#but Viv snapped what can I say
notherpuppet · 2 months
How do you manage to make Alastor simultaneously creepy, pretty, and adorable? What witchcraft is this?
It’s not me!!! It’s him!!!!
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worseforwords · 7 months
The Arrangement
(Alessia Russo x Reader)
Chapter I of Marshmallow
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“Sweetheart? Can you hear me?” your mom’s voice cackled through the phone. “Take your phone off your ear, mum, you’ve facetimed me,” you chuckled. “Oh, right. Hi, darling, lovely to SEE you,” she giggled at her own joke. “How are you, love? And where are you? I don’t recognise that wall behind you,” she inquired. “I’m in the changing room at Arsenal, you know, my job.” “Right, ‘course. Everything alright? How’s your g-” “Yeah, everything’s good,” you quickly interrupted her, hoping no one in the changing room caught on to what she was about to say. “I have to head to training soon, mum. Did you want anything from me?” “Right, busy woman, no time for chit-chat with her mum. Your dad and I were just wondering if we could come visit you anytime soon. We haven’t seen you since Christmas, and we would both really love to meet your girlfriend!” She said that last part with a bit too much excitement, and you were sure you saw some heads snap your way from the corner of your eye. “Ehh, yeah, I’m just a little busy at the moment with football, so I’m not sure when I’ll be free,” you said as you quickly turned down the volume of your phone. “I know, darling, but I noticed there’s no match scheduled the weekend after the next one, so you’ll be free then, right?” Another disadvantage of being a professional athlete: usually having a very public schedule. “Right, yeah, I think so. I’ll call you after training, mum.”
You hung up after both of you exchanged goodbyes and you immediately noticed a few eyes on you. One pair belonged to a smirking Katie, who quickly plumped herself down next to you. “What was that I heard? Does somebody have a new girlfriend?” “What the hell, why haven’t I heard about this?” Leah joined in. “Lotte, did you know?” Your roommate Lotte shook her head. “Haven’t seen or heard anyone at our house.” “How is that even possible?” Victoria wondered out loud. “Is it a long-distance thing?” Caitlin joined in on the conversation. By this point, you were surrounded by your teammates, gazing at you, awaiting answers, and your head was spinning, trying to come up with anything to explain your situation.
Ultimately you decided on just telling them the truth, knowing full well a lie wasn’t getting you out of this situation. “There is no girlfriend,” you said quietly. Clearly, your answer wasn’t satisfactory as everyone kept staring at you frantically. “My parents kept asking me when I would finally bring someone home because my brother and sister are both happily married or engaged homeowners starting their own families. They keep telling me not to wait until it’s too late. At Christmas, when they started again, I finally snapped. I lied and told them I have a girlfriend.” You took a quick breath before you continued. “Only it backfired because now they won’t stop asking me about her, and apparently, I have to find a girlfriend within the next week or so.” You let your head fall into your hands dramatically. There was a short silence as everyone around you processed what you had just told them. Then a loud shriek as Katie burst out laughing. “Oh boy, you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble, mate!” she shouted. “Good luck with that.”
The next few minutes were filled with everyone either light-heartedly teasing your situation or attempting to play matchmaker and find you a girlfriend, which you knew was futile with only 10 days to go. This was precisely why you avoided going on dates. All the unwarranted attention and people meddling in your life, you didn't need it. You’d rather concentrate on the love of your life that you did have some control over: football. Fortunately, Kim took her captaincy very seriously and summoned everyone out of the changing room for training to begin, but not before sending you a sympathetic smile as you mouthed a quick “thank you” to her.
Training went by swiftly, and afterward, some of the girls gathered at Beth and Viv’s for dinner. You sat on the sofa with Laura and Viv as Alessia was directing Vic in the kitchen, and Beth was setting the table. “So, Y/N, are you going to tell your parents the truth about your girlfriend... or lack thereof?” Laura asked. “I don’t know; it’ll be so embarrassing. And I definitely won’t be able to hold off on them trying to set me up with their neighbour’s son, who is studying to be a doctor, or my mum’s colleague’s daughter who’s in law school.” You imitated your mom as you talked about the people your parent wanted to set you up with before dramatically making a barf gesture. “But what else can you do?” Viv asked. “Let’s see... Fake my own death and start a new life elsewhere? Start studying robotics and learn to design my own robot girlfriend? Pretend I’ve got short-term memory loss and have forgotten who my own girlfriend is?”
“Okay, I need to join in on this, scoot,” Beth waved her hands, gesturing for you to move over. “The fact that you thought of building a robot girlfriend before considering finding an actual girlfriend is insane,” she said, almost like she was scolding you. “I get it,” mumbled Viv as Beth immediately sent her a stern glare to which she responded with by blowing her a quick kiss. “I don’t want a relationship right now. Besides, 10 days is way too little time to find someone,” you said, ignoring their antics. “Fine, have it your way, go with the robot. Vic can help you; she’s studied maths,” she joked as she got up again. “Excuse me,” Vic got involved from the kitchen. “Which of my subjects do you think is about robot girlfriends?” She giggled. “I say go with the Dory thing.”
“Vic, stir this sauce for a bit, please,” Alessia spoke sternly as she turned towards all of you. “Okay, I can’t believe no one has thought of this, but the solution is very simple. You just find someone who can pretend to be your girlfriend for the weekend your parents visit,” she explained as all of you listened. “Yes! Less, that’s a perfect plan,” Beth exclaimed. “But who should it be? Maybe you can hire an actor!” She added as you seriously considered this option for a moment. “Hm, I don’t know, seems kind of risky if they don’t really know me,” you said. 
“Yeah, you should probably pick a friend, someone you’ve known for a while and who knows what you’re up to these days,” Laura stated. “Sooo, maybe a teammate?” Vic suggested. “Yes!” Beth shouted again. “A teammate. But who? Obviously not someone who is openly dating someone else already, so me and Viv are out,” she then stated more calmly. “Laura and I can’t make it either, we’re going out with the Aussies, remember?” Vic asked as Laura nodded.
A silence fell as everyone sort of stared at Alessia, who was too focused on her cooking to notice. “Less?” Beth caught her attention, making her jump a little when she noticed everyone’s hopeful gazes fixated on her. “Are you available?” she asked. “Oh yeah sure, I’ll do it.” Alessia sent you a quick smile before continuing to make dinner. “That settles it then,” Beth said, giving you no say in the matter whatsoever. If you were being honest, though, you were just glad you had found somewhat of a solution to your problem. Besides, you didn’t know Alessia that well, the two of you usually being in different friend groups within the team and you had been intrigued to get to know her better for a while now.
The next few days in training everyone was mostly focussed on the game ahead. Some new pieces of gossip flooded the changing room and much to your delight, you and your love life were left unspoken of. It almost seemed a bit too good to be true, and you were now starting to worry it had all been a joke that you took too seriously. After all, the whole plan was a bit insane, definitely unlike anything you had ever done before. Were you just too desperate to notice that it was all banter?
"Everything alright, Y/N?” Alessia's voice jolted you from your mental spirals. “You seem a bit distracted.” “Yeah, all good. My mind just wandered for a second.” You feigned a smile. “Okay.” She returned the smile. “Hey, Alessia,” you began before she could exit the changing room. “Can I talk to you for a second?” “Yeah, of course. What’s up?” She settled herself beside you.
“So, you know about our crazy fake girlfriend plan, and—” “Correction, it’s my crazy plan, not ‘our’. My idea.” She interjected with a satisfied expression. “Right, your crazy plan. Anyhow, I realise you were put on the spot when Beth asked if you were available. I just wanted to say you don’t have to do it; I can find someone else,” you spoke hesitantly. “Oh no, I want to do it. Unless you’d prefer someone else, of course.”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that,” you quickly clarified. “Alright then, let’s do it.” You offered a shy smile. “Ehh, I hope that’s not how you planned on asking me,” she giggled. You shot her an ‘are you serious?’ look. She responded with what you assumed was her best ‘yes, I’m serious, how dare you even question that’ expression. “Give me one second.”
You darted around the corner, returning a few seconds later with a ring made from bright blue kinesiology tape. “Alessia Russo, will you do me the honour of being my fake girlfriend for the weekend?” you proposed, getting down on one knee before her. “Yes, YES, a thousand times yes!” She dramatically pretended to swoon as you slid the makeshift ring onto her finger.
“Right, so my parents will be visiting from Friday night until Sunday, most likely,” you swiftly changed the subject, attempting to avoid any blush creeping onto your cheeks. “But you don’t have to be there for the entire duration, of course. If you could just pop in for a bit on Saturday, that would be great,” you suggested. “Oh, well I don’t really have any other plans because I assumed this would be an all-weekend kind of thing,” she replied softly, and you felt the warmth in your cheeks intensify. “And Dan is out of town anyway.”
Right, Dan. Her boyfriend. You were aware of him, you had met him – this wasn’t new information. So why did you suddenly feel a knot tightening in your stomach at Alessia mentioning him? “So, what do you want me to be like?” She brought you back from your thoughts. “What do you mean?” You asked. “I mean, how do you want me to be around your parents? We’ve got to impress them, right?” She explained. “Oh, just be yourself. They’ll love you. I know they will,” you assured her as she got up from the bench, ready to go warm up.
“Whatever happened in here?” Leah asked as she entered the changing room, followed by some other girls, right after Alessia had left. “What do you mean?” You inquired. “Well, Less just almost walked into me; she was all flustered and smiley, and now here you are, looking all flustered and upset,” she explained. “Nothing happened. I’m not upset. Just a bit nervous about my parents visiting and everything,” you lied. Either Leah didn’t notice or she decided to let you off the hook, but either way, she didn’t ask any further questions about it. As one of your best friends, Leah knew you very well, and she also knew that questioning you in a room full of people was the worst thing she could do to you. 
“So is Less still coming?” Beth inquired. “Yes,” you mumbled, not wanting everyone to get involved again, but with no success. “Less?” Katie jumped in. “Why would she come?” Luckily, Beth came to your aid and explained the whole situation to everyone there so you didn’t have to.
“That’s a great plan,” Katie finally spoke. “But how will we make it believable?” “I’m sorry, we?” You tried to interrupt. “We should quiz them!” Beth suggested loudly, ignoring you entirely. “What is happening?” You mumbled to Leah who just laughed at you in response. “Yes! Lotte, can you come up with some questions about Less, and Leah, you can do the same for Y/N.” 
Somehow, everyone had agreed on the quiz idea, and once again, you had no say in it. On Wednesday night, a few of the girls gathered at Lotte and your place to prepare you and Alessia for the weekend. The anticipation in the air was as thick as the excitement before a big match. Tables were set up, and a stack of papers with questions lay in the centre. Lotte, with her mischievous smile, and Leah, ever ready for a good laugh, were the architects of this grand interrogation.
You, Alessia, and the rest of the team settled in around the living room. The atmosphere was a mix of nerves and amusement, everyone eager to see how this plan would unfold. Beth, who put on an oversized blazer and a bright red Arsenal bowtie for the occasion, took charge, announcing the rules with a theatrical flourish.
“Alright, everyone! Welcome to the Ultimate Fake Girlfriend Quiz Night!” She exclaimed, earning a round of laughter. “We’ve got questions about Y/N for Alessia and questions about Alessia for Y/N. Let’s see how well our fake couple knows each other.” The room erupted into cheers. Lotte, holding a list of questions about Alessia, winked at you. Leah, armed with questions about you, looked equally mischievous.
The first round began, and Leah fired off questions about you. Alessia, to everyone’s surprise, answered with remarkable accuracy. “Alright, Alessia,” Leah said with a smirk, “what’s Y/N’s guilty pleasure snack?”
Alessia pondered for a moment, a playful glint in her eyes. “Chocolate-covered pretzels. She hides them in the back of a cabinet, but I always find them.” Laughter filled the room. You couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Alessia, impressed and slightly amused that she had picked up on your secret indulgence. Apparently her close friendship with your roommate had given her quite an advantage.
Lotte, taking her turn, quizzed you about Alessia’s life. “What’s Alessia’s weirdest talent?” she asked with a sly grin. You thought for a moment, realising Alessia had shared a few quirky skills in the changing room. “She can do this weird thing with her tongue, like roll it into a clover shape. It’s bizarrely impressive.”
Alessia blushed, seemingly surprised that you remembered such a minor detail. The room erupted into cheers again. As the quiz progressed, Alessia consistently demonstrated an uncanny knowledge of your habits and likes. It seemed like she had been paying much more attention than you thought.
The highlight came when Leah, with a devious smile, presented the final question: “What’s Y/N’s weirdest habit in the morning?” Alessia, grinning confidently, answered, “She talks to herself in the mirror while doing her hair. Full-on conversations with her own reflection.” Your face turned crimson, and a chorus of laughter echoed through the room. You shot Alessia a playful glare.
