#but I’m playing OOT and LA
captainn-hook · 1 month
Sudden silence:
TW: blood, death.
Characters: Twilight, Wild.
“Twilight,” Wild’s voice sounded breathy, like he was winded, and wet, like he was drowning.
Twilight swallowed.
“It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, I promise” he whispered, eyes painfully fixated in front of him.
The bottle was right there.
The fairy was less than an arms length away from him, taunting him from where it fell out of his bag, which lay on its side, the contents spilled out.
Coughing, more than what the boy could handle. Because that’s what he was, just a boy. Small and fragile and completely bathed in his own blood.
“You’re gonna be okay.”
Twilight lifted one hand off Wilds chest from where it was pressing on the wound, and it immediately began to gush.
Twilight’s hand withdrew from where he went to reach for the fairy.
He couldn’t do it. By the time he uncorked the bottle, Wild would have bled out. He only had seconds, and that wasn’t enough time.
Twilight’s face remained calm, even as he began to tremble, and even as he felt the creaking of ribs caving in from the force of his palms.
More coughing, more blood. A crack of a rib snapping.
Twilight’s breath was slow and shallow as he watched Wild’s head lull to the side.
He took a few more raspy breaths, so weak they didn’t even move past his throat.
The fairy chimed furiously from inside the glass bottle.
Wild convulsed.
There was no use, they were doomed from the start.
A heaviness clogged Twilight’s throat and tightened his lungs.
He gave up.
His breaths remained shallow, making him light headed and nauseous. Tears flooded his pale face.
His eyes remained calm as he watched the light leave the eyes of someone he’d given his heart and soul to.
The shuddering stopped.
Twilight’s palms shook as he lifted them from the corpse.
No more blood spilled from the body so much smaller than he remembered it being.
There was no life behind those dull blue eyes, that stared off into the distance.
How cruel. How cruel.
It had been so beautiful, the field they sat in. The flowers, every colour imaginable, covering every inch of the ground for miles. The breeze was so soft and the sun so gentle.
The soil under Twilights knees soaked his clothes. They felt sticky, like his hands.
A shame, that his tunic was no longer green. He liked his tunic.
His hands still shook.
But his tears ran dry.
He took a deep, long breath.
The winds stilled.
It was so silent.
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waywardsalt · 2 years
Hello! Was phantom hourglass your first zelda game? Also is there a zelda game you haven’t played before that you’d really like to try?
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
Phantom Hourglass wasn’t my first Zelda game, and I believe it was either my 7th or 8th Zelda game. My first Zelda game was actually the first Zelda, but the first one I actually finished was A Link Between Worlds.
The Zelda games at the top of my list of games to play are Wind Waker and Twilight Princess; I was really hoping that they’d get ported to switch, but I guess I’ll have to think about emulating them. I have technically played a bit of Wind Waker, but I only got as far as the second dungeon, and I haven’t been able to play it since. I remember enjoying it, though, and I generally just want to play those two games all the way through the most.
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
Helloooo!!!!!!! I just love your art so much!!! You are my inspiration! 😻
Can I ask how many Zelda's you played and what was your favorite? My fav is skyward sword! I'm still not done with it tho....😿
Btw!!! Can you do a quick doodle about Ss link and Zelda? 😻
Thanks for the ask, I’m honored to hear that you get inspired by my work wahhhh!!!
Every Zelda game I’ve played (not saying which ones I’ve actually finished bc it’s embarrassing how low the number is hahahaha):
Botw, totk, mm, oot, ss, aoc, la, altp, tp, oos, mc, first Zelda, taol, hw
My fav is mm,, it was my introduction to Zelda and it’s SOOO GOOODDD
Here are ss Link and Zelda, the sweethearts
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tiredkiwilol · 3 months
Okay, so after suffering from burnout and general tiredness, I’M BACK TO SCREAM ABOUT THE NEW ZELDA GAME COMING OUT!!
So (while I am still slightly salty about no WW or TP on the switch) I’m really excited for Echos of Wisdom!! It has the Link’s Awakening art style so I’m assuming that, timeline wise, it’s right after LA with the same Link and Zelda, or it’s another like ALBW where it’s a spiritual thingy. (Zelda looks like a mix of OoT Zelda and ALTTP Zelda) And also it’s pig Ganon, not Ganondorf.
(For the LU fans, yes, I do in fact hope that Legend and Fable have another adventure because I think it would be funny)
I’m curious about the dark rifts that people fall into, like, is it like the dark realm? Are the people being transformed? Teleported to a prison? Turns out one of the ladies who fell into one looked like she was turning to stone so 👀 guess we’ll see!!
Since Ganon turned up first, I’m wondering if we’ll get to play as Link for a bit, with full inventory and hearts (kinda like the intro to TotK) and then fight Ganon before transitioning to Zelda.
Ngl, I’m more like Link where I can solve a few puzzles but prefer hitting things with a pointy sword, BUT I really like this new mechanic with Zelda. I like how they’re making her a different play style to separate her from Link.
I also wonder if we’re going to be able to play Link at all, like, if we get to see where he is at all during the game. I could also see us just seeing him at the beginning then the end.
I’m curious why Ganon’s spear created those rifts though. Like-is there a stronger enemy? Was he not defeated by Link?
Overall, very excited, very curious, and as an LU fan, hahaha I really hope this is Legend!!
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ordon-shield · 1 year
Animated Zelda Adaptions
With recent discussion of an animated Zelda film to follow the Mario movie, I got to thinking about ways to adapt different Zelda games into animation. While a Zelda movie wouldn’t necessarily need to be an adaption of a specific game, with the variety of styles the series has gone through over the years, they’d need to pick one to go with — so here’s my thoughts.
Zelda 1/Adventure of Link/A Link to the Past/Link’s Awakening
I’m putting these four together because I think they could all be adapted into animation the same way — based of the original official art, in the style of an 80s cartoon (just with a bit more of a budget). Each game could be a season of a TV show, expanding on the somewhat limited plot by making it episodic and using the extra time to expand on the characters and world within that format.
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Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask
For these two, I think stopmotion in the style of Laika (known for Coraline & Kubo and the Two Strings) would work the best (or using 3D stylised to resemble stopmotion, like the Lego Movie). The OoT style doesn’t seem like one that would translate to 2D very well, and I think it would be fun to borrow some ideas from the Link’s Awakening remake for the Switch and have the character designs stylised so they look almost like action figures. While Ocarina of Time would have to be a movie, Majora’s Mask just wouldn’t work in that format, since the sidequests are so vital to the overall story, meaning a one season series would probably be the best way to adapt it.
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Oracle of Ages/Seasons
I’ve never played these two myself, but I think going more ‘anime’ with them would work well, although it would be fun to work in the pixel art of the original games somehow. Like the other Downfall Timeline games, these ones would would work best as a TV series — maybe three seasons, one for Ages, one for Seasons, and one for the linked games ending but adding in extra story where Link travels between Holodrum and Labrynna. For an animation studio, someone suggested Toei Animation, who apparently did the animation for the LA remake.
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Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks
Wind Waker, the one that got me thinking about animated Zelda in the first place! I think this is the only Zelda game that would work with Illumination due to its more cartoony style, although other studios like DreamWorks would also work. Although if it was done in 2D, based on the official art, Cartoon Saloon would definitely pull it off. Wind Waker would work pretty well as a movie with pretty minimal changes needed to the plot, and Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks could make up a Zelda trilogy.
