#but I want to put the whole comparison thing behind and this is the last info that needed to be said; so it needs to be posted now
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heloflor · 1 year ago
You know, considering how many posts I recently made about Movie Peach and how negative they are, there’s something I feel the need to clarify since I wouldn’t be surprised if people had some assumptions and I don’t want words I didn’t say being put into my mouth (Tl;Dr at the end):
As a completely original character, fully detached from everything other than the movie, I have no issues with Movie Peach. She’s badass in a fun way, spunky, has a few cute faces, and I especially appreciate how despite being a strong female character stereotype she’s very supportive of Mario and builds him up rather than putting him down, it makes her likeable and their relationship very cute.
And yes, this is the way I perceived her from the get-go, but only mentioned it in my movie reaction post made all the way back when said movie came out, hence needing to say it again now. To quote that post: “Least favorite character is DK. It could’ve been Peach but my issues with her stem from how different she is from her games counterpart. If you take her movie character as a brand-new character rather than a game adaptation, she’s actually pretty great as a guide and strong mentor.” And while there are things in this post I now disagree with, this part remains my current opinion.
So yeah, as an original character, she’s pretty great...but that’s also the issue.
Movie Peach is not an original character. She’s supposed to be an adaptation of a pre-existing character who already has her own personality. And as an adaptation, Movie Peach fails at every level. Not only that, but several dialogues keep hyping her up in a way that comes off as Illuminations looking down on Games Peach, you know, the character their own Peach is supposed to be an adaptation of.
That’s why I take such issue with Movie Peach. It’s not the character itself, it’s how bad of an adaptation she is. And if I did my job correctly, every single time I talk negatively of her in my posts, it’s about her as an adaptation specifically. The only instance of me being an ass for no reason is in my table comparison post where I call her a dumbass, which I point out in the tags to be me throwing shade and not something I actually believe.
Now I also want to say that I hate Movie Peach for what she represents and the consequences of her existence on Peach’s character and her perception by the public, so to keep it short I’m going with bullet points:
It annoys me a lot that a multi-million dollars company couldn’t be bothered to adapt her character properly, especially since they apparently closely worked with Nintendo and the concept art very much show them who Peach is as a person (the one where she’s encouraging Mario to fight DK reminds me of the 86 Anime where she keeps having Mario fight her battles while powerless to defend herself; also it’s funny how in the art of Games Peach reacting to Movie Peach it’s obvious the artist had no idea what personality Movie Peach has). The fact she’s a favorite character of mine doesn’t help and makes me feel robbed from seeing a beloved character on the big screen for the first time. And obviously them low-key insulting her by hyping up Movie Peach makes it worse.
Even before getting into the fandom I knew that Peach isn’t the most well-liked character, with many gamers especially finding her bland and boring. This was already sad on its own, but now those same people are praising a character who’s completely different from her for being “so much better” or “finally giving her a personality”. It sucks. Games Peach deserves better than that.
With those things in mind I don’t think I need to explain why the fact this characterization is possibly bleeding out into the games is something I dread. Now I can live with a cover art change, but if they change her actual character I’m going to scream. Especially if they only do it to Peach and no other character. And yes I know some people also pointed out a possible direction change for her voice but 1. for some reason I don’t really care, possibly because she’s been through quite a lot of voice-actors already 2. we only clearly hear her voice in the Showtime trailer during the Kung-Fu part so maybe her voice will differ depending on the costume, it is a stageplay after all, and 3. the Wonder short with Bowser has her let out four noises, one of which has a different tone while the other three keep her usual high octave, so I’m not sure if they truly intend on changing her voice. Haven’t played Wonder yet tho so I can’t speak to all her other voicelines.
Hopefully this will be my last post about this outside of answering asks and reblogs as I’m always open to discussions/debates. I don’t like bringing negativity and especially not drama to my blog but, considering the extensive rant I made about this, it only feels right to make sure people don’t misinterpret where my issues come from, since I can absolutely understand people seeing my posts and concluding that I hate Movie Peach for who she is rather than what she represents.
Now, instead of being negative about Movie Peach I’d rather focus on being positive about Games Peach, mostly through the fics I’m working on.
