#but I was disappointed a bit at the misgendering
baconandvibrators · 3 months
New (male) gyno misgenders me as a woman:☹️
Post pelvic exam and pap smear same gyno calls me sir: 😁😂
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my aunt yesterday complimented my hair and she’s like “wow your hair holds a curl so well!” and my mom is like “well rey’s hair is naturally wavy so it holds curls really well” and i said “yeah actually this is at least day 5 hair” and she’s like “so your telling me it’s like really really dirty and gross?” and i just said “…um not really.” (but i was thinking “no i’m not saying that at ALL you literally just complimented it!! you can tell it’s not dirty and gross!! my hair type is not the same as yours!! i only have to wash it like once a week”)
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macabrecabra · 1 month
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Did art fight and saw so many pokemon OCs...and realized for how much I LOVE pokemon, never had any of my own really...so I made some. Then I wrote a story. Then I built a whole worldsetting.
So enjoy the "End of the Line" pokemon setting that is now born... starting with my favorite trio of ghost pokemon! The Silph bros are known more publicly in connection to the powerful Silph Corporation, but also operate a powerful black market mafia under the table.
More under the tab if you are interested in my character ramblings!
GEN SILPH (Gengar) He is all about image. In the public eye, he is a well liked, always smiling, corporate prodigy and the face of Silph Co. Well respected and always known for handling PR and all the social trappings of an elite status well. Behind closed doors though, he is also running an extensive mafia operation with his fingers on the pulse of Saffron-Lavender City. He may seem nice and upbeat, but when he is ticked, he can show a very cold, very calculative, and very sadistic side as he is not above getting his hands dirty if people are messing up on the perfect persona he controls. Not a pokemon to cross as he will smile and shake your hand while having a gun behind his back. There are very few whom he trusts, as he is known to let his paranoia sometimes get the best of him when it feels like the control he's carefully built into an empire seems threatened even a little bit. Every move is calculated. Every chaos a delicate pull of the strings. Just remember to always trust in Silph Co for your every need!
Design Note: All the Silph bros wear suits because they are classy, but each has a design. For Gen, I was all corporate. Sleek cut, formfitting, Dark colors, and of course, classy tie. The kind of guy without a hair out of place. Also glasses felt fitting for someone that probably has to squint at computers...also makes him look more smart. GHAST SILPH (Ghastly)
The youngest brother of the Silph brothers, Ghast is a bit goofy and doesn't really tend to take things too seriously, but also never one to disappoint his older brothers whom he adores. He really wants to live up to expectations and has since stepped up to being the main leader of the mafia, second only to Gen, but really he just does what Gen says and doesn't ask questions. He really just wants to make his brothers proud, and feels the pressure to live up to Hauts' legacy.
Ghast can come off as dismissive towards others at times, but it comes from his desire to appear just as strong as his brothers when it comes to the dealings of the world. They are super besties with their personal gang of "bad brats" as he calls them, sometimes to the point of trying to step in and keep them out of trouble.
Should be note that Ghast is transgender. What their deadname is, no one knows. They don't much care for being misgendered as there has, and always has been, three Silph brothers, and don't you forget it!
Design Note: I felt that Ghast was the flashy type with bright eyesore suits and sort of a lounge lizard, impractical sort of suit, hence no pockets to be found. The single button suit felt more like going to a party than corporate, which fit Ghast more in my head. Also had to give Ghast unruly hair to mimic the gas around Ghastly.... Ghast's wears a hat to try and control it.
HAUTS SILPH (Haunter) (Alsos one of the main characters of the story!)
There was no doubt that Hauts was how made the Nightshade Mafia a force to be reckoned with. He was smart like his older brother, but also wasn't afraid to be reckless and unrelenting when it came to his goals. He was the muscle that could get any job done, one way or another. Known as a wildcard, laid-back, unpredictable, yet suave, Hauts was a criminal prince and was an important part of keeping the Nightshade Mafia running well....most of the time. His recklessness and disregard for Gen's orders often put him at odds with his brothers.
Hauts felt it more a difference of opinion, but nothing too crazy as at the end of the day, he cared very deeply about his brothers and everything he did would never put everything in danger. Gen didn't see it that way and shot his brother with intent to murder and remove something that was starting to make him paranoid about his control of things.
By all accounts, Hauts should be dead, face blasted open and body dumped in the woods, but he was found by a local pikachu from a nearby village and managed to find his health again. He's hung up his old life though, not interested in revenge, not interested in going back into that world. His guns are hung up to live a peaceful life as a bartender in Veridian Village, at least, until life comes knocking and he might have to pick up his old life again... Design notes: He is very much looking to copy the style of a 1920's ganster, hence the older style to his suit and wears an open jacket to match his more laid-back attitude. Also was one to always make sure you knew he was armed when in company. His hat was fun as it is clear it is blown off and there history and sentiment to it. He's had that torn up hat a long time and is intent on keeping it that way.
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sharkboywrites · 10 months
"You're Just a Boy, You Are No Man, And Nobody You Know Will Understand"
Twst staff finding out stealth ftm reader is trans (platonic)
Reader is a trans man and implied to pass, misgendering, mentions of dysphoria and periods
A/N: Back with a part two to this post after the poll came out mostly positive. I really love the staff taking on a parental role to Yuu/player, its just so sweet.
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Dire Crowley
Getting teleported to twisted Wonderland was a very difficult experience, and of first the first person you met, and the one causing most of the problems for you, was Crowley. As the headmage of the school, he had to do something with you and generally take care of you. it was only a matter of time before you had to tell him the truth.
This doesn't mean you avoided the inevitable conversation as much you could. You were able to go a few weeks without running into an issue, that being the dreadful natural process that comes once every month.
While you could run to Sam, there was the small issue of the right clothes to wear, after all boxers won't really cut it in this situation, so unfortunately you had to go to Crowley for the right things to wear.
It was definitely an uncomfortable situation , sitting in Crowley's office, having to explain the situation to him. He was also, clearly, made a bit uncomfortable by the situation, but as headmage of the school, it was his job to provide you with what you needed.
you could already sense that dreaded feeling coming in the back of your throat as you explained. You really didn't want to cry in front of him, it was embarrassing, but there was really nothing you could do to stop it. In all honesty, Crowley doesn't know how to react in this situation, he's not really good with comforting and all that, so he isn't sure what to do once you get up and leave once the conversation, tears threatening to pour from your eyes.
You do find the next day, however, the clothes you requested, although you're decently sure he made a guess on the sizing, and a small chocolate bar. A small note sat with the items, reading "You've been excused of all chores for this week, take the break you need". Truly a bird dad at heart, even when he's not good with the talking part.
Divus Crewel
While Crewel can be seen as, well, cruel, he's taken a liking to you as you've made your way into Night Raven College. Now obviously he hadn't thought much of Crowley, knowing he did the bare minimum keeping you at the school, but he didn't expect this.
Other than your school uniform and the clothes you showed up in, you really didn't have anything else to wear, and he was not having it. Of course once he found out he dragged you to the nearest clothing store. Caught up in his anger and disappointment with Crowley, he didn't see how nervous you actually were about getting new clothes.
It wasn't until you had to make decisions did he pick up on your hesitation. he was a bit pushy with trying to get you to pick out things, but it wasn't until it came to trying thing on he realized just why you were so hesitant about this whole thing. It really all had clicked the moment you had to actually try things on, but he had reassured you that everything was fine and took a different approach.
He started to prioritize clothes that would make you feel comfortable over the ones he thought looked fashionable, although don't doubt for a second fashion won't still be considered.
Once you're all done you've got a new wardrobe and Crewel understands you a lot better. After this there's very clear favoritism once in the classroom now, which Ace will complain about until the day he dies. But that's alright, it's worth it to put with the complaining now that Crewel's you're new dad figure who's willing to do anything to make you feel comfortable with the other boys
Mozus Trein
Out of all the staff at Night Raven College, professor Trein is the most of a dad, quite literally, after all he had three daughters. Because of this, he can pick up on those small things that make you different from the other male students at Night Raven College. While he had his assumptions, he never outright said anything. He decided it was none of his business, and that if you wanted him to know, you would come to him instead.
it was during one of his classes that he noticed you seemed really uncomfortable. Not just uncomfortable physically, but mentally. It looked like you were ready to burst into tears with one wrong move. When class ended, he told you to stay after.
In that moment it felt like everything had gotten so much worse. Had you messed up? Were you in trouble? That's really not something you could handle right now. but to your surprise, he asked if you were alright instead.
You couldn't help when you started to cry a bit at that moment, although you did your best to hold back as much of it as you could. this caught him off guard, he didn't want you to cry. After reassuring you that it was alright, you explained to him what was going on. You told him how you were trans, how you were trying so hard to hide it, and how dysphoria had really been eating away at you ever since you got there.
