#but also awww I’m glad you were seen and treated with kindness that day
13uswntimagines · 4 years
Glad You Came (Julie x Reader)
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Request: Julie x reader where reader is kind of the fuckgirl of the team. Reader knows that julie have feelings for her and like her attention. Julie thinks that reader plays with her feelings. But reader actually like julie and try to get her trust back. End with fluff please.
Author’s Note: Idk if this actually fits the prompt, but I just couldn’t get the image out of my head. I hope you all enjoy.
Jj had always been a sucker for a good Rom-Com. The ones where the good girl fell for the bad boy (with a good heart) and that bad boy stepped up to the plate and got his shit together for her. 
But alas, though you were the team’s resident bad girl, this wasn’t a rom-com and it appeared you had zero intention of making a dent in your precious reputation. At least that’s what she thought. 
You always did have a knack for proving people wrong. 
The bouquet of roses was the first thing everyone noticed when they stepped into the locker room. It was an amazing surprise after such a rough practice. A not entirely unexpected, but still incredible surprise. 
JJ blushed as she approached her overflowing locker. This secret admirer stuff was getting a bit out of hand. 
“Why does Julie get roses, but none of the rest of us do?” Emily whined, settling down in front of her own bare cubby. 
Lindsey rolled her eyes. If JJ was going to keep getting gifts from a random person, she and the rest of the girls with significant others on the team were really going to have to step up their game. 
“You don’t like dead flowers Sonnett,” She called to the blond 3 lockers over. 
“Yeah, but it’s not fair if she gets them and the rest of us don’t,” Emily sighed dramatically, and the rest of the room giggled. 
“It's from her admirer,” Kelley chimed in, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 
JJ’s blush deepened. She carefully reached out and grabbed the thornless Rose with a little tag on it, bringing the delicate petals to her nose before examining the little handwritten note. 
“Ooo, what’s the note say this time?” Kelley asked, as half the team crowded around the midfielder. 
Julie took a big deep breath before reading the black cursive words out loud. 
“I wanted to get you something as beautiful as you are, but couldn’t find anything that came close,”
“Awww,” the team cooed, some rubbing Julie’s back and others ruffling her hair as they made their way back to their respective areas. 
She ran her fingers over the little words, trying to imagine the face of the person who could have written them. The person who would go to such lengths to show their interest in her. But the gifts were always sweet and never creepy. 
The gifts ranged from coffee orders sent to her hotel room, to a signed Mia Hamm jersey that had shown up in her locker, but the thing that always remained was the smooth black cursive notes that accompanied them. 
She brushed the soft petals against her nose again. How she longed to know who thought so highly of her. 
“Who could get roses in here?” Sam snorted, pulling her boots off. 
“It’s gotta be a teammate. They show up literally everywhere we go,” Rose said thoughtfully, glancing around at all the women in the room, her eyes lingering on where you were grinning down at your phone. 
There was just something about your smile and the way you kept glancing up at a certain blond midfielder. 
“At least we know it’s not Y/n,” Emily cackled. 
You looked up at the group from your place across the room, where they all thought you were trying to ignore the commotion (probably in favor of texting a random girl for a hookup). 
You had the reputation of being the fuckgirl of the team. And you took pride in that. You liked when women gave you attention, and as long as everything was consensual, you didn’t see the harm in messing around. That didn’t mean you treated women like objects. Quite the opposite. You loved to woo them, to make them feel beautiful, and then move on to the next conquest. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“With a body count as high as yours, I doubt you’re capable of being this romantic,” Julie spat back, glaring at you. Your history with her was far from perfect, and she had found out about your reputation first hand. 
You smirked. If you couldn’t positively have her attention (the way you wanted but were too afraid to admit), then you would take the hostility any day. Angry Julie was still sexy after all. 
“How do you think I get them into my bed? Maybe I’m a secret mush at heart,” You asked, standing and approaching the woman. Your hands gently brushed over her shoulder and you began to lean in close to her. 
She brought her finger up to push against your nose, stopping you in your tracks. You tried and failed to cover your smile at the touch. 
“Yeah right,” She scoffed, shoving you back. 
Your smile widened, as you stepped back, your arms wide. “You never know till you try it, Jules,”
“Been there, done that. No thanks,” She shook her head and turned away from you. “At least I have enough class not to fuck anything with a pulse”
Rose tilted her head to the side at the brief look of sadness that crossed your features. Her eyebrows furrowed at the look, and how quickly it was gone. 
You picked at the tape around your wrist- a habit that started in middle school after an unfortunate event that required stitches and had become one of your many signatures within the team. The pressure around the area was calming now, and always put you in the right mode of a game.
It also gave you something to absentmindedly play with as you waited for the next set of drills on the bench (totally not checking out a certain blond when she wasn’t looking). 
“When are you going to tell her that you’re her admirer?” Rose said, settling down on the bench beside you. 
You shrugged. “First, I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”  You glanced up at the bling again, before blinking back to Rose’s raised eyebrow. 
You took a deep breath, finally managing to get a finger under the tape. 
“And second never. I’m defective remember? Completely incapable of love,” 
You repeated the words JJ had said to you that fateful night. The night you had ruined the best almost relationship you ever had. It wasn’t you exactly, just the fact that a woman was texting you while you were in bed with Julie. You weren’t going to respond, but the blond midfielder had caught sight of the screen before you could clear the notification. 
That was enough proof for her. She kicked you out and didn’t let you explain- there was nothing to say apparently. 
“That’s why you always send her flowers and notes, and other gooey stuff right?” Rose rolled her eyes. 
She had known you since the two of you were in diapers. She knew all about your hang-ups on relationships, but she also knew the secret romantic side. The sweet side that you didn’t show to everyone. Everyone except a blond midfielder (who was still very smitten with you, even if you didn’t want to believe it). 
“I-,” You paused, biting your lip, your eyes getting that faraway look Rose knew all too well. You shook your head. You had your shot and it had blown up in your face. “She doesn’t want me. It’s just easier this way,” 
“What, to hopelessly pine after someone? Or to completely avoid rejection all together?” Rose snorted. 
You shook your head again, finally looking rose in the eyes. “I hurt her Rose. She doesn’t want someone she can’t trust,” 
Rose softened at the admission and the unspoken “I’m not good enough” that went with it. You had always struggled with that, maybe that’s why you were such a lady killer. You so badly wanted to be enough, that you jumped at every opportunity. But it was different after you met JJ. 
“How many people have you slept with within the last 3 months?” Rose asked suddenly. 
And you blinked at her a few times, completely unsure of where your best friend was going with this. 
Rose rolled her eyes. “If you can’t think of an exact number, ballpark it for me,”
You vehemently shook your head. You hadn’t met a hookup since that night, too hung up on JJ, and afraid that continuing would destroy any remaining chance you had with the woman. 
“I haven’t,” 
Rose snapped, patting your shoulder. “Exactly. You’re proving to her, the entire team really, that you can change. She’ll come around, especially if you’re honest with her and I don’t know, try to keep it in your pants for once,” 
The team had taken notice of your change, how you hadn’t engaged in hookups. Only a few of them knew the real reason behind your apparent abstinence. 
“You think?” You asked softly, and Rose sent you an indulgent smile. 
“Yeah, you just gotta grow a pair and tell her you’ve been her secret admirer for the last 6 months,” She finished with a cackle and you blushed. 
That was easier said than done. 
Julie had never been this impressed in her entire life. Sure she had been to some amazing restaurants before, but nothing like the little place her admirer had chosen. She felt every bit of hesitance leave her as she stepped into the building. It was quaint and romantic with an amazing buzz in the air. 
She had found the handwritten note with the time and place on the floor outside her hotel room door, along with one of the cutest black dresses she had ever seen. It fit her perfectly, and she looked good if she did say so herself. 
She approached the hostess stand, and the man behind the counter smiled at her. “Good evening miss, how may we assist you?”
She smiled back at him. “Um, I have a reservation. It’s under Mystique,” she said, suppressing a grin at the name her admirer had chosen. 
The man’s smile widened as he reached into his suit jacket pocket, and retrieved a neatly folded letter. “Ah, yes. I have this for you,” 
JJ to the heavy paper in her hands, running her fingers over her name written in familiar black cursive reverently. Her admirer rarely ever wrote her name out. 
She very carefully unfolded the note, revealing more of her favorite handwriting. 
First and foremost, I’m so glad you could make it. I know I’ve written this beforehand, but I must say I’m sure you look amazing. You always look amazing. It doesn’t matter if it’s during practice, or during one of our very chill team bonding nights. You never fail to take my breath away, but that’s not why it’s taken me so long to finally grow a pair and come clean. 
I know that you and I have history and that I’m not your ideal significant other, but I promise you’re not just another person to add to my long list. You make me feel things I’ve never really felt before, and that scares me. I don’t know how to do this, and I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, but I can promise that I’ll try my best. I will do everything I can to show you how much I love you, and to be someone worthy of your love in return. 
Now comes the hard part. If you want to give me the chance to show you that I’ve grown up and am ready for a serious relationship, just tell the matroids you would like to take a drink at the bar. or If you don’t want to see me, but want to eat, just tell him you’re ready for your table. Your meal will be paid for, and I’ll leave you alone. We can even pretend it never happened if you would prefer. Or if you want neither of those things, you can walk away. 
The choice is yours J. Ill respect whatever you choose, and no hard feelings either way.
Truly yours,
Julie stared down at the letter, completely stunned, almost unable to believe that you could ever do anything this remotely romantic. A small part of her cheered as if she was waiting for you to finally step up. 
She didn’t hate you, contrary to popular belief. She just thought you were incredibly confusing. You would flaunt your reputation, but then you would be sweet and shy with her. In the end, your first try at a relationship didn’t work because she was tired of you jerking her around. But this was a side to you she had never seen. One that intrigued her to no end. 
“Have you made your decision ma’am?” The maitre d’ asked kindly, sliding up beside her. She blinked up from the neat handwriting towards the man (who looked like he wanted to say more). 
She nodded at the man. “I have. I’d like to have a drink at the bar please,” 
his smile was blinding as he gestured to the left with his arm. “Right this way,” 
You carefully swirled your finger around the rim of your drink, staring listlessly into the amber liquid. You weren’t quite sure how long you had been sitting here, but with every passing second, you couldn’t help but think about how much of a terrible idea this was. 
She was never going to choose to come sit with you at the bar, and the longer you waited, the more pathetic you would look in the end. 
You almost felt bad for the staff. They were so excited to help, so enthusiastic about helping you get the girl of your dreams. You were sure you were going to disappoint them. 
“Fancy meeting you here stranger,” Her voice cut through your internal monologue. You lifted your head to meet her blue eyes, and the sight alone took your breath away. 
“JJ, you came,” You said breathlessly, standing to greet the woman. 
“I did,” She nodded, blushing when you took her hand and kissed the back of it before pulling out a chair for her. You sat down next to her, flagging down the bartender for the woman. 
“You look stunning,” You said softly, finally turning in her direction, and she caught the light shade of pink that tinted your cheeks. 
“So you’ve said,” Julie laughed, holding up the letter. The red in your cheeks spread up to your ears and down your neck as you ducked your head in embarrassment. 
“Megan may have helped me pick it out…” You mumbled, your fingers returning to your glass. 
Rose may or may not have gotten the entire team involved when she finally convinced you to make your move. While you were relieved to have help picking out the perfect outfit, you hadn’t enjoyed being made fun of for your “questionable” fashion sense. 
“Was she behind the other gifts too?” Julie asked, taking a sip of her drink with a raised eyebrow. 
You shook your head, rubbing the back of your neck. “No. Those were all me,” 
Julie smiled softly, reaching up to intertwine your fingers. She wasn’t used to seeing you so shy. It was kinda adorable. 
“Well, I loved them,” 
You nodded again, taking a big gulp of your drink, trying to calm your racing heart. “I’m really glad you came. I was afraid you would find out it was me and change your mind,”
“I’m glad I came too,” 
You smiled brilliantly at the woman. You hadn’t completely redeemed yourself yet, not like Zuko or Snape, but at least you were going to have the chance to try. You weren’t going to let her slip through your fingers again. 
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peppusae · 4 years
How to say 'I love you' without saying 'I love you' | Chae Hyungwon pt 3
part: 3 of 3
other parts: pt 1 || pt 2 || pt 3
pairing: chae hyungwon x reader
genre: fluff, and LOTS OF SMUT
word count: 7.6k words
note: so. the smut is here. can you believe i had a dream about hyungwon doing this SAME thing here, in my dream? i will RIOT
How to say 'I love you' without saying 'I love you’.
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It’s an hour after you arrived, that there is a knock on your dorm room.
When you open the door, Hyungwon stands in front of your door, and you honestly have already missed him so much that you want to hug him.
“I just arrived.”
“Didn’t you want to change and get some rest first?”
“I… I didn’t want to wait a single moment after I came here, so I washed up before we headed out.” He mumbles, a sheepish smile on his face as he motions for you to step outside.
“Where are we going, Hyungwonnie?” You ask, taking your wallet and bag before you follow him out to the hallway.
“This will be our first date, so we have to go somewhere nice, right?”
You can’t hide the big goofy smile on your face, and it looks like Hyungwon is really proud of himself.
“I didn’t know you were so romantic.”
“Like I said, there are a lot of things you don’t know about me.” He has to say, reaching for the back pocket of his jeans and handing you a single white rose.
A grin forms on your face while you accept the flower look at him, dumbfounded. “Where on Earth did you get the time to plan this?!”
“[Name]-ah, the flower shop near the restaurant next door doesn’t close until 10, did you think I would come to our first date empty handed?”
“I swear, I’m at a loss for words.” You have to say, watching him give a thumbs up and hurry to grab your hand. You hadn’t had a chance to imagine what Hyungwon would be like when he was dating someone, so every little thing he was doing came out as a pleasant surprise for you.
It’s nice to walk freely in the Seoul streets at this time of the night when there are only a few people around and you can wear masks. Hyungwon seems to be at ease as well, and you’re not surprised when he takes you to your favorite cafe a few blocks from the building.
“I think I found another reason to love this cafe even more,” he has to say, as you two enter one of the private booths. “I always loved this place because I can eat in peace here, but now I can come here often on dates with you.”
“You’re so cheesy, Are you really the Chae Hyungwon that hugged me just a few hours ago?”
This makes Hyungwon’s cheeks flush a little - you’re so glad he lowered his mask! - and you have an idea of why, even before he speaks next.
“Well, are you really the [First Name] [Last Name] that... kissed me a few hours ago?”
It’s adorable, the way he said it in a pouty way but hesitated a little in embarrassment. It makes you wonder if things between you and Hyungwon will continue to be like this.
You take a few minutes to decide what to order, and the food arrives in a little while.
Because Hyungwon had already eaten so well at the barbeque during the shooting, he simply had a drink. This meant that his focus was on you and just you. And for the first time, you become a little self-conscious because you’ve caught Hyungwon staring at you multiple times before, but this is the first time he watches you after you knew he had feelings for you.
“Why do you keep looking at me like I’m some kind of seafood pancake?”
Hyungwon chuckles, stirring the ice in his Iced Americano. “I have something I’m curious about.”
“When did you start to like me?”
The sudden question makes you almost choke on your strawberry drink. Well, you had expected this question - And you were going to ask this from him as well, but jeez, Hyungwon really wastes no time. 
“I’m asking because you started crying when you found out I liked you.”
You suddenly want to dig a hole and crawl inside and never come out again, and for some reason, this feels so much more like old times when you two had wholesome conversations till Hyungwon’s manager calls him.
There were a few occasions when he stayed past the scheduled time, even though he had to pay a lot of his money for the late fine rule Monsta X has.
The sudden thought makes you giggle.
“What, what?”
“Nothing, nothing! And you’re right! I did like you before too, but I didn’t realize it until you were going to confess to me, and that scared me so much because of Dawon, and also because… I’m just a writer for the company, that’s all..” You look up from your plate of food and you see that Hyungwon is looking at you, eyebrows a little furrowed.
“But when I went back home to Incheon, my mom said this was all happening because I was being a whiny baby and I should just let you forget me if I was going to keep on crying and not doing anything about it.”
Hyungwon bursts out laughing, and he actually chokes on his drink. You have to get up from your seat and pat his back multiple times before he is able to drink some water.
“That wasn’t something I wanted to show you during our first date…” He mumbles, shaking his head. “So, I have your mom to thank for this, huh? Was she the one who also asked you to ki-”
“Nope, that was Minhyuk’s idea.”
Hyungwon’s eyes go wide again, ears going red once again.
“What?! How does Minhyuk know?”
“Because,” you start, “He knew we liked each other and he was trying to get us together, not get in between us like you thought and blamed me for!”
This makes Hyungwon put his face on the table, like he was really regretting his actions. You hear a whiny ‘Uggggggh I’m so stupid!’ before he lifts his head up and sighs.
“About what you said earlier,” he starts instead, “When have I ever treated you like you’re just some staff member? You should have known that I wasn’t treating you with simple polite smiles and greets like I do with the other staff. You’re the only person I go for meals with, and the only person I buy strawberries for when you do a good job with work. So don’t ever say something like you being ‘just a staff member’. I’ll get mad.”
His words sound so sincere, like he is genuinely baffled that you would remain oblivious to his feelings.
“Fine, I won’t. I promise. Now tell me when you started liking me?” You smile, eating some food while Hyungwon seems to ponder about your query for a moment.
“Do you remember that time we shared the same schedule in Inkigayo with Shinee-sunbaenim?”
This makes you gape, looking at him in utter disbelief.
“When Minhyuk gave you the signed copy of 1 of 1, you looked so pretty when you smiled.” Hyungwon grins, hand rubbing on the nape of his neck. “You smiled so brightly, and I wished I was the one that earned such a pretty smile from you. I knew I liked you since then.”
“But Hyungwon-ah, that was… That wasn’t even long since I started working for you guys!”
This earns a big grin from Hyungwon, nodding as he speaks. “I’m good at keeping secrets.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? It’s been four years…”
“I liked you since then, and I can’t keep my eyes off from you… But because I’m a celebrity…”
This makes you mumble a little ‘Ah..’ giving a nod. You’re not sure what he is implying by saying that, but the fact that he’s here with you right now, looking at you with so much love in his eyes… It really doesn’t matter.
“I really wanted to be sure what kind of feelings I had for you. I just know that whenever you play with Jooheon or Minhyuk I get mad jealous. I guess you never noticed that I always take you for breakfast the next day after you do that, so that I can get you to look at me.”
You never noticed that that happened as a pattern, so your mouth is hung agape while Hyungwon bursts out laughing.
“That’s why I know you like me. You’ve been giving me happier smiles after I started to sing for you.”
“Because you sound so dumb!” You two burst out laughing together in unison.
“That really made me think you liked me too, so I got the confidence to ask you out.”
“But I’m just surprised you like me, out of everyone…”
“You’re not going to start saying something like you not being pretty enough for me, like the girls in dramas do, right?”
He completely read your mind!
“It’s true, though, you have to admit I look mediocre compared to you.”
“Shut up. I just told you I fell in love with you because you looked so pretty when you smiled.” He says, which in turn makes you clench your hands at the butterflies forming in your stomach; It’s the first time he said he loves you, not just that he likes you!!!
“I don’t believe in liking someone just by looks, even if I just said that. My heart just grew to like you more and more everyday after I got the chance to easily hang out with you often. It’s not just the looks, you should know this well, [Name]-ah. You’ve seen my face for years but you didn’t feel a thing for me until recently, right?”
“Heheee,” you find yourself nodding, which makes Hyungwon smile back at you.
You can’t help but to look at Hyungwon so fondly. You two barely made it, if anything, and you can’t stop smiling at how happy and how normal it feels, to look at Hyungwon and have your heart racing.
“Yah. Stop staring, you don’t even look at me that much when I’m shooting something.”
“True, I’m always looking at Joo because he’s so cute!”
 Hyungwon is an absolute gentleman.
The first time you learned this was when he dropped you at your door after your first date, a gentle hand at the small of your back until you reached the company; after which he maintained a little distance.
Because he has different schedules every day, you don’t get to go out to eat with Hyungwon as often as you would like. You still find him hanging by the lounge having lunch with random members occasionally.
The lunch thing becomes a little too frequent as the days pass by, and Hyungwon lets you know that he told the rest of the members beside Minhyuk, and they had decided to help him out, getting out with him with lunch as the excuse.
Today it’s Kihyun and Minhyuk seated in front of you while Hyungwon seats by your side.
“Until how long do you two plan to hide from the company that you’re dating?” Kihyun wants to know, out of nowhere, dipping some fish into the soy sauce.
Both you and Hyungwon hiss, eyes widening that the topic of you two dating is even brought up.
“Heh, you think no one will notice where Hyungwonnie always disappears as soon as his schedule is over every night?” Minhyuk adds more fuel to the fire. “Or not even notice Hyungwonnie entering [Name]-ah’s room every ni-”
“Shut up, you’re gonna give everyone the wrong idea if you say stuff like that!” You hiss, shaking your head. Hyungwon doesn’t say anything, looking very embarrassed and avoiding eye contact with you. His action makes you feel flustered, recalling all the nights he stopped by your room before he went to sleep, just to laze on your bed and kiss you till he’s too sleepy to continue - or gets a call from a manager.
Both of your reactions make the matter only worse, making Kihyun’s eyes go really wide, turning to Minhyuk who has a knowing smirk on his face. That little idiot. He knows nothing and always acts like a snake.
But then again, he adds that spice to variety shows that you, as a writer, always get pleasantly surprised at. So you can’t say you hate it.
“You two are adults and all, but-”
“Ah, please stop!” Hyungwon begs, tapping his chopsticks on the table and creating a little ruckus to interrupt whatever Kihyun was trying to say.
“Kihyunie may be stupid but he has a point this time, kids.” Minhyuk says.
“Who are you calling stupid?!”
“Who are you calling kid?!”
 It’s a couple nights since then, and Hyungwon finished his practice ‘early’, so he pops into your room at 01:39 am.
It’s actually quite an ungodly hour of the night; you would have been sleeping at this hour if you hadn’t started dating Hyungwon. But even if he pops by for only five minutes, it is worth every second and the amount of coffee you’d have to drink the next morning while you doze off.
“Finished everything?” You ask, smiling up at Hyungwon who is wearing a sky blue sweater, and gray sweats. His hair is still a little damp in some places, like he had used his hair-dryer in a crazed frenzy.
The male nods, closing the door behind him and tightly locking the door. You hurry towards him, and you’re able to see the way he breaks into a smile right before he embraces you.
“I was drained out last night, that’s why I couldn’t drop by to see you.” Hyungwon lets you know, his nimble fingers carding through the locks of your hair softly.
“You must be so tired.” You give a little pout, patting his hair. The male glances at you, smiling at the cute action and giving a little nod.
“I have a really early schedule tomorrow morning, but I’ll have the rest of the day off. Can I come to you then?”
You nod, standing on your tippy-toes, and then pulling on the collar of Hyungwon’s shirt - he’s that tall, yes - and pressing your lips to his.
It’s so gentle; from the way he kisses you, the way his lips graze on your bottom lip, the way he softly licks your bottom lip and has both his arms around your waist. You can feel the heat from his body and every warm breath of his, and you end up sighing into the kiss which makes Hyungwon move a little for air and look at you.
It’s a little embarrassing so your cheeks are flushed but Hyungwon breaks into a grin, pulling you for a hug this time.
“I’ll meet you for lunch tomorrow.”
You give him a wave, watching him pull down his hoodie as best as he can and running across the hallway to his room.
The next day, there is a downpour. You get a text from Kihyun that the boys are in the recording studio for their schedule and you’re thankful that he didn’t have to go somewhere far away and would be unable to come back in time for lunch.
Since you and Shownu share a similar diet plan, you’re having lunch with the male when Hyungwon finishes up his schedule and finally sits down beside you. He looks like he had a long day, as he does not talk much while he eats black bean noodles in a jiffy.
“Good luck!” Shownu gives you a suspicious thumbs up, which makes you very confused while Hyungwon hurries to lead you back to your room. You still had some pages of work left to write up, so you find yourself sitting by the headboard of your bed while the male reads some manhwa from his phone.
This is actually quite a common occurrence recently; doing your own thing but with each other’s company. You like the way you would snuggle beside Hyungwon and kiss his cheek while he’s reading some documents, and he would give in and pull you to his lap so he can kiss you better.
And the other days are like today, where Hyungwon is the one who comes up to you, peeking at your laptop, playing with your hair, and trying to distract you with soft kisses.
If anything, it is working, and you can’t ignore the way he mumbles your name and looks at you like a little child waiting for playtime.
“You’re a grown-up, yet, you act like a kid.” You comment, putting away your laptop for the day and opening your arms. Hyungwon smiles, watching you lie on the bed, facing him.
“I have some good news, [Name]-ah.”
“What is it?”
“One of the songs I wrote is going to be on the upcoming album!” He says, hugging you tightly. Your eyes go wide in surprise, and thinking about all the times he had been complaining about how much revisions he had to do feels worthwhile. You grin, giving him a kiss on his forehead.
“I can’t wait for it, Hyungwon-ah.”
“I just recorded it earlier today.” He lets you know, “I can’t wait for you to hear it.”
“I’m so proud of you.” You let him know, genuinely. You smile at him fondly, and it looks like he could see your sincerity in your eyes, before he pulls you to him and pecks your lips.
Minutes change to hours, and it’s already evening when you two wake up from a nap you didn’t even realize you two had drifted off to. Hyungwon stirs in his sleep, one eye opening when you pull his arm off from you and get up to drink some water. When he realizes he was still in your room, he sits up, pointing at the water bottle now in your hand. You bring the bottle to him, watching him take a couple of sips.
It is while he hands you the bottle that the rough fabric of your sweater rubs against your nipple, and you drop the bottle to the floor at the sensitive feeling.
“What? What’s wrong?” Hyungwon looks at you, alarmed, when he sees you bending down to pick the bottle up in a hurry. “Are you okay?”
You give a nod, taking a step back.
“Why are you acting weird out of nowhere?”
How do I tell him that this is a totally normal thing for girls when we don’t wear a bra? You look at him panickedly, taking a step back when he gets off from the bed and comes towards you. The action makes you flinch again, and you can’t help letting out a little ‘ow’.
“Yah. What’s going on? Are you hurt?” He asks, grabbing your wrists before you can flee with the excuse of getting snacks or something. By now, your face is all sweaty and completely red from embarrassment, and you can’t help but pray that Hyungwon does not notice.
“I’m fine!” You say, and your words and actions are probably not matching because Hyungwon furrows his eyebrows at you, while you feel your eyes getting a little teary from the embarrassment.
“You… Why are you crying?”
God damn it, Hyungwon sure is persistent.
“I told you, nothing is wrong-”
“Yah. You obviously do not look fine. We already had such a big misunderstanding because we couldn’t say what we wanted to, so I don’t want something like that to happen again. We barely made it to this point now, so if you don’t tell me why you’re crying right now, I’m going to get very angry.”
You appreciate that he is thinking about your benefit, but you can tell there is no way he would let go of your wrist unless you tell him the truth.
And that is why you smack your face to his chest, and just take a deep sigh while Hyungwon wraps his free hand around your waist, almost out of habit.
“It’s just a random girl thing and this does not mean I’m horny or anything, okay?! But my… nipples… are hard so it’s ...sensitive.”
There is no response, and you wonder if Hyungwon even heard what you said. Your face feels like it’s on fire as you continue to talk, if only to break the silence.
“It’s just something that happens to girls when we’re not wearing a bra, that’s all… That’s why I kept saying I’m fine…”
Still, silence.
You’re very embarrassed, especially because Hyungwon had instinctively pulled you closer to him, so your chest was already pressed against his. When you move a step away and look up at Hyungwon, you’re absolutely startled to see that his face is completely flushed red, eyes unblinking and just looking at you while you take another step away - and yet, he does not let go of your wrist.
“Yah, what are you saying!” He finally reacts, letting go of your wrist and looking away from you. “Y-You didn’t have to tell me all that!”
“You made me say it though????”
Hyungwon moves another step away, eyes on the floor, mumbling something inaudible under his breath.
