#but am i supposed to hate remus or nah
avnasace · 5 months
the new remuria world quest is really cool but my adhd brain cannot keep up with all the names and titles ajfjdjfj
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sophsicle · 12 days
I'm Sorry I'm the One You Love
Part II (Part I)
He doesn't know what wakes him up. Or. Well. He does. It's James. But it's not as though the other boy is making any noise. And yet for some reason Sirius feels his eyes blinking open in the middle of the night, staring sleepily at the canopy over his fourposter bed.
Something in his chest pulls, yanks, tugs, throws a fit. Grumpily he sits up, scrubbing at his face, considers getting a glass of water, going to the kitchens for something sweeter. He hasn't got an actual plan when he pulls back the curtains around his bed, pausing when he spots the silhouette sitting in the window.
He knows who it is, of course.
Even in the dark, half-asleep.
Ah, he thinks. As though this is any kind of explanation for his sudden insomnia. It isn't. And it is. The pair of them tied together with a piece of string. Always pulling on one another. Come here. Come closer. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me, me, me.
"This seat taken?" he whispers, stopping in front of the window. James starts, tearing his eyes away from the glass and blinking up at him.
"Shit, did I wake you up?"
"Nah," even though he isn't sure it's true, squeezing himself into the spot across from James. The other boy is tense, Sirius can feel it immediately, his shoulders all the way up his neck, hands tapping manically at his knees, jaw clenched.
"You okay?" Sirius asks eventually, when it becomes clear James isn't going to say anything.
Sirius arches his brow even though James isn't looking at him, eyes back out the window.
"You wanna try that again?"
James huffs, shooting Sirius a weak smile. "Sorry," running a hand over his face. "Sorry, nothing- or - I don't know," he lets out a breath, and Sirius finds himself reaching out, wrapping his hand around James's ankle and squeezing. That earns him another smile. It's brittle though. Sirius hates it.
"I didn't fly very well last game," James says finally. Sirius would laugh if it weren't for the fact that James looks so serious about it. "And my essay for potions was crap. And like, I think I've done something to piss Lily off but I don't know what it is, and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to have to ask, you know? And my mum's written me twice and I keep trying to answer her, but every time I start writing I feel like my heart is going to choke me and I don't even know why-"
"James," Sirius tries to sound as soothing as possible, he's not sure he's exactly made for it. Soothing. Softness. But he does his best.
"-and the full moon is coming up and I think Remus is feeling it more than he's letting on and I keep trying to help but you know how he is. He was definitely in pain today though, and I just keep thinking that I should have pushed more-"
"-like make him lie down or take a pain potion or something. I don't know why I didn't. Maybe he would have been grumpy about it but at least he wouldn't have been in pain anymore which is worth it. I-"
"Oi!" Sirius hisses, letting go of James's ankle so he can grab hold of his wrists and give him a shake. James looks at him, startled, but at least he's stopped spiralling. "Breathe."
"I am breathing."
"Bullshit. Breathe. Four count, okay?"
And he thinks James is going to fight him, but then he inhales, the pair of them counting together. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. After a few times James drops his head.
"Sorry," he manages.
Sirius makes an unimpressed noise. "Don't be stupid."
"My brain just...won't stop."
"I noticed."
A half-hearted laugh as James looks up at him again. Sirius isn't sure which one of them does it, or if it's both of them. Neither of them. Some natural occurrence they have no control over. But Sirius's grip shifts, their fingers slotting together so that they're holding hands.
"Sorry," James says again.
"Please shut-up."
"You were brilliant in the last match," he goes on, James giving him a skeptical look. "You're always brilliant. We lost because Ravenclaw's beaters are maniacs, not because you weren't good enough."
"I said, shut-up," James does, obediently, though this time there's a hint of amusement. "Your essay is going to get perfect marks like every damn thing you write, Evans has not, in all the years I've known her, been afraid to tell you when she thinks you've done something wrong, if there was a problem I have no doubt she would let you hear about it. Your mum will understand that you can't answer every letter. You'll write her when you have less on your plate. And Moony's a bloody masochist, I honestly think he gets off on the pain at this point. Regardless, there is nothing you could have done to make him take care of himself properly and you know it."
James is staring at him with a stupid expression on his face. Sappy. Dripping all over the place. It's absolutely disgusting. Sirius hopes he never stops looking at him like that.
"Anything else?" he asks, with the smallest twitch of the corner of his mouth.
"Yeah. Stop picking at yourself. You're perfect."
That gets him a real laugh. "Perfect?"
"I said what I said."
Before Sirius has time to react James is yanking on their hands, half pulling Sirius into his lap, wrapping his arms around him, Sirius's face landing in his neck. It's not exactly a comfortable position. But Sirius doesn't complain. Can't even contemplate moving.
"I love you Sirius Black," James murmurs, arms too tight.
It's inadequate. But it's what they have.
"Yeah, I love you too."
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For One More Hour or One More Day
Dukeceit Week Day 6: Horror/Comedy
Remus and Janus work in IT, and Remus never fails to make Janus' life a bit more exciting than it should be. Janus wouldn't have it any other way.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 1416
Warnings: swearing, typical Remus-levels of implied sexual content. 
@dukeceitweek <3
[06032021 Network Node Down- - Dee Why ]
Janus stared at the next ticket in his queue. He didn't even have to look at which tech wrote it. He just knew. He picked up his phone and dialed. 
“'Sup, DeeDee?" 
"Because they use ancient technology and refuse to upgrade, that's why." 
There was a beat of silence on the line. Janus didn't need to see him to know Remus was grinning like a maniac. 
“Oh, JD, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about," Remus said finally. His voice was laced with barely-contained glee. 
“Uh-huh, sure," Janus replied dryly. He watched on his screen as an incoming call diverted from his in-use line. "Do you want to clarify for me, in excruciating detail, what, exactly, it is that broke this time? After all, if it's something I can fix from here, it would save the company an awful lot of money. And you know how I love saving this company money." 
“You don't feel like taking work calls either, huh?" 
“Ree, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."
[06142021 CRITICAL | Device failed Availability and Latency checks - Dispatch Requested]
Janus sat in his truck for a few minutes, cross-checking the address across his e-mail, Slack, and the ticket itself. And yeah, they all matched. This wasn’t a repeat of that time Remus had changed the address on the ticket from 96th St. to 69th St. as a joke. 
(Janus had almost gotten mugged. He was still a little salty about that one.)
But this time, all the addresses matched. The problem was, he was parked in front of a restaurant instead of the usual office building, and that just didn’t seem right. He opened up Slack on his phone. 
Janus D’lyre: Are you sure the address is right?
Remus Rey: Yeah, it’s right.
Janus D’lyre: It’s a restaurant. 
Remus Rey:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Janus D’lyre: Are you positive it’s right?
Remus Rey: I just write the tickets, Dee, I don’t do a background check. Just go in.
Janus sighed. He got out of his truck, hefted his tech bag over his shoulder, and went inside.
It was a nice restaurant. Very fancy, with a goddamn chandelier hanging over the front lobby. Field engineers weren’t required to dress in a suit and tie, but Janus did by habit- and he was glad he did, because he would feel like a horrible slob standing here in jeans and a polo.
“Can I help you?”
Janus looked over to the host, standing at the counter with a bright smile that only looked 52% faked.
“Yes,” Janus answered. “I’m here about the network issues?”
“Oh!” The host- his name tag read ‘Patton’- brightened up a bit. “Yeah! Remus is waiting for you, this way!”
“Remus is what?”
It was too late. Patton had already darted around the counter and off into the dining area. Janus sighed and, regretting every life choice leading up to this exact moment, followed.
Sure enough, Remus was waiting for him. Patton led him to a quieter area of the restaurant, where Remus was sitting at a table. Well, sitting was a generous way to phrase it, because in reality, he was tipped back on the rear two legs of the chair, combat boot-clad feet up on the table. He jumped up eagerly at the sight of Janus, and somehow managed not to fall backwards and crack his skull open. 
“Hey! You made it! Thanks, Pat!” 
“No problemo!” the host replied with a grin before heading back to the front counter. Janus briefly considered that he might be having a fever dream right now.
“Remus, what the fuck?” 
“Told you it was the right address!”
Janus glared. “That is not what I’m ‘what the fuck’-ing you about.”
“I mean, I’d prefer me fucking you-”
“Well, you work so hard, DeeDee,” Remus said calmly, as if he wasn’t standing in the middle of the fanciest restaurant on this side of town, dressed in his usual tank-top and leather vest combo and probably mashing dirt into the plush red carpet, and definitely doing something that should get him fired. “I thought you could take a break, and we could have a nice dinner.”
No, he wasn’t doing something that should get him fired. He was doing something that should get them both fired. 
“You’re joking, right?”
“Kinda a lame joke.”
“Remus, you had me dispatched to a random address for a fake problem, to have dinner with you on company time?”
“‘Course not, who do you think I am?”
Janus did not dignify that with an answer. He turned to walk away.
“Jannie, wait!” Remus darted around the table to get in front of him. Janus stopped, and glared. “This is Roman’s restaurant! It’s not a random address, he’s an actual client.”
Janus’ glare lessened. Ok, sure, they did have some smaller commercial clients. And sure, Remus had mentioned his brother’s restaurant was using them as tech support now after a bad experience with a different company. But- “It’s still a fake problem, Remus.”
A shit-eating grin spread across Remus’ face. “Nah. I unplugged the router.”
Janus snorted in a totally dignified manner. “You didn’t.”
“I did.”
“...Well, I suppose… I’d better investigate the issue. Couldn’t be solved remotely, hardware problem and all.”
Remus held out a hand. Janus took it, and let Remus lead him back to the table.
“Great, cause I already ordered!”
[06192021 Switch is problematic. Unable to get into the switch || Serial No. 111-0203-2018]
Janus very calmly cleared the ticket, set his work phone to away, pulled out his personal phone, and sent Remus a text. 
Jannie-D: I know you’re upset I didn’t let you fuck me last night. Get over it. 
Remster: i will not 
Virgil Caligo: yo are u and remus like good?
Janus D’lyre: We had a small argument last night. Why?
Virgil Caligo: [image attached]
Janus sighed. Virgil had sent him a screenshot of a ticket update Remus had just posted.
[06292021 Ticket #00679 Update.] ‘The device is not only unresponsive to simple ping requests, but is being kind of a jerk about it. 100% package loss, a tragedy. Device was confirmed to be connected to a working power source, but they all say that, so who can really be sure. Dispatch requested, please confirm maintenance window. Actually showing up would be great, too.’
Janus hastily typed a message to Virgil. 
Janus D’lyre: Did you take that one?
Virgil Caligo: ya. logan didnt see dw
Janus D’lyre: Thanks. You can transfer it to me, I’ll take care of it. 
Janus leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples. What a comedy of errors this day had been. It was the last time he’d forget he and Remus had a date night planned, that’s for sure. 
Remus sighed when a priority ticket popped up in his queue. He was having a grand time ignoring his other queues in favor of sculpting a rather elaborate dick out of the green Play-Doh he kept at his desk, but he really did not feel like getting bitched out by Logan for missing a priority ticket. Grumbling to himself, he stuffed the Play-Doh back into its tub and opened the ticket. 
[06292021 Ticket #00679 Update.] ‘Likely a hardware bug. Possible remote fix with reset and reconfigure. Device information missing from online records. Please check file and update record.’ 
Fuck. Remus hated pulling files. What a pain. He trudged his way upstairs to the records room, which was always dark and depressing because nobody ever went there because who the fuck used physical paper in 2021?
But when he unlocked the door and pushed it open, the light was on. And every surface was covered in flowers.
“What the fuck?” Remus asked the flowers. They didn’t answer. But, at the small desk near the door, there was a stack of green boxes from his favorite bakery- and on top of that, he saw an envelope with his name on it. Eagerly, Remus tore open the envelope. 
Inside, he found a single sheet of Janus’ fancy stationery paper, the kind with the little holographic snakes along the edge that he only ever used for special occasions. And on that paper, one single sentence, penned in Janus’ elegant, flourishy handwriting: Ok, you can fuck me tonight.
- - -
[06292021 Ticket #00679 Update.] ‘I take it back, the device is no longer being a jerk, and I love the device very much.’ 
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siriuslysnuffles · 3 years
Two Octobers and A September
Here's a new short story! This was supposed to be posted on Halloween, so sorry! (Actually not sad? Who am I?)
Also available on AO3 & FFN.
Three instances of friendship and support between James Potter and Lily Evans from 1975-1977.
“How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!”
“Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius.
In the years to come after the first Dark War, there would be whispers—and some not-quite whispers from those who didn’t mind being overheard—detailing the epic love story of James Potter and Lily Evans, a love story so great that it stopped the most evil wizard since Gellert Grindelwald. There would be stories of the perfect romance, of a boy who fell headfirst over a girl and the girl who fell in love with him. Who didn’t love a good enemies to lovers romance and one with not so perfect timings? There would be rumors, of course. Rumors of a boy constantly pursing a girl who couldn’t take no for an answer. All these stories lacked the friendship between the pair. The immense adoration and support these two warriors provided each other with long before their romantic relationship began.
(October 1975)
James shouldn’t have been surprised by his best friend’s actions. He knew Sirius’s mood tended to be rather chaotic whenever his birthday neared. Last year, Sirius had gotten into a duel with half of the fourth-year Ravenclaws boys; James still didn’t quite understand the cause of that particular duel, but he had been rather impressed by Sirius creative use of spells— Brett MacDougal sang like a literal canary for a week after the incident.
Even knowing Sirius’ behavior during this time, James hadn’t bothered to ask whether he was okay, whether it had anything to do with the new scars he seemed to always come back to Hogwarts with. He should have.
James couldn’t comprehend how Sirius could just tell one of their arch-rivals the information he needed to confirm their best friend was a werewolf. How it could just slip out without another thought but, then again, James didn’t have Sirius’ impulsivity.
He was angry with Sirius, disappointed in him, but they were his brothers; he had to help regardless of his disappointment. The only thing he was certain of was that both Sirius and Remus were in pain and it was up to him (and possibly Peter) to fix things between the pair.
“I didn’t mean to, Prongs,” Sirius had said. “It just slipped out.”
“Bloody hell, Sirius!” He remembered shouting after Sirius had nonchalantly delivered the news. “How could you do this to Remus?”
“Snivellus has been sticking his nose in our business. He won’t stop until he finds what he’s looking for; it’s not like he’ll actually do it.” There had been a pause before Sirius’s realization. “Shite.”
“Shite,” James ran faster than he had ever run, which, considering his Quidditch training, was quite an accomplishment.
While the events of that night were terrible, the next morning was worse.
“I’m a monster, James,” Remus had uttered.
“You’re not.”
“I almost killed Snape.” Remus’ voice broke. “I almost killed you.” Remus covered his face with his hands, unable to meet his eyes. Peter looked at James, lost and scared.
“Prongs…” Peter’s voice was broken too, but James just shook his head, unsure of what to say. Instead, he watched Remus and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated but unwilling to leave.
This brought James to his current circumstance. Even days later, he wasn’t quite sure what to do, so here he was at three in the morning sitting in front of the fireplace in the common room. And well, as what always happens when you’re awake at this forsaken hour, he heard a creek.
“Potter?” He heard a voice say. He didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.
“Hey, Evans.” He couldn’t help the slight smile that made its way onto his face at her presence and the way his hand went to his hair.
“What are you doing awake,” she asked as she made her way down the girls staircase and took a place next to him on the sofa.
“The ghosts were keeping keeping me awake,” he offered with a small smile. “I thought a bit of fresh air might help.” They sat in silence for the mere second before his curiosity tempted him to ask: “What’s keeping you out of bed?”
She seemed to hesitate for a moment, seeming to debate whether to trust him with the information. “My sister sent me a letter yesterday.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Well, it wasn’t a very nice letter. ” She continued, “She doesn’t like that I’m witch.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, not sure of how else to respond.
She gave him a small smile, one that showed only a fraction of her pain. “Thank you.” She didn’t say anything for a moment before he could tell her curiosity was too much. “Are you and the other Gryffindor boys in a row?”
He examined her face for a moment, unsure of whether he could confide in her given her less than admirable friend. “Remus and Sirius are,” he admitted. “Peter and I are, well, we’re not really sure how to fix it.” He paused for a moment, “Is it that obvious?”
“Well, you four have been rather quiet; it’s hard not to notice.” Her omniscient green eyes met his, “Why do you feel like you have to fix things?”
“They’re my mates. I don’t enjoy seeing them hurt and in a fight.”
“Sometimes, the only thing you can do is wait for it to pass.” She smiled, “That’s what my mum says when Petunia and I argue.”
“Does that help?”
“Well, yes. Although, we usually find something else to argue about that distracts us from the original row.”
“So I just have to get them fighting about something else?” He snorted, “Brilliant.”
They sat there silently for a while after, content with the silence before Lily got up, “Good night, Potter.”
“Night, Evans.” His eyes met hers one last time, “And thank you.”
While his problems weren’t solved, it felt nice to have her offer a solution, to hope that there would be an end to the situation despite there being nothing he could do to fix the mess Sirius had gotten himself into.
(October 1976)
Their fates always seem to be drawn to an October day, perhaps it just that “fate” or perhaps, as others would put it, it was simply a coincidence. But these two believed in fate and destiny and because of that fate would without a doubt screw them over—but more on that later.
October 1976 was a turning point between James Potter and Lily Evans and one that brought on a new friendship between the pair. So, much like our last scene, this too takes place in the Gryffindor Common Room. Although, this time it is Mr James Potter who stumbled upon Lily Evans at a forsaken hour of the night.
“Evans?” He questions as he made his way down the boys staircase. “What are you doing up?”
He felt dejavú as she said, “I got a letter from my sister yesterday.” She sounded more melancholy than last time she had said it.
Having only just gotten to experience the friends side of Lily Evans, he didn’t like seeing the usually cheerful and vibrant Gryffindor look so …. rejected.
“Want to take a quick adventure with me?” He asked from where he remained standing.
She analyzed his face momentarily, trying to catch any trick he may have been planning (he assumed). “Why not,” she said before motioning for him to lead the way.
Given that he couldn’t reveal all his secrets to her so early in their friendship, James knew they had to be cautious to avoid the wrath of Filch—though he was fairly certain that a speck of dust could unleash the wrath of that duffer.
He led them down multiple stairwells and hid them behind statues and paintings at the slightest creek.
“I didn’t realize we had that many hiding spots around the castle,” Lily whispered as they ducked behind another painting to avoid Peeves who was passing by.
“Well,” James whispered. “I’ve done my research, Evans.”
They waited another minute for the hallway to clear before James motioned for her to exit the painting.
“Here we are.”
“Ah, yes, well, it is a very nice fruit bowl. Those grapes look quite well-painted and that apple…” she joked.
“You wound me, Evans,” he said dramatically, clutching his heart. “It’s the pear that you should really focus on. Quite lovely really, amazing wand strokes.” He raised a finger as if to brush it but instead, to Lily’s surprise, he tickled it.
“You’re a bit bizarre, Potter.” However, a doorknob appeared a second later. He turned the doorknob before turning toward Lily and adding, “You were saying?”
