#but I’ve seen it multiple times in YouTube comments
aceredshirt13 · 2 years
I’m very against the “Herlock Sholmes is only pretending to be stupid to test Ryunosuke” theory for a number of reasons - very clear ones being Tusspells mentioning he offered to throw himself into her vat of wax for money, and Iris mentioning that he once tried to track a criminal only to track his own footprints all the way back to his own house, which are both stupid things he did when Ryunosuke wasn’t around - but my friends pointed out to me the other day that the most egregiously awful thing this headcanon would suggest is that he deliberately risked everyone’s lives while fully knowing the “anti-gravitational device” was a time bomb just to “test” them for his own amusement. I would strongly argue that the belief that his frequent foolishness is a facade is already a great disservice to the endearing charm and likability of his character, but to pretend a live bomb wasn’t dangerous would be downright psychopathic behavior toward his friends and loved ones. Yes, Sholmes can be callous, but that would be like. Moriarty shit. Genuinely evil shit. Any pretense of likability for his character would be gone, and I literally cannot imagine a world where that was the authorial intent. Let him be reckless, and foolish, and sometimes an idiot, but genuinely trying with all his heart. This part of him being real doesn’t diminish his impressive foresight and great intelligence that he displays on other occasions - they’re two sides of the same curious coin that makes up Herlock Sholmes, and it makes him as exasperating as he is lovable.
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confusionmeisss · 4 months
can you watch my boyfriend, please? - c. sturniolo
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🫧 chris sturniolo x fem!reader
🫧 the “can you babysit my boyfriend” tiktok couples trend with chris!!
🫧 this is just fluff. there is the use of “y/n” apologies. some swears. that’s about it.
🫧 548 words.
🫧 hi lovelies!! thank u for wanting to read!!!! :) i’ve been seeing tons of videos of this trend & i was inspired. i thought it would fit chris soo well! i hope u enjoy reading bc this was very fun to write!! <3 nick version matt version
Chris was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping idly on a capri sun and scrolling away on his phone. He was blissfully unaware of his surroundings, he didn’t even hear the sound of your footsteps approaching.
Chris looks up when he hears your voice.
“Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for me, please? I’ll be back quick, I promise, I just need to go and grab something.
Chris watches you say, smiling at your phone camera, propping it up against the vase of tulips. He looks up at you confused, but you just place a kiss in his hair and smile once more at the camera before leaving the kitchen.
“Uhm,” Chris mumbles out, looking confusedly at the camera.
His confusion only lasts a moment though before he starts speaking. “So I was up late last night, and I stumbled upon this video about analog horror and liminal spaces and the backrooms and such. And then I found this one guys youtube channel and I’ve been binging his videos since like three am. Dude, the backrooms are fucking freaky. I just know they would make Nick paranoid as fuck, so I definitely have to show them to him,” he says with a laugh.
He reaches for his capri sun. “Oh! I’ve been on such a capri sun kick for the past like week. Pepsi is still my number one though,” he says, making a heart with his hands.
“Hey, how do people make the heart with their fingers? Y/N can do it, and she’s tried teaching me, but I just can’t seem to get it!” Chris huffs out, attempting to make a heart with his fingers. He stares down at them trying to bend them into the shape he’s seen you do multiple times.
He lets out a huff, looking back up at the camera, and letting his hands fall onto the table. “See, I just can’t seem to get it!”
“Oh! Oh! We went out to eat yesterday for dinner, and,” Chris cuts himself off with a little giggle, “and we witnessed this guy scrape all the toppings off his pizza and then stack the pieces up on the tray. I’ve never in my twenty years seen someone do that!”
Chris looks up when hears you approaching.
You lean over his shoulder. “Hey, I’m back, thanks for watching him guys. I hope he wasn’t too much trouble.”
Chris looks up at you offended by this statement, but you just smile down at him, and place a hand in his hair, reaching with the other to end your recording.
the way chris had to assure us that pepsi was still his number one beverage choice 😭
pls let us babysit him again, he was very well behaved. just talked our ears off, 10/10 very pleasant 😁
not chris wanting to show nick the backrooms knowing he’d be paranoid by them 😭
someone did what with their pizza????
capri suns are 🔥🔥🔥
him trying to do the finger heart is so 🥺💕
don’t worry chris, i too, cannot do the finger heart
his giggleeee 💞💞💞
how to be in a relationship like chris & y/n no borax no glue
they’re such cuties 🥰
the way she is with him 🥺 oh i want that badddd
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cleolinda · 5 months
I’ve read a few of the umpteen thousand upset comments about the paid Watcher service, and I’ve read comments angry about the upset comments. There’s one thing I want to point out, and it’s that this isn’t, or shouldn’t be, “You’re saying people don’t deserve to earn money for their work.”
The Watcher guys do deserve to earn money. I already give them money. I give them $5 a month on Patreon, not because I think they do or don’t give me $5 worth of media, but because I want to support them. I canceled Netflix for pissing me off with its price hike/ad tier, but I give Watcher Entertainment money.
They’re saying now that the Patreon will be solely about the podcasts, and they understand if people leave. I’m perfectly happy to switch the support I can afford to the streaming service. With the early adopter 30% discount, I’d actually save money. In fact, I tried to subscribe, but the site didn’t work.
Watcher wanting to profit from their shows isn’t the problem. It’s that they’re now discovering that their fanbase is young and broke in a terrible economy, judging by tens of thousands of comments on multiple platforms. I can throw them $5/month, so I do. But the Patreon only has (checks notes) 5874 paying followers, and there’s a reason for that. $60/year upfront would not be “accessible.” Patreon is literally patronage from the people who can afford it.
If the guys had said up front, “ONLY new shows and episodes will be exclusive to the service,” I think we’d be having a different conversation right now. But at first they did say, “We’re pulling all our content from YouTube,” to the point where Variety had to issue an update. Like, that’s in print and I’m pretty sure it was on video. Now they’ve backtracked to ONLY new etc.—but most people haven’t heard, and they feel crushed. And the trust is probably gone regardless.
So now four years of back catalogue will stay public. And now, you’re paying $6.99 a month for one episode, maybe two, of something a week, and now, not an exclusive back catalogue. I would pay for Watcher shows before I’d pay for anyone else, but I just don’t think the company is big enough yet for a SVOD at that price. They’re not Dropout size. They needed to build more programming and get a higher follower count first, or at the very least, charge less.
The international price/exchange rate situation is a nightmare and I don’t know what it is they’re not doing to make it… not… be like that.
I don’t know what they should have done instead of a full streaming service, but surely there were alternatives? I’ve seen comments from people suggesting they GET a Patreon. Lean on that more! Do the shows exclusive for a month and then let them roll onto YouTube! I don’t know! Anything but One More Fucking Streaming Service, which enraged me, and I was willing to move my support to it!
And I shouldn’t say this, but I will. In the “Goodbye YouTube” video the guys posted, they say that setting up the streaming service has allowed Steven to do a remake of Worth It where he and his cohosts travel the world and eat expensive food. This is the first new show they announce. Not “We have always been committed to diversity and we’re now able to bring on new creator(s) to expand our programming.” No, a redo of an old show that by definition has got to be expensive. Commenters are saying they can’t pay for the streaming service because they can’t make ends meet in this economy. The optics are terrible. I genuinely question what the thought process even was here.
I love the guys and I still watch their shows. I want to see Watcher succeed. I started watching Buzzfeed Unsolved in 2018 while recovering from surgery—as with a lot of people, their shows got me through a tough time. I’m as attached as anyone. If I can continue to afford monthly support—this is not a certainty—I’ll give it to them. I’m not a ~hater who doesn’t want Watcher to make money. But I am absolutely BAFFLED by every single decision here. I want them to figure out how to turn this around and go in a better direction, because right now, this ain’t it.
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jyzyo · 5 months
Yoo Jeongyeon x fem!reader
synopsis: Your girlfriend loved creating content for her fans, except this time she wanted to make different type of content only for you two.
Genre: Smut
Warnings: reader is being filmed during sex, a bit of degradation, overstimulation, strap-on, unnie/mommy kink, edging, Cursing. Remember everything mentioned about idols in this post is not true or related to their true self whatsoever!
a/n: I recently saw a lesbian couple try this challenge and I thought it was cute so 😓
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You sat on the floor just in front of the couch, your back against it watching as Jeongyeon set up the camera and all her other little things — and you honestly had no idea what they were meant for.
You couldn’t help but admire how pretty she looked as she concentrated on making sure everything was set up correctly, as for you, you stuffed your hand into a Hot Cheeto bag your eyes not moving an inch off her.
The following seconds Jeongyeon finally took a seat next to you, giving you a glance in the process. “You know, you can’t eat those while filming?” She said taking the bag from your hand and rolling it up, placing it out of the camera’s view.
You couldn’t even do anything about it once she placed the bag on the rear end of the white modern coffee table.
“I’m still a little confused, What do I say?”Jeongyeon turned her head to face yours and based on her expression she thought for a few seconds about it, before slowly making her way to fix the bangs that rested just over your forehead, “Just be yourself, I want them to see how good of a couple we’re”
“Are you ready? I’ll start now” You felt her place her soft lips on your cheek before leaning towards the camera to start recording.
“Hii!” Jeongyeon's eyes beamed towards the camera as she smiled widely, waving at the camera prompting you to do the same. “So I know ‘once’ has been waiting for this for a while ever since I announced my relationship but I recently got sick so..that threw me back a few days with content”
You couldn’t help but think how amazing she was at all of this. The way she talked so casually to a camera was impressive, you would have automatically cringed if it was you saying something like that yet it sounded so normal coming out of her mouth.
“I should stop talking now and introduce you guys to my girlfriend,” Jeongyeon said with a giggle before turning to look at you.
“Um yeah..hi, I’m not sure what to say” You whispered nervously, Jeongyeon had a big fan base on YouTube which only made you feel more anxious about this whole thing.
“That’s good enough” Jeongyeon laughed, trying to lighten up the mood. “Let’s just start with this whole thing”
You scooted up to the table some more along with Jeongyeon where there were different flavored lollipops in a bowl. “I’ve recently seen this thing like all around YouTube, so basically we’ll take turns to pick a random lollipop out of the bowl and we have to guess the flavor” You could feel her fingers tracing circles at your palm under the table as she explained to you the whole concept.
“So we’ll have to kiss this whole video..?” You said, Jeongyeon was completely amused by the idea of kissing you for a video. “Will people actually watch us kissing or are you just doing this because you want to kiss me?”
“Both” She grabbed the silk blindfold bringing the ends of it around your head, her delicate fingers working at making a similar knot she had used multiple times on different occasions to keep your hands tied in place whenever you acted too bratty for her liking. She pulled it down until it rested just over your eyes, gearing her hand back and bringing it towards your face quickly to see if you were indeed completely deprived of your sense of vision.
“This feels intimate” There was truth to the comment of yours, which only made her snicker in response. “I’ll pick a flavor now” You could hear the rustling of the wrapper and the gentle noises the lollipop made against her teeth as she melted the candy in her mouth.
