#but cassandra as mrs. white is also the other interesting choice
aparticularbandit · 2 years
okay but giving them all characters from the clue movie to represent their characters makes me so happy you don’t even know
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darling-dummy-blogs · 3 years
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"You'll Be Happier..."- Victor Li (Part 2)
Summary: The next morning, Cassandra wakes up and heads off to work. Her mission for the day is to talk with Mia: To find out if Mia has feelings for Victor. Luckily enough, Mia does in fact have feelings for him and talks to Cassie about it, needing advice. She helps her out and even helps set them up on a date.
Paring: Victor Li X F!MC (Mia) + Heartbroken!Cassie (OC) (Who is the matchmaker for them)
Genre: Heavy Angst
Warnings/Tags: Unrequited Love, Soulmate AU, Heartbreak, Panic Attacks, etc.
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 2.6k (The longest I've written in a long time...)
Part 1: HERE
A timeline in which Cassie and Victor are not together but as friends and coworkers. Cassie works under Mia. She comes to find out her friend Victor has feelings for Mia. As well as Mia having feelings for Victor. Setting her feelings aside, she helps them out for the sake of their happiness.
Soulmate AU Idea: Each Other's Names Written on their wrist/palm/etc.
Special Thanks to @times-muse-immemorial for helping me with suggestions as well as listening to me ramble on about how big of an dummy this man is being lol XD
Part 3?
Cassandra's hand came down onto her alarm clock harshly, instantly shutting it off. She let out a groan, she could feel the room spin slightly when she opened her eyes. Her head beginning to throb from being woken up by the alarm and also from crying for god knows how long last night. She rubbed at her sore, puffy eyes as the bright light of the sun shone into her bedroom from the windows. A big contrast to how she was feeling in that moment.
Sitting up, she tried to recollect her thoughts from the previous night. She couldn't even remember what time she fell asleep either which was a little worrisome. Going through her thoughts she remembered; She was woken up at 2A.M, Victor came over..
Oh… Right.
He loves Mia.
He is in love with Mia.
Gosh… She really had hoped that part was a nightmare. But it was only her reality. A reality she was going to have to face one way or another. She knew better than to let jealousy or her resentment fuel her.
What mattered most is that Victor was happy. Even if it meant that it wasn't with her.
She took a deep breath, a fresh batch of tears ready to fall only she refused to let it. She stood up from her bed albeit a little hesitant, the room was still spinning, she walked into her bathroom to get a good look of herself in the mirror;
Her hair was a mess, dark brown strands sticking up in random places, her usual bright blue eyes now dull in color, puffy and red from crying. To top it off there were dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep. It made her wince with how bad she looked, her cheeks tinted bright red, tear tracks stained them making it more obvious that she had been crying a great deal.
"...Make-up won't be able to cover this up," She muttered under her breath, shaking her head.
She let out an irritated sigh as she started her morning routine; seeing as she had a lot of work to do to cover up her misery. She showered, brushed and fixed her hair, washed her face and applied her makeup, trying to cover the circles under her eyes to the best of her abilities.
Once that was done, she left the bathroom and laid out her outfit for the day; a white button up dress shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans and black flats. It was just another day in the office, it wasn't like they were going out to film anything. So she decided to wear something a little more casual and comfortable.
Especially when she had to come up with a plan to figure out how she is going to talk to Mia about Victor. She desperately needed to feel comfortable.
Just the idea of having to discuss this painful topic to her boss about romantic interest in her soulmate made the pounding headache return tenfold, letting out another groan, she made her way out of the bedroom begrudgingly after she finished dressing and into her kitchen, quickly checking her phone to make sure she would have enough time to prepare some coffee.
6:45A.M. Just barely enough time.
Maybe a little caffeine would help lift her spirits and keep her headache at bay? Right?
Caffeine only worsened her mood and the throbbing feeling of her headache was still there if not even more prominent. How she managed to get to work on time, she would never know. All she knows is that she wanted the day to be over fast.
She leaned against the railing once she stepped onto the elevator watching the elevator doors as they were just about to close, she shut her eyes as she calmly awaited her lift up, however a familiar female voice called out to her from the other side,
“Wait, hold the door for me!”
Mia. Crap…
Cassandra immediately opened her eyes, panicking inwardly as Mia practically threw herself through the closing doors, just barely making it into the elevator as she gave her subordinate a clumsy smile.
“Sorry about that, good morning.” She spoke, standing beside Cassie, as the doors finally closed.
Cassie gave her a smile and nod as her greeting, it was all she could muster when her head felt like she got hit with a heavy rock and her eyes still felt puffy which made it difficult to look into any brightly lit places. She leaned her head back against the wall as they quietly made their way up to their office floor.
It was a peaceful ride up.
..Until Mia spoke.
“Rough night? You look very tired…” She looked at Cassie, a bit of concern in her dark eyes.
Dammit… I didn’t want her to see me like this. Of all people to come into this elevator.. It just had to be her. Cassie mentally sighed as she shook her head, giving her a brighter smile. “I’m okay. Just had a bad nightmare. It kept me up all night.”
“Oh no… If you ever need to talk about it, I’m here for you.” She spoke softly, placing a hand on her shoulder, giving her a sweet yet gentle smile. Cassie swallowed hard, tears briefly welling up in her eyes.
She couldn’t even hide her own freaking emotions from the girl who holds the reigns of the heart of the man who was to be her supposed soulmate. Thankfully she was wearing a long sleeve today, hiding the name scarred onto her skin, she gripped onto the sleeve instinctively.
Cassandra looked away from her, sighing, “I appreciate that Mia, really. But it’s just too hard to speak of right now… While I do have your attention, I’d like to ask you something important.” She looked back up at her, giving her a small smile to reassure her worries.
