#but at the same time i give at least 50% of doubt to this possibility bc it rlly doesnt seem to me any more starklings will die
callsign-rogueone · 2 months
I don't know if I'm the only one wondering, but I wanted to know what you think about it in your girlfriendverse or in canon.
How do dragons handle childbirth? Since riders and dragons can sense each other's feelings and pain, I wonder what they think or how they react to the whole pregnancy and childbirth thing, because no offense, but I doubt you can block your dragon properly while you give birth to a human being.
Thank you in advance and btw, I love the way you think.🩵
Take care, beautiful.✨️
ooh interesting. I hadn’t thought about that before! we need Aimsir to call in since he’s been through this three times with Lilith lol
naturally, this question raises several more questions for me about the magic system 😅
I’d imagine that if at all possible, you should have a mender on standby to block the pain, to fix you up in case of emergency, and help you recover physically afterward. but when Brennan says he “blocks” someone’s pain, it sounds like he’s just stopping them from feeling it, and not taking it away or stopping the physiological process of it, so can the dragon still sense it?
and re: dragon and rider being able to “feel” each other’s pain… does the dragon actually feel the human’s pain at the same level / location, like it’s happening to them? or is it more of a “something is very wrong with your human, go save them!” impending-doom feeling?
I think it’s implied that the dragon is better at blocking out the rider, since they’re the ones who have the magic, they’re just sharing it with their human, and they’re older and have more practice using shields etc. so they’d likely be able to muffle the pain, at least, but I imagine it would still be distressing to feel the pain + be worried about the rider dying in the process, since this is a fantasy world without modern medicine, and even for us these days, it’s still risky.
I have so many questions about the level of medical tech in FW… I don’t know how much prenatal care and tracking they can do. I imagine that it’s always a surprise if you’re having a boy or a girl, and you don’t really know much about the baby’s health until they’re born.
also… imagine how much more protective your dragon would be if you’re expecting 🥺
they reproduce differently than us but they still understand — my human is making a tiny new human inside themself. this is a long, delicate process for them and they must be protected at all costs!
Cosa and Cath are not letting anyone “suspicious” get close to Love. Dain gets a pass obviously, and so do Brennan, Duchess, Darling, and Bodhi, since that’s her inner circle. the other marked ones are thoroughly sniffed and watched closely to check their vibes, but any fliers or non-Tyrrish better back the fuck up. Cosa is gonna be extra careful on flights (a little seat belt, like Tairn did for Vi at first) and maybe even reduce the strength of Love’s signet a little bit so she doesn’t strain herself.
and heaven help everyone when Duchess has her babies. the entire riot is going to be guarding her, and even Brennan isn’t safe. she’d have to reassure some of them that he’s her mate / the father of her child, and he’s not going to hurt her. and if she had to be on bed rest, Marbh would absolutely snitch to Brennan if she tried to climb up the hill to see the riot.
“I love the way you think” is the compliment of the century. I spend way too long on ask answers and I usually cut them down about 50% every time, believe it or not. it’s a jungle in here. but I’m glad it makes sense to people lol
love ya! stay hydrated 💗
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thornswoggled · 2 months
on chises family, “a storm brewing in the east,” and future arcs
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[ive written this post before, but its due for a refresh. now that jasper has been introduced, the whole last half of that post is moot, and i have additional thoughts on chika as well as more context on my thoughts on yori.]
now that fumiki is back in the picture, id like to theorize that yuuki hatori will soon follow. [see post: yori is fumiki and heres why.] more attention being paid to chises life in japan [ch 50, 75], chise wondering why her father “abandoned his role" [ch 57], and elias expressing curiosity over the circumstances that led her to meet seth [ch 74] are all hints towards yuukis story coming to light
one thing TAMB does that i love is how tertiary characters are facsimiles meant to help us understand our main characters. for example, all the dysfunctional pairs we see in the first arc that we are meant to compare and contrast elias and chise to, all in various ways that help us understand the ways their relationship might evolve. these minor characters may seem unimportant, but are preparing us to accept developments in the main cast. i believe there are two characters in the college arc that are prepping us for yuuki hatoris story - seth noel and adam sargent
lets first address fumiki, who ill just call yori. yori seems to have mastery over his eyes, which “have the power to bind [fae]” according to gabriella [ch 51]. this is a power both he and yuuki have, which protects chise and chika for a time. however, chika implies that he didnt always have this ability, or perhaps didnt have the sight at all until he became involved with her. which is strange, considering yori has a “family business” important enough to require he study abroad to train for:
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[sources: ch 19, ch 98]
(id like to note that this line about training is almost certainly a result of his "reeducation" in italy, as we already know that his true purpose was to audit and replace simon. but i think theres at least a kernel of truth to it)
lets run with the idea that yuuki started off with weak or nonexistent powers. have any other men in this series been booted from their families because they lacked the skill?
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[source: ch 63]
its possible that this “family business,” assuming it exists in truth and is not a fabrication of yoris brainwashing (which i dont think it is, considering he seems specialized in exorcism), eventually learned that yuuki acquired his binding powers, as well as a child with the same ability. again, are there are other men who are forcibly dragged back to their family, to the detriment of their young daughters?
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[source: ch 83]
theres a few reasons why i think such care and time was put into the backstory of philomelas family. chise has done much of the character growth thats possible for her at this time, and attempts to “fix” philomela as a way of fixing herself. she projects on her, and for good reason too, since we are meant to compare them almost 1:1. i believe that the amount of time sunk into adam sargents story is meant to warm us up to understanding yuukis situation, regardless of whether we are meant to forgive him for his abandonment. seths story, too, introduces us to the idea of magical families booting their unworthy kin. which leads us to:
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[source: ch 42]
going back to the screencap for the beginning, lets give yuuki the benefit of the doubt and assume hes being truthful when he promises hell be back one day. this phrasing is really interesting, and i feel like it implies yuuki knows the place hes going is dangerous. if hes returning to his family, or to some sort of organization (which i say because yori is part of the church), perhaps hes afraid that theyll be taken advantage of. or… maybe he was just lying! there is very little we understand about the church, so there are all manner of reasons why yuuki and yori may have ended up involved with them
regardless of reason, i dont believe that yuuki left because he wanted to. rather, i think he was being summoned. lets look at this little fae that appears twice, just pages apart:
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[source: ch 42]
this weasel-like creature appears as soon as yuuki gets home in the first instance, and appears again immediately before yuuki packs up to leave. it looks distinctly different from the abstract, blight-like monsters that trail this family day to day, and id like to theorize that it is specifically keeping tabs on yuuki. in my theory post about yori, i wrote that the fox yori keeps in a tube [ch 51] is a kuda-kitsune, a sort of familiar kept by soothsayers. another word for this type of creature is 飯綱, or izuna, which is read in modern japanese as... the least weasel! yamazaki has solidified her reputation as someone who doesnt shirk on research, and i think this linguistic connection is enough to suppose whether the weasel that summons yuuki home came from the same source as yoris familiar
now, to discuss something i neglected to mention in the first version of this post. the ways in which we can compare philomelas and chises families doesnt end with yuuki. not only is alcyone a sort of elias, but iris is a sort of chika. id like to start with noting that iris' backstory of having been sold by her parents is a reflection of the original backstory yamazaki wrote for chise in the first drafts of TAMB. the dregs of chises old backstory finally gets used when iris' story is revealed:
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[sources: merkmal, ch 83]
iris and chika are two mothers who deeply love their children, but are doubtful that they will be able to protect them when it counts:
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[sources: ch 83, ch 42]
this next part might be a little controversial, but id like to take a look at the scene when chika snaps. specifically, the way her inner voice is framed:
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[source: ch 42]
the black mist that we see in the apartment is similar to other depictions of malevolent magical energy weve seen before, such as the blight elias creates just one chapter before in ch 41 when he languishes over chise leaving him. it also seems to be pouring in from the same window where we've seen the weasel hanging out. the way chikas intrusive thoughts are depicted as a separate, shadowy figure is also remarkably similar to chises inner voice that tells her to kill the nucke-lavee:
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[source: ch 61]
its possible that the voice that urges chika to kill chise is coming from somebody else entirely. like how chises curse[s] urge her to violence, i think theres a chance that someone wanted chise and chika to die, but didnt want to get their hands dirty. after all, if the family yuuki left behind died, he would stop trying to leave to reunite with them or retrieve them. being able to frame their deaths as a result of his abandonment would also be great manipulation fodder if he was summoned to wherever he went against his will
to be a naysayer of my own theory, i think it would cheapen chikas death if it turned out that she was not wholly responsible for her own actions. it would also make chises refusal to forgive her less impactful if it... literally wasnt her fault. but the way her attempt to kill chise is visually depicted makes me think theres a nonzero chance she truly didnt want to do it
lets take a look at the way iris' and chikas deaths are depicted:
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[sources: ch 83, ch 42]
the visual of billowing curtains was often used in early chapters when it wasnt yet clear what happened to chises mother, and it gets used again when iris dies. and just as chika throws herself off the balcony, alcyone leaps through the window with philomela. im also stuck on the line of "we messed up and let his daughter escape." i dont mean to imply that i think we should hold up philomela and chises respective backstories as 100% 1:1, but they are remarkably similar in terms of broad plot points. if the same force that compelled yuuki to leave also compelled chika to get rid of the remains of yuukis old life, i wonder why it is that no one ever directly tried to kill chise again. did they lose track of her when she began moving from home to home?