Jeongyeon applied a layer of candy against her lips, adjusting herself so her upper body would face you. You felt her hand placed behind your neck pulling you in place for a kiss on your lips barely giving you time to taste it.
“Wait..you’re moving away too fast” Your hands moved around blindly till they ended up at her shoulder pulling her closer until your lips touched again. Your tongue barely dragging over her bottom lip attempting to get a taste, you felt a tingle of lime at first but when you went back to kiss her it felt completely different. “What happens if I don’t guess it right?” You mumbled in between pecks.
“Uh..for every time you get one incorrect I get to post a picture of you on Instagram”
“Noo, that’s not fair you only ever take bad pictures of me” Jeongyeon grinned, it was indeed true she loved taking pictures of you when you weren’t paying attention, even more when you were sleeping. Despite you always complaining that you didn’t look good in the pictures she always thought you look prettier when you think she isn’t looking. Whenever you told her to delete any picture, she just added it to her hidden folder which meant she probably had more photos of you than she even realized.
“No, I’ll pick good ones plus you’ll probably just lose a round or two” Jeongyeon pulled away to suck on the lollipop once more before placing one last kiss on your lips. “Okay guess”
You thought about it for a few seconds before deciding to go with the flavor you felt the most taste of. “Grape?”
“That’s one less photo I’ll post of you” You could already tell she was pouting without even having to look.
The kisses progressively became more sloppy and more frequent since the first round, the roles now reversed and Jeongyeon having the blindfold on. She didn’t even care about the challenge at this point, she just wanted to keep kissing you. Her hands roamed around your body until they reached the hem of your sweatshirt that you were wearing, your hand stopping her from going any further.
“Slow down..don’t we have to finish this?”
“It’s fine, I’ll just post what we have” Jeongyeon undid her blindfold putting it in her pocket for later, moving your hand away which you soon gave up and let her do as she pleased. You could sense her fingers trailing up towards your chest, a small smirk forming when she noticed you weren’t wearing a bra, her thumb grazing over your nipple making your breath hitch.
“let’s go to the bedroom yeah?” Jeongyeon got up from the floor helping you up with her, grabbing the camera along with a new memory card she had placed aside in case the one she was currently using no longer had space to record.
“Take your clothes off and get on the bed”
You did just as she told you stripping down every single piece of clothing you had on and laying back on the bed. Jeongyeon was busy trying to find a good angle to film you two from when none were found she just slipped her hand into the strap of the camera holding it with her left hand. She took out the memory card she was using previously and placed it on the dresser before inserting the new one. She turned around to face you making sure everything was running smoothly with the recording before getting into bed.
“I’ve been meaning to do this for a while..but I’ve been too shy to ask you” Jeongyeon whispered sitting in between your legs the camera was faced down recording the white sheets. You took notice of the camera and then back at her, she looked so eager yet so shy, you hadn’t seen her this shy since the time she asked you to be her girlfriend back in freshmen year of high school.
“You want to film me?”
“I want to film us, yes. I wouldn’t dare to show anyone I promise it’ll just be for us both”
You thought about it for a few seconds. Jeongyeon was already overprotective of you, whenever you wore something too “productive” out in public or at least that’s what she called it when you wore something that showed a bit too much skin for her liking, she would keep her hands all over you making sure everyone saw that you were hers.
She hated whenever you went out with your friends because she knew what type of people they were so she always made you share locations or she would keep messaging you to give her updates on how the night was going. You always complained to her about things like that but deep down you loved how protective she was of you because it only made you feel more wanted by her. So her showing anyone videos of you naked and getting totally fucked by her was already out the window.
“I don’t mind just get my good side” You both giggled at the joke before she raised the camera getting you in the frame. The camera going lower by the second. Once the camera was capturing your lower region jeongyeon brushed her thumb over your clit. You twitched at the feeling of suddenly getting touched, you moved your hand down hoping to cover yourself up from the camera. You thought it would be much easier being recorded like this but it wasn't.
“Stop it, you look pretty” She swatted your hand away and rubbed your thigh. You were already camera shy when it came to taking pictures but now you felt vulnerable more than you ever had under a camera.
“Stop being camera shy, you look beautiful” Jeongyeon swatted your hand away again but remembered she placed the silk ribbon in her pocket for a reason.
“Hands together” Jeongyeon instructed.
“Why? I don’t want to” You pouted because you knew that whenever you had your hands tied together she would just tease you endlessly.
“Stop being bratty and hurry” You saw the way her eyebrows creased, as she placed the camera down bringing your hands together on her own. Wrapping the ribbon two times around your wrists before tying a knot.
“You’re already leaking, that's pathetic..” She slid a finger in between your folds collecting your juices and placing it in her mouth humming at the taste.
“Unnie, please?” You knew that whenever you called her unnie it would either make her the sweetest person ever or she’d just tease you more than she already was.
“No, I don’t think you deserve it” She picked up the camera showing how pleadingly the expression on your face looked.
“Please unnie..it hurts really bad”
She scoffed seeing how desperate you were for her. “You’re so horny it’s hurts?" You nodded hoping she would do something. Anything. “Hands over your head”
When you did just as she told, she leaned down and placed her lips over your nipple. Licking it slowly to get you more riled up than you already were, moans leaving with each breath you took.
“It’s h-hurts really bad” The ache in between your legs got bigger the more she teased you, grinding your hips against nothing but air hoping any type of friction would happen.
“So needy for me, princess” Jeongyeon's sat up filming her hand trailing down toward your clit rubbing circles around it. “I-I need you inside please.”
“I’ll let you get what you want baby, don’t worry” She kept the camera lowered as her fingers teased your entrance applying pressure just enough for the tip of her finger to go in and come back out, the aching feeling only got worse.
She got off the bed leaving the camera to rest and walked towards your night table opening the cabinet grabbing another piece of silk ribbon since the pack she had bought was a 2 in 1. Once back in bed she helped you sit up in order for her to blindfold you.
For a few minutes, you were left agitated craving for Jeongyeon's touch in bed. Two of your senses now gone only made you feel more uneasy the more you waited. Once finally hearing the rustling of the sheets and feeling her get into bed, you relaxed a little.
picking up the camera, against your folds she rubbed the head of the pink dildo she had attached to the strap-on which was previously bought after your second anniversary just for fun really but soon became Jeongyeon’s favorite thing to use on you secondly after her fingers.
“Do you like that?”
“Y-yes I like i-it” Your hips buckled downwards trying to finally get her inside, soft and whiny breathes leaving your body with each rub.
Jeongyeon angled the camera down finding just the perfect side that showed her rubbing on your dripping cunt, and the way your stomach flexed whenever she let the tip push against your entrance.
“You’re going to take me so good, right? Just how you always do.” She gave one small stoke to the length, then another, and then two full strokes rotating at the head.
Finally, she slid in half of the length into you letting you get use the feeling placing her right hand on your abdominal as she slid in the rest. "Does that feel good, baby? Mhm?" Jeongyeon kept the camera angled down as she started moving her hips slowly.
"It f-feels good..." you could feel her hand resting on your hip pushing herself deeper, your hands tried to grab ahold of anything and soon came contact with the top of your pillow, gripping it tightly.
“I bet you like my cock so much don’t you?” Jeongyeon placed the camera on a cushion you guys used really just for decoration, making sure the camera wouldn’t fall with all the movement she was about to cause. She adjusted herself leaning downwards supporting herself with her elbows
“I’m going to fuck you so good just how you wanted.” The grunts and moans soon filled the room, you could feel her getting more aggressive with her thrusts by the second. She loved seeing you like this, totally brain fucked even though she was barely just starting.
“I-i’m gonna cum..Mm!” Jeongyeon felt your thighs twitching around her, your body squirming on its own, she watched the expression on your face change and she took that as her sign to stop. She sat up and pulled out watching the way you clenched around nothing.
“No, no please…please unnie, i’m so close” You begged, your hands coming down to try and grab onto her but you couldn’t even reach her in the first place.
“Come on, you can beg a little better than that sweetheart” Jeongyeon grabbed the camera, holding it with her right hand now. She slapped her cock against your pussy, rubbing it over your clit. “You want my dick inside you, right? filling you up?”
“Yes m-mommy..please, I need y-your dick inside me” Your high was still there but you could feel it fading away, you wanted - needed her so badly.
“P-please I’ll do anything unnie” Jeongyeon decided to tease you some more by filming you instead of giving you what you wanted, she lifted your blindfold, and you blinked a few times to get your vision back into focus. All you saw was her towering over your body which honestly made you more wet. She took a few seconds to record your body up and down, really just taking in how beautiful you looked right now.
“Doggy” You already knew what she meant by it, with a little help you managed to turn around, burying your face into a pillow as your arms folded to rest over your head. “You always take me so good” She whispered once she was fully inside you again, starting on her medium pace once again leaving grunts every time her hips made contact with you.
“F-fuck you look so good” Jeongyeon uttered with gritted teeth, this camera angle was out of this world. The way every time she trusted her hips she saw how she came out of you only to go back in, the way your ass only looked bigger in this position, your back exposed to her eyes.
Your moans were now muffled by the pillow taking in the pleasure. Soon enough you felt Jeongyeon's hand wrap around your hair pulling you up, “Let me hear you, baby” She said as she thrusts harder.
“I’m cummi- Ngh!” Jeongyeon grinned when she saw you coating the pink of the dildo translucent white, pulling it out to stroke your cum all over its length.
“Will you be the good slut you are and take me again?” It sounded more like she was telling you then asking you, and just like that she made your high double in pleasure.
“N-ngh..i’m gonna cum again mommy..” You could feel tears streaming down your face, your legs were so close to giving out but the pleasure that Jeongyeon was giving you brought you felt intoxicating.
“Cum for me baby..cum for mommy” Jeongyeon had sweats bead forming on her forehead, pulling your hair back for one last thrust as you coated her dick entirely.
Your legs gave out once Jeongyeon pulled out which was the only thing giving you support, she helped you lay back on your back. Her finger skillfully undoing the knot to your wrist, the recent friction onto your wrist leaving red marks. She stopped the recording and then placed the camera on the night table, taking off the strap and throwing it on the floor to worry about later.
She took a moment to appreciate how you looked, Jeongyeon grabbed her phone which was placed at the end of the bed, bringing it up to take a picture of you. You didn’t think much of it - well you didn’t have the energy to protest so you just let it be.
You yawned sitting up and feeling the sudden soreness fall over your body, Jeongyeon sleeping peacefully next to you. By the darkness that radiated through the curtains, you knew you probably wouldn’t fall back asleep just yet after waking up so you looked around for your phone just to remember it was left in the living room sitting next to the bag of chips.
You noticed Jeongyeon's phone sitting on the side of the bed on the charger, you grabbed it and decided to just watch Netflix until you fell back asleep. You opened her phone with the password which was your birthday just as your password was her birthday, you groaned quietly when the screen shined onto your face.
Jeongyeon must have been scrolling through instagram before falling to sleep since that’s what you first saw when you opened it. Taking notice of the gray circle around her profile indicating she posted something on her story. You clicked on it and a immediate gasp left your body.
