent. 'Wow' was all he managed to say. Y/N's cheeks turned the same colour as her dress. 'You like it?' she asked. 'Like it? Wow doll... You're breath taking.' 'You're not so bad yourself Major.' she winked. He kissed her on the cheek, 'Oh you smell good.' she said to Bucky. He laughed 'Not for long doll, I'm probably starting to sweat. Looking at you in that dress is getting me hot under the collar.' She smacked his chest playfully as they walked down the hall.
He had found a quiet little restaurant for them to go to. They sat at a small table tucked away in the corner, just as he had asked. They drank wine, ate lovely food, listened to the band playing in the corner, and talked. That's one thing they didnt get to do often, was really talk. They talked about their childhoods, their lives back home, even simple things like favourite colours and movies. They talked and talked, almost forgetting about their food. When the restaurant was closing, the found a little pub with a band in full swing. Bucky took her out on the floor to dance, but soon after they were tucked away in a corner, his arm around her and her head on his shoulder as they talked about their hopes and dreams.
When the end of the night came, they went into her room. Standing in the middle of the hotel room, there wasnt much talking, they had said everything they needed to. He kissed her, slow and passionate, tasting every inch of her mouth. Her hands went from his chest to his tie, slowly undoing it. His arms roamed her body, appreciating every inch of her. He broke the kiss, looking down at her, she was beautiful in every way. 'Let me make love to you.' He whispered. He undid the buttons on her dress, letting it fall at her feet. She undid his shirt while he worked on her undergarments. Before long, he was just in his trousers and she was bare before him. He gently pushed her to lay back on the bed, for a moment he just looked at her. 'I adore you.' he said, so quiet she barely heard him.
He undid his trousers, released himself from his boxers and crawled on top of the bed. He kissed his way up her legs, his mustache tickling her skin. He reached the apex of her thighs, placing kisses on her hip bones. He placed his thumb between her folds, finding that bundle of nerves that would send her wild. She moaned out his name, making him even harder than he already was. It didn't take much for Bucky to have her shaking through her orgasm. When she settled from her high, he crawled up he body, kissing her the whole way until he got to her lips. 'You okay doll?' he asked while kissing her cheeks. 'Yes, I want you.' she said breathlessly. 'You have me, always.' And it was true, she would always have him, but he knew thats not what she meant. She grabed his hard member in her small hand, bucking her hips up to meet his tip. He moaned at the friction. 'I want you.' she said. With that he kissed her, a messy, breathless kiss of two people in the throws of passion. He positioned himself at her entrance, looking her in the eye as he thrust into her.
Their moans mingled together into a symphony of pleasure. He wanted to go slowly, savour every moment, but it was difficult when it felt so good and her walls were clenching around him. He was close, but trying to hold back untill she reached her climax. She was close too, enjoying the feeling of him inside her. 'Oh yes,...oh..oh John.' John. Hearing her moan his name, his real name, sent him over the edge. It was the most beautiful sound from the most beautiful woman. They met their climaxes together, and as they fell Bucky looked into her eyes 'I love you Y/N' he said. It was the first time he had ever said it. She looked at him, eyes wide, suprise written on her face. Then she smiled, 'I love you too John.'
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lightofraye · 2 months
Something occurred to me as I was talking to a follower about the upcoming Wales Comic Con. They weren’t thrilled at the thought of Danneel accompanying Jensen, though to our relief, they do not have a panel together. It’s with the rest of the Supernatural cast—the extras, etc, so there’ll be less chance of horrible and ridiculous praise, compliments, and so forth. (Seriously, Starfury last year was cringe. So cringe. Especially that awful kiss.)
Anyway… there was a discussion in the comments of that one follower post I got the other day. My attention was caught and I went to double-check a claim. Sure enough, Danneel only ‘liked’ the most recent posts of Jensen’s on Instagram. Not the birthday post about her (which you think she would!), or several more before that.
She didn’t ‘like’ the one about him filming with Justin and the announcement post. Not the birthday post about her. Not the golf one (which I still think is hilarious). Not the one he wrote about the Sony Open in Hawaii. Not even his Christmas post! (A weird blip where she ‘liked’ the one about Jensen showing up at FBBC.) Then nothing after that again. Not even his 4th of July post where she was featured. Wow…. Not even the one about JJ’s birthday. (So much for JJ being a favorite, eh, Danneel?)
Wow. Shocks of all shocks—not even the one that she posted as him about her on her birthday last year.
Danneel, my dear—why now?
Is it possible you’re now ‘liking’ his posts in hopes no one would check further back and see that you hadn’t done so for a while? In fact aside from that one blip, I’m still unable to find another ‘like’! Even when Jensen did a SaveTheWinchesters post! Your project too! Or when you went to DisneyParis!
Wow. Next ‘like’ I was able to find was Jensen posted about The Boys on December 20, 2022.
And then… ah, when The Winchesters was first announced and posted on October 11, 2022. And before that, very inconsistent. Sporadic. Very unsupportive.
So why now? Why the sudden likes? Is it possible… 😮 Is it possible you’re only doing it again because you thought folks would be checking due to Wales Comic Con and you wanted to once again reinforce the whole ‘supportive wife’ narrative, even though we know you’re not? Come on now, being a stay-at-home wife isn’t enough to prove you’re a supportive wife and you know it. Especially as you have scads of help that many a single parent/mother lack. What you’re doing is a joke, an insult to real parents.
It, of course, explains Jensen’s uptick in stories about you. Pity they’re so clearly fake, generic, and insincere. Even the ice cream story made it sound like you two are informally separated and he was taking the kids out on a visitation trip.
Nothing you two at Wales will change what people really see. Oh, your stans will be blind to the truth, of course. They don’t want to admit it’s true.
I see you, though. I see the real you. The selfish woman, the unsupportive partner. The one who tries so hard to come across as this down-to-earth woman but you really, really don’t. You’re insincere, greedy.
You can try to act otherwise, but we see it. There’s nothing real about your marriage with Jensen. It’s as fake as your hair color, fake as your smug smiles. You have his name, his money, and bore his children—but everything you’ve ever done was for yourself.
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Imagine being a young Avenger in training who's best friends with Shuri and challenging Okoye to a fight
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It all started during a training session between Shuri and Okoye that you just happened to witness. As you were walking by the private training room looking for something to do. Shuri let a pained groan as Okoye flipped her over her shoulder and onto her back for the third time. The bad thing about it they had only started training twenty minutes ago.
"Okay take five I'm tapping out" Shuri said staying limp on the mat.
Okoye let out a chuckle shaking her head. "Fine but I'm adding thirty minutes to the session."
"That's it I'm switching training partners from this day forward Ayo is my trainer." Shuri replied only half-joking.
"Trust me she's not going to go any easier on you" The General warned her.
Shuri was really starting to regret asking Okoye to give her combat lessons. After returning from her trip to Haiti it was back to business, and even though she wanted nothing more than to get back in the lab. Shuri knew if she was going to continue to carry the Black Panther mantle than she need to improve her combat skills. You were in Wakanda to offer your friend some moral support and everything. Not to mention right now there wasn't much for you to do saving the world wise. Shuri and you had a few practice fights and even though she was able to land a few solid blows. You absolutely demolished her on the mat, and that's when she decided it was time to go to the best fighter she knew in Wakanda.
"I don't get it I was able to land a few blows on y/n yet I can't single one on you" Shuri complained.
"Y/N is still in training herself Shuri" Okoye commented.
That's was when you made your presence known appearing out of nowhere as you teleported into the room. "Hey I think I'm pretty solid fighter."
"Of course you do when was the last time you had a real opponent?" Okoye asked.
You opened your mouth ready to rattle off all of the bad guys you had taken down. In the past year as an Avenger in training who had been sent on numerous missions. But the General held up hand "I don't mean a bunch of low-level thugs with guns. Shuri could clear a room of guys like that herself without the strength of the Black Panther."
Crap you didn't have an answer for her then considering every single one of mission usually involved. The bad guys she just described just a bunch goons with guns and other weapons. Of course they were a walk in the park for someone like you especially with your power set. You had the ability to tap into the mystical martial arts which you liked to call ninja magic. The name made even more sense considering you trained at a real ninja academy, but left before your training was complete. But still you considered yourself to be a badass and ready to take on whoever.
That arrogance led to you making one of the biggest mistake of your life, and you didn't even realize it. "I bet I can take you in a fight without my powers" You challenged.
