#( i will be waiting w a speech prepared ty )
clochanamarc · 1 year
i just made a tiramisu and only cried once, idk if there's a medal for that but if there is, my address is--
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cloverfics · 4 years
sweethearts ; bakugou katsuki
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warnings shy!reader, shy!katsuki, mutual pining, and not edited
genre fluff, f2ls
word count 2.5k
inspiration n/a
synopsis in which you and the rest of the bakusquad are apart of the candygram committee and you take the opportunity to make a move on one stubborn katsuki
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"This is so stupid." Katsuki sighed, feet hiked up onto his desk. It was around the umpteenth time that he had mentioned how useless or well— stupid this whole thing is.
You frowned, tying another ribbon around a baggie. "Aw, c'mon, Kat. It's the day of love, be more cheerful." You said, tossing him a chocolate.
He scoffed. "No. And stop calling me Kat." The following demand was mumbled as Katsuki turned his attention to opening the candy.
"Sure thing, Kat." You whipped around, imagining the irritated expression he was channeling because of your antics.
"C'mon Mina! How many do I have!" Denki whined, trying his best to juke the clipboard of names from Mina's hands. Something he's been doing all morning.
From the left of you, Kirishima let out a breath of laughter. "Dude, just wait and see." He assured Denki.
"Exactly. The surprise is the most fun part about this thing." Mina added on while she gently shoved Denki away from her.
"Not if dunceface doesn't get any." Katsuki sneered, sending Denki into a further sulk.
You sucked you teeth, preparing to reprimand Katsuki but Sero interjected first. "I wonder if you're getting anything today, Bakugou."
Almost on cue, the smug smirk on Katsuki's face simmers down into a scowl. He scoffed, "I could care less if I got one of those pathetic bags today! I can buy my own damn candy!" As he was getting chewed out, Sero could only chuckle.
Sending a sneaky glance towards you. You sighed, tuning out Katsuki's continous speech about how candygrams were pointless and how he didn't even want any.
In the corner of your eye you could see a sympathic smile on Kirishima's lips. He nudged your arm, "Nonetheless, you should still give it to him," He whispered into your ear.
Tossing another baggie into the box next to Jirou, you nodded.
"It'll make his day, I promise."
"Woah... seventeen for Yaomomo," Jirou blinked a couple times as your class erupted in a wave of teasing while Momo shuffled her way up to the front.
"Just take the whole damn box." Denki bitterly jutted it out her. He doubled over suddenly when Mina took said box and hit him in the stomach.
"Sorry, he's being very negative today." She handed Yaomomo her designated number of bags, making Denki help her to her desk.
You giggled softly. Your class was the last one for today, thankfully. Somehow, you had already grown sick to the smell of chalky sweets, even if your name hasn't been called yet.
"Twelve for Todoroki," Shoto came up to the front as dazed as ever while Denki muttered a very distasteful shocker under his breath.
Katsuki scoffed from his spot next you, leaning his back against the classroom chalk board. "Can't I go back to my desk?" He groaned.
Sero sucked his teeth, forming a conversation while Jirou's monotonous call continued. "Seeing as you didn't lift a finger all day I think you should be able to."
He prepared a smug smirk for Katsuki's explosive comeback but before he could speak through his gritted teeth, Aizawa had already shushed them.
"Two for Denki," A giggle that she covered up immediately with her hand fell from Jirou's lips and the classroom followed suit with a fit of snickers.
You could've sworn you say Denki's eye twitch before being handed two baggies by a grinning Mina. "Hey! That's two more than last year, right buddy?" Kirishima smacked Denki on the back in attempt to comfort.
"I don't think he wants words from someone who got seven more than him, Kiri." You whispered, noticing the way Denki borderline shook under Kirishima's hand.
"Four for ___." Your laughing fit with Kirishima was interrupted by your own name being called and Mina handing you your treats.
"Tch. What four imbeciles went out of their way to buy one of those for you?" Katsuki mused before you could speak yourself.
"You smell that," you sniffed around, Katsuki's eyes narrowed at you. "I smell pure jealousy." Your bags were waved in Katsuki's face for a moment before he was swatting your hands away.
"And last but certainly not least, one for Katsuki." Your heart skipped a beat. Not just at the mention of his name like it usually did but because you knew that one bag was purchased by you for him.
You were eager to look over and see the confused look on Katsuki's face you knew he was wearing but your heart was already beating in your ears so loud that you were in a stand still.
The thoughts you've had that always followed since you even got the idea to give him one started to roam freely.
Would he be grossed out? Would he be curious? What if he already suspects you because you're being obvious? And what if, miraculously, Kirishima's right and it makes his day?
But instead of laying any of those raging questions to rest, Katsuki accepts his bag from Mina silently. No snarky comment, no anger, just a soft tint of pink layering his cheeks as he looked at the packaging he had seen a hundred times already.
"Alright, thanks for finally wrapping that up, Jirou. Don't get those candy wrappers on my floor, I'm taking a nap." Mister Aizawa waved you all off like he always did and found home in that yellow sleeping bag.
While your committee cleaned up the boxes, the classroom fluttered with chatter. The spectrum of conversation being who they think would get them one and who they think bought something for the other person.
The cleanup was quick, so you all headed to the front where all the seats were open and gathered.
"Two. I only got two." Denki finally awoke from his daze to the realization.
You laughed, taking one from your bunch and leaning over to Denki. "I can share one of mine. Not really a fan of sweethearts."
But Denki still proved to be bitter, slapping your bag away. "I don't need your pity candy, ___."
You snorted. "Okay, suit yourself."
"So, it turns out Kat actually got one. You owe me twenty bucks Jirou." Sero made grabby hands at the girl who scoffed and immediately went into her bag.
You expected the usual antics to come from Katsuki who sat in his usual desk, one ahead of you. But again, there was no yelling, or anger, just a scoff and a glare.
"You idiots bet on me?" He asked.
"Hey, I thought it was easy money since I know exactly who would've got you one. Thankfully, they pulled through." Sero collected his cash with glee while you broke out into a cold sweat. Your eyes darted to Sero, a threatening message within them that you're sure he understood.
"Who?" Katsuki tried to make it seem like he didn't really care with the tone he used. But he was genuinely curious, you could tell. Which made you sweat more.
Katsuki sucked his teeth. "It was probably you, so you could get the money." The breath of relief you took was like no other, you visibly relaxed.
Sero chuckled. "No sir, I spent no money on candygrams. So, keep on guessing."
Fortunately, the bell rang, signaling that class and school as a whole was over. Your class flooded out, all walking to your dorm together in the usual group. Kirishima found his way to you in the crowd, bumping your hip.
"See, I told you." He pointed to a couple feet away where Katsuki walked ahead, bag still in hand as he stared down at it.
You felt your face start to heat up, nudging him with your elbow. "Maybe he's weirded out."
Kirishima scoffed. "If you told him it was from you, I assure you then you'll know it made his day."
A sigh had your body slumping. "I don't know, Kiri. I've managed to keep a good friendship with Kat. It's risky enough that I bought him one but confessing is another thing."
Even though you've managed to get through Katsuki's tough exterior ( kind of ), you still couldn't read him that well. How were you supposed to know when the right time to tell him was? Or if a right time even existed.
"Do it, trust me." Kirishima placed a hand on your shoulder, you gulped and darted your attention again to Katsuki's back.
You spent the rest of the day wallowing in your room with your inner conflict. Even ignoring the invites from your friends to spend the day watching d—list romance movies to sulk. It wasn't until later on in the evening that you came out of your room.
The dorms were less lively, almost everyone going away to their rooms to do whatever. You were convinced you were the only one in the main area until you saw Katsuki in the kitchen, unfortunately.
Your feet were ready to take you back upstairs to hide from him. But he must've heard the creaking that happened under your feet and caught you. His maroon eyes piercing right through you.
Damn it.
"Hey, Kat." You greeted awkwardly, hesitantly shuffling into the kitchen.
He nodded at you in acknowledgement, continuing to watch whatever he had in the microwave go round. The kitchen fell silent while the cogs in your head worked together to find yourself an excuse as to why you were even in here.
You shuffled through cabinets, pretending you were looking for something in particular.
"Hey," Katsuki beckoned your attention. His eyes were still trained on the microwave but obviously he was listening and waiting for your response. You hummed in answer, halting your pretend scavenging and leaning on the counter next to the fridge.
"You have any clue who bought me that baggie thing?" As he continued, his head turned to you. Your eyes enlarged at the sudden question that was accompanied by Katsuki staring you down. You felt like you were under an intense spotlight and there was no way out other than to a) lie or b) spill the beans.
Your brain was telling you to just get it over with and do the former, admit it to him confidently like Kiri had been urging you to do. Face the consequences as they came and stop hiding. So, you inhaled deeply and exhaled.
"I— uh— well, I— uh..." If you had the willpower to face palm you would, but apparently none of the signals your brain was sending were making it through to your body. Because your mouth kept opening and closing, no confession or accountability flowing out like you had hoped.
The only you could do was heat up and start sweating. The spotlight was getting hotter and more blinding.