It was a picture of you, cheeks completely flushed, eyes glossy with tears, lips slightly swollen, and you could see you wrists resting just over your head, the red marks around them. There was no context whatsoever just the picture of you on her story.
When you slide the story up and your heart skipped a beat it already had 2 million views despite it being posted just 6 hours ago, for a moment you were about to delete it but you forgot that it was only fair since you had lost a round to her dumb challenge. So instead you just laid back not even wanting to watch anything anymore, snuggling close into jeongyeon’s arms.
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glitter-alienz · 28 days
everytime my sister sees a game/show that features divorce or parental abuse she always asks me if I’ve seen it and the answer is always yes except this week when she asked me if I’ve seen any YouTubers play ‘bad parenting’
I have heard of it but never watched a play through so I did just that. Btw she warned me that while it didn’t affect her THAT bad (she cried a lot but like she was okay after some time) it might trigger me specifically?? But ofc I ignored that. I’m not smart 🤷🏾‍♂️
Anyways, I could handle the themes of this game individually but the mix of them all was. Not great. I liked it btw. a lot actually. but I also it hurt a lot and I was uncomfortable the whole play through cuz I KNEW where it was going. I knew it I knew it I knew it. Still didn’t make it less sad. Got pretty mad cuz it reminded me that this shit happens all the time. I saw multiple comment talking about discipline and shit trying to say “this is not abuse” which is excepted. In every single piece of media I’ve consumed that featured physical and ESPECIALLY parantal physical abuse there has always been at least two people saying that it is not abuse, because if it is then it means majority of people have been abused. It happens all the time so it must be okay type of mentality. And the classic my parent(s) beat me up and I turned out fine <- if you say this you’re not fine you need actual help 🫶🏾
Spoilers for the game
TWs for physical abuse and child death
from the moment the doll mentioned why it’s neck was loose I KNEW there was gonna be a choking scene or something of that sort. Also since my sister warned me about it, I’ve been choked twice in my life and I’m kind of very not cool about it. But I didn’t want to think about the kid dying. I tried to have hope that since it’s a game there would at least be a good ending or something. I thought Mr red face would turn out to be the mom. So when the dad’s face turned all red after drinking I was like. Oh! That’s… bad! Huge fan of the kid not wanting his parents to be hurt by Mr red face. And when the cat was asking him if his dad was bad and he’d wouldn’t say the word bad but instead list all the ways he abused him. That.. that hit hard. I’m an adult who knows better and I still find myself defending my parents. I Joked about the kids in the after life place all being killed by their parents and warning the player (I have a story like that) but then when it was revealed that the player was already dead I was DEVESTATED. I felt sick and I couldn’t breathe for a second cuz I was so fucking scared lmao. It made feel like throwing up. It was a good game btw this is a five stars review. It just made me a little too upset lol. It was not too gorey and the jump-scares weren’t too bad except for one. But it was scary because I knew where it was going. I didn’t want it to go there but it did. Well! Also I’m a big fan of the doll being the “knowing” part of him. I wonder why <- has a dissociative disorder
I had a nightmare about my parents fighting because of this game. I ended up waking up at 9 am instead of my usual 12-1. And couldn’t go back to sleep cuz I was thinking of the game. And now I’m ranting on it on my blog. Maybe this will help. I’m okay bye just thinking a lot. Also kinda mad but that’s just how it be.
Rant over but I’m still sad and angry about this game :) it was good tho. So If anyone knows anything like it then pls let me know 👍🏾 shout out to my sis for knowing recommending I watch this game
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milkemie · 26 days
Hiya again! i follow you on twitter and have seen the amount of hate going on and i think i can say confidently that the haters will never out way the supporters. We (the people who enjoy your content and every other sims 4 creators content) will always speak louder than the people who just hate to hate <3
onto my question: How to you deal with the people who don't like you and choose to hate on your content and you as a person? do you ignore it? block them?
ALSO! i want an updated on Jinho!! how is he doing? i bet he misses shin and maya, and definitely mayumi! is he a toddler now? do you think him and mayumi will be friends in the future?
hii! thank you so much for your kind words and support it truly means a lot to me especially when things get rough online, thankfully the genuine support that i get from people like you totally outweight the negativity ♡ to those wondering what mounikka is referring to, here is a thread you can read where i show some things that were said about me in a discord groupchat by people that were my followers/mutuals
when it comes to dealing with hate, 90% of the time i immediately delete the comments, block the users, and move on, especially when it’s obvious that they’re just trying to provoke me; but there are times when i choose to respond and make things public like i did recently
i'll explain how i approached that situation and why i feel good about going public with it
after reading those people's hateful messages, i checked the accounts involved and what i found was very telling: almost all of them were following me (on multiple platforms!) and closely watching every little thing i do with my sims. one of them had even made a video edit AND fanart for me, another one was calling me a bitch and mocking my genuine supporters while also saying that she still wished i gave her attention seeing me getting praised irritated them, it irritated them so much that they resorted to making fun of my appearance and attacking my identity as a black woman (unfortunately for them i'm not insecure & i will not change the way i look to make them happy)
it quickly became clear that the people who hate me all share common traits: jealousy, envy, and cowardice all of their criticism came from a place of jealousy and their own insecurities, not from anything i’ve done wrong having people that you can trust & talk to in the sims community is very important when those things happen before going public with all of this, i made sure to talk about the situation to multiple of my mutuals privately, talking to others made me feel much better thankfully i think that most people in the sims community are great, and that this type of vile people are a minority, i was happy to see that even simmers that didn't know me supported me, and of course i'm also really grateful for my own community for always supporting me and sending me sweet messages ♡ i don't regret going public about it and i don't feel sorry for them at all (just as most of them aren't sorry for what they said)
now, onto jinho! he’s doing okay with his moms, he's still the same sensitive baby and he definitely misses them especially maya and mayumi (though he was present at mayumi's birthday which you can watch here on youtube) he’s growing but he's not a toddler just yet! i'm not sure if he and mayumi will be close friends in the future, i will make them meet though because maya has his moms' numbers, but jinho & mayumi will decide on their own if they still like playing with eachother, i will definitely document that though!
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Might be a hot take, but I’ve always thought that Johnny is Kreese’s weakness, and Daniel is Terry’s. Like, I know some people think Terry’s weakness is Kreese (and to some extent, yes), but Daniel seems to be his absolute obsession, his total undoing. Kreese at least had the best friends/comrades in arms thing, but the Daniel thing is just plain weird from any side. This once 17 year old brat has such a hold on Silver that the man threw away 30+ years of peace at the mere mention of his name. It was never about Cobra Kai. It was always about Daniel.
YES. I completely agree. And as more time has gone by since Season 4 came out, I've noticed even the more casual fans have noticed. Someone took this screenshot from YouTube, but I've seen similar comments on reddit too.
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And Kreese, being another master manipulator, knew exactly what he was doing when he brought up Daniel to Terry again in 4x01...
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There was literally no reason for Kreese to bring up Daniel LaRusso unless he knew that Terry would care. Why would Terry care. 👀
Kreese knows how to get people to come to him. How to dangle something that they want in front of them that only he can seemingly give.
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When no other tactic worked on bringing Terry back into the fold, Kreese brought out the big guns and dropped Daniel's name.
Not to take away at all from the love and friendship that Terry felt towards John. But it became nostalgia and obligation, ultimately ruining their bond.
Little side note-- the fact that we watched Kreese make others do what he says in order to get what they want for three seasons made the prison scene in 5x07 even more satisfying:
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AND the first person to play the uno reverse card and use this tactic against Kreese was Daniel. Terry's student. You gotta love it.
There's always been a little Cobra Kai in you...
I mean, we could speak at length about the parallels between Kreese and Terry and their star students Johnny and Daniel. The narrative mirrors and foils. But it's precisely their respective relationships with their students that is more compelling.
Anyway. I'm going to quickly list examples of Daniel's hold on Terry and then focus on the meat of the issue.
Terry falls apart and goes ALL IN on everything Cobra Kai only AFTER Daniel rejects his apology.
Terry gives Daniel multiple warnings to not interfere but never tries to gets rid of him like Johnny or Kreese after no warnings at all.
Terry dated a woman who looked a lot like Daniel with similar values.
Terry treats Kenny near identically to Daniel as a student but in the sincere way he wishes he had with Daniel.
Terry loses his cool when Daniel wants to surrender and walk out of his life.
Terry tells Chozen he considers Daniel his only rival. As in Equal.
I'm sure there's plenty I'm forgetting but you can find posts in the silverusso tag about all these topics and more. x.x
Now, let's get to one of the most important and defining scenes for Terry's arc. And again, it's a direct result of Kreese's manipulation:
Kreese, knowing what makes Terry tick and how to get him further on his side, comments that Daniel really knows how to hold onto a grudge. As if he doesn't. Anyway, it's twisting the knife into Terry again when he's clearly already low.
You don't think Kreese noticed how hurt Terry was at the rejection?
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He notices everything. He learned in Vietnam from his Captain how to use love against someone as a perceived weakness. Many thoughts on that.
The way in which Kreese says, "So... what now?" Tells me that he told Terry this was going to happen. You also have to remember their conversation leading up to the garden scene:
Terry was damn near close to defending Mr. Miyagi and Daniel over Kreese's own personal grudge. To the point where Terry was rolling his eyes and sighing over his friend being overdramatic about what happened in the past.
He was tired of hearing about it.
I'm sure Daniel told Terry the truth about that Halloween night. And look who Terry seems to side with...
Kreese wanted violent retribution and Terry was the one that talked him down. It was Terry's idea to apologize to Daniel and we'll just allll get along. Easy peasy. Surely, Daniel would forgive him.
But, Daniel proved Kreese right in Terry's eyes. As I'm sure Kreese hoped would happen. Couldn't have worked out better. I bet on the car ride over to Miyagi-Do, Kreese was complaining how this was a waste of time and LaRusso isn't the sweet kid you remember etc.
From that day forward, Terry is determined to prove Daniel wrong. About him, about Cobra Kai, about everything. Terry is going to make Cobra Kai work and help kids and he'll be the best sensei ever and Daniel will be sorry!
You'll be sorry you weren't a part of it!
I firmly believe that Daniel is Terry's true weakness and he didn't even realize it. But Kreese did.
And if Daniel had seen it, then he could've had Terry eating out of the palm of his hand.
The one movie quote they haven't used in the show yet is, "For person with no forgiveness in heart, living even worse punishment than death."
I'm hoping they'll use this with Daniel realizing he can help heal himself, and Terry, by forgiving him. Of course, Terry will have to do something more to redeem himself. I'm just saying.
And then maybe Terry can see that Daniel was his weakness all along, but there's still time to make him a strength.
One could argue that he already felt that way while he was being arrested. The way he was looking at Daniel... That awe. Daniel LaRusso got the best of him, again, all because he couldn't let him go.
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Here's to hoping that Season 6 ends our suffering lmao.
I mean, who else has ever given Terry Silver goosebumps?
