#but at the end of the day canon is a suggestion tbh
fire-plays-totk · 1 year
Me when the post-canon BOTW lore I made up in my head for literal years does not 100% align with what is shown in TOTK
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always-just-red · 11 days
I wanted a slightly suggestive fluff with the twins if that's alright👁️👄👁️
A scenario in which they're finally done with Sylus's tasks for the day and get to spend some time with MC
CRYINGGG anon I low-key did deviate from the brief but I had this idea and I just ended up running with it. I hope you enjoy, regardless! I went into this ambivalent towards Luke and Kieran but something just possessed me honestly. Also dragged Sylus into it because there's no way in hell I wasn't subjecting him to this dynamic!! 😇 (I made MC here separate from canon MC for plot reasons, but if you want a fic with the twins and canon MC, just let me know!)
Onychinus' Finest
Luke and Kieran x Reader
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Summary: All in a day's work for Sylus's loyal and committed worker bees crows
Genre: fluff & shenanigans
Warnings/Additional tags: MDNI (not smut but it's a lil spicy and I'd rather play it safe tbh), f!reader, nonMC!reader, platonic Sylus x reader, humour, swearing, suggestion, kisses, the twins are just obsessed with your legs honestly and who could blame them
| Word count: 2.1k | Masterlist |
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
Your call connects almost instantly.
“What?” Sylus hisses from the other end, and you get the impression he’s disappointed.
“Oof,” you groan, smiling, “what’s the matter, boss? Waiting on a call from a certain Deepspace Hunter?”
There’s silence in your ear, but not far from you, Kieran snickers. Your smile broadens. “You have three seconds,” Sylus seethes, with the precarity of a pot that could boil over at any moment, “to tell me what I want to hear.”
Three seconds is a bit of a push. You’re sat on a desk and Kieran is tapping away at the computer beside you, the light of the screen catching the sharp features of his mask; he looks like something from a horror story. You nudge his knee with your foot. He glances at you.
Wrap it up, you signal with a twirl of your forefinger.
His mask tilts downwards, almost imperceptibly, and you know he’s glaring at you from behind it. He flashes his middle finger back and you chuckle, watching him return to his work. “Files should be on their way shortly,” you explain to Sylus, because you know when to stop pushing your luck. “Ever’s upped the security on these damn computers. The device that guy sold you didn’t do shit.”
It’s also now pieces of a device, shattered against the floor from when Kieran had thrown it down and stepped on it in frustration. You’re not gonna mention that.
Sylus sighs impatiently, but there’s a hint of regret. “I knew there was something off about that deal. Do you think he tipped them off?”
You glance around the room and it’s littered with bodies. Not dead! Just… unconscious. At least, most of them, you think. “Yeah…” you muse. It was a lot more security than there should have been in a high-rise office in the middle of the night. “You might be onto something there, boss.”
Another sigh from Sylus. You watch Luke as he finishes looting— wait, no— checking the last of the security guards for anything helpful. He’s found a phone and he’s staring down at it, head tilted, reminding you of Mephisto. You briefly wonder what came first: the crow masks or the crow-like behaviour. Maybe you’ll ask Sylus one day.
Luke lifts the phone, holding it at arm’s length, and you realise he’s taking a selfie. He pivots until you and Kieran are in the background, and you lean into the frame, making a peace sign with your free hand. The moment is captured. Luke tosses the phone over his shoulder and it hits the floor with a crack.
“Are you all alright?” Sylus checks, and you know his eyes are burning with frustration, even though you can’t see them. He wears a mask too— most of the time— it’s just a little more figurative than yours or the twins’. You’re an expert at reading past them by now.
“Yeah,” you say, “we signed up for this, remember? You’ve got the best of the best, right here.” You glance between Luke and Kieran. “Well, the best of the best and her sidekicks.”
“Hey!” Kieran interjects. “You wanna have a go on this computer?”
“No,” you lilt back sweetly. What’s he gonna do— make you? Sure enough, he goes back to tapping away, his head sagging slightly, and you can tell he’s pouting.
Luke has wandered closer to the pair of you. “How much longer?” he whines, throwing himself into a wheely chair, setting it on a slow collision course with Kieran’s. You stop it with your leg.
“Shut up,” Kieran snaps. “At least I’m doing something.”
“I can do something,” Luke retorts. He captures your ankle, pulling it away from the leg of his chair, and rests a hand on your shin.
“Something isn’t in the mood right now.” You lift your foot from his grasp, inching it up his lower abdomen, and he groans as you plant it against his chest. “So unprofessional,” you tut.
You’d stifled your phone against your chest, but you can hear a deep voice leaking out of it. “Say that again, boss?” you request, bringing it back to your ear.
“How long is this going to take?” Sylus repeats.
“Not long. You know what they say, though…” You meet the eyes of Luke’s mask. Your tone drops: “All good things to those who wait.”
Luke’s chair squeaks, rolling back as you push him away with a soft kick.
“Fine,” Sylus murmurs, “Mephisto is with me. Stay on the line, and send the files through when you can. I’ll check them before you leave. If they knew we were coming, there’s a chance that—”
“Yeah, yeah, I get the picture,” you interrupt. You get Kieran’s attention again, then gesture between the computer and the phone. The beak of his mask dips as he nods.
Luke has used your lapse of focus to draw himself close to you again. He takes your ankle once more and guides it to rest in his lap, one hand tight— holding you in place— and the other deftly undoing the buckles on your boot. After a few clinks, he pulls it from your foot, the leather dragging down over your skin and leaving it cold. He throws the boot at his twin’s leg.
Kieran huffs as it tumbles to the floor. He doesn’t look away from the computer, but you know he wants to. Now that’s professional.
Decidedly committed to another priority, Luke draws shapes on your lower leg, his finger grazing over your shin and ankle. He’s staring down, fixated, and maybe they aren’t shapes— maybe they’re letters. Every stroke of his finger is deliberate. You could ask what he’s writing, but you really don’t care so long as it’s more than a word or two.
If it is, he doesn’t have the patience for it. His fingers walk higher, stopping only as they reach your knee. The fabric of your dress is draped over your leg and he pushes it aside, letting it slink closer to the floor. He looks up at you, head angled like a question.
“Any progress?” Sylus asks.
You’re holding your phone between your ear and your shoulder, both hands splayed on the desk beside you so you can lean slightly back. “Getting there,” you say, lips curving. You’re not looking at the computer.
You could swear you hear Luke laugh, but it’s ever so faint. He rests his whole hand on you, warming your lower leg with broader strokes, and whatever he wrote has been erased. Your breath catches as his touch moves above your knee, and it’s a tiny sound; no-one would notice.
Kieran’s mask turns towards you. “Oh, come on,” he sighs. “No fair.”
It’s an intimate art: seeing behind a mask. You have to notice everything.
“So hurry up,” Luke answers, his voice heavier than the last time he spoke. His chest rises and falls with every breath, just a little slower, a little deeper.
Kieran rolls his eyes—you guess, from the listless way his attention goes back to the screen— and you detect a huff. “Not fair,” he says to himself. He repeats it as he punches keys with his fingers: “Not fair. Not fair.”
Luke shakes his head gently: a fond exasperation rather than anything serious. He rolls his chair closer until he’s framed by your legs, then lifts your ankle to rest on his shoulder. His fingers curl, the pads of them brushing over the top of your foot idly, but it tickles, so you try to pull away. He grasps your ankle again. “Nuh-uh, kitten,” he teases.
It’s one of your favourite in-jokes; you laugh. Sylus can still hear you, and you’re glad he doesn’t know it’s at his expense. “Something funny?” he asks. Maybe he does know.
“Yeah,” you say. He could string you upside-down with his Evol and you’d still never tell him what.
Luke is chuckling to himself, and the sound changes as he lifts his mask just enough to free the lower half of his face. It’s not the first time, but it sobers you instantly. He turns to press his lips to your ankle, leans in— kisses further up. Leans in again— his mouth moves higher.
“Why so wriggly?” he speaks into your knee. “Stop.”
“You stop,” you counter, reaching forward to grab one of the horns peeking out of his hood. You use it to pull him away. Make him look at you. “Your little book on conquest doesn’t work on me.”
His lips widen into a smirk.  
“What book?” Sylus’s voice echoes.
You smirk as well. “Ask your pet hunter.”
You’re interrupted by a thud and your head spins. Kieran is standing up, slapping the top of the computer in frustration. “C’mon, work!” he urges. “So freakin’ slow.”