speaking of... do we know whether chika took yuukis surname when they married, or the other way around? japanese law requires spouses to have the same last name, but husbands will sometimes take their wifes name. as far as i know, theres no explicit confirmation that the hatori family chise stays with in the OVA are related to yuuki or chika. just as seth changed his name when he was driven from the webster family, it could be that yuuki distanced himself from his past by taking chikas name. after all, if the hatoris who care for chise are truly so fed up with her, why would they not attempt to track down yuuki and "return" her if hes their relative?
(by the way, what yuuki did in taking fumiki was legal. japan is only just now going to start allowing joint custody in 2026, "parental child abduction" was not illegal at the time we're to suppose TAMB takes place, and yuukis disappearance can be considered an instance of jōhatsu. i just think its important for cultural context, because as a western reader i know i tripped up on "wait, WHY was yuuki allowed to do that without consequence?")
do i think that yuuki will ever physically appear in the story again now that fumiki has? i would love him to, but i dont know that chise will ever be allowed the closure of seeing his point of view:
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[source: ch 42]
theres such a sense of finality to this line. just as philomela was only able to speak to her father in the form of a curse taking his shape, i dont know that chise will have the luxury of meeting yuuki again. theres a strong possibility that hes already dead, especially if he persisted in attempting to reunite with the rest of his family. frankly, i always thought he looked unhappy with his life in the scenes from ch 42, but his instinct in wanting to bring chise with him makes me believe that only death would ensure he never tried to see or support her again. though, if this is a safe space for me to express a little self-indulgence:
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[source: ch 51]
we still dont know who sent yori to audit simon. the church is such a large organization ("a loose collection of private armies," as gabriella puts it in this same chapter) that yori being taken to be reeducated by another branch of the same organization that sent him to audit simon in the first place is not unusual or contradictory. let me first state that i dont think yori has ever been aware that he has a sister, or that he knows chise is in any way related to him (again, this post supposes that yori is fumiki). but in my heart of hearts, in my very soul, i do think it would be just so wonderfully dramatic for yuuki - or any member of his family, for that matter - to send yori off to ensure that elias, and chise by association, are under the watchful eye of someone they can more reliably control. if chise was not worth anything to them when chika died, perhaps their interest in her is piqued now that shes a mage-in-training under the apprenticeship of a vastly powerful creature. even if its not yuuki trying to figure out what the deal is with the mage who bought his daughter, perhaps his family is interested in how she can contribute to them
again, to be a naysayer to my own theories before someone else can be, i doubt that yoris reeducation and months-long stay with simon would be overlooked if a member of yuukis family sent him for the initial auditing. though theres a chance alonza had a hand in making sure his stay with simon continues. we just have to wait and see
under what context might we meet the rest of chises family? i have some ideas, but this soon into the arc everything is too subject to change. im also not convinced any of this will be addressed in the fiendbane arc. after all, yori was first introduced at the beginning of the college arc, and is only now becoming relevant. so all of this may only be laying the groundwork for yuuki to return in another arc, if not this one, which already has a lot cooking with the dragon, the new mage, etc. but then again, we get oberons little prophecy:
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[source: ch 99]
it doesnt seem that oberons phrasing in the JP text matches what the great wall of china is called in japanese, but i dont think we are meant to interpret "a distant land" in any way other than japan. yamazaki has a quirky tendency to refer to japan in her works as a faraway land in the east, which extends to spinoffs like wizards blue
with the growing interest elias has expressed in chises life before she met him, and with the appearance of yori, perhaps we will learn more about yuukis story and circumstances when the brewing storm finally breaks. her family may even have something to do with it! but i doubt that any of this will come to fruition during the current arc. so until we get the next arc several years from now... ill leave you with this theory!
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lestappenforever · 10 months
Heyyy!! I just wanted to drop some thoughts on Charles Ferrari contract because it seems very fishy atm.
This entire assumption of a 50 mil extension till 2029 is going off of one (1) rumour spread by one (1) Italian source so already there should be some alarm bells. Plus, it is highly unlikely that Charles would sign it since even the rumours are saying that there is an agreement but nothing is on paper. And there may well be an agreement like this but it is highly likely that Charles will sit on it as long as possible and most likely until mid season which gives Ferrari enough time to demonstrate improvement. We know that especially in the latter parts of the season Charles has been increasingly disillusioned with Ferrari that stems from a combination of things that Ferrari and Fred are trying to publicly alter so it would suite Charles and his needs but as another anon here pointed out, Ferrari is Ferrari and the core issues don’t just lie with a shitty car this season but are actually embedded in the structure of the team and Ferrari as an organisation.
That being said, there is regardless no way that Charles would sign anything now because it makes very little sense; he has already been able to get lot just by putting pressure on Ferrari and casting doubt over his position with them post-2024, including getting a car developed around him and questioning if Carlos should continue with Ferrari as a second driver. It’s also been mentioned multiple times that he has said that his possible extension will depend on the car next year and it’s development and it is way too early to tell anything meaningful. Also this is basically the same rumour that circulated post-Monza and nothing came from it so it may be that an agreement doesn’t even exist although I am more inclined to think that there is an agreement but Charles won’t sign anything until much later on once he his confidence in Ferrari and being able to win a WDC with them is restored.
This second theory would explain why people related to Ferrari and Ferrari officials have Ben taking part in excessive public pandering for the past couple of weeks. There is much being said about how amazing Charles is and comparing him to Michael etcetc but that just seems like publicly trying to convince him and as they have done before, create public pressure and expectation for him to sign the extension. It may be that, just as the rumours post-Brazil, that these rumours were also intentionally spread for this same reason.
On thé other side is rbr and I really don’t think that all of the things that we have picked up on are suddenly void just because of these rumours. It is almost a certainty that charles and rbr went back into negotiating or at least having informal talks (hence the shift of the teams attitude towards Charles) about a possible future with rbr. For rbr, they don’t lose anything by trying to sign Charles. If they get him that’s great if they don’t then that’s fine because they have a considerably large talent pool to pick and choose from so they only have to gain in pursuing Charles. Obviously there may well be worries about dealing with two number one drivers but I think after Charles show in Singapore and Abu Dhabi they would be certain that he would be able to make sacrifices for the team, it would be a case of getting max on the same agenda but since we haven’t seen max be put into a similar position in a long time because of rbrs dominance, we can’t really say how he would act. Two number one drivers is a risk but as we have said before if any team potentially would and could do it, it would be rbr.
I am willing to bet that the moment pre-season testing starts, rbr will start to court Charles again and farming lestappen content because once more, they have nothing to lose, if nothing comes of it then they will still have massive engagement because as we are increasingly seeing: lestappen sells. Also, we should wait for the FIA prize giving ceremony on Friday because we are bound to get some interesting content. The devil works fast but Christian Horner works faster so let’s see.
Anon, I love you. I'm not even going to add anything to this because I agree with every single thing you've said, and there's nothing you haven't covered in this ask.
I just want to point out this particular part, because it is absolutely true:
The devil works fast but Christian Horner works faster so let’s see.