Mia blinked, curious as to what she had to ask of her, “Hm? What is it?”
'Deep breaths Cassie. You can do this…'
'Just bring it up casually, no need to think so hard about it. It’s just a simple question.'
She mentally encouraged herself, after gathering her thoughts into place, “...How do you feel about CEO Victor?,” She blurted out the words she dreaded asking, only to catch Mia off-guard with the impending question.
“V-Victor?” Mia’s cheeks flushed slightly, out of embarrassment or from the thought of him Cassie couldn’t tell. But it didn’t help the unbearable feeling of jealousy stirring within the pit of her stomach. She swallowed hard as she clutched at her sleeve tighter, unbeknownst to Mia.
Who stood deep in thought, trying to find the right words to describe how she felt. She fiddled with her thumbs as she looked down at the ground. Her cheeks flush bright red. Was it that obvious about how she felt?
"..Is it that obvious?" She spoke up, looking at Cassie.
Cassie blinked, eyes wide, "Um… I suppose it was..? I just wanted to know how you felt about him is all,"
Mia sighed as she fully turned her body to face Cassandra, grabbing her hands unexpectedly as she stared at her with a serious expression in her eyes, "I… I'm in love with him. I have been for the past couple of months.. I don't know when or I don't know how it happened but it did." She bit her lower lip.
The only sound Cassie could hear, was the sound of her heart breaking yet again that very morning. She really had hoped that she wouldn't return his feelings. And she hated how selfish that thought made her feel. She strained out a smile, in hopes to hide the pain yet again.
Mia continued however, "I just… I don't know how to tell him. Or when I should tell him. We hardly have enough time together as it is with our busy schedules. And our usual daily meetings always get cut short because he has other meetings that needs his attention." She huffed, recalling a few moments when their time together got interrupted.
Shaking her head, she looked into Cassie's eyes, getting somewhat hopeful as an idea popped into her head, "Do.. Do you think you can help me? I know it's probably too much to ask but.. I don't know what else I can do.."
Cassie let out a shallow breath, as she kept that same smile on her face. "Yeah, I can help. I can set you two up on a date if you'd like."
Her eyes lit up with sparkles, as she squeezed her hands in thanks, "Really?? Oh my gosh, Cassie I would be forever grateful to you if you could. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
Mia quickly pulled her into a tight embrace, making Cassandra gasp from the impact, gently patting her back, a tear slipping down her cheek which she quickly wiped away before Mia could see it.
"N-no problem..!"
Oh thank goodness… Cassie needed to get out of there quickly. Her head was swirling once again and she felt sick to her stomach; a rising panic attack brewing within her ready to knock her down. Mia then let her go, smiling brightly at her.
“Seriously this means so much to me, you have no idea.” She beamed at her while Cassie just nodded, the doors of the elevator finally opened up, Mia turned and skipped out of the elevator, a better pep in her step after their conversation, before speaking to her once more,
“See you in the office!”
Cassie watched her small figure leave, blinking slowly as the build up of tears finally slipped down her face, she rushed out of the elevator making a mad dash to the restroom, locking the door behind her. She let out the sobs that had crept up within her heart, placing a shaking hand over her mouth to silence herself whilst she leaned against the door, sliding down against it. Her breaths came out shallow and quick, as if the air she was breathing was suffocating her. She desperately clutched at her shirt right where her heart was, the sharp pains that kept constricting against her chest wouldn’t seem to go away…
Did she just dig herself into a deeper spiral of sadness?
The answer was yes, yes she did.
Did she do it to cause herself more pain? No, no she did it out of the kindness of her heart. She knew this situation would come down to being in her hands, it was something she could not avoid. It was for his happiness.
His happiness means more to her than her own feelings.
After a few minutes which felt like countless hours of panicking and crying she began fixing herself up, letting out a shaky sigh, she knew she couldn’t stay in this bathroom forever. Her eyes were once again puffy and red, her mascara was smudged and all under her eyes now.
Curses for not wearing waterproof mascara…
She wiped at the mess under her eyes, shaking her head, she leaned against the sink, taking large deep breaths. Just a few more hours, she needed to last a few more hours.
Cassandra braced herself as she pulled the last of her courage together and stepped outside of the bathroom, heading into the office and over to her desk.
Just a few more hours…
Those few hours felt endless. She buried herself into work, trying to clear her mind. However it wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. Her mind kept drifting to the two people she was set on matching. Hearing both of their words running within her mind, it diverted her focus from the piles of paperwork that began to pile up on her desk.
She sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, as she rested her forehead against the cool wood of her desk. Lightly drumming her fingers against it as she mentally pushed away those thoughts; clearing her mind.
Everyone in the office had gone out to lunch, she didn't even realize it was past noon until she looked up at the clock. It read 12:45P.M. She then looked around, seeing the office vacant of any of her coworkers. Even Mia wasn’t around.
Good. She could use the peace and quiet. However it was short lived as a buzzing notification caught her attention. Her phone screen lit up; she received a new message.
She took a deep breath. Eyes glazed over as she read the message.
It was from Victor.
"Did you talk to her yet?"
Of course…
She swiped the message open, hovering her fingers over her keyboard, trying to figure out what to type out. I mean what could she tell him? That the girl of his dreams loves him too?
Yes she could.
Cassie shook her head; a message wouldn't be enough. She opted to call him instead. She needed to get this over with. She felt too tired to let out anymore of her overwhelming emotions.
After a few rings, he answered, "Hello?, Did-"
"Hi. And before you ask me. Yes I got your message. And yes I did talk to her." She spoke a little too sternly.
"...What did she say?" He spoke, taken back by her cold tone. She never spoke to him this way before. Unless something was bothering her..
'Something seemed off…' Victor thought to himself.
