#but eh. you reap what you sow
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aroceu · 1 month ago
i'm making this post mostly to vent, but also to reflect.
being in mdzs fandom was the first time being in fandom felt like... "content," to me. like i was a creator who WAS obliged to the masses, who was seen as holding some social power because i was interested in creating works for people to enjoy, rather than enjoying them myself. even though i am both: i am someone who likes to read as much as i like to write. i like enjoying as much as i like creating things for people to enjoy. i don't believe in this dichotomy, and i sure as hell didn't come into fandom for parasocial attention.
one of the problems definitely was that i was on twitter more than i was writing, and i was thinking of ways to game the algorithm so i stayed on people's feeds, because of the way twitter began to work, because of my own anxiety, and because subconsciously i understood the landscape. i didn't like it but i knew it. and too much was going on in my life that i couldn't take a step back and realize how much it was negatively affecting me.
still, it felt weird and strange and wrong to have followers with bios that said things like "don't perceive me i'm just here to read." strangers who would reply to my posts with over-familiarity and rudeness and said they were justified because i had over 1000 followers on twitter, because that is apparently a marker of how you are "allowed" to treat another stranger online. throwing around the terms "bnf" and "popular" as if they mean something beyond being similar to how american high schools work. i saw people group me and my friends who also had a lot of followers as this exclusive class of people in the fandom because we liked making things for other people to enjoy and we had a lot of followers, and therefore they could treat and generalize us all in weird dehumanizing ways because of it. i saw people complain that if any of us said anything "problematic" or "wrong" then it was a moral failing on the rest of us if we didn't publicly call it out.
and like. fandom is not a content creation space. at least, not to me. while i do like attention and making a big number even bigger—like i'm not gonna lie, it does give me dopamine!—i didn't come here to generate a parasocial audience. i came here to make cool stuff and also make friends. and now with people who follow me because they like the things i make and less so me, something i now struggle with that i didn't used to in fandom is: do i follow people back? do these people see me as someone they want to admire and have a parasocial relationship with, or do they want to be friends? this post is a little bit of a PSA as well, i suppose: while i don't believe that everyone in fandom/who now follows me has this content creation mindset, i know there are people who do, and i don't know how to interact with strangers anymore. if you don't want me to interact with you and just want to admire me from afar, i want to respect that boundary. at the same time, i do like making friends. and i want to make friends with people who are just purely curious about me, not because i'm put on this parasocial pedestal.
i also don't think this is a problem with mdzs fandom specifically, or even necessarily just for fandom itself. i think a lot of spaces online have turned into this: where not only your social power but also your personhood, your identity starts and ends with how big the number next to your name is, and is an indicator to a stranger how humanizing you can treat them. make your private assumptions or judgments about me; i have no control over them so i don't care. but i am still a human behind the screen as much as you. i struggle with my day to day stuff as much as anyone else. and i want to make friends over that. i want to commiserate and bond with people; and while i won't pretend that i don't think there is a little more "influence" if the number next to your name is a bit bigger, i don't think it should detract from the reality that if someone has 30 followers or 3000, they are still human.
unless they're a bot.
but i'm also mostly making this post because let's face it: most of the friends i've made in any fandom, historically, have been either because i was a fan of their work, or they were a fan of mine. and that's what fandom is all about—an exchange, a conversation. why are we reinventing rigid hierarchies based on follower count? why should someone who likes my fics or someone whose fics i like be treated any differently, because of the role we play in this exchange? (and why should whose fanfic you enjoy say something about you as a person... but that's a different conversation lol) there are actual content creators i like, content creators who profit monetarily based purely on that, and the monetary profit is their primary motivator in having that label, that career in the first place. but that is not fandom, to me. fandom is not a job and i am not here to profit (all of my works and thoughts are free!), and in no way has money ever played a role in my existence in fandom. it is what it's always been: to make cool things and to meet cool people. and if nothing else, it's a bit disappointing to realize that not everyone feels the same.
anyway! tl;dr if you're interested in talking to me and being friends feel free to always reach out. i also know that my own response times can be spotty (another flaw of mine, alas) but i'm mostly making this post to say that i am not someone who thinks of myself as separate from my audience, and that my numbers/output mean very little to how willing i am to engage. i can get overwhelmed as much as anyone else, but in my heart if you're interested in a dialogue with me, then i am too. because that's what being in fandom is all about.
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littlestpersimmon · 1 year ago
When I read posts on tumblr that's like.... "out of three hellsites, tumblr is the website that is the most pragmatic", it just sort of makes me go "eh.", bc like. It's not untrue that tiktok and twitter is where things tend to be very emotional, where politics are very knee-jerk. But honestly, is what we have on tumblr really any better. On tumblr, things are rife with European apathy and usacentrism; you can't really say anything here without folk pearlclutching or demanding you to adher to respectability politics. Anyway. Seeing people uncritically reblog things that are "we need you to view this ongoing genocide with nuanced lens" originating from blogs containing pictures of the rubble in gaza captioned with abhorrent shit like "you reap what you sow" is. Like. Well. I feel like I have looked out my window and the entire fucking sky has evaporated. And anything more than "what the hell is happening" as a reaction is treated as if *I* am the one who is insane.
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fiyaerrigan · 2 months ago
Several Sentences Sunday
tagged by the darling @perfectlysunny02 who makes me feel so included bless you omfg <3333
(this really IS just gonna be several sentences bc uh.... it's been a rough evening lmao. on that note if you sent me asks i PROMMIE i am getting to them <3)
“Eh, I'd just go and pick up an extra one,” Chimney said about the cribs. “They'll get too big for ‘em in four years, anyway.” “Nah, I stand by what I said: Eddie picked out a really shit bed for our kid,” replied Tommy with a wry grin. “Besides, they won't be too big—Not if I do my job right.” “Uh, what exactly are you suggesting, here, Kinard?” “He wants to build the cribs,” Buck explained. “Something about bunks and salvaged engine parts. I'm not acting like I understand it, but I will admit I think it’s pretty cool.” “You think everything Tommy does is cool,” Chimney deadpanned. “So?” Buck countered with a raised eyebrow. “You do, too. Don’t pretend like you weren’t hyping him up two seconds before I met him. The way I see it, Chim, this is the consequence of your actions. You reap what you sow, man.” “How wonderful for me.”
like this post if you're 18+ (bc the fic has mature themes) and wanna be on a taglist!
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vitaminseetarot · 2 years ago
New Moon PAC: What Seed Are You Sowing? 🌑🌱🌷
The New Moon is upon us, and it's time for us to plant new intentions for the next coming cycle. The sun is soon changing over into Virgo to tidy up summer's loose ends. Corn is being reaped. Yard sales abound. A new school year is approaching for many students. This is a time when things settle into the average and ordinary, at least until the full blue moon in Pisces is here, which will balance our cerebral productivity out with time for sensitive introspection.
This simple PAC will give you hints as to what seed you may already be sowing for your next lunar harvest, as well as suggestions on how to balance the "soil" it's planted in. Pick any one of the three produce cards from the Garden Variety oracle deck below and I'll see you at your reading!
