#do yourselves a favor
maxemilianver · 1 year
seb fans trying to force themselves to hate max and go as far as to create fake personality traits for max in their narratives so it makes it easier for them to hate max and gives them a sense of justification is so funny. you can just say you dislike Max and go on with your life instead you look bitter and stuck in the past with a lot of denial about max destroying seb's legacy in red bull and coming for his records overall. we know. we can see.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
okay but giving them all characters from the clue movie to represent their characters makes me so happy you don’t even know
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hotdrinkstudies · 1 year
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i had the honor to commission one of my favorite artists and look what they drew for me😭😭❣❣ i still can't stop myself from smiling. i mean, look at these sweet silly blorbos :'))) i just absolutely love how @geetimesthree encapsulates their energy!
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azarovas · 1 month
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Five years ago, Deadloch's Mayor, Rod Dixon, washed up dead on the same beach as Trent Latham.
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piratefalls · 8 months
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i emerge from my pile of blankets in the freezing midwest just long enough to drop this. there's all kinds of fun stuff this week! and, despite being housebound because of subzero temps, i'm so far behind on reading it's not even funny, so it's a little shorter than usual.
None of my love will go to waste by @kiwiana-writes
Alex had pulled away at the sound of the door opening, is the thing. He’d looked up at Henry with wide eyes and spit-slick, swollen lips, and Henry knows intrinsically that he will never be rid of that mental image. He’ll take it into the shower later, into bed tonight, into the rest of his natural life; if he hits his head tomorrow and winds up with some medically implausible form of amnesia, the key to unlocking his identity will be the enduring memory of a beautiful mystery man and his perfect cock-sucking mouth. Because Alex was—Christ, he was— Or, Henry has made peace with the fact that he's in love with his straight roommate. When he walks in on said "straight" roommate with a man, though, he may need to re-evaluate.
wake and shake by weather_stained
Alex wakes up to find Henry indulging in some...classical literature.
until you're sick of me by rizcriz
Henry hasn't seen his roommate in nearly two months. Alex left for Austin shortly before Thanksgiving for two weeks, and Henry left for London the day before he was set to return. They’ve had the odd facetime call, and several hundred text messages to help them tide their time apart—but that didn’t take away from the fact that Henry fucking missed him. And after three delayed flights, he’s finally standing outside their apartment door, and he’s resigned himself to the fact that it’ll still be several hours before he can finally see Alex again. He sighs and sets down his bag to dig out his keys, carefully tucks the key into the lock, and quietly opens the door, turning his back to it to pick up his carryon and grab his roller bag. As quietly as he can, he scoots backwards into the apartment, flinching as the roller bag bounces off the door frame. -- Or, surprise, it's a love confession
check-in closes at too-early p.m. by coffeecatsme
A passenger plane, even if he was in first class, wasn’t going to wait for the former FSOTUS to stop making out with his boyfriend so they can fly. Or, 5 times Alex misses his flight and 1 time he doesn't.
sometimes we break so beautiful by Anonymous
It’s his own damn fault; Alex knows this. It’s his fault for having everyone over for a small birthday party only to spend the evening whispering filthy things to Henry when no one was looking. (And when they were looking, because it’s his goddamn birthday and he can be as inappropriate with his boyfriend as he fucking wants to be.) It’s his fault for pushing Henry, for bratting off with antagonistic words like ‘what are you going to do about it—give me birthday spankings?’ and ‘do you actually think you could put me in my place? Because I’d like to see you try.’ It’s his fault for taunting Henry by suggestively licking the birthday candles, for doing anything he could possibly do to bring attention to his mouth, to his ass, to his fingers. It's his fault that he’s now on their bed, lying on top of Henry, arms stretched out in front of him on either side of Henry's head and wrists tied to the headboard.
There's Something Missing in My Heart by allmylovesatonce
When Alex goes to London to tell him he loves him, Henry sends him away. How do both of them react to being without each other and what happens when their emails are still leaked?
