#but I'd like to y'know. at least understand the questions
seawitchkaraoke · 7 months
Thing is there are resources for German sign language, there are dictionaries online and stuff but there doesn't seem to be one definite correct version for most signs? Like. I downloaded two separate dictionary apps and their signs for January are completely different and neither of them is the sign my teacher taught me
It's an online course so as a class we've tried to record most of the signs in seperate videos and then collect them together, I've made anki cards with them which has been useful. But sometimes I'm like hmm this sign my classmate recorded doesn't look quite right to me, let me look it up just to find nothing even close to what they signed anywhere.
We've also had a change in teachers between semesters and I like the new guy better generally, he signs a lot slower and clearer for us beginners which helps a lot but of course he also speaks a different dialect so there's once again new versions for some signs
At least our teachers told us where they're from and what dialect they speak but the online dictionaries mostly just have one version of the word and even if they have several won't specify which is from which region.
This apparently isn't a problem for deaf people which makes sense, I don't have issues talking to another german with a different dialect in spoken language either but when you're learning and there isn't an agreed upon standard it makes it very hard and frustrating sometimes.
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pwinkprincess · 3 months
Hi! Um I don't know if you can do this, but I'd like to see an au where playboy toru doesn't get the reader or at least if they break up and she's dating another guy and see toru's reaction.
Would he be jealous or would he be like "Good riddance" it's been on my mind for a few days and I can't get it out 😭🤭
Love your works btw :3
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"what's going on?" suguru asks a sulking satoru. the giant had strolled his way into suguru's room while the dark haired man read up on his science textbook.
satoru plops his body down onto suguru's bed, face first. "shweeelefuuhffmweeefworrrguuud." whatever satoru is saying is unintelligible which makes suguru roll his eyes. he had an important test coming up and had no time for satoru's games right now.
"i can't understand you." suguru tells satoru with a sigh. he sets his book down beside him on the bed. he crosses his arms while looking over at his bestfriend.
slowly, satoru lifts his head to look at his companion. "she left me." he tells him before plopping his face back down.
"which she? the one you're with all of the time?" suguru asks. "the one who cried when she called you daddy in front of us?" he continues to try to match a face to the supposed 'she'.
satoru tilts his head so that his chek rests onto the mattress instead of his entire face. "yeah, bun." he confirms.
"why'd she leave you?" suguru questions. he already knows it's going to be because of satoru did something stupid or selfish, maybe even both.
satoru shifts his position so that he's laying on his back. he scratches the side of his neck anxiously before he begins retelling what happened.
"so, me, her, and choso. we're all standing in the kitchen laughing and shit. and then the topic shifts to me and her, sukuna starts asking her all these lovey dovey ass questions. she was blinded and didn't see that he was doing it out of entertainment, and not because he actually cared." satoru explains. he pauses and inhales a heavy breath as if something's weighing him down. "so then, sukuna asks me if i love her. and shit, suguru she's looking all hopeful there were practically hearts in her damn eyes, so i say yes. and then he asks me if i'm willing to do whatever it takes to stay with her. and i just paused and accidentally answered honestly."
"what did you say in response?" suguru asks boredly.
"i was like, uhhh nahhh. but then i looked over, and she was on the verge of tears. so i tried to play it off by saying i'm just playing but she was already storming off by then. and now, i'm blocked on everything." satoru recounts.
suguru pauses and stares at satoru. "you're a fucking idiot." he tells him plainly.
"that happened a week ago. and now, i'm seeing her around with this guy. she was always laughing and smiling with him. trhe shit is driving me insane. i bet he can't even fuck her how i fuck her." satoru begins grumbling about all of the flaws he's noticed about the guy.
suguru cuts satoru off. if he lets him continue, he'd be ranting for hours. "how have you been feeling since she left?"
"i care, sorta. y'know she was sweet as fuck. and that pussy is to die for. if i find out they fucked i'm getting the rope." suguru tell by the way satoru stares blankly at the ceiling that he might be serious which only makes suguru roll his eyes again, just this time much harder.
"outside of her body, do you miss her as a person?"
".. yeah. i got used to her waking up in my arms, her ranting about her day, and her rubbing my scalp with her nails while we both fall asleep." suguru's eyesbrows furrow, satoru shockingly sounds both sad and genuine.
"well apologize. to her face, not through text. give her gifts you know she'd like. just make sure everything is thought out and genuine, girls like that shit. y'know she's sweet and sensitive so don't make your apology about you, make it about the topic and how you offended her." suguru has to cut himself off because if not, he'd go on for hours. he gets poetic when it comes to love.
satoru bites down on his lip as he takes his bestfriend's words into consideration. eventually, he nods and sits up. "alright, man."
as satoru walks out, he purposely makes sure to leave suguru's door cracked open just to irritate him.
"gojo satoru!"
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juniperdugong · 2 months
Hi again!! Thank you for the choso headcanons on finding his little sister, I hope it continues! I was wondering if you could do a multiple headcanons for teen gojo, geto, Shoko and nanami getting an American transfer student to Jujutsu high.
A/N: Yep yep yep, I can do this for sure! +bonus Haibara bc he's my baby
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When an American student transfers to Jujutsu High!
incl: Teen Gojo, Geto, Shoko, Nanami, and Haibara
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GOJO - Nonchalant but curious - The only questions he asks the first couple of weeks are about why they're soooo special that they had to come all the way from America to Japan - Lowkey...jealous, seriously doesn't understand how someone from outside of Japanese Jujutsu Society can be inducted into the school - "Must have some really special technique or some serious skills to be able to make it here...let's test that, huh?" - Get's told off for picking on you, Yaga basically smacking him to get him to stop - Once he finds out they have a few similar interests (*cough cough* Digimon *cough cough*) he's all over them! - Woah when did y'all become so buddy buddy?? - Teaches them Japanese through anime for suresiessss
GETO - Mildly curious but very friendly! - Doesn't poke or prod too much into their life but asks the basic questions - "What's America like? I've never been." - Finds it very interesting that curses don't appear often over there (In this AU I'd like to think this is how he found out about Tengen) - Gets annoyed when Gojo starts hanging around them more...not out of jealousy but because he's extra annoying due to their shared interests now - Spars with them often to give himself a challenge that isn't Gojo's powerful ass - Asks really philosophical questions about their opinion on the Jujutsu World - "Curses are really powerful here, how were they over in America? Wouldn't it be strange if the whole world were filled with sorcerers?" - Get's super invested if they divulge any sort of information about American Jujutsu - "Do you know any other American sorcerers?"
SHOKO - I'm gonna be so real - her reaction depends on if they're more masculine or feminine - If they're more masc leaning she's SO OVER IT! Get her out of this hell hole of testosterone. - 100% wouldn't be bothered in that case either - she has Utahime but other than her, nada - If they're more fem, THANK GOODNESS! - Finally, she has someone else to help her pick out clothes and go shopping with, y'know someone who WON'T drag her to KFC or the nearest game store - "What's trending over in the States right now?" - Would be so intrigued by the American experience but always voices her shock at how different the cultures are - "It's so weird that people don't take off their shoes in the house, how do you guys live like that?"
