#but clearly none of my roommates have it because no one else ever checks to see if we’re low
betterhomesandhozie · 3 months
am I actually the only person who has toilet paper anxiety
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This is my modern/roommate au for them 💁‍♀️ I had a lot of fun coming up with the paragraph part :)
East Blue Crew Modern Au
Grand Line Crew Modern Au
Friends We Made Along The Way
Friends We Made Along The Way Part 2
Please excuse any typo’s my drawing program’s spelling check isn't the best 🙃
Some additional head-canons:
Even though they have an apartment they live and pay rent in, none of them are ever home, much. Luffy’s sleeping over his friends’ houses after hanging out with them, Ace is pretending he’s homeless, and Sabo sleeps at the hospital most of the time. sometimes two of them will be home at the same time, but its almost never all at once on any given day.
Even though they are never home, one day of the week is sacred. The day that no matter what they come home and spend the day together. Thursday. Laundry day
Luffy odd odd jobs done in the past include: possum wrangling, “get my friend out of that tree please, he’s drunk and i don’t want to call the cops”, PC setup (he didnt know anything about it, but somehow he got it all right. Somehow.), performing at a party, assisting in a lab, impromptu chore-boy, and many more.
Nami takes care of Luffy’s Odd job finances and makes sure he gets paid the proper amount. He lets her take a cut, and even though she does indeed want that money, she unfortunately knows Luffy needs that money more than she, so she doesn’t take it. The amount of self restraint she exhibits astounds even she. She is truly a saint (according to her).
The only laws that Luffy knows are 1) his friend (self proclaimed) Law and 2) the Miranda rights, as he heard them while Sabo was getting arrested that one time.
Luffy thought the Law lecture he went to was supposed to be talking about his friend (self proclaimed) Law. He wanted to support his buddy (self proclaimed), not learn about federal law!
No one has kept track of how many times Sabo has went to jail. whenever he’s asked, he changes the number every time.
Sabo had the absolute worst time getting that big ol’ tattoo across his arm. He cried a couple times through it, although he would never admit it. It was an investment that he was willing to make, however, and he thinks it turned out sick as hell. So does everyone else. Because the tattoo is sick as hell.
Ace watch shenanigans:
“hey ace, what time is it” “One sec,” he checks his watch “uhhhh 10 at night” (Its clearly the middle of the day) “Thanks, man”
Dadan calls to check in on them every Thursday night. She pretends she doesn't care about them, but the reality is not looking good for her.
Sabo has been a childhood friend to Luffy and Ace and has slept over the house they lived in with Dadan many times, but he didnt actually come to officially live with them until he was finally kicked out of his parent’s house when he was 16. Dadan has always been more of a mother to him than his biological one ever was and he treasures her even though he says he doesn’t. Actions often speak louder than words, as the two are literal besties despite both verbally expressing their disdain for the other more than praise. Sabo is clearly her favorite of the three brothers and she's the most lenient with him (which is something they all exploit).
Luffy and Ace come to live with Dadan in the au the same way they live there in canon, their fathers are not present in their lives and Garp dropped them both off at her doorstep and expected to take them in.
That’s all I got for now. These guys are fun and I love them very much :)
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polyamphilza · 6 months
Baby steps
I wrote a short soft fitpac thing as a gift for @routeriver because they're very cool and I don't know how else to befriend people other than writing for them - please enjoy <3 -🍄#2
AO3 link if that's easier to read, the formatting got messed up on both I'm sorry
Fit often wondered why he'd been allowed to keep most of his memories. 
Sure the others had some of theirs from the far past. Phil remembered Techno and their adventures together, he seemed to remember Wilbur though a lot more recent history was fuzzy. Cellbit could remember his time in prison. 
None of them seemed to remember as much as Fit did though. He felt the only time he’d lost was how he ended up on the train to Quesadilla island in the first place. 
Maybe they weren't all there, and he couldn't tell what was missing, but when he sat in bed at night staring at the ceiling, memories replayed in his mind. 
2B2T, first logging in and seeing the chaos of spawn. The first time he'd made friends, been given gear, only to be double crossed. The sleepless nights, wondering if he'd die, flinching as the sun rose only to realize he'd made it through another night. 
His first kiss, rough and messy, nothing he'd ever wanted from a first kiss but it got the job done as skin grew heated beneath grabbing hands. 
He'd tried to ask Cucurucho once, why he remembered. The bear had just stared with that same ever present creepy smile. 
Fit often wondered who he would be if he had forgotten his past. If he'd arrived on the island as a new person, a fresh start, unworried about possible old grudges coming for him and forgetting the calluses on his hands were made from fighting. 
Would he still hesitate? 
He startled, though you wouldn't know it from the outside. He stayed still as he looked over at the voice that had said his name, trying to figure out when he'd left his room and gone outside for fresh air. 
"Hey Pac, what's up?" He asked with a tired smile. 
Pac came to sit beside him with a small grunt of effort. He wasn't wearing his leg, instead using a crutch to keep his balance. He must have been in bed, or about to be when he'd come outside instead. 
Fit couldn’t ignore what a huge sign of trust that was. He didn't know if he could lose his prosthetic with anyone, it made him too vulnerable. 
Maybe for Pac he could. 
"Nothing, nothing. I was uh, coming to check on you and you were not there." Pac explained. The darkness hid his blush for the most part. 
"Aw, I'm sorry. Did you need me?" Fit asked, worried he'd let his roommate down. 
"No! No, I did not need you." Pac cleared his throat. "I just had not got to see you today. I wanted to, before I slept." He admitted shyly. 
Fit's mind took a moment to process that, and translate the meaning behind the words. "Oh, you missed me." He realized and smiled. 
Pac pulled his hoodie up to hide the lower half of his face a bit, clearly flustered at being called out. 
He nodded, keeping his gaze elsewhere. 
"I just get used to seeing you, you know?" He tried to explain. "You are a uh, a here always." 
"A constant?" 
"Yes, yes a constant." Pac smiled and nodded. "So I wanted to see my roomie before sleep." He bumped their shoulders together and chuckled. 
Fit looked over at him and felt warmth flow through his veins stronger than a good shot of whiskey. 
Pac's hair was dark, a beautiful contrast to the bright moon haloing behind his head. His smile was small, but still showed the dimple on his cheeks. He knew that if Pac pulled his lips back a bit more he'd get to see his sharpened teeth and the adorable gap between the two front ones. 
They sat there for awhile in silence, enjoying the presence of the other. Fit's mind continued to spin. 
"Pac," He started, stopped, licked his lips. He dragged his palms over his thighs, suddenly feeling sweaty. His throat was dry. He opened his mouth to continue only to pause again. No words would come out. 
"Fit?" Pac said after a moment, promoting him to continue. 
What if he had forgotten? Would he still hesitate? 
"... I like being your constant. You're mine too. I don't want that to change." Fit blurted out quickly, then bit his tongue and looked away. He covered his mouth with his hand as he found an interesting bit of grass to stare at and inspect nearby. 
He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. 
It was as truthful as he could be at the moment, and already he was wondering if he’d gone too far, if it was too much too soon. 
"I like it too." Pac mumbled, and it was the specific tone of voice he had when he was blushing and embarrassed. "I like it a lot." 
Silence stretched between them, and Fit thought that was okay. It was a comfortable kind of silence, with the wind blowing past softly. 
Maybe in another timeline, maybe another universe, he wouldn't hesitate. Maybe he would pick Pac up and kiss him soundly and admit just how much he cared about him. Maybe they would share a bed every night, and Fit would feel comfortable taking his prosthetic off in front of him. Maybe they would hold hands, and cook together. 
Maybe he could be happy. 
He wanted to believe he could have that here too. 
"Do you want help back to bed?" Fit offered. 
Pac blushed and giggled. "Yeah, yeah if you don't mind. Put those janitor muscles to the test." He joked. 
Fit laughed softly as he stood and picked Pac up. He thought about how nicely that color red suited his cheeks. 
"Alright, no funny business or I'm tossing you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes." He warned playfully. 
Pac giggled and rested his head on Fit's shoulder, his hand laying flat against his strong chest. "Okay, no funny business. Professional business only." He joked. 
Fit brought him to bed with a smile on his face. He watched as Pac's eyelids grew heavy and he started nodding off. 
In the dim light of the room, with only God as his witness, he pressed the barest hint of a kiss to Pac's forehead and pulled the blanket up over his shoulder. 
Baby steps.
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Ok so you made a list on they guys toxic traits. How would they react if the MC just snaped one day and broke out into sob because of what they did and say to them and the MC calls them out on it pointed put how Diavolo doesn't do or say the shit they do and hes full blood demon unlike them all in a croaked voice from crying so hard
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React to MC Calling Them Out on Their Toxicity
Obey Me Brothers x MC angst HCs
Warnings: Yelling, toxic relationships, breakdowns, violence, Mammon being the guardian he was assigned to be :)
Summary: When MC finally breaks down and calls them out on their toxic behavior towards the human the boys finally realize just how different human emotions are from the creatures in hell they’ve grown so accustomed to.
I’m putting the contents of the original post this ask referred to under each of the characters to make it clearer for those who have not seen it
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i know Lucifer is hot sexy big sex dominant professional daddy master man BUT please remember he shows his love via punishment and cruelty towards his family
- Lucifer was in the middle of hanging a crying Mammon upside down when it happened.
- “He’s in pain Lucifer, you should let him down! There are better ways to handle this,” MC had suggested only to be met with a low growl followed by:
- “Stay out of this, human, you are here to attend RAD and nothing else. Do not butt into our personal business.”
- He could practically feel MC’s upset expression as he continued to tie the knots around Mammon’s body
- “I’m a human, correct,” MC starts and he’s startled by their cold voice, “but what makes me human is my inability to stand by while someone I know is in so much pain!”
- Lucifer is a bit taken back by their boldness and is in his demon form holding them up by the throat in seconds.
- “Who the Hell do you think you are?!” He snarled, tightening his grip and pushing their struggling body against the wall harshly, causing their head to bounce off the wall with a loud thump, blood slowly beginning to trickle from the sight of the impact 
- He could barely hear Mammon’s frantic cries for him to let go of the human as his adrenaline rushed, unable to believe that the human had actually spoken to him like that,
- He was suddenly ripped away from MC, thrown across the room and he looked up to see Diavolo had come
- “I had some paperwork I wanted to give you but instead walked in on you taking advantage of your strength over someone smaller than you, you’re pathetic,” Diavolo snarled, disgusted by Lucifer’s actions
- MC wailed and threw themselves against Diavolo, him tightly embracing them and trying to soothe them
- “Y-y-you’re the Lord of Demons and yet,” they sniffled and hiccupped into Diavolo’s chest as he continued to glare at Lucifer, who could only watch on in despair as he realized what he had done, “and yet you a-are so mu-uch kinder than them, th-thank you Diavolo!”
- “Wait, MC! I’m sorry!” Lucifer began to stand before realizing Mammon had managed to escape and was now holding him down, preventing him form moving toward the trembling human.
- “Lucifer... I don’t want to see you ever again!” MC had cried as Diavolo and them left the house.
- After MC was brought to the demon lord’s castle he received word from Barbatos that he had been suspended from his duties until further notice per the request of Diavolo.
- Barbatos also collected MC’s stuff, moving it to the Demon Lord’s castle where they would spend the rest of the year
- Lucifer couldn���t bring himself to leave his room, afraid of his brothers’ judgmental looks, he refused to see how much he had hurt the family and the relationship with the human he’d done so much to care for in just a matter of thirty seconds.
- Lucifer never forgives himself for hurting MC, but he acts like he was in the right for the sake of his ego.
- But he really missed MC and was angry with himself for letting them go so easily and for not just accepting that maybe they were right and he could change for them
- Everyone notices a decrease in the cruelty he showed towards his brothers
- how did a human manage to stir up these feelings within him?
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I know Mammon is an adorable tsundere with a chaotic streak BUT please remember he also insults MC in order to keep up his own self image of being a “tough demon” even if he loves MC underneath the mask
- Mammon had been on his way back from getting scolded for stealing from Lucifer’s wallet once again, when he ran into MC
- “Mammon! What’s wrong? Are you Okay?!” He hastily wiped the tears from his face, MC really cares about me... a blush rises to his cheeks at that thought
- “Nothin’ is wrong, mind yer business,” he shoves past them
- “but you’re clearly hurting, Mammon let me help!”
- “I don’t need help from a stupid human,” he says, not turning to look at them due to his still red cheeks as he continued to be flustered by their concern for him 
- “Stupid human....” he heard MC say quietly back to themselves, his heart sinking as he realized he said it so harshly 
- “Hold on-MC- I didn-” he starts but is frozen in shock as he sees the human glaring at the floor with tears streaming down their cheeks, biting their lips to keep sobs trapped inside themselves. “MC, hey liste-” He reaches out to touch their shoulder but they jerk away turning from him.
- “Not even the demon who is meant to be the cruelest of them all calls me names for wanting to help him,” their voice trembled and his heart broke, “I just wanted to help... why do you insist on insulting me?” 
- MC ran away from him, leaving the house, passing Asmo and Satan as they left.
- Satan chased after MC as Asmodeus walked up to Mammon, slapping him across the face harshly, “why can’t you just be honest with them for once?! Don’t you realize how badly you’ve been hurting them because you refuse to be nice to stroke your own ‘bad boy’ ego?!”
- Mammon stared at the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks silently, “I-I didn’t mean to hurt them,”
- “But you did. Not to mention you never even apologize for it,” Asmodeus walks away, leaving Mammon to stand alone, shamefully hanging his head as he fell to his knees.
- The one person who ever cared about him and he did nothing but insult them and yet still expected them to love him? What a douchebag he was...
- Guess he was nothing but a greedy scumbag
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i know Levi is a cute blushy otaku recluse that we all want to top BUT he also gets jealous very easily which leads to him often getting violent or guilt tripping MC by insulting himself until they feel guilty and stay with him to make him feel better despite their own wishes
- Leviathan had jus ordered a new game titled “I just landed in Hell, seven hot demon lords are my roommates and I’m trying really hard not to fuck them”
- He rushed towards MC’s room, desperate for them to play with him 
- He walked in without knocking and saw MC cuddled up with Mammon and Beel, watching some movie that none of them seemed to actually pay attention to as they just horsed around.
- “Hey, MC! I just got a new game, come on let’s go play it!” he tried not to let his jealousy show. 
- “Ah, maybe later Levi, I’m hanging out with Beel and Mammon right now!” MC smiles kindly, to which he grows a bit sad
- “I get it... who would want to hangout with a yucky otaku like me anyway...” he lowers his head pouting
- “Levi, just give me a few minutes to finish the movie!” MC says, still trying to be kind and patient
- “No you don’t have to... I’m just going to go play alone like the loser I am...”
- “DON’T” MC stands up, Beel and Mammon watching as MC walks up to Levi, thinking that the human was going to go with him and play
- Levi smiles thinking the same thing and gets ready to leave, but instead MC comes to him and glares at him, making his heart sink
- “You do NOT get to guilt trip me like that,” MC growls, “I told you I need a minute, I never said any of that stuff and I KNOW you were saying that stuff just to get me to come with you instead of staying here,” Levi blushes as MC calls him out, his heart beating rapidly with nerves as he realizes just how mad MC was at him
- MC pushes him out of their room, slamming the door and he hears them mumbling some angry stuff to the other two brothers behind the door
- Ashamed of himself he goes back to his room and locks himself there for a few weeks, kind of waiting for MC to come check on him and apologize, but then he realizes that is exactly why they are mad at him, so he decides to try and get his shit together
- But his anxiety gets in the way and he decides MC would be better off without him and he tries to avoid them no matter how much he craves their attention
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i know Satan is an intelligent man who is trying his best to keep his anger in check at all times BUT if you are in a relationship where someone is getting mad at you constantly despite their efforts pls look out for yourself and let yourself be selfish and avoid the person no matter how bad it may hurt them because your own happiness should come first
- After a fight with Lucifer, Satan had gone to his room to blow off some steam
- He was storming around and throwing things and throwing a temper tantrum
- MC came to check on him and they knocked politely, calling his name and asking if they could come in
- Despite using their manners and being as respectful as possible; their interruption of his tantrum pissed him the hell off
- He swung the door open and pushed them down, eyeing them like a normal demon would; nothing but an innocent soul to munch on
- MC tried to escape but he caught their ankle, and dangled them like a rag doll as his claws sunk into the limb he held
- He could see their mouth moving and tears streaming down their face but he couldn’t process the words they were wailing
- He only stopped when Mammon punched him harshly, causing him to drop the human and go flying through the nearest wall, which happened to be Asmodeus’s, who was infuriated by the destruction of his room, but his focus immediately turned to Mammon and the trembling human he held
- Satan could barely hear or see much of anything anymore as Mammon’s punch had knocked him nearly out-cold
- Later when his senses came back he went to MC to apologize
- When he walked in they screamed and cowered in the corner.
- “MC, I won’t hurt you I promise-”
- “You always say that! You promised to never hurt me, Satan! All I wanted was to see if you wanted anything to help you calm down but you decided that was reason enough to try and eat my soul. For fuck’s sake, Diavolo is the Demon Lord and he isn’t half as cruel and manipulative as you are!” He watched the human tremble and cry their response out
- The loud noises had once again caught the attention of the humans guardian for their time in the Devildom
- Mammon walked in and grabbed Satan by the collar, dragging him out the door and slamming it behind him
- Satan sat against the wall and could hear how much pain MC was in as they cried to Mammon and he wanted nothing more than to run in there and take his place but he knew he had royally fucked up
- Scared of his own anger, he decided to not leave his room unless he was attending RAD, family meals, or the Library, because he was so afraid of making the human he had loved afraid and he didn’t want them to feel so much pain just by seeing him
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i know Asmodeus is a cute feminine boy with a love for self care and pampering and fashion BUT he always be littles others for not being as good or pretty as him and is super gossipy
- MC had come to school after a sleepover with Asmo, where things got deep and emotional and MC’s most shameful secret was revealed to him
- and he said he wouldn’t tell anybody. he really wasn’t going to but...
- MC noticed the weird stares followed by giggles of the succubi at RAD, clearly whispering about MC which made their stomach feel sick
- MC wasn’t sure what the deal was today until a succubus came up to them at lunch,
- “hey human, i heard that *insert your most humiliating memory*” she snickers with her friends, watching mc turn pale
- Unable to form words MC bolted out of there
- Unluckily for Asmodeus, MC just do happened to run into him
- “Ah! MC, dear, be careful or you and I will both ends up bruised-“ he’s cut off by a slapping sound
- he’s in so much shock he doesn’t even realize MC had slapped him for a few seconds
- “I should’ve known better than to trust you with my secrets.” MC growled, turning around to storm off, “Guess I forgot you were a demon. No, demons are like Diavolo, they at least have some itty bit of kindness in their hearts. You. You’re a monster.”
- Asmo watched them storm off and felt tears come to his eyes
- They were right, for once he had someone who loved him for more than power, looks, and sex, and what did he do? He hurt them and destroyed their reputation.