"..." She took a deep breath as she spoke firmly, "She feels the same, Victor. She loves you," Her voice came out in a soft whisper. Her eyes began to blur with fresh tears. She cleared her throat, blinking away the tears "I decided to set you two on a date. For tonight."
Any worries he had about Cassie were instantly washed away as relief flooded through him, he let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding in. A smile appeared on his face. After a minute, he spoke up, chuckling slightly, "You didn't have to go as far as to set up a date, Cass. I could have done that."
"Well.. I decided it because Mia wants to be the one to officially tell you how she feels and asked for my help. I feel it was necessary for me to set it up to help her."
"I'm glad. I really appreciate you doing this." His tone softened as he leaned back against his office chair.
"It's the least I could do. After all… What are friends for?" She giggled.
"Regardless, thank you. When and where is this dinner going to be?" He spoke, prepared to cancel any meetings if needed.
"Well I still have to set the reservation but I heard from a few coworkers about a new restaurant that just opened up recently. They say the food is very good." She paused briefly as she tried to recall what her coworkers were talking about earlier. Even though she was working and not paying much attention to her surroundings. She did hear snippets of conversations that grew a bit louder as they all worked.
"I'll send you the address once I set the reservation. I'd say just be ready by 6:30," She spoke, as she began to look up the restaurant on her computer.
He hummed in response, "Sounds like a plan. Thanks again, Cassandra. I'll let you know how things go later."
"Mhm. Sounds good." She smiled slightly, "Have fun, Victor. Bye." She quickly hung up, setting her phone down as she gazed at the computer screen, taking a deep breath .
Time to make the reservation…
The End of Part 2…
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booksoanahasread · 4 years
Wrap Up 2020
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Welcome to my first calendaristic year review of books. I know that normally I just review books and I rarely post anything else, which I find to be the right thing to do, after all this is a blog about books that I’ve read. 
This year, however, I’ve decided to write a post about my year in books, somewhat like what you would find on Goodreads. I want to tell you all about my favourite and least favourite books from this year, but I can’t do a top ten list, I would much rather tell you about some of the books. 
These books are in no particular order, because I find I can’t quite rank books all that well. Here are some of the books that I loved: 
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. 
It’s just a wonderful fantasy book that I fell in love with, especially the fact that it is a matriarchal society. I haven’t read anything quite like it.
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
I’m not sure why I decided to start this series, but I’m glad I did. You can easily fall in love with the characters and fast-paced action. 
Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin 
I devoured this book and you might as well. I adore the enemies to lovers trope and in this novel it is executed brilliantly. 
Scythe by Neal Shusterman
A dystopian future where humans have cured all diseases and it is almost impossible to die. Doesn’t it sound promising? It is one of the most amazing series I’ve read and I hope that next year I’ll get my hands on the last book.
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi 
While the first book was hard to get through, this one was absolutely amazing. I loved the love triangle and subject matter was fascinating. 
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Who doesn’t love a good romance story set in Paris? This book was heart-warming and gripping. It was also the first ebook I read this year. 
Again but Better by Christine Riccio
If you’ve met me in real life, I’ve probably gushed about how good this book is. I loved the author’s style and the way it was structured, I loved the travels described in the book and the life of a student learning abroad. 
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
This was a light read that left me with a smile on my face. I can see why it won a Goodreads choice award in 2019. I loved the representation and the political theme. 
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
I reread this book in December with no clue what actually happened in the novel. I loved this book probably as much as the first time I read it. The depth with which the author portrays the characters is wonderful. 
 Love Her Wild by Atticus
I didn’t read that many poetry books or anthologies this year, but this one is clearly the best. It gives you hope and makes you feel in love, the short poems don’t follow classic structures, therefore it packs a punch. 
Sapiens. A Graphic History. The Birth of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen, Daniel Casanave
This is easily one of the best nonfiction books I’ve ever read. It is very informative but also entertaining and I loved it. 
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
This series was incredibly heart-warming, easy-to-read, and enjoyable. I really hope more people read these books because they are phenomenal and adorable. 
 The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
This was one of the most fascinating books of the year, even though it was quite short. I loved the whole premise of the portrait that changed due to the sins that Dorian committed. 
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
This was a reread and I finally gave this book a fair shot. I ended up changing my opinion and falling in love with Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. I loved Jane Austen’s sarcastic tone in the book, it was incredible. 
 Hamlet by William Shakespeare
How can you possibly forget this story? It is haunting but also hilarious at the same time. Although it is a tragedy, the play has many moments where the audience can laugh. I found the whole premise interesting and the fact that the main character being kidnapped by pirates was a minor aspect of it made the novel all the more ingenious. 
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
I found the point of view from which it is told rather odd, but otherwise this is a solid book that should be read. The way it talks about racism in America is compelling and the intrigue with Bo is also fun. 
 Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
I found this book to be absolutely riveting. The unreliable narrator was incredible and the way you piece together slowly, but surely what the past was truly like was unrivalled. 
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
