#but apparently not :)
naminoor · 2 months
Bro i just finished reading the Odyssey and i swear Telemachus and Peisistratus r quite literally my favourite characters.
Like Nestor went: “Ah hello son of Odysseus, this is my !SINGLE! And !VERY STRONG AND HANDSOME! Son that is coincidentally !AROUND THE SAME AGE AS YOU! And you shall SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS HIM and he will ACCOMPANY YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY!”
And also in Sparta where Telemachus had to wake up Peisistratus and just kicked him? And Peisistratus was like ‘bro go to bed it is like 3AM’.
Also Telemachus called Peistratus ‘light of my heart’
And Peistratus asked Menelaus about his brother bc he never knew him.
And when Telemachus had to like go back to Ithaka he asked Peisitratus for help since Nestor would try to find a way to make Tele stay and Peisitraus was like:’i got u dont worry!’
They r such underrated characters (which is wild considering Telemachus is quite literally odysseus’ son) .
I am also obsessed with EPIC the musical and i know Peisistratus is probably not gonna appear and that makes me sad bc i like him so much (still very excited for the wisdom saga though bc Telemachus)
Anyways that was my rant, one last message before i go:
Telemachus and Peisistratus were gay as hell
Bye bye :D
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churchyaoi · 25 days
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what are they looking at
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nelkcats · 1 year
New place, same fight
Danny loves his friends, they have been with him since they were little and they have experienced too many things together, things that have helped them grow, things that only strengthen their friendship. Because Sam and Tucker were everything to him, as he was everything to them.
But at the same time, Danny could admit that he hated his friends; not always, but there were times where they wouldn't stop fighting, where they forced him to choose. The halfa could understand, Sam and Tucker had different world views, they saw different things and occasionally Danny thought they only got along because of him.
That was okay, he learned to live with them, to be the center of their arguments. And when they moved from Amity to Gotham, when they decided to rent an apartment together and go to the same college (which miraculously had all their majors), he thought everything would be fine.
It was idiotic of him. Because at the time he could only see a repeat of what had happened in high school; Sam was having a protest about the cafeteria menu and Tucker had organized the meat lovers (again), and the halfa knew how it was all going to end.
The point is, Danny was tired of repeating the same cycle, a cycle that apparently included Waylon and Poison Ivy fighting in the cafeteria at his new college (and how the hell did his friends manage to get the Rogues of Gotham into their fights?), so when he saw the people in bat suits he exploded.
When Sam and Tucker turned to ask his opinion he shook his head, pointed at Lunch Lady, who had her arms crossed and decided it wasn't his problem before disappear. Literally, no matter if half of Gotham was calling him meta, he was tired.
Red Robin gawked at him before turning his attention to Lunch Lady, who was gathering all the meat around her to form a giant meat monster. And Danny decided it wasn't his problem.
Apparently, Sam and Tucker decided that the bats could take care of it before they looked worried and started looking for Danny. It became obvious that the bats needed help when Danny looked at a giant meat monster two hours later, the halfa arched an eyebrow in dismay, weren't they supposed to be professional heroes? Lunch wasn't even trying...
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months
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Bye bye PerthChimon 🥺
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starstruckodysseys · 6 months
this is the plot of sophomore year right
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eighthwholove · 6 months
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Eight and his TARDIS. 1996.
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allgirlsareprincesses · 2 months
Stop calling My Lady Jane stupid! It's not stupid, it's actually a very deliberate and carefully crafted show FFS. They purposely made it anachronistic and whimsical and sexy AF! And it's good at being all those things!
Just like how Bridgerton isn't real history either and it's not trying to be, but it's very good at being a romantic fantasy!
Stop trying to prove you have refined taste and just enjoy things!
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rystiel · 1 year
apparently people fight over ninerose and tenrose and which ship is better…? bro that’s literally the same guy. same ship. what are you talking about
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It's actually so ironic that I thought this season was supposed to be about Izzy detaching himself from Ed and getting to be his own person, when in reality they only wanted him to be a representation of the death of Ed's former life, of Blackbeard.
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toooldtotobedoingthis · 4 months
On behalf of my eighteen year old who is currently having an aneurysm every time she looks at social media.
rogue /rōg/
1. An unprincipled person, a rascal
2. A prankster
3. A mischievous person (often playfully or affectionately)
4. A vagrant (archaic)
rouge /roozh/
1. Cosmetic powder used to redden the face, orig a mixture of safflower and talc
2. A polishing powder of hydrated ferric oxide (also jeweller's rouge)
3. French red wine (for vin rouge)
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cagedchangeling · 1 month
the bugs that swim in the goo that is my brain are telling me simon ghost riley is hot and i should play that god for saken game.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 5 months
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I can't believe they were doing this shit way back in season 4
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anadorablehedgehog · 5 months
i'm sorry can we talk about joker out apparently only having one concert in slovenia this year? and the fact that the only way you can get tickets is by winning them by buying poli?
it seems really shitty to me how much they are prioritising other countries over slovenia
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
Me when I'm reading a sad book and it is sad and makes me feel sad:
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diver5ion · 9 months
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thescrapwitch · 5 months
Did you ever get half way through writing a chapter, realize how you could make that chapter 10x better, get very excited, and then realize that meant you had to rewrite everything? 🙃
I love writing I swear I do (😫)
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