#but cant sleep cus fatigued so-
a-whispering-echo · 3 months
Killer: * flirting with Dust, as per usual*
Dust: *flirts back*
Dust: You’re not gonna say anything?
Killer, panicking: I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d get this far.
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morinuu · 9 months
A she falls but he falls harder
Reader finally gets over it and stops coming, moving on and focusing on herself, and he notices and starts realizing how he took her for granted
And then its him that's loosing his mind and shit like that. Dude. Dude. I'm loosing my MIND you write so well
first of all ty for the compliment >< so glad u liked it im blushing and giggling!! secondly im not sure abt the reader completely abandoning tamaki's side (i love being delulu), but i do have smth else in mind that's kinda similiar n i hope its satisfactory :3 i changed only a minor part from the og :P i wanna make this a small series..... maybe like 3-4 parts.. anw this is pt 1
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☀︎|tamaki x female reader. almost 4k words. continuation of this. ure sick, yamada hinata & aoko r just some ppl i made up for the plot, tamaki's pretty stupid n emotionally unintelligent, lots of feelings and background information, y'all r childhood friends, there's like one 4th wall break but i thought it was kinda funny so i kept it
you weren't a fan of february.
allergy season was your absolute worst, the wheezing and coughing sucking the life out of you as you struggled to change out of your clothes to get the day started. you didn't sleep much, interrupted constantly by your sore throat aching and squeezing.
sure, it's just hay fever to everyone else, but for a young woman who carried around an inhaler, it's hell. well, almost hell.
what was truly hellish wasn't the fatigue or the sneezing, but your mum dragging you back in the house and forbidding you from going to school until you're well enough to study again. how were you supposed to keep up with chemistry class if you skip?
not that your parents cared for your grades; they knew you could just enter whatever field you wanted with the connections your family held, but it felt nice to be awarded for working hard.
after your personal maid let out a small "pardon me, miss" and carried you back to bed, you realised that the feeling your soft quilt hugging your cold limbs would never be beaten by the jacket you desperately clung on to warm yourself in p.e - which just so happened to be your first period that day and you were dreading it.
"i'll be making you some tea, miss. would you like to breakfast now?" your maid's quiet voice addressed you, hoping you'd just sleep the illness off as you usually did so she could rest too.
to be fair, you weren't a very easy master to please, so could you blame her?
"i'll breakfast la-" a cough and some wheezing "-i'll breakfast later, bring some english breakfast with a slice of lemon." you said nothing else, instead focusing on calming your throat that seemed to intensify in soreness. "a pastille too."
"understood my lady, i'll be right back." she bowed and excused herself from your room, ignoring your groans of annoyance as you buried your face into the pillow.
"damn it." you muttered and extended your hand to grab your phone from your bedside table. unlocking it with the passcode (because you weren't in the mood to lift your head and let your phone scan your face) you squinted as the light mode of a social media app hit your eyes harshly, forcing you to use muscle memory to lower the brightness to its minimum.
you scrolled through, liking your friends' private posts and decided to message one of them.
yn.spam: gm dude, i cant come to school today cus im sick. can u do me a favour n tell aoko to give me her notes? she never looks at her messages.
with your phone back on the table to wait for a response, you lied back comfortably and closed your eyes, because as much as you wanted to watch something on netflix or play a video game, you didn't want to make things worse for yourself.
you grew impatient for the cup of tea your maid was brewing, rotating between wheezing, checking your phone and staring at the ceiling. it seemed like the seconds weren't passing by at all.
soon enough, your maid comes back with some fancy tray carrying a kettle, your favourite mug (the one your daddy drank from when you were a little girl before your parents divorced), a tiny plate with some lemon slices and a small box of pastilles as throat medicine.
you didn't thank the woman when she helped you sit up, nor when she stayed by your side to make sure you didn't choke between coughs and burnt yourself with the hot liquid. just as you took your first sip, your phone lit up to show your friend's response.
thatguyhinata: Ayooo gppd morning. Sry to hear tht. Sure if I see her I'll telm her.
the irises in your eyes rolled upwards at the boy's typos that irked you every time, completely ignoring how he didn't wish for your recovery.
yn.spam: thanks yamada
you never used any of your circle's first names, which your mum always found weird.
'you sure these are your friends, darling?' she would ask often, and your response would always be the same:
'yeah mum. leave me be.'
only tamaki had ever felt close enough to be called by his first name.
after swallowing your medicine, you dismissed the older woman standing over you and pulled your quilt over your quivering form again.
"gods, please let this be over soon."
...turns out, you gotta be much more specific with what you ask of gods, because they might not have the same understanding of the word 'soon'.
here you are, three days later, with your allergy having been combined with a virus that'd been going around, intensifying your asthma symptoms and raising a high fever, making your mother and doctor ban you from walking into ouran.
halfway throughout the day, you realise what had been completely slipping your mind while your lungs were occupied inhaling abnormally.
"i have an appointment today!" you exclaimed with wide eyes, raising from the bed like lazarus from his grave.
"...?" the new maid next to you didn't say anything, she was clearly concerned. after some seconds of you overthinking something, she spoke up. "you have no other doctor's appointment today, my lady. he just left 10 minutes ago."
you shook your head quickly, ignoring the dizziness brought by your fever "bring me my phone," the girl was puzzled "now!"
bowing a quick apology, she rushed to your desk and handed you your phone with both hands, not daring to look up. you disliked new maids; they were inexperienced and annoying, but scolding her would have to wait.
"damn it, damn it, damn it!" you murmured under your breath and tapped furiously on your phone, trying to find where the hell you'd written kyouya's business e-mail address.
you had it saved as every other client of the host club had, but you had never actually used it, not once.
you never missed an appointment, and always booked the next one tete-a-tete with the black-haired manager. if you became a no-show without prior notice, wouldn't that look bad? would it annoy kyouya and he wouldn't accept you in the club again?
well no, but you had the habit of overthinki-
'would it annoy tamaki?'
you groaned and murmured to yourself - had you deleted it? maybe it was in your notes app and you erased it? was it on your old phone from a month ago?
"find an e-mail for me." you ordered the maid who looked up at you perplexed, but carried out the order nonetheless.
the girl was embarrassed when she found out her master was asking for a host's email, wanting the earth to swallow her when she dialed the ouran academy's number. 'the stuff i do for money..' she thought and prayed her family never found out.
it wasn't a long process to retrieve the address, but what was, was the rant hitting the maid's ears when your overthinking about what to write left your mouth at incredible speeds.
"should i say i'm sick? but he already knows that- he's in my class! maybe tell him to give my time to another girl? no wait, he would do that anyway... or after i apologise, i'll say that, like, something came up- but that's not believable enough... ugh!" you buried your face in your pillow and, unbeknownst to you, your new maid's eye was twitching in annoyance.
she understood now why your personal maid took the week off just when you got sick - not that she understood how and why your mum allowed it though.
(it's because you can be insufferable and she gets it.)
"my lady, may i help?" the girl let out, clearing her throat when you lifted your head from the pillow. "i can write the e-mail myself, please focus on resting."
after some convincing, you gave in.
and so 10 minutes later, back at ouran, kyouya's phone let out a ting! with your full name on the notification. he'd already guessed you wouldn't show up to your appointment considering you hadn't come to school in three days, and already had someone to fill your place but left it for the last moment in case you did show up.
why? well you were ln yn, and it was painfully obvious you were smitten with his best friend, though he could say it was a bit different from the rest of the clientele.
probably due to the fact that you'd known tamaki for much longer than kyouya had. and yet tamaki didn't seem to have the same fascination with you.
he remembers when he first met you, when he'd heard that you were spoiled rotten and weren't even planning to enroll in ouran until tamaki did. you simply transferred to be with the boy.
literally everyone knew of ln yn's almost freakish obsession with suoh tamaki, except for the victim himself.
so imagine his surprise at the strictly professional e-mail he'd received from you, where not a single mention of your host was included. weird.
after glancing at the french boy in the seat next to him eating his bowl of some-sort-of-commoner-convenience-store lunch, kyouya quickly typed a response and informed the next girl in line that a spot was open 'for tamaki's hosting services at 15:35'.
"one of your appointments cancelled due to a personal issue. we'll have someone else fill it." kyouya told tamaki, just as stated in the e-mail, even though it was pretty clear you were sick, and he couldn't figure out why you'd lie.