- He eventually fell off of his skincare routine and stopped coming home every night, instead, he was too busy partying and passing out in strangers’ beds and being glad the demons and succubi who dances with him and slept with him didn’t care for his personality
- cuz he knew his personality was the one part of him that was ugly as hell and he hated it 
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i know Beelzebub is a gentle giant who cares for his entire family BUT he also throws tantrums that hurt people when he gets hungry and isn’t given food asap
- After his sports practice, he was starving and on edge
- He hungrily eyed a strangers’ meal as he and MC walked home from the campus
- “Beel, don’t even think about stealing that poor demon’s food,” MC scolded him, unknowingly lighting a fuse inside of him
- He shifted to his demon form and grabbed MC by the shoulders harshly
- “Well what else am I supposed to eat?! Do you want me to eat you?!” He shook them, making them whimper out in pain as his claws dug into their flesh
- “B-Beel, you’re hurting me!” MC cried out, but he was too hungry to care and leaned in, about to take a bite out of the poor human before he felt himself get pulled away and pin against the ground
- “Beelzebub, just what in the Devildom do you think you’re doing?” Lucifer’s chilling voice snarled at his younger brother, a crowd forming to watch the two demon lords fight
- “I’m HUNGRY!” Beelzebub went to strike Lucifer, but instead, MC being MC, grabbed his arm to try and stop him, causing him to fling them against the wall, them hitting it with a loud cracking sound, blood pouring out from the back of their head as they rubbed it
- Seeing them bleed made him more hungry but then he saw the look of despair and disappointment that he had seen on his younger sister so many years ago and he snapped out of it
- “MC!” Lucifer rushed to the human’s side, picking them up gently and giving Beel one last cold look before flying off quickly to the Demon Lord’s castle, where Barbatos would be able to heal MC
- Beelzebub felt his hunger dissipate, instead, the guilt eating away at him as the sight of MC’s despair filled eyes flashed through his head 
- When MC returned later that night he went to apologize when he heard them in the kitchen
- “MC,” they flinched and whipped around, immediately using one hand to grip their head as dizziness struck them for a moment, the other hand out in front of them in a defensive manner
- Beel’s heart broke and he felt tears starting to form as he started to approach them, intending to hug them comfortingly
- “STAY RIGHT THERE!” MC yelled, their pact forcing his feet to stay planted where they were
- “Y-you don’t have to apologize okay? I should have known better than to scold a monster,” he winced at the word but let them continue, “But that said it isn’t entirely my fault. Every other demon in that plaza could smell me and didn’t pounce me, they had better control than that. Even when I go out alone nobody attacks me! Hell, even the Demon Lord himself isn’t cruel enough to attack me I-I just, please, stay away from me Beel,” and when they looked up he had tears streaming down his face and he was biting his lips to keep from crying
- As badly as they wanted to comfort the crying boy, they knew that they would be putting their own safety at risk if they were to forgive him and make him think he would be so easily forgiven
- Beelzebub suddenly started to stop feeling hungry as every time his stomach growled all he could see was the image of himself about to bite into MC and he would start to feel sick to his stomach
- He doesn’t forgive himself and gets really depressed because he thinks MC’s pain is his fault just like Lilith’s death
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i know Belphegor is a sleepy baby with a love for pranks and mischief BUT he literally killed MC but as soon as he found out they were a descendant of his little sister he suddenly just flipped a switch and didn’t even really apologize
- MC was sleeping in the attic next to Belphegor, tossing and turning as a nightmare filled their head
- They could practically feel his claws wrapped around their frail neck snapping it and laughing as they faded from their body
- MC sat up panting and screaming, Belphegor waking up and rubbing his eyes sleepily as he wrapped his arms around MC
- “NO NO NO GET OFF OF ME STOP IT” they continued to scream, flailing around in his embrace, he refused to let go though, convinced they just needed a hug to comfort them from whatever had scared them so bad
- They began to sob hysterically, their voice screaming out for Mammon
- Panicking he continued to hold them in place, afraid if he let go they’d sprint off
- and he was right, they bit his arm and he pulled away as they stood up and sprinted down the hall
- “MC WAIT” he chased after them, worried they’d get hurt
- As they saw the door of their guardian (Mammon), they called out his name
- Belphegor placed a hand over their mouth, worried about the others waking up, but it was too late as Mammon and Satan had both been woken by the cries of the human
- “HELP ME MAMMON PLEASE” MC sobbed, Belphegor sending a panicked and hurt look to his brothers
- Mammon pushed Belphie away as he took MC back into his room to calm them down
- After a mini-argument with Satan that ended up getting shut down by Lucifer, he went back to bed 
- The next morning he saw MC was sitting at the breakfast table and he smiled at them, only to watch them shoot a look to Mammon, who then pulled their chair closer to his own protectively
- They all ate in silence, the awkward and tense atmosphere keeping anybody from starting a conversation
- After everyone else left he went up to MC and cornered them, covering their mouth to keep them quiet so he could say what he needed to
- “I already apologized for everything so why do you still need to freak out whenever you see me?!” he asked, annoyed that despite his apology for killing MC, they still felt uncomfortable around him
- They slapped his hand away, “You didn’t really apologize. You only apologized because I’m a descendant of your dead sister, you didn’t apologize to me, MC, you apologized to Lilith,” MC shoves him and starts to walk away from the stunned demon
- “Its kind of funny that despite all the problems I’ve caused for his program, Diavolo has never tried to kill me.” MC says before finally making their exit
- Belphegor gets lost in his own thoughts after that, as he finally realized that he had been seeing them as a replacement Lilith rather than themselves
- even if he wanted to try apologizing again, he was unable to as Mammon became more and more protective of them, shooing Belphie away with dirty looks anytime they were in the same room
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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Hogwarts x Haikyuu AU
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pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x f! reader 
genre: angst / fluff
warnings: a series of misunderstandings
wc: 2.3k
m.list. ~ taglist. ~
a/n: back by popular demand, another installment of the hogwarts x haikyuu fluff series featuring the Gryffindor quidditch team and one exceedingly persistent Iwaizumi Hajime. you may want to read the installment featuring one very smug Slytherin beater Kuroo Tetsuro (here) to appreciate the first scene in this story. 
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“What are we doing here, Iwaizumi?” 
He’d grabbed your hand on a hogsmeade weekend, asking if you had any plans. You lied, crossing your fingers behind your back, telling him you hadn’t. So you find yourself seated opposite him in Madam Puddifoot’s, smothered by pink and white frills, surrounded by porcelain teaware.
By all appearances, it looks like a date. It should be a date. 
But it isn’t. 
Instead of chatting with you, he looks distinctly out of place amidst the swarm of happy couples with a scowl on his face, tapping his fingers so aggressively you fear for the survival of any crockery on the table. 
“I needed to check up on someone”, he tells you half apologetically. You follow his line of vision.  
Kuroo Tetsurou - Slytherin beater, top potions student, is seated cozily with Iwaizumi’s junior on the Gryffindor quidditch team. You heard of the infamous bet between them, you’re surprised if anyone in Hogwarts doesn’t know of it given the ruckus that followed when Kuroo swaggered up to the Gryffindor team to wager the fate of his hair for a date with their substitute chaser (the sole girl on the team).
“I see”, you murmur, twisting the lace napkin in your fingers. “I shouldn’t have assumed otherwise.”
Iwaizumi frowns, finally turning to look at you.   
“Huh? What d’you mean - I thought you wouldn’t mind since you’ve always been a good friend - ”
You catch a glimpse of a dark head of hair moving towards the door from the corner of your eye. 
“They’re leaving. You should follow them”, you interrupt his stuttering with a wide smile that hurts your cheeks. Iwaizumi halts his incoherent flurry of excuses, only sparing you a glance before grabbing the bill and dashing off in the general direction of Kuroo. 
You purse your lips to keep them from trembling. 
You should’ve known that he wouldn’t be interested in you. Not when he’s so painfully attractive (especially when Oikawa and/or the Slytherin team aren’t around to knit his brows into a frown), so much so that his bloody biceps have their own fanclub. Not when he’s so laser focused on quidditch and his studies and his teammates and his friends, running flying tutorials for the younger students, keeping Tanaka and Nishinoya and Hinata and Yaku from blowing up Gryffindor tower or running afoul of the professors.
It’s your fault for assuming, for hoping, for wishing that Iwaizumi Hajime, your housemate of 6 years, longtime charms partner and the boy you’ve harboured a huge crush on for the past year and a half - might return your feelings after all. 
You should have known. You’re not winsome. Why would you ever win him? 
Wishing otherwise only ruins the heart. 
So you trudge back to school alone in the snow, skirting past the Gryffindor team who seem to be in some sort of an uproar, only allowing yourself to cry when you’ve drawn the curtains on your four poster bed to make sure you’re alone. 
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It is not terribly difficult to avoid Iwaizumi Hajime for the next couple of days, at least until charms class rolls around. You’ve sat next to him ever since you were both first years, when his voice hadn’t broken and you were still taller than him. That’s how your friendship blossomed, but you haven’t worked up the courage to face him just yet. 
So you choose to displace Daichi by stealing his usual seat next to Sugawara, pointedly ignoring the furrow in Iwaizumi’s brow and the confused looks he tosses at you until you flee back to your dorm after class. 
You’re being dramatic, you know. But you figure the best way of getting over Iwaizumi Hajime is to cut him out of your life, at least for now. 
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You turn to stare at Oikawa Tooru, captain of the Slytherin team, a classmate you’ve maybe exchanged less than ten words with in your entire Hogwarts career. 
He’s probably shouting at someone else. 
Nope. He’s definitely referring to you. 
You curse your parents for your laughably short legs when Oikawa effortlessly catches up to you in the hallway, pulling you into an empty classroom heedless to your protests. 
“I have a name, you know?” you snarl, snatching your wrist back. 
“You Gryffindors are always so fun to tease!” Oikawa lilts, head tilted to look down towards you. “Don’t be grumpy like Iwa-chan” - his eyes gleam when your lips tighten - “oh did I hit a nerve? Heard you’ve been ignoring him for a few days now.”
“It’s really none of your business”, you inform him pertly, inching towards the door. 
“No, it isn’t”, he agrees easily, with a smile you instantly distrust. “But I have a proposition for you.”
Curiosity kills Mrs Norris. It is no different for you. 
“What?” you ask, fingers already grasping your wand, ready to curse him at the first sign of trouble. “What do you want from me?”
“So prickly, just like Iwa-chan - no wonder you’re friends”, Oikawa teases, holding his hands up to placate you when you brandish your wand at him. 
“Speak or I’m leaving.”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh. You know - if you really wanted Iwa-chan’s attention, you should go on a date with me. That’ll show him.”
You stare at him. You’re not even aware that your jaw hangs open and your eyes bug out inelegantly. 
“What!” he cries, pressing a hand to his chest. “I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart to get my best friend a girl he deserves.”
You gather yourself, narrowing your eyes at him. “What’s in it for you?” 
“Well - you could sit on the Slytherin stands and cheer for my team, that’ll distract Iwa-chan to no end”
“Go to hell, Oikawa”, you tell him flatly. “Go to hell.”
You slam the door behind you. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime springs to his feet the minute you step foot into the common room. You nod jerkily to acknowledge his greeting but you walk right past him, heading straight for the girls’ dorm. 
“Can we talk?” he calls after you when you’re already halfway up the flight of stairs. 
You pretend you don’t hear him. You think that should deter him, but Iwaizumi Hajime is persistence personified, so you really shouldn’t have been surprised when Akane Yamamoto comes barrelling into your room yelling that the Gryffindor quidditch team is determined to breach the centuries old magical barriers barring boys from entering the girls’ dorms. 
“What the hell is going on?” You hear Daichi thunder when you peer over the bannister. 
Yaku, Hinata, Tanaka, Yamamoto and Nishinoya are all dogpiled onto the staircase - now a steep slope, cheering Iwaizumi as he clambers on their backs, face set in determination. You giggle despite yourself as you watch Daichi flail in confusion when he notices his otherwise trustworthy vice captain in the thick of this mayhem. 
“He’s boldly going where no man has gone before” Yaku tells Daichi approvingly from the bottom of the pile. 
“Charting new frontiers!” Hinata pipes up, though he immediately cringes when Daichi turns the full force of his glare on him. 
“To infinity and beyond!” Tanaka and Nishinoya whoop.  
“This has gone on ENOUGH!” Daichi roars, and the enchanted staircase clearly agrees with him, because with an echoing creak that eerily resembles a blech, the smooth wood of the slope ripples, rolling the entire Gryffindor quidditch team (sans Daichi, of course) into a pile on the common room floor. 
Even though the rest of his teammates are complaining laughingly and railing against the antiquated enchantments, Iwaizumi continues to stare stubbornly at you. 
It’s not over, his intense gaze promises you. 
You shake your head, heading back to the safety of your room. 
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Your window rattles. The wind howls. 
You shrug it away as a particularly violent storm, burrowing deeper into your nest of blankets. 
Then you hear a loud crack. 
“We’re under attack!!!” you hear one of your roommates shriek before fleeing the room. 
The sorting hat must’ve made a mistake with her, you mutter under your breath, grabbing your wand before stomping towards the window. You yank the curtains back. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you sheepishly through the glass, pebbles in hand, hanging on to his broomstick in the gale for dear life. 
“Are you crazy?” you shriek. “Have you lost your mind?” 
“You weren’t talking to me”, he mouths, forehead creased in frustration. “I want to know what’s wrong.” 
Never mind your other idiot roommates cooing in the background at how impossibly romantic the entire situation is. He’s never once looked at you with any ounce of romantic interest, which is fine, really, you’ll get over that, but he’s making it so much harder by badgering you incessantly. You want him to leave you the hell alone, so you can lick your wounds in peace and mope to your heart’s content. 
“Get lost!” 
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
You’re about to rip your hair out from frustration. 
“Fine. Meet me in the common room then”, you mouth back, hands on hips, looking decidedly annoyed. Iwaizumi doesn’t even pretend to look fazed, grinning at you as he speeds off. 
You trudge down the staircase, waiting until he tumbles into the common room, broomstick still in hand. There are far too many eavesdropping ears in the common room, and you have no wish to embarrass yourself more than he has already, so you march him to his dorm. 
Daichi and Yaku watch with wide eyes as Iwaizumi meekly follows your order to strip off his wet robes and get into dry ones now - or serve him right for catching his death from a cold. Then with a sharp muffiliato, you draw the curtains, shielding yourself from any prying eyes.
“What can I say to get you to leave. me. alone?” you ground out. 
“Why don’t you tell me why you want me to leave you alone”, Iwaizumi replies, painfully earnest as he inches closer towards you. “Cos to me it seemed to me you just got mad with me right after Hogsmeade and I really don’t know what I did wrong. And even though Shittykawa kind of told me I’m a fool for not knowing what happened - maybe you’d want to tell me yourself?” 
“You didn’t do anything wrong”, you inform the godzilla toy sitting on the bottom of the bed (courtesy of his muggle mother, he told you once). 
“Was it because I left you at Madam Puddifoot’s? I was worried about my teammate and thought Kuroo was up to no good, but it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t have left you to walk back alone.”
“It’s not that either”, you murmur, even though that memory stings. “It’s not you, Iwaizumi.” 
“Really? I’m having a hard time believing that given the lengths you’ve gone to avoid me.” 
“Really,” you emphasise, still refusing to meet his eyes. But you know he’s not convinced and you owe him an explanation, if only to get him off your back so you swallow nervously, take a deep breath and -  
“I just - I just really need to get over you.”
“Wha - What d’you mean, get over me? I don’t get it - ” 
Your temper flares up. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you, open mouthed. You itch to reach out and shut his mouth for him, but you barrel on to the bitter end - 
“Do I have to spell out everything for you?” you snarl like a cornered animal, frantically gathering up the remnant shreds of your dignity to piece it together into a makeshift shield.
“I like you, okay? I like you, Iwaizumi Hajime, and I got so ridiculously excited when you asked me to Hogsmeade that I didn’t realise you were only asking me as a friend. “ 
“I’ve liked you for so long that I need time to get over you, okay? Can’t you even give me that?” 
The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop in the room. 
This is embarrassing, you think to yourself. This is embarrassing, and you shouldn’t need to put yourself through further humiliation by waiting for him to turn you down again. 
So you reach out to tug the curtains to make a hasty escape when Iwaizumi’s arm shoots out to grab your wrist. 
“I don’t want you to get over me.”
“I said, I don’t want you to get over me”, Iwaizumi mutters, his ears turning so red you’re surprised his hair hasn’t caught fire yet.  
“Why not?” It’s your turn to make him squirm. 
“Because I like you too, okay? I didn’t - I didn’t really figure it out until you stopped talking to me and I missed you so much I swear on Merlin’s balls I was willing to try even the stupidest suggestions from my idiot teammates - “ 
“I could tell”, you interject dryly and he chuckles, cheeks bright pink. 
“Daichi was not pleased, let me tell you that”, he admits with a twinkle in his usually serious eyes. 
“But it’s worth it. You’re worth every bit of it.”
“Really?” you breathe. “You really, really like me?”
“Really” he says firmly, lacing his fingers with yours. “I really, really like you.”
“We’re a pair of fools then”, you say and he laughs aloud, a glorious sound you’ll never grow sick of.
“You both really, really are”, Yaku calls from the other side of the room. 
You both stiffen. You don’t even realise your conversation has stretched long enough for your hastily cast muffiliato charm to wear off. Now you can even hear Daichi trying to shush his irrepressible teammate muttering about ungodly six am practices that he’s not going to get enough sleep for if his idiot vice captain doesn’t get his love life in order soon. 
“We’ll talk more tomorrow”, he whispers, breath warm against your cheek.
“I’m looking forward to tomorrow then”, you whisper back, your heart fluttering in your chest as he escorts you back to the foot of the staircase to the girls’ dorm, chivalrously refusing to turn away until you step into your room. 
You fall into bed, a giddy smile on your face. The foolish wish your heart made has come true. 
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Miya Atsumu (Slytherin).~  Miya Osamu (Slytherin).~ Kita Shinsuke.  (Ravenclaw)~ Kuroo Tetsuro. (Slytherin) ~  Bokuto Koutarou. (Hufflepuff)~  Sakusa Kiyoomi. (Ravenclaw) ~
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machine-gun-casie · 3 years
tavern music
synopsis: corpse hears tavern music coming from your room (gn!reader)
warnings: rpf, reader gets cheated on, kind of unrequited feelings, mostly hurt/comfort and physical affection tho (what im trying to say is that this is mostly self indulgent)
wc: 1.7k
a/n: havent written in a while but i found this in my arsenal, fixed it up a bit and viola. original plans for this was definitely something longer that would end with them being together but im not up for writing rn. been feeling really shitty lately and ive been needing something like this in my life. hope u guys like it ♡
He couldn’t hear it at first. His headset was on and everyone was being so loud on the discord call. When he started the stream, he really thought it was gonna be a long one. But he’s only two hours in and he’s ready to get the hell off because something was definitely wrong.
“Corpse?” His name being spoken finally broke him out of his trance, he only hummed in response. “You’ve been really quiet. Are you sure you’re up for another game?”
“Actually,” he starts as he closes a few tabs, “I think I’ve gotta go. Today was fun, though. Thanks for having me guys.”
After a chorus of ‘goodbye’s and ‘see you later’s, Corpse disconnected from the discord call. “Thank you guys for being here,” he addressed the chat, “sorry I’m ending so early today. I promise I’ll make it up to you next time. Take care of yourselves. Later.”
After hanging up his headset and getting out of the chair he’s been sitting in for far too long, Corpse made the short trek to your room. 
You had only been roommates for less than four months, but Corpse could confidently say that you have become one of his closest friends. Getting a roommate was the last resort that he never wanted to actually resort to. But alas, medical bills were piling up and youtube and music don’t make half as much money as people think they do. So cutting rent in half was the best plan he could come up with. He did have an extra guest room that no one ever stayed in. Of course having someone move into his personal space was terrifying to him. He didn’t just want to post an ad on craigslist or something. So he asked a couple trusted friends to ask a couple trusted friends… And that’s when you came in.
You were the trusted friend of a trusted friend of a trusted friend. When you met, you didn’t make a comment about his voice. Your face sure as hell showed your surprise but you didn’t say anything. To Corpse, this meant one of two things. You either knew who he was but didn’t want to freak him out, or you didn’t know about his online persona and were just genuinely shocked by his voice. It only took a few minutes of knowing you to know that it was the latter. Thank god. You were like anyone your age with social media. You had a few accounts, followed a few people, but mostly used it to stay in contact with friends. 
It only took you guys a week to realize you had way too much in common. After many a late night when he wasn’t streaming, and many an early morning when he was just done streaming, you two became inseparable. Nothing could keep you apart.
Except for one thing.
You had a boyfriend.
There was nothing wrong with your boyfriend, per se. Just the fact that he was your boyfriend and Corpse was not. 
Yeah, Corpse definitely had feelings for you. 
But right now, feelings didn’t matter when he could hear tavern music coming from your room.
He knocked lightly and pushed the door open slowly. “y/n? Can I come in?”
No response came, just sniffles and sobs. The lack of refusal on your part gave him the courage he needed to open the door wider and step into your room. He had only been in your room a couple of times since you had moved in. But he had never been in a room that gave off the feeling of a person so well.
You were curled up on your bed, facing your open laptop screen and the tavern music coming from its speakers. With every sob shaking your chest, Corpse felt his heart break. “y/n,” he murmured softly, “what’s wrong?”
“It’s not working.” Came your reply, heavy with tears. “You said it would make you feel like you're going on an adventure but I still feel like crap.”
“What happened?” Corpse asked as he sat down on your bed, facing you. You slowly sat up and crossed your legs at your ankles in front of you.
“He-” You sighed heavily. “He cheated on me.”
“He cheated on me -has been cheating on me- with my best friend. My little brother found out.” You groaned and dramatically dropped your head onto Corpse’s thigh. His hand immediately came in contact with your cheek as he brushed a few stray tears away.
There was rarely any physical contact between you and Corpse. Sometimes you’d give him a high five, sometimes he’d give you fist bump. And there was that one time you came up behind him at the grocery store and hugged his arm to your chest. You immediately whispered something along the lines of ‘creep won’t leave me alone’ followed by a loud ‘hey babe!’
Corpse could barely admit to himself how much he liked that.
But this? This felt good. Corpse’s large warm hand on your face somehow made you want to cry more but in a good way. The tenderness with which he held your face made your heart squeeze as it remembered moments like this with your boyf- ex boyfriend. But then it remembered your brother’s words.
“Hey, what’s up?” You spoke as you answered his call. Your brother wasn’t much of a caller, so it made you worry. 
“Hey, where are you right now?”
“I’m home, why?”
“y/n… There’s something I gotta tell you.” He sighed and you could clearly hear the guilt.
“Did you break my DS!” It was your first thought as you had given it to him the last time you had seen him. “Dude! I’ve had that since I was seven!”
“No no, I called about something else.” He cut you off mid-whine. “But also I did lose the pen.” You huffed out a sigh of frustration but stayed silent so he could tell you what he wanted to tell you. “I saw your boyfriend at the park today.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “And?” How did this warrant a phone call? 
“He was with Bob.” 
When you had met your best friend, your brother was only a toddler. He had decided that her name was Bob, so it stuck. You always called her Bob, she was saved as Bob in your phone, your whole family called her Bob. But you still didn't understand. Why was he calling you to tell you that your boyfriend and your best friend were at the park? 
“Why are you calling me about this? You know that they’re friends, right?” You let out a chuckle, albeit still pretty confused. “They’re allowed to hang out without me.” 
“They weren’t hanging out.” You could hear your brother push out a strained sigh. What wasn’t he telling you? “They were making out on the swing set. As in, both of them on one swing. And I double checked, it was definitely them. I-I told mom and she said not to tell you, but I couldn’t not tell you when I’m the one who saw it!”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say a word.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
There was no lying to yourself, you had doubts about your best friend and your boyfriend. But you constantly brushed it off. He wouldn’t hurt you like that. Hell, she couldn’t hurt like that. Not after everything you had been through together. 
But you had seen his call log by accident one time, he called her more than he did you. She face-timed him one time to ask his opinion about a dress she was going to buy while you were in the changing room. She had done a handful of things since your relationship with your boyfriend started that made you uneasy. If this was their first kiss, which was something you doubted, then they’ve both been emotionally attached to the other for far too long.
All those tender intimate moments, all those dates, throughout everything, he wasn’t faithful. Not emotionally, at least. None of those moments that you cherished meant anything to you anymore. He had played you. With none other than your best friend since middle school. You didn’t know who to be more mad at.