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kebriones · 30 days
Hi!! I know we haven’t interacted, but I’ve seen a lot of your Alcibiades posts - and I’ve gotta say, I’m very intrigued!! I’ve tried googling around a bit to see what the main sources he’s featured in are, but I’ve sort of pulled blank multiple times. Is there any book/essay/anything you’d recommend starting with? [[and I love your art btw - you’re so talented, and your effort really shows!! :) ]]
WELL WELL WELL you've come to the right place! First of all, I am so glad that my posts about him made you intrigued! Alcibiades propaganda is the purpose of my life. Anyways.
Here's an earlier post I've made on the topic, with links: https://kebriones.tumblr.com/post/729395530643472384
But I'll elaborate a bit here as well because i have time to kill until i have to go catch my ship to athens!
The "Life of Alcibiades" by Plutarch, available in English online, is a roman-era biography of him. Definitely a good starting point. Many of the anecdotes inside are to be taken with a grain of salt since this was written a few centuries after Alcibiades' death, but it paints a very complete image of his life
Thucydides. Alcibiades features at the final part of his work, and I don't recommend you go read Thucydides unless you're obsession levels of interested in Alcibiades. But he is our most objective and most reliable source on Alcibiades. He had known him and had lived through the events he writes about.
Plato is another very important source, though more literary rather than purely historical. He also personally knew Alcibiades, and Alcibiades features in multiple of his dialogues including most importantly the symposium and the first Alcibiades
These are the three Main sources on him, but there are many others like Xenophon, some orations and writings from others, contemporaries, or people from a few years after his death, or roman-era authors.
In the post I have linked there's a link to Jacqueline deromilly's book on Alcibiades, which is my favorite modern biography of him, though I've heard very good things about other biographies too, which I haven't personally read yet and can't comment on
I recommend staying away from other modern sources like podcasts, youtube videos and articles about him. There's a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions about Alcibiades that keep getting propagated, so i definitely recommend starting with the ancient sources like Plutarch and plato, and with that basis moving onwards if you want.
There's a lot of mentions of him here and there in all sorts of ancient texts, just the other day I came across an anecdote i had never seen before in my 2 years of obsessively researching him, so it's definitely a very fun and rich rabbit hole to go down into!
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zchadkins · 8 months
to be clear, because i’ve seen multiple posts asking for a bootleg of how to dance in ohio (and a lot of you appear to be minors who might not know how bootlegs work)—
as of right now, there are so few video masters (people who create bootlegs and share them), that you can count them all on your fingers. this is not just in new york, either, but across the world. almost all of the recent bootlegs are created by a very very small number of people. these are NOT random people/tourists with a camera who decide to see a show and film.
video masters (VM) will film things they want to see (one specific VM loves moulin rouge and has many moulin rouge videos), things they get commissioned for (meaning someone will pay for their ticket to the show in exchange for the bootleg, this is very rare though! most masters do not take requests!), or things they know are popular/will get sales (as this is a business for them).
not every show will get a video bootleg. some shows are not popular, some shows the masters have no interest in seeing, sometimes there simply isn’t a day that works with the master’s scheduling, etc. whatever the reason, some shows simply just do not get a video bootleg. and that’s just how life is.
in how to dance in ohio’s case, by the time the show closes, it will have played 99 total performances. that is it. it won’t have broken the 100 performances mark. the shorter the run of a show, the less likely there is to be a bootleg of it. especially when closing is announced 3 weeks out. the video masters calendars could be already full if they’re in new york, or they might not live in new york and three weeks is not enough notice for them to come out and film.
that said, if there was a how to dance in ohio bootleg, it almost 100% would be “NFT” right now or not for trade. to prevent these bootlegs from getting back to the show/production and having them figure out who filmed it, the VMs will often put a NFT date many months in advance. the bootleg would only be available to buy through the master until the not-for-trade date has passed. because bootlegging is, first and foremost, illegal, this NFT date tries to put distance between the date of filming and the release of the video to prevent the master from getting into any legal trouble.
if you know a specific bootleg exists and you know who the master is, feel free to contact them directly. making posts about it in the shows tag is not the way to access bootlegs. if you do get a bootleg, do not post it on tiktok, youtube, instagram, whatever other social media site. once again, this is illegal and we are not trying to draw attention to the existence of bootlegs.
additionally, in the specific instance of how to dance in ohio, the cast is on tumblr. while some of them have made their thoughts about bootlegs known, it is still something to keep away from the cast. not all cast members feel the same way about things and some of them might not care for bootlegs.
finally, as a lot of the people asking for the bootlegs are minors, you might not remember a few years back. the current video masters really only came onto the scene about 5 or so years ago. before that, it was almost impossible to find videos of shows. right now, we are very lucky to have multiple active video masters especially with such good quality equipment. many shows were shared using audio bootlegs, which is still a great way to access a show you might not have otherwise seen.
as an aside - this post is not an invitation to argue about the logistics of selling bootlegs. there are many reasons masters sell their bootlegs - primarily, to make back the money on their tickets. broadway shows are very expensive as we all know, and masters have to buy specific seats in order for them to feel comfortable filming. masters also upgrade their equipment (i’m talking $1000+ camera equipment), which is offset by people buying these videos. if you have comments about how bootlegging is illegal and selling illegal work is bad, i don’t care to hear it.
tl;dr - there might not ever be a video bootleg of how to dance in ohio and that’s okay. you are allowed to be upset you can’t see a show, but you cannot automatically assume a bootleg of a show will exist. we protect video masters and do not share their work.
if you have questions, my ask box is open.
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breannastewart · 4 months
is stewie officially washed at 29, or is this another case of a coach and team not knowing what to do with her abilities. because we definitely saw her put in work this off season so like what happened… after the incredible regular season she had last year i’ve never seen an elite athlete regress and have a downfall this fast
washed might be going a little too far, even though I'm sure there's a faction of this leagues fanbase that would love nothing more than to be saying that loud and proud all the time.
I'm going to include this other anon I got, because I feel like it paints a much better picture of what is going on here:
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there was also a youtube comment on a media availability video I saw the other day that said the same as well. I have certainly felt this way so far as well. let's start with Sandy finally openly admitting she played her far too many minutes last year, and relied on her far too much. that is in large part to the fact that they had a non-existent bench the majority of the time it was put in, and the backcourt was not all it was cracked up to be. I remember vividly saying so last year on twitter and NY fans flamed me being like hey they lead the league in assists! and I was like okay cool, won't mean shit come play off time because the play is an even higher level and defense is key. sure enough, every team NY played, ran through and picked apart that backcourt with ease. to the point where they had stewie, their MVP power forward, bringing the ball up for them at the end stretch of games because it was too crucial to mess it up because their guards couldn't do their job. now to start this season, I have seen far too much of her being a ball handler bringing it up for them, or simply just being a screensetter so the guards and everyone else can just chuck up 3 pointer after 3 pointer. and when they do manage to remember they have her and should run their offense through her, they get away from it to resort right back to let's just run run run, screen, chuck up a shot, rinse and repeat. and then people are like wow how did NY give up leads or let people back in? that's why. you think that's the best way to utilize your best player?
I do think there is some stuff with her, where she has passed up opportunities she has normally just taken upon herself to drive to the basket, or be more aggressive, etc. she admitted it in her media availability last night. I have seen her in moments where normally she'll take charge with a full head of steam like her usual self and drive, and instead when she's right there, just pass it back out instead, for, you guessed it, someone to most likely just take a 3.
if only there was a blueprint of a team that knew how to utilize her and understood exactly the caliber level of player she is, and how things absolutely do need to go through her and go from there, but that does not mean the pieces around her can't be great at what they do as well to compliment it. said with immense sarcasm, of course, because NY has not figured this out at all. the last group that did that she was with, won multiple championships 🤷🏻‍♀️
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p5x-theories · 1 year
I’ve skimmed enough playthrough videos of the beta at this point that I think I can give kind of a rundown of what plot we get from it at this point! Since there’s no official translation, I’m leaning on what happens visually, along with the bits and pieces of context I can understand from the Japanese voice acting (in scenes that have it), and taking into consideration what I’ve seen of some rough translations people have attempted. Contrary to this blog’s name, this post is going to have as little speculation as possible, and stick to confirmed facts.
Disclaimer: I have done some skimming of the gameplay, as I don’t have the time to sit and watch an entire 5+ hour video (let alone multiple) unfortunately. This covers the scenes + the gist, but doesn’t have all the finer details.
Two things to note about the beta: 1) Some scenes seem like they’re cut/missing right now. At times it’ll cut to a screen with just text, which I think explains what happens in between proper game cutscenes, but I can’t read Chinese so I can’t confirm that or cover whatever information those contain. 2) It appears the beta only lets you get as far in as shortly after completing the first Palace, which is apparently about 5.5 hours or so of story content.
The game starts with the protagonist in class at Kokatsu Academy, with a teacher, Kumi Katayama, having the students fill out a form (that sounds like it has something to do with their futures). This form is where you input the protagonist’s name in the game.
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After this, the protagonist falls asleep, and wakes up in the Velvet Room for the first time.
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He’s only there briefly, before being woken up by Motoha Arai.
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Katayama comes over and reprimands them, then collects the forms.
After getting out of class, the protagonist steps out into the hallway, and runs into some girls gossiping. They mention something about a “phantom”.
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Another student comes over to interrupt them, and says something to them that makes them bow in apology to both her and the protagonist before running off, calling her “Tanemura-senpai”. She tells them not to run in the hallway.
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As the protagonist goes to leave, he walks by Luffy atop the shoe lockers. Luffy says something (to himself) like “Is it really him?”, with kind of a skeptical tone.
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The protagonist boards a train at the station.
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Something happens after he gets on the train- it’s only described in text, so I’m not sure what- and when the protagonist opens his eyes, he’s sitting in what we can recognize as a rest stop in Mementos, facing Luffy.
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Luffy starts to lead the protagonist out of Mementos...
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... but they run into some shadows. While Luffy handles them at first, some start to slip by him, and target the protagonist.
This leads to his awakening, of which there’s a video of uploaded by Faz on Youtube, and probably better to just watch rather than reading a play-by-play haha.
After that, Luffy gives a battle tutorial, then they proceed onward, still trying to get out of Mementos. Close to the exit, though, they run into some kind of boss shadow or something- certainly not a shadow we’ve seen before.
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They take care of it, then finally leave Mementos, emerging in Shibuya station. Luffy parts ways with the protagonist for now... but Motoha sees the protagonist standing there and seems surprised.
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The protagonist heads home and goes to sleep, dreaming of the Velvet Room again. The next morning, he’s awoken by Luffy tapping his head.
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Luffy’s Confidant is established.
As the protagonist goes to leave his house, he receives some texts from his mother.
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Outside his house, he runs into Kayo Toyama, who apparently knew him when he was younger and comments that he’s grown up into a handsome man, in that tone of a family friend or relative being surprised at how big you’ve gotten since they last saw you.
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After talking to her, he heads to school, and runs into Merope in Shibuya station, who contemplates the Rise poster there before turning it into a Velvet Room door.
