#but a) we don't know where this is going b) we know hen and chim and eddie all have substantial story lines in the beginning of s8
tenisperfection · 7 days
This is likely controversial but said without malice or an intention to start discourse, but I don't think Gerrard butting up against Buck this season or Buck being the one who's most affected necessarily means that they are trying to "white savior" the story line. Hen and Chim have dealt with Gerrard before and yes, it's going to hit them pretty hard that he's back in the place of Bobby, who's family. But them knowing how fucked up and rotten this man is means something.
I'm a queer woc and I can't tell you the number of times I've run into authority figures like Gerrard and how I know what to expect from men like him. It sucks, and the fact that I am used to it does not make it okay, of course it doesn't. In the context of 911, it does not mean the show should normalize the experiences of Hen and Chim just because they've faced him before. But the story line here, at least what we know of it now, does not seem to be "Buck is the only one who is affected by Gerrard and everyone else is unfazed". We already know from Aisha's interview that Hen is wary of his return and will lay low until she can address this. We've seen a bit of Chim's reaction to facing Gerrard again, which could point to how his demeanor around Gerrard this season would be. I don't know what Eddie would do here but Ryan at least seems to think that Gerrard should fuck around with Eddie and find out.
But this is new for Buck, who is just recently out as a bisexual man, and who has never had homophobia directed against him. He's also worked primarily under a man who is his father figure for a lot of his adult life, so of course he's going to be pretty affected. Yes, he is a white man and has had and will have privileges that Hen and Chim and Eddie would never do. But I feel like some reactions to the previews of this story line have conveniently brushed past Buck's bisexuality and how him going up against a bigoted authority figure for the first time in his life could also mean that this is a story of a straight white man discriminating against someone from a marginalized group. Intersectionality colors all of this but this is a show that in its eighth season is looking to re-introduce conflict through a familiar figure but told in a different context. I'd be pissed if they completely sideline the characters of color here in favor of Buck, but him being the most affected here is not automatically a red flag for me.
I'm not defending Tim here, who I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw him especially in how he treats his characters of color, and I'm not saying that Hen, a black lesbian who has faced bigotry all her life from men like Gerrard is somehow less worthy of being the hero of this arc and wherever they're going with it. But Buck facing up against Gerrard cannot just be reduced to the white savior trope when y'all know that there's additional context behind it. Also, maybe we should hold our horses till we see the entire story before we start throwing up arms about it, yeah?
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
Heads up Buddie fandom some of the B*mmy stans are actively searching for our posts and tweets to leave harassing comments. When this happens the best thing you can do is block them. They’re looking for attention and they're trying to rile us up and mostly they're worried about their ship. If they weren’t they wouldn’t care this much that we don’t like their ship or what our opinions are. Think about how little we’re going to give a sh*t about them once Buddie is canon. They know their ship is on borrowed time, if Lou even comes back at all. The main reason they’re attacking us is because we represent the biggest threat to their ship and that’s Eddie and Buddie.
Don’t let whatever bs they try to throw at you upset you or make you doubt the fact that Buddie is happening. They can call us delusional as much as they want but they are seeing a version of a relationship that just doesn’t exist. They can try to say the same about us but we have 6 going on 7 years of development between Buck and Eddie. And while Buddie's relationship hasn't canonically moved into the realm of romantic yet they are definitely written has having a much deeper bond than just best friends. This is especially true when you compare them to Hen/Chim or Maddie/Josh or Athena/Hen, etc. None of those friendships behave the way Buddie ever has.
When I say B/T shippers are only seeing what they want to see it's because they have built that relationship up to be something way more serious than it is without any proof to back that up. Buck is literally only dating T*mmy they're not even in a committed relationship at this point and that was only reconfirmed more by that deleted scene. There is a part of them that has to look at everything that happened in s7, that deleted scene (which they originally thought was going to be Henren's seal of approval for the rs), Lou's radio silence and the SWAT rumours and they have to be worried. They might try to put on this front of certainty that their ship is endgame but it's clear from how defensive they get that they know it doesn't look good for their ship.
We honestly need to just ignore that part of fandom and keep spreading the love for Buddie. B*mmy fandom is simply a loud minority and there's no reason that fandom should be getting as much attention on social media as it sometimes does. We need to keep showing that there is still a huge active fan base for Buddie.
I know that since season 7 ended without any serious development for Buddie and Buck still with T*mmy a lot of you are worried Buddie might never happen and I get that. I was ready to give up on the show all together after season 6 but I'm telling you I've never been more certain than I am now that Buddie is happening. It's the most logical direction for these characters and it's where everything is telling us the story is going.
Remember that s7 was heavily focused on Bathena, Henren, and Buddie. For as much as B*mmy's act like their ship is so important (even constantly comparing it to the other main couples) that relationship has had very little development and screen time and even less pr. Which you'd think given how big Buck's coming out was they would have had tons but they didn't. They only even did one joint interview with Oliver and Lou and that was right at the end and they barely even talked about B/T. Meanwhile Ryan and Oliver did a bunch of interviews together and nearly every interview and article mentioned Buddie.
We need to stop looking at B/T as a threat to our ship because it's really not. I hate Buck in that relationship and I don't like T*mmy at all and the worst part has been the fans of that ship but T*mmy is only here to serve a purpose. He was there to be Buck's first male love interest and help Buck realize he could explore that part of himself. He's not here to be the great love of Buck's life. To be the person who gets Buck better than anyone else. That position has already been filled.
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brass-tacked · 2 months
was he also too suicidal to recognize that buck had come along way from where he was in season 1? was he also not in his right mind when he told hen "you got this" to her ease anxieties over adopting mara? or when he told her that all she had to do was welcome mara into her family when she was worried about mara never having felt a part of a family? or when he noticed ravi didn't need help with the hoses anymore? or when he told buck that he was on his game that night or letting him cook for the team, or telling him the food was good?
that argument doesn't make any sense unless you're also saying that nothing bobby says in that episode counts or matters? the point of that scene was to show these characters have grown through the under bobby. the point of the bobby and buck scene was bobby telling buck that he'd come along way and doesn't constantly need guidance anymore, which is true. also chimney, hen, eddie, and chris all love tommy. chim literally said "tommy is so cool." eddie literally said "i like him too." chris was gushing about how awesome tommy was off screen. bobby also openly liked tommy alongside hen and chim when he first met them in bobby begins, when hen, chim, and tommy were all getting drinks together. genuinely curious if you actually watch the show you're talking about or have you fallen victim to your own echo chamber? it's fine not to like a character, but it's very clear the show is trying to tell the audience that tommy is a good guy. like no amount of "b-b-but" is gonna change that. even if they do break up, he's never gonna be the villain you're creating in your head. all of the mains clearly approve of tommy, you just don't wanna hear it.