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(divider provided by @saradika)
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Pile 1:
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Onion (Complexity); Gemini Rising (Socialize); 37 Thistle (Dawn); Octopus; 4 Pentacles, 10 Cups, 8 Swords
"I sow deep, stable, healthy social connections. I must be confrontational instead of evasive."
Pile 1, I can see that your intention for this new moon is very focused on reconciling an old attitude involving new social contacts. Perhaps your manifestation involves parties, study groups, finding like-minded people online to chat with? In any case, you're not just seeking friends for the sake of having some random people to hang out with every now and then (although those kind of fair-weather friends can be just as great, it's a matter of being honest about it). You're currently seeking a kind of friendship of a deeper level. The person with whom you can have the "My Dinner With André" kind of conversations, long hours spent over cups of coffee. I'm even wistfully thinking about the kind of chance encounters you have with somebody interesting at a library, where there's a thrill to having intense conversations in whispers, or having somber debates in otherwise casual settings like cafés. It's a dreamy social encounter.
On the other hand, though, it seems like your mindset of socializing is fraught with the trappings of materialism and social niceties. Many people out there don't like that so many mornings begin with exchanges like "how are you?" or "weather's lookin' gray, eh?" or "I heard the LOL stocks are up this fiscal quarter". But that's how our system is structured right now. It takes a lot of effort and courage to bend beyond identifying with something other than work and safe topics in order to find social connection these days. Don't blame or kick yourself for struggling with this. It gets trickier the older we get.
Thistle is asking you to not avoid confrontation when it comes to meeting other people who might end up becoming a friend someday. No, I'm not talking about being ready for fistfights at any given chance. Be willing to be honest about the things with which you wish to connect with people. Don't assume you always have to pick the road of avoiding difficult topics to bond over simple things instead, like cars for example. The kind of friends you can welcome into your life will be the kind of people who want to hear what you have to say on the matters you care about AND like cars. You can be secure in knowing they share the same values as you. The best kind of friends will lend out an ear, a hand, or a heart to you when you need one, and judging by the energy in your cards, you have what's in you to lend to your future friends in the same way.
Octopus is also here to remind you about emotional boundaries, that of your own and others. It's a silent and sensitive animal of water because what it teaches almost goes without saying. But it still wants to give you a reminder. Maintaining them is important as well as respecting that of others. If someone respectfully comes to you to resolve a difficult conversation, or asking to avoid discussing something for personal reasons, it is honoring their space to respect that request, and vise versa.
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Pile 2:
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Strawberry (Affection); Taurus Moon (Relax); 17 Bluebell (Dusk); Crocodile; XIV Temperance, 9 Pentacles Rx, 10 Wands
"I sow quality time to relax in between my busy schedule. I must be kind to myself and allow myself this space."
Pile 2, maybe you're just looking for a spa day? I don't think just one, either. You seem like a sweet and caring person who's stretched themselves to the max here. All the worse when it seems like there's no time to really indulge in what you love most. Your reading is crystal. You're sowing the chance to truly, deeply, madly lay back and indulge. Not even indulge like eating a bunch of sweets or watching silly sitcoms (trying to compare my Taurus sun to Taurus moon here, the energies are quite different!). Just indulge as in "laying in one place while hearing birds chirp for hours". And it really seems depressing that it's even being thought about as an indulgence here. Simply laying back and enjoying nature is… human.
Perhaps, however, you're in the thick of finishing some big project before a deadline. The 10 of wands is carrying a lot, but with this card it's hinted that this carrying is completely necessary. If it's not a project, it's just something you can't immediately get away from in order to find this quiet time, like a crying baby or an important class in school. Maybe it's something where you feel like you have to do it all on your own. And maybe it's not the wisest choice to drop everything at the slightest chance and quit, but you've been feeling the urge to do so. What to do when you must push through and don't know when relief will arrive?
You're sowing opportunities for help to reach out to you, so that you may find the needed time to sit back and rest for a while. You must pace yourself with what you're doing and avoid burn out. To do this, you have to find a way to be kinder to yourself and know when enough is finally enough. Taking a break is not the same as giving up, or evading work. It's putting yourself in the position to be ready to tackle the next big thing. And if only this world we live in could calmly accept that we were not meant to work like robotic superheroes, and be more mindful of the body's cycles! Remember that you deserve to have time to rest and enjoy your life!
You can start with baby steps. Take five minutes a day to find a quiet place to meditate or simply close your eyes and breathe. Find new ways to add "pause" moments in your day where you stop to notice a bird, or stare out into the distance to comb out unneeded frenetic thoughts. Once you find these moments to center yourself, it gets easier over time to pace your energy throughout the day. Also don't be afraid of asking for guidance or for someone to come help. To use my life as a quick example, I'm often nervous to ask others to help me watch my pets while I'm away from home, but the reward for asking is huge. It beats being stuck at home with neverending duties for sure! In a weird way, your help may also personally benefit by aiding you. Remind yourself that there is more help abundant out there than you may first think.
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Pile 3:
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Zucchini (Versatility); Aries Sun (Assert); 24 Basil (Dawn); Turtle; 6 Pentacles, IX Hermit, Knight of Swords
"I sow a healthy exchange of generosity and mutual support. I must honor both my assertiveness and amicability to move ahead."
Yo pile 3, you should know that twice when I shuffled the tarot cards, a whole stack of cards flipped out of the deck at once. I picked out the first cards I saw, the 6 of pentacles and knight of swords, but I kept thinking "whoah there! Take it easy, I don't need all these cards for the whole story." My goodness, you must be in the mood to talk about something. What's got you all riled up? Your cards are like a whirlwind and I have to stop, takes breaks, and rewrite these words in order to collect my thoughts. You must have a lot going on all at once. Let me try to synthesize this energy as much as I can.
One of the first things I noticed about your pile were the orange stripes. They're featured on the Aries cat, Basil, and Turtle. I'm hearing something about "earning your stripes". You're sowing the chance to boldly head out and elevate yourself by embarking on the next chapter in your life. This could involve actual moving, or a major structural shift in how you work and relate. You are seeking a sense of true independence, and traveling seems to be the keystone energy that motivates that feeling. You want to charge ahead without looking back. The 6 of pentacles contains a secret though: none of us on planet Earth are truly independent of one another. We all contribute to each other's time and resource in some way. The way for us to create that sense of independence is by acknowledging that we do it by giving it back again and again.
You are being advised to stand up for yourself, and standing on your own two feet is great, but be open to receive help that other people may offer you, as much as you would do the same. There may be a person in your life, like a colleague, who can offer you advice on how to navigate your situation before you dive in. This could be a position where you're able to mutually help each other out with the same goal. Don't think you have to go it alone. Being adaptable to input could yield more opportunities for you to eventually strike it out on your own. It's a bit of a paradox here, but people are always going to like working with someone who's able to listen and speak out with equal fervor. The idea that true leaders can ignore what other people have to say has resulted in … not so great events in the past. The best leaders are the humble ones who don't constantly shut themselves away in an ivory tower but instead step out and offer help in times of need.