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On the train ride, he overhears some more female students from Kokatsu gossiping, possibly about him. When he steps off the train, he realizes he’s lost something, only to have another Kokatsu student (that’s voiced) approach him and hand him whatever it was.
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At school, the protagonist has a math class with Katayama, who asks him a question (similar to how the teachers in P3, P4, and P5 all do).
At the start of lunch break, Motoha talks to the protagonist, and mentions something about person riding a bicycle and a train. She also talks about some kind of website, and asks the protagonist about how he disappeared from a train yesterday and reappeared in Shibuya (explaining her surprise at seeing him in Shibuya station).
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Before he can answer, though, the girl in the pink sweater from earlier walks up, and asks Motoha about having lunch together. Motoha apologizes for asking something weird and leaves, but we get a glimpse of her phone, which has the MetaNav on it.
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Once Motoha and her friend are gone, Luffy flies over to the window, with a sign telling the protagonist to come to the roof.
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When the protagonist steps out into the hallway to do so, Motoha’s friend comes back, and introduces herself as Tomoko [Last Name] from Class D, though I’ve admittedly had trouble figuring out exactly what she says her last name is. It may be Noge, considering it’s written as 野毛.
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On the roof, the protagonist runs into a guy eating instant ramen, who says nothing and leaves once he sees the protagonist standing there.
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Luffy flies in, and says he’ll answer the protagonist’s questions. He talks about Mementos and shadows. He also says something about phantom thieves, but in the more general sense of being a phantom thief, not as if Luffy’s referring to the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Then he flies off, and the protagonist leaves the roof, but literally runs into Motoha, who apologizes and says something like she was “lost in thought”. Somehow she has his phone (possibly he dropped it when they ran into each other?), and she gives it back to him, except she wants to ask him something...
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... but then Tanemura from earlier (who Motoha refers to as “Riko-senpai”, making her full name Riko Tanemura) shows up, and talks to Motoha for a moment. She and Motoha leave, and game jumps ahead to the end of the school day.
The protagonist exits their classroom, but Motoha stays behind, looking at her phone. She comments to herself that she noticed the protagonist had the same app (presumably the MetaNav app) as her phone does, and also says something about his disappearance from the train again. Tomoko then approaches her and asks about going somewhere together.
We cut to the protagonist arriving in Shibuya station, where Luffy flies over to him and immediately crawls into his bag.
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Luffy gives some kind of explanation for why he went into the bag that I can’t follow, and says something about a target named Takeyuki Kiuchi, who the camera cuts to show running into a lady and apologizing.
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Then going out of his way to run into a Kokatsu student.
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Luffy explains something about how Palace rulers work, I think, in addition to saying Kiuchi is one.
As the protagonist leaves the station, Motoha runs through the ticket gate, having just missed him. She wonders what the protagonist was doing, then seems to recognize Kiuchi, but Tomoko runs up to her, and asks what’s wrong.
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Motoha brushes the question off, and they leave.
Back to the protagonist and Luffy, Luffy talks more about phantom thievery, and asks the protagonist something about whether he’s ready to become a phantom thief, I think. When the protagonist says yes, Luffy says they’re headed to Mementos.
In Mementos, Luffy says the protagonist needs a codename, and suggests Wonder, then says his own codename is Cattle. As they start to run off, Wonder gets pulled into the Velvet Room by Merope, and gets the teammate gacha tutorial as well as the start of Merope’s confidant. Once he leaves, Luffy demonstrates his ability to turn into a car.
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While Wonder and Cattle are traveling around Mementos, Motoha and Tomoko talk more in the real world, and Kiuchi notices them.
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The game cuts back to Wonder and Cattle in Mementos, and Cattle explains that the thing behind him (it looks like a larger version of the portals that led to people’s personal shadows that hadn’t developed their own Palaces in P5) is the entrance to Kiuchi’s Palace, there’s no mistaking it.
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They enter Kiuchi’s Palace, but can’t get very far before running into an obstacle- they can’t get up to an opening that’ll get them into the stadium.
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After returning to the real world, Luffy talks to the protagonist some more, probably about how they’re going to get in, and I think says something about crafting. Then Kayo shows up again, and after the protagonist says something to her, she mentions the secondhand shop in Yongen-Jaya (where you could get the TV, game console, and laptop in P5).
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Following her suggestion, Luffy and the protagonist head to Yongen-Jaya, and the old man who runs the secondhand shop gives the protagonist what I think is a crafting table/crafting set.
Meanwhile, Motoha and Tomoko eat and chat at Big Burger, where Motoha calls her awesome for something apparently related to baseball. Tomoko also mentions something about a person, and Motoha asks if the person goes to Kokatsu Academy, and if Tomoko likes (as in has a crush on) whoever it is.
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The protagonist and Luffy return home, and Luffy talks about infiltration tools (presumably in relation to the crafting topic that came up earlier). Once they have infiltration tools, they can go back into Kiuchi’s Palace.
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The crafting tutorial comes up, and the protagonist makes a grappling hook.
That night, the protagonist visits the Velvet Room again. In the morning, he wakes up to Luffy again.
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The protagonist heads to the train station, but there’s been some kind of accident that Tomoko was involved in (that’s her on the other side of the door thing, you can see her pink sweater). Motoha is calling her name in distress as the protagonist walks up.
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The officer pulls Motoha away, and asks if the protagonist is her friend. Leaving her with the protagonist, he walks away.
The protagonist and Motoha go somewhere else to talk, where she finally confronts him about disappearing from the train and reappearing in Shibuya station the other day. Luffy says something from within his hiding place in the protagonist’s bag, and Motoha reacts with surprise at the owl noises coming from his bag.
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Another officer approaches them as she’s asking about the owl in confusion, and informs them that an ambulance is going to take Tomoko to the hospital. Motoha says she’ll go with Tomoko, and the protagonist heads to school.
Katayama addresses the class, and the students gossip, with at least one mentioning something about a “phantom” again. Motoha arrives in the middle of this, to Katayama’s surprise, and when asked, Motoha says she’s okay, before heading to her seat. She says she’ll wait for the protagonist on the rooftop at lunch.
At lunch, the ramen guy is once again sitting up there, and once again leaves without saying anything when he sees Motoha and the protagonist arrive (the text in the box isn’t a word, I think it’s a sound at most).
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Motoha says Tomoko’s okay now, but now can’t participate in some kind of baseball thing that’s happening that she was originally going to be in (probably what they were talking about at Big Burger yesterday). She mentions Kiuchi by name, and then asks the protagonist about the purpose of the MetaNav app they both have on their phones. Luffy emerges from the protagonist’s bag, and Motoha asks about him again.
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But this time, she can understand him, and introduces herself. He talks about the MetaNav, and stealing Kiuchi’s heart. After she leaves, the protagonist and Luffy head back into the Metaverse, and are now able to grapple up to the opening with ease.
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As this happens, in the real world Motoha returns to where the accident with Tomoko was, thinking about her, when Kiuchi approaches her.
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He says he remembers her, and Motoha responds to him angrily, mentioning Tomoko and saying she’ll take him to the police. He was probably responsible for the accident? He doesn’t seem too concerned about Motoha’s threat, and smugly replies to her before leaving. Motoha, distressed, wonders what she should do.
After this we cut back to Cattle and Wonder in the Palace, the gameplay for which I’m going to kind of skip over because it’s a lot of running through a Palace and fighting shadows- as I’m sure everyone reading this is familiar with- and I assume getting to know what particular brand of distorted person Kiuchi is, which I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to understand much of, if it’s even voiced. They of course eventually run into Kiuchi’s Shadow. Palace infiltration stuff, you get the gist.
Eventually, they discover Motoha here in the Palace, already taken captive by Kiuchi’s Shadow. This leads to Motoha’s awakening, which is another thing Faz on Youtube has uploaded a video of, and I once again recommend just watching that haha.
After her awakening, Wonder and Cattle take her out of the Palace, and head to Big Burger to talk.
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None of this conversation is voiced, but I saw Kiuchi’s name in one of Motoha’s lines. After this scene, it cuts to a screen with Motoha Arai- codename Closer- unlocking as a teammate, not unlike if she’d been rolled in the gacha.
The protagonist heads home for the evening, and gets some text messages from Motoha, indicating they exchanged numbers here.
The next day, they talk after class, though this is again unvoiced.
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Motoha, Luffy, and the protagonist head to Shibuya Central Street, where she leads them to Untouchable, and the weapon gacha is introduced. The player then gets free time to spend with Confidants, work at 777, etc. I’m not clear on whether it’s possible to go into the Metaverse this day or not.
The next day, the protagonist runs into Motoha at the station, much like what happens in P5 where teammates and the occasional other character will sometimes run into the protagonist in the morning before school and make some comment about current story events.
In school, some other NPC who isn’t voiced and doesn’t even have a talk portrait appears to talk to the class, and asks a question like a teacher would.
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Motoha talks to the protagonist after school, and the Metaverse is able to be returned to. Interestingly, the map for Mementos strongly implies it has a set layout, in addition to containing the entrance to Kiuchi’s Palace, as it has the outlined red areas that haven’t been visited yet, like Palaces (but not Mementos) in P5 had.
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In Mementos, after yet another tutorial battle, Wonder talks to a Pixie, and gets his first mask (just like Joker does). Before they can proceed into Mementos, he’s literally pulled into the Velvet Room by Merope, and he learns about Persona fusion.
There are also apparently some kind of challenge battles that can be run into in Mementos as well (in addition to Velvet Room challenge battles, like in P5R), with entrances like Palaces except purple instead of red. At least in one stream I found that tried one, the area the challenge battle took place in looked like a museum, though a bit different from Madarame’s Palace in P5.
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Not sure if this ties into the plot later, so I’m mentioning that here just in case.
Anyway, back to the plot, after more exploration of Kiuchi’s Palace, they reach a big curtain with a heart on it.
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After reaching this point, they have an unvoiced conversation and return to the real world. They talk for a bit there, still unvoiced, then go right back into the Palace and head for the curtain, which now opens.
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They confront Kiuchi’s Shadow, who stands on the big stage (still no voiced dialogue, so I have no idea what they’re saying).
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And then the boss fight begins. The first stage is just Shadow Kiuchi normally (or, as normal as you can call a Palace ruler).
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But after he’s beaten, with another conversation, he turns more monstrous, as Palace rulers do in P5.
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When he’s defeated, then he turns back into the more humanoid form, and breaks down into tears, the way the P5 Palace rulers typically become after beating their boss fight.
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Closer talks to his Shadow, and then it does the animation like he’s returning to his real self. Cattle, meanwhile, is focused on this big gold baseball thing that seems to be Kiuchi’s treasure.
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The Palace starts to shake, so Cattle turns into a car, and they load the Treasure into the trunk.
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Then make their escape.
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Back in the real world, the Treasure is what looks like a normally-sized gold baseball, but it’s honestly a little hard to tell. Luffy tosses it to the protagonist, who catches it.
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And that seems to be the end of the actual game plot content available in the beta!