“Ah, ah, ah.” You shoo him away from the computer like you would a too-friendly pigeon from your lunch.
He flaps back in answer, his hand engaging yours in a brief slap-fight before he backs down. He slumps into his chair, defeated. “It’s almost there,” he groans, folding his arms. “Hey, Luke? Wanna swap?”
“Do it,” you prompt.
Luke’s head rolls begrudgingly. “Yes ma’am. Jeez.” He plants a warm kiss on your leg again before clambering out from underneath it, pulling his mask back down over his face.
Another moment later and Kieran is in front of you instead. “You ok?” you wonder out loud.
“Bored.” He rests his head sideways on your thigh. His fingers find your bare lower leg and he runs them up, down, up, down, but it’s soft and purposeless. Soon, his head lifts— thin, red eyes staring up at you. The gaze doesn’t waver as he leans back in his chair and starts to unfasten your other boot.
“She’s gonna get cold,” Luke quips from the computer.
“Nah. She’s not.”
Your skin prickles as Kieran pulls away your boot, like a reflection of his brother, but tortuously more slow. He lets the cool air of the room set in. “Huh,” he corrects himself. “Maybe she is.”
You get the sense you’re being punished; both of them are petty. You’re pettier, though. “Sylus?” you speak into the phone.
“Did I ever tell you about the time that Kieran— ah!”
In a heartbeat Kieran has lifted his mask— not enough, but enough— and planted a kiss above your knee. His hand is around your leg, pushing it further from the other, and you can’t help but gasp again.
“What are you…” Sylus starts to ask, but then he changes his mind. “No. I don’t want to know.”
“You sure, boss?” you chuckle breathlessly. “It might surprise you.”
“Nothing would surprise me at this point, sweetie. Those files had better be on their way.”
You tear your gaze away from Kieran to glance over at Luke. He’s sat, propped on an elbow, his chin in his palm, and he’s definitely not looking at the computer. He sits up straight under your scrutiny. Turns to the screen. After a few more drums of the keyboard, he gives you a thumbs up.
“Got it,” Sylus chimes in, no doubt perusing the files already. “Nothing seems amiss. Nice work.”
“Thanks, boss,” you grin. “I’ve been working very, very hard.”
The phone is snatched from your hand. “She has, sir!” Kieran speaks into it. He stands, putting it on speaker before setting it down beside you. “I think she deserves the night off.”
There’s a crash as he shoves the computer from the desk, and Luke leans back, swinging his feet up onto the now empty space. He lifts his mask marginally to put two fingers to his lips, whistling in celebration. There’s a slow clap for good measure, too.
Kieran bows to him with a flourish. Then to you; you bow your head back.
“I’m hanging up,” Sylus states plainly.
“Ok,” you chirp, distracted. “I hope she calls you soon, boss!”  
“I don’t… I’m not…” your leader stutters. He reconsiders. “Thank you. Don’t think, however, that I’m—”
He doesn’t get to finish the warning, threat, or whatever else it was. Luke’s finger stands proudly on the phone, still connected to the ‘end call’ button. “What?” he dismisses as you and Kieran look at him. “I slipped! If boss asks, you saw me slip.”
“I did see it,” Kieran nods.
“I saw it too,” you add solemnly.  
There’s silence for a single moment, and there’s never silence with you three around. It lasts as long as it usually does.
You all burst into laughter.
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lexosaurus · 1 year
Ok, listen. I know, I KNOW that "Phantom Planet's Not Canon Fuck You." Okay?
But just. Hear me out for a second.
Do Halfas Need To Breathe In Ghost Form?
Okay so this is a really lowkeye "debate" (I say that in quotes because it's more just that people have different headcanons and tbh this is the best way anyway because, you know, fuck canon death of the author and all) as to whether or not Danny needs to breathe in halfa form. And while I, like most people, just sorta decide whether or not he needs to breathe based on whatever my fanfic plot needs, I actually think, canonically at least, there is some solid evidence that no, actually, they don't need to breathe in ghost form.
There's a few times in canon where Vlad is choking Danny mid-fight and Danny looks more mildly annoyed than seriously panicked about it, but you can largely chalk that up to Kid's TV Screening Filters, so I don't put much weight on those.
However, there are some moment that sticks out more than the rest. And that's when Danny and Vlad are in space.
Yeah, uh, I'm talking about Phantom Planet.
(I'm sorry)
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So initially, both Danny and Vlad are shown to be wearing helmets that presumably have oxygen filtering through them. Now now, I know what you're thinking: Lexx, wouldn't this mean that they do need to breathe in ghost form?
My theory isn't that they can't breathe in ghost form, my theory is that they don't need to breathe in ghost form. There's a difference.
I also think that they probably don't exactly want to test the theory if they have to breathe or now. Better safe than sorry, so let's wear helmets!
(Also, side note, this furthers the other lowkeye "debate" as to whether or not they get seriously cold in their ghost forms because, uh, they're in space with no spacesuit)
But I digress. Here they are shown with helmets, suggesting that they do have some breathing capabilities, even in ghost form.
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But at the end of the episode, we see Vlad here chilling on a space rock, no helmet in sight, looking perfectly fine albeit disappointed and bored.
This, obviously, suggests that halfas do not need to breathe in ghost form. And I think Vlad literally just discovered that as soon as he was ejected to space sans helmet.
So my theory is, while Danny and Vlad have the organs required for breathing and do breathe as a reflex automatically, when put in situations like outer space where oxygen is not available, their ghost half takes over a little more and they stop breathing. I think this is such an automatic thing that when this change happens in day to day life (like Danny being choked by Vlad mid ghost-fight), that like how us humans don't actively think about breathing, we just kinda do it, they don't really notice it either.
So that's my theory. I'm so sorry for needing to cite Phantom Planet here. I'm sure there's other things you can pull from canon too, but this was just the most obvious. Again, headcanons ftw, okay peace out ✌️
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alchely · 5 months
My Top Gallavich fics
So, under the advice of the lovely @iangallagherisadeadman I've decided to compile a favorites Gallavich fic list along with a brief rec of each, this won't be a strict top 10 cause I'm not gonna torture myself into excluding some of these stories on some made-up self imposed arbitrary rules.
A bunch of disclaimers: most of these fics are long fics, going from 30k words up, I'm not purposefully excluding shorter fics, I have read plenty of them, but they do have a harder time sticking in my head months after reading.
Most of these fics will be explicit, just read the tags on the fic itself if you want to find out more.
Some of these fics don't have links because the authors chose to lock them and as such make them unlinkable, in order to read them you will need to go through the author's page while you're logged in your AO3 account.
This ended up ballooning out of control and is A LOT longer than ten fics, I apologize in advance :p.
YOU'LL NEVER SEE US AGAIN – spoonfulstar - 231k words
Mickey and Ian have been students at Marceline boarding school their whole lives, as their time at the institute draws toward the end they will start to discover many things, about themselves, about each other and about the world they live in.
THIS FIC! I CRIED! The number of fanfiction that are able to make me cry can be counted on a singular hand, the emotional stakes get higher and higher as the story goes on, leading to a beautiful and bittersweet climax.
This story will make you think and feel deeply about topics you'd never think a shameless fic would delve into.
I am obsessed with Mickey in this fic, he and Ian grow up in an environment that could not be more removed from South Side Chicago and yet his personality is still so recognizably and distinctly Mickey.
The story goes very dark at times, and the fic itself could be considered lengthy, but I assure you the author has made sure to not make you feel it. Those 200k words flowed so well the story did not feel long at all.
HELP ME (TEAR DOWN MY REASON) – wehangout - 34k words
Mickey is a detective and Ian becomes a suspect in an investigation except Mickey already knows him because he's his favorite dancer.
This fic falls under the umbrella of fics where “Mickey is so in love with Ian he does something unbelievably crazy”.
Oooh boy, this fic, it's written in second person (yes you've read that right), tbh out of all fics I've read from this author I think this one was the easiest to adjust mentally to the change in perspective.
I loved Mickey’s “love” in this, just… This raw connection to Ian, the perfect cocktail of feelings, I could read that all day long.
IN ANOTHER WORLD – Roryonic - 249k words
Mickey does not get sent to prison at the end of S5, what happens after and how his presence influences future events (mostly Ian, but also every other Gallagher as well as his own family).
As far as I'm concerned this fic is the closest to a perfect S6 and beyond fix-it. The dialogue writing in this story is so close to canon Shameless that I could picture entire scenes in my head with the actors playing the characters, with their body and personality quirks.