Find ways to ground yourself. It's not the same as settling for less. Your cards make me think of that one random quotememething that gets repeated everywhere despite me not remembering where it's from: It's saying, "Let's just, like, GO, man, we can just up and go, like, anywhere right now, bro." You've got a bit of itchy feet and you're looking to try out something new, maybe go somewhere new. You're at a point in your life where you can more easily absorb spiritual wisdom by staying on-the-go rather than settling for the same-old-same-old. If you wish to truly benefit from your traveling, however, it is often wise to stop for a spell and share stories with the locals. Share some food and connection. Spend time really taking in and learning from one place at a time. You'll have the time you need to go where you want to go and do what you want to do. Remember to enjoy the trip.
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Pile 4:
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Lime (Relaxation); Libra Moon (Sympathize); 12 Pimpernel (Dawn); Camel; 4 Cups, Ace Swords, 6 Cups
"I sow the chance to rekindle my childhood passions through gratitude. I must be more decisive about my future path."
Dear pile 4, there's a contrast between the soft heartfelt green and pink in your cards and with the gray foggy feeling I channeled. There's a fog moving through, it may be temporary but it's thick. Understanding and friendly you may be, but currently you could be struggling with staying on your own course. There seem to be a lot of other "voices" jumping in, like you're juggling between too many ideas and opinions that aren't yours and it's fogging intuition. You may be feeling lost as to where to go next in life. It may be easier for you to go with the flow than enact serious change at this time. But should any change come your way, it can only be facilitated by properly expressing your emotions and getting in touch with what you truly want for yourself. You're looking to bring passion and beauty back into your experiences.
You're sowing a spark of inspiration that brings you simple, unbounded joy with your creative passions again. It could be art, an old card collection, an arcade game, a hobby you used to enjoy, etc. The color is gradually coming back to your world. You're getting back in touch with your more childlike nature to reclaim your energy, finding the key to your path through these old joys. Nostalgia is like practicing gratitude for what we've been given in the past. Your energy will flourish through reuniting with what made your heart sing. Tapping into what you used to love will help guide your direction. It will also serve to decompress stuck emotions. You're balancing subtle yet turbulent emotions with warm clarity. You're undergoing a long journey for which warm and cold feelings must be brought to balance, as the Camel teaches. This way you don't exhaust your energy too soon before you've even taken the first step.
Being genuinely sad about what used to be in our life is just as healthy a nostalgic expression as finding joy in it. There can be just as much creative power in the deep feeling of impermanence and change. And to balance this energy, you must be willing to embrace both sides, both feelings at once, to allow your intuitive creativity to be fully released. I hear there is potentially a great idea or unexpected "eureka" moment through spending time in old passions where it all comes together. Have you ever gone back to watch a movie years later and upon watching again, pick up completely new and unique insights about a current dilemma? This is part of what you are sowing for this month. You might even go, "wow, I hadn't noticed or thought of it that way before!"
Before I finished your pile I was asked to go on a walk before sundown and it ended up being a very long and peaceful one. I used my intuition and gauged my comfort levels before choosing a path to walk down. I slowed down only when I became aware of how fast I was going so to notice the world around me. This is what you're learning to do this month, pile 4. You're able to pace yourself and take in your surroundings, unfettered by which direction is the 'correct' one to take. You're picking up cool rocks and pointing out large blue butterflies on the way. You're enjoying the journey for the journey itself. When you feel like life is going a little too fast, sometimes going back to what is familiar can help calibrate our senses. Let this month be a walk in the park for you.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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A3! Chigasaki Itaru | R - For You to Enjoy Muscle Training | Translation
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* The card name might change in the future.
Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. I had fun translating this backstage so I took some liberties writing some lines. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Muscle Training Goods to Boost your Motivation / 1
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Tasuku: I’m ba— woah! Tsumugi: Welcome back, Tasuku.  Tasuku: …Hey, Tsumugi. What’s the meaning of this?  Tsumugi: Eh? Tasuku: I’m asking you why Chigasaki is lying on the floor. I almost stepped on him. Tsumugi: Ahaha… It seems like Itaru-kun didn’t get who he wanted in a gacha game.  Itaru: I’m having an F in the chat moment. Tasuku: That’s ridiculous. Itaru: It’s not “ridiculous” at all. Tasuku: If you want to lie down, go do it in your room.  Itaru: Yeah, no. I’m too heartbroken for that.  Tsumugi: It looks like Chikage-san has also called him ridiculous for being all depressed in their room.  Tasuku: And he’s right.  Itaru: If I tell others about it, or they get the same reaction or take it too seriously and get worried…  Itaru: A soul who can accept it in a moderate degree my pain and comfort me-–.  Itaru: It’s none other than Tsumugi. He’s the only one who can accept the pain I’m feeling right now.  Tsumugi: …Now that you know why, could you bear with him for a while, Tasuku?  Tasuku: Why should I? Itaru: You see, I don’t feel bad for spending money on games, but not getting a single copy until I hit pity…  Itaru: “But you get it for free at pity.” Yeah, I’m not positive enough to agree with that.  Itaru: My wallet has its limits too… But everything for my most precious fave…  Tsumugi: I-It’s that so?  Tasuku: I didn’t understand that much what you were saying, but you reap what you sow. Itaru: Ughn… Tasuku: If you want to strengthen your mental strength, why don’t you do muscle training? It helps to relieve your stress.  Itaru: How come?  Tasuku: Exercising your muscles can improve your mental strength. And that’s because physical strength and mental strength are related.  Itaru: And by that you mean…?  Tsumugi: Well…  Tasuku: Why don’t you start moving your body a little day by day? There are various games for that nowadays.  Itaru: Those games you mention are in a gym, and that’s a big no. If I do it even once, I won’t be able to go to work. Itaru: Sigh… If only muscle training could be more fun…  Itaru: Huh? I think I’m starting to feel better after talking about those useless things.   Tasuku: I don’t get why. Tsumugi: Ahaha… but isn’t that nice? Itaru-kun feels better now. He lightened up after letting it out a little.  Itaru: I’m drowning the rest of my pains in alcohol today. Tsumugi: Let’s do it together. You too, Tasuku.  Tasuku: …Guess I will.
