#but also I have better reference images for character study
thresholdbb · 8 months
Top 5 pictures of Janeway? this is not me trying to pass the work of collecting references for drawing onto someone else. no, it is a gift to have an excuse to present your top 5 pictures of Janeway (or Kate Mulgrew)
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What an astonishingly difficult question to answer. I decided to limit myself to only the pics saved on my phone because otherwise I'd be here all night
Bonus pic (because of course):
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rou-luxe · 29 days
ikevil - tips on how to draw william rex
next: harrison ->
what better way to start this than with our beautiful lord rex? I hope I make sense with this guide oml
introduction: you know how you want to draw your favorite characters, but don't know where to start? you know, those characters with ridiculously difficult designs?
this is for ikevil. hope this helps
(there is no tracing whatsoever in this. this was all done by hand. analyzing anothers' artstyle is NOT a form of art stealing. people naturally learn from observing others. imitation is the highest form of flattery. this is not meant to disrespect natsume lemon in any way.) disclaimer, I am not a professional artist. these are not set in stone. these are just tips.
section 1 - observation
finding important traits
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my writing sucks. let me sum it up for you
thin, angular features. thin nose, sharp eyebrows, elf sharp ears
his face is quite long. the chin is not completely sharp, it is more blunt.
william has an earring on his left ear.
large forehead to plant a kiss on
his smile is :>
his eyebrows are in a ] shape (I don't know how to describe it)
section 2 - study
imitating the original sprite
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this is the part that gets tricky.
it helps me learn better because it translates the reference into something I can understand. it's also so I don't forget anything (so many accessories...)
I crudely slapped the colors from the original onto my imitation to save time 😭😭
let's break down his design.
monstrosity. aesthetically pleasing to look at. but drawing it? hell. I have color-coded it into pieces here:
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magenta: back hair. very spiky and a bit long. it's a bit poofy on top (at least on the main sprite)
red: extends outwards. try to have the part dangling down cover the end of the hairline.
yellow: think of it like a little extension from the green section. just dangling down a bit.
green: make it dramatic
blue: similar to red, but smaller and on the other side. tucked behind green.
2. eyes
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his eyes are in a parallelogram shape. the slant is similar for both ends.
outer corners extend upwards.
they're not opened very wide.
almost everything is sharp. very little curves.
his pupils are a bit larger than slits.
the inner corners are lowered significantly.
3. clothing
I only did a bust but still
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underneath that outer collar is the same dress shirt you see in the sprite below. don't forget about it.
the cravat (???) is crinkled by the outer chain
I was obviously too lazy but remember to draw the pattern of the outer collar
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all these accents have a rope-like texture
the chain mainly consists of triangles, but they rotate... I could not be bothered to go through that pain
accessories in the third image
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section 3 - personal application
applying all these tips to my own artstyle
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this was arguably the most painful part of the process. I got artstyle envy because of the study, so I had to hide the study 😭😭
I hope I portrayed him accurately
got a lazy with the clothes... but I make up for it in coloring. eugh trust the process
final comparison
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I still like the study better but my artstyle is fine too 🤧
@bakersgrief @floydsteeth @tako-cafe @rubia8 @xxoomiii
@sh0jun @noxinara @g0dwat3r @sapphire-323 @lycemagee
@citrusmornings @drachonia 
please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!! or if you'd just like to be tagged for this series
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spiritshaydra · 6 months
abt this post SPILL SOME LORE? 👁👁
Unfortunately it’s this AU
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OKAY so right now I’m working on some character study pages that have like,, little images that kinda show how these idiots act and backstory stuff.
Bear with me 💀 so like,, the current shitass on the record player being rapidly spun around in my mind is this fucker
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So what I got so far is like,, he’s half earth pony and was raised by his earth pony parent- resulting in him not really being the strongest flier growing up. He got better tho. I think. (Also referencing how Meg wasn’t originally a flier) To kinda reference the whole miner thing that Meg used to be, I was thinking that this Meg grew up on a rock farm or something similar. Whatever would be the equivalent of an energon miner.
As for how he got the cutiemark of a sword in the magical friendship horse land? I was thinking that he fought off a fucking timberwolf or something by himself 💀💀
Also no idea what his horse name would be
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bara-izu · 7 months
Do you have any advice on how to get over lack of skill? I want to do the Astarion Lestate trend but I don't think my skills are ready for it. I have references pictures of Astarion pulled up when I'm working, and even have the game launched so I can turn him if I need to (mostly for the attempts I did at his hair) but everytime I tweaked something or started over nothing looked right. I keep getting frustrated 😭
Hi anon- Sorry this took me a while to get to, i hope you and others can still find this useful! While the basic advise to get over 'lack of skill' is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! i hope this will help you knowig where to get started with that!
I'm going to put my teacher pants back on, this might be a bit long so buckle up- I'll go over a few areas:
Primitive Shapes
How to Use References
Delete your work (hear me out)
Primitive Shapes:
This is your foundation. Everything starts with this, and while you may find it boring to think of your art in terms of cubes and spheres- i kid you not it will help elevate your work.
If/when you are stuggling to draw a complicated pose, or a specific perspective, refering back to the form in these basic shapes can really help to simplify your process and help you problem solve.
A chill/silly watch for a more in depth discussion on what i mean / how this can help - Give Pikat's 'Draw boxes (correctly) to improve your art' a watch. They also mention this in the video but @/Uncomfortable on youtube also has some great fundermental videos.
How to use references.
Okay so references are great 10/10 very useful. But, unless you know WHAT to study from a reference, they can sometimes fall flat of their usefullness.
Anatomy studies are something a lot of us will be recommended as artists, but actually knowing what to pay attention to can boost your confidence in your work. Start with a goal, what do you want to get out of this sketch session? Do you want to get better at understanding the 3D form of a specific part of anatomy? Better at poses? Try to narrow down your learning each session to make it less overwhelming.
In this i'll focus on understanding the form so, lets start with a reference. Linking back to Primitives again, start off by braking down your anatomy into forms. Sketching over the top of your references is totally fine. But make sure you are doing so critically, otherwise it may look like a flat/unnatural trace and you're not really learning from it. Via the first sketch you can see where the primitive shapes fall on the body - think of it like a ball-jointed-doll, hips, knees, shoulders ect are ball socketed whereas arms, legs ect can be made up of tubes. (See the first image, when sketching your tubes, sketch your contour lines too- this can help determind how clothing / hair will fall over the body, and can help you understand the 3D Form.)
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A BIG IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE - When using photo references, do be very aware that they may be distorted due to the height of the camera, or camera focal length - (you can see in my sketch i had to edit the torso and head because the reference was a little top heavy)
A few artists/books for some extra reading / reference : - Andrew Loomis (OG for body proportions, books are a little outdated but fundermentals are still useful), - Tenten云画画 (his stylised anatomy breakdowns are very interesting to me) - Anatomy Essentials (I've had this book for years, it covers lots of areas, is a bit complex though, i myself should reread it again 😅
Also, if you can't find a reference for a specific pose, don't be afraid to use 3D programs! Anatomy 360, DesignDoll, Clip Studio, Magic Poser - all nifty options~
SO taking when we've learnt from the primitive forms, you can now try applying that to the Lestrat Picture. (which, granted is a complicated pose, as it also has forshortening and an odd top down perspetive of the bottom character- so don't panic if you don't get it the first time!)
Final points- Delete your art (hear me out)
What i mean by this is, sometimes reworking the same face over and over again can bog your down. It can make it very difficult to actually see whats wrong. So, get rid of it and start again. (hide the layer/use a different piece of paper, please don't actually bin it (yet))
Next, redraw it. Use what you've learned the first time, and redraw it from scratch. (in this case, that might be just specifically the head, or the hair, or the eyes ect - you don't have to bin the whole thing, but sometimes it can really help give you a new perspective)
Once you've done this, unhide your original, compare, this may help you understand what you were doing wrong the first time. Or if there are areas of one that you like- its an opportunity to combine them as you see fit! :)
On a side note for Astarion's Hair, the lovely @mistercrowbar actually posted a breakdown yesterday! (i use p much the same method so-)
I HOPE this was of some use- do feel free to ask any questions if you've got them! i'll try to answer in a more timely manner next time 😅
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ribbonetteart · 8 months
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Tribute to one of my favorite movies of all time + the franchise that has me in a death grip 💖
a bit late for Christmas but at least Valentine's day is around the corner ^^;;
Process below if that interests you:
AS I SAID EARLIER, I had been working on this piece as early as December of 2021 😱!!!