I’m not going to spend my night arguing with an anon. But I will say that the show does a pretty good job of showing how Tommy was not a good guy in the past. I’m not going to forgive a misogynistic racist.
Go rewatch the episode in season 3 where Buck befriends the retired firefighter who is all alone. When Buck asks Hen and Chim about their relationships with past members of the 118, they both admit that they aren’t friends with those guys, including Tommy. Chim straight up says he only called Tommy for help that one time because Tommy owed him a favor. That’s all. That’s the only reason they’d had any contact.
For the cruise ship episode, Hen wasn’t even trying to reach Tommy. She wasn’t even thinking of him.
But you know what the most important thing I’m going to say is? It’s that the best thing about consuming media is that we can all have different opinions and interpretations. We can all like different aspects of the same show, derive enjoyment and pleasure from it, and still never agree with each other.
Just like I’m never going to convince you that Tommy isn’t a good guy, you’re never going to convince me that he is.
So have a great night, enjoy your weekend, and let’s please agree to go to our separate corners of fandom in peace. You can also feel free to block me if you don’t like my opinion. It’s another great option to protect your own peace.
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sunflower-eddiediaz · 3 months
hi girasol! 🌻✨ hmmmm for the WIP ask game: can i ask you to please let us see a bit of the Omega voice and ex-fwb to lovers?? they sound fascinating!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
hi wendy! 🥰💜
Omega voice
This one. Hm. It was supposed to be a simple rambling post about "what if eddie accidentally used his omega voice on buck and it worked", but it got away from me. It turned into a long draft and I haven't even finished outlining all the thoughts.
Here is the beginning of the Thoughts:
pre relationship buddie. omega eddie / alpha buck. something happens that makes buck go almost feral, like eddie is in danger and unreachable and for a moment buck thinks he's gone, but even when it's confirmed that eddie's okay, even when eddie is in front of him, the feral state doesn't subside. eddie comes close to him, tries to reassure him, puts his hand on his shoulder and follows his gaze but nothing works until eddie says "Buck, breathe." and he does. buck finally calms down, eddie finally lets hen check him over. He wasn't even injured, his radio broke and they didn't know where he was in the burning, about to collapse building.
Ex-fwb to lovers
The idea is that Buck, Eddie, Hen and Chim are all chatting and Eddie mentions something about Buck he only knows because they slept together. HenChim clocks it and Buck can't lie so he confesses that yeah they used to sleep together like a year ago, but they "mutually decided to stop". Eddie says "come on Buck, we've been mature enough to move on from it. If we're gonna talk about it, let's at least be honest." Their "break up" was just a big miscommunication misunderstanding, and obviously they both want a romantic relationship. They clear up everything right then and there in front of Hen and Chim.
It's not "written", but I have some dialogue:
E : Come on Buck, we've been mature enough to move on from it. If we're gonna talk about it, let's at least be honest. B : How am I not honest? Did we not agree to stop? I mean, as far as I know, we haven't slept together in the last 8 months. E : Don't do that. We wanted different things, yeah. I agreed to end it, but it was your idea. B : How was it my idea? You're the one who initiated that conversation. E : Oh, so you do remember that, but not what i said. B : I do remember, you said you didn't want to keep doing casual. E : Yes, but you wanted to stop, so we stopped. B : I didn't want to stop. E : Then why did you say we should? B : I was agreeing with you, you're the one who wanted to stop. E : I didn't want to stop! I didn't want to do casual! B : *confused buck* E : *frustrated eddie*
wip tag game
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
do you have ideas of things you'd like to see in buddie fics? I love your writing sm and I'd love to see your take on buddie
YES. I have had a LOT of thoughts about fucked up boys sorting themselves out, and also one where Eddie cries a lot about figuring out he's not straight, but I ALSO had this one fic idea that kept me company in the middle of night for a LONG TIME, which was basically WHAT IF BUCK AND EDDIE GOT JEALOUS MARRIED
Like, they go to Vegas for... something. Chim's birthday. IT DOES NOT MATTER. They're in Vegas. People are joking about other people coming to Vegas and getting drunk and getting married, idk, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that Buck and Eddie react entirely appropriately to this joking suggestion, and think... huh. What if we got married? That would fix everything!
It is important to note that there is nothing to fix
They are just two best friends occasionally and with some legal back up co-parenting a child, what needs fixing about THAT
So! They slip away. Why are they doing that? Who knows. And then they're like, "So, getting married, huh? What a joke."
They are not joking, and there is nothing to fix, but they are both thinking, in their special screwed up kind of a way, if they are married to EACH OTHER then it is IMPOSSIBLE* that the other person could marry SOMEONE ELSE and it is very important that even though there is NOTHING to acknowledge about how jealously they guard each other, that there be ZERO permanence about anyone else in their lives
*it is absolutely possible, they are just stupid
(for each other)
Buck and Eddie get married in Las Vegas because what is MORE NORMAL than two best friends who are not queer for each other getting married on a drunken weekend in Vegas while almost entirely sober
They hug after getting married because W O W what a relief, now everything is fixed!!!! Amazing how much of a relief it is to know that everything is fixed now, everyone is going to be better off!!!
They don't tell a single person
They go back to their lives secure in the knowledge that everything is fixed now and continue to do everything EXACTLY THE SAME as they did before they went to Vegas and got secret jealous married
Except maybe IDK Eddie updates his will or something
And then says to Buck that he should do the same but HEN OVERHEARS
and later on has to say, what the fuck, Buck (even funnier because it rhymes) and Buck has to be, like, "Yeah so Eddie and I are MARRIED now, isn't it great, it fixes EVERYTHING!!!"