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Minish Cap/Four Swords Adventures
Leaving out the original Four Swords due to its complete lack of story — I think these two would work with a similar style to the Wind Waker trilogy, although I’d definitely prefer them to be 2D over 3D. Minish Cap would definitely work as a movie, but I’m not sure about FSA, it probably depends on how much is pulled from the manga.
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Twilight Princess
Much like Ocarina of Time, I don’t think the Twilight Princess artstyle as it is would work in 2D. Based on their work like Wolfwalkers and Screecher’s Reach, I think Cartoon Saloon could definitely replicate the vibes of the original game in a more cartoony style. Alternatively, they could go full anime with this one — although it would definitely work better as something more inspired by 90s anime and its more realistic proportions.
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Skyward Sword
Initially I was leaning towards Ghibli and while it would definitely work, just doesn’t feel right to me. Maybe Toei again? I’m not too familiar with Japanese animation studios, but Skyward Sword is definitely a good fit for the typical ‘anime’ look. Also I don’t think 3D would work here.
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A Link Between Worlds
While technically a sequel/remake to A Link to the Past, the differences in art style make me feel that this one should have its own look — preferably 3D so the contrast with Link’s painting form is strengthened.
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Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
These ones have got to be Ghibli, there’s no question about it there. The big question is do you make them each a series, or a movie with a number of timeskips? Either one has benefits and downsides.
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imwriting0verhere · 7 months
Love Again
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Chapter 4
“Are you sure you’re okay on your own? It’s no problem to stay with us a bit longer” Amber looks up at me, hopeful. “You heard Da. You’re more than welcome babe” I smile at her, thinking back to the week I’ve just spent with her and her family.
Meeting her parents for the first time wasn’t half as scary as I thought it might be. They were very welcoming and lovely and I didn’t feel like it was rushed or uncomfortable, to take that step in our relationship. Amber’s brother Zane, who was a sound engineer at the recording studio we used for our album, had joined us with his boyfriend. I was relieved to see another familiar face. We all had dinner, went for a walk and just got to know each other on a more personal level. None of that fancy musician stuff. Amber’s dad was kind enough to invite me around for another Sunday roast whenever I was down in London again. And I promised my girlfriend I’d make use of that one last time before I leave for tour. So I said my goodbyes to the Ketteler family and Amber and I took the tube to King’s Cross Station so I could catch my train back home. That’s where we’re currently waiting.
“I kna, but I’ve got to get back home like. Wash my stuff, see me mam, get some last-minute shit sorted before we fly oot.” I chuckle and run my hand over her long brown looks before my hand stops at the small of her back. “But in two weeks I’ll be doon here anyways. Cana fly from Newcastle to LA. We’ll all be flying from Heathrow”.
“I’ll miss you so much” she pouts, and I feel the same when I think about touring and how long I will be gone for.
I just sigh and pull her closer to me. “No need to worried about that just yet, I will see yous again before I leave. I’m not leaving without a goodbye like.”
Before I know it, my train is ready to board and I pull Amber up from our chairs and into my arms. She instantly wraps her arms around me and buries her cheek into my chest
“Call me once you’re home, alright”
“’Course” I tell her softly before I loosen our hug so I can press a fond kiss onto her lips.
Grabbing my suitcase and green backpack, I gently squeeze her hand one last time and make my way over to the platform to board my train. I see Amber waving goodbye before she leaves the station and returns back to her family home.   
Now with a four-hour train ride ahead of me, I opt to watch a movie to pass some time.
Throughout I get texts from my mam, asking me when I will arrive back in Shields, and if she could pop round for dinner. Owain wants to know if the lads and I have gotten any closer to finalizing our setlist for the upcoming gigs. And Dean wants to know if I still need him to give me a lift home from the station.
I respond as quick as I can so I can get back to my light entertainment. But an Instagram notification stops me. Without thinking I quickly click on it and the app opens on my phone. It’s a story posted by the official Eden’s Crush account, Y/N’s band. Apparently they’ve just made their way into Amsterdam to play their first show tonight.
Eden's Crush Instagram Story
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I can’t wait to see the videos from the gig, seeing the girls in action. Seeing Y/N at what she does best. She deserves this so much, I couldn’t be prouder.
I’m wondering if she knows that. I really haven’t been the best friend in the last few weeks. And even though I’ve enjoyed my time with Amber and her family, I kept thinking about Y/N and how she’s over 600 miles away from me, and will be for the next few months. And the last time I saw and actually spoke to her, we ended in a fight.
God how could I let this happen? To not even say goodbye before she started the most important journey and tour of her life so far?
Before I know it, the familiar neighborhoods of Newcastle come into view and the train comes to a stop. I exit and make my way into the car park, where I can see Dean happily standing and waiting in front of the red Fiat.
“Alreet mate, welcome back” he greets me with a pat on my back before opening the trunk and storing my luggage inside.
“Aye, thanks mate” I return the sentiment and we both climb into the two front seats, driving off towards home.
I’ve still got Y/N and the last time we saw each other on my mind, I am unusually quiet during our ride. Which my friend seems to notice as well.
“Got something on your mind?” he asks me.
“Nah, it’s alreet like” I respond with a little bit too much sadness in my voice. I’m definitely not convincing my best mate.
“Ceemon now Sam. Did something happen with Amber?” he asks concerned.
I sigh and shake my head
“Nah we’re fine. Good like. It’s Y/N actually.” I clear my throat before saying “I’ve just missed her. More than I first realised” I tell him honestly.
My confession catches Dean by surprise and he turns his head and looks at me a bit too long, probably. Given that he should be focused on the road ahead of us.
“Have yer talked to her at all since your fight?”
I shake my head and turn my face towards the window, not wanting to see the disappointment in my friend.
“Think it’s her first gig tonight. You should shoot her a text, wish her good luck”
“A’ll figure something oot, reet.” I tell him a bit frustrated now. I know that he’s right and I shouldn’t snap at him. But I hate being treated like a bairn and people pointing things like this out to me. She’s my friend, I know how to talk to her.
As we pull up and come to a stop in my driveway, I give Dean a quick hug and tell him thanks, before getting my stuff out of the car and walking up to my front door. Unlocking it and stepping inside, I set my luggage down in the foyer before quickly making my way into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. I pull out my phone and open Y/N’s contact. My finger hovering above the number before I finally press it to connect the call.
I’m not sure where we stand exactly, but I need to talk to her, to know she’s okay, to hear her voice. I need to know that our friendship still has a chance.
After a few rings I hear her answering
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
I just started a play through of Twilight Princess and you’re so right about Midna. My least favorite type of characters are ones who try to annoy your character/player on purpose. Like at least Tatl had a reason to be mad at/insult Link, she blamed him for being separated from Tael. But Midna is so smug and annoying for who knows what reason. (Also her imp design makes me so uncomfortable T_T)
But also I completely agree about the Twilight Realm. I feel like I’m just playing Kingdom hearts when I see the Twilight enemies. This game would’ve been so much more interesting if they tried to expand more on the Dark World/Lorule. It’s a little jarring trying to figure out what the Twilight is and constantly being reminded that it isn’t the Dark World. It just feels like it tried to take the concept of the Dark world and make it edgier and branding it as something completely new.
