#but again hopefully after more time and and mental assistance i will be back to it
arcadekitten · 5 days
Arcade! As someone who also has OCD (and autism, but thats besides the point), I just want you to know that it DOES get better! I dont know if thats the only issue youve been dealing with lately (other than the computer one), but I just want you to know that you *can* definitely take a break and that it WILL get better <3 And dont worry about your patrons at all, we're much more worried with your mental state than with our rewards! <3
This message is so sweet of you it genuinely brings a tear to my eye, thank you ♡
I've definitely got a lot of stuff to sort through on my plate right now, while the OCD is definitely a big contributer to all of this I (and people i trust) also think I had a lot of stuff piling up for a while and it kinda became a whole "straw that broke the camel's back" ordeal. Just one of those unfortunate situations where I always tried to look for help but couldn't receive it until it actually became an emergency. (Don't recommend that btw--if you need help then keep pushing for it until you get it)
It really does mean a lot to hear you say though. I feel bad for feeling bad because I care about you guys and especially the ones going out of their way to pay me! I have always been met with so much kindness and generosity and I feel terrible when I can't provide for those who have showed so much love for the things I make! It can be hard not to be impatient with myself because I love making my art and games and I love when I get to share them with you all and seeing the joy you get from them, and I'm sad when I can't do that and I feel bad for you guys when I can't do that!
Luckily though I'm finally receiving much-needed mental health services. I'm still just only beginning but I'm at least seeing the tiniest slivers of progress and it makes me hopeful, at least for today.
I do intend to take the rest and recovery I need, but I will still be excited for whenever I get back to the usual fun we have around here. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and incredibly supportive words. They mean so so much more to me than you could ever know ♡♡♡
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headslikekites · 4 days
what if you: wanted to work on artfight prep
but god said: car break down be stressed forever
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To hunt or be hunted #8
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: The revelation that pulled off bits of your armor. Warnings: Song fic, violence, mental breakdown.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis @zealousllamawolf @kittycat246 @shamblezzz
(Picture belongs to Vivzie) (I’ll Never Smile Again, by Tommy Dorsey)
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After taking a deep breath, you opened the duffle bag. A brown leather bag containing the clothes you died in, a man’s hunting attire you borrowed from a dead man, and your axe. You smiled, remembering when Charlie tried to lift it, the metal of the blade being far too heavy to carry, even with both her hands.
In yours it weighed a lot, but that gave you always the necessary momentum to cut a skull in half.
For this event, you would have to look like the Axe-man, for that you used the black corset, had a plaque of angelic steal embedded under the fabric. On top of the white dress shirt, your brown vest and long black coat. On one thigh you strapped your dagger and on the other a small pistol, both covered by the long brown skirt that matched your vest.
As you made your was back to the parlor, your serious aura called the attention of the members in the room, “Someone’s gonna die” Angel partially joked, essentially because your pupils weren’t dilated and you looked armed to the teeth.
“Oh darling, now that is how we kill in style” Alastor brought your eyes to him by directing your face with a finger under your jaw.
“Hopefully we won’t have to, but it doesn’t hurt to be ready” You noticed Alastor’s bow tie was slightly out of place, so you took it upon yourself to pull him to lean a little, undo it, and tie it to perfection all over again. He had left his tie crooked on purpose so you would fix it.
“Uuh, smiles got a date” Angel winked at you, “This will be more fun than a that, won’t it, Alastor?” he put his hand on your shoulder smiling sweetly, “Indeed chérie”, maybe you’ll admit to him that you adore the way he speaks French to you, one day.  
“Be careful, with whatever you guys do” Charlie felt some of your pain, it would weight on her far too much if she did entirely. The thought of not seeing you again hunted her as the months got by, would never say that directly to you.
“We will princess, don’t fret, I would never risk an asset as priceless as our dear chef” he made you laugh, “Asset?” you playfully hit his side, “I mean it in the best of ways, sweetheart” in a way to fix his dumb joke, he took your hand and kiss your palm.
“Going out?” Lucifer walked down the stairs, you noticed he was fresh out of the shower, given hoy fluffy his hair looked, oh how you wanted to pat his head. “Y/n and I will be addressing a loose end, nothing that your royal highness should worry about” you rolled your eyes at the bitterness in the words ‘your royal highness’ coming from Alastor.
“Just visiting some mobsters, we will be back soon, my lord” he frowned, but he smiled through his discomfort. “Can I go? Maybe I can be of assistance, no one would be stupid enough to cross me” He tugged at the lapels of his jacket with pride, winking at you with a sly smile, ‘Would it offend him if I say no because I want to command respect for being me?’ you thought.
You ended up feeling guilty for even thinking that, so you just caressed his cheek, “Maybe next time?” he nodded into your hand, then repeated “Next time”.
“Shall we, my dear?” Alastor’s voice behind you reminded you, “Right, don’t wait up, okay?” Lucifer took your hand before it leaved his skin, “Be safe” he kissed your knuckles, “We will, I promise” the little king enjoyed to no end the angry face Alastor made when he smiled into your hand during the small kiss.
Alastor didn’t moved around town in conventional ways on his day to day, but for that occasion he got a sweet deal on a red and black Model T Ford, to take you with style to the meeting. “Al, sweetie” At some moment you just couldn’t hold your laughter, “Yes chérie?” his prideful face made your laugh worse.
“I love the intention, but it’s a shit car” you felt the need to caress his arm, but given the early morning activities, you decided to give him some space. “No it’s not” he opened the door for you, as the lovely gentleman he is, “Sugar, even if they made the pieces down here, which they don’t, it’s a shit design, you got scammed” he made a few old timey showbiz laughs as he materialized inside the car.
“You forget I’m the Radio Demon” he put in the key, the engine sounded like a rooster with asthma, something must have gotten stuck between the spark plugs because the hood popped and smoke clouded the windshield.
“DON’T you say it” he warned, annoyed when he heard your mocking laughter, “I told you” he was not having it, “Want me to fix this?” he groaned. He saw you tinkering the engine for a few minutes, then come back inside the car. He tried the key one more time, when it ignited, the purr the car made was similar to a Lamborghini’s.
“I learned that in a convent” he was flabbergasted, “I even fought a nun; I was such a rebel, hit her with what I thought it was a crucifix, turned out to be a satanic church” he chuckled, not saying a word because he still couldn’t believe what just happened.
“Ha! Now that I remember, Lucifer would faint if he saw how they portrait him” you looked into the glove box finding a pair of sunglasses, “Boy you do not wanna know how high I flew out though a stained glass” you stopped talking seeing his eyes shining, “What?” he chuckled, “You keep on amazing me” how you blushed made his heart sing.
Standing on the sidewalk in front of the building, you were out of breath for a second. “Nervous?” Alastor took your hand, helping you to regain some composure, “Either that or my corset is too tight” that too, but mostly nervous. “Just breathe darling” easy for him to say, “I haven’t done anything like this in thirty years” he pulled on your hand, hugged your whole body with a good loving squeeze and a twirl. “You’ll be great darling, just be your adorably deadly self” if you had your soul you would feel it swoon, “Thank you for supporting me on this” after a little kiss on your cheek he hooked your arm with his heading for the door.  
“I will be out here if you need me” You appreciated his gesture, it was clear that he believed in your abilities and your strength, but that he would be there for you if you needed backup. Well if that didn’t made you confident, nothing will.
“Miss Axe-man! Wha-what-” one mobster shark shook in his seat after you kicked the door open, “Tony Redstone, my name is Y/n Lionheart” The office, a long room with a table of the same length in the center, mobsters of every caliber you can imagine sitting along it. At the end, in a leather chair, a man, a big man with a mustache so Italian that it said mamma mía by itself.
“The Axe-man of Louisiana” some of the men whispered, air caught in their throats as they processed the facts. “I gotta say kid, you got some nerve to stand here today alone” the raspy voice of Tony made it to your seat at the other end, “You sure have some nerve to receive me without a single pint or jazz playin’” one mobster ran to the cd player, making sure Miles Davis played in the background.
“I thought the murderer was a well, a man” laughed one before your axe went swiftly though his head and back to your hand, “Let’s get down to business, why are ya’ here for?” he played no mind to his comrade’s death, it made you laugh a bit.
“Does James Alden ring a bell?” his name on your tongue was like acid, “How could I forget? Poor fucker sold his own daughter to pay off his debt, what about him?” the spell you put around you was growing weary, the one that hides the corruption away.
“This is more about the child” now that raised suspicion, “What did you do with her?” there was some laughs at the table, “What is it to ya’?” asked one, “You’re exhausting my patience” you whispered as the multiple man started to question your intentions and seriousness.
“Look, it’s none of your business whore, now get outta ‘ere” you took a deep breath, “This will be the last time I ask politely” you never bothered to sit down, however that was the moment you did, making the chair squeak against the floor as you dragged it back enough to sit, “What did you do with my daughter?”.
“Alden married the Axe-man? Lucky bastard” again with the whispering, you lost a nerve, threw the axe around again, killing two more, “What did you do with my daughter?”. “YOU CRAZY BITCH!” yelled the next one to die, “What did you do to her? She was innocent, just a babe!” your voice started to pick up some volume.