Okoye turned to you with her eyebrows raised, and a teasing smile. "Oh really."
"Yeah I mean you're pretty good but I'm like a real ninja." You said digging the hold even deeper.
Shuri shoot up into a sitting position the second you issued the challenge. Her eyes flickering back and forth between the two of you to see if this was really going to happen.
"So you really think you're that good" Okoye said trying to give you the opportunity to back out.
But of course you were way too cocky to see it in the moment. "I know I'm that good. Give me thirty seconds and I'll have you pinned." You declared with a little shrug of your shoulders.
Shuri burst into laughter and got up to give both of you the mat. She always knew you had it in you to be a bit overconfident, but she didn't think you were this clueless. And while part of her felt bad about the schooling you were about to get. Deep down she knew you kind of had it coming, and needed to be humbled just a bit. Not to mention she was just happy to see someone else get their butt handed to them by Okoye besides her.
"Fine then on the mat child let's see what you got" Okoye ordered you with a playful smile.
You kicked off your shoes next to Shuri's and shrugged out of your jacket. Then took your place on the mat standing across from the General, you rolled your shoulders, and got into your fighting stance. Your demeanor was a little bit too relaxed considering who you were getting ready to spar. Okoye wasn't offended she knew your type had seen way too many times in her years of training Dora Milaje recruits. Every now a new girl would come in with some fighting skills they had learned from a parent who was also a warrior, and they would assume they were untouchable and better than the others. She put them in their place real quick.
"You got this y/n" Shuri shouted from the sidelines with a delighted look.
You glanced at her quickly seeing she was holding up her wrist. "Are you recording this?"
"Its for research purposes" she told you with a wave of her hand.
You shrugged and refocused your attention on Okoye who didn't look intimidated at all. "You can start whenever you want I'll give you the first move."
You launched towards her arm drawn back aiming for her midsection with a palm strike. Okoye dodged the attack effortlessly and took a hold of your arm and next thing you knew. Your body was flipped over and you laying on your back on the mat. Whatever move she pulled it happened so fast you didn't even see it coming. But you wasted no time in jumping back to your feet and going for her again. You threw a series of palm strikes at her. None of them landed as she moved her body out of the way. It didn't even look like she was trying you dropped to go for a leg sweep. Okoye sidestepped your leg and threw a light kick to your chest knocking you back to the mat once again.
"Would you like to call it?" she asked hovering over you.
"No back at the academy we go to three points." You told accepting her hand to help you to your foot.
"Well for your sake I hope that's not all you got" she said.
You frowned and immediately went back on the offensive swinging your body around, and bringing your leg up. In what would've been a nice roundhouse kick, but Okoye ducked under your leg, went into a crouch, and kicked your other leg out from under you. Just like that you went back down, and this time before you could get back up. Okoye was on you rolling you over onto your stomach and securing your arms behind your back.
"I believe that's my third point and you didn't land one" Okoye whispered into your ear. You squirmed in her grip trying to break free. "Shuri what was the time?"
"30 seconds" Shuri exclaimed before breaking down into laughter.
"Funny I thought you were going to have me pinned in that time frame." Okoye quipped releasing her hold on you and standing back up.
You rolled over into a sitting position. "You only won because I held back."
Okoye tilted her head to the side with a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Careful child I don't want to hurt you."
"Oh I don't get hurt easily" You pushed.
"Um y/n you might just want to throw in the towel" Shuri suggested becoming a little concerned now.
Okoye held up a hand. "No one more round this time she gets to use her powers, and I get the spear."
You grinned just like that the arrogance was back as you got back to your feet. "Sounds like a deal to me."
Shuri shook her head now feeling bad for you.
You waited for Okoye to retrieve her spear from where it was leaning up against the wall. Once she was back on the mat the fight kicked off with a nod. You went low teleporting half-way through and reappearing right in front of her. Your palm strike actually landed hitting her in the lower thigh. It barely fazed Okoye as she took a couple of steps back. You disappeared again this time coming from her right side. She turned her body around and leaned back making you miss. She brought her foot up kicking you in the stomach you groaned doubling over. Then the next thing she knew there was now three of you instead of one. You summoned three clones of yourself and a wooden staff materialized in each of y'all's hands. Okoye smirked and motioned for you to go for it with her hand.
You spun the staff in your hand and sent in your clones first. They attacked her from both sides, but somehow she was able to hand the onslaught without breaking a sweat. Spinning her spear around this way and that way blocking all of their attacks. Eventually one of your clones disappearing in a cloud of smoke after getting struck with the blunt end of the spear. The other clone followed with a harsh kick to the face. You rushed forward bringing your staff up and it clashed with her spear. A good chunk broke off on impact Okoye whirled around turning her weapon around in her hands, so the sharp end went right through the other half of your staff. Before you could even thinking of creating another. Okoye dropped to one knee and swung her spear at your feet knocking you onto the mat for the fourth time.
You were sweating at this point and red in the face. Half from embarrassment and the other half from tiredness.
Okoye jammed the sharp end of the spear into the mat so it would stay. She walked over and crouched down beside you with a knowing look on your face. "Do you want to keep going?"
You went to get up but let out a groan hand coming to hold your stomach. Your eyes met her's and you looked away ashamed. "I give" you said. Okoye nodded and went behind you placing her hands under your arms to bring you back to your feet.
Shuri walked over to you with trying to contain her smile. "Hey look on the bright side you landed one more hit on her than I did."
You groaned and left the training room.
"I wouldn't gloat too much your session isn't exactly over" Okoye reminded her. The Princess pouted and opened her mouth, but the General shook her head. "No you don't get another five minutes let's go."
A couple of hours later after soaking her sore body and changing into something more comfortable. Shuri set out to find you and knew exactly where to look. You were in her room lounging around on the windowsill staring out into the fields. One of your legs dangling over the ledge and your other pulled up into your chest with one of your arms resting on your knee.
"Hey master of ninja arts are you going to come down or what? She called out.
You barely glanced down at her before returning to your brooding.
"Come on y/n come down you can't stay up there and mope all night you know" Shuri tried again. You grumbled something under your breath but teleported to the floor. "Are you here to rub it in my face?"
"Um no this is my room and I don't think you need me to do that." Shuri said holding up her wrist. A hologram popped up it was video replay of your match with Okoye. "Oh here comes my favorite part."
You shoved at her shoulder before collapsing back onto her bed throwing an arm over your eyes. "There's no way you're going to delete that footage is there."
"Not. A. Chance." She stated taking a seat beside you.
"Why didn't you warn me?" You asked with a whine.
"I tried to but its not like you were going to listen anyway. You have a bad tendency of being a little too arrogant for your own good."
"I am not" You denied.
"Groi can you pull up a replay of the y/n's match with Okoye and play it on my ceiling please."
"Shuri no" You protested placing your hands over your eyes. The Princess dug her fingers into your side ready to catch your hands in hers. When you brought them down to guard your side with a bunch of giggles.
"You literally got your ass kicked multiple times because you couldn't admit defeat. Okoye is five times the warrior you are, and even when she proved it. You still didn't know how to back down if that's not cocky then I don't know what is."
You watched the replay and had to admit that your friend was right. You got a big head like you always did, and was put in your place. What made you feel even worse was you didn't give Okoye the proper respect for winning against you. Even when the fight was unfair at the addition of your powers.
"You know if you can suck up your pride and ask her. She's probably willing to train you too" Shuri whispered in your ear.
You gave her a nod.
The next morning when Okoye went out into the fields for her morning exercise routine with Ayo by her side. She found you perched on top of the ramp in a crouch dressed in all black. You threw a quick glance over your shoulder at the sound of footsteps when you saw the two Dora Milaje.
You hopped down and wandered over stopping in front of Okoye. "I underestimated you and that was wrong. I'm sorry about that whole thing yesterday if you're willing to train me. I would be happy to better myself as a fighter by being your student."
"You know I'm not going to go easy on you, and there will be no relying on your powers." Okoye told you.
You gave her a quick nod.
Okoye smiled glad you were able to come to your senses, and was slightly surprised to see you ask for training. "Training starts now then."
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chipthekeeper · 7 months
Vel Sartha's Guide to Coming Out to Your Niece
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This is probably not as whimsical as the title and image would have you believe, but *shrug emoji*
Day Four of my favorite week of the year comes with the prompt of "home is the first grave" (family / talking about the past) from @dailyvelcinta
Read in full here or on ao3!