“Yah, just ignore what I said, let me just go and change, then it’ll be f-” Your sentence is interrupted when Hyungwon grabs your wrist once again, shaking his head.
“I-I’ve wanted you for ages, and now that I finally have you, you… you should stop saying things that make it impossible for me to h-hold in what I feel for you,” he mumbles so quietly that you barely hear him, “Because it’s really, really hard for me.”
Despite how startled you are at his confession, the look in his eyes is so vulnerable, his ears and cheeks still so bright red while he lets go of your wrist, this time in favor of intertwining your fingers with his.
“If you…” His voice trails down, taking a step back and pulling you along, up till he is seated on the bed. He does not look away from you for a single second, then pats his lap, looking at your every action. You feel flustered but do as he instructed, seating yourself on top of his lap and watching as he leans against the headboard before he wraps his long slender arms around your back.
Hyungwon’s lips meet with yours, and this is the first time since the very first kiss, where all the gentleness is gone and he is kissing you like he might go crazy if he didn’t. You gasp when he lightly bites on your bottom lip, using the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth.
Your heart is racing like crazy, and it does not help that he has his hands under the fabric of your sweater, warm fingers gripping your hips and back as he kisses you deeper. Your lips are trembling when he pecks your lips softly once before he moves away and looks at you, wordlessly. You wonder if you should say something, but as soon as he glances at you, he pulls one hand up to clutch your cheek, face moving towards your neck and pressing his warm lips on your collarbone.
The new action makes your eyes wide, pressing your lips tight together as he kisses your neck, peppering soft pecks on both sides of your neck, his tongue and lips working together and softly sucking at the skin enough to leave a bruise.
This earns a gasp on your side, and Hyungwon looks back up at you, and you’re even more startled when you see that his eyes have darkened a little, watching you with hooded eyes that feel almost too sinful to look at.
“I won’t stop unless you ask me to.” He says, and you don’t have time to respond - to even say you don’t want him to stop - before his lips meet with your neck once again, another peck on your collarbone until Hyungwon runs out of your exposed skin.
“Take it off.” He orders, pulling at the hem of your sweater. Your thoughts are traveling a mile a minute up till then, going blank when he says that and looks at you, light tugs of your sweater continuously reminding you of his request. You look at Hyungwon with wide eyes, the embarrassment from before replaced by the one due to his order. You lower your hands from around his neck, hesitating a little in embarrassment.
“Do you want to stop here?” He asks when you pause, a little smile forming on his face when you shake your head in response. “Then, are you embarrassed?”
When you nod your head, Hyungwon pulls his hands away from the bare skin of your back, before he begins unbuttoning his own shirt.
With every button that comes undone you become more impatient, watching him discard the shirt, looking at you with longing in his eyes while you slowly run a hand over his bare skin. You feel a little relieved that his skin is just as warm as your felt, and you lean in a little to kiss his lips.
Hyungwon holds your arms while you have your clutches on his cheeks, kisses becoming more and more desperate until he moves you away and takes a deep breath.
You reach for the hem of your sweater again, this time pulling it over your head and throwing it away. You can’t get yourself to meet eyes with him just yet, still feeling embarrassed about showing your bare body to Hyungwon for the very first time. When there is no reaction from his side, you finally glance back up at his face, and find him looking at your newly exposed skin with lustful eyes. He reaches a hand out to grab one of your breasts, giving it a squeeze that makes you gasp. Hyungwon tilts his head up to kiss you once more, both hands grabbing your mounds and thumb rubbing against your nipples. You bite your bottom lip as he presses a soft kiss on one of your breasts, and when he licks your nipple, you let out the first moan.
This makes Hyungwon jolt up his head in surprise, watching your face as your chest heaves up and down. You think there’s a smirk on his face when he kisses the other nipple, softly sucking in such sinfulness that makes you tilt your head back, clutching a chunk of his hair in failed attempts to hide your moans. You can feel your core getting wetter with every little action of his lips over your sensitive buds.
“Hyungwon-ah, please…” Your voice trails off and he finally lifts his head up, looking at you with hazy eyes, and when he leans in to kiss your lips again do you notice Hyungwon’s hard on pressing from where you are seated on his lap. You mumble his name again impatiently, watching as he softly wraps both arms around your back once again, kissing your lips as he leans forward, making you slowly fall back down onto the bed with a little ‘oh!’.
It’s a different kind of feeling when Hyungwon gets on top of you, hands pulling down your sweatpants to expose your bare legs and panties that are getting wetter with every one of his ministrations. You’ve started to get used to Hyungwon staring at you in general, but this is the first time he looks at you with his lips parted slightly, eyes dark from lust as he kisses your thigh, another hand raking his nails on your skin and not even letting you catch your breath.
“Hyungwon-ah.” You mumble, watching him lift his figure from over you in favor of unbuttoning his trousers, and god damn. You thought you might end right then and there; watching the way his eyes never leave yours while he throws the clothing and presses the visible bulge in his boxers against you.
It’s so, so close, and your moan comes out as a whine as he bucks his hips against you once again. A faint smile forms on his face, affectionately kissing your cheek while he presses his chest against yours.
You hum, eyes still closed at how painfully agonizing it feels as he grinds against you. You can barely hold yourself, and it seems like Hyungwon felt the same way, lifting the side of your panties and sliding a finger inside your wet cunt.
Your eyes fly wide open at that, a loud gasp leaving from your mouth. Hyungwon’s face is so close to you, his warm hot breath on your face as he watches your every action. While one hand holds his weight over you, the other pulls your panties down enough so he can easily rub his long, nimble fingers over your clit.
When you let out a moan and close your eyes, Hyungwon softly calls your name once again. You open your eyes, chest rising up and down like crazy now that he has inserted another finger and is rubbing on your clit so maddeningly slowly.
“Hyungwon-ah, please.”
“[Name]-ah.” He presses a kiss on your neck, two fingers knuckle-deep inside you while his thumb roughly rubs on your nub. Your legs have started shaking a bit, especially now that he bends his fingers inside your cunt, as if trying to find something - and he does, such a sweet spot that has your moans increasing in frequency and has Hyungwon watching eyes full of lust and confidence that he is the only one who can see you melt under his touches.
You actually have tears in your eyes when he removes his fingers, coated heavily with your warm fluids. Hyungwon uses his thumb to part your lips, putting his fingers in your mouth and watching you suck all of the juices clean. The bulge in his boxers become more prominent, and you can tell he is holding himself as best as he can before he settles between your legs.
You don’t have a moment to even sigh, before he wraps his arms around your thighs, opening up your pussy up for him to stick his wet tongue inside.
“Oh, Hyungwon-ah.” You moan out his name, once again making him lift his head up and look at you in utter bafflement and thirst. 
“You will drive me crazy before I can.” He lets you know, sighing before he licks your clit, tongue rolling circles around the sensitive little spot and making you moan nastily once again. Hyungwon moves his tongue inside your warmth, licking off all your juices and holding your thighs tight apart when you make the slightest hint of closing your legs.
As if his tongue isn’t sinful enough, he lets go of one of your thighs to scissor his fingers inside your heat. You feel a foreign ache in your abdomen, one that knots harder and harder each time Hyungwon sucks on your clit, rubbing his tongue over and over until you’re moaning his name so loud that he has to warn you to be quiet or he would stop.
So you try your best to do as he said, grabbing two handfuls of Hyungwon’s hair and mumbling his name, arching your back in pleasure at how warm his tongue is.
It’s when Hyungwon starts to curl his fingers deep inside you with a simultaneous harsh suck on your clit that you come undone, all over his face, electricity surging through your veins like crazy. Despite your embarrassment, he licks you off clean, sitting up and using the back of his palm to wipe off your juices that had dribbled down his chin.
The entire scene is so scandalous and so seductive that you sigh, sitting up to meet eyes with Hyungwon before pulling him close to kiss him.
“Okay.” He nods, and you’re not sure how he exactly read your mind, but you’re relieved when he gets off from the bed, pulling down his boxer pants. His erection is hard, and pulsing, and when he makes his way to the bed, you stop him, getting off from the bed yourself and dropping on your knees in front of his length.
Your sudden action, paired with the way you wrap your fingers around his length makes Hyungwon gasp, eyes widened when you look up at him. The tip of his length is already oozing from desire, and you lick off the juices, the sweet sound of his first moan of the night almost driving you insane. You need to hear that again.
And again.
And again, you run your tongue on his length, and you can already tell that he is impatient, in the way he has grabbed a chunk of your hair and guides your mouth to his tip.
You grab the end of his length, palming it gently as you take him inside your mouth, the sound of your saliva rubbing over his length earning a guttural groan from Hyungwon. You take him in as much as you can,  bobbing your head back and forth and sighing at the way the base of his cock reaches your throat. This earns yet another groan from Hyungwon, his grip on your hair tighter as he bucks his hips in motion with your sinful mouth taking his length in. 
“[Name]-ah.” He mumbles in a moan when you rub your tongue on his tip, much like the way he had been ravishing your clit just minutes ago. The thought makes you moan while you take his length in again, eyes going up to see Hyungwon’s face redder than you had ever seen it before, his entire body trembling as he clutches your hair tight and fucks your mouth like he was going insane.
And that’s exactly the way he felt, and you could tell in the way you can feel his cock throb in your hands, each time his length goes deep inside you while you rub the base.
“[Name]-ah, you’re so-” His words halt when you take his entire length inside slowly, and it takes all of his willpower to not tremble and buck inside you, a loud moan escaping through his beautiful lips and you can’t help keep your eyes locked with his. And he tries his best to watch you, but with every time your tongue rubs at the bottom of his cock each time you take him in, his eyes shut tight, a mixture of groans and moans filling the entire room until he lets go; coming undone all over your mouth.
“[Name]-ah.” He sighs, catching his breath as he watches the way you open your mouth to take in the liquid the oozes out of his tip, licking everything off his tip and rubbing your tongue over your lips to lick off the remains. Hyungwon watches you in what feels like a daze, eyes filled with lust while he gives you a hand and pulls you up.
You think he was about to say something before you press your lips to his, bodies in contact and tasting each other’s fluid in each other’s mouth. The thought itself is enough to drive you crazy, and the way his hands slowly grabs your ass and you feel his length rubbing dangerously close to your wetness makes you moan into his neck.
It felt like Hyungwon thought the same, his kisses so desperate as he leads you towards the bed, making you sit down and lean back as he kisses you till you’re laying on the bed again,
“You’re still not asking me to stop.”
“I don’t want you to stop, Hyungwon-ah.” You say, spreading your legs enough just to feel his tip rubbing on you once again.
Hyungwon looks at you, lips parted a little before he sinks a finger inside you, as if to check just how wet you were. Satisfied with the warm wetness pooled in your core, he gets off from you and reaches for his earlier discarded trouser pocket. You are absolutely baffled when he pulls out a wallet and takes a square-shaped packet before he makes his way on top of you again.
“You had planned this long ago, didn’t you?” You can’t help but ask, and Hyungwon shakes his head, chuckling and kissing your cheek.
“No, I really didn’t expect this to happen today, but since we’re guys, we get a big stock of these and we’re always asked to carry one wherever we go.” He laughs, pecking your lips. “I only did this starting from when we were going out, because I wanted you so bad and I didn’t know for how long I could keep my cool.”
You smile, hands on his cheeks and pulling him into a kiss. “You don’t need to anymore. I want you too, Hyungwon-ah.”
Hyungwon sighs into the kiss, and when you rub your tongue on his lips, he pulls himself up from you and you whine at the loss of contact. You watch as he grins at your action, trying his best to take the condom out and sheath his hard, throbbing cock before he looks at you once again.
You open up your arms, and watch as the male comes to you, pressing a kiss onto your lips before he rubs his tip on you once again. You let out another impatient whine, looking at Hyungwon who has his eyes on you as he very slowly inserts his member into your wetness.
You both gasp at the foreign feeling, and Hyungwon intertwines your fingers, resting your hands on the bed as he presses his entire body on yours and leans in to kiss you again.
“Are you okay?” He asks, and his voice is so gentle that the little tears forming in your eyes from his length - god is he big, you didn’t realize until he got inside you - streams down from the corners of your eyes.
“I love you.”
The worry in Hyungwon’s eyes goes away when you tell him that. It’s the first time you had told him that, in response to what he said on your first date and told you he was in love with you.
Such a beautiful smile forms on his face, eyes so full of affection that he loosens one hand free to press it on your cheek, pecking your lips again.
“Hyungwon-ah.” You call softly, and he nods, making him prop one arm on the bed while the other pins your wrist down. Lifting his weight up, he removes his length from inside you, only to buck into your hips and have his tip reaching all the way to the hilt so fast that it has you moaning instantly.
“I love you too. So much.” He says, eyes never leaving you, even for a second as he plunges his length in and out of you. He groans in content at the way your warmth feels, even through the sheath of the condom he has on.
You wrap your free hand around his neck, pulling him even closer. Hyungwon sighs at the contact, a hand reaching to clutch on your breast, and you let out a little cry at the way his squeezes match each of his thrusts. You unconsciously find yourself clenching your walls, the new tightness making a throaty groan escape from Hyungwon’s lips. When you open your eyes, you see Hyungwon biting his bottom lip as bucks his hips and pushes his length inside you, head tilted a little to the back in pleasure while you continue to clench around his member.
You two’s moans fill the room, the sound of sweaty skin slapping together making you wetter and Hyungwon to push inside you with hooded eyes, so you sink your nails into his back; earning another groan from Hyungwon.
“On all fours.” Comes his second order of the night, and you’re whining a little when he pulls his length out of you. You sit up, turning around, hands and knees on the bed. The excitement you feel at not seeing what Hyungwon is up to is insane, and when he presses on your back and pushes his length inside you again, you can’t help but mewl a little.
“Hyungwon-ah!” You cry out, feeling embarrassed when he holds your hips with one hand and uses the other to rub at your clit. The pleasure you feel at being so, so filled up like this makes you unable to control your moans, and you can feel Hyungwon lean in a little, pressing his body closer to you as he thrusts his cock in and out of you. The way he flicks roughly against your sensitive nub has your moans increasing in frequency, his length mercilessly pushing through your folds so much that you press your face to the bed to tone down your voice.
You can barely hum in response, legs feeling like it might give out any second. When you don’t respond properly, Hyungwon takes out the fingers inside you, and you lift your head up, whining a little.
“I want to see you.” He whispers into your ear, removing himself from you again, one hand resting on your ass. “Come on top of me.”
The tone of his voice is a little impatient but also stern, and it makes more heat pool at your wetness. You didn’t even realize you liked this kind of thing until today, and you nod, hurrying to get on top of the male who is breathing heavily and waiting for you. His erection is hard and you wrap your arms around it, guiding it inside you while Hyungwon has his eyes shut tight. You take a moment to sigh at how good it feels, and Hyungwon begins to thrust in and out of you again.
Your eyes shut tight, leaning on the bed for support. When you open your eyes, Hyungwon is watching the way your breasts go up and down with every thrust of his. Suddenly, you feel embarrassed, so you lean in to kiss his lips, closing your eyes and sighing when he wraps his arms around your body. He feels so warm, and he tightens his grip on you, his thrusts increasing in pressure and frequency.
You sigh out loud on his neck, kissing and sucking on his warm skin, and Hyungwon lets out a little groan when you clench on his length once again.
“I won’t last long if you keep doing that.” He mumbles into your ear. You give a deaf eat to what he said, because you liked feeling so filled up while he continues to fuck you and hold you so tightly. Despite what he said, you’re the one that doesn’t last long, the knots in your abdomen coming undone as you come while Hyungwon continues to pump his length inside you desperately. His thrusts become slower and sloppier, and from the loud groan he lets out while he sinks his nails into your ass, you can tell that he has reached his high as well. You lift your ass up and down to help him ride out his orgasm, until he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you to the side, still connected.
There is silence save for the two of you gasping and catching your breath. His grip on your body is still tight and you can feel his warm breath on your head as he rubs one hand over your bare back. The electricity you felt a little while ago dies down, and you finally lift your head up to face Hyungwon, who is watching you and smiles when you meet eyes.
“Wait a bit.” He says, kissing your cheek and then getting up. You feel a little hollow when he gets off from you, tying up and discarding the used condom into the wastebasket. When he climbs onto the bed, Hyungwon notices the way your juices have oozed out of your wetness, and you put your hands over your face in embarrassment as he continues to just stare at your womanhood without a word.
“Yah, stop staring!”
Hyungwon doesn’t say anything, but instead leans down, tongue licking off all of your wetness and making you gasp in surprise. You blink at him in surprise when he finishes off, then comes back to hold you in his arms. The way he holds you tightly and runs his fingers through your hair softly makes you think back to everything that just happened out of nowhere, something you had barely even thought of even though you two have been dating a while.
"I'm gonna have a hard time covering this up tomorrow, huh?" He says, rubbing a hand on the spot on his neck you sucked earlier, which has now turned into a little bruise. He then leans in and notices the hickeys he left on your neck and chest, and gives a content grin.
The way he’s smiling at you with nothing but love and affection makes you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your face to his warm, bare chest.
“This is the first time I’ll ask, so please. Stay with me for tonight.”
You wonder if he will get upset at you for saying this, but Hyungwon only chuckles, grip on your body getting a little tighter and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Mmhmm. I won’t leave you.”
“If you say things like that I’m not gonna be able to let you go even tomorrow.” You say, the two of you laughing together.
Even when words are not being exchanged, the warmth you two shared as you cuddled together under the duvet of your bed makes your heart feel safe and cozy. You almost drift off into sleep once again, but you can hear Hyungwon mumbling a little as he begins to doze off.
“I love you, [Name]-ah. I’ve always loved you.” He mumbles, and you smile, thinking back to how much you two cried in mutual pining.
Really, there really is no way to express that you love someone without saying it first.
And as Hyungwon continues to mumble as he falls asleep, he looks so beautiful and you fondly smile, feeling so glad you finally got the courage to tell him how you felt.
“I love you too, Hyungwon-ah.”
 - end
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Five.
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Robyn told me to not speak a word about this pregnancy, she has a surprise and will be telling them today, which is Christmas Day. Robyn first of all couldn’t get out of bed, she isn’t downstairs, she’s too tired she says. So I picked up all the boxes from under the tree and put them in our room, I don’t want Robyn to not be downstairs when they find out because clearly some are starting early with the presents “Chris did you try and wake her? She said she was going to help me with food? I am so glad for Joyce” Monica placed her hand on my mom’ arm, they both have really got on “erm yeah, she’s not well. But she will be down, I will go and check on her again” looking over to see Noella and the family are here “Merry Christmas everyone! We just come to drop presents off” I cooed out “chocolate drop dressed up? Are you a reindeer?” Getting up from the couch “she is, Merry Christmas Chris” hugging Noella “oh and I got chocolate drop a little something, take it with you. Hello princess, you look so cute!” She is smiling too, she is too cute “awww you didn’t have too, you hear that. Uncle got you presents” dapping Nik “good seeing you” there is a lot of family here “the light skinned country gang are here” Nikia spat, hugging her laughing “yeah, they come to see the ghetto” she hit my arm playfully “where is Robyn!?” They all are questioning of course, dapping TeeJay “busy home isn’t it” looking behind me “auntie we just come to drop presents and we are going, I can’t believe you’re Chris’ mother. You are so pretty; I get why he is so white now. Thank god he ain’t get your eyes, he already bougie” Noella is such a liar “man, be quiet. I don’t have light skinned tendencies now, I’ll be back. I’m going to drag Robyn down” I think she needs to come down now, she’s so tired. Maybe it’s my fault, I did want sex and that took it out of her, maybe I need to give her a break. She’s having my baby, this is crazy. I still can’t digest this, I am going to be a husband and a father, I need to gather myself and do better for my son or daughter, I’m so excited. Jogging up the steps, Robyn needs to be dragged out of bed. Even I am awake this early for this, I was excited for today because it’s literally a big Christmas Day with family, it’s new for me and my family but they are enjoying it here which I like to see.
I don’t know what I expected but to see Robyn still in bed wasn’t one of them, I just came here to wake her too and she hasn’t even attempted to get out of bed. Closing the bedroom door behind me and walking around the bed, I laughed to myself at the boxes I had to drop on the floor, I couldn’t let them open it without Robyn being there, so I had to do it. I feel a little bad that Robyn is this tired and I had sex with her last night which I was so slow with it, I was on top. She didn’t do no work really but I was gentle with her, but she is just knocked out asleep, she wasn’t like this last night. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, let me be gentle with her. I did shout earlier because she wasn’t answering me, reaching my hand over and lightly just placing her hair behind her ears, she has cute ears to me “Robyn, hey” my thumb lightly stroking her cheek, her mouth all open she just seems at peace “twin” leaning over and kissing her cheek “baby, you need to wake up the family are asking for you, it’s going on twelve and you’re still not awake” Robyn’ mouth closed and pursed her lips together, she cleared her throat “what time is it?” She groaned out as she asked, “it’s going to be twelve soon” her eyes opened “really?” Robyn looks so tired “please don’t tell me they opened the boxes!” She spat, I shook my head “I gotchu, I bought them here upstairs. I couldn’t let you miss it now” Robyn breathed out, a sigh of relief “thank you baby” leaning over and kissing her forehead “I am tired though, but I need to get out of bed” nodding my head “you do, come on” getting up from the bed so she can get up “do you need anything? Like to help you? Pregnancy care tablets anything?” Robyn raised an eyebrow “erm, how do you know about such a thing?” I chuckled “I got to know, to take care of you” she does need something.
Just watching Robyn get changed, she thinks I’m a creepy of course “you keep doing that, looking at my stomach. You did that during sex too, stop it. It’s not grown yet, and also. We are wearing matching Christmas tops” she turned around and then threw the top at me “uhm, I didn’t agree to this?” I am confused “don’t care I got it made made for us, read it” I mean Robyn is walking around topless so I’m busy watching her boobs and now I got this thrown at me, lifting up the top to see what the hell she got “uh this is so ugly, our first Christmas” I read, Robyn side eyed me “be quiet, wear it and I mean it” poking my lips out watching Robyn’ boobs once again, this is what happens when she be walking about with no top on “stop looking” she is finally putting these ugly Christmas tops on “put it on now” this is so stupid “do I have too?” I whispered, but she didn’t respond so that means if she has to say it again she’s going to cuss me out “fine” I guess I better do it “I can’t wait for my son to be born” getting up from the bed “son!? What happened to not caring about the sex, now you want son?” Pulling my top off “my godson needs someone to hang with so we vote boy” Robyn scoffed “we? Nigga bye, it will be a girl now because you jinxed it” I chuckled at Robyn saying that “whatever, but seriously. You need to have these vitamin things to help you, you’re so tired so you need it” I am being caring “I know, I also worry about everything. Meaning our wedding so yeah but ignore me. We will be ok” nodding my head, I know she is worried but she pregnant now, so she needs to think of the baby.
Robyn’ mother has really told her off for being lazy and guests are here, I didn’t think Rihanna could ever be told off like that. I felt a little awkward because I mean I ain’t seen that strict side to Monica, I just so happened to go into the kitchen and she’s telling Robyn it’s rude to be in bed when guests are here, this is your husband’s family, but my family wouldn’t mind at all, I don’t like that she is getting told off either. But like I wanted a drink, but I’m stuck here listening, I feel so nosey too “I wasn’t well, I wasn’t being rude” Robyn defended herself “you are going to be a wife to Chris, I didn’t teach you to be in bed when you have guests to impress Robyn. We don’t do that; they are guests to us and you are being lazy in bed. You are home, you’re not out there so you listen to me. You finish making the Mac and Cheese for me which you were supposed to do, I am behind because of you too Robyn. You don’t come downstairs so late like that” I don’t like that, not even going to lie but it’s not my place to say anything. I might just be thirsty, I made my way into the kitchen, Robyn was the first to look at me and I just stared at her and she knew I heard “I just came for a drink” I said “get your husband a drink” Monica said but before I could even say I can do it Robyn was gone, the waterworks started and I kind of felt angry with it “that girl is just so stuck on herself, I didn’t say a word to her” I am not going to say a word but just follow Robyn to course, that’s my twin and she’s crying too, I don’t like that at all.
Closing the door behind me to the dining room “why is your mom getting at you? You’re a grown ass girl, that’s wrong and she made you cry” Robyn sniffled wiping her tears “trust me Chris this would never get to me, my mom has always treated me like this even when famous. She believes in impressing your guests but I’m just emotional, I am used to it. Don’t be offended, I knew she would have said that because she had to make most effort with cooking and then Joyce helped which made it worse. Just don’t take any notice please, it’s my fault. And I’m emotional, see” Robyn said as she laughed and then started to cry again, walking over to her. Crouching down “I can see, I just didn’t like her getting at you but I’m staying out of it. It’s your mom and I like her but not when you cry” she is really emotional “I know, I will be ok. I should have helped but she will understand later, won’t she” nodding my head smiling “you’re very sensitive aren’t you” this baby about to have her emotions everywhere “and then I saw you, I didn’t want you to hear or see that, but you did. It’s not new, she’s not mean, but she’s just trying to impress your family. That is all” nodding my head “shall I cook for you instead?” Robyn laughed “and burn the house down, no sir. I’m ok, don’t worry” getting up from my position, pressing a kiss to her forehead as I did “I can get used to these forehead kisses” stroking her cheek smiling.
I will reserve my judgement with Monica, maybe Robyn is right, but I don’t like that Robyn is in the kitchen cooking, I feel a little overprotective with Robyn because I know her condition and I understand her mother doesn’t so I will just wait it out, but I feel like I need to just watch Robyn, but I can’t, this is her family home and she knows them “you look a little apprehensive?” Tootie questioned “do I look it that much?” I smiled at her; I must be showing that I am. Let me stop “somewhat, is it because of your big day” nodding my head slowly “I suppose but how is your time here in Barbados? Everything you have dreamt?” I hope my family love it here “it’s like a hotel, a private one. I am so happy, to wake up and open the balcony doors and see the seat just there, the breeze lightly hitting my face, I am so happy. I am so glad that Robyn chose Barbados because I got to see this place, first time even being out of America, I am in awe. I get why she loves it here, it’s a peaceful, I get it” my sister explained “same, this is why I said I would retire here. The local people are so nice, I mean at times they push it with trying to charge me more but then they realise who I am and then tell me how much they love Rihanna but other than that, I love it here. I love Robyn so yeah” I smiled “didn’t say you didn’t love her; you are too much in love. I am happy for you, to see you have purpose in life, I hates when you felt you had nothing” I cooed out “see you can be nice to me” Tootie will regret it “I still hate you” I laughed out, I deserved that.
I couldn’t help myself, I had to check on Robyn. I wanted to see she is ok, she has been stuck in the kitchen “you don’t need to come in Chris” Monica said “I am sorry, but we are behind” shaking my head “It’s fine, I just came to check on Robyn. See if she is ok” Robyn is smiling so that mean she is ok “well I will be back” Monica announced and walked out, Robyn is cutting is smiling to herself “you’re being a protective lion now” leaning on the kitchen counter grinning “a little, I just don’t like that your mother was angry at you, you know. You are ok?” Robyn stifled out a yawn “tired then huh” she nodded her head “but I got to push through, I just feel drained, it’s so weird. I feel like someone is taking all my energy and I am not like that. I gagged at the Turkey too and my mother said I am being silly and trying to annoy her, but I just want to be in bed. I feel very different with this one, the first time around I was angry a lot, but this time I am just more carefree but tired, ever so tired so I am thinking could that have been a girl because she may have been feisty, and this is a boy?” raising an eyebrow “you saying someone is going to take son son’ place? He won’t be happy now” I said, Robyn loves that damn bear “oh son, son comes first but what I am trying to say is that I do feel different with this one already because thinking back, ok I didn’t know but I do now but I was so moody, angry, snapping at people so yeah, some information there” I grinned wide, that is interesting to hear because then this could totally be a different sex to the first one, I just want Robyn to be ok, that is what I care most about.
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britbritwrites · 4 years
i love ur work! 🥺 headcanons for robotnik x a black reader would be really cool to see!