“I wanted to raise her as my own, but my wife, she drowned her in the river” Tony blatantly said, ever so calmly.
As the sounds of breaking bones, screams and violence escalated, Alastor put the newspaper he was reading aside, regretting having done so when he opened the door to the room.
A chimera, or at least it seemed like one, had its horns destroyed, the tail of a normal lion instead of a snake, and the goat that should have been the second head did not exist. The noise that the creature's hooves made as it destroyed everything inside the office made goosebumps into his skin.
When the bat wings moved, Alastor had a clear view of your completely red eyes, completely animalistic face, a lion in all your glory, your roar silenced the static of his shivers.
That was the monster that terrified both Louisiana and hell before his arrival.
“I tried to stop her, I swear to god” you stomped on Tony’s legs again, “I TOLD YOU, I TRIED!” he screamed, making you smile, “What kind of monster accepts children as payment? I HELD HER ONCE, ONCE!” one last roar that pulverized his whole body.
“Al…Alastor” your distorted voice address to him, “I’m right here” he managed to say without choking on his own voice. Your body decreased in size as you approached him, breaking one or another skull that was on the ground, “Let’s go”, he nodded, following you to the street.  
Neither of you said anything in the 15 minutes since Alastor started the car, driving around the city without necessarily getting anywhere. With his gaze he examined your body but everything was so perfectly covered, he didn't know whether to ask you if you were hurt or if you needed something, or what was going through your mind.
So he decided to drive towards Cannibal Town.
You didn't argue with him, when he parked the car and opened the door for you, offering his arm at the same time, you took it and walked together through the town.
“Would you like to eat something dear?” you shook you head, “I’m losing my mind” “I know a place that serves the best venison in hell, maybe just a bite, you didn’t touched your breakfast this morning”
“I held her once, Alastor, I’ll never get that back” your eyes tung, briefly the tears rolled down your cheeks, "I thought I could get fixed, with this the last piece of my fucking puzzle, to maybe die with some peace, yo know?" He opened his mouth to ask what were you talking about, but you didn't let him.
"But I felt nothing, just anger and emptiness, my daughter didn’t even had a chance at life, how is she going to answer for herself in purgatory with three days of being born?!" You let his arm go, to hug yourself, "Or maybe they waited a bit before they drown her, who the fuck knows?" He noticed your knuckles had gone white and your claws were sinking into your arms.
"Why God? Why! She was innocent, at least give me a sign she's there with you" you yelled to the sky, your vision clouded with tears.
"Why, if I tie everything together? I have tasted every drug ever created, met all the celebrities I wanted, had my fill of every kind of demon in hell, and I'm still missing something!" In a moment your fist made it to a wall, making a big hole where your fist landed and lots of cracks.
"I will die and I'm still...looking for something I have no idea what is" broken sobbing mess, that's one way to put your mind in, with cannibals looking at you like you had gone insane and Alastor not knowing what to do.
He made himself appear in front of you, offering his hand to you. Looking up to his unreadable face, you took his hand.
You were going to die? He thought, that sentence alone took something alive that grew next to his heart and rip it apart, how? Why? Was it related to your deal to the princess? If yes could he ask the princess to change it? To make it void? What could drive you to kill yourself if it didn’t?
He continued walking, he attempted to go to the gardens, but then had a better idea.
The shadows surrounded you and Alastor, movement seemed to pass through you, but when everything stopped and your feet hit the ground again, you were deep into what it looked like a swamp.
Alastor's bayou.
"Alastor?" you called for him, his hand was still in yours, but he didn’t faced you. "Is it your choice, to end your life?" no answer, just a nod on your part, "Why?" in simple words, "I can’t bear the pain anymore" he finally put two and two together, "Is that why you didn't wanted to talk to me? To be alone with me?" he carried pain on the word alone, "I didn't wanted to hurt you, and as of this morning I went a little selfish there".
"Y/n" he didn’t knew what to say, how could someone How could he help a suicidal person, when he’s brings death to others? "I gave a lot of thought to find a reason to live, after a while it became senseless" he turned around to see you, "Well I don't mean to be that kind of person, but...how about me?" his free hand made your skin melt, "You don't know what you're asking for".
"Or maybe you underestimate my understanding" despite his adorable face, you had heard that before, "Here we go again, don't try to tell me that suddenly you love me or anything" your laugh only made him scoff.
"Would it be too hard to believe? I do not love you as a fact, I have never felt such a thing except for...my mother" hugging him was the perfect move after mentioning his mother, even knowing how much Alastor appreciates her, even in death.
"Nonetheless, I enjoy being with you, being under your culinary care all these time" not that he knew who cooked, but he always thought it was specially made, "You would eat nothing but rotten meat if I didn't" he lowered to your ear, "I also don't sleep much, so there were a few moments in which I saw you turning my radio studio off and place a blanket over my shoulders" the way he felt you tensed up made him laugh.
"I just… I care too much" he circled your waist, "And this morning, was that just caring too much?" he really needed an answer, as to not regret it. "I told you; I was selfish...I just wanted to feel-" he interrupted you, his breath hitting your lips, "Loved" you went forward, pecking his lips, "Like someone cared for...me".
His staff made a static noise, then music played, the melody brought you a longing feeling, of a time when you waited patiently for his segment at the radio.
“I'll never smile again, until I smile at you” he begin singing, “I'll never laugh again, what good would it do?” he twirled you around, your back then pulled against his chest, “For tears would fill my eyes, my heart would realize, that our romance is through” his voice had moments without his static, sending a thrill down your spine.
“I'll never feel again, I'm so in sync with you” you followed the next line, his cheeks blushing as you did, “I'll never thrill again, to somebody new” he sang, placing a kiss to your temple, “Within my heart, I know I will never start” he turned you around waltzing you around “To smile again, until I smile at you”.
“Within my heart, I know I will never start, to smile again” your voices harmonized, “Until I smile at you” he joined his forehead with yours, “Until I smile at you” then he kissed you, the music turning into soft jazz.
"I hope I laid my intentions properly" he whispered against your lips, "Are you still staying with the king?" Due to his aversion to contact, he didn't really mind you having the extra attention, what did sting his pride was if he tried to win you over.
"I made him a promise so, yes" he hummed, "Is that wrong?" he shook his head, "How about we see to lunch? We can go out or I can cook for you" his alluring tone made you want to strip him, "It's almost dinner time, we might as well cook something for everyone, don't you think?" cooking with you? His tail almost broke a hole into his pants due to all the wagging, "Unless you don't want to" he chuckled, "Lead the way" he placed a kiss on your neck, night on where he bit earlier.
"You're testing my respect for your boundaries sir" he looked at you almost innocently, "Am I? I haven't noticed" you hit him gently on his arm, "Whatever you say, radio love".
Part 9.
Stay tuned ;3
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reqxxyt · 1 year
coffee m.s
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this sweetheart needs more appreciation <3 requests are open !
pairings: mick s. x f!reader
warnings: none (i think??) except for rushed ending....
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
This had to be a nightmare. The only way to justify this scenario. Toto, my boss had asked a simple thing this morning, like every other day: coffee freshly brewed from the local coffee shop that he claimed to be the best because according to him “there is a big difference between rich flavorful coffee and one that tastes like burnt shit”. 
This morning had started like any other; wake up, get ready, head to the coffee shop, wait patiently (considering the line can get very long), and finally head to the office to hand in the coffee to Toto before finalizing plans with one of his many assistants. I hadn’t anticipated the line to lead to the end of the shop, way longer than usual.
That's fine, I can just wait a  bit longer. Shouldn’t be a big deal. I thought to myself before I finally realized after nearly 15 minutes passing. I wasn’t going to make it in time and I had just finished ordering his custom drink. My leg started to bounce, in anticipation as I made a timeline in my head, calculating how long it would take from here to the office barely going over the speed limit (with hopefully no traffic). 
They called my order and I thanked them before quickly leaving. The ride wasn’t completely terrible, just a few people who shouldn’t have a license cutting in front of me. I glanced at the clock in my car, showing I was already 10 minutes late. Crying internally, I exited the car with the hot coffee gripped in my hand. 
“Y/n, you’re unusually late,” one of the desk ladies said with fake concern hiding back her smirk. I only turned to her for a second ready to make a remark or witty comeback but before I could even get a word out I felt another body come into contact with my own, sending the hot flavorfully rich coffee forward. 
Apologies were said before I could even get a glance at who exactly I was trying to help with dainty napkins. “It’s fine” was the voice that made me  finally look up, feeling the most embarrassed. 
Mick Schumacher. 
The guy I had been crushing on since I was first employed. I froze before finally remembering that he had made contact with hot coffee. Coffee; a very hot liquid that could cause third-degree burns. I mentally cursed at myself before apologizing frantically. 
Before I could suggest, he took off his white t-shirt taking the napkins from my hand, still trying to reassure me that it was fine. But no matter how hard he tried, I would glance at his face and internally feel terrible seeing the wincing pain he was experiencing. 
“You should probably get that checked” I informed, still trying to help. He only made eye contact with me for a split second, mumbling an agreement. 
Footsteps were heard from behind me and I glanced behind me, spotting the last person I wanted to see. 
