#but also i only say that about burn scars not bc i personally feel that way but bc a lot of ppl deem certain scars more attractive where
phuuca · 2 months
My friend Jax got me REALLY into Wind Breaker and I binge read the entire manga in, roughly, three days. But every time a new gang was introduced, I always had the idea pop into my head of “What if Sakura joined these guys before Furin?”
So here’s my two cents about how those would all go:
(Gangs ranked from Least Damaging to Most Damaging, based on how they’d treat Sakura)
(Spoilers for the Manga)
Roppo Ichiza - Least damaging
They wouldn't let him join officially, because he's too young. But this is Sakura and he'll throw himself into battle anyway for the thrill of it, but also because he wants to belong and protect. It's who he is at his core. Kanji sighs with unsurprising disappointment because Sakura should be in school! And making friends!! You're committing truancy Sakura. Go make friends, you under-socialized, stray cat!! Sakura being adopted into the Roppo Ichiza is just Kanji and Akihito trying to convince him to transfer to Furin because SAKURA. YOU'RE LIFE IS BEING WASTED HERE. Anyway, he ends up transferring to Furin after hanging around Shizuka and Tsubaki long enough and they beat Gravel's ass. He drags the boy by the scruff, kicking and screaming, and enrolls him in Furin High himself.
Gravel - second least damaging
He thrives, but in a way that’s a little different from Roppo and Furin bc they are a community. However he still, ultimately, gets picked on because of his appearance and is more lonely than he thinks he is. But, for the most part, he's welcomed with open arms because he contributes a lot to Gravel and is super reliable. He takes up a semi-leadership position, despite being one of the youngest members, because of his fighting abilities. Transfers to Furin after Suzuri becomes a Chef Trainee and pushes Sakura to better himself in a way similar to Tsubaki and Shizuka.
Both a Roppo! and Gravel!Sakura would be closest to Tsubaki.
Shishitoren - smack dab in the middle, our true neutral
He’s in a neutral position in Shishitoren. It's neither good nor bad overall, but he’s still incredibly, lonely. Choji picks on him for being strong. Togame picks on him because of their clashing ideals and talking speeds. He’s definitely strong enough to hold his place there and find shaky community, but his own personal morals isolate him more ostentatiously than not. And, with the threat of being kicked out, he's afraid of even being seen as "weak". He still thinks it's some punk shit to be picking on middle schoolers and he'd beat the snot out of Arima and Kanuma, if given the chance. After the tournament, he transfers with a little bit of pushing from Togame.
Shishitoren!Sakura would be closest to Hiiragi (he sees a lot of Sako in Sakura).
Keel - damaging
He withers, but at a slower rate. He’s the only member to not use a weapon, because he thinks bringing a weapon to a fist fight is cowardly behavior. This makes him an outsider and a target of their bullying. He willingly joined under the guise of finding community, but was pissed off when he found out this community is full of petty thugs and bullies. He tried to leave, and was close to being successful, but then he say Nagato and decided he was going to stay and (begrudgingly, with a lot of grumbling and swearing) stay. He stands beside Nagato as an a kind of, tough-loving, older brother/mentor figure. Sakura often takes the brunt of Nagato’s punishments because Nagato is not a fighter and he's "responsible" for hims as his mentor. Even after he fails nabbing the purse, he takes it for Nagato and is devastated, but truly not surprised when they beat up Nagato too. He transfers after Nagato is saved.
Keel!Sakura would be closest with Ren.
Noroshi - most damaging and he’s in active, tangiable danger.
He withers and burns from the inside out. He’s fighting for his fucking life all the time. He’s got scars and a single tattoo. Absolutely lonely and gets sick, maybe, twice every six months from constantly being run ragged and feeling like dirt. There are small streaks of white in his black hair from the constant stress of fighting Takiishi, Endo, and the other Noroshi members in a thunderdome that, seemingly, never ends. Is first seen beside Endo during the Gravel Arc as his shadow, a reopened split lip staining the collar of his hoodie red. He is saved during the war by Umemiya after he clips his head, hard, on the chair Takiishi throws, and is held down until he passes out (Umemiya defends his unconscious body from Takiishi). He transfers to Furin once the war is over and is monitored by the Four Kings, not because they think he’ll betray him, but because Sakura needs guidance on the difference between constantly fighting for your life verses a friendly fun brawl (Endo and Takiishi had him fight them for survival under the guise of “fun”).
Noroshi!Sakura is closest with Umemiya (everyone saw this coming).
In every reality, my boy Haruka Sakura ends up in Furin because all roads lead to Furin. He belongs there, that’s his family, even if some extra steps were taken to get there.
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royallygray · 5 months
Here is a scene I wrote for an au (that I really need a name for bc it dominates my thoughts).
Bit (a lot) of background on this AU: It's supposed to be a superhero/urban fantasy/soulmate au. Everyone has some degree of magic, they just have to learn to harness it. All soulmate pairs are the canon ones from Double Life.
Scar (Hotguy) and Gem (Fauna) are heroes. Grian (Chaos Sparrow) is a vigilante. Pearl (Scarlet) is a villain. Jimmy is just a civilian, but he's a victim of the prophecy (basically just the Canary Curse).
It was supposed to be Scarian mild annoyance to lovers and Gempearl enemies to lovers, but it has gotten more focused on the:
Scar & Gem besties relationship,
the Grian & Pearl chaos skyblings relationship,
the Grian & Pearl & Jimmy & Lizzie skybling/seabling relationship,
the Scar & Pearl depression villain arc relationship,
and Gem & Grian's sibling dynamic.
At this point in the story, our four main characters (Gem, Scar, Grian, and Pearl) have made a deal. The higher-ups at the Hero Corp want to interrogate Scarlet (Pearl) for information because she's not only the primary villain of the city, she's also the leader of the underground, who are presumably the people who want to assassinate Jimmy (if he dies, it's basically Ragnarok). Pearl does not have control over individual people or groups in the underground, she just runs the system.
The Hero Corp wants Gem and Scar to retrieve Pearl and bring her to them. So Gem and Scar set up a meeting, since there is mutual trust between the four of them.
The conclusion was that they could take Pearl, but Grian would take one of the heroes as collateral so that he could ultimately get her back. They decided to exchange Gem rather than Scar because they knew that Gem is the Hero Corp's precious baby and they'd be desperate to get her back, which ensures Pearl's release. Additionally, Scar's magic is incredibly strong since he's a fae. He has a natural advantage that bypasses some of Pearl's talent in magic.
So he places a curse on her that can only be broken if Scar chooses to break it. Basically it prevents her from flying (she's got wings, so does Grian), getting out of range of Scar, and the curse includes the ability to control whether the person the curse is placed on can talk or not, but Scar refuses to utilize it.
Also since Scar is a fae, he can't lie. But he does have a silver tongue that easily gets around the lying factor. Also he doesn't know that he and Grian are soulbound. Also Gem doesn't have a soulbound. Also I'm really insecure about posting this like I think it's cool but maybe other people won't think it's cool but an IRL friend really liked it but idk and I did write this all on discord because I needed to explain the scene to said friend and it was going to be easier to just write it and AAAAAA
okay here are some words of scar being a badass byeeeee
-- --
The Hero Corp keeps insinuating that Scar is working with the villains. They keep insisting that he break more and more of his morals to find more stuff.
And finally, he just goes "Do you want a villain? Because I can give you one.”
And it's dead silent.
No one says shit.
Gem's apprentice, Guqqie, is there with their jaw dropped.
Scar's usually green eyes are glowing red.
He's angry.
"It seems to me that you want a villain," Scar says, his voice echoing in the silent room. "I can give you one. Isn't that what you want?”
No one says anything.
Scar's red eyes burn into the side of [boss]'s skull. "I thought you wanted a villain.”
Some people are staring at him. Some are trying to get out of this room. Some are trying to ignore what's happening.
"Did you not want a villain?" Scar asks. "I don't appreciate lying.
"I can't lie," Scar says. "I'm not sure if you know this, but I cannot lie. I feel like maybe you'd extend the same courtesy for me.”
"Do you want a fucking villain?" Scar snaps. "Or are you just unsatisfied with me having boundaries? Not liking how you compare me to Fauna and wish I got taken instead? Realizing that Villains are people too?”
It wouldn't've been terrible to be taken by Sparrow (Grian, Scar thought with mild wonder. A beautiful name. His heart fluttered, despite the situation), but the thought still stood. [boss] didn't know that Sparrow wouldn't hurt him.
"Don't you want a villain?" Scar asks, quietest yet. "Don't you?" More silence. The clock on the wall ticks. Scar can hear his heavy breath in time with his heartbeat. "Well, I'll give you one." He rips his hero badge from around his neck and lays it on the table. "I resign.”
And he stalks away, the explosion of "no!"s and "why?"s and "HOTGUY GET BACK HERE!"s blocked out by his mind.
And he walks up to his apartment, his mild haven here, and sees Pearl and Jimmy. He snaps his fingers, lifting Pearl's curse. She looks up in alarm, and Jimmy follows suit.
"We're leaving." Scar tells them, leaving no room for argument. "And we're not coming back.”
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ben-drowned-me · 9 months
hi! could you write some general hc for Jeff and Toby? Also could you talk about more about your canon plsss?
✧.* gen jeff and toby headcanons
-aaa of course !! i love jeff and toby so much
for my canon, I like to think that i just kind of make the characters more real. For most of their original canon stories, or for the fanon versions of them, their characters are made to be just killing machines with a little bit of angst and the story of whatever caused it. I base them off my favourite versions of their stories (or combine), but i give them flaws and little quirks that make them into an actual character rather than a person. I also try to write in how they are all traumatized people because thats usually brushed off. I wouldn't mind going into more detail if you'd like :3
jeff the killer
 incredibly close with liu before everything went down, now he just feels guilty being around him
hardcore metal and punk fan. Screeching Weasel, Benighted, To The Grave. stuff like that
Has night terrors. Rooms with Ben because he's the only one who can calm him down when he awakes. 
Soft spot for animals (usually prefers cats but doesn't say anything to Smile)
Grew up in a very strict catholic family
Is the self-proclaimed "white boy" of the mansion but is hispanic
Pushes his emotions away until something really triggers him
When he finally gets triggered, it does not end well
Full breakdowns. Rage, Depression. He goes through all of it in the span of like 2 days. 
Everyone gives him space except Ben
No mirrors in his room. Avoids ones outside
phantom pain from the burns 
he looks absolutely atrocious. Probably the worst of all the creeps but to be fair he went through severe body trauma
For a grown man, he's on the skinner side 
still really fucking strong though
Can't sleep without noise. One of the reasons he rooms with Ben so much bc hes loud
Messy room. Does not clean, does not know where anything is
only really uses the top of his face to show emotion because he's scared of re-opening his mouth scars
He would spend hundreds of dollars at bath and body works but all the scents he picks up would clash so badly
the kind of guy to say no when someone asks for something but then get 3 of it
listens to british rap unironically
toby rogers
mentioned before, but hates waffles. Any classic breakfast food he dislikes but those are the worst
a collector. His room is filled with small little trinkets he's picked up. Has a rock or button collection
Probably the worst of the creeps emotionally
Was raised in a pretty toxic environment.. Never learned how to manage his emotions. Has too many of them and they change too often so he kind of just. explodes
Usually extreme rage or goes nonverbal
is autistic idc
very ! bad ! ptsd
nervous around male authoritative figures
initially refused to eat at the dinner table since it was a requirement of his fathers, but is getting better at it
soft spot for kids, will let sally dress him up and do his makeup
religious guilt though he was never religious
finds EJ to be very good company, he enjoys the atmosphere
speaking of EJ, he taught Toby a lot of medical care since he's not always available
sleeps on the floor pretty often
kind of an asshole sometimes
master of sarcasm tbh
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xo-urban · 2 years
soo, request for ghost x male reader? :D
probably this one may be a little sad, but let's say reader also uses a mask like ghost so no one actually knows his face, not even ghost. he has been working on his team for years now gets along with ghost (they're in love but in denial lol) bc both use masks and the team finds it funny.
one day one mission goes wrong and his mask gets snatched, ghost sees and they act like nothing happened the rest of the mission but ghost clearly sees that the soldier is affected by this.
later, ghost takes him to a more private place where they adress the situation and the soldier let's ghost take off his mask basically showing his face again more carefully, seeing this big ass scar that covers a lot of his face and that's mostly why he used the mask in the first place. they already have a lot of trust in eachother so simon let's the soldier see his face and then they kiss.
kinda dramatic, but that's my thing lol bye bye!