The thoughts of betrayal from someone who you considered a sister and the hurt of being cheated on made you nauseated.
So when the large warm hand on your face stroked your cheek again, you didn’t mind it. This was Corpse. Not your cheating boyfriend. Not your lying best friend. Corpse. And you knew that he would never hurt you.
“He’s been cheating on me for a while I think.” You mumbled against his sweatpants. “Maybe a couple months. I don’t know.” 
Corpse furrowed his brows in thought. You had told him you were going to visit your boyfriend for your one year anniversary next week. “Weren’t you go-”
“And Bob’s been your friend since-”
“Yeah.” Your chin wobbled as you answered. You brought your arms up around Corpse’s thigh and hugged it. It was a strange position, but you didn’t care. He was so warm and nice and hugging him properly required more movement on your end than you were willing to do.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Corpse sighed and reached out to untangle your arms from his leg. He gently pulled you across the few inches of bed between you and sat you in his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, immediately sobbing into his shoulder. “Do you want me to turn off the music?” You shook your head no against him and he chuckled before he solemnly sighed. “When did you find out?” 
“When I came home.”
“But you came home hours ago. Have you been in here this whole time?” You nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were streaming, didn’t wanna interrupt.” You shrugged.
“y/n,” he sighed disappointedly, “you’re my best friend. I can end a stream if you need me.”
“Okay.” Your voice, broken and weak and tired, made him feel so guilty. You had been crying your heart out for over two hours just down the hall from where he was.
He gently grabbed you by your hips and tried to push you away, but you only held on tighter and whimpered. “I just wanna get you some water.”
“I don’t want water.”
“Then what do you want?”
“You.” You whispered. “Please stay.” 
Fuck. How could he say no to that?
So he stayed.
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snackhobi · 4 years
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prompt: “Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”
thank you to my darling @yeojaa​ for sending this in and thank you to my darling @hobi-gif​ for beta reading it for me, you are both such lovely stars in the night sky of my life xoxo
pairing: seokjin x reader / word count: 1.9k / genre: fluff (sfw/general) / warnings: none!
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single woman in possession of a hot roommate, must want to jump his bones.
Like. C’mon. Kim Seokjin is nothing if not easy on the eyes. It’s not enough that he has the body proportions of a god—broad shoulders, lovely thighs, everything in its place and perfectly in line with his height and his poise—he has a beautiful face, too. Those lips. That jaw. Those eyes. You don’t want to wax lyrical but it really is like God decided to take his time making Kim Seokjin and everyone else (like you) was just left with the dregs; the stuff that wasn’t good enough for Jin and was thrown aside.
The worst thing, though. The worst thing. The absolute worst thing about Kim Seokjin is that he is A Nice Person. 
You’d barely known each other, only a month into your cohabitation when he’d come across you crying into a tub of ice cream in the kitchen, sobbing over the guy who’d finally grown bored of stringing you along with promises of eventually becoming your actual boyfriend and had just cut you off altogether after one final lay. You were utterly heartbroken and entirely mortified when you noticed Jin standing in the kitchen doorway as you clumsily tried to dig your spoon into the still-hard vanilla, but he’d just slid down onto the floor next to you with a spoon in one hand as the other came to rest on your shoulder. He’d listened to you snivel and sniffle, quietly eating the weirdly chemical-flavoured chocolate ice cream in the own-brand Neapolitan tub you favoured—your least favourite and the one you always left till last.
Once a guy’s seen you crying your eyes out on the kitchen floor in old pyjamas, and you’ve seen him eat five pots of super hot instant noodles on the trot and chase the whole thing down with an entire box of doughnuts, you sort of get to know each other as people—both things are revealing in different ways—and it’s hard for that to not lead to friendship.
You could have dealt with Jin if he was just hot. But he’s hot and nice and funny, utterly ridiculous; he doesn’t take himself seriously while also knowing how to rein himself in when necessary to not overwhelm people and basically you’ve been crushing on him in a major, major way for a while now.
And like. Seokjin is single, so technically you have a chance. But you also have absolutely no chance at all, because? Hello? Kim Seokjin? You? You? Kim Seokjin? He’s so far out of your league he may as well be in another galaxy. And he’s also probably the best roommate you’ve ever had (cleans up after himself, doesn’t microwave fish and stink up the place, likes the same TV shows as you so there are no arguments over the remote), so you’re not about to throw a wrench into the mix by doing something stupid like confessing that you like him.
“Right, I should be back around ten,” says Seokjin. He’s all dressed up for a noraebang night with his friends—well, not dressed up really, they’re just gonna get drunk while wailing songs at the top of their lungs in a small room so it’s not like he has to go all out, but Seokjin makes everything look good. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”
Seokjin is nice and hot and funny and friendly. Honestly, he’s just a dreamboat of a roommate and a man, with great friends too. Normally you would have leaped at the chance to spend a night out with Seokjin and the other guys, but you’d spilled your drink on Yoongi last time and were still convinced that he was plotting your imminent demise. Even if Seokjin insists otherwise, you want to give Yoongi a wide berth for a little while longer in the hopes he’ll suddenly suffer a bout of amnesia and forget that you spilled a very boozy and sticky Oreo and Baileys cocktail(/glorified milkshake) on him and ruined his shoes.
“I’m good,” you say. “But make sure you don’t have any fun without me and you have to let everyone know that it’s because I’m not there.”
Jin laughs, a wet squeegee of a sound, and it goes straight to your heart. “I’ll pass on the message,” he promises, blowing you a tiny kiss as he goes. 
(Ugh, he’s so cute. You hate him.) (No, you don’t.)
You seem to be setting a trend for yourself in the drink-spilling department, though. During an ad break you decide to get yourself a drink, and even though it’s just a Boys Over Flowers rerun that you’ve seen multiple times, you rush as you pour yourself a glass of orange juice—you don’t want to take too long and miss anything. Suffice to say you Fuck Up and end up with a shirt and trousers covered in juice and pulp and you miss a bunch of the episode as you clean it up, huffing dramatically to yourself the whole time, before scarpering towards your bedroom for some new clothes. 
At least, that’s the plan. You pass by Seokjin’s open door and pause, taking in the sight of a few discarded bits of clothing on his bed and across the back of his chair, things he’d clearly decided weren’t worth wearing out tonight. The one that’s caught your eye is the vibrant pink shirt strewn over his duvet, one of your favourites, one you haven’t seen him wear in a while. It’s one of your favourites because he just looks so cosy in it—Jin ends up with a lot of oversized clothes so they can fit over his shoulders, but he practically swims in material when he wears this shirt, flapping the sleeves at you and then laughing at his own antics. He could wear it as a dress if he wanted to, probably.
… so could you, if you wanted to, probably.
… but you shouldn’t. Like, that’s weird. Jin is your roommate and even if he’s made it clear that he has an open door policy, going in through said open door to get a bit of his clothing is weird. Definitely creepy.
But… you’ve already kicked off your dirtied outfit and you’re just in your underwear so you can’t be blamed for being worried if you’re going to get cold, right? You’re just grabbing the closest bit of clothing, aren’t you?
… You’ll take it off before he gets back and put it in the laundry with everything else; he won’t notice. You’ll just take this awful awful secret to the grave and never tell anyone about your invasive actions.
Oh, man, the shirt smells so good. You share the same laundry detergent but Jin had clearly tried this on before discarding it, the scent of his cologne lingering in the air as you end up swamped in the shirt (/shirt dress), and you don’t regret this. Well, you do, but also you don’t. It’s like being wrapped up in Jin’s arms. Jin’s not shy about giving you hugs but there’s something altogether different about wearing someone’s clothes.
You end up curled up on the sofa as you watch more Boys Over Flowers, knees to your chest and revelling in how cosy and small Jin’s massive shirt makes you feel. You have to hitch the material up so that your hands peep out the ends of the sleeves. Sweater paws are cute on everyone, even yourself, and you giggle as you fumble for the remote so that you can check how many more episodes there are before it turns to something else. You can indulge yourself for a bit. As a treat.
“Unbelievable, I can’t believe Minji did that,” you mutter, so caught up in the drama of it all (as if you haven’t seen this episode four times) that you don’t hear the key turning in the lock, nor do you hear the footsteps that are heading towards you—what you do hear, however, is the sudden sound of Seokjin’s voice, freezing like a rabbit caught in headlights when you do.
“I forgot my wallet,” he says. “I—”
And that’s how he catches you, wide-eyed as you stare back at him, wishing that you could bury yourself between the sofa pillows so that he can’t see you. His keys are still in his hand and his mouth is open around an unfinished word as he takes the sight of you in, scrunched up against the armrest in some ridiculous attempt to shrink yourself small enough that he would have missed you.
He stares. You stare. You both stare. And then—
“Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”
“No!” A high-pitched shrill of an obvious lie. “No, uh, nope. Nuh-uh. Haha, oh, Jin, always such a jokester, you.”
You want the sofa to suddenly develop sentience and swallow you whole, just so you can be out of this situation. So you wouldn’t have to watch as a smile starts to spread over Jin’s face, the way there’s a little glint in his eyes, the way he opens his mouth and says—
“You know, you didn’t have to turn down noraebang just so you could wear my clothes. You just had to ask, I would have said yes.” He doesn’t seem creeped out, just amused, which is—well, it’s better, but, what? He’s laughing at you? You don’t know if that’s worse, somehow, actually.
“I didn’t! I spilled orange juice on my shirt and then I saw this shirt and you weren’t home—”
“Aha, so you admit it, it’s not your shirt,” Jin proclaims. He looks smug.
“Oh my God, I am full of regret,” you groan. “My life is a disaster. Can we pretend this never happened? I will pay you literal money. Please.”
At this, Jin’s eyes turn soft. “Do you really want that?”
“I—wuh? Do I really want us both to pretend you didn’t walk in on me wearing your shirt like some weird stalker or something? Absolutely. Yes. Let’s do that.”
“I wasn’t joking about letting you wear my clothes,” he says. There’s a note to his voice, something a little doughy, yielding and warm for you, and—you know what your gut is screaming at you, but— “I always thought you’d look cute in them, and I was right.”
You splutter. Jin thought you’d look cute—he’s been thinking about you wearing his clothes—the sort of thing that, you know, couples do. But this is Kim Seokjin you’re talking about. There’s no way he’s attracted to you in the way you’re attracted to him.
… but he is looking at you in a way that’s soft and tender, the same look you give him when you think he isn’t looking.
“Jin,” you say, slow. “Are you…”
“The most handsome man alive? Yes, I am.”
You make a face at his interruption and he laughs at your expression before going quiet, eyes so big and lovely and warm as he smiles at you, and you continue to speak. “Are you saying you want to, y’know. See me wearing more of your clothes? Or, uh... Less clothes in general?”
You can feel the blood rising in your cheeks as you say this, and you can see the red that starts to tinge the top of Jin’s ears, exquisite and wonderful. “I’m saying that I’m happy to give you what’s mine, including my clothes,” he says. “And my time. And love.”
You end up pulling the excess material of the shirt over your head as you turn into some sort of bright pink turtle, overwhelmed and in disbelief but so happy.
Judging from Jin’s laughter and the warmth of his hands reaching for yours in their too-long sleeves, he is, too.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Not sure if you’re still taking prompts, but if you are I’ve got something for you: In light of spooky season, I present to you modern au roommates having a scary movie/show night (watching Netflix’s Haunting of Hill House or Bly Manor or something) in which GERALT is the one too spooked to sleep alone. But he’s Geralt, so it’s not like he’ll actually ask for company. Jaskier is perceptive, though, and realizes what’s going on.
OK I really hate horror films and I have never actually watched one. What I have watched is Doctor Who... so... Weeping Angels anyone? Have fun! (Also on AO3) _______________________________
Geralt wasn’t sure why Jaskier always chose horror movies. He hated horror movies. He always squeaked at the jump scares and ended up in Geralt’s lap. Geralt didn’t mind  horror movies particularly. The jump scares did fuck all to frighten him and if he was being honest he quite liked having the excuse to hold Jaskier in his arms. They had been best friends since university and it had made sense for them to continue living together once they’d graduated. The economy was shit and if Jaskier wanted to pursue his dreams of becoming a musician then he needed a housemate. As for Geralt, after his explosive break up with their other best friend, Yennefer, he hadn’t really felt like living alone.
So they’d moved in together.
And every Friday was movie night. They took turns in choosing the film and Jaskier always chose a horror film. Tonight was no different and Jaskier was shaking in his arms like a flower in the wind, fitting he supposed.
“Oh shit!!” Jaskier moaned as the statues moved closer to the house. The poor protagonist had taken her eyes off them to check on her friend. “Geralt!”
Geralt rolled his eyes but threaded his hands through Jaskier’s hair and placed a kiss on his friend’s temple. The first time he’d done that a month ago he’d panicked. It had been an accident but it had settled Jaskier’s nerves better than anything else he’d tried. Jaskier hadn’t mentioned it so small kisses to Jaskier’s hair and forehead had just become another part of their friendship. “It’s worse if you don’t look.” He murmured. “They are only still when we’re looking at them.”
“Geralt!” Jaskier pressed his face against Geralt’s chest and his fingers clawed at Geralt’s hoody. “That’s only for the characters.” He mumbled, his voice muffled by Geralt’s clothes.
Geralt tilted his head and peered at the screen. The statue was still and unmoving but none of the characters were looking at it. It was only stone because the camera was looking at it. He said as much to Jaskier who just groaned and held him tighter.
“Fuck you, Geralt. You just had to go and make it worse!” Jaskier grumbled.
“You wanted to watch it.”
“Fuck off!”
Jaskier didn’t pay any attention to the rest of the film. On the rare occasion he did peek at the screen through his hands, he squeaked and snuggled back into Geralt’s chest. Geralt kept a hand in Jaskier’s hair and murmured reassurances at him as he watched the film. The plot moved slowly, unlike the statues, as the characters were sent back in time one by one until only two of them remained. The statues then started to mess with the lights in their quest to get to some powerful artefact that would allow them to take over the universe.
The two remaining characters screamed as they were left at the mercy of the four statues creeping towards them as the lights flickered on and off. Geralt had to admit even he had goosebumps and his heart was racing faster in his chest.
“Fuck.” He mumbled not able to tear his eyes from the screen as if that would help the characters.
“Oh gods, if you’re saying that it must be bad.” Jaskier moaned against his chest.
“You’re not even watching.” Geralt grumbled. “I’ll turn it off.”
“Oh no! Nooo no no.” Jaskier protested. “I’m still listening! I want to know what happens!” He peered up at Geralt with those glimmering blue eyes that haunted Geralt’s dreams.
Fuck he was so beautiful.
A loud bang on the screen broke the moment and they both jumped to face the television. Jaskier immediately curled back against Geralt’s chest. Geralt was almost tempted to hide in Jaskier’s hair but he couldn’t do that. He was the strong one. He protected Jaskier so he kept his eyes fixed on the screen until the credits began to roll. The protagonist had ended up sobbing over her lost friends alone in her apartment, the universe had been saved but at what cost.
Geralt felt strangely moved by the whole thing. Jaskier was still nestled in his arms, safe and asleep. Geralt finally allowed himself to nuzzle against Jaskier’s soft hair, inhaling his calming chamomile scent. Fuck he didn’t want to be alone like she had been. What was the point of living if everyone you loved was taken from you?
Geralt’s heart was still racing and not even Jaskier scent was helping to calm his nerves.
“Fuck.” He groaned as quietly as he could but even that was too loud. Jaskier had always been a light sleeper unless he was sick.
“Geralt? Oh shit. Did I miss the end?” He rubbed his eyes and peered sleepily at the blank screen of the television. Geralt hummed in agreement. “Oh. Well you’ll have to tell me what happened in the morning.” Jaskier sighed and started to extract himself from Geralt’s arms.
Geralt felt himself tense up as Jaskier stood up. Shit. He’d never felt this bad after a film before. His jaw clenched as he watched Jaskier head towards his bedroom. Fucking idiot hadn’t even watched the film, of course he would rest easy tonight in blissful ignorance.
At the last moment Jaskier turned and glanced over his shoulder. His bright smile fell from his face when his eyes met Geralt’s. “Geralt? Are you alright?”
Geralt’s hands were tight fists by his side, nails digging into his palms. He glowered at Jaskier. “I’m fine.”
Jaskier tilted his head and put a hand on his hip. “You don’t look fine.”
“I’m fine, Jaskier.” He snapped.
Jaskier scoffed and pranced back over to sit back down on the sofa. “You’re fine.” He sang, clearly not believing Geralt.
“But I am not fine!” Jaskier announced and draped himself across Geralt’s lap. Geralt tried to glare at him but he was pleased to have his friend back in his arms. “Cuddle me.” Jaskier rolled onto his back and pouted up at Geralt, his head resting in Geralt’s lap whilst his legs sprawled out over the sofa cushions.
Geralt smirked and rolled his eyes. “You won’t sleep like that.”
“I will!” Jaskier’s lower lip jutted out and Geralt had to grit his teeth to stop himself from leaning down and kissing his friend. Did he have to be so goddamn cute all the time?
“You won’t.” Geralt insisted firmly, ruffling Jaskier’s hair. “You’ll wake up if I so much as breathe too heavily”
Jaskier huffed. “Well I’m not sleeping alone, not after that monstrosity.” He gestured wildly to the television.
“You can sleep in my room.” Geralt suggested with a faint smile that he was trying to hide. “If you want.” He added just to be sure.
Jaskier beamed up at him like he was the sun itself. “My hero!”
“Now get off so we can get to bed.” Geralt grumbled. His heart was still racing but it had little to do with the film anymore and everything to do with the way Jaskier’s eyes were shining with open affection.
Jaskier pouted. “Carry me?”
“What?” Geralt groaned, exasperated by his friend.
“I’m tired!” He whined. “Please?”
Geralt sighed but shifted Jaskier in his lap so he was able to scoop him up bridal style. Jaskier wrapped his arms around Geralt’s neck and placed a kiss to his cheek.
Well that was new.
Geralt smiled softly at the brunet in his arms. “What was that for?”
“Because, my darling, you are my hero and every hero deserves a kiss.” Jaskier answered with a disarming smile.
“Is that so?” He hummed as a thought began to grow in his mind.
Jaskier laughed and kissed his cheek again. “And that one is for being so strong and carrying me to my room.”
“I think I deserve one for ordering dinner.” Geralt suggested and Jaskier’s eyes lit up.
“Oh darling, how could I forget?” Jaskier kissed him again, this time barely a centimetre from his lips. “Oh and one for letting me share your bed.” Jaskier moved in slower this time and Geralt’s breath caught in his throat. It took all his strength not to drop him as Jaskier’s lips hovered over his. “May I?”
Geralt didn’t answer. There was no need, not when Jaskier’s lips were so close. Their noses bumped together as their lips finally met. Jaskier’s hand gripped tighter on Geralt’s hoody and Geralt kicked open his bedroom door, not wanting to break the kiss. He’d spent so long wishing that he could have this that he wasn’t going to miss a single moment.
Jaskier seemed to be similarly inclined, moaning as Geralt lowered him onto the bed. When they finally had to break apart to breath, Jaskier began to laugh, his beautiful musical laugh. Geralt sat back on his ankles and gave Jaskier a puzzled look.
Jaskier propped himself up on one elbow and reached out for Geralt’s hand. “I’m just happy, my dear. You should always laugh when you’re happy.”
Geralt chuckled. “Hmm. Well then I’m happy too.”
Jaskier licked his lips and gave him a mischievous smile. “Even if I made you watch the scary film?”
“Wasn’t scared.”
“Oh yeah sure.” Jaskier drawled. “I believe you.”
“I was protecting you!” Geralt growled.
Jaskier sighed and fell back on the bed. “You were ever so brave, dear heart.”
God he was insufferable. Geralt had to wonder whether he was mad, wanting Jaskier like he did. He just never shut up….
Except when they were kissing…
Geralt grinned and lunged forwards to capture Jaskier’s lips once more. It was what the hero deserved after all. ______________________
Tag list: @alwenarin @slythnerd @davidtennan-t @flippinfricks @awitchersbard  @innocentcinnamonpun @marvagon @elliestormfound @geraskier-trashh @panerato @moonysourenza @artistsfuneral @victorieschild
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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let me down slow (epilogue)
word count; 2830
summary; it’s moving day, and stiles is getting his dorm all set up with the sheriff, while you and mitch still have a considerable amount more unpacking to do.
notes; I know some of y’all didn’t like the events of part eight, but you’re just gonna’ have to deal with it, because they’re adorable, it was all a misunderstanding, and they deserve the world.
warnings; none, really. some vaguely dirty innuendoes, that’s it.
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Smoothing your hands over the poster on the wall, you pressed it flat to the plaster, holding it steady as Stiles pinned it down straight, and you cheered once the final one was up, the collection of Star Wars posters lining the walls making the room seem entirely perfect for your best friend. Hopping down from the bed, you smoothed out the covers, before letting both of your hands fly up to meet Stiles’ in a set of high fives, and the pair of you cheered as you took it all in.
“It’s really getting there!”
The oversized corkboard he loved so much was sitting against one wall, a shelf you’d spent almost an hour trying to put up between the pair of you as the Sheriff laughed was now assembled, with three baskets sitting along it. The first contained bundles of assorted pins and paperclips for putting up the vast assortment of photos and collage pieces that added, the space freshly cleared so that he could build it up ready for the new year. The second basket contained his camera, with a selection of different types of film for interesting shots, and the third was filled with pens and note pads for all the annotations and quotes he would put under each picture. 
The opposite wall was lined with six matching Star Wars posters, showing off the promotional pictures and titles of the originals and the prequels, a prized possession that you’d bought for Stiles as a graduation present, so that he didn’t have to take his collection at home down and travel them across the country. His desk was already cluttered with notebooks and pens, and the closet was brimming with flannelled shirts. The bookcase was stacked with textbooks and DVDs. Above the desk was pinned a campus map, class schedule, time table and a calendar, all for his convenience, because Stiles had already voiced his desire to cram as many college experiences into his first year as he possibly could, he wanted to live life to the fullest.
