#but all my new shirts end up w some sort of hole or issue with them
mystic-writings · 6 months
why tf are shirts so low quality now???? i got an arctic monkeys shirt from hot topic for CHRISTMAS and this mf already has two small holes in it IM DONE
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parkertech · 4 years
:0 new request again! What about a oneshot about where y/n is just completely upset lately with a bunch of personal issues going on, and Peter notices how she’s often late, wearing long-sleeves in hot weather and such, and so while Peter is on patrol as Spider-Man, he sees y/n standing on the edge of a tall tower like Empire State Building, contemplating to jump off. So he goes over and tries to talk her out of it and she eventually does, but she slips, falling off and he catches her?? 😍 😭
the request ALONE made my heart drop to my ass-
That’s it. You couldn’t fucking take it anymore.
There was too much on your plate. It was like an endless black hole that tortured you to its heart’s content.
The second you saw your boyfriend...well, now ex, with a girl straddling his lap, you broke. You didn’t even give him a chance to explain. As if there was a good enough explanation. From that day on, you always had one question lingering in your mind.
What was wrong with me?
You compared yourself to the girl, how much sharper her jawline was, how much skinnier she was, how she was more curvy, how perfect she was. No wonder he cheated on you.
Normally you would feel sad for a few weeks and get over it, but things piled on. Your relationship ending hit you harder than you thought, and you started slipping in school. A’s turned to low C’s, some were seven F’s. Your parents yelled at you, telling you this isn’t their daughter they knew. That didn’t hurt you though, what did hurt you was when they said you kept disappointing them.
That’s what you were now, apparently. A disappointment.
Every time you looked in the mirror, you hated it. You couldn’t be anyone else? You had to be this person who met everyone down, who couldn’t even keep a boyfriend. Your usual jeans were replaced with dark sweatpants, your tight t-shirts turned into slightly oversized sweatshirts, and doing your hair turned into putting it into a low ponytail. You didn’t try anymore. You knew it would get you nowhere.
Besides, no one brought it up. Betty thought you were trying a new style, MJ thought you didn’t have the time since it was highschool, and she was the most observant person you knew. So you thought everyone didn’t notice.
Keyword: thought.
Peter noticed immediately. He noticed how your eyes were much more darker and red, and from personal experience he knew it was from a lack of sleep. He also noticed how much quieter you got, when you were with the gang. You never hanged out with him anymore, and always had some sort of excuse. This all happened during the summer, too. Who wears a thick ass Champion sweatshirt when it’s literally almost 100 degrees?
He always asked you if everything was okay, and it was always a firm nod, with a slight smile. But he could tell it was somewhat fake. There were so many red flags, and you tried to cover them up.
He knew he had to say something, and he was going to do it tonight. Right after patrol.
It took a few criminals, a robbery or two, until he decided to pack it up. Thank god he didn’t, or else his life could’ve done a quick 360.
“Peter, I’m getting reports of a woman standing over the Empire State Building close to the edge.” Peter stopped in his tracks and looked around a few times, until his eyes landed on the one building that no one could miss. He saw police cars and random bystanders behind police barriers, and didn’t hesitate to turn around and parkour his way on buildings to the top of the building.
Despite the bright lights of the rooms in Empire State, he couldn’t see exactly where the woman was. “E.D.I.T.H., activate thermal vision!” His visors in his suit showed random blobs of red, yellow, and red, and he looked a little up to see what the outline of a person. The crowd below cheered when they saw the blur of black and red jump off an apartment complex and start running up the side of Empire State.
After a few seconds of running, he used a web to swing himself sideways and into the platform where the woman was. He panted for a second, before holding his hands out slightly and taking a few cautious steps forward. Now that he was closer, he noticed the person had a hood on, and their hands were in a nervous fist. He had to be careful careful.
“Ma’am, I need you to step away from the edge, please.” The person gasped and turned around, and Peter felt his heart sink as his eyes met yours. The air got suddenly chilly, and he froze in place. “Y-Y/N...?”
“Peter, this isnt any of your business!” You yelled through hot tears. Peter swallowed hard, before cautiously pulling his mask up so it rested over his eyebrows. You noticed how his eyes were like yours—watery and panicked. His cheeks were red, and his messy hair was gently moving in the New York air. He took a step forward and you took a half step back.
“T-This does have to do with me! You’re my bestfriend, I can’t let this happen for a hundred reasons!” Peter protests. You didn’t believe him. You didn’t believe him even though you wanted to. You shook your head, and Peter’s soul crushed into two. “Why are you even doing this?!”
“Because I’m tired, Peter! I’m tired of not being good enough, I’m tired of doing everything wrong, I’m tired of letting everyone down!”
“You don’t let me down, Y/N! Think about this, you know how much I’ve lost!” His voice cracked at the last word, as a tear slipped down his cheek. “My parents, Uncle Ben, T-Tony! I cant lose you too!” You were speechless, stating into his broken eyes, and your mind began to race. You remember the flashbacks of hugging Peter when he cried for all of their deaths, and you remembered how broken he was. The fact that you could do that to him too, made your heart shatter into even more pieces. “You’re one of the few things I still have, Y/N! I’m not just gonna idly let it go! You’re too important for me to do that?”
“How important, Peter?” You asked with a trembling voice. Peter scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.
“Does all the years of our friendship not say anything? You’re the one person I let my guard down with! You’re the only person that could go 17 straight hours watching Star Wars with me! You’re the only person who can make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe for almost 30 minutes.” He took a deep breath before continuing, noticing how your face softened slightly at his words. “You’re the only person that makes everything in my life worth it. You’re one of the only reasons I’m still here. You’re the one person I want to spend my entire life with...” If it was going to save your life, he might as well blurt out everything. He swallows the lump in his throat, closing his eyes, before continuing. This was long overdue anyways...
“You’re the only person I love, Y/N...” You gasped at his reaction, the tears in your eyes coming back. But these weren’t the sad, angry tears. These were happy tears. But someone said that to you before.
“D-Do you really?” Peter didn’t waste a second to nod. “W-Why?”
“Because everything about you is perfect to me. I love how you smile at me, I love how you laugh at almost everything, even if it isn’t even that funny. I love how compassionate you are to other people, even if they’re the biggest assholes on the planet and don’t deserve it. Y/N, I always made it a goal to make sure you’re happy, to make sure you don’t feel anything negative towards yourself, or to make sure you’re not in a bad mood. I know I failed at it this time, but I won’t let it happen again. I want to be more than friends, but we can’t be that if you jump...” He holds his arm out, and you look down at his hand, taking in all his words, before looking back up at his hands. They’re desperate and pleading, while yours are thinking and contemplating.
“Please...” Peter begs though tears. You swallow hard, before taking a step forward and reaching for his hand. But the second your foot moved, the concrete underneath broke, sending you flying down the side of the building with a scream. “Y/N!”
It was the more ear ripping, bone chilling scream Peter ever heard. He got this far, he was not giving up. He ran off the side of the building, pulling down his mask and aiming his web shooters towards you. The web shot a direct beeline to your palm, and his other hand attatched a web to the side of Empire State. It made it just in time, yanking you and Peter to the wall. Peter yanked you up with one hand, and your hands instinctively wrapped his around his neck, and your legs around his hips.
He heard your panicked breathing, and titled your chin up, resting his forehead on yours. “Y/N, calm down, I got you, you’re okay!” He spoke frantically. Staring into the white eyes of his suit, your body seemed to relax. The moment was filled with heavy, panicked breathing, and one of your hands gently tugged up his mask. Peter didn’t flinch, just continued staring at you in pure protectiveness.
You stopped pulling his mask off when it reached his nose. You stared at his lips, then back up, looking for any sign of hesitation. But none of it was there. You leaned in slowly, before softly and gently pressing your lips against his soft ones. He closed his eyes and hummed against the kiss, intensifying the moment. He kissed back a little harder, and you felt all your stress flow off your body. He pulled away, resting his forehead on yours again.
“Please never leave me...” He begged breathlessly. You nodded and held him tighter, making a silent promise to Peter forever.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Boundary Communication
A/N: This was a little steamier I think than I have written but I do intend to extend my horizons as I begin writing again. I can read the crap out of some smut but never managed to write it lol but I’m gonna ease into it. I hope you like it! Also, anyone who wants to, feel free to send more requests in!
Requested?: Yes, “Heyy can you write with harry? Where harry and reader are dating and when Harry and reader are alone harry is being all needy clingy touchy touchy kisses hugs cuddles all cute but reader is a bit uncomfortable because she is shy. After a few attempts of trying to warm her up(this part may be a bit smutty but it is totally fine if you dont write smut) harry  gives her space and he is heartbroken bc she is not comfortable with him yet? And then they make up this time she pushes herself out of her comfort zone. Im sorry this is so specific but i thought it would be cute. And harry is so underrated he deserves more imagines. I would be so happy if you can write this!! Love you😻”
Summary: I think I stuck to the request above, I just didn’t get super steamy with it.
CW/TW: Sixth Year, No Voldemort AU, Harry Potter x Reader, it might be a little heavy bc the reader is uncomfy w/ her boyfriend Harry’s advances. Kisses, neck kisses, that sort of thing.
Word Count: 1,114
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Your POV
    I dropped my school bag at the end of one of the common room couches and plopped down on to said couch. It’s been a long day with a double Potions lesson in which Snape was being extra cruel. Poor Neville managed to get detention simply for chopping his ingredients wrong and Seamus got detention and 20 points deducted from Gryffindor for blowing his potion up yet again. I had trouble as well. Snape seemed rather unfond of me today and kept a close eye on me. I already suck at Potions, let alone when my every move is being watched and criticized.
    Then there is the matter of my issues with my boyfriend Harry. He’s been rather clingy and touchy lately but I still haven’t gotten used to it yet so I’ve mostly shrugged him off or made an excuse to escape. I can tell it’s weighing on him but I’ve tried my hardest and still can’t manage to be comfortable yet. My moody thoughts are interrupted when the portrait guarding the entrance to our common room opens and Harry steps through.
    The air in the empty common room suddenly feels suffocating. I watch Harry out of the corner of my eye as he looks back and forth between me and the staircase to his dormitory. He finally seems to make a decision in his struggle and makes his way over to me and takes a seat on my right. I keep my gaze on the lit fireplace to my left as he gently places his hand on my knee. When I don’t look up at him, he gently squeezes my knee to pull my attention toward him.
    I look toward him but don’t meet his eye and he is the first to speak, “You seem stressed.”
    I shrug my shoulders and look back towards the fire, “Potions was a royal pain in the ass today and I didn’t sleep well last night.”
    Harry seems to think for a moment before ducking his head to whisper in my ear, “I know something that could help you relax.” His hand slowly ventures up my thigh as he says this. Suddenly, he gets up off the couch and picks me up bridal style before carrying me up to his empty dorm room. He drops me on the bed softly before placing a tentative kiss on my lips. I kiss back but he quickly moves on to pepper kisses along my neck as he hovers above me. I stiffen at how ticklish it is but force myself to relax. I trust him with my life, why is this such a struggle for me.
    Harry stops to look up at me as he tugs gently at the hem of my shirt, “Are you okay with this? You usually stop me here.”
    I look into his eyes as a battle rages within me before looking away and muttering softly, “I’m sorry Harry I can’t do this.” He moves from above me and sits down on the edge of the bed with his back turned toward me. I get up and silently leave the room to pick up my bag downstairs before heading to my own dormitory.
    It’s a few days later before I really manage to talk to Harry again. I sit down at breakfast beside Hermione. Across from me, Harry keeps his head low and focuses on his breakfast. Beside him, Ron gives Hermione a specific kind of look and she returns with one. They go on swapping facial expressions, seemingly having a silent conversation, for a minute or so before Hermione finally turns to me and whispers in my ear, “At least say good morning to him. This silence between the two of you is killing us.”
    I clear my throat before timidly catching Harry’s eye and saying, “Good morning, Harry.” He mumbles a good morning back before grabbing Ron’s arm and dragging him away and out of the Great Hall.
Hermione nudges my shoulder, “Please do try to make up with him soon. I’ve never seen him so glum, not even when the Whomping Willow destroyed his Nimbus.” I laugh softly to myself and am soon lost in thought. Harry is a great guy and I love him dearly. “Perhaps what you two lack is communication. Tell him how you feel and express what makes you shy away from intimacy with him,” Hermione says before grabbing her book bag and walking off toward Professor McGonagall.
I sigh and grab my bag as well before wandering off toward our first lesson, half hoping to run into Harry on my way there. My wish is quickly granted too. I literally run into him as I turn a corner. When I notice it’s him, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold on as I mumble, “Can we talk after class? I miss you.”
He wraps his arms around me as well and mumbles a, “Sure, love.” We stand there a moment before the bell rings and pulls us apart and towards our class. We take our usual seats in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. As the professor begins their lecture for the day, I reach over and take Harry’s hand in mine before resting our hands on my thigh.
After a long and dull lecture, Harry and I wander off out of class and depart from everyone else who is heading towards the grounds. We are still holding hands when we step through the portrait hole. He tries to sit on the couch but I drag him toward my dorm instead because I know for certain it will be empty.
Harry stands awkwardly in the door way as I plop down onto my bed. I giggle at him before beckoning him towards me, “Come sit, will you and close the door behind you?” Once he’s done as I requested, I take his hands in mine, “Harry I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I want you to know that I love you so very much and I would trust you with my life. I’ve just never really had a serious boyfriend before so this is all new to me.”
Tension seems to melt away from his shoulders as they relax. I continue my explanation, “I’ll do better about letting you know when I feel comfortable pushing the boundary back a little bit okay?”  
He kisses my knuckles before nodding, “Thank you, love. I’m sorry I’ve pushed you so much.”
I smile, “You’re forgiven. Now, how about we push that boundary back I little bit?” He grins as I move to straddle his lap and place his hands on my sides under my shirt.