Sometimes I find myself describing this fic like it's the actual show's deleted scenes, “Look, Mickey has his own storyline! And Mandy is here! And the existence of Yevgeni does not become a plot hole!”
There are some Mickey lines in this fic that to me are as canon as if they'd been in the show. Absolutely iconic writing.
I love this author so here's a rec of some of their other longfics, however I highly suggest a lot of their other much shorter stuff as well:
BATTLESHIPS AND LOVE BOATS: Ian and Mickey start their “no strings attached” kind of sex relationship a little later than canon but their attraction and love is just as strong. This is a sort of High School AU that turns into a Prison AU that turns into something else and every shift is just as lovely as the next.
YOU SMELL LIKE LOVE: Ian and Mickey are childhood friends, to the point that the rest of the Gallaghers might as well consider Mickey a seventh brother, mmmh, I sure wonder how things will start to change. Look, I never thought I'd love a childhood friends AU for Gallavich yet here I am, if it's good it's good.
ME AND THE DEVIL: Mickey unconsciously calls for a vengeance demon and Ian Gallagher shows up at his door, because Mickey is a stubborn dumbass they fall in love instead. This story has a lot of twists and turns and the premise is only the very beginning of the story. I LOVED it!
Ian is a dancer in a club, he accidentally gets involved in the affair of a dangerous mafia don, but the true danger is the attraction he and the mafioso’s right hand Mickey feel for each other as soon as they meet.
What. A. Classic. Truly, an unforgettable story, and I don't mean this in hyperbole, I read this story around… 2016/2017 during my second round in the Shameless fandom, then I read countless other fics in a lot of other fandom and yet this story was the only one that my mind retained from back then, to the point that I could still remember some of the finer details as well as the final plot twists when I came back to reread it.
The plot is constructed beautifully and the original characters (part of the Shamelessquestions fanfiction universe, as they come back time and time again in every one of their AU to fulfill their role in the story) are just as vibrant.
What a story, truly.
Favorite original character in this AU: Sal, his downfall is so satisfying and yet so pitiful to read.
Ian finds something scary and calls Mickey for help, even though they had only reconnected that very day after two years of not seeing each other. Together, they get sucked into a situation they weren't at all prepared for. Can they even admit that they're in over their head?
The very beginning of this fic is SO cinematic it grabbed my interest from the very first scene and didn't let go until the end, DO NOT search for spoilers.
The only warning I'll give is that it does deal with a bit of gore and what I'm personally gonna define as slight psychological horror. That's it. Enjoy!
BROKE STRAIGHT BOYS – dancermk - 66k words
Mickey becomes a porn actor for a site where he has to pretend he's straight and not enjoying the copious amount of gay sex he's having on camera, enter Ian, another actor under the same agency and their off the chart physical chemistry.
This story has, needless to say, some really, really good smut. I especially loved their first time together, but every sex scene in this story is seared in my mind.
ETHERIZED AGAINST THE SKY – Snarfle - 213k words
So, I debated whether I should add this fic or not, but I think if there is one fic that will stay in my mind long after this Shameless binge of the past couple of months it's this one, and it should absolutely become one of those fic that everyone in the fandom should read.
After Mickey gets shot by Kash his life takes a completely different direction and he ends up in a group home where, through many difficult times, he turns his life around.
So many iconic moments in this fic, some funny as fuck, some sad, some so absurd that I'm surprised they weren't lifted straight from Shameless, one so gruesome in the very first chapter that I was surprised to have such a visceral feeling from just words on a screen. Yeah, this story will stay with me for a long time.
OLD RULES FOR NEW SIDE PIECES – Shamelessquestions - 217k words
Ian is a Fed and he spots Mickey looking suspicious in an art museum, the mutual attraction is overwhelming, Mickey is not what he seems and Ian is already with someone else, but that's not gonna stop him from pursuing what he and Mickey have.
Putting it as bluntly as I can, this fic made me face the realization that I love cheating fics (if the cheating happens to someone else to bring together the endgame couple). I have already reread this fic twice and I could probably go for another one and not get tired of it, it's that good, and out of all this author's fics it's probably my favorite.
Favorite original characters in this AU: It's a three way tie between Dre, Ivan and Carrie, they're all very captivating in this story.
Other fic from this author I'd recommend cause I really love their style:
LOST IN TRANSLATION: Ian meets a very attractive man while he's in Ukraine who doesn't speak English, a mere language barrier won't stop him from flirting for hours. (adorable)
YOU MAKE ME FEEL HUMAN – Dragona - 66k words
Ian is an assassin, he meets Mickey and thus begins a very sick love story.
To say I'm obsessed with this fic is an understatement, I suggest to everyone to just go read the original author’s own description of the fic, it sets the tone of the story magnificently.
This is an Ian Gallagher that almost resembles Jerome (also played by Cameron in Gotham) but like… a slightly more subdued and saner S1/S2 version of him. I love the layers that get peeled right in front of my eyes, the madness that creeps in a bit more every chapter. I LOVE this story.
DRIED INK - 87k words
This fic combines my two favorite Gallavich-specific tropes, one being ‘Mickey comes back from prison after s6, Ian is with someone else’ and ‘Ian cheats on that someone else for Mickey’
I love the Gallaghers in this and how unsurprised they are at Ian going back to Mickey right away. It's a little jewel of a fic.
Mickey tries SO hard to stop himself and Ian in this but their love is too magnetic, they're irresistible to each other.
THE QUESTION OF NORMAL – blue_newman - 92k words
Ian is a prison counselor, Mickey is in prison, they fall in love and it's beautiful and Ian is incredibly devoted to Mickey in this fic and I fell in love with them both in this.
KINDA RAW – catgrassplantdad - 6k
Quite simply this is my favorite short pwp fic.
Illustrating those “five times” in one night that Mickey references in 11x01.
This fic is so hot, I love it <3
QUATERVOIS – DodgerBear - 51k words
Soldier Mickey gets stationed in the middle of nowhere and meets a farmer called Ian who makes him question everything.
Falling under the same umbrella of “Mickey does something crazy for Ian” fics and this is why it stuck in my mind even if it's been a while since I've read it.
I LOVE this story, their dialogues and everything that happens in it. The setting is lovely and you will fall in love with the description of Ian’s farm.
Other fic by the same author that I also loved:
BURDEN OF PROOF: Cop Mickey gets caught in a legal battle between the two oldest Gallagher brothers, something doesn't feel right though…
THE WORDS HE DOESN'T SAY: Mickey is released before Ian in s10 and has to meet a court-mandated therapist. The story is from the therapist POV and goes AU from the beginning of s10 in that Mickey gets involved back into Yev and Svetlana’s life, the dialogue is, quite obviously, the main attraction of the story and it's really well done. (Also, written in first person).
THE MENAGERIE – CrossMyDNA - 147k words
Ian decides to re-explore his bdsm preferences at The Menagerie where he meets sub extraordinaire Mickey on his very first visit.
Shameless is undoubtedly the fandom that opened my eyes to what bdsm could be back in… approx 2016? When that other popular bdsm fic was still around *ahem*.
So it definitely feels like a sign that coming back into the fandom this fic now exists and is SO GOOD.
Obviously it's very explicit, the smut in this fic is one of the best I've ever read.
The chemistry between Ian and Mickey sizzles off the screen and can absolutely be felt even in moments not of the nsfw variety, absolutely recommended!
MICKEY MILKOVICH’S GUIDE TO FLIRTING – whatwouldmickeydo - 40k words
An s2 “missing moments” between Gallavich, completely canon compliant, all under the pretense that Mickey is following a step by step guide to flirting.
I wish this fic was describing canon moments, not kidding a single bit, I wish I could somehow magically manifest these scenes into existence they're that good and fit that well into canon.
M8TE – gallawitch - 53k words
Omegaverse fic where Ian and Mickey both start using an app and end up matching with each other, even though a connection is made almost instinctively, coming to terms with it with a sound mind will take a bit longer…
Hey,had to have at least one of these on here lol
I love omegaverse and this was everything I wanted from it, couldn't have asked for anything better really <3.
SHACKLED – MyRelapse - 19k words
Ian has a change of heart and he decides that Mickey IS the one he wants, even if he's still in prison, so he keeps in contact and goes through every hoop imaginable to have him back as soon as possible.
Reading this made me so happy like I could burst, love it.
WAITING ON MY OWN TOO LONG – Ride4812 - 266k words
This rec more than any other on this list is what I'm gonna consider self indulgent because it covers the trope I always craved to read in such a satisfying way: Canon AU where Mickey comes back from prison after 8 years, Ian has found someone else but the moment the two meet again they fall back into each other right away.
