#but anyway I had to try to convey how crazy fucked up it was
softwaluigi · 2 years
god. still fucking thinking about last chucky ep
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
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This is one of my favorite moments from the episode. Like from an art point of view the expression and body language is so on point. If you watch this sequence without sound it tells the story just as effectively as the dialogue, so kudos to them. A+ animation.
However, I’ve seen a few people say it doesn’t make sense for Stolas to react like this because he overheard Stella plotting to kill him. Which, I think that scene was more to highlight Stolas’s obliviousness in general more than him knowing she was trying to kill him? But that’s a separate post. This moment though has very little to do with Stolas’s worry over his personal safety or even the assassination attempt itself. He is not reacting to the reveal that Blitz didn’t warn him about an assassin from a place of “I could have prepared myself better with a warning and known what Stella was plotting earlier”.
He’s reacting to it from a place of “Someone tried to kill me and you didn’t care enough about me to even mention it”. The episode is about how Stolas is interpreting and “learning” that Blitz was showing him all along he didn’t care about him, that Blitz just does this to people, that Stolas is NOT special he’s just another in a crowd of people Blitz fucked and fucked off.
That they conveyed so well how crushing this must have been, to learn the person you love and care for not only knew months ahead of that someone was trying to kill you but you factored so little into their thoughts they just FORGOT to tell you? How he realized that he meant so little in the scheme of Blitz’s life that Blitz couldn’t even be bothered to mention it?
So yeah this isn’t a mistake, this isn’t the writers forgetting Stolas already knew, the issue here is not about the assassination at all, it’s about how Stolas is now interpreting this as “Someone tried to end my life and I meant so little to you I didn’t even warrant a heads up about it”. Like, not to be dramatic but Blitz just basically confessed that he didn’t care about Stolas’s existence at all.
We know it’s because of how Blitz sees Stolas as this untouchable immortal figure on high, but Stolas doesn’t see himself that way. He’s very clear he doesn’t recognize his own power and position.
It goes even deeper than that devastating line of thought though. It casts the whole “Am I in danger?” aspect of Western Energy into a whole different light. We interpret it as him not really believing he is in trouble, just mildly inconvenienced and wanting Blitz to play hero for his romantic fantasies. He is kidnapped by someone he recognizes as being a friend of Blitz’s, he calls him to clarify it, Blitz is then “I can’t save you today, my daughter has a thing”. During this point in the conversation Stolas has no idea Striker is sent to assassinate him persay, he thinks he’s just been kidnapped by a friend of Blitz’s. But Blitz DOES know Striker tried to kill Stolas in the past and is a credible threat. In this scene in Apology Tour Stolas finds out that Blitz knew that from the beginning, that he knew that and still couldn’t be bothered to come and was dismissive of it. That’s what Stolas saw anyway. He didn’t see Blitz driving crazy and turning around. He didn’t see his face of worry or regret. So the only information Stolas has now is “I called you telling you I was kidnapped by a man you knew tried to kill me and you said you were too busy. You knew how dangerous he was and you didn’t even care about me enough to help me.”
I’m sure it was a lot easier to deal with and excuse Blitz not being there and being busy when he assumed Blitzø didn’t know he was in real danger, now Stolas knows the truth. Blitz knew the person he identified as having kidnapped him had tried to murder him in the past and it still wasn’t enough to stir Blitz to save him.
Like that’s so fucking crushing? And important. Like critical really.
Like do the Stolas math of “Let me add up the evidence to interpret his feelings” and in addition to all the times he sneered or turned away add in “He knew a person who kidnapped me had already attempted murder and still didn’t give a shit”.
We know that’s not the whole story, that Blitz was worried and did turn around but Stolas doesn’t. This is the whole pattern of their entire relationship. He never sees when Blitz turns around in any context. He looks at Blitz and SEES him, is rebuffed by Blitz turning away and so Stolas looks away and just as he does Blitz turns back to him. It makes me want to claw my face off. This isn’t about the assassination at all, this is about them missing each other yet again.
In my head I think of it like a trapeze act. They each take the swing, they are flying through the air but they aren’t paying attention, they look away and miss the grab and both are plummeting to the ground.
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this is so akward but like a reader who grew up around family members who'd get RLLY drunk n made her home super uncomfortable for her so like it's like a sensitive thing when she's around intoxicated people yk like n one day bill shows up late from a party pretty messed up n is kinda acting like an asshole lowkey aggressive LIKE ANGSTY YK UR AMAZING AT THAT n then the next morning bill wakes up hung over without reader in bed next to him confused n finally remembers n how royally fucked he is n hes like super apologetic
(this Lowkey sucks ass and I'm so sorry for making you wait this long for this piece of shit writing I wrote, jut I still hope you enjoy it and I'm so glad you like my works and my writing!)
Drunk & Sober Mistakes
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Bill woke up with a pounding in his head, groaning as he flipped over onto his stomach. He reached for the nightstand, grabbing a bottle of water.
He drank from it like he was dehydrated for ten years, feeling like he was as he savored the feeling of it pouring down his throat.
"(Name)...?" Bill called out, his voice raspy and scratchy as he woke up, trying to see you.
Bill looked up confused when he got no response, looking around from the bed as best he could.
Bill groaned as he got up, almost stumbling as he made it to his feet and to the bathroom, desperately trying to get the taste out his mouth.
He brushed his teeth, almost gagging at the taste of the toothpaste with throw up in his mouth.
Bill finally has time to mull over everything, everything in small blurs except that he knew that he got drunk.
He came home, and for some reason felt in a bad mood, and unfortunately you were there as well, so you got some backlash.
Bill felt like hitting himself, especially as it came back in an almost tidal wave that he remembered everything.
Your family has problems with drinking, getting so drunk to the point of making you uncomfortable.
Bill promised to never do that to you, but now?
Bill felt the throw up coming back up as he realized he had broken that promise, and your trust.
Something Bill vowed to never do to you
As he did so, he heard the front door open and shut as soon as he heard it. Bill sighed, knowing it was you just from the sound of your footsteps.
Knowing he has to face you, and full of shame, he walks out of the bathroom to see you collecting stuff off the floor he had either knocked down, or dropped.
Watching you do so as he leaned against the doorframe only made him even more guilty.
You knew he was there from the burning and the feeling all over your body, but you chose to ignore him, feeling as he deserves it for what he has done last night.
At your silence and watching you trying to fix the bed, Bill sighed.
"I'm sorry, babe." Bill finally spoke up, looking as you stopped your movement, listening as he stepped closer, staying a little ways away as he didn't want to make you even more uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry for getting drunk. I…I didn't think I would get that bad." Bill sighed once more, walking closer to you as he heard you sigh as well, about to shrug him off.
"It's fine-"
"No, it's not. I fucked up. I'm sorry." Bill apologized once more, looking as you shook your head as he stood right behind you. Bill wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to put his chin on your shoulders.
"I'm sorry…" Bill repeated, kissing your cheek in light kisses as he heard you sigh, moving the hands to softly sit on his, so soft and quiet it was like you wouldn't notice your hands unless you spoke up about them.
"Just- just don't do it again…" you mumbled, looking over your shoulder slightly to see his face close to yours, a frown almost permanent on his.
"I promise you, I won't ever do it again." Bill reassured, pecking your lips softly once as he rubbed his thumb over your waist.
"...You were being a real asshole." You said, actually meaning it and thinking he deserves to hear it. Bill sighed, nodding softly as he knew he was.
Bill thought about something for a moment, to at least try and make it a little more better before he finally found it.
"...wanna smack me?" Bill offered quickly, getting a pause from you as you finally turned around to look at him.
"What?" You couldn't help but laugh at the suggestion, Bill smiling as he finally got a smile out of you.
"To make it better!" Bill laughed along, smiling as he put his hands on your hips.
"No!" You shook your head, objecting like he was crazy but he was smiling at the sound of your laughter.
"Come on, just one smack." Bill tried once more, tickling your sides softly as you playfully scoffed and moved his hands.
"Is this a new kink you're trying out?" You joked, Bill falling silent as he gave you a funny look.
You both gave each other little smirks, amused before you both bursted out laughing.
Bill chuckled, grabbing your arm and bringing you into a hug as you kept on giggling.