(A/N: Awww I’ve had this idea for a while so I’m glad someone requested this. Also, I am so sooo sorry for the late reply, anon! but I hope you enjoy this! 😄)
Robotnik meeting his Black S/O 
-Boy let me tell y’all something
-When Robotnik first met you
-He was completely mesmerized by your beauty
-He seen a lot of beautiful women
-But you had a different kind of beauty
-He remembered when the first time he laid eyes on you
-The sun had hit your brown skin and it looked like you were glowing
-Your 4C hair that was curly and kind of long was bouncing as you were walking down the street
-And your smile? It could light up an entire room
-You looked like walking angel on earth
-Oh he  wanted to spend the rest of his life with you right then and there
-But unfortunately for him
-He didn’t know how to approach you at first
-He got real nervous when getting ready to but he never took one step towards you
-He practiced almost all week on how to do so
-Also, he had told Agent Stone about this situation and he was happy to help Robotnik
-He gave him tips on what to do and how to act when he wants to approach you
-Robotnik doesn’t think he can do it
-But Stone tells him that things will go well and that he believes in him
-The next day he saw you again
-You had your hair done in an afro puff this time
-He thought it looked so pretty on you
-He remembered what all the things Stone told him he should do and got the courage to go and finally speak to you
-And he did just that
-“Hello there”
-You looked up and saw him stand over to you with a friendly smile
-You had to be completely honest, you didn’t know who this man was but you thought he was really good looking
-(A complete and total snack more like 😍😂)
-“Oh, hey there, what’s up?”
-“I- I really like your hair, it looks very mesmerizing and it brings out your beauty”
-You began to blush and smile at his compliment
-“Oh, thanks! That’s really flattering of you to say that”
-Sometimes you would hear the rude things people say about your hair at your workplace
-So the fact that someone actually said that to you really made you feel all happy inside
-“You’re so very welcome, my name’s Ivo, Ivo Robotnik”
-“Wow that’s an….. Different name but I mean it in a good way” You laugh a little bit
-He thinks you have the cutest laugh
-“My name’s (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)”
-“Beautiful name and I mean that in a good way, no sarcasm” He chuckled
-After y’all introduced yourselves, he sat down with you and had a good conversation
-Both of y’all just clicked just like that
-He found you to be quite an interesting person and the more you guys talked, the more he started to like you
-You were successful in a job you were working at and carried yourself very well
-You had great sense of humor
-And you were also outgoing and friendly
-And loved to meet new people
-Oh yeah, Robotnik fell in love with you right then and there
-Well, not “love” because y’all just met but he did develop a huge crush on you though before it turned into real love later on
-Y’all exchanged numbers and became very good friends
-As y’all grew more closer, that friendship started to blossom into something else more
-At first, you liked him but as a friend at the time
-But as time went on, you realized that you were starting to have feelings for him
-He was smart
-He was funny and loved to make you laugh
-He was there for you when you needed him
-(Well, except when he’s not busy trying to catch Sonic of course, but you totally understand. You handle some things on your own though)
-And he was a great friend to you overall
-Y’all eventually started to date and became a couple
-He’s been treating you like a queen while being with him and you loved and appreciated every second of it and him in your life as well.
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nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 9
Nate’s POV
After Dave’s practice was over, I decided to go to his house with him. He still seemed mildly pissed, so I thought of taking the initiative and spending some extra time with him today.
According to him, the coach yelled at Lucas and Butch for starting a fight, then at Dave for fighting back, chatted with them about being good teammates and having each other’s backs.
Funny enough, he said he preferred to have an endurance practice as a punishment for the whole team, for not having separated the guys before the blood started to spill out.
The rest of the team got punished as a lesson for everyone. “If this happen again, your body will fall apart after the hell of endurance training I’m gonna give ya” Dave repeated the coach’s words, in a mocking tone. “It’s just… so unfair, bro! I’ve got punished because some assholes randomly tried to pick on me because… Uhm…”
I looked at him, expectantly. “You really just got it, right?” Big alpha Dave just got a taste of his own medicine, apparently.
Not saying I condone violence nor that I approve Butch and Lucas’ behavior. I would never wish for something like that happening to anyone I know, but I’m kind of glad Dave got to know how it feels?
The… unfairness, when you get attacked at school (A place where you are supposed to be safe) and everyone acts like you’re the problem, while encouraging the big jerks who actively want to make your life a hell just because they can. There’s something karmic to it, and I love it.
He looked at me, still frowning, but his expression seemed to relax after a few seconds. “Sorry, don’t know how you managed to put up with that for… How long have you been putting up with that? Just remembered we don’t really know each other for that long”
I looked up and tried to concentrate, to recall when did the harassment begun. After a few moments, I gave up. “It was probably always there, because I can’t really remember. Probably middle school? It did increase when I came out of the closet, so there’s that too”
“Aw, bro…” Dave said, sitting down beside me on the bed. “If maybe I had met you before, I could have protected you from all those assholes”
‘It doesn’t really help since you were one of those assholes when you arrived, but I’m sort of glad you never bothered to try and beat me up. That’s a difference, I guess’ I thought, remaining silent to avoid hurting his feelings.
The big jock was wearing a green tank top, which seems a little underdressed due to the current weather we’re having lately. Winter seems to be coming early this year.
“It’s okay. I’m still alive, huh?” I said, trying to sound funny for him to lose that frown. I’m not going to blame it all on him, mostly because he hasn’t done anything against me in the past, and because he was trying to change for the better now. And I’m NOT throwing away his progress because I want to rant.
He gave me a little smile, with caring eyes full of love. “And I’m really happy for that, babe” Then Dave leaned in and started kissing me. I kissed back, of course, before he pulled me with him to lay down on his bed. The heat from my body was pretty nice, and I could totally spend the rest of the night like this.
Kissing together, cuddling, maybe ask him to transform into his werewolf form. But now, this was all I needed.
As we took a little break from the kiss, I had an idea. I moved my hand to the side of his torso and started scratching there. Suddenly, Dave’s leg raised and started kicking the air as the werewolf stud closed his eyes, tongue lolling out as usual when he acted like a happy dog.
“Feeling better now?” I said, as I stopped scratching. That was one of my favorite things about him, the acting like a nice and happy puppy when I treated him like one. I wondered if he could catch a Frisbee with his mouth.
Dave nodded blissfully as he returned to his senses. “You’re the best, bro. Always looking out for me…” He leaned in again to kiss me, but this time, he moved to be on top of me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as we continued to make out together.
I did notice he started to rub his cock against my ass, with our pants in between. It did feel good, so I didn’t stop him.
I broke the kiss and looked at him, who stopped to see what happened.
“So… Dave…” I started, trying to find the words. The truth is, I felt pretty horny myself. And I knew he was horny too, due to his big cock being noticeable in his shorts. The werewolf expectantly waited for me to continue. “If I were to… you know, ask you to fuck me… would you agree?”
I internally face palmed. I mean, I have complete control over him, of course he would agree! I’m just delaying the inevitable because I’m afraid of getting fucked! What if it hurts? What if Dave doesn’t like it? What if I don’t like it?! Dave is not even gay, but he happens to be in love with me!
All my insecurities started to ramp up and aggressively knock on the door that was my sanity, making me feel more anxious as soon as I finished speaking those simple words.
Dave knew I was a virgin, so he looked at me with caring eyes again. “I ain’t gonna force you, bro. If you ain’t ready, then it’s fine by me. You’re the priority here, babe” I could tell he really meant that, but that he would gladly fuck the brain out of me if I said I’m ready.
But, I shook my head. “No, I want you to do it, puppy boy. I mean it”
His smile grew bigger, like a little kid when you tell them that you’ll buy them a new console for Christmas and actually make it happen. “I-I’ll do the best I can to make sure you really enjoy it, bro! Your first time HAS to be perfect!”
I nodded, smiling too. His enthusiasm seemed to be contagious, and then he moved to take his tank top off. I did the same, taking off my shirt and mimicking him as he also took off his pants.
And then, Dave’s dad knocked the door. We were sort of alone in the house, with Dave’s mom working again until later tonight, and his dad being out for the evening. Until now, apparently.
I wondered if Dave heard him coming or if he was too distracted to notice. “Hey guys, I know you’re in there. Just wanted to know if Nate is going to stay for dinner so I know how much food should I prepare”
I blushed, wondering if Dave’s dad heard all we were talking about. And in the meantime, Dave seemed pretty pissed again. I noticed he even started to growl, like the first time I came here. Apparently, his dad isn’t of his liking when I’m around, even when Mr. Walker told me he was alright with me being around his son.
“I can stay if you want, P— Dave” I held myself back and decided to not call him puppy boy when his father might be on the other side of the door.
Dave stopped growling at the door to look at me. He nodded, with a little smile before going back to hating on the door. “Yeah, he’ll stay. Mind leaving us alone now?”
“Sure, Imma about to leave again so you can both go back to your kissing and—”
“YEAH, WE GET IT POPS. YOU CAN FUCKING LEAVE NOW” Dave shouted at the door, and surprisingly his father just laughed before walking away.
We waited expectantly until we heard the front door opening and closing, then Dave went over to one of the windows to make sure he was gone.
The jock turned to me, trying to give me a comforting smile but I could tell he was still pretty mad about everything, and his father didn’t help at all.
“I dunno if that ruined the mood for you but…” I noticed his cock wasn’t hard anymore, which was a surprise. He’s always hard around me, but maybe this was too much for him to handle. “Y-You can still order me to get hard if you want. I want to make you feel good, bro”
Looking at it, I didn’t consider how many changes he’s been going through lately. First, dropping his girlfriend out of nowhere after he discovered I’m his soulmate. Saved me from his teammates, apologized to one of the nerds he used to torment. And now he’s getting distanced from his ‘bros’ because they don’t like him being with me.
I also noticed he’s been trying to get better at studying, and even showed me how he “summarized” (Although he just copied word by word what the professor was talking about in an almost perfect way) a whole class. He’s really trying his best, while also focusing a good chunk of his time after school on practicing football.
I liked that, and I haven’t ordered him to do that for me so I liked to think that Dave was actually looking forward to changing his bad behavior for a nicer one.
Not terrorizing the nerds didn’t seem to take a big impact on him, in fact the rest of the football players seemed to calm down after he did. He’s the one setting the example!
Except for… Butch and Lucas, who weren’t “buying any of his shit”. I could easily tell Dave to hospitalize them because of all the damage they’ve done so far, not only to me but to the other students as well.
But that would be bad, and I’m not a vengeful person, and using Dave as a weapon was Wrong with a capital W.
He’s a real guy with emotions and thoughts of his own, but he finds himself unable to disobey anything I say due to his werewolf nature. I still don’t know how soulmates are sorted and if that has anything to do with our souls being similar in some aspect or by the smell I have.
I shower almost daily so I wasn’t sure of how he could smell me and discover I’m his soulmate. So I gave the credit for that to his supernatural abilities as well.
“Hey, come here” I commanded him, and he obeyed. He was still on his boxers, since we didn’t get to the ‘get fully naked’ part. His pecs bounced pretty nicely as he walked over towards me like the good puppy boy he was.
Dave kneeled in front of me, and placed his head on my lap, like a dog craving for his master’s attention.
“Nnn… nnn… nnn…” Awww, he was making those sounds that dogs make when they’re sad. “It’s been an awful day, bro… Thanks for being here with me…” He looked up at me, and his eyes seemed teary. I’ve never seen him like this, his face seemed mildly beaten up even though his injuries seemed to have already healed “I love you…”
I… I was shocked. Not because of the ‘I love you’ because he said it before, a lot. But because I’ve never seen him show ‘weaknesses at all. He always seemed so… big macho alpha.
I placed my hand on his cheek and softly caressed him. “I-I love y-you too, Dave” I whispered, and he gave me a little smile.
Then he jumped at me, making me fall back to the bed. The werewolf was on top of me now, looking excited. “Y-You said it! You said you love me!” Huh, it was weird hearing him stutter.
I looked away, feeling my cheeks burning. “Hey, I couldn’t just sit there and watch you cry—“
“Who’s cryin’? Not me, bro. Crying’s for pussies! Alphas don’t cry, bro!” He stated, with proudness returning to his voice. Huh, he seemed way more energetic than just a few moments ago. His behavior did one of those 180° turns again, and the sadness completely disappeared.
I chuckled “You’re a good alpha puppy, don’t you?”
Honestly, I was relieved to see him happy again. He seemed on the verge of crying, and I kind of had an idea why. I don’t want to see him crying, so I should… let go of the ‘leash’ a little bit and have him act like he normally would? Maybe rough changes like the last few ones are upsetting him?
He may be trying too hard to please me like a good soulmate, and I’d hate myself if he’s hurting himself by doing that.
“I am, bro!” He rolled on the bed and sat beside me, as I moved to look up at him. The jock flexed both of his arms, putting on a show for me, before saying “I’M A FUCKING ALPHA PUPPY!”
Alright, that sounded ridiculous, but it was closer to his normal self. Maybe that would help him a little, not trying to change so drastically for me but remain as his usual self while getting on the habits of studying and not bullying.
I moved myself to place my head on the big pillow, and motioned Dave to lay down with me. “I know we were about to… do the lewd,” He chuckled like a little child “But I think I’d prefer to just cuddle together like we always do?”
“Anything you’d like, my love. Should I turn into a werewolf so you can rest on my fur?” Hah, this guy is truly amazing. I shook my head though, I preferred having him in human form just in case we wanted to kiss.
I hugged him, while wrapping my legs around him. He just waited there, smiling blissfully as he stared at me with his nice blue eyes.
A big muscled guy with handsome face, blue eyes, and an alpha werewolf too. How lucky I am to be his soulmate?
…Huh, I’m really falling for him. But it’s okay, it’s not like I don’t love him or anything.
Dave’s dad returned after like an hour, and I suspected he wanted to give us time to finish with losing my virginity.
…That didn’t happen, of course, so we tried to avoid the subject while we ate our chicken breasts with smashed potatoes and broccoli. ‘These guys surely love being healthy’ I thought to myself as I silently enjoyed my meal.
Mr. Walker and Dave both ate like they barely chewed their food at all, but I sort of got used to that after a few meals with Dave. The jock still seemed really happy, and would throw me some nice smiles each time I looked at him.
Dave’s dad just looked at us, taking turns to look at each one of us before his gaze went around the room. “So,” He started, after the silence apparently bored him. “Football game coming up. Do you like football?”
I tried to think of a good answer for him. But I remembered he was not one of the jocks at school, I could answer with the truth on this one. “Not really a fan. I mean, I know the basics but never sat down to watch a full game before”
Dave finished with his current piece of chicken before joining the convo. “Can’t wait for the next game. Will you cheer for me, bro?” He asked, before getting a bit of smashed potatoes on his mouth.
I nervously nodded, as the big guy’s eyes filled with happiness. Guess now I have a football game to attend, although I had to attend anyway because Dave already lied to his teammates about me being there.
Mr. Walker looked at us once again and chuckled silently. Dave looked at him and asked “What, anything to say, pops?” It did annoy me a little how he treated his father in a mean way when I’m around. I think it was because he thinks he has to protect me but Mr. Walker already left very clear that he’s rooting for us.
He held his hands up, saying “Nope, nothing to see here, kiddo” before smiling at us.
Dave did a ‘Mmhmm’ sound, with suspicious eyes. I patted his back, whispering “It’s okay, big guy. You can chill out” and his face turned to that numb blissfulness he always sported when I ‘ordered’ something to him.
Adam raised an eyebrow to that, before shrugging it off. “Soulmates, amiright?” He said to me, before throwing his son a mocking look.
Huh, being around the Walker family was going to be more fun than expected.
Next morning, I woke up before Dave did. He snored a lot, but I was deep sleeper so I barely noticed him.
I did wake him up a while after I did though, because we would be late to school. I wanted to stay a little longer with him on the bed, but he’s been trying so hard to be a better student that I’m not going to hold him back by being the irresponsible one now.
Breakfast was alright, Dave’s mom was asleep due to the extra hours at work she did last night, apparently. So, Mr. Walker took care of making us quick scrambled eggs with bacon before almost kicking us out of the house to avoid being late. “THAT WOMAN IS GOING TO KILL ME, CMON GUYS. EAT, EAT, EAAAAAAT!” and I really surprised with the amount of food Dave was able to eat.
I usually took my time, but the peer pressure by Dave’s dad made me finish ASAP, before we went upstairs to grab our bags and practically ran towards Dave’s car.
The driving to school was pretty normal today. At each chance Dave had to stop due to a traffic light, he would take the chance to pull me in for a good kiss until the light turned back to green. It was a really nice detail by the werewolf jock.
When we arrived at school, he decided to not stay in the car this time, and got out at the same time I did. I had a feeling he didn’t care anymore about being seen together, and that was great by me.
We did get separated as soon as we stepped into the school, though. I went towards Sam and Dave got grabbed by one of his teammates and dragged away to their usual spot. I had to talk with Sam anyway so… pretty cool day so far, huh?
“Hey Nate” Sam greeted me, holding out his hand to slap mine. “Got the notebook?”
“Uh… Yeah, I think so” We had a meeting last day, since he’s the student council’s president. Dick is his vice president and I’m the… the guy who just appears to help, because his secretary was busy with robotics at the moment and would refuse to leave the class.
I reached out to my bag and grabbed a green notebook full of receipts and other documents. If Sam or anyone in the council used any of the money they had saved up for a project, they needed to have the receipts and a little sheet explaining what was the money used for.
I made my best to ensure that nothing fell out the messy notebook, then passed it to Sam. “I haven’t been able to do the maths, but I think you have enough money for the basic decorations already. If anything, a couple of events could do the trick to get more fancy stuff”
“What held you hostage last night? Did you try to kill a Zorah magdaros without armor again or are you back at trying to platinum RE2?” He asked, grabbing the notebook and carefully placing it in his locker.
“Uh… You wouldn’t believe it” I said, trying to sound kind of dismissive to change the topic. “But hey, the meeting wasn’t as bad as I expected. I could stick around a few more times if you need help”
Being in the student’s council wasn’t part of my plans, because I have my own extracurricular activities to attend to. But it’s always nice to do a favor to your best friend, right?
Besides, Dick and Hannah seemed to get along really well during that meeting, so I’ll assume the baseball player must be on the clouds today, huh?
I turned around and noticed Dave speaking with his Leslie, with a fellow teammate near him. I think the group got sort of separated after yesterday’s fight, with a few players around Butch and a few players on Dave’s side. Speaking of Dave, he looked in my direction and smiled, before waving his hand.
I waved back, and Sam tapped my back. “Oh yes Dave, look at me with those deep blue eyes and take me to heaven!” He said, in a mocking voice. It’s pretty obvious by now that he’s fully aware of what’s going on, and that was annoying.
All the effort that went into being secretive had been wasted, but I was also glad about it.
I could walk up to Dave and talk to him on the corridor like we’re normal friends now, right?
The bell rang, and our first class was going to start. I gave Sam a “Dude, cut it off. You’re not funny” as he laughed. Then we set on our way to the classroom.
I sat down my usual spot, and when Sam seemed about to sit down with me, he got interrupted by a pair of big hands grabbing him by the shoulders.
“Yo, Sammy!” Dave said. “You’re sittin’ with me today, got it?” His commanding behavior seemed to be back. Honestly, it was hot, but I wondered what he had in mind for Sam. And I should also tell him to stop calling him ‘Sammy’.
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” Sam frowned, he really didn’t like being called Sammy.
The big jock answered “You’ve got that damn right, Samson!” still with a big and seemingly friendly smile.
My best friend sighed. “If we’re going to be partners, you will address me correctly. I’m Sam, Dave. Not Sammy, nor Samson, and don’t even try with Sampster”
Sam continued with his list of banned nicknames as Dave rolled his eyes, gave me a wink and dragged my best friend away. Alright, and my partner of the day is…
“Hey Nate” L-Leslie said, sitting down next to me and giving me a really nice smile.
W-Woah, that surprised me so much that even my narration is stuttering now.
Leslie Wilson is one of the hottest (Not for me, because of the gay thing, but I still can tell why guys love her) girls around. And if you judge her by her appearance, you may find that she looks a bit nerdy, like me.
That’s only a façade for when he’s at school, because the cheerleader uniform and losing her glasses reveals her true siren-ish appearance. And she seems to be a great party girl too, from what I’ve heard.
The girl is the equivalent of a goddess, basically. And also she’s Dave’s ex, because the big guy is also the equivalent of an Olympian.
“H-Hey” I was about to ask her how did she knew my name, and then it struck down to me. Dave and her might have been talking and this is part of his plan of going out. I’ll make sure to order the werewolf to tell me before he does this again. I assume he forgot to tell me or something, because I think we had this talk before.
“How’s it going, stutter guy?” I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t trying to think of an answer to seem cool or anything, but my mind was blank at that moment, probably from the shock. And she was making fun of my stutter, awesome.
I looked around and saw Dave and Sam engaged in a chat together, and the jock seemed really happy.
“Uhm… pretty good?” I wanted to hit my head with the table. She’s being nice! Dave probably asked her to sit with my today! Why am I so nervous?!
Luckily, Leslie just chuckled at me before going “Wow, Dave wasn’t lying when he said you’re always nervous” Oh, good to know she doesn’t think I’m a weirdo. Or maybe she does and I’m just embarrassing myself further. “He talked greatly about you, so don’t worry. I think you’re cool”
‘You don’t even know me, gurl’ “How so?” I managed to ask.
She moved her hair a bit, like she was nervous too. Wait, she was nervous to talk to me? Hell, being around Dave surely gave me a reputation.
“He told me how he’s trying to change for the better, to make you less nervous around him. I think that’s cute as hell!” Luckily, she was almost whispering, to avoid any eavesdropper to hear our conversation. “Man, he even apologized to Liam. You know how long I’ve been trying to do that? Ever since I’ve met him”
“I just… He wanted to change, and I gave him the method, I guess—”
“But that’s the case. He didn’t even bait an eye and straight up ignored me when I asked him for that repeatedly. But you’ve been hanging out for, what, a week or two? And he’s already almost unrecognizable from his –Excuse my words- moronic self”
There was some sort of admiration on her eyes. She was excited, and I could tell that she cared about Dave. I like her, she’s way nicer than I thought. I’m not saying I’ll ask her to hang out with me because that would be weird and I don’t want to embarrass myself any further.
Huh, she seems so nice and chilled. I’ve heard stuff about her, of course. A lot of nice things, which were hard to believe because it broke the “popular girl” stereotype by a loooong shot. And her relationship with Dave made it less believable.
The big guy is much different than her, which makes me wonder how they ended up together in the first place. According to rumors, Leslie is caring, nice and wants the best for everyone. She applied for Harvard and studies a lot to keep a perfect G.P.A, along with other extracurriculars.
She also was the mediator during Sam’s deal with the jocks to make sure nobody touched a little hair from him, which was also a nice detail.
Dave, on the other hand, was known for being an ass to everyone. Reckless and without a bit of mercy on his blue eyes, the big guy could totally break someone’s spine if he wanted to. After learning that he’s a werewolf (And an alpha werewolf, nonetheless) a few things got explained, and now he’s trying to change for the better, as I’ve already mentioned.
“I mean, I know a few of his teammates tried to pick on him after you two started to hang out. But don’t pay attention to them, most of them will follow his leader” She motioned his head to Dave’s direction “to the ends of the earth, while others will try to take over his alpha title. I’m honestly quite surprised that Butch and Lucas don’t have a purple eye today”
“Hey, heard you two talking ‘bout me” Lucas said as she finished, a few desks away from us. Was he listening to our conversation? Fuck, high school is really a danger zone to talk about private matters!
“Oh, and what are you going to do? I’d love to see you trying anything, hun” Leslie said, carelessly. Holy heck, she seems almost as reckless as Dave is.
Lucas frowned at us “What’s up with everyone lately? Faggot sickness must really be that contagious—“
A book flew over our heads and Lucas ducked at the perfect moment to avoid it hitting his face.
“Oops. My bad, my book just slipped” Dave said. The rest of our classmates got in total silence, then started to whisper as Dave got up from his seat, walked over to Lucas and grabbed his book again. 
Before he returned to his seat, he grabbed his teammates’ shoulder and looked straight into his eyes in a menacing way. I couldn’t tell if he was saying something, so I wondered what was that all about.
Lucas seemed about to piss himself, but tried to keep his stance. A few moments later, Dave just chuckled and went back to sitting next to Sam, giving me a wink as he passed in front of my desk.
“Dude, that was my book” I could hear Sam saying, and Dave apologized with a “Sorry, grabbed the first thing I saw, bro”.
“What’s all the noise in here?” Fuck, the professor entered. Lucas didn’t say a word to him, luckily. Leslie and I decided to postpone our chat for later, as class was about to start.
I couldn’t get off my head the scene that just played out in front of us. I smiled to myself, feeling proud of him even though he was as violent as when we met. It was for a good cause, though. Maybe he felt the need to step in and defend me and Leslie.
Either way, I loved my big werewolf jock.
Sadly, Leslie had to attend some matters by herself after class, so we just exchanged our phone numbers and went in separate ways.
I reunited with Sam and Dick at the corridor, and the former seemed pretty comfortable after spending his morning with Dave.
“He hasn’t threatened me even a single time! Could you believe that? I don’t think that ever happened ever since I’ve met him. How about you, Nate? Lucky bastard got to share a seat with Leslie!” Sam said, clearly surprised of Dave’s friendly behavior. I was glad to hear that he liked spending time with him.
I tried to say some lame excuse as to why Leslie sat with me, but nothing good would come out. I ultimately went with the “You know that I always sit with a new partner every day, maybe there wasn’t any other place and she thought ‘well, fuck it’ then sat with me for the class”.
I really can’t say for sure that they believed me, but they stopped talking about it. That’s a pro, I guess.
The day was mostly a normal one. Some of my classes aren’t the same ones that Dave picked, so we have to separate from time to time. As much as I’d love to spend more time with the puppy boy, we wouldn’t be able to meet up until breaks or lunch time. Not even after school, at least until his football practice was over.
I tried to think of a way for Butch and Lucas to not bother Dave anymore, but it seems like his teammates took Dave’s side on this one, mostly. And because of that, his mates had to shut up and do as their coach said.
Dave asked me to stay around for a while because he wanted to tell me something in private but had to head to the practice, so I just nodded and told him to text me when he was ready.
In the meantime, I went to the library and just caught up with my homework as I waited for the werewolf to text me. It was going to be an hour or so until he would be done with practice, so I had a lot of time to catch up.
After an hour and almost a half, Dave sent me [Locker room. Private chat 🐶🐶]. I grabbed all my stuff and walked out of the library, heading to the sports area.
I walked into the locker rooms next to the football field. I’ve never been into this part of the building before. It looked like your normal, grey and boring locker room, but a bit bigger and with a few shower stalls separated in a row.
Dave was sitting on a bench, in front of his opened locker and with his bag next to him. He was wearing his jersey, with the football armor underneath. I don’t think he had showered yet after the practice, but at least he didn’t look beaten up again.
He turned to face me as soon as I stepped into the room, and grinned. “Hey bro, missed you”
He got up and walked closer to me, leaning in for a nice and slow kiss. Gentle as usual, I loved the taste of his mouth as I kissed him back.
“Hey… did you wait until the locker room was empty to call me? We could have met behind the bleachers if you wanted privacy—” But he shook his head.
“It’s cool outside, so I preferred to take you to a more private place. My teammates are gone by now, so we’re pretty much by ourselves until the janitor comes to close. And I know he’s going to take a while, I’ve been here with Lee before” He explained, still smiling.
I nodded, admiring his shape. The armor under the jersey made his torso look bigger than it was, which was already quite impressive by itself.
At that moment, I felt… something. Like when Dave sucked me off for the first time, I felt the need to command him, but I also felt myself incredibly attracted to the werewolf. I think… The soulmate bond may be it, right?
It’s just a dumb theory but maybe it works as a double-edged sword? I mean, I don’t feel like I need to give myself to Dave in mind and body, but I actually feel attracted to him in a way I’ve never been to anyone else before.
“Hmm… Could you take off your jersey?” I asked, and he complied with a nice nod. Dave took off the jersey with a few swift moves and threw it on top of the bench he was just sitting on.