Fortunately, when raising his own daughters Trein had to comfort them plenty, so he was able to calm you down enough to once again reassure you that everything would be alright. He told you that if you had any issues, to come to him and that he wouldn't tell anyone if you didn't want to. if you wanted the rest of staff to know, he'd help you slowly come out.
After that, he's very attentive to you in class, always making sure you seem alright. He really just wans you to be okay, even if he doesn't know that much about being queer. he starts to see you as one of his kids, and he wants to protect and help you in any way he can.
Ashton Vargas
Out of all the teachers you weren't very exited to learn about your identity, it was Vargas. He's like the average intimidating man that you're not sure if you want him to know you're queer. his reaction would either be super supportive, or he'd be the most transphobic person you'd ever met. teaching gym, it was inevitable that he would eventually find out you were trans.
When it came to locker rooms, it was really a challenge. there was no way you could change with the rest of the guys, they'd figure it out in seconds, and no you can't get out of changing for gym. So you had to go to Vargas to ask if there was somewhere else you would be able to change. Of course, he made you explain. it wasn't in a mean way, but he wants to push every student to being the best version of themselves, and being too scared to change in a locker room was not going to help that, a least according to him.
So, you had to tell him. You explained to him that you were trans and not only were you not comfortable changing with the rest of the boys, it would be unsafe for you if in the room with the wrong person. he's very taken aback by this. he probably isn't the type of teacher to think about students being queer, not in a homophobic way, just not something he generally thought about. So he offered to let you use one of the bathrooms nearby, as long as you didn't tell anybody about it.
This does not mean, however, that he'll suddenly go easy on you. you're still expected to do the same exercises as the rest of the boys. you are a boy and therefore will be pushed just as hard as the rest of them. Sorry, no getting out of that one. Vargas doesn't really see you any differently. You're still one of his students and need to be pushed to your limits, no matter how much you may dislike it. In fact, this makes him even harder on you. he's strict about making sure you don't exercise in a binder and gives you work outs that would make you more physically masculine.
So congratulations, you're given even more work than all the other students, but it's in good intentions from Vargas.
In the end, it was inevitable that you would also have to go to Sam at some point. I mean those period products aren't gonna buy themselves. Even though it wasn't really an ideal situation, Sam seemed like the person who'd you'd rather come out to than everyone else.
He's a bit odd, but he doesn't seem like the type to be judgmental, although he might bug you a little bit about it, not in a mean way though, the way he does to everybody. He's a bit of a sassy guy and that isn't going to stop for you.
When you first ask if he has anything that could help, he simply laughs. yes, it's an odd request that he wasn't expecting, but of course he has some. In fact, he even has enough for you to pick out a preferred size of whatever it was that you wanted.
he doesn't tell anyone if you don't want him to, although when you show up, with friends or not, he'll make a few sly jokes about it. Not enough to out you, just enough to let you know that he knows, and it doesn't bother him at all.
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this took me a lot longer than I thought I would, probably because I kept goofing off and getting on my phone instead of writing. I feel like Sam's part is really short but at this point I'm pretty tired and need a hot chocolate lol. ty for reading and have a nice day <3
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blackypanther9 · 5 months
Nothing to be ashamed of – Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Trans!Male!Reader
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TAGLIST: @juda-the-simp
WARNING!: Smuuuuuuut, Fluffy smut, gender dysphoria (mentioned), P in V, Oral sex, fingering AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
A/N: I hope I hit the mark ! I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be like this, I hope it wasn’t too disappointing ! I can change it if there is something wrong with this ! I think I got a bit carried away.
M/n was nervous. He was very nervous. He was in a relationship with Stuart Macher and William Loomis for a long while now. They knew that M/n was a man, no matter that he had a feminine body with the wrong gender, other people didn’t accept him like that though. These two, did.
They always beat people up that misgendered M/n on purpose, heck, they even killed them ! And after a long time...M/n felt ready to have his first time with the both of them. And it made him so nervous !
And the worst ? The boys noticed while they made out with him.
“Are you still sure you want to do this ? You are shaking, M/n, Love.”, Billy asked, while Stu continued to pamper M/n’s neck with nibbles and kisses.
“I am sure, Billy. Just...nervous.”, M/n replied with a flinch.
Gosh did he hate his voice...It sounded so pathe- Billy kissed him and tore M/n out of his hate for himself. He licked M/n lips gently, asking for entrance and M/n opened his mouth. While they kissed and nibbled on M/n, the male could feel both of his Lovers getting hard. M/n would lie if he said that he wasn’t getting wet and excited himself.
The boys took off their clothes and then M/n’s. What the male didn’t expect was that Stu and Billy were in no rush at all. He...liked that.
Stu continued to kiss and nibble on M/n’s neck for a while, while Billy slid down and started to kiss and nibble M/n’s legs and thighs. Soft, gentle kisses were placed on his skin and M/n sighed in comfort. This felt...nice.
Stu started to kiss his chest and Billy ran his hands up and down M/n’s legs, while he worshipped his stomach with kisses, nibbles and soft bites. M/n moaned and he could feel himself gushing from between his legs, it was almost hurting. But Billy didn’t dare to touch that zone yet.
“You are handsome, M/n. You know that ?”, Billy asked and kissed the right side of M/n’s hips gently.
Stu stopped assaulting M/n’s chest and kissed his cheek, while M/n moaned.
“Tease, both of you.”, M/n pouted, ignoring that compliment.
He was not handsome.
Stu gave M/n a mischievous look.
“You are so adorable, our handsome, unique Lover.”, Stu said.
M/n blushed deeply. Did they really mean it ? He was unique ? M/n let out a loud moan as Billy’s mouth started to suck on M/n left nipple gently. He looked at him and Billy doubled his efforts, determined to make it bruise as a mark.
“We will cover you in marks and make you understand that we love you the way you are, M/n~ When we are done with you, you will be the most happy man on earth~”, Stuart purred and then kissed him on the lips, swallowing the male’s moans.
M/n gave a loud, yelp like moan as Billy softly bit his left nipple and then let go, satisfied that it will bruise in a few hours, then he kissed M/n’s stomach again and sucked a few hickies into the male’s skin.
“We’ll make you so pretty and you might love it so much, that you will stop caring what other people say and think of you~”, Billy purred out and gave M/n a charming smile.
Stu released M/n’s lips from his and then started to nibble and suck on M/n right nipple, before he took it into his mouth and did the same thing Billy did to M/n’s left nipple. The male moaned loudly in pleasure and whimpered in slight pain about how his pussy reacted.
Billy looked at him with a soft smile.
“Does it hurt, Baby ?”, he asked M/n.
He whimpered and nodded.
“Do you want me to take it away ?”
Again M/n nodded. Billy hummed and then lifted M/n’s hips up, making his sopping pussy face him. M/n had no idea what he was planning, but he let out a loud moan as Billy dived into his boyfriend’s cunt.
“B-Bi-Billy~! Ha~!”
Billy took his time with eating M/n out. He licked his clit gently for a while, then plunged his tongue gently into M/n’s pussy, moaning at his taste. M/n moaned louder and his hole clenched around Billy’s tongue. It felt weird, but also so good.
Stu gave one last harsh suck, that made M/n moan loudly, then he let go and went back to his neck, kissing, nibbling and sucking on it, inhaling his scent and humping the mattress.
Billy could feel how close M/n already was and the three of them agreed that each of them cums at least once. Billy didn’t had the heart to delay M/n’s first orgasm, so he continued and rubbed the bridge of his nose against M/n’s clit.
“Ha~! C-Cumming~!”, M/n warned.
“Then cum for us, Handsome~”, Stu purred and then bit M/n’s neck gently.
With a yell M/n came onto Billy’s tongue and he lapped it up like a treat, helping M/n through his orgasm, then he retreated. M/n shivered but it wasn’t enough and the boys could see it.
Billy leaned down and kissed M/n, which the male returned, wrapping his arms around Billy’s neck. While the two of them had a heated make out session, with either M/n or Billy moaning into the kisses, Stu got busy with palming himself a bit and watching.
Stu really wanted to cum inside M/n, but he didn’t know if he was ready for that, so he didn’t ask either. He will be satisfied enough if he is allowed to cum onto him and cover his cunt from the outside.
As soon as Billy parted his lips from M/n, he got off and Stu started to cover M/n in some more hickies on the stomach, leg and chest area. M/n moaned and felt how fast his arousal was built up again, Stu noticed and smiled.
“Do you want my fingers or my mouth, M/n~?”
The male was unsure. Stu had a long tongue, but what would his fingers feel like ? Maybe another time...
