#but didn't have the inspiration to finish it at the time
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modmad · 10 hours ago
oh my god I don't know what I expected I don't know why I didn't expect the duck comics you've made to be LESS painful or heart wrenching than all the other work you do and it's. MORE. IT'S REALLY REALLY GOOD I'm not even FINISHED you've made so many but I cannot get over that one page in contrariwise comic (where magica has swapped bodies with gladstone) where she has that revelation that he/she could just destroy the whole city but he hasn't. 'they don't know how lucky they are' will haunt me to the grave thank you for that
AH!!! THANK YOU but sincerely if you like my duck comics you MUST read The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. there are so many extremely good duck comics but that work is a masterpiece and I truly mean it when I say everyone should read it at least once even if they have absolutely no interest in the ducks OR comics
I was very proud of how that sequence turned out, and it's very much in the style of/inspired by the emotional gut punches of Don Rosa
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so yeah if this tickles your curiousity you can read Contrariwise right here, as all of my duck comics have their own section on my website! and if you can find the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck I Beg you to read it and be transformed as I and many others have been.
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kyri45 · 19 hours ago
Hi Kyri!!!!
First, congratulations on finishing the Parents AU!!! Really, you're inspiration for us out there and a beacon of hope to story tellers djshskdjksd big projects can be finished!!! It's not a myth!!!
Second, I'm a baby on LMK fandom, literally started watching it last month, and just finished reading your comic twice!!!! I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this amazing comic with us. I got lucky for having the privilege of binge reading it, but boy I wish I was there for the process too!!
I can't even begin to tell you how much this story made my two last days better, the way you built MK's relationship with Wukong and Macaque, and how you approached the end of S5, mirroring MK's actions with Wukong's and Macaque's!!!!! And and and the immortality detail with MK realizing that forever is a long time!!!
(What, hahah the part of Tang and Pigsy teaching Macaque and Wukong how to cook and MK's fav stories didn't make me sob like a kid at all, nope hahahahaha *ugly crying*)
And I loved so so so much the final fight with the "I need a hero" soundtrack, I've been listening to this song on repeat since then fjsbskdbskdms
Fr there's so much more, but these moments stuck with me I guess
Anyway, again, thank you for sharing this story with us. Please don't forget to take a little break and enjoy the good feeling of finishing up a long project! <3
Xnwjdb tysm!!!
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beautifulfrog · 2 days ago
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I'm alive, and it took me almost three months to do this. Just one drawing was really hard to finish, but I hope to be able to post more often. The truth is, I still love Monsters, Inc. and the purple lizard. I'm a little tired, for those who might be wondering. Honestly, I had to change psychiatrists after a really tough incident. But whatever, I think I'll keep drawing, even at my own pace.
Thank you so much for all your comments on my last post; I love you all. In context, I was SO inspired by the alternate story in @randall-simp-nadt88 about Randall going to prison. I think it was a really cool idea, and I couldn't help but think it was intriguing to see another path. That's why I wrote this short story alongside the drawing. Feel free to add and comment on anything. By the way, here in Mexico, mental health hospitals are very different from what one might imagine. Obviously, they can have unpleasant situations like anywhere else, but generally, they're not like in the movies. I'm not promoting any ideas or bad ideas about these types of places; I just wanted to adapt the "shady asylum" stereotype to ME. I just think it was necessary to clarify this.
I'm really sorry if the translation is wrong, I'm still learning English properly.
Randall was arrested shortly after he had once again become involved in a conspiracy with another energy company (and again, for having fled two weeks before being found), this time leading to a possible terrorist act in the city. It wasn't long before Johnny Worthington managed to afford him a decent lawyer so he could face a fair trial. Even if the horned one was in prison, he managed to have some power.
The trial took place barely a month after he was captured. Clearly, he didn't have the money to even pay bail. He was completely broke, since after his exile, he had already been classified as a missing person and a fugitive. His apartment was evicted, his family (who didn't even call) took his belongings, and unfortunately for him, the only monster that kept him fed was still in prison. He was alone, with the entire city against him.