Muscle Training Goods to Boost your Motivation / 2
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Itaru: Sigh… Today’s meeting took forever.  Itaru: I’m so tired that I feel like melting… I want to go home asap to play games… Itaru: Hm? That is…  Itaru: A more fun… with muscle training…  Itaru: Maybe I can use this… 
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Itaru: …And that’s how today starts Itaru Chigasaki’s journey doing muscle training.  Tsumugi: Doing muscle training… with that beer mug?  Itaru: That’s right. Isn’t this dumbbell beer glass cool?  Itaru: With this, I can do muscle training and drink from it… making it actually fun. A brilliant item, don’t you think?  Tasuku: Hah? Itaru: “Hah?” wasn’t what I wanted to hear.  Tasuku: Where did you buy that dumb thing?  Itaru: There’s nothing dumb about it. It gets heavier when you fill it up with beer, doesn’t it?  Tasuku: First of all, alcohol and muscle training don’t go together. If you’re doing it, then you should refrain from drinking for that period.  Itaru: You said that as if you’re not drinking now, too, Tasuku.  Tasuku: I don’t drink alcohol when I tone up my body. Itaru: Eh? But I just saw you doing push-ups. Tasuku: Those are just from my daily exercise routine. Itaru: Of course. What should I expect from a muscle daruma… Tasuku: Hm? Itaru: Nothing.  Tasuku: Well… it’s beer glass shape lets you hold it easily. And it has a good weight…  Tasuku: If you fill it up with sand, it could work well for muscle training. Itaru: Yeah, no. It’s a fragile item so you have to handle it with care.  Tasuku: Then, you can use it to drink a protein drink…  Itaru: No! It’s not for that!  Itaru: Sigh… this won’t do. Tasuku made me lose all my motivation. Itaru Chigasaki is no longer doing muscle training from today and on.  Tsumugi: Eh!  Tasuku: Don’t blame others for that.  Itaru: Yeah, muscle training is not for me. You won’t want to see me all brawny. Tasuku: … Tsumugi: M-Mhm…  Itaru: Wait, I was just saying, you don’t have to imagine it… I’m feeling really awkward right now.  Tasuku: Well, if you start doing it at the end, I’ll join you.  Itaru: Uhh— You’re on another level for taking this joke too seriously, Tasuku.  Tsumugi: Ahaha… 
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dangermousie · 6 months ago
I am on ep 15 and if FL were any stupider, she'd forget to breathe.
Honestly, I was fine with her but but now she annoys the hell out of me.
Also Daddy Serial Killer hunted down and murdered those who abused kids because he was abused in childhood and killed his abusers?
Honestly, I can't even disagree with Min over the planning lady either:
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Not to say I am advocating murder, but if someone horrible got killed, I wouldn't have much sympathy either. It's kinda a "you reap what you sow" situation.
In general, it's not like either Min or Daddy Serial Killer randomly kill innocents for kicks. Daddy kills child abusers, Min kills people who abandon others awfully, I am kinda not too pressed here.
It's kinda like Ju Ji Hoon's character in Mawang where he killed a bunch of people and I was all "eh whatever, they had it coming."
(Also, def confirmed that Daddy gloms onto Hyun because he thinks he'd understand him, and also took Min away because he thought Hyun wouldn't be able to cope with him.)
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nym-wibbly · 7 months ago
Dean = hetero/bi/gay/other?
I felt he was being consciously written and played as bisexual, at least during the Kripke seasons. Taking the 15 seasons as a whole, the picture looks less clear to me. I'd be surprised to learn that he hasn't had sex with men and women.
Romance... I'd guess Cas is as close as Dean's come to a functioning romance with another guy, and Lisa as close as he's come to a functioning one with a woman. He holds a lot of himself back with/from both of them, even at the points where he feels very close to them, and I think his reasons go far beyond his sexuality/his level of conscious awareness of his sexuality.
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He's mostly just damaged about the whole idea of bonding with other people, about exposing his vulnerability to other people, about family and protecting his people, to the point where he's too busy just coping with his upbringing, then his experience in Hell and his self-hatred, then his mounting losses/grief, then the unfairness of his rigged-by-Chuck life, to spend the time figuring out what life and partner he'd want in an ideal world. He remains sexually nomadic, and later on plain reclusive.
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He never believes he's going to get that world or reap what he's constantly sowing with his own blood and tears. I'm not sure he believed it even in the finale when everything seemed possible at last. And I'm damned sure he didn't believe it in that ep of The Winchesters I watched last week.
There'll be peace when you are done, eh? Someone hug the man.
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johaerys-writes · 1 year ago
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Ch. 13: So Good At Being In Trouble
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
The spray can rattles when Menelaus shakes it. He stretches to his full height and presses the pump, and a blood red stream of paint leaves the dispenser in a condensed mist, glistening on the wall.
“Missed a spot there,” Odysseus says, pointing at the top of the letter. Menelaus carefully completes the word, then takes several steps back to inspect his handiwork. 
“Trojans suck massive dick,” Achilles reads out loud, in a flat and bored tone. “Real imaginative right there, Atreides. Eloquent, too.” 
Menelaus glares at Achilles over his shoulder. “Got any better ideas, Pelides?” 
“Tons, but I doubt you want to hear them.” Achilles rolls his eyes. “Why are we even doing this in the first place?”
“That’s easy to answer, Blondie,” Diomedes says with his wolfish smile, leaning against the wall of the abandoned building opposite Troy High. “Because those shithead Trojans asked for it. They came to our turf; this is payback.”
“What does Helen ditching Menelaus for Paris have anything to do with the Trojans coming to our turf? Or with us at all, in any case? That’s Menelaus’ deal,” Achilles protests. “She is— was — his girlfriend, they should figure it out themselves. Why is everyone getting involved?”
“It concerns us all,” Menelaus counters hotly, his round and rosy face flushing a deeper red. “The Trojans have no respect for anything! It was our party they came to and crashed last weekend. Ours. And then that bastard had the nerve to take my girl and leave. Should we let this insult stand?”
She seemed quite happy to follow him, Patroclus almost says, but knows well enough that Menelaus is in no mood to listen. So he keeps his peace, watching the familiar argument unfold instead.  
“Well, I kind of hate to say this,” Achilles says, though he seems more than pleased to point out what he thinks is the obvious, “but the party was at your house. So technically, I should think, it was your turf, not ours. And most of the Trojans were just hanging out, not causing any trouble. Other than Paris, that is, but—”
“I said, it concerns us all!” Menelaus insists. “They came looking for trouble. So we’re giving them trouble. Are we a team or not?”
“Fuck yeah we are,” Diomedes says. “I say we give them hell, brother.” He fist bumps Menelaus and Odysseus in turn. Achilles groans.
“Perfect. Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest, the movie.” He tips the fizzy orange juice can over his lips and takes a healthy sip. “And how is painting graffiti outside their school walls ‘giving them trouble’, anyway?” 
“That’s only a small, friendly warning,” Odysseus says. “Hopefully they get the message on Monday. First thing in the morning.” 
Diomedes grins, winking at his friend. “What a way to start the week, eh?” 
The way they’re both standing like this, at either side of Menelaus, they’re like the angel and devil on his shoulder. Only they both look like little devils right now, Odysseus with his sly smirks and Diomedes with that sharp gleam in his eye. 
Patroclus digs into his paper bag of fries, watching everything from the bench he’s currently sitting on next to Achilles. When the boys invited them to swing by Troy High for the grill shop that makes killer souvlaki nearby, he didn’t expect that this was what they’d be having in mind. Odysseus and Diomedes are always down for trouble, eager to goad others into stupid challenges and then reap the rewards of the devastation they sow. And though Achilles isn’t usually far behind, he’s been less and less eager to follow lately. Mainly, Patroclus thinks, it’s because a lot of their problems have been revolving around girls right now—those that they have or have not, or those they’d like to have. Achilles never misses a chance to express his displeasure and scorn about that.