Tl;Dr: Movie Peach would be genuinely great as an original character but alas she was put inside the skin of someone with a completely different personality from hers. And it's very hard to look past this given the consequences of Movie Peach's existence on how people percieve Peach as a whole now on top of a possible change in her games character.
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moonlightcycle571 · 5 months ago
Lantern Corps and a 10 year old Child
In a last post, I said the Lantern Corps would love Captain Marvel because he’s omni-lingual (and there’s so many different species so it makes sense that they would feel comfertable around a guy who can speak their mother tongue, no matter how obscure it is).
And then it came to me in a glorious vision, the Cores would LOVE or absolute HATE Billy Batson, be it as a kid it as Captain Marvel.
First on the Love Captain spectrum:
Red Lantern: that’s the corps that’s the most insistent. Man’s fights littéral Wrath and demons alike on a weekly basis. Man’s go to weekly poker night with Satan and other Wardens of Hell. Why? Because he has his own prison dimension in th Rock of Eternity, who also holds the strongest demons.
Yellow Lanterns: as champion of magic, he holds a lot of weight. Especially for magic users. One flick of a wrist and boom, your magic is gone. The whole concept of ‘The Champion’ is enough for most to fear him. That and one does not play poker with The Devil from The Bible and other figures from various religions, and just have a normal presence. He’s terrifying when he wants to be. In his Cap form, he needs to actively tamp down to appear more family friendly, and not the eldricht horror he knows he could easily look like.
Green Lanterns: Homeless Child Superhero dealing with horrors must adults can’t handle. That takes willpower. Even before Captain, I’m pretty sure off willpower alone he could qualify. But what’s the real ringer is his imagination. The Rock of Eternity has access to magical dimensions that no amount of crack could dream up. Man’s had to learn how to use Looney Toones Logic irl and it works. Man’s got a while Disney Dimension with Ballerina Hippos with their Croc partners. Mans has debates about files with littéral walking talking dinosaurs. Billy is hella creative, and who knows what would be made with a ring.
Blue Lanterns: do I … do I need to explain? There are the lantern corps of Hope, I think the rest is pretty self explanatory. I will say though, he was close to accepting when he found out they got a Corgi. Even closer when Dex Starr, the red lanterns cat got a
Orange Lantern: bro fights the physical manifestations of the Seven Deadly Sins , including Greed on a regular basis. By right of conquest, he really should be wearing the ring rn. They be trying to put a ring on it for ages.
Black Lanterns: he once revived Freddy and or Mary by reconnecting them to the rock, and since then is considered a ‘nécromancer’. Also (similar to the Avatar State) he has memories of past champions, including death, so one can argue he’s in a life and death loop.
White lanterns: same reasons as the Black Lanterns. They’ve been trying to get Billy to also out-do said Black Lanterns (who in turn try to recruit him some more). It’s just one vicious snowball effect now.
Now for the Hate Captain spectrum:
Star Sapphire Corps: The thing about Billy is that he’s AroAce. Very Aro and Very Ace. So those who draw power from love and try to flirt are met with the disgusted face of someone who’s famously nice. It was a devastating blow to the whole corps. At some point Hal decided to hide behind Cap to escape another Star Sapphire who fell inlove with him, and they just, lost their power. No longer had the ability to fly and everything. He’s Ace-ness is crippling. And it did bring memes. The Ace community was winning.
Indigo Tribe: he’s too autistic for them. And while being the warden of multiple dangerous beings fits their MO and all, they ain’t touching the bullshit magical logic with a ten foot pole. That, and the first time a ring was sent to him to recruit him to keep the evil ones in line, he roasted their whole system, their ugly ass uniforms (that particular shade of indigo clashed with his Hero Outfit way to much) and ended with a comparison to them with a guy called ‘King Kid’ and the fucking ‘Easter Bunny King’ that somehow did a much better job at Machiavellic while also being uhly. They never sent a second one. The red lanterns sent more.
Ultraviolet lanterns: again, man’s fights the Seven Sins on the regular, is their warden along with other sick evils, lies to the Justice League on the regular and plays poker with Demons (and wins) despite being one of the most honest people there is. That and he’s so dad shaped, it counters their power of daddy issues.