Stu nodded and positioned M/n and himself, then he dove in, like Billy. Stuart went deeper with his tongue than Billy did and he hit something that made M/n see starts and moan louder than before.
Billy chuckled and then kissed M/n again, who returned the kiss with a small whimper.
“I see he found our beloved’s sweet spot~ Keep hitting that spot Stu~ Our handsome Love feels really good~”
Stu listened and continued to abuse that g – spot of M/n’s, making him moan and tremble, rushing towards his second orgasm. Billy continued to kiss M/n, which made him unable to warn Stu as he came screaming into Billy’s mouth.
Stu, eager as he was, lapped it all up happily and then very carefully removed himself. He started to nuzzle M/n’s thighs and looked at Billy.
“Do you think you are ready for more ?”, Billy asked M/n.
“Like ?”
“Do you think you are ready to let us...enter you. Or is that a big no ?”, he asked gently to not spook him.
“You...won’t see me any different...right ? If I let you both...in ?”, M/n asked with insecurity.
Billy and Stu looked at each other and then moved, like they had a conversation in thoughts. Stu was by his side again, his left hand between M/n’s folds, rubbing his sensitive clit. M/n whimpered softly, while Billy slid a bit further down and gently eased a finger inside M/n, making him moan softly.
While Billy carefully worked M/n’s pussy open with his index finger and Stu rubbed his clit gently with the other, they looked at him lovingly.
“We will never see you any differently, M/n. We love you, in every sense of the word, we respect you and we wish to mark and claim you. You wanted us to be your first time, to take your virginity. We are more than happy to do so.”, Stu said with love and pride.
“Just because you have a different sex between your legs, doesn’t that mean that we see you as any less of our handsome, charming, enchanting Lover. It doesn’t matter what sex you have, to us. Nor should it matter to you. You are M/n L/n and you are unique. No matter what.”, Billy added with love.
Gently Billy added a second finger and then scissored M/n open gently, curled and uncurled his fingers, adding pleasure to M/n again, while he was also in tears from happiness. These two boys will be the death of M/n one day.
“O-okay. But...please be gentle....”, M/n said shyly.
“Inside or outside when we cum ?”
M/n was in thoughts but then decided to fuck it all.
Billy nodded.
With that he pulled his fingers out, making M/n whimper at the loss. His cunt was sopping, begging for more. Billy started to rub his cock against M/n’s slick cunt, coating it in his juices to make him slip in easier.
“It might hurt a bit, Baby.”
“I can live with a bit of pain.”, M/n replied.
Stu continued to rub M/n’s clit, to make his pussy ease up a bit. M/n was jerking slightly from the stimulation, but the boys held him in place. Ever so gently did Billy slowly enter M/n’s pussy.
M/n hissed slightly at the stretch. It hurt a bit, but he can deal with it.
“Say stop if you need a break.”, Billy reminded M/n.
“Go on.”, M/n urged.
Soon enough Billy bottomed out and M/n was surprised that it didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. Billy gave himself and M/n a small break to adjust, while Stu continued to rub lazy, slow circles into M/n’s clit. It relaxed M/n’s body slightly and whine that Billy wasn’t moving.
Billy groaned as he felt M/n clench around his cock and he looked at M/n, who seemed to be in bliss until now.
“Stu, stop playing with his clit, I don’t want him to finish without me.”, Billy said and Stu obeyed.
“Noo ! Stuey, continue !”, M/n whined as that pleasure was ripped away from him.
“Don’t worry, Darling. You will get more pleasure soon.”, Stu assured and kissed him instead.
M/n kissed back and Billy moved. At first it was slow and sensual, experimental too, but Billy found a spot and steady pace to get M/n worked up on soon enough.
“Ha~! Ah~! Billy~!”, M/n moaned as Billy thrusted in and out, hitting a sensitive spot over and over inside M/n.
Billy leaned down and started to kiss M/n and swallow all of his moans, while M/n swallowed Billy’s groans, feeling close. Stu just waited and watched, stroking himself in excitement.
“Are-ha~- you close~?”, Billy groaned out.
“Myes~”, M/n whimpered.
Billy nodded and rubbed M/n’s clit himself this time, making M/n moan loudly again and buck his hips up, which allowed Billy to get deeper inside him.
“Cum for me, Love~ I want you to cum all over my cock~”, Billy groaned out.
M/n whimpered and Billy kissed him while he continued to pleasure him. M/n got louder the closer he got with his moans and whimpers, then he came screaming into Billy’s mouth and he could feel how M/n’s juices were gushing around his cock. M/n’s walls tightened, his cunt sucking him in deeper and with one last push, Billy came deep inside M/n’s pussy, rope after rope, groaning into M/n’s mouth. M/n moaned again as he felt the warm, sticky liquid enter him.
Billy helped the both of them ride out their orgasms and as he was finished and knew that M/n calmed down too, he gently pulled out, which made M/n whine at the loss, but he knew they weren’t done yet and by how much M/n’s pussy twitched and begged for more, it he wasn’t done either.
Stu came crawling over and Billy watched M/n’s pussy intently, just like Stu. They both groaned, while M/n whimpered, as they saw Billy’s cum leaking out of his pussy. Billy couldn’t help it as he bend down and lapped it up, then kissed M/n’s clit and made out with M/n’s pussy. It was so much sensation, so much stimulation, but M/n’s body begged for more, even though this was his first time ever.
Billy’s lips touched M/n’s outer lips, his tongue inside his hole and lewd sounds were pulled from his pussy as Billy made out with his cunt. It was hot, it was sexy and M/n felt fucking good. It wasn’t rushed and he felt filled with love.
As soon as Billy was done, M/n was ready for Stu and he entered just as gently, with his right hand on M/n’s lower belly. He groaned as he bottomed out and felt his cock moving in M/n’s lower stomach. M/n whimpered and moved his hips, asking him to start to make love with him.
“I will mark you so nicely, love you so good, M/n~ You’ll never forget it~”, Stuart promised and then started moving.
Stu hit M/n’s G – spot with precision, he was gentle and slow, but his thrusts had purpose and meaning. This wasn’t rushed, nor was only lust speaking, but also love, care and a deeper understanding between these three. M/n was moaning while Stu groaned and praised M/n for being such a brave Lover to do this with them.
Billy was mostly busy with watching M/n’s reactions, in case he wanted it to stop. He was satisfied and just ran his fingers through their Lover’s hair and kissing him here and there, to let him know that Billy was still there and supported him.
It didn’t take long for M/n to be at his peak again with all the dirty talk from Stu and the doting from Billy. Billy’s kisses and his touches grounded M/n, while Stu was such a dirty mouth.
“Gonna cum so deep inside you, Baby~”
“Can’t feel you gushing around my cock like the eager boy you are~”
“You feel so good~”
“So tight~”
“So pliant~”
“Brave handsome Darling for taking my cock so well~”
“Can’t wait to fill you with my cum~”
Like, who wouldn’t get to their peak with all that filth ? Stu wasn’t far behind either, he flicked M/n’s clit a few times and he came screaming, cunt gushing around his cock. Stu moaned at the feeling of how M/n came on his cock and he knew he was at the edge. He grabbed M/n’s hips and then pulled him closer onto his rod, while he shoved inside as deep as he could.
M/n moaned a high pitched moan and bucked his hips to help Stu inside deeper, then he felt again warm liquid enter his pussy, Stu groaned and he gently rocked back and forth, fucking his cum deeper inside. Billy swallowed, finding it very erotic.
As Stu pulled out of M/n, after they were finished and both came down from their high, the two boys watched and waited for Stu’s cum to leak out. It was just a small trickle, which made Stu’s cock twitch again, knowing that his cum was in deep then.
Fuck...The two boys found that hot.
M/n looked at the two boys and they looked at him with immense love. He smiled at them. He felt truly loved and happy.
“Can we do another round ?”, Stu asked shyly.
Billy looked at Stu and then his dick, groaning in disappointment.
“You are still horny ?”, he asked.
“Don’t judge me ! So are you !”, Stu defended himself and pointed at Billy’s stiffened member.
They looked at each other and then at M/n. He swallowed, but opened his legs, encouraging them. Oh boy...this was gonna be a long night of love making for M/n, but he couldn’t ask for more. If Billy and Stu were always gonna be so sweet and caring with him, then who was he to deny ?