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khaosissigma · 6 months
hi people who are straight in 2024!! wanna know why you’re straight in 2024? because that’s how attraction works! you don’t suddenly become gay because of the year!! so can you please shut up with those “STRAIGHT PEOPLE IN 2024👇” comments on youtube? you aren’t special at all. i dont go around screaming slurs at kids who have straight parents! yet multiple times I’ve seen people do that to kids with gay parents
“oh it’s unnatural!! and my religion doesn’t let me support!” at least fucking be respectful of others. I don’t like homophobia but I don’t actively threaten homophobes!
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sigmashuffle · 1 year
I have a question!! So I’m a long-time BSD enjoyer but I haven’t read nearly as much of the manga as I would like. I’ve seen all of the anime though, most of it multiple times through. I didn’t realize until looking at the comments on Danny Motta’s video at how much people fucking hate Fukuchi and his sword. Up until this point I’ve thought it’s cool as hell and he, along with the sword, bring something kinda new and fun to the series.
HOWEVER, I know BSD is FAR from perfect and there’s a lot of dumb shit that faithful manga readers have a better perspective on. Would you mind explaining why Fukuchi and the sword are such a sore point? I hope this isn’t too much to ask. I just really want to know.
Hi anon! Its not too much to ask at all!
Unfortunately the answer to that is best explained in the context of ALL the issues I have with the manga/show so... this is going to be v long... and im done giving this show more credit than it deserves but don't take it that seriously lol I hesitate to even consider my pov to be on par with the average manga reader but ig we'll see how my opinions hold up after i post
And disclaimer: I don't mind answering this but ONLY with the context that this is 100% my opinion (as of late, bsd as a whole has just been REALLY bugging me so im just gonna take this opportunity to explain my gripes since most of them apply to or tie greatly into fukuchi's character/design/motivations/development)
I simply don't want anyone to come for my head bc of anything I say here tho, bc I feel like I may disagree with a large portion of the fanbase but WITH THAT SAID...
***from this point forward there will be a few spoilers from s5e11***
Here are my gripes with BSD...
1. BSD and its "magic system"?
bsd powers suffer from what i like to call a "lack of scope"
granted this could be due to the fact the story isnt complete HOWEVER im sure any anime fan can tell you this story doesnt feel like it is leading anywhere its just... going... (ill get to the awful pacing later)
for comparison sake im going to also talk about The Case Study of Vanitas since it is the world I have the most experience in
what does BSD not have that VNC does?
simply put, the magic system doesnt reinvent itself character to character
in VNC if you have an ability it is EXCLUSIVELY connected to "manipulations of the world formula" which is essentially elemental control (fire, ice, gravity, etc.) based on a sci fi version of chemistry (alchemy, if you will) and this rule applies to EVERY CHARACTER in VNC
its a structure that starts developing from the beginning
BSD however introduces a WHOLE NEW magic system for each character
some character abilities are similar, yes, and can be classified as such, but many cannot be classified
again a magic system doesnt NEED to have strict rules (its actually more boring that way if the rules are too simple) but it DOES need RULES... and solid ones
otherwise its tempting to use the MAGIC system to fill in PLOT RELATED gaps
and if that system isnt defined, well, to me that looks like lazy/sloppy/illogical writing
if you like the whiplash of not knowing whats gonna happen next, fine, (i did for awhile too!) up until the unpredictability started to come from powers that as a whole look like an authors way of trying to write themselves out of their own plot hole
ie: time travel
specifically time travel that isnt introduced FROM THE BEGINNING...
2. Fukuchi and his "deus ex machina" sword
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time travel is NOTORIOUSLY difficult to pull off and especially by my standards
I have watched Doctor Who since 2008, before I even knew what tumblr was I was doing my own solo fandom stuff (basically just watching a LOT of youtube video essays) but basically I have high standards when it comes to time travel in stories
Amenogozen has the POTENTIAL to be a great weapon if used in a logical context... but theres one thing the sword (and BSD as a whole) does not follow
time travel is TRICKY mostly bc it has consequences... in BSD fukuchi gives nothing in exchange for his powers
lets even toss time travel aside for the moment
what is Fukuchi's innate special ability? Mirror Lion... (read below)
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its essentially an attack multiplier of x100 at CLOSE RANGE
lets say your average untrained human punch is 150psi (pounds per square inch) which is the pressure equivalent of a point 100m below the surface of the ocean...
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with Mirror Lion's multiplier you get 15,000psi which would be 10,000m or 10 kilometers
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a pressure equivalent to the deepest part of the ocean (i dont need to remind you how powerful water is... we all know about oceangate)
dont even get me started on his motivations too
im glad we got backstory for him in ep 11 and im sure we are just supposed to sum up his motivations into "he was willing to pay the high price for world peace" but tbh royally fuck that
dont TELL me thats what he believes
PROVE to me how you made that conclusion
also the only reason he even dies is becasue he wants fukuzawa to kill him... we dont have any sense of accomplishment for stopping his scheme because NOW the scheme has been PLOPPED right into fukuzawa's lap which fukuchi intended to do from the start... apparently
and this seemingly retroactive decision-making is a problem A LOT of bsd characters have, especially the one and only character i hate THE MOST... *drumroll*
3. Osamu fucking Dazai
oh boy...
I have thought long and hard about Dazai... im not going to lie, after ch109 and ep10 I was about to admit Dazai might actually have grown on me BUT
this was all erased after 6 minutes into ep11 when he was confirmed to indeed NOT be dead
Dazai just *knows* everything thats gonna happen
Chuuya was never a vamp... he knew this... and somehow his ENTIRE escape plan was just hinging on that? bc yknow... hE kNeW fRoM tHe bEgiNniNg
His character is paper thin, with motivations that do not translate to his actions
and frankly... im tired of it...
additionally... if sigma doesn't survive, all of Meursault was literally useless... so why pick him for nikolai's prison break game?
even if he does, it means the ONLY thing we get out of the arc is information about fyodor... as to WHAT information, who knows... but regardless, a villain arc that has been going on for TOO GODDAMN LONG (40 chapters?) should have a resolution that isnt "i knew what was gonna happen all along"
we spent the whole time being SHOWN that fyodor and dazai were of equal intelligence levels... or at least higher than what dazai was used to dealing with
if dazai could just predict shit like this from the beginning why was fyodor a villain for so long? makes ZERO sense, dazai would've defeated him AGES ago... what makes THIS time any different?
also... why is he even suicidal? yeah ok the author was... but like... why make it such a present character trait?... so we can fake kill him over and over? idk
can you tell i dislike him?
I am a "show dont tell" girlie
ALL BSD DOES IS "TELL TELL TELL" ...its infuriating
almost every power/special ability has an element of "trust me bro" ok SOME OF THEM DONT but most of them do
ie: atsushi is a tiger (what does that even mean), kenji gets strong when he's angry (ok hulk?), and THIS JUST IN we STILL don't know how fyodor's ability works... and now he's DEAD?... we also dont know almost any detail about sigma's ability and he might ALSO be dead
but thats only regarding abilities...
when it comes to writing stories using people of high intelligence it is VERY difficult to not get into the aforementioned "trust me bro" mindset which BSD does REPEATEDLY
im not listing off every example but off the top of my head is one scene from s4...
ranpo explains his plan for saving yosano loosely involved "replacing the engine [of an armored vehicle] with an electric motor and playing engine sounds over the speakers so no one noticed" ...and only i can pick this claim to shreds lol (i engineer electric vehicles for a living) but this is so wrong on so many levels...
Internal combustion engines and Electric motors are IN NO WAY EQUIVALENT
ranpo would never be able to power a vehicle the size of an armored truck with a motor that he installed an hour before the truck was put to use... he just wouldnt... the vehicle is too big... ugh *facepalm*
and dont even get me started on batteries...
if you want to write some *genius move* at least TRY to do some research to make the action believable
thats like saying "oh yeah i ran out of gas so a threw a couple AA batteries into my gas tank until i could make it to the station"
5. Manga Readers' POV
especially for a monthly released manga
i am relatively new to anime and manga... like late 2020, so I am part of the "new gen" I guess you could say so i know i dont have any right to complain about pacing in comparison to like... the dressrosa arc of One Piece
with that said, not enough in bsd BUILDS on itself
it all feels like a self "one-up"
its been too long since any of my large questions have been answered
honestly its rare that any of my questions are ever answered because the narrative rarely follows logical progression anyway and any scenes thats ARE useful are cut from the anime
characters do not *develop* their powers, they just simply ARE
whatever ability you are born with limits what you can do and thats that... which leads me to...
6. Types of Ability Users
the most coherent thing i think i can speak on so this will be short lol
there are 3 types... i think (excluding lightnovels, i have not read 15, Stormbringer, or any others)
(1) natural abilities (ones that can be nullified by dazai or stolen like in Dead Apple)
(2) human/god fusions (chuuya) -> but this can ALSO be nullified???
(3) when an ability isnt an ability (it CANT be nullified) -> ie: whatever the fuck Lovecraft is
Sigma -> ??? (he could be part of the natural ability category but like... it feels weird to put him there)
but... there is never a comparison between these types so im not even sure of this "list" is exhaustive
this is just another way the story is leaving open ways to dig itself out of a plot hole... which isnt fun... bc now there are no stakes... there are no rules... its disorganized chaos where anything can happen
everyone will always be fine because there is a way out of everything
and thats BORING... and for me, downright infuriating
fukuchi likely falls into the first category... but then again he's also using a tool from another ancient ability user... so does he even fit there?
7. Anime Adaptation
and i know why...
BSD is so thin on STABLE plot the story would feel like its dragging if Bones wasn't animating at the pace they are (see Manga Readers' POV)
so to try and counteract the feeling that nothing is happening they are cutting "irrelevant" scenes BUT ALSO important portions relevant ones (ie: aku's death)
do all the plot points from the manga happen? by definition, yes... but the nuance the manga has is lost almost entirely
Atsushi doesn't physically throw an injured Aku's arm over his shoulders... Aku doesn't smile upon his demise... Aku doesn't reach out through the fog of the fire extinguisher (the adaptation of this scene was personally my last straw)
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and then we have the new anime content...
why did we tack on an additional fight? zero context... didn't even tie up loose ends from fukuchi like...
is sigma alive?
are chuuya/dazai/nikoali still in france? europe?
is fyodor going to return in some way? (we know nothing of his motives, ability, or MOST importantly, what information did he learn from Sigma??? his ability is an EXCHANGE so why even have that happen if they are both dead anyway?) why would you fucking kill off a character like this
WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS ENTIRE ARC??? The mere reason I'm asking this question is, in and of itself, unacceptable
we MAY get an answer later... but its been 20 episodes... why the fuck dont we know anything about the arc we just completed? ...ludicrous
Final Thoughts
BSD does not have enough reliable rules in its magic system to form a solid foundation of... anything
Fukuchi is a disjointed character trying to do too many things at once, he doesn't have solid motivations, and his arc provides more questions than it answers
Osamu Dazai is not a character... he is a plot device used like a saving throw in DND
BSD frequently insults my intelligence to cover it's ass in its storytelling
being a manga reader is like taking 30 days to rip off a tiny band aid... the pacing is unbearable
even with the end of fukuchi's arc now known, there was no sense of accomplishment in defeating him bc technically we didnt… he gave himself up... so the sword was just to make him overpowered... it was pointless
the anime adaptation was rushed, scenes cherry picked, and plot narratively thinned into water... there was no depth this season
In my opinion...
