#but also I’m very excited that we’re trying to go twice
raeathnos · 11 days
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makeitmingi · 1 year
Drunk In Love
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: San x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Girlfriend!Reader, Boyfriend!San
Summary: After a great night out with your best friends, San did not expect to have to deal with an intoxicated you. However, despite his best efforts to convince you, you were adament on not cheating on your sweet boyfriend waiting at home.. whose name was also ‘Choi San’?
Word count: 3.3K
[A/N: This is just a really sweet, fluffy scenario with caring boyfriend San. So if you don’t like it or find it cringey/ cheesy/ etc, you might not enjoy this.]
“Hello, aegi? Are you having fun?” San pressed the phone to his ear. You had been waiting to go out with your friends for so long. And being the ever supportive boyfriend, San was excited for you. 
“Uhhh............. Hello?” 
“I’m still here, aegi.” San chuckled. Despite his laughter, he got up from the couch, going to get his jacket. He knew you were going for drinks but from the way you were talking and the slight slur in your voice, it sounds like you had a drink too much. 
“I wanna go home~” 
“Alright, don’t whine. I’ll come pick you up, where did you say you were going again?” San asked as he fished through his work bag for his car keys. Then he sat down to wear his shoes.
“I’m sleepy...” 
“Don’t sleep yet, aegi. Can you pass your phone to one of your friends, please?” He requested kindly. After he was able to get the location from your friend, San drove to the pub that you were at with your friends. 
Although, he is a very careful driver, he does admit to going a little over the speed limit while getting to you. San hadn’t really seen you drunk before but he knew alcohol made you sleepy and whiny, which was why he was slightly worried about your safety. Not that he didn’t trust your friends but they sounded like they had a few drinks as well. 
“(y/n)?” San entered the pub. No doubt, despite the dim lights, San’s good looks caught the attention of a few patrons there.
“San! Over here.” Your friends waved him over. When San arrived, he absolutely melted at the sight of you. You were curled up against your friend’s side, blinking to keep yourself awake.
“Aegi?” San spoke a little louder since the pub’s music was blasting. 
“Aegi? It’s time to go home.” He helped you sit up. He cupped your cheek with one hand, searching your eyes. 
“Hey, who are you?! Don’t touch me!” You frowned, slapping his hands away angrily. It seems that you were so far gone that you didn’t even recognise your own boyfriend. 
“Baby star, it’s me. You don’t recognise me?” He laughed.
“No! I don’t know who you are. I’m sorry, mister. But I have a boyfriend.” You crossed your arms with a pout. 
“(y/n)! That is your boyfriend, silly.” One of your friend giggled, seeing how you were rejecting San. You still had the frown on your face, squinting your eyes to try and see the man’s face with the dim light. You held his cheeks in your hands, squishing his face. 
“No, don’t know you.” You insisted. 
“I’ll take her home. Thanks, everyone.” San smiled to your friends. They all waved to your boyfriend as San gently helped you to your feet. You swayed slightly but San steadied you. 
“Mister, where are you taking me?” You asked innocently as San led you to the exit of the club. 
“We’re going home, aegi.” San said. 
“I already told you, I have a boyfriend.” You reminded. San nodded his head, leading you to the car. Because there were people standing outside smoking, he didn’t want you to inhale so much smoke. 
“Let’s talk in the car, okay?” He opened the door for you. You did willingly sit down in the passenger seat. 
“There we go.” Reaching over, he fastened your seatbelt for you. San removed his jacket and placed it over your lap, covering your legs so you wouldn’t be cold.
“Sleepy...” You yawned. You reminded San of a fiesty kitten and it was adorable. He reached over to stroke your head.
“Sleep then, aegi.” He encouraged. You didn’t need to be told twice as the sleep washed over you and you fell asleep immediately. As San drove back to your shared home, he made sure not to go over the speed bumps too quickly. He didn’t want to risk you bumping your head against the window too heard with where it was currently resting. 
When San pulled up, he didn’t want to wake you. You were so fast asleep that he couldn’t bring himself to. So he unbuckled your seatbelt, slipping his arms under your smaller frame and brought you upstairs.
“Woah, aegi. Be careful.” San steadied himself, nearly falling with how you suddenly tried to sit up in his arms.
“Hang on, hang on.” He placed you down on the couch and went to lock the main door. 
“W-Where am I?” You blinked in confusion. 
“You don’t recognise your own home, darling?” San raised an eyebrow. He bent down to help you remove your shoes, even massaging your feet for a bit. High heels always made your feet ache. 
“Thank you, mister.” You whispered, grateful that he freed your feet, despite thinking he was some strange man that is trying to have his way with you.
“You’re very welcome.” San grinned. 
“Since you helped me... I guess I can ask what your name is. Hi... Name is (y/n). I still have a boyfriend though.” You tried to string together the best sober sentence you could now. You even held out a hand to shake. San stifled his laughter with his sleeve.
“Hi, (y/n). I’m Choi San. And of course I would help you, you’re so pretty.” He introduced back, reaching out to shake your hand. At his words, you frowned again, pulling your hand back.
“San... H-Hey! My boyfriend’s name is San too! ... Are you brothers... or something?” You obviously thought having the same name meant that.
“No... well, actually... No, we’re not.” San didn’t really know what to say. 
“Oh...” You nodded your head, seemingly disappointed. If you had puppy ears, they would be pressed against your head now. You thought you had a genius eureka moment but with his words, you just felt dumb now. 
“Alright. Let’s go.” He smiled up at you. He held his hand out to you. You stood up, shyly slipping your hand into his. 
“We have to change you out of your clothes and into comfy clothes to sleep.” San sat you down on the bed. He grabbed one of his shirts for you to wear to sleep in. 
“No! I have a boyfriend!” You grabbed onto your dress like your life depended on it when San tried to remove it. He sighed, not really sure how to convince you. In your drunken state, you really looked terrified of him. And even if he knew you wouldn’t remember this tomorrow morning, he still hated scaring you into doing something you were clearly afraid of.
“I’m just changing you into a shirt, aegi. It would be much more comfortable for you.” San wiped a stray tear that slipped down your cheek. He placed his hand on the white shirt that he had taken out. 
“Promise you won’t hurt me?” You looked at him with doe eyes.
Wow, you were really really drunk. But you were so endearing and it made San want to take care of you more. He thought you were the cutest thing ever that you wanted to remain loyal to him despite your intoxicated state. 
“Aegi, I would never hurt you.” He caressed your cheek with a loving smile. You thought about it for a while before nodding. 
“Don’t try anything... My boyfriend will beat you up. He has been working out a lot and has a lot of muscles... that he can fight you.” You threatened. 
“Alright.” San removed your dress and slipped the shirt over your head. He guided your arms through the correct openings then reached underneath to unclasp your bra to remove it. 
“There we go. All done.” San put your clothes in the laundry bin. Then he carried you to the bathroom, sitting you down on the closed toilet bowl. 
“Open.” San coaxed. He began to help you brush your teeth. Luckily, you still knew to gargle and spit. 
“Sit here, okay? I’ll be right back.” He told you. You nodded your head obediently, placing your hands over your knees like a child. San went to into your bedroom and came back with a small box that he took from your vanity table. It was your makeup remover pads.
“Close your eyes, aegi.” He instructed. You did as your were told and closed your eyes. Opening the box, San took out a cotton pad and gently wiped your make up away.
“Does it hurt?” He asked, not wanting to use too much force.
“Nope!” You chirped. As he continued to help you clean your face, San had a soft smile on the entire time. He liked seeing you without make up. 
After wiping your makeup, San proceeded to wipe your face with a damp cloth and did your skincare routine for you. He has been with you long enough and watched you long enough to know all the steps to your entire routine.
“This is taking too long.” You whined with a pout as you continued to keep your eyes closed. San remembers how he used to complain that you have too many steps in your routine.
“Every step is an essential step baby.” San repeats your words to him, back to you. You swung your legs as you waited. 
“Does your boyfriend treat you well?” He asked to try and make you more patient.
“Mhmm! He is suuuuuuuuuuper nice. And he loves me. And... And... he cuddles me a lot. I like it when he cuddles me.” You spoke, successfully distracted by him. 
“Do you?” He raised an eyebrow in amusement. You continued to talk about how much you love and appreciate your amazing boyfriend San. San just listened, letting out noises of acknowledgement to tell you that he was still listening to you talk. It embarrassed him but also warmed his heart to hear you gush about him like this.
“You must really love him.” San said. 
“I do. He’s the best person in the whole wide world.” You extended your arms to emphasis how much you love him. San kissed the top of your head lovingly. He threw away the used cotton pads and washed his hands. 
“Just a bit more.” Wetting another towel, San began to wipe your body, mainly your arms and your legs. He didn’t want to risk you hurting yourself with a shower. 
“Hands.” He said and you showed him your hands to wipe. As he took care of you, San made sure to give you plenty of kisses.
“You know... Now that I think about it. You really look like my Sannie...” You stated as San stood by the sink to rinse the cloth and wring it dry. He gently wiped your neck, lifting your hair to wipe the back too.
“I do?” 
“Yeah... But my Sannie looks best when he is wearing his glasses. He looks really smart and handsome.” You giggled, the starstruck look in your eyes. 
San always felt a little insecure about wearing his glasses. But he was glad to know that you thought he was the most good looking when he was wearing them. He will definitely wear them more now. 
“Good job, my love. We’re all done. We can finally head to bed.” Instead of making you walk, San carried you again. He placed you down onto the bed on your side and removed his shirt to put it in the laundry pile, being used to sleeping shirtless. Seeing that, you yelped and covered your eyes as if he had just flashed you. 
“You’re naked!” You screeched.
“I only removed my shirt, aegi.” San chuckled, getting into bed. As he got under the covers, he encircled his arms around you to pull you close to him. Your forehead pressed against his chest.
“You smell like my shirt.” You mumbled. San snickered at your nonsensical words and observation. 
“Because you are wearing my shirt, aegi. You always like wearing my shirts because they smell like me.” He explained patiently, continuing to stroke your head. You nodded your head slowly, processing his words.
“Why do you call me aegi?” You asked randomly, tracing circles on his skin with your finger.
“Because you are my baby.” San smiled softly, looking down at you. 
“I am?” You blinked back up at him. He nodded his head with a hum, leaning down to give you a kiss. You let out a shy giggle.
“Am I your only baby?” 
“Yes, you are my one and only baby. And I love you.” San could entertain your drunk questions forever. The way his professions of love made you blush and get all giddy made him fall in love with you even more. You buried your face into his chest shyly.
“I’m sleepy...” You repeated the same words you’ve been claiming throughout the night. You yawned, blinking a few times. San tightened his arms around you, patting your back soothingly. 
“Go to sleep, aegi.” He coaxed you like a baby. If there’s one thing you wouldn’t let San do while sober is baby you. 
“Will you stay with me?” You asked. 
“Of course, I will. I won’t leave you, I promise.” He chuckled, reaching out to cup your cheek and kiss you again. You hummed, resting your head on his arm comfortably. San watched your eyes slowly close as you finally fell asleep. 
It was about 5 am when you stirred awake. The back of your neck and head was throbbing, making you wince softly. San poked open an eye, being woken up by your noise and movement. 
“San?” You croaked. He grunted, an acknowledgement that he was listening to you despite his eyes being closed.
“I love you.” You pressed your face into his chest.
“I love you more, aegi... It’s still early, go back to sleep.” San used a hand to gently massage to back of your neck to relieve some tension there. You melted into his touch immediately and went back to sleep. 
When you finally woke up, it was about 1pm. You reached over to find San’s side of the bed empty. You wanted to get up and look for your missing lover but the moment you sat up, your head hurt so bad that you fell back onto the mattress. The loud wince and groan that you let out made your boyfriend run into the room worriedly.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” San frowned. He had an apron on, evident that he was cooking. 
“My head hurts.” You groaned. 
“I’m sure it must be. I’m making some food for you. After that you can take some painkillers and rest.” San sat on at the edge of the bed, carefully moving the hair away from your face. 
“Why are you so nice to me, Sannie?” You looked up at him. San laughed at your question, reminding him of your drunken self last night.
“Because you are my baby.” He gave the same answer. Seeing him try to stifle his laugh, you glared at him.
“How bad was I last night?” You asked.
“You weren’t bad, aegi. In fact, you were very cute. I think last night was the cutest I’ve ever seen you.” He tapped your nose. However, you knew that was not a good indication. 
“Oh no. What did I do...?” 
“You didn’t do anything, per say. It was adorable how you kept reminding me that you had a boyfriend whose name was also Choi San like me. And you threatened me that he will beat me up if I try anything funny because he has been going to the gym.” He barely scraped the surface.
“Oh, just end me now.” Your cheeks burned in embarrassment. You dove under the blanket to hide. San didn’t hold back now, bursting out in loud laughter, even holding his stomach. 
“Stop it!” You scolded.
“It’s alright, aegi. At least I know you remember you have a boyfriend named Choi San. And you think I’m strong enough to beat someone up.” San chuckled. Your fist emerged from under the blanket, punching his thigh. 
“I’ll come call you when the food is done, okay?” He opened the blanket to lean down and kiss you before covering you back up.
Of course, San didn’t tell you how you gushed about him. That was a conversation only between drunk you and him. It will be his secret to keep forever. 
“Aegi, food’s ready.” San came back into the room. As much as you wanted to stay hidden forever, the food he cooked made your stomach grumble. You poked your head out from the blanket.
“There’s my beautiful princess.” He smiled. He held your hand to lead you out.
“It smells so good.” You said, sitting down at your small dining table. It was ever only you and San so there was never a need for a big table. 
“I’m glad. Eat more so your tummy won’t feel so sick.” San scooped you a bowl of comforting rice porridge. Even if your stomach was churning uncomfortably, you knew San’s food would make you feel better. He even took out some marinated abalone that his mother always send to him. You took a spoon and ate a mouthful.
“Ah! It’s hot!” You stuck your tongue out. 
“You have to blow on it. It was just off the stove.” San smiled. When you took another scoop, San leaned forward to blow on it for you. He placed a small piece of kimchi on top too. 
“Thank you. Aren’t you going to eat too, Sannie?” You asked after swallowing your food. 
“Maybe later. Watching you eat makes me feel full.” San leaned his head on his hand. You gave him a flat look, reaching out to punch his arm.
“Stop that. Get a bowl for yourself, please. I don’t want to eat on my own.” You begged, knowing that was the only way to get him to eat with you. San complied, going to get himself a bowl too. You waited for him to finish putting seaweed flakes and to sit down before you continued. 
“Are you feeling better?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” The warm food was really helping to settle your stomach. San may not be the best cook but he did know how to make comforting food for you. 
“Good. I took the medication out for you to take after this. Have it with the hangover cure.” San nodded over to the counter. 
“But it’s so bitter... There’s a reason why I didn’t take it before I drank.” You pouted. 
“Be good. It’ll help you feel better.” He stroked your hair. You knew he was treating you the same way that you treated him when he came home drunk after drinking with his friends.
There was always hangover cure in the house because you and San did not hold your liquor well. 
“You really know how to take care of people, San.” You laughed. San chuckled, his ears turning red from your compliment.
“I know how to take care of you.” He corrected. You agreed, San was always good at caring for you whether you were sick or just not feeling your best. He always made sure you had everything you needed. 
“Just like how you care for me when I have my down moments too.” San reached over to hold your hand on your lap. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand lovingly. You and San knew how to take care of each other, which made you the perfect couple. 
“What would I do without you?” 
“There’s no need to think about that. Because you wouldn’t be without me. Wherever you go, I’ll be there with you.” He grinned. 
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reiderwriter · 1 year
♦️Pardon The Way That I Stare♦️
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Chapter 8 of That's What You Get
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Summary: After some encouragement from Emily and Penelope, you try to explain your reaction to Reid at work. Until you find yourself reacting to him more and more, distracting you from doing your job. Warnings: Alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, Reader is just really horny for Reid (REAL). A/N: We're getting closer to the climax and I'm SO beyond excited for everyone to read the next chapter because I think it's going to be so good but also so evil and I enjoy that very much. If you like the series, let me know by dropping a message in the replies or in my inbox, and follow my other account @reiderslibrary for just fics from me without my random thoughts and bullshit in between... You can find masterlist here, and the series masterlist is linked here!
You were stupid, there was no other logical explanation for it. Staring at Emily on your doorstep as your brain stood there, slack-jawed and wide-eyed, trying to process the words she’d just said to you, there was really only one thing running through your brain.
“I’m a fucking dumbass.” you groaned, your hands coming up to your head as you pondered your next move.
“There’s no chance that you’ll believe this was all just one practical joke that I’ve been playing to test how quickly you could turn up at my place with wine?” You looked up hopefully at Emily, and she returned with a concerned look of her own, that silently communicated ‘No, I wasn’t born yesterday.’
“Worth a shot, come on in.” You opened the door wider for Emily and grabbed a second glass from your kitchen to share the wine before she could start her interrogation.
“So,” she prompted as soon as you returned to the couch, and you sighed heavily as you nodded and began.
“I married Reid in Vegas.”
“Yes, I got that from the text, what I didn’t get was why, what, when, where, who, and how! Question words, Y/N, important information if you please.” You chuckled at Emily’s tone, and you melted a little into your couch. Just like with Penelope, letting others know had comforted you. You’d never been one to bottle up your emotions, and you couldn’t exactly tell Spencer how you felt about him, so your dearest FBI-assigned best friends were a welcome compromise.
“You promise not to tell anyone? Penelope knows, and so does Rossi, but no one else does. Well maybe someone else but I don’t know who that someone is - long story.” You rambled, still aware of the promise you’d made with Spencer, and knowing that you’d actually broken it twice now.
“Scouts honor, now get on with it.”
“You were never a scout.”
“That’s beside the point, Y/N, now spill!”
“Do you remember when we finished the case in Vegas last weekend, and we all wanted nothing more than to go home, but the jet was landed?” A small nod encourages you to continue. “Well, Reid offered to show me this bar that he thought I’d enjoy, and honestly, I’d had a tense phone call with my mom and was feeling a bit crappy, so I thought a drink wouldn’t hurt.”
“A drink might get you married though.” You glared at her at the interruption, and she held her hands up in surrender as you continued.
“The bar was amazing, and he noticed I was feeling down, and I don’t know, he just has this way of making me feel calm and fully together. I was a mess earlier that day, but with like one short conversation, he kind of turned my mood entirely around.” You flushed then and decided to ignore Emily’s next interjection.
“Oh god…”
“Apparently after that, we went to a casino or another bar or something, but honestly, I drank so much I don’t remember any of that. But at some point, we bought a very expensive engagement ring, made our way to the Bureau for Wedding Licences and then a chapel and now we’re legally married.” You tried to end your story there, but Emily wasn’t having that.
“No, you’re not stopping there. You said you kissed, and you ruined everything, and you mentioned a wedding night in that text, do not shortchange me now, Y/L/N. Wait, should I be calling you Reid now?” She grinned at the flush that coated your entire body with that, and you buried your head in your pillows.
“Okay, okay. Well, we’re trying to figure out who the witnesses to our wedding were. We know that two team members were there, and Penelope was one of them, but Spencer doesn’t know that yet. Again, another long story.” You let your words sink in as you realize the tangled mess you’d spun for yourself in the last week.
“We spent some time researching our options on Saturday night, to see if we could get our memories to come back and I might not have left until a couple hours ago?”
“Y/N! You’ve been banging Reid for the last three days?”
“No! No, nothing like that, we didn’t- well, we did just not at his house, but also I don’t think you want to hear about that.” You spilled all the details about your last few days with Reid, his touches, his care, the dates you’d been on, the way you’d wrapped yourself around each other in your sleep, but still woken up to an empty bed, all the way up to that fateful kiss and your stupid reaction.
“So there, I’ve ruined it.” Emily looked at you pityingly and started to say something when your doorbell rang a second time.
“That’s reinforcements,” Emily said, standing and moving to greet the newcomer herself. You were relieved when Penelope Garcia came marching through the door, ice cream in hand and mouth already moving.
“Have no fear, your guardian angel is here. Emily texted me en route and I disentangled myself from my plans with a now very suspicious Derek Morgan to race over here. I think I managed to throw him off the scent by mentioning my ukelele lessons with Sam though, he always kinda glazes over whenever I go into heavy details about that.” She perches herself on the couch beside you and starts organizing things on the table, pulling out three tubs of ice cream and locating adequate spoons in the drawer.
“Pen, you didn’t have to do all this…”
“Yes, I did. Emily tell her I did. I need all the details that you suddenly remembered Y/N or I’m going to go crazy, and let me tell you, I am not an effective tech analyst when my mind is all aflutter with wonder.” You smiled awkwardly at the situation. You’d glossed over the details of your wedding night with Emily, going no further than insinuating that you’d had sex, but now the pressure was on.
“We just want to help you, Y/N. And we’re morbidly curious.” Emily joined in. Both of their eyes were trained on you in a hopeful expression, leaving the ball firmly in your court as you fought down the embarrassment rising from the back of your throat.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.
“I think it was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life,” was all you managed to squeak out before they were reacting, asking twenty questions each in the space of a minute as your body both caught fire at the memory and shrunk down to the size of an ant at the attentions.
“Calm down, calm down, I’ll tell you more but you have to calm down.” They stilled themselves and bit their tongue, and you continued.
“Well I don’t want to get into the, uh, specific details, but let’s just say that he’s very good at putting theory into practice. That or he’s actually very experienced in sex and nobody ever realized, because the things he was doing were like, expert-level maneuvers. I didn’t think I was that flexible until he was hitting from-”
“OKAY not that much detail, this is still Reid we’re talking about.”
“Sorry,” you giggled sheepishly and decided to spare them all the details. “All I’ll say is that we both finished multiple times. And I might have stupidly let him finish inside of me.”
“Y/N, you should know better! Safe sex is really important, especially if you’re fucking in a hotel room in Vegas.” Emily half-chastised you, but you could hear the humor in her voice and just rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t exactly having sex with a stranger, I was having sex with my husband.” That got you a teasing cooing from the two women and you buried your face in your hands again.
“So he’s your husband now, is he? How long have you been married? Like three days?”