Due to protocol and background, he was ordered to remain locked in an isolated cell while in the custody of the authorities.
Cameras monitored his movements day and night, and he was never allowed to go out or socialize with others. He didn't really want that, but he hated every second in there. To add a layer to his obvious humiliation and defeat, he was fitted with an ankle tracker on his hind legs, as well as being required to wear a thick metal collar around his neck that connected to the cell wall. This was normally used for large, aggressive monsters like himself, as monsters were aware of their physical superiority over others. Randall showed discontent, occasionally causing mockery among the guards.
That was the beginning of something serious. Just a short time after being sent to the cell, Randall began to experience some episodes of paranoia. He began to have regular hallucinations about things from the past, voices making their presence felt behind him, small shadows or familiar figures passing by him. The nightmares also manifested during the night, centering on the horrible memory of being repeatedly hit in the face with the sharp shovel. Every time he woke up, he ran in search of a hiding place. But there wasn't one, and this stressed him out.
His aggressiveness toward the police also increased dramatically, as he no longer allowed them to speak to him or approach him. This led to multiple problems and a possible increase in his sentence. His lawyer clearly had no interest in Randall's freedom, but he was working to reduce his sentence, which, had it been a trial held forty years ago, would have undoubtedly condemned him to death. He spoke with the judge privately and agreed to perform a special examination to assess his mental state before the trial, since, in his words, "Randall will not survive prison." With permission, he was taken for X-rays, interviews, tests, and a few sessions with specialists.
The results were a traumatic brain injury, caused by the severe blow to the head he received in the human world (also accompanied by characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorder when he remembered it). His memory, behavior, and reactions suggested that he was unstable enough to appear in court, and that gave the lawyer the opportunity to finish his work cleanly.
On trial day, too many monsters were present to testify against him (as expected, Sullivan and Mike were there, getting on his nerves). They all said the same things...
"He's sick!"
"He's a psychopath!"
"He threatened me constantly..."
"He could have murdered my entire family!"
And when he least expected it, his sentence was final. They said he wouldn't go to prison, and that made him strangely happy for a few seconds before the punishment was announced, followed by a hammer blow.
"You'll go to the city mental hospital, the trial's over."
Randall was indignant and filled with rage after those words, having no idea what it would mean to be locked up in a place where supposedly all those who had no hope of being cured went. The lizard cursed, kicked, and growled at the guards who held his shoulders so they could drag him away. The humiliation and pain increased when he saw for the first time the pitying faces of a few coworkers he'd once had. He was finished.
The most painful part was leaving the courtroom, surrounded by some guards and nurses who would take him to the van of the mental hospital where he would be sent. The press photographed every moment and struggle, even though Randall tried to hide. For protocol and security reasons, Randall was restrained by heavy metal handcuffs fitted to his thin wrists, and a straitjacket that kept his lower arms still.
The muzzle soon covered his mouth, clamping his jaws to deny him the freedom to bite or threaten the journalists intrigued by his case. Randall no longer remembered much of the event and always refused to hear a word about it. It was a total humiliation.
The first few days at the mental hospital were filled with resistance and aggression. Again, because Randall was sent there for a fairly strong criminal record, they had to apply strict protocol to him. They isolated him in a padded room, where they forced him to wear a loose-fitting white shirt so he wouldn't try to take advantage of his unique camouflage.
They also gave him medication based on his diagnosis and the results of the therapy he received regularly (he remained very reserved when asked any questions). He was forbidden to drink coffee for a time, and the food there was relatively empty and boring. Most of the time it was soup, and he couldn't even go to the bathroom without someone having to watch him outside.
The hospital was incredibly large, but Randall didn't know even half of it. He was prohibited from entering and leaving many areas. He lost contact with the outside world; he knew practically nothing about what was going on outside because visits were strictly regulated and his contact with the other inmates was nonexistent. He didn't hang out with them, he thought it was a mistake to be there and that he would soon get out.
