#but do we ship whoever we want and create an entire fandom based on headcanons?
sometimes i get sad bc my ships aren’t canon, or canon is not doing what i need it to in order to spark joy.
and then i remember my roots: marauders fandom
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littlelionmay · 4 years
A love letter to the Zombies, Run! fandom.
I've wanted to write this post for a long time, and this seems like the moment to do it. We all need some positivity, and I am especially aware of all the things in my life I am grateful for. So here is a probably incomplete list of all the reasons I love the Zombies, Run! fandom.
* There's no gatekeeping (only gate-raising). More than that, it is the single most welcoming fandom I have ever had the chance to be a part of. Every time someone new appears on the tag, there's always someone to say a warm hello and welcome them to the club. A particular shout-out to @scorrigan and @arlidenrunner5 for this one, I always see you interact with new Runner 5s and it warms my heart every time.
* Everyone genuinely loves Zombies, Run!. It seems obvious. It's a fandom, right? Isn't the definition of fandom to come together over something we love? Welp, not anymore. The more time I spend on the internet, the more I see people complaining about the things they claim to love. You search a tag looking for people to gush about something with, and end up reading the 1000 ways that thing you wanted to gush about is actually terrible. The ZR fandom has become the only corner of the internet where I feel like I can breathe, and love something without being told I'm wrong.
* There's no hierarchy; every contribution matters. When I first came into the fandom and saw all of the incredibly talented fanartists and fanfic writers who created beautiful things for ZR (@nokkiart, @hippyexd, @hanahakisack, @lucidii, @iamrunner5 and many others), I was very, very intimidated. And when those people starting following my little blog, reblogging my stupid memes, drawing my Five and getting excited about my weird Sims challenge, it blew my mind. Turns out, when your fandom is tiny, everything is exciting. Every new contribution is something to share and comment on and interact about, and I find that beautiful. Which leads me to my next point...
* It's like an internet family. Perks of a small fandom: most of the active posters get to know each other. We become mutuals, learn about each other's lives, celebrate each other's achievements and look forward to personal updates just as much as ZR-related posts. I'm a sucker for community, and I am so happy I get to be a part of this group of people who have never actually met and still really care about each other. Special shout-out to @ijustcantwaittobeme who is a ball of pure loveliness and excitement whose comments and tags always brighten my day.
* Every headcanon is accepted (and respected). You have no idea how much shit I've gotten (and given myself) for loving anything self-insert. I've always wanted to be a part of the things I loved, always pictured myself inside the worlds, interacting with the people. So the fact that Zombies, Run! is entirely based on whoever is playing being the main character blew my mind. Not only that but, no matter which ideas are most popular, I have never seen someone look down or say anything negative about another person's headcanons or ships. Every time someone shares anything about their Runner 5, most of the comments and tags on reblogs are about what a good Five it is (and let's be honest, everyone here is low-key crushing on at least one other Five. I can think of at least four of them myself, and I'm lowballing there).
I also wanted to shout my appreciation to lots of people who didn't necessarily fit into one specific category, including but not limited to @runnerzero, @notebooksnshoelaces, @runnerable, @otakupunk, @dorkylittleweirdo and @abeltownshipslittlebitch. You rock.
I'm sure I'm going to be kicking myself for forgetting something or someone as soon as I post this, but there you go. I discovered ZR over a year ago but I really got into it last September, when I had just moved to do my master's in a new town, away from my friends and my community. This fandom has brought me so much and made me feel surrounded when I was alone, and I am incredibly grateful for you all. Feel free to add on to this and tell me the reasons you love the ZR fandom!
Stay safe out there!
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
Hi! For the fandom asks: T, O, and D?
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
-I already answered this one but; naturally intersex/sexless gods for Hollow Knight. They’re immortals so thoroughly steeped in magic that there is just no way they go off a binary gender or sex model, if they even have one at all. When you can shapeshift, come back from death, create realms out of dreams, why go for the trouble of gender? It’s a stupid concept anyways. Hornet being known as the Gendered Child wasn’t just a coincidence; as a demigoddess, she naturally fell into that category of ‘we don’t fucking know until the kid does’. They shapeshift into whoever they want to be, if they do decide they want to play that game
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Last of the Wilds by Nightwish has SUPER powerful Hornet vibes, don’t @ me. My entire playlist for her is comprised of songs that are all wild, fierce, and sad, but that song always jumps out at me for her
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
-Grimm/Hollow. There’s nothing wrong with it, but I headcanon Hollow to be aro and Grimm to both be vastly older than them and vastly younger, so figuring out his standing with them is a little fucky. The sexualities I assign gods are also complex (Homestuck quadrant levels of complex) and shift based on whether or not they’re in season, too, so he’s much better off with Brumm than actually courting a powerful, potentially territorial Higher Being like Hollow. They just don’t match well with the way I characterize them; the closest I can gets is associates-with-benefits. (Which is admittedly something that might be fun to poke at, but in a more specific au than in the interpretation of canonverse I usually write)
Lemm/Quirrel is another one that is on-and-off for me but I blame that more on me still getting the feel for Lemm than it not jiving with me bc its super cute and I’ve loved the content for them so far
Send me fandom asks!
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wintcrskiss-a-blog · 8 years
T H E  M U N
❅ Hey! First of all, thanks for taking a look at my rules, I really appreciate it. ❅ This mun is 20+, responds to she/her pronouns, and is a university student from the UK. ❅ As such, I run on GMT time (although I suppose technically it’s GMT+1 during the summer). ❅ My activity is largely quite good. I’ll post a notice if I’m going to be MIA for a while. ❅ I’ve been RPing for roughly about 5 years now. ❅ Other characters I’ve RP’d as are my OC Jorjayna Stark, Ned Stark, Lyarra Stark, Marlene McKinnon (HP), and Abbey Smith (Misfits).