Vel called upon all the unwanted etiquette training from her past so as not to wiggle continuously while she sat on the sofa, watching her partner and her dear cousin interact without her for the first time.
All things considered, she had nothing to worry about. Her first time introducing Cinta to Mon had thus far gone off without a hitch. A break in assignments for them, a day off for the senator, and a trip off-world for Perrin proved to be the perfect conditions to arrange a long-awaited overlap of Vel’s two worlds. Still, she’d worried. Given Mon’s outward appearance as a hardly-useful politician and Cinta’s disdain for pretty much anyone who wasn’t actively fighting the Empire, there was plenty of potential for friction between them.
But Cinta had apparently been paying attention when Vel had told her about the real Mon, the one who cared, who fought as hard as she could behind the scenes. And Mon would never have anything negative to say about any person who put a real smile on Vel’s face. So they’d found whatever common ground they could, and as far as Vel could tell, it was going perfectly.
There was, however, still the matter of Leida.
Vel tried to gauge the reaction of her so-called niece as they sat on the couch and watched the other two women interact. She knew what Leida thought of her mother – the same thing most teenage girls think of their mothers, not much. And she knew what Leida thought of her – everything, for some reason. But she could not determine what the girl felt about the woman Vel had brought home with her.
Though she and Mon had been relieved when the girl’s potential betrothal to the Sculdun boy had fallen through, Vel knew Leida had been eager for it to happen. For reasons Vel could not understand, she had a fondness for the old ways of Chandrila that Vel herself had pushed so hard against at the same age. She wanted to marry, to take her “rightful” place in Chandrilan society, even if it meant missing out on years of freedom and exploration.
Much as she hoped Leida would grow out of it before she got tied down, Vel worried that her reverence for the traditions of their homeworld would one day cause a rift between them. As it had with the rest of her family, the people she would definitely not be bringing Cinta around to meet. None of them had ever understood why she’d needed to leave, why her “way of life” just didn’t fit on Chandrila.
She hoped it would not be the same for Leida.
“What do you think, kiddo?” Vel asked her in a whisper, nudging the girl with her elbow and gesturing vaguely at her partner.
Leida considered the question quietly for a moment, perhaps internally replaying the last few hours they’d all spent together, having lunch and getting to know one another.
Finally Leida looked up at her with a cautious smile.
“I like her,” she said, and Vel’s heart rate slowed by a fraction. “Where’s she from? Where does her family live?”
Vel’s own anxious smile turned sad as she averted her eyes and reached to smooth out a wrinkle in Leida’s dress.
“She doesn’t have much of a family anymore, love,” she said solemnly.
“Oh…” Leida muttered, quiet again for a moment as she drew several conclusions. “Just you?”
“Yeah…” Vel told her, her smile growing again before the anxiety returned. She bit her lip and shoved down the worry as she asked the one question on her mind. “Does that bother you?”
Leida gazed back toward the window at Cinta and Mon, who were presumably sharing a laugh over some story Vel would’ve been embarrassed to have told.
“No,” the girl said. “I think I want to be her family too.”
Vel released the breath she’d been holding in a long exhale, wrapping an arm around her niece and pulling her in close so she wouldn’t see the tears suddenly trying to leak from her eyes.
“That would make me happy,” she said, smiling at the two women now watching her from the window. “That would make me very, very happy.”
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
A Real One for Christmas
Cross posted from AO3
You know, when I said I was ready to return the favor,
I didn't expect it to be like this
Pleaseeee? 🥺🥺🥺
It's just for one Christmas dinner
EVERYONE has their own boyfriend or girlfriend now
And Ma and Pa's been asking when I'm getting together with someone
you're overlooking something here
your best friend knows me
how do we explain that to them?
we just tell them the truth
we met online and hit it off
uh huh
he won't ask questions in front of the family
i think
i can think of a million reasons how this can go wrong
it won't🙂
wow that smiling face is really assuring
that's good ^ _^
another question..
am I supposed to know about your powers?
that's the fun part
if they know you're a 'civilian'
they'll be fighting to hide their powers
and/or tech
thru the whole dinner
you're actually evil
this is me getting back at them
so i'll fly you on the 20th?
i can't fly with you
you need to book me a flight, im in Paris
Or else they'll be suspicious
I'll ask Dad to help get you one
What about HM?
I'll make a prediction here and say that he won't be attacking a few days before christmas
cause he'll do it on christmas
but just in case, I can bring Kaalki or you can fly me
or I can ask Chat to cover for me
see you :3
hey, this makes YOU owe me a favor
but this is your return
this isnt equal to what u did
it is :3
Marinette sighed and flopped on her bed as she threw her phone to her side. Meeting Jon Kent had been both luck and misfortune for her. One day, he was just a cute stranger she met after a boredom-filled night and then the next, they had accidentally found each others' identities when Superboy happened to pass by Paris.
She dragged out a groan. What on earth was Jon even thinking with that charade? They were facing a family of Kryptonians and detectives for crying out loud. 
"What's the matter, Marinette?" Tikki flew in munching on her last cookie crumb. 
"That was a very regretful groan." 
She screamed when she saw her partner's head pop through her open skylight. A pillow was instinctively thrown at Chat, who dodged it effortlessly. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" she glanced warily at her trapdoor, hoping her parents wouldn't come rushing in. 
Chat dropped down on her bed and stretched. "Meowch. Can't I visit my dearest friend every now and then?" 
"I think Marinette has a predicament," Tikki tattled as she nestled on top of Chat's head. 
"Oooh, what predicament? Do share, M'lady." 
Seven pieces of cookies, two more woeful groans and a story later, Chat was laughing out loud. 
"You think this is funny?" Marinette scowled. 
"I'm sorry," Chat wheezed, not at all sounding remorseful. "But you and I have read enough fanfiction to know where this is going." 
"But this is not fanfiction. This is real life." 
"And in real life," the black-clad hero sang, "Jon Kent likes you."  
Marinette scoffed. It wasn't that easy of course. Jon was one charming smile after another, targeting her unsuspecting feelings while not knowing anything.  
"So. . .?" Chat cocked his head.  
"What about Hawkmoth?"  
"Him? I can take care of the city while you're out," he replied. "You go enjoy your little Christmas getaway while I—"  
"Should we exchange our Miraculouses?" Marinette asked her kwami.  
Tikki gave a half shrug, "I don't mind joining Adrien for a while."  
"Yes! Two days with no cheese smell!"  
The flight to America was uneventful, but the car ride to Kents' was. Jon had reminded her before and after her trip that he and Conner were picking her up. She'd lied to him over text, saying that she wasn't nervous at all, but her rapid-beating heart was betraying her.  
And Plagg wouldn't shut up about it. And asking her for a charcuterie board at dinner.  
She could only make a futile attempt to control her heartbeat in the old farm truck with two Superboys.  
"Marinette, was it?" Conner smiled at her through the rearview mirror.  
"Uh . . . Yeah." She squirmed. Jon squeezed her hand. She squirmed some more.  
"By the way, Dad wanted to pick you up instead of Conner but he has dinner duties," Jon explained, "He told me to tell you."  
"It's okay. I'm thankful he paid for the flight and everything."  
"Jon told me you met online," Conner pressed, earning a frown from Jon. "He wouldn't elaborate."  
"We just started off as chat buddies and the next thing I know we were getting closer and he asked me out."  
"Hm that's interesting." A slight smirk popped up on Conner's lips. "Jon's never mentioned you before." 
"This is exactly why," Jon pouted. "You'll scare her off."  
A fake gasp. "Moi? I'm just a guy from Smallville. No one too special."  
"Eyes on the road, Kon. And don't go too fast, this isn't your motorcycle."  
"So how did Lois react when she found out?" 
Marinette saw Jon shudder under his holiday sweater. "She was furious."  
She paled. "Your mom got mad?"  
"I should've seen that coming anyway, because I never told them." Jon raised his hands. "Not your fault, though! Mom's excited to meet you."  
"How exactly did you meet?"  
"Kon. Questions later. Focus on driving, jeez."  
Marinette swallowed. If they had to pull off the act in front of Jon's family, she had to step up. "It's okay, Jon." She touched his arm. "We met in an online chatroom and we've been talking ever since." 
"Tinder? Grindr?"  
"Kon!" Jon's cheeks turned into a deep shade of red. "Can we talk about something else? What about you and Tim? Talk about that."  
"Me and Tim?" Conner smiled widely, almost evilly. "You want to talk about us? Tonight we're going to make lo—"  
"Okay, okay! Not that!" Jon raised his voice. He turned to Marinette. "Sorry."  