The urge to face plant into the island ahead of you increased when Katsuki narrowed his eyes at you. The intimidating look sending chills up your spine.
You coughed. Putting an end to your stuttering and stammering. Your eyes fell to the tiles of the kitchen, hoping they'd loosen up one by one and swallow you whole.
"If there's something you want to tell me, idiot, spit it out," The microwave went off but now Katsuki could care less. He was edging towards you, arms crossed and curious to why it seemed like you were being interrogated for murder when he asked what he thought was a simple question.
Just do it.
The phrase chanted repeatedly in your head. And with the last of your dignity, you finally fulfilled your brain's request.
"I did it. I'm the one who bought the candygram..., Kat." You started off strong, but moving onto the second sentence your voice began to mellow.
You wanted to look anywhere except Katsuki but the shocked look on his face, accompanied by the tint of red covering his cheeks kept you drawn in. This time around he was staring down at the tiles, probably wishing the same thing that you were just seconds ago.
"If you did it as a joke, id—" Katsuki was about to threaten you, ready to build his walls back up but your adrenaline from fessing up was obviously still surging through you.
"No! It wasn't to prank you or anything, I did it because I like you, Kat. A lot." You paused, inhaling.
"A—and I've been meaning to tell you but I didn't know how you'd react because you're not really open. But then Kirishima told me it was a good idea, so I—" Your real self snapped back to reality in the middle of your confession, and it was apparent as you began to ramble and scratch the nape of your neck.
"Alright, enough. You sound like damn Deku." Katsuki, thankfully, put an end to your tangent that you silently agreed did sound like Izuku.
You laughed awkwardly, hoping it'd ease the tension not only in the air but in you. It felt nice to get that weight off your shoulders but oh boy did you have a lot to face. Like for example, how did Katsuki feel? Did he even reciprocate feelings? What would your friendship look like after this?
You had to know. You were dying to know. "So?" You mumbled, now fiddling with your fingers.
Katsuki's hand was at his nape like yours was moments ago. He huffed, obviously looking for the words. "You know, if you're going to confess to someone you should be more up front about it." Katsuki took short steps towards you.
You just hoped he couldn't hear your heart banging against your ribcage, because that's basically all you could focus on.
"I know." You answered.
"Tch. And I guess in saying that I should be taking my own advice." He grumbled, moving his gaze to the tile again. Your body basically perked up at the sound of that.
"Katsuki, did you send me a candygram?" Your assumption aloud make Katsuki scoff, his face heating up more and his gaze wandering even further. Now that the tables seemed to be turned, you suppressed your laughter. You had been psyching yourself out this whole time but Katsuki was basically in the same boat as you.
"So, what do we do now, Kat?" You asked, you crossed your arms. A hopeful thought that since he reciprocated your feelings a relationship would come of it.
Katsuki scoffed, dropping his arm into having them crossed again. "What did I tell you about that stupid nickname, dumbass?"
You laughed at his scowl. Thankful that even after the sudden confession between you to didn't actually tint your dynamic like you theorized it would.
Katsuki huffed, not seeking to bicker with you anymore. "Are you free this Saturday?"
"Uh, yea—"
"Alright, then. Be ready by three." That's what you were left with as Katsuki turned on his heel and left the kitchen with whatever he had in the microwave.
Your mind was still registering what had just happened, but all you could do was thank your luck and Kirishima.
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bokutouch · 3 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could get an eternal matchup pls??
- my names Olivia and I’m 17.
- I go by she/her pronouns and I want to be matched with a male character from Haikyuu!! please.
- My birthday is January 6th, 2004 and I’m a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising (my Mercury is in Sagittarius, my Venus is in Aquarius, and my Mars is in Aries if you wanted to know the rest).
- I’m 5’2, I have brownish-red hair and blue eyes.
- I spend a lot of time doing school work because I’m really driven by it and I’ve had good grades a majority of high school. When I’m not doing schoolwork I enjoy listening to music or going on a walk! I really like going on sunrise/sunset walks bc they’re always really pretty! I try to do community service in my free time because I really enjoy helping others out. I'm currently a summer camp counselor but I hope to be a lab tech one day :)
- If I were to go on a date with a partner I don't really mind what we do, but I like book dates, movie dates, and especially museum dates!! In a partner I'm looking for someone who shares the same interests as me, is kind, has a good sense of humor, and most importantly can understand and work through my emotions with me. I get really bad mood changes so if he can work with me through that I really value it. My love languages are acts of service and quality time.
- I think that one of my fatal flaws is that although I appear kind and respectful when I’m out in public, I have pretty severe anxiety, depression, and anger issues so I struggle with that a lot. I also get really defensive and stubborn when someone says something that annoys me so i kinda never stop talking lol.
- To finish off I’m an ISFP and Enneagram Type 9v1.
- I hope you have a great day! Ty if you do this! ❤
Hello olivia, thanks for coming to my brand new rocket ship!! 🚀
first of all I apologize bcs I'm not really educated about astrology,
so I'll just use your other description as best as I could okay??
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"why akaashi?" you might askㅡ
first of all, some part of you reminded me of bokuto.
and some part of you definitely reminded akaashi of bokuto too. it's not a bad thing really.
Akaashi looks at you and think, "ah, she is my home."
because "home" supposed to be comfortable, because home supposed to be familiar. Being with you bring him peace. You are his home, his tranquility, his safe haven.
Most people told him, "God- you are such a boring person, Akaashi." and as the time goes by, he is starting to believe that tooㅡ but thats until you come into his life.
You're one of his classmate. And not gonna lie, at first akaashi only know you as the quiet girl who always buried her nose in books. "If I am boring, she must be a lot more boring than me." that's what he thought of you, bcs really everytime he sees you, its always you and your books. He understands the importance of having good grades, but should you really be doing that everyday?
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The first time you two have a really long talk was when one day akaashi saw you still sitting inside your shared classroom, all alone bcs it's almost 6 pm and of course everybody left already. Nose buried deep in books like you always do, but this time he could hear you humming a song- it's a song that he also enjoyed listening to. He never sing in front of other people before, but for some reason he wanted to join your little secret concert at that time, so he did. He sing along to your little hummingㅡ 1 song turn into 2, turn into 3, and you still didn't notice him at all. He laughed a little because "what's so interesting in that clinical laboratory science book that she doesn't even realized I've been here for almost 10 minutes already."
He tapped your shoulder two times, and you jumped at that.
"H-hey? Um, sorry, I just.. I've been waiting here for you to finally notice me but I guess that book is really interesting, huh?" he smiled at you, feeling a little bad after seeing your reaction at his little tap tap on your shoulder.
"Oh, yes... I want to be a lab tech in the future, so um you know, just preparing." you awkwardly smiled back at him.
"Well, uh.. I know you definitely going to be an amazing lab tech one day. I saw you reading tons of books related to that job everyday in class, so... I believe your hardwork will be paid off."
"wait... that was so nice of him." you stared at akaashi who's currently fidgeting with his fingers.
"Thank you for saying that, Akaashi. That really means a lot to me. People have been telling me that my dream job is just that, a dream. Hearing you saying that someday my hardwork will be paid off really motivate me to prove them wrong. I swear I'm gonna rub it on their face once I got the job." you grins at him.
And at that, Akaashi heart beating a little bit faster than the usual. Was it your thankful speech for him? Was it your cute little grin? He doesn't really knowㅡ one thing he knows for sure though, he wants to keep talking to you. From today, tomorrow, and as long as you would let him.
"Hey, uh... it's going to get dark soon. Do you maybe want to go home together with me?"
You could see how nervous akaashi was after asking you that question, so you just nods and start fixing your books into your bag. Right before you zip up your bag, you remembered the main reason you are still in the classroom at that hour is because you were planning to see the sunset on your way back home, "Wait Akaashi, I actually want to see the sunset today..."
"Oh? I usually go home as the sun set due to my volleyball practice. The sight look really pretty if you see it from on top of the hills behind our school. Do you want to go there? I can show you the best spot."
Of course you accept his offer enthusiastically. So yes, that day is the beginning of your friends to lovers type of relationship with Akaashi.
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Akaashi confessed to you first.
His friend circle are full of annoying people. They all be like,
so during your usual study date day, he just decided to straight up ask you to be his girlfriend.
"W-what?" you just sat there for a whole minute because... what if things gonna feel different once you two put a real label to your not so friendly friendship? What if being friends with Akaashi is a lot more better than being his girlfriend? What if he ended up leaving you because he doesn't like the real you? There are so many ugly things that you hide from him, would he still love you the same after seeing all those imperfection? so many what if(s) going inside of your head, so little time to actually process each one of it.
"Umm, you can say no, you know...." all the messy thoughts inside your head stopped right away after hearing that.
"NO! wait, Keiji- I mean, not no to be your girlfriend, its no to me saying no to be your girlfriend." God, its hard to be in love. You can't control your heart, your brain, and now your tongue. God bless your soul, olivia.