It’s not uncommon for various JL members to receive lantern rings. They just don’t want to. So the standard procedure is to find your local lantern, and give them rings. At some point all the Corps made a lantern offers chart (and maybe the JL got a bit competitive).
Problem, that screen was using old alien tech that didn’t have colour. So they knew Cap had the most lantern offers, but they didn’t know which colours. Until it got fixed.
J’le looking at the rainbow that’s Captain Marvels Ring List: …
Batman: Captain, why is there so many red ones?
Billy, sweating: …
Hal, not comfy with the amount of yellow: I… I need to make a few phone calls.
John, the one who’s been receiving all of his rings: Uh, don’t remind me. I’ve been getting cramps with the amount of times I had to input the different colours.
Dinah: I don’t think even I’m qualified for the amount of therapy everyone is going to need.
WonderWoman: How to you have Negative Pink Rings??? You can’t get a negative number in a list
Billy, inputing the Zeta Tube: haha, it’s so weird
John: … do I need to add AroAce as a weakness for the Sapphires???
Bonus points if the results are open to the galactic public, and just wonder who tf are and ‘Billy Batson’ and Captain Marvel and why they are dominating the top ranks. What is in the Terra city Fawcette.
Extra Bonus Point if the JL go: Who tf is Billy Batson, and why is he ranked above Captain Marvel.
I’ve been waiting to do this one for a while. But never got the motivation. Let me know if I missed any, and feel free to write fanfic (please tag me if you do, I wanna reeeeead).
Final note, I want to give a certain someone a comment of appreciation.
@wonderjanga you are my favourite person on this app. You are the reason I decided to get out of my procrastination slump. Thank you for you content, it’s always so creative and I deeply enjoy it.
For those who don’t know them, I recommend checking out their content. It’s genuinely inspiration for me to start writing again. I don’t think I’ll be writing on ao3 soon, but maybe one day.
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ningvory · 1 year ago
i love your writing sm!! could you do g!p aespa (need aeri most tbh), reader is the only member who's not g!p, and freeuse?
like if reader hadn't really met the girls before sm decided to make the 5 of them the final group and began living together, and then the girls decided that it's only right for reader, as the only member who isn't g!p, to let them use her? except they don't warn reader beforehand. somno and corruption would be appreciated :]
[sorry if this is a lot, i can't get this out of my head IM.]
if you don't want to do the whole group, just aeri would be fine tbh
tysm anonie!!! anonie your mind is just! 😵‍💫
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parings: g!p!aespa x 5th member!fem!reader
synopsis: you were added to the lineup last minute, not really knowing the girls like that. the girls decided it was only fair for them to use you! you were so inexperienced you agreed!
warnings: gangbang, freeuse, corruption, reader is sorta clueless and inexperienced, overstimulation, somnophilia, degradation, face fucking, anal, ass eating, creampie, breeding kink, double penetration, butt plugs, cum eating, tried to make this aeri centered for you <33
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to the public eye, you were just aespa’s cute maknae, your bright and bubbly personality made you stand out! but boy was it completely different behind close doors.
prior to your debut, you hadn’t really managed to get as close to the girls due to being put in the lineup last minute and began living with them. they thought you were just the cutest little thing ever! when they found out that you didn’t have a cock, boyy they went wild, thoughts of making you their lil cumdump had them hard!
the four would pull you on the couch and tell you, because you were added so late, it’s only fair for them to let them use you! they would tell you their cocks would be so hard it would be painful if you don’t let them use you and how this would be a great strategy to help you get to know them! you weren’t that experienced in sex so you agreed thinking nothing of it, not wanting your unnie’s to be in pain and you can finally get to know them better!