Hen: "..."
And then Hen has to go out of her mind for the next eight months because literally NOBODY knows that Buck and Eddie are very happily married whilst living entirely single* lives and never actually kissing or living together
*they are very clearly not single because they are, at this point, a) married and b) not in the least bit interested in anything with anyone else
Also they have a KID to bring up which they are doing TOGETHER and have only sort of realised this
So they go BACK to Vegas a year after getting married, who knows what for, it very clearly DOES NOT MATTER, and Buck says something erudite and well adjusted about how it must be nice to get the right number of hugs every day
He has read that article about the number of hugs required for emotional wellbeing
He has shared that article about the number of hugs required for emotional wellbeing
Eddie, who is very well adjusted, says, "huh, maybe we can be that for each other?"
Hen at this point is melting into the concrete, willing herself to become at one with the universe rather than put up with the secret that she cannot tell anyone, which is that Buck and Eddie are so stupid they need STUDYING, in a LAB
Buck and Eddie begin The Year of The Hugs which is Hen's least favourite year because it turns out Buck and Eddie are both TOUCH STARVED and also still OBLIVIOUS about how in love they are
Buck and Eddie like to go to each other's places just to hug, which is Normal
God, they're so normal
Getting married really HAS fixed everything, they're so good at this
Meanwhile no one else has noticed anything because this is mostly going on at home and no one else really thinks too deeply about anything, which Hen maintains was her first mistake. She has given up thinking. It's safer.
Buck and Eddie start having hugging sleepovers rather than Buck sleeping on the sofa when he stays over
Christopher, who, despite having Eddie for a father, has some critical thinking skills (this is unfair to Eddie, who is very good at critical thinking when it comes to work, but who has the emotional capability of a boiled egg when it comes to understanding who he is and what he wants and what he is feeling)
Christopher gives up trying to explain that Buck is his dad's best friend and just calls him his other dad when he has to tell his friends' parents who's picking him up and dropping off at things
Everyone deals with this like it's entirely normal, which it is, because they've never had to deal with the flat expression of two men dealing with having a functioning family relationship for the first time in their lives by not realising they have one
Christopher assumes that his dads are dating but not telling him, so he makes them a card that says CONGRATULATIONS and then they all have to have a conversation where each sentence is stupider than the last one where Buck and Eddie explain that they LOVE each other and they SLEEP together but only because they like to HUG and that is NORMAL
Christopher considers giving his parents up for adoption
Particularly when they explain that they are MARRIED but that is just because it FIXED EVERYTHING
still nothing to fix
Christopher suggests, quite gently, that maybe his dads should just try BEING MARRIED because they ARE MARRIED and nobody is talking about DIVORCE, right?
Buck literally cries at the mention of divorce, Eddie looks like he's swallowed a boiled egg whole
Christopher googles my dads need therapy
Buck and Eddie add holding hands to their repertoire of married tricks
Hen considers emigrating to the moon
Buck and Eddie have been married eighteen months and have yet to kiss or admit that they want to
they want to
this is the end of part one because I am tired
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Your metas are always worth the wait and people need to remember that we all have lives and can't be expected to be 100% online all the time! Also if you happen to find out where Natalia's dress is from, I would be elated. Until I saw the price tag of course lol.
With that being said, I have been so intrigued about why Buck ends up stepping up if that's what is happening in the episode so I wanted to get your thoughts. I don't want anyone thinking I want him to step up over Hen and I think this is only happening because A. Chimney is hurt and can't take over, and B. If the spoiler pics are accurate, it looks like Hen is trying to take care of Eddie. So what makes Buck the one to end up giving orders, if that's happening?
Hey Nonnie
Thank you for the kind words they mean a lot to me. I've just posted my meta, so I hope you enjoy reading it!
I can in fact help you out with Natalia's dress - its by a label called Reformation (side note - this is the same label that makes the dress Vanessa wears to the non date with Eddie) and various outlets stock it, it comes in at a cool £245 or $278 - this is the link to net-a-porter who stock it in this pattern (which is last seasons) you can go to the reformation website where they have it in various other colours and patterns. https://www.net-a-porter.com/en-gb/shop/product/reformation/clothing/midi-dresses/baxley-floral-print-crepe-de-chine-midi-dress/1647597300686238
As for BUck stepping up well we know a little more now from the 5 second promo we've had and the likelihood is that Buck and Ravi might be the only ones not in immediate danger from the 118, which would necessitate Buck stepping up - something he would do to save his family. The thing is, all of us with braincells know that Buck would never be chosen as captain over Hen or Chimney and that isn't what this is. Buck stepping up in the middle of a disaster, when the rest of the 118 have been taken out in some way is just a firefighter stepping up to do what is needed in the moment. Yes Buck will learn from the experience and get to show the skills he has which will help him be a good captain one day in the future, and I'm sure his stepping up here will likely play a part in him knowing himself better - knowing what he wants better etc, but it is not for one minute about Buck being ready to be captain now, or being ready to be captain over Hen or Chim.
We should also remember we've seen Buck step up before - this isn't anything new its just on a larger scale and in a scenario when the rest of his team need his help. we saw Buck step up in season 5 - with the woman who fell down the mine shaft in the finale - Bobby stepped aside to see to the kids and Buck was the one who took charge of the rescue operation - that wasn't about him stepping over Hen or Chim, it was about him being the one with the skills needed in that situation and it allowed the writers to set up this seasons arc about Buck finding himself and what he wants his future to look like. There are several other examples, but they are no different to Hen or Chim taking charge when their individual skills are the ones that will allow for successful rescues, this new one for Buck is ultimately no different.
Hopefully this makes sense!
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zahlibeth · 1 year
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I'm still in love with the pilot there's just So Much going on. thoughts under the cut because i don't shut up
starts with a classic voice-over! i miss the cheese sometimes. Abby is absolutely a main character in S1 and also i love her
Hen calling Bobby "Captain" with two syllables?? who ARE these people??
