#but anyways i also like larry and this gives me a reason to watch the new episode
louisisalarrie · 3 months
heyy, what relationship do you think louis has with F? I know you don't believe that's his son, but personally I have many doubts on the whole thing and one of the main reasons is that i think he genuinely cares about him. I mean the way he talks about him and everything, and i dont mean interviews only, for example that time after a show when he met a little fan and he asked them how old they were and then he said something like "my little F is 7", he just said that bc he wanted to, so why would he do if he doesn't care about him? and I'm not saying that proofs that's his son, I'm just asking bc most larries that I see they claim that lou doesn't give a fuck about F, but I think he really does
hello lovely! if you are having doubts and want more info, check out this tags page that has a heap of bbg content from over the years that may help you make your mind up. and thank you for being respectful of what I believe even if you’re not sure 100% where you stand on it. so thank you and great to have you here!
I’ve touched on something similar to this before, in which, we know how much louis loves kids. him and his little sisters and bro, young fans, his sisters’ kids etc. like every situation we see him with a kid in, he lights up. same with Harry
anyway, I think bbg got out of hand and when it became far more long term and he had to be pictured with this child, he probably felt very frustrated and shitty that it got this far. He probably feels bad for the kid that his family got him involved in this, and now this kid won’t ever have a normal life. and so, he’s hung out with this kid every once in a while, watching him grow up, and I can imagine he probably does care about him a lot. He’s a very caring guy in general, and so under the circumstances, he’s trying to make this work the best he can.
He’s not gonna sit there and be like “gross kid get tf away from me” lol, but he’s balancing this distance of not being too close to become such a permanent fixture in his life, and not hurting this kid’s feelings. Again, it’s hard to know what F believes as he’s only like 8 or so, so I’m not sure how much they’ve divulged with him, but I’m pretty positive he’d know louis isn’t his dad by now tbh. but louis probably just feels shitty and wants to at least have the kid spend time having fun with him, rather than miserable for a life he didn’t choose.
Re your comment about him talking about F to the fans… in my opinion, bbg is now at the level of pretty much a strictly fan service stunt, and has been for a while now. we get the little gap filler articles from bored journalists like “all about louis tomlinson’s son!” etc. every once in a while, but otherwise it’s not really gaining him much publicity these days. he’ll mention him when he does those random Twitter chats, interviews here and there, and we get our annual Christmas photo (nothing for Father’s Day this year tho cough cough), but the GP don’t… care about it. But we as fans who follow his sisters’ accounts and are more invested, bbg is brought up for us. So because it’s not shoved in our faces from the press all the time, it’s easier to keep going with it by doing a mention about it here and there.
they still have this stunt as a bombshell to drop when necessary, though. Louis could gain some mad publicity with the end of it and still come out looking good, so it’s kinda just there until they find a suitable time for it to drop, which I have a feeling will be soon since it is so fan focused now.
lining up the end of stunts with releases/other big press news etc. is also quite tricky. this one has to be delicate because it’s got a kid involved, too.
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tierra-paldeana · 1 month
Geeta had always been Rika’s friend since the day they met. Their bond was so strong that they told each other everything including Rika’s troubled past in the pond. But some days where harder for Geeta than others, she never knew how to handle their friendship especially in their adult years when it was made off a lie, she couldn’t tell Rika that she was bribed by the teachers and parents to be her friend to calm down the wild student and who else to do that than the smartest student in school? The plan was simple Geeta would be her friend for a year and from her Rika would branch out and make friends with other people and then she’d pull away but it never worked. They stuck together. That made the conversation Rika overheard ten times worse. 
Rika decided to head to the Medali gym to get some food and watch Larry fight trainers to see any note worthy ones she might face soon. Her booth was empty except for her and a few empty plates of food that’s when she heard the voice of one of her favorite people on the booth behind her. Geeta was here with someone else, she didn’t even notice her arrival. But something was off. The other person was comforting her? Why? Is she okay? Then she caught the reason why Geeta was being comforted “It’s been years Ge. You’ve gotta tell her it’s already been driving you crazy since graduation.” The other person said “I can’t just do that. The situation is more delicate than you think.” Geeta repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.
 “Just tell her about the parents and teachers she might understand. You can’t keep holding it in.”
“What if I lose her? What if she hates me and never wants to see me again?”
“That was the plan wasn’t it? Be her friend for a year then ditch her. For Arceus’s sake Rika has feral episodes you said it yourself. Didn’t she stop the whole Elite four process for a week after her most recent episodes?”
“Look I’ll think about it.”
“You’ve already said that a million times.”
On anon, pretend to be one of my muse's loved ones, but try to be as heartbreaking and anger-inducing as possible!
// i know i'm supposed to reply to this in-character, but instead i wanted to praise this anon for writing something that took so much of this blog into consideration agahgshdgs i really appreciate it-
the only criticism i can give is the fact that geeta's choice to help her when they were teens came out of a mixture of the teachers asking her to and her own volition. she could've declined to do so at any moment, and there wasn't really a set minimum time she was supposed to stay with her- something i like to drive home when it comes to this blog is that geeta's decision to help her in general was selfless, and something she decided to endeavour into all on her own.
of course, the academy saw her as fitting for the job of convincing her to come since she was a top student, but ultimately the decision to go with geeta was rika's, as while geeta would sometimes suggest and ask her about school, she never really pressured her into joining. geeta protected her and saved her life, and it was from that point on that rika decided that's where she wanted to be, by her side - the side of the one person that cared about her and wanted her to be happy and safe.
all of this ultimately leads into what i intent to get across with my version of rika's story: geeta helped her in a selfless manner, something she was never required to do but she did it anyway because she's empathetic with those who struggle, and this led to a friendship that stays strong to this day. she's always been understanding and patient with rika, even during her feral episodes, and is never annoyed with her 'flaws', as she fully knows and understands her past and everything that makes her up as a person, since she's practically the only one who knows every detail about it.
still, this was brilliantly written, and it made my heart hurt, so props to you anon ;;;;;; it also makes me warm and fuzzy inside when someone takes everything i've established here into consideration asgdhghgfs
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the-zapped-part-timer · 4 months
Penn Zerothon Day 7
Defending the Earth🛸
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My Ramblings: Another Boone's phobia episode, this time public speaking! Question: have you ever tried the method of picturing everyone in their underwear? I haven't. Where did that come from? Why is the an acceptable and normal thing to do? I wanna know the origin.
Another Boone wearing something dress-like and just be like: Oh ok, girl mode, activated. Don't worry, your time will come.
Imagine if that was the whole mission, just signing papers and going to meetings or passing bills. Thank goodness for the double alien invasion.
Instant attack mode with the Trio, finding out ways to murder these aliens. Penn telling Boone to stay focused with such a quiet voice while giving an alien a wedgie is top notch.
Ah yes, the three laser modes: Cat toy, laser eye surgery and oh yeah, destory planet! Really enjoy Rippen's movements and blinking.
"I don't know. This isn't me." How he delivers that, just sounds like a guy. One of the few times Rippen has a different name, there was Farpling, now it's General Ugthar the Ugly. "No, that can't be my name."
Why is Bruce Vilanch here?
Chris Parnell, I recognize that voice anywhere! Can never escape him... I like Judge Blort Clooney, I bet it's that unsettling smile that gets me.
When did Larry move away from Rippen and into the crowds? How did you get over there? Lot's of fun cameos of other aliens all over this episode.
I like that Blort has this all-powerful gavel and is still terrified of Jorlanx. Also of course Blort is a father.
It's pessimist in me that's more on Rippen's side, but come on, you can give better reasons than just potholes, holding music and people who talk too loudy on their phones at restaurants. But those are all very relatable things to be peeved about, Rippen's is just the grumpy adult in all of us.
So... talking underwear that sounds like a doofy Penn, am I right? Anyways, good speech, Boone. You did a good job! You can clap along if you wish.
Rippen attempting murder is hilarious because he always fails to kill the person. Sure he got the gavel, but he couldn't even hold onto for 10 seconds.
Man, they must have really not liked General Ugthar the Ugly. I wonder what ice cream flavors his fleet is gonna get without him as he gets smacked to death in space.
I would watch Outer Space Court. And I would really liked to know if the alien language they use is something they completely came up with and if anyone one could possibly decode it. Not for the meaning, just because it'd be fun to use.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: Got his ass smacked on live television for billions to see. What a sad day for the US President.
Boone Wiseman: Another fear conquered! I must say, this feels more earned than his aquaphobia, which is a shame considering that fear really affected his life. Also, while his speech was supposed to be this nice and heartfelt, I wouldn't be totally convinced. But it's not his fault. Just what we know of Earth... just blow it up!
Sashi Kobayashi: Tried to stop a baby Hubarian Quirm from smacking the President's ass and failed on live television for billions to see.
Rippen: You have better reasons to blow up the Earth! Talk about the school education system or you know... war!
Larry: He's friends with one of the contestants.
Dimension(s): Game show... but in space! Fun idea, but it only works if the host is just as good and Blort Clooney? He's great! He was so entertaining. Wouldn't have minded if they came back to this dimension just for him!
Forms: Meh, nothing standing out for me with the Trio. Rippen and Larry's designs go pretty hard for sure.
Number One Number Two🏹
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HEY! Haven't we seen this all before? Rippen delivering a banger line of: "You may not be a real hero, but you're going to perish like one." And about to blast Penn to smithereens until Larry accidentally messes it all up, the inciting incident for this episode!? HMM!? Except this time, we get to see them almost die in the vacuum of space!
AND! We get to see the inside of Fish Stick on a Stick for the first time! I need a "I hearts jetpacks" sweater. Stat!
WE ALSO SEE RIPPEN'S APARTMENT! YAY! Poor bastard lives by train tracks and has a billboard that says "vacation" on the top of his building, and life wasn't cruel enough to him.
So, we can all agree that Larry made that Past Failures scrapbook, right? He's the one that takes all those photos in other dimensions (nice setup) and somehow brings them back, and that's his handwriting! The little i's dotted with hearts! We also know that Rippen has terrible handwriting.
He's too entertaining for me, Rippen needs to be stopped. His expressions, his voice, his mannerisms, HIS EVERYTHING! His dorky high school photo! This man is the reason I growl so much. We need a growl compilation. Stat!
HIS STUPID CLOWN GIGGLE! STOP! Mr. Molina, how do you do that to your voice? How do you just laugh like that!?
Larry was way too enthusiastic about doing a trouser swap, but god is it funny!
Oh no... Larry's heart is freaking breaking in half! HIS FACE! MY HEART! It shows just how much he cares about Rippen, him not wanting to show the utter pain and heartbreak, but god, does he want to scream! He's been nothing but loyal and then out if the blue, replaced! I understand Rippen, I really do, but we will see why Larry is the GOAT!
So Boone is Shak-a-speare, right? Cool. "Pulleth mine finger" was funny.
What was that British accent from the "newsie" boy!? But who's worse, him or Penn's indistinguishable accent?
I like how this world seems normal, just old English and then, oh yeah, there is a dragon... not important but it's there. It's only used for when Rippen literally (accidentally) kills a man by accidentally shooting it. Just straight up dead!
Remove Penn from this whole thing and you get a dating show. Rippen does say he's looking for an evil soul mate... so. I know, doesn't mean romantic, but it is funny to think about. We know he's very romantical. They even do the rose thing but with an arrow!
Montage Time! Penn out doing everyone while Larry's tries his hardest. Yes, he does almost get Rippen gored by bull, but dammit, he's determined!
Interesting that Larry was wearing one of those royal guard outfits for the jousting, weird. Why the costume change? Penn didn't do it.
All the tryouts are like: "what the hell is Jamaica?" Anyways, right before Rippen announces the winner, on of the guys is rubbing his arm in a very cute and bashful way. Also these horses are ugly.
"Will you accept my arrow?" RIPPEN STOP THAT'S A MINOR! Why does he have to say it so sultry? I love it... but Penn, get out of here!
THE FAKE OUT! How he says "Wait. Larry." I WANT TO SCREAM! I WANT TO EAT MY HANDS! They knew what they were doing! I cannot be normal about this episode, I'm sorry...
This confirms that Rippen is not an actual British person or was born in England, of he was, he would've know Westminstershireville isn't real. We know where he's actually from.
It would be so hilarious if Rippen didn't know who Leonardo Da Vinci was. But I think he does, especially given his other job, he should know. But imagine, and even more clueless Rippen only knowing Leonard Da Vinci as the "local face painter."
Rippen saying hardcore...
Just say thank you to Larry, you jackass! I get his thinking process but please, my man needs a win!
We need another compilation of Rippen looking through monocular or binoculars, he does it so often. Love it when he comments on the Trio's appearances, mocking of complimenting them. This time around it's mocking. Speaking of sort of compliments, so far, Rippen has stopped acknowledging Sashi's competence and has insulted her status as a sidekick. Just interesting to note.
Good use of "In the Hall of the Mountain King." Another classic. This whole scene of Penn swapping back and forth, and the back and forthing with himself is amusing. He gets really into it. Him just forgetting the mask, gosh, perfect!
It's the willy to the Wilhelm Scream!
Love how Larry just pointed very hard, thank you for your help apprehending Penn. It would be funny if everyone saw Penn put the mask on and just think Rippen was an idiot. Another funny thing! Rippen calls Penn in disguise, Number Two, as if it's his birth name... no fake name!?
How nice of Number Two to help Leonardo Da Vinci.
Uh oh, Penn's been caught! But how could ol' thick-skulled Rip have possibly figured it out? Well, a true villain would never help Leonardo Da Vinci, of course! Damn that face painter! Rippen thought Penn was so cool.
"You may not be a real villain, but you're going to perish like one." Bring it back around!
I find this quote very interesting:
Rippen: Oh, you fool. Don't you know that you should never rely on anyone, especially your Number Two?
Is this the reason he doesn't like or fully trust Larry, besides his annoyances? Where did this come from, his upbringing? Training? Who knows! I just find it interesting that he does team-up with someone in a certain episode. Did he just abandoned that belief after this or is it because that person isn't his "number two" and it's just for that world? I WANNA KNOW! Just how he says "Number Two" in that line implies things that I might just be making up! Doesn't seem like any betrayals happened to him... possibly.
ALSO! Was he just gonna zap back and ask Phil to zap one of these random English guys and be like: "Hey, yeah, Phil? Can you zap that guy? He's my new Number Two now!" I guess it could be that easy.
How the trees? HOW THE TREES!?
Real new Number Two's got the right way of thinking. Also, his voice? Just ye olden time, deeper Rippen. The heartbreak in Rippen's voice, he calls out for LARRY'S HELP! AAAAHHHHHH! Poor man being carried off like a cat to the jail wagon! POOR SAD WET CAT-MAN!
Interesting that ex-real new Number Two almost looks like he felt bad that he sold Rippen out for a coin. Or something like that.
Hey, where has Larry been since Penn's failed gold snatching? TWIST! He was dressed up as one of the royal guards that was taking Rippen away! Big brain moment for him, everybody, CLAP! Thanks goodness that he was the exact height as the rest of them.
Right before he does Rippen looks around, making sure no one will see. Don't be so insecure big guy! It's ok! He doesn't care when Phil sees at least. Good.
"Yes, we're hugging. Get over it." Iconic.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: Do you think he had fun for a while with Rippen? It's like he had weird bonding time with his part-time uncle.
Boone Wiseman: Shak-a-speare.
Sashi Kobayashi: I wanna see how she trained those animals. And of course, her making the sets, but mainly the animals. No, wait, I wanna know- HOW THE TREES!?
Rippen: Look, I get why, but the pain of watching Larry die inside was too much. How dare you, evil sir! Besides that, he was too entertaining for his own good, by far the funniest. We also get to see how he interacts with people without Larry, and he's silly goofy!? You should be silly goofy with him!
Larry: Biggest L and W for him this episode! It was a rollercoaster of emotions for him. He tried so hard to impress Rippen and win the contest, but he's just not cut out for it. Yet he's still there to help! I hope that Rippen will treasure this man with all his heart!
Dimension(s): Just old English town...
Forms: Evil Robin Hood Rippen... that's all that matters. I kid, the ither designs are alright.
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hey Gina! I don't mean any disrespect to you, but I don't quite get why you feel the doc or the things surrounding it are manipulative. I personally think that Louis told his story as truthfully as he could as a closeted person, and the kid is a part of that, isn't he?
I'm not saying that you or anyone else doesn't have the right to be disappointed or dislike it, but I just think that there are just some things that can't be worked around. Imagine making a film about your life and having your whole family in it, but leaving out your child (in an ideal situation) that would be weird if it were someone else with an actual kid. The one Larry hug surely feels like a bone, but I don't think that's them trying to distract us from the kid content, rather just them trying to keep everyone happy. Also, it'll help if anyone from the GP watches the film, because Harry is the big thing, it's something that'll get people talking a bit more.
Also, as you yourself said, we should stop focusing on the small cameo and focus more on the rest of the film, right?
Hi love. I was only referring to the brief Larry hug as feeling like a manipulative inclusion. Without having seen the film, it seems to me that there was no real reason to include it other than to "make everyone happy". My comment had nothing to do with including Freddie. I'm just tired of them give us a plate of shit and then sprinkling some sugar on top expecting that we'll eat it anyway.
in reference to this
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dykesbites · 1 year
ok im gonna focus my anger on to something else. anyways i rewatched night at the museum with my mom and it reminded me of how great the original one was and how god awful the sequel was. like yeah there were some iffy things in the first movie (larry going "civil war guys stop fighting slavery is bad" and they immediately stop fighting and agree with him + the romans and the cowboy miniatures allowed to roam free while the maya are locked up + avid bison hunter teddy roosevelt dating sacagawea + despite their incredibly rich history there's zero black people present etc) but overall the film itself was fun and had a plotline that made sense. it was cheesy and kind of obvious but its a kids movie. then the sequel happened.
ohh my god this movie was so so so bad. like racist/misogynistic bad but also narratively unsatisfying. the worst crime to me was that they literally removed almost all of the old iconic characters from the first film? teddy only shows up in the beginning and the end, ahkmenrah is completely irrelevant, scagawea and attila are locked up most of the time, jed is stuck in the hourglass...none of them have any importance to the actual action despite being THE reason that larry returns to the museum!!
oh and larry totally ditches his son like nick gives him a bunch of information then he loses service on his phone and then...never attempts to contact him again. this poor kid is probably worried sick that his father is being killed by lions or sabretooth tigers.
second worst thing to do with characters: literally all of the new characters were so so incredibly boring, and also didn't have like. a theme around them? it just felt so messy and thrown together, lacking the cohesion that everyone at the natural history museum had. none of the villains have much in common with each other either... and like im not a history expert but i find it very hard to imagine that al capone would work with royalty like come on. oh and kahmunrah was so boring, no real motivations at all. also whyyy is there an octopus.
actually i lied this is probably a worse crime. the mischaracterization of historical figures. i feel like im watching fucking hamilton here! im sorry but napoleon would not give a shit about larry and amelia's potential relationship and that joke wasn't even that funny anyway. WHY DID ABRAHAM LINCOLN ACT LIKE THAT (he was much more tolerable when he came back to the rescue but he was so awful when we met him). the einsteins were annoying. i could go on and on brother
ok moving away from bad writing to address the stuff that's just morally messed up. um. everything about general custer oh my fucking god. i will never forgive them for making sacagawea put up with his stupid ass. he is quite literally most famous for the fact that he tried to kill indigenous people. yeah it wasn't in sacagawea's lifetime but i find it hard to believe that things would just be totally chill between them. not to mention the fact that custer literally contributed nothing, he has an entire moment where larry coddles him for being a failure, then goes into the fight, immediately gets knocked out, and then tries to act like he led the battle. classic white man behavior.
and again, massive lack of black history. there's a moment of solidarity with amelia and the tuskeegee which was nice! genuinely sweet moment. but despite yknow being the race that has existed longer than any other. the tuskeegee are the only black people we see.
and of course the elephant in the room, the obnoxious focus on romance throughout the entirety of the film. the cherubs were super annoying. the thinker showing off his muscles to some random nymph statue or whatever. very weird. and the constant never ending awkward flirting between amelia and larry. like amelia is supposed to be a trailblazer for being a woman doing something impressive that was considered a man's job! so why are you reducing her to a pretty girl who punches people sometimes but mostly just kisses the protagonist even when he says he's not interested!! part of what made the og movie so good was that there were women in the story but none of them were romantically involved with him at all. even rebecca, who seemed like she was set up to be a love interest, was just a good friend of larry's. they were independent women with agency (aside from sacagawea but she shares that lack of agency with the other museum displays) and their own wants needs etc. and of course they had to add in the weirdness of having larry repeatedly say he's not interested in amelia (which makes sense, it would feel out of character for him to immediately be into it) and then have amelia kiss him anyways. really gross. oh and they cast amy adams to play amelia which. nothing against amy adams she's a brilliant actress but not the one for this role. google amelia earhart she's a pretty masculine/rougher woman. not the femme fatale in the movie.
ok i don't have a real conclusion here just my thoughts all dumped. if you read all of this o7 i salute you. feel free to comment/rb with your thoughts btw!
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hyunjining · 2 years
Hello, I dont usually speak on much but as someone whos also been here for an absurdly long time I too understand how you feel haha and just wanted to give a friendly metaphorical pat on the back because it really does fuck me up too sometimes. I guess ive been wanting to talk to Someone about any part of larry for a long time but for me I guess I dont feel much most of the time because im just waiting :/ I really do believe at some point we will get answers and see whether louis and harry do get to be publicly together (or broken up) but either way its knowing that at some point I will be proven Right that keeps me mainly unbothered by the crap we see day to day. Not to say that I dont get the initial "what the actual fuck are his team doing/ who decided this/ why is this happening for the 100th time" when a new stunt or absurdity comes along - this probably applies to the documentary aswell like I know ill groan and feel terrible for half a minute if Babygate is included but I guess I managed to at some point not let it get to me as like a personal problem? I guess and not feel emotionally attached, and I hope that you too could not have it plague you so much, I wish you the best haha and hope that at some point you would be able to continue to enjoy larry even during absurd times.
Sorry if this is like a rant you dont have to post this I guess I just felt bad seeing your post and would throw in some tiny speck of hope haha but yeah its funny cause I dont think ive ever really doubted the idea that I know they were together - obviously we dont know whether its the same now but since I havent really been proven otherwise whos to say im wrong if I were to believe they managed to have a beautiful long term relationship up until now lol but yeah thats all I got for now since I dont want to make it any longer but yeah im sorry you feel that way and I hope you manage to feel even the slightest bit better about this whole ridiculous circus we all managed to be drafted into hahaha
hey, thanks for your message 💕
i’ve definitely learned to detach myself from a lot of things over the years but idk lately it feels like something has changed and i don’t fully understand it? and i’m ok with acknowledging that there are things i’ll never know and that it’s not my life. i’ve always preached that on here. but some of the more recent stunt stuff/public image decisions really don’t make any sense to me in terms of pleasing fans or marketing to a wider audience or protecting their closets. like it all just seems completely nonsensical and unnecessary and it’s not fun to sit by and watch. i’m not gonna act like i’m being forced to be here, that’s totally on me. but idk i’m just sad that this is where we are now.
there is absolutely nothing in this world that could ever convince me that h&l aren’t gay or that they’ve never been together or that louis is a dad but i hate watching their images rapidly devolve for a reason i can’t begin to fathom. i’ve always been able to be dramatic for a minute and then laugh and move on but the feeling of dread has been more and more frequent and i feel like i’m doing myself a disservice by continuing to act like stuff isn’t affecting me. i don’t really know what to do right now, because i’m not happy but i love h&l so much and they’ve been a huge part of my life for so many years and i don’t know how to let that go. i feel like the doc is going to be a decider for me, but then again i have a louis concert in june lmao so who knows man.
anyway that was massively dramatic fkfjfk but thank you for the metaphorical pat on the back and for giving me a reason to vent some more lol
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beepsparks · 2 years
I had a dream where Yellow guy had run away from home, and Roy wanted someone to find him. Along with that, some person, who didn’t look like Lesley and never said her name, but REALLY reminded me of her (so im gonna assume shes Lesley anyway), wanted portraits of every dhmis character, mostly of characters considered dead, which was odd, some photos were just regular photos of characters who were still alive
I appear into this world, walking out of a house as a humanized Sketchbook (I will probably draw them later because they had a unique design) and Larry (the Lamp) watch and seem to want to do something with me. Light is illuminating some of the area and as I go with them, I notice my shadow is a little different. I had become Tony, or I was always Tony, or maybe some other reason, I wasn’t sure (and, it seems my personality and mannerisms were a mix of myself and Tony), either way, a lot of the humanized teachers had pretty unique designs from the usual humanized versions you’d see (like Sketchbook being an object head wearing a sliver monocle and presenting slightly more elegant masculine)
Anyway, they bring me to the house Lesley is in, and I walk in alone, she is currently setting up another portrait, and asks me to get a picture of Yellow Guy from Roy’s house. That task wouldn’t be easy, so when me, Sketch, and Larry went to Roy’s house, we had Larry quickly steal it and immediately ran off back to Lesley, who was proud of us and went to set it up, I simply stood there, looking around as she was busy.
I noticed a picture of Sketchbook and Tony walking through a red and orange flower garden during a sunset, causing an orange sky. They seemed to be talking, well, Sketchbook was talking while looking away, and Tony, held a knife behind his back. I look above the picture after seeing this and suddenly theres two pictures, of Sketchbook and either Shrignold or Colin (I forgot), implications of them being dead, I looked back to where Lesley stood and now there was also suddenly a picture of Tony, me, this startled me further, I turned around and suddenly an entire wall was covered in just pictures of Tony, with also implications of being dead, I remember saying “Theres a little too much of me here…”
I went to leave, but before I could, I was stopped by a voice in my head, Roy’s voice. Demanding me to give back the picture or find his son, if I didn’t, he’d hurt my “favorite”. I realized he knew I seemed to be part Tony, part myself, or maybe, I wasn’t Tony at all. Maybe he was missing entirely. After Roy said this, I suddenly felt a sharp pierce in my heart, and saw red for a moment, pushing me down for a second before I got back up. I ran off, and left.
I walked alone past Roy’s house, but I was stopped again, hearing his voice. More kindly this time, asking me just to find his son, and no harm would come me or anyone I loved’s way. I agreed to this, and walked off to start my adventure, seemingly alone, or maybe I was going to find other teachers to help first.
I then woke up
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
“When they lose hope in larry they become solo louies. Not solo harries” wow anon. You are so wrong! It’s clear that you don’t follow larries. Most larries are harries. Probably 99% of them. The amount of ex larries that became solo harries since harry went solo...and not only they become solo harries, but also louis haters. They insult him daily. I follow some larries because I was one of them years ago. Believe me when I say that most larries are harries. They go where it’s more convenient. Most larries say they won’t watch Louis’ documentary because his son is there, and also they want to punish him for dating a 22 year old girl. When harry was with olivia, they blamed olivia. Never harry. They didn’t go to the cinema to watch dwd because they wanted to punish Olivia. Not harry. They didn’t want to give their money to Olivia. But they watched dwd anyway. Illegally on streaming. One of the reasons larries become solo harries it’s because harry is like they want him to be.
Most of his fandom didn't go to see DWD because they didn't want to give their money to Olivia--that wasn't just larries. If his fandom supported that movie, it would have done much better for much longer. Harries are obsessive when it comes to him. It did really well on streaming. That means they stayed home.
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05: Bowsy’s beautiful mind
| Versión en español |
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{{ Being Saturday noon, I was finishing my lessons, so I want to take a break. Stupid Ludwig! Why do you have to turn everything into a competition? Doesn’t he know what fun is? How I wish I could beat him at his own game!
Anyway… hopefully he'll stop bothering me, but I'm still scared. I still remember what Mykey told me: “don't mess up your strategy " and well... now I'm starting to doubt. What if I pretend to be sick? Maybe I can tell that my stomach hurts, so they can't tell me anything. But... then... all that I spent studying... will have been useless...
Uh… no, no, no! How could I fail? Mykey was there when no one else was, he tried so hard with me and I couldn't… I can't. He would be unable to look at him and... -sighs- he will surely think I'm a fool, and perhaps with good reason.
Well, at least I'll face it like a Koopa. I'd better not eat anything that day, to make space to eat my own test. I really don't expect to be able to pull it off, but I'll at least pretend to be cool. }}
He thinks as he watches the landscape, supporting his face in his hand with the railing of his terrace in his room
{{ But… it would be nice if I can pass this test. There's only this left before I have my vacation…I'm supposed to be on it since the summer started, but I'm still stuck on this. I will give everything of me to be able to achieve it. If I'm honest with myself… math isn't that bad. Maybe when I grow up I'll dedicate myself to it, who knows? -laughs- but I don't think so. Someone with a mind as brilliant as Ludwig or Iggy could pull it off more easily, but I...
Now that I think about it, I hadn't asked Iggy for help, but most likely he would have said no and said I'm a basket case. I remember once I messed up one of his mockups and he got really upset. It wasn't so much my fault, he was only six years old, what was I to know that the liquids he had in his little bottles didn't mix? The paint mixes like this and doesn't explode, although luckily I got out of there in time, but after a while he came out chasing me with his Chain Chomp. I was lucky to hide in a pot nearby. Although I later apologized to him, he was still somewhat angry for a week, as I remember. At least later we started talking and he told me to be careful about mixing things without asking and I promised to be more careful, anyway he gave me a smack on the head, it did hurt, but now I only remember it as something funny. Actually, Iggy's sooty face gave me a lot of humor. }}
Before those memories he begins to smile looking at the horizon with some nostalgia.
{{ What memories! He is still in my mind when my brothers played a lot with me, although… all that was when he was younger. Now that I'm 11 years old, others don't seem to take much notice of me. It even seems that I am invisible to them. Well, maybe I like things that they don't like, like drawing or coloring. I would like to ask Wendy about which colors would go best together, or Lemmy if I use the right colors or Roy if I use a good style... but I'm afraid they'll say it's silly.
I've had more or less brotherly time with Larry lately, but we've also gotten into fights with each other. -covering his eyes with his hands- jeez! Why do I act like this? -he discovers- Larry shares his games with me and I end up getting angry for nothing. Perhaps he is right in saying that he is only good at losing his temper. But... that boy Bobby... seems to get along with Larry. He is almost my age and he does not behave capriciously. In a way I feel envy for him, who always seems to be happy. I guess he doesn't have the bunch of siblings where we all fight each other for anything}}
At that moment he goes to his desk and puts away his study material a little and takes out his drawing pad and pencil and then starts to draw a little.
{{ Well, at least this is my thing. I have no talent for other things, but at least I do what I like }}
Without realizing it, from drawing he goes on to write numbers and more fractions, to which the little boy notices and gets scared, dropping his pencil to the ground
{{ No, I can't even stop thinking about this, damn it }}
Thinking that, he goes to his bed to lie down a bit, resting his face on his pillow, hugging it, and in turn, getting ready to sleep with him face down.
{{ Please, mind…give me some rest…can't I just be myself? }}
After haunting his thoughts, someone knocks on the door, which makes Bowsy startle a little due to the silence that invaded the room and the resonance of the knock on the door.
{{ It has to be a joke -I thought that somewhat disgusted- }}
Jr.: I'm coming (he gets up and goes to the door, opening it) Who is it?
Roy: hey shorty
His older brother pats him on the head, which seems to annoy the little boy a bit
Jr.: (blushing) what do you want?
Roy: nothing, I just came to see what you were doing
Jr.: I was trying to sleep. I keep thinking about numbers and I want to rest for a while
Roy: Sounds like you're really into it. Is it because of the bet you made?
Bowsy stays in silence for a few moments, staring at her brother until he turns his back on him.
Jr.: (smiling subtly) yes, I'm not denying it, but it's also more fun. Besides… (turning to Roy and looking at him confidently) after this… they won't call me a fool anymore.
Roy arches an eyebrow at him.
Roy: I don't think you're a fool, Jr. I don't know where you got that from.
Bowsy makes a surprised face
Jr.: w-well… I thought so… that all of you thought that
Roy: I just think you're a spoiled crybaby and insufferable, but not fool
Jr.: (with a skeptical face) I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult
Roy: Take it as love from me, you won't always have it, you little weasel.