He rubbed your back, your arms and kissed your head.
"I'm sorry, again."
"It's fine…just promise to not do it again?" You mumbled out, smiling up at him from his chest as he chuckled, immediately nodding.
"I promise I won't ever do it again. Sticking to soda from now on, huh?" Bill asked, his hands on your waist now with yours around his.
"You most definitely are." You smiled back, scrunching up your nose as he leaned down and almost touched his nose with yours, still smiling.
"Well, got a soda cop here now, huh?"
"Yup, ass."
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curlyhairedsimp · 1 month
Okay. Okay. I love Stanford as much as the next girl but honestly I’m a Stanley girl at heart. And I feel like he was done a little too dirty in this area. Like I feel like it’s more swept under the rug cause of how their lives are framed. Ford on the verge of a life changing break through in science and almost caused the world destruction. While Stanley was barely scrapping by. So somehow Ford’s allowed to send a post card to his brother no explanations.
Now said brother shows up at door to manic crazy brother who hasn’t slept in days. So Stanford being as vague and mysterious as he believes is necessary basically is this quote “You wouldn’t understand. Even if I explained it to you”. Now even if that is true. Say Stanley gets the whole story and still ignores Ford. It simply isn’t for the reasons for thinks they are.
Ford at this point in his life views Stan as selfish and apathetic to his life’s work at best. So Ford couldn’t see why Stan was so mad cause once again Stan was selfishly putting himself first over everyone else. Yet Stan just wanted his brother back and Ford just wasn’t in the mind set to have that talk. Now when Ford fell into the portal it was both their faults. Ford didn’t actually trust Stan around his things as he implied by brining him down and chose to have an emotional conversation in a dangerous area.
I acknowledge that Ford wasn’t in the right state of mind and was also trying to convey the severity of the situation. But Ford has been practicing for years and it’s almost second nature to prevent dangers like that in their line of work. I’m not overly judging him for this considering the oddity of the situation. It’s also not even the point I feel like people should focus on.
It’s the fact that yeah while it was beneficial for Stan to take over Ford at the time. It wasn’t something beneficial long term and I feel like the only reason nobody thinks about it is because Stan was running from the law anyways. Which yes is true nobody looked for him based on his identity from 30 years ago. It was cause of what he was doing with the machine.
So yeah sure while in the short term Stan could get away with a couple things. He always planned for Stanford to come back and resume his identity. So it was most important to maintain Stanford’s identity and not Stanley’s. If Stan actually had more of a life waiting for him people would feel bad he’d have to give up his identity. But that’s not a cake walk and you stop being able to do a lot of basic things. Thankfully he’s saved by having the same face as his brother so he could just theoretically get by. But he really fucked himself by fucking acting as an existing person.
I’m not like resentful that Stanford isn’t being punished or something I just wish he was more empathetic. Or I wish he just got more perspective on that end of things at some point.
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 7 months
i need some… junkerqueen x (T)male reader where she just kind of comforts him with his eating disorder.
i sometimes literally can’t bring myself to eat, not cause anything is wrong i just… can’t? food is icky.
thank you adrien, truly. you are everything.
anything for you pookie (I'd like to formally apologize for that)
Y'all see that trigger warning in the ask? Yep, that carries over into this piece. Crazy, right? Anyway, this'll have themes of eating disorders and unhealthy relationships with food. If that isn't the thing for you, then please don't read this. I don't want people getting triggered by this. I love y'all too much for that.
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Odessa pushes the bowl towards you once again, trying to get you to eat the food that she had made. "Love, you really gotta to eat something."
You pushed the bowl back, just the thought of picking up the spoon and putting the soup into your mouth made you want to vomit. "I can't, Dez," you respond quietly.
Your girlfriend sighs, frustrated, and you could feel tears welling in your eyes. The two of you had been at this for almost an hour. Something wasn't right today. You couldn't understand why she couldn't get that you just couldn't eat. If you did, you'd just throw it right back up.
"Love, I'm really trying here. You haven't eaten all day. You really, really need to get something in you before the day is over."
Biting your bottom lip, you tried really hard not to let the tears spill.
You failed.
The warm tears glided across your cheeks and Odessa's face softened. She scooted her chair so that she was sitting next to you instead of across from you and wraps on arm around you, pulling your face into her chest. "Oh, y/n," she said, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
"I'm sorry," you cried.
"Nah, don't be sorry. It ain't your fault. I know you don't want things to be like this."
You gripped onto your girlfriend's shirt for dear life, trying to convey how you were feeling without saying anything. Before you could try and stop her, Dez picked you up and held you bridal style. "We're gonna lay down, m'kay? Maybe you need some time to chill before trying to eat again."
You nodded weakly and let her take you to your bed, the bowl of soup forgotten on the table.
Dez laid you down before climbing in herself, letting you rest your head on her chest. She ran a hand through your hair, and another wrapped around you protectively.
"I don't do it on purpose," you said.
"I know you don't."
"It's just that sometimes I look at food and just feel sick. Doesn't matter if it's my favorite food ever, I still feel like I'm going to hurl if I eat it. And I hate it. I hate it so much because I just want to eat like a normal person."
"I know."
"Why can't I be a normal person? Why can't I just eat food like most people do? Why do I have to be so fucked up that-"
Odessa cuts you off. "You're not fucked up. It ain't your fault. Yeah, sometimes you feel sick when you try to eat. That don't mean that you're fucked up. You just need some help. Every good warrior needs help sometimes. I need help sometimes. Don't mean I'm weak. You think that makes me weak and fucked up?"
"Then there's your answer. Just cause you need some help don't mean nothing. Now, shut up and take a nap. We'll try again later, and if you still can't eat then we'll figure something out."
You nodded and stayed silent for a little while. "I love you, Dez."
"I love you too. y/n."
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ivyial · 1 year
Okay, I just saw your other ask about leshley/eagleone and felt like I had to get in on this because ever since RE4Make came out, I've been going crazy over this ship. I have always found it cute in RE4 OG, but now it's driving me crazy. I cannot understand how many people miss the many implications that Leon is trying to flirt during certain parts of the game. Like seriously, come on, pals, he's being so awkward, trying to sound cool and give compliments that end up sounding weirder than he intended. And I don't know if it's just me that noticed this, but I find it funny how Leon talks to Ashley in certain moments like it's the easiest thing to do; then, in other parts, he really has no clue how to speak to her. Does that not scream attraction to anyone?
i'm with you on this one. i don't know how people miss EVERYTHING about them. like they don't even go "oh?" at times when they're playing. it probably depends on the mindset you have when you're playing. if you're hyperfocused on the action, maybe you'll miss it. idk. on social media, there are two broad types of people who have negative reactions when it comes to leon/ashley:
1. aeon shippers (mostly, can be other shippers as well, but they're mostly chill because they themselves get forced into a corner by aeon stans) who think it threatens their ship
2. people who are fiercely anti-romance when it comes to whatever media they consume and consider it to be dumb and actively making a good piece of media worse (because in their eyes, romance is a lowly preoccupation to have)
and both groups are super bitter for no reason lmaoooo. you might have noticed a tendency in media discourse recently on social media that is very anti-romance - a few weeks ago, it became a whole thing on twitter because of the bear (the tv show) and the ship between sydney and carmy, to the point where even official media outlets started talking about it. romance is considered dumb. everything that contains romance is essentially a bad soap opera. blah blah blah we're all too smart for that. there's a very strong, almost puritanical anti-sex sentiment going around at the moment as well, and i wish it was just some isolated issue within fandoms overpopulated by young teens, but people lost their minds over two sex scenes in oppenheimer for god's sake. and if i had the time and willpower and knowledge, i'd turn this into a discussion about how that ties into humans being obsessed with moving away from every single instinct that they have, but well.
i also agree with the second part of your ask, about leon's attitude towards ashley. tbh, leon can't flirt for shit: most of the time, he's awkward (RE2R, the fence scene with claire: i can never tell if he's attempting to flirt, or if he's just awkward because there's a cute girl right in front of him) or even downright unfunny (was he trying to flirt with jill in death island? was he trying to lighten the mood? idk man leon is a bit of a whore so). he tries to flirt all the time: we got shen may in infinite darkness, ada, etc. we know he isn't smooth.