I was supposed to go to Paris this year with my family and because of the pandemic we had to cancel. Although, reading this book did make me feel as if I were there, it had magically transported me across the continent and I loved it. 
 A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
I loved the whole premise of multiple Londons that are linked together. The magical system was wonderful and I loved reading this series so much. The characters are lovable and relatable. 
The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman 
This is a love letter to books and I adored it. I still think about it. The worlds that we are introduced to are astonishing and the action is impressive.
On the other side of the spectrum, here are some books I couldn’t quite stand, without describing them: 
It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover
The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Twisted Palace by Erin Watt
My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan 
Reflecting on this year is something that is necessary before 2021 comes. I read eighty books, some I loved and some I hated. I hope that by this time next year, I will have read fifty books and loved a lot of them. 
Dear reader, I hope you’ve had a year with as many moments of joy as possible. I hope that you’ve read books that have made you feel so much more than bored. I hope that you fell in love with at least one book. Thank you so much for reading my reviews this year and I hope they helped you a little, or at least entertained you. We will see each other in the new year, where I hope we read as many books as possible. 
Sending love to all of you!
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christwei · 4 years
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Did you guys found out that some of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical elements is very similar to Pixar Animations? So I wanted to do those design to mashup his musical numbers and the Pixar films together. And here’s the first one: Toy Story movies mashup with CATS and named simple “TOYS”. Fun Fact: Remember that it was Buttercup’s idea for doing “CATS” in “Toy Story 3” Credits Scene. There will be Pixar Easter Eggs, such as Pizza Planet Truck (appears in “Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Toys”) and A113 (Wheezy’s locker number). List of character mashups with 1998 musical version and 2019 movie version: Bo Peep as Victoria (2019) A tough and brave porcelain shepherdess doll who have a good dancing talent, but only put as a display on a lamp, and waiting for a child to play with her. Bo Peep sports a pink bow in her hair, and wears a white undergarments. She also have a shepherd’s crook as her weapon. After she got “abandoned” and became a lost toy, Bo Peep met a group of “Jellicle Toys” that guard by Buzz. She became fast friend and later romantic interest for Woody. Buzz, Woody, Jessie and other toys taught her to lead a Jellicle lifestyle. And that’s how Bo Peep officially became a Jellicle Toy. Woody as Mr. Mistoffelees/Quaxo (2019) A wacky and clumsy sheriff cowboy action figure and one of the “Jellicle Toys”, who’s a magician but in varying levels of success, usually parlor tricks. Woody always nervous and insecure, so he’s lacked confident during performing. When Bo Peep came into the “Jellicle world”, he felt something change in him for the first time in his life. Woody was so desperate to draw Bo Peep’s attention to him trying to prove himself to her. So he became fast friend and later romantic interest to Bo Peep, and the only toy allowed to call her “Bo”. Buzz Lightyear as Munkustrap (both 1998 and 2019) A serious and stubborn space ranger action figure and protector of the “Jellicle Toys”, who’s acting as Chuckles’ escort and a narrator. He found Bo Peep, got “abandoned” and became a lost toy. Buzz, Woody, Jessie and other toys taught her lead a Jellicle lifestyle. Buzz cares most about keeping the tribe together, and need every single toys promise to each other “no toy left behind”. Buzz’s also entrusted with giving the information to the other toys, gets up and says exactly what they’re here to do. Jessie as Jemima (1998) / Syllabub (2019) A rough-and-tumble cowgirl doll with a passion for yodeling and one of the “Jellicle Toys”, who’s also feisty and playful. She found Bo Peep, got “abandoned” and became a lost toy. Jessie, Buzz, Woody and other toys taught her lead a Jellicle lifestyle. Jessie has romantic interest to Buzz, but Buzz didn’t have a good timing to dance with her during the “Jellicle Ball”. She became a “best friend” but also “friendly rival” to Bo Peep. Gabby Gabby as Grizabella (2019) Chuckles as Old Deuteronomy (1998) Mr. Potato Head as Bustopher Jones (both 1998 and 2019) Mrs. Potato Head as Jennyanydots (both 1998 and 2019) Duke Caboom as Rum Tum Tugger (2019) Wheezy as Gus (2019) Slinky Dog as Skimbleshanks (both 1998 and 2019) Ducky as Rumpleteazer (2019) Bunny as Mungojerrie  (2019) Hamm as Alonzo (2019) Rex as Coricopat (2019) Trixie as Tantomile (2019) Barbie as Demeter (2019) Dolly as Cassandra  (2019) Giggle McDimples as Electra (2019) Ken as Plato (2019) Little Green Men as Maître D’ (2019) Bullseye as Jellylorum (1998) Mr. Pricklepants and Buttercup as Old Deuteronomy’s Manservants (2019) Sarge and the Bucket O Soldiers / Green Army Men as the Mice / Mouses and Cockroachs / Roachs (2019) Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear as Macavity (2019) Stretch as Bombalurina (2019) Chunk, Sparks and Twitch as Macavity’s Henchmen (1998) Big Baby as Griddlebone (2019) The Toy Monkey as Growltiger (2019) List of Locations: The gathering spot (where the Jellicles Toys would meet before heading over to Al’s Toy Barn) A kid’s Bedroom (Mrs. Potato Head, Sarge and the Bucket O Soldiers / Green Army Men’s inhabit) ToyBar (MilkBar, owned by Duke Caboom) Poultry Palace (the alley where the Jellicle Toys finding foods in the junkyard) Sid’s House (Ducky and Bunny’s semi-permanent address, guard by Sid’s dog: Scud) Tri-County Landfill (Lotso and his gangs inhabit , and where Lotso placing the kidnap toys) Al’s Toy Barn (abandoned, currently used by the Jellicle Toys for the Jellicle Ball and Chuckles’ Jellicle choice) mentioned only: Second Chance Antiques (mentioned in “Gabby Gabby The Glamour Doll Song”) Sunnyside Daycare (mentioned in “The Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear Song”) Andy’s House (mentioned in “The Magical Sheriff Woody Song”)
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zachbiller · 4 years
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Admetus/Plato - One of the older males of the tribe, some production play him as a teenage. He prefers to either hang around with the kittens or flirt with the queens rather than take responsibility like some of the older toms 

