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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
Heyyyyyy 😅 I haven’t forgotten about this blog I promise. I’ve been going through a lot. I do apologize for ghosting all my readers of Ms.Honey. I want to finish it but the next chapter will take a while to reconstruct and edit. Just a heads up if you’re looking out for it. I appreciate all of the sweet messages and the likes/reblogs on my content.
ALSO, look at this old ass ONE DIRECTION LIVE DVD I found hidden away in a closet 😭
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Look at those babies 😭
How have yall been btw? I hope everything is well for the rest of you 🤍
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
miss u and your words but always put yourself first <333
I’m sorry I’ve ghosted you guys :( November was a rollercoaster for me. I experienced a big loss in my family and I also got a boyfriend. So I’ve been up and down a lot and not even able to open tumblr. Means a lot to randomly check here and see the kind messages people have sent me! I appreciate them so much 🥺🤍🤍🤍🤍
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
I regret talking shit about Harry’s lil clip he’d wear 😩 bring it back pookie I won’t say a word!!!!
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
boxer harry who’s been training at the same gym for years w one of the personal trainers who’s little sister is always around🤧🤧 he’s known her since she was a teenager but now she’s in her 20s and he can’t help but notice how hot she is🫨🫨🫨 and he’s trying to ignore her but she happens to have a lil crush on him too so one day when he’s there late and she’s closing up they end up kissing but it turns out she’s a virgin so they don’t go too far🤧🤧🤧 but no one can know or else her brother will kill harry so they keep meeting up in secret and are always hooking up in the back of his car or in the locker room shower after one of his matches🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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everyone needs a harry in their life.
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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Seoul (3/20) | Kiwi
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
That’s exactly it! Honey didn’t realize that rule only applied to parents. Not the whole family 😂
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Pairing: Harry Styles x F!Reader Word Count: 2.3k+ Warnings: tooth rotting fluff!, kissing, relationship developments Summary: It takes a village to raise a special needs child. Gemma's son is growing up and starting kindergarten in the fall. Uncle Harry is struggling with not being able to spend all day, everyday, with his nephew who he's grown quite attached to. When he accompanies Gemma and Arlo on his first day of school, he meets Ms.Honey. Harry decides Kindergarten might not be so bad after all. A/N: For the sake of the story, Gemma and Harry live in the states. I know more about the school system in America than the UK so it just made sense! This story is not meant to be a 100% depiction of what a family of this dynamic is like. Harry and Gemma Styles are very real people and are only being used for fictional purposes!
*please like and reblog to help your local fic writers*
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The weather was truly in your favor today. A soft breeze, bright blue sky, the birds were happily chirping and flying back and forth between the trees and your bird feeders. It was what you would describe as your idea of a perfect day. Laid out in your hammock, you had your eyes closed as you listened to the songs the birds would sing for you, and enjoyed the cool breeze against your face. The sun was starting to set and the air had that summer-like chill to it when you decided to head inside. 
Grabbing a microwavable dinner from your freezer, you popped it into the microwave to cook. While the microwave worked its magic, you grabbed your phone to see what calls or texts you’ve missed while outside today. You weren’t shocked to see a missed call from Harry along with several texts.
Harry: When were you going to tell me your birthday was next week?
Harry: If you think we aren’t doing anything to celebrate you’re crazy!
Harry: Woman, call me back so I can make birthday plans for you!!!!
You could imagine how flustered he must have been right now waiting for you to reply to him. The teasing part of you wanted to make him wait a little longer but the soft side of you that Harry occupied had you calling him back without a second thought. As if he was looking at his phone, just waiting for it to ring, he answered on the second ring.
“About damn time!” He greeted you.
It made you laugh, shaking your head fondly, “Sorry, I was laying in my hammock all afternoon and I didn’t have my phone with me.”
Harry took a moment to envision you laid out and enjoying the beautiful weather today. He wished more than anything he was there to enjoy it with you. “Fine, you’re forgiven. But next time I won’t be so nice!” he threatened.
You knew he wasn’t being serious though. You could tell by the goofy voice he put on when he said it. “So who snitched about my birthday?” you asked, curious.
“We, technically the school, but Gemma called me and told me. So let’s blame Gemma.”
“That darn Gemma.” you decided to play along.
“Right? An absolute menace to our society. She must be stopped!”
“Well you’re her brother…so wouldn't that make you just as much of a menace?”
“Do you think I’m a menace?”
“WELL I NEVER.” He exclaimed, making you laugh once more. He always knew how to tickle your funny bone.
“I’m only half joking.” you promised, grabbing your food out of the microwave and stirring it up.
“Well Ms.Jokester, what do you want to do for your birthday?” He asked, making himself comfortable on his own couch while he talked to you.
“Well considering I’ll be working, nothing really.” sitting down at your dining room table, and putting him on speaker phone so she could sit comfortably and eat.
“You’re working on your birthday? That’s lame! What about next weekend then? We could do something.”
It was endearing how much he wanted to spend your birthday together, but you couldn’t ignore the knot of guilt in your stomach thinking about it. “Harry, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
“I know you want to wait till after Arlo’s graduation to date and I respect that. We can hang out as friends though, right? Is that allowed?”
Thinking over his words, you felt the knot loosen in your stomach. “I guess you’re right.” you said, pushing your food around the plastic container. “I just don’t want either of us to get in trouble.”
“I know Honey. I’m sorry that it has to be like this right now. I still want to show you how special you are and celebrate your birthday. Even if that means we have to sit on opposite sides of the room to do it.”
Smiling at your food, you couldn’t help but blush, “well that’s really sweet of you.” taking a deep breath, you breathed out, “Fine, I’ll bite and let you celebrate my birthday with me.”
“A splendid choice!” Harry exclaimed. “What would the birthday girl like to do?”
You pondered the idea for a moment. What you really wanted to do might be too boring for his taste. You couldn’t think of anything else though. “Honestly, I want to stay in. How about we get sushi, stay at mine and spend the evening watching a movie?”
Harry hummed, “If that’s what the birthday girl wants, it’s what the birthday girl gets.”
“Really? You don’t think that’s too boring?” you asked, feeling uncertain.
“Honey…” Harry softly said, “Listen, if it’s with you then I’m going to have a great time. If that’s what you want to do then I’ll do it. And if you must know, that’s my ideal type of evening. So, I’d be more than thrilled to do it with you. I promise.”
You smiled at the phone, “Thanks Harryy. You’re the best.”
“You only deserve the best. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Enjoy the rest of your relaxing evening.”
“You too.”
- - - - - - - - -
The day of your birthday was a total blurr. Even though you were working, the day flew by with flying colors. Your students brought in small hand made gifts for you that just melted your heart. You promised all of them that their work would be proudly displayed at your home to always remember them by. 
While the kids were at lunch, you had a special delivery again from Nancy. She came to your classroom with an arm full of flowers and a box of chocolate covered strawberries. “Mr.Honey has done it again.” Nancy said in a teasing tone. 
You giggled, taking the gifts from her, “He’s too good to me.” you told her.
“You’re dating right?” Nancy asked.
Setting the case down on your desk along with the box of strawberries, you sighed softly, admiring the flowers. “No, I told him we couldn’t date till Arlo graduated.”