The series is made up of 4 smaller fics:
One more night
Something more this time
No more lonely nights
Ain't this life so sweet
(I will point out here and nowhere else that the last installment of this series has some segment that probably needed to be re-read a couple more times, but by that point I was too invested, and the quality fluctuates a lot only in certain parts)
The writing style is very direct and to the point, which I love, the smut is very present and written beautifully and most importantly never boring.
Ian is a MESS in this fic and had me Stressed™, mostly cause for some reason I can't handle too much casual depiction of drug abuse and addiction (I know, ironic considering the fandom).
Conflicts and resolutions are never clean cut, they don't necessarily resolve quickly or definitely or the way you probably imagine they should and I find this level of realism very satisfying.
Taking a bit of space here at the end to also rec a couple other Ride4812 fics that I also loved:
COUP DE FOUDRE - A model/photographer AU where Ian and Mickey fall in love the instant they meet and do some crazy things because of that.
HOPE HE MIGHT - A lawyer AU where Ian and Mickey are on opposing sides for the same client, an interesting murder mystery steeped in a religious cult.
Generally I feel like this author is really good at depicting just how unapproachable Mickey can be to anyone that isn't called Ian Gallagher and I eat it up every time.
WHAT THE NIGHT DOES TO THE DAY – andchaos - 9k words
A Gallavich childhood friends AU with a quite original arrangement for the story and the various segments of their lives. Very satisfying read.
RANSOM – BeckyHarvey29 - 112k words
Terry sends his sons to kidnap a Gallagher child to force Frank into paying back the money he owes, unfortunately for him Mickey and his brothers kidnap Ian, and a whole other kind of story unfolds.
Mickey and Ian falling in love in this fic is such a good read. I don't wanna spoil anything of how that or the kidnapping plot goes, since the two are so intertwined. Just know that it will be worth it.
UNDER LOCK AND KEY – Suzy_Queue - 106k words
Ian is assigned the night shift at his new job where he provides spare keys to his fellow college students stuck outside their dorm rooms. To make matters worse his shift coworker is the oh so infamous Mickey Milkovich.
I am magnetized by the way this author writes their pining for each other, their attraction and obsession, how it blooms and unfolds. This fic in particular had me develop a very bad case of tunnel vision, couldn't really turn away until I finished reading it all.
I still haven't read everything this author has to offer, but so far I also loved:
INHUMAN: A mysterious force starts attacking people close to Mickey and it all seems to lead to a mysterious redhead Mickey is oh so coincidentally obsessed with. Very cool paranormal story.
THESE FOOLISH GAMES: Mickey takes over as the boss of the local branch of a trampoline park, where Ian is one of the employees, they annoy each other to no end but what they don't know is that they're secretly texting each other.
IS THERE SOMEWHERE – andchaos - 48k words
Mickey is born with no words on his skin, convinced he's going to live a life of misery cause no one will ever say the words he's destined to hear, he's not a very happy guy. Here comes mute boy Ian who crashes into his life and won't let go.
A classic Soulmate AU, I love that like in a lot of other Gallavich fics their physical connection and compatibility usually comes before their emotional one, it is one aspect that I feel distinguishes their relationship to many other fandom’s ships.
LAST NIGHT AT THE VERONA GRAND HOTEL – the_rat_wins - 27k words
Mickey starts working at an ancient hotel who's supposedly haunted. Mickey doesn't believe in ghost stories, he is much more interested in this one guest he meets at night during his shift.
What a cinematic experience this fic is! Absolutely recommended, the length of it makes it so you can read it in the same time it would take to watch the same story in movie format.
Other fics by the same authors that have impressed me:
FADE THIS ONE TO BLACK: Ian dies of overdose in a pile of snow outside the club, when Mickey finds him there he vows to do anything to get him back.
I don't know why but this fic in particular gives off the vibes of being a pilot for a ya urban fantasy TV series, except we gotta imagine everything that comes after the first episode lol
NO LIE: Ian and Mickey are Soulmates and as such they can't lie to each other. This series is short and sweet and full of feelings, perfect
PARAGRAPHS – pink_ink - 100k words
Ian becomes a reading tutor for ex-convicts, Mickey is among them and Ian starts paying him more and more attention.
This is a story where they meet under very different circumstances and where they've lived slightly different lives compared to canon and yet they're still able to find each other in the end.
Also, sign me up for every fic where Ian has to work just as hard to help Mickey and care for him as the opposite, where Ian's brand of stubbornness is the only way to get through to Mickey.
I'm also adding a couple of ongoing fics, just two to not overwhelm too much.
NONE THE WISER – Loftec - ~218k words
Ian starts visiting Mickey’s diner, it takes a while and yet no time at all to warm up to each other.
I'm captivated by the author's writing style. I love Ian's and Mickey’s relationship. I love how they sort of take their time and yet pine helplessly for each other.
I'm obsessed with the fact that the whole point of the fic doesn't appear until two thirds of the way in cause the diner scenes were just too good to pass up on lol (and I 100% agree with them).
INTRO TO QUANTUM DATING – spoonfulstar - ~563k words
Canon Mickey and Ian meet in University. A college slice of life but drenched in the casual (and not so casual) darkness of canon shameless.
The dark humor in this is fenomenal and left me gasping laughing so many times.
Unexpectedly Ian in this fic is pursuing a linguistics oriented degree, which was what I studied when I tried university, the topics are explained in such an accurate way I have to assume the author studied them themselves and that this story is somewhat a reimagining of their own college experience because if not this would be an absurd amount of accurate research to make.
Reading this fic feels like living through the American college experience from the comfort of my home lol.
As I said before, this author's way of writing does not weight you down even with its length, the story flows perfectly from one scene to the next and before you realize it you've reached the end and you have to accept that 500k words weren't even enough.
Let's end this list with some quick recommendations
Mickey is volunteered to organize someone's else's wedding after he managed to salvage his own so well, he'll do it, but his own Southside way.
THIS IS THE ROAD TO RUIN - bricoleur10
Ian and Mickey never go to rob Ned, the story unfolds differently from there. A fix-it with a lot of Gallavich longing , very good smut and some really good dialogue.
Mickey talks about his crush with Iggy and accidentally pronoun-slips. Short, to the point, funny af and I just really love it. Takes place after their fight at Kash’n Grab in s2.
AGAINST GLASS - AllThatMatters
Ian gets traded from one club to another as a dancer (and more) and ends up in the Milkovich family's club. This is a Mafia!Mickey story with some pretty tight sub-plots, I love his brothers in this.
ONE OF A KIND - fckyeahgallavich
Mickey breaks his finger and it has to be set in the hospital, chaos - of the homophobic kind - ensues. Protective!Ian, I wanna hug Mickey in this.
Ian is haunting an apartment and Mickey starts living in it, Ian is maybe starting to have a crush on him. This isn't angsty!
BLOOD IN, BLEED OUT - brewrosemilk, Whatsastory
Historical AU. Perfectly innocent bystander Ian Gallagher is thrown into the affairs of the Ukrainian Mafia back in 1954, his relationship with Mickey will span decades and he won't remain innocent for long, the mafia can corrupt anyone.
Ian comes to live and finish high school with his half siblings on the South Side, he's immediately captivated by a boy sitting under the bleachers, maybe his North Side naivety will catch his attention too.
GARDEN SONG - melwrtiesthings
A glimpse into their lives in their West Side apartment, a lot of initial angst due to a manic episode and then a lot of recovery and healing and learning more about themselves.
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sepublic · 10 months
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It's really surprising to think about it, but it occurred to me that throughout the entire show, amidst all of her accomplishments, we technically never see Luz make a single human friend. This obviously doesn't count her parents, who are blood relations and (should be) friends by default. And it's not as if Luz didn't try, she quite explicitly did, although her attempts were dismissed by everyone else.
I don't think this is really a bad thing at all for Luz, because she has plenty of witch and demon friends, after all, and there's no meaningful existential distinction between humans and the Demon Realm's inhabitants by the end of the day, contrary to what others might claim. Likewise, there's the pretty obvious implication given by Yesterday's Lie that Luz could've made friends at the Reality Check camp, given how well Masha and co. resonated with Vee there and managed to retain their identities.
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There's also those two kids (whom I named Mike and Bridget after the crew members they were based on) that invited Luz to the Halloween hayride, although Luz obviously had too much on her mind at the moment to be receptive. I wonder if Luz ever became properly acquainted with them once she started healing during the time skip, as the existence of the Earth and Demon Realm exchange program suggests that other humans have also been introduced to the Boiling Isles.