Clearly, that wasn't the case. The only privilege he had was that he was occasionally allowed to smoke outside for a while, but someone always had to be there to light his cigarette and make sure it didn't burn. He felt like a child, and that bothered him. Days, weeks, and months passed... Randall accepted his new reality, but it only led to the dreaded depression.
Realizing that he was only sent there because he was weak and because it was the quickest way to get rid of him was a hard blow. Everyone was living their lives out there while he was rotting away in a nursing home for other outcasts like him. No one was going to rescue him, and that filled him with immense despair.
He was the only one who would die alone.
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sulphuricgrin · 2 days ago
WIP Wednesday
tagging: @skyrim-forever @changelingsandothernonsense @hircines-hunter @pocket-vvardvark @sanzas-reverie @scholarlyhermit @ggghoulish
@truth-01001001-liar @yansurnummu @theoneandonlysemla @thequeenofthewinter @firefly-factory @fangsandsoftgrass and anyone else cause I dunno how long I should make this ever growing list of mutuals I now have. god damn I love you all <3
Anyways, since I finished last week's oneshot, I'm back to the main fic. So not remotely as... interesting. If you see a mistake, no you didn't. (it is a wip and editing is a long ways away lol)
Her gaze sweeps the refectory for familiar faces ― well, familiar faces she’s willing to suffer the company of. It doesn’t take long to find a mer with familiar black hair pulled into a ponytail and wearing finer clothes. He was hunched over a book, drawing more than likely. With a smile, Lilliandra cloaks herself with an invisibility spell. It was unbelievable how easy it’s become, as if second nature, to feel the magicka kiss her skin and spread out all around her with her illusion work. She weaves through the room― others couldn’t see her, but they’d surely feel her if they touched. When she’s behind her target, she peeks over his shoulder, paying mind to hold her hair back from touching him. She bites her lip, whether from keeping herself from laughing or letting out a satisfied hum, she isn’t sure.  Her own face stares back at her, a talented hand carefully going over the details of her eyes in charcoal. This always amused her, pleased her, knowing she was this mer’s muse. All she had to do was breathe and it inspired him. Fascinating. She continues to observe for a few more seconds, this weirdly peaceful moment of Talserion’s, drawing her; but she grows bored quickly and lightly blows on his ear.  He reacts in a delightfully expected way― his shoulders stiffen and his hand halts over the paper, before closing the journal altogether. His head turns to look at her, blue eyes wide but cannot see her still. His eyes briefly dart over the place before narrowing. “Andra, could you not.” She loves how his pretty face pinches in annoyance. She lets the spell drop while laughing aloud, a grin plastered on her face. Tal is hardly amused. “You do realise how creepy that can be, yes?” he asks her, a small sigh leaving him.  She takes a step back, straightening her posture. “Get better at fighting illusion magic then,” she counters as her attention shifts to finding something to drink. There’s some food and water and maybe tea at the table Talserion sits, but not what she’s interested in. She over her shoulder, at the table behind her. Ah, there, a pot of black coffee kept warm on an enchanted hot plate. Due to its bitterness, it wasn’t a particular favorite to many here, surprisingly ― but Lilliandra thoroughly enjoyed it and the energy it gave her. She pours herself a cup and turns back to Tal. He’s simply watching her now, annoyance already gone away. She looks left, then right, figuring out where to sit. She wasn’t interested in sitting next to him, rather preferring to be across; but the long tables would mean she’s had to take a long walk around. Without hesitation, she takes a step onto the bench he sat on and then a step onto the table. Her stride is quick and confident as she makes it to the other side and takes a seat across Talserion. She takes a sip of her coffee, savoring the lovely mixture of bright tanginess and mild bitterness.  He smirks at her, unfazed by her brazen behavior. “It’s like you want the teachers to yell at you.” Her hands cup the porcelain, relishing in the warmth. She grins. “They can try. As if that stopped me the first time.” They both laugh. 