But there’s def things I like about the game too and I’ve seen pretty interesting lore theories from this game. But this game feels like it was trying to cater towards Hot Topic by being outwardly edgy rather than using darker tones and themes in storytelling like in Majora’s or even ALTTP.
the comparison between the dark world and the twilight realm makes me crazy. because alttp came out TWENTY YEARS before twilight princess, and yet it manages to do basically everything twilight princess tried to do, but better and without fucking up the overarching lore. The timeline in which alttp takes place is the timeline where the hero of time falls in battle to ganondorf during oot. the dark world that appears in the game is NOT a brand-new, previously unheard-of dimension a la twilight realm. it is explicitly the sacred realm (established in oot) corrupted by the influence of ganon, who was sealed in there by the seven sages as a last resort after the hero of time fell. already we have a world-switching mechanic which serves narrative purpose without fucking over the integrity of the overarching worldbuilding, unlike twilight princess. aside from that, the dark world ALSO includes a form-switch that link can't control, just like wolf form tp!! the difference is that the bunny form he takes in alttp has 1. narrative significance beyond looking cool and 2. IS EXPLAINED BEYOND WEIRD VAGUE HAND-WAVING. truly the thing that pisses me off the most about tp is that they make such a big deal about the wolf gimmick and then never once think to actually write it into the game. like, it's a thing he can do. why? what does this super obviously significant form-switch mean irt link's character? idk man it looks cool dont think about it. if you ask midna she'll yell at you. And like on a certain level i understand that alttp and tp arent quite comparable since alttp actually came out 7 years BEFORE oot and therefore wasn't REALLY an intentional sequel to it but DESPITE THAT it still manages to be a better sequel than tp. ugh
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fever-project · 4 months
Linx Lore Part 1 | Links Meet x Winx AU
Okay, I’m obsessed with this AU so I’m going to write about it. I plan on writing more parts once I can come up with more lore, like how the Links are going to meet up in the first place. AU idea by @yourlocaltreesimp.
Let’s start this with the Fairy Titles and powers of each Link, as well as their nicknames and Fairy Forms. I do not know what Links I want to include in this AU yet, so I’m just gonna list as many Links that I can think of. I’d probably have like, 7 Links max be the main characters, like with the actual Winx main cast, with others making appearances from time to time.
Anyways, the Links are going to be listed by game first, then Fairy Title, then nickname, then Fairy Form, and then additional info. Fairy Form descriptions are under the cut, at the very end. Some Links also have custom Fairy Forms, made by me, because I can. Those are also explained at the very end.
Note that in Winx and in this AU, Fairy Titles aren’t specific to one Fairy, many Fairies can have tech powers for example and be called a Fairy of Technology. A Fairy can be THE Fairy of Technology if they are the Guardian Fairy (I don’t what to explain what that is this is already so long) of that, or are just the Fairy of Technology in relation to whatever other Faires they are currently with. Some Fairies, however, do have a special title, like Fairy of the Shining Sun is special because only one Fairy has this title. All Links are Fairies of Courage, which is a special title because there’s usually only one Link alive at a time, but each do have a specific-but not necessarily special-title along with that. I’ll mention whether or not it’s a “common” or “special” title.
And one quick disclaimer for this AU; The Master Sword cancels all magic when one is wielding it. The Links could temporarily sheath her to use magic items, but they would still be unable to use their Fairy powers, but only if they didn’t reach Enchantix yet. Even then, their magic wouldn’t be as powerful. In the meta sense, this is to stop the Links from becoming too powerful. In universe, she was created this way to make it easier to stop Demise.
Now, onto the actual post:
LoZ + AoL: Fairy of Origins(Special) - Ori - Charmix - His power is that he can use any kind of magic, but only in its most basic form. For example, he can conjure fire for a small fireball, but he couldn’t create a wall out of fire. His magic is quite weak compared to most Fairies, but such is the fate of being a jack of all trades. He has a hard time doing magic that he hasn’t seen before, but once he does he picks it up instantly.
AlttP + OoX + LA: Fairy of Alteration(Special) - Alt - Enchantix - It was so hard to figure out this guy’s powers you have no idea. Transformation plays a big part in his games, and altering one’s self would include that. Of course this doesn’t include everything he can do, but Fairies can also learn magic that isn’t their specialty (I don’t want to explain this, why is Winx lore so complicated), so it’s fine. He can mainly alter himself, but also things around him, but whatever he alters has to have the same mass. He can alter the appearance and physical form of things. He regularly changes his hair color, which is why it’s different in each of his games. Honestly it’s hard to explain the full extent of his powers, it’s vague enough that he could do almost anything.
OoT + MM: Fairy of Time(Special) - Time - Fiercix - He learned he was Fairy during OoT, but he wasn’t able to use his powers until the very end of it. He sent himself back in time, with the help of Zelda. During MM he was he grew into his powers more, being the one to turn back time in Termina every three days. So far, he can’t turn back time further than that at his current power level. With the help and power of the Fierce Deity, however, it could be possible to mess with time even more…
WW + PH: Fairy of Wind(Common) - Wind - Charmix - The Wind Waker was a great tool that helped him unlock his Fairy powers. I don’t remember if he keeps it if not in the game, but in this AU he does. It acts as his charm for Charmix, so he can’t use it too much all at once. Aryll also has wind powers, but she hasn’t unlocked her Fairy Form yet so they’re very weak.
TP: Fairy of Animals(Common) - Ani - Twilix - He was already fully aware he was a Fairy before his adventure. He regularly used his powers to help out his and others’ farms. He got up to Charmix during his adventure, then to Enchantix and Twilix (which is explained at the end). His powers include talking and shifting into animals, but he‘s more used to being a wolf thanks to the Shadow Crystal.
HW: Fairy of the Apocalypse(Special) & Witch of Wars - Apocalypse/Apo - Enchantix - So Fairies source of magic is positive energy, or light magic, while Witches source of magic negative energy, or dark magic. Some Fairies can use dark magic, but it tends to corrupt them, and I assume that the same would happen with Witches and light magic. So it’s very rare for someone to be able to use both. Enter Apocalypse. He was found in the forest as a baby and then adopted by Linkle’s family, enjoying a simple-yet, somewhat turbulent-farm life before eventually becoming a knight. There he learned of his Witch ancestry, and practiced dark magic alongside his swordsmanship. Dark magic isn’t shunned during his time, Witches being somewhat common. His title, Witch of War, was only something he earned after the War of Eras. The war was also when he learned of his Fairy powers. War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, each of which Apo can draw his Fairy powers from. Disaster and misfortune follow him everywhere. But the powers he has were far too great to just ignore during the war. He had to use them when he could, but that made him ever more glad to have the Master Sword in his possession. Fi also helped him tremendously with guiding him on how to use his powers without harming everyone and everything. He still hates using his Fairy powers. He also love Pixies (what regular fairies in LoZ are now, they’re like Fairy companions).
FSA: Fairy of Light(Common) - Li - Winx - All 4Sword users are Fairies of Light, as the 4Sword can only be wielded by one. I’m talking about FSA Link-specifically the manga version-because he’s the most interesting one, sorry not sorry. He didn’t know he was a Fairy-actually all of the colors didn’t know they were Fairies until the very end, using their magic to defeat Ganon. Li then practices his magic with his Zelda after all that.
BotW + Totk: Fairy of the Wild(Special) - Wild- Winx - He puts no effort into furthering his Fairy powers. He didn’t even know he was a Fairy until Zelda told him after he rescued her(the Great Fairies tried to tell him, but he didn’t believe them). Especially after gaining Rauru’s arm, he believes that he can do everything he wants to without it. He would’ve reached Enchantix-or perhaps, something even more powerful-if he used his Fairy powers at all. His powers encompass all aspects of the wild, from the plants to the animals, from the clouds to the dirt. He only used his powers when he was traveling around with Wolfie, to keep track of him and ensure that he would always be healthy. He does unknowingly uses his powers, but it acts more like a sixth sense, helping him forage for food and to know exactly how loud or how hot he currently is.