"So.... is that a yes to be my girlfriend then?" Akaashi looks really small in that moment. He is still not sure if he can finally kiss you or not. Only being a friend to you for these past 6 months kept him from doing a lot of romantic stuff with you. Kissing you, holding your hands for no reason, hugging you any time he wants to, actually go on a study date with you instead of a childish study day. So now he really won't waste a single time if you answer his previous question with a "Yes" ;
After having a long talk about your imperfections, all your insecurities, and also tons of frustrated tears coming from your eyes, you finally say yes and there you have your new title as Akaashi Keiji's new girlfriend. He definitely got his long waited kiss from you too 🌻.
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Bokuto once joined you and akaashi's museum date and he broke a statue hand after trying to handshake the statue. He grabbed the broken hand and show it to you and akaashi with teary eyes. Can't do nothing but running for your life and never comeback to that one particular museum 😭
You and Akaashi have the same love language, "Act of Service" ; So the two of you enjoy giving each other little massage here and there.
Just like you, Akaashi love being helpful for others too, so he really enjoyed the time he spent accompanying you to all your community service agendas. People that you two have been helping together ship you guys so much, especially the elderly couple. They keep saying "You two will make it until old days like us two."
After a long time dating eachother, you two decided to adopt a cute siberian husky that you named "Bobo". Akaashi rejected that name at first, because "Honestly love, I don't like how you picked a name so close to Bokuto's name. Our dog deserves better." You gasped at that, "How dare you, Keiji. This is our son! And his name is Bobo. I don't take no for an answer."
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alright this getting too long haha.
I hope you enjoy the results, love 🦋
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taejeonie · 4 years
“taehee’s birthday special
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— again, english is italicized
“hellooooooo ( ^ω^ )”
it’s ty track!!! and he’s sitting on an office chair in some kind of conference room
“today is...january 17”
“we’re actually preparing for our comeback but today’s our day off,,,so i thought we should do something special for taehee’s birthday!!”
“it’s not her birthday today, but come to think of it, we never did something really special for her on her birthday”
“her birthday’s two days after christmas, so either we’re super busy, or at home with our families. even as trainees we didn’t get to celebrate properly with her”
taeyong’s looking down and there’s like a guilty aura around him
it makes czennies’ hearts hurt
“we brought her out to restaurants and she’s told us countless times of how she’s greatful for it,,,but i just thought we should give her something more special”
then his mouth lifts up into a smile as if he’s trying to lighten the mood up
“we were watching this movie one time and there was like a big party held for the main lead,,it was like a coming of age party- what was it called again? cotillion? is it cotillion?,” then he brings his phone out to check
“so it’s called a cotillion!! and i was sitting next to her and i heard that she kept mumbling how pretty and cute it was”
taeyong mimicked her, “she was like ‘ahh that’s so pretty”
“‘i kinda want one’ she said”
“so yesterday i thought, ‘oh? we can do a special party for taehee tomorrow!!’”
“like i mentioned, today’s our free day,,ah most of us. taehee had an early schedule today but that’s it and she has the rest of the day off (*^_^*)”
“she doesn’t know anything about this at all hehe”
then taeyong stands up and walks out of the room, and the only thing you can see is the ceiling and the bottom of his face
“i was in the conference room just to talk but..we’re going to the practice room and you’ll see how excited everyone is”
then before you can even see the practice room you could already hear the chaos in it
taeyong laughs at them, “see?”
and everyone’s all over the place
haechan and doyoung are fixing the letter balloons on the wall, along with the fairy lights underneath them
jaehyun and jungwoo are in the corner writing some speech for the party
yuta’s also writing on a banner but in a different corner
johnny scattering rose petals around the room
then taeil beckons jungwoo over near the speaker to work on a dance number
and mark is standing in the middle of it all in a phase of confusion before running out of the room, “I NEED TO GET A GUITAR”
the camera points back to taeyong, “honestly, we didn’t put that much thought into the planning and just went for it,” he giggles
“AS LONG AS ITS FROM THE HEART,” johnny passes by and sprinkles petals on taeyong, making him laugh
he walks over to doyoung who has his hands on his hips, “how’s it going here?”
taeyong walks away from them, smiling, and moves over to taeil and jungwoo by the speaker, “how bout you guys? what are you up to?”
“actually, we haven’t found a song...yet,” taeil points to the camera, “but it’s gonna blow your mind”
jungwoo makes an explosion noise for added effect, then realizes taeyong was filming
“oh are you filming? hello, taehee!!,” he says in aegyo, “i love you very very very much and i hope you like this surprise!! mwah ٩(^‿^)۶”
taeyong calls jungwoo cute before moving on to the next person, jung jaehyun
“how long is it now?”
“i’ve got one paragraph in but it’s just short, really. jungwoo and i put some cheesy lines in there because you know how much she loves those”
“really? give me one,” taeyong moves the camera closer to jaehyun and the latter licks his lips and runs his hand through his hair
“people say the happiest place on earth is disneyland,” he read from the paper, “but clearly, they haven’t been next to you”
“EYYYY,” taeyong cheers, “isn’t it too corny though? HAHAHA”
“the fact that it is would make her like it more,” jaehyun says confidently
“alright,” the older laughs, “okay, our last stop...yuta!!!”
he sets the camera on the floor and you see yuta’s concentrated face directed towards the banner, sharpie marker in hand
“are you almost done?,” taeyong asks, sitting beside him
“not really, i still need to make it prettier”
“what did you write?,” taeyong lets out a hearty laugh before yuta even answers, making the latter chuckle too
“ahh you guys are so cheesy with this- are you sure we’re not going too overboard?”
“when it comes to taehee, nothing is ever overboard. that girl laughs at anything, really”
then video cuts to them working and finishing on the banner
you hear a guitar being strummed here and there, mark must be back in the room
a few cuts of the video shows taeyong and yuta drawing on the banner, while jungwoo and hyuck make their appearance just to make faces on the camera
you hear the door opening and it immediately catches yuta and taeyong’s attention
“taehee’s done with her shoot, she’s on the way here right now. you have about 30 minutes,” must be their manager
there was a slight commotion behind cam while taeyong’s getting all giddy and bouncing on the floor, “aaaa we need to get this done”
video cuts to haechan in a black tuxedo, somewhere in a makeup room, “this is haechan of haechan cam with 37.5% viewer ratings ( ^ω^ )”
mark complains in the background but hyuck ignores him anyway
“as you can see, we’re all wearing suits because we’re going to hold a cotillion? cotillion for taehee”
he shows off his suit and he looks so good in it he slays every outfit haechan model wbk
mark wanders into frame and poses too
jungwoo joins in and he and hyuck do weird poses, making mark laugh loudly and hit them
the scene is cut to taeyong, now wearing his tux and walking to the middle of the room
“okay guys gather around! let’s go through the plan one last time”
they all stand around taeyong, although they have heard this plan about once or twice, they’re still attentive to listen
“taehee walks through that door and taeil hyung is the only one in the room, holding a rose- you all have your roses right?”
“okay, music is already a given so taeil hyung will dance with her first, alright?”
“let’s give a minute or two for you guys to say anything you wanna say to her while you dance,” doyoung cuts in
“great, that’s a nice idea! anyways, uhh we go by age order, meaning haechan is last. haechannie, when the music stops you blindfold her and lead her to the conference room, got it?”
the blindfold part makes mark laugh, “is that really necessary?”
“for the effect mark, it’s for the effect,” johnny tells him
“so right after we dance with her we head to the conference room, right?,” yuta asks taeyong
“yes. so when they’re in the conference room already, haechan takes the blindfold off and then mark you’re playing the guitar, right? i think it would be nice if that would be our opening”
“oh okay okay”
“then after mark plays his song, taeil and jungwoo’s dance?”
“and me, i’m doing it with them”
“no, we should have jaehyun’s speech first, then the dance,” that’s doyoung again
i need me some dotae content so bad
“okay, so speech first then the dance. after the dance, she blows the cake? and then closing remarks?”
“i think mark and haechan should make a speech”
hyuck: sure (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
mark: w-what (°_°)
“okay, mark and haechan speech!,” taeyong laughs and shakes his head because of how this is sooooo not planned
but it’s nct they’ll pull it off
“then doyoung does the closing remarks”
“wait then what are you and yuta doing?”
they were the last ones to get in their suits since they were finishing the banner, so taeyong didn’t get to think about what they would actually be doing
yuta and taeyong look at each other before a knowing look spreads upon their faces
taeyong and yuta, simultaneously: “you wanna become backup dancers for mark?”
“HAHAHAHAHA,” they laugh as yuta goes to give taeyong a half hug
“boys! taehee and her manager are in the parking lot, they’ll be heading up soon”
taeyong whines, “AAAAAAAA OKAY, so individual couple dances, then conference room, mark’s guitar- me and yuta are the backup dancers, jaehyun’s speech, taeil, jungwoo, and johnny’s dance, blowing of the cake, and then doyoung’s closing speech”
“okay blowingofcakemessagesfrommarkandhaechanandthendoyoungclosingremarks”
taeyong said it so fast almost nobody caught what he was saying
“ah i’m getting nervous though”
“mark hyung it’s just noona she won’t bite”
then the video fades to black
you could hear heels click against the floor and then the door of the practice room is opened
the only light comes from outside and you could see the silhouette of taehee and her manager
“i go in?”