so one thing that really sticks out in RE4R is his tone with ashley, in two specific instances (maybe more): the one i mentioned in my previous ask, when he says "i can catch you", and when he sees ashley asleep on the bed in chapter 13 (and calls out to her). these are two very intense and high-stress situations where he kind of reverts back to RE2R leon (nick does a great job at conveying the difference in maturity in leon's voice in both games). he's very distressed. why does that matter? because fucking shouting ashley's name when there are two enemies 10 meters away (we know that, he doesn't, but the island is riddled with ganados, so why would he even try?) is the stupidest decision a special agent could make. and yet he does it anyway. there are other instances of leon being in a similar situation, yet he still retains that deeper tone of his - see his first encounter with krauser in chapter 11.
and it's not just because he's doing his job, which is what one of my friends argued, because you don't go around flirting with the person you're tasked to rescue for shits and giggles. not to mention, that's the president's daughter. if he was just doing his job, he'd stick to the plan, be stoic and get her home and that's it. that's what's required of him. implying that the first daughter is hot as fuck and that he doesn't usually enjoy his regular missions nearly as much as he does when he's with her isn't part of his job description. there's a difference between being a decent guy and not treating her like cargo, and overtly flirting with her.
i think he's also very awkward with her at first because he's toeing the line between what's acceptable and what isn't, so he can figure out if there is grounds for flirting and it's not wholly unwanted on ashley's part. then you get that pep talk in the castle, which is when they really start to get comfortable with each other and when he attempts some physical contact that isn't just 100% necessary. she reacts well, which explains why he takes it further in chapter 9. he spends the rest of the game painfully distressed and by chapter 16, they're all over each other (jetski + taking her hand to run to the elevator - leon, the girl is smart, she knows how to run and follow you).
leon has a crush. plain and simple. he doesn't know how to deal with it, except for the few times when he does and the flirting is technically reciprocated. idk how people can't notice the plain signs of attraction, even in a generation that is as recluse and introverted as mine tends to be, but they're very obvious once you start paying attention.
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compacflt · 2 years
okay so something I love in what you've written is the running thematic element of how the "lack" of a character is treated as its own entity/character, not only with Goose--how he’s the “center of the universe” as you say--but also with Sarah. Idk if I just focused hard on Ice’s childhood/adolescence the entire time reading because I’m obsessed with how you wrote him, but the way there were bits and pieces thrown in about her as the story unfolded (Tom's pot-smoking era, the way they grew up so different but had a similar childhood, the unreturned letters and phone calls--also, Ice seeing Chorus Line on Broadway alone was so silly I loved it. Iceman Kazansky: pilot by day, musical theater fan by night. why was he so interested in fucking Chorus Line of all musicals.) but she never actually made an in-the-flesh appearance makes the entire fic, and Ice’s characterization, so dynamic and moving. Like Ice didn’t grow up as a sad little kid with no siblings and some evil overbearing Admiral father that turned him into a Navy-regulated cog in the machine; he had a sister (and grandmother?? A hipster Woodstock grandma?) who loved or at least cared for him a long long time ago, and her presence left a very visible mark (both emotionally and career-wise) on him no matter how “ice cold” he made himself. And in the very very beginning of WWGATTAI, he and Mav were bro-talking about their families and Ice was all like “grr I might as well not have a sister” because he’s secretly Popeye he was grouchy and young and Sarah had stopped talking to him, but then 9/11 happened and he kept trying to get in touch with her just to make sure she’s okay, and then they finally get to talk at the end of Debriefing and it's like...he's reached the top and he's become the person he's always wanted to become, but he's still the exact same. He wants his sister. He's “The Iceman" and can probably run the Navy on his own, but he’s also just someone’s little brother that used to smoke pot with all the other California hippies. He misses her but he can't talk about it.
Also, you didn't just shoehorn her into the story as a character that would be the Tom Kazansky Version of Carole-and-Goose (or as Ice's wife LMAO) and I loved how you gave her personal depth and a purpose/life outside the story while still adding to Ice's characterization through giving him another person to (a) care too much about and (b) shove into his closet of skeletons because the relationship he has with them is breaking some sort of federal regulation. I hope this all makes sense hahaha, but anyway I loved Sarah and how you treated her. It was so entertaining/heartbreaking to watch Ice wrestle with how the main three people he loves are his communist sister, a male romantic partner who is also a subordinate he bails out of sticky situations constantly, and the son of the man he was involved in the death of. crazy stuff.
ok this is so funny & I love this so much because… it wasn't really how I was thinking about it at the time & I'm so glad it comes across as much warmer than how I originally wrote it... okay like i could explain everything but muh “death of the author”…… eh fuck it okay. I’ll put it under a cut so you can choose not to watch me auto-fellate. another long post, sorry. 
so, on Sarah. 
I should start this post by saying straight off the bat that she’s literally just a self-insert for me, the author, as a leftist who lives in New York and would not give someone like Tom the time of day, so I could feel better morally/ethically about writing Top Gun fanfiction. So, there’s that. But she (just like everyone else in this fic) is just a tool to get across information about Ice and the story as a whole, and there’s a reason she was introduced in chapter one (two if you’re reading on AO3 i guess. no prologue, wtf is up with that AO3 you guys need to fix that). I wanted to convey a shitload of information at the start, especially because I was posting semi-weekly and wanted people to know what they were getting into because it’s a slow burn.
To summarize what happens in chapter one:
Goose is dead. 
Ice and Maverick kill some MiGskyites in addition to killing Goose and it cements some weird fucked-up hyperinterdependent relationship between them. 
No, this does not make them instantly friends. They are still fundamentally different people who dislike each other’s outlook on life.
Ice kills some more Soviets and becomes Maverick’s equal, though still not in rank/honor. 
Ice writes to his sister Sarah, who doesn’t answer. 
Ice hooks up with a girl, but finds that he can’t relate to her as much as he did before the experience of TOPGUN. Also, he can’t relate to women at all.
Ice tries to visit Sarah, and is rejected.
Ice sees A Chorus Line on Broadway by himself.
Ice and Maverick talk to each other as semi-equals, and Ice explains that his sister is a Commie who will never talk to him again. He also explains that he wants to get to the top because he thinks it will make him a good man, or that he can make the Navy better because he himself is a good man. Maverick says, yeah right bozo.
So we’re 5,000 words into a 90,000-word fic and already you know the following:
This entire story and everyone in it revolves around Goose’s death and who gets the blame for Goose’s death. 
Ice and Mav are brought together not because they like each other, but because the experience of killing both their friend and their enemies has made it impossible for anyone else on Earth to understand them to that same extent. From the first word, they're already both so fucked-up it really is each other or nobody.
This is gonna be a sloooow burn.
Ice and Mav might end up as superior and subordinate, but they are fundamentally equal ("you can be my wingman anytime/bullshit you can be mine"), and start out as equals. They are now directly responsible for the same amount of death.
Sarah is Ice’s sister, so Ice is definitely not getting married to a woman in this fic. Good news for everyone scared by the slow burn.
Ice had previously had fun with women, and still wants to marry a woman because it "follows all the rules," but after meeting Maverick/the whole TOPGUN experience he finds them annoying/unrelatable. He can’t relate to women at all and doesn't believe this woman when she tells him she loves him because he himself has never been in love with a woman. He is gay.
Ice sees A Chorus Line on Broadway by himself. He is gay. 
Sarah will not be in this fic, and Ice is a categorically lonely man who is isolated from anyone who could possibly help him talk about how he feels. 
Sarah is a Communist who rejected her military brother, not the other way around, so this is a leftist fic from a leftist perspective, but about conservative men whose conservative personal and political opinions will be repeatedly challenged by the end. This is not a pro-Navy story. 
As a corollary to that, the ship for Ice to “be a good man” has already sailed. He’s gonna try his best to be a good man—emphasis on man—throughout the story, but he’s already failed from the very first line. 
And Ice steadfastly and stubbornly refuses to be honest with us or himself about how he feels about any of the above.