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This was the original sketch! I was inspired after learning about Blaze's own design inspiration coming from Takarazuka theater, as well as it being the Nutcracker season so this film was in bouncing around in my head.
and this was allllll the way back in 2021 ^^; I had put the idea to paper to capture the image in my head immediately. But the idea in my head was extravagant and beautiful and would certainly take time to complete, as well as the patience and skill to work with watercolor 😔 I've certainly done my share of watercolor, both physical and digital, but I still feel like my physical watercolor work is a fluke, and I was still a novice digital artist at the time of this sketch.
In short, I wasn't confident my skill could live up to the vision.
So I would put this on the back burner. It wouldn't be ready in time for Christmas, and I could use this as an opportunity to hone that digital art experience so it could be ready next year!
2 Years Later...
It's December 5th. Fuck it. Let's crack this open again, I tell myself.
SO starting with the line art, it's actually 2 different brushes layered over one another.
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I also changed Sonic's expression to be more love struck-looking, because I'm a sucker for romance.
The image on the left is a watercolor line brush, while the right is a pencil brush. The reason I wanted a water color look was because I thought it would make the illustration look dreamy and fantastical, and I wanted that to extend to the line art as well. However, my usual lines on traditional usually veer more towards thick and cartoony from years of studying the Sonic art style, so I really felt like I was working against myself here. I had also asked friends for their input and they preferred the lines on the right as well. If my followers actually do read these blog posts, I'd love if you could comment which line art style you prefer drawing or looking at.
The happy medium was to just combine the 2. Here's a better look at that:
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I like it! I think it combines the solid line with the rustic water color grain. Best of both worlds :]
For the actual painting, The most notable thing I can say is that getting the right pastel-y color was VERY difficult to achieve for someone like me who often loves to use bright and saturated colors in her art. I feel like I really set myself up to do one of those "evil art style" or "opposite art style" challenges I've been seeing around. I had to repaint Sonic at one paint because the blue of his fur was WAY too saturated for the style I was going for:
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I started with painting Sonic and Blaze in first and then working on the background. I think that's probably the backwards way of doing it but one of the perks of digital art is you can do stuff any order you want when you have layers.
The background wasn't actually as difficult as I thought it would be. I wasn't going for any difficult perspective, and I was using a reference so that could be it. I'm usually averse to backgrounds but I really wanna tackle more of my weak points in art. I actually had way more fun than I was expecting, painting the sky and adding texture to the grass. I think I had the most fun rendering the water coming from the fountain (which you can't even see too well anyway, lol).
Funny enough, I had just about finished painting the characters and background by early January. So why am I posting this in February?
The Flowers...
In case you don't know. I love flowers. I love looking at them, I love learning about flower languages, I love drawing them. so seeing that my reference image showed flowers circling the fountain, I was excited! I was already having more fun than I expected to be having (working against my usual style, rendering a background), so how could this be a pain in the ass?
Well, I am my own worst enemy 😞I couldn't exactly identify each flower offhand from this screenshot alone. The texture of the flowers is kinda grainy, since I don't think the animators were expecting viewers to look too closely at the set piece to use as reference for my lovingly crafted crossover fanart. If anyone has this in high quality though, please tell me.
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(I think I actually got this reference from a tumblr post but I can't find it on my blog for the life of me nor can I find it in the tags I'm so sorry)
I'm a huge stickler for details so I really wanted to be as "accurate" as possible in my illustration. I can hardly identify some of these flowers with confidence. I think there are roses in there? or tulips? I'm not sure if those yellow flowers are roses or some kinda petunia or if I'm way off.
I'm sure these details won't matter to most viewers but it was EATING AWAY AT ME. Eventually I decided to try drawing in flowers that might look similar to the ones in the reference. Or some based on their flower languages. I was certainly overthinking it ;;;; It led me to going "fuck it" and just throwing in whatever I wanted. There are no irises visible in that screenshot but I made it the centerpiece of the flower ring. Who give a shit.
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I made some guides for me to follow: The blue ring was so I could make sure the flowers make a half circular border around Sonic and Blaze. I was envisioning how it could look as like an icon or sticker or something, which is why it's framed this way. then the second guide is the sketch of the flowers I made. I always do line art and I'm not great at just improvising with color to paper, or color to screen in this case.
The rest of this process is then just working on each flower piece by piece (with the help of the mirror tool of course) with varying degrees of detail. Some flowers are more abstract than others, and I had debated if that would look jarring and disrupted any kind of harmony I was trying to maintain with the style parameters I set for myself. And then I decided I was overthinking it once again which is why this was taking me nearly 2 months to complete.
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At some point during this process, my wifi went out for a whole week! Of course, I could still work on this illustration offline, but I had a lot of tabs open with a bunch of reference images on there (plus I like to listen to music while I draw otherwise I lose focus and I had neglected to download a varied selection on my phone or laptop 😭 Learn from my mistakes).
The most tedious of this process was making each set of gladioluses a unique color.
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Was it worth it? You tell me! I think they're pretty, at least.
Along the way, I repainted the grass because it wasn't symmetrical (It didn't need to be but I had been using the mirror tool for a lot at this point and it was bugging me). I made other little final adjustments, like color adjusting the leaves on the flowers, lowering the flower ring border, and so on.
Ultimately, I'm extremely satisfied with the final product. I had my heart set on doing something like this for a long time. I had so much fun just experimenting throwing on color or not worrying about technical stuff. Of course, I did do what I usually do and overthink it at some points, but I'm working on it!
I've wanted to do an extremely indulgent AU illustration and other drawings for a Sonic x The Nutcracker story for a long while. I will be totally honest, I'm still a little embarrassed to share stuff like this, even after years of posting fan art online. It feels like the more self indulgent something is, the more people might judge me for it ^^; But I wanna practice what I preach and kill the thing inside me that cringes at my harmless attempts at joy and whimsy.
I would love to do some more drawings for this AU, but maybe post them around December when it would be more seasonally appropriate. I hope you'll stick around for it!
If you read this whole thing to the end, thank you. Whether you follow my blog or not, I hope you have a lovely day :3💝
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frodo-with-glasses · 3 months
Heya! Wanna throw money at me to make me draw something?? Well, for just $20 an hour, now you can!
Read below for price estimates and FAQs, and if you’re interested, please email me at [email protected] to get started!
Because I’m too lazy to come up with complicated price structures, I’ll just be charging a flat rate of $20/hour for any work I do on the art piece. The clock starts when I pick up the pencil or digital stylus and ends when I put it down.
This does mean that prices will vary, depending on how time-consuming each art piece is, but I can give you some rough estimates.
Upper Body Sketch: Approx. 30 min = $10 for one
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It takes me about half an hour to draw a bust or upper body sketch. This time can be shortened if I’m already familiar with the character design, or lengthened if I’m drawing an unfamiliar character or doing some weird perspective stuff.
Every additional figure would probably take another half an hour, adding about $10 each.
Full-Body Sketch: Approx. 1 hour = $20 for one
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Drawing an entire figure is a little harder than just drawing the upper body, so this one might take longer. Again, this time can be shortened or lengthened depending on my familiarity with the character, how complex the design is, and whether I’m doing any complicated posing or perspective.
Adding additional figures can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, adding $10-$20 each.
Animals: Approx. 1.5 hrs = $30 for one
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Animals are not my strong suit, though I have gotten better at drawing them over time! However, the extra time studying reference photos and trying to get the anatomy correct can stack up quickly, so you’ll want to be aware of that if you’re commissioning something with an animal involved.
Posters: Minumum 3 hrs = approx. $60
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Posters take a little extra time—and usually some trial and error—to plan the layout in a dynamic way. They also take up an entire sketchbook page and tend to include multiple people and some extreme perspective to add visual appeal. You can expect a poster to take about three hours minimum to complete.