Waffles & Conversation by clottedcreamfudge
“I’m fine, I swear. I just need to give it a proper clean and I’ll be fine.” Ellen isn’t convinced. “Okay, but you’re letting Henry look at it later.” Alex grits his teeth for what must be the thousandth time today and tries to keep his voice level. “No, I’m not. He’s a vet, mom.” “And he’s the closest thing to a doctor we have coming tonight,” she says firmly, letting him take his hand back and raising her eyebrows at him. “It’s that or the ER, honey. Your choice.”
Keep Me Waiting (Give Me More) by bleedingballroomfloor
Alex rubs his face with his hands. “You’re telling me,” he says slowly, “that you got a guy off three times — three fucking times — without even touching his dick? I don’t even think that’s scientifically possible.” Henry’s wine-drunk grin grows a little wider. “Would you like me to prove it to you?”
Sweet, Like Sugar by everwitch
After Henry dates a series of certified assholes, Pez has had it and signs Henry up for a sugar dating app. Henry doesn’t expect much at first, but that’s before he connects with Alex; obscenely wealthy, devilishly handsome and unexpectedly sweet, Alex sweeps Henry right off his feet. But what does Alex expect in return for his extravagant generosity? And why is he so secretive about what his life looks like outside of his intimate conversations with Henry?
even sleeping you astonish me by accol
The utter irony. To be at a climate conference and have a storm descend upon the proceedings was perhaps poetic. To have the storm be intense enough to flood half the hotel and cut off transportation to the mainland was concerning. But to have it all culminate in Henry having to share a room with Alex Claremont-Diaz was as if Mother Nature herself was having a laugh.
9 to 5 by smc_27
Henry is Alex’s favourite colleague. By a fucking country mile, to be honest. He’s intensely competent, has an insane memory for process and policy, and is kind to everyone. Also? He’s fucking pretty, and Alex might be new to bisexuality, but he’s not that new. He knows what he likes, and what he likes are men with pretty eyes and kind smiles and nice cheekbones and English accents. Other men, too, but like. Be serious. Henry’s top of the list. Unfortunately, Henry lives in London. Alex lives in New York City. They work closely together and meet once a week, if not more, and Slack one another almost every day. Alex is on the legal team, and Henry is in business operations, and the second Alex met Henry for the first time, he knew he was truly fucked.
before the first light by stutteringpeach
“I don’t feel anyone. And I’m not going to feel anyone. Because I don’t have a soulmate.” Alex looks confused. “What? Everyone has a—“ “I don’t have a soulmate,” Henry tells him with a sigh, “because I don’t have a soul.”
Song In My Head by MayQueen517
Henry is an explorer and finds himself in a different situation entirely. === He’s restrained. By vines. His wrists and his ankles are encased in the surprisingly soft vines and around him is the scent of blooming honeysuckle that had charmed him so the night before. Henry groans, tilting his head back and he’s aware, briefly, of the vines gently supporting his head, as if they’re concerned over his comfort.
learning to love (without it having to hurt) by viciouslyqueer
Alex nods. “I get that.” He pauses. “You know you can talk to me if you need to, right? If things aren’t great.” Henry’s face softens, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “I know,” he murmurs. “Thanks.” He turns back to the television, and Alex forces himself to do the same. He tears his gaze away from Henry’s profile and focuses on their Star Wars marathon again, refusing to acknowledge how cuddly Henry looks in soft pajamas and fuzzy, mismatched socks. Alex’s heart leaps in his chest anyway. He knew having a crush on his roommate would be confusing, frustrating, and borderline heartbreaking. None of that stopped him.
address me properly by headabovethewater
25. Royalty kink
Pitching a Tent by cmere
Henry looks Alex up and down appraisingly. Alex feels heat rising in his neck and wills it to stop, burning with curiosity about what Henry’s going to ask. He finally says in a low voice, “Are you a serial killer?” Alex smirks. “Even if I was a serial killer, wouldn’t I just say no to get you alone?” “Dammit, you’re right,” Henry says, grinning. “I guess I’ll have to take my chances then.” “Live dangerously, sweetheart.” - or - “our mutual friend dropped out of this trip at the last minute, so hi i guess we’re spending the weekend together” AU!
take my hand if you can take me as i am by anincompletelist
It would hurt less, Alex guesses, if he wasn’t head over heels for the guy he’s supposed to be fucking through an ancient one-sided sex curse with that was partially — a lot, actually — his own fault. But. It’s not like there’s a fucking handbook. Alex has looked. 