except the thing was, they never warned you!! the first time it happened, karina pined you down to the kitchen counter you were in front of and began just pounding into you! causing you to squeak from the utter shock! your whines and moans were so loud in comparison to her lower moans as she came inside of you! she wouldn’t even let you cum after she did, pulling out and telling you to be a good girl for her and keep her seed inside of you! :(
ningning would be so in love with your cunt! she would be so undeniably horny whenever she fucks you, she would come in your room when your sleeping and taking off your shirt and using your tits to get off! she would shoot her seed all over your tits and upper neck and just leave you like that! she would definitely love ruining your innocence! ningning would be whining to you in a sad tone, saying how she was gonna use you as her cumdump until she was shooting blanks, you really didn’t have a choice but you still showed no resistance, feeling so bad for your unnie because she told you her cock was in so much pain! but that obviously was a lie and she just needed to get her dick wet, not even caring that she would overstimulate you making you cry! :(
aeri would corrupt you so much! she would use your face to get off and probably make you eat her ass as well, telling you that it would take away her pain! she would be fucking into you for what felt like hours! twisting you into a cute obedient sub for her and the girls, making you their stress relieving plaything with nothing but pleasing them and letting them use you in your mind! she would be overstimulating you for what felt like hours! but you would just let her, fear of disappointing your unnie filled your mind as you let her use your twitching cunt that was filled with her cum, pumping you with more of her warm cum! <33
aeri would definitely fuck you before you all have to go on stage to perform! you just looked too good in your outfit how could she not? you would be in the room with her alone, waiting for the other girls to come back until she pounces on you, catching you offguard!
“you look so good, baby! be a good cumdump for your unnie and take it.” aeri told you with a shit eating grin, manhandling you so that your on all fours, pushing your panties to the side and pushing her cock into you until she was shooting her seed in you!
aeri would definitely tell you to hold it in while you were onstage performing, glancing at you with a smirk on her face watching how you tried your very best to hold it in while dancing! :(
minjeong would actually feel a little bad at first about fucking you when you were sleeping, but seeing how you weren’t even wearing anything changed her mind! she took the blankets off of you, pushing her cock in and immediately felt like she was in heaven and just couldn’t stop thrusting up into you!! you were so tight around her she just couldn’t help but cum right there, causing you to stir in your sleep until she shushed you back to sleep and began using your hole as she pleases until her cock was spent!! <33
they would sometimes even gangbang you! karina would be pounding into into your tight cunt, aeri would be face fucking your mouth making you cry from how hard she was thrusting into you, and you would have to jerk off minjeong and ningning but you were barely moving your hands! the sensation of rina’s cock in you had you twitching and moaning around aeri! ningning had decided to fuck your tight ass and minjeong would push into your cunt and double penetrate you!! they all had high ass stamina so you would be at this for hours. they would all cum inside of you and switch positions so you get a taste of them all in your mouth! they would keep going until you blacked out on them! :(
they would let you rest but only for a bit and going right back to using you until they were exhausted! you were stuffed so full of their cum it was oozing out of you, making them push a plug into your cunt and ass, keeping you stuffed with their seed! they would do this again and again, corrupting your innocence away and making you their cute obedient breeding baby!! <33
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meiluu · 10 months ago
Everything and You
Cloud Strife/ Reader (AFAB)cw: SMUT 18+ MDNI, unprotected, creampie, fingering (reader receiving). *NOT EDITED*
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Shucking off his buster sword, leaning it against the wall adjacent to your shared bed. Cloud goes through the mindless motions of taking off his pieces of armor and gear. Then once he is free of his gear he is headed to the bathroom ready to wash the day away, and the reminder that you are in the kitchen fueling his desire to finish up quickly. Not wanting to spend even a moment apart from you, when he's spent the whole day fighting and being away from you.
Hair a little damp, Cloud heads into the kitchen dawned in a fresh pair of sweats and a simple oversized tee. There he sees you. Quietly humming to yourself as you finish up washing the dishes from your shared dinner.
Everyday Cloud is so grateful to have you by his side, after every horrific thing he has been through, seeing you, being with you, makes all of that worth it. Coming up behind you Cloud wraps his arms around your waist, burying his head into your neck. Your familiar fragrance has his shoulders slumping as his body relaxes in your presence.
Putting the last dish onto the drying rack, turning your head towards Cloud. "Mm you smell good." a soft laugh leaves Cloud, "Did I not smell good before my shower?" a smirk crawls upon his pink lips. "No, you always smell good, even after a long day. It's kind of weird- like even after fighting monsters and stuff..."
Your words trail off as your eyes lock with his. Those vivid pools of mako have you locked in place, they always had you lost for words. And to add on Cloud always looked at you like... like you were everything. No matter how often you see him your heart will always race for him. Those eyes that seem to worship you, like nothing in this world could ever come close in comparison to you.