"hm? oh, okay!" the brunet smiled and went back to devouring his meal, not thinking much of kyouya's words.
kyouya pondered if he should tell him the client was his loyal friend yn, who would never skip out on seeing tamaki, but he stopped himself, curious as to how it would all play out.
eh, if the twins could have fun, so could he.
"oh! haruhii! daddy's here!"
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the hours passed so slow you were almost convinced time was frozen when you weren't glancing at the clock on your laptop.
the drama you'd been watching started to lose its interest after presenting the third plot twist in a row, annoying you with all the plot holes it left gaping.
sipping on your green tea (you'd been drinking tamaki's recommendation, pomegranate, only to throw all of it in the trash when you heard he gave the same advice to haruhi), you paused the show and sighed in absolute, tyrannical boredom.
by now you'd normally have finished your classes and walked to music room #3, your favourite among them all.
you'd be welcomed by a host and walked to a sofa to wait for your appointment, ignoring any other girl in the waiting area trying to pick a conversation with the middle child of the ln family.
and soon enough you'd be approached by your one and only taking your hand in his and kissing it to greet you, with his blue eyes staring up at you innocently like a man in love; a look he gave to any woman nowadays, it was second nature to him.
you got lost in them so often, he sometimes dared to ask you if you didn't enjoy his company and that's why you spaced out so much.
you? disliking tamaki? how could he think that after all these years you spent playing together, with you transferring to his school for his sake, swallowing your pride and becoming the client of a host for him?
truly an absurd notion.
currently, however, you weren't in the host club. you were just a girl with a bunch of germs crawling everywhere around her room, unable to go out and see the man of her dreams kiss her cheek and tell her to 'get well soon'.
speaking of, your mum grew increasingly concerned when she noticed the lack of communication between you and tamaki. you were always attached to his hip like some sort of koala, and the fact that you hadn't reached out to him to inform him of your illness personally so he could visit you made her worry.
but it was only natural that you'd suspect you were being an annoyance to tamaki once you began to notice his eyes shift from you to the newest host a couple of months prior. he'd been a petit brunet boy. a first year who was friendly and of lowly origin. you didn't think much of it.
at least not until the day hikaru asked if you could fetch something he forgot in the back room, completely ignorant to the fact that haruhi had come to the club early that day to ask for another uniform because she'd been accidentally thrown water at by two classmates of hers being stupid.
so when you opened the curtain and saw a small-sized girl with only her panties on desperately trying to hide herself from you, it didn't take more than a couple of seconds to put two and two together.
tamaki wasn't fascinated by the commoner errand 'boy' turnt host.
he wanted her.
you closed the curtain, giving the girl her privacy back and muttering an curt apology, "sorry." before deciding that hikaru would have to get his things himself.
neither haruhi nor you spoke about it again, and she never snitched to the host club about your discovery of her sex.
you liked to pretend it never happened, and that it never changed anything. but just like with tamaki, pretending doesn't go anywhere. the hints were there. his furiously blushed face when he stared at her, his protection of her when the twins teased her, his demands for kyouya to do things for haruhi because she'd like it, not even because she'd asked - well, the stage of denial didn't last long.
shortly after came anger. pure, unexplainable rage and envy. the fourth of the deadly sins was soon rushing through your veins like a drug you couldn't get clean from. 'why her?' you would ask in your rampages.
you couldn't figure it out, and you couldn't ask anyone either, because as infuriated as you were, hurting haruhi by revealing her identity wasn't on your to-do list.
not because you were a good person, god no.
rather, if tamaki knew you hurt his precious daughter - you barfed - like that, who knows if you'd see him again?
and so came the bargaining stage, with your rage never leaving your blood stream, of course. being petty was always one of your main personality traits, one that tamaki would often point out.
what did fujioka haruhi have that ln yn didn't?
'nothing.' you muttered to yourself.
could you be absolutely sure?
you didn't see her much outside of the club, and there were a couple of times you'd heard the hosts hung out together.
maybe they had a moment? or two, three?
perhaps it was high time you stopped bothering him. perhaps then he'd realise you were the one.
that's why your texts to him had much lessened, coming to a complete stop after roughly two months of your self-doubt and insecurities getting the best of you. so did your occasional visits to his house for studying. you'd even stopped wearing the perfume he got you as a birthday present last year, even though you couldn't find another scent that fit your tastes the same way.
despite your attempts at catching his attention, the bubbling fury in your chest rose once again when you realised that maybe tamaki didn't care about you at all.
he texted you as much as you texted him, he hung out with you only when you asked, and when he came closer to you and noticed the change in your scent, he went: "different perfume, princess?"
and while normally you'd be ecstatic at him noticing, your happiness was immediately destroyed when "the other one was a little old fashioned, good thing you moved to something more fresh."
why couldn't he say what he would have said had he been in an otome game, something among the lines of: 'did you wish to match mine?' or something cheesy like that? ...was your scent not to his tastes?
'did he forget his skills from hosting or what?' you whined.
consequently, now that you were sitting around doing nothing to reach out to tamaki or any of your 'friends', your mum couldn't help but take her phone in her hands to call her friend hitachiin yuzuha.
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back in the pink room that is the host club, today's rendezvouses seemed to be going by awfully quickly for tamaki.
in the couple of minutes of break he had between the end of this rendezvous and next the one to come, he quickly found his phone from his back pocket and went over his schedule sent by kyouya.
your name had been crossed out and replaced with another one he recognised, another regular guest of his. he raised his eyebrow at that.
he lifted his head and looked for the shadow king.
"hey, kyouya?"
"hm?" kyouya didn't bother to look up from his laptop, furiously typing god-knows-what.
"why's yn's time gone?" he asked innocently in a curious voice that had you heard, you'd be swooning over.
"i told you, she cancelled due to personal business," his answer was straight-forward "although it's probably because she's ill."
ah, that makes sense, you were the one that cancelled.
wait, huh?
"what do you mean she's ill?" his eyebrows furrow a bit and he cocks his head to the side like a cute dog who doesn't understand anything its owner says.
"what do you mean, 'what do i mean'? she's been absent since monday because she's not feeling well, and she won't come today either. pretty simple." kyouya finally looked up at tamaki with a strange expression on his face. "has she not told you?"
tamaki shook his head a bit, "uhm.. no, not really." and tapped his phone again to check his messages on multiple social media apps to make sure he wasn't missing anything. his emails were empty too, only some spam from a newsletter page that he never bothered to cancel his subscription from.
"how do you know?" he questioned kyouya, but before he could answer, "no wait, don't answer that, you creep. of course you know." he sighed.
after some seconds of quiet thinking, "why didn't you tell me?" tamaki continued his questioning.
"everyone already knows, my lord." an awfully familiar voice butt in making the french boy turn his head around, resting his hand on his waist.
the voice belonged to kaoru, who had his arm wrapped around his twin's shoulders. seems like they also just finished with an appointment.
"what does that mean? who's 'everyone' and why am i not included?" tamaki crossed his arms, feeling kind of left out.
"that guy hayato or whatever who hangs out with yn and her friends was telling someone and we overheard." hikaru shrugged in unison with his doppelganger.
honey's soft voice entered the chat. "you mean hinata-kun? yn-chan's friend? yeah, he told me when i asked where yn-chan is because i thought she forgot to bring the candy she promised." he quickly grabbed a piece of cake from the fridge near where kyouya had been sitting and left the room swiftly.
huh, how convenient for him to enter for the plot.
"and why's it that you two evil bastards didn't bother to tell me?" tamaki exclaimed in disbelief, pointing a finger at the both of them. how could they? his precious childhood friend was sick at home and he didn't know?!
"sorry milord-" kaoru announced with his shoulders still raised, "-but you're always talking to yn-" hikaru joined, "-how were we supposed to know you're not asking her about her well-being?" they delivered the finishing blow together.
what were these lame jerks insinuating? 'not asking about her well-being'? what did they know? just as he went to respond with his usual barking, he stopped himself to instead text you on his own for the first time in a while. not that he noticed.
the twins looked at their king with a confused and weirded-out expression on both their faces, before glancing at each other and shrugging again, already disinterested. kyouya had long gone back to his work and so the twins walked to an empty sofa in an almost isolated area of the club, lying on top of one another to give a nice view to whichever client was into it.
about six minutes of pure silence passed between the two before kaoru's phone buzzed; a text from his mum.
the twins read the text simultaneously, with hikaru raising an eyebrow at its contents. they looked back at the slender boy texting you on his phone at the other end of the club, confused about his behaviour.