“A complete wackjob, albeit a wackjob whose occasionally right.” She stepped through the painting and was awestruck by the unfamiliar, high-ceilinged room. There were five tables identical to the ones in the Great Hall, pots and pans surrounding what she assumed to be the counter-tops. At the far end of the room, across from where they now stood, was a fireplace. And, the most shocking of all, “Elves?”
“They’re house-elves,” James said as he made his way to the sit where Gryffindor would have been positioned. “They do all the cooking at Hogwarts. Some wizards also have them at home for tasks like cooking and cleaning. We have a few at home—Miki, Rae, and Lev.”
“You have house-elves?” Lily questioned skeptically.
“A lot of pure-bloods do.” He said as the house-elves surrounded them, hectically attempting to take their orders. “Oh, a sundae sounds great, Mitzi.” He turned to her, “How about you?”
“Oh, I’ll take one as well, I suppose.”
James grinned at Mitzi, “Two sundaes, please.”
“Yes, Mister,” Mitzi replied before running off.
“They love helping,” James uttered. “My Grandfather Henry tried releasing ours before and, well, they didn’t take it well,” James pulled at his hair. “They threw a fit until he stopped apparently.”
She was about to make a comment when Mitzi interrupted them with their sundaes. “You’re the best, Mitzi.” (“Thank you, Mitzi,” Lily said politely.)
Mitzi beamed at James in the way Lily had often see the younger Gryffindors boys do. “Anything for Mister Potter and friend.” Mitzi scurried off, leaving them alone at the table.
“So….what’d your sister say that upset you?” James asked as he took a bite of his dessert.
Lily sighed. “She’s getting married.”
“Well, that’s good, isn’t it?” He looked puzzled in a way that Lily found almost comical, the kind of look that made one breathe easier.
“It would be, if her husband wasn’t just as much of a stick in the mud as she tends to be nowadays. He believes that the rules are everything and anyone who isn’t ‘normal’ should be sent to the nuthouse. And, of course, she’s made me out to be some sort of delinquent who goes to a reform school.”
“Sounds like a complete wanker.”
“He is,” she laughed momentarily before turning serious once more. “If she marries him, I think I’ll lose her forever. I already feel like she hates me half the time, like she goes out of her way to surround herself with the opposite of wizardry—the most mundane—because of it.”
“This won’t be comforting but sometimes the friends you make will be more like siblings than those given to you.”
“Do you have any siblings?” She questioned.
“Not by blood, my parents had a hard time conceiving, so I was their miracle baby—mum’s words. But the chaps are more my brothers than anyone could ever be, so I’m very lucky in the brother department—even if Sirius can be quite the prat sometimes and Peter snores terribly and not to mentioned Remus’ cranky demeanor in the morning, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world.” James smiled most brightly whenever he was speaking of them Lily noticed, as if they gave him light. “Sirius has a brother though—the only one of us lads who does.” He paused for a moment, “They don’t really get along anymore but that’s not really for me to talk about. Based on what Sirius mentions though, it’s either they change or you do but you shouldn’t change just so they’ll accept who you are. You’re an amazing witch Lily, an amazing friend, and probably an amazing sister, if your sister can’t see that, well, it’s her loss and our gain.”
“I miss her though, or who she was, who we were.”
“That makes sense,” he nodded sympathetically. “And, hell, it’s okay to miss her—she’ll always be your sister no matter what.”
“Thanks, James,” she said genuinely. Lily didn’t think she’d ever stop trying with Petunia but, for the moment, she needed this—this moment of mourning her.
“Anytime, Evans.”
(September 1977)
“I can’t go in there, Lil,” James uttered, gesturing toward the empty classroom where they were schedule for their first meeting ten minutes from now.
“You’re Head Boy,” Lily replied kindly. “Of course, you can.”
“Dumbledore had a bit too much firewhisky when he picked me as Head Boy.”
Lily grabbed his hand, leading him inside the classroom, “The prefects will be here any minute now—you’ll do fine, James.”
“Or maybe he lost a bet with Slughorn,” James continued frantically. “I wasn’t even a Prefect; I am far from qualified.”
Lily smiled at him tenderly, “Well, you have Remus and me to help you with that.”
James leant against the desk. “Everyone will be waiting for me to mess up.”
“You will,” she said discerningly. James’ face fell, a dash of hurt crossing his face. “But,” she came closer to him, “I have full faith that you’ll fix whatever mess you manage to get yourself into.”
“Thanks, Lil. You’re—”He stopped whatever he was about to say as the first of the prefects made their way inside. Some prefects scoffed as they passed the pair and others stopped to give James and Lily a pleasant greeting and ask how their summers had been.
“Hullo, Prongs,” Remus greeted with a knowing smiled shared with Lily. “I see you managed to drag him inside after all,” he said to the latter.
Lily gave Remus what James would describe as the most lovely laughter of all time (platonically, of course) before Remus was shoved to the side by a glaring Severus Snape.
“I’ll go take a seat,” Remus said. “Good luck, you two.”
“Thanks,” James mumbled.
“You’ll do fine,” Lily reassured him while looking around the room. “Everyone seems to be here. Shall we start?”
James nodded, standing up straighter.
“Welcome back, everyone,” Lily said before going in depth on what they could expect this term. “James?”
That was his cue. “Right, so Lily and I thought it’d be best to have everyone patrol with those from your same house and year, for the most part.”
“Like we do every year,” A sixth-year Slytherin girl James didn’t know the name of said.
“Well that’s kind of the point,” he shrugged. “Anyway,” he gave the girl an annoyed look, “To cover more ground, we’ll need four people patrolling per hour—so fill out the availability parchment before you leave the meeting today. Patrolling shifts begin at nine o’clock until a professor comes to relieve you at eleven. Lily and I will get back to you on your shifts tomorrow morning and will be covering shifts tonight.” He grinned at his partner, “Back to you, Lil.”
“Thank you, James.” She squeezed his hand briefly, out of recent habit he thought. His eyes met Snape’s for a moment, a look of hatred on the other boy’s. James quickly turned back to Lily. “So Filch has asked us to add a few more items on the list of banned items….”
Ten minutes later, James motioned for the Slytherins—who had taken to talking rather loudly among themselves— to quiet down. “Show some respect for the lovely Head Girl, please.” His voice made it clear that the “please” was no request. James noted a slight blush coat Regulus Black’s cheek. The other Slytherins glared at him but, reluctantly, shut it.
Thank you, Lily mouthed, squeezing his hand once more. He felt another glare but willed himself to ignore it.
They stayed back after dismissing the prefects with plans to fix the schedules before heading down to the Great Hall for dinner.
“Well, that could have gone better,” James said sheepishly.
“You did great,” she said as she looked over the availability sheet. A small tsk, leaving her mouth at the task ahead of them.
“I know,” James replied with a mock cocky grin.
Lily laughed, “Incorrigible.”
Their last September at Hogwarts felt like a test in many ways, a test of “will they, won’t they”, of every right moment that went inevitably wrong. For a while, it felt as if the universe was conspiring against them, but the one thing they could count on was the other’s support when the other felt as if they could only do wrong.
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
book club
Person A is the type of person who finishes a book in one sitting and Person B is used to being woken up at 4 am to hear about it when they’re done @notamagicianbutawizard 
Sirius never really cared for reading. 
Growing up, his parents forced him to read numerous books, both in English and French, and while he didn’t hate it, he never really fell in love with it like Remus did. He honestly didn’t even think people actually liked reading until he met Remus. 
But, somehow, that boy seemed to be completely entranced by books in a split second. He could spend hours curled up with a book, completely tuning out the world and with it, Sirius. 
He didn’t fully mind, because if Remus wouldn’t pay him any attention while reading, he wouldn’t be able to notice Sirius staring at him. He didn’t do it in a creepy way, well he didn’t think so, but more endearingly. Remus looked perfectly adorable with how focused he was on his book, eyebrows furrowed, eyes glued to the pages, and a lip pulled between his teeth. 
Once, Remus had even handed Sirius a book, mistakenly thinking his interest was for the book. But Sirius didn’t argue, accepting the book and settling on the other side of the couch in the common room, back to the armrest. Remus offered him a warm smile before dropping his gaze to the book. Sirius attempted to read his book, but the boy in front of him was so much more interesting, so he merely held it in his hands for show. 
Sirius knew it was late seeing as they had come down to the common room at midnight, but it didn’t really hit him until he got comfortable and his eyes began to fall shut. His head had lolled against the couch and he decided now would be a good time to read his book if he was going to attempt to stay awake as long as Remus. But even as he blinked sleepily at his book, the sleep wouldn’t relax it’s hold on him and he had to stifle a yawn. 
Sirius had almost drifted away when Remus snapped his book shut, eyes furrowed in a scowl now. He didn’t say anything at first before glancing at Sirius and immediately cringing. 
“Shit, were you asleep?” 
Sirius shook his head, though he left his head leaning against the couch, “Nah, just drifting in an out. Bad ending?” 
Remus huffed, sitting up and pulling his legs in so he was crisscross applesauce. “It was horrible and I didn’t even bring the sequel!” 
“What happened in it?” Sirius asked, curious as to what could’ve been so bad Remus was actually upset by it. 
“You haven’t read it, you wouldn’t really know what I’m talking about.” 
“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” As long as it’s you who’s talking, I’ll listen to anything and everything you’re saying. 
“Okay, okay. It was awful! It was a typical misunderstanding where no one communicates and it could just be fixed if they stopped to have one conversation! But no, instead we go off and start wars without checking....” 
Remus went off in some rant and Sirius could barely keep up but he hardly cared. He was entranced by Remus and his gaze was locked on him the entire time. He had a big habit of using his hands to talk and it was only spurred on when he was upset, and right now he was quite passionately waving his arms about before reaching up to rake a hand through his hair. Sirius followed the gesture and smiled fondly at how his golden hair was standing up in tufts. 
“So, how’d you like your book?” Remus turned his attention to Sirius and he was yanked out of his thoughts. 
Sirius glanced down at the book that was flipped open to page five, and smiled sheepishly. “Didn’t get very far, I dunno.” 
Remus returned the smile, “It’s okay, Pads, thanks for trying the book.” 
Sirius nodded enthusiastically. “It wasn’t bad, I’m just tired. I’ll try it some more tomorrow.” 
“Okay.” Remus stood, stretching out before holding a hand out to pull Sirius up. 
And somehow, this turned into a small routine of theirs. Remus reading a book and ranting to a very eager Sirius. It worked out for both of them, Remus could talk about his books without feeling annoying and Sirius got to enjoy Remus’ presence. 
Remus was always grateful for Sirius’ interest in his thoughts on what he was reading. Sometimes he felt as if he would burst if he didn’t get to tell someone about his book, but that would require someone else also reading said book and understanding what he was ranting about. But Sirius, funnily enough, didn’t seem to care about his minimal understanding of the characters and plot. He usually caught on, and if not, he just continued to listen with that silly smile of his. 
And it was small things like this that made Sirius’ betrayal so much more painful. 
Because no matter how much Remus told himself that he was supposed to hate Sirius, it was so hard. There were still days when Remus would finish his book, snapping it shut, and looking up for Sirius almost as muscle memory. But there would be no one next to him and reality would crash down on Remus once again. 
He never was able to reread those books he told Sirius about. 
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fruitcoops · 4 years
I don't know if you did this already (I'm sorry if you did) or somebody asked but could you do one where they supportive teammates reacts to homophobic teammates
Hello anon! This is a super interesting idea and I’ve been thinking about it for a couple days so I could get the vibe right--none of our boys would be homophobic, but new rookies on the other hand...
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove, but this features a character who does not appear in SW (I’m not claiming him as an OC because he’s a dick)
TW for homophobic statements, no slurs
James caught sight of the new guy just as he was leaving the locker room, towel draped over his neck. “Rookie! Wait up, man!”
The other man paused, looking rather surprised as he jogged over. “Hey, you’re James, right?”
“Call me Pots.” He held his hand out and they shook. “Didn’t catch your name earlier, sorry.”
“Tanner Chase, nice to meet you.”
“Welcome to the team, Tanner.” James grinned. “You’re on my line, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’m a winger,” Tanner said with a good bit of pride. Oh, to be twenty again, James thought. “Giving you a run for your money.”
“Sure, kid,” James laughed. “You do that. You’d have better luck with me than Loops, though.”
Tanner’s smile turned a little sharp. “Nah, he’d be too easy, am I right?”
James paused. “What?”
“Y’know, since he’s…” Talker gave him a significant look and a stone sank in James’ gut.
“I think you lost me.” I hope this isn’t what I think it is. “Because he’s a rookie? ‘cause I hate to break it to you, but—”
“No, dude, because he’s a fairy,” he snorted, as if they were still joking around.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Tanner blinked and reeled back. “Excuse me?”
“You don’t get to talk about my friends like that. Don’t talk about anyone like that. It’s not tolerated on this team and I won’t hesitate to kick your ass if I hear it again.” James made sure his voice was as even as possible, but he could tell it shook at the edges. “You just used up your one free pass, Chase.”
“Drive safe, Loops!” Talker called as Remus headed for the hall with his bag under his arm.
Sirius opened the door just as he reached it and his face broke into a smile. “Bonjour, mon amour, I was just looking for you. Ready to go?”
“Hiya, handsome.” He leaned up to peck him on the lips. “Yeah, I think I left my phone on the bench, though.”
Their conversation faded out as they wandered off together and Talker returned to his stretch, closing his eyes at the familiar burn in his hamstring. “Yikes,” the new rookie muttered under his breath. Tanner…something, Talker remembered.
“What’s up? You okay?”
Tanner glanced over at him. “Doesn’t it bother you?”
“Stretching? Not really, no. That’s why I do it.”
“No, not stretching. That.” He waved a hand at the slightly-open door.
“I can close it if you—”
“Dude.” Talker crossed his legs and faced him fully. “I mean Black and Lupin.”
Talker narrowed his eyes. “No. Does it bother you?”
“I mean, yeah, how am I supposed to respect a guy like that?” he scoffed.
Talker made direct eye contact with him; he wanted zero miscommunication about this. “You respect him because he’s your captain, which is a title he earned that has nothing to do with who he loves. And you respect Loops, too, or we’re going to have an issue. I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinking bringing that attitude to this team, but you better drop it right now.”
Tanner turned back to his stretch. With a shake of his head, Talker collected his stuff and left him alone on the mats.
“Hey, Harzy.” Tanner sat down next to Finn on the bench and passed him a waterbottle. There was a shout from the ice as Remus stole the puck from Sirius’ stick and raced toward the goal, laughing loudly.
“Tan-man, what’s up?”
“What’s the deal with them?” he asked, lowering his voice.
“Cap and Loops? They’re engaged, didn’t you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” There was a slight tone shift that made Finn’s skin crawl. “But what do you think about it? Isn’t it, like, a little weird being on the same team as them?”
“Uh, no.”
Tanner’s eyebrows rose. “You aren’t afraid they’re looking at you or something?”
“What part of ‘engaged’ don’t you understand?” Finn’s jaw tightened. What a little shit. “If this is some homophobic fuckery, I’d like to take this time to remind you I have two boyfriends before you say something that gets you punched.”
Tanner’s eyes went wide and he scooted away without a word.
“Alright, everyone, Sid’s tonight?” Kasey shouted over the noise. The whole locker room cheered in agreement and he smiled as the buzz of victory filled his chest. “Knutty, since my team kicked your ass, I believe you owe me a pizza!”
“I still say Cap is a cheater!” Leo called back; within a few seconds, Sirius had him in a loose headlock as he ruffled his hair. “Alright, alright, I give!”
The volume level did not die down as they all flooded into the hallway—Kasey spotted a flash of mousy brown hair out of the corner or his eye and frustration lodged in his throat. In a smooth movement, he reached out and blocked Tanner from following the rest of the group out. “Not you.”
“But it’s a team dinner—”
“And you’re not part of the team until you get your head out of your ass,” he said coolly. The jumble of voices echoed around the corner. That was his team. “Don’t think I missed those looks you were shooting Cap and Loops. You’re not invited. Go home and think about what actually matters.”
They won the next game by a landslide. Arthur Weasley was furious. Every time an opponent came to check Tanner Chase, not a single Lion moved to help him. At one point, Pots had taken the puck right off his stick and skated down the ice for a goal, leaving him in the dust. Whenever Chase was on the bench, he was pointedly ignored by the rest and left to sit alone; Logan literally sat on Talker’s lap to avoid being within five feet of the rookie.
“Team meeting, everyone sit your asses down!” he barked as he entered the locker room. Immediately, the celebratory whoops quieted. “Anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Sirius looked up at him in confusion. “I thought we played pretty well, Coach.”
“You played fine, but Chase over here got the cold shoulder like I’ve never seen before. Even the fucking commentators noticed!”
“Good,” Finn muttered under his breath.
“Shut it, O’Hara, this is not good.” He took a deep breath to try and calm himself. “Once again, does anyone want to enlighten me on this sudden attitude toward rookies? Since when are we like this?”
“It’s not toward rookies, it’s toward him,” Kasey said, glaring at Tanner from his stall. “He’s a homophobic douchebag. You want to tell Coach what you said?”
Tanner stared at the floor.
Arthur’s fury vanished. “What? Chase, is that true?” The rookie stayed silent. “Hey, kid, I’m talking to you.”
“Yes, Coach.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Remus’ jaw tick and Sirius’ face grow stormy.
“How long has this been going on?”
“It started the first day of practice,” Pots said, crossing his arms. “Our first conversation, in fact.”
“Eyes on me, rookie.” Tanner winced as he looked up. “I know the organization has told you in the past that this kind of behavior is okay, but right here and right now, I’m telling you it’s not. If you’re going to continue with that, you can leave.”
“I just get uncomfortable when—”
“When what?” Remus asked, standing up and leaning on his stall. He looked overall unthreatening, but there was a stony look in his eyes. “Tanner, what did Sirius and I do to make you uncomfortable?”
Tanner floundered for a moment. “It’s just—the kissing, the cuddling, the nicknames, all that.”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem when Lily came to visit,” Remus continued. “Or Natalie, or Noelle, or Celeste. Is that correct?”
“But it bothers you when I call my fiancé ‘baby’, or he calls me ‘sweetheart’?”
“It does.”
“Tanner, I hope you know I’m not going to apologize,” he finally said. “If this had nothing to do with us being gay, we would tone down the PDA, but that’s clearly not the case.”
Sirius sighed. “None of us want to alienate you, but you’re making judgements before taking the time to know us. That’s a shitty thing to do.”
“You’ve never met an openly gay person before, have you?” Remus asked. Tanner shook his head. “Hi, I’m Remus Lupin. I play a wing position on the hockey team that you were just signed to and my favorite color is green. I have a dog named Hattie and I’m engaged to a man. Nice to meet you.”
Sirius walked across the room; Arthur tensed for a moment, but he stopped in front of Tanner and held his hand out. “Sirius Black, team captain. I play center and I hate pineapple pizza. Also, I’m gay. Congrats on being signed to the Lions.”
Tanner’s eyes flickered up, and after a moment’s hesitation, he shook Sirius’ hand. “Nice to meet you.” He swallowed thickly. “Cap.”