Multi-Panel Comics: Minimum 4 hrs a page = $80
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Drawing a comic big enough to cover an entire sketchbook page can take me anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of work. If drawing a long-form comic, I will probably divide the work over several days. Brainstorming will happen on the first day, when I’ll plan out how many panels I’ll need for the comic, and then I’ll get in contact with you to tell you an estimated price before I proceed.
Digital Coloring: Minimum 1.5 hrs = add approx. $30
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Coloring things digitally takes about double the time it would to sketch; I’ve noticed it takes around two hours to color a simple image, with another hour added for each figure involved. This first image took me about an hour and a half to outline and color, while the second took about five hours.
Add to Redbubble Shop: Subject to Redbubble Pricing
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If your commissioned artwork is Lord of the Rings-related, I can put it into my Redbubble shop, where you can have it printed on stickers, t-shirts, journals, mugs, and lots of other products! I won’t charge any extra fee, but you will have to pay whatever price Redbubble asks. Full disclosure: I receive only 10% of the profit from Redbubble sales; the rest goes to the website to cover manufacturing and shipping costs.
No nudity or sexual content
Canon ships only
Will draw gore/injuries
Will draw OCs (please provide references)
Will draw for other fandoms (please provide references)
The artist reserves the right to reject any commission without disclosing the reason
The artist will give price and progress updates over the course of the process
You, the commissioner, have the right to terminate the project at any time and for any reason
If the project is terminated halfway, you will be charged for the artist’s time, but the artist might give a discount for incomplete work
Payment will be calculated at the end of the project and rendered using PayPal
Once again, if you’re interested, please email me at [email protected]!
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neonfretra · 2 months
hockey art tag game!! ^_^ hello @wehaveagathering thank you for the tag!! <3
rules: post your first ever hockey art, your latest hockey art, and your favorite hockey art. then tag three hockey artists
tagging artists first because um. gestures at the keep reading below? im shy hello ^_^
any other artists that see this!! please tag me i beg of you i would love to get to know other hockey artists! if you already did it tag me who care. i care! :)
lot of yapping because i love yapping, sticking this under a cut ^_^ did you know tumblr changed their image limit from 10 to 30?
as a forewarning a lot of these images are hella compressed because i pulled them directly from posts, maybe consider peeking at the original linked posts to see them in marginally better quality ^_^
first hockey art
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i never posted this one! i thought blackwood and kahkonen looked vaguely kiki and bouba esque respectively which is REALLY funny because the name mackenzie blackwood is more bouba than kaapo kahkonen which is an incredibly kiki name
now that i sound sufficiently deranged.
which of these shapes is be named kiki and which is named bouba?
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the kiki/bouba effect was a study about our association with sound and shape, in which people associated "kiki" with a spiky shape and "bouba" with a round shape. (wikipedia, image also comes from wikipedia)
this was from when i was first dipping my toes into hockey and had the hardest time telling players apart! the drawing, not the kiki/bouba effect . you can imagine what two men with similar hair color, eye color, and hair styles on the same team playing the same position was like for me. the biggest part of why i didnt post this was because it was incredibly embarrassing at the time . now i can freely admit i dont know any of the eastern conference and people will think im funny ^_^
first hockey art on this blog
mostly because i think its a fun bit of trivia, the goalie portraits for the teams i started out rooting for! (sharks edition and kraken edition)
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i posted these the first game of their corresponding teams after i finished them! the completion order is less straight forward because i was actively jumping between all 4 drawings (3 kraken goalie portraits + 1 portrait of 2 shark goalies) when one of them got too hard :)
i dont remember the exact order beyond grubi being the last i finished LMAO something about drawing him just does not agree with my hands
theyre all a lil ugly to me now but thats the fun of knowing how you started <3
i remember also wanting to draw pwhl minnesotas goalies but not knowing at the time how to find nearlyyy enough references to feel confident to go through with it! (i was looking them up on search engine images HAHAHAHA)
good ol pwhl min ^_^ leave out a fire extinguisher for em will you all, one hell of a trashfire on their hands right now
^ this joke was written BEFORE the whole firing of 3 coaches pwhl min are we okay??????
latest hockey art
...at time of posting mostly because i take a long time to get tag games done...! hello from my drafts everypony ^_^
i lie to myself ft. devin cooley and joey daccord!
a fun fact is that despite animating a bit ive actually never made an animatic before! ^_^
one of the challenges of animating is that you have to draw the same character over and over without making big changes and how to keep doing it consistently
one of the challenges of drawing real people is that you need to figure how to simplify a person to their most basic shapes and proportions . even if you have a realistic style you gotta wrangle the underlying bones to it and it is harddd takin that step back from the human person to make em a cartoon .
so you can imagine the how it goes animating real people
i actually wouldve loved addin more motion and frames but experienced some minor limitations:
i do my drawings in an art program and stitch them together afterwards, which means i dont have a sense of the speed of everything . you can kind of see that problem around the 0:19-0:20 mark because i straight up did not consider time when i wrote a really long winded sign in the background LOL the unused frame for this was also a time issue, i tossed in an establishing shot because i didnt consider the fact that there isnt time for an establishing shot
time and motivation . the longer something takes the less i want to work on it . would you believe well over half of this was taken up by like . being stumped on 2 or 3 frames HAHAHA
doing animation in an art program not made for art is really cumbersome actually. i do most of my work in one layer so you can imagine how it feels to suddenly have to keep track of tens of layers (sprites, backgrounds, foreground elements, captions) , i merged certain layers (white blocks under lineart for readability and closed captions over the lineart are all one layer) so its difficult to actually go back and add anything. or alter anything! closed captions from 0:13-0:15 is inaccurate but i cant alter them without literally erasing it from the layer which is scary
despite the fact that anything involving moving pictures kills me crazy style, im INCREDIBLY proud that this is done and this animatic is like my own child. shout out to the reblogs on the post for pointing out jokes or talkin that they like it, yall inflate my ego <3
at some point i stopped using reference images which is really funny to ME because i actually have the hardest time drawin a devin cooley that LOOKS like a devin cooley . get simplified . theres like. a handful of players i feel comfortable drawing without reference? if you ever want to learn how to draw someone, animate them ^_^
favorite hockey art
frantically scrolling through my art tag... not because i dont like any of my art (my drawings are all awesome would you believe) but because i dont even remember what ive drawn LMAOO
we dont mind more than just one art right ^_^ (like ive not been doing that already LOL
the doodles
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i habe something to contribute / i shoot the puck / devin cooley eating joey daccords hair
the most important aspect of my own art is whether or not it makes me giggle . if it doesnt make me cry laugh then is it really goin on the fridge?
something i do feel proud of is balancing expression and likeness ^_^ its way easier knocking that balance with fictional characters as opposed to people with actual physical faces . simplifying them into what is essentially a poorly drawn cat meme is more of a beast than realistic portraits would you believe .
i think my favorite subject to do this with would be buoy actually! theyre a mascot, IDK why it should be a surprise that fae takes easily to being simplified and drawn cartoonishly
i do NOT know what emotion i shoot the puck is supposed to evoke.
really fun observin my freakish little drawings developing more of their own style over time (compare my first gubbi drawing to my latest tomas tatar thursday) (again, latest at the time of writing) and the simplification definitely feels way more intentional ^_^
the funnier half of simplifying is that the simpler it gets the more complex it gets? like more dramatic perspective in barkov and tkachuk in the cup or buoys weird pose with tomas tatar with the dynamo pardubice jersey. id mention shading but i actually have a grudge against shading relative to art advice ("just add shading" is NOT the one size fits all advice we treat it like ITS NOT!!!!)
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the nicer stuff
do i hear a break down on individual pieces?