NANAMI - Not at all interested - Doesn't ask questions and honestly is slightly irritated because the others start asking him questions about if his family is from America - Treats you just as he would anyone else, trains with you, and goes on missions with you occasionally but other than that doesn't try and create any meaningful friendships there - When they start getting close to Gojo he distances himself even more - While on a mission together he asks, "You actually like that guy? Isn't he a bit annoying?" - When they respond with, "He is, but at least he brings a bit of normalcy when I'm far away from home. Nice to find someone who shares a hobby with me" - From then on he would soften a lot toward them, making the smallest effort to connect - "Here, I got these for you. They're from America." (It's Hot Cheetos)
HAIBARA - The most curious and most intrigued - Never runs out of questions to ask and tbh they can get a bit invasive - "Where'd you live? Oh! Why are you here? Oh! Are you on the run or something? Oh oh! Is your technique super crazy good?" - Always tries to drag them into his plans because he doesn't want them to feel left out - Sends encouraging texts every morning - "Good morning! It's Haibara! You did great yesterday! You're Japanese is really improving!" - Would take them out to all his favorite restaurants and introduce them to Japanese snacks and childhood games - If they're ever feeling homesick he's the one to immediately start researching to make them feel better - Makes chicken noodle soup to try and help but doesn't really know how :/ Ends up putting ramen noodles in it
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A/N: Got to this a bit later than I wanted to because I was writing perfection but thank you for the request @broad-strokes87!! This is so funny, I feel like this is how they would react if I was transferring to Jujutsu High frfr Please Reblog and Comment if you enjoyed ! (They act as power-ups for me)
Taglist (OPEN): @iluvmattyb
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inchidentally · 8 months
I think someone here missed the sight of a soaked Oscar <3
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ok so big shock!! I'm gonna use this sweet little morsel of Lando pausing in his remaining winter break to look back on that glorious day
to create an absolute smorgasbord of what Suzuka meant to him and to Oscar
I've edited together the most chewable parts of the post race press conference tho tbh it's mostly just removing the parts where Max tries his best to put a slight new twist on answering the exact same questions as last weekend lgflajsg.
so at the start I love the little private smile Lando and Oscar share when Max's fanfare is going on - it gives me a little rueful but also slightly creepy twinning vestal virgins au like are we going to destroy him Lando? yes we are going to destroy him Oscar
which is even funnier with what Max leads into about seeing these two goddamn McLarens sandwiching him and for a split second thinking ah so they want to destroy me? oh dear. like Max is very at home on that couch but the presence of these two creatures sharing covert smiles with each other has him (and probably a lot of that room) uneasily wondering if that's all y'know, normal and above board? they're not like... witches, right? haha. crazy!
and I think the cool meticulous way Lando treats his own performance is a really good example of how (in my opinion!) his self-flagellation does need to be reeled in because he's never the sort to be soaring high enough to compensate for those lowest lows. for a while I was undecided but honestly I agree with Martin Brundle, Jenson Button and Oscar who've said (in different ways and indirectly from Oscar) that Lando is far too level-headed and race smart to be hanging his own tender hide out like he does. I so appreciate how measured he was in self-approval over his back to back podiums and no one's asking him to get cocky, but I'd really love to see him match this approach to when he struggles as a driver (and not just a car issue which was the case pre Silverstone).
contrast that with Oscar discussing his own self-criticisms of the weekend but equally saying he'll still relish the maiden podium. and crucially that he can fairly put at least part of his struggles - which he was also meticulous about - down to this being his first time racing at Suzuka. an anon sent an ask about Andrea praising Oscar specifically for his performance there and you can really feel the influence Andrea has had throughout the season on Oscar. because before Silverstone, Oscar had a tendency to monotone lowness and disappointment in himself that bordered dangerously on bitterness and maybe even a fear/doubt of how his rookie season would indeed turn out? but Andrea's approach of optimism, faith in teamwork and specifically in making sure Oscar was looked after while Lando naturally performed so much better, absolutely sank in.
and it makes sense that Oscar as a rookie has so much more mental plasticity when it comes to outside influence - and says a lot about Andrea's leadership too. it's where I wish Lando could have had Andrea as principal from day one too. bc understandably, Lando has graduated to that level of knowing himself so well as a driver relative the drivers around him that there's an existing almost prejudice about himself that the people in charge of guiding him have to overcome.
literally everyone who knows and who matters has said how similar Lando and Oscar are in terms of their approach to the car and their dedication to the team. and I know Andrea has shielded Lando in his own way by saying that it's a champion's mentality to have as much passion and emotion as Lando does. but - and this is honestly such a great piece about Andrea go read it and thank you again to @mecachrome for repping him so much - he also emphasized the positivity that was so crucial to pushing the team through those awful early races. I don't at all blame Lando for getting a bit grim toward himself at times thinking not only about that first race win but also the championship. but I also really hope that between Andrea and Oscar (source: Lando himself!) he can use the lifts of his highs to not sink so low anymore.
skipping back to around the minute mark when Lando says how much more this second place means to him than Singapore because of the double podium and also because of his own performance being better. not to get too ~contentious~ but this is why I really have needed the Singapore high to wear off as fast as it did for Lando when people are discussing Lando's 2023 as a driver and not as part of a ship. absolutely still revel in it in an rpf sense! but like, real life Lando is intensely loyal to his team and y'know what else? he's intensely loyal to loyalty. which is precisely what Oscar has been proving to McLaren since signing that pre-contract the summer before. it took an entire court case for Oscar to get to McLaren and he was met with a wall of hate coming from three sides. comment sections were filled with people celebrating McLaren's 2023 initial struggles and vilifying Oscar for how much he was costing them (in every sense) for paying out Daniel. and it was the Suzuka weekend when Oscar agreed immediately to extend his contract further.