"seriously...?" hikaru quietly asked kaoru, referring to the text, only to be met with the other's puzzled expression.
as for the half-and-half boy, his fingers were anxiously tapping kyouya's table and awaiting your response to his message.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: Hey darling! Is everything alright? I heard you didn't come to school because you're sick. I thought you just didn't feel like coming. Why didn't you tell me?
he didn't know you let out a deep sigh at his text, even if it was three days late. it gave you hope - false hope. that he'd started to pay attention to you again. maybe being distant worked-
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: want me to come over?
the question felt natural to him, you always visited his home but seldom did he ever visit yours. since you were sick, it made sense that you wouldn't come over this time.
yn>.&lt; : arent u busy rn tho lol
your name on his phone had obviously been put there by you, his choice of emoji had been party hat for some reason.
"be serious, what does that even mean, tamaki?" you'd asked him one day during a break from your studying in his room.
"you don't like it..?" he pouted like usual and you rolled your eyes.
"here. that's better." you handed him his phone back with a new 'yn >.<' as your contact name.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: I can just come after club activities.
wait, he was actually coming? after two months of your only contact being through your rendezvous? it worked?! it actually worked?!
you thought of how to answer him.
at your lack of fast response, tamaki thought of ways to help you feel better through your illness.
'aha! eureka!' tamaki's head echoed.
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: I'll bring some commoner snacks we can enjoy too! Commoners have incredible food to help alleviate illness!
tamakiii ♥♥♥♥: What are you even sick with, anyway?
of course.
commoner food, of course.
haruhi's food.
yn>.&lt; : lol no its fine i dont want u to get sick. ill just c u at sxhool yn>.&lt; : school* yn>.< : doc said its just a cold but yk w my asthma n shit
tamaki was thoroughly disappointed with your response, what did you mean 'you didn't want him to get sick'? you'd never cared if you caught his cold.
his heart raced with worry, and he decided he would stop by anyway. knowing his next appointment was approaching, he speed walked over to the newest host.
"haaaaruuhiiiiii!" he waved his hand to her and her two clients, smiling widely with all of them smiling back at him.
"yeah? what is it, senpai?" haruhi looked up at him from her armchair.
"sorry to intrude-" he runs his hair through his locks - an action that you told him the ladies would swoon over, "-but i was wondering, do you have any recommendations for commoner food that sick people can eat?"
"...are you serious?"
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tiens-letters · 2 years
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When spring ends, wake me up just like what you would've done all these past years.
When spring ends, kiss me like its the last.
When spring ends and gives way to summer, leave me like always.
When spring ends, may we not meet again.
Diluc Ragnvindr (angst)
Female reader
Leaves drift and fall, it parts ways with its branches yet it is never the final farewell for them. For once a leaf touches the ground, it begins to dry and wilt like all the others and thus returns to soil as nourishment for the tree.
You stare out from within the study of the mansion, the workers busy with the last production of grapes as winter begins to draw closer to Mondstadt. Cooped up with nothing but books and unfinished paper work of the winery, you draw your cardigan closer to compensate for the lack of warmth the room holds. The burning wood in the fireplace has long gone out and so did the steam from your coffee that was made this morning. You never bothered to replace them, thoughts more weighing than such tasks. The clock in corner of the room chimed, indicating the coming of supper yet the harrowing sounds of the pendulum was hypnotizing more so than than the idea of an empty dinner table.
He was busy. You couldn’t blame him for it. His time was precious. It was not his fault for being absent most of the time four years after your happy marriage. It was for the future of the winery and for the both of you. You worry for him.
But you cant help to worry about yourself. The dark under-eyes and fatigued body from days of overworking and waiting for his arrival at night. His presence, which seems to be fading as you go to bed alone and wake up to a messy yet cold sheets in the morning. You know of the things he does after-work and wished you could help him but he refused to let you tag along in case of getting hurt, so then you stayed at home and worried yourself to death. Sometimes it could be small bruise and sometimes, it could be wound to the side. One day, it might be his corpse that arrives at your doorstep.
Faint knocking comes from the door as you tear your eyes away from the documents in your hand. The maids knew you didn’t want to be disturbed when you’re in the study. You sigh and walk over to the door. There stood Moco, a worried look on her face.
“What is it?”
“Madame, its been an half an hour since dinner was served. You should come down and eat.” She timidly says.
“I have no appetite.” Its true, these days you found yourself disliking the idea of food or even consuming any, especially at this time of the day. “You and the others may enjoy dinner by yourselves.”
“But Madame!” Moco retaliates, concern lacing her tone “Everyone is worried that you aren’t eating properly.”
Perhaps you were too engrossed in your thoughts and paper works that you never considered nor payed attention to their worries regarding you. Now that you’ve seen it with open eyes, you felt regretful for not spending time with them as they’ve helped you settle down in this nation and became your friends and subordinates.
“Ah.. It seems Ive crossed the line.” you sigh “I will be joining you all.”
Moco erupts in a fit of joy as she clasps your hand and brings you along like a giddy child. By the time you reach the dining table, you are welcomed by all of the staff. Warmth hit you like a refreshing wave, drenching you in a feeling long forgotten. You wonder then where was this when it was just with Diluc.
And as if they knew what you were feeling but never seemed to voice it out. They comforted you in ways like a family would. Slowly filling up that empty hole in your heart from your own husband’s doings. Small and joyous chatter about everyones day and the clinking of silverware against porcelain resonated throughout the hall. The meal was great, courtesy to adelinde cooking it, one that your tongue is familiar with. A specialty of your husband. Funny how he isn’t even here.
 You couldn’t sleep at all. No matter how many pages you flip through from the current book you have on your lap or the second mug of sweet milk, nothing, not even the sheeps who were now gone from their pens. Thus you lay under the dim glow of the lantern, alone with your thoughts that seemed to be the other reason that keeps you up, the first reason being that your concern for your husband who still hasn’t returned from his work.
An antsy feeling creeping up your arms then flowing right into your body. Something seemed wrong, like a pull it urged you to leave from the warmth of your bed and into the dimly lit lobby of the house, all maids having gone home or deep in slumber of the cold night.
“Madame.” you still, hand hovering over the door knob. “Where are you going?”
Elzer stood behind you, a coffee mug in his hand, seemingly to have been on a small break from the rushing a few documents here and there.
“I am only going to check on the tavern.”
“This late? Madame its dangerous to go outside at this time of night.” He reasons out, setting his mug down in order to guide you away from the door
“Elzer, perhaps you have forgotten who I am.” you retort, keeping a hushed voice as to not wake the Adelinde
“No I have not Madame. Just like the others, I too am concerned for your well-being.”
“Im just worried about Diluc.” you sigh, pulling the cardigan closer to you “Ill be quick Elzer.”
Elzer finally gives in and opens the door for you. A little bit of hesitation pulling him back from not letting you go for fear of what might happen.
“Be careful.” is what he could say as he let you go
“Thank you.”
 The minutes you estimated to get to the tavern flew  by fast without you noticing. Perhaps it was from the worry you had for your husband that had your legs moving faster towards the destination or maybe just the pulling feeling that seemed to grow stronger the moment you reached the door of the tavern. The bustling sounds of the patrons and the amusing serenades of the bards inside washed over you as you stepped through the doorway, eyes searching for a specific hair color in the midst of the crowd only to be met by the same mundane colors. There was no sun during dawn within the sea of earthen colors.
“Madame?” a familiar voice from the counter perks up, rather surprised to see you standing there
“Charles!” You gasp in relief finally seeing a friendly face in the blurry crowd. “Have you seen Diluc?”
“Ah, m’lord must be out back getting ready to get home.” Charles smiles at you as he serves one of the drinks
“Thank you.”
You find him exactly where Charles directed you to albeit not alone. There was someone with him, slender arms around his neck and hands tangled in his hair. So that was the nagging feeling all along, as if your gut wanted you to be right with a wrong situation. He seemed lost in her ways as she led her lips to his and you stood there, a ghostly warmth upon your skin like when he used to caress you whenever he sees you. Slowly that feeling faded, you didn’t chase nor crave it as it only left you with a bitter taste and an knife to your chest.
You wanted to throw up at the thought of you wishing to be in her place, rightful as it is you didn’t know anymore. He loved you right? And yet why? Why did seem like you were simply a past time of his and the woman before him was his true love.