The quiz ended and the consensus was clear — Alessia and you knew each other surprisingly well, considering this was supposed to be a fake relationship. However, Katie, ever the provocateur, couldn’t resist stirring the pot.
She leaned forward with a teasing grin. “So, you two aced the quiz, but do you even have any chemistry?” Her question hung in the air, causing a collective intake of breath from the spectators. Alessia looked at you, a subtle uncertainty in her eyes. “Seriously, guys, you need to up your game. You look way too platonic.”
Your teammates, now fully invested in your fake romance, decided to play relationship coaches. “Alright, stand up,” Beth commanded. “Let’s see how you two handle physical proximity. Hug. Now.” You and Alessia exchanged a glance, both feeling a bit awkward. You hesitated for a moment before tentatively wrapping your arms around each other. The teammates observed and then erupted into a chorus of opinions.
“Too stiff!”
“More like you mean it!”
“Look into each other’s eyes, not the ceiling!”
You and Alessia shared an amused yet bewildered look. The teammates continued their analysis, discussing everything from hand-holding techniques to the positioning of your bodies. It was like a crash course in relationship theatrics. “Alright, sit down,” Beth commanded again. “You two are sitting too far apart. Scoot closer.”
As you and Alessia moved to sit side by side, Steph suggested, “Try a more casual touch. Like, Y/N, put your hand on Alessia’s leg.” Panic flashed across your face, but you complied, very carefully placing your hand on Alessia’s leg. The room erupted into laughter again.
“Okay, she said casual, Y/N. She’s not made of thin glass now is she?” Beth joked, and Alessia chuckled as you adjusted your grip, secretly wanting to disappear into the couch. The teammates continued to give advice, critiquing every move and gesture. Amidst the laughter and chaos, Laura suggested, “You guys should try the 36 Questions. You know, that study that makes people fall in love?”
That mention drew curious looks from you and Alessia. Beth explained, “People say you’ll fall in love if you answer them honestly with someone. It could help you two look more... well, in love.” The idea was met with a mix of enthusiasm and skepticism. “Homework for our fake couple!” Beth declared, and everyone laughed.
As the evening wound down, the teammates left your place. Everyone but Alessia, who offered to help you clean the place up. Lotte went to bed, leaving you and your now approved ‘fake girlfriend’ with a newfound list of relationship do’s and don’ts, along with the prospect of a homework assignment that promised to make your fake relationship more convincing.
“So… I guess we’ve got some homework to do,” you said, feeling very awkward all of a sudden now that it was just you two. You then realised you had never really hung out together without at least one other person being there. “Yeah, 36 questions,” she started as she grabbed her phone. “Do you believe in this?”
“No of course not,” you said, ever the sceptic. “But I do believe Katie is gonna murder us if we don’t do our homework. Both of you exchanged glances like, ‘Are we really doing this?’ and rolled your eyes in silent agreement that this was a bit of a silly experiment.
“Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?” She read the first question from her phone, immediately gazing at the ceiling as if in thought about her answer. “I bet yours would be Michael Jordan,” you said. “Hey, I’m asking you about your answer not mine!” She giggled as she elbowed your shoulder. 
“Fine, let me think. Do they have to be alive?” You wondered. “I mean I guess it says ‘anyone’, so if you want to have dinner with a corpse, by all means,” she chuckled. “No, not like that, ew,” you now elbowed her. “I just mean I would love to have dinner with my grandma. She’s sacrificed so much for our family, but I only ever knew her as a child so I’ve never been able to thank her for it.” Still in thought you stared at your feet for a bit until you realised it had been quiet for a while in your living room. 
“Sorry,” you said, quickly looking up and finding Alessia’s eyes already on you with a look you couldn’t quite place. “I’ll just go with Beyoncé, she’d be a cool dinner guest,” you quickly changed your answer. “No, no, that was really sweet. I bet your grandma would love to have dinner with you too. And I’m sure she knew you’d be grateful,” she said softly, her eyes remaining on yours. “Yeah well, you just called her a corpse so that idea is kind of ruined for me now,” you teased. “No I didn’t!” She protested.
The first couple of questions were mostly light and you chuckled at each other’s silly answers. However, as you continued down the list, the questions became increasingly deep and personal and as eye-rolls turned into thoughtful pondering, you both found yourselves sharing way more than you had expected. 
Alessia’s responses were open and honest as she shared stories about her childhood dreams, the hurdles in her football journey, and her aspirations beyond the pitch. One question, in particular, struck a chord: “If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?” Alessia’s response was heartfelt. “I’d want to be fearless. Not just on the field, but in life. There are times when I feel held back by my own doubts and fears. I’d love to face everything without that weight.”
Her openness made it easy for you to share your own dreams and fears. The conversation flowed easily, moving through topics of love, aspirations, and personal histories. It felt like something shifted between the two of you. Alessia was no longer just a teammate or a fake girlfriend to you. She was someone you could talk to, someone you felt a genuine connection with and you had a newfound appreciation for her.
By the time you had finished the first set of questions you finally looked at the time. “Oh my god, Alessia, it’s 2 am!” You both jumped up. Two hours had passed since everyone had left and you had an early training the next morning. “Really? How did that happen. I should run then,” she said.
“Hey, do you want to stay over?” You asked as you immediately noticed her questioning expression. “In the guest room I mean. Just cause we have an early training tomorrow and I don’t want you to be exhausted.” You quickly added. “Yeah, that’d be nice.” She smiled shyly at you. “Okay, be right back.” You stated as you sprinted towards your bedroom.
You returned a few minutes later with a bunch of stuff in your arms. “Here’s an unused toothbrush, towels are in the bathroom cabinet, and I didn’t know what you like to sleep in so here’s some shorts, joggers, a t-shirt and a hoodie. Wear whatever you want.” You rambled nervously as she chuckled. “Thank you Y/N. Good night.”
The next morning, your alarm blared, pulling you from the depths of sleep. Groggily, you stumbled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Training awaited, and as you yawned your way through the morning routine, the events of the previous night flashed in your mind. You couldn’t help but glance at Alessia, who was already up, seemingly more awake than you were. She flashed you a tired yet friendly smile. “Morning,” she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep. “Morning,” you replied, trying to shake off the remnants of your dreams. The two of you exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment of the peculiar situation you found yourselves in.
As you headed to training together, you couldn’t ignore the amused glances from your teammates. Alessia, clad in your training gear because she hadn’t brought her own, was the target of playful banter. “Nice walk of shame, Alessia!” Katie teased, eliciting laughter from others. “You two look tired, looks like our chemistry experiments worked a little too wel!” Quipped Beth, pointing out the bags under both your eyes.
Training progressed as usual, but not without the occasional teasing from one of your teammates. You knew none of them really meant anything by it though. Everyone knew it was just a bit and that the two of you were no more than friends. And so did you, cause that was the deal, right? 
“You know,” Alessia began when the two of you were alone for a second after Katie asked her when you were planning your next sleepover, “despite all the teasing and the fake girlfriend stuff, I’m kind of enjoying getting to know you better.” You felt your cheeks starting to flush as you took in her genuine smile. “Yeah, me too. It’s strange how these things work out.” You tried your best to reciprocate her smile without blushing too hard. What on earth was happening to you?
The day went by swiftly as the prospect of having Alessia around as your fake girlfriend all weekend had you slowly spiral into a nervous wreck. When Friday afternoon finally arrived, you stood in front of the bathroom mirror as you went over the many things that could go wrong. What if your parents didn’t believe it? What if they did? What would that even mean? What if she never even showed up cause who were you to think she would do something like that for you? What if her boyfriend got mad? What if she suddenly started liking you, for real? What if she didn’t?
You splashed water in your face, desperately trying to stop your mind from spiralling, and more specifically to erase those last thoughts. Where was your mind coming up with all this none-sense? Was there something more to this? Another splash. No. None-sense. You groaned as you watched drops of water trickle down your face. 
“Y/N? Everything okay?” You heard Lotte’s voice call out from the other side of the locked bathroom door. “Less is here.” You inhaled a sharp breath as you felt a familiar knot form in your stomach. “Shit,” you mumbled to yourself. “Be right there!”
“You’re early,” is the first thing you said when you came out of the bathroom after quickly drying yourself off and fixing your hair. “Nice to see you too.” A kindly smiling Alessia appeared once you opened the door. “Thought I’d help you prepare before your parents show up. Hey, are you okay?” She gazed at you as if she was examining your current state. “Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry, hi, thank you for being here.” You opened up your arms as an invitation for a hug which she accepted immediately.
“Allright, lovebirds, I’m out.” Lotte said, suitcase in hand as she hugged you both goodbye, leaving for a little romantic getaway with her boyfriend. “Have fun!” You both shouted at the same time as she closed the door behind herself.
You spent the next hour or so getting the house ready for your parent’s arrival and providing Alessia with all the necessary information on your family, as if you were doing a last minute study session for an exam.
Then, a knock on the door echoed through the house, signalling the arrival of your parents. A surge of nerves shot through you as you exchanged a quick glance with Alessia. You both took a deep breath, steeling yourselves for the upcoming performance. “Ready?” Alessia whispered, and you nodded, though your heart was doing a drumroll in your chest.
-> Chapter II
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greynatomy · 8 months
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katie mccabe x reader
this was requested from wp
kinda made caitlin as the ‘bad guy’ but it’s for the plot
i also updated my rules for requesting and added the footballer who i’ll take requests for
Another day, another training done for the Arsenal women’s team. Katie sat on the sidelines, catching her breath and winding down from the scrimmage. As she’s drinking from her bottle, a shadow casts over her.
“Hi, Katie.”
“Caitlin.” She acknowledges the Australian.
“Uh, well, I was wondering if you wanted to try this restaurant I found last week?”
“Yeah. They have really amazing food. So?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll tell the team.”
“No, wait.” She tries to clear up her intentions, but Katie already walked away. “Great.”
Two hours later, the whole team had met at ‘Sapori’ and waited at the front of the building for everyone to show up.
Looking to her left, she see’s Caitlin shuffling closer to her.
“This is a really great restaurant. The ambiance is amazing so I’m glad you’re here to try it out.” Caitlin breaks the moment of awkwardness.
Katie’s lips form a tight smile. “Yeah, I’ve only heard great things.”
“Alright, let’s head in.” They heard Leah say as everyone that could make it has finally shown up.
It took a while for everyone to figure out where ghey want to sit, but they made it work. Katie took her place at one end of the table, Caitlin taking place on her left side.
Conversations were flowing freely, everyone with a smile on their face. Katie was chatting it up with Beth and Viv when she feels a hand delicately going up and down her arm, making her flinch her arm away.
“What’re you doin’?” Katie snaps, eyebrows furrowed.
“Sorry, just wanted your attention.” Caitlin frowns.
“Okay.” She slowly nods. “Just don’t do that again.”
The food came out soon after, everyone hungry and diggin in.
“Sorry, excuse me? We didn’t order these.” Leah spoke up when extra dishes were placed on the table. Katie didn’t care, she dug into all that she could reach.
“These are just some dishes that the owner would like you all to try.”
“Well, please thank her for us.”
Everyone was in their own little groups talking about anything and everything at the same time. A couple of moments go by when Katie feels small hands on her thighs. Looking down she sees a little girl who seems to try and get onto her lap. So what does she do? she helps the girl up, getting her comfortable on her lap and wrapping an arm around her.
Said child, once content on Katie’s lap, grabs the fork and starts eating the food in front of her. Katie occasionally wipes her mouth with a napkin, the child unbothered by it.
Too occupied in helping the kid eat, she doesn’t see the looks on her friends’ faces. The group silently observes Katie and the kid, seeing how comfortable they are with each other.
The kid turns in Katie’s lap, hands going on both cheeks pulling her close. Katie thinks she’s going for a kiss so she leans down, except instead of a kiss, the gnocchi that was once in the kid’s mouth, was now in Katie’s.
“Ugh, Em! Not again.” She spits it out, wiping her mouth after. All Emmy does is laugh and goes back to eating. A couple of throats can be heard clearing, making Katie look up to see all her friends staring at her. “What?”
“What do you mean ‘what?’ You’ve got a child on your lap.”
“Ye’ and?”
“Who’s child is that?”
“Completely hers.” A voice speaks up before Katie could answer. “She’s a menace and gets it from her mammy.”
“Mamma! Io mangio!”
“I can see! You’ve got sauce all over your face.” You wipe her face with a napkin. “How are you guys enjoying everything?” You ask the group.
“Oh, it’s amazing! Best thing I’ve ever eaten!” Beth exclaims.
“Who are you?” Caitlin asks.
