#but fic is almost ready for posting!
moonlightpirate · 1 year
Definitely not me going through pinterest trying to find pictures for next chapters moodboard but then getting very distracted and saving pictures of good looking men that pinterest was showing me instead of what I was searching making the search results even worse xD
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faeriekit · 10 months
for the ask game: ritual and rites?
"This seems," Dick points out, mild with sleep deprivation, "Like a bad idea."
"I think it's a great idea," Jason says, because he is twelve, and thinks that ghost hunting is grand adventure and not, like, tedious grunt work spent fumbling around in the dark.
Dick thinks. He makes an executive Older Kid Decision (gross) and snatches the spirit box out of Jason's hands before the kid can spirit it away (ha). "No ghosts."
"Come on!" Jason whines, peeved. He jumps, and he tries to climb up Dick's Gotham U sweater— but Dick came by his height honestly, and no shrimp malnutritioned preteen is going to make Dick give in and tussle with ghosts at three in the morning.
"No," Dick snaps, arm raised higher. The preteen is unlatched with a hand to the chest and an aggressive push with his foot. Jason grooooans, as if this is the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to a preteen, ever. "If you want to fight ghosts, wait until B is back and bother him. I need four hours sleep and an un-haunted family wing during finals week. Get out and go harass ghosts on your own time."
Jason sours like an unripe lemon. "Motherfucker," he whispers under his breath, as both the worst word he knows and as if Dick has never heard swearing before.
"Pussy," agrees the spirit box.
"Shut up," Dick decides, deciding to ignore everything that isn't a nap and his econ essay. "Or I'll send you to wake Alfred about it and tell him about your desperate need."
And then, before the ghost can chime in: "Both of you."
Jason, reasonably pale, scatters. Hopefully the teen takes the ghost with him. Dick resolves to ignore any future repercussions of whatever that was; his essay is due this upcoming noon hour, and Dick is going to wreck the class's v-shaped bell curve even if it kills him.
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meidui · 3 months
the way tony is so ruthless when he's fighting steve in siberia but then steve actually goes down and tony tells him to stay down but when has steve ever stayed down and this time tony just stands there watching him get back up and we don't get to see tony's face because the iron man helmet is on.... he was probably feeling the most convoluted compound of hurt and hatred and anger and admiration and oh my god i'm going to chew through his titanium gold alloy
i give this movie so much shit but the choice of showing robert's face versus only showing the exterior of the iron man armour in the sibera fight scene is so good because when we see his face either exposed or with the hud (did you know) (do you even remember them) (i don't care, he killed my mom) (so was i) (that shield doesn't belong to you, you don't deserve it, my father made that shield), he's being very human and sympathetic, and to me it kind of shows how steve is also seeing *tony* and we're reminded that tony is steve's friend and a protagonist as well, but when his face is hidden (for example when he blows off bucky's arm and during the whole sequence between "so was i" and steve finally disabling the suit) it's like he's being poised as the villain in the scene but then the helmet comes off in the end and tony's all battered and broken under there too just like steve is and aahhhhhh
what would it actually take for them to break up forever?? i think NOTHING because tony tried to kill james bucky fucking barnes and steve not only never faulted him for it, he sat down and wrote him a letter where his first words were "i'm glad you're back at the compound, i don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself" and the last words were "if you need me, i'll be there"???? and tony's bruise hasn't even healed yet when ross calls about the raft prison break and he doesn't think twice about covering steve's ass????? WHAT THE FUC K IS WRONG WITH THEM
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josephtrohman · 2 months
Joe reaches above his head, pushing onto his toes, to put a clean frying pan on the top shelf, pulling his t-shirt up with the motion. There’s a flash of the dimples near Joe’s spine, at the small of his back—an unnecessarily sexy part of him, in Patrick’s opinion—holding Patrick’s attention. Patrick feels pulled to him from across the kitchen, unconsciously, fingers curling over hip bones, thumbs holding the hem of Joe’s shirt out of the way to get an eye full. He stares with wide, yearning eyes... Or: Patrick catches a glimpse of Joe’s back dimples, and he has to act up about it. Naturally.
top patrick/bottom joe nation i wrote a little bit of married/domestic flavoured smut inspired by joe's back dimples, hope u enjoy <3
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rowanisawriter · 3 months
the hunt
bg3, wyll/durge, rated t, ~3000 words
“Monster hunter,” she says. “Have you ever hunted something that didn’t know it was a monster?”