It is quite funny, the feeling of betrayal can give you, it makes you vulnerable and your mind in disarray as every insecurity and  negative thought you begin to take in like a black-hole. And so you turned and left, legs leading you down towards the river, you waded in, letting the water creep up your being like a comforting friend, drenching you through and through until it embraced you completely.
 “Madame!” Adelinde rushed out from the mansion immediately upon seeing your figure in the pathway leading up to the building. She gasps as soon as she saw how drenched you were, hair sticking to your face and yet you seemed unfazed from the cold with hands around your tummy. A shawl is quickly draped over your body as you were ushered inside by Adelinde and Elzer, who just came out.
“Where’s the master?” Elzer asks you while helping you sit down near the fireplace
“I must’ve missed him on the way here.” you manage a wry chuckle. Adelinde having gone to draw you a bath, you focus on the warmth of the fire, though it didn’t seem to reach you
“Madame, you should be careful.” sighs Elzer “Travelling by water wont do you well in that state.”
“I thought Diluc was home so I used it.”
“Please promise me you won’t do that for now Madame. We’re all worried about you.”
“The bath is ready.” Adelinde emerges from the balcony, Elzer helps you once again and escorts you upstairs where Adelinde is waiting.
“Thank you.” you nod at both of them, grateful to have people like them at your side. Elzer left to continue a few remaining papers as Adelinde still gave you a skeptical look
“You should rest now Addie. Ill be fine.”
 Shame that you were gone the next day with only your wedding ring atop your pillow and no luggage. Nobody noticed that you turned towards the river once again just when dawn was coming and let it take you back to your home far beyond the mountains.
Diluc walked home, the crisp morning air sharp against his lungs. It was truly getting colder, winter just by his doorstep. He wishes he were home faster, warm beside the hearth with nothing but a warm drink in hand and peace of the weekend.
He wonders if you were still in the study, holed up with the rest of the documents he nor Elzer could finish.  Perhaps by the window gazing out into the winery, awaiting him like you do every day when he leaves for work. Or maybe still sound asleep in your shared bed, covers drawn to your body that made you look small from view.
He walks up the steps and into the patio,
“Master Diluc!” Moco who came from the side of the mansion saw him
“What is it?” he asks her, noting her haggard appearance, her outfit seemed hurriedly put on and her hair, untamed.
“The Madame! Oh archons…” she cries unable to bring out the rest of her words. Diluc takes the initiative to usher the trembling girl inside, only the be met by two other people inside the Mansion who seem to be in a frenzy of words
“What’s going on here?”
“Master! You finally arrived.” Elzer gasps in relief,
Diluc confused as to why the house was in uproar. Had there been a break in? A problem in the documents? Or had you fallen ill? He did not know.
“We could not find the Madame.”
“What do you mean you could not find her?”
“When I was about to wake her up this morning for breakfast, she was not in the bedroom. I tried checking the study as well and the rest of the rooms but she was nowhere to be found.” Adelinde states, her hands begin fiddling with each other, a mannerism she does whenever she’s extremely worried.
“Did you not see her last night at all?” Elzer questions the wine tycoon who stood before them
“No…” Diluc grew worried
“She went looking for you when you didn’t come home and with no luck. So she came back home, drenched from travelling by water. Last night was the last we’ve seen her.” concerned gazes were set on Diluc as if demanding an answer from him, which he didn’t have.
“T-this was the only thing we found of hers,”  Adelinde hands him over the twin symbol of the band around his finger, albeit smaller for it was fitted over slimmer digit than his “Nothing else was taken, as if she were simply gone.”
The crimson haired man stared at the ring upon his palm, he envisioned it burning a hole into his flesh the more he looked at it. Something weighted within, heavy and suffocating.
“What time did she leave to find me?”
“Midnight.” He stumbled for a bit, eyes wide-blown in utter shock. All the voices were drowned out as he helped himself up the stairs and into the bedroom where you slept, or did your head really touch the pillow before leaving?
The color in his face has left him and so did the energy in his body. So he sat on the bedroom floor, the muddy, dirty feeling creeping up his neck and strangling him. Like a noose around his neck, he gagged at the wretched feeling all the while the rush of memories from last night with a woman he did not even know the name of  came flooding in like a merciless river. He let her kiss him, touch him, things only you, his wife is entitled to.
His feet carries him into the bathroom, hands immediately working to remove his upper clothing, once it was shed, he began to scrub himself as if ridden with muck and grime. He scrubs and scrubs and scrubs until his pale skin turned red from the abuse. It wasn’t enough to get rid of last night’s conscious mistake.
oh archons… just what has he done.
How could he have let such a thing happen? Was it the frustration from work? The loneliness from being apart? His other role? All the problems seemed to trickle down and drown him.
And he simply, so pathetically let it happen.
 A sinner looked at him through the foggy mirror.
 Winter came and began to make its home, not bothering to knock or introduce itself. The days will become longer now and he, alone, frozen in the lake of regret and disgust for himself.
He tries to think of any way, anything that can absolve what happened, he ponders and ponders all the while standing amid mess of his thoughts yet nothing could his mind offer to bring him closer to salvation. He so wanted to find you right then and there but after that? If he does then what? What explanation can he possibly offer to you? What can he say to fix your shattered heart, a result from his foolish mistake.
 Pathetic little phoenix, burning himself with a flame he himself conjured up.
 The passing of days, turned into a month and then three, where white covered all in its unforgiving softness. You find yourself by your favorite spot, plush pillows on the window seat overlooking the vast lake in front, warm cocoa in hand and bundled up in the coziest clothes you have. The peace of things as of now has made it easier for you to deal with your thoughts and emotions, the memory of his infidelity, his neglect towards you, all of it dancing at the palm of your hand.
What about the rest? The people you left behind? How did they take it? And what…
 What about him?
 You shut your eyes, willing yourself not to remember his face from that night, instead you let yourself remember who he was before the mistakes. A quiet, serious man who didn’t seem to stop and care about others and yet it was simply a facade to bury who he truly was. Though clumsy, he learned a thing or two about an emotion he thought was lost in the storm of his anger. He was awkwardly sweet during your younger days, to think that the current Master of the wine dynasty managed to fall so deep in love with someone from a neighboring nation.
You were one of Fontaine’s  diplomats at that time, with an eye for curiosity and knowledge, you wanted to know about how they brew their wines in Mond. Expecting to meet the Master on a mundane day at the winery was impossible for he had other tasks to do somewhere else regarding the shipment. However, fate always had a way for things that are meant to be, it was one final stroll through the streets of Mondstadt at night that you met him, well stumbled into each other at one of the private spots in the city, he was injured, though not life-threatening as he claimed it to be. You nursed his wound then and there after a small scuffle initiated by the stubborn man.
 You smile to yourself at how surprised he was that day. Eyes like rubies, gazed at you through the mask as if he were a little bird in a cage. If only time could turn back to the way things were before he started to get busy, maybe then things wouldn’t have taken a turn for the worse.
 ‘I missed who you were before the world turned to ashes and yet I could feel your touch just like yesterday we held each other beneath the dying light of the sun. The hymns from the violin at dawn when you couldn’t think of anything but blame on your self for sins that were never yours.
I miss you. My dear, my love, where have you gone…’
 Shaky hands let the quill fall, you could not continue to write no longer as the heartbreak, still fresh on your mind, the testament drying on the parchment before you. It was as if your heart was being laid out once again and stabbed over and over by you, yourself.
You shake your head, you had to or it would end up creating a bigger rift in both of your hearts.
A fresh parchment, a brief letter and ink stained fingers, only then did you manage to finish it.
 ‘divorce..’   he hoped it was joke, just a cruel joke from you who he has not seen for three months, but the parchment he held tightly in his hand proved otherwise. It was truly your handwriting, pristine and neat, not even a smudge of ink was seen, it was as if you knew what to write . He trembles as the words overlaps over and over in his head, breath coming out in short gasps as an incoming torrent of emotions dawns upon him. One trickle and then two until a river of water crystals fell from his tired eyes. Hiccups rise from his throat as he tries to stifle them, for fear that they would hear him again. Just like the past days wherein he would just break and shed tears because of his mistake, he did not want them to witness his vulnerability once again. He did not want their pity nor their concern for this was a sin he brought upon himself. They did not deserve any of which that he is showing towards the inanimate, the walls, the books, the table, the chairs and the rest of what was in the cold room with him. They were his company at this point, no one else knew exactly why you left or why the master was rarely seen around and outside the mansion.