“Nice to meet you, too. Are we done with the bullshit?”
“It—it might take me a bit to get used to it.”
“Make it quick. We’ve got games to win and nobody here has time to hold your hand through it.” Sirius turned to look at everyone else, his Captain Face in full effect. “That goes for everyone, got it? No more cold shoulders, we talk this through like adults as soon as it happens.”
“You got it, Cap,” Pots said.
“Black, Lupin, can we talk?” Coach beckoned them toward the door; just before it closed, he saw Talker walk over to Tanner’s stall.
“That’s why you respect Cap and Loops,” Talker said quietly. “Not because of threats or some shit—because of that right there.”
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e-of-west-glendia · 4 years
"You are and idiot," Remus snaps, ripping a strip of white fabric away from his shirt with his teeth.
"A reckless moron who-- episkey -- will stop at nothing to play the hero."
Sirius hisses as he feels his bones snap back into place from the spell.
"Reckless is my middle name," he says.
Remus scowls, directing his focus to his wand.
Muttering quietly as he drags the tip of his wand up the side of Sirius's leg. Blood slowly seeping back in as the wound stitches itself together.
"You could've died," Remus says, pushing up from where he's leaned over Sirius's leg.
"Yes, well, I almost die everyday," Sirius returns. "Y'know I have a running bet with James over who will--"
The poisonous looks that Remus shoots him make the words die in his throat.
Remus wraps the strip of cloth around Sirius's leg, jerkily tying the knot at the end.
Sirius curses under his breath. That hurt. He didn't expect it to.
Remus's head snaps up again, all the venom draining from his expression at the pain laced across Sirius's face.
"I'm sorry," he mutters.
"Don't be," Sirius says. "You're helping."
Remus runs his fingers through his hair, several strands falling across his forehead as he releases them.
"You have to be more careful," he whispers. "You're going to get yourself killed."
"That's a given," Sirius replies. "I mean when we took this job we didn't expect it to be a walk in the park."
"I'm serious," Remus says, and then sighs at the slight smirk that plays around his boyfriends lips.
“That joke got old back in first year.”
Sirius shrugs, failing to hide a wince at the movement. “Nah.”
"You can't keep playing the hero,” Remus says with another sigh, turning away to find something.
Sirius frowns, fully aware that Remus can't see it from this vantage point.
"But that's our job. We're supposed to save other people. I'm not just going to sit back and let--"
"Dammit Sirius!" Remus hisses, voice cracking at the edges.
Sirius sits up. Remus has his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees.
Sirius swallows thickly, sliding a hand forward and slipping it into Remus's, squeezing gently. A sad smile stretches across his face when Remus squeezes back.
" I didn't mean to scare you," he says.
Remus shakes his head. "I'm always scared, Sirius. Always. Every second of every day I'm terrified that something is going to happen to one of you. But the worst part of it is, I'm ready for it. I'm expecting one of you to die. And I hate that that's my expectation, but it is."
"I'm sorry," Sirius says softly.
"Don't be," Remus says simply. "It's who you are, it's what you do. Don't apologise for being yourself."
"Yes, but I hate worrying you."
Remus laughs, pulling his hand out of Sirius's grasp and using it push him back down onto the bed.
"I've known you since we were eleven and you've never failed to not worried me. I don't expect you to start now."
It's Sirius's turn to laugh. Dozens of memories of various things he's done floating across his memory.
“I suppose you’re right about that one.”
“Mm I know I am.”
They’re silent for a bit. Remus staring up at the ceiling as if it holds the answer to some burning question, and Sirius watching him.
“You’re right,” Sirius says softly, and Remus’ eyes shift to look at him.
“I thought we already established that.”
Sirius shakes his head. “I meant about being reckless…today was…”
“Stressful?” Remus supplies.
Sirius nods. “I just—“
“I know,” Remus says, cutting him off. “And I also know that if it were me I’d have done the same.”
Sirius sits up, ignoring the start of Remus’ grumbled protests and pulling him into a kiss. It’s warm and welcoming and has an inexplicable feeling of home. He can’t remember a time anymore when he didn’t have Remus, and he doesn’t want to.
Eventually they break apart, Remus resting his forehead against Sirius’, staring into those brilliantly grey eyes. Somehow the dimness of the room seems to make them glow almost silver.
"Get some rest," Remus says softly, pressing a kiss to the top of Sirius’ head. "You'll need it."
"I will," Sirius promises. He's not sure if he'll be able to but he can at least try.
Remus seems to sense the meaning behind his words and he nods, heading for the door.
“Stay with me?”
He stops in the doorway, hand gripping the doorframe. Then he nods, making his way back over to the bed and laying down next to him.
Remus pulls him into another kiss, smiling softly when he pulls away.
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Carry On
Five Times Remus Swept Virgil Off His Feet (and One Time Virgil Returned the Favor)
That's a FOB title if I ever saw one
Word Count: 2927                          (Ao3)
Characters: all sides
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T
Warnings: self-doubt, sex mention, swearing, mild gore mention, undertale references, dc comics references, charlie the unicorn references
inspired by @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes‘ post linked here
Sans. Virgil truly hated this battle, but he was set on finishing this run to get to the true ending the next time around. Too bad he was getting his ass handed to him by a punny pile of bones!
He growled to himself as his fingers frantically danced over the keys. He didn't care if anyone came into the common area while he was there, he couldn't afford the stress from his room and everyone knew to stay away from him or else.
Remus was not one of those sides who did what he was supposed to do all the time. So when he popped up in the common area, he didn't think twice about lounging on the couch next to his favorite emo.
"Oh come on!" Virgil snapped at his computer as he lost again. He clawed at his hair and let out a long, agonized groan before flopping back on the couch. His hands were shaking and his heart was racing. He was one more loss away from committing murder.
"Uh oh!" Remus giggled and got up. He closed the laptop and grinned at Virgil as the emo tried to murder him with his eyes.
"What do you want?"
"Me? Well I have to make a delivery to the Grand Duke of the Imagination! And you have what I need!" Remus hummed and wiggled his shoulders. Virgil scowled and crossed his arms.
"What are you talking about?" he huffed, ignoring the mischievous twinkle in Remus' eyes. That was a mistake!
Remus swooped down and scooped him up bridal style, laughing at Virgil flailing in his arms and squawking like a gull. He would never drop him out of nowhere! Silly emo could trust him!
"I'm taking you to the Grand Duke so he can spoil you and cheer you up! By any means necessary!" Remus purred and winked, bringing a delightful blush to Virgil's face.
"What the hell?"
"You are my damsel in distress and I don't even have to slay a monster to make sure you're okay—unless you want me to, there's definitely a monster I want to see, in your—"
"No. I am so done with monsters today. Don't even make that joke. Just do what you were planning," Virgil huffed and averted his gaze, no longer squirming to get away. Remus could live with that as long as he could keep holding this tall drink of water!
Remus was just polishing his morning star when he decided it was a good time to harass his brother and talk about the only thing they seemed to agree on: butts!
He appeared in the common area to the sound of a Disney movie, it would have been perfect, but Roman was not alone on the couch. Oh no, he could clearly distinguish a mop of purple hair next to the prince’s own preened locks. Neither one seemed to notice the duke looming behind them, which was good. Surprising Roman was way too much fun!
“How can you claim this isn’t romantic and charming?!” Roman grumbled as Prince Philip and Briar Rose began to dance and sing in the forest. Virgil snorted and shook his head.
“There’s nothing more romantic than a total stranger in his 20s swooping in and interrupting a 16 year old girl’s furry fantasy without an introduction or asking,” Virgil droned sarcastically. He snickered at the offended gasp that came out of the prince’s mouth and shifted in his seat.
“You wanna pause this and grab some popcorn? My leg fell asleep.”
Before Roman could move Remus struck.
“Hello there! The angel from my nightmares, the shadow in the background of the morgue!” he sang and scooped Virgil into his arms, twirling around with the brightest grin imaginable. Virgil squeaked and clung to him, more out of surprise than fear. He should have seen it coming.
“I think my point stands,” Roman teased, smirking at the pair like a cheshire cat. Virgil shot him a death glare, daring him to say anything more while Remus giggled impishly between verses.
“Perhaps you should take care of that leg and we can continue later. I would hate to rob you of a moment like this!” the prince continued, making Virgil flush and plot his end. Remus laughed and brushed Roman off.
“Looks like I’m the dashing heroic prince today! Better luck next time Hoe-man!” he sang and sunk out for some much needed cuddles. Roman rolled his eyes, ignoring the sleight in favor of appreciating how cute those two could be. Plus he could rewatch his movie without critique!
Virgil was exhausted. After a long study session for the next video, making sure that Logan knew his lines and keeping Janus from making them take a break, all he wanted to do was fall into a coma. But he was still in the common area and he would have company if he didn't move, but that meant moving. He drooped, letting his limbs hang off the couch, wishing he had the energy.
That was a mistake, and he knew that he would regret it. Especially when something slimy glided up the back of his hand.
"Gross," he grumbled, not bothering to look at the culprit. Remus giggled and licked his hand again before kissing it. He got off the floor and on one knee, smiling at his emo.
"You know you love me!" he teased and brought Virgil's hand to his lips again, "You're like my personal damsel in distress and I just love saving you and making you feel like a princess!"
"I'm not a damsel, just tired. Can I take a nap in peace?"
"Not out here, Scare Bear! You know it gets crazy with the others around!" Remus giggled and scooped him up without any struggle.
"If you take me to your dungeon to do horrible things to me in my sleep, make sure I have both kidneys intact."
"No promises, Charlie!" Remus teased and resituated Virgil so he could rest his head on his shoulder, "But I can promise you a comfy bed and the best snuggle buddy ever!"
"You're bringing Winary? Hellhounds don't make for great cuddles. They stink of brimstone," Virgil mumbled against his neck.
"Nope! You get to cuddle with a stinky dukey!" Remus countered and walked towards his room with his precious cargo.
"I'd rather cuddle with you," Virge mumbled and curled into Remus' chest.
"But I am a stinky dukey!" he said, fighting back the urge to squeal. Virgil huffed and wrapped his arms around Remus.
"I like your scent. It's comforting, like a puppy that likes mud."
"You Sir are exhausted!" Remus declared, "And you are taking a long nap with me so you can get that snark back!"
"You better be there when I wake up," Virge answered, barely able to keep his eyes open. Remus was happy and he was sure to be there the whole time.
"Virgil, you can't just call Remus every time something mildly inconvenient happens. He's not your footman," Janus huffed as Virgil curled into himself. He was going to summon Remus for a good reason. It wasn't his fault that the duke showed up every time he stubbed his toe!
"I know that, Snake-face," he huffed, "I don't actually summon him when they happen. He just knows."
"And you do nothing to stop him. It's not good for you to be dependent on him for everything. There's a fine line between self-care and sinking into bad habits."
"I'm not sinking into bad habits, Janus. I'm fine with being toted around if it makes him feel like he's being heroic instead of a villain."
Janus sighed and shook his head. Virgil had a point, Remus needed to feel wanted and needed. And who better to provide that for him than Virgil? Remus adored him!
"And I want him to show up right now," Virgil mumbled and hugged his knees. His skin was crawling and he was freezing. Was it too selfish for him to want to have Remus hold him and keep him close? Was he taking advantage of Remus wanting to be someone's hero? Was he even good enough to get that kind of attention from the duke?
"Remus!" Janus called out, rather than sit by and watch Virgil spiral. He sank out at the same time Remus appeared.
Remus got one look at Virgil and immediately pulled him into his arms. Virgil melted into him and let out a contented sigh.
"Scare Bear!" Remus cheered and spun on his heels, "My spider sense was tingling! What's wrong, Bitter Sweetie?"
"I just need some creature contact," Virgil grumbled, "and you're the most comfortable creature I know."
"So no slaying your demons or disemboweling anyone?" Remus giggled and dropped Virgil on the couch before flopping on him. Virgil shifted and wrapped his arms around Remus' waist.
"Nah, just don't leave. I need a Cuddlefish."
"And you got me for as long you want!" Remus giggled and nestled his head under Virgil's chin.
"You're gonna be here for a while," Virge hummed and soaked in the warmth Remus provided.
"I don't mind," Remus said, "I like it here!" And that was an understatement.
Remus was just going to the kitchen for a snack—he had some prairie oysters with his name on them! But he paused in the middle of the hallway when he saw Virgil on a step ladder, painting a wrought iron fence mural over his door. He was so focused, so pretty, Remus had to stare.
"You know, creeping on someone who's on a ladder is considered a bad idea."
"Do I look like the guy who has good ideas?"
"No, I should know better, you like me."
"No talking bad about yourself!" Remus growled and loomed closer.
"Oh, that's not what I meant. I mean you like the one guy who can kick your ass and you keep calling him a damsel. Last I checked, I saved you from the Dragon Witch twice this week alone."
"It was hot!" Remus agreed as Virge bent over to get more paint on his brush, carefully holding onto the wall, "But that doesn't mean you can't be a damsel too! You're like Dick Grayson—perfectly capable of kicking ass, but also very much in need of some saving every so often! Plus I think you'd make those shorts look good! Almost as good as I'd look getting into them!" Virgil jolted away from Remus as he was getting up again and lost his balance.
It felt like forever, falling backwards with nothing to grab onto. He was sure the impact would be annoying, but not terrible. If he were any higher up his instincts could have easily taken over and he wouldn't land on his back. But that impact never came. Instead he landed in a pair of strong arms.
"I knew you'd fall for me and my feral mojo!" Remus giggled down at him. Virgil stared at him for a second before swiping his paintbrush over Remus' nose.
"Sure, Puppy, you tell yourself that," Virgil said with a smirk, "It's not at all because you had the audacity to call me Dick Grayson when I'm more of a Jason Todd."
"You're more of a hottie who needs to snuggle with me after that kind of fall!"
"You really need to consider just asking like a normal person," Virgil jeered and kissed his cheek.
"Why would you ever consider that? Boring! You need some excitement in your life and that's where I come in!"
"I thought you came in—"
"Dirty jokes are my job!"
"I thought you came in like Peter Parker on a wrecking ball. Chaotically trying to save me from every mild inconvenience," Virge reiterated and wrapped his arms around Remus' shoulders before kissing his cheek again. Remus was a happy boy.
And then...
It was just perfect! Remus was so excited to finally have a gift for Patton that he would like! He appeared in the common area in the kitchen, just out of sight of the duo watching Looney Toons. Patton and Virgil were in for a treat!
He set Fluffy on the floor and motioned towards the couch. The little thing sprinted off in a pale pink blur and Remus waited for the cooing and squealing from Patton.
His heart shattered when all he heard were horrified screams coming from the father figure. He sank out to his room and fought the urge to cry. Fluffy would be able to get back to the Imagination without him.
Virgil paused the show and watched Patton scoop up the hairless cat with tears in his eyes.
"Look Virgil!" he cheered and held up the cat like she was Simba, "A kitty I can pet!" Virgil blinked twice, confused as to how a cat found her way into the commons. That's when he spotted the green collar around her neck and the silver tag hanging from it.
"Can I keep her Virge?" Patton pleaded as Virgil checked the tag. He had a hunch that Fluffy was meant to be with Patton.
"You're asking me?" he jeered and got up, "Let's find the guy who made her and ask him. I'm pretty sure Remus set her loose to find you."
"Remus? He made this little angel?" Patton gasped and cuddled her to his chest. She purred and kneaded his hoodie, getting him to squeal again.
"I'll go get him, and let you two get to know each other," Virgil said with a half-smile. Patton beamed and him and sat on the couch, cuddling his new best friend. Virgil sank out before the cuteness became sickening.
But any mushy feelings faded when he appeared in Remus' room. Amid the weapon racks and canopic jars, Remus was curled up on his bed, hiding his head between his knees.
"Octopuppy?" Virgil asked softly and sat next to Remus. The duke looked up at him with his makeup running down his cheeks.
"Scare Bear?"
"What's wrong?" he asked and brushed a stray piece of hair from Remus' face. Remus shook his head and let out a ragged sigh.
"I can't make anything good."
"Your dog is not gonna be happy to hear that."
"She's a hellhound with three heads. She's not good or normal. But she's a good girl," Remus grumbled and wiped his eyes. He was not about to cry again. Virgil coaxed Remus into his lap and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"What makes you think you can't make anything good?"
"I made a cat for Daddykins and I really tried to make her perfect for him. But he screamed at the sight of her. You know, you were there," he pouted and hid his face in Virgil's hoodie. Virgil pouted and held him closer.
"Can I show you something?" he whispered, "Something that can prove you can make something good."
Remus nodded and clung to Virgil as he stood. The emo cradled him to his chest and smiled down at him.
"Looks like you're my damsel this time," he teased and sank out, adoring the blush that crossed Remus' face.
They appeared in the common area kitchen to the sounds of giggles and cooing. Remus looked to Virgil for answers only to get a smirk in return.
"Hey Pat!" Virgil called out and carried Remus into the next room. Patton was curled up in his hoodie, using the string to play with Fluffy. Remus had never seen him so genuinely happy.
"Virge!" he cheered, only to coo at the sight of the gruesome twosome.
"I found Remus, so go ahead and ask."
"Remus, can I keep Fluffy? Please? I'll take good care of her! I promise!"
"I made her for you, so yeah, of course you can," Remus answered, completely stunned. Virgil knew that tone all too well. He had only a matter of seconds before a tsunami of feelings crashed over the duke. He would need cuddles.
"Thank you so much Remus!" Patton squealed and hugged Fluffy, "I'm gonna show her my room!" He sank out, leaving the pair to claim the couch.
"You good, Pup?" Virgil asked and hugged the duke, leaning into the cushions. Remus nodded and nuzzled into his chest.
"Good, because right now you're stuck cuddling with me until my legs fall asleep," Virgil mused and kissed his head. Remus shuddered and his breathing hitched.
"I did good," he whimpered, "I finally did a good and made a good thing."
"Finally? Remus, you make a good thing every day—you make me feel loved. You're my knight in slimy armor."
"That's just cuz I love you."
"I love you too, and I think it's only fair that I get to be your dark knight for a while. Because it's okay to need a little help, even if you don't think you deserve it."
"Who taught you that psychiatry crap?" Remus pouted and hid his face in Virgil's hoodie so no one would see him crying.
"You might know him, he's a wily little imp with a lot of passion, a flair for the dramatic, and macabre tastes. He's a handsome sweetheart and don't even get me started on his butt."
"He sounds like a pain in the neck!" Remus giggled.
"Only if he bites," Virgil snickered, "and he's my hero. So don't you dare try to talk shit about the Grand Duke of the Imagination."
Remus giggled and clung to him. He couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and he was pretty sure he didn't want to either.
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engie-ivy · 4 years
James refuses to accept the break-up unless either Remus or Sirius will look him in the eyes and tell him he's not in love with the other anymore
“Yes, Moony,” James says in a mocking tone, and Merlin, Sirius could actually strangle him right now. “Tell me you broke up with Padfoot because you weren’t in love with him anymore.”
Remus just gives James an angry look.
Sirius sighs. “Look, Moons. If you’re worried about hurting my feelings, it’s fine. I already know, have known for the last three years. Hearing you say it now isn’t going to kill me.”