There are very few redeeming characteristics about BSD now
The few meaningful scenes we do get in the manga are overwritten by later context that negates any emotion initially associated with the scene
even with the end of fukuchi's arc now known, there was no sense of accomplishment in defeating him bc technically we didnt... he gave himself up
Dazai is the worst written character I have ever read
It is very likely i drop this story entirely
If I seem salty/upset/etc. its because I am. However is NOT directed at you, it is simply a manifestation of my disappointment in this story.
And there you have my opinion... in way too many words... thanks for sticking around if you made it this far im impressed bc i am salty as hell lol
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prose-among-the-trees · 3 months
Uh can you elaborate on your call out on DD? Like you threw a lot of shit at the wall without a single source and I've not heard any of that before. Could you specify on the misinformation part because I haven't seen anyone say that.
The whole post reads like you have personal beef and not an actual argument
You got it. I’ll admit I should have gone about that with a lot more backing it. I’ve never met DD in any capacity, nor do I want to, but my personal issue with them comes from how did was portrayed to me before, during, and after my diagnosis through their YouTube videos and the way they sensationalize and offer clickbait titles to all of their videos.
There are three fantastic videos by a YouTuber called Cringey about the timeline of DissociaDID. The first video starts out as a desire to respond to Nin (host at the time) about the way she handled the allegations against TP and how shady that was. I’ll post the video here along with the timestamps (these timestamps are also a pinned comment by the creator)
Timestamps for part one (these are copied directly from the pinned comment)
Intro: 0:00-2:48
DID definitions and notable DID YouTubers: 2:48-7:24
The Pottergate Center: 7:24-13:08
The University Complex (Nin being denied university re-entry): 7:24-17:58
Misinformation (bad sources and using psychological terminology to sound smarter): 17:58-23:59
The Real Nin (BetterHelp, supporting TeamPiñata + friendship with Bobo): 23:59-47:51
Closing thoughts and reiterating the video’s intent: 47:51-51:35
On the Misinformation section:
Just gonna make a lil transcript for these sections because I feel like the actual words (with time stamps) are more telling than my stupid ass narration.
18:16 starting transcript
Cringey speaking: “In Nin’s video, ‘Schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity Disorder, What’s the Difference? Debunking DID Episode 9,’ she says this.”
DD speaking: “Hallucinations. Hallucinations are hearing or sensing voices that aren’t real or aren’t really there. This could be things other than just voices, so you can see things that aren’t really there, hear things, feel things that aren’t really there, and hallucinations are a symptom that can come with Dissociative Identity Disorder but are very very integral to a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
“So somebody with DID may or may not suffer from hallucinations, but somebody with schizophrenia will DEFINITELY suffer from hallucinations.”
18:58 ending transcript
Cringey corrects this, explaining that only about 70% of people with schizophrenia are reported to have experienced hallucinations, leaving an entire 30% not accounted for in DissociaDID’s quick summary of such a complex condition.
I’m going to cite an NIH article that supports that here.
For this next section, I’ll leave the timestamps for you to watch and just summarize since she rambles a bit.
Starts at 20:45 and ends at 23:44
Cringey discusses the fact that DD doesn’t discuss the limitations of studies conducted in regards to how long ago the study was conducted, the outdated terminology*, and the fact that a lot of these studies, in being so old, are no longer representative of the world now as people are being diagnosed.
Some of these studies come from 1901, over 100 years old, all the ones before 1994 use MPD as the term for DID, and a lot of the names seem to be just copied to make the sources look more credible.
“A lot of these sources are also books with individual studies in them, so if you haven’t heard of did, you’re going to have to spend a lot of time reading these books to find the individual studies, other than just providing the study itself.” Paraphrased from Cringey
*little side note here- they still will put ‘multiple personality disorder’ in their video titles and act like they’re destigmatizing the disorder. Ffs.
There is a part 1.5 where Cringey corrects points that she makes in this first video, along with clarifications and addressing criticisms of it. That’s linked right here:
This video is only 15 minutes and corrects how DissociaDID is pronounced, the university that Cringey references DD attending, how to pronounce betterhelp (English is not her first language), how psychologists can diagnose disorders in the uk, whether or not she’s DissociaDID herself, and the definition of stalking versus using public (mis)information provided by someone you’re criticizing.
I think this little video is mostly correcting semantics but it’s still important because it verifies that Cringey really did a deep dive and the actual misinfo like the way she pronounced names was mainly language based and not someone not doing their due diligence when it comes to research.
If you’re pro self dx then you won’t like Cringey’s takes in this 1.5 video so be sure to take those with a grain of salt.
Okay on to part two that I’ll link here:
More Timestamps (again copied directly from her pinned comment)
Recap of part one: 0:00:00-0:04:52
Table of contents for this video: 0:04:52-0:05:58
In depth study issues and the 1-3% statistic: 0:05:58-0:12:09
Racism + problematic behavior: 0:12:09-0:27:20
(Tw here for domestic abuse in times 0:22:36-0:26:45)
Patreon, fan exploitation, and DissociaDID draws: 0:27:20-0:41:43
Unanswered questions and manipulation: 0:41:43-0:59:42
DIDTubers and their opinions on Nin: 0:59:42-1:16:24
I’d like to point out that the issues with Nadia didn’t go away (the racism part). In DissociaDID’s update video introducing Kya in one of their first few videos back the last time, Kya alludes to bullies forcing Nadia off the internet. That’s not true. Nadia was a racist caricature of an indigenous person that people of color saw issue with.
It doesn’t shock me that you haven’t heard of this before. DissociaDID keeps a tight hold on comments, both on TikTok and YouTube, as to make the audience feel more tight knit. There have been people who have had issues with them since they started their channel. Any criticism that they get, nicely worded or not, is quickly deleted and it’s assumed that it never happened at all. Most recent example I can find was on one of their most recent TikTok videos.
You’ll also notice I didn’t mention the issue of treating fusion like death in these particular sources. This is a criticism by the did community that watches her now, and most of that criticism is found on Reddit. If you don’t want Reddit as a source I don’t blame you, but comprehensive articles aren’t being written about DD, and the subreddit is where people with the condition have come together to discuss why that and so many other takes of theirs have been detrimental to the did community.
But yeah. The videos are long but they’re worth the watch if you want to see criticisms people had and still have 3 years later. My initial post was riddled with emotion and personal bias, and I won’t apologize for the former. DD hurts the community by being in it, and they should not be allowed to be a public figure misrepresenting a disorder that is so debilitating to myself and so many others.
Thanks for reading.
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aetherith · 2 years
Dear The Owl House Fandom
I feel like this is an issue present in many of the more popular fandoms, but as most of the fandoms I’m involved in were more mature or less popular than the TOH fandom, it’s the place I’ve seen this issue the most. That issue being a lack of awareness about media analysis. Look, I’m not trying to say that the historically white methods of looking at stories are the only way of looking at a piece of media. I’m not saying that neurotypical concepts on how to find the underlying themes in a book are the only way to discover those themes. What I’m arguing against is people not using their brains at all and jumping to conclusions/theories on what will happen in the next episode based on what feels logical. I’ve encountered my fair share of people on YouTube comment sections freaking out because TOH feels like a show where they would kill off a character. It feels like Hunter or Luz would die. What these kinds of speculations fail to do is to look at the underlying themes of The Owl House and the values of the people making it (one of those values being representation). When you take the time to look at these themes, what you feel like will happen might change.
The thing is, in my opinion, the complete reverse is even more harmful. While places like Tumblr and Instagram have a lot less individuals who don’t include media analysis in their theories for the future, the reverse is true to the point of toxicity. There are several people I’ve seen who seem to think that because they’ve factored media analysis and representation into their theories/conclusions that those theories are automatically true. Sometimes I even see people shaming others for having opinions that contradict their own logic based theories and downplaying their arguments. What this fails to recognize is one of the most important aspects of media analysis: that not only can multiple interpretations of something be true, they are actually encouraged. When your ideas are downplayed and the other side is locked in on their own ideologies, it becomes difficult to have any sort of conversation. New takes should be encouraged in a fandom, and not rejected (as long as they aren’t problematic). Trust me, I’ve had my views shamed and downplayed before and it’s really uncomfortable, especially when you do have reasons for your perspectives.
I think this a problem present in a lot of internet culture. You would think that exposure to different perspectives would make you more open minded, but people tend to close themselves in on their own perspectives instead. This makes it very hard to talk to different people and consider their perspectives, because those perspectives are immediately rejected and the person shunned. Now, this mostly doesn’t apply to genuinely problematic stuff, but at the same time there shouldn’t be this expectation that people will immediately just ‘know’ what’s right or wrong without being able to talk and question it.
I’m not saying this to call anyone out or shame anyone, but all of this really needs to change. I know it won’t, but hopefully when the show ends the fandom will quiet down and some of this stuff will be over.
Thank you for letting me get this off my chest. Please be nicer people to each other and encourage respectful and friendly discussion. I know that’s an impossible ask in this community on the internet right now but I might as well get it out there anyway.
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mellometal · 2 years
Here we go again...Jesus tap-dancing Christ. This is a lot longer than I wanted it to be.
Hey.  I haven’t been able to make any posts related to Dhar Mann over the past several months.  I needed to make my mental health a priority over a guy whose presence literally makes my blood boil. (Also...side note: I have said this multiple times before, I don’t always want to discuss this individual or anyone associated with him. I don’t want to be restricted to talking about one topic. /notmad)  I’ve also been going through a lot, as a lot of you know.  You’re probably not here for me to tell you about why the posts about this individual and anyone related to him have halted, so I’m gonna cut to the chase.
This is an important topic, as almost every single actor who has worked under Dhar Mann is protesting against him due to him not paying them a liveable wage.  Y’know, despite racking in a shit ton of ad revenue that’s around $25k or something like that.  Hey, aren’t you a multimillionaire?  I know damn well you can afford to pay the actors a liveable wage for their time and ensure they can pay for essentials, like I don’t know, A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS! I’ll be linking as many videos talking about this subject from some of the actors themselves and through YouTube commentators as Tumblr will let me link. As I’ve mentioned in passing, I haven’t watched any videos Dhar Dhar Binks has made in the past few months because hate watching his videos will only line his pockets and hurt the actors. Especially now.
Dhar Mann has been firing people for speaking negatively about the conditions of the studio and the pay.  This has been through emails (a few people’s emails have been put up on social media, which is super unprofessional and can be dangerous for the people whose emails were posted online).  Instead of taking criticism and actually trying to make things right for the people who have made his channels successful, he doubles down on all the “positive” experiences that some of the actors have had with him.  One of them notably being Katherine Norland, which considering how problematic she is outside of working for Dhar Mann, I’m not at all surprised.  Two birds of the same feather flock together.  She talked about how her experience working with Dhar Mann has been great.  Hey, Katherine, not everyone has the same experience as you.  But I bet you like playing the bigoted Karen roles you get, huh?  Figures.  