“What?! Why?!” Nancy exclaimed, looking at you with a dumbfounded expression.
You returned the look with a confused one, “I’m not allowed to date the family of the students in my class.”
Nancy brought her palm to her face and shook her head, “Oh, Honey that’s only for parents. You won’t get in trouble if you date him.” laughing at the shocked look on your face.
“Well then, he’ll be very happy to know that.” you said, giving a shocked giggled back to her.
“Happy birthday to you.” she teasingly sang to you with a wink, walking out of the room.
You couldn’t wait to surprise Harry on Saturday with this new found information.
- - - - - - - - -
When Saturday arrived, you were up early and stress cleaning, even the parts of your home that you knew Harry wouldn’t see or care about. It had to be perfect. Nothing could go wrong. By the time midafternoon rolled around, you were collapsed on the couch, sweaty from all the cleaning you’d done. Your phone vibrated on the coffee table next to you, making you groan as you reached for it and swiped to answer the call. “Hello?” you breathed out.
Harry chuckled through the phone, “You sound like you ran a marathon.”
“I basically did. I’ve been cleaning all day.”
“Perfect, I’m gonna mess it all up now.” he teased.
“I’ll have to hurt you.” you laughed softly.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time babe.” making your heart skip a beat. “I’m getting the sushi now and going to grab a few more snacks from the store. I should be heading your way soon.”
“Good, I’m starving.” you groaned. “I’ll see you in a little bit. Drive safe.”
“Will do Honey.”
After you hung up, you had to force yourself to get off the couch and go shower. As much as you hated it at first, the hot water was welcoming to your aching back. You were super glad at this point that you decided to spend the night in. When you got out of the shower, the cool air made you feel more awake and refreshed. 
Picking out your cutest pair of pajamas, you figured you might as well stay comfy if you were gonna spend the evening watching movies. Throwing your hair into a messy bun, you gathered all the fluffy pillows off your bed and brought them to the living room.
You arranged them on the floor so the two of you could comfortably sit together. Moving the coffee table to the side, you even grabbed a few fluffy blankets to lay out and use if you wanted to.
“Ooo wine!” you hummed to yourself as the idea popped in your head. Going to the fridge to get the bottle out, you were interrupted by a knock on your door. Setting the bottle on the counter, you jogged over to the door and opened it to see Harry’s bright smile and sparkling eyes. “Happy birthday!” he cheered, walking in as you made room for him through the doorway.
A soft giggle could be heard from you as you watched him trapease his way to the living room, dumping the bags on the makeshift blanket pallet you made just moments ago. Turning to see you’d followed him, he wrapped you in a hug, picking you up and spinning you around. You couldn’t help but squeal with laughter, tucking your face into his neck as you held onto him tightly.
Gently setting you down, he leaned his forehead to your own, looking into your eyes. “I’ve missed you.” he whispered.
“I’ve missed you too.” you told him, playing with his curls gently at the nape of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, which he eagerly returned.
“How about we eat and start a movie? I’m starving.” rubbing his hands along your sides gently, rubbing just low enough to drive you crazy.
You nodded, “I like that idea.” you breathlessly said, “Let me go grab the wine from the kitchen.”
Letting you go reluctantly, you were quick to retrieve the bottle along with two wine glasses. “I hope you like red.”
“I love it.” he assured, setting out your sushi in front of you while you poured both of you a glass.
“What movie did you pick to watch first?” he asked, accepting the glass when you handed it to him. 
“Rose Red.” you proudly said, taking a sip of your wine.
Harry hummed in approval, “Stephen King. Excellent choice.”
It was indeed an excellent choice. By half way through the movie, Harry and you were cuddled together, bellies full of good food and beginning to feel a little tipsy from the wine. 
You quickly discovered with Harry that he loved to talk during films. Which was perfect since you enjoyed it as well. While he would critique the film’s small details, you would make off handed comments about the characters and how stupid some of them were. Harry was amused when you would go on a random tirade about a stupid decision one of the character’s made. “For somebody who likes this movie you sure are yelling at it a lot.” Harry noted, giggling.
“I do like it! It’s just fun to yell at it too.”
“It’s cute.” Harry mumbled, pulling you closer into him.
Looking up at him, and him looking down at you, made you not want to wait any longer. “Harry…I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” he asked, feeling a little nervous.
“Nancy brought me the flowers and strawberries as you know. Well she asked if we were dating. I said no and she asked me why like I was crazy.” You giggled, thinking back to her facial expression. “I told her I wasn’t allowed to date my students' family and she told me that was only for parents. I wouldn’t get in trouble if I dated you.”
A giant smile creeped onto Harry’s face as he processed what you just told him. “Seriously?” he asked.
“Seriously.” you repeated, rubbing your nose against his own.
Pressing his lips against your own, the kiss quickly turned heated. He laid you back gently onto the pillows, positioning his body to hover above your own. This kiss showed you both the feelings you were holding back. Desperate to express through a simple gesture. “Be my girlfriend.” Harry mumbled against your lips.
“What?” you couldn’t help but giggle and smile, making him smile too.
“Be my girlfriend,” he repeated “Please.”
Looking up into his eyes, you could see the immense amount of adoration they held for you. “Yes.” you whispered. It felt right. It had to be right. They always say when you know, you know. And you were so sure in this moment that you knew. Harry couldn’t help but feel the same way.
With goofy smiles on your faces, the both of you started to giggle, feeling giddy and high from life and the happiness you brought each other. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
“And we haven’t even had dessert yet.” Harry said, suddenly sitting up and reaching for a bag.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you watched as he pulled out a tray of cupcakes, holding one up and putting a candle in it, lighting it with his lighter. He turned to you and began to sing Happy Birthday. You watched with a smile on your face, sitting up fully to be closer to him. Once he finished, he held the cupcake closer to you.
Closing your eyes, you made a wish then blew out the candle. “Thank you Harry. For everything.” you said, taking the cupcake. Pulling the candle out and sucking the icing off of it, you hummed happily. 
He chuckled, grabbing his own cupcake to eat. “I’d do anything to see that sweet smile.”
If only he knew your wish was for him to make you smile for the rest of your life.
TAG LIST: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @justlemmeadoreyou @squirreljoe @end-of-the-earth @behindmygreyeyes @buckybarnessimpp
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Harry Styles x F!Reader Word Count: 2.3k+ Warnings: tooth rotting fluff!, kissing, relationship developments Summary: It takes a village to raise a special needs child. Gemma's son is growing up and starting kindergarten in the fall. Uncle Harry is struggling with not being able to spend all day, everyday, with his nephew who he's grown quite attached to. When he accompanies Gemma and Arlo on his first day of school, he meets Ms.Honey. Harry decides Kindergarten might not be so bad after all. A/N: For the sake of the story, Gemma and Harry live in the states. I know more about the school system in America than the UK so it just made sense! This story is not meant to be a 100% depiction of what a family of this dynamic is like. Harry and Gemma Styles are very real people and are only being used for fictional purposes!