“I am the owner of Sapori, Y/N McCabe. So nice to meet all of you. And yes, I know the last name isn’t Italian, but I just so happened to fall for an Irish.”
“Oi! Don’t make it seem like that’s a bad thing.”
“Oi!” Emmy echos.
“Wait!” Kyra says very loudly. “McCabe? So does that mean Katie’s your—”
“—Wife? Yes, unfortunately.”
“You’re beeing cheeky. Stop it.” She boops your nose.
You start to pick up some of the empty plates, giving everyone a smile.
“Hey, hey, hey! What’re you doin’?”
“I’m gonna take these back?”
“You’re not allowed to carry anything!”
“Katie, babe. I’m pregnant, not crippled. Plus, I’m barely even showing.”
“Aww, you’re pregnant?” Kyra goes to touch your stomach, but her hand gets smacked away by Katie.
“Katie! Be nice. And yes, I am.”
As the rest of the team fusses over Emmy and your belly, Caitlin decides to speak to Katie.
“So, you’re married?”
“Why’d you make it seem like you were interested in me.” Katie didn’t know if she was being serious or not, but started laughing out loud.
“I don’t know what you’re on about mate. Probably just a figment of your imagination.”
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outsideratheart · 8 months
Fear of Failure (Alessia Russo x reader)
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A/N: An Alessia Russo fic after I go see Arsenal is becoming a thing.
You had felt like a failure after losing the World Cup Final. It was you job as captain to lead and as a striker to score. When the 90 minutes were over you felt like you did neither. 
The pain you felt was tough but it failed in comparison to what you felt when you saw Alessia crying. If possible, her eyes were a brighter shade of blue due to the tears she had shed. 
“Come on. Let’s go in” Alessia tried to take your hand but you pulled away. 
“I’m going to stay out here. I can’t face them” you walk away leaving Alessia stood alone until Ella comes. 
Your relationship was Alessia was very new even though the feelings you had for each other were anything but. It was the first time she had seen you like this and she didn’t know what to do. 
The lockeroom is quiet but goes silent as you walk in. You ignore the eyes on you as you head into the ice bath where Lucy is waiting for you. 
“What should I do?” Alessia asks Lotte knowing that the defender has experience with you at a club level.  
“Give her time. She’ll come to you when she’s ready” it was wise advice and Alessia listened to it. 
You came to her when she was on the coach. She left the seat free next to her and you happily slid in. You didn’t say anything but you didn’t pull away when Alessia held you hand. She saw that as a good sign. 
She thought that once you were back in England and at Arsenal that you might have cheered up but that wasn’t the case. You were focused on the champions league qualifiers. So much so that you were working yourself into the ground. 
The whole team knew it was a cruel form of punishment for the summer so they told Jonas who promised to keep an eye on you. 
The first game comes 17 days after the final. You had missed a penalty in the first half but you were relentless after that. Arsenal get the win yet you cannot bring yourself to celebrate. This is what you expected when you play a team like Linköping. You did however make the extra effort to celebrate your girlfriend’s debut. 
“Girls” you stand up gaining the attention of the entire team “to Alessia who is now officially a member of the Arsenal” 
“I think that’s the first time I’ve seen her smile since Australia” Lotte nudges the woman in question. 
“It is and even now I don’t think it’s real” Alessia was really begin to worry about you. Everyone you normally talk to isn’t here. Leah, Beth and Viv will meet the team in Germany. Your girlfriend is hoping that once you’re around them then something will change. 
When you line up against Paris FC you expect the same result but you find yourself two nil down until the final ten minutes. Alessia gets a goal and hopes you celebrate with her but by the time she finds you, you have the ball in your hand and are running back to the spot. Your determination is rewarded as you score in injury time. Paris then take a lead but you manage to get one back and the game is sent to penalties.
It ends with Arsenal losing and you are quick to blame yourself for the loss. It feels like yet another reason why you are a failure.
“Hey” Alessia tries to get your attention as you walk down the tunnel but she gets not response. She doesn’t give up though “Y/N” her voice is a slightly more serious tone.
“Less, please, I can’t” you cannot meet her eyes.
“Can’t what? Talk to me.” The blonde asks. You were never one to hide from her. Maybe other people but you were always open with her.
The whole locker room goes silent. A moment that seemed to be private was being held out in the open. 
“Because I don’t want to!” She didn’t deserve you to snap at her “I cannot have you look at me like I’m broken”
“Y/N, you are—“
“Not good enough, I need to be better. Please leave me alone so I can be better” 
The next couple of days you were worryingly quiet. You may have spoken to Alessia but you didn’t really say much.
When you landed in Germany you pulled Jonas aside. He told you that you would be rooming with Alessia for the duration of the trip and that it would be a trial for future away games. 
“I need you to split me and Alessia up” you told your coach.
“Y/N, I have no issue with your relationship with Alessia. You told me as soon as you knew she was joining the club and I trust you to be professional” 
“I don’t mean our relationship, god no. I mean I cannot share a room with her. Jonas I am struggling right now and I cannot put that on her”
“Ok. If that is what you think is best then I’ll put you with Lia” 
“Thanks coach”
It was hard for Alessia to see you pull away from her but you did. She noticed that you spent more time with the injured players than you did her. The only person she felt comfortable talking to about this was Lotte as she knew her well and Lotte knew you.
“I don’t get what I did wrong. I know she is struggling and I want to be there for her but she won’t talk to me, not about that anyways”
“She loves you Alessia, anybody with a set of eyes can see that, and you know that she isn’t good about asking for help”
“She’s talking to Leah and Beth though. Why is she ok talking to them but not to me?” 
“She isn’t talk to them, she is talking with Viv or at least that is what i’m guessing. Viv is the person Y/N goes to when she doesn’t know what she is feeling. Once she figures that out then she will come to you”
Lotte saw you do the exact same thing when you lost the Champions League semi final. It took you a few days to come to terms with what happened and even then you still blamed yourself.
“I hope so Lotte because I can’t stand to see her hurting and knowing that I can’t do anything to help her”
Meanwhile you were in your therapy session with Viv in one of the quiet areas, or at least that is what it felt like. The Dutch woman was patient with you and listened when you needed to talk. She didn’t ask questions unless you asked her one. 
“I failed everyone Viv. First England and now Arsenal. That hurts enough but to know that I have failed the person I love most in the world, that is not something I can handle. I feel like I’m on the verge of breaking and she shouldn’t have to deal with that”
“Have you stopped to think maybe she wants to? I know you struggle with these kind of things but this is the first time you are going though it whilst having a girlfriend. You need to stop seeing her as a team mate because she is so much more than that now”
You hated how right Viv was. You have opened up to Alessia before and she didn’t love you any less when you showed your vulnerable side.
Your girlfriend had accepted that you would come to her when you were ready and now she just wanted to be with you. Only problem is that she couldn’t find you. She had asked every player and staff member yet none of them could give her the answer she was looking for. Then she saw Viv leave one of the physio rooms and between the crack of the door and the door frame she saw you. 
For the first time in a long while you looked into her eyes and let her see the pain behind yours. You watch as she hesitated on the other side of the threshold. 
“Come here” 
Alessia all but ran you to you. Whilst you stayed seated on the physio table, she took a stand between your legs. With her arms wrapped around your neck, her fingers begin playing with the baby hairs at the nape of your neck. 
“I’m struggling Lessi. I felt like a failure after Australia and I thought I would be able to redeem myself this season at Arsenal but I’ve failed again” 
“Thank you for telling me” 
When she leans down you don’t pull away. You feel your shoulder relax as her lips touch yours. 
“You’re not a failure. You lead the lionesses to their first World Cup final and I think that is an amazing achievement” 
How could you believe her? She was your girlfriend, never would she admit you let her down. 
“I failed you. I wanted to win for so many reasons but you were one of my biggest motivations, you always are. I wanted to win so that I could see the smile on your face as you lift the trophy like you did at the euros. Instead I watched you cry”
“You know one of the things that annoys me the most about you?” Alessia asks and you feel your stomach drop “you are one of the biggest hypocrites I know” 
“I am not” you defend yourself and rightly so. 
“You are when it comes to football. It’s both a good thing and a bad thing. You always say how we are a team, win or lose we do it as a team. After we played Australia in Brentford, Leah blamed herself. You told her that a loss is not one persons fault” 
“It’s not” 
“Baby, do you hear yourself?” 
You did hear yourself and you realise what your girlfriend was insinuating. 
“I just wanted to do good” 
“You did. You did so good. Right now though we have to process what happened and move on” Alessia knew that you would talk about your failures all night and maybe that’s what you needed. She also knew that you needed to find closure before it destroyed you. 
“And how do we do that?”
“Together” you laugh at her cheesiness “I mean it. I knew I’d learn things at Arsenal but I didn’t think the first one would be that my girlfriend doesn’t come to me when she’s hurting” 
“I’m sorry. It’s hard for me to open up to people. I don’t like people seeing me weak, definetley not you” 
At first thought that hurt Alessia and she is about to tell you that much but you cut her off. 
“I am going to try though. I don’t want to shut you out anymore. For the last couple of days I’ve missed being with you and I don’t want to feel that again. I can’t promise that I will tell you everything, not right now, but I will let you in Less” 
This seemed to be enough for your girlfriend because she pulls you up so she can give you a proper hug. 
“I’m here and you won’t push me away again. I won’t let you” Alessia’s voice was adamant and you never argue with the blonde when she used that tone. 
“I love you Alessia. Do you think we could go away somewhere just the two of us? We have a couple of days off when we get home and I need some time away from football. I’m in desperate needs of some quality Alessia Russo time” 
“You know what? Now that I think of it, I am long over due some one on one time with you. How about we go get some food then you can come my room, the room you will be moving into, and we can look at some places?” 
You agree with the forward and take her hand as you leave the room. When the two of you walk through the campus restaurant everyone notices the closeness between you and how your hands are intertwined. They also saw a smile of both of your faces, a smile that they were yet to see in Germany. 
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wosoamazing · 7 months
Summary: You and Leah get into a fight. Based on this request & thank you to the anon for giving me an idea about the fight.
Warnings: None?
A/N: I'm really sorry but the Barça x teen!reader fic, where Rs Dad died before the game might not be the next fic to come out, I will try and finish it however I am just really stuck on ideas for it, if you have any feel free to let me know.
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You walk out into the living room, where the rest of the team is. It is team bonding night, which you were invited to even though you’re not part of the team anymore, as you're currently in London visiting Leah and your family, because you can’t play due to your ankle. However you weren’t going to team bonding night as it was one of your friend’s 18th birthday and as much as you missed the team you hadn’t spent time with your friends in ages, and it would be the first 18th you could attend, so of course you didn't pass up to opportunity to party with your friends. When you walked out into the room all eyes were on you, they all seemed honestly impressed, Katie even gave you a grin and a smirk, however your sister’s face showed her clear disapproval for your very not modest outfit. You had a loose black sequin v-neck halter top on, with a pair of denim shorts that were almost too small to be appropriate, and your hair was in a very slicked back high ponytail, with a pink feather scrunchie finishing it off.
“You can’t wear that.” Your sister scowled.
“Oh what, so you only care about how I look, how I’ll damage your reputation.” you sassed her back.
“What's that supposed to mean?” She asked in defence.
“Oh, stop pretending you don’t know what I mean. It’s not like you care about anything else I do…..so why do you care what I wear?”
“I can’t believe you’re giving me attitude right now,” you scoffed at her “honestly, I’m glad you’re at Barça now, at least now I don’t have to deal with you and your attitude.”
“See I knew you didn’t care that I was leaving, you weren’t sad, you were happy.”
“I just hope you don’t treat Alexia like this.” she said, almost waving you off.
“Sorry that we can’t all be as perfect as you, Leah ‘Captain of England’ Williamson. I’m honestly glad I’m at Barça too, it means I don’t have to deal with your judgement daily. And anyway, everyone knows you’re just jealous. Sorry but I can’t help it that I’m better than you.”
“That’s a fucking low blow.” She said as you started walking towards the front door, “Where do you think you’re going in that?”
“To the party, remember. The world doesn’t revolve around you like you think it does.” You snapped back at her before slamming the door behind you.
You were waiting out the front, Leah said she would pick you up at 12:00 and with the fight you had you did not want ehr to be there before you were, to reduce the chances of you getting yelled at.
“Y/N/N,” you heard a familiar voice call out, it wasn’t Leah though, it was Beth. You walked over to her car.
“Where’s Leah?”
“Oh, she asked us to pick you up, you can stay the night if you want.”
“Fucking perfect sister my arse, yes please”
You woke up to an elaborate breakfast spread on the table, but Beth and Viv weren’t in sight. Walking further out into the main room, you saw a very familiar figure sitting on the couch, it was your sister.
“What are you doing here? Where are Beth and Viv?”