“I… I wanted to talk with you, bro. Ever since I’ve met you, I’ve been feeling this… warmness inside of me” He started, looking down at the floor. He was obviously nervous, but I couldn’t really concentrate on what he was telling me because of this weird feeling. I wanted him, a lot.
“Hmm… Don’t mind what I’m about to do. I’m listening, okay?”
As I expected, his eyes glazed over for a second as he vaguely answered a “Got it, bro…” Before he shook his head and resumed. “It’s no secret I love you. I mean, our classmates are still trying to figure it out but they ain’t dumb, bro”
I reached out to his body and placed one of my hands on his abs. He seemed completely oblivious to that, and just smiled nicely as he continued. “And, as your soulmate, I really look forward to doing anything you tell me. I’ve never thought I’d be sayin’ this words to anyone but… you pretty much own me completely, body and mind”
I was indeed listening to him while I explored his body, and it never failed to surprise me too when he said something like that. Hearing a jock (or more specifically, Dave) saying that he will obey you completely and that you own him is not a usual thing.
I moved my hand to his jockstrap and found a protective cup in front of his cock and balls. Speaking of his cock, as soon as I touched him earlier, it started growing hard quickly. Good old David doesn’t waste an opportunity to show off his size.
I grabbed the cup and took it out of his jockstrap, then lowered the sporty underwear. “I ain’t trying to talk bullshit here, bro. But seeing how my last attempt went, I thought about opening myself a bit more rather than just… straight up asking you, babe”
“So… you wanted to ask…?” I didn’t intend to sound like a dick, but this… dominant feeling I was having made me want to order Dave around a lot more. And since I didn’t want to interrupt him opening his heart out to me, the last thing I could do was hear him out while also appeasing myself.
I wrapped my hand around his hard cock and started jerking him off. That didn’t stop him, though. His smile just got a bit bigger as he said “I’ve said this already and I’ll never be tired of repeating it. I love you, Nate. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and when you told me you loved me yesterday, I couldn’t feel sad anymore because it was a sign that I was being a good soulmate for you”
He seemed to pant while I jerked him off, and that made him only cuter the more he spoke. He was right, I loved this guy. And even if the soulmate bond made me feel that way, I could tell that it was also my own doing.
I’m the one who tried to make him a better guy overall, and he changed without a second thought. Like the good puppy boy he was.
“Hell, I also want to be a good puppy boy and drop to me knees to act like a good dog for you, bro. I don’t know if that’s weird, but you know I’d do anything for you” The fact that he’s just completely oblivious to me jerking him off makes this chat way hotter than it should be. He started to moan in between words a bit more frequently, obviously getting closer.
“But… been m-meaning to… ugh… a-ask you something a-again…” Dave’s body suddenly stiffened, as a random stutter started to appear when he came in front of me, his cum falling straight on the locker room’s floor.
‘Now, that was a good shot’.
“Do you have a napkin, puppy boy?” I asked him. He nodded blissfully and grabbed a paper napkin from his bag, handing it over to me before resuming his position. “Thanks”
I proceeded to clean up the cum on the floor, because we’re not animals and it would be weird for someone to see this.
“As… As I was saying… Would you be my boyfriend, Nate?” Dave asked, regaining his coolness and looking down at his feet. “No matter what you answer, it’s my goal in life to serve and protect you from anything, my love. Just thought that… well, it’s totally your choice. You’re the one with the control here, bruh”
He seemed so chilled while saying that, and it’ll probably always creep me out how werewolves (in plural, because Dave’s dad seemed in bliss when he talked about his soulmate) talk about giving up control of their lives in such a chilled and relaxed way. Like it’s actually normal, for anyone to do that.
I loved how that little detail got me a buffed stud, though.
I looked up at him, as I finished cleaning up the cum and threw the napkin into a nearby dumpster. Then, I walked back to him and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back, and then I broke it to give him my answer.
“Yup, that would be great, puppy boy” Dave suddenly gave me a really nice smile, one I haven’t seen before. Probably pure bliss? I couldn’t tell. He didn’t waste a second, pulling me closer in a bear hug and then kissing me again.
“THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU, YOU’RE THE BEST SOULMATE I COULD HAVE WISHED FOR” The big guy left me on the ground as soon as I tapped the side of his torso, because he was leaving me breathless. “I promise that I’m going to spend the rest of my live dedicating each second to loving you and providing you with anything you may need, alright?”
I recovered my breath and looked at him, surprised. “Easy, puppy boy. First off, sit” I pointed to the floor, to show that I was actually referring to sitting like a dog. He understood it perfectly and obeyed.
Then, I looked around. Shit, this isn’t really the place to be doing this. I shook my head “Sorry big guy, we’ll have to go somewhere more private first, alright?” He nodded excitedly. He got up and pulled his jockstrap up.
“I’ll shower at my house, or yours, or wherever you want me to shower, babe” Dave said, taking off the football armor and reaching out to his locker with his clothing.
This seems like an amazing day so far, and I’m glad to see the puppy boy is not sad anymore.
Chapter 10 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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atopearth · 4 years
Piofiore: Fated Memories Part 2 - Dante Falzone Route
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Hmm maybe Dante's route will answer why Lili seems to be so important to the Falzone and the church? Is she a descendant of the people who were tasked by "angels" to create this church and thus led to the creation of the Falzone or something? I wonder how Orlok is involved though~ Interesting to see Dante personally come to the church to protect and save Lili even though I doubt Orlok really meant any harm. Loll at Dante though, he seems like such a silly awkward boy that doesn't know how to properly communicate with others, he wants to keep her safe in the Falzone estate but doesn't even properly tell her that he intends to do that and just kinda assumes it by giving her a room and everything lol. Honestly though, I feel sorry for Lili, although she's being "protected", it's practically as if she's been kidnapped since she's not even allowed out of her room, and no one from the church or wherever is supposed to know that she's here, I would feel so uncomfortable if I was her. I guess at least she tried talking to Dante about it, too bad he refuses to say anything😪 I love how Leo is such a pure and earnest soul though, he is so kind and sweet to Lili, he tries so hard to help her too, it's nice that Leo is such an understanding and thoughtful bodyguard.
Lmaoo when Lili made a silk rope and tried to climb down the balcony to escape. To be fair, I would risk doing the same thing, Dante really isn't helping the situation by hiding everything from her. The CG of Dante catching her when she fell is so pretty though! I knew that Dante was hiding how the people were doing at the church because something happened to Sister Sofia but I didn't expect her to have died... Awww it was so cute how Leo thought Lili tried to run away because he was stuck to her 24/7 loll, he gives her so much space, there's no way he's overbearing! He's such a good boy🥺 especially now that she's not eating after finding out what happened to Sister Sofia, so he's trying to find a way to get her to eat. I love the suggestion of getting Nicola, Leo and Dante to eat with her to try and motivate her in a way. Too bad Dante didn't do it, but it's nice to see Nicola spending time naturally chatting with her and eating with her, I think eating together with someone really helps to make the food easier to take in. Omgg, Leo is such a cinnamon roll, he even took time out to buy her books and flowers since he felt bad that he didn't have permission to eat or do anything with her🥺 Ohh, Dante told him to get the gifts for her! Hahaha, omg, he's so cute🤣 It's actually kinda funny but so sweet how attentive and efficient Dante is. She just told him that she's a bit lonely since Leo has been busy and he tells Leo to get her a kitten the next day lmao. I'm actually impressed at how good he is at thinking of gifts to help her be more comfortable here. Dante's gentle expression patting the kitten was so comforting, I loved it. It was also nice to see Lili finally properly cry over Sister Sofia's death with Dante consoling her by rubbing her back🥺 Oh okay, I thought Sister Sofia dying was weird, but I didn't think that Dante would lie about such a thing to Lili especially knowing how important she was to her, I'm not surprised Lili felt betrayed. I'm glad Dante sincerely apologised for lying to her though.
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HAHAHA, I loved how when Nicola was flirting with Lili and seemed to be coming on to her, she just shoved him away and ran off lolll! Although I'm happy that Leo is so considerate of Lili to bring her to the church whenever they have a chance to sneak out, it's obvious that something is going to happen now that she's out hahaha. As expected, the Lao-Shu are on the move for her, but I didn't expect Yang himself to be here for her. Omgggg I never expected to hear about Gau Lung Seng Caai aka Kowloon Walled City in here, I guess it would make sense for Yang to come from there since it was basically fully controlled by triads back in the day~ It's kinda worrying that Orlok can invade the Falzone estate and get to Dante so quickly loll, on the other hand, Orlok is a disciple of the church? Ugh, I wanna punch Nicola, like seriously, it's come to the point where they're running away to hide somewhere others don't know about and Nicola STILL insists that no, Lili shouldn't know anything because it's a secret and who knows if it's true since it's so long ago blah blah. Honestly dude, it's not important whether you think it's true or not, the truth is that people like Yang are going after her because they find value in her being the Key Maiden that can unlock the seal to the sacred relic (kinda the symbolic thing that gives the Church power in Burlone since back in the day). They obviously know that her life is in danger because of this, hid it from her all this time "because it's for her own good" when really, they're just treating her like a literal key they can drag from place to place to "protect" disregarding the fact that she's a human and has her own emotions and thoughts. And what? Nicola wants to blame her for sneaking out? Excuse you, yeah she's wrong, but don't make it sound like you guys are right for basically locking her up in the manor without telling her anything important. Like yeah, the Falzone are the guardians protecting the sacred relic and her so of course they know their mission and stuff but there's a huge difference when you know something and when you don't, being kept in the dark just makes everything worse. Honestly they could have just made up some lie to her instead.
Oh how interesting, they even have Disciples like Orlok to monitor the Falzone to see if they're properly fulfilling their roles as guardians?? That kinda seems...silly? Like, why don't you share protection of the relic instead? Also, how do you even know if they're properly doing their job or not? Like, you need the pure Falzone blood (and that's why they're so adamant on the importance of pure Falzone blood) to open the seal and get to the relic but you don't need it to protect it? But I guess there's more to this~ Anyway, Dante blushing on the sofa when he woke up with Lili nearly tripping down on him was cute haha. I'm not sure if I missed it though, wasn't Carlo the cat supposed to stay at the manor? Lmao at Dante being bad at household chores, at least he tried I guess. Yeah, Nicola likes to cause trouble huh? Now Lili thinks Dante is only nice to her because she's the Key Maiden, which is a legitimate worry, but it is pretty slack of her to avoid Dante when he's earnestly trying to approach her and understand what's wrong lol, I feel bad for him.
Like, I don't want to call the Falzone family weak since I feel like depending on the route and stuff, the story "makes" them weak when they want to so that the story can go whichever way they want but c'mon, laced wine that Nicola and Dante didn't notice? I'm surprised they fell for something like that. Nicola is definitely in on it, and Dante is careless lol. But then again, I feel like all our Mafia bosses here make questionable decisions too so I'll just roll with it lol. It was so heartwarming to see Dante so relieved to reunite with Lili and confirm that she's safe. Others can act as the Key Maiden??? So what's the point of Lili then...? Just more convenient? Anyway, the Falzone sure fell in reputation faaast from a newspaper report about corruption with police blah blah, like um, you knew they were Mafia so obviously not everything is going to be all colourful with rainbows, and it's so hilarious how the townspeople can just treat people like Giulia like shit now, excuse me, but I'm sure if Dante and them wanted to, they still have the numbers to oppress you guys, he's just too nice spoiling you all and you tread on him like that after he treated them so well over the years. Ungrateful people. Anyway, their confession was cute, but it sure took a long time for Lili to properly assess her feelings and be honest about her thoughts, but I think Dante being frank about his thoughts was the highlight. A bit like an explosion of all his feelings, his inadequacies, his worries and everything, it's nice that Lili was beside him, because I'm sure Nicola betraying him always hits him hard. On a whole though, sometimes I find it kinda funny how Yang is the only one Mafia-like in that he's actively trying to gain more power and territory, whereas Gil and Dante are pretty chill with the situation (as long as the power balance stays I guess) aside from the troublesome Yang guys lol.
Hahahaha okay, I thought I was vulgar for thinking that Dante and Lili needed to have sex for her "mark" as the Key Maiden to become prominent as needed for the seal (according to Emilio) but to think it really was that!! Okay, funnily, I didn't expect the sacred relic to actually be Jesus' dead body which apparently refutes all the church's teachings since Jesus would be seen as a "normal human" that died, which for me feels kinda silly? I'm not sure what the general consensus is and I never realised that Jesus' body was "stolen" or just cannot be found, but I guess I never really thought that when Jesus died, his body disappeared? I always assumed that Jesus "came down to Earth" and died for our sins in a mortal body, so obviously if he dies, the body will remain but the soul and the spirit or I guess the Holy Spirit leaves and kinda forms the Holy Trinity again? Anyway, I don't know my Bible stuff anymore so I'm not sure anymore, but for me, I feel like this "revelation" is pretty weak and honestly shouldn't be able to undermine the Church but that's just my opinion lol. Anyway, I love how after all that, Yang is just like I'm gonna kill you guys because he hates the Church anyway and he's lost most of his men so he's got nothing much to lose anymore so he might as well take them down with him, I feel like Yang is so random sometimes but I'll roll with it since it's much more amusing to watch him haha. Honestly, I feel so sad for Orlok dying to protect Lili when I feel like she never really saw him for how kind he was, and now he's being relentlessly stabbed by the crazed Yang that's probably on drugs. On the other hand, this might sound crazy but I like this ruthless Yang and I feel like I'm finally seeing a bit of the terror and bloodshed I expected from a game about the Mafia hahaha. Anyway, I'm glad Lili shot a bullet into the air distracting Yang and allowing Dante the opportunity to kill him, I think Yang would be satisfied with that since it seemed like he was just looking for an entertaining way to die. I'm glad that Nicola properly apologised to Lili for his crappy attitude towards her lol.
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Well, the best ending was definitely more plot than romance, and I'm honestly not a fan of the plot here haha, it was more boring than I thought. Anyway, that made the romance part have less time so yeah..but seeing Dante propose to Lili was still cute haha. I actually prefer the good ending much more, it felt like it was straightforward, simple and sweet without the unnecessary plot haha, I also liked how she decided to stay at the church and didn't feel like she was ready to leave and stay in his manor with him yet, which is very understandable imo and I liked how they are spending more time properly bonding instead of living in those moments so focused on protecting her and everything. It felt much more natural. Honestly, Nicola dying by Dante's hands to protect Lili in the tragic ending was expected, and it was sad since Nicola always wanted the best for Dante and he's right that the Mafia will slowly become more and more redundant as time goes by, but I think Dante accidentally killing Gil and Lili going into a coma to protect Dante was really unnecessary. It just basically took away the impact and focus on Nicola's death that should torment Dante forever and tried to make it as "tragic" as possible but it just made me not care about it lol. Especially since Lili is in a coma, Dante will focus on that instead of the fact that he killed his best friend and his "brother" with his own hands and I think that's much more tragic than what happened to Gil and Lili.
Overall, I like Dante’s character more than Nicola, but I can't really say I cared for the story here either haha. It's nice that there were answers to the questions about the plot such as the Key Maiden etc, but the reveal and everything was more boring than I thought haha, so sadly that was disappointing. Otherwise, I think Dante and Lili were pretty cute. But I think I enjoyed the beginning of their relationship more, mainly because it was nice to see how they both worked hard to try and spend time with each other, get to know what the other likes to support them and other things like that, it felt really sweet. But once they moved into the hotel together, I don't feel like much happened and they just kinda got together because that's how it is? I don't know, guess the later parts didn't live up to the vanilla of the beginning haha, CGs were super pretty as usual though~ I do like Dante as a character though, like he can get a bit frustrating at times for being the moralistic Mafia boss but it suits him, and I guess it's nice to have someone like him who is seemingly cold but probably feels the most "feelings" out of the others haha. I think it's pretty cute how Dante has known about her since he was a child and always thought about her even though it was unnecessary lol. Anyway, tbh, I kinda prefer crazy Roberto than the actual plot lolll.
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twisted-fics · 5 years
Meeting the Parents (pt.2)
(pt.1 here) (Visual for the parents here)
"So, you're positive your parents will like me?" Divus asked as he walked through the airport with Ashton. 
Ashton squeezed his hand, "Of course they will, I've told them a lot about you, they were so ecstatic when I told them you proposed, they'll be overjoyed to meet you." 
They continued walking when a voice called out, "Ashton!! Over here!!!" 
Ashton and Divus looked up to see a thin man with long blonde hair in high ponytail that went down to his waist, he wore black glasses, a red long sleeved shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. 
Ashton saw the man and grabbed Divus's hand, running over to the man and giving him a tight hug when they got close enough.
"Papa! It's so good to see you again!" Ashton said. 
"I know! It's been forever since I've seen you! You've grown so big!" The man said back. 
Divus stared at the scene before him, unsure what to say.
Ashton pulled away from the man and turned to Divus, "Ah! Divus, this is my dad." 
Divus held out his hand and the man grabbed it but then pulled him into a hug and hugged him tightly.
"It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm so happy to be meeting the man who loves my son as much as I do!" 
Divus was surprised, he had never really been hugged like this before, but it felt comforting and warm. 
The man pulled away and patted his head, "I'm glad to meet you, I'm Adrian Vargas, Ashton's father." 
"R-right, I'm Divus Crewel, Ashton's fiance." 
Adrian smiled, "Well you have your bags right? Then let's go! I brought my car to pick you boys up! We gotta go quickly though because-" 
"Because we want a surprise mama?" Ashton asked. 
"Exactly! So let's go!" Adrian laughed. 
"Your father is so…kind, Ashton." 
Ashton smiled at him and held his hand, "I know you're not used to affection like that but you'll get used to it, I promise." 
Divus smiled, "Yeah, I think I will." 
"Here we are boys! You stay here while I get Ruby!" He laughed as he exited the car. 
"Your father is excitable too, he must love your mother if he wants to surprise her." 
"He does love mama, he always have since he met her." 
"How nice." 
They both jumped a little in surprise when they heard the car door open and felt the cold air blow on them making them both look over. 
"Oh my goodness!" 
Divus and Ashton turned to see a woman with dark brown hair tied into a braid with pink eyes and freckles dotted across her nose, she wore an aqua turtleneck sweater and black jeans along with white shoes. 
She hugged Ashton tightly and he hugged her back, "Oh my goodness! You've changed so much since I last saw you!" The woman said. 
"I know mama, I missed you too!" 
They pulled away from each other, "Well let's get you both inside! Rouge has dying to see you and to meet your fiance!" 
Ashton and Divus stepped out of the car and grabbed their luggage from the car and began heading to the door. 
The woman walked up next to Divus, "Hello dear, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, I'm Ruby Vargas, Ashton's mom." 
Divus smiled and shook her hand, "Right, I'm Divus Crewel, nice to meet you and thank you for raising such an amazing man." 
Ruby giggled, "You're welcome and thank you for taking care of my son and being there for him, he was so convinced that nobody would ever want to date him." 
Divus wrapped an arm around Ashton's shoulder and pulled him close, "Well he does joke about things." 
Ashton blushed as he snuggled up closer to Divus, "Stop it…I wasn't confident in myself back then." 
Divus laughed, "I know, I'm just teasing you." 
The three of them walked into the house, it was a cozy little place, light blue walls and a white carpet in the living room with a fireplace and small television on top a wooden chest, a small coffee table in front of a large leather couch, there were also small family pictures everywhere. 
Suddenly, someone came rushing out of the kitchen and hugged Ashton tightly. 
"Ahh! There you are you little teddy bear!" She shouted as she ruffled Ashton's hair. 
"Rouge know it off…! My fiance is right there!" Ashton shouted back at her.
The young woman stopped messing with Ashton and looked over at Divus, she then grabbed Divus's hand and shook it roughly. 
"Nice to meet ya! I'm Rouge Vargas, Ashton's cool big sister!" 
She also had dark brown hair, tied up like Adrian's but significantly shorter, she also had blue eyes, freckles and a mischievous grin, she wore a yellow and white striped shirt and blue jeans, she wasn't wearing any shoes but instead socks, one blue and one red. 
Divus nodded awkwardly, "Right…" 
Adrian poked his head in from the kitchen, "Rouge show them to their room and make sure they take off their shoes before they come all the way inside! Divus you don't have any allergies do you?" 
Divus shook his head and Adrian smiled. 
"Well come on, let's get you both settled in." Rouge said as Divus and Ashton took off their shoes. 
Adrian sat down bowls of food in front of everyone and then sat down, "And dinner is served! Tonight we're having boeuf bourguignon and a small salad and since we're all over 21 I've allowed myself to pull out red wine for tonight." 
Ruby smiled at him, "It smells amazing dear, thank you for cooking again tonight too." 
Adrian kissed her hand, "You're welcome, but don't just thank me, Ashton helped a lot too." 
"Of course, he did a fantastic job too, well, everyone go ahead and eat!" 
Everyone began eating with a bit of small conversation in between about life and school and such. 
"So, Divus, how's the food?" Ashton asked. 
Divus swallowed, "It's good, you did a great job cooking." 
Adrian laughed, "Well, Ashton has always had an interest in cooking, he's been helping me since he was five and even wanted to be a chef when he grew up, though he also had a phase where he wanted to be a-" 
"Papa let's not talk about that…" Ashton said quietly, his cheeks now light pink.
"Awww, but it was such a cute time, you wore a little apron and everything." Adrian responded. 
"Ashton what is he talking about?" Divus asked 
Rouge started giggling, "Ashton…" she started laughing louder, "Ashton went through a phase of wanting to be a housewife!!" 
Ashton covered his face, his cheeks now red with embarrassment. 
Divus laughed a little and grabbed Ashton's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers together, "It's ok babe, it's cute." 
"Jeez…stop lying, it's so embarrassing…" Ashton said, turning his head away. 
"Is not, you're too precious." 
Ruby smiled, "I'm glad to see you love him, Divus." 
Divus smiled back, "Of course, I've loved him since I met him." 
"I'm glad to know." Ruby responded.
Everyone was asleep on the couch, a fire in the fireplace was dying down and the tv was playing some old sitcom. 
Divus wasn't asleep, he sat on the couch, petting Ashton's hair as he snuggled into Divus's side, Divus stopped and gently laid Ashton down and kissed his head. 
Divus walked out and sat on the front porch, breathing in the cold, winter air and looking around at all the trees, the sky was beautiful, there were lots of stars and he could trace constellations with his hand. 
Divus jumped in surprise and looked back to see Adrian standing behind him. 
"You ok? You're not sick are you?" 
Divus shook his head as Adrian took a seat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "That's good to know, can't have my new son getting sick while out here." 
Divus looked at him surprised, "N-new son?" 
Adrian nodded, "Of course, you're gonna marry Ashton which will make you my son-in-law, so, you're my new son." 
"But we're not married yet." 
"Divus, even if you were just Ashton's friend I'd still think of you of my own child, you're kind and you love my son, you clearly treat him well and I couldn't ask for anything more, so yes, I think of you like my own child." 
Divus felt his face heat up and his eyes suddenly welled up with tears that soon spilled over making him start sobbing, "I…I'm sorry I just…I don't know…my parents were never kind to me like that so I just…oh my god…" 
Adrian pulled him into a hug, petting his hair, "Shh…shh…it's all ok, you're ok, cry as much as you want, just let it all out until you feel better." 
A week had went by quickly and everyone was at the airport saying goodbye to Ashton and Divus. 
Rouge hugged Ashton tightly, "See you around teddy bear! Maybe I'll even invade your school one day!" 
Ashton groaned and hugged her back, "Alright but try to behave while I'm gone." 
"No promises!!" 
"Divus, please continue to take good care of Ashton for us and maybe take time to come back to visit." Ruby said as she held Divus's hand. 
"I will ma'am, I'll protect him for as long as possible." 
Divus grabbed Ashton's hand as he and Rouge stopped hugging. 
Ashton smiled, "Well, we better be going, the plane takes off in an hour and the tsa line looks a little long." 
Adrian smiled back as he put his arm around Ruby, "Well, I guess this is goodbye till you come to visit again." 
The two boys nodded and began walking in. 
"And Divus?" Adrian suddenly said. 
Divus turned back to him. 
"Welcome to the family." 
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otome-reviews · 5 years
SLBP “The Bride’s Memories, Fleeting as Tears in Rain” Event Review
Props to Voltage for exploring past the traditional happily ever after! This event has been a little surprising to me in several ways - first, I didn’t expect it to ever exist, and second, well...let’s just say there is no correlation between how much I like a character and how good I thought their stories were, lol. My personal ranking, from least to most fave:
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In Masamune’s ES, Hideyoshi and the Hojo clan are preparing to go to war against each other. Both of them want the Date clan to help...and both of them want MC as a hostage as well. WTF? The retainers are split, Masamune’s obviously reluctant to do anything, and MC ends up getting chloroformed by Hojo sympathizers at some point, only for M to conveniently save the day at the last second. She convinces M she wants to be a hostage, and the story ends up with MC in a palanquin, on her way to...somewhere.
My tolerance for unrealistic bullshit in SLBP stories is pretty high, but this story was just too damn much, lmao. Masamune clearly has the position of power here as the third party...can’t he just declare that he’ll ally himself to the first clan to rescind their hostage demand?! Hideyoshi and Masamune seemed to get along ok in M’s Act 2...I’m sure the guy could be made to see reason. I did like the beginning scene where Masamune strokes MC’s hair and lets her sleep in, but to be very honest I kind of thought the rest of the story was crap. ^_^
Personal enjoyment: 1/10
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In Kojuro’s ES, he and MC decide to take care of a boy from the enemy Ashina clan who’s lost his memories (not sure why they couldn’t have just watched him from a distance, tbh). Except then the whole town becomes convinced that said boy is Kojuro’s “bastard” child from before MC, and gets super mad at him! I’m sure this is exactly how people in ancient Japan would’ve reacted to a powerful man’s extramarital child, lol. In the end, boy regains his memories, the Ashina clan learns about him and declares war with the Date clan over the “hostage” they imprisoned, and that’s that. 😂
I mean... I’m glad the story didn’t end with some bullshit reason to separate K from MC?! Besides that, I’m not really sure what the point of this whole ES was. The plot was pretty boring imho, and Kojuro was absent/distant/not romantic for a large part of it. I’m not sure why MC was so insistent that Kojuro be nice to an enemy child, either. Also I saw that trap coming from a mile away once Kojuro mentioned the Ashina were plotting something, and I can’t say I’m super excited to see how this story plays out.
Personal enjoyment: 2/10
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Nobunaga spends most of his ES humiliating his new retainer Murashige. From forcing Murashige to eat mochi directly off his sword (not an innuendo!!) to insulting his young son’s drawing of him to giving a military leadership position to Hideyoshi when Murashige made the most strategic sense, one really starts to wonder how Oda “no people skills” Nobunaga was ever able to get that close to Divine Rule in the first place, lol. In any case, to nobody’s surprise Murashige ends up betraying Nobunaga at a crucial moment, and Nobunaga ends up divorcing MC (this again?! 😂) after a night of astounding sex.
Things I did like about this route: Nobunaga secretly being nice to the son when he thinks nobody’s watching. That sex scene. Nobunaga getting pissed with Murashige claiming his young wife is the most beautiful woman in world (of course, lmao). Things I didn’t love so much: Nobunaga’s total lack of communication regarding why he does the shit he does! I bet we’re going to find out during the sequel that Nobunaga knew all along that Murashige was suspicious. ^_^
Personal enjoyment: 6/10
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After saving the road to a neighboring province from kidnappers and murderers, Yukimura truly proves himself to be the hero we all know he is in his ES! There isn’t too much plot beyond that, but this story is full of cute/hilarious moments instead, such as the poor idiot freaking out when he learns that MC’s gravely injured herself after several rounds of telephone, lmao (spoiler: she just cut herself, a little, while cooking). There’s also a bit of drama/angst when the neighboring province tries to poach Y for a few months to handle some problem I don’t remember and he’s reluctant to leave MC, but he eventually does leave, only to quash said problem... and have a cliff fall on him. !!