I loved this sm 🫶
Tumblr media
Good Things Come in Damaged Packages
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Male Reader
Summary: A mission went a little south and Ghost supports you all the way when you show him your biggest insecurity.
Warnings: Typical mission violence, angsty themes, fluff and Ghost support, no beta read cause I’m lazy 😭
Word count: 883
Despite how much time had actually passed serving with Task Force 141, you have never shown your face, not to a single person. You despised your looks and cherished your privacy. You were okay with it, knowing there was another person who also his his face made you feel a little bit more welcomed when you first came.
You and Ghost never asked about taking off the masks, keeping to yourselves was the normal. You liked him for being wary of your boundaries as you are of his own.
The reason for your mask was this nasty burn scar that made you heavily insecure, to you, it was hideous, your only option was to hide it so you wouldn’t be so heavily judged. It took up almost half your face, like someone tried to erase you but couldn’t quite get the job done. You’d never thought about anyone loving you to this day, it was completely hopeless to you.
Over the years, you and Ghost became closer, you would trust the man with your life, but you’ve still never shown your face to him. You’ve seen him lift his mask to take a drink, and you can’t lie when you were caught staring for a few moments.
Tonight you two had a mission to retrieve some intel for your operations. It was dark out when the two of you approached the building which said to have held the information you needed. The place was littered with enemies.
You stayed dead silent when you lead Ghost into the building. Whenever an enemy appeared, you aimed and pulled your trigger. You had no silencer which alerted the whole building. Footsteps ran to your position as Ghost had your back, firing clean shots at your enemies, savoring his ammunition as you tread forward, clearing a path.
You took a step forward, only to get pulled into a dark room. “Fuck!” You yelled, capturing Ghost’s attention. The enemy yanked your mask off before you threw yourself at him, sending the two of you tumbling to the ground. When Ghost turned into the room, he froze, shocked as he saw your angered face, it was the worst yet possible time to have seen it. You gritted your teeth when his fist connected with your jaw, cursing as you pulled out your pistol and shoved it into his chest, firing multiple shots into your enemy. You stood silently, picking your mask off from the ground and putting it on. You huffed turning to leave, only to see Ghost with his eyes on you.
He saw.
He saw your face.
The face that you found hideous, you cursed to yourself as you shoved past him, this wasn’t the time to deal with your anxiety. The mission continued without further problems, happening to be too easy for you and Ghost. You grabbed the files and left quickly, not wanting to say a word.
When the two of you hopped in the car to head back to base, it was so uncomfortably suffocating but silent for the most part. The tension was there and you hated it. When you arrived at base you were in a hurry to leave, gripping onto the files to hand to Price later. You heard Ghost call for you but you ignored him, he probably found you disgusting and you hated it, you hated yourself for it.
You dropped off the files before quickly walking to your room with your head slightly down. That's when you were pulled into a room you found so much comfort in. You looked up to find Ghost staring at you with soft eyes, “What do you want..?” You spoke softly, afraid of what he’ll say after seeing your face.
“You don’t have to run away from me.. Scars can still be beautiful and shouldn’t define you at all..” Ghost spoke softly, cupping your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb over your cheek. “You’re beautiful y’know? You don’t need to hide from me.. Not any more” Ghost spoke softly, slowly lifting up your mask to reveal your teary eyes, you never fought him, letting him remove your sense of security.
“You’re so perfect.. I love you so much..” Ghost whispered, watching with soft eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks. You hiccuped, pulling Ghost close to you as you cried into him. You felt accepted after hiding for so long.
But most importantly, you felt loved.
Ghost hushed you, cupping your cheek to get you to look up to him through teary eyes, his mask was off and you couldn’t help but sob out of pure happiness.
Ghost pulled you into a kiss, hushing you softly as you leaned against him, he rubbed your back with a free hand while the other rubbed away your crystal tears.
“I love you so much, ever since the day we met, just knew you were the one. You’re so perfect darling.. Wouldn’t trade your handsome face for the world… never. I love you.”
It was all you’ve ever wanted, to be an accepted human again.
You cried in Ghost’s comfort, sobbing as you told him you loved him so much, over and over as if Ghost was too stubborn to get it in his head.
“You’re perfect, just the way the world built you.”
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strawbrygashez · 5 months
Andre hcs bc he’s underrated 🗣
•While he will listen to Cals grunge & borderline emo music and finds himself enjoying it here and there, he loves aggressive music a lot more. Anything u could mosh too really. His favorite genres are industrial metal & nu-metal.
•If he was a little more confident in himself and wasn’t worried about being picked on for yet another thing, he’d dress a lot more metalhead-y if he could. I imagine his style would be a mix between mallgoth, metalhead, and some military aesthetics thrown in there. (I shared a hc that cal was talking about working at hot topic before and this kinda ties into that lol. I think andre really wanted him to get the job so he could have a excuse as to why his wardrobe was getting more alternative. Yknow? Like since Cals working there and he goes to visit him when he can, why not browse around a little?)
•He self harms mostly when he’s angry. He’ll hit himself/his head when frustrated, punches stuff, picks his skin, and burns himself occasionally. He also cuts too but not as much as Cal does. He makes sure his cuts actually look like cat scratches that Mel could have gave him.
•(somewhat not really a hc/basically canon) He has a couple mental disorders but his parents kinda have no idea. He keeps things going on in his head to himself. Even Cal didn’t realize how bad off Andre was until Andre began to really trust him. Seeing that Cal obviously had his own issues (the sh scars) made it a lot easier for Andre to share his problems. As emo/stereotypical as it sounds, he really didn’t think anyone would ever get him in the same way Cal does.
•Andre is just full on GAY. He kept that note that girl gave him ages ago because it just made him feel happy and flattered. When he burns it, he only does so because he feels like he needs to fully rid himself of anyone but Cal. (Bc let’s be honest, there really wasn’t any point of him burning it otherwise? They wanted to get rid of things like CDs, books, and games so the media couldn’t blame what they did on stuff like that. I don’t get how the media could have tied the little love note to what they did.)
•He really thought he’d be a dog person until he met a actual dog as a kid. He didn’t like how hyper the dog was & that it kept jumping on him. That’s why when his parents saw it seemed like Andre was becoming lonely sometime in middle school, they got Mel. He bonded super quickly with her.
That’s not to say he won’t give a dog attention & play around with it. He just prefers cats over dogs any day of the week.
•He likes going on walks a lot. Especially if cal comes with. He likes finding places that seems like no one else knows about. I think he’d be SO thrilled if they found a abandoned old tree house. He repairs it up a little bit, adds some things inside and then declares it the army of twos meeting place. (even if they actually rarely meet there lol. They r more likely to be at each others houses but they spend some nights, share secrets, plan things and whatnot up there.)
•He’s not shy really when speaking but words do get caught in his throat and he can be kinda awkward & can’t really read the room when he’s with a big group of people.
Yknow that “he asked for no pickles” meme? That’s Cal saying that with Andre behind him to me.. Andre just prefers not to speak unless it’s absolutely necessary (with people other than Cal) or if someone pissing him off.
•He can take just about anything apart and put it back together again. He fixes Cals siblings toys all the time. He even fixes their bikes too. But he can do more complex things like taking apart a computer and all that.
•He doesn’t have many memories from when he was in Germany. He remembers some relatives and just random odd things here and there but he mostly only has childhood memories from his time in the US.
•He cusses, shit talks under his breath, calls Cal both sweet and mean names all in german.
-He doesn’t do it as much as a older teen but when he would forget the word for something in English he’d say it in German.
-The first time he said I love you to Cal was in German since he knew Cal probably didn’t know what he was saying. Like I said he also calls him names too which Cal and Rachel would try to figure the translation for later online. If it’s something romantic, Cal always would go “Haha yeah this definitely wasn’t what he said.”
•He looks up to Cal so much and is jealous of him. He loves that Cal lets himself be more vulnerable & all cheeky/boyish. Andre for some reason or another feels the need to come off as the strong, more masculine and mature one of the two around others. He likes that Cal expresses himself through sappy shit like poems & music. Andre has it in his head that he always needs to bottle everything up which results in him being quick to get angry and lash out.
That last part is why he was always so annoyed by Rachel. He couldn’t find it in himself to even tell Cal that he doesn’t want him spending time with anyone else though it’s honestly pretty obvious lol.
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sugarcanehoes · 3 months
god i need all of your tubscar ideas like. now
anon. anon i am so Normal about them i promise.
rpf tubscar especially makes me ghhhh bc their age gap is so sexy to me. and the fact that tubbo literally grew up watching scar is just... you know this man is head over heels for his favorite youtuber and would do Anything for him. scar could tell tubbo to hold a handstand for 5 hours and tubbo would do it, no questions asked, and then would sulk for not being able to do it properly bc he doesn't want to disappoint scar.
and the YEARNING. don't get me started on the yearning, these two are the textbook definition of slow burn. not only they have this difference in age, but they live far apart and have very different lifestyles, so they always think the other is not interested. tubbo doubts scar would have time for him, knows scar has so much to do, thinks he's too annoying to hang out with scar because of the constant cursing and repetition of words. and scar doesn't want to bother tubbo, sees tubbo constantly hanging out with friends, drinking, doing subathons, playing all sorts of games and just being a normal young adult and scar really doesn't want to disturb that. so they stay silent, gazing at each other's discord profile, hoping the other will magically send a dm inviting for a call later that day, maybe we can revisit our sky block world?
eventually someone has to take initiative and i guess one night tubbo just feels restless and mindlessly sends scar a message, not really waiting for an answer, hand hovering over the 'delete message' button just seconds before a new text pops up in chat. 'hey, tubbo! isn't it late there? why are you awake? :)'
and then eventually it turns into a habit, two restless and anxious men bonding over minecraft, space, twitch, content creation and everything else. tubbo shows scar a dj set he's preparing for a stream and scar acts as if he's not interested in tubbo's hands moving quickly; scar shows tubbo his minecraft test world and explains in detail every single build and tubbo acts as if he's not dangerously focused on how skillful and experient scar is at the game. it shouldn't be hot... but it is. and both of them always say their goodbyes and go lay on their beds with their heads full of thoughts they feel ashamed about - thoughts that more often than not lead them to sneak a hand past the waistband of their pants.
and when they meet up irl? all hell breaks loose. the thoughts that were so well contained in the deepest, darkest spaces of their brains suddenly spill out as they try to act normal near each other. scar, who likes to be independent and hates it when someone tries to "help him", is suddenly okay with tubbo pushing his wheelchair and getting him food and water when the event gets too crowded. tubbo, who famously hates physical contact, is suddenly okay with scar pulling him for a hug, ruffling his hair, pinching his cheeks while calling him kid.
and if tubbo ever gets drunk near scar, god, the post-drunk clarity would hit so hard because tubbo would spend the whole night whining to his friends that scar is so hot and that omg i can't, i literally can't, i have to sit on his lap, all the while his friends warn him that he's not really whispering as quietly as he thinks and that scar is definitely hearing him - and scar is also blushing a bit as he tries to ignore tubbo's comments about him, acts as if the slurred words don't get to him, curses his health conditions that force him to stay sober while trying to deal with this horny 20-year old clearly - and loudly - thirsting for him.
and when scar finally, finally breaks, after long hours of venting to a probably-very-high grian about how much he has to hold back near tubbo and grian slushes out an, "and why are you holding back? you're an adult, he's an adult, and there's clearly a lot of sexual tension. stop acting as if this is the first younger person you've ever hooked up with." (to which scar would groan and answer that "that was only once, ugh, why do you still remember that?"), scar finally tells tubbo to spend the night in his hotel room so they can have some alone time.