Jr.: you and your comments… well, since you show me a little about yourself, I also want to show you something
Roy: let's see… (crossing his arms and leaning on the door frame)
Jr. goes through his drawings and shows him one in particular. With that, Roy details it for a few moments, noticing a small blush on his cheeks, almost the same color as his glasses. Given this, he only limits himself to saying...
Roy: He is… very pretty. He fit you
Jr.: Do you really think so?
Roy: Yeah, but don't let anyone know that I told you that, okay?
Jr.: And what if I do?
Roy: Then I'll be forced to take action (cracking his knuckles with a wicked grin)
At that gesture, Bowsy looks at him somewhat scared
Jr.: (nervous) if it's f-for good, yes. You have my word (nervous laugh)
Roy: ok (smiling)
After saying that, Roy pats Jr. on the head again, who closes his eyes thinking that he was going to get hit or something, before leaving the little boy's room. Bowsy closes the door and leans against it, looking at the drawing that he had shown to his brother with dark glasses, whose content was of Roy himself with a red superhero cape. Bowsy looks at the drawing and smiles, remembering Roy's words to him.
Two days later, being Monday and also the day of Jr.'s exam, he is in his room, somewhat nervous and walking in circles without stopping to think about it, so he tries to calm down. However, when looking at the clock, it shows 9:15 in the morning, with only 15 minutes left before the exam begins.
Jr.: Gosh! it's almost there! (he breathes softly) Calm down. Everything will be fine...no need to worry...it's just an exam...an exam you've failed five times...but this time it will be different
As he thinks out loud, someone knocks on the door and then it opens. It's about Mykey, which causes Bowsy to snap out of his thoughts.
Mykey: Jr? I can pass?
Jr.: o-of course!
Upon entering he approaches the little redhead
Mykey: how are you? Do you feel ready?
Jr.: a little... but I'm still nervous
Mykey: it's normal (smiles at him) (...)
Meanwhile, Kamek and Ludwig are in the classroom preparing for the exam.
Kamek: Well, it's almost about time. I hope this time I get through
Ludwig: Nah, he's probably going to be at this forever.
Kamek: You don't have much faith in him, do you?
Ludwig: Well, at least with me he wasn't interested. Let's see if this new teacher will have changed something.
Kamek: Right… Anyway, I'll go look for the young student. I'll be back
In that the magikoopa comes out. While this is happening, Ludwig removes the exam and replaces it with another one, which has different questions. At that he gives a small mischievous smile and then hides the previous exam.
Ludwig: Let's see if you can get through this, little brother.
Back in Jr.'s room, both the latter and Mykey continue to talk for a bit.
Mykey: (...) that's why you shouldn't be afraid. No matter what happens, I will continue to support you
Jr.: Thanks, Mykey.
They both smile at each other while the older Koopa pats Bowsy's head, who, again, begins to wag his tail without noticing. In the middle of that, Kamek arrives
Kamek: well, my children... it's time
After a few moments, the three go to the classroom. Kamek retires to attend to other matters.
Ludwig: welcome, little brother (looking at him seriously) we start in 10 minutes. I hope you have studied this time.
Jr. looks at his brother and greets him
Jr.: g-good morning, Ludwig
Then, Jr. looks carefully at his desk and remembers the words Ludwig said to him at that moment: “Are you a fool? Has what I have taught you not been of any use to you?” Which reverberate in the little boy's mind, so he does not avoid putting on a sad expression. Mykey notices this and leans over a little at Bowsy's height, putting his hand on the little boy's shoulder, which comes out of his trance and looks at the purple-haired Koopa.
Mykey: remember, it's a new opportunity. You can (smiles at him)
Jr.: (smiles and nods) yes!
Slowly, Bowsy walks over to his desk and settles on it, pulling his school supplies out of the small backpack. Ludwig, meanwhile, takes out the exam he prepared and puts it back on the table.
Ludwig: When the time starts you turn it over and start your exam. You have one hour. The bell will ring and there you will stop writing, understood?
Jr. nods, looking shyly at Ludwig, who was still serious.
Ludwig: There are also other details: Mykey, you as his teacher have the right to witness the exam, but you are absolutely prohibited from helping Bowsy, so you will not be able to make gestures of any kind or whisper anything to him. You will only be an observer
Mykey: (nods) I have it clear
Ludwig: Jr., you are prohibited from looking at Mykey under any circumstances. You can only rely on your pencil, eraser and your mind, is that clear?
Jr.: can I request a blank sheet? I have to do the sums
Ludwig: ok, I'll bring it to you right away
As he goes for her, Jr. turns his gaze to Mykey, who gives him a thumbs up with a sympathetic look. That causes Jr. to smile as well and turn back to his examination. Ludwig passes him some sheets and goes to take a seat.
Ludwig: If you like, Mykey, you can sit next to me and wait.
Mykey: right
The eldest of the Koopa-children takes a chair and positions himself to Ludwig's left, settling himself. After the clock strikes 10:00 and the young man in blue sets the timer, the exam begins.
Ludwig: Very good. You can start now, little Koopa.
The youngster grabs the pencil and starts reading the questions. After a few moments he notices that these are somewhat different questions, so he puts on a confused face, leaving the pencil aside and thinks to himself
Jr.: (thinking) what is all this? I don't remember seeing in class
Mykey noticed that something was wrong by how Jr. looked at his exam sheet, and then glanced at Ludwig, who was smiling strangely as he looked with some pride. At that moment Mykey frowns a little and then looks at Bowsy again, closing his fists a little.
Mykey: (thinking) oh no… I do not like this. Lud, did you set a trap for your brother? (he takes a deep, subtle breath, closing his eyes to open them again) I hope you can handle this, Jr.
Jr. did not stop looking at his exam to try to understand, he felt that his hand was trembling and he felt pressure on his belly, for which he puts his left hand there, in addition to being very lightly sweating and his breathing increased progressively.
Jr.: d-damn! What happens to me? (he closes his eyes tightly) this... not again...
With great difficulty he picks up his pencil again and tries to put his name on the test, his hand still shaking. Mykey was still watching intently without worrying, and, without realizing it, his right hand was moving as if trying to put a stop, but he was also watching how Ludwig seemed to enjoy it, which causes Mykey to look at him with some annoyance. However, he can no longer do anything but watch if Jr. is able to complete this test imposed by his older brother.
Mykey: (thinking and looking at his hands) Damn! I did not expect this…
Jr. kept thinking what to do, so he drops the pencil from him once more. In that he puts his hands on the table and accommodates his back in the chair, looking towards the exam. As he does this, Ludwig looks at him with more apathy and almost laughing but holding back.
Ludwig: (thinking) Are you giving up, Bowsy? What a shame! You see what happens for not dedicating yourself to the study
Meanwhile Jr. goes blank, but at that moment he begins to remember what he talked to Mykey before the exam:
// Mykey: how are you? Do you feel ready?
Jr.: a little... but I'm still nervous
Mykey: It's normal (smiles at him and leads him to the bed, both sitting down) but you have to stay calm. You have progressed a lot. At least it will be better than the other times
Jr.: but…. What if I go blank and don't know what to answer?
Mykey: If that happens... close your eyes for a moment, rest your hands on the table and take a deep breath... that will clear your clouds in your mind and you'll be able to resume the idea.
Jr.: y-yes!
Mykey: If you don't know what to answer, use your own imagination and imagine your surroundings as if they were numbers or figures. And… if by chance you come across something that appears to be more difficult, just simplify and imagine what you are reading, leaning on your sheets
After saying that, Mykey takes Bowsy's hands.
Mykey: and most importantly... forget you made a bet. This is to level what you have learned; the rest is in the background. You have my support and I'm sure you also believe in yourself. That is why you should not fear. No matter what happens, I will continue to support you
Jr.: T-Thanks, Mykey
Jr.: (thinking) very well… it's time…
At that, Jr. closes his eyes and joins his hands supporting them on the table. The words reverberate in the boy's mind: “take a deep breath”, which Bowsy slowly does. Both Ludwig and Mykey watch what the little boy does.
Ludwig: (thinking) what does he do now? It's too late to pray. Nothing can get you out of this anymore, Jr.
Bowsy is still lost in thoughts of him. Little by little he is outlining a smile. He slowly opens his eyes and imagines his surroundings in a different way, to later read the questions, taking the pencil from him again.
Jr.: (thinking) ok… let's see… I don't know what this means but… I'll try… (Looking around)
Given this, Jr. draws some squares on his sheet, which he fills in according to the numbers indicated, the denominator being the total and the numerator being the filled-in ones, trying to improvise and mix as the exercises appear. Among them there are square roots, something that Jr. does not know what they are but that he interprets as V, so even without knowing he tries to fit his operations with the answer, which sometimes works and sometimes does not, so he returns to try until you find an operation that convinces you.
As the hour progresses, Jr. advances with his answers, which does not take away his concentration, showing his tongue pointing upwards, coloring and drawing what he is interpreting, occasionally looking at the elements in the room and imagining them like the colors of his paintings.
Ludwig watches closely and suspiciously, surprised by Jr.'s actions, he really didn't expect something like that. For his part, Mykey is also surprised, as he admires the fact that Bowsy wants to keep going and trying instead of running away and leaving everything blank.
Then, Jr. gets stuck on a question, precisely the last one, so he tries to move forward as he can, but still the little one feels somewhat exhausted from using a lot of energy for the mathematical exercises. The timer has eight minutes left and Jr. notices.
Jr: (thinking) how quickly time passed? (Looks at his exam) I still advanced quite a bit… but… what if they aren't the answers? Well… at least I tried (he puts down his pencil and rests for a few moments, gasping for breath) that question… I guess it won't be answered
When looking at his drawings, he again imagines some figures and circles, which little by little are forming a number, 58, which seems to be shining as if it were a Super Star. Seeing it, Jr. thinks that it is his imagination, but he still decides to put that number in the answer to the last question.
Jr.: (whispering) well… it doesn't matter if it's wrong, I couldn't think of another answer…
After that, he drops the pencil again and the timer bell rings. Ludwig goes for the exam while he heads off with Kamek. Mykey walks over to Jr. and puts his hand on his back, causing Bowsy to turn to him and give him a weary look.
Mykey: well done, Bowsy
Jr. smiles while still putting on a tired expression
Jr.: hehe well… I hope I have achieved it. Then I want to take a nap (yawns)
Mykey: you've earned it (caresses his little face)
Soon Kamek and Ludwig arrive with a machine that measures the exam score, which was dusty from not being used for so long.
Mykey: what is that?
Kamek: With this we will know more quickly if Bowsy approved or not
Mykey: Uh… why does it look like it hasn't been used in a long time?
Ludwig: why do you think? Jr. almost never answered the exams, so it was not very difficult to grade him
Bowsy scratches the back of his neck looking away.
Kamek: well… let's get to work
Ludwig: Ready to swallow your words and your test, you little grasshopper? (smiling arrogantly)
Bowsy didn't say a word despite looking at him with some annoyance. Meanwhile, Kamek turns on the machine and adjusts it to the questions written on the exam. The three boys there await the result, and Bowsy, for his part, is very nervous. He feels that heaviness in his stomach that he felt at first, but he tries to breathe to calm down.
The machine, after a few minutes, delivers the result of the exam by printing it on a sheet, which Kamek picks up and reads. Seeing it, he is a little surprised, staring at it for a long time and covering his mouth. Both Bowsy and Mykey look at each other confused.
Ludwig: What's wrong, Kamek? (walks up to him) let me see that…
He takes the sheet and looks at it. Every moment he spent looking at the result he put on an increasingly puzzled expression until it reached a point where he was almost nothing from losing control. Mykey picks up the sheet and looks at it, surprised too.
Ludwig: no... it can't be...
Mykey: Is this real, Mr. Kamek?
Kamek: Yes, the machine does not fail. It has evaluated results for a long time. It works with magic, so it never goes bad.
Jr.: But… what does the machine say, dad Kamek?
Kamek: the machine says that… you had 100% approval
Jr. is very surprised to hear that, gaping. Mykey confirms the result to Jr. by nodding and looking at him with a smile on his face. Bowsy can't believe it, so he looks at the blade and after seeing it he begins to overflow with tears, holding the blade still surprised. Bowsy can't take it anymore and starts to cry with happiness, still not believing what his little eyes see.
Kamek: Congratulations, Bowsy. You passed!!!
Mykey: Alright, Jr. I knew you could do it!! him (he hugs him and lifts him up)
Jr.: Woah!! Hehe thanks, Mykey. Thank you, dad Kamek
After having him in his arms, Mykey puts Jr. on his feet, but not before being able to pat his head and give him a thumb up and wink at Bowsy, who laughs and wipes away his tears. They are both happy with the result. Despite this, the same cannot be said of Ludwig, who saw how the two of them got along very well, which causes the young man in blue to look at them with some jealousy, but which he tries to hide by looking the other way, for what you decide to interrupt
Ludwig: well… Jr…. You approved. My congratulations for you… (Crossing his arms and looking away from him) although I find it hard to admit it…
Jr.: Thank you… (Saying it with a more serious tone)
Both brothers look at each other with some tension and seriousness, which is noticeable in the environment. At that moment Roy knocks on the door and then opens it, taking some of the tension away from the brothers.
Roy: Hi everyone. How are you doing with that?
Mykey: oh! Roy! What a surprise to see you here!
Roy: Yeah, I just wanted to see how Jr. did on his test. Before he saw him a little worried, but recently he saw him more confident and wanted to know how everything turned out (laughs)
Jr.: Well guess what, bro! I passed and with a perfect note
Ray: really?
Roy looks at Mykey and Kamek, who nod at the same time, arms crossed and smiling with closed eyes.
Ray: wow! Cool! Congratulations, Bowsy!!
In that, the Koopa with pink glasses goes to hug Jr., but he does it so hard that he begins to flap his wings a little. After a few moments he lets go and Bowsy is a bit dizzy from Roy's strength.
Jr.: (giggles) thanks, brother (rejoining) at least your love is sincere (looking sideways at Ludwig)
Ludwig: Alright, alright... stop bragging, little grasshopper. We all know that you did well, even if it was you
Mykey: Well, for a Jr., he did very well, right?
Mykey looks at Bowsy proudly and with a big smile, who also smiles very happily at him. Ludwig manifests his jealousy on his face when he sees that entire scene and Roy notices it.
Roy: What's up, gnocchi head? Does it bother you that you lost at your own game?
Ludwig: (looking down and muttering) Shut up, Roy...
Kamek: Well, well… don't get into an argument, you two. And while we're at it, I'm very pleased to announce that Jr. has finally finished his school year, though it cost him but he did it. Now you can have your well-deserved vacation
Jr.: Yup! At last!
Kamek: I hope this year you don't have so many problems
Jr.: (laughs) No, I promise. I will be more attentive
Kamek: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Well, guys, I hope you enjoy the summer; I'm going to tell King Bowser about this great event. See you!
In that the magikoopa leaves, leaving the four Koopa-children there in the classroom.
Ludwig: Well, if we're done with this show, then I'm out of here, I have things to do.
Jr.: Wait a moment. Didn't you forget something?
Ludwig: What thing?
Bowsy pulls a sheet out of his hamburger backpack; it's about the previous failed exam
Jr.: of this. You said you'd eat it if I got 100%, don't you remember?
Ludwig looked at that exam with some distaste.
Jr.: We made a gentlemen's agreement, didn't we? Well it's time to meet
Roy: Trapped!
Ludwig sighs long and with an annoyed expression. Mykey scratches the back of his neck and gives a look of slight discomfort.
Mykey: You don't need to do this...
Jr.: he started all that
Roy: Well, a bet is a bet; you have to keep it, right?
Mykey: yes, that's true, but...
Ludwig: good! I will do it! (thinking) I will take revenge for this…
Mykey: are you sure?
Ludwig: does it matter, pretty boy? These two won't leave me alone until I do
Mykey: (sighs) as you wish, Lud (thinking) before you competed more healthily, but now...
Ludwig: (looking at Mykey strangely) Lud?
Mykey: eh… I meant “Ludwig” (thinking) I should be more careful with what I say… wait a minute! "pretty boy"? What could he have meant by that?
Roy: (thinking) Did he say "pretty" to Mykey? Well... now that I think about it... it is a bit... uh... I should stop thinking about it, better
Ludwig, losing sight of Mykey, grabs the blade, but before he does anything, Mykey intervenes.
Mikey: wait!
Ludwig: now what do you want?
Mykey: let it to me a little
The older Koopa takes the sheet and takes out a pair of scissors, cutting out the drawing that Jr. had made earlier and putting it in a book that he had nearby, before returning the sheet to him.
Mykey: This is something that needs to be preserved. Very well, you can continue, but I repeat that you do not have to do this
That action causes Jr. to be amazed, since his tutor was valuing his effort in more than one way, which moves the little boy and makes him smile
Ludwig: Anyway… (Thinking) Why do I have to get into these things? Let's just get this over with for a good fucking time
After brooding over his thoughts, Ludwig pops the entire leaf into his mouth and begins chewing on it, putting up an uncomfortable expression. Both Roy and Bowsy seem to be enjoying Ludwig's action, while Mykey puts his hand to his face in annoyance, so he grabs Jr.'s passed exam and reads it, noting that they are slightly more difficult questions. In fact, not even Mykey himself has taken that subject.
Mykey: (thinking) just as I imagined…
Finally, when Ludwig eats the leaf and swallows it, he grimaces in disgust, so he grabs a glass of water and takes a deep breath after drinking it.
Ludwig: There you have it, happy?
Jr.: you can bet it
Roy: I should have recorded video. That was great
Ludwig: You better keep your comments to yourself, you hateful couple.
Mykey: (sighs) anyway…
After that, Bowsy approaches the older Koopa.
Jr.: Mykey… I wanted to thank you for your time; you are a great teacher and a great friend
Mykey: you're welcome, but it was really your own effort, you earned it
Mykey leans down and supports one of his knees on the ground and then goes to hug Bowsy, who returns the hug, closing his eyes and smiling.
Jr.: How I wish you were my brother!
Mykey smiled at the little boy's words, but then he looks at Ludwig, who heard what Jr. just said, having a surprised expression, looking down without moving his head, which Mykey immediately notices and tries to change the subject, separating slightly.
Mykey: ehm… thanks… and well… do you want us to go for an ice cream?
Jr: Sure!
Roy: I want too, if you don't mind.
Mykey: come on everyone. You too Ludwig
Ludwig looks up, rejoining the conversation.
Ludwig: Uh... I'll pass, but have fun, I guess.
Mykey: Well, if you change your mind, you know where we'll be. But first, Roy… do you want to take Jr. in the meantime, please? I have a little matter to attend to
Roy: yes! Come on, Jr!
Both Bowsy and Roy leave the classroom. Ludwig is also about to leave, but Mykey whispers something to him.
Mykey: Ludwig… (He stops, turning his back on him) Can I talk to you in private for a moment, please?
After saying that, Mykey turns to the blue Koopa, who also turns to the indigo Koopa.
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reservoirreputation · 2 months
Dimples, Chapter Seven
Later that night, Freddy hands in his badge. To protect Pink and Larry on the inside, he had to pick up those skills Holdaway had taught him, once more. It wasn’t the first time he’d stabbed someone in the back, either. The look the police chief gives would make most people cry, but to Freddy it’s worth it. His terms have been broken, the department made to look bad. Not quite as damaging as killing a civilian, but pretty fucking close. With his cardboard box of personal belongings, he makes his way through the office once more. Whispers have now given way to silence. For the second time in Freddy’s life, he’s a traitor amongst his peers.
In his car, he sits. Let’s the reality wash over him; it’s over. Life as he knows it is done. And he knows, while Pink and Larry are safe tonight, the courts will find a reason to drag them back in, soon. Freddy grips at the wheel cover, blood rushing-
-and he laughs.
It’s a month later. Freddy drops another, pitifully small box off at Mom’s house. His old childhood home. A lot of phone calls had been made, planning out carefully when the last day of his rental in LA was, if and what rent should be paid to her, and what was the grace period before getting another job. Well-documented, easily tracked.
Freddy told her he would be in LA for one more week, to sort out some errands in-person. Close bank accounts and the like. She was so happy when he told her of his decision. It only breaks his heart a little.
A few days later, before he’d make one more drive down to LA, he gets coffee with Wendy. It’s tense, to say the least. There’s attempts at small talk; watch anything good lately? New music you’re listening to? How’s that hobby of yours going? Oh, you’ve picked up knitting. That’ll be useful, gets pretty chilly up here.
A beat of silence.
“You hear about the murder trial?” she asks.
Freddy’s real calm about it, “Yep.”
“Maybe they can get something to stick, this time.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be this way.” he vaguely says. Let her take it how she will.
“It wasn’t your fault.” she lightly covers his hand. “Honestly, you have every right to be angry with everyone, including the department.”
“I’m not angry with them.” He lies, “I just knew the job was a dead-end for me.”
She searches his face, “What will you do, now?”
“Tie up some errands. Close this chapter for good.” He stares out at a trademark dreary San Fran day.
“It’ll be nice to have you around, more often.” she gives a small smile.
He can’t return it. “I’m afraid I’ll be downer company.”
“I don’t care.” she says, insistent. “I’d rather have you as a grumpy bastard than not at all.”
Freddy sighs, looks away, “While I’m gone, keep an eye on my Mom? She’s- really worked up, these days.”
“You’ll only be gone for a week.”
“Please?” he takes her hand, gives it a squeeze.
Wendy looks at him, and he’s a afraid for a moment she can read his mind. Instead, she smiles, “Alright. We’ll see you in a week.”
He ditches his car a half-mile away from the golden gate. He’s left a few meaningless items in the backseat. Let the cops make their lazy conclusions.
Freddy calmly walks in the early morning light. He waits for a few hours and some miles before he snags a car. Older model, won’t be missed. He begins his long drive down to LA.
Upon arrival, he buys new clothes with cash. He also buys some extra in different sizes. Out of the shop and away from prying eyes he double-checks his pocket. Back in the car, he checks his police scanner. Nothing new. Freddy finds a hotel for the night.
The next day, he gets up bright and early. Looks through his duffle, puts on his equipment. He listens to the scanner with an outward calm. His stomach’s doing flips, but he listens, anyway. He finally hears what he’s looking for.
“What the fuck?” Pink says, bewildered, “What the actual fuck- how the hell-”
“Don’t have much time. Hello to you too, Mr. Pink.” Freddy’s climbing into the back, keys in hand. He starts with their ankles, then hands.
Freddy’s back out, and Larry can see a car parked twenty feet off. Freddy grabs something from the cab, runs back over to them. It’s a bag, and inside are two sets of inconspicuous clothes.
“Change quick, leave the old shit here.” he says, breathless. Without hesitation, Pink and Larry follow.
“What was that back there?” Pink already has his clothes off, and Larry guesses the guy’s a sprinter in multiple departments.
“Crashed a car as decoy, hid until I saw the whites of the guy’s eyes, tazed the shit out of him.”
Larry thinks of the gunshot. He’s got the new shirt on over his head, “So what? You a cop killer now, Newandyke?”
Freddy stares at him, “No, driver shot me.” he lifts his shirt up, and Larry is expecting history to repeat itself, only to be greeted with a kevlar vest.
Larry’s so relieved, he could cry.
“And next time one of you fuckers is on a job, tell your future boss, I don’t give a damn who,” Freddy catches his breath, “Suit’s are cool as shit, but do fuck-all against bullets.”
Larry struts forward, and pulls the kid in. Freddy gives in, melting like ice. Larry still can’t believe the guy’s alive, when all his nightmares reminded him so cruelly of his actions. But, here, in the flesh, was Orange-
Larry scowls. Freddy sounds so much better.
“Come on, pricks!” Pink shouts, already in the getaway car. Larry and Freddy pull apart, but still run hand-in-hand.
Without missing a beat, Freddy backs out of the area, an open patch of land by the highway. No eyes in the sky, yet. Freddy explains, “Kept an eye out for your transport, with this.” he points to his trusty scanner, “Knew the time you left, expected arrival, and every cop knows the route, from jail to courthouse.” He keeps checking his mirrors, frantic to not miss a detail.
“I thought you went home?” Larry asks, in the front passengers seat.
From the back, Pink says, “Our lawyer said so. Won’t people know you’re down here?”
“Freddy Newandyke jumped from the Golden Gate, yesterday morning.” he says, frowning. “I’m not proud of it. But I don’t belong there. Not in any kind of ‘respectable’ society.” he trails off.
“Your Mom?” Larry asks.
“She’ll never know the real me.” Freddy sniffs, “I love her, but I can’t stay.”
Pink attempts to switch gears, “I hope you got spending cash, ‘cause we gotta lay low.”
“In my jacket.” Freddy starts, rejoining the highway, unusually clear. “Finished my job.”
An hour later, and the scanner’s going wild. LA is on lockdown, and they’re out of the city limits.
They stop at a fast food place, get some greasy burgers. Freddy leaves the name ‘Richards’, and Larry asks what’s his first name then?
“Certainly not Reed.” Larry doesn’t get the joke, but he’s happy for the kid.
They’re back on the road, as Pink and Larry wolf down the best burgers they’ve had in their lives. The stark contrast between it and prison food makes Pink cry tears of joy.
They take turns driving. Jack a car when one starts to run out of gas. They drive around, cover old ground, confuse the PD about where they could be, by now, had they just driven off into one direction, non-stop.
For three full days, they do this. Finally, they head south, for Baja.
With the sea, and a marina, in sight, Freddy lets them in on the next leg of the plan. “I know a guy, outstanding warrant, will do a favor to not be brought in.” He nods to a shifty-looking guy on a sea-faring yacht.
“What do we grease his palms with?” Pink asks.
Freddy pulls from his pocket a double-wrapped grocery bag. He unties the simple knots, revealing gems, cash, jewelry.
“What the hell is this?”
“I finished the job.” Freddy answers, unable to keep the grin off of his face.
“You dipped into our diamonds!”
“Not all from the original, but a little bit of everything in evidence.” he ties it back up, quickly. “Split three ways when we’re out at sea.” Freddy looks back at Larry, and smiles.
Larry realizes he’s been beaming like an idiot.
A day later, their captain, much richer, happily steers them out to sea. Hawaii’s the destination, and the trio, never taking their eyes off the captain, always eating and sleeping in shifts, talk about their next move.
“I know some old friends on the big island.” Larry says, “They can get us papers.”
“What then?” Pink asks.
“Retirement.” he simply replies.
“I’ll probably go on to Japan.” Pink says wistfully, “Always wanted to see it.” he turns to Freddy, “Now that you’ve pulled off your first real job, what are you gonna do?”
“One and done.” he says, “Have got enough here to set me up for life, and comfortably.”
“Where next?”
“I’m thinkin’ about that.”
Larry’s a little disappointed to hear that. Doesn’t know what else he was expecting. He sips from the wine cooler, and gets into the mind of eternal Summer.
It’s late at night, and Larry’s turn to keep watch. Pink and Freddy are supposed to be asleep, but both just lie awake in silence. After some attempts to let the rocking of the vessel lull him to sleep, Freddy rolls onto his side, facing Pink in the other bunk. “You awake?”
A moment later, “I feel bad admitting it, but,“ he bites his lip, “I don’t wanna lie; I only helped you because it would help him.” No need to elaborate on who ‘him’ is.
“Oh, I guessed as much.” Pink says casually.
“For what it’s worth, I’m glad you’re out, too.”
“That makes two of us.” Pink’s tone is light, not that Freddy can tell, right now.
“Why do you trust me? You’re the one who called me out.”
“When White told me that you’d fessed up, even with help right there,” he pauses, “I suppose it changed the complexion of things.” he thinks about it, “Giving our lawyer a head’s up about the strat you were going for, and turning on a dime to make sure we didn’t get killed-” he breathes out, “Only one who didn’t see what you were going for was White.”
“So, it’s out of pity?”
“No.” he glances over at Freddy, then back to the cabin’s low ceiling, “Respect.”
The moment’s so nice, and so drastically different from how their interactions were several months ago, that Pink just has to get in, “Besides, your puppy dog bullshit with White not only saved my skin, but got me my freedom. More than happy to be on this ship, right now, regardless of its rats.”
“Alright.” Freddy smiles, getting up.
“Ooh, got another! No point in looking a gift horse in the mouth.”
“Fuck you.”
Larry looks over his shoulder, surprised that Freddy’s up, too. The wind is cold, the stars out in all their magnificence. Freddy’s in a jacket, beer in hand. “Mind if I join?” he asks.
“Don’t need an invitation at this point, kid.”
They are on the deck, the ocean rocking quite a bit, but the trio had quickly become accustomed to it. It’s the first time the two of them, however, have really been alone. Freddy steadies himself with Larry’s arm, wincing as he sits down, the bruise from that bullet likely smarting.
A silence falls, backed by the churning ocean.
“I’m sorry.” they both say. The two stare at each other.
“You don’t have to say shit.” Larry says firmly, “The breakout more than made up for it.”
“Your friends are dead because of me.” he replies, a little broken.
Larry looks out to the distance, where it is hard to see where the ocean ends and sky begins, “All my friends were killers. I can’t act like it’s somehow different.”
“I was the rat.”
The memory still makes him a little sad, “If you think there’s some invisible checks and balances between us, you’ve more than evened it out.”
“I hurt you.”
“I tried to kill you.” he looks over at Freddy’s dimples, “It’s done.”
Freddy looks down at his lap, “Are we, too?”
“Only if you want.”
They lock eyes. Everything goes quiet. “I’d follow you wherever.” Freddy says, breathlessly.
“You’re still young.” he smirks, “Sure you wanna spend your best years on me?”
Freddy reaches out, hand on the back of Larry’s neck. The answer’s in a kiss. Long, melting, swearing off the past. Larry holds him close, returning every ounce of affection. It’s everything he wanted it to be, and then some. It’s recognition. Freddy’s come back to him because within each other, they see something the rest of the world can’t. From two completely different backgrounds, goals and aspirations, to being entwined in the same fate. Cops and robbers? Might as well be two sides of the same coin.
Larry doesn’t need an answer in words.
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jodilin65 · 26 years
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1998 Couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d write. Actually, I’m gonna go check my email first. Be right back.
Back just a few minutes later after getting the usual - junk mail from Evie. Why does she send me tons of poems and jokes? The poems are utterly boring and the jokes aren’t one bit funny.
I went through the photo albums and ditched 95% of Art’s pictures and 99% of Dureen’s pictures. I ditched all of Larry’s, except for the big one he’s in with the kids and with Doe and Art. I also have Doe and Art’s big wedding picture and a few others of little Larry and Jen. The freeloaders will be getting a few more for variety’s sake. They’ll be getting a handful of different people. Got rid of Bill’s pictures too.
As I went out to the recycle bin at midnight and heard those fucking dogs going off, it further enhanced my already foul mood, and I figured I’d give them a reason to go off for once. They stopped barking just as I went out there, but then I let out a chilling, blood-curdling scream I didn’t even know I possessed. I screamed long and loud two times. That set them off, alright. How can that bitch sleep to the tune of two dogs going off just a few feet away?! And she must’ve heard me scream, didn’t she? I’ll never know, but it was good to get that scream out, anyway. I mean, these fucking things have been horrendous! They just won’t shut up and they’re right back to their old ways of non-stop barking even after dark.
Larry just got his final phone call from me. The one where Mary from Microsoft Mouth says “Larry, watch out. You’re a bastard and soon you’ll die.”
I tried to have her tell him he was a fucking asshole, but Mary sounded too computerized on those words. He picked up on the first ring, too. What? Was he waiting up for me? It’s 3:00 in the morning there. Guess the poor bastard must be confused now, cuz if Tammy and Andy and others thought Mary and Brutus were for real, then I guess this little shit will too.
Here we go again. I’m up to 114 pounds and I haven’t shit. Every time I lose weight I don’t shit. The lower my weight, the more constipated I am, cuz my body just doesn’t like to be thin. It does whatever it needs to do to keep that extra weight on. Well, since I’m not shitting today, I took a water pill.
Today was a better day for me emotionally, as I knew it’d be.
Tom did a little more of the roof and now most of the house is safe from the rain they predicted for tomorrow. The tarp is down very securely over the front of the house.
He got me up at 11:30. I was pretty tired and could’ve slept a few more hours. It’s so great to not wake up wheezing, though! Although, I still have congestion most of the time and tightness some of the time.