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jan rutta picking up mackenzie blackwoods helmet
i think i made it planny clear on the original post but i really truly love the composition of this shot. ruttas hand picking up mackblacks helmet? between the legs? CRAZY.
the refs stance was wild by the way. legs so far apart theyre naming the ice between em an ocean. so on.
i remember the original shot being so striking to me because of the contrast between the cold and warm, the hard and the soft fleshy bits which was something i really wanted to exaggerate with colors
yall can probably tell i dont take my references SUPER literally but for some reason in this one i asked myself if it was deceitful to be messin with colors to get a vibe, to which i asked myself WHAT was i going on about
anyways. intentionally made everything but jan ruttas hand way bluer . i guess mackenzie blackwoods helmet is also warm? but the focus is the hand more than anything hahaha this is also why i did the most complex coloring for it
also another point of interest! included the chromatic aberration (the red/blue 3d effect) mostly because the legs on the right side were blending into each other . but its a really interesting effect to observe in actual recording! :) im not a fan of pressing my face up to a moving picture unfortunately </3
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sidney crosby with evgeni malkins helmet
ok ok okay can i be honest . that stray line next to the penguins head has bothered me ever since the day after i posted this. now YOU cant unsee it. no problem ^_^
if you look at the original post, this one has been a wild redraw because i was making up a whole new angle of an existing pose LOL. then again i dont do redraws super often so i guess its not really ridiculous but.
actually now that i think about it i was making up the angle (albeit less) with the bobrovsky stigmata drawing (though its worth noting that i referenced this gifset of the save that was less of a severe change than the original tweet) and ignoring foreground elements for the kiss redraw (theres a big ol hockey stick covering jordan eberles head IIRC?) and the mackenzie blackwood holding his partners head redraws (i was absolutely NOT drawing the audience LMAO)
but the gesture was easy enough to capture but the anatomy had me by the NECK. the THROAT. the SCRUFF!!! it still looks plenty wonky to me but IMO gesture trumps accuracy . someone in the notes tagged it with this:
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to which i throw my hands up in celebration and say hallelujah he has been accepted by penguins fans he will survive the winter
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kraken goalies as animals
i really like drawing animals . i really like drawing armor .
more detailed breakdown on the post LOL i just really liked this and its super different from the usual stuff i post
i havent even mentioned all my sacrilegious drawings... my art is so awesome and cool its so hard picking a favorite...
and some final notes
if you made it to the end of this one jesus christ um. hello ^_^ even i wasnt writin this in one sittin.
honest to god if this post showed you anythin i love talking about my process and thoughts behind my works and if you wanted to ever ask hi hit me up ? ask box open? dms open? i can buy you dinner or a very shiny fruit from the market?
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plagueddead · 2 months
Technoverse - A guide for interaction roleplay and insert wise.
This was EXTREMELY requested
This blog exceeds to help newcomers to my AU environment. This blog will be updated over time if I see fit to change how this works interacts with itself. This blogs images will be updated over time if I find more suitable matches.
Photos have been found through Pinterest and art station. I will try and credit the source if I can.
This is an AU inspired by Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is a free to join au. Major canon characters are prohibited from being claimed. Villains are up to discussion.
This is a isn't the backstory post of the turtles but the world they live in.
THIS AU CONTAINS TOPICS OF RACISM, ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES AND ACTIONS, AND VIOLENCE. Though I've done my best to try and make it as friendly as possible. This AU is a 16+ story due to these warnings.
Current AU time
25 years after the ROTTMNT movie.
AU Theme
Cyberpunk dystopia
Dark fantasy
Major city settings within AU
New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, London
City Summary
After the integration of Yokai as independent civilians and free citizens world wide, and with the collaboration of their technology as well as krang salvage, a new system of buildings and interlinks have been created to accommodate citizens. Buildings stacked overhead that pierce the clouds, the old world was left to turn into slums and poor living areas on ground zero. Due to permanent clouds caused by pollution and overhead cities, these major empires are in a permanent state of darkness. Neon signs often light these cities to create a spectacular aroura of lights and designs. Though with a permanent overcast comes with a cost, as rain clouds mix with polluted smog to create a toxic like rain that causes many illnesses. It's common among every citizen to keep an oxygen mask at all times in case of rain.
City main inspiration and reference: Altered Carbon
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Major cities as listed above are unique as floating SSC (Solar System Cosmopolis) Cities cover most of the dense populated area. These floating cities serve as purpose as secured homing for politicians, celebrities, and mostly the rich. Though they are also engineered mega labs founded by Barron Draxum and Donatello Hamato. They serve to bring back and study extinct species, cultivate cures for major diseases, and help improve on already futuristic technology. They spin very slowly and resemble that of a solar system. Hense the nickname.
These cities are held afloat by a self sustainable gravity generator that uses the gravity of a man made miniature star; created by Donatello Hamato (age 20).
Main inspiration from CMD Studios recent project!!!
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Hidden cities
These main cities are focused world points for another reason. They rest above other hidden cities in which they have their own theme and setting.
New Yorks hidden city belongs to Big Mama, a spider Yokai who deals in illegal gambling and the distribution of illegal mystic items. NY Hidden city remains as a hub for traveling species of Yokai from all around the world.
Hong Kongs hidden city belongs to [REDACTED TBA]- A Dragon Yokai who deals in illegal sales of mystic items and krang salvage from the old battle.
This hidden city is less developed than the others, as most accomodation plans have been denied to preserve its pristine buildings and history. This hidden city resembles deep mountain caverns with buildings built into the sides. Common mystical creatures from Chinese mythology live within this city and rarely travel. Humans are not allowed.
Main inspiration by David Noren!
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London's hidden city belongs to [REDACTED TBA] A plant like fairy Yokai who often helps with creating forged ID's to help Yokai find a better place to live. She also is known to sell potions that aren't approved by the hidden cities overlords and FDA.
This hidden city has developed slowly over time, but due to quick overgrowth of plants and trees. Most buildings have been built into large glowing trees that hang over the city in beautiful rainbow colors. The ground is a great hub for growing fruits and herbs for medicines. The Yokai in this hidden city are spirits from English folklore. They have spread over different cities over time.
Main inspiration found on Thin blue line on Pinterest!
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Seouls hidden city belongs to [REDACTED] a Polar Bear Yokai who deals in illegal weapon distribution and species trafficking.
This hidden city is up to date and mostly in an indoor environment due to this hidden city being within a freezing temperature climate. More artic themed Yokai live within, but this hidden city is popular as a summar retreat by humans and other Yokai looking to stay cool for the summer. But this hidden city isn't as welcoming to humans as the others.
Main inspiration by Annabale Siconolfi!
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Tokyos hidden city belongs to Yeosobai. A jellyfish Yokai who deals with handles most black markets and distribution of illegal substances.
This hidden city is completely underwater. Surrounded on a deep voided ocean under Japan, pod cities have been added to accommodate air breathing citizens, though most buildings were air tight even before. This hidden city is also a large hub for tourists due to its underwater appeal. This city distributes most seafood around the county. Known for its large amount of attractions and adult clubs, it's also a very crime ridden city.
This is also where Current Donatello resides.
Main inspiration creator unknown
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Human and Yokai stances
With the sudden booming population of mutants and Yokai integrating into human society, of course tensions and protests by humans were bound to happen. A world they were so used to was building into something unknown before their very eyes after all. And so, tensions between species rose.
Humans with a deep dislike towards other species either hide their hate, or become extremists. Often getting tag as cultists as over years hate crimes toward Yokai and mutants became a world wide situation. Yokai were often kidnapped from their homes to be found barley recognizable by their attackers. Yokai would retaliate, and after much tension, civil wars broke out. Protests for safer living for both species were in demand, and so most governments integrated an artificial intelligence police force that contained mostly droids to prevent race picking. Most countries have adapted this form of law enforcement.
Cultists are still a major problem though their numbers have thinned.
The term Mutant has become a word to target Yokai and mutants in a hateful way, and this word soon became outdated. All non humans are now under the identification of Yokai. This includes mixed races between the two.
It's common for Yokai and humans relationships! Often by now the first generations of Yokai and humans hybrid children are born!
There are even schools for these rare breeds as they are still being studied as a new species.
It is illegal for most countries to have discrimination between species. No Yokai only or human only living spaces, restaurants, or shops.
Though within most slums there is a secret rule to separate the species as mostly disgrunted humans and Yokai live here.
And now we're here!
I want my character to join the au, but I don't know what's allowed!
This part of the blog aims to help you adapt your character into this new universe.
What should my character wear?!
