#but as nail polish its just like AH! NO!
lttleghost · 2 months
things that don't make me dysphoric:
- having boobs and wider hips and just my body in general
- wearing makeup
- wearing most dresses
- using she/her pronouns
things that do make me dysphoric:
- having long hair
- being called feminine terms (with a few exceptions)
- having non black nail polish apparently????
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boneblushed · 2 months
Ignorance by infatuation
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synopsis A detective behaves lewdly with you. Aaron Hotchner gets uncharacteristically jealous.
wc 1.7k
a/n omg my first Hotch fic ever hehe 🤭 feedback and love always appreciated, still trying to find my Crim Minds voice!
It’s 8 o’clock in the morning, the air sultry and verdant, rain soaked leaves underfoot. 
Aaron Hotchner frowns. Petrichor and dew mean evidence awash. He pauses to squint up at the sky, muddy grey with isolated streaks of yellow dawn.
You’re acutely aware of Spencer’s eyes on you as you walk past Hotch, and give yourself a mild headache by focussing too hard on the commotion ahead. The rest of the team don’t seem to notice the tension between you and SSA Hotchner. Or perhaps they do, and the pair of you are just too stubborn to admit it.
It’s been lurking under the surface for a while now, this perplexing pull between you. Lingering glances, raised eyebrows, irises spooled with tendrils of static. A hand pressed against your back every time he scoots behind you, like an excuse. He doesn’t do that with Emily. None of the other agents. A frown that tends to yield when your gaze catches his.
Or hardens when someone acts a little lewder than is appropriate.
Like the other day, for example, when he’d overheard you on the phone with some deadbeat cop in the Dallas area. (He’s probably being unfair. He probably isn’t even a deadbeat. It’s just that anyone that flirts with the idea of your favour is going to be unworthy in comparison, even Agent Hotchner.)
The phone had rung in the middle of your exchange, and you’d answered it immediately, mouthing apologies in its place. Aaron Hotchner remembers the shine of gloss on your lips, the ways your fingers clasped the phone to your ear, gentle but firm. Remnants of peach coloured polish on your nails.
“Yes, this is she,” you’d answered, mouthing another apology to him. “How can I help you?”
You’d come into his office a few minutes prior to discuss something media strategy; Hotch didn’t have a mind for it, he much preferred giving you all the reins. He recognised how strange this was for a control freak as prolific as him. You were different though, he’d attest. It was a sentiment as dangerous, as non-platonic, as the feelings making home in his ribcage.
“Right,” you’d said, pulling your spiral-bound notebook out of your pocket. You’d wedged your phone between your ear and shoulder, slipping your pen out of your breast pocket and clicking it against it. Hotch felt unseasonably hot at such attention to your chest. He raised his eyebrows inquisitively, trying to catch your gaze.
“Ah, I see, yes that does sound like our area of expertise,” you’d continued, and then a pause, an awkward, unwieldy laugh. Still beautiful. “No, yes, our is correct — I am in fact part of the team.” Another pause; this time, you’d rolled your eyes when your laugh spooled out of your pretty mouth. He didn’t recognise it. “I don’t know about that. Should we get back to the case at hand? Great.”
Hotchner’s eyebrows had lowered then, furrowing into an expression of concern, flailing interest. Not jealousy. He was pretty certain he knew all your laughs, the cadence of them, the syrupy timbre. This one was new. You sounded uncomfortable, as though something said over the phone had abraded you somehow. As his eyebrows had, his heart had sunk into his stomach. He remembers the strain of his forearm muscles against his clenched knuckles.
“Sure. Yes. As soon as I have all the details I’ll be able to distribute them. Great, yes, we’ll see you soon, I’m sure. Thank you. Goodbye.”
And that had been that. Hotch hadn’t had the stomach to ask after the details, especially not when you’d seemed so eager to put it behind you.
After ending the call, you’d shaken your head and proclaimed, “Don’t ask,” launching back into your spiel about media strategy like it hadn’t happened. Hotch wasn’t in the business of disagreeing with you; pressing things. Saying no. It wasn’t lost on him that he used the word liberally with everyone else he knew.
Back at the scene, Hotch stays a few steps behind the team. He knows that Spencer’s assessing eyes will see right through his faux contemplation; Hotchner knows, from the many frowns Spencer’s eidetic memory has learned, that the expression on his face will be recognised as distraction.
He needs to focus. He needs you near. He needs to keep his eye on the ball. He needs deadbeat detective far away from here.
As you and the BAU team near the crime scene, a rugged looking cop pulls away from his colleagues. He has eyes like treacle tart and a grin that borders on a smirk. A toothpick hangs from his mouth like something out of a Western.
“Detective Landon?” You say, extending a hand in acknowledgement. “Hello, we spoke on the phone yesterday morning.”
Detective Landon spits the toothpick out of his mouth, maintaining eye contact as he does so. But it isn’t the depth of his gaze that drops yours. You can feel someone else’s eyes searing holes through your skull.
“Well I’ll be,” he drawls, taking your hand and pressing it to his mouth. “Your voice doesn’t do you justice, darling.”
You resist the urge to make a face. It’s awful, unfortunate, but you’re far too used to this. Behind you, Derek raises his eyebrows, sharing an amused look with Emily beside him. Rossi looks exasperated. Spencer’s expression remains unchanged, though he does steal a glance at Hotchner. You smile, the way you always do, refusing to be thrown off by his candour.
“That’s a shame,” you reply breezily, turning to introduce your team. “Detective, this is SSA Morgan, SSA Prentiss, Dr Spencer Reid, and —”
“I’m the unit chief, Supervisory Special Agent Hotchner,” Hotch interrupts, a menacing gravel to his timbre. He doesn’t shake the hand Detective Landon extends to him. The detective draws it back with a gauche bark of laughter, turning his attention to the rest of the BAU.
“My my,” he says, his drawl returning as his eyes meet Emily’s. “What do I gotta do to get in on this team of yours?”
“A formal education would be helpful,” Spencer supplies, squinting at him through his glasses.
Detective Landon turns to him then, raising his eyebrows. “Doctor Reid, was it?”
“It is, but no need to aim that high, buddy,” Morgan says then, stepping forward and patting him on the shoulder. Landon winces. “Now. You going to talk us through what you guys got so far or what?”
“Damn, y’all are a feisty bunch, huh?” He replies, pulling another toothpick out of his breast-pocket. He sends you a wink that makes Hotch’s insides turn, adding, “Don’t mind it on you, sweetheart, but maybe the rest of the BAU ‘oughta play nice.”
Aaron Hotchner would normally agree with his sentiment. He’s been a long time advocate of working alongside the local police in investigations; he recognises that collaboration is far more productive than condescension.
Unfortunately for him, this isn’t quite a normal situation.
Things to do with you and other men rarely are. An ugly green emotion eases his heart right into his throat.
“Or maybe,” Hotchner says crisply, his steely gaze pinning Landon to the spot, “I should have a chat with your Captain and take you off this case.”
Landon balks. “Sir —”
“You’re dismissed,” Hotchner interrupts, not wanting to hear it. He’s unaware of the amused look Emily and Morgan share behind him.
“You…” Landon trails off exasperatedly, shaking his head, “…you can’t dismiss me. This is my case.”
“Actually, it’s the BAU’s case now.” He turns to you expectantly. You think you catch his gaze soften as it falls over your face in paces. Trick of the light, you suppose. “Right?”
“Sure,” you say weakly.
“Right then. Rossi?” Hotch says then, turning to David Rossi autocratically. “Why don’t you and the team go ahead and assess the scene while I head to base and sort out a reassignment.”
“Not you, Reid,” he adds, keeping Spencer in place. “You can come to the station with me, get our replacement up to speed. Sound good?”
Morgan’s trying hard to hide his knowing grin, one side of his mouth upturned with mirth. Emily isn’t bothering to pretend she doesn’t know what’s going on, her pretty features lit up with amusement. Detective Landon looks mortified. Your cheeks feel on fire.
“Alright,” Rossi says after pause, glancing between you and Hotchner. He’s been in the FBI for long enough now that he’s learnt to pick his battles.
He turns around and begins walking toward the crime scene, the three of you trailing behind him with less purposeful strides.
“Huh,” Derek says, faux-thoughtful. You’re wedged between him and Emily, much to your chagrin. “Wonder what that was about. Any ideas, SSA Prentiss?”
“Well, SSA Morgan,” Emily replies, her smile audible. “I’m afraid that our dear old unit chief has a bit of a soft spot.”
“A soft spot?” Derek echoes, letting out a dramatic gasp. “That’s dangerous in our line of work, wouldn’t you say?”
“I would say,” Emily responds sagely.
“Oh shut up, you two,” you mutter, crossing your arms over your chest. “That wasn’t just about me. He made a pass on Emily too.”
Emily snorts, shaking her head exasperatedly. “Hey Rossi, you got a name for this phenomenon?”
“Oh yeah,” Rossi replies without hesitation, his gaze trained ahead of him. “Ignorance by infatuation.”
Out of earshot, Spencer and Hotchner are having a similarly painful conversation.
“Strange,” Spencer decides, breaking the silence with his candour.
Aaron knows what he’s insinuating. He resists the urge to turn around and steal another glance at your pretty silhouette. “He was behaving inappropriately. There’s nothing strange about it, Spencer. I was protecting my team.”
“The whole team?”
“Including me?”
“But I liked him.”
Hotchner sends him an incredulous look. “And what exactly was there to like?”
“He was entertaining, I think,” Spencer replies casually, shrugging. “In a cop way, you know? Plus, I love listening to Y/N reject men. It’s fascinating.”
Hotchner swallows. “Fascinating?”
“She always does it in this way where they don’t even realise what exactly’s happening,” Spencer explains matter-of-factly. He turns to Aaron Hotchner then. “Don’t worry, though, she’d never do that to you.”
Hotchner’s traitorous heart leaps, his mouth pulling into a paradoxical frown. “Spencer,” he warns.
“Just saying,” Spencer replies, raising his arms in surrender.
“Well,” Hotch says grumpily, “don’t.”
“Alright. Noted.”
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mariasont · 5 months
The Receptionist - S.R
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a/n: i need this man on an astronomical level actually
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: spencer reid x receptionist!bimbo!reader
summary: spencer meets the new receptionist for chief cruz
warnings: fluff
wc: 0.8k
The click-clack of your polished nails on the keys mingled with the sharp pops of bubblegum as you focused on lining up Chief Cruz's appointments in the system. Taking a pause, you pulled out your notebook encased in pink frills from your drawer, and delicately turned its pages to reveal the week's agenda.
With the appointment freshly noted, you let your pen waltz around the margins, leaving behind a trail of doodles. With a subtle shift, you crossed your legs, the shiny pink heels tapping together, their color complementing the delicate fabric of your skirt.
You traced another heart around the date, and just then, a soft voice hesitantly broke the silence, "Excuse me?"
You looked up to find a pair of curious hazel eyes framed by brown curls that almost seemed to be begging to be touched, and his lips, which held a shy smile made your heart do a summersault. I mean, come on, what are these FBI guys made lab-grown or something?
He was draped in a form-fitting vets over a neatly pressed shirt, his sleeves were rolled up just so, in a way that paused your movements freeze and coaxed a heat to spread across your cheeks. Well, hello there.
He seemed briefly caught off-guard, his eyes flickering over your pink-themed workspace, a distinct departure from the former receptionist's subdued setup. He was almost overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things that now occupied the space.
With an enthusiastic bounce, you popped up from your seat, beaming brightly.
"Oh, hi there! How can I help you?" Gently straightening your skirt, you offered a hand, your name rolling off your tongue, "Are you here for Chief Cruz?"
The man's touch was soft against your palm, his attention caught by the soft clinking of your delicate bracelets, while your nails, painted a meticulous shade of pink that matched the color of your shirt, settled against the back of his hand.
"Spencer Reid," he introduced. "I have an appointment with Chief Cruz regarding a specialized training session for new recruits."
His gaze held yours a tad too long, cataloging the details of your appearance--the brightness of your eyes, the soft curve of your lips, the radiant glow of your skin.
A look of pleasant surprise crossed your face.
"You're the famous Dr. Reid! I've heard a lot about you," you remarked, a giggle accompanying your words as you eased back into your seat, giving a quick, knowing glance at your calendar. "Ah, here you are. I'll let Chief Cruz know you're here. He's currently in a meeting, but it shouldn't be too much longer."
As you pretended to focus on the screen, your mind raced. Dr. Reid--the genius with multiple PhDs, and now, the man who stood before you, unexpectedly  drop-dead handsome.
It was a challenge to maintain professionalism, especially when every fiber of your being yearned to do nothing but drink in his appearance. I mean, you were only human.
"Just Spencer is fine," he offered with an easy smile. "Where's Mrs. Henderson?"
You were beautiful to say the least, not at all what he was expecting to see when he walked in this morning, quite the difference from the former receptionist, whose age had been marked by the hard candies she offered.
"Oh, she retired last month!" you said with a bright smile. "So now, Chief Cruz is stuck with me!" Leaning in, chin cradled by your hands, you gaze at him incredulously. "Three PhDs, huh? That's, like, beyond Einstein-level smarts, isn't it?"
Spencer's cheeks tinged with a hint of color as he reached up to scratch the back of his neck.
"Well, not quite," he admitted with a modest shrug. He then glanced around the office before his eyes settled back on you. "How are you finding the job here so far?"
"Impressive, yet so modest," you commented. Standing up, you clicked print on the computer. "And it's great, I really love it here. I mean, it's not as thrilling as chasing down bad guys, I'm sure, but I think I'll stick to what I'm good at."
As you made your way to the printer, Spencer interjected. "No, I got it."
He returned with the papers, handing them to you with a gentle smile. 
"Thanks," you said, taking the papers. "So, you do that profiling thing right?" You tapped a finger against your lips, pretending to ponder. "Let's see... I'm guessing you're a Libra, aren't you? Probably born in early October, I'd say."
"What gave it away?"
You flashed a wink, the pop of your bubblegum punctuating the air. "I may have taken a sneak peek at your file."
With a light-hearted laugh, Spencer revealed a smile so grand it seemed to light up the entire space and you couldn't help but smile in response. You liked his smile, a lot. 
Spencer's response was cut short by the ring of the phone. You quickly answered as the great receptionist you are.
"Okie dokie, sir, I'll send him right back!" You listened for a second, then replied with a giggle. "No, thank you, sir!" You turned to Spencer, your smile wide, "He's ready for you!"
"Thanks," Spencer said with a nod, "It was great to meet you." He took a few steps towards Chief Cruz's office before pausing and turning back. "You know, maybe I should give you my number. For work purposes, in case you have questions or need help with anything."
You nodded eagerly, your smile reaching from ear to ear. "Absolutely, for work purposes."
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lucysarah-c · 2 months
Levi's horrible flirting skills part 4
Part 1, part 2, part 3.
The corner of his lips was wet as saliva slid down to his chin. There was a lack of oxygen in his actions as his head felt cornered. His tongue ran flat against her folds, burying his face deeper as his tongue sneaked in and his nose rubbed against her clit messily. 
Both arms held her legs open as his chin knocked against the corners of his desk. He opened his mouth to take even more of her. 
“Ah-! Cap-” She timidly moaned his name while twitching against his face, spasming over the surface as her body reacted on its own under his actions. Levi had never fetishized the nurse uniform, but being buried between her legs with her skirt raised enough for him to hide his head under it while he ate her out was certainly a bonus. 