Along the windowsill were photo frames with his favourite pictures of everyone from back home, and he was proudly staring at the final few boxes on the floor, as his dad carried the last one in, the final clothes he had ready to be unpacked into the set of drawers beside his bed, your hand coming up to wipe across your forehead in false exhaustion as you looked around. 
“It’s fitting for you, kid.”
His voice was a little rough, and you could tell that the Sheriff was holding back his emotions as he sent his youngest son off to college, too. He held his arms out of you both, and Stiles rolled his eyes as he let out a string of curses at the affection, but pressed his face into his father’s neck as he wrapped around one side of his body, not covering the little sniffle he let out as well as he thought he had. You were quick to follow in his footsteps, tucking yourself happily under the older man’s chin, and you squeezed the two men in a tight hug. 
You easily remained that way, knowing that the two were each trying to hide their emotions, and you smiled to yourself at the thought, rolling your eyes softly. “You know, dad, I’m going to be checking with Melissa that you’re still eating healthy. Don’t think you can start eating bacon and fries every day now just because I’m gone.”
“You’re the worst.”
You giggled as he pushed you both away, but he ruffled your hair fondly, and you decided to lighten the mood a little, turning to swipe the camera from its place on the shelf, checking it was loaded with film before handing the polaroid device over to Noah. “I think we need to take the first picture to put up, don’t you?”
Stiles gasped, nodding happily before turning to you, and you pressed your hands to his shoulder once he’d turned back to face his father, and you jumped up as high as you could, sealing you legs above his hips and he gripped at your thighs, letting out a laugh as you landed on his back, your hands wrapping around his neck. With the cheesiest grin that you could muster, the Sheriff gave you a count down, before clicking the camera and waiting as the small piece of paper pushed it’s way out of the device, before handing it over to you both and putting the camera down on the desk.
Holding up the little slip, he waited patiently as the colour began to drip into it, the picture slowly revealing itself, and you let out a squeal once it became properly formed, so that you could see the image clearly. “I love it! Pin it!”
You tapped his shoulders, and he moved eagerly across to the board, selecting a pin and pushing it through the card, securing it to the very centre of the board. Only a second later, he was grabbing a red pen and a yellow post-it note, scribbling down a reminder before adding the note to the photo, and you peaked over his shoulder to read it. 
‘Move-in Day, August 2020’
You grinned, taking the pen and adding a little heart to it, before placing your hands on your hips and looking around the room. The phone you’d left on the bedside table a while ago buzzed loudly, chiming a little tune as it did, and you jumped at the interruption. Stiles moved across the room for you, picking up the device before letting out a long groan, and you chuckled at his reaction, already knowing who it must be.
“It’s my brother. Your boyfriend. Ew, I hate the sound of it, still.” You grinned at his words, sticking your tongue out as you took it from him, scanning your eyes over the message, before reaching for your bag and sealing the device inside, lifting it up onto your shoulder. “Time to go?”
“Yeah, unfortunately. You’re unpacking these last few boxes alone.” You joked, and he huffed, kicking at one lightly with the toe of his shoes. 
“Not alone, Dad is here to h-”
“Dad is going back to the hotel to rest his back and take a shower. Stiles is alone and putting his own laundry away for the first time in his life.” His dad grinned, and the boy let out a whine at it, stomping his foot a little before giving in. 
“See you tonight, at the restaurant?”
“We will meet you there.” His face scrunched up once again.
“I can’t get with the referring to you and Mitch as a ‘we’. I’m not used to it.” You shrugged, but leaned up to press a friendly kiss to his cheek, before letting him wrap you up in a tight hug, and brush his lips to your temple. “I’ll get used to it. I’m just glad you’re happy.”
His dad left the room, leaving you both to your moment, even though you were only saying goodbye for a few hours, but he was a little jittery once the door had closed. 
“Can I tell you something, before you go? I don’t want it to be a big deal, but I do want to tell you first.” You nodded, brows furrowing as he fiddled with his fingers between your bodies worriedly, and you reached up to place your hand over his own, letting him lace your fingers together. “Now that I’m not obsessing over Lydia anymore, and I’m in college and really taking a minute to get to know myself, I think I discovered something.”
“Is it good?”
“Yeah.. yeah, I think so.” He was nervous, biting down on his lower lip, and you squeezed his hand reassuringly in an attempt to tell him that it was okay. “I think I might be bi.”
A blushing tinge spread over his cheeks, his eyes ducked to avoid your own as the heat spread up to his ears and painted his pale skin pink, and you leaned in to press your body to his, your arms wrapping around him tightly, and he let out a deep sigh, before wrapping himself around you once again, his body sagging out of relief. 
“There was this guy in my welcome lecture, and he was really good looking, and while I was still in my Lydia phase I didn’t really think about anyone else that way, so I was pretty shocked when my first thought was about a guy, but then he asked me if I wanted to get coffee before the semester starts, and I said yes. We’ve been texting for a few days, now.” The words came out jumbled and hurried, and you stepped back to look at him, making sure to catch his gaze as he gave you a nervous smile. 
“I’m so happy for you, Stiles.”
“I’m going to tell my dad and brother at dinner tonight, but I just needed some support.” You nodded, before stepping back as he let out a relieved laugh and wiped a hand over his face. “God, I feel so much better. I hate keeping things from you. I don’t know how you did it for months, having secrets with you kills me.”
“It wasn’t without a lot of suffering, trust me.”
He grinned, before nudging you towards the door. “See you in a couple of hours.” You simply nodded, waving your goodbye to the Sheriff as he chatted with the other parents of Stiles’ various roommates for the year, and you made your way to the door, stepping out into the corridor. 
With hurried steps, you made your way down the stairs, knowing it would be quicker than taking the elevator, and you were just glad Stiles was living on the first floor, you really weren’t sure he’d be able to handle hiking up twelve layers worth of stairs to the top floor on a tired day if the lift ever broke. 
It wasn’t a short walk to the place you had promised to meet your boyfriend, and the walk was enjoyable, hot sun shining down and a light breeze carrying through the campus, cooling you down from the heat. Shuffling through your bag, you searched for your sunglasses, lifting them out to place them on your face, and letting out a happy sigh when you no longer had to squint. 
You could already see the man you were waiting to meet, his body coming into view as he sat on the edge of the fountain, scrolling idly on his phone as he waited for you, the bag slumped on the floor beside his feet was spilling out with textbooks and his laptop, and his hair was messy from constantly running through it. Picking up your speed a little, you made your way over to him and took up before him, your shadow falling across him. He glanced up, expression stoic and stony before he realised who it was, and his face split open in a wide grin as his entire demeanour brightened. 
“Thought you were standing me up for a second there. You’re late.”
“Yeah, well, I got caught up. You can believe that I will never just leave you hanging.” You offered, and he scooped up his bag, swinging the strap over his shoulder before standing up, and he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
Pulling you in towards himself, he bumped the tip of his nose with your own, before letting out a sigh. “I know you wouldn't.” He pressed his lips to your own, a sweet kiss that made your heart thud and your mind spin, before you were pushing up into him a little further. Resting your hands on his shoulders, his own slipped down to your waist, holding your body to his as his mouth moved with your own in gentle rhythms, and giving you one final peck when he pulled away. “Ready to go?”
“Absolutely.” He took your hand in his, pulling you away toward the direction of the apartment the two of you had so carefully chosen together, and you leaned your head against his shoulder as the two of you walked. He twisted, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of your head, and you squeezed you hand in acknowledgement of his affections. “Guess who I ran into earlier?”
“The redhead from a few weeks back.” He stiffened underneath you, only relaxing when you paused, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his lips as he fixed you with a worried glance. “Her name is Cassandra, which you never told me, and she’s actually really nice. We arranged to go for coffee.”
He practically choked on his breath, turning to look at you with wide and worried eyes as he held the door to the building open for you, and you slipped through, letting him follow as you laughed lightly at his reaction. “What was she doing there?”
“Her friend was moving into Stiles’ building, and she was helping out.” You shrugged, the two of you stepping into the elevator and you were glad to be alone, leaning back against the wall and pushing your glasses up onto the top of your head to peer at him, raising a brow. “Hey, stop freaking out. I can see the cogs working in your head. She asked about us, you know.”
“What did she say?”
“Just wanted to know if I was all good, and if things worked out.” You shrugged a little, your glasses slipping on your head, and you detangled them from your loose hair and put them away once again. “I told her that we’re doing amazing, and that I’ve never been so happy, and that we have a place together with a whole bunch of plans for the future.”
He finally let his shoulders drop from the tension he’d built up, before tucking some hair away behind your ears and stepping in towards you, crowding you into the wall a little further. “Never been so happy, huh?”
“Totally and one hundred percent in love with you.”
“I love you too.” He whispered the words into your mouth as he leaned down to kiss you, barely getting a chance to do so before the elevator was chiming and the doors were sliding open. You grinned in the kiss as he huffed out, pulling away and letting the two of you walk along, both of you patting down your bags to find your keys, but he found his own first, and lifting the set up to the door to open it.
Boxes still littered the room, labelled with things to be unpacked and brought out, but whereas Stiles had been unpacking only one room, the two of you had been unpacking an entire apartment, and there was still a lot to buy and a lot to set up, the flat-pack furniture box holding the coffee table the two of you had yet to assemble was sitting with coasters out and rings on top from drinks, using it for its purpose before it was even constructed. 
“We’re still on for dinner with Dad and Stiles, right? I don’t think we have any leftovers from last night’s takeout and I’m too lazy to go for a supermarket trip.” He flopped down onto the couch, and you nodded, hanging up your bag on the hooks and taking your phone from it, running you fingers through your hair and tugging on some of the knots that had built up.
“Yes, we are. Are you going to get changed, or wash up?”
“No, I'm going to take a nap.” He grinned, settling along the couch and tucking a hand behind his head, pouting his lips when he felt you lean over him. Pressing a soft and quick peck to his lips, you brushed some hair off of his forehead and out of his eyes, before standing up. 
“Okay, well, I’m going to take a shower before we go.”
You jumped when his eyes snapped back open, and he rolled up from the couch, grinning cheekily as his hands found your hips and he turned you around. “You know what, maybe I should wash up. We haven’t christened the bathroom yet, and I bet you look great on your knees in the shower.”
He tapped your ass cheekily in a light spank, and you gasped at the impact, but laughed anyway as he guided you through the halls, tugging at the bottom of your sundress as you went, until he had the material over your head, dropping it to the floor in the doorway to the bathroom. “You’re incorrigible.”
“You love it.” He teased, switching on the water and waiting for it to get hot as he stripped himself down, and you let out an exaggerated sigh. 
“I love you.”
“Good, because I love you too.”
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Physical Fatality Part 12- Grief
18+ Hawks x fem, pro hero!reader
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
Masterlist Ko-fi
Over the course of your relationship Hawks has seen you pissed off quite a bit. He’s seen you mildly annoyed, he’s seen you decently irritated, and he’s seen you practically rabid with rage. He is intimately familiar with the spectrum of your anger.
And yet all of those times combined cannot compare to the level of rage he sees in you now.
Red Riot, who Hawks now realizes must have arrived with you, rushes to Bakugo’s side to check on him. Only once you’re positive Hawks and Bakugo won’t lunge at each other again do you unceremoniously drop Hawks to the ground. “What the fuck is your problem?” you demand as you storm over to him. “Look I’m sorry but-“ he starts but you don’t let him finish. “There shouldn’t be a ‘but’ in that sentence Hawks why the fuck are you fighting Bakugo of all people? You could’ve killed him!” “Technically he could’ve killed me too, let’s not make him sound helpless.” “That is NOT the point Hawks.” “Right yea no, of course it isn’t. Look I’m sorry things got out of hand but-” “Out of hand? OUT OF HAND? Your lack of self awareness is genuinely fucking phenomenal my GOD.” “Christ will you fucking listen to me instead of cutting me off every fucking time I try to speak?” “You don’t get to make demands right now! You know all this shit reflects back on me!” “Right your precious fucking reputation.” “Yes! My job relies on it remember!” “Could you forget about All Might and the press and whatever else for one goddamn minute? Our relationship is fucking drowning in it!” “What fucking relationship? I don’t even know what the fuck this is anymore.” “What are you on about now?” “We’re not lovers Hawks! We’re just strangers with the same damn hunger to be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all and it’s gotten genuinely pathetic now.” “Pathetic?” “Yes pathetic! Because clearly we aren’t supposed to be together!” “Says who?” “Look around you Hawks! Apparently fucking everyone and everything!”
Your words seem to echo around the two of you, both of your chests heaving in the wake of the argument. Both of you had forgotten yourselves for a moment and as awareness creeps back in you suddenly can feel the eyes of every reporter and civilian in the area boring into you. “What are you saying (y/n)?” Hawks asks and his voice is heartbreakingly quiet, hands clenched into fists. “I’m saying this is done,” you reply. “Don’t do this, please, I love you and-“ “No you don’t Hawks. You might think you do but you don’t. We love love and the idea of it and for fleeting moments between the arguments and the press and our bosses and everything else we thought we had it but we don’t. Or at least it’s not strong enough to out weigh everything else. I’m sorry,” you sigh before turning away. Cameras flash and reporters shout questions but you ignore them all as you walk over to where Kirishima is helping Bakugo up off the ground. “(Y/n)-“ Bakugo starts to say but you cut him off. “Don’t. I’ll deal with you after we get you patched up,” you tell him before you and Kirishima start walking him back to your agency.
Hawks stares after you, feeling frozen in place as you leave him behind and take his shattered heart with you. “Told you so,” Monoma suddenly taunts from beside him. Hawks jumps, having not noticed when Monoma had come down from the building’s rooftop. Hawks whirls around to face him, grabbing hold of the collar of his shirt. “Ah, ah, ah, don’t you think you’ve done enough damage?” Monoma asks cheekily, jerking his head towards the still flashing cameras. Hawks’ grip tightens momentarily before releasing the other man. Unfortunately Monoma has a point and Hawks really isn’t eager to make things even harder for you. “Don’t worry bird boy, I’ll invite you to our wedding,” Monoma tells the other man before flouncing away, pleased with himself. Hawks tells himself the best he can do now is wait for you to calm down and talk to you then so without another word and before he can do anything else to worsen the situation, he takes off back to Endeavor’s agency and hopes the others from the task force will have good news to share.
The first words he hears when he walks into the meeting room on the top floor are “You’re a fucking idiot” from none other than Shoto Todoroki himself. “I really don’t want to talk about it,” Hawks sighs. “You’re the only one. Pretty much every gossip blog and news outlet ever is talking about it,” Tokoyami tells him. “Headlines are all about how (y/n) is rubbing off on you in the worst possible ways and speculating about your break up,” Midoriya adds in, an unspoken accusation buried beneath his faux neutral tone. “We didn’t break up, she’s just upset,” Hawks denies, desperate to be right. “Really? Looked like a break up to me and the thousands of people who’ve already read the articles and the few dozen people that watched this whole train wreck you started,” Shoto quips. “Can we please just focus on the mission? Please tell me you got good intel,” Hawks sighs. “Since some of us are capable of doing our job, yes. Luckily for you the terror group is in the building we were watching and since you and Kacchan drew so much attention to the other building they think we’re way off base in our search for them. We should be able to make a move by this weekend,” Midoriya informs him. “Great. What now?” Hawks replies. “Now we wait to move out and I go back to my agency to reassure my probably panicked best friend,” Midoriya bites out before handing the last of his operation notes to Shoto and storming out.
“Jesus, I thought Deku was a puppy,” Hawks remarks as the door slams closed. “Midoriya’s always been scary when he wants to be, he’s just also very genuinely kind,” Tokoyami shrugs. “Which is exactly why being on his bad side is a nightmare,” Shoto points out. “Thanks Shoto. Really making me feel better.” “I wasn’t trying to make you feel better. In fact you should feel bad.” “I’m gonna call her,” Hawks sighs as he pulls out his phone to dial your number. The first call rings for awhile before going to voicemail. So does the second. The third is sent straight to voicemail. The fourth doesn’t even go through as he’s promptly alerted his number has been blocked. Hawks swears and tosses his phone onto the table in frustration. “I must have really crossed the line,” he sighs. “You think?” Shoto asks with a raised eyebrow.
“For the record I threw the first punch,” Bakugo admits somewhat sheepishly as you dab at one of several cuts he sustained during the fight. “Unprovoked?” “Obviously not.” “Then it doesn’t change anything. And you’re not off the hook either, what the fuck were you thinking?” you question as you start bandaging him up. “I don’t know, Monoma was being a little shit which got Hawks all worked up and then I tried to get him to back down and we both got worked up and well... you know how that went,” he admits. He watches as your phone lights up again with Hawks’ contact info. You grab it, sending him to voicemail again before blocking his number and putting your phone back down. “Are you sure about breaking up with him?” Bakugo asks and you can tell by how uncharacteristically gentle his voice is that he’s concerned. “I.... don’t know. In a perfect world I’d love to take the time to unpack all of this bullshit and work it out with him. I already know I’ll miss him. I’ll miss the mornings with him laying in my bed and the thought of a forever him and me but I bet all he’ll miss is my body,” you confess. “Don’t you think you’re not giving him enough credit?” “Probably. But I can’t sit at home and be his housewife which means I have to focus on salvaging my career. I’m lucky All Might is out of the office, gives me time to try and think up a sales pitch.” “You’re a good hero (y/n). All Might knows that.” “He also knows he gave me an ultimatum,” you point out. You finish off bandaging Bakugo up and he looks as if he’s about to say something else but you resume talking before he can. “I’m going to head home and lie low. Hopefully I’ll still be employed next time you see me,” you sigh before giving Bakugo’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze and walking out.
The video of you and Hawks’ break up is already viral by the time you get back to your apartment.
You walk straight past the living room, completely ignoring your concerned roommates, and head right into your room. Your phone alerts you to several no doubt concerned texts from Midoriya but you ignore them all as you collapse onto your bed. You lie there for awhile, letting your phone ping almost incessantly with concern from your friends and all the news alerts mentioning your name. When your ringtone cuts through all the other alerts you almost ignore it, assuming it’s Midoriya calling to check on you. Your heart sinks when All Might’s name flashes on the screen instead. You take a deep breath, stubbornly ignoring the way it rattles in your chest, and then answer the phone. “(Y/n)....” All Might starts. “I know,” you answer. “We had a deal.” “I’m a good hero. You know I am.” “I know you are. But we had a deal. I’m sorry.”
Heart wrenchingly,
World endingly,
That’s how you feel as you listen to All Might continue to justify his decision without actually hearing a word he’s saying. You vaguely register apologies and talk of the agency’s reputation, but for the most part you’re too busy feeling your entire universe crashing down around you to pay much attention to his words. You don’t know how long it’s been when you finally register that he’s been calling your name. “(Y/n)! Are you alright?” All Might presses. You don’t answer. You hang up your phone, face still blank, as Denki and Mina appear in your doorway. They both look you over for a long moment before wordlessly climbing onto your bed to join you. They cuddle up on either side of you and only once you’re safely wrapped up in their arms do you finally allow yourself to break. You mourn the career you worked so hard for as sobs wrack through your body. Your chest and ribs burn with the force of it but the feeling is nothing compared to the bitter grief of losing your job. As your friends hold you, you utter only one heartbreaking phrase between sobs:
“What am I if not a hero?”
Author’s Note: 🥲 we’re getting close to the end game now everyone, and boy oh boy does it hurt
Taglist [open]: @akkaso @cathy8taffy @eeppff @iikillerkitteh @pixelwisp @pokesosa @lildockel @bread0nhead @lavender-moon13
53 notes · View notes
canvas-the-florist · 3 years
Learning to Listen
Ships: Past Romantic Prinxiety, Romantic Intruality,
Warnings: Messy breakup, swearing, unintentional bigotry, mentions of sex, brief (VERY brief) making out
Summary: Virgil, Roman, Patton, and Remus move into a house together as housing during college. It works out great until Virgil and Roman breakup and Remus discovers some things that could complicate his own romantic relationship with Patton (none of the characters are unsympathetic they’re just stupid.)
Word Count: 1.8K
   “I’m just an over glorified fuck buddy to you, aren’t I?!” Virgil yelled through the thin walls and Remus flinched at the noise. Roman and Virgil decided to have an apparently much needed fight. He was glad that Patton wasn’t home to witness what he assumed was a breakup. Remus didn’t know whether or not he was going to have to comfort Virgil or Roman.
   “No! I just- Virgil you aren’t listening to me! Like you ever do!” Remus turned up the music in his headphones, despite it already at max volume. His eardrums were probably going to explode, with blood and whatever cartilage did when it couldn’t handle the stress of hearing.
   “Are you breaking up with me?!”
   “Yeah, VIRGIL, I think I am!” Remus was impressed that they had gotten to that part after two hours. But hey, they got there in the end, right? He heard the door of the room open and slam shut. He paused his music and looked up to see Roman looking deflated. Roman walked over and sat next to Remus silently. Remus didn’t say anything, not wanting to fuck up his brother’s day anymore, even though that sounded like fun. Roman screamed into a pillow and fell the back of his head onto Remus’s lap, slapping his phone to the ground. “Did you manage not to hear any of that?”
   “Oh I’m pretty sure your voice could’ve broken the windows if you tried harder.” Remus supplied. “I don’t know exactly what the fight was about though, you guys were talking like normal people at the point.”
   “What would you know about normal people?” Roman responded snarkily, before shaking his head softly and corrected himself. “Sorry. That fight was a lot, I’m not sure the adrenaline of it has burned out yet… Remus, is it weird that I thought we were doing really well? I didn’t even notice Virgil wasn’t happy with it. I really fucked up.”