"are you sure your brother won't mind? where is he going to sleep?" "it's fine, toby, don't worry, he can stay in another room."
so tubbo sits down on scar's bed and scar wheels closer to him. they chat, and they're both nervous, but scar puts a hand on tubbo's knee and tubbo holds his breath, stopping mid-sentence to quiet down a moan. "i brought alcohol," he says. "you can drink a bit, but not too much," scar answers, and tubbo wobbles on his legs and tries to ignore the unsaid yes, daddy burning on the back of his throat.
tubbo reciprocates the touches, and he doesn't need much to finally make his dreams come true and climb on scar's lap. scar helps him get undressed, one kiss leading to another, and when tubbo sinks down on scar's cock, it's as if it all led to this moment.
tubbo is ecstatic. scar quickly gets breathless, but he lets tubbo indulge, telling him he's such a good boy and that you look so pretty, toby, to which tubbo only whines in response. tubbo comes first, crying out scar's name, but doesn't stop bouncing, too immersed in it to notice his legs burning and his cock struggling to keep up, until he comes again, shaking on scar's lap and hugging scar's neck, resting for only a minute before kneeling down on the floor and sucking scar until he gets his climax as well - and tubbo gets hard again, ruts against scar's leg, jerks off until he comes all over his fist, moaning as scar caresses his hair and shoots cum down his throat.
tubbo can't believe this is happening. it's too good, too fucking good, and he climbs back on scar's lap and stares at scar's face to try and convince himself that fuck, holy shit, i'm having sex with scar. scar smiles, rubbing circles on tubbo's hip, and tubbo is so horny, so needy, that even if his cock physically can't get hard again, he rides scar's thigh and sobs on scar's ear, hugging him close, intoxicated by scar's cologne, until scar gently pats his back and tells him, "it's okay, toby, you can stop now. there you go, good boy."
when they wake up next morning, limbs tangled and eyes hazy, tubbo fucks scar into the mattress, slowly, for good measure, as scar praises him and kisses his face. "tell me, kid, for how long have you wanted this?" "oh, you don't- you don't even know, scar. for- for so long, fuck-"
it becomes a constant. when they're apart, they turn on their cameras on discord to release some stress; when they're together, they spend most of the time either having sex or cuddling and chatting after sex. tubbo's friends mock him for being a daddy's boy. grian doesn't say anything, but he always has a smug smirk on his face when he catches scar and tubbo interacting in public, always touching each other somehow.
tl;dr: mutual pining leads to age gap daddy undertones 'they were both bottoms' needy whiny sex. everyone except their neighbours is happy.
uh. you probably intended this as a 'sexy headcanons' thing but i got SO CARRIED AWAY holy shit 🧍
i also have thoughts of c!tubscar and other headcanons but this is GIGANTIC already so i'll leave it to another time.
thank you for indulging me in my little tubscar brainrot era <3
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aangarchy · 10 months
So while rewatching the live action trailer a 50th time i kind of started thinking about something.
There's a few moments in atla that always seemed untouchable to me. Not only because they were well executed when it comes to storytelling, but also bc we never actually see the moments in question. Examples are: the attack on the air temples, Ozai burning Zuko, Katara's mother's death. We hear about these from other characters who happened to be there, or in case of the air temples: we hear the moment being retold as history. It's the latter i want to expand on.
The original cartoon never shows us even a glimpse of the attack on the air temples. You could say "well it's a kid's show they can't show a brutal genocide" but honestly, we're talking about a cartoon that showed a skeleton on screen in the third episode, showed the main character getting electrocuted and plummeting to his death, and showed a man being drowned by a spirit. The reason they didn't show it imo, is because it makes sense for the narrative. This attack was a century ago. Everyone that witnessed the attacks and was old enough to remember them is dead. Bumi is the only person we know of that was alive at the time and old enough to somewhat remember, but he wasn't present. It's comparable to world war one for us. There's nobody alive currently that properly remembers WW1. We're being told about it in history class, we get shown those weird black and white videos of smiling soldiers on their way to their death, pushing carts through the mud, them shooting a few canons, the trenches etc. But there's no first hand recollections. The creators really drove home the point of the airbender genocide being ancient history to the current inhabitants of this world by never showing us the attacks itself, and only having it be a known historical fact. It's just something that happened, it was long ago, nobody remembers it. All they know is there's no more airbenders, they're extinct, and nobody remembers jack shit about airnomad culture and philosophy except those that study it (aka professor zei) and even then, it's based off of destroyed architecture and hard to find historical texts that i'm sure the Fire Nation tried their best to erase. The viewers of the show only get information about air nomads through Aang, and whatever flashbacks from his own memory he provides. It leaves us wanting to know more, and it feels extra tragic knowing we'll only have Aang to rely on to tell us the tales of his people (for atla specifically, i know we now have more info due to the avatar novels).
Netflix however, literally opens their trailer with three shots of the attack. The comet, then the fireballs being shot, then the firebenders and airbenders facing off. I don't like this decision to show the battle that took place, because then the point of it being ancient gets a bit lost. We as the audience get more information than the main characters have, and idk but to me that kind of ruins the experience?
Same with Zuko getting his scar. Not only are they gonna show us that, they put it in the trailer. Why? This is a very important character moment in the show that we don't even get to see bc it's told from Iroh's perspective and he looked away the moment it happened. Before this we were given crumbs as to how Zuko got his scar. And Netflix is just tossing it our way like Peeta tossed bread at Katniss Everdeen.
I might feel differently abt this when the show airs (although not likely lol) but currently i'm just kind of mad at these creative decisions being made man
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marsbarsfrommars · 2 months
alone with you (the only heaven I'll be sent to)
star wars: the high republic | rated t | complete | 2,344 words | avar kriss/elzar mann | fluff, a little hurt/comfort
She nods and simply says the only thing she has to, “I understand.” 
“I knew you would,” he responds with a certainty that makes Avar's heart seize. 
or, in a quiet moment post-chapter 53, avar finds out about elzar almost dying on grizal
under the cut or on ao3 for better formatting
first of all, this is dedicated to the person who headcannoned that elzar has burn scars on his hands from crashing his vector on grizal. I've tried, but I can't find their post, so if anyone knows whose post I'm talking about, please comment so I can tag them here.
edit: it's the lovely @ledalausnows and you should definitely check out her posts bc she's super cool!!
also, a huge shout out to the thr fans on tumblr: if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't have finished this. thank you for all your support and I hope you enjoy this <3
this is the first time in at least six years that I've actually finished one of my wips, so while I'm a little proud of this, the quality might be questionable. my perfectionism made me proof read this so many times I could probably recite it from memory so I hope this is readable and I fixed all major mistakes. anyways, I hope you enjoy this
also, english isn't my first language, so please just ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes
content warning for mentions of scars, injuries, near-death experiences and past major character death. none of this is in any way graphic but I wanted to mention it anyways
The overhead lights in Avar’s quarters are turned down to a dim glow, and it's quiet apart from the gentle hum of the ship's engines. The night cycle must have started a while ago, but neither of them had noticed; both of them were too wrapped up in each other. Now, though, they're resting. Elzar on his back in her bunk, one arm gently wrapped around her with his hand lazily caressing her waist, and Avar on her stomach, half resting on his chest, the fabric of his shirt soft under her wandering hands. 
It's nice like this—peaceful. For a moment, Avar allows herself to forget about their upcoming task, about the possible danger the future holds, and just exist in this moment with Elzar. She feels more at peace than she has in months, possibly years. She slowly runs her hand down Elzar’s arm and intertwines her fingers with his, her thumb softly brushing over the back of his hand. The motion is familiar; they've held hands more times than she can count in those weeks since she escaped the Occlusion Zone, but there's something that makes her pause. It only takes her a moment to realise that tonight is the first time since that fateful night in the garden on Starlight Beacon that they've held hands without the barrier of Elzar’s gloves between them. Elzar wearing gloves is in itself nothing out of the ordinary for a Jedi; most of them routinely wear them as part of their robes, which explains why she hasn't noticed it before. Now that she really thinks about it though, it does strike her as odd that she can't remember seeing him without gloves even once since their reunion. 
She slowly brushes her thumb over the back of Elzar’s hand again. The skin feels rougher in some spots. Avar knows the feeling of scars, enough of them are covering her own body, but she can't recall Elzar ever suffering an injury to his hands that would cause scarring this significant. She raises their intertwined hands to his chest, and sure enough, a thin web of healed fine-line and burn scars covers the back of his hand and wrist. An uneasy feeling settles in her stomach. What happened to Elzar to leave his hands scarred like this, and why wouldn't he tell me? 
Elzar, sensing the subtle change in her demeanour, chooses precisely this moment to open his eyes and look up at her. And for a moment, as silly as it may sound, she feels overwhelmed by the sheer force of her feelings for him. She had missed him for years, and sometimes, even though it's been months since their reunion, she still can't believe she doesn't have to anymore. Avar is certain he already knows what she wants to ask about, but he doesn't say anything, waiting for her to take the first step, so she does. 
“These aren't recent.” It's a remark, not a question. She knows Elzar will tell her everything without her having to ask. There are no secrets between them; nothing is left unspoken. Not anymore. The thought makes a familiar warmth bloom in her chest. 
“No.” Elzar’s voice is soft, reserved for the quiet of quarters and whispered secrets after dark. “I got them on Grizal when my Vector crashed. The healers at the Temple did their best and apparently Bacta also helped a lot, but they couldn't prevent the scars.”
Avar furrows her brow. “I didn't know you were injured on Grizal.” She feels Elzar's body tense ever so slightly underneath her, anyone else wouldn't have noticed, but him and her—and Stellan, of course—have always shared an unusually deep connection, and now they're as attuned to each other as they haven't been in years, perhaps ever. 
“It was at the end of the battle. We thought we were winning, but we didn't know there were Nameless on Grizal. I don't remember this part at all, and most of what came after is pretty blurry in my head, but Stellan later told me that he saw my Vector go straight down. I don't understand why, but I must have passed out when the Nameless appeared. My Vector caught fire when it crashed, and the cockpit bubble shattered. I wasn't wearing gloves that day, that's why the damage to my skin there was so severe. Ty pulled me out, saved my life. I don't remember anything after, but I know Stellan was with me.” 
Avar takes a moment to process all of this. When she finally speaks, her tone isn't accusatory, there may be a tinge of hurt to it though. “Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't Stellan?” she asks. Before Elzar can answer, a terrible thought takes shape in her mind. “It's not that you thought I wouldn't care, is it?” 
No matter what happened, she had never and would never stop caring about Elzar and Stellan. She knows without a doubt that it's the same for them, but she and Elzar hadn't spoken for a year at that point, and her relationship with Stellan had already been strained, so what if they had started to doubt her? Avar lowers her head. She's not sure she can look him in the eyes when he answers, the possibility of what she'll see there—of what he'll see in her—too overwhelming. 
Elzar draws his hand away from her waist to gently cup her face and tilt her head up until her eyes meet his again. His gaze is earnest and there's an urgency in it—he needs her to believe what he says next. She already knows she will before he can utter a single word because she trusts him implicitly, and she knows that trust is mutual. 
“No, I never thought that, I promise.” He pauses for a second and takes a deep breath, “And I know that Stellan didn't either.” 
Avar lets out a shuddering breath and tries to quell her bubbling emotions, which threaten to spill over at his words. Even so, her voice sounds a little shaky when she asks, “Are you sure?” 
Elzar nods sincerely. “I am. Stellan wanted to comm you, but I told him not to. We argued about it, and he relented in the end.” 
The sheer relief she feels at his reassurance is dampened by one burning question, but she doesn't have to ask for him to tell her. 
“I wanted you to know, I really did, but you were halfway across the galaxy fighting the Drengir and I didn't want you to be distracted.” He briefly averts his eyes, as if he's unsure about his next sentence, before he says, “I thought if you found out, you'd want to come see me, but we both know you couldn't have, and I didn't want to make it harder on you.” 