Alonzo- Alonzo is one of the adult toms, of the same generation as Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger. He puts on a confident and somewhat self-centered front, but is loyal and takes his instruction from the protector of the tribe, Munkustrap. . 
 Asparagus (Gus) - An old frail cat who in his youth was active performing cat. Depending on production he can either be portrayed somber character who longs for days of his youth or a more upbeat character who loves tell stories about his glory days. 

Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus- A teenage cat who longs to prove himself to the older members of tribe but still hangs around with Carbucketty and Pouncival. He also has a habit of wandering away from home and can’t stay still for long periods of time. 

Bombalurina- Doesn’t lack when it comes to self-confidence and is very direct about her feelings toward the other cats. She is extremely flirtatious and seems to love being the center of attention. Although Bombalurina can come across as somewhat superficial, she has a protective side shown towards Demeter, who rarely leaves her side, and the female kittens, who in turn seem to look up to her. 
 Bustopher Jones- A fat upper-class cat with a “fastidious black coat and white spats”. Respected by all, he is a man of leisure who frequents gentlemen’s club for their fine dining. 

Carbucketty- A teenage troublemaker. He spend most of the show engaging in playful and mischievous antics often being scolded by the older cats .If the production doesn’t use Pouncival as a separate character he can be portrayed as a kitten. 

Cassandra- An elegant and aloof brown pointed queen. She is often seen as wanting to be separate from the tribe’s members.However she will occasionally flirt with some the older toms 

Coricopat- The male twin who is able to sense changes in the atmosphere. He also tends to be the more expressive with his emotions while Tantomile is more reserved. 
Demeter- Demeter is a very anxious and easily startled cat. She also has some past history with Macavity as she seem to be aware whenever he’s around. She is close with Bombalurina and will seek comfort from her. 

Electra- A quiet, reserved cat and the most mature of the kittens. Despite her more serious nature, Electra still has a playful streak and often joins the other kittens in their antics. In productions that do not feature Etcetera, Electra tends to be a louder, more energetic character 
Etcetera- One of the youngest members of the tribe. She is hyperactive, very excitable, a strong dancer and acrobat. She is the biggest fan of Rum Tum Tugger, squealing with excitement at the end of his song and swooning over him throughout the show. Most production that don’t include her, will be filled by either Electra or Rumpleteazer 

Griddlebone- A character in Gus’s Growltiger dream who serve as his love interest. She is portrayed as beautiful and sometimes vain character who likes to be the center of attentions. Some productions hints that she’s working for Genghis as an distraction. 

