#but appearances can be deceiving
sillydegu · 2 years
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He looks so polite
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oh-nowo-i-got-uwu · 5 months
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ultrainfinitepit · 2 years
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Quick sketch of a cherub named Sera
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lususnatura · 3 months
okay, SO although this account is based on a heavily canon-divergent and reworked version of mister bloom, there are some thing's that he says in the comics that i think are REALLY accurate to blamore's way of thinking and/or something that he'd say because he does have this mindset that gotham is past the point of saving... so it would be better to just raze it all to the ground. BUT in such a way that will make it seem like a revolutionary because it preaches that it wants a 'better life' for all gothamites + that they should rise up and TAKE what they want, though he is in fact turning people against each other in the process and killing people because some people don't survive consuming a seed at all... and the ones who do STILL tend to die later. so this is the biggest panel that i think still relates to it:
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as well as this one, because blamore really DOES sometimes believe in his own hubris that he is a savior and someone who will bring a new beginning to gotham that everyone needs. except no one will be there to enjoy it besides maybe him and a few others, so his logic is beyond flawed. though i truly do believe that the immense amount of stress he was put under combined with actually dying for about three minutes made something snap in blamore... though, that doesn't excuse his actions or anything he does, of course. i'm just saying that it may do a good job of pretending like it's okay a good amount of the time, but it is SO angry and full of resentment towards humanity in reality. because blamore spent what was about eight years of his life studying to help people and years actually doing so as well, but in his point of view, it didn't seem to help. especially after blamore's father got shot.
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
. . . it's impossible to know how people live inside themselves, isn't it? I mean, a life could seem boring on the outside and be tumultuous within.
Siri Hustvedt, from The Blindfold
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obviously the end result of this being that some subgroup of them Does encounter emmet, and he is, in fact, Way Above Their Pay Grade, but he also hears about/sees what akari Actually is and slams the brakes almost immediately. and realizes that he, and the entire library, has in fact been Lied To. and as you can imagine he is pretty fucking pissed about that. so they go from thinking the library was gonna come down on all their heads to having a new very powerful ally in the span of like an hour.
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gulava · 1 year
When you know Replica Riku has Sora’s memories too and his final words to Riku are “Good luck” after helping protect Riku in the Dark World and Riku helps him not give up by being his light in the darkness
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marypsue · 2 years
Ahh also as an addendum to my previous ask about the age swap (which I might’ve accidentally labeled as the body swap fic due to the foibles of being awake unexpectedly early ), I was curious what your criticisms are regarding Robin and Will’s treatments by the Duffers? I know you’ve alluded to being bothered by both but I’d be curious to hear more ( if you have the time/hankering!)
Hooboy. Okay. Buckle in. 
Obviously this is going to be a combination of actual literary analysis and Big Feelings That I Have, so like, please don’t take this as any kind of moral dictum on what to or not to watch, or how to or how not to interpret what you watch. Also, a lot of what makes me uneasy and unhappy about how canon deliberately handles queerness (as opposed to when it does queer things apparently by accident, which as you may have noticed, I have considerable amounts of fun with) has to do with behind-the-scenes context I’ve read about, so there’s a certain degree of Telephone involved. And I’m still only halfway through season four. There’s just so fucking much of it. 
With all that said. 
The behind-the-scenes context I’m most specifically concerned with are the season-one pitch bible(? I think that’s what it’s called) (which, it should be noted, ended up diverging in some quite significant ways from what ended up in the show) where the Duffers first raised the possibility that Will might be gay, and the anecdote that Joe Keery and Maya Hawke were the ones who decided Robin should be queer and had to really push for it and wrote and choreographed that scene in the bathroom. Put the two together, and it tells you that the Duffers planned that there would be One (potentially) Gay Character in their show. 