“Should I not be witnessing this?” he asked, staring down at the shirtless Mick. My cheeks burned bright red at the thought of that ever happening and we both said
“It’s not what it looks like” I picked up the empty cup of coffee and he made a face of understanding before finally giving me a death glare and handing back the cup. 
“Get me another one. I’ll send someone to clean this up” he blankly stated before walking away not sparing another glance. 
I  was ready to apologize again to the still shirtless Mick who stood beside me before he interrupted me “You want my forgiveness?”
I gave him a confused look, about to ask a simple question that started with a w and ended with an “aht” but he choose to interrupt me again offering me a deal. “Buy me coffee, not today. Saturday maybe?” 
This sounded too much like a date. Too good to be true. Again, confused I asked “What?” without being interrupted. 
“Go on a date with me. This Saturday. Then I’ll forgive you, of course, you’re paying” he shrugged and I finally understood. 
He clearly just wanted free coffee after I had nearly sent him to the hospital. 
“To be honest, I’ve liked you for a while just never got the chance to ask you out. Now I do” what. 
Of course, I agreed, trying to be the most chill meanwhile internally I had contemplated if I was dreaming. 
Best nightmare I’ve ever had.
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angelkitty54 · 5 months
Sonic Prime AU time! (coz this has been everywhere in the last month or so.) Basically just some ideas I had for shatterverse versions of Sonic and Shadow, set after the end of the series.
New Yoke City: Based on the idea in SA2 where it's kinda implied Sonic was also made on the Ark like Shadow (which is never brought up again). Basically Nine stumbles across a pod that contains the New Yoke version of Sonic (Spirit) and excitedly wakes him up. However he quickly finds that this is not the Sonic he met before; Spirit has never been out of his bio-tank thingy before, he is basically a newborn in a full grown body, with the mentality of a newborn too. Spirit is a wide-eyed innocent child, sweet, kind and trusting, a stark contrast to the world around him and the people in it. Nine is having a hard time adjusting, especially since Spirit's keeps chewing on all his power cables. He is also constantly being accused of having cloned Sonic. Which he totally did not! He found this Sonic fair and square thank you very much!
Meanwhile, having lost their power source, the Chaos Council has lost a lot of ground to the resistance. In searching for new power sources and weapons, they discover Project Umbra (three guess who this is). Umbra leans a little more into his alien side than Shadow does, he is also less of an angsty teen and more of a scared, grieving child lashing out at a world that hurt him. He agrees to work for the council only due to the distant family connection, but he doesn't particularly like them or care about their goals. He just wants to see the world burn. Of course, things change when he finds out his baby brother survives the raid on the Ark. Tho he is not particularly happy about this strange fox hanging around, acting all buddy buddy with Umbra's brother. Ugh, the nerve of that guy!
Boscage Maze: Got inspiration from movies like Nausicaa and Origin: Spirits of the Past. So the instead of the prism, the massive jungle was actually caused by a bio-experiment gone wrong which set off an apocalypse. There are effectively three groups of survivors, those that escaped into space (mainly GUN people), those that survived on the surface (whose descendants became groups like the scavengers) that live more or less in harmony with the jungle, and those that made it into underground shelters and were put into stasis chambers where they have slept for several hundred years. The latter two group are often at odds with each other, one wanting their old world back, the other wanting the jungle to stay as is. Dr Nightshade Robotnik and his assistant, Sunny, are among the stasis group.
In this universe Gerald went down the road of cybernetics as well as genetic engineering when creating his Ultimate Lifeform, Nightshade. Their Maria got to live her life to it's fullest, becoming a scientist like her grandfather. Nightshade also dedicated his life to science, wanting to follow Maria's dreams of making the world a better place, even after she passed away. Sunny benefited from their research, as it's thanks to their work into cybernetics that he is able to walk (and run) again. Upon waking in the post-apocalyptic world, Dr Nightshade has made it his mission to find out what caused the plants to grow out of control and hopefully reverse the effects. Sunny, someone who sees the benefits of both the old and new world, hopes that he can help the good Doctor find balance between the natural and mechanized worlds. Meanwhile GUN is up to something rather suspicious up there in space...
No Place Sea: Yay pirate AU!! Honestly didn't have a lot of ideas beyond just pirates tho... Shadow is Captain Blackheart and is like super duper cursed. He is captain of a ghost ship, whose crew is also super cursed and/or undead. All save a single member, his navigator Tempest (Sonic), who is immune to the effects curses due to him being half siren. Tempest does not speak much as his voice is imbued with the charming power of a siren, which he lacks much control over. He has a knack for reading the winds and currents making him an ideal navigator in treacherous waters. He is both drawn to and fears the water, as something in those dark depths keeps calling to him, eager to drag him down down down into darkness... However he can't bring himself to stay away despite the danger, and luckily whatever is hunting him seems to steer clear of the ghost ship. In exchange for shelter aboard his ship, Tempest is helping Blackheart track down and decode ancient sea charts that will lead them to a great treasure he's been hunting. One said to be able to grant wishes: the chaos emeralds!
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zoroshark · 2 months
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Hey! This is Zoro coming with an update about my health as quite a few things have happened the past couple of months. As some may know, I've been dealing with chronic pain and illness since February of last year as mentioned in this post here.
A quick summary of it was that I have been dealing with constant bladder and stomach problems suddenly that were disrupting day to day life as they were painful and constant. Despite the multiple hospital visits, nothing was really done and at the time I could only wait to see certain specialists (which required a lot of money to see). Recently however, I finally got an answer to what was causing me pain in one part of my stomach! The culprit was my gallbladder and it has been removed!
The rest of the post will be caught off so for those who want to read in more detail, but one issue has been solved (at least i hope so)!
I also want to note here and thank everyone who's been supportive of me during this rough patch in my life. I also want to thank those who sent money for the GoFundMe! However, due to a few circumstances which will also be explained in the read more section, I will be refunding it all to those who donated.
TLDR version of my reason is that I was advise to do so for the eligibility medical/financial benefits I've been looking into. The refunds should be sent in about a week, so keep and eye out!
TW for Medical related subjects such as surgery.
For what was causing me pain in my stomach, or at least one of the reasons:
Turns out I had gallstones that somehow CT scans and ultrasounds didn't pick up last year, despite the pain and discomfort I was in from them. It got to the point where the pain was so unbearable, I was crying for about 2-3 hours before going to the ER. They found one stone had thicken walls through the ultrasounds and my gallbladder was infected from these stones.
Because of the findings, I underwent surgery to completely remove it during my stay in the hospital. I am now close to two weeks post-op and so far it has relieved most, if not all, of the constant pain I've been in my upper right. While I still have issues elsewhere in my body, it feels nice to have one issue solved. I just hope I don't need another trip to the ER anytime soon.
As for the detailed explanation for refunding the GoFundMe donations:
A few months back I after the go found me, I was accepted in a financial assistance program that made doctor's visits way cheaper. From close to hundreds of dollars to 3 dollars, that was way more an affordable price range for me. Despite that, i kept the donations on hold just in cause anything changed or something wasn't covered by the program until now.
Along with that, I've been applying for disability as I am considered disabled by my psychiatrist due to my mental health. After talking to a few folks who knew about the system, they mentioned that the money from the fundraiser could harm the process in gaining these benefits. Their recommended course of action was to refund the money as a precaution, so I'm following their advice. After the refunds have gone through, I will be closing the fundraiser.
Again, I want to give a massive thank you everyone in general who have supported me through all this. Its been difficult, especially since I had to accommodate to the pain and changes in my body. There has been MANY ups and for sure downs, but I'm still holding on!
Thank you for reading on this update, and expect to see me slowly become active again on here! I'm still in my Zonai phase so expect more content revolving around that, along with possible Zora content. Original works not involving fandoms will also (hopefully) be posted too!
Im also thinking of opening commissions in the future! I'll need to ask about that first due to what I mentioned above, but as far as I'm aware, I should be okay to do so (but don't quote me on it). So keep an eye out!
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cha-melodius · 10 months
Oh my goodness, I've just seen your fic festival request post and am excited to sneak in to participate before it closes. I love your writing and your stories so very much!
My prompt suggestion is... firstprince in Edinburgh, Scotland... in particular, the Edinburgh pride parade (if I may be so oddly specific). AU welcome, canon welcome, makeouts welcome, ahem.
Thank you and good luck wrangling everyone's prompts!
(Firstly, I have to say I love your url and your profile pic! Secondly, this is heavier on the Pride and lighter on the Edinburgh as far as the details go, but I hope it delights. Inspired in part by a tweet shared on tumblr; rated M for dick jokes. Happy Bisexual Awareness Week!)
Something To Be Proud Of
(firstprince, 3.3k, M; read it below or on AO3) read all the fandom fest fics
Henry stares at the carbon copy of the email in his inbox and wills time to go backwards. Just a few minutes, that’s all he needs. Enough time to go back and keep autocorrect from transforming whatever he’d typed after ‘he’ in his pronouns after his name into… that.
Thank you so much for all your help. Together we can make this a truly exceptional Edinburgh Pride. Regards, Henry Fox (he/hung Sent from Outlook for iOS.
How had he not seen it before he hit send on an email going out to every volunteer on their mailing list? How had he not noticed?
Maybe no one else would notice either. No one looks at email signatures that closely, right?