She squeezed the side of her bag which was starting to shake from Plagg's giggles. "It's okay. I promise."  
"You shouldn't have come—" 
"Hey, no, we already agreed to this, didn't we?" Marinette smiled shyly. "We're doing this dinner."  
Withholding a smirk, she laughed. "And it's not like I can fly back to France in a minute." 
And to this, Conner's eyes widened as the car swerved sharply to another lane.  
Lois Lane was first to tackle her as soon as she stepped through the front door. She stumbled back a bit, but managed to return the tight hug.  
"Marinette! I'm happy you can make it." She turned her head briefly to the commotion behind her. "I have to apologize—we're not yet done with the preparations."  
Marinette could see half of the Wayne family staring at her curiously from the kitchen. She pretended not to notice as Jon took her coat. "It's alright, Ms. Lane. If there's anything I can help with—"  
"No, you're our guest! You can sit here first and the table will be set in a few minutes." The reporter hurried her to a comfy couch in the living area. "And please, call me Lois."  
"Thank you . . . Lois."  
Jon leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Dad needs me to help with a few things. Will you be okay on your own?"  
She took his hand gently. "Of course. Go."  
He gave her one charming smile before going. At the same time, others came filing in . . .  
. . . And an arrow sailed past her head and into the wall.  
"That is my new—ow!"  
A blue-eyed man snatched the small contraption from the archer, glaring at him pointedly. 
"We have a guest, idiot." Another man strolled into the room.  
Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Marinette made her guesses. Jon had already told her all about them, even going as far as to share their quirks and personalities. Nightwing, Arsenal, Red Hood.  
"I am so sorry!" Roy's eyes went wide. "It was for my . . . Er—archery competition!"  
Jason smacked him.  
"Didn't we already tell you about this?" Dick hissed while pulling out the arrow from the wall.  
Roy mumbled a response that Marinette couldn't make out.  
"Really really sorry for that." Dick turned to her. "Are you hurt anywhere?"  
"I'm good!" Marinette assured before their arguments worsened. "It didn't hit me."  
"Good." Dick glared at Roy again. "I'm Dick, and these are Roy and Jason."  
"It's nice to meet you," she smiled sheepishly.  
"Guys, you're crowding around the poor girl." A woman in a wheelchair entered, and the others gave her space.  
"Hi, I'm Barbara, you can call me Babs." The woman offered a welcoming smile which Marinette returned. At that moment, more people were ushered into the living room, by the Wayne's butler who was brandishing a spatula and muttering about banning them from the kitchen.  
Marinette felt a chill down her spine.  
There, at the corner of her eye, he was staring at her. Calculatingly.  
Crap, he definitely recognizes me.  
She pulled out her phone and sent a quick message to Jon.  
The Kents and Waynes (read: Alfred) didn't disappoint with the food. Marinette realized how hungry she was when she gazed at the dining table.  
"You have to try Ma's apple pie," Jon whispered next to her. "I bet your bakery can't compare."  
"I'll be the judge of that," Marinette rolled her eyes. She settled next to Jon, across from Clark and Lois. Damian was diagonal from her, making it more difficult to avert her gaze.  
After the setting of the table, passing of bowls, picking up of servings, Clark made small talk within the light chatter.  
"So Marinette, what do you like to do?" Clark asked.  
"Art. Designing," she replied, "Helping my parents bake."  
"Oh come on," said Jon, "Marinette is a prodigy. She's been recognized by Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois gave her an offer once."  
"Big names in fashion," Bruce Wayne commented, sending Marinette into a blush, "That's impressive."  
Jon piped up again before she could kick him under the table. "Her designs are amazing. And Jagged Stone regularly commissions her for concert pieces."  
"Wagged Shtone?" 
"Master Timothy, please don't talk while eating."  
"You know Jagged Stone?!" Tim gaped at her after swallowing down his food.  
"Jon's exaggerating." Marinette tucked her hair behind her ear, "It was just a few pieces for his concert."  
"Don't downplay it, Mars, you're talented," Jon smiled gently.  
"Looks like you're very proud of Marinette," said Lois.  
"O—of course I am! She's my girlfriend after all."  
"Well, I'm happy Jon brought a wonderful girl home," Ma Kent beamed, handing Marinette another piece of baked lasagna.  
"Can you get me an autograph from Jagged?" Roy asked.  
"Me first!" Tim cut in.  
"I'd like one too," Kara joined in.  
Marinette laughed nervously, "I'm sure I can get one for everyone." She glanced to her side. "Umm . . . Conner are you okay?"  
He continued rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, someone threw a tree at me too hard while we were collecting firewood."  
An invisible tension (which Marinette purposefully ignored) swept across the room. Beside her, Jon spoke up. "Hey, I said I was sorry!"  
Marinette furrowed her eyebrows, resisting a laugh when she saw the semi-panicked faces of the others. "Jon threw a tree at you?"  
Tim conspicuously kicked Conner's leg below the table.  
"A tree! Yeah!" Conner's eyes widened. "We collect tiny trees for firewood! Really tiny ones!"  
"Oh. . .?"  
"Please ignore him." Tim kicked his boyfriend again. "Mari, tell us about Paris!"  
"Chilly night, huh?" 
Marinette could've sworn she jumped to the ceiling as she yelped at the voice. She'd step out into the front porch to get some air as the families cleaned up after dinner inside. She didn't expect the girl who Damian had brought to come approach her. 
"Yeah, really cold," Marinette saw her breath fog up. She hugged herself, feeling Rachel stare directly at her. 
Rachel had been quiet during dinnertime, but she wasn't a forgettable presence. Marinette knew about her as well (even before she knew about the Kents) because of a mission (more accurately, a snooping errand) assigned to her in the past. 
"Aren't you cold too?" Marinette rubbed her palms together. 
"I do well with the cold," the girl replied. "Damian's been looking at you the whole night." 
Yeah, I noticed that too. 
"Really?" Marinette chuckled nervously, gazing elsewhere. 
"Yes. It seems like he knows you." 
"He must be mistaken . . ." 
"He isn't." Rachel shook her head. "I'm not sure why he's suspicious but I trust you." 
"I can feel that you're good. Lucky even." A light smile was on her lips. "You're good for Jon." 
I thought the smell of cheese would've masked whatever luck Tikki gives me. "Thanks?" 
"I'm coming back inside. You?" 
"Uhh . . . I think I'll stay here for a bit." 
With a nod, Rachel walked back into the warm house. Marinette released a sigh of relief. Confirming that Damian did recognize and remember her brought back memories.  
She wasn't proud of her time in the League, but it wasn't something she can turn her back to either. Especially since she still had to be loyal to its heir. She let out another heavy sigh and— 
"AHH!" In a surge of alarm, Marinette threw whoever was behind her over her shoulder. She was suddenly met with familiar green eyes.  
"Oh . . . Amir . . . I'm so sorry!"  
"It's good to know you still have your reflexes." 
She winced as she helped Damian stand back up. 
"I will go straight to the point. What are you doing here?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"Did my mother send you? Is the League looking for me?" 
Marinette huffed. "Okay, first of all, that is an insult to Lady Talia. If she wanted to see you, she'd do it herself. Not send me to go undercover in a Christmas dinner." 
Damian raised an eyebrow. 
"Secondly, I'm not here for anything but Jon. Because I'm his girlfriend," she emphasized. "It's just a coincidence and I even hoped you wouldn't try to talk to me." 
"So you have no business involving me?"  
"I don't." She glanced warily through the window of the house, wondering if Jon (or any of the Supers) was listening. "Jon is . . . he's really important to me. I like him." 
"Does that mean you know about . . .?"  
"Yeah, all of it." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "But don't tell anyone. Jon and I are waiting to see how long we can mess with them."  
"I see." Damian pursed his lips, putting on an expression that she knew meant that he was thinking deeply. "If Kent hurts you in any way, I have a stock of kryptonite." 
"Uhm . . . Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"  
"No." A tight smile. "I . . . Apologize for misunderstanding. I just haven't seen you since the League fell."  
"I'm just in Paris, Amir." Her shoulders sagged. "Trying to live normally. Sorry I haven't reached out."  
"We should go back inside. You're shivering."  
Marinette followed Damian into the house just as her phone rang. She sucked in a breath, read the message and met Jon's eyes from across the room.  
He immediately went towards her and pulled her to the stairs, yelling, "We'll be in my bedroom, don't listen to us, okay, bye!"  