This story was definitely super light on the plot, lol. But no plot is better than a bad plot, imho! I did really like the little slice of life moments we got between MC and Yukimura, such as his adorable reaction to MC figuring out how to carve a turnip chrysanthemum ^_^ These two dorks are so in love and impressed with each other. I thought it was super sweet!! Best quote: “I cannot put anything or anyone else before you, even in my thoughts.”
Personal enjoyment: 7/10
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Mitsuhide’s ES is a cute little treat. Here, the poor guy’s been obviously overworking himself, to the point of not having time to accept MC’s care/food (!). And in the meanwhile, people in town have been collapsing for mysterious reasons! After M himself also passes out, he realizes the townsfolk have been suffering from malnutrition after switching from farming to fishing. While MC teaches them how to cook veggies with the fish (lol), he saves the day by establishing a vegetable/fish trading route, and everyone lives happily ever after! ...Except not, because MC finds the guy coughing BLOOD. Uh oh.
I thought the plot was a little silly (do the townsfolk really need some uppity city girl teaching them how to cook vegetables?! lmao), but it was nonetheless a lovely, self-contained, and interesting read! The real star of this story was definitely Mitsuhide himself, who apart from being an overworked sweetheart for the whole ES, also busted out the single best line of dialogue in this event: “When I eat your food...that’s how I know I am home.” Awww 😍 I’m really hoping we learn his illness isn’t terminal in the sequel!
Personal enjoyment: 8/10
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Saizo’s story is one of the more adventure-filled ones! Here, the ninja’s been sent alongside Yukimura on a diplomatic mission to one of their more remote territories/villages. Unfortunately, the son of the village elder holds a grudge against Saizo due to murder (understandable). Said son also kidnaps MC and tries to rape her (less understandable!), but of course, Saizo saves the day. MC talks S down from killing the guy, but the ungrateful bastard claims Saizo’s attacked him and has him arrested...! Yikes.
This story was delightfully dramatic, and I really enjoyed it. Not to mention, Saizo was sweeter than I’ve ever seen him before! From buying MC a cord she was eyeing to resting in her lap to talking in the onsen with her to acknowledging that MC’s made him less murderous, this guy showed that he definitely is capable of doing the romance thing when he wants to. Not to mention, his saving MC scene was super badass (The ravens have come...and so has he)!! I’m quite curious to see what’ll happen in the sequel!
Personal enjoyment: 9/10
I may not have loved every story in this latest event (cough Date clan), but every CG looks so good, like wow! My favorite is definitely Nobunaga’s ;)
Anyway, what did you think of this event?? ^_^
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Before we get married - Episode 13
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Okayyyyy sooo weeeell.  I think this is the last episode.  I don’t want it to end, not yet... I am going to miss them and I don’t need that emotional void in my life right now...  I hate goodbyes TT_____TT
So it’s the big day for the team and everybody is extra nervous.  Naturally, nothing can go smoothly in a drama so the presentation is broken.  Fortunately, there is a save at the office and Weiwei is right there to pick up.  But she doesn’t.  Scooter delivery boy comes with his key to take it.  I hate this.  Enough of Haoyi and Weiwei.  Please.  Oh.  WE HAVE A PROBLEM!  Scooter boy is not Scooter boy anymore.  He bought a porsche ladies and gentleman.  Not just a random car, but a porsche.  How well is doing Maizi’s company for him to be able to have that much money?  Anyways.  Weiwei doesn’t really have another choice but to get in the car with him so she won’t be late to the event.  AND HE’S SUCH A JERK!  He goes on and on about how much he wanted a car like this for such a long time, but he didn’t buy it to economize, bla bla bla. He’s doing it on purpose to piss off Weiwei or make her jealous or I don’t know what, but that technique to get her back is LAME!
Okay oh my god.  Li Haoyi as gone made. He blames her for everything and starts speed driving like a mad man.  And he’s not going to the presentation.  I don’t know where he is taking her, but I don’t like it at all.  So she manages to give a phone call to Kehuan, but it happens to be right when he was about to get on stage.
Omg.  This guy is definitely crazy, he took her to the police office to register their marriage.  He’s forcing her.  This is so twisted.  And how Kehuan got there like two minutes after them? I don’t know, but he must have drove fast because Haoyi was speeding a lot.  Anyways, I am glad he saved her, and in such a cool manner.
On the way back, Weiwei feels really bad because the presentation was cancelled since Kehuan left. To save her.  Back with the others, Ziyuan is again blaming everything on Weiwei.  Girl, shut up.  Her ex-boyfriend tried to kidnap her, she was afraid and she called.  She’s already feeling super guilty about it.  Stop being such a baby because he likes her better than he likes you.
The next day at the office, everybody is wondering if Kehuan will be fired because of what happened on the day of the presentation.  Kefei and Haoyi gets into a fight : he says that if his relationship with Weiwei broke was because she lived with her and her habits of sleeping around with anybody influenced her.  AND THEN DAWEI COMES OUT SAYING “YOU APOLOGIZE TO MY WOMAN!”  And that was so handsome and awww.  Kefei gets shy and runs away.  So Dawei lets go of Haoyi to run after her.  They completely erased all traces of poor Baiyang haha.  And we wasted so much of our time on him.  Anyways, Dawei is just so sweet.  And there was a time I though of him as the annoying collegue.
Chairman Wang meets with Weiwei and Kehuan.  Even though the presentation was a disaster, he will still invest in their product.  However, when Kehuan leaves to take a phone call, he takes the chance to Weiwei that he believes she won’t let her personal life interfere with her work, which is why he decided to invest, but unfortunately, Kehuan is the type to let his feelings interfere.
So Kehuan was demoted.  As to be expected...  And Weiwei doesn’t seem so much bothered by it, she’s actually pretty.  Of course.  BECAUSE SHE PREPARED. She gives her letter of resignation to Ziyuan in exchange that Kehuan will have his position back.
So she goes to the park and then Haoyi comes out.  That guy.  It gives me shivers how annoying he is.  Weiwei definitely doesn’t want to talk and meet with him but he keeps harassing her.  He even forcibly kisses her.  Well at least now he knows she didn’t actually sleep with Kehuan. So he’s like but if I forgive you, can’t we go back?  And she just tells she can’t keep going on loving him.
Next thing you know, he is back to normal???  I don’t know what happened, but it’s weird, super weird.  And he just leaves the project to go back to Shanghai. Okay.  Well. It’s a better ending for those two than I expected.  It just ended then.
After, Weiwei asks Kehuan on a date.  It’s so sudden.  I HAVE A BAD FEELING.  It’s exactly like “let’s have a nice date and then I will disappear”.  I AM SURE!  TELL ME I AM WRONG!
So they go to the movies and Kehuan is just so adorable.  After the movie, they go to the small KTV.  AND THE LYRICS ARE IN SYNC WITH THE SOUND!  I am really satisfied about that.  Very happy.  I can died in peace now.  Weiwei sings my song to Kehuan.  And the looks they exchange.  So wow **  I’m happy.  I’m even more happy because he kisses her like there is no tomorrow and they deserve it so much after all they went through.
Is it happening?  Are they going to sleep together for real this time?  I wish they would switch the song, it’s not suitable.  This song doesn’t fit with a sex scene TT____TT  Thanks.  They stopped it so Weiwei would tell us her plan.  I do agree with her that four people in one couple it’s a little too much, but Haoyi is gone, so it’s three and we can kick out Ziyuan.  We just need to lock her up.  Or something like that.  But no.  No.  Like any other stupid drama female lead, you are going to disappear after giving him a little happiness.  That’s dumb.  And selfish.
Soooo.  Weiwei leaves the company.  Haoyi leaves the company... Ziyuan got the whole office redecorated but... that was for nothing because... Kehuan also gives his resignation letter.  LOL.  Girl, all that you did went for nothing.
So Weiwei promises to contact Kehuan when she becomes the second version of herself.  The drama ends on... the wedding.  At first I thought it was just so random for them to get married, but actually it’s Kefei and Dawei’s wedding haha.  We don’t see them actually get together, but it is implied when Weiwei asks to treat him for coffee.  Which is a throwback to the first episode when he tells her that overseas, people use that excuse to get with somebody. Well in bed, but here I believe it means more to ask about the relationship in itself.
This ending is satisfying in many ways.  I am happy with it but there are still things that bothers me.  Like... Everything about Ziyuan’s baby.  Why did she aborted it?  And was it really Kehuan’s kid?  Because she kind of implied once that maybe it wasn’t.  This hole in the plot is really bothering me, like way too much actually...  I wanted to know.  And I wish we would have seen more of Ziting.  She was an interesting character, she was cool.  I want a spin of about her hahaha.
So this is it.  It’s the end.  I am going to miss this drama, certainly.  I had my doubts when I started it, but overall I am glad I watched it.  I wouldn’t go through it again, it was good, but yet not THAT good.  I enjoyed my time watching it, if I had to give any advice to my past self wether or not to keep watching, I guess I would still tell myself to give it a chance.  It was pretty relaxing, it talked about topics that are not really usually portrayed.  The only thing is that there were too many plot holes and I wish they were covered properly.
Anyways, thank you for anyone that ever read my recaps, I hope you enjoyed it and if ever you have any recommandations for what show I should watch next, feel free to tell me, I don’t know where to start.  Could be old or new, I have plenty of time to waste!
See you around!
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wiggly-blue-shite · 5 years
Chapter 16 The Bell Doesn’t Dismiss You (Tedgens)
More shitty parent stuff. Also slurs... yeah
"Of course you can stay here." Henry has an expression of deep concern.
I can stay here. That's good.
I don't have to go back to that house, MY FUCKING HOUSE, and deal with fucking Keith.
I hope mom is safe. She'll never love me the way she used to, if I ever tell her that I'm... bi. If Keith fucking lays a hand on her I swear to god!
Henry's worried about me. I should fake ok.
"Thank you." I kiss his forehead.
My father would disown me, not that he has any legal claim to me anymore. Then he'd kill me, in the most painful way he could. If he saw me right now kissing Henry, he'd kill both of us without a moments hesitation. A shot to the head each, execution style.
"Do you have your backpack and all your stuff for school tomorrow?" Henry works things out in his head. "You can borrow some of my clothes for tomorrow."
He has no clue what it's like. Like I don't have spare shit in my car and in my backpack at all times. I have enough shit in my car to live off of for three weeks.
"My backpack is always in my car, I have a couple spare clothes and pajamas in my car too." I really wish Henry didn't have to see this aspect of my life. "always gotta be prepared."
Has he seen the picture yet? No of course not. My account is private. One of my fucking snitch cousins must have sent the picture to mom. But no one would send it to Dad. No one wants me dead, I hope.
I'm not going to delete it either. It's a good picture and I'm really happy with how I look. I'm not ashamed.
"Ok." Henry looks like he's thinking about something. "It's a good thing my parents aren't home. They probably wouldn't let you stay."
"Why is that?" I don't want to think about my dad right now. I just want to look in Henry's eyes and think everything will be fine for a spilt second.
"They don't know you. They let Emma and Norah stay because they know them. Also they're girls. My mom would assume you were my boyfriend and-"
Boyfriend... it has a nice ring to it.
"What's wrong with that?" I only really say that because I know it'll fluster him. When he blushes it's hard to think of anything else so.
"We haven't even gone on a date, Ted." That can be fixed. Though if that were to happen I'd be faced with drama and death threats. "You just showed up at me house and kissed me in my kitchen." Henry looks really proud of that comment.
"Well when you say it like that, I sound like a creep." I chuckle a little. I kind of am a creep.
"Funny how that works." Henry smiles mischievously. It's one thing to make me sound like I'm a creep, it's another to imply that I'm a creep.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise my eyebrow and shift closer to him. His lips are so perfect.
"You tell me." Dork. I don want to think of anything but him.
I grab his face and kiss him. I let the world fall around me so all I can see and feel and smell and taste is him. I don't care about the outside world in this moment. Just Henry and his soft lips, and how he smells vaguely of strawberries, and the taste of his chapstick.
I pull away for a second just to catch my breath. Henry starts talking I have to mask my disappointment.
"So what do you want to do now? Because I want to get to know you better." Henry smiles. He's kind of on top of me, which I do not mind. But it's slightly uncomfortable. But he seems comfortable so I don't move.
I'm down for a get to know each other session.
"Ok. What do you want to know." My legs falling asleep so I have to move. Henry shifts off of me. I can feel the blood return to my leg. That's good.
Henry proposed this, he should ask the first question.
"Well I know your favorite color." Well I actually used to like red more. But I think purple might be my favorite color now. "Soo. What's your favorite holiday?"
Wow it has been a while since I have properly celebrated a holiday. Sure I wear costumes to school on Halloween, but no one trick or treats in my neighborhood. We don't exchange gifts on Christmas. Most years I spend Christmas Eve working, or at Bill's house. And then I work Christmas Day.
"I would say Christmas but I don't like hanging out with my family. So like Christmas with friends." If I actually spent Christmas with my mom and Keith, I would have tried to kill him by now. "I'm guessing yours is Halloween."
It's pretty obvious.
"What yeah how did you know?" Henry looks surprised like it was a wild guess. Like I just correctly guessed his favorite holiday is Arbor Day.
"Well it's a really dramatic holiday. You're a theatre dork so. It makes sense." I'm 90% every theatre nerds favorite holiday is Halloween.
Henry's sprawled our on the couch. His head is in my lap. I don't have to think about anything but him and what I want to know about him. And wow he's interesting.
"Ok wait. Dragons or dinosaurs?" Henry asks. That's a pretty silly question. I mean I guess I'll answer it.
"Dinosaurs" I remember lil elementary school me wanting to be an archeologist.
"What! That's ridiculous! The answer is obviously dragons." Henry shoots up with a dead serious look on his face. It's almost like this question has any stakes at all and isn't just petty.
"What dinos are pretty cool." I feel I owe that answer to the young innocent version of me. Your family structure is about to shatter and you'll lose all respect you had for your parents, not just in a teen rebellion way, but hey! Dinosaurs are still cool.
"Cooler than dragons? Look me in the eye and say that dinosaurs are cooler than dragons." He's really passionate about this I guess. Well I've come to understand he's really passionate about a lot of things. This is a weird one though.
"Dinosaurs are cooler than dragons." I don't really know if that's true. Nor do I care. But I chose a side, I'll stick to it.
"How?!" He's pretty cute when he's confused.
"I don't know." Why was I so into dinosaurs? Oh right giant lizards. "They're real. Well not anymore. But like they existed."
"What? How does that make them cooler? Dragons can breath fire!" I got to admit that's pretty cool. But I'm not just got to give him the satisfaction of winning.
"I guess we'll have to agree to disagree." I shrug because honestly I do not care.
"I don't know that I can get over this ted. This might be a deal breaker." This fucking adorable dramatic bitch.
"You're kidding." I know he's joking but honestly I wouldn't be fully surprised if he wasn't.
"I am." Henry leans in and kisses me lightly. Chills. I don't think I'll ever get over that. "But you are a dumbass" how sweet.
"That is correct." At least I'm self aware.
"It's getting late. We should go to sleep soon." Henry stands up. I don't want to be left alone to my thoughts. I wrap my arms around his waist so it's harder for him to walk away.
"Noooo sleep is stupid." I want to keep asking each other stupid questions and not have to sleep and think.
"Sleep is important, Ted." Henry has to be all healthy and shit.
I give the old puppy dog eyes. He looks down at me. He's not going to budge. Well resisting sleep is futile.
"My stuff is still in my car. I'll go get it." I don't want to leave this bubble of course. But I guess I should get my shit.
I stand up and go outside to my car. I open the trunk and grab the bag. I'm glad I washed everything two days ago at Paul's house. So at least it won't fucking smell awful.
I walk back into the house and close the front door. Henry walks down the stairs.
"So I'm sleeping on the couch?" I'm kind of use to sleeping on the floor, hence sleeping bag. So the couch would be a nice change.
"You don't have to." OH! Ok then. "I just don't want you to be alone."
"Awww you care about me." He's the sweetest person. I grab his face and kiss him again. Life is good.
I knew you were a fucking faggot.
I'm dead where I stand.
Fuck. I forgot I only have my fucking mother fucking god damn race car pajamas. I'm like a fucking seven year old Jesus Christ.
"I need a picture of you in those for personal reasons." Henry's giggling watching me setting up my sleeping bag. He wants a photo of me. I can't help but smile. That sentence would be creepy in most other situations.
He's got this super fuzzy rug that's nice and soft. That's a good place to sleep. So that's where I'm putting my sleeping bag.
"Pervert." I look up and wink at him. He giggles so more. Ridiculously cute.
"I am not! You just look adorable." Well at least he thinks these pajamas are cute and not stupid. I do like these, they're just childish.
"Damn right!" I can't help but laugh. I don't consider myself a cute person. But if he thinks I am, that's fine by me.
"You don't have to sleep on the floor." Henry sounds sincere. I know he's not saying I should sleep in the bed with him. But is he? That's moving pretty fast.
"Pervert!" I'm not mentally prepared for that so I'm going to sleep in the floor.
"I am not!" Henry throws a pillow at me. RUDE! He's so fucking adorable.
"Oh really?" I walk over to him.
"I'm not!" He has no right to be that hot.
I sit down on his lap. My breathing feels heavy. Everything is warm. What am I doing?
"are you sure about that?" I feel like I'm whispering.
Henry looks stunned. He's completely red. He's barely moving.
I press my lips on his.
Control yourself horndog
What am I doing? Ahh. I pull away and stand up. I go over to my sleeping bag and lay down. I'm the fucking worst Jesus Christ. I shouldn't have done that. I should apologize.
"Good night, Henry." Thats not an apology, dumbass.
"Night, Ted." Henry goes and turns the lights off and returns to his bed.
I stare up at the ceiling of his room. He has a couple of those glow in the dark stars. That's pretty damn cute.
I need to sleep. Somehow.
Knowing that Keith is in my house. Knowing my mom loves him more than me. She'd probably throw me out on the street if I went home right now, so I'm kind of cutting out the middle man by staying here.
"Fucking fags are ruining this country." He would sit in front of the tv and drink. Mom really does have a type. "Teddy, what do you do if you see two boys kissing?"
"Shoot first ask questions later!" I didn't know better. I fucking idolized that pig, before I knew how fucking terrible he was.
Shoot first, ask questions later. I guess that's what he did. I haven't seen him since he was thrown in jail. Not that I'm complaining.
He is not my father. He would kill me on spot. That bastard will never be my father.
All of this has just been thrown at me at once. The whole bisexuality thing is pretty new, but I think it is me. It's a part of me. If they can't respect that, they are no family of mine.
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arcadianambivalence · 5 years
Les Miserables 2018 Reactions
Episode One
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A title card gives a brief summary of the situation in France before dropping us into the day after the Battle of Waterloo, when the “glory” of battle is over and the gore remains. 
 Rather fitting for a series translated to The Miserable (or Wretched) Ones.
Yikes.  British viewers really weren’t kidding about the typeface.  Or that 1970s slasher movie red.
But in all honesty, I like the change in opening.  It’s a bold move, sure, but it grounds viewers in a specific time in history (so only the inattentive can make the “it takes place during the French Revolution” mistake) and functions as a mirror of the eventual end.  
**Book spoilers**
A Ponmercy possibly dead at the scene of a failed conflict?
A man surviving conflict and returning home to be separated from his child by Gillenormand?
Does this not sound like a bitter cycle when we know this story ends in Marius surviving a failed conflict and Valjean surviving conflict and returning home to be separated from his child by Gillenormand(‘s grandson)?
And to top it all off, the title card ends with: “The old order will be restored.  The revolution forgotten.”  Aside from Les Miserables, how often do you hear of the June Rebellion?
The Opening
Rain, mud, dead horses, trees shattered by cannonballs...the cinematography feels Romantic (capital R) already.  A horse flutters its eyes (Is this a reference to Napoleon’s war horse Marengo, famously depicted in Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David?)
Thenardier (!) rushes onto the screen, injecting it with a surge of adrenaline.  Laughing (?), he hops from one dead soldier to the next, picking pockets and collecting anything of value he can get his hands on relatively quickly.  And he’s not alone.  There are other looters, and there are British soldiers chasing them in the background.
(Are we supposed to see a parallel between this and the way society is shown to treat its ‘dead’ and ‘dying’? Or are the British soldiers chasing people breaking laws, or at least morals, representative of how the Law works in the series?)
...But I can do without Thenardier cackling the entire time.
Anyway, he starts to loot one soldier crushed under a fallen horse when the soldier regains consciousness and, thinking Thenardier pulled him out for charitable reasons, thanks him for saving his life.  Could it be Baron Pontmercy?
The Pontmercy Plot
In a rare adaptation appearance, a living Baron Pontmercy returns home alive.  The streets of Paris initially seem colorful and thriving, but lintering shots of homeless beggars.  Pontmercy’s father-in-law, Gillenormand, rejects him for siding with Napoleon.  He goes into the “I’m glad my daughter is dead” trope, then ends it with a biting “I thank God I may never see you again.”
“It’s your lot they’re strining up from lamposts now,” Gillenormand says as we are shown a precious toddler overhearing everything. This is Pontmercy’s son, Marius, a little baby boy who will be raised to hate his own father by his grandfather.
Nicolette sneaks out of Gillenormand’s house to tell Pontermcy where he can see Marius at church.
The Fantine Plot - Part 1
A few feet away, a young Fantine is trying to convince her friends that she’s not naive and that she can take care of herself (I’ll wait for a Cosette callback in later episodes).  I like seeing Fantine as a carefree young woman instead of being introduced to Fantine after she had and separated from Cosette.  It makes her slow descent even worse when we see how youngshe is.
Also, we were just introduced to one man who is denied custody of his son by a gatekeeper of society, and now here is a woman who will eventually have to give up custody of her daughter by the circumstances of her society.  Nice parallel!
The Valjean Plot
The yellow filter and the music makes this feel like a Western.  This town ain’t big enough for the both of us, 24601...
Valjean sees one of the guards beating a prisoner and causes an avalanche that pins down the guard (so he visually echoes Pontmercy under the horse in the opening scene).  Why does Valjean attempt murder?  Well, this adaptation’s Valjean senses the injustice and wants to balance out this unjust society through violence (again, foreshadowing).
But when he hears the pinned man’s agony, he realizes he isn’t that person.  He isn’t capable of committing a crime like that without guilt.  So out empathy and guilt, he goes to lift the weight.  A man lifting a weight from a man pinned under debris? Hmm...forshadowing.  A man lifting a weight off someone pinned under the rocks (of society?)  Hmm...symbolic.
Javert, who has been watching the entire thing, stares down at Valjean.  That night, Valjean is brought to Javert’s office.  Javert asks, “What was that about today?”  Valjean looks at him like Because I’m a decent human being?  That’s why...
Javert’s backstory is really, uh, shoe-horned in there, isn’t it?  Could have revealed it later when he unwittingly befriends Madeleine or something...No?
Javert says, “Men like us have only two choices: to prey on society or to guard it.”  And, well, you could view every male character we’ve met so far through that lens: Pontmercy vs. Thenardier and Gillenormand, Valjean vs. Javert.  
But who’s really the one preying on people here?
The Fantine Plot - Part 2
Speaking of prey, Fantine’s out on the town with her friends.  She meets eyes with Felix, and her friend Favourite urges her to be more forward with the attraction.  Felix wastes no time playing the charming dance partner.  The slow music switches to something more lively (and tell me if you don’t have the tiniest reminder of that below-decks dance in Titanicin this moment).
Ugh.  These Fantine night scenes look gorgeous.  Like a (modern) outdoor wedding.
“You have to remember they’re not serious...they’re amusing themselves.” The harsh voice of experience doles out some foreshadowing.  “Why should it always be like that?”  Fantine asks. The voice of change we hear throughout this series, too.
The Fantine section is also filmed like Davies’ more famous adaptations (lulling unwitting audiences into a false sense of security about where this is going...)
So many period drama romance tropes.  It really does feel completely different from any other adaptation I’ve seen in this section.  I like it.
Felix tries every trick in the book: I didn’t care about anyone before you.  I’m going to be a poet, and you’ll be my use.  Have mercy on me, I’m suffering with love for you.  But Fantine has never read the playbook, and she kisses him, despite her doubts.
The Pontmercy Plot - Part 2
In case you weren’t against this prison system before, the prisoners are forced to watch an execution in a brief scene that cuts to Gillenormand saying, “order restored.  Now everyone knows their place again.”
Gillenormand convinces his grandson into believe his dad’s a “scoundrel” for his political stance. Throughout the scene, little Marius is playing with army figurines, too.  Hmm…can you hear commentary about how wrong this situation is yet?  (The book isn’t subtle about this is, either)
Baron Pontmercy is reduced to waiting for a glimpse of his son at church.  It hurts in the book, and it hurts here, too.  Oh, and the religious theme comes in.  (And a nice Mabeuf cameo).
This is a good time for an unpopular opinion: I’m fine with the cuts between the Pontmercy, Fantine, and Valjean stories.  It makes the later inclusion of more characters and the eventual intertwining of some of these plots feel natural.  It also shows how different people in this society suffer completely different unfair circumstances that bloom from this society and culture.
The Valjean Plot - Part 3
Is this what Daves meant by “sexing up “Les Miserables with a nude, underfed, and whipped Valjean?  He’s muscular from forced labor.  Not really sexy.
“You have your name back, Monsieur 24601.”  Hey.  This will be ironic in hindsight!  
Oh, and (un)paid labor for prisoners commentary, too.  Valjean’s furious.  But why wouldn’t he be?  Nearly two decades for petty theft.  And in those conditions.
Valjean carries those barrels like he’s carrying the world.  (Do you see the Jesus symbolism yet?)
But if he carried any hope that life outside of prison would be any more rewarding, he is quickly corrected.  More manual labor with little pay.  Chased away from a place to stay by dogs.  Pointed to the church by a kind woman.  (All in all, pretty book accurate—down to the ensuing conversation)
Cut from one faceless shot of Valjean to the Bishop, connecting the two.
Bishop with spectacles.  Awww.
Valjean has the bluntness that comes across in the translations of the brick (I’ve never read it in French.  Is he blunt there, too?)
The comparison Valjean draws between the religious authority figures in prison versus the Bishop here is a nice book reference, and it shows that he is very much aware of his terrible situation and how imbalanced society is (in and out of prison) versus the (actual) Christian values shown by the Bishop
“How can I love my fellow man when he treats me like a dog?”
“Even if the world has done you a great injustice.  Does it really serve you to have a heart full of bitterness and hatred?”
Ooh.  The quandry at the heart of this adaptation’s Valjean.
So what if it’s on the nose?  It’s for viewers introduced to the book for the first time.  Books are a well.  Shows are a pool.  It’s the detriment of adaptation.
“What about the silverware?”  The bishop, knowing full well it must have been taken by Valjean, “I can’t help you, I’m afraid.”
In the few minutes he’s part of this episode, the Bishop is The Perfect Christian example that Valjean (and even other characters) will follow in various ways
The vulnerability and disbelief in Valjean’s eyes when he realizes somebody’s helpinghim and even covering for him...
Valjean’s little chuckle when he realizes he’s free again
Valjean’s what am I supposed to do with these?look at the candlesticks.  Heh
“Jean Valjean, you do not belong to evil anymore.  You belong to good.  I have bought your soul with this silver and these candlesticks.”  Again in this adaptation, there’s this sense that Valjean didn’t choose to better himself, but it was foisted onto him (the Holy Spirit foisted on him) until he eventually makes the choice to let it in himself
The episode began with Thenardier stealing and showing no signs of remorse.  It ends with Valjean stealing and being presented with the means to turn his life around.  Nice bookends—is what I would say if the episode ended here.  But there’s more!
The Fantine Plot - Part 3
Oh, the “sexing up” was with Fantine and Felix.  Just some family-friendly snuggles as he drops hints he’s going to leave her and her baby.
Fantine has a caged bird in her room.  Symbolism.
Felix, Fantine, and their friends are out on a double (well, tripple) date. The guys tease a “surprise” for the women.  What could it be?  A beautiful day outside.  A meal at a fancy restaraunt.  Could they plan on...proposing?
Nope!  This is a last hurrah before the guys leave to return to their “respectable” families.