Lando had a front row seat for all of that once the season started. and considering how few races Oscar's dad and Lily were able to make due to being on the other side of the world and final year of school respectively, Oscar spent a fair amount of that time getting to grips with being in F1, and the particular pressure and stress from media and fans, largely alone in terms of a private life. so it says so much about how well he was repaid by the team and also by Lando for keeping his cool and putting in the extra hours and keeping the faith.
and around 2 mins "we have two drivers up fighting for those positions" "we can help one another and use one another". that tandem the two of them have achieved before the season is even over was largely formed when the car was fighting against them. as was the case with Carlos and then Daniel and truly every other F1 driver, Lando did NOT have to intervene or take on a specific responsibility toward Oscar. F1 drivers aren't pack animals, they move through their careers alone and are happy if they can be buddies with their partner. so to see Lando as the number one show faith in Oscar and stand up for him and receive that trust and faith in return is so unique. Lando controlled that as much as Andrea did - maybe even more considering how he says he feels Oscar is so similar to him in a lot of ways. it's not uncommon for charismatic guys like Lando, Carlos and Daniel to make friends with their team mate.
but I think the whole "Lando effect" thing has actually been a huge disservice to what Lando has put into the partnership with Oscar. in this interview early on in the season, he says how Oscar is really quiet and that it's just how most people are in their first year and "we'll change him". but as we've seen, Oscar didn't end up changing and funnily enough the hanging out he and Lando do off the track has been as private and only alluded to as the rest of Oscar's private life. Lando got a lot of Oscar on his camera (again, a lot we haven't gotten to see yet) but really there was no big transformation in terms of Oscar becoming one of the charismatic personalities of the grid. and yet he and Lando only got closer and more supportive of each other in all the ways that matter to a partnership. so I think it's a much bigger credit to Lando that he learned to understand Oscar's personality better and still found ways to establish that sense of trust and loyalty without a bromance or a bunch of common interests to act as glue.
when they do that slightly eerie, intense active listening when the other is speaking, it's them having a synchronicity that has nothing to do with how guys usually bond. (that's why my vestal virgins au yes I know it's weird)
Lando wasn't in any position of power for any of that to be relevant with Carlos or Daniel - Carlos was so far advanced already in his career and Daniel had his thing going on w McLaren that Lando had no control over (and rightly didn't respond to people demanding he show some kind of shame?? or partake in the blame). so loyalty never really played a part in his partnerships with those two, whereas (and maybe as a result of that) Lando's loyalty to McLaren as a team only grew each season. so seeing someone close to his own age but far behind in experience, work so hard and prove so early on that he wants to stay, absolutely brought out a pride from Lando for Oscar that I really hope he will also extend to himself more. major Zak Brown levels of back pats to Lando.
and side note but it needs to no longer be a question or point of contention when Lando says that Silverstone and then the double podiums are superior races for him. Lando loves his F1 buddies, absolutely. but Lando didn't burn through junior championships by favoring his buddies. he loves racing and his team more. and he sure didn't get that second place podium in Singapore because of a buddy, it was because of the position he'd put himself in. just like how Carlos would have given DRS to anyone behind him who was on older tires like he was to ensure that win. like, let's remember the manic obsession that has brought these men to where they are. buddies are a part-time thing. rpf is my meat and drink but I'll never confuse it up with that reality lol.
4:45 the Senna-Prost comparison - and I could probably get all deep about the youngest generation referring to those old bitter alpha male rivalries as something long gone (but I won't). but it's a really good call-back to Monza and the coming together because there's Oscar's ability to see his performance clearly and where it went wrong for him leading to that third place and not higher. and god, I am in no way saying that it's possible to compare Lando being in his fifth season without a race win to a rookie celebrating his first podium. I just really hope that Lando reminds himself that he's come of age in F1 in the Max Verstappen era and that in the cool down room at Qatar, Oscar giddily thanked Mercedes for clearing a path for him. that it doesn't always have to be pure perfection and pace to keep him afloat. sometimes points are points and serendipity plays her part.
"I've been drowned by Lando in champagne" god I will never be over Lando's smug toothy smile
and I will also never be over the way Lando went from clearly dreading being the "older/experienced" teammate and not knowing what to make of Oscar's quiet, reserved personality, to the intense proprietary authority of practically holding Oscar up by his collar like a prize cat in Suzuka and saying "this is mine! I helped make this what it is! look how good this is!"
all while baptizing him in champagne <3
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
Question: The show came out almost 20 years ago, so if it came out this year, what do you think would change?
Jared: Yeah, yeah, yeah, [to moderator who was repeating the question] I understand Barcelona better than Liverpudlian. Uh, that's a great question. Someone just farted.
Mark: I'd instantly look at you, though.
Jared: Well I think if it came out when Jared and Jensen are in their forties, there'd be a lot less action. So to speak [does finger quotes].
Mark: A little less risk taking?
Jared: A lot more, like, Sam and Dean laying in bed like, 'Hey, you get this one, I'm staying here in the bunker!'
Mark: Same Crowley.
Jared: Yeah, same Crowley. I'm not sure how much would change, I think the boys' journeys and the entire cast of characters' journeys needed to be told. And there's something - I think one of the things that joins Star Wars fans, or Harry Potter fans, Lord of the Rings fans, is a love of the timeless elements of storytelling. Which then lends itself to life, y'know? There are struggles that we've talked about the people - there are triumphs and disasters and treat both those imposters just the same. So I think - I hope it would not have changed, because I'm really proud of the way it was.
Mark: I think you're right in the concepts there, the reason why it endures, and the reason why there's new audiences is because the themes are as necessary now as they ever were - family, brotherhood, care, sacrifice, taking care of each other, love - all of those things that are missing from so many other versions of stories. And I'm proud of the fact that people unite behind it and that we've been at least useful? We've been useful in the telling of a story and [gesture to audience] I see it on a daily basis and I'm so proud of it. It's crazy how proud I can be of the people that, they're going, you know what, I'll give it a go or I'll try or I can do it, I can do it, right? It's beautiful.
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echo · 7 months
this is a response to @anarcho-yorpism's tag for me in this post. i'm not directly rbing bc that post is long and it has a lot going on in the notes.
anyway please note all of my responses here are my own, and not representative of Staff or tumblr. i am not T&S and have zero power to make any moderation decisions here.
with that disclaimer:
Predstrogen received a message from Tumblr saying she was banned for "sexual content". If she was not, why was she told this, why were her transition photos removed, and why has she still not been told the actual reason? (I understand not making it public, but it is your policy to tell the user) If she was, what was this sexual content, if not her transition timeline?
i can't really directly answer this for few reasons. firstly, i feel that staff shouldn't talk about her anymore bc i feel this continued controversy will only attract more harassment for her on other platforms.
secondly, as a low-level staffer talking about moderation decisions can get me, y'know, fired. i'd prefer not to do that.
also just like... i want to avoid getting into a narrative of "well she did bad things so she deserves it" or whatever. idc if she broke the rules or not, she didn't deserve what happened.
i know this isn't terribly satisfying to hear, but i'd like to be honest about why i'm not saying more at least.
If you can't answerblegal questions, ignore this question: The NYCLU settlement agreed that Tumblr would fix its moderation so it targeted transfem users less. Why has there been no comment on the settlement and actions taken since? There could genuinely be a large legal case against Tumblr after this, and I love this site and don't want that to happen. Also, wasn't it illegal under GDPR to release her usernames?
i'm not able to answer legal questions. i don't know the exact text of the agreement, but it mostly boiled down to some training and stuff from my personal experience there.
however not as a staffer but as NYC trans human: i would not put a ton of faith in the NYCCHR. they have some noble goals but they are a chronically underfunded city agency that in practice does very little to curb real-world violence against marginalized people. i tried to use them myself when my landlord was kicking me out right after i had surgery and they didn't even get back to me until months after everything resolved. nobody i know in the community out here has been helped by them off the top of my head.
i have sincere doubts in relying on the state to help people here.