It's really up to you! Most humans and Yokai wear mostly cyberpunk themed clothing! Often I find Pinterest as a source of inspiration. I think your character would fit better if it comes from a certain part of the world. Armor and glowing clothes are welcome and encouraged! Get creative!
I want my character to have cool robotic limbs and mods in their body! Is this allowed?
Yep! And encouraged! This is a futuristic setting! So modifications to the body aren't uncommon!
Can my characters have cool unique weapons?
Of course! And I'd love to see them!! 🔥🔥🔥
Do I have to ask before joining this AU?
Nope! But I'd love to see/read your creation! Or see that you're inspired to join!
Does my character have to be human?
Nope! Any species welcome!
Can my character already know personally main characters?
That's up for discussion. Current time Donatello isn't open to being known nor talkative to strangers. I'd like it if you didnt. He's playing dead unlike the rest of his brothers. Leo's up for discussion but with Mikey and Raph, they are more social and I can see them having multiple friends. Leo's treated more as a police officer and doesn't have a lot of friends due to his work.
Can my character work for the main boss Yokai of the hidden city.
Yes! I'd like you to stay close to what they do in terms of how they run things!
Can I claim ships with these characters?
Claiming ships with only your characters and main cast is prohibited. That's why Y/N is created as a medium for all 18+ participants that want to ship their characters with main cast. Ships are fun and welcome! But you cannot claim it as a you only ship.
Thank you for reading what I have for now! More to be added!
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herrscherofmagic · 3 months
i've spent nearly 47 hours over the last ten days drawing nothing but kiana (and hov)
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anyways, since I've had about enough of drawing Kiana for the rest of my life (/hj) I'm gonna put a pause on this project; but I'll turn it from a sprint into a marathon and try and work on it occasionally instead of all at once
I want to draw other things again x-x
Close-ups of the drawings below, as well as the reference image set, and some other misc. thoughts
Portraits drawn from imagination
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Started the process by trying to draw Kiana's head from imagination; then after each drawing I'd pause, look at some references, see what mistakes I made, then put away the references and drew from imagination (and referring to previous drawings) again. I also took breaks at two points to practice drawing eyes & hair before going back to drawing Kiana
For the last 4 portraits, I'd draw a head from imagination as a warm-up to a drawing session, and then do another head much later on instead of doing it immediately. Around halfway through this "phase" I started the other phases at random points, and finished this portion of the process in the first ~10-15 hours of drawing time. The rest of the time was split across the other exercises
Also I gave her an angry expression because I felt it was the easiest for me to do from memory since I've drawn HoV more than just "Kiana" herself. I also used a boring level 3/4 view without much perspective because it forced me to really make sure I was doing everything accurately and with care.
Basically my thinking was that if I could make a boring level 3/4 portrait look good enough, then I'd have no trouble getting it to look good in other perspectives. That seemed to be true when I got to the stage where I was doing expression practice and had to deal with more head tilt and other perspectives, lol
Studies of still images from screenshots of gameplay, character art, and stills from animated shorts
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Did rough sketches first, then drew with solid color over the sketches on a separate layer. not much else to say here, lol
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Started with an anatomy model loosely based on the proportions of Kiana's in-game model, and then two attempts at doing full-body drawings from imagination before realizing that it's bloody insane to try and do that much detail from imagination and I have much better things to do with my life than that x-x
Color studies
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yaaaay color! yippee!
Action sketches/"gesture" drawings
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"Gesture" is in quotes because I was way too slow with these for it to really count as proper gesture drawing, imo. But the intention was to start with gesture, and I got closer to that as I went on.
It's way too tempting to start adding detail so I had to metaphysically slap myself with a frying pan to keep myself from getting derailed by that >.>
To get references for this, I did screen recording of gameplay on the PC with OBS studios, then used DaVinci Resolve to play back the recordings.
On PC, when using the mouse controls you can hold the camera fairly still when doing an attack sequence, making it awesome for getting unique angles. For instance, when I recorded Void Drifter's attacks, I was able to get at least 4 different PoVs of her attacks: from the left, the right, behind & above, and in front & below.
Unfortunately, though, it was a bit of a hassle to get good recordings because I had to go into an actual combat stage to record it instead of being able to use an empty testing stage.
With DaVinci Resolve I could "split" clips to make cuts in the timeline that let me easily mark the spots where different attack sequences started, and I could also easily play it in .5x speed to help me figure out how the animations were going from one set of frames to another.
Plus if you close the program after saving, when you open it up again it remembers which frame you were last on and takes you straight there, making it easy to continue from one day to another.
I used White Comet, Herrscher of the Void, and Void Drifter attack animations here, but I also did recordings of Knight Moonbeam and Herrscher of Flamescion, and I might give those a try someday.
Facial expressions practice
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Started with the set of rough sketches (first image), then did some expression practice from imagination (second and third images) to try and get used to how the proportions of the face change slightly with movement of the eyebrows/eyelids/jaw, since the shape of the eyes and mouth is especially important when doing stylized faces (like the anime style that HI3rd uses)
Then this morning I started working through the original rough sketches and developing them one-by-one, getting through 8 before I decided to call it quits and wrap up the project for now
So the facial expression practice pretty much the culmination of all my practice. All the practice with proportions, the contours & forms of the hair, monochromatic shading, line quality, shape design, etc.
This was also one of the few times I've ever taken stylized references and actually adapted them to some extent instead of directly copying them!
This is especially noticeable in the hair, where I used a more standard style for the hair, in contrast with the variety of hairstyles and shapes used in the various manga references (i.e. black-and-white Escape from Nagazora Kiana's messy hair vs the neat and solid hair in the colored Gratitude Arc, AE Invasion, and Moon Shadow Kiana)
Reference images
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kokiriri · 28 days
I really like what you draw, I like how you draw your character.
Looking for an art style, I wanted to ask you. How did you find it?
Hope my question doesn't bother you... 😓
Have a nice day!
First of all, thank you for your kind words! I’m really happy that you enjoy my art :)
Great question! I think there’s always a lot of confusion when individuals are trying to discover their own styles (I’m often confused myself) but hopefully by sharing my experiences, it can make things a little more manageable for you.
I really think that my style now is a conglomeration of everything I’ve so far been interested in. And I’ll try to explain what I mean. When I was really little, I would draw things like “The PowerPuff Girls” or other shows like that because their character designs were simple and easy for me to draw. It wasn’t until I was around 10-11 when I started reading some Pokémon manga/comics (called “Pokémon Special” in English) I found at my local library. I really liked the style of these comics, so I would copy the way they drew eyes and such. My art began to get slightly more complex, and I began to move away from drawing simplistic cartoon bodies to more anatomically founded figures. These Pokémon comics are honestly the major foundation of my style.
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Here’s some examples of what the comics looked like.⬆️
I was also obsessed with the Megaman EXE television show around the same time, along with this one comic featuring Megaman X. You would probably agree with me that the Pokémon comics and Megaman share a very similar style (at least, in terms of character design and structure.)
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For years, I drew exclusively in a style very similar to the images you see above (albeit, I was still pretty young so my drawings weren’t nearly as good.) When I turned 13, I started watching Inuyasha, and again, my style shifted. I was largely inspired by how they drew hair in Inuyasha, especially the poofy bangs Inuyasha and Kagome have (the two characters in the image below.)
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I started meshing those kinds of hairstyles with the Pokémon/Megaman styled bodies. Keep in mind that as I was doing this, I was drawing A LOT. Nearly everyday, during class, whatever. Because of that, I started to grasp a better understanding of what character design features I liked best and so on. However, my major flaw that I wish I realized sooner was that I hardly drew from reference. Please please please use photo references or other artworks you enjoy for poses or expressions because it really does improve your art! (Don’t blatantly copy and claim them as your own though, that will earn you a shadow ban from the art world.😵‍💫)
Fast forward to this year. I recently started getting into manga by Adachi Mitsuru because I fell in love with his retro comic style. Some of my favorite works of his are Touch and Cross Game, feel free to check them out! Anyways, I’ve been studying his art and what makes it appealing to me, and I found that I like the simplicity along with great dynamic poses. So I look at those panels that showcase those aspects the best, and try to redraw them! The first few drawings always look terrible, but after a bit, you begin to understand what you were missing the first time, and slowly you improve. Here are some panels from Cross Game to help you get a taste of what the art is like.