Buck and "c'mon kid" with that first victim, Buck and kids just a theme from the start huh? him sweettalking the tiny baby later just fucking GETS to me
Bobby's "I've been where you are, I know how you feel" to the jumper?? s o b b i n g 😭 we see later that you can't always trust a story Bobby tells to a victim but this one? yeah this one is real and it hurts
also not reaching out for Bobby's hand vs Devon in the next episode!! I'm not counting this for the """foreshadowing""" square btw because I was explicitly meaning this to be unintentional-looks-hilarious-in-retrospect stuff, not legit storytelling
didn't remember that the audience got Bobby's backstory way way before the team!
"some are sex addicts" immediate scene transition into firehose!Buck!! love it when they do Scene Transitions with capital letters. the "can I get your actual number" bit hurts, I knew I was going to fall for Buck from here p much
"oh dang" Buck is SUCH a fucknig frat bro omg
"THIS IS NOT A FAMILY" says Bobby, you know, like a LIAR
"see the fire, put out the fire, the rest is blah blah" oh Buck you complete fool
Chim: "you know you're not helping him by going easy on him ... I'll remind you of that after he gets you killed" OUCH
the whole scene with Athena and Buck outside the hospital? yeah that's when I knew for sure I was gone for Buck. because he's a punk ass frat boy and literally every other character knows it and is not going to put up with his shit. as soon as he did his confident psshh demeanour and the camera panned to everyone else deeply unimpressed? chef's kiss, perfect. you know they're gonna buff those rough edges right out and he's gonna be a giant fucking softie all the way through
Michael & Athena's arguments were also when I knew I was down bad for the whole show because there's actual fucking NUANCE in them, they both have points, there's no easy answer
Buck: "as far as I'm concerned the world started the day I was born"
Hen's "why is [violence] always the first option for you white boy macho tough guys?" i love her i love her
also still not over Buck's ARMS in his "I always choose to save the more attractive one" scene like REALLY please
deeply in love with bitchy Bobby this episode. why DON'T we talk about what a bitch he is more??? straight up calls Buck a moron, his line about Athena saying Buck is an asset and him saying she's half right??? ICONIC. I'm counting this as a fanon violation honestly
Hen also is perfect, marching to the beat of her own drum as always "for what it's worth everyone things this sucks" / "it's my own fault" / "yeah, everyone thinks that too", i love her. also "I told [Bobby] he should just get a dalmatian instead" pffffft "I'm legit sorry to see you go, you got some skills, just not a lot of discipline" my boy has adhd and Hen reads him for filth so fucking fast
Buck with his "you're the real hero here" for Abby is perfect, he's a sweeheart, I ship them so hard in season 1 they're delightful together
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Best look: ruffled firehose Buck in the engine obv, interesting that we barely get anyone in civvies
Worst look: the unflattering dispatch polos
Character notes: Bobby is "50 years old" though it would be fair to take that as a general estimation rather than an exact number, "lost a decade of my life in and out of rehab ... back in the job 18 months"
Chim is terrified of snakes and Hen apparently Knows Snake Facts
Buck knows neither Rambo nor Conan the Barbarian
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I love it when shows use framing like this, it really tells the whole story that sometimes some of the GA just don't get
Kept rewatching that fantastic last episode and I just love the framing here:
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They really had Lucy on the outside the entire time in the shot (which absolutely makes sense with where the story is at this moment). Then you have Taylor not in between Eddie and Buck, then in between, then back out again. (showing how things have gone and a possible hint to the future, perhaps?)
And even better was Buck and Eddie. Buck has his hands on his hips and Eddie has his arms crossed but both are turned towards each other, turning. Eddie is even leaning against the pillar. His arms may signal he's still not completely open (not with Buck but about something else) but he's clearly comfortable talking to Buck. The funny thing is Buck is not completely relaxed here (with the hands on the hips) so he's still not completely open about something else as well. Tbf, could be due to the Taylor & Lucy moment since he does look over at one point but also it kind of goes in line with the theme of how Buck has been a bit closed off/something hidden all season. Especially when we know how this show loves to use framing:
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And in the scene above (with T & L) notice two things:
1) Buck and Eddie immediately relax once Taylor leaves the frame and Hen walks into it. Buck looked slightly more relaxed before Taylor leaves with him holding onto his suspenders while talking to Eddie, but he truly relaxes once they see Hen coming. And of course, Eddie does as well. His arms uncross and he goes to put his hands on his hips, but you can almost see both men's bodies do a huge sigh of relief. This can be related to what's happening with Bobby of course, that has them both on edge. But I think we're also meant to see that Taylor is a source of contention, especially for Buck. While he might not have broken off his conversation with Eddie to go talk to Taylor or deal with the confrontation, they purposely showed us that Buck was very aware of Taylor's presence in the room and what was occurring before the two women. For a multitude of reasons of course (one of them to hint at the BuckTaylor relationship not being as solid as some people might think) but this really sticks out to me as them also trying to show us that Taylor is just a point of contention for Buck period. And for Eddie. They didn't have to have Eddie in this shot. He had no purposeful dialogue (until Hen comes in) and this could have very easily been Chim (especially considering Chim and Buck haven't really had any one-on-one interactions since Chim's return, which I hope we get soon, sorely needed). But instead, during an emotionally vulnerable moment in Buck's life (since he was very clearly worried about Bobby), they chose to have Eddie there (not the first time we've seen that this season). Something Taylor calls attention to (about Buck being upset) for the audience (and Lucy) while in the foreground and B&E are in the background. And again, they have two love interests for Buck in the scene (I know Lucy isn't really one per se but bear with me), and until Hen comes in, the only other character outside of Buck is Eddie. Sure they have extras walking around, but no one that the audience is supposed to focus on. They purposely put Eddie into a scene with Buck's two love interests where his romantic relationship with one of them and his flirtation with the other is brought to the foreground, literally. Where else have we seen something slightly similar to this before?