“Mhh-” he groaned against her clit as he sucked it directly, eyes closed as he enjoyed the sensation. Vibrations of his voice mixed with the electricity that ran down her spine each time he played with her pussy. 
“Cap- AH!” her back arched against the cold surface as he hit a particularly good spot with his fingers as they sneaked in. Her nails sank into the wood, perhaps leaving scratches on Levi’s polished surface, but he didn’t care. “Captain, that’s enough-” 
‘Enough? I’ve been waiting for this for months,’ Levi wished he could remain buried between her legs for hours, days in a row. Suck her dry and drink it all as the thirsty man he was. He just couldn’t get enough; she tasted divine, and he was starving. 
He could almost sob at how good it felt, frowning deeply as he had to suppress a moan as he slipped in. Groans reverberated in his throat as he began to thrust. He could feel it all, how wet she was, her walls twitching against his cock as if they tried to milk him dry. Her pants of air each time he bottomed out fogging the desk surface, the sound of skin against skin echoing in the office, her soft skin under his grip as he held her hips in place, her pulse against his fingertips as he softly squeezed her throat. 
A part of him told him that he was enjoying it way too much to finally have her under him, pinned on his desk, hearing her whimpers each time he went balls deep and the head of his cock hit her cervix. It was sinful how badly he wanted her, how much he adored her well-fucked face with plump red parted lips, half-lidded teary eyes, and messy locks falling into her face and sticking to it. 
“Ah- NHg- Ah!” her moans mixed with the wet sounds of their fucking as he bent down to rest his chest against her back and suck her shoulder blades, “I’m close! Don’t stop, don’t-!” 
“Fuck- I’m close too,” he grunted out but didn’t stop, his attention divided between keep hitting that place that made her legs shake and her walls press against his dick and not cumming inside her. 
But between her heavy pants, she let slip, “Don’t pull out.” 
It made him freeze momentarily, “Don’t pull out. Ah- Fill me up, fill me up, Captain,” she repeated while arching her back, pushing back to meet his thrust. 
“Holy fuck-” Levi grunted out, gripping her hair and pulling her head upwards as he panted against her ear. Who was he to go against her wishes? It’s not like he hadn’t been dreaming of this—dreaming of filling her up, claiming her as his, breeding her each spare second he got. And it was finally his chance, his chance to fulfil the idea he had since the very first time he laid eyes on her. 
“Ah- Fuck, tell me. Tell me how much you fucking want it,” he demanded. 
But she didn’t reply. The only thing he could feel was the wet sensation dripping down his chin, the lack of air, and the cold surface. Cold surface? 
Levi’s upper body snapped upward, sitting straight as his eyes tried to accommodate to the darkness of the room. His right hand moved to clean the saliva dripping from his chin, and his whole body felt the chills of the dropping temperatures in those early hours. Grimacing in confusion, he looked down at the report he had probably been working on before he fell asleep, now stained with his own saliva. 
Disappointment, embarrassment, and confusion mixed together in a groan as he rubbed his hair, trying to knock some wakefulness into his brain. “This is so humiliating,” Levi muttered, feeling uncomfortable either because sleeping in the uniform wasn’t the best sensation or because it felt particularly uncomfortable. “I’m getting too old for this shit.” 
He rose from his place at the desk and walked to the bathroom, defeated. “This morning can’t start worse.” 
Three knocks at the door proved him wrong. ‘Maybe if I ignore it, they will go away.’ 
“Captain?” a young voice pierced the silence of the early morning. “There are two cadets fighting in the barracks.” 
“Fuck me,” Levi whispered as he closed his eyes in resignation. 
Maybe it was because winter had come and they had suspended the expeditions outside the walls until the weather improved. No expeditions meant no wounded soldiers, and don’t get Levi wrong, it’s not that he wished for that. But those were his only excuses to pass by the hospital and see if he could catch a glimpse of her. And the last time they interacted... well, let’s say he wasn’t the smoothest. 
“You look tired as shit,” the words left his mouth before he could think of something better. 
“Oh, yeah, there’s been a lot of work because many people are getting the flu since the government only sent enough vaccines for the kids,” she said with heavy dark circles and a pale complexion. “Maybe I should put some concealer on-” 
“Tch, I didn’t mean that,” Levi feared his words being mistaken once again. 
“Maybe you should go, Captain. It’s not a good time to leave the countryside. What will the scouts do if you catch the flu?” 
Levi looked at her dead in the eyes, waiting, HOPING, she didn’t mean it. “I can’t get it,” he said, mostly disappointed. “I got the shot.” 
“Oh, you did! Well, lucky you,” she said enthusiastically. 
“You gave it to me.” 
The smile on her face slowly withdrew as she tried to recall, and when the memory finally clicked, the grin returned, this time with nervousness. “You’re right!” 
Levi felt as if he was staring into the abyss, as if all his sacrifice was in vain because she didn’t even recall it. “How did that go?” Y/N asked, perhaps trying to keep the conversation going as the soldier fell silent. 
“... Like shit,” Levi muttered, recalling he was ill for easily two days. 
She giggled nervously. “Well... look at the bright side. At least you won’t get the flu now!” 
Levi, defeated, simply said, “I never get the flu, actually. Before that, I couldn’t recall the last time I had a fever.” 
Levi cursed himself, ‘I should have just fucking lied.’ But his mood worsened when he realized he did all that, and she couldn’t even recall it. ‘Between me and the stupid cadets fighting in the barracks, there’s no difference.’ 
That thought carried special weight after that morning event that Levi preferred to forget. Even if they had no expeditions, the work was never-ending. It felt like everyone in the scouts needed him everywhere, all the time. Piles and piles of paperwork were waiting for him back at the office, and training in the freezing training grounds when he could feel his hair freezing wasn’t helping either. 
The weight of his body fell on his desk chair with a loud sigh. He slacked against the red chenille, his fingertips pressing against the bridge of his nose. Just when he thought some calmness and a nice warm tea to accompany his paperwork was all he had left, someone knocked timidly at the door. 
Levi clicked his tongue, “What?!” his angry voice pierced the room as he wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone else. 
The door creaked open, and any attitude in Levi’s body disappeared as Y/N’s face appeared through. 
“Hi? Sorry, a soldier let me in.” 
‘Did I fall asleep again? What is she doing here, in my office?’ 
She took a step in while carrying something in her hands. “I just have to give you something before I go to talk to Erwin. I won’t bother you long,” her voice seemed quieter and her attitude more defensive than usual. “I’m sorry for interrupting.” 
Levi felt his heart sink, ‘No, no, I’m not angry at you. Shit, don’t be scared of me... I’ll never hurt you.’ 
“You’re not interrupting me,” was all he said curtly as he rose from his seat. “What are you doing here?” 
‘Nicer, NICER! Say it fucking nicer!’ 
“Oh, don’t worry. I didn’t come to waste your time,” she replied. 
‘See? She feels threatened!’ 
“I wanted to give you this,” she said, pushing the package into his hands. “It’s a ‘I’m sorry I made you get a fever, please forgive me’ cake.” 
Her arms placed the bag with what Levi assumed was a cake. He felt speechless. Luckily for Levi, as the night they met, Y/N didn’t have an issue doing the talking. 
“I was thinking, ‘What could I give him that he’d enjoy?’” she began to ramble. 
‘What could you give me? I got plenty of options... no no, focus you idiot, focus.’ 
“And then I thought, who doesn’t like cake?” 
‘... me... I don’t like cake.’ 
“So I made you my specialty! Upside-down caramel apple cake, very sweet, very caramelly to fight the winter.” 
There was a brief silence that was filled with her smiling back at him. “So... am I forgiven?” she insisted, with a subtle cheekiness as if it never crossed her mind that her apology idea wasn’t good. 
“... Ehm,” 
‘Whatever you do, motherfucker, DON’T tell her you don’t like sweet shit.’ 
“Yeah, thank you.” 
“Great!” She clapped her hands with enthusiasm and a big bright smile. 
‘See... it wasn’t that hard. I’ll just give it to any of the shitty brats I have as cadets and end of the deal-’ 
“Erwin told me he will receive me in a minute because he’s having a meeting. He told me I could come over and have tea with you. I’ll cut the cake for us.” 
Red lights turned on in his mind as soon as she mentioned that. 
“I mean... if you don’t mind,” Y/N’s enthusiasm dropped quickly as she noticed his deep frown and conflicted expression. 
“I don’t want to get you in trouble with your girlfriend or something.” 
‘SHIT, she truly thinks I’m fucking taken! Now, let's just turn down that idea smoothly.’ 
“I don’t know who told you that shit, but I’m not taken.” 
“Oh-” His voice had come out more severe than he anticipated, and perhaps the permanent frown on his face didn’t help him seem more approachable. “Sorry... I didn’t mean to overstep.” 
“I’ll just pay Hange a visit then and wait there. Sorry for the inconvenience-” 
“No,” he quickly added, cutting her mid-sentence and sounding more like an order than anything else. She froze midway with wide open eyes, one hand holding the wrapped cake and the other scratching the back of her head. “I mean, no... stay. I already have the tea.” 
‘Like that, you fucking asshole, quieter.’ 
“You’re not... bothering me,” 
Four words he had been trying to say in half of all their interactions. 
She hummed in understanding. “Alright then.” 
Levi quickly left the cake on his desk and began to make space for them to have a moment. The nervousness in his movements made him ashamed. ‘I’m a grown-ass man, man up!’ 
The scarf and hat came off as she took off some of her outside clothes once settled in. Her curious eyes roamed around the place, catching little details. “Did you move in recently?” she asked, making Levi freeze as he was putting aside piles of paperwork. 
Frowning heavily, “No,” he said, confused about what made her arrive at that conclusion. 
“Oh, you’re into minimalism then! I like it.” 
‘That’s what nice people with way better social skills than mine say when they’re not trying to say that your place feels like you’ve been evicted.’ 
He pressed his lips together. Once the desk had been cleared of work, he moved to the tea set he had originally made for himself and began to prepare a cup. 
“Could mine be with two sugar cubes or honey, please?” she said while taking a seat in front of his desk. “Cream too, please.” 
Levi stopped midway and looked down at what he was brewing. The idea of something more than strong black tea had never crossed his mind. That’s when he realized that when Erwin had people over for meetings, he always had options, something Levi probably hardly ever considered because he didn’t like people, so he hardly ever invited someone over. 
No panic, he was a soldier; soldiers act under pressure. “Sure,” he replied, and before she could add anything else, Levi walked to the door and did a fast-paced walk to the higher-ups' kitchen, opened a cabinet that obviously had “Erwin’s” tag on it, and took what he needed. If the blond had any particular issue with it, he could always blame Hange. It wouldn’t be the first time the brunette stole food from him, and it wouldn’t be the last. 
Back inside, two cups were between them, face to face, with one piece of cake for each. 
“The countryside is very nice, isn’t it,” she mentioned casually, making some small talk to which Levi only nodded in agreement before taking another sip of his tea. “Did you like the cake?” 
He almost choked, her dreamy eyes haunting him, expectant. His hand grabbed the fork and cut a small piece. 
‘We used to eat moldy bread in the underground, let’s not be a pussy and eat this. You bite, you swallow, and then you pretend you enjoy it.’ 
And he did exactly that, despite his dislike for the heavily sweet taste. “Not bad,” he muttered, hoping it was the end of it. 
“I’m so happy you like it.” 
Ah, her beautiful smile with the setting winter’s sun coming through the window and landing on her face. Absolutely worth it. 
Thankfully for him, she was cheerful and he didn’t have to do much. She began to tell him that she was doing some apprenticeships to be a midwife, so she volunteered to help with some births around the area. That’s why she traveled. She was studying heavily, and she had two roommates aside from her babies. Everything went smoothly until- 
“Your desk is very nice, Captain.” 
The tea almost made it to his nose as he choked on it. Bad... bad combination of words considering what he had just dreamed of her a couple of hours ago. 
“Very sturdy,” she mentioned as she ran one hand over the wood. “It’s very nice quality.” 
‘Holy shit...’ Levi’s rational side, and not the one who behaved like a horny teenage boy, insisted she was just trying to make him feel included in the conversation, giving him a chance to talk about himself more. 
“You polish it frequently, don’t you?” 
‘I’d gladly polish it with you on top- No, God... don’t give me such hard battles.’ 
“Yes,” was all he said as he put all his self-control into not recalling the mental images his own brain created about her spread out on top of it. 
Her rhythmic tapping against the surface made him even more nervous. He could perceive her uneasiness. ‘What are you thinking? Please be me...’ 
“So, um...” she cleared her throat and her cheeks tinted. Levi felt as if all the warning signs in his body turned on as if his Ackerman powers got ready for an attack. “I... I hope I’m not overstepping.” 
‘Oh no... oh no.’ 
“But since you mentioned you don’t have a special someone in your life right now...” 
‘Oh YES! Yes! That’s more like it.’ His stoic expression gave nothing away, but his back straightened up immediately, readying himself for what he felt was coming. 
“Mh, you see... I don’t know you that well.” Levi felt as if each word drew him closer to his goal but farther away at the same time, like an optical illusion in the desert. “But, I mean, I don’t lose anything by trying.” 
‘Just kiss me or kill me already, for fuck’s sake.’ 
“One of my friends would very much appreciate it if you gave her a chance.” 
‘... and she chose to kill me. Great. Next time, point to my head so it doesn’t hurt so fucking much.’ 
“I’m... not interested, nothing to do with your friend,” he muttered. The words left his lips with a resignation hard to explain but easy to feel. 
‘Come on... let’s fucking admit it, she’s asking me on behalf of a friend. Which, by the way, is something that Erwin couldn’t fucking do. She’s simply not into me, that’s all. Let’s buckle up, be a man, and understand when it’s time to take a step back.’ 
“So, that’s all?” Hange asked with their mouth full. “She came all the way here, gave you a cake, and you just let her go... like that?” 
“What the fuck did you expect me to do, kidnap her?” Levi answered as he admired his friend eating the entire cake that was meant for him. 
“No! But you could have said, ‘I’m not interested in your friend because I’m interested in you!’” 
“If she’s asking on behalf of a friend, it’s because she’s not interested,” Levi argued back as if his conclusion was obvious. 
“She’s not interested because you’ve been acting like a pussy!” Hange shouted back with their mouth still full. 
“Oi...” Levi complained as if the accusation had felt personal. 
“You know what you should do? Go there, wait outside Erwin’s office so when they are done, you can offer to walk her to take the ferry back to the Capital. Actively show her that you’re interested.” 
Levi grimaced uneasily. “Why would a girl want some random dude like me to walk her anywhere? I'm as much of a danger as any other fucker out there.” 
“’CAUSE, you’re Erwin’s friend. She already considers you a nice person by association. Walk her, spend time with her, FUCKING TALK TO HER.” 
For the first time in their friendship, it seemed like Hange was the one losing their patience and not him. Levi just clicked his tongue, but the brunette wasn’t done. “You better go and do it...” 
“Or else?” 
“Or else, I’m going to ask her on behalf of a friend. And I’m not Erwin... I won’t smoothly wonder if maybe she’s interested. No, no, I’ll show up there and say, ‘Hey, my friend is getting callouses on his hand from jerking off thinking of you. Would you consider getting your guts rearranged by humanity’s strongest soldier? Thank you.’” 
Levi felt the colour drain from his face and his soul. The death glare was quick to appear. “You wouldn't fucking dare.” 