Ok, he’s not delusional enough to think that no one noticed. He had, however, naively believed that everyone would recognise it for what it was and politely ignore his gaff. He gets away scot free for a few days, and then, at the end of an email sent by a volunteer that is mostly as expected, he sees:
Best, Alex (he/him) PS: not sure I did the pronouns right. Does ‘Pride’ over here include being proud of your big dick?
It’s a damned good thing that he wasn’t taking a sip of his tea at the time, or he might be wearing it instead. Once he’s finished choking on nothing and perhaps isn’t quite the colour of a tomato (oh, who is he kidding, of course he still is), Henry professionally answers Alex’s questions about the schedule for the day of the march. He pauses before the sign off, wondering if he should acknowledge the flub or pretend it never happened. In the end, he writes:
Regards, Henry (he/him) PS: Your pronouns look correct to me, but they are, of course, your choice.
He only checks the email about ten times before he sends it. Hopefully, that should be the end of it.
It’s not.
Apparently, Alex has more questions. Apparently the law firm he works for is one of this year’s sponsors and is interested in potentially running a free legal clinic associated with the festival. A noble endeavour, which Henry is only too happy to assist with. He makes a mental note to look into logistics with Kate, the event’s chair, and continues reading. Finding out that Alex is apparently mature enough to be a lawyer lulls him into a false sense of security, though. At the tail of the email, he finds:
PS: regardless of the size of your dick, I’m impressed by the balls it takes to not acknowledge the typo. Then again, maybe it wasn’t? PPS: I’m trying out new pronouns. How do you think (daddy/sir) would go over?
Henry does spit his tea all over his phone this time.
He doesn’t email Alex back right away, but that’s because he has to wait to hear back from Kate. It has nothing to do with the fact that the prospect of dragging this interaction out longer is both horrifying and vaguely thrilling. Henry has noticed that he uses Americanised spellings in his text, which seems to fit with his general demeanour. It piques Henry’s curiosity, even though the thought of actually having to face Alex in person still makes him flush automatically. Eventually he gets an email from Kate that includes additional questions for the firm, as well as telling him that he can pass it off to someone in sponsor coordination. He is, after all, just the volunteer coordinator for the march. This need not involve him.
He still emails Alex back with the questions. And:
PS: Although I support your creativity, I am concerned those pronouns may not be appreciated in a professional setting such as, for instance, a court of law. Just a thought. However, I do suspect they might be rather popular at Pride.
They keep on exchanging emails, even though Henry should have sent Alex’s contact info to sponsor coordination ages ago, even though it becomes clear that Alex is not the one who will be ultimately responsible for the clinic either. On every one, there is a postscript in which Alex makes some kind of joke about the size of Henry’s dick.
do you have to get all your pants specially made with extra room in the crotch
do you have to check your dick as luggage when you fly
have you ever used it as a tripod
is your dick in another time zone
do you call your dick Sir Richard because it’s that prominent
In turn, Henry responds as dryly as possible, which only seems to encourage him. Oddly for someone who is volunteering at the event, Alex seems to have a lot of questions about Pride itself, as though this is the first one he’s attending on any continent. They exchange emails almost right up to the day of the march itself, but if they do taper off, Henry is too busy to notice. Coordinating volunteers for something as big as Edinburgh Pride is intense, and the days tick by before he even knows it.
He’s standing off to the side at the volunteer check-in tent on the morning of the march, going over some last minute logistics with one of his staff, when a voice carries over the hubbub, deep and rich with an out-of-place American accent.
“Sorry, but I was hoping… is Henry here?”
Henry straightens up and turns toward the voice only to find perhaps the most stunning man he’s ever seen standing at the front table. Dark, curly hair, a sharp jaw, big brown eyes with the longest eyelashes Henry has ever seen— he’s actually impossibly beautiful. Unbelievable, really. As is the fact that he’s asking for Henry.
“Hello,” Henry says as he walks over to the front. “How can I help you?”
The man’s eyes snap over to him, and he very clearly looks Henry up and down and swears, “Jesus fuck,” under his breath. Then his eyes come back up to Henry’s face, and he swallows. “You’re not Scottish.”
Henry cocks an eyebrow at him. “Neither are you.”
“Yeah, sorry. I just— need to adjust what you sound like in my head,” he says nonsensically. “I’m Alex?”
Oh, Christ.
Henry should have known, because how many other Americans could there be volunteering at Edinburgh Pride? That reality does nothing to help him cope with the situation presented before him, though, in which this is the man who’s been teasing him about the size of his dick for the last month.
“I, uh,” he says eloquently as he tries to pull himself together. There are far too many people standing around watching this exchange. “Hello. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Did your firm get everything sorted with the clinic?”
“Oh,” Alex says, blinking. “Yeah, thanks. Look, I’m sure you’re busy, but I have something for you?”
It kind of comes out as a question, and he’s scratching the back of his head uncertainly, so even though Henry has no idea what’s coming, he nods. Then Alex reaches into his pocket, fishes out something small and round, and places it on the table between them.
It’s a button. A pronoun button, not unlike the one Henry’s already wearing, but instead it reads: he/hung.
Henry’s eyes snap up to find Alex grinning at him with the kind of mischief that Henry honestly should have expected from him sparkling in his eye. “Wanted to make sure you were prepared,” he says with a little one-shouldered shrug. “I’ll see you around, I guess.”
Then he takes his volunteer t-shirt and saunters off—and Christ those jeans are ridiculously tight and doing everything for his arse—leaving Henry gawping after him. A moment later, one of his regular volunteers, Robin, bustles by, catches sight of the button, and lets out a sound that can only be described as a cackle.
“My god, it’s perfect,” they say. “Did he really make this for you?”
Henry can only sigh, dragging a hand over his face. “It appears so. Robin, can you do me a favour?”
“Make sure you’re working the same stations all day?” they surmise. Henry doesn’t need to look to imagine the knowing grin on their face.
Henry wants to say no. Just because Henry’s already managed to combine the affection engendered by their previous email conversations with Alex’s stunning good looks into a powerfully intoxicating cocktail of a crush—well, that’s on Henry and his poor decision-making.
Instead, he says: “Yes, exactly that.”
~~~~~ ~~~~~
Alex had only signed up to volunteer at Pride on a whim. He’s always complaining that he doesn’t know anyone in Edinburgh outside of his coworkers, and one such coworker—someone that he could safely call a friend—suggested that getting involved in the festival would be a good way to meet people. Alex had tried to explain that he wasn’t actually queer, but she’d just given him an odd look and told him that allies were welcome at Pride too. It had felt a little weird signing up despite her assurances, but also kind of good. He was finally going get out there and have a life beyond his job.
He certainly hadn’t expected to strike up a prolonged email exchange with the volunteer coordinator, Henry. He also doesn’t really know why he kept finding excuses to send him new messages, except for Henry’s responses to Alex’s stupid jokes made Alex imagine him rolling his eyes and trying not to laugh, which only egged Alex on further. It was fun. That’s all.
Nothing about any of this made him prepared to show up to the volunteer check-in tent  today and be plunged directly into a sexuality crisis. But that seems to be exactly what’s currently happening now that he’s been confronted by quite possibly the hottest man he’s ever seen. Alex doesn’t even get it because it’s not like he hasn’t been able to objectively appreciate attractive men before, and blond hair and blue eyes have historically never really done it for him. Even if they are combined with swooping cheekbones, and broad shoulders, and obscenely full, pink lips.
All he knows is that as much as this doesn’t make sense, it also suddenly does. Why he’d felt drawn to sign up in the first place. Why he spent the last month reading about the history of Pride in Edinburgh and around the world. Why he’d gone on a deep dive doing research about different sexualities, brushing it off as wanting to be informed before meeting new people.
Why he was so obsessed with Henry’s dick.
Jesus fuck.
He thinks he manages to hold a short conversation. Somehow he even gives Henry the custom button he brought as a joke, smiling the whole time like he’s not moment’s away from dropping to his knees. He flees the table safe in the knowledge that Henry will likely be too busy coordinating stuff all day and Alex probably won’t see him again. That confidence is shattered when, not even an hour later, Henry shows up at the station Alex is supposed to be working. He’s even wearing the joke button, under his regular pronoun button and next to a little rainbow flag pin. Alex is going to die.
“Oh hey,” Alex says in a reasonable facsimile of nonchalance. “Did you need me for something?”
“Not exactly,” Henry replies. “I’ll be working this station too.”
Yeah, Alex is definitely not going to make it through the day.
It actually turns out to be not as bad as he feared, despite how Henry’s volunteer t-shirt is probably a size too small (never mind that in the context of everyone else at Pride he looks downright conservative) and Alex keeps getting caught staring at his shoulders or his back or his waist. Henry keeps on giving him weird looks at the beginning, probably because he’s expecting Alex to be cracking crude jokes. Too bad Alex is way too wound up in his own head to think of anything at all.
They’re pretty busy all day, but they do get a chance to chat occasionally, mostly small talk stuff about jobs and how they both ended up in Edinburgh. Henry is there for grad school, apparently, and has been volunteering for Pride since he moved out from under his grandmother’s restrictive shadow. In turn, Alex tells him about applying for the law job on a whim, desperate to set himself apart from his parents, and how much he likes Edinburgh (despite the weather). As the day stretches on and the streets fill up, Alex feels himself relaxing into his skin again, undeniably enjoying the festivities as well as Henry’s company.