I noticed Melie’s new look right away. Her hair was a little shorter but still long, and it was straightened. I thought she used the straightening iron. There was just a little bit of wave to it. She said her mom, who does hair, came in from California and did her hair. She doesn’t trust anyone else with her hair, she says. Her hair looks nice, but I liked it best with bangs, but instead, her forehead’s exposed. She didn’t have it up in a headband this time. She had it swept off to the sides. It still looked nice.
I was surprised at her reaction to the card I gave her. She was really impressed with the drawings and seemed to look at them forever. As figured, though, she didn’t open the card with me there. She put it on her counter.
She asked me what I did for Thanksgiving and things like that.
I got a variety of colors this time, too. I got bright yellow, purple, pink, and aqua. I have 10 brackets, so I’ve got 2 yellows, 2 pinks, 3 aquas, and 3 purples.
Then I told her I was ready to do the bottom teeth, and after the doctor checked me, he said I didn’t have to have any teeth pulled. He said the teeth can be brought out and then there’ll be a big enough arc for the teeth to all fit in. Tom was surprised they didn’t take any X-rays.
I jokingly said that I wondered if I’d lose more weight since both of us agreed that it helps with that. She asked if I lost any more. I told her just a couple of pounds and she said she wanted to lose 10 pounds. I told her she was already thin and she said others tell her that, too.
So, she put the spacers in the bottom teeth, and the braces will go on next week.
I think this is the first time I ever had appointments that were just a week apart, three weeks in a row. Hope I can make it there!
Then the week after that comes the kidney test. Yeah, I called Vicki and she called the place where I’ll have both tests done, then called me back. It doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be very fun. I have to get some kind of a prep kit that I think includes an enema. Do you know how sick those things make you?! She said she didn’t know the details of the prep kit, but to go to the place and pick it up before my appointment.
As for the uterus test, she said to call the place when my period starts, cuz they like to do this test 6-10 days after your period.
Tom said it’s no big deal and is still being a wonderful support. Yeah, until he refuses to participate and holds me back. God, I wish to hell they could find what’s wrong with me since I know it’s me that’s got the problem, and therefore not bother testing him! I still wonder if I’m making a mistake and doing this for nothing. Could it be that I was right about Tom’s having control over his cumming and therefore, he’s gonna let himself cum for the test, then go back to his cumming once or twice a year with me? I just don’t know what I’m in for here, but I doubt he’d ever cum again if he knew I was OK. If he almost never cums with me not OK, then he sure as hell won’t with me OK.
A part of me wishes I wanted a kid as bad as I did in 1994-1996. Then again, if I did, that’s all the more hurt I’d have to go through when the end result was no baby, and that’s exactly what it will be.
Anyway, I believe my kidneys are fine, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if I were told my uterus is shaped funny.
After seeing Melanie, we went to the bookstore. The guy that’s usually there wasn’t there. Instead, there was an old man who did everything in slow motion. I got $10 off in credit so I got my 8 or 9 books for just $11.
There was a message from Laura wanting to know if I’d heard from Andy. Thanks, Andy. Thanks for telling me she didn’t have access to my number. I don’t want our number given out, I told him on his machine, and especially not to a druggie. Do you know how much drug money she could get if she broke in here while we were out? We’ve got a lot of valuable stuff. This is a hard-core druggie, too, and not just a pothead.
A few hours later Andy left a message while we were out saying he got back in an hour ago and would like to tell me about his trip when we talk live. I’d love to hear about it, I told him in my reply message, and also, since he usually has so much to tell me when we talk and since I don’t get much chance to talk too, I told him of my upcoming tests and plans for bracing the lower teeth. I told him we’ll talk sometime this week.
Anyway, he just left another message saying that Laura came into the house and went into his address book only cuz he was supposed to be back Saturday, so she was worried. Besides, if something happened to him, who’d call me? He’s got a point, as I replied to him, and there’s been no harm done. Also, I figured he’d be late due to the shitty weather we had, but if he wasn’t back by today, I’d have been worried, too.
Till next month!
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1998 I have a zillion things to write about, and most of it is not very cool.
Let me start with the freeloaders. I was right again about them. Well, we were right about them. There hasn’t been any significant trouble yet, but next weekend or the weekend after, around the freeloader’s birthday, there will be.
Yesterday I was thinking about how they must be dying to give us noise right back and would prefer to wait till we were done but were probably getting too impatient to wait much longer. Well, they did just what I knew they’d do at some point over the next few weekends. I mean, it’s quite a coincidence that that hoop, which hasn’t been used in months, was finally used after Tom’s been banging about for a couple of weeks. They couldn’t be more obvious than they were today, although it was for under 15 minutes. Tom was right, though, when he said, “Don’t bother being noisy, cuz it’ll never bother them. It’ll just make them noisier just because it’s you that’s being noisy.” Today proved him right. They just can’t stand to be left out. Such attention we crave! I knew they couldn’t handle hearing from us without wanting to be heard right back. I’m not stupid as far as these people are concerned. I know exactly what they’re up to and why. I know how, where, and everything that makes them tick. I know their MO, etc.
Yesterday, the white car visited, but that was it. Today, as figured, the cock was here. Tom said he saw the bitch hanging out clothes all day. I’m sure the cock showed up for a piece of that line, as well as a piece of her ass. I didn’t see the white car pull up, but as I stepped up to the living room window, I saw a tall, skinny woman freeloader get out of the car with a baby in a bassinet and a couple of other kids. None over 8-10 years old. It looked like two girl freeloaders, plus a newborn.
Not quite. Next thing I know I hear a ball bouncing along with Tom’s nail gun. He worked at their side of the house today. This no doubt pissed her off and she went and called these people over, but there weren’t just 3 kids. More like 5 at the very least. There were two black boys playing ball (I saw the cock move its car into the carport).
Fucking, mother-fucking freeloaders! Slam, slam, slam! That’s all I’ve been hearing. I thought something fell on the roof and that I was done with next door’s shit till next weekend, but nope. In comes the freeloader. It’s getting its clothes, I guess, but I still fear this thing may be on the verge of moving back in. It’s just coming around way too much. Well like I said, if it does, it’s outa here. Same goes for its bitch. We’ll never be neighbors again, cock, never! Hear me, cock? Never!
Anyway, as I was saying till I was rudely distracted, the two black boys, who were about 5 and could’ve been twins, played ball for a few minutes, then left in the white car. All that just to be heard back, huh Joebitch? God, we’re getting rather desperate here, aren’t we?! These boys were cute, though, Tom said, asking him if he was building this house and if he lived here. I asked if any adults knew the boys talked to him and he said he didn’t care. I’m surprised she didn’t yell up to him, “Shut up! Shut up! I’m sick of your shit. Don’t you be talking to no one here or I’ll have you served, ho!” She’s damn lucky she didn’t, though, cuz that would’ve sent me flying over there. I’m sure she did know and that that’s why the game was so short and why they left. Initially, she was probably hoping they’d play for hours. That’s what I thought they’d do too, but they will when he’s off the roof. Next weekend or the weekend after, there’ll be hours’ worth of ball games and probably some music too, and remember, Mistake’s birthday’s coming up. I think it’s the 14th.
I just know they’re gonna cause trouble as far as noise goes and it’ll be in the near future, too. The question is, this time around, do I want to go over there and beat the shit out of them? Do I want to give them noise right back (and that includes in the middle of the night)? Or do I want to have the city evict them?
freeloader’s still here. Damn! I just want this thing outa here! Its presence is really making me nervous. It came around the back of the car, jumped up and grabbed the hoop and swung off it (too bad it didn’t break the hoop), then it got stuff out of the backseat of its car. It looks like some of it could be for the mistake too, and that worries me. There’s no U-Haul as of yet, but it moved in little by little the last time and it brought stuff for the mistake, no doubt to impress the bitch and butter her up into letting it stay with her.
It was wearing a beanie-type cap. One that’s longer than a beanie. Tom told me that’s an Islamic religious cap. Islamic? Aren’t those things pretty fucked up? You ever notice that so many freeloaders are into religion? It’s obvious why. They do it as a cover for their sins/faults/mistakes and as an excuse to keep on doing them. Some people think that they can do all the wrong they want and get away with it if they just say, “God. I’m sorry.” Take a bank robber, for example. If that robber was told that all he had to do to get out of going to prison after a robbery was say, “I’m sorry,” and that’s it, it’d keep on robbing. The freeloaders see it that way, too. They think they can harass people like me and not give a fuck about anyone but themselves, as long as they go to church every Sunday and apologize for it.
Yeah! freeloader’s gone. Now stay the fuck away, you piece of motherfucking scum shit!! You ain’t wanted here, dickwad!
The dog across the street continues to not be a problem so far.
Fuck! Here we go again! I just heard a really loud slam that could be felt as well as heard over this loud fan. I could tell it parked in the carport too (probably hauling over more of its shit), where its slamming would echo off the walls. All I can see is the very rear end of the car, but you know what? I can’t really say for sure in the dark that it’s the cock’s car. I think it’s a white car. Even so, how long is the payback gonna be? How long am I gonna have to listen to them deliberately slam doors really loud? Can’t this bitch see that there’s a difference between someone working on their house and generating noise cuz they have to in order to fix their fucking roof, and someone deliberately trying to get your attention and get you to notice and acknowledge them and their existence and harass you? When are they gonna grow up and cut the immature shit? Enough’s enough! This shit’s getting fucking old. Keep it up bitch and company and you’re gone!
Karma. The idea of it would normally give me peace of mind, but not with these people. Why is it that somehow, I feel God’s gonna let them get away with the shit they’ve given me? Well, it’s sad but true, that what goes around doesn’t always come around. Not for everyone. God has different rules for different folks.
Anyway, this bitch doesn’t typically have company at 6:30 on a Sunday night, but I wonder if this car is gonna be here overnight since it’s parked halfway into the carport. I doubt it. I think it only went in just enough to enhance the slamming of the car door, but if it’s still here in a few hours, I’ll step just outside the front door and see what car it is.
It’s early evening, so the collies are going at it. They’ve been going at it for over an hour. I can hear them whenever I go into the bathroom, but for another hour or so, I’ll have the air cleaner on in the living room where I am now. I absolutely cannot believe that no one’s either shot these beasts or complained. Maybe they did complain but found that it didn’t do them any good.
Now let me back up to yesterday morning. Due to the rain they predicted, Tom got plastic sheeting and put it on the roof. He used some of the bricks that have been sitting at the side of the house to weigh them down.
I was thrilled that I’d gotten myself on days and would have no problems getting to my appointment.
Late yesterday morning, we screwed, then he used the dumbest, lamest, senseless excuse I ever heard! No, not the “I’m sick,” “I’m tired,” “I’m too sore,” “I’m too hot” lines, but the “I’m too horny to cum” line. That is the stupidest thing I ever heard! I mean, how can one be too horny to cum? That’s like saying you’re too thirsty for a drink, or too dirty for a shower, or too hungry for food. If he can’t tell me he just doesn’t want to cum, he’s gotta do better than this, but that’s the thing with him, he thinks he can boldly lie/deny the obvious. As long as he knows you can’t literally prove him a liar, he’ll tell you the sky’s green if he wants to. He’ll tell you the grass is pink. Anything he wants to bullshit you on, he’ll so boldly and daringly do so, no matter how off the wall it is, and no matter how wrong you know he is.
I haven’t exactly spilled the beans on him (not that it’d do me any good) and told him I know he’s only cum once since last April, but I did tell him that I didn’t see how we’d have the time to do any “testing” if we were told to screw 10 days in a row. Not with our schedules and busyness. Besides, what good’s it gonna do me with a guy who refuses to cum? I really feel I’m just wasting my time here and thank fucking God I don’t want a kid. I’d never get pregnant by this guy. If I were fixed, this poor, terrified guy will never cum again! Not with me, he won’t. A part of me feels guilty, too. I mean, he’s willing to sacrifice cumming altogether (at least with his wife), just so I can be fixed and be normal and have a full bag of rights as a woman. Well, it’s his choice, but how can he have the nerve to look me in the eye, after telling me not to make excuses to back out of this thing, and tell me he is going to do his part of the testing? Yeah, right! Like hell he is! Which is it - is he delusional into thinking he can really squirt for testing? Or is he that much of a bold liar who’ll knowingly and intentionally lie to my face like that with no empathy, no guilt, no remorse, and with no plans whatsoever to let them have even a drop of his cum? I just wish I knew what I was in for! Am I making a huge mistake that I’ll live to really, really regret? Or does he know something I don’t? Something like how he plans to let them have his cum for testing’s sake, then will make sure none of it gets inside me if I get fixed? Well, I always knew he was in full control of his cumming, so we’ll just have to wait and see what he does.
Now for the worst thing that happened since I last wrote. Curses come and go in waves. Right now, the coast is clear, thank fucking God! Ironically, this shit went down right as I noticed I hit an all-time low of 111 pounds. Coincidence? Or was it compensation for what happened last night? What happened? Oh, just the usual shit battling with that fucking roof. I swear I wanted to sell out right then and there and just go into an apartment till we can move to where we want to be, or sell out now and move to where we want to be, but take our dumpy furniture with us and forget about using the sale money of this house to buy newer, nicer furniture. I’m soooooo fucking sick of this shit!! I need a fucking roof over my head and I just want us to have a life! Is that too much to ask for? Of course it is!
Anyway, the nature of the desert is, is that if it rains here, it’s usually in the morning or at night. It rained in the morning but was clear from 11 AM-10:30 PM. Amazingly, the morning rain did not leak in here at all.
I was pissed at myself for falling asleep too early and for getting up at 8:30 PM, which would mean I’d have to stay up at least 18-20 hours before I could go to sleep and not get up too early. Well, I couldn’t have slept a couple more hours if I wanted to. At 10:30 I was lying in bed when I heard a crash overhead. I thought it was Tom making sure the tarp was covering things well, but nope. It wasn’t him. It was the bricks falling. That’s how windy it was out, and it rained real hard, too.
So Tom went back on the roof and weighed the tarp down with bags of shingles that weigh 70 pounds, but not without it leaking in the bedroom, the bedroom closet, and the music room first, and not without him nearly getting blown off the roof. No water came down into the music room. Just the ceiling got wet, cuz the stupid male fucks that put in our AC didn’t connect it to the roof very well. I cussed them out on their machine for it (after blocking this number), not cuz it’d change how they work, not cuz we don’t have to repaint all the walls and ceilings anyway, but cuz I was in a foul mood and have been all weekend. Tomorrow should be better, though. Gonna see Melie and maybe stop at the bookstore.
I expressed a vibe I had to Tom about waking up to water leaking on my face. He said that that’d be extremely unlikely. That’s what makes it likely. The fact that it’s not likely. If it’s unique, odd, different, abnormal, fluky, freaky, uncommon, unlikely, etc., it’s me. Anyway, I was close. I was already up, and the leak was at the foot of the bed. Fortunately, though, only a few drops came down through a crack in the plaster, but the closet got hit worse and it stinks in there. It stinks of mildew everywhere and I had to spray a disinfectant all over but thank God it was just my typed journals that got wet. They may have dried up OK. I didn’t check, but we covered my dolls, the stereos, the TV, VCR, and computer stuff with plastic.
Anyway, this whole ordeal was humiliating, frustrating, and even scary, cuz I just didn’t know if it was gonna cause sparks to come shooting from plugs or what.
I was also infuriated with that bitch next door and all I wanted to do was go over there, walk it over here by the nape of its neck, and show it how we live and how at 33 and 41, we’re still struggling and we’re still trying to get ahead. Meanwhile, this bitch uses her kid to get the city to cater to her for free. I could’ve beaten that bitch to a bloody pulp yesterday!
So the rain and wind stopped, the leaks stopped dripping, then Tom went out and made a $600 investment. He bought a compressor, a nail gun, and many other tools, gadgets, and accessories that came in a kit.
As of yesterday, only the back room and garage were done, but now he’s gotten towards the middle of the house done and says he could’ve gotten 75% of it done if he didn’t have to work tonight. He said the nail gun makes it three times as fast.
Miraculously, I fell back asleep from 5 AM-10 AM when Tom woke me up.
What? If this is the white car, is that woman and her 500 kids moving in? It’s like, yo bitch! Wake up and face reality. Hello! You can’t do this if you don’t want to lose that house, you dumbfuck cunt!
On the other hand, I’d say this car will eventually leave cuz the front porch light is on. Usually, you turn it on for the visitors you expect and leave it on till after they leave. God, I hate living next to druggies! Fucking traffic in and out and in and out as their fucking buyers and suppliers come and go like bumper cars at a carnival.
Surprisingly, I haven’t heard from Andy this weekend. I thought he was due back last night, but as Tom said, they might’ve taken an extra day or two cuz of the weather.
You know what’s sad about Andy? I mean really, really sad? He wanted to get fired as much as he did, and he’ll keep on doing it probably for the rest of his life. He’s gonna set out to deliberately get fired over and over again. When he comes back, he’ll stop or cut down the pot, get a job, then make sure he gets fired in a week, then use that as an excuse to get stoned. Why? Why is he so scared to decide whether or not he wants to keep certain jobs? Why does he want the decision made for him? I mean, why doesn’t he just ask to be fired in a week the day he goes in for a job interview that looks promising? He might as well.
Now for the last subject I wanted to cover. Tammy left a message yesterday sounding happy and even younger, saying that all was great with her, Mark, and the girls.
So I called her back today. First she told me she was really busy, cuz she refinanced the house and got $4,000 in new furniture, and that Mark was remodeling with her.
Also, Larry’s causing trouble again. Yeah, it fucking figures. I knew he’d be up to his old shit sooner or later. He or Dureen or Art. And what makes it even sicker is that they use Tammy’s kids to get at her.
Larry, you sick little fuck! If I could be there for just 5 minutes! Just 5 minutes with you, boy! Aaaarrrrrrrghhhhhh! No words could express just how much I’d like to slaughter this sick fuck! Now I see why there is so much violence and murder in families. It’s so easy to resort to and sometimes it’s the only solution. I mean, I totally disagree with those that say violence is no solution. Sometimes it isn’t, but sometimes it is, and I can see myself easily killing a handful of so-called “family” members if they were here in this room with me. It’d be no problem, and if I didn’t kill them, they’d wish to hell I did cuz they’d be hurting that bad.
Larry’s right - Tammy’s a shit mom, and I do believe he really did have the best interests of the kids at heart when he called the state (along with doing it to spite Tammy no doubt at the urging of Dureen and Art), but it takes a lot of balls to call the state on someone, then turn around and call the house to talk to her kids! I guess this happened when Tammy was out, but he called to talk to the kids. He does like Lisa and the sicko’s trying to replace Larry with Lisa, but it was mostly to spite Tammy. Not to talk to the kids for the sake of caring about them.
Tammy said something about contacting the police about his calling there, but why doesn’t she change her number or get Caller ID?
Anyway, it really pissed me the fuck off that I called his house, but Sandy answered. I hung up the first time around, but the second time she answered, I began to tell her what I’d do to her husband if he didn’t cut all contact with the girls, but as I should’ve known, she hung up. Then I tried Larry’s business number, but that was disconnected. Then I tried Doe and Art, but that too, was disconnected. I should’ve known that bitch would go to such extremes. If she could change her email address, of course she’d change her number. Did she move again too?
So I thought about forcing Larry to change his number by pranking him in a non-traceable way, by just letting it ring a half a second, then hanging up, and back and forth, but I realized it wouldn’t do me any good. For him to change his work number, but not his home number, tells me something. He wants Lisa to be able to get through somehow. I really feel sorry for that girl if she’s still in touch with him! He’s just gonna hurt her, but sometimes kids have to learn the hard way. So be it then.
What I did end up doing was calling his local police department, telling them he was making harassing phone calls to me, and to please talk to him. The guy I spoke to said someone would call him, and he took down his address too, but I doubt he did call him. Then again, maybe he did, cuz I’d think that Larry would’ve called here by now if it weren’t for my complaint. The reason I did this, is to let his police department be aware of the fact that he’s trouble, so it’ll hopefully prevent him from pulling any shit on me in the future and maybe from pulling anymore on Tammy. If he did, he wouldn’t look very good with my complaint I phoned in. They keep a log of this shit. It’ll also hopefully send a message to this fuck that if he fucks with us, there’ll be consequences for it.
Someday, sooner or later, as it’s inevitably bound to be, Doe, Art, and Larry will all fuck each other over yet again, and what’ll probably be the last time, then Larry will go back to having no one on his side of the family, and Doe and Art will have no kids. Yeah, they know how to lose them one by one. Still, I wish I had been an only child! Think how much worse it’d have been if there were 6 of us! That’s a terrifying thought.
The dogs are still going off in spurts and the white car’s still here. It’s the white car for sure, too.
I just called info to see if there was a number listed for Larry’s business. I called the number I was given but didn’t get the machine I hoped to get. Instead, an older woman answered. She just said hello and sounded groggy, so maybe it wasn’t his business number, but I don’t know.
I’ve got to stop this! I’ve got to stop letting myself get so pissed off over these people! Giving them a piece of my mind won’t do shit, and they’re in the past. As I told Tom, this may sound selfish, but a part of me is seriously contemplating not giving Tammy our new address/number when we move and just walking away. She’s still too closely connected to Bill and Larry, although I know she doesn’t want to be. It’s just that every other time we talk, she tells me something about Bill or Larry that infuriates me, and I need to get away from this shit. I need to put my old experiences/memories/emotions to rest and get on with life, but I feel like my connection to Tammy keeps rekindling the past. It keeps the emotions alive and it’s not good for me. I deserve much more and much better than this in this day and age.
The white car left at 9:05. Right around Joebitch’s bedtime.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1998 I’m in great shape schedule-wise for my appointment and for the next few days of roofing (although we don’t know if he’ll be able to work today cuz of the weather. It’s cloudy, but it hasn’t rained yet). I took a Benadryl at 7 PM and was in bed for the most part until I fell asleep. I slept from 9 PM-2 AM.
Marla replied to me saying she was happy I was going for testing and that with today’s technology, I have every reason to believe I can have a kid.
Not if my husband won’t cum. If he’s scared to cum with me sterile, he’s gonna be absolutely petrified to cum with me fixed, if they can fix me. I’ve decided also that yes, I’m gonna leave it in God’s hands should they fix me. Well, God’s and Tom’s, so to speak. I still firmly believe, I firmly know, God and Tom together wouldn’t let me get pregnant. I know what’s meant to be and what’s not as far as a kid goes, I just hope I never want one as bad as I used to ever again.
Then Marla said her bubble deflated when she read what I wrote about Andy’s getting fired and getting high. Yeah well, what else is new? After doing this since he was about 20, maybe he likes this. Maybe this is what he wants and maybe it’s what he strives for.
Another thing I hope I don’t ever go back to is wishing I could have sex regularly with my husband. Not a chance with this guy! Yet he says he’s not sore or tired. If he’s not sore or tired, and if he’s supposed to be horny all the time, then why doesn’t he want me? He can’t help how he feels, although just the other day he made a contradictory statement saying the roofing was catching up to him and he needs to hurry up and finish. Anyway, I guess we’ll get together next on my birthday, but I just hope I don’t have any irritation!
As far as my decision to let God decide what’s best for us should I get fixed, well, I’m sorry if I went into Never-Never Land there for a minute, cuz there is no fixing me. And even if there was, we’re not going to get that far. As soon as we test Tom, it’s over. It’s inevitable - and I can see how this will play out - that I call it quits as soon as he proves himself to be the liar he is when it comes to this subject and doesn’t do as he promised.
Enough of the kid, sex, and lies shit, and onto the weight. Once again, 112 pounds is as low as my body can go without many days of starving. I gained a pound in my sleep due to not shitting. Every time my body gets down to 112-113, it doesn’t shit so it can reset itself back to 115 at least. I wonder why it is that my body doesn’t want to get under 112? I guess it’s just not healthy in this day and age. Typically, a body won’t gain/lose weight if it doesn’t want to and if it doesn’t feel comfortable doing so. I’ve got two days’ worth of food in me since my body won’t shit and I have a feeling that as long as I don’t eat, it won’t shit till my body’s back to 115 first. Well, maybe I’ll help it back up there later so I can shit.
Tom downloaded a dictionary for me but hasn’t checked it out yet to see if it’s any good.
Yesterday I helped Tom by cutting shingles. I used a hook razor that really made the job a lot easier. I didn’t like getting bits and pieces of fiberglass stuck in my hands, though.
Tom stapled down the tarp, too. That’ll be a real pisser and a real curse from God if it rains today when it hardly ever rains on a weekend to begin with, and when he’s well-rested and has the whole day and night free. He only has to go in a couple of hours like he always does at the end of the month, but he can go in any time he wants. Meanwhile, when he has to work a long shift and is beat, the sun will be shining.
The cock was here for what seemed to be all day yesterday. I don’t know if he was watching Mistake all day, or if Miss Bitch was there all day, but she didn’t work. Neither did the city, so that’s why the cock was parked in the driveway, too. Most people don’t work the day after Thanksgiving. I had forgotten about that.
Anyway, the cock left at 6 PM without a bang. Shortly after, in came the pearl van. I only heard a door slam, but Tom said he heard a honk too. I don’t doubt it. Then after a while, I noticed a white car parked on the street, which left at 9:00. I was asleep when the pearl van left, so I don’t know if it gave off a little 30-second concert or not, although it wouldn’t surprise me. The people in the pearl van are the rebellious type who’ll risk Joebitch’s tenancy just to go against me and spite me. Same with the aqua-colored car. Haven’t seen that one for several weeks now, so I’m sure that I’m due for a visit from it anytime now. I’ll bet they’re just itching for Tom to hurry up and finish the roof cuz they’re dying to be heard right back!
What is it with this bitch and all this company? This is the cock’s department, I thought. There was only company like this when he was in the picture, but for the first time since she’s been on her own, she’s a company freak just like he was/is. What? Is she that desperate, insecure, and afraid to be alone, or what? Can’t she take just one day off from going out and having visitors?
OK, I’m back to 115 pounds. I had a TV dinner, but still don’t feel like I’m gonna shit, so I decided that I either shit or take a water pill. I can’t keep letting these extra pounds accumulate, cuz then it’s harder to get around. So, since I can’t shit, I went for the water pill. I knew that if I didn’t shit or take a water pill, I’d end up around 118. God, all the slavery I go through just to stay at 115! Is it really worth it? Why do I keep depriving myself of the extra food and pounds my body needs? Maybe I should give myself a set number of months that I’ll continue with the hard work and hunger that goes into staying at 115, then let myself go, and eat when I’m hungry and let my body gain whatever it feels it wants/needs to.
Tom thinks that the bitch’s company, along with the bitch itself, was showing each other what Christmas presents they got yesterday. With money the bitch isn’t even supposed to have? I don’t know if they went Christmas shopping or not yesterday, but I highly doubt she and her company were drinking sodas and playing cards. I’m sure they all got stoned.
As for the weather - the clouds out there do look nasty, but they’re moving fast. Tom says that now the current report says it’s to rain today, tomorrow, and Tuesday. I highly doubt that. First off, they always hype things up, and secondly, it just doesn’t rain on weekends here and if it does, it does it in the morning or the evening, so I still say he’ll be able to work today and tomorrow. If it rains all day today, I’ll swear God only had it rain cuz he was doing the roof! If he weren’t doing the roof, it’d be a typical sunny Saturday. Still, the tarp’s down and he’ll only lift up the sections he’ll be working on. The garage and most of the back room are done. He’s gonna finish the back room, then do the music room, bathroom, and kitchen which is in the middle of the house. Lastly, he’ll do the front which is the bedroom and the living room.
Who will come to see the bitch today? Gee, let me guess - someone in a white car and a gray car? Cock and sis.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1998 I managed to sleep from 5 AM to noon. At 9 PM I'll take a Benadryl to help keep my schedule from going too far forward, although I may need two tonight because I'm getting kind of immune to the stuff again.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1998 Tom was up when I got up at 5:30. He had been asleep, but the phone woke him up. He said he didn’t know why it woke him up, though. That’s a first.
I was just in the music room when I heard something that I thought was coming from the bedroom, then thought it was from the freeloaders' carport just outside that window, but now I don’t know. Maybe it was from the roof. Maybe the cat nudged a tool up there or something. I looked in the carport and didn’t see anything, though.
I just remembered something. Well, as I suggested to Tom, I hate to see him spend money on God knows what on the 4th (Red Lobster or miniature golf). So, why don’t we just consider the lollipop doll as both my birthday and Christmas present, then I’ll get Edie with any birthday money I may get from Mom. If mom doesn’t send any birthday money, I’ll save enough money in my piggy bank for her. Then I remembered the Christmas money. She typically gives money for Christmas. If she does, it’ll be at least $50 each, so I’ll be getting another doll with that if I do. So maybe I’ll be getting 4 more dolls instead of 3. Another few weeks and Patrice should be here. Hopefully, we can go to the bookstore and the doll store on the 4th, though.
I was right about the freeloaders. No shit from them today. The bitch was picked up early in the white car, and the cock was here for a while, but that’s it.
I wasn’t right on when, but I was so right about the roofing being harder than Tom envisioned and taking much longer than he could initially see. He’s having a miserable time with that fucking roof. The shingles require so many nails and just don’t cover as much space as he thought they would, cuz they need to overlap by 6” or so. So, he may have another 1-3 weeks’ worth of work to do, and he’ll be getting tarps to staple down to protect us from the rain we’re supposed to get this weekend. Of all the weekends it has to rain in Arizona, it just had to be this one, huh? What? Does God want him to work on the roof only when he has to work at the bank all fucking night, too? Yeah, this naturally has me furious with God. It’s like - thanks, God! Thanks for treating my husband like shit and for running him ragged like this for no reason. He doesn’t deserve this shit. He needs to have a life. We have too much other shit that’s gotta be done. He can’t keep dealing with this fucking roofing shit week after week after week. It’s like God has no mercy or empathy for this man, he won’t help him help us, and what’s the point of not having a kid if we can’t have a life? The purpose of not having a kid (one of them) is so that we can live life and do things, yet we don’t even have a life. The Chanukah shirts can be forgotten about, the library, the things we were gonna do on the 4th, and the other household projects that need to be done before we can move. All this is gonna have to be put on hold.
First, I had to worry that Marge was gonna kill him and now I worry about God. It’s like something up there really, really really does want him to be constantly tied up in shit. There’s no doubt about that, but I knew this years ago. I don’t know how he can delusion himself by thinking he could’ve had time for a kid, any more than that I could’ve handled it.
What I did amazingly handle was sleeping through his banging all day. Not smoking really helps and yes, it is better to be fat, look like shit, and feel good, rather than to wheeze, have a racy heart, and look good. He did wake me up 2-3 times throughout the day, but I just went right back to sleep. I still need to push my schedule up by at least 8 hours before I can comfortably see Melanie.
I asked Tom why he couldn’t go to his mother and say look, you’ve got the resources and funds available, so get some people in to help me for once, but he said we’re too deep into the project to call for help now.
Sex is gonna have to wait another week or two, and it’s not that I miss it cuz you know I prefer sex with the vibrator over sex with him, but I worry that this is gonna bring on another round of irritation. At least there’s stuff for that, though.
Tom told me he saw the dog across the street, and I was like - what?! He’s seen it and I haven’t heard it?! How can that be? Well, it turns out that this dog’s a really small dog and it’s kept indoors. Indoors!! Can you believe it?! Indoors! Well, at least that’s what appears to be the case so far, anyway. He said he saw it run out of the house as adults were standing around talking out front. He said he could hear country music coming from their house. He said the little girl across the street was playing with the collie kids. Every kid within a 5-mile radius plays with those kids.
I still can’t believe that we’re about to hit December and still, no one’s played ball at the freeloaders!! So this tells me that yes, she’s under the false, but wonderful impression that part of my shut-up-or-get-evicted deal with the city means that there must be no ball games either. Well, in a sense she’s right. I won’t stand for hours of ball-bouncing every week. No one that has houses all around them just a few feet away should be playing ball, anyway, any more than they should be leaving dogs out all day and all night.
Not that Tom would’ve obliged, but no one came out and told him to shut up and give them a peaceful Thanksgiving. Well, most others around here are anything but peaceful themselves between their music, dogs, and screaming kids. And I’m not surprised the people in the collie house stayed here all day, either. These people are just like the Ms were. They never go anywhere.