Menelaus shrugs carelessly and turns around, to complete his masterpiece with a carefully drawn impression of an erect penis underneath the letters. Odysseus and Diomedes follow suit in support and encouragement. Achilles’ eyes roll so hard, Patroclus thinks they’ll get stuck permanently into his skull. 
“Ever since Helen ran off with that ding-dong, Menelaus’s IQ has been dropping by the day,” he says in a low voice to Patroclus, ripping a piece of pita and bringing it to his mouth. “Perhaps it’ll be good if he spends some time away from her.” 
“I heard that,” Menelaus grumbles.  
“Good, I meant you to. Girls are only trouble, you know.” He winks at Patroclus, smiling mischievously. “Good think we don’t have any of that to worry about, right?” 
Patroclus laughs under his breath, picking up a perfectly charred chicken skewer from the box. At the very least, the grill shop was worth the trip all the way to Troy. 
Menelaus, Diomedes and Odysseus are just about finished covering the wall of the abandoned house opposite the school with swear words and offensive drawings, when the sound of police sirens reaches them from a distance.
Read the rest on AO3!
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robinberkworks · 5 months ago
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Skullys Mini Episode - Plant
You reap what you sow, eh fellas?
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landofzero-archive · 1 year ago
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - The Die Has Been Cast 8
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(Location: Cage)
Rinne: He~y, it’s the newcomer Rinne Amagi! Nice to meet ya!
It’s the newcomer Rinne Amagi! Nice to meet ya!
Madara: No response, huh? Apparently we’re not welcome.
Rinne: Oioi. We’re co-stars aren’t we? You don’t have to be so rude, y’know.
Don’t be silent and say something. If you keep looking down in the dumps, you won’t make it into a variety show. Is everyone depressed from getting out early?
Madara: Actually, it’s a program that would be better off if we left.
I was also killed instantly, so Rinne-san and I were taken away together. Honestly, if you don’t have items, it’s just a game of luck.
It’s the best part of “fun to fight, interesting to lose.”
Although, they don’t seem to be glaring at us because they lost the “Dice Battle.”
This is hypothetical, but. These idols are from non-ES agencies— non-ES idols may be wary of us ES idols.
I’m sure a small agency that’s appearing on an unknown internet program would be especially sensitive about that kind of thing, wouldn’t they?
“Are you going to expand into online programming and steal our jobs!?” …… It’s no surprise that some people are angry.
Well, we’re reaping what we sowed.
Not all humans are equal, but the world cleverly proclaims that “all humans are equal.”
There are even people who believe this, and avoid seeing the inconvenient truth.
However, it was the ES side who drew them into a huge trend and overran the existing industry. There’ll naturally be some backlash.
If they want to keep their distance, there’s no need to force our way in.
Rinne: You’re cold. In the entertainment world, that’s true.
Mikeneko-chan and I are “strays” within ES. If we all work together to liven up this boring show, we’ll be able to raise the stocks.
Madara: No, I’m a pretty smart guy. Wouldn’t it seem strange if someone thought I was close to NewDi’s management?
Rinne: Eh, is that so?
Madara: Yes. Otherwise, they wouldn’t want to accept something as suspicious as Double Face.
It’s a unit that’s like a powder keg– you never know when it might explode if it gets hit.
Since we’re in that kind of a situation, I’d like to go on friendly terms.
It’s not so easy to do all this.
Rinne: It’s a daily routine.
Madara: That’s what you say.
In any case, there’s nothing to do in the cage. Let’s have a chat and enjoy this casual atmosphere♪
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(Location: “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” program set)
(CosPro Team’s Amagi and Mikejima of NewDi Team have surrendered.)
Ibara: (…… Hmm. It seems Rinne Amagi-shi and Mikejima-shi had an encounter and entered the cage.
Seeing as Yuuta-kun, who was in the same position on the GPS, is still alive, it seems he won against Mikejima-shi and ended things with both sides suffering damage.
The CosPro Team benefited from not allowing anyone but myself to hold the gold.
Unless our opponent is also using the zombie strategy, the difference will be felt in the final stages.
The problem is, when will Rinne Amagi-shi be revived? It seems like it’d be a good idea to leave him alone for now.
He appears to be able to get along well with the other participants— idols from small agencies.
The more time he can buy, the more time I’ll have to do my own research.
Especially in regards to the unknown idols booked by small agencies— I’m curious about how they were chosen.
Many of the promising candidates working at weaker agencies have transferred to ES agencies.
Idols who stayed at the small agencies don’t have impressive achievements.
If I understand the intentions in hiring them, the intentions of the program should become clear as well.
What was the production director, who once committed violent acts, thinking in calling them to be on “Battle on the Sugoroku Board?”
And what was NETV’s intention in hiring such a person?
If I understand this, then I should be able to understand whether NETV is a promising investment target.
When you’re investing a large amount of money, you need to have a good chance of winning.
As a strategist, my main focus is not on winning or losing the game, but rather on that—
At most, I’ll watch over you until the end, management of NETV……☆)
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hirokari · 2 years ago
It really has! I hope your day has been well! How’ve you been?
i am . so sick AHAHAH i felt so lightheaded yesterday but i pushed through it since . i wanted to celebrate my bday (celebrate as in go to school lmfao) but eh you reap what you sow
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neutrulycynical · 6 months ago
Ancient Games
Aka idk why I spent so long rewriting the song to fit but I made it anyway.
Clockwork, master of time, I beseech you to be fair
Now, i came to correct a crime in your lair
With hopes to save a world
With people who did no wrong
In the name of justice
Divine intervention, is that what you meant?
To untie apprehensions by your government?
You are playing with thunder for a world full of shame
But if they’re worth the risk of going under
Why not make it a game?
Convince each of them that they ought to be released
And I'll reverse the damage
[Shazam, spoken]
Who's them?
[Clockwork, spoken]
Nocturn, Frostbite
Undergrowth, Fright Knight
Pandora or me
What do you say?
[Nocturn, spoken]
[Frostbite, spoken]
Vеry well
[Undergrowth, spoken]
[Fright Knight, spoken]
[Pandora, spoken]
[Shazam, spoken]
Bring it
You all know I'm a fan of eternal sleep
But with the prince, everybody weeps
I think Earth sowed and now they reap
They didn’t understand the difference
All they did were out of ignorance
But the rest should rest in peace
To live another day and dream in bliss
[Nocturn, spoken]
If that's true, release them
Trust is delicate like ice
Why should they not pay the price?
When they refuse to give us rights?
Did you forget they failed to listen?
He (Phantom) was betrayed and then imprisoned
But if you make the right decision
We can still heal our trust with those who miss them
[Frostbite, spoken]
Fine, release them
Your little high and mighty league of justice
Claims to uphold virtue, but our cries, they dismiss
They were busy fighting
More like busy spiting each other
Let them feel the pain that our prince felt and rot
[Shazam, spoken]
Please reconsider this
[Fright Knight]
Really, Shazam? These old tricks?
[Shazam, spoken]
Fright Knight
Fright Knight, Fright Knight
[Fright Knight]
What kind of sick coward holds back their power
While our prince gets devoured?