“Five. Fuck, we’re running out of time.” The length of time that had elapsed since you’d walked down the aisle shocked you as soon as you’d acknowledged it, and you downed your glass of wine as your brain ran rampant.
“Rossi said that if we didn’t tell everyone in a week, he’d do it for us so we didn’t lose our jobs, and we need to file for an annulment soon so we don’t have to get a divorce but there’s like… a one week window, and it’s already been five days. Shit. shit shit shit shit.”
“Hold on, Y/N, you said he kissed you earlier today, right? I wouldn’t exactly recommend getting married and then dating your partner, but it sounds like you both at least like each other enough to pursue this relationship, why would you need an annulment?” Emily’s confusion only served to remind you of the reason they were both here in the first place.
“That’s the problem. I think he thinks I don’t like him like that. And it’s totally my fault that he thinks that, because when he kissed me I didn’t react well and then he just left, and I think I ruined everything.”
“Define not reacting well,” Emily probed further.
“I pushed him away and slammed the door in his face. But that was only because I remembered everything that happened between us on our wedding night, and remembering the most satisfying experience of your entire existence while face-to-face with the man who you’d hitherto never thought capable of that, and having it occur in like 0.02 of a second is a paralyzing experience.”
“Oh my god, you’re an idiot,” Penelope whispered from her side of the couch and you nodded heartily in agreement.
“And what, he just left?” Emily asked again, tone incredulous with all the information she was receiving.
“Well when I’d had my moment and realized what I’d done, I opened the door again and he wasn’t there. And that was only like a minute later. He messaged me this after he left.” You grabbed your phone and opened it up, showing the girls the message and noting their winces in reaction to his words.
“It’s bad, right?”
“No! No, this is salvageable! You just have to… be brave?” Penelope didn’t seem to believe her own words as you pulled your phone back and poured yourself another glass, ready to drown your sorrows once again. Emily was a little more confident.
“Okay. Here’s what you do. I’m going to talk to Rossi for you tomorrow morning at work, get him to hold off on his big reveal while you go and explain everything to Spencer. How does that sound?”
“That sounds doable, I guess.” You sniffled a little, rereading the text having made your emotions jump back up to the surface again as you fought off tears.
“Brilliant. And then you can stay married and continue having wonderful sex, and make some genius babies and make me their godmother.” You threw a pillow at Penelope that she was just too slow to catch, and filled the rest of your evening with wine, ice cream, and good company.
Emily sends you a thumbs-up text after she talks to Rossi the next morning, and a weight falls off your shoulder. One step down, one to go right?
You’d arrived at work probably a little bit too early, having spent the night tossing and turning and playing every possible outcome in your mind over and over again. It had been half an hour before the next person turned up, and Hotch had only given you a confused half-nod in greeting before secluding himself in his office. Rossi had been the next to arrive, about twenty minutes later, and he too had questioned your presence but not in so many words.
“Early morning, Y/N? Settling into new routines in your newly-wed life, are we?” You’d stuttered out an answer but he was halfway up the stairs by the time you finished, obviously meaning the comment to be rhetorical.
Morgan, Emily, and JJ were all next, showing up only a few minutes before your shift officially started, but there was no sign of Reid, and you were running out of time - and privacy - to talk to him.
Then at 9 sharp the elevator doors opened, and from your seat at your desk, you watched him step out, feeling your tongue grow thick and your heart beat faster as he made his way into the office. This wasn’t how you were supposed to feel, this was cartoonish like a teenage boy in a brat pack movie watching the hottest girl in the school walk down a corridor. This was Spencer, your husband, and your best friend, and here you were feeling giggly and shy.
You almost felt like texting Emily back, telling her if you started giggling and twirling your hair, to take you out back and put you out of your misery.
He didn’t make eye contact with you as he settled into his morning routine, pulling off his scarf, putting his bag away, and then moving to the kitchen to fill up on his morning coffee. You did your best to covertly follow him, trying not to alert the others to your heart eyes as you looked at him and forgot everyone else.
“Spencer, can we talk?” You blocked off the entry to the kitchen as he spun around to face you, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips.
“Sure, Y/N, what’s up?” His voice didn’t betray any of his emotions, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes, and you could tell you’d hurt him the day before. You took a deep breath and walked closer to him as he continued making his coffee, again refusing to look you in the eyes as he continued as normal.
“It’s about yesterday-”
“We probably shouldn’t talk about this here, right?” He cut you off in a whisper, his voice sending shivers down your spine as you gripped the countertop beside him for support. You’d gotten closer than you expected at first, somehow magnetically drawn to him, your body language just as open to him as he was closed to you.
“I think we need to, Spence. I’m sorry, I panicked.”
“No, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have done that-”
“Spencer I got my memory back.” His eyes widened and he blossomed in front of you again, attention entirely on you now as he took in your words.
“You did?”
“Partially, only the… Only the memories of your hotel room.” His eyes darkened in understanding, moving unconsciously closer to you, placing a hand next to yours on the counter as he effectively trapped your body in.
“Oh. Those memories.”
“Yeah. So you can see why I was a bit distracted.” He nodded at your words, but he was still coming closer to you now. Your body felt weak underneath you, entirely reacting to his closeness, the warmth rolling off his body, the electricity sparking between you despite him not touching you anywhere.
“Distracted?” His eyes darted to your lips as he grew closer, and your legs chose that exact second to give in underneath you.
Your knees hit the ground uncomfortably, as he reacted to your sudden movement, trying to grab you and pull you up, but only managing to grab the hand that was already holding the counter above you, awkwardly twisting and pinning your arm up.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, I’m sorry, I think… I think I should go,” you were face to face with his crotch, and looking up at him in that position was certainly giving you unwholesome thoughts. He jumped back as you scrambled out from underneath him, begging whatever god was out there that none of the profilers you worked with would question the dazed state that would follow you for the rest of the day.
Despite your need to straighten things out with Spencer, you’d avoided him for the rest of the day, and, having been called out on a case, you spent the better part of the week avoiding him as well. After literally falling for him, you’d decided that maybe in your newly weakened lovesick stage, it was best for everyone on the team that you try to stay as clear-headed as possible.
Not everyone on the team, though, agreed. He’d trailed after you like a lost puppy for days now, and you wanted nothing more than to give in and throw yourself in his arms. But there was a murderer on the loose and you needed to give your entire attention to it.
He’d tried multiple times to get you to help him with some work, suggesting that you go through some files together, or check out one of the witnesses together, much to your discomfort. Luckily, Hotch had picked up on some of the discomfort between the two of you and had kept you somewhat apart, not asking questions.
But the last night on the case, he’d cornered you, and you had to work twice as hard to extricate yourself from the situation.
“Y/N, why are you avoiding me?” He’d caught you alone in the hotel lobby, pulling you into a dark corner without much foot traffic to confront you. “Is it because of the kiss? Because the way you talked about getting your memories back the other day made me think we were okay about that again, but if we’re not then I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable.”
“It’s not the kiss, Spence, and we really shouldn’t be talking about this here.” You tried to turn and leave, but he grabbed your elbow and spun you back into him, bodies pressed flush up against each other now.
“Spencer let go, someone could see us.” Even you knew your voice sounded half-hearted, not really wanting him to stop touching you at all.
“If it’s not the kiss, then why are you acting like I don’t exist?” His face was close again, and you felt your body reacting the same way it had done in the staff kitchen. Your knees went weak again, but he was prepared this time, holding you up in his arms, gently maneuvering you so you were pinned against the wall.
“Is this it?” He asked, letting his hands trail over your body as you whimpered under his touch. “Your reactions?”
Your brain was empty of a response, so you just held still, desperate to see what he would do or say next.
“You know, the deadline on our annulment has passed. It’s been over a week now,” he said, his forehead resting on yours as he brought his hips ever closer.
You were the one that gave in first, pushing your head up to capture his lips in a crushing kiss, needing him the way you needed water, food, and sleep. You’d deprived yourself for so long, and now you were hungry, ravenous, and he was the same. Your lips opened, and soon his tongue was snaking in, caressing you in ways both familiar and new, and your entire body heated up to its boiling point.
You moaned under his touch as his hands wandered, silently begging for more of him. Your brain only kicked back into gear when you registered the sound of voices about to turn the corner. Quickly pushing him off, you pulled yourself together just as JJ and Morgan found you there.
“Y/N, Reid, Garcia got a positive ID on our unsub, we’re about to go SWAT his house, get your gear ready.”
Either you were very good at masking your emotions and the physical outburst you’d just shared, or Morgan was just too caught up in getting his job done that he didn’t look too closely at the way Reid’s tie was half undone, your lips were pink and swollen and that both of you were breathing abnormally. Whichever it was, you were just thankful that neither of them questioned you as you all left to go and do your job.
To your detriment, you’d avoided him on the jet back as well, choosing to wrap a blanket around yourself and sit in a single seat at the end of the plane rather than risk his hands on you again like last time. You already couldn’t be trusted around him, and you wanted to take no risks with everyone else present.
He’d sat in your line of vision purposefully though, making eye contact every now and then to remind you that he was still watching you. You’d feigned exhaustion and pretended to sleep in the end, despite the flight duration only being a measly two hours. He’d let you exit the plane alone though, and said a general goodbye to the team upon landing, giving you a second look and wave before taking himself home.
The ball was firmly in your court.
“What the hell was all that?” Emily whispered in your ear as you both watched him leave alone. “What happened to the plan?” You smiled awkwardly, not wanting to admit how fucking horny the man made you feel, and how it was affecting your work performance so badly that avoiding him was the only way to keep your job.
“We had the talk, everything’s fine.”
“The two of you aren’t walking out of here hand in hand, so obviously everything is not fine, Penelope, tell me I’m wrong.” The other woman had stumbled into the bullpen upon landing and Emily had immediately drawn her into your hushed conversation as soon as Morgan had made to go home as well.
“What’s going on, hot stuff, I thought you’d be enjoying every second of your marital bliss by now.”
“He’s too distracting.” You whisper shouted at him. “He kissed me again last night and I almost let him take me in the lobby. And Morgan and JJ almost caught us, so yeah, he’s too distracting.”
“Oh god, you’re horny for Reid.” Emily laughed slightly at the implication as if it had just dawned on her and you hadn’t had an entire conversation where you fawned about how good in bed he was.
“Yes, I’m horny for Reid, okay, now please stop laughing, I’m in pain.”
“Well you know there’s only one solution, right?” Penelope said as if it were clear as day. “You need to go have sex with him again. See if you can be normal with him when you’re not so pent up.”
“I don’t know, Pen….” You were still staring at the elevator doors, even after it had been so long since he’d left.
“What is there to not know? You like him, he likes you, you’re married. Like you said before, it’s not like you’re having sex with a stranger, he’s your husband.” Having your words thrown back in your face gave you the boost of confidence that you needed, and you sprang from your chair.
“Okay?” Emily repeated and you looked back down at the two women.
“Okay, I’m gonna… I’m gonna go seduce my husband, I guess?” You turned on your heel and left, marching out to the sounds of whoops and cheers from the two women behind you.
🏷️ @w-windyy @multifandom-on-the-side @reidandhotchsgirl @babybluecakes @hugyourlungs @prentissesredtanktop @reidscaffeine @bethanyhaas01 @average-sunflower @academiareid @sailortongue @daddy-dotcom @high-functioning-cosplayer @anniewhalelover @abbyshmaby @isabel-ffl-xoxo @sujan39 @frxcless @bluestuesday @busy-buzzing @breadbrobin @maxinehufflepuffprincess @l0v3cam @booksandwonderlands @myescapefromthislife @ferrjulie @scoobydoopoo @aelinismyqueen @littlesingingbean @jamiemuscatosslut @xohoneybun @anchovy89freya @dysphoricsanity @ghostheartbeat @casss2111 @rebloggiest-reblogger @wishyoudaskme @imawhoreforu @academiacoffeelover @softservepunk @andiebeaword @r-3dlips @wakaladjarin @ratbastardchild @mcira @danika1994 @stargurl99 @whovianwholikesgirls @its-not-too-late-for-coffee
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ynsvnte · 8 months
Aquarium Date with Enha !
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Genre: fluff, est. relat. crack wc: 1.1k , warnings:, kisses, pet names, teasing, swearing like once, pairing: ot7!enha x gn!reader
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Lee Heeseung - 이희승
* He would be excited like a 3 year old. Trust my words.
* Would gasp after seeing a fish pass by him.
* Marine life is just so cool to him (me too heeseung dw).
* It's a fun date because it’s literally the Lee heeseung. Of course it wouldn’t be boring.
* Can’t forget he’s going to be flirty as always
“WOAH BABE DID YOU SEE THAT!?!” He exclaimed. You only stare at him. Only nodding your head. You see him pull his phone out and say. “Quick, let's take a picture with the fishies. ‘How cute..’ you thought. You both posed with the fish in the background. Heeseung shows you the photos. Making you giggle.
“You look cute..” you tell him. Heeseung only pecks your cheek. “You should tell yourself that.” After that being said he walks to the next tank leaving you alone blushing.
Park Jongseong - 박종성
* So romantic because it’s Jay.
* Would spend anything on you. You see a cute otter plush. He’s buying it for you
* Would hold your hand the entire time so you don’t get lost
* Kisses you almost every five minutes so everyone can see who you belong too
* Would take lots of pictures of you and make it his lockscreen
“No love. I can’t have you running off.” Jay said, holding your hand firmly. You only stare at him before kissing his lips
“Babe I’m not a little girl I’m grown..” you know you would get lost this place is massive. “Still. I’ll get worried, you know how important your safety is to me..” His eyes making eye contact with yours. You lose yourself in them, before his voice interrupts your thoughts. “Done staring?” He asks with a smirk displayed on his face.. “oh shut up..” you lightly hit him.
Sim Jaeyun - 심재윤
* Flirty. Just flirty.
* Sim Jaeyun of course brought flowers when meeting up with you.
* Not much pda because he’ll slightly get flustered
* “Baby you look so fine..you sure you aren’t mine..”
* “Jake shut up..”
* pouty after you told him to shut up
“Okay that’s enough Jake..” you look at him with a smile.
“No not until you make it up to me..” he was sulking..oh boy. “Well I’m sorry for telling you to shut up.” You tried your best to get him to forgive you. Jake being a man who is down bad for you, gave up too quickly. “Fine, but you still own me more.”
“Which is.?” You raised your brows.. “Give me kisses..” he demanded. You only rolled your eyes before kissing his lips. Jake kissed you back. Holding your chin with one hand.. “there..?” You asked..
Park Sunghoon - 박성훈
* He’ll tease you every chance he gets
* But he’s shy to even display any kind of affection
* So maybe you’ll tease him instead
* in fact you did (made him a shy boy)
“Lovely, look..” you said, Sunghoon ignored you. Trying to also ignore his red ears. It was way too obvious. How could he be treated like this? His own ego is now hurt.
“What..?” He spoke up with a stern look. Just then he feels a pair of lips on his. Making his eyes widened. He quickly pulls away not facing you. “Hehe..baby I know you liked it..” true, but still kissing him In front of other people. “Yeah, yeah..” he rolled his eyes.
“Aweee somebody’s shy..hmm..?” Oh boy you weren’t stopping soon. “We’re here to look at animals..not kiss..” Sunghoon said.. “yeah but it’s a date remember..?” Sunghoon could just nod his head..crazy in love..
Kim Seonwoo - 김선우
* Makes you feel special (twice)
* So sweet!! He's so cute..
* Feeds you food bc he’s litch your bf
* Overall a very cute fun date with sunoo
“Love, here” he says, holding out his spoon. Trying to feed you. You both stopped for food bc you got hungry after walking too much..
You take a bite and sunoo smiles. Staring at you lovingly.. “I love you..” he says.. you nod your head avoiding making eye contact.. “hey look up at me..” and you as he said..
“Hmm..?” Sunoo then leans in and wipes off your face with his thumb.. “just had a little stain..” Oh… how embarrassing for you.. At Least not for sunoo. “You’re so cute you know that..?” Bet you’re red as a tomato right now..you love this man so much.. “thank you” you said softly.. the effect of this man
Yang Jungwon - 양정원
* He’ll get scared..despite them being inside a tank..
* He’s gotta put himself first, sorry (or not)
* But he’ll make it up to your promise
* His girl can’t be sad (his words not mine)
“Okay I’m sorry for ‘overreacting’ but you saw that shark..!?!” He said, shaking the thought of it breaking out. He was too young to die..
“Yeah whatever..but was it honestly necessary..?” You asked him.. “No but it’s a natural instinct..” he tried reasoning.. “natural instinct my ass Jungwon.. no more cuddles because you acted like some toddler!?!” You said slightly mad. Slightly you found it funny at the same time. “Babe be serious, right now.. you like this side of me..” Oops, busted.. “umm no what do you mean?” You acted like nothing he said affected you. “Sure.. I know you more than you know yourself..” Can't disagree with that..
Nishimura Riki - 西村力
* Goofy mf.. well said
* Don’t trust him.. he will leave you alone..
* could’ve been a cute date.. BUT NO
* He will make it up at home bc he can’t show him being clingy in public BIG NO NO
“Where is this kid?” You asked yourself.. you lost him in the aquarium.. for the tenth time today.. you pulled out your phone and called him. No response. ‘Why won’t he answer his phone?’ You thought. You look around.. still no Niki.. he can’t be hiding he’s too tall.. 5 minutes later still nowhere to be found. You take a break.. little did you know Niki was following you.. from distance of course.. he walks up behind you and scares you.
“BOO!” He yells. Making you jump and turn around quickly.. “AHH- YOU LITTLE-“ you were about to hit him, but he caught your wrist quickly.. “No no… this is payback you didn’t give me my cuddles..” he said.. Ohh yeah his cuddles. Not your fault you had to leave for work.. “Well I’m sorry then..” you crossed your arms. Niki chuckled before saying “Apology accepted but let’s go home so you can give me my cuddles..?”
You nodded your head before grabbing his hands and walking out.
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Author’s Note: don’t know if anybody has done this but I felt like doing it bc I can and I also been wanting to do a ot7 work and this is my time to shine 😁 also did this in one day bc I have the motivation 💪🏼💪🏼✨ went a little overboard with niki’s…MY BAD
© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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ash5monster01 · 10 months
You’ll Be Okay
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: self doubt, language, mentions of trauma, established relationship, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of suicide
Summary: Charlie absolutely breaking down when you tell him you’re pregnant which is the complete opposite of the reaction you had expected.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: for my Charlie girlies, I know it’s been a while but hopefully this holds you over <3
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The bundle of nerves in your stomach was becoming too much to bear. This was visible as you nervously bounced your leg in the waiting room of the doctors office. Everything was so white and your heart rate was starting to pick up. You weren’t normally a fan of doctors but you felt you had justified reasons for your visit. Considering you period was late, you woke up queasy every morning, and your emotions seemed to be heightened, so it gave you all the excuses in the world. It also made sense because you and Charlie had agreed to stop using protection a few months ago. You had discussed being ready for kids and not wanting to rush into pregnancy, so you stopped using protection, and prepared for it to happen when it happens.
“Take a breath” Chris whispered, the small baby boy held to her chest. You had called her the minute you put the context clues together and she agreed to accompany you since she had already been through this twice now.
“I know, I’m trying” you forced a smile, your hand instinctively moving to twist your wedding band around your finger. It was a habit you had picked up since it became a permanent part of yourself.
“Remember, you and Charlie are ready for this. You should be excited” her soft smile radiated towards you and you felt comforted by her the same way you did the day you met. Without Chris you never would’ve met her boyfriend, now husband Knox, and Knox would’ve never introduced you to your now husband Charlie.
“I am, it’s just scary to think about. I’m already so attached and maybe I’m not even pregnant” you voiced your fears, admiring how she cradled her 10 month old baby as her 2 year old girl slept against her side. She was a super Mom, taking it all in perfect strides, the same way she mastered everything. Where she thrived, you struggled, and you worried motherhood would be the same.
“A mother’s intuition is never wrong, and you are going to be a great one” Chris’ hand moved to cover your stomach and you felt butterflies erupt because everything in you believed that a tiny piece of life, that you and the man you loved created, was growing in there.
“Mrs. Dalton” you nearly jumped out of your seat as the doctor called your name and you quickly stood, following him to an exam room.
“Good luck” Chris called out after you.
“We’re gonna do a blood test and then an ultrasound to see if we can find anything” you nodded, trying to numb yourself to feeling because you didn’t want to be disappointed. You’d rather not be heartbroken if he told you, you weren’t pregnant. So you tried to lessen your hopes as you let them take the blood test.
You could’ve sworn your heart was about to bust out of your chest as he prepped you for the ultrasound. Too scared to find there was absolutely nothing in there. Your eyes flicked nervously across the small, fuzzy, black and white screen as you waited.
“Would you look at that” the doctors voice nearly stopped your heart as a small blob appeared on the screen. A small thumping sound filled the room and you felt tears begin to form behind your eyes. “Judging by the size and the heart beat you’re about 6 weeks along. Congratulations Momma”
“Are you serious?” the dam broke as tears flowed freely down your face and the doctor smiled.
“Very serious” you leaned over and hugged him, him taken aback as he let out a chuckle. You couldn’t wait to tell Chris as you quickly got yourself back together to rush out to the waiting room.
“Well, what did he say?” Chris jumped to her feet as you returned to the waiting room. You tried to keep your composure but as soon as she asked you began to cry again.
“I’m 6 weeks along” shock flooded Chris’ features as she heard this.
“Oh my, you’re having a baby!” she squealed before hugging you as tight as she could with her son in her arms.
“I can’t wait to tell Charlie!” you spoke as you pulled away, already excited to cook the two of you dinner and tell him the good news. After that you and Chris wasted no time getting back home so you could prepare to tell your husband.
You nearly burned the chicken cutlet about five times as you prepared it, bursting with excitement and anticipation of Charlie coming home. You were going to have a baby, you had wanted this for so long. It was the whole reason you had stopped using protection, you were ready. So when you heard the door knob turn you realized you wouldn’t be able to wait until dinner was served to share the news.
“Hey baby” Charlie smiled at you, abandoning the brief case at the door as he loosened his tie. You couldn’t help but smile wider at the name baby.