Grizabella- An old frail cats that is a mere shadow of the beautiful cat she once was. Shunned from the tribe, she desperately pleas with them to accept her in hope that may once again have the happy days of her memories 

Growltiger- A character who Gus played in his youth. He is a feared pirate character who has gained a reputation as the Terror of Thames. He does have a soft side when it comes to Griddlebone. 

Jellylorum- One of the older members of the tribe. She serves as Gus caregiver and regales the tribe with the exploits of his past. She likes to keep busy and make herself useful. She is often seen trying to bring order to the tribe, watching over the kittens or scolding them when they misbehave. 

Jemima- The youngest female of the tribe. She’s an innocent, sweet-natured, affectionate kitten, She gets along with the entire tribe thanks to her friendly and welcoming disposition; the older cats are protective of her while the younger cats enjoy playing with her. Despite her age, Jemima demonstrates a deep sense of empathy and intuitive understanding, particularly with regards to Grizabella.

Jennyanydots- A kind, doting, motherly character. She spends her days sitting on “anything that’s smooth and flat”, but come nighttime is up and about running the household. She humbly works while the family are asleep, oblivious to her contributions 

Macavity- A monster of depravity, having supposedly committed numerous crimes while always managing to elude the police due to him possessing various magic powers, including the ability to appear and disappear. He also has a past relationship with Demeter 

Mr. Mistoffelees- A teenage cat who possess magical power. Though still young at heart he does try to appear as a mature member of the tribe. He does prove himself to the tribe when he uses his power to save Old Deuteronomy. 

Mungojerrie- A trouble making cats who is partner with Rumpleteazer. He spend most of time looking for ways to cause trouble for his owners. Some production protray him as the brains of the duo often seen trying to reign in the more destructive Rumpleteazer. 

Munkustrap- The protector to the Jellicle cats. He is responsible and brave, with a commanding presence, but is also genial and friendly when not alarmed by a perceived threat. He loves and enjoys the company of his tribe, who in turn hold him in high regard. Some production portray him Rum Tum Tugger’s brother and Demeter’s mate 

Old Deuteronomy- The kind and just leader of the Jellicle tribe. He is described as being wise in his many years and is respected and beloved by most Jellicles. He is responsible for making the Jellicle Choice, choosing with cat will ascend to the Heaviside Layer. 

Pouncival/George - The youngest male cat of the tribe. Shy and timid, he tend to fade in to background. He often pals with Carbucketty and Tumblebrutus but is smart enough not to get caught up in the former’s antics. Whenever Carbucketty is not portrayed as a separate character he will take on some Carbucketty’s trouble making characteristics 

Rumpas Cat- The main character of the tribe’s play The Pekes and the Pollicles. He is very enthusiastic but somewhat incompetent; he misses his cues, misunderstands commands, and only just avoids kicking Munkustrap. Nevertheless, the Pekes and Pollicles are suitably intimidated by his presence. 

Rum Tum Tugger- A self-obsessed show-off, often trying to steal the limelight and revelling when all attention is focused on him. Many of the kittens and queens are fans of his charisma, however the more mature characters are impatient with his antics, especially Munkustrap, Demeter, and Mistoffelees. 

Rumpleteazer- A trouble making cats who is partner with Mungojerrie . She spend most of time looking for ways to cause trouble for her owners. Some production portray her as the more impulsive of the two and needs to reigned in by Mungojerrie 

Skimbleshanks- One of the adults of the tribe, always looking out for the kittens whenever danger is near. When not in “protector” mode, he is a jolly and cheerful cat, often seen dancing and being silly with the younger toms. He loves to recounts his life as the cat aboard the British West Coast Main Line train a.k.a the Night Mail. He takes great pride in his work and considers himself very important, claiming that the train cannot operate without him 

Tantomile- The female twin who can sense changes within the atmosphere. Most production portray her as being more reserved with her reactions while Coricopat tend to be more expressive 