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thegremlininmyhead · 1 day ago
I am barely a quarter of the way through SotR and I already have so many what ifs. The main one
Imagine a Katniss who volunteers for her little sister, having been raised by Aunt Lenore Dove and Uncle Haymitch
I can't work out if this is presuming Haymitch didn't get reaped, but then I imagine the sheer fear she would inspire in the Capitol (and Snow) if she gets mentored by Uncle Haymitch, who stepped up when his friend died with a little sprinkling of Lenore Dove's anarchy, and I think that Katniss/Uncle Haymitch-mentor fics are going to be where all my time goes once I finish this goddamm book 😂
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ficsinhistory · 15 hours ago
Time, Comics and Chaos Energy.
Hi again people! I came with a new theory of what can happen in the fourth movie! That will probably be just another delirium of my mind but well, if Tumblr was not made for theories and madness for what was done then \ ⁠⁠ (⁠ツ⁠) ⁠/?
As is commonly known, Sonic films uses a lot from games to base their stories. However, I think from now on, Jeff and the writers will also be based on comics such as Archie, Fleetway and IDW.
Why do I think this?
Metal Sonic and Metal Army.
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This Army does not appear in the games, but the idea of ​​Metal Sonic supported by old versions has already been addressed at Archie - in which case different editions of the same metal - and more similar (and the possible source of inspiration) the Fleetway Brotherhood of Metallix. An event that metal gains too much self -awareness and usurbs Eggman's place.
This fact is not only excellent to use in the movie, but works with other media like Sonic CD and the OVA.
And this opens doors to other amazing uses like:
Amy Rose
First, I think her cover came from the first sketches of Amy of Fleetway.
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( Iconic đŸ€©đŸ€©đŸ€©)
Amy already has a very strong connection with time travel and Little Planet. However, the comics work more with this, with some for example putting her with her using Time Stones to venture into her version of Archie. As I said before, I theorizer that Amy will be a Little Planet native who has a connection with the Stones teams and this can generate a very good, very good movie story in the fourth movie. Maybe as a guardian of the Stones.
Silver has a very interesting point in Archie's comics and I think that as he will have a lot of relevance in the future probably, it would be nice to see. There, he presents a technique with a Time Stone named Chronos Control. A technique that is taught and allows you to travel in time without the aide effects, and would be a perfect explanation of how it does it. Since games and other media are not exactly a consensus on this.
Amy AND Silver
And to finish I think these two will be relevant in the long run. Why?
Because I think the movies go gives temporal properties to Chaos Energy. Yes, that supernova was not a simple explosion and no, it wasn't known until then. At least for most characters.
I believe that Little Planet residents know this property, thanks to the Time Stones and explore it frequently. I also think Amy is among the most powerful user.
This deleted scene shows that the time control of chaos energy was an idea in the production of the film, along some concept art showing that Sonic 3 also would have some time travel in it.
Therefore, I think the time distorted sending Ivo to the past and more specifically for Little Planet. There he dominates everything, builds metal to kill Sonic and seize the stones 
 je just didn't have antecipated Amy and her connection with the jewelry.
My personal theory is that she was sent to Earth for knowing where to find and use the stones, being proficient with what she would now as Chronos Control. This technique would teach Sonic and others and in the future would be what Silver would use to travel.
And no, Amy is not from future. She would be in the present, wokin in the present day to reverse the mess Ivo created going to pass and a bad future.
Basically that's it.
In short: Chaos energy has temporal properties that are known only by people from Little Planet, in which Amy Rose has more knowledge and is connected to the stones of time. Ivo comes back to the past, messes up the timeline wanting the stones and killing Sonic. However, Amy is an impecilho, being sent to the earth and growing here, fighting with the metal Army which summoned the post credits scene. And in the future, the technique she uses is enjoyed by Silver to travel in time.
And yes, metal has his arc OVA style, believing to be the true Sonic, as well as usurping robotinik of his reign.
Thank you for reading!
Tagging @iwasbored777 !
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thatonecrazysidekick · 2 days ago
I...sort of? I'm still working out the details myself--the more I think about timelines the greater my apprehension grows--but I'm happy to share what I have!