"Hey sweetheart, how was work?" you asked as he walked over, wrapping you up slowly in his arms as he began to kiss the side of your head.
"Long and tiring, I couldn't wait to come home and see you" Charlie had ended up a Bank Managaer despite his best efforts not too. You admired that he was able to strip the work away the minute he stepped into the home. He still read and wrote poetry and played the saxophone every once in a while. You admired that he made an effort to continue doing the things he loved. Life was about work, of course, but it was also about the good, enjoyable things.
"I've been dying to see you too" you told him, finally pressing your lips to his in a soft kiss. He hummed in relief, as if the action just removed all of the stress from his entire day.
"You seem extra happy today, what's got you all smiley?" Charlie asked as he pulled back from the kiss, searching your eyes as he looked at you with adoration.
"I got some good news" you grinned and Charlie rose his eyebrows, curious as to what could have you with this wide a smile on your face.
"News? Well hit me with it sugar, don't leave a man hanging" he told you and you chcukled, excitment and nerves bubbling over as he continued to hold your waist.
"So me and Chris went to the Doctor today?" Charlie furrowed his eyebrows, confused that good news could come from a doctors visit instead of bad. "I wanted to get checked out.
"But you’ve been fine, you haven't even had a cold?" Charlie was still confused, unsure where any of this story could be going. He didn't need to worry and going to the doctor without telling him worried him.
"Not cold symptoms, but pregancy symptoms" you explained and suddenly all the color seemed to drain from his face.
"You're pregnant?" you nodded, the huge smile still painted perfectly on your face and he felt his heart begin to quicken. Suddenly his arms loosened their grip around you and he took a step back, the smile instantly falling from your face.
"Charlie? What’re you thinking?" you nervously asked as he backed to the dining room table and calmbered into a seat. He stayed silent, looking anywhere but your eyes, and suddenly you felt the tears begin to burn behind them. "We talked about this, you we're ready. We stopped using protection"
The tears started to fall and Charlie finally looked to you, a hand over his mouth as he sat there stunned. Yet between your tears you saw he had tears in his eyes as well. You wished you could read every thought going through his head as he looked at you, a broken look across his face.
"Charlie, tell me what's wrong?" you begged as you moved towards hm, grasping his hands in your own.
"I thought I was ready" he muttered, tears now falling down his cheeks as well. He shook his head, removing his hands to brush his tears away.
"So you don't want to do this?" you asked and he sighed heavily, his heart clenching from his thoughts.
"Of course I do, I just don't want to hurt our kid" it was your turn to furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Bending to your knees in front of him you grabbed his thighs, practically pleading with him to look at you.
"Baby, how could you ever hurt our kid?" you ask and he sighs, his fingers running through his hair, leaving it a mess compared to his perfectly combed look.
"We could make them feel trapped, like they don't have a future, they could decide to leave us" and then it hit you. Charlie was scared to raise a kid, do it wrong, and lose them exactly how he lost Neil.
"Charlie that could absolutely never happen. You are not Neil's father, in fact you are the furthest thing from it. I know I can trust that you will keep our childrens happiness before anything else" you tell him, trying to reassure him of this and he sighs, tears still staining his face as he lifts you up to sit in his lap.
"I know I'm just scared, I didn’t think it would happen this soon" he says and you smile as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close.
"We've been trying for month Char, I think we are just on time" you tell him and he nods against you, a hand reaching over to press against your stomach.
"There's really a baby in there?" he asks and you smile, happy this didn't mean he didn't care.
"Yeah, 6 weeks old. Only the size of a pea" you tell him, a hand running through his already disheveled hair.
"If it's a boy can we name him Neil?" Charlie asks and you smile, brushing your own tears away.
"Of course baby" you tell him and he finally lifts his head from your chest to look at you.
"And if it's a girl, can we name her Nuwanda?" you laughed at this question, head tipping back in amusement, unsurprised that he said it. He was still the same guy you fell in love with.
"Absolutley not, but I don't hate Wanda" you tell him, your hand tucking under his chin to lift his head and look at you.
"Wanda is perfect" he said before leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours. You smiled as he kissed you hard and good, more than likely trying to erase the mess he just made. He knew he should've been excited but the fear was suffocating the minute he heard the word pregnancy.
"I promise you'll be a good father Charlie, I just know it" Charlie smiles softly, holding his girl that was carrying his baby. The baby he would make sure didn’t grow up with the same fears of life like he did. Like Neil did. The exact fears that killed him.
"I'm going to do everything I can to gurantee that"
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pedroscurls · 1 year
Third Time’s A Charm (Part 1).
Character(s): Frankie “Catfish” Morales , Reader (female, second person POV) Summary: There is history between you and Frankie. In fact, you have both broken up twice and yet, you still seem to find your way back to each other. Could this third chance be the last and final one? Word Count: 2,339 Author's Note: And we’re here! Frankie Morales officially has my heart. I’m so excited for you all to read what I have in store for this story. We’re in for a ride. Please note that this story will have mentions of drug use / addiction and PTSD, but I will give a warning for each chapter. Happy reading!  Warning: None.
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Right person, wrong time. You and Frankie knew that concept all too well. You both could never get the timing right, but the amount of love you two shared never faded. It always lingered, always gave you both a feeling that maybe one day, it would work out. You left it in the universe’s hands at that point, a firm believer that if it was meant to be, you will find your way back to each other. 
But after he got married, you started to keep your distance. It hurt too much to be around him. You shared so much history with Frankie and being around him, seeing him with another woman that wasn’t you, just didn’t feel right. 
Yes, you both still talked, still checked in with each other, but the conversations became less and less frequent. 
You never did get along with his wife, part of the reason being that she didn’t like that Frankie was still friends with a woman he had been in a relationship with… Twice. 
So, when Santiago showed up on your doorstep one afternoon, you were surprised to say the least. It had been a little over a year since you spoke to the other man, having heard from Will that he had been in Colombia. 
But here he was. A smile on his face paired with warm and kind eyes. Santiago was Frankie’s best friend. In fact, he was the reason why you and Frankie had been in a relationship to begin with. He had set you both up on a blind date after believing that you and Frankie would make a great pair, and Santiago wasn’t wrong. 
You and Frankie were both shy at the beginning of the date, teetering on being polite and also not knowing what to expect, but after a couple of drinks and a shared interest over planes, you both started to relax. 
It was truly one of the best dates you had ever been on and it only kickstarted the beautiful, yet painful relationship with Frankie. 
The first breakup was mutual, both too afraid to admit that this relationship could be something beautiful. The breakup only lasted four months before Frankie reached out to you, asking you out for a cup of coffee to see how you were doing. It didn’t take long before you both admitted that you still loved each other, that the feelings you shared hadn’t left. 
And so, you both tried to give it another shot. 
But the second breakup was painful. You and Frankie had been together for three years before the breakup. You had been accepted into a very competitive master’s program at a college in California, which was a dream you always had even before Frankie. The program would last for two years and you and Frankie had made the decision to end the relationship. 
You both agreed that you didn’t want to try a long distance relationship, afraid that it might just ruin the relationship you both built. 
“I love you,” he whispered. You both decided to end the relationship a month before you had to leave, not wanting to prolong the inevitable even further. 
“Will we ever get the timing right?” you asked.
Frankie didn’t know the answer to that. He hadn’t ever felt this way about someone and while this seemed so painful, to end a relationship without even trying to make it work, it made sense. He knew how important this program was to you, how passionate you were about teaching, about literature, that he couldn’t ask you to stay. It would be selfish of him to ask that of you. 
Frankie didn’t want to let you go, but he knew that he had to. 
“I guess we’ll find out,” he finally replied. 
“Two years…” you said quietly. “It’s only gonna be two years and I’ll visit for the holidays and–” 
Frankie shushed you, his hand gently cupping your cheek. He looked into your eyes for a brief moment before he scanned the rest of your features, memorizing every inch of your face, every freckle and mole… This seemed like goodbye. 
“Don’t,” he interrupted. “I mean, I want you to go to California without having to worry about me, about us.”
“I love you, Frankie…” 
“I love you too, baby.” Frankie was never someone who allowed himself to show emotions, to cry, but being with you had shown him that all he needed was a safe space, someone to show him that it was okay to feel things, to express how you were feeling. But right now, he didn’t want to show his pain, afraid that if you noticed it, you would put your dream on hold to stay here, in Florida, with him. “You’re going to be great.” 
“I’m gonna miss you.”
Frankie gently pecked your lips. “I’ll be right here when you get back, baby.”
But six months into your program, you had become so busy, so engrossed in your studies that Frankie had taken a backseat. You knew that he would be okay; he had Santiago, Will, Benny, and Tom. While he didn’t promise that he would wait for you, it still surprised you when you found out he was engaged and eventually married. 
Santiago and the rest of the guys always believed that you would come back from California and pick up right where you and Frankie left off. You had spent plenty of time with Frankie’s friends, hearing plenty of stories from their time in the military. You even felt like you were part of their group, teasing Santiago and Benny about the women they tried to pick up, confiding in Will when Frankie was in a slump, and even finding comfort in Tom’s presence. 
“Santi,” you finally said. “This is a surprise.”
He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “Had to come visit you,” Santiago smiled, pulling you into a hug. “How are you?” 
You took comfort in his embrace. It felt like forever since you felt this safe. Frankie and his group of friends always gave you that feeling, that sense of security. 
“I’m good,” you replied, pulling back and looking into his eyes. “I heard you’ve been in Colombia.”
“From Frankie?”
You shook your head. “From Will actually.”
Santiago nodded. You let him inside your apartment and shut the door behind you. You walked towards the kitchen, hearing his boots against your wooden floors as he followed you. 
“Have you talked to Frankie?”
You shook your head, grabbing two glasses to fill with water. “I haven’t talked to him in over a year. I talk to Will and Benny, though. I get my updates from them. Tom’s– He’s been dealing with the separation, so I haven’t spoken to him either.”
“You haven’t talked to Frankie in that long?” Santiago asked, surprised. 
“He’s married and his wife made it very clear that she isn’t comfortable with us talking, so out of respect, I decided that it would be best to keep my communication with Frankie limited.” You handed him the glass. “I hear he’s doing okay, though.”
“You know, us guys always thought it would be you two,” Santiago admitted, taking the glass of water from you and nodding his thanks. “You kept him grounded. Hell, you kept all of us grounded.” 
You smiled, shaking your head. “Yeah right. Keep you five men grounded? Sure, Santi.”
“I’m serious,” he smiled. “Having you around… It was nice. Frankie always told us–”
“Santiago,” you interrupted. “He has moved on. I still love him, still care about him, but he’s married.”
Santiago nodded. “Right, yeah. I’m sorry.” 
“So, what brings you by? Unannounced, by the way. You could have called.” 
He chuckled. “Beats the element of surprise.” 
You arched a brow, sitting across from him. “What’s going on?” 
And from there, Santiago told you about his plan about asking the guys to come back to Colombia with him. You had spent so much time with Frankie and the rest of the guys that their stories about their time in the military didn’t scare you. Instead, it made you sad, frustrated, angry for Frankie, Santiago, Will, Tom, and Benny that they had to endure what they went through only to be cast aside once they were retired veterans. 
Santiago’s plan sounded dangerous, but if they could pull it off, the reward would be worth it. But for the plan to work successfully, he needed Frankie, Tom, Benny, and Will to be on board. He needed all of them. 
You didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to react. You noticed that Santiago always had the ideas, never small, always big. He believed that he could get Lorea, while simultaneously seizing worth seventy-five million dollars. 
“What do you think? You think I can get all of them on board?” Santiago asked.
“I think that’s a big ask, Santi.” You sighed. You were sure that each man had something going on, but at the same time, you knew how tight knit this group was. You knew that if Santiago showed this much passion to the guys, then you knew that they would back him up. No matter what. “But you know them more than I do, so you tell me.”
Santiago nodded, looking around your apartment. “I bet with your help, I can convince them no problem.” 
“No,” you shook your head. “Santiago, I can’t.”
“Why not? You know all of us. We all love you, trust you, and–”
“Santiago,” you interrupted. “I believe in you… I believe in all of you, but–”
“This can be good for us,” he replied. “This money and getting Lorea? Not only will Colombia be safer, but the money can do a lot of good for us.”
“I don’t want the money. I’m not even going to Colombia, so I don’t think I should get any part of it.” You said quietly. “Besides, I can’t– I don’t want to be part of something this dangerous. You can all get hurt, or worse.”
“We won’t. We know what we’re doing. This will be easy compared to what we’ve done.” Santiago reached out for you, his eyes softening, pleading. “Listen, how about you just come by tonight? Benny’s fighting and I’m sure the guys will love to see you. It’ll be like old times.”
“Is Frankie going to be there?” 
“I don’t know,” Santiago lied. “Besides, if he is, I know he’d be happy to see you.” 
“Please,” he said quietly. You could tell this meant a lot to him. This mission, giving back to the people of Colombia, to the guys who struggled after getting out of the military… You knew he needed this. 
“Fine,” you replied. “But only because I miss Benny’s fights.” 
He grinned in triumph, standing and pulling you into a hug. “I’ll pick you up tonight. We can go together.” 
“Okay, but the first round is on you.” 
You were sitting at the front, waiting for Santiago while he and Will went to the men’s locker room. You were drinking a beer, albeit very warm but alcohol nonetheless, as you watched the fights with little interest. The crowd was merely waiting for Benny, and so were you. In fact, you were waiting for Santiago and Will to come back out so that you wouldn’t have to be alone. 
There were a couple of men who had come up to you, trying to make small talk, but you had told them you weren’t interested. In fact, you haven't been in a serious relationship since Frankie. The man had set the bar so high that no other man could ever reach. Sure, there were a few that have tried, but you always ended it before it could get too serious. 
You were standing now, though, the crowd piquing your interest as you looked towards the cage to see two men, all bloodied and exchanging punches. While this would have deterred plenty of women, this was actually very exhilarating for you. You had always been a fan of mixed martial arts, so you had seen Benny’s fights whenever you got the chance. Luckily, every time you went, Frankie wasn’t there. 
The referee stepped in to stop the fight, the man on the ground visibly not defending himself. The crowd roared in excitement, chanting the name of the winner. A couple of minutes passed before the announcer began to announce the next fight. You heard Benny’s name and you cheered loudly, raising your arms in the air (with your beer in one hand). 
You glanced over at the end of the hall to see the door open. Benny walked out, wearing bright red trunks. His face was serious, focused, but you felt your heart skip a beat when you saw Frankie. He was walking alongside Santiago and Will, trailing behind Benny. 
Frankie was wearing a tan colored and brown collared jacket with a gray v-neck underneath. His jeans sat perfectly on his hips, paired with a brown belt, and boots. Your eyes skimmed him, finally noticing how his curls were tucked underneath his usual Standard Heating Oil hat. 
Benny looked over at you, chuckling to himself when he noticed who you were staring at. 
They stopped walking and you saw Tom join Santiago, Frankie, and Will, handing them each a cup of beer. Then, Santiago pointed in your direction. You made eye contact with him for a moment before watching Frankie turn around, his eyes finally meeting yours. 
His eyes instantly softened. 
Yours did too. 
And you both stood there, the crowd cheering Benny’s name beginning to fade out. 
You saw him and the rest of the guys walk over to you. When he was standing mere inches from you, he let out a small smile. You yearned to reach out for him, to hug him and have his arms wrap around you like before, but in the back of your mind, you remembered that the man standing before you was now married. 
He was off limits. 
“Hey,” Frankie said. “Long time no see, hermosa.”
Part 2.
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hey emily!! it’s me again lol. sorry for adding to your list of things to write!!
i was trying to think of some kind of one shot i’d like, and i remember that my friend and i were talking a bit ago and she said i kind of looked like Speirs, which at first i didn’t agree.. but now i can sorta see it?? we have mostly the same coloring except for the eyes. plus our noses are similar and our eyebrows. ANYWAY, it just gave me the idea of a one shot where i’m Speirs’ little sister and maybe i’m a nurse in easy company, but he’s a very ‘protective older brother’ type so none of the guys even want to cross that line. UNTIL winters (my bae 😔) and i develop feelings for each other and start to date and be all bf/gf in secret until Speirs finds out. And so then there might be some conflict there or maybe he’s fine cause it’s Dick, who knows?
But yes that’s just an idea that i’ve been thinking about for a bit, i don’t have a brother and have always wanted one, i think Speirs would be the perfect scary older brother lolol. anyways im super excited to see what you do with this!! thanks! <3
(p.s i emotionally cant handle bad endings so if there’s any way you could have it end well i would SUPER appreciate it!)
also I didn't proofread this so apologies for any typos 🫠
Thank you so much for the request Lara! Hope you enjoy 🥰
Ron and the Unknown Soldier
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Dick Winters x Speirs!Medic!Reader
1,190 words
The officers were having the time of their lives in the Eagle’s Nest, resting out in the sun with the best champagne available. Ron had other things on his mind, though. Someone was dating Easy Company’s medic, (y/n). Something like this would, typically, never cross his mind twice. However, this certain medic was Ron’s baby sister. He heard from Lieutenant Lipton that the medic was absolutely smitten with a boy in 2nd Battalion, and Ron could not help but be infuriated. He knows the boys, especially in Easy Company. They’re good soldiers, stellar soldiers, but Ron has seen how quickly they love and leave women - thinking about (y/n) falling for some lousy corporal who will leave as soon as the next girl comes his way lit an angry fire in Ron’s soul.
Ron remembered when Lipton first told him about the rumor - it was about a month ago, in Hagenau. That night, Ron showed up unannounced to (y/n)’s billet and knocked on the door. He noticed the sounds of hurried shuffling and hushed voices behind the door, his concern only growing. (y/n) finally opened the door, but just enough to stick her head out.
“Ron? What’re you doing here?”
“We need to talk.”
“Um…okay, let me put something on.”
She quickly shut the door and more shuffling and hushed voices ensued. Ron could barely make out “-leave now”, “I’ll see you tomorrow”, and “love you more.” Before Ron could run to the other side of the house to catch the boy in question, (y/n) opened the door back up, bathrobe wrapped around her.
“Come on in Ron, what's wrong?” She asked her older brother, closing the door and sitting beside him on the bed.
Ron folded his arms and looked at the floor - the situation had been buzzing in his head all day, but now that he was here to confront (y/n), he was quite unsure how to broach the topic. He took a breath before replying.
“I know you’re an adult and can make your own decisions, but I promised Mom and Dad I’d look out for you while we’re in Europe.” (y/n) nodded along, furrowing her brow in concern. “I heard a rumor that you’re… going with another soldier in the battalion, is that true?” (y/n)’s eyes grew wide before responding.
“I…umm… who told you that?”
“Lieutenant Lipton.”
(y/n) mumbled a swear under her breath - who the fuck told Lipton??
“Is it true (y/n)?”
The medic put her head in her hands - she didn’t want to lie to her brother, but she also wanted her boyfriend’s life to be spared.
“As you said, Ron, I’m a grown-up and I can make my own decisions.”
That was all the confirmation Ron needed. He took a sharp inhale and began pacing the small room.
“Who is he!?”
“I’m not telling you, Ron!”
“WHO. IS. HE.” Ron glared at (y/n) more intensely than ever, his hands on his hips and chest heaving in rage.
“Ron he’s a good man! He’s kind, caring, attentive, supportive-”
“He acts like that now, but just like any other enlisted boy he’s going to leave you high and dry, and when that happens I’m going to ki-”
“Ron, it’s not like that, I promise,” (y/n) looked up at her brother sincerely. She wasn’t lying, he wasn’t like the other enlistees - he was an officer. “Look, I know you’re just trying to protect me, but I really like him and will keep seeing him. If he does anything, though, you know you’re the first person I’m coming to.” The girl got up and stood before her brother with a warm smile and arms outstretched. The captain took a deep breath before nodding in understanding and accepting his sister’s hug. Ron held her tight in his arms and kissed the top of her head, silently plotting how to take care of this mysterious soldier.
Ron was pulled from his thoughts when he heard Dick’s voice calling to him. The officer sat up in his seat on Nixon’s chair, noticing Lipton and (y/n) trailing behind Major Winters.
“Hey Adolf! Love your Eagle’s Nest!” Harry Welsh greeted Winters and his companions. Dick smiled at Harry and turned to a paper in his hand, reading out that the German army had surrendered - the war in Europe was over. While the officers were processing the information, Dick pointed a finger at Speirs.
“Ron, I need to talk to you,” he informed the captain, beginning to walk back inside. Ron tried to shake the inebriation from his brain before following the commanding officer, praying it wasn’t something too important. The officers made their way to a living room-style area, containing two couches across from each other, a coffee table in between. Speirs took a seat on one couch, and Dick sat across from him. Speirs, in his state, had not noticed that (y/n) had followed the pair to the room - the girl sat next to the redhead and smiled at her brother.
“(y/n)? What’re you doing here?”
“Ron, do you remember back in Hagenau when you heard that (y/n) was going with a soldier?”
“Yeah, did you find out who?” Ron leaned forward intensely, praying for a chance to beat up the soldier who dared to try and date his sister.
Dick let out a quiet chuckle and looked at the ground.
“Oh, I know who it is…”
“Then spit it out!” Ron started to get frustrated at the pair - he needed them to just tell him who-
Suddenly, (y/n) looked softly at Ron and took Dick’s hand in hers. It took a moment for Ron to study the gesture, a lightbulb flashing in his head after a moment.
“Are you telling me… back when I talked to you at your billet…”
(y/n) giggled before answering, “Yes, Dick was scrambling to climb out the back window before you saw him.” The major shook his head in amusement, his cheeks starting to match his ginger hair.
Ron just sighed and put his head in his hands. He had been a little stricter than he needed to be with Easy Company since discovering the relationship, but now he realized that he was intimidating the poor boys without a purpose.
“...why didn’t you tell me?” Speirs asked genuinely, looking up at the pair.
“We wanted to wait until the war was over, since life was so unpredictable,” (y/n) explained.
“Besides, even I was nervous to tell you that I was dating your sister,” Winters added with a laugh. The siblings returned the laughter, (y/n) placing a quick kiss on Dick’s cheek.