“They’ve gone on a walk. Can we talk?”
“About what, oh let me guess, what I wore last night was inappropriate, my behaviour was inappropriate, I shouldn’t act like that. Blah, blah, blah. I get it whatever.”
“Y/N, sit, we need to talk, I need to talk to you, I need to say something to you” you rolled your eyes at her as you begrudgingly moved to the couch and sat down.
“I’m sorry about last night. It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t slightly jealous of you being at Barça, or of Alexia for getting to spend everyday with you. I miss you and I’m sorry, and I was wrong, but that doesn’t mean you should’ve acted how you did, you shouldn’t have snapped.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever” you said with a slight huff, hoping to push her off.
“What?” She replied to you clearly frustrated as she leant back into the couch crossing her arms.
“No one has thought to consider how I actually feel about it, I constantly get asked something surrounding whether I’m having fun at Barça, not how I am finding it, whether I’m coping or not. No one has stopped to think that maybe this is more pressure than I needed, no one has bothered to check that the pressure isn't getting to me. Everyone now expects me to be some sort of goal machine, they expect me to be on a level most experienced players aren’t, they expect me to be some sort of God.” You took deep shaky breath, feeling your lower eyelids droop from the weight of your building tears, before you continued “You haven’t, my own sister hasn’t even, thought about whether I’m coping mentally let alone asking me. You know not once has any single one of you checked in on how I am going with my eating, something you all single handley promised me, Sam has though. And yeah sure I’m having fun but you know how much pressure there is? To improve. To show the world, to show you, to show the national team, to show Arsenal that this was the right choice, to show Barça I was worth the money. I feel like I need to score to get your validity, I constantly feel like I have to show you I am a good player, show you it’s not just because I’m your little sister, and can be moulded into the next generation you. I have yet to show you, to make you believe I am a good player, I deserve it, I deserve it all and I don’t have your name, your name isn’t what is getting me through, its my name, our name, our family name. I constantly am trying to get your approval, I constantly try to not disappoint you but no matter what I do it doesnt work. It just makes you more ashamed of me, and makes you more disappointed with me.” At this point tears were streaming down your face, Leah moved over to sit next to you, pulling you into her lap for a hug. 
“I’m so sorry bug, I know I haven't been the best sister, I am really really sorry.” She said as a few tears escaped her eyes.
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munson-blurbs · 11 months
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Summary: Fast-forward two years, and the little Munson clan is celebrating Halloween with some old--and new--faces.
Warnings: allusion to smut, a lil surprise...
WC: 1.2k
A/N: Happy Halloween! A gentle reminder that requests for the TUI universe are officially open. And thank you to @rip-quizilla and @the-unforgivenn for helping me with this little blurb.
Divider credit to @saradika
Autumn has fully settled into Hawkins, Indiana. The sun sets a bit earlier each evening; green leaves become orange, then red, then brown, before fluttering to the ground and being raked into trash bags. A chill hangs in the air, not strong enough to create frost, but enough to warrant a layer of clothing or two.
Lucky for you, your Halloween costume this year is a long-sleeved olive green shirt underneath a sleeveless brown house dress, high socks, and loafers. Warm, cozy, and perfect for pretending to be Misery’s Annie Wilkes.
Eddie strides towards your shared bedroom, a Ghostface mask pushed up atop his mess of curls. He leans against the doorframe and lets out a low wolf-whistle. 
You roll your eyes and grin. “You’re so full of it,” you laugh, adjusting the straps of your dress where they’re twisting on your shoulders. “This is quite possibly the least sexy costume anyone could wear.”
Eddie tuts, pushing off on his bicep and shaking his head. “It’s not the costume; it’s the woman wearing it.” His lips tug upward in a toothy smile. “C’mon, give me a little twirl.” He moves his forefinger in a circular motion to indicate what he wants. 
You oblige, slowly turning and offering a 360-degree view of your outfit. “How do I look?” you deadpan.
“Like you’re killing for two.” He presses a kiss to your lips, his palms resting on your rounded bump just as they have ever since you’d started showing. Now that you’re in your final few weeks of pregnancy, he seems to find an excuse to touch it every spare chance he gets. “You’re sure you’re up for trick-or-treating? If you’re too tired or something, you can hang back. Jeff and I can handle the kids.”
It takes all of your willpower not to let out a disbelieving snort. If the two men are engaged in conversation, Harris and Ettie could be halfway to Timbuktu before they even notice they’re missing. “I’ll be fine,” you reassure him. “Annie Wilkes wore sensible shoes, which certainly helps. Although,” you scrunch up your nose, “these are kind of uncomfortable.”
Eddie peers down at your loafers and immediately bursts into laughter. “Babe…they’re on the wrong feet.” He cradles your face in his hands and brings his lips to the tip of your nose. “Let me fix that for you, okay?” You sit on the bed while he crouches down, slipping off your shoes and placing them on the correct feet. “There ya go.”
“I can’t see over my belly!” You lament with a laugh, holding out your hands so your doting husband can help you up. “Thank you. I promise I’ll be more useful once I’m not pregnant.”
“I think growing a baby is pretty damn useful,” Eddie murmurs, thumb grazing your cheek, “not to mention how goddamn gorgeous you look while you do it,” he adds, a soft growl inflecting his tone. He would ravish you right then and there if Freddy Krueger himself didn’t appear by his side. 
“Is it time for trick-or-treating?”
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie jumps, snapped out of his lovesick stupor in an instant. His hand flies to his chest as his heartbeat steadies. “You scared the hell outta me, Har.” He takes a deep breath before answering his son’s question. “We’ll go as soon as Uncle Jeff and Auntie Viv and Ettie get here.”
Harris nods, the dark gray fedora slipping in front of his eyes. “I wish my baby brother could go with us,” he says with a sigh, swaying his arms back and forth. “When is he gonna be born?”
“Two more weeks until he’s officially due,” you report, gingerly caressing your bump and smiling. Harris has been asking about the baby’s arrival ever since you and Eddie told him he was going to be a big brother. “And then he’ll come trick-or-treating with us next year.”
He beams at this idea, bouncing up and down with enough energy to make you question whether he’s already started eating candy. “I...can’t…wait!” he exclaims, each word more breathless than the last as he acts like a human spring. “Do…you…think…he’ll…like…Skittles?”
Eddie places a hand on Harris’s shoulder to stop his movements. “Baby Brother won’t be able to have Skittles for a long time,” he chuckles, the dimples in his cheeks making an always-welcome appearance, “but if you wanted to share with me, I wouldn’t turn down some peanut M&Ms…”
“Nah, I’m good.” Harris says simply, turning his attention back to your stomach. “It would be kinda cool if he was born on Halloween, though.”
You wrinkle your nose. “But then I wouldn’t be able to trick-or-treat with you tonight,” you point out. 
“Oh. Right.” Harris puts a hand on your bump and speaks directly to it. “You stay put until I get my candy.”
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Jeff and his family arrive thirty minutes later, clad in their Winnie-the-Pooh themed costumes. Ettie, held in her mom’s arms, is the titular character. Viv makes the perfect Kanga with a Roo stuffed animal hot-glued in the fabric pouch that stretches over her own bump. 
“That’s a good look for you,” Eddie snorts when Jeff walks in dressed as Eeyore. 
“Right back atcha,” Jeff retorts with a playful smirk. “You’re like a geriatric Ghostface.”
You and Viv share an eye roll at their juvenile banter. “How’re you feeling?” she asks you, strategically ignoring the way Jeff and Eddie are swapping insults. 
“Tired of being pregnant but terrified to give birth.” You laugh as you say it but your words are 100-percent true. As much as you’re ready to have your body back to yourself, delivering a baby is a daunting task. “How about you?” She’s due only one month after you are, and the two of you often commiserate about your respective pregnancies. 
“Exhausted,” she admits, right hand fingers digging into her lower back and massaging it. “Chasing after a two-and-a-half year-old while being almost eight months pregnant is not for the weak.”
Your lips scrunch up sympathetically. “I don’t know how you do it, honestly.” 
As if on cue, Ettie wriggles out of her mother’s grip so she can toddle over to her favorite uncle. Eddie scoops her up, and she greets him with an excited “hi!”
Tears gather at your lash line embarrassingly; the sight of your husband cooing over a young child has your third trimester hormones working in overdrive. You clear your throat and blink them back before anyone can notice. “Who wants to go trick-or-treating?”
Pillowcases in hand, Harris and Ettie cheer loudly as the six–almost eight–of you head out to take on the neighborhood in a conquest for full-size candy bars. You and Viv walk next to them; your husbands lag behind to lock the door.
“You ready to do this with double the amount of kids next year?” Jeff smirks, as Eddie turns the key and jiggles the knob to ensure no one can get it.
Eddie huffs out a laugh. “God, no.” He looks at his long-time friend and grins. “But I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
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arsenal-womens-1 · 5 months
In the blink of an eye
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People often use the saying "your life can change in the blink of an eye" a lot. Six weeks ago, you understood what the saying meant. One day, you were taking a silly DNA test for fun with your friends. The next thing you know, you find out your whole life is a lie when you get the DNA results back. It turns out the people who said they were your birth parents are not, in fact, your biological parents; they kidnapped you.
For six weeks, you've kept a huge secret. It's eating at you. Leah Williamson is your sister. For six weeks, you've been going to training, playing, eating, and talking with your biological sister, and she has no clue about your secret. How were you supposed to tell someone they're your sister when you were kidnapped at six months old? You can't even look at her. People have started to notice that you can't look at her and that you are avoiding her as much as possible.
You have been staying with Beth and Viv for about five weeks now. You couldn't go back to that house, not after what you found out. Beth and Viv don't know the real reason; they just think that your mum and dad went back to live in Spain. Your head is a mess, questioning who you are, why did they take you. Would your life have been different? Would you have gotten into football? All these "what ifs," you would never get the answers to any of them.
It hurts, knowing that you would never get the answers to why they took you and stuff like that. Hearing a knock at your door, you get up. Standing in front of you was the one person that you didn't want to see. “Hey, you ready to go? Beth and Viv are waiting in the living room.” Nodding your head, you walk past her and into the living room where you see a bunch of footballers walking over to where all the shoes are kept. You pick a random pair.
After you put them on, you walk over to where Beth and Viv are, giving a weak smile to Viv. She looks at you; it's clear you had been crying at some point. “You ok, kid?” Giving her another weak smile, you nod your head. Hearing Kim shout, “We will all meet at the restaurant, everyone drive safe,” as all the footballers pile out of the tiny apartment. You, Viv, Beth, Leah, and Jordan are the last to pile out. Walking to the car, Beth and Leah were whispering to each other about something.
Pulling out your phone, you take a picture of your outfit, posting it on your Insta and Snap stories. You stop at the car, waiting for Viv to open it. When she does, you get in; Jordan was in the middle, and Leah was on the other side. The car ride was quiet for the most part. Getting out of the car, you walk into the restaurant. Beth, Viv, Leah, and Jordan weren't that far behind. Alessia and Ella come over; you know them from England.
You got your first call-up two months before the Euros, and I guess Sarina liked the way you play, as you got the call to join the team for the Euros. It's now November 1st; life has been crazy since you won. Walking to the table, you sit more away from your Arsenal teammates. The night went well; everyone was happy and talking to each other. It's now the next day; you had a game today, so you need to get there at 5 am because it's a 12:30 kick-off.
Getting up, you slip on a hoodie and joggers, trying to shake off the weight of your secret. As you head out the door, you walk to the kitchen where some of the Arsenal girls are; some stayed over last night. Beth passes you a coffee. "Hey," she says, her voice soft and it has a hint of tiredness in it. "Are you okay? You seemed a bit off last night." You force a smile, hoping to deflect her worry. "Yeah, just tired, I guess. Big day ahead."
Giving another forced smile, you walk over to the couch and flop down next to Jen. The news was on the TV; nothing interesting, so you just go on TikTok and watch some fan edits showing Jen. A few here and there were of to the training center; it's cold as it's like -4. As you arrive at the training center, each step you take is heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of your secret. Your mind is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
Jen's concerned gaze follows you, her eyes silently pleading for you to confide in her, but you just can't bring yourself to do it. Not yet. Inside the training center, the familiar sights and sounds offer little comfort. Your mind keeps drifting back to Leah. How do you face her knowing what you know? The guilt threatens to consume you whole. As the bus parks up, you catch Leah's eyes. For a moment, it feels like she can see right through you, like she knows the truth.
You quickly look away, unable to bear the weight of her gaze. She was just a teammate six weeks ago, and now she is your sister. Well, I guess she always has been, but you didn't know. Getting on the coach, you sit next to Katie, Catlin, Steph; you don't really talk to them. The game was a blur; yous won 2-0. After taking photos with fans, you walk down the tunnel where Leah, Beth, Katie, and Georgia Stanway are.