Part of her wants to argue, wants to protest that she would have come if only she had known. But Elzar is right; she couldn't have. Still, she wishes someone had told her. But of course he wouldn't want that, she should have known. Elzar tends to view himself as selfish, but she has always known him to put the wellbeing of others, particularly hers and Stellans, above his own. 
“And later?” she prompts gently. It's certainly not a conversation either of them had expected to have tonight, and she never wants to push him, but they've spent so much time keeping things to themselves in fear of crossing a line that hardly existed in the first place, and what good did it do them? 
“As bizarre as it sounds, almost dying wasn't the worst experience I had that week.” Now it's his voice that sounds shaky. The experience has clearly affected him more than he's currently letting on, understandably so, and Avar sends a burst of warmth through the Force. 
“When I was fully healed, everything was still so chaotic after Valo and Grizal, and there was so much going on that it just didn't seem that important.” Avar hates that he thinks that way but doesn't interrupt him; there will be time for reassurance later. “I got used to the scars fairly quickly, and even though they should be a constant reminder, I hardly think about it now. And I don't wish to. I've made my peace with everything that happened and everything I did then, I truly did, but I still don't like to remember it.” 
Avar understands, of course she does. Enough bad things have happened to her in these last few years that she's made peace with, as is the Jedi way, but still doesn't like to think of. They're the same in that way. She nods and simply says the only thing she has to, “I understand.” 
“I knew you would,” he responds with a certainty that makes Avar's heart seize. 
There's a pause in their conversation then, both of them processing and coming to terms with what was and what hasn't yet been said. Avar is the one to break it when she says, “Please never do that again.” 
Elzar quirks an eyebrow, the tension caused by their conversation slowly melting away. It seems he has decided that the heavy part of their conversation is over, which Avar truly doesn't mind. “Which part? Almost dying or not telling you about it?” 
“Oh, do shut up,” Avar says, but there's no heat to it, just affectionate warmth. 
Elzar laughs softly and pulls her down for a gentle kiss. Far too soon, Avar pulls away again and cups his face with her free hand, her thumb gently stroking his cheek. This time it's her who needs him to believe her next words. Her voice is soft yet insistent when she says, “I care about you, El. I don't want you to get hurt. And if you do, I want to be by your side if it's in any way possible. And even if I can't be, I want to at least know, please.” 
Elzar nods, every trace of playfulness gone from his face and replaced by sincerity. “I know, and I promise you, the next time anything of the sort happens to me, I will tell you.” 
Avar nods as well. “Good.” 
A slow smile spreads across his face at that and the tenderness in his eyes is almost overwhelming. Avar thinks if she had a mirror, she'd surely see it reflected in her own eyes. 
Elzar turns his head and presses a gentle kiss to the inside of her wrist, and she feels the familiar warmth spread in her chest once again, chasing away the last remnants of distress. 
She leans down to press her lips to his once again, their connection in the Force glowing with love and understanding, making her feel almost giddy. 
The kiss turns heated when Avar slides the hand still cupping Elzar’s check back into his hair, her fingers tangling in the soft strands, pressing her lips to his with more urgency. Elzar responds in kind by wrapping his arm around her waist once again and pulling her as close as their current position allows. She feels butterflies in her stomach at that, like when she was seventeen and kissed him for the first time. It amazes her that time and distance haven't dulled the effect he's always had on her in the slightest, but then again, how could they? He's Elzar, after all, her Elzar. 
They don't belong to each other, of course not; there's no possessiveness to their love. But they belong with each other; side by side always. They both know it and the Force rings true with it. 
They break apart, eyes closed and foreheads still pressed together. The kiss has left both of them breathless, as kisses like this often do. Once they've recovered enough to open their eyes and ever so slightly pull away from each other, and Avar really gets to look at him again, she is hit with the realisation of just how beautiful Elzar is like this. She doesn't think there has ever been a moment where she hasn't thought of him as beautiful, but seeing him like this is something else entirely. The dim glow of the overhead lights is reflected in his dark eyes, his hair disheveled from where she ran her hands through it earlier, a soft smile gracing his lips. A sight that's reserved just for her. 
Avar's musings are interrupted when Elzar starts to speak again, his voice still sounding a little breathless. “Avar, I…,” he begins but then trails off, unable to finish his sentence. It doesn't bother Avar. She knows. 
She pulls their still-intertwined hands up to press a gentle kiss to his knuckles, then the back of his hand, then his wrist. She feels his sharp intake of breath more than hears it, and when she meets his eyes, he's gazing at her with a look in his dark eyes Avar can't quite place. Later, she will come to recognise it as pure, unfiltered devotion. 
“Stars, Avar,” he murmurs. 
Elzar seems to know exactly what she's thinking—or maybe he just shares the sentiment—because he kisses her again, his hand slipping under her shirt to gently caress the bare skin of her waist. It's an exquisite kiss, and for the moment Avar allows herself to get lost in it, in this, until the only thoughts in her head are how lovely it is to feel so at peace, and Elzar. Always, always Elzar. 
“What is it?” she asks. For a split-second, she's scared she's overstepped, but Elzar just shakes his head and leans up to brush his lips against hers in a tender kiss that ends far too quickly for her liking. If it were up to her, he'd never stop kissing her, she thinks, only slightly bothered by the fact that she sounds like a character in one of those stereotypical Jedi romance novels Kantam and her used to read to each other for fun in their Padawan days. 
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miraculous-pyxie · 2 years
marinette headcanon time
marinette’s knees are filled with little scars and long-term bruises from how many time she falls over 
she carries a very cute first aid kit in her backpack just in case her skin breaks or if she needs a quick ice pack (those lil crack and shake things that get really cold)
marinette became the go to person when somebody got hurt is phys ed when the teens were younger. she eventually got first aid certified.
 marinette used to carry a bit more weight (you see her parents genetic make up) but from becoming ladybug she burns a lot of calories/fat from running around all day. to keep people/parents from getting suspicious, she starts running which keeps her even more in shape.
little marinette got into sewing because her mom always needed to repair her clothes from the rips and tears they would get from her falling over. she felt guilty about it so she said that she would do it. her mom taught her then she started teaching herself
I love the idea that Adrien and Marinette get stronger and more flexible from using the miraculous. Adrien has an excuse that this is how he needs to look for modeling (everyone believes that) but marinette has less of an excuse so she has to flub saying she started going to the gym and attempt to become less clumsy. not wanting it to be a lie, she starts going to a gym once a week for an hour (this is where she does her runs instead).
marinette meditates with her mom whenever she’s stressed and gets lightly told off when she starts fidgeting too much
along with Tikki’s cookies, marinette keeps a stash of protein shakes and protein bars in her room
 marinette has ADHD so she is prone to zoning out and has accidentally zoned out in someone’s direction before then zones back in and profusely apologizes for ”staring” at them
marinette will hyperfocus on a project for hours and she has almost missed patrol several times because of it.
adding onto that, she will sometimes be working till 3 am so getting up at 7 am for school is really hard. (delayed sleep phase syndrome let’s goooo)
on top of that, coffee is her best friend. not because of the energy boost but it keeps her focused in school. (Alya doesn’t know about the ADHD at first and thinks her best friend has a severe coffee addiction)
from becoming ladybug, Marinette has actually gotten very coordinated.  she was very clumsy as a kid, but now it only spikes when she feels emotionally vulnerable. (i.e. around Adrien, when she’s nervous)
 Adrien is Marinette’s first big crush  so for the first few weeks marinette actually was really uncomfortable. she was having an internal battle of never feeling something like a crush before and also beating herself up over the idea that this might be a celebrity crush and she’s just a crazy fan
i saw this somewhere else but marinette doesn’t like horror movies not because they scare her but because they are underwhelming to her. mari and the gang will be having a movie night and she’ll just sit their with her arms crossed and say “I’ve seen worse.” and alya nino and adrien will just looked at her absolutely baffled. (even though adrien is chat noir, he’s had less exposure to scary things growing up)
adding onto that, marinette 100% had unrestricted internet access as a kid but she does not let it show
Marinette doodles on her skin in pen and one time she was drawing on her arm in red pen in class and an akuma related explosion happened really close. The pen exploded all over her skin and it looked like she had just killed someone.
marinette wanted to join the costume department for theater but because of her crammed schedule she can’t do it. everyone is confused as to why she doesn’t bc she’s perfect for it.
marinette matches the color of her hair ties to her outfit
marinette is better at listening to people in chinese then speaking or writing it
marinette actually gets along with her grandma really well and that’s why her grandma knew exactly what bike to get her
even though Marinette’s focus is in high fashion, she loves learning about streetwear and street fashion in places like Japan and the US
she is an absolute force to be reckoned with when she’s being stubborn about something 
she indulges in the confidence that being ladybug gives her from time to time so when chloe is back on her bs she claps back better than the last time
 a personal retcon is she gets a hold of her boy crazy-ness after the first few weeks. (the show really did her dirty on this like stalking? stealing? they should not be promoting that behavior to kids tbh)
marinette wears her new designs to school. she also secretly has a commission style business (so she can keep on top of orders bc she is just 1 person)
all and all, she is a little frazzled gremlin and i wish we got more of that blunt ,frazzled, always-busy, gremlin side of her
that’s all i can think of for now :)
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these should all have one place, instead of being a whole lot of rbs and individual posts, so.
Sage, during the season break earlier this year, compiled a list of (nearly) every wacked thing (and every little thing said that was *definitely* (probably) a character thing and not a cc!sherb/irl!sherb thing) during the streams between the break! Notes in parentheses beginning with 'future sage' were written like. ten minutes ago while I was looking back at these. anyway-
everything is under the cut bc this shit *long*
[ALL FROM SHERBERT STREAM "Talking about the finale! and pirate fest!"]
- Yellow light background
- Blue Eye
- Beginnings of blood under said blue eye
- Blue eye/Blood is opposite to C!Sherbert's. (So, rather than being on the right, it's on the left)
- Faint-Faint Scar akin to C!Sherbert's one from S1
- Talking about potions/making potions IRL
- Referring to C!Sherbert's desk as "My Desk"
- Facecam border changed, Now White and Yellow
- Saying that they didn't do anything to the portal
- Trying to remember what the portal + Haley looked like
- "I'm pretty sure this is the same thing that showed up when I was at Haley's grave when I ran away, But I don't really remember."
- "I wasn't really looking at pants"
- "No idea what was going on with shoes, didn't really look."
- "I'm pretty sure you're on my screen," didn't quite exactly catch what they said, but they then asked if we could have been objects, or something along the lines- (Did conform that we *were* on the screen. And not in fact objects.)
- "What shoes were you wearing?" Sherbert to Haley, Haley then asking "Where?", Sherbert then going "When you came out if the portal?"
- Sherbert acting as though this is the first/one of the first time their hearing Syndicate ("I don't know why I know this song so well")
- Seemingly forgeting that they did a cover of Syndicate ("You did a cover of it. Oh, Yeah! I did.")
- "No I'm pretty sure that's a Q," not knowing how we got a bleeding eye from that
[ALL FROM CENTROSS' STREAM "Mermaid times!!!!!"]
- Blood is more obvious, further down their face (More akin to C!Sherbert's blood drips than they were earlier, only more faint and smaller)
- "you still have blood on your face" "Yeah it's kinda been there, not gonna lie" "it just doesn't leave" (Centross and Sherb talking about the blood. While not necessarily a wack thing - we know its bleeding - its definitely a little thing to point out)
- "I don't remember most things, actually," Centross then tells them how weird that is, and how he feels to constantly re-tell them things. ("It's weird, It's like I have to re-tell you everything")
- "I went to school, it was weird, wasn't used to that one."
- "Rae put us in box," when questioned on 'Rae' (Because Centross was on Mer, So it would've been Theo), "Yeah, Rae." (Rather set on it being Rae and not Theo.)
- (Don't know when this Happened) Chat asked about Sherbert's Blue Eye and what was up with it, and Centross then responded "What do you mean? That's their normal eye."