They didn't even fight Waller, didn't even try to kill her
Hides inside a watchtower to get the job done
Never handles things upfront
Pathetic and weak without your sun
Hold your tongue now, Superman's my friend
And tell Undergrowth that this isn’t the stories end
You want more justice? Then set them free
To get back to our world, where their fates are guaranteed
[Undergrowth & Fright Knight, spoken]
Ugh, release them
[Pandora, spoken]
Hey, hero
So many heroes, so many tales
Give me one good reason why yours should prevail
He's got the mind of a genius (Batman)
Try harder
He's pretty skilled with words (Superman)
You can do better than that
He's kind of funny (Flash)
[Pandora, spoken]
[Shazam, spoken]
Wonderwoman is in our Justice League!
[Pandora, spoken]
Release them
[Shazam, spoken]
I've played your game and won, release them
You dare to defy me, to make me feel shame?
[Clockwork, spoken]
No one beats me, no one wins my game
[Clockwork & ENSEMBLE]
Timeline, watch her through it all
Show them I'm the judgment call
The one who makes their timeline fall
[Fright Knight, spoken]
Is he dead?
[Instrumental Interlude]
Let them go, please
Let them go
An Ancient's Game
It started off small at first. A robbery in Metropolis. A missing persons case in Gotham. An 'accident' in Amity Park. None of it connected. Nobody thought to connect them. It was just another case after all. There would always be another case so sometimes things slipped through the cracks. It happened.
Even heroes made mistakes after all.
They overlooked things.
But in the end they messed up and someone had to pay and someone did when Clark Kent heard his wife and son’s heartbeats vanish off the face of the earth during a somewhat quiet afternoon while he was handling a disaster in France.
He was the man of steel though, he could have made it. He should have made it but he was a second too late. His family was gone and Metropolis felt the fury of the old gods as a being made of wind and storms ripped its way free of an unseen portal cackling with mad laughter as it devastated the city.
It was another distraction though.
A massive distraction that drew the Justice League's attention away from the real prize as nightmares descended on Gotham like shadows. They morphed from the darkness slipping out through the cracks like ghosts and only Oracle saw the fight as they swarmed the youngest Robin, the Dark Knight's youngest son vanishing under an endless tide of nightmares as Nocturn took control of Gotham's nightlife.
More distractions followed as more and more of the old gods, Ancient beings long forgotten returned to Earth.
Storms raged.
The ground quaked.
Creatures of myth and legend were free to run wild as reports of everything from dragons to even yetis flooded the Watchtower.
In the end it was Diana who found their first and only clue when one of her mother's messengers appeared warning them of Themyscira's fate when a portal was opened for Undergrowth deep within the island's jungles. They fought. They fell. Then they were turned into mindless puppets bent to the monster's will as the sounds of war subsided into silence within a matter of days.
Her losses gave them a name.
Undergrowth, a creature of the green who cheered the being known as Clockwork while Constantine explained its origin.
He told them of Cronos, of the pieces of him that had formed into a new life deep within the endlessness of Infinity.
And Fate opened the way.
The first thing the gathered heroes saw was a massive clocktower surrounded by gears and pistons twisting in every direction as they spilled out into an endless void. Each tenth of a second, the hands on the clocktower click one step forward.
A single tooth on one of the smaller gears is easily the size of the Watchtower and no matter how far anyone looked there was no beginning or end to the clocktower.
There was nothing except the click, click, click of endless clocks as they stormed the Titan's lair.
Nothing stopped them.
There were no enemies or traps.
In fact the doors were left wide open as if welcoming the Justice League inside and they soon discovered why when Shazam found them. Superboy stood on a scale across from Luthor, the same with Robin and Waller. They were frozen in time, trapped in a single second of a moment while in the very middle of the massive room was a kid, easily Jon's double sleeping on a throne made out of the void of space but that wasn't what had him worried.
What worried him was the silence, the sudden nothingness in his mind as the voices of the gods empowering him faded away in the presence of the cloaked figure of Cronos suddenly standing beside the throne.
Even as the other heroes flooded into the room he couldn't hear anything besides a soft click, click, click as Superman was waved away forced into a loop of repetition that began and ended with his first step forward.
Green Lantern fell next, rapidly aged into an old man unable to match a Titan's will.
Then Constantine collapsed clutching an invisible wound on his chest. It was his contracts forcing him to obey while Fate eventually faded under time's cold embrace.
There were only a few heroes left when Flash made a move blitzing the throne only to suddenly lose his speed. The others simply glitched, like static on an old tv leaving only Shazam, J'onn and surprisingly Lois Lane standing in front of Cronos as he declared a game to decide Earth's continued existence.
'Convince each of them you're worth another chance and I'll restore everything.'
'Who's them?'
I don't really know what I was going with here. I was just listening to some of the songs from Epic and figured why not let an enraged Clockwork have some fun. I'm blaming Vlad for everything cause I can and he's done it before and caused a ton of problems for everyone else so I'm just picturing something he did or tried to do backfiring badly enough that Danny got seriously hurt so now everyone's gotta pay.
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apompkwrites · 2 years ago
the ashengrotto connections || azul ashengrotto
masterlist characters: azul (platonic) (+leech twins) genre: angst (very light) contains: azul's bio dad is shady as hell, body-image issues :(, manga inspo for magic :D summary: how can a single promise and a new octopot change the trajectory of a cecaelia's life? notes: lovely lil ashengrotto getting some development!! had the idea to use witch hat atelier magic for them so expect that :DD also gonna get around to putting oc's here soon! parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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your parents were loving individuals. more so your mother and stepfather than your biological father was, but that's besides the point.
you admired them the same way your brother did. your parents were go-getters since the day you were born (and the day you met them in terms of your stepfather).
your biological father, on the other hand, was shady, to put it lightly. from the few memories you had of him, you remembered him coming home in late hours of the night, body aching and tentacles stained with... something. he was a secretive man and your mother seemed to want to keep it that way.
when she announced the divorce and the subsequent lawyer visits, she seemed elated at the idea that her husband, soon to be former husband, would be out of her life and far far away from her children.
you remembered her warning you to never, under any circumstances, become like that man. she made you promise not to ever deal with shady figures like he did. and you kept that promise.
you lived by that promise.
maybe you internalized it. took it too far and were now reaping what you sowed. but, when you gave your brother his brand new octopot, no longer cracked and broken, decorated with lovely little pearls and shells on the surface, you were glad you did.
the smile he gave you that day was blinding. he was so excited, wrapping you up in his tentacles to give a tight squeeze before nestling into his new octopot, his little voice echoing from the walls about how spacious it was and how he didn't have to worry about new fragments falling on him in his sleep.
and you were just as excited for him. sure, the octopot you had spotted that day that was decorated with different colored swirls and shells still sat on the shelf instead of in front of you, but the sight of your sensitive, soft-hearted brother cheering and laughing in a way you hadn't seen in so long made that sacrifice worth it.
and you knew, from that day on, you would do anything to keep that smile.