He slows to a stop. She stops a little after, looking back at him, his youthful face, the deep scars that cut his cheek.
“Can’t say that I have,” he says after a beat. He's giving her question serious thought. The careful attention sends another shiver through her. “A monster is usually aware of what it is.”
Through the blood haze of dark nightmares and darker urges, Anara turns to a monster hunter to help her figure out exactly what kind of monster she is.
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Yall Danny pretends to be a dead mermaid just to fuck with people who don’t know anything about ghosts
People seeing his ghostly trail and calling it a tail. Maybe some dudebroblondechick asks “so do we all loose our legs when we die?” And hes just shocked for a moment before realising the gold he has struck. “I am a dead mermaid whos tail was stuck in trash floating the in ocean.” Maybe hes really acting it up “I couldnt escape and died” as he wipes a nonexistent tear.
Well enough people have asked about it that it’s a whole thing on the web. People claiming no hes not a mermaid look heres a photo with legs and then people saying that the leg photos are doctored by the government to hide the mermaids from the public. The mermaids we are clearly at war with because why else would our government keep letting us pollute like this. It’s clearly a war tactic to basically enlist people without having them know but having them consume so much plastics.
The attempt to remove plastic straws? Clearly a cry for help from the mermaids reaching out to humanity on California duh.
Sam loves it because now more people are becoming aware of their own part in polluting the world. But she also hates it because most of the crap going around is borderline flat earth esk theories. “Why did it take the illusion of having a big naturals mermaid bf to get people to start cleaning up the oceans”
Anyway long story short the most popular theory is that Phantom has both legs and a tail and is actually a catboy alien ghost cover up.
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aphrogeneias · 7 months
yesterday i had two ideas that became really close to my heart, but as i'm very easily distracted, i can always only work on one thing at time. because of that, i'll leave the two ideas here and let you guys choose one you like the most.
they're both fantasy-esque, and might have more than one part.
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afewproblems · 3 months
Oh man, this new fic is probably going to be the angstiest thing I've written in awhile. The Fandom is a light hearted comedy series, why am I like this?
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thegingerwrites · 4 months
Anthony Bridgerton / Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma
E, 8.5K
The new Lord and Lady Bridgerton are ready to host their first event as a couple: a week-long house party in the country. It is the perfect chance to showcase their happiness to the ton after a long honeymoon and away from the pressures of the season. Kate isn't worried. Their relationship, their home, their lives together are utterly perfect. But when some of their guests begin asking questions about the next generation of Bridgertons, Kate revisits her decision to wait to have children and a woman's place in society.
“Do you want to have children?”
Kate balks. “Pardon?”
“It’s just, it can hardly have escaped your notice that it’s all anyone is here to talk about.” Eloise sits up straighter and sticks her nose in the air for her impression. “Do you think she’s expecting? She’s so thin for someone who’s increasing. I thought we were here for an announcement of some kind. At her age, I thought she would want to start popping out Bridgertons as soon as possible. Is it possible she’s barren?”
Eloise clears her throat and actually looks a little embarrassed by her performance. “I’m sorry, that was terribly rude of me. And if I’m hearing all of that, Lord knows what you’ve been on the receiving end of.”
Kate shakes her head. “It’s fine. Do not trouble yourself over other people’s impertinence. Though, to be fair, I hadn’t heard most of that. Perhaps our guests are more polite than I gave them credit for.”