Spots begin to dance in his vision as fatigue began to settle in his bones, from days of not having eaten properly to the nights where he could not sleep and only played the violin until his fingers bled and shook from the abuse. Distractions were all he had and they were running thin, soon he occupied himself with day dreaming, fantasizing about how things would’ve been if he were more attentive, loving like he was before, less workaholic and had come home in time to have dinner with you, maybe then such a night where the final straw wouldnt have broken the camel’s back then he would still wake up with you beside him.
He tries so hard to fight against the drowsiness, and as always, fails for his body could not bear anymore time awake. Maybe it was mercy that he was being spared at the moment because if his eyes were open a little longer then his heart would have completely shattered and maybe, it was cruelty that his body has shutdown, hoping not to wake up for a long time.
 He preferred the former.
 Why? He wanted himself to be reminded in every moment, every second, every hour of the day that it was his foolish fault, which could never reverse to correct. What’s done is done and he had to swallow such a truth down his clogged throat. He let himself choke on that feeling as punishment and yet he still wished, though it was a small flame, he still kept it alight amid the howling storm, that maybe you would come back and speak to him or maybe, at least a small glimpse of you would be enough to satiate his rapidly growing loneliness.
 “ ..forgive me.” with a tear stricken face, he unceremoniously lays his head upon the carpeted floor, your letter still enclosed by his bloody bandaged fingers.
 A few companions were enough for you to last through the winter when all else is freezing, their warmth sufficient enough to not let your heart fall into despair once again. You sat by the hearth, bundled up in a quilt as you listened to your elated elder brother who had just come home from his work at the capital. He spoke about boundless ideas of trade and then suddenly jumping to the meaning of every artwork he has ever come across in his journeys, some he would bring home to his ever growing collection. In a room full of historical past and vivid stories of inspiration, passion and reality, you slowly built yourself from the ruins of heartbreak. Though not every time you make it to the next step, you still manage and you were proud of it.
A small knock comes from the door cutting off your conversation.
“At this time of the night?”
“I’m not expecting anyone right now.” your brother looks at the door with annoyance
“Neither am I.” you stand with the support from his outstretched arm and approach the door
 There was only one other person who is in possession of the house keys and to have come this far into the home.
 “Alberich.” your brother rolls his eyes upon seeing the man who made himself at home again, he lost count for how long this man has been going in and out of the house for many years now.
“Still calling me that even when we’ve known each other for years.” Kaeya chuckles “You wound me.”
“Oh I would very much like to do so.” the older male glares at him
You simply shake your head at their banter and walk back to the couch to enjoy the short entertainment. It wasn’t always this lively and you were thankful Kaeya came to visit.
 “What brings you here this early Kae?” you ask the male, setting down your teacup on the table
“I came to visit that’s all.” he replies but kept looking around, thumbs twiddling unconsciously atop his lap
“Liar.” scoffs your brother “You twiddle your thumbs when you’re withholding information.”
He did have that kind of habit though only in front of those he is close with, to the rest, he can easily lie like it was drinking wine.
“And here I thought I can prolong it as possible,” sighs the dark haired man
“Its fine Kae.” you tell him but part of you dreads what he might say
“Adelinde came to me the other day, she told me how things were back in uhh, that place, she told me about him..” Kaeya starts, “ and I hate to admit it, but he is not doing well after you left. I have not even seen him step foot out of the mansion. She begged me you know… to ask you for one last favor as her Lady and friend. To see him at least once more before separating completely.”
 “Hah! I bet he told her to do that.” your brother had his own thoughts towards Diluc, this much was only the beginning of voicing finally them out. His seen the times you were happy with him but the ache in the recent year was the fuel to the regret of letting you marry such a man. What could he even do anyway when you loved him so, instead, he put his trust, albeit unwillingly towards the man.
‘ Make her happy ‘ he wanted to strangle his past self for saying that on the day the man knelt and slipped a ring on your finger.
He looks at you now, his beloved sister, whom he took care of when your parents were extremely busy, kept her happy as possible while in the middle of maintaining the household and its related businesses. If he can do all those things while caring for you then why? Why cant Diluc be the same as he expected for someone you are to be betrothed to.
 “But its Addie,” your small voice makes it past your lips “She does not lie about things like that. He.. he must be truly in suffering to have her in a situation where she begs.”
 “Tell me this sister, if he is truly suffering as that woman says then does he not deserve every second of it? Does he not deserve to wallow in grief and regret? Im sure Alberich agrees with me too.”
You knew your brother is right. He took the words that have been in the deepest part of your mind, brought them out into the world and it scared you how true it is. That such a sin could deal eternity’s consequences. He truly did deserve what he did to you.
 “But,” why did your tongue want to argue against your mind. It is only right to have him feel the gravity of it.
 “Please don’t tell me you still want to see him.” the man you who mirrors your looks holds your hands in his, in a way he wants you to reconsider your plans of going. He knows you very well, that older brother of yours.
“You are way too kind.”
 Even as kids, you were too kind to those who are hurt, even when they’ve hurt you, because you would argue there was always a heavier reason behind their actions. Nikolaj, always had to be there to remind you that your tolerance would get you hurt one day. And this moment only proves it. But that little child grew up into a fine young woman, who’s kindness was chipped away by neglect and agony towards feelings that still tormented her of the man whom she vowed to stand beside to. She saw how right Nikolaj was.
“When spring comes,” you shakily sigh, seeking comfort in your brother’s warmth “I will go and see him and end it there once and for all.”
“Alright, you may do that.” he nods yet still skeptical about how things may turn out “We will leave in three days. Now get some rest.”
 After escorting you to your room and bidding you good night, the men head down once again to the library.
“Don’t you have work to do?”
“My sister matters more and I’d like a chance to wring that bastard’s neck and burn his corpse and his house altogether.”
“That’s rather dark, Nik.” snickers Kaeya as he pours himself a glass of wine
“Would you rather stand in his place then?” the older man glares at the cavalry captain
“I would love to continue drinking for the rest of my life, thank you very much.”
“Thought so.”
  You did not think you’d be back this early, when eternity was what you wanted to be away from both the painful and happy memories. They were all in the past and you being in Mondstadt right is a sign to the end of things. Of letting go of the things you used to cherish, the people, the sights, the little trinkets down the market. It is being free from shackles you did not think had already bound you during the days of neglect and the cold nights of you falling asleep alone without the embrace of the other.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” your concerned brother escorted you through the steps with Kaeya flanking your other side. They insisted in seeing the whole ordeal themselves beside you and maybe chance a hit at the man who made you cry.
“We can still turn around if you want to.”
“Nik, were already here.” part of you wanted to tell him you want to go back and the other part argues for you to stand your ground and enter the Phoenix’s next.
“I just wanted to ask.” he sighs
Adelinde came rushing out at once and met you half-way, engulfing you in a hug. It felt like one that friends would share after being separated by the weekend. But she knows, oh she knows how things will be once you’ve stepped foot inside the mansion. She made sure to let the girls have a week off as to not add more pressure to the situation. Only her and Elzer remained beside the young master who was cooped up in his room.
“We missed you my lady!” Adelinde exclaims in relief as she steps away “Please do come in, you must be tired.”
“Adie, please address me comfortably starting from today.” you tell her, soft smile painted on your lips
“Of course…” she saw you were ready to let him go, that tranquil smile of yours was more than enough for her to be reassured that you will be alright.  She escorted you inside, part of her praying that things will go right so that no one will be hurt further than they have already been.
“I’ll go with you.”
“I will be alright brother.”
So this was it, this is where you cut ties with him. To forget the memories that kept you awake at night locked away into the very far and abandoned room of your memory palace. To truly let go of the thread that you have been holding onto, to not foolishly ask for change.
But if the man you once loved, that when you turn the knob and push open the door, step inside and find him, whom you wished to be home, wished to look at you the same way, to hold you, to find his lips on your again in a soft, longing dance of lovers torn apart. What then? What will you do?
That is what your heart keeps asking, what if’s on the side that you wanted to see.
Your knuckles softy landing three knocks on the door, as the other hand turns the key which Adelinde has given you prior to ascending the stairs. Stating that the master always keeps the room locked, whether he is inside or working outside which rarely happens now.
“Diluc, its me.” you call out softly as you enter into the room.