*please like and reblog to help your local fic writers*
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The weather was truly in your favor today. A soft breeze, bright blue sky, the birds were happily chirping and flying back and forth between the trees and your bird feeders. It was what you would describe as your idea of a perfect day. Laid out in your hammock, you had your eyes closed as you listened to the songs the birds would sing for you, and enjoyed the cool breeze against your face. The sun was starting to set and the air had that summer-like chill to it when you decided to head inside. 
Grabbing a microwavable dinner from your freezer, you popped it into the microwave to cook. While the microwave worked its magic, you grabbed your phone to see what calls or texts you’ve missed while outside today. You weren’t shocked to see a missed call from Harry along with several texts.
Harry: When were you going to tell me your birthday was next week?
Harry: If you think we aren’t doing anything to celebrate you’re crazy!
Harry: Woman, call me back so I can make birthday plans for you!!!!
You could imagine how flustered he must have been right now waiting for you to reply to him. The teasing part of you wanted to make him wait a little longer but the soft side of you that Harry occupied had you calling him back without a second thought. As if he was looking at his phone, just waiting for it to ring, he answered on the second ring.
“About damn time!” He greeted you.
It made you laugh, shaking your head fondly, “Sorry, I was laying in my hammock all afternoon and I didn’t have my phone with me.”
Harry took a moment to envision you laid out and enjoying the beautiful weather today. He wished more than anything he was there to enjoy it with you. “Fine, you’re forgiven. But next time I won’t be so nice!” he threatened.
You knew he wasn’t being serious though. You could tell by the goofy voice he put on when he said it. “So who snitched about my birthday?” you asked, curious.
“We, technically the school, but Gemma called me and told me. So let’s blame Gemma.”
“That darn Gemma.” you decided to play along.
“Right? An absolute menace to our society. She must be stopped!”
“Well you’re her brother…so wouldn't that make you just as much of a menace?”
“Do you think I’m a menace?”
“WELL I NEVER.” He exclaimed, making you laugh once more. He always knew how to tickle your funny bone.
“I’m only half joking.” you promised, grabbing your food out of the microwave and stirring it up.
“Well Ms.Jokester, what do you want to do for your birthday?” He asked, making himself comfortable on his own couch while he talked to you.
“Well considering I’ll be working, nothing really.” sitting down at your dining room table, and putting him on speaker phone so she could sit comfortably and eat.
“You’re working on your birthday? That’s lame! What about next weekend then? We could do something.”
It was endearing how much he wanted to spend your birthday together, but you couldn’t ignore the knot of guilt in your stomach thinking about it. “Harry, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
“I know you want to wait till after Arlo’s graduation to date and I respect that. We can hang out as friends though, right? Is that allowed?”
Thinking over his words, you felt the knot loosen in your stomach. “I guess you’re right.” you said, pushing your food around the plastic container. “I just don’t want either of us to get in trouble.”
“I know Honey. I’m sorry that it has to be like this right now. I still want to show you how special you are and celebrate your birthday. Even if that means we have to sit on opposite sides of the room to do it.”
Smiling at your food, you couldn’t help but blush, “well that’s really sweet of you.” taking a deep breath, you breathed out, “Fine, I’ll bite and let you celebrate my birthday with me.”
“A splendid choice!” Harry exclaimed. “What would the birthday girl like to do?”
You pondered the idea for a moment. What you really wanted to do might be too boring for his taste. You couldn’t think of anything else though. “Honestly, I want to stay in. How about we get sushi, stay at mine and spend the evening watching a movie?”
Harry hummed, “If that’s what the birthday girl wants, it’s what the birthday girl gets.”
“Really? You don’t think that’s too boring?” you asked, feeling uncertain.
“Honey…” Harry softly said, “Listen, if it’s with you then I’m going to have a great time. If that’s what you want to do then I’ll do it. And if you must know, that’s my ideal type of evening. So, I’d be more than thrilled to do it with you. I promise.”
You smiled at the phone, “Thanks Harryy. You’re the best.”
“You only deserve the best. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Enjoy the rest of your relaxing evening.”
“You too.”
- - - - - - - - -
The day of your birthday was a total blurr. Even though you were working, the day flew by with flying colors. Your students brought in small hand made gifts for you that just melted your heart. You promised all of them that their work would be proudly displayed at your home to always remember them by. 
While the kids were at lunch, you had a special delivery again from Nancy. She came to your classroom with an arm full of flowers and a box of chocolate covered strawberries. “Mr.Honey has done it again.” Nancy said in a teasing tone. 
You giggled, taking the gifts from her, “He’s too good to me.” you told her.
“You’re dating right?” Nancy asked.
Setting the case down on your desk along with the box of strawberries, you sighed softly, admiring the flowers. “No, I told him we couldn’t date till Arlo graduated.”
“What?! Why?!” Nancy exclaimed, looking at you with a dumbfounded expression.
You returned the look with a confused one, “I’m not allowed to date the family of the students in my class.”
Nancy brought her palm to her face and shook her head, “Oh, Honey that’s only for parents. You won’t get in trouble if you date him.” laughing at the shocked look on your face.
“Well then, he’ll be very happy to know that.” you said, giving a shocked giggled back to her.
“Happy birthday to you.” she teasingly sang to you with a wink, walking out of the room.
You couldn’t wait to surprise Harry on Saturday with this new found information.
- - - - - - - - -
When Saturday arrived, you were up early and stress cleaning, even the parts of your home that you knew Harry wouldn’t see or care about. It had to be perfect. Nothing could go wrong. By the time midafternoon rolled around, you were collapsed on the couch, sweaty from all the cleaning you’d done. Your phone vibrated on the coffee table next to you, making you groan as you reached for it and swiped to answer the call. “Hello?” you breathed out.
Harry chuckled through the phone, “You sound like you ran a marathon.”
“I basically did. I’ve been cleaning all day.”
“Perfect, I’m gonna mess it all up now.” he teased.
“I’ll have to hurt you.” you laughed softly.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time babe.” making your heart skip a beat. “I’m getting the sushi now and going to grab a few more snacks from the store. I should be heading your way soon.”
“Good, I’m starving.” you groaned. “I’ll see you in a little bit. Drive safe.”
“Will do Honey.”
After you hung up, you had to force yourself to get off the couch and go shower. As much as you hated it at first, the hot water was welcoming to your aching back. You were super glad at this point that you decided to spend the night in. When you got out of the shower, the cool air made you feel more awake and refreshed. 
Picking out your cutest pair of pajamas, you figured you might as well stay comfy if you were gonna spend the evening watching movies. Throwing your hair into a messy bun, you gathered all the fluffy pillows off your bed and brought them to the living room.
You arranged them on the floor so the two of you could comfortably sit together. Moving the coffee table to the side, you even grabbed a few fluffy blankets to lay out and use if you wanted to.
“Ooo wine!” you hummed to yourself as the idea popped in your head. Going to the fridge to get the bottle out, you were interrupted by a knock on your door. Setting the bottle on the counter, you jogged over to the door and opened it to see Harry’s bright smile and sparkling eyes. “Happy birthday!” he cheered, walking in as you made room for him through the doorway.
A soft giggle could be heard from you as you watched him trapease his way to the living room, dumping the bags on the makeshift blanket pallet you made just moments ago. Turning to see you’d followed him, he wrapped you in a hug, picking you up and spinning you around. You couldn’t help but squeal with laughter, tucking your face into his neck as you held onto him tightly.