See, the other thing he never, ever expected is how good it feels to be here. All the people around him loudly comfortable in themselves, and the color and glitter and celebration— it’s amazing, but it’s not just that he’s watching other people be happy. There’s a kind of ecstatic joy that bubbles up inside him at the fact that he’s part of it, one that he feels down to his bones. A sense of belonging that he’s never really experienced before, and that, more than anything else, makes him more certain of his newfound revelation.
Straight people probably don’t feel like this at Pride.
At the end of the day, he’s helping pack up the main volunteer tent when he comes across a table full of pins depicting different pride flags. He dimly remembers seeing them when he’d checked in and thinking that none of them applied to him. Now, he stares down at them and bites his lower lip uncertainly.
“There’s a box for those under the table,” Henry tells him from across the tent, misinterpreting his hesitation.
“Oh, yeah, thanks,” Alex says, and Henry’s already turning back to whatever he’s doing when he manages to continue, “Hey, can I— um, can I take one of these?”
Henry stops, his brow creasing as he tips his head slightly. “Of course. That’s what they’re there for.”
“Right, thanks,” Alex says with a tight smile.
He puts his hand out, hesitates, then picks up one with pink, purple, and blue stripes. Stares down at it for another moment before he realizes he’s probably being weird and he’s pretty sure Henry is still watching him. He swallows hard, then pins it to his shirt next to his pronoun button.
No one jumps out to call him out for being an impostor. Henry offers him a careful smile, then turns back to his work like he knows Alex needs a moment to himself. He lets his fingers rub over the surface of the pin, feeling the little enamel ridges, and something settles under his skin, like an itch he hadn’t even been aware of until it was gone.
He feels almost normal by the time Henry walks up to him once they’re finished and everything is packed away in someone’s car.
“Thanks so much for your help today,” Henry says. 
“It was my pleasure,” Alex replies, and means it more than he can say. “I’m really glad I decided to sign up.”
“I realize you may very well be tired of my face at this point, but if you don’t already have plans, I was wondering if you’d like to go get a drink?”
Alex would like to make a joke about how it might be literally impossible to get tired of Henry’s face, but at this point he’d probably fuck up and confess his undying love for a guy he just met. “Sounds great,” he says instead, looking around at where a few of the other volunteers are lingering nearby. “Do y’all usually all go out together afterward?”
Henry coughs slightly and glances down at the ground for a few seconds as his cheeks turn faintly pink. “Well yes, a group of them usually do. But I was actually asking if you wanted to go out with me,” he says. “Just the two of us.”
“Oh,” Alex breathes as his stomach decides to do a backflip. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Spending all day volunteering with Henry was fun. Going on a date with Henry, being the sole focus of his attention, is intoxicating. Alex feels like he could sit here all night listening to Henry talk about his research on queer history, although that’s far from the only thing they talk about. As the night wears on and the pub slowly empties, Alex is buzzing with a few drinks and the euphoria of really clicking with someone, already wondering when would be too soon to ask Henry out again.
Henry shifts slightly so his legs press against Alex’s where they’re tangled together under the table—have been for several hours, actually. He’s playing with the stirrer in his empty glass, and a little teasing smirk sneaks onto his lips as he looks up at Alex.
“So you made me a custom pronoun button but forgot your own?”
“Ah, you know,” Alex replies with a shit-eating grin and a one-shouldered shrug, “thought it would be too distracting, what with how everyone would be hitting on me all day.”
Henry hums thoughtfully, biting back a wider smile. “If you wanted to avoid that, you probably should have chosen some looser trousers.”
“That’s fair. I suppose you had to go for the room in yours.” Alex pauses a beat. “You know, on account of the size of your dick.”
That makes Henry actually laugh and shake his head fondly. “I was waiting all day for that.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” Alex says, chuckling along with him. It does feel like he owes Henry something of an explanation of why he was so weird all day. He looks down and licks his lips. “Can I confess something?”
“Of course,” Henry answers with a small, encouraging smile.
“A friend of mine suggested I volunteer for this because I wanted to meet people. Make new friends. But until today I actually thought I was… mostly straight?” Alex admits, trying not to wince as he stares fixedly into his empty glass. “Being part of this made me realize why I always felt a little like I wasn’t my whole self. So I was… kind of going through it a bit today.” He pauses, then adds, “Also you’re so ridiculously fucking hot that you kind of melted my brain.”
Henry laughs again, but it’s softer this time. Gentle. Alex kind of wants to sink into the sound. Henry’s cheeks are slightly pink as he extends a hand across the table, and Alex doesn’t hesitate before he slides his hand into Henry’s and links their fingers together.
“I’m glad to hear that, Alex,” Henry says. “I mean, the feeling like your whole self part. Not the brain melting part,” he adds, and Alex can’t help but laugh with him.
Henry doesn’t let go of his hand as they walk outside, and once they’re alone on the sidewalk he uses it to pull Alex close. He puts a hand on Alex’s hip and Alex has to tip his head up to look at him, and it’s a lot but he’s also pretty sure he’s never wanted anything more than to feel Henry’s lips pressed against his.
“I have a confession too,” Henry murmurs as he stares down into Alex’s eyes.
“I’ve been dreaming of kissing you since the very first moment I saw you.”
Alex lets one corner of his mouth tug upwards. “What’s stopping you, baby?”
“Christ, Alex,” Henry breathes, looking momentarily overwhelmed, but then he’s pressing his lips to Alex’s, and Alex feels his blood sing. It’s brief and chaste and leaves him aching for more, but then Henry looks down at him with heavy lidded eyes and asks, “Given your recent personal revelations, would it be terribly forward of me to ask you back to my place?”
“Ask away, sweetheart,” Alex replies, then he reaches up to touch the side of the ridiculous he/hung button that Henry is still wearing for some reason. “I wanna find out how accurate this button is.”
(It doesn’t take long for him to find out that the answer is: extremely.)
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mishwanders · 10 months
Hello there!! I’m a newcomer to your page, and I must say…BRO-
Since your requests are open, may I please request a story where the reader is a girl, and the chain had returned from a tough battle, at night, then reader would prepare a hot tub for her hero and then tend to his wounds then massage him as a way of spoiling him after a tough week of fighting, clanging, swinging and defeating evil forces, then they both end the little spoiling session by cuddling and sleeping in after a long day?
Thank you so much!! Never stop writing TLOZ/LU stories, that’s my life support plug. 💘💖💞
EEEEE THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOU HAVE NO IDEA! Also, since you didn’t specify which Link you wanted we’re just using their Hylia-given name and not the alias.
Characters: Link x F!Reader
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost.
You had spent your time inside the inn, waiting for the scouting group to hurry back, hopefully with some good news. But your hope slowly dimmed along with the setting sun, growing rather worried when they did return battered, beaten, and in desperate need of some assistance.
You rushed to Link’s side, seeing just how badly he’d taken the brunt end of it all. They others had insisted on falling back, but he refused, knowing that if the monsters had drawn closer to the village at night, everyone would have been in danger. He couldn’t risk it, not while you were here, his charge and his keeper.
You had reassured the others that you would look after him the rest of the night, the others offering you what potions they still had in hopes to help cure his wounds. Thankfully it did enough to keep him standing and able to walk, but he still have quite a few that needed tending to. So, you wrapped your arm around his waist, keeping him close to your side as you helped him up the stairs and into the bathroom where you quickly prepared a hot bath for him. You turned away from him to give him some privacy to change and get into the tub before making your way behind him, combing out all the dirty and blood from his scrimmage with the foul beasts, taking the time to wash his hair and gently massage his scalp, which he was very thankful for, leaning into your tender touch.
Once you were done with that, your turned away from him again to allow him to have more privacy to clean up, sitting with your back against the tub, listening to the soft sloshing of water as he bathed, keeping up a small conversation him to keep his mind from wandering too far over the details of his battle. When he was done and mostly modest you then turned to him, noticing with wounds were still open. Thankfully none of them were too deep, nothing that needed stitches any way, but you still bandaged them up with a gentle and tender touch to not cause him any more discomfort that he might have already been in. As you did so, you found him resting against your shoulder, sighing in relief as his eyes began to slowly flutter shut. You gently caressed his cheek that wasn’t resting on your shoulder, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
“Sleepy, hero?” You asked, voice sweet and soft.
“Exhausted.” He replied, every ounce of that word evident in his tone of voice.
“Then let’s get you to bed.”
You moved him from one room to the next, settling him on the bed before returning to grab his gruesome things. You placed them on the floor do the room, making a mental note of helping him with cleaning those later. Right now, he needed you, and you could see the evidence of that in his gaze.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” He asked quietly
“Don’t want to be alone?” You asked in return.
He nodded. Whatever must have happened out there, whatever he’d seen had shaken him in a way you hadn’t seen before. You knew he needed you, you knew he needed comfort.
You drew closer to him, sliding under the covers in the bed, gingerly pulling him closer to you as you wrapped your arms around his body, his own wrapping around your waist, both of your legs somehow finding themselves entangled in the other. Link gently rested his head against your chest, his breathing growing heavier as the sleep slowly started to take him. That effort was only expedited by the fact that you were slowly running your fingers through his semi-wet hair and because he could hear the constant rhythm of your heart beating, a subtle reminder that you were there with him.