Jon had offered to take her at first, but she declined to protect their cover. She had taken the Horse Miraculous and rushed back to the Kents' using the space power-up. On a day when she thought Hawkmoth wouldn't strike, he akumatized poor August again. 
Marinette had exchanged Miraculouses with Chat during the battle. She sat on Jon's windowsill in her Cosmobug suit as she caught her breath.  
"I'm really sorry," she breathed out. "Did they ask questions?"  
"They think we're still locked up here so it's okay. How was the battle? Did you get hurt?" Jon scanned her for injuries.  
She held his shoulders. "I'm okay. It was a quick fight but I was worried I wouldn't make it back in time."  
He pulled her into a tight hug, eliciting another blush. "Sorry I made you stressed out."  
"Hey, it's me returning the favor, remember?"  
The first time they had met in person, Superboy was in Paris, encountered an akuma battle and accidentally found her identity. She'd made him promise not to tell anyone about what was happening in the city, but he promised to collect the debt.  
"And I really enjoyed tonight. Everyone was nice." Marinette grinned. "If not a bit too obvious with their identities."  
"Let me guess. Conner and Roy were the most careless."  
She giggled. "No, I saw Bruce pocketing a Batarang and Clark reheating the chicken with his heat vision."  
Jon laughed along with her, still not letting go from the hug. Marinette buried her face on his chest. I wish it would always be like this.  
"I wish it could always be like this," said Jon.  
Her earrings started beeping but she paid them no mind.  
"Like . . . Bringing you over. Spending time together," he mumbled. "but we can't. You're not . . . We're not . . ."  
She swallowed. "Do you want it to be real?"  
He pulled away a little, to look at her properly. "Do you?"  
Marinette bit her lip. It wasn't the best time. It could strain their friendship. We'll never talk again!  
"Yes, I want it to be real," she confessed. "I've . . . I've liked you for a while now." 
His eyes turned bright and the corners of his lips lifted.  "Really? Are you sure? Because I was scared you won't feel the same and I made it weird . . ."  
Her arms looped around his neck as she mirrored the elated look. "Nope." Her lips lightly touched his cheek. "I like you a lot, Jon."  
He was practically buzzing with excitement, which made her want to laugh. "Really? Like really, really?" He held her more tightly. "You want to be my real girlfriend?"  
"Of course I do—"  
The door clicked open. "MARINETTE! WE GOT YOU PRESENTS—!"  
A wave of light flashed and Marinette felt her transformation wear off and a drowsy Tikki floating at her side. Conner, Tim, Dick and Kara were staring slack-jawed at them, crowded around the door.  
Jon helped her down the windowsill. "Umm, we can explain?"  
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blimbosworlddd · 4 months
Nirvana: A Rock Lee Tale (Chapter 6)
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Summary: Your dating life is terrible. Your friends’ marriage is fantastic. Your career as a medic was doing great, though. But you aren’t happy. However, after one quick trip to the Mighty Rock Dojo, you stumble upon the most magnificent man you’ve ever met- the taijutsu master- Rock Lee.
Notes: slow burn fic, afab/fem/black reader.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, mild to explicit sexual themes. Mentions of death, usage of petnames, cursing.
Word count: 5.1k
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
It is the night you had that fabulous date with Lee. You lay in your bed, naked under the blankets while reminiscing on every second you spent with him. Heat blooms in your belly every time you think about the way he looks at you like royalty, the way he talks to you, the way he treats you like royalty. And that kiss. It plays nonstop in your head. You pull out your phone and scroll through your social media feed until Temari’s caller ID pops up on your screen. You realize you both hadn’t spoken much for a while and decide to catch up with her.
“Hey, girl. Wassup?
Temari slouches against her chair in relief at you succeeding to answer this late at night.
“Shika’s acting weird.”
“In what way?”
Your friend sighs in embarrassment, preparing herself for the admittance of her husband’s behavior. Temari never liked to admit when things in her life were going wrong. She’s well aware that it’s part of the human condition, but stability is what she’s good at. It’s her thing to keep things under her thumb and it was especially easier to keep it that way with Shika’s multifaceted security. But that security is crumbling and it takes two to make a marriage work. Temari sighs deeply when reflecting on everything her husband’s putting her through:
He hasn’t been home much, she thinks. We haven't had a proper date in weeks. At first he made up for it with life-changing sex but we don’t do that as much either. He comes home late when I’m already sleeping and leaves early before I wake up. He won’t even answer my calls when I need him to. And then he has the gall to chalk it up to the shitty economy making it hard for him to sell- I may not be an expert on real estate but selling property should never be that time consuming. Fucking poser.
You hum in thoughtful concern when she finally breaks her silence. The longer Temari explains her situation your brows slowly furrow at the realization of how much it reminds you of Shika’s behavior before he broke up with you. It feels too familiar and something nags at the back of your head for your friend’s sake.
However, Temari does not take your silence lightly and groans irritably. 
“I dunno am I doing something wrong?”
“No! No, I'm just thinking,” you blurt out. “And I think this is nothing new.”
Temari side-eyes her phone inquisitively. “Enlighten me.”
“Well…” you mumble tentatively, making sure you put care into every word that comes out of your mouth. “He’s acted like this before for a multitude of reasons. I can’t give you undeniable factors but I can help you connect the dots. Shika’s always been this way, just to varying degrees depending on the situation.”
Temari looks at the time on her phone and realizes this isn’t something she wants to sleep on.
“The best thing you can do is sit him down and have a talk,” you continue. “But please don’t think this has anything to do with you. We both know you’re an amazing partner.”
“Thanks,” she breathes. “I don’t want to keep you up all night. And I miss you, are you free to come over tomorrow?”
You smile softly at her effortless affection. She makes vulnerability seem so easy to attain. “I miss you too and I’d love to see you tomorrow. Luckily I’m free that day so I’ll make sure to stop by.”
“Alright, good night and I love you.”
“Love you too!”
The next morning you make Ayesha some breakfast to prepare her for departure. As much as she’d love to wring all the details about last night out of you, an emergency meeting came up with her marketing team. After serving her food, she bids you farewell with a peck on the cheek and closes your front door behind her. After locking it, you take a shower and prepare yourself for the day. It takes a few train stops and a brief bus ride to make it to Temari’s place but it’s nothing dire.
You give the door a few quick knocks, slightly swaying the bottle of white wine in hand. You hear muffled footsteps shuffling in the distance before the door opens and you see your friend’s state; mild bags under her eyes, dirty blonde hair spiking in all directions, one of the spaghetti straps of her nightgown dangling off her shoulder with a slouch that rivals the posture of a question mark. Temari’s iconic scowl melts into a cheeky grin at the sight of you.
“You look like shit,” you snort.
Temari’s eye twitches irritably while her grin turns stale. “Fuck you,” she snarls. “Hug me.”
Your eyes soften at her demand and you steadily wrap your arms around her shoulders. She doesn’t hug back but there’s no need. You slowly tighten your hold, and the sheer warmth of you causes her to shiver like a baby deer in winter. She buries her face into the corner of your neck, and the fact that she hasn’t been held like this in a while makes her ball up her fists. Shika should be doing this for her, not you.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You coo against her unruly tresses.
Shrieks of joy fill the living room air as you both lounge on the couch, conversing to your hearts’ desires while ignoring the indie film that plays in the background.
“And when we kissed it was electric. I didn’t want to stop but I knew that if I didn’t -“
“Then you would’ve fucked him on the first date I know, I know.” Temari sighs affectionately at your adorably troubled state. “I knew y’all had a thing for each other but I kept it as a hunch.”
You shut your eyes and replay the hot make out session in your head, the little concert you sang in the car, the delicious food, the trading of jokes. How can a man be so sweet, bubbly and stern at the same time? That’s so hot? You groan miserably at how shortly the kiss lasted.
“I like him so so sooo much.” You whine. “ I just want him to rearrange my guts already.”
Temari rests her head on her hand, scanning something in your face. “But you’re not ready, are you?”
Your eyes crack open abruptly. She frames it more as a statement than a question, a statement that holds a lot more merit than you wish it did.
“I… I need more time.” You mumble hesitantly. “As attracted to him as I am, I feel like I need to know him more.”
“Then you do.” Temari settles with a raised brow. “If you feel like you need to then you do. And it’s okay to go slow. Going slow is sexy.”
A meek smirk creeps up your features. “I knowww, but he makes it so hard.”