“Well, since the man you’re seeing happens to be one of the finest soldiers I’ve ever met, I think I can let him live,” Ron said with a smirk. The trio laughed together once more before standing to leave, both Dick and (y/n) exchanging hugs with Ron. As the three walked back to the company, Winters holding (y/n)’s hand, they knew that they had a lot of explaining to do.
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drakeanddice · 1 year
After eight sessions of Burning Wheel, we decided that it wasn’t clicking for our table. It had a bunch of neat tech baked in, but wielding the system was not a joy for us. It felt like we could either dedicate ourselves absolutely to the infinite Swiss watch design or else abstract down toward the core resolution forever without ever doing more than scratch the surface and in general neither of those felt…y’know, good. So we decided to drop it.
Which kind of sucks. I feel a little defeated by the book. Like, I spent a not inconsiderable amount of time plumbing through the obtuse and confusing self-referential and esoteric prose, trying to get to the heart of why so many of my favorite designers cite it as a seminal work in the TTRPG field, but all I got was the feeling that the inheritors of its ideas did a lot to clean them up, sharpen them, and make them infinitely more fun to engage with.
I’m left with a feeling I’m getting pretty used to. I missed that moment when this thing was “cool.” I missed the Forge, I missed G+, and I missed Burning Wheel.
But also, I’m given to understand the Forge, like Burning Wheel, had problems, so I’m not taking it too hard.
We decided to play Mausritter this Friday. In a complete 180 from the rule-heavy interlocking gears and levers of Burning Wheel, the 300 pages of character creation, we decided to roll 3d6 3 times, and then 1d6 twice and take our little adventurer mice into the great big world to face danger and find treasure.
I’ve been having a recent problem where I play games for the wrong reasons. I’m looking for inspiration, for pilferable game design thoughts, for experiences outside of my comfort zone. I’m running games as work, as research. I’m slavishly adherent to the rules as written because I feel as though I owe that to the designer, because they clearly knew what they were doing and were doing it for a purpose. It’s a mental weight.
So I am attacking Mausritter from an entirely different angle. It’s an OSR game, very light and fast and abstracted. The rules are loose and few. It’s very minimal mental overhead. So I don’t have a lot to worry about getting “wrong” in the way that I’ve been secretly fearing I’ve been doing for Burning Wheel these past eight weeks. I’m playing this one for fun.
I’ve told my table that I need them to keep me honest. This is not work. My Friday night table is often abused as a play test group, often treated as an extension of my job as a game designer. I design games so I must play them. But this one’s just for fun. Don’t let me think to hard about it. Because I’m not in a mental state to do that right now.
We’re going to be mice. It’s going to be fun.
Anyway. I’ve done a thing I haven’t done in forever and prepped for a game. I’ve got a cool hexmap (adorable), have created some factions out in the world (portentous), named some NPCs (wholesome), and home brewed up some interesting spells and items to sprinkle around (fun as hell). I have not sat and just played DM by myself in a while. Still not something I want to do every time, but a welcome break from conducting atop a surfboard in front of a disaster wave.
I’m excited about this game. Can’t wait to report back.
81 notes · View notes
solarmorrigan · 5 months
Been dealing with a fever and stomach bug the past few days and let me tell you it’s s u c k e d, but what’s been getting me through it, you ask??
Oh well, none other than Hands Where I Can See Them!! Babe, when I tell you I’ve actually been frothing at the mouth over each chapter I read🫢🫢 I love it all!! Heart? Content. Soul? At peace. Expectations? Blown. Hotel? Trivago.
Hello! I'm so glad the story could keep you company while you've been feeling sick, and it was very kind of you to take a minute to let me know! So, thank you <3
Also, I haven't felt like writing anything in days, but I had a little pop of an idea reading your message, so I do hope you're feeling better by now, but if you're not (or even if you are, really), here's, like. A get well soon ficlet. Or something? (I was just excited to actually feel like writing something, I hope this isn't weird)
Steve looks absolutely miserable. His face is pale where it isn’t flushed, his hair is sticking up in sweaty clumps, and his eyes is exhaustion-bruised. He’s been sick for two days, running an annoyingly persistent fever and stricken with an inability to keep much of anything beyond water and saltines down. Eddie’s never been very good with sick people, but he’s doing his best to take care of Steve – though Steve isn’t the most cooperative patient.
Currently, he’s sitting on the floor of the bathroom, half curled up on the bathmat and propped up against the wall beside the toilet, eyes shut like he’s trying to sleep there.
“You wanna go back to bed?” Eddie asks him, and Steve grimaces, shaking his head.
“No point. I’m just gonna end up in here again, anyway,” he mumbles.
“Baby, you can’t sleep on the bathroom floor,” Eddie says.
“Not if you keep talking, I can’t,” Steve shoots back, eyes still stubbornly drooped shut.
“You’re exhausted. You’ll sleep better in bed,” Eddie wheedles.
“Don’t try to make me leave the bathroom. The toilet is my best friend. As soon as I can move, we’re gonna elope,” Steve insists drowsily.
Eddie doesn’t even bother to hold in his laugh. “Robin is your best friend,” he tells Steve, reaching over to card his fingers through Steve’s hair. “And I thought you were going to elope with me?”
Steve groans, petulant and tired. “Fine. I’ll elope with you as soon as I stop feeling like shit.” He finally opens his eyes, fixing Eddie with an earnest look. “But I’m serious, I really don’t want to move.”
Biting at the corner of his lip, Eddie thinks for a moment. “Okay,” he says, bending down to press a kiss to the top of Steve’s head. “I got an idea, wait here.”
He doesn’t know where he expects Steve to go, looking and feeling the way he does, but Eddie is quick all the same. He runs out into the living room and swipes all the throw pillows and a couple of couch cushions, then, balancing everything awkwardly, he pauses in the bedroom to snag the fuzzy throw blanket from the end of their bed before returning to the bathroom with his spoils.
Steve watches with curious, hazy eyes as Eddie puts down cushions and pillows against the other wall, effectively creating a little nest in the corner of their admittedly small bathroom. It takes up a good chunk of the floor space, and he has to move the hamper out into the hall, but he figures it’s decidedly more comfortable than where Steve is sitting now.
“Okay, c’mere.” Eddie settles on the cushions and beckons Steve over, and Steve doesn’t need to be told twice.
He’s still fever-warm as he leans up against Eddie, so Eddie only draws the blanket up to their waists, but Steve seems content, anyway.
“Probably shouldn’t be this close to you. You’ll catch my crud,” Steve murmurs, though he clearly has no intent to move, cuddled into Eddie’s side like he is.
“If I do, will you build me a pillow nest, too?” Eddie asks.
“Any time you want,” Steve says. He wiggles a little, as if testing to see if he can get any closer to Eddie before he settles in, his head propped in the crook of Eddie’s neck and his eyes drifting closed again. “Thank you. For being here.”
Eddie presses a kiss to Steve’s temple. “Any time you need.”
43 notes · View notes
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PART 4/Finale
A/N: Here it isss! THE FINALE! I was so thrilled to co-write with @ageofbarbarians on this one! And let me tell y’all… We’re going out with a bang. Also, I would strongly suggest playing Stardust Chords while you read a certain part of this. You’ll know when to start it, as I have highlighted the title of the song ;) I truly hope y’all love it and I’m sorry it took soo long!
*please forgive any errors that I may have missed*
WARNINGS: this contains major 18+ content, minors please DNI!!
Exhibitionism, teasing, guitar riding, more bass amp filth, overstimulation, degradation, lil bit of humiliation kink, praise, very much dom!Jake, oral (f/m receiving), temperature play (ice), toys, gags, spanking, smacking, choking, unprotected sex. || Harsh language, arguing and a little bit of fighting between Jake and Sam, if ya squint.
Playlist HERE
Just two weeks ago, the boys had received a call about returning to Red Rocks to play for two nights back-to-back. It was very much safe to say that they were all over the moon.
Of course, Jake wasn’t going back to Red Rocks without you this time. So, you were hand in hand with Jake as he guided you up to the entrance of the stunning amphitheater.
“I cannot believe we’re back at Red Rocks!” Sam practically squealed like a little girl.
The five of you walked in, standing at the top of the house in complete awe.
Just like Jake had told you, it was even more beautiful than the pictures you had seen. Pictures just did not do this place justice.
And as if he was literally reading your mind, Jake turned to you with a cheeky smile.
“Told you it was better than the pictures.”
“Yeah, you did tell me,” you returned his smile, although your tone didn’t sound quite as playful as you’d intended it to.
Jake raised an eyebrow at you, firmly squeezing your hand in his one time.
“Don’t get sassy on me.” He jested, but there was still a seriousness to his tone.
You definitively were starting to feel the effects of going days without having Jake to yourself. Granted, it was only three… But still, it was incredibly rare that you and Jake would go more than a day without having sex.
Sure, you understood that between them getting the call to come back to Red Rocks, the traveling to get there and just their overall excitement, the time for that level of intimacy for you and Jake was limited. However, that wasn’t going to stop you from finding a way to get what you wanted. You and Jake had a hotel room all to yourselves for the next two nights, there were plenty of ideas bouncing around in your head on how you could get Jake going.
“Greta Van Fleet, right?” A pretty decently dressed man greeted the boys with a wide smile and started shaking each other their hands.
“Yes sir, that’s us.” Danny took his hand and offered a warm smile.
“Great, my name is Anthony. I’ll be taking care of all the sound for you this weekend,” he began to explain, earning nods from all the boys. “I’d love to get you guys set up on stage and get a little soundcheck going.”
“Sounds fuckin’ great! Let’s do it.” Josh clapped his hands together, following behind Sam, who had already taken off towards the vans holding their instruments and equipment.
“Go find a spot to sit near the stage, baby. Okay?” Jake kissed your forehead and then your cheek gently.
You turned your head to chase after his lips, catching him slightly off guard. He kissed you back, slow and sweet, until he finally broke away with a smile.
“Okay, Jakey.” You smiled right back at him, but the mischief behind your smile though, that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Whatever you’re thinking… I think you should think twice about it.” Jake whispered, leaning down close to your ear.
“What? I’m not thinking about anything,” you defended lightly, trying your best to sound convincing.
“Mmm, I don’t believe you.” Jake chuckled, pointing at both of your eyes. “This is the same little look you had in your eyes last time.”
Last time.
It had been a couple months since the day you went behind Jake’s back, practically begging Sam to get you off on his amp. Again.
The three of you never brought it up around Josh or Danny, but in those rare moments when neither of them were around, Jake or Sam were bound to make some little comment, or sly joke about that day. Even if both of them chose to never bring it up, it was still burnt in your memory forever. You didn’t need Jake and Sam to remind you. All the filthy memories… They were always there.
They would always be there.
Making your way down the steps, your eyes scanned over all the rows of seats. Once you made it closer to the stage, you eyed the very first row and a risky idea instantly popped into your head.
You were definitely about to get yourself in worlds of trouble, but that’s exactly what you wanted.
At this point, you were a master at getting Jake riled up to the heavens.
Taking a seat straight out from Sam, you knew Jake would eventually notice you weren’t sitting near him like you always did. You watched them set up all of their amps and guitars. Every so often your eyes would trail over to Jake, who was plugging in various different chords and working on his pedal board. He had yet to notice where you were… or where you weren’t, rather. He was simply lost in his own little world.
After he plugged it in, You watched Sam pick up his bass and fling the strap around his shoulder. A simple action that you’d come far too obsessed with watching.
“Alright, Jake, you should be on!” One of the roadies called, motion to Jake’s guitar as he stepped off the stage.
Your eyes flitted back to Jake when you heard the sounds of his guitar ring flawlessly through the array of speakers.
“Sam, flip your main amp on and you should be good to go, too!”
Your eyes went right back to Sam, watching him stroll over to his amp and flick it on. Once again something you had seen him do many times, although from a quite different position than where you were now.
Sam and Jake played by themselves for a few minutes, until eventually Danny was ready and joined in with them - Josh falling in shortly after him.
They sang a few random songs that you knew they weren’t actually planning on playing, before Josh began to talk to them through his microphone.
“Let’s play a full song, yeah?” Each other the boys nodded at him and you could hear the muffled sounds of their voices discussing what they should play.
“Stardust Chords it is!” He smiled widely, the smoothness of his voice floating through the speakers.
Jake and Danny kicked it off, sharing nothing but a quick look between each other before starting the song.
You decided it was just the right time to set your little plan into full swing.
One might think you would have learned your lesson last time, but pushing your limits with Jake was one of your favorite things to do. And you most definitely were not afraid to do it.
Taking the hem of your black sundress adorned with tiny daisies in your hands, you slowly pushed it up your thighs.
Being that Josh was right there in the front, there was a brief moment of fear that he (or maybe even Danny) would notice. But, you pushed the thought to the back of your mind as far as it would go, simply hoping they wouldn’t. That’s all you could do, anyway.
Your eyes made their way back to Sam as you ran a single finger over your clothed core, staring at him with as much intensity as you could, in hopes he would feel your eyes on him and look up to find you.
You circled your clit lightly over your panties, exhaling softly at the little bit of relief you were already getting.
Keeping your eyes locked on Sammy as he played, you went a step further
and slipped your fingers beneath the hem of your panties. Sliding your fingers through your folds to collected some of your wetness, bringing them back up to your clit.
Your head tipped back, eyes fluttering shut and a quiet moan slipped past your lips as you worked yourself in time with the song. The second you brought your head back down and opened your eyes, they immediately locked with Sam’s. His eyes were dark and blown wide, his mouth was hanging open in half shock, half lust.
Sam somewhat recollected himself, mouthing something that was pretty much entirely lost on you.
But If you had to guess, it almost looked like he mouthed, “Keep going.”
Hoping that you read his lips correctly, you nodded and continued swirling your fingers over your clit rhythmically.
You held eye contact with each other, save for the few times your head tipped back - accompanied by a moan that would have been much too loud, if it weren’t for the boys’ playing.
You chanced a glance over to Jake, who was completely lost in his own playing.
Matching the speed of your fingers with the music they were creating, mixed with the bass that naturally reverberated through your body, it was an ethereal feeling.
You knew by the end of the song, you would be coming undone all over the bench beneath you.
At that thought, you could practically hear Jake’s scolding voice - Degrading you for such a filthy and slutty act.
“You’re such a dirty little slut.” Or, “What were you thinking, making yourself cum for everyone to see like that?” Jake would probably say.
You let your eyes drift from Sam and back to Jake, moving his body in ways that only he could as he neared his solo - only egging you on more.
Your eyes trailed back to Sam, whose eyes were fixated on your hand that was still shoved in your panties. You could feel a knot begin to form in your stomach and you motioned to your lower stomach with your unoccupied hand.
Sam nodded urgently, mouthing a simple, “Do it.”
He was dying for you to reach your high, just in time for the peak of the song
Your fingers quickened and you tightened the circles you were rubbing against your clit, chasing after your high with a fervor that you’d possibly never felt before.
Just as Jake was reaching his solo, the knot in your stomach exploded. Your head fell back in complete bliss, your body’s senses so overwhelmed in the best way; between the music buzzing your entire body and the pleasure you were giving yourself.
Little did you know, Jake’s eyes had finally landed on you.
He watched your chest rise and fall rapidly, his eyes trailing down to between your legs where your hand was tucked away. And just to make it all worse, his eyes flicked over to Sam, realizing he was watching you, too. His mouth gaped in shock, anger, lust and… jealousy…? So many emotions Immediately bubbling up inside him.
It took you almost the entirety of Jake’s solo to work yourself through, and come down from your high.
Once your eyes returned to the stage, you froze in your spot when your eyes met with Jake’s. He was standing in place, completely still - aside from his hands that continued to play flawlessly. Although, it was very clear he was not thinking about playing hardly at all.
It took everything in you not to shrivel up under his lust and anger filled death glare. But, you stood your ground, flashing him the sweetest smile you could muster.
Your eyes returned to Sammy; who was very desperately trying to hide his erection behind his bass. As the song came to an end, you slipped your hand back into your panties, collecting some of your juices and pulling them back out carefully.
Slipping them into your mouth, you could almost perfectly see the way Sam’s throat tensed as he swallowed thickly.
Jake on the other hand, was stone-faced as he watched you, his vision turning red around the edges. The only thing that broke him away from you, was Josh tapping him on the shoulder.
After what felt like an eternity of them standing around, talking with Anthony about the sound, he shook all their hands and disappeared down the stairs. With Anthony no longer blocking your view of Jake, you took in his tense body language and the way he was staring daggers at Sam.
Danny and Josh stayed around for another moment or two, before waving off to Sam and Jake, ascending down the same set of stairs and up through the house.
“How did we sound, Y/N?!” Danny beamed, motioning a thumbs up back towards the stage.
“You guys sounded amazing, as always.”
You glanced over at the stage, seeing that Jake and Sam had returned to their rightful sides.
“They said they’re staying here to work on some stuff,” Josh said, as if reading your mind. “We’re gonna go wait in the tour bus for them to finish. Wanna come with us, or stay out here?”
“I’ll stay out here, I think,” You smiled at them both softly. “I’m sure they won’t be long.”
The three of you exchanged your ‘see you later’s’ and then they were gone, ascending the stairs of the house.
Turning back to face the stage, this wasn’t exactly what you’d hoped for. You were not expecting Sam and Jake to stay behind… but the fact that they were, had your stomach twisting with nerves.
“Y/N, you have less than 30 fucking seconds to get down here!” Jake yelled from the stage, startling you.
You smiled internally, despite the raging nerves that were rapidly growing. You were only semi-worried that you’d pushed Jake a little too far this time.
To -hopefully- avoid enraging him any further, you got up and made your way down to the steps.
“What the actual fuck was that, huh?!” Jake’s voice boomed. His face was red with anger and you could practically see the veins in his neck, pounding away under his sweaty skin from his rapid heartbeat.
“And you!” He pointed at Sam, storming over to him without even a second of hesitation.
Jake’s hands collided with Sam’s chest, causing him to stumble backwards. “You have the god damn audacity to WATCH HER! Like she’s yours to fucking watch!”
“First of all,” Sam’s voice was significantly calmer than Jake’s, but still incredibly firm as he shoved his brothers hands off of him. “You’re lucky Josh and Danny didn’t fucking notice. She sat on my side, for fucks sake! It’s not my fault you didn’t catch her sooner! So how about you jump down her throat and not mine, Jacob.”
Jake took a single step back from Sam, a silent battle taking place between the two of them as they stared each other down. Both of them being far too stubborn to give in.
You stood there, watching the two of them while your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. The only sounds around you, being the soft sounds of crickets as the sun had began to set and the occasional, eerie whistle of the breeze blowing through the structures of the stage.
After what felt like forever, the expressions of the two boys shifted - along with their energies. It was like a switch had been flipped... Like a silent agreement, or alliance was being made between them.
Jake turned on his heels, almost making you jump from the sudden movement. Sam looked over to you, with an expression you were all too familiar with. His lips were pulled up ever-so-slightly at one corner, his eyes narrow, dark and glistening with lust... and maybe even fury.
“You know what? Since you wanna act like a whore,” Jake started, walking over and snatching his Les Paul from it’s stand. “We’re gonna fucking treat you like one.”
Jake made his way back over to you in long strides, holding out his guitar from his body for you to get a good look at. Your face contorted in slight shock, knowing what he wanted you to do with it.
“Panties off, and I want you on the floor with this fucking guitar between your legs.” Jake commanded, pointing at your core with his free hand.
You hastily hiked up your dress, hooking your thumbs into the hem of your panties, sliding them down and off your legs.
“Gimme.” Sam demanded quickly, holding out his hand.
Your eyes widened in shock and you immediately looked over to Jake, who only nodded his head towards Sam, silently telling you to hand them over to him.
You stepped over to Sam, placing your panties in his hand; as soon as you let go of them, he was shoving them down in his back pocket.
But it wasn’t long before Jake was putting an end to your little moment.
“Sometime today, Y/N.” Jake tone seeped with jealousy and impatience.
You shot Sam a cheeky grin and then made your way back to Jake - Who wasted absolutely no time shoving his guitar into your arms with such force, you stumbled back a couple steps.
“Here’s what you’re going to do,” Jake was practically seething. “You’re gonna get down on this stage with that guitar in between your legs, like I told you. And you’re gonna get yourself off on it, while Sam and I watch. Do you understand all that, angel?”
You started to sink to the floor of the stage slowly, your voice barely squeaking out the words you knew Jake wanted to hear.
“Yes, sir...”
“I think you can answer louder than that.” Sam insisted, taking on a level of dominance much like Jake’s.
“Yes, sir. I understand.” You repeated, much louder and stronger this time.
“That’s much better,” As soon as the words left Sam’s mouth, you couldn’t pass up the chance to say something bratty.
Sam wasn’t going to be the one punishing you anyway.
“Good, because I wasn’t going to say it again.” You sassed, clearly catching Sam a little off guard.
But not Jake.
“Now listen to me, you little smartass-“ Jake took no more than two long strides to get to you, bending down to come nose to nose with you. “- If you think you’re going to get away with talking like that, you’re in for a rude fucking awakening when I get you back to the hotel.”
“Might as well push all your buttons while I can then, huh, Jakey?” You sounded nauseatingly sweet, earning a low growl from Jake.
“Do what the hell you want, princess, but just remember… you’re just stacking up your consequences.”
Jake’s words sent a bone chilling shiver up your spine; one that had your entire body visibly shuddering.
“I think she likes getting punished though,” Sam pointed out, as he watched your physical reaction. “Just look at her, Jake.”
“Oh, I’m well aware.” Jake stepped closer to you and reached down, gripping your jaw in his hand tightly. “Now let’s recap, yeah? What have I told you to do?”
You met his blazing eyes; dare you say you watched them soften for the quickest second, upon locking with yours.
“I’m using your guitar to get off, while you and Sammy watch.” You shifted with the guitar, flicking your eyes over to Sam.
“And when do you stop…?” Sam chimes in with his own question, causing Jake’s head to snap over at him.
Jake looked right back to you, though. “Yeah, when do you stop, hm?”
You looked between the two of them for a moment, before settling on the answer that you felt would be correct.
“Until you tell me to stop…?”