A lot of transfem users don't like vague language like "prioritize", especially given point 2 and Matt's statement that improving moderation was not on the agenda. I understand you can't reveal company secrets in an already risky post, but we would like to see the specific actions taken after this, given a lot of broken trust by what @\photomatt has said. Are any of the trans women banned recently for "sexual content" going to have their accounts restored?
i don't know. i'm pushing internally for at least a review of everyone suspended to see if the less egregious stuff can be reversed. but like i said, i don't have a ton of power as i'm not in charge of anything.
and yeah, "prioritize" is vague corpo-speak. i know some stuff is shifting internally and what we said does match what is happening inside. but also... i've been disappointed before.
i can say i'm tentatively optimistic. people are responding seriously, and being asked our opinions for once is pretty nice. but also, systemic stuff is hard. i trust in my fellow workers and i'll continue to fight until i can't anymore.
so... yeah. i genuinely wish i can be more informative here, but what we wrote (and i want to emphasize we here, it was not just me by any stretch!!) is what we can say in an official capacity.
i'm just frustrated, tired, angry, depressed... and also weirdly hopeful?
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A short list of things that bother me about the Magisterium canon:
Forgive me in advance for rambling, I have to get these thoughts out of my brain lmao (also it's been a couple years so correct me if I'm wrong! (I really hope I’m wrong on some of these :’) )) Spoilers ahead obviously!
● The lack of Calron :(
● Not taking the opportunity to develop Tamara's character and keeping her static until she's randomly just different. Strong female characters aren't just skilled and perfect until their one flaw (usually it's having feelings like any other human being) is revealed shockingly (that's just sloppy characterization), they should be crucial to the plot and not overlooked in favor of developing other characters (from what I remember she literally was my favorite while reading the series until she just got annoying (??) after a while, of course that could just be because the story is told through Call's perspective but still)
● The entire school system that I need more info on bc it sounds so unthought out and not like something that has existed for hundreds of years
● The forceful nature of making people serve as masters?? That makes no sense? Like, “Congratulations on not dying during your schooling or in the war(s), your prize is forced labor 👍.”
● TGT. Least favorite book. Get out. Tgt truthers how do you do it??
● The Maugris plot twist. It destroys the meaning behind the past four books. It's just so uncalled for and frankly just sloppy ig? I love the idea in a way, but only if it's foreshadowed from the beginning. Also I'm too attached to the complicated dynamic of Alastair raising his possible ex-bestie for it to end up like that
● The fact that the iron trio is out of school for half the series, I'd like to know what's normal, y'know??
● They did my man Constantine especially wrong, give him some ✨️character✨️ aside from E V I L and problematic (trademark) and charming (???)
● AND ALASTAIR GOD TELL ME MORE?? He's characterized as distant and obviously traumatized with his hate of his magic involved past but I just need to know what that past was like. Like who was he before his dead wife syndrome?? Idk but I'd of liked any excuse to know more about it just so I can understand him more??
● Please give me a single character trait of Declan's?? Like he was mentioned a handful of times and that's all we got. He was just some guy and I am hating it !!
● And Sarah. Like. She was a mom and liked peace as a concept but she also made a cool ass knife. That's a lot of things left up for interpretation. And I know Call wasn’t allowed to ask questions for plot reasons but god i wish he had more information about his own dead mother for Christ's sake
● Also other than a victim, who was Jericho? I need to know who this kid who drew scribbles in the margins of his very important journal while writing about how he was slowly being killed was. What was his relationship really like with his brother if he was so scared to say that he was dying or what gave him the impression that he didn't care?? It's fascinating and I need him under a microscope immediately
● Also the lack of queer representation until the last two books. AND THEN IT WASN'T EVEN ANY OF OUR MAIN CAST. Literally the saddest L ever :(
● AND AARON WAS NEVER CONFIRMED QUEER LIKE WHAT THE FUCK JUST L O O K AT HIS CHARACTER AND INFACT ALL OF OUR CORE CAST IS AT LEAST BI LIKE C O M E O N (ik they're like kids but even I knew I was not straight when I was like 11 and i lived in the most conservative non-LGBTQ-friendly town known to man)
● Low key, callmara was so bad, like I love them but not the way it happened, horrible set up. Tamara deserved so much better and to not have her entire character destroyed by becoming a love interest. I wish they thought about her as an independent character instead of the means to implement a romantic subplot in tgt, they did so good in the first books with that
● Also there's no elaboration on what chaos is. It's the mystical 5th element. Wow! Let's go girl, give us nothing! You'd think that if Makaris were so exceptionally rare and special that we'd get some explanation on how they come to be and what it is exactly that they can control but we're just left to assume it's the special "chosen one" type of thing. Idk it bothers me for some reason :/
That's just off the top of my head and it's been years since I read the series all the way through (I should do a reread soon). For the most part I adore this funky series and I hate to bash it but I felt the need to ramble about it's shortcomings because I'm not crazy, right?? It had so much potential! Anyway, I'm sort of glad for the blanks in the story despite complaining about them because it leaves room for fics and fan interpretations that I always love to see, but on the other hand, I'd like for the story to feel finished and not like a last minute science fair project.
Thanks for sticking around for my late night rambling lmao
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tagfer · 1 year
do you have any suggestions for alternatives for discord?
fair question!
I've mentioned Telegram before and I'll mention it again. It's not structured the same way Discord is but it basically has everything Discord does. Except usually better, and usually free.
extremely privacy-forward (special encrypted chats, auto-delete messages and accounts, etc)
UI is extremely customizable (mine's a silverish pink with a tropical bg)
sticker packs are free to make, use, and share. they're also higher quality than discord emotes.
it's cross-platform (has both a desktop and mobile app)
group chats are easy to make
a little confusing to understand what everything is at first but ain't they all
however I know Telegram ain't for everyone. I get that. SO.
If you're looking for something kinda like Telegram, LINE is also apparently alright! I've never heard anything bad about it, at least. There's also Escargot.chat, a MSN revitalism project. I'm pretty sure it's super undeground or else I'd probably be using it too.
I actually had a discord friend last year straight up go "Hey, discord sucks and I'm bouncing. Can I have your email so we can stay in touch?" and honestly. mad respect! reclaim emails from spam y'know
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aingeal98 · 1 month
Y'know this is a really broad question and (since I know you're more of a Cass/stephcass kinda person) potentially out of your wheelhouse but I enjoy your perspective on lots of Steph related matters, so indulge me if you will: any thoughts on the argument that timsteph is/isn't 'unhealthy' and/or the characters are unfair to each other/bad partners?
Lots of qualifying clauses in that question, I know, but it's interesting to me because I usually see a lot of staunch arguments that either timsteph is completely/irreparably unhealthy (usually with one half as more of a 'perpetrator' in the eyes of fans) OR that timsteph is exclusively a great romance and that their various ups and downs are either inconsequential or the result of OOC writing.