A strong and calloused hand comes up to cup the side of your face, thumb gently caressing the apple of your cheek. Cloud's face is a mask of concentration, as if he was memorizing every little detail that was etched into your gorgeous face. eyes watching his every twitch in his face, after a couple of years of being with Cloud you've grown experienced at reading his expressions and body language. But in moments like these his true emotions escape you, though you never have to sit and wonder for long. With Cloud's habit of always being honest with you extends not only from his words but to his body.
Plush lips capture yours in a sweet kiss, hands lifting to wrap around his neck. A strong arms snakes its way around your waist while the hand on your face delves downward to the base of your head, cradling your with the utmost care. Breaths shorten as the need to keep your lips and mouths together heighten. Teeth nip at your bottom lip, mouth opening to let his tongue in. A familiar dance, one where neither one of you never want to part from.
Your hands grip tightly upon his shirt trying to keep your self from floating away at this heavenly feeling. You feel his hand leave the back of your head, sliding down the side of you squeezing, caressing each dip and curve he comes across. Both hands now rest on each side of your hips, then they go lower.
"Jump." Voice husky and a little breathy, its nothing short of a command, and your body naturally obeys.
Without so much as an ounce of struggle, Cloud lifts you and heads towards the bedroom. Stopping just a little short at the end of the bed, mouths to occupied to separate. Barely able to catch a full breath of air before his mouth is right back upon yours. You feel the world shift as you are laid down onto the plush comforter. Cloud's body over yours, muscled body weighing you down.
Those plush lips leave yours with a string of spit still keeping you connected, then he's heading south. Mouth leaving a blazing trail in its wake. But all too soon does he stop, rising up face pinched in annoyance. "What is it?" your voice, still a bit breathy.
"Your shirt is in my way." mako eyes blazing in anger, as if your shirt has committed a grave crime. Biting your lip to keep your laugh in, you get rid of the offending fabric and now only a small piece of fabric shields you from being completely bare. Cloud follows in your movements, throwing his shirt into some dark corner of your room.
And just as quickly as both shirts are off and discarded is Cloud mouth back upon you. Lips and tongue worshipping every inch within reach. Hands aiding in his motions, whimpers spill from your kiss swollen lips, no care to try and muffle them. Tongue swirling around a nipple then his mouth is sucking it further into his mouth, gentle nipping at your skin. Love bites being left in his wake, not forgetting the other he repeats his motions. Your eyes are watching, not wanting to leave and miss this, seeing this version of Cloud. Only for you not for anyone else. Here he can be true to what he wants leaving behind everything when he is with you, loosing himself within your love and body. You can feel your face heating up as you feel your cunt clenches around nothing, every moment that passes has you getting wetter.
Warm and calloused fingers delve underneath that band of fabric, feeling, hearing, just how turned on you are. Lust lidded eyes meet yours, "Can I?"
And just like that your cunt bare for him, fingers swirling around your clit before sinking into you. Breathy moans falling from your lips as Cloud massages your insides, stretching you open to be able to take him. Your arousal slicks up his fingers and leaks downwards, creating a lovely mess upon your sheets.
Cloud cant decide on wanting to watch your face scrunch up pleasure or watch his fingers stretch your cunt open. It's the hardest decision he ever has to make when he is with you in these moments. Completely enraptured by your body's reaction to his fingers, loving as your mouth drops into an 'O' as a moan crawls up from deep within your chest in response to his fingers rubbing up against your sweet spot. And during all of this Cloud pay little mind to his leaking cock within his pants, twitching and begging for attention. But Cloud can't give in just yet, because if he does all he'll want to do is bury himself within you and would never want to leave.
Cloud can feel your cunt squeezing and quivering, your moans rising in pitch, you were gonna cum. His eyes lock onto your face, watching as your head twists into the pillow beside you, hand reaching up to grab ahold of the pillow while your other hand finds his. Lacing your hands together as you cum around his fingers, continuing to fuck his fingers into you, riding out your orgasm until your thighs begin to shake in overstimulation.