“Such a smart little thing.” Jake let go of your face with the slightest little shove. “Too bad you use that genius little brain to construct devious ass plans and get yourself in trouble.”
You were about to huff out some sort of rebuttal while Jake’s back was turned towards you, but Sammy beat you to speaking.
“Jake,” he inquired smugly, as if the thoughts running through his mind, were the greatest thoughts he’d ever had.
Jake released a tense breath. “Yes, Sam?”
“I think we should watch her from exactly where she was sitting.”
All three of you fell silent, you for different reasons than Jake and Sam.
Jake turned on his heel without another word, taking off down the same set of stairs you had come up. Sam followed closely behind him, glancing back at you over his shoulder with a wink that you almost missed.
Just before Jake started his descent up through the benches, he shot you a stern look that you arguably could have seen for miles. “When we sit down, your pretty hips better be moving on my guitar!”
You didn’t feel like Jake was searching for an answering, so you didn’t give him one. You just adjusted yourself and the guitar between your legs - much how you had positioned yourself on his bed a couple months before.
Your eyes shifted back up to Sam and Jake, just as they were about to sit done in that same spot you had been in. And suddenly, with their eyes locked on you as they took their spots on the bench, you felt so small. The size of the amphitheater didn’t even matter. It wasn’t the amount of space, or how many people it held, or even how big the stage was…
It was simply because Jake and Sam were watching you, heavy, lustrous gazes, unwavering.
Noticing the slight shift in your demeanor, Sam nudged Jake lightly in his ribs.
Jake’s softer side slipped out briefly to offer a bit of encouragement.
“Come on, baby girl. It’s just us now!” Jake assured, loud enough for you to hear him. “I promise, if anyone comes, I will stop you!”
You nodded, letting your eyes fall shut.
Allowing your neediness and desperation take over, your hips began rolling into Jake’s guitar.
It felt even better than the first time; an even deeper level of desperation thrumming through your body.
Your mind drifted back to that first time; when you stared up at Jake’s backup guitar on the wall of your shared bedroom, flicking your eyes between it and the clock. You’d just needed a few minutes and you knew you would have at least a little bit of the relief you needed.
The adrenaline of it was insane, but it didn’t hold a candle to the current: Sam and Jake sitting in the house of the amphitheater, watching you so intensely, they might melt your body into the stage. The new level of adrenaline was almost heart-stopping.
Moving your hips a little faster, you did your best to stay in your own little world - trying not to think too much about your little audience.
Nerves could kill an orgasm in less than a second and as you worked your way up to that sweet peak, you couldn’t risk falling away from it.
Faintly, you could hear Jake talking with Sam. You started imagining them coaxing you closer with their raspy, lust filled voices.
‘Come on, pretty girl,”
‘Cum for us.’
A rather loud moan bubbled out of you as you imagined them talking and your hips sped up against Jake’s Les Paul.
Missing Jake’s beautiful face, you forced your eyes open just shy of reaching your orgasm.
He nodded, lips pulling up in a smirk that you were sure you could see for miles.
As if your body was just waiting for his permission to do so, you fell over the edge into your second orgasm - even better than the first one.
Your hips slowed almost to a stop, slight overstimulation taking over your body. Jake was having absolutely none of it.
“Y/N,” Jake called. “Don’t stop OR slow down. You got me??”
“G-got it!” You let go of the guitar with one of your hands, throwing Jake a thumbs, up just in case he couldn’t hear your shaky voice.
You felt the muscles in your lower belly and thighs flutter and clench, as you continued rocking your hips.
Forcing yourself to keep a steady, quick speed, you chased after your third high with fervor.
“Ja-Jake,” you moaned, hoping that somehow your airy voice would carry out to him. “Fuck-“
A soft breeze drifted across the stage, causing your sundress to flow around you with such elegance, compared to your current actions.
“Christ, she’s so beautiful.” Sam mumbled as he watched you, feeling himself harden in his jeans.
“Fuck, yeah, she is.” Jake agreed, shifting around in his spot. “She’s close again, look at her desperately trying to get herself there…”
You could once again just barely hear Jake and Sam talking back and forth with one another.
Part of you just knew they were gawking over the way you looked right now; on full display and so needy, making yourself cum on a stage surrounded by colorful lights that made you glow.
Seeking a little extra help in throwing yourself over the edge a little quicker, you adjusted your grip on Jake’s guitar and brought your other hand between your legs.
Your head tipped back as you sunk two fingers into your dripping heat, desperately reaching for that sweet spot that Jake never missed.
If only you could reach it the way he could.
But you made do with what you could give yourself, and luckily, it was just enough to haul you into bliss once more.
“Oh- oh, fuck!” You cried, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
Jake and Sam both watched you intently, just barely hearing your moans and cries of pleasure from where they were seated - Watching you struggle to do what Jake told you to do.
But after another minute or two, Sam became impatient with just watching and decided he wanted his own fun.
He stood up abruptly, turning to walk down towards the stage.
“Where are you going?” Jake questioned, forcing his eyes to break away from you and look over to Sam.
“Come on.” Sam just kept moving towards the end of the row, not even turning back to look at Jake.
“No, Sam-“ Jake followed after him, their sudden commotion catching your attention. “-What are you doing??” he questioned once again.
Your hips stalled against Jake’s guitar and you looked at them both curiously.
“I didn’t tell you to fucking stop.” Jake pointed his finger at you, making his way up the steps.
“No, no-“ Sam cut in, following closely behind him. “Let her stop, Jake.”
“And why should I?” Jake snapped.
Before you could even resume rolling your hips into his guitar, Sam was snatching the guitar from you and shoving it into Jake’s hands. He picked you up in his arms, carrying you over to his amp.
“Sam, what do you think you’re doing?!” Jake sounded pissed, but it only fueled the heat rushing through your body.
It was your goal to get him this way, after all. You were succeeded tremendously and Sam was somewhat unknowingly helping you out.
“It’s my turn to make her squirm.” Sam sat you down on his amp, flipping it back on.
Jake visibly hesitated for a moment, but as soon as you looked up at him with a devilish and proud smirk, his eyes darkened and jaw clenched even tighter.
“Actually, yeah. Go ahead, Sammy…”
Jake nodded, his head turning towards his brother, but his eyes stayed fixed on you as he spoke.
“Make her cum as much as you want to… She’s not to move until you tell her to.”
Your eyes snapped up to Jake’s in slight shock, not at all expecting him to hand off basically all control to Sam.
“You hear that, princess?” Sam called, picking up his bass from its stand. “You’re not to move until I say you can.”
“How many orgasms are you even at now, hmm?” Jake questioned curiously, having lost count of how many you’d given yourself against his guitar.
“I don’t know…? Three? Or four?” You shifted against Sam’s amp.
All you knew was that you were at least three orgasms into overstimulation.
You watched Sam fling the strap over his shoulder, strutting up to the pedalboard that unmutes his bass.
“You know what Jake? How about you play, too?” Sam suggested, flicking his eyes over to gauge your reaction.
A new rush of wetness surged between your legs. There was absolutely nothing that turned you on more than Jake playing.
That’s how you ended up in the situation you were currently in.
“That’s actually a great idea,” Jake smirked, glancing down at his guitar still in his hands. “And at least if Josh or Danny come back, it won’t look too suspicious if we’re both playing.”
Jake slung his own guitar strap around his shoulders, basically going through the same process as Sam had just done.
When they were both ready, Jake nodded to Sam, giving him the go ahead.
“Color, Y/N.” Sam demanded, looking directly at you with a devilish smirk that unnerved you ever so slightly.
The break in between your last set of orgasms and the ones you were about to endure, had allowed you to go back to normal at least a little bit. However, just one orgasm would plummet you right back -if not deeper- into overstimulation.
Still, you stayed confident in the answer you gave him. “Green.”
“Oh, she’s miss tough girl today, Sammy.” Jake grinned, looking at his brother but gesturing at you. “Let’s play something she won’t expect. Throw a little curve ball, yeah?.”
Jake sauntered over to Sam, leaning in to whisper into his ear exactly what song he had in mind.
You watched the smug grin pull at Sam’s mouth, as he nodded in agreement with whatever Jake was saying.
“Let’s play Keep Me Comin’ by Kiss.” Jake stepped back from Sam as his eyes lit up, adjusting his guitar in his hold as they both prepared to start playing .
Unable to hear anything Jake said, you just watched on in anticipation, clenching your thighs together in search of some relief... Relief that you couldn’t believe you still needed so badly.
Suddenly, your ears were filled with Jake’s guitar and your body jolted as Sam’s amp sent vibrations through you.
Almost instantly you recognized the familiar Kiss song and your head snapped up to Jake...
Damn him for remembering all your favorite bands and your favorite songs.
He mouthed something to you that was just lost on you - obviously unable to hear him over the music and for a brief moment, you missed the sound of his voice and his cocky tone.
A broken moan tumbled out of you, completely unheard by either of the boys in front of you - driving you farther and farther into the deepest pits of pleasure without even touching you.
It didn’t take long for your legs to begin shaking and your head to fall back in bliss, despite how badly you wanted to keep your eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of them.
Your fourth orgasm started creeping up on you quickly, the coil tightening in your stomach was almost painful, but you still wanted more. You loved that burning feeling, the way your body would tense and cease just before you fell over the edge.
It was addicting, no matter how many times you felt it. And between these two lately, you felt it a lot.
You forced yourself to bring your head level again, eyes fluttering open to see Jake and Sam both watching you intently…
Because of course they knew you were close.
Between Jake having picked one of the hottest songs he could think of; a particular favorite of yours on top of that, and the way your entire body succumbed to the intense sounds and feelings, you were right on the edge. So close to the edge in fact, that you could look down below it… Right into the choppy waters below, waiting to consume you and drown you in immense pleasure.
Within a few more seconds, you were trying to force yourself to stay upright and seated on Sammy’s amp.
The intense pleasure hit you like a train, ripping all the air from your lungs and most of the strength left in your body.
Jake and Sam continued to play, watching you with their lust-filled gazes.
Panting and writhing against the amp, you looked up at Jake with droopy eyes for a split second before your head lulled back down. You were fighting to catch your breath, a steady flow of whines and moans flowing out of you like a stream of water down a mountain.
Jake took a few steps over to you, carefully using the headstock of his guitar to tilt your head back up.
“I want another!” Jake yelled, making sure you heard him clearly over him and Sam as they continued to play.
“Jake!” His name fell from your lips almost in a plea. No where near loud enough for him to hear, even though you tried.
He just raised him eyebrows at you, before turning to strut back over to Sam. He leaned in, clearly straining to talk to Sam, even directly into his ear. The veins in his neck protruded, while Sam nodded along with whatever Jake was saying.
As the song came to an end, Sam backed off while Jake continued to play.
Sam made his way over to you, and slid his bass around to rest almost against his back, so that he could crouch down in front of you.
“If you can give me one more before this next song ends, nice and pretty and loud, I might just let you get up.” Sam negotiated, raising his voice -not at much as Jake had to- but just enough.
“Sammy, i—“ You choked on the humid evening air, even thicker and heavier around you than before. “I don’t know if I can…”
“Aww, did we drain you out, princess?” Sam questioned, feigning sympathy.
You shook your head. “I- maybe… maybe a little…?”
As if Jake’s playing had become background noise, you faintly heard another familiar guitar riff. Yet another song that wasn’t theirs.
Sam stood back to his feet with a devious smirk and started stepping backwards to rejoin Jake, yanking his bass back around to rest over his hips. “Like I said, doll, if you can cum one more time before this song ends, I’ll let you get up!”
Groaning as you throbbed against the amp, you willed your body to relax as much as it could.
‘One more, just one more, Y/N’ You mentally repeated to your body like a mantra.
As soon as Sam joined in with Jake again, you immediately recognized the AC/DC song, Squealer.
‘How fitting,’ you thought briefly, before overstimulation was threatening to grab you by the throat and chokeslam you.
You gripped the corners of the amplifier, knuckles turning nearly paper white. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK-“
You shifted around, searching for even the slightest bit of relief - but a different kind of relief now. Maybe you could find just one angle, that didn’t allow for the vibrations to so directly flow right into your sensitive core.
Alas, there was no position that could provide you even a little bit of relief. The vibrations and the sound of Jake’s guitar continued to overtake your senses. moans streaming out of your mouth that the two boys in front of you, would for sure mock if they could only hear them.
“One- one m-more,” you choked out in encouragement to yourself, high pitched and whiny.
The white hot coil in your belly started to burn and tighten again; an agonizing, but somehow still pleasurable sensation.
You squeezed your eyes shut, your whole body convulsing and shuddering as you were plummeted into another orgasm.
It was somehow so weak, yet so powerful all at once. It stole what was left of the air in your lungs, what little strength was left in your body. Everything.
Jake and Sam brought the song to it’s end, and you hoped to God that Sam wouldn’t decide to be absolutely ruthless and put your through another song.
“Sa- Sam… plea… please-“ you forced yourself to speak, with the remaining energy you had left. “I can’t...”
Sam looked up at you as he sat his bass down and they softened instantly. “Hey, hey. I told you one more and you would be done. You gave us one more, soo…”
You let out a long sigh of relief, slumping more of your weight onto your wobbly arms.
“Should we go get you cleaned up, angel?” Jake asked softly, kneeling down in front of you.
You looked up at him with fucked out eyes, nodding your head just barely, but enough for him to catch it.
“Yeah? Okay,” Jake stood up, carefully scooping you up into his arms.
Your hands wrapped around his neck, holding onto him for dear life.
“I’ve got you…” Jake assured you gently, tightening his grip around your body.
When he turned around Sam was right there, gently rubbing a hand over your arm.
“You did so good for me… Always good for me, Y/N.” Sam praised, making you smile softly.
Jake hummed and you looked up at him just in time to catch his dramatic eye roll. “I wish you’d be good for me.”
You chose to ignore his comment, for the time being, not wanting to dig yourself into a deeper hole than you already knew you were in. Jake carried you back to the bus and the door opened right before he walked up to it. 
“You’re gonna have to walk in. I’m assuming you don’t want tweedle dumb and tweedle dee asking questions,” Jake sat you gently on your feet and you leaned against him. You felt like your knees could give out at any moment. 
The two of you walked onto the bus and you immediately went straight to his bunk to lie down until you got back to the hotel. Jake joined you and you scooted over as far as you could in the small bunk. He closed the thin curtain before he directed his attention toward you. 
“You know,” He gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger. “That was some shit you pulled back there,” 
“Jake I-“ 
“No, I’m not done.” Jake cut you off as he shook his head. He inched his face closer to yours. You could see the way they flashed to a darker shade, almost something you couldn’t quite read. It was a mix of adoration, annoyance, lust, and anger. 
“It seems to me that you’ve forgotten who you belong to,” His voice was low and his eyes burned into yours. You looked around the small bunk as you avoided his intimidating gaze.
“I haven’t,” was all you could manage to get out. 
“But I think you have, darling. All of this shit you’ve been pulling recently? Don’t think it’s going to fly any longer.” His nose touched yours and you were forced to look at him. 
“Are you guys ready?” Josh called. You closed your eyes and let out a sigh. 
“Yeah,” Jake called back to his twin. You felt the bus begin to move and Jake averted his attention back to you. He bunched your dress up at your hips before ghosting his fingers over your soaked core. You whined at his delicate touch and shook your head. 
“Jake I can’t—“
“I don’t want to hear a single fucking word from you right now, Y/N,” Jake closed his eyes and his nostrils flared. His voice was still low, careful so none of the other boys heard him. Your breathing began to slowly pick up as he started rubbing slow circles on your already swollen bud. 
“I’m sick and tired of you acting like a fucking whore. You clearly need to be reminded who owns you. Owns you and that gorgeous cunt of yours.” Jake tilted his head and slapped his fingertips against your core. You whined and covered your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Show me that you fucking own me then,” the words slipped out of your mouth before you could even think about what you were saying. Your eyes went wide and so did Jake’s. The bus came to a stop and you had assumed that you were at the hotel. 
You and Jake had exited the bunk before making your way toward the front of the bus. You kept your eyes down as your pace was quick to try and avoid Jake.
There was not even a sliver of doubt that he was livid and you wanted to avoid making him more pissed than he already was. You’d added more than enough fuel to the fire. 
The both of you walked into the hotel and got your room keys and made your way over the elevator.
You both stepped in and as soon as the door closed Jake wrapped his hand around your throat and shoved you into the elevator door. 
“Go to the room and take all of your clothes off. I want you on your fucking knees with your hands behind your back. In front of the bed with your hair up. Do I make myself clear?” He commanded, voice dripping with venom.
You nodded your head, too afraid that if you tried to speak, nothing would come out and his grip around your throat tightened. 
“Do I make myself fucking clear?” He hissed, face blazing red and his breathing heavy.
“Y-yes sir,” you barely managed to get out.
Jake let go of your throat and seconds later the elevator door opened. He pointed behind you and you turned around to exit the elevator.
You walked to your room and before you opened the door, Jake put his hand on yours. Turning your head over your shoulder to look at him, His gaze softened, but you knew that he was still in a mood. 
"I will be back. Don't forget what I told you," He reminded,
kissing the top of your head as you entered your room.
You observed the way it was set up and you were in awe. There was a large window that took up a good portion of the wall and there was a gorgeous view of the mountains.
The bed faced the window and there was a small kitchen off to the side. You walked into the bathroom and you were met with a marble shower along with a jacuzzi tub. The sink matched the marbling of the shower and the floors were a dark gray, almost black and there were gold accents to match throughout the entire hotel room.
You could feel your hands begin to shake as you began to think about what Jake had in store for you. As much of a rise as you got out of him from sitting on Sam's side of the stage, you were slowly beginning to regret the whole thing. A part of you wanted to keep the teasing going but you knew it was in your best interest to stop it all. 
Taking a deep breath, you started slowly stripping yourself from your dress. You sat the material off to the side before sinking to your knees at the foot of the bed.
You held your hands behind your back and you patiently waited for Jake to come back.
As you waited, your mind drifted off to all of the possible ideas he might have. Those thoughts alone made you start to drip.
You bit your lip and looked towards the dark, hoping Jake would still be gone just a few more minutes.
Slipping one of your hands between your legs, you started to rub slow circles against your clit. You ran the tips of your fingers through your slick and pushed two fingers inside yourself.
Your head tipped back and your pace quickened rapidly. You brought your free hand down to your clit, rubbing fast circles into it and a whimper slipped past your lips.
You could feel yourself nearing your orgasm, as you curved your fingers inside yourself quickly.
"Fuck, Jake," You whimpered into the empty room, letting out a soft moan as your head rolled forward.
"It's a gorgeous fucking sight, isn't it?" Jake spoke. You gasped, eyes popping open as you looked towards the door.
"I think that's an understatement," Sam smirked from behind him. You were speechless as you looked back and forth between the two boys.
Jake turned his head around and whispered into Sam's ear before Sam nodded his head and faced his attention towards you.
"Good luck, Y/N, you're gonna need it." Sam grinned before he disappeared from your view.
Jake stepped into the room and harshly closed the door behind him, the slam making you jump in your spot.
"I asked of a few simple things and you couldn't even do all of them.” Jake slowly walked towards you, crouching down in front of you. “Now I walk in on you touching yourself while moaning my name? You're really just asking for it, aren't you?"
"What? I did everything you asked me to," You shook your head, but Jake shook his back. He reached behind you, grabbing a fistful of your hair.
"Your hair doesn't look like it's up to me." He raised his brows, keeping contact with you.
He pulled your head back and inched closer to your face. Your mouth fell open slightly and you were about to say something to him, but he shook his head. You immediately shut your mouth.
Jake let go of your hair upon hearing a knock at the door. He walked away from you and you watched his every move.
He opened up the door and he was handed a bucket before the door was closed again.
Walking back over to you, he sat the bucket on the dresser and sat something else next to it, but you couldn't quite see what it was.
"Do you remember your colors?" Jake crossed his arms in front of him and you nodded your head.
"Green, yellow and red,"
"Good girl," Jake started undoing his belt buckle, before sliding it out from the loops of his jeans. He tossed the belt onto the bed before slowly dragging down his zipper. 
"Do the rest for me, hm?" Jake requested and looked up at him with your best doe eyes, nodding your head before wrapping your slender fingers around his belt loops.
You dragged the material down his thighs, keeping eye contact while doing so, trying your hardest not to focus on the outline of him through his boxers.
You licked your lips as Jake took a step back and kicked his jeans away from him. He stepped closer to you again and you hooked your fingers under the waistband of his boxers before pulling them down to the tops of his knees. 
"Open," Jake commanded and you did as you were told.
Jake showed you no mercy, as he hit the back of your throat almost immediately.
You gripped at his hips, but he pushed his hands off of him. "Hands behind your back,"
He slowly began to thrust his hips, but his slow pace didn't last long at all, before he was repeatedly hitting the back of your throat with a brutal pace.
Your eyes clamped shut and Jake grabbed a fistful of your hair, holding you in place.
"Look at me," Jake groaned and You tried your hardest to look up at him as tears brimmed your eyes.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, trying his hardest to not make a sound. He didn't want to show you how much he was enjoying this, since it was supposed to be a punishment after all.
You took in a deep breath through your nose and your eyes instinctively closed again.
Suddenly, you felt a harsh smack against your cheek and you moaned around Jake's cock.
You could feel your arousal dripping down your thighs, as he continued to fuck into your mouth relentlessly.
Jake let out a shakey breath and you felt stray tears roll down your cheek.
He bucked his hips into you a few more times, the pulled himself out of your mouth.
"Hands and knees. On the bed. Now." He pointed and you stood up. You moved onto the bed and propped yourself on your knees and you leaned against your forearms.
“Yes sir,” you said sweetly.
But In an attempt to egg him on a little, you slowly swayed your hips as you watched Jake over your shoulder. He had pulled his boxers back up, signaling he wasn't going to be using you any time soon.
"Stop. I don't even have to look at you to know what you're doing." Jake snapped, grabbing the bucket and sitting it on the bed as he positioned himself behind you.
Finally, you could see that it was filled up to the brim with ice and you felt a shudder go through your body.
"But don't I just look so pretty bent over for you, Jakey?" You tried to tease.