“but the lights are off! (;_;)”
“it’s okay, they’ll turn on soon. just don’t open the lights, okay?”
“aaaa you’re scaring me,” she goes inside and the manager closes the door slowly
taehee’s bundle of nerves go away when the fairy lights turn on slowly
the lights are bright just enough to reveal her smile and taeil standing on the opposite side, holding a rose
a slowed version of every breath you take by the police starts playing as taeil walks over to her
meanwhile, taehee’s openly cringing on her side and questioning what was happening
“aAAAAAndjakd wHat’S tHis?”
she laughs when taeil does a polite curtsy and hands her the rose
she thanks him for it while taeil puts his hand out for her to take
and once their hands are together, taeil guides taehee’s other hand, the one holding the rose, to his shoulder and puts his hand on her waist carefully
taehee smiles because of their height difference
almost non-existent
“taeil oppa, what’s this for?,” she chuckles
“can’t you read? it’s for your birthday,” taeil teases her
he nudges his head to the side and that’s when taehee reads ballon letters spelling out ‘birthday happy’
she giggles again
“but it’s not my birthday though...?”
“we kind of felt sad that we do nothing special for your birthday....i’m not implying something bad but we just wanted to do it for you”
“ahh,” taehee nods
taeil remembers the time limit doyoung set for them and sweats nervously
‘ahh the cringe’ he thought
“i’m gonna say something alright?”
“go on”
“uhh remember how nervous you were? before debut?”
“you were the most nervous out of all of us, and i felt that. i understood you,,,so i want you to know now that you are and will be forever part of this team. the reason why you’re here is because of your talent and skills, okay? everyone knows how hard working and selfless you are, so you deserve it. don’t mind what the others say, yeah? we’re always here for you, i want you to remember that”
and taehee’s heart is swelling
she and taeil never got to do any of those deep, heart to heart talks
and this just makes her go more uwu at taeil
“yeah,” she mumbles, “i will”
taeil smiles and thinks his time is up, so he makes taehee twirl in her place before hugging her and moving out of the room
johnny was the one next to enter the room
and he was just doing some kind of waltzing from the door to taehee it really made her laugh
“this is for you, milady,” he hands her the rose
“thank you, noble sir”
johnny leads her like how taeil leaded her hands, but because of the height difference, taehee’s hand rests on johnny’s upper arm instead of his shoulder
“were you surprised?,” johnny asks
“yeah, really. i thought i could just eat or watch a movie with you guys when i get home haha”
“do you like it so far”
“of course,,,this is much much better than food or a movie”
johnny raises his brow at her, just in time for her to ask, “but is there really food though?”
he chuckles, “of course, what’s a party without food right?”
a few moments pass with them just swaying to the song, both of them enjoying the ambience of the room
“are you,,are you gonna say something like taeil oppa?”
“hmm i was thinking i would, but i think i’ve told you everything i wanted you to know”
that’s right
johnny and taehee’s relationship was like this from the beginning
whenever taehee did something johnny was proud of, he would tell her straight away
and the same goes for johnny
taehee felt like johnny could read her whenever he wanted, but that was like a silent agreement between them
“i mean, if that’s okay with you,” johnny continues
“of course,” she smiles up at him
they sway again for a few moments, she and johnny singing along to the lyrics from time to time
johnny gives taehee a spin, “im just gonna say again that i’m very thankful, and proud of you taehee. you’re the best”
that was the last thing johnny said before he exited the room, leaving a dimpled smile on taehee’s face
the next song comes on, and it makes her cringe so hard she crouches to the floor in her heels
the next person who comes in has the same reaction as her, letting out a little shout before entering the room
as christina perri’s a thousand years continue to play in the practice room, taeyong composes himself and gives taehee a rose, a wide smile on both of their faces
“do you like it so far?,” taeyong asks her once their hands are in place
taehee nods excitedly before realizing the look in taeyong’s eyes, “you planned this, didn’t you?”
“yeah,” they both laugh
“i heard you say you wanted something like this when we were watching a movie the other day, so i thought why not”
“im sorry we couldn’t give you the best birthdays for the past years,” taeyong frowns
“it’s okay,” she squeezes his hand, “as long as you guys are there with me, i’m already happy”
she makes taeyong laugh, “i’m serious!! it sounds cheesy but i mean it!!”
“i know, i know. i was just flustered”
taehee playfully rolls his eyes at him, “you’re always flustered”
“couldn’t you have at least given me a tiny heads up? you guys are dressed in suits and i’m just wearing a simple dress haha”
“you’re pretty in whatever you wear, taehee. we just wanted to make this really special for you”
taehee pouts at him and her eyes water a bit, “stop saying that or you guys are gonna make me cry- you know how i cry easily!”
taeyong laughs as she continues, “taeil oppa had a message for me and johnny oppa was so sweet and you’re so sweet,,all of you are”
“don’t cry,” taeyong chuckles, “you’re still a baby”
“i knowww (*´ω`*)”
and taehee was trying to act cute to keep her tears from falling
she is babie we must protect
“i want you to live a healthy life,,i want you to be happy always. i’m so proud of you, okay taehee? i’m very thankful for you”
taehee nods, playfully she adds, “the music’s making me cry also- who’s playlist is this?”
“jungwoo and haechannie set it up”
taehee giggles
she knows the next member is gonna come in soon when taeyong removes his hands from their place and opens his arms for a hug
they share a tight warm hug until taeyong rubs her shoulder and they both let go
“thank you,” she tells him
a few moments tick by and yuta is already in the room
looking as handsome as ever
with that award winning healing smile of his
instead of doing it like the first three, yuta wraps both of taehee’s arms around his neck and pulls her closer by the waist until his head is on her shoulder
she laughs softly and yuta asks, “how’s your schedule? did you have fun?”
“it was fun! i took photos with ice cream so that’s a bonus”
they weren’t swaying like the other three, no
more like waddling
you know how dads make their toddlers stand on their feet and they waddle when they walk
that’s like yuta and taehee except she’s not standing on his feet
she’s wearing heels ouch that would’ve hurt
taehee hums and pulls away a bit later, making eye contact with yuta
“you kind of remind me of my dad”
yuta smiles amusingly, “really?”
“yeah,,,the way you both act around me. you’re like a dad”
“i am?”
“no, wait actually i’d rather have you as an older brother than my dad. but yes you are like my dad,,in some way or another”
yuta chuckles again before taehee puts her head back on yuta’s shoulder
“this is nice,” she comments
yuta knows his time is almost up, he lets out a sigh
“thank you”
“hm?,” taehee hums
“for simply existing. i admire your presence and i want us to be friends for a long time, until we have our families and until we’re old. you’re a great person, taehee. thank you”
yuta pulls away and he sees a tear slip down taehee’s face making him giggle, “why are you crying?”
he’s mocking her, and she knows
“i cry easily, what else!,” she laughs
but she laughs harder when yuta pulls out a tissue from his suit pocket
“here,” they’re both laughing at this point
“you knew i would cry!!”
“you’re a baby ヽ(´ー`),” he pats her head
yuta lets out a breath from laughing with taehee, “i’m gonna go now”
the latter pouts and she goes into his arms to give him a hug, “thank youuu”
“i love you!! mwah!,” yuta gives her a heart and he’s out the door
another slowed version of a song plays, and this time it’s one of taehee’s favorite songs
somebody else by the 1975
“your fifth rose is here!,” doyoung says when he enters the room
taehee smiles as he walks closer, handing her the rose and swaying with her like the first three did
“oppa, you look handsome in a suit,,both angles”
“i know,” he tells her jokingly
“you’re thinking about the food aren’t you?,” doyoung reads her
“is there cake?”
“of course, we got chocolate. there’s also 자장면,” doyoung smiles widely when he notices a glint in taehee’s eyes when he metioned 자장면
“when did you prepare all of this?,” taehee asks, amazed
“i think taeyong had this idea since last night, right when you left we already started preparing ( ◠‿◠ )”
“i like it. it warms my heart, really”
“i’m glad you like it then,” doyoung smiles
“you’re eating your meals, right?”
“yes oppa”
“resting well?”
“sleeping on time?”