Only time will tell how this saga will actually end, and I'm personally very excited to see where it goes.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful thoughts! ❤️
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abitofboth · 6 months
some more owen carvour hcs because I’m unwell about him
he's meticulous when it comes to cleaning his guns. almost every night on a mission he will sit within the twilight and carefully take them apart and clean every piece. the same goes for his knives, brass knuckles, and any other weapons he happens to use.
he’s pretty consistent with shaving and cutting his hair; keeps his usual length, and a clean shaven face. when he’s going through a rough patch his hair will grow a bit longer and he’ll turn up to work with stubble.
post fall, his hair is down to his shoulders and he has a permanent 5 o'clock shadow.
he doesn’t play games he knows he can’t win. he was so certain that he was going to be the one to kill curt, not the other way around.
he can do tricks with his switch blade and he DELIGHTS in showing off for curt.
big fat crush on brandon shaw from hitchcock’s film ‘rope’. fucked up spy obsessed with his very own fucked up blorbo.
takes the piss out of curt for having a thing for james bond (“the name’s carvour. owen carvour.” “shut UP.”)
connected to that, curt loves the bond novels but can’t concentrate long enough to actually get through them. owen reads them out to him and does voices for all the characters.
he tells curt that “that secret died the night you left me for dead”, but I don’t think that he stopped loving him as soon as he fell. he hated him, yes, but he still loved him. some small part of him was still desperately clinging onto the hope that curt would come back and 'rescue' him from chimera for at least a year or two.
somehow manages to be kinda toxic with his own masculinity but also (in the privacy of his and curt's relationship) fucks with gender a little. for example, he doesn't allow himself emotional relief because 'men don't cry', but on the other hand relishes in being called 'princess' and owns a few lipsticks. loves leaving lipstick kiss marks on curt.
curt is pretty big on cars. he likes tinkering with them, fixing them up, knows all you could need to know about them, and has strong opinions on which ones are good and which ones are shit. owen couldn't care less- as long as it moves and it's not an ugly colour, he's happy.
he has doubts about his job and the governments he serves. where some spies blindly follow, he reluctantly trails behind.
the black and red leather jacket used to be owen's, but curt borrowed it one day and conveniently 'forgot' to give it back. owen has no complaints- he likes curt wearing his clothes and he barely wore it himself anyway.
he stands by the notion that british words and phrases are gospel, and american words and phrases are stupid and wrong.
known for a bit of a resting bitch face. he always looks pissed off, but is probably only pissed off 50% of the time.
older than curt, but only by a year or two.
he is kind to those with less power, and directs his rage to those in charge instead.
has a tendency to pull at his hair when he's super freaked out.
he has panic attacks more often post-fall.
he knows he's hot shit. plays on the 'british charm' when he's flirting with marks and it works every single time.
he knows a decent amount of french. not quite fluent, but enough that he can easily navigate most conversations.
spicy, don't look too close
he likes to take charge most of the time because it's owen, he loves having power in all situations, but he has a submissive streak in him. he doesn't like to admit that it doesn't take much to get him whining and begging.
phone sex. it's risky, but he likes it. transatlantic jerk-offs are key when your partner is in another country.
tops more often than he bottoms, purely because he thinks curt prefers it that way.
pull his hair and watch him melt.
likes when curt manhandles him. he has muscles, and owen wants him to use them.
he'll whisper filthy things to curt on missions with the sole intention of riling him up at the worst possible time.
he enjoys bondage regardless of who is the one being tied up.
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
Hey. Could u do a prompt 50 & 52 with Madison Montgomery. Her just dominating fem!reader and being soft at the same time?
Hi anon, sorry it took so long! I know it's been a while since you asked, I hope you're happy anyway…
I'm loving that everyone keeps asking me for Madison stuff around here, I really do. I understand the hype, she's super powerful and she's a bad girl after all.
I already advance that smut requests won't always come out well, because I'm terrible at these things, but I hope you like it, I do my best.
And you, reader who hasn't asked yet, don't bother asking, feel free! I take a while, but I write!
50. "let me unzip your dress, please." 52. "use your words."
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The Seven Wonders exam was stressing everyone out. Not just Cordelia and Myrtle, the possible authorities, but the younger witches. The competition had become a game of life and death, and it was terrifying to think that others would need to die for just one to rise as the new Supreme.
Only one witch in particular seemed unaffected: Madison Montgomery.
"Lift your head, open your eyes, wear some makeup, (Y\N), come on, cheer up!" "Everyone knows what the outcome will be, but maybe the tables will turn, and you'll be our new queen, who knows?"
You huffed, throwing yourself on the bed and looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know, Madison."
"You know, sweetie, I bet you do."
Her voice was so convincing that you could easily assume she was just training her mind control skills on you. It was common to want to improve the gifts that you could have, gifts that would help you reach the "throne".
"I know exactly what you need, (Y\N)…" she said, biting her lip. "You need a girl to convince you of your potential… And you're in luck, even more so today."
"Am I?" you frowned, confused.
Madison didn't give you time to think. She simply slithered across the bed like a snake and sat between your legs, wrapping her arms around you with a teasing giggle that automatically had you looking at her mouth.
"Let me unzip your dress, please", she asked in a whisper. "Just to show you how good it can be." You frowned again. "Don't worry, it's just a massage. I promise."
Her reputation didn't help much, but you allowed Madison to unzip your dress, relieving you of at least one pang on your conscience. You didn't know whose idea it was to wear these dress clothes, but they didn't help matters.
Madison started with her hands roaming over your shoulders, gently going over every corner of your skin and every corner of your insecurities. She was relishing the opportunity, you could hear her chuckle as you moaned softly with relaxation. Of course, with someone like Madison Montgomery, a massage would never be just a massage.
"Like that, don't you?" she asked, leaning very close to his ear. "That's good, I didn't even need to read your mind to know that… It never fails." That made her laugh for some reason.
Inevitably, you found yourself wondering how many girls Madison had fooled with Muggle "chill out" speeches, and even how many boys. Suddenly the doubt seemed genuine, and you couldn't resist the urge to ask:
"How many people do you fool a day with that speech of yours?"
Madison was still laughing, and then her hands came out of the massage to support her as she leaned over and whispered in your ear. "Why? You think I'm fooling you, do you?"
Without waiting for an answer, she bit her earlobe and chuckled, a cold, villainous laugh, just like her type. You felt your body shiver with the contact, and suddenly, she threw you on the bed, stopping on top of you.
"We're not going to do anything you don't want to, but you can let me prove I'm being sincere, right?", she whispered, cupping your cheeks and squeezing them. "There's a high possibility that one night of sex will calm you down, you know?"
You rolled your eyes and Madison smiled.
"Oh, no, no, no mockery, let me get rid of these clothes and show you what I'm capable of!", she said, dominating your entire body while kissing you and going through ways to take your clothes off while doing so, taking advantage of your distraction. "Blimey, (Y\N), you're obedient, hm?"
"Yeah, but don't take advantage, okay?", you laughed. "I want to dominate this shit too."
Madison smiled, but it was more than clear that she was the only person who could rule here, within the four walls. You just gave in, because there was nothing more desperate and breathless than her kisses all over your body, wet on your lips and especially too long to take. And then there were her fingers, running over every part of your most intimate parts.
She started in slow strokes, one finger, rasping as she bent her body to reach your pussy better. The other hand, which was useless at the moment, traced full circles across your nipples and made you forget to breathe.
Still feeling dizzy and uncomfortable, you arched as Madison inserted two fingers at once, laughing happily at your reaction. However, your shortness of breath made her alert, and she lifted her head instantly.
"Are you okay? Shall I continue?", she whispered, not wanting the others to hear the onomatopoeia coming out of that room.
You took a deep breath, lifting your head slightly, but you couldn't say anything other than "I…"
"Use your words." Madison insisted, still whispering.
"Just fuck me, Madison Montgomery."
She smiled and took a deep breath, relieved, as she came back more calmly, but with the same intensity and euphoria in her body, introducing the same fingers inside you. She loved seeing you delivered, moaning for her and for her only. And then, after a while, you melted and came for her, sliding until Madison tasted you all over.
You took a breath and lay down side by side, with her head on your chest, smiling from ear to ear.
"Hmmm, really nice… We could do this more often, honey," she whispered, running her fingers over your exposed skin and giggling when she noticed you were flinching and getting goosebumps.
"Okay, I guess…", you whispered back. "But you're going to let me dominate next time, right?"
"All for you, my love," she said, before kissing. "You know, I don't care about missing the Seven Wonders test anymore. I already have my private Wonder right here, and I know, with all my might, that she's going to come back to me for the rest of her life. Because she is tied to me, for all eternity."
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mintytealfox · 8 months
Any headcanons about Detective Orpheus?
Yeeeeeeeeeeeee~ The creepy gremlin man who doesn't realize how scary he is lol
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and sniffing all the gosh dang drugs like Alice, and him taking it a step further and DRINKING THE ONE IIMMMMM???????? Just like he did when he was still the Novelist 10 years prior LOL Alice maybe doing the same (likely and hopefully not pff) since he finds that same BOTTLE on HER DESK in HER ROOM THE FUUUUHHH???