'till the gravity's too much by IndestructibleHeart
He’s been pacing the length of the house for the better part of an hour now, restless after 48 hours of involuntary confinement. The blizzard outside is unrelenting, to the point that city officials have recommended staying indoors until conditions clear. It’s actually a “suggestion” that Alex might’ve tested if a) Henry weren’t taking the ‘sTaTe oF eMeRgEnCy’ so seriously and b) if not for the fact that their door has literally been frozen shut. “Baby,” Alex says, deliberate and slow, because he knows it’ll earn him the long-suffering, utterly helpless expression it always does. “I’m crawling out of my skin here. Can you just… distract me?”
a quick study by @whimsymanaged
Alex is new to bisexuality, and he turns to a friend for some guidance.
where every wish comes true by HypnosTheory
“Locked out?” “I forgot my keys,” Alex says with a sigh, leaning against his door with a muted shiver. He was planning on a heated Uber ride to June’s apartment, not standing out in the cold ass hallway. Alex hugs his coat closer to his chest. “My friend has my spare.” Henry nods, leaning against his own door frame. Alex isn’t sure what the man does outside of going to grad school at NYU, but it must be bench-pressing horses based on the size of his biceps. Henry reaches up to push his glasses higher on his nose and Alex swears he wasn’t that bisexual when the day started. “Would you like to wait in my apartment for your friend?” -- Alex gets locked out his apartment on Christmas Eve. He's forced to take refuge in his neighbor and occasional fuck buddy Henry's apartment, and together the two get into the Christmas spirit with the help of a festive costume and a silk ribbon.
Anything You Want by somuchworse
Alex rubs his thumb against the stubble on his chin, a soothing balm to the fire melting it’s way through Henry’s bloodstream. “You can tell me, baby. Whatever it is, I won’t care. I won’t judge you. Nothing. I’ll just listen.” And that helps. Henry opens his eyes, and his blood cools just enough to let him speak as he peers up at Alex through his eyelashes. “I’ve never had an orgasm. I’ve tried on my own, and with other people, and I always get close… But then it disappears. So, yeah. Never had one.”
I did one thing right (starry eyes sparking up my darkest night) by theprinceandagcd
"Sighing happily, Alex focuses on the feeling of Henry’s arm around his back. The tips of Henry’s fingers are brushing featherlight up and down his spine, and Alex can feel goosebumps rising on the flesh in their wake. It’s so fucking tranquil that Alex is pretty sure he could die right now and be perfectly content with his life, except – 'We should get married.' 'Pardon?' Oh. Fuck. He said that out loud."
like strawberries on a summer evening by Anonymous
He saw something wiggle in the blanket pile, and then Alex’s face appeared under a mop of messy curls, frown stuck firmly onto his face. “Ugh,” he said, from his spot on the bed. - Alex is having a rough time, and Henry is concerned, like any good boyfriend would be.
even though we know it isn't true by matherine
For so long, academics had been the one thing Alex could count on when everything else in his life was falling apart, the one thing he had always been good at. It didn’t matter that his parents were getting divorced as long as he could figure out how to factor an equation, didn’t matter that June was moving out to go to UT-Austin as long as he could analyze Jane Eyre, didn’t matter that his mother was on the campaign trail more often than he ever saw her as long as he could balance lacrosse with his position as valedictorian. But now, every time a paper comes across his desk marked to within an inch of its life, bleeding a C – or even worse, a D scrawled in bright red ink, his chest grows a little tighter, his breathing a little quicker. Thankfully, he’d not yet managed to fuck up spectacularly enough to get himself a real, honest to God F. He’s not sure he’d survive it. He’s already not sure how well he’s surviving. Alternatively: Alex is failing a class. Henry learns how to help him cope.