“this is why your contact name on my phone is ‘doyoung eomma’ and not ‘doyoung oppa’”
“i just want you to be healthy, always. try not to get sick, yeah?”
taehee nods, “only if you do the same”
“let’s live long lives”
“let's live long lives,” she repeats with a smile 
dancing with doyoung ended before she knew it, and next thing she knew
a dazzling jaehyun appeared before her 
“my juliet,” he gives her the rose 
“thank you, romeo”
“how are you feeling right now?,” jaehyun asks her once her hand is in his 
“i'm happy...and grateful, for all of you”
“well that’s nice to hear (^▽^)”
they both let out soft laughs 
they're so cute :( now that they’re just basking in each other’s presence 
like johnny, jaehyun preferred to simply enjoy the moment than talk 
half because he’s shy 
at one point taehee asks him if he’s cut his hair, to which he denies 
there was more skinship than talking in their relationship 
not in a romantic way but platonically,,,or you could say sibling-y
although some shippers hope for a relationship, most of them are gushing over the brotherliness of jaehyun 
some say maybe it’s because jaehyun’s an only child 
the same goes for taehee,,,she wanted an older brother actually 
but now she has more than one lmao
before jaehyun leaves, he ruffles taehee’s hair and wishes her a happy birthday 
next is jungwoo!!
he’s kinda nervous but brushes it off anyways cause it’s taehee
if anything, they’ll both say or do something weird that’ll make them laugh 
jungwoo had a concept when he entered
the faraway prince courting the popular princess
basically he just kept calling her princess the whole time 
“oh is that your concept? haha”
“i’ve heard of your intelligence from many”
“your cunningness”
“your kind and compassionate heart”
“your witty mouth”
“your diligence and hard work inspires many, including me”
unlike the ones before jungwoo, he ACTUALLY lead her to every corner of the room 
like ballroom waltz or something 
“did you eat before getting here?”
“no :((”
“at least you’ll eat with us, right? eat lots of food later, okay?”
then they were just sharing some inside jokes 
(you can't hear them because they're slightly whispering iT’S THEIR THING YOU KNOW)
you know their dance is over when jungwoo grabs taehee’s face and gives her a long kiss on the cheek
they curtsey to each other and jungwoo is off, giggling 
the next song got taehee like :OO
“i love this band!! (っ˘ω˘ς )”
“going out tonight, changes into something red”
that’s right it’s one direction baby 
mid-verse mark enters the room and when they meet eyes they both smile 
mark lets taehee take the rose first before he clears his throat, making taehee giggle 
*insert spongebob meme* iM nOt I jUsT dONt kNoW hOW To dO tHiS but takes her elbows so she can wrap her hands around his neck and he puts his hands on her waist
“is this okay,” mark let out a breath when taehee nods 
a few seconds swaying together, mark opens his mouth to say something but shakes his head and closes it 
it looks kinda comical if you're asking me 
taehee: what is on with this boy 
she chuckles, “sTOP MAKING THIS WEIRD!”
mark throws his head back as he playfully groans, smiling 
“it’s just me, relax”
“okay,” and mark looks her in the eye 
markhee stays are thriving ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ
“remember when,,we came into the company?”
“yeah, why?”
“you were how tall? like this *gestures to his hip* tall?”
taehee makes a face before gently kicking his foot
“you're exaggerating,” mark laughs, “shut up im like,,your height now”
“mY hEiGHt??,” he laughs harder 
taehee sweetie theres kind of like,,a height difference
but its her ‘birthday’ so mark just laughs it off 
“what did you do in your schedule earlier?”
“i ate ice cream”
“really? like for the photos”
“yeah, there was a lot of sweets. they had sour belts too”
“you must’ve had a lot of fun then”
“i did (๑˘︶˘๑)),,,but it would nice if you guys would be there too,” mark nods at this 
then mark’s got a look in his eyes that made taehee say, “spit it out”
he licks his lips before telling her not to cringe 
and she's somewhat got an idea of what he's gonna do, so she nods and giggles anyway
mark: *clears his throat* are you from seoul?
taehee, giggling: why?
mark: because i think you're my seol-mate
they both laugh, “okay thats kinda good, i like it”
“kinda good?”
“yea you need to get to my level mr. mark lee”
“sure, 선배님”
then theres a sudden knock on the door which startles the both of them
“thats haechan, isn't it”
“sadly,” they both laugh 
at this point czennies are convinced that they are twins 
like the timing of when they looked at the door?? so in sync
their smiles too ;( 
so before mark leaves, he opens his arms for a hug, ruffling her hair when they part 
and alas, a wILD DONGHYUCK APPEARS \(^▽^)/
unlike the others, hyuck immediately wraps his arms around taehee’s shoulders and pulls her into a tight hug
laughing, she wraps her arms around his waist and leans her head on his shoulder 
“i love you,” hyuck starts as he sways the both of them 
“i love you too”
“...if we’re still unmarried by the time we retire, i'll marry you okay?”
“you’re still on about that?,” taehee chuckles 
“we’re marrying each other,” he says when she doesn't answer 
later on taehee’s like (・・)
“is this *sniff* is this the cologne i gave you *sniff sniff*”
hicks hums, “it’s about to run out”
“really? you must’ve liked it then..it smells good”
he pulls away and theres this look of disbelief in his face 
like you know that face when he's teasing the members 
its like that uwu he's so cute i love him 
“you don't..you don't know what it smells like?”
“i was trying to test out my skills so i just judged it by the case and the name”
then he runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek like 
hyuck: this girl i swear-
“i guess it worked then,” he just goes along with her cause she's cute 
and he loves her 
so they danced until the song was done 
and hyuck was like ‘blindfold time!! ^-^’
so when he pulled out a blindfold taehee went: oh shit what is that 
her face kinda said everything so hyuck laughed and just told her to go along with it 
she was vvv nervous,,you can tell her grip on hyuck was like really tight 
when they entered the conference room, taehee immediately said “IS THAT CAKE??”
the other members had to keep their chuckles to themselves until taehee sat down 
hyuck gave her a very wet sweet kiss on the cheek before removing her blindfold 
so when taehee opened her eyes, hyuck took the seat beside her 
on her other side was yuta, taeil, then jungwoo 
meanwhile beside hyuck was johnny, mark, and taeyong 
doyoung was standing in the front with a mic 
“woah woah woah whats this”
and her eyes traveled up to the banner yuta and taeyong made 
in glittery shining letters, it read “OUR PRECIOUS BABY PUMPKIN TAEHEE *heart*”
“BABY PUMPKINNNCDC,” taehee was laughing at the cringiness
then when mark, yuta, and taeyong came to the front she immediately groaned and let her head bump on the table 
“this is gonna be so corny”
“wise men say,,”
“only fools rush in,”
“but i can't help,,” taehee sighs instead and gives in 
at the end of the day, who could resist the mark lee
no one 
“falling in love with you,,” at this point they're all singing along and swaying their arms
meanwhile yuta and taeyong kept laughing at the back 
at one point they slow danced with each other, making the members laugh
they all clapped when mark was finished yay!! 
taehee stood up to give mark a bro hug and a pat on the head 
doyoung: *tap* *tap* mic test mic test 1, 2, 1, 2
“okayyy welcome to taehee’s birthday bash!!”
“BiRtHdAy bASh??!! (´〇`)”
“first up, opening remarks to be led by jaehyun”
“WOWOWOOWOW *claps hands excitedly*
you notice the grins on the boys’ faces were so happy bc taehee was so responsive yet genuine with her actions 
they’ve truly hit the jackpot with this one 
jaehyun: does the bare minimum such as clearing his throat 
taehee: uR SO CUTE <3
“the sun on a lovely beach shines brightly”
“the early birds chirping happily as they go from flower,,to flower”
“birds go to flowers?”
“mark shh”
“the waves calm, as the kids play on the sand”
“all of this..is because of jeon taehee’s existence”
“the earth will never be at peace without you, so we commemorate this day, december 27,”
at this point everyone’s wheezing 
“its not even december 27 hhhh”
the fact jaehyun’s not breaking character makes it even funnier 
“to celebrate,,the day jeon taehee was brought to this world”
“people say disneyland is the happiest place on earth,”
“but clearly they’ve never been next to you”
taejae soulmates <3
“it mustve hurt when you fell from heaven, you truly are an angel in disguise”
jaehyun dramatically looks up while a hand is in the air, “but the member’s are here to heal you with our love!! APPLAUSE”
*cue standing ovations and whistles from the members*
meanwhile taehee’s clutching her stomach from laughing too a hard 
“this is so cheesy oh my god *wHEEEEZE*”
next up is taeil, jungwoo, and johnny's dance number!!
the vibe’s similar to the dance they did at yuwin’s bday special 
but this time it’s to britney spears’ “
so they've got taehee laughing a lot more 
to the point she CANT SEE because her eye smile ^-^
she's so precious czennies want to give her the world 
taehee kept shouting that they were cute esp taeil he looks so tiny in between these giants 
when they're done taehee’s in literal tears, “aa i love u guys so much”
blowing of cake yay!!!
the members are laughing because of the look in her eyes 
taehee and food a new ship <3 
hyuck’s cover off happy birthday makes a powerful comeback again 
mark’s just shaking his head at him 
so while they're all distributing slices of cake 
markhyuck takes a stand at the front and they look like they're about to make a toast 
lmao they are
“so this is for our lovely taehee”
“you've worked hard along with us on this beautiful journey,,you never show us that you're tired and you are consistently selfless, compassionate, and kind with all of us,, we can never ask for a better sister”
mark: LOVE YOU *throws a finger heart*
even if that was short, taehee still finds her self smiling from ear to ear 
god she loved these boys so much 
closing remarks time!! aka picture time 
hyuck and yuta were getting playful with taehee so they swiped a but of icing from the cake then onto her nose and cheek 
she just nose scrunched at them uwu they love her so much 
aaaaa this is so long 
i cannot express enough how much the members love taehee
she has been their friend, sister, mentor, cheerleader, etc. for so many years 
they love her to death 
so as they all said cheese for the photo, their love for each other shines brightly through their eyes and smiles 
in this journey, it’s all or nothing <3 
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actuallykiwi · 4 years
OC-tober 7th: Pre and Post Game Life
OC: Annie Sinclair, Alec Sinclair / Featuring: Codsworth, Nick, Hancock, mentioned names
Enjoy :) 
Spring would always be Annie’s favorite season, but man she loved fall, too. Especially since the weather was just perfect for a Saturday. 