AoC (+Pre-BotW kinda): Fairy of Fauna(Common) - Fauna - Enchantix - He doesn’t put much effort into using his Fairy powers. He isn’t even aware of what he can fully do with his powers (that’s why he thinks he only has control over fauna). After all, he does try to have the Master Sword on his person at all times. But Zelda and the Champions force him into practicing from time to time, and he even uses it during the war a few times. He earns Enchantix after defeating Calamity Ganon.
ST: Fairy of Lost Spirits(Special) - Spirit - Charmix - He can commune with spirits and that’s…mostly it. He can also guide lost spirits (Poes) to the afterlife, and stuff. Maybe he can borrow a spirit’s powers? Honestly his powers and Wild’s in-game powers kinda overlap, with Wild being about to use the Champions’ powers and being able to collect Poes and give them to the Bargainer Statues. I think there should be a reason for that in this AU, but I can’t think of something yet.
Here are some Links/Heroes that either aren’t Fairies or I just don’t know what to do with them yet.
SwSw: He’s not a fairy, he’s just some guy. Idk what he should be called tbh.
MC: He’s the forger of the 4Sword, but I don’t really see him as a fairy, like with SwSw. But he would be a Fairy of Light if he was one.
AlbW + TH: I don’t know if I want to combine him with Alt yet. It he’s his own person, I’m thinking of making him Alt’s son. Maybe he hasn’t started his adventure yet during the Links Meet.
Hero of Men(MC): He’s just some guy, not a fairy. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t have magic though, thank you Light Force.
Ancient Hero(TotK): He’s a demigod, not a fairy. Well, he’s half-fairy, like most of the Links, but his Zonai godhood overrides those powers. In fact, it takes a long, long time until Hylia’s powers(she’s a fairy god to put things in the simplest terms)shine through the bloodline.
First Hero(SwSw manga): idk what to do with this one. He exists, I guess? He’s mostly important for making the Goddesses Sword in this AU, which is honestly a very, very big deal.
I don’t know what to do with most of the Zeldas yet, but I do have some ideas, in the same format as the Links. The Zelda are also all Fairies of Wisdom. Onto the info:
OoT + MM: Fairy of Foresight(Special) - Oracle - Charmix - She can see the future idk man. She also has exceptional actual foresight, being able to predict enemies attacks easily. Doesn’t mean she’s good at dodging them tho lamo. In the Adult timeline she would have Enchantix.
AoC + BotW + TotK: Fairy of Flora(Common) - Flora - Tearix - She’s the first Fairy in her bloodline after Sonia, her powers having had taken a long time to manifest at all. She loved flowers beforehand though, obviously.
WW + PH: Fairy of the Seas(Common) -   Tetra - Enchantix - Power over the Seas! She uses her power a lot to help steer her ship. Not much to say really, I feel like the title speaks for itself.
MC: Fairy of the Light Force(Common) - Force - Winx - I’m just putting this here to say that the title changes to Fairy of Wisdom as time passed, so what that means for this Zelda is that she doesn’t really have any special title, ha.
Now onto the Fairy Forms. Fairy Forms go like this(in this AU at least), from weakest to strongest:
Winx - Standard Form for all Fairies. Simple outfit and wings, outfits are usually a solid color or have two similar and/or complementary accent colors. Wings are either a solid color or have an accent color very similar to the other color. Wings are small and simple.
Charmix - Obtained after overcoming a great personal difficulty. The gain of a little charm is the only visible difference from the standard form. Gives a short, but powerful, boost to a Fairy’s power.
Enchantix - Show great sacrifice, considered to be a “full-fledged” Fairy. There are a lot of powers, like shrinking(im not including that in this AU because I feel bad for MC Link), and neutralizing dark magic, among just making a Fairy stronger. Wings are bigger and are semi-transparent save for the outlining. Jewels hang off of them. Flowing clothes with long, barefoot sandals. Long sparkling gloves and some jewelry. There is also a change in hairstyle, which is also flowing.
There are many Fairy Forms and it’s all very complicated, but for this AU and I think in Winx, after Enchantix, additional Fairy Forms can be gained-and one can go back to Enchantix after reaching the new Fairy Form-at any point after meeting certain conditions. Here are the new Fairy Forms that I made up because it’s fun and I honestly hate most (not all I love you Believix and Sirenix) of the ones that are in the actual show. Now onto my Fairy Forms:
Fiercix - A cursed Fairy Form only obtained by wearing the Fierce Deity mask. The outfit has less armor than Fierce has in game, but it’s mostly the same. The wings are simple and sharp, they’re helix-shaped, like the sword Fierce wields. One must have reached Enchantix to even have a chance of keeping yourself sane. It gives one great power, and drives one to use it mercilessly. Typically, one can’t use it for long before the power seeps away from them. But if you practice, if you’re unwavering in your ambition to push yourself to becoming stronger holds…then one might lose themself to the spirit within the mask. They achieve Fiercix permanently, at a cost.
Twilix - A special Fairy Form only obtained by preforming a great, selfless deed for the Twili and Twilight Realm. It’s like Enchantix, but you need to save the Twilight Realm specifically. Ani essentially obtained both Enchantix and Twilix at the same time. Twilix allows the user to freely travel to and from the Twilight Realm, without the use of the Mirror of Twilight. So Minda and Ani can be together after all hehe. Twilix also gives the user the ability to travel through and manipulate shadows, but this power only extends to themself and people who are very physically close to them. Like if they’re hugging or holding hands. A Twilix Fairy also look like Twili, with black markings covering parts of their body, with those blue, glowing markings accompanying them. Their hair also takes on a blue hue as well. Their wings are also black with blue markings, and they resemble moth wings. Ani’s wings specifically resemble a Luna Moth.
Tearix - A unique Fairy Form only obtained after freeing oneself from Dragonification. The user is able to access a portion of the power they gained from their time as a dragon, but their mind still remains intact. Their Fairy Forms are wingless (gasp! the heresy!) but they are still able to fly nonetheless. Flora’s outfit is basically her Zonai outfit, but with a headpiece with her horns on it, similar to the Dragon Armor.
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agirlinsearchof · 1 year
So, I plan to eventually play The Legend of Zelda. Specifically, the NES one (though not on an actual NES, that sounds like a nightmare). I plan to print out and mark up a map of the overworld so that I know where I’m going and how I’m getting there. The map I have chosen, thankfully, has helpfully already marked where to find every item in terms of its overworld location and the recommended dungeon order.
Does anyone have any advice on how to draw the paths so I don’t get confused? Such as color recommendations (to contrast with he map no matter where I draw), how to calculate the shortest and/or easiest path between each dungeon, etc.?
Also, general gameplay advice is welcomed. I am a fairly experienced Zelda player (beaten OOT, WW, played a good chunk of MM, TP, and ALBW, and a little bit of ALTTP and LA), but NES games can be weird. (Thankfully, saving won’t be a concern, as I plan to play through NSO — I am not messing with death-as-saves when I can’t even start with full health!)
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anthemxix · 3 years
So... how far did Cia go exactly? I haven’t played hw but I’ve read several fics, and she’s always very... extreme.
hi anon! thank you for your ask!
by “extreme,” i’m thinking you mean stories where she’s a psycho who tortures link or forces unwanted sexual advances on him. which makes for fantastic angst! but that characterization of cia has never felt quite authentic to me.
in the game, she has a roomful of his portraits, like a shrine. that’s extreme. she technically starts a war because of him, which is very extreme, but i don’t think that’s about lusting after him, as people often joke. she says some off-putting stuff, and you could infer that she behaves in an inappropriately “seductive” way, but. she doesn’t really. do anything, like fics might imply. she’s creepy and lewd. i’m sure she makes him uncomfortable as hell. but as for what she does, the extremeness in fics is mostly fan extrapolation.
that’s my short answer! but i kinda got carried away while responding to this, and. um. wrote a lengthy character analysis of cia? XD i thought about not including it, but i spent so much time thinking about/writing this that i’ll go ahead and share.
in my opinion, hw does not present a clear picture of cia, and it skews fan interpretation of her.