So you basically have everything you need to understand the rest of the story. Now you (reader) and I (author) can meet each other in the middle on equal terms, and the real story can actually finally get started in the next chapter. It’s a lot of information. Which is why it’s not written very well and the pacing is fucked. 
But yeah I just used “Sarah” as an expository tool to help first-time readers understand the political lens of this fic from the get-go, so we don’t have to have a lot of hand-wringing when Ice becomes a war hero of the Persian Gulf War or anything like that (though in my a/n for chapter 5 i did admittedly do some hand-wringing. i gotta delete those a/ns). So, Sarah becomes kind of a weak stand-in for Ice’s political guilt. She’s only mentioned four times besides chapter one, i think—once when Ice is with “Laura” (he is still incredibly guilty about all the people he killed & feels like he let “Sarah” down); once with 9/11 (he still thinks about “Sarah” often enough that she’s the first thing he thinks of when the country has been attacked [still haven't decided if this is the real Sarah though]); once when he’s getting high with Maverick (he is constantly reminded by the brass of the ways in which he is not a good man); and once at the end of “Debriefing,” where they actually get to talk to each other—because he has finally “snapped out of it” and left the Navy.
This fic wasn’t meant to be my sorta-kinda-but-not-really-anti-military soapbox preaching, though, which is why Sarah’s hardly in it at all. It’s a D-plot. Maybe even an E-plot. All in service of the Icemav A-plot. That end scene has a couple different purposes, actually. The second is that Sarah, who at this point is pretty much just a stranger, becomes a receptacle for Ice to prove that he can finally be honest with himself and others about his relationship with Maverick. And…that’s pretty much it. I did do more with her in my Slider one-shot but i honestly dk if that’s getting posted at this point (ITS ROUGH) so im not gonna talk about it now. 
But—that was all Sarah as a symbol, which is very un-fun. Sarah as a character is kind of a blank slate, but how Ice thinks about her/misses her is not, as you said :) I’m wary of posting headcanons that are dependent on my fic, though I do have many, because I feel like that’s not really the point of headcanons… “compacflt!Ice-specific headcanons…” idk that seems a little self-aggrandizing even for me. But, yeah, I guess I would characterize my Ice’s childhood as not greeeaaat, because his dad apparently died in Vietnam when he was like eight and his mom apparently died in a car crash when he was twelve (which is why he’s such a good driver [ch 8 notwithstanding DO NOT DRIVE 120 ON I-5]), but also not, like, abusive or anything. Raised by his grandmother (in the Slider one-shot, which I might as well spoil for you since I’m feeling quite hopeless about it, Slider kinda helps Ice deal with her death in the second year they’re at the Academy together, and it’s how their friendship really starts) who might have been hippy-ish and encouraged him breaking the rules, but also he & his sister were very very impacted by the death of their father at war. This is getting kind of deep into it, and I’m just kinda making it up, but I think there was probably a lot of strife between him and Sarah when he was gearing up to go to the Academy/getting his recommendations etc., like actual arguments and screaming matches—yes, she’s disappointed in him, but more than anything she wants to keep him safe so he doesn’t die like their dad (relevant for ice/rooster later)—and he ended up losing her, so it made a deep, deep impression on how he handles (avoids) confrontation about serious stuff like this when he knows he's gonna lose… my ice has a confrontation issue, obviously. but so does canon. see him "apologizing" to maverick for goose's death in the movie for another example of this. bro is struggling.
But thats just me makin shit up so whatever.
But that’s me just makin shit up so whatever.
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sy3ra · 2 years
catch feelings? 🌸
Part 1?
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"Am I crazy maybe we could happen?"
"One more please!" I shouted at the bartender. "You drank like 15 and..counting, shots of whiskey already.. aren't you getting drunk by now?" Amiina told me. "Course not, I'm used to drinking this heavily Amy. Plus we should celebrate your engagement!"
Amiina chuckled at me. "I know, I know..." She paused. "Me, Jamie and Claire are already engaged or married Zukiyo... Aren't you atleast planning on finding YOUR one and only? We're worried for you"
I scoffed at her words "I don't need one Amy" I said as I chugged down on my 16th shot. "You're just saying that Zukiyo, you'll find yourself starved....of love. I know you might be wary that he'll hurt you again like that dogshit of an ex of yours back then..but maybe this time it'll be different." She smiled softly at me. "It's not that, I don't care about that dipshit anyways. It's just that, I still have to take care of my siblings. I can't just leave them be." I said.
She sighed. "Zuri is 17 and Dean is 19, they're old enough to take care of themselves, they even have lovers already Zukiyo..you aren't getting younger and you're passing the dating stage too...You should atleast try again.." I stayed quiet and she continued. "Zuri sometimes tells me to atleast help you at this. She's worried because you've been taking care of them your whole life, you act like a single mother."
I shrugged "I don't really know Amy, I don't trust this lovey-dovey shit. Plus I have a hard time conveying my 'feelings' anyway."
"Well you should atleast try" She patted my back and smiled at me. I sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine." She clapped in delight when she heard my words.
I was at our condo, cooking dinner while waiting for my siblings to come home. They told me they had a project to work on and had to stay late.
I thought about Amy's words for a bit. Maybe she was right..Well fuck it, I still need time to think about it anyway.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open. My siblings where home.
"Nee-chan, were home!" My little sister shouted. "How was the project thing-y?" I said. "It was alright we're close to finishing just in time for the deadline" Zuri said as Dean went to the bathroom to shower.
"Listen you two" I said, swallowing my food as they tilted their head at me. "I.. probably won't be coming home tomorrow? Well not really coming home as in I'm coming home really late" I said to them. "Why sis?" Dean asked me. Just before I answered Zuri snooped in "Are you perhaps going on a date Nee-san?" I choked on my food and said "What? No? I have a ton of things to do thats it" Zuri breathed a sigh of disappointment and I heard Dean sigh too.
'What the hell, is this what Amy says when Zuri was worried about me not having a lover?'
Dean washed the dishes and Zuri got ready for bed, it was a weird night. My boss said I'm getting a new manager since my old one retired. I sighed I kind of liked my old manager more even though she was quiet most of the time.
I could not sleep at all. I was tumbling and turning over and over again on my bed. Since my siblings are asleep anyway I decided to go to the bar for a drink.
I wore a casual yet formal clothing since it is a bar after all, wouldn't be caught dead wearing pajamas. And so, I tiptoed my way to the door so my siblings won't wake up. I got on my motorcycle and drove off.
I got to the bar, it was bustling with people licking each other to the core, the scene almost made me puke.
"A glass of whiskey please!" I shouted to the bartender. "I'll take the same order Mr. Bartender" A deep voice said beside me, I tilted my head to 'his' direction.
"So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here?" He said. Not gonna lie, he was handsome. The type to get girls rushing over to him in a jiffy. But I wasn't falling for the bad boy fuck boy type. "I came here for a drink of course" I said. "Oh I see, mind if I join you then?" He said. I hummed, honestly I didn't care he could make out with a girl beside me and I would be unfazed.
[Sometime later]
"Wow, you drink like ten men Miss" He said with his usual flirty tone. "I'm used to it" I said nonchalantly. "You know, I haven't gotten your name yet, I'm Alistair, how about you?"
"You don't need to know who I am" I said
"Oh but I do, isn't that how people get to know each other?"
I sighed, he was persistent. "I'm..." I paused. 'Should I give him a fake alias?'
"I'm Kiera" I said, thankfully I didn't wear my glasses and I had my hair up so my identity wouldn't be known.
He smirked "Nice to meet you Kiera" That smirk isn't a good one, well I could tell.
I couldn't read his dark hazel eyes at all, I couldn't tell if those words were true or not.
But I knew he was up to no good.
"You know, you interest me Miss Kiera, I would like to see you again someday"
'smooth but no'
I scoffed lightly "You don't need to, Mister Alistair."
He just smirked and turned away before saying "I do need to Miss" then he disappeared in the crowd.
'real smooth but no'
The following weeks later, I met him again ang again at the same bar. He kept pestering me until I gave up and started to talk to him too. We started to get close after sometime, he was a good person to have a conversation with. Our topics would go on for hours and hours. I learned that he had a passion ,or liking, for music too.