October 23, 2077 was her first day off from the day care in weeks, and she was looking forward to it. She lie in bed and remembered telling the kids in her class yesterday about how excited she was to go see a movie with her best friend, walk around the park, and then have her favorite meal with Alec for dinner.
So when she rose from her pillow that morning, little did she know her plans would change drastically. 
“Morning, Codsworth!” She said cheerfully as she approached him in the kitchen. 
“Ah, good morning, mum! Your coffee; 173.5 degrees Fahrenheit, brewed to perfection!” The Mr. Handy robot spun around the counter, carefully holding the steaming mug out to her. She chuckled, “Why, thank you! Glad I actually have time to enjoy it today.” She carefully set it on the counter and prepared her blasphemous amounts of cream and sugar. Typically Codsworth would do that, but it was the one thing Annie insisted on doing herself. Mainly because he commented on the sheer amount of sugar and caffeine she poured into it each day. 
“I’m assuming sleepyhead is still asleep?” She wondered out loud to Codsworth. “Yes, mum! Sir Alec is peacefully sleeping his day away, though I did hear him mumble something about space monkeys at around 4 am.” 
Annie laughed. “He is a space monkey. But he did get off from his shift pretty late last night. I’m gonna check on him.” She grabbed her coffee and headed down the hall to his closed door. After gently knocking, she cracked it open just enough to poke her head in. 
His soft snoring drifted into the hallway. Army fatigues littered the floor next to his bed from when he was too exhausted to change last night. “Bless your heart, Al. They’re working you to death. What exactly are they expecting to-?” 
The doorbell echoed from the living room, causing Annie to jump and Alec’s snoring to pause for a brief moment, then resume quietly. 
Annie placed her coffee back on the counter. “I believe it’s that salesman again, Miss Annie. He can’t take ‘no’ for an answer, can he?” Codsworth explained from the window. “He’s just doing his job, Cods. Let’s see what’s up.” She tightened her bathrobe and adjusted her bun before opening the door. 
“Good morning! Vault-Tec calling!” A Vault-Tec Sales Rep approached her with an all-too-wide smile on his face. “Good morning!” She politely smiled back. 
“Isn’t it? Just look at that sky up there!” He paused to gesture also-too-widely, and cleared his throat when she nodded awkwardly. “*ahem*  You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days. It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you.” 
“Oh, well, then I’m sure glad you came!” She laughed nervously. 
“Yes ma’am, I am too. Now, I know you're a busy woman, so I won't take up much of your time. Time being a, um, precious commodity... I'm here today to tell you that because of your family's service to our country, you have been pre-selected for entrance into the local Vault. Vault 111.” This man bounced back and forth from being overly excited to clearly being afraid of something. Annie was beginning to be a little worried. “Oh, okay, uh, great! Where do we sign up?” 
“You’re actually already cleared for entry! Just need to verify some information, is all, you know, in case of uh.. total atomic annihilation.” He whispered the last part. 
Now Annie was worried. “Right, okay...” She took the clipboard and filled out the information, while tentatively watching him glance around nervously. “You don’t think that will actually happen, do you..?” 
He took the clipboard from her. “U-uh, well it’s always better to be prepared, right?” He glanced down at the papers. “Wonderful! I’ll just run these over to the vault, and congratulations on being prepared for the future-!” 
The door was closed suddenly as half-awake Alec leaned against it. “That guy again? Annie, don’t tell me you bought anything from him?” 
“No, of course not! He was just telling us that we’re cleared for entry into that vault on the hill, in case of ‘total atomic annihilation!’“ She mimicked the sales rep, and Alec chuckled. “Yep, thanks to yours truly.” He grinned and wandered off to get his coffee from Codsworth. 
“Well, I’m gonna go freshen up real quick.” Annie stretched and went to the bathroom for just that. 
A few moments passed, and she was just finishing tying her bandana up in her hair when she overheard Alec from the living room. “Wait, Cods, turn that up.” 
“What’s going on?” She asked as she entered the living room, finding Alec huddled by the TV. 
“Followed by... yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions... We're... we're trying to get confirmation... But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations... W-We do have coming in... That's um... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania. My God.”
The TV went black. Silence roared as Annie and Alec exchanged fearful looks. 
Then all hell broke loose when the air raid sirens cried their woeful cry. 
How much time had passed? 1 day? 1 week? 1 year? She didn’t know. But when Annie opened her frosted eyes, it felt like it had been ages. A horrible gag escaped her throat when her pod suddenly opened, causing her to fall to her hands and knees and retch on the floor. 
She took deep, heaving breaths and shivered. “That... was not a decontamination pod.” She muttered. The difficult part was standing up, as if she had forgot how to. But she was able to weakly get on her feet and stumble to her brother’s pod directly across from hers. Only, she wasn’t expecting to find it already open, and empty. 
“W-what? Alec!?” She cried out, and turned to look around. “Alec!!??” 
Then, ever so faintly she swore she imagined it, she heard it way off in the distance. “Anneka!!”  
They made a promise to each other when they were little. A promise to only say each other’s full names when something was really wrong. And she knew, not only from her full name, but from the plain fear in his voice that something was very, very wrong. 
“ALEXANDER!!” She screamed, and began staggering as fast as she could towards the exit. She only paused when the door wouldn’t open to cough some more, then promptly gained her footing and ran to find another way out. 
The only thing that made her pause again was the site of the roaches the size of small dogs. And the several vault-tec-adorned skeletons littering the vault. “How long has it been...?” When she found the 10mm pistol, she was glad Alec taught her to shoot when she was in high school. It made the rest of her escape easier for her. 
When she eventually found the Pip-Boy and made it to the elevator, it was coming down, when it should have been up this whole time. She called his name again, but when there was yet again no answer, she tentatively stepped onto the platform and let it raise her joltingly to the surface. 
A thousand thoughts were swimming through her mind, so when she adjusted to the sudden sunlight, she wasted no time in jumping off before the platform even fully stopped and frantically began calling his name. “Alexander!!! Alec!! Al-...Al...” 
And she took it all in. The world she once knew, decayed to almost nothing. All the green, gone. All the life, dissipated. She fell to her knees in shock. “A...Alec...” And the tears fell. The tears fell and the vocal cords were strained from agony. 
Moments passed before she finally lifted herself from the ground, dusting off her vault suit, still damp with frost. 
And a new fire burned in her. An inferno of determination to find her brother, and adapt to this new, terrifying world. 
“Don’t worry, Alec. I promise you..” She adjusted her glasses and looked at the sky. “I will find you if it’s the last thing I do.” 
“And I did... didn’t I...?” She said quietly to herself. 
Annie had been walking around Sanctuary, reminiscing about her promise, and where it’s taken her. In the backyard of her dilapidated house, a small, white handmade cross sit still on a mound, covered in wildflowers. And an aging military picture of Alexander Sinclair was pinned safely in the middle. 
“I just wish I could’ve found you sooner. But, no sense dwelling on that, right? I’m happy for those last few moments I had with you.” She crouched in front of him and rubbed the picture endearingly. Tears trickled down as she smiled sorrowfully at him. “I miss you, Alec. Every day. But we’re making a peaceful Commonwealth here. You’d be happy.” 
“Annie? Time for the speech, doll.” Nick called from the house. 
“Oh, coming!” She wiped her face quickly. “Sorry, looks like I’m needed! I’ll be back soon. Love you.” She kissed her fingers and tapped them on the picture, then scurried back to the street where the crowd was waiting. 
A soap box sat patiently waiting for her underneath the strung lights along the street, and the banner from the tree that read “United Commonwealth 1st Anniversary!” Everyone was chatting amongst each other until Annie took her place on the box. 
“Everyone! Today we celebrate the 1 year anniversary of peace in the Commonwealth!” 
A roar of applause. 