He felt you gently kiss his forehead once more as you tightened your arms around him ever so slightly. “Get some sleep, my hero. I’ll be here with you all night. I promise.”
And as if it were magic, he was out like a blown out candle, his body resting heavily in your arms. It was comforting listening to him breath, feeling him in your arms and against your body, knowing that he was safe from harm once again.
Truly that was all you could ask for with your quiet prayers to Hylia. His safe return home was the only thing you’d ever ask her for. Even if you didn’t know it or recognized it, Hylia herself felt a kindred spirit with you, seeing how much you loved and cherished her hero, just as much as she did. How could she not grant you that request? For that’s all that she wished for him too. That he would be safe, loved, and cherished for all that he was. You were thankful for it every time.
You were thankful that you got to hold him in your loving, caring arms.
Exactly where he deserved to be.
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sukifoof · 1 year
I was thinking about Asriel as the Royal Scientist, and I remember in one post you said in the tags, how you considered drawing him as one for your Asriel survives AU, before saying you can't imagine him holding down any job without freaking out
Now, I'm not asking you to draw him anyway, I'll be fine either way. It is just important context cuz that's what gave me my personal thoughts right now about him, and I wanted to spread them because I think they're optimistic in the end, if cliché and generic (warning, I'm really bad at sympathizing with other people, so I might be just, completely wrong about what I say next)
I have little doubt Asriel would be very lost at first about what he is going to do with his life now that The Barrier is gone. Typical confusion after exiting a time loop, compounded by the years of untouched trauma and other mental health issues. Maybe spiralling further as he may consider himself a burden for all those problems he can't handle on his own
He would try resuming being The Prince, go back to what he thinks people want of him, but it's not going to work, he distrusts himself too much after everything he has done. When he inevitably fails, he hits a new low. But eventually, perhaps with Frisk's encouragement, he finds it in himself to open up about it, talk to other people, seek help
Alphys, who in a very real sense is his creator (slightly more metaphorical in this AU, but she's still the one who woke him up from his coma), and one of the few people who know how he works, might be one of the first people that Asriel speaks to about his problems, feeling that she'd understand. They talk to each other about the regrets that they have, bonding over similar troubles, and maybe shared interests (bonding as friends. Alphys is faithful to her wife, and Asriel is on the aspec, so it doesn't go further)
At some point one of them might just naturally suggest that Asriel help out around the lab, and while he's helping, and they're talking with each other, Alphys realizes just how much knowledge about all sorts of things Asriel has, and one day she offers that he become a full-time assistant at her lab. This freaks him out, and in the moment he rejects it and runs away, which both of them later despair over, in a sense of "oh god I was to hard on him/her, now I destroyed our friendship, I'm the worst, I can't do anything right"
But eventually they talk to each other about it (encouraged by their friends) and they realize that neither is harboring any resentment towards the other, and they make amends. Asriel starts out working with her part-time, and while it's initially very scary for him, and he probably has several other freakouts along the way, I think Alphys, being prone to freakouts herself, would be more than understanding. Eventually he becomes her full-time assistant after all
Hopefully combined with therapy which he really, really should receive, he eventually starts feeling good about himself again, even if it takes years to get there. And he realizes, yes, this is the job he wants to do. He can help people without actually having to be there, with a much more manageable amount of responsibility to handle. He's finally happy, as the Assistant Royal* Scientist (* although at this point it is possible that Asgore and Toriel would abdicate, seeing as their son won't take over from them, it might just be easier to end the monarchist government right then and there)
Of course, while Asriel is immortal, Alphys is not, and as the decades pass, she will get older, weaker, less able to do her job. The day when she resigns from her post to let the (physically) younger Asriel become the next Royal Scientist will be a difficult one for both of them, and even more so when she finally turns to dust, although I hope that by this point he would be better equipped to handle the loss of those close to him. It will still hurt, but I hope with new experiences and skills he's learned over the years, he'll be able to deal with that pain, or the pain when his parents or his other friends die, better than he did with the pain of Chara's death
Frankly, not being seen as royalty anymore, especially by the younger generations who won't remember monarchist rule, he might find life easier as he's no longer so isolated as he was as a prince, no longer has to reach the same standards as before
The trauma, and other pain that follows, they will never fully leave him, but he's got a quite literal eternity to learn how to live with them and not let them control his life. And if mortals can do it, then I think he too can, over the course of several years, or even decades, figure it out. I think, as fucked up as he is, at the end of this nightmare road there is happiness waiting for him, however long it takes him to get there. I just want him to be happy goddammit. And I think that a 30-or-40-something Asriel will be happy
Thanks you for listening to my TED talk, and have a magical day
HI IVE BEEN MEANING TO ANSWER THIS FOR SO LONG CUZ ITS SO GOOD AND IN CHARACTER!!! u are so right for this i LOVE this i dont have much to add on cuz ur points are all so good. asriel has so many issues and i think he would probably feel a Bit Better if he was able to put his knowledge to use to help people and it might help him come to terms with death a little better..... anyway they are siblings and they occasionally bother each other. extremely kind mayor who took over after papyrus and local freak scientist who is seemingly some kind of sludge <3 i may draw more of this when i get the chance cuz the idea of these middle aged freaks is so funny to me i love them dearly
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams  x Fem!Reader 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, mentions of sex and hookups, stressful day,
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - this part is sucky but it's the transition part between the next chapter which is already being written ;) but enjoy this nonsense for the time being.
𝗔𝗨 - Modern !
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The day had come and gone, then the next and you were waking up for work, smacking your alarm clock with a very grumpy looking expression.
You had slowly began to forget about her, knowing her only as a good hookup to your friends, one of your favorites to yourself.
Getting dressed, you stared at yourself in the mirror, her marks having basically disappeared. Outfit professional and a bit extra from top to bottom hopefully to tear away your coworkers eyes from how tired you looked.
But each time you walked out into that hallway by your front door you remembered her and how she'd broken a little decorative cat you had on that table that you and to clean up and throw out that morning.
'Meow' You smiled as Poppy jumped up onto the kitchen counter, purring and snuggling into your jacket-clad arm. "Hey baby, morning chubs." You began to pet her head feeling her pushing against your fingers and palm. Meowing again.
"I'll be back soon, then we can spend the entire night watching The Walking Dead together, m'kay?" She meowed once more, walking along the rest of the granite countertop to jump onto the fridge.
"Don't get into anything while I'm gone young lady." She meowed. "I love you to." You gave her boop as you walked off and back into the entrance. Gathering yourself.
You can do this.
"Geez you look like you got curb stomped." Was the first thing you heard when walking into your office. Turning around to see your assistant, and friend, hanging in the doorway. "Thanks Mia. Always a way with words." The sarcastic words made her laugh, watching you set your coffee down on your glass desk and took off your jacket to hang on the back of your chair.
"Anything important today?" "A meeting, at eleven. Mr. 'Stick up his ass' will be there." You groaned, collapsing back into your office chair.
"Really? I was hoping they'd make it for tomorrow. I look like shit." Mia snorted walking closer to you with a shrug. "Not that bad, just maybe apply a bit more concealer." She made a move with her hands signaling a little bit, grimacing with her face before harshly turning around.
"I'll be off now, email me all your scraps so I can do the dirty work." "Keep talking like that and I'll fire you." You winked at her. "Ha. Ha. So funny, that joke is like three weeks too old." "Mm, won't be when you're standing outside in the rain holding a box of your desk trinkets." "Love you too Y/n."
She shut the door behind her, the blinds tapping against the door from the force.
With a large sigh you rested your head in your hands with a groan. Praying today would go by faster, so fast that you'd forget you were even at work.
But the meeting having come up only made you dread leaving the room at all. Glancing at the clock on your wall.
There was never enough mental preparation that could've been done for a meeting, especially with your boss of all people. You only prepped yourself up to want to fall asleep the entire time, taking a large drink of your coffee.
You can do this, today won't be terrible.
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Well shit, today was already terrible.
You all but stomped out of the office room, getting the author accepted after nearly an hour of arguing back and forth with your boss.
Hurrying over to the water machine and slamming the cup underneath it.
"That bad?" Mia's voice came from behind you. "He's gonna see the profit we bring in from this. He doesn't understand the demographic of teenage girls that will eat that stuff up. The profit and exposure will be amazing, all thanks to me."
You chugged the water and tossed the paper cup into the trash can beside you.
"Well, the entire office knows you'd be a better boss, if that helps." "Mm, if only." You took a breath and held your head, closing your eyes while Mia smiled. "You did good." "Thank you but God he just really makes you want to–" You made a strangling motion with your hands.
Mia laughed but hurried to cover her mouth.
"I gotta go." "Alright, well, don't kill anyone on your way back." Humming you turned around. "I'll try not to."
You walked back to your office, falling back onto the chair and staring out the glass wall. You could see the front of the firm from there, just past the plants in front of the window.
Most of it was glass an open, modern, as your boss would describe it.
You hated it.
Especially when you seen someone you knew walk through those doors. Eyes going wide and your heart seeming to stop. You could barely keep her out of your mind in the past forty-eight hours and yet there she was.