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judehayward · 4 years
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lady gaga voice slowly fadin in: ju-Das juda-ah-ah… this depressed goblin bastard is honestly my fav male muse like i dnt typically stick w male muses tht long i struggle bt................. i’ve played him the longest of them all n always seem to return to him. jst cnt stay away. way 2 attached to this absurd little man. it’s nai btw!!!! (josefine on the main). launches right in to jude’s intro without further adieu..... (u can also find his playlist here) 🧙‍🎨
「douglas booth & cis-male」⇾ hayward , jude, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he is a pisces and 23 years old. he is studying ART, living in moris and can be protective, laidback, nonsensical & apathetic. when i see him i am reminded of wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects, lead marbles instead of eyes. ⇽「nai & 23 & gmt & she/her.」
he pinterest:
me in the voice of a card magician performing on the street: round up round up pick a pinterest any pinterest!
ta-da it’s aesthetics:
lead marbles instead of eyes, a stolen hearse careening down the wrong lane, wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, bags under the eyes that are so big they could pack enough clothes for a three week vacation, a cigarette wobbling from your bottom lip as you squint against the sunlight, passing out on a stranger’s rooftop, placing sunglasses over the eyes of a biology lab skeleton, gangling around the place like shaggy minus his scooby snacks, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects
about tha Bitch:
born in sheffield in england, bt they went back and forth between there n san fran a lot
jude was an unhappy accident. his parents never rly used protection bc they were super Liberal n Au Naturel n believed in the pull out method bc… they were maniacs. bt then the ONE time they used a condom in an effort to b safety conscious it broke n hence…. jude was born
they just kind of ran w it bc they had such a passionate relationship tht they were like What The Hell…. may as well! itll be fine we’ll learn to be good parents n love him like normal ppl do
spoiler alert: tht didn’t work out
they were ok to him like they weren’t fully Bad bt they just found him to be a massive burden n hindrance to their plans. pretty absent n irresponsible. they literally….. had sex all day every day n acted like a pair of teenagers. it ws a super weird environment for a kid to grow up in bc he literally had no role models or… guidance or…. anything rly. occasionally they’d joke around w him or pretend they properly knew what grade he was going into but for the most part they just Didn’t Care the way parents shd. they lost his birth certificate n dnt remember what they put as his middle name so he’s jst kind of like hmmmm............. n gives himself a diff one every time ppl ask. past variations hv included: jude pauly hayward, jude maureen hayward, jude van winkle hayward. says all of these w a very straight face
despite this he does hv some nice memories w them. usually he definitely sees them fr holidays. frm being rly young their christmas tradition hs been to get a bunch of chinese food like a Banquet Feast n spend all day smoking n drinking into the early hours. perhaps not the healthiest or most responsible bt 😔 jude rly likes it it’s kind of the one time of yr he feels he has a proper family
they r both suuuuper into the arts. rly good sculptors bt they paint too n they actually own a successful gallery in sheffield n san fran
(trauma tw) as a result he grew up around a lot of creative n sometimes pretentious ppl. the friends of his parents were more present in his life than his ACTUAL parents bc they were always jetting off to diff countries to scout out new pieces fr their galleries n just have a gd time in beautiful places without…. the annoyance tht ws being responsible n looking after someone. tbh some of his parents friends were rly damaging too bt….i won’t go into that just yet. it doesn’t rly…need properly explaining bc jude never talks abt it anyway n it….is rather triggering so i’ll jst….leav it for now tbh. basically they just were Not Nice n jude had a lot of bad memories he keeps repressed bt he also??? has some gd ones..... it was a strange environment bt he’s a survivor
(death n grief tw) he hd to do community service bc he kind of… hd a bit of a breakdown before the funeral of his elderly neighbour who bsically raised him bc her kids rly didnt care abt her they jst wanted her inheritance?? so he… stole the hearse w her casket still in it n ws jst like… drivin around the place sort of… tryin nt to cry…..KJJFHSFKJGHKFG i mean. it isnt funny its actually sad bt :/ in a very bizarre n jude way. he gt caught n taken in fr questioning bt her son kind of realised hw… broken up abt her death jude ws n had a heart n didnt press charges. regardless he stil hd to do community service bc it ws like taken seriously even tho it ws his first proper offence. doin it rly exhausted n depressed him so when he wsnt doin tht he ws just hibernatin in his room……. this ws like 4 months ago nw............ just some fun lore fr u all
bc of how he ws raised he has a p cultured taste. he luvs classic lit n p much anything artsy. he can play piano 2 n sometimes gets rly high n thinks he’s mozart level gd at composing he’s jst going fking wild on the keys in a trance...... i mean he’s gd bt… chill
he’s rly sarcastic n so deadpan like he’ll say smthn completely ridiculous bt he’ll say it w his whole chest so sincere.... it’s rly hard to tell when he’s joking or serious honestly. has an overflowing secret sketchbook n if he cares abt someone he’ll probably secretly draw them. does NOT share these drawings w the person he hates being openly sentimental. at heart he is jst a very Sad Boy w lots of repressed issues like depression genuinely just does NAT giv him a single break bt he plasters over this w wise cracks n never discusses his emotions ever. he’s actually p decent or at least tries to b. he’s kind of like tht bit in superbad where michael cera gets rly drunk n makes a toast to women like tht energy...........
he has rly bad insomnia so he like never sleeps idk how he’s Alive straight up. please go to bed sir............. he always has rly sleepy eyes n rubs them tiredly mid conversation. he smokes a lot of weed to try n compensate fr this n make him tired bt he still struggles a lot
ANYWAY that aside he’s at radcliffe doing art, focusing on fine art like painting is............... the thing he luvs most...... his style is kind of.......... taking normal things n painting w surreal colours.... he likes A LOT of colour in his paintings which is kind of a stark contrast to his personality bc his world’s so.... washed out n grey............ lovs art n philosophy n literature n photography n music.... 
ummMMMMmm honestly idk i’m blankin on what else to say. ull find him smoking weed reading an american classic or gnawing at his thumbnail n getting charcoal smudges on all his clothes. wandering the streets in plaid pj bottoms n dr martens eating frm a cereal box without care in the world. he’s p broody n scruffy n he’s mostly here fr a laidback time....... doesn’t rly like when ppl take themselves too seriously........ likes strange ppl thinks the world is mde richer by them n likes when ppl can jst bounce back jokes at him without being like erm. u dont make sense mate. bc frankly he can come up w some strange stuff sometimes.............. talking to him cn b like navigating a dark n bendy road without a flashlight....... 
(drugs tw) once did shrooms n woke up naked in the woods curled up in a pile of leaves. to this day he recounts this as his werewolf transformation. hs no idea hw he ended up there n when ppl r like are u not. concerned jude. tht is so strange? he jst shrugs like.............. dunno....................... suppose i’m jst a werewolf upon occasion. so casual abt it. jst truly does Not care abt most things at all..... almost to the point tht it’s concerning (sometimes way past the point tht it’s concerning too :/)
this is the desc on an aesthetic i mde of his style once n sums it up well!! ‘additionally: too many pairs of trousers, a hideous amount of white t-shirts all somewhat stained with charcoal, a jumper so thinly knit it almost looks sheer, chipped teale nail varnish, a cream corduroy jacket with a cigarette hole singed onto the cuff, vintage wiry reading glasses he almost never wears, a freshly rolled cigarette behind his ear, a thrifted t-shirt with a warped bart simpson wearing a stethoscope with the caption ‘bard knwos cardiology’ and two crops hacked that way with kitchen scissors that he sometimes wears to paint.‘
EXPERT at rolling spliffs like jst. mkes them so precise n neat....... it’s his super power. his fav thing to smoke frm is banana flavour papers.................... linking 2 this he’s like. bad w emotions bt he does try..... once his friend (maggie) ws sad so he brought her a spliff wrapped in grape flavoured paper bc it’s her fav fruit n jst like. wordlessly gave it to her. it’s the thought tht counts.....
plays bass in a band which cld b a fun connection to get together??? i picture the music being like surf rock type like........... mac demarco...... bt he also luvs elliott smith n glass animals n the cure n metronomy n neutral milk hotel n talking heads n radiohead n mazzy star n wolf alice...................... idk jst like.... within tht ballpark i suppose i imagine it being................
mayb ppl he shares classes w?????? i’d like someone tht does a similar course n they hang out tgether when it comes to trips fr the module to museums or exhibits or wtever................ they both stand in front of paintings analysing it rly wrong n saying stuff like hmmmmmmmmm....... i do declare i see a, uh..... large phallus protruding from the centre of this image...... moves something in me.......... n some elderly person looking at it besides them is like Ergh. sickened n disgraced. leaves w a brow severely furrowed
someone he smokes w on the moris rooftop late at night when he cnt sleep??? mayb they’re up n cnt sleep either fr whtever reason n it’s become an unspoken kind of ritual where they always clamber out n find each other there n jst wordlessly keep them company
jude is kind of like. protective almost to a fault sometimes........... mayb some guy he’s punched......................... if they hurt someone he cares abt........... typically it wld hv been a girl he ws kind of like. affected by his first relationship bc she had a bad home situation n ever since jst wnts..... to Protect it’s kind of like an automatic instinct ingrained in him nw 😔 all sounds very noble n well bt sometimes it cn b a bit of an escalation i wnt lie
perhaps a few hook-ups??? jude doesn’t tend to sleep w ppl he rly knows bc he just..... likes it to b an impersonal thing doesn’t like getting attached fr various reasons so mayb they only kno each other via this OR mayb he bent his rules a bit..... cld either work seamlessly or hv added drama if one side hs mre feelings or whtever
currently living in moris w 2 roommates bt i’d love some neighbours perhaps..... mayb someone tht lives directly nxt door to his room n is like ://// bc he plays music loud n weeds always drifting frm his window n mking their room smell if theirs is open too................. or mayb they get on..... mayb there’s a rly mean seagull tht lands on a branch n poos on pedestrians n they both commentate on it frm their windows like david attenborough...... they’re like he’s at it again. they’ve named him n everything
HONESTLY anything if u have an idea hmu i’d love 2 hear it.......... rubs my hands tgether in excitement to plot up a storm w u all
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ancient-artificer · 6 years
My Roommate is an Asshole.
Gajevy Week 2019 - Fairy Tail
You can find these collections and more Gajevy prompts on FF and Ao3 under CapAleran2.
Storyline: “Excuse me, I think I heard you wrong. What?” Her voice trembled with the last word.
The only available apartment in the complex had been accidentally rented to two different people.
GW: Roommates Suck #1 - My Roommate is an Asshole.
Well. This was certainly unexpected.
The situation was far less ideal than what was promised to Levy. She had signed the official papers the day before fully expecting a nice, comfortable little space for cheap rent, paid utilities, and on-site laundry. It was absolutely perfect. Or had been up until a few minutes ago.
“Excuse me, I think I heard you wrong. What?” Her voice trembled with the last word.
The only available apartment in the complex had been accidentally rented to two different people.
“What the fuck is this shit?” The sudden, loud rumble caused her to jump in place. His baritone voice was rough. It sounded as though he was a smoker.
With watery-rimmed eyes, Levy turned around to see him shove his copy of the legal document in the manager’s face and hold it there to force him to look at it through his square glasses. The menacing scowl deepened as his voice lowered with enunciated words.
“Fix it. Now.”
Levy found herself silently agreeing with the man, although his demand was downright frightening. Despite their obvious differences in word usage, they did have one extremely large issue in common.
“Ah, w-well, you s-see,” the scrawny man stuttered. He fidgeted under the intense, angry gaze blazing down on him. He touched the frames in front of his eyes. “I can't- there's nothing I can d-do about it. Legally, I mean.”
The taller, well-built man's arms twitched and Levy was immediately concerned that there would be an assault if the situation wasn't remedied. And quickly.
She stepped forward, careful to avoid any contact with the other apparently irate tenant and asked,  “What do you mean, legally? There's really nothing that can be done for us?”
The complex manager broke free of the hold on his shirt and righted it on his shoulders. He threw a tentative glance at the other male in the office before answering.
“There are two official documents stating that each of you is now the tenant of apartment 2B, submitted the same day by two different employees. Apparently, there was a miscommunication in the availability.”
He pulled out a file from the grey filing cabinet against the back wall. Within were the separate contracts both had previously signed. Levy McGarden and Gajeel Redfox were written on the signature lines.
“A miscommunication? Is that what you're calling it? I'd say it's more of a royal fuck up on your end than anything,” Gajeel spat, crossing his arms over his chest.
His choice words and their intensity grated against Levy's psyche. Her hazel eyes briefly shifted to him in mild annoyance.
“Given that there are no other vacant apartments and the deposits have already been made, the only thing I can suggest is maybe... try to live there together. Peaceably, preferably.”
The manager winced after he spoke. He looked at Gajeel and hoped the desk that stood between them was large enough.
Both Levy and Gajeel reacted simultaneously.
Levy held her phone to her ear and assured her friend that she was okay. She absentmindedly tapped her finger on the top of her water bottle in the cupholder. “I'm sure it'll be fine,” she said confidently.
“But he's a guy. And one you don't know,” Lucy countered. Her voice sounded unsure.
“Yea, well he's, he's…” Levy paused.
She turned to look out of her driver's side window to see Gajeel sitting in his jeep a few spaces over. He punched the steering wheel a few times. It looked like he was talking to himself.
“...he's different.”
“We will just have to make the best of a bad situation. I doubt he'll be that bad. The office runs background checks before they consider who can apply.”
“If you say so.”
When she said goodbye to her friend, Levy grabbed her new apartment key and headed for the stairwell.
It was enclosed inside the brick building, which would be ideal in colder weather. A vending machine for both snacks and beverages stood at the far end and marked the entrance to the laundry area. It was all just more checks on the list of good things the complex offered.
She smiled when she saw her appointed number and letter on the brown door. The apartment was neither too far from nor too close to the stairwell. She probably wouldn't hear the other tenants coming and going, especially at night. It also meant she would have a quiet place to read and write with the windows open on the nice warm days. Inserting the key and giving it a turn, Levy happily entered her home.
The distinct new carpet smell welcomed her. A tiled floor by the door gave way to the beige carpet. Through a foyer-like space was the large front room. A half wall separated it from the kitchen. All the appliances were there on the countertops, ready to be used. Beyond that were a hallway, the bathroom and the two bedrooms.
She gazed around, mentally picturing where she would arrange the furniture, where she would place her bookshelves and her pictures. What did this Gajeel have to bring to the table to add to their shared home? Until she knew, she couldn't plan everything out quite yet.
Her hands clasped at her chest around the key, a contented sigh escaped through her nose in the quiet.
A rough bang on the half closed entry announced the presence of another. The abused door flew open to hit against the rubber stopper on the wall. Gajeel trudged in carrying a full cardboard box the size of a small microwave. A stuffed black backpack clung to one of his shoulders.
He briefly halted a few paces ahead of his unexpected roommate, his head swung around like on a swivel to survey the empty place. He didn't even give Levy a second glance as he asked, “Why've ya just been standin’ there?”
Levy's dry lips parted. No words formed. Her wide eyes slid down his tall, broad form, from his uninterested expression to the box cradled between two massive arms. He was terribly intimidating; if he had wanted to he could have snapped her petite body in half with minimal effort.
She blinked.
Gajeel left her still standing in the middle of the living area to check out the bedrooms. The toe of his black boot pushed open one and then he disappeared inside.