From second thoughts to first dates
“Lily’s going to kill me.”
Sirius is sitting on the floor of his flat with his back leaning against the couch. Remus is sitting beside him, and a very drunk James is sitting across from them. Sirius and Remus are pleasantly buzzed, but James is positively wasted. They watched the final of the Quidditch World Cup together, and after James’s favourite team lost, went to the pub where he made use of the opportunity to drown his sorrows.
Now they’re back at Sirius’s flat, sitting on the floor eating grilled cheese. Living alone without house elves has proven to be very beneficial for Sirius’s grilled cheese-making skills.
“Nah,” Remus says, laying his head back against the couch and closing his eyes. “She’ll just let him suffer through his hangover tomorrow and then it’ll be fine.”
“He’s supposed to have lunch with Lily’s sister and her husband tomorrow,” Sirius sighs. “After the disaster of their first meeting, Lily was hoping he’d make a good impression this time.”
Remus opens one eye to look at James, who is currently dipping his grilled cheese in the glass of water Sirius gave him instead of his ketchup. “Yeah, that might be a problem.”
“Don’t care to make a good impression anyways,” James says, chewing on his soaked grilled cheese. “Pompous nitwits the both of them were.”
Remus smirks. “Is that why you went on a rant about the newest broom models and made the husband think you were mocking him?”
James points his grilled cheese at Remus, making wet crumbs fly in his face. “He started it! Puffed up buffoon bragging to me ‘bout his bloody... muggle wagon.”
“Still, you should act your best for Lily’s sake.”
James shakes his head. “No use. Doesn’t matter how I act, they’re determined to hate me, so they’ll hate me. Pointless, trying to impress them, absolutely pointless.”
Remus lays his head back down and Sirius focuses his attention on his own grilled cheese, while James keeps babbling on about how pointless it would be to try and be liked by Petunia and Vernon Dursley.
“Pointless, so very pointless. No point anywhere to found. One of the most pointless things in the world. Almost as pointless as...” James seems to wreck his brain to come up with something in the same category of pointlessness. “Your break-up!” He eventually says, waving his grilled cheese at Remus and Sirius.
Remus responds merely by giving James an exasperated look, and Sirius is proud of himself that, despite the sting in his heart, he manages not to react besides lifting one eyebrow. “Prongs, that still bothers you? It’s been three years.” Another sting in his heart. Has it really been three years already?
“Has it really been three years already?” James asks. “That makes it even more pointless! Three years and nothing’s changed.”
“Nothing’s changed?” Now Sirius can hardly keep the annoyance out of his voice. Three years since he last kissed Remus, three years since he last woke up next to Remus, three years since he last looked into Remus’s eyes and could think to himself ‘he’s mine’, three years since the world turned into a continuous numbness with just memories of happiness, but sure, nothing’s changed.
“Yes,” James says. “You’re still each other’s most important person in your life, you still look at each other like that, and neither one of you has ever dated anyone else in these three years, so what’d you go and break up for?”
Sirius frowns. “Moony dated. That woman from work...”
James makes a dismissive gesture. “She was married, her husband was just abroad.”
“Not like that,” Remus quickly clarifies. “We just hung out as friends a couple of times, nothing happened between us.”
“Moony asked me to keep up the pretence, hoping that it would help you move on.” James lets out a laugh. “What a disaster that was! During that time, a bloke was chatting you up in the pub once, and Moony glared at him so intense I thought he was going to punch him!” James burst into a fit of giggles. “Remember, Moony? You were clutching your glass so hard, it shattered in your hand!”
While James keeps giggling, Remus gives him a look that gives Sirius a pretty good idea what that bloke in the pub must have endured.
James wipes the tears from his eyes. “I’m just saying, you could’ve saved me three years of dealing with jealousy, pining and fits of crying.”
Sirius flushes and grits his teeth. Drunk or not, James has no business letting Remus know how pathetic he’s been these last three years. “Don’t make Moony feel guilty about it, Prongs. He’s not obligated to be with me just for your comfort, so deal with it.”
James rolls his eyes. “I’d deal with it, if you’d have a good reason for the break-up.”
“What more of a reason do you need?” Sirius is now seriously annoyed. “When one person is not in love with the other anymore, there’s nothing else you can do but break-up. That’s just life, and yes, it sucks, but it happens, and it’s no one’s fault.”
James, however, insists on being stubborn. “I would accept that reason. So, let me put it this way: if one of you can look me in the eyes and tell me that he’s not in love with the other anymore, I’ll drop the topic forever and I’ll never bring it up again.”
Sirius pinches the bridge of his nose and decides to just accept his faith. “Moony, just tell him.”
Startled, Remus jerks his head up, from where he was intently studying a loose thread on his jumper. “What? Why?”
Sirius glances at him. “Because I don’t know about you, but I’m not particularly enjoying this conversation. I’d rather get this over with as soon as possible.”
“Yeah, okay,” Remus says. “Why me then?”
“Because that was the exact reason you broke up with me three years ago!”
“We could just wait till he’s sober,” Remus mutters.
“I want to get this over with, so please, just say it,” Sirius says frustrated.
“I just don’t know if we should indulge his drunken demands.”
Sirius now really loses his patience. “Moony, just tell Prongs you broke up with me because you weren’t in love with me anymore!”
“Yes, Moony,” James says in a mocking tone, and Merlin, Sirius could actually strangle him right now. “Tell me you broke up with Padfoot because you weren’t in love with him anymore.”
Remus just gives James an angry look.
Sirius sighs. “Look, Moons. If you’re worried about hurting my feelings, it’s fine. I already know, have known for the last three years. Hearing you say it now isn’t going to kill me.”
Remus opens and closes his mouth, and then stares down at his sleeve again, looking miserable.
“Moony,” Sirius says. “Why can’t you just tell him-”
“Cause Moony’s a terrible liar!” James interjects. “He can’t get the words over his lips, especially not in front of you.”
Sirius shakes his head and can’t quite keep the bitterness out of his voice. “He had no trouble saying it three years ago, so why would it be a problem now?”
Remus’s head snaps up to look at Sirius. “I never said I wasn’t in love with you anymore three years ago!” He flushes bright red and looks away again. “What I said was-”
“I know what you said!” Sirius interrupts. Like he’d ever forget the words that made his entire world come crumbling down. “You said you wanted to end things between us, because you didn’t want to be with me anymore. Why else would you not want to be with me anymore?”
“It’s because of the werewolf thiiiiing!” James shouts, making Remus and Sirius flinch.
“What?” Sirius asks, confused. “No, that can’t be. It can’t be because of the werewolf thing. I’ve never once made an issue of that.”
“That was exactly the problem!” Remus snaps. “You acting like it was nothing. You didn’t understand how much it would affect you, how much it would affect your whole life. You didn’t comprehend-”
“I comprehended just fine!” Sirius says, raising his voice in anger. “I comprehended all of it! I comprehended that we’d never have much money, as you’ll never be able to get a steady, decent job, I comprehended that we’d never be able to live in one place for too long, as eventually it’ll raise suspicion, I comprehended that there’d be parts of society we’ll always be left out of, due to prejudice and stigma. I did comprehend, I just didn’t care, and that’s a difference!”
“How?” Remus stares at him in utter disbelief. “How could you not-”
“Because I fucking loved you!” Sirius shouts. “I’d have given up everything for you.”
Remus shakes his head. “Then you must understand how, for that exact same reason, I couldn’t let you do that.”
“That was never your decision to make,” Sirius hisses. “It was mine! And I had decided long ago that it’d be you, no matter what.”
Remus stares at him again, and Sirius can hardly bear to see the emotions in his eyes. Emotions he can’t figure out. For a moment, he thinks Remus will get angry, but then he falls back against the couch and crosses his arms in front of his chest. “You tell him then. Tell him how I screwed everything up, and how you’re completely over me now and couldn’t possibly love me anymore.”
“Merlin, Remus, you’re such an idiot!”
Now Remus glares at him. “You’ve told me on multiple occasions how you’ve gotten over me.”
“Because I thought you had a good reason for breaking up with me!” Sirius replies. “I thought you had a good reason, and I didn’t want to make you feel guilty by letting you know how much of a fucking mess I still am, and how much I fucking miss you every day, even when we’re bloody together!”
“What are you saying?” Remus asks, voice suddenly trembling. “Are you saying that you’re not over me?”
“Are you saying that you didn’t fall out of love with me?”
Remus just stares at Sirius and Sirius just stares at Remus. He has no idea how to proceed, or how to go back. Back to half an hour ago or back to three years ago, he doesn’t even know.
They only come out of their contemplation by a drunken James loudly breaking the silence. “Still haven’t heard any reasooooons!”
Sirius apparates at a safe distance from the Potters’ home and starts dragging James towards his front door.
“Padderfootsie,” James mumbles. “D’you know how many werewolves have families? Of their own? So partners, not parents? I mean, I assume they all have parents, right? Where else would they come from? They don’t just shoot out of the floor.” James starts giggling again. “Can you imagine?”
“Prongs, please, I-”
“Zero!” James exclaims. “None whatsoever! It’s never been done! Too much weirdness about starting families when it comes to “dark creatures”.” He almost sticks Sirius’s eye out at the air quotes he makes around “dark creatures”.
Sirius doesn’t respond, so James continues. “Moony can’t just fall head over heels in love and fully throw himself into it with his whole being, without any doubts, like you and I can. Not with each other, of course. With Remus and Lily. Remus or Lily. Not both. Well both, but you know, one for each. You Remus, me Lily.”
Sirius really wants to get James inside as soon as possible, but James wiggles himself free from his grip to face him, and grabs his shoulders. “I know how much he has hurt you, I know. All I'm saying is, it’s different for Moony, but that doesn’t mean he loves you any less.”
“Merlin, Prongs.” Sirius swallows against a sudden lump in his throat. “I don’t know anymore if I never want you to get this drunk again, or wish that you’d gotten this drunk three years ago.”
Lily slams open the door and stalks into Sirius’s flat.
“Why, good day to you, Lilyflower.”
“Don’t you ‘Lilyflower’ me, Black,” Lily snarls.
Sirius rolls his eyes. “Aren’t you a ray of sunshine this afternoon.”
“Yes,” Lily says sarcastically, while taking a Butterbeer out of the fridge. “Waking up to find your husband knocked out on the couch really does wonders for your mood.”
“Well, you should be thanking me for the fact that he even was on the couch, instead of in a ditch somewhere.”
Lily swallows down a gulp of Butterbeer without breaking eye contact. “I would have preferred the ditch.”
Lily flops down on the couch with her drink and eyes Sirius for a while. “What are you doing?” She asks, after watching him pull on a fancy shirt and fixing his hair in front of the mirror.
“I got a date,” Sirius simply says.
Lily chokes on her next sip. “A...” She coughs a few times. “A date? You haven’t had a date since- in a long time.” She studies Sirius’s face, noting how, despite his efforts to look composed, he’s brimming with excitement. “That’s... That’s good, Pads. I’m happy for you.”
There’s a knock on the door.
Lily, not curious at all, turns around on the couch so she can watch the door as Sirius opens. Her eyes widen, and she can’t help how a small gasp escapes her lips, when she sees Remus Lupin standing there. He’s wearing his best slacks and his nicest jumper, and has even styled his hair. Lily looks with astonishment at the boys nervously staring and smiling at each other, dressed to the nines and well-groomed, like they didn’t eat pizza from the floor of Remus’s flat wearing stained sweatpants after not showering for days just the week before.
“Hi,” Remus says.
“Hi,” Sirius says.
“Hi!” Lily shouts.
Remus jumps, only now realising Lily is in the room. He blushes furiously and runs a hand through his previously well-groomed hair. “Oh, Lils, hi. I didn’t see you there. How are you? Is Prongs still alive?”
“Yes,” Lily replies solemnly. “I’m waiting for him to be sober enough before I kill him.” She gestures with her bottle between the two boys. “So what’s this? Are you two picking things up again?”
“No,” Sirius says hesitantly. “We’re more like... starting over?” A smile appears on his face with such genuine happiness as Lily hasn’t seen on him in... what? Three years? “This is our first date!” He adds.
Lily can’t help but smile back at him, bad mood almost forgotten.
“Well,” Sirius says. “We’ll better get going. There’re some left-over pumpkin pastries in the fridge, and there’s stuff for grilled cheese, but try not to burn anything this time.”
“Right,” Lily says. “You boys have fun then!”
After the door closes behind them, Lily turns around and slides back down on the couch. A huge grin spreads across her face. It’s been a long three years for all of them, but maybe, just maybe, all will be right with the world again.
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years
ok dorcas and marlene as chaotic professors at the same university? could be an AU, could just be Hogwarts
As told in Text Conversations: 
Groupchat: Picasso is a Bitch 
Dorcas: New Teacher alert.
Lily: Department?
Dorcas: Engineering
Remus: Sounds hot
Dorcas: shut up immediately.
Remus: you’re not my mom
Lily: M or F
Dorcas: F
Remus: Dammit
Lily: seem nice?
Dorcas: idk. I didn’t get the chance to actually talk to her. It was more like a moment in passing. She was surrounded by guys, though
Remus: what a lesbian move
Lily: how… how is that even a thing?
Remus: Lils, are you dumb? If girls ONLY hang out with guys, chances are they’re butch. Or they know they aren’t attracted to guys and are wild as fuck and have nothing to lose. They have no one to impress, really. Those are the only two options.
Dorcas: Jesus
Remus: No, I’m sure he wasn’t there
Dorcas: I have to leave this conversation before I physically kill Remus Lupin. Talk to you both later.
Lily: Lunch in our usual spot?
Remus: Tell me if you see the Lesbian again.
Remus: Also, where the fuck is Alice?
Groupchat: The Walking Dead
Sirius: Well lads, I dropped off the love of our lives at school. Felt like a proud parent. Almost cried.
Marlene: You are aware that I know how to make explosives from scratch right? I’ve been aching to do it for a while, so you wanna keep doing this? Is this happening?
James: I need him, though. We’re gonna get married eventually. So no. You are not allowed to blow him up
Marlene: Fuck
Peter: How's the new campus? 
Marlene: Small. I mean, it’s a lot smaller of a university, harder to get into and all that. But still. For a place that boasts a great deal of wealth, they certainly don’t show it in building size. 
Sirius: That’s how you know they have money. They have nothing to prove. Classic rich people move.
Peter: You should know.
James: Did you get settled though, Mars? 
Marlene: Enough. I still have to set up the lecture hall to my liking, but it’s nice to have an office that will probably be permanent. And I saw your door just a few down from mine, Jamie boy! Sirius: I should have become a professor. I feel left out. I hate being left out.
Peter: You have the right degree, Paddy. You could be a professor if you wanted.
Sirius: Desk jobs are gross. No thank you. Also, children.
Marlene: It’s not a desk job. And, like, these children are basically full grown adults.
Sirius: Physically, maybe. But I remember what we were like at their age. Mentally, they belong in daycare. 
James: You’re just bitter because those college boys outdrank you the other night.
Peter: They didn’t though
James: Whatever you say, Pads.
Marlene: Also, I just saw a very beautiful woman. Will keep you updated if I see her again.
Groupchat: Picasso Is a Bitch name changed to Hamlet, that’s fucking gay
Remus: Any sign of the lesbian?
Dorcas: No. 
Alice: What? What Lesbian?
Lily: Oh, while you were sick, Dorcas saw a very pretty girl. Remus thinks she’s a lesbian.
Alice: Ooh, that’s fun! 
Remus: I don’t THINK Lily, I know. 
Dorcas: You haven’t even seen her
Remus: Irrelevant. 
Lily: Do you guys know if Potter is back?
Alice: I saw him this morning. He was getting coffee.
Remus: I love that man so much. He’s so beautiful I could literally cry. With that hot caramel skin and that wild hair and how he always smells like some weird spice. I want him to be the father of my children.
Lily: Don’t encourage him.
Remus: He’s not even here.
Lily: He can sense your enthusiasm. So shhhhh
Alice: Do we still not like him?
Lily: No.
Dorcas: You know it was an accident, Lils. 
Lily: You don’t know that. And I don’t know that. And who in their RIGHT MIND asks someone out after they’ve pushed them into a fountain? Like, the audacity?!
Remus: At least he’s authentic
Lily: Yeah, an authentic bitch. 
Alice: Lol.
Alice: I’m honestly really interested in this Lesbian situation, though. Can we get back to that?
Remus: She’s in the engineering department. So if your cute little math loving butt just wanted to wander over there…
Alice: I’m on my way. 
Dorcas: Why are we friends? You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re joking.
Dorcas: ALICE
Lily: They’re doing it out of love.
Dorcas: Well their idea of love is something I am not interested in. 
Alice: Blonde?
Dorcas: Fuck.
Remus: Is she blonde, Dorcs?
Remus: IS SHE?!
Dorcas: Yeah.
Alice: Marlene McKinnon. Blonde, blue eyed, I’d say 5”8, 5”9. Masters in Engineering. Very nice.
Remus: Alice, I fucking love you
Groupchat: The Walking Dead changed to Update, I’m still gay
Sirius: Why the name change?
Marlene: Needed to get your attention
James: But like… with that?
Marlene: It fucking worked, didn’t it?
Peter: What happened?
Marlene: I saw that beautiful woman again. And I was right. She was beautiful.
Sirius: Sounds riveting.
Marlene: I told you I’d keep you updated, and I am. Stop being ungrateful.
Sirius: Yes commander
James: Who was it?
Marlene: Don’t know. Short, black, curly hair?
James: Where did you see her?
Marlene: She was getting a plate of spaghetti in the Canteen.
James: Hm……….. 
Sirius: James doesn’t know anyone because he’s too busy mooning over Evans.
James: I am so much stronger than you. Do not come for me right now
Peter: Sirius, you have an appointment here, come down.
Sirius: Fuck. 
James: Peter, you know you can just text him personally, right?
Peter: I can’t shame him publicly if I only text him. 
Marlene: Facts.
James: Did you talk to her?
Marlene: Nah, she was with people. I wanted to though. She seems lovely. 
James: Lovely? Who are you and what have you done with Marlene McKinnon.
Marlene: She’s dead now. I’ve inhabited her body. 
Sirius: Thank god, she was a bitch.
James: I’ll keep an eye out for her. Let me know if you want me to scout it out.
Marlene: Okay, James Bond
Groupchat: Hamlet, that’s fucking gay changed to Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it
Dorcas: Remus, stop changing the group chat name. I know where you live.
Remus: We live with each other.
Dorcas: Exactly.
Lily: Are there lesbian updates????
Remus: I met her. She was wandering around, looking for a pop machine. 
Alice: Yay! I love Lesbian updates
Remus: Good news: she’s funny. Like, super funny.
Lily: Saying good news like that often means there is bad news to follow
Remus: She’s uh… friends with Potter.
Dorcas: Uh-oh.
Alice: Oh no.
Lily: I’m really sorry that you have to eternally break up with this woman, Dorky. Because NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. ANYONE who is friends with James Potter is not worth knowing.
Alice: That’s pretty judgemental, lils.
Lily: .... And?
Remus: Luckily, you don’t have to date her.