I’m surprised we got an abbreviated Felix speech from the book. Didn’t expect that.  And it’s all the more irritating for his character when you know what comes next: the men quietly leave the room as their girlfriends wait excitedly for the “surprise.”  But the light drains from the eyes of all three of the women as they read the “surprise,” a letter stating that their boyfriends (and financial support) are leaving them forever.
The Ending
Meanwhile, Valjean leaves the village, angry at the Bishop for “buying” his soul.  Conflicted, he rests beneath a tree.  Then a little voice grows louder.  Is it--? Yes, it’s Petit-Gervais playing with a sou and singing down the road. Valjean steps on the coin (almost intentionally) and scares Petit-Gervais away.
This is different from the book.  In the book, he goes into a trance during this moment and only realizes he’s standing on the coin later (which conveniently absolves him of guilt in the reader’s eyes).  Here, Valjean is brought back to the reality of his actions by the tolling of the church bell.  He stole from a little boy like the prison system stole from him.  A few scenes ago, he was that little boy.  And he tries to do the right thing and return the coin.  Like in the book, he calls for the boy to come back, but the child is gone, and Valjean is a thief again.
Meanwhile, Fantine returns home to her happy baby.  She moves to curl up on the bed and cry, but the needs of her daughter Cosette draws her back to the world.  Felix is no father, but Fantine is still a mother.
Valjean is free, but Fantine is about to enter a different kind of prison.
Overall, I liked this episode.  There were a few changes I would have made, like concealing Javert’s backstory until episode 2 (or even later) to build up a sense of mystery to him.  Thenardier was too…jovial to me, also.  Finally, that scene of the women gossiping in the woods was unnecessarily choreographed, and I’m surprised PBS actually aired that scene.
When I first heard about some of the adaptational changes, I was wary of this series, but now that I see them in context, they aren’t too bad.  I think an angry Valjean could make for a more dramatic transformation in later episodes.  I loved Derek Jacobi as the Bishop and Lily Collins as Fantine.  
But my favorite choice of this miniseries was the way it made the Valjean plot, the Fantine plot, and the Pontmercy plot run concurrently to highlight the similarities in their situations.  
In the book, Hugo describes Valjean’s situation in one “book,” then switches to Fantine and goes back in time a few years to explore her experiences before her plot meets Valjean’s plot.  It allows for the reader to get invested in each uninterrupted arc, but what works on paper doesn’t translate well to screen.  There must be change.
We’ll see what other page to screen changes were made in the upcoming episodes.  Les Miserables airs Saturday nights on PBS.
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rueitae · 6 years
[Pidge is a renowned super villain. Lance is a hero in training. During their latest encounter, Lance pushes his powers to their limit and Pidge has some soul searching to do.]
A gift for @mbirdarts as she has graciously allowed me to dip my fingers into her details for this AU after I sent many pestering questions asked about it.
You can find the concept art here, here, here, and here.
The outfit inspiration is from @artylovebug here which was in turn inspired by @plancelance initial AU idea here.
This is now fic 2/4 I want to do for plance hero/villain. I am so weak for this trope and needed more. I love you all.
The fic is posted on Ao3 here, but you can read in its entirety below. About 6K words of banter, action, and hurt/comfort. ish.
Pidge lets her back hit the brick wall of the alleyway, sliding down to sit on the concrete in relief. She closes her eyes and lets her heart rate slow to a rest. She has a good twenty minutes to spare before the next truck comes by this area and unloads its goods. That’s enough time to deal with her pursuer and escape.
Exhausted, but happy, she examines her latest acquisition. The disc fits perfectly in the palm of her gloved hand. The device is top of the line Galra Corp information storage. It contains hope - more hope than she’s had in a while. The style of code it holds is her father’s; the same he had passed on to her and her brother. The best case scenario is that it holds a message that the two of them were alive and well. Worse case Pidge hopes it would at least prove the Galra were up to no good.
Her lab is only a few warehouses away, further from the pier. As much as she wants to check it out right that minute - she has something more pressing to take care of.
She taps the side of her modified safety glasses and it displays the time for her in 3-D. She grins impishly. “Three… two… one…”
Lance barrels into the alleyway, tripping on Pidge’s carefully placed trap. He yelps as he is pushed into the wall, bounces over to the other end of the alley - only to ram into the dumpster with enough force to spill it, finally falling at her feet and into the pile of trash he unwittingly created.
The trap works perfectly, as Pidge expected it would. The sides of her mouth tug further up her face, thrilled at the accomplishment and seeing Lance on the wrong end of the admittedly childish prank.
To his credit, Lance lifts himself to his hands and knees quickly, glaring. “Real funny, Pidge,” he grumbles. He reaches out with a gloved hand, and judging by the look on his face, he’s just touched something extremely unpleasant. “Urgh...this is going to take forever to clean this off my uniform.”
“I told you not to follow me,” Pidge says, her smile stretching as far as her muscles will allow. Meeting Lance in costume is always a fun treat but today she can’t linger. She needs to examine the disc and can’t do so as Katie. The university computers aren’t compatible, and she doesn’t have the time to make them so, especially not when she has one ready to go in her lab. “At the same time, I’m also glad you did. I wouldn’t have gotten to try my new traps otherwise.”
Lance blinks, eyebrows rising. “Wait - traps?” His tone matches his increasing comprehension. “As in more than one?”
Pidge taps her orange glasses once more and pulls up the command she’s looking for, never taking her eyes off of the rookie hero. “This is the Warflater,” she explains. “I made it just for you.”
Lance scrambles to his feet. “Oh no,” he warns - summoning shards of ice into the palm of his hand. Frost forms up to his wrist in response to the use of his powers. “Not doing that. The last time you made something for me I ended up in the sewer.”
Necessary, Pidge thinks. If she hadn’t dumped him in the sewers a few months back he’d have been caught in crossfire. She bites her lip. Maybe she’ll tell him one day, but until he stops believing the Galra Corporation was a benevolent entity, it’s better this way.
He already knows too much for her liking.
“Pidge, come on,” Lance continues. His determined expression is replaced with one of genuine concern. “Give me the disc so I can give it back to Galra Corp. I promise we’ll find some non-villainous way to get your family back. I’ll even let you go. Please.”
“You? Let me go?” Pidge asks, pointing to herself. Her eyebrows rise in amusement. “I know where you live. I don’t know what kind of superhero decides to not have a secret identity, but you walked right into this one. You are not in a position to be making any demands.”
“Yes I am!” he responds indignantly. He points his ice shards at the ready. “I have - AH!”
The five power nozzles set up across the alley spit scalding water directly at Lance, who continues to yelp and flail in the intersection of the streams. Pidge looks on casually, unconcerned. Lance is one of a handful of people in the city who can come out of this unharmed. His ice core will keep his body temperature regulated so that he won’t get burned. The water will only be disorienting.
She still hates the fact that he can’t ever get sunburn. Some things in life just aren’t fair.
“Okay, that’s it!” Lance sputters, barely yelling words out in the bombardment. “No more mister nice- “ There, this was the moment of realization she had been waiting for. “Pidge! Why are my feet stuck?!”
Pidge slides the disc back into her pouch. A few taps on her glasses and the timer is set for the water to turn off. “New sticky web formula. Thanks for helping me test the waterproofing, Lance. See you next heist!” With Lance successfully off her tail, she turns to walk away.
“Pidge! Pidge turn this thing off!”
“Chill, Lance,” she jokes, pausing briefly in her escape. “It’ll be over in a few minutes and I’ll send Tesla to unstick you later.”
At this point Lance is shielding his face with his arms, which help his words come out more clearly but don’t help his movements at all. “Do NOT send that stupid little robot, it's just going to electrocute me again!”
“Awww, that’s mean, Lance,” Pidge teases. “Tesla really likes you. Don’t hurt her feelings.”
“It’s a robot! It doesn’t have feelings!”
Pidge chuckles to herself, smirking. “That’s what you think. See ya later, hero boy!” she calls out, relishing in the whimsical feeling of the moment.
Only to have it shatter by a laser whizzing just past her face, rooting her to the spot in shock.
It hits one of the hoses, causing a leak with a concentrated and powerful beam. Pidge turns around in horror. Blocking the other end of the alleyway are Galra security agents. She can tell from a glance they are not hired from the hero agency, but rather trained in-house specifically for Galra Corp.
They cock the guns and the largest one comes forward. Pidge’s breath catches as she recognizes Haxus, the most high ranking member of Galra Corp she’s ever seen on the streets. “Hand over the disc, thief.”
Pidge instinctively rests a hand on the pouch that contains the disc and takes a step back. There is no negotiating here. She can’t give it back to them. Even if she does, they’ll kill her or take her away like they had her father and brother.
Fighting back remains her only option.
“I’ll never give up!” She yells back, rage and determination overflowing from her very being. The traps for this alley may be sprung, but the grunts are far enough back that maybe…
Tapping her glasses once more, she enters the command code for the pier. Just off shore, the waters begin to stir
“Stop her!” Haxus snaps at his two subordinates.
Pidge jumps behind the dumpster, kneeling in case she needs to move again at a moments notice. She concentrates on her work despite the barrage of fire, stealing a look whenever she can to see if they are coming.
The Galra Corp flunkies scream as the scalding deluge from the remaining four hoses turn from Lance to them. Pidge grins in triumph as the force pushes them back off of the pier into the whirlpool she’d set into motion with her first action.
“Pidge - what was that?”
Lance is soaked, and clearly not pleased - looking utterly pathetic as he stands still thanks to the webbing all over his boots. His homemade hero costume sags with water seeping out of his pockets.
To Pidge’s flustered horror, it outlines each and every inch of his build. She forgets the situation at hand as her mind freezes as much as his powers.
He crosses his arms, his eyebrows raised. “I’m the wet one, but you look like the fish.” He smirks, as if a lightbulb has gone off in his head. “You like what you see? Not that I blame you,” he finishes smugly.
Pidge becomes acutely aware of the intense warmth has invaded her cheeks. “You look like soggy bologna,” she sputters lamely
Lance bristles indignantly. “I do not!”
Feeling sufficiently redeemed, her confidence returns with Lance once again becoming the flustered one and not her.
His body of all things?! This was worse than she first thought.
It isn’t even the main thing she likes about him. If they were at the university, maybe she could pull it off as a legitimate crush. Lance likes Katie, of that Pidge is nearly positive. Hunk’s questioning gazes and the way he remembers her class schedule, buys her ice cream, or recalls the name of her favorite robot - something she told him only very briefly in passing - is enough for her to get the message.
The only reason she hasn’t done anything about it is due to her commitments as Pidge. She refuses to believe her father and brother are dead, and rather are being held by Galra Corp against their will. She needs to rescue them, no matter what it takes.
Even if she has to break her own heart in the process. Because if she’s honest, she likes him too.
As Pidge, she can at least hang out with him like this and that was a small consolation. Her smart remarks were returned, and she can pretend it isn’t flirting.
She can also enjoy the soft looks he will probably give to Katie later tomorrow after she spends tonight pouring over the information on the disc.
Pidge opens her mouth to enjoy one last quip before leaving him.
The reverie turns out to be her downfall.
“Pidge, look out!”
She only has a split second to notice Lance’s alarmed face before she tumbles across the ground, unable to move her arms and legs. Once she stops, Pidge finds herself bound by a weighted net. Its purple glow gives it away as Galra Corp.
But she’s taken care of Haxus.
Pidge worms herself around to catch a glimpse of her attacker and forgets to breathe.
The massive form of Sendak blocks the opposite exit. The man answers only to Zarkon himself. If he’s here, the information in the disc must be valuable indeed.
Lance stutters as he takes in the scene, settling on addressing Sendak first. “I had it handled!”
You idiot, Pidge thought. Sendak has a nasty reputation and is not above harming heroes. Lance has to know that. Pidge prays he does. If not, he’s in just as much danger as she is.
“My apologies,” Sendak replies coolly. His smile was is not kind. “I had an opportunity, I thought I’d best take it to capture the thief as quickly as possible.”
Lance huffs and crosses his arms. “Thanks for the help, I guess.”
Pidge uses their conversation as time to escape. The net runs on quintessence, as all Galra Corp products do. She feels around for the power source, familiar enough with the tech to disable it with her eyes closed - or hands behind her back in this case.
“You’re the newcomer with ice powers, aren’t you boy?” Sendak flexes his left arm; a weaponized prosthetic.
“I’ve been doing this for almost a whole year,” Lance defends. “I’m not exactly new to this.”
Sendak draws back his clawed arm, and aims at the hero’s feet.
Pidge isn’t sure what comes over her, because screaming “Don’t you touch him!” and drawing Sendak’s attention away from Lance and onto her, deterring her escape attempt, is precisely what she did not need to do.
“Lance, no!” she still screamed his name in horror when Sendak doesn’t stop. Lance braces himself, wide eyed.
He is fine.
Sendak holds the torn pieces of Pidge’s sticky web in his mechanical claws. “She squeals for you more than for herself. I find that fascinating.”
Free, Lance seems to get the hint that he and Sendak are not actually on the same side. “Oh, um, thanks?” he says, taking an unsure step back.
Pidge holds her breath as Sendak does not answer right away. “Mr. Zarkon appreciates your services, but it is no longer needed. I will take charge of the thief’s punishment.”
Desperate, Pidge makes her break for it, rolling as fast as she can manage towards the water before Sendak can make his way towards her. Breath is taken out of her lungs as she is slammed face first into brick. She tries to plant her feet back the ground, but Sendak’s arm holds her dangling against the wall.
“H-hey, I don’t think she’s going anywhere. No need to do anything drastic,” Lance says.
“When dealing with thieves, it is best to add some finality to the approach,” Sendak squeezes and Pidge groans in terror, pain nearing unbearable. “You may report to the hero division that the felon 04032073 is taken care of.”
“Wait, hold it. This is not what I signed up for,” Lance says assertively. “Pidge may be a criminal, but she doesn’t deserve whatever you’re going to do to her.”
“This is a Galra Corp matter,” Sendak interrupts. “Do not make me report you to your supervisor.”
“Shiro would agree with me,” Lance says, standing his metaphorical ground. His voice brims with a confidence Pidge wishes she shares. She knows that Sendak is going to take his annoyance out on Lance before killing her. She closes her eyes in earnest. There is only one way they are getting out of here, and that’s if she uses her powers.
Pidge has been careful about them, never using them since she assumed her alter-ego. With only a quarter of the population born with superpowers, her plants would make her far too identifiable to Katie Holt.
No choice now.
“Then you leave me no choice.” Sendak drops Pidge and she lands on the concrete, breaking her concentration. She looks on in horror as Lance has summoned his own powers to face Sendak. Maybe in the past she might have been flattered that someone outside of her own family would show that much anger and determination for her life. She did not want it to be Lance. Not with Zarkon’s right hand man powering up his gun and pointing it at him.
An explosion of cold stops any other action.
Pidge turns away as sub zero temperatures blast against her body. Once calm, she turns to survey the scene. The cold has made her entrapment brittle, breaking apart without any effort.
Sendak towers above her, frozen stiff, icicles fraying off of him everywhere. He has taken the brunt of Lance’s attack, unintentionally shielding her.
She carefully side-steps the Galra man to look at the rest of the scene. She throws caution to the wind when she sees Lance on the ground, unmoving.
“Lance!” Pidge rushes over to him in concern, sliding onto the ice without a thought that it could break her ankle if she wasn’t careful. Immediately tapping her glasses, she scans his vitals. His heartbeat barely exists.
Pidge finds it a little easier to breathe. Like her own powers had physical consequences, so did his. Still, seeing him like this sends shivers up her spine. Lance is animated and talkative, not silent and still.
Even if this were natural for him, Pidge is sure it isn’t healthy in the long run. She needs to get him to her lab. The same lab where she has prepared for this eventuality, and hates herself for it.
She cares about him too much for her own good.
“I can’t believe you went and did that - you don’t even know its me,” she confesses quietly.
She places a hand over his frost covered body. Even with gloves the ice burn is nearly too much and she backs off momentarily. Pidge steels herself. He saved her. It’s her turn to save him.
A few blocks away from the scene of the fight, the upper lefthand corner screen of Pidge’s lens flashes green in sync with the control panel on the side of a warehouse. A task that would have normally taken her seconds seems an eternity with shaky hands. A door opens at her feet and a gated platform rises to fill the space.
She drags Lance onto it, her hands numb after carrying him from the alleyway. Pidge is positive she will have to treat herself for frostbite too.
“Idiot,” Pidge whispers harshly, dropping to her knees once the elevator is safely carrying them underground. Tears stain her eyes and sobs hitch in her throat. “You’re a quiznaking idiot.”
Lance doesn’t respond and Pidge instead focuses on what she can do. She holds onto him tightly, despite the cold screaming at her to let go, trying to transfer her own body heat to his.
The elevator comes to a stuttering stop at the entrance to the underground laboratory. The gate pops down automatically, creating a cagey ramp for the last few inches to the concrete ground.
The lab itself is open, with no walls between the tiny living space or the various experiments that lay in wait on a wide assortment of tables. Miraculously, a tree takes up much of the space, roots making the concrete floor uneven and trunk sitting majestically in the middle. Pidge has her computer set up adjacent to it. From atop one of the monitors, a tiny robot putters down from it’s charging perch.
“Tesla, get the anti-grav table,” Pidge orders, voice still a bit hoarse. “I need to move Lance.”
The small, green robot beeps; the markings under its eyes glowing a cool white in acknowledgment of the order.
Pidge doesn’t have time to waste, her next command comes in quick succession. “Computer, reroute the water from trap number 14 to the sink. Fill the basin.”
Tesla nudges the anti-gravity table towards the ground near Lance. Although not Pidge’s original intent for it, she needs to use it as a gurney. In the background, a faucet opens on the computer’s command and water begins to pour into an antique wash bin - one of many that were long abandoned when the manufacturer moved out of the warehouse above decades ago.
She manually maneuvers the table under Lance, moving his body onto it in short spurts; first a shoulder, then a leg, then midsection - repeat until he’s secure. Pidge is able to lift the table and its weight to her own waist height, she then pushes it forwards towards the water.
“Hang in there, Lance,” she mutters.
Pidge soaks her own hands in the hot water first, feeling relief. Then she takes a cloth, dunks it, and places it on Lance’s forehead without wringing it out.
The basin is too small to immerse him, which is what he really needs. Their respective college apartments are too far away, though, and he needs immediate warmth. She dunks a larger towel into the water and places it along his chest.
She pulls her knitted hat firmly on his head, letting her long hair go free.
Out of towels, now she waits. Pidge hates waiting.
She bites her lip in thought as she examines him from head to toe. His clothes will need to come off once they thaw. Just the thought of it made her blush, but she knows they are doing more harm than good for him right now.
In the meantime, she has to make do. She tugs on his boots, getting them off after some physical effort and throws them to the side. Pidge repeats the process with his socks. All she has left is a thick blanket that she hopes to keep dry for Lance once he recovers enough.
So she wraps her arms around his feet tight, soles up against her chest, using her own body heat as much as she can. Pidge nearly lets go just from the sheer cold, but forces herself to hold on.
“I’m not going to let you down,” she promises, eyes squeezed shut in determination. “I don’t know if you can hear this, but you mean a lot to me - both versions of me.” Pidge opens her eyes mid-reverie and blinks, having spoken herself into a conundrum. “Well, I mean, I’m not two different people, I’m just pretending to be. Pidge is just a nickname my brother gave me. You can call me either one, I don’t care.”
No signs of moment from Lance. The silence from him begins to unnerve her. His vibrant personality is one of his bright spots.
“Don’t think this means I’m going to take it easy on you,” she continues, breaking off that particular train of thought. “I still have to find my family. I can’t let Galra Corp catch onto me more than they already have. I’m just one faceless bad guy in a city full of them.”
No response. Tears well up in her eyes, her heart turning as numb as her hands. “Please wake up. You weren’t supposed to do this for me.”
There is no change in Lance’s condition. Pidge growls. This is taking too long, and it isn’t enough. Pidge anticipated Lance overusing his powers, but berated herself in not preparing for this magnitude.
Lance needs to be in a bathtub. Pidge doesn’t have one.
Angry at herself, Pidge forces herself to watch the ice crystals that methodically form on her arms. They are pretty, in an objective way. She just hates that she hadn’t known the extents of Lance’s ice powers. When they’d first met, he hadn’t even been capable of handling them properly, let alone create a blast large enough to suffer this type of consequence.
She had been so wrapped up in searching for her missing family, she had forgotten to pay attention to her friends’ progress.
And supposedly cares.
Lance is the only one who knows why Pidge really stole from Galra Corp. Even if they stood off against each other time and time again, he never failed to at least try and be on her side in any way he could considering their positions - like today. A gesture she usually rejects.
Up until now.
“...Dad always said his coworkers were like family. You’ve tried to have my back.” Pidge smiles warmly. “It’s about time I had yours, and trusted you to have mine.”
Pidge removes her gloves and rolls up her sleeves. “It’s going to be hot tomorrow. You better appreciate this because I’ll have to wear long sleeves.”
Digging deep, she calls upon powers she hasn’t touched since childhood. Her face twitches as moss and seedlings grow from her skin; the consequences for using her own powers.
Small, but stringy vines extend from her tree. Pidge wills them to snake into the hot water and then wrap themselves around Lance and the table.
With them, she fastens something that resembles a bathtub - funny looking as it still floats in the air. Making sure there are no leaks, she gently raises his head to rest on the edge. Pidge then takes a spare hose and fills the makeshift container. Once all but Lance’s head is below water, she places the smaller cloth on his forehead.
Pidge scratches at her arms, the plantlife making her annoyedly itchy. Ugh, they are on her cheek this time too. No robotics club tomorrow for her. She’ll have to call Hunk to pick up Lance later anyway, might as well apologize for not being able to continue working on Funbot. There is still plenty of time before state competition at least.
Pidge groans. This could take days if it was anything like her plant-skin.
Back to waiting.
Hours later, Lance has visibly improved.
The frost has gone from most of his body, and Pidge has been able to remove his uniform. It currently hangs to dry on old pipes, long since decommissioned and drained. Tesla works hard to blow dry it, moving in a rectangular formation while distributing jets of air from its mouth port.
Pidge refuses to remove his underwear. It’s bad enough having to stare at the rest of his naked body, watching for any sign of infection.
His eyebrows move - scrunched as if not wanting to wake up after a good nap.
“Lance? Lance!” Pidge perks up from her poor seat posture; hunching over the side of the plant tub.
His eyes open slowly, and Pidge makes sure her face is the first he sees. He closes them again and groans before opening them again. “Katie?” he asks softly.
Pidge’s brain freezes for longer than she likes. She seizes her hat from his head and hastily sticks her hair under it - away from his field of vision.
“No, just Pidge,” she tells him coolly. “Katie is your friend from school. I brought you to my lab. How much do you remember?”
Pidge feels unguarded as Lance studies her face, as if looking for something. She doesn’t know why it feels like he sees straight into her soul.
He doesn’t speak immediately, instead observing his surroundings. His mouth parts limply, eyes falling back to Pidge. “Lab? The secret one?” He asks slowly, face seeking comprehension.
Pidge nods. “That’s right. No one will bother us here.” She gives him a stern look. “But you are going have to promise not to tell anyone about it. It’s secret for a reason.”
“What did you do?”
“Huh?” Pidge says intelligently, eyebrows rising.
She notices what seems profound about Lance now. Despite being fully awake, his eyes are dim. They search her heart because they are… soulless; blank.
“Your lab,” Lance continues in near monotone, “did you run experiments on me?”
Pidge flaps her mouth in surprise before she can properly form words. “That was one joke I made months ago, Lance,” she replies earnestly. “I wouldn’t ever do anything to harm you, not for real.”
Lance does not respond, his gaze wandering around the room.
“Lance, what do you remember?” Pidge prompts again.
“Sendak. He was going to kill you,” Lance responds.
Pidge bites her lip. “Yes, he was.”
Silence from Lance again. It feels wrong.
“Is that all you remember?” Pidge asks again.
“Yes,” Lance says, now looking down at the bath he’s in.
“I have plant powers,” Pidge confesses, rolling up her sleeves to show him the small prairie that remains on her arms. “You attacked Sendak with what I’m assuming was your entire power core. Your whole body was covered in frostbite. I made this so I could get you in warm water - to help heal you. I don’t think you’ll need to see a doctor since this is your body’s natural response to your powers, but you probably shouldn’t do any hero work for a while,” she rambles. “It might even be best if you stay here. If it’s anything like my powers it’ll take days for the effects to go away - I have to wear long sleeves on the hottest day of summer thanks to you,” she grumbles.
Now that Lance is awake and on the mend she doesn’t feel too bad quipping with him. Her heart drops when he doesn’t so much as acknowledge it.
It seems his body warms quickly, but his soul takes longer to thaw.
“I think it’s time for you to get out of the water,” Pidge says. “I’ve got a warm blanket and a pretty comfortable couch waiting for you. I know it’s not quite your standard for bed, but it’s let me doze off hundreds of times.”
Lance doesn’t move.
“Lance,” she pleads, heart aching to see him like this. “Get out of the water.”
On that request he does. Pidge assists him by lowering the table and offering herself as support.
“Tesla, get the blanket please.”
The little robot zooms past the humans and flips the blanket onto itself. Pidge grins in pride at the sight. Tesla makes an excellent ghost, Pidge decided, she’s going to rock Halloween this year.
She wraps the blanket around Lance for modesty and warmth, carefully guiding him over to the well loved cushions. Once he lay stretched out, Pidge begins to feel better about the situation as a whole. His body is out of danger and she can relax.
Lance seems to sense this as well. He is sleeping again before Pidge can give Tesla a good pat of thanks for its good work.
She kneels beside him, taking a moment to brush a loose strand of hair from his face. “I meant what I said. From now on I’ll be a better friend as Pidge. No more tricks. I’ll let you help me find my family.”
Reaching over, she wraps her arms around him and rests her head to his chest. “You deserve that and more.”
Time to wait again.
It was the next day before Lance stirs again.
Pidge has spent the hours pouring over the disc she recovered from Galra Corp. It did turn out to be her father’s code. Pidge is convinced there is a message in here for her. She sits in her old office chair, glasses glinting off the computer screen as her own program ran the code through, looking for any familiar patterns.
A thud and a screech of “What the heck?!” reminds her of her guest.
She twirls herself around to face him, relieved to see him up. “Good morning, Lance. Sleep well?” she says cordially.
Lance does not take it that way.
“Pidge? Where - where are we?” he whispers in panic. Pidge can’t help but grin at the sight of a fully recovered Lance flustered and out of sorts.
“My lab,” she answers, intertwining her fingers together. “I told you that yesterday, but you obviously don’t remember waking up.”
Lance gapes, panic growing on his face. “Your - your lab? As in your secret villainous lair?”
Pidge frowns, annoyed. “It’s my lab, and it’s secret, which means you cannot tell anyone about it - including Hunk.”
“I can’t promise that!” Lance exclaims. “Hunk finds out everything eventually. He’s my best friend!”
“He’s also insufferably nosy, which is exactly why he can’t know. Got it?”
Lance nods three times in quick succession, clearly nervous. He gulps. “You’re not going to do any weird experiments on me are you?”
“What is with you thinking I would do something like that?” Pidge wheezes, strained that this of all things is what he’s concerned about.
“Oh I don’t know,” Lance glares, “maybe it’s all the traps I’m lucky enough to test for you. All I ask,” he says much more calmly, holding his hands aloft in surrender and causing the blanket fall to the ground, “is that you do not harm my face.”
Pidge stares incredulously. “You are an idiot.”
“I am not!” Lance says, offended. He pauses before he can begin his rant and make the mistake of looking down. He screams and wraps the blanket hastily around himself again. “What happened to my suit?!”
“It’s drying over there,” Pidge points over to where Tesla is ironing out wrinkles with its laser eyes. “Although I don’t know why you even need it if you don’t bother to hide your identity.”
“A hero has a suit because it’s what heroes do! And I’m a professional!” He pauses, confusion flickering across his face. “Why do I not have it on? Who-?” Lance stops and a light seemed to go off in his brain. He turns a deep shade of red. “Holy crow - you undressed me?”