(putting this under a cut because it got long 😅)
the story the game gives at the start is straightforward. there's a "guardian of time" (whatever that means) who watches over everything but never interferes. she admires the purity of the hero's spirit. she comes to love the heroes, then to want them. she's lonely. she doesn't want to just watch anymore. she wants to experience love.
gradually her desires become something darker. she doesn't only want the companionship, she wants to possess.
ganon sees this darkness in her heart and causes a split. the darkness separates from her, becomes its own person (a la dark link). the "good" part is lana, the "bad" part is cia.
for ganon, this is all part of a larger plan. in hw, his spirit is divided into four fragments that have been sealed away in different eras. he manipulates cia and gets her to open time gates so he can gather all the fragments together. a key fact: one of the fragments has been sealed away by the master sword, so ganon needs a hero to draw the sword.
cia willingly allows herself to be ganon's pawn because in so doing, in starting a war to force the hero to emerge, she thinks she'll get what she wants. throughout the story, she gives more and more of herself to ganon, fracturing her own spirit further and further, because she is so desperate to claim the hero for herself, to own him. lana repeatedly warns her to stop before she does irreparable damage to herself, but she doesn't listen, and ultimately she...well, dies, i guess. fades from existence. (that's how the original hw ending goes. they added stuff on later that changed this.)
ok, so. we have some interesting stuff going on here. arguably, cia is a tragic figure. a victim even. her underlying motivation is loneliness. viewing it through this lens, the story becomes an exploration of what isolation does to a person. how desperate it can make us. how we become willing to sacrifice anything for love--and i mean "love" broadly, not in a romantic sense. how it makes us vulnerable to manipulation and abuse.
let's also not forget the whole reason she focuses on the hero's spirit to begin with. after witnessing all the atrocities of history, she admires the purity and goodness and self-sacrifice of the hero. it has nothing to do with link being attractive. in her temple (the temple of souls), she has statues of different heroes from different eras, including wolf link and oot/mm link. she is certainly not lusting after an animal or a child, i assure you.
so why does she have frickin portraits of hw link, specifically, (not any other hero's spirit incarnations) plastered all over her walls, if not for lusty purposes? why does she dress so damn seductively? i'm not claiming lust isn't part of it, but i think there's more. she wants to feel surrounded by him, you know? she wants to feel like he's looking at her the same way that she looks at him--with desire. it's delusion.
and holy hell, she's nothing if not deluded. some examples of her actual in-game dialogue: "no matter what betrayals I may suffer, at least I know the hero will always love and protect me." and [to herself, as she's losing a fight] "the hero is still by my side... the hero is still by my side..."
and it's sad. she pretends that he loves her, that he will protect her, because she doesn't have any real love in her life. she doesn't have anyone.
and what's even sadder is that she's condemned to all these feelings and delusions because that's who she is. she is corruption and darkness personified! she's doomed to this lonely hell, to being ganon's servant, to self-destruction.
that's how tragedy, and tragic figures, are defined: hubris. characters that have an innate flaw that inevitably leads to their downfall. that's what a traditional tragedy is.
don't get me wrong here. i'm not saying she had no choice, or that she had to start a war. she can be tragic and we can sympathize with her while also accepting the fact that she's corrupted beyond redemption. morality isn't black-and-white. our understanding of characters, or of real people, isn't black-and-white.
...but. BUT. there is a major "but" here. the game sabotages its own character and its own story. the game opts for the path of least resistance. screw grey areas of morality, screw the tragedy of loneliness, screw exploring vulnerability and abuse and hubris... they sensationalize. cia is a joke.
have you seen her frickin outfit? her character design? she's an uber-sexualized caricature. all those portraits of link in her temple can easily be viewed as a joke, too. "lol, look at this crazy, horny bitch." hell, they even have her say innuendos about the master sword, like, “come show me what your sword can do” or something to that effect. 🙄
it's all very surface level. they don't go deep at all with cia. they give us no substance, only these little bread crumbs of information that i've laid out for you. and not only that, they set this up so that it feeds into old stereotypes. the salient details easily allow us to interpret cia, consciously or not, as an embodiment of feminine hysteria, a woman guided by irrational emotion and obsession, fixated on winning the ultimate prize of a man's love.
so koei tecmo's own confused presentation of this character muddles up fan interpretation and has us falling back on the familiar stereotypes we know and understand. that’s the basis for these depictions of cia as extreme. that’s what fans are extrapolating from when they try to imagine how she might act or what she might say. so in the end, she isn’t really depicted with accuracy. she’s like a caricature of a caricature at that point.
…or at least, that’s my opinion. 🥴
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
Whats your favorite loz song?
hoo boy ok when it comes to music (and a lot of other things lmao) I don't usually have a singular favourite, so in no particular order:
Koloktos/Moldarach (SS) - it's just??? so gooD???? GOD I would KILL to play this with an orchestra
LA remake staff roll - cute, it's the same theme over and over again but I loved hearing it get passed around the orchestra in their little chambre groups
Hyrule Field (TP, OoT) - I don't think I have to say much since I'm pretty sure these are a favourite across the fandom
the "at an advantage" theme (TP) - It's a little chunk of the hyrule field ost but you also hear it whenever you expose the weak point of the bosses (ADAPTIVE VIDEO GAME MUSIC MY BELOVED <33)
Zelda's Lullaby (SS) - I like oboes
Tal Tal heights (LA remake) - the GB version is also very good but I usually listen to OST from the remake
Riding Horse Night/Day (BOTW) -relaxing but still has a bit of energy to it? (although, I have LITERALLY fallen asleep a couple of times while riding the horses LMAO)
GROOSE's theme (SS) - his theme is sprinkled in a couple of spots in the SS OST and I LOVE IT. You have no idea how excited I got when I switched to the groosenator for the first time during the imrpisoned fight and heard his theme!!!!! (adaptive video game music my beloved <3)
Dark Beast Ganon (TP) - it sounds like Homer Simpson is chanting "get a job" in the background (that's not the sole reason I like this one but now you're cursed with this knowledge too)
Faron Woods (TP) - ghhhhhh very calming and also fun to play on the piano
Recover the Light (TP) - spooky vibes good, I like the ascending arpeggio in the harp and!! the transition to the great fairy's theme makes me want to turn into a puddle. Also fun to play on the piano
Sacred Grove (TP) - it's like the lost woods but in a different flavour
the three songs from Link's Crossbow Training - idk they just hit different
TP staff roll,,,, - one of the songs I can't listen to anymore because it will turn my heart to mush and I won't be able to focus on whatever I am working on
Middle Boss Battle (OoT) - every time I listen to it I imagine Link doing the little hoppy hops he does when locked onto an enemy
ORCHESTRA PIECE #1 AND #2 (TP) - turns my heart to mush, can't listen to these but god are they so good (listening to these makes me with they went with a live orchestra instead of MIDI for TPs OST)
SS STAFF ROLL,,, - also can't listen to this one, makes my ears very happy and turns my heart to mush. That fanfare at the beginning KILLS ME EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. AND!!! WHEN IT COMES BACK IN A SLIGHTLY RAISED KEY AT THE END?? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Sealed Temple (SS) - hhhhh I could fall asleep to this one
Royal Research Lab (AOC) - I very much enjoy hearing the themes from the Hateno and Akkala ancient tech labs smooshed together
All of the champion's themes (AOC) - BOTW ost I love you too but AOC really just took your themes and beefed them UP and I am HERE FOR IT
Meditative Training (AOC) - idk what the hell it is but this SLAPS
Overlooking Hyrule (AOC) - specifically prelude and amid the calamity. I love the darker tones that come later in the prelude. and!! it physically hurt me pulling up the map and hearing the "amid the calamity" version for the first time :') (OWW but also adaptive video game music my BELOVED <33)
AOC staff roll???? Both the regular and alt version (this is the staff roll I wanted BOTW to have,,)
Terrako's theme (AOC) - it's so fucking cute???? and I LITERALLY don't remember ever hearing it during my playthrough (unless I am having the FATTEST brain fart). AOC I love your OST but god I heard your main theme and zelda's lullaby so many times please you really could have sprinkled Eggbot's theme in there a couple of times
hi thanks for reading if you read all of that <33
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lailoken · 4 years
The Humble Horned Lord:
The Snail in Traditional Rhymes of the Celtic Isles
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I recently decided to spend a while reading about the role of the Snail in traditional rhymes and verbal charms, and was a bit shocked to find nearly 1000 variants of similar rhymes across different continents and cultures. Despite its shell being, arguably, its most immediately distinctive feature, it was also a bit of a surprise to find that the vast majority of the rhymes dealt in some way with the “horn” or “horns” of the snail—referencing the antennae. Probably close to half of the rhymes I was able to find, I’m sad to say, focused on threatening the snail with physical violence, should it not “put out [its] horns” or “come out of [its] hole,” but I have chosen to write on those examples which focus on supplicating, persuading, or offering to the snail, along with a couple of the more bizarre or mild threats. I have, additionally, chosen to focus exclusively on traditional rhymes of the Celtic Isles (a term I use here to roughly encompass both the Celtic Nations and the British Isles), since the cultures of those regions play such an important role in my Craft, and already constitute a fairly major undertaking in terms of research and writing.