Dorcas: No one is dating ANYONE. Jesus, you guys. Chill out about this whole thing
Remus: I don’t think that’s physically possible. 
Dorcas: Can we talk about anything else?
Alice: Frank is taking me out for sushi tonight. 
Remus: I would marry Frank in five seconds, if he’d let me
Alice: I’ll let him know. 
Remus: Thank you, I appreciate it.
Groupchat: Update, I’m still gay changed to Emotionally Unavailable Idiots
Sirius: I have met the love of my life.
Marlene: Stop being dramatic
Sirius: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME? He quoted the Princess Bride with me. Word for Word? Marlene, I must marry this man. WHO IS HE?
Peter: Why do I keep missing all of the fun stuff?
James: The fun stuff is watching Sirius gay panic over a stranger?
Peter: Yeah. Obvs.
Marlene: He’s the lit professor.
James: Lupin?
Marlene: I think so, yeah. 
Sirius: An english nerd. Perfect. He can read me poetry while I give people tattoos. We’ll make millions. 
Marlene: I think… he wants to be my friend. He’s come around a few times. He even brought me coffee once, with a croissant. I didn’t know people were so nice to strangers. Am I in a hallmark film?
Peter: It’s cause you're such a catch, Mars. 
Marlene: I will shove that “catch” up your ass, Pettigrew, if you don’t stop being stupid.
James: Impossible. Stupidity is Peter’s middle name. 
Sirius: Yeah Peter Marcus Stupidity Pettigrew.
Peter: My middle name isn’t Marcus.
Sirius: Wait really?
Peter: No?
Sirius: Why the fuck did I think it was Marcus?
James: I think Lupin is bi, Sirius. So…
Sirius: James, you are the other love of my life. I will kiss you when you get home. You provide me with the most valuable information and attention. I can never truly repay you.
James: Finally. Getting the recognition I deserve. Can’t wait.
Sirius: Marlene, please. Be his friend, I am begging you. I will give you our first born child.
Marlene: Pass.
Groupchat: Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it changed to I won’t hesitate bitch
Alice: Marlene is so nice
Lily: You’re all traitors. She’s friends with the enEMY
Dorcas: I thought Remus was supposed to be the dramatic one
Remus: I’ll take that as a compliment
Dorcas: Whatever helps you sleep at night. 
Alice: Seriously though. She’s so nice. A lot of my students have her and they’ve been gushing. Apparently she’s one of the best professors some of them have ever had.
Remus: Damn. High praise. 
Lily: Still skeptical
Alice: She asked about you, Dori. 
Dorcas: wait, what?
Alice: She said she had noticed that you and I are close and she wanted to know about you. What your name is, what you teach, how long you’ve been working here, if you were single.
Dorcas: She did not ask that.
Remus: Dorcas, shut up forever. Alice is talking. Alice, my love, please continue. 
Alice: I may have invited her to eat lunch with us.
Dorcas: Uh…
Lily: You did what?
Alice: She’s new, Lily. I’m trying to help her make friends.
Lily: You did it, didn’t you. 
Alice: ummm
Alice: He’s her friend. I couldn’t exclude him.
Lily: I never thought this would happen to me. To be betrayed so thoroughly by my own friends. I don’t even have the words. 
Alice: Who knows, it might be fun?
Remus: I’m so excited I could burst
Dorcas: Is it legal to drink on campus in the middle of the day?
Remus: Unfortunately not. Trust me, I’ve tried.
Marlene McKinnon to Dorcas Meadowes
Marlene: It was nice of all of you to invite me to lunch. I know it was probably awkward for all of you to have to spend time with a stranger. But I really appreciated it. 
Dorcas: No problem. You’re always welcome.
Marlene: Maybe… we could go get something to eat off campus sometime?
Dorcas: Yeah, of course. We go to the bar on Wright all the time.
Marlene: Oh, I meant like… just you and me. Actually.
Dorcas: Oh.
Marlene: Yeah. Did I guess wrong?
Dorcas: Guess wrong?
Marlene: About you being into women?
Dorcas: Ohhhh…
Marlene: ??
Dorcas: What did you have in mind? For our date?
Marlene: Wait, is that a yes?
Dorcas: I expect like, first class treatment, because I’ve seen you in action now. Anyone who can wrangle James Potter like that is someone who deserves knowing. So yeah. It’s a yes.
Marlene: Yay! Okay, you won’t regret it!
Marlene: Also, my friend is in love with Lupin.
Dorcas: wait, James? 
Marlene: Lol. Nah, James is still hung up on Lily. She’s wonderful, by the way. Tell her I’m grateful she was so kind. I know about what James did last year, so I can understand her bitterness. Fucking funny, though, to see it in person.
Marlene: It’s my other friend, Sirius. He owns the tattoo parlor, Cannis Major, on Levi. 
Dorcas: Hmm. Well, let me know what I can do. I’m sure we can get them in the same room at some point.
Marlene: Are you offering to meddle in people’s lives?
Dorcas: Is that okay?
Marlene: Dorcas Meadowes, I’m pretty sure I’m already halfway in love with you. 
Dorcas: Thank god. 
This has been in my ask box for literal months. I’m sorry @tonftyhw !! I had finals and stress and I don’t know how to write. I hope this makes you smile though.
Clarifier for who teaches what if anyone is interested:
Dorcas-Art (painting)
Sirius owns a tattoo shop because I will die for that AU every time. And Peter works with him, kind of like the brains of the business.
Should I write more of this? It was so fun lol 
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October, 1980
Ship: Sirius and Remus
First Wizarding War
Fluff and Angst, Love Confession
Summary: Remus is in a mission with the werewolves again, Sirius misses him like crazy and realizes his feelings towards his boyfriend.
Sirius woke up gasping for air. His heart was beating fast. Sirius tried his best to get some air on his lung. 1,2,3,4… Remus had taught him how to breath properly. But Remus was not there. He was not beside Sirius. It was the first time in a long time, since Sirius had to go through a night terror on his own.
I miss you, Moons.
Sirius breathed in slowly and let all air out. He did that until he could breath properly. Sirius laid down on the bed. It felt cold, foreign, not as warm as the one Sirius and Remus shared on their little flat. It was because Moony wasn’t there. And Sirius´ body missed that warmth.
There was no way he was able to sleep again. Maybe he could wake James and Lily, but Sirius didn’t want to bother them. It was the first time in days, since they could sleep without Harry crying in the night.
Sirius rubbed his hair and got up, putting on one of Moony’s jumper. It smelled like him. If Sirius closed his eyes, he could pretend Moony’s arms were around him. But no. It wasn’t the same, it wasn’t the same at all. Tucking his hands on the jumper’s pockets, Sirius found a pack of cigarettes. He smiled to himself.
You’re a bloody wanker, Moony. I love you.
Sirius climbed down to the living room. Careful not to make any sound. The Potters’ Mansion seemed so big and empty, without Euphemia, without Fleamont. Sirius missed them so much. He sat there and lit himself a cig. He usually didn´t smoke. Moony was the smoker. But Sirius missed him so much….so what the fuck?
“I thought I heard a sneaky dog”
Sirius turned around to see Lily. Her eyes sleepy, hair on a bun, carrying a glass of water.
Sirius smiled “Hey ginger”
“You cannot sleep?” Lily said taking a seat next to him.
Sirius shook his head.
“Me neither” she sighed.
Sirius looked at her, giving Lily a sweet kiss on her forehead. Sirius knew exactly what worried her. The War, Harry’s and James’ safety…
Me too, Lils, I’m freaking scared.
“I miss him too, you know?” she broke the silence as Sirius took another drag.
“Of course, you do”
Remus had to go back. To the bloody werewolves. Dumbledore’s Orders. Remus was supposed to gather information, gain the werewolves’ trust. And fuck, he’s been out there for weeks. James and Lily begged Sirius to stay with them, so he didn’t feel alone.
“You have no idea how much I need him…” Sirius said
 “No… no no. There’s no way I’m letting you go there…. Every month?” Sirius sounded furious, pacing through their flat. Remus just watched him
“I have no choice Sirius…” Remus said “Dumbledore…”
“Fuck Dumbledore!”
Remus smiled at that.
“I’m gonna be fine” Remus sniffed “They won´t hurt me”
“How do you know Moons? You might be in danger, they are….”
Shit. Sirius closed his eyes embarrassed.
“No Moony. I didn´t mean that. I´m sorry”
Remus put his head on his knees.
“You won´t understand, Sirius” Remus said “I… I need to do this”
Sirius was trembling. He didn´t know if it was because he was scared, furious or because his body missed Remus already. He kneeled in front of him. Sirius forced his boyfriend to look at him.
“I’m gonna miss you Moons. Like a lunatic”
 “I know babe” Lily patted his back gently.
“I’m scared Lils” Sirius turned off his cig, trying to swallow his tears.
“He is gonna be fine”
“Not for him. He is strong… So strong” Sirius sighed “I meant I’m scared of this feeling” Sirius ran his fingers through his hair.
Lily didn’t answer. She just waited for Sirius to continue.
“I love him, Lils” Sirius continued looking to the window, the moon on sight. It wasn’t full. That was nights before, but still.
“I fell completely in love with him…”
Sirius didn´t dare to look at Lily but he knew she was smiling. Sirius thanked the room was dark, because Sirius was blushing.
“No one had ever looked at me the way Remus has…” he continued
 Sirius woke up smelling the sweet scent of chocolate and the taste of last’s night sex lingered in. Sirius rolled to his side and there he was. Sun shinning on his skin, exposing his freckles and scars. His golden curls were messier than ever. Lips parted murmuring things under his breath. His eyelashes touching his cheeks. He was beautiful. Remus Lupin was beautiful.
Remus opened his eyes slowly. He was taking his time, letting out soft breaths. And then he opened them, those beautiful eyes of his. They only look bigger and brighter for Sirius. When Remus just woke up or during sex. Sirius though those wild eyes were only for him.
Moony saw Sirius and smiled. He fucking smiled. Sirius melted.
“Morning Pads” his voice was hoarse and deep oh merlin, so bloody sexy.
 “He is the only one that sees right through me. No masks, you know, Lils? That Sirius Black that nobody gets to. That Sirius who is underneath so many layers… The one not even myself would recognize…”
 Sirius was out of breath for a second and then he responded “Morning Moons”
Remus smiled hiding his face on the pillow. Sirius wanted to be that pillow so badly.
“We have an Order meeting in two hours” Remus said watching his watch.
Sirius grunted. He pulled himself closer to Remus. He kissed him softly hand stroking his cheek. Remus laughed between kisses. Best feeling in the world. Sirius couldn´t give a damn about Order meeting or the war, or any thing else in the world.
“Can we just stay like this forever?” he whispered on Moony’s ear, kissing his cheek, jaw and neck.
“Sirius…” Remus half said half moaned his name. Sirius loved that “I would love to stay here with you… But we need to get ready…”
Sirius moaned in protest hiding his face on Remus´ chest.
“Specially you. I mean you take an hour just in your hair”
“Bloody wanker”
Remus laughed. Sirius loved that laughter.
 Sirius had tears in his eyes. Fuck he couldn’t cry. Lily scooped closer. She put her head on Sirius´ shoulder. That made him feel worse for a reason. He covered his face and fuck… he was crying.
“Fuck…” Sirius´ voice broke. “I am so stupid…”
“You´re not stupid…”
“Yeah I am” Sirius half laughed on how silly he felt. Crying in front of Lily. He was supposed to be the cool, fun Sirius Black not this mess.
“At the same time, I´m really angry at Remus…” he continued “I just think he depends too much on me. He… he asks too much of me. He acts like the world is ending around him. Specially after the full moon… And he is like waiting for me to be this superhero and make him feel better… Like… That’s a lot of fucking pressure, you know?”
Sirius didn’t know where all this was coming from. He didn´t know he felt all this until he began opening himself to Lily.
 Sirius tucked Remus under the blankets. Fuck, he had a new scar on his neck. Sirius didn’t mind. But Remus would hate it. For sure. Sirius sighed as he gave him a soft kiss. It wasn’t a bad moon, but Remus seemed exhausted.
Sirius saw James on the frame door. Bags under his eyes. His hair messier with a bunch leaves and branches sticking out. Sirius felt so grateful towards James.
“Gotta go… Lily must be fucking worried”
Sirius nodded looking at Remus “Go on Prongs…” then he added “Thanks”
“He is gonna be okay, you know?” It was Wormtail who appeared on the door framed next to James.
“I know” but Sirius was still worried.
“We understand Pads” James said “Us too”
Peter nodded.
Sirius smiled slightly “He is lucky to have you as friends”
“He is lucky to have us. You as well” Peter said
Sirius didn’t respond.
“We´ll pop in later, Pads. Lily would want to see him”
Sirius just nodded.
James winked and Peter waved before disappearing. They were really good friends. They did this for him, the whole Animagus thing was for their Moony. Sirius´ Monny.
Sirius cuddled on the chair next to the bed. And he watched Remus sleep, loving him so much.
 He sniffed “I don’t want anything to happen to him while I’m not there. Like… There might be times when I cannot be around, you know? And… I´m really terrified that he… I don’t know…”
Lily squeezed his hand.
“This is not only up to you, Sirius” she said “We´re all here for Remus”
“Not Lils” Sirius´ voice was trembling “I didn’t mean to say Remus is a burden to me. He would never…”
Lily nodded “I understand”
“I think I depend on him the same way….” He sighed wiping his tears “I don’t know what I would do without him Lils. I´m completely in love with him”
 Sirius decided to cuddle into bed, next to Remus. Sirius wrapped his arms around him. Sirius kissed Moony and whispered “I love you” into his ear. Even though Remus couldn’t hear him.
 Sirius was scared of that feeling. Flashes of memories haunted him now. Sirius and Remus dancing happily to one of his favorite records, both of them smiling at each other and kissing each other like fools. The feeling of Remus wrapping his arms around Sirius while he tried to do mundane things like brushing his teeth or getting dressed, or preparing the morning tea. The way Remus would whisper “I love you” into his ear and desperately bite his neck. The way Remus looked into his eyes and whispered things to him while they shagged. The way Remus got him hot and turned on just for one look or smile. The way they just would talk about anything very late at night, having a cig or a drink or something.  The way Remus smiled at him every time Sirius said silly stuff or day dreamed about their future. And the way Remus would hold and comfort Sirius after a nightmare or a night terror. The way Sirius felt on his arms.
It was worth it. Everything was worth it when it came to Remus. Sirius was overwhelmed by that feeling, yes. But he was in love with the train wreck that was his relationship with Remus. That thought made Sirius missed Remus more.
Lily was giggling now. “I think you should tell him”
Sirius snorted finally realizing that Lily had been hearing the whole time. He wiped his tears laughing a bit. He shook his head.
“Nah. That would be too bloody embarrassing. I´m fucking Sirius Black, remember?”
Lily laughed at that “I´m sorry your highness”
She rolled her eyes.
Sirius smiled.
“I think you should tell him because I´m pretty sure he feels the same way about you”
Sirius smiled at that. Remus loving him as much as he loved him. It was amazing.
“Please don’t tell James… He would never leave me alone with this”
“I don’t promise anything” Lily smiled
“Lily!” Sirius protested.
Lily laughed. She nodded and Sirius was grateful.
Suddenly they heard baby Harry crying.
“Lily?” It was James, asking for her.
“Coming!” Lily sighed. She winked at Sirius before leaving.
“Love you Ginger!” he yelled after her.
“Get some sleep”
 Sirius felt asleep on the living couch without realizing. He was half asleep when he heard voices coming from the kitchen and baby giggles. He assumed James and Lily were awake. But he didn’t wake up. He kept his eyes closed for a bit longer.
Sirius heard his voice. He must be dreaming about him again.
Giggles “Pads”
Someone poked his arm. Oh shit. He wasn’t dreaming. Remus was here. He opened his eyes quickly. Remus was there. He looked tired; a bit dirty but with a big grin across his face. So beautiful. So so beautiful.
“Hi” Remus smiled.
Sirius touched his face to make sure he was real. He was. Remus was back next to him.
“Moony!” Was all that came out of his mouth before he kissed Remus forcefully. Remus laughed into the kiss.
“I missed you too” Remus whispered.
Sirius hugged him. Smelling him in, touching him like he hadn’t[H1]  done it in a long time.
“I love you Moons” he said “So much”
“I love you too Pads”
And they kissed again, only interrupted by James calling them for breakfast.
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To Make A Prince Smile
Life's been stressful and Remus is my comfort character, so enjoy some mostly comfort Remus hurt/comfort <3
Prompt: Remus + Arranged Marriage Prompt from @the-snake-god (+More Baking because I get a fair amount of Remus/Baking Prompts)
Characters: Remus, Patton Pairings: Platonic Intruality, Background eventual Logicality and Dukexiety
Word Count: 2836
Warnings: Remus-type content (Sexual Innuendo/references), Arranged Marriage, Casual disregard of one's own life, Brief Beheading mention, Some swearing (Let me know if you'd like anything tagged!)
    Nights like this were the only time you'd find Remus quiet. He stretched his arm, fishing into the depths of the kitchen of his crappy cupboard. He continued his search in earnest as he leaned forward on his toes, cringing as the cupboard door creaked loudly in the near deafening silence.
    He froze for a moment as an unconscious grunt escaped his lips as his hand closed around the familiar mixing bowl. He let out a slow breath, keeping his arm rigid as he quietly navigated the piece of glassware out of the cluttered space.
    Remus breathed a sigh of relief as the bowl pulled out silently. He paused in a squat,  running a finger over the chipped rim as a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The last time he'd seen this particular bowl he'd been hours away from being paraded around his first in front of a bunch of old farts with too much power and a kink for making their kids miserable.
    He let out a sigh as he wiped the dust from the old green bowl and stood up to set it on the counter. Strictly speaking, Remus shouldn’t be here. Hell, if he was spotted anywhere besides his quarters tonight, he was sure the courts would be in an immediate uproar. The mere thought was enough to send his mind spiraling a whole new direction as he turned to pull the ingredients from the shelves. He shouldn’t even remember this recipe. It had been years since he had broken in to the kitchen.
    Because my shit brain is broke.
    Remus growled as he dropped the flour on the wooden countertop. He took a step back to take inventory of his progress, chewing his lip to keep his darker thoughts at bay. After a brief pause, he got back to work. His movements were quick as he gathered the little, chocolate candies, put his hands on the oats and counted the eggs he'd snatched from the chicken coops early that morning. The steps jumped to his mind and he lost himself into his focus so much he didn't notice a small man appear in the doorway behind him.
    “You’re not supposed to be—”
    Remus' head jerked up to meet te eyes of the man with reddish brown hair, dressed in a kitchen staff uniform staring at him from the entryway to the kitchen. As their eyes met, he saw a nervous look flashed across the man's eyes and the man's statement suddenly jumped in pitch as he continued.
    “Your highness! Sorry, I —"
    Remus didn't hesitate. He jumped and slid across the countertop and lunging forward to press a hand over the man’s lips. Smirking, he flashed a playful smile down at the wide eyes of the adorable kitchen servant staring back at him.
     “Now, I know you weren’t just about to ruin my fun.”