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What are these two DOIN LOL
(side note Alice is familiar with the drug cause the forgetting one was replaced with this hydra one and she was able to escape 👀:
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the sticker behind the forgetting one has a hint of one of the hooks of the hydra mark but I totally could be in delusion land again loool)
ANYWAY! (gosh DANG I keep getting side tracked lol)
-Bro has a HORRIBLE case of dual personality(or at least he is convinced he has dual personality. Like he is trying to convince himself he is a good person and would never do anything that he did and its just his alter ego). Where one is aware of everything and trying to lead the other who has control. But the naughty one is able to do 'minor' things such as making him see things and potentially carving clues into his skin 😱but most likely just making him see it not actually doing it, but I wouldn't put the carving past him either honestly.
-Bro hasn't slept in ages, I mean look at him lol he barely 35 and looking in his 50s (which reminds me that Norton would be 38 with 40 around the corner lol old jk jk 🤣 I bet he would age well if he has the opportunity to. I mean look at him, after all he has been through, he should be looking ROUGH considering, but here he is and still looks like a baby bean with his 30s are around the corner looool)
-I don't think he ('or his alter ego') know what happened to everyone after that night. I don't think they know if Alice is alive or not. One seeking for answers the other seeking Alice.
-Orpheus seemed to have gone on with his life and just lived as a detective for 10 years until he got a letter again, then he started loosing his marbles again. So all this time he hasn't been looking or searching, just kind of living. (what if he gave himself that letter and he is so messed up he genuinely doesn't realize like. All of his stuff is so messy I would believe that as a possibility lol everything he says is wild and everywhere oh my gosh)
I wish I had more headcanons but this dude baffles me so much, with all of his stuff being confusing and contradictory and unreliable oh my gosh LOL but he puts on the airs that he has two personalities, one trying to be a good person and find his memories while the other is like "NAHHHHH I GOT PLANS"
bro baffles me so bad man orz I want to give him the benefit of the doubt like this detective version of him does for himself, but I don't trust a darn thing cause he is so unreliable as a narrator lol
-But after all of these events and he gets all those memories again and goes back on his mess? I betcha he would hunt down Alice whether she is alive or not. orz I bet he would try to hunt down all of da capo (if they are alive or not) honestly, and try a REDO, sort of thing, to make sure it all goes RIGHT this time orz He either finds them if he can or finds people like them to try and recreate it orz I feel like Da Capo would HAUNT that 'alter ego' and its a wrong that needs to be made right 🙃
but of course these are just some thoughts/ponderings heh
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Ranking Aquato family members by how likely they are to commit tax fraud (least to most)
8 - Razputin Aquato
Of all the members of the Aquato Clan, Raz is currently the only member confirmed to be working for the government. He's the absolute model of a federal employee. The kind of agent they would make naively optimistic 50s movies about. The kind of hero who is everything J Edgar Hoover was not. Honest, caring, loyal, hardworking, excited to chase the call of adventure alongside his heroes, who are also employees of the federal government. He's not a slave to authority, but he could best be described as "Lawful Good" in D&D terminology. As such, Raz would never commit tax fraud. He only wants to help people, rescue their brains, and occasionally commit arson and kill animals. But only when its cool. Also, he hates math.
Likelihood: Never.
7 - Dion Aquato
Dion is a contentious character. Some people hate him because of the way he bullies and insults Raz. Others like him because they see past that and see him as depressed and anxious teenager who's taking his insecurities and pain out on his little brother out of jealousy and the fear of his entire world changing around him. But we're not here to talk about that: we're here to ask if he'd commit tax fraud. The answer is he's simply not smart enough to. We're talking about a guy who heard from his toddler-aged brother that real living human beings reproduced via eggs. He simply isn't smart enough to figure it out. He'll either need a caregiver or spouse to file his taxes for him, or he'll download a terrible app on his phone that he can just barely navigate and might still have to go through an audit just because he got stuff wrong.
Likelihood: Too dumb to commit tax fraud. Even if he were smart enough, he'd probably get frustrated and bored very quickly.
6 - Augustus Aquato
Auggie won't lie to you, the thought of cheating on his taxes has definitely crossed his mind. There's a lot of overhead on a circus, even a small one. With how much the family struggles financially, the temptation has always been there to write off a few fake expenses. But he never has, because he's a responsible father and husband, and would never want to endanger his family by putting their finances and freedom in jeopardy.
Likelihood: Highly unlikely. Good dad energy too strong.
5 - Mirtala Aquato
The member of the family we know the least about. She seems kind enough, though often times sarcastic and smart-alikey. A spirited and adventurers young lass, she might find certain parts of the Internal Revenue Code to be arbitrary, annoying or overly cumbersome. The thought might occur to her to commit tax fraud, but its doubtful she'd ever go all the way through with it. The potential jail time and fines would likely be enough to make her decide against it.
Likelihood: Might do it under pressure, but very unlikely otherwise.
4 - Donatella Aquato
A very passionate Italian mother, often times theatrical. Also very uncool about guilt-tripping her kids! Not cool, Donna! Though in fairness it's treated as a gag, and seems to just be her way of burning off the conflicting emotions she's going through. Still, sometime in the VERY near future she needs to give her son a hug and an apology! Moving on to the tax fraud, she's most likely faced the same temptation as her husband, but likely has weaker moral reservations. Donatella strikes me as the rebellious type, the kind who'd angrily stare down the head of a government agency for talking shit to her. Were it not for Augustus reminding her of the dangers, she'd probably get "creative" with her return filings.
Likelihood: Possibly. Similar motivations to Augustus but less moral apprehension. It'd take some pressure before she gives in.
3 - Frazie Aquato
She's a bitch but I like her. She throws shit around and says fucked up evil things. But she still clearly has a heart, can have a pleasent conversation with Raz, and even admits she misses him. Like Dion, she's a dumb teenager with issues, she's just slightly less douchey about it. Slightly. Would she commit tax fraud? This girl breaks into private government property, tosses pinecones at people and skulks around in trees like a spider monkey.
Likelihood: Would commit tax fraud, but doesn't make enough money. She lives in the woods.
2 - Queepie Aquato
This child is an agent of chaos. He runs around in the forest at the age of like 4 and is under no threat by wild animals. If anything, the wild animals are scared of him. His mind conjures up insane and silly conspiracies about psychics that he doesn't even believe and tells his older brother just to fuck with him. This kid will claim his toys and dependents to help fund his pirate radio station.
Likelihood: Already commiting tax fraud with his co-conspirator Morris Martinez.
1 - Nona Aquato
Nona has been committing massive tax fraud for decades, but only by accident. She's been filing as her dead sister, whose identity she unwittingly stole. By now, she's in her golden years, and I'm sure she figures it's too late to stop now. Might as well go the extra mile and fudge some of those numbers. Especially since she recently reconnected with her friend Cassie O'Pia, infamous criminal counterfitter. The stuff Cassie knows about cooking books will be instrumental to her fraudulent claims.
Likelihood: Serial tax scammer
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strqyr · 10 months
i spent way too much time on this—like, "wrote it in google docs first" amount of time—but, uh. team strq ages let’s gooooooo!!!
first things first, some assumptions™ that i’m basing this on:
1. the remnant school year follows the japanese school year, i.e. begins in april, and ends in march the following year.
2. the years are split based on birth year, nice and clean, since blake (who’s born in january) says ruby is “only two years younger” than wby. this would mean that blake had already turned 18 by the time of V1 (she would have been 17 during the black trailer), while weiss and yang turned 18 during V1-2 and ruby 16 during the small timeskip at the end of V3. (this is also what i’m used to, so it’s easier on my brain. don't @ me.)
the second point isn’t super relevant, but it does keep things simple since we don’t know strq’s birthdays; basically, the year students start their first year, they’ll be turning 18, 19 for the second year, 20 third, and 21 for fourth, with the possibility that some may have already turned 22 by the time they graduate.
so. the year strq graduates, they’re 21-turning-22 years old. since yang is born on july 28th, raven would have gotten pregnant some time around november / december (if i did my math right. i did count with my fingers.) since the school year ends in march, and i’m doubtful raven was already pregnant while still at school, at earliest yang could have been born was during the same year raven would turn 23.
and since yang is currently 19, 23+19=42 <- the youngest strq could possibly be in the present day.