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For me, it took years to develop my own style, and it will probably be the same for you. It doesn’t come easy, and although it sucks to admit, your art will look bad to you for the first few years after starting to draw. But know that each time you draw, your body memorizes the way it moves whenever you draw an arm, a hand, whatever, and it learns. Because of this, be sure to draw referencing styles that YOU like. That way, your body becomes slowly accustomed to a better way to draw hands that you enjoy, rather than getting stuck and not improving. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles! I try to draw out of my comfort zone, and that’s where I feel I learn the most.
I hope this post was helpful and provided good tips. Of course, you shouldn’t feel the need to watch/read all the shows and books I’ve referenced here because at the end of the day, you’re looking to forge your own style, not replicate mine. Find what shows and comics you love, and then ask yourself “Why do I find this appealing? What about the style is speaking to me?” And then draw those aspects/designs you enjoy. Just draw. Things will start to come together after that. :)
Bonne chance!
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lyrring · 10 months
Do you have any tips for a young artist?
okay GOOD QUESTION so I'm gonna just start typing about some things I wish I had known as a young artist and keep adding to the draft of this answer as I think of things. LOL.
Advice I'm definitely qualified to give young artists:
1) If you are primarily an artist that draws humans or humanoid characters, I need you to internalize this very important fact: There is NO race, shape, type of body, etc. that you are 'unable' to draw. Y'all it is 2023 and Twitter is a cesspool of idiots running around INSISTING that they simply "can't draw black people", "can't color dark skin", or that "black people don't fit into my style."
But you, young artist anon, YOU know better now! Go tell all your friends! Spread the good news! There is no fundamental inability to include diversity in the subjects of your art--there is only unwillingness to learn.
Because that's the thing--a lot of people who say these kinds of silly things will also say that the don't want to 'get it wrong' (I typed and deleted a whole other tangent here. lol). The important thing about approaching diversity in your art is that you are earnestly trying, respectful, and open to being corrected. Hard to go wrong that way! There are tutorials abound--research is your friend!
2) Related: encourage yourself to explore and celebrate variety as you cultivate your unique style. and DON'T SKIMP ON THE FUNDAMENTALS! DO NOT!
I'm going to talk a little bit about what it was like for me when I started "really" drawing at like. 9 or 10. (cont'd.)
I got really into drawing because some friends of mine liked to draw anime in their free time in class. I centered my early drawing life around emulating a style that was strictly anime. Drawing realism or semi-realism seemed so ugly to me! I had no interest in it.
In addition, I came away with a message that harmed my self-esteem greatly, even if I didn't know it at the time: black people don't look good in an anime style. You just can't do it!
So I never tried to. I had a narrow focus, and I was reluctant to explore outside of it. If I'm being honest with myself, I hamstrung myself pretty hard by not being open to exploring a variety of styles. I also thought that the fundamentals of art (principles of lighting, color, shape, and the human figure, etc.) were a waste of time for me to study up on. I knew what I wanted my art to look like--pretty anime pictures! Lol.
All of the above is why I don't think I actually started to get "good" at art until September of 2019, roughly a trillion years after I started to draw. I know that because of those art summary memes, lol. Here, for reference:
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tumblr compressed the image to shit, so you'll have to take my word for it, but yeah! lol.
Anyways, the point is this:
You will go through many stylistic phases in your life as an artist. This is normal, and honestly, I'd celebrate it! Be open to any number of unlikely stylistic influences. They may take your artistic sensibilities in a direction you'd never expect. All in service of developing your unique artistic voice.
If you want to be good at what you do, you will need to create a strong base of knowledge for yourself. This is what intentional study of the fundamentals does. Get that shit in your brain while you're young!!! You will be planting the seedling of your artistic prowess in much nicer soil, and future you will thank you for it.
3) Developing artistic skill is NOT A RACE! You will hear this advice a lot, but I'd like to talk about a specific nuance that I think is important.
There are a number of reasons why it would make sense for you to think that it is, in fact, a race. For instance, there are roughly a kajillion other artists in your age range. A lot of them are on social media, cultivating a following. A lot of them will be "better" than you.
Do not get attached to the idea of being a brilliant young artist. You will not be young forever. If your idea of skill is entwined with your identity as a young person, what happens as you get older? I'll tell you: You start to see more and more people who are way more talented than you, and at least five years younger, and it can really really hurt you because you have not been set up for success with the right mindset. Your pride and joy was not being a creator--it was being a young creator.
Being an artist, especially in the age of social media (jesus, i sound so old) is an emotional investment as well as a practical, skill-based one. If you do not take care of yourself emotionally, if you do not approach creating art and posting it online with the right mindset, you will destroy yourself. Worst case, you end up bitter and hating art altogether.
If you are able to remain reasonably detached from social media response in general--great! That bodes well for you. But that's a skill, like anything else, so it's much more likely that the way your art is received on social media will affect you.
If you are very young, say, in your teens, and your art is exemplary, you will probably receive a lot of comments about this! They might be astonished that you, at so young an age, are so advanced in your skill. It is GREAT to be proud of yourself for accomplishing so much at a young age, don't get me wrong. Feels nice! But just like you will be advised not to let mean comments go to your head, you need to be thoughtful about how you receive comments that praise you for your age specifically. You need to be firm in the understanding that your age is not what makes your art exceptional. Your art is exceptional because YOU made it and because YOU honed your skills!
Beyond that, stuff that you probably already know: comparison to your artistic peers can be very encouraging and motivating; conversely, it can also be stressful and lead to unfortunate emotional spirals. You know yourself best--engage with or steer clear of comparison according to your comfort. You're not on your friend's artistic journey. You're on your own one. This is a very cursory thought on the topic of comparison, but I don't think I could offer you anything you don't already know about it, y'know?
4) This one... I'm gonna try to get across a very specific point. My point is this: Know what success looks like to you, and be honest with yourself.
The definition of 'success' may evolve for you as you develop, but I don't think it's ever too early to have a frank conversation with yourself about what it means for you, specifically, to be a successful artist.
Do you want to develop the skill to draw or create a specific idea in particular? Do you want a kajillion followers on instagram? Do you want to build a portfolio that will get you into a specific creative industry? Do you want to cultivate a steady stream of commissioners? Do you just want to relax and get ideas out of your head? And any other infinite goals.
Obviously I'm saying this without placing a value judgement on anyone's definition of artistic success. This is a highly personal sort of thing.
The reason I encourage this is because it can provide additional direction to a young artist, for whom the world is an oyster. Different enduring goals will require slightly different approaches to art as a field. This goal may inform what you draw, what medium you use, your higher education & career plans, where you choose to post your art (if at all), how much effort you must invest in building a brand for yourself, the role of social media in your life as an artist, the kinds of artists you devote energy to being peers with, etc. Hope that makes sense!
Anyways, I hope this advice is helpful. I'm always happy to answer other questions related to this sort of thing. Go forth, young artiste--I believe in you!
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juustozzi · 2 months
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@thepinksky18 hello, and thank you sm!! <3 I hope it's okay to reply like this, I got kinda carried away with reference images..! I can try to share some things that help me with my art, hopefully they'll be of some help for you too!
when I do group pics like this, the thing I focus on the most is how everything looks and feels together! details and stuff can wait for later, first is to figure out that the overall picture works, and the characters are in balance with each other!
I'll use the Tenma horse pic you replied to as an example, will be continued under read more!
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here's the sketches for the art! the very first sketch is very simple and blocky (I usually use a thick brush) to just settle everything in place and see how it all works out. the second sketch is more detailed and sometimes deviates from the first sketch a lot, if something seems to work better some other way.
depending on the complexity of the finished art, I do just these two sketches or add one more even detailed one, but the last sketch before lineart is the one I tweak the most! usually I draw characters on different layers so it's easy to select them separately and resize, fix proportions or positions, etc. to make the big picture look good to you!