You swore you could've heard a small whimper come from him, but the thought disappeared when his fingers wrapped in your hair, pulling your head back.
"I'm so fucking sick of hearing your pretty, smart-ass voice right now. All I want to hear is you begging for mercy." Jake said flatly in your ear.
His words sent a shiver down your spine and let out a breath through your nose, choosing not to say anything. He let go of your hair and your head fell forward slightly.
You watched as he grabbed a piece of ice from the bucket and popped it into his mouth, leaning over you once more.
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder before putting the piece of ice at the front of his lips, slowly dragging it down your spine.
"Oh fuck," You whispered as you felt goosebumps raise all over your skin. His lips were wet and cold and the slightly cool air hitting the now wet spots on your skin made you shudder violently.
“Jake, please.”
He was inching closer and closer to your dripping core and you couldn't tell if you were shaking from anticipation, or the ice being dragged across your skin. 
You had no time to prepare for Jake's cold lips pressing against your heat.
“Oh, my god-“ you gasped, feeling your legs instinctively trying to close, but they didn't have the chance as Jake held them open and continued to lap at you.
The ice was quickly melting, given how hot you were and once it was completely melted, his tongue pressed flat against you. His movements were slow, trying to tease you in any way he possibly could.
Jake slipped one finger into you, his movements with his tongue still teasing and slow. He dragged out every one of his movements, being sure to take his time with everything he did.
You could feel your arousal dripping down your leg and you just wanted him to pick up his pace so badly.
And almost as if he was reading your mind, as his pace picked up just a little and he slipped another finger inside of you.
You tried your best to keep your moans to a minimum, but it was hard with the way Jake's fingers and mouth worked you expertly. Biting down on your lip, your knuckles turned white from how tightly they gripped the sheets beneath you. 
You could feel the knot in your stomach building, the high coming on so fast that you almost didn't even have time to comprehend the fact that you were right on it.
But it didn't matter, Jake wasn't going to let you cum that easily.
His fingers slipped out of you and his mouth was gone not even a split second later.
“Jake,” You huffed in sudden, bratty frustration.
“Shut it.” Jake reached for another piece of ice, resting it at the front of his lips like he had done before and he was hovering over you again, his face inching towards your shoulder; or so you thought.
You felt the ice touch your neck, inching closer and closer to your sweet spot.
He moved everywhere along your neck, but he was missing the one spot you wanted to feel him against.
The goosebumps rose heavily against your skin, the cool air making them more prominent. He was being a tease with the way he traveled down your back again, inching closer and closer to your dripping cunt.
You were going to beg for him, but you didn't want to give him that satisfaction. You kept the quiet whimpers to yourself, not wanting to see or hear that he was getting a rise out of you. 
It only took a second before his lips were wrapped around your clit again, a loud gasp flying past your lips from how cold and wet his lips and tongue were.
Jake’s movements remained slow, slow enough to barely bring the feeling of your orgasm back to it’s peak, but not enough to fully send you over.
It was torturous and you wanted nothing more than to spill over onto his tongue, to have him tell you how good of a girl you were and how sweet you tasted; but that was the very last thing you were going to get from him.
"Fuck, Jake I can't take this please just fuck me," You whined and gripped the sheets below you. Before you had time to comprehend what was happening, your back was against the mattress and Jake was hovering over you.
"Do you really want to be making requests right now?" Jake scanned your face. 
"If Sam were here, he would've been fucking me dumb already," You gave Jake a sinister smile and his eyes became almost black.
He opened his mouth to speak, but another voice beat him to it.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that, doll." Sam spoke up, as he rounded the corner.
Your eyes shot over to him and you could feel all of the blood draining from your face. 
"Jake, I- He- What the fuck?" you were completely dumbfounded by the fact that he was even here.
"What is it, dove? Didn't hear him come in while you were a whining mess under me?" Jake pushed his lip out, giving you a fake pout and you shook your head. Your mouth was dry and you didn't know what to do or say.
"What? That smart mouth has nothing to say for once?" Sam snickered.
You so badly wanted to find a good come back, but your brain was empty, all you could think about was the two boys in your room and how after tonight you were going to be absolutely done for.
"Here's how this is gonna go," Jake held your face in place with one of his hands and you couldn't help but stare directly into his darkened eyes.
"You don't get to cum until I say so,"
"I think I already knew that you don't-"
You stared at Jake with wide eyes, the sting across your cheek processing only seconds later.
He stared at you with a stern look, but you could see the slight worry in his eyes thinking he had taken it too far.
You didn't say anything besides staring at him in amusement and even more lust.
"Sam can you go into the top zipper pocket in my suitcase and grab what's in there." Jake turned his attention to his brother and Sam nodded before kneeling beside Jake's suitcase.
You tried to watch him as best as you could, but Jake turned your head to face him again.
"I tried avoiding this, but you don't know how to keep your mouth shut," Jake shook his head as he reached out to Sam.
Sam placed the item in his hand and you suddenly had a gag in full view.
‘When the fuck did he even get that?’ You frantically questioned in your head.
“Head up, mouth open," Jake commanded firmly.
You lifted your head as you were told and Jake placed the ball into your mouth, securing the strap in the back.
"Oh my fucking god," Sam whispered to himself.
He stared at you in disbelief, his eyes darkening much like Jake's.
Jake moved from above you and went over to the mini fridge where he had stored some of his alcohol. He pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniel's and twisted the top off and took a swig straight from the bottle.
Sam leaned over you, dragging his fingertips down your stomach so lightly it was almost as if he wasn't touching you. His movements were slow, inching closer and closer to your center.
You squirmed from the soft touch, and Sammy just continued staring at you in a state of awe.
"Yeah? You like how she looks, Sammy?" Jake smirked, walking over to his brother.
Sam barely even acknowledged that Jake was asking him a question.
"How about you let sweet, sweet Y/N know that you won't keep spoiling her, either?" Jake suggested, raising a brow as he looked down at you; so helpless.
"I never spoiled her..." Sam defended himself, breathless as his eyes raked over you for the billionth time.
You scoffed through the gag, the thoughts of the night you had spent with Sam and how he treated you. The way he whined under your touch, the shower the two of you had, him telling you how good you made him feel.
You were spoiled and you all fucking knew it.
"We all know that's not exactly true," Jake shook his head, taking another swig from the bottle of liquor.
"Whatever," Sam rolled his eyes. "Luckily, I like to be a tease just for the hell of it. Pretty baby, can't even tell me how good she wants me to make her feel," He fake pouted and your breathing intensified. His fingers dipped between your thighs, dancing lightly over the spot you needed him the most.
You tried to shift your hips to get any sort of friction from him, but Jake's hand came down and held you in place.
"Have your fun with her Sammy, she's not moving." Jake smiled down at you. Sam's fingers rubbed quick circles against your clit and you whined, wanting to pull your hips away from him.
You could feel another orgasm building, so close to the brink of spilling over. Before you could even reach the high, his fingers were gone.
"I have a vibrator, think we should torture her a bit?" Jake suggested and You shook your head quickly as a smile spread across Sam's face.
Sam’s smirk was wicked. “Go get it.”
Jake went over to your suitcase and grabbed the vibrator that you thought you had hidden from him back at home.
Obviously you didn’t do the best job.
He pushed the button causing the toy to come to life before handing it to Sam.
Sam adjusted himself next to you and he pressed the toy to your clit. You moaned into the gag, the feeling of another orgasm already building.
"So sensitive, hm?" Sam cooed. His lips connected with your sweet spot, nipping at the spot before soothing it with his tongue. “I bet you are, baby doll. As many times as you’ve cum today.”
“I bet it sucks to cum so much and now you can’t.” Jake added on. “Maybe you don’t deserve anymore at all today.”
Crawling over top of you as you shifted around, Jake slid his boxers down his legs and ran his tip through your folds, collecting enough of your arousal to completely coat him.
“God, you’re fucking soaked. Gotta feel you wrapped around me,” was all Jake said before thrusting into you, giving you little time to adjust.
He set into a steady pace, sending your body further into the pillows with each thrust.
“Looks like she feels so good, Jake.” Sam cooed lowly. “Should I let her cum?”
“No. Not yet.” Jake's thrusts were quick and sharp, hitting every spot inside of you so perfectly.
You were seconds from spilling over the edge, then Sam moved the vibrator from your clit, following Jake’s command.
The urge to scream into the gag was unreal, to say the very least.
He lazily dragged it across your stomach and you could feel yourself becoming lightheaded from all the denial.
Sam removed his lips from your neck, using his free hand to wrap around your throat.
Tears clouded your vision as you looked at Sam who had a dark look in his eyes. His grip was tight and you could feel your vision becoming hazy.
Sam moved the vibrator to your clit again and your eyes clamped shit. The gag doing a surprisingly poor job at silencing the high pitched noises you were making.
Your hands instantly found home against Jake's back and He hissed as you dragged your nails against his skin, sharp enough to draw blood.
"Let her cum," Jake groaned and Sam's hand left your throat. As soon as it did, you could feel yourself spilling over the edge.
There was no air left in your lungs, the stars growing thicker in your vision and your head began to throb.
“Jake said to let you cum,” Sam spoke lowly. “So cum for us. C’mon. Do it for me- For Jake.”
You let out a loud moan that was barely even muffled by the gag and Jake continued his brutal pace into you as you came around him.
“Shut up, Sam.” Jake huffed, becoming slightly possessive. “Only for me, pretty girl.”
Your body was limp, your orgasm already draining your energy. Jake's hips began to falter and you knew he wasn't far behind you.
His fingertips were digging into your sides hard enough that you knew you'd be bruised.
You moved your arms with the little strength you had left and pushed the hair that was sticking to Jake's forehead out of the way.
"Sam, take her gag off," Jake grunted. “Please.”
You lifted your head as best as you could, so Sam could take the gag off of you.
As soon as it left your mouth Jake's lips connected with yours and you moaned into his mouth.
Sam's lips connected with your neck and you could feel another orgasm wanting to take over.
"Jake, I-" Your voice was cut off by a high-pitched moan.
Your high took over, but it was stronger than one you had felt all day.
The space between you and Jake grow significantly wetter and your eyes rolled back into your head. there wasn't a sound to be heard around you as your body became completely numb.
Groaning, you rolled over in bed, being met with another warm body that you instantly knew to be Jake’s.
As you shifted, a soft groan rumbled out of his own chest.
After a second or two, Jake flipped over on his back, eyes slowly fluttering open to look at you.
“Did you sleep good, angel?”
“Mhm.” you hummed, not bothering to open up your own eyes as you cuddled into him, laying your head on his chest. “M’never doing anything sneaky.”
Jake chuckled, deep and gravely as his voice was still laced with sleep. “Yeah I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“Where’s Sammy?” You decided to change the subject entirely.
“He went to bed after he helped me clean you up last night.” Jake explained, tilting his head to the side to place a kiss on your temple. “I don’t know who was more worn out, him or you.”
“I’d say me, since I fainted again.”
“You cannot keep doing that,” Jake scolded playfully. “You’ve scared the absolute fuck out of me both times.”
“You just make me feel that good, i guess.” You giggled, finally cracking one eye open.
“Sam was also there,” Jake reminded you through a little smirk.
“And I can assure you, he’s never gonna let you live it down.”
“Mm, that’s just fucking great.”
Tag list:
@shutupdevvie @why-ami-on-here
@belovedsamuel @gardensgatedaisy
@theweightofjake @jake-kiszkas-smirk @positivegvfthings
@gretasmokerising @sammysprincess
@jordierama @doodle417
@greta-van-chaos @mintysammykiszka
@skankforjakekiszka @sarakay-gvf
@teddiie @colorstreammind @ofburningskies @of-infinite-wonders
@highladyofasgard @simple-pleasures-of-existence
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raeathnos · 2 months
#as usual I have a terrible case of back from the beach blues#I miss the ocean and the sand and the seagulls and I wanna go back T_T#home and work are both shitshows and all I wanna do is lounge in the sun and swim in the sea#I miss the salty air#i keep trying to tell myself not to be bummed cause I have a few shorter trips planned#going back to Cape May next month either for a day trip or overnight the one weekend with my sister in law#and I might be going back to Ocean City for a long weekend in September for local’s summer#and me and my husband are planning on taking a day trip and exploring a few of Delaware’s beaches along the bay#that one’s a little more up in the air but likely September or October#and then we’re doing Kitt’s Hummock and Woodland Beach for sure#might do Deemer’s Beach cause it’s literally 3 mins away from the one shop we’re stopping at#but I’ve heard that’s not a great beach so we’ll see#might possible also do Bennett’s Pier Beach and Slaughter Beach and stop at the DuPont Nature Center#so three trips- one being a day trip the other being either a day trip or overnight and a possible third trip that’s a few days long#I’m excited for the Delaware one cause I’ve only ever been to Fenwick Island and Slaughter Beach#and like yeah they’re beaches on the Delaware Bay so it’s brackish and muddy but I don’t care#I’m just excited to explore some beaches I’ve never been to#but man the main big vacation is over and I have to wait a whole year and that’s what’s got me down I guess#little vexing about the distance#love that my fav place is only 3.5 hours away#but it’s just far enough to be a bit much for a day trip which is a bummer#we’ve done day trips in the past and they’re very fun but also very tiring#so I tend to only get to Ocean City MD once or twice a year#which bummer cause it’s my favorite beach#the beaches that are only like an hour and 20 mins aren’t that great Jersey-wise#so hopefully the Delaware adventure turns up a few that I end up liking a lot#I need to live closer to the ocean#I’m trying but man is shit expensive anymore ._.#one day soon I hope…
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oddygaul · 10 months
Scavengers Reign
Holy shit, good western animation that’s not comedy and actually has a focus on aesthetics, setting and craft??
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Seriously, I still can’t believe something like Scavengers Reign got made. This feels like a student thesis film you’d see on Vimeo, not a full 12-episode series with a healthy production schedule.
I loved this show. The artstyle is a clear rip of Moebius, but that’s… fucking sick? I mean, given how little that style has been successfully adapted for animation, I’m all for it, especially when it’s done with this much care and skill. Seriously, some of the longer environments shots could genuinely pass for later Moebius illustrations. The colors are also gorgeous throughout, managing to make each biome feel distinct (and thus sell how far our characters have traveled) while maintaining a consistent, muted vibe over the course of the story.
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The star of the show, obviously, is the ecology and creature design. Even with no added context, the designs are all very cool, from the little rolling polyps we see everywhere to the stampeding ungulates. But the thing that sets this show apart is the clear ecological niche we’re shown for each species. Nearly every creature we see, we learn something about: their source of food, their natural predators, the unique behavior they’ve adapted to thrive in their environment. And the comparison to nature documentaries doesn’t just stop there - they even directly ape the style, editing and content of documentaries, like when the show focuses on territorial disputes between members of the same species, or highlights a predator taking advantage of its prey’s weakest moments to strike.
Some of my particular favorite ideas: 1. All of the various white-coated creatures near Azi’s desert encampment that blend seamlessly into the spires for camouflage 2. The seafaring creatures sucking up their young for protection during the lightning storm, and the parasites that come in to gorge themselves while they’re defenseless 3. The fact that the little Grey-looking gecko-apes (Hollow’s species), given their intelligence and powerful telekinesis, could clearly become apex predators and take on prey many times their size… but instead use their hypnosis to force other species to get food for them, because it takes way less energy expenditure. That’s nature, baby!
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The show definitely drags a bit around the halfway point. The start of the story is explosive, as we follow the viewpoints of 3 different groups of survivors and their drastically different situations. The character dynamics are great in the beginning - Ursula and Sam’s early mastery of the wildlife during their expeditions, Azi’s reticence contrasted with Levi’s developing personality, and the slow horror that unfolds as Kamen is taken in by Hollow. For the first few episodes, we have no idea where things will end up, and it’s exciting watching things play out.
By the midpoint, we’ve basically lost Kamen’s point of view, as his arc is put on ice until the end of the show, so we’re just bouncing back and forth between Sam & Ursula’s perspective, and the group Azi finds herself falling in with. Sam & Ursula’s narrative feels like it gets stuck in a rut here, as Sam gets infected with two different parasites back to back; I really feel like they should’ve committed to one (preferably the plot thread about the previous survivor) rather than trying to land the same emotional beat twice in a row. On Azi’s side, while I understand what they were going for with Kris and the other newcomers, their story never really got compelling for me. Scavengers’ strength is the planet and its bizarre alien life. Levi, with their dawning sentience and growing connection to the natural world, really fits into those themes; replacing that with a ‘Humans were the real monsters scavengers all along!’ subplot is a tough sell, especially when the characters driving it are about as charismatic as a puddle and have some of the most awkward acting / writing in the show.
There’s even some form issues in the middle section. In classic anime fashion, the visuals take a bit of a hit; there’s less standout background work in the 2nd act, and the character animation suffers at times. I also found the editing distracting in this section; with only two points of view to go between, the constant cutting between the A and B plot started to feel artificial and distracting. Also, since we more or less have an idea of how the stories are going to come together by this point, there’s a sense of inevitability to the proceedings.
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Fortunately, things come back together in the end; Ursula leaving Sam behind is every bit as bittersweet as it should be, Levi’s resurrection by the planet-flowers is fascinating, and the sequence where Hollow is returned to its natural self, courtesy of a Levi-supplied Total Perspective Vortex, is just goddamn gorgeous. Seriously, if anything can become iconic anymore in the constantly shifting hell that is today’s media landscape, it’s this breathtaking animated montage of life germinating and evolving on Vesta. Well, that and the buckwild life-to-death flower pollination sequence in episode 3. Fully expecting to see those posted as captures on random forums one, five, ten years from now.
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Here’s hoping for season two, or anything more from this creative team! They can’t leave us hanging with the fuckin Imperium of Man showing up at the end like that, can they?
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peninkwrites · 1 year
The Showfall Aftershow!
THE HOST: Welcome back to the Showfall After Show!  As always, I have the honor of hosting on behalf of Showfall Media.   For those new to Showfall, this is where we get into the nitty gritty of the volume, where we talk about our favorite moments, the unexpected twists, and of course, recognize our top-tier talents!
TH: [laughs] Glad to hear we’re all excited!  I will say, just like this was a very special volume, this is a very special After Show.  For the first time ever, Showfall aired to a live audience!  To celebrate that, we’re going try another first, interviewing the whole cast tonight! 
TH: I can hardly wait!  And what a cast do we have tonight!  Kicking off this Premiere of Showfall’s first cast interview: you were endeared to him from the moment he talked about his pet fish, you laughed at his antics, and cried when he finally died, let’s welcome Ethan Nestor!
ETHAN NESTOR:  Hello?  Where am I?  I thought I… I don’t understand.  Please, please, can you help me?
ETHAN NESTOR: Thank you!  Thank you all so much, it's really just such an honor to be here.
TH:  And we’re happy to have you, Ethan!  Tell us, how did it feel, to be the first to speak on the carousel?  No pressure, right? [laughs]
EN: Why are you laughing?  I don’t understand.  I don’t know where I am, I… I didn’t want to be there, I wanted to go home.  But I
EN: [laughs] Right!  No pressure at all, huh?
TH: But I’ll say you handled it with grace!  We could tell you were a little nervous, do you mind telling us why that is?  Was it just first day jitters, or something more?
EN: I said I want to go home!  But I… I remember I went through that doorway and… oh fuck, I… I don’t know why I’m here, I don’t understand
EN: I mean, yeah, you could say first day jitters, for sure.  But at the same time, some of the nerves were totally from having to plead for my life, y’know?
TH: We’ve all been there!
EN: What the fuck are you talking about?!  I… I was scared out of my fucking mind, I don’t…
[audience laughter]
EN: This is just a fucking joke, huh?!  I… why can’t I move?  Why can’t I… I want to leave, but I can’t move, why can’t I move
EN: [laughs] I know, right?  But I think I did a good job pleading my case!  I… I know I got a little choked up there, which was a little embarrassing.
TH: No, no it’s not embarrassing at all!  I think we all were touched by your speech about your beloved fish, Turner.  Am I right, folks?
[audience ‘aw’s]
EN: Who the fuck is Turner?!
EN: I mean, I just love the little guy so much!  Aw, dang, I’m… I’m getting choked up now!
TH: That’s okay, Ethan!  Who could blame you?  Now, I have to ask, were you disappointed when the audience didn’t pick you?
EN: A little, sure, but I understand it was some tough competition.  We all wanted to make it out of there alive, you know?
TH: [laughs] So true!
EN: But it wasn’t fair, right?  It… it didn’t have to be like… what the fuck is happening?  I died
EN: I know it was a bit of a hiccup in the show, when the Puzzler shot Nihachu point blank–
TH: Twice!
EN: What about… what about the other guy?  What about Vinny?  He died too, he died, I died, wait.  Why isn’t anyone fucking listening to me?!  I died
EN: Right, [laughs] twice, but I mean, it ended up being an opportunity, huh?  In the long run, of course.
TH: True, but not a very long run, am I right?
TH:  Now, you made it pretty far, but that last puzzle you got… well, you were caught between a rock and a hard place, huh?  Well, not as much as Austin was!
EN: He didn’t make it?  None of them made it?  Did I make it?
EN: I sure was, but yeah, [laughs], not as much as Austin!
TH: So, Ethan, did you have any regrets in that last moment?
EN: I just don’t fucking understand, I don’t know why I can’t move, I think I’m dead, I think I’m supposed to be dead, but I
EN: No, Host, I don’t think I did, actually.  I was proud of what I did accomplish, you know, in the time I was given, I guess, actually…
TH: Oh?  Is there something?
EN: Yes!  Yes there’s fucking something!  I should be dead!  But no one can fucking hear me!
EN: I guess, I just wish I could’ve seen Turner one last time, just, looked into his little eyes…
EN: Fucking hell, this can’t be happening
TH: Do you think he was out there?  Cheering you on?
EN: I thought he was supposed to be a fish
EN: I know he was.  Up until the very end.
TH: Beautifully put, Ethan.  Thank you so much for coming out tonight.  Can we give him another round, folks?
EN: Wait!  Wait, don’t!  Don’t take me away again!  Please, why can’t I just go?  Why didn’t I die?  Why can’t anyone hear me?!