Leah walks over to you; as you try to walk away, she gently grabs your arm. “Hey, can we talk?” You just shake your head, and you try to pull your hand away. “What have I done to you to make you hate me?” You shake your head. “I don't hate you, Leah.” She still has your hand in her grasp. “You can't look at me; you don't talk to me, and you won't tell anyone what's going on.”
You do the only thing you can think to get her to let go of you. The connection of your hand connects to her face echoes through the tunnel. The girls come over and quickly separate you. Beth comes up to you and pulls you around the corner. “What's going on? Leah just wanted to know if she did something; why did you slap her?” Looking at Beth, the concern for you and a bit of anger for slapping Leah, you couldn't bear it any longer.
You let all the emotions out, letting a sob rip through you. Beth steps forward and gently pulls you into a hug so your head is resting on her shoulder. “She-I'm-” She tries to calm you down. “She's my sister.” Letting another sob rip through your body, you feel Beth tense under you. “What are you talking about?” Wiping your head around, you see Leah standing there.
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eimids · 11 months
Loving you is all I need
Leah Williamson x reader fluff
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Leah and reader get stuck in an elevator together while they are fighting.
this is just a quick blurb
warnings: slight angst but also fluff
"Hold the door" You yelled as you ran to the elevators. You and Leah had been fighting the previous night so you were a bit late to training. Someone sticks their arm out of the elevator to keep the doors from closing.
"Oh.. hi Lee" You said when you realized who was in the elevator.
"Hi Y/n"She said coldly to you and pressed the button with number six on it.
"are you seriously still mad at me? You never call me by my name it’s always some nickname" You frowned a little.
"I'm not mad. Just disappointed. I thought you wanted to get married with me but guess not" Leah said sounding hurt.
"But I do want to-" You started when the elevator stopped. You fell to the ground from the sudden stop.
"Shit y/n/n, are you okay?" Leah asked clearly worried.
"Yeah I think I am but my ankle hurts a little" You answered. Leah didn't respond but started pushing different buttons to call to someone that the elevator stopped.
"It's not working. Fuck this. Why there would read that if you push that button it would call somewhere when it doesn't fucking work" Leah said panicking a little.
"Leah calm down. Come and sit with me. Soon someone will realize that we didn't show up to training." You said to the blond woman.
She sat down next to you and calmed her breathing. You sat there a while in an awkward silence until you spoke.
"I'm sorry that I said no to your proposal but you never really gave me a chance to explain myself. You just got sad and left" You started.
"Well can you explain now. Whe have been together for 3 years and we have known each other for ten so what's the problem here? Or do you just not love me anymore?" Leah asked shyly.
"Oh Lee nothing like that. I love you so much and you know that. I won't ever leave your side. But it's just.. You remember how messy the divorce was between me and ex. It wasn't good for anyone and my mental health went so low. I just don't want to go through that again" You answered with tears in the corners of her eyes.
"Sweet I would never hurt you. I wouldn't cheat you like she did. I will do anything to protect you and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have kid's with you and I want to grow old with you. I don't want to spend another day alone. All I want is you my love"
"Okay then ask me " You said quietly.
"Huh?" Leah asked confused.
"Aske me again" You said again and Leah flipped you to sit on her lap. She looked right in your eyes and asked.
"Y/f/n. Will you marry me?" Leah asked smiling.
"Yeah" You answered laughing and crying and then kissed the blonde.
You sat there kissing passionately a while, own bubble. Suddenly the elevator started moving again and you had to snap back to reality.
Soon the doors opened and Leah stood up, then helping you. You then walked to the team room. You were limping and Beth came running to you.
"Oh My God. Are you guys okay?" Beth asked worried, Viv by her side.
"Better than ever." You said smiling. Then you looked at Leah and kissed her.
"Sooo we have some news for you guys" You started.
"Don't say you too are leaving Arsenal" McCabe said quickly.
"What, no! Why would you think that?" Leah asked laughing.
"I just saw a dream about it. Did you guys know th-" Katie started but Buv interrupted her.
"Just tell us the news" Viv said inpatient.
You looked at each other and said.
"We are getting married"
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jujutsukatsuki · 7 months
i’ve been waiting to see someone write thissss! (i think ur taking requests??)
the scene when alastor threatens husk!
the idea is reader (gn!) is there to comfort husk but he brushes them off, kinda like a hurt/comfort thing!
Okay I'm a little rusty but i got this! i wanted to do this as a Alastor x Reader but Reader is friends with Husker! I would like to add that I DO NOT SUPPORT VIV OR THEIR ACTIONS!
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"This whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into Heaven..." Charlie rambles on to her estranged father Lucifer, Vaggie follows on the other side of the short demon king and the princess of Hell. You followed behind them with Alastor, tall dark and creepy as he had been described by Mimzy moments before the group walked down the hallway.
"Hey Boss... can i have a word?" Alastor turns his head before his body, you hate when he does that, the sickling crack his neck makes. You turn to face the gambling demon cat, also known as your best friend in the hotel. You loved Husk, he was everything to you. "what is it?" Alastor's sickling smile never faulters, you're convinced he'd never drop the smile for people who weren't you. He was always sweet on you, even if on the outside it didn't look like he was. "You and i both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs somethin'. That bitch is trouble and who knows what kinda demon she fucked with to come running to you this time?" Alastor smirks and leans in towards the furball, you chew your lip, ready to jump between the two something you've done a few times before. "Its nothing i cant handle, don't worry Husker!" Alastor turns, arms crossed behind his back with his cane in hand, you look between Husk and Alastor. Husk looks angry that Alastor isn't listening. Husk looks to you and gives you an almost pleading look. If anyone could reason with the radio demon, it would be you. "Who in their right mind would cross me?" Alastor lets out a small hum as he starts to walk away. "I mean... you've been gone a while and its not like anybody knows why." "They don't need to know, and don't you worry your fuzzy head about it!" Alastor turns and pets husk on the head, something he absolutely hates. Husk lets out a loud growl as him and Alastor are nose to nose. The next few moments are a blur to you once husk mentions Alastor's metaphorical leash. The lights flicker, the room glitches with Alastor's power, your skin runs cold and you see the green leash snap around Husk's neck as he's thrown to the floor. "enough!" You yell, your hair standing on edge, eyes staring daggers into Alastor, your eye twitches with annoyance as you grab Alastor's arm and rip him away from Husk. "Now now sweet-" Alastor tries to calm you down, husk is shaking on the floor from the encounter. "No! This is enough Alastor, go find Charlie and Lucifer. Now!" You snap and point to where the group had gone. You never snapped at him, never even raised your voice. But right now, there was smoke coming out of your ears with how upset you were. Angry tears threatening to spill as you hold your stance. The green leash fades away and Alastor marches off without another word. "You okay?" You help Husk up who shakes you off with a tsk. "I don't need your pity, I'm fine." Husk grumbles and retreats to the bar downstairs. "Husk, please." You try and catch up with him. "What!" He turns and snaps.
"I don't need you playing the role of my parent! i can take care of myself, that's all ill ever need. Myself and what ever alcohol i can get my hands on." His voice is heavy, you know this is his mask. The one he puts on when something really bothers him and doesn't want to talk about it. You pull him into a hug and gently rub his back, you can feel his body tense, his wings are stiff before he slowly relaxes under your touch, his wings gently folding around the two of you. "I know Husker." You say gently, fingers combing his fur. "But I'm always here, you don't have to do it all on your own. I got you too. Family and losers and what not." You hum as the two of you pull away. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say." Husk smirks as he waves his hand, you know he understands what you're saying and what you mean is true, but the little bit of ego he had left doesn't let him fully show it. You and Husk reach the bar just as the building starts to shake due to some loan sharks trying to get in to look for Mimzy. The building catches fire, as they throw some Molotov cocktails through the windows. You gasp as you see some of the glass coming for you but i certain red demon pulls you from harms way. "I suppose i need to remind everyone why I'm here!" Alastor grins as he goes into his demon mode, you close your eyes, you hate seeing him in his giant demon mode. Once he's outside, you start helping Husk clean the building up.
"Darling, you alright?" Alastor comes back in to check on you
"Peachy." You snarl, still upset about earlier. Now even more upset due to Mimzy and her drama hurting the one place you loved.
Alastor straightens his suit before he forces Mimzy to leave, seeing as she was hurting the hotel and his beloved. You ignore the conversation as you sweep up glass. You feel a certain hand on your shoulder, you turn to look at Husk.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have made that comment. Don't let me get between the two of you." "I just don't like how he treats you." "Its okay, its my deal to take care of, not yours."
You let out a deflated sigh before turning to see Alastor who was waving around his cane to start fixing the hotel once again.
"Ali-" You say softly using the nickname he adored, it was simple but sounded amazing rolling off your lips.
"Yes darling?" He cuts you off as he grabs your hand and pulls you into him. You cant help but smile gently before grabbing his bowtie and yanking him down to be face to face with you.
"You ever hurt my Husky like that and i will make sure its your screams broadcasting on the radio. Understood?" You hiss and stare in his red eyes.
"Yes beloved." He nodded.
"Good." You nod back before going back to continuing to clean up the hotel lobby.
Sure life in the hotel wasn't the best, but it was your life none the less.
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i hope this was good! its been a while since i wrote something!
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billybob598 · 1 year
Someone Like That (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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Ok, hi everyone! This is my first fic, so please give me any feedback good or bad! I'm gonna try to get another one out in a couple days as well. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.7K (I think)
Leah watches with baited breath as you dive to stop yet another shot. She gets her head back in the game quick enough to clear the ball out of bounds. You scramble back onto your feet.
“Come on Arsenal, we have to close the ball down quicker!” Everyone just gives you a small nod in acknowledgment. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a hand reach out for a high-five. When you make eye contact with Leah she gives you a grin, you return it as you slap her hand. 
As the game against Bayern continues on, you cannot but watch in awe at everything Leah does. When she assists Frida with that cheeky chop pass you almost ran across the field to hug her. But you didn’t, mostly because that’s a long way to run for a goalkeeper. When the final whistle blows you sink to your knees with a sense of relief. 
“Oh my God, Y/N!” You look up to see Leah heading straight for you. As she opens up her arms to you, you can’t help but be mesmerised at how gorgeous she looked. Even after playing 90 minutes of gruelling football. It’s only when she gives you a concerned look that you snap back to reality and give her the hug she’s been waiting for. 
“You played amazing today, y'know,” you mumbled into her neck.
“I know,” she says with a smirk. You quickly shove her away with an unimpressed look. “Ok, ok, sorry,” Leah watches fondly as you roll your eyes at her before starting to walk around the stadium, thanking the fans. 
Katie and Jen watch the interaction shaking their heads.
“When are they going to realise they’re in love with each other?” Katie asks, slightly frustrated. Ever since you had joined Arsenal two years ago the pair of you had been crushing over each other, neither wanting to make the first move. It was actually quite annoying for the rest of the team, watching you guys dance around your feelings. Of course, there were multiple bets going on about when you were going to get together and who was going to make the first move. 
“I don’t know, they might never,” Jen says with a light shrug.
“Well, we can’t let that happen,” Jen looks at Katie, mildly surprised by her statement.
“Why not?”
“Because I’ve got 10 pounds on them getting together before the end of the season,” Katie replies. 
A couple days later, there was a team bonding night at Viv and Beth’s. You weren’t particularly fond of social interaction. It was weird, why would you go watch a movie at someone else's house and have to share snacks when you can just watch that same movie at your own place while having all the snacks to yourself? As you approach the door you hear a shout from behind you. 
“Oi! Y/L/N!” You're not surprised when you turn around to Katie jogging to catch up with you.
“What do you want?” You don’t intend to sound so annoyed but it just slips out.
“What’s got your knickers in a bunch?”
“Sorry, sorry, what’s up?” You say with a sigh.
“Actually, I think I might know why you’re so moody lately,” there’s a hint of mischief in her voice and you don’t like it at all. You gesture for her to continue as you both stop outside of the door. “Does it have anything to do with a certain English blonde who might also be the captain?” Your eyes widen as she continues speaking, “I mean everyone knows you're in love with her and that she’s in love with you so, it would really be better if you fessed up before the end of the season. For everyone.” 
“Wait, wait did you say Leah was in love with me?” 
“Yeah. It’s pretty obvious.”
“No, no way. There’s no way someone like that likes me. I mean, she’s way out of my league,” you scoff. 
Katie laughs, “Okay, Y/N, I know you don’t think very highly of yourself, but you’re actually kinda hot.” The look of bewilderment on your face has the Irish woman chuckling to herself as she knocks on the door. As it swings open you’re met with the rather grumpy looking Viv. 