Interestingly enough, though not at all shockingly, many of these examples—both the cruel and the whimsical—have to do with the Snail somehow predicting, summoning, or ensuring the weather; and more specifically, the rain. In fact, I would go so far as to hypothesize that the common origins of these hundreds of rhymes calling on the snail to “put out [its] horns,” are a childlike curiosity with snail anatomy, and old-world beliefs/superstitions having do to with the Snail being able to summon either rain, or sunshine, by extending its antennae. I would imagine this conception would have arisen from the correlation of Snails emerging from or withdrawing into their shells in seeming response to the weather.
As put by Eugène Rolland in ‘Faune populaire de la France, vol. III’ (1881):
“The peasants say that snails in general, and Helix Nemoralis in particular, can act as barometers: when they stretch out their horns, all of them and for a long time, they say that it will not rain anymore.”
And so, without further ado...
“Snail, snail, put out your horns,
I’ll give you bread and barley corns.”
Variant (1):
“Snail, snail, put out your horn, And I will give you a barleycorn.”
Variant (2):
“Snag, snag, put out your horn, And I will give you a barleycorn.”
England (from a text dated 1744).
Variant 1 comes from Warwickshire and Staffordshire.
Variant 2 comes from Sussex.
“Sneel, snaul, robbers are coming to pull down your wall.
Sneel, snaul, put out your horn,
Robbers are coming to steal your corn, Coming at four o’clock in the morn.
Yorkshire, England (from a text dated 1849)
“Snailie, snailie, shoot out your horn, And tell us if it will be a bonnie day the morn.”
Orthographic variant:
“Snaillie, snaillie, shoot oot yer horn,
An tell me if it will be a bonny day the morn.”
Scottish publisher, Robert Chambers (1802-1871), had this to say about the rhyme:
"In some districts it is supposed that good weather is indicated by the snail obeying the injunction contained in the following rhyme…"
“Snail, snail, put out your horn,
We want some rain to grow our corn.
Out, horn, out.”
Somerset, England
“Bulorn, Bulorn, put out your long horn, your father and mother is dead;
Your sister and brother is to the back-door, a-begging for barley bread!”
Variant (1):
“Snarley-'orn, put out your corn, Father and mother's dead;
Zister 'n brither's out to back door, Bakin' o' barley bread.”
Variant (2) for the last verse:
“Eating o' barley bread.”
"Bulorn" is one of the local names of the snail in Cornwall. It derives from “bull-horn”, “horns of a bull”.
“Snarley-'orn” is the snail's name in West Somerset.
Variant 1 comes from West Somerset, England
Variant 2 comes from Essex, England
“Hod-ma-dod, Hod-ma-dod, stick out your horns,
Here comes an old beggar to cut off your corns.”
"Hod-ma-dod" or “Hodmadod” (and other similar variants) is one of the local names for the snail in East Anglia, with various theories about its origin existing. According to one of the most widely accepted explanations, it might be composed of the words “hood’ (meaning “cap to be put on the head”) mad (the local dialectal term for “worm”) and dod (with the local dialectal meaning of “protruding end of an object”, “rod” or “stick”.) it could, therefore, be rendered as meaning “worm wearing rods or horns as a hood”.
East Anglia, England
“Four-and-twenty tailors went to kill a snail, The best man amongst them durst not touch her tail;
She put out her horns like a little Kyloe cow; Run, tailors, run, or she’ll kill you all e’en now.”
According to the leading hypothesis for the interpretation of this rhyme—as discussed by Arthur E. Ellis in ‘The Snail in Old Nursery Rhymes’—while it was once widely viewed as a satirical jab aimed at the social category of tailors, that is likely erroneous. The word "tailor" also has a different meaning, since it derives from "teller", which indicates a death knell (or a funeral bell toll,) which is derived, in turn, from "tailer" ("an additional knell or bell toll placed at the tail-end of a service"), because they used to ring those tolls at the conclusion of the usual bell tolls. Centuries ago, in various English villages, the custom was to indicate who had died with a series of special additional bell tolls (knells called “tailers”, then “tellers”, then eventually “tailors”), with nine tolls having indicated that a man died, six indicating a woman, and three indicating a child. Twenty-four bell tolls, then, according to this way of reasoning, would have been a signaling of enormous tragedy and an immense triumph of death. So, according to the logic of this rhyme, an interpretation could be made of mass-death and tragedy being easily averted by the mysterious power of the Snail.
“Seilide, Seilide, Pucai,
stick out all your horns,
all the (old) ladies are coming to see you.”
“Snail, snail, tricksy spirit,
stick out all your horns,
all the (old) ladies are coming to see you.”
The term Pucai or bookee is very likely translated as Puckie, which is to say “little Puck”. Puck (Púca, in Irish) is a trickster spirit, faerie, and/or demon depending on the various cultural lenses it is viewed through.
The connection to the afformentioned “(old) ladies” is mysterious and ambiguous, but it may relate in some way to various Crones in Celtic lore associated with death, healing, fate, and the mysteries. It may, likewise, be associated with the fact that numerous old folk-remedies which would have been sought after by individuals such as the elderly involved snails. It may even be associated with crones and wise-women who were known to employ snails for their cures and charms.
“Snail, snail, put out your horn,
tell me what's the day t'morn.
To day's the morn to shear the corn. Blaw, bill, buck, thorn.”
The last line most likely represents a string of nonsense words used to even out the rhyming meter.
Northern England.
“Willy, my buck, shout out your horn and you'll get milk and bread the morn.”