Out of curiosity, Levy deliberately peered in from around the wall. It was a spacious area. There were three windows that illuminated the entire room without the need for the overhead light.
The box and backpack had been set on the carpet. He was standing in the middle under the light fixture, his head turning as he seemingly looked around at nothing but the walls.
Levy kept silent as she spied. Hazel eyes moved from his shaggy mess of thick black hair to the triangular shape of his neck and shoulders.
He hummed to himself and turned his body towards the far wall, his back faced her. Large hands found the waistband of his jeans and rested there. “I think it'll fit,” he murmured.
“What will fit?” Levy asked with sudden interest.
She felt like she was intruding, but they were set up to share a small apartment. There was bound to be some future privacy issues. She shuddered and hoped they wouldn't be too crowded.
He responded as if he had known she was there watching all along, saying, “My drum set.”
Levy's heart sped up the moment she heard. Her vision of quiet, relaxing evenings was shattered with his nonchalant words about a musical instrument. “A drum set?! Like an actual big, loud drum set?”
“Relax Shorty,” he drawled. He was still standing there with his hands perched on his hips. “It's electric. The sound's through a headset.” He tapped the side of his head.
Her eyes fell, half-lidded with displeasure. Why did he call her that? She crossed her arms. “I'm not short.”
“Sure,” he dismissed with a scoff. His attention was elsewhere. Somewhere in that big -but sort of handsome- head of his. Whatever was in there.
Her apprehension subsided a bit with that knowledge that he would have a headset. She glanced towards the other bedroom and wondered what it looked like beyond the closed door. Her peripheral detected a shift in the light, and she felt more than saw Gajeel brush past her. His arm knocked hard into her shoulder as he turned the corner in the narrow hall.
“Hey,” she announced. Her hand came up instinctively to lay on her collarbone. Her mouth set into a firm line. Her eyes bore a hole in the back of his head. And he just walked away? He hadn't even said sorry.
When he didn't stop, she frowned and put effort into it. “Gajeel!” she yelled.
“What?” He asked in annoyance with an enunciated ‘T’. His boots planted there on the living room carpet and he slowly turned to look at her, his palm held up in the air.
Words that Levy had been ready to let loose on him swiftly left her at the sight of his chilling frown. Instead, she dumbly stood exactly where she had been. Was it fear? Was she apprehensive because of his dark looks or his fearsome and reckless attitude?
“Um, I- uh-”
His pierced eyebrow rose.
Levy stuttered. “W-what are you doing?”
She inwardly cringed. Why couldn't she think of something else, something better to say? That was it? She could confront assholes on the street more easily than this particular one. Her mind was completely blank.
“I'm going to bring my shit up here,” he replied steadily. His tone was notably close to condescending. “What else is there to do?”
And then he simply left the apartment, not bothering to touch the open door on his way out.
With a long, silent huff, Levy quickly shook her fist in the air after him, her anger turned to frustration. She pulled the door closed and headed down to the parking lot after him. Like Gajeel, she too had things to bring up from her car. The rest of the furniture was in the back of a small trailer.
On her way out of the building entrance, Gajeel passed her carrying another full cardboard box, almost running into her once again. It was as if he didnt see her at all. His focus was on the stairs before him as he ascended.
Levy's frown deepened and her mouth fell slightly open while she stared. A tiny sound escaped her throat. What was with this guy?
A sense of dread began to fill her stomach. Maybe she would have to find another place. But then if she did her current deposit was forfeited. She couldn't afford to shell out another moving fee and deposit.
Groaning, she did the only thing she could think of at that moment and start officially moving in. All of the items she had fit in her car she comfortably toted up to the apartment. Unlike her new roommate's, her things went directly to her bedroom, set along the back wall to make room for the bigger items later.
It was small. Smaller than the room Gajeel had claimed. It had built in bookshelves on either side of the doorway, which was a pleasant surprise. But what it lacked in initial space it made up for in a large walk-in closet.
When she strolled out from the hall, the carpet was littered with his junk. Her lip wanted to curl. Was he a slob? Random crates and rickety boxes overflowing with Gajeel's personal items. Mostly clothing, though there was a laptop, music devices, and a distasteful calendar that Levy covered over with a rogue jacket that was draped over the side of a box, among other things.
Her gaze landed on a blue milk crate full of books. It was set apart from the rest, on a haphazardly placed brown end table by the hall's light switch.
Gajeel was a reader? From what she’d encountered so far, Levy would have never pegged him. There really was more to someone than outward appearance.
Gently picking through the books, she found that most of them were classics. Their hard covers were worn from use, the pages creased on the top corners. None of them had bookmarks. She had to tell him not to dog-ear his books like that.
“What’re you doing?” his rough voice announced in question.
The three books tumbled from her hands to fall in a heap by the table. His unexpected voice had scared her. “Um, I was just looking. Sorry,” she began as she bent to pick up the downturned books. “I love to read so I just…” Trying to find an excuse, her lips fell silent.
He considered her for a moment, the drawers to a dresser occupying his arms. It seemed as though he wanted to say something, but thought better of it. His mouth shut. He didn't seem angry, but Levy was cautious.
“Don't ya have yer own things to get?” he calmly asked instead. His red eyes gave her a once over before settling back to her face.
Relief rushed through Levy at his civility. “Yes, but I was waiting for you. I need help. I've gotten everything that I could manage myself.”
He humphed and continued about his business, taking the drawers to his room. When he re emerged some seconds later, he gestured to her without slowing down. “Alright. Come on.”
Without needing to be told a second time, Levy followed her roommate.
“It's the trailer there,” she said once they were in the parking lot. A silver trailer was parked in the back. After they emptied it, she would have to notify for its pickup.
“I kinda figured,” Gajeel commented. There was only one moving trailer on the lot.
“Right.” Levy bit her cheek. Her eyes flickered up to him.
His lips were twisted, as if he was trying not to smile. He turned his head away, seemingly interested in a few birds flying overhead before she could be sure.
Standing by the ramp, Levy let him walk in and start picking things to haul out. She watched with her arms crossed over her chest as he picked up a large, clear tote of notebooks, pencil pouches, and various books with a grunt.
The sound of something rolling around inside abruptly stopped as he presented it, most likely a loose pen or pencil. His eyebrow rose and he looked at her.
“I like to write, okay?”
Her lips slid into a grin when she watched him shake his head and his confused expression give way to his own version of a smile.
Soon only her mattress and the bed frame, her bookshelves, dresser, and a long desk were the only things left. She had no idea how she would have gotten them out and up the stairs without his help. The only reason they were in the trailer to begin with is she had had help in moving out of her old place.
He took most of the weight, letting her steer them once they hit the stairwell. His patience with the desk had nearly expired when they hit the wall as they maneuvered the corner, causing the desk's edge to punch into his stomach.
“Lift it, Levy,” he commanded, looking up at her from the bottom. The legs were scraping the steps.
“I am.”
She threw her weight upwards only for nothing to happen. The wooden box drawers were on both ends, making it nearly impossible for her. They should have taken them out before they started the trek, but they couldn't now in the narrow space.
“Yer doin’ it wrong,” he roughly accused.
“How am I wrong?” She answered back just the same. One of her hands came up on reflex, her palm upwards in irritation.
He lowered his head as she spoke and blew out a quick breath in his own annoyance. He lifted his end once more, but when he did, the corner caught the brick wall, effectively halting his progress before it could really begin.
His body continued right into the stationary edge.
Bouncing backwards from it, Gajeel doubled over. A pained growl rumbled from his chest. His mouth formed around a word, but refrained from spitting it out.
“Oh my gosh, are you ok?” Levy blurted. She let go of her end of the desk.
“Get out of the way,” he ordered. Anger -probably more embarrassment- simmered in his eyes.
She did so and watched with astonishment as he gathered himself and hauled, lifting the long piece of furniture with a deep grunt. He was fast enough to use the momentum and all but throw it and himself up around the corner.
The desk was now set for a straight path up the rest of the way and to their apartment.
Levy was immediately grateful that she had Gajeel for any heavy lifting.
Giving a breath, he turned to her. His eyes were now impassive. “Can you get around it?” He asked.
Levy hummed. There was a few inches of space between the desk and the brick wall, but she knew she wouldn't be able to fit. “Only a kid could squeeze through there. But, I think I could climb over it.”
Gajeel simply stood to catch his breath and let her do what she had suggested. In amusement, he placed his hands on his hips and watched as her tiny form scrambled up and over the smooth tabletop. Her jean shorts accentuated her curves and her plump ass stared squarely up at him for the briefest of moments.
A grin spread on his face. He let himself look, but kept his hands on his waistband.
Once they were at their apartment with the desk safely in her bedroom without further incident, they shut the front door with a sigh.
The place was an absolute wreck. Nothing was organized and nothing was in a convenient setup. The couch was shoved halfway in the kitchen with her clothing totes upon it. There was one visible walkway through the living room to the hall, the rest of the floor and furniture was littered.
Levy was thirsty, but the box containing kitchen utensils was somewhere buried under the mess. It would take them a few days to sort everything out. “What do you wanna do for dinner?” she asked aloud.
“I dunno.” His voice was muffled. It sounded a little distant as he worked on neatly plugging in the tv and game consoles at the outlet behind the big flat screen. “I don't care, do what ya want.”
“You don't have a favorite place to eat?”  she asked.
“I'll eat anything, just pick something.”
Levy hummed. “Chinese? There's a place a few blocks from here.”
“That's fine,” he replied, and then popped up triumphantly. He turned on the tv. On the screen was the console main logo. Without turning to Levy, he said, “After we eat, ya wanna try out yer new tv?”
Looking up from the restaurant's menu on her phone, she saw the screen as he punched in his passcode. The more she looked at the set up, the more she felt out of her element. “I don't know, I've never really played on one…”
“Really, well yer gonna learn tonight.” Gajeel cleared an area of the floor a few feet from the tv stand and abruptly sat down. He kicked off his boots and quickly took off his grey shirt, leaving him in a white tank. He picked up the controller.
“What about the mess in here?” She lifted a hand and waved it at all of the things brought up and thrown in no particular order as if showcasing a nice car on display.
Gajeel made a sound with his mouth. “We're gonna be here for at least a year. We can sort it tomorrow. Give yer'self a break.” He added with an afterthought, “Does that Chinese place deliver?”
“Uhh.” She scrolled down on her phone. “Yes.”
“Order it for delivery and then get over here.” He let a genuine smile slip up on his face. He set a black controller beside him as if to save her a seat.
Her own smile appeared as she ordered their food. Then she picked her way through their junk and slowly sat down beside him. He was at ease and relaxed as he started to explain a game he thought she would enjoy. When he presented an eye creasing smile, his red eyes warm, she found herself begin to mirror him. Maybe having a new roommate wouldn't be so bad...
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broken-clover · 5 years
Goretober Day 28- Sensory
I don’t even know what I’m doing at this point. And I’m okay with that! I might try to go back and do the prompts I missed before or after the end of the month, I’ll decide later.
This was a fun prompt! Not exactly gorey, but still fun! Finally got around the using Bedman, though it’s from Ky’s POV
Ky Kiske walked into Zepp’s main assembly building with a sense of grim apprehension. He knew full well that the tasks of his job weren’t always pleasant ones, but knowing didn’t necessarily make it any easier. All he could do was try and get through them as quickly as possible.
He followed the arrow signs until they directed him to the door of the debate room. To his surprise, it wasn’t already full when he opened the door. Instead, there was only one massive man, idling nearby one of the tables.
“Oh, Potemkin. Gabriel mentioned you’d be here.”
The man turned at the sound of his voice, and offered a cordial nod. “Good morning, your majesty. I was not expecting you’d be here so early.”
Puzzled, Ky pulled a watch from his pocket, staring at it intently until the realization hit him. “Ahh. I forgot that Zepp doesn’t abide by the standard time zones. I didn’t even realize I was.” He put the object away. “And there’s no need for the title. ‘Ky’ is just fine.”
“Hopefully, the rest of the delegates should be arriving within the next hour. Gabriel would like to have this issue sorted out as quickly as possible.” Potemkin said. “I don’t doubt that you feel the same way.”
“I hope we can all come to an agreement. It would be inhumane and a waste of resources to make this drag out.”
“Inhumane.” Ky repeated. “I don’t discard my morality when it comes to criminals, even ones of his caliber.”
“That’s an interesting mindset, your majesty.”
The king stiffened up at the new voice, turning towards it. President Gabriel entered the room, arms folded behind his back.
“Mister president.” Ky held a hand out. “It’s a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for being willing to host the meeting here.”
Gabriel shook his hand. “The pleasure is all mine. It’s no trouble at all. I’m sure Potemkin has said, I’m eager to be through with this.”
“Has he been especially troublesome? Any escape attempts?”
“No, we’ve managed to keep him on lockdown and under close watch. I’ll admit, I’m rather proud of this specialized facility. He’s been entirely pacified his entire stay.”
Ky laced his fingers together. “If I may ask, where do you have him held? Will you be bringing him out for the debate?”
“I’m afraid that would be an unwise decision.” Gabriel shook his head. “We plan to keep Bedman under strict lock and key until the time comes to enact whatever sentence we’ve decided upon.”
He wasn’t sure if he liked that, but Ky decided that there was a logic to it. Zepp was responsible for his detention, but they hadn’t been allowed to determine a final verdict. It was agreed upon for an international criminal with no known country of origin that a discussion would be held to meet a mutual agreement for his sentencing. It would make sense that they would want to be careful when it came to security. Making any sort of decision would be pointless if he’d managed to escape before it could be carried out.
“Would it be possible for me to see him before the hearing? I’m interested in this 'specialized facility' of yours.”
Gabriel stroked his mustache. “If anyone else asked me that, I would have immediately said no. But I respect you. It seems we still have a bit of time, I don’t think there would be any harm. The facility is next door, follow me.”
Illyria was cutting-edge in most fields, but Zepp was something else entirely. They used completely different forms of technology, making it difficult to tell just how advanced and elaborate their facilities were in comparison. The locks and lights were electric, and Ky was thankful for Gabriel’s presence, because he was unsure if he’d have been able to decipher the strange locks on his own. At least the numerous doors helped give off the impression of the facility being secure.
“Do you work here, Potemkin?”
“Sometimes.” The man at his side spoke. “I generally stick to areas of defense and diplomacy, but I assist in scientific developments where I can.”
“Is that what this is, then? A research laboratory?” Ky asked. “This doesn’t seem much like a prison.”
“It is.” Gabriel said. “It’s special. Suited for especially dangerous criminals. Each cell is suitably tailored to its occupant. Zepp doesn’t support capital punishment. We’re capable of handling some of the most dangerous people on the planet safely, securely, and humanely.”