     The vehement shake of the man's head pulled a chuckle out of Remus and he smirked. The shock in the man's bright, blue eyes glimmered as his eyes flitted between Remus and the kitchen.
    Goddamn, of course he'd be fucking pretty.
    Remus eased his grip and allowed the man to stand up straight up off the wall. He smiled at the man's confusion and held a finger to his lips in a hushing gesture. “Just pretend I'm not here and go about your business as usual. Got it?”
    The man nodded as he averted his gaze. His hesitance gave Remus pause and the prince softened his voice, still smirking at the shocked baked.”
    “Thanks for not tattling on me.” Remus cooed as he dropped his head to meet the man’s eyes with a playful giggle. “Let’s be real. Those lips are too damn pretty to be used for evil anyway.”
     The red tint in the man's cheeks deepened as he dropped his eyes and bowed his head even deeper to his chest. “Of course not, my prince.”
    Remus chewed his lip at the mention of his title, but he backed off as he picked up on the man's discomfort. He eyed the up and down at the man's uniform with a sigh. “You got a name, baker boy?”
    “Patton, sir.”
    “Alrighty then, Pattycake. Do me a favor and drop the titles.” Remus muttered, turning back to the kitchen as Patton’s mouth dropped open uncertainly.
    “I’m not sure I can—"
    “You won’t get in trouble or nothing.” Remus huffed with a bitter smile as he rounded back to his ingredients and pointed back to the kitchen doors. “If you want me gone, all you gotta do is holler for one of the guards and they'll drag me kicking and screaming back to my tower where I belong.”
   He could feel the man's eyes on the back of his head as he turned and sorted his pile of ingredients.
    “I won't—” Patton hesitated as Remus raised an eyebrow at him, but he quickly steeled his resolve and started his own work. “I won't tell anything. Is there something you'd prefer for me to call you?”
    “My name would be a great start.” Remus muttered a bit more bitterly than he intended.
    “Certainly, sir—I mean, Remus.”
    Remus nodded, appreciating that the man seemed willing to let his suspicious behavior slide. He ignored the man, firing up the oven before turning to the cupboard.
    “Do you need help finding—”
     “Nope.” Remus popped as he spun around and set the scale on the countertop to begin weighing his ingredients.
    “How do you—”
    “Used to sneak in here a lot back in the day.” Remus muttered and q nostalgic smile spread across his face as he mixed his dry ingredients. He could feel his hand starting to shake as he threw himself into his comfort recipe. “Until the new bitch of a head chef reported me and got me tossed out for ‘inappropriate princely behavior’, I was in here every other week makin' something.”
    The man behind him snorted quietly, quickly dropping his head with amusement at the prince’s nonchalance. “Your language seems less becoming than I would expect of someone in your position.”
     “You calling me out for saying bitch, pretty boy?”
      “I would never question one of our fearless leaders.” The man looked up at Remus with a coy smile as he tossed his own dough on the countertop.
   “Then, you’re an idiot.” Remus muttered under his breath as he watched the man begin to prepare his proofed dough.
   Patton's smile faltered as he watched Remus carefully. “That kind of talk is treason.”
    “What are they going to do to me? Arrest me?” Remus purred as he pulled out a stack of baking sheets. He leaned onto his elbows and stared at Patton across the island between them. He smiled seductively, wiggling his eyebrows at the baker. “I mean, I'd let you put me in handcuffs any night.”
   The man's brow furrowed and, for the first time, Remus felt disgust in the man's expression. “You should not say such things when you are to be married mere hours from now.”
   Remus sucked in a breath as though he received a quick jab to his stomach. “I hate to shatter the big illusion, but I didn’t exactly get a choice in the matter.”
    The man winced as Remus let out a long sigh, dipping his head away from Remus' exasperation. “I'm sorry, sir. It was not my place to say—"
    “Do I look like I give a shit what you say?”
     Patton looked up, surprised as the prince started making little balls to lay out on the baking sheet. “What?”
    “I'd appreciate if you’d stop looking like I might have you beheaded for looking at me wrong.”
    “Just stop. No one hates my position more than me.” Remus couldn’t help but growl as he turned to slip his cookies into the oven. He pulled the timer off the top of the oven and twisted it to the right time, nearly breaking it with his rough movements. “Please, just treat me like a person for the few hours of freedom I have left.”
    “Forgive me. I—” Patton paused as he stared at the back of the prince's tense shoulders. “You’re not what I expected—um, Remus.”
    “What are you even doing here anyway?”
    Patton blinked uncertainly at the abrupt shift in conversation. “What?”
    “The kitchen always used to be empty at this time.” Remus muttered, losing his steam as leaned against the countertop. “It's fucking three in the morning. No one was actually supposed to be here to witness my mental breakdown.”
    “I, uh—had to come in early to start preparing ing the dough for the wedding.” Patton whispered, voice softening as he watched the prince wilted. “You really don’t want to get married. Do you?”
    “I'm not opposed to gettin' hitched or nothing,” Remus muttered, trying to play off his discomfort with a rough laugh. “but I never thought I'd be expected to give it up on the first date.”
    Patton’s heart dropped sympathetically. “You haven’t met him yet?”
    “Once, but we were being supervised so we couldn’t exactly speak our minds.” Remus whispered, turning back to Patton as he leaned back into the wall. “He didn’t even seem that bad. Gloomy, sour and he had circles beneath his eyes so dark it makes me think someone in his family tree got freaky with a damn raccoon but—”
    “I know I’m being irrational, but my mind's running so fast and I can't stop chasing the thoughts —”
    “You’re not being irrational, Remus.” Patton stated firmly as he took a step closer.
    “I am—”
    “You’re not. You’re just scared for the future.” Patton whispered, coming around the island to put a gentle hand on Remus’ shoulder. He hesitated, unsure of how the young royal would react to his touch, but one look at the glistening in the prince’s dark eyes sent Patton flying forward. His arms wrapped around the man's waist, melting into the contact as Remus returned the hug.
    “Thanks, Pattycake.” Remus whispered into his shoulder. “It's been a long time since I got a proper hug.”
    Patton leaned back at the melancholy in Remus' words and his heart ached at the prince’s reluctance to let go. “You don’t get a lot of hugs?”
    “Nah, my parents aren’t the touchy-feely types—�� Remus sighed as he let his hands his hands dropped to his sides. “—and everyone else can't wait to get out of the room away from me.”
    Patton’s eyes fixed on Remus for a long moment before Remus' timer startled him from his thoughts. He reluctantly released the prince as he moved to pull his cookies out of the oven.  Without a second thought, the prince absently popped one of the steaming, hot treats in his mouth, and Patton flinched at the thought, but the prince seemed completely unbothered.
    “And with that, I'm not going to be a dick to the only person willing to treat me like a person today.” Remus muttered with a vacant expression. He shoveled half a dozen cookies into his pockets and strutted to the door with a two-finger salute back to the cute baker. “See ya later, sweet cheeks. Keep those buns nice and toasty—"
    “Wait, Remus.” Patton raised a hand to stop him from going. “You don’t have to go.”
    “Yeah, I do.” Remus muttered, lingering in the doorway. “If I don't scale back up to my tower, my babysitters might think I'm trying to play hookie on the new ball and chain.”
    Patton’s face suddenly paled. “Scale the—You climbed down the tower to get here?"
   Remus grinned at Patton’s expression. “Yep.”
    “That’s four stories!” Patton’s mouth dropped open in bewilderment. “You could have died!”
    Remus shrugged, unconcerned. “What a beautiful wedding.”
    “Remus,” Patton whispered as empathy. “Please, stay. You could hurt yourself.”
    “Listen, I appreciate you letting me indulge in my old habits.” Remus grinned as he tipped a cookie towards Patton. “but I ain’t your problem. You don't have to fix me.”
     Patton's eyes flashed with desperation as Remus turned to go. “What if—what if I want it to be my problem?”
     Remus blinked, furrowing his brow. “What?”
     “We could be friends.” Patton whispered, suddenly nervous. “What?”
    “I, um—” Remus couldn’t help but stare as the baker's face turned red enough to match his hair. For the first time in their conversation, he fell silent as his own shock took over.
     “If you want to, I mean.” Patton stumbled on his words and he started to ramble as Remus remained quiet. “I know you’ve got a lot going on today, but—”
    “But why?”
    Patton paused, staring at the confusion in at the prince’s vacant stare. “Y-you seem like you need a friend, Remus.”
   “And the nerdy baker wants to be my friend?”  
    “Kinda.” Patton muttered, feeling shy for the first time in years. “I could probably even get the head baker to lift your ban in the kitchens if you wanted. He's usually willing to do what I ask.”
    “Oh?” Remus whispered.  He could still feel his shock as Patton continued, failing to think to censor his own words as they fell from his lips. “And who'd you have to sleep with to make that happen?”
    “My fiancé.” Patton whispered, holding his hand up to show off a shiny, golden band.
     “Well, no shit.” Remus laughed as he took Patton’s hand and examined the ring. “Pattonpop's got a boyfriend.”
     “Fiancé.” Patton corrected with a bright smile as Remus held his hand and smiled at the ring.
    “Sounds like you like him.” Remus smiled as he let Patton take back his hand. He leaned against the countertop, feeling a moment of peace as he watched Patton start to glow.
    “I do.” Patton whispered with a fond smile. “He's smart and kind. Even though he's not very good at showing his emotions, he still makes a effort to know mine.”
    “And he's good to you?” Remus stretched across the counter between them, grinning at the warm flush on Patton’s face thinking of his fiancé.
    “Yeah, he’s really good to me.” Patton whispered as he spun the ring on his finger and smiled to himself.
    “Congratulations, baker boy.” Remus grinned, taking a bite of his warm cookie as he watched Patton. “You’re really out there living the dream.”
    Patton tipped his he up to Remus and guilt flashed in his eyes. “Oh, I'm sorry. I should have—”
    “For what, short stack?” Remus whispered with a smirk, leaning on his elbows.
    Patton's lip twitched sympathetically. “I'm—I’m talking about my own relationship when you’re clearly upset about yours.”
    “Oh, don't worry ‘bout that. What's the worst thing that can happen today?” Remus shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “The guy might end up a bore, but at least my parents will be off my back. I'll be someone’s perfect trophy like they always wanted.”
    “He could be nice—”
    “Unfortunately, my time's up.” Remus muttered, reluctantly staggering to the door. “If I don't get back, they'll start raising alarms."
    “Okay, but—” Patton hesitated, taking Remus arm.  “—you're going to take the stairs, right?”
    “Since you asked nicely, I’ll think about it.” Remus purred as he stood up and stepped to the door. He let out a small grunt as Patton rushed forward and wrapped his hands around his waist. His muscles tensed for a moment before relaxing into Patton’s hug.
    “Whatever happens today, you can always come visit me here, okay?”
    “Sure thing, Pattycake.” Remus whispered as he returned the hug. “Thank for putting up with me for a little bit. I hope you enjoy the rest of the cookies.”
    “I will,” Patton beamed, looking back at the baked goods. “What kind are they?”
    “I don't know if they got a proper name.” Remus shrugged. “I always called ‘em monster cookies, ‘cause they’re a concoction of all my favorite shit. They taste alright though. I promise.”
    “I’m sure they’re delicious.” Patton whispered as he beamed up at him.
    Remus shrugged, standing up and wandering to the door. “Anyway, it was nice to meet you.”
    “It was nice to meet you too. I—I know you’re going to be busy for a while, but if you want to visit, I’m here most days.” Patton smiled as Remus lingered in the doorway. “Promise you’ll come back?”
    “I will. Once the chaos calms down and bit, I’ll come by.” Remus whispered with a sad wave back at him. “This'll—This'll make today a little easier, so thanks. See ya later, baker boy.”
    “You’re going to be okay, Remus.”
    Remus smirked at Patton’s genuine smile. “I hope so, Pattycake.”
    “Good-bye.” Patton whispered as he watched his new friend nodded and reluctantly turned to stagger out the door. The corner of his lips curled into a sad smile as he watched the prince go, hoping that the prince was dreading his day a little bit less now.
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seaweedbrain404 · 3 years
Wolfstar Au!: Hot and Cold (pt 2 of Parties and Morning Regrets)
@icitlali asked if there was a second part and um- yeah i wrote this, there may be more parts to come
pt 1
read it on ao3
Remus thought inviting Sirius up was the right thing to do which is the only reason he did. He dared to let himself hope but he didn’t really want to see Sirius. Still, Remus had manners and it was so cold outside that his own fingers were turning purple. Leaving Sirius out in the cold and making him probably walk home seemed too mean, even for Remus. Although, he thought Sirius definitely deserved it.
He followed Sirius up to the flat, Lily looked more than surprised when she saw Sirius come in and gave Remus another look. It was one of those looks that Remus didn’t like getting, the we’re-going-to-talk-about-this-later kind of look. He shrugged it off, too preoccupied with his bloody hip.
“Remus, did you really walk all the way here?” Lily crossed her arms over her chest as Remus closed the door behind them.
“Yeah, so what” He replied through gritted teeth. “I’m going for a shower to wash off the smell of stale alcohol”
“You’re going to be the death of me one day, Remus Lupin” Lily’s voice called to his retreating back. “Sirius, how are you?”
Remus heard vague small talk as he navigated his way to his bedroom. The pain in his hip wasn’t unbearable exactly. It was just bad enough for it to consume all his thoughts. All he needed was a warm bath, some painkillers and to limit his movements for the rest of the day. Easy. Unfortunately, the bath would have to wait until later though seeing as it would probably be rude to soak in the tub while having a guest over.
Showering after a night out was always a pleasant experience. He emerged from the shower just a couple minutes later with damp hair, a stolen pair of Lily’s yoga pants and a clean jumper.
“Ah, here’s the idiot who has no regard for his health” Lily smiled as Remus walked into the kitchen. “Are those mine?”
“Maybe, painkillers please?” He walked across the room and leaned his chin on Lily’s shoulder.
Sirius watched the interaction between the two with some hint of longing in his eyes. Remus wasn’t sure why, maybe it was because he had never been so casually touchy with anyone but now him and Lily were even closer than they were in school.
Lily wrapped an arm around his waist, rubbing circles on his hip. “Sirius, there’s a small pill bottle in the cupboard just there-“ she pointed to the right above her head “-would you mind grabbing it please?”
Sirius blinked for a moment, seemingly frozen at the sight of them. Then, he nodded. “Yeah- yeah, I got it”
He passed Lily the retrieved painkillers without looking at them. Lily hummed gratefully in return, easing Remus, who had hid his face in the crook of her neck, off her. He leaned back against the counter and Lily switched the kettle on.
“I promised Mrs Pettigrew from next door that I’d pick up her groceries today” Lily turned to Remus, glancing at Sirius, “and do a bit of cleaning for her since her grandson is out of town, do you think you’ll manage?”
“Yeah” Remus breathed out. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay”
Lily pursed her lips and looked to Sirius again. “Make sure he stays home, yeah?”
Remus made a noise of protest as Sirius nodded, “I doubt he’ll want to listen to me”
“Lily, I can take care of myself”
“Hardly, you’re in a right state after being without me for a few hours” She scolded, “If you strain yourself any more then you’re going to really fuck up your hip”
“I can’t fuck up something that’s already fucked, can I?”
“I mean it, take it easy and don’t be an idiot”
“Alright, fine”
“And I want to talk to you later”
Remus paled a little at that, despite fully seeing it coming. He made a noncommittal sound and Lily, satisfied with herself, left the room to layer up on clothes and help the nice old lady who lived across the hall.
There was a tense moment when she left. The kettle went off and Remus poured himself a cup, then paused. “Tea?”
Sirius seemed more relaxed now that Lily had gone. It was as if he had been on best behavior when she was there and now he didn’t have to be. Remus couldn’t really blame him, Lily could be very scary sometimes and she was always unreasonably overprotective of Remus. In all fairness, he felt the same way towards her.
So Remus poured two cups of tea and then added milk and sugar accordingly. He had assumed that Sirius took his tea the way he did back in school and he was only a little ashamed he still knew what the other man liked in his tea off the top of his head.
“Am I allowed to ask about the accident?” Sirius picked up his cup and took a sip.
“Why do you want to know?” Remus retorted, taking a painkiller.
“Lily wouldn’t tell me… and I’m…. worried” Sirius looked embarrassed to admit it but he did admit it which was good enough for Remus. It showed some sort of growth, some kind of potential.
“Depends on whether you’re going to pity me or not because frankly, I don’t care much for it”
“Jesus, you don’t have to be so snappy”
Remus scowled at him, not saying another word. He didn’t care about being snappy in that particular moment. His hip hurt like hell, he could feel his leg slowly going as well and whenever he told people anything about the accident they all treated him like a fragile porcelain doll.
Sirius cleared his throat before speaking again. “I won’t pity you, if you don’t want me to”
“What do you want to know?” Remus asked, disregarding what Sirius had said.
“What happened?”
“I worked at this publishing place, had a late night so I took a cab home” Remus began, even thinking about that night made his heart race and his eyes sting. “Someone was driving under the influence and hit us- the cab, I mean.. and it was really bad but they put these screws and plates all in my side, shoulder down to my shin”
Remus paused a moment, wiping his eyes on the back of his palm. Sirius made to touch him but he jerked away, a little too fast and hissed in pain. Sirius retreated his hand, looking crestfallen.
“Anyway, I had to quit the job cause it was too far to walk and I refused to get in any type of car or bus or really any type vehicle since then” Remus rushed the end of the story, his hands were shaking and his throat felt tight.
Sirius took a step forward and this time Remus allowed him to. He carefully opened his arms and slowly wrapped them around Remus, giving him more than enough time to move if he didn’t want this.
Remus, however, was just exhausted. He collapsed right into Sirius’ arms which tightened around him. The bad thing was, he was still shaking, his lungs refused to take in air and oh, there was the whole thing about just falling into his ex-boyfriend’s arms. Good thing was, he felt safe.
Then he started crying, his own arms wrapping around Sirius’ waist while his arms were around Remus’ back. He was pretty sure the only reason he still remained standing was Sirius’ strength forged by years of playing rugby. Remus wanted to kick himself, everything about this situation was just so pathetic and he hated it. He hated himself for it.
Sirius, meanwhile, said nothing and just rubbed circles on the taller man’s back. “I’m sorry, I’ve been horrible to you and now you’re literally comforting me, maybe I am the asshole”
“Nah, I kind of deserved it”
“Yeah you did”
“Hey! you’re not supposed to say that”
“But it’s the truth”
“Shut up”
Remus let himself laugh quietly. He was mortified by this display of vulnerability and dearly wished the ground would open and swallow him whole. Then he made a feeble attempt at pushing Sirius away, nearly toppling over himself. He had to grip the counter behind him to stop himself from hitting the floor. Sirius made to catch him but Remus swatted his hand away.
“I think you should go”
“But I promised Li-“
“I’m tired and she’ll be back soon”
Lie. Remus knew that Lily would be gone for at least two more hours, maybe more if Mrs Pettigrew offered biscuits.
“Then I’ll just stay till she comes back, she really worries about you” Sirius shrugged like it was final and Remus didn’t want to talk about it so he slowly hobbled to the living room.
“Do you-“
Sirius started asking but Remus snapped at him before he could finish his question.