A/N: I think I fucked it up. Q-Q I should have left it at a cliffhanger. T-T
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demonsword586 · 3 months
if my hcs pissed y'all off sm can u just fucking block me also saying that im advertising paimon as female just bc i HEADCANON him (im emphasizing it for u since y'all can't fucking read) as transfem and used she/her prns bc i said she's a gyaru when y'all could've just blocked and called it a day but no u and ur friends were literally jumping me on my asks and telling me to make my own post abt it but when I did suddenly im making a tantrum and that im weird??? USE UR DAMN BRAIN OMG
I JUST SAID AN OPINION AND U LOSERS TOOK IT SRSLY AND NOW IM THE BAD GUY FOR MAKING POSTS ABT IT???? y'all were literally being weird to me when it's literally been a week since that paimon post can u be srs for one fucking second
"no one is telling u hcing paimon as transfem is wrong" but y'all hate it when i use she/her prns BE FUCKING FR???
God,at this point I don't even see the point of replying to you when all the answers are already said by the others.
The only reason why I haven't blocked you yet is because I still had some small hope you would admmit you were in the wrong but it seems like that won't be the case.
I just don't see any point in trying to argue with a child's mentallity. Please get out,close up your mobile and enjoy some nature.
Also I love the dedication you put in just to piss in my inbox. Did you go through all the accounts who said something mean about you?~ How cute!
Also just to make it clear to your simple-minded self,in any post you make about Paimon you use she/her as if that is their actual prns. But it's not. If someone who has no idea about whb saw your blog,they would think Paimon is female. And ince they play the game,they would be disappointed once they realize it's a guy. That's why people are so careful with what they say on the internet. Because misinformation is made,accidently or not. There are also people who can be sensitive to this kind of topic. You have to be very careful when it comes to sexuallity and sexual topics in general. Many have bad experiences with it and even misgendering can be a trigger.
Seeing from how you don't have any bit of sympathy towards hurting other people with your rude speech,I can only assume you don't have many real friends so you go on the internet and then rage here instead.
I'm done with this topic now. I come here to relax and have fun,not argue with an immature idiot.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Another confident-warprize-Hob and shy-king-Dream prompt with a slightly different flavor:
Trans man Hob is a highly sought after courtesan, and he loves his work, which is half of his appeal - he's so enthusiastic and makes it very clear how much he loves what he does. Eventually he ends up gifted to the Dream King, who never has courtesans or warprizes around. He's quiet, and stoic, but seems interested enough in Hob. 
Now the thing is, it's common knowledge that Hob is trans. And he does not tolerate any misgendering or disrespect, but people tend to want to fuck his pussy and he's genuinely fine with that.
So his first night with Dream, he starts off dirty talking about Dream fucking him. And Dream, who was already being pretty shy about the whole situation, is like “Oh. Yeah, of course. :( We can do that.”
And Hob, because he has no fear and likes making people feel good is like “wait, do you not want to?”
“No no, it’s fine, if that’s what you want we can do that I don’t mind.”
And Hob just gapes like “You are the KING and I am your WARPRIZE literally the whole point is we do what YOU want to do jfc what is happening here.”
It’s like pulling teeth, and it takes a lot of persuading that no, really, Hob enjoys all sorts of stuff, Dream won’t be disappointing him (and seriously, what king worries about disappointing his warprize??) but eventually Dream admits that he was sort of maybe hoping Hob would fuck him. He’s got a lovely strap-on, with jewels encrusted on it for texture including some on the interior to rub against the wearer’s clit, that has never been used before. The times he’s been in relationships he’s been expected to top, and he always deferred to his partner’s desires. When he got a warprize, he thought he might finally get to bottom, but when Hob mentioned being fucked he lost his confidence and didn’t want to be inconsiderate. 
Meanwhile, Hob is holding this gorgeous strap-on that’s probably worth more than he used to make in a year and vibrating with excitement. Similarly to Dream, Hob has always been expected to bottom, and he really does enjoy it, but it’s been ages since he got to top and he is ALL ABOUT this.
Dream is still hesitant and unsure, but Hob has enough confidence for both of them, pulling him into bed and giving him everything he can’t bring himself to ask for. They both end up cumming multiple times and by the time they fall asleep they’re both a little bit in love.
(Hob’s goal is to boost Dream’s confidence until he can ride Hob’s cock completely uninhibited, no worries or anxieties, just taking his pleasure until he cums on Hob’s chest.)
Dream gets out this elaborate box which contains a whole set of beautifully carved, incredible jewel encrusted straps. The harness part is made from the softest leather, and they're obviously the most beautiful objects that Hob has ever seen. He oohs and ahhs over them while Dream sits and blushes and slowly calms down a little bit. He's still shy, but he figures that Hob seems pretty about this turn of events, so maybe it's all ok?
As far as Hob is concerned its more than ok. He picks out a medium sized strap-on from the collection and immediately launches back into the dirty talk while he wiggles into the harness. He tells Dream that he's so good for being honest about what he wanted, and that he's going to make such good use of these pretty toys.
Dream whimpers and wiggles like bait on a hook, almost turned on enough to forget his nervousness. He spreads his legs invitingly and Hob peppers his neck and chest with kisses. The second Hob’s fingers nudge against his hole he just melts, and there's no sign of the cold stoical King left. He's gorgeous, needy, and Hob is absolutely obsessed with him.
The jewelled strap goes down an absolute treat, and Dream writes a letter the very next day to order more toys from the craftsmen who made the original set. When the new toys arrive, Hob takes great delight in slotting a solid ruby plug into his pretty King's hole. He's going to make Dream into a proper little slut and teach him to feel such joy in getting what he wants.
(And if what Dream also wants is to eat Hob out until he cries, well, that's more than ok too. His king deserves a good meal.)
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eros-vigilante · 3 months
Another Eden's "Gender Unknown" 5★s: Ciel and Clarte
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Ciel and Clarte are the only 5★ characters in the game listed as having 'unknown' gender, despite both being referred to with he/him in English.
Ciel's quests involve many scenes where he is assumed to be a girl. Even Aldo thinks that he's a girl until the first time he says that he's a boy. Some of Himmel!Ciel's fans argue about what gender he is.
Ciel does not express much discomfort with being misgendered. Both Ciel and Himmel!Ciel say that they don't care about the concept of gender. Ciel is only once upset by someone refusing to believe that he is a boy after saying so.
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Ciel's event quest, Foreign Skies and the Ship to Freedom, has themes of the oppression queer people face. A vague description to avoid spoilers would be that Ciel's parents and older sisters grew up in a highly oppressive environment that punished deviance from the norm, and wanted Ciel to live without bearing that past. His family and family friends are described as "eccentric" by the narration, and "loonies" by the antagonists.
I interpret Ciel's 'unknown' gender as representing how crossdressing can be a genderqueer act, and that while he identifies as a boy he isn't upset by being assumed to be a girl, implying he is not attached to being cis or binary.
Clarte's ENG voice actor is a man, and their JP voice actor is a woman. While the actress is said to be 'typecasted as young men', her performance for Clarte is sometimes ambiguous.
Clarte's TVTropes.org entry for 'ambiguous gender' says that some of their sprite's stock animation rigs are ones used mostly or only otherwise by female characters. I don't have any recorded, but I can remember seeing them have animations used more often by women than men.
The strongest lore about Clarte being nonbinary are heavy spoilers for the final chapter of Mythos: Song of Sword and Wings of Lost Paradise. I will stay as vague as possible but it will be below the cut nonetheless.
The English localization uses he/him for Clarte, and I'm a bit disappointed that this is the case as their lore would make they/them most accurate.
However, I don't believe it to be malicious. I'm assuming that as the story released in parts, the people translating/writing the early story didn't know Clarte was explicitly implied to be nonbinary by their lore. There's a line in Ciel's event story where his mother refers to him with she/her. Localization teams being split from the writers and/or being outsourced leads to mistakes. Another Eden also just has poor proofreading with occasional typos and spelling errors being normal.
The fun interpretation of this would be that Clarte is nonbinary and transmasculine, choosing to go by he/him despite having no assigned gender. Being referred to with he/him doesn't mean that the EN localization suddenly decided that Clarte is a cis male, just that they go by he/him. I personally am going to use they/him.
Most basically, Clarte was "made" for a purpose. The purpose was not related to emulating humans, so they very likely have no genitals at all, as there would be no reason for them to have any. Thus, they have no sex, and no way to be cis.
TVTropes says that NPCs from where Clarte is from express "confusion over what Clarte's gender is", and that they were supposed to "be neither male nor female".
I have found the NPC that says Clarte has no gender, and while it's worded differently from the TVTropes, it says the same thing: that Clarte has no gender.