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here's the lineart (which could also be the 3rd sketch) compared to the previous layer. now I'm adding more details, but I still keep fixing the overall image - you can see how the lineart doesn't quite match the sketch in places: hikaru is shorter, the position of aoi's feet and tenma's hind legs are different, etc. some people like to do a very detailed sketch and practically trace their lineart over it, and if that's what feels good for you, go for it! I'm the kind to just throw lines over vague sketch and call it a day, especially with more simple drawings like this :,)
there's good tutorials and studies on bodies and proportions online already so I'm not going to even try to speak about those, but I got a few tips! I tend to do them in my mind nowadays, but I tried to draw them out for easier visualization!
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I mentioned earlier how for me the main thing is that everything's balanced, right? that also inclues characters and their proportions. I think that in group pics it's more important the characters work out together, not so much if their insividual proportions are perfect. especially if there's notable differences between them - height, bulk, lenght of limbs, and so on! a few pixels here and there don't matter in the overall image, but for example with Shinsuke who is Tiny, it's important for me to really make him smaller than others.
my most used tool is a scale chart! it helps to visualize the proportions for the characters, even when they're piled up like in the example doodle, or otherwise not in a neat row on the horizon line. (again, separate layers help you tweak them individually if needed! there's no need to get them right on the first try, especially when drawing digitally when there's layers.)
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if your drawing eye hasn't gotten used to proportions, the chart can also be used to make a neat little ruler to check your sketch! the rulers over the sketch are all same size, just moved around; tsurugi and shinsuke fit in pretty well, and while Tenma's torso is a little long (even when taking into accound he's a little bent from waist, which makes him even taller when straightened out), it's not by much and it wouldn't bother my eye.
and while I myself sometimes tend to be a slave for the references and get gray hair over minor details, or of some part of the anatomy is off and I can't fix it the way I want, the overall feeling and style mean a lot more! I think it's important to put some thought into the proportions especially if you feel like wanting to make progress with your art, but if it's getting too stressful or draining the joy of drawing out of you, then screw it and just have fun! (I say this as someone who has learned not from studying anatomy and stuff, but instead just. has drawn a shitton and had fun while at it. I think getting comfortable with just creating is the bigges step you can take!)
...oops, sorry if this got too long or off the rails! and yeah hopefully you (and anyone else reading all this) got something out of it!
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yaminerua · 4 months
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I’m offering pen-and-paper sketches in exchange for proof of donation to Palestinian gfm campaigns and/or donations to reliable organisations that will provide aid, esims etc.
The more we can help nudge up these urgent campaigns to help people the better!!
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For more examples of my pen-and-paper sketches check out my #nerua doodles tag
Here’s how it works:
🔴 Make a donation (whatever you can offer, any amount however big or small is better than nothing at all!!) to a Palestinian family’s campaign, or one of the many reliable organisations providing aid, e-sims etc.
A quick non-exhaustive list of useful links you can use to donate:
Operation Olive Branch - Spreadsheet of many, many gfm campaigns tracking how much is needed.
This Tumblr Masterpost - Lists a good number of fundraisers, some of which are close to completion, and others which need much more boosting
GazaFunds - If it’s overwhelming trying to choose who to donate to, this page generates a random campaign each time for you
GazaEsims - Buy an esim to keep Palestinians connected in Gaza. Be sure to send the QR code screenshot to their provided email address and don’t activate the esim yourself!
CareForGaza - A non-profit charity providing aid to Gaza. Donate to their PayPal
UNRWA - Donate directly to UNRWA to support their operations in Gaza
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund - Donate directly to PCRF to support the children in Gaza
Gaza Municipality - Donate to help improve water, waste management and sewage treatment conditions in Gaza
(other Palestinian family gfm links I’ve come across will be added under a cut at the bottom of this post, please check them out too and feel free to add any others you have seen to reblogs of this post!)
🟢 Take a screenshot of the receipt/proof of donation you receive once you’ve completed payment to prove that you have paid your chosen amount
⚪️ Message me your screenshot proof of your completed donation/payment to whichever campaign/organisation you chose along with what character(s) you would like a sketch of (be sure to let me know the fandom in case it’s not one I’m familiar with. You can drop a reference image along with your donation screenshot to be sure!)
⚫️ I’ll draw up the sketch for you as soon as I can to thank you for donating!
All donations of any size will receive a drawing, but be advised smaller donations will be quicker and less detailed/refined than larger donations.
Donations below $20 will receive a bust or waist shot. Donations $20 and over will be full body
Up to 3 characters available per sketch at any amount
I’ll draw for most fandoms, but here are a few I’m pretty familiar with: Red Dwarf, BBC Ghosts, Good Omens, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, YuGiOh, Pokemon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura (any CLAMP work tbh), Mob Psycho 100, Osomatsu-san, Naruto
I’ll also draw OCs if you send good references for them!
My usual commission/request limitations apply: No gore, NSFW etc
Bear in mind these function like character requests and aren’t as specific as full commissions, though I will try to honour general requests for what you would like from your sketch!
🚨🚨 Do NOT send ME your money!! Send it directly to the campaigns/organisations!! 🚨🚨
Please share and donate whatever you can if you are able to. And as always keep boycotting, protesting and talking about Palestine 🇵🇸
And remember to add your daily clicks too!
Some more gfm links below the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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spooky-pop · 2 months
Hi!!! I absolutely love your art style so much, it’s what I aspire to be able to do someday. I want to eat it.
On a side note, I find it fascinating how neat and cleaned up all your characters are. The character designs stay very proportional even with all the angles. I wanted to ask how you manage that? What methods do you use?
I’m not sure if you’ve already been asked this, as I’m fairly new to your blog. But I’m just so curious! I’d love to be able to use different methods
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me!! I'm happy to hear you enjoy my drawings! <3
So my background is in character design, and that plays a huge part into how I tackle drawing characters or even designing new ones. I was thinking about making image examples for this ask, but since I get asked about trolls and my drawing style quite a bit, I'm working on making a post eventually tackling all these questions! But, I can gladly explain my thought process/journey to getting to this point.
When I start sketching, it usually starts as a very rough page of various poses and figures until I can get to the sketch I want to work with. I think a common issue I notice is some artists will get caught up in the details too early, and the most important thing is to get that structure down! I will loosely scribble and sketch until I get to something I can work with. Then I start refining, fixing anatomy, scale. Be messy with it! Who cares if it's ugly and imperfect, it feels good to just let yourself sketch. It's in this process where I can determine if an idea is working, or just not working at all. Also when refining, I use guidelines/a grid to help make proportions and height more accurate.
I will always say this but when I started drawing trolls, I had no idea what I was doing. Drawing consistently has absolutely helped me improve, and it took a lot of bad and good drawings to get there. Personally, I went back to the movies and shows to gather so much ref material, I would screenshot these characters from every and any angle to study and practice. I even screencapped directly from the video game too by rotating the camera around to see the angles I wanted to try lol! Don't be afraid to trace screencaps too. Because tracing will help your brain really retain the angles and shapes you're trying to accomplish! I did that a LOT with Branch because I struggled with drawing him so so much.
I'm at a point where after relying so heavily on refs and practicing so much, I can confidently draw trolls from memory. But I always use references to polish and correct, to really tie it together. That's what really helps keep the consistency from drawing to drawing!
This is not the best explanation but, I DO have a post with images coming eventually to fully explain and demo how I draw characters. :) So I will absolutely be breaking this down better with a visual guide.
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blackbird5154 · 6 months
Fanfiction masterlist
Hey! I'm Blackbird, She/Her, and I'm a Ghost fic-writer and artist! I write texts in Russian and then translate them into English. If you are ready to use an automatic translator, here is my main account with all my works. For everyone else, I made this masterlist with my translations.
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The Third Advent [ru] [en]
Summary: After Papa Emeritus III was deposed and killed by his fellow believers, he laid in a coffin for five years. But nothing in the world lasts forever, not even death. After returning from the dead, Papa intends to take revenge on everyone who betrayed him. It's time to check the common statement that revenge is sweet.
Tags: Gen, Action/Adventure, Revenge, Resurrection, Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Character Death, Mysticism, Friendship, Romance, Character Study, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Majesty [ru] [en]
Summary: Just two words: a glove kink. If you don’t have it yet, now you will. Yes, THOSE gloves.