Twice the speed (of you and me) by @myheartalivewrites
“Hey. So, you know Pez?” Alex asks bluntly. No easy way into this, he’s decided. Henry looks up from his phone, frowning. “My best mate?” “Yeah, that one.” ——— Alex has an idea.
Don't Quit It by inexplicablymine
“And goddamn last but not least on my Hit It and Don’t Quit It list would be the Saracens rugby player Henry Fox. That man has great depths, and he could so easily plumb my depths, if you know what I’m saying. An all-around fantastic player, but also someone who is ridiculously smart off the field. And we all know by now that everyone on this list features my mile-wide competency kink. Henry, if you are seeing this, we could play around with some balls that aren’t just in play.” Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. Alex has just accidentally outed himself to 6.7 million people. And according to the comments section, they seem to be all too aware. Or... Announcing your crush via viral TikTok... that's one way to get his attention ;)
Hall of Fame by politics_and_prose
“It is an unbelievable honor to be inducted into the New York Mets Hall of Fame. If I could tell the eight year old boy sitting in the stands at Shea that we would end up here, I don’t think I would. This journey has been … it’s been everything to me. Thank you, New York, for loving me as much as I love you. Thank you.”
Sip You Like Cosmic Juice by @sparklepocalypse
“There’s this… charity rugby match in Windsor next month that my mate, Percy’s foundation organizes. I, um… I was wondering if you might want to… be my guest.” Here’s the thing – Alex knows that Henry is athletic and strong. He’d felt and, to some extent, seen evidence of this in the way Henry’s hands had gripped at his waist and back in the Red Room, the ease with which Henry had manhandled him onto the sofa in his bedroom, and in how solid Henry had felt beneath him as they’d tumbled into the supply closet at London Children’s Hospital. And Henry’s a royal – being sporty seems to be a baseline job requirement for modern royals. So yeah, Alex knows Henry’s got some muscle, and as he walks toward the stands that line either side of the rugby pitch in Windsor, Alex thinks he’s prepared. He finds a seat in the stands among spectators wearing the colors of Henry’s team – red, white, and blue – then scans the pitch for a familiar head of blond hair. It’s probably for the best that he’d sat down first, because when his gaze alights on Henry out on the field, Alex promptly swallows his tongue. (Movieverse; what if everything's the same, except the charity sporting event is rugby?)
if you ever want me to tag you, let me know!
tagging: @starkfridays @stilesgivesmefeels
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gwyns · 3 months
e/riels... no one is scared except your shitty fandom filled with insecure, spoiled brats that send rape and death threats because you were never taught basic manners and how to get over something not going your way and so that's how your pea brains cope
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pinceauarcenciel · 4 months
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Preview of my spread illustration for the Hey Let's Go! @totorozine 🍃 Have you guessed what Mei and Satsuki are talking about? 👀
💚 Preorders have relaunched with new bundles, items, and lower prices! Open until July 1st 💙
※ Fanart: Tonari no Totoro © Studios Ghibli / Hayao Miyazaki
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
my beloved mutuals you are all doing yourselves a disservice by not giving kdramas and cdramas a chance. there's literally a show where a ghost king and the ex-leader of a spy organization who has three years left to live become so immediately obsessed with each other upon meeting that they adopt each other's adopted children and live together as a family. at one point the ex-spy leader gets tortured with meat hooks. he's such a pillow princess the ghost king threatens to leave him cause he keeps not doing any of the household chores. they keep selling their souls for each other. there's an entire political plot going on in the background with the stakes to tear down their world as they know and they just don't fucking care. they call each other their soulmate and there's an entire scene where all they do is look into each other's eyes and repeatedly say the other's name because it's good to have someone to call. chinese censorship doesn't allow them to be more explicit because showing gay people on tv is fucking illegal so they mouth "ai ni" which means "I love you" without audio instead. they're the ultimate battlefield couple. they're the biggest bastards in the world. they're childhood friends. they're immortal nightmares.