She laughed. “I know our version of ‘peace’ may seem odd, but as tenuous as it is, we must celebrate every moment we have of it, which is why 1 year is cause for such a huge celebration!” Applause. “1 year ago today, I made an agreement with every faction, city, and settlement to compromise in all our endeavors. I met with each of the leaders, including the new mayor of Diamond City, Hancock of Goodneighbor, Preston of the Minutemen, Maxson of the Brotherhood, and yes, even the leader of the Institute, with whom we had the most... animosity. But they have agreed to stop the kidnapping, the experiments, and to leave the Commonwealth alone unless it’s to help us. By their terms, we also leave them alone, and help voluntarily with whatever they need should they need it. The Brotherhood has agreed to help, not control, with building up the Commonwealth defense. And the Minutemen are still setting up settlements, now with the help of the Brotherhood. I know there’s still some hatred amongst us, especially for the Institute. But we need to put that hatred aside if we’re ever going to thrive again. Continue to stand with me, with each other, and let’s continue making the Commonwealth a better place.” Hancock handed her a Nuka Cola. “TO THE UNITED COMMONWEALTH!” 
“TO THE UNITED COMMONWEALTH!” There was another roar of applause, and everyone happily cheered, danced, cried, and just celebrated. 
Hancock helped her down from the box and watched the crowd with her. “Good speech, sunshine. But part of me is kinda worried.” 
“About?” She asked as she took a swig of cola. 
“About this ‘tenuous peace’ you’ve worked so hard to achieve. I know you’ve got an optimistic way of lookin’ at things, but it probably ain’t gonna last. A year is lucky.”  
“I know. That’s why we need to celebrate while we can, before someone disagrees with someone else, and then it’s back to square one.” 
“Right. Then it’s the war all over again.” 
She chuckled sadly. “Well, if it ever comes to that, it’s like Alec always said...” She took a long drink from her cola and sighed. 
“’War never changes.’“
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking... Ch.19
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
A/N: What did I say about taking a break? HA, I can’t keep my word guys. Don’t trust me. I may have fixed the tags idk.
Wordcount: 2239
Warnings: Assault, gay, foreshaowing, cursing
Tags!!!!:  @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty@meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips@sweaterkitty-fluff@pinkyiger7@littlemissshortcakes@msageofenlightenment@unprofessional-inhumanbeing@fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple@ashwolfcub@myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate@superwholockbooknerd526@frozengal2013@lmaodedhaha@itsmikayblr@sarmar29 @arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms@hoshihime98@shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space@iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2(lol) @asprinkleofmermaids@pinkyiger7(I’m tagging you twice my friend!) @satellitesuga @rose-coloured-nihilism  @okie-dokie-artichokeme @alyssumax @pandartist @marquiis-de-la-baguette 
Breaking The Rules
The heat of summer seemed to fade away as fast as it had come. Fall soon followed and Angie had just turned sixteen. It wasn’t too much after the fact that she had a request for Alex, she wanted to go to a party. There was a masquerade ball happening in only a week and RoseMary had asked her to accompany her there. Alex was originally very hesitant, Angie had never been to a gathering by herself before, although she wouldn’t actually be alone. It took many pleases but he eventually agreed, now you were here. Angie braced herself with her bed frame as you finished tying the laces of her corset, while Eliza sat in front of her and finished her makeup. You tied off the string and Angie let out a sigh of relief.
“Christ that was painful!” She let out, you gave her an apologetic look.
“Time to finish up! I’ll go inform the coach, can you handle the rest, dear?” Eliza asked as she pushed herself off the bed, she was about eight months pregnant and there was no way you were letting her pull a corset.
“Of course, be careful down the stairs!” You warned. She rolled her eyes.
“Very well, mother.” She joked as she made her way of the room. Angie stepped into her metal hoop and tied it off herself while you grabbed her top layer. You lifted it up over her head, she put her arms through the sleeves as the fabric fell over the hoop. You tied off the front, fluffed out the skirt and stepped back to take a look at her. She’s grown up so fast! She’s so beautiful, my precious cinnamon roll!
“What are you staring at?” She asked with a nervous chuckle. You fanned your eyes to stop yourself from tearing up. Could you not right now! Stupid emotions!
“Just…You are the most beautiful little sister that I could ever ask for!” You sniffled, she quickly came over and gave you a comforting hug.
“Now all you have to do is marry Philip and make that title official!” She smiled and pulled away.
“I can’t think about marriage yet! Especially not while he’s still in school.” You corrected.
“Come on! I’ll be your Maid of Honor; I’m already working on my speech for the reception!” She giggled.
“I’m sure you are, but enough about me! Tonight is about you! Well, you and RoseMary but you get what I mean.”
“Do you think she going to like it?” She asked, gesturing at her gown. It was a birthday present from Mulligan. It was a soft shade of pink; the front was rather plain but the back had a very dramatic train that you were instructed to pin fresh flowers into. It was gorgeous and very much Angie. The whole thing stood out, it was really puffy and had off the shoulder, short sleeves. It suited her medium-toned skin and brown eyes.
“Of course she’s going to like it! She likes you no matter what you wear, kiddo!” You reminded her. You took another look at her and felt a bit strange. She looked like someone, you couldn’t put your finger quite on who but she definitely reminded you of someone. You quickly shook off the feeling and focused on the preparation. “You just need one more thing and you should be ready.” You walked over to her vanity and picked up her mask. It was a more reddish pink than her dress with small and intricate designs, tiny crystals lined the eyes and top of the mask and a bit of feathering stuck out of the top. You went behind her, placed the mask to her face and tied it off with the pink ribbon. “Okay, now you’re ready!” You exclaimed. You followed her out of her room and down the steps. It was only mid-day but you knew that parties started a lot earlier here. Eliza was waiting by the door.
“The carriage is ready!” When Angie stood by Eliza, they both hugged each other. “Be safe, love.”
“I will, Mama. No need to worry!” Angie reassured her. You opened the door for her and watched as she entered the carriage and drove off.
             You spent most of the day cleaning up the mess in Angie’s room and then anxiously checking for letters from Philip. You’d received less letters from him ever since summer started and even now in the fall you weren’t getting much. You were starting to get a little worried. You told yourself that he was probably busy with schoolwork and that nothing was wrong but you couldn’t shake this weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. You decided to distract yourself with reading some of the passages he marked in your book for like the hundredth plus time. Your favorite one was “My soul is in the sky.” At least, by itself it was your favorite. In context with the rest of the passage it gave you a feeling of terror. You were never able to shake what you saw in those ‘visions’, they still haunted you. Every once in a while you felt like you could actually hear the dream-like experience in real life but it would always be your imagination. The passage gave you and eerie feeling, you knew that he didn’t intend for it to but it was definitely off putting.  The evening faded and Eliza was starting to get antsy, Angie wasn’t back home yet. You told her to go to bed and that you would stay up to watch for her carriage. She tried to say no and that she would stay up but eventually you were able to convince her that not resting isn’t good for the baby.
             You brought a chair into the main room and convinced Alex to let you borrow his portable writing set. What a fucking nerd, he refuses to leave the house without this thing. You wrote down some of your worries about Philip, sure you had admitted your love on paper, honestly it was the only way you could sort everything. But this was the first time you wrote about what your fears were about loving him. You didn’t want to be selfish, you didn’t want to hold him back, you didn’t want to hurt him with all of your problems. Honestly, you didn’t feel like you deserved him most of the time. He deserved someone who at least had a chance to be with him, not some one in ten thousandth chance. You heard a carriage pull in, the horses were louder than usual. You quickly put everything on the ground but before you could make it to the door, two people were rushing in. RoseMary was holding her white mask and Angie’s pink mask in one hand. Angie had her arm wrapped around RoseMary’s shoulder, her dress was ripped and her hair was a mess, that’s all you could see at least from where you were. They both collapsed onto the ground. You ran over to them and kneeled down.
“Oh God, what happened? Are you both alright?” You asked hysterically. Up close you saw that RoseMary had tears streaming down her face. Angie looked up at you and saw a large starting at the base of nose and went down to the edge of her jawline. Now that you could see it, her hair was not only a mess but pieces were shorter than you remember. You could see the parts that went to the normal length, ending at the middle of her back, but some chunks creeped up to shoulder length. Her dress was torn to pieces, you could see the metal hoops and how weirdly she was holding onto her leg. I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL WHOEVER DID THIS! DO YOU HEAR ME UNIVERSE?!    
“I’m so stupid, so, so stupid! I messed up big time TT…” She wheezed. You took her free arm and wrapped it around your own shoulder, you and RoseMary helped her off the ground and stand up. The two of you led her to your chair, she limped awkwardly the whole way.
“T-This wasn’t s-supposed to h-happen…” RoseMary shook.
“What the hell happened?” You asked once more.
“S-Someone saw us, they freaked out and came at us… I’m so sorry Angie! This is all my fault! I was too afraid to fight back…” She wept. “They chased off her carriage so w-we had to go and find my coach just to get out…” She kneeled down beside Angie and squeezed her hand. Angie shook her head, even though she was obviously in pain.
“It’s not your fault, Rosie. There’s no way you could’ve known…” She winced as you tried to wipe the blood off her face. “One of the men there grabbed me by the hair, Rosie had to cut me out so we could run. We’re lucky that didn’t see who we were so I don’t think they know…” She chuckled anxiously. You sighed, you could already tell that her leg was broken from what little was visible from under the metal rings.
“Angie…we have to tell your father. You’re going to need a doctor and you know I can’t call for one-“ You started.