“Imagine how you make him feel? Shit, I’d have to be sick with obsession if I buy you slippers to your distinct liking so that you’re comfortable when you work. You kidding?”
You lean against the couch with a content sigh. You forget just how wise and mature Temari is. She’s so truthful with everything she does, so her support always means the world to you. Your best way of showing your appreciation would be to do the same.
“Talk to me.” You give her that look where the concern in your eyes is undeniable.
Temari stared at the glass of wine in her hand, tilting it back and forth to watch the beverage sway as if the answers to all her problems swim in it.
“He’s just not the same.”
You tuck your feet beneath your thighs and continue to listen, focusing on how your friend begins to slouch again with a distant look in her gaze. Not looking at anything in particular. She takes a deep breath but it only feels shallow.
“He doesn’t act like my husband any more. Just a roommate I occasionally fuck.”
Her flat tone makes her sound bored, but you hear the hushes of dejection in every word.
“You don’t deserve that.” You whisper.
Temari hums dismissively before raising her glass to her chapped lips. After taking a swig of her drink, she rolls her eyes obnoxiously.
“He’s burying himself with work and we don’t even go on dates. And what pisses me off the most is that he won’t treat this problem seriously. Taking me for a fool is unfortunately his most effective scapegoat.”
That sounds like Shikamaru alright.
“I dunno,” she scoffs. “You think he might have a mistress or something?”
You shake your head with a sound of denunciation. “He wouldn’t do that.” Yes Shika is not above being a bad husband, but a mistress? Something in your mind makes you doubt it. He never slept with anyone while dating you, even when he showed that he didn’t want to be with you anymore. Even when his heart belonged to another woman. It reminded you of how emotionally distant he was with you throughout your evolving relationship. You were very vulnerable around him because he made it a safe space, and yet was never just as naked around you. His father always encouraged him to let his feelings flow when necessary, but after he died Shika just had this impenetrable wall surrounding him. No one truly knows what he’s thinking: people only know what he wants them to know.
You can see the despair in Temari’s directionless glare. She wears that scowl on her face when she’s in a situation that she’s silently decided she can do nothing about. And it pisses you off.
“Hey, hey,” you murmur affectionately while scooting closer to your friend.
“I know that he’s not doing enough to maintain this marriage,” you gently grab her hand and steadily place it on your lap. “But Shika is wise enough to know who his soulmate is. And even wiser to do everything in his power to make sure you stay. But you must remind him of what he could lose before he’s too late. You’re a strong woman, no?”
Temari’s gaze flickers up to your own; your eyes widen with a knowing glare. A knowledge burning bright enough to coax the hidden determination deep from her core with unwavering warmth. Temari slowly nods her head, hesitantly at first, until she lifts her chin and straightens her back. Her brows furrow with the fear of uncertainty, but she gives your hand a brief squeeze nonetheless.
“I am,” She whispers. 
“So be a strong woman.”
It’s 8pm and Shika finally makes it to his home after a good few hours of drinking with his colleagues. Temari has stopped complaining about his busy schedule so he figures maybe he can sleep peacefully tonight. After locking the door from behind him he makes his way to the living room, where he sees you and his wife sharing a throw blanket together as you both slumber on the couch. He found the sight adorable, the way you both cuddle close to each other to make room under the blanket. He silently smiles to himself before tossing his suitcase on the table, abruptly waking you from your rest. Unlike Temari, you are a light sleeper.
“Had fun today?” You pry lowly, trying not to disturb your friend’s nap.
Shika takes a deep breath and an additional moment to ponder his response.“As much fun as real estate will allow me.”
You scoff with a weak sneer, caressing Temari’s hair while looking down at her relaxed state. “ You’re avoiding her. Why?”
Now it was Shika’s turn to scoff. “We've gone through worse. Where was your questioning during those times?”
“And where is your dignity during this one?”
Shika strides past you and into the kitchen, pouring himself a scotch. He takes his time, shrugging off his leather coat and hanging it in his closet room before snatching his drink and heading back into the living room. He takes a swig while staring you down.
“ Is this payback for our break up? Look, I know how I did you was pretty shitty. But don’t you think it’s about time you moved on?”
Your sneer warps into a disgusted grimace, as you search his eyes with horror at the audacity. 
“I've already moved on,” you hiss quietly, eyes glossy with the thought of that tender look Lee gives you and his infectious smile. “I am happier than you could ever dream of making me. But that doesn’t mean you’re immune to criticism. My friend is hurting and you’re causing the pain. So I ask you kindly to get your shit together-“
“This is a matter solely between me and my wife, and it will be handled solely between me and my wife.” There's a finality in his tone that makes your jaw tense with frustration, but it’s a closed jaw, nonetheless.
“Then handle it you fucking pussy..”
You and Shika whip your heads in Temari’s direction, quietly processing the words that escaped her mouth. There was that dull unamusement in her tone when she spoke. And yet a subtle glint in her irises makes her look eager for something. Hungry, even. Shika remains unfazed, raising the glass to his lips to drink some more alcohol and humming delightfully at the familiar burn.
“If you had told me you were awake, I would’ve made you dinner sooner.”
“Lie to my face again,” she hisses loudly, swiftly rising from her pillow. “And I will pack my bags and never look back.”
Temari has made idle threats plenty of times throughout their relationship. But the eerie composure of her voice and the way her sharpened eyes pierce through his soul is more than enough proof that she means every single word. Temari may not have a job, but she always knows how to make money one way or another, and she never depended on Shikamaru for funds. If she truly wanted to leave, she’d do mighty fine by herself. It was one of those many traits of hers that made her husband hopelessly whipped. 
Shika feels his breath hitch in his chest. “.. Yeah but then you would miss out on my infamous Kenchin soup.”
Temari sucks her teeth. It was so typical of him to act as unbothered as possible. “ Flattery won’t get you out of this,” she warned. “Now listen to y/n’s advice before you fumble the chance to change my mind.”
Shikamaru never had the best relationship with his father. Yes, there was no other man he was closest with as a child. There was no other man he could depend on as a child, but that same man had a cold heart. His love was cold enough to burn you with freezes and now the scars live with his son. His very son who never asked for help, who never cried for affection, who never begged for the validation he needed to survive woundless. His very son who never learned to love or hate a woman. His baby boy who never learned to love or hate himself.
Shika is on thin ice and he knows it. He dug a deeper hole for himself and he knows it. But one thing that he knows more than anything is that he would literally rather die than watch his woman leave. He sighs incredulously and places his glass beside his suitcase.
“Can we at least talk alone?”
“You really wanna play with me right now, of all times?”
Shika feels his underarms perspiring with sweat. “Not in the least, baby. Let’s talk.” Temari stands up from the cushions and approaches him until they are face-to-face.
“Why?” It is a simple question really. Only problem is that the simple question calls for a complicated answer.
“And don’t feed me bullshit excuses like you being ‘too busy with work’ or ‘too tired’ to spend time with your own wife.” She lists his examples of negligence with a distinct mockery of how he sounds when he talks. “Are you cheating on me?”
“ Did you break the law? Did you kill someone?”
“…No.” he would sound damn near docile If it weren’t for the bellowing raspiness of his voice.
“Then say something, Shikamaru Nara. What the fuck is going on with you?”
Shika glanced at you sipping your wine while watching this conversation unfold. He redirects his gaze to the hallway, looming ahead of him.
“ I don’t know.”
Temari’s eyes look for any signal of deception on his aggravatingly handsome face. She could tell he wasn’t lying, and that broke something in her. All the fire she was about to spew his way was losing its fuel, and she felt it dying down into a simmering spark.
“I don’t. Know.”
You ceased drinking, concern etching into your features for that was an answer you could’ve never anticipated from your former boyfriend and best friend.
“Then what are we doing?” Her voice cracks with a very small whine. A whine that only he could recognize whenever her defense was starting to crumble.
“We’re talking, remember? So that we can fix this.”
“I don’t even know what we’re fixing.” She rushes past you and Shika, her rapid padding echoes throughout the corners of the house. She yanks open the refrigerator door for a drink. Her man follows behind in casual strides, watching her slouch down as she rummages through some food. He buries his hands in his pockets to fiddle with his father‘s lighter, the only physical link to his memory. He leans forward until his mouth is right above the back of her neck.
“Yeah but we can still figure this out, no?” Temari almost shivers at the way his hot breath tickles her nape. She shuts her eyes to ground herself and snatches a water bottle from one of the containers sitting below the food.