EN: It was my pleasure!
TH: What a fun start to the evening!  Unemployed or not, that lovable scamp sure touched our hearts, right folks?
TH: We've got plenty more interviews to come!
TH:  Next in the line up, a hoarder full of tricks, you cheered when he succeeded, and laughed at his hilarious misfortune, give it up for the comic relief, Vinny Vinesauce!
VINNY VINESAUCE: How's it going tonight, everybody?
TH: Welcome!
VV: Did I make it?  I was… I made it across the room, is this what comes after?  Did I make it?
VV: It’s great to be here!
TH: So, Vinny, you served as a spur of the moment stand in for Nihachu, am I right?
VV:  She was dead.  A woman died, why are you acting like it didn’t matter
VV: Yeah, yeah I did!
TH: How did it feel, having to hop in last minute; challenging?  Exciting?  Did you feel ready?
VV: She was dead.  That scared me, I know it did, so why
VV: Well, I felt pretty lucky.  I was given an opportunity!  I mean, not gonna lie, I was a little thrown off when I came into the candy room and saw her corpse, but I got into the groove of things pretty quick!
TH: You definitely did!  I think we were all blown away with how you surprised us in the laser room.
VV: I made it across, it… it doesn’t make sense, but I did, right?  So, does that mean I get to live?  Is that what this is?  Hello?  Are you guys hearing me at all?
VV: It surprised me too!
TH: But you’d done it before, yes?  Isn’t that what you said?
VV: When?
VV: Yeah!  Of course, lots of times.
TH: So what surprised you, then?
VV: I mean, I gotta say I was a little surprised about the twist after that!
TH: Oh, skipping right to your ending, huh?  I know we all got a laugh after you got your head crushed by that anvil!  What were you thinking in those last moments?
VV:  I’m dead.  Oh my god, wait, I remember, I’m actually fucking dead, so how am I
VV: Mostly just, ‘oh no’.
TH: Of course!  Thanks for coming out, Vinny!  Don’t let an anvil hit you on the way out!
VV: [laughs] I’ll do my best!
TH: Let’s give it up for Vinny one last time, cheers to him getting through his hoarding problem and showing up!
TH:  Now, moving on to the fan favorite, our female lead, the nicest girl around, Niki Nihachu!
NIKI NIHACHU: What’s… what’re you doing?  What are you saying?  Did you say female lead?  Because I was the only girl there?
NIKI NIHACHU: Hi, Host!  Hi!  How are you all doing?
TH: Oh, we’re doing just great, Niki!  How are you doing?  No tears yet today?
NN: No, no I’m not crying, I’m fucking pissed off, okay?  I did what I was told, I… I played nice and I got taken out of the game early.
NN: [giggles]  No, not yet!
TH: So, Niki, how did it feel when the audience picked you?
NN: I should have kept going and it’s not fucking fair.
NN: Oh, I was so relieved, Host.  I couldn’t believe it!
TH: Really?  But you’re so nice!  How could they not pick you?
NN: Are we not going to fucking talk about how I got cheated?!  I… I was shot!  I… wait, wait I was shot, so…
NN: I don’t know, there were so many cool, impressive people they could have picked, and I’m just, you know, a girl who wanted to live!
[audience ‘aw’s]
NN: I wanted to live!  I still want to live!  I’m here!  I’m in here, I don’t… I don’t know how, but I’m still alive!  Last time, I tried, I told you all I was still alive, he shot me and I was still fucking alive!
TH: And that’s all you need to be, Niki.
NN: I was still alive!  I could’ve lived, and he… he shot me again!  He shot me again, and you let him!  You all let him kill me!
NN: Thank you, I’m touched.
TH: Now, I don’t mean to press, but do you want to maybe talk about how you got a little… well, over emotional, at the start there?  We won’t blame you, a sweet girl like you, of course you’d cry when told you were going to be blown up!
NN: I… That was me.  No, it’s not… I remember doing that.  It wasn’t you all making me, I was breaking down because I didn’t want to die, and then you.. You made me stop.  How did you make me stop?!
NN: Oh, now I’m embarrassed!
TH: Aw, I bet some of the boys would’ve cried too if they were pushed a little further!
NN: [giggles] I guess I’m just sensitive!
NN: Why do I get ‘giggle’ when all the rest just laugh?  Why’d you turn me into this?!  Why did you… I don’t understand, I’m just… You made me weak.  All that could come through was the tears, I couldn’t fight.  How did you do that?
TH: Now, could we, real quick, talk about our little mishap at the end of your run?
NN: Oh, sure, but I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.  Accidents happen!  I’m sure the Puzzler didn’t mean anything by it when he pulled the trigger!
TH: Twice!
NN: [giggles] Yes, twice!  But still, I don’t want to make a fuss, it’s really alright!
TH: Aw, that’s so nice of you, Niki!
NN: I try!
TH: Now– Oh!  Are you feeling alright, Niki?
NN: Hm?  What?
TH: You’re crying.
NN: Oh! [giggle] I don’t know why I’m doing that!  It’s really fine!  It's no trouble, really.  I'm fine!
NN: I want to live… please, please someone help me, I want to live.  Please!  Please, someone fucking help me!  Please!  I didn’t want to die!  This isn’t fair!
TH: Well, thank you so much for coming out, Niki, and being your sweet self.
NN: I don’t want to die.  Please don’t make me go, please, it’s not fair!  I want to live!  Please.
NN: Thank you, Host!  I’m just so happy I could make everyone’s days just a little brighter.  I’m just so happy.
NN: Please.  I'm scared
NN: I'm just so happy.
TH: Wasn’t she lovely, folks?  Let’s give her another round of applause!
TH: Let’s move on to an old favorite!  You all loved his apathy, his disdain, his witty quips, his bromance with his co-star, give it up for Sneegsnag!
SNEEGSNAG: Hey.  What's up?  Uh, crazy to be here tonight.  Just crazy.
TH: Are you sure you feel that way?  You sound pretty uninterested, Sneeg!
S:  I’m still here.  How the fuck am I still here?!
S: Ha, well, you know me.  I’m just kinda chill about it all, right?
TH: That you are!  Now, Sneeg, compared to some of your costars, we got to see more of you!  What was it like working on Episode 1?
S: Help!  One of you, fucking help me!  All of you!  Just stop sitting there doing nothing!
S: I mean, it was cool.  It was chill.  Being in a cage like, forever kinda sucked, but me and Frank made it work.  That was before the show technically started, though.
TH:  Right, Frank! Your zany co-star!  Word on the street is he was popular on set!
S: Frank, man!  Frank is the best.  He’s like, so funny and definitely has the best comebacks out of… out of anybody!
TH: You and Frank particularly were close, right?  Some might even call it a bromance?
S: I mean, yeah, you spend all of your living memory up until that point in a tiny cage with the guy, it forges a bond.  Without Frank, I probably would’ve tried to kill myself.  Like, just from the boredom part, not even counting that demon dude showing up sometimes.
TH: I mean, you wouldn’t be alone, that’s what Frank did!
S: There was a corpse in the room with me, all that time and I didn’t even know it.  I was in that cage for so fucking long, as long as… I dunno.  I don’t remember before that.  It was… it was a skeleton, but then… then I could see it, could see him, and the smell, fucking christ, the smell
S: [laughs] Yeah, I guess.  The middle part of the show wasn’t so bad.  It was kinda fun ragging on Ranboo.  He sorta sucked as a hero at the beginning.
TH: A hero’s journey is about growth, Sneeg!
S: Yeah.  Guess so.  Like, he couldn’t even stop me from getting ripped apart by that stupid shark thing.  I mean, he totally saw me screaming! Psh.
S: No, no I don’t want to remember that part, I don’t want to remember any of it, that fucking thing looking like a joke but the pain was real, the pain when it dragged me through the wall and started tearing
TH: True!  And not long before, the two of you went Mano a Mano!  Was that fun to film?
S: Huh?  Oh, yeah, I dunno.  Don’t remember that bit.  Got slimed.  Sorta shoved me out of my body for a little.
TH: Right, of course!  The slime!  Was the goop the worst part about that day on set, do you think?
S: It’s not slime!  Please, any of you, I fucking saw it!  It’s… it’s not fucking slime.
S: No, no if I’m not gonna say spending all of my living memory in a cage I’d probably say the bit where I stood still for eight hours.
TH: You weren’t entertained by the demons?
S: No.
TH: Oh.
S: I couldn’t move, man!  I literally could not move!  It wasn’t… it wasn’t eight hours.  It wasn’t, but it felt like it.  It hurt like it.  Fuck, how did they do that?!  My body just wouldn't do what I said, they took that control away from me, do none of you see that?!  Do you not see how fucked up it is?!
S: And after Ranboo woke back up, like, moving again after that much time was kinda like more torture. And more torture.
TH: Sneeg, you know how to complain like no one else!
S: I have a fucking right to!
S: Yeah and they continued to be totally incompetent.  Like, they so could’ve done something about the shark.
S: No, no shut up, I’m not saying that shit!  He was just some kid, I’m not… I’m not empty like that!  I care!  I fucking cared about him, you can’t just take that away!
TH: But they didn’t!  Do I sense some drama among the cast?
S:  He was just some fucking kid!  I said… I said I was gonna come back for him, but I didn’t even make it out.  Did anyone make it out?  Fuck, that thing tore me apart, I didn’t get out the fucking door, but I died, how the fuck did I die?!
S: What?  No, nah we’re chill.  He like, wiped the slime off me and picked me to come off the carousel.  He’s my boy.
TH: Should we talk about the carousel?  I think we should talk about the carousel.
S: I promised I was gonna come back and get them out
S: Uh.  Yeah.  I dunno.  Sure.
TH: You’ve got to admit, it was a little unprofessional, you leaving in the middle there.  Was there something more going on?
S: I saw it!  I saw him, I saw Charlie, disemboweled on the fucking table!  No one else could see the blood!  No one else saw the fucking rotting corpse chained up beside us!  Charlie was screaming!  He was fucking screaming because they tore him apart!  And no one did anything, no one was fucking moving!
S: No, nothing.  Shit happens, y’know?  I got back on, and got back to work.  I even survived for a long time, so.  That was pretty cool.  Sorta sucked when the Puzzler took my man Frank out of the game, but rules are rules.
TH: Rules are rules!  Are you feeling alright, Sneeg?  Not going to run out on us again, are you?  You’ve got that sort of hazy look again.
S: You don’t understand what I fucking saw!  You don’t know what’s really going on here!  There was so much blood!  Fuck… oh fucking hell, there was so much blood…
S: Nah, not planning on going anywhere.
TH: You know, I see you’re not wearing your hat today.
S: Uh, hat?
TH: Yeah! The hat that you acquired on the carousel.  It caused quite a buzz for the audience!  Would you like to tell us more about that?
S: Why was that it?!  It was a fucking hat!  It was covered in blood because it came from inside someone!  He was still alive, he was still screaming, how the fuck did they keep him alive like that, why did they keep him alive why are they keeping me alive
S: What, that I like to accessorize?  It was just kinda slimy because it came out of that dude on the hospital bed, but that’s about it.
TH: So, you can tell the folks at home there was nothing else to that hat?
S: Nope.
TH: Well, you heard it from the man himself!  The hat was just an accessory.  Thank you for showing up, Sneegsnag.
S: Not like I had a choice.
S: Stop it!  Stop fucking laughing!  You heard him, you heard me!  I said I don’t have a choice!  Does that not mean anything to you people?!  Hey!  Don’t fucking touch me!  I’m not walking away!  I’m not!  I’m not choosing to do this!  How do I stop?!  How do I fucking stop?!  I need this to stop!
TH: Wasn’t he just a riot?  What a guy!  But the night is only getting better!  On to the next interview, folks!
TH: The night is only getting better!  You know him as a smooth talker, witty and handsome to boot, please welcome our own Mr. Congeniality, Frank!
[uproarious applause]
TH: Good to see you!  Now, you’ve become a bit of an icon since the show.  How does all that attention feel?
TH: Humble and handsome! Frank, you’re a delight!
TH: I mean every word!  Now, Frank, you had a smaller role in the first episode, but you definitely made the most of it!  Were your jokes on the rocking horse improvised or scripted?
TH: Interesting!  I think we were all sad that your charm stopped at the carousel.  Were you surprised that you weren’t picked?
TH: I guess in that sense you were picked, huh?  That’s a nice way to look at it.
TH: Speaking of, it looked like you and Sneeg were two peas in a pod for a while there!
TH: Oh?  Really?
[audience ‘aw’s]
TH: That’s so touching.  Really, a beautiful confession.  And… have you told him you feel this way?
TH: Wow.  Well, I’m sure he feels the same way.
TH: Sadly, Sneeg’s interview has already passed, so that’s all we have to go on, I’m afraid.  I guess you’ll never get to tell him how you feel, huh?  Ever!  Rotten luck.
TH: I’d like to believe that too, Frank.
TH: How profound!  Wow.  What a thought provoking note to end on.  I wish you could stay here all night, but sadly, we must move on.  One last round of applause for Frank!
TH: Alright, folks, this shady character had us laughing from the moment he made up– I mean mentioned, his kids!  He’s gay, he’s a liar, and he is here for an interview!  Give it up for Austin of the AustinShow!
AUSTIN: Hey, what's this I hear about me making up my kids?
A:  No, no really, that wasn’t a joke.  I’m not lying.  I’m not!  I… I have them!  I have kids, and a wife.  A very real wife.
TH: Right, sure you do, Austin!  Let’s focus on the games for now, huh?  You showed up late to the party, right?  You and Ethan came through the tunnels all the way in the closet, but I’m guessing you’re not unfamiliar with closets, huh?
A: I– What?
A: This is just cheap.  And at least a little homophobic.  That’s it?  That’s the joke?  I’m gay and I’m lying about having a beard?  I died for this?  Really?  For this?  Wait, wait I died for… I died
TH: Don’t worry about it, Austin, let’s just talk about some of our favorite shenanigans of yours!  You and Ethan were really the bells of the ball, huh?  Some fierce competition between you two!
A: Yes, yes right, I mean, I was largely doing it to escape with my life, and return to my family–
TH: Sure you were!  How’d those heels fit, Austin?
A: I died,  you people killed me and all you could come up with is a man in a dress joke?  You’re pathetic.
A: Poorly, of course.  I… I could barely walk in them, but I don’t see how that’s relevant.
TH: Right, right.  Now, Austin, your ending.  It got pretty intense there, huh?
A: I spent my last hours running around like a panic, terrified idiot because of you people and I got crushed to death like it meant nothing.  You basically had me let myself die, didn’t you?
A: Oh, yes.  I fought my hardest.  Only one of us could go through, and I was so sure it had to be me.  I had people waiting on me, you know.
TH: That’s why you fought so hard, huh?  It seemed to me more like you were a bit of a chicken.  You’d been squeamish at the sight of blood through the whole show!
A: The others didn’t care!  Why didn’t they care?!  Ethan’s blood spilled out and they just stared at me like I was the crazy one!  I wasn’t crazy!  Even if they tried to make me be!
A: I prefer to think of myself as empathetic.  I saw people die, several, in fact.  Is that not supposed to leave a lasting impression?
TH: Now, considering your desperate drive to live, did you have any last wishes you didn’t get to fulfill before your untimely demise?
A: I just… I just wish I could tell my kids one last time how much their papa loves them.
TH:  Of course, I’m sure, of course.  And, what were their names again?
A: It’s– they’re– uh…
TH: I think I better let you off the hook, there, Austin, but thank you for showing up, even if you weren’t being entirely honest with us!
A: You won’t even let me say my last wishes!  You’ve killed me, and you’re puppeteering my corpse into being one last joke!  It’s sick!  You’re all sick!
A: But I was!  I was being honest!
TH: Of course, Austin.  Another round of applause for that very straight man, and the missus back home!
TH: Alright, folks, our penultimate interviewee, a triple threat, the goopiest guy around, you loved him as the devil, you loved him as a patient, and you loved him live on twitch, just as he wanted to make– I mean give love to you, give it up for Charlie Slimecicle!
CHARLIE SLIMECICLE: Aha, that's me!  I'm the goopiest guy!  Wow!
TH: Now, Charlie, other than the hero, you played I’d say a very important role in the show!
CS: Multiple roles, actually!
TH: Can I ask which of the three was your favorite?
CS:  Hello?!  Hello?!  Somebody?!  Hello!  Where is he?!  Where’s Ranboo, what did you do to him?!  Ranboo!  Oh, oh god, how did I… I shouldn’t be… Ranboo!  Ranboo!
CS:  What the fuck did you do to him?!  Who are you people?!  I don’t know how I… how I got here, how I didn’t see it… oh god, please fucking tell me Ranboo made it out, please, please at least let me see him, so I know he’s okay, please, I’ll cooperate, I swear, I will
TH: Um, Charlie?  Too hard a question for you?
CS: What?  Oh, no, Host!  Sorry, just a lot of options to work through!
TH: I mean, there’s three?
CS: It’s a big decision!
CS:  No, no I’m not fucking doing this right now, I’m not.  I don’t care about your stupid games, I’m not going to believe in this, I’m not going to let you people make me believe in this ever again, but I’ll pretend, I will if you just tell me if Ranboo is okay, please just let him go
CS:  I think I’d have to say the hospital patient!
TH: Oh, what a fun choice!
CS: They disemboweled me!  They had that fucking kid disembowel me!  I was begging them to stop!  It should’ve killed me, it should’ve fucking killed me!  I wanted to die then but I didn’t!  And you people just had them keep tearing into me!  They fucking disemboweled me!
TH: Oops, looks like we’re getting some microphone feedback here!  Usually it only cuts out like this if there’s too much noise!  One second, folks!
CS:  Go ahead!  Smother me!  Kill me!  Drown me in my own fucking blood and call it slime!  I won’t stop screaming until you fucking put me down like a dog!  If that’s all we are to you people, then just shoot me like one!  Shoot me!
CS: Sorry, Host, what was the question?
TH: Favorite role!  You were talking about being the hospital patient?
CS: I’m not… I am not a person! [laughs]  I’m not!  You made me!  You made those memories of a cabin and a life and then you just took it all away!  So just tell me, I will do literally anything, I’ll stay in that miserable cabin alone, I’ll lie there while you rip me apart, I will sell myself on twitch, I don’t care, just please someone fucking tell me Ranboo got out okay!   Please!  Anyone?!  Any of you!  Please!
CS: I mean, it was so easy, right?  I just had to lie there and let Ranboo, y’know dig around! [laughs]
TH: And how did you fit all of that in your stomach, Charlie?
CS: What can I say!  I’m a hungry guy!
CS: Stop talking!  They gutted me and stuffed me with fucking garbage and I was still alive!  Is that it?!  I can't die?  Can any of us die?  Is that what this is?!  Oh, god, oh fuck, we can’t actually die [laughs] We can’t actually fucking die!
TH: Now, I know this isn’t about that role, but forgive me, I’m curious!  What was it like playing Ranboo’s sidekick?  We all loved that twist when they took off your headphones!
CS: Ha, what?
CS: That was… that was part of it?  That was part of the show?!  None of it was real?!  None of it was actually real?!  Where’s Ranboo?!  Where are all of them?!  Are we all still alive?!  Please, please I’m begging you, I’m begging you just stop hurting them, just leave Niki and… and Sneeg, and Ethan, and Ranboo,  Austin, Vinny, leave them alone, okay?  Or just… just please don’t do to them what you did to me.  Please, don’t make them play… play the hospital patient.  Just not that.  Just do it to me.  That’s all I ask.  Oh, fuck, what am I doing, none of you are listening!
TH: I mean, the action sequences, the chase scenes, it’s all so thrilling!  And the heartbreak of finding out it was all for nothing, it was all part of the show!  Or, sorry, I guess you weren’t there for that part!
CS:  Ha.  Yeah.  Of course.
CS:  They didn’t get out… it was all part of the show, it was all just nothing, they never had a chance, none of us had a fucking chance and even the stupid fucking part of me you programmed for this interview doesn’t know what to do anymore!  You broke it!  You beefed it!  You cannot just keep twisting people like this!  You can’t!
TH:  How about your death scene, huh?  Oh, I was about to cry when you were begging Ranboo to keep running, when the head of security finally took you over, I just got chills!
CS: I mean, what’s one more role, right, Host? [laugh]
TH: Are you feeling okay, Charlie?  You look a little green.
CS: I’m fine!  I’m doing great!  Probably just need some slime to recover from all that running!  I mean slime.  I mean slime.  I mean slime.  I mean slime–
CS: Time!  Say it!  Say fucking time!  Be a person for one freaking minute before we get cut open again!
TH: Well, okay then, Charlie, we’ll give you that slime! [laughs]
CS: (overlapping) I mean time.
TH: What was that?
CS: I meant time.  I meant to stay time.
TH: Did you now.
CS: Thank fucking god!  Ha!  You can’t bury me forever you fucked up assholes!
TH: Well, Charlie.  Clearly, you’re tired.  I think we should end the interview here and you can get some rest in the… capable hands of our Showfall staff, alright?
CS:  Sure thing, Host!
CS: Fucking do your worst!  What’re you gonna do, rip out my organs?!  Come at me, man!  I can’t control my body anymore, but you can’t fucking stop me from screaming at you until your stupid mics break!
TH:  Thank you for your slime, Charlie.
CS: Time.
TH: [laughs] No, no I definitely said slime!
CS: Whatever.
CS: Ha!  Whatever!
TH: Let’s move on to the last interview of the night!  I’m… I’m losing stamina!  Huh, folks?  Let’s… let’s try and keep the energy up, why don’t we?
TH:  This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for!  Our hero!  Our Martyr!  Our favorite toy!  Put your hands together for the one, the only, Ranboo!
Ranboo: What...?  Where... Where am– Wait, wait no.  No, this isn't fair, you said I could die!  Please!  Please, you said I could die!  it was supposed to end!  Please!
TH: Aw, it’s a bit early in the night for tears, Ranboo!  We haven’t even gotten to the interview questions yet!
R: Interview..?  I’m not… I’m not playing along anymore.  I don’t… I don’t care.  I don’t… I don’t want to do this, oh god, I don’t want to do this…
TH: Well, Ranboo, as your costar Sneeg said, you don’t have a choice!