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who knew that with one single octopot purchase, your brother would find the one thing he had been yearning for ever since he entered school?
the day he came home, two twin eels following him like predators, was surprising and somewhat concerning considering the nervousness on his face when he introduced the two.
jade was unnerving in his own way. he held a sly smile at all times, his expression the same the entire time he talked and listened. his movements were slow and methodical for a child, almost as if he were calculating each swish of his tail or raise of his webbed hand.
floyd, on the other hand, was the exact opposite of his twin. he was wild, thrashing about and poking and prodding at your broken octopot. giggles escaped his razor-teethed mouth, his tail wiggling around the more he circled you. azul seemed accustomed to this behavior as all he did was wave at floyd to stop.
"eh? this your little sibling, azul?" floyd had hummed to himself when he was circling you, his sharpened nails inching closer to your pudgy skin and tentacles. "mm, they're so puffy!"
azul curled in on himself for a moment when those words left floyd's mouth. did he know how your brother felt about his body? he must be, right? why else would he point out the same features on you?
you hoped that any and all observations made about your size would be reduced to just you, not to azul.
you were relieved when the twins dragged azul out of the house, talking his ears off about some sort of school trip they were supposed to get prepared for. and despite the leech twins being eccentric, you were glad azul seemed to find friends.
maybe he would focus less on his body with them around.
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there were times you envied azul after that. you envied the fact that as he grew up, he had the leech twins to fall back on. sure, he was still occupied in his magic, but he at least had them at the end of the day.
you, on the other hand, only had your magic.
you wanted to be just like azul, you told yourself, so why not focus on your magic like he was? and maybe, just maybe, you would be strong enough to protect him from other children who bullied and berated him to no end.
he had the leech twins to protect him, but that excuse kept you sane.
you often stole scrapped documents from your mother's desk, using the empty backs of the pages to scribble little sigils, something you were sure azul was doing in his spare time if the crumpled-up papers outside of his octopot had anything to say about it.
and so, just like him, you wrote. you wrote and you drew and you scribbled. it took a few months, but soon you got to a point where you were able to make something legible on paper.
the sigil had a centerpiece, a little curly s that looked like the swirls you had seen on the octopot that day. you surrounded it with arrows pointing toward it, encapsulating the entire drawing in a single circle.
you didn't care that magic wasn't made this way. it was the most you were going to compromise with yourself in terms of selfishness, so why not get creative with it?
and, to your surprise, the water surrounding the paper was pulled in, swirling around to make a small vortex that was strong enough to change the direction of the floating bits of seaweed. it didn't rip them out of the ground, no it was too weak to do that, but it did make them sway closer to the sigil.
the sudden movement shocked you, making you drop the pen in your hand. it tumbled to the floor, bubbles flying up past it once it landed. but before you could ponder more on what had happened, a new voice chimed in.
"how'd you do that?"
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @potabletable @meerpea @luvcalico @chlousp @prettyinblack231 @kiznax @yuistan @shortmelol @keqingsfavbestie @nothing-leave-me--alone @cherrykissesss890 @justheretoread3 @hetam @sacrificialwife1 @yevenly @1midnightcoffee @anon-loves-octa-trio @thomanok @mariesakamari @lunavixia @potatohuman04
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l1tw1ck · 2 years ago
Reaping What You Sowed
The brat gets what he deserves
FTM!Ajax x Top!Male Reader
Series: Let's Go Public!
Contains: Daddy Kink, Brat Taming, Spanking, Dom/Sub, Humiliation, Public Orgasm, Public Sex
Words: 1,033
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"How many times have I told you?" You sigh, giving Ajax a stern look.
"You're not giving me enough attention" He pouts.
"So your solution is to flirt with random people? I have half a mind to slap you right now."
"Then do it." He grins. You slap him, making a glaring red bruise on his cheek. He stumbles back, his grin not faltering.
"Strip then sit on the bed." You order.
"Already horny for me?" He pulls his shirt over his head, making a show of it and groping his chest.
"Don't start." You cross your arms. "Strip, don't play around."
Ajax rolls his eyes and laughs, pulling the rest of his clothes off before sitting down on the bed.
You walk over and spread his legs apart. "You're such an attention whore." You spank his wet cunt.
"Ah~" Ajax shivers.
You spank it again. "Apologize."
He moans. "Daddy~~"
"Apologize you dumb slut." You spank his cunt again.
"M' sor- sorry~"
You hit it again. "For what?"
"Fo- for flirting with a stranger...and for not listening to you."
You sigh. "Gonna listen to me now?"
"Maybe." He smiles.
"You never learn, do you?" You shake your head and walk to the bedside table, opening the first drawer and taking out a dildo. You walk back to Ajax and and stuff it into his cunt.
"No...I want your cock, please, I'm sorry. I'll listen to you now." Ajax frowns.
You laugh. "Are you kidding me? No, you're not getting what you want, you dumb cock loving whore." You grab his underwear and pull it up. "Get dressed."
"Come on! I'm sorry, okay?"
"I'm not asking you. Get dressed." You look at him sternly. Ajax pouts and puts his clothes on. "We're going out. I have some things I need to buy."
"C'mon comrade, how many times do I have to apologize? Please don't make me go out like this."
"Too bad it's not up to you. Don't lag behind." You put on a hoodie, already having an idea of how this'll turn out.
You walk with Ajax to the store down the road, the dildo in his pussy making him unbelievably horny.
"Can we take a break- nngh- at least?" Ajax looks at you with pleading eyes.
"No. You reap what you sow."
"Daddy, I'm sorry, I'll do anything. I promise I won't do it again." Ajax pulls on your shirt.
You stop and turn to him. "Yeah? You'll do anything?"
Ajax nods eagerly.
"Then walk."
He whines, trying not to moan as the two of you walk to the store.
While you're walking to into an aisle, Ajax leans into your ear and whispers. "Daddy, I'm about to come.."
"Go ahead." You smirk. Ajax bites his lip, covering his mouth as each step pushes him close to an orgasm.
With one final step, Ajax squirts in the middle of the aisle, looking around in embarrassment.
"Aw, baby, did you have an accident?" You mock him.
"Please, can we leave now?"
"Sure." You take your hoodie off and wrap it around Ajax's waist. "Nobody will ever know. Well, that is if you don't let them see the inside of your pants."
Ajax grabs your arm and brings you to the cash register. He didn't realize it earlier since he was too focused on the dildo in his cunt, but you bought him a new pair of pants, giving him some relief.
"Eh, guess we'll get the other stuff next time." You place your items on the conveyor belt and wait for the cashier to ring up your stuff. Ajax keeps his legs close together, impatiently waiting.
"Have a nice day." The cashier smiles.
Before you can reply, Ajax drags you outside and brings you to the back of an old building. "Please, at least fuck me." He leans against the wall, unzipping his pants.
"You're precious." You rub his cheek with your thumb. "I suppose you've learned your lesson now?"
"Yes, I promise I'll be good." Ajax nods. You take your hoodie and have Ajax wear it before pulling his pants off. You move him up against the wall, his legs barely touching the ground.