(that is, assuming they were all 17-turning-18 during their first year. depending how you interpret raven’s “and qrow and i were the perfect age”, they could have been either exactly the age they should be to attend beacon (17-turning-18), or close enough for the tribe that they could pass as the right age.)
anyway! next part: figuring out how old they were during the V9 flashback.
first, the kiddos. if we are to take what yang said literally about ruby not being able to even talk yet when summer disappeared, ruby being a 2-year-old at the time is probably the safest bet. does she look like a 2-year-old in the flashback? eeeehhh… while i’d be willing to give a little more leeway there since it’s a short scene, to be extra safe, let’s say ruby is about 2-3yo, with yang being 4-5yo. if the members of strq were 23 the year yang was born, they would be about 27-28 at the time of the flashback.
which, if i’ve done my math right (knock on wood), is cutting it pretty damn close for raven becoming the spring maiden—even more so if she didn’t get pregnant the soonest possible moment after graduation—since as per miles: “As for ‘too old’, we don't like having super hard-fast rules for certain things, but we've sort of unofficially figured that 30 is probably around the cutoff point to become a maiden.” [source]
to be honest, i do think the math checks out. in before the dawn, according to yatsuhashi, theodore is “likely in his forties, maybe older”, and ozpin “had been younger [than theodore] but seemed much older.” per raven, ozpin was already the headmaster when team strq was formed, and prodigy or not, if as the headmaster of beacon he had a seat at the vale council (likely, since both lionheart and ironwood had council seat in their respective kingdoms as headmasters) i’m somewhat doubtful the rest of the council would have been super fine with someone who isn’t even the age of a huntsman graduate being in charge of what is essentially the main defense of the kingdom. so, if theodore is likely in his forties, maybe older (let’s translate that into late 40s-early 50s), and ozpin was younger than him but older than strq by at least 4 years, that would put him at ~45 in V1, and ~47 if he were still alive. maybe subtract a year or two, as a prodigy discount if you so please, but all in all, it fits rather nicely: yatsuhashi’s thoughts about theodore’s and ozpin’s ages are accurate-ish, and raven is just the right age to inherit maiden powers if she did get them during summer’s mission—and similarly, if / when summer joined salem, they’d still have to search for a maiden host since summer is going to reach the unofficial cutoff point of 30 very soon.
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felassan · 1 year
A few more snippets of interest and insight from Mark Darrah, from an older Mark Darrah on Games YouTube video where he was livestreaming playing Dragon Age: Origins some months ago -
Chat said "One day we will get a BioWare game with good hair. One day." Mark replied, "I hope they have good hair this time. I think they'll have good hair. There's some really cool tech in Frostbite now that FIFA is using for pretty good hair, so might be expensive, but."
[please note this video streamed 4 months ago] "I've been pretty inaccurate on my predictions for DA:D news. I mean I would be shocked if they don't plan to do something for EA Play 2023, but then there would be no reason for them to do anything before then, to try to make their own event, but. Yeah, I would say that, if they're planning to release this year [2023], which would still be my expectation, they'll announce at, they'll have stuff at EA Play and probably date, so they can open up preorders in Europe. If they're still concerned about their date then they won't date. Normally EA Play would be in June, same time as E3. Do we have confirmation of an E3 this year?" Here chat commented, "Could you see them potentially showing up at something like the rumored Microsoft conference?" Mark replied, "It's possible, the problem with going to a console-specific conference is it's implying things that you don't necessarily want to imply. If you're a really big game like GTA or COD or something then it's fine, but for something like DA you never want to even softly imply, you have to be really careful about potentially softly implying that this is a Microsoft exclusive or a Sony exclusive. They could do it, if Microsoft made the deal sweet enough, there's always that possibility. But it's a lot easier for the really big games, you're never gonna be confused that GTA is Microsoft exclusive or that COD is a Sony exclusive, but you could make that mistake with DA, and they'd want to be very careful not to make that happen. But it could happen, but I doubt it."
Chat asked "So for whoever ends up giving the live presentation - would you have any advice for them? I imagine it's a stressful time." Mark replied, "Live, it is stressful, it's interesting though because the press conferences, the stage press conferences, you have a live audience but it's a lot quieter than say doing a PowerPoint presentation to a roomful of say 50 people. So in a way it's a lot easier, but you have to kind've get over the fact that there's 3000 people in the room with you. But if you can then it's easier than a normal presentation, because you can just practise and get smooth. Now EA practises a lot for their press conferences, which is good if you're nervous, but it does have a tendency to kind've squeeze a lot of the authenticity out of the presentation style. You can really see that in the Anthem one where it's me and Casey Hudson. We practised that like fifty times. Maybe not fifty times. At least a couple of times. It's not a good format. It takes a format that's supposed to be authentic and on the fly and turns it into something where all of the spontaneity has been squeezed out of the thing. I do think authenticity is the key, but the problem with authenticity is sometimes you get someone like at TGA saying that the Oscars are garbage. So EA would rather have 20% less authenticity, with 50% less chance of someone going massively off-script. I actually don't agree, I think it's the wrong tradeoff, but they would rather take the safe route."
Chat said "I feel like the Warden and Darkspawn story arcs have taken a back seat to the templars and mages. Do you think it's likely they will ever revisit the Blight threads?" Mark replied "I think the Blight will be probably relevant."
"I would be very surprised if the Architect showed up in DA:D. They could collapse the quantum of him though, if they wanted to bring him back, they would just do that. If he was killed, he body-hopped, same as Corypheus did. They could do that. I don't think they will."
"Isabela is quite quantum."
"Boss design like the Mother in Awakening definitely would not fly today."
"Any of the books that happen after a game are canon only so much in that they, the events that happen in them are treated as happening, but they aren't necessarily treated as 'whose alive and whose dead', for canon. But things that happen before stuff, like The Calling, I think are treated as fully canon. Like I think Absolution will be treated as canon, like Fairbanks will be dead. There's nothing in there that violates any possible worldstate. But sort've like, from a canon perspective, there's sort've like several layers. There's, what is, base canon, in terms of what we choose, like fully canon would mean it applies, is canon for everyone. Whereas there's also the, like, what is the default, what is default canon, what is written to. But if things that can potentially be violated by different playstates, the writers will tend to try to write away from them so that we don't suddenly have something happening that violates your playthrough. So something that can be true for everyone is more likely to occur. Something that might happen for someone else, I mean, obviously that's been violated, like Leliana shows up even if she's dead in DA:I, but that's why it's lampshaded. So that if you kill her, it's explained why she's alive. Masked Empire is fully canon for the same reason, because it doesn't have any way of violating anything. Doesn't mean that some things that are presented aren't recontextualized, but."
"RPGs don't demo [at conferences and events] super-well because they require so much context. The best I ever saw honestly was probably, I saw Skyrim once at an E3 but I didn't play it. They'd set it up in such a way that when you were standing in line to play it or just kinda walking by you could see other people playing it. I actually didn't play it at that E3. Standing there for five or ten minutes watching other people play it was probably the best RPG demo I've ever seen, because you were distant from it, so you kind've accepted a little bit less context. So you kinda want that, but you can't really get that, so you either ended up doing what BioWare usually does which is a behind-closed-doors 45 minute demo, which gives the context, but you can only get a certain number of people through it. Or you have something that's really tight for stage. When demo-ing an RPG you need to set up the story, the conflict, but you also need to somehow sort've establish how this plays. With a shooter you kind've know. Do you show character generation in an RPG demo? You never do but kind've people care about that a lot so you kinda should."
"One of the best [demos] from a story perspective that I ever saw was Mass Effect 2, it showed the beginning of the game, the bit with you walking through, the bit where Shepard dies, and showed it as if it was the end of the game. So a big misdirection. But I think that you kind've have to do some sort've, and I guess we did something, not as effective, but kind've the same in DA:I where we showed Future Redcliffe essentially as an ending of the game or as something that would happen."
"The PAX demo of DA:I was the game as we understood it at the time. A lot of stuff we showed at PAX ended up not getting into the final game, so people get mad when demos misrepresent the game, but sometimes that's happening because the game changes after the demo. Not because it was a lie, it was the truth at the moment, it's much more likely to happen with an RPG than it is to happen with other things. With shooters you might get something like big fidelity degradation but you're unlikely to get significant changes to mechanics."
"Hira in Absolution starts out being really bad at [levitating/flying on a disc], and then gets really good in like a later episode, I feel like she should've, or I guess it's in the same episode, she's way better all of a sudden at levitating, at flying."
He also talked more generally about DA:O and the franchise and things in general. These bits are collected under a cut due to length -
Chat said "I still say Velanna would have made way more sense for turning Justice into Vengeance." Mark said "Yeah, Velanna definitely has a lot more revenge in her than Anders does at this point." Chat then commented "Like, if it was about justice for the elves, that would have been a better fit for Velanna." Mark replied "Yeah it wouldn't have made sense for DAII, like what is she doing in Kirkwall?"