“Sorry” Sirius mumbled, hands up in surrender. Remus could feel eyes on his back as he managed to get to the couch. He switched on the telly, laying on the side of his body that hurt the least.
Remus figured that if Sirius didn’t leave, then maybe he could ignore him to the point of leaving. Unfortunately it didn’t work because this was Sirius so instead of sitting on the chair near the couch or even on the floor, he stood at Remus’ head. Hands were gesturing for Remus to sit up but he ignored them.
“Remus, squish over a minute”
With a groan, he turned onto his back and sat up. Sirius slid into the open space and Remus turned so that his feet were at Sirius’ lap instead of his head. He wasn’t sure how his body would react if Sirius started gently twirling strands of his hair and admiring them as if they were made of gold.
Remus closed his eyes, feeling fingers tracing shapes on his exposed ankles.
Suddenly Sirius spoke. “You and Lily have gotten really close”
His eyes shot open, a little startled by the tone. He wasn’t sure how long he was out but he definitely slept at least twenty minutes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” His voice was groggy with sleep, the side of his mouth damp from drool
“It’s weird, I’ve never seen you so much as hug anyone”
Remus wiped the side of his mouth. “People are allowed to change and Lily is my best friend”
“It’s just- you’ve changed so much and I’m struggling to keep up” Sirius’ tone was strange, the most un-Sirius thing Remus had ever experienced him do since they met.
Remus’ eyebrows knit together, a frown now playing on his face. “The world doesn’t revolve around you, y’know… besides, I don’t have to change according to your terms”
“I never said that” Sirius spat.
Remus sat up in response, leaning back on his elbows. “Then why are you constantly bitching about how much I’ve changed?”
“Because you have! It’s like you’re this whole new person and I don’t even know you”
“I haven’t spoken to you since we were 17, that was 6 years ago and you expect me not to change?” Remus ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck, I went to college, I got in a horrendous car accident Sirius, do you really expect me to be the same person I was when we were teenagers?”
“No- it’s just, I don’t like change”
“Fucking hell Sirius, the world doesn’t care and guess what? that’s constantly changing too”
“Yeah but not as drastically as you! You work in a bakery for Christ’s sake when I know you always wanted to be a writer”
“And I know you vowed to never work for your parents and here you are, doing daddy’s dirty work no doubt”
“You were never this cruel”
“No, I suppose not”
The two sat in silence, and it took all of Remus’ willpower not to kiss him.
“Can we just be friends or something” Sirius looked sincere enough, good natured enough for Remus to want it.
“Something? Something like wh-“
But Remus never got to finish his sentence because suddenly Sirius’ knees were straddling his hips and they were kissing.
What the fuck!
Remus wanted to scream, he was tired and annoyed and now he didn’t know what to feel. He pushed Sirius away for a second time that day, both their breaths coming in uneven.
“No” Remus breathed out, shutting his eyes tightly.
“Yes, no… I can’t… what were you thinking?”
Sirius looked both hurt and surprised but Remus wasn’t concerned about that, he was more confused than anything and also there was the almost unbearable pain in his hip.
“I- well you were being cruel and this is the only way I knew how to shut you up effectively”
Now it was Remus’ turn to look hurt, he pushed Sirius again with more force than before. He brought his head back down and refused to say another word.
He shut his eyes, willing himself to go to sleep again.
“I’m sorry”
“Remus, I’m really sorry”
“I know I shouldn’t have said that”
“I did want to kiss you, I also wanted you to stop being mean”
“Come on Moony”
Remus’ eyes shot open at the childhood nickname. “Leave me alone Sirius, I’m tired and sore”
“Are you cross?”
“With you?”
Sirius hummed in response.
“Yeah but mainly cause I’m tired”
“Oh, I’m sorry”
“Just stop talking”
Sirius did just that. Remus felt bad though, he very carefully and hesitantly moved again so that his head was on Sirius’ lap. “I’m sorry for being a dick” he whispered, eyes closing again.
“I’m sorry for not thinking before I speak” came Sirius’ soft reply.
Remus felt Sirius’ fingers move through his hair tentatively as if he was uncertain whether or not this was allowed. “No, I’m being a moody git, all hot and cold on you”
“I couldn’t blame you for it”
“Well you should”
Sirius didn’t reply and Remus remained on the side that didn’t hurt him, facing away from Sirius and towards the telly.
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Hey I just read like all of your one-shots (or whatever you call them) and they are amazing and very well written, so I was wondering if you could write one where it’s slytherin!sirius and gryffindor!james but instead of James being in love with lily it’s Sirius. So he’s always like flirting with him and everything. Only write it if you want to or if you feel comfortable writing it, and if you have time. 🥰
"Prongs? Mate, are you listening to me?" Remus said.
"Uh-huh," James said, but he was so clearly lying. He wasn't even looking at them, he was looking at the entrace of the Great Hall, peering at everyone who walked in. Big mystery who he was waiting for, Remus thought, rolling his eyes. He perked up as soon as one Sirius Black walked through the door. "How's my hair?" he asked, ruffling a hand through it.
"It looked better before you messed with it," Peter muttered. James either didn't hear him or was ignoring him, which was just as well, because he was busy making sure his glasses were still on his face-- as if he'd be able to see anything without them.
James got to his feet and tossed them a, "See you soon!" as he made a beeline for the Slytherin table.
"Prepare yourself for rejection number... what are we up to? One hundred and seventy-three?" Remus said.
"It'll be number six, if he actually bothers to ask him on a proper date this time," Peter said.
Remus was looking at James as he practically skipped over to Sirius, but Peter didn't care to watch. "Proper date? During breakfast? That's not Prongs's style." Sure enough, the grin on James's face was more look-at-me-I'm-so-charming and less asking him on a date. It was horrible that Remus could tell the difference between the types of smiles he had when it came to flirting with Sirius-- Remus wasn't even on a first name basis with him, but for all the times James had waxed poetic about him, Remus felt he was allowed to call him that instead of Black.
"Sirius! How are you this fine morning?" James asked, sitting down on Sirius's free side at the Slytherin House table. He liked to think it was fate that there was so often a free spot next to Sirius.
"Fine," Sirius said flatly. "Did you need something?"
"Can't your company be reason enough?"
"Did you need something?" Sirius asked again.
"Er, I suppose," James said, thrown off by Sirius seemingly not caring about his presence, but Sirius didn't know why he would be.
When, in the entire time of them knowing each other, had Sirius been happy to see him? That he'd showed, at least. It wasn't his fault that he liked attention, and James always gave him plenty of that. He didn't want to encourage him though, because things had been... tense with his parents lately. They wanted to know why he hadn't dated any of the eligible pureblooded girls in arm's reach, and they got suspicious when he dodged as many times as they asked.
"There's a Hogsmeade weekend coming up," James continued.
"I am aware."
"And- well, I was wondering if you would like to go with me."
"No thanks," Sirius said.
"Ah, a slightly longer response than last time. I think I'm growing on you."
"You most certainly are not," Sirius lied. "Shouldn't you run back to your friends and leave me alone, now?"
"If you insist."
"I do."
"Alright then," James said, getting to his feet. "Hogsmeade isn't for another week or so. You can let me know if you change your mind."
"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you."
James only smiled at him before leaving.
Sirius sighed. He really should do something about him, but there were two problems with that. 1. He didn't want James to stop and 2. He'd tried to get James to stop in the past, to no avail.
"Your greatest admirer is here," Severus said as they were all sat in the Three Broomsticks at a table.
"Bloody brilliant," Sirius said. He didn't need to look to know that it was James.
"Can't you tell him to sod off?"
Sirius raised an eyebrow. "You think I haven't tried?"
"If you hexed him more, we wouldn't have this problem."
"Think back to fourth year and tell yourself that again." Fourth year had been Sirius was in quite a bit of denial about himself, and James had been a challenge to that. Unfortunately, James hadn't been very bothered by getting hexed on the regular, so nothing had really changed. He'd kept slightly more distance that year, but physical distance only so that he could put a shield up; not the kind of distance that meant he left Sirius alone.
Severus made a face. Clearly, he remembered it as well.
Sirius didn't bother to hope that James wouldn't come up to him, because any time he thought that, he was always wrong. What Sirius didn't say to anyone was that he was sure it he complained to Professor McGonagall about it, she would take care of it for him. Everyone had a healthy fear of her, and if Sirius were truly bothered by James's constant flirtation, he would be able to stop him. He liked the attention simply because it was attention, and he liked the flirting because of who it was coming from. The first, he had admitted to Regulus when his brother bothered him about it. The second, he would keep entirely to himself. Sirius was the heir of a Great House, and he was expected to marry and have children of his own. If his parents caught wind of him trying to stray from that path, their reaction would be... unpleasant. Of course, Sirius only had Severus to tell, and Severus wouldn't tell his parents-- if only because his parents didn't like him for being a half-blood-- but with the way information traveled, Sirius wasn't going to risk it. Also because Severus rather hated James. A most unfortunate situation, but there was no helping it. Sirius had known what his life was going to be like pretty much since the moment he was born.
As if on cue, James made his way over. He even offered Severus a smile-- that wasn't returned-- before turning to Sirius. "Hullo, Sirius."
"Hi," Sirius said, because ignoring him was just rude.
"Can I buy you a butterbeer?"
Sirius raised his glass and gave it a little shake to draw forcus to the fact that it was still half-full. "I'm all set, thanks. Don't your friends miss you when you do this?"
"Do what?"
"Ignore them to come talk to me."
"Nah, they're fine with it. I think they like the space, actually. Gives them time to talk about what a tosser I am without me overhearing," he said with a grin.
"Charming," Severus said under his breath. Sirius kicked him under the table, which earned him a scowl as well as silence.
"Hey Sirius, go on a date with me?" James asked.
Sirius didn't miss a single step as he kept walking down the corridor. "Nope. Shouldn't you focus on asking out someone who's attainable?"
"I would never dream of settling."
Sirius kept his face blank instead of grinning like an idiot the way he wanted to.
"When was the last time someone told you how handsome you are?"
"I don't know, when was the last time we spoke?" Sirius asked, not looking up from his parchment.
James laughed. "Does that mean you'd like to date me? I'll compliment you all day every day, if that's what you want."
"Never said that was what I wanted," Sirius said, although, yes, that was what he wanted. Particularly with James. He'd like to do quite a few things with James, but thinking about that would be torturing himself. He couldn't have him, no matter how much he wanted to.
"Then what do you want?" There was no denying the flirtation in his voice, but Sirius was going to ignore that.
"Right now? To finish my assignment."
James tilted his head to get a better look at his parchment. "Is that the essay for Professor McGonagall?"
"Cool, I need to do that too," James said, and sat down on the other side of the table. He started unloading his bag, and Sirius figured it would be more trouble to tell him to leave than to just finish his essay. Besides, he was getting close to finishing, and if James was starting it right now, then he'd leave before James was done and that would be a problem solved.
"Sirius! What a pleasant surprise," James said.
Sirius groaned and thumped his head forward so it was pressed against his knees. "Believe it or not, a man sitting in an unused corridor doesn't want to make polite conversation."
"Er, you alright?"
"Peachy," Sirius said flatly.
James sat next to him, leaning against the stone wall. He nudged Sirius's knee with one of his own. "You want to talk about it?"
"With the golden child?" Sirius snorted. "No thanks."
"Problems with your parents then? Regulus has said they're a bit- strict."
"One, strict is a kind word for it, and two, you and Regulus don't speak to each other."
"Is that an order?"
"It's a fact. He finds you annoying."
"Good to know," James said mildly. "But I overheard him say it to one of his mates. You're right; we don't talk."
"So? Did you want to talk about it?"
"No offense, but I think speaking to you would only encourage you."
"Encourage you to have a friend? The horror."
"You know what I mean."
A pause. "I do, but would it really be so bad if you did encourage me? I'm not half-bad, which you'd know if you ever gave me a chance."
"Giving you a chance would mean pissing off my parents, and I do have to live with them. So thanks, but no thanks."
James gave him a look that was far too serious and assessing.
"It's not like we'd have to get married just because you went on one date with me."
"I'm aware. My parents aren't. Unless you're going to be the one to hammer that into their heads, I'm not risking it."
There was a long pause, and Sirius didn't know if James was going to press his case further or leave. There was also a decent chance that he'd decide to switch the topic. Sirius didn't know which option he was hoping for.
"We don't have to tell anyone," James said quietly.
"Even your mates?"
"I think they'll be happy to finally have me not talking about you."
"And you could actually do that?" Sirius asked, turning his head to look at him. "You'd be able to not talk about it? Because it's not a bloody joke. If we go on dates and my parents find out, I'm as good as dead."
There was a twitch on James's face when he said the bit about his parents, but he didn't say anything about it. Sirius didn't fool himself into thinking that that meant James would forget about it. "I can keep a secret."
"This is such a bad idea," Sirius said, leaning his head against the wall.
"Is that a yes?" James asked, a grin slowly spreading across his face.
"It's a reluctant yes, with stipulations."
"I can handle that."
"It's amusing that you think so," Sirius said. Severus was his only friend for a reason, and it wasn't solely that Sirius was picky as hell. James would probably find out, a couple weeks in, that chasing Sirius was a lot better than having him.
Sirius knew it was stupid, and he knew that it was stupid while he was doing it, which was a whole other level of dumbarse for him to reach.
He snuck out of Grimmauld Place to go see James. It was summer, and his parents liked to manage his schedule during all hours of the day. He couldn't leave with a vague excuse-- even Regulus couldn't get away with that, and they were less controlling of Regulus since he was younger. If he wanted to see James over the summer, his only choice was to sneak out in the middle of the night.
He knew where James lived, but he'd never been there before. The good news was that James had extended an invitation before the train home, so he wasn't showing up unwelcome. Unannounced, yes, but he was welcome. It's not like he'd been able to send an owl earlier, asking if tonight was okay.
Luck was on his side, thankfully. He made it out of his house without incident, and into James's room without waking anyone. James was already awake, so he didn't count. It was also a good thing that he didn't have his mates over, because that would've been hard to explain.
James grinned, moving over to help him clear the window. "Hey."
"Hey," Sirius said, giving him a quick kiss hello.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?"
"My parents read all my letters that are unmarked or from people they don't approve of." Which was to say, they read all of his letters before passing them on to Sirius, and he wasn't sure that they gave him everything. Severus had mentioned something off-handed last year, as if he'd already told Sirius about it. Sirius, of course, had had no idea what he was talking about. "Sending you a letter would've been almost as suspicious as if you'd sent me one."
"I would've sent you one if you hadn't told me not to," James said.
"I know," Sirius said with a grin. He meant to get comfortable, but he pulled James back to him and kissed him again-- with a lot more tongue this time. "That's what's so great about you," he said, stepping back to pull off his shoes and take off his jacket.
"I'm great because I listen to you?"
Sirius untied his hair and ran his fingers through it. He wrinkled his nose when he felt more tangles than he'd bargained for. "You're great for a lot of reasons. That was just the one that was topical."
"Can I quote you on that?" James asked. "James Potter, great for many reasons."
"Quote me as often as you want, so long as you don't mention I was the one that said it."
"Right, our little secret."
"Our big secret," Sirius corrected. "Which you knew and agreed to before anything happened."
"Not complaining," James said, then made grabby hands for Sirius.
It was such a James thing to do that Sirius laughed as he stepped closer, letting James wrap his arms around him. "Missed you. Spending so much time apart is horrible. We should show up at Hogwarts and make classes start earlier in the year so we can sneak around there. Much easier than sneaking around like this."
"You mean because during the summer, only I can sneak out to see you?"
James nodded. "It's really not fair to make you do all the work."
"Well if you would buggering kiss me, it wouldn't be all the work, now would it?"
"Mm, true," James said, then leaned in.
Sirius had fallen in love with him. The stupidest thing he'd ever done. He'd known it was a mistake as he did it, but he leaned into it. No regrets.
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Chapter 1 - The Arrival
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A/N: this is set at the start of the marauders 6th year
With a clap of thunder and a single flash of lightning, four boys fell directly from the sun, slamming onto the concrete ground beneath them. 
As their backs hit the pavement, their mind whirled through memories that weren’t their own. A castle up on a rocky cliff, rooms full of magical equipment, a forest with danger at every turn and a fiery redheaded girl that made James blush.
Groaning, they all picked themselves up, dusting their clothes off.  Peter shielded his eyes and looked up at the sun, grumbling “Why did they have to go and drop us from the fucking sky?” Remus opened his mouth to respond but something hot and soft started falling from the clouds. 
James held out his palm to the sky and watched as a burning piece of ash floated down onto his open palm. He studied it, visibly confused. “The sky is.. raining fire?”  “Nah mate” Sirius said with his arms outstretched, head tilted towards the sky “The worlds shuddering at the weight of our power” At that, the other boys started to spin in the fiery rain, laughing as they caught the embers on the tip of their tongues. 
Unbeknownst to them, an old man had heard their laughter and was walking up to them, smiling softly. “So you must be the fallen gods” he stated bluntly, capturing their attention. A flash of panic flitted across the boys’ faces as they searched for an excuse. “Oh no,” James said quickly, leaning against Remus’ shoulder. The boy in question had just started picking the flowers out of his hair, which was not helping to sell their lie. “We are just four normal boys casually dancing in the burning rain.” The man laughed, looking at them with a twinkle in his eye. “I do not think I am mistaken, Hecate told me you would be coming soon.” Peter scoffed, “Psh Hecate. You should never trust the goddess of…..” He paused at this, looking at James in wonder who was waving his arms around haphazardly. Realising his mistake, he tried his best to backtrack.  “Wait I mean, who's Hecate? She sounds dumb.” 
Right at that moment, one too many ashes had landed on Sirius’ skin, activating his flames.  With a big flash, he turned into a humanoid fire. The flames gradually subdued, leaving a sooty boy who looked at his hands in shock before turning his gaze to blood brothers, eyes wide. “That wasn’t supposed to happen..”  James’ shoulders slumped, running a hand down his face as Peter ducked down to hide his grin. Remus finally looked up from picking out the flowers from his hair that now lay in a pile around his feet. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at him. “That uh.. That doesn’t happen often...” he explained, shaking his head at what a mess they all were. 
“Would you like to take a walk?” Dumbledore inquired. They slouch after him, visibly relieved that he didn’t question their insanity further.
They walked in silence for a few minutes before Dumbledore spoke up. “Are you boys familiar with… the tale of the Children of Hecate? It’s an old one.” Sirius laughed harshly at this “dude, we are a thousand years old we know all sorts of tales you couldn’t even dream up.” “You never answered my question young god.” “No… we aren’t” Dumbledore smiled, pulling out his wand. “I thought not.” He waved about his wand and silver mist broke out of the end, morphing into people, animating the story being told.