And that character was the one they spent an entire season directing violent, vicious, eventually outright murderous homophobic hatred at through the mouthpiece of a couple of bullies. You can say what you want about revenge narratives and those characters ultimately getting their comeuppance, but for Me Personally, it sucks all the fun and escapism out of season one to watch it thinking that those bullies only got punished when they aimed that vitriol at someone to whom it didn’t literally apply. Also I still have to sit through however many episodes of that vicious homophobia onscreen regardless, so, like, that’s a walk in the park anyway. /sarcasm 
And then there’s that whole bad business in season three, where it’s never been quite clear to me if we’re supposed to see Mike as having been in any way in the wrong. Kind of scuppers the argument, to me, that we’re supposed to be on Will’s side. And season four, which so far has had Will tagging along after people who are supposed to be his best friends but mostly don’t seem to give a single damn about him, doing absolutely nothing but looking morose and sullen and tragic and *coughcough* Artistic, and causing Problems for the nice straight couple. 
(Tangential to the point I’m coming to, but also, my son deserves better than to be reduced to a soggy cardboard standee with ‘GAY’ scrawled across it in magic marker the way season four seems to be angling toward. All the Byers, but especially the Byers boys, deserve better than season four seems interested in giving them. But I digress.) 
Also. I love Robin. If you follow me, you probably know that. I’m a hardcore, ride-or-die Robin girl. But. With Robin, from what I’ve heard of the context, the Duffers never intended for her to be queer. They wrote a girl who was smart and funny and sharp and talented and a little bit mean and a little bit insecure and a little bit weird but in an interesting, endearing way - as a love interest for Steve. 
And then, as soon as season four rolled around, once they’d been pushed into making her canonically, on-screen queer (in a beautiful, tender, heartfelt, true-feeling scene that they didn’t fucking write), suddenly she’s had a complete personality transplant. Suddenly, she’s an awkward, bumbling, annoying loser who’s only funny when she’s the butt of the joke, who’s no good at anything and who nobody really likes except maybe for Steve, an outcast even amongst the freaks. When she does do something smart or competent, everyone around her reacts with shock, like it’s wildly out of character instead of how her character was originally written. One of these versions of Robin was written with ‘gay person’ in mind, and it unfortunately wasn’t the one we were obviously supposed to like. 
In both cases, I get the feeling that the storytelling issues stem from this like...assumption that queerness equals isolation and misery and tragedy, and that there’s nothing to queerness outside of that. That there’s something inherent to queerness, something pitiable but repulsive, that causes the isolation and misery and tragedy (not that those things are imposed from outside, by, say, violent homophobia). That it would be absurd to imagine that queerness could ever be joyful, or playful, or that someone might ever, given the chance to choose, not choose to be straight instead. Or that there could be enormous friendship and community and heart and pride in queerness, or even that queer people might find friendship and community and strength in each other. Or even fucking talk to each other, ever. 
Which is especially infuriating, because the whole central theme of season one (besides surface appearances being deceiving) is that community and care between people who are very different but discover they have more in common than there is that separates them is what saves the day! That love comes in all kinds of forms, and they’re all important, and that love can be stronger than fear! 
But apparently, according to the Duffers, queer love doesn’t count and queer community doesn’t exist. It’s just isolation, misery, and tragedy, and I guess we the watchers are supposed to sit outside of it and pity Them for it (and be quietly, sneakily, a little bit nastily grateful that it’s not happening to Us). Because of course nobody watching the show is queer. Of course. This show is made for normal people. 
It’s part of the same attitude I’ve also seen play out with the Duffers’ inability to just let a white dude be bad. Oh, they want to talk a big game about how they’re on the side of the freaks, and bullies are bad, and everybody should be respected and appreciated for who they are. But when it cuts down to the bone, when applying that precept to a girl or a person of colour or a queer person makes a straight white guy come off as a monster, they keep trying to dodge it. 
