#but I'm getting dehydrated
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potatoplace · 2 months ago
Someone tell me to get out of bed and start writing
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biowho · 8 months ago
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If I want to get better at art I need to try new things if I want to be better at art I need to try new things if I want to be better at art I need-
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chillinglikeashilling · 5 months ago
Ok just finished Adventuring Party.
It's so interesting to me the way Danielle was talking about how she felt bad for Sam because nobody takes her seriously not even Danielle (her actress) and she wanted to honor or give space to what that must feel like.
I'm sure Danielle was exaggerating for the sake of her point (I think she's put a lot of thought and effort into playing Sam) but even though I completely understood that fear as Sam voiced it and it fit how Danielle was playing her, I take Sam so seriously.
Sam talked three (maybe four?) ancient demons into leaving her friends body after a lifetime of them tormenting him, she's so incredibly charming that it's a running bit that ancient magical creatures respond to her (very casual) greetings in turn, she's a person who understands other people so well and is at the centre of all of these social dynamics!
And then Brennan mentioned how lonely it must be to make everyone around you feel like they're special but have people take no notice of your interiority, your pains and fears and needs.
Not only that, because you make everyone feel special, everyone assumes that's a reflection of your feelings about them, that you're light shines out around you like a halo and so of course they feel warmed by it without even noticing that you have left a space for them to shine back at you.
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
I feel like machete has listened to Hoziers “Take me to Church” one time out of curiosity, liked the sound but understood what the message was saying, and then had an hour long cathartic shower cry.
(You're really insistent on making him cry).
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prince-liest · 8 months ago
WOO, finished my first shift in the ED (pediatrics) as a doctor! Family medicine was so the right choice for me, haha, the emergency department is... a lot. And I wasn't even doing anything crazy! It's just the amount of multitasking required that's stressful to me.
I did see 5 patients where most people end up seeing like 2-3 on their first day just as they're learning the EMR and stuff, so that contributed to things piling up near the end, but I managed to get out only about 20 minutes after my shift ended and have no notes to finish writing at home, so that part's great!
All the attendings and seniors were very nice, though. Not all of them are amazing teachers, but one was really great about it, and he was there from before 9am to 2pm so it was only four hours after that with the folks that were a little more absorbed in their own work vs precepting.
Tomorrow is clinic, which is a relief... I like my lower-acuity outpatient scheduled visits, hahaha.
Still very nice to see Dr. [Name] written on things. 🤭
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esynk · 8 months ago
i go to the hospital for the first time ever (to get treated at urgent care) and the first thing i think of is "i need to make a hopital joke on tumblr dot com about this"
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 1 year ago
Taylor Swift fan dies after feeling unwell during concert in Rio
Ana Clara Benevides, 23, fainted and was taken to a hospital near Engenhão, but did not survive
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Ana Clara Benevides, 23, died on Friday (17th) night after feeling unwell during the concert of singer Taylor Swift, who debuted her tour in Brazil at the Nilton Santos stadium in Rio de Janeiro, with an audience of over 60,000 people.
The information was confirmed to Folha by Estela Benevides, Benevides' cousin, who received the news over the phone from the doctor who tried to resuscitate her. The young woman is originally from Pedro Gomes, Mato Grosso do Sul, but she grew up in Sonora, within the same state. She was sent to the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital after fainting and being attended to at the stadium. The cause of death was cardiac arrest.
Benevides was at the front row and ended up fainting on the spot. According to nurse Thiago Fernandes, 22, a friend of Benevides, she was resuscitated at the stadium for about 40 minutes. On the way to the hospital, she had a second cardiac arrest.
Benevides arrived around 8 p.m., was attended to, but did not survive, dying shortly after at the hospital near Engenhão, in Méier, in the northern zone of the capital of Rio de Janeiro.
The heat index at the venue reached 60ºC and unofficially, firefighters counted a thousand faintings during the event. Fans complained on social media about the prohibition of bringing water bottles into the stadium, considering the intense heat.
Continue reading.
If I may add: the venue closed its vents. During a gods-damned heat wave.
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schwazombie · 2 months ago
So Monday is my set-up day for my meds, i.e., I sit down and put my meds in the little containers for each day so I know if I've taken it or not, and I decided to have a glass of juice while doing dishes only to be like hm. I have not taken my meds yet this morning; I'll have to wait a bit now since I've been drinking this juice before I take them to make sure they work.
Which fucking reminded me of the fact that I have two ADHDs in my life, Husband and K, and NEITHER of them were aware you can't take your ADHD meds with fruit juice and that you shouldn't consume food or drinks with charcoal in them because both of those things will make your med not be effective. Neither of them knew this because neither of them read the fucking info that comes in the medicine box. Husband doesn't read them because he doesn't think it's important and K doesn't because the list of possible side effects is 'scary'.
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tj-crochets · 1 year ago
Went to the doctor just for a check up and he basically just told me "your body just processes sugar very well! :) :) :) It's a good thing! :) :) :) It can't possibly be the source of your symptoms even though eating fixes it :) :) :)" But there was also a moment when talking about my iron deficiency that is possibly one of the funniest things a doctor has ever said to me, up with the cardiologist who said "you're a medical mystery": He was going over my blood test results, and said "Your iron levels haven't gone up at all, they are still extremely low, but you're not anemic anymore" And I was like how am I not anemic anymore??? And he said "Your hemoglobin levels have gone up...somehow..." while frowning at the blood test results on his computer. It was very "somehow, palpatine has returned" lol
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sunhated-a · 1 year ago
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[ last sketches for the night. ]
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nametakensff · 1 year ago
Cannot stop sneezing today and it feels sooo good. Mostly rapid-fire triples that tickle intensely when they build. It's a welcome change from the stubborn stuck sneezes that left me taking matters into my own hands yesterday 😮‍💨
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thearchivesofhalcyon · 18 days ago
Update News!
I come bearing, not gifts, but dates! The chapter 2 update will come......
And God forgive me for the fact that I got sick as hell these past two weeks and all I could do was write and think about writing. The good news: I finished chapter 7. The bad news: the chapter I'm REALLY thinking about is probably the 15, send help pls
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itzstarzwrld · 26 days ago
chat I have a crackship but they from two completely different universes/fandoms, what do I do burhhh and I've been soo sick lately, what do I fooo
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grimark · 26 days ago
no disrespect to all my northern hemisphere dwellers with seasonal affective disorder who have been posting lately like "i felt the sun on my skin today for the first time in months and suddenly i don't want to kill myself anymore" but i'm just imagining the sheer orgasmic relief i'm going to feel on the first dull overcast autumn day i get this year
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While I'm in a rental and I know it can't be guaranteed to stay, I'm going to plant Richmond Birdwing Vine (pararistolochia praevenosa), Purple Violet (viola betonicifolia), and Native Violet (viola hederacea).
They're the host plants for the Richmond Birdwing and Australian Fritillary butterflies, and I keep seeing that post about a man in America who helped out significantly I think with the California pipevine swallowtail.
There's so much I can't do to help with the environment, but planting a vine I'll need to trim in my own yard alongside a handful of other native plants and having a bit of a veggie garden helps myself, my family, and some animals in the area.
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dazzelmethat · 4 months ago
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idk where I'm even going in my art these days. Have a 2024 Renoir vs a 2016 one.
I didn't spend as much time as I could with the recent one cuz I'm still recovering it feels. Mainly did the redraw for fun. BAH!
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