“The ton are far more comfortable stabbing each other in the back than saying an unkind word directly to one’s face.”
“How very wise of you.”
“But do you?” Eloise asks.
“Do I want children?” The answer should be an obvious one. For most women in society, this isn’t even a question. Children are their destiny, should they be so fortunate as to have one. “Of course, I do.”
Eloise’s eyes widen slightly, revealing a bare strip of white all the way around her irises. “Right. My apologies. I should never have—it’s not as though I really want to know what you and my brother get up to—”
Kate holds up a hand to stop her. “I would not have agreed to become your brother’s viscountess if I did not think myself capable of fulfilling all of the duties expected of me.”
“Right, I’m just a complete ass who stumbled into an obviously uncomfortable conversation.”
“It is not uncomfortable. Or at least, it does not have to be,” Kate says. She offers a reassuring smile. “I think the world would be a far kinder place if people did talk about these things. If we did not have to hide uncomfortable conversations behind closed doors and false smiles.”
Eloise nods but she does not look convinced.
“But…why? If you want children and are going to have them someday and all of society expects dozens from you—why not yet?”
It is a question that Kate has asked herself a lot over the last few months, even as she enjoyed her honeymoon thoroughly. It is also a question that she has an answer for.
Anthony showed her what life could be like if she allowed herself to pursue her own happiness, and Kate likes to think she has done the same for him. When they met, both of them were extremely skilled in the art of denying themselves what they wanted for the sake of others. Learning to feel and to love, has been difficult and rewarding and it is becoming easier for both of them with time. Knowing that there is someone else out there in the world whose deepest desire is to make you happy is a dizzying thing.
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grasslandgirl · 3 months
thinkiing about her (bad kids zombie au I wrote for gore zine) again and like.... feeling the urge to flesh (haha) it out into a fuller au.... something something non chronological storytelling..... x days before/after something something...... this is the devil speaking to me....
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i think this is the most accurate description of stan ive ever written
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eatyourmaker · 3 months
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I don't know how to word so I just. Send hug gif
I hope you don't mind me sending these kfdngskdfn
🫂 thanks
Sorry if I bummed anyone out
It just kinda sucks
I was so excited to have a place that felt!!! So accepting!!! And it felt like everyone was just toying with the characters in their own creative way, whether that be ships, blogs, rps, etc.
A place where a weirdo like me could thrive.
Idk lately this place is starting to feel as draining as any other aspect of my life. Idk what changed... in reality it's probably only me that's changed.
Like I'm constantly scared of something,,,
Maybe I'll just disappear until the next ep drops again fjdksndkdnns
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Do I have a fic to post? Perhaps. Is it from this post? Perhaps. Is it titled? Lol no.
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rmd-writes · 2 years
the strong will never fall
4.04 coda | 1,678 words | rated E
A moment, two weeks after that fateful day:
“What do you need?” Carlos asks, his voice gentle.
“Just you,” TK whispers.
“You have me.”
TK lets out a shuddering breath. “I almost didn’t,” he says in a small voice.
“TK,” Carlos starts. He hooks two fingers under TK’s chin and lifts it so that TK is looking at him. His eyes are so big and warm. Soulful, TK had called them once. Warm pools filled with love that TK could drown in. “Baby, I’m right here. Because of you.”
Read on ao3
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throwaway line from my fic that is the most accurate stede description i've ever come up with:
"fruity as a fruit basket. a fruity fruit basket-case, if you will"
dat him
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tswwwit · 2 years
I just realized something while rereading the little snippets of qna's-
Dipper is someone who has magical properties but it's pretty weak, so he's too magical for normal folk but too weak/normal for magic folk,
While Bill on the other hand is too nerdy/geeky for the demons back in the nightmare realm but he's too much of a jerk for the humans in the overworld
Two people stuck in between worlds where they both fit and don't fit in fall in love 🥹
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