 It was quite the mess, as if someone had left the windows open and let the wind have its way with the things within. Papers were strewn about, some being more important than the rest, a few books opened, some facing down were around the room, and what shocks you more was not the furnitures untidy or the curtains drawn, it was the broken violin on the floor, whose strings were snapped in half and body shattered along with its bow.
He loved keeping things neat and in order, more so, playing the violin.
He was passionate about playing, even when he does not show it at times, you would catch him playing in his study on nights where he thinks you were in deep sleep, but when he would play in front of you. Oh it was like heaven, the compositions were all dedicated to you, his love, his wife.
Seeing the violin his father gifted him was also seeing him lose his fervor and somehow discarding his memory of the late master.
 The man in question lay in bed, unmoving and his back turned to you. His crimson messy hair splayed out behind it, reminding you of lava from Natlan’s many volcanoes. Your body moves itself, not wanting to wait another second. The mattress beside him sinks with your weight, he doesn’t move nor stir from his slumber. You took notice of his fingers, bloody and bandaged as if no one bothered to clean or at least change the bandage, taking it upon yourself to clean and change. He played until they bled, and played and played again until his hands gave up on him. Perhaps it was then that he was frustrated that he could not let out anymore of his agony that he destroyed it.
You almost forgot how his hands fit your perfectly, until your gaze finds his tired eyes, they looked terrifyingly empty.
“Diluc?” you pray your voice would be steady throughout the talk
“Are you truly here?”  yet his eyes remained the same. Defeated. It seemed like he was accepting it, reality or not, as long as he can see you
“I am.” you wouldn’t dare ask how he is doing, as the evidence is apparent by the looks of his degraded physique and the state of the room
“I pray to celestia above that I may never wake up from this dream…” At least then he can properly apologize for all the short comings he has committed.
A sharp pang of pity strikes your heart upon hearing his words, he was still walking in a dream.
Awake but not himself. Just how far has he gone into his mind that he is now a shell who cannot distinguish reality from fantasy.
“It is not a dream Diluc.” you tell him, hands gingerly moving stray strand of unruly hair away from his face “I am here as much as you are before me.”
 “Then the letter…” right, there was your letter from a month ago “It’s true?”
 “I’m afraid so.”
 ‘ah, so it has truly has come to this point.’  Diluc still wishfully prayed that it wasn’t true,  even in the end he wanted things to be as they are but it has already went past the tipping point of the scales. It is where salvation was out of reach, out of question, where there is nothing but suffering at the end of the line.
He reaches out to you, scarred calloused hands on your much delicate ones, a gentle but shaky grip, you forgot how it felt like, that skin upon yours. If only he did this back then, maybe you would have reconsidered. But all is for naught now. You had to swallow down any pity there is, numb yourself of any compassion for this man, and cease to love him only for this moment.
 “I’m so sorry darling. I’m sorry. I truly am.” darling, its meaning already lost in the storm, he weeps into your palms, fingers catching salty warm beads of regret as you simply stared ahead, you let him cry whatever tears there is left in him, his mouth repeating the same words over and over again until his voice gave up on him too, a result from the days he confessed his sins to the moon and stars above, praying that he may be pardoned and have you come back to him.
You tried your best not to let slip a few tears, but his sorrow reached you as well and you began to let them fall down your cheek as you stayed in that position until it became silent, with only a few sniffles here and there. It was like back then, where he mourned his father’s death, only that things were different, he was mourning someone alive, someone he loved with all his heart, someone he neglected, someone he betrayed, and still love. He mourned someone who is now leaving him, never to return nor to see him. His heart was torn to pieces and never had he imagined it would hurt to this degree, is only he was a better husband, a better man, someone his father would be proud of but now? It was a truly pathetic sight.
 “Are you alright now?” what a foolish question, none of which at the moment is fine
 “How can I be? Now that I would not see you anymore for the rest of my life.” Diluc replies, hoarse voice passing through his chapped lips “You are to leave me and I could not do anything about it, I could only watch as you return to your homeland, miles away from me. But if there is a chance of me being able to offer you what I have left, will you take it?”
 “Even if we try again, all we would see will be reflected back to us are the mistakes of the past. No matter how much we cover it up, we will always be reminded of what we lack as human beings. You see Diluc, we’ve passed that point already, from the time I waited for you at the dinner table, I could not confront you as you were missing from me, and then to your neglect,” You drawn in a shaky breath as you look away from him “and that night… I didn’t know my heart would break that further. I could not even pick up the pieces of myself within the months we are not together.”
 That was how much he hurt you, Diluc had no more tears left to cry, he could only stare, to helplessly look at the person he cherished turn to ash because of his scorching flames. You didn’t look at him and he wished you would, maybe to just show him more of what torment he deserved when he sees your face. He thumbs the ring on his finger that seemed to dig into his skin, he remembers taking it off one time during work and forgot to put it back, and when you left on the same night he broke you, he put it on, clinging to it as he himself, tore his heart out as well.
A mark of where your wedding ring once sat stayed on your bare hands, he wanted to slip your ring unto them again like he did before but it was only a stupid wish.
You wait for him to speak, to say something in retaliation but only silence greeted you. Shaking your head, you stand up, taking your time to reach the door, as if you were giving him time to call out to you and when he did not, you opened the door
“Please sign the papers, Mr. Ragnvindr.”
 Nikolaj was already waiting for you at the bottom of the staircase, his hand outstretched to meet yours as he helped you towards the couch. He kneels before you, the kind and concern gaze affixed on your own solemn ones.
“Will he sign it?” he asks you, fingers running over the back of your hand, a habit he still kept from your childhood days. You shook your head in response, which made him stop in his ministrations “I see. So he wants the hard way.”
“Brother please, give him a bit more time.” you sigh, it was your turn to run your fingers over the back of his hand,
“Time? How much more time do we need to wait for you to be free from this foolish marriage sister? He does not deserve the luxury of time, if he wont sign it, I’ll make him do so.” your brother was already furious but for your sake, he tries to stop himself from marching up to the second floor and drag the man inside to sign the papers with force.
“ I don’t think you’d have to waste your energy going up there, Nik.” Kaeya’s airy voice chimes in, his eyes directed to the stairs where the man in question stood, his hand holding onto the railing to support his body.
Your brother turns and in a few seconds his hands were around the man’s collar. Face a few inches away from the other.
“So you finally decided to show yourself you bastard.” sneers your brother at the man whose eyes were downcast towards the floor, he did not fight it and let the other man scream bloody murder into his face.
All the profanities, he’ll take it.
The insults, he’ll endure.
Even if it wounds him even further, he’ll have to swallow how will to fight back.
A hit or two would be alright as well.
He deserved it anyway.
 “I’m sorry…” is what comes out of his mouth, angering your brother even further who is now being held back by you, Kaeya not wanting to help because he too wanted Diluc to know how much he is losing right now
“Is that all you can say?!” you try your best to hold him back from lunging at your husband again “After all that you did, you only say a stupid phrase that can’t undo anything you did to her. How about just sign the damn papers Ragnvindr, that way we can see that you are truly sorry.”
 Ah, fate must truly hate him.
 “Ill do it.” Diluc manages to say despite the twisting in his chest “Ill sign the papers… but please, give me a week with her. That’s all ill ask for.”
“Where did you have the guts to even ask for such a thing?!” he know he shouldn’t have but he wanted to at least give a little more of himself before truly letting you leave him
He was still selfish until the end.
You didn’t know what to feel, was it relief that finally he is willing to let you go or the sorrow your heart feels to finally see things end with him. It was a mix, a maelstrom of emotions.
“Just for a week. Ill do what you want after.” the defeated redhead says again
“Unbelievable.” scoffs your brother before turning to you “Can we speak outside?”
You give him a nod as he changes tune and leads you to the door carefully leaving Kaeya and Diluc alone.
“You sure have grown up to be the worst, Master Diluc.” Kaeya sighs as he leaves as well for a different room, not wanting to be alone with the other, any longer than that he might forget to hold his tongue back into spewing out more venom.
 Having settled down outside on one of the benches, you turn towards your brother
“I think ill be extending my stay here for seven days.”
“Are you serious? That man betrayed you, neglected you and touched another woman and you want to take up on his offer?!”
“It seems to be the right thing to do, after all, I too, have not settled this properly when I should have on the day I saw him behind the tavern with someone else.” you tell him,
“You.. you’re just to kind sister.” you catch the distress swimming in his eyes as he holds your hands, he truly wanted to take you away in an instant. To hide you away and just show you the good parts of life. He reminisced the old days wherein he would take you to places, despite the protest of your parents, as long as you can smile again he is willing to take any methods just to keep you happy.