   Remus thought briefly to his own dating life. He realized he related more than he wanted to. “Yeah, you really boinged that one, dude. But, I’m sure it’ll be okay. If it doesn’t work out I can decapitate Virge for you. He’s my best friend but you’re my brother.”
   Roman laughed lightly, and tears rolled down his face unto Remus’s legs. His laughter quickly turned to sobbing into Remus’s shirt until Patton came home from work 30 minutes later. He opened the door humming to himself until he saw the twins on the couch, Roman’s makeup running and generally looking like a mess.
   “Is… everything okay?” Remus shook his head and Patton nodded to himself. “Where’s Virgil?” That simple question got Roman to crumble down horizontally on the couch again. Patton thought to himself with furrowed brows about that response. Remus pointed to Virgil’s room and Patton followed, knocking on the door. He went in after a few seconds to see Virgil curled up in a ball, shaking and clearly not alright.
   He couldn’t even choke a word out. Patton closed the door and sat on the ground in front of him. Without questioning anything he opened up his arms in case Virgil wanted a hug. He did. “Okay kiddo, breathe in for four seconds for me. Now hold it for seven-”
   This went on until his breathing was stable. Virgil’s fist was closed around a piece of Patton’s shirt. “I shouldn’t have yelled at him.”
   “Do you want to talk about it?” Patton asked, tightening his grip. He had begun to suspect what might’ve happened and almost wanted to cry about it himself, but it wasn’t about him right now. “Not that you have to but if you need to, I’m here.”
   “No, my therapist has told me to communicate better. Which, ironically, what I was trying to do with Roman…” Virgil trailed off, loosening his grip of Patton’s shirt and looking up to his ceiling. He doesn’t really seem to want me other than to have sex and after mentioning that it eventually turned into a screaming match. And then he… then he broke up with me. I should’ve listened to him before but I didn’t. Patton I don’t know what to do.”
   Patton bit his lip for a second. Only sex, huh? He thought back to himself and Remus. They sort of had the opposite issue… This wasn’t about that though. Virgil still wanted a response. “I wasn’t there, Virgil, and this isn’t my relationship we’re talking about. I- do you want suggestions or do you just want me to listen without giving any opinions?”
   “Suggestions would be cool.”
   “Alright,” with that permission Patton tried to think of his best friendly advice. ‘Communication’ was usually always the answer but it was some sort of subsection of that Patton wasn’t sure how to explain. Listen to Roman? Be clear about your wants in a romantic relationship? It was hard for Patton to follow those in his OWN dating life. He realized more and more issues to bring up to Remus after this resolved somehow. “Well, it would probably be helpful to listen to what Roman wants in the relationship and have him listen to what you would want. And then… based on that, work on how to do that together or if that’s not compatible… Break off the romantic relationship because it would probably be healthier that way.”
   Virgil whistled lowly. “Dang, Pat. I was sort of expecting a follow your heart thing. But, thank you. I guess that would mean confronting the issues, which is quite honestly terrifying. I should probably do that now or something…” He stood up, holding his head from doing it too fast and made his way to the door. Patton remained on the floor a moment longer before following.
Remus was back to listening to music while Roman was scrolling on his phone as Remus played with his hair idly. Virgil grabbed the fabric of his jacket before walking to the loveseat. He heard Patton close his door and almost jumped out of his skin. He took a deep breath. “Roman? Maybe we should try again with that discussion… I don’t want this to be screaming. I like you, a lot. What do you say?”
   He made brief eye contact with Roman, seeing the dried tears and puffy eyes, but he nodded and sat up. Remus gave Virgil a raised eyebrow but said nothing. “Okay.” Roman croaked. Patton walked to the kitchen almost immediately to give both of them glasses of water to fight back against what the yelling and tears did to their throats. “You can start.”
   “Should we leave?” Remus asked, as Patton handed the glass to Virgil and then Roman. Patton sat down at the one chair in the room, but didn’t get comfortable just in case. “I mean it’s your conversation.”
   “You can stay. I don’t want to yell again. A mediator would be good.” Like it helped before, Remus thought to himself, but stayed put. Virgil cleared his throat with a small cough and took a sip of water. “I’m starting? Okay. I feel like I'm not getting a lot of romantic affection lately in our relationship that I would really appreciate. We don’t really kiss or anything and I would like to know if that’s because of me or not. You can go now.”
   Roman blinked and used a tissue from the side table to clean up his face as he spoke. “Thank you for telling me that, Virgil… I didn’t realize that you wanted affectionate stuff that badly. I feel like I don’t need that in my relationships and I’ve been questioning my sexuality and romantic orientations for a while. And I probably should’ve brought this up earlier but… I think I’m…” He looked down at the ground. “I think I’m aromantic.” He sounded like he was about to cry again. Remus looked at Patton with wide eyes.
   Patton returned the look as Virgil talked next. “Oh. Roman, I’m so sorry about the fuckbuddy comment, shit. I didn’t realize… but I’m proud of you for finding that out about yourself. Maybe it would be healthier if we broke up, huh?”
   Roman laughed, new tears falling down his face. The two embraced each other, laughing while crying. “Yeah, I guess we are breaking up then!”
   It would hurt for a while, and the change was definitely huge but it was better. But after witnessing that Patton and Remus knew that they had to talk. The only question was who would be the first to bring it up?
   Remus and Patton were on Patton’s bed, making out. Which was fine, neither of their roommates were home and it was fun. The issues came up when Patton’s hand went under Remus’s shirt. “Is this okay?” He asked. It all came crashing down when Remus shook his head no. They stopped immediately and fell onto the bed looking up at the ceiling next to each other. “We should talk about this. Not that you didn’t want to, just that we need to define better boundaries for our relationship.”
   “You’re right. We should talk about this.” Remus gulped. Apparently it was already happening. After two weeks but it still didn’t feel like enough time. “Patt, I love you… But I don’t know about fucking.”
   “Crass, but I get it. Are you… asexual?” He looked over at his boyfriend, who shrugged. “Well, that’s fine too. So no sexual stuff. Got it. Anything else that would cross the line that we should talk about?”
   Remus was tempted just to shrug again but didn’t. “I don’t know yet. After Roman finding out he’s aromantic I’ve been thinking. I still want to be with you, but can I give you everything you want in a relationship? I don’t think I… I don’t think I NEED or WANT sex at all, but I haven’t decided yet. I’m so fucking confused.”
  “I may want it, Remus but I don’t think it’s a need in our relationship.” Patton reassured. And he wasn’t lying either. He believed what he was saying, glad that his conversations with Janus had also gotten him to check his own wants and needs in general. “I think I’m alright like this, but it’s important for me to know for sure.”
   He reached out for Remus’s hand, and he took it. They looked up at the ceiling, with a feeling of clarity that helped them relax. It wasn’t really a change at all, but it gave reason to actions and made sure they wouldn’t make the other uncomfortable. And that was worth it.
Taglist: @vpow @loveroffandoms @yourfellowsmolgay @moth-bugs @vsem-5
47 notes · View notes
nekoabiwrites · 4 years
The 5 Times Patton Tripped and the 1 Time Patton Fell (In Love)
Happy borthday @midnightsdarkangel​!!!
AU: Human Pairing: Moxiety Words: 3704 Warnings: Lots of tripping, brief mentions of pain. Anything else, please let me go.
Summary: Patton falls over a lot; always has, always will. But while he was used to it, that didn’t mean his new roommate and friend would immediately be okay with it.
Patton had always been clumsy. Ever since he was young, he’d been covered in so many little scrapes and bruises that his mother fondly nicknamed him ‘Dalmatian’. It continued well into his adult life and was just his normal; not once did he step out of his home without a plaster covering some sort of scratch. However, just because he was used to tripping so often, didn’t mean that everyone was used to seeing him falling to the ground.
It always happened in an instant. One second, he was upright and just fine. The next, his face was planted on the ground and something was stinging. Patton would simply laugh it off, pick himself up and continue on with his day. However, when he fell in front of his new roommate, Patton didn’t know that he wasn’t going to let it go so easily.
“Patton, oh my god. Are you okay? Are you hurt? That looked like it hurt a lot. Do you need help? What happened, oh god.” Virgil rambled in a single breath, falling to the ground beside his new friend.
Patton pushed himself up onto his knees, brushing the dirt off his hands. “I’m fine, I promise. Just a little fall, nothing big. I’m used to it.” He reassured him, though did wince slightly as the grazed skin moved in his attempt to stand. Patton went to brush the dirt from his leg, but Virgil’s hand gripped his wrist tightly before he could even get close.
“Don’t! You’ll get more dirt in it! There’s a bench a little down the street. Come sit. I’ll clean it. I have water in my backpack and some wipes, probably some tissues too.” The emo dragged Patton towards the bench as he continued to rattle off words. Patton didn’t have it in him to turn his friend down, so he simply did as he was told.
As Virgil was swinging his backpack over to unzip it, Patton glanced back to where he had pretty much made out with the pavement. He found that it was pretty flat, none of the stone were too out of place and made an obvious Patton-Hazard. Nothing around the area was showing as something that would be at fault either.
“Ow!” Patton yelped, flinching away from the damp tissue Virgil held.
“Sorry, but we need to get the dirt out…”
“Oh no, it’s okay! I didn’t mean to do that! I just wasn’t expecting it.” Patton reassured, relaxing more and giving Virgil his full attention. He still cringed when the damp tissue pressed against the graze, but Patton did his best not to worry his roommate even more.
Eventually, Virgil crumpled the tissue up in his fist and dropped the bottle back into his backpack, “It’s the best I can do for now. We should probably get back and put something over it though. Just to be safe. I’m gonna go put this in the bin over there, back in a sec.”
Patton nodded and went to stand back up, but something moving out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Patton looked down at his feet, blinked for a moment and then sighed, “I swear my shoelaces were tied before… that was probably it.” He reached down to tie them again, but a sudden incredulous voice had him looking up.
“Are you serious? You think you tripped on your shoelaces?” Virgil asked, his eyes wide.
Patton shrugged, “I mean, yeah. I’ve done it loads of times. They just never wanna stay tied.” He pointed at the laces of his shoes and wagged his finger at them, as though he were a father scolding his child.
“Oh my god…” Virgil dropped to sit next to Patton on the bench, “Are you for real?”
The pastel-coloured man sat back up, finally having his laces sorted. He tilted his head in confusion, patting his body down, “Um, well… I think so?”
Virgil learnt quickly that Patton had a very special relationship with gravity. It seemed like it wanted nothing more than to have Patton be as horizontal as possible. He’d learnt that Patton had issues with walking on uneven surfaces, even surfaces… just generally walking anywhere. Patton’s biggest enemy, though, was stairs.
So, when they went to see a movie with some friends and they had to climb the steps to get to their seats, Virgil was already counting down the seconds until disaster.
Their two friends went first, making it up to the seats with absolutely no issues, as most normal people did. Virgil gestured for Patton to go up before him, just so he could see if and when his roommate was going to fall down. He counted each step.
One. Two.
It was going fine. He was halfway there. Maybe today was a good day and the universe would leave Patton alone.
Six. Seven. Ei-
Never mind.
The fall was spectacular. Since Patton was holding a full bucket of popcorn and his natural reaction was to throw his arms out to cushion the blow, the sound and sight of the snack falling all around him really made it look more dramatic than it was.
Virgil quickly hopped up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He crouched by Patton, offering a hand to help him to his feet. Patton got back up and looked down at the popcorn all around them, a slight wobble to his lower lip as the guilt punctured his heart.
Patton turned to his roommate, “I’m so sorry, Virgil.” He whispered, clearly trying not to let tears roll down his cheeks, “I shouldn’t have held that. I knew I was gonna fall. I just wasted it all.” He suddenly gasped and tried to push past to make his way back down the floor, but Virgil stopped him and steered the man into his seat. “Virge! Let me go! I need to go tell someone!”
“No.” Virgil responded firmly, pushing his own popcorn bucket into Patton’s grip, “That’s why I got two. And I’ll go find someone. You stay here. Logan, make sure he stays.” When their friend nodded, Virgil turned on his heel and sped back down the stairs. He quickly located the nearest usher, let them know what happened and made his way back to his screen. The lights had dimmed, and the adverts had started to play, so Virgil creeped back up the stairs and slipped into his seat beside Patton. Before he’d even had the chance to relax, a pair of hands gripped his hoodie sleeve.
Patton looked to be right on the edge of crying when Virgil turned to look at him. “Virgil, did you find someone? Is everything okay?” He whined pathetically, sniffling like a hurt child.
“Yes, I did. They said they clean it once the movie’s over. No one was mad.” Virgil whispered back, awkwardly patting Patton’s hands to try and be reassuring. After Patton smiled softly and turned back to looking at the screen, Virgil let out a silent breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.
“Virgil! Virgil! Come out here! Look, look!”
Virgil groaned and forced himself to sit up in bed. He checked the time on his phone, only to find it was around 8am, far too early for Virgil to be awake. But, the constant happy squealing noises from outside his room forced his hand and he slid out from under the covers, exiting his room in a sleepy haze, “What?” He grumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
“PUPPY!” Patton held the dog up to Virgil’s face, causing the emo to yell suddenly in surprise and take a step back. “Sorry, I got really excited.” Patton had a light blush to his cheeks, but his grin still remained as large as ever as he petted the small animal.
“Right… um, so… why is there a dog here? You didn’t, like, get one without telling me, right?” Virgil tentatively asked, trying his best to hurt his incredibly sweet and cute roommate’s.
“Well…” Patton swayed back and forth, trying to pick his words carefully, “My mum’s friend is out of town for a bit and she needed someone to look after her dog. She asked my mum, but my mum is really busy and already has two dogs that she can just about look after and they don’t really like other dogs. And, well, long story short, I kinda said I could look after the dog for a while… and now she’s… here?” Patton offered with a sheepish grin.
Virgil looked between Patton and the dog for a moment, his sleep-addled brain trying to come up with something to say that wasn’t embarrassing. He eventually just shrugged and turned back to go into his room, “Whatever, just make sure it doesn’t destroy anything. I’m going back to bed.”
Patton let out a high-pitched squeal of happiness, “You’re the best, Virgil! I’ll make sure that she’s good!” He called out as the door shut behind his roommate, not allowing him to see the light blush the compliment put upon the emo’s cheeks.
A few uneventful days passed by with Patton fussing over the dog every second of every hour while Virgil awkwardly listened from either in his room or from the couch. It seemed like everything was going just perfectly. But then…
A loud squeal and yelp sounded, with several more noises that struck fear into the emo following shortly after. Virgil jumped to his feet, wrenched open the door and practically threw himself out into the living room. “PATTON?! Are you alright?!” His gaze trained downwards to the man sat on the ground before him, with the dog cautiously approaching him again.
Patton rubbed his butt while he smiled sheepishly, “I didn’t see her down there. I just fell back after I felt her on my foot. I’m okay!” As he started to collect up his belongings that had fallen from his grip, the dog had seemingly deemed Patton safe and started to jump up to lick his face again. It distracted him enough to drop his things back to the floor and just be reduced to pure giggles.
Virgil let out a sigh of relief and moved across the room to pick up Patton’s stuff, “Next time, just don’t carry so much crap with you. I don’t need another heart attack like that, okay?”
Patton nodded, holding the dog in his arms with a wide grin and shining eyes, as though he had the best life he could possibly ask for and hadn’t just fallen on his ass a few minutes ago. The sight had Virgil’s world stopping dead for a moment. Just enough for him to commit it to memory.
“And you tell me that my room is a mess…” Virgil quipped as he opened the door to his roommate’s bedroom.
“It’s not that bad!” Patton protested with a huff. He’d taken a few steps in and turned to stare at Virgil with a pout. It was hard enough to see where his feet were as there was a pile of clothes just in front of him, as well as other piles of random objects around the rest of the floor space. It had clearly been like this for a long time, as there seemed to be something akin to pathways running between the mess – going from the bed to the desk to the door to the window.
“Uh huh… sure.” Virgil carefully took his first steps into Patton’s room. “So, what was it you needed help with?” He asked, peering at all the pictures that littered the shelves closest to the door.
“Oh right!” Patton spun on his toes and wandered over to the tallest bookshelf, “Can you help me reach up there?” He pointed to the very top, “Something accidentally got up there and I can’t quite reach by myself…”
“I mean, I can try.” Virgil cautiously stepped around the rest of the mess and joined Patton just in front of the bookshelf. “How do you wanna do this? I’m not exactly that much taller than you. I could… maybe… try and lift you up to reach it, or something…”
Patton gasped, his eyes lighting up, “That’s perfect!” He grabbed Virgil’s arms and tugged him closer, “I didn’t even think of that!”
Virgil opened his mouth to ask how else he was supposed to help but thought better of it. He crouched down a little and wrapped his arms tightly around Patton’s legs, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Yup! I’m ready!” Both Patton’s hands were ready on Virgil’s shoulders, in case he needed to steady himself.
Carefully and slowly, Virgil stood, lifting his roommate up in the air. Patton’s grip on his shoulders was tight, but not entirely uncomfortable. It was a bit of a shock that Patton was as light as he was, and that Virgil was as strong as he was. Neither expected this to go so well. Patton, with a moment of hesitation, managed to reach up on top of the bookshelf and feel around for the missing object. The moment his hand came in contact with it, he gasped, “I got it!” He grabbed a hold of it tightly and pulled it close to his chest. At the same pace, Virgil dropped him back to the ground and let him go.
It was only once they’d fully parted that Virgil got a chance to see what it was.
“I’m afraid to ask why that stuffed cat was on top of the bookshelf, but I’m apparently too stupid to keep my mouth shut.” Virgil cocked his head, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Patton blushed and clutched the plush toy tighter, “It was an accident… We were dancing and just, all of a sudden, he went flying…”
“Yeah! Like this!”
Patton started to slow dance, holding the cat’s paw in his hand as though it was his dance partner. He twirled around the room, humming to himself. It was a little silly, but ultimately endearing. At least, it was for a while.
Somehow, a rogue bottle rolled into the space Patton was dancing in and got under his feet. In the moments he was going down, Patton’s eyes widened in fear and he reached out for the closest thing to try and keep himself upright. Unfortunately, the object he grabbed a hold of was not steady enough and both of them fell to the ground. Patton let out a pained squeak and shut his eyes tight as his head hit the floor, the blow only somewhat cushioned by the mess beneath it.
“Owww…” he whined, going to reach up to rub his head. It was stopped by something sorta squishy yet still firm. Patton’s brow furrowed as his hand grasped a hold of whatever it was that was in his way and his eyes opened, only to be met with a familiar pair of eyes underlined with dark eyeshadow. “Virgil…?”
The emo’s face was a deep red as his blush spread across his face. He opened and closed his mouth several times, his eyes darting between Patton’s face and the hand that was curled around his forearm. Eventually, Virgil managed to croak out a few words, though they were no louder than a whisper, “You… you okay?”
Patton muttered a gentle “yeah”, as he seemed to almost forget where he was, staring up into Virgil’s eyes. They seemed to be getting closer, but Patton couldn’t say if he was seeing things or not. They’d eventually get off the floor and have a long chat, but for now, this was fine. The pain was gone too.
Over time, Virgil had done everything he could to make sure anything that was a trip hazard was either removed or given more height. It did mean that the rug they had was now pretty much glued to the floor at the edges and the coffee table was like a mini dining table, but less injuries were far more beneficial.
Virgil was relaxing on the couch, watching some show for the umpteenth time while scrolling through his phone absent-mindedly. In the kitchen, he could hear the sound of the oven and dishwasher – both of which Virgil had been supervising helping with since Patton almost toppled over or walked into them whilst loading them up. Thankfully, they happened on separate occasions, but it was enough to have Virgil’s anxiety going crazy if Patton was alone in the kitchen too long. His roommate was currently in his room, on the phone with his family. It was a calm afternoon, something Virgil needed.
After a while, Patton’s phone call ended and he practically skipped out into the living area, ready to greet his roommate. He’d only gotten so far as to open his mouth, when his foot caught on his other and he went plummeting to the ground.
Thankfully, he’d been close to the couch when his feet got all tangled together.
Patton’s landing was cushioned by Virgil’s hands and his face pretty much ended up directly in the emo’s lap. His cheeks flushed a soft pink as he raised his head to smile up at the man on the couch, “Whoops, sorry about that…” However, Patton didn’t move from the position – other than tucking his legs under himself so he was more comfortable. His head rested back down onto Virgil’s lap and Patton relaxed, one of the hands that had caught him now gently running through his hair.
Virgil let out a playful sigh, “What are we gonna do with you?”
“Hmm, I dunno. Sure you’ll figure it out though.” Patton reached up and interlocked his fingers with Virgil’s free hand, pulling it close enough that he could place a soft kiss upon the metal band.
“You might be a lost cause, but we’ve got plenty of time to find that out…” Virgil’s voice was low as he looked down at the man resting in his lap, a gentle smile tugging at his lips.
Patton was positively giddy with excitement. He’d not been able to stop smiling since the moment he woke up. His day had been absolutely magical, something he’d treasure for years to come. He felt stunning in his gorgeous, tailor-made white dress with flowing long sleeves and soft makeup, all complimented wonderfully by his partner’s darker tastes as they stood side-by-side.
Finally, he was in his partner’s arms, slowly swaying to the music. Nothing over-the-top, no spinning or twirling, no choreography – much to their friends’ dismay and frustration - just a sweet moment for a sweet couple. At least, that was what Patton thought was going to happen.
All of a sudden, his hand was grasped tightly, and three words were whispered into his ear.
“Hold on tight.”
Patton had no time to even ask what that meant before he heard the song change and he was spun out and back in. He could only laugh in surprise, when he caught the playful glint in Virgil’s eyes and they both started to dance with more purpose. It was still far from choreographed, but it didn’t matter to them.