It's all an expansion of this short piece that I wrote on a whim, inspired by this prompt. That's the only finished thing I have so far, with the rest existing as several rapidly-growing word documents of half-finished outlines.
The premise is that the sleeping princess from LoZ II, Aurora, is actually Legend from post-LU, from after the journey wrapped up and everyone went back to their respective times/timelines. Legend thought maybe his adventures were over, but the poor guy can't catch a break and gets cursed barely two years later.
I really like the "Fable & Legend are twins" headcanon, along with the idea that they switch places sometimes to mess with people or for Fable's safety--though she tends to protest in the latter incidents--so that's what happened here: the curse was meant for the Princess, but the Hero took her place.
As far as my prologue outline goes, a wizard came to the castle and demanded the Triforce. Legend and Fable had enough forewarning that Legend was able to convince her to switch with him and go hide/get magically-inclined help. Legend delayed the wizard as long as he could, but eventually had to take him to the room in the castle where the Triforce was kept--the same the room he wakes up in centuries later, to a sixteen-year-old Hyrule who, in waking Legend up, just completed his second quest.
Like I said, thinking about timelines makes my brain start screaming, so this is probably going to be a sort of "canon-compliant" thing:
Legend never knew this was going to happen, so it must've happened and he'd just never found out. Which means no one ELSE ever found out, and he can under no circumstances tell anybody ever or he might mess up the timeline(s) even more!!! (Or will he... >:)
This thing in particular was created because I was drawing character sheets to simultaneously avoid tackling my outlines and to come up with smaller details and character dynamics, as I wasn't planning on writing more after the initial oneshot. The Muses didn't seem to be on the same page as me though, so I'm kinda just along for the ride XD
Thanks so much for asking!! Feel completely free to ask any questions or make any comments about anything--talking this out helps ideas form and get more fleshed out, so I'm always happy to do so :)
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I made another one. Dawn's character sheet led to me making more. Behold, Aurora-Legend!
(Don't worry, I have actually put a little time into the actual story outlines as well!)
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lonicera-caprifolium · 1 year ago
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an early morning with your beloved 💕
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silvermun · 7 months ago
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do not press your luck, knave!
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anewp0tat0 · 8 months ago
i lied i had like atleast one more weston thought to expell from my brain, before i miss this boat entirely. we're heading to green lands woooo
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starlingfawn · 4 days ago
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updating my refs for artfight !!!
yes the music is very important and relevant a definetely needs to take half the image
my artfight profile.... : https://artfight.net/~Starlingfawn
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sysig · 5 months ago
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Challenge level: Impossible (Patreon)
#Doodles#Spoiler alert: I was in fact not normal about it lol#You can tell those first two are old by comparison for how short my hair was at the time lol#From back in July! I guess I just hadn't been drawing myself much there for a bit huh#As for that last one I swear I Promise I drafted this in September it's not a reference I'm just actually genuinely Like This lol#I didn't choose this life etc. etc. lol#From the top!#Burst of inspiration wherever could that have come from hehe <3 What could've happened in July that made me want to draw I wonder hehehe#Bit funny considering I fell off posting - not like the inspiration stopped! And what I Did draw was Very lol#I still have some of it in an ever-present photoviewer because I like being able to look at it at any point <3#Still inspired! Still want to do more studies!! So pretty ♄â™Ș♫#Sleepy thoughts - I had my Pkmn Diamond/SoulSilver field dex/guides for all of like two months and then they were packed up again#And this was Before the Pokemon burst! Sheesh sheesh#I love my field guide dexes they're so neat and well-made ahh#I have got a couple craft projects still back-burnered - those papercrafts to do with Pokemon are still on the list!#A little Pokedex-notebook is so fun.......And I have Pokemon stickers that I could put in it or on it......ah........#I do want to! I will at some point the energy will return to it eventually#Alright so the main course lol#Went fabric shopping for plushies because yes I Am determined to Make Thing! Another that's been a bit backburnered - but I will!!!#I do still really want to it's turned out pretty good for far :) But while I was shopping!!#We did the usual small talk thing with the store employee like ''Oh what are you buying this for'' that whole back-and-forth#So I explained that I was making plushies and needed the tear-away stabilizer to draw the embroidery outline on#In my head I was being very tempered because while /I/ know that I'm making a Max plushie not many people are familiar with him (wrongly so)#Lol#So we continued and he was like ''Oh cool I've made some patches with embroidery :)'' so I asked of what and he lead with CotL's crown#And then-#Look Zarla's work was Already on my mind with Max as my project I was in a Delicate Way already do you really expect me not to talk about it#The answer was no and he walked away with a Vargas recommendation in his pocket I hope he enjoyed it lol#And I got my fabric and started work on Max's face it's fine it all worked out in the end it's all good it's great lol#I Was encouraged to come back with my finished project so that's on my to-do once I get him in a presentable state haha
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fan-of-chaos · 9 months ago
Written for @ft-platonicweek Day 5: prompt "Nobody hurts my friends!"/"Injury"!