Hange’s Cheshire smile crept onto their features. Was Levi considering that his day was going to end with him chasing Hange down the corridors and tackling them to the floor before they managed to open Erwin’s office? OBVIOUSLY not. 
“Stop resisting, four eyes!” Levi tried to keep them in place. One of his hands was covering their mouth as his body did everything he could to drag them back to their office. 
“Are you alright?” Her voice brought both back to reality as she looked at them extremely confused, one eyebrow raised and a deep frown. Erwin, who was behind her, covered his face in second-hand embarrassment. 
“No-” Once he dropped his guard, Hange licked Levi’s hand as a secret weapon that made the short man’s clean freak instincts kick in, withdrawing it in disgust. 
Shaking his hand in the air to get the saliva off, Hange took the moment he was busy to say, “Y/N, sweetie, I was wondering if I could ask you a question. You see-” 
“I’ll walk you!” 
There was dead silence reigning in the place, but with mixed reactions. Erwin tried to dissociate from the situation as it felt absurdly childish. Y/N was simply not getting whatever was going on. Hange couldn’t hold back a prideful, sassy smirk as they got what they wanted. And Levi? Levi felt he was boiling in his own embarrassment. 
“Tch, I mean. You capital people are so stupidly carefree, it’s too late. I’ll walk you to the station,” Levi smoothed the situation out. However, deep down he wanted to hide himself in a tiny, dark, humid place and never leave. 
“Aw, that’s so nice of you! If it’s not much of a bother, I’ll feel safer with you around. It gets darker earlier at this time of year. Thank you,” She smiled, she blushed, she thanked him, and more importantly, she ignored all his degradating assumptions. 
‘Wait... it was this easy all this time?’ 
Levi did turn around to give Hange a deadly stare and a silent warning of ‘you’ve no idea what I’ll do when I return,’ as he walked down the halls side by side with Y/N. However, they only smiled brightly while raising both thumbs up, cheering him on. 
“What the hell did you tell him?” Erwin asked. 
Hange scoffed proudly and declared, “You can question my methods but not my results.”
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 @lemonsupernova @hyuckwon-my-husbands @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax @sugacor3 @r0ckst4rjk @vegetasgirl2799 Wanna join my tag list? Here! You don't appear on this list? Do not worry! there's a limit of tags and I'll add you in the comments <3
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symbiomancy · 6 months
movie —getō suguru
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—summary: You can't decide on an outfit to wear to the movies.
—cw: f!reader, brother x sister, p in v sex, creampie, foreplay // AO3 ver
—wc: 3,8k (send help)
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Suguru leans against your doorway, arms crossed over his chest. He takes a moment to survey your room, the clothes strewn across the floor, even more clothes piled onto your computer chair, a mountain of makeup items on your desk. With any luck you’ll clean up before he plans to vacuum tomorrow afternoon but knowing you, he’ll end up sorting through everything and cleaning up for you.
Ah, the  things he does for the sake of your company.
His eyes snap up from the floor when you step out from behind the closet, pulling a shirt over your head, the zipper of your skirt fisted in your free hand to keep it from slipping off.
“We’re going to be late,” he says and you visibly jump, tug the shirt over your head, hair sticking out in every direction. You frown at him, grab the first shirt off the floor your hand finds and throw it at his head. He catches it with ease, stares at you with an unamused look.
“Pervert,” you say, turning to the full-length mirror resting against the wall. “I can’t get these stupid socks to stay up.” You lift a leg to show off your white over the knee sock; its’ top curls into itself with the movement, slides down your knee.
“C’mere.” Suguru pushes off the doorway, beckons you along with the sweep of his hand. He piles your array of decorative pillows and stuffed animals to one side of the bed, just enough to give himself room to sit, and pats his thigh. You pull the packet of double-sided tape from the nightstand next to your bed, press it into his waiting hand, and sit on his lap. Suguru raises a brow at the back of your neck but doesn’t say anything, busies himself with peeling the strips of tape from the glossy paper to not be distracted by the way you squirm in his lap, his cock pressing against your ass.
He presses the pieces of tape against your thigh, then tugs the over-the-knee sock up. “Press down,” he says, breath ghosting against the shell of your ear. You clear your throat, let him adjust your fingers, and do as he says. Suguru places the tape onto your other thigh, pulls the sock over it and presses down, hands cupped around your thigh so everything adheres.
They’re warm, large. Sturdy. He cooks, he cleans — he folds your knees over your shoulders with them. Simple black rings adorn his fingers. His nail polish is chipping; you’re not sure if you have any black left. You make a mental note to grab a bottle from the store on your way home from the movie.
“There.” He tentatively releases his hold on your thigh. The ghost of his touch lingers, thrums beneath your skin. You peel yourself from his lap and skitter over to your mirror, do a twirl, lift one leg and then the other, drop into a crouch and stand again. The socks and their tape stay in place. You flash him a grin from the mirror, blow him a kiss that he catches, presses against his cheek. Warmth blooms in your chest.
Suguru lets himself flop onto his back, fishing his phone from his pocket to check the time. If you manage to get off your ass and get dressed in the next 15 minutes you might actually make it to the movie. 10 minutes, if you want to grab something from the concession stand. He navigates to the cinema’s homepage to check if and when there are any screenings for tomorrow. Then again, cleaning with you in the house is a day-long activity.
You frown at your reflection. Now that the socks stay up, you realize the pretty lace at the top doesn’t go with your skirt. It drops into an unceremonious pile on the floor as you unzip it and beeline over to your closet to flip through the skirts piled on their shelf. Maybe you should do a thorough try-on one day and get rid of everything you haven’t worn in a while or will never wear again. Bet your big brother would like that. You conjure an image of his heavy, heated gaze, staring at you through lidded eyes, a finger raised in a signal to give him a pretty twirl. The mere idea of it sends a jolt of excitement through your very being and you bury your face into the smooth fabric of a white skirt and squeal.
“You weren’t any more or less dressed when I got in the shower. Half an hour ago.” Suguru glances up from his phone just as you’ve stepped into the white skirt, tugging the zipper up.
“Yes, I was.” You stare at your reflection in the mirror. “Fuck, I need a new shirt.”
“What did I say about swearing?”
Heat erupts in your cheeks, in your ears, rolls into your torso and spreads into your extremities.
Suguru tucks away his phone, looks at you from his spot between the round migrating plushies, swats one away with his hand. It rolls off the bed. When you lean forward to grab a shirt from the ground, Suguru gets a full view of your ass, the curve of your cunt just barely peeking out. He places a hand over his half-hard cock, palms it through his pants. “The fuck are you wearing? That’s not underwear; that’s silly string between your ass.”
“Is so.” Your hand shoots to your behind, tucks the skirt hem against your cheeks. “You can see it through the fabric can’t you?”
“That too.” Even if there’s barely anything to see, he thinks, but doesn’t bother verbalizing it.
You frown, brows furrowed, and turn your lower body to check your reflection in the mirror. It’s not noticeable unless you know where to look, but if you lean forward… The skirt hikes up when you test it and you make an indignant noise in the back of your throat, stand up ramrod straight.
“Seriously?” You tug on the back of your skirt again, lean forward. It hikes up again, pussy on full display.
Suguru has tucked his phone back into his pocket, now upright again, sitting on the edge of your bed, elbows resting on his knees. He eyes the flimsy fabric, the way you flash your pretty little cunt at him every time you try to bend over and the skirt hikes up. A warmth curls at the base of his spine and his cock jerks in his pants, tenting the material. He stands.
You don’t even notice he’s moved at all until he stops behind you, swings an arm around your front, pulls you flush against him. He rolls his hips against your ass, cock straining in his pants. You push back against his body, delight in the little gasp it elicits from him, so breathy. “See what you do to me?” He mutters, words muffled against the side of your neck. “Are you going to take responsibility for getting your big brother like this?”
You hum, a denial on the tip of your tongue as you lean forward to adjust your frilly socks, and Suguru’s body follows, arms still tightly wound around your waist. His cock presses against your barely-covered pussy, drags the fabric just enough to send a jolt to your core, heat pooling between your legs. You take an even breath in, ignore the heat of his breaths against your skin.
“That’s a you problem, pervert.”
Suguru releases his grip on you, tilts his head just enough to catch your eye in the mirror; one which you immediately turn your gaze away from to stare at your socked feet, hands working on smoothing down the wrinkles in your skirt. Maybe this one won’t do, either. You very pointedly don’t look up when his hands rest on your shoulders and he coaxes you to turn around to face him.
He leans forward, wraps his arms around your thighs and throws you over his shoulder. You squeal, hands finding purchase in the back of his black shirt, and his own hand smacks against your ass with a crisp smack and you nearly squeal again. Suguru turns, stalks across the room and drops you onto the spot he’d cleared on your bed, although it has once again been overtaken by your round forever migrating plushies. They bounce with you, several dropping to the ground and rolling away.
You barely have enough time to reorient yourself when his hands close around your ankles and tug you over to the edge of the bed. He leans in, one knee placed on the very edge of your bed, just shy of your cunt, hands on either side of your head. His hair is messy, strands falling out of the half-up style he’s sporting.
“Now is that any way to talk to your big brother?” He brushes a strand of hair away from your forehead with a hum. “I cook for you, clean, help you with your homework, let you climb into my bed because you’re so afraid of the dark—”
Your hand strikes out, aiming for his side but he catches it, fingers wrapping tightly around yours. He lifts it to his face and presses a kiss against the inside of your wrist. “S-Sorry,” you croak out with what must amount to a grimace, not an attempt at a smile.
“I take care of you… I spoil you rotten, and you call me a pervert.” He tuts. “I can look at you if I want to; you were made for me. These hands,” he spreads your fingers, laces them with his, “this face,” his eyes land on you, half-lidded and smoldering, and heat erupts under your skin, blooms in your face and you have the sudden desire to shy away from him, burrow between the blankets and never look at him again. “This body — this pussy.” He brings his knee forward, presses it against your cunt, smears your arousal against the jean fabric. Your mouth falls open, back arching, hips bucking into him. “Everything about you was made for me. Just me.”
The world swims. You breathe in, nearly choke on it when Suguru adjusts his knee, the coarse jean fabric dragging against your throbbing pussy. He’s so good, always knows how to take care of you, better than anyone.
“Say it.”
“What?” You blink, mind fuzzy, composure fraying at the edges.
“You were made for me.”
“I was made for you.”
“Good girl.” Suguru leans in, presses his face to the crook of your neck, lips ghosting over the sensitive skin. A shiver strikes down your spine, into your core, wetness pooling between your legs. His lips press down into a chaste kiss against your neck and u whimper. He gains courage from it, brings his lips flush against your skin in featherlight open-mouthed kisses. They trail up the column of your neck, over the curve of your jaw, to the corner of your mouth. He pulls back with a grin, pupils blown, eyes half-lidded.
You pout up at him, bring a hand to the back of his neck, the soft strands of hair splayed between your fingers, and pull his lips onto yours. His tongue surges forward, pries your lips apart and wraps around your own. There are large hands in your hair and on your throat and on your jaw, fingers pressing down against your cheeks, cupping your face. He tastes like mint, like that gum he likes, the one that’s so overwhelmingly minty it makes you sneeze every time you chew it. But on his tongue, it’s a pleasant aftertaste, something you could easily get addicted to. 
Suguru adjusts his stance, leans on one hand to bring the other one away from your face to explore your body, fingers ghosting over your skin. They graze the underwire of your bra and he pulls back abruptly, a string of spit connecting your lips, to frown at the offending garment.
You follow his gaze, prop yourself onto your elbows, fingers attempting to undo the hooks at your back. Suguru stares at your exposed throat and leans in to press a chaste kiss against it. Then another and another, trailing down as you frantically attempt to dislodge the bra hooks, heart thundering in your chest. He grazes his teeth over your skin, bites down and you mewl at the pain that erupts in your flesh. Suguru mutters an apology against your throat, presses his tongue flat against the bite. It soothes the pain, but does little to calm your pulse in your ears.
Your hands are shaking, a sob stuck in your throat. This stupid bra and those stupid hooks, bent out of shape and always getting stuck, ruining everything —
“Breathe,” Suguru mumbles as he resumes his movement, inching closer to your breasts. “You can do it. Take a breath.” His hands glide down the length of your torso, grab a handful of ass each, and squeeze. “You’re okay.”
You swallow around the panic clawing up your throat and run your fingers over the hooks behind your back. Two are loose, just the one remaining latched. Suguru’s lips return to you, bite down at the skin pulled taut over the collarbone. He suckles on the blooming bruise, runs his warm tongue over it to soothe the ache.
The bra finally — finally — releases and you claw the straps from your shoulders, discard the item onto the floor and tangle your fingers in his hair. Suguru snatches your free hand, pins it against the bed, continues his assault of open-mouthed kisses over the expanse of your skin. He nibbles on the plush of your breast.
His tongue circles your nipple, glides over it and you buck your hips voluntarily. His hot mouth closes around the stiff peak and he chuckles. It reverberates against your skin, in the very cavity of your chest. You shiver, too warm and too cold at once, and grind down on the knee between your legs.
Suguru releases your breast, huffs a cool breath against it and you inhale, sharp and high-pitched. He tuts. “So impatient.” His grip on your thighs slackens, moves across the skin, fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. They stop at the hem of your skirt, lingering there for just a moment and you whine, tug on the fistful of hair in your vise grip. His mouth falls open in a barely audible gasp, eyes fluttering shut, a notch between his brows.
Fuck, you think, that had to have hurt. You untangle your shaking hand, wince when a few strands stick to your sweaty fingers and tug his head along. Sorry, sorry, sorry, you chant in your head, angling your hand between your bodies to tug at the skirt’s zipper. One of his hands swats yours away, then pushes under the white fabric. His fingers ghost over your underwear — fuck, there really is barely any fabric to it — over your clit and you buck against them.
“Keep it on,” he says, voice smooth and rich. His fingers burrow under your underwear — really, you’re never wearing anything like that out of the house, period, he’ll make sure of it if he has to — and slide through your folds, circle your clit. His thumb comes to rest against your entrance. He pulls your lips apart, gathers your essence onto the digit. 
“Suguru…” You whine. He hums, takes a breath to ease the horrible discomfort rearing it’s ugly head in his pants. “Stop teasing and put it in already; you’re gonna ruin it if you keep being mean.”
He laughs, low and honey-like as he withdraws slightly, places his hands onto your thighs to push them apart. He snatches a decorative pillow from the foot of your bed to prop under your hips. It leaves him nearly at eye-level with your weeping cunt. The non-existent underwear is drenched and he pushes the sopping fabric aside, stares at the threads of slick connecting it to your swollen pussy. He pauses, watches you clench around nothing and fuck, it sends a jolt straight to his dick. It presses against the crotch of his jeans, so hard it aches. At this pace, he might cum on the spot.
“You’re going to kill me like this, baby,” he says as he hooks his fingers over your ruined panties and tugs them down your thighs.
“You gotta make up your mind; do you want my legs open or closed?”
He sends you a playful glare and pulls his shirt over his head, drops it onto the pile on the floor. His belt buckle clangs against the wooden floor and he almost trips over his pants and boxers when you let your thighs fall open, a hand spreading your pussy. You clench around nothing, so desperate for your big brother’s cock.
Suguru spits into his hand, gives his cock three quick tugs because that’s all he can handle; he might really bust in his hand like a loser if he doesn’t get to be inside you right now. He lines himself up, drags the tip through your folds, gathering your arousal on his tip and you moan, low and just barely there but it sends a fire spreading under his skin and he can see his cock jump at the sound.