While it’s clear that Willy serves as a name for the snail in this rhyme, the reasons for it remain ambiguous.
Scotland, Forfarshire / Angus.
“Snail, snail, shoot out your horn, father and mother are dead;
brother and sister are in the back-yard begging for barley bread.”
Devonshire, England.
“Malwen, Malwen agor dy gorn neu mi (fe'th) taflaf i Bwllheli lle mae'r bobl bach yn boddi.”
“Snail, snail, extract your horns; otherwise I throw you in the basin (or: in Pwllheli) where the little people drowned.”
The expression “little people” is used in much of Celtic folklore to indicate Faeries—particularly variants typically seen as diminutive, such as gnomes, brownies, pixies, and the like.
A Welsh legend, with a number of different variants, describes an enchanted cow (or, sometimes, a group of enchanted cows), of unusual colors, that used to help people, but who chose to leave again because of acts perceived as disrespectful. As such, they disappeared into an enchanted lake, surrounded by members of the Faerie Folk, who disappeared into those waters as well.
“Blaizou, Blaizou,
tenn da gorn e-mezou,
me a roï d'id eun taumm bara lezou.”
“Blaise, Blaise,
Stretch out your horn,
I’ll give you a piece of Breton Bread”
This is a personal translation which required a fair amount of research to authenticate, but if anyone who speaks Breton has anything to point out, please do. The Snail is called “Blaise” in this variant, almost certainly referencing Saint Blaise, a Patron Saint of the throat who is also considered a patron of animals and agricultural activities. Between the use of that name, and the fact that Snails have been associated with agriculture and compared to cattle and horses alike by a number of cultures, this explanation for this particular naming of the Snail seems likely.
Brittany, France
“Shell a muddy, shell a muddy, put your horns,
for the king's daughter is coming to town
with a red petticoat and a green gown!”
“Shell-a-muddy”, meaning “muddy shell”, here indicates the Snail.
The connection between the request to put (out) the horns and the fact that the king's daughter is coming is unclear, though the invitation is probably meant to make a good impression with the princess, similar to the content of a separate, Sicilian version of the the rhyme. What’s more, the motif of the beautiful garments is present in various other versions.
Southern Ireland
“Sneel, sneel, put oot your horn,
Your fayther an' muthel'll gie ye some corn.”
“Snail, snail, put up your horns,
Your father and mother will give you some corn.”
Yorkshire, England—possibly East Riding
“Snail upon the wall,
Have you got at all
Anything to tell
About your shell?
Only this, my child
When the wind is wild,
Or when the sun is hot,
It's all I've got.”
“Dodman, dodman, put out your horn, Here comes a thief to steal your corn.”
Odmandod”, “Odmadod”, “Dodman”—which can all be roughly translated as meaning either “Horned Man” or “Man who carries a hill on his back”—are local names for the Snail, in the English counties of Essex and Suffolk.
Suffolk, England
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soul-of-rei · 2 years
1, 5, 6, 15, 31, 38, aaaand 40 for the loz asks ! info dump to ur heart’s content 🖤
hi frend !!!!!! i hope youre having a good day and yes i. will not be shutting up here AJSKAKAKA <3
1. Is there a Zelda game(s) that you associate with each season or time of year?
i mean,,,,, the obvious answer here would be Oracle of Seasons for everything AHSHSSH but in reality i never thought about this ?? where i live we really don’t have the four seasons (it’s just either hot or rain) so it’s not a thing that crossed my mind until the ask game. that being said tho, TP does seem like a vv cozy game for fall and WW has the perfect setting and vibe for a summer playthrough. other than that, idk !! interesting question tho <33
5. Favorite LOZ soundtrack?
already answered! WW <33
6. Is there a Zelda game that intimidates you/looks too hard?
i will. never be playing the original LoZ and Adventure of Link </3 i have heard nothing but stories on how stupidly hard AoL is and tbh i don’t wanna stress myself out on that. i’ve also discovered that i get progressively worse with zelda games ?? if the game’s release date is close to or back in the 90′s AJSJAJAJ i noticed it with LA, then it became obvious with ALttP. so overall if it was published before the 2000′s i probably won’t be playing it </3 (with the exception of OoT bc its 3D and iconic SHSHSHS)
putting the rest under a cut bc this post is obnoxiously long otherwise
15. Favorite location within Hyrule?
THIS IS HARD IT DEPENDS </3 if i had to narrow down a specific place above all else, it would be Akkala in BoTW <33 it’s just. a really pretty spot especially with all the multi colored trees <33 i would unironically love to visit a spot like that irl if it does exist. but if we’re talking about areas that consistently appear throughout multiple games it might either be Faron Woods or Zora’s Domain. Lake Hylia also wouldn’t be a bad place to visit if it existed irl :00
31. Hardest dungeon played?
OH GOD HI VAH NABORIS WAS??? UNBELIEVABLY HARD AHSHAAHAH i remember i spent an hour in total on just the terminals, so roughly 10 mins each just. trying to figure out how the fuck to do one terminal. by the time i was ready to fight thunderblight i legitimately had a really bad headache but i still pushed through bc i wanted to do all the divine beasts in one go without leaving for anything. the fight came and i beat it first try but??? the fucking second phase with the metal rods that you’re supposed to magnesis was so hard bc Thunderblight was a headache by itself to reach in time before the rods went off SJSJSJSJS shoutout to Revali’s Gale when i first played through it, i swear some of the areas are literally unreachable unless you already completed Medoh </3
38. Creepiest enemy?
i hate skulltulas. i hate spiders, i hate webs, i hate giant spiders ON webs. they’re only reason why i’m not ok with the Skyview Temple and Ancient Cistern in SkSw. i pretend to not see that one sidequest in OoT with the skulltula family, and if ever i get TP i’m making somebody else do the boss fight in the Temple of Time for me. just. fuck spiders AJSJAJJAJA
40. Most out-of-place thing in the series?
this is kinda like the first question in the sense that i’ve never thought about this?? i think Nintendo does a really good job in tying things together and making everything make sense as to why at happens, at least within the game itself. but imo, i never really liked Astor in Age of Calamity for this kind of reason,,,,, he just seemed like an antagonist that was made without warning, just plopped down in the game bc we already know how the events pre-calamity play out and Nintendo needed to spice things up a bit. imo, they still could have told a compelling story (and arguably, a better one) without him having to exist to antagonize the characters. idk, i just really don’t like him as a character </3
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ezdotjpg · 3 years
playing five games at once is a mood lol. i’m trying to beat ss, la, hw, and mm but i keep replaying tp :’))))) it’s great
literally me but with skord, alttp, spirit tracks, minish cap, hw, and link’s awakening 😭 technically I’m still playing windwaker and tp since I never finished them lol
and I still have albw and oot that I haven’t started yet
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
I miss the LU boys… I just never seem to find enough content. Or enough LOZ x Reader content in general, really. Though I will admit, I’m currently reading Couple Of The Wild on Wattpad, and it’s a wonderful Zelink fic, post-BOTW. I just…. Ugh, I wanna play Ocarina Of Time again and go to Lon Lon Ranch and listen to Malon singing. I wanna go back to the Howling Stones in TP. I wanna hear Midna’s sass or Navi’s helpful reminders… or Fi, I miss all of it. Playing BOTW does help ease that pain, that hollowness in my heart, but it’s not the same. I don’t know where my TP disk is, and though WW was my first Zelda experience, the GameCube we have has been broken for years. My room is too filthy and stinky to use my Wii to play SS, and I don’t have a 3DS anymore, so OOT is out of the question too. I know, I could use emulators on the PC, but my PC’s at least six years old and is barely functioning on it’s last legs, being slow as frick and at times not responding to my inputs at all. All I can do is play BOTW, AOC, LA, and a few games like ALTTP and the first two games on my Switch. I’m just… homesick, is a good term for it. I kinda have two primary fictional homes, one being Albion, and the other Hyrule, or the universe it takes place in, at least. I’m not currently homesick for Albion, which might change, but I’m so incredibly homesick for Hyrule. Does anyone else know that feeling? Does this happen to anyone else?