Patton’s smile had widened into a grin as he continued to laugh. Once more, as the end of the song approached, he was spun out and back, but this time he felt his weight tipping backwards. He squealed in shock, reaching up for Virgil with his free hand and grabbing a hold of his shoulder. Patton didn’t even reach the floor, however. Instead, he felt his weight being supported by Virgil’s arm beneath him.
“Gotcha.” Virgil said quietly with a grin. His partner burst into giggles and Virgil returned him upright, wrapping him in a loose hug.
“That wasn’t fair, Virge!” Patton jokingly chastised his new husband as they took their seats at the head table with the rest of their wedding party.
Virgil simply shrugged, “You’d fall at some point today anyway. Why not get a head start?”
“Virgil!” Patton whispers, lightly tapping against his arm with the back of his hand causing them both to smile at each other.
Later, once the speeches had concluded and food had been served, Virgil was looking over to his now-husband. He’d been under strict instruction from Patton’s mother to keep as close to Patton as he could for the duration of the wedding and reception, in order to save him if he tripped over. Not only to avoid him any embarrassment, but also save the pristine white dress from any dirt so the pictures would look good. But, it was bound to happen at some point during the reception. Patton was going to find some way to end up falling over and he would probably scuff the dress up a little bit. Patton would immediately feel so awful about ruining it, even if it could just be dry-cleaned later. So, Virgil had concocted a plan.
He purposefully grabbed his drink with more force than necessary, causing a few drops to spill over the edge and at least one tiny splotch to appear on Patton’s dress. Virgil gasped exaggeratedly in order to grab Patton’s attention, “Oh my god. I’m so sorry, Patton. I spilt my drink on your dress…”
Patton looked down and noticed the little mark, “You didn’t. It’s just a tiny little mark, it’ll be fine!” He cheerily reassured his partner, who shook his head.
“No, no… I really did ruin it. It’s no longer… perfect. I’m so sorry.” Virgil emphasised that it was his fault.
The cogs clicked in place and Patton’s expression slowly turned to one of understanding, “Ohhh…” he breathed out as his smile returned, “Well, it’s still okay. No harm done to either of us, right?” Patton winked unsubtly.
“Yeah, no harm at all.” Virgil pressed a kiss to Patton’s cheek before returning to his food.
Patton couldn’t help but stare at his husband for a moment. This man had gone from fretting and worrying about Patton’s little falls and trips to making sure that Patton wouldn’t be upset with the consequences of a little stumble on their wedding day. It was enough to make him fall all over again, and this fall wasn’t one he’d ever want to pick himself up from.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly  @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette @doces-e--tuga @coloursintheblur @safesandersides @hogwarts-my-love
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terrm9 · 4 years
Home (Ethan X MC)
Words count: 2 700 Warnings: cursing Author’s note: This is my version of events that take place after Ethan and MC (Chiara) leave Louise Ramsey at the rehab centre. It was supposed to be fluffy piece about Ethan taking MC to his place when she says she wants to go home but somehow it got a little bit angsty.
Also, the biggest thanks to everyone that supported me to write this! You guys made my heart swell and I am going to tag you because I am so, so, so thankful you encouraged me. It means a lot to me, really.
———– HOME ———-
“I should thank you more often,” Ethan let out as he leaned back into his seat, turning the engine on.
“I think I could learn to live with that,” Chiara grinned back at him, fastening her seatbelt. “I truly am proud of you Ethan. And I also can’t wait to go home.”
Ethan nodded, his gaze fixed on the road ahead of them. Chiara observed his features, testing her skills by trying to guess what exactly is going on in his head. His knuckles were turning pale by the force he held on steering wheel with, his jaw clenched and his expression forcibly neutral. It didn’t take a genius to see that there was a war of emotions inside of him, just as it didn’t take one to see that he had no intensions to share what was on his mind at the moment.
Knowing better than to push him, Chiara teared her eyes off him and despite trying her hardest to not to, she glanced at the watch at the car’s dashboard.
5:57 PM.
One minute until Sora comes to see what happened.
Chiara can’t help it. She tried, she got rid of every single watch in her apartment, she purposefully doesn’t look at her phone and yet, every single day since the accident, she keeps checking the time, repeating what happened that day.
Locked in the room with Bobby and Danny and Travis and later only with Rafael and then all by herself, all she could do was to stare at the round white watch hanged above the door and memorize the exact time of every single moment that somehow affected that day. No matter how many weeks have passed, no matter how much she tried to persuade herself, as well as everyone else that she was okay now, she kept checking the damn time every day.
“I meant what I said back then, Chiara,” Ethan spoke abruptly, breaking the thoughts occupying her mind. “That I wouldn’t have done that without you. If it wasn’t for you, I would never give Louise a second chance. I would never even try to forgive her.”
“I am not sure that’s exactly a good thing, Ethan. You have felt some way towards her for twenty-five years. You have only known me for almost two years now. I don’t think I should be the one to tell you if you should or shouldn’t forgive, it needs to be your decision. Something this huge cannot be decided on my suggestion of what I would do in the situation.”
“That’s not what I meant,” he shook his head, not tearing his gaze off the road. “It was not your suggestion that made me forgive her. It’s you. Your ability to always be kind. For twenty-five years I was angry. I was so angry with my mother and the thing is, I was proud to be angry at her. I was so proud to feel the anger, to not to look for her like my father did, I felt like caring about where she was or missing her, like that would make me weak. She did us wrong and all she deserved was my anger and hatred, right? And this was not only the case of my mother. Every time in my life someone hurt me I decided all I would ever feel for them again would be anger. Because if I have forgiven them, it would make me weak and they would be able to hurt me again. And then I met you and in you, I met a person that has always been nice to everyone. Even the people who have hurt her, even those who have been rude to her, strangers, a person that, despite my efforts to push her away, despite me being an absolute asshole, has always shown me how much she cared and that she would be there for me,” he gulped and took a deep breath before going on.
“When the leakage happened, I went to see Travis with Dr. Trinh. He never told me anything that could help us and I hated him with every single cell in my body. As I was leaving the room he was in, he asked me to help him with his pain, to increase the morphine dosage. I could see that he was suffering but I was so angry with him that I left him to suffer. It was on our way back to the hospital when it hit me. That if it were you at my place, you would never leave him to suffer, no matter how much hatred you felt. You are everything I have never been, Chiara and only now I know that your kindness, your ability to forgive, that none of it makes you weaker. That you are the strongest person I know. When I asked you what would you do, with Louise I mean, I knew very well that you would give her a second chance. I just needed to hear you say that. To remind me that if I gave her the chance, I wouldn’t be weak.”
Chiara smiled at him lightly and took his free hand into hers, not wanting to burden the lightness that surrounded them with worthless words.
Thirty minutes later, Ethan parked his car in the garage of his building and leaned his head into the seat back, closing his eyes.
“I was thinking about making Thai red curry for dinner, how does that sound to you?” he asked with his eyes still closed.
Chiara was looking at him, her expression both surprised and amused.
When it took her too long to answer, Ethan opened his eyes and turned to her.
“What is it? Do you hate curry?”
“What? No, not at all. I am just, well, surprised you took me here. To your place, I mean.��
Ethan furrowed his brows in utter confusion as he shrugged: “Well you said you wanted to go home so I took you-“
He stopped mid-sentence as he realized what has just happened. Opening and closing his mouth for a few times he was gaining himself some time to form a coherent sentence.
“I am sorry, Chiara. Jesus, I don’t know what I was thinking, I mean, I clearly wasn’t thinking. Of course you meant your place. Chiara I am so sorry, let me just take you there and-“
He was stopped again, this time by Chiara’s lips pressed against his.
You are a fucking idiot, Ramsey, he thought as she kissed him, feeling her grinning. All she wanted was to go home. Her home. The one where she lives. With her roommates. Imbecile.
“Stop apologizing,” she smiled as she broke the kiss. “The curry sounds great.”
They were sitting at the opposite sides of the table, both simply playing with the food on their still half-full plates.
“You’ve hardly even eaten anything,” Chiara pointed out when she noticed Ethan putting his fork down.
“Do you want to compare?” he asked back, gesturing toward her plate.
He didn’t say it to make her feel bad or to push her to finish her meal. Ethan knew Chiara wasn’t doing this on purpose, nor had it anything to do with his cooking abilities. Through the weeks, he’s noticed how drastically has her appetite decreased and how she hasn’t really gotten it back.
With everything going on these past few months, neither of them could actually eat or sleep.
Chiara simply shrugged and noticing the watch at his wrist, she asked: “What time is it, please?”
He watched down and answered: “Half past eight.”
“Precisely half past eight?”
“Precisely thirty-two minutes past eight. Why are you asking?”
8:32 PM.
At 8:37 they came to the room to take Rafael away because he slipped into coma.
At 8:39 Ethan told me that Danny was dead.
“Huh? I am just curious,” she lied and needing to change the topic, she asked another question. “Do you feel somehow lighter now that you got your closure?”
It was Ethan’s turn to shrug – and maybe even to lie.
“I actually do feel lighter. It was something I didn’t know I needed. But I am also scared – I promised Louise to visit her and now I feel like it was a stupid promise. I will hardly be able to see her again anytime soon.”
“I can come with you every time if it would help. Louise already thinks we are good friends.”
“She does?”
“She told me while she was in the hospital. Apparently, that’s what your dad told her.”
Ethan groaned, obviously bothered by the fact that his parents talk about him and Chiara at all.  However, after a while, he simply muttered: “I guess I should give my dad an update, then.”
Chiara laughed loudly at the remark, the first real laugh Ethan’s heard from her all day. Knowing that both of them were finished with their meals, he took the plates back to the kitchen and decided to wash the dishes too while he was there. It gave him some more time to compose himself, to allow himself to simply feel lighter and happier, without the haunting feelings of doubt and fear of being hurt again.
He also felt guilty. Chiara has been through so much and even though she tried to act like she was okay, he knew her. And he could see rather clearly that she was not okay. On those precious nights they’ve spent together, he could hear her screaming from her sleep.
Please, you don’t have to do this.
Not Danny.
Not Bobby.
Just kill me.
Not Raf.
Travis stop!
Just kill me.
No. no, NO!
It could go on like this through the whole night. And here he was, burdening her with his family issues.
“You do realize that you own a dishwasher, right?” she disturbed his thoughts with wide grin on her face, leaning against a doorframe.
“I am sorry, Chiara,” he blurted out before he could even think about it. “I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. I know you have enough on your plate and it was selfish from me to ask you to do this with me.”
She closed the distance between them and gently stopped the water, handing him the dishcloth to dry his hands. After she made sure he was all set, she hugged his waist tightly, resting her head on his chest.
Ethan circled his arms around her petite form and closed his eyes, letting her rose-yasmine perfume rule over his senses, taking him to the place where it could be just the two of them.
Where they could be happy.
Where they wouldn’t be broken.
“I am so happy you dragged me into this. I want to be part of your life and that means all the aspects of it. Let me be there for you, okay?”
“Will you stay for the night?” he whispered into her hair and felt his shoulders relax when he felt her nod.
After taking a quick shower, Ethan entered his bedroom in his grey pajama bottoms and didn’t even try to suppress a smile that found a way onto his mouth when he spotted Chiara sitting on the bed in nothing but his shirt, reading a poetry book she found on his bedside table.
“Come here,” she waved her hand as she closed the book and leaned into the bedframe.
Ethan sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for further instructions and was rather surprised when she pulled him toward her, his head landing in her lap. Immediately, Chiara started to play with Ethan’s hair, massaging his scalp softly.
“I can see that there is something else bothering you, Ethan.”
“There is.”
“Do you want to tell me?”
“I am scared, Chiara,” he whispered.
Chiara simply kept stroking his hair, waiting for him to elaborate his statement.
“What if I am just like her? It makes so much sense now that I see why she left us. I finally know what I have been suspecting - and fearing - all those years. That I am the picture of my dear mother.”
“How do you mean that?”
“I have always hated her for leaving us, for running away, when really, I am doing the same thing every time life gets hard. When Naveen was dying and I thought he wouldn’t be saved, I left Edenbrook. When Dolores died, I stormed out of the waiting room when you reached out to me. After your trial when it became clear that we would be working together again, I left to Brazil. And all those times I kept telling myself that it was better for the others, that I was doing it for the hospital, for Naveen, for you, when really, all I was doing was running away like a fucking coward I was. All those years I blamed my mother for hurting us and now I am doing the same to the people I care about. What if I can never change? What if I am destined to be the same failure she was? What if I hurt you again?”
There was a long silence.
Ethan hugged Chiara’s waist and closed his eyes, scared that she realized that he was right and would leave him now.
Chiara’s eyes were filled with tears as she pressed her lips on Ethan’s head, her heart broken for the man with the biggest heart, only to have it filled with so much hatred and doubt toward himself.
“If there’s something you are destined for, Ethan, it’s all the great, beautiful things in this world. And you deserve someone to show you how worthy of love you are. I will be here with you tonight, okay? Try to sleep. I am not going anywhere. Not now, not ever.”
He simply nodded, the words stuck in his throat. As if there were any words that could ever describe the way he felt with Chiara.
After she was sure that Ethan was deeply in his sleep, Chiara gently untangled herself from his grip and headed back to the living room, where she left her phone. She knew that Sienna was on her night shift tonight and so she needed to text her.
It became their ritual through these past weeks, checking on each other on the nights they didn’t spend together.
Chiara knew that, just like herself, Sienna was far from okay. She knew they were both trying their hardest to act normal and she also knew that they were both failing miserably. But Chiara had Ethan looking out for her.
Sienna had no one.
There were nights when they would sleep together in Chiara’s room, crying, talking about Danny and how much Sienna missed him, hugging each other until the sleep found them. And when they couldn’t be together, they would text each other to make sure that the other one was as alright as she possibly could be.
After returning back to the bed, Chiara found Ethan sleeping on his side, his back turned to her. Trying to adjust her little body behind him so that she could be the big spoon for tonight – which was ironic really, as she could never be anything big compared to Ethan – she wrapped her hand around his torso and after making sure that his breaths were slow and steady and therefore he was asleep, she said the words she wanted to tell him for a long time but never did, afraid of scaring him.
“I love you.”
After that, she closed her eyes and not even a minute later, she drifted off.
Ethan felt her small, warm arm as she wrapped it around his body, but decided to pretend to be asleep, not wanting to ruin the moment and also her attempt to somehow surround him completely.
His whole body stiffed at her words and it took him all the willpower he had to not to turn around and look at her. Only when he heard her soft snores indicating that she was asleep, he enlaced his fingers with hers on his chest as he whispered:
“And I you.”
Once again, THANK YOU GUYS: @queencarb @perriewinklenerdie @starrystarrytrouble @the-pale-goddess @catchinglikekerosene @udishaman @messrprongs
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southsidewrites · 4 years
A Little More || Azumane Asahi x Reader
“I can’t take your bed,” Asahi argued, looking affronted that you even considered the possibility. “You’re doing me a favor, and the least I can do it let you keep your bed.”
“C’mon, babe,” you said, taking his hand in yours. “There’s no way I’ll sleep well knowing you’re on this garbage couch.”
“And there’s no way I’ll sleep well knowing you’re on this garbage couch,” he argued, giving you a stern look.
You grinned, biting back a laugh as you considered your next suggestion. “Well, it looks like there’s only one solution, then.”
“What’s that?” Asahi’s eyebrows furrowed, your amused look throwing him off.
“We both sleep in the bed.”
Summary: After a text from Noya leaves Asahi sexiled, he comes to your apartment looking for a place to say. And when your boyfriend shows up at your door at midnight asking to spend the night with you, you think it might be time to take your relationship to the next level. 
Word Count: ~6k
Author’s Note: My first Haikyuu!! smut. Let me know what you think, and feel free to send in smutty or SFW requests for any of the Karasuno boys!
Cross-posted to A03.
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You woke with a start to the sound of someone knocking on your door. Groaning, you rolled over to check the clock—it was a little after midnight, and you had barely been asleep for an hour. With a yawn, you rolled out of bed, adjusting your big t-shirt, one you had snagged from Asahi, to make sure you were decent. Then, once you determined that you weren’t about to flash anybody, you walked over to the door.
When you pulled it open, you were surprised to see none other than Asahi standing there, dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt with his duffle bag over one shoulder and a backpack over the other like he had just come from practice.
“Asahi, babe, what are you doing here?” you asked, your eyes narrowed in concern. It was unlike your utterly focused and driven boyfriend to be out this late, especially during the volleyball season.
He grabbed the back of his neck awkwardly, his eyes flitting down the hall to make sure no one was around before he answered. “Well, I was over at Daichi’s studying for our English exam Monday, and well—you see—I got a weird text, and…” He trailed off, sighing deeply. “And I’m pretty sure Noya has a girl over.”
Your eyes bugged open, and you had to snap your mouth shut to keep from gaping at him. “Wait, what? We are talking about Nishinoya Yuu, correct? Your delightful, yet awkward roommate that hasn’t so much as gone on a second date in the time I’ve known him?”
Asahi nodded, his eyebrows rising. “Trust me, I was just as surprised as you are.”
“What makes you think he has a girl over?” you asked, finally stepping away from the doorway to wave him into the little studio apartment. “Are you sure it’s not just Tanaka messing with you or something?”
Asahi shook his head as he dropped his bags on the floor and plopped onto the couch. “I’m pretty sure.” He fished his phone out of his pocket, opened the message, and handed it to you. “I can’t think of anything else this text might mean.”
You sat down on the couch next to him and scanned the screen. When you saw the message, your eyes widened.
have some special ;) ;) company over tonight. can u find a place to stay?
“Well, then.” You handed him back the phone, still shaking your head with amazement. “That does seem pretty definitive.”
“At the very least, there’s no way I’m heading back there to find out exactly what he means by special.” Asahi shuddered, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pressing a soft kiss into your temple. “So, I—um—totally feel free to say no, especially if this is too forward, but I really do need a place to sleep tonight, and—”
“Of course, you can stay with me, babe.” You cuddled in closer to him, wrapping your arm around his waist and pressing a reassuring kiss into his cheek. “You can totally even take the bed—you’re way too damn tall to fit on this couch, not to mention how sore you’ll be at practice tomorrow.”
“I can’t take your bed,” Asahi argued, looking affronted that you even considered the possibility. “You’re doing me a favor, and the least I can do it let you keep your bed.”
“C’mon, babe,” you said, taking his hand in yours. “There’s no way I’ll sleep well knowing you’re on this garbage couch.”
“And there’s no way I’ll sleep well knowing you’re on this garbage couch,” he argued, giving you a stern look.
You grinned, biting back a laugh as you considered your next suggestion. “Well, it looks like there’s only one solution, then.”
“What’s that?” Asahi’s eyebrows furrowed, your amused look throwing him off.
“We both sleep in the bed.”
For a moment, he was silent, Asahi’s expression caught somewhere between quizzical and flustered. Then, his face flushed with a deep blush. “I—um—we don’t have to—I can find somewhere else—Daichi—”
“Babe, breathe.” You rested a hand on his shoulder, running your thumb across his stubbled jaw. “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but I just thought I’d throw it out there. I mean, we have been dating for a few months now, and nothing has to happen. It’d just be more comfortable. And I know you’re a killer cuddler,” you added on, poking him in the side teasingly.
He let out a slow breath, his eyes fixed on your face as his mind raced. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “Of course, I want to, but there’s a lot I’ve wanted to do with you that also scares the shit out of me, and—”
“Wait, pause.” Your eyebrows perked up as you registered what he had said. Was this the closest your shy, inexperienced boyfriend had ever come to admitting he wanted a more physical relationship. “Asahi, are you saying that there’s something else you’ve been wanting to do with me?”
At that, his face flushed an even deeper shade of red, and he fell backward on the couch with a groan, unable to even make eye contact with you. “Could I be any more awkward?” he muttered. “Most guys our age have no issues with this stuff, and here I am fumbling around the idea of being in the same bed as you like a teenager.”
“Aw, babe, don’t beat yourself up.” Shoving him over slightly, you lay down next to him, cuddling into his chest and pressing a soft kiss into his cheek. “I love you, awkwardness and all. And anyways,” you teased, your lips curving into a mischievous smirk, “I bet you would have been even more awkward if a girl invited you into her bed back in high school.”
Asahi rolled his eyes at that before looking down at you with a fond smile. “I love you, too.”
“Good—now, are you going to dick me down tonight or what?”
“Babe! You can’t just say things like that!” he exclaimed, turning the brightest shade of red you had ever seen as you broke down laughing. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“I’m sorry,” you laughed, trying to pull him in for a hug. “I just couldn’t help myself!”
Shaking his head, he climbed off the couch and walked toward the bathroom. “I’m going to the bathroom, and I’m not coming out until you stop being a brat.”
“But does this mean you’ll share the bed with me?” you called, trying to stop laughing. “Or should I pull out the couch?”
“Don’t set up the dang couch,” he replied, waving you off as he closed the door behind him.
You smiled to yourself as he closed the door—for all his confidence on the volleyball court, Asahi really did get flustered easily when it came to your relationship. Because of it, you had always been the one to initiate all the firsts—first date, first kiss, first slightly-more-than-a-kiss-but-everyone’s-still-fully-dressed makeout, you name it.
You absolutely didn’t mind, though. Unlike with other guys, you were never nervous around Asahi, never worried that he was judging you for being too forward. The guy clearly cared about you being comfortable more than anything, and the two of you had been happy to take it slow and just get to know each other instead of rushing into anything.
Of course, that didn’t stop you from teasing him every now and then. Sometimes, it was just too easy, and that blush was just too cute. Not to mention, you could almost always get him out of his head a little by making him laugh.
 In the bathroom, Asahi’s heart was racing. That was the closest he’d come to admitting that he was interested in taking your relationship to the next level, and it had slipped out on accident. Of all things to say on accident, he said that? God, he didn’t know what got into him sometimes, but the way you were looking at him, with that smile and that adorable laugh, and—
Shaking his head, Asahi splashed some cold water on his face. The colder, the better, really, because your comment about him dicking you down was having certain effects on his body that he’d really rather not deal with while hiding away in your bathroom like a giant freak. The last thing he needed was to have to deal with that on top of his raging emotions.