Ky could only wonder what sorts of other people must have been hidden away behind the numerous doors. He didn’t have much time to think about it, though. They approached a pane of glass in the wall, and Gabriel held up a hand, signaling for them to stop.
“Here we are. Cell 6H. What do you think, your majesty? How does it hold up to Illyria?”
It couldn’t be a cell, Ky though to himself. That couldn’t be right. He knew prison cells weren’t exactly spacious, but it had to be only half the size, if he was being generous. There was barely enough space for the single fixture that sat in it.
Compared to the sleek, modern appearance of the building, the chair looked positively medieval. It was an ugly, heavy-looking thing outfitted with shackles and straps. Ky could see Bedman tied down into it, held immobile up to his throat. He’d been blindfolded as well, and with a gag around his mouth. A large pair of headphones were firmly clamped over his ears, and a peculiar clear tube descended from a small hole in the ceiling, eventually sliding down and vanishing into the folds of his shirt. The room was pure white aside from that, though Ky could tell it meant nothing. The prisoner couldn’t even see past the mask as he was forced to face the far wall. It was difficult to tell if he was even conscious.
“W-what on earth...is this?”
“We took into account the dossier notes sent in by King Leo.” Potemkin didn’t seem to notice the horror in his voice. “While his abilities are still largely undocumented, we know that it requires some degree of focus. The headphones issue irregular noises at various decibels and frequencies to be as disruptive as possible.”
“Every aspect has been designed to be as disruptive as possible, without causing any physical harm.” Gabriel spoke up. “The immobility and sensory deprivation make focus nearly impossible. Hence, there’s no concern for him plotting an escape route. It’s an effective, but humane method.”
His throat suddenly felt dry. Ky swallowed. “What’s the tube for?”
“Well, humans need to eat, of course. We initially planned to use the peripheral method, but most of the veins in his arms were too fragile to be used. Besides, the superior vena cava is more suitable for long-term usage.”
“Long-term…?” Ky slowly turned to the soldier. “How frequently is he allowed outside of that room?”
Gabriel shook his head. “To ensure safety and security, he’s been confined to the cell ever since he was transferred here.”
“You haven’t even removed the blindfold?”
“That is correct, your majesty.”
“That’s inhumane!”
“It’s a precautionary measure, your majesty. You know the sorts of things this child is capable of.”
Ky couldn’t find a reply to that. Gabriel wasn’t wrong. There was a reason he had asked Zepp to handle the matter in the first place. But this...this felt wrong, too. What could one do in such a state? What was it like, being trapped in darkness, with nothing to touch or taste or smell and nothing but blaring alarms and shrill noises to listen to?
“Oh dear, look at the time.” Gabriel looked at his watch and gestured to his two companions. “The others will be arriving soon. Your majesty, would you be willing to cut this visit short?”
Ky forced himself to look away from the window, taking a shuddery breath. He tried to rationalize it to himself- he’d killed people, and that was not a crime that could go unpunished. But no matter how many times and ways he tried to explain and justify, it couldn’t get rid of the pit of unease in his stomach.
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katurrade · 6 years
Come Back to Me - The What Ifs (19/?)
The What Ifs is part 19 of “Come Back to Me” an AU series. This takes place right at the end of Book 3 Chapter 10, following the bombing of the palace. In this story Chapters 11+ never happen. This is going to be a slightly angsty, slightly fluffy story and is following the story line that is Riley and Liam are engaged and are supposed to be getting married. This was written on my iphone and fyi each chapter will be pretty long! Tagged long post! Hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters, PB does. I’m just borrowing them.
Pairing: Liam x MC
Rating: PG. Just to be safe!
Summary: Liam gets an evening visitor then retires early for the night. Riley wakes up in Valtoria for the first time......Pearls, views and chicken, oh my! Catch up HERE.
Word Count: 3,570 ish.
Tagged List: @blackcatkita @captain-kingliamsqueen @mrsdrakewalkerblog @umccall71 @hopefulmoonobject @speedyoperarascalparty @melodiouskeys @theroyalweisme @alicars @bobasheebaby @annekebbphotography @writtenbycandy @queencatherynerhys @ranishajay @blznbaby @jared2612 @bella-ca @mitalijoshi @lodberg @scarlettedragon @romanticatheart-posts @queenof1000days @lostinthe-pines @kennaxval @leelee10898 @jayjay879 @lizk77 @nazariobae @sstee1 @tornbetween2loves @elegantcowboyflappie @carabeth @ao719 @sarwin85 @cocomaxley
Side Notes: If you would like to be added to the tagged list for this, I can make that happen ;)
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Guys and Gals, I’m so sorry for the delay of this chapter, I hit an inspirational wall and just needed some time to work through it. So thank you for being so patient with me, and thank you to those who reached out to see how I was. You all make me feel so special. This chapter is a filler chapter, of sorts. Not many big moves happen in this one, but it’s where my mind took the story and I’m just happy I was able to even get here. There is a flashback scene though, hopefully that makes up for the rest of the chapter! Now just to see if I can kick this mental wall down! Fingers crossed and enjoy!
Liams POV - Day 6 (Evening)
The door slowly opened and a small man, dressed in formal office attire entered with a bow. “Good Evening, Your Majesty. I’m sorry to interrupt, but Dr. Young is here and has requested to see you..” he shut the door behind him before continuing “If now is an appropriate time?”
This must be my assistant... “Of course,” he said as he took a second to open the folder on his desk, the one with the list of staff names. This was a name he should have memorized sooner. His eyes glanced over the page until he saw the name he was looking for “...Thank you, Markus. You can send him in” The small man bowed again, then exited the room. Liam stood and walked around his desk to greet the doctor as he entered the room. “Good Evening, Alex.”
He bowed “Good Evening, Liam. I apologize for the late hour, but you are a difficult man to track down,” he chuckled “Who knew finding a free moment for the King would be so hard.”
Liam laughed “You’re telling me.” He reached out and shook Alex’ hand “Please, sit” he gestured to a chair then walked back around his deck to sit.
Once Alex was seated, he placed his bag on the floor “How are you feeling, Liam? Any headaches? Or episodes of lightheadedness?”
“Not really. Though, I did have a slight headache last night, which was accompanied by a memory” he smiled at the thought.
“Oh? Are you starting to remember more?”
“Sort of. The last year is still mainly a blur, but there are moments I vividly remember as if they happened yesterday. It’s hard to explain, my memories are ....blotchy at best. If that makes sense?”
Alex nodded “It does. It’s like you have only half the pieces to a puzzle?”
“Yes, exactly”
“How is your balance? Any issues with walking?”
“Nope...” Liam scratched the back of his neck “..No issues with running either”
Alex’ eyes widened “Running?”
“Yes, I did a little running earlier but had no problems”
“Well then, I guess that is good to hear” Alex reached down into his bag to retrieve his stethoscope, pulse ox and blood pressure cuff “Mind if I just check your vitals quickly?”
“Of course not” Liam answered as he rolled up one sleeve of his dress shirt to his elbow. Alex stood and walked around the desk and took his vitals quickly. He then retrieved a pen light from his pocket to check Liam’s pupils. After a moment “It appears you are in good health, though, have you been nauseas or vomiting at all?”
“No, I have felt pretty normal actually”
“Perfect,” he put the equipment back in his bag “then I believe that is all I need for now” he picked his bag up off the floor and turned to Liam “I’d like to come back in a few days to see how you are doing, if that works?”
“Of course, just speak to Markus on the way out and he will give you some days and times”
Alex nodded, looking at the half glass of scotch in front of Liam “I ask that you take it easy, Liam. As you aren’t entirely out of the woods yet, and we want to make sure you continue to stay in good health for years to come”
Liam smiled, understanding what Alex was politely referring to “I will, in all areas” and with that Alex smiled and left.
Liam finished off the last few sips of his scotch, knowing that would be his only one tonight. Heeding Alex’ words he stood and headed towards his room. It might have been to early to sleep for most, but he was exhausted, to say the least. Both mentally and physically. And he knew his mind and body needed the rest.
Plus, if he was being honest with himself, a part of him just wanted to get through these next 2 days as fast as possible. Not only because of the emotions around the funeral but also because of his anxiety around getting Riley back. He needed to make things right. He had to.
Upon entering his room, he crossed the floor to the back wall to change. Retrieving the ring, bracelet and phone from his pocket and depositing them on top of his dresser, once again. He then removed his clothes and pulled on a set of pyjamas. He went to turn around to head to bed, when the bracelet caught his eye. He glanced over the now 3 objects that didn’t belong to him, yet were all still in his possession. He picked up the bracelet to look more closely at it, wishing he could remember the story behind it.
Objects seemed to be his memory triggers, he was starting to notice this trend. He held it in his hand and shut his eyes tightly, hoping it would trigger something. Anything. But after a few moments, nothing had happened. No memory. No headache. No nothing. He sighed heavily then returned the bracelet to the top of the dresser, before turning around and climbing into bed. He laid there for a short while, his mind racing with the what ifs.
What if, she doesn’t want me back. What if, I am too late. What if, I have ruined things for good. He could feel himself heading down the rabbit hole, but luck was on his side this time. Before he could go any deeper into the abyss, everything went dark. His mind finally shutting off, entirely. Exhaustion taking him over and allowing him to sleep.
Rileys POV - Day 7 (Morning)
She awoke in the pitch black to a loud knocking on her door, then it opened slightly, letting in a sliver of light “Your Grace..?” She heard coming from the now ajar door. “Gladys?” She asked groggily as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, followed with a yawn and a stretch. “Yes, Your Grace, may I enter?”
“Of course” she responded as she blindly reached out to try to find the nightstand, in the hopes there would be a lamp on it.
“Here, let me turn on some lights for you” Gladys offered as she crossed the room, flicking on a few lights as she went.
Upon the light beginning to fill the room, Riley kicked her legs off the edge of her bed and took in her surroundings. Her room was bigger then the whole of her old apartment back in New York. She hadn’t realized how massive the room was in her tired state the night before. Her eyes widened as she peered around, first at the massive canopy above her, then at the huge floor to ceiling drapes beside her. Ones she was sure were most likely covering giant windows.
“Would you like to see the best part of this room?” She asked. Riley nodded and stood up “I’d love to”
Gladys then walked over and drew back the massive curtains, relieving the most spectacular view Riley had ever seen. She made her way over to the beautiful, glass french doors just as Gladys opened them.
Riley stepped out onto the balcony and was speechless. The rolling mountains with a river travelling between them were like nothing she had ever seen before. She could have never fathomed, in her wildest dreams, that a view from her bedroom window would be this breathtaking. She began to wonder if this view had played a hand in his decision. If it was part of why Liam had chosen this exact dutchy for her. Had he ever seen this view before? Was there some meaning behind why he picked Valtoria for me? If not, what would he have thought of it, if he were standing beside me, right now— She shook her head. She couldn’t think like that, those thoughts only made her heart ache more.
All the what ifs and lost moments would threaten to drown her if she gave into them. If she focused on them or thought about them. Even for a moment. He was gone and she needed to come to terms with that lose. But how? How could she just let go of him, of what they shared. Would she always wonder what Liam would think, how he would react to a certain incident or view. Was this her life now? Something amazing happens, or she stumbles upon something beautiful beyond compare, and her first thoughts are of him, of what he would think. How depressing. How utterly exhausting—
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Gladys asked.
The words pulling her back out if her mind “Yes.... it’s breathtaking..” she responded, not turning her eyes away from the view in front of her, as tears began to pool in them. The realization that she only had herself to share these moments with now. “I can’t believe this is my bedrooms view..” she whispered, more to herself. Trying to focus on the positives, instead of all the negatives.
“If you would like, I prepared you some breakfast. Along with coffee, tea and fresh squeezed orange juice. Would you like to take your breakfast on the balcony?” she asked. Riley nodded “Yes, please Gladys”
She walked away and Riley took the opportunity to quickly wipe the tears from her eyes. Gladys returned shortly, with a cart covered in an assortment of different foods and drinks “I wasn’t sure what your morning preferences were, so I figured I’d give you some options.”
Riley turned to her “That was very sweet of you, thank you. By the way, I am a coffee drinker and love a good American style breakfast. Bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast. The works.” she moved over to the patio set and took a seat as Gladys poured her a cup of coffee “What do you take in your coffee?”
“Just 2 and 2” she responded. Gladys nodded, quickly adding the cream and sugar then placing the cup down in front of Riley. She then transferred all the food and drinks to the table.
Riley looked at the massive spread now sitting in front of her and one dish stood out... “Gladys...What is this dish called..?” She pointed to some weird variation of what looked to be ...chicken..?
“Oh, that is Pollo a La Brasa, or Peruvian grilled chicken, Your Grace. It is normally a dinner food, but here in Cordonia it is somewhat of a breakfast delicacy..”
Riley furrowed her brows at the dish “Is it any good...?” She asked hesitantly as she poked at it with her fork.
“I believe so, but everyones palates are different. I’d recommend giving it a try”
She nodded as she pulled a small piece onto her plate. She cut a little slice off and touched it to her tongue, gingerly. A surge of flavour danced on her tongue “Mmm. Gladys, this is amazing!!” She said just before she put the while piece in her mouth.
“I’m glad you like it, enjoy your breakfast, Your Grace. I will return shortly so we can begin our tour” she said as she bowed.
“Sounds wonderful, Gladys. Also, please just call me Riley. Your Grace is just so ...formal”
“Of course, Riley” she agreed then headed back into the bedroom and left.
Riley picked up her mug and turned back to the view “I don’t think I could ever get used to this” she sighed and took a sip of her coffee.
“Knock, Knock!” she heard from her room as Maxwell and Hana emerged through the french doors. Both stopping dead in their tracks. “Oh my...” they said in unison. “This view is spectacular, Riley!” Hana added.
“That it is..” Maxwell said with a smirk, though he wasn’t looking passed the balcony railing, he was starring directly at the food covered table.
Riley chuckled at Maxwell’s obvious meaning “Would you like some breakfast, Maxwell?”
“I thought you’d never ask” he eagerly said as he quickly sat down and started to load up a plate. Hana reluctantly pulled herself away from the view and joined them at the table. Riley smiled at her friends then turned her eyes back to the view. At least I have these two to share these small moments with now...
Liams POV - Day 7 (Morning)
His head silently emerged from the scintillating waters if the Blue Grotto, taking in how the light shinned of Riley’s fair skin. Her back was to him, and he took the opportunity to watch her, for a moment, without her knowledge. Wanting to commit this wonderful moment to memory. “Okay, Liam, you’re starting to scare me...”
The fear in her voice making him decide it was time to give up his perfect viewing position. As her peace of mind was more important to him now. “Over here!” He called out. She whirled around and a relieved smile took over her face. Causing Liams heart to flutter at the sight. “Oh, there you are!” She said.