Gently setting you down, he leaned his forehead to your own, looking into your eyes. “I’ve missed you.” he whispered.
“I’ve missed you too.” you told him, playing with his curls gently at the nape of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, which he eagerly returned.
“How about we eat and start a movie? I’m starving.” rubbing his hands along your sides gently, rubbing just low enough to drive you crazy.
You nodded, “I like that idea.” you breathlessly said, “Let me go grab the wine from the kitchen.”
Letting you go reluctantly, you were quick to retrieve the bottle along with two wine glasses. “I hope you like red.”
“I love it.” he assured, setting out your sushi in front of you while you poured both of you a glass.
“What movie did you pick to watch first?” he asked, accepting the glass when you handed it to him. 
“Rose Red.” you proudly said, taking a sip of your wine.
Harry hummed in approval, “Stephen King. Excellent choice.”
It was indeed an excellent choice. By half way through the movie, Harry and you were cuddled together, bellies full of good food and beginning to feel a little tipsy from the wine. 
You quickly discovered with Harry that he loved to talk during films. Which was perfect since you enjoyed it as well. While he would critique the film’s small details, you would make off handed comments about the characters and how stupid some of them were. Harry was amused when you would go on a random tirade about a stupid decision one of the character’s made. “For somebody who likes this movie you sure are yelling at it a lot.” Harry noted, giggling.
“I do like it! It’s just fun to yell at it too.”
“It’s cute.” Harry mumbled, pulling you closer into him.
Looking up at him, and him looking down at you, made you not want to wait any longer. “Harry…I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” he asked, feeling a little nervous.
“Nancy brought me the flowers and strawberries as you know. Well she asked if we were dating. I said no and she asked me why like I was crazy.” You giggled, thinking back to her facial expression. “I told her I wasn’t allowed to date my students' family and she told me that was only for parents. I wouldn’t get in trouble if I dated you.”
A giant smile creeped onto Harry’s face as he processed what you just told him. “Seriously?” he asked.
“Seriously.” you repeated, rubbing your nose against his own.
Pressing his lips against your own, the kiss quickly turned heated. He laid you back gently onto the pillows, positioning his body to hover above your own. This kiss showed you both the feelings you were holding back. Desperate to express through a simple gesture. “Be my girlfriend.” Harry mumbled against your lips.
“What?” you couldn’t help but giggle and smile, making him smile too.
“Be my girlfriend,” he repeated “Please.”
Looking up into his eyes, you could see the immense amount of adoration they held for you. “Yes.” you whispered. It felt right. It had to be right. They always say when you know, you know. And you were so sure in this moment that you knew. Harry couldn’t help but feel the same way.
With goofy smiles on your faces, the both of you started to giggle, feeling giddy and high from life and the happiness you brought each other. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
“And we haven’t even had dessert yet.” Harry said, suddenly sitting up and reaching for a bag.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you watched as he pulled out a tray of cupcakes, holding one up and putting a candle in it, lighting it with his lighter. He turned to you and began to sing Happy Birthday. You watched with a smile on your face, sitting up fully to be closer to him. Once he finished, he held the cupcake closer to you.
Closing your eyes, you made a wish then blew out the candle. “Thank you Harry. For everything.” you said, taking the cupcake. Pulling the candle out and sucking the icing off of it, you hummed happily. 
He chuckled, grabbing his own cupcake to eat. “I’d do anything to see that sweet smile.”
If only he knew your wish was for him to make you smile for the rest of your life.
TAG LIST: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @justlemmeadoreyou @squirreljoe @end-of-the-earth @behindmygreyeyes @buckybarnessimpp
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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Harry Styles for Vogue
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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5K notes · View notes
solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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Harry in a nutshell
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Harry Styles x F!Reader Word Count: 2.3k+ Warnings: tooth rotting fluff!, kissing, relationship developments Summary: It takes a village to raise a special needs child. Gemma's son is growing up and starting kindergarten in the fall. Uncle Harry is struggling with not being able to spend all day, everyday, with his nephew who he's grown quite attached to. When he accompanies Gemma and Arlo on his first day of school, he meets Ms.Honey. Harry decides Kindergarten might not be so bad after all. A/N: For the sake of the story, Gemma and Harry live in the states. I know more about the school system in America than the UK so it just made sense! This story is not meant to be a 100% depiction of what a family of this dynamic is like. Harry and Gemma Styles are very real people and are only being used for fictional purposes!
*please like and reblog to help your local fic writers*
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The weather was truly in your favor today. A soft breeze, bright blue sky, the birds were happily chirping and flying back and forth between the trees and your bird feeders. It was what you would describe as your idea of a perfect day. Laid out in your hammock, you had your eyes closed as you listened to the songs the birds would sing for you, and enjoyed the cool breeze against your face. The sun was starting to set and the air had that summer-like chill to it when you decided to head inside. 
Grabbing a microwavable dinner from your freezer, you popped it into the microwave to cook. While the microwave worked its magic, you grabbed your phone to see what calls or texts you’ve missed while outside today. You weren’t shocked to see a missed call from Harry along with several texts.
Harry: When were you going to tell me your birthday was next week?
Harry: If you think we aren’t doing anything to celebrate you’re crazy!
Harry: Woman, call me back so I can make birthday plans for you!!!!
You could imagine how flustered he must have been right now waiting for you to reply to him. The teasing part of you wanted to make him wait a little longer but the soft side of you that Harry occupied had you calling him back without a second thought. As if he was looking at his phone, just waiting for it to ring, he answered on the second ring.
“About damn time!” He greeted you.
It made you laugh, shaking your head fondly, “Sorry, I was laying in my hammock all afternoon and I didn’t have my phone with me.”
Harry took a moment to envision you laid out and enjoying the beautiful weather today. He wished more than anything he was there to enjoy it with you. “Fine, you’re forgiven. But next time I won’t be so nice!” he threatened.
You knew he wasn’t being serious though. You could tell by the goofy voice he put on when he said it. “So who snitched about my birthday?” you asked, curious.
“We, technically the school, but Gemma called me and told me. So let’s blame Gemma.”
“That darn Gemma.” you decided to play along.
“Right? An absolute menace to our society. She must be stopped!”
“Well you’re her brother…so wouldn't that make you just as much of a menace?”
“Do you think I’m a menace?”
“WELL I NEVER.” He exclaimed, making you laugh once more. He always knew how to tickle your funny bone.
“I’m only half joking.” you promised, grabbing your food out of the microwave and stirring it up.
“Well Ms.Jokester, what do you want to do for your birthday?” He asked, making himself comfortable on his own couch while he talked to you.
“Well considering I’ll be working, nothing really.” sitting down at your dining room table, and putting him on speaker phone so she could sit comfortably and eat.
“You’re working on your birthday? That’s lame! What about next weekend then? We could do something.”
It was endearing how much he wanted to spend your birthday together, but you couldn’t ignore the knot of guilt in your stomach thinking about it. “Harry, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
“I know you want to wait till after Arlo’s graduation to date and I respect that. We can hang out as friends though, right? Is that allowed?”
Thinking over his words, you felt the knot loosen in your stomach. “I guess you’re right.” you said, pushing your food around the plastic container. “I just don’t want either of us to get in trouble.”