He presses the head of his cock against your dripping cunt and pauses just as he’s about to breach it. “Breathe,” he instructs, “relax. I take care of you, don’t I?” You nod frantically, take a deep breath in to quell your racing heart. Suguru nudges the tip of his cock inside and slides in slowly, inch-by-inch, breath by breath. When he bottoms out, pelvis flush against yours, he pauses and you both release a long breath. He’s so big, so thick, fills you up so perfectly — fuck, maybe you really were tailor-made for him — and you clench around him — fuck, you can barely clench those muscles with him inside — and he exhales, quick this time, nothing but a low hiss of pleasure. You’re so warm, so tight, he’s going to lose his mind, and he decides that yes, this is the only pussy he wants out of this life, yours, always yours because fuck, you take him so well.
You reach out, place your hands onto his shoulders, slide them across the skin until your fingers meet at the nape of his neck.
Suguru leans down, presses a kiss to your lips, tongue wrapped around yours. He swallows your wanton moan, sinks his teeth into your bottom lip. You clench around him involuntarily. “Shit — you’re gonna fuckin’ castrate me like this, baby. Are you that desperate for your big brother’s cock?” His hips twitch and he pulls back slightly, agonizingly slow but the drag of him is so sweet you see black spots in the edge of your vision. He fills you up so well when he bottoms out, tip nudging so deep you almost see stars.
He picks up the pace, hips jerking forward faster, harsher, and your eyes roll back and you’re merely working with Suguru’s motions now. He’s rutting into your poor pussy like an animal in heat, heavy breaths escaping him, caressing your sweat-slick skin. Heat coils in your stomach, you’re so close to the edge, ready to tip off and dissolve into a gooey, mindless, weightless bliss.
“Suguru, I’m—”
“Do it.” 
Heat flushes through you, pussy clenching around him as your orgasm crashes into you, knocks the breath from your lungs. The world becomes blurry, you can barely register your own ragged breaths as the warmth travels through you, and white sparks behind your eyelids if you try to close them. The euphoria of it races through your veins, sets every nerve ending alight, tapering at your fingertips. It laps at your thoughts, submerges every possible thought in a sea of Suguru, how good he is to you, how good he makes you feel, how well his cock fits into you, and how well you fit around his cock, like you’re made for each other.
Suguru’s hips speed up, it’s too much and you want to cry but it’s heavenly, too much and too little at the same time, you want to push him away and pull him in at the same time. He’s pistoning into you, rhythm almost sloppy, and then—
He stills abruptly, presses himself deep into your still-spasming cunt, so deep it draws another mewl from your lips, and spills inside. Warm, he’s so warm, he fills you up so well. You wrap your exhausted, shaking, legs around his waist, hook your heels together to keep him in place. Every muscle in your body is sore, screaming for rest as he drapes his torso on top of yours, forehead resting against your shoulder, chest heaving.
He becomes dead weight on top of you all at once. His skin is sticky with a sheen of sweat and you place a hand on the back of his neck, card your fingers through the sweat-slick strands of what has remained of his hairstyle. The world stands still for a few moments, the rev of an engine and bird chitter filtering in through the cracked window. This is nice, you decide, you could stay here, like this, with your big brother, the moment frozen in time forever for you to keep.
Then Suguru groans, braces his hands on either side of his hips and pushes himself up with shaking arms and pulls out. His cum dribbles out of you as he leaves and you almost sigh. This is a nice set of sheets. He stays as he is, hunched over, arms slowly regaining their strength, and stares, transfixed, as his cum oozes out of you. He eases himself onto his knees in front of the bed and scoops some of the escaping cum up with his fingers, pushes it back into your puffy cunt. You whine low in your throat and his gaze snaps up.
“I’m sticky ‘cause of you.”
He sighs and dissolves into a short, low laugh. He pulls his fingers out, wipes them against your thigh. “C’mon,” he wraps a hand around either ankle and pulls you closer, “bath time.” He unzips your skirt and tugs the socks free of the tape — hey, they survived you getting railed by your big brother — and discards them amidst the piles of clothes on the floor.
“But we’re missing the movie.”
“We can go tomorrow. Or…” He stands, slides one arm under your knees and the other behind your back, lifts you up. You cringe when your body is jostled with the movement and something slips out of you, glance over your shoulder at the glob of cum that’s splattered on the floor. “We could just make our own movie. When you’re older.”
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note: iirc this is my first actual p in v smut, we can only go up from here, lads
divider/banner credit: @/cafekitsune
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starry-crossing-zone · 6 months
Nail Polish - Hunter (TBB)
Summary: After Omega shows an interest in some nail polish, you steal some for her. Hunter pretends to be annoyed. Length: 1816 words Warnings: Female Reader; Former Bounty Hunter Reader; No Physical Description of Reader; No Y/N Used; Pickpocketing; Mentions of Dark Pasts (Reader)
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Walking through the busy streets of a Mid Rim planet, you kept a close eye on Omega as you made your way back to the Marauder. The Bad Batch had split up to gather supplies and you and Omega had been sent to get a new water purification filter, which was securely strapped to your chest.
“Come on, Meg, this way,” you directed, resting a hand on Omega’s shoulder.
“Wait, what’s that?” Omega asked, pointing at a stand to the side.
You glanced over before slowly leading Omega over to the small stand. A group of merchants greeted you as you approached, and you quickly sized them up. Glancing down at what Omega was curiously examining, you bent down to Omega’s height.
“That’s nail polish.”
“What’s its purpose?” Omega questioned, turning to you.
“You paint your fingernails or your toenails with it. It’s pretty to look at,” you explained to her.
“Is it permanent?”
“No, just temporary. It’ll last longer if you add more layers of it,” you continued, glancing over the various colors at the stall.
“And can you only pick one color?”
“No. You can pick as many as you want. In the Inner Rim, there’re artists that spend their whole day painting people’s nails.”
“Really?” Omega gasped, causing you to nod.
“Where are you two from?” the vender asked, eyeing the two of you.
“Outer Rim. Just passing through,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly. You stared down at Omega, who was still curiously studying the vials of nail polish. You paused for a moment before nudging Omega in the side. “Come on, Meg. Let’s get going. The boys will worry if we’re late.”
“Alright,” Omega agreed, setting the vial of nail polish back.
Bidding the venders goodbye, Omega and you turned to head back to where the Marauder was docked. You waited until you were a few streets over before sliding two vials of nail polish out of the hidden compartment in your vambrace.
“I thought that you liked these colors the best,” you stated quietly.
Omega’s eyes widened in surprise when she spotted the two vials of nail polish in your hand. She quickly grabbed them, smiling giddily, before she quickly connected the dots. Turning back to you, Omega frowned.
“When did you pay for these?”
“That’s not for you to worry about, Meg,” you dismissed, pushing Omega forward to stay on schedule. Omega hissed your name, looking around nervously.
“We can’t do that," she insisted.
“Why not?”
“It’s illegal.”
“Well, I can think of quite a few other illegal things that we’ve done,” you replied evenly, leading Omega into the docking bay. “We’ll just add it to the list.”
“How did you do it?” Omega asked curiously.
“That’s far from the most impressive move that I can pull off,” you stated, shooting Omega a smirk. “Come on, Meg, give me more credit than that.”
“Can you show me?”
“I don’t think that Hunter would approve of that,” you mused. After a moment, you added, “We can start tomorrow.”
Omega grinned, but you shot her a look to keep a low profile. Omega stowed the nail polish into her pockets as the two of you walked towards the Marauder. Tech looked up from his datapad and perked up when he spotted the water filter.
“Ah, just what I was waiting for.”
“Sorry, got a little sidetracked,” you replied, tossing it over to Tech.
“What kind of sidetracked?” Hunter asked, stepping off of the ship. “Imperial trouble?”
“Just some window shopping,” you spoke evenly, folding your arms over your chest. “Don’t get your bandana all in a twist.”
“We now possess all of the items that we needed to acquire on this pitstop. We should depart shortly, if we want to return to Ord Mantell for a new mission,” Tech announced, causing the Bad Batch to make their way onto the Marauder.
You were about to take your seat in front of the computer when Omega gestured for you to follow her to the back of the ship. Smiling, you headed back, missing the way that Hunter turned in his seat to look back at you. He heard the clinking of glass earlier when Omega and you approached, but now he was certain that it was coming from the two of you.
“Can you show me?” Omega asked quietly, holding out the vials.
“Give me your hand,” you instructed, sitting across from Omega.
Opening the nail polish bottle, you gently grabbed Omega’s right hand and started to apply the dark gray nail polish. Omega watched, fascinated, as you worked to carefully paint her nails.
“Where did you learn how to do this?”
“I used to paint nails. When I was about your age,” you explained elusively.
“For who?”
“A lady.”
“Did she paint her nails like this too?” Omega asked, causing you to shake your head as you switched to Omega’s thumb.
“No, she preferred this weird green color. It looked horrible but apparently it complimented her eyes.”
“Can I paint yours next?” Omega questioned, causing you to look up.
“Course you can. Maybe if you ask nicely, you can paint the boys’ nails too,” you mused, dipping the brush back into the polish.
“They didn’t have nail polish on Kamino,” Omega continued, causing you to nod.
“I wouldn’t expect the Kaminoans to have much need for it. Do they even have fingernails?” you snorted, working on Omega’s left hand. “But a lot of species use this stuff. And there’s other types of polish or things that people put on their nails. But you have to be really rich to get those.”
“Like what?”
“Some people get gems and other valuables embedded into their nails,” you explained, causing Omega to frown.
“The same reason that why rich people do most things. Because they can,” you stated a bit blunter than you intended.
“Did you ever get your nails painted?” Omega asked, causing you to shake your head. “The lady whose nails you painted, she never painted yours?”
“No,” you replied, placing the brush back into the vial and screwing the bottle shut.
“Why not?”
“She wasn’t as nice as I am,” you responded, not meeting Omega’s confused gaze. “Now, keep your fingers apart and don’t touch anything. You have to let the paint dry first. It could take some time, but I didn’t put too thick of a layer on it.”
“And then what?” Omega asked, looking at her newly painted nails.
“Then we can put another layer on, or I can start with the red,” you explained kindly. “Your choice, Meg.”
“What did you do when you painted nails before?”
“I would put another layer of the gray first,” you stated, causing Omega to nod. “It could make the polish a little more durable.”
“What do we have here?” Hunter drawled, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. He noted the nail polish bottles on the floor and paint on Omega’s nails. And even if she hid them, he would have smelled it. “I didn’t realize that we had a salon back here.”
Hunter’s gaze drifted over to you, and you stared back at him with some measure of defiance, knowing that the edge in his tone was directed at you. But Omega got in between the two of you.
“Look at my nails, Hunter!” she called, causing Hunter to turn to her. He bent down to her height and reached out to grab one of her hands, but Omega quickly drew them towards her chest. “Careful! The polish is still drying!”
“I’ll be careful,” Hunter assured Omega before looking down at her nails. “Dark gray, huh?”
“To match your armor,” Omega explained, causing Hunter to nod. “We got red too. She said that she’s going to do designs on my nails once the layers dry.”
 “Anything specific picked out?”
Omega turned to you with a questioning look, but you simply smiled and casually leaned back against your hands.
“It’s whatever you want, Meg. You get to pick,” you assured her.
After the top layers of the nail polish dried, you got to work on the red nail art that you promised Omega. You did a horizontal stripe to represent Hunter’s bandana, two adjacent dots to represent Tech’s goggles, an ‘H’ to represent Wreaker’s lula, and a ‘V’ to represent Echo’s kama. And then a '99' symbol too.
“They should be all set now,” you stated, causing Omega to smile and get to her feet.
You watched with an amused smile as Omega ran around and showed off her nails to every member of the Bad Batch. Wrecker seemed most excited for Omega, though the others offered her their praise in their own ways. And it wasn’t long before Omega was going around and painting all of their nails.
You walked over to where Hunter was sitting in front of the computer, watching as Echo offered Omega his hand. Wrecker was blowing on his nails, not wanting to disappoint Omega by ruining her hard work. You folded your arms over your chest, as Hunter had done earlier.
“You going to give me a lecture on pickpocketing again?” you asked him, not taking your eyes off of Omega.
“I’ll make an exception. This time,” Hunter replied, slowly turning to look at you. “I still don’t like it though.”
“Yes, I’m aware,” you stated, pushing off the computer table.
“Then why do you keep doing it?” Hunter asked, causing you to raise a playful eyebrow.
“Well, someone has to teach her how to have fun,” you responded, brushing past Hunter. He turned slowly in his chair, watching as you kneeled down beside Omega. You smiled at her work and offered some praise. “You’re getting the hang of it, Meg.”
“You think so? It’s still sloppy compared to yours,” Omega replied, glancing down at her own nails.
“With practice, comes perfection, as with everything else,” you assured her before standing up.
Walking past Hunter once again, you could feel his eyes on you, but kept walking. Hunter shook his head and turned around to find Wrecker staring at him with a grin. Nudging Hunter in the arm with his elbow, Wrecker let out a teasing laugh.
“Did you want her to do your nails, Hunter, huh?” he teased, causing Omega to pick her head up.
“She’s the best at it,” Omega vouched innocently.
“I’ll just wait for you, Omega,” Hunter replied awkwardly, sinking in his seat.
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beomiracles · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS moving rapidly through your career as one of the leading female investigators, you never once encountered a case you couldn't crack. though you never expected for your past mistakes to come back and haunt you in the form of an ex lover, accused of murder.
wc -> 4.3k
pairings criminal!beomgyu x investigator!reader warnings for tape 04 mentions of substance abuse, implied sexual themes, HIGHLY suggestive sexual content but not full on smut, attempts at SA (refrain from reading if you are easily triggered by such themes!)
GENERAL WARNINGS ─ this story contains dark themes, portraying unhealthy and toxic relationships as well as substance abuse. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.
✎ NOTE, this story is partly told in flashbacks. beware of time stamps as present and past is mixed throughout the story.
the tape recordings
tape 04 ─ I know you
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April 17th 2022 
Beomgyu’s car was just like you had imagined it. A sleek black model with tinted windows and dark leather seats. It ran far smoother than your old rundown Volvo and as Beomgyu swiftly passed the cars crowding the roads, you leaned back against the cool leather.
The silence was making you rather uncomfortable but you had little clue of how to break it. It was awkward enough that you were currently in his car; after yesterday’s events you were unsure on what terms the two of you were on. 
You decide to take a safe route and ask what you thought was a reasonable question. “Where are we going?” Internally cringing at how weak your voice sounded as you shifted in the passenger seat. Beomgyu’s gaze is fixed on the road in front of him despite only keeping one hand leisurely on the wheel. “Where was your friend supposed to take you?” His voice is casual and seemingly unbothered by the awkward situation. 
“Ah, she was just taking me home, I didn’t have my car with me so…” you trail off as you pick at the polish on your nails. With his free hand Beomgyu swipes a finger over the screen in between your seats, the device flashes with a small GPS and a white search bar — he motions for you to type your address in. 
“Where’s your car?” he bluntly asks and your finger almost slips across the small screen. “Oh, at..at home”, you mumble as you finish typing the address, the device immediately shows a suitable route and Beomgyu casts a quick glance in its direction. “Why?” he then inquires and you wonder if he always pried this much into people’s lives. Yet you found yourself wanting to tell him, wanting to be open with him. 