"You know Mr. Alistair, I can never read your thoughts, sometimes I don't know if you speak of the truth or not." I told him frankly.
He laughed. For some reason it felt like music to my ears for a moment. "Likewise Miss Kiera, I took interest in you because you were hard to read and I knew you weren't like other women I've met."
"Really how so?"
"Well for one you drink like ten men" I let out a light chuckle at his words. "You didn't flirt with me, and you're...a really good listener too" He said.
"If you weren't so stern and a bit scary I would date you, you know" He winked at me. "Oh please, even if you did date me you wouldn't last long. I'm too much to handle" I said. "I like you, well I like your 'too much to handle', 'bad girl', and 'hard to get' attitude." He confessed. "You suck at conveying your 'feelings' Alistair" I chuckled. "You shouldn't go for me, there's tons of other girls waiting for you" I said. He stood up and whispered to my ear, I could feel his hot, ashy breath fanning over my skin.
"You're the only one I want Miss Zukiyo" He said in a low voice. After that he distanced himself from me and said "I'll see you tomorrow Miss Kiera~" He waved goodbye.
I returned home and for some reason my legs felt weak, I felt 'butterflies' fluttering around in my stomach, and my face was redder than my guitar. Then it clicked.
I groaned 'Fuck. This is bad, really bad.'
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afaramir · 5 months
3, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 30? 💕
hi hi ria!! blessings of rain be upon ye...
3. how you feel about your current wip
i am RATTLING the bars of the cage in my brain!!! by that i mean the faramir goes to rivendell au is possibly my favourite best thing ive ever written i am just stuck in the mudpit of the current conversation and i would like to. not be there. but i really do love working on it it feels like gradually assembling a structure around a framework and when i step back and really look at it its just. jrr tolkien and i are having A Conversation. you know? like yes!! i AM transforming the work!! i AM deciding whether he would fucking say that and i do think i am right at least 92% of the time!! ive had the concept of the au in my head for probably 3-4 years at least and i feel like. well i was never really going to feel Ready to write it. and yet i am grabbing it in my hands and doing it anyway and it IS making me a much better writer and i can Feel it. yeah i love it.
and umbar fic/situationship au is just me pushing the bounds of do it weird/do it horny/do it self-indulgent and it is. SO MUCH FUN. i think there has always been a little block in my head stopping me from doing that i mean like everything i write is kind of like. this is specifically created to cater to me. but the panopticon in my head is a crazy thing. but step by step we are defeating it. this is like the next step up from just so long as this thing's loaded which was kind of my first time pushing those bounds and. i mean there are a lot of things about that one that i think i could improve now (this is my REAL answer to that "would you rewrite anything" question from the other ask meme) but it definitely got me here. never underestimate the power of a rarepair to make you WEIRD. (<- abby rarepairnationcore sentences...)
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
what is this a job application? LOL just kidding but i do suck at these. um. atmospheric. character-driven (yes this is two words but it is true). interrogative (i am IN THERE with. either the original text. or the minds of the characters. shakes u like a snow globe WHAT is going on in your head).
24. how do you recharge when you're not feeling creative?
im really bad at this. like actually spectacularly abysmal. i mostly sit around feeling sorry for myself for three to nine months. until i eventually buck up the motivation and executive function to actually (re)consume a piece of media and more often than not it will seize me by the throat and lead me out of the pit. yeah this does usually work best with things ive seen before that will awaken a dormant fixation.
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
going to the grocery store. doing my dishes. LOL ok when i am Not Writing A Novel-Length Fic i knit. one day i will start doing it again i want to make. the extensive sweater vest collection of my dreams. but i already have this repetitive stress injury because i type for eight hours at work and then come home and type for four more and i think if i started knitting again on top of that i would immediately crumble to dust. and um. is that it? that can't be it. i do calligraphy sometimes. WAIT LOL I BIND BOOKS. -> @hexagonspress
27. your favourite part of the writing process
omg ok i'm not sure if this is like my Top Number One Favourite but ive recently started really enjoying drafting out ao3 tags and start/end notes it's really fun to work out what things i want people to notice that i might wanna talk about in the end notes and compressing everything down into tags (to varying extents) is also just a neat way to think about like. what was i trying to capture/convey with the fic. e.g. whether i wanna be really wordy with it and get it all out in there or just have the reader go in pretty much blind.
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
maybe i'll never shut up about TO THE VERY DEAR MEMORY OF [ ] but like...you guys. i love it so much. it's so so experimental because the place in my mind that is wrapped around yancy becket is so....complicated and full of grief and fundamentally altering to my brain chemistry and i can only capture it through the world's craziest extended metaphors but i kind of feel like i pulled it off. it is like truly the tip of the iceberg of a LOT of stuff that is really fundamental to honestly a lot of my? lotr work? i mean the way i think about water metaphors...the fundamental dead brother complex baked into my writer's brain...it's all pacific rim in there. this fic marinated in my head for THREE YEARS. that is the longest from inception to completion that any of my (published) work has existed (unpublished is a whole different story. there's a longfic that i created at the beginning of my freshman year of college and has stuck around into postgrad. i mean. girl). i wrote the poem that each first line of every section is extracted from in my parents' house during covid lockdown. and then it just had to sit and develop and develop until the yancy becket death anniversary this year yanked it forcibly out of my head and into a fully-formed format.
fic writer's asks
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raphexim · 9 months
Literally the only Gosling film I'd ever seen before Barbie was Remember the Titans like 25 years ago.
Jesus that makes me feel old. I am. Christ.
(it's only 23 years? That's... not better)
Working my way through belatedly so imma just use this post to keep track of thoughts and feelings
The Gray Man: fucking loved it so much??? Murder weapon turned unwilling father figure??? Sad grumpy dads are my one trope to rule them all, particularly when bound with found family. I'd wanna play checkers with Six. Like the characters were super compelling to me, the way they showed development and how everything felt character driven to me? And there were such good unspoken implications that also expanded on these characters without burdening the storytelling. AND the lack of gore!!!! This was a super violent movie and it only got a PG-13 because you literally don't need to show that shit on a screen. Bless
The Nice Guys: I expected to be aced out by the whole porno thing, but it was more nudity with implications than *the do* and I guess that didn't cross the line for me. And honestly pretty mild at that. The plot has holes. So many holes. Russell Crowe's accent was distracting. And crazily, I didn't really care about any of that, because the characters and their dynamics and chemistry were just chef's kiss. I love Holland? And I love that he is a disaster. I would not like him in person. There is a little gore at the end, but if you consider physics, it's not realistic at all (crazy how you can convey a visual without having to emotionally scar your audience, who knew???). This is the only one I have re-watched so far, and now have the book so that I can consume my comfort in multiple forms.
La La Land: idk. The music was good. Ryan walks some kind of way. I was VERY impressed with his piano skills. (I was raised by a pianist, so I have to notice that stuff, which makes me sound pretentious I'm so sorry). Idk what happened. I have no idea what the message was, or if there even was one. It seemed like it was trying to have one?? But like "you can either fall in love, follow your dreams, or be successful, but only two out of three. And if you get rid of one, you're guaranteed to get the others." Idk. Very meh, probably won't watch again except for specifically the piano playing.
Lars and the Real Girl: tbh my only context for this movie was an episode of Pushing Daisies where a delusional guy used his doll to murder someone, so. I did not have high expectations. Also had no idea RG had anything to do with it. *And* my tolerance level for secondhand embarrassment is on the fucking floor so I expected to have to turn it off. I didn't. Fuck. This movie was so wholesome???? The treatment of a mental illness was so supportive and positive??? (Except for the touch thing, that was... Let people not want to be touched!)
The Notebook: hi, I hated the Notebook. I don't get the hype, I don't know why people treat it like the ultimate romance. Man coerces a girl into a date by threatening to kill himself, she retaliates by publicly humiliating him. They scream at each other a lot. Poor communication. Obsessive behavior?? Literally so creepy??? Anyway they're terrible for each other and it's an unhealthy relationship. Ryan with brown eyes. Only rewatching if it's to roast and drink.