He held on tightly to the oyster in his hand, hidden behind his back. Ever since the moment they had arrived in Italy, all he could think about was this pearl. In the year since he had originally stumbled across it, it had never been so much as a thought in his mind. Filled to the back with the other unimportant memories. That is, until the day he finally realized his true feelings for Riley. It had been at the Forgotten Falls, the blue waters must have kicked up the dormant memory of the pearl. “I’ve got something I want to show you.”
He swam a little closer to her then extended out his hand, palm up, presenting the glistening, perfectly round pearl. Which was still nestled protectively in between the oysters shells. Riley stared at it, then up at him briefly, before dropping her eyes back down to the pearl. “That’s lovely! How did you find it so quickly?”
“I was here last year with my brother, and I found it while we were diving. He told me it would win the heart of any woman I gave it to. But there wasn’t anyone in my life I wanted to win over. So I left it here, hiding it back in one of the crags. I thought that if it was meant to be, I’d find it again. Knowing that it was here... and that I finally had someone I wanted to give it to...” he could feel the heat rising in his face, despite the cold air, making him undeniably sure of the blush now on his cheeks “Well, I couldn’t wait to see if I could locate it once more.” He paused upon seeing the smirk on Riley’s face. They locked eyes for a moment before he looked away, feeling rather bashful of his admission “It sounds rather silly now that I’m saying all of this out loud to you... but...” he looked back to her “Would it please you to have this?”
She swam a little closer to him, erasing the small distance that was between them. She cupped one of her hands under his “This pearl? Oh, Liam...” she looked up at him, with so much sincerity in her eyes, as she put her other hand on top of his. Now holding his in both of hers “Wait to give me this until my name is cleared. When I can tell people that you gave it to me.”
He smiled at that thought, that one day, maybe soon, they could be together, openly. No more hiding, no more secret rendezvous, no more stolen moments. Just them, together, engaged and in love. “Okay, then I will keep it. For now.”
His smile quickly faded as he saw the shudder that rushed through her, causing the water around her to ripple. “Are you cold? You’re shivering.”
She smiled meekly at him “It is getting chilly in here.”
“Let’s get out of the water for a bit. Shall I take you back?” He asked honestly, though he dreaded her responce. He wasn’t ready to end the night this early.
“Not just yet. I can manage.”
“Good.” He happily let out the breath he was holding “Honestly, I’m not ready to give you up just yet.”
He reached out and took her hand, leading her over to an outcropping of rock, just at the waters level. He climbed up first, turning to offer his hand to help her up. “Come here, I’ll help get you warm.”
Once she was out if the water, he sat down on the rock. He was just about to pulled her close but before he could, she settled in next to him. Pulling his arm around her shoulders as she tucked herself under it. Her head coming to rest on his chest. He smiled as he placed a soft kiss to her hair before resting his chin on top of her head.
After a moment of just enjoying the peace and quiet of being alone, in each others arms, he feels Riley take a deep breath “Wasn’t there something you wanted to talk about?” She asked quietly, as if unsure she even wanted to ask.
Her question reminded him of the second reason for their visit to this grotto, his brows furrowed “Yes, I’ve...” he lets out a deep sigh “perhaps been avoiding it.”
She braces a hand on his chest and sits up to face him. Worry written on her face, though she smiles encouragingly at him, as if trying to ease the topic out of him, gently.
He studies her face, taking in every beautiful inch of it. He raises his hand up to move a wet lock of hair off her forehead to behind her ear, his finger tips trailing down her jawline to her chin. His eyes following the path as they go. Once he reaches her chin, he slides his thumb gently across her lower lip then flicks his eyes up to meet hers. Hoping it will help ease her mind, even just a little. Or maybe it was more to ease his own.
“These past few weeks have been so hard on both of us. I have been putting one foot in front of the other to get through it, but...” he removes his hand from her chin and takes ahold of hers “Living like this... it isn’t fair to you. I’ve never felt so powerless. There’s only one action that I can take to change this.” He frowns.
“And what’s that?” She asks quietly.
Here it comes. “Abdicating the throne.” The words finally being spoken aloud is like an instant weight lifted from his shoulder. He had thought it many times over, over the course of the engagement tour. But it had always just been that, a thought. Now, now it was spoken, it was out there, it could be reality. It could be within his grasp. She could be.
Her eyes widen instantly upon hearing the words “What?”
“Ever since my brother abdicated, I’ve known I would marry for the benefit of Cordonia. I had made peace with that.” He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles “But then I met you, and I allowed myself to hope that I could marry for Cordonia and for love. Now ...” he frowned at the next words he was about to speak “I don’t want a loveless marriage, and I’ll never have anything more than that with Madeleine. There’s this thought I can’t shake off... what our life could look like together. You and I. Without the court and the Crown.” His mind filled with images of their elopement, a small, private wedding ceremony with just their friends as witnesses. Riley in a beautiful, simple white dress. Saying there vows just as the sun sets, the fading light catching in her hair. He couldn’t contain the smile forming on his lips. How happy those images made him feel in that moment. How he wished more then anything for them to come to fruition—
He awake to his alarm with a smile on his face. The bracelet had, in fact, jarred a memory loose. It may not have been his memory of the pearl bracelet itself, but clearly pearls meant something more to him. Something more to them. He wondered if he had ever given her the pearl, or if he still had it. He looked around his room for a few moments, wondering if it was stashed somewhere inside these exact 4 walls, or if she had the pearl and had chosen to keep it.
The smile on his face grew wider at that thought. Leaving him feeling even more resolved to the fact that he needed to fix things with her. He knew in this moment, that she had changed him forever. He would have easily, and gladly, given up the throne for her, before... How he could have let things get to this point was beyond him...
He kept telling himself that there was no way he could have known. He had no memories of her, how could he have known? But if he was being honest with himself, he knew she was different, or rather special, from the moment he had laid his eyes on her in the hospital. A tiny voice in him kept pushing his thoughts back to her. As if trying to help him realize how important she was. That she was his only thought, his world, regardless of what he could actually remember. Ending things with her had clearly felt wrong for a reason, he should have listened.
He sat up and pulled himself out of bed, stretching up high the second his feet hit the floor. He just needed to get through today, and the funeral tomorrow, then he could go to her. He could fix this whole mess.
He entered his closet and quickly put on his regular royal attire; a black suit. Switching out the white button up for a black one instead, being that they were all still in mourning. Then he made his way towards his office, knowing what would greet him once he got there. The list of preparations that still needed to be addressed for the funeral. For his press release. In this moment, he was thankful that he had gone to bed early the night before. For the first time in days, he had managed to finally catch up on some, very much needed sleep. Now he was ready to get this all over with and get his engagement back on track.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chapter 20 - Coming *hopefully* soon ...
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fortheloveofeos · 6 years
The Vanguard - Chapter 5
That awkward moment when you’ve written something months ago and realize it was never posted...
Any who, here’s my first upload of today. @sarcastic-heroine
Despite the evening hour, the streets near the Citadel were quiet as Eirwen leaned back against the lamppost. The cool metal was comforting against her abnormally warm skin. The workout with Gladio had been rougher on her muscles than she had anticipated, and her entire body had pushed harder than it had in a while. Her legs had especially been put to the test as she had not allowed herself to use magic, other than warping, and had fought Gladio hand-to-hand. The cool shower had done her body a world of good, but her healing muscles were warmer than she was used to, and she had been forced to don a black tank top and jeans without a jacket or over shirt. As her mind went back over the training session for the millionth time while she tried very hard not to direct her focus to the memory of the shirtless Shield and his rippling muscles, she played with the small flame she managed to create and maintain at the tips of her fingers.
A rumble tore through the night, breaking her concentration and killing the magical flame. The motorcycle turned the corner, racing down the backstreet just behind the Citadel before coming to a sudden stop in front of Eirwen. “You look a little lonely,” the rider chuckled before sliding forward in his seat and pulling an extra helmet from the rack on the back. Holding out the helmet, the hulking rider pressed the button to raise the darkened screen. “It’s dangerous for a girl out her alone,” Gladio smiled.
“Dangerous for them, maybe,” Eirwen smirked and accepted the helmet before sliding it into place and fixing the chin strap. “When I said you could give me a ride, I wasn’t expecting this.”
Gladio barked out a laugh before helping her to slide onto the seat behind him, her arms instantly wrapping around his middle. “I don’t get to ride her much, considering I’m usually with Noctis or Ignis when I’m traveling around the city. Thought you could handle something a little more wild than the Regalia.”
Eirwen snorted before Gladio turned the bike on, the engine roaring to life as they sped down the street. For all his talk, he was a careful driver other than his speed and the two had arrived at the usual dive bar in no time at all. Gladio got off first before offering his hand to Eirwen and taking her helmet. He carried them both in one arm while his other slipped around her waist to guide her inside. She raised an eyebrow at him, but his only response was a wink before he opened the door and ushered her inside.
The scent of cigars, spilled beers, and the sweetness of the fruit behind the bar mingled with old leather as the two took their seats in the booth towards the back where Pelna was already seated, pouring over his tablet with a half empty beer in his hand. He didn’t seem to notice their arrival.
“Pelna?” Eirwen leaned forward and waved a hand in front of his face. “Don’t tell me you’re working right now,” she sighed and tapped the screen once for emphasis. This seemed to be enough to get his attention as his head snapped up and he pulled his tablet towards himself.
His brown eyes were wide for a moment as he looked from her to Gladio before realization dawned on him and he relaxed. “Don’t do that. And yes, I’m going back through the data I managed to get from the mainframe on the dropship before Amira was attacked. Oddly enough, there was some coding that wasn’t encoded at all. But after some digging through what I would call decoy information, I’ve found a hidden firewall of sorts. Something I don’t think is supposed to be on here.”
“So they did want us to find the information, then,” Nyx nodded as he slid in beside Pelna and taking a swig of his beer. “Have you reported this yet?”
Sighing, Pelna tucked the tablet away into his jacket and shook his head. “Nothing other than my preliminary report to Drautos. I want to be the first one on the other side of the firewall. Something important is in there. I know it.”
The squeak of leather on leather stopped Pelna from continuing as Crowe claimed her spot beside Nyx and Libertus pulled up a couple of chairs for himself and Amira. “We are not discussing work right now. We are getting drunk,” Crowe insisted and passed around the fresh round of beers she must have picked up on her way in.
“I know I need a drink,” Amira sighed as she took a long swig from her bottle. “It’s been a long few days with braids for brains over here. Who knew such a skilled warrior would have a penchant for sci-fi movies.
.” Eirwen visibly cringed as Nyx pouted and crossed his arms. The entire group burst into laughter at their “leader’s” expense.
Anytime the Vanguard gathered together for drinks and preferably cheap beer, laughter and good-natured jests were the usual. Amira seemed to be in good spirits despite having to have assistance walking and being unable to carry practically anything. The fresh air and company of her friends seemed to be doing her a world of good. Gladio seemed to easily fit into the group, making more than one joke at Eirwen’s expense during the night, always softening it with a wink or a smile.
“Guessing you’re going to be with us for now,” Libertus pointed in Gladio’s direction with his amber bottle, careful not to spill its contents on the weathered table. Though it wasn’t a question, he waited for Gladio’s responding nod before continuing. “Guess Sparky and Frostbite have been re-assigned for the time being,” he laughed to himself.
Both Amira and Eirwen cocked an eyebrow and crossed their arms over their chests. It was one of those times were if they had actually looked similar, it would’ve been impossible to tell them apart. An easy moment to understand why they were The Twins. “Last time I looked at my personnel file, Lib, you weren’t listed as Captain Obvious,” Amira fixed him with a look,  “and we all heard the orders go over the comm. Shield’s with us until we figure out this new issue with the Nifs.”
“Safety of the Crown and all,” Gladio nodded. “Speaking of, I have a few questions about dynamics and past battle strategies used by the Vanguard and the Kingsglaive.” He leaned forward in his seat, his eyes sparkling despite the alcohol in his veins.
Using that as her queue, Eirwen slipped over the back of the cracked booth and pulled a chair up beside Amira so the two could have their own conversation. Amira looked like she always did dressed in all dark colors with her dark hair braided out of her face. To know anything was wrong, a person would have to know what to look for in her eyes. A sort of fire seemed to be almost snuffed out.
Eirwen opened her mouth but was cut off when Amira gave her an odd look, sliding forward in her chair before she placed a hand to the blonde’s forehead. “You feeling okay? You’re actually a little warm, snowflake.”
Hiding her smile, Eirwen batted her hand away carefully so as not to jostle her too much. “I’m fine. I guess I am warm, but I blame that on Mister Greatsword over there. He wanted to go a couple rounds today.” Amira raised both her eyebrows in a teasing manner, a smirk pulling at her dark colored lips. “He’s faster than anyone that size should be, okay?” Shaking her head and willing the blood away from her cheeks, she pointed at her Twin. “What about you? You’ve been holed up with the damn Hero of Lucis for
. I want details.”
A heavy sigh left Amira before she could even pretend to stop it. The sound was something of disappointment and resignation. “The past day or so he hasn’t said much. Libertus and Crowe have been around some. Whenever anyone not you is around he always...withdraws?” Eirwen nodded as she already knew what Amira meant - which she probably did. “I caught him playing piano the other morning.”
Gasping, Eirwen scooted forward in her seat comically. “Do tell me more. I’ve missed everything.”
The first couple of days had been rough. Amira had been given the maximum amount of healing potions any one person could legally, and maybe not-so-legally, consume at any one time to ensure that she came out of this alive. The injury to her abdomen had been deep enough that the bloodloss alone was a major concern for the field medics the moment they had gotten to her. Consuming so much magical medicine was hard on a healthy body. Do the same to anyone with an injury and there was a price to be paid.
Though her body worked in overdrive to create new cells and knit the gash back together, pain seemed to fill her veins at first and she only seemed to notice it at night when the pain was all there was. With Eirwen on double shifts between regular training and learning new weapons, Nyx had been given a special leave to attend to Ramuh’s daughter so that no non-magic wielding nurse would be exposed to her in the event she lost control again.
After she had been allowed to return home and Nyx had refused to leave, the two had settled into a sort of routine. She had only been out around two days when the two had ordered Altissan take-out from a diner up the street. After they ate, Nyx had helped Amira to sit up, and he picked out a movie he thought she might like: a rom-com centered around a woman who was overworked and quite laughably looking for love at some kind of festival. The two ended up laughing their way through most of it before their dessert had cooled down.
As the credits has rolled, Amira couldn’t help thinking back to the ship. They had followed the plans perfectly. In fact, it was the first mission she could remember where they had actually stuck to the original plan. She should’ve died on that ship and she knew it. Judging by the way Nyx shifted during her silence, he knew it too.