Victoria- Victoria is a young cat, the eldest of the four female kittens. She is one of the kinder and more accepting cats, like Jemima and is well-liked by the rest of the tribe. Her movements are graceful, elegant, and timid, although she is not shy around the Rum Tum Tugger. Many of her dance solo show her maturing from a young kitten into a teenager
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takebackthedream · 7 years
Pete Peterson's Ghost by Richard Eskow
Peter G. “Pete” Peterson, the billionaire businessman and anti-government crusader, died last week at the age of 91. He leaves behind family and friends who will miss him, and a vast coterie of consultants and politicians who may miss his checks even more. They can take comfort from the words of Percy Bysshe Shelley: “He doth not sleep/he hath awakened from the dream of life …” 
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
Peterson will be mourned by those who loved him. But that’s no reason to forget the harm he has done, especially since his family vows to continue his work. His son, speaking on behalf of the foundation Peterson created, says that “we will carry on his legacy with passion and pride.”
That legacy is marked by Pete Peterson’s long war against Social Security and Medicare, his austerity economics, and the false aura of objectivity Peterson used to promote his ideology.
Behind his carefully stage-managed veneer of bipartisanship (his team once tried to get me suspended from a publication for calling him right-wing), Peterson engaged in a decades-long war on the social contract. Programs like Social Security and Medicare were his immediate targets, but his ultimate goal was even broader: He wanted to extinguish the ideal of public goods, and put an end to the notion that certain social programs should be universal.
Peterson took conservative ideas and gave them an undeserved air of truth and neutrality. Politicians who embraced them were more likely to receive a steady flow of high-dollar contributions and gaining entrée to the right salons and alliances.
Thanks to Peterson, prominent journalists can make outlandish and inaccurate statements about “entitlement” programs, while still laying claim to journalistic objectivity. That’s no mean feat on Peterson’s part – although it becomes easier when you can spend nearly half a billion dollars in four years to promote your agenda, as Peterson did. (Peterson engaged in his crusade for decades; his total spending isn’t known.)
Peterson may be gone, but his ideology still holds sway in the corridors of political and media power.
Doing the Math
Peterson was a corporate success at a young age, and then joined Richard Nixon’s Cabinet. But he became a billionaire as co-founder of the Blackstone Group, one of four firms that exemplify what The Economist calls “the barbarian establishment.”  As that (hardly left-wing) publication writes:
The standard operating procedures of private equity—purchasing businesses, adding debt, minimizing taxes, cutting costs (and facilities and employment), extracting large fees—are just the sort of things to aggravate popular anger about finance.”
Peterson promptly put his billions to work on a new mission: Cutting government programs, especially Medicare and Social Security, and reducing government deficits. (The fact that these moves would reduce the political incentive to tax billionaires is never mentioned in Peterson’s work.)
Peterson’s sleight-of-hand trick, and it was a brilliant one, was to present his opinions as neutral and objective truth. As the New York Times reported in 2011:
“If some consider him Cassandra and others Chicken Little, Mr. Peterson considers himself, in self-deprecating (and self-interested) terms, as a data-driven businessman who ‘simply did the math.’”
Here’s some real math: Medicare saves lives, and “greater spending per beneficiary is associated with significantly lower mortality rates.”  So does Medicaid. Social Security lifts 22 million Americans out of poverty, including children and non-elderly adults.
The Peterson team claims that its proposals would exclude the poor, but cuts are a slippery slope. Social Security benefits are already meager, and any reductions – including cuts to cost-of-living increases and increases in the eligibility age – will lead to added poverty.
And poverty kills.
Sleight of Hand
Deficits were Peterson’s obsession. But when it came to economics, Peterson did the arithmetic, not “the math.” His zero-sum approach to government budgets failed to recognize the wide range of policy choices that are open to governments or the ways that government spending can create economic growth.
In a 2010 Wall Street Journal op-ed, Peterson argued that “spending cuts must play a lead role in any solution to our long-term structural deficits.” That’s an ideological statement that can’t be found anywhere in “the math.” For revenue, Peterson’s go-to solution was a consumption tax that would disproportionately harm the middle class.
No cut is too cruel for the Peterson crowd. A Peterson-backed group praised the draconian spending cuts in Donald Trump’s budget proposal last year, writing, “The President deserves credit for setting a fiscal goal and working to meet it.”
But it chastised the Republican for failing to apply an equally heavy hand to Social Security and Medicare.
Testing Mean
The policy heart of the Peterson agenda is means testing: of Social Security, Medicare, and other vital government programs. The Concord Coalition, which Peterson co-founded, pioneered the idea of means-testing Social Security benefits and reducing them for anyone making $40,000 per year or more.  The idea quickly spread to Medicare and other universal programs.
It sounds reasonable, at first. Why should rich people collect taxpayer-funded benefits? One answer – because it’s an insurance program – can be hard to convey, but is nevertheless important.
Voters forget that means-testing is a slippery slope. Once it’s applied to vital programs, it can be ratcheted down until most Americans are excluded from them. Should we means-test public high schools? Elementary schools?
Means-testing works for anti-poverty programs. But under social insurance programs like Social Security, everybody contributes and everyone is eligible for benefits (with limited exceptions).
For 50 years, both political parties favored these kinds of universal programs. Peterson changed that.
When people are debating means-testing, they’re not asking a more obvious question: If we’re so concerned about giving “free rides” to rich people, why don’t we just raise their taxes?
Supporting Cast