- During when Heyhay is showing off the burned old Ominous Bane base, Sherbert (In chat) say "yeah I burned it after everything" which. once again talking about C!Sherbert in the first person as though they *are* C!Sherbert
- When Heyhay shows off Perix's lab, Sherbert (In chat, again) says "oh so thats what those looked like," referring to the big brewing stands. this is despite the fact that Rae drew C!Sherbert a picture of them, and gave it to C!Sherbert. (Tho, Could be in reference to the materials.) [A very in character thing to say.]
- In response to a question about that (I couldn't watch the stream live, to look at chat, and heyhay doesn't put the chat up, so I don't know what the question was-), Sherbert responds, "well i never went to the alchemy lab so-" again, despite Rae drawing them a picture and givving it to them (Again, could ve in reference to material) [Also again, Very in-character thing to say. Using 'I' in reference to C!Sherbert.]
- Blood seems to have decreased since Centross' stream where it was further down. Either that or it's extra-extra faint and was just more noticeable in Centross' stream.
- The faint Scar that was there previously is no longer there
- Few Minutes In, right when they open minecaft, The Background light changes from yellow to green. (Presumably connected to the fact that Krit's not bleeding eye is Green and/or the Rave room)
- Among us are not yellow and purple, Now Orange and Green (Also corresponding to Krit's eye colors)
- Kirt acknowledging things IRL. Specifically the Among Us, and saying how 'They've always been those colors' [Put In this list because while *in* character (I think. They seemed in character) they most definitely acknowledged things IRL]
- After they leave Minecraft, Light changes back to yellow.
- Blood still really faint, but going a little further down their face that last stream (Though, it is to be noted that it is not as far down as in Centross' stream the other day)
- Among us are orange and white (? Could be light blue. very hard to tell with the lighting)
- The maniquine that holds C!Sherbert's coat, goggles, and scarf (the one that hangs on their belt) is now infront of CC!Sherbert's Non-Binary flag.
- Few Minutes In, once they open minecaft, the light in the background changes to purple. (Seems to be the usual (before the whole irl lore stuff) shade)
- "I geuss I cosplayed me a bit ago-"
- They care a lot about *this* hardcore world (Could Jist be Hardcore Lore, Could Be CCC! Lore. Don't know which one.)
- A Jack Stauber song started playing (C!Sherbert canonically only listens to Jack Stauber)
- Syndicate started playing after, They got excited about it
- *Another* Jack Stauber song. (Outside of this, Music seems to be going through its normal rotation)
- A fucking 'nother one- (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- ...Another one. We are on. #4 I do believe. (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "Why do I know this music-?" (They say, lipsinking and dancing like they *know* the music)
- ....#5 now. (Another Jack Stauber song started playing. Though this one was significantly shorter than the rest.)
- A soul shrine showed up in hardcore, when going to look at it, the Nether star had a message in Quixian presumably connecting to the whole IRL lore stuff going on (Tranlation - ⏁⏅ṽ⏇⏅ ⍉⍔⍉ ⍒⌭√ ⌭⍭, UHZKH GLG BRX RJ, (Shift 4 Backward) REWHE DID YOU OG, WHERE DID YOU GO)
- *Another* (#6) Jack Stauber song started playing (It also ran shorter)
- Another (#7) Jack Stauber song started playing (Whole song plays through)
- Another (#8) Jack Stauber song started playing (Whole thing plays through)
- After they close minecaft, light changes back to yellow/white
- Their Pride flags swapped (They're on the opposite sides)
- Sherbert doesn't introduce their character ('I'm Sherbert and I use They/Them pronouns' when questioned, 'Nothing else')
- Characters glitching on the couch (Haley glitching to late s2, and Chaos glitching to a ghost) [Stays that way for the rest of the stream.]
- "A bunch of you started drawing me with wing ears cause I want to be birb." (Once again referring to C!Sherbert in the first person.)
- Everytime Sherbert's answered so far, it's gone back an forth between 3rd and 1st person.
- "It's a weird memory feeling" (And then Centross going "Yeah?")
- When they said their favorite god was Quixis, their light started to change rainbow. They did go back to white/yellow after.
- "Uh. Me." (Seemed very unsure, did not elaborate.)
-Blood is still faint, but further down their face
- Maniquine (The one with C!Sherbert's fit) is gone from frame
- They open minecaft, light doesn't change
- Among Us are white and red
- Wack Music #1 (A Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #2 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #3 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "It's *my* music, nice." (The only music C!Sherbert listens to is Jack Stauber. Presumably this is why CCC!Sherbert refers to it as "My Music," once again referring to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- Searching up "NETH", really quietly they went, "Netherum?"
- Wack Music #4 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "I love these songs, they're my songs. I listen to them all the time."
- "Which look most like my converse?" (Refering to C!Sherbert's Yellow/Purple converse as 'my converse')
- "I can make my armor at some point" (Referring to C!Sherbert's armor in 1st person)
- Wack Music #5 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #6 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Sherbert going "Don't take this as Canon" when trying to remember their wings name. (Implying the rest of this whole bit *is*)
- Wack Music #7 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "I won't lie, my favorite flower is a blue orchid, but it may change to this."
- Wack Music #8 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Song #9 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing. This one ran shorter.)
- "Rae is gonna- Rae is gonna ascend." (Talking about the new bookshelves.)
- "Rae is gonna love these. I gotta make him some whenever I- whenever I see him again." (Again, talking about the new bookshelves.)
- "I've never speedrun before." "I've only been to the end once." "I have no idea what I'm doing."
- "It's been a long time since I've had to, I dunno, start over."
- "It's been about a year or so." (Season 2 of Fable went on for about a year before the finale.)
- "I don’t know I’ve never done this before"
- "I guess I killed the dragon that one time but I don’t know."
- "I am birb, I got my little wing ears and everything"
- "Yeah, I'll be used to the thunder, I'm not worried about that."
- "'Funky eyes,' I already have a funky eye, i cant handle more."
- "I am not used to being in a new world, kinda forgot this was a thing."
- "I guess if Momboo’s not here then it won’t rain, huh."
- "Always thunder is a lie. I geuss Momboos not here to do that, so I guess that's fine."
- "We gotta go to the moon again."(Refering to the time they played portal. (Portal!Sherbert))
- "'Turn yourself into a warden,' Uh, that's trauma."
- "I guess we're going to the moon again. I wasn't on the moon for a very long time last time, but i definitely was up there." (Portal!Sherbert)
- Sherbert seems a tad stressed (While trying to get to the moon.)
- "Last time I was here I was just kinda getting rid of a robot." (Portal!Sherbert)
- "Well I guess the dude I left up here is doing pretty good for himself." (Portal!Sherbert)
- "Honestly not the weirdest thing that has happened to me. I wont lie, I've had way weirder things happen to me. Objectively. "
- "Giant warden? But this is just going to give me trauma."
- "I got to go to the moon again." (Portal!Sherbert)
- Goes to sleep at the end, same way they end lore.
- Blood a little further down their face
- Blood around their eye a little darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's scar) is back
- When asked what crimes they commited, they listed some thing that C!Sherbert did.
- "Jerold where are you? I thought you left me too..." (..so many things. So many things about that sentence.)
- "At least this box is grey, i think I would be a lot worse if I was in another one of the black boxes." "'No obby.' Yeah, exactly."
- "How long is my sentence I’m not necessarily saying I want to get out."
- "I've spent time in boxes before."
- "Might rip up my clothes a little, but it's okay."
- "At least I have something to do in prison this time."
- "You know. This isn't - This isn't to far off from my communicatior.."
- "'Are things talking to right now?' I mean, sure, yeah. I'm in a prison, not sure how else you would be talking to me."
- "'Charles did it,' Yeah, probably."
- They sound nervous. Very akin to how C!Sherbert sounded when they got put in the prison
- Light Blue and Green/Lime Among us.
- "You don’t have to spend your money on games, I’m okay."
- "I've done this before."
- "Do I get out ever?"
- "Atleast not in the ones I've been in, isn't there supposed to be an outside area?"
- "I'd like to get out I probably have some people I'd like to see, maybe… Maybe…"
-"'You remember the prison?' Yeah I remember a lot of things."
-"I'm pretty sure I have people waiting for me on the outside."
-"'Time seems to go slower when in prison,' Yeah. Something like that."
-"Is that an eye? Ugh….Illuminati confirmed."
- "I'm sure they don't want my eye."
- "'What's you eye doing?' Bleeding like always."
- "You know, my communicatior didn't have games."
- "Me and a significant amount of objects that can speak-"
- "I've done things in the past, but I'm pretty sure in the past - 8 days, not the ones in here, i havent done anything that warrents prison." (The finale was 8 days ago.)
- "'Another almost happy ending.' Yeah."
- When Sherb closes the game, they sorta do their thing they do at the end of lore. (You know what I'm talking about-)
- Blood seems a tad darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is still there
- Among Us are Red and Orange (Differing from the last time they were on Mer - Which was Orange and Green.)
- They opened minecaft and the light changed to lime green
- "'What happened to the purple and yellow Among uss?' These are the Among Us? This is what they've always been."
- Krit finds an emerald with Quixian written on it, Translates to 'MAYBE THIS ONE?' (Ψ⦚⍔⏚⏅ ṽ⌗⌘⏄ ⍕⍔⌮ - FILTH ZAOP ULV - YBEMA STHI NEO - MAYBE THIS ONE) Presumably Quixis attempting to figure out where Sherbert went after they went through the portal. (Though, if they are in charge of the Rave-Room, presumably they do know where the portals go, and would know that they didn't go through the one to Mer after tye Fable one went out.)
- Centross walks into their room, They have a little crab-claw thingy. They click it. A lot, and Sherb goes 'It's like me, Ahhh-' (Acknowledging things IRL while also in character.)
- "'Little Itty Bitty Bell,'" Yeah, for the Bits!" (Acknowledging things IRL things in character.)
- They close minecaft, Lights change back to yellow.
- MER SMP thumbnail for this stream - The Quixian on the thumbnail is different than what it is in the vod, it Translates to "HELP ME REACH THEM" (⍭⍹Ψ⌆ ⏇⌆ ⌗Ψ⏄⌆⍅ ⌆⏇⌭Ψ - JNFC KC AFPCY CKRF - LPHE ME CHREA EMTH - HELP ME REACH THEM)
- On Plush Shelf - Among Us swaped with purple blob, Techno and Jshlatt swapped, and Techno then swapped with Cubone
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is gone (Again)
- Light changed to a green-Blue, Teal, Cyan if you will. (Not the same as the Mer green)
- 'Among Us' code cover Changes, Translates to 'ARE YOU HERE?' (⍋⍱⌬ ⏚√⍹ ⍋⍉⍋⌬ - DZQ TXN DGDQ - EAR UYO EHER - ARE YOU HERE? (1/2 Right)
- 'Among Us' code cover changes back
- "It's been a while since I've just gotten to do this."
- "That's inevitable. In every world and this one."
- "Even though she's.. back. When did she back?"
- "'Your name is Sherbert, Right?' No, It's a.. Nickname that I got."
- Light changes back after they close Among us.
- The Among Us are Orange and White
- Blood is further down
- "It's gonna be a *me* CMV." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- Lights changed to green when they opened minecaft
- They have to restart minecaft and light changes back to Yellow
- Lights do eventually turn back to green after they open minecaft
- They close Minecaft light goes back to Yellow
- Blood Is darker and further down
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is back
- Light does not change as they open the game
- Among us are Red and White
- "Waking up places, Going through stuff, Kinda my bit."
- "Hey Charles, you wanna talk to me in an odd dream sequence again and really show everybody why I hate you so much?" (Excuse me. What.) (okay no future sage here, i feel like we need to acknowledge this??????)
- "He has a higher kill count than me, guys. Sure my kill count is only one.."
- "I don't think he's gone."
- Charles is not in the basket, now on the desk.
- Blood Is slightly further down (A little paler than prev. stream.)
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is there but extra faint
- They open Minecaft, Light change to pink (Event Skin eye is pink, this is an event. Hence the pink.)