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bugflies00 · 4 months
the thing about fostering au cfundy is that when he has his rebellious teen phase and rejects his dad and tries to be as furthest away from him as he can, that's what he starts to resemble him the most.
when he's about 13-14, cfundy's relationship with cwil starts to strain, which is pretty normal for a teenager. he really embraces the emo angsty teen thing. he's frustrated with how cwilbur still seems to see him as a little kid, despite being a teenager, he's jealous of his newborn little sister (tallulah) getting all the attention, he's sick of the dysphoria and misgendering he deals with every day (he's out to his family and they're fully supportive but he's not on HRT yet), and he's also got anxiety and is prone to depressive episodes . just like Someone.
except the thing is he's still young and few teens want to talk about that stuff with their parents, so he doesn't realise that wilbur Would be able to relate and to help because he went through some of that. instead he just bottles it all up and resents his dad (big q is on thin ice but mostly fine, in fact like the little shit he is cfundy makes a point to show favouritism to cq . petty syndrome runs in the family) and straightens his hair so it's not curly like his, dresses all in black and listens to emo music except it . Doesnt work.
cause this poor kid has no clue that cwilbur WAS emo back in the day (in the 2000s too....) so when he hears his kid blast out his music really fucking loud in his room and slam the door he doesnt get upset at all, he gets really excited and shoves his head in the room like Omg you listen to them too!!! :D i have their old CDs if you want. 😭 Mission Disappointing Your Dad : Failed by fundy soot.
what does work is when he straightens his hair, cause originally wilburs like Oh are you straightening it to look emo (he himself did that Once in high school and realised he wasnt pushing it that far because straight hair Did Not suit him) and while that Was half the reason fundy did it, he shouts back that it was just to look nothing like him. And wilburs like Oh 😟 and they don't really talk for a while after that.
its really complicated because fundy's lashing out because he's got all these big emotions that he's grappling with in addition to regular puberty And the fact that puberty sucks x1000 when you're trans, and also because he Does feel rejected by wilbur and rejects him back in like. self defense i guess. even though on wilbur's end it's Being Overwhelmed with Having A Newborn that makes him unintentionally neglect fundy, its never anything malicious. but it still sucks for fundy.
and the worst thing is that when fundy tries to do something about it, to be mean and separate himself from his dad, he ends up following in his footsteps. some of it is lighthearted, like the emo thing, some of it less so. when quackity sees fundy come back home high for the first time, the only thing he can think is just how much fundy looks like his dad used to.
they're both ball of nerves who are prone to falling in depressive slumps and pushing everyone away by being mean, so they come off as like. The Unstable One even though they Hate it.
(tw discussion of SH after this!!)
the tension keeps building for a While, and it sucks for everyone because wilbur tries to reach out to his son but he has no idea whats wrong (to be fair hes a bit clueless too), and fundy pushes his dad away more and more and falls into more of a mental health pit in those middle/high school years, to the point where he resorts to self harm.
it all comes to a halt when wilbur finds the blades in the bathroom drawer and absolutely loses his mind. he goes into complete panic mode and barges into fundys room and starts frantically asking if he was hurting himself and fundys just kinda sat there frozen before bursting out sobbing.
its definitely not the way he shouldve confronted him about it, but for wilbur, who struggled with self harm for over two decades, having his son "end up like him" was his absolute nightmare. he spent so long shutting everyone out and bottling it all in especially from tommy and fundy because the one thing he wanted above all else was for their childhoods and lives to be nothing like his. and so to see fundy shut him out and be depressed and hurt himself? just like he did? and he didn't even notice? he's never felt like this much of a failure.
it does get better after that. wilbur has a looooooong talk with his son, which includes talking about things that he never intended for him to know but he realises the only way to help him is to treat him like he's not a little kid, like he can handle these topics, and most importantly so he knows that like . he Does get it . it's still strained cause they're both still bottling shit up but now that wilbur realises fundy was hurting so much he's determined not to let it happen again.
idk i just. something about trying to run away from your parent and everything they represent and yet finding yourself exactly like them. they're parallels in the worst way possible sometimes
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aoifereal · 6 months
Don't like venting about this stuff normally but I'm very frustrated by this, so. I saw a transfem butch complaining online about how being misgendered for being butch and the comments were sucks and the comments are full of people effectively saying "that's just how it is for butches, what did you expect?".
That's so rude on so many levels. Do you think this trans butch doesn't know that people assumptions about gender? It's the same condescension that happens whenever a trans woman talks about women's issues, the same deep-rooted cissexism. People don't view trans women's womanhoods to be as real as cis womens womanhoods so they assume we can't possibly understand what it's like to have an experience a (in this case, butch) woman would have. It's the same logic that leads people to say "welcome to being a woman" as if a trans woman is not aware of misogyny and has not faced any real examples of it, despite trans women facing misogyny and transmisogny well before people start to acknowledge us as women.
Additionally, why do you think any trans person would need it explained to them that strangers will make gendered assumptions about you. That's our whole lives! I'm sure most trans butches had a more feminine phase (in the same way many cis butches conform to femininity for some time due to the extreme pressures placed on all women to) and even in those phases we are very aware of gendered assumptions! Because we have to be to stay safe in public!
In this same forum there's a post from a day ago where a (presumably cis, but what matters is that people will assume that because she didn't say) butch complains about the exact same thing and everyone in the comments is being nice to her and saying they understand and they're sorry that it sucks she's being misgendered. It's such naked transmisogny to immediately dismiss and condescend to a trans woman in a way that you do not do when you're talking to cis women.
One cis woman was going on and on about how some trans women find it nice when people are misogynistic towards them because it affirms their gender and why doesnt op just take a similar approach to butchphobia :). Now I do get the latter part of this a bit because I will say "it is because of my masculine lesbian swag" in my head when I get misgendered but it pisses me off when people suggest trans women like experiencing misogyny. Sometimes particularly early transition women joke about it because if you don't laugh you'll cry but facing misogyny isn't fun for anyone. Cis people fucking love this stuff though because it allows them to continue thinking of trans women as acceptable targets for misogyny.
Also full of people saying "you should just assert your womanhood when you get misgendered" which is crazy to me because it's dangerous for cis butches let alone transfem butches! That's insane advice to give someone and just shows you're checked out of reality. Women get killed over this shit dude. Or people not getting how misgendering is used as a patriarchal tool of control. Not understanding that a misgendering has a threat of violence behind it a significant portion of the time when you're a trans woman.
It's just all wild, and no listening to the several trans women trying to explain why the things they were saying were lacking in understanding. Very disappointing to see lesbians say this stuff.
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biancastoaster · 3 months
A Lily By Any Other Name (Is Still a Lily)
Category: Gen
Fandom: Psych (TV 2006)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Decided Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Carlton Lassiter & OC
Characters: Lily M. Lassiter (OC), Carlton Lassiter, Carlton Lassiter's father, Shawn Spencer
Additional Tags: character death, misgendering, deadnaming, all that fun stuff, OC insert, sad Lassiter, flashbacks, homophobia, transphobia, little brother Lassiter, no beta we die like yin
Summary: Carlton visits his older sister. 
Author’s Notes: Lassiter needed an older sibling, I think it would’ve been good for him. 
I hope you guys like this, it took me a month to write. 
At his desk, Carlton checked the time. Not yet. 
5 minutes went by before he checked again, and slumped back in his chair in disappointment when he saw it hadn’t been long since he last looked. 
This repeated until it finally was time. He quickly got ready to go. But just before he stood up to leave, Carlton grabbed a small file and put it inside his briefcase. He snapped the clasps shut and briskly began his way from his new office to his car. 
Halfway through the corridor, he’s stopped by an all too familiar voice. 
“Lassie! Where you going?” 
Carlton heaved a deep, exasperated sigh. Without even looking to see who it was, he kept walking away. “Not that it’s any of your business Spencer, but I’m visiting a family member.” 
Shawn caught up, ambling alongside Carlton. “Ooo, who? Is it Lauren? No wait, I got it: it’s your mother…s.”
He rolled his eyes. “None of them. I’m visiting my older sister, Lily.”
Shawn gave a look of surprise. “I didn’t know you had an older sister! Hold on, does she know you named your kid after her?”
Lassiter briskly walked out the door, Shawn still on his tail. “No, that’s why I’m visiting her today.”
“Doooes Marlowe know?”
“Yes, in fact she was the one who encouraged the name.”
“No no no, not that. Well, actually, yeah that too. But, does she know you’re visiting your sister without her?”
“Yes, she’s well aware I’m- you know what, I’m not entertaining this anymore. I need to leave now, I don’t want to be late.”
It was dark out, the pitch black of night covering the neighborhood in a blanket, the sky dotted with little pinpricks of stars.  
Carlton Lassiter was in his bed, and he was tossing and turning in his sleep, mumbling nonsensical words to himself. 
He eventually woke up with a gasp. He was shaking, and he reached up to feel tear tracks on his face. He could’ve sworn that… 
But no. He was here, at home, safe in his bed. 