Sighing, Asahi looked down at what he was wearing—it was a whole lot more than he’d usually wear to bed, but there was no way he was going to start taking clothes off after making everything so awkward. He’d just have to deal with it tonight—the more layers of fabric between him and you, the better. It was bad enough that all you had on were those ridiculously short shorts and his t-shirt, like you were trying to seduce him just by existing and looking so damn good.
Finally, after what was certainly too long, Asahi felt like he had some sort of grasp on his turbulent emotions, not to mention his raging hormones, so he reached for the door. When he got back into the bedroom, you had flipped off the overhead lights, leaving just a lamp on for him to navigate. You had also crawled into bed and were sitting under the covers reading something on your phone.
You looked so good in the dim glow of the light, your face scrunched up cutely as you tried to make out the small print on the screen. Asahi felt his heart rate start to slow as he watched you—deep down, he knew he had no reason to be nervous, especially when it came to you. Sure, you took a sick pleasure in teasing him, but you had never been anything other than kind and patient when it really mattered.
His nerves fading, Asahi pulled off his sweatshirt, leaving him in t-shirt and sweats, and climbed onto the bed.
 You held up the covers for Asahi, giving him room to climb in next to you. Immediately, you wrapped your arm around him, snuggling in close and using his chest as a pillow.
“I promise I’ll give you space to sleep in a second,” you murmured, letting your eyes drift shut. “You’re just too cuddle-able for me not to take advantage of this.”
He chuckled, kissing the top of your head and wrapping his arm around you to hold you close. “You can cuddle me as much as you want.” With his free hand, he started playing with your hair, breathing in the sweet smell of your shampoo with a contented sigh.
“Is that a promise?” you asked, looking up at him with a smile. “Because you do know that I’m just grabby enough to take advantage of it, right?”
“Man, I can’t give you anything, can I?” he chuckled. “How about this—you can cuddle me all you want when we’re alone in your bed.”
“Are you saying we won’t always be alone in my bed?” you teased, waggling your eyebrows suggestively.
“You’re hopeless,” Asahi sighed, tipping his head back with an amused smile. Lightly, he tickled your side, earning an annoyed whine as you pressed in even closer to him.
“Maybe,” you conceded, closing your eyes again. “But you still love me.”
“More than anyone in the world,” he agreed softly. He was silent for a moment, praying that you couldn’t hear just how much his heart had started racing as he considered his next words. “Which is why—um—well, I was wondering if you wantedtohavesextonight?”
His last few words ran together in a blur, and you shot upright, your eyes flying open to look down at him. “Did you just ask what I think you did?”
Asahi’s eyes widened like he had surprised himself with the question. “That depends,” he drawled, gazing at you with one of the softest looks you had ever seen, “what’s your answer?”
You gaped at him, amazed that he even had to ask. “Of course, I want to have sex with you, babe. That is, if you want to—I know you haven’t before, and I don’t want you to feel rushed or pressured or anything like that. You know I’m happy to wait if that’s—”
“Now who’s the one rambling?” he teased, cutting you off with a quick peck on the lips. “I’ve actually kind of been thinking about it for a while, you know. Like you said, we’ve been together for a while now, and I trust you more than anyone, so…” he trailed off, smiling softly up at you. “I want to do this with you.”
You smiled, his words making your entire body feel warm and fuzzy. “I want to do this with you too, Asahi.” Leaning in, you cupped his face in your hands and kissed him, letting your body rest against his. For a moment, you just let yourself get lost in the kiss, relishing the feeling of his lips against yours and his arms around your waist. Then, you pulled back, still running your fingertips through his now-messy hair. “Babe, I feel like I already know the answer to this, but do you have a condom?”
Asahi’s face went bright red, and he laughed nervously, his eyes flicking away from yours. “Actually, you see, Tanaka may have slipped some in my bag as a joke a while back, and I may have held on to them just in case.”
Your jaw fell open. “Are you telling me you’ve been carrying around a box of condoms all this time?”
“Just a small one!” he argued, laughing. “And apparently, it was a good idea.”
Sitting up, you shook your head in amazement. “Azumane Asahi, I can’t believe you’ve been ready for this all this time. Here I am, taking it slow, making sure I don’t rush you even though I’ve wanted to climb you like a tree since I first met you, and you’ve been secretly ready to bang me for god knows how long.”
Rolling his eyes, he sat up and pulled you close for another kiss, his touch so impossibly gentle for such a strong person. “I don’t know why I put up with you,” he murmured, sliding his hand under the loose material of your t-shirt to rest on your lower back. “I could totally find a new girlfriend who didn’t give me so much shit, you know.”
You grinned, pulling the hair tie out of his nearly-ruined bun. “But you don’t want to.”
“Not in the slightest.” In one motion, he tugged you onto his lap, lifting you up like you didn’t weigh a thing to resume kissing you. You tipped your head back as his lips trailed down your neck, nipping ever so lightly at the sensitive skin there. His hand slid down to your shoulder, pushing the loose t-shirt down slightly to reveal more skin to his ministrations.
“Shit, Asahi,” you breathed, electricity already sparking through your skin at his touch. “Do you want me to take my shirt off?”
“You mean my shirt?” he asked with a smirk.
“I mean, yeah, I’d like you to take your shirt off, too.” You grinned, kissing him lightly on the jaw.
He rolled his eyes and released you, pulling off his shirt in one fluid motion that sent a shot of pleasure straight to your core. It wasn’t often that you got to see your boyfriend shirtless—occasional trips to the beach, the handful of times he had to change his jersey mid-game—and it almost made you forget just how ridiculously sexy he was.
Asahi was all muscle—years of playing volleyball meant that he wasn’t just tall, he was ripped. Broad shoulders, biceps nearly the size of your head, and abs that you wanted nothing more than to lick. Throw in his long hair and warm brown eyes, he looked like he belonged on the cover of a steamy romance novel.
And he was all yours.
Immediately forgetting that you were supposed to be taking off your shirt, you shoved him back on the bed to put your lips anywhere you could reach. Asahi laughed, but it was quickly cut off by a moan as you settled in place on top of him, his growing hardness directly below you.
“Wow,” he breathed, tipping his head back into the pillows to allow you better access. “Who knew this would be that easy?”
“I think you’re spending too much time with me,” you muttered, rolling your hips into his and earning a low moan. “My sense of humor is rubbing off.”
He ran his hands up your shirt, sliding his palms along your hot, soft skin, but stopping as soon as he reached your ribcage, just below your breasts. “Whatever happened to taking this off?”
“Why, of course.” Grinning, you grabbed the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it. Asahi’s pupils were blown wide as he watched you, his grip on your ribs tightening with every inch of skin that you revealed. You almost felt a little cruel teasing him like that, but he was clearly too entranced to be annoyed.
As soon as your shirt was over your head, you tossed it aside, dropping your hands back to Asahi’s shoulders. For a breath, he was still, simply taking in the absolutely stunning sight of you shirtless on top of him. Then, he sat up, his lips finding their way to your nipple as his hand cupped your other breast.
“Shit,” he murmured, barely pulling back to breathe. “You’re so gorgeous, babe, so perfect.”
You bit back a moan, tossing your head back as you laced your fingers through his hair. For a guy that didn’t have much experience with women, he was sure doing a good job making your entire body tense with anticipation. “Keep going, Asahi—that’s so good, baby.”
He switched nipples, laving equal attention to the other one as his hips jerked into yours. His sweatpants were almost unbearably tight now, his erection straining against the restrictive material. “Just tell me what to do,” he breathed, pushing his hair off his forehead to look at you. “I want to make you feel good.”
“Don’t worry, babe,” you sighed, catching his lips in a heated kiss. “Because I am feeling really, really good.”
He chuckled, his big hand sliding up your back to press your chests together.  In one, fluid motion, he rolled you over, holding himself up over you so that his body was just barely pressed into yours. “I mean it. Just because it’s my first time doesn’t mean I get to be selfish about it—I’m not going to enjoy myself in the slightest if you aren’t.”
“Azumane Asahi, you are too good for this world,” you mused, cupping his jaw to pull him close for a kiss. “Really, though, I can assure you that I will be having an amazing time the second you get your pants off.” Slowly, you trailed your hand down his chest, lightly dragging your nails down his smooth skin until you reached the waistband of his pants. “And don’t be afraid to tell me if you want to stop or slow down. I’m not going to be offended or take it personally.”
Nodding, he kissed your forehead. “Thank you.”
You gripped his waistband tightly. “So, does that mean I can take your pants off now?”
“Patience is not your strong suit, you know,” he laughed, sitting up to yank his pants off and toss them aside
“Not when my incredibly sexy boyfriend is half-naked on top of me, no.” You grabbed his hips, pulling him back down between your legs. Now that he was free of the sweatpants, you could see just how impressive the tent in his boxers was. You wrapped your legs around his hips, desperate to get any friction against your aching core.
“I think it’s your turn to take your shorts off,” he breathed, biting his lip to hold back a groan. He was pressing rough, sloppy kisses into your neck, his usual self-control fading quickly.
“How about you take my shorts off,” you whispered, your lips hovering just below his ear. “And maybe my panties, too?”
Asahi swallowed hard, his hips stuttering into you. “I can do that.” Gently, he lowered you back onto the bed, his hands moving quickly to your hips to graze the waistband of your shorts. He gave you a soft, steadying kiss, and you could feel his heart racing in his chest.
You weren’t even all that nervous, but you felt the same way, the anticipation of him being inside you making your heart go a million miles an hour. “That’s it, babe.”
He nodded, looping his fingers under the material to tug it down your legs. As soon as he saw you, completely naked beneath him, his breath caught in his throat. He licked his lips, his mouth going dry as he stared. His big hand was resting on your thigh, his fingers twitching like he wanted to explore further. “Can I—”
Slowly, you parted your legs, bending your knees so that he was kneeling between them. “Touch me, Asahi.”
His touch was gentle, but determined as he slid his hand up your leg. When he reached the apex of your thighs, he paused for the briefest second before dipping two fingers between your folds. He let out a rough breath, shocked by just how wet and warm you were, just how tight your entrance felt as he ran the tip of his finger over it. Silently, he wondered how the heck he was supposed to fit.
You gasped with pleasure, his touch like electricity. It had been so long since anyone had touched you like that, and now it was Asahi, a man you loved more than anyone else. “Fuck, yes, babe.”
Cautiously, he applied a little more force, dragging his fingers up to nudge your clit. You let out a strangled moan, and he pulled back, a look of concern crossing his face. “Was that okay?”
“Very okay,” you said hurriedly, grabbing his wrist to direct his hand back to your core. “Like, the best—definitely keep touching me there.”
Laughing, he relaxed, leaning in to kiss you as his hand returned to you. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Asahi.” Slowly, you trailed your hand down his side, coming to a stop on his hip, your fingertips barely grazing his boxers. “Now, how do you feel about taking your boxers off and grabbing that condom?”
He nodded enthusiastically, nearly flying off the bed to rifle through his duffle bag. You laughed, lowering your hand to your core, stroking your clit lazily while you waited. Not that you needed the extra stimulation—just watching Asahi, the way his back muscles flexed smoothly as he dug through the bag, was enough to keep you on the edge of orgasm. At the rate you were going, Asahi wouldn’t have to worry one bit about making you come.
When he got back to the bed, Asahi had the little foil package in hand, his other hand gripping the waistband of his boxers. For a moment, he looked nervous again, but then you caught his gaze with your own, and he nodded, his lips curving into a small smile. Slowly, he pulled the boxers off, his erection springing free.
Your mouth practically watered at the sight of him totally naked in front of you. He was an absolute Greek god, every muscle perfectly defined and a perfect cock to match.
“I need you inside me now,” you said, the words escaping your lips before you even had a chance to consider them.
Asahi moved faster than you’d ever seen, suddenly on the bed between your legs, fumbling with the condom wrapper. “Goddamn package,” he muttered, unable to get a grip on it.
“Let me.” You took the package from him, ripping it open neatly. Emboldened by his confidence, you reached for his cock, sliding the condom on. Biting back a moan, you stroked his cock, amazed by just how big it felt in your hand, how good it would feel inside you.
“Oh god,” he gasped, thrusting into your hand. “Holy shit, babe, that’s—wow—I—” He cut off with a moan as you teased the head of his cock.
“Asahi, babe,” you said, stroking him at a slow, steady pace. “Don’t let this make you nervous or anything, but I think I need some lube. You’re just kind of really big, and I want to make sure this goes as smooth as possible.”
“Of my god, of course, absolutely,” he said, quickly forcing himself to focus on anything but the feeling of your hand around his length so that he didn’t come before he even got inside you. “Anything you need.”
You jerked your head toward the nightstand next to your bed. “Top drawer.”
He nodded, reluctantly pulling himself away from you to reach for it. When he had the little bottle, he held it out to you. “What can I do?”
“Just relax,” you said, getting to work covering his cock with lube. It’s not that you weren’t wet enough—that was definitely not a problem. You just wanted to be extra careful because the last thing you wanted was for Asahi to get nervous about making you uncomfortable.
Once you had everything ready, you set the bottle aside and nodded. “You ready?”
Nodding, he lowered his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. “I love you,” he murmured, the words like a prayer on his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Asahi.” Gripping his cock, you guided him toward you, nudging the head against your entrance. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Asahi started pushing in slowly, his jaw clenching as he fought back a moan. “Fuck, babe—you feel so good, oh my god, you—” He moaned, dropping his head down to your shoulder to press hot kisses into your neck. His grip was tight on your hips, holding you firmly in place on the bed as he pushed into you. Everything seemed to be exploding as he pressed into you—his whole body on fire with the most intense pleasure he’d ever felt.
The stretch was absolutely perfect, and it took all the self-control you had not to start thrusting back, desperate to feel every inch of him deep inside you. “Yes, Asahi,” you panted. “Yes, keep going, that’s perfect.”
His breath was hot against your neck as he thrust the rest of the way in, your hips snapping together. He seemed to be at a loss for words, instead using his mouth to kiss every inch of skin he could reach, his kisses hot and desperate and needy. It didn’t take long for him to start moving, almost immediately finding an easy rhythm—he was an athlete, after all, and he knew how to use his body.
Waves of pleasure pulsed through you, desire surging through your body with every thrust. You clung to him, your nails digging into his back, and you started thrusting back, rocking your hips up to meet his. He felt absolutely amazing, his cock stretching you in all the right ways with every thrust.
“You’re so perfect,” he murmured, his voice low and rough. “You feel so good, babe, so fucking good.”
You could feel your orgasm coming on quickly, so you lowered your hand to your clit, circling it with your fingertips in just the right way to make your head spin. Your other hand was clinging to Asahi’s hair, holding his mouth to yours for a hungry kiss. Both of you were nearing the edge, your thrusts getting sloppy and rushed, your moans getting less and less coherent.
“Fuck, Asahi, I’m coming,” you gasped, tipping your head back as the orgasm ripped through your body. “Keep going, babe, keep—” You moaned, forgetting how to speak as pleasure rocked through you.
Asahi moaned your name, his mind blank of everything but how good you felt, how good you were making him feel. Then, your orgasm hit, and the sensations put him over the edge. He hadn’t thought you could get any tighter, that you could feel any better around him, but he was wrong. As you clamped down on him, he let out a breathless moan, his hips stuttering as he lost control of his movements.
It was only on instinct that he managed to keep thrusting, chasing his orgasm. When it hit, he had to bite back a shout, his mind going blank of anything but pure sensation as he finished.
His arms nearly gave out, and you guided him back onto the bed with a laugh, making sure he didn’t crush you beneath him. Immediately, you wrapped your body around his, too clingy to give him even a hair of space after that amazing orgasm.
“That was so good, Asahi.”
“Mhm,” he replied, his eyes still shut as his chest heaved. His face and chest were flushed, his hair sticking to his face, and his lips parted to catch his breath.
Brushing the sweaty locks off his forehead, you pressed a soft kiss into his temple. “Let me go grab some water.” You rolled over to climb out of bed, but his strong arm was tight around you before you had the chance.
“Nope,” he said, his lips quirking into a faint smile. “I’m not ready to let go of you just yet.”
“But babe, we need to hydrate,” you teased, tickling him in the side. “Daichi would kill me if I returned you to practice both sleep-deprived and dehydrated tomorrow.”
“Screw Daichi.” He rolled onto his side to face you. “That was worth whatever shit he gives me for being tired tomorrow.”
You laughed, snuggling in close for a kiss. “Either way, I’m going to run to the bathroom and grab some water—you may not be thirsty, but I am.” You rolled out of bed with a stretch, pleased with the slight soreness in your legs from his strong hands holding them apart.
Already missing being in bed with Asahi, you made quick work of cleaning yourself up and grabbing drinks. By the time you got back to the bed, he was already sitting up against the headboard with his boxers on, phone in hand as he texted someone.
“Who’s that?” you asked, grabbing a fresh pair of panties and fishing your shirt off the floor.
“No one,” he replied. “I was looking to see if Noya sent anything else, but no luck.”
“As if I’d let you out of my bed tonight anyways,” you scoffed, climbing into bed with him and pulling the covers over you. “No way you’re leaving after that.”
“Who said anything about leaving?” he replied, leaning over to click off the light next to the bed. “I just wanted to make sure the girl Noya had over wasn’t a serial killer or something—his judgment when it comes to women is sketchy at best.”
You laughed, letting your eyes drift shut as you listened to the steady beat of Asahi’s heart. “I bet Noya could take a serial killer—he’s kind of scrappy, you know.”
Asahi laughed, the bed shaking slightly beneath him. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said that. he’d be very pleased to know you think he could take a serial killer.”
“Don’t boost his ego too much,” you said, biting back a yawn. “It’s not good for him.”
“You got it, babe.” He kissed the top of your head. “See you in the morning, beautiful.”
“See you in the morning.”
As always, Asahi was one of the first to practice after the freshman, and he felt the lack of sleep immediately. Between getting to your place late and staying up even later, he had only gotten about five hours of sleep, much less than his usual eight. It had been downright painful getting out of bed while you got to sleep in, your hair fanned out on the pillow, your legs still tangled with his.
He had half a mind to call Daichi and say he was sick. Noya would see right through it, though, and the absolute last thing he needed was Noya knowing what he’d been up to the night before. He had already spent a good fifteen minutes standing in front of your bathroom mirror checking for hickies—luckily, the only noticeable one was near his collarbone, low enough that his practice jersey would cover it easily.
“Morning, man!” Tanaka called, slapping Asahi on the back and snapping him out of his drowsy daze. “How was your night?”
Asahi’s eyes narrowed. Tanaka wasn’t usually one to check in on how his teammates slept—that was more of a Suga move, if anyone. Unless, of course, Noya had texted him, too, but that didn’t make sense, either. If he knew Noya had a girl over, Tanaka would be harassing him.
“What do you mean?” Asahi asked, doing his best to stifle a yawn.
“Well, uh, with the whole sexiled thing,” he said, dropping his voice, his eyes flitting back and forth even more chaotically than usual. “Did you find a place to stay and all?”
Asahi nodded skeptically—something in Tanaka’s tone was definitely off, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint what.
As if on cue, Noya came strolling in, a wide smile on his face. “Good morning, everyone!” he called, his voice echoing through the mostly empty gym. “I hope everyone slept well last night.” He shot Asahi an exaggerated wink.
Asahi’s brows furrowed. Something was definitely up.
“Sorry about that, by the way,” Noya said, joining Asahi to shoulder him jokingly. “Hope you weren’t too put out.”
“Not at all,” Asahi said smoothly. “Daichi actually let me stay with him since we were already studying for English.”
Noya’s jaw dropped open. “Wait, what? That wasn’t—”
“You stayed with Daichi?” Tanaka exclaimed, throwing his hands up. “What the hell man, that was not at all—”
Noya leaped toward Tanaka, slamming a hand over his mouth. He tried to sputter out a response, but nothing managed to form into a coherent sentence.
Asahi nodded, crossing his arms as he looked down at the two shorter men. “I thought so. There was no way you managed to find a girl that quickly and not tell me until the last minute. You two did this on purpose, didn’t you?”
Tanaka snapped his mouth shut, shaking his head slowly. “I can’t say I have any idea what you’re talking about.”
“Me neither,” Noya said hurriedly.
“Really?” Asahi looked between them before fixing his gaze on his roommate. “What was her name?”
“I—uh—” He glanced around nervously, catching sight of the team manager as she walked in. “Kiyoko!”
“Oh god, don’t bring Kiyoko into this,” Tsukishima grumbled. He was stretching nearby, his headphones regrettably having died right in time for him to listen to this nonsense. “Just own up to being an idiot who meddles in your friend’s sex life.”
“Okay fine,” Noya sighed. Then, he looked up at Asahi with a mischievous smirk. “But did it work?”
“There is no way in hell, I’m telling you that,” Asahi replied. He tossed his bag back over his shoulder and headed for the locker room. “I’m going to get changed now.”
“Oi, Daichi!” Tanaka yelled, the captain having walked in at just that moment. “Did Asahi crash with you last night?”
“What?” Daichi blinked a few times, looking confused and only half awake. “No, why would he?”
“Yeah!” Tanaka shouted, immediately high-fiving Noya. “It worked!”
“Yeah, it did!” Noya replied, jumping into the high-five. “Asahi got laid!”
“Wait, Asahi got what?” Hinata exclaimed, hurrying over from where he and Kageyama were running drills. “Asahi, you have to tell—”
Asahi groaned, hurrying into the locker room and slamming the door behind him. Goddamn Noya and his big mouth. He started changing, pulling out his phone to see a text from you.
hated waking up without you this morning. next time you sleep over we’ll have to sleep in and make breakfast or something.