You panicked, hurrying to look away.
This day could not get any worse but it was definitely looking that way.
You pretended she wasn't there, grabbing the moment of peace that you got before having to log back onto your computer and actually work.
What you really wanted to do was scream and tear everything in the room apart, instead resting your forehead against your palms. Looking through the glass of the desk at your legs, moving your feet back and forth.
"You've gotta be kidding me."
Hopefully she'd be gone when you looked back up.
A small knock at the open door made you squeeze your eyes shut.
"What is it now Mia?" You looked up only to be met with a familiar set of eyes, eyes you'd last seen two days ago that were a lot darker then.
"Names not Mia, but I do have something to talk about."
"Ellie, right?" You managed to say, despite how nervous you felt. The girl you couldn't get off your mind now standing right in the doorway.
"Ooo, that was cold." You laughed. "So was leaving with a half-assed goodbye." She put her hands up and made a face. "Guilty."
"So, mind telling me why you're in here, and should I be considering a restraining order?" She laughed.
"Not a stalker, my roommate is giving some papers over. Seen you through the glass and I wanted to take the chance, I guess."
"She's the one taking over Mia, wanting to start as an assistant?" Ellie nodded and crossed her arms, looking at your wall decorations and certificates.
"Mm. Then me and her will be seeing a lot more of each other."
You looked down at your hands, avoiding the awkward quietness of the room and her eyes knowing she was watching you.
"I guess.. I wanted to say sorry, even though you probably don't care. Mostly because I liked you.. and I can't stop thinking about it. I was gonna go back, and if I seen you I guess... ask for forgiveness?" She admitted with a laugh, shaking her head while you slowly glanced up at her.
"It was a hookup, you did what everyone else did." She nodded. "I know but... it's stupid I shouldn't of came in here."
She went to leave, but you stopped her.
"Wait. It was just a hookup, but it's like it's itching at my brain. So I get it, but you have to make it up to me now." She raised an eyebrow at this. "Oh yeah?" "You don't get to dine and dash, that's illegal and frankly, a bit rude." You intertwined your fingers and sat back, watching a smirk appear on her lips.
"You make a good argument." She laughed.
"It's weird right? I mean it was a one night stand." Ellie shrugged. "It's fate." She winked while you giggled, looking away from her. "Maybe." You grabbed your notepad, scribbling down something as her roommate called for her.
"Here." You handed her the small piece of paper. "Make it up to me." "Will do." She took the paper and looked at it before tucking it into her pocket.
"Maybe it is fate, but it was good to see you. And know that I wasn't a terrible fuck." Ellie laughed. "Yeah, that's definitely not the case." "Oh really?"
Ellie disappeared out the door after her roomate called for her once more. Watching her leave from out the front window.
"Holy fuck."
Mia then appeared at the door. "What did she want?"
"Someone that just made today a lot better."
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xgoldenlatiasx · 4 months
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ohhh I am Brainstorming
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ok ok so infodump ahead: Arcelia is the daughter of Archie (aaaand possibly Maxie? I haven’t figured out if I want hardenshipping to be divorced or if they get together after ORAS) and grew up a member of Team Aqua. For a while there she had full confidence in her father’s plan, but then Something happens (haven’t figured out what yet) and realizes oh wait this idea is shit actually what the fuck dad. unsure of what to really do to stop her dad yet, she runs away and ends up in Littleroot. there she stumbles into Professor Birch getting chased by a wild poochyena, saves him, etc. etc. etc.
not really sure what to do with this lost child who literally just came out of the bushes and saved him one day, Birch takes her in and lets her be an assistant like Brendan is. buuut she’s not super good at it. she gets kind of fed up and restless, especially when her dad is still out there planning to FLOOD THE FUCKIN WORLD, so as a way to try and help her Birch gives her Pebble the Mudkip and sends her out on a journey. thus begins her gym challenge and her mission to save her father from himself basically.
post-ORAS Archie has to serve time and stuff so Arcelia… doesn’t really know where to go from here. and she doesn’t wanna stay in Hoenn honestly cause she’s still kinda recovering from saving the world and fighting her own dad. SO Birch tries to help and sends her to Naranja Academy in Paldea, where hopefully she can find some semblance of a normal life and learn to just be a regular kid. it’s all well meaning but it doesn’t exactly work out bc Arcelia ends up being all by herself. again.
aaaand of course that’s where she meets a certain future-ground-type-elite-4-member! Arcelia is 16 at this point but she has to start off at freshman cause of yknow, never going to school before, and Rika is 17 and a junior. Arcelia struggles because 1. this is an extremely drastic change to literally anything she’s ever had in her life before 2. sure she’s only like a year older than the rest of the kids in her grade but she’s still significantly more mentally mature than a majority of them and thus has trouble connecting with them. honestly, even if she was allowed to start off as a sophomore, that prolly wouldn’t change cause kid has literally seen shit beyond any other high schooler’s comprehension.
Rika, not knowing anything about the whole saving the world thing but can easily see Arcelia’s struggling, approaches her and offers to help her with fitting in, keeping her grades up, and stuff like that. and the rest is history! the two become extremely close, but I don’t think Arcelia would fully open up about being the hero of the Hoenn crisis just yet- she’ll vaguely mention her strained relationship with her dad and make it come off as something much more simple than “my dad was an evil team leader who tried to drown the world”, but during their school years Rika never totally understands the full weight of it.
I think once Rika graduates they have a dramatic falling out of some kind. haven’t exactly figured out the details of it yet but during this falling out Arcelia has to go back to Hoenn- probably somethin to do with her dad or with Kyogre or whatever- whatever it is she can’t tell Rika about it, which only frustrates Rika even more and creates a further rift between them. eventually Arcelia just leaves with hardly a goodbye and neither of them really get any closure.
-of course until Arcelia comes back to Paldea several years later :]
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rosesvioletshardy · 9 months
been a while.
Hi, it's been a while.
I want to start off by apologizing for just taking off like that and for what I have been posting (or in case lack therefore of) I understand what I said hurt people. Since then I have been in a mental institution for a couple of days (which you probably already knew before my break). My PCP prescribed me a higher dose (40mg) of my medication. I am still seeing my therapist and I am now also seeing a psychiatrist once every month. I am also on new medication for my anxiety, buspirone, which I take 5mg twice a day (though my anxiety does get really severe at points to the point of an anxiety but I don’t want to seem like I’m a junkie and going after medication, which I’m not). I have since also been laid off because I thought to put my safety first rather than care for the merchandise that was being stolen, but I have had a new job since August and enjoy it more than working in retail. I now work at an optometrist office as an optometric assistant where I not only schedule and make appointments, but I also pretest and bill as well. I enjoy it but sometimes I overthink especially when I make a mistake. Anyways, it does pay a lot better than my last job which does help.
I still don’t feel comfortable in fandoms I was in and I still feel uneasy about going back. I feel a lot more comfortable on twitter than I do on here especially with that fandom, and I’ll try to every now and then maybe reblog something or two. I just feel like the people won’t take me back and still feel very much uncomfortable and I understand that knowing that what I did was hurtful and wrong of me and, like I said, I was going through something that caused me to overthink to the point where I had multiple panic attacks and horrible thoughts that lead me into the mental institution. You can take this as an apology or you won’t, I understand either way. Like I said, I wasn’t thinking not then and looking back I deeply regret and wished and I didn’t overthink and just let it go at that time or just hopefully had someone to talk to that would listen and understand what was going on. I will continue with my side account for him seeing that I do still watch his filmography and I do still love him and is one of my favorite actors but for right now, I might just be mainly on twitter.
Some other life updates other than my anxiety and depression still being out of whack and uncontrollable no matter what I do, I am going to my first hockey game this Saturday in San Jose to see the shark vs the Avs which I’m still shocked about, my brother had gotten my tickets on my birthday as a present and I will try my best to get content from that day. I had also auctioned for TK's NHL debut jersey which I won and I also got a Nate reverse retro that was pretty affordable and cheap with really good quality just in time for my game so RIP my bank account then. 
But other than that I will try to be active as much as I can and maybe get into writing again but I’m still not sure about it because barely anyone reads or reblogs my stuff in general. As for hockey games, I will try to do my best and live blog but I work a 9-5 and I don’t get home until 6:30 pm at the latest so I will miss a lot of flyers, isles, and canes games unless they’re on the west coast and play at a reasonable time for me.
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matsumi101 · 2 years
A Theory + loose HCs on Mikey's Time Gateways (ROTTMNT Movie)
I think this won't be too long, hopefully lol. I'll put read more if I go past 4 paragraphs.
Basically, my idea is that the power Mikey needs to open a time gateway is dependent on the distance from present to the desired time period. However, it's the most draining form of energy he manifests as well, so even if the time's just a few hours apart it could knock him out for at least a day or two if he opened one himself.
It started maybe an accidental rewind for like a minute or so, or a Mikey-Leo portal coordination that led to a different result on Mikey's end. After finding out Mikey can time travel, he starts with seconds, then minutes, until he's able to do days without hurting himself too much.