“One of my classmate’s gave me a ride”, you explain as you fiddle with the hem of your bag, placed neatly on the floor between your legs. He hums next to you as his fingers drum against the steering wheel. “You like your classmates?” His question catches you off guard, did it really matter if you liked them or not? What was it to him anyways, he only ever saw you for sex. 
“I guess”, you shrug, albeit unsure of how to properly answer. Beomgyu doesn’t say anything and for a moment the same stale silence fills the car. It was hard, making conversation with him; you never knew how to answer the questions he threw at you — in turn you didn’t know how to counter said questions with ones of your own. He often seemed to dismiss indulging in any personal information regarding himself, yet he found no shame in dwelling deep into the details of your own life. 
It made you wonder what kind of fascination he had with you. You trusted what Kayla had said about him not seeing the same woman twice, so what was his deal with you? Was there something more behind all the occasions in which he’d asked to see you, was there a reason he had picked you up today, and why were you not made aware of his intentions. 
The feel of his ring clad hand on your left thigh startles you from your thoughts, fingers snaking between your legs to rest at your inner thigh. “Music?” he asks and you hum, “sure..” He nods toward the small screen on the dash, “pick somethin’ good yeah.” 
Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, your fingers swipe across the many artists displayed. “Do you like BTS?” It was seemingly impossible to read him, his music taste? even less. Beomgyu huffs as he squeezes the flesh of your thigh gently, “that boy band?” you nod, finger hesitating over the play button. You weren’t in any way ashamed of your music taste, but when in the presence of Beomgyu you somehow felt the need to please him, even if that meant changing minor details about yourself. 
He quirks a brow in the direction of your hesitating hand, “sure why not”, he shrugs and you breathe out a small sigh of relief. The rest of the car ride is spent mostly in silence save for the occasional interrogating questions fired by Beomgyu as his fingers trace your inner thigh. 
At last; after twenty long minutes, the car comes to a stop outside of your apartment complex. Finally feeling some sort of relief you step out of the car, only to frown when Beomgyu does the same. “Wait, why are you getting out?” the question slips past your unguarded lips and Beomgyu raises a brow as he shoves his hands into his pockets. “I’ll see where you live”, it was a statement not a question — with those exact words he marched inside the building. 
It takes two tries to get your rattling keys into the keyhole and you swallow a gulp as the door to your small apartment swings open. The flat was small and the building rather old, but you had decorated the place to the best of your abilities — it was home for you, oh and…meeeow~ 
Your furry roommate gazes up at you with an expectant look as her tail pads against the floor behind her. “This is Nala”, you say as you give the small cat a few scratches. “She’s not very fond of new people so…” your words fall short as Nala trots over to where Beomgyu stands and brushes against his legs in a loving manner, “or not..” you awkwardly chuckle at your cat's odd behavior. 
Leaning down to give the feline a few pats, Nala purrs in response to his actions and Beomgyu smirks, “cute little thing you are.” It felt strange, seeing Beomgyu so affectionate towards anything really. “I didn’t take you for a cat person.” Your comment makes him raise a questioning brow, “no?” You shake your head, “well, you sort of strike me as more of a dog person..” 
He seems to be considering your words as he lets go of your cat to stand back up, “I like dogs”, he shrugs as a small smirk creeps its way to his lips. He takes a step in your direction, “dogs are loyal, pliant even.” Upon finishing his sentence he’s merely inches from you, pressing you up against the wall of your small hallway without as much as touching you. From this close the pungent smell of his cologne invades your senses, it’s a familiar and intoxicating scent. He smelled almost minty, refreshing, like the blow of the wind on a cold winter day. 
Blinking a few times, your eyes regain focus as they meet his dark ones. “Dogs are predictable”, he drawls, “cats aren’t.” What did that have to do with being a dog or cat person? You had always thought the question to be rather trivial — let people like what they like. Was there really more to what type of pet you kept. 
“You’re right”, he then says, “I don’t like cats.” Though he quickly casts a glance in the direction of Nala who was busy cleaning herself as she sat by the shoe rack. “But I like your cat”, he states and you frown, “Nala?” Beomgyu nods as he turns his attention back to you, “you need to earn a cat's trust. Usually that is not something I waste my time with”, his voice is low and you can feel his fingers feathery touch along your waist. 
“Perhaps with this one I will”, he murmurs, dark eyes piercing yours in such a way that would easily get anyone entranced. His words suddenly have you wondering if Nala was still the subject of your conversation. Though you get no chance to question him further before he pulls away and ventures into your living room. 
You quickly scramble to follow him as Beomgyu wastes no time in grazing the tips of his fingers along your crowded bookshelves; not hesitating to pick a few framed photos up to inspect them closer. Awkwardly rocking on your heels, you watch as he practically searches your living room. “This your mom?” he questions as he flips the picture frame to face you, squinting slightly you nod, “from when we visited Madrid…” you mumble. Beomgyu hums as he places the photograph back in its designated place. 
“Do you uh, want anything to drink…tea, coffee?” Your attempt to keep him from prying seems futile as Beomgyu shakes his head. Instead he nods toward the open bathroom door, “go get yourself dolled up.” Your brows draw together in a frown, parting your lips in an unspoken question, which Beomgyu quickly beats you to, “I’m takin’ you out, dollface”. Taking you out? Oh...OH! He was taking you out! 
“I, s-sure..yeah– I’ll, I’ll be thirty minutes.” You stammer before quickly excusing yourself to the bathroom. Thirty minutes? What on earth were you thinking, there was no way you’d be able to get ready in thirty minutes. Let us hope that he has as little perception of time as he has of others' privacy, you thought as you pull your shirt over your head. 
February 20th 2024 – PRESENT TIME
“What’s going on?” Yeonjun sighs as he leans against the desk opposite you, hands digging deep into his pockets and a concerned look on his face. You grasp the glass of water tightly in your hands as you focus on the way the cold liquid moves rather than your senior’s question. 
After the scene you had caused over at the house, Yeonjun had pulled you aside to talk to you in private. “I seriously need you to tell me what’s happening”, his voice sounds tired and you can tell that he is too. You wanted to tell him, you had been wanting to tell someone, anyone — for the past ten months. But truthfully, you didn’t know how to. 
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as your fingers anxiously tap against the glass. “Look, if you can’t do it, then it’s totally fine”, he runs a hand through his hair, “but you need to tell me so that I can get someone else on the case.” As soon as those words leave his lips you find yourself shaking your head, Yeonjun lets out a frustrated sigh as his hand drags across his face. 
You knew that you were probably doing more harm than good being on this case, but letting it go to someone else, you just couldn’t. Why? You didn’t know. Perhaps it had to do with some fucked up part of you that thought you knew Beomgyu, that you could read him in ways others couldn’t — that was of course a lie. For the one year you spent in his presence, you couldn’t figure him out, not once, and you were sure you never would, no one would. 
“I can tell that it’s affecting you”, your colleague murmurs, it was obvious that Yeonjun cared a lot for you and in any other instance you would have listened to him. This was different. When you finally lift your gaze to look at him your eyes are filled to the brim with glistening tears. “I have to do this”, you whisper and your senior looks at you with so much pity that you thought you might just break down in front of him. 
Shaking your head once more, the first droplet falls from your eye, “I’m afraid that if I don’t…it’ll never be okay again.” Your voice comes out shaky and pitched, but you can’t find it in you to care in the slightest. Perhaps this was the closure you needed, to complete this case and write Beomgyu out of your life once and for all. So you told yourself. The emotions you were feeling, were all old feelings resurfacing. Nothing you wouldn’t be able to handle. 
Yeonjun sighs as he pushes himself off the desk. “Alright”, he agrees, “but you’ll promise to tell me when things get too much.” Wiping your face with the back of your hand, you nod, “thank you…” Your senior nods, “you’re one of my best investigators”, he says as he hands you a tissue, “don’t forget that you’re also human.” 
April 17th 2022 
You didn’t recognize the restaurant Beomgyu had taken you to, situated on a lonely and dark street, yet the diner was filled with people. Beomgyu on the other hand seemed more than at home in your current environment as he happily chatted with both waiters and the people sitting by the nearby tables. 
Their conversations ranged from the most dull and daily topics, but there was something else lingering in the air. Similar to that of the club Beomgyu had taken you to on your second encounter. Whatever it was it clung to him, the multiple glances from almost everyone in the room did not go unnoticed by you. Everyone seemed to know who he was, yet as you sit in front of him, you suddenly feel like you’re the only one in the room who doesn’t. 
Beomgyu turns his attention toward you once more, gaze lingering on the red dress you had carefully picked out. A small smirk tugs at the corner of his lips, “you look wonderful, dollface.” The simple compliment manages to bring color to your face and you bite back a small smile, “thank you.” Suddenly you don’t mind that you might be the only person who had yet to be made aware of who he really was. Why should that matter when he was with you, and not them. 
Your waitress had been quick to bat her lashes toward him, to pout her lips and bite on her pen as Beomgyu ordered. Double checking and checking again that she got it right, almost tripping over her feet as she leaned forward to ‘hear’ him better. All the while she had almost forgotten to take your order, and when she finally turned to you, it was with a heavy sigh and a nasty look on her face. Beomgyu hadn’t seem to notice her blunt advances, if he did he simply didn’t acknowledge them.
Perhaps that was what you got for being seated with the most handsome man in the room. Going out like this, at a restaurant, it had to mean that he was serious about you, right? At least in your books it did. You could admit that you were slightly traditional when it came to dating, but going out to dinner — well it wasn’t exactly something that fuck buddies did. 
“What’s got your mind so preoccupied, dollface?” Beomgyu sets his glass down as he studies your distant expression. Fiddling with the foot of your own glass, you avoid his gaze to the best of your abilities. “I…well” — the low vibrations erupting from your phone shakes you off path and you glance toward the screen. Beomgyu doesn’t say anything as he rests his chin atop his intertwined fingers; seemingly unbothered and not expectant of an explanation.  
“It…it’s Kayla, she’s asking about our next meet up.” You give him one anyway. You knew that you didn’t owe him anything, yet you found yourself wanting to reassure him, not that you were sure such a thing was needed. “You’re busy tomorrow”, he suddenly declares and you glance at him in confusion. He nods toward your phone, “tell your friend, you’re busy tomorrow.” 
His words left much to desire, but as Beomgyu took another sip of his drink, you knew that he wasn’t going to let on to any further information. Shoving your phone into your bag, you nod “alright, I’ll do that.” 
As another waiter comes to clear your now empty plates; all the while Beomgyu mutters something in his ear, you’re suddenly left with no more distractions. The lingering eyes on your table become the center of your attention. Why did they keep staring like that? You had done nothing to garner their attention yet you felt like there was a huge light pointed right at you. Maybe it was all in your head, maybe you were going crazy. 
In the midst of it, you fail to notice how Beomgyu watches you, studying your almost frightened face. The small hum leaving his lips snap your eyes back toward him and he looks at you expectantly. Swallowing a gulp your eyes flicker between the crowded tables and him. “They’re…they’re staring” you whisper, Beomgyu doesn’t spare your audience a glance, his gaze fixed on you. 
“Do you not like it?” he mumbles, studying your face closer, as if searching for clues allowing him to enter your mind. Biting your lower lip you give a small nod. Before you get another word out, he gets up and you scramble to do the same. With his hand on the small of your back, Beomgyu guides you past the many tables and to a secluded corner of the room, near the exit. His breath is warm against your ear as he whispers, “stay here and I’ll pay”, before pressing a kiss to your cheek. That was certainly not something fuck buddies did. 
Feeling shielded by the dim light of your corner, you lean against the cool wall as your eyes flutter closed. Maybe Kayla had been wrong about him, just maybe. The sounds of approaching footsteps sends a wave of relief through you, he was already coming back. 
But it’s not Beomgyu’s voice that breaks the silence surrounding you. “You new around here miss?” the raspy voice of an unknown man has your eyes shooting open as you push yourself off the wall. “I would be sure to remember a face like your own”, he then adds as he eyes your frame with a little too much interest. 
He was tall. Possibly even taller than Beomgyu, and older too, he had to be in his mid thirties at least. Yet he seemed persistent in introducing himself, “the name’s Han-jae”, he reaches for your hand but you quickly withdraw it. “Ah, I’m afraid that I’m with someone for tonight..” you stammer as your eyes feverishly scan for Beomgyu. 
The man chuckles, “I bet you are, pretty thing like you, it would be pure luck to find you alone.” He leans closer and the sudden stench of alcohol invades your senses, “but it seems I just did”, a nasty smirk grows on his lips as his hand grabs a firm hold of your wrist. 
Your heart practically leaps out of your chest as the man's tight grip on your arm threatens to cut off all blood flow. Suddenly you regret not taking the self defense lessons together with Kayla, it would have perhaps saved you in a situation like this. “I…I really am here with someone..” Your meek attempts at persuading the strange man had little effect as the smirk on his lips only grew. 
“I’m sure you are, doll” he muses as he pulls you closer to him. Upon coming almost face to face with him, you can make out his bloodshot eyes and widened pupils; he was on something, that much you could tell. A ring clad hand suddenly joins the man’s hold on your wrist and your gaze snaps in the direction of none other than Beomgyu. 
Despite his intoxicated state the man seems to recognize him as the grip on your wrist falters. “Mr Choi” he exclaims, uncertainty flashing across his features. Beomgyu lets go of his hand with a small grimace before disregarding the man and turning to you. “You okay, dollface?” he asks as his fingers trace along your jaw, you give him a small nod as you cradle your sore wrist. 
“‘S a pretty little thing you got there”, the man comments, his speech growing slurred. Beomgyu’s fingers drop from your face as he casts a glance in the direction of the man. “What?”
The man grins as he motions toward you, “almost mistook her for a doll, pretty girl was standin’”, he hiccups, “all alone, but now I see who she was waiting on.” Beomgyu doesn’t say anything as he regards the man with a sultry look. Obliviously, the man continues to ramble, “but you’ll do me the favor of letting me know when you’re done”, the grin on his lips grows, “I’ll be happy to take up wherever you left off–” 
The man’s words are cut short as Beomgyu’s fist comes in contact with his jaw, metal rings clashing against his teeth. He stumbles backward as he grabs onto his face with a small whine. Your own jaw falls open as the scene before you unfolds and if your heart nearly beat out of your chest earlier, this certainly didn’t help. 
Beomgyu doesn’t spare him a second glance, and neither does anyone else…In fact no one batted as much as an eye in the direction of the wounded man. Their conversations flowed without interruption and suddenly everyone avoided even glancing Beomgyu’s way. 
Too stunned to even speak, you let him guide you out of the restaurant, you don’t question him when he opens the door to the backseat rather than the passenger one, and neither do you when he gets inside along with you, nor when he slides down on the floor between your legs. 
The cool metal of his rings sends small sparks through your body as his hands caress your inner thighs. He lets out a soft sigh and as his eyes meet yours, you suddenly find it hard to fault him for punching a man. “Dollface?” his breath is hot against your naked skin. Swallowing another gulp you glance down toward him, yes? your words barely above a whisper. 
Beomgyu sighs as his hands push past the hem of your crimson dress. “You need to be careful”, he murmurs as his fingers trace the outline of your panties, earning a soft gasp from you when they brush against your clothed clit. “There are tons of dangerous men out there” he presses a soft kiss to your thigh. 