It's implied that Luz grew distant with Masha and co. after taking Vee's place, on account of technically having never been close to them to begin with; And like with those two kids that invited her, I suspect it had to do with Luz's trauma and the awkwardness of secrets creating a gap between them, in addition to Luz needing to help her friends adjust to Gravesfield. Under other circumstances Luz would've been eager to embrace her fellow weirdoes, but with her guilt over everything (including depriving Vee of her friends, I imagine) it just wasn't the time.
Again, I find the introduction of Masha and co. to be really effective because I think it rattles Luz's sense of self by making her question her decision to stay in the Boiling Isles; Because seeing Vee and her friends just suggests to Luz that maybe the Reality Check camp could've worked out, and she'd have been able to get friends without having to lie to, hurt, and be separated from her mother in the process. Which makes Luz second-guess herself, and in addition to Camila making her promise to stay, causes Luz to begin mistakenly regretting her decisions.
But as we all know, if Luz DID go to the camp, so many terrible things including genocide would've been allowed to happen without her, and so many people would've continued suffering. And she also got to live out her dream of being a witch, which you can't really blame her for attempting when she got the opportunity. What happened already happened and it's not as if Luz can be blamed for it, because how could anyone anticipate the chain of events, and ignore others who certainly did much more, with actual malice, to contribute to the trauma? Luz had to see things the whole way through and she did; Choosing herself helped others, it didn’t hurt them like Luz thought!
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Anyhow, it's basically canon that Vee got to reconnect with Masha and co., and more than likely reveal her true nature and history, especially with Gus leading an exchange program she’s part of. So I like to think Luz DID make human friends in Masha and co., as well as the two who invited her to their hayride; I love how they seem to lowkey adore Luz as a fellow weirdo, and tbh, it's not as if Luz needs human friends when she already has human connections, because witches and demons are no less 'real' in terms of being people and all.
But it'd be nice if Luz ultimately found it reassuring, the realization that there were weirdoes in Gravesfield like her, and that she could've been friends with them; Especially if it did happen anyway because Luz chose both worlds and not just one. My point being, we need a lot more content with Luz meeting Vee's friends, and especially hanging out with Mike and Bridget, since we actually saw human strangers like Luz for being Luz!!! They’re canonically fans of Luz from her chaotic reputation (not the one Vee made) and were curious to see if she’d do a crazy costume again like last Halloween!!! And their existence reassures viewers that they needn’t go to another realm entirely to find weirdoes like them, because they exist right here on this Earth!!!
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34saveme34 · 8 days
btw I like to mention this a lot
but a lot of times I like to look at shit in a like, writer's way
not as in like, what makes sense really, I somewhat gave up on that
but trying to gather what the intention might possibly be, based on context clues
and then be like "well, if I was a writer for this show, why would I do this?"
anyways, there's an ever so like
slowly building pattern of 4 caring about romance
this ASMR girlfriend thing he gets emotional about
the visual novel bit he gets flustered about in the 34 thinks game episode
now when he suggests the theme for the episode idea they have to be romance
now you might be like, omg, are they teasing 34 this way
and yes but it's only the bit not the canonicity of it, I might eat my words one day but the chance of them making 34 canon is slim at best and miniscule at worst
still, there's still something to be said SMG4 for the things that I've brought up
he's.... he's a closeted hopeless romantic, and a cringe one at that /VERYaff
I know one when I see one (credentials: I'm one as well)
in a way he's SO much like Puzzles, they care about themes and shit in such- such the same strength, even if it's expressed differently
but it's one way they're super similar
I'm not actually like leading this to anywhere, I just find it neat how similar they are
like a fucked up 34 child
with the passion of one and the temper(AND jealousy from both because OH BOY) of the other mixed with grief of a lost childhood and loneliness
anyways I was getting at the hopeless romantic thing because we might see more of it
it would be really fun to see him yearn for a relationship
and there's like disgusting signs of 34 in it or something but then they never follow up on it
like the episode would be SO cheeky
basically it would be the crew trying help him set up with someone
and like maybe everyone brings him someone, 3 does last because they KNOW we are insane about that kinda shit
all his dates fail
and then 3 comes in
4 is like, sad like, you have someone?
3 is like, no, I was busy setting this thing up for the café, can you help
anyways he says yes and then we see him smile about it while he's doing so and that's what the episode ends on
anyways people would be having heated arguments if the moral of the story was that 3 IS the one for 4
IF his friendship with 3 is enough to make 4 happy
anyways one of the dates someone would bring would be Whimpu and he's like "I know I should lower my standards but I'm not lowering that THIS much"
and people would argue if he just finds him particularly not attractive enough to engage with him like that or if he's straight
BECAUUUSEEE you KNOOOOW there would be people arguing like HELL that he's straight
or maybe some others would also just bring guys in as well, besides girls
showing off his bisexual agenda
tbh even if it didn't go that way, an episode where they're all trying to get 4 a date would be so fuckin funny and would make for a silly episode methinks
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worldsetfree · 8 months
Stardust Crusaders × Reader: Motion Pictures
(+ bonus card at the bottom of the cereal box!)
Finally, you and your travelling band of troubadours have arrived at a hotel for the first time in days. It's early in the evening, everybody's exhausted, so you decide to retire to your rooms early and decompress. But you want to take some time, either with the group or your special someone and unwind with a movie.
(Trying to stay as canon-compliant as possible, so only movies that came out in or before 1988. Enjoy! Feedback welcome.)
Muhammad Avdol hasn't watched a lot of movies tbh. Down for most anything. Spending time with you is the true privilege.
Tbh I am struggling so much with picking a movie for him. His favourite movie canonically is Midnight Run, so maybe he'd recommend something like From Russia With Love?
I think he would let you pick if it was only the two of you and just be happy for the time together. He is the sweetest of men.
Respectfully tender. You want to share a blanket? You want snacks? You want to kiss? He's prepared and willing for anything.
Toasty warm if you want to cuddle. Leaves him delightly flustered.
Omg this bean. 💕 Kakyoin Noriaki wants you to watch something that is of great personal significance to him but he's fearful of rejection.
He'll pick something a little bit artsy (and maybe pretentious), but something he holds dear to his heart. But it's Kakyoin, and he's also kind of a weirdo. He's gonna pick something a little out there like Blade Runner. The Princess Bride?
Please, bear with him. He's doing his best. Does the movie fit the vibe? Maybe not. But it's about being next to you.
Wants to cuddle, is too nervous to ask. You're gonna have to be the bold one here.
Watch his face flush to match his hair if you pull him in close and kiss his cheek. He's gonna want to do this every night from now on.
Oh Lord, Jean Pierre Polnareff has been waiting for this moment. He wants to fall in love. This is his chance to woo you, mademoiselle.
Already has a running list of appropriately romantic movies. Settles on Dirty Dancing (he is incorrigible). He doesn't actually care about the movie, this is all just a scheme to set the mood.
Chatty as fuck during the movie. Sweet nothings in your ear and distracted commentary on the movie. His stream of consciousness, really. Wants to see you blush.
Offers to let you sit/put your head in his lap. C'est magnifique if you take him up on that.
He is a gentleman, he won't try anything you don't want. He is going to ask to kiss you, though. Even if it's not the first time you've kissed today. He can't help himself.
Joseph Joestar is either trying to inspire the group with some big moral lesson or he's leaning on his comfort films in private with you. No in-between.
"Comfort films" means Indiana Jones. That's it. There's a new one coming out next year, you know? You'll go see it with him, right? He's just as handsome as Sean Connery!
He's gonna try the ol' big yawn and stretch into holding you trick. Thinks he's slick.
Somehow he's already eaten the snacks. Pest. Will get more if you ask nicely.
The type of man who waits til you're very engrossed in the movie, then distracts you by kissing your neck. Success may vary. What do you mean Indiana Jones doesn't get you in the mood?
Good grief, why do you have to do this right now? Kujo Jotaro is tired and wants to sleep. You're so needy.
(He's thrilled by the idea and would love to turn his brain off for a night).
In front of the guys, he wants to watch some cool action movie. Top Gun? Yojimbo? More of a cinephile than he lets on. In private, he is more comfortable being the dork we know he is. Might suggest detective fiction or a documentary.
Adores these quiet moments of respite. Will play with your hair. Pamper him a little bit with soft affection and see his brows finally relax right before your eyes.