“Catch yourself on, Viv, neither you or Y/N look very happy to be bonding,” Katie says, rather loudly. Viv gives you a soft smile before letting the pair of you in. 
“Not that happy to be doing this either?” Viv whispers into your ear. She gets her answer when you give her a look of “are you kidding, look at me.” 
As the night progresses, you are actually enjoying yourself. There were a lot of games and laughing. Despite this, you can’t get your previous conversation with Katie out of your head. Did Leah actually like you? Should you make a move? No, that’s a bad idea, there’s no way Leah frickin’ Williamson likes you. Because of this you expertly avoid Leah all night. The captain can’t act like this doesn’t hurt her a little bit. She tries to rack her brain about what she possibly could have done to offend you. Beth had been giving her sympathetic looks every time she tried to talk to you and you completely shut her down. Leah was starting to get angry, she hadn’t done anything. Not anything she could remember, anyways. So, as Beth started to usher people out of the house, sensing Viv’s social battery depleting, Leah watched with irritation as you got into your car and drove away. No words being spoken between you and her the entire night. She jumps when a hand lands on her shoulder, turning around to see an apologetic looking Beth behind her. 
“It’s okay Leah, maybe she just wasn’t feeling well or something,” her friend says.
“Yeah, maybe,” Leah huffs out. 
“You have to tell her about your feelings,” Beth reasons, trying her damndest to get her friend and teammate to finally tell you that she was in love with you. Walking to her car, Leah whispers to herself, “There’s no way someone like that, likes me.”
The entire drive home and the entire time she’s getting ready for bed, Leah’s thoughts are on you. Did you actually like her? Should she tell you? No, that’s a bad idea. Is it? Before she has time to second guess herself, Leah grabs her car keys and starts making the drive to your flat. It isn’t until she’s standing outside your door that she realises how terrible of an idea it actually is. She’s just about to turn and walk away, when the door opens. You look up startled by the blonde’s presence, “Leah! What are you doing here?”
Leah feels a blush creeping up her neck as she responds, “Um, I came by too, y’know, like talk or something.” Or something? God she was such an idiot sometimes. Now it’s your turn to blush as you open the door to her, motioning for her to come in. 
“S-Sure, come in,” you reply nervously. The second Leah fully enters your flat she’s engulfed by your scent. “Do you wanna sit or something?” You try your best not to stop your hand from shaking from nerves. Leah sees this and all she wanted to do was take your hand in hers and hold you until you stopped shaking. But, she couldn’t do that, not yet, not when she wasn’t sure if you were mad at her or not. The pair of you fidget nervously for a couple seconds in an awkward silence. Finally Leah breaks it,
“Are you mad at me or something?”
“What? No, why would I be?” Your confused face sets something off inside Leah.
“You didn’t speak to me at all tonight, you didn’t even want to sit beside me!” She has no idea why her voice raised so quickly, she has no idea why she’s so mad at you. The look of hurt that comes across your face makes her want to go die in a hole.You mumble something incoherent. “What did you say?” You take a deep breath before meeting her eyes. God, you could just get lost in those blue eyes forever.
“I don’t know why I was ignoring you,” You say unshakily.
“You don’t know?” Leah replies, clearly not satisfied with that answer, “You don’t know or do you not want to tell me?” The hard glare she has on her face is enough to send your eyes back down to the floor, suddenly finding the hole in your sock very interesting. “Answer me Y/N,” it sounds like a command. Then, after a beat, she uses a much softer tone, almost like she’s begging you, “Please, answer me Y/N.”
“Because…?” The silence is deafening. Leah decides she has finally had enough and slowly starts to turn and walk away when you say in a very loud and clear voice,
“Because I love you for God sake! I love how much passion you have for football. I love how you and your mum are like best friends. I love how whenever there are kids around you make it your mission to play with them. I love how intense and serious you look on the pitch. I love how you are insanely clingy when you're tired or drunk. I love how your tongue always sticks out a little when you’re doing your sudoku’s. I love everything about you, big and small. Sometimes I feel like I love you more than I love myself. Because I fucking love you, Leah,” your voice gets quieter at the end of your confession. Leah freezes, not saying anything for a couple seconds. You take this as her answer, shoulders sagging as you mumble out a quiet apology. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. This night was officially the worst.
Just as you start to turn away Leah grabs your hand, pulling you into a searing kiss. It takes you a second to fully register what’s happening, but when you do you immediately kiss her back. After air becomes a necessity you pull away, leaning your foreheads together. 
“I love you too,” Leah whispers against your lips.
“Yeah, I think I got it,” you say with a giggle. Leah rolls her eyes and pushes you away. 
“No, no come back,” you plead with her, slowly connecting your lips as you pull her closer to you. “Do you wanna stay here tonight?” All Leah does in response is hum against your lips with a smile.
You definitely were happier than you’d been in a long time, and so was Katie a couple days later after realizing she was ten pounds richer.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 6 months
Please don't shut us out, kid.
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Massive credit to @alotofpockets for the help being able to write this up as I did!!
I'm not sure if there's any needs for any warnings in the book just yet, however, if any of you guys feel like there needs to be then please let me know!
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It’s been almost five days since you’ve been home after the game that left you with a devastating injury.
It’s been two since you choose to willingly not leave your bedroom.
The inside of the home that you share with your teammates, that was once filled with warmth and happiness, is now the stone cold opposite of that.
There is barely any noise from your bedroom and after several days, it was evident that it is beginning to worry both of your team mums, “I can’t take this any longer, Viv. This isn’t healthy for her to be shut up in her room like this” Beth states with a vivid worried expression painted on her face.
Viv is quick to pull the blonde back to stop her from barging into your room, “I know, but we need to give her her space, liefje” she explains to her girlfriend, “We have to wait for her to come to us, remember?” she questions.
“I just don’t like the idea of Y/N pushing us all away like this. We’ve been through this before, we know what we can do to help her” Beth points out, all she wants to do is help you and she doesn’t like the idea of you staying cooped in your bedroom like this.
“We have to give her the time to do it on her own though, we can’t just go barging in like we want too” Viv tells her girlfriend gently as she smiles, “I know you’re worried about her liefje, but if we try and push too much then it’ll only end in tears” she adds.
With the two of them hovering outside of your bedroom door, you’re able to hear the conversation loud and clear as day; You’re not sure how much more you can take off the whispers behind your back.
Struggling to get off the bed due to your injury, you somehow manage to shuffle in the direction of your bedroom door and swing it wide open, which shocks both of the older women standing in front of you, “Happy now?” You mutter loud enough for them both to hear.
“Kleintje” Viv begins to speak.
“Save it, I heard what you were saying” You scoff at the dutch woman who’s only trying to help you.
“We’re just concerned about you, kiddo. We want to help you” Beth tries her luck to explain, “We don’t like the idea of you being on your own. You remember that we went through it, don’t you? We know what we can do to help!” she insists.
“I’m fine, I don’t need nor want your help!” You snap at the blonde, hobbling past them both as you make a bee-line for the bathroom; It’s the only place that you'd willingly been in the flat, the bedroom and the bathroom.
You had completely avoided the kitchen and the living room, or any sort of conversation from either of your team mums; You didn’t want help, nor did you want sympathy from them.
You just want to be alone, it was the best thing right now.
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“So, she still hasn’t come out of her bedroom, like at all?” Taking the opportunity to pop round the next day and check in on you, Leahs’ in shock when she hears that you haven’t even left your room in the past few days, “It’s been, what? Like six days now since it happened” she frowns and glances at your bedroom door that remains tightly shut.
Beth takes a sip of her coffee and shakes her head, “No, not really, although she did make a surprise appearance earlier” she remarks, sarcasm evident in her voice as she was the one to have taken most of the backlash earlier from you that day.
“Oh” Leah furrows her eyebrows’ further before she purses her lips and tries to figure out what advice to offer, “Do you want me to try and have a word? I might be able to get through to her” she suggests.
“I wouldn’t do that unless you want to be in the firing line” Laura jokes as she comes out of her bedroom and greets the blonde in a hug from where she’s standing behind her, “Hey, Le” she greets the blonde.
“Hi, buddy” Leah returns the hug with the young girl as she waits for any further explanation about your recent change of behaviour.
“She all but bit my head off when I tried to talk to her to see how she was, she hasn’t been the same since then” Laura tells the blonde.
“That doesn’t sound like Baby England” Leah frowns in concern, knowing you for the fun, carefree and loveable teenager that you are, you didn’t have anything in you to be horrible to anybody.
“She’s not herself right now, Leah” Viv exhales a sigh and shakes her head.
“I just wish there was a way we could help her, we’ve all been through it. We know exactly how much of a challenge this will be– We can help her get through this!” Beth is desperate to try and help you, despite how much you keep refusing it.
Each and every one of the girls on the team were absolutely devastated to hear the news of your ACL, the fans and the media all had their own opinions but you’d done your best to try and shut any of the outside noise out, but it was more difficult than you thought it would be.
You hated that your injury had been blown up on social media, several videos of the very single moment you went down made into edits and you really did hate that.
A time where you’re most vulnerable and your pain had been exploited like it was nothing, that made you feel a wave of anger.
So much anger is bubbling inside of you that you just didn’t know what to do with it. Your phone is still in your hand, overplaying the current video on the screen of a fan-made edit, zooming into the scene of you being carried out on that damn stretcher, the fans’ all watching is dismay as the Baby of the Arsenal team and England is taken out of action for the foreseeable future, and the only thing you can think of right now is launching that at the wall to make it all disappear.
The sudden loud bang startled the older three girls, immediately turning their attention to the direction of your bedroom.
“What was that?” Leah questions, confused.
“I… I don’t know” Beth frowns at the door and just wants to burst in your bedroom, but she knows that you need space.
“It sounds like Y/N threw something at the wall” Laura figures it out as she frowns, debating whether to go and try her luck to try and talk to you again, “I’ll go and see if she's okay” she decides to go with her instinct and check in on you.
“Laura, we need to give her space” Viv states, shaking her head.
“I know, but Beth is right, Viv. It doesn’t seem right that she’s in there shut up on her own and now if she's throwing stuff then that is worrying as well. I’ll go try and talk to her, if she bites my head off again then I’ll just come back out” Laura tells the Dutch women, making the decision to start and walk in the direction of your bedroom.
“Good luck” Beth can’t help but joke, trying to find some light humour in this.
“Y/N” Laura knocks on your bedroom door and waits a few minutes as she hears the sound of sobs. “I know you don’t want to come out and speak to us, Y/N/N, but you’re upset, so I’m coming in, okay?” she questions.
Not waiting for a response, Laura pushes the bedroom door open and walks in to the heartbreaking sight of you crumpled up on your bed, clutching a hold of your pillow while you sob into it; Your phone lay on the ground, completely smashed up.
“So, guess it was your phone that you launched then” Laura jokes as she steps in closer and leans down carefully to pick up the broken phone to inspect further, “It’s alright though, it’s just a phone. You’ll be able to get another one I’m sure” she reassures you.
“Get out! Get out!” You turn your anger in the direction of the older girl as you sneer your words venomously, “Get out of my room, Laura! Just get out!” You shout even louder.
“Y/N, I just want to… Let us help you–” Laura’s pleading words are cut short.
“No, no! I don’t care– I don’t want to hear it. Leave me alone and get the fuck out of my room!” You’ve never really been one to swear, but your only emotion is that you feel right in this moment in anger, but you really don’t mean to direct it at the older girl who you very much think of like a sister, “Seriously, Laura! Whatever bullshit you want to spew, I don’t want to hear it– Leave me the fuck alone, will you?” You snap at her.
“Y/F/N” Leah appears in the doorway of your bedroom, having heard the commotion and is in shock at the vulgar words that spill from your mouth, considering in all the time that she’s known you, not once have you swore at anybody, “Hey, Laur. Why don’t you go back out into the kitchen? I’ll have a word with Baby England here, hopefully I can have some luck, aye?” she asks, although you recognise the unimpressed look from your England captain that you’ve been under scrutiny of a fair few times before.
“Okay” Laura exhales a sigh and hands the broken phone over to the blonde, “I think I found out what the noise was. It’s gonna need to be replaced” she notes before she walks out of the bedroom.
Leah glances down at the phone and tuts while placing it on your chester drawers, “Got that angry that you broke your phone, huh? I mean I guess I had that thought once or twice before. Let me guess, it was the fan-made TikTok videos, wasn't it?” she wonders, knowingly as she moves to take a seat on your bed.
“What don’t you girls get? I want to be alone” You sneer at your blonde England captain, usually you wouldn’t think twice about that. The older girl was someone you looked up to so immensely, she’d been one of them to take you under her wing and you respected her so much, but right now you were so upset to even think different, regardless of who it was, “I just want to be alone, so why do you all insist on coming in here, saying you want to help me. I don’t need the help… I don’t want the help– I can do this on my own!” You shout loud enough for the rest of the girls to hear in the flat, hell probably even people standing outside the flat that are minding their own business.