“I know Honey. I’m sorry that it has to be like this right now. I still want to show you how special you are and celebrate your birthday. Even if that means we have to sit on opposite sides of the room to do it.”
Smiling at your food, you couldn’t help but blush, “well that’s really sweet of you.” taking a deep breath, you breathed out, “Fine, I’ll bite and let you celebrate my birthday with me.”
“A splendid choice!” Harry exclaimed. “What would the birthday girl like to do?”
You pondered the idea for a moment. What you really wanted to do might be too boring for his taste. You couldn’t think of anything else though. “Honestly, I want to stay in. How about we get sushi, stay at mine and spend the evening watching a movie?”
Harry hummed, “If that’s what the birthday girl wants, it’s what the birthday girl gets.”
“Really? You don’t think that’s too boring?” you asked, feeling uncertain.
“Honey…” Harry softly said, “Listen, if it’s with you then I’m going to have a great time. If that’s what you want to do then I’ll do it. And if you must know, that’s my ideal type of evening. So, I’d be more than thrilled to do it with you. I promise.”
You smiled at the phone, “Thanks Harryy. You’re the best.”
“You only deserve the best. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Enjoy the rest of your relaxing evening.”
“You too.”
- - - - - - - - -
The day of your birthday was a total blurr. Even though you were working, the day flew by with flying colors. Your students brought in small hand made gifts for you that just melted your heart. You promised all of them that their work would be proudly displayed at your home to always remember them by. 
While the kids were at lunch, you had a special delivery again from Nancy. She came to your classroom with an arm full of flowers and a box of chocolate covered strawberries. “Mr.Honey has done it again.” Nancy said in a teasing tone. 
You giggled, taking the gifts from her, “He’s too good to me.” you told her.
“You’re dating right?” Nancy asked.
Setting the case down on your desk along with the box of strawberries, you sighed softly, admiring the flowers. “No, I told him we couldn’t date till Arlo graduated.”
“What?! Why?!” Nancy exclaimed, looking at you with a dumbfounded expression.
You returned the look with a confused one, “I’m not allowed to date the family of the students in my class.”
Nancy brought her palm to her face and shook her head, “Oh, Honey that’s only for parents. You won’t get in trouble if you date him.” laughing at the shocked look on your face.
“Well then, he’ll be very happy to know that.” you said, giving a shocked giggled back to her.
“Happy birthday to you.” she teasingly sang to you with a wink, walking out of the room.
You couldn’t wait to surprise Harry on Saturday with this new found information.
- - - - - - - - -
When Saturday arrived, you were up early and stress cleaning, even the parts of your home that you knew Harry wouldn’t see or care about. It had to be perfect. Nothing could go wrong. By the time midafternoon rolled around, you were collapsed on the couch, sweaty from all the cleaning you’d done. Your phone vibrated on the coffee table next to you, making you groan as you reached for it and swiped to answer the call. “Hello?” you breathed out.
Harry chuckled through the phone, “You sound like you ran a marathon.”
“I basically did. I’ve been cleaning all day.”
“Perfect, I’m gonna mess it all up now.” he teased.
“I’ll have to hurt you.” you laughed softly.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time babe.” making your heart skip a beat. “I’m getting the sushi now and going to grab a few more snacks from the store. I should be heading your way soon.”
“Good, I’m starving.” you groaned. “I’ll see you in a little bit. Drive safe.”
“Will do Honey.”
After you hung up, you had to force yourself to get off the couch and go shower. As much as you hated it at first, the hot water was welcoming to your aching back. You were super glad at this point that you decided to spend the night in. When you got out of the shower, the cool air made you feel more awake and refreshed. 
Picking out your cutest pair of pajamas, you figured you might as well stay comfy if you were gonna spend the evening watching movies. Throwing your hair into a messy bun, you gathered all the fluffy pillows off your bed and brought them to the living room.
You arranged them on the floor so the two of you could comfortably sit together. Moving the coffee table to the side, you even grabbed a few fluffy blankets to lay out and use if you wanted to.
“Ooo wine!” you hummed to yourself as the idea popped in your head. Going to the fridge to get the bottle out, you were interrupted by a knock on your door. Setting the bottle on the counter, you jogged over to the door and opened it to see Harry’s bright smile and sparkling eyes. “Happy birthday!” he cheered, walking in as you made room for him through the doorway.
A soft giggle could be heard from you as you watched him trapease his way to the living room, dumping the bags on the makeshift blanket pallet you made just moments ago. Turning to see you’d followed him, he wrapped you in a hug, picking you up and spinning you around. You couldn’t help but squeal with laughter, tucking your face into his neck as you held onto him tightly.
Gently setting you down, he leaned his forehead to your own, looking into your eyes. “I’ve missed you.” he whispered.
“I’ve missed you too.” you told him, playing with his curls gently at the nape of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, which he eagerly returned.
“How about we eat and start a movie? I’m starving.” rubbing his hands along your sides gently, rubbing just low enough to drive you crazy.
You nodded, “I like that idea.” you breathlessly said, “Let me go grab the wine from the kitchen.”
Letting you go reluctantly, you were quick to retrieve the bottle along with two wine glasses. “I hope you like red.”
“I love it.” he assured, setting out your sushi in front of you while you poured both of you a glass.
“What movie did you pick to watch first?” he asked, accepting the glass when you handed it to him. 
“Rose Red.” you proudly said, taking a sip of your wine.
Harry hummed in approval, “Stephen King. Excellent choice.”
It was indeed an excellent choice. By half way through the movie, Harry and you were cuddled together, bellies full of good food and beginning to feel a little tipsy from the wine. 
You quickly discovered with Harry that he loved to talk during films. Which was perfect since you enjoyed it as well. While he would critique the film’s small details, you would make off handed comments about the characters and how stupid some of them were. Harry was amused when you would go on a random tirade about a stupid decision one of the character’s made. “For somebody who likes this movie you sure are yelling at it a lot.” Harry noted, giggling.
“I do like it! It’s just fun to yell at it too.”
“It’s cute.” Harry mumbled, pulling you closer into him.
Looking up at him, and him looking down at you, made you not want to wait any longer. “Harry…I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” he asked, feeling a little nervous.
“Nancy brought me the flowers and strawberries as you know. Well she asked if we were dating. I said no and she asked me why like I was crazy.” You giggled, thinking back to her facial expression. “I told her I wasn’t allowed to date my students' family and she told me that was only for parents. I wouldn’t get in trouble if I dated you.”
A giant smile creeped onto Harry’s face as he processed what you just told him. “Seriously?” he asked.
“Seriously.” you repeated, rubbing your nose against his own.
Pressing his lips against your own, the kiss quickly turned heated. He laid you back gently onto the pillows, positioning his body to hover above your own. This kiss showed you both the feelings you were holding back. Desperate to express through a simple gesture. “Be my girlfriend.” Harry mumbled against your lips.
“What?” you couldn’t help but giggle and smile, making him smile too.
“Be my girlfriend,” he repeated “Please.”
Looking up into his eyes, you could see the immense amount of adoration they held for you. “Yes.” you whispered. It felt right. It had to be right. They always say when you know, you know. And you were so sure in this moment that you knew. Harry couldn’t help but feel the same way.