I wondered if this was the first potential obstacle as far as the testing goes and if God was thinking about sending me messages about him not agreeing with what I’m doing, but Tom said we’ve come this far, so let’s just get the kidney and uterus tests done. He said kidneys are important, and if we find out the uterus’s shape is bad (I vibe it could very well be bad, too) then we’ll know that’s the problem, and that’ll eliminate us having to bother with other tests.
It’s easy for me to say, let’s put the testing on hold till after we’ve moved and after we’ve built our dream house, which will take a few years, but nah. There’ll just be something else going on at that time. I’m wondering if this will ever fit into our lives and if God ever wants me to have any answers.
Gotta get Tom up in a few, but meanwhile, I was thinking of taking Benadryl to hopefully take a nap. That might push my schedule if I split up my sleeping, so I can end up being up during the next few days.
Maybe the collies have finally shut up. They went on and on and on. The people there probably had a shitload of company. Again, the people there are also very very lucky that we’re moving. But will it still be in June? I don’t know. If the roof can drag on this long and if so, many other things can too, what’s to say we won’t be able to move till 2002? As we get closer to June, we’ll see how my vibes are, cuz that’ll tell me more.
El cocko came in at 9:30 and I assume it picked its bitch up. It was too dark to be certain it was his car, but I’d guess it was. Its engine starting up didn’t sound like Bill’s and it definitely wasn’t a white car. I heard some familiar sounds that I didn’t like, though. I didn’t like those “packing” sounds I heard. These are the same sounds I’d heard when it’d come and go in the past. This took place over a course of 10 minutes or so. Now, how much fucking turkey can you unpack? I doubt it was turkey, and I wonder if he’s slowly bringing his stuff back, but freeloader beware! You step foot back here and so help you fucking God, you’re outa here! I’ll turn right around and contact the city and this time, I just may take it a step or two further than that.
This is the plan - to take a Benadryl at around 3 AM and sleep till around 9 AM when Tom comes home and starts banging away. Today he’ll be banging away over the bedroom, too. If I can sleep till around 9 AM, then I won’t go to sleep again till between 1:00-3:00 AM and will then be on days. If not, then I’ll just try to stay up as late as I can and I’ll just have my sleep dragged out longer than usual due to both his hammering and the Benadryl. Benadryl tends to put you out longer than usual, and if I’m sleeping on and off all day cuz of his hammering, that ought to help push my schedule. Tom says not to worry and that getting to my Monday appointment is a done deal.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1998 Well, that’s the first time I ever shit after taking a water pill the previous day.
The mailman was kind enough to let me have my doll catalog, after all, which came today. Tom said we’ll have to order the Sunshine and Lollipops doll, cuz her molds have been broken so time’s running out. I didn’t even notice that until he pointed it out. Well, she has been around for a while, so I’m not surprised. Rapunzel’s been around for a while too, so I’ll bet her time’s running out.
Summer Dream definitely has the best dress, but Winter Romance has the best face. Spring Promise and Autumn Reflection are just so-so overall.
I asked Alex to send a blank email to my mom as I was curious to see if she changed the name again. If he did what I told him to do, then according to him, there’s no such user. I’m not surprised.
Tom still thinks I would’ve not only been a good mom but would’ve been able to stand it physically. He thinks I’m a night person cuz Doe was when I was little. Yeah, I remember hearing her TV till really late at night on the other side of the wall. Sometimes the things I’d hear would scare me, too, when I’d hear screaming or scary music on the TV. Anyway, I told him Tammy’s always been a day person, and he said that at that time, what with Larry just a few years older, she probably was more on days. He feels that babies can adapt to their mothers and that mothers can adapt to them, and I’m flattered he has all this faith in me, but I don’t. I also know what’s in my cards and what’s not as far as that goes and I just thank God that I’m OK with it, as I have been for about a year now. 1998’s gotta be the best year of my life so far for moods and emotions. I got fat and I’ll always be fat, but I’ve had so much more happiness and peace. Things have been fairly quiet around here save for the fucking collies, I haven’t had constant bouts of depression over being sterile, so it’s great. I don’t miss all those depressing, frustrating crying spells!
I still haven’t seen Measles, and that one time I saw White Paws was the only time I’ve seen her since she disappeared. I wonder where she stays and why she and Mama Cat don’t come around at least once a day anymore. Can’t complain, though.
They haven’t moved in across the street yet, either. It’s too quiet and I don’t hear a dog.
I looked online but had no luck finding a dictionary. Not only would it be nice to have on the computer something that checks spelling for me, but it’d also be nice to have something that tells me what words mean.
Andy’s leaving for California early in the morning and he’ll be back Saturday. That’ll be good for him and that’ll give me a break from his calls for a few days. In his last message to me, he never mentioned my letter. I hope he gets it if he hasn’t yet, and that his mailman’s not like ours.
I don’t have a bad vibe for Turkey Day tomorrow, as far as next door goes. If they’re gonna be here tomorrow, which I don’t sense, then they’ll be hearing us, cuz Tom’s gotta get the roofing done by Saturday. They say it’s to rain this weekend, but I doubt it. I doubt it cuz most of the time they say it’s gonna rain it doesn’t, and cuz it almost never rains on weekends here. Well, I just hope to hell he gets it done before it rains and gets it done fast. I’m so sick of roofing, roofing, roofing, roofing!! It’s really getting to be a very old subject and I just want us to be able to get on with our lives for a week or two, till the next big project comes up, like other people’s computers, although God knows we have enough shit of our own to do. I’m just really goddamn tired of this roofing ordeal. He’s gonna have to be pounding away during my bedtime too, but it’s a lot easier for me to fall asleep to the sound of something than to already be asleep when it starts. Besides, I know what’s going on and it’s not someone deliberately trying to wake me up and piss me off, so I’ll survive just fine. Not smoking, and therefore not wheezing, helps a lot too.
There is the chance that my vibe’s wrong and next door has a big party here and acts like the fucking assholes they did on Easter by playing a 3-hour ballgame to join into our noise and give it right back, but I doubt it. I really think they’re gonna wait till after he’s done and after they see the dumpster’s gone.
Speaking of the freeloader, Bill just dropped the bitch off.
I decided it’d be nice if I listed the title and author of the books I’m reading. Well, yesterday I began a book by Patricia Wallace called Twice Blessed. I read 100 pages yesterday and intend to read more today.
My period’s starting. Why a week early, though?
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1998 Although I didn’t sleep too well last night, I still have that good, positive vibe I had all day yesterday (and I vibe a peaceful Thanksgiving too). I woke up 4 hours after crashing and had to take a Benadryl to fall back asleep as tired as I was, then I woke up several times in between till I got up at 2:30 to stay. I’d like to flip my schedule forward at least 12 hours, but with this fucking roofing ordeal, who knows? I’m starting to feel like this damn roof will never be done! It’s hard for him to balance roofing time with his regular job.
There’s a city van in front of the freeloader’s house. I wonder what they’re doing. I also wonder how they feel about finding Bill there again, and I know this isn’t the first time they’ve found him there. Meaning, do they suspect he lives there?
I like having Bill here in the daytime. It keeps people away from the basketball hoop, and I don’t have to worry about being blamed if their house gets broken into. However, one can blame me for anything they want to cuz if I didn’t do it, I didn’t do it.
Just had some grapefruit. I’ve heard of people going on grapefruit diets where they have nothing but grapefruit, but I’m getting so sick of working so hard to stay at 115 pounds and going hungry so much of the time. Once again, for the millionth time, I’m thinking of just letting myself go. This isn’t natural. You need to eat more at this age and be heavier. My body’s crying out for more food and for a good 10-20 more pounds. I look like shit at 115 anyway, so does it really matter if I gain weight? I just won’t be able to enjoy rocking, but we’ll see.
Tom’s done roofing for the day.
I just changed the mice’s cages. It’s easier on my allergies if I don’t change everyone at once. I do the pig and rat one day, then the mice another day. The guys one day, the ladies another day.
I checked for email, which I thought I’d have tons of, and got an IM from Alex. So, I added him to my address book and my buddy list.
Andy beat me to it as far as him returning that paper with different fonts and checking the ones he likes. I sent him a SASE in my letter to him, cuz he had said he didn’t have any envelopes, so knowing how broke he always is, I thought I’d help him out, but he sent me these sheets back today. So he can keep the SASE for something else or cover up my name and use it for whatever he wants.
He picked the fonts I thought he’d like. The ones that are easier to read. He also decorated the envelope with a picture of the original Charlie’s Angels and the cast of Twin Peaks. He also cut out strips of old letters I sent him.
So, the freeloaders will get a few goodies added to their write-ups. I stuck in these fonts with Andy’s handwriting and with his picture bordering the two pages, and also, a sheet of stationary Kim sent. On the sheet they’re getting, she writes about how Bob’s against her ruining her beautiful tits and all that BS.
At 4 PM there was an anonymous call hang-up. Was it Andy or are the freeloaders at it again?
I took an old gray, sweatshirt dress that I’ve had for what might be half of my life, and cut its sleeves. It looks and feels better this way.
As you know, Art was on America’s Funniest Home Videos (even if we joke and say he was on America’s Most Wanted). Well, Tom says they’re making a show called America’s Scariest Home Videos. He disagrees, but I told him that I’ll bet you anything that half the shows are home births. Babies that came too fast to make it to the hospital. That shit sells just as much as sex, drugs, violence, and rock-n-roll do. Anyway, he thinks it’ll be accident-type stuff.
I sometimes share my writings with Tom, and I shared with him yesterday’s entry. He didn’t get my sentence that said, that was Evie’s case till I came into the picture and she got pregnant. Of course, Tom doesn’t believe this stuff, but Evie’s got those two kids cuz of me. She’ll never know it, but I’m the one responsible for those kids existing. She wouldn’t have them if it weren’t for me, although I suppose if she were still meant to have them, someone else would intertwine with her having them. You see, I don’t just think things are meant to be for a reason, but when they’re meant to be is for a reason, too. Also, God intertwines and kind of mingles events with those that we know. I’m sure he decided before Evie was even born that yes, she would have two kids. However, he was gonna wait till she was older for reasons best for her, and also till I came into the family circle. This way God could kind of kill two birds with one stone. He has Evie wait till he thinks the time’s right, and he uses it to hurt me. Back then I really wanted a kid really bad and God knew I’d feel left out, hurt, and jealous if someone was having kids in the family.
Tom told me he heard that antibiotics can help a woman get pregnant, cuz the antibiotics kill off bacteria that can kill sperm. My response was, “Then why wasn’t I oh so fertile in my 20s when I was always on those things?” He said I wasn’t screwing like I am now. True. I only did it 15 times or so before I met Tom. Besides, I know my problems are a lot more serious than just popping antibiotics. It would take much more than that to fix me if I were even fixable. Also, women can only have female babies cuz the chromosomes that make up male babies are less resilient.
God, I am so sick of this shit! I’m so sick of having to have just a few bites a day and going so hungry so much of the time in order to stay at 115 pounds! Anyway, I gained a few pounds cuz I gave in to my hunger too many days in a row and had 1500-2000 calories a day. I’d have to have 1000 calories a day in order to lose weight and do you know how fast 1000 calories go?! It’s like telling a smoker who’s been used to smoking a pack a day for a long time to suddenly cut down to 3 cigarettes a day. There are hundreds of calories in just two bites, so having 1000 is close to starving, I’m sick of this struggle and I’m getting closer and closer to just letting myself go. I’m tired of the constant hunger. Besides, I’ll never be thin again, and if I were 100 pounds at the snap of my fingers, it’d be hell trying to hold it. I’d go back to 115 pounds in just a week.
No wonder so many women are miserable. Especially the ones my age and up. They set unrealistic goals. They try to get “thin,” but that’s just not possible when you’re older. You can lose a few pounds but beware of the hell it takes to do it and to keep those few measly 5-10 pounds off. Older people are naturally plump cuz that’s just the way God designed us to be.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1998 I have wonderful news, but first, the light blue car is here. Bill’s still here too. I don’t think it’s a coworker in that light blue car. I mean one who happens to be black too, and who happens to have a car that goes with this bitch’s people’s cars? I doubt that. It’s too coincidental. There are probably mostly other poor, lazy blacks going where she goes, though. Although, I wouldn’t exactly call her lazy. She gets out regularly, 5 days a week. She’s just mean, broke and stupid.
The people across the street aren’t all moved in yet, Tom told me. Yeah, I know. No dog yet.
Our dumbfuck mailman gave me a catalog that belongs to N. 21 Dr. I’m sure they got my doll catalog too.
I had bad allergies last night like I do once a week or so.
Andy’s going to be going to California after all. Good for him. He’ll be going from Wednesday to Saturday. Good. Then he’ll get the letter I sent him before he goes. He should get it tomorrow.
He broke down and got high. I told him I still love him anyway, and always will no matter what, even though I like him better sober. As I told him, though, I believe someday he’ll quit for good. Just like I quit cigarettes for good after years of many failed attempts.
He said he was proud of me for taking the first steps toward getting tested. He said he’ll support whatever I decide to do. Now that’s being a good friend. He said he was shocked too, and didn’t think I’d ever go this route. Neither did I. Anyway, I filled him in on the basics, and I also filled in Evie, Kim, Tammy, and Marla. Yup, I heard from Marla! She’s just been busy as hell.
Anyway, this doctor’s right by the Crystal Creek complex and she’s pretty nice. So is her nurse. No one there is as attractive as Melanie. They’re all just there, but at least they’re nice and seem to know what they’re doing, and that’s what counts.
They’re remodeling their office, though, and man was it dusty!
I didn’t have to wait as long as I thought I’d have to and there weren’t a bunch of pregnant teens with wailing kids.
First she weighed me as 119 since doctor’s scales are always 4 pounds more than regular scales, then I tried unsuccessfully to give a urine sample. I should’ve remembered this! I should’ve drunk lots of water.
Got a freeloader update before I go on. That light blue car backed into the street to let Bill out and I saw the driver again. A very tall and very thin black lady with two girls that were about 8 and 10. No older than 12 and no younger than 6 for sure. After she backed the car up, the freeloaders and these two girls ran around screaming and jumping up at the basketball hoop (I thought they were gonna play ball) for a minute or so, then they all went into the house. I just came out of the bathroom to check and I saw the tall woman, the bitch, and one of the bigger girls get into the car, but I assume this girl’s sister and the freeloaders were in the car too. They just took off somewhere.
My guess is that this tall thing is the bitch’s sister and that the two girls are nieces of the bitch that I was supposed to have ordered not to play around here.
Anyway, the nurse took me into an exam room, took my blood pressure, and asked a few basic questions, assuring me the doctor was really nice.
Then the doctor herself came in to get me to bring me into her office to ask me some questions.
The doctor was friendly, and in her mid to late 40s, I’d guess. She had short blond hair and was of average weight.
She asked me how often we had sex. I told her once or twice a week. I told her of my ear when she asked if I’d had any surgeries. She asked when I got my first period and I told her I was about 10. I told her for nearly 3 years when I was in my teens I didn’t get a period. She asked if I was ever told why, and I said no, but I had my theories that it was maybe related to medications. I also hadn’t been eating well back then.
I told her I wanted to see her cuz of the DES, how Cigna got several bloody cultures, and that I was wondering why I hadn’t gotten pregnant.
She asked if I were ever involved in any violent sex acts, or if I’d ever had any sexual diseases. She asked if I were married and if I worked.
She said she’d love to meet Tom after I said I wanted to bring him in next time.
I forgot to mention the atypia that Cigna said I had, but if it’s any big deal, they’ll find it and tell me what to do about it.
She asked when my last period was and when my last exam was, and I mentioned the screwy periods. She said it could very well be normal. Especially since after the spotting, my period’s light and doesn’t last long.
We were wrong in thinking that if my uterus was shaped funny an ultrasound could see it. She said it can’t and therefore, I have to have a test that’ll see its shape because from what I gather, the shape of the uterus can complicate getting pregnant. That was Evie’s case till I came into the picture and she got pregnant.
She said she’s known DES people who have had no problems getting pregnant, but the 3 problems some DES people have are conceiving, suffering miscarriages (something about ruptured membranes which I don’t quite get), and cervical cancer.
She seemed so sure of my situation, though, and once used the words “when we get you pregnant” in one of her sentences to me. She sounded too sure, if you ask me, even though I had no bad vibes of any kind.
She said I could use Vagisil or something that you put in your bath (I forgot the name of it) if I get any irritation around the opening.
Unexpectedly, she recommends kidney testing saying it’s important. The ears and kidneys form at the same time.
I thought I’d have to call Dr. Brown and ask to be able to see Dr. Wells again and do whatever she recommended, but nope, they know each other and I don’t have to do a thing. They’re gonna take care of getting things approved by Dr. Brown. In a week, I’m to call Vicki, a woman who works in the office, about going for the kidney/uterus tests. If I haven’t heard from the nurse in two weeks, I’m to call for my pap results.
After the doctor and I talked, she took me back to the exam room where she listened to my lungs, which she said sounded good. That’s a first. She listened to my heart too, which she said was beating a mile a minute. Really? I felt calm, though.
She said what she could see from the outside of me looked good after she checked my tits.
For the first time, I didn’t ask for the smallest speculum. The exam is still uncomfortable, but it was easy compared to before I knew Tom. I had cramps for a little while and some bleeding afterward.
After getting the kidneys/uterus tests, Tom and I will meet with her for a 1-hour consultation.
She said there was something (that I can’t remember) that was supposed to be visible on some DES people around their cervixes but I didn’t have it. That’s good, I guess.
I fixed my ear, I’m fixing my teeth, so I may as well fix my plumbing if I can! I still don’t see a child in my cards whether I wanted that or not, but whatever’s meant to be will be and whatever’s not, won’t be. I’m just gonna try to keep my mind and doors open to different possibilities. I know I’ll feel much better if I understand more about why my body is as it is and if I know what my options are.
I said something to Tom about wishing I’d gone earlier in our marriage, knowing I was sterile, and knowing I wanted a kid very much back then, but he suggested that it may have put too much stress on the relationship back then. He doesn’t feel stressed out by it now, though. Well, we’ll never know what would’ve happened if we’d gone in 1994-1996, but I think our love was strong enough then to endure it, even stronger now, and as Tom said, these things keep progressing with time. He’s right. Each day that passes, I love him more and I couldn’t imagine life without him. Well, let’s just put it this way. If we were meant to have gone earlier, we’d have gone. If we weren’t meant to go now, we wouldn’t have. However, that doesn’t mean that just because I now have a good vibe and just cuz today went smoothly, God’s not gonna step in and block us later on. We’ll just have to see. I’ll be damned if I’ll fight and struggle for something I’m not meant to do, though, and have to pay the consequences for “disobeying” God. If he starts throwing hurdles at us, I’m calling it quits. I’ll just carry on with my curiosities. I’d rather not, but if I’m not meant to have any answers, I won’t.
Thank God they don’t predict rain for the week, cuz the roof’s not likely to be done till Wednesday. They went as far as Friday saying there’d be no rain. Thank you, God!
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1998 I’m just one day away from my appointment, but I’m not nervous. I should be, though, I suppose, since most people are when it comes to seeing new doctors. I told God, “I’m confused. I don’t know what you want from me. Do you want me to get tested? Should I get tested? Show me the way.” I believe he will. The more something’s meant to be, the more the way is paved for you with fewer obstacles. If it’s not meant to be, you’ll be blocked. Maybe make sure that Tom doesn’t cooperate like he said he would? Cuz that’d end it all right then and there as far as testing goes. I’ll quit right then and there. I’m going to this doctor to deal with why I’m sterile. Not why he won’t cum.
I keep saying my appointment with Melanie is on the 29th, but in truth, it’s on the 30th.
Tom said they only made one quick run across the street yesterday. Well, that explains why I haven’t heard the dog. It’s not here yet. He said he saw them today, too, but again, they obviously aren’t gonna be all moved in today either, cuz I don’t hear no dog. If they don’t have a dog, I guarantee you they’ll be getting one within a month. I don’t have a bad vibe about them, and things always quiet down as I get close to making a move, but 9 out of 10 houses have dogs, so why not?
I wonder what God will compensate me with when we move. There’ll be no noise/neighbors to stress out over, and he won’t replace neighborly noise with child noise since he knows I can’t handle that, so what will he do? Give me health problems? Time will tell.
At around 9:30 this morning, the cock was on the street. Why would he only park in the driveway that one Sunday only? Maybe cuz he was too lazy to haul laundry to the street, and maybe cuz it knew it’d be here all day and coming and going a lot.
I was amazed to weigh 115 pounds yesterday at the end of my day and after being stuck for two days. I woke up at 113 pounds, though, and took a dump.
I forgot to mention a couple of other things about Andy. He went into the studio where Stevie does her recording and offered to clean the place which was trashed. He found a tape that said Stevie soundboard something and he stole it. He said the quality of it was great and sounded better than any CD he’d ever heard. So now he’s trying to get a job volunteering to clean in there so he can see her work.
Another thing he said that I got a kick out of was, “If I have AIDS, I won’t let anyone else touch me, but I’m gonna be the biggest slut I’ve always fantasized about being.”
No freeloader shit. Like I said, they’re gonna wait till he’s done before they let us have it right back. All I saw was that light blue car and a tall, skinny, black lady with a cap on getting into the car and leaving. Never have I seen a white person visit them. They’re not good enough for most of them to be visiting anyway, even if most people are assholes, no matter what the color.
There is one thing I do dread about tomorrow. Not the appointment itself or the doctor, but all the waiting I’ll have to do. I know this waiting room is gonna be the opposite of Melanie’s. It’s gonna be filled with pregnant teens that’ll piss me off and tons of screaming kids, and I’ll have to wait for a half-hour or more till seeing the doctor. I’m not looking forward to that at all, so I’ll take a puzzle book since I won’t be able to concentrate on reading.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1998 What a stupid thing to do. Yesterday I was stuck and I took a water pill cuz I felt all bloated and watery, but the day after taking a water pill I can’t shit. So now I have to be stuck two days in a row, whereas I probably could’ve shit today if I didn’t take the water pill yesterday.
Another stupid thing to do was to tell Andy in a message I left him to wait till we can talk live next week before he calls since it’ll just be a busy weekend around here as usual. Sure enough, what’s he do? He goes and calls anyway. Must he go and call just so he can say he went and did the opposite of what I told him? Why are people so obsessed with doing the opposite?
It looks like Mary may care about Tom’s roofing adventures. She called and left a message while I was talking to Andy, which I’ll get into later, and said she was just checking to see how he was, call when he gets a minute.
What do you really want Mary? What do you really want? Computer work? Car work? Plumbing? Stuff your own husband could and should learn to do for you if he wasn’t so lazy?
As for the roof - the old roof is all stripped off now and now Tom’s hammering the new shingles on. Something the freeloaders can hear loud and clear. I’ll bet you anything that next weekend, or the weekend after, I’ll be hearing from them for this, but fuck them. We needed a new roof and if they can’t handle that, they’ll get theirs for it.
El Cocko was parked on the street at 9:30 this morning, Tom told me. All I saw when I went to look out front was him in a red sports shirt and a backward cap leaning in the front seat of the car. Then he went back to the house. Then a few minutes later he got in the car and left. I don’t think anyone was with him. Mistake could’ve been, but I don’t know for sure.
Why was he parked in the street on a Saturday, though? Maybe the city only takes off Sundays when dealing with their subsidized houses and checking up on them. Now that they know this bitch’s broken at least two rules (cock/dog) they’ll be keeping a closer eye on her.
Tom and I talked about hiring someone to come in and clean up all the nails and roof bits that are all over the sides of the house, but that’d take money away from paying bills. Also, they’d probably do a half-assed job.
Now I’ll get into what’s going on with Andy. Well, he’s really miserable again. God, he’s so much like I used to be. Just an occasional bout of happiness, then it’s the same old, same old again. Will he ever get out of the rut he’s been in?
Anyway, after I saw him leave two calls in a row with his name showing, I picked up knowing something was wrong and that he needed to bitch. I told him to show his name when it’s urgent.
He hasn’t broken down and gotten stoned yet, but he bought some weed since he feels it’s inevitable that he’ll break down sooner or later. He also said that it’s a really good kind of weed that only comes around for a short time every handful of years. I didn’t know there were different kinds of weed.
Tom and I were wondering how he could manage to get time off to go to California when he just started a new job. So I asked Andy about it today and he told me that with temp agencies, you work when you want and make your own schedule. All you have to do is give a week’s notice.
The plan was that Laura would take Andy’s car to New Mexico to spend Thanksgiving with her family. Then Michelle’s mom and boyfriend would drive to San Diego on the 22nd and go to the boyfriend’s family’s house. The next day Michelle and Andy would go there in Michelle’s car. They’d stay in San Diego for two days, then go up to L.A. for a day, then home. Now Andy’s pissed cuz he cleared time off from both the temp agency and Red Lobster to go, but he may not be going after all. Michelle’s car got broken into. They broke windows and stole her CD player. So, who knows if he’s going?
The thing about it is that he doesn’t have to worry about clearing time from the temp agency after all cuz he no longer has that job. Just a part-time job at Red Lobster for pitiful money.
Andy says he’s so pissed at himself and wonders when he’s gonna learn to keep his mouth shut. Yup, you got it. Andy got fired for talking too much yet again! He admits to his big mouth, but once again, God and society’s double standards really piss him off. It’s OK for the girl to his left to talk about her suicide attempts, and it’s OK for the girl to the right to talk about how miserable her kids and husband make her, but when the gay guy speaks up, it’s not acceptable!
So he went off on his boss about it and left a picture of a guy in boxers on his desk that he tore out of a Rolling Stone magazine he was reading. Then he called for a second chance and was told by the woman he talked to that she heard he left a picture of a naked guy on his desk. So that pissed him off cuz the guy in the picture was not naked. Then he says, “See? When people don’t like you or are mad at you, they twist the truth, exaggerate, and get into all-out lying.” Yes, I know very well. I’ve seen Dureen, Art, Larry, Tammy, and many others do this.
Then he goes to this other agency and gets told that there’s nothing available when he knows there is. He thought about it and thought about it, then realized he looked like an IV user cuz of the blood test they did to check for AIDS which left a black and blue mark on his arm.
Yeah, I guess Marla, who’s been super busy, talked him into getting an AIDS test. He’s got to wait till around my birthday for the results and he’s terrified. He said he had a dream that the test was positive, and he couldn’t believe it. Andy always practiced safe sex until Quinn. With Quinn, he wouldn’t use rubbers cuz he hates them. He’s pissed at himself not only for opening his mouth at work but for having unsafe sex and giving in to anal sex like he swore he never would. He said he let Quinn cum up his ass. The most dangerous thing to do, and that the bible says is a sin. I reminded Andy not to jump the gun, though, and assume the test is positive. Also, don’t believe everything you read. I could write a book saying being tall is a sin, but that doesn’t make me right. I told him what’s done is done and I don’t think any kind of sex is a sin as long as those involved are of age and willing.
A white car just came in and honked, but it’s a different one. Not the one with the thick black trim. It’s been 5 minutes, but no one’s gotten out of that car. What? Did it pull in, honk, then go up to the door? It couldn’t have just gone up to the door? What was that honk saying? Was it saying something like, “Yeah, I hear you with all your hammering? But next weekend or the weekend after, you’ll be hearing us.”
Well if I do, they’ll just keep on hearing me and we’ll keep on going back and forth till they either shut up or get evicted.
Tom was on the roof when this car pulled in and he said he heard voices. I didn’t hear them yelling this time around, though.
As I was saying about Andy - he said he’s a very angry man now and that if he finds out he has AIDS, he’s gonna destroy Quinn’s memory by telling everyone he and Quinn were an item (only a few know) and then he’s gonna track down this girl who he believes gave Quinn AIDS, and beat the fuck out of her. See, Quinn was a major druggie and a slut. Andy’s the only guy he made it with, though, except for his brother who molested him. There were rumors saying that a girl Quinn made it with between his time with Andy, had AIDS and didn’t tell Quinn till afterward. In fact, Andy wondered if Quinn killed himself cuz he found out he had AIDS. Quinn was also just plain old miserable and was looking at jail time, too, for the drugs, but only Quinn knew for sure why he did what he did, and as cruel as it may sound, I commend Quinn for killing himself and God for allowing him to do so. This world doesn’t need people like Quinn. I told Andy that having AIDS isn’t a death sentence anymore, although he thinks it is. They have medications for that that’ll sustain his life and they’re on the verge of a cure, too. He can get treatment and therapy for free since he’s poor. Thank God for this, too. He also told me he might ignore me for a while if it’s positive out of shame and all the emotions he’ll have over it. I told him it’s fine to need time alone but to remember he can call me if he needs to talk. I told him to let his name show on the box like he did today if it’s urgent and be anonymous if he’s just calling to say hi.
He’s gonna have to go out for the hundredth time job-hunting, but at least he has the money for next month’s rent set aside, so all he has to come up with is money for bills.
Michelle goes by astrology when predicting things, I go by instinct and the feelings that come to me. Well, according to Andy, Michelle knows her stuff and is always right. One of the things Michelle predicts is that she and David won’t cut it together because Leo and Aquarius don’t mix. Well, I don’t know if that’s the reason, but all the Gemini and Leo women I’ve known are assholes, but I don’t know about guys. Incidentally, Dureen’s a Gemini, and Tammy’s a Leo. Anyway, the reason I don’t see them working out is that Andy’s not meant to have a loving relationship. It’s just not meant to be any more than I was ever meant to be a singer or a mother.
Andy says he still wants to try his best to make the relationship with Dave work out, but there are a couple of things Dave does that really pisses him off. He asks questions, and then when Andy goes to answer, he cuts him off and interrupts constantly. So Andy did it back to him and he got pissed. Andy’s like - how do you like it? Andy also hates how he’s so “Brenda-ish.” He’s possessive and jealous and Andy’s afraid he’ll smother him. As Andy said, though, if he and Dave don’t work out, he can always go live with one of his brothers. It’s not like he knows no one there.
I’ll be sending him an encouraging, inspirational letter sometime soon, cuz I know how much those things really cheer him up.
Am I going deaf? I can’t complain, but I didn’t hear the white car leave. No doors, no engine, no nothing. That tells me that she didn’t leave in this car since she and her little cock were always the biggest door slammers around here. Well, it is hard to hear over all the hammering.
Tom just tore his second pair of shorts on nails. He’s now wearing one of his two pairs of long denim pants that he wears to work.
He returned Mary’s call and spoke to her and Mom about how the roof was going. Mary didn’t get into it, but they found bad things with the thyroid they took out. She has an appointment coming up and so does Ma. They’re gonna get their own rides, though, cuz I have an appointment on Monday. They didn’t hit him for computer work, but they will when he’s done.
He says Eileen’s probably gonna make up for the little cupcake payment he got for doing the daughter’s computer when he gets around to taking care of hers. Eileen pays him fairly, so that’s good.
It looks like sex will be postponed until next weekend, which is OK with me. Tom brought up something I almost brought up, but I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea and think I was trying to get out of sex. He suggested we don’t screw till after my appointment, so it doesn’t interfere with the pap. Normally I’d say that he was making excuses, but no, this is a great, sensible idea.
Bill’s here now. What’s he doing here on a Saturday?
Actually, he just left. I know the sound of that car starting up very well now. It’s weird for a Caddy, but it makes a coughing sound as its starter catches. It left without the bitch, so she ought to be home still and listening to all Tom’s hammering.
The renters are here, and to my utter amazement, they don’t seem to have a dog. Yet. They will soon enough, though. From what Tom could see, it was a couple with a 5-year-old girl. I guess this is good. Then I don’t have to worry about college kids or teenagers banging in and out, or basketball games. They don’t have a hoop over there, but those things can always be bought.
He also says that at the old man’s house on the other corner, there’s a woman and kids living there. The guy’s still there, though, so who knows who these people are? Maybe they were the trailer people and they decided to move in and ditch the trailer. I saw a woman with screaming kids in the street the other day, but if they’re living there, why don’t I hear them? From what I saw, there were 2-3 little ones, and that’s major noise, so why don’t I hear them all day long when I’m up? Maybe because the garage separates our houses, along with the street.
Tom accidentally cut his finger while cutting paper, so I gave him a Band-Aid.