“But then, I understand “ even if he didn’t want to “ It always falls on your decision and I will respect that as your brother. So go,  do what you must and come back home with happiness and peace in your heart sister.”
 He truly would do anything.
He let you go for the last time, just like on your wedding day when he walked you down the altar. At least this time, it was different. You wont get hurt anymore.
 So it began, a week of goodbyes, seven days of letting go all the while being in each others presence. You had requested a separate room to which Diluc heeded to, albeit hesitantly. The first night wasn’t easy, despite having your brother in the opposite room. The feeling of that night did not leave your chest, it stayed with you until you woke up, stifling as ever.
He was there by the stairs, neat but still dashing as if it were just yesterday. A bouquet of your favorite flowers in his trembling hand, you did not know whether it was from nervousness or the urgent need to hold you.
He smiled and told you good morning.
And you accept them, the smell bringing back nostalgic memories from when things weren’t ruined. You engage in small, nothing more, once again getting used to his presence and so is he.
Lunch and dinner passed by like a breeze, you occupied with talking walks outside and Diluc catching up on paper work but making time to accompany you, much to your brother’s annoyance.
Before turning in, he told you good night.
 The second day and the third were the same, except for the short glances your way and the small gestures he would like opening doors for you or brushing a stray strand away from your face. Your brother reluctantly went back to fontaine due to business affairs, leaving Kaeya with you.
The fourth day was full of serenity, strolling side by side at windrise, the breeze cool upon your skin, both of you were fluent in the language of silence at that moment. Simply savoring the experience that you both will never get again.
And on the fifth day, he initiates that you both hold hands, though in a timid way. Just like how the both of you were starting out as a couple. His hands were warm just as you have remembered. Shame you were to part soon, it even fit perfectly.
The sixth day, Diluc became ab bit more bold, a bit more selfish in his requests.
“May I kiss you?”
When in reality he wanted to tell you that he misses you so much, his tongue betrayed him
“If you feel uncomfortable, I wont pry any further.”
Lost for words, you could only nod at his request. He too, was surprised you agreed to it. Slowly, he leans in, taking his time as he brings his hand up to your face, caressing it like you were the last precious thing on teyvat. Lips met and brushed against each other, it was like a dance of longing and love. So much unsaid promises, words that neither of you could convey to each other. It was slow, languid, no one was rushing, only savoring the moment of two sorrowful souls.
You both pull away, forehead against each other.
“Thank you.” he tearfully whispers
 The seventh day was torture, you both finally sat down to speak. To talk about things in your relationship, your falling out, and also the memories you both shared throughout the years. It was like re-painting a masterpiece of the times, and leaving it as that and on display in the untouched parts of the mind. That was how it was going to be, how you will leave it to be. To finally move on to another larger canvas as individuals and not partners. The talk was drawn into the night, somewhere within the hours you both shed tears, or held hands in silence.
And then morning came, the sun coming up to remind Diluc that he was going to be alone again and to see the light but not the warmth anymore about this part of life. To you the sun was like a beacon, its rising is a new beginning to you.
“I guess this is where we end Diluc.” you look back at him, he who stood frozen by the door, the divorce papers already signed and submitted. You felt free.
“I love you.” he tells you in a way that I was a good bye and a reminder
 “I know.” you lips pulled into a gentle smile, “Thank you for loving me Diluc, before and for this seven days.”
 “I love you…” stray tears cascade down his face, pathetic really
 “Good bye Diluc,  I pray to celestia for your happiness.” you forgave him, with a last kiss to his cheek which he accepts, you step back and turn towards the road. Kaeya already waiting at the bottom of the steps.
And just like that Diluc watched as your figure get smaller and smaller into the horizon until you were truly gone from his life.
If rebirth was real then he prays that he may find you again and to become a better lover than he was in this present life.
“Are you sure you don’t feel tired?” Kaeya asks you once again as he sits across you from the train.
“Not at all, Kae.” you assure him, hand rubbing your swollen belly.
“I don’t want to be strangled by your brother if something were to happen to you and your child.”
That’s right, you were with child.
 You were home when spring ended.
"and she doesnt look for him?"
you look at the man leaning against the door. The only other person you’ve confided in after the painful separation. The news of your pregnancy was only known by Adelinde, no one else knew about it, not even Diluc. For you were hesitant to tell him as he was always buried in work. So you kept it a secret, that is until that night. The first month was difficult, having to deal with your now ex-husband’s neglect and betrayal, you had to stay strong for your child. So you persevered through the ache in your chest. Nikolaj, your brother soon found out after witnessing the many times you would feel queasy around strong smelling foods and morning sickness. You had no choice but to come clean to him and he accepted it, despite the anger he felt towards the father, he was ecstatic in meeting his little niece. Soon, Kaeya knew about it, after his second visit in your home. He visited often, bringing small gifts for the child and for you.
 "At night." you stop, the truth weighing heavy on your tongue like lead.
There were times your daughter would mumble about her father, a man whose existence you've hid her from life for 3 years now, your darling daughter at the sweet age of three began to babble about where her father was and why is it only the blue haired uncle who comes by every month to kiss her on the cheek is the man she ever sees. 
Home teaching saved her from the scorn of her classmates who’s parents were still happily married unlike you but that did not mean you weren’t happy with the life you are leading right now with the help of your brother and Kaeya. You had built a tranquil and happy life for her and you were satisfied with that.
"She looks for him and she whispers to me everytime I close her little story book ‘mommy why dont I have a daddy like Fayette?’ and you know what I tell her?"
"You dont need to tell me you know." kaeya sighs, lifting his body off the door, coming near to put a hand on your back to comfort you. 
"I tell her ‘Leia, your father is somewhere far-away. He cannot see us.’, but Im simply lying to myself and to her. I just don’t want him to see her, am I a bad mother Kae?”
“That does not make you a bad mother in any way. You just want what’s best for her, you’re protecting her from the truth of what he did. ” Kaeya tells you, his hand still resting on your back “Don’t doubt yourself.”
“Wait, Don’t you have work in Mond?” feeling a bit better now you close your daughter’s door
“But its my vacation.”
“Vacation my foot, you snuck away didn’t you? I could only imagine Jean overworking herself more with the work you left behind.” you chided him
“My my, you know me so well.” he chuckles “Alright, ill go back tomorrow before Nik kicks me out himself.”
“You better.”
 Diluc rises from him unfulfilling slumber, bed hair sticking out of place, he did not consider brushing them down. 
Because you werent there. It never felt the same.A knock from the door came as soon as he stepped out of the bedroom. Excited noises were heard from the lobby of the mansion. It was never that lively around here. He wonders then what could have caused a racket this morning. From the balcony he sees a figure he's never seen in a few years. Perhaps from his detachment from the outside, the only routine of work and dark knight duties. 
Kaeya Alberich, his adoptive brother stood amidst the maids who were fawning over a small moving bundle in his arms.
Only until he descended did he see what was the center of attention. A child securely curled up in the man's arms. Wavy flaming red hair peaked out from the blue bonnet as the child tried to nuzzle closer to Kaeya and away from the  fussing maids. 
It felt like an eternity just simply standing there and looking at the toddler. 
"And youre not going to say anything." Kaeya scoffs from across the bewildered Diluc "Typical." 
Adelinde having sensed the atmosphere, ushered the rest of the maids away and out of sight leaving the rest to their own privacy. The look on Diluc's face says it all, though in a maelstorm of emotions, it is clearly seen how much he wanted to ask and yet nothing came out of his mouth. 
"uncle kya?" coos the small child , comfortable in the now silent lobby of the mansion.
"hey sweetheart." kaeya smiles down at child, tucking a strand of hair back into her bonnet "I want you to meet someone okay?" 
"New friend?" Diluc watches the exchange with a breaking heart, with each word the child says, pieces begin to crash in his ribcage. He wanted to introduce himself so badly but held back despite the shaking need in his hands to hold her and tell her who he is. He just knows but is still in disbelief. You hid her so well after all.
 "Its your father, little one ." Kaeya tried to hold back the poison that pooled in his mouth for the sake of your child whom you've sent with him to meet Diluc after a long consideration that maybe she should meet him, seeing as you can never commit yourself to even meet him anymore, you asked Kaeya to take her with him as he goes back to Mond for work and against the wishes of your brother. You also were busy with work that you took it as an opportunity to let her go. She was alright with going with Kaeya and only kicking up a bit of fuss about why you are not going with her, you explained why she couldn’t go and she understood it quite well despite being only five years old.