“A long time ago, there was a woman.  Cast out by the gods from helping out a paranoid mother, she, like you today, fell from the sky in a blaze of burning rain. Filled with hate and grief, she vowed to anger the gods in any way possible. For a hundred years she wandered this earth aimlessly, occasionally accompanied by Thanatos who came to reap the mortal souls. One day, she stumbled across seven mortals, cowering at the feet of Death, begging for life. Now, this woman had traveled among us, watching all our struggles and misery. Listening to our heartbreak and treachery. She took pity on these mortals and stepping from the shadows for the first time in a century, she addressed the seven. Pushing past Thanatos, she knelt to their level and placed a hand on the cheek of the child in front of her. Smiling kindly, she knew what to do to help them and fulfill her vow.  Reaching inside of her core, she drew out seven silver wisps. Weaving it around the mortals in front of her. “Upon you I bestow the power of the gods,” she whispered, transforming into her godly form. “Follow the path this shows you and life will come.” As the mortals scampered away, hands smoking and eyes dancing, Thanatos turned to her furious. From then on, Hecate was forced to spend the rest of her immortality guiding demigods, gods and mortals along the three crossroads. The mortals she blessed, though some may say cursed, used the powers how their minds begged them too, some for good, some for evil. But the magic went on, passed from generation to generation, family to family and will do so forever. Among all these powerful witches and wizards, as we call ourselves, were two men and two women. Born with magic unrivalled by anyone but Hecate herself.  They drew together and formed a school now known as ‘Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’.  From then onwards, magical folk have been taught, honing their abilities to perfection. Carrying out the vow Hecate made many eons ago.” 
The boys were speechless. Remus pointed to Dumbledore then his wand and back again. “So you’re…” “Yes” Dumbldore answered, turning towards them and giving a short little bow, “I am a descendant of Hecate.” “And you want us at this school of yours?” “With Hecate's blessing, yes.” 
Peter cuts ahead of his friends, raising his hand. “Interjection! How the hell are we supposed to get magic powers?”  Dumbledore smiles at him and holds his hand. “If you four trust me, I will take you to where everything will be revealed.” The godlings look at each other before holding onto the man in question, watching as he whispers something, waving his wand around.
The boys feel a tug on their abdomen and gasped as the world around them blurs, like they are on a moving train. They felt themselves morph, as if they were travelling through time. Their very fibre being pulled and torn. Before long, the scenery around them started to solidify, changing into a strange room with silver instruments and hundreds of portraits everywhere. “What the FUCK was that.” Sirius shouted from a pile of broken items he had staggered into, being vulgar as always.  Dumbledore merely dusted himself off and fixed his robe before moving behind the desk. “That, dear boy, was a form of magical travel called apparition.”  Peter lay on the floor, gasping for breath. “I think I prefer falling from the sky.”  “And I prefer lying on a couch throwing grapes at the nymphs.” James groaned, stretching out his back.
“So magical powers?” Remus asked, walking up to Dumbledore's desk as his friends gazed at him in shock, wondering how he could be fine after that supposed ‘hell’ they just went through. “Ah yes!” Dumbledore clapped his hands together, reaching into a drawer just behind his desk. Out of the drawer he pulled four glasses filled to the brim with grey smoke.  “Within these glasses contain the exact wisps Hecate used to infuse those seven mortals with magic. Take this and it shall do the same.” “I’ll drink to that.” Says Sirius, pushing past Remus and picking up a glass. 
In one go he downs it, smiling devilishly. “See men? All fi-” Suddenly, Sirius’ face freezes in a half smile as his hands fly up to throat. He falls to his knees, coughing horribly, eyes glowing silver. His whole body twitching uncontrollably.  As quickly as it started, it was over. He lay there gasping, trying to formulate a sentence. “That was delicious…” he wheezed “110% recommend you give it a go.”
After seeing what happened to Sirius, the other boys were more hesitant to take even a sip.  But one encouraging smile from Dumbledore made them drink it, going through the same process as their blood brother. 
When they had finally recovered from the side effects of the potion, Dumbledore was reading through a small scroll covered in glyphs. “I just need to ask your four a question in order to secure your stay here at Hogwarts. Now this may feel extremely unnatural, since I am jogging memories that don’t actually exist.” 
He looked up from the paper, his eyes holding that twinkle they had seen before.  “Boys, what house were you sorted into six years ago?” The godlings felt their soul pulse for a second and their mouths fell open of its own accord.  A movie tape started running through their mind, twisted and slightly burning. Back and forth it ran, so fast everything was a blur of colours.  Finally, it landed on a vision of their younger selves sitting on a stool in front of hundreds as a hat screamed out something. The boys on the stools were faceless and the edges of their bodies were blurred, as if someone had edited them into a scene. They felt something invisible reach towards the memory and rip it out of the tape, forming it into words. Speaking together, they all said “Gryffindor.” 
Their souls pulsed once more, and they were brought back to reality, grabbing their heads and groaning. “I swear if we have to go through that everytime we remember some pointless memory-” Sirius spat, grabbing at his hair like he was trying to rip the headache out. “No, do not worry, Sirius. This should be the last time it will happen. You will feel dizzy and weird when experiencing a memory though, since they were forcibly planted into your mind.” 
“That reminds me,” Remus interrupted, wincing as he stood up “How come we aren’t going dizzy from the sight of you? Something tells me we should know you even though we don’t .”  Dumbledore laughed “My, aren’t you inquisitive?”  “That's Remus for you.” said Peter smiling fondly at the boy in question. “Has to know everything about a subject the moment he finds out about it.”  Remus made a face at him before turning back to Dumbledore, eyes hopeful.  Dumbledore smiled kindly at him and continued. “That’s because I personally asked the gods not to include me in your implanted memories. I would prefer to get to know you as the boys you are now. Not what fake scenarios portray you as.”
The godlings look at each other, questions of trust in their eyes.  Taking the first leap of faith, James extended his hand for Dumbledore to shake. “You have left a good impression on us sir. You have earned our trust.” Delighted, Dumbledore shook his hand, once again smiling kindly at them all. “Now, I must show you to your dormitories…”
“No need Sir.” Sirius said, finally standing up. “We can get there just fine.”  They turned to leave, heading for the office door. Dumbledore cocked an eyebrow at their departing figures. “You may get lost” 
James stopped by the door just as the others went through, chuckling.  Turning around he winked at Dumbledore.  “That’s the thing about us chaos gods.” He said, grinning mischievously.  “We have impeccable navigational skills.”
taglist: @pregnant-piggy @just-a-belgian-girl @james-effing-potter @thegrxywitch @aspiringsloth20 @naviation-xx @marauderenergy @give-the-boy-a-hug @amixedwitch
if you want to be a part of my taglist for this, fill out this form 
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hetacon · 4 years
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Princey
Word Count: 2,650
Pairings: Prinxiety, Brotherly Creativitwins, Parental Analogical, Very Slightly Implied Familial Analogicality, Very Slightly Implied Logicality
Warning: Cursing, banter, kissing cause why not
Summary: Virgil is joined out on the curb by his new neighbor across the street.
Ever since junior high, Virgil had made a habit of going out to the curb of his house around 1 in the morning and just sitting there. Save for rainy days and perhaps the odd time when he wasn’t at home, he’d always do it. It was nice and comforting. He usually had to put on a hoodie from the slight chill but he was content to sit out on the concrete, pajama pants and all, just looking up at the stars with his headphones on.
One night, things were going as normal until he noticed someone approaching the curb from the other side of the street, a person around his age. Virgil paused his music, possibly as a chance to eavesdrop. He heard the person let out a sigh as they sat down and Virgil cursed himself as their eyes met. The person smiled, goddammit. There went his evening plans for the end of all time, never going out again he concluded.
“Do you always brood out here in the dark?” the person asked, a teasing tone to their voice.
Virgil glared at them a little. The stranger laughed.
“A look that could kill indeed, you seem like you’re fun at parties.”
That went on for a bit as Virgil continued ignoring them or giving a glare or two as the person tried to get him to talk.
After half an hour, Virgil’s 1 AM companion got up and stretched.
“Well my emo nightmare, I must say that I have been thoroughly engrossed in our conversation but I must be off. A prince must get his beauty sleep~!” the stranger sang out a bit, starting to turn a bit.
“As if sleep could fix that,” Virgil huffed out with a smirk, only for it to grow wider as the guy across the street gave a dramatic gasp and whipped around.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, your bitchness,” Virgil replied back without a moment of hesitation.
“Well-! And here I thought this would be the start of a cliché and passionate romance!” was the guy’s reply.
“Don’t get your hair in a twist, Princey, I’m way outta your league,” Virgil hummed.
“Then fine, if that’s how you’re going to be!”
“Yep,” Virgil said, popping the p and clicking his tongue with a wink.
The guy’s cheeks flushed a bit. “Goddamn you,” he mumbled, turning to go inside for real.
Virgil was expecting only that one encounter but the next night, his neighbor decided trying to stir up more conversation, out on the curb in the first 10 minutes Virgil was.
“Good evening, my dark and mysterious companion,” Virgil’s neighbor greeted, bowing mockingly. “And what do I owe this honor for us meeting once again?”
Virgil watched as the guy grinned rather boyishly and he rolled his eyes, trying to fight off a smile. “It’s not an honor, trust me. It wasn’t for you if you’re even considering that.”
“Well now, can’t you leave a man to his unrealistic dreams of summer romance?” came his neighbor’s response.
“As long as you know they’re unrealistic, ya royal pain in the ass. Virgil by the way,” he introduced.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful person such as yourself I see! Roman Prince, a pleasure to meet you,” the guy, Roman supposedly, said.
“Prince? Wow, that could not be more on the nose could it?” Virgil laughed to himself.
“Oh, and what? Is your last name all dark and broody like you?” Roman asked.
Virgil shook his head. “The opposite, Princey. Hart.”
“Virgil Hart.”
Roman blinked for a moment. “You... are actually a kitten.”
“Whatever you say, dude,” Virgil said as he lied down on the concrete. “I don’t give a crap about your opinion of me.”
“I admire that,” Roman replied, smiling to Virgil. “Not a lot of people can really say that, you know.”
Virgil felt his cheeks heating up. “I mean, I care a little because like, anxiety, but other than that, it doesn’t really matter.”
Roman chuckled and Virgil looked over to see that he was the recipient of a rather adoring gaze.
“... What?”
“I admire the honesty even more.”
“Whatever, sap.”
The third night in a row, Virgil didn’t hesitate to flip Roman off with a smirk, receiving an offended gasp from the guy taking a seat on the curb. Virgil couldn’t help but laugh as that part became their greeting.
It became a nice little routine. They talked for a while, things were going well and they got to know each other from the hour of time they shared outside.
“So you come out every night?” Roman asked, yawning afterwards as he rubbed sleep out of his eyes to the best of his ability.
“Yeah, helps me clear my head,” Virgil told him.
“When did it start?”
“I had a panic attack one night, felt trapped in the house. So I decided to show myself I wasn’t and came out here. I’ve just been doing it ever since. Nothing special.”
Roman shrugged. “I think it’s cool that you were able to work with the anxiety rather than push it back.”
“When you’ve been dealing with it since you were a kid, you learn how to deal with it, you know?”
“No, unfortunately not.”
“Eh, that’s fair. Trust me, you’re not missing much.”
Roman laughed. “No, I imagine I’m not,” he replied, smiling to Virgil.
“Hey Princey, by the way, what’s up with you and romance?” Virgil asked, looking over to him.
Roman blinked, looking very thrown off by the timing of the question. Virgil tried not to smile at the reaction.
“What do you mean?” was the response Virgil was given.
“I mean like, you always talk about love and summer romance and flirt with me and all that kind of stuff, I was just wondering if there was a reason.”
Roman nodded. “Ah. Well,” he cleared his throat. “Just always loved the ideas of love I suppose. Grew up on Disney Princess movies, I just always was fascinated by the stories. And since most of them concern romance, it only makes sense. Plus my neighbor doesn’t hurt the idea.”
“Oh shut up,” Virgil laughed.
“What?” Roman feigned innocence.
“You can’t go a single night without flirting and you know it,” Virgil told him, quirking an eyebrow.
“Well with you, it’s certainly not difficult~”
Roman brought someone out one night, something that was definitely not precedented.
The person in question looked exactly like Roman except for a slight mustache. Virgil guessed it was Roman’s twin that he’d mentioned a few times, go figures they’d look exactly alike. He wore a grey tank top and green cargo shorts, looking like he was just dragged out of bed. From the looks of it, he’d been crying.
Virgil watched on in silence as Roman sat the two of them down, leaning his twin’s head against his shoulder, his arm wrapped around the twin’s shoulder. Roman gave him a gentle squeeze and he leaned in closer to Roman’s hold.
“You want to meet Virgil?” Virgil could faintly hear from across the street to which the twin nodded, looking up with a tired and drained expression.
Virgil smiles sympathetically and gave the twin a small wave.
“Virge, I believe I’ve told you about me having a sibling before. This is Remus,” Roman said softly, looking down to Remus.
“Sup, Roman hasn’t shut up about you for weeks,” Remus said without much more explanation.
Virgil laughed. “Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me. Does it consist of gushing about potential romance and how I look like a Hot Topic exploded, only for that to add to my charm and appeal?” he teased, smirking towards Roman with a wink.
Roman gasped, only to gasp even louder when Remus started talking.
“Fuck yeah, it’s nothing but ‘Oh, he’s so gorgeous and stunning, I simply can’t resist him! He’s my soulmate Remus- Hey stop laughing at me!’” Remus said as a response, making dramatic movements to mimic his brother.
Roman pushed him, pouting. “This is unfair! You’re my brother, you’re supposed to love me!” he whined out, only for Remus and Virgil to start laughing.
“Never said I don’t!” Remus hummed out.
“Well that’s not a very nice thing to say to Virgil~”
After a second, Roman’s eyes widened and he turned to Virgil. “You’re not, I promise, I don’t even remotely think of you like that, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance,” he tried to defend.
Remus and Virgil smirked to each other.
“Awwww, you came up with an emo themed pet name for me? You have it bad~” Virgil cooed.
Roman’s cheeks flared bright red and he moved his eyes down to his hands clasped together in his lap. Remus clapped his hand over Roman’s back, making the latter jump a bit as Remus stood up.
“Well, it’s been an honor, I give my official seal of approval to marry my bro bro!” Remus said with a goofy bow, cracking a smile at Virgil.
“Good to know I have your approval to torment him till death do us part,” Virgil replied with a smirk.
Remus turned to Roman, pointing a finger at Virgil. “I like him, don’t fuck yourself over,” he commented before going inside.
“I hate him sometimes,” Roman grumbled as soon as the front door shut.
“I have no clue why,” Virgil hummed back.
“I hate you too.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Princey~”
“Alright, if you had to give up Disney or drama for the rest of your life, which would you choose?” Virgil asked with a smirk, hearing Roman gasp loudly.
“You dare make me choose between two of my darling babies?” Roman whined, holding a hand to his forehead.
“Geez, I think it’s looking like Disney, drama is hardwired into you, Sir Sing-a-lot,” Virgil snorted, smirking.
“I hate that stupid smirk you get when you think you’re being clever and hot as all hell,” Roman grumbled, pouting as Virgil only smirked wider.
“Awwww, how cute~”
“Shut up, Hot Topic.”
“Aww, you think I’m hot~”
“I will actually come over there and hit you.”
“And risk messing up my hotness? Nah, you wouldn’t dare~”
“Do you really have to move so far away..?” Virgil asked softly one night, a year from their first meeting.
“This school is a really good one, I want to try my luck at show business, you know?” Roman told him, holding the same sad expression as Virgil was.
“I know, it just... sucks for me,” Virgil sighed. “I feel like I just got to know you and now you’re leaving me forever.”
Roman laughed, giving Virgil an amused expression. “You say this as if I can’t text you.”
“You’ve never given me your number, I don’t know how you would,” Virgil said with a tight smile.
Roman was finding some way to laugh and find light of the situation, just as he always seemed to do. It reminded Virgil of his dad in all honesty. Virgil couldn’t see how there was much in this situation to smile about but he tried. He tried because he loved Roman.
He loved Roman..
Roman’s gaze landed on Virgil as he looked up. “Yes?”
“I love you.”
If it was possible, Virgil thought this was the brightest red Roman had ever turned.
“I love you, Roman Prince, and if that’s horribly offensive to you, you don’t have to give me your number and you can forget about me when you become a famous actor,” Virgil only half-joked, hugging himself. He shouldn’t have said that, he felt like he was going to cry and for no good reason too. He was going to look like a crybaby in front of the guy he just told about his feelings, this could not get much worse.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yeah, why else would I say it?” Virgil muttered out.
Roman laughed loudly. “I love you too, my dark and stormy knight! Oh I love you with all my heart and I will as long as you accept it!”
Virgil looked up, seeing Roman basically bouncing in place on the curb, his eyes wide and filled with excitement. He definitely was beautiful, Virgil would never doubt that.
For the first time in a while, Virgil had company. Not Roman, unfortunately, he was still going to be at college for another month or so. Virgil was outside sitting with one of his dads tonight.
“So you come out here every night?” Logan asked.
“Yep, it helps.”
“I’m glad it does. I can see why, it is nice to get some fresh air. Hopefully your dad is still asleep, I’d hate for him to panic.”
“He’ll be fine, he knows I’m out here and will probably come out here to ask if he does wake up.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
Virgil leaned his head on Logan’s shoulder, closing his eyes as he was pulled closer. They stayed like that in silence for a little bit.
“So when does Roman get back again?” Logan asked, a suspicious tone to his voice.
With a sigh, Virgil looked over to his papa. “He won’t be back for a-“
“Oh I think right about now,” a voice in front of them chuckled.
Virgil’s eyes flicked up in an instant.
“You’re here early,” Virgil muttered out dumbly, something Roman was barely able to hear from across the street.
“Yep, I am,” he chuckled, bowing. “Virgil. Mr. Hart, a pleasure truly.
Logan smiled at Roman’s antics. “And to you yourself. I trust that my son is in good hands now, watch after him,” he said with a squeeze to Virgil’s shoulders before getting up and heading to the house.
“It would be my honor and privilege,” Roman said gently, more so to Virgil than anyone else.
“I can’t believe you’re here...” Virgil dumbly emphasized.
“Yes, well. I finished a semester early and wanted to hurry back home but needed to stay a few more months. I would’ve liked to spend the holidays with you ideally but c’est la vie, there’s not much I can do about it now! Is my presence still welcome regardless?” Roman asked with an awkward grin.
“Yes, god you idiot,” Virgil laughed out.
Roman couldn’t help but smile and nod. “Then I shall offer my companionship for the night,” he said as he sat down, still looking to Virgil with that smile.
Virgil quickly got up and started walking forward, stopping to look both ways across the street before rushing over to Roman, practically tackling him to the ground. Roman’s laugh was quieted as Virgil’s hands cupped his cheeks and Virgil was kissing him for a brief moment.
“Wow, oh boy, is kissing always supposed to make you feel this high?” Roman asked with a giggle, a dazed and happy expression taking over his face. “I’ll have to go away more if it means getting greetings like that,” he muttered out dreamily to himself.
Virgil flipped him off without hesitation.
“Ah, there’s my charming prince’s usual greeting, how I’ve missed it~”
“Shut up. You’re not going anywhere,” Virgil mused, kissing his cheek.
“Well with you here, it’s hardly difficult to stay~” Roman hummed, leaning in to kiss Virgil again.
Taglist: @artissijam, @virgils-paranoia, @marshmallow-the-panda, @anotheregofanficblog
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