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2) Buck and Eddie are wearing their suspenders differently in this scene. Yes, the suspenders are meant to show that the 118 is a solidified unit again, with Lucy as an extra. Once Jonah and the others come in, we can read it as the LAFD being a solidified unit. Meant to convey the theme of unity again and pretty much shove that unity in the audience's faces so they don't miss it lol. But notice that Eddie's suspenders are the only ones that are off his shoulders and hanging loosely at his sides. This not only is meant to show in the bigger picture that Eddie, while he knows now he's meant to be back with the 118 and is headed down that path, still isn't 100% back with the 118 as a unit. He's got his family back (now that we see him interacting with Hen) but not the unit itself. If we dive deeper into the framing of that shot, he and Buck still aren't on the same page. Though I will say this: I don't think Oliver choosing (or being noted) to touch his suspenders in that scene is a coincidence. Buck and Eddie are on the cusp of being back in sync (we saw that their partnership as well as the co-parenting of Christopher have fully gelled up to this point, that Buck has been there for Eddie during his time of crisis) but they still have a little more to go before tipping back over into what they were before (even if slightly changed in some way).
So basically, these next two episodes should be interesting to watch. I love how this show utilizes every single device they have in the toolbox to help tell this story. I know people are worried about QB (I get it, but I seriously don't see it in this show at all) and that maybe Buddie will never happen, but when you see the clues they lay out in every single episode from the dialogue to the framing to the performances to the costuming to the story line right down to the music cues...it makes it so much easier to see exactly where they're heading. We may not get it in the way some of us are expecting, but we will get it.
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(notice Buck and Eddie mirrored here, they seriously are right on the cusp)
Hang in there, Buddie peeps. <3
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Evan Buckley x Reader Imagine
Taglist: @nurse-buckley
Prompt: "Stay with me. Don't close your eyes."
WARNINGS: mentions of car wreck involving DUI driver
Hurt, Angst, Trauma/Healing, Fluff
Later that week, you had run out of groceries and needed to do some shopping before Buck got home. Seeing that you boyfriend was working a double shift today, after the earthquake had hit L.A.
You grabbed your jacket and purse along with the keys to your truck and the grocery list that you had just finished. You locked the apartment door behind you and made your way to your truck.
During the drive to the market to buy groceries, you had the green light, and as soon as you began to drive, someone slammed into your side of your truck, causing you truck to flip several times.
All you could hear was people screaming, and voices all around you as you faded in and out of consciousness. Your head was bleeding, you were pinned under your crushed truck, and you saw people kneeling, trying to free you.
Buck was playing video games with Hen when the bell rang, signaling a car. "We got a car wreck down on Main Street. A drunk driver collided with a red, Dodge Ram." Bobby alerted the team.
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But little did the 118 know, that it was you that had been hit by the drunk driver.
When the 118 arrived on scene, Buck hopped out, and the minute he saw you, laying pinned under your truck, his heart stopped beating. The next thing he knew, he was trying to get you out because your truck had been leaking gas.
"Hey! Hey! Y/N! Stay with me, baby! Don't close your eyes!" Buck begged you as the crew worked fast to get you out.
Once they cut you out, they slipped a C-Brace on your neck and got you onto a backboard.
Buck never left your side. You were rushed to the hospital. You knew Buck was there but all you could do was squeeze his hand lightly. "B-buck." You managed to get out, in a raspy voice.
"You're going to be fine. You got this, Y/N." Buck brought your hand to his lips, gently kissing it.
The pain had become too much for you and you passed out just as Hen arrived at the hospital.
Doctors and Nurses rushed out, wheeling you in on a gourney. They rushed you into the OR for immediate surgery. Due to the stint of your injury, you suffered a spinal cord injury, a severe concussion, amongst numerous of bruising and swelling around your head and your lower spine. Along with some broken ribs, and a broken wrist.
Days after your surgery, you were completely zonked out still from the anesthesia. Buck was sitting beside your bed.
Bobby and Athena stopped by to check on you and also to check on Buck. "Hey, Buck, how is Y/N?" Bobby asked.
"Not too well. Y/N slipped into cardiac arrest twice since coming out of surgery. They had to intubate Y/N." Buck sighed, running his fingers through his messy hair, still in his uniform.
"Why don't you go and get some rest Buck? Me and Bobby will stay with Y/N awhile. You need sleep, kid, and food." Athena spoke quietly.
Buck stood up. "Are you sure? I don't mind staying."
"Go, Buck, you need rest and food. And also a shower. We will call you if anything changes."
After Buck left, Eddie and Chris stopped by. "Hey, any news?" Eddie asked Bobby.
"No, Y/N is still out of it." Bobby said, smiling towards Chris. "Buck should be back later this evening, we told him to go home, get a few hours of sleep, some food, and a shower."
Maddie swung by with Chimney just as Buck walked in. "Hey, Maddie, Chimney." Buck greeted his sister and Chim.
"How are you doing?" Maddie hugged her brother.
"Scared. Worried. I can't stop worrying about Y/N. What if Y/N dies?" Buck rambled.
"Hey, Y/N is a fighter. I know Y/N will pull through this." Maddie walked into the ICU with Buck.
You were awake. Looking around at everyone with the tube down your throat still.
"Hey baby, you're awake." Buck smiled, kissing your head.
You tried to smile but couldn't.
A week later, you got moved home where Carla was taking care of you and Chris since she offered. Buck and Eddie had agreed to let Chris stay over at Buck's with you while the two men worked their shifts.
After Buck and Eddie finished their shifts, they arrived back to Buck's apartment and Buck let them in. "Carla? Whe-" Before Buck could finish, Carla shushed Buck. "Come here." She smiled, motioning for Eddie and Buck.
You were fast asleep with Chris asleep against you. You had your arms over him protectively as the two of you slept.
Eddie took in the sight. He chuckled. Then looked over at Buck.
Buck grinned. "Carla? Did you get a few pictures?" Buck asked.
"Yeah, I did. I just sent them to you both." Carla whispered.
"So, cute." Eddie chuckled, taking a seat, watching the two sleep.
Buck grabbed a drink from his fridge. "Glad to see them both resting." He laughed quietly.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
I don't feel too bad for Taylor tbh, but I hate that Buck cheating most likely robbed us of a satisfying BT break up scene. Chances are Buck won't even be the one initiating, let alone be allowed to stand up for himself too much, which is everything we didn't want for him.