Will end up falling asleep on your shoulder, with his arms wrapped around you. Will beat up anybody that tries to tease him about it. RIP Joseph
(He's a dog. Obviously platonic)
You're done. Fuck these guys. Fuck this whole trip. They have tried your patience for the last time today.
You and Iggy will cuddle up on a soft hotel bed and watch a Disney movie or something and have a self-care night.
Do a face mask. Realign your chakras. Enjoy strange flavours of gum. Live your best life.
Iggy is suprisingly okay with this turn of events. He lays in your lap and lets you pet him. Finally, he has found peace.
The men are distraught grumpy about missing out on this. Open the door, please. They're sorry, they promise they won't fuck up and do any stupid shit without listening to you again. Please!
Bonus Card:
Baby, he's never wanted to do anything more in his life. He swears! Hol Horse loves taking time to unwind with you!
You already know this man is going to try to charm you with a spaghetti western. Fistful of Dollars it is.
THIS AIN'T HIS FIRST RODEO. He's already got all the pieces together to make this a proper romantic night. Popcorn? Check. Comfy seating? Check. Cologne? Check. Handsome smile? Baby, you're screwed.
Takes it slow, lets you make the first move. Will make you swoon.
Like a bandit, he is gone in the morning, with a note telling you he'll be back again soon and to keep him in your heart. ♡
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shkika · 1 year
do you think slugcats actually wawa? It is a fairly popular fanon sure but I have been wondering for the last few days. We know slugcats must have some decent hearing - some of the map markers are explicitly the slugcat using its hearing to differentiate between other living creatures in other rooms and so on (although the actual passages they apparently just commit to the memory). Probably not as good as black lizard hearing but pretty good. However this part of gameplay as proof of canon worldbuilding might be taken with a grain of salt
that may suggest that audial communication between slugcats may actually be pretty hard to hear for humans - similar to how we cannot hear most of audible signals of various rodents. The problem is, well, it is a gameplay concession for the most part and tbh the way gameplay is integrated with worldbuiding - the devs made an attempt but the realization is imho wonky at best and misleading at worst.
back to wawas, we can try to draw a comparison between domestic cats and slugcats wherein meow is something mostly relegated to 'babytalk' and a specific type of call which some cats, especially those who grew up with humans, adopt for cat to human communication (with cats who grew up without much human interaction sometimes never taking up a habit of meowing even if they end up living with humans later on and actively engaging with them positively). In this case a wawa is a specific signal that is either used for example in danger (owing to how we hear a wawa like sound in one of the danger alert osts) or during communication with the young.
this assumes we take danger osts as actually symbolically reflective of something.
Howerver! While just like the map it seems to be largely a gameplay concession, most of slugcat out of cutscene (aka the gourmand ending slides) communication is reliant on body language. Pointing, jumping, things like that. Even with the pups we mostly interact via those things. Which... either suggests a dimension of pup interaction we do not see because of the gameplay limitations or we should take it as wawa not being a slugcat 'babytalk'.
Which leaves wawas with a very dubious space as a potential 'can be fit into canon' or not.
Oh I'm SO sorry, but I don't think slugcats wawa at all,,
I just think Rivulet ONLY can scream.
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Slightly longer ramble under cut!
I think lore and gameplay are mostly done pretty well! For example the cycle mechanic is something you can only really theorize on if you look at both gameplay and lore. You get to experience the pain of cycles all on your own!
As for wawas.. as you have mentioned, they mostly use body language and art. Picture from Gourmand campaign ↓
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Spearmaster draws too, and uses sign language to communicate with Suns. And I hear you. "Spearmaster is domesticated, they don't count" and you're right!
The fact they can learn such complicated sign language would imply they have the capacity for it in their brain to learn and memorize a language so complicated in the first place. Unless that was modified as well.
But it is more intuitive for slugcats to understand gestures than speech, which is why they need the mark of communication as they otherwise just hear incomprehensible garble. Their brains weren't made for many complicated noises. Yet when they DO have the mark they are capable of understanding extremely complicated sentences and such.
The wawas in threat themes are just the track not actual noise your slugcat makes. A lot of tracks have quite the bizarre sounds in them.
I think slugcats draw, point and jump to communicate. They're rodents that sign!
My only self-indulgent funny headcanon is.. as forementioned, that Rivulet can scream. There is no proof or basis for this. It's just incredibly creepy and funny to me.
This is why that creature wanders alone. Cursed being.
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demonictumble · 3 months
fic rec list (1/??? )
this is a fic recommendation list for whomever wants a good read. All of these are on AO3. I have not provided links, so just search them up!
If you do end up reading any of these, or really any fic in general, remember to leave the author comments!! They deserve them, esp because they do this for free and they deserve to know how beautiful their writing is and how appreciated they are.
IMPORTANT NOTE I am not a religious fan where I only like a fic when it adheres to canon characterization or texts. I can enjoy fics even when they completely throw off what's actually canon and that's okay for me, but it might not be for you. So just keep this in mind and the back button exists for a reason if you don't like something.
Buy Back the Secrets by Sundiscus (incomplete)
Tim Drake and Kon El centered!! OH MY GODS. I could rave on and on about this fic all day but I'll have to keep it brief. I've reread at LEAST 5 times. It's brilliant. The writing, the plot, the characterizations!! They are incredible. If I had to use a phrase to describe it, it would be "identity shenanigans and timkon" but that simplifies the absolute masterpiece that it is SO MUCH
Executive Assistant to the Batman by heartslogos (complete)
Tim is basically Bruce Wayne's assistant and is desperately trying to avoid letting them know that he knows. This is complete crack, but it is hilarious. The writing is so funny and It's what I need after a bad day or anything tbh. It may not be completely true to characters or whatever, but it makes up for it a thousand times over in spirit and the laughs it's produced from me.
anything (not the title because literally ANYTHING) by IzzyMRDB
I can rave about them all day because the dc/batfam fics I have seen them right are all so delicious and I devoured them far too fast and momggg its just so good. and I love their writing style <3
Reverse Robin AU by yellow_cabellero (complete)
I CANNOT DO THIS SERIES JUSTICE WITH MY WORDS. IT is a must read for me. The writer writes spectacularly and the characterization, even though its a reverse robin, feels on point, especially considering the circumstances (Im a huge believer in circumstances shape a person's personality, which is what I think occurs beautifully in all of these fics). They're just so GOOD.
Also this author has a STEPH FIC that is stunning. 10/10. Steph is a character that doesn't get the appreciation she deserves, so this fic was especially more touching for me. It was terrific seeing her girl bossing in the 90s (IT ALSO FELT SO PERIOD ACCURATE CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT). Not to mention, the author shows off character flaws in a believable manner and nobody is a Mary Sue and it's just EVERYUTHING IS JUST *chefs kiss* by them.
The Fishbowl by LordLuxury (complete)
This is Dick Grayson centered. THEY HAVE MADE A MASTERPIECE. I genuinely mean it. Dick is constantly trying to pull the family together, he is trying to be the glue as everything tries to go the opposite. LET THIS MAN HAVE HIS FAMILY. This had me in shambles. Bad Dad Bruce hurt me, but it was just so realistic. That's what gets me. The whole dynamics portrayed in The Fishbowl are so goddamn realistic and it feels so real. Everyone is flawed in their own way and its just... PLEASE READ IT I BEG OF YOU.
Love and Bruises by Acin_Grayson and Hoebiwan (complete)
Despite what the title may suggest, this is actually funny! Jason thinks Batman is abusing Bruce. And I just remember dying of laughter as I read this. Terrific! Would read and Will read again
Marvel (I am a movies fan so most if not all fics I recommend from here on out will be probably based on movies!)
Tennessee Outreach for Spider-Man and Friends by ciaconna
GREAT FIC. Harley (potato gun kid in one of the iron man movies for those who don't remember) gets an internship with Tony stark for college application reasons and its to help Spiderman. Peter Parker and Harley whateverhislastname is such a funny duo and they made the fic spectacular. Terrific writing omg.
Peter and the Jailbirds by beautifullights
I THINK THIS FIC HURT ME. I don't really remember much bc its been a year and a half, but I think my emotions remember because I feel mildly sad when I think about it. Peter is on the raft and bonds with the ex-avengers also on the raft. The premise of a teenager possibly spending the rest of his life in prison is terrible, but I swear this fic has funny moments and the conversations that occur are to die for because the WRITING. WHEW.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? by theskeptileptic
Tony survives and it's set after No Way Home. Where I'm pretty sure the only people dead are May and Pepper. Morgan saves the day by remembering her big brother (Im a sucker for big brother Peter arc). Peter is kind of a mini Tony in this one I think, which is such an interesting take. And it's such a coming home story and its just so beautiful.