He wiped the remaining tears from his face, and tried to go back to sleep. But the adrenaline still lingered, keeping him awake and scared. Shadows seemed to loom from the corners, taking the form of monsters and blank figures. 
Eventually, he couldn’t take being alone in his room anymore. Grabbing his blanket, he gently hopped off his bed and onto the floor, and began making his way to his parents room. 
But right before Carlton even touched the doorknob, he hesitated. He didn’t want to bother them with something like this. His dad would probably just send him back to his room. And besides, their light was turned off, meaning his parents were fast asleep. 
So he kept going down the hall, and up the stairs. 
Carlton crept past the dining room and kitchen, and made his way to his brother Liam’s room. There was a tiny bit of light shining from under the door, nearly invisible to the untrained eye. 
He grabbed the doorknob, and as it made a small jiggling sound the light quickly turned off.
Carlton gently opened the door. “Liam?”
From the bed in the corner of the room, a head belonging to his 12 year old brother popped up from underneath the covers. “CJ? What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
He found himself unable to answer, his face screwing up and tears falling once more. 
Liam sat up, immediately concerned for his little brother. “Hey, hey, it’s alright, it’s alright. Come here.”
Carlton complied, clambering onto the bed and sinking into his older brother’s arms.
“It’s okay, just let it out.”
And he did, slowly hiccuping his way through telling Liam about the whole bad dream. 
The whole time, Liam sat there, rubbing Carlton’s back periodically to try and soothe him, like he had seen people on tv do. 
After sitting for a minute, Carlton sniffled, looking up at Liam. “What were you doing before I came in?”
“Ohh, just rereading The Hobbit.” 
“Can you- can you read it to me?” 
Liam smiled. “Of course. Did you want me to start at the beginning, or where I’m at?”
“Where you left off.”
“Alright then. Get comfy, come on, CJ.”
As Carlton snuggled under the covers, Liam reached under the first pillow and grabbed the book and pen light he had hidden just before Carlton came in. 
He cleared his throat, reading out loud, “As they sang the hobbit felt the love of beautiful things made by hands and by cunning and by magic moving through him, a fierce and a jealous love, the desire of the hearts of dwarves…”
Carlton slowly began to become more and more drowsy as the gentle timbre of his brother’s voice lulled him to sleep. 
“He looked out of the window. The stars were out in a dark sky above the trees. He thought of the jewels of the dwarves shining in dark caverns…”
Right when he was about succumb completely to sleep, he felt Liam gently put away the book and turn out the light once more. 
Carlton carefully pulled into a small strip mall, right in front of a store called ‘The Flower Corner’. 
He walked in, and stood at the desk, clearing his throat to catch the attention of the lady behind the desk. 
She looked up and saw him, and quickly stood up. “Oh hello, sir! How can I help you today?”
“I’m here to pickup a bouquet. It should be under Lassiter.”
“Of course, just one second.” She tapped a few keys on her keyboard, clicking a bit with her mouse as well. “Alright then, I’ll go ahead and grab it from the back.”
Carlton began awkwardly drumming his fingers on the counter as he waited for the employee to get back. 
“Alright, here they are!” 
He looked up and saw a beautiful bunch of flowers, a mix of pink lilies and carnations, all expertly wrapped in decorative plastic to hold it all together. 
As he paid, the cashier asked, “Who are the flowers for?” 
“My sister, Lily.” 
“Awww! Well, I can definitely see why you chose the lilies, then. I’m sure she’ll love them.”
Carlton nodded stiffly. The whole interaction felt awkward to him, and he hated awkward situations. So once he had gotten the bouquet paid for, he tried his best not to run out the door. 
Carlton was riding in the back of his father’s car, on the way to pick up Liam from his friend’s house. 
He couldn’t remember his name, but he was pretty sure Liam’s friend was on the football team along with Liam himself. 
Looking out the window as they pulled up to the curb next to the house, he saw figures moving around behind the windows, presumably his brother and his friend saying goodbye.  
To his surprise, Carlton watched as his older brother walked out with a girl he didn’t recognize, instead of another guy. Maybe it was Liam’s friend’s sister? 
They had stopped at the entryway to continue a conversation, talking very animatedly, using dramatic hand gestures and exaggerated expressions. 
The two — along with Carlton — were startled when his dad honked the horn. 
Liam gave an apologetic look to the girl, and she burst into laughter. They exchanged a few more words before she gave him an energetic hug, which he equally returned. 
In the rearview mirror, Carlton saw a grin forming on his father. It was very clear what he thought the hug between the two had meant. But Carlton could just tell it wasn’t that kind of hug. He’d seen his parents hug, and girls and boys — couples — hug each other public. However, he had also seen girls hugging girls — their best friends — as well. That’s what kind of hug his brother and the girl had reminded him of.
As Liam climbed into the car, his dad gave him a look. “So, who was that?” 
Liam buckled in. “Just Chuck’s sister, she’s really nice.”
“Really nice, huh?” 
Carlton caught the suggestive look on his dad at the same time Liam did. “No, dad, it’s not- she’s just nice, I barely even know her.” 
His dad laughed. “That’s how it always starts. Soon enough you’ll be all over each other.”
It was then that Carlton noticed his brother’s face. It was red. The same shade of red his mother had at the end of the day when she finally took off her makeup. 
Not red in embarrassment from his father’s comments. He looked as if he’d been rubbing it continuously to get something off.
‘Was that what Liam had been doing? Wearing makeup?’
Later that day, Carlton confronted him, demanding to know the truth. Eventually, Liam caved. 
“Okay, okay, fine. Chuck wasn’t actually there, he had something come up. But Linda was, and… she uh… needed someone to model some of her makeup for her, and she asked me since we have really close skin tones.” Liam twisted his hands. “Her words, not mine.”
Carlton was young, only 8, but he knew when his brother was lying. However, he also knew when he should and shouldn’t pressure Liam with more questions, and decided to leave it alone. 
Carlton pulled out of the flower shop, and onto the road once more. 
He’d been driving for at least another 5 minutes when he hit a pothole that he heard a particularly loud bump from the back. He thought it was his briefcase for a minute, but a quick glance at the passenger seat told him that wasn’t true. There was something — or someone — in the trunk. 
Carlton pulled over to the side of the road, and grabbed his gun from his holster and cocked it. 
He pointed it at the trunk door, and quickly opened it. “Freeze!”
Light flossed the trunk, and a very familiar high pitched girlish scream emerged from inside. “Nonono don’t shoot!” 
“Spencer? What the hell are you doing here?”
Shawn clumsily clambered out of the trunk, tripping momentarily before regaining his balance. “I just wanted to meet your mystery sister, man. I’ve known you for what, 8 years? And I’ve never heard you talk about you ‘big sister Lily’.”
Carlton took a deep breath. “Spencer…” he briefly thought about ditching him on the side of the road. But a quick look told him that would be inhumane. And probably illegal. He ran a hand down his face exhaustedly. “Fine. You can come.” Shawn pumped a fist. “But you’re sitting in the back.”
“Tch.” Shawn made a dissapointed face, but got in the backseat anyway. 
Carlton was hiding in his room, trying his best to drown out Liam and his father’s argument they were having just down the hall. 
Liam had been caught underneath the bleachers at the track, locking lips with the captain of the football team. Chuck, Liam’s so-called best friend, was the one to catch them, snitching on the couple to Carlton’s father. 
Which was what the current argument between the two was about.  
Everything was mostly muffled, thanks to Carlton shoving a pillow over his head to drown out the noise, but he definitely heard his father say something along the lines of ‘not raising his son to be a faggot’. 
At this, Liam raised his voice even more, becoming sou loud it permeated through the pillow. “I’m not gay, Dad!”
“Oh really? And how’s that, huh?”
“Because I’m a girl!”
There was a tense silence, shortly broken by the sound of a sharp slap, followed by quick footsteps running down the hall and up the stairs. Carlton could practically feel the slam of his brother’s- no, not brother, his sister’s bedroom door reverberating through the house. 
He waited for the sound of his father following after, but there was nothing.
Quietly, he opened his door. Carlton silently tiptoed upstairs, making sure he didn’t make too much sound. After a short trip, he made it upstairs, gently knocking on the door to his sister’s bedroom.   
“Are you alright-” he opens the door, and stops. So does Liam, who’s in the middle of shoving a t-shirt into a slowly overflowing backpack. “Liam? What are you doing?” 
Carlton sees her wince at the name. “I just… need some space from dad. I’m gonna stay at a friend’s house for a bit, wait for him to cool down a bit.”
“But, why is he mad at you for being a girl?”
She sighed. “I don’t know, buddy. Some people just, I can’t- they’re not really-” Her face started to scrunch up, eyes filling with tears. “But don’t worry, I won’t be gone for long, okay?”