I have another ask about this that I'll probably go into more detail on, but yeah that's one of my major gripes about this storyline, because the narrative set up was right there for Buck to choose himself and put himself first in a healthy way, and now, no matter what, it will be colored with guilt IF he even gets to do the breaking up at all. It's what makes the most narrative sense. Then again, him breaking up with his gf FIRST, and thinking like Eddie that would fix things, then maybe kissing the new lady and continuing in his downward later because his gf was only part of the problem also made the most narrative sense but here we are 🤷‍♀️
And it's unfortunate because I have been looking forward to that breakup since 4x14 and after the glory that was Eddie's breakup, and Buck looking more and more dead behind the eyes, I was SO looking forward to her once again invalidating his feelings, or being pissy because he's giving all his attention to Eddie and Chris and Maddie (and Jee and Chim) and Buck getting to stand up for himself. But now? Him trying to claim any kind of high ground, or stand up for himself is not going to land well or be a good look so not only are we stuck with this BS storyline, but we're also being robbed of something we've all been looking forward to celebrating.
And who knows? They might pull off something amazing with the breakup and we might get some really amazing work from Oliver this season. That doesn't mean that this was the BEST choice they could have made, that it was a good choice, or that people who hate it are stupid and don't understand characters having flaws. Everyone has a line. For some people it was the lawsuit or the street fighting, for some it was Hen's cheating, for some it was Bobby's backstory, for some it was Chim punching Buck, or Abby pulling Buck's number from internal work documents, or Maddie leaving, or a police storyline of Athena's. Everyone has a line. A story arc they don't like, or a set up they aren't a fan of. That doesn't mean they don't "deserve" the show, or can't enjoy the payoff when the show manages to course correct/end up in a better or different place than expected when the storyline started.
I can hate this storyline, and be sick about having to see b/l flirting on the job and her meeting the reporter and not be excited for anything teased in the interviews about their "sexual tension" since it's all based on cheating, (not to mention avoiding/aggressively screening new fics because the tay kay apologists were bad enough but the L ones are going to be insufferable), AND I can be interested to see where Buck ends up, excited about the show, enjoy part of Buck's storyline, and maybe even be pleased with where it ends up going. Both things can be true.
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Birthday [Evan Buckley]
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story info: reader is bobby's daughter (from before the fire in Minnesota) authors note: this is my first fanfic on here so it might be shit ngl warnings: cursing word count: 1021
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The sun that streamed through my curtains casted a hazy yellow glow on my skin, spreading warmth through my body as my morning bed-head hair tickled the skin of my shoulders & face gently as I sat up slowly, enjoying the last few moments in the comfort of my bed before finally getting up & skulking into the shower.
The drive to work was nothing unusual for L.A, just the morning traffic, ignorant people barely look at the road from their phones. On the way to the 118, I had already seen on accident with the 133 already taking care of it.
When I walked into the station, it was as normal as it could get at the 118 but what put me off slightly is the lack of immediate birthday wishes. Most people wouldn't care but when a birthday came up in the 118, it was taken rather seriously with wishes, spontaneous gifts, & a party at the end of the day usually.
I jogged lightly up the stairs to find the lounge area as usual, Buck & Eddie fighting over a game, Bobby making breakfast while Hen & Chim sneak behind him continuously as I took a seat at a smaller, two person table. "What's today's date?" I asked, hoping they hadn't forgotten my birthday but I was let down, by each of them, my dad included "I think it's the 17th" Buck casually said through his gaming rage.
"No, it's the 19th, look at a calendar today Buck?" Chim replied with his usual sass towards Buck as I lightly sighed tapping away at my computer, rubbing my hands lightly on my face until the loud buzzing alarm disturbed me and I shot up, going down the pole & readying up for whatever this job would be.
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I panted heavy as I sat on the ground, chugging down water as I wiped sweat from my brows & threw my jacket off, leaning back against the cool metal of the fire truck, Buck dropping down next to me as I fan myself with my hand. "LA heat fucking sucks ass" Buck laughs & nods in agreement as we sit side-by-side to each other, the heat beating down & layering us with sweat.
The ride back to the station was better, letting the wind whistle & whip through my hair & cooling off my skin as we all jumped out of the truck, bitching & groaning as I pull out an ice-pack in hope of cooling down some, looking at whatever TV show replay was on.
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"You know what to do right Buck?" I nodded in response to Bobby's question as I clapped my hands together with a smile "Don't have to worry about anything Cap!" He just nods at me with a light chuckle "She's my kid so be safe with her" I grin, throwing my bag over my shoulder and I throw finger guns at him, walking out "Message me Cap!"
I slowed the jeep down to a stop infront of (Y/N)'s place, honking the horn a couple of times, waiting a bit before my eyes stopped on her exiting her house & damn she looked fine. I smile, lightly biting my lower lip & she gets into passenger, smiling at me, making my heart race. "So where we off to?" I shrug "Coffee?" She nods in simple agreement as gas the jeep & get going towards the nearest coffee shop.
Bobby: We're ready Buck: On the way
The wind is chill, nothing too cold but just right as the two of us happily sing along with no care in the world but each other in the moment & I felt at peace, like nothing bad would touch us. I pull into the drive way of Bobby & Athena's place as (Y/N) looked at me confused "They just wanted to hang out" She nodded as we both hopped out of the car as I rush over to cover her eyes with my hands. "It's okay, you'll love this. I promise you"
I kept my pace slow & careful as Buck shielded my vision with his hands, the sound of the front door clicking alerting me as I carefully took the step up into the house as he carefully stops me, removing his hands from my eyes, giving me a surprise I didn't expect for today.
"SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouts in unison my eyes widened in shock & surprise as I looked at Buck with a confused stare before back to everyone as I slowly make my way down the stairs "I honestly thought ya'll had forgotten my birthday" Bobby laughs, hugging me softly & gently kissing the top of my head "We'd never forget sweetheart"
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The party was great, food was beyond amazing as I chatted with May & Maddie of to the side out in the backyard, sipping on my drink before I feel a light tug on my shirt & look down to see a smiling Christopher, making me smile right back as I bend down to pick him up & standing straight "What's up little buddy?" He grins "B-Buck wants to ask you something. He's at the fireplace" I nod, excusing myself from the conversation & walking towards Buck as I set Christopher in a free chair.