You have to put down felt paper on the bare wooden roof before you put the shingles down. He’s on the fun, quick, and easy part now. Stapling down the paper. Then he’ll be nailing down the shingles, but the shingles are big, so it won’t need 10,000 nails. He still feels he’ll be done tomorrow, but we may need to keep the dumpster past Monday for our clean-up job. For our cleaning, he’s gonna go look for this magnetic rake they have that’d be great for picking up the millions of nails that are around the house from the three asinine layers that were there.
Still no mail. Is he late? Or did he give our mail to someone else?
It’s dead quiet at the old man’s house, so maybe the woman and kids were just visiting.
I guess the bitch did leave in that white car. Tom saw her being dropped off from that car a little while ago.
Tom’s heading to Sears in a little while to pick up some more stuff we’ll need.
I’m just gonna relax and read for the evening.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1998 Woke up at 115 pounds, since I had KFC yesterday and more. I always go back to 115.
Got a letter from Kim, cuz her computer is fucked up. She and Walt are moving into a big duplex house in Northampton. Just what is the story with her and Walt? Did Walt conveniently decide he wants kids just to hang onto Kim? Or is Kim OK with his not wanting kids and willing to give that up?
Anyway, since she sent me a regular letter, I’ll send her one too, using our wedding picture bordering the paper.
I took the four remaining Christmas cards I have and made one out to Mary & Dave, Mom, Steven & Carol, and David & Evie.
I never want a damn thing again to do with Nora, Ray, Ryan, Jackie, Jim, or Pam. The only reason I associate with Mary, Dave, and Mom still is out of respect for Tom. Meanwhile, Steven, Carol, David, and Evie never did anything to us. Neither did Ryan, Ray, or Nora, but I just don’t want to bother with anyone connected to the Jackie, Jim, and Pam clan. I don’t dislike Mary and Dave, although as with Mom, I resent how they’ve used Tom. Mary and I have things in common (rodents/sterility) and Dave’s funny and cool to be around.
Tom got a dumpster extension. They were supposed to get it today, but he’s keeping it till Monday. We thought they’d charge $100 for the overtime, but nope. Just $5 a day.
He says he’ll be done on Sunday, but I don’t know. Then he says we can get on with life. Yeah, for two weeks.
I printed out some more stuff for the freeloaders and their stuff will have to go in two manila envelopes. Not cuz there are too many papers but cuz the pages fit snuggly into the envelopes and leave no room for the wire binder. So I had to trim the edges of the pages to make them fit into the envelope.
Tom says it’s no wonder my lungs still get tight and congested. He said it’s big-time polluted out there. Worse than L.A. He says I should improve when we move. Well, I hope so, cuz yesterday when I was singing, I’d swear I still smoked if I didn’t know any better. And I was wondering again why God ever bothered to give me the voice in the first place if I can’t fully enjoy it. I have to stop and keep clearing my fucking throat. I never would’ve quit smoking if I’d known it’d make me so fat and not help me more than it has, although it does save us money, and since quitting, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, I stopped wishing we could have more sex and stopped wanting a child. Maybe it’s that I’m used to not counting on full-time sex with this guy and maybe it’s just because I know a kid’s not meant to be, but my life truly has improved in other ways since quitting smoking, and I wheeze my ass off, so I won’t complain.
Tom tore off 3,000 pounds of roofing. When he’s done there’ll be 1,000 pounds of roofing. The stupid idiot males who lived here throughout the years put layers of roofing on. There are three layers. That’s how and why things got so fucked up with it. Women should do more of these kinds of things. They’re smarter. But Tom’s as smart as most women. In fact, I think we’re both smarter than most people, female or male, so we’ll figure it out.
A guy driving by got out and asked Tom if he does roofs. He said only on his own house he does.
He may get promoted to bossing people around instead of bossing work around, which he kind of doesn’t want. He’d rather boss work than people, and he doesn’t want to be locked in for another year like he would be if he got promoted in that way, and he still wants days. These would be 2nd and 3rd shifts. He doubts he’ll get this promotion, though, cuz the others who are eligible have been there longer. But are they as good as he is?
Tom saw both dogs two yards down. He says they’re both collies. Why are their barks different then? He says it’s not just cuz of the chain-link fence that causes them to bark so much, is the house’s location too. They can see all the way down another alley that we couldn’t see from our yard if we had a see-through fence of some kind. The alley’s sort of L-shaped. Well, they’re on the corner of the L. So they can see a lot more to get stirred up over than a dog could in our yard if we didn’t have all block walls. I wonder why it is that we have all block walls, the freeloaders have all block walls (although they have a double gate and not a single gate in the very back by the alley), but these assholes have a chain-link fence in the back. Only their sidewalls are block walls.
I’m doing laundry now and hanging out the heavier stuff since our dryer’s sort of wimpy. The washer’s small and the dryer’s wimpy, but when we move, we’ll have a regular size and strength washer and dryer.
Bill must’ve gotten called away for something pretty important today. I didn’t hear any of this, except for the honk, but from what Tom could see on the roof, a light blue car dropped the bitch off at 11:00. Then Bill left. Then Bill returned a few minutes later. Then the blue car returned, honked, and the bitch left in it. The blue car’s probably some coworker.
The cock didn’t visit last night.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 Another day of Tom stripping the roof. As I predicted, he doesn’t think he’ll be done stripping today. He told me he realized that although he doesn’t want anyone putting the new roof on since they probably wouldn’t do it right, he should’ve at least paid the money to have someone come and strip it and haul the old roof away. Well, it’s too late now. All that hard work and mess and clean-up are on him. I offer to help him with picking up roof bits and nails, but he brushes me off. He said I could help with the stuff at the side of the house, but not for long since the dust isn’t good for me. I have a feeling part of the reason he doesn’t want me working in the front is cuz he worries I might attack the bitch. I wouldn’t do that unless she came on our property or threatened me from hers.
He’s gonna have to keep the dumpster till Monday, rather than Friday.
He said he doesn’t think the back room was added on in the 70s as he originally thought. This whole subdivision was built in 1950. He thinks that the back room’s been there all along and that it was one of those extra things that were optional that people could pay extra for if they wanted.
I had a flash vibe of me being 110 by February. In the past, I’d have been thrilled to know this, but now it kind of worries me. It takes the body about a year to adapt to major changes. It’s been just over a year since I quit smoking and it seems my old metabolism is poking through more and more. Well I awoke at 112½ pounds today, and we’ll just have to see if I lose more weight or not, but if I do, am I gonna have to pay for it in some not-so-cool kind of way? I’ll tell you one thing for sure and that’s that if I had to choose between not wanting a child and being 125 pounds, and wanting one at 100 pounds, I’d take the 125 pounds and the not wanting that. I don’t ever want to return to my days of obsessively dreaming about the impossible. I only want material dreams from here on out cuz I can make material dreams come true in time. If my dream was to find a million dollars in the street, that’d be different, but I’ve never had such a dream like that eat at me year after year day after day and I’m sure I’d have to become a whole different person for me to dream such a far-out dream as that. Even my old dream of becoming a famous singer wasn’t as far out as that would be.
I asked Tom why he didn’t bring up adoption or foster kids. He said that although he disagreed with those judging others by their ages or their pasts, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that adopting would be a problem cuz of his age, and fostering would be a problem cuz of my record. Personally, I never had a desire to adopt or foster, thank God. I guess I’m just one of those who felt that if she wasn’t gonna have her own kid, she didn’t want anybody else’s, but that’s just me. There’s nothing wrong with those who adopt or foster, though, as long as they’re not like the second foster mother I had was. She lied to me and starved me, and her sick friend threatened me and scared the shit out of me. It’s a miracle I got out of there without her beating me to death. Or close to it.
I’m recharging my vibrator batteries now. They’re great cuz it’s like having the same batteries that last and last and last. I used to worry about my sex drive going up in time, too, but since I’d rather take care of my own orgasms, and since I don’t want a child and can’t conceive one anyway, it’s OK if my appetite goes up, cuz I can take care of it myself, and Tom’s busyness and my schedule won’t be a problem if it goes up again like it was a problem the last time it was up.
Speaking of schedules, I went to bed just after midnight again and got up at 8:00. I had to read a good 4 hours or so before going to bed to relax and tire me down. I might sleep later tomorrow though, cuz Tom, who has to get off the roof at 4:00 to sleep 7 hours before going to work, won’t get home till around noon tomorrow.
I should have no problem getting to the doctor’s Monday. It’s Melanie’s appointment a week after that that I question.
I hope we can take a shot at doing those T-shirts soon enough, and also, I’d like to go to the library to see what Ruby books they’ve got and to check out doll-making books. I might want to take their doll-making class someday if I can keep a schedule long enough to do so. I wonder how long and how often the class is? It was something like $50-$60 for the sign language classes and they went 8-10 weeks.
I commented to Tom how I was surprised Bill and Mistake didn’t hang out in the yard more. Tom said that he’s really old so he couldn’t keep up with it, nor would he be likely to even want to hang outside. I’m surprised I don’t hear that animal screaming all day, but I guess they don’t even open their windows over there.
It’s a bit cloudy out, but there’s no threat of rain over the next 5 days or so, according to the weather channel.
I was out getting my daily dose of color till the headphones began producing static. They’re great, though. No wires, no commercials, then you just charge them back up. No constant need to change dying batteries.
I was bored shitless for a while there, but I guess I should get into some writing now.
Tom went out and got himself something to eat and I got KFC. I’m making a pot of tea now.
Bill and Mistake were seen by Tom coming and going earlier, but the cock hasn’t shown up today. Yet. I’ll bet he will later. Yes, he was here again yesterday. From 7:00-7:45 last night.
Tom’s opinion is that he found religion and that’s why he’s been quiet even when he’s parked on the street, and he’s coming around more to see the kid. I highly doubt it. I think it’s her he’s coming to see and I think it’ll just be a matter of time before he starts pushing and testing and going back to his old shit whether or not he lives here again. If he does move back in, though, he’s gonna have to park on the street during business hours. However, I’ve already decided the day he moved out last July that we’d never again be neighbors and that’s final. He is not welcomed here, he does not belong here, he is not wanted here, and he cannot live here as far as I’m concerned. Not that the bitch is anymore welcomed, wanted, or a snuggly fit in this neighborhood either, but I can tolerate her existence while we’re still here so long as there’s no shit from her or her friends, cuz if there is, she’s gotta go too.
Tom’s gonna be wrapping it up soon for the day so he can get some sleep before work.
He said he was surprised his Ma didn’t call to ask how the roof was going.
Maybe she doesn’t care.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1998 Bill’s back today. I’ll bet you that cock won’t come in for lunch today, but we’ll see. I never heard any car doors yesterday picking her up or dropping her off, so I think she was home yesterday. She also had her lawn done just as the sun was setting by a black, a Hispanic, and a tall white dude with long hair. It could’ve been two blacks or two Hispanics, but anyway, the white guy got pissed at either one of the other guys he was working with or someone in the house, but I couldn’t tell for sure from my spying angle. I couldn’t make out anything that was said either. Just “Ay, ay, ay!” as the guy walked from the front of the house where their front door is, into the carport, then into the back.
So, I think she was home and the cock only came in for lunch cuz she was there. I doubt she was home cuz she couldn’t get a ride either, cuz couldn’t the cock have chauffeured her? Maybe she was sick or hurt or something like that. Wouldn’t it be great if yesterday was a case of karma where this bitch who normally adores noise, couldn’t stand to listen to Tom bang around yesterday while she was trying to read, watch TV, or even nap?
Someone was spraying for bugs across the street in the rental yesterday, but you know what? Here I am worrying about potential Mormons, dogs, or rowdy college kids with stereos, but what about the house next door where that cop used to live? It looks like he moved out a while ago, but who’s living there now? Nothing’s changed within that house. It’s still quiet. So did just the cop move out? Or did the whole household move? Are there new people in there now?
Tom said he saw one of the dogs two houses down and said that the reason they bark so much is cuz they got a chain-link fence. Yeah, I know that’s part of it. That’s why I really dread the renters moving in cuz they have a chain-link fence that wraps around to their front, so we can hear their new dog(s) loud and clear. It’d be like it was in its front yard barking and it’s just across the street from us, although anything’s better than just a few feet away. At least it won’t be just outside three of our windows.
Anyway, Tom says he only saw one of the dogs, which was a collie, and says those aren’t guard dogs. Whatever. All I know is that they bark way too fucking much and they’re lucky we’re moving. Real, real, real fucking lucky!
Got up at 8:30 today at 114 pounds. Tom got a late start and didn’t get up on the roof till 10:00 cuz he was picking up my meds and looking for stamps which nobody seems to have.
Tom called in and found out that there’s a number you can call to see if you’ve been dismissed from jury duty. Well, first they postponed him from today to tomorrow, and now they don’t want him in till February 8th.
OK, this is the third day in a row that that cock has shown up next door and I don’t like it. Both of us never thought he’d be in for lunch today cuz she’s not there. He never comes over when just Bill’s here. Unless she’s in there sick and Bill’s tending to her, which I highly doubt, I worry that he’s on the brink of coming back, although I don’t vibe it. Let him dare to come back, though, cuz he’ll be sorry!
Today and yesterday I’ve been working on getting some color since I’m practically as white as I was when I first came here. Tom came out to tell me they were recarpeting next door and I was like - fuck! Tell the city to come recarpet our house for nothing! Then he came back a few minutes later saying it looked like they were just cleaning their carpet and not replacing it. There’s a white van out there now, but no writing on it. No city emblem or anything.
Yeah, there is writing on the van. A limb of the tree was blocking it at first, but there’s small writing on the bottom of the driver’s door. All it says is: Operated by Metrolink, Scottsdale, AZ
Cock’s gone now.
The van was gone when I last checked at 12:45.
Wow! I actually got a little color. Since I have to be on days for the next two weeks, I may as well take advantage of it and sit outside and do my word find puzzles for a while every day. Putting baby oil on really helps, too.
I just helped Tom put together the wheelbarrow he bought for transporting old bits of roofing that he’s knocked off the side of the house by the freeloaders to the dumpster in front. It’s also a good thing to have anyway.
Fortunately, the dogs let us work in peace. Just Blackie was meowing, as usual.
He believes he’ll be done stripping the old roof off tomorrow. He’s only got the side of the house and by the cooler and AC to do. A little in the back freeloader corner, as I call it. The other is the back street corner.
He says it’ll only take two days to put the new roof on. That means Saturday will be his last workday, which seems a bit doubtful to me. That’s cuz he’s so lousy with estimating time. He’s great at 95% of the things in this world, but not time frames.
I asked him about the cop’s house, and he says he doesn’t know what the story with that house is or who’s there.
I pointed out how I realized recently that I haven’t heard the old man’s dog in a while, and he says it is gone. Even the trailer people are, but that may be because they couldn’t sleep well here. Ha, ha!
I asked Tom if he thought I could maintain 100 pounds as easily as I’m maintaining 115 pounds if I could get there tomorrow. He said that in this day and age, it’d be very hard to do. I asked him if this means that I’ll gain 15 pounds every 10 years or so, but he said that after gaining the weight that people typically gain when they go from young adulthood to middle age, they usually don’t gain more. You tend to lose weight when you’re old, though. Yeah, I figured and sensed that if I were ever 100 pounds again it’d be because I was old. Or very ill.
I contemplated just going through the 4-5 days of starvation to get down to 100 just to settle my curiosity and see if it is as easy to maintain as 115 is, but nah. Too much slavery just to almost be guaranteed to soar right back up here where I am in no time. It’s not natural to be thin at nearly 33 years of age. So, since I’ll never have a child, I should be around where I am throughout my life. I sure hope so, anyway. If I had had a child, I’d be hanging at an average of 140 for the rest of my life. Yuck!
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1998 According to Tom, Bill’s not here today. Is his car dead again?
I got a really long email from Evie and in it, she said that since the roof is a big job to do alone, to call if we want help. How can David help? He has a full-time job and two kids. Plus, from what Tom’s said, he doesn’t exactly have the brains for this kind of work.
Between the way I’ve been eating the last couple of days and being stuck, I’ve gained a couple of pounds, so I’m only gonna have a bite today. I don’t want to go over 115 pounds if I can help it.
We went out yesterday to Walgreens and Staples. At Staple’s, we looked at digital cameras and Tom looked for a game, but couldn’t find anything of interest. I got cartoon disks, some color changer/stamper markers, and more iron-on sheets for the T-shirts.
At Walgreens, we were gonna get stamps and a puzzle for me, but we forgot the stamps and their puzzles were boring, so we just got nuts and chips.
Red Lobster called again looking for Andy. Looking for Mark, actually, cuz that’s the name he prefers to use nowadays. Why would they call here? I told the guy he doesn’t live here and he thanked me and hung up. Did Andy ever resolve his problems with those coworkers? He hasn’t left any messages about it, and that call he made on Saturday was his last call to me.
Spot has some kind of growth on her leg. A tumor, I guess, but she doesn’t appear to be in any pain or having trouble getting around despite how big her leg is at the hip area, fortunately.
As figured, the traps caught no mice of any kind either in the back room or the garage.
It’s 32” from the top of my head to my lower ass where the ends of my hair are (the longest ends, anyway). So that means my hair is more than half my height since I’m 59”.
After nagging Tom for months to trim the hedges and tree, I feel bad about it. First of all, he can’t help being so busy and having no time for it, and even if he did have time to do it, he doesn’t want to. He hates that stuff just as much as I hate dusting and vacuuming. So, he shouldn’t be pushed to do anything he doesn’t want to do.
Tom and I talked about taking care of ourselves sexually. I told him I liked vibrators better than my hand and that I thought of women when I’d take care of myself since I don’t need to fantasize about him, cuz he’s not a fantasy. He’s here with me in real life. He said he thinks of nothing in particular but sex when he takes care of himself. So he definitely is taking care of relieving himself as I always believed, but this is good. Better to get off by yourself than in no way at all, and I totally understand. Some of us just prefer to get off by ourselves. It’s easier that way, although his reasons are different than mine. He gets off by himself so he can’t risk impregnating me. I do it cuz he can’t know what I’m feeling. Only I can, and only I know what’s best and how to hit the spot just right that feels best to me. It’s much harder to tell a person how to do you than it is to just do yourself, cuz you know yourself and what feels best to you better than anyone else. It’s too hard to get off when he’s on the side and it takes forever, I can’t get off with him up top, and although to be eaten out is my favorite, that too takes some time because I have to keep on constantly telling him to go down lower, or up higher, or lighter, or harder. So, I may as well just save the orgasms for my own time alone, just like he saves 99% of his for himself to take care of.
So, since having sex with him just doesn’t feel as good as doing it alone, and since there’s no child to conceive motivating me, this is why I’ve come to be glad that he’s got such a low drive himself and that our schedules and busyness don’t allow us to be consistent with the sex. It’s just not something I look forward to doing anymore. I love to be close to him and to spend time with him, but the sexual part of it is not like a chore for me, but just a bore. Just something that I do and something I just go through the motions of doing. Since we both would rather orgasm on our own, I wonder why we even bother at times.
Thank God we don’t live several houses behind us. I was out brushing my hair and watching Tom, although I couldn’t see much of him since he was now at the front of the house when I heard this dog with an incredibly obnoxious bark. Worse than what the freeloaders had and maybe even slightly worse than the guard dogs, too, but that one’s too close to call. It sounded like the dog that the trailer people had. I still haven’t seen them in ages, by the way, but anyway, it had a whining, shrilly type of bark that’s between a cry and a scream. If that thing were just a few feet away next door, I’d kill those freeloaders for sure for having that right outside my window, then I’d set the dog free. I wouldn’t even wait the time it’d take to have them come out and investigate her having a dog she’s not supposed to have, then demanding she gets rid of it. Thank fucking God for her and for me that she can’t have a dog, cuz some subsidized situations let you have a dog. The NHA lets you have one dog or cat that doesn’t exceed a certain height and length.
If all dogs’ bark were like the one across the street, then they’d be a little easier to live with. The one across the street doesn’t bark much and it has a lower, softer kind of bark. That shrieking thing that I just heard, though, wouldn’t be able to be drowned out by fans if it were just a few feet away. Fortunately, though, it’s far enough away that you can’t hear it in the house.
The rest of this month is gonna be pretty tough on me. I’ve got the crotch doctor to see on the 23rd and Melanie to see on the 29th. I got up at 8 AM today. It’s too soon between now and the 23rd to flip my schedule, which I couldn’t do anyway with Tom’s working on the roof, and then it’ll be too soon between the 23rd and the 29th to flip it, so I’m gonna have to stay on days for the rest of this month. It’s gonna be soooooo hard.
The freeloader was in for lunch. It parked on the street since it’s not Sunday and the city maybe won’t do a spot check. I commented to Tom that the bitch must be home since Bill was not there and he was coming to have lunch with her, but Tom said he doesn’t think she was home cuz he seems to only come over when she's not here. Yeah, could be. Besides, this bitch knows enough assholes just like herself to give her rides. But why would the cock only come here if she’s not here? If she doesn’t want him around, and it does seem like they’ve been avoiding each other, why doesn’t she get the key back from him? And also, why can’t he go to his own place for lunch? Is it further away from where he works? Doesn’t she feel used by him coming to eat her food for lunch and to use her washer and TV?
Well, at least the black boy is behaving. It’s not slamming doors or banging bass. In fact, I wouldn’t even know it was here if Tom didn’t tell me. He’s the one that saw its car from the roof.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1998 Another day with Tom up on the roof. He said today’s going better than yesterday, but that if it takes till the weekend, fine. He had hoped to be done Tuesday, but since things take longer than expected, it may go till the weekend, but at least no rain is predicted all week.
I asked Tom if some of the roofing stuff will end up in their carport and he said yes, although he’s gonna do all he can to prevent that, naturally. I asked if he thought the bitch would run and try to have us served over it and he said no. She may not do that, but she’ll do something, although Tom disagrees. I’m thinking, though, we might be in for some more calls preaching racial harmony, although they’re gonna have to do that from a phone that they don’t mind us seeing the number to, like a payphone. So, maybe we’ll get some childish go-across-the-street-for-sex letters again.
The cock left right after the football game yesterday at 5:30 and there was no music or barbecue. Caddy kid’s on one of his absences, which is nice, but a spruce green car did bang by once. Other than that, it was a nice weekend, but as we get closer to the next weekend, I’ll be able to vibe whether or not it’ll be their turn to be heard. I know there’s to be a ruckus at least every 4 weekends or so, so we’ll see. They gotta put on some kind of show for me periodically to remind me they’re there.
I never did hear the bitch come in yesterday. Maybe she got in while I was listening to music, or in where the fan was on while reading, or after I’d crashed.
I was gonna go ahead and do some indexing of my '80s journals when I discovered 20 pages of journal 2 that I didn’t type up. How could I have missed it? Anyway, I typed and added that in.
I was surprised to wake up a pound lighter today when yesterday I had a TV dinner, popcorn, and 4 KFC chicken wings. As Tom said, maybe my body’s adjusting to not smoking. Maybe, but I’m still pretty sure I’ll stay at 115 pounds, give or take a few pounds, for a very long time.
Tom weighed himself too. He’s 213 pounds.
That dark green car just banged by again. It’s not as loud as Caddy Kid, but it still is way too loud. I can hear it long before he goes by the house. I can hear him while he’s still 15-20 houses away.
It looks like Tom’s not gonna be dismissed from jury duty, which won’t help with the roof work, cuz then he’ll have to take a day out of getting the roof done, just to go play court. That is unless he did get a dismissal notice that was delivered to N. 21 Dr.
No wonder this mailman keeps fucking up. I was wondering why he seemed to not give a shit. Why did he want to risk losing his job by being so careless with mail delivery? Well, as Tom pointed out and reminded me, he’s a government employee, practically invincible, and nearly impossible to get fired. So that’s why more mail is going to N. 21 Dr. I figured that he’d get written up and risk losing his job if I complained and that that would make him do his job right, but I was wrong. They don’t get written up. Somebody obviously talked to him, cuz we stopped getting other people’s mail twice a week. But what I didn’t realize at the time, like a stupid idiot, was that that’d only make him give more of our mail away and that’s apparently what he’s doing. I’d love to have a few minutes with this guy out front, but it wouldn’t do me no good. Besides, it won’t be the end of our world if we don’t get some of our mail, since most of it’s just junk and bills. I mean, I still don’t want my catalog I’m expecting to go to someone else, but if I don’t get it, I’ll just keep calling Ashton Drake till the mailman decides to give me one. We’ll have a PO Box when we move, though. Those are the best to have if you want to ensure that you’ll get your mail and your mail only and that others won’t get your mail, either.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1998 The sister in the white car with the thick black trim picked the bitch up at 7:30 this morning.
Tom just went to pick up some more roofing shingles and so far, the project’s going well. Tom feels that the strenuous work is done and now it’s just tedious work from here. He says the bitch’s roof is really nice, but not over the carport and patio. He says that’s put on all wrong.
Tom told me that the guy had originally tried to deliver the dumpster to that lady on N. 21 Dr. and that she said she gets our mail, too. Yeah, I believe it. Fucking prick mailman! I shouldn’t have bothered complaining about him cuz all it did was cause him to cut down on giving us other people’s mail, but not from giving others our mail. If I had a choice, I’d rather get others’ mail than have others get ours. I’m sure he’s been giving a lot more of our mail to her too, since my complaint. People will concentrate more on spiting you and getting back at you, rather than saving their job. He obviously doesn’t care if he loses his job or not. Either that or he doesn’t think he can lose it. Some people think they’re invincible.
Tom just went on the roof for his first work session of the day. He says to call him down at 11:00 if he’s not down by then. He said he was glad to know that the roof replacement would be less time-consuming and less costly than expected, but that he has to work with this messy black stuff that he hoped he wouldn’t have to.
Still no signs of Tanner. I really believe she got out of the house. Well, if I’m as right as I appear to be and sense I am, I hope she’s enjoying herself out there. Still, I looked to see if I could find duties or chewed paper, but couldn’t find any signs of her around the house.
The bitch isn’t back yet. She might not be back till 1:00 or 2:00.
I constantly have dreams with Dureen and Art in them. Even before I ditched them I did, but now it bothers me more, for obvious reasons. I closed the chapter of my life that included these people, so I don’t need them in my dreams. And in these dreams, I almost never know Tom. I’m almost always single.
Thursday night it was them taking me out to dinner or to some kind of party.
Friday night I was single, in my own apartment, and dancing again, and I happened to live right near them. So I walked over to their place and you could tell they were still mad at me, but they opened the door and let me in anyway. We really didn’t say much to each other. Marty was there and so was Goldie. Ma sewed something for me. Then after a while, I got up and said, “Maybe I’ll come see you again sometime.”
Last night they left me alone. If they were in any dreams, I don’t recall them.
There was a dream with Tom in it, though. Yeah, a nightmare that woke me up. I was able to go back to sleep after a while, though. We lived in a big 2-story house with a wide front porch. Tom was upstairs. I had the front door open and thought I heard a footstep out there so I went to check. At the same time, I saw the guy standing off to the side of the front door, he saw me. He was in his late teens or early 20s. I don’t know what he wore for clothes, but he had boots on of some kind. He had longish light brown hair that was wavy. He said a couple of things to me during the course of the dream, but I only remember the second thing he said which was, “Looks like you’ve been thinking about me.” I reacted in utter fear and began running to the stairs with this guy following. I called out Tom’s name, but due to my fear, my voice was too soft. I had just hit the bottom steps and called out Tom’s name loud enough when I woke up.
My reaction in this dream, though, was way out of real-life character for me. I was terrified in the dream, but in real life, I’d be way too pissed for any fear. I’d be furious that a stranger was invading my territory, as I’m very protective of my property and stuff after having Dureen and people at the Brattleboro Retreat and Valleyhead fuck with so much of my stuff. Stuff that meant a lot to me. I’d have reacted with an inhumane kind of fury and I’d have probably pounced on the dude whether or not he was armed. I’d take my chances of being killed before I’d just lay down and let someone abuse me or my stuff.
What I wonder is, do they constantly dream about me, too? I highly doubt Dureen, Art or Larry dream of me constantly. I feel like it’s only me that has them intrude upon my waking thoughts and intrude upon my dreams, but I can never know for sure what’s in their thoughts and dreams.
I’m almost back to 115 pounds. As I approach my period, I’ll be more like 117-118. God, my body is so comfortable at 115! I didn’t have to eat much more to get back up here. As is the case half of the time, though, I’m fucking starving right after I just had a TV dinner. I may give myself a break today and eat whenever I’m hungry. I can’t do that all the time like I used to, though, or else I’ll be 200 pounds eventually.
Tom surprised me last night by telling me he wanted sex this morning. I didn’t think we’d get around to that till next weekend. I’m around mid-cycle, and I couldn’t believe it, but he not only didn’t use the bathroom before sex, I thought he was gonna cum, too. Unless he was acting, he was close. I thought his excuse was gonna be that he was too horny. The most ridiculous one of them all. That’s like saying you’re too thirsty to take a drink. It was that he was too sore from yesterday’s hard work, which very well could’ve been the truth. Yeah, I think he was telling the truth. Lately, he seems to be making a point of letting me know it when he doesn’t cum. As if the guilt of keeping quiet and letting me “think” he’s cumming regularly is setting in.
Those that can get hard can cum. It’s those that can’t get hard to begin with that can’t cum. Nonetheless, he seems content and happy and that’s what counts.
I absolutely don’t believe it. The cock’s actually parked in the driveway! I haven’t heard any music yet, but I don’t like this being in the driveway deal. It is the weekend, though, so the city’s not gonna check up on that house, but since I knew they’d kiss and make up eventually, does this mean he’s moving back? He’s out of here if he even thinks for a minute he’s moving back here, cuz I’ll be damned if I’ll go back to listening to his music or his constant door-slamming that went on 6 times a day for 5 minutes each. It ain’t gonna happen, Mike, so don’t even think of it. You come back here, you’re outa here! And I’m gonna go even further than eviction, I’m gonna lay his ass right out front here if he goes back to his old shit, so help me God! I’ll do it right in front of any kids that may be over there too, and show them just what happens to naughty freeloaders who don’t give a fuck about others and who harass and provoke people that never did shit to them in the first place. Cock, you better be just visiting or your ass is mine! It’s fucking mine for once and for all like it should’ve been nearly 3 years ago.
I wish this bitch and that nothing piece of shit she’s with would break the fuck up and stay that way like 98% of the couples in this world do, but fat chance. They’ll probably be together on and off forever. And even if she had someone new tomorrow, it’d be just like this little fuck. A bitch like that that’s that selfish and rude could only get someone just as selfish and rude.
The cock isn’t seeing its freeloader during the week too much these days, so it’s my wishful thinking that he’s here just to see the kid. I know better, though. It’s her he wants to see. Probably wants to get laid.
When Tom came down to take a break, I asked him if he heard the cock bang in, since it’s hard to tell the difference with all the banging he’s making from up there. He said he didn’t hear a sound and didn’t even see his car there. I asked him if he thought the cock was moving in and he said no. Also, I asked if he thought they could hear it in their house through their double-paned windows and he said not a lot. It’s all the hammering that’s to begin on Monday and Tuesday that’ll be heard as he goes to put on the new shingles. But then that bitch won’t be there to hear it. Bill will be, but I ain’t got nothing against him. He never did me any wrong.
Anyway, Tom said he’s 100% sure that there’s no way rainwater, no matter how hard it rains, will get into the house when he’s done.
Tom came down for a break a while ago, and a half-hour ago, the cock left. All he heard from the living room was a car door, but no engine. I, who was in the kitchen, heard nothing. Then it came back a few minutes later and neither of us heard it. Tom guessed that he was here watching football and doing its laundry since there was male clothing on the line out back. They only have a washer in their washroom. No dryer. The cock probably lives in an apartment complex and if it has laundry rooms, good luck getting a machine on a weekend. When I lived at the Vista, I never did my laundry on weekends.
Another reason why we could be so blessed to get all the way into mid-November without any ball games is cuz the basketball people are now on strike. Although this doesn’t stop a sick bitch from sending kids she knows to take over next weekend in the noise department and give us back a taste of our own medicine with the banging and thumping. Nor would it stop the little girl who’s about 10 and lives at the guard dog’s house from playing. She wouldn’t care whether or not there was a strike.
Eileen wants more computer work. Of course she does. The house is sold. Oh, how I get the urge to call her back and say, “Look. There’s no time for him to work for you for cupcakes. We have too much of our own work to do, so buzz off!”