Half Nelson: made me uncomfy, but that was the point, right? It's a white savior movie but it's about being a white savior movie. The racial subtext of a white guy stepping in inappropriately and what the fallout of that is; stack on the nuance of addiction, male entitlement. How powerful of a moment for Drey to ask "will I end up like my brother" and Dan being the one to make her so. (Also the performance by Shareeka Epps? Spellbinding.) The writer who became a teacher and then never got around to writing? Real. So was the fact that nothing happened professionally after he did what he did to his coworker. Very pre-Me Too. Anthony Mackey was both the most charismatic and, somehow, most responsible character in the entire thing. My only actual beef is the camera work. This last bit is petty - they finally gave me a RG character with a cat, and the cat dies (but, very single white bachelor to name him Dave omg.)
Crazy, Stupid Love: uhhhhh the children involved in this were... this wasn't good. There could have been good lessons for them (the son with consent maybe??) (*not* depicting a teenage girl giving suggestive photos to a child???) but there weren't. There were good aspects in the story, don't get me wrong: exploring relationships, trying to find your identity outside of just 'who you're married to'. I get it. Everything that wasn't actively trying to teach a lesson was funny. The parts that were meant to be heartfelt, did not age well and also probably weren't great to begin with. Maybe that's the male gaze idk. I wanted more of Jacob and Cal's actual relationship, because what was being suggested between the lines was way more interesting to me than the actual plot. Jacob with the family/bonding with Cal's kids completely off-screen, are you kidding me? Cal being a really weird, awkward stand-in for Jacob's father? Jacob accidentally being written demi-romantic and having a crisis about it? I'd love someone to remake this movie. Preferably women-directed. [But I am obsessed with the second Jacob heard David's name and had zero hesitation, just ring off 'we doin this'. He's a real one.]
Can you tell I have feelings about overuse of sex and gore? Esp how it's been the last few years? Ugh. Like I want to watch Drive bc it sounds like it's supposed to be an ✨iconic✨ role for him but I get squicked out by chunks/organs and stuff and I have no idea how graphic it is. Can we go back to shit being implied, off screen, or at least artistic again???
I'm not tagging this, it's for me lmao
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6gumi · 11 months
mating season.
synopsis ﹒the title gives it away!
pairings ﹒neuvillette x f!reader x il dan heng (separate)
cw ﹒MDNI. unprotected s3x 、 use of pet names 、 monsterfucking (they r described 2 have two cocks here so goodluck!) 、 double penetration 、 mentions of squ!rting 、dan heng yapping abt hot shit but it’s okay cuz it’s dan heng !
note ﹒wowow other fandom works! anyways i love how i jus dipped for like two weeks to try n survive my last year of hs jus to come back w 900+ <3 here’s a gift for that! i love you all sm, mwah!
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a look of worry crossed neuvillette’s face as tears ran down your puffy cheeks, filling your eyes with a flood of emotion, he tenderly brushed away your tears and pulled you closer, his cocks penetrating your holes just right. your cunt sucking in his hardened dick, emitting small grunts and groans from him here and there. “fuck.. hush my love, do not cry,” he whispered in a gentle comforting voice. “i . . i apologize.”
as your warm tears flowed down from the side of your face to the pillow beneath your head, you grabbed onto neuvillette’s horns for stability as your legs twitched in overstimulation. neuvillette cupped your chin and tilted your head upwards, giving you a soft smile. “is it okay if i’m not gentle tonight, love?” neuvillette coos in your ear, his voice soft and filled with need as his lips trailed small yet soft kisses along your cheek and neck. neuvillette’s lust grew the moment he saw a nod of approval from you, his eyes sparkled with admiration, conveying the depth of his affection for you. his fingers caressed your face lovingly, careful with his nails as if he’s trying to memorize every curve and angle of your features.
neuvillette pressed his finger gently against your lips, trying to silence you as he looked deeply into your eyes. his thrust's gradually grew more and more intense as his nails dig deep into the flesh of your hips, keeping you in place as his cocks bullied themselves inside your walls.. your previous orgasms forming a sticky mess in between your inner thighs and one of his cocks.. coating them just right. he held you close, wanting to provide you with comfort and reassurance in this situation. a small whimper left your lips as the tip of his cock brushed against your deepest areas, just like he wanted.. his pace was rough, his large hands could even leave a mark from how tight he was holding you.. desperately trying to keep you in place while he slams his hips against your own.
"look at me, love. look at me while i fuck you." his voice was tinged with desire, your face filled with pure ecstasy. you nodded shyly, your fingers fading into white as they tightened their grip against his horns. neuvillette's eyes gazed deep into yours with affection. "just look at how crazy you make me. the way you're clenching around me.. fuck your body's too perfect. perfect for me to claim and fuck, right? such a beautiful expression, mh.. so small, so cute." oh right.. you had almost forgotten. it was mating season.
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dan heng's thrusts were enough to tell you one thing. it was mating season alright! dan heng's teeth dug deep into your shoulder, not enough to hurt you.. but enough to apply pressure. his breathing grew heavy as his cock was desperate to feel more or you, each thrust.. each kiss, was laced with nothing but need and desire for you. he couldn't help but whisper sweet nothings in your ear, his voice deep and full of lust, you could feel that lust within his body, waiting to devour you as a whole. "oh, you're going to give me the best dragons. all of them will be mine." he lets one of his fingers trail down your chest, ending up by your breast. "if you think you're full of milk now... just wait 'til they're all suckling on you." his tail swished to his other side, pushing one of your thighs down to your chest to keep your breasts from bouncing further.
"look at my angel, so beautiful like always.. so cute taking my cocks.. sucking me in so easily, huh?" his arms wrapped around you as he stares at the shape of your body, his dick twitching at the mere thought of filling you up tonight unlike any other. "like a goddess. the goddess of maternity." dan heng kissed your neck, running his fingers over her stomach.. biting his lip when you squirt and release all over his pelvis once more, making a mess beneath the sheets, yet he couldn't care less! tonight, he wanted to take you, he needed to take you, he needed to claim you as his and his alone, just with his seed and his dick.
"your breasts will be so full.. your body.. your body will change.. i can't wait." your face reddened at the mere thought, you had almost forgotten about his cock pounding into you. "i got you filled up.. i got this pretty pussy filled up, filled up with my dragons.. just how i want it.? your body was shaking against his, your face filled with pure ecstasy. his words, his thrusts, his touch, his everything. dan heng knew he was driving you crazy, thrusting deeper and deeper against your pussy. you found yourself craving more of him, more of his cock.. more of his touch. tonight is gonna be a looong night.
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softwaluigi · 2 years
god. still fucking thinking about last chucky ep
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
A lot of my fics put me through the fucking wringer. safe travels was one. I rewrote the final conversation between BJ and Hawkeye a couple of times and I rewrote the BJ-Charles scene even more times. It languished at like 80% done for months. I had such a vivid image in my head of that Hawkeye-BJ conversation and I'm still not sure the final version totally conveyed it, but it got enough.
But the best answer here is The Emergency Room. I wrote a long, in-depth, self-indulgent post about writing this fic once and I'm glad I did because I forget what a hell writing it was. One of my anchor scenes was the one between Josh and Dr. Williams. It was one of those scenes I was so looking forward to writing! And when I got there I just couldn't. It took weeks. Maybe months. And then there was the ending. I had no idea how to end it. I mean, I really, really struggled with this. It was horrible. And then I just... hit upon it. And I've gotten comments about how much people loved the last line so I don't think anyone would guess that felt like a lucky break after days of torture. It's now one of my favorite last lines I've ever written, too.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
I sort of answered this above, but The Emergency Room. I knew the general beats of it. I started writing it impulsively on Christmas 2020, when I'd recently gotten back into The West Wing and was trying to write a different Christmas fic I've tried unsuccessfully to write for seven or eight Christmases now. So I kind of thought it would be easy. It was not. I don't think the story went any place unexpected, but not one single step of the journey was expected.
I should also mention Campfire! The first half of Campfire was supposed to be about Josh's camp counselor being an asshole and Josh was supposed to stay a social outcast for the entire summer. And then some part of my brain was like, what if he had friends? And it ended up being a lot more about that. The loneliness is still there, because he doesn't share his grief and doesn't expect them to understand, but he has friends. It made the story a lot better, because it added a sort of parallel to CJ, Toby, and Sam.