He left soon after that for the couch where he would be sleeping during his stay. Eirwen had made up the guest room for him, but because it was on the other side of the apartment from Amira’s room, he had insisted the couch was better. It was from the couch that he had heard her whimpering in her sleep. When he rushed to her bedroom door he found her carefully curled up with her hands clawing at the sheet from the pain.
Healing magic was dangerous, incredibly so when administered in large amounts. He’d been on the receiving end of less than the amount of magic Amira had been given and he knew the pain he had felt then. Her soft whimpers and groans of pain had nearly shattered his heart. Without thinking, he had silently padded his way over to her bed and slipped beneath the fluffy covers so that he could lightly place his hand over her injury. Heat radiated from his palm as she burrowed into him, seeking out more of his warmth to stave off the pain. Her whimpers stopped and soon she was breathing heavily enough for a deep sleep.
Nyx stayed like that most of the night - his large hand pouring carefully restrained fire magic against her wound while she cuddled against his chest. He’d been too afraid to do anything more than sort of doze off in case he hurt her. Once the sun began to rise, he had carefully untangled himself from her and left her to rest. Although he hadn’t slept much, he felt engized from having her near him and felt more than ready for the day.
He would later blame his worry for the large pot of tea, cinnamon rolls, and large bowl of fruit he made for the two of them for breakfast. While he waited for her to join him, he had taken a seat on the bench of the old piano tucked into the corner of the apartment. He remembered Eirwen mentioning Amira’s love for music but judging by the layer of dust gathering on its surface, it hadn’t been played in some time. A light press of the keys told him that the instrument was still in fine condition and without thought he abandoned his teacup to the floor and lightly slid his fingers over the keys enough to stir up dust.
It had been ages since he’d even seen an actual piano outside of the Citadel’s galas. His mother had owned an ancient thing that she had kept in their sun room. She had liked to play as she looked out over the morning waves glittering in the sunrise. Now, Nyx looked out over the Insomnian skyline. The glass of the skyscrapers glittered like diamonds and he couldn’t help smiling at the irony of it all.
He could almost hear his mother’s playing, see her fingers ghosting over the keys and before long his fingers followed suit. The tune was an old Galahdian ballad of love. A story about a warrior and his sweet lover. It was a heartbreaking story of loss and of love and of commitment and as his fingers played out the notes, he found himself humming the words in the all but forgotten language of his homeland.
“That’s beautiful.”
Nyx jumped at the sound of her voice, his fingers missing a key. “It’s...from my homeland.” He turned to find her leaning against the wall. “You should be in bed. You’re not supposed to do much physical activity.”
“I refuse to get bed sores,” she winced as she shifted her weight. “What’re the lyrics? I heard you humming.”
“Another time,” he promised as he rose from the bench seat. “I made breakfast. Let me help you,” he sighed when she stepped away from the wall holding her side. Shaking her head, Amira opened her mouth to say she could do it when she felt her knees being knocked out from under her and the world tipping. “Don’t try to struggle, you’ll only hurt yourself.”
How exactly Nyx had managed to get her into his arms without hurting her injury she would never understand but Amira knew he told the truth when he warned her not to move. “I dislike you, Islander.”
“Lying isn’t becoming of a lady,” he laughed.
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aniimeziing-blog · 6 years
Adrenaline Chapter 5
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aniimeziing
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/~aniimeziing
"Ah! That hurts!"
"Yea, metal tends to have that effect on skin."
Grimacing at the snarky tone in Mei's tone, Izuku turned away in both a huff and a wince as the steel protrusions that jutted out of the skeleton that the girl was working on and deep into his flesh. Clenching his other hand and biting his bottom lip with such intensity and strength that he was worried that it might draw blood, the green haired teen just sat there as the girl before him just continued to work on the mechanism that wound its way down his arm. The soft tinkering of Mei's screwdriver filled the air alongside Izuku's constant shuffling and harsh intakes of air that had grown very common in the last half an hour.
"Don't worry Hot-Shot, I'm almost done. Also, I recall you asking for this to be made so don't complain, 'kay?"
Glancing up to meet her amber orbs, the pair of eyes zooming in on his pain with their crosshairs making the Quirk Inheritor feel like he was in some sort of stand-off, Izuku could clearly see the snark and glee in being proven right. Before she had even begun to put the skeleton onto his body, she had marvelled at how much pain he would be going through to even put this thing on; foolishly, he said that he could take it.
Which resulted in Izuku's current feeling of stupidity.
"Yeah yeah, I *sharp intake of air* I-I know."
This routine continued for a few minutes, with Izuku starting to tap his left hand on his legs to pull out a sense of mundanity that would dull the pain in his system to make it at least manageable. It didn't work. Then, the miraculous moment came when Mei ceased her movement and took a step back away from him, her finger on her lips as she continued to stare into his very soul wi/th calculating gaze. He waited for a command.
"Move your arm, see how it feels."
Complying, Izuku took his right arm off the table that he had placed it on all those minutes ago, and immediately felt both the new weigh of the metal on his body as well as the kinks and annoyances that he had to stretch out of his arms and joints as a result of being in his stationary position for so long. Clenching both of his fists, he leaned back alongside Mei (who he could see in the corner of his gaze leaning forward towards his body) and took in the appearance of his second skeleton. It was a strange gold colour on the rack that shone with pride and glory, but now that it was stained with both blood and oil that it looked like copper, Izuku was happy that his inventor friend had picked a silver frame for him to work with; against the pale light of his flesh, the silver stood out greatly and it would stand out even better against his costume. Alongside this, the appendage ended at his shoulder, staining his skin with its presence all the way on his right limb acting as both a reminder that this would need to cover his entire torso when finished and at the fact that he had no shirt on (Mei having insisted that he take it off as to not damage his shirt, then having made several jokes at the expense of his nakedness). Apart from this, it looked almost exactly like the one of the rack; a long, bendable stretch of metal that snaked its way down his arm, with a second cylindrical strip following up his arm for support, until it reached his hand where I split off into five separate wires for each finger and ending at the second joint in each finger (first in the case of the thumb) while sharp spikes poked out from the bottom of each wire and dug deep into his skin, separated by about 20cm before they hit again, creating a ring of blood around some parts of his arm. He had thrown away his bandages long ago, not seeing a need in them. However, one thing stood out about the mechanism that looked new to Izuku and that was a hook that swung around the palm of his hand and connected on the opposite side, creating a handle that he could grab on comfortably without much damage. Why was it there? No idea.
Cautiously, he slipped his grasp down his forearm, feeling a sense of fulfilment when the cool material hit his receptors and caused a chill to spread throughout his frame. Then, he reached his trek to his fingers, the metal stricture criss-crossing over a few of his malformations that existed within his skin before he slipped his metal free hand into the embrace of his infused hand and clicked the digits that begged for release. And he felt it. Hard. The click caused the spikes to push a few cm's deeper because of him bending and that left Izuku at their mercy, causing him to cry out and for his eyes to shoot open as he felt a small dose of Adrenaline kick in, boosting his healing around the holes in his flesh. During that, he saw Mei flinch then try to move forward but he just threw his hand up to stop her. After a while, it calmed down and the spikes were securely in his skin with the skin having been healed around them. Izuku chuckled.
"Going to hurt to take them out…"
"Yep, it will but hey, it's not like anyone warned you or anything."
The pink haired girl reminded him, smirking a fierce smile at him while and underlying tone of concern flittered around her eyes. Despite his anguish, Izuku somehow managed to shoot her a similar smile back. Then the issue of this new handle arose within Izuku's mind.
"Hey Mei, what's this thing for?"
Raising his hand once again, slowly this time, he gestured to the handle that wrapped across his right hand with an inquisitive gaze in his eyes. To this, Mei tapped the screwdriver held within her grasp against the side of her head a few times as her face scrunched up in a manner that the green haired boy could only describe as cute (which made his face flush slightly at the thought) while she continued to ponder on the devices intention. Then, her eyes seemed to shine as she pointed her screwdriver forward.
"Oh, THAT thing?! Yea, I know what that's for."
Walking forward with a spring in her step and a small swivel in her hips, Izuku just held his hand out dumbly as the pink haired beauty took his hand into her own, more accurately her two hands, leaving the Quirk Inheritor practically inept for the remaining few minutes as she held onto his digits.
"Now this is a fancy little thing that I came up with to help the whole 'Pain-Train' idea that you have so you should be thanking me…"
Looking down, she stole a glance from his flustered gaze and her face seemed to light up as her fingers began to slow on his palm, drawing circles and swirls onto his exposed skin. The green haired teen guessed that this was an attempt to both entertain herself and make him feel awkward…. And that thought only got out after he had stopped focusing on his flushed features because of the person before him.
"I'm going to take your awkward mumbling as a 'Thank you Mei for being the best inventor in the world and for gifting me this incredible thing that will help me completely obliterate my body.' You know, when I say it like that, this sort of seems like a bad thing…"
Once again, that same snarky grin crossed her face as Izuku decided that the floor was quite interesting in the current moment. However, he was spared from any more trouble when Mei began to chuckle lightly.
"Now what does this handle do you may ask? Well, this handle controls how far the spikes dig into your skin."
Leaning down, she cupped the handle lightly before pushing it back towards his palm and almost immediately Izuku could feel the pain that constantly shot into his arm begin to vanish. That was when he decided to look down and bear witness to the spikes begin to retract upward, coiling in on themselves so they could simply exist without always causing some sort of pain. To some, it might seem small; to Izuku, this was a big deal.
"W-Wow Mei, I never thought about that sort of thing before."
"Yea? Well, I thought that you wouldn't want 2cm long pieces of steel entering your body at all times; only at certain times. One thing I have to tell you though is to not pull too hard on the handle, you know not too hard away from your palm I mean."
He looked at her with a confused gaze.
"*sigh* Let me just show you. Prepare for some more pain, by the way."
"W-Wait what!?"
Wrapping one of her small, dainty hands around the handle, she pulled it back towards herself and in an instant, Izuku could feel the spikes shoot back out into his flesh once more. As a sort of recoil effect, his left hand began to clench and curl in on itself while his teeth began to gnaw on his tongue once more. All the while, Mei just had this look of guilt and annoyance at herself the whole time as she pulled onto the handle.
"I'm sorry about this Izuku, I really am. But I'm a 'Show-Not-Tell' kind of girl, you know?"
"Y-Yea *sharp intake* I understand, d-don't worry about it."
After a while, the pink haired student reset the mechanism so that the green haired boy didn't have the spines digging into his body, causing a few streams of crimson to trickle off his arm and drip to the floor below. Cautiously, Mei took a few steps back to examine the state of both the boy and the machine before her as Izuku continued to huff and moan at the release of his pain.
"W-Well thank you Mei, this will really he- "
"Give me a sec, need to adjust something."
And just like that, the engineer strolled over to him and began to position his arm so it was stuck straight horizontally before taking a seat on the only place available; Izuku's lap. Placing her body down onto him, she seemed perfectly content to just continue working on the mechanism, offering not so much as a slight hum of knowledge at what she was doing to the Quirk Inheritor and how his body had effectively shut down in a sea of red.
He felt so flustered, so speechless, so… warm. Her body pressed against him seemed to just make him feel…. Warm, feel like she was there for him. It may just be a simple embrace but to someone like Izuku, who had often been sighted as being a social outcast as a response to not only his Quirklessness but also his social ineptness and list of strange and wonderful traits just made it so that any sort of positive interaction with people made the boy feel warm and happy inside; to be honest, he hadn't experienced much physical affection either so this was… new for him.
However, that sentiment didn't really help him and his raging hormones at this current moment.
Thrown into a cluster of stumbling and spitting out what very few words that he could muster, Izuku just stared wide eyed at the girl who was completely ignoring his presence and instead continued to work on the mechanism like he wasn't even there. And she stayed that way for some time… Before-
"You know, this seat is actually really comfortable. I might try finding one for my home, you know?"
"Hehe, don't worry, I'm just messing with you. I'll be a few more moments Hot-Shot so just keep your hormones under control for a little bit longer."
And even now, after she had personally acknowledged it, he still couldn't help but hone in on this very basic fact that she was sitting close, no, sitting ON him. Personally, it seemed like something from a badly written web-story or a crappy rom-con but he still couldn't help but acknowledge it. He had no shirt on after all so he could feel every curve of her back pressing against him with only the thin veil of her tank top stopping the two pieces of flesh from connecting. And from this position and his profound height above the girl, he had a very clear view of her front as well, something that seemed almost like a blessing and a curse at the same time. In the end, everything was designed just to make Izuku feel nervous and jittery and-
Hopping up from her perch with a spring in her step, Mei turned on her heels to look at the boy with a sense of mischief and a sense of curiosity in her amber orbs.
"So, how's it feel? I tightened the coils in the upper layer of the arms so that you would have more traction and so it would feel less weighted and you can move around easier. Pretty neat, huh?
He just nodded, face still flushed while his eyes were trailed onto his silver skeleton. Cautiously, he began to lift his arm and felt that the weight that was previously affecting his limbs had been lifted slightly, allowing his arm more movement and freedom. Glancing back up to meet Mei's calculating gaze, he offered her a small smile.
"Y-Yea it feels way better now. Thank you."
To this, he received a similarly kind smile and the slightly flushed cheeks of one pink haired girl.
"Well that's alright, allowed me to test out some new tech and it helped you out with your powers so it worked out for the both of us. Now then, class is gonna start soon so you should get your muscles back in their shirt, don't you think? Not that ~I~ mind of course; just some people can get so jealous these days."
The snark and intent to cause him embarrassment was clearly there yet Izuku still fell for it despite her smirk and the alluring expression present in her eyes that clearly gave her intentions away. Never the less, he complied to her commands, shying away from her peering and giggling figure as he went. He removed the mechanism now attached to his arm… Attempted to remove the mechanism now attached to his arm. What it actually resulted in was Izuku getting the mechanism off his arm but no without it catching his skin and making his moan and grumble as the metal pricked him while Mei just continued to giggle at him. Ignoring her noise, the green haired teen took a look upon his arm, complete with the few, still wet, drops of blood that had been secreted from his cuts and all he could do was sigh.
"Guess I'll have to get use to this sight as well then."
He was meant to say it quietly but apparently, he wasn't quiet enough as Mei just suddenly stopped moving and started to look upon his form as though he had a second head… which wasn't too uncommon in this day of age. Just from that quick glance, he could see the panic and the confusion in her yellow eyes, the colour of sunshine burning deep into his core as he suddenly felt a wave of emotions drown him in their embrace.