“I had to,” Pidge says, finally standing. She let the banter and teasing melt away in return for concern. “I don’t know how much you actually remember, but you saved my life by overusing your powers. I had to treat you for frostbite literally everywhere.” She sighs. “You slept for nearly 24 hours.”
Lance falls silent. He stares at her, just as when he first woke, but this time with a mix of concern and admiration.
“I did huh?” His laugh is hollow. “My first major job and I attack a Galra Corp executive, and save a thief. What a hero I am.” He then smiles genuinely. “But I’m glad it was you, Pidge. Sendak was out of line and you’re just trying to find your family.”
Pidge returns his smile, warmth in her heart. “Thank you Lance, for everything.”
“I guess we’re even then.” He scratches his head. “So my ice powers make me freeze up completely huh?”
“That’s right,” Pidge confirms, scientist mode kicked into gear. She whirls around in her chair and brings up Lances stats on her largest monitor. “This is your biorhythm through the last 20 hours,” she explains as Lance stands behind her chair. “As you can see from your heart rate, you were basically in hibernation. The applications to your powers expands two fold if you can use this for infiltration missions.” She grins smugly. “The bad guys won’t pay attention to you if they think you’re dead.”
“I’m a hero Pidge, not a spy,” Lance insists dryly.
“It’s your information,” she shrugs and turns to face him. Pidge sighs. She needs to tell him. “Look, Lance, your heart rate wasn’t the only thing that was affected. Your emotional response was as well. You woke up once and you were not yourself.”
Lance frowns. “I don’t remember anything after Sendak turned to face me.”
“...probably for the better.” Pidge is relieved; her identity is still a secret. She has no intention of telling him that if she can help it.
Lance’s eyes widen. “Oh no. If I’ve been asleep I missed my study date with Katie! She’s not going to be happy.”
Pidge smiles knowingly. “I’m sure she’ll understand. The hero business is pretty unpredictable.” She frowns, running his words through her head once more. “Wait - date?” Her heart beats wildly. “You like this girl, don’t you?” she finishes quietly.
“I might.” He glares, but his blush is unmistakable. “I just - I don’t want to look like too much of a goof. She’s too important. So don’t you dare bring her into this,” he rolls his wrist looking for the proper word, “thing we have going on.”
Pidge makes care to bite the inside of her lip to resist reacting to that particular statement. “Actually, Lance, soon we may not have to fight anymore,” she deflects instead. “This disc I got from Galra Corp hopefully contains a message from my dad, or proof Zarkon is up to no good. If I can get the hero association to buy it, then we’ll finally be on the same side.”
His face is oddly neutral for this type of good news, but he eventually smiles. “It’ll be kind of weird. None of the other bad guys ever monologue or exchange witty banter. I’ll miss it.
“But,” he continues, a sad smile on his face, “it’ll be worth it to find out what happened to your family. I really do hope you find something.”
“Thanks,” Pidge tells him sincerely. She turns back to her computer, not trusting herself to say anything else.
The silence is uncomfortable. Lance breaks it.
“So, I should probably be getting back to my apartment.”
“I already called your friend Hunk to pick you up at the pier in a few hours. He’s taking you out for pizza, you need the calories so eat whatever you want. I need to stay here and study the information on the disc,” Pidge says automatically, busy typing away.
“...How do you know Hunk’s number?”
Pidge stops typing. “I hacked the phone company,” she lies quickly. “I called with Katie’s number to keep this place hidden. Remember,” she swivels around to glare seriously at him, “do not tell Hunk how to get here or I will continue using you to test my traps.”
Lance brightens, his smile wide. “Really? Just like that? No more traps? And you won’t involve Katie in any of your schemes?” he finishes suspiciously.
Pidge nods, equaling his smile. “No more traps. Consider us a tentative working relationship.” No promises on Katie.
“I swear I won’t say a word then,” Lance promises. He pauses and sniffs at the air. “Is that Green Lion body wash?”
Pidge groans. At this rate her double life is definitely doomed to unravel.
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pentakillmaven · 6 years
The Nose Knows, Chapter 6 (NaNoWriMo 2018)
Hello again! I’m actually posting at a decent hour this time! I’d call this the halfway point of the story, and we’re finally starting to get into some of the juicier parts. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Rating: T
Chapter Warnings: Language and soft innuendo. Also a bit of angst this chapter, but nothing huge. Lots of embarrassment from Marinette and Adrien.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 6
When her Monday morning alarm went off, Marinette had to forcibly clench her hands into fists to keep from throwing the clock over the edge of the loft to the floor below just to stop the noise. Groaning, she slowly forced herself into an upright position, feeling her way down the stairs to the main floor of her bedroom. Eyes still heavy and half-closed, she fumbled her way into the bathroom to shower, hoping the hot water would help her to wake up. As she sat under the steaming spray, she thought back to the night before.
Close to midnight, she had been ready to stop studying for the night and turn in when Tikki flew down from the loft in a tizzy. "Chat's contacting you!"
"He's back?" At Tikki's nod, Marinette quickly transformed and made her way up to her rooftop, opening her yo-yo in communicator mode. "Chat! Welcome back!"
"Thank you, My Lady! I'm so glad to be home! Sorry to call you out so late, but I really needed to stretch my claws and wondered if you'd be up for a late-night stroll with me?"
"Of course, Chaton. I've missed you! Paris hasn't been the same without you."
"Awww, Bugaboo, I'm touched. Meet me at the Trocadéro?"
"On my way!" With a grin, Ladybug swung and leapt her way across the city, landing at the entrance to the Jardins du Trocadéro near the statue of Ferdinand Foch. A figure darker than the shadows themselves stepped toward her, blond hair catching the light from a nearby street lamp and the familiar, lingering scent of Camembert she'd come to associate with Chat reaching her nose. Ladybug couldn't help but grin at the sight of her partner. "Just like a stray cat, aren't you, Chaton? I'm surprised you aren't begging for treats."
"If you have something, I wouldn't say no, My Lady. I haven't eaten in hours and I'm staaaarving." He covered his toned stomach with his hands, giving Ladybug the most pitiful pout and wide, innocent eyes he could possibly muster.
"Sorry, Chaton, I don't have anything with me. But I promise to bring you something good next time, all right?"
"Something flaky and warm and filled with jam?"
Ladybug chuckled. "I'll see what I can do."
Grinning, Chat stepped closer to Ladybug, ducking down to nuzzle his nose affectionately under her chin as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Three years ago, she would have held him at arm's length, but somehow over the years, she'd become accustomed to-- even accepting of-- his physical shows of affection, so like his namesake. It was a bit awkward now that he was several inches taller than her, but that just made it even more delightful sometimes, seeing how Chat would contort himself to get her hand to start scratching through his hair. As if on cue, Ladybug's hand started to card through the blond strands between his ears, eliciting an almost purr-like sound of enjoyment. His hair felt silky-soft where it brushed against her cheek. She wondered how it would feel to touch it with her bare fingers...
The two had stayed out for hours, catching up and just lazily patrolling through the city. Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that Ladybug resolutely denied any sort of romantic entanglements between them, it could have by all accounts been a date.
By the time Marinette had collapsed into bed, it was nearly three in the morning. Her alarm went off promptly at seven. With only four hours of sleep, she'd barely survive on a normal day-- how was she supposed to deal with a whole day of practice tests for the most important event of her school career?
It wasn't until she yelped as the water started to run cold that Marinette realized she'd dozed off standing up in the shower. Hastily jumping out of the tub and cutting off the water, she toweled off and blow-dried her hair, opting for a high ponytail to save time instead of her usual pigtails. She got dressed in a flash and grabbed her school supplies, Tikki already waiting for her in her purse. "You sure were in the bathroom a long time, Marinette. Are you feeling alright?"
"Just tired, Tikki--that's all," Marinette replied, yawning midway through the sentence. "Today's gonna be tough. I need coffee." Heading downstairs, Marinette stopped by the kitchen to get just that, drinking the last of the pot her parents made earlier that morning while she brewed more to put in a travel mug for school.
As she was putting on her shoes and jacket, her phone rang, the ringtone telling her that it was Alya calling. "Hey Alya, what's up?" she asked into the phone.
"Hey Marinette! Nino and I are outside, we thought it would be nice to all walk together to school today!"
"Sounds great! Oh, I just made some coffee, do you guys want some? I'll bring you mugs."
Marinette could hear Alya in the background conferring with Nino briefly before she returned to the line. "Sure, that sounds awesome. We were up pretty late last night, so the caffeine would definitely be welcome."
"All right, let me grab a couple of travel mugs and I'll be right down."
"Do you think you could make it three? We have a tagalong."
"Sure, who is it?"
"Sorry, Marinette, gotta go! We'll be waiting!" The line went dead before Marinette could protest. Furrowing her brow in confusion at Alya's antics, she pulled down a third travel mug and filled each one with black coffee before making sure all the lids were securely tightened and locked. She carefully juggled all four of the mugs into her arms, holding them close to her chest as she made her way out the door and down the stairs one at a time.
Alya was standing at the door, ready to open it as soon as Marinette unlocked it. She scooped two of the mugs into her hands before Marinette could even take one step outside. "Thanks!" she said with a grin, handing the green mug to Nino. She kept the brown mug for herself, while Marinette held the black and red ones.
"You're welcome! Thanks for stopping to pick"-- Marinette stopped dead in her tracks, her words dying as she saw the mysterious fourth member of the group. "Adrien… Hi…"
"Hey Marinette! It's great to see you." Adrien's green eyes were heart-meltingly warm as he looked at her. "Are you ready for the tests today?"
"Yeah, gonna take me--TAKE THE. TESTS. TAKE TESTS YES okay let's go!!" Marinette's whole face flushed with embarrassment. She shoved one of the travel mugs in Adrien's direction, turning resolutely away from him and starting to walk at a quick pace as she buried her face in the collar of her jacket.
However, in her haste to cover her own embarrassment, she didn't notice the way Adrien's face flushed as well, his breath catching in his throat from the unbidden mental image of Marinette laid out under him, hair loose and spread across his pillows as they--
"Adrien! You coming?" Nino asked, snapping him out of his dirty thoughts.
"Yeah!" He followed after Nino, shoving his hand deep into his coat pocket to make sure it was covering the front of his pants. With his other hand, he popped the lid of the candy-apple red travel mug so that he could take a sip of the blessed elixir contained inside.
Alya caught up to Marinette easily enough, leaving the two boys to trail behind them. "Wow, you haven't been that tongue-tied around Adrien in ages. What happened?"
"I couldn't sleep last night," Marinette confessed; it wasn't an outright lie, but she didn't go into detail about the very specific black-leather-clad hero keeping her awake to an ungodly hour of the night. "I don't think I actually got to sleep until close to three in the morning."
"Ouch, that sucks," Alya said, patting Marinette on the shoulder. "Sorry to hear that. Maybe you can get a quick lunch and try to squeeze a nap in?"
"That's probably what I'll do. I may even stay at school and just try to find a quiet place to curl up in the library."
Alya nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good idea--save yourself the time and energy of leaving school."
"Are you going to stay at school for lunch?" Adrien asked. He and Nino had caught up and overheard the tail end of the girls' conversation. "I was thinking about doing the same thing, trying to find a quiet place to rest for a bit. I barely got any sleep last night."
"Too busy talking with the hot Italian models?" Nino teased. Adrien flushed at the suggestion, shaking his head vehemently.
"No, I actually didn't get any of their numbers or social media handles. I'm really not interested in a long-distance relationship, or honestly any kind of relationship with another model. I've seen how a lot of models act, and that's not the kind of attitude I want in my girlfriend." Adrien looked at Marinette steadily as he spoke. "I want a girl who's genuine, and kind, and real. Someone who doesn't hide behind a hollow façade. You know?"
Marinette wasn't oblivious enough to miss that he was talking about her. But even knowing that he might return her crush didn't change the fact that his words were making her feel about two inches tall. She looked down at the mug in her hands, biting her lower lip. If Adrien wanted a "genuine, real" girlfriend, someone who didn't hide behind a façade, Marinette was never going to be able to be that girl, not as long as she was also Ladybug.
"I think that's what everyone wants, honestly," Nino replied, breaking the rather awkward silence that had developed around the group. "That's why I'm so glad that I was able to convince Alya to start dating me when I did!"
Alya spluttered into a laugh at that remark. "Convince me? More like beg me."
"Hey now, as I remember it, you two started dating because Ladybug locked you in a zoo exhibit," Adrien pointed out.
"Okay, yes, that's fair. Really, we ought to be thanking her for bringing us together." Nino smiled at Alya, linking their hands together as they walked, leaving Marinette and Adrien to follow.
Marinette brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, not looking up at Adrien. "So, um… how was Milan?"
"It was… nice, I guess" Adrien said quietly. "Really, it was a boring trip. I didn't get to do any of the fun touristy stuff. Mostly my week was filled with photo shoot after photo shoot and meeting after meeting."
"Oh, wow. So you didn't get to see anything? That's… kind of sad. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay. Father says it's part of the business, you know?" Adrien's voice was somewhat wistful as he spoke, looking up at the Eiffel Tower with a longing expression on his face.
"You don't want to do this, do you?" Adrien's face whipped around to meet Marinette's, his eyes wide and concerned. "The modeling thing, the fashion business, I mean!"
"Oh. Okay, I thought--sorry, never mind. You're right, though; it's really not what I want to do with my life. Father acts like it's a foregone conclusion that I'm going to take over the Agreste brand someday, but it's just not where my passion is, you know?"
Marinette nodded. "I think I understand. I know my parents support my aspirations to become a fashion designer, but I think… I think they expect that I'm not going to be able to make a living out of it, and that eventually I'll come back and take over the bakery when they're ready to retire. Not that I mind, you know, helping them out sometimes, but…"
"But it still hurts knowing that your parents think they know what your future holds better than you do," Adrien finished for her. "That's exactly how I feel, too."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. So what do you want to do?"
"Well… I really enjoy my science classes. Especially Physics. I think it might be cool to go into teaching, you know? I could teach Physics at the collège or lycée level."
"I think you'd be great as a teacher, Adrien! Your students would probably develop major crushes on you, though--you'd have to be careful to avoid a lawsuit." Marinette chuckled, hoping that Adrien would take the comment as the joke she meant it to be.
Thankfully, Adrien laughed as well. "That's true, but I would hope that by the time I get an actual teaching job, I'm already happily married. Then I can just gush about my wife and hopefully none of my students would get any funny ideas."
"For the sake of your reputation, I hope that works." Marinette looked ahead, only to see that they were already at Lycée Jean-Baptiste Magnier. "Wow, that walk went by fast!"
"Yeah, I guess I didn't realize how close you lived to the school, Marinette. That must be really convenient."
Marinette nodded in agreement. "When you're as chronically late as I am, every second counts!"
"That's fair. Anyway, I'll see you around. Good luck with your tests today!"
"You too!" Marinette walked up to where Alya and Nino were saying their goodbyes at the front of the school. "Are you ready to get this over with, Nino?" Marinette asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this show on the road."
Hour after hour, test after test, finally led to the end of the school day. This close to winter, the sun had fully set by the time the Terminale students were leaving the building. Though the official test is taken over a period of ten days, the practice tests were all crammed into a single day, leaving most of the graduating class feeling like their brains had been run through a blender.
Alya and Nino were standing just outside the school doors, waiting on Adrien and Marinette to come out. "How did Marinette look when you left the room?" Alya asked her boyfriend.
"Honestly, I couldn't tell if she was even still awake," Nino confessed. "She had her head resting on her arm and her other hand wasn't moving. I'm not sure if she was just deep in thought on one of the questions, or if she'd dozed off."
"Oh boy. That's not good."
"What about Adrien?"
"Well, he was awake, at least, but definitely stressed out. He was running his hands through his hair so much I was afraid he was going to start ripping chunks out."
"That is also not good." Nino frowned and turned back toward the doors of the building, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets in an effort to keep them warm. A moment later, he glanced back over at his girlfriend as he felt her slip her own hand in to join his. Intertwining their fingers, he brought her hand up and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, earning himself a small smile. "You know, you're a stone-cold fox," he teased softly.
"Oh, can it, turtle-boy," Alya countered lovingly, also keeping her voice quiet despite their relative solitude.
Both of the teens' eyes were drawn back to the school by the sound of doors opening, revealing Adrien and his much-abused hair. He wrapped his scarf around his neck as he descended the stairs, his expression shifting from worry to relief as he spotted his friends. "Hey guys! How long were you waiting?"
"Oh, not long, maybe ten-fifteen minutes," Nino said.
"Sorry about that. I just couldn't focus there at the end. I'm completely wiped out." Adrien stepped over to Nino's other side, turning back toward the school. "Any sign of Marinette?"
"Nino was just telling me that he thinks she might have fallen asleep," Alya replied. "Hopefully that isn't the case, but we'll have to wait and see."
Adrien frowned a little at that response. "Did she say why she was so tired?"
"Something about being up until nearly three in the morning. She didn't go into specifics, though."
"Three in the morning? Sounds rough." Adrien had to fight to keep his voice from betraying his suddenly racing thoughts. He was sure that it had to be a coincidence--she must have been up late studying, or unable to sleep due to test anxiety. There was no way that Marinette of all people could be… but then again, there was the issue with her lie regarding the Akuma attack on the school last week… But that didn't have anything to do with Ladybug, did it? Maybe he was just reading too much into it. Yeah, that was it.
Adrien was startled out of his thoughts when Alya called out, "Hey, Marinette! Took you long enough!" When he looked up, the midnight-haired girl was just stepping out of the building, a weary smile on her face as she waved weakly at her friends.
"I'm so sorry guys, that last test was killer," Marinette said, zipping up her coat. Her scarf hung low, not yet wrapped around her neck. She picked up her school bag and purse from where she'd set them down on the ground, opting to carry them rather than trying to adjust the straps over her coat before starting down the stairs toward the group.
Adrien stepped forward, calling out, "Marinette, your scarf"--
Marinette looked up to see Adrien coming toward her, not noticing as her scarf hit the ground in front of her. Between the smooth stone steps, the soft cashmere, and her natural clumsiness, it was a disaster waiting to happen. Marinette's foot slid out from under her as she stepped on the offending strip of fabric, sending her pitching forward. She screwed her eyes shut, throwing out her arms to try to break her fall, her bags flying…
Only to feel a different pair of strong arms wrap around her midsection, hair tickling her cheek as she was braced from below by Adrien's firm body. The insistent smell of Camembert that had been hanging around Adrien the last week or so assaulted her nose. Instantly, her mind was transported to the night before, and almost by instinct her hand came up to card through Adrien's blond locks. So soft…
Marinette yelped when a soft sound escaped Adrien's mouth where it was pressed into her shoulder. An eerily familiar sound.
Shoving herself away, Marinette somehow managed to keep her feet beneath her as she leaned down to pick up her scarf, quickly wrapping it around her neck several times to cover her face. Adrien's own cheeks burned scarlet red as he gaped at Marinette for a moment. He tore his eyes away from her, mumbling an apology, before he turned to pick up her bags.
Marinette got to her backpack first, shouldering the bag while Adrien picked up her purse. Almost instantly, his mouth started to water as he detected a strong smell of warm cookies; the scents of sugar and vanilla and chocolate filled his nostrils. His hand was on the clasp of the purse, halfway to flicking it open, before he came to his senses and shoved it into Marinette's hands. "I've gotta go. Bye guys!" Waving awkwardly at Alya and Nino, Adrien turned tail and practically ran around the corner of the building.
Marinette stared after Adrien, her heart racing. He couldn't be--could he?
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hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
Winter time - part 4/4
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
When Theo came back to his hotel room, wrapped up in the blanket, his friends were gathered on the couches again, watching some TV.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be doing some hot stuff with your Adam?”, Ryan exclaimed when he noticed the other.
“I told you he doesn’t want to see me...”, Theo grumbled and slouched onto a chair nearby.
“But how did you get in then? And whose blanket is that?”, Eric asked.
“Well, Adam let me in.”
“But you just said-“
“He warmed me up and then told me to leave.”
“That’s a good thing though, right? I mean he could’ve let you freeze as well.”, George stated.
“He’d never do that. He’s way too nice for that.”, Theo mumbled and let out a deep sigh.
“I guess I have to accept that I screwed up.”, he uttered and got up.
“I’m going to bed, ‘night.”, he mumbled and trotted into his bedroom.
“Good night, mate!”, Ryan shouted.
“’Night”, Eric said.
“Head up, Theo!”, George called after him.
“Seems like our friend has fallen hard for this guy.”, he said as Theo had closed the door behind himself.
“We have to fix this before we leave. I can’t stand seeing him so sad.”
“And how do you wanna do this?”
“I’m not sure. First of all I’m gonna talk to Thomas in the morning and find out what had gotten into him. But for now we should probably get some sleep too.”, Eric replied.
And with that the three men went to bed as well.
+++ the next morning +++
When there was a knock heard on his door, Adam already prepared to tell Theo to finally leave him alone. As he opened the door and saw Thomas standing there though, he stiffened immediately, not knowing what to do. As his brain finally seemed to work again and recognized the threat right in front of him, he quickly tried to close the door, but Thomas put his foot into it before he could succeed.
“W-what are you doing here?”, Adam thus asked scared, still trying to shut the door.
“Hey, I just want to talk. Can I come in please?”
Adam just stared at him dumbfound. This was surely a trap. Thomas would beat him unconscious as soon as the door closed behind him.
“I’m sorry, Adam. I promise I won’t do anything. Just please let us talk for a minute, let me explain my behaviour.”, Thomas said.
Wait, what? He came to apologize? Could this be true?
“Uh, ok-kay”, he eventually uttered, opened the door and stepped aside to let him in.
He had to admit that he was curious to find out how the guy justified his actions but he wasn’t so sure if letting him in was a good idea.
When Thomas was in his room and the door fell shut behind him, Adam felt his heart hammer madly in his chest, not knowing what was about to happen. The man was straggling around nervously and Adam really didn’t know what to think about it. Eventually, the other stopped though and turned to face him, his eyes fleetingly finding his’ before he focused his gaze onto the floor, almost seeming embarrassed.
“Listen I... I want to apologize because of yesterday. I never meant to wack out like that. It’s just... I was completely out of it and...”, the man started and paused to take a deep breath. “I mean there was a time when... I... had a crush on Theo. I never told him though because he wasn’t interested in men, or so I thought. The years passed and he was always dating girls. I eventually got over him and stuck with dating girls as well, telling myself it had been just a phase. And then he got this letter from some mysterious shag as we assumed and he refused to tell us anything so we wanted to have a little fun and therefore sent a message to the number. I mean we were drunk and curious and- Anyway. When I opened the door and you were standing there, something went off inside me. I was suddenly so jealous and mad at you, even though I had no idea who you were but Theo somehow seemed to be interested in you, despite you being a man. I mean, I’ve never seen Theo as more than a friend since back then but that night... I snapped. I really don’t know what got into me and the fuck load of alcohol I’ve had was surely just fueling things as well. I’m so sorry that I lashed out at you. I know this is no excuse for how I treated you but maybe, even if it was intolerable, you can kind of understand my behaviour? I mean I have absolutely nothing against you, not at all! I’m also not a homophobe, as you probably thought. And if you and Theo have something going on, I’m happy for you, I really am. Just please promise me to never tell him or anyone about what I just told you. No one except you knows about it and I’d prefer if it stayed like this.”, Thomas finished his confession.
“Oh, wow.”, Adam uttered surprised. “I mean I’d have never expected anything like this. I have in fact thought that you were just a bloody homophobe.”
“I’m so sorry, I really am! I swear I’m not an asshole!”, Thomas pled.
“Now that I heard your story, I can understand your reaction, I mean like in a totally fucked up way and I’m glad you came to apologize. But it still doesn’t make it any less worse. I mean if your friends wouldn’t have held you back you would’ve probably knocked me out.”, Adam said, still feeling a shiver running down his spine thinking back to that night.
“I’m really sorry. If I hadn’t been so drunk I’d have never reacted that way, you have to believe me.”
“I appreciate your apology and I’m glad you came by. It really shows some strength and that you’re sorry for what happened but for now I can’t forgive you yet. I guess it’ll take me a while to figure things out, I hope you understand.”, Adam stated
“Of course. I totally understand that, please take all the time you need! I’d also understand if you’d never forgive me, which I don’t hope but- uh- yeah...”, Thomas uttered awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.
“Anyway, uhm... You know, Theo’s pretty devastated and stuff... I mean I don’t know what happened between you but-“
“Oh shit, Theo.”
“What is it?”
“Well he... kind of told me that he has feelings for me but I was sad and angry and I didn’t even realize it until he was gone and I recalled our conversation. I guess I’ve been a bit too harsh with him.”, he sighed.
“You have feelings for him too, don’t you?”, Thomas asked with a soft expression on his face.
“Yes”, Adam admitted.
“Do you think you could forgive him and stop being mad at him?”, the other  asked.
“I’ve never really been mad at him, just disappointed.”
“He seems pretty out of it to be honest. I mean he should pack his suitcase but he refuses to even get out of bed. Would you mind coming upstairs with me and talk to him?”
“Well, I guess I could do that.”, Adam stated and earned himself a smile from Thomas.
“Awesome. You know, you seem like a pretty cool dude. Maybe we could even become friends one day when you have forgiven me?”
“That’d be nice.”, Adam replied with a small smile.
“Hey guys”, Thomas greeted his friends as he entered the room.
The men greeted him as well and smiled until they noticed whom he had brought with him.
“Hey”, Adam uttered quietly and shyly glanced at them as he stepped next to Thomas.
“Hey Adam!”, Eric greeted him happily.
“Adam! Oh shit man, I’m so sorry!”, George exclaimed, got up from his seat, almost stumbling over his own feet, and hurried over to the man to hug him tightly.
“Yeah, uhh... We were idiots. I mean for us it was fun but we didn’t realize that we hurt you with our childish behaviour.”, Ryan uttered and walked towards the man as well.
“Sorry”, he said and patted the man’s back.
Eric joined them as well and smiled at Adam.
“Good to see you again.”, he stated.
Adam felt a bit awkward but he appreciated their apology.
“Alright, alright let the poor dude breathe.”, Thomas said and shooed the men a bit back.
“Where’s Theo?”, he asked.
“Still in his room.”, George mumbled and nodded towards said door.
“Oi Theo!”, Thomas shouted for the man. “Get your tiny ass out here, we need to talk.”
“Fuck off!”, came a muffled reply through the closed door.
“Don’t make me come in there!”, the other threatened playfully.
At that there were some muffled sounds heard and then some angry stomping. Suddenly the door was opened in a flash and Theo stood there in boxers and a t-shirt, his hair tousled.
“I told you to-“, he started angrily but his face fell when his eyes set onto the man next to him.
“Adam?”, he asked in a soft tone. “Wha-?”
“Hey”, the other said with a small smile.
Theo’s gaze switched between Thomas and his lifesaver, a frown appearing on his forehead. Of course, he had no idea why those two were suddenly standing next to each other so peacefully.
Anyway, Theo took three careful steps towards the man before he eventually just stormed at him and wrapped his arms around him, not realizing or caring that his friends were present too. Due to the unexpected embrace, Adam stumbled back a bit but quickly caught himself and hugged the other back.
“I’m sorry, Adam. I’m so sorry.”, Theo sobbed into the man’s shoulder, tears streaming down his face, while clinging on to him.
“Shhh, it’s alright.”, the other hummed softly and swayed them a bit.
“Awww aren’t they adorable?”, George suddenly asked.
Hearing that, Theo’s body stiffened for a moment and his eyes flashed open. Adam already thought that the other would now let go of him and come up with some stuttered excuse for his behaviour. Instead, the man uttered a “Shut up” and tightened his hold around the other though.
“Oh go get a room already!, Ryan laughed. “But you better hurry, we have one more hour until we have to check out!”
“Oh shit.”, Theo mumbled and let go of Adam at that, a sad expression on his face.
Of course, he had to leave now that Adam seemed to have forgiven him.  
“I totally forgot about that.”, he uttered and quickly brought his hands up to wipe the tears from his face.