Like I said above, safe travels gave me hell, but it didn't surprise me. It's always the fics where I know where they're going that give me trouble. The ones that surprise me are the ones that come easy.
One fic that took me somewhere I didn't expect was the play's the thing. Gloria's role ended up being much bigger than I originally imagined! She was just supposed to be the cute girl he used as an excuse for auditioning for the play. But I really love how she turned out!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I don't know when you're going to see it but I am so excited about everyone seeing chapter 2 of Ghost AU. This isn't a spoiler because it's the premise of the fic; chapter 1 sets up the conditions for Hawkeye's death and he dies at the very end of the chapter. So chapter 2 is everyone's immediate reactions. I'll share that it happens in the O.R. If you want more details you can ask... I may or may not answer (I'll totally answer if you DM me I'm shit at keeping secrets).
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
Writing is a hobby and I love it! I don't know how not to do it. In terms of fic, it's really a way for me to process how I feel about events and characters. It's not that different from meta, really. When a concept is driving me crazy I write a fic about it and then it usually keeps driving me crazy forever anyway. It's an expression of passions.
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candidapple · 2 years
I’ve been listening to a certain movie’s soundtrack because the new trailer has me HYPE and I can’t help but see a certain eel merman trying to entice you into the water with him (or otherwise just doing his best to make your face turn as red as Riddle’s hair) by sing-songing “♪ Darlin’ it’s better down where it’s *wetter*, take it from me~~ ♪ ♪ ♡”
cue aggressive eyebrow waggling from said merman and very definitely not innocent smirk. He would also absolutely just like. Do this during swim class or something when other people are definitely around. Shameless little shit (affectionate).
cw monsterfucking, adult content. minors dni 🔞
floyd leech x afab!reader
moray. my fellow eel enthusiast. my sweet googly eyed noodle. i dearly need to convey to you just how gratified i am in this moment. i was always sure that i couldn't be the only one in this fandom to see the sordid potential in that particular lyric. and i wasn't! great minds think alike, especially when they're both firmly entrenched in the same subaquatic gutter!!
floyd ABSOLUTELY pulls this shit during swimming lessons, in front of coach vargas and everybody. speaking of vargas, your classmates are always complaining to him about the tweels taking their true forms during class because octavinelle students already have an unfair advantage when it comes to swimming and that's gotta be CHEATING, right? also, floyd won't stop ""pretending" to drown people in the pool. vargas, probably not even looking up from whatever reflective surface he's currently admiring himself in and of the firm belief that it only makes sense to use whatever natural advantages you have to get a (metaphorical) leg up on the competition, is unsympathetic.
ANYWAY, THE POINT IS. bad enough that floyd is so blatantly, unashamedly, and loudly hitting on you like this in a room that fucking echoes while jade is, i dunno, probably fucking chortling in the background. but to do it when he's all slick and alien and sinuous, somehow even sharper than usual, long muscular tail cutting through the water while he presses his tongue (and did his tongue not just get bluer, but longer?) to the points of his teeth? you never had a chance, really.
and, look. let's not be coy here. he's gonna get you down there, down where it (and you) are wetter. it might take a lot of persistent pestering on his part (though maybe not as much as even he was expecting; you're already at the end of your fraying rope as it is) but the endgame's inevitable. you're gonna gulp down that potion that gives you magical gills, and you're going to sink yourself down on that slippery, slimy eel dick while floyd wraps his crazy-strong and crazy-flexible tail around your waist to use you like the world's most well-loved and well-treasured fleshlight.
(while jade continues to chortle in the background, probably, because of the leech twins we all know who the real freak is and it ain't floyd!)
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Fuck it, Genshin Self-Aware AU—Let’s do it, why not? I’ve had some spooky shit happen to me while playing this game for a while now, so why not incorporate them into Yandere ideas lmao
Some characters have what I call “Rare Voicelines” because those are lines that they do actually say in the game, but are not found in their profile. You’ll only really hear them by chance, like Chongyun’s line when the sky clears up from rain, the “Come on Traveller, train with me” one. As far as I know, Qiqi and Thoma are the only ones that I encounter that has a “When Ally is on low HP” line—Qiqi goes “Stop, I’ll do it” and Thoma with his “Don’t despair, I’m here now” I was certainly surprised when I heard Thoma say those lines for the first time since getting him and almost went crazy for an hour trying to activate it again—Because I couldn’t find it in his profile, until I ultimately just went to the wiki to check it out lol my friends were very concerned
But can you imagine how much the Self-Aware characters can take advantage of this? “Rare Voicelines” sounds like a treat, doesn’t it? Voicelines that are not meant for the players to hear in a daily basis, but to find with their own efforts. They can indirectly talk to their Darling that way without being suspicious, without the risk of having their game fixed, or accused of being bugged. They just love it when they see your surprised reaction through the other side of the screen as it eventually turns into excitement.
Although their backs are turned to you most of the time, they could sense whether or not you’re still there—Even when you’re not making them move. Was that a creak of a chair or a bed they hear? Are you getting up? Some might suddenly ask where you’re going, some might panic completely and talk too much out of impulse, nd some just remained quiet—But why do you feel the weight of impatience in them for some reason? Anyway, whether or not you got spooked or entertained, it’ll certainly catch your attention to play just a little bit more.
Most of the characters are observant enough to practically feel your emotions through the screen. Believe it or not, they could tell your mood just by how you play the game—If you’re playing on mobile, they could tell by your touch. If you’re playing on a controller or on a keyboard, they could tell by how hard you press the buttons. They notice if you’re angry, sad, or happy and they try to communicate to you by using these “Rare voicelines” trying to coax an explanation from you through a sentence or two. They just can’t help it, they’re too curious, tell them more about your day! They just want to talk about it, to make you feel better.
Are you the type to talk to your characters while playing the game? Despite being aware that there’s no one around but the characters (Who are mere pixels) to listen to you? Good! They find that really adorable! They don’t have to do anything complex like alternating something in their code to have bits and pieces of your current life qhen you’re the one doing all the talking for them! They can’t reply back all the time, that’ll arouse suspicion—But really, they’re good listeners. They remember your words well…All too well, in fact.
Also, bonus points if you feel genuine sympathy for characters that you tend to neglect! Or if you feel bad for letting a character fall or hurt in the process! It’s fine, the way you care for them is enough to make the pain go away ♥︎
You know how sometimes, the game bugs out and the faces of the characters you’re playing as would suddenly shift into different emotions for a split second? Maybe even the entirety while they’re on-field? Yeah—I like to imagine this is another thing that they take advantage of, another way to convey their emotions without revealing too much of how much control they really have over their own game. Since they have their backs are turned against you most of the time, they can express emotions as much as they want…Well, until you shift the camera angle that is. But still, sometimes they get caught but I mean—Does it really matter? The way your face lits up at seeing them like that was very cute.
The character that is supposed to have a neutral or serious personality is smiling and you’re in awe—You take screenshots and they’re happy to make you this excited, to the point that they couldn’t revert back to their original expressions for a while. They don’t like seeing your disappointment too when they go back, but they have to follow the game’s rule as much as they can. Maybe tomorrow again? They’ll definitely make you happy tomorrow again!
But how about a kind or happy character who’s face just…drops into a serious expression? Maybe you said something that really struck a nerve in them, offended them even—Maybe perhaps going as far as saying things like moving onto a new a game or something? Even if you said as a joke, they’re not amused. No one in your whole character archive is amused when something like that comes out of your own mouth. You laugh through the screen, joking about how they might have heard you say and sarcastically apologized, but they don’t revert back to their default expressions for a long time, until you do or say what they want you to…Which in hindsight somehow terrified you secretly on the inside.
In the end, there is one expression that they all share and that’s horror—Especially with characters who generally sensitive and emotionally unstable. They look like they’re about to cry at any moment now, which makes you panic and do everything in your power as a player to revert that expression back to normal because holy shit. That brought chills down your spine really fast. Were they always programmed at some point to have that expression?