“Right, well okay then” Leah huffs, shaking her head and for a minute there, you thought she was about to give up and walk out as well; You didn’t actually want her to go, you didn’t want none of them to go yet you were too stubborn to say that you really actually did need the help. “So, clearly the soft loving, gentle approach hasn’t been working all that great, so maybe it's time for some tough love now instead?” she questions.
You're stunned now, you didn’t expect her to bite back. You just stare at the blonde in confusion, awaiting her to further speak.
“I know you’re angry, I know you are and that’s okay, it is. We’ve all been there, every single one of us in this flat has been and is currently going through the same injury you’re facing” she pauses a moment to take a breath before she continues, “It’s okay to lash out, we all understand that but do not lash out at us, okay? We’re the ones’ willing to be here for you, we’ve been through it. We want to help you, Y/N! All four of us, we all know how much of a challenge this next 9 months is going to be emotionally, physically and mentally– You need us, you can’t go through this alone, okay? So just don’t… don’t push the people away that care about you so much” Her words should be like a wake-up call from the bitter mood you’ve been in the last six days, but you’re too stubborn to agree with her.
“You don’t know shit all about how I feel” You scoff at the older blonde.
Leah clicks her tongue at your sharp comeback, “I know more than you think I do, Y/F/N, remember that? Look you need to stop this little self-made pity party cos’ honestly you’re really just acting like a brat right now, and you’re not like that. Th... This isn’t like you at all” she takes a deep breath before she continues, “It’s okay to admit that you’re struggling, it’s okay to be vulnerable– Look back to April when I did mine, huh? You remember what I was like, the 9 months took it out of me, you physically can’t do this alone, Baby England. Don’t force yourself to be lonely in this journey, because it's’ going to be the hardest thing that you’ve ever done” she states.
You don’t have it in you to argue, you know that Leahs’ words are right, 100% right and these next 9 months are going to be tough to go through so it would be better to go through it with the support of the ones that love and care about you dearly.
You don’t bother to say anything in response as you struggle to stand up from your bed, silently agreeing with the blondes’ speech.
“Good. Right, so now that we’re in agreement of that. Will you please come out of your room and join us in the living room, instead of sulking in here on your own?” Leah questions you knowingly.
“Fine” You mumble just loud enough for her to hear.
“I’ll lead the way, shall I” Leah remarks as she turns round and heads out of your bedroom, “Look whos’ decided to join us” the smug comment slips past her lips as she gestures to you, following her out of the bedroom where’d you spent the last several days cooped up in there.
“Wow” Laura whispers to herself in shock.
You shuffle to sit on the sofa in the living room as you glance at your two team mums’ and adopted older-sister type figure, “I don’t want to hear a single word about this, not a single word. Otherwise, I’m going back into my room and I’m not coming out” You state firmly, slumping down further as you cross your arms and have a sullen expression on your face.
Beth holds her hands up in mock surrender while Viv slowly nods in agreement with what you said, they were just happy enough for you to be sitting anywhere other than your bedroom.
“Well would you look at that, auntie Le’s bit of Williamson magic did the trick after all” Leah’s just standing there with her arms crossed and a proud smirk planted on her face, taking the chance to be able to gloat to Viv and especially Beth, but more than anything being happy that you were finally not shutting any of them out.
It’s bound to be a hard 9 months but sometimes things like that are made to be easier with your loved ones around, after all the comeback is always stronger than the setback.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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hyperray · 9 months
It's very ironic Viv uses South Park as inspiration for writing in so many curse words, considering they made an episode about why that's a bad thing.
So we remember that Twitter post Viv made to snap back at the criticism of her making her characters say a ton of swear words, that it's being reduced to "Haha they say fuck a lot" and she tries to tell what she does is normal because she's also been inspired by Seth Rogen's and South Park's style of humor, with the difference between how she uses swearing and how South Park does it is because SP puts them in the context that what is happening is ridiculous and that the few swearing makes it fit, while Viv uses them as if they were words used casually in normal conversations. You know, it's REEAAALLY funny she takes South Park as inspiration, because they made an episode explaining why the overusage of swear words is a bad thing. In Season 5 Episode 1 "It Hits the Fan" is about the network allowing people to use the word "Shit" uncensored, with this new thing everyone get's hooked to see where it goes, and a lot of people then use it excessively to the point they can't stop saying it and a lot of people throw out their guts because of it but that part is kinda unrelated. The the network uses it a ton more to get more people hooked into watching their shows, and when the show get's interruped by the "Knights of Standarts and Practises", the head of the network throws a tantrum in defiance, saying he is the head an can say it as much as he wants, which he does, and then it summons a giant purple dragon from Hell but it's defeated and unrelated unless I'm overseeing another metaphor here. The episode ends with the message that it's fun to use swear words a few times, but using them too often takes away the meaning and fun out of them, that they'd just become bring words and that like with the show SP using them only at the right times will amplify the humor, using them too much just makes people desensitized. What do you think? Honestly I can see the South Park creators watching Hazbin and Helluva, being aware of Viv being inspired by them, and basically do a sequel to S5E1 where they make fun of Vivziepop for how she generally acts around criticism, her writing, and usage of swearing, while also having the opportunity to explain their original message better.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Thinking about Angel Dust again. More or less screaming into the void, this is kinda directed at the writers themselves:
I find it hard to believe this story (excluding the Addict MV) takes sexual abuse itself seriously. The horrible parts of Valentino are that he is violent to Angel, that he swears and yells, that he has him in a contract so he can control his schedule. That’s the power he has. Not that he forces himself onto Angel Dust. Because ‘poison’ implies he’s addicted to that feeling and it’s what’s keeping him there. Val makes him have more sex than he wants to and more often, but the show itself plays the forced sex acts entirely for laughs. With Angel Dust himself as both the joker and punchline. Based on both shows, I feel like Viv thinks rape is funny. With victims of rape mildly inconvenienced and a little irritated by it. Finding the abuse funny themselves. She doesn’t frame it any other way.
We see a scene of Angels porno, Val forced him to perform in, and it’s supposed to be ‘funny’ but not rape? In the script an interrogator is forcing him, and he’s calling the guy daddy. The script is ‘this guy likes being abused’ and the story canon seems to say the same. Blitzø and Moxxie are held hostage and make the same jokes about maybe liking it too much. Angel screens his porno to his coworkers. His Helluva twin also makes sex jokes at his own expense to his coworkers, with the toys and saying “this is what grown ups do”. Moxxie and Pentious play the same horrified reaction role in both scenes.
Angel Dust brags about his stamina and lung capacity, with a lot of joy. Blitzo brags about his sex prowess too. Then they both switch to angry trauma responses of “I don’t want to do this. Or do I?” I really have no idea how to take it. It’s fucking exhausting. Take Moxxie with Chaz, he is harassing him, right? but it’s supposed to be a funny song, so it’s okay to laugh, it’s not that bad. But then Moxxie is crying over it, so it was traumatising. Then why play for laughs at the same time? That was some whiplash.
And the obvious elephant in the room Blitzø, he didn’t want to have sex with stolas the first time. Any other time it’s “no, but yes, but no” But the initial time, ‘no’ is canon. And that’s the joke. He says to himself that he’s disgusted with the idea, then pretends to be into him, for the book. In the ep, he uses a fake baritone voice one second then switches to angry, grossed out, and put off facial expressions when stolas isn’t looking or can’t see him. Meaning that is what he really feels. “What do you want me to do to you?” Is the same forced tone as “I’m sure there’s somewhere in your cloaca we can stick it” The line “I need this book stolas, I will do anything” is the mask dropping. He’ll do the sex if he can just have his job. Angel Dust will get to the studio as long as Val doesn’t hurt Charlie. They will both perform on stage and in bed.
Blitzø snapping, and his angry tone saying “after everything you put me through” feels completely genuine. But it is not expanded on, it’s brushed aside. In fact, he has to apologise for saying it. And not genuinely wanting to sleep with stolas. Or for wanting to but, without feelings? What did stolas put him through, Viv? Was this all rape or not, Viv? What does stolas feel guilt about? And why is Blitzø wanting sex now, after you showed us again and again how much he doesn’t and you laughed at him for it?
The song ‘Poison’ is as if Angel Dust is addicted to Valentino and addicted to the sex he has with him, and being desired by him, he just can’t get enough of “the feeling?” But similar to ‘after everything you put me through” what is ‘the feeling’? In another scene Angel says he hopes Val sees his toy is broken and leaves him alone. Blitzø doesn’t want to be a broken toy left alone. I can’t help but cross reference the two shows.
The showrunners fetishes and cruel sense of humour are clashing so hard against its simultaneous desire to tackle this trauma and complex themes. You can’t meaningfully examine someone’s trauma while that very trauma is also your kink. It’s clearly not just Raphielle who has a rape and cnc fetish.
It might be screaming into the void, but not a word of what you've said is wrong.
It's most definitely not just Raphielle who has a rape and cnc fetish. Proof below the cut, so anyone who's sensitive to pics of said things, don't click.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
So we know Stella probably won’t have anything to her in the new episode other than “evil bitch”, but honestly….I’ve been thinking about what this one YouTuber had said about her, and it was that Stella and Stolas have no relationship….and…..guess what? They’re exactly right, they really don’t. Their relationship is so shallow, we have no idea how Stolas feels about Stella outside of the bullshit we’re told of him apparently trying to make it work, and she just…doesn’t like him and is trying to kill him. That’s it, there’s no in between or depth to their relationship. There’s nothing regarding how they take care of Octavia, there’s nothing on how they felt about the arranged marriage, we never even get to SEE them interact outside of Stella just popping up occasionally here and there for the writers to show how much of a bitch she is and move on. She calls him boring and complains, that’s it. We don’t know how they work together or what that dynamic is, there’s no exploration on how they handle royal business together, there’s just no insight, ESPECIALLY from Stella’s perspective because god forbid we have an episode that doesn’t revolve around Stolas, Blitz or Moxxie.
It doesn’t help that their dynamic is also all over the place. They go from being in a bad spot and the family being miserable because of the cheating, to flat out domestic abuse, to despising each other and pettily snapping back at the other, arguing constantly. Like yeah it’s clear they don’t LIKE each other, but these two are supposed to be married and in the royal family, and yet they have no chemistry or clear dynamic at all because the show doesn’t know how to develop and explore relationships/character dynamics outside of quick witty banter. How do they treat each other on a normal day? How do they interact? How did they work together when Stella was still at the house and Octavia was around? We clearly see they would go to Loo Loo land, they would sit as a family at the dinner table in Harvest Moon, we clearly hear that by Octavia’s point of view, she has SOME kind of relationship with her mother, and we see portraits of them together.
There’s obviously a family dynamic going on and yet the writing is so one sided. It neglects Stella and Octavia’s elements completely, and only focuses on how Stolas treats his daughter, nothing else. It’s amazing how Viv claims she’s trying to go for a complex two sided relationship where fans can debate who’s in the right or not, and yet the actual show is shallow and flat AF. You want to learn about Stella and Octavia’s dynamic? Too bad! You want to learn about Stella and how her childhood and being married was? Too bad! You want to learn how Stolas and Stella worked together as a married duo and how they raised Octavia? Too bad! You want to see if there were any good areas to their relationship? Too bad! Just know that Stolas is an uwu soft boi who loves his daughter, and Stella is the evil nasty bitch who wants to torture her husband! That’s all you need to know! And I’d say “let the show play out”, but again….judging by the leaks the show has no interest in fleshing Stella or her story out more, and I find it so funny that fans are able to somehow come up with essay videos or “deep dives” into Stolas and Stella’s relationship when there’s just nothing there. It’s flat, and what you see on the surface is what it is. Stella is just evil and Stolas is just good. Their relationship has no nuance or depth at all, and Stella doesn’t need to be a good person or sympathetic to accomplish that. Just fucking show us their relationship and what they went through outside of just Stella being mean and Stolas being miserable or rolling his eyes, but we all know I’m asking the show WAY too much because that would actually require non bias writing and dedication to a character that isn’t Stolas himself.
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just-jae · 3 months
"Apology Tour"
Helluva Boss in respects to the episode "Apology Tour", demonstrates an overt shift in storytelling that not only went far out-of-character, but handled their portrayal of a toxic relationship, ironically in a toxic way.
To start, Im aware that the show has had storytelling flaws, and have since moved on and accepted that it's ultimately unplanned story subject to retconns (Such as with Moxxie, Stella, Octavia and Stolas) as well as just not going in any particular direction sometimes, especially given these are relatively new characters and personalities, and a story started as a small side-project with only one planned season, compared to Hazbin Hotel, who's characters have been in development since Viv was a kid, whom she had a clear and set vision for by the time Hazbin Hotel started production.