“No! We can’t tell him! Please…” She looked at you panicked.
“I can’t treat you, I don’t have the medical knowledge to fix your leg. Plus, how are you even going to try and hide this from him? I’m going to get him; I think he’s still up.” You stood up and felt Angie grab your list, you looked back down at her and saw tears pricking at her eyes.
“Please! Don’t tell him! He’ll be upset with me!” She hiccupped. You looked down at her apologetically.
“Trust me, everything will be fine. You can’t hide this for forever.” You informed her. You didn’t like that you had to go against her wishes but you knew if you didn’t tell him, or at least enough to help her than she would get hurt again. You went through the hallway and saw light filtering in from under the study doors. You gave a soft knock and opened the door. “Alex? This is urgent, could you please follow me into the main room?” You heard him hum in confusion.
“Why? Is something wrong?” He asked in a concern voice.
“I’ll…I’ll let her explain. Please just come with me for a second.” You heard him rush out of his seat and he was following you back to Angie and RoseMary in no time. Once he saw her, all the color drained from her face, he ran over to, kneeled down beside her.
“Angelica! What happened? Are you hurt? Who did this?” He questioned frantically, she looked hesitant.
“It’s okay, Angie. You can tell him.” You tried to reassure. She looked at RoseMary, and she seemed to agree with you.
“I don’t know who it was… but I think my leg got messed up.” She tried to make light of the situation.
“How did this happen?”
“M-Mr. Hamilton… I think it might help if you promise to not get upset.” RoseMary suggested.
“Yes, yes, of course I won’t be upset. I swear on my life.” Alex looked Angie in the eye with a certain comforting seriousness. She took a deep breath to psyche herself up. You got this lil sis, you can do this!
“Some people…they um, saw something that they didn’t like so they attacked…”
“What are-“
“Father, I love Rosie! Every time you describe to me what it’s like to look at Mama every day, that’s how I feel with her! I’m so sorry, Daddy!” At this point there were tears streaming down her face. Alex, without hesitation, wrapped his daughter in his arms and held her a sort of fear that only a loving father could. “W-what?” Angie sniffled.
“My sunshine girl, why are you apologizing? I understand, you have no need to fear! I love you will all my heart, darling; nothing will ever change that!” Alex’s voice cracked. Looks like my feeling was right. “We’ll figure out a way to make this work, I promise. Until then, you need to lie low and rest.” Alex instructed you to help Angie up the stairs and get into bed. He would take a coach to RoseMary’s home and call for the doctor to deal with her leg. You did and helped her out of her clothes and into her night dress. Truthfully, you’ve seen her look more at peace with herself until now.  After you put her to bed, you went down to your room and decided to prepare yourself to sleep. As you changed out of your garments, you felt cold all of a sudden. Colder than what you should be in October at least. You shivered and realized you could see your own breath. You stood there for a moment in confusion, that’s when you heard something. Perhaps heard wasn’t the right word, there was no sound but you felt it. It was smooth and foreboding, lawful and just.
“Stop. Go back.” It echoed through your skin. You turned but saw no one there, the presence was gone and the room adjusted back to its original temperature. What was that…? You quickly put your night gown on and got under the covers on your bed.
You didn’t sleep that night.
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elvesofnoldor · 8 years
im really fucking scared. 
Sure i live in Canada and my dad and some of our relatives live in the states right now, but we are probably gonna be fine, for now, as Chinese immigrants--Well, we might be inconvenient??? at best??? My dad is living in U.S with a working visa and it seems that immigration in general is tying up so he probably can’t stay in the states for long. He didn’t come up to Canada to spend Chinese new year with me, one of the reasons is that i didn’t ask him to and i dont think we should spend a lot of time together anyways, but also it’s probably not so convenient for him to leave the country right now. Also, i know he doesnt wanna work in Canada--the country where both of us hold our citizenship in, and the possibility of working in China is another can of worm that i dont wanna open right now; so that’s kinda bad for our family’s long term future. But this is all manageable, compare to a lot of other people right now. 
U.S--the neighbouring country next door, the most influential global power in this time and day is undergoing a real and terrifying transition into a fascist state. Trump makes it abundantly clear that he is a fucking nazi. Muslim immigrants can’t even get out of the country anymore if they aren’t prepare of returning to the country ever again, and Muslim refugees can’t get in even though they have no other place to turn to. This is terrible that this is making a horrific and devastating impact on so many innocent lives and January isn’t even fucking over yet. But also, this is what he’s fucking capable of, he is capable of turning the country into actual Nazi state right now. 
I know this may not be any imminent threat but Trump’s attitude with China isn’t friendly, at all. In fact, China’s military officials say it’s a real possibility to enter a into a war with US right now. NOW, first, im fucking sick and tired of hearing antagonistic language towards China. I get it, you all see China as this looming shadow from the east, threatening to its smaller neighbouring countries that are desperately trying to US’s fucking dick to counter it. While I’m a little alarmed by China’s general military mobilizations, i honest to god don’t think PRC is up for annexing countries--face it, that’s what you all fucking fear. lol. Geopolitical control eh, well, The country gains geopolitical power by solidifying control over territories that we historically owned, not through expansion and annexation of other countries. So let me tell you, fucking relaxed.  Not only do we never have the historical tradition of annexing countries, the governing party’s got 1.3 billion people to manage and control, it doesnt have the fucking energy to manage and control more people with MUCH higher chance of causing heavy political and social unrests. They already tighten up on control over speech and access to information outside of Chinese sites, from what i heard, not only can you not access websites like fucking moodle or onq to do your homework, it’s technically illegal to fucking use VPN to gain access. This means they need to tighten control over information to maintain the false appearance of peace and harmony, so it’s gonna be fine, for your non-Chinese folks out there :)))) And anyone with a fucking head knows political unrests isn’t what China needs right now. You all don’t give a fuck, but i do, i give many fucks, i dont really like my family but most of them live in China ok and they are still my fucking family, and i know for a fact that there is no political parties that can replace the communist party right now. Unfortunately, communist party has successfully integrated itself into the core of nation’s being, and without it, comes political and social chaos of massive scale. The political party that lost the civil war; the political party that founded Taiwan’s contemporary political system, isn’t up for the fucking task, and they didnt wanna take on the fucking task anyways ever since the //We are an actual independent country// rhetoric came into being. I know no one gives a fuck about 1.3 billion Chinese that’s currently living an ok life to them--well that’s not true at all, the gap b/w rich and poor is larger than ever and this is something being replicated in U.S and Canada, but i do and i dont want a fucking war b/w U.S and China. You all might think im blabbering about the potential of yellow peril returning, but if China got into actual bad water with U.S you bet your ass white people wouldnt give much thoughts into it before stepping on us all. We might be butts of jokes, providers of some lazy Saturday ethnic lunches, or some annoying immigrants with low English proficiency to them right now, but you just fucking wait for China fucked up its relationship with U.S.  Considering Canada tends to follow up on U.S with its political attitudes on foreign countries.....you fill in the blanks for me. 
In short, Communist state is a soft authoritarian state and it’s really fucked but you can’t get rid of it or you gonna end up with probably 1.3 billion refugees from pure internal political and social chaos. If US-China relationship collapses--and it has the real possibility to, there would be an international conflict and that shit is gonna have devastating impact on me, my family, Chinese immigrants like me in North America and especially U.S, and billions of others in China. 
On the other hand, Chinese and Asian populations aren’t actively engaging in political protests, we are nOT there, so how do we expect others to do our works for us and fight for our rights???? Even worse, some of us are actively showing our lack of regard towards the interests of other minority groups. I dont know how the fuck some middle age economically privileged Chinese uncles and aunts voted for Trump, but they fucking existed and they made a difference. What do they think they are??? ethnic white people???? They went to fucking universities for commerce but they are dumb enough to legit thought Trump's interesting statements about US-China relation are signals of positive changes????? I also know these moms living in economic comfort are terrified for their children’s future, because they feared a lower number of their children are getting into ivy leagues in the future under Affirmative Action. LMAO!!! AS IF LATINO AND BLACK MOTHERS AREN’T ALEADY AFRAID???? TBH THEIR FEARS ARE PROBABLY MORE VALID THAN YOURS???? AS IF MOTHERS FROM COMMUNITIES THAT ARE ACTUALLY ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED AREN’T AFRAID ALREADY???? AS IF LARGE PERCENTAGE OF CHINESE/ASIAN PARENTS LIVING IN ACTUAL POVERTY AREN’T AFRAID THAT THEIR CHILDREN WOULD BE SHAMED AMONG THEIR FAMILIES AND GET NO HELP AND FUTURE LIKE THEY DO????? They come in with the same fucking mentality as white people who fears number of white people in universities and campuses will go down. It’s sickening. Their children gonna get into ivy leagues if they got the stuff, there is just gonna be more black and latino and people of color in higher education institutes, but they decide to disregard other people of colors’ interests and vote for fucking Trump. They really aren’t helping the fucking situation!!! 
smh i should probably write my short film script right now instead of ranting here 
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