I think the question is mostly interesting to me bc I see both sides of the argument and to me it raises questions about when things cross the line from "a fictional relationship we're meant to root for that simply contains elements of heightened drama which would be considered unhealthy IRL due to it's fictional nature which we're meant to excuse/suspend disbelief for" to "a fictional reflection of unhealthy dynamics".
This is a lot of yap on my part so again, no hard feelings if you decide to pass up tackling it.
Really good question that I had to think hard about. Ultimately the answer depends on if you mean they're unhealthy in universe vs out of universe, Watsonian vs Doyalist. I'm going to stick to pre N52 only as I think from N52 onwards they were... Fine? But kind of bland. The writers had erased all of Steph's backstory anyway so they had none of their history and were just kind of... Normal dating. But pre N52 in the 90s and 00s is where the unhealthiness is at its peak so that's where most of the discourse comes from.
So in universe I think both of them make mistakes and have certain attitudes and behaviours that could be deal breakers for some people, ie Tim's cheating and how he follows Bruce's footsteps dismissing Steph, and how Steph will sometimes overstep some boundaries because Dixon wanted to write the spunky bad girl pursuing the sensible chaste guy. But ultimately in universe there's nothing so bad that I'd write their entire relationship off as unhealthy, at least not before War Games. They had good moments and bad, and whether you think the good outweighed the bad or vice versa really comes down to what you personally can forgive and understand in a relationship and what you enjoy seeing in fictional romances. So Tim's cheating was an immediate red line for me even though I never thought him evil for it, just kind of dumb. And I'd understand if people still shipped them and thought them sweet despite that. So like, they have their unhealthy moments but I'd be wary of going to either extreme aka "Toxic and evil" or "perfect soulmates who's mistakes were ooc"
This is their pre war games versions I'm referring to. After War Games when Steph came back the writer for Robin basically used her as a tool to give Tim angst and show how cool he was. It's the worst Steph's ever been to Tim but it was also so poorly written and clearly biased thay even from an in universe perspective I can't take it seriously. Everything pre war games I wouldn't count as ooc but this... Yeah this deserves the extreme. It's not even "She wouldn't do that." it's more "Why are you not showing us why she's doing this. How am I meant to accept this when her motivations and characterization is so poorly written." It's like a lesser version of when writers lazily butcher Talia to benefit Bruce or Damian. There's no explanation or motivation for Steph's actions that make any sense, so I have zero interest in that version of Steph because she's even more of a prop for Tim than she was during war games, which was an incredibly disappointing way to bring her back and one of the reasons I'm very glad she got her own batgirl run.
Which brings me to out of universe. Because while in universe I'd hesitate to slap the unhealthy label on them the way I would on say, versions of Bruce that hit his kids (I think there is a big difference between the unhealthiness of timsteph and the writing of Batman as an abusive father, and I think Bruce's dynamic with his kids crossed the line from dramatic to unacceptable and toxic a lot more frequently and more extremely than timsteph did) out of universe looking at them from a perspective of how it benefits their characters I would say it's super unhealthy for Steph. Which is ironic because her romance with Tim and her featuring in his comics is how she became a constant character, but the writing is always trying to remind us that Tim is better than Steph, more heroic than Steph, more suitable for this life than Steph. Only the writing is so bad that, like with a lot of Tim's writing, the proof comes down to "Because Batman said so idk."
And that culminates in the failure that is War Games. Steph becoming Robin is all about getting Tim back. Both in universe as Bruce's motivation and in reality as the writers plan. While Steph is being tortured horribly Tim is helping is classmates as a civilian, and the writing hammers us over the head about how capable and competent and perfect Tim is to the point that I felt nauseous reading it because it felt like such a disgusting way to uplift him. And then when Steph comes back, she's not allowed have any actual emotions or feelings about what happened to her. The writers just throw her into a dumb Tim and Bruce plot without any care about how she would actually think and feel, and the same happens in Red Robin. It's all Tim Tim Tim and only her Batgirl series and her reaction to Bruce being alive actually allow her to be shown as a person and not just a prop to uplift Tim.
So basically in universe they're not my cup of tea but they're not like, abusive or anything. They're just shitty to each other sometimes, but they love each other and have their good moments pre war games. From a Doylist perspective though? I've yet to see timsteph written in a way that actually uplifts Steph's character, as even when she's written by someone who likes her and wants to keep her around such as Dixon there's just so much misogyny in how their dynamic is written. So I'm hoping they never get back together and just stay exes with a past so painful and complicated they don't want to talk about it with anyone, but especially not each other.
Thanks for the ask! I hope this made sense lmao I rambled a whole lot
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gingerlee-holds · 1 year
Results of "Wake Up, Tword Asks"
From @softleesam's post!
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Neck won first as the spot most people enjoy for giggles, then sides, then tummy!
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This is fascinating! Lotta people love tummies heehee
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Congratulations to @sleepysheepytea, @fluffomatic, and @bigdumbtickler03 for collectively getting first place!! According to (my audience at least), you are the most flustering content creators! In second place, there's @mushiewrites and @made-by-jade-222, who are both so awesome!! And finally, congrats to our runner-ups: @ticklepinions, @lovelymessybubbly, @altheadajoysoul, @sweettallahassee, @coy-lee, @otomiya-tickles, @wormonastriing, @fluffystuffies, @twordish-ler, @parker-fluff, @obsessedwithseb, @touched-starved-switch, (myself! yay!), @massive-uwu-energy, and @shyticklemonster!!!! Each of you were mentioned by name at least once as being the most flustering!!! Congratulations, mwah mwah heehee
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Yeah, this is about what I expected heh- If there's anything everyone agreed on, it was that YOU MUST RESPECT PEOPLE'S BOUNDARIES. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS. Some people like tickling as a fun sfw activity that makes them happy, and for others, it's a kink. THAT IS OKAY!!!!!!!! Please just be kind, be understanding, and be respectful of people's boundaries.
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Again, as expected, since most of you are lees xD I would like to take this opportunity to shout out the people who don't get enough attention!! Teasy Lees (*biiiiiig stretch, showing midriff to ler and smirking* "whatcha lookin at~?"), Shy Lers ("u-u-uhm,, c-can i tword you pleaseee? its okay if not but you look really twordish and i wanna tword you!!"), Stoic Lers ("Why are you laughing?" *as they poke*), and Gentle Lees ("You're doing great!! I love the way you're tickling me!" *through laughter and giggles*) But if there's one thing we love here, it's playfulness, and I wholeheartedly agree!!
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Once again, you're all mostly lees, so the gravitation towards the 'very easily' side of the chart makes sense heehee (gosh i love trendlines look at that awesome trendline)
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Wow! Almost a 3/4 split! That's pretty neat heehee
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Interesting!!! Most people wanted to watch an animated movie (Disney, DreamWorks, Studio Ghibli, etc.), but a lot of people wanted to watch horror movies so that the tickles could help them relax!!