I just- feel incredibly lonely and melancholic. I miss it so much.
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Before we start, I wanna clear some things up. 
Lore- Logan
Dusk- Lewis
Gen- Len
Speck- Lex
Ocarina- Lee
Mask- Lloyd
RGBV- Red = Lucas, Blue= Liam, Vio =  Luca, Green = Levi
Sketch- Laurence
Realm- Lincoln
Wind- Linus
Steam- Lucius
Shadow- Lance
Oni- Lazlo
SS Zelda- Zinnia
FS Zelda- Zoe
MC Zelda- Zoey
OoT/MM Zelda- Zara
TP Zelda- Zahra
FSA Zelda- Zariya
LTTP/OoA/OoS/LA Zelda- Zyunko
LBW Zelda- Zendaya
LoZ/AoL Zelda- Zelda
WW/PH Zelda (Tetra)- Zayomara
ST Zelda- Zia
His eyes opened widely, hair clinging to him as a thick layer of sweat dripped down his face. Staring blankly at the ceiling, he felt his hands gain life, raising them to his face and wiping what he could away before sitting up and gripping his sheets.' The same one again…' he thought to himself, wiping his face dry and getting down from his bed. He blinked his eyes rapidly, stumbling his way to his bathroom. Opening the door, he made eye contact with the mirror. Heavy bags laid below his eyes, his dyed pink hair messily laid around his head and his shirt hung loosely on his shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and released the air. He opened them again, staring at himself in the mirror. "So, the audition is today…?" He asked himself. He flinched as he felt fur collide with his leg and small purrs emitted from the animal.
Turning behind him, he saw a kitten rubbing its face. "Snow, you scared me", he said, bending down and petting the cat.
Breathing heavily, hands shaking and sweat dripping down his face, Logan turned the knob of the large building door and entered, eyes closed tightly. "Hey!" Logan flinched, as an average height pale skinned brunette walked towards him. "Are you here for the auditions?" They asked, clipboard in hand, pencil tucked behind their ear. "Y… yes, my-my name is… Lo-Logan Lore…" he muttered out silently, his voice drowned out by the busy room and loud speaking. The brunette still nodded, carefully taking him to a separate room and closing the door, the sounds from the previous room drowned out. "Now, repeat your name, please? I couldn't hear it too well." They said slowly, sitting behind the desk at a far side of the room.
Logan took measured steps forward and sat down at a chair near the desk. "Logan Lore" he said a bit louder, eyes darting across the room. "Can… can anyone-" he was cut out by the brunette shaking their head. "No, they can't hear us. You don't have to be afraid here, I'm the only one here."
Lore tried to speak but his throat felt clogged up, stammering and stuttering, gibberish flowing from his mouth, rather than words.
"I'll start then, to give you some time to breathe." They said, sitting down in an office chair just big enough for two people. Logan decided to sit down in one of the normal school chairs present in the office, taking note of how this looked like the principal's office in a highschool. "My name is Charlotte Chai," they started off, hand extended for a hand shake, round green eyes staring softly at him. He shook their hand, only lasting a few seconds before they let go. "I'm the director of the show we're making here." He nodded and held up a flier. The audition flier. "I guessed as much," they said, smiling. "What did you say your last name is?"
"Lore…" he muttered out.
"I see. You wanna go over the lines, see if you're fit for any roles? Or would you like some tea first?"
"Tea…" he muttered out again, moving his chair closer to the desk. A knock sounded from outside and Logan ducked his head just as a child, no older than 13, entered, some pastries in hand. "I made everyone snacks"
"Ah, thank you Lincoln, you can leave them right there." The child, Lincoln, nodded and set them down, closing the door before leaving again. Logan peeked at the plate of pastries and saw some sword and shield shaped cookies. He chuckled silently. "You want to try one?" Charlotte asked, which scared Logan. "I… sure." He said, not looking at Charlotte. He quickly nabbed a shield from the plate which made Charlotte laugh a bit. " It makes sense you picked a shield." "Huh?... Why?"
"Because you've been hiding from me the whole time you sat here."
Logan flinched a bit and looked down, muttering apologies, which caused the brunette to laugh a bit more. "It's alright, I'm not judging. Just an observation." They said, grabbing a cookie from the pile. "How good are you at acting?"
"I'm not", Logan answered.
"Why are you here then?"
"I… I wanted to see if I'd get the part." He paused. "Make some friends."
"Well, if that's all, you can go outside. There are 16 people, a good majority of them are children, and they're the ones who see if you should or should not be in the show. Well, mostly Lewis and Lance."
Logan felt his stomach drop and he slowly stood up, shuffling to the door. Before he could open it, he heard the rattle of the door knob and the door flung open, slamming into him and, due to the heaviness of the door, getting thrown into the wall.
The air was knocked from his lungs and he gasped for air. He slid down the wall, clutching his chest; he was pretty sure he cracked a rib or something, and he could feel the blood - or was it snot?- dripping down his nose. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" Someone said from the door. He could hear Charlotte run over from their spot on the desk, another voice come from behind the door, more angry- was it at him?- but he couldn't understand what he said. He blinked his eyes a couple of times and his eyes managed to focus, ears ringing slightly.
"Y… ok?"
He nodded once and held his head, a bump was already starting to form.
"That was a bad throw, Lewis be more careful next time" Charlotte scolded a tall man; no, he only looked tall. Lore could stand beside him and be taller, even if by a bit. He felt a hand on the back of his head, Charlotte's hand, he recognized it from earlier, and then his forehead was rested on said brunette's shoulder. Warmth crept up to his face, cheeks dusted in a light pinkish hue. He felt slim fingers play around with his hair and he flushed even more, his entire face burning up even more. He tried to speak, his voice trapped, but Charlotte seemed to understand. Soon he heard sirens, an ambulance, most likely, and he counted the seconds before a doctor showed up.
He couldn't hear what the doctor was saying too, well, Charlotte was expressionless the whole time, so even then he couldn't read their body language. He just hid behind his turtleneck sweater and waited for the day to end already. He hid and waited. And waited. Soon enough he got bored of waiting, thinking of ways to pass the time. Back at home, Snow was being taken care of by his roommate, whom he hadn't been able to see in several days but he knew he'd pass by; he'd leave small post it notes with words of encouragement and little doodles on the front page of his notebooks- he almost always used the art one, whether it was hidden away in Logan's closet or not. He could never say he hated his roommate, but they didn't spend that often together. Logan would always hide away while Ravio- was that his name or was it something else?- had been outside making him breakfast and then heading to work.
How was he doing? Was he ok? Did he need help? Maybe he did and Lore was here, sitting in a comfortable chair in his boss' office with 3 stitches and a bandage on his head.
"I came as fast as I could-" Ravio came charging in, he had not dressed properly, his hair was disheveled, Snow sat on his hoodie pockets, the small teacup cat purring softly in her sleep. Logan gasped happily and scooped up his kitten, petting her as she positioned herself again, small ears twitching slightly. He could hear the muffled noises of Ravio talking to Charlotte. He didn't focus on them, his kitten was here, that's all he needed.
For now…
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