“Men who won’t hesitate to take advantage of you.” Fingers slipping past the fabric of your panties as they caress your already glistening folds. The cold rings against your warm core pulls a small gasp from you. His touch clouds your mind and turns your vision hazy. “Who knows what could’ve happened to you if I hadn’t been there”, he mumbles as his thumb grazes your clit, eliciting a sweet moan from you. 
He retracts his hand and your hips buck in an attempt to chase his fingers. The same fingers that hook around the lining of your panties and with a harsh tug he pulls them down your thighs and past your knees. “Promise me you’ll be careful, dollface” he breathes against your wet cunt and you nod as you squirm beneath him. 
“Need to hear you say it”, he groans as his tongue drags across your folds, earning a soft cry from you, “promise me.” His voice sounded almost pleading and you clenched around nothing. “I will, I will, I will…I’ll be careful I promise”, you ramble as your fingers intertwine in his dark hair, twisting and pulling at it. “That’s what I wanted to hear”, he murmurs before pressing a kiss to your cunt. 
February 20th 2024 — PRESENT TIME
You were supposed to have gone home earlier, a lot earlier. In fact Yeonjun had offered to take you home by lunch, yet you had declined. Instead you found yourself lingering by your office as the hours passed by. When 5 o’clock hit, your colleagues began venturing home, you stayed. By 7 the office was completely empty. 
Soon you started walking, though unsure of why, or where your goal was, you walked. Floor up and floor down, mindlessly passing the multiple vacant offices and meeting rooms. At last you found yourself by the interrogation rooms, perhaps you thought it would ease the lump in your throat to go there, but it didn’t. So you kept walking. 
You don’t know how you ended up at Beomgyu’s cell. Your feet led you to the few rows of empty rooms, all but one. The door only allowed a small window in which you could gaze into the room, it was dark but you knew that he was there. 
Did you miss him? Was that why you were here? You had told yourself that you wanted answers, but did you really? — were you even ready to hear them? You should turn back, go home, sleep, possibly call in sick tomorrow. Instead you knock. 
Three soft knocks later and a small light is flicked on somewhere inside the room. A trembling hand slides the small window to the side, allowing you to hear him, and him to hear you, to touch you even, but you wouldn’t allow that. 
Beomgyu doesn’t seem surprised at your sudden appearance, a smirk spreading across his lips, he had expected you to visit him. “Dollface”, the name sends your heart into a minor frenzy, “it’s a little late to be working still, no?” he asks as he tilts his head to the side, studying your unblinking expression. 
You swallow, “perhaps”. He chuckles and you’re once again reminded of how hard you thought he was to read. Maybe that was what made him so intriguing to you. “Yet you’re here”, he murmurs, eyes glinting in the same way they had when you first met. 
“But you shouldn’t be”, he states and you know that he’s right. 
You should most definitely not be here right now. But as your gaze meets his you suddenly realize why you are. Because despite everything a small part of you clings onto the faint hope — the hope that he isn’t what you know him to be. Because a small part of you wants to believe that Beomgyu is innocent.
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koiiiji · 25 days
part 2 for this
author’s note ; i like dynamics with Goo and his secret friends, so it’s gonna be few more parts!
tw ; none, maybe fluff
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working for Goo Kim had its perks. money and old friendship were a major ones, but the real fun came from the influence you wielded over his friends. dangerous, powerful men and all were under strict orders to cater to your whims — Goo valued your intel too much to let anyone else mess with you.
Lee Taesung had learned this the hard way when he spent an entire afternoon trailing you around a mall, carrying your shopping bags like some kind of personal valet. his discomfort reached its peak when you dragged him into a lingerie store, enjoying every moment of his mortification as he stood there, visibly uncomfortable, holding up delicate lace with the expression of a man who would rather be anywhere else.
now, it was Cheon Taejin’s turn.
Taejin, unlike Taesung, had a proud, almost regal demeanor. where Taesung would grumble and sulk, Taejin held his tongue, though you could always see the tension simmering beneath the surface.
“where to, boss?” Taejin asked with just enough sarcasm to let you know he didn’t appreciate the nickname as he opened the door of the sleek black car.
“nail salon, Taejin,” you replied, sliding into the backseat with a smirk. “my appointment is in fifteen minutes, so let’s not waste any time.”
he said nothing, just slid into the driver’s seat and pulled into traffic. you watched the world blur by outside the window, your fingers drumming lightly on your thigh as you planned your next move.
while parking the car in the parking lot, Taejin got out of the car, holding the door for you, he casually asked if you would stay long there.
“oh, i might be a while — there’s a new color i want to try.”
“right,” he muttered under his breath, barely loud enough for you to hear. “wouldn’t want to ruin your day.”
you took your time in the salon, chatting with the manicurist as she worked, enjoying latest tea about that one girl drama, who also visits your manicurist. when you finally emerged, nails gleaming a perfect shade of crimson, Taejin was leaning against the car, clutching a cigarette between his teeth.
the nail salon visit was followed by a trip to the hair salon, a boutique, and finally, after you had squeezed every last drop of patience from Taejin, a drive to Goo Kim’s office.
Taejin’s knuckles were practically bone-white as he parked the car, clearly holding onto the last shreds of his composure. before he could say anything, you pushed the car door open and stepped out, casting a quick glance over your shoulder.
“you know, Taejin,” you mused, your voice laced with mock concern, “you’ve been awfully quiet today. i hope you’re not mad at me for taking you on this little adventure.”
“wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied through gritted teeth, his expression remaining stoic despite the irritation brewing beneath the surface.
“good to hear,” you said sweetly. “now, let’s not keep Goo waiting. i’ve got something new for him.”
you made your way into the building, Taejin trailing a few steps behind. as you entered the lobby of Goo’s expansive office, you spotted Samuel leaning casually against the wall, his gaze sliding to you the moment you walked in.
“Samuel!” you called out, rushing toward him with open arms. Samuel barely had time to react before you were embracing him. “oh, you’ve done something different,” he said, glancing at your freshly manicured nails, his voice smooth and practiced. “new color? it suits you.”
You pulled back slightly, grinning up at him. “oh thank you, Samuel!! i knew someone would notice. i’ve been dragging poor Taejin around all day, but he didn’t say a word, can you imagine?!!!”
Samuel chuckled, casting a sidelong glance at Taejin, who had the decency to look slightly uncomfortable. “ah, Taejin. so focused on the job, aren’t you?”
“i’m not paid to notice nail polish,” Taejin muttered, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.
you turned to him, a playful glint in your eyes. “maybe you should be, Taejin. it’s the little things that make the difference. girls like a guy who pays attention to the details.”
Samuel smirked, clearly enjoying the exchange as much as you were. “she’s right, you know. attention to detail is key, even outside of work.”
Taejin sighed, rolling his eyes slightly but otherwise refusing to take the bait. “noted. i’ll make sure to compliment your next manicure. just give me a heads up beforehand so i can practice my delivery.”
you laughed, patting Taejin on the arm as you moved past him. “i knew there was a soft spot in there somewhere. you’re learning, Cheon. soon you’ll be a gentleman yet.”
Samuel followed behind you, still chuckling as you all made your way toward Goo’s office. as you approached the door, you threw one last glance over your shoulder at Taejin, who was still following dutifully behind.
“don’t worry, Taejin. i’ll make sure Goo knows just how valuable you’ve been today,” you said with a wink.
“i’m sure you will,” he replied, his voice resigned yet still carrying that ever-present edge of pride.
working for Goo Kim certainly had its perks. and as long as his friends were willing to play along, you intended to enjoy every single one of them. after all, it wasn’t every day you got to boss around some of the most feared men in the city.
and if they didn’t like it? well, that was just too bad.
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boy-comics · 2 months
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── .✦ pairing; ♭form!junhan x gn!reader
── .✦ summary; your dear friend hyeongjun regrets his recent styling choice.
── .✦ word count; ~0.8k
── .✦ tags; fluff, comfort, childhood friends, mutual pining, mild background angst
── .✦ a/n; takes place within the xh lore universe (i haven’t got a total grasp on it tho so i am adding my own stuff lol) and set in the “real” world. so ig it's not actually ♭form!junhan since he's not in ♭form here but it looks better than xh lore!junhan and that's why i'm leaving it like that :)
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"It's bad."
"I'm sure it's not that bad. Lemme see."
Hyeongjun, his face half-buried in your favorite pillow, simply shakes his head. His beanie is pulled comically low over his eyes and past his ears and it's really an unbearably endearing sight, this beanpole of a boy swimming in a moss-green sweater and curled around a worn notebook thrown haphazardly onto your childhood bed, but you know it is not the time to tease. (Even if you want to do so very, very badly.)
"I'm going to dye it back."
"Noooo," you protest, hands draping over his beanie to tug at it gently. Hyeongjun doubles down on his own grip in response, and you complain, "We spent so long deciding on a color! Why do you want to change it again?"
There's a pause. You let go, and Hyeongjun sighs, muffled by soft cotton fabric. "... It stands out too much."
"That's why you wanted to dye it in the first place."
Hyeongjun just lets out something between a grumble and a whine, and you fall backwards to lie down next to him, crossing your arms.
Your dear friend confuses you sometimes.
You like to think that, in general, you understand Han Hyeongjun quite well. He is not one to be changed much by time, sort of like a pine tree—a little taller and stronger with each year, maybe, but with the same soft needles, the same quiet steadfastness, the same comforting smell. Understanding him is not due to his simplicity because people aren't simple, let alone Hyeongjun, but rather due to walking the intricate lines of his personality time and time again.
But in moments like these, you are reminded that the closest of friends still hold their mysteries.
Your gaze drifts over to the quiet lump beside you.
"It's because this isn't ♭form, isn't it?"
He stiffens.
"Nobody knows who you are on this side. If your looks stand out just a little bit, it's no big deal."
"It's different," Hyeongjun says.
"Standing out a little bit here feels worse than standing out a lot there."
Something about the way he words it hurts. Not a lot, just a twinge, but you can't help the way it colors your tone when you reply, "It's just me right now, Hyeongjun-ah."
Don't leave for so long that reality makes me a stranger.
You hear him swallow. His lips part while yours press together tightly, and he slowly shifts, lifting his beanie until it's just above his eyes again. They meet yours and he breathes.
"I didn't mean it like that."
"It kind of felt like it, though." You pick at your nails, raising your hand up to your face to look at them. White polish to Hyeongjun's black. "The real world isn't all bad, you know. It's the one where we became friends."
"Yeah," he admits quietly.
A flake of paint makes its way underneath your fingernail. You scrape it out, conscious of the way your companion continues to stare at you.
Hyeongjun utters your name. When you glance over at him, blinking lazily, he peels off the beanie to let his hair fluff out.
You regard it.
"It's really pretty. It's like hot apple cider."
A flush makes its way to Hyeongjun's cheeks, complementing the reddish-brown strands that kiss them. "Ah, you think so?"
"Mhmm." His face turns redder, and to your embarrassment, it starts a familiar flutter in your gut. You casually turn your head to face the opposite direction. "B-But if you really don't want it, of course you can do what you want. It's your hair."
"I'll keep it."
You're surprised by the swiftness of his answer. "Really?"
"If you think it's good, then it's not bad." There's a sound of ruffling pages as Hyeongjun thumbs at the corner of his notebook. "You'll be the one seeing it the most other than my parents, anyway. I won't stand out to you."
Your response flies out before you can stop it. "You've always stood out to me, Hyeongjun-ah."
The silence that follows seems to stretch out into eternity, despite being only one or two seconds at most. You can feel his eyes widen, then blink, his fingers going still.
You sandwich your head between the ends of your pillow.
In the sudden darkness, a hand lightly taps your shoulder.
"You stand out to me, too."
Han Hyeongjun confuses you sometimes. He worries about dyed hair but doesn't think twice about dressing how he wants, speaks softly but turns his guitar volume to the max, likes his space but touches you in a way that reaches down into the pit of your soul. He is complex because people are complex, and he's a good person in both realities, despite what he fears.
You love him for that. You'll tell him so, one day.
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123puppy · 7 months
(Im)proper Meeting Part 2
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: Angel Dust, Lucifer Morningstar
Lee!Lucifer Ler!Angel Dust
Note: Now it makes sense to add tickling.
Update 2/17/24: I might add/fix this up at some point. I always was impatient writing these particular parts because I like to get to the fun parts. I'll try to keep in as much as possible, I just need to 'polish' some of it so I can stop thinking about this like I made a mess of a fic XD
Lucifer felt very comfortable this morning. Not that he's not ever comfortable, but his pillows are extra soft today and he slept through the night without waking up and possibly never going to sleep from restlessness or nightmares. Maybe both.
He did not wake up, once.
And he didn't want to start now, nuzzling his cheek into the pillow and smacking his lips.
A sharp intake of breath makes him freeze. Since when can his pillow breathe? He forces his eyes open and is greeted by white instead of red. He doesn't have a white pillow.
Lucifer reluctantly detaches his face from the fluffy white cushion to get a better look at what he's holding.
"Mornin', cutie" Angel mewls.
Who in hell's name is this!? How did this sinner end up in his bed!??? Did they-?
One hand is placed over Lucifer's mouth while the lower set of hands cup his rosey cheeks, guiding his face towards Angel, eyes blown wide in his panic
"Deep breaths, doll." Angel's breaths are exaggerated as he stares into the smaller man's eyes. Lucifer follows his breathing, and though it took a few minutes, he began to settle down. His body is still suffering the aftershocks, frame trembling as he continues to stare at Angel Dust with severe unease.
"First things first, we didn't fuck so you can rest easy," THAT got Lucifer to breathe properly and sag all the way down on the bed like a puddle. Angel snickers, "Second, you can be pretty convincing to get someone into bed with you just by being adorable. Very cuddlebug material."
Lucifer covers his face in shame, ears flushed. " I am so sorry, I shouldn't have forced you like that, I never sh-ack! Hehey!" The shorter male yelps as his side gets a sharp poke, immediately throwing his hands down to shove the appendage away.
Angel noticed the reaction but needed to focus on important matters."Ya' didn't do no such thing. I jus' couldn' say no to a precious face like this~" He grasps Lucifer's cheeks and squeezes them. The blush returns full force and the man squirms in his hold. "And I got to sleep in the most comfortable bed with the softest sheets to boot, so it's a win-win on both parties, baby!"
Lucifer grumbles and Angel can see the remnants of sadness from last night shimmer in his eyes. The Porn Star frowns, then remembers what he did earlier and grins.
"Ya know, I can't help but notice how jumpy you were when I got you on ya' side." He sees the panic in the King's eyes and his grin widens.
"Y-You startled me is all!" Lucifer pulls away from Angel's hands. He doesn't look the sinner in the eyes, fidgeting. "I...," He swallows, "... haven't been in physical contact in a long time. I mean, uh... I-I..." He mumbles and Angel leans forward.
"What's that?"
Lucifer goes red again. He just can't stop blushing today! "I'm sensitive okay? Its been so long, I'm not used to touch."
Angel looks at Lucifer with a soft smile. "Well, maybe I can help with that."
Lucifer's eyes widen. "I-I don't think that's necessary."
"Not what you're thinkin', hun." Angel chuckles, edging closer to the nervous fallen angel. His smile turns mischievous. "This is 100% vanilla."
"What do you me-" Angel's top set of hands scuttle along Lucifer's sides. "Wait waitwaitwaitwaitwaihahahait!"