The bitch should be in any sec now, but the wuss puss just left and it wasn’t alone. Some other guy was with him and one of them did have a bag that could’ve had clothes in it.
Yeah, he never would’ve come and gone this quietly if it weren’t for the city letters. At least I don’t think he would and I doubt he got a sudden trait of consideration, either.
Tom just came down for a break and says there are still clothes on the line. Maybe they belong to the teenage boy that supposedly still lives there. Or maybe the cock and whoever was with it is gonna return later for them.
I set up a trap in the back room, but both of us think Tanner got outside. Tomorrow I’ll set up a trap in the garage. If it’s triggered, I’ll have to open the trap up outside slowly in case it’s not Tanner, cuz Tanner will just sit there, but a wild mouse will come shooting out of that thing.
Cock’s back. I really, really hope that this hanging out here on weekends is gonna be a rare thing. His presence really bugs me. The more he comes around, the more likely he is to stay here. This is a pattern I’ve noticed before. I will get him out of here if he does move back. No doubt about it. But it’s a fucking hassle. Just another hassle in my life that I don’t need and would rather not have to deal with. Maybe they’ll get into a fight again soon enough. They always do. Anyway, I’m sure he’s got a few more trips to make before he leaves for the night. I remember his weekends here oh so well. He’d come and go at least 6 times a day.
Cleaning up after the roof is all done is gonna be a bitch! There are nails and bits of roofing all around the sides of the house, and when he just went to dump the solar panel into the dumpster, glass shattered all over. What a fucking bitch it’ll be cleaning that up!
The fluorescent kitchen light just died. Great. Just what we need.
Tom’s calling it quits for the day. As I knew it would, it’s taking him longer than he planned. Also, he thought today’s work would be easier than yesterday’s, but nope. That’s not what he says now. My biggest question is, will it rain on him and ruin what he’s done and flood our house? They say clouds won’t be rolling in till Tuesday, which is a typical day for clouds to come in. If it’s gonna rain, it usually rains on Mondays or Tuesdays. Some weekday, anyway. Even if it’s clear until Wednesday, what if the job takes him a week longer than he expected? He always overestimates things.
The bitch isn’t back yet and the cock’s still here. If the bitch came back while we were out getting KFC and Arby’s, I wouldn’t know it, but I’ll know it if she comes in while we’re here by the door slamming and possible yelling I’ll hear. Tom thinks the cock knew she had somewhere to go all day and planned on coming over to do laundry and watch football.
Tom said he saw the cock come in with food bags, so there might be a barbecue. They can do anything they want, they just can’t pummel my house with their bass, nor can they bang and thump for hours a few feet away from my house with a basketball.
Tom said that at least 3 houses were playing loud music, but I didn’t hear a thing. He said the people across the street had music going while they were cleaning up the place for the renters. He said he could hear people cheering on the Minnesota Vikings down the street and then the lady came out of the music people’s house where the band used to piss me the fuck off, and she yelled, “I hate the Minnesota Vikings!”
Blackie doesn’t want to come in to eat and meow. He just wants to meow outside.
It’s a hot one out there today! It’s close to 90º.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1998 Apparently, they rented the house across the street. They’re moving out right now. There’s a big moving truck out there now. Well, I’ll know as soon as the renters get here by all the barking I’ll hear. I know it won’t do me any good, but they’ll be getting a letter from me about it and more. Speaking of barking, I thought it was a pretty quiet day for barking yesterday when Tom did a little work on the roof, but he said that wasn’t the case. He said 6-8 dogs in the area were going off, but I guess that the noise from the air cleaner drowned that out.
The big dumpster came yesterday. It’s 22’ long and is almost my height. After the roofing stuff is in it, we’re gonna use this as an opportunity to ditch some big bulky stuff we don’t want, and I’d love to see that tree in front trimmed once and for all, but I won’t count on it. I just can’t get Tom to keep up on the yard work, but hopefully, I won’t have more than 8 more months of pushing him to mow and trim hedges and trees.
We made a schedule of work times for him today and breaks. At 9:00 he began working and I’ll call him down for a break at 10:45. Then he’ll go up there again at 11:00-12:45, then from 1:15-3:00, and 3:00-5:00. I was wrong in assuming he’s doing just the back room and garage area. He’s replacing the whole entire roof. He said we’re very lucky it didn’t leak in all the rooms since the roof is in horrible condition.
I was just outside and I didn’t hear any dogs, amazingly, since it is the weekend after all. It’s early still. I wish I could know that that bitch is trying to sleep in and can’t! But mothers don’t get to sleep in, and even if this one could, it’d sleep like a log. It’d sleep right through it with my luck.
Miss Bitch is gonna be awfully confused when she sees not only strange pictures in her little package but also a key. Tom had me ditch his ma’s old house keys and I stuck one of them into the bitch’s manila envelope. Every now and then I mix in senseless mumbo jumbo, of course, and I wrote something about enclosing the key to my heart and the key to my house.
I woke up at 112 pounds today. Wow. And I had at least 1400 calories yesterday.
Thank you, God, that due to him having a cold, then having this project with the roof, I’m not into sex with him anymore or wanting to hopelessly try for a kid. We haven’t had sex in a while and it’ll certainly be a while before we do, but my love for this man just isn’t sexual. It’s all emotional. So, it’s due to how I’ve become that makes the part-time, intermittent sex tolerable.
Here’s Andy’s first of what I’m sure will be many calls to come. If he’s gonna be a pest I’ll just ignore him. He needs to take care of his own problems over the weekend. I’ve got too much shit to do helping Tom, doing laundry, etc.
Well, he didn’t leave a message, but he let his name show up on the box, which means he was really hoping I’d see it was him and pick up, but can’t he wait and talk to me once a week? He’s such a pest!
An hour and 45 minutes is too long for him to be working up there, so we’ve cut down his time up there and lengthened his breaks.
He said he heard music coming from a house across the street that was about 3 houses away, but I didn’t hear anything. He also said one of the movers across the street asked him if he was having fun, but I didn’t hear that either. I can’t believe how quiet they’ve been across the street, but with Tom’s working, which sounds like people are basing by, it makes no difference.
Wait till I tell him Tanner’s missing. I don’t know if I lost her today when I changed the cages, or sometime earlier, but she’s gone. I prayed to God to let me find her, but as usual, I was ignored.
The moving truck’s gone, but there’s a pickup full of stuff out there still.
God, don’t compensate me for the peace I’ve had around here with dogs and kids, please! It’s true, though, that this is the longest stretch of peacetime around here. Ever since the cock left last July, with just an occasional ruckus since. A couple of bouts of music, some door-slamming, some voices, and that’s it. The only real constant nuisance around here is the guard dogs.
Tom took a break for an hour and went back to work a little while ago. I’ll be calling him down for another break at 2:30.
So far, no freeloaders have felt obligated to join in the ruckus Tom’s making, but if they don’t this weekend, they may very well take next weekend as their weekend to be heard. They wouldn’t want to be left out, I’m sure.
It’s been a very quiet move across the street. It wouldn’t have woken me up if I were asleep.
I’m surprised the pest hasn’t called again. Unfortunately, he’s got weekends off. The time I want to be bothered the least. He can’t sit at home and entertain himself. As he admits, he has no hobbies and hates to do things. All he likes is TV, music, pot and the phone. Food, too, but since he’s off the pot at this time, it’s food, phone, TV and music, but that’s not enough for him. It drives him up the wall to just be alone and listen to music or watch TV and he’s only got so much money to put into food. He’s got to talk to people cuz he’s lonely. The phone is his number one thing.
Tom’s not making too, too much noise, although he’s still at the back of the house. Let’s just say that the freeloaders may not hear him as well as I’d like for them to hear him. Remember, they also have double-paned windows.
I can concentrate just fine throughout Tom’s bopping around up there. I can tune it out and do what I’m doing with it being background noise just like a fan would be. I’m aware of it. Meaning, I know he’s up there banging around, but I can still carry on and do my thing. That’s the difference between some asshole out there that is deliberately trying to piss you off, and him.
I’m still not sure whether I lost Tanner today or earlier, but I have a very strong feeling I’ll never see her again and that she got out of the house. Part of being a rodent owner/breeder, though, is that they come and go constantly since they don’t live very long to begin with. Even though I’m used to not having pets for too long and am used to a lot of different pets coming and going, she will be missed.
Tom just came down and reported a white car came to get the bitch. Yeah, the sister usually gets her at this time of day on Saturdays. She’ll either be back in a couple of hours or late tonight.
Since I’m not walking anymore, I’m forced to do stomach crunches again for the sake of my lower back. That lower back pain’s back again where it feels like my spine’s being pulled apart. I didn’t realize walking was helping my back, but it obviously was. At first I was pissed about it since these exercises don’t do shit to flatten or firm my stomach, but at least they do help my back, so it’s not like I’m getting absolutely nothing out of doing them and they only take a few minutes to do.
This battery charger is really cool. I slip in the 3 batteries that go in my vibrator, and a red light lights up next to each battery. You know they’re recharged when the lights go out.
Tom thinks Tanner can get up the step that’s in between the back room and the rest of the house, but I don’t know. It seems a little high for such a mellow mouse. I’m surprised that of all the mice, it was Tanner who escaped. If anyone would get away, I’d think it’d be Bandit.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1998 Woke up at 113 pounds. Andy’s being a pest again, but it’s OK. I’d want someone to be there for me if I were in his shoes. He’s basically just tired and totally worn out, even though he loves being so busy. Keeps his mind off of pot and loneliness. He’s also fed up with a couple of people at Red Lobster. Why doesn’t he just quit Red Lobster? Isn’t his job of refilling meds enough to support him so long as he stays clean? Anyway, he’s to be calling me soon to bitch about it.
I saw Tom for a minute when I got up. He was just on his way out the door and he told me he left a message for me. In his message, he said he was 1000% better. This was a fairly easy cold for him, which looks like I’m gonna be very lucky to escape catching. If I had just looked at him from a distance when he had a cold from 1989-1992, I’d have caught it.
He also said that there’s a good chance the dumpster will be delivered before he gets home, so if I want to, but it’s up to me, I can tell them to put it in the front driveway (he’ll park in the back driveway, and it’s a good thing we’re on the corner) and give them the check that’s on the fridge. Yes, I can competently handle that.
At first I thought, what kind of shit will our rude neighborhood kids throw in it? But it’s a dumpster. They can throw whatever shit they want in it.
It’s only been 2½ hours since I ate, and I am fucking starving! Doesn’t my stomach know it was so recently fed? Anyway, I’m having tea and coffee to put something in my stomach, but I don’t want to eat again till around 9:00 if I can help it. I try to eat just three times a day. When I get up, then 5 or 6 hours later, then for the last time 5 or 6 hours later. It seems that whenever I drop below 115 pounds, I get so damn hungry. My body just can’t take it anymore being under 115 pounds, but that’s OK, I’ll be back to 115 soon enough. I believe I’ll be 115 for a long time. Like many years.
After critiquing myself in the mirror, I’m still fortunate enough to have a nice ass. It’s gone soft and it’s cratered, but it’s small and it’s not sagging. My hips have gone down, but my stomach and thighs would still be disproportionately huge even if I were 90 pounds. I feel the same about this face. What happened to this face?! It’s bigger now at 113 pounds than it was when I was in the 130s years ago. Guess part of it is age.
Wow. That was quiet for the freeloaders. There are usually at least 4-5 door slams and some talking or yelling when they all leave in the morning, but this morning, all I heard was one soft car door, then the engine started up. Bill and Mistake will be back shortly, which is no big deal. I mean, there’s not a lot of door-slamming. Nothing could be as bad as the slamming I’d get from that cock when it’d park deep in the carport. Oh, God! I wanted to go out there and slam his head sooooo fucking bad! I almost did, too. Several times.
Speaking of slamming heads, I may have to do so for Andy’s sake, but I hope he can solve his own problems, so I don’t have to have the hassle of doing it for him. I’m sure he’ll take care of it himself. He always finds a way to. If my kicking ass is the only way to help him, I will, even though God will make me pay dearly for it. A couple of guys at work are saying mean, cruel, hurtful things to him. These guys are gay, so it’s not like they’re gay-bashing Andy. They’re just telling him he’s so ugly and jealous, petty, childish shit like that. Andy isn’t as intimidating and as aggressive as I can be, so to these guys, that’s an invitation to keep on doing what they’re doing. As I’ve learned, sometimes kicking ass is the only way to get someone off of someone’s case, so let’s just let them hope I don’t have to deal with them, cuz if I do, they certainly won’t be bothering Andy anymore.
It’s funny to hear him, though, cuz he talks to me just like I talk to Tom. He goes from subject to subject real fast and on and on and on, and most of the things he tells me are things he’s told me a million times already.
He told me about talking to Marla, other family members, Stevie Nick’s parents, and so much more. Then he thanked me for being there for him and for being such a dedicated friend.
He was telling me he doesn’t want conflict with people nowadays. He just wants to live life in peace. We were talking about karma, too, and how what goes around really does come around. At least it does for us, anyway.
Andy’s life may have changed very little in the last decade, but he’s become a better person in a lot of ways. Before, all Andy wanted to do was pick fights, cut people down, and he basically had no empathy whatsoever for others who were depressed or having problems of some kind.
Speaking of Marla, I’ve gone and left one more message (this is the second in several months) saying: Hi, I’m glad Andy’s pot-free and happier, we’re fine, hope you are too.
If I don’t get a reply, I won’t ever bother with her again, but if she’s got a problem with me, it’s too bad she can’t come out and say so. I don’t see how she could have a problem with me, though. I haven’t done anything wrong to her or anyone she knows, so I guess she’s just busy. She is a mom and she works too, and doesn’t really have a life. However, if she doesn’t want to contact me for any reason, that’s her choice and her right, and I don’t want to have contact with anyone who doesn’t want contact with me.
Anyway, Andy said he really wants to stick out Red Lobster. He’s there part-time, and he’s with the pharmaceutical company full-time. He doesn’t want to run from his problems, and he needs the extra money. It’s an easy job for $100 a week. He’s really quite fed up with restaurant work, though, cuz it’s so much like being in high school with all the gossip and cliques and people pitting people against others. Yeah, I know all about it. Knowing Dureen, Art, and their son, sister, brother-in-law, and others was like being in high school all in itself.
Thanksgiving is on the 26th. So, what will Miss Bitch and her sick associates do? Will it be like last Easter? Or will she and her wussy pussy boy toy take off somewhere? Although, they ain’t getting along very well right now from what I know. She still has her sick cronies that are just as low as she is, so since people that are assholes usually get along just fine with other assholes, they should have no trouble getting together somewhere. God, I’d have to hate myself and have absolutely no self-respect whatsoever to hang with that black bitch. I know that type of person and the types of people that hang with people like that. The bitch loves to shit on her friends and they love to shit right back on her. Not only do they love shitting on each other, but they love to get shit on by each other just as much. It’s sick. It really is!
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1998 Well, I guess Bill’s back in the swing of things and so is the bitch. Just a few minutes ago I heard yelling between a female and a male, which I thought was the bitch and cock, but nope. The male, who I could barely hear over the bitch, was Bill. And since the cock’s obviously pissed off at its bitch at the moment, Bill looks like he’s taking the bitch off this morning. First the bitch loads up its animal, then they all leave, and Bill returns with the animal till they go get the bitch at the end of the day. I just saw the bitch slam one of the doors in a very angry fashion. Is this bitch ever happy? I’ll bet most of her fits and yelling are in regard to me. Yes, she’s naturally a hell of a mean, aggressive, boisterous, selfish, rude bitch, who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but herself, but I’m sure some of the yelling is in the hopes of me hearing it and being woken up by it. Well, take my word for it, you scrawny little sack of bones, if you were waking me up, you’d be outa here flat on your ass before you even knew what hit you! Your eviction is just a phone call away if that’s what it ever came down to, you little witch bitch!
It’s really too damn bad this bitch loves noise, cuz with the roofing adventure that’s about to come down, the whole block’s gonna be hearing it get torn up and replaced.
My ear is blocked. The good one, I mean. It seems that since getting the bad one fixed, the good ear’s giving me problems, but as a rule, most of us must be compensated like I’ve said a million times. I put some ear wax removal, some alcohol, and some peroxide in it, but it isn’t loosening up whatever’s stuck down there, so I’ll just let it work itself out in its own time.
Tom’s at the end of his cold now, which I’ve been fortunate not to catch. He’s mainly left with a bad cough.
Tom’s using the same dumpster service he used when he ordered a dumpster to clean out Ma’s house, and he’s having a dumpster delivered here between noon-3:00 tomorrow. This weekend’s when he’ll be tearing the old roof off, then Monday-Wednesday is when the new one goes on. The crucial part as far as rain goes is when he’s stripping the old roof and there’s nothing at all there to keep the rain out, but since it rarely rains on the weekends, he should be in luck and I hope God’s on our side and will help us help ourselves.
I don’t know if all the racket will draw the kid into ball games or what, but we’ll see. I wonder if they’ll think we’ve moved and that the city bought our house when they see the dumpster?
Andy called to let me know he’s so happy in life now and loves his new job. Whenever he’d get customers complaining of him being rude at restaurants, he’d get fired for it, but now, all he has to do is turn them over to customer service. His job is to refill medications, not answer questions, so when this woman was being all snotty to him, he did what he was told to do and he just turned her on over to customer service. So, he’s glad he doesn’t have to deal with these rude assholes.
Yesterday we went shopping and it was a fun day. I had great doll luck!
First we went to the bookstore to get some books. They didn’t have a copy of that book that was misnumbered, but the guy, who’s the same guy that’s always been there when we’d go there, gave me a credit slip for $5.50 and told me to keep the book so we could trade next time I go there.
Then we went to the Metro Mall which was closed, so we stopped at a fast-food drive-through to kill time. Then we went to Sears, cuz Tom had to replace something, but I waited in the car. When the mall opened, we found that they had no dolls, so then it was off to the Christown Mall where they had 3 really nice dolls. The best one there, which was Spanish or maybe even oriental of some kind, was out of my league at just over $400. There was another black or Indian doll that was nice, but she wore a hideous outfit. Then there was Bailey. Beautiful, long-haired Bailey for $283. Although yet another blue-eyed blond, she was so beautiful so I told the lady there that I wanted to check out one more store but may be back to buy her.
So then it was off to Dolls, Bears & Surprises to look at their large dolls. Obviously, neither the guy that works there nor the woman that works there knows much about what they’re doing, cuz the 28” dolls they had were $500. Not $300-$400. There was one large one that was OK, and a couple of other medium-sized ones that were nice, too, with nice faces, but they were all $500. He said in a month or so he’d have 36” dolls coming in from Germany that’d be $350. Well, this guy doesn’t always know what he’s saying when it comes to height and prices, and the woman doesn’t quite know her dolls either, cuz Patrice was there and I’ll bet you she was there all along. That’s OK, though, cuz I’ll have her sooner or later, but guess who else was there as a nice surprise bonus? Rapunzel herself! So I bought her, and now I’ll only be ordering one more doll from Ashton Drake. One more for a while, anyway, and I’m thrilled that my doll purchases are going as planned.
So, excitedly, it was back to get Bailey, but the gate was down over the store entrance. It’s only run by one person, so she obviously had to break for lunch or to use the bathroom, so we went into Walmart to look at their digital cameras which don’t use film, which Tom’s gonna be getting with his money, and we went into Radio Shack, too, but they didn’t have any.
By then, the store was open again and I bought Bailey. I couldn’t resist that sweet, angelic face and that long straight hair. I could’ve dropped the lollipop doll and gotten the Spanish one in the back of the store, but I said nah. And besides, she was a little over my limit cuz she wasn’t just $400. She was $435. However, I do intend to get a doll of some kind of color someday, be it black, Spanish, or Indian.
For now, I still have all blondes, but I finally have brown eyes which Rapunzel has. Her dress isn’t as bad as it looked in the catalog. It’s dark green with gold accents on the sleeves, in the front at the bottom, and in the flowers that are on the sides and bottom of the dress. I don’t know what you’d call the thing on her head, but it’s a combination of the same material that’s in her dress, and there are a bow and pearls too, that circle down over her forehead, with a diamond in the center.
They pulled hairs at the sides back into a swirl of curls at the back of her head that looks nice, and there are short curls that frame her face, too. Anne and Jessica have a yellow-blond shade of hair, but Summer Dream, Rapunzel, and Bailey have a darker blond. Especially Summer Dream and Rapunzel. Rapunzel’s was a bit frizzy when I got her, so I steamed it to smooth it down. It’s wavy, and if you pull it straight, it’s a few inches past her feet. Left alone, though, it’s to the hem of her dress, which goes down to her shoes, which are quite fancy. They’re black with gold circles. Although she’s about the same height as Summer Dream and taller than Jessica, her face and arms are thicker, which I like better. She may even be thicker than Anne. Jessica’s 14”, Anne’s 17”, Rapunzel’s 19”, Summer Dream’s 20”, and Bailey’s 24”.
Their prices in the mall store are weird too, cuz they had dolls smaller than Bailey that weren’t nearly as nice as she is, for $400 and up. She wasn’t in any fancy costume, though, just a sleeper, so maybe that’s why.
Bailey. Isn’t that an odd name for a girl? Sounds like a boy’s name to me, but it’s better than Gertrude. Anyway, Bailey’s not as big as I expected, but big enough. Standing up straight, she’d be 24”. Bailey doesn’t have a stand. She’s a sitting doll. She’s also the most flexible and realistic looking, next to Summer Dream. Her head moves and her arms and legs do too, but her legs are permanently bent at the knees. She’s proportioned really well, and her hands and feet look just like a real toddler. She came barefoot in light blue pajamas of light cotton material (1 piece), with matching light blue bows in her hair at the sides of her head above her ears. She’s my first doll who’s not wearing a dress, and this is two dolls wearing light blue and three wearing blue altogether that I have.
I polished her fingernails and toenails red. I’ve never seen doll eyes as real-looking as hers. In her eyes, you can see the flecks of colors that real eyes have. They’re not just one solid color with a black dot in the middle.
She’s got the best hair of them all which I do believe is human. It’s nearly to her knees. Her hair is straight and non-frizzy. I love it.
It’s hard at this point, to decide who’s my favorite, but it ain’t Jessica or Anne. I’d say it’s Bailey.
Jessica, Anne, and Summer Dream are in the music room now. Rapunzel’s got Anne’s spot in the living room and Bailey’s sitting on the recliner in the bedroom. When I get the three more dolls I hope to get, two of them will go in the music room to stand on the vanity with Anne and Jessica, and Patrice will be the one to stand in the bedroom, or maybe I can make room for her at the side of my monitor. Patrice is looking upward so I don’t want her up too high. Besides, if she’s up too high, you can see where her head attaches to her neck. I’m surprised her neck and upper body aren’t all one piece like Rapunzel’s and Summer Dream’s are.
So I’ve got Patrice on her way in December, I’ll probably order the lollipop one, and I’m hoping to get Edie with any birthday money I may get. If anyone beats me to her, I’ll turn the money into CDs, but we’ll see. Edie has that Spanish look, and the store still has two of her just like they did when I got Anne.
I can’t believe I already have 5 dolls and 1998 isn’t over yet! I didn’t plan on having my 5th doll till maybe mid-2000 if I were lucky, but after I get the next three I hope to get, I’ll probably take a break for a while. Yes, there are so many more I’d love to have, but they’re pretty expensive! Most of the dolls I’d want that aren’t from Ashton Drake are $400-$500. We’ll just have to wait and see how much money’s left over from buying new furniture for the new house. If there’s any left over, maybe I’ll get another big doll or that gorgeous pink, shiny southwestern wall hanging I saw for $400 marked down from $600. I plan to stop in a southwestern store anyway, for lamps and a few decorations to really give the new place that southwestern look in the midst of these dolls and pictures of pianos and stuffed animals and stuff that has nothing to do with the desert at all.
Yesterday was great for shopping weather-wise, cuz it was cloudy and cool. Because it’s always so hot and so sunny here, it’s a nice change to not be sweating my ass off and to not have the sun blaring in my eyes. It’s cloudy and cool today too, but the weather channel says it’s to clear up for the weekend, as is usually the case. This is the one weekend where I won’t wish it’d rain.
Tom’s feeling better and got some of the roofing stuff. He needs to get more stuff, but his car can only hold so much.
I moved Bailey out into the living room. She’s sitting on the speaker now, and Rapunzel’s on top of the TV.
I began scanning more family pictures and I may scan more. I figured what the hell, there’s room for it, and it’s always nice to have them backed up on the computer.
What happened to Andy? He leaves me a message saying how happy he is, then not even 12 hours later, I get a frantic message from him. Well, he wasn’t frantic, but he sounded anxious, depressed, and on the verge of panicking. I didn’t even know he left a message early this morning till a couple of hours after he left it. I was either listening to music or in the tub when he called, then I didn’t notice the caller ID box blinking right away. All he said was he thought I’d be awake and could really use someone to talk to. I called him back at that point but got no answer, so hopefully he took care of whatever the problem was, then went to work.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1998 The low-pitched guard dog’s going off now. What the fuck would be going on to stir it up at this hour? You know, sometimes I don’t think they have a reason to go off. I think they just like to go off for no reason at all.
Bill’s car is out of commission still. It wasn’t next door yesterday, and from the looks of it, the bitch and kid stayed home all day. If the city/state’s providing her with a training/work program, can’t they provide her a ride, and can’t they provide the kid with daycare? I guess not. But it’s not their responsibility to, either. When you go and have a kid, it’s your responsibility to take care of it and if you can’t even take care of yourself and pay for your own expenses, you can’t pay for a kid’s, and therefore, you shouldn’t have the kid. It’s not the city’s job to pay for those who are too stupid to have kids they shouldn’t have, and who won’t get themselves jobs and it really pisses me the fuck off knowing our hard-earned tax dollars are going to that bitch! That bitch is able-bodied enough and able to keep a schedule. She should have no excuse for not being able to support at least herself.
If the cock didn’t take the bitch or mistake anywhere yesterday, then what did it come over for? Maybe the bitch decided to call it quits with whatever she’s been doing, and he was pissed cuz she didn’t call him to tell him not to bother coming if that’s the case.
Enough about the lazy bitch, cuz guess where we’re going this morning? To the doll store I got Anne at! I hope to hell I find the big doll I want!! For $300 I’ll be damned if I’ll settle, but if none of their 28” dolls appeal to me, which is the height of their biggest dolls which range from $300-$400, I’ll go look in the mall again or wherever.
Tom didn’t have to work last night cuz of the veteran’s holiday, so he slept last night instead. He said in the message he left me that although he’s sniffling and coughing a bit, he should be well-rested for going out today and feeling well enough for it. At least the store’s open today. I called them yesterday to find out.
I don’t have a bad vibe concerning next door, fortunately.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1998 Began spotting on the 4th and had my so-called full flow today, but it was nothing. Already, my period’s ending, too. I had way more cramps for the period.
I called Ashton Drake for a catalog, and if I was told right, Patrice ought to be here for Christmas. The woman said something about them planning to have her shipped for the holiday, so I guess she’ll be here in 6 weeks, but they should’ve asked first if I wanted her shipped for the holiday. I didn’t want her for Christmas. I wanted her now.
Tom’s still sick but went to work. He said he’ll come home if he doesn’t feel well.
I couldn’t believe I woke up at 115 pounds after eating all I ate yesterday. I went crazy with the food yesterday. I just couldn’t fill up. No matter what I ate, I was still hungry. I had a TV dinner, two hot dogs, two bags of popcorn, two pieces of toast, and two ham and cheese pockets. At least 3000 calories! Today I’m only allowing myself a TV dinner, a bag of popcorn, and a can of soup. Although I’ve been sticking to 114-115 like glue, and although it’s not too much work to stay at that weight, I still do have to work at it. If I could suddenly be 100 pounds at the snap of my fingers, maybe I could maintain it as easily as I can maintain the 115 pounds after all. However, the trouble is getting there. I can’t get to 100 pounds to know if I could hold it or not. I could if I starved, but it’d take many days of starving to do it, so, no thanks. Even though it’s just 15 pounds away, no thanks. Too much slavery and too unnatural in this day and age.
It’s coming up on 7:00 and I haven’t heard or seen anything next door. She might be stuck at home due to her stupidity and irresponsibility in having that kid. If she can’t get anyone else to take her to and from school/work, and to watch the mistake, she could very well be trapped at home wishing she’d taken birth control 4 years ago so she could get on with life. I hope she isn’t stuck at home, though, cuz you know what that’d mean. That’d mean some of her lazy, jobless friends would be slamming over and doing God only knows what and I ain’t about to listen to it.
Well, well. The cock’s on the street now. Been there for about 10 minutes. Is he taking the bitch off? Taking the mistake? Waiting for someone? I’ll have to spy some more to see.
Whoa! Mikey, Mikey! Are we pissed this morning, or what? I thought I heard them yelling, but couldn’t be sure. Then some of what I just saw makes no sense. The cock yelled out something as it walked alone to its car. It was dressed up in black pants, a white dress shirt, and a tie. It had a gray wool cap on, too. This is the longest time it’s had the same car. Anyway, it opened the passenger side of its car, but I didn’t see anyone get in or out. Then it slammed it shut in aggravation, got into the driver’s side, took off a few feet, then backed up a few feet, opened and shut its door, then it left. Fucking weird-ass mother-fucker!
So, is both the bitch and mistake home? Is someone else coming, or what?
After the cock left, I haven’t seen anybody or any vehicles since.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1998 I fell asleep for a few hours after having to take Benadryl due to an allergy fit.
Tom said the mailman just left Summer Dream outside and said he didn’t see why he wouldn’t have, anyway. So she was here when he came back from the tracks, and I just had to be asleep. Patrice will come when I’m asleep, too.
When I got my email from Evie, I was asking myself if this was part of the breakdown Tom said she may be heading for, but who knows? All I know is that she sure did sound like my sister this time around. Let’s see, she had a fever, a bowel obstruction, the flu, and may have to have her appendix out, too. I think there’s more but can’t remember what else she said went wrong.
I sometimes send quick little emails to Tom while I’m online. I told him that I wouldn’t ask him again for the 50th time if he could write letters to my nieces but wanted to know if I could write to them and sign his name. See, this is what really pisses me the fuck off. Why can’t he just come out and say so when he doesn’t want to do something? Why’s he gotta go and make so many damn excuses?
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1998 There was no Saturday freeloader shit that I know of. At 10:30, just a few hours ago, I saw headlights shining into the carport over there when I went into the music room. I turned on the music room light to see if they’d see it and honk, but they didn’t. I didn’t hear any music, either. Just voices talking with no regard for anybody who might be asleep. Actually, they were a little softer this time around. I’ve heard them be much louder before. The car sat there for a couple of minutes, then left.
I can’t believe how long she and Mike have been together! They’re so different. Although Mike may be a selfish, wimp of a phony liar, he’s friendly on the surface. He politely shook my hand when he introduced himself to me and is basically uppity and nice. So what’s an aggressive bitch like her doing with him? Guess she wanted someone she felt she could control and manipulate. Just like domineering Doe wanting Art, who was always willing to be her puppet.
We had our cumless sex yesterday and yesterday’s excuse was one of his favorites - racy heart. Well, if he hadn’t gotten off in the bathroom prior to us getting together, and I just know he did, he wouldn’t have had such hard a time, but whatever turns him on.
I asked him why sex was so hard for him, why he panted so hard, and why his heart raced. He said that’s part of good sex. Gee, was it so good he couldn’t get off? Does he realize that nothing he says about sex makes a damn bit of sense? Not this, anyway. He’s still lying about the cumming regularly, too, but I know he’s only cum once since last April. I can feel when he gets off. Just about any woman can tell when a guy cums.
I would like to have a special doll display shelf someday. Obviously, if I have a 30-something-inch doll, she wouldn’t go on this shelf, but I envision two shelves that are about 5’-6’ wide. The top shelf will be about 18” high for dolls that are 12”-17”. The bottom shelf will be about 25” high for bigger dolls like Summer Dream, who’s 20”. However, due to her trailing bride’s dress, she’d take up space for 3 dolls, so she may not be good for this unless I don’t have enough dolls that need the space she’d take up. I would also like the back wall of these shelves to be mirrored. Then you could somewhat see the backs of the dolls.