Based on this art @pencilofawesomeness did for the same prompt!! I saw it and got really inspired by it, so I decided to do a little fic for it!! ~.~.~.~.~.~.~
tw: kidnapping, mentioned/referenced torture, very mild descriptions of blood. Summary:
It happened during their return from a standard mission. A simple, careless mistake on their part. Natsu was the one to pay for it.
~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Erza let out a sigh, a small smile appearing on her face. Natsu was having trouble with his motion sickness again and everyone laughed it off while helping him in any way they could. It was their routine at this point, making the travels as comfortable to Natsu as they could.
After full two hours of suffering in a train, Natsu finally managed to fall asleep and get a little rest from his illness. Lucy soon followed him, still a little tired from the use of many of her spirits in quick succession she had to do for their mission. Grey was sitting closest to the window and looking out, deep in his own thoughts.
Erza stretched out and lifted her hands behind her head. She was a little tired from all the fighting they did too. She yawned and closed her eyes. A quick nap seemed like good idea and she already could feel the pull of sleep tugging at her. Suddenly, without any warning, the train window shattered and three people in dark clocks invaded their cart with weapons in their hands. “This is for our leader!” screeched one of them, swinging his sword straight at Lucy, who woke up in the commotion but whos eyes were still muddled with sleep and confusion. Erza moved quickly, already moving while summoning her sword. She could see Gray already making something with his magic, focusing on a different enemy and moving In a way that would protect her back. She repelled the sword that almost took Lucy’s head off and positioned herself in between her and the attacker. She charged at him, ready to take him down, when the doors of the cart behind them got thrown off its hinges and more enemies walked in. People around them started screaming and panicking, trying to get as far away from the fight as they could. Erza cursed under her breath. Normally, she would have no problem with defeating mooks this weak but she could not risk hurting the innocent people around them by going all out. Even worse, they were in a closed, small space so she couldn’t use her larger armors or swords. She could hear Lucy summoning Loki behind her and taking out her whip, getting ready to battle.
Even worse, they were in a closed, small space so she couldn’t use her larger armors or swords. She could hear Lucy summoning Loki behind her and taking out her whip, getting ready to battle. Even worse, they were in a closed, small space so she couldn’t use her larger armors or swords. She could hear Lucy summoning Loki behind her and taking out her whip, getting ready to battle, already smacking somebody in the face with it. Erza could see that the tight space they were fighting in also impacted their enemies capabilities. It wasn’t long before ten of their members fallen to her friend’s attacks. Fairy Tail members were winning and everyone could see it.
“Dammit!” cursed who Erza assumed was a leader of the attacking group “Retreat! We got what we came for!!” he shouted and suddenly all the attacks stopped and the enemies took out some weird, purple lacrymas and were gone the next second, in a blink of an eye.
“What was all that about?” asked Gray, looking weirded out and confused at the unexpected retreat.
“Natsu is gone!” suddenly screamed Lucy, waving her hands around frantically at the armchair Natsu was previously sleeping on “They took him!!”