With goofy smiles on your faces, the both of you started to giggle, feeling giddy and high from life and the happiness you brought each other. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
“And we haven’t even had dessert yet.” Harry said, suddenly sitting up and reaching for a bag.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you watched as he pulled out a tray of cupcakes, holding one up and putting a candle in it, lighting it with his lighter. He turned to you and began to sing Happy Birthday. You watched with a smile on your face, sitting up fully to be closer to him. Once he finished, he held the cupcake closer to you.
Closing your eyes, you made a wish then blew out the candle. “Thank you Harry. For everything.” you said, taking the cupcake. Pulling the candle out and sucking the icing off of it, you hummed happily. 
He chuckled, grabbing his own cupcake to eat. “I’d do anything to see that sweet smile.”
If only he knew your wish was for him to make you smile for the rest of your life.
TAG LIST: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @justlemmeadoreyou @squirreljoe @end-of-the-earth @behindmygreyeyes @buckybarnessimpp
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Harry Styles x F!Reader Word Count: 2.3k+ Warnings: tooth rotting fluff!, kissing, relationship developments Summary: It takes a village to raise a special needs child. Gemma's son is growing up and starting kindergarten in the fall. Uncle Harry is struggling with not being able to spend all day, everyday, with his nephew who he's grown quite attached to. When he accompanies Gemma and Arlo on his first day of school, he meets Ms.Honey. Harry decides Kindergarten might not be so bad after all. A/N: For the sake of the story, Gemma and Harry live in the states. I know more about the school system in America than the UK so it just made sense! This story is not meant to be a 100% depiction of what a family of this dynamic is like. Harry and Gemma Styles are very real people and are only being used for fictional purposes!
*please like and reblog to help your local fic writers*
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The weather was truly in your favor today. A soft breeze, bright blue sky, the birds were happily chirping and flying back and forth between the trees and your bird feeders. It was what you would describe as your idea of a perfect day. Laid out in your hammock, you had your eyes closed as you listened to the songs the birds would sing for you, and enjoyed the cool breeze against your face. The sun was starting to set and the air had that summer-like chill to it when you decided to head inside. 
Grabbing a microwavable dinner from your freezer, you popped it into the microwave to cook. While the microwave worked its magic, you grabbed your phone to see what calls or texts you’ve missed while outside today. You weren’t shocked to see a missed call from Harry along with several texts.
Harry: When were you going to tell me your birthday was next week?
Harry: If you think we aren’t doing anything to celebrate you’re crazy!
Harry: Woman, call me back so I can make birthday plans for you!!!!
You could imagine how flustered he must have been right now waiting for you to reply to him. The teasing part of you wanted to make him wait a little longer but the soft side of you that Harry occupied had you calling him back without a second thought. As if he was looking at his phone, just waiting for it to ring, he answered on the second ring.
“About damn time!” He greeted you.
It made you laugh, shaking your head fondly, “Sorry, I was laying in my hammock all afternoon and I didn’t have my phone with me.”
Harry took a moment to envision you laid out and enjoying the beautiful weather today. He wished more than anything he was there to enjoy it with you. “Fine, you’re forgiven. But next time I won’t be so nice!” he threatened.
You knew he wasn’t being serious though. You could tell by the goofy voice he put on when he said it. “So who snitched about my birthday?” you asked, curious.
“We, technically the school, but Gemma called me and told me. So let’s blame Gemma.”
“That darn Gemma.” you decided to play along.
“Right? An absolute menace to our society. She must be stopped!”
“Well you’re her brother…so wouldn't that make you just as much of a menace?”
“Do you think I’m a menace?”
“WELL I NEVER.” He exclaimed, making you laugh once more. He always knew how to tickle your funny bone.
“I’m only half joking.” you promised, grabbing your food out of the microwave and stirring it up.
“Well Ms.Jokester, what do you want to do for your birthday?” He asked, making himself comfortable on his own couch while he talked to you.
“Well considering I’ll be working, nothing really.” sitting down at your dining room table, and putting him on speaker phone so she could sit comfortably and eat.
“You’re working on your birthday? That’s lame! What about next weekend then? We could do something.”
It was endearing how much he wanted to spend your birthday together, but you couldn’t ignore the knot of guilt in your stomach thinking about it. “Harry, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
“I know you want to wait till after Arlo’s graduation to date and I respect that. We can hang out as friends though, right? Is that allowed?”
Thinking over his words, you felt the knot loosen in your stomach. “I guess you’re right.” you said, pushing your food around the plastic container. “I just don’t want either of us to get in trouble.”
“I know Honey. I’m sorry that it has to be like this right now. I still want to show you how special you are and celebrate your birthday. Even if that means we have to sit on opposite sides of the room to do it.”
Smiling at your food, you couldn’t help but blush, “well that’s really sweet of you.” taking a deep breath, you breathed out, “Fine, I’ll bite and let you celebrate my birthday with me.”
“A splendid choice!” Harry exclaimed. “What would the birthday girl like to do?”
You pondered the idea for a moment. What you really wanted to do might be too boring for his taste. You couldn’t think of anything else though. “Honestly, I want to stay in. How about we get sushi, stay at mine and spend the evening watching a movie?”
Harry hummed, “If that’s what the birthday girl wants, it’s what the birthday girl gets.”
“Really? You don’t think that’s too boring?” you asked, feeling uncertain.
“Honey…” Harry softly said, “Listen, if it’s with you then I’m going to have a great time. If that’s what you want to do then I’ll do it. And if you must know, that’s my ideal type of evening. So, I’d be more than thrilled to do it with you. I promise.”
You smiled at the phone, “Thanks Harryy. You’re the best.”
“You only deserve the best. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Enjoy the rest of your relaxing evening.”
“You too.”
- - - - - - - - -
The day of your birthday was a total blurr. Even though you were working, the day flew by with flying colors. Your students brought in small hand made gifts for you that just melted your heart. You promised all of them that their work would be proudly displayed at your home to always remember them by. 
While the kids were at lunch, you had a special delivery again from Nancy. She came to your classroom with an arm full of flowers and a box of chocolate covered strawberries. “Mr.Honey has done it again.” Nancy said in a teasing tone. 
You giggled, taking the gifts from her, “He’s too good to me.” you told her.
“You’re dating right?” Nancy asked.
Setting the case down on your desk along with the box of strawberries, you sighed softly, admiring the flowers. “No, I told him we couldn’t date till Arlo graduated.”
“What?! Why?!” Nancy exclaimed, looking at you with a dumbfounded expression.
You returned the look with a confused one, “I’m not allowed to date the family of the students in my class.”
Nancy brought her palm to her face and shook her head, “Oh, Honey that’s only for parents. You won’t get in trouble if you date him.” laughing at the shocked look on your face.
“Well then, he’ll be very happy to know that.” you said, giving a shocked giggled back to her.
“Happy birthday to you.” she teasingly sang to you with a wink, walking out of the room.
You couldn’t wait to surprise Harry on Saturday with this new found information.