"Ohhh so the King of Hell is ticklish." Angel creeps his nails up higher and pokes at each individual rib, causing the shorter male to curl forward, trying to cover himself. "Ah ah ahhh," Angel's bottom set of hands find their way to Lucifer's exposed hips and presses the pads of his thumbs against the soft thin skin. The shrill laughter that comes out is almost enough to stop the assault as Lucifer jerks at the sensation, bucking and thrashing on the sheets.
"Ohohoho my gAHahahahahad nohohohoho I cahahan't!"
"Already tappin' out?" Angel lightens his touch and brings out his third set of arms. He uses his top set to grab Lucifer's flailing arms and presses them above his head. The middle set of arms gently drag up his sides, pushing up Lucifer's shirt. The shorter male seized at the feather light touch to his sensitive skin and squeaks with each nail that drew patterns at the sides of his tummy.
"Dohohon't!" He wiggles around and cries out when Angel teases his belly button, drawing circles around it. "STAHAHAP!" He squeaks out, unable to keep the desperation from his voice, cheeks pink and eyes popping wide open.
"Don't stop?" Angel cooes, "So you like it when I dooo this?"
A shriek emits from Lucifer when Angel plunges his finger in his navel, wiggling rapidly. Pin prick tears appear at the corners of Lucifer's eyes, back arched as he kicks a pillow across the room. "NO!" He did not like that, he wanted to yell that out too to get his point across but squeaky laughter is all he can muster as he bucks and kicks about.
"Okay, okay I'll go back to this then." The wiggling stops and Lucifer drops on the mattress with a whine "That betta'?" The smugness in his tone has Lucifer thinking about setting the archnid on fire if he had enough mind to concentrate without that damn finger sending him into panicked fits of giggles.
"NohohoHOHO!" The King cries out.
"You gotta make up ya' mind," Lucifer hiccups before a shriek comes out when Angel wiggles his finger again.
It felt like an eternity to Lucifer before his laughter goes silent. That's when Angel slows his assault, removing his finger from the bright pink area all around Lucifer's navel, pretty much petting Lucifer's belly. Which is miles better than what he endured a moment ago.
He doesn't know how long it's been but he's not going to complain getting free belly rubs. He should tell the sinner to stop and leave his room this instant, but his tongue proceeds to poke out between his upturned lips in a form of contentment. He was a weak man to receiving affection.
"Holy shit," The Porn Star places a hand over his mouth, unable to contain the starstruck look on his face at the King of Hell practically melting under his touch. He's released Lucifer's arm a while ago, but the smaller man never moved them from where they've been pinned. He's practically stretched out, welcoming every bit of attention he got. It isn't long until a strange rumbling sound draws Angel's attention. He felt it, in the King's chest where one of his hands lay. It could be him just hearing things but his fingers are vibrating where they rest. He is! The King is... purring!?!?
Angel stops altogether, stunned as Lucifer's stirs from his trance, face pink from exertion, hair stuck out in all directions from tossing and turning in his laughter induced state.
Lucifer peels his eyes open and tries to glare at the Spider Demon, but he's too relaxed to work his best growl that comes out to be a whine.
Angel snickers, "Is that your way of asking for more, shortcakes?"
"Oh my God, you're too precious-"
"Shut. Up."
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st-danger · 1 year
SAINT I have an idea that I need someone to hear.
Aether asking cumulus or rain to braid dews hair so he can pull on it while fucking him with cumulus or rain watching.
Thank you for your time :) keep doing the devils work <3
Rain runs his fingers through Dew's hair, and waits for Dew to take him fully into his mouth again before grabbing and tugging on it, a sharp shock of pain to force him to moan around his cock. He gets his fingers nicely tangled, blunt nails scratching over his scalp before making a fist and clutching the fine strands.
It draws more noise from Aether than it does from either one of them.
From his right, Aether scrambles to rub himself a little quicker, and Rain goes a little crosseyed at the feel of Dew's forked tongue.
"Would you?" Aether asks.
Rain has no idea what he's talking about. Apologetically, he tells him so. He's too lost in the relentless way Dew is sucking him, cheeks hollowing and orange eyes searing beneath long lashes. Obscene wet noises. Drooling. Dew's being messy enough the spit is dripping down and gathering at the base and slowly making its way to his balls. Leave it to Dew to find a way to make even this, while kneeling on low pile hotel room carpet, look elegant. His stomach is all tight, his brows knit together.
"Braid his hair? For me?" Aether says, cradling his balls in one hand and pulling on his length in short, quick strokes that betray just how needy he is, even if he's good at keeping his voice low and even. Ah, yes, Rain remembers now.
"Whaddya say?" Rain breathes with another firm tug at his scalp. Dews eyes flicker shut, and when he opens them again, they're fixed on Aether. "Wanna look pretty for us?"
"I always look pretty for you," Dew huffs, pulling off for air, jacking Rain lazily while he indulges in a few deep lungfuls of oxygen. He's staring at Aether, and Rain sees the way he drops his gaze to focus on his lap, appraising.
It's a slow and intentional thing, and Aether visibly curls in on himself under the focus with a small, bitten off noise. The corner of Dew’s mouth pulls upward.
"Let me braid it," Rain says, and, gently, pulls his face back to his cock. "Give Aether something to hold while he fucks you, huh?"
Dew gives him a slow downstroke and holds the base, drooling directly onto the purpling head. Rain clenches his teeth when he rubs his palm over, polishing the head and spreading the spit around. For the second time tonight, the gesture makes Aether noisier than Rain.
"Fine," Dew says, and ever the opportunist, "what do I get out of it?"
"I'll lick you out," Aether offers immediately, a little edge of desperation peeking through.
Dew makes a show of considering, tilting his head, and inwardly Rain smiles. It's not an act Dew finds easy to ask for, and the play that accepting it is anything that requires a modicum of thought is simply dramatic, but...of course, Dew will feel better about it if he pretends he has to consider it first. Can't be too eager with it. Rimming already makes him feel weird and ashamed in the best way; surely he can't seem like he's eager for that kind of humiliation.
"I'll make you cum on my tongue," Aether promises, "and you won't be able to stop yourself."
Something dark clouds Dew's face, then, the offer of control being taken from him, being forced to enjoy the act that makes him whine and turn utterly pathetic the answer he was looking for.
"I'll kiss you while he does," Rain says, hitching his hips up so the head of his cock nudges against his lips, impatient. A little rude, really, but he could hardly be accused of being in polite company.
He will pull Dew off just before he cums so he can paint Dew's face. Aether will kiss it off of him while he plaits those soft locks into a fishtail for Aether to hold.
Now, though, Dew's patting his cock against his tongue and he hasn't the brain cells to think too much on any of that.
"First things first," Rain says with a smile, and forces Dew's head back down onto his length.
Again, the answering moan comes from Aether.
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(fluff) words: 1.6k
summary: mike lets you paint his nails because you’re not feeling well!
authors note: my first fic and my first time actually posting on here !! feel free to send requests or suggestions on if i can improve my writing :3
it seemed like you were drifting on that border of sleep for hours now. until mike came through the front door, carrying two plastic grocery bags in his hands. he quickly shuts the door to prevent any of the icy air from outside getting into the warm house.
mike takes off his snow-soaked shoes and coat, setting the bags down beside the door. at first, he doesnt see you under your mass of blankets on the couch and calls out your name. you let out a pathetic mixture of a whine and a sluggish grumble as a response.
“ah, there you are. i brought some stuff for you.” mike chirps. his comforting and warm aura contrasts harshly with your stagnant and lethargic attitude. you sit up on the couch and try your best to fix your messy hair to look at least somewhat less sickly.
before he sits down, mike picks up some of your used tissues and takes away your cup of tea that had gone cold. you grumble that he shouldnt do that and that you’ll clean up after your own self but he just brushes you off, continuing to tidy the area.
after, mike picks up the two bags he set down earlier and plops down beside you on the couch. he doesnt seem to care at all that he could catch your cold by being so close to you. your interest is spiked as he begins to rustle through one of the bags.
“some drinks,” mike sets down a few of your favorite drinks on the coffee table. “couple of snacks,” he places various kinds of candy and chips into your lap. “and some medicine, obviously.” lastly, he brings out some over-the-counter medicine for your cold.
before you can respond, he starts digging through the second bag. “oh! also, i picked up a few nail polishes for you too. as a little pick me up. i’ve got red, this sparkly pink, and look at this one! i got it because it looks like your eyes.” mike dumps the nail polishes into your lap over the snacks and holds one up next to your face. he has a bright smile plastered on as his gaze flickers between the nail polish and your eyes, seeing how perfect of a match it is.
mikes smile fades when he sees your pouting expression. “what? whats wrong, baby?” he frets, setting the nail polish down. he places one hand on your shoulder and one on your cheek as he searches your eyes for an answer.
“no, no, nothing wrong. its just, you didnt have to get me all this. thank you, really.” you start to sniffle and you cant really tell if its because of your emotions welling up or if its just your cold. mikes soft smile returns and he tilts his head at you before he embraces you in a tight hug. you can feel your previously sickly and grumpy mood is brightening up by all the gifts and affection mike brought home for you.
“of course, of course. you know id do it anytime, whether you’re feeling bad or not.” he breaks the embrace and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. a small smile sprouts on your lips. your eyes flicker down to your lap, the pile of items mike bought you reminds you of how a cat would bring a dead mouse to a human. you sort through the snacks and pick up the nail polish that mike said resembled your eyes. an idea youre not too sure mike will be happy with pops in your head.
“can i paint your nails?” you chime, looking at mike with a smile. he pauses for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.
“sure.” he replies with a soft smile. your expression immediately radiates warmth and you squeal with joy. mike smiles at your excitement.
you take everything off from your lap and dump it onto the coffee table, getting more comfortable next to mike. he extends his hand out to you and picks up the tv remote with his other.
as mike sorts through the collection of movies on the tv, you hold his hand in yours and begin to delicately paint his nails in the color he mentioned looked like your eyes. a sense of warm comfortable silence fills the air as the soft moment unfolds.
“okay, don’t move around too much or i’ll mess it up.” you order and mike nods obediently. as you paint his nails, you can tell mikes eyes occasionally shift between the movie he picked out that plays on the screen and how your hand gently holds his. he has a small smile whenever his attention refocuses on you.
time passes and you’re still working on mikes nails. you’ve finished up one hand, painting on a few layers to get good and vibrant coverage, and have moved onto his other hand. this one is a bit more awkward to do since as you sit side by side, his arm has to reach over his body for you to be able to hold it properly. mike adjusts his arm which causes you to accidentally mess up on the polish, getting a little on his skin.
“sorry! sorry, sorry!” he quickly apologizes as you shoot him a strong glare. your expression softens immediately when you see his apologetic and puppy-like eyes. you wipe off the wet polish off his skin and continue to finish up on his nails.
after a few more minutes and a top coat for that extra glossy look, you look at your work with a smile. mike tears his attention away from the tv screen and admires his nails along with you.
“nice job! you’re great at this.” he compliments genuinely, showing you an appreciative smile. you soak in his praise and smile right back. you tentatively tap on the surface of mikes nails, testing to see if they’ve dried all the way.
disappointingly, this nail polish proves to be difficult in how long it takes to dry. either that or it’s because of how many layers you did.
“okay, you can either not do anything with your hands for the next hour or so while the polish dries…” you begin but mike glances over at you with a confused and worried look. “or… you can dip your fingers in ice water for a few seconds. that always makes polish harden faster.”
mike contemplates his options. ice water really doesn’t sound too pleasant but neither does not being able to use your hands for an hour.
you smile at mikes indecision and get up from the couch to go fetch a bowl of icy water. in the kitchen, you fill up a bowl with cold water and drop in a few ice cubes, bringing it back over into the living room where mike waits on the couch for you.
“m‘kay just keep your nails in there for a little while.” you say once you take your seat back next to mike and place the bowl on the coffee table. mike eyes the icy water worriedly. “come on noowww.” you tease.
mike dips his fingers into the water, keeping them submerged with a wince. “how long till the polish is hard?” he whines.
“i usually do it till i can’t feel my fingers.”
“c’mon, quit being so dramatic, it’s not that bad! if you really cant take it, take a break and dip them back in when your fingers are thawed out.”
mike immediately pulls his hands out of the bowl and shakes off the water. you laugh softly at him. mike glances up from drying his hands on his jeans to listen to your laughter, a smile appearing on his face when he gets to listen to his favorite sound.
“i think they’re fine now, right? the polish feels dry to me.” mike comments, gently touching the nail polish on his fingers. you run your finger over the top of mike nail, which brings a softer smile to his lips. he can’t help but enjoy your casual yet intimate touches like this. when you shake your head, his smile turns into a more unpleasant expression.
“look, they’re dry, yeah, but if you press them too hard against something they’re going to become textured! you need to keep them smooth and glossy.” you explain carefully. mike rolls his eyes playfully and swipes his hand away.
“okay, okay, i’ll be careful. i just don’t want to keep my hands in that ice water for any longer than i have to.” mike grumbles. “can’t believe you have to do all this when you paint your nails… so needlessly complicated!” he adds in with a sigh which makes you smile.
despite his complaints, mike admires his nails every chance he gets. every time he’d catch a glance at them, he’d be reminded of how the color matches your eyes. mike wore the color with pride, and still as the polish was chipping away and worn off after a few weeks. he never bothered to completely take the time to remove the nail polish off his nails, why would he when he always thought of you when he looked at them?
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stellar-skyy · 1 year
I JUST DESPISE YOU - Heizou x reader
i. SUMMARY: There is no one you hate more than Shikanoin Heizou. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: None! iii. NOTES: Enemies to lovers, detective!reader, gn!reader, 0.8k words. iv. A/N: Okay I know Heizou doesn't canonically wear nail polish but HE SHOULD HE DESERVES IT.
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Shikanoin Heizou was, without any trace of doubt, the easiest person to hate.
How could you not hate him, with his smooth words laced with subtle smugness, like he always knew something that you didn’t; with the way he picked apart your theories until they were completely frayed apart by his ‘intuition’?
And how could you not hate that delicately crafted face, all soft features artfully arranged like a priceless work of art? His eyes, that were big and doe-like, the softest shade of olive green that you’ve ever laid eyes on. And underneath them, twin moles that dotted across his face, beauty marks in the truest sense of the word.
His hair was especially hateable, with how it loosely hung in choppy layers and framed his face, in a shade of beautifully rich wine-red. And of course it was pulled behind him, hanging across the back of his neck, just waiting to be untied and spilled across his shoulders.
More than anything, you hate the way he stared at you with those piercing eyes of his; how he always met your gaze with a hint of a challenge in his smirk, and a huff of laughter every time he managed to get under your skin.
(How he looked at you gently, with the barest flicker of reverence reflected across his eyes, staring at you like you were a puzzle box just waiting to be solved.)
“Quiz time,” Heizou croons, leaning forward in his chair. He rests his elbows against the desk and cups his cheek in his hands, rhythmically tapping along his cheek in pattern only he seemed to understand. “Why is my dear co-worker looking so sour today?”
You let out a sigh. “I am fine.”
“Mm, but my intuition tells me something is on your mind. And you know what they say—” Heizou’s smile widens minutely. “—My intuition is never wrong.”
“You say that.”
“Other people say that too.”
You don’t bother that with a retort, only scoffing in disbelief. Heizou’s face shifts into a frown, and he moves his arms to rest folded across his chest.
“They do. See—” He raises his voice, calling over to another detective across the room. “Hey, Uesugi. Is my intuition ever wrong?”
“No, sir!”
“So you have a fanboy. Big deal. That doesn’t mean you don’t make mistakes.”