"With darkspawn [structures and items] it's always a little over, there's a lot of decoration for something darkspawn cobble together"
"Awakening is a bit blobby"
In the Mother's Lair, chat said "The lair is the same as the place Morrigan found the eluvian. Is this on purpose or just asset reuse?" Mark replied "I think it was asset reuse"
"The Sacred Ashes trailer was made by Blur. Blur is not cheap. I don't think you can compare it with in-game cutscenes"
Chat asked "Was the thrown dagger mechanic in Mark of the Assassin too large a file packet to be in the base game? It changed everything for rogues." Mark replied, "It didn't exist in the base game, it was added just to give them a ranged weapon, it's not that it couldn't fit. Why didn't it get put back in? It's not so much that it was definitely going to be big, but it would be hard to know for sure without very carefully testing the whole game all over again. Because it is extra memory. Some of the stuff in Awakening for example does actually blow memory on consoles on the main game if you take it back, which, there was some way you could do that. It did something bad, so it had to be changed"
When the Architect appears to the Warden before the confrontation with the Mother, chat mentioned that he doesn't mention how the Fifth Blight started and refers to being "born". Chat said "I wonder if the Architect is just a magister like Corypheus? He says he was 'born' but maybe that's just a play on words." Mark said "At this point he's acting like he doesn't remember. Yeah, he's acting like he doesn't know what he is. Yeah I don't think you learn any of that stuff here. Does he not know/remember? Or is he hiding it?"
Chat said "I've never killed Leliana, what was the explanation in DA:I for her being alive?" Mark replied "The explanation is pretty loose but it's basically, the Urn was right there so it brought her back to life. Though it is possible that you decapitate her in that fight, so that is a bit of a stretch in certain circumstances."
"Solas is the master of 'didn't think this through'"
"It wasn't that it wasn't being contemplated, DA was just never intended to be a series. DA:O was always conceived of as a standalone game, which is why there are all these weird things in the end screens of DA:O, especially where it's like 'oh, you know, the entire world fell into a volcano'. By the time that DA:O was coming out, EA wanted a sequel. It was actually before EA that it was conceived of as a single franchise, it was to work on a sequel to DAII before DA:O was even out. That's when/why I came on. So it wasn't, what became DAII wasn't what was being worked on in that time. The SW:TOR delay made DAII, but it didn't make there be a sequel"
"I don't know if they'll ever do a Dragon Age legendary edition. EA does not like spending money. With DA:O you kinda have to decide if you're remastering or remaking. If you're remastering, you just let all of the iffy bits stand"
"A lot of the end screens in DA:O and Awakening, they're causing weird things for the future. The one I used to bring up a lot was the werewolves. You could literally end DA:O with werewolves just rampaging over parts of Ferelden. Or there's also like a potential dwarven civil war coming."
"DA:I was definitely considering collapsing the quantum state as much as it could, whereas DA:O doesn't care, it's just like whatever, make the world be a completely ridiculous quantum state, you're basically not guaranteed that anyone makes it through this alive"
"The problem with Oghren in Awakening is it's like they rewind him back to how he is when you meet him, so it undoes everything. Oghren is very 2D in Awakening"
"An RPG is more like a buffet, it's about providing a lot of features and you engage with some of them, you kind've like some of them, you can tolerate some of them, you don't engage with other ones. Whereas a lot of other game genres are much more about excellent execution on your core loop. An RPG isn't really about that as much. I think that's to some degree one of the problems with Anthem has, is that, you know, it's made by a company that's used to 70 B features combining into an A+ feature. And for a looter shooter it's not really that, it's two or three A features combining into an A+ feature. So there's just a friction in some of the pieces of Anthem that are fine for RPGs but not fine for a looter shooter. And you know, looter shooters aren't even the pinnacle of that"
(pls note that in places there is a bit of paraphrasing of the info, the best source is always the primary source with full quotes in their original context)
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giantologist · 1 year
Hello professor.
I have found myself in a very difficult situation. Never knew much about giants, they seemed scary but I mostly felt neutral towards them. This has changed ever since i was awoken in the middle of the night by the the sounds of distant cries the last season.
I was scared at first. Never seen a 50 ft creatures before, but... He was just a lost boy, more scared of me than I was scared of him somehow. His name is Arvid, he looked to be around 6 years old, his parents were gone... I offered him shelter, thankfully my barn was large enough to give him a roof, at least for now...
He's such a sweet boy but, I'm scared for the future, i don't know anything about giants!!! I think it might best for him to be adopted by another giant but... This might be selfish of me but, I'm very attached to the boy, and he seems to be attached to me too, last night he called me papa!!!! then immediately apologized but I had to hide my smile. im also scared in terms of my resources to provide for him, but i think i can manage... For now at least.
I've already started reading up your works because of my limited knowledge but can you quench some doubts for me? Is he gonna grow old in the same time a human child would? That's a major concern of mine...and most importantly, am i making the right choice? Am i hurting Arvid more than helping him by keeping him with me? I live alone on the country side, there's a village nearby but I ain't exactly part of a community that can help me.
Thank you for the time,
- A very lost sort of giant's dad
Dear me, what a tale. I would say to you that if you aren't comfortable with the responsibility then you should probably try to find him some surrogate parents. At the very least a giant who could find someone willing to adopt him (we may think giants are far away from one another but to them they're neighbours). By the time you are old, he will be bordering on being of age, possibly the younger side, but certainly old enough to be on his own. You are possibly looking at a decade's worth of childcare, a further one of preteen, and so on.
If you, and Arvid, decide that you shan't be parted from one another, you must set rules in place for him as soon as you can. Habits form early, and keeping a schedule with him will be beneficial. I would advise you to seek out those in the neighbouring village for aid, even if you aren't a part of the community. It sounds as if you are a farmer, and while some large helping hands would make light work, you would need a tutor for him considering the lack of free time. As he grows larger I expect he will keep your yeild plentiful enough to support himself as well as you, so I wouldn't worry about that for now. If you do find yourself in a bind, however, there are plenty of giants I am friends with that could lend a hand. You need only send me another letter.
Whatever your decision, I hope for nothing but happiness for you both!
Professor J Finch
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
About pre-virus ruin, ye, I suppose that's true. Thinking about it more, I do hope the showrunners keep it that way. Something about seeing them at their silliest and then getting the massive WHIPLASH after seeing them like THIS is... it's sad. I like to think we witnessed two character deaths that video. It's just that one started dying 50 years ago :') (l like to imagine their silliness originated from somewhere at least and was not all made up. A remnant from simpler times...) (1/10)
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Aaaaah yea! And... if they end up giving us a backstory of them... I just reaaally want to see how they were dealing with the virus and adjusting to everyone around them being infected... I doubt it was easy on them qwq (no we're not writing that (i wanna) we already have a gazzilion unfinished projects glaring @ us)
I- wow I kinda forgot my stuff is on there jfjfjf AH I'M GLAD YA LIKED THEM! :3 I have a lot more in my drafts and as wips- well obviously it's not posted anywhere hehe
Well... hmmm if anyone WERE to fill in Jack in on the... news... i... i feel like he wouldn't take it well. "Where is Solar!" Oh buddy.. oh you precious murder machine qwq (had to look up what osmosis meant haha first time seeing the word n all that)... Jack slowly piecing it together as in the process of figuring it out he also slowly becomes sentient... I'm fine mhm
Oh, yea that... that is a sound reason. They, they had their reasons. I honestly like... don't think they ENJOYED hurting people. They were just... soooo off the leash when they arrived in this dimension. Scaring the hell out of Cassie and Gregory, the constant death threats, violent games and tricks. (One to three will always live in my head... "I can help with the cutting.") Like I said in... idk in which answer honestly it's all blurring together lmfao fjfjfj They kept up this act for FIFTY PLUS YEARS! And... they even managed to be one of their dimension's... I forgot the word but what the Ruin dimension's Monty was?? They were GOOD at their act. SO good they fooled everyone around them. Granted tho... those infected robots aren't too dreadfully hard to fool. Sun, when he was in Ruin's dimension, managed to fool one of them, convinced it he was Ruin. That robot didn't seem to posses the same level of sentience as the Ruin Monty we've seen in there (not to be confused with Ronty, rest in peace).
Fair! The lie detector video is.. really as ya said, our most reliable source of info. Even though some of the answers that were dinfed as truths were... weird.
Oooh you're right I haven't even thought of that heh. That was just silly in denial talk I suppose heh The Creators would have surely noticed... or... would they even have cared? Creators are selfish, self-centered insane geniouses... would they even care if one of their own suddenly vanished?