"I have a daddy?" she blinks up at kaeya and then to the man in front of them who looks so lost and simply broken. 
"yeah," the male nods "unfortunately." 
Kaeya sets the little girl down on the carpeted floor, tiny figure wobbling a bit from the action. "Go on kid." 
"He looks like me." 
"he does, sweetie." though he wanted to tell her otherwise. How could she not resemble the man before her. Even you saw how she inherited a few characteristics of him.
She hides half of her tiny head behind the snow bunny toy as she walks forwards slowly towards Diluc who shakily kneels down as to not intimidate her. 
"H-hey," Diluc doesnt even know where to start, as if his voice has left him and seized his brain to do nothing but look at her, the child he does not have any knowledge of until now.
 Those big eyes stared at him, a replica of yours. Does he even deserve to look at them after all these years?
"Hi..." quiet voice making past her lips, 
What a shy little thing 
"I... Uhh" does he even deserve to talk to her "Whats your name?" 
"lei," she tells him, then raises the stuffed toy in her hand "this is rosie." 
"Its Soleia. " Kaeya interjects from  behind 
"Soleia..." he tests the name out on his tongue, "Its beautiful."
He did not realize that the dams began to break as tears cascaded down his face, it has been long since he had shed a tear. The ache in his chest began to make itself known at the thought of you being alone to give birth to such a wonderful child. How absent he was in the years she grew up in fontaine. He does not blame you at all for keeping her from him, even he himself thinks that he was not ready.
"Daddy..." he feels her small hand trying to cup his face " no cry." 
 How precious it is, to finally find something to lead the light when he thought it has been snuffed out years ago. He looks at his child, a little girl just reaching up to his knees comfort him, he feels serene and happy to have met her. Never in his life did he think he would have anything such endearing as this, something that he’d want to protect and to just spoil rotten. Your daughter stayed there for three days, taking care of her alongside Adelinde and Kaeya always scolding him about what to do and not to do. He learns a lot, though clumsy most of the time as he was truly lost on how to take care of her, he tries and tries to make her happy.
Once again, he finds happiness bloom in his heart. He just simply melts seeing her say dad.
He swears on his life and on celestia that he will do right by her. It was his second chance and he will not ruin it.
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Have some doodles of Diluc and the kid lol
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I suck at anatomy
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oops, forgot about this one too :P
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yubathegnome · 4 years
shakespearean au: sge concept
warning - this is long and contains otk spoilers (and macbeth spoilers lol). no i do not offer refunds for time wasted. but if u don’t read this, i will find u because my fatigue is fuelling me w anger :)
11:00 pm: ok so I was casually floating in a bowl of water (segue- what is the point of baths? you can literally do the same things in ur bed but dry...) thinking about how great a shakespearean au would be... yes, I hate Shakespeare’s pretentious ass and if I have to read Romeo and Juliet one more time, I might obliterate my existence. however, imagine the drama of a midsummer nights dream au- immaculate fairy hallucinogenic woods vibes w the magic of fairies that could be linked to sge, just everyone going insane bacchanal in the woods. sadly there are more characters in this play than unnecessary first years in TCY so I decided to try twelfth night instead. 
12:30 am: ok, I have tried every combination of characters possible for twelfth night (just imagine - agatha in the position of duke orsino and tedros in the position of viola, ah the angsty friends to lovers, the jealousy arc potential, misunderstood love ahh) but I always ended up w an agaphie... incident (sweet home alabama)
2:00 am: tried hamlet, taming of the shrew and king lear (plot is way to depressing)... becoming delusional
macbeth au
if u don’t know the plot... uncultured. jk i blame the british education system for my knowledge of this play but here’s a plot summary
let’s pretend scotland is camelot? yeah, just do it.
also: “Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air.” (aka the only quote i can lowkey remember from year 9 for an absolute trash equivocation essay i waffled)
oh and also “what, you egg?” (he stabs him) - do i even have to explain the amazing significance of this quote? pls keep reading, i’m not insane.
character list:
macbeth - rhian
ok confession - i love rhian, 100% didn’t deserve to die so here he can be the tragic protagonist
outshone tedros in QFG (not that hard tbh) and gave us a glimpse of never!tedros’ potential character similarities - corrupted by evil, assuming that there r good intentions in evil people, kinda power hungry, thinks he deserves a position he really doesn’t, tricked by a prophecy
he’s a simp for sophie lets be honest (soz keian shippers) so the choice for lady macbeth should be...
lady macbeth - sophie 
ok, just imagine, no morals/manipulative sophie slowly going insane and having power over powerful men- my fave trope of her wanting to kill rafal/king duncan but unable to pull through last minute because of her daddy issues... yes <3
slowly going insane cus she can’t balance her evilness and her humanity
the hand washing scene... 
“Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.”
the guards that are killed by lady macbeth and macbeth - nicola and hort 
they were a cute duo when they investigate in QFG and that’s abt it, hence the short roles
the dagger - excalibur
cursed swords check
3 witches - mistral sisters
bruh this is perfect, i don’t have to explain, this is all slotting into place
king duncan - ... yoooo, does it really matter, just the previous king of Camelot. wait maybe that Uther guy. whatever.
banquo - chaddick 
im tired, ur just gonna have to pretend that tedros is king arthur’s grandson and yes, chaddick’s son
i shall allow chaddick to have an actual role where he is a humble, loyal knight who isn’t just conveniently used to fulfil some random prophecy... oh wait poor guy was wronged so bad in TCY- ok ik he dies in macbeth too but like he has a bigger role here than in the 6 sge books. chaddick/ banquo are good plot devices that only exist so the prophecy makes sense, bingo!
macduff - tedros 
c-section king
he just would be that character with the unique and coincidental part of his past that allows him to be king
young and underestimated check
daddy issues and family trauma
kinda doesn’t deserve to be king but uno what, ~prophecies~ 
(just forget abt malcolm’s existence, i have the power now)
the king of england - agatha
agatha as king... we love to see it yes this is my way of incorporating tagatha just pretend macduff falls in love with the king of england ok.  agatha breaks the news that tedros’ dad has just died- cute comforting scene
 scottish macduff realises the english are ok just like tedros realises agatha isn’t a witch... idk someone write a oneshot
3:30 am:
me: let’s fix all my mistakes w some aesthetic mood board ideas.
*types in “macbeth aesthetic” into pinterest* *chooses the first 3 images*
this is very much adequate
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4:00 am; do what you will with this information, people of the internet. this doesn’t even make sense at this point. can’t wait for the black coffee overdose my body will endure tomorrow :) also i love how the sleep deprivation slowly makes my tone more aggressive. im a simp for tagatha but rhian being the main character makes me happy. how do y’all make ur theories and stuff all pretty. WAIT NO COVEN! wait no hester oml... ok maybe the 3 witches might have to be the coven, wow, i can’t believe i’ve done this.
ok imagine them all running around in a circle chanting “Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble!” - iconic
 ok, they can be the king of england’s attendants.
4:15 am: haha just brushed my teeth... why is this so chaotic. i cant get myself to proof read this because then i have to acknowledge how much time i have acc wasted so pls be traumatised by this chronic brain puke. will i ever write this fic... probably not but miracles happen. good night girls and gays - sweet dreams :) probs will regret this in the morning... oh how i worship the anonymity of tumblr
ps - currently writing a hate essay on hort which i might never release on fear of assasination by 12 year olds... we love to see it
pps - if u made it this far, idk what to tell u, u have perseverance. or maybe u just can’t read. how do i end these things and why am i treating this like a dear diary blog. goodbye. oh yeah, can some sge accounts maybe like... idk... interact w me uwu. i will go insane if i have to play devil’s advocate w myself any longer... GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
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sugaftrm · 3 years
experiencing mild side effects from first dose of vaccine (headache, feverish chills, body fatigue) but it’s been so debilitating idk like i’ve been in and out of sleep since 8am and my appetite feels weird and i have things to do but i cant bring myself to get the energy to do them. i have to get it together before my evening clients cus i don’t wanna cancel/reschedule on them but i feel so blah. i know it’s not a big deal/could be worse & im privileged to be vaccinated but it’s also bringing up some haunting memories too so all in all, the vibes are off today
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