Eric and Thomas exchanged a meaningful look at that.
The latter cleared his throat before he directed his words at the two men.
“Theo, Adam. I know this can never erase what I’ve done, but please take it as an apology.”, he stated and handed Theo an inconspicuous looking envelope.
The man took it with furrowed brows and opened it, his eyes widening.
“Are you serious?”, Theo uttered disbelievingly.
“It’s the least I can do.”, Thomas replied.
“What is it?”, Adam asked confusedly, trying to get a glimpse.
“It’s a voucher for three more nights at the hotel. For two persons.”, Theo exclaimed happily.
Adam looked at the man a bit dumbfound, after all this was not some cheap hotel but rather an epitome of luxury.
“For real?”, Adam asked and thus the other handed him the piece of paper, so he could see for himself.
“Thank you Thomas”, Theo stated happily and moved to hug the man.
Thomas hugged him back tightly and a second later Adam joined them as well, hugging both men.
“Thank you”, he uttered.
“Gosh, look at them!”, Ryan exclaimed and hurried to hug them as well.
Sure enough, Eric and George joined the group hug too with a happy smile on their faces.
“Adam, I’m so sorry.”, Theo mumbled and snuggled close to the man. “I mean I was scared how my friends would react if they found out about you but turned out they’re actually really cool about it and I was the asshole all along.”
“Well, to be honest with you, I had quite some doubts about what you told me the morning after.”, Adam started and earned himself a confused look from the other.
“I mean your words hurt me, yes. But they didn’t fit to your actions from the night before at all. I mean, I’ve never been kissed so rapturously and passionately. Not even from my exes.”, he stated with a smile, recalling the memory. “And then you just went down on me like that! None of it fitted to what you were saying, especially not your lame excuses. I knew you were just trying to fool yourself, which is why I sent you the letter in the first place.”
Theo groaned embarrassed at that and hid his face in his hands.
“I’ve made a total fool out of myself, haven’t I?”, he asked and glanced at the other between his fingers.
“Hey”, Adam said softly and tugged the man’s hands away from his face. “It’s alright. You were confused.”
“But being confused doesn’t justify hurting you.”
“You won’t do it again.”, Adam smiled at him.
“No, no I won’t.”, Theo agreed right away.
“By the way, how did you and Thomas suddenly get along?”, he asked, still a bit irritated about it.
“Well... He came to my room to apologize and kind of explained himself.”
“Explained himself? What could possibly explain such behaviour?”
“I can’t tell you but we’re alright.”, Adam answered.
“What? Why can’t you tell me?”
“Thomas asked me to not tell anyone about it and now stop worrying your pretty head.”, he said and let his fingers run through the other’s hair.
“You know, it’s nice cuddling with you not being an icicle for once.”
“Yeah, it feels quite good not having to freeze my ass off as well.”, Theo laughed.
His expression changed to a serious one in the next moment though. There was still something he needed to know.
“Uhm, Adam?”
“Can I ask you something?”
Adam looked at him shortly until he replied. “Go for it.”
“Why did you react to the message you thought that I sent you if you assumed I wasn’t interested?”
“Well, I uh- I couldn’t stop thinking about you and if there was a chance to see you again, I just had to take it so I didn’t think anything of it that this message didn’t fit to the way we left things at all.”
“God Adam, I’m so sorry. I should’ve just been honest to you instead of trying to fool myself.”, he groaned.
“It’s alright, Theo. I mean, look where it has brought us in the end.”, Adam replied with a smile.
“I don’t even deserve you, you know that?”
“Yes you do.”, the man smiled at him and shortly ruffled his hair.
“I love you, Adam.”, Theo uttered.
“I love you too, Theo”, the other replied right away.
Theo sent him his biggest smile at that and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips. Adam not missing a beat, wrapped his arms around the man’s middle to pull him close to himself and responded immediately, both sets of eyes falling shut. Soft sighs were leaving Theo’s lips as he got lost in the kiss. Eventually they had to part for a moment to get some air though, which Adam shamelessly used to his advantage. He rolled the other over and straddled him, leaning down to plant a kiss onto his mouth.
“I guess I still owe you something.”, he mumbled against Theo’s lips and felt him shiver.
Adam sent him a smile before he started placing kisses on his neck, moving lower to his chest and stomach until he arrived at the hem of his boxers.
He looked up into Theo’s face at that and saw his reddened cheeks and dilated pupils. However, he then focused onto the bulge in front of him again, licking his lips. Adam let his fingers slip behind the elastic band and dragged the man’s last piece of clothing down his long legs and eventually completely off them. He then moved up to his erected member again, letting his hot breath gush over it.
“Oh god”, Theo sighed.
Adam moved up and kissed him hard on the mouth as he let his hand wander down between them and wrapped it around the man’s erection. Theo moaned loudly at the first contact, his hips arching up.
“Mmmmh oh shit, Adam”, he brabbled as the other started stroking his dick while he was sucking on his neck, surely leaving some marks behind.
As he didn’t want it to be over for the other already though, he eventually took his hand away again, resulting in a groan coming from the man below.
“Needy, are we?”, he smirked.
“Oh shut up!”, Theo grumbled.
Adam had to smile and planted another kiss on the man’s pouty lips before he moved lower to his hard on again. He stuck his tongue out and let it run all the way up the man’s shaft, resulting in a loud moan coming from him, before he took him in all the way. That was when Theo completely lost it and started moaning like a champion. His fingernails clawed into the duvet beneath as he desperately tried to lay still and not thrust up into Adam’s mouth while said one sucked him off with pleasure, his head moving up and down.
“Oh god, Adamm- Shit I-Ih- mmmmmmmhh”, he moaned and his hips shortly stuttered up before two strong hands moved up to gently hold them down.
Figuring the other was close already and keeping one hand on his hip, Adam dragged down his own boxers and wrapped a hand around his own hard on, stroking himself while he kept sucking off Theo. The moans that constantly left the man’s mouth brought him closer and closer to the edge as well. Eventually Theo ejaculated into his mouth and that was the last straw for himself as well, making him jizz all over the place. Adam swallowed him whole before he let himself fall down next to the other.
“Shit Adam, that was... wow.”, Theo mumbled, breathing heavily.
The other chuckled at that and moved to straddle the man once more.
“There’s still some more stuff that I’m dying to do to you.”, he said lascivious and captured the other’s lips with his'.
“Oh, I’m all up for it.”, Theo mumbled between hot kisses.
“I’m just afraid your loud organ might wake up the whole hotel, so maybe we’ll go for round two tomorrow?”
Theo had to laugh out loud at that, making Adam cover his mouth with his hand, silencing him and resulting in the man shaking beneath him soundless.
After he seemed to calm down and his shaking had stopped, Adam took his hand away again.
“I’m sorry”, the other chuckled and wiped some tears from his eyes.
“It’s all your fault anyway! You’re just too damn good with your mouth.”
“Oh, that was nothing compared to what I can do but I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
Theo sniggered at that when suddenly a yawn interrupted him.
“Tired?”, Adam asked.
“Don’t worry, I could use some sleep as well. I’ll just get something to clean up the mess I made.”, he replied and with that jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom.
He came back a minute later with a bunch of toilet paper in his hand to remove his jizz. When that was done, he threw everything into the toiled and flushed it before hurrying back into bed.
Adam crawled under the duvet and snuggled close to the man, wrapping his arm around his waist.
“Good night”, he said.
“Good night”, Theo replied.
“I love you”, Adam mumbled.
“’love you too”, the other replied and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, before resting his head against his chest.
Both were asleep within seconds.
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rreader · 7 years
can we get some more khal drogo up in here? you're such a talented writer. like i legit binged so much on here. fantastic job! could i request one where drogo encounters an equally large khalasar and defeats the other older khal. he ends up taking the eldest daughter as a bride and she is just a spitfire and doesn't like him at all until some of the members of the khalasar try to get a little rowdy with her and he shuts it down super quick and she realizes he's not that bad? thanks, dearie!! 😘
Pairing: Khal Drogo x ReaderFandom: GoT ; ASoIaFWarnings: language ; violence ; attempt of sexual assault (nothing graphic)
Summary: When Khal Drogo defeats your father in a duel, he has the choice of becoming your new Khal, or becoming your husband. He chooses marrying you.
A/N: awww, thank you sooo much my darling! I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself! I really hope that you like this one as well. khal drogo stories are always a bit of a challenge for me, but like last time, I hope I did him credit! (also, please imagine everything spoken in Dothraki. Unfortunately, my Dothraki is non-existent, so I have to settle for English lol)
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Yourfather had never been a kind man. He had hurt many people in his years as a Khal.
Thankfully, henever laid a hand on you. Nevertheless, what he did to hisenemies scared you. And what he did to those who betrayed him scaredyou even more.
Andwhen one day another Khal entered your camp and challenged yourfather, you had a hard time watching the fight, knowing that yourfather wouldn’t simply ‘strike him down’ at the end of the fight, like any other Khal would..
No.. he was ruthless. He’d hurt him in ways that the other Khal couldn’t even imagine.
Yourbrother, standing next to you, had a smug grin on his face, his eyesnever leaving the two men in front of him.
He’dbe like your father one day.. unfortunately.
Andthat one second that you didn’t have your eyes on your father and theother Khal, was the second that you could hear your father scream inagony.
Theeyes of your brother widened, before he stormed towards the otherKhal and shoved him away, kneeling next to your father, the bladesticking out of his stomach.
You,unlike your brother, didn’t feel sadness, nor anger.
Theonly sadness you felt was for your little brother. For having lost his heroin front of his eyes.
Theother Khal threw up his hands triumphantly, walked up to one of thewoman of his clan and kissed her roughly, before turning his head toyou, a wicked smile on his face.
Yoursisters hid behind you, your other brother standing protectively infront of them.
Butyou only straightened your back, your hands confident behind your back.
“Congratulationsare in order.”
“You.I want you.”
You walked down the podium you had been standing on,until you were face to face with him.
“Isee. Am I your prize then?” no emotions whatsoever could be detected on your face.
Younarrowed your eyes at him and then looked at your brother, stillcowering over the corpse of your father.
Hewas of age and a skilled warrior. Respected by the others. They would easily follow him if you left.
Andif you went with that other Khal, that meant that your siblings and your peoplecould stay here, on their own, without being bothered by this otherKhal or his clan.
Logically,it was the best for your people.. your family.
Personally,it wasn’t something you wanted for yourself. You might not have likedyour father, but marrying the man that killed him wasn’t exactlysomething you wanted either.
Butyou had always been one that put others before herself.
Soyou turned your head to the other Khal and nodded.
“Alright.I will come with you, if you leave my clan alone. Let my brother bethe new khalakka.”
Drogofirst looked at you, then at the young man who stared at him in return, such rage in his eyes.
Helaughed and nodded.
Hehoped he’d encounter the boy again one day. He’d kill him just like hisfather.
Itwould bring him more honor than he already had.
Andso it was decided.
You’dbecome the wife of Khal Drogo.
Theride back to their encampment had been long.
Youwere exhausted and just wanted to lie down and sleep for the nextdays.
Butyour husband-to-be seemed to have other ideas.
Thesecond you got off your horse, he pulled you aside to get the weddingceremony started. But it was also the second that you pulled your armout of his grip. You were both standing behind one of the tents,separated from the others of his clan. You needed to make himunderstand that you wouldn’t be the submissive wife that he probablywanted you to be… thought you would be. However, you also didn’t want to make him look badin front of his clan, so this little bit of privacy was appreciated.
“No,” you said, but he only grunted in return and wanted to grab your arm once more, but you took a stepback, “Listen to me very carefully. I don’t know what you expectedor wanted me to be, but I’m not the obedient kind of woman that let’syou fuck her every time you want to, that let’s you treat her like scumand doesn’t do anything about it. I agreed to come with you for thegood of my clan, so I will stay with you… but not as your slave.”
Fora second, Drogo thought about putting you back in your place. Butthere was this.. fire in your eyes. Fire, he hadn’t seen in a longtime and certainly not in a woman.
Womenusually cowered before him and, as you said, were the submissiveones.
Thefact that you weren’t turned him on like crazy.
Hestarted grinning, bit his lip and looked you up and down. He couldn’twait to fuck you.
He’d give you your night’s rest. Fucking you would be a lot moreenjoyable then, anyways.
“Tomorrow,”you agreed, turned around and walked away.
Youhadn’t expected it to go this smoothly. 
But only because he gave youthis one night didn’t mean that you suddenly started to like him.
Hewas still a bastard in your eyes and had to prove himself to you in other ways to earn your approval.
                                                   the next day
Youstood in his massive tent, your fingertips running along the silk ofyour dress.
Howhe managed to get you a dress like this in one day? You had no idea.
Butyou felt like a goddess, ready to take on the world.
“So..you’re going to be the next khaleesi,” a man’s voice said. When youturned around, you found four men standing in front of you, all armedto the teeth.
“Iam,” you said confidently.
Theyall eyed you like you were a horse on the market.
You’vehad experiences with men like these before.
However, most hadn’t been foolish enough to try to force themselves onto the daughterof one of the most feared Khal’s of the region. And if they were..well.. let’s just say your father always made good examples out of those who disrespected his children.
“Maybewe should see if you’re worthy for our great Khal. Wouldn’t want himto be disappointed, after all.”
Theydidn’t even have the chance to approach you, when Drogo entered thetent, two men behind him, hair almost as long as his own.
Youcocked your head to the side, waited for what would happen next.
Drogodidn’t say a word. He only grunted in anger, which made all of themen jump in surprise and turn around instantly.
Hegrabbed his dagger from his belt, turned the man around so he wasfacing you and slit his throat, all the while looking at you.
Youdidn’t flinch, didn’t blink. You watched the first man bleed out infront of you, then the next, until they were all dead on the floor. And not once had you looked away.
Oh, he had definitely found the right woman.
ThenDrogo walked outside again.
“I’llslaughter everyone who dares to touch her,” he screamed, blood allover his chest and face.
Andwhen he walked back inside, his men already dragging out the corpses, youslowly walked up to him and put your hands on his cheeks.
Wordswere meaningless. Gestures, on the other hand..
Youput your lips on his, his tongue finding its’ way into yourmouth in a heartbeat, his arms wrapping around your waist, holding you tight against his body.
Theblood was now getting all over your dress and probably also yourface, but you always knew that, if you ever became a khaleesi, youwouldn’t be one of those silent lambs that were only good forfucking. You’d be more like your mother.
Fierce,a warrior herself, never backing down from a fight.. ruthless, if shehad to be. Kind, if she could.
You’dbe the wife that Drogo never expected or probably wanted to have, butwas still grateful for.
Becausewith you by his side, he would do things he hadn’t thought possible.
You’dgive him the strength, once your bond was unbreakable.
AndDrogo wasn’t the husband that you’d thought you’d end up with, but hejust proved to you that, while you initially weren’t too happy aboutthis marriage, he wasn’t as bad as you thought he was..
Perhapsyou might even grow to love him one day..
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marblesarelost · 7 years
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
                                             Chapter 11
“I completely understand your concerns, Ambassador,” Darcy said as her office door opened to reveal Jane, freshly tanned and looking thinner, but with a bright glint in her eyes as she grinned. Darcy grinned too, waving madly with the hand not currently busy with the phone.  “And that’s why the guarantee from Stark is written into the treaty.”
“Yes.  The replacement and insurance clauses,” Mr. Minh, the Vietnamese diplomat replied.  “The government of Vietnam would like to see them doubled.  The Hulk by himself can do so much damage, how much more when adding Thor or Loki into the mix?”
“I believe we can accommodate you regarding the insurance clauses, but the replacement clauses are non-negotiable. Stark Enterprises guarantees the replacement of any building necessary.  That’s millions of dollars worth of possible improvements already.”
“I will speak with my government.”
“Of course.  Good afternoon.”
“Good afternoon.”  Darcy hung up when the ambassador did, rising from her desk and running around it to fling her arms around Jane.  “OH MY GOD!  When did you get in?  Did you get laid?  You’ve got the “freshly laid” look and I am all of the jealous.”
“Darce!”  Jane blushed, and Darcy nodded.
“Yep!  Got a right root, din’tcha?”  Darcy said in an atrocious Australian accent, and Jane laughed, her body shaking so hard she fell into Darcy’s guest chair.
“Yeh,” Jane managed to say in just as bad dialect.  “Sure did.” Both women dissolved in giggles. “An’ what about y’self?  Foine Sheila like you?”
“Alas, the dry spell continues. But things are looking…interesting,” Darcy offered before glancing at her watch.  “I’m still on the clock.  Listen, um, things are really interesting right now, but I can’t go into detail. Just…wait till five, okay?”
“No problem.  I just got in, and I wanted you to know I was home so when you came up you weren’t surprised,” Jane said.  “I’m exhausted, anyway.  StarkJets are faster than Quantas, but it’s still a heck of a long flight.”
“Right.  Go get some sleep, we can catch up later,” Darcy offered.
“Sure.  Hey, who’s the new guy?”  Jane asked, and Darcy blinked.  “Tall, dark hair, kind of longish, brown eyes?”
“And that’s one of the things we’re going to talk about,” Darcy said.  “Um.  He’s my bodyguard.”
“Bodyguard?  What did you do while I was gone, Darce?”  Jane asked, and Darcy gave her a small smile.
“I…kind of started dating someone important?”
“Oh!  Is he hot?  Who is it? Do I know him?”  Jane gushed, and Darcy shook her head.
“I don’t think you’ve ever met, and I don’t know if he’s hot or not but I kind of -- you know, personality’s really important,” she said, and Jane pulled back, looking at her oddly.
“How do you not know whether the guy you’re dating is hot?”
“When he wears a mask.”
“You’re dating the Phantom of the Opera?”
“No.  I’m dating Victor von Doom.”
Jane blinked slowly a couple of times, opened her mouth and closed it again four times before finally getting some words out.  “Doctor Doom.”
“You’re dating Doctor Doom.”
“As in the dictator of Latveria, Doctor Doom.”
“Yeah.”  Jane blinked again, then nodded.
“Okay.  Um.  We’re gonna talk about this.  Right?”
“Right.  He likes your work,” Darcy said quickly.  “He really respects your work.”
“That’s…that’s…that’s actually flattering,” Jane admitted.  “But I don’t get why you need a bodyguard.”
“Because Latveria is helping Ukraine repel the New Soviet,” Darcy sighed.  “And helping guard Poland.  He thinks I’m in danger because we’ve been seen together.”
“Oh.  Yeah.  Yeah, I can understand that, sure,” Jane replied, nodding slowly.  “Okay.  Um.  So I -- yeah.  I’m going to go have a nap, and then we’re going to talk about this later.”
“Absolutely,” Darcy nodded. “I promise.”
“Okay.”  Jane’s lips pressed together as she looked at Darcy.  “You know what you’re doing, right?”
“No, but that’s par for the course.  Also we’re mad at Steve,” Darcy said as she helped Jane up.
“We’re mad at Steve. Okay.  Why are we mad at Steve?”
“It’s related.”  Darcy walked Jane to the door of her office. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay,” Jane agreed.  
Once Jane was safely out the door, Darcy went back to work, comparing the agreement with Vietnam with several others, concentrating on the reparations, replacement, and repair clauses. The agreements varied, as different countries had different needs and requirements and threat levels, but on the whole, they needed to offer the same thing; an offer of security and trust. Trust that the Avengers would do everything they could not to cause collateral damage.  Trust that they would fix anything they broke.  Trust that they would not go rogue.
Stark Enterprises offering to reimburse, replace, and repair things went a long way toward building that trust.  More, Plan Hippocrates and Plan Hades ensured that where things went wrong (as they would, unfortunately, sometimes they just couldn’t get there in time, and supervillains didn’t care about the cost in human life) they ensured that the survivors of the dead and the living were taken care of without costs to the governments.
She cut off at five as usual, gathered her things and went upstairs, dropping her bags on the easy chair and checking on Jane, first thing.  She was dead to the world, curled around her pillow, and Darcy grinned to herself, closing the door again softly before going to the kitchen and making dinner for two, sliding Jane’s back into the fridge for later.
She had just sunk into her book, Gavin de Becker’s “The Gift of Fear,” when someone tapped lightly on her door. “FRIDAY?”  She said softly.
“Mr. LeBeau, Miss Lewis,” came the answer, and Darcy got up to answer it.  Honestly, he looked yummy; black cotton clung to his torso like a second skin, and his jeans weren’t much better.  
“Cher,” he said softly. “The Avengers are being called out. Some sort of creature appearing in Holland, of all places.  May I?”
“Sure, just stay quiet,” Darcy murmured.  “Jane’s asleep.”
“Of course,” Remy agreed, and she let him in.
“You want coffee or a beer?”
“Coffee, please.  No drinking on the job,” he winked.  “How is my boss today?”
“He hasn’t called today,” Darcy said, leading the way to the kitchen, Remy right behind her after he locked the door.
“I thought he called every day?”
“Every morning, usually, yeah.” She poured coffee, added just a touch of cream, two tablespoons of sugar.  
“Huh.”  Remy’s dark eyes were shadowed as he took the cup from her. “Merci.”
“De rien.  No, he’s probably just busy, I mean, he’s trying to avert a world war, after all,” Darcy shrugged.  
“True,” Remy agreed, sitting down on the end of the couch closest to the door.  “You are taking it much better than I would have expected.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Darcy sighed, picking up her book.  “He’s the leader of a country, he’s trying to restructure his own government, and he’s at war, Remy.  I can’t just expect him to be at my beck and call during a crisis.”
“I agree.  He’s lucky to find such a level headed, lovely woman,” Remy grinned.  “If you could make etouffee, I’d find myself hard pressed not to give him a run for his money, cher.”
“I can make etouffee.  I just don’t, because it’s a giant pain in the ass,” Darcy countered.  “Shelling shrimp is not my favorite way to spend an afternoon, thanks.  You have seen the way people around here eat?”
“Be still my heart.  You make it the right way?  Homemade stock, even?”  Remy’s eyebrow rose, and Darcy laughed as he leaned toward her, giving her what was obviously supposed to be a seductive look.  “Cher.  Mon petit fille la belle, do you know what poor ol’ Remy would do for a decent bowl of etouffee?”
“No.  Nor do I want to,” she grinned.  “You want etouffee that bad, you know where to find it.”
“True,” he sighed, letting himself just fall onto the couch cushion between them rather than sit back up. “The problem is I can’t show my face down home a while longer yet.”
“Yeah.  Issues you don’t wanna talk about, I know.”
“Not don’t want to,” Remy corrected her.  “Can’t. It’s worth more than my life to talk about it.”
“Right.  But you know there’s restaurants here in New York that serve Creole and Cajun --“ she began, and stopped, watching his nose wrinkle up, his mouth twist.
“No.  ‘Less the chef is there, not worth my time, and besides, these days it’s just better to stay ‘round the Tower.  Maybe once your man gets his shit straightened out, might treat myself; there’s places in ‘Bama and Gulfport that are almost as good as Mama Pepper’s,” he sighed, drama leaking off of him like rain.
“Awww.  Ma pauvre petit,” Darcy teased.
“Don’t go stealin’ my lines,” he grinned up at her.  
“No, but do you know how to make it?”  She asked, and he sat up, crossing his arms and looking at her, chin drawn down almost to his chest, affronted.
“Of course!”
“Then maybe the next time you see Bonnie, you can go to hers and teach her how.  There’s you a cute date.”
“You’re a genius, Lewis,” he smirked in return.  “Maybe tomorrow.  Pardon me.” He slid his phone from his pocket and started texting, and Darcy returned to her book.  
  The Black Widow nodded a polite greeting to the generals and Doom as she entered the command center. Monitors covered one wall, each showing a different area of the battlegrounds, one mysteriously dark.
“Agent Romanoff,” a general said. “We are glad to have you here.”
“Thank you.  What information do you have regarding the anomaly?” She asked.  She had read the written debriefs and reports on the flight over, but she knew that they would have fresher information waiting.  She was not disappointed.
“Several drones sent footage,” Doom said, coming to stand beside her.  “Agent.”
“Lord Protector.”
The monitor flickered to life, showing first only a forest, the thick green leaves passing slowly before the camera, before it focused on a dirt track below.  Two more feeds opened to the side, and she watched as a solitary figure appeared in the distance, walking slowly but purposefully toward the cameras.  The bottom left focused, zoomed out, focused again on the stranger, and the Black Widow bit her lip.
Bright pale skin showed from the torso to the head; its hair, too, was white.  Red covered the abdomen, then suddenly unwrapped itself,  several tentacles unwinding, searching, before the camera died.  The same phenomena happened twice more, and the Black Widow’s shoulders stiffened as the monitor went black again.  
“Can you identify it, Agent Romanoff?”  A general asked, and she nodded, turning to face the men and women around her.
“It must be a clone,” she began. “Because its original form is dead. I know it to be dead.  Logan, better known as Wolverine, killed him several years ago.  That is a clone of Omega Red.  Because it is a clone, I’m not sure what powers it has, precisely.  The original mutant -- it was a mutant, enhanced by the Soviet government in the 1970s, given carbonadium tentacles to use as weapons and to enhance its own natural abilities.  It was inhumanly strong and fast.  It had a regeneration ability, and the ability to kill through secreting some sort of gas or emission into the air.  Again, I don’t know what sort of ability this has; clones are notorious for mutating beyond the original’s powers.”
The generals began speaking to one another, an excited hum rising through the air, and Black Widow turned to look up at Doom.  “You might be able to stop it.  But I don’t think any normal human could.”
“No.  They’ve lost four squads already trying to intercept it,” he replied. “It leaves a radioactive trail behind it, villages and small towns have been devastated, almost a 100 percent kill rate.  I intend to intercept it with a group of Doombots before the day is out.  Now that we know what it is, I can check my own records against what it has left behind to try to extrapolate what extra powers this version has.”
Widow nodded.  “That’s a very good idea.”
“Thank you.  I’m known to have them from time to time.���
“So you are.  And I take it I don’t have to give you the don’t do anything stupid speech?”  She asked, one eyebrow rising.  His answering chuckle was low and deep, almost a growl.  
“No, Agent Romanoff.  I will make no move until I am sure of the creature’s abilities and weaknesses,” he told her before stepping away, toward the generals.  “May I suggest that we speed up the evacuation efforts if possible?”  He offered.  “Let no more civilians die before we find a way to stop it.”
Black Widow observed him interacting with the generals and subordinates, silently reevaluating the man. Everything the Widow knew of Doom was being turned on its head.  Doom was traditionally a loner, often acting unilaterally when one could persuade him into acting for the good of humanity at all.  His ego was, like Namor’s, big enough to take on any challenge, and often only his sheer force of will had been the only thing to save him from certain death and/or destruction.
Widow had been ambivalent about his apparent change of heart.  Widow had been concerned when Darcy had expressed interest, her concern only growing when the interest appeared to be reciprocated.  However, Widow had withheld judgment.  Her slowly growing respect for the man had jumped dramatically when he had mentioned having Darcy protected.  Darcy was good.  Widow and ‘Tasha trained Darcy themselves, not willing to trust anyone else with their Kitten, save perhaps Clint.  But Widow was well aware that an enhanced human or a mutant could still easily overpower Darcy, so having Gambit show up had been a relief.  
Widow had to admit, she liked what she saw.  Doom seemed as if he wanted to ensure the safety of the civilians in Omega Red’s path. He seemed as if he were willing to wait for more intelligence regarding the clone’s powers.  While Widow was fairly certain he could squash Omega like a bug, still, caution being a watchword was not a bad thing.  
Widow conferred silently with Natasha, also watching.  Time would tell, they decided.  And until they had observed him longer, they could not tell his true intentions.  The armor was one of the barriers; they could not read his face or his body language properly.  
But this at least was a good start.  And he had to have some sort of tells.  They would find them.  They would memorize them.  And then, when at last Widow and Natasha saw him with Darcy, they would have some sort of measurement.  If he meant her well, fine and good.  Darcy as Queen of Latveria?  Widow and Natasha had no issues with that.  Darcy was clever and intelligent, and would likely be very good for the people.  If he meant anything else…well.  Widow knew several other people that would gladly help her avenge her Kitten.
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