"Little bird here told me you wanted to ask something?" I questioned to Buck as people look over, slowly quieting down as Buck came over, taking my hands gently in his as our eyes meet each other "I've honestly been thinking this over for a while & it took me longer then I wanted but uhm..." I saw the hesitation crinkle in his brows before he sighs & looking back at me with the most beautiful, soft blue eyes "Would you wanna be my girlfriend?" He took one of his hands away to itch the back of his neck nervously.
I snicker lightly with a soft smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek "I'd like that honestly" He grins, picking me up & spinning me as the others around us cheer, a red painting over my cheeks as I smile, holding onto Buck & embracing his soft scent.
Happy Birthday to me.
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buddiebeginz · 5 months
you know, the way people are acting like Tommy is the second coming of gay Jesus is actually making me hate him as a character. (Which isn't fair but it's how I'm feeling.) They're acting like he's this well established character when he's had what six episodes across the run of the show. For me it just shows, despite what they've said for years, it was never about telling a good love story. It was never about getting to see a slow burn done with two queer characters where they and the relationship was treated with the same care as the hetero slow burns. It very much feels like it's exactly what M/M shippers have been accused of for years, just wanting to watch two guys kiss.
I don't personally hate Tommy but I have issues with him both from how he was in previous seasons and some stuff he's done since he's been back. The show has this problem where it thinks that if a character has been gone for a bit and they come back and everyone is cool with them then it's fine. They did it with Taylor and also kind of did it with Buck and Chim's parents to some extent. They never really hold characters accountable for their actions. Like with Taylor we should have gotten some kind of scene when she and Buck were together where she says to him or to Bobby hey I'm sorry I was so focused on getting the story that I didn't care about saving your life. But we never had that.
Similarly with Tommy I think we should have gotten a scene with him and Chim and Hen where he said look I was struggling back then I'm sorry I was a dick. And I know they basically made it seem like he made friends with them all before he left the 118 but it would just be nice if 911 would have their characters acknowledge mistreatment more.
I honestly feel like the show and fandom try and hold Buck and Eddie to higher standards than they do to everyone else. Like I can't tell you the amount of posts I saw after Chim punched Buck where people were defending Chim yet we never a scene with Chim apologizing. Also I've seen tons of posts about how wrong Buck was on the basketball court or how wrong Eddie was in the grocery store but they never go as hard at other characters when they mess up. And back to Tommy I've only seen a handful of people even call out what he did on the date. Making that joke about closets when he knew Buck was on his first date with a guy and not out and just really panicking in that moment. I just found it really crass of him on top of him just kind of ditching Buck like he should have at least made sure he got home alright.
I'm happy that we finally got Buck's bi awakening storyline and I'm okay with that being with T*mmy even if I'm not crazy about him. My biggest issue is with B/T shippers and how insufferable some of them have been. Talking about how Buddie doesn't matter and how B/T should be endgame when they've barely known one another makes me want to scream. And it's mostly coming from former Buddie shippers.
And you're right some of these people are really proving the whole fetishizing queer couples argument correct (and I'm not saying this about everyone who likes B/T) but I think for some they just like that it's two hot guys making out and it doesn't really matter who it is. Which I hate to even say that because any time I've liked any queer couple I've had people say that stuff to me when it's always been because I've been invested in the storyline. But there isn't even any storyline yet to be invested in with B/T they kissed once and went on 1 1/2 dates and some people are talking about them getting married at some point >_<
Sorry for the long rant anon. Thanks for the message btw. ❤️Message anytime.
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ellelans · 3 years
I absolutely need your opinion. So after the synopsis of 5x10 I’ve seen a lot of people saying that they see the b/t break up in 5b, and I don’t? I mean it would not make sense to drag a relationship already dead in 5b for making them break up in 5x13. Then if the Arkansas thing wasn’t important, and they wanted to keep the reporter around more, they could have explained her past in 5b, and making the case in LA. I think 5b’ll be when buck starts healing from the sadness of this season
Tbh I haven't seen any of this,especially the 5x13 breakup?Why 5x13-to match eddieana or because of crossover episodes? I am now very curious about ow far these speculations go.The thing is nonnie-noone knows when it's going to happen.We are all just guessing.One thing for sure is that this breakup is def a done deal and will happen eventually,5x09,5x10 or even 5b.
Now Arkansas thing is DEFINITELY important-but we don't know what it is yet.Is it a part of a tragic past or a case she is going to investigate?If that's the reason she leaves it is going to be awesome because that means we will see her gone sooner than later.We will find out soon imo,because they are well aware how little the audiences cares about that character or her backstory and besides her few stans - noone is waiting for that particular reveal.We just all want writers to be done with it,the day she goes away we will forget about her the same way we forgot about Ana.They know it.
The reason they are dragging that relationship out tho might have nothing to do with relationship itself-but writers need to cover screen time with something.I already explained that earlier today,but what we are dealing with rn is 3 leads away.JLH is on maternity leave,Keneth is somewhere doing something (where is he really?) and Rockmond left.Maddie and Chim,two key characters that have major storylines with significant connection to Buck and important first responders storylines-they have some serious screentime and since they are missing,writers need to fill that time with someone else.May and Linda has been given bigger roles which is pretty awesome,they brought in another completely useless character-Collete and that's just to cover Maddie's absence in call center.Buck's relationship with Taylor being dragged out because his usual relationships are kinda on pause right now-since Chim and Maddie left,we only saw him hanging out once with Eddie and that is only because Eddie was taking care of his black eye and giving advice.Since then?If we see Buck outside 118-he is with Taylor and is pretty isolated.Chim's absence is more than noticeable too,Ravi is sweet but he is not Chim and they basically have no idea what to do with Hen-I am still waiting for them to give her an actual storyline.I am not sure if I am making sense,but the short version is - until we restore the balance with Chim and Maddie back?We will have to deal with other characters.I am more than sure we will find out where they are in 5x10,maybe even see them soon and they are definitely gonna be here in 5B.So Buck will have actual important relationships to deal with-his sister and his brother in law.Taylor will be gone soon enough.