Peterson assembled an ensemble cast of characters to push his message. Ex-senator Alan Simpson became a key spokesman, primarily because he shared Peterson’s gift for making a heavily ideological agenda sound like blunt truth-telling. Erskine Bowles, David Walker, and a coterie of economic and policy consultants also filled the ranks.
Peterson recruited media figures, too, through his “Fiscal Summits” and other events. Prominent journalists were offered hosting and guest appearances at Peterson events (and were presumably paid for them) At least one received a board seat on a Peterson organization, while at the same time “objectively” covering Peterson-style initiatives. (I reported on Lesley Stahl’s conflict of interest in 2013.) Journalists were also given talking points to help them sound knowledgeable about fiscal policy.
Politicians of both parties embraced the Peterson agenda for years. Bill Clinton, who received Peterson funding on the road to the White House. turned the Democratic Party in a more Peterson-friendly fiscal direction. Clinton emphasized deficit reduction, privatization, and means-testing as president, while over-praising the skills of the private sector.
Reaching the Summit
Clinton was a regular highlight at Peterson’s Fiscal Summit presentations, which feature the self-satisfied musings of privileged individuals who think they’re being brave for proposing policies that would pummel other Americans. These events typically treat even the worst political hacks, like John Boehner, as if they were statesmen. Paul Ryan, that empty-headed master of the Potemkin PowerPoint presentation, owes much of his undeserved “policy wonk” reputation to his hobnobbing with the Peterson crowd.
As president, Barack Obama followed in Clinton’s footsteps. As the nation grappled with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, Obama began his presidency by appointing Peterson acolytes Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles to co-chair a commission. That commission wasn’t tasked with addressing soaring unemployment, or lost middle-class wealth, or the foreclosure crisis brought on by Peterson’s colleagues on Wall Street.
Instead, the Simpson/Bowles Commission was charged with reducing government deficits – and cutting Social Security, too, even though that program is forbidden by law from contributing to the federal debt.
Peterson won, again.
There is a clear and direct connection between Obama’s embrace of Peterson-style fiscal austerity, including his administration’s reliance on many old Clinton economic hands, and the Democrats’ loss of political power over the last ten years.
That’s Peterson’s handiwork, too.
A Little Something for the Kids
While he succeeded in penetrating the political and media establishments, Peterson was never able to build popular support for his ideas. No wonder. Among his wacky-sounding and ill-advised publicity campaigns, gimmicks, and astroturf organizations were “Budgetball,” the foolish mock politician “Hugh Jidette” (Huge debt. Get it?), “The Can Kicks Back,” and the “America Speaks” town halls, where attendees saw through the slanted material and rejected Peterson’s ideas anyway.
Peterson and his minions tried to recruit millennials by undermining their trust in the social contract and fomenting generational war. Simpson, himself the beneficiary of government pensions, called older Americans “greedy geezers” while other Peterson acolytes tried to persuade young people that Social Security will go broke before they retire.
That was an especially dirty trick. Peterson-backed cuts would target millennials, not Baby Boomers, because they would gradually be phased in over a period of years. Fortunately, nobody went for their “Budgetball” pitch.
Pete Peterson’s Ghost
For the most part, the political tide has turned against Peterson – at least for now. His ideas are being shunned, at least publicly, by Democrats looking to capture the disaffected mood of struggling working-class Americans — a mood that cuts across lines of race, gender, and geography.
Conor Lamb’s recent Congressional victory in Pennsylvania’s 18th District was embraced by the “centrist,” Peterson-friendly crowd. But Lamb’s campaign included both a hearty embrace of unions and an eloquent defense of Social Security. This Lamb TV ad, for example, explicitly targets the Peterson-friendly smearing of “entitlement programs.” Lamb’s opponent embraced Peterson-style benefit cuts, a position that is considered a major reason for his loss.
But Pete Peterson’s ghost still haunts the American political landscape. The truth is, it was haunting us years before his death.
When Bill Clinton promised in his 1996 State of the Union speech to “give the American people (a government) that lives within its means” and declared that “the era of big Government is over,” Pete Peterson’s ghost was in the hall.
When George W. Bush used a filing cabinet as a prop while asserting that there is no Social Security trust fund – “just IOUs” – Peterson’s ghost was smiling from the wings.
When TV journalist Martha Raddatz said that “both Medicare and Social Security are going broke” as she moderated a vice presidential debate  – a statement that is demonstrably false – Peterson’s ghost was sitting beside her.
When Barack Obama debated Mitt Romney and said, “I suspect that on Social Security, we’ve got a somewhat similar position,” Peterson’s ghost was standing at his elbow. (He was standing at Romney’s side, too, since both candidates shared Peterson’s view.)
When Hillary Clinton scorned the idea of tuition-free higher education in a debate with Bernie Sanders because it wasn’t means-tested, saying “I don’t think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trump’s kids to college,” Peterson’s ghost was whispering in her ear.
Peterson’s ghost walks beside John Harwood, Dana Bash, Mark Halperin, and every other television pundit who has appeared at a fiscal summit. It’s looking over the shoulders of Peterson-backed economists and policy advisors as they write their next op-ed about “hard choices” for the middle class. It’s sitting with Republicans in Capitol Hill and White House meeting rooms as they plan for a brutal round of “entitlement cuts.”
Peterson’s family deserves our condolences. But Pete Peterson was not the “profoundly good man” mourned by Bill Clinton – at least, not for the rest of us.  Peterson did great harm to people who were far more vulnerable than he was. And, unfortunately, his work lives on.
Pete Peterson does not sleep, according to Percy Bysshe Shelley. But the rest of us need to wake up.
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