AHHHHH IT WOULD BE WORRYINGLY IRONIC 😭 Add onto that the very possible paraller between Cold Moon trying bring back his Sun and New Moon most likely going to drive himself to the point of shut down trying to find any signs of Solar possibly surviving... Oh my gosh I do NOT like this arc... WHY DOES EVERYTHING GO DOWN AROUND THIS TIME EVERY YEAR IT'S SO EXHAUSTING 😭
Mmm yea probably hehe We... don't really have anyone asides from Solar and Ruin to fact check this heh
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circlemidnight · 1 year
hey, so... do you (by any chance) know if the '"open ending/multiple endings" ship' is just about who ARCHIE decides to be with, or if it will included more couples as well? like, i could have never predicted JV would have an actual chance, and less that they'd have the same chance as the (arguably) main/long-lasting ships of the show!? it's nothing short of amazing. how powerful they are.
Ah, I think some of those rumors/leaks turned out to be false. I think it's better to just rely on the bts and statements made from people on the show. Rumors tend to snowball into unrealistic statements the more they are spread. Unless they are giving a specific detail of a scene then I wouldn't put much faith in them being true. And keep in mind the style of the season, it's been very simplistic, low stakes, with quick resolutions to things. I don't think they are setting up some big complex ending or a cliffhanger that's gonna enrage everyone. It's gonna be something bitter sweet, lighthearted but not crammed with possible what-ifs to every ship that came before. But I'm sure there will be many winks and nudges of nostalgia in the last episode. Right now if I could guess I would say it's probably just left unclear if Betty and Archie figure things out, but to me it seems like they are wrapping up Jeronica as an endgame pairing. There is a lot of mirroring of their first episodes this season together, she's helping him create Archie Comics, and they have written them more like a secondary romantic plot and not really this big will-they-won't-they dramatic conclusion to be reached in the final episode. They're also the only "random pairing" that actually got back together. From the bts, we know they are riding in the backseat of the jalopy together, which I doubt they would be doing if they have another breakup. also just my opinion but it makes a lot of sense to me that the two people hurt the most by the cheating would find happiness and move on together? If they are talking about changing the future, Veronica and Jughead never being hurt has a really big impact on the story. In comparison, the two who cheated are figuring themselves out and not committing to anything or anyone because they are still working on themselves. Plus, if the last episode is from Betty's POV it will likely focus on whether or not she finally gets with Archie this season, because her story is kind of meandering but rolls back to her feelings for him the same way that they showed hints that Veronica never got over Jughead. The multiple endings thing came from what Madchen said: No, we don’t get out of the 1950s. So I guess that is a big spoiler. I will say you do experience the characters in three different… dimensions, that you get to see a lot of closures that are outside of the 1950s. I can tease it that way. I think that’s safe enough. So, make of that what you will. I'd say it's either you get to see what would happen if they went back to their own time, their future in the next few decades if they stay in the 50s, or maybe the afterlife and some kind of cycle beginning again once they all die and time resets for them. The word closure implies that it's not really open ended though. It's possible if they go back to the future the ships reconfigure, but they choose to stay in the 50s, so does that count as canon? But like, I think in one dimension or another Jeronica is endgame. It's very close to the end of the season to be stirring them up with more drama again. At the very least I believe they will graduate as a couple, which is a win for me. It's been very out of the blue that we got so much content, but I'm glad they left it till the end so they have more of a chance of being happy together!
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sophietv · 1 year
I keep seeing a lot of doubts lately about LSK which makes me spiral and think maybe they really are over. But then they also flag each other constantly to the point where it cannot be "accidental" or even an "idgaf war" but especially not the latter coz why would 2 extremely successful women in their 30s(!!), one (or both? 🤭) with kids, actively fuel an idgaf war. Both these things to me make as little sense as to how Kaylor having kids together does to some others. Rather, kids together kinda makes more sense to me than an idgaf war 🤷‍♀️
Sorry to kinda rant here but didn't want to post this on Twitter and this just felt like a safer place to do so...feel free to add your thoughts!
First. I'm really glad that you feel like my blog is a safe space to ask your question. It is! 🫶
Second I understand how this can be very confusing, there's so many different discourse and at some point it's difficult to see wich one makes more sense.
LSK or Kaylor hate has been around for a very long time now. Over the years, really really often people have tried to make the Kaylor discourse die down.
2016 was - We have to respect Taylor and Calvin!
We learn very quickly that he was a beard...
2018 was - Karlie is engaged and getting married
Taylor and Karlie continues flagging, Lover is out and it's pretty undeniable to everyone that they were still together even after Karlie's wedding.
2019 was - Karlie betrayed Taylor! (Thank god this one died down quickly in the gaylor community...)
There was also : She chose Josh! We need to respect that.
2020 - It was almost illegal to even talk about Kaylor theories anywhere. You were shut down practically immediatly.
2021 - Was even worse with Levi.
So you see, as much as I understand the point of view that since there's children involved some people are unconfortable talking about that. But at the same time, the "hate" toward Kaylors have been very much present for a long time now.
But yeah. The IDGAF war is the most childish argument I have seen over the years. And it's wrong in so many ways... But you are totally right that two woman in their 30s wouldn't go to that extent to get to the other...at least I really hope so.
But saying that there's a IDGAF war going on is admitting to seeing the flagging that they are both doing in some way.
Taylor flags Karlie and people say: She is unable to move on! She's gonna get over Karlie her whole life! She needs therapy asap...
Two minutes later, they are shipping Taylor with another woman...I truly wouldn't want to be this other person dating someone who is still as hung up over their ex... but it might be just me.
The same week Karlie flags Taylor the same way, and they go: She's doing it for clouts! She's profiting of the 50 person that think that they are still together to get interaction on her posts. (Do I need to tell you how Karlie doesn't need this kind of attention, or how Kaylors number are insignificant to give her interaction. In fact I'm sure that for some companies, having Kaylors/Gaylors interacting on her post is a liability...)
Karlie has no control on her social media and doesn't know how to do easter egg. Must be a gaylor trolling us.
Recently there was also: Karlie and Taylor are both doing this for PR to cover Taylor's relationships with a secret girl... If the girl ain't an aspiring queen in a foreign country... I have a really hard time seeing how it would be ok, and preferable to make some people believe that she has anything to do with Karlie and the children. This would be wrong in so many different ways...
So yeah. I can totally understand someone who's not confortable with the children discourse though.
After all. This is a though pill to swallow. Because to entertain the possibility that this can be true. You have to admit that Hollywood is truly that toxic and archaic place where most likely a lot of other artists like Karlie and Taylor are forced to closet this way... and this is a rough reality check.
So I guess what I want to say with all this is that I don't have anything against other theories.
I'm just really unconfortable with the hate and the tendency to try and shut lsk theories down... because most of the time this is not well intended and not done in a friendly way.
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ninjasmart · 1 year
Hi Ninja! How does one go about finding out the answer to "Why am I here?" I was born and raised to adulthood in Southeast Asia and met my American future husband by happenstance as he was in my country. When our eyes met, I felt an electric zing go through me. Against all odds, I ended up in the US, married and with kids and pets. I have no doubt that I was meant to be here in the US. I just wonder why. I wish I could say I get downloads when I'm asleep -- I forget my dreams so if I do get downloads, I don't remember them. 😔 I'm in my 50's now, and I'd like to at least spend the rest of my life actually in alignment to my purpose here. Any insight you can provide will help. Thanks, Ninja!
This is the Nth time I try to write this answer. I'll try to say as much as possible and as little as possible and yet help you in your search.
We all have a mission. It is a vague, all encompassing one. And at the same time we all have one more mission which is Sub mission of the Big mission and is very specific.
To uncover your mission you need to go to the akashic field, to the place and time where you agreed on your mission. An akashic reader or a psychic can help with that.
Caution. You will get the generic mission, the mission you share with your monad - with the others who have similar mission as you.
For example, mine is: to bring people back to their connection with source.
That mission can be fulfilled in many different ways. Plenty of things you can do to fulfill your mission and they may not even look like they are connected to it.
For example, I have an online school with the best of the best of curriculum. Some of my students are with special needs - those whose light the cruel and intollerant society that we live in tries to squash. I bring them hope for a fighting chance when they grow up and I want to help more of them.
The generic mission - you cannot fail at it. You and your creator have designed your life in such a way that you are helpful. The more connected you are to your Higher Self and to Source the better. But even if you are failing with your connection to your God, you cannot fail. You've already agreed how Source will nudge you back into the right direction.