Erza could feel the chill making its way down her back, the helpless feeling of dread mixed with panic making her heart stop for a second. They took Natsu? Was it something they planned from the beginning and the rest was just distraction? She shook her head, her hands clenching into fists. It didn’t matter. She had to focus. Natsu was in danger. She couldn’t allow herself to panic. 
“Lucy, Gray, focus!” she barked out, snapping them out of their momentary panic “Did you notice any symbols on their clothes? Or maybe a guild mark?” Both of them shook their heads, Lucy looking at the verge of tears. 
“I saw something.” Said Loki suddenly, making them all flinch with how cold the tone of his voice was. He emerged out from behind Lucy, his teeth bared and his pupils almost gone with how narrowed they were “I think one of them had the Narrow Void guild mark on his neck.”
“Fuck.” Cursed Gray. They were all familiar with Narrow Void guild. Not even two months ago they were the ones who captured their leader during one of their missions. He was a horrible man, kidnapping and experimenting on helpless children. When they uncovered the depths of that man’s depravity, Natsu almost beat him to death. Luckily, after a month of observation in the hospital, most of the children were let out with clean bill of health. But some, the ones that were in captivity the longest, still had a long recovery road ahead of them. 
And now the guild of that awful man got their hands on Natsu. The thought alone dame Erza’s blood boil. If they even charm one hair on Natsu’s head
  She looked up at the faces of others and could see the wrath in their eyes. 
There would be hell to pay. 
It took them two long, horrible hours to locate the place they thought Narrow Void was keeping Natsu at. It took them another hour to get there. By that time all of them were on the edge of snapping from the worry and ready to annihilate a dark guild until nothing was left of it.
Erza didn’t think she ever saw Lucy looking this murderous, her face distorted in rage and worry. Loki haven’t left her side, his more inhuman features more visible than ever before. Grey had a blank look on his face and the only thing betraying his fury was the shroud of ice surrounding him. She didn’t think she was any better, her own eyes glinting with intent to harm and maim.
They didn’t waste any words when they got there. They immediately started attacking. Erza didn’t care about the terrified shouts of dark guild members as she send her swords to swat them away from her way. She didn’t care how they screamed for backup and attacked in groups. She reequipped into her strongest armor and charged ahead, uncaring of the damage she left in her wake. But soon, the dark guild members were surrounding them and Erza didn’t have time for that.
Natsu was already in their disgusting hands for too long. She wanted to get to him as soon as possible. It seemed that Gray and Lucy felt the same way, because soon, they started to make the way for her to break through the enemy line.
“Go ahead Erza!” shouted Gray while bashing a guy on the head with an ice hammer “We got this! Go find Natsu!”
Erza took a second to look at him and the way his ice attacks were more pointed and aimed to impale and main than usual. Then she looked at Lucy nodding at her and swinging her whip around with a feral look on her face. She glanced at Loki’s not quite human expression full of rage, his hands more of a clawed light blur than ever before.
She nodded, making her decision and rushing ahead to where they thought Natsu was being kept. She swatted away few more enemies who blocked her way, but soon enough she was on her way to the center of their base, where she could already feel Natsu’s magical energy. She ran as fast as he could, until she got to her destination. She kicked the door to the room with enough force to throw it at the wall behind it and entered the room with a shout.
“Natsu! Are you here?”
Her eyes roamed across the chamber, trying to locate her friend. Not even after a second, she could feel her blood freezing in her veins. Sitting in the corner of the room, with both his hands and legs restrained in magic suppression chains, was Natsu. He was covered in bruises and cuts, each one slowly oozing blood. His head was slumped down, his chin resting on his chest, his usually pink hair covered with deep crimson.