R: Stop it!  Just shut up!  Just let me die!  You voted for it!  You wanted it!  Kill me!
TH: Well, actually, you did die, Ranboo!  And then we brought you back!  Audience polls on the livestream voted to kill you, sure, but ratings say they really want you back.
R: Kill me!  Please, please just kill me!
TH: Now, Ranboo, how did it feel to play the hero on a Showfall production?  That’s a lot of pressure for a young star!
R: Kill me!  Just let me die!  Let me die!  Let me die! Let me die!
TH: Whoa, there, Ranboo, if you keep hitting your head back like that, you’ll hurt yourself, and we won’t be able to finish the interview!
R: Kill me!  Please!  Please, you lied!  You said you’d let me go!  You said you would!
TH: One moment, folks, I’m going to have some of our fantastic crew make sure Ranboo can complete the interview.  We wouldn’t want to let our wonderful viewers down, now, would we, Ranboo?
R: Stop it!  No, don’t– Don’t touch me!  Get off of me!  You said you’d kill me!  You said–
TH: Sorry, Ranboo, there’s no puzzles or rings of keys for you to go through on this one!
R: Let go of me!  Let me go!  Stop it, don’t touch me!  I don’t want– I don’t want you to–
TH: Much better!  You can still look at me, and the audience, but you won’t hit your head!  Let’s give it up for our great crew, give it up for the rats!  How they put up with these brooding young stars, I’ll never know!
R: I swear to god, I will find a way to kill myself if you people don’t–
TH: And then Showfall will bring you back, Ranboo.  Please, we already got through the exposition in your finale, let’s focus on the interview questions.  So, how did it feel to play the hero in a Showfall production?
TH: Ranboo, the lights don’t go off, I won’t stop asking, and you don’t get to move an inch until the interview is over.  That’s how this works.  
R: I’m not… I’m not a hero.  Please, I’m not…
TH: [laughs] Oh?  Interesting take!  I love the genre subversion!  If you’re not a hero, then what are you, Ranboo?
R:  I don’t… I don’t know, how could I know?  You took it all, you took everything... How could I know?  I don’t…
TH: Humor me a little!  Playing along is part of the fun!  I’ll try again––this is actually a good question, Ranboo, you did a good job, might make a fine interviewer one day!––if you’re not a hero, then what are you?
TH: Take your time, not like we’ve got a live audience waiting!
TH: What are you, Ranboo?
R: I’m… tired.  I’m tired.
TH: Aw, look at that face, folks!  Doesn’t it just make your heart break?  We love a tragedy here, don’t we?  And you certainly have the talent to pull it off!
[audience ‘aw’s]
R: Why didn’t… why didn’t you just turn the mask back on?  Why’re you letting me be like this?
TH: Come on, Ranboo, the interviewer asks the questions!  Sorry if I made you think it was the other way around.
R: Ask me something, then.
TH: I’d be happy to!  Now, Ranboo, you clearly dabble in genre subversion, but I think the one twist we’re all dying to hear about:  The codes.  The codes, am I right folks?
TH:  Why didn’t you listen to the audience’s pick?  You probably didn’t know this until now, but they actually told you the right one!  They had your best interests at heart!  It’s touching, really.
R:  I hurt people.  I let people get hurt.  I wasn’t in control, they were.  So, why didn’t they turn the mask back on?
TH: Aw, you’re trying this back and forth thing?  I ask one, you ask one?  Fine, fine!  Sounds fun.  Because, Ranboo.  We here at Showfall are all about authenticity. There’s nothing quite like being real with an audience.  We just wanted them to see your true self!  Now, Ranboo.  My turn! [laughs] Isn’t this fun?  Now, Ranboo.  Near the finale, after that dramatic chase through the mall, after you and Charlie found the cabin set––what a twist!  Am I right folks?––and then Security came out!  Oh, what a jumpscare! [laughs]  I’m getting ahead of myself, sorry, it’s just exciting!  My question for you, Ranboo, is why did you leave Charlie?
R: …What?
TH: Why did you leave Charlie?
R: I… I don’t…
TH: I mean, come on, you were, basically, mostly, in control of yourself, your mask was going haywire, that was actually your choice to make!  So, why did you leave him?
R: I couldn’t… I couldn’t save him, I couldn’t, I was too late, he told me to– to run, I couldn’t save him, I couldn’t–
TH: Really, Ranboo?  You didn’t even try.  You saw how the show came together by then, you don’t know if he was beyond saving, and as for telling you to run, [laughs] it’s not the first time Charlie’s speech came out, well, a little different.  How do you know, for certain, that Charlie wasn’t actually begging for his life, like he was on that operating table?
R: Why are you doing this?
TH: Now, Ranboo, you’ve got to answer my question first!  Then I answer yours!  This is your game, remember?
R: I don’t… I don’t know, I don’t know.
TH: Hm, bit of a cop out, but it’s late in the night, we’ll keep things rolling!  And in answer to your question, Ranboo, we here at Showfall are honored to provide authentic, life-altering, one of a kind entertainment.  What better reason is there than that?  Hang on, that’s not my question. [laughs]   Ranboo, in episode one you got to cook for demon Charlie!  If you could go back and pick another ingredient, knowing what you know about the shark monster that killed your friend Sneeg, what would you pick?
R: Knowing what I know now?
TH: Yes!
R: I’d have killed myself.
R: Maybe Charlie too.
R: And Sneeg, if it was the only way to get them free.
TH: Now, I don’t know what that has to do with cooking, but thanks for playing!
R: You lied to me.  And to them.  You people told me I could die, that I could rest, and you didn’t let me.  You didn’t let me.
TH: Well, actually Ranboo, we very much did!  You were dead as a doornail in that box, but like I said, we just couldn’t get enough of you!  So, yes, we did as we said, and we killed you, and now you get to go again!  Isn’t that fun?  Who knows!  Maybe they’ll vote differently next time, huh?
TH: Nothing to say?
TH: Maybe we should give him some encouragement, folks!
R: [screams]
TH: Whoa!  Nothing like some electricity to wake you up!  Shall we talk about the votes?
R: [inaudible]
TH: What was that?
TH: Aw, I think our hero is getting a little tired!  And honestly, I am too! [laughs] but thank you so much for coming out, Ranboo.
R: One day I’m gonna kill all of you.
TH: And thank you for tuning in to this Showfall Aftershow!
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Bear Hugging WoL - Scions
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I very much approve of this @melodymeddler​. Thank you for asking :3
Scions with a WoL who Gives Bear Hugs
Alisaie will gripe, groan, and maybe even resist when she sees you’ve returned. She’d rather die than admit she enjoys your hugs. But when she’s there, there’s no fighting; she just leans in as she grumbles.
“For Twelve’s sake! No! Noooooo! Get away from me! N-Stop! Ugh! Fine!”
Little Alphy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He gets all blushy and tries circumventing them with a handshake or “welcome back.” Never works. But even he knows that once you’ve got your arms around him, there’s no use resisting.
“Welcome back. How was your adventure? Oh, no. I’m fine, really. Wait. Hold on—nope. We’re doing this. Aha. Welcome back. I’m glad you’re safe.”
Actually, this guy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He will straight up curse when he sees you walk in. Might even draw his lance to keep you at bay. But if you catch him and manage to hold on for a few seconds, he’ll give. He won’t hug back, but his will to escape will die partially because he actually loves it but take that secret to his grave.
“Oh hells. No! Stay back! I’m warning you! I won’t—No! Get off! Uuuuuuugh!”
G’raha is wholeheartedly excited when you return. He wastes no time in setting his work aside to greet you. He revels in the tight embrace, happily rubbing a cheek against you and his tail swaying happily you know, like a cat. He’d probably purr if he could.
“You’re here! Welcome back! Ahaha! Aye, it’s good to see you again.”
Sweet Krile enjoys your returns. She’s simply accepted that you’re a hugger and will return the gesture happily. No muss no fuss here.
“Welcome back. How was your trip? Did you enjoy it? I’d love to hear about it.”
Lyse gets herself all riled up when she notices you return. The girl will actively stand and run at you, unless inappropriate in which case she will power walk to greet you. She absolutely loves your hugs.
“There you are! Our grand Warrior of Light! Bring it in! There we go!”
Another casual enjoyer of hugs. She’ll excuse herself from her conversation and head towards you with a little pep in her step. Once she reaches you, she’ll hold out her arms, expecting her hug.
“Excuse me just a moment. There you are. Did you enjoy your trip? You’ll have to tell me all about it. But first, my hug!”
Thancred enjoys a hearty hug. He’ll try not to show his eagerness and patiently wait for you to come to him, but once that happens, it’s arms out and hug time. Will still mock you over it though.
“You’re back? Oh very well. What a needy person you are. Ah, wait, no. Come back here. Give me my hug, dammit.”
This man is probably the most difficult to get a hug on. The instant he has an inkling that a hug is coming, he mysteriously slips away. However, poor Urianger is only graceful enough to pull this off about 15% of the time. The rest the time, he actually manages to draw more attention to himself. And once caught, he suffers the consequences of his ineptitude.
“Ah, w-well met, friend. Aye, ‘tis good to see you as well. Your travels were well then? Please unhand me.”
The prickly mage heaves a great sigh whenever you return. While she may long to continue her studies or the tasks at hand, she knows if she doesn’t put them down willingly to embrace you, you will get in her way and may even disturb her work. Would also purr if she could.
*Sigh* “Very well. Come. Let us get this over with. Excuse me? Get over here. I will not have you sulking over a simple hug. There. Welcome back, Warrior.”
Overall, your hugs really aren’t a bad thing to the Scions. They all enjoy them in varying amounts, whether or not they admit it. In fact, it’s become such a staple in their lives that at least once or twice, they’ve thought back to your embrace in times they’ve struggled. It’s a motivator—to keep pressing on until they see you again and suffer your hug once more.
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wildlife4life · 1 year
Fuck-it Friday
Tagged by: @ebdaydreamer
So this is not a new fic to me because I've been working on it for a bit, but its new to you all. Its the first fic where I've ventured into the A/B/O universe. It is also a season 2 AU after Doug comes back and attacks Chim and tries to take Maddie, but doesn't succeed. Instead Doug gets away, and Maddie and Buck run from L.A. Shannon lives bitches! But the biggest part of this story is Buck finding out he's pregnant while on the run. Surprise! We can all guess who the father is. Anyway, below is the letter that Buck sends to Eddie. But does he receive it???????
I am so sorry that you have to find out this way, but Maddie and I have had to toss our phones twice because of Doug. But I had to tell you.  Let me start by saying, we are safe.  I wish I could say where but you of all people know I can’t. I really thought we would be home by now, so I could tell you this in person.  But Doug is relentless and apparently has higher connections than we originally thought. So again, I’m sorry and I never intended for any of this to happen.
I’m pregnant Eddie and its yours. Maybe it’s hard to believe. I’m still having trouble believing it. But those days we spent together in November…well life came to be.
It took some thinking and a very long, eye-opening lecture from Maddie, but I know how it all happened. I wasn’t lying back then when I told you I was on birth control.  What I didn’t mention was the fact that I had started it just a few days prior to my heat. Maddie believes it may have triggered it.  We’re not entirely sure. What I did learn is that the birth control I was on is adequate at best for male omegas and the only time we can get pregnant is during a heat. My previous doctor is getting an earful when I get back. That isn’t me saying I don’t want our baby, I do.
This probably the worst time to even be pregnant, but I am so happy and excited. I’m also so so scared. I wish I was with you and the rest of the 118.  I wish Maddie and I could come home.  I really wish that dog had ripped Doug’s throat out instead of a chunk of his leg. I wish for a lot of things. But my biggest wish, is that you could be here for everything involving the pregnancy. Check-ups, ultrasounds, the little flutters of movement, hell even the vomiting (why is it called morning sickness when it happens ALL DAY). I know how much you regret missing everything with Shannon and Christopher, and I feel awful that I’m putting you through that all over again. But until Doug is no longer a threat, I must stay away to keep our baby safe. Until then Maddie and I are recording everything. I’ll try to send more later, but its risky. I’m sure you’ve already heard; Athena believes Doug’s joined up with an Alpha group that believes in harsh traditionalism and are helping him track us down.  Which includes watching our friends and family for any clue of where we are.  Hide or burn this letter.  Hide the ultra-sound and don’t say a word to anyone until we return. I’ll try to write more and send what I can.
Eddie, I am so sorry. I really am.  And I’m not expecting anything from you, but I know you want to be a part of this baby’s life.  You are the most amazing father.  Christopher is going to be the best big brother.  Maybe you wish that this child was between you and Shannon again.  I kind of wish that too…
Our baby is completely healthy, and I’ll keep doing my very best to insure they stay that way.  It’s the least I can do considering the situation. I hope everyone is doing good.  Maddie and I miss you all every day.  We really hope Doug is caught soon and we can come home. And we will come back, I really believe that. I hope you and everyone else does too.
Stay safe, give Christopher a hug for me, and again I’m so sorry.
What do you think? I'm actually kind of excited for this because have I got some twists and turns and angst and big man little baby!
Tagging (not to be pushy!): @911onabc @alyxmastershipper@elvensorceress@bekkachaos
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Anyways, Meant to be Yours is my absolute favorite song from the musical, so I had so much fun writing this one. I don’t really know how to write yandere, so I did try my hardest, but don’t be disappointed if it’s not yandere enough 🤣
Warnings: firearms, mentions of guns, an actual gun description once or twice, faking of sewerslide (yes, just like in the scene in both the movie and musical), extreme violence in the name of society, mention of bombs, mention of terrorist act
It had finally come. The night of the pep rally was here and you were in your bedroom, getting ready to go spend time with Heidi after pushing her to the back burner. Your ex boyfriend took up all your time, but now that you’ve broke things off with that psycho, you wanted to work on repairing your friendship with the brunette. You had just walked out of your bathroom after taking a shower, wasting no time in getting dressed and sitting at your vanity to take care of your hair and face.
You had just began to comb through your hair when your brush slipped from your grasp, falling to the floor. Looking up, you groaned in frustration, your eyes flicking to your phone to check the time. You were already running behind, and it seemed like the universe just wanted to keep you from getting to the school gym on time. Bending down from your seat, you grabbed the handle of your brush, straightening your back as you looked back to the mirror of your vanity.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you noticed an all too familiar figure had appeared seemingly out of no where. You stood up quickly, turning to face the figure as if to shield your back from him. “Michael?!” you exclaimed, disbelief running through your system. The tall male smiled at you, striding to your shocked form. “It’s me, in the flesh. I know, shocking, right? I figured you needed a while to calm down from your episode the other day.” he stated, reaching his hand up to graze your cheek softly.
You flinched away, your eyebrows furrowing in anger. “I told you to stay the hell away from me, Michael! You’re insane.” you said coldly, glaring at the taller male. He just looked at you with an unimpressed look on his face. He sighed, looking to the side and around your room. He made his way over to your bed, perching himself of the side of it. “Insane? What do you call yourself then?” he questioned, turning his attention to you. You opened your mouth to answer, but no sound came out. In a way, what he was insinuation was right. He was twisting your words in the way he always did when he wanted to prove his was right. Instead, you chose to ignore his words, not wanting to play into his mind games.
“Michael, for the last time, get. Out. Of. My. Room. Get out of my fucking house, and get out of my life!” you snapped, never faltering in your stance. He looked at you, an unreadable look on his face. You could see his eyes were sizing you up, but you couldn’t discern the emotion rest of his face. He scoffed, a smirk spreading across his mouth. “I don’t think this whole spat we’re having right now is gonna end in the way either of us want it to. So why don’t we just forget about everything that’s happened and start over?” Michael announced, holding his hand out. “Greetings and salutations.” he finished, his signature smirk on his face.
You stared at him incredulously. “You’re a psychotic asshole,” were the only words that fell from your mouth. His face dropped for a moment, before he started laughing. “Come on, (Y/n)! Let’s go to that stupid rally and put everything behind us.” he coaxed, standing from your bed. It was in that moment that you finally noticed the gun in his hand, finger resting lazily on the trigger. With minimal thinking, you darted into your closet, shutting your door and making a makeshift lock. You pulled a pile of clothes over you, hiding in the safety of the dark room. His familiar foot steps sounded until they were just outside of the closed door. “All is forgiven, baby! Come on, get dressed, you’re my date to the pep rally tonight!”
You chucked me out like I was trash
For that you should be dead..
Then it hit me like a flash
What if high school went away instead?
Those assholes are the key!
They're keeping you away from me!
They made you blind, messed up your mind
But I can set you free!
Your heart raced and your mind ran a mile a minute. Away from all of his delusions for a few days, you wracked your brain trying to decipher his words. Messed up your mind? The only one who’s messed up your mind was him. He was the one who ruined your mind. It was Michael and his actions that deluded your mind. You always thought clearly until he metaphorically got you in a chokehold over him. You stared intently out the door, like a prey waiting for the predator on the other side to break the door down.
You left me and I fell apart
I punched the wall and cried..
Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside!
And so I built a bomb
Tonight our school is Vietnam!
Let's guarantee they'll never see their senior prom!
Your eyes widened. You felt like you were going to throw up at his haunting words. You slowly slid your hands down to feel your pockets, searching for your phone to call the cops, to call Heidi, to call your parents, to just let someone know what was going on. Your heart dropped as you remembered it was sitting on your vanity. Cursing yourself for not grabbing it, tears flowed endlessly down your cheeks. Your mind raced at the thought of all of the other innocent people who were in mortal danger just a few blocks away from your house. His shoes blocked the light coming in from the bottom of the closet, signaling he was still just waiting beyond the door, torturing you with his presence.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
Don't give up on me now!
Finish what we've begun!
I was meant to be yours!
Michael was absolutely delusional. And so were you when you were with him. He filled your brain with so much senseless bullshit that you actually believed he was doing good for the world. Now that you dropped the honeymoon phase, you realized just how sick in the head he was. The times he broke into your room out of no where, the cruel jokes he would play on the popular kids, the way he would gaslight you into believing that nothing was wrong. And now he was attached to you, just like a parasite to an unsuspecting animal.
So when the high school gym goes BOOM with everyone inside..
In the rubble of their tomb
We'll plant this note explaining why they died!
We, the students of Westerburg High
Will die
Our burnt bodies may finally get through
To you
Your society churns out slaves and blanks
No thanks
Signed the Students of Westerburg High
He was planning on blowing up the whole school as an act of protest. To turn around and shove some senseless notion into the face of people who didn’t care while taking the lives of over 200 people. And he wanted you to be there with him, amongst the group of those who are about to meet their untimely demise.
We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors
Bring marshmallows
We'll make s'mores!
We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!
It was even worse than you thought. He wanted you to sit from afar and watch with him as the blaze engulfed the school and its surrounding area. And he wanted s’mores? You had to do something to get out of here and clear out the school before he got there. Anything to warn somebody out there that they were in danger. Racking your brain, you looked around your closet, looking for a weapon of some sort. Your eyes instead landed on a scarf, and you knew what you had to do to escape your psychotic ex-boyfriend.
On the other side of the door, Michael had his forehead pressed against your closet door. His heart was also thumping in his chest, but not out of fear. Oh no, he was angry. He was angry with the school, angry with society, angry with you. So incredibly mad that you just brushed him off after all he had done for you. He had murdered for you just to show how much you are worth to him. And now you’re taking it back and trying to throw him out. He wasn’t going to stop until you had come out of hiding and came to watch the show.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
I can't take it alone!
Finish what we've begun!
Michael reached out, gripping the door knob of your closet. He jiggled the door handle, expecting it to open easily. There was no leeway, and his anger steadily rose at your prolonged refusal to his offer. He looked to his other hand, at the gun he had brought with him. An idea rose to his brain, and he pointed the muzzle at the handle. He was going to get in, one way or another, and he didn’t care if he had to break the damn door down himself. Remembering you were in there, he lowered it, coming to his senses. He really didn’t want to hurt you. He loved you far too much to cause you any harm. He resumed to knocking on the door, sweetly pleading for you to open it.
(Y/n), open the- open the door, please
(Y/n), open the door
(Y/n), can we not fight anymore, please
Can we not fight anymore
(Y/n), sure, you're scared
I've been there. I can set you free!
(Y/n), don't make me come in there!
His anger was rising as you kept your silence. If he could just see you, just talk to you long enough to get you back on good terms with him, that’s all he wanted. He’d leave this town if it would make you happy, but he wanted to know that you weren’t angry with him anymore. He just wanted a peace of mind, to show that no matter how you felt about him, he’d always love you. He raised his gun again, pointing it at the handle.
I'm gonna count to three!
Fuck it!
Horror ran across his face at your lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. He walked to you, falling to his knees.
Oh my God... No! (Y/n)!
Please don't leave me alone
You were all I could trust
I can't do this alone
He stared up at you, even in death, your face looked so sweet, so soft. Tears rolled down his eyes as he looked he looked on. He stood up, reaching out and grabbing your hand. He pressed his lips against your hand, setting it by your side gently. He was gonna get revenge for this. On who, he didn’t care, but he wasn’t going to stop until he felt like your life was worth its waste.
He left the same way he came in, through the window. Tonight was gonna be the night he would remember forever.
As soon as he had left, your bedroom door opened. Your mother had come in, carrying some of your favorite snacks. “(Y/n)! I brought you a snack!” she called out. Looking around, she noticed your empty bedroom. She didn’t think you had left, so she walked in a little further, looking around for you. She stepped just behind your closet door, which she noticed was open. Swinging the door the rest of the way, she called your name once again before letting out a loud shriek.
You snapped your head up, holding your arms out to your mom. “Mom, mom, mom, it’s okay, I’m okay!” you fussed, your mom staring at you in shock, one hand clutched over her chest, the other still balancing your snack. You untied a part of the scarf from your waist, dropping to your feet and rushing to your mom. “I was just practicing for the day I run away and join the circus. Speaking of running away, thanks for the snack, but I gotta run! Emergency at the gym, I’ll explain everything later!” you shouted, running past your still shocked mother and out of the house. You were determined to get to the school before Michael did so you can repay all the karma that you owe, and you weren’t scared if you had to go down with him.
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