The very specific mission is what many people feel anguish at not achieving .
This is a very specific mission and it cannot be told to you by anyone else but your Higher Self or Source. So you need that connection.
That mission has nothing to do with that you do and everything to do with who you are. It has everything to do with the types of people you attract in your life and how youinteract with them.
I'll give two additional pointers to this mission. A mission of a father could be that he suffers and through his suffering his childen do not.
A mission of a mother can be to be the best influence to her grandchildren or greatgrand children. She may fail miserably as a mother. Doesn't matter. He children can be very fallible human beings. Doesn't matter. If her mission is to suffer having difficult children so that they bring forth the grandchildren who will change the world for the better - she's one awesome soul. And not to be blamed.
Another pointer. If at some point you do receive the exact details of your specific mission you will be given a choice. You have the free will to choose the mission or say that it is too much for you. If you feel that it is the latter - the incarnation will end quickly.
People who cruise through life, not knowing what their life's mission is, they are not internally happy but the Divine is extremely patient and lets them, like willow children, play and learn and eventually come back to what they are here for. If that is way too late, it is their choice. Next time they can choose a lot more challenges at the start of life in order to grow as divine consciousness, part of the Whole, and individualised in itself.
But those who find the tuest of all missions and how much struggle it entails, they need to choose and the timeline for choosing is not too long. Few months to half a year.
Those who DO choose to go through with their mission, they need to NOT tell it to anyone. This is time of intense work with The Divine, The Higher Self, The panteon of Gods and Goddesses. This is the time to humble oneself and Serve humanity. And this is the time to not do Your Plan but The Plan of The Divine.
Hope that helps.
One more thing that I wanted to share. Read stories about the lives of others - famous or not. If a story clicks - something in your soul connects with the mission of that soul. Pay attention to those.
For example, I love, love the story of Ahinora, Cleopatra the 8th, sister. She was feisty, resourceful and courageous. She fought for her empire, she was genuinely liked. Unlike Cleopatra who was a psychopath, lost in a sheer gamble the entire empire, and she and her offspring did not get the respect and adoration she wanted. She "wrote history" by being overly dramatic in her choice of lovers and of death but she "remained" famous only because she unalived her sister before she could ascend the throne, the entire Egypt was gifted to the roman empire due to the utterly incompetent ruler and the Roman Empire prefered the "union of lovers" and "Egypt loves the Roman Empire" fairytales to the: that B unalived her entire family and then lost the empire because she wasn't as smart as the fold tales claim that she was.
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alyjojo · 11 months
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The Person On Your Mind in November 👁️ 2023 - Pisces
Whole of their energy towards Pisces: The Hermit
Feelings: 7 Wands
Intentions: King of Wands rev
Actions: The World
Aw 🥹 Pisces 🥹 AW 🥹 This really sweet song started playing in my head right at the beginning of even shuffling, someone’s in love with you. Your messages indicate they piss you off or irritate you, so you’re not speaking to them right now. They could be with someone else, or were, it’s been a burden on the connection with you. Or they met you while they were with someone else, some 3rd party messed things up here. They feel defensive about it, like they didn’t know you’d pop up and change their view of things maybe, or their feelings, there’s been a karmic in the way of your connection with this person, but they love you. You’ve probably told them to piss off, flat out. Maybe they haven’t apologized, or you haven’t, feels like you’re the stubborn one here. If they hurt you, makes sense.
Their intentions are to give up, they feel like they’re delusional in thinking you two could be a thing, be together, if they’re still with someone else there you go, that’s why. They don’t have confidence, they won’t make a move, or at least in their head, they don’t see this being possible. In action is The World, they could live far away from you - that’s a problem too. There seems to be fifty different reasons why this person can’t get with the program, that’s probably why your messages are so UGH 🙄 with them. Do they love you, yes, or they think they do but they also think they’re crazy and there’s no way. They won’t try to make an effort, or try to talk to you or change your mind. You seem to have already given up, and it’s probably for the best. What’s for you is for YOU, and it’s obvious that it is. Basically, if they want you, they’re gonna have to do something to make it happen, regarding these 50 obstacles or whatever the issues are, and I don’t see them doing that. The song don’t make no dang sense though. Maybe it’s possible, but don’t wait on a pipe dream, let Spirit handle it. It was genuine, or reciprocated even, seems to be the message here.
Their side:
- Soulmate 💜
- Excellent Cook 🍲
Your side:
- I need a BREAK from this.
- Ain’t nobody got TIME for this mess.
Possible signs:
Heavy Leo, Taurus, Pisces, Sagittarius & Virgo
If you’re dealing with:
Knight of Pentacles shows you being a reliable & loyal, a very dependable person in other people’s lives. You probably spend a lot of time working, this isn’t the most social energy, but when you say you’re going to do something, you always do it, always show up. You could be in a bit of a social rut where you need to get out more. Taking things slow and spending a lot of time alone - heavy Virgo energy.
Aries - doing what’s best for them and leaving, someone else got the same thing for them too
Taurus - could be spilling the beans on emotions they’ve held back, romantic ones 😍
Gemini - wants to rush towards you all spontaneously passionate & exciting, and you’re probably the one with doubts about actual feelings vs. what’s going on in the pants
Cancer - could’ve literally disappeared in the night, or if they are, it’s sus to you with The Lovers 🔍
Leo - one of you is burdened and carrying a lot of heavy baggage, and the other one is light & breezy, flirty, ready for a good time - your energies are not matching at all & it’s painful 😣
Virgo - not saying a damn thing *crickets*
Libra - in love with you and sending cute messages to let you know it
Scorpio - could be buying/selling a house, moving homes, they’re gaining independence in some way & telling you about it, some of you could be moving in together 🏡
Sagittarius - one of you obsessively watches the other one and keeps themselves trapped in a cycle of hurt, letting this go is the answer
Capricorn - defensive about something, or you are, but you’ll work through it easily
Aquarius - going back and forth on either a connection or a work thing, it’s an amazing opportunity, but change is scary for them
Pisces - a great friend, has all sorts of celebratory news and a new path in their life to venture down, it’s very exciting for them 🎉
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likopinina · 1 year
I'll be sending this question to about 20-possibly 50 other people, don't be afraid to consult with them or your mutuals as this is just a silly social experiment.
It's well known that giving any non-human organism human teeth is a horrifying visual. However, there is a severe lack of the reverse. What if there was a human with bird beaks instead of teeth. The type of beak doesn't really matter to me, but feel free to discuss. Would this hypothetical beak-toothed person have the teeth as a replacement or would the teeth simply open and feed that way. Continuing from the separate beak/mouth theory, how would this being communicate? Maybe it's multiple, different voices from each beak, or maybe it's just one. Would one have to brush their beaks? I know beaks grow continuously, would that mean the person would have to file their teeth? Perhaps there is a beak-tooth alternate universe that affects all animals (including birds, giving them human mouths and I suppose the same thing for octopi and platypuses?) that could answer all of my questions. Until that universe is discovered, I have chosen you to answer my deranged inquiry. To make sure others can read your response use #beakteeth, thank you for your time.
great way to start the day
i do wonder how is this a social experiment? are you checking how many people will respond with answers versus how many will ignore or ask what the hell?
to answer your inquiry, teeth as a replacement would be the easiest to conceptualize - just normal mouth but there's a beak in the place of every single tooth. the second option of each tooth opening and feeding that way would be more complicated because it would require a tiny esophagus coming from every beak tooth. would every tiny esophagus join the main esophagus or would they go straight to stomach? would the throat and breathing pipe become a completely separate organ in this case? if yes, then talking would be done the usual way - with air and vocal chords. if each beak had its own voice however, this would mean that every single esophagus links both the stomach and the lungs, and also has its own tiny set of vocal chords. which seems a bit redundant to me.
you should also take swallowing into account. birds swallow by tilting their head back so that gravity can help to make food fall into the throat. so the beak teeth growing from the lower jaw would have no problem as they already face upward. but the beak teeth growing from the upper jaw? you'd have to turn the entire head upside down i imagine.
i doubt they would require brushing, assuming they would be coated with the same material as bird beaks (keratin) and not with enamel like human teeth. enamel does include small amounts of keratin, but it's mostly made of minerals that can be dissolved by acid and bacteria. keratin is strong, it probably wouldn't dissolve. a bigger problem would be tiny bits of food inside mouth decomposing and producing foul smell. so the beak toothed people should at least use mouthwash.
if the beak teeth are used for grinding food then there would be no need for filing them. if they don't grind, then potentially they might need filing.
so thats my take. this was an interesting exercise, have a good day anon
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