He wasn’t moving. “Natsu!” Erza shouted once again, this time alarmed. She ran across the room as fast as she could, holding her breath and fearing the worst. (There was so much blood around him.) But it seemed that her voice reached Natsu, who flinched a little and then raised his head with great difficulty. “Hi Erza.” said Natsu weakly, a small smile appearing on his face “You are late.” “Oh Natsu.” Erza whispered, her heart breaking and her eyes filling with unshead tears “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner.” “Not your fault.” Natsu huffed and gave her a side eye “No blaming yourself.” he muttered, which seemed to take the last of his strength away as he slumped back down against the wall. It was a push Erza needed to get it together. She quickly checked if he was still breathing and let out relieved sight what she saw his chest moving and that he just lost his consciousness again. She summoned one of her swords and shattered the cuffs around Natsu’s hands and ankles as gently as she could.
(She didn’t think, she didn’t want to think, about what the chains reminded her of. This was not the time for that. She could ponder her traumas later, when Natsu’s life was not in danger.)
Natsu let out a tiny, relieved moan after that, finally able to feel his magic again after many hours without it. Erza then gathered him in her arms, trying to jostle him as little as she could. She carefullyevensettled him on her back, deeming it the safest position for him in that situation. “Hang in there Natsu, we will get you some help soon.” she choked out, one stray tear making its way down her face as she started walking out of the room. She didn’t get far before a group of the members from the black guild blocked her path forward. “You are not going anywhere, Titania!” one of them shouted, brandishing his sword at her. Erza narrowed her eyes, her mouth twisting into an even deeper frown. She didn’t have time for this. She didn’t have time to fight, even if everything in her screamed to mutilate the people who hurt her friend. She wanted to murder them in the most painful ways possible. But. She had to get Natsu to help as quickly as she could. She took a deep breath and steeled her resolve. Natsu’s health was so much more important than venting her rage on those vermin. “Move.” Erza ordered, her voice filled with seething, ruthless rage “If you do, I will spare your lives.” “If you don’t
” Her whole body seemed to tense up, getting ready for carnage, teeth bared in a clear treat, eyes glinting with protective fury “I will make sure you will die in agony.” The people standing before her flinched away, instinctively putting more room between themselves and her, getting out of her way.
With that, she started walking away as quickly as she could while taking care as to not move Natsu around too much. He already lost too much blood. Nobody dared to stand on her path.
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forcedhesitation · 11 months ago
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*wheeze* slowly, but surely, working on art of them all
#bg3#myart#wip#I want to make every tav/companion pairing I have a dedicated. fancy piece.#these started with a concept for a wyll drawing that was very...storybook! inspired.#I would have been done all the linework for these two pieces by now had my weekend gone better :/#I was violently unwell for...about a week and a half? chronic illness bullshit. had started to feel better friday of last week...#...unfortunately fate had it that the weekend ended up being particularly stressful. so the pain returned anew.#it was. somewhat better today. but still not enough for me to really be productive in my free time :(#I will try to complete the linework tomorrow if all goes well. I really would like to start colouring them!#I have delightful colour schemes chosen...#gale/illamin piece has already been sketched in a notebook. once I finish these two- I will begin lining theirs!#illamin's connects to cadence's because they're intertwined like that. but I have yet to finish planning out cadence's piece.#I've gone back and forth on who I should romance with him...the thing with any of the companions is that they are all written to be-#-immensely compatible with each other. so writing a tav FOR a specific companion is a bit hard. often the tav could fit with any of them.#hell. I'm STILL working out details of jantar and corydalis' story & characters. because I can't be normal about this.#that aside- I DO have other. finished pieces...finally.#well. I had some long before... but I didn't want to post them because I wasn't happy with them.#so I went and finished new stuff that I DO like.#4. technically 5 drawings. all horror/horror adjacent in theme.#my extremely detailed hux painting is also NEARLY done. after months upon months of work.#and I continue to slowly chip away at the big scifi themed dbd piece I've had in progress.#I really never run out of things to draw and it's a bit torturous because I never have the time or energy to draw everything...
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asleepinawell · 9 months ago
i know that it is considered "cheating" to summon a buddy in soulsborne games by some people who take games way too seriously, but difficulty aside, it's just fun as heck? like if you get a really good summon and the two of you are just in sync and both get super excited after you win? it's just fantastic. faith in humanity restored moments, would recommend
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storybounded · 3 months ago
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