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palestporn · 11 months
Gamzee: Blow up your ancestor's whole motherfucking spot
Finding your way back out of whatever the fuck he's doing (your ghost your ancestor the grand fucking highblood, every time you think this day can't get any more motherfucking wild--) feels like stumbling your way through choking smoke. Feels like when you woke up from getting your pan rung earlier, except this time when you find your way back, instead of a fight happening over your head, everybody's all staring at you while they bitch each other out.
"KK, shut the fuck up," says Sollux, and clicks his claws in front of you couple times, and watches you twitch. "I think he's hearing us again. Hey, good evening, moonshine. What the fuck--"
"What did you see?" says the emperor, real intense, and you stare at him and feel your hand try to twitch--to touch his cheek or tear his neck open you have no fucking idea. You don't think your ghost does either. Fuck. "Focus! Look at me. What did he show you?"
A whole lotta shit, is what. Fire, death and blood. A mutant who looked only just Karkat's age--arguing long nights with him through the bars on a dark cell. A hand reaching through the bars to your cheek and how all of everything flipped to spin around that second where he touched you.
"Motherfucker's pale for you," you blurt out.
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Sollux and Karkat turn at the same time and stare at the emperor, and then at you, and then at the emperor, like they fucking practiced it. Your ghost does a noise that doesn't amount to words. The emperor does much the motherfucking same.
"I beg your fucking pardon," he says.
"And he's fucking salty about it," you say, fool mouth running without you, on a laugh of disbelieving. "Oh, fuck. You just touched him the one time and he's fucking gone about it, he just, ha, hhaha, he hates it so motherfucking much."
The emperor, it transpires and turns out, goes red a whole lot the same way like his descendant does. "Fucking, really?!" he says, only half at you--to the dark, to the shade he can't see. "It's been hundreds of sweeps! You tried to execute me!"
I regret NOTHING, mutant, says your ghost in boiling furious snarl, and his hating regret sings through your horns. I linger only to see your long-delayed death and drag your soul to the messiahs' cull-pits by motherfucking hand.
"What, you're. You're just, hanging out waiting for him?" you say, and Karkat's face does some kinda SOMETHING. "Like so you can go on together? Motherfucker, damn."
"Thirsty," says Sollux, and it pushes a laugh out your mouth like a punch in the gut, especially how it makes Karkat's face do a whole different kind of something. "Ehehe--"
"This isn't funny, Mituna," says the emperor, sharp over your ancestor's howl of scouring rage and cursing on your soul.
"No, it's fucking not!" says Karkat. "Is that why you put him in the conciliatrium?! He's not the same person as his ancestor, you absolute throbbing boil on the waste chute of the empire, that's not how descendants work and I should fucking know!"
"Karkat, shut the fuck up," says the emperor. He's pinching the bridge of his scarred-up, broken-ass nose.
To REVENGE himself on my memory, says your ancestor, to my MOCKERY AND DEBASEMENT, turning a hatched subjugglator of my holy bloodline to some purring, pampered--
"Hey, if you didn't like learning pile stuff you coulda just left, motherfucker," you say, stung a little. "Not like either of us ever had to do the motherfucking job, being as how I guess you fucked up my shot at getting any action a billion fuckin' sweeps ago!"
Sollux fucking cackles about that. The emperor says "You didn't have a 'shot'! Neither of you have anything even resembling a shot, okay?! Kurloz, you dense piece of shit--"
"Don't fucking talk to him like that," says Karkat, at the same time you go "Who the fuck is Kurloz?" and then both of you stop and look confusion at the other.