Again, immense energy consumption still applies. Mikey's probably cracked his skin way too many times and damaged some nerves, but being the most powerful mystic user he's able to self heal after he recovers some energy. Spiritual healing mumbo jumbo, maybe that's why Casey asked him to help Leo during the movie's opening (or that he's desperate because there's no one else nearby).
I think if the travel's just the near past, those who pass through the portal mentally travel and not physically transport like what happened with Casey because physically nothing much changed. If the gateway was made like, a year from where the travelers were, too much of their biological components have changed since then for the laws of time travel to transport them to their past body.
Maybe at some point Mikey did some testing or simulations with Donnie to how far he could open a gateway. Maybe future travel had too many variables after some many calculations so they could only safely go backwards. Eventually they figured out they could hypothetically open one far back enough even before the point Casey was sent in the movie.
But Mikey learned about his time travel capabilities years too late, so opening a portal to the time period before the key was stolen would take, as he said, "everything I[he] got." Even if he has assistance. The more time passes though, the gap between the time they could travel back to before the key theft also shortens, so he and Donnie had to tell Leo ASAP (while omitting the whole "Mikey would die if they do this" part, per Mikey's request).
Of course after knowing this makes Leo hopeful, especially that it's a chance of him undoing his mistakes all those years ago that cost the world, so they start planning. But being the turtle that he is, he quickly picked up his bros weren't telling him everything. He probes and it takes a while but Mikey finally caves in and admits what could happen to him.
Leo's mortified, because why would they leave such crucial information from him?! Plan's immediately scrapped, because they already lost too many. No, he can't lose another because of his choices. It doesn't matter if it's for the "greater good", or if Mikey assures he can handle it (even if Donnie's face says otherwise). They'll find another way.
No more loses.
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hawkeyedflame · 11 months
I got approval from my manager to work 7-3 instead of 9-5 in September and October so I can volunteer coach the high school cross country team. :)
I am really excited to get involved with some kids and hopefully be an adult figure in their lives that they can rely on. I met them a couple weeks ago and they seem like they're a pretty alright group, although their coach and I had a long talk about the state of kids these days and it was honestly a little disheartening. I don't know if I'm the kind of person who can make an impact on a bunch of teenagers, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
If I'm being totally honest though, the bigger motivation is that I want to work alongside their coach. She was my guidance counselor when I was in school, I've known her since I was little, and I have a very deep appreciation and respect for her. When I became very mentally ill, she took immense care to look after me and support me however she could. She always listened to me, always made time, always tried to guide me with love, in spite of how difficult and frustrating I was to deal with at the time. It was her job, but she went above and beyond in her duties, because that's just the kind of person she is.
Back in May I bumped into her very briefly, for the first time in ten years, at a track meet I randomly attended, and she asked me if I wanted to help her coach in the fall. She laughed as she said it, I laughed in turn, assuming she was joking, and said I could never. And then I didn't stop thinking about it.
So when I ran into her on my way down a mountain two weeks ago and she invited me to hike with her right then and there, I was surprised that she asked me once again if I would help coach. This time she was serious, and said she could really use the assistance. She confided that her health has been declining recently and she's busier than ever and really needs some support because she's bitten off more than she can chew, but there simply haven't been any other volunteers to help with the coaching.
I don't know what other answer I could have given in that moment. She is not the kind of person to collect debts, but I owe her a great deal and it would be wrong to turn away from someone who gave me so much when I was at my worst. I'm at my best now, and every day is better. The least I can do is return what I can to her. It's only right.
And, I just genuinely enjoy her as a person and want to spend time with her. It's been ten years and I miss the close relationship we used to have, and would like to see what kind of relationship we can have now that we are equals and I am no longer a tar pit of negativity.
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robo-milky · 1 year
I saw you are doing Oc interactions, so I wanted to see Cloche and Grace!
Grace has a service familiar named Kerby (he is a Gytrash - Burmese Mt. Dog), so I imagine the first meeting being Kerby going up to Cloche and wanting to play when he is "off-work." Grace would half to get Kerby and try to comfort/get to know her. Grace would try to help her work around her curse since she feels bad. I also think they may bond over their shared experiences (Grace died in her home world and remembers it).
Grace is playing fetch with Kerby in the sports field with him off leash. He had been working hard, so she often spent an hour or two in the evenings on nice days playing with him to release his energy and give him a break from a hard day's work.
"Ready buddy?" She said in an excited voice as the big black fluffball wagged his tail furiously, "Go get it!!" Grace chucked the tennis ball as far as she could and Kerby ran after it. He grabbed the ball and displayed it proudly "Good boy! Bring it back Kerbs!"
Just as he was about to prance back, Kerby caught sent of something and dashed off. "KERBY!" Grace called and ran after him. It was unusual for Kerby to not listen to her, he usually had great recall. "KERBY COME!"
She then saw his target, a beastcat girl in a combination of the school and a maids uniform. Kerby, being the big boy that he is, surprised the girl and started licking her.
"KERBY NO! GET BACK HERE!" Grace called, and this time Kerby listened and came pracing towards Grace. She put his leash back on and caught her breath.
"I am so so so sorry. He is usually really good about recall. He means no harm." She apologized, then she saw the girls face and smiled "I'm Grace, I live in Ramshackle. I think I have seen you around, what's your name?"
Hopefully, this isn't too Ooc, but I would love for them to meet 💗 I love your lore and Ocs!!
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I hope this wasn’t too OOC as well!! I haven’t done too many written interactions, so I’m still kinda experimenting with a style here ^^; Thank you for the prompt and details, definitely helpful! I’m happy that you enjoy my OCs and their… interesting lore jfjfjfj
[Written Response]
Cloche didn’t have a dislike for dogs, but she wasn’t too fond of having to touch slobber without mental preparations. When Kerby was pulled back by his owner, Cloche’ attention turned to the woman who was frantically putting his leash back on. When the blonde introduced herself as “Grace”, Cloche didn’t seem to react much except for a nod of acknowledgement. Cloche’ blank stare, without any signs of preparing for a response, left Grace wondering if she needed to repeat her question.
Right before Grace tried to ask again, Cloche dipped into small bow, “The name is Cloche. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mistress Grace.” Cloche didn’t pay any mind Grace’ grimace at the title. Dusting her apron as she stood back up, “And I didn’t mind him at all. Kerby, was it?”
When Grace showed a sign of affirmation, Cloche continued to ask, “By the way, I thought pets and animals weren’t allowed.” Judging by the leash, collar, and how relaxed Grace was about playing fetch in the open field, it seemed Grace must have had permission of some sort.
“Oh? He’s a service… familiar?” Cloche’ eyes widened when Grace corrected her, “I see. My apologies for assuming otherwise— and a gytrash at that…” Cloche listened as Grace explained her circumstance and how her reliance on Kerby came to be.
It was just the two of them— and some other Track and Field Club members doing their own things. Cloche wasn’t in a P.E. uniform, making Grace curious. When she asked about it, Cloche shrugged, “I was told to look for a missing keychain in this yard.” Grace inquired more about this ‘missing keychain’, questions along the lines of its appearance and how long Cloche had been searching. After answering, the maid was surprised that a stranger was willing to help out.
After what seemed like an eternity, even with Kerby’s assistance, there were no signs of such charm out in the fields. Grace suggested that Cloche should go check in the lost-and-found and search tomorrow, also mentioning how much harder it is to search for something so small in the dark.
“You may leave. I appreciate your and Kerby’s help, but I’m afraid I can’t return empty-handed,” Cloche leaned forward in a slight bow. Grace was hesitant to leave Cloche to search alone. Kerby shared the same sentiment and sat still in his place.
“You’re actually going to stay?” Cloche’ tail flickered. “This ‘missing keychain’ could be fake, for all you know. You may be wasting your time, here.” Despite the seemingly hostile comment, Grace had a hunch such sentiments were directed at whoever told Cloche to find the keychain, rather than herself and her service familiar.
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my-darling-boy · 2 years
Glad you're back! We've missed you! How have you been? What's new in your world?
It is nice to be back :’) Basically the Mental Illnessᵀᴹ took a massive and debilitating swing at me earlier in the year after I finished a round of therapy and I’ve been suffering horribly under that spell and from family issues for last handful of months and I’m trying to arrange for another therapist to help put me back together again cos tbh it’s really not good,,,
But in other uplifting news, there’s been plenty of castles and cemeteries and old odds and ends I’ve visited I’ll have to post about. I made PinkNews during pride month with my outfit and sign. Soon to be starting my 2nd year of Illustration. Friends took me clubbing for the first time and it wasn’t that bad. I’m throwing an elaborately planned Halloween party which I fully intend to take plenty of aesthetic photos of because of the sheer amount of money I’ve spent on Halloween stuff so far and might as well have something to show for it 😭 Done a few overnight paranormal investigations and had a blast at the one we just did revisiting a ship we went to previously (so I could bring one of the sailors a little present) and was very pleased both he and the soldier that follows me about came through in a fantastically hilarious group K2 communication session. Was finally able to do some WWI reenactment and had fun at the latest event I did with a group I’m still trying out. And to finish off with my signature dichotomy in interests, I’m soon to be taking a course for burlesque to assist with drag performances which I am taking baby steps towards.
So… a lot going on :’) I’m still not doing consistently great but hopefully the mental health improves so I can fully appreciate what’s more to come x
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