- - - - - - - - -
When Saturday arrived, you were up early and stress cleaning, even the parts of your home that you knew Harry wouldn’t see or care about. It had to be perfect. Nothing could go wrong. By the time midafternoon rolled around, you were collapsed on the couch, sweaty from all the cleaning you’d done. Your phone vibrated on the coffee table next to you, making you groan as you reached for it and swiped to answer the call. “Hello?” you breathed out.
Harry chuckled through the phone, “You sound like you ran a marathon.”
“I basically did. I’ve been cleaning all day.”
“Perfect, I’m gonna mess it all up now.” he teased.
“I’ll have to hurt you.” you laughed softly.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time babe.” making your heart skip a beat. “I’m getting the sushi now and going to grab a few more snacks from the store. I should be heading your way soon.”
“Good, I’m starving.” you groaned. “I’ll see you in a little bit. Drive safe.”
“Will do Honey.”
After you hung up, you had to force yourself to get off the couch and go shower. As much as you hated it at first, the hot water was welcoming to your aching back. You were super glad at this point that you decided to spend the night in. When you got out of the shower, the cool air made you feel more awake and refreshed. 
Picking out your cutest pair of pajamas, you figured you might as well stay comfy if you were gonna spend the evening watching movies. Throwing your hair into a messy bun, you gathered all the fluffy pillows off your bed and brought them to the living room.
You arranged them on the floor so the two of you could comfortably sit together. Moving the coffee table to the side, you even grabbed a few fluffy blankets to lay out and use if you wanted to.
“Ooo wine!” you hummed to yourself as the idea popped in your head. Going to the fridge to get the bottle out, you were interrupted by a knock on your door. Setting the bottle on the counter, you jogged over to the door and opened it to see Harry’s bright smile and sparkling eyes. “Happy birthday!” he cheered, walking in as you made room for him through the doorway.
A soft giggle could be heard from you as you watched him trapease his way to the living room, dumping the bags on the makeshift blanket pallet you made just moments ago. Turning to see you’d followed him, he wrapped you in a hug, picking you up and spinning you around. You couldn’t help but squeal with laughter, tucking your face into his neck as you held onto him tightly.
Gently setting you down, he leaned his forehead to your own, looking into your eyes. “I’ve missed you.” he whispered.
“I’ve missed you too.” you told him, playing with his curls gently at the nape of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, which he eagerly returned.
“How about we eat and start a movie? I’m starving.” rubbing his hands along your sides gently, rubbing just low enough to drive you crazy.
You nodded, “I like that idea.” you breathlessly said, “Let me go grab the wine from the kitchen.”
Letting you go reluctantly, you were quick to retrieve the bottle along with two wine glasses. “I hope you like red.”
“I love it.” he assured, setting out your sushi in front of you while you poured both of you a glass.
“What movie did you pick to watch first?” he asked, accepting the glass when you handed it to him. 
“Rose Red.” you proudly said, taking a sip of your wine.
Harry hummed in approval, “Stephen King. Excellent choice.”
It was indeed an excellent choice. By half way through the movie, Harry and you were cuddled together, bellies full of good food and beginning to feel a little tipsy from the wine. 
You quickly discovered with Harry that he loved to talk during films. Which was perfect since you enjoyed it as well. While he would critique the film’s small details, you would make off handed comments about the characters and how stupid some of them were. Harry was amused when you would go on a random tirade about a stupid decision one of the character’s made. “For somebody who likes this movie you sure are yelling at it a lot.” Harry noted, giggling.
“I do like it! It’s just fun to yell at it too.”
“It’s cute.” Harry mumbled, pulling you closer into him.
Looking up at him, and him looking down at you, made you not want to wait any longer. “Harry…I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” he asked, feeling a little nervous.
“Nancy brought me the flowers and strawberries as you know. Well she asked if we were dating. I said no and she asked me why like I was crazy.” You giggled, thinking back to her facial expression. “I told her I wasn’t allowed to date my students' family and she told me that was only for parents. I wouldn’t get in trouble if I dated you.”
A giant smile creeped onto Harry’s face as he processed what you just told him. “Seriously?” he asked.
“Seriously.” you repeated, rubbing your nose against his own.
Pressing his lips against your own, the kiss quickly turned heated. He laid you back gently onto the pillows, positioning his body to hover above your own. This kiss showed you both the feelings you were holding back. Desperate to express through a simple gesture. “Be my girlfriend.” Harry mumbled against your lips.
“What?” you couldn’t help but giggle and smile, making him smile too.
“Be my girlfriend,” he repeated “Please.”
Looking up into his eyes, you could see the immense amount of adoration they held for you. “Yes.” you whispered. It felt right. It had to be right. They always say when you know, you know. And you were so sure in this moment that you knew. Harry couldn’t help but feel the same way.
With goofy smiles on your faces, the both of you started to giggle, feeling giddy and high from life and the happiness you brought each other. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
“And we haven’t even had dessert yet.” Harry said, suddenly sitting up and reaching for a bag.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you watched as he pulled out a tray of cupcakes, holding one up and putting a candle in it, lighting it with his lighter. He turned to you and began to sing Happy Birthday. You watched with a smile on your face, sitting up fully to be closer to him. Once he finished, he held the cupcake closer to you.
Closing your eyes, you made a wish then blew out the candle. “Thank you Harry. For everything.” you said, taking the cupcake. Pulling the candle out and sucking the icing off of it, you hummed happily. 
He chuckled, grabbing his own cupcake to eat. “I’d do anything to see that sweet smile.”
If only he knew your wish was for him to make you smile for the rest of your life.
TAG LIST: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @justlemmeadoreyou @squirreljoe @end-of-the-earth @behindmygreyeyes @buckybarnessimpp
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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“somewhere over the rainbow”
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solarisstyles · 1 year ago
New chapter tomorrow!
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Pairing: Harry Styles x F!Reader Word Count: TBD Warnings: fluff, flirting, kissing, tense conversations, pining, Harry being an absolute SIMP Summary: It takes a village to raise a special needs child. Gemma's son is growing up and starting kindergarten in the fall. Uncle Harry is struggling with not being able to spend all day, everyday, with his nephew who he's grown quite attached to. When he accompanies Gemma and Arlo on his first day of school, he meets Ms.Honey. Harry decides Kindergarten might not be so bad after all. A/N: For the sake of the story, Gemma and Harry live in the states. I know more about the school system in America than the UK so it just made sense! This story is not meant to be a 100% depiction of what a family of this dynamic is like. Harry and Gemma Styles are very real people and are only being used for fictional purposes!
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Happy Birthday Arlo!
First Day Of School
Open House
First Field Trip(The Zoo)
Lunch Time
Field Day
Teacher Appreciation Week
Ms.Honey's Birthday
IEP Meeting
Kindergarten Graduation
155 notes · View notes
solarisstyles · 1 year ago
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734 notes · View notes
solarisstyles · 1 year ago
Oh I’m down so fucking baddddd
At All Costs
Summary: The ruthless special agent reveals his other side when Y/n gets hurt in the field
Trope: Agent! Harry
WC: 1.6k
Warnings: mentions of physical violence, blood, mean harry, protective harry.
Main Masterlist
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The training facility was buzzing with agents who rushed back and forth in confusion and fear.