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okay i know this is ugly but this question produced so many hecking characters i just wanted to include a lot of themmm (im sorry if i didnt get yours on theree) also Featuring: The Marvel Corner in the bottom right cuz you guys love marvel characters heehee
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checks out!!! i wish i saw more back tickles in art and fics cuz they need more attentionnnnnnn
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its getting very late and i had a lot of trouble trying to adapt this question into a chart but i did my besttttt (gosh im so tired im almost to the enddd)
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(for context, the question is if you could choose one spot to tickle/be tickled in, which would it be) ooooo it's a tie between Sides and Tummy! and neck not far behind! interesting!!!
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This was very flusteringg heehee you guys sure are creative with all the variationssss >/////////////<
the "how does tickling make you feel" question has a lot of really personal responses, and i dont feel comfy sharing them, even if they are anonymous
and the last question is sorta vague so everyone answered it however they chose, so I couldn't really make a chart out of it
so uhm I don't usually beg for people to reblog stuff but I put so much time and effort into this so if you'd be so kind as to, y'know ahem ahem, I'd really appreciate that, thank youuuu~!!!!!!!!
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tangledinink · 11 months
Heya! First off I’m around halfway through teenage mutant what now and it is the funniest fic I have ever read - Beautifully written and overall brilliant but the jokes get me every time
And second, is it okay if I reference a pose from one of your gemini artworks for my own work? I’ll credit the inspiration if I post it anywhere ^^
whew we're overdue for an ask dump,,, OKAY ALRIGHT.
THANK YOU ; w ; I'm really glad you like it hehehehe. also yeah sure feel free! I don't mind! ^^
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oh he DEFINITELY freaked out at first. there was a lot of panicking and confusion and "how could this even happen?!" ("you think i'd genetically engineer a creature that's not capable of reproducing? all of you should be genetically compatible with practically any yokai," draxum said. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO, I DUNNO, TELL US THAT?!" donnie said.) but eventually, he did calm down, and he and his partner talked about it (a bunch, multiple times), and eventually some of the panic gave way to... curiosity, first of all... and then maybe kind of excitement? and some fondness? i mean, he was still pretty scared, and sure, he doesn't really consider himself a 'kid' person, but it's not like he never thought about EVENTUALLY having kids, just maybe... not so soon? but. i mean.
well. if they're already cooking...
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THANK YOU ; w ; i'm glad you like them! @kiwi-smug-silvalina
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oh gosh, that's a good question. i'm not entirely sure... uhmmm... i would say perhaps... details about how gemini!donnie's witchcraft looks and acts, VS how venus's witchcraft looks and acts...
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it is very shiny. i like that people call it "the bean" instead of its actual title coz it pisses anish kapoor off.
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ah ; w ; THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, thats so sweet and this made me very happy,,, <3 im glad you liked it!!!! @allegedllama
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HEHEHE thank you. yes im aware that i am deranged.
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omg same hat!!! i was a lifeguard and it was.... uh.... INTERESTING to say the least... (sometimes lovely, sometimes AWFUL...) @datfearlesschick
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if by games you mean 'messed up deals that she can manipulate to her own advantage,' then yes! @frogonamelon
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@beannary @spectralsleuth @heckitall @livsinpjs and the sep council as a whole!!! y'all's support has definitely meant so much and there's no way i'd have gotten as far with any of my projects as i have without them... or without literally ANY of the people who take the time to do things like reblog with tags, leave commentary in the tags, send in asks about my stories, etc etc etc! that's definitely one of my main motivators to create more!!! <3 thank y'all!
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EEEE this made me smile, hehehehe. thank you :3c @thejavavoid
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thank you!!! u w u @fanrulerjynx
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THANK YOU ; w ; I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS,,, it made me very very very happy and HEHEHE IM GLAD YOU LIKE YASSIFIED DRAXUM,,, i just think he DESERVES it, y'know? also thats just my favorite way to draw characters lmao I think it's fun so I decided for this comic I just get to indulge...
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not necessarily-- this was mostly just a coincidence! @breezehurricane
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oh gosh. i'm not sure, but i know it definitely WILL affect their parenting... i think at first donnie will find himself just... deferring to his partner a LOT in almost any situation because he's afraid that he'll fuck it up, because he DOESN'T feel like he understands proper boundaries or what parenting is supposed to look like, etc etc etc, and he's afraid he'll mess up. he probably reads a TON of parenting books as well because RESEARCH and will often try to pull directly from them in any situation he can, and is confused when things don't go exactly the way they were described in the text... leo i think kind of tends to flounder between being overprotective and feeling the desire to protect his son from everything and anything and wanting to overcorrect this tendency by pulling back and trying to give him as much freedom and space as possible, which sometimes leads to some... inconsistencies. there's definitely a learning curve for both of them, but they both get the hang of it eventually. they both have lovely partners and a very loving and supportive family to help them and they'll figure it out with a bit of practice.
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ahhh thank you! :D im so delighted that my silly stories actually inspired something for you!!! hell yeah!!! MAKING THINGS IS GREAT!!! THANK YOU!!! @can-elope
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i like to imagine them all staying very close, especially coz i'm loosely planning on them all going through the kraang-apocalypse together (and then coming through to the other side!) so i can't imagine them ever drifting too far from each other, emotionally or geographically. there's a bit of a rocky start for a lot of them, but all of the siblings end up a very tight-knit bunch.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
i could, y'know.
i could go 'home' and i could lie to my mother and she would lie to me, and we'd play our roles like we always have. we do not talk about our childhoods. we do not talk about him. we do not talk about anything that matters. she doesn't ask me questions about my life anyway, she doesn't care.
i could go and perform and then go back to my flat and nothing will have changed. i really could, if i had to i'd be able to do it flawlessly.
but i don't want to. i won't be like her. i won't just sit in silence, not anymore. she won't understand a single thing i would have to tell her, and in the off chance she does, she'd immediately start guilt tripping me and oh, i am your poor poor mother, you had a great childhood you were always happy.
i know her routines, i had to.
i don't want to because i am so, so tired of it all, and opening pandora's box would only make things worse, but at least something would CHANGE.
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What kind of women do you like?
I will become that woman
Why do I get asked so many questions like this?
I don't even know how to answer this question. What, are there categories or somethin'?
I dunno... I guess I like ladies that are really sweet and kind natured. Someone that doesn't test my patience or annoy me.
Confidence is attractive too... but I understand that being confident in yourself is difficult. I'd like to meet a lady that knew how to be confident and could teach me how to be confident too...
Of course I want a woman that's weak too. But really any women would be weak compared to me... human women that is. I guess I'm tryin' to say I like human ladies.
Why do I want someone who's weak? Well I want her to come to me to protect her... I know I'm not a handsome guy, but I am strong! So at the very least I could make her feel protected. I'd like to do that for a lady I cared about... It'd make me feel real happy to keep her safe y'know?
Anyway... I don't think there's a lady out there for me. I'm convinced that I'm just not cut out for love. But that's fine... I don't care about that stuff anyways...