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, Smut, 18+, priest kink, hand kink, glove kink, petting, foreplay, soft dom
Pleasures of Hell [ru] [en]
Summary: Papa Emeritus has decided to give you a little lesson in arithmetic. It promises to be a long night.
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, Smut, 18+, Heartbeat Kink, Cunnilingus, Petting, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Manual stimulation, Mention of sexual trauma
Hide and Seek [ru] [en]
Summary: Something about Terzo's irresponsible attitude to work meetings. The fic is dedicated to the kink "silent sex".
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, PWP, smut, oral sex, silent sex, church sex, toe flirting, Papa is a little bit a dominant bitch but it won't be for long))
The stars go out at dawn [ru] [en]
Summary: This fic is written under the impression of the song by Spiritual Front 'Choose Death'. Please listen to it, it's just amazing.
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x Cirice, 18+, Angst, Loss, Farwell, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Love, Foreplay, Petting, Manual stimulation, Mention of Religion
Black Mass (In Freestyle) [ru] [en]
Summary: While researching materials on sexual magic, I came across what is known as “energy pumping”. Never has a ficwriter gotten better carte blanche on the justifiable use of the “orgasm control” kink. So… satanic sex instructor Terzo Emeritus at your service!
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, PWP, smut, Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Nipple Play, Begging, Orgasm Control, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Soft Dom, Manual stimulation, Foreplay, Overstimulation, Mention of Religion
Herodias [ru] [en]
Summary: These are musings inspired by looking at one particular music magazine cover. Warning: a realistic description of a severed head.
I also write analytical notes. It's important to me to not only fantasize, but to research the character!
Papa Emeritus III: The analysis of mythological references [ru] [en]
This analysis is based on the Prologue to Meliora written by Peter Bebergal. At first glance, this text may seem like a set of nonconnected paragraphs, as well as the music video "From the Pinnacle to the Pit" can be considered as a simple cutting of scenes from old movies. But together these two materials can shed light on the mythology of the Meliora Era and the story of Papa Emeritus III - his origin, background and motives. Let's try to understand how it happened that in the image of Papa combined three mythological characters: Prometheus, Icarus and Lucifer.
Some possible sources of inspiration for Meliora design [ru] [en]
It is known that when creating Meliora, Tobias Forge was inspired by the movie "Metropolis" and the art deco style of the 1920-30s. Here I want to share my findings of some borrowed elements in the third era.
Terzo: Observations and analysis
I noticed that there is a request in the community for a more serious look at Terzo. I decided to start posting my observations and some conclusions based on them.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
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I am always interested to hear your feedback and love to debate. If you have something you'd like to say, please leave comments. It helps to keep writing!
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greetingsfromuranus · 5 months
I love your art! Do you jave any tips ondrawing in the EENE artstyle?
Thank you!! The best advice I have is to study, study, and then study some more lol. Look at something, try to replicate it, trace over the original to see the underlying shapes, draw the shapes on your own page and replicate it like that, freehand it w/o reference, just see what works! i know it sounds like general advice, but the EENE style, especially once you get to later seasons,is very stylistically and technically complex! You're gonna have to see which aspects of it are intuitive to you, and which ones you'll have to sit down and make yourself learn. I primarily use Raven Molisee's art (lots of stuff on Deviantart and Poshmark more recently) since with his sketches you can see a lot of the underlying shapes and processes! But it would be a good idea to also check out stuff from the rest of the art department, such as Scott Underwood, Jim Miller, and Cory Toomey (you can find a list of em here: https://ed.fandom.com/wiki/The_Creators). Instagram account dawn_of_the_eds has a lot of good references!
You can also study screenshots of the show, especially if you're trying to replicate the colors/linework/movement/etc… I would recommend @ededdneddy-artrefs, as they have a nice tagging system for finding anything specific, but its also a good idea to just look at your favorite EENE clips on YouTube and go thru them frame-by-frame! It helps with understanding how the characters move, talk, express, etc… and you can really nail down the stuff you'd only get a vague idea of from watching the show at a normal speed.
For me, it took me months (minus some breaks) to get to where i am now with drawing the Eds. Someone more studious and hardworking could easily do it faster, but the point is, it takes practice! Practice combined with active, intentional learning! My progress with drawing the Eds has several phases marked by a sudden jump in skill (usually caused by me finally going out and studying some more art, and internalizing what i learned), followed by healthy stagnation, where i get comfortable with the new knowledge and just do the same stuff for a while. If you really wanna get good at drawing them, you can study much more than i do, or have shorter stagnation periods! It's ok to calm down and get comfortable with the characters, have some nice, easy, art making time, its important to not get too stressed or burnt out! But when you're feeling motivated, absolutely take advantage of that!
Some things to remember:
While the characters do have consistent design elements and basic underlying shapes, these are NOT hard rules. REMEMBER AND INTERNALIZE SQUASH N STRETCH! I've tried assigning hard rules to how I draw the eds, and it's VERY difficult. It's definitely important to write down/point out as many design quirks and reoccurring themes/shapes as possible, but just remember that the Ed Edd n Eddy style is extremely fluid and dynamic - and the guidelines you may have thought were 100% true can be shattered at any point. Basically: all rules are optional! Don't draw something because the "rules" say so, draw something because it looks good! Sometimes one rule looks good, sometimes something else looks better! I'll use the teeth as a visual example:
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(art in 1st image by Raven Molisee)
Sort of a continuation of the last point - Before EENE, I had a tendency (and still kinda do) to use more symbolic drawing process, the kind of design language you'd use for logos or graffiti, or the kind of style you see in shows like Dexter's lab or Total Drama Island or something - where you get good at drawing the same shapes/lines over and over. The EENE style, especially in later seasons, does not follow the same process as these sorts of styles. For example, I used to look at Edd and say "ok, His head is THESE TWO SHAPES!" And then there would be another, I'd say "okay, 3" and then another, and another and this will keep going on and on and on. Sometimes his ears are at the corners of whatever quadrilateral his head is (like in Molisse's art), sometimes theyre on an edge (like ive seen in Underwood's art), and sometimes you just can't see em! You have to accept that the characters are a lot of things at once, and different things at different times! Like Eddys head is usually a sort of bent pentagon - but is his mouth is enough he's more like a tin-can - but from a more top view he's almost a triangle - you can do this cycle forever.
you can think about it like this: the eds designs (especially their faces) are sort of a collection of features, and the shapes holding them together than be molded and distorted as you please!
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Remember that the eds often exist with 3D underlying shapes, not just flat ones! I would highly recommend studying 3d shapes in extreme perspectives specifically. Draw bent cylinders, twisted stretched out cubes, any sort of shape at the most extreme fish-eye perspective you can manage, just absolutely take advantage of them. Bend and distort and break those shapes, dig your foot into their backs and and pull at their corners like you're ripping the arms out of their sockets. Extreme visualization, I know, but Ed Edd n Eddy is a slapstick comedy - there is immense force and stretching and distortion present, you really have to get that energy into your art to replicate the style (even if I'm not great at it yet, it's something I know I must learn).
Specific tidbit that's important & I sometimes forget: The characters limbs can be as long as the pose calls for! They will be fine! If they're holding something above their head, their arms are going to stretch out much longer than normal and it's ok! You can always sacrifice the "accuracy" to the model to get a strong pose/silhouette. Though one thing I've noticed is that their clothes often don't stretch the same way their bodies do! If you stretch double D's arms out 3 yards, his sleeves are gonna be about the same length as always! Except for when it looks better to break this rule, of course :3 basically imagine their bodies are like stretchy rubber, while their clothes are not
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(note how his arms are stretched reeeal long in the gif, the look of the action holds higher priority than "correct" body proportions)
Apologies on my lack of notes on Ed specifically, I've drawn him good a total of One time and haven't been able to do it again lol.... Sometimes his head is an upside down triangle, but its bent in a way that i cant find a good pattern to remember it by... though sometimes his head is a square but the bottom stretches downward to become his neck. He's weird as hell, one day ill figure it out!
That's all my advice for now :3 If i think of any more i will add it!
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