His entire body flushed with heat, and he couldn’t contain his grin as he typed out a response.
How does tonight sound? I’m free after practice.
I’ll be waiting for you in bed ;) 
Thanks for reading! Links for A03, requests, masterlist, and more are in my description or on my blog!
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Karaoke Night (Booboo Stewart x Reader)
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A/n: So I hope you guys like it! I'm currently working on the rest of my requests. I'm probably gonna hold off on the sunset curve one cause I don't know if I'm gonna make that a smut yet. Also I do have a JATP groupchat for 18+ and a tumblr taglist so comment if you wanna be added to any of those!
Requested by: Perksofbeingjune34 (Wattpad)
Warnings: Drinking
I set Jadahs makeup in place smiling at her reaction.
"Thanks y/n! I look great" She grinned.
"I'm so ready for tonight"
"Me too Jadah. We should get going before we miss getting a ride"
"I'm sure Booboo will wait for you" She teased knowing about my small crush on the actor.
"He has to. We're roommates" I stated fixing my eyeliner in the mirror in front of us.
After a long day my uncle Kenny invited the cast and crew to a karaoke night to celebrate none other than the birthday of Jadah Marie who was turning 16. And like any good niece I of course said yes to the invitation being very good friends with the young girl. Fortunately enough, having talent in the makeup department gave me an opportunity to work with uncle Kenny on a lot of amazing projects. Including his current one. Julie and the Phantoms.
I had worked with some of the cast previously including Jadah herself, Cheyenne Jackson, and of course my best friend and roommate Booboo Stewart. Who I had met on the set of the very first Descendants. We've been close ever since. Even renting an apartment together in LA and of course begging my uncle to pair us as roommates here in Vancouver.
I sighed running to the back of the trailer pulling out my gift for Jadah, handing it to the girl.
"Here open it when you get the chance. But we should really get going" I said taking off my jacket showing off the nice dress I had put on for tonight.
"Thanks. You look great. I'm sure you'll catch someone's attention tonight" She spoke wiggling her eyebrows.
"Jadah I did not tell you about my crush for you to tease me all the time. I told you so you could stop accusing me of it"
I playfully rolled my eyes, shutting the door behind us.
"Crush on who?" A familiar voice asked from behind us making my eyes go wide.
"Booboo what are you doing here?" I asked taking in the boys appearance.
A nice navy blue suit paired with a pair of white shoes. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows and white button down opened just enough to show off the gold friendship necklace I got him for his own birthday.
"I waited for you. I promised everyone I'd get you two to Karaoke in one piece. Now answer my question. You have a crush on who?"
"Harry Styles" I replied.
The young girl clearly stifling a laugh from beside me.
"Oh" He replied with a frown.
"Well that's nothing new. We should get going. Don't want the birthday girl to be late" He smiled at Jadah as we made our way towards the parking lot.
The ride to the restaurant wasn't a complete loss. Jadah making the tension in the air float away. Starting off by playing I spy to telling stupid jokes causing laughter to fill the air.
"Okay we're here" Booboo stated as we pulled up to the front of the restaurant. I thanked the valet who opened my door waiting for Jadah and Booboo.
The two each took one side of me as we walked towards the karaoke bar. Immediately spotting the table that was making noise. I giggled as Owen waved us over crazily.
The hostess immediately walking us over.
"Jadah! Y/n!" Madison shouted getting up to hug us.
I smiled sliding into the booth in between Savannah and Booboo.
"You look beautiful sweetheart"
"Thanks uncle Kenny. This place is fancy"
"This place has drinks" Charlie stated holding up a menu"
"Hallelujah to being 21" I announced taking a menu.
"You want something?" I asked the boy beside me.
"Can't I'm driving"
"Right. Ones of us has be responsible"
"And sober enough to carry the other one to her bedroom so she doesn't trip over her own two feet" He teased bumping my shoulder.
"It was one time"
"It was twice actually" Booboo corrected me making me playfully roll my eyes.
"Did I mention you look beautiful by the way?" He spoke getting closer to me.
"Uh no. Thank you though" I shyly smiled looking over the menu.
"Your very welcome. I'm a lucky guy you know?"
"And why is that?"
"Because I'm going home with the prettiest girl here tonight" He whispered in my ear. My cheeks burning brighter than a thousand suns.
"Really? Where is she?" I attempted to joke to calm the blood rushing to my face.
"For your information she's sitting right next to me. You know since were roommates and all"
"Oh right of course" I spoke shaking off the slight tinge in my heart.
The waitress soon made her way over taking down our drinks. I ordered something semi strong knowing I'd need it to get through the night.
I loved the cast. They were amazing really. But they take a lot of energy to keep up with which I don't have on my own. Me or Booboo for that matter which is why instead of going out the two of us enjoyed to stay in and cuddle. Of course having a movie marathon. Usually comedies. Like all close friends do. Right?
"So who's gonna go up first?" Owen asked no one daring to speak up.
"Come on I get a cast full of talented singers and no one wants to sing" My uncle said as yet another person went up on stage.
"Oh can one of you go up there and like serenade me or something" I asked excitedly.
"Booboo your girls talking but I don't see you moving" Savannah said making everyone chuckle.
"Oh Y/n can go!" Madison yelled excitedly.
"No she's can't" I said playing with my fingers.
"Oh you totally could. We don't judge here" Charlie agreed.
"I really can't. I do makeup I don't sing"
"You do you liar. I've heard you when you think you're alone in the makeup trailer. Your amazing"
"I'm not singing Mads"
"Come on it can be my birthday present" Jadah grinned.
"Forget it guys. My own niece hasn't even let me hear her sing" My uncle spoke making me roll my eyes.
"I'm not doing it. There's no way"
"Come on y/n/n" Booboo finally spoke placing a hand on my arm.
I looked up at the man in front of me and back at his hand. He quickly moved it away sending me his signature smile.
"You know you have it in you"
"Let's get her drunk!" Charlie yelled raising his arms in the air making us all laugh.
"Charlie might actually be on the right track" I chuckled.
"I'll get the shots" Booboo spoke slipping out of the booth.
I took my 4th shot beginning to feel the liquid courage take over me.
"Are you drunk enough yet? Owen asked. I giggled nodding my head watching my uncle nod his head in disapproval.
"I brought you guys here to celebrate poor Jadah's birthday and you repay me by getting my niece drunk" Uncle Kenny spoke making me burst out in laughter.
"Your gonna be so proud of me" I laughed pushing Booboo out of the booth and standing up.
I made my way towards the stage with the help of Savannah. Watching as she walked towards the dj leaving me alone with the microphone.
I grinned upon hearing the beginning of a familiar song.
Yeah, everybody's got a thing
But some don't know how to handle it
Always reaching out in vain
Just taking the things not worth having
But don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standing on the side
When you check it out, oh
I sang watching the reaction of the table I was previously sat at. They were shocked as they should be. But the tequila in my system couldn't care less.
They say your style of life's a drag
And that you must go other places
Just don't you feel too bad
When you get fooled by smiling faces
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, baby
'Cause I'll be standing on the side
When you check it out
When you get it off your trip
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, yeah
Come on!
Everybody needs a change
A chance to check out the new
You're the only one to sees
The changes you take yourself through
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Don't you worry 'bout a thing (thing)
Don't you worry 'bout a thing (thing)
Don't you worry 'bout a thing (thing)
Don't you worry 'bout a thing (thing)
Pa-pa-p, pa-pa-pa-pa
Pa-pa-p, pa-pa-pa-pa
Singing at the top of my lungs. I began to dance. Watching the mood of the place change. Everyone beginning to clap along. My eyes landed on the boy I had been crushing on for a while now.
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standing on the side
When you check it out
When you get it off your trip
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standing on the side
When you check it out
Oh, don't you worry
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, mama
'Cause I'll be standing, I'll be standing
When you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
I finished with a bow before making my way back to the table. Taking the shot that sat in front of Charlie.
"Hey!" He yelled.
"That was amazing!" Madison shouted as the whole table began to cheer.
"Thanks guys. It was fun"
"This could be the start of your singing career"
"Thank you but no thank you uncle Kenny. Baby can you get me another shot" I patted Booboos shoulder.
"Did you just call him baby?"
"I meant Booboo" I corrected myself.
"I think you need some rest if your mixing up words" Booboo spoke standing up.
"I-I'm fine" I whispered looking up at him.
"We can rewatch Harry Potter"
"And suddenly I'm ready to go home" I shouted.
"Happy Birthday Jadah" I grinned at the girl.
"Thank you for coming. And my makeup. And my gift. And everything else"
"Your welcome. You deserve it all!" I shouted lifting my arms in the air. Immediately stumbling backwards only to be caught by a pair of arms.
"I'll get her home safely Kenny. Nothing to worry about" He spoke from behind me.
"Thank you. And thanks for coming guys" My uncle spoke as I was led out the place.
"I'm ready for movie night!" I shouted walking out of my bedroom in a pair of sweats and an oversized tee shirt. Booboos shirt to be exact.
"Me too!" He shouted from the kitchen.
"Hogwarts here we come" I spoke sitting down on the couch. Seeing he already had put the disk in.
I watched as he made his way over with a bowl of popcorn at hand.
He placed it on the table laying down on the couch. His head immediately falling onto my lap. I giggled running my fingers through his hair as the opening of the movie started.
We were only 6 minutes in before I glanced down at my lap. There he laid looking so peaceful. So adorable.
I sighed watching as his gaze moved towards me.
The sound of the movie that once filled the room now silent.
"Okay what's up?" He questioned sitting up.
"C-can I sing you something?"
"Like now?"
"Yeah it's a song I wrote"
"You write?"
"Every once in a while. So can I?"
"Of course"
I grinned running to my room pulling out the acoustic guitar inside my closet.
I rushed back outside sitting beside him once more. Biting my lip I began to strum away at the chords.
Your love is bright as ever
Even in the shadows
Baby kiss me
Before they turn the lights out
Your heart is glowing
And I'm crashing into you
Baby kiss me
Before they turn the lights out
Before they turn the lights out
Baby love me lights out
In the darkest night hour (in the darkest night hour)
I'll search through the crowd (I'll search through the crowd)
Your face is all that I see
I'll give you everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out
We don't have forever
Ooh, baby daylight's wasting
You better kiss me
Before our time has run out
Mmm yeah
Nobody sees what we see
They're just hopelessly gazing, oh
Oh, baby take me, me
Before they turn the lights out
Before our time has run out
Baby love me lights out
In the darkest night hour (in the darkest night hour)
I'll search through the crowd (I'll search through the crowd)
Your face is all that I see
I'll give you everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out
I love you like XO
You love me like XO
You kill me boy XO
You love me like XO
All that I see
Give me everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out
In the darkest night hour (in the darkest night hour)
I'll search through the crowd (I'll search through the crowd)
Your face is all that I see
I'll give you everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out
I strung the last chord watching as a small smile played at his lips.
"I-it was about you in case you couldn't tell"
"I was hoping you'd say that" He grinned leaning in.
Our lips met in the middle. Moving together in sync. And for a split second it was like the world had disappeared as his hand moved up to caress my cheek.
I giggled as we pulled away watching his face. His happiness radiate with the same energy as mine.
"I really like you" I admitted feeling that blood rush back to my face from earlier.
"I really like you too y/n/n" He whispered leaning in once more.
Up Next: Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Sunset Curve x Reader (Maybe)
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
I Chose You
Pairing: Daveed x Reader
Request: “hey can i do a request of love triangle between the reader, daveed diggs, and Lin manuel miranda? I don't care who the reader ends up with but i love your writing pieces where LMM or Diggs gets jealous” - @hamilpan
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Slight angst and a mini makeout scene
“Come on Daveed, hurry up. We’re going to be late” I called out to my best friend, who had a tendency to run late. “I’m coming” I heard him call back. A minute later he came running out of his room.
“Are you ready now?” I asked him. He checked his pocket for his phone and then nodded his head. “So who’s party is this again?” I asked Daveed, as we walked out our apartment door.
“My friend Lin, I don’t think you’ve ever met him. But, he said I could bring a plus one and you were the obvious choice” he told me. “I better have been the obvious choice, I’m your best friend” I told him, sassily.
Daveed and I had met in college and really got along right away. I had always kind of had a crush on him. We had moved into an apartment together about a year ago, and every day it got harder to keep it a secret.
We got in Daveed’s car and drove to the party. We arrived and saw there were a bunch of cars parked outside. Daveed knocked on the front door and we waited for someone to answer. Then the door opened and I saw a man standing there, I didn’t recognize him.
“Daveed! I’m so glad you could make it” the guy said, as he hugged Daveed. “I wouldn’t miss it. Lin this is Y/N, Y/N this is Lin” Daveed said, introducing us. “It’s nice to meet you” I said, smiling. “Your girlfriend Y/N, or your friend Y/N?” Lin asked Daveed. “No, we’re just friends and roommates. We met in college” Daveed said. “Good, so the pretty girl isn’t taken” Lin said, smirking.
I felt my cheeks heat up and I felt really awkward. I didn’t know what to say. Daveed seemed a little shaken up by Lin’s comment as well. “Well come in come in” Lin said, breaking the silence.
“I’m going to introduce Y/N to some people, but we’ll catch up with you” Daveed said. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him.
“Hey it’s Daveed” I heard someone say. Daveed pulled me over to a group of people. “How have you been man?” One of the guys asked Daveed. “I’ve been good, I want to introduce you all to someone” Daveed said.
“Everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is Anthony, Jasmine, Oak, Renée, Leslie, and Pippa” Daveed said. “It’s nice to meet you all” I said, politely. “It’s nice to meet you too, your outfit is so pretty by the way” Jasmine said to me. “Oh thank you, that’s really sweet” I said, thanking her. All of Daveed’s friends seemed really nice so far.
“I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back. Will be okay until then?” Daveed asked me, whispering in my ear. “Yeah, I’ll be fine” I told him, and gave him a reassuring nod.
“So Y/N, how did you meet Diggs?” Anthony asked me. “Well we met back in college, I was very late to my first class freshman year. My alarm hadn’t gone off, so I was frantically running to class. Then I bumped into this guy and he spilled his coffee all over me. Turns out that guy was Daveed. He gave me his sweatshirt to wear and cover up the massive coffee stain. Then it turns out we were going to the same class, so we ended up talking and really hit it off” I explained.
“So are you guys dating or what?” Pippa asked me. “No no no, we’re just friends” I said, my face starting to heat up again. “You’re blushing! Do you like him?” Renée asked me.
“No it’s not like that” I said, but I couldn’t say it with a straight face. “You sure about that?” Oak said. “Just don’t bring it up to him” I begged them. “We've got your back” Renée said, smiling. “Well maybe” Anthony said, smirking.
Jasmine hit his arm and gave him a serious look. “We won’t tell him” Jasmine said, but it sounded more like she was telling Anthony and not me. Then I saw Lin heading over towards our group.
He winked at me as he walked over. I just hoped that no one else had seen it. “Hey guys” Lin said, smiling. “Hey Lin, have you met Y/N yet?” Jasmine asked. “Yep, I did have the pleasure of meeting this beauty” Lin said, smirking at me. I couldn’t even look at him, I felt super embarrassed and giddy.
“Woah man, you better be careful. There’s some I unconfessed love between her and Diggs” Anthony said. I glared at him. “Guess I’ll just to have to compete for her affection” Lin said, still smirking
“Oh look it’s Daveed” I said, changing the subject as Daveed walked back over. Daveed stood in between Lin and I. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. “Did I miss anything?” He whispered in my ear.
I felt like I was on cloud nine. Why was Daveed being so touchy all of a sudden? I mean, we were super close friends and were always hugging and whatnot. But this was a new level.
“No, just some small talk” I told him. “You know what would make this party more interesting?” Leslie asked. “Spin the bottle!” Anthony exclaimed, excitedly. “No, I was going to say truth or dare” Leslie clarified.
Everyone in the group muttered some form of agreement. We all grabbed chairs and sat in a circle. Daveed made sure that I was sitting next to him and not Lin. I had Jasmine on my left and Daveed on my right. And to Daveed’s right was Lin.
“Alright Anthony, truth or dare?” Oak asked, starting the game. “Give me a truth, but a good one” Anthony said. “What was your first impression of Jasmine?” Oak asked.
“Not even joking, I remember thinking She’s gorgeous, too bad she probably has a boyfriend” Anthony answered.
“Alright Lin, truth or dare?” Anthony asked Lin. “Dare, I’m not one to shy away from a challenge” Lin said.
“Alright, you have to act out a scene. You’ve just found out that your girlfriend is leaving you for another guy. Y/N is playing your girlfriend. Action!” Anthony said.
I froze and I also saw Daveed kind of freeze up. Lin jumped out of his seat and ran over in front of me. He kneeled in front of me and right away was in character.
“Y/N how could you? After all we’ve been through?” He asked, very emotionally. He grabbed my hands and cried out. “How can you leave me for him? What does Hubert have that I don’t?” He asked me.
I giggled at his name choice and he kept going. “Y/N, my true love, my soulmate, the sun to my shine. How can you leave me?” He cried out.
“Andddd cut” Anthony called out. “Nice job” I said, laughing and giving Lin a high five. “Bravo” Renée said. “Thank you thank you” Lin said, bowing.
“Y/N, you’re up next. Truth or dare?” Lin asked me. “Well I’m the only one here who’s not an actor, so I don’t want to have to do whatever that was. So I’ll pick truth” I said, nervously.
“What is your dream date? In other words, where am I taking you after this party?” Lin said, flirting. I saw Daveed glare at Lin. I ignored the comment and answered the question.
“This probably sounds really lame, but maybe like just staying in. And drawing in coloring books, listening to music, and baking cookies. It’s the simple stuff” I answered, honestly.
“I’m with you girl, those are the best dates” Jasmine said. “In other words, take notes Anthony” Pippa said. “I’ll be back” Daveed said, standing up and leaving the room. He seemed like he was in a bad mood, but I wasn’t sure why.
“Jasmine, you pick someone for me, I’m gonna go check on him” I told her. I heard her asking Pippa as I walked away. I followed Daveed upstairs into a guest bedroom.
“Hey what’s going on?” I asked him, I saw him sitting on the bed. “Oh it’s nothing, how’s your date with Lin going?” He asked, angrily. “Date with Lin? D, what are you talking about?” I asked him. “I’m talking about all the flirting, it’s been nonstop since we showed up. What’s going on with you two?” He asked me.
“Nothing, and even if there was, it’s none of your business. I don’t know why you’re so concerned about this” I told him. “I don’t want you to get hurt” he told me. “Well I’m a big girl, I can handle myself” I told him.
I really didn’t understand why he cared so much. Why was it any of his business?
“I’m not trying to run your life or anything, he just doesn’t feel like your type to me” Daveed said. “What do you know about my type?” I asked him. “I know that it should be me” Daveed said, under his breath.
“You should be my type?” I asked, confused. “Y/N, I like you” he told me. “You like me?” I asked. “Are you just going to repeat everything I say?” Daveed asked, he sounded frustrated. “I’m sorry, I’m just shocked” I said. “Well it’s fine, you don’t have to say anything back. I can tell that you clearly like Lin” Daveed said.
“You don’t know that” I argued. “Oh really? You’ve been staring at him all night, and he clearly is interested in you. He hasn’t made that a secret. And you’ve made no effort to stop his advances” Daveed said, and he sounded really upset.
“What do you want me to do? Yell at him and tell him off. He’s one of your friends, I’m not going to start a fight with him” I explained to Daveed. “Whatever, I’m going home. I figured maybe tonight would be the night I finally asked you out, but it’s clear Lin has ruined that for me” He said, starting to leave.
“News flash, I like you too” I confessed. “What?” He asked me, speechless. He turned and looked back at me and he looked so confused. “Daveed, I like you” I repeated. I walked up to him and held his hands.
“But what about the flirting with Lin?” He asked. “It feels nice to have a guy flirt with you sometimes, and I’ve been dropping hints to you forever and you’ve never noticed. And maybe I wanted to make you jealous, but it’s just because I’ve liked you forever and you never even paid attention” I explained to him.
“I thought you just saw me as a friend” Daveed said, still kind of confused. “Would I do this if I saw you as a friend?” I asked him.
Then I cupped his face and leaned in and kissed him.
Daveed seemed to be in shock, but after a second he kissed me back. It was perfect. I had imagined kissing Daveed a thousand times, but it was better than any of those fantasies.
His lips tasted like the beer he had been drinking. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I felt like a school girl, who was having her first crush.
He placed his hands on my hips. One of his hands slipped under my shirt and massaged my side. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lightly tugged on his hair.
I pulled away for a second to catch my breath, but Daveed didn’t seem satisfied yet. He let me take a breather and started to suck on the side of my neck. I pulled harder on his hair. “Wanted to do this for so long” he mumbled as he kept kissing my neck.
He started to try and pull my shirt off. He got it up to where my stomach was exposed and then the door opened.
We both pulled away quickly and pretended as though nothing had been happening. I saw that Lin was standing stunned in the doorway.
“Oh...uh hey Lin” I said, pretending like this was a normal situation. “Guess I missed my chance” Lin said. “Yep, you sure did. Y/N’s mine. So did you need something?” Daveed asked, sounding frustrated.
“No, I just had some voice in the back of my head that thought maybe Y/N was waiting up here for me. I thought maybe we had something going, but that’s alright. You two seemed to be made for each other. Really you seem to be a good couple” Lin said genuinely, as he left the room.
“So you promise there’s nothing between you two?” Daveed asked me. “Daveed, stop worrying. I chose you. That’s all you need to know” I said, leaning in to kiss him again.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @outcasted-aloy @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @sayweird99 @nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @daveeds-whore @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy @royalstans @elizasfaith @kmsmedine @brunadesuu @roxanne2020 @grandpa-agustd @athenawinchesterx @labellapeaky @lilangeldevil006 @all-time-fanatic
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