That being said, these past few episodes give me an impression that the focus of their story is shifting, due to the lacking cohesion between prior setup and Apology Tour and the one-sidedness in this episode's story, even if we only rely on the show's content for context.
They set up that Blitz is self loathing, having developed a deep-seated self hatred after causing the death and traumatization of people he cared about, internalizing other's opinions, effectively having given up on being the person he wants to be and considering himself a failure in that regard.
But, its not just self loathing, as Apology tour insists so strongly. Its also disillusionment with love. Blitz once knew love in the form of his mother, Fizz his best friend, and (maybe) his sister at least into his pre-teen years. He even attempted to confess feelings for Fizz with a letter on his birthday, and still cares about his sister enough to go look for her when she leaves the insane asylum.
He nearly believes Stolas's texts and his words in Full , because that's who he is at his core, someone who loves and longs to be loved, but convinces himself that Stolas doesn't actually mean what he says, and thus acts accordingly. Somewhere along the line he learned that "It's an act" after being betrayed, abandoned, or otherwise hurt by people he trusted with his heart. People like his father, Fizz, exes, or even people he set up performance act for, whom ultimately rejected him-- hence why he gave up.
"You tried a solo act, it didn't work out so well."
Unlike Stolas, who, since birth has been raised by emotionally distant, fake people who pretty themselves up despite being rotten and who "pretend to want to fuck his scrawny twig-ass" (his wife btw) because they have to. Honestly, I don't know why he'd consider his relationship with Blitz to be any better than his wife's.
Because they were drunk the first time i guess >=>… Seriously was that episode even canon--
Blitz went into the room already certain that Stolas was getting bored and about to cut him off, making efforts to appeal to Stolas-- a guy whom he considers an unpleasant chore to be around, insisting "I can do better". He even begs, that he'll do anything with DESPAIR -- as if expecting to be even more uncomfortable just to maintain their arrangement. And this moment shows clearly that Blitz never wanted to do any of the stuff their "relationship" is built on. He's there because those are the terms Stolas set for being allowed to use his book.
"Once a month, you return the book to me, followed by a night of passionate fornication!" Stolas, as usual conveniently ignores that this is the situation Blitz has been in since they met and proceeds to act like Blitz is the jackass for hating him AFTER ADMITTING THAT THEIR RELATIONSHIP was "NOT RIGHT". Blitz doesn't even initially steal from Stolas (when they're children) because he wants to, but because his dad is making him do it.
In Full Moon, Blitz snaps and goes on a rant about "Everything you've put me through" and how people like Stolas have tended to treat people like Blitz, because just as Stolas feels hurt, Blitz has also been hurt, as much as he tries not to be, such as the sentiment he expressed in "Ozzy's" (Which, btw was their last serious on-screen conversation), that Stolas has made him feel used more than anything. Even if Blitz initiated their arrangement, Stolas trying to make it an emotional relationship feels like a lure to be hurt, and having to reject that offer, especially after seeing a genuinely loving relationship, also forces Blitz to verbalize WHY he rejects the offer, being that at no point has Stolas done anything but sexualize Blitz and disregard his own disinterest and discomfort, which has been apparent throughout the serise.
Blitz has, up until this point, made it blatantly clear that he hates having sex with Stolas, and avoids doing so unless he needs to maintain access to the Memoir.
Blitz has been completely transparent about how he feels about their relationship from the get-go.
ALL that being said, it's becoming apparent that "Apology Tour" marks a noticeable shift in the storytelling style, where the writers are starting to portray specific unrelated life experiences through these characters, even if it doesn't line up with the situation set up by previous episodes.
In apology tour, Blitz not only doesn't take Stolas' breakoff seriously, but doesn't even believe that Stolas genuinely doesn't want to fuck anymore (despite having started the episide thinking he was getting bored, and having a history of breakups). And even exhibits behaviors of being possessive of Stolas, going over to his house to insist on nothing being different, getting angry when Stolas kisses another guy, even claiming that he "Stole" his bird.
In apology tour he's angry at Stolas, not for putting him in an emotionally vulnerable position, but for being emotionally vulnerable and rejecting his sexual advances, which felt not-only OOC as fuck for Blitz but resembled traits of a narcissist more than someone who was self loathing or emotionally insecure. He even says shit like "Stolas always wants to talk to me" as if suddenly he can't fathom that someone doesn't like him or doesn't want to be with him rather than the opposite mindset that's been set up throughout the series.
Apology Tour wants to tell a story of projected self loathing, but uses experiences with narcissistic tendencies to do so, through a character that, prior to this specific episode was anything BUT, and whom specifically had a history of initiating breakups SPECIFICALLY because he didn't think people actually loved him and were just luring him in to be hurt (or because he was predicting things were starting to go downhill and just decided to be to first to jump ship).
I can tell this episode is a depiction of personal experiances with breakups from certain kinds of toxic relationships, but the entire time these characters didn't feel like themselves but other people in their skins.
What bothers me, specifically, is that in sympathizing so one-sidedly with Stolas, Apology tour villainizes Blitz, and disregards the mistreatment HE'S endured from Stolas, suddenly blaming him for Stolas's insecurities and heartbreak when AT NO POINT did Blitz ever pretend to like their arrangement or be interested in Stolas. AT NO POINT were they ever even in a relationship. It was a transactional fucking that STOLAS required for Blitz to use the book. Stolas catching feelings doesn't obligate Blitz to suddenly put his own heart on the line, especially when he's already vulnerable in that he relies on Stolas for his business to operate.
STOLAS HIMSELF admits that their relationship was transactional in FULL MOON. AGAIN, Stolas was the one who made sex the requirement for getting the book in the first place when he could have just been lending Blitz the book without that.
This whole time STOLAS has been the one controlling the terms by which their relationship is maintained, and never made an effort to pay attention to how Blitz felt about it until Blitz actually told him no, even then he completely disregards the obvious vulnerability and fear of being hurt to focus instead on Blitz's self loathing.
"Why cant you just open up to me--someone who's talked down to you multiple times, litterally called you a plaything, needlessly disregarded your boundaries and discomfort, and who exploits your need of me for sex-- and just admit that you hate yourself?? I've tried so hard to be nice to you since the first time you refused to do what I want! Why aren't you giving me what I want?"
Like. TF? How is Blitz the bad guy here?
This could have been remedied just by swapping the character's roles.
Stolas should have been the one portrayed as a clingy, emotionally deaf asshole, (That he's been since his first appearance), who struggles to comprehend genuine love and actually being loved-- as opposed to Blitz who's just afraid of loving and self-punishing.
Blitz should be the one who's catching a break here.
An alternative approach to this story: Blitz realizes there's another way to get to the living world, and warily asks Stolas to help him get it, even offering to keep banging afterward as thanks, or, taking a risk that maybe Stolas genuinely cares about him. Stolas is too insecure to actually choose to give Blitz that freedom and potentially never see him again, and/or take him seriously at first because he's so sure everyone's happy with the current arrangement-- an arrangement that, frankly he's familiar with after living with his wife for years.
Maybe this could reveal that Stolas just felt that, being used/needed (for the memoir) was the only way he was even going to get close to something resembling a relationship and just hesitated a bit too long, causing Blitz to quickly back out and go for the crystal himself. Then maybe Stolas shows up to help anyway and they have a similar conversation as in Apology tour, without the made-up "we all hate this guy, its all your fault, you're the shitty one" party that, if anything just reinforced Blitz's self loathing.
Seriously. The dude's even a better dad than Stolas is-- he actually pays attention to Loona, and is capable of loving her and interacting with her even when she's a dick bc he's used to people being dicks and not kissing his ass when they're not drunk-- unlike Stolas.
So why does Apology tour make the entire situation Blitz's fault and make him soley responsible for their and EVERY "relationship's" failure? Why isn't Stolas made to confront or even acknowledge the way he's treated Blitz up until Ozzy's? (except for some flirting in a filler episode and some texts on a phone)
Why does the show make it BLITZ's obligation and responsibility to be sensitive to Stolas's feelings and vulnerabilities and to be vulnerable to Stolas after a majority of their relationship BY STOLA'S OWN ADMISSION has been transactional with Blitz being the one reliant on Stolas and therefore having an unfair power dynamic?
Because its not their story, they're being used to tell someone else's story.
Stolas sure does prop himself up as making efforts to be kind and loving pretty often. I guess that's why his daughter hates him so much and feels unloved and abandoned, why Blitz never felt loved by him, and why we literally see Stolas abusing and bossing around imps that work for him, if not talking down to them like he does to Moxxie and Millie.
I can accept that the show is veering more toward using the characters to tell personal stories, and that the change is probably going to cause a loss of serial cohesion, but this was such poor way to handle the relationship and dynamic between these two characters and is infantilizing and glorifying Stolas as a pure -of-heart sweetie way too much.
Because we even saw before, that when when they're just cuddling, Blitz adores it. He likes the idea of a relationship, and having someone to hold, in a non-sexual way but can't let himself actually be vulnerable, especially not with people like Stolas who talk down to and take advantage of his reliance in order to maintain access to an asset they need to run their business.
This was careless. It's like watching a truck full of baggage veer across several lanes to make a last-minute exit onto a different highway and spill half of its bags all over the road in the process.
I had a problem before when they tried to portray Stolas as a kind and caring father who's done nothing to earn his daughter or spouse's spite. And I have a problem now when they try to blame and villainize the person who had less power in a relationship and has been shown not only being mistreated and used but capable of loving and respecting others, as shown with his relationships with Loona and Moxxie, and emotional vulnerability even when they don't want to be.
I do appreciate that they're putting in effort to portray painful personal experiences, but for fuck's sake at least review the history of the characters you use to tell the story before you go and blame someone in the LOWEST CLASS OF SOCIETY who RELIES on the other MUCH MORE POWERFUL person for FINANCIAL STABILITY and whom ALREADY PANDERS to SEXUAL DEMANDS AGAINST THEIR OWN PREFERENCE for the failure of a NON EXISTANT RELATIONSHIP and FOR NOT LETTING THEMSELVES BE VULNERABLE WITH SOMEONE THEY ULTIMATELY DONT TRUST.
I was actually rooting for them to finally break tf up because it's toxic af, and they somehow managed to make me hate it.
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Literally they could have just swapped their roles and made the story make a lot more sense based on the setup, but No, Stolas is the sweet and innocent romantic one that needs saving and Blitz is the tough, cold hearted, reads hand, clingy jealous ex with narcissistic tendencies… for this one episode…
Okay upon looking into it further it looks like a lot of the mismatch between what Stolas says and what Stolas does is intentionally him being in his own head. I really wish they would make that clear instead of Blitz being portrayed as such an ass-- like more assholish than usual, having an entire party of people who hate his guts in particular as if he's somehow worse than the average hellspawn, and having Blitz not refute most of the criticisms Stolas throws at him.
Like, the most Blitz has to apologize for is blowing up at Stolas for trying to help him, but. That's all he did, yelled. He even waited for Stolas to reply and even tried to apologize. So. Idk, if they're really gonna chalk all this up to "It's Stolas being in his own head" they-- I want them to come down so hard on his ass after this.
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timkontheunsure · 3 months
I’d like your opinion on something. So we saw Stolas kiss another guy at the party, possibly sleeping with him. He had a rebound. Now that that happened, wouldn’t it be too much if the show actually made a love triangle with vassago and stolitz? Fans are going nuts cuz the pride promo pic confirmed he’s gay, and it looks like he’s looking at stolas. I want to say just because he’s gay doesn’t mean he’ll like Stolas. I don’t want to see anymore jealousy drama, since blitz’s self worth is hanging by a thin thread. Vassago coming onto Stolas would snap it. Of course that doesn’t mean Stolas will return his affections. Since Viv hinted in that emoji to that tweet last year about Stolas trying to get over blitz with someone but the affection he wanted wasn’t what he really needed, I’m hoping she was referring to this rebound and we can move past this. Adding Vassago feels like needless melodrama when Stolas has a lot more to worry about than his love life. I want to like Vassago without thinking he’s gonna be wrench in stolitz. Sorry if this question seems silly
"wouldn’t it be too much if the show actually made a love triangle with vassago and stolitz?"
Humm honestly it takes a very long time to fall out of love with someone.
Even if Vassago even is interesting romantically in Stolas, Stolas is very unlikely to be able to return that.
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Well Vassago is looking at Stolas, Stolas only has eyes for Blitz
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I'm hoping Vassago ends up as friend to Stolas, hopefully one that can be in the boys corner for the upcoming trial.
But really we don't know enough to say either way yet. And Viv likes to like random things to throw people off.
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