I keep running in to look at Summer Dream, she’s so elegant and feminine, and that’s the sexiest wedding dress I ever did see! I figured I’d like her and Anne equally, but I don’t know. Anne may have nice long hair, but Summer Dream’s drop-dead gorgeous dress makes Anne’s and Jessica’s dresses seem like old, ugly, tattered rags.
Tom’s up now. He’s still not feeling well, but he’s hanging in there.
He said the doll was sitting out front when he got home.
I asked him why they’d break the molds for this doll in a couple of years and he said it’s to give it more of a collector’s value.
I made Summer Dream a gorgeous bracelet whose color totally goes with the pink and blue of her sash and flowers. I used a pearly melon color. Very tiny beads.
He reports no noise from the freeloader, and that he saw the cock’s car on the street this morning.
I just sent Andy a message answering a question of his. I sent him the message, rather than calling him directly. He said he’d be going to bed at 10:00, but with my luck, if I had called directly, he’d have answered, unable to sleep yet, then I’d be stuck on the phone with him for 45-90 minutes.
He wanted to know since he admits that pot really kills the brain cells, what kind of answering machine/service he had back east, saying he knew he had something. I corrected him when I left that message and let him know that when we were back there, there was no voice messaging service, I had a regular answering machine, but he didn’t. He had nothing. I’m not sure if they updated their system back east and got voice messaging yet. I think they did, though, 2-3 years ago.
Andy also says he liked the creative mail I sent him. I sent him the same sentence in different fonts. He said that as soon as he gets envelopes, he’ll check the ones he likes and send them back to me.
So, Andy wasn’t a pest for me, but Eldon was a pest for Tom this morning. I wondered if he wanted a computer job now that the house is sold, but when Tom was online, Eldon sent him instant messages asking how to delete a file. Tom told him over and over again how to do it, but I guess either Eldon was too stupid to do it, or it just wouldn’t work.
It rained earlier, but Tom said not to worry before he left for work, since he taped the wires to that outlet with electrical tape and cut the power in the back room. He only turns the power on back there when he goes to use his computer. Yeah, it figures it’d wait till Sunday evening to rain. It almost never hits the weekends.
For a minute there, I wondered if Tom was pulling my leg about having a cold (I can’t always trust his word since he lies about cumming) so he could get out of doing yard work and so he could use that as an excuse to lay around in front of the TV all day since he didn’t sound sick, but he says he’s not that bad and that sleeping most of the day helped him. He says if he feels bad at work, he’ll come home, but that it was probably due to lack of sleep. So God’s looking out for him too, by not letting him be a father.
We wondered if Blackie gave him this cold. For a few days Blackie was sneezing like hell and we wondered if he had allergies or a cold.
Speaking of cats, Tom’s gonna be thrilled to know that White Paws is back. I was right too, about why she took off for a while. She did have babies. She’s much bigger now than she was when she left. She’d come up to the door, but not in the house, so I stuck a bowl of dry food out on the patio for her, which she dove into right as I left it and went back in the house. I’m surprised she didn’t eat the whole bowl.
The dogs shut up earlier in the evening tonight. Like right at sundown. Well, last night was Saturday night after all. When more people are around like they are on weekends, that stirs them up more. They went off on the freeloaders when they got in at 10:30 last night. I say “they” meaning the 2-3 kids that live with that bitch.
Along with doing the roof, we’re gonna tear up the carpet in the back room. Underneath the carpet back there is a tiled floor. Unless the tile’s really bad, we’re not gonna recarpet that room.
I began spotting on the 4th and it’s coming up on the 9th now, so I should be getting my full flow by the 10th.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1998 She’s here! Summer Dream came today and she’s so beautiful I nearly cried!! There’s always that small, nagging worry that a doll will look worse in person than she did in a catalog, but nope. She’s even more gorgeous in person. She’s in the music room due to how she’s posed. Her head is turned sideways as this particular doll you kind of want to display mostly from behind to show off her beautiful backless dress with the floral sashes and bows hanging down the back from the waist. When we move, I’ll try to have things set up so she can be viewed easily from the back, front, and side. With the way the furniture is laid out in the living room, and due to the furniture’s size, she can’t be displayed nicely in there. Although I’d prefer her to be in a room I’m in most often, like the living room, she’s best off where she is in this house.
I’ve decided to leave her dark blond hair (Anne and Jessica have light blond) piled up as it is, even though it can easily be taken down. I looked and saw that it was not such a complicated hairdo after all. All they did was basically put it up in a ponytail on top of her head, then curl the ends and splay them all over the crown of her head. But I’ll leave it up for variety (that way I’ll have one with it up, one in braids, one with it loose) and taking it down would’ve covered some of the beautiful dress and the real-looking detail of her back, shoulders and arms. This dress is absolutely stunning. Its straps are off the shoulders and that’s where the joints are. Right where I broke my arm, actually, in the middle of the upper arms, so that you can swivel the arms and position them how you want. I was wondering how they hid the joints so well. On Patrice, you can see where her arms are attached since her dress has thin straps. Her arms attach at the shoulders as most dolls do. Can’t wait for Patrice, too! For now, I have Jessica and Summer Dream in the music room and Anne in the living room. When Patrice comes, Summer Dream and Jessica will stay where they are, but Anne will go in the bedroom, and Patrice will take Anne’s place standing in the living room on one of the stereo speakers.
Anyway, Summer Dream wears pearl earrings. There are pearl dots in her earlobes, and then dangling pearl drops. I’m surprised she doesn’t wear any necklace or bracelets, but she’s got a wedding band on, of course. The hands, which are shaped to hold her bouquet, have their fingers molded together like most dolls, and her wedding band, is just a half circle of gold that was glued onto the indentation of the ring finger on the left hand. I might make her a bracelet with my tiny beads. Her nails are painted red, but not quite as dark as Jessica’s (Anne’s nails aren’t painted).
Will you shut up! It’s coming up on 11:00 and that fucking beast is still going off. The high-pitched one is worse. Well, it ought to settle down soon enough, but again, these people are lucky I’m out of here in ‘99.
Anne and Jessica really do look like girls while Summer Dream really does look like a woman. I get dolls for different reasons, of course, and while I got Anne for her long knee-length hair, I got this one for its dress, since blue eyes and blond hair aren’t typically my thing. Her eyes are nice, though, as far as their shine goes. Instead of looking just shiny, they look wet like real eyes. I also like the hand-painted eyelashes better than the false ones they stuck on my other dolls.
I finally got something with pink, too! Yes, this doll’s bouquet is of pink flowers. I love the soft pastel colors between the blue sash and bows and the pink flowers.
Her shoes are white heels that are molded to her feet. They’re not real shoes you can take off and put back on like Anne’s shoes.
So it took her 3 weeks to get here from the day she was shipped. Tom was right. Parcel post is really slow. So if Patrice isn’t shipped till after December 12th, I’m probably not gonna have her till just after the New Year. She’s worth the wait, though, just like in the end, Summer Dream was worth waiting for.
I can’t believe this doll was only $92 and not $150-$200.
Like I thought I would, I didn’t get a catalog enclosed with Summer Dream, so I’ll call Monday and have them send one. Since Tom decided that we’ll probably each have $500 to spend after all our bills are paid, I’m hoping to find a big doll for around $300. Rapunzel and the lollipop doll from Ashton Drake’s catalog are each about $100, so I’m hoping to get those 3 dolls. Fuck CDs and clothes. I still may get some CDs, and maybe a couple more bigger bras, but I’m all set for winter clothes. All I really want, since I’m gonna be staying at around 115 pounds, is maybe a couple of sundresses and a couple of pairs of shorts and it’s not the time of year to go shopping for that, even here in Arizona.
I also want to enlarge my wedding band to my indefinite 115 pounds. I awoke at 114 today, though, to my surprise. I haven’t been gorging since it’s never been in my nature to do so, but I haven’t been eating just one bite a day, either. I’ve had to have been having around 1500 calories a day.
I scanned in Summer Dream’s certificate, and I intend to keep her papers, even though I refuse to ever sell her like the papers suggest I may want to do. There’s a winter, spring, and autumn bride, too, and according to this one’s certificate, the series ends forever in the year 2001 and the doll’s molds will be broken and no more porcelain will ever be cast. But why break the molds? If I was such a gifted artist/sculptor, I’d want to keep the molds forever. That was quite an ugly woman, too, who created such a beautiful doll.
I can’t believe how fast my doll collection’s starting off, but I’m psyched! By the spring I may very well have 3-5 more dolls! Guess that depends on what I get for my birthday. I’ll have to ask Tom if we’re gonna do Christmas with each other, at least, and if he wants to tell me what he wants, or if he wants me to use my imagination and pick out something to either buy or make. I’ll also ask him if he wants me to tell him what I want for my birthday, or should I let him just do what he wants? If he asks what I want, I’ll suggest that $30 Edie doll. They had two of them at the store.
I wonder if Tom was here when the mailman came with Summer Dream, or if he came and left her here before Tom returned from the tracks. I’ll have to ask him when he gets up. He’s been asleep since I got up at 7 PM.
She wasn’t as packed as I thought she’d be. She did have foam pieces as wide as the box she was in to steady her so she couldn’t slam around in her box, but only her feet and head had a plastic wrap. The wrap was actually a bag with rubber bands. Jessica, though, had layers of tight plastic wrapping. She was in her own box with her name on it that slid snuggly into the outer box that had their company address on it, our address, and the invoice. Her bouquet was in a bag and at the bottom of the box.
I hope her soft white chiffon dress doesn’t turn yellowish in time. They recommend dusting her regularly, but with what? A feather duster? A damp cloth? Maybe it’d be best to take the dolls outside periodically and shake their hair and clothes free of dust.
I plan to do some pricing homework on Monday. I’m gonna check out the home shopping channels and see if I can find out what company manufactures the dolls that they have on their doll shows, and I’m gonna call some collector’s stores to see what they’ve got, too. Tom will check online stuff.
Unfortunately, he’s got a cold. A little later than I expected, but it looks like his immune system is still not as strong as mine’s been since I’ve been out here. I hope he doesn’t give me this one. He used to get 4-5 a year, but I guess it’s now 2-3 a year. Well, hopefully it won’t last long and interfere with his doing whatever he needs/wants to do. I’m surprised he didn’t get it about 10 days from now when he goes to do the roof. Maybe it’ll rain instead. I’m also surprised he didn’t get it when I was mid-cycle, even though I don’t have a mid-cycle. He left a message saying that his throat got really sore at the tracks. He obviously didn’t win, or else he’d have said so, but I hope he had fun despite his sore throat.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1998 Bill’s car is still out there. At ten to eight this morning I glanced out right before I hit the sack and saw the car where it’s at right now, saw it again when I glanced out at 4 PM, and ever since 7 PM it’s been there. From the looks of it, it hasn’t moved since yesterday morning.
I gave my dog/cat mugs a vinegar treatment to get rid of the coffee/tea stains. It really works.
I’m not one to usually watch movies over and over again, but earlier I saw Stephen King’s The Dead Zone for what must be the 15th time.
I told Tom that I was thinking of hitting three birds with one stone and sending Dureen, Art and Larry journal excerpts on them when we move, along with the bitch’s, but Tom’s advice was not to and as I do eight out of ten times, I’m gonna take his advice. As Tom said, I’m gonna give next door the stuff in place of beating the crap out of them, but as for the other assholes, they haven’t been doing anything to me. No calls, no trying to get my attention, no trying to piss me off, etc. He said it’d be different if I wanted to send them a holiday card or letter. Hell no. I wouldn’t degrade myself like that. Anyway, they’re not worth the excerpts and they probably wouldn’t have read anything I sent anyway, and even if they did, it wouldn’t change a thing. I still want nothing to do with them. Not now. Not ever.
If I was shocked to wake up at 115 pounds yesterday, I was even more shocked to wake up at 114 pounds today. That’s because of all I ate yesterday. I had a TV dinner, a couple of bags of popcorn, and a burger and fries.
Tom took off some of his old stuff from my computer and did a backup on CDs. I got rid of some old stuff, too.
He showed me how to make subdirectories so I can have different screensaver groups. You know, like Norah in one, Gloria in another, etc., but I was too stupid to remember how to do it on my own and in the midst of things, I lost one of my favorite pictures.
And now I can’t print out the fucking grocery list, either. I went to print, then aborted it cuz I hadn’t run it through the spell checker yet, but it wouldn’t let me move on. I tried to purge the print job, but it was determined to save it after telling me I could delete it. Who knows when Tom will be up to help me, though?
Well, Tom couldn’t get to trimming the front hedges, since going to the bank and all that took longer than expected, but on the bright side, there’s $6,000 in our account. We’re gonna pay off our bills, then have fun with the rest. That fun may include getting the big $200-$400 doll that I didn’t think I’d get till we moved, along with some clothes, since I’m definitely, definitely gonna stay at 115 pounds. I’ve been at 115 since the beginning of August, so this is where I’ve leveled out at and where my body feels it needs to be in this day and age. I could still get down to 100 if I starved, but I’d have to starve many days in a row, and as soon as I began eating again, I’d go right back to 115, so it’s not worth it. Here’s where I’ll stay. It’s better than 124. guess I don’t need to walk in order to have a little bit of metabolism function these days either, cuz again I woke up at 115 after having a TV dinner, popcorn, soup, and cheese puffs.
Tom went to bed at 7 PM and I’m to get him up at 3 AM for the sex he says I owe him. Why? So he can get hard and suffer till he’s alone and can empty himself out? God, how can he stand it?! On the other hand, I’m beginning my period, so he may feel comfortable enough to get off, but comfortable is the keyword. As long as that’s what he is; happy and comfortable.
Speaking of money, Mary won $2,500 gambling. Of course she did. She doesn’t need the money. See, it’s not that God helps those who help themselves, it’s that God gives to those who don’t need, and he takes from those who do need. Same with the wants.
If there’s ever a time I wish that Tom was an only child, it’s now. If we were getting that entire $31,000 check, we could move now! Tom said that if he had been an only child, he’d have a whole different personality and I might not even have liked him since things are all intertwined. Maybe.
So, what’s Mary gonna do with this money she won? She’s gonna get a new hard drive that Tom has to be the one to install. I knew people would want this and want that as soon as that house sold, but I’ve already accepted the fact that sometimes, others are gonna have to come first. Since I’ve come to accept and be used to and even prefer taking care of myself sexually, it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to, but when too many things come up and they need this and they need that and our shit doesn’t get done cuz of them, I get pissed. I just wish he’d finish more things he starts. He almost never finishes a project he starts and if he does, he puts it off for quite a while before finishing it. Nonetheless, Tom says he is gonna tackle trimming the back and front hedges, and he’s gonna take care of weeds and the tree out front. These things, fortunately, are gonna slow down in growth for a while. They don’t grow as much in cooler weather.
I’m glad we’ll be keeping our land, when we move, in its natural state. Tom’s great with handling money and bills, and with fixing things that need fixing ASAP, but he’s lousy with keeping up with yard work.
I still haven’t gotten my doll and I hope he’s right when he says it’s not misdelivered, cuz with this mailman you never know what to expect. It’s hit or miss with him, although since I bitched he hasn’t given us tons of other people’s mail and hopefully, not too much of our mail has gone to other people. It took 5 complaints, though. If Becky addressed the letter she said she sent me correctly, then someone else got that one for sure.
Tom says Evie’s not stable and never really was to begin with and that she’s been complaining of more problems since having her gallbladder removed and wonders if she’s heading for a breakdown. We’ll see.
The cock came to bring the bitch back yesterday afternoon and to pick it up this morning. Bill’s car sat where it’s been sitting till 5:30 today, then it was towed away. I heard its engine start, but then it sounded funny, so he’s obviously been having trouble with the car. That explains why the cock’s showed up more, too. Probably to help Bill with rides and look like a good guy. At first I wondered if Bill had moved in while Tom suggested that maybe they fumigated his place. I decided that if he moved in, though, I wouldn’t report it, since Bill’s never been any trouble. I wouldn’t have reported that cock being here either, had it kept its music out of our house.
Tom straightened out the printer problem I had yesterday and helped me build some subdirectories of pictures. I’ve got 11 different groups. That’s how many color schemes I’ve got. So each week, I’ll rotate colors and pictures. My wallpaper will stay the same, though, with all the pictures. I forgot about making directories for regular screensavers, but I don’t know how I’d go about doing that.
What the fuck’s got one of the guard dogs stirred up at 11:15 at night? Well, it is the weekend, so perhaps the freeloader’s got company? I didn’t hear any car doors, though, and I don’t feel like looking. The dryer’s going now, so it drowns it out, but I guess it only went off for a minute. When those fucking dogs go off at this time of year, since sounds are louder when it’s cooler cuz cooler air’s thicker, it can be heard loud and clear in every single fucking room of this house.
Come to think of it, I haven’t heard the old man’s dog across the street in ages.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1998 I spoke with Andy for 45 minutes (after he said he didn’t want to talk long). He’s about to hit the sack. He gets up at 5:30 in the morning now.
He got into one of his talks about God, Adam, Eve, Judgment Day, etc., but it was kind of my fault for leading him into this discussion, and once he hits upon this topic, he goes on and on. During his chat, he told me that God shits on those who believe in him. Oh, how lovely of him. Yeah, that’s something God would do.
His roommate Laura has moved out and into her boyfriend’s place, but they’re still friends. She’s been generously helping him with finances.
He’s still clean and he loves his new job. I’m happy for him and proud of him for finally doing something as far as a career change goes, rather than talking about it.
He said David’s looking for a job change too. He was a welder by trade, but lately, he’s been working in some shipping and receiving company, but is thinking of going back to welding.
Judy made him and David an incredible offer. If they get that cottage at Hawk’s Nest beach, it’s a year-round cottage, and Judy said he and David can live there. The catch is, though, that they’d have to share it with the family in the summer, so for 3 months out of every year, there’d be a shitload of people coming and going.
Andy said that if he and David don’t work out, he’s still gonna stay there, but doesn’t know if he’ll stay in Connecticut or Massachusetts.
I made Melanie a Christmas card. I didn’t make the card, actually. The card was one of the ones the Humane Society sent. I printed out a drawing I did of 3 dogs on the front and wrote her name. On the back, I printed out a floral drawing of mine, and one with a cat, too.
My doing this inspired me to print pictures and drawings out on the backs of envelopes that will be going to Tammy and Andy.
On Tammy’s stationery, I used that program that lets me insert picture borders. I can use pictures that come with the program or I can customize it by using my stuff. I used a drawing of mine, one of our wedding pictures, and a picture of Tammy in high school. I did up 8 envelopes for Tammy, and she ought to love one of them! I don’t know what went wrong on this one, but all that printed out was garbage. Just a bunch of senseless letters, numbers, and punctuation like a scientist’s lab formula. By it, I wrote, “Oops! I really screwed up this one!”
For Andy, I sent him the same sentence - were you just thinking that the rooms were all on fire? - (our famous sentence for 1989-1992), and they were all in different fonts. The ones that are complete and that I’d be willing to use. I skipped the ones that are super hard to read. Anyway, I asked him to put a checkmark next to the ones he likes and feels are legible enough, then send me back the papers.
From now on, the journals I print out are gonna have pictures bordering their pages. Pictures of family members, animals, celebs, journal covers, etc.
Still haven’t gotten a reply from Marla. Was it something I said? Or is she just that busy? Well, I either hear from her or I don’t.
I wouldn’t know it if Alex realized he didn’t add me to his email list when he went to block out junk mailers and has tried to get in touch with me, cuz I didn’t bother to put him on my list.
I’m definitely not gonna shit tomorrow. Maybe not even the next day. I shit 3 times today!
What the fuck is Bill doing here at 8:30 at night? What, is the bitch doing something at night now, too? Joebitch, you’re gonna wear your poor daddy out! Maybe she got arrested and is doing a little jail time of her own.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1998 I blew it today with the starving. I had a TV dinner and some popcorn. Hopefully, I’ll be able to survive the rest of the night on tea and water.
I was surprised to wake up at 115 pounds, though. I thought I’d wake up at 117-118 since yesterday I had two hot dogs, a TV dinner, popcorn, and soup. The popcorn and soup alone were 900 calories, 300 for the TV dinner, and about 550 for the hot dogs, and that excludes what I had for drinks.
I printed out pictures of Cocoa, Ziggy, Tanner, Patch, Ratsy, and Measles for Mom, Mary and Dave to see. Evie and company got to see them already.
Tom took Ma to an EEG appointment today and tomorrow he’s gonna take her again for another appointment, cuz Mary’s still out of it. The poor girl went through a lot of pain having her gallbladder out, and now she’s in a lot of pain with the thyroid. They said that when they took out her thyroid, it was loaded with tumors. They may or may not have been malignant, but they didn’t want to leave it in even if they knew that they weren’t cancerous, cuz they could become cancerous in time. Tom will be able to get her to her appointment tomorrow with no problem since he’s off till Sunday evening. Then he’ll be off again on the 15th-18th.
This year there’ll be no Thanksgiving or Christmas get-together since Evie and Mary are having too many problems right now and since Carol and Steven are in California, Nora and Ray are too stupid, and there’s no way we want to entertain a houseful of people. It also looks like we’ll be skipping the Christmas present routine too, but we might make a shirt for mom or maybe a pillowcase with a picture of mom and dad on it. And we’ll reattempt the shirts for Tammy and the girls. I’ll be sending Christmas cards to Mom, Mary and Dave, Evie and David, and Andy.
Another routine change next door today. At 4:00 I heard Bill’s car leave, then at 5:30, what appeared to be a light gray or blue car pulled up. Out came the little clown that’s always lived there, and then out came a girl of about 8-10 years of age too. Who are all these kids? Are these supposed to be the nieces and nephews I was supposed to have told that they can’t play here? Anyway, the car left shortly after, but I couldn’t tell if the girl left in it. This looked like the same car that was picking her up in the mornings, so maybe Bill went to where she was, dropped the clown off with her, then maybe the blue car came to bring her and the clown home, then the girl freeloader visited for a few minutes, then left. Who knows for sure, but I have a theory. I think that whenever her cronies are doing jail time, she takes in their kids till they’re released.
Ratsy got up to see me a little while ago and he’ll be getting up again soon. I really love this rat. He’s a combination of the mice and the pig. The pig only likes to cuddle and the mice only like to explore, although Ziggy does like to sit with me, but Ratsy likes to do both.
I got up at 3 PM today and shortly after, Tom came home. He said he thought the doll would get here today for sure, but it didn’t. I think it was misdelivered, but he thinks this mailman’s lazier than most and just hasn’t gotten around to sorting and delivering his parcel post packages yet. Well, Tom’s gonna call them if there’s been no withdrawal from our account by the end of next week. Last he checked, they hadn’t even taken a payment yet. I either get them or I don’t, and if I don’t, I’ll just use that $200 to get dolls in the store I got Anne at. Or was her name spelled Anne? Whatever.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 Still no fucking doll! What’s taking so long? Was it because I was awake when the mailman came around today and God really wants me asleep when the doll comes?
Last night I ended up being up for 21 hours. Finally, I took a Benadryl. Why am I constantly up 18 or more hours? This is why I could never handle a job or a child. If I had to be up at the same time every day, I’d be getting 3-6 hours of sleep every night and it’d eventually kill me.
I gained a few pounds from eating a TV dinner, popcorn, soup, and those fries yesterday. Again, that would never put a few pounds on me back when I smoked. Today I’m not gonna worry too much about it. I’ve had a TV dinner and some popcorn, and I may have soup later, but tomorrow, it’s back to starving again. I’m gonna have to not eat every other day to maintain my weight. This is fucking ridiculous. It’s getting harder and harder to maintain this weight and I’m getting more and more tempted to forget it. Am I gonna eventually be able to only eat every 2-3 days in order to keep my weight steady? Just like how I’m gonna cut my hair someday, cuz someday I’m gonna need a break from it, I’m gonna totally forget about keeping my weight where it’s at. It’s just too much work, so I’ll give in eventually and just take the 20-100 pounds I’ll gain when I do.
Gloria Estefan Live by Request is taping now. I took a quick peek at one point and was surprised. She looks better than I thought she’d look. She’s not skinny, but she’s not fat, either, and she’s singing pretty well, although I could still do better for the most part. When I’m not congested, that is. It pisses me off that God just won’t let me fully use my voice. I may not wheeze like I used to, but I still get tight and I still have congestion. I still have times when I have to stop and clear my throat, and it really pisses me the fuck off. I feel like God’s teasing me with this gift and like he’ll only let me use it so much, and I just wish he’d either let me use my voice free of congestion or just take it away. I’m tired of the conditions that have to go with everything wonderful. I can have this great guy, but he has to have a freaky dicky and lie about it.
He still insists he’ll do whatever they request of him for testing, that he’ll love me no matter what, and that he’ll support whatever decisions I make. I believe the last two, thank God, but I still can’t see him willing to participate in the testing.
On the other hand, his cumming is totally in his control, so maybe he will let them have his cum, then go back to rarely cumming in bed. Remember, there is no such thing as a guy who can get hard, but not cum. You either can’t get hard at all and therefore you can’t cum, or you get hard and cum. He chooses when to cum. So maybe he will choose to cum for the testing. We’ll see. I suppose that’s still a way away yet. If it took months to get a GYN appointment scheduled, I’d think it’d take another few months to get the testing scheduled, and a few more to get through the testing, unless something does come up to prevent testing or I change my mind, so if I can get any answers, you’re talking around the time we move. But will we move in June? Or will it be August or September?
No kids came out to play after dark or at twilight. Also, Bill’s bringing his sick daughter home from work, but who knows who’s picking it up afterward? As soon as I’m up at 6:15-7:45, I’ll know.
OK, I saw the Gloria show. I basically scanned through her singing her songs but listened to all the requests and all that. I’m surprised she didn’t bring her daughter on stage, but Emilio came out at the end. He’s getting old and gray. Anyway, the people who called in requested the songs I figured they’d request, and I got a kick out of a couple of those requests that I know had to be staged. Whoopee Goldberg called at one point, then Gloria told the guy who was her host that she’d be right back, went off stage, then requested a song with an English accent. She’s also supposed to have a small role in a movie with Meryl Streep that may be out in about a year, that’s got to do with keeping music in the schools.
I’ve got some shocking news about Andy. He’s keeping his Red Lobster job as a hostess but is only working part-time there now. That’s all he could get from them anyway. From 7 AM-4 PM Monday-Friday he’s now working a job typing into computers pharmaceutical orders. He had his first day of work at this new job today and loved it. He swears he’ll never wait on tables in Arizona again, but I still say he won’t go back east. I’d have to see it to believe it.
He’s also been clean for nearly a week now, so I’m quite happy for him.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1998 I really hope a ball game isn’t about to erupt cuz I’d really like to write, although the air cleaner may drown it out well enough. Well, maybe not. The two kids I can see right now who are screaming at the tops of their lungs are playing badminton in the street. In the fucking street. That’s so fucking dangerous and stupid. These things should be played in their backyard. Fuck! Now here’s a boy with a basketball. Thank fucking God it’s getting dark out.
OK, I watched them for a few minutes and that was a Frisbee and not a basketball, but oh my fucking God! These kids, and now I realize that they’re the same ones that I saw playing in the middle of the street at night a few nights ago, are associated with the Lopezs. Tom said he guesses there are 3 kids in that household. No fucking way. These are definite Mormons. I know they do daycare, but I highly doubt that at 6 PM these kids are other people’s kids. There are at least 5 of them screaming in back and another 5 up front. They’re darting in and out of the street and they’re playing on people’s lawns within a 3-house span on both sides of the street. As soon as they hit our lawn, which they came close to doing, they’ll be hearing from me. What is it with kids playing in the streets and on other people’s lawns these days? When I was a kid I may have played next door on my grandparents’ lawn, but I never played on people’s lawns who I didn’t even know, and I didn’t play in the middle of the street unless I was on my bike, even though our dead-end street was pretty dead.
It sounds like they may have gone in. Now it’ll just be the dog’s noise for another hour or so. These people are really fucking lucky they’re not next to me!! Sometimes, though, with all the screaming and barking, they may as well be next to me. They were playing in next door’s yard. Why can’t they play in their own yard? Maybe because of the guard dogs, their space is limited in the backyard. I didn’t hear those dogs at all on Halloween night, and you know a pin dropping 8 blocks away will stir them up, so I’ll bet that if there’s one night a year they pull them in or at least muzzle them, it’s that night. Too many people out. Too much risk. Guard dogs aren’t like ordinary house dogs that protect just their territory. They want to go after you even if you’re not on their turf. So, it’s risky to leave them out with all the people walking by, even if they were walking by on the other side of the street. The dogs could still smell and hear them, and you wouldn’t want to have the dogs bust loose on that many people. I’m surprised they cared enough to pull the dogs in in the first place. They also probably figured all that loud barking would scare away the little trick-or-treaters. That’s if they gave out candy.
Thank God it’s getting darker later. It helps. Somewhat.
I wasn’t up this morning to see if the cock came for the bitch or not, but the end-of-the-day routine changed a bit today. At 3:00 a white car pulled in and out. I only saw the outline of someone in the driver’s seat, but that’s it. Then at 5:45 I heard car doors, but didn’t feel like looking out at that time.
Got an email from Kim and Evie.
Didn’t get my doll today. I’m so sick of waiting! Tom said, “I told you Tuesday would be more likely than Monday. With parcel post, it can just sit in a post office in the town it was shipped from for a week. That’s why they use parcel post. It’s cheaper.”
So it’ll get here not while I’m out, but while I’m asleep. I doubt I’ll be up before the mail gets here, but I could be. If not, though, he will be.
My weight was at an all-time low today at 111½. I could wear my jeans and jeans jacket again and it was nice to be able to fit into some things I couldn’t fit into for a while. I had a TV dinner and popcorn yesterday. Today I had a TV dinner, soup, and a small order of fries at the drive-through we stopped at, and later I’ll have some popcorn. This way I won’t be stuck for too long, but come tomorrow, it’s back to either having nothing or just a TV dinner.
Once again, I had to have seen at least 3 pregnant teens on the streets as we were going to and from Melanie’s. I may not want a child of my own, but this is sick! What have God and society come to? These kids should be in school. Not pushing their kids around in strollers on the streets. All blacks and Hispanics, as usual. Does anyone in their 20s or 30s have kids anymore? I kind of think 20s is too young, but I swear, if it’s not in your teens that you have kids, it’s in your 40s that you have kids. Teenage pregnancy is so fucking common now, that I’ll bet a teenager that doesn’t have a kid is considered an oddball.
It makes me wonder about Lisa. Is she gonna get pregnant any day now? It’d be the norm. Guess that depends on how closely God wants to shape our lives. There are a few things we don’t have in common, but not much. So, if she’s just like me on that issue, too, God won’t allow her any kids. I know Becky will be a mom, though. If any of those kids are destined for motherhood, it’s Becky. She looks like a mom already. She totally has the looks God likes for that.
Anyway, seeing Melanie went fine. Oprah came out and said hi to me as she went to get someone else before Melie came for me. She moved the bracket since that tooth’s moving down and over really well. Something just hit me - you have a retainer after you have braces on your upper teeth, but what about your bottom teeth? I don’t see how you could wear a retainer down there with the tongue in the way. Yeah, we talked about those bottom teeth. I asked her what she’d recommend, and she said she’d do it; get them straightened out. She said I wouldn’t have to come in all the time since this wouldn’t be trying to nudge an impacted tooth into place, and that it shouldn’t be as painful. However, I will have the irritation at the beginning that I had with the top teeth. I told her that’s a pretty high tolerance to put up with me for longer. She said I could start anytime with the bottom teeth if I want to, and that the kids she has to deal with really irritate her. They come in with 6 broken brackets cuz of eating the stuff she tells them not to eat. She lectures them about it, but it goes in one ear and out the other. Yeah, and I’m sure the parents do a good job of watching what their kids eat. They really care.
I asked her how many patients she has and she said she didn’t know.
So afterward I asked Tom if he felt she recommended it only for the money and he said no, cuz she gets paid a salary whether or not she sees me.
Anyway, now that I’m through the worst of the top teeth, I think I’ll tell her to get things going to nail the bottom teeth next time I see her.
This sure is the decade of fixing the things God fucked up on me, huh? I fixed the ear as best I could, the teeth, and I doubt I’ll fix the sterility, but I hope that Tom will cooperate enough so I can at least get tested. Again, though, I don’t see how they can refuse to test me just cuz he won’t let himself get tested, so I guess I should go in there with the attitude of not letting him stop me whether or not he chooses to participate. Only God can do that.