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angel-blitz · 5 months
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Lil fic about Petals meeting jojo for the first time,,,
It had been a few weeks since Petals had joined the invasion force. So far, things were going smoothly for her. The babies were well taken care of, and aside from a few klowns attempting to flirt, she didn't have any real complaints.
So when Jumbo stopped by the nursery with the news that Jojo wanted to speak with her, Petals was...mortified, to say the least.
She blinks a few times, processing the words in her head.
"Jojo wanted to talk to you, face to face"
Did she hear that right?
Jumbo snapped his fingers, breaking Petals out of her trance. "Petals? Did you hear me?"
Petals swallows hard, nodding her head. "Yes, I'm sorry sir- Did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble?"
Jumbo shakes his head. "No, he didn't sound mad when he gave me the order to tell you. Then again, you never really know with him"
That didn't help Petals at all, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she crossed her arms. "Um...do...do I have to?"
"If you don't show up, then he WILL be angry. I'd recommend going to him as soon as your shift ends"
Petals sighs, nodding her head. "I understand...thank you for letting me know..."
Jumbo pats her shoulder in an attempt at reassurance, before leaving the nursery. Petals stood there, staring at the door as thoughts ran through her head.
".....he's gonna eat me"
The time had come; her shift had ended, and now Petals was standing in front of the entrance to the kathedral, or, Jojos throne room.
She had talked with the other klownettes before, asking for their advice-
"He's really sweet with us, don't worry! He makes sure we get lots of goodies and gifts. The other day, he got me new shoes!" Was Daisy's response.
"You'll be okay, I've never seen him have a problem with a klownette before. Just remember to show respect, okay?" Said Rosebud.
After that, Petals had tried asking the boys- though their responses weren't as reassuring.
"If you die, can I have your secret candy stash?" Shorty thought he was funny with that one.
"Before you do, wanna go out? Y'know, just in case he eats you and we never see you again" Spikey really wasn't helping at all.
"You'll be just fine, doll. Want me to escort you to him?" Slims offer was sweet, but Petals didn't wanna drag him into this in case she WAS in trouble.
Taking a deep breath, Petals entered the kathedral. It was huge, somehow bigger than the exterior of the ship. She tried not to question the physics of it.
She looked up at the large platform in the center of the room. There sat the leader himself, who was currently scolding another klown.
"You're lucky I don't crush you under my fist right here. If I hear that you've been tampering with the food supply ever again, you're dead. Do you understand?"
The poor shaky klown, who Petals didn't recognize at all, nodded before bowing and rushing out of the room.
Jojo sighed, rubbing his temple as he shook his head. "Idiot..."
Petals froze in fear. She couldn't do this. He was so big, so loud, so angry- maybe she could fake her death and change her identity and go back to their planet-
Jojo glanced over his shoulder, spotting Petals. "Ah, I see Jumbo delivered my message. Come closer, little one"
Petals took a deep breath, slowly approaching the 18 foot klown. "You...wanted to see me, sir?"
She wanted to slap herself for not bowing first, but doing so now might make her look silly- could he see how sweaty she was? This was so embarrassing.
"At ease, klownette. I'm sorry you had to see me correct that fool, the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable"
Petals couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was like she was talking to a completely different klown. This was the terrifying, mighty klownzilla?
"I-it's okay! I understand, he must've done something bad..." Petals immediately covered her mouth, not sure if she was supposed to blurt out like that.
"Indeed. He's been messing with the cocoons as some sort of 'prank'. We can't afford to lose food like that" Jojo spoke calmly.
"Oh...that's awful, I had no idea, I'm sorry to hear that" Petals said, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.
"It's quite alright. I have it handled. Now, about the reason I called you here..."
Here it comes. He's gonna scold me, Petals thinks to herself.
"I just wanted to tell you to keep up the outstanding work. I've never seen the hatchlings make such wonderful progress in such short time"
Petals stands still for a bit, her jaw slack open. She quickly composes herself, clearing her throat.
"Oh! Oh my, thank you sir! That means a lot coming from you!"
Jojo smiles. It's a small one, but it's sincere. "It's no problem. I trust that you will continue this progress, correct?"
Petals nods, smiling. "Yes sir, absolutely! They'll be entering their next stage in no time!"
"Then that is all I require from you, Petals. You're excused" with that, Jojo dismisses Petals with the wave of his hand. Petals takes the hint, bowing before leaving.
Once she's in the hall, Petals leans against the wall, sighing in relief. She spots Jumbo walking through the hall, who stops once he sees her.
"How did it go? You're still in one piece, I assume it went well"
Petals nods, smiling. "Yeah, everything went really good! I feel silly for being so scared now..."
Jumbo shrugs. "Don't be, it's understandable. He's our leader, after all. I'm glad you're on his good side"
With that, he leaves her be, as Petals makes her way to tell her fellow klownettes the good news.
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peachhoneii · 1 year
A criticism I have noticed/noted concerning Sydney and Carmen is one that I assumed was addressed in the show itself.
Sydney idolizes Carmen and does not see/notice his trauma/humanity. They're mentor/mentee.
I'd argue that Sydney very much sees Carmen as a flawed/imperfect human being that has dealt with trauma. However, as she is also emotionally avoidant and they are professionals, she avoids getting too close as to not cross over any professional boundaries.
Sydney respects Carmen deeply in their profession, but she knows and sees him for the person he is. He's flawed. He's trying but irrefutably flawed. And she works with it. She's also flawed, and he recognizes that.
As for his trauma, well, they are in a work environment. It's very rare for Sydney to cross over into that personal space, but when she does, as we see in Carmen's kitchen, she offers something I don't think Carmen really received from his family. Validation. She asks about what it felt like to get awarded/to get the stars, and there's this shit eating excitement/enthusiasm for him to tell his story.
We know Carmen's family got on his ass for leaving. They were proud of him, sure, but they also teased/mocked him for stepping out of the box and making a career for himself. He probably never got the chance to really deep dive into his experiences, at least the positive ones, and Sydney offers him a chance to do so without fear of judgment or ridicule. I find that very sweet.
She's become his safe space, in a way.
For the mentor/mentee thing, there is some credibility to that, but we can see in season two, the whole point is for Sydney to grow into being Carmen's equal. She's already his partner in The Bear. This isn't just the typical mentor/mentee relationship at this point. They are a team now, and she is his partner. That's why we see her so invested in The Bear's development, y'know.
I'd like to point out for the criticism aimed at Sydney for not recognizing the trauma in Carmen (which I feel is automatically false/she knows about Mikey/knows about Donna) can be said for Carmen to Sydney. He doesn't know about her baggage either, mostly due to her NOT telling him. She's not very forthcoming about her past/history, and Carmen has to ask a very specific question for her to even state "Yeah, my mom died".
I understand not liking Sydney or not enjoying her character for whatever reason. I am smitten with her. She's the bees knees and such a fascinating character, but I absolutely adore her character and how contrasting she is to Carmen despite being so similar to him.