The more antagonists they try desperately to rehab without ever acknowledging why they were antagonists in the first place, the more it starts to look like they simply don’t really believe that the people those antagonists hurt really matter. That, somewhere deep down where the assumptions that are so baked in you don’t even realise they’re assumptions live, they don’t really believe that girls, or Black kids, or queer people are as fundamentally human and deserving of respect and compassion as their beloved awful straight white men are. That what they really think about bullies is that bullies are bad because the bullies picked on them, instead of the kinds of people who deserved it.
(See also: that time a twelve- or thirteen-year-old Sadie Sink didn’t want to have to do a kiss in the Snow Ball scene, so the Duffers, who had just been joking about having her do it, actually made her do it. For multiple takes. Specifically because she didn’t want to. And then later related that anecdote to the press. Because they thought it was funny.)
Anyway. Personally, I’d prefer canon just never say anything definitive on the matter of Will’s sexuality and stop trying to push the narrative in that direction, so I don’t have to watch the Duffers spectacularly fumble yet another attempt at Writing About Marginalised Groups. 
(Also, this is absolutely not me saying Watch A Different Show - I’m here writing fanfic for this stupid show, it’d be pretty fucking rich of me to try to tell people to stop watching it. But I’d really love for many of its fans to get some more exposure to less-mainstream, more deliberately queer literature and film, so y’all can see what it really feels like to be seen and acknowledged and loved by a story, on purpose. I get it! I do! I too have wanted very badly to feel like something I loved, loved me back. 
But you don’t have to content yourselves with scraps. And you definitely don’t have to be so concerned with those scraps that you blame your friends, cousins, siblings, brothers in arms for ‘stealing’ some kind of ‘representation’ from you by asking to be seen and acknowledged and loved as well. The bastards who’ve been withholding that recognition from all of us would love nothing more than to watch with amusement, gorging themselves on a banquet, while we tear each other apart over a couple of discarded bones. Don’t give them the satisfaction. We don’t have to be isolated, pitiable, pathetic, miserable tragedies. Put the hollow promises of exclusionism and respectability down. There is queer art and literature and film and community and joy and love in abundance that you don’t have to beg anyone for, and you are invited to participate. This is me inviting you to participate. 
And cordially inviting the Duffers to meet me in the woods behind the 7-Eleven.)
tl;dr the way the Duffers treat queerness when they do it on purpose feels like a combination of othering, contempt, and misery porn, and I hate it. And that, in a nutshell, is the rant I’ve been sitting on for the last two-and-a-bit years. I’m getting down off the cafeteria table now. 
#chatter#stranger things#i have been first uneasy and then very fucking angry about all of this for Quite A While Now#but robin's personality transplant broke open the fucking dam#it's worse because they did such! a good job! with seasons one and two!#obviously Not Perfect but also painfully obviously Better Than This#and then I guess they'd made enough money for netflix that they stopped having creative reins and restrictions placed on them#and it all went to shit#just total anne rice/stephen king editor syndrome#anyway I won't be following anything they do after this bc i'm pretty sure I like the show in spite of its creators instead of because of th#*them#they also aren't applying season one's theme of appearances being deceiving when it comes to queer people!#they keep saying every shitty shallow queer stereotype is true!#(the tragic gay martyr#slash the obsessive possessive friend-borderline-stalker)#(the unfuckable lesbian)#(the predatory gay villain - I didn't talk about closeting and s2 Billy Hargrove bc hoo boy that's a can of worms#but I do think they took that angle with him on purpose#especially since his 'redemption arc' goes hand in hand with suddenly switching his focus from steve to karen#and he stands to gain nothing by manipulating karen in s3 so it's pretty obviously a cheap dodge#so the duffers can go 'what? no he wasn't sneeringly derogatory toward teenage girls bc he was so deep in the closet he could see narnia'#'nooooooooo he just...only likes ~mature women~'#which. yes boys jennifer coolidge was hot in american pie but please grow up.)#anyway yes that loss of sight of that central theme is exactly how we got the russians in season three#and we all know how much that fucking sucked#i do hope having the word 'fuck' in the tags still hides a post from search
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What color is your aura?