- They IRL stretch (future sage here. what??)
- While the were drowning, They say "..here again.." really quietly. (Raft!Sherb)
- "I've spent a lot of time practicing for things like this." (GMS!Sherb???????)
- Wack Music #1
- Wack Music #2
- Wack Music #3
- "This is my first time here though.." (Refering to the Mansion. Which is a direct contradictory to canon.)
- Wack Music #4
- Wack Music #5
- "What's this music playing? This is not my fighting music."
- Wack Music #5
- "It's nice to finally win one of these for once, competing in enough anyway."
- While downing (Again) they go, "I've been here before." (Raft!Sherb)
- Near the end of their drowning, They go, "Bye ship." But they look very confused after. (Raft!Sherb)
- Wack Music #6 (Not Jack Stauber, But it is the sad lore music.)
- Wack Music #7
- After they shot and killed Haley in dodge bolt, they go, "In every world. In this one and the next."
- Wack Music #8
- "No idea where the next one of these will be, but hey."
- "Nice to win one for once."
- They close minecaft, Lights change back to yellow
- Blood is Darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is gone again
- Music is not usual music (On starting screen)
- Eyes are now Purple and Yellow, but now in a C!Sherbert way, Purple eye was the blue one
- Other eye, was brown, now yellow, is also beginning to bleed
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is there again
- Charles in background is now Yellow Among us
- Red and Green Among us
- Crab rave not Crab rave
- Chuck is not Chuck. He is Ralph. (Who is a Turtle. Not a Crab)
- Quixis writing on note on desk, Translates to "I THINK I GOT TO YOU" (⍉ ⍔⦚⌭Ψ⍉ ⍉ ⭗⌭⍾ ⌭⭗ ⭗⍩⍬ - G LIRFG G MRE RM MSW - I NKTHI I OTG TO OUY - I THINK I GOT TO YOU)
- Blanket on chair is Light Yellow and Light Blue (Not Normal Yellow and Purple)
- Open Minecaft, Light changes to light purple (Not usual purple)
- "I feel weird." "I feel like I'm wrong."
- "I don't feel like I'm supposed to be here."
- IRL touches purple bleeding eye, gives a weird look
- "Something's wrong. Somethings wrong today."
- "He doesn't belong here, then again-"
- They stretch for a moment, Light momentarily changes yellow.
- Song time, Lights change back to yellow
- "Guess this is where I can die, just one and done."
- They go back to playing Minecaft, Light changes back to purple
- Ears are switched around (White and Black in front, Yellow and purple in back.)
- "'Just like normal?' Yeah just like normal."
- "I have... I don't know what I've been doing."
- Wack Music probably not #1
- "I was sleeping. Maybe. When's the last time I slept?" Quieter, "It doesn't matter."
- "Ahh, My brain feel fuzzy."
- Wack Music #2 (Probably.)
- "'Well what happened before you woke up might contribute to how you feel, What is the last thing you remember before you wake up?' Um. What was- I was finishing the- I went to the- And then I- I- was like.. crying.." (Context wise, No idea, but. In Sherb's most recent C!Sherbert tiktok, They were crying. I assume this is in reference to that.) (future sage again, i think about that tiktok *often*)
- "Yo, I wanna see, I think it is neat when you are.. me.." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person)
- Wack Song #3 (Probably.)
- "This is my Music." Light changes to yellow as they say that, changes back to purple just as quickly
- "I'm doing okay. Ish. Maybe."
- "That's Ominous." They pause, light changes to yellow, once again changes right back
- They spot the DER, "..Rae.." (technically a HC!sherbert thing. Putting it here for ease. Also because sad.)
- Wack Music #4 (Probably.)
- "I see you guys cosplaying me. Is cool." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "I wanna learn a couple languages, Cause it's hard to figure out what things are saying sometimes."
- "'What languages do you wanna learn?' Well there's a lot of them I don't understand."
- Wack Music #5 (Probably)
- "'Is everything okay Sherbert? I DONT KNOW!"
- They then do a small rant about how they feel weird and not right.
- "Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.."
- "My outfit for stream tomorrow." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person, refering to C!Sherbert's outfit as their own.)
- "Every once and while we get some of my music" (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "It's doesn't feel like hardcore."
- "Is that I no longer have a Fire Res potion on my belt." (C!Sherbert has a potion belt. I don't believe HC!Sherbert does.)
- Another Music time, Light changes to Yellow
- They go back to Minecaft, Light goes back to Purple
- Wack Music #6 (Probably)
- "I should try them in a potion, that's one of the few things i haven't done."
- "They've only caused damage in the past." (Refering to the Blue Mushrooms)
- "And also what happened with the. With the. The. With the potion."
- Wack Music #7 (Probably)
- During singing to said wack music, light changed to yellow. They change back to purple after.
- Wack Music #8 (Probably)
- While dancing along to said wack music, light changes to yellow, it stays like that even after the music changes
- "'Opinions on frogs?' I had so many- I had so many... I haven't even been to a swamp." Lights change back to purple
- Wack Music #9 (Probably)
- "'We need a doctor, Oh!' but we don't have one!"
- "'I just might drive me crazy~'"
- "I think it makes sense to put the potions underneath."
- They touch both eyes, specifically the blood, pulling their hands away to give them a look. They don't acknowledge it.
- "I'm okay. I'm okay, really." Pause, before the light goes yellow. It quickly changes back.
- "I am not supposed to be here." Light changes yellow. "But I am. But I'm not supposed to be here." Light does not change back.
- Wack Music #10 (Probably)
- "I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll see you. I'll see you." Pause, after yhey close minecaft, "I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. I think."
- "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." They do a little salute before spinning in their chair. They stare at their desk, presumably the note there, for a moment before turning back and ending stream.
[FROM SHERBERT STREAM "The Beginning of the End."]
(future sage for note - this was a noting down what happened and what was back to normal and stuff, bc it technically concluded the break, so.)
- Starting stream frame different, On of the Rave room portals, looks to me brown
- Adding to that, Music is different, similar to the music used in rave room cut scenes
- With that, The Camara is slowly zooming out from the Portal (Quixis is there???)
- Border around the facecam is back to normal (Yellow and Purple)
- Light is back to Purple
- Flags are back to normal
- Eye is not bleeding
- "But like, Everything was like way more detailed." "Things could be round."
- They've rubbed at their eye a couple times
- They've also scratched at where C!Sherbert's scar would be
- Lights are switching color between Purple and Pink (Fading. (Just noticed that.))
- Among us are Yellow and Purple
- "Haley was like there. And Centross-"
- "I do not think Centross would ever chose to live with, especially after everything we've done to each other."
- "Sever reset make me cry." (Is that why they were crying in that one Fable tiktok??) (future sage again, please i want to know what the fuck that tiktok was about i think about it way to often-)
- "'No advancements?' Because I’ve done this all already? It’s a world reset not me."
- Kitty Quake ears are back to normal
- "'Are you still in Character..' Yeah, I'm still me!"
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luffythinker · 3 months
What do you think Shigaraki's favorite things are? Like I know he says he hates everything but what kinds of foods and things do you think he likes?
I think he likes Gamer food and all that but I want a deeper dive then that. Like do you think he likes candy? Sour or sweet? What's his favorite soda? I know he drinks it straight from one of those big bottles and can never finish it. XD do you think he likes greasy food? Or does it hurt his stomach? What foods just dont agree with him? What he allergic to? Peanuts cause that's so basic but also a common food that everyone is probably surprised he cant eat and now that he mentioned it they never can remember him eatting whatever it is.
I think Shig is a briefs wearer, nothing else no undershirt but Dabu wears undershirts and so does Twice. Unfortunately Himiko wasn't raided correct enough to feel comfortable wearing stuff like that but she likes the look of pretty bras and panties but cant bring herself to wear them, she just wears a sports bra and boxers she wishes she could wear them tho.
Dabi and Twice are the only ones who'll sit around shirtless, moreso Dabi then Twice, Dabi sags, Shigaraki's trans ass admires their gender so hard, at first couldnt bring himself to be shirtless around them but when he got comfortable on a bit day he just fuck it, took his shirt off.
Whether or not he had top surgery at the time meant nothing cause the league accepts him for who he is but I would like to say he has had it.
Himiko thinks Shigs top scars are cool
I think Dabi would be that meme where a person is like "would you date a trans women" and the other person is like "is she thick?" And the first person is like "but she was a man before." And they are like "that doesn't matter shes a women now, is she thick?" Have you seen that one before? Dabi is very bisexual he does not care his priorities are the only thing that's straight
I wanna get to know these people on a personal (spiritual) level
I think you already did the deep dive you were looking for kjdfjkdfjkdf better than i ever could tbh
I can't really think of his favorite things like this off the top of my head, but going of what you pointed here, let's try to think something. So about food first: thinking a favorite food for him is hard because of his upbringing and then poverty, but i like to think he would like sweet things (not extremely sweet, but yk), so maybe a cake? something that still is a good memory from his childhood. He likes candy, especially strawberry flavored ones, but that sounds lame so he lies and says he prefers sour stuff. I would just go with cola for him, cause yk he's a gamer and lowkey unhealthy, so a lot of ramen and cola when he pulls all night to play LOL. Not all greasy food, but mostly fries, he loves those, he would eat a bucket everyday if he could. For some reason my first thought for foods he doesn't like was seafood but he's japanese so that would limit his choices a lotkjkjdf but maybe he doesn't like extremely spicy stuff, it upsets his stomach. As for allergies, I'm gonna project here and say he has a corn allergy (idk how common corn is in japan, but where i live it's really everyday food so i have a lot of trouble with this).
And for the rest, i really don't have many additional thoughts on it, i can totally see the things you said here, especially with being shirtless around the league, i think he would be less shy bc of breast/chest and more bc he thinks he doesn't have a good fit body, but well dabi is half burned so he assumes nobody really cares about this
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poryphoria · 1 year
who wants to hear some fucked up crackpot headcanons. TOO LATE IM SHARING THEM NOW BOY!
some of these ive definitely already said before but they're going on here for the sake of categorization anyways. cw for uhhh body horror, parasites, emeto, cannibalism and necrosis, all the fun stuff you'd imagine go along with this
•after a certain point in dissonance overexposure his face literally just Melted Off. Gone. it's mostly just bandages, exposed muscle & scar tissue under there now which is why he kept the helmet on fulltime & wears a mask. he also used to have bleach blonde hair which he lost pretty much completely along with the face WHOOPS!
•speaking of that plague mask DOES NOT COME OFF! like, it's literally part of him at this point. it fused to his skin after a while of him constantly wearing it & then his skull grew out underneath it to fit it so that is quite literally just his face now. it's made of metal but he still has sensation in it like it's skin! it'll still bleed if you lash him across it hard enough. (if you decked him good enough in the center of the beak you would PROBABLY hear the disconcerting crunch of bone.) THIS IS ALSO THANKS TO DISSONANCE! HURRAY DISSONANCE!!!!
•his old anti-dissonance helmet also had some dull feeling in it, mostly towards the end of his career, though it was never able to get to the level of attachment that his current mask now has <3
•post-nexus he is constantly losing teeth and growing new ones in like a shark and it hurts like fuck and he basically has to teathe on shit like a dog sometimes to alleviate it. also in this vein his bite is INFECTIOUS like that's a given for any person but i think his especially would quite literally BURN from the very get. he has a super nasty bite bc his lips are just jagged metal so it can rip and tear like shit. coincidentally he is definitely not above biting people in combat and probably might even if he's already armed. Just for fun!