They're both emotionally avoidant, but Carmen is much more openly emotional than Sydney is when it comes to revealing aspects of his character and history. Sydney keeps her secrets to her chest and has to be prompted to open up about them.
Also she's a very compassionate and kind young woman. She may not be nice and is very awkward about family/trauma but she is kind.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Personality through quotes
Thanks @willtheweaver here, @melpomene-grey here, @somethingclevermahogony here, and @awritingcaitlin here!
Rules: give quotes from your OCs based on the given prompt!
Got long, under the cut!
Prompt: Being caught red-handed
Lexi: *sobbing* “I am so so so so so sorry please - please I understand if - if you don't see that but - but I really mean it! You should understand! You do, right?”
Maddie: “Fine, I did it. But if you think about it, you were supposed to look out for that, so in a way, it's both of our faults.”
Ash: “I did it, that's true, but lookey here...” *pulls out $5* “diiiid I?”
Gwen: “Well, you got me... I'm really sorry I was... I was trying to help, y'know? I try my best and sometimes I mess up, and it's not good enough. I had no idea this meant that much to you. I'm really sorry. If I knew, I would've been much more careful. You know me, right?”
Robbie: *standing up straight, hands on hips, but noticeably bouncing on his toes* “Look, I know it looks bad. But in my defense...I literally forgot. And I was stressed.”
Akash: *trying not to panic* “Please, just believe me when I said that it was an accident. Genuinely. You won't to put me in too much trouble for an accident, right?”
Jedi: “My sincerest apologies. I am humbled by this experience. I admit that I did this terrible thing. You must think little of me. Perhaps I went a bit too far. It shall not happen again.”
Carmen: “I cannot believe I'm being interrogated! You actually think you've caught me doing a wrong-doing? Tt. You haven't caught anything! Who are you going to get me in trouble with? No one! Agh! This is a pointless conversation. If you're going to ask me questions to get answers from me, the least you can do is not sound idiotic.”
Prompt: About someone they wish they could forget
Lexi: “I wish I could forget Shelby entirely. I mean, I don't remember first grade to begin with, other than that something happened that made me hate her forever. I wish it could've all gone. Then again...maybe it helped Ash, in the end. I'm not entirely sure.”
Maddie: “Hm. Brycen. I miss him sometimes since he used to be a friend. I wish I could forget him, so I won't have to miss him.”
Ash: “I want to say Frank, but I dunno what effect that would have on Mikey, so I'm picking Mr. Jimenez. Whatever creepy thing happened at his house I'd like to forget.”
Gwen: “I don't want to forget anyone. It's shaped me into who I am today. However... There was this one rude girl, Chailey, in elementary school. I guess her.”
Robbie: “Jason Sturges. I called that guy so many insults, I can't regurgitate them all.”
Akash: “Jason Sturges. Middle school was bad enough.”
Jedi: “I would not mind forgetting the man my father was.”
Carmen: “My uncle. I hope he is not resting in peace.”
Prompt: You're completely lost in ____(fill in the location)
Lexi: “If I'm lost, I'm gonna be honest, I'll panic. Before I found out I had teleportation, that is. Though my instinct may be panic first anyway. It felt so weird being in Alium for the first time. I felt more lost there than ever.”
Maddie: “I get lost in places like the mall. I only visit, like, three stores, so I don't know where I am if I'm not in my usual stops.”
Ash: “I get lost in my aunt Reyna's house. Is that normal? It's almost a maze.”
Gwen: “On my first morning run, I got lost in my neighborhood. I think I took a wrong turn and got to a street I've never been on. So it threw me off, and it took about ten minutes to find my way back. Maybe it was shorter. But it felt like ten minutes.”
Robbie: “I get lost in my school all the time. It's pretty big, which is pretty annoying when I space out. It took me forever to find my classes on the first day. First week, actually. I kept forgetting.”
Akash: “I don't usually get lost, actually. I have a good sense of where I am. So I'm usually Robbie's guide that first week of classes. But when the whole Alium thing happened, it freaked me out.”
Jedi: “I believe we are speaking literally, for I have become lost in my work before. In the case of the former, I have found certain cities hard to navigate, even when I studied maps beforehand.”
Carmen: “Tt, I don't get lost.”
Prompt: A quote about bad weather.
Lexi: “Oh, I hate bad weather! It completely ruins my plans that I make with my friends. I mean, yeah, rain is good, but come on! Why when I have an outdoor activity plan!?”
Maddie: “Hm. I dunno, I don't care about bad weather. I mean, sometimes I want to be outside but I can't, but I don't mind the rain.”
Ash: “I don't care if rain ruins my plans. I'll just do something else. But I don't like if I can't do what I want, like if a hurricane keeps me trapped inside my house. That's the worst.”
Gwen: “Well... Bad weather has its ups and downs. I don't like the rain ruining my plans, but if I'm inside all day, it's really nice atmosphere for reading!!”
Robbie: “Ah, bad weather...would be a lot more fun if my mother didn't fuss about how dangerous playing outside is.”
Akash: “Logical brain says bad weather is natural. Emotional brain says I agree with Lexi, I hate bad weather.”
Jedi: “Sector 2 is rather small and completely surrounded by water. We have many powerful hydrokinetics whose job it is to prevent flooding or destruction. Sector 9 has less of those, but we are close enough to a coast to get a lot of rain and occasionally potential flooding if the season is right.”
Carmen: “Miss Morgan and Mr. Singh had a point when they said they hate bad weather. I happen to strongly agree, though my reasoning is irrelevant.”
Prompt: [A quote about reading]
Lexi: “I like reading, but I usually will gravitate towards audiobooks so I can multitask. Sometimes if I don't feel like music I'll turn on an audiobook while I'm riding my bike or working on my garden! And sometimes I'll peek at some fanfiction....”
Maddie: “Sometimes I'll read a cool sci-fi book. And sometimes nonfiction stuff about technology. Also decided to check out some Star Trek fanfiction. I'm not sure if I should be doing that.”
Ash: “My shelves are full of high fantasy and cool robotics stuff. And puzzle books.”
Gwen: *lights up* “Oh, I love reading!!! My walls are lined with shelves that I got when I ran out of room on my bookshelf! It feels so cozy being surrounded by books, and I usually curl up and read a book in my little reading corner to wind down at night.”
Robbie: “Reading is super cool for something I don't do as often as I'd like. I've been reading more Webtoons lately and some manga. That's awesome.”
Akash: “I'm still reading the book series I loved in fourth grade, like Wings of Fire. Who cares that I'm a high school freshman now? That's basically still middle school. And sometimes Robbie will pester me until I read a web comic.”
Jedi: “I have been so busy with my work lately that I do not often read for pleasure. Even still, reading for pleasure usually included science or speculative fiction.”
Carmen: “I don't read often. Just research papers.” [she likes historical romances even if she'll do nothing but complain about them I know it]
Tagging @mysticstarlightduck @cherrybombfangirlwrites @mk-writes-stuff @monstrouswrites @drchenquill
Your prompt: [A quote about the ocean]
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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