"S-Sorry, I was- "
"Don't worry about it Izuku…. Just remember that you don't have to shoulder everything just cause your body can take a lil' bit more now, okay?"
As she spoke, Mei began to walk over to him, all the while keeping his gaze as she walked; no swagger, no sass, no snark, just genuine care. And it stayed that way, their eyes locked together as she expressed her desires for his powers, for a while until Izuku began to feel a certain warmth around his hand. Quietly breaking her gaze, he looked down to see the pink haired girl running her gentle and small hands over the cuts and scars of his hand which also resulted in her getting some of his blood on her fingers (not that she really minded). If Izuku was being honest, that bit also felt really… nice. Comforting, warm-
"Ah! What was that for?!"
Turns out, during the time when she had taken him into her hands, she had decided that she needed to flick his just healed arm to… Well to be honest, he didn't know why but she had done it; and it had hurt.
"Just testing a theory Hot-Shot, calm down. Now I don't know if Nurse-Lady ("Recovery-Girl") told you this but it looks like your skin becomes very sensitive after healing so don't get anyone to touch it during that time or it'll hurt like a bitch. And that goes for your suit as well cause that will hurt even more, in fact it will hurt like a mother fucker."
Chuckling at her as she performed some eccentric hand movements in front of his face, Izuku could only smile.
"And when did you become a doctor?"
She smirked.
"When you asked. ~Hot-Shot~."
He shuddered.
"W-When did I-I ask you that?"
"Ah don't worry about it, you didn't. ("T-Then why- ") However one final thing. You mentioned that you didn't know when your thing-majig activated? Well if we're using this limb as an example, it appears that it activates when the injury or pain inflicted upon yourself would leave a normal person crippled… So, hope that helps I guess."
She just shrugged nonchalantly despite giving out quite grave information that made Izuku actually shudder.
"U-Uh thanks, I guess."
"Welp, you better get going or else you're going to be pretty late for class… What have you got last period actually?"
Watching as the teen stood up from his desk and go to retrieve his shirt (that she may or may not have tried to hide) Mei began to question the boy.
"Um… Hero Training I believe."
Slipping on his shirt and securing it with the buttons, he went to go a grab his tie but somehow Mei got there first.
"Let me."
Without another word, the short girl flipped up his collar and swung the tie around his neck before beginning to tie it. For Izuku, this was the third time in like ten minutes that the girl had been this close to him… And he didn't exactly hate it. Sure, he felt flustered and hot but nothing that he hated per say. He did note that Mei was using the time taken to tie his tie as a means to touch his body though… Which he once again didn't really hate. It was all just sort of overwhelming.
Finally, though, she finished ending off her services with a little tap on his chest and a smile.
"All done! Now then, stop staring and go to class."
Giggling, she pushed the boy backwards and towards his bag while she spun on her heels and started to saunter away, a sway in his hips and the same swagger, sass and snark radiating off her form as she went. Shaking his head, Izuku retrieved his bag and began to walk out but not before requesting one more thing.
"Hey Mei… Can I come back tomorrow? I have a few new costume ideas that I want to run by…"
Popping her head back from the mech that she had begun working on, she gave him a sincere smile to finish his leave.
"Yea… Yea sure Izuku, see ya tomorrow. Wait a sec-"
For a second, she vanished, before emerging back from her machine to fling the mechanical skeleton that they had been working on at the teen, who fumbled and flailed around when presented with the machine. Looking confused at the device for a short time, Izuku soon realised that she must have picked it up when she was looking over him a few minutes ago.
"Uh, catch?"
Showing Izuku another smile, she started to wave him off and out of the workshop.
"What? I gave you your Scar-Suit so go on, beat it. I gotta tend to my babies and currently your taking all of my attention away from them."
Shaking his head and her twist in attitude, the green haired boy began to leave.
"O-Okay then, bye Mei."
"See ya Hot-Shot."
As the heavy doors of the workshop closed before her, Mei felt herself let out a fierce sigh as her face and body flushed red. Working with Izuku was strange; he had been awkward and had fumbled over everything while she had worked on him but he was also really brave to even have the idea to go through with this sort of thing… Brave or stupid that is.
Trailing a finger across the side of her massive mecha, the pink haired girl retired to the seat that said boy had been sitting in mere minutes ago. Just sitting there, she could feel the few drops of blood that had spilt onto the seat and the floor below her, and there was just enough to incite worry but not cause a panic…. Was…. Was he really ready for this? Or had this new power set of his Quirk messed with his mind enough where he thought that he would be able to constantly handle this sort of pain? To be honest, she didn't know and she knew for a fact that she wouldn't be getting more answers until tomorrow.
Leaning back against the steel frame of the chair, Mei began to examine and look over her hand, a few drops of the green haired self-destroyer's blood having dried on her fingers and knuckles. Running her dainty fingers over the skin, she sighed once again.
"I hope you know what you're doing Izuku, I really do."
Panting heavily as he reached the door of the changing rooms, Izuku started to slowly use the wall as support while he made his way towards the door.
He had started walking from Mei's workshop a few minutes ago only to hear the warning bell cast a deafening shadow over the school which had forced him to begin running due to the changing rooms being on the opposite side of the school from the workplace. So… he had to run.
Aside from looking pretty stupid from just running around sets of students to get to class, Izuku noted that quite a few people were looking at him weirdly. It might have been because of the fact that he was running but he had noticed the stares from before he even started; groups of people that began to bore into his very being when he walked by, ceasing any kind of conversation they previously were involve in to instead whisper in quiet, illegible tones. Some held curiosity in their gaze, others held some form of spite and jealousy and some just looked strangely attracted to his figure as he sped down the corridor but that might have just been his imagination. Either way, it sort of creeped him out if he was being completely honest.
Finally, he was broken out of his mind filled haze as he made it to the door and watched tiredly as it swung open and into the male changing room. Even from outside the room, noise just exploded all over his stagnant and frozen form from the hushed murmurs of the girls on the other side of the wall to the loud cursing of Bakugo to the disciplinary shouts of Iida and what seemed to be Mineta as he tried to do…. Well it was something to do with the girls that was for sure. In response, Izuku couldn't help but sigh; seemed like just a normal day at Yuuei.
Making his way into the changing room, he tried to divert as much attention away from himself as possible, focusing on making it in time for practice while also catching back his breath. Once again, luck wasn't on his side.
"Izuku! Where have you been, you're usually one of the first ones here?!"
The eccentric and over the top voice of Iida spoke out behind his as he began to take of his top for the second time that day. Twisting his head, he just saw the Speedster standing behind him with a quizzical gaze in his eyes. Throwing his tie to the bench, he relented.
"Just working on some stuff Iida, nothing really to worry about."
"If you are sure my friend!"
Chuckling slightly at his friend's nature, Izuku returned to dressing himself in his Hero attire. However, as he was about to put it on, he paused. Glancing down at it, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed by it; the protrusions at the top of the hood that were supposed to look like All Might's hair looked dopey and stupid to the point where they had been mistaken for bunny ears more than a few times, the crappy mask that had a tacky and fake smile painted onto it looked like some sort of cosplay rather than anything productive, the out-of-place padding and cartoon mascot-like gloves just seemed off putting and tacky. That's the word describe his costume perfectly actually, tacky.
Holding it in his hands, Izuku began to smooth over some of the creases with his fingers and as the scarred pieces of flesh came into view his eyes narrowed slightly. Yes, this was the power of All Might, of All for One, but now his new… Thing had activated and he was drifting ever further away from All Might and to be honest, that was okay. If he was going to be the best Hero that he could he need to be unique and needed to differentiate himself from someone like All Might yet his costume didn't speak this; instead, it spoke of a mere imitator of the actual thing, of a faker trying to be All Might with cheap tricks and plastic. All of these thoughts got ideas plaguing Izuku's mind, ideas of whether or not he could be the new Symbol of Peace after All Might, if this was really meant to be or in actuality he was meant for something different. Hell, his new powers seemed to dictate that, after all who would want to look up to someone that needed to cause harm to themselves in order to save the day? No-o-
"Uh, Izuku?"
Breaking out of his trance like state once more, the green haired boy soon realised that he was outside in the cityscape area that they had used in the first training session as well as the entrance exams. Looking down, he noticed that he had dressed himself in his costume and was fully clothed before glancing over to his right to see Uraraka, also in her costume, looking at him anxiously.
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, you were just sort of spacing out is all."
Shrugging her shoulders, the shorter girl swivelled on her heels and back towards the front where All Might and Aizawa were situated. All around him, Izuku could tell that his other classmates were also waiting for one of the two people at the front to begin talking and give them some insight on what they were doing. Glancing down, the green haired boy noticed the metallic scar-suit gripped between his right and left hand hidden from the sight of those around him. Gripping onto it, he felt one of the grips cut through the cloth of his gloves and cause a wave of crimson to begin poking out from his skin; yet he didn't do anything to cover it, he just let it grow and expand until a large drop fell from grace and hit the earth with an audible splash. Still, he kept his eyes forward, even when Uraraka turned to him in confusion.
"If we could have your attention, please."
Refocusing in on their teacher, Izuku and the rest of his class let their eyes rest on the form of Eraser-Head and All-Might.
"Today we have a test for you, one like the test that you took part in during one of the first days at the Academy; a classic Heroes vs Villains fight."
Aizawa somehow managed to get that out before he was interrupted by the much more demanding All Might.
"Young students! Today you will be performing exercises in groups consisting of Heroes and Villains much like your first Hero lesson! ("I just said that...") This time, however, instead of going after a device, you will be using your Quirks to rescue a hostage who will also be one of your class-mates!"
Shooting his eyes around the collection of students, he saw a few of them at a loss of what to do, especially Bakugo who seemed quite disappointed at being a saviour Hero for a change.
"Now, we will choose who will be paired up as Heroes, as Villains and who will be acting as the hostage."
For a few minutes, Izuku just stood in silence, letting the world around him suck his whole form into itself as noise and shuffling of other students caught his eyes and ears in distraction which he was actually pretty happy of. After a while, Aizawa and All Might had picked out the selection.
"Alright, Team A will be Bakugo and Tsuyu as the Heroes vs Kaminari and Kouda as the Villains with… Mineta as the hostage."
Standing still to observe the emotions that were flowing around the room, Izuku witnessed the harsh clicking of Bakugo's tongue as he strolled off with a depressed looking Tsuyu following behind him as Kaminari just shrugged and wandered over to his partner who actually looked sort of happy to be with someone like Kaminari and Mineta…. Just looked white. Chuckling, Izuku turned around to walk back into the waiting room until a large hand slapped itself down onto his shoulder. Swivelling his head, he saw the ever-smiling face of his mentor.
"Young Midoriya!"
"H-Hey All Might."
"Listen, are you sure that you're able to take part and fight… You with your whole 'New-Top-Secret-Thing'?!"
"Yea, I'll be fine. Thank you for the concern though."
"No worries! It's what I do!"
Strolling back down and towards the hall with All Might at his side, he waited a while before he saw the giant's head turn down to look upon his arms, which was where his mechanical skeleton was being held. Turning back, Izuku could tell that the man had questions about it. Sighing, the teen relented.
"I-It's just some experimental tech that I was working on at lunch. It should help me with achieving Adrenaline activation and allow me to use its powers without the random chance that it had before, when I didn't know how much damage I had to take before it activated but with this it's a certainty, making it- "
Unknowingly, the boy had begun to mumble under his breath causing Yagi to just stare at him with a thin veil of confusion and acceptance glazing his vision.
"O-Okay Young Midoriya, I think I understand. As long as you know what you're doing with it."
Returning his successors smile with his own, the Pro-Hero couldn't help but feel a little cautious at the device Izuku now held. It looked sharp and dangerous, something that could activate his powers while still hurting him. From that, his eyes slipped down to the boy's scarred and injured hand, frowning at the sight. Those scars would be with him forever, etched into his skin as reminder of his first activation for the rest of his life and he didn't know if that was scary or endearing.
Shaking his head, he noticed that the group had reached the observation room.
For a short while, it was just the preparation phase so everyone in the room remained stagnant and anxious resorting to light chat and conversation to get them through. Izuku stood idly by Urakaka and Iida as they talked to some others throughout the class like Kirishima and Tooru, just allowing them all to talk and dull his senses to the rest of the world. Due to his Quirkless nature, he hadn't had much reason to speak in school for fear of being shut down so he just learned to listen to others and found it to be quite relaxing; speaking wasn't his best ability but he enjoyed noise and other people talking did just that.
Releasing a light sigh, he heard everyone around him quieten and shift towards the screens at the front of the room. There, it broadcast the beginning of the match between the two teams, with one screen showing the Heroes awkwardly standing around while the other two showed a cowering Mineta and the two Villains making small-talk with each other. Overall, the atmosphere seemed relatively calm. Then, the siren rang. Suddenly, both teams were thrown into action with Bakugo rushing forward into the desolate building that they were fighting in while Asui started to climb the building; it was a smart tactic, whether it was intentional or not was another story, but flanking the enemy from both sides and grabbing the hostage in the chaos was smart. And to their credit, that's what the Heroes did. Bakugo rushed in head-first and stormed the two unprepared heroes who tried to fight back but it just ended with the two of them lodged into the wall (well Kaminari was while Kouda just looked down at him in worry) while Asui grabbed Mineta and left. Heroes 1, Villains 0.
Next up was a team consisting of Momo and Todoroki as Villains while Shouji and Sero as Heroes with… Tooru as the hostage. Due to this, the match was a strange cat and mouse where both Heroes and Villains struggled to figure out where the restrained girl was in order to retrieve or defend her. In the end, the timer beat everyone. Villains win that round.
After a while, Izuku gave up counting and let the bright colours and breaking environments take over his vision while his mind sank into an abyss of nothingness. Different match-ups and characteristics of each student that he might be paired with sprang up every once in a while, but apart from that he just let his body relax for a short while. All throughout the day, he had been on edge or too hyped up on his own excitement to step back and relax a small bit. And he did just that.
"-will be Midoriya and Ashido against Kaminari and Satou with Uraraka as the hostage. Get to your places."
In fact, he got so caught up his own mind that he missed out on most of the matches, only tuning in for his own match-up and even then, he seemed lost in his own world. Shaking his head, he felt a small tug on his sleeves and followed it to find Mina looking at him with a quirked eyebrow.
"Uh Izuku… You okay, man?"
Blinking a few times at her question, he shook his head again before responding.
"Y-Yea I'm good, don't worry."
The pink skinned girl smiled.
"Good. Now come on, move your ass or we'll be too late for the Villain beat-down; I've been meaning to teach Kirishima a lesson for a while now!"