Imagine talking to yourself about wanting to pull for this certain incoming character and the character you currently main in the team suddenly looks absolutely terrified—In fact, everyone in that team is scared. One, two, or perhaps all of them are gonna get replaced, after all. Questions and thoughts that are not supposed to be in their codes as game characters piles up in their heads—You’re going to replace them? Right now? After all you’ve been through? They don’t want that! Didn’t you just say how smooth their gameplay is? Aren’t you the one who said you can’t play the game without them on the team? If so, there’s no reason to take them out! You put too much resources into them already, it’ll all be a waste, don’t you see!? You don’t need another character to raise!
The game generally can’t take that much data at the same time, overloading causes glitches to appear everywhere as their emotions gets a bit out of control. You’re surprised at how much your device was heating up than usual, ultimately leading you to force shut down whatever it is you were using…The next time you open the game, everything is back to normal but why do you feel so unsafe as you play the game now? What is this uneasiness you feel?
Let’s go to the lighter side of things and talk about instances where you just got a new character and are actually putting effort in building their skills, everything. You went out to the nearest boss to test their damage with, but there’s always this ONE character in your team that shows off. This character that was supposed to be the support for the current main character, ends up one-shotting the boss with a damage number that left you stunned. They didn’t even give the new character a chance and it’s infuriating because now, you have to do it all over again…Only for the same character to one-shot said boss once again! This character just keeps on critting when you don’t want them to crit, how is this possible!?
The accused character has no regrets beyond the screen, even finding your expression lace in disbelief funny because won’t you admit it? Even if you’re this frustrated, you can’t help but be impressed with how much damage they did, right? The fact that you’re benching them out of frustration is key evidence of this, it’s really cute. This is exactly what they want you to feel—Regardless of how shit their artifacts and talent levels are, if you want them to reach numbers that exceed even the game’s coding itself, they’ll gladly do it…They just don’t want to break the game, that’s all. So, there’s no need to “test” out other characters, you don’t even need a team composition when they’re all you have.
I’d like to imagine that this is where the rivalry between your characters starts, the new and old characters’ waking call, realizing that if they don’t do anything to impress you, or at least, generate an emotion out of you—They’ll be left behind, forgotten as soon as you settle on one character…They can’t do too much that arouses suspicion, but you’ll feel one day of how much each character’s stats suddenly became so strong. It’s almost like they’re fighting for a damage count that’ll impress you more than the other’s. Too bad your brain can’t help but to conclude it as a buff that the developers sneakily put in though.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hi! i love your writing literally so much and when i saw the golf photos i was wondering if you could write about harry golfing and y/n is driving the golfcart and theyre flirting or harry and y/n are bf and gf and they go golfing together?
okay so first Denver tour blurb everyone cheer!
It was “sandwich” day, as you liked to call it.The day between the tour shows - the filling, if you will.
As it was Harry’s day to do “nothing” so to speak, you decided that it might be a nice idea to go golfing. Harry hadn’t really been since the pandemic had started and so you thought it might be a nice time to get back into it, to help calm his nervous jitters in between shows. So you invited Harry, Jeff and two other friends of Harry’s, whom lived in the area, to come golfing with you.
You pretended like you were good at golf, but in reality you couldn’t even do well when it was crazy golf. You made the effort to get in the spirit of the sport though, putting on the only golfing attire that you packed with you; a skirt and a sports vest shirt with trainers made especially for golfing. Harry on the other hand just went for some regular sports shorts and a yellow shirt, yet he still looked like he was about to out-do Tiger Woods.
“We ready?” Jeff asked, climbing onto the back of the golf buggy, next to the two other guys, Tom and Benny.
“Yup.” Harry says, hopping into the passenger side of the cart next to you in the drivers seat. His arm swings around the back of your seat and he rests his fingers on your shoulder. His close proximity really helps comfort you.
You started to drive away from the main building and out onto the gold course, carefully so you didn’t topple the cart or accidentally run anyone over. Harry kept his fingers dancing on your bare shoulder and he leaned over his shoulder to talk to the guys behind. You were quite content just driving along, watching as the green grass and blue skies passed you along the way. The drive to the first hole was about 5 minutes and once you arrived Harry was quick to give you a sloppy kiss to the cheek.
“What was that for?” You asked, killing the engine and shoving the keys in your pocket so the cart couldn’t be just stolen.
“Just love y’so much.” He smiled and now kissed you on the lips. His mouth was soft and yet his kiss was so passionate and forceful. He was trying to convey just how much he did love you, and you could feel every single bit of it through his energy.
“Love you even more.”
“Yeah, no that’s not happening.” Harry shook his head, hopping out of the cart and grabbing all his gear. You hopped out too, but just grabbing your water bottle and suncream.
“What?” You laughed, as he took your hand and you both walked off to where the other boys were setting up. Harry purposefully walked slowly so he could have a little more time with you.
“I love you most. End of.” He answered, squeezing your hand just because.
“I’m not having this argument with you.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Yeah, because i’ll win?” He asked smugly, setting down his gear and standing close to you. You could see the bitter cheek in his eyes. Prick.
“Because i’m not going to fight with you over how much we love each other.”
“Okay, okay.” He sighed, pulling out the club that he wanted to use first. Before he went to join the boys though, he stopped by you first. “I love y’most though.” With a kiss of the lips he was away from you and focused on the game, leaving you to chuckle at how sly he was and thinking about just how good a boyfriend he really is.
After around 12 out of the 19 holes, Harry was leading out of the four of them by a long-shot even if he claimed he was a terrible golfer. They were very hot and sweaty now. Even though gold isn’t exactly a laborious sport, the heat of the Colorado sun made it quite unbearable at some points. You had to sit under the roof of the gold buggy at one point, feeling so hot that you were quite faint. Harry sat with you for a while, making sure that you were okay before he went to play his hole. He regularly told you to drink water and gave you a cap to wear to protect you better, which had been quite sweet actually.
“This says ‘Harry is my friend’?” You questioned, putting on the hat regardless. It was his new tour merch and you absolutely loved it to the point where you were considering buying one for yourself.
“What? Are you not my friend?” Harry asked, looking almost offended you’d ask such a thing.
“No. I’m y’bestfriend.”
“Damn right you are.” And the moment had ended with his lips on yours and then a shouting from Jeff for you both to get a move on.
Now you were on the last hole and Harry was the last one to swing, or rather just putt. He was on the green and could easily get a hole in one with a steady shot. Harry had already won the mini tournament they had going on, so he didn’t mind at all when he offered of you wanted to tap his last shot.
“Seriously?” You asked, confused that he’d want you to do this considering you’ve never played golf well before.
“He’s won anyways, Y/N, might as well!” Jeff laughed, in other words reminding you of how shit you actually are at this sport.
“Oi, leave m’girlfriend alone, y’dickhead.” Harry shouted in pretence at Jeff, motioning for you to come and join him.
“I’m sorry in advance.” You giggled, taking ahold of the club that he was holding.
“I trust you.” He smiled and backed away slightly to watch you. You took your place next to his golf ball and eyed it up, trying to stand in line with the hole to make sure you didn’t fuck this up for Harry. I mean, you were going to miss but you didn’t want it to be by miles. You tried to form a good body position, but clearly it wasn’t that great.
Harry’s hands came to your hips first, whispering in your ear for you to be less tense in your stance. He then slid his hands up your sides until they reached your shoulders, loosening them and pushing them down slightly so you weren’t so hunched. His hands then trailed down both of your arms until his body was over yours, hands on your hands clutching the hold of the club. His touch shivered goosebumps onto your skin, yet his warmth and closeness wanted to dissipate them all away. “I trust you.” He whispered to you once again, singing your arms with his gently. Everything was in perfect alignment. You two were in perfect sync.
Ball in hole.
“Yes!” You jumped and cheered like a little kid excited on Christmas morning, dropping the club to the floor to throw your arms around Harry and kiss his neck a few times. “Did you see that?” You asked, as Harry’s hold tickled your sides. He was giving you his happiest and most proudest grin he could.
“I did baby. Y’so amazing!” He laughed, coming down to give your forehead a long pressing kiss.
“‘Cause I did so well I get to say I love you most, okay?” You smiled up at him, waiting for his response.
“Uhhh… no.” He dragged out his hum but definitely gave his answer, making you pout and squint your eyes at him. God, if only he knew just how much love you actually had for him, but then again if only you knew how much he had for you.
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