T H E  B L O G
❅ This blog was created in January 2017. ❅ I’m tracking the tag winterswhcre, but I don’t tend to look at it too often. It’s best to @ me in the post itself rather than tagging me in the tags. ❅ This blog is based in the ASOIAF / GoT fandom. Obviously there may be some sensitive content. Please take that into account. ❅ The faceclaim for this blog are is Sarah Gadon. 
❅ I’m a selective blog, but I make sure to have a good look at every blog who follows me before I decide to follow back or not. ❅ I don’t tend to follow back blogs in which I don’t know the character or the fandom. ❅ I usually avoid multi-muse blogs too. If it’s a multi-muse in which all the characters are based only in fandoms I know, that’s fine, but if there are fandoms I’m not familiar with, I’m unlikely to follow back. ❅ I’m also unlikely to follow back a blog with an animated FC apart from TTGOT muses. ❅ If I don’t follow you back, and you don’t fall under these categories, please don’t take it personally. It’s perhaps simply because I couldn’t see a way for our muses to interact, or just personal preference. ❅ If a blog I’m following has around two months of inactivity, I’ll unfollow. If there’s no prior announcement that there’ll be inactivity, I might unfollow sooner. But if you come back again I’ll be more than happy to refollow. ❅ I also reserve the right to unfollow when I see fit. If I keep seeing things posted that I don’t like or make me uncomfortable, I will unfollow. ❅ In the same way, I don’t mind if you unfollow me for the same reasons. Everyone just needs to be comfortable! But if you want to address any problems I pose to you, rather than unfollowing, please let me know - as long as you do it politely.
❅ I only interact with mutuals. If I don’t follow you, please don’t send in memes or like starter calls. It’ll be ignored, but it still just makes me plain uncomfortable. ❅ I’d also ask that you try and not send me messages asking if we can interact if I don’t follow you back. I do eventually get around to looking at all blogs who follow me, and thoroughly before I make a decision. ❅ I’m OC and AU friendly. Naturally. Seeing as my character is an OC. But I’m as selective with OCs as I am with canon characters. ❅ Mutuals are welcome to send memes, send IMs, send asks, tag me in starters, approach me for plotting - whatever. ❅ Don’t send hate. I literally won’t care what you have to say if you’re going to act like a dick, so it’s a waste of your time. If you have a problem, please approach me in an adult way. ❅ I tend to write in a multi-para style, usually accompanied by an 100x100 icon. Don’t feel the need to match my length or include an icon though. I try to match, but I can’t all the time, so I don’t expect you to either. ❅ I don’t mind necessarily if you don’t use small text. I will however convert your text to such a style in my replies, simply for the sake of keeping everything at one size on my blog. ❅ If you wanna continue a meme, please do. Just make sure it’s in a new post. ❅ Please do not god-mod. I mean, it’s okay for small things, but if you are in doubt, leave it out. ❅ Mun does not equal muse. If my muse is rude to yours, it doesn’t mean I hold the same opinions or feel the same way.
❅ I will only write smut with muns and muses who are over the age of consent in my country, which is 18. I myself am 20, so it’s safe to write it with me. ❅ Obviously there’ll be smut on this blog, but just because Myriam is a prostitute does not mean I have to RP smut with whoever wants to. I reserve the right to say no, or to do a fade to black if that’s what I’m feeling like at that moment in time. 
❅ I will admit, I do love a good ship. I won’t deny it. BUT that does not mean that I’ll ship Myriam with every single person in the ASOIAF universe. ❅ As of now, Myriam is heteroromantic, but bisexual.  ❅ For genuine romantic ships, chemistry matters a lot. She needs to get along with a person to actually be properly shipped with them. ❅ We don’t necessarily need to have RP’d before for you to approach me about a ship. If you want to approach me, we can plot and try it out. But I do reserve the right to say no. ❅ I do love discussing, plotting, and coming up with headcanons for ships. Therefore, I like to add shipping partners on Skype as it’s the easiest platform for me.
❅ I don’t approach roleplaying with the intention of entering into exclusives. However, sometimes I do find myself uncomfortable with the idea of writing with anything other than a certain portrayal of a muse. So far my exclusives are:     ❅ Catelyn Stark - starkmatriarch     ❅ Eddard Stark - handofhonor
❅ I don’t have any triggers personally. All I ask is that NSFW is tagged, as mine will be.  ❅ I don’t really reblog things that would be considered triggering in my opinion, but everyone is different so if you need me to tag something let me know. I haven’t been asked to tag anything so far, but if / when I am asked, I’ll make a list here of what I’m going to tag.
❅ While Myriam herself is my own creation, the universe in which she is set and the ASOIAF series itself is entirely of George RR Martin’s imagination. I don’t claim to be him, D&D or HBO. Just a fan. ❅ I’m also not affiliated with any of the FCs for this blog either. ❅ I didn’t create my theme either. The link to the original creator should be on the blog somewhere. ❅ The format for my icons was created by me. The original images used in the icons come from a variety of sources - most of them came from HollowArt, but others were found on google. If you see an image you created that hasn’t been credited properly on my blog, please let me know and I’ll credit you in this section. ❅ My writing is my own, as are my graphics and gifs (which are becoming more frequent). Please don’t steal any of these things.  
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