•actually in general i think he fights like a wild goddamn animal. he doesn't like guns (re: sucks dick at using them) and only likes melee bc it's *honorable" and Blades Pretty but he is QUICK o resort to biting, kicking, clawing, etc etc and he's damn good at it too. he's probably impaled someone through the head on that beak of his before. i would LOVE to animate how i imagine him to fight in the good ol fashioned style of Madness Combat: The Series About Animated Violence bc it's SUPER vivid to me
•his mouth will seal over & will have to rip itself open if he goes a while without using it. he's pretty much completely numb to it by now after so many times but it definitely catches other people off guard when he smiles or something of that nature i think
•hes super drooly. weird mouth situation and it's honestly probably a good mix of blood from his tooth situation/mouth constantly tearing itself apart
•i honestly dont think i even need to say this but he smells. Bad. like. as bad as youd anticipate a sewer zombie to smell, yk. it kind of sucks bc he USED to be like hyperaware of his own hygiene but after the facemelter incident that kinda gradually declined until he was. just okay enough with it to Live In The Sewers. sometimes he will have moments of self awareness where he can feel every inch of grime on his body and it makes him SICK TO HIS STOMACH so he tries his absolute best not to pay any mind to it
•after being enmeshed he is so full of maggots and flies and mold... and other such detritivores YUM!!! he lost a lot of feeling in his extremities bc a lot of nerves died off so he barely notices but sometimes he will catch one crawling up his shirt or something & hold it and maybe talk to it a little bit and admire it.....he likes bugs idt he minds to be frank <3 (well. he does and doesn't. similar deal to the general hygiene yk? really not much to be done about it anymore and if he thinks about it too hard he WILL freak out so it's best not to!)
•the fact that i color his saliva/internals that bright ass green is not just stylization for fun I do legit think this boy has glowstick blood. something to do with constantly handling other people's S-3LFs during enmeshment. i think he quite literally has fragments of countless people's souls stuck in his system & they often manifest as hallucinating random voices/people
•hes so stupid proud of himself for managing to come back as a zed and also. Inwardly a little horrified by it. his body definitely isn't up to full function like it used to be (it was already kinda deteriorating due to dissonance poisoning so ERM!) & if he isn't careful about when he eats he WILL just dull back into blind hunger and attack & eat the nearest person he can get his paws on! it's kinda scary to black out and lose control of yourself like that over something you almost never think about being a huge issue.... OF COURSE. not that he'd ever TELL anyone it scares him. GOD FORBID HE ADMIT HIS LINE OF SCIENCE IS KIND OF FUCKED UP!!!!
•he was also a cannibal before becoming a zed so the whole fact that he eats people now isn't really an issue and didn't . really change lol. NOT WHEN HE WAS A SCIENTIST but like. post nexus he Absolutely resorted to cannibalism almost concerningly quickly. HMM!
•he definitely makes stuff out of people bones too. you can't look at him and tell me he doesn't
•he's specifically become a swamp zed and sometimes he WILL have to physically hold himself back from throwing up as a stress/defensive response
•however, BECAUSE he's a swamp zed he's adapted to be semi-aquatic by now so he can hold his breath for a pretty good while & he's a REAL good swimmer! he has webbed paws and a strong ass salamander tail for this purpose
•he has very vivid nightmares almost every night and tries to avoid sleeping as much as possible due to this. this was something that started while he was still working for nexus due to dissonance exposure but it just got worse and worse and became ESPECIALLY bad following phobos's death. he'll push himself days and even weeks on end without sleeping until he quite literally passes out...
uhmmm probably forgot some i intended to add here but OH WELL! this post is already gigantic i can just make another one. I HAVE THOUGHTS!
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bloop-im-a-frog-now · 2 years
If The Gods Were Kind — village pt.3
We are at the 5th part! Woohoo! And we finally get to meet Grian! And we’re almost done the world-building bit before we actually get to the hurt/comfort. I say almost because I think there is still two more parts (one I haven’t finished writing, but I’m getting there!). 
So, have fun with arsonist Scar, bc he is best Scar, you can’t change my mind <3
Master Post
— —
Content warnings: Internalized ableism. Scar is having a time <3
He heard cries in the distance as Bdubs gloated about stealing one of their stone cutters, whatever that did. A dirty blond man with a shining gold chest plate and huge parrot wings that had their primaries cut and were missing patches of feathers ran towards them. He sensed how the others went on guard, meeting a new person in this little world. Impulse was the first one who greeted the man.
“I’ve been alone for so long,” the newcomer whined. 
The name tag “Grian” hovered over his head. His eyes were green, like everyone else, he had a long nose, and his hair curled around his cheeks, wet with sweat. He was about Bdubs’ height, stout figure with warm sand skin. Impulse shook his head in sympathy. 
Scar immediately tossed the flint and steel to the avian (while he couldn’t name every flower, his memory unclogged when it came to species and monsters’ names) and yelled towards the village:
“Grian burned down the village, it was him the whole time!”
Said man gave him a bewildered look and Scar snorted. 
“Gree-an,” he muttered.
Scar raised his eyebrow. “Is that not what I said?”
The rest of the group laughed, and Cleo shook their head. “No, you said it like Brian, but with a ‘g’.”
Scar blinked. “Oh,” he turned to Grian, “sorry about that.”
Grian gave him a smile. “It’s fine.”
“You wanna burn a village with us?” Cleo asked him as if she was asking about what kind of tea he wanted. The man stammered, completely thrown off guard by the situation they put him in.
Bdubs laughed at the suggestion. 
“Jeez Grian, you little rapscallion, going down to burn villages like that?” Scar tutted, a big grin betrayed his disappointment.
Impulse turned to the avian. “Grian, you don’t wanna go over there.” Everyone circled the newcomer, nodding to Impulse’s statement. Grian gave him a skeptical look. “They’re not very welcoming. We, on the other hand—”
“We’re the most welcoming people you’ll ever meet,” Cleo interrupted him.
“Bdubs, do the honors,” Impulse said, bowing to give Bdubs some place to put the vibe machine in the center of the circle they created. “It’s time.”
Bdubs nodded and placed the jukebox in front of everyone. Grian gasped as Bdubs inserted the disc. Impulse and Cleo started to sway to the rhythm, and Scar let out a relieved exhale.
“I immediately feel a whole lot better.” 
It wasn’t a complete lie, but it sounded dishonest in his mind, immediately glancing at the others to see if they caught his dishonesty—it didn’t seem like it. While the crutches helped relieve some ache in his lower body, a wave of fatigue drowned him, his arms shaking, and he didn’t understand why. He sat down a few moments ago, he should be fine. Maybe he could sit down on the ground, just as a respite.
Unfortunately, as the others rocked to the crackling music, a long black figure appeared in the corner of his eye. He clutched the handles of his crutches and turned his gaze towards the jukebox. 
“Guys,” his voice quivered, “be careful.”
Impulse and Bdubs stopped dancing. “Uh oh,” Impulse muttered, lowering his gaze as well. Grian and Cleo gave confused looks to Scar.
“There’s an Enderman vibing with us.”
Bdubs continued to dance, making sure to look only at the jukebox. Everyone followed along, and Impulse chuckled nervously.
“That’s okay, he can vibe with us.”
“He’s invited, but he’s also scary,” Scar laughed nervously, unwilling to move or look elsewhere. 
He knew monsters around here were dangerous. He didn’t comprehend the freeze response his body gave when he spotted the creature, but he wouldn’t complain. He tried to eat some fish, his hand trembling and almost dropping the food. He put it back in his inventory, making a mental note to eat later to ease the tension that was now spreading to his lower neck.
“Where,” Grian paused, slowing the movement of his hips, “where were you guys? Do you have a house somewhere?”
“Yeah, we do,” Impulse said absently. Scar dared a peek and saw Impulse crafting a boat. 
“You’re welcome at any given time,” Bdubs assured.
“We’re the refugee camp,” Cleo explained. “A refugee station.”
Bdubs walked in front of Grian, uncertainty in his steps. “G—is it okay if I call you G?—” Bdubs didn’t wait for an answer, “—there’s kind of a natural—” he glanced behind Scar, and groaned in frustration. “Okay, what are you guys doing here?!”
Scar looked behind him to find Etho walking nonchalantly towards the jukebox while Tango skipped around them singing “kumbaya”, his tail waving back and forth. 
“Every time we’re trying to have a conversation, these guys—” Impulse pointed at the overjoyed Tango, “—interrupt us.”
Tango laughed, and Scar took the record out of the jukebox, moment ruined. He saw Bdubs whispering to Etho until Grian cackled. 
“He really wants that horse, huh.”
“I want that horse so freakin’ bad,” Bdubs sighed dejectedly, looking at the horizon. Scar followed his gaze and saw a white horse eating grass. Cleo joined Grian in the laughter. 
Bdubs and Etho bickered about the horse. Their conversation bored Scar, so he occupied himself by putting the disc back and concentrating on the music. Then, an idea struck him. Etho and Tango were here with them. That meant that the dark oak tree was unsupervised.  That meant he could destroy the village even more. 
Scar glanced at Grian. He was idly listening, rocking side to side in tempo with the music. He stepped closer to the avian and whispered to him.
“Do you have the flint and steel?”
Grian paused. “Uh,” he patted himself and then looked in his inventory, “yeah, here.”
Scar grinned as he snatched the flint from Grian’s hand. He placed his finger to his lips. Grian raised his eyebrow, skeptical, and then shrugged as Scar trotted to the tree. He heard footsteps behind as he got closer to it.
Etho stepped in front of him, arms crossed. How did he move so fast?
“Oh, hey Etho!” Scar greeted, his hands getting sweaty.
“Maybe you should go back to the kumbaya party over there,” Etho pointed at the huddle group. Cleo was the only one Scar could see, but he simply walked past the masked man, trying to be casual.
“I just saw something I needed to do over there,” Scar walked closer to the tree, but knew he had to be more vigilant with Etho watching him with hawk eyes.
“Did you now? Is it something to do with this hole over here?” Etho nudged his head to one of the many holes in this village. 
Scar hesitated. “Nah, something to do with the sheep, they just—”
“The sheep look fine to me,” Etho shrugged. He still went into the sheep pen to check on them.
“Yeah, the sheep are fine,” Scar saw Tango walking closer to them in the corner of his eye. His arson plan would have to happen later. “They’re eating grass and they look happy.”
“Careful Tango, he has the flint and steel,” Etho warned.
“Oh, I know,” the blazeborn replied, eyeing Scar who got closer to the tree even with all the eyes on him, “I don’t trust him.”
“I was just inspecting the tree,” Scar pouted, patting the trunk even with the dirt blocking his way. He rested the crutch against the barrier of dirt and reached. Only to immediately retract his arm back, as the soreness restricted his arm movement, wincing. 
Tango playfully shoved him out of the way. “Take your burnie-burnie elsewhere.”
Scar laughed at that. He went to the back of the village, where he first came in, and flicked the flint and steel on the wooden supports of the house. Tango tried to grab him and take him somewhere else, but Cleo and Bdubs came to the rescue, distracting the blazeborn. Scar fled and continue to flick flames over the wooden structures.
“Scar, the villager is in there!” Bdubs exclaimed when he realized which house Scar was burning.
“He’s got speedy-burn!” Tango whined as Cleo laughed, not helping in the slightest. Scar appreciated that, even when he realized there was only one villager in this world.
“Oh, the only villager is in there.”
“Oh indeed,” Cleo mocked.
He helped Tango putting out the flames, feeling a bit bad. It seemed villagers were very important, and he didn’t want to ruin everyone’s fun. Just nudge them a little. 
“Well, you know, their villager is on the outskirt of the village,” Cleo informed, standing taller. Scar shot an eyebrow at her, joining them and Bdubs. “They can’t always protect it.”
“Oh,” Bdubs realized, but looked at the horizon instead. Scar and Cleo followed his gaze and saw a big group of people huddling in the same spot. 
“It seems Grian caught the attention of Etho and Impulse,” Cleo mused.
Scar hummed.
“They won’t be sharing any secrets without me involved,” Bdubs said determinedly, almost running to join the group. Cleo huffed and followed him.
Now, everyone was distracted. Everyone had their backs to the dark oak tree. Scar’s fingers twitched on the handle of his crutches and he passed behind the houses in order to reach the tree. He winced every time the sticks crunched dried leafs and grass, but no one turned back.
When he reached the dark oak tree, he leaned his crutch against the trunk, lit up the flint and steel and approached the flame to it. He took back his crutch, a big grin on his face as he joined the others.