“Use your words carefully. I’m still considering leaving you.”
“Heh. I bet you are, my love.” Temari turns around and leans against the kitchen counter, already bored with his usage of the pet name. She hastily screws open the cap and lets the chilled water pour down her throat.
“ When my father was killed, I made a vow to never let loss destroy me the way his death did.” Temari stares at him with a quiet gulp, not expecting him to openly talk about such a touchy subject.
“If I had to push people away to avoid the pain, so be it. If I had to be alone for the rest of my life, then so be it.” Shika may be an asshole, but he’s a grown man who values his timing more than winning arguments. “It was fun at first, being young and watching the consequences slip past my fingertips.”
He took a few steps closer until his face was all that his wife could pay attention to. “Now look at me: a miserable fool, already on the verge of a divorce. Dad would be so disappointed if he saw this.” Shika removes his hands from his pockets and slowly takes the bottle from her hold to place it on the counter, inwardly cheering in relief at her silent cooperation. He traps either side of her body with his arms, staring down down at her tired eyes. She could see the desperation in his furrowing brows, and the aging grief in his subtle frown. Despite how long they have been married, Temari could never get used to the way Shika dwarfs her with simple finesse.
“But you don’t make me miserable, princess, you never do. I do. And now it’s affecting you. And for that, I’m sorry. So very sorry and I’ll do better, I’ll do more. I promise.” The hushed sincerity in his tone almost makes a sob escape Temari’s trembling lips.
“I’m pregnant, Shika.” She sniffles, regrettably at the way his eyes widen.. his hands grip the edge of the counter until his knuckles go white. His mouth slowly falls open as realization takes its time to settle in..
“Hey y’all, It’s about time I go home.”
The couple snap their heads in your direction. Tears staining Temari’s rosie cheeks. 
“Let me drive you,” Shika offers as he steps back from his wife to face you. “It’s the least I could do after being such a cunt.”
“I forgive you, Shika. Just take care of her already, okay?” 
He gives you a nod of gratitude and makes his way to the front door. Before he escorts you out, you pull Temari in a tight hug.
“Stay,” she begs helplessly.
“You know I can’t hun,” you coo solemnly. “Call me when you’re ready. I love you.”
You release your hold with a swiftness and make your way to the exit. Before you walk past Shika, he grabs your arm to stop you. “I owe you one,” he admits ashamedly. “Name the price and I’ll make it up to you.” 
You shake your head, taken aback with amusement. “Make it up to her first. Then we’ll talk.”
After Shika closes the door and locks it, Temari breaks down on her knees. Shika could cry himself at the sight, but he has a duty to fulfill. He approaches his wife and bends down, to steadily slide one arm under her thighs and the other around her back. He holds her limbs with gentle security and carries her to their master bedroom. While she lies weeping on the mattress, she hears her husband retreat into the bathroom. Faucet water streams into the tub while he opens a bag of bath salt. It takes around 20 minutes for the tub to  be filled and prepped with his wife’s favorite ingredients. He approaches the foot of the bed with caution.
“I made you a bath. Can… can I take off your clothes?”
Every second that passes by is laced with a deafening silence he endures while waiting for her response.
She sniffles. “…hurry up.”
Shika exhales with relief before tenderly removing her knitted sweater. He handles her like fine China, carefully shimmying the nightgown off of her pliant body. He hooks a finger into the band of her panties and the way his nails gently drag against her skin leaves a trail of goosebumps at the sensation. Once she’s fully nude, he picks her up once more and carries her to the bubble bath.
“I gotchu sweetheart,” He whispers lightheartedly as he sinks his woman into the warm water. She sighs delightedly at the sweet aroma of the bubbles.
“Mind if I join you?” Shika offers warily.
Temari shoots him an offended glare. “ Sex is not gonna solve this, dammit.” he could hear the exhausted irritation in her voice.
“ I won’t fuck you. I just want to join.”
His wife side eyes him as if she’s tracking any signs of deception once more. But alas, there aren’t any.
“Three seconds.”
It takes less than that for her husband to process the command, his eyes widening with panic before his fingers fumble while attempting to unbutton his shirt. The pace at which he unbuckles his belt could convince anyone that his pants are on fire. Temari snickers helplessly at his idiosyncratic movements, and how he genuinely is desperate to bathe with her. She scoots up once he’s fully naked so that he can sit behind her, both legs on either side of her figure. He slouches against the curve of the tub and spreads his arms with a blissful sigh, smirking at the cute glare Temari shoots his way.
“I’ll be off work for two weeks so we can figure this out. If you don’t want the baby, I’ll pay for the abortion. If you want a divorce, I’ll sign the papers. But if you do choose to stay, if you do choose this baby…” Shika leans forward and stares into his woman’s soul. “I’ll be here every step of the way. I’m not going anywhere. You come first before everything.”
His words are crystal clear yet spoken seductively low. He’s not trying to have sex, he’s not even flirting or teasing. All Temari can do is let her eyes trickle down to the contours of his neck, to his toned stomach, his chiseled v-line and all the way down to that heavy-
Shika snaps his fingers. “Eyes up here, sexy. You understand?”
Temari flickers her gaze up to meet his own, and the way he looks at her makes her thighs clench hard. He will not fuck you, she reluctantly reminds herself. So she pushes her back against his chest and lets his groin poke at her ass.
“I hate you,” She huffs indignantly.
“Doesn’t answer my question baby.” 
Temari sighs with a groan before resting the back of her head on his shoulder, her eyes shut with embarrassment.
“One last chance,” she concludes. “Fuck this up and we’re done.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You finally make it home, kicking off your sneakers and tossing your keys on a nearby table. You simply cannot stand the cold, frustratedly shrugging off the remnants of winter as you hang your coat on a racket. You sigh with a slouch, mumbling to yourself about what to make for dinner. You feel your phone vibrating in your back pocket, and once you take it out you see Lee’s caller ID on your screen. That familiar eagerness spirals down your stomach and your cheeks puff up with a smile. You take a deep breath and answer the call.
“Hey Lee! Wassup?”
Lee closes his eyes to revel in your sweet timbre.
“Good evening, beautiful. Just revising the dojo’s schedule for next week. What are you up to?”
It’s only been a day since y’all last talked and yet the bass of his voice never ceases to rumble through you. There is nothing like listening to Lee on the phone.
“Just got home from Temari’s place,” You trudge up the stairs and make your way to your room. “And now I’mma get ready for bed.”
Lee pauses his writing and side eyes his phone. “ Should I call another time?”
“No! No- I love talking to you. Hehe.” You squeeze your eyes shut at how desperate you sound, but the man on the other line couldn’t find you any more endearing.
Lee places his pencil down and relaxes into the cushion of his chair. “Me too, sweetheart.” 
If he calls you one more pet name, you are going to explode. When you put him on speaker, you shrug off your day clothes and throw them in the laundry basket.
“I really enjoyed last night,” he continues. “That was the most fun I had in a long time.”
You grunt, “Is your dojo not entertaining enough for you?”
Lee smirks at your playfulness. “Aren’t you the beauty who admitted doing what she loves isn’t always fun?”
You drape an oversized T-shirt over your figure and plop yourself on the bed beside your phone. You turn off the speaker to have a more intimate experience with the conversation.
“Damn, you got me,” you drawl sarcastically.
“Mmm not yet, but I’m working on it.”
Your teeth tugs on your bottom lip at his insinuation, body already growing hot with wanton need.
“I uhm… I had a lot of fun too. It was probably the best date I’ve ever had.” You tug at the hem of your shirt regrettably, hoping that he doesn’t mistake your honesty for pandering. Lee hums gleefully at your simple charm, wondering how he bagged such a sweet thing like you. But that sound he let out almost resembled a low groan, and it threatens to go straight to your cunt.
“What was your favorite part of the date?”
While pondering on his question, you shift to lay on your side and pull the phone closer to your face, as if you were watching Lee through the screen.
“Everything, I fear. It may not be the most satisfying answer… but it’s the truth.”
Lee spreads his long legs, eyes half lidded with content. “And why is that something you fear?”
Your face tenses up at the question but you don’t cower. “… Wasn’t expecting you to be so lovely.”
“You don’t expect a lot from people?”
“No. Not from men anyway.”
Lee chuckles at your boldness, it’s a lighthearted sound that makes your heart feel a bit less heavy. “Men don’t expect much from men either.”
You grin giddily at how he treats your views with respect rather than shallow judgment. It shows his wisdom and gravitates you impossibly closer towards him.