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herb clippings, macha, bullet journals, mini backpacks, needlefelts, pistachio, laptop stickers. your essence is sage: you are introspective and retreating. everything is organized and planned ahead; you are meticulous, stacking up a card tower you can't let fall. it is difficult for you to untwist your tongue and tell others you need them. you are the observer. you are the writer gone off alone. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of green, forest, honeysuckle, and seafoam, who share your guarded nature. you are also drawn to the self-expressive sky and apricot, who will help you grow and embolden you to say what you need. however, you may struggle to get along with the overly-emotional personalities of rose and cream who ask you to be too vulnerable.
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clear water, milkshakes, crystals, agave, candy dishes, converse, seashells. your essence is seafoam: you lose yourself in dreams and drift away from reality. happiness is easier when alone; your sensitivity has borne you too many scars to risk honesty again. your imagination and intuition help you dive deep into introspection, at the cost of truly unfurling. you are the dreamer. you are the wallflower. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of teal, jade, sky, and sage, who similarly value their authenticity. you are also drawn to the diligent honeysuckle and coral, who will help you grow and turn your thoughts to reality. however, you may struggle to get along with the stubborn personalities of pearl and tawny who have no room for contradiction.
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geodes, club lights, ferris wheels, sunglasses, hummingbirds, eyeshadow, outer space. your essence is purple: you are gracious and thriving, and that is all you want anyone to see. you become a social chameleon to be exactly what they desire; your ambition adapts, pursuing whatever will come with recognition. you are a leader -- burning bright and never shy to speak. you are the star. you are the demonstrator. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of lilac, royal, mauve, and orchid, who share your decorum and aspirations. you are also drawn to the determined grey and red, who will help you grow and let go of your image to accept your flaws. however, you may struggle to get along with the free-floating personalities of yellow and brown who don't understand your far-reaching ambitions.
tagged by: @heylinhenchman tagging: @champiionic, @cagedragon, @ruiinedsky, @sourcewater
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spirit-of-a-kiger · 2 years
Us: Awwwwwwww, Pomni’s so adorable and timid! Isn’t she just the sweetest, purest, most innocent cinnamon roll, @gooseworx​?
Us: Isn’t she, Gooseworx?
Gooseworx: 😈
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rileys-battlecats · 2 years
I love how you changed Wrentail’s design slightly by making him more rounded. Mudpaw is spikey but is really a sweetheart, and Wrentail being rounded making you think he’s a decent cat when in actuality he’s a monster. Really drives the theme never judge a book by its cover
Yes!! That's exactly what I was going for!!
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clochanamarc · 1 year
i just made a tiramisu and only cried once, idk if there's a medal for that but if there is, my address is--
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seraphicstrings-a · 2 years
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u ready for this comeback?
ic | oh i've got that pretty privilege.
bond: angel (eshire) | i'll make you sing like it's a concert!
bond: delun | i'll be lucifer so you be my lilith.
bond: nefeloma | rule the world with eyeliner like blades.
aesthetic | sugar sugar oh gimme the sugar crash!
thoughts | dollar store remedies and homegrown demons.
self promo | may the birds ever fly.
promotion | little big boy is going to see how big he really is.
canon | i want to believe you're somebody's unholy hoax.
visage | appearances can be so appealing; so deceiving!
spirit: c | an urge you can't ignore
castle town | you're not alone this is your home.
bond: amarin | a fish inside a birdcage.
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halfasoul · 2 years
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I admit it surprises me that V can have Griffon perch on his arm with so much ease, considering how damn heavy he probably is -- but, I respect it.
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howifeltabouthim · 30 days
Patch knew well about the rot that set in just beneath, how you couldn't tell shit about someone from the way they looked or the job they did. To see it you had to gut them; you had to look deep inside for the poison in their veins.
Chris Whitaker, from All the Colors of the Dark
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