“Nothing’s happening here,” he heard Etho’s voice. As he came around the house blocking his view, he realized Bdubs had some sort of glare on his face, surrounded by Etho, Grian and Impulse. “We were talking about grandmas.”
Grian and Impulse nodded as Bdubs huffed. They were up on a hill and while Scar really didn’t want to strain himself anymore, he did want to see the tree burning at a great view. He started climbing up the hill, switching to his cane to lean on something. He didn’t understand why his hips were attracted to the core of this world, or why his legs couldn’t rise up like he commended them to. 
Thankfully, Tango saw his struggle and helped him after asking if he could. 
“What’s this about grandmas?” Scar asked when he reached the top of the hill. 
But everyone ignored him, very much focused on distracting Bdubs. His gaze looked back at the burning tree, the flames already consuming the leafs. The smell of smoke burned in his lungs, making him cough, but he still snickered when Etho finally saw the flames. 
“Oh, you—” Etho slapped his arm, running to his tree as everyone laughed. “My tree!”
“Oh, it’s burning!” Scar laughed.
“The worst,” Tango chided.
Scar moved closer to where everyone was standing, the house finally out of his view from the show. Etho desperately tried to put out the flames, to no avail as the flames danced on the leafs and roared around the bark. 
“The history lost forever,” Tango lamented. The tree engulfed in flames and Etho grew more desperate. 
“You should’ve let us chopping down,” Cleo chimed in, “that’s all I’m saying.”
Scar turned around, and switched to his crutches as he addressed Tango. “Really, you should’ve,” he said, unapologetic. “‘Cause really, we could’ve had more dark oak saplings, which would've given us more dark oak and everyone would’ve been happy.”
Tango groaned and Grian sighed and joined Etho. “Etho!” he called. “It’s gone.”
“Yeah, well, now, nobody gets it,” Tango said, frustrated. 
And the tree turned slowly into ashes as Etho placed the blame on Bdubs, as everyone lamented they wouldn’t have this rare wood anymore, as everyone just watched it burn while Etho still tried to keep the tree intact. Scar had successfully raided the village and no phantoms came to bother them.
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
Love how Pharaoh Cub and Scar's relationship is in your stories. Defiantly want to see Scar being smug when he wins against the Pharaoh, only for it to vanish when he still gets dominated by that man. lol. (Side note, can I ask for some details on the Pharaoh's personality vs Cub's? And in how they differ in treating people?)
Oh yes, when I have the last chapter of the first part of the Lost Prince AU posted tomorrow tomorrow, I'll have to get back to the Pharaoh TCG fic, now that Scar's finally won. I have a few ideas brewing. >:D
As for the Pharaoh vs Cub, I have some thoughts. Here I'm talking just about them as characters and how I tend to write them. And this does touch on shippy things and D/s dynamics but more to illustrate the differences, just as a head's up for ppl not comfy with that kind of thing. <3
in the context of the Pharaoh as his own separate being, he's very... domineering, in a way. He's a god, of course he's better than everyone else. He knows his own power and how to use it. This is not to say he's just a tyrant, because he's not. He just demands respect and will punish anyone who fails to give it. In his land, in his pyramids, the Pharaoh's rule is absolute and you will obey him. But he will be sweet to those he cares about and loves. Even in submission to, say, Beef, it's a choice, a command, he's setting the rules of their engagement and their dynamic so he gets what he wants out of it.
also ofc he possesses Cub, he IS Cub, he knows what that boy likes ffs. XD
Cub isn't like that. He's more of a brat. Maybe he'll obey, but maybe he won't. He does his own thing, but it's not coming from a sense of divine authority, of being over everyone else. He's just entertaining himself. Cub's the 'seek forgiveness rather than ask permission' kind of brat (most of the time anyway). He's also not a mouthy, loud brat either. He's the quiet type, the ones you don't really notice until you realise the mess they've caused lol. Not really interested in leadership; more interested in building secret tunnels and stealing artefacts lol. He's a sneaky boy. :D But he also cares a lot too. He knows their boundaries and where to draw the line, because he's silly but he's not stupid.
Unlike the Pharaoh who is in control when he submits, for Cub, he really isn't. At least, obedience is earned (or taken) by higher powers, whether that's King Ren or Scar or the Vex or the Pharaoh, it doesn't matter. For the Pharaoh, there is no higher power than him; for Cub, that isn't the case. Lack of control is what he likes.
You can contrast this nicely with Cub and Scar and their relationship with the Vex. For Scar, there's a more business-like feel to their arrangement. He doesn't kill Vexes bc he's not allowed, and they give him all the riches he could ever want and place him in positions of power like the Mayorship. For Cub, it's totally different. It's subservience to a higher power, a possessive power, something deserving of worship and respect. It brings power too, and magic, and prosperity, as long as he gives his body to the Vex to do with as they please.
This is why Scar is the Power, and Cub is the Vessel. Scar represents the power and magic of the Vex, and Cub is what that power fills and is channelled through. Adding False as the Will gives that magic purpose and direction. She makes their work more effective, though they've done plenty on their own.
The Pharaoh would never bow to the Vex the way Cub does. He has his own magic that is just as powerful, if not moreso, than that of the Vex. He sees his Vex magic as useful, but he has better tools at his disposal, so he uses them instead. After all, he is a god. Gods do not bend their knee to silly creatures like Vex. But he does lean on it a little with Cub, because Cub is weak to it like Scar is.
The Pharaoh's magic is also very hot and fiery, whereas the Vex prefer ice and coldness. They are opposites in that regard. The Pharaoh's magic simply burns all the effectiveness of Vex magic away, which is why he doesn't really use it himself. He's the son of Ra, the sun god. Ice magic is useless against him. The Vex can't possess a god either; he's not a player, in the way Cub was a player before he was Pharaoh. I mean, he IS, but he also really isn't. The Kingly Ka, the divine soul of Horus that makes someone Pharaoh, is what makes him divine. He's no longer simply human after that point.
The Kingly Ka was never passed on to young Cub tho. It's not young Cub we see as the Pharaoh in the TCG arena, but old Cub. Pharaoh Cub. The one who is divine. It's on the card, too. Cub is not the Pharaoh, he's a separate being now. He died at the end of s7 after building a pyramid, which is traditionally the tomb for a king, and s8 is Cub's metaphorical journey through the afterlife before he returns for s9. This is me getting back on my Book of Caverns bullshit, but it is the title of a real Ancient Egyptian book of the afterlife, and what did Cub spend s8 building? A canyon filled with caverns! The moon crashing into the earth can be seen as his way of understanding his death and transformation/rebirth into his young skin in s9. bc that's how I'm dealing with the whole 's8 was a simulation' lore from RenDoc.
Anyway. I think that's enough brainrot for now. I don't want this getting any more unhinged than it already is lol. :D If you have further questions, please do ask! I'd love to ramble about this some more. <3
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greaterspawnislands · 6 months
1, 7, and 29 <333 (and maybe 20 only if you're up for it, I'm a curious person by nature-)(also hello beloved <333)
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
ok i'm gonna use my liked songs for this since i have a bajillion playlists but this should still work alright
1) Light & Day / Reach For the Sun by The Polyphonic Spree. This is a song that my dad played a lot growing up, and it's just a really nice song that very much feels like the kind of sudden, bright sunshine that makes you feel like you can do anything.
2) Battle Scars by Paradise Fears. I think my spotify shuffle is in a mood today and the mood is "songs to remind you that you have to keep going because there are going to be better days i promise". this one isn't from my dad's music though this is like. middle school mental illness music. I don't listen to this one a lot anymore but I get a lot of nostalgia for it
3) Space Was So Cool by Markiplier, The Gregory Brothers. I mean what else do I really need to say about this one. It's a banger. Nostalgia factor hanging on there, too.
7. three songs you didn't expect to like but eventually loved
To be entirely honest, I don't think I have an answer for this one because a) i usually know if I like a song right away or not and even if I don't at first b) i have an ass memory with this stuff so sadly I have searched but I can't recall any songs that have gone from ambivalent to loved over time :( sorry!
29. three songs that influenced you most
1) Chicago by Sufjan Stevens. This is another artist I listened to growing up, and the first one I loved so much that I put a poster of him up in my room when I was young. This album as a whole is just so good I can't even explain what impact it had one me
2) Passenger Seat by Death Cab for Cutie. Another instrumental artist in my life. It was a hard pick between this and Transantlanticism but they're both on the same album so you should listen to them anyways. Seeing these songs live was unforgettable and changed my brain chemistry for sure
3) Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy. I remember listening to this one as a very very young kid, it was on my sleeptime CD that my dad burned for me. It probably played a role in getting me into playing piano tbh. Yeah god I could go on and on about songs that have influenced me there's an endless amount.
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
1) Digital Silence by Peter McPoland. Honestly, Echo, all the songs that make me think of you are the ones you've shown me in our playlist haha, so this one gets first mention bc it was added twice loll
2) Biggering from The Lorax. I will continue to think about singing this with you over call and ignoring Kerbe's baffled comments about it :) that was a fun time
3) Super Miriam (FAITH) by n014n. And, of course, I can't think of FAITH anymore without thinking of your gigantic build so you get the faith song also <3
"three songs" ask set
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jellydishes · 1 year
JELLYYYYYYYY my friend my pal my brother in bite, I SEEN YA REBLOG and now I am HERE to get UP in your BUSINESS with QUESTIONs about your OCS who are ALSO MY BELOVEDS. (please)
I can't resist asking 7 and 18 about Edyiss my darling For Tsurin I absolutely need 16 and 23 And for Sorrow (asking for Tank and myself): 5, 20, and 21 And because I am perpetually curious about your marvellous creations, I'm enclosing a free space where you can pick a question you've been dying to be asked about the OC of your choice. THANK YOU I AM ENCLOSING BITE 8D
oh man you have released the kraken of ranting about characters lmao
now!! as for ed, i would bounce these questions back at the actual owner of edyiss, @pen99, but as far as my INTERPRETATIONS of edyiss hawke go for the purposes of my stories featuring her!
number 7, What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?: edyiss has more or less remained consistent since i started writing her, though she's definitely more self aware than the rough framework my initial studies for the first story would've indicated! she just doesn't like making a big deal out of it or actually changing because of it :v
number 18, Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?: edyiss is a fascinating mix of both depending on context and how pissed off she is, but in general i would say she'd more up close and personal in terms of her emotional/internal reactions, while often SEEMING cold and detached
tsurin tabris!
number 16, What is your OC's pain tolerance like?: medium, as least based from the perspective of some body who regularly suffers through migraines! i think she would be much better at handling sudden and short term pain rather than chronic issues tbh, it would fuck with her intensely, which is why the lingering issues from her burn scars after fighting the archdemon are the WORST for her
number 23, What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?: i would say the hardest emotion for tsurin to process is grief, she's been struggling with it since her mother died in her early teens and it sends spiderweb cracks out into basically most of if not everything she does, while the hardest for her to express around most people is genuine affection/trust. she only really knows how to do it around family she's known her whole life. shit's tough!!
sorrow cousland/shepard!!
number 5, How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?: in terms of what he thinks is strategically sound, VERY FAR. in mass effect he sacrificed the council for instance bc he thought it just made sense while in dragon age he sacrificed isolde! in terms of personal desires, he is far less willing to pursue THINGS he wants, but in terms of RELATIONSHIPS, he is pretty intense about pursuing somebody unless it's made obvious that his affections aren't wanted
number 20, Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?: sort of! he's polyamorous in name, but he does get insecure and grumpy/withdrawn if he feels his partner(s) aren't seeing to his emotional needs in favor of somebody else, and i can easily see him getting snippy if pressed because he doesn't! want to talk about it! it's FINE!!
number 21, Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?: aside from his stutter, sorrow has tremors in his hands due to chronic pain, which is one reason he has his weapons modified so he can't drop them! though the answer you're looking for is, "never talk about it ever at all to the point that some of his companions had no idea he had chronic pain at all for MONTHS"
aaaaand for the one question! i do in fact have a song i associate with tsurin tabris from WAY BACK
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