Cross Overs:
Even Heroes Have the Right To Dream by Bounemr (complete)
mlb/dc crossover!! where marinate and Jon are retired superhero and go to college together! Great writing and plot with a good ending. Fluffy for the most part as far I as I can remember (it's been a year since I've read it so you know it's good if I can still remember)
Hired Hands by neighborhood_yogurt (incomplete)
Percy Jackson/ DC crossover!! It's been a while since I've read this one too but It's stuck with me. It's hilarious and I need to reread it but Percy is accidentally on Penguin's payroll because he's just a dumb blonde at heart, but it's okay we all love him. And Shenanigans occur. I don't remember exactly what happens so reminder to read this again for myself as well!
(IDK if any of these authors have tumblrs, if they do, someone please tag them and I will forever be in your debt)
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Ok I couldn't sit on it for too long @the-magiarcheologist!!
Although we don’t know much about the Minoan civilisation as of today (little to no written texts survived), archeologists based their suggestions on the architecture and everything else they found (murals, figurines, weapons, evidence trace left in other cultures' history; tbh, if the history of Carthage could be restored, the Minoans will be, too, one day).
Minoan people likely had a goddess as their primary deity.
Her priests and her were associated with snakes, and there was a suggestion made that either the goddess had priestess (the same ones would behead sacred bulls with a double-edged axe called labrys, in and on itself a sacred weapon), or she could have a son.
Given that magic is canon to the world – the depiction of our world – in the Wizworld’s universe, I began to believe Salazаr Slythеrin is an heir to a surviving bloodline of said priests-the-sons of the Minoan Snake Goddess cult.
The bas-relief depicts Her I believe; and if She was a real person that ‘continued to live’ through snakes (which also aligns with the role of the snake as a symbol of rejuvenation/renewal), also a sacred animal to the Minoans, she needed someone to speak with the laity left.
It also implies not only her ‘sons’ but also her ‘daughters’ could speak to snakes. Did the daughters survive the turmoil at the end of the Bronze age — the Sea Peoples and others — remains a mystery.
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Link to the figurine's image; it has BOOBIES and I know how tumblr thinks about boobies. Let's not anger tumblr.
I think it's also important to note:
Minoans predate the shift in the mythological image of the snake. When these people were alive, snakes weren't typically seen as evil or bad omens.
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senorpugbean · 11 months
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Detroit Become Human x We happy few au
These artworks are several weeks old and I completely forgot to post them 😭 they're too good to waste so I won't :3
I was having brainrot after I finished watching WHF
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Children were unfortunately killed in war and any living children found in the canon timeline in the game makes the public aggressive, which led to the government eliminating them out of existence 💀
Kara and Connor are both still androids in this au, however Markus is human (North is an android who takes care of android refugee camp, Simon and Josh are human). Both the humans and androids have to take joy, the androids need it to function, I wanna say it's combined with the thirium but I don't wanna sound stupid.
The androids have pins (where the emblem would usually be) that they use for navigation, it's basically a usb. Just hook it up and you can put in and out data. The androids are connected the same way, the only way to remove the holographic mask is through messing with their programming. I didn't want to make it easy to remove like it was in the game
I made Markus human because it made sense to it he is gonna start a campaign to end the drug abuse and famine so 💀 he also lost his legs in a hiking accident, the grieve of losing his limbs was how he got on joy, what snaps him out of it is, he remembers Leo who went insane and disappeared. I'm open to more suggestions for Markus story tbh 😭
Kara is a public house keeper, she isn't owned by anyone (Todd is more like her manager in some way, he makes sure she doesn't go out of line), just scheduled a day with her and she'll show up to clean. One day, she is late for her regularly scheduled joy refill, and she opened her eyes for the first, she witnessed the dark and gloomy world, instead of being scared , she braver, almost as she had done it before (she has dw). Kara in this au is forced to explore the open world and then eventually ends up with 2 kids, Alice (canon) and Audrey (concept art Alice) because I love stressing Kara out !! :3 since children are exotic in the game's lore
Connor is not explicitly a deviant hunter anymore? But more like a downer hunter, he chases the stubborn ones and guides the innocent ones to the joy checkpoints. Hank is a former police lieutenant as usual, however he quit working after the death of Cole, who was killed by aggressive passerbys. Hank was frustrated with the justice system, which was why he left. Connor basically has to drag him back.
Congratulations on reading this far ily, if you have anything to add or ask pls feel free I am not creative by any means 😔
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
i'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but omg i love that eggs die and feds don't keep them alive all the time, from meta standpoint. like yeah they're cute and everybody gets attached and they have cool personalities and canonically they could bring every one back but. it would get sooo insanely boring after a while. every time an egg gets killed i see viewers complaining about them being "forced" to stay in the fight (i've seen somebody on twt suggesting that empanada was forcefully teleported back to the fight by other admin or something?? what 😭) like it's fully against their will but come on. they're all admins, they play a character and they talk it out between themselves, if they really wanted to stay alive and safe these risks just wouldn't happen in the first place. they can't really kill off players in the same way so they need something else and eggs fill that niche perfectly. it adds tension, it motivates islanders so much, moves entire arcs forward, brings out the best roleplay. when something happens to kids you see their parents and other islanders still referring to it months later and it's shaping their lore so much. and islanders' reactions?? pure cinema, as a fanartist i cherish these moments, they live in my head rent free
Like it sucks every time- I had to get up from the dinner table when everybody had to say goodbye to Bobby (it was sooooo embarrassing for me lol)- but it serves a purpose
In every narrative, there has to be stakes. In the QSMP’s story, the players (usually) can’t die, and that’s important! With no actual threat to their lives, there has to be something else that can be used to pressure them. Enter, Eggs
A lot of people also just either weren’t there for or don’t remember the Code Attacks from April/May because those were BAD. Eggs couldn’t teleport, hence why NINHO had stasis pearls built in. Pomme somehow got like mind controlled to follow a butterfly right into the Code’s grasp during her Very Bad Day.
Yesterday was just like the day Tallulah lost a life to the Codes/Philza. Tbh we should just be happy Bagi didn’t end up accidentally killing her own kid like Phil did that day, that SUCKED
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minijenn · 25 days
More Stuff I wrote for UF (I might have some problems XD)
As the guy who originally suggested the Nevers (https://www.tumblr.com/minijenn/759074819835838464/if-you-needed-a-new-name-for-the-chapter-you?source=share) , and was reminded by anon, I couldn’t help writing more deep synopsis about them. Sorry, my mind couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
  Never Together: Steven is sure that the key to his future is a marriage with Connie. Living with the person he loves the most 24/7 at college seems to be what will fill the hole he has inside. Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica, however, to no avail, try their best to avoid a catastrophe. 
  The chapter ends with him saying to the air “I guess we will never be together” as he shed a final tear…
  Never Forever: Steven is quite depressed from being rejected by Connie, but, no need to fear, Mabel (who has quite a few experiences with breakups, heartbreaks and being rejected) organizes a fun day for only her and Steven, trying to show him that he is still the same Steven and they can do the same fun stuff they did as a child. However, at the end of the chapter, Mabel needs to finish things off a little earlier, because of art school. She warns Steven, thinking it’s no big deal, but… it triggers something in him. He starts to walk away sadly and Mabel asks him what’s wrong. And he says “I guess things never stay the same forever”. Mabel notices she messed up and offers fusing into Maven to patch things up, but Steven rejects. 
  Never Alone: Dipper also tries to reach out for Steven. But since Dipper is Dipper, he isn’t as direct as Mabel. Instead, he invites Steven to a Mystery Hunt. Things seem to be okay, and Steven seems relaxed, since he is busy thinking in other stuff. However, in the middle of a battle, they form Stepper, and, although they defeat the monster, Stepper starts to swell and glow pink due to fusion hallucinations having to do with Steven’s traumas (RMD, Weirdmageddon, getting his gem removed by White Diamond…). They unfuse and Steven starts to have a panic attack. Dipper manages to calm him down… partially, and Steven screams: “Maybe your trauma let you go. The same for Connie and Mabel. But for me? It seems like he will never leave me alone”. Dipper tries to reach out for him, but with no success. 