They’re not supposed to be gathered here, this is not where they meet up nor where they should be right now. But once the chief sends an order, no questions are asked.
They bumped into each other like scaredy cats and it was ironic considering all the strength training they were subjected to. The stamina and physical strength they yielded evaporated once he stepped into the room. He’s been stern since day one, only a fool would make eye contact with him or disobey his orders.
As the chief, authority, and discipline radiated off him but this time it was different. He appeared psychotic, murderous even.
No one wanted to stand before him and report what happened, the furrow between his eyebrows, and the clenching of his fists were enough to zip mouthes.
“What is this fucking shitshow?!” His furious voice echoed through the room as agents lowered their gaze to the ground.
It seemed like he was ready to rip off their heads one by one for the mess they made. His left hand was bandaged, showing a layer of blood beneath it. Sweat covered his forehead and his hair that used to be styled was now messy and all over his face.
His bulletproof vest was practically useless. No one would dare to aim their gun in his way; not even the enemy.
“Agent Styles, I—I c-an explain.” A voice sounded out in the back and everyone else moved to allow the ‘brave guy’ to come forward.
It wasn’t really about bravery. Agent Marks was in charge of assigning field agents and pairing them with each other. The order that was given to him by Agent Styles a few months ago regarding Y/n’s safety was heavily violated.
No one knew about the order except these two, and when Marks’ eyes met Harry’s raging ones; he realised he’d probably utter his last words right now.
“Explain what? How you fucked up and paired a little bitch that’s full of himself with Y/n?” He didn’t need to shout, the anger in his voice naturally made his tone higher and more violent.
“I’ll deal with him, sir.” Marks’ voice came out shaky. He tried to stand his ground but there was no escape from the humiliation he was being subjected to.
The room was completely silent. No one wished to breathe loudly, and they set their eyes everywhere except Styles’ direction.
“I already took care of him.” He spat, as drops of venom dripped with every word. His bandaged hand was proof of his deadly anger; let alone the traces of blood on his face and hands.
All agents and trainees in the room cursed their luck for being here at this time. No one expected this to happen and they definitely did not think Harry Styles was capable of caring for someone.
Agents got injured almost daily in the field. If it was a mess up, there would be a small lecture about it followed by intensive training but this? This incident turned Harry into a murderous man.
Y/n took a bullet in her left shoulder and was brought to the training facility since it was the nearest agents’ center. Her injury wouldn’t have allowed her to hold on till they reached the hospital, so Harry sent an order for the best medics to come here.
As soon as he heard the news, it was obvious that something was off. He’s a direct and stern chief, it takes him a few seconds to spew out orders for everyone. But once Y/n’s name was announced as the ‘fallen agent”, hell broke loose.
Stanley Browns was Y/n’s partner in this mission, they were given instructions to raid a drug cartel’s secret hideout, but when the mission went sideways Browns abandoned Y/n in the middle of being cornered by armed men.
It’s a miracle that she survived and managed to escape their trap, Harry’s heart clutched at the thought of her fighting for her life without him being there to help her.
Did she use one of his tricks that he taught her?
“Everyone out now!” A familiar voice shouted prompting everyone in the room to bump into each other as they fled away.
Harry was still standing, shooting daggers at Agent Marks who was already aware of the beating Stanley earned.
The news of how he almost met death spread faster than Y/n’s injury. A few agents found him after he ran away from the mission and handed him in to Harry who was seeing red at the time.
Over five men had to pull him away after he knocked Stanley unconscious. He just wouldn’t stop punching him, his face was unrecognizable and blood covered the ground beneath them. He may have survived, but will most likely never walk again. It took them a while to get Harry away from him as he kept shouting death promises.
The veins along his neck and forehead, his trembling hands, and his labored breaths were enough to make anyone avoid him. At this point, it was clear that Y/n’s injury was personal to him.
Zayn who ordered agents to leave signaled for Marks to do the same as Harry’s eyes darted to the hallway that led to the room Y/n is in.
“Go check on her.” Zayn’s hand patted Harry’s back who didn’t think twice before walking away.
The grip she had on him was insane, and he didn’t even realize it. He just acted on his first instincts when it came to her. There was nothing official between them, not even romantic gestures. It was simply angry sex.
Y/n had gotten into the program one year ago, she did not fear anyone, was full of herself, and challenged her superiors when she felt like it. At some point, Harry had to supervise her and he certainly didn’t like being talked back to.
Lectures and punishments didn’t work on her, he secretly admired her tough and cocky personality. It didn’t take him long to start admiring her body as well, and the rest was history.
No romantic feelings were involved, or so he thought. The fact that he almost killed a man for her did not really settle in. The same way he walked to the room she was in without thinking twice.
She was placed on a bed with medical cables attached to her body. Her shoulder was wrapped and Harry winced once he caught a glimpse of it.
He sat down on the chair next to the bed and buried his face in his hands. He couldn’t bear looking at her face that he searched for during training and stared at in secretive awe.
This should have never happened.
He didn’t want to think about her pain, how she might have wanted him to come for her, and he definitely did not wish to think about what would’ve happened if she wasn’t such a brave girl.
He had a reputation for being cold and strict, yet he felt like his throat was closing up because a girl who pushed his buttons was injured.
He might have gone a bit too far… but it’s nothing compared to the gestures he’s been doing recently, starting from ordering Marks to protect her.
“Don’t tell me you’ve gone all sad now.” Her voice made his head shoot upward only to find her forcing a weak smile.
He was up on his feet in a few seconds. “Are you in pain?”. He looked around like frantically for water and pain-killing pills.
“I already took some Harry.” Despite her injury, Harry’s actions were all she could hear about from the medics. Apparently, everyone was talking about it. The news was a natural pain relief, she never expected Harry to care for her in a million years. It was what she had secretly wished for, catching feelings for him was inevitable.
They were oblivious to the shift that occurred between them. More sex than usual, sleeping in each other’s bed and cuddling, sneaking between training, and most importantly kissing. Harry felt like a madman if he didn’t taste her lips for more than a day.
“I know what you did.”
“It was the right thing to do.” He replied automatically as he stared at her pale face.
“It’s always right or wrong for you.” She shook her head in disapproval.
“He caused this.” His hands gripped the bed rail tightly, he was once again reminded of his failure to protect her.
“Agents get injured all the time Harry.”
“You’re not any agent. You’re my fucking love.” His voice was shaky at the end and tears began to well up in his eyes.
Y/n gazed at him in shock, unable to process what he just confessed.
He loves her?
“I—“ He interrupted her by pressing his lips to her temple and cradling her face in his hands.
“Rest baby. I promise you this will never happen again. I’d rather die before it does.” He whispered , unbothered by showing his vulnerable side because he almost lost her.
“I can’t die without telling you that I love you.” Tears streamed down her face as he pressed one peck after the other to her lips.
“You also won’t have someone to disobey you during training.” She earned a vibrant chuckle from him that went straight through her heart. It was rare to see Harry Styles smiling and of course, it would be because of her.
“You know I only like it when you disobey me at certain times.”
“I guess my days of mischief are gone now.” She sighed dramatically as her fingertips held onto Harry’s.
“Oh no, how will you survive?”
“Kisses. Lots of them.”
“Then you will heal quickly little minx.”
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