Here’s a five minute clip of a FORTY-FIVE MINUTE VIDEO she made. I already have a headache listening to her spew typical Boomer/Boomer 2.0 (A LOT of Gen X...mainly elder Gen X) bullshit.
All I gotta say is: Okay, Boomer. Lay off the Kool-aid. (She probably isn’t a Boomer, but she sure talks like one.)
Another actor I’ve seen speaking more on neutral ground, but still defending Dhar Mann low-key is Melvin.  To sum up what Melvin said, he basically said that Dhar Mann’s “a good guy (to him)”, DM “shouldn’t be canceled”, he saw where the actors who were protesting were coming from, and “everything’s gonna get solved”. The clip where he talks about this is below:
According to Colin A. Borden, who has worked with Dhar Mann as an actor for the past few years, he stated on his social media platforms that a lot of the actors, himself included (most likely, I’m not sure), can’t even afford rent with how little Dhar Mann pays the actors.  This was when he was talking about why actors are protesting at the moment.  He’s not the only actor I’m going to be naming.  A few other notable actors protesting are Mair Mulroney, Rachel, and a couple others.  I linked a few of their videos below.
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVcm4A/ (Colin's video)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVvEK5/ (One of Mair's videos)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVGLaB/ (Nathan's video, where he talks about why the contracts and payments are bad.)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnqNyPd/ (A compilation of actors protesting.) (TW: There are whistles being blown.)
According to other actors who have come forward with their experiences with this individual (Rachel being one of them), they would work twelve to fifteen hour days for the wage of eighteen dollars per hour (for non-speaking roles) or thirty-three to forty-four dollars per hour (for speaking roles).  To my understanding, this was a few times a week.  This kind of schedule is not sustainable.  These actors can’t even afford to pay their rent, like I have mentioned before.  Dhar Mann can lie his ass off about how he pays everyone fairly all he wants, but you know I’m going to believe the actors over him any day.   
Clip from a livestream where Rachel is talking about pay:
“Eighteen dollars an hour for a non-speaking role?  Thirty-three to forty-four dollars an hour for a speaking role?  That sounds great!  What’s the problem with that?”
Getting paid eighteen dollars an hour (for non-speaking roles), or getting paid thirty-three dollars to forty-four dollars (for speaking roles) for twelve to fifteen hours a day a few times a week sounds like a lot of money, but that’s further from the truth.  Let me explain. 
If they’re only there for twelve to fifteen hours a few times a week, to paint a better picture, and they’re paid semi-monthly, the people with non-speaking roles would only get around $1,440 every two weeks, and the people with speaking roles would get around $2,640 - $3,520 every two weeks. (NOTE: These are only estimated amounts. I used 80 hours here in total for the two weeks, and used a tax calculator based in California, where they work. This is given that their hours actually equal forty hours per week. The hours are variable, as Nathan has said in his video talking about this subject. The actors could actually be getting paid less than the estimated amounts I put up.)  This is before taxes are taken out, hypothetically, if Dhar Mann or anyone who handles payroll is actually doing their job.  After taxes are taken out, the extras would only be getting $1,132 every two weeks, and actors in speaking roles would be getting $1,923 - $2,456 every two weeks.  He pays everyone out through PayPal…instead of at least giving them a pay card where he can put their paychecks onto or letting them use their banks through direct deposit, or giving them paper checks so they can deposit their earnings into their bank accounts.
The average person’s rent in all of California was around $1,818 back in 2021.  That’s not including utilities, insurance, and other bills.  They’re pretty much scraping by to survive if they’re living on their own.  Those are some “competitive wages”, huh?  Get over yourself, Dhar.  You’re fucking cheap and you can’t manage to pay the people who made your shitty channel huge fairly.  Just admit that.
Another thing that I need to mention is them painting a mural to honor an actor who passed away, then taking it down a few days later. The reason for this wasn’t really made clear. Something about the landlord saying to take it down, or they needed that space for a video. Whatever the reason is, it’s not cool to paint a mural dedicated to an actor that you’re not even gonna keep up. It gives off the impression that you only did it for clout. Just saying.
ETA: This is new information that I found from doing more research. Carl Judie, according to Riki (who was close to him), was actually planning on leaving before his death due to how he was being treated. His loved ones do not want Carl’s face to be anywhere in Dhar Mann’s studios. This is the video where Riki discussed Carl:
Another actor came forward to speak about how Dhar Mann was practicing a scene with her for a TikTok and he was chasing after her with a real knife instead of a prop knife. 
Clip from a livestream:
A child actor (Brianni) talked about how she was fired because she has medical issues THAT DHAR MANN WAS WELL AWARE OF. Her video is below:
Riki, one of the major actors in his shitty videos refused to do any more videos that have to do with race and she got less work as a result.  A black woman not wanting to do videos about race?  *gasp* How will Dhar Mann ever recover from this? /s Oh, I wonder…I will be linking her video where she explains why she stopped doing any more videos that have to do with race.  She explains it a lot better than I can. Her video is linked below:
Actors are generally unionized to prevent this kind of thing from happening (i.e., paying dramatically low wages and an overall unhealthy work environment), but the way Dhar Mann runs shit, it’s not unionized.  Fearing that you will lose your job if you’re critical of the boss in any capacity or you speak out about work conditions is not a healthy work environment.  Nobody should be having to walk on eggshells and be afraid of losing their job if they say anything.  There’s a thing called the whistleblower act, which is there to protect employees from being attacked by their superiors for speaking out about what is wrong with the workplace. Dhar Mann has apparently been threatening actors who have spoken out against him with lawsuits on top of all this. So that’s cool. /s
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnVTBkV/ (A video of actors protesting that Mair recorded talking about what/why they're protesting.) (TW: There are whistles being blown.)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnqPWbV/ (Protest video Nick recorded.) (TW: There are whistles being blown.)
I’ve seen people write off Dhar Mann literally breaking labor laws as his actions simply being ‘show business’, as well as invalidate the actors coming forward to talk about their experiences all because they’re independent contractors who Dhar Mann calls every now and then.  “Every now and then”, MORE LIKE EVERY DAY.  You do realize there aren’t just adult actors working in his studios, right?  There are child actors who are working under Dhar Mann too, and they should be getting paid fairly for their work.  Or else Dhar Mann’s gonna get into legal trouble again.  Either with a series of lawsuits involving the actors he fired suing his ass, the IRS coming after him, or he’s gonna serve jail time.  Either way, he’s in deep shit.  The reason why I say he’s breaking labor laws is because he’s (probably) not paying the kids who work for him fairly either. Quite a few of them appear to be elementary school age or middle school age, around maybe eight years old to possibly thirteen or fourteen years old. Maybe he shows the literal children working for him some mercy...because most of the people who watch his videos are children. I don’t know. Apparently they were supposed to stop casting actors who are minors (under eighteen years old), but there are QUITE a few kids working under this cringe ass nae-nae baby. So...that’s pretty fishy.
According to sources from commentators like AugustTheDuck and Jarvis Johnson, none of the actors who have worked under Dhar Mann have ever (allegedly) received a 1099 form for their tax returns from DM. 
Both videos AugustTheDuck made:
First one
Second one
The video Jarvis Johnson made:
A 1099 form, for anyone who has never heard of it before, is a form that independent contractors receive by the end of the year usually.  In this case, DM has (allegedly) not given any of his actors their 1099 forms, and it is mid-February (as I was typing this...it is now the end of February).  With independent contractors, which is what the actors who work under Dhar Mann are classified as, the maximum they can be paid without getting a 1099 form (1099-NEC, formerly known as 1099-MISC, and/or a 1099-K) is about six hundred dollars a year.  This was before the IRS changed the rules about that.  Clearly they are making WELL over $600 a year.  You know what Dhar Mann had to say about that?  PAYPAL should’ve given out 1099 forms to his actors, not HIM.  The payer (Dhar Mann, or anyone who handles payroll) is responsible for sending out 1099-NEC forms to his actors and the IRS.  PayPal is only responsible for sending out 1099-K forms to people using PayPal for business as well as the IRS if you made over $20,000 that year, or you made over 200 transactions.  Dhar Mann has made well over $20,000, and he has made well over 200 transactions. Clearly.  Please correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t the actors be getting both forms? I feel like they should be getting both of those forms.
Every time the actors would band together to try having a meeting with Dhar Mann to discuss their grievances with their work environment as well as their pay, he’s nowhere to be found and he tells them to forward their grievances with HR.  They have sent Dhar Mann letters through hard copies and emails directly to him, which were forwarded over to HR.  HR scheduled a meeting for the actors to discuss their grievances and they wanted Dhar Mann to be present, as he was the person they were having issues with.  The meeting kept being postponed multiple times.  By the time the meeting came, Dhar Mann was nowhere to be seen.  He was obviously not present for the meeting he was supposed to attend.  Why?  HE WAS CONVENIENTLY ON VACATION.  Wooooowwww.  Your company is not big enough to where you can’t realistically be reached.
You think you’re too good to show your face to people who have worked for you for years, listen to their grievances, and try to come up with a solution, don’t you, Dhar?  If you’re such a big, important man, why can’t you be an actual boss and show up to meetings that you’re supposed to attend?  Oh, is it because the vast majority of the actors (former and current) are understandably pissed about how little they’re being paid by you?  Is it because the vast majority of the actors are sick of your shit?  Sounds like you can’t handle any sort of criticism from people who have worked for you for so long.  You know, I had an inkling that this kind of thing was happening behind the scenes before ANY of the actors came forward.  Then to find out that inkling I had was right all along…that’s not a good thing, Dhar Mann!  I thought you learned your lesson from getting in trouble for committing fraud almost ten years ago!  GUESS NOT.  It’s all come full circle.  
You paint yourself as a good guy, but you treat the people who have made your sorry excuses for channels huge like shit.  How the fuck do you sleep at night?  How do you think this is okay to do to people?  Do they not deserve to have enough money to be able to live somewhat comfortably with the means to pay for essentials? Hmm…let’s talk more about how you fired one of your actors for having medical issues that you were made aware of.  That’s against the law, under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).  In California, the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) protects disabled workers.  But you’re all about supporting disabled people! That’s what you preach, right?  You know…until you have to work alongside them or you have to accommodate them in some way. Then disabled people are just a huge inconvenience for you. It’s too much to ask for you to properly accommodate anyone with medical issues, apparently. It’s such a hassle to check on anyone with medical issues that work under you and make sure they’re okay. Gotcha. /s
Dhar Mann, multimillionaire, doesn’t pay his employees fairly!
Dhar Mann, Big Boss™️, gets all butthurt because his employees are speaking out against him! He fires everyone who speaks poorly about him and/or about the work environment instead of putting in the effort to come up with solutions! That’s just TOO MUCH to ask out of The Big Boss™️! /s
He will live to regret his decision.
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