“Shall we put that to the test, then?” Heizou asks. He stands; pausing to stretch his arms, exposing the barest sliver of skin around his waist. “Let’s see~”
Heizou approaches your desk, surveying its contents. For a second you wonder if you would be able to sweep away the junk lying across it, if only to avoid Heizou’s scrutiny. “Messy. Messier than usual.”
“This is how it always looks—”
You scowl at him, hoping that your irritation makes him reconsider whatever game he’s playing. It, of course, does not.
“You also came in late today. When you did finally arrive, you were flustered, like you were in a rush before you left.” He recounts.
“I slept in.”
“Lie.” Heizou hums. “You’ve been late because you overslept before, and you’ve never been that on edge. Something happened that caused you to be late, but it wasn’t your sleeping habits. There is something in your life—something personal that you don’t want to share. Now, I know not to pry, so I’m not going to ask you what is wrong. But I do know for a fact that there is something wrong.”
“That 'evidence' is all circumstantial.” You protest. “It doesn’t prove anything.”
“Ah, but that brings me to the final piece of evidence—” Before you could blink, he was right in front of you. One hand—a smooth, uncalloused hand with nails painted black—reaches out and cups your cheek. His touch is light, barely ghosting across your skin, as he uses the tip of his finger to brush across the space underneath your eye.
“The shadows under your eyes are very dark. You haven’t slept in days, have you?” Heizou’s voice is quiet, and sounds startlingly genuine. Combined with the concern that practically seeped out of his expression, it was enough to send your head spinning and breath tightening in your chest. For a second, it was enough to make you think he wholeheartedly, truly cared for you.
But this was Heizou you were talking about.
Your hand stretches out of its own accord and slaps his away from your face. He looks barely affected by the sudden movement and leans back against his own desk with a satisfied expression.
“So?” Heizou prompts. The uncharacteristically gentle moment was gone, replaced with his usual bravado. “Was I right?”
“I despise you.” You hiss under your breath, rubbing under your eyes to scrub away the feeling of his hands on your face.
Heizou tilts his head, the corner of his mouth ticking upwards into a smirk. “Lie.”
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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Good and Evil unveiled
Kindergala <3
Normally, Carla only went over to see Penny when she was passing by.. Which wasn't often, considering the rose bush that separated the two parts of town. But, for once, Carla planned to actually take her out.. To take her as her date for the Kindergala. When she went over last time, Penny had kissed her in the cheek, hugging her and practically shouting yes, but quietly.
Now she had to go and pick her up, Carla had put on one of her nicer clothes, obviously made by Cindy since she was the only one in Evil with.. proper style or fashion-skills. A opaque black dress with sparkly greens that fell down the dress in an vine-like manor. Whilst it obviously wouldn't even compare to what Penny was going to wear, after all she was richer and had access to *actual* clothing stores, it was still a shock as to what Cindy could do with such minimal recourses.
Her hands slipped into the back of the shoes as she wedged her heel into the back of the boots she had chosen. They were a dark green that had a few black, sown on patches of leather that had laces swapping through the holes in the leather. Carla's gloves were fingerless, so it made it easier to actually put the shoes on, her nails were pretty bit off and messy. The faint, messy layer of dark green nail polish were sanded off with the socks she had on under the boots, she was *not* dealing with blisters..
Finally, she walked up to the mirror near her front door, granted it was dirty and a few cracks were forming in the corners, but a mirror is a mirror. Her hands ran through her hair, it was tied up into an actually beautiful bun. The curls slipping out of the hair tie creating loose, curly, scraggly lines that seeped into her green hair piece. Emerald gems scattered around her brunette curls, clung together by a clip set under her bun. Luckily, Monty managed to help her get a hold of the gems, obviously making snarky remarks about how shes going to turn into the rich guys back at Good. Well, it would be nice to live the life of a rich dude.
Her thoughts got cut off as her older sister, Savannah, walked down the stairs and looked and Carla through the mirror. "You look nice, don't worry, I told dad that you were going on a money-run to Good for a few hours." Savannah comforted, walking over to her younger sister and tightening her hair bun.
"Thanks, Sav. I did not want to deal with an interrogation when i get home." Carla remarked, walking away from the other brunette girl. Savannah was 17, being 4 years older than Carla, her hair was buzzed off at the side and she wore combat boots with jeans and turtle necks. Like what she was wearing today, Savannah wasn't going to the gala, purely because she wasn't a big masquerade girl.
"I know, dad can be such an overprotective dick sometimes." Savannah commented, leaning onto the banister besides the stairs. She watched as Carla picked up her bag, just a small black and green bag that was a bit old-looking, but in a cute vintage way. "Oh yeah!" Savannah reached into her pocket, passing Carla a handmade masquerade mask. "Just.. made you this, since its a masquerade ball or whatever the fuck its called."
Carla took it from her sister, her hands brushing across the hand stitched pattern along the black fabric. A faint green was layered over the top of the black, making the mask shimmer a dark green. "..Thanks, Sav." Carla looked up, smiling. She put the mask into her bag then looked at the clock above the front door. "I.. I have to go, Penny's waiting."
"Ah yes, don't leave your beautiful, rich girlfriend waiting!" Savannah joked, pushing Carla out the door. Carla was about to retort, but then the door was slammed behind her, leaving her in the orangey air. The girl looked up at the sky, purples and oranges signifying the dawn. Then she looked over at the wall-like rose bush, taking a deep breath and walking over, ready to find her way in. <3
To be fair, climbing through a bush of wild roses and therefore thorns with a long dress probably wasn't a good idea.. But, Carla did make some worse choices. The dress was still fine, just the fact that it was already pretty low-quality and obviously hand-made just stuck out more.
Her eyes lit up at the sight of house number 8, Penny's house. Carla rummaged through her bag, scooping out the mask that was thrown in amongst a hunting knife she kept and a pocket bomb.. What? You can't blame her! God knows whose gonna be at the event! Anyways, she grabbed the mask, tying it around her head with a small knot solidifying it at the back. The mask has a small coating of faint green glitter, Sav didn't do glitter.. so that was nice of her.. And the way that that mask was just so perfectly fitted, and didn't fold back into her head with the knot and just stayed still on her face, oo-la-la!!
Carla's thoughts were interrupted by a blonde girl crawling out her bedroom window, well.. kinda crawling. More like a hop. Penny landed on both her feet, her dress being that poofy to the point it actually slowed her floor. Her hair was tied up in a bun, perfectly swirling around the back of her head. Make-up lightly covered the girls face, blue's and white's covering her eyelids and a deep scarlett red tracing her lips. Carla just looked at her, mouth a gape before the started to nervously laugh, walking over to the girl with steady feet.
"Hey, Penny!" Carla greeted, offering Penny a hand. "You ready to go?" Her smile offered a warm sense of comfort, that smile truly made Carla aware that Penny was there for her. Thick and thin. The way her silky white gloves dripped onto Carla's hand, a light-weight 13 year old picked herself up. The way she properly stood up make Carla's stomach turn in knots, she looked like an angel descending from the skies above. Unlike Carla, Penny was going for the lighter setting. Her palette was a light blue scattered with white throughout the outfit. Light blue and white poofy dress, a blue flower clip for her hair, white gloves, blue and white heels, blue and white make-up? She just looked so perfect.
"Of course, I am." Penny slid her fingers between Carla's, making them both hold hands. The two just looked between each other, a feeling of safety washed over the two when they were near each other. Anyone would say they were perfect, your stereotypicaly extroverted, bright, young prodigy and the darker one, who was just as bright if not, louder.
Yet, even through the comfort, it was still a bit shocking and honestly scary when the two blinked in unison, to then end up in front of a large venue... this was it. Carla turned around and bowed in front of Penny, a hand out stretched.
"Will you accompany me on our date, madam?" Carla loved pretending to be all pretentious and stuck-up, as a joke, obviously. She never actually be one of those proper rich folk. Penny let out a small giggle, putting her white glove atop Carla's finger less black one.
"I shall, madam." Penny smirked, following along with Carla's snarkiness. The two stood still for a second, before bursting into laughter for a good minute. Eventually the laughs stopped, making the two turn to the entrance where someone was stood looking at them, confused. They both just coughed and stood up straight, ushering them away. They did, but gave the two a weird glance.
"Oh my goddd.. that was so embarrassing.." Penny waved her hands, panicking.
"Its fine! Lets just go in, I'm sure they'll forget."
Penny sighed and smiled lightly, interlocking her hand with Carla's. "Okay, lets just go in and see who'll we'll meet.."
( GAEU Penny and Carla are welcome for interactions!! )
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youhideastar · 8 months
Deleted Scenes from new look!
As promised, here are the deleted scenes from my brand-new wlw Wangxian fic, new look! Heads-up that there's some nsfw text behind the cut.
The fic itself is pretty short, so there’s only two deleted scenes – both false starts from the beginning of the fic. Once the train got rolling, it stayed on its track pretty well, thankfully.
The finished fic begins with what’s really a prologue, laying out Lan Zhan and Wei Ying’s shared history through makeup. But my preference, always, is to show rather than tell (that’s a preference, not a rule – telling is essential sometimes), so my first crack at beginning the fic was this:
There’s a noise of dismay from the open door of their shared bathroom. “Lan Zhan!”
Wei Ying pokes her head out of the bathroom doorway, looking apologetic. “My makeup is taking over your bathroom counter again – you should have said something! I’ll dump this crap somewhere else.”
Lan Zhan walks over to lean against the doorway. She surveys the vanity, which is indeed now home to assorted brushes, palettes, bottles, and cylinders of mysterious provenance. Good.
“Wei Ying,” she says gently, taking her girlfriend’s hand. “No.”
Wei Ying blinks. “No?”
“Wei Ying. You live here,” Lan Zhan reminds her. She understands why Wei Ying needs many reminders. “It is not my bathroom counter. It is our bathroom counter. And you may strew it with as many cosmetics as you desire.”
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying mumbles, folding herself into Lan Zhan’s chest; Lan Zhan’s arms come up to hold her with the ease of instinct. She should always be holding Wei Ying.
Wei Ying’s face is tucked into the curve of Lan Zhan’s neck, because sometimes Wei Ying likes to pretend that Lan Zhan is taller than she is. Into that hollow, Wei Ying mutters, “’Strew it’? Who says strew it?”
“I do.”
“You fucking nerd,” Wei Ying says. “I love you. And I’ll prove it by ‘strewing’ my makeup all over y—our bathroom counter.”
Lan Zhan holds her a little closer. “See that you do,” she says, comfortable.
So cute!!! If I do say so myself. But it just was not conveying as much information as I needed to convey. So then I wrote up the current, prologue-y beginning, which was originally going to be followed by this:
And now that Wei Ying’s palettes and brushes have taken over half the bathroom vanity—now that the kitchen table is stained with stray drops of nail polish—Lan Zhan likes knowing that, when people see Wei Ying in her crimson-lined lips and mascara-darkened lashes, long hair spilling out of her high ponytail, holding hands with clean-faced, short-haired Lan Zhan… they think it means something about what she and Wei Ying do in bed.
She likes knowing that they’re full of shit.
People think the careful penciled arch of Wei Ying’s eyebrow means that it’s Wei Ying panting underneath her, elbows giving out, moaning high in her throat when she’s not whining, “Lan Zhan, how could you, ah – have mercy, have mercy on your poor Wei Ying, ah!”
Which it is, sometimes.
But it’s this, too: Lan Zhan on her knees, no thought in her mind but please her, please her, face upturned in worship as Wei Ying uses her mouth, one hand clenched in her hair, murmuring, “That’s it, just like that, my good Lan Zhan – always so good for me.”
It had surprised Wei Ying, too, in fact, when they first talked about it.
“Really?” she had asked – Lan Zhan didn’t miss the hope hiding under her disbelief. “But you’re so…” She waved her hand at Lan Zhan: her square shoulders; her undercut; her bra meant to contain rather than display.
“Is it so hard to believe?” Beat. “That I might want to give you everything I am – put all of it at your service? That I might want to worship you as you deserve?”
Wei Ying swallows. Her eyes have gone dark; hungry. “No,” she says, rough, “that sounds like you.” Beat. She looks vulnerable. “I always wanted to, but no one else—” Beat. “They only wanted the—the other stuff.”
“They were fools,” Lan Zhan says, serene. Wei Ying admitted early on that she likes it when Lan Zhan is mean about her exes. Lan Zhan is all too happy to oblige.
This is very close, actually, to what we get in the final version, especially toward the end. But the beginning, with Lan Zhan thinking about how other people perceive them as a couple, didn’t really fit with where the fic was going – the focus is and should be pretty tightly on perceptions of Lan Zhan specifically. That said, I do wish I could have found an efficient way, in the finished fic, to signal that they switch. Not for any story-serving reason, just because it would make me happy. ☺️
That’s all – I hope you enjoyed!
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btstaefigvs · 1 year
Sweet Honey (18+)
summary: almost like a fever dream feel with jungkook, but luckily it is real
content warnings: sexual themes, detailed, use of word 'mommy' at the end
category: sub jungkook x reader
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Sitting by the bench, admiring the soft pink petals that were above you. Fall ever so softly, to the rocky ground that your bare feet were resting on. Your palms were sweaty and clammy, constantly rubbing against your skin, as you picked at your painted nails, slowly chipping them away. One, two, three..and your nails , were cleared off from the ruby color of polish, revealing your hands to be bare. To say the least you were calm and collective, surprisingly. You usually come here to cry every now and then, or sometimes eat, watch the clouds move slowly, I mean it was your calm space. “Sunlight..oh my beautiful..carry all with your heart..sing a bit..and I will be fine..”, your voice pushed out of your throat, a small tune you always had when the sun was just setting down, illuminating with all its soft colors. Pink, like the cherry blossom trees, the orange representing the flowers nearby, ah you couldn’t get enough of the view, any day at all. 
“A-Are you sure..?”, his fingers grabbed the side of your skirt, and of course you always found it cute and cherishing. With a steady nod, his breath became heavier when he pulled your skirt all the way down to your ankles, taking at the sight that you were wearing nothing. Possibly you can’t deny you and him sneaking out on your lunch breaks when you got the chance and goodness, the amount of trouble we would get if we were ever caught. His name was Jeon Jungkook. Black hair, brown hazel eyes, round glasses, with his puffy rosy lips, puckering down on your flesh when he had the courage too. It was all fun, so endearing until he saw you but down naked, legs spread wide open, poor thing was overwhelmed that his face was turned into a hot pink bubble gum. 
“..J-Jungkook..”, you let out a small whisper into his ear, feeling how he was flicking your clit in a side to side motion, his big doe eyes staring at your facial expressions. With all you had cared for, he cherished every bit of you, from head to toe. And when I mean head to toe, I mean straight up treating everybody piece like it was created by the Greek gods. He first started with your hair, smelling your scent with a mixture of coconut and berries, coming down to your neck, his favorite spot to mark you. He started you nibbling as a soft play, but that's until you felt his boner rubbing against your hip. Next, it was your breasts. Oh, he adored them. He loved it when he saw you riding him and getting a hot view of your tits bouncing up and down. Sometimes he squeezes them every now and then and likes it some squishy, well, yeah, but still..
Can’t forget about sucking your nibbles, it was something he enjoyed. Seeing you all squirmed under him made him aroused and really you can’t even deny how hot it was when he mentioned those sweet yet lewd phrases. “..D-Does it feel good..mommy..?”, and how could you not go wrong with that?
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