Never did I give him my hatchname and never ALLOWED him to use it, your ancestor's growling, sulky now, all sorts of shit you can't get a vibe on rolling around your thinkpan, while the emperor makes lecture and scold at the air where he isn't. Speaking at me like he knows me, bossy little MOTHERFUCKER. Claiming some power to speak down at the King of Colors, the culler of a thousand worlds--
"I'm Gamzee," you say, by way of explanation, and Karkat stares at you and then says, "I'm. Karkat?" like he's not really actually all that sure right this second. Sneaks a frond out and rests it on your knee, while his ancestor's yelling at the dark and his buddy's laughing his ass off, and then whips it back again red in the ears.
...You want to touch him back. Not just to kneel there sweet and let him get up in your business, but butt rudenasty up in his. So that's. New.
"Hey, uh," you say, and shoot your motherfucking shot.
Gamzee: Get up in the Second Coming's business.
==> Courtly ==> Polite ==> Bold ==> Downright Presumptuous
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ducktracy · 1 year
Emery Hawkins continues to be one of the greatest animators who ever lived. just absolutely demented character acting that's wholly genuine; he allows Daffy to live up to his namesake in a way that's earned rather than an approximation or reliant upon stock acting tropes. his mania transcends the screen in a way completely unique to Emery's work
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suzukiblu · 1 year
are you an amazing devil fan?
or is the polly pockets fic title just a coincidence
Oh I am absolutely an Amazing Devil fan.
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Behold, my dissertation. Because if I quoted actual LYRICS we'd be here for ten thousand years, hahaha.
. . . okay ONE song.
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alto-tenure · 9 months
so I beat 999. it's definitely landed on my "games of all time that I think everyone should play" list, and I think it's interesting to look at the common threads between my choices, because the other picks that immediately float to mind are ghost trick and professor layton and the unwound future. and there's something to be said about how these games work to deceive the player, the unbelievably crazy plot twists, the cast of characters...
but what I want to focus on here & now is how these games talk about death, fate, and grief. unwound future is very much the outlier in how it decides to talk about it; 999 and ghost trick both argue that there's no such thing as the inevitable, that as long as there's a sliver of chance to fix things one should seize that chance. ghost trick and 999 both say "this is always going to happen -- unless you do something about it, and you're the only one with the power to"; unwound future says "this already happened a long time ago; you can't do anything to change it, but you can always move forward. grief can cause stagnance, but it can also make way for better things."
and where they're more similar is in their perspectives on revenge. to get the true ending in 999 you need to make sure Clover doesn't pursue her revenge for Snake; Yomiel is primarily motivated by a revenge he comes to realize wasn't necessary and has only made him worse; Clive's plot for revenge falls apart around him. revenge won't get anyone what they want. Clover's ending can't get her anywhere because the zero bracelet isn't zero and the person who did kill the person she believes to be Snake isn't even dead. Yomiel ends with him on the submarine, betrayed and trapped forever. Clive's scorched-earth approach just leads to him not getting anything of what he wants. revenge doesn't work, in any of these cases.
every action has a consequence. giving Clover the bookmark gives her hope and lets them escape; Ray reaching out to Sissel saves everyone; Claire reaching out to Clive lets him live. even through the darkness of tragedy and impending doom, there's a light of hope, and that hope allows for change.
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thatbuddie · 3 months
i have been recently told by a couple of people that i have pretty good taste in books and they’ve appreciated my recs, so i’ve decided i’m going to start semi-regularly recommending books i’ve loved with the hopes that someone can find a new favorite.
my first book recommendation is:
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5 things i can say about it that will hopefully intrigue you: queer characters, satanic panic, courtroom drama, lesbian relationship, & complex ptsd.
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flckrsoflight · 6 months
thinking about how CiderApples wrote the best Fringe fanfiction I have ever read (Standby) and I never see anyone talk about it. masterclass in storytelling and writing style
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
saw some people saying Timothee isn't Kylie's type because she's only attracted to rappers and I'm like 🤨🤨🤨 HAVEN'T YOU ALL HEARD OF THE HIT SINGLES 'STATISTICS', 'TIMMY TIM', AND THE FREESTYLE 'HELL'S KITCHEN BED'?????
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flintstill · 11 months
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