He didn’t understand, but he nodded anyway. “Okay…”
She slung her backpack over her shoulder, and slid the window leading outside open. Just before slipping out, she paused and turned around. “Hey Carlton, can I ask you a favor?”
He perked up a little. “What is it?”
She scooted to the edge of the window, prepping to jump down. “Remember how you asked all of us to stop calling you CJ?” 
At least Carlton was able to understand this. “Yeah. It felt like a girly name to me.”
She smiled. “That’s kind of what I’m doing. ‘Liam’ doesn’t feel right.”
“Well, what do you want me to call you?”
“Lily. Just call me Lily instead.”
“Lily.” He tested it out “Okay. Bye Lily.”
“Bye Carlton. I’ll see you soon.” And with that, she jumped from the windowsill and landed nimbly on the soft grass far below. Lily wasted no time in booking it down the road, her figure quickly fading from sight as the night swallowed her. 
Carlton’s hands subconsciously gripped the steering wheel as he remembered that night. He did get to see her again after that. Very soon, in fact. Just not in the way he had hoped. 
It had been a hit and run. There was only one bystander, and they hadn’t been close enough to see the car’s details in the pitch black of night. 
Carlton remembered sitting in the hospital waiting room with his parents and Lauren, the latter of whom was napping in her baby carrier, anxiously anticipating any news of Lily’s condition. 
He remembered someone coming out and whispering to his parents solemnly, something about Liam’sconditions, and how he wasn’t going to make it. 
He remembered going to her room and being told to say his goodbyes to Liam, seeing her broken and damaged body lying limply on the hospital bed. 
He remembered begging her still unmoving body to come back, to not leave him alone. 
He remembered being dragged away, tears flowing like a river as her heart monitor flatlined. 
He remembered his father reprimanding him, telling him he was tarnishing Liam’s memory by calling her Lily. 
He remembered that was the night that the last shred of respect he had for his dad crumbled away. 
It was as though he had just gotten to know his big sister, and then she was yanked away from him. 
As much as he hated it, it was the final push he needed in finalizing his decision of pursuing a career as a police officer, then head detective, then his current position as Chief of police. 
“Wait, Lassie this is-” Shawn cut himself off, immediately realized where they were going. “Oh man. I- I’m sorry, I had-”
“It’s fine, Spencer. You didn’t know.” Carlton said, his tone uncharacteristically soft.  
He pulled his car onto a gravelly path, bumping slightly along as he searched for-
There. He could see it from here. It wasn’t like it could be moved, but he almost always lost it in the sea of granite and marble, and would have to go on a search. 
He parked, and reached into the passenger seat where his briefcase and the bouquet still sat. 
“I’ll just- just wait here, Lassie. Me and dead people… it’s really depressing.”
“I wasn’t going to ask you to come anyway, Spencer.” Just before he closed the door, he pointed a threatening finger at Shawn. “You touch anything in here and I will not hesitate to shoot you. Copy?” 
Shawn said nothing, simply giving him a mock salute. Carlton rolled his eyes and shut the door. 
He walked up to a gray marble tombstone. The area had been mowed recently, so there was still some grass clippings scattered on the base of it. 
Liam Lily Mark Lassiter 
son daughter, brother sister, friend
Carlton smiled a bit to himself. Normally, he was opposed to defacement of property, but this was an exception in his eyes. Lily deserved to have her true name on the stone that marked her final resting place. 
He kneeled down and, after brushing away the grass clippings, gently set the bouquet in front of the tombstone, making sure none of the words were obscured. He’d already taken the plastic wrapping off. The world didn’t need more trash littered everywhere. 
“Hey Lily. I know it’s been a while. A few months, actually.” 
Carlton shifted a bit, trying to get comfortable. “I got promoted. I’m Chief of police now, like I’ve always worked for.” 
The tombstone sat silently.
“Uhmm, Marlowe gave birth, too. In the back of a food truck, of all places. Of course, it was all Spencer’s and Guster’s fault. I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you, huh?” 
He continued. “It’s a girl, and god she is so beautiful. She has your eyes. We named her after you.” 
Still silence. 
“I have something else.” He reached beside him for his briefcase, and pulled out the file from earlier. “I managed to get your name legally changed. It was one hell of a legal battle, but Mom and Althea and I managed it. You’ll be getting a new tombstone soon, one with your real name.”
Taking a deep breath, he went on. “I miss you, Lily. But, not as much as I used to. I hope you don’t mind.”
A gentle breeze brushed by him, ruffling his hair. 
Carlton cleared his throat. “I’m… not good at saying goodbye. Even after all these visits. You’d think I’d get the hang of it by now.” 
Somewhere in a nearby tree, a bird tittered. 
“Okay, I’ll try to come back sooner next time. I know you don’t like waiting.” He packed up his briefcase once more, and turned away, heading back to his car. 
Lily watched as he left, swinging her feet from the tombstone, a soft smile playing on her lips. She looked exactly how she had when she died, but somehow emulated an air of femininity she would never have been able to achieve while alive. 
She waved, even though she knew her little brother wouldn’t see it. “Bye, Carlton.”
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autoandrofujo · 4 days
You're going to be soooo cute!-
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Hi! My name is Xander! I'm 20, and I use he/him only!
I've been into forcemasc as a concept before it really picked up on tumblr, but I've been a bit disappointed at the lack of anime-related captions/the focus on bears/the "gross" side of masculinity. Obviously I love and support my brothers in the community who find that their ideal, but think of this blog as being more focused on GNC/more "traditionally handsome" forcemasc captions!
They'll probably be a bit lighter in nature too, so if you're a fan of the manifestos on masculinity people write in the tags, sorry, but you won't get that here.
Also as expected this blog IS 18+
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What You'll Find Here:
As mentioned, this is a forcemasc blog! However, this blog will mainly stick to anime/art related captions- as someone who's ace/fictosexual I don't really get much out of real people.
This blog will also have a bit of a 2000s/2010s feel if you're into that! As established by the blog url, I will be using fujoshi for myself in a reclaimed context, so be warned if you aren't huge on that term.
Feel free to DM me/submit images for captions! I AM taken though, and while I'll respond to horny DMs, if you weird me out I'll block you.
Detrans/misgendering-centric blogs (it's fine if you have these kinks, they just personally make me uncomfortable)
Hard gore/CNC
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fatmaclover · 5 months
got straight up sick thinking about mac and joyce coming out to the rest of their family. cw for any homophobia or transphobia mentioned
you can imagine mac desperately sitting his mom down, trying so hard to get her attention for just a moment, just a second, to tell her about something really important to him. you can imagine him getting progressively more and more stressed the more his mom just wont listen.
his extended family would definitely be easier on account of them all being flaming homosexual men but theyd all for sure do the "i was waiting for when youd finally realize!" spiel and that would actually make mac end it right there i think. theres a certain type of anxiety in telling people who think youre already queer that you are in fact queer. you could be queer in the wrong way to them, they could be disappointed by your identity, they can get too into helping you figure yourself out, and i cant imagine how insecure constant "egg" jokes would make me about my identity. all this to say i think mac coming out to his queer family would be harder on him than trying to come out to his mom
and then. joyce. god bonnie makes me wanna do awful things to the point where i can see joyce just never telling her and she never asks questions. maam your "son" named "charlie" has noticeable breasts are you really gonna see no evil it?
its hard to figure out what bonnies actual reaction to joyce being trans would be. i think theres like. 3 ways it could go. 1) bonnie blames herself for whatever reason. for joyce being trans period, for joyce not figuring it out sooner, for not being able to help, just generally feeling guilt iver the fact that her daughter is a woman. 2) she tries to pretend its fine surface level but theres clearly a different way she sees joyce now. theres a lot more tension there than before. its never acknowledged or brought up. they both hope if they just ignore it it wont boil over into something they have to deal with. 3) is the worst option. theres always the classic "but i gave you so much" but i think thatd be a more internalized thing for bonnie. not something she actively expresses to joyce, because shes supposed to be a good mother. but i dont doubt those feelings would be there. for some reason a lot of parents let repressed resentment towards their children bubble up inside them
realistically though i dont think joyce WOULD tell her mom. it feels like a show bit or sketch for joyce to have to explain to mac that he has to deadname and misgender her when they go to her moms house and mac to be totally lost for most of it.
if anything she would only come out to her mom for convenience so she doesnt have to make sure mac wont gender her properly accidentally and start a whole thing. but thatd still be such a hassle
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glacierruler · 4 months
Making the Future
Support the author on kofi!