Laughing lightly at her as the two began to walk down the halls and to the arena, Izuku couldn't help but take her in. By every sense of the word, Mina was a strange girl. Appearance wise? She had pink skin and horns alongside two very strange looking eyes that while not too uncommon separately, still looked quite out of place when put together. Personality wise? Her strange dialect and casual nature seemed rather foreign to his laid-back and shy personality…. However, that wasn't really a bad thing. Sure, it was new and unusual, but Izuku found her bubbly personality refreshing and new alongside Uraraka's and her still could appreciate her appearance and would go so far as to call her pretty or beautiful despite the strangeness that most people focused on. This… This wasn't something that he should be focusing in on now though.
Finally making it to the building, the Hero duo found themselves waiting once more in order to prepare. Spinning on her heels, Mina spun round to meet him, having to look up slightly due to the boy being 2-3 inches taller than her.
"So then Muscles, what-cha got for me? We storm the fort, fly over the top- Oh! Tunnelling underneath?!"
Once again, he had to chuckle at her over-the top personality. However, she did make some valid points. Storming the front of the building could be good; with his power and her unique Quirk they could disrupt Kirishima and Satou long enough to haul Uraraka out of the building… But the two of them have Quirks that boost their strength or at least play into it so Mina could be put down quite easily. Sneaking around could be good as well but it could go wrong if they were cornered.
Casting his eyes above them, he noted how tall the building was. About 4 stories… He could make that. Judging by the other matches, the hostages and the Villains usually held up in the top floor of the complex so coming in hard from the air could give them valuable time and resources to take them down and get Urakaka out. A surprise attack, a mixture of the two ideas he just had.
"You're okay with heights, right Mina?"
"Yea, I guess. Why'd you ask? Oh, we climbing?"
"Sort of."
Stepping back, he looked down at the mechanical limb that he held in his possession. Time to put it on. Grabbing a hold of the right sleeve of his costume, he roughly tugged it down his arm until he heard it rip and the material collapse down towards the concrete. Flexing the limb a few times to make sure that it was alright to be used and had no kinks, briefly caught Mina's face burst into a lilac flurry at the sight of his exposed flesh and how it tensed and flexed but a sly smirk managed to make it to her face as well.
"Not that I mind seeing all of… That, Izuku, but why have you done that?"
Answering her question with an action, the green haired boy hauled the contraption of steel up and towards his free arm before beginning to strap it down to his skin and slip his digits through the handle. Making sure it was secure around himself, the teen took in a deep inhale of air as his body began to shake in harsh anticipation of the sharp pain that was soon to come. Locking eyes with his partner, he gave her a gentle smile.
"Uh, sorry if this annoys you."
"If what- "
As soon as the harsh sound of the siren rang out through the arena, Izuku bit his tongue before pulling the handle back on the device; hard. In an instant, the cool barbs of steel injected themselves into his flesh and buried themselves deep, causing a flash flood of pain to shoot through the boy's body. And he did not stop himself from screaming.
Throwing himself into the steel railings behind him, the teen just began to grunt and curse as he gripped his arm for support and the adrenaline began to surge around his whole form. Shuddering and shaking with the new flush of power that began to shoot through his veins, he just looked forward with complete resolve while the world pulsated and shook in sharp pitches of red and blue, buildings and shapes shifting into a new colour spectrum for a few short moments before ceasing. Beside him, he could hear Mina's worried voice, her frantic movements as she shook him, her concerned look and pleading face right before his eyes and for a split second, he could see her as… As a normal girl; pale skin, light blonde hair and green eyes that wouldn't stand out too much in this quirked world but to Izuku it reminded him of himself, of how he was so plain and useless before. How he had to embrace his Quirk and give it all the attention it deserved. Soon, his laboured breathing began to slow and he managed to look Mina in the eye and hear her worries.
"Izuku! Izuku! For fucks sake man, can you hear me?!"
He smiled. She was worried because she cares… Or at least he hoped so. Reaching up, the boy pushed his hand up to her exposed shoulder, touching the skin with care and a gentle nature as to not inflict any damage upon her.
"H-Hey, I'm good. Don't worry about."
Gritting his teeth as he began to stand once more, he could still see the look of worry etched into the face of the teen before him, her eyes wide ad her mouth agape.
"No time now. You still alright with going up?"
Stopping her questioning, he got a slow nod back.
Smashing his right digits together into a fist, he felt the intensity of the skin and its heat as lightning and sparks of red crackled and shot off around him. Then, in an instant, he shot forward, the feeling of cracking in his ankles still prevalent, before winding his arms around Mina so that he was carrying her. It happened so quickly that the girl couldn't really comprehend what was going on with her face stained lilac and her eyes and mouth wide once more before Izuku just looked down at her and smile.
"Don't worry, I've got you."
And she believed him.
Jumping lightly on the spot to gain some momentum, Izuku then shot off, the sound of mending in his bones stopping for another round of cracking. The duo soared through the air with blinding speed, constantly being barraged by Izuku's sparks of crimson that marked the air with their crackling. Tightening his grip on Mina's body, Izuku began to co-ordinate where he was going to land and how much force he would have to exert in order to break through the concrete ceiling. Sucking in his teeth, he made a quick, slit-second decision and rolled when he hit the floor. Wrapping Mina tight into himself as he did in order not to hurt her, the green haired teen winced as his landing caused a multitude of cracks and sharp edges to emerge all over the building, with the small crevasse slowly catching up to his moving form. Finally, as he finished he roll he let go of the pink haired girl and soon the two were standing up right, facing one another.
Glancing around, Izuku noticed that the two of them had passed a window on the way up here and from the previous recordings, that the hostages were usually kept near it or in a separate room away from the Villains. As he began to speak up, he caught eyes with Mina only to see her cheeks a deep lilac. Quirking an eyebrow, he began to quietly talk to her as to not alert the others below.
"What's up?"
"H-Hm? Oh nothing, don't worry about it."
She gave him a wide, convicing grin but that didn't stop the purple on her cheeks. Izuku just sort of shrugged it off though.
"If you say so… Just tell me if anything is, okay?"
She smiled a small smile that showed her gratitude.
"Good. Now I think I have an idea; I'll enter from here, drop down right on top of them while you sneak around using the top window that we passed over there to get down and find Uraraka. If you need some advice, I'd say use hydrochloric acid to melt away the wall for climbing but make sure to only do it a few feet cause with your level of strength with acids, it would corrode right into the room if you left it long enough. -"
Once again, he had begun to ramble and Mina saw this as her opportunity as to get back at him for making her feel embarrassed, even though she really wasn't.
"Hm…. Been taking notes on me, have you ~Izuku~?"
And she got the exact reaction she wanted; his face began to burn and heat up as his eyes went wide and he stopped his ramblings of the plan to instead just mutter incoherently.
"U-Uh, Um, I-I can explain."
"Yea? Well do it later, Muscles, cause we have to go through this amazing plan of yours."
Sticking her tongue at him, she started to walk towards the massive crack on the floor and towards the edge of the building, making sure to put a certain swing in her hips as she went. As she did so, she smirked considering the fact that she knew what she was doing to the poor boy without even looking at him. When she finally made it, she spun on her heels and looked Izuku in the eye who had moved to the other side of the roof and where he was making preparations to break in. Not break eye contact, she began to walk backwards while saluting him.
"Be vigilant, be swift, be strong!"
That was what she left Izuku with before plummeting off the side of the building, screaming as she went down. All the boy could offer in return was a pitiful shake of the head as he cracked and reset his knuckles before charging them full of All for One and smashing them down onto the concrete below him, causing the figments and fractures to come apart at his feet and fly around his form as he began to fall into the dimly lit room below.
Izuku didn't have to wait long until he hit the surface. Rolling again into a crouched position, he quickly surveyed the room with a calculating eye. From his first impressions, it looked as though Kirishima and Satou were focused on the window where Mina had just fell, probably attracted there by her screaming, and so had not yet turned around to face him. Just beside them, Uraraka lay wrapped in some sort of thick metal cable, much stronger than average rope that they usually used to tie up fake hostages. That was when Izuku realised that this situation was entirely revolved around his and Mina's Quirks; his strength could simply rip the wires off but that could lead to some difficulties if there was anything inside whereas Mina's acid could simply burn through it and even that could lead to some problems if she wasn't careful enough.
Taking advantage of his class-mates dazed phases, Izuku struck. Blasting forward, he stopped just before Satou's body and performed a jump that propelled him over the larger male, landing roughly on his head before performing a spinning twirl in the air that resulted in him being eye to eye with the confused boy. Once again, he used this, spinning around until he could kick Satou straight in the face with his foot that wasn't powered up by One for All, resulting in the Sugar Quirk user flying towards the nearest wall but no serious damage.
Landing, he saw that Kirishima had begun to turn around and had activated his Hardening Quirk so Izuku resorted to just bolting forward and smashing his fist into the back of Kirishima's head, sending the boy sprawling to the floor below and resulting in a multitude of cracks to emerge around his red hair. Once again, Izuku knew that his Quirk would protect him. Gritting his teeth, he reset his arms and knuckles as he moved past the fallen foes and towards the window. Catching a glimpse of Uraraka in the reflection, he just saw her stunned and shocked look which made him chuckle.
However, he also caught her wide-eyed expression and sudden shouting a bit too late as before he knew it, Satou had wrapped his hand around his torso and had thrown him backwards towards the dry wall positioned at the back of the room. Izuku managed to right himself after colliding with the floor painfully once, ending up back in a crouched positon and his foot touching said wall. Looking up, he saw Satou rubbing his head while Kirishima was doing the same, spouting out a few words and mumbles before turning around to face him. As they did, the Quirk Inheritor stood to full height to match them. Cracking his knuckles, he smirked alongside Kirishima.
"Damn Izuku, that was a pretty good punch; I can see why you could take down Todoroki."
Pushing his hand down, he wrapped it around his mechanisms handle before pulling it, causing a small jolt of pain to push forth into his system. Biting his tongue, he felt that new pain alongside the pain from hitting both people before him and his rolling fiasco a few seconds ago flood his system and cause a bright array of crimson sparks to come flying off his form, blinding the area around him in a scarlet light. Ignoring the stunned views of both of his opponents, his eyes instead drifted to Uraraka who, while also holding a large amount of curiosity and pride in her eyes, also held worry and concern. Glancing down, he could only offer her a sympathetic smile as a he saw a small trail of blood begin to fall from the first two holes in his arm, trailing down his wrist like a small stream.
Shaking that out of his head, he heard another crack as he shot himself forward once more, meeting Kirishima head on. Smirking at one another once more, the two Quirk Users feet each other's fists with their own, creating a small shockwave to be exerted from their force. Running his knuckles up the red-haired boy's own, he felt the metal of his metallic limb scrape against his skin like steel-on-steel, throwing his hand above his head and allowing his to give him a rough shove that sent him flying back a few feet. Centring himself once more, Izuku threw up his left arm in preparation for Satou's own attack which hit him like a truck and caused him to jump to the right a couple of feet. Holding his footing, he eventually managed to push him back with a shoulder charge, shooting into his chest and sending him backwards, stumbling over his own two feet. Grunting, he checked his arm as he heard movement behind him.
"Izuku! Hey, why'd you start without me?"
Turning his head, his eyes met with Mina's, an unnatural amount of sass and sarcasm in her voice as he gazed down at Kirishima's body while shaking her head.
"Mina, Uraraka's wrapped in some thick metal wires, do you think that you can melt through them?"
"Uh, I think I can but why don't you just rip them off?"
"They wouldn't have put that there unless they had something inside them that could hurt me or her if I pulled it off, so you're the safer option."
"Oh, got it. Cover me then, alright?"
Winking at him, she walked over Kirishima's chest leaving him groaning in pain as she neared Uraraka, giving her a wide toothy grin. Sighing, Izuku spun on his heels as he heard Satou begin to move from the floor alongside Kirishima.
"Hey Satou, you deal with Izuku. I'll get Mina."
Gritting his teeth, Izuku bit his tongue hard in order to spark a small amount of pain from his system before charging his fists with One for All infused with Adrenaline as he charged forward towards Satou who was woefully unprepared for him and smashed him on the back with a sickening crunch coming from his hands afterwards. However, it worked and Satou was sent careening a few floors down below them, hitting the earth with a thud and a moan.
Loosing himself in the pain for a brief moment, Izuku quickly heard the shuffling of Kirishima as he stood and started towards Mina, the girl complaining and making jokes at his expense as he neared. Spinning on his heels, he dashed towards the man before calling out to the Acid User.
"Mina! Acid on the floor below him!"
"You got it Muscles!"
Ignoring Uraraka's flustered call, Izuku watched as Kirishima clipped on a wave of thick turquoise liquid, falling forward before Izuku got there. Channelling his power once more, he moved in-front of Kirishima and roared as he caught both of his fists under the Hardening User's chin, sending him sky-high and through the roof as a result. Huffing and taking in deep breaths, he could hear the brief lapse of silence that the two girls behind him had.
"H-holy shit."
Cracking his knuckles, Izuku then began to hop off several pieces of rubble that scattered the landscape and launched himself towards the hole. Waiting there for a few seconds, he then challenged One for All once again and suddenly caught the Red Riot in his grasp. For a brief second, all was still. Then, Izuku swung both himself and Kirishima around and launched the hardened boy like a javelin down through the building and towards the ground at phenomenal speeds, resulting in is breaking the foundation and hitting the floor with a thud.
Landing on his knees, Izuku hissed in brief pain as it flared up in his legs but he could already feel Adrenaline healing his wounds quickly before fading. The pain was gone. Panting heavily, he pushed the handle back towards his palm and the spikes on his devices retracting, sucking back into the metallic creation as he cradled his hand. Looking over to the side, his sight caught both that of Mina and Uraraka (who had been freed at this point) and they were both staring at him with… A mixture of emotions.
Sighing, he shuffled backwards until he hit a wall and slumped down. Reaching down, he began to remove the small straps of wires that held the device to his arm, watching as it fell to the concrete with a metallic ping. Running his left hand up and down his arm, he could feel the small holes on his arm and how they were pretty much completely healed, only leaving a layer of dried flesh left in their wake. However, the blood was still there, pooling around his arm and towards his knuckles, dripping onto the floor with soft thuds. Chuckling slightly to himself, he spoke.
"Well that was a successful test-run."
Not removing his eyes from the floor, Izuku didn't move when he heard footsteps coming towards him, or when Uraraka moved down to crouch next to him or when Mina sat beside him at the wall or when the Gravity Quirk User took his bloodied and scarred hand into her own tiny ones, running her dainty fingers over each piece of blood or raised piece of hardened flesh. Only did he look at them both when he felt her fingers grip onto him hard and her voice become shaky.
"Y-You owe us an explanation Izuku. Now."
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