As for 5b being the season that will cure Buck's sadness-possibly yes.I mean I hope we will see that in 5x10,he has a Santa Hat and he was actually SMILING so maybe one of the parts that caused sadness is over already?Anyways that breakup is coming.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
The people that're defending this cheating SL I noticed use a lot the but they aren't going to be endgame. And well yes, I think nobody is worried about this but can we be mad that buck is going to be in another relationship that we already know won't work? Or about the fact that they're making him like anyother protagonist of a cw TV shows? Because in the last 2 years a part for runnig after skirts what did buck really do?
Sorry part 2, I know they're saying lucy is going to regress him, but nobody in the interviews is saying that, everything is how lucy is this wonderful character and how buck likes having her around. Imo after what arielle said I see them doing the will/won't they thing until the finale where as b/t 2.0 they'll decide to give it a try, and I'll be mad because is it possible that buck can't stay single for 3 episodes?
Yeah, I totally get your frustration! I don't think anyone thinks they'll be endgame and even if that was KR's original plan, there is NO way the general audience will accept her sticking around. She's been around for maybe 5 minutes of screen time, but with all those interviews pushing her (WAY more than any other side character got hyped up) and how her introduction happened, everyone is sick of her already. So I doubt she'll be around after this season ends. If she is, it will be tay kay all over again and it'll just be a matter of time.
But she doesn't need to be an "endgame" love interest to be a love interest. That title simply means someone that is not a platonic friend, not that they'll be seriously together or even date. But they've already kissed, so she's not a platonic relationship for Buck. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I think Buck has grown a lot, and season 4 saw him in therapy and dealing with his family stuff and being there for Eddie. 5a though...what did ANYONE really do in 5a? Maddie and Chim left, we got the briefest hint about Hen's medical school arc, Eddie broke up with his gf and had panic attacks but we barely saw him or anything from his POV after that until 5x10, Buck was isolated in his loft looking miserable with his gf 90% of the time, Bobby was....around, Athena and Harry had a whole thing but SO much time was spent on Jeffery and him being a creep, rather than on them. (Sidebar, we know that 5x02 was supposed to be the end of that, but KR stretched it out into 2 episodes meaning 5x03 took the space of a whole other episode we could have had instead of....whatever TF that was that we suffered through in 5x03. So again, her insistence that they were short on footage and that's why they used a cheaper actress like MW so much sounds like more excuses rather than accepting that she as the showrunner chose to focus on the wrong things, and people were unhappy with the results because it's clearly not the show anyone fell in love with.) Like....5a was an inconsistent mess, and the cast and crew and KR have all said so. But it's because she keeps focusing on the wrong things, and these rando white woman side characters, but not even really, because we didn't even see ANYTHING from tay kay's POV for her "backstory" it was all told through Buck's encounters with her, but also we didn't see much inside his head either!
KR has made it clear she doesn't particularly care for the deep, meaningful talks between characters that resolve the dramatic moments, and that? THAT is the heart of the show. THAT is what sets it apart from other procedurals and teen dramas. The drama isn't the point, the drama is what leads to these beautiful character moments! I was SO excited to see Buck and Chim have a moment to talk, come to a mutual understanding and mutual apology, and hug things out, but apparently, they already did that off screen when Buck called him about Maddie being in Boston, despite the fact that after that, Chim mentioned still being upset and not talking to Buck so 🤷🏻‍♀️. I was excited to see Buck and Eddie talk about The Will of it all, and that Speed rescue call had SUCH Buddie foreshadowing vibes, but she's said she didn't think the will was a big deal, it was definitely nothing but platonic (Tim is the one that wrote the scene and put it in her episode), and that it likely isn't going to come up again. I'm hopeful with the PTSD thing we'll get to talk about the shooting but I'm trying not to hold my breath for that either, considering the ONLY reason we got Buck and Chris talking about what happened is because Tim insisted it was important and wrote it and again put it into KR's episode.
And I'm soooooo sick of the "showrunners always lie and they won't reveal big things in the interviews" line. Like, yes they aren't going to spoil things, but there are ways to tease things, and hide things without flat out lying, saying the opposite is going to happen, or something is NEVER going to happen. I don't think the interviews are the gospel truth, and things may change between when an interview is given and when the episodes come out, but I don't think they can entirely be written off as lies either. I said it before, no one wants to publish an interview they know is fully lies, and if all the interviews were always lies, they wouldn't do them anymore because what would be the point? And as you said, all the interviews have promoted L as just the coolest thing to ever come to the 118, beloved by all, and someone that makes Buck feel alive again, and given what we know about KR and what she prioritizes, I don't think it's senseless to be worried.
HOWEVER, I don't think things are entirely hopeless either. I mean, tay kay and Buck supposedly brought out the best in each other and balanced each other out and that....is not at all what happened in season 5, likely because people did not like her character and were pissed that the season ended with her and Buck getting together. So by the time 5a rolled around, their relationship was already fractured and shown to be unfulfilling and it just went downhill from there. And the casual viewers are already sick of L, and baffled at why she was even brought on and especially why there are pics of her being around after Eddie gets back. And given that her major role is going to be working emergency calls, I don't think they'll be able to cut much of her out and people will continue to hate her and be more and more sick of her the longer she is around taking up screentime from the main characters when, even IF they are doing Buck spiraling in the middle of Eddie and Maddie both spiraling, she wasn't really needed to push him for that, as you could easily make the argument that Buck has been on the brink since the shooting.
Season 3 had both Eddie and Buck entirely single with not even a whiff of a love interest going on, and that's still one of the best seasons the show has done, and you didn't really notice they weren't having relationship drama because there was so much other stuff, GOOD, captivating stuff, going on. Maybe after 2 seasons of failed experiments with new love interests for them, they should take a step back, and get back to the heart of the show and let them be single for a bit. (Ideally, this means putting someone else in charge of running the day to day if Tim doesn't want to go back to being the sole showrunner full time for OG and co for LS. After a season 4 that felt off and an inconsistent season 5, it's probably time to re-evaluate.)
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