Content Warnings: Fantasy Racism, Chronic Pain, Accidental Misgendering
Taglist: @duck-in-a-spaceship @cutebisexualmess @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @disco-and-vinyl @pandagobrr
Chapter 3
Fig stayed with Glorgol for a bit, chatting with him about different things. Mostly it had to do with their inventions and what they made so far; and what they ultimately lost in the fire. Glorgol offered to help them see if anything from the fire was recoverable tomorrow if they wanted, and Fig was grateful, because as much magic as they could use, they weren’t anywhere near as strong as Glorgol. He had proven his strength by picking up a large log and throwing it a fair distance half an hour into their stay.
What really intrigued Fig, was their new friend’s family. Apparently his grandmother had been unworldly strong, able to lift tree trunks out of the ground with just a couple of tugs. She’d also taught him all he needed to know about farming, and taking care of sheep and how to take care of cows. (Although it seems they were never able to get some for this property, but apparently when his grandma was growing up she’d helped in raising all sorts of animals).
After a while of talking, both of them were getting along pretty well, neither noticing the time pass by, until Fig looked out the window, saw that it was nearing sunset, and sighed softly.
“I should get heading out, it was nice to meet you Glorgol, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, goodbye.”
With that, Fig put their gas mask back on their head, and started walking out, towards home.
Nearing the edge of the treeline, they put their mask in their bag o’ junk, and limped home. Their legs acting up again despite the resting that had been done in order to keep them functioning. It made it worse that no matter what, they were stuck without their walker. Their handy walker that could turn into a clunky cube when they needed to put it away, was probably irreparable now. Still, Fig couldn’t help but hold out hope that at least the blueprints for the walker survived. Or else they’d have to refigure things out from scratch, and that could be a while.
What they were most upset about, was the fact that they ruined a robot. The first thing they did was destroy it! They really should’ve done some research, and seen if there were any blueprints in the scrapyard that could teach them more about this discarded robot.
Still, most of the smaller designs, and a good chunk of their older blueprints were in their special bag. So it’s not like they had to worry about too much. In fact, the fire might allow them to continue working on those designs. After they repair their walker of course.
Once they finished pathetically hobbling home, they cringed looking at how the sun was down at this point. As quietly as they could, Fig opened the door, not wanting to wake anyone up. Although that was considerably harder considering the door always had to creak loudly when it was opened. Still they were very glad, and a little disappointed, that no one woke up to that.
Settling into their bed, in the room that they shared with their sister, Fig fell asleep pretty easily. The day having tired them out with its antics.
It was barely sunrise the next day when Fig awoke to their youngest brother shaking them awake.
“Figgy! Where were you! You were goooonnnne for forever!” He spoke with a slight lisp, making his voice sound younger than he actually was. (This also helped him in getting out of trouble, but Fig could tell that it annoyed him because everyone was prone to babying him because of this).
“I was exploring Aeon. Now let me sleep.”
“But mom and dad were worried too!”
“Then tell them that I’m home and safe. Let me sleep.”
“But I wanna hear about your explorations!”
Fig sighed, they were never going to get to sleep in at this point. They loved their younger siblings, but sometimes they wanted their siblings to step on a thorn. Not really, Fig had stepped on one a few times and it had hurt. But still, would it really hurt to let them sleep in just a little?
“Fiiine. But you can’t tell mom and dad about my adventures. Or try and copy them.”
“Okay!” Their brother agreed a little too easily, so Fig made a note to tell some ghost stories in there too, just to make sure that he wouldn’t try to venture out into the woods.
“Get out of my room, tell our parents that I’ll be out in a minute!” 
Without another word, Aeon left, and Fig closed their door, made sure the curtains were closed, and got changed into clothes that weren’t singed from a massive explosion. (They still needed to figure out a new workshop, but that would be something to deal with later. Right now, they had a family to convince they were alright). Doing their best to get their morning grogged, foggy brain in talking condition, Fig exited their room; painfully walking to the kitchen table.
“Might you tell us where you’ve been?”
“Honey, she’s an adult! But you did scare us sweetheart, could you give us a warning next time you’ll be out past sunset?”
Fig had to keep from physically cringing at that. Sure they weren’t out to their parents, but it still hurt. Still, the rest of what was said wasn’t unreasonable, it just kind of sucked since, despite being an adult their parents still treated them like a kid.
“If I know, I’ll tell you. I just hadn’t realized how late it had been, until I started heading home.”
Their parents seemed to contemplate that a bit. Fig’s mother shooting them a curious glance, before they seemed to reach an unspoken decision.
“Alright,” their father finally said, “but be careful, we don’t want you getting hurt.”
Nodding, Fig noticed as their other little brother, the older of the two boys, started placing down plates of food in front of them, and gratefully started shoving pancakes in their mouth, not wanting to talk anymore.
After breakfast, Fig started getting ready to meet Glorgol, grimacing with every moment longer that they were standing. Maybe going out into the woods today wasn’t the best idea, but they couldn’t stand Glorgol up! That would be rude, and they may not have many manners but being somewhere when they said they’d be is one of them.
However, they didn’t manage to get out of the house that easily, as their youngest sibling still wished to hear about their adventures in the forest. So they made up something, something that would keep their younger brother from adventuring out on his own, while also making it seem like they had been on a cool adventure. The lie was about them tackling a huge spider, and scaring it further into the forest to keep from eating the villagers. Nothing too elaborate, but it wasn’t simple either. Still, it felt like forever before they got to go to the woods and investigate their old workshop with Glorgol.
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extsev · 1 year
Mr. Grizz Headcanons
TW: small yandere tendencies, jealousy
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> You were dirty poor, and needed a job ASAP. Grizzco looked sketchy enough, but YOLO right?
> You were immediately hired, his presence was scary enough. Is he talking through a microphone??
> All your co-workers shit on how rude Mr Grizz can get. As soon as they get the eggs, he needs more and more.
> Everyone noticed how fond he was of you. You need a break? Want a vacation? A raise? Heck yeah!
> Others weren’t even allowed to have a minute off!
> Absolutely gonna be jealous of the co workers whenever he can
> Man was hibernating for 12,000 years and suddenly humanity’s gone! How could he not be? Someone could take you at any minute, especially if other companies are hiring! “I don’t understand why you’d want to quit. You have everything you could need here.”
> Extremely supportive of all LGBT employees, especially trans peeps. Will thrash someone eyes out if you’re misgendered
> If you’re POC and someone says something idiotic, “As you all know, __ is MIA. We’ll need someone to fill in their spot for a bit.”
> Injured on the mission? You’re babied as soon as he finds out through your wails on the mic. “Are you okay, __? Do you need an ambulance?!”
> You definitely get a higher pay than others. He wouldn’t even care that it’s completely unfair and unethical, as long as you’re okay! You’re struggling financially, and you’re his best worker of course.
> Obviously can be rude to disguise his feelings. He just has a good employee! His “rudeness” really is just pushing you to the edge. “Only 100 eggs? …Disappointing. I expect better next shift.”
> Let’s just hope you going insane and quitting doesn’t cause huge problems.
(SPOILERS: It will)
LMFAO I finally put something out for you guys for Splatoon.
> i’ll either make a part 2 to these headcanons or write a fanfic
> next up is agent/captain 3!
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mbrainspaz · 5 months
tw- venting about really gross racism encounter
have I mentioned I f*cking hate it here? f*ck. What's sad is that I wasn't even shocked anymore. It's sad but it's also why I was able to dodge and roll with the punches for once. I was over at a local ranch signing papers to move my horse—this place is cheaper and much closer to my rental—and this is a private property that's graciously letting me in so we were just sitting on the porch, havin' a chin wag as ya do. Signing papers. They were misgendering me but there are places where you correct and educate and there are places where you resign to playing an average casually-christian midwestern dog lady in order to get what you want, and this was the latter. They're always too oblivious to notice the pentacle necklace and pride flags so it doesn't take much effort. We got to talkin' about travel and all kinds of things. I mentioned I was going on a little trip to New Orleans soon. The guy—man of the house or whatever—goes, "thing is, you can't trust them blacks. They're vicious. Watch out for them." The worst part—I wasn't stunned. Not after 7ish years working on texas ranches. I turned away to hide my disgust a little bit and said, "No. It's poverty and desperation that drive folks to crime and it's got nothin' to do with race." Was my face bright red? Probably. But I didn't shake. It's still terrifying trying to stand up to guys like that on their own turf. I could tell the wife and their lodger were uncomfortable too, but they didn't say anything. He didn't press the issue but I doubt what I said reached a single neuron in his deep fried boomer brain. It's just... f*ck. I want so badly to find a community and build connections and everywhere I go these dumbass racist people are so f*cking disappointing. As I was getting up to leave he said some bs about giving him a call if I ever needed someone to 'defend' me and I was like... "Thanks, I've never had that problem before." At least partially because I'm also a man, ffs.
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