  Then, on growing pains, Steven is a lot more unstable than in canon, swelling a lot more, destroying things and so on…
Ohhhh these are all interesting ideas! Really like Never Forever tbh it sounds like it starts off so soft and sweet only for Sadness to kick right the hell in at the end, just like how Together Forever in original UF was lol 
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juuuulez · 18 days
Okay but since that anon mentioned your Capulet series, I've re-read it and as I am also re-watching The Last Of Us, I can't help but Invision pre-apocalypse Negan and Reader as Joel and Sarah, esp when the outbreak happens at school, it gave me TLOU ep 1 vibes tbh! <333
ALSOOOO I can just SEE a younger reader pulling a "drugs. I sell hardcore drugs." at Negan if she ever gave him a gift for his birthday or something post-apocalypse!
UM UM UM WHY IS THIS IN MY DRAFTS!!!! WHY DIDNT I POST THIS!!!!!!!!!!! okay lock in for my walking dead infodump
oh wow this is so cute… my TLOU and walking dead obsession go hand in hand so knowing that it gave those vibes is the biggest compliment ever
but can i admit something naughty…….
there’s actually an alternate ending to capulet. like, a “canon” version that goes along with the rest of twd……and i never wrote it because, well, it’s a carl fic, and we’ve already mourned his death once.
i’ll put some stuff about it under the cut, because who knows, maybe one day i’ll write it:
basically, if carl had of died like canon, reader would’ve went a little bit crazy. not terribly so, just paranoid, and probably bitching out even more on the saviours.
when negan’s captured it’s like the nail in the coffin, and she’d basically beg anyone to stick around and help her break him out, but nobody wants anything to do with it: the sanctuary is completely abandoned. she spends days, maybe even weeks, incessantly plotting some stupid plan, but never gets around to committing because ultimately she knows it’s slim.
this is simultaneous to rick going a little off the rails, y’know, cus his son is dead. so, with rick paying less attention, and reader still a giant red question mark on the community? maggie takes things into her own hands.
because she’s not risking negan escaping. as far as she’s concerned, you’re a loose thread, someone who could fuck this whole thing up. but being pregnant she can’t exactly do much about it, so instead, she handballs the task to michonne.
the instructions are very clear: kill her. doesn’t matter how, or where, or with what, just make sure it happens.
michonne spends maybe a day hunting you down. the second you even spot her at the sanctuary, you run, letting her chase you anywhere you can get on two legs.
that doesn’t last forever, for michonne is smarter, and probably quicker. she corners you in this dusty area at the edge of town, finally getting you down to your knees. up until this point, you’ve been a rabid animal, fighting and yelling and spitting.
but she just needs you to listen to her.
because she’s not gonna kill you.
instead? you will go far, far away. anywhere but here. and if you ever showed your face again, if anyone even caught the tiniest whiff of you, you’d be killed on sight.
that’s not a bad deal, though. compared to execution, at least.
michonne takes your bat, deciding that would have to be ample proof that she got the job done. you also hand over that little notebook you always carry, the one with drawings of carl in it.
(years later judith would find this notebook and go down to interrogate negan: before eventually suggesting that he keeps it, for he has nothing that reminds him of you. he declines and says that you’d probably wanted judith to have it).
everyone in alexandria thinks you’re dead. michonne tells maggie, who subsequently spreads the news, taking some satisfaction in telling negan, who’s downright miserable.
because it’s depressing. you had been free, and now you were dead. it was almost animalistic, like you’d been put down, like your life wasn’t human enough.
it was unfair because his mistakes got him imprisoned, whilst yours got you killed. that’s fucked up. but, it’s meant to be fucked up, because it’s meant to be a lesson.
years pass like this.
it only serves as another point of tension between negan and maggie, but that isn’t uncommon at this point.
“you killed my husband.”
“you killed my daughter.”
to which maggie would always say, “she’s not your daughter.”
not entirely untrue, but it still stung.
and now it’s 2028: the unlikely pair has ventured into new york in order to rescue hershel, and have been tipped that there’s somebody who knows the area like the back of their hand.
someone who works for the croat, but never speaks with him directly, and can therefore fly under his radar. a scavenger who travels across cities searching for any supplies that could be of use, all in exchange for safety and protection within the bounds of new york.
aaannnndddd i think you can figure out the rest
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itsscottiesstark · 5 months
for the gomens ask game!! 1, 11, 17, 23, 24!
Oh hey! Thanks for asking! All the questions are here.
1. When did you first watch/discover good omens, and how did you find out about it?
Well, I gotta say, I wasn't an og fan but I was around on Tumblr in 2019 when it first came out. I saw people going crazy about it, so I was aware of it and knew it was good but didn't sit my ass down and watch it until.... October of 2021? I think? I loved it but even though I got excited about the prospect of a second season and waited for it (watched the entirety of s2 the day it came out), I can't say I was obsessed before s2. But the second those damn credits rolled after the f15 I was hooked. And I'm guessing I'm not the only one.
11. What is (if you read) your favorite type of human au for good omens? (ex. Coffee shop au, surgeons au, plant store au)
I am a sucker for all human aus tbh. My favourite is Old Vines (surprising nobody) but if it's a story where I get to see them fall for each other all over again count me tf in. Most of my favourite fics are human aus so I've got A LOT to suggest if anyone's interested.
17. What is your favourite husband-y moment between aziracrow?
Like David once said, that's like asking me to choose a favourite child! It's not impossible but- Ummm if I must choose.... It would probably be them sharing a bottle of wine while waiting for the bus after Armage-not. There's something heartachingly intimate about that and I love it. And then they get on the bus and hold hands??? Are you kidding???? Top notch.
23. What's a good omens headcanon that you consider canon?
Is it a headcanon to say that SOMETHING happened after the magic show? I don't think it was a kiss or anything as forward as that. But- something.
24. What's a theory for season 3 that you NEED to be included?
Hmmmmm. I really have no theories for s3. I think all it does is set you up for disappointment. Do I have expectations? Some, sure, I hope to hell they'll have a happy ending and live happily ever after. And I believe Neil when he says he has a happy ending planned. But no theories, sorry.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
tig characters/couples as ts songs - graysonlyra and so it goes
this one was suggested by @reminiscentreader and i found it really intriguing and i loveddd the idea so i decided to do it (i also love doing your guys' suggestions :)). it might not be really good though cause of how little information we have on lyra. i'm creative enough do head canons of people we know well but not characters that haven't properly been introduced yet (even though i'd love to be). most of this is obviously also just theorizing.
i'd like to point out beforehand that i think it would make sense for them to keep their relationship a secret at first. with the games happening, they wouldn't want people to think that there was any favoritism going on. not proof read.
"gold cage, hostage to my feelings"
i feel like this one is self explanatory. grayson literally hasn't even met her and is already intrigued by her in tbh (just by the sound of her voice). just imagine how obsessed he'll be with her once he meets her in person. lyra literally has him in the palm of her hand, making her the hostage to his feelings.
"cause we break down a little, but when you get me alone it's so simple"
this one is more speculation because we don't know much about lyra, but assuming that they're keeping their relationship a secret from people, it would obviously complicate things. in public, they'd have to pretend and keep their guard up, but in private everything is just so simple and easy because of their love for each other. when you love someone a lot, you wouldn't want to hide and pretend like you don't love them around others. i feel like the pretending would harm their relationship a little.
"i'm yours to keep, and i'm yours to lose"
knowing grayson, he would try to stay away from her in order to keep himself from getting hurt. if lyra likes him and wants to be with him, the decision ends up being his to make. depending on what he chooses to do, he'll either lose her or keep her. basically, the decision is ultimately his to make.
"i make all your gray days clearer and wear you like a necklace"
when you fall in love, your lover tends to brighten your days, make you happier. lyra would also make gray forget about emily. if his gray days are a manifestation of the reminders of his relationship with emily, lyra would end up clearing up the skies for him. if grayson and lyra end up together, she would be that for him. after all the pretending, they'd be able to show each other off like necklaces.
"you did a number on me, but honestly baby who's counting"
i feel like they'd unintentionally end up hurting each other at the start. gray would hurt her because of his trauma regarding emily, and lyra would be more distant because of what happened to her father. they end up hurting each other so much that it becomes to much count.
"all eyes on me, your illusionist"
an illusionist is 'a performer who makes it seem that strange or impossible things are happening'. it's sort of obvious that grayson has sort of given up hope on ever finding someone who loves him properly and stays. lyra would be the one to prove him wrong. she'd make him see that he can be loved, and he can love in return, thus making the impossible (to him) happen.
this one isn't as good as my other ones because of how little information we have about lyra and her dynamic with grayson, but i still felt like doing it. this post honestly made me even more excited to read about them. rebecca and tolerate it is next!!!
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