I’m going to be taking my tea into bed and read myself to sleep in a little while. I forgot to say that I woke up early today. I thought I wouldn’t fall asleep till close to sunrise, and therefore, it’d be a bitch to get up at 11:30 like I told to get me up by, but the Benadryl actually went back to knocking me out. I took one pill at 11:00 and by 12:30 I was out of it. I awoke at 8:30.
I want my doll tomorrow!!
0 notes
wecantalktomorrow · 11 months
I'm past thirty, live alone with my cat and I've never been in a relationship ever. Some days I crave the companionship, the affection and the simple touches, others I'm afraid I'm gonna end up alone. I don't have a way of life where I met many people (if any) and I doubt I'd met anyone through work. Also my therapist thinks I might be bi ? I've no idea myself as I've never felt attracted to anyone but she said by what I'm telling her I sound like I'm attracted to people's souls and personnality rather than anything physical. I might be asexual too, as I've never touched myself nor felt the urge to but I'm both curious and afraid to try. I've been told maybe I just haven't met the right person yet. I'm on holidays for two weeks and I'll probably be reading larry fics most days. Which is nice, I love it, so many great writers in this fandom (you included) and so many works still on my to-read list but also- solitude. Anyway. Sorry you just asked for a secret and I'm telling you my life story. I'm in one of these moods and I suppose I needed to share with someone else than my overthinking brain tonight...
this feels like a lot of secrets in one message, but first of all, i commend you for the honesty in this message and thank you for sharing this all with me, i know it helps to share this with someone instead of keeping it all bottled up, overthinking is exhausting (see my literal mood earlier lol)
secondly! it sounds like there's a lot of self discovery to be had here? which takes time and courage, so definitely don't feel rushed. i don't have much experience or the ability to give many pointers/tips as i struggle with labels myself, but i do know that it definitely took time just for me to be comfortable with acknowledging the fact that i might not fit under any one specific label, so don't feel pressured to do so. you're valid either way. as for the attraction to others souls rather than anything physical, i think that's such a wonderful way to be.
lastly, i'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason/the right person will come along at the right time, so keep that in mind, yeah? i wasn't in my first serious relationship until after i turned 21, which had me dealing with similar feelings especially watching all of my friends get the full experiences early on but i've learned that you can't rush it and things will fall into place when they're due to... and idk if that helps much but it did bring me comfort through my own struggle in said situation.
sending you love and i'm here if you care to talk more, i'm not the best with words but i can be a pretty good listener. i hope you're feeling better now that this was off your chest <3
anonymously tell me a secret
0 notes
ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 3 years
2 - Lucky Suspect
Prompt: #2 “You have no proof”
Fandom: Criminal Minds (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Word Count: 1002 words.
Summary: You’re in for questionning about a string of murders, and you just happen to find the questioner quite attractive.
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You give out a long sigh of boredom, your (e/c) eyes looking straight at the wall with pure disinterest as you gently tap your nails against the table you’re sitting at. You don’t know how long you’ve been waiting for one of those federal agents to interrogate you, but it sure as hell has been the longest and most boring time you have ever spent in your entire life.
The door on your left opens, first sign of a change ever since you walked in here. You turn your head towards the room’s exit, almost expecting an old decrepit man to walk in, only for you to be surprised when a young man of your age walks in instead. You can’t help but let your lips stretch out into a grin as you watch him close the door behind him, your eyes barely noticing the dossier in his hands as you take in his facial features.
“Well, hello there, handsome.”
“Um…” He quirks an eyebrow at you, unsure of your intentions with those words, and he rapidly shakes his head as he approaches the table. “… thank you for waiting, Miss/Mister (Y/L/N).”
“Oh, no.” You carefully observe him sit in front of you with a large grin, gently putting your elbows against the table so you can hold your head up with your hands. “Thank you for interrogating me. I can’t remember the last time I laid eyes on such a pretty face like yours.”
The slightest hint of a blush appears on his cheeks, the man rapidly clearing his throat while he opens the dossier. You feel your grin turn into a smirk, a light chuckle escaping despite your closed mouth.
“Well… my name’s Spencer Reid.” He takes a pen out of his shirt’s pocket and clicks it open, his eyes averting your gaze as he reads one of his colleagues’ notes written on the marge of the dossier. “I would like to ask you a series of questions regarding a recent string of murders.”
“Ugh, how boring.” You give out a disappointed pout, a light of teasing in your eyes. “And here I thought you’d ask me out on a date.”
“I…” He seems at a loss of words for a moment, his head rapidly shaking to help him regain his thoughts, and he looks back into your eyes. “This is not a light-hearted situation, Miss/Mister (Y/L/N). Will you please take this seriously?”
“Why?” You give out a snort, letting go of your head so you can lay back on your chair. “Are you saying I’m a suspect or something?”
“That’s precisely what I’m saying.” You lose your grin upon hearing his words, Reid giving you a long look before he looks back at the dossier. “We have reason to believe you’re the one behind the murders.”
“Oh?” You quirk an eyebrow, a strange glint appearing in your eyes. “And why is that?”
“All the victims share similar features with your ex-boyfriend, Larry.” He takes a few pictures out of the dossier and lays them down on the table for you, your eyes falling upon a few of the murdered victims. “Now, a few witnesses told us he cheated on you a year ago, which is also when he happened to disappear-”
“A mere coincidence, if you ask me.” You cross your arms over your chest, your body slightly tensing up as you give out another smirk. “I was planning to break up with him anyway. He just gave me a reason to speed things up.”
“Speed things up?” He squints his eyes at you, trying to analyze your choice of words. “Are you hinting that you had already planned to make him one of your victims?”
“I’m saying I was ready to move on for someone better…” You tilt your head at him, your lips stretching out onto your cheeks as you gently nibble on your thumb. “… Spencer.”
His opens and closes his mouth a few times, sign that your relentless flirting is having some kind of effect on him, but he manages to ignore it by hardening his glare. “We know you’re the one behind the murders, (Y/N).”
“You have no proof of that.” You uncross your arms to lay them on the table, hiding a few of the victims’ faces in the process as you nonchalantly point at him. “Otherwise, wouldn’t you have already arrested me?”
He simply stays silent at your words, his expression hardening for a quick second. That’s enough to bring a larger grin, your eyes looking down at the victims’ faces.
“I’m curious…” You take a quick look towards the room’s exit, lowering your voice. “How much information were you expecting to gather with this little interview, huh?”
He doesn’t answer you, his eyes looking back frantically at the dossier in front of him and the door.
“An even better question…” You approach your face to him, your voice barely above a whisper. “… have I unwillingly given you something worth searching for?”
He continues to stay silent, which is enough to bring a larger grin to your lips.
“Well, if you don’t have any more questions…” Your chair makes a loud noise when you stand up, your eyes giving the young man a teasing glint. “I’ll be on my way.”
His eyes follow you as you walk towards the exit, your hand grabbing the door’s handle and turning it. You look back at Spencer just as you open the door, your lips still curled up into a smirk as you take in his look of desperation.
“Don’t look so down, Spencer.” He quirks an eyebrow at your words, which brings out a brighter glint of teasing in your pupils. “I promise you, next time you’ll see me, it’ll be in much better circumstances.”
You send him a wink just before you walk out of the room, the sight of his red cheeks lingering in your mind on your way out.
Oh, this is going to be more fun than you thought.
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
have u seen the aai musical? i dont think that one has subtitles but it being the only piece of media in the entire ace attorney franchise that wholeheartedly attempted to give edgeworth a female love interest is bold imo
ohhh the aai musical. if you can call it that. the greatest insult to aai2 and gregory edgeworth I've seen in my life. I did actually find out recently after MUCH digging that it actually does have subtitles, and it's been there for over a year, although it is the subtitle file on its own and not timed to the video you'll be able to find somewhat easily (you can find the subtitles here) - since the person who did the translation and subtitling specifically requested it not be uploaded onto a public video I've kept quiet about it until now, so like... honor system for whoever's reading this to not go against their wishes, that would be extremely rude. I basically opened the subtitle file in notepad and read that side by side with the musical and it's. hm. something.
(And since I'm weirdly obsessed with the musicals I also modified the subtitles a bit to clean it up a bit (some grammatical things, modifying the names in places to make them fit the characters better like having Larry call him "Edgey" instead of "Edgeworth", and changed some of the repeated songs to match the other two translated ones) and THEN timed my new script to the copy of the musical I could find. I don't want to upload this subtitle file because idk what the original subtitler's thoughts on that are and I'm too scared to ask, but. all this is to say I have watched a subtitled version of this musical. I MAY be persuaded to give a link to the script I wrote out for people to watch side by side; I just don't want it to be too easy for someone to take the file and upload it to a public video, which although I don't really have any major moral objections to it because this *never had a dvd release so you can't find it anywhere anyways*, I want to respect the wishes of the person who did all the hard work of translating.)
I'm waiting on the person who did the other two musicals to finish this before I talk about this one since I think it's kinda unfair of me to talk about this version that I have that I refuse to share with anyone? Plus the original subtitler has made it clear that the subtitles may not be the most accurate, and this musical actually deals with some more sensitive subjects (primarily the topic of illegal immigration) where I'd like to be sure of the true meaning before I start commenting on it.
However I WILL give you the rundown of Heterosexual Edgeworth's Greatest Hits:
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^ that's a rose. just to be clear. he takes it out of his pocket and dramatically sniffs it a few times throughout the musical.
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^ he’s known her for all of two minutes
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yeah they're on a cafe date and he says this out loud to her.
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^ he asked her where she learned to dance and she got upset and ran away. The original subtitles said "women are difficult things" so pick your favourite thing for him to say. oh haha edgeworth just doesn't get the woman he's attracted to inexplicably.
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^ this is supposed to be internal narration.
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^after this he says “I won’t forget your warmth” which is. well.
And of course we can't forget our good old friend Corrupt Gregory. Which tumblr won't let me post for some reason because it only wants ten images, which may be for the best. Suffice it to say they changed "A Defense Attorney's Knowledge" into a song about him singing about how all he cares about are not guilty verdicts and the truth can be washed away and sink in the dark or whatever.
I'm very much looking forward to being able to rip apart this one because I'm determined to make my insulting of this one break ten thousand words. Heterosexual Edgeworth deserves no less.
* insert general disclaimer that yes you could read Edgeworth as bi or like comphet or something like that especially considering I made the argument that he's in love with Phoenix in the second musical but You Know What They Were Going For.
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pop-punklouis · 4 years
Honestly, I get really confused when Larries always say H hates being sexualized. If you look at it from an objective point of view, it is very clear that H and his team are using a "sex sells" marketing strategy. He's not uncomfortable being sexualized because that it literally part of their promo plan. Sex attracts attention. Hshq is using sex in their marketing to create an effective and memorable campaign and it's working. He literally advertised the album as being about being sad & sex. 1/2
“He did nude photoshoots. His music videos for lights up and WS obviously rely on the sex angle. If he built his whole image on sex appeal, then why blame harries for sexualizing him? They are doing exactly what hshq wants them to do. Them thirsting over him makes them keep streaming and giving him views. People are hardwired to notice sexually relevant information so it’s smart of his team to use that to their advantage to keep him relevant. Everyone else can see it except for larries. 2/2 + Harry never said he was uncomfortable being sexualized. He doesn’t care because it helps his career and he loves the attention. He said he was uncomfortable thinking about being seen as a sex symbol because it’s a weird thing to think about yourself but he didn't say anything about being sexualized. Anyway, actions speak louder than words, and his PR is all about catering to to people’s sexual fantasies so I think he's more than okay with it”
I’m choosing to answer this because there is.... a lot to unpack here. To start, i’m incredibly sick of seeing people pretending that “sexuality,” and “sex appeal” are the same thing as “sexualization” especially when it refers to hypersexualization. it’s not and it never has been. you can find someone attractive and have that person perform sexuality, at any level, and still not display sexualization of this person. it’s not a complicated concept. there are many facets of harry’s life that has been built to fit a lothario image that does drive off the hyper-sexualization of him as an image and a person, but it goes beyond just his team using it for fan? engagement? the media has perpetuated it as well since he was 16 years old (a child). past “girlfriends” have perpetuated it when their relationships end. talk show hosts like ellen and james corden would consistently push this angle regardless of whether or not they were friends. red carpet reporters have asked these questions directly to his face. past models who have worked with him in any capacity have helped this narrative along by moaning his name and sexualizing him. ben winston has no problem feeding into it. there’s branches that split from the whole that has fed into this goliath image that has been sexualized for ten years of his life.
and you think...... he’s comfortable with that? you think he likes that he can stand next to any woman and be plagued with stories about fucking them? you think he thrives off the fact that every part of who he is and what his body looks like is constantly on parade when tied to this image? you think he doesn’t care that much of the GP and those in the industry think he’s incredibly easy and will sleep with anyone and anything so long as he gives them a smile? you think he thought it was funny when he was visibly uncomfortable having howard stern ask if he wanted to fuck his therapist because she was a woman? you think he enjoys the fact that he has to watch out who he’s around or even nice to because so many have gone to papers or online and fabricated stories about sex or relationships for clout attached to his name? you think it makes him laugh when people talk about his sex life and publications like GQ pushed him to tell them how many people he’s slept with as a 19 yr old? you don’t think he cares that he’s lost a lot of his youth and control of his image due to sexualizing tycoons?
you also confuse me with the points you made about him playing into a hypersexualized image. you use examples that are so highly misconstrued it feels detached in every way. he didn’t do nude photo shoots. he did one photoshoot that featured a nude and the nude was not in any way put on display as an act of sexual fodder. it was sensual. it was fragile. it was soft. it was a piece of art and seeing as how you didn’t see it that way only falls more on you than it does anyone else. you can be nude and do that without inviting in ideas of sexualization. nothing about that photo screams sex appeal. regarding the music videos..... congratulations, you missed the entire point again. the Lights Up music video was meant to depict his experience with fame and sexualization. those pulling at him from all angles represents everyone wanting a piece of him as he just wants to exist. how his career and life since he was 16 was built off never being his own— he’s always been “on display” for everyone else. he not once touched any of the models, and he ended up riding away from it all at the end of the video finally free. even when talking to radio hosts about the video he touched on how personal that song was to him. yet the media and fans alike drew it differently and labeled it a sex orgy lmao. and with WS..... it’s the media that first drew the hyped up sexual energy tied to that song. the blatant headlines about oral sex which then hyped up fans. yes, they used the video to display oral sex but nothing about that video was sexualized in a way that would’ve been expected. the ones that have a right to be upset about the WS video are wlw because of how it could go about sexualizing the WOMEN not harry.
so again, stop pretending like sexuality and sex appeal is anything like sexualization. it isn’t, and just because something or someone portrays him in a “sexy” light doesn’t mean it’s okay or even appropriate to sexualize or objectify him based on that. olympic swimmers can be pictured as sexy because of the tight clothing, built bodies, and athleticism but that doesn’t green light sexualization of them. antoni porowski can show off his body and pose sensually (even sexually) and that doesn’t mean it gives you the okay to objectify him and his body. i theorize a big reason why harry is often seen in baggier clothes now, beyond his fashion sense, is because without showing any discernible part of his body, it stops those from sexualizing him on his off time. so, has HSHQ used his already laden image and sexuality to push further into this sexualization? yes. has fans been conditioned to think of him sexually because of this ingrained narrative? of course. but does that mean we’re all lab rats being fed what they want and we have no say or conscious decision in the matter? no.
many artists use sexuality and sex appeal in their art and images. men, women, non-binary folk etc., etc. but that doesn’t mean they love being sexualized or have no qualms about it. take for example, halsey. she’s never been shy or against showing her sexuality and sensuality in her work, music, and persona. does that make it okay to objectify and sexualize her just because she does that? of course not. do you hear how you sound when you say these things? it’s very concerning. i’m sick of people wanting justifications for sexualizing artists— especially harry. if this was a woman, this argument for or against sexualization wouldn’t even exist. but since it’s harry it’s okay? i’m so tired of it.
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earliebirb · 3 years
steve/tony, fluff, (newly) established relationship, 3250 words
Tony stares absentmindedly out the airplane window as he puts his phone up to his ear, watching people run back and forth, performing last-minute engine checks. Some of the guys look sweaty and out of breath.
From the comfort of the air-conditioned Stark Industries private jet, he feels a slight twinge of sympathy for the people having to suffer in the humid summer heat.
He loosens his tie and sinks deeply into his seat, closing his eyes with a massive yawn as he listens to the ringing tone. He hadn’t been able to sleep very well throughout his five-day stay in Tokyo, too anxious about the contract to rest properly. 
The ringing tone goes on for a few more seconds before ending with a click, replaced by an achingly familiar voice greeting him in his ear. 
Tony’s eyes spring open. Outside, an aircraft marshaller walks by, speaking rapidly into his walkie-talkie.
“I had a blueberry muffin for lunch today. One single blueberry muffin.”
“It didn’t even taste that good. I couldn’t finish it. Too dry.”
“Tony, that’s not good. Is that all you had for lunch? You should really eat—”
“The meeting went well, by the way. Mr. Watanabe finally signed the contract, everything went as planned. My ride to the airport, however…”
“I told you things would go smoothly, you had nothing to worry about. You’re a brilliant negotiator—”
“The traffic? Fuck. I had to keep shifting in my seat to avoid pins and needles.”
“That sounds awful, are your legs okay—”
“Did you know that Tokyo is number nineteen on the list of cities with the worst traffic congestion in the world? I know that, because I looked it up on the way to the airport. But boy, did it feel like it deserved the number one spot. I think I lost feeling in my ass.”
“I did not know that. And, uh, is your ass okay—”
“Thank God for my private jet. These plush seats are the best things I’ve ever spent my money on.”
“That’s objectively not true, and you know it—”
“Then again, I think these seats in particular were Pepper’s choice? We remodeled the airplane’s interior like… two years ago. I couldn’t be bothered to meet with the airplane seat people and I just told her to pick whichever looked best. I had much more important things to tend to, like sewing up the holes in JARVIS’s Christmas stocking.”
“I am concerned about how you sort your list of priorities—”
“Hm, that’s right. I think it was around two, three weeks before Christmas and I didn’t want JARVIS to be upset about the whole stocking thing, you know?”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t have—”
“Also, you’re right, the single blueberry muffin was a bad idea because now my stomach won’t shut up. So I’ve ordered some pasta for my in-flight meal. Robbie’s making it, you’ve met Robbie—”
“I’ve met Robbie, yes, he’s—”
“Larry’s replacement after he resigned. Gotta say, I was sad to see Larry go. Guy worked for me for seven years. But then there was that thing with his grandma, and he had to leave, so… But! Robbie makes a mean carbonara, maybe even better than Larry, don’t tell Larry I said that—”
“I don’t even know Larry like that, how would I—”
“Mr. Stark, we’re ready to go.” The pilot—Paul—emerges from the cockpit, staring at him in anticipation.
Tony nods and makes a few rapid gestures with his free hand that he supposes Paul is only able to interpret perfectly after years and years of working for Tony. The gestures roughly translate to something like “Copy, I hear you, just let me wrap this up and then I’ll let you know when I’m done. Capiche?”
Paul—bless him—just gives him a curt nod and retreats back into the cockpit. 
“Anyway,” Tony takes a deep breath and puffs his cheeks out with the exertion of his exhale, “I called because… I got a feeling, Steve.”
“A… feeling?”
“Just— A gut feeling. A feeling in your gut. Inside of me. Like a hunch?”
“Okay,” Steve says patiently, his voice low and warm, “what are you feeling?”
“I… got a bad feeling. Today. A few hours ago. The feeling came to me when I was sitting in traffic, and I just— I feel like something bad’s gonna happen today, Steve. I can feel it in the air. In my heart. In my gut. In my joints.”
“Your joints? Like… the feeling old people get when it’s about to rain?”
“Okay, maybe not in my joints. Also, are you calling me old, grandpa?”
“I did not, you told me you felt something in your—”
“Anyway, so yeah. Where was I? Oh, right. Feeling. Bad feeling. Like, like, I don’t know, something bad’s gonna happen. Like an accident. Like a plane crash.”
“God, please don’t say that. You’re scaring me, Tony.”
“And I guess, I just called because I… I feel like I need to do this before the plane crashes and I die a violent and fiery death.”
“Nothing bad’s going to happen, Tony—”
“Like, if I didn’t do this today, maybe I’d never get to do it, you know? And, uh, okay, I’ve honestly been ranting to stall for time, but the longer I keep it in the more nauseous I feel, so maybe I’m just gonna do it now so I can die in peace—”
“Do what? And stop saying that—”
“Look, I’m trying to be brave and honest here and— Wait, actually? Maybe I’m being a coward because if the plane actually does go down, I won’t have to face the consequences of my actions, so I guess I’m just going to say fuck it, and say that I love you.”
“The plane is not going to— Wait, what?”
“I, uh. Love you. I’ve known it for a while now. And, uh, I know we’ve only been dating for like, a week, but—” Tony blinks. They’ve only been dating for a week. 
“...Fuck.” Tony can feel his own pulse starting to race. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
They’ve only been dating for a week. What is he doing? What the hell is wrong with him? Normal people don’t do this. 
“Fuck. Shit, I mean— Uh, I’m sorry. That was super weird, huh?” Tony laughs nervously. He closes his eyes, gritting his teeth and cursing his stupid brain. Of course it’s weird. He always gets too attached to people way too quickly. No wonder Pepper was his only long term relationship. She was the only person who could put up with him—everyone else just got weirded out. “Uh, see you tomorrow? Or not. Fuck, sorry, I’m just gonna hang up before this gets—”
“Tony, wait.”
“...Yeah?” Tony says, hyper-aware of how breathless he sounds. His heartbeat is ringing in his ears. Everything is going to be fine. Right? Right. The worst thing Steve could do is… break up with him.
Oh, God, that is the worst case scenario. He really should’ve just kept his stupid mouth shut. 
“Tony, are you freaking out? I feel like I can hear you freaking out from all the way over here.”
“No, I’m not, of course I’m not. Who says I’m freaking out? You have no proof. I am calm, I’m calm as a clam, is that the saying? Did I get it right? Or was it happy— Anyway, I am absolutely calm, I’m the calmest I could possibly be. Any calmer and I’d be asleep. I’m—”
“Tony. Breathe.”
Tony forces himself to drag in a slow breath as he grips the arm of his seat with his free hand, focusing on the soothing hum of the airplane’s engine.
“Look, Tony, I—”
“No, listen. I’m sorry I jumped the gun, I hope I haven’t weirded you out or anything. You really, really don’t have to say it back to me. I mean it.”
“No, in fact— Please don’t say anything. It’s fine. Let’s just pretend this never happened, okay?”
“Drop it, Steve. Please?” Tony pleads. Clearly, his brain hadn’t been firing on all cylinders. That is the only reason that could explain his temporary lapse of judgment. “Look, I feel like talking about it more right now is going to send me spiraling into a panic attack.”
“...Okay. Fine.”
“Thank you. Uh, I’ll see you when I get home. If I get home. If the plane doesn’t crash. Haha.”
“Would you please stop saying that? It’s not funny.”
Tony latches onto the change in topic like a lifeline. “It is objectively true, you know. In order for me to be able to see you tomorrow, the plane has to land safely, and unfortunately, some things are just beyond my control. Like, who’s to say the plane won’t explode mid-air and—”
“The plane is going to land safely and you’re going to come back home to me in one piece. This is non-negotiable, Tony. You hear me?” Steve demands, his voice all hard authority and no-nonsense, like there will be Consequences should Tony fail to comply. 
As if he could ensure Tony’s safety with the force of his willpower alone. 
Come back home to me. 
That sounds good. Really good. Tony closes his eyes and pictures Steve’s baby blues in his mind’s eye. Warmth flowers in his chest.
“I hear you.”
“Awesome. I, uh, I gotta go now.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.”
Tony hangs up and lets Paul know that he is done with his phone call. The jittery feeling left over from his call with Steve refuses to leave him, however, so he pulls up the drawing application on his phone and begins sketching something just to give his brain something else to fixate on.
He tends to lose track of time when he is hyperfocused on a project, so he isn’t exactly surprised that the next time he becomes aware of his surroundings, the plane is already well up in the air, his sketch of what looks like a flying coffee pot is almost finished, and Robbie is placing a plate of spaghetti carbonara on the table in front of him. 
“Spaghetti carbonara. With extra cheese.”
Tony’s mouth waters as he eyes the mountain of grated Pecorino Romano sitting atop the pasta. He sighs dreamily and smiles up at Robbie.
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“Enjoy, Boss.” Robbie grins and slips back into the kitchen.
He only realizes just how truly famished he is after taking his first bite, and proceeds to finish the rest of his meal with gusto. Afterward, he spends the majority of the remaining flight time sleeping, the result of post-carbonara food coma and his sleep-deprivation finally catching up to him. 
It’s well past two in the morning when Tony finally makes it to his floor in the Tower, which is why he is surprised to see Steve sitting on his couch, one of Tony’s fantasy novels open in hand. 
“Steve, what are you doing here?”
Steve’s head snaps up at the sound of his voice. Tony frowns. “Actually, why are you awake at all?” He is usually an early sleeper, unless—
“Nightmare?” Tony gives him a sympathetic smile. It wouldn’t be the first time. In the early days of their friendship, Tony and Steve would sit together in the living room whenever they had trouble sleeping, talking to each other until the sun came up.
Steve shakes his head, closing the book with his eyes still trained on Tony. “No, I was just… waiting for you.” Tony blinks. 
“It’s…” Tony glances at his watch. “Half past two. In the morning.”
“I know, I just…” Steve stands up, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. He ambles over before coming to a stop right in front of Tony. “I wanted to see you.”
Tony stares at him uncomprehendingly. “You’ll see me later anyway.”
“I couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t want to go to sleep without seeing you first,” Steve says, low and earnest. His gaze wanders around Tony’s face, as if he were cataloguing each and every facial feature and trying to locate any changes he might’ve missed during his absence.
Steve steps closer, arms snaking around Tony’s waist and pulling him close. His next words are whispered against Tony’s shoulder.
“I knew you’d make it home safely.”
“Uh, yeah.”
“You were wrong.”
“I was… wrong.” Tony swallows. “Uh, turns out the bad feeling completely disappeared after I woke up from my nap on the plane, so I suspect that perhaps the bad feeling I got was due to my severe hunger and sleep deprivation. I mean, I’ve heard about hallucinations caused by hunger or exhaustion, but this was—” 
Steve presses a soft kiss to the column of Tony’s neck, effectively cutting off Tony’s ramblings.
“Tony,” Steve whispers against his skin.
“Yeah?” Tony squeaks.
“Please don’t call me before a flight and say that you think the plane is going to crash, ever again.”
“Right. Noted. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted,” Steve says, pulling away slightly and loosening his hold around Tony.
Tony allows himself to relax, letting out a quiet sigh. This thing with Steve is so new and delicate that every single physical contact still sends his heart fluttering, butterflies going crazy in his stomach.
Which makes, in retrospect, his abrupt love confession—as truthful as it was—that much more insane. God, Stark. Never do that again.
Except, it turns out that Steve only pulled away to slide his hands down the back of Tony’s thighs, wrapping his hands around them, and then lifting him up without warning.
Tony yelps, and in his alarm, promptly locks his ankles around Steve’s waist. When Steve begins moving, Tony quickly wraps his arms around Steve, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder.
“Uh, Steve?”
“Hm?” Steve says, calm and nonchalant, as he begins walking away from the elevator. 
“Um— Wait— My suitcase—”
“Leave it. It’ll still be there in the morning.”
Tony blinks, staring dumbfoundedly at his lonely suitcase, abandoned by the elevator. It becomes smaller and smaller with every step Steve takes. 
“Where are we going?”
“Your bedroom.”
“Why are you carrying me there?”
“Because I want to.”
“You know it’ll be faster if you just let me walk, right?”
“Maybe. But you won’t be in my arms.”
“Bear with me, will you? I missed you.”
“I, uh, missed you too.”
Steve hums, satisfied. Tony lets himself settle more comfortably in Steve’s arms.
When Steve has successfully carried him to his bedroom, Tony fully expects Steve to deposit him on the bed. 
That is not, in fact, what happens. 
Instead, Steve turns around and begins walking backwards towards the bed before sitting down on it. Tony, still seated on his lap, swallows and pulls back slightly to look at Steve. 
“Look, Steve, as much as I’ve missed you, I’m kind of tired right now. I mean, don’t get me wrong. This whole carrying thing? Great. Very romantic. Ten out of ten. But I’m just not in the mood for sex, you know? Like, I’m not even sure I would be able to get it up if—”
“We’re not going to have sex.”
Tony blinks.
“We’re not?”
“We’re not. I’m just here to tuck you in.”
Steve reaches up and begins undoing his tie. After setting it aside on the bed, he begins to unbutton Tony’s shirt. He takes his time, one button at a time.
“So…” Steve begins with a deep breath as he unbuttons the final button. “Did you mean, uh, what you said to me? On the phone?”
Tony closes his eyes, feels his own cheeks heating up. “Steve—”
“I’m sorry, Tony, I know you told me to drop it. But— I feel like if you did mean what you said, I owe it to you to… set the records straight.” When Tony opens his eyes again, Steve is looking up at him, blue eyes solemn.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… We have only been together for a week. Well, eight days. In fact, we’ve only been on one date. And it was interrupted. By giant lizards.” Steve chuckles incredulously. 
Tony remembers that day very well. They were in the middle of dessert at Tony’s favorite Italian place when they received the call to assemble—something about giant lizards wreaking havoc in Central Park.
The lizards had green, gunky blood that got into the nooks and crannies of the suit. It had taken forever to clean.
“But Tony…” Steve gathers the material of Tony’s unbuttoned shirt in both of his fists, pulling him closer until their noses are only inches apart.
The second their eyes meet, Steve smiles the sweet, lopsided smile that never fails to make Tony’s stomach flip.
“I need you to know that… I didn’t have to date you to know that I loved you. I figured that a long time ago.”
Tony stills, breath frozen in his lungs.
“I guess, what I’m saying is… I love you too. I’ve loved you for a very long time, Tony. Even way before—” Steve breaks eye contact, looks down as he clears his throat. When he speaks again, his voice is tight. “Way before we got together. I’m talking… years before.”
Tony still finds it hard to breathe. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, the word more breath than sound. He meets Tony’s dazed gaze. “So you don’t have to worry about… jumping the gun. Not with me. I’m in it for the long haul.”
“Good.” Tony feels a lightness growing inside of him, spreading outwards to his extremities.
“Good.” Steve smiles, warm and impossibly fond.
“...Glad we’re on the same page.” Tony’s gaze drops down to Steve’s lips.
“We are.” Steve inches closer, nose brushing Tony’s. He then tilts his head ever so slightly and takes Tony’s lower lip between his, kissing him so tenderly Tony’s heart feels like it’s about to burst with it.
Steve’s warm hands slide up Tony’s naked back under his open shirt, sending goosebumps breaking across his skin. Tony buries his hands in Steve’s hair and relishes the feeling of the soft strands caught between his fingers. They stay caught up in each other for a few moments, capturing and releasing each other’s lips until the need for breath becomes too unbearable.
They break apart eventually, accompanied by soft chuckles. Steve smiles up at him, lips slick and cherry red, courtesy of Tony. He reaches up to caress Tony’s right eyebrow with the pad of his thumb, fleeting and affectionate.
“Get some rest, okay? You must be really tired. I should probably go to bed, too.”
Tony looks down at his lap, clearing his throat. “Uh, I know that we haven’t done this before, but…”
Steve waits patiently for Tony to gather his thoughts, hands stroking up and down Tony’s sides.
“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” Tony finds the courage to meet Steve’s eyes, holding his breath.
Steve’s blue eyes are gazing at him intently, looking at him like he’s the only person in the world worth his sole, undivided attention.
Tony swallows. “No sex. Just to sleep. If you—”
“I would like that very much.”
“Good.” Tony feels his own lips slowly curve up into a smile, wide and unbridled. 
“Good.” Steve nods, lips twitching, his eyes never leaving Tony’s. 
Tony grins, feeling near giddy with delight. “Glad we’re on the same page.”
“We are, sweetheart.” Steve looks up at him, blue eyes fond and smile radiant. “We definitely are.”
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