“ Well, what was your favorite part, Lee?”
“I have my top fifty moments, but,” He inhales deeply. “I’m afraid I won’t be your favorite anymore If I tell you my number one.”
You stretch your knees with a huff, “You aren’t my favorite. You’re my only.”
Now it was Lee’s time to pause, feeling his chest cave in with a warmth he hadn’t felt in almost a decade.
You misinterpret the silence and panic. “O-Only if we keep dating, of course-”
“It was kissing you. That was my number one moment.”
The tiny hairs on your back raise with every passing second. “ Well, you’re really good at it,” you mumble meekly.
Lee snickers dotingly at your antics. “Thank you, gorgeous. I’m only a phone call away if you want my lips again.”
Lee can hear your breathing turn shallow, your voice getting weaker on the other line. He may not have been active for a minute, but he knows a woman in need when he hears one.
“ Let me ask you this.” His tone is tender yet commanding. It makes your back flex.
“Are you dating for sex?” 
“Good. I’m dating you because I want you. And if that means getting to know how amazing you are, then I will do whatever it takes. Okay angel?”
You almost moan at his words alone. He speaks to you with an effortless sensuality that pebbles your nipples and leaves your pussy aching. A full-body throbbing that only he can satiate. You’ve never felt so wanted in your entire life.
“You’re killing me here,” your whimpering alone could make Lee die a happy man.
“Let me take you out on another date.” he balls his veiny fist with unwavering determination. “Please.”
You look over your shoulder and glance at the dresser in which your vibrator resides. This was gonna be a long night.
“I-I’d love that, Lee.”
This work belongs solely to ©️ blimbosworlddd. Do not plagiarize, steal, copy or repost. I worked very hard on this; reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated.
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The cult needs to STFU. Even if Jikook aren't dating, he has shown up more for Jk, then anyone lately. Who went to be with Jk during his single release in NY & Silver Day? Jimin. Who didn't? Who was first to post about Jk's BB 100? Jimin. Who didn't? Who was first to congratulate Jk on his bday? Jimin. Who didn't? Who came live to tell us to keep wishing for Jk's birthday? Jimin. Who didn't? Who was with JK on White Day in 2022? Jimin. Who wasn't? Who visited JK in his comments on White Day live 2023 when JK was alone, even tho he himself was out of the country and busy & when others were actually in Korea and didn't see JK? Oh that's right, Jimin. You know the live where JK was lonely, sad, crying, bringing up GCF Tokyo trip, playing There for You, spoiling all of Jimin's songs, even playing JVKE, knowing it was about to be released Jimin was working with him. Spoiling Set Me Free part 2 and then eventually told us to look forward to it. It was Jimin again and again and again. Where was Tae during all this? Since they want to always drag Tae into Jikook's business. Where was Tae last year on JK's bday? So Tae flew 14 hours from Washington to go straight to his friends premiere off the plane, but couldn't go see JK on his bday, after a 14 hour flight, his married partner he shares two adopted kids with? I guess between spending time with JN his GF in NY (since she was there when Tae was) and that 14 hour flight home, he just didn't have any more energy to go his husband. Where was Tae during JK's 2020 birthday? Oh yeah, at home asking Jimin to come sleep with him instead. Tae loves JK okay. You don't have to tell us. We know they do, but they aren't fucking and they aren't dating. They are friends. And honestly, if I were you, I'd just shut my fucking mouth about Jikook, because if this really was a dick measuring contest, which Taekookers try to make it out to be on which duo is more gay and has more potential to be real, sorry, but Taekook are coming in last. Vmin have a more real chance of being real over Taekook, considering Tae actually writes songs about Jimin and said he likes him the most. Clowns. All of them. So, no amount of TK Premiere appearances or bowling with friends, will ever change the fact that Tae just went public with JN in Paris, holding her hand, after nearly 2 years of dating proofs of them were leaked. Don't ever fucking speak on Jimin or Jikook again. Not while one half of your ship is in a now made public relationship, done on purpose by both Tae and JN. Losers. You got bigger things to worry about, then Jikook.
Oh and get your damn lies straight while you're at it. JK didn't hear Tae's album first. JK never once said this. Stop making up shit. He said he heard it. It was Jimin in 2022 Festa who said he and Tae had a listening party TOGETHER and Tae played him all his songs first. So sorry cult, soulmate is the one who actually heard his album first, confirmed by Vmin. It was Jimin and Tae agreed. But guess what else. Tae was with JN like 3 days after that Festa Dinner filmed, so he probably played them all for her too, while they were caught by a local in the car together on their Jeju date. Better luck next time losers.
Hi anon,
Agree with everything!
Tkkrs should be the last people celebrating anything right now.
Their ship never sailed to begin with.
The interactions between Tae and Jk have always been because they are friends. There is nothing else other than a friendship bond.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Nestor Oceteva Masterlist
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The Girl Is A Gun Universe - Nestor's lover is just as dangerous as he is.
Always - You are the only one that Nestor allows to touch his hair.
Braids - Nestor knows you are terrible at braiding.
Flowers (NSFW) - You are the only woman who has ever given Nestor flowers.
Missed You - You tell Nestor how much you've missed him.
Sweet Dreams - Sometimes you call Nestor in the middle of the night.
Mi Corazón - Nestor's found his heart.
Leaving - Every goodbye feels like it's the last one.
Fucked Up - You're not the only one that's fucked up.
Happy Birthday - You come home for Nestor's birthday.
Loaded Gun - Nestor knew your smile would kill him.
Future In Your Hands - Nestor envisions a future with you.
Show Me - You and Nestor meet in the same spot you fell in love a year ago.
Ruin Myself - It feels like an affair
Memories - You find an old picture in Nestor's things.
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Part One: First Date (NSFW) - Nester and you have an unusual first date.
Part Two: Familia - (Feat: Marcus Alvarez) - Marcus discovers your relationship.
Part Three: Fair Trade (Feat: Miguel Galindo) - Miguel puts you in a tough position.
Part Four: Slaughterhouse Rules - Miguel feeds you to the wolves.
Part Five: Stay With Me - Nestor deals with the aftermath.
Part 6: Run - Nestor can't give you what you need.
Part Seven: Partners in Crime (Feat: Coco Cruz & Marcus Alvarez) - Marcus asks Coco to reach out.
Part Eight: What Happens In Reno - What you got up to in Reno.
Part Nine: Don't Give Up - Nestor refuses to give up on you.
Part Ten: Bleeding Out - Coco finds you bleeding out.
Part Eleven: One Day At A Time - Nestor and you lay your cards out on the table.
Part 12: Home - Nestor notices when you start to settle.
The Choice - Miguel discovers your relationship.
Roots - You decide it's time to out down roots in Santo Padre.
Changes - Marcus and Nestor discuss all of the recent changes in his life.
Burning Love - Nestor and you have come along way since his days in the cartel.
Call My Bluff - Nestor can always tell when you're lying.
Blood Out - Nestor talks to you about getting out.
Spray Paint - You're the only one who knows about Nestor's passion.
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Part One: El Cuchillo - An incident in the clubhouse causes ramifcations for the entire club.
Part Two: Always - Nestor learns about what happened.
Part Three: In the Dark - You and Nestor wake up to find armed men in your house.
Part Four: Sierra - Marcus takes care of the men who tried to kill you.
Part Five: Maternal - Nestor and you take refuge at a familiar location.
Part Six: Times Are Changing - Marcus and Bishop discuss moving forward with the club.
Part Seven: Graveside (feat: Marcus Alvarez) - You and Marcus discuss your mother at her graveside.
Part Eight: Canvas - Nestor struggles in the aftermath of the attack.
Safe Space - You give Nestor a safe space to work.
Good Advice (feat: Marcus) - Nestor turns to Marcus when he faces a problem.
Marry Me - Companion piece to Good Advice (feat: Marcus) - You raise the topic with Nestor.
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Part One: Weakness - Miguel returns to Nestor's life.
Part Two: Revelations - You reveal the truth to Miguel.
Part Three: Ashes to Ashes - You and Nestor take a trip up to Maine to see Emily.
Tears - Nestor grieves Miguel.
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The Wolf! Series:
Part One: An Act of War - A dead body in a burnt out car sets Nestor on the war path.
Part Two: Real - Nestor drowns his sorrows.
The Wolf Oneshot:
The Wolf's Just A Puppy & The Door's Double Locked
Proudest Moment & Most Treasured Posession
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