You take the dildo out of Ajax slowly and put it in a ziplock bag. "Don't be loud, okay?" You pull your pants down and take your hard cock out.
Ajax nods, covering his mouth as you push into him. He grins behind his hand, happy you're finally fucking him.
You bite his neck, thrusting into him slowly. Ajax whines but doesn't say anything, knowing you'll scold him for it. Your biting turns to licking, dragging your tongue from his neck and up to his ear. "Dirty slut." You whisper, making Ajax shiver.
"M' a dirty slut.." He repeats.
"That's right, Jax, you're a dirty little slut that's hungry for cock." You bite the outer part of his ear.
"For your cock." He corrects.
You hum, turning him around and letting him stand on the ground. You bend him over and fuck him at a faster and harder pace.
Ajax covers his mouth back up but it's not enough to muffle his moans. You spank his ass, making him mewl.
"Can't even keep your voice down." You chuckle quietly.
"'S too go- good~"
"I'll let it go this time." You grab his hips and fuck him more aggressively.
Ajax bites his lip, moaning as your dick abuses his poor cunt. The two of you ignore the possibility of getting caught, only focusing on yourselves and each other.
Ajax rolls his eyes back, grinning and repeating the word 'yes' over and over as he feels his peak approaching.
"'M gonna come, baby." You groan.
"Me- me too~!" Ajax comes before you, looking back at you with a fucked out expression. "Co- come in my pu- pussy please~!"
You bite your lip, thrusting unevenly as you come inside him. "Mmh-"
Ajax feels arousal pooling in his stomach from seeing your face while you come, making him want to go another round.
"You want more?" You raise an eyebrow, you can always tell what his expressions mean.
He nods.
"You think you deserve it?"
Ajax pouts. "Please?"
"Fine." You smile.
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olenoidedserratuspilled · 1 year ago
Cranky 'cause you're reaping what you sowed, eh gringo?
One of the things that's weird about being a white guy in the US right now is that expressions of disgust about you are common and said directly to your face.
I've had coworkers say, "Ugh, white men are disgusting" while I was within earshot. Coworkers who are married to white men!
You're supposed to have a very strange double consciousness about this stuff, as best I can tell; all that stuff about white men doesn't mean any man who is white, it means *white men* which is a totally different thing, but watch out, only a man who is white can become a *white man*, but obviously not you, except you might, but don't worry about it, but also do.
You really are culturally expected to accept that people will talk about how disgusting your physical traits are right to your face, and that this is tolerable because you obviously have money and power, and also you know that you aren't actually that thing, except when you are.
I suspect that this kind of thing will drive you slightly insane even when you do have money and power.
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jessource · 3 years ago
sentence starters: wentworth out of context
* coarse language and triggering content may be ahead.
“every time i talk, i open my mouth, people laugh.” “you can’t be trusted with pencils.” “(unsettling music plays)” “tough titties, eh?” “do you think handcuffs are necessary?” “causal or formal? so i know what to wear.” “you reap what you sow.” “you just fly. you be free.” “you did stab someone in the neck with a pen.” “code black.” “i don’t respond well to disloyalty.” “if you think i'm going to give you the satisfaction of asking 'what's in the box' you are sadly mistaken ... nah, give in, what's in the box?” “don’t be nervous (name), you’re the one holding the scissors.” “i smothered her with a pillow.” “yeah, i’ll just ring mr whippy.” “oh (name). don't you get tired of it all, the pointless baiting? get a life.” “she mowed over her mother-in-law with a tractor.” “you’re the grim fucking reaper.” “you are not a man, you are a puppet with (name)’s hand so far up your arse you will never be free of her.” “it’s not that hard (name). stay away from ghosts.” ”what is with your timing? you always come in when i’ve got my pants down.” “i’m not gay.” “choc ... chip.” “oh, don’t tell me you’re in love. that’s so sweet.” “you want me to have your baby.” “i understand you, (name). you're a loner.” “you wanna pat my pussy mama?” “(trolley wheels rattling)” ”i love you... but like a sister.” “I seem to recall that you attacked me with a billiard ball in a sock. does that ring a bell? “‘punch some tits’ as you like to call it.” “where is the bean flicker?” “you and me. whatever it was. it’s over.” “you did try to kill him.” “(steam press hisses)” ”sonic the hedgehog? cause i like sonic the hedgehog.” ”i was about to chuck this snowdome at the wall before i realised i don’t own a snowdome.” “you’re an ambitious little man.” “i’ll do whatever i can to protect my sister.” ”you gotta follow some rules, like don’t touch my stuff.” ”that’s easy for you to say, you don’t have any kids!” “she was still my wife when you started fucking her.” ”real sex, good sex, it’s in here too.” ”is that why we’re in here with the door open? so nobody think’s we’re going bumper to bumper?” “did you bury me deep enough?” “remove your clothing.” “fuck-knuckle.” “hot potato, hot potato.” “someone’s been a naughty nurse.” “no. i’m in a penthouse overlooking the beach. yeah i’m in the next slot!” “(name) killed her goldfish.” “give me the damn biscuits.” “you’ve licked your last pussy.” “if you’ve fallen for someone then... fuck the labels.” “you lose something, (name)? sense of humour, maybe?” “so, like, what's most important to you? is it looks, boob size or personality?” “tutoring ... dating ... same thing.” “it's my sixth sense, i can hear pants dropping a mile away.” “my letters to (name), did they turn you on? did you imagine us together? what i'd do to her? what she'd do to me?“ “you back from la la land yet?” “i’m pathetic, i’m...” “you laughed at me and called me a freak.” “(name), you know that i've always wanted to be more than just a mentor to you.“ “what, fuck? surprised you know what that is.” “(ice cream truck music)” “vinegar tits?” “shut the fuck up (name)” “learn to accept help from others.” “(name) won’t let anything happen to me.” “she shot you.” “it must be terrible being the brunt of other people’s jokes.” “you’ve always lacked courage.” “you reckon (name) has got post-natal oppression or somethin’?” “you used to be all smiles, now you’re just a cunt.” “stop looking at me like that!” “i’m having urges.” “can i join you for one?” “i like the feeling of being in control. “oi, minnie mouse. that was fuckin’ funny.” “you need someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to.” “why is that goldfish still here?” “it’s just a stupid nickname. we all get names.” “just ‘cause you fuck her, doesn’t mean you know her.” “hasn’t there ever been anyone you’ve had the desire to connect with on a human level?” “two murders? i’ve been gone less than a month.” “i’d like to inform you that i’ve had legal advice.” “you’re supposed to have amnesia, so who the fuck did you call... nut busters?” “it's interesting that you see sharing your feelings as being difficult.” “don’t do anything stupid.” “it’s only a matter of time.” “i’m not running from her anymore.” “don’t make me shout.” “that’s just between me and you.” “please... don’t burn it.” “this came for you yesterday... it’s a fish.” “but at the end of the day you can’t escape because it’s in you. right? it’s in here. it’s a part of you now.” “i don’t know maybe you’re crazy.” “one cannot deny the animal within.” “you got any last words?” “you have a very devious mind, (name).” “ha.”
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