Pulling his fingers from you, and you watch in lust-filled awe as he brings he slick drenched fingers to his mouth. Tasting and relishing in your taste, maintain eye contact as he swirls his tongue around his fingers. Cock twitching, begging, to be inside of you as it strains against his sweats. "Cloud, please I need you inside. Don't make me wait any longer." Pupils dilated, Cloud takes his fingers from his mouth quickly reaching down to tug off his pants. Pulling the waistband down you watch as his cock slaps against his skin, tip a flushed pink as precum weeps from his slit. Finally free from any barriers Cloud crawls his way back over you. Breast grazing his sculpted chest, heart fluttering at the familiar scent and heat that you've become addicted to ever since becoming intimate with Cloud.
With a steadying hand Cloud begins to sink into your cunt, eyes fluttering at the heavenly feeling. Pelvis flush with yours as Cloud takes a moment to gaze at you, mako irises burning your face to memory. Here below him, cheeks flushed, eyes filled with a heady combination of lust and adoration.
Sinking his body further down on top of yours, head lowering down towards your ear. Cloud slowly pulls himself almost completely free from you, leaving the tip inside, before sinking all back inside. Deep and steady thrusts have your keening in utter euphoria, as you feel how ever vein rubs perfectly against your walls, his tip hitting oh so deep. Hands clinging to his back, legs wrapping around his waist pulling him in closer. Your mind is trapped in a mind-numbing cycle, feeling the perfect fullness of Cloud cock thrusting inside of you. Hearing his whimpers and moans of pleasure, along with the added friction of his pelvis hitting your clit as he fucks into you. Body warm and strong against yours, your mind was filled with Cloud. His voice, His body, His love, everything him.
In your haze of pleasure your ears faintly pick up on the sound coming from your drenched cunt. But that sound becomes louder as Cloud picks up his pace, arms braced on each side of your head as he raises his head.
In and out, in and out, in and out. You can feel that familiar knot in your core, twisting and writhing, oh so close to unraveling. Mouth calling out to Cloud, repeating his name like it was a prayer. In a sense it was, he was the only one who could get you like, the only one who you'd ever let see you like this. Then with another deep thrust, hitting deep within does that knot unravel, a cry leaves your lips as you orgasm. Squeezing around his still pistoning cock, and not too far behind you hear that sweet uptick in Cloud voice a tall tale sign that he was close. Overstimulation burns you in the most pleasurable way as your blurry vision focuses on Clouds face above yours. His face scrunching up as your cunt clenches down upon him, cock swelling and hips stuttering as he cums. Warmth fills you as his cock fills you, hips slowing to a stop. Gently wrapping you into his embrace he bring the both of you onto your sides, cuddled in each others arms. Cock perfectly nestled inside as you both come down from your shared high. Sweet kisses are littered across your face, your lips pulling into a lazy smile. A whispered 'I love you' is passed between the both of you. There you both lay utterly content to spend the rest of your lives just like this.
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Shameless porn of my Tav and Halsin some undisclosed amount of time after the end of the game.
Afab Tav getting a taste of Halsin’s rare dominant side and learning what happens to druids who spend too much time in wildshape
Just under 2k words
(I am a lazy human who writes fic in the notes app of their phone, please excuse dumb mistakes and minimal editing at times)
The first traces of dawn slip through the window as you were roused from your meditation. You feel Halsin’s hand glide down your side and come to a rest on your hip before pulling your hips firmly back into his.
While Halsin was always fairly forward about sex, the past few days especially had been something. It was not uncommon for one of you to approach the other just about everyday over it, but this was borderline excessive even for him.
Your thighs ached from straddling him many times the last couple days, or from wrapping them around his hips as he fucked you against the wall. It was not really a complaint, nor something you cared to stop, but it was an unexplained change in Halsin.
Even early in the morning, just after meditating, he was ready to go again.
“My heart” he sighs in you ear, “how is it possible that I want you more every day? Every time I lay eyes on you, you’re more beautiful than I remember. It overcomes me and I just need to hear you, taste you, experience you”.
You feel his erection pressing on your backside as he slowly grinds against you. His hand that rested on you hip sliding down to now sit just under your belly button, waiting on an invitation to move lower.
“My heart, how are you not tired or sore?” you ask, half joking and half truly wondering where this drive suddenly came from.
It started three days ago. While bending down to put away a few things in the kitchen in a low cabinet he swept up behind you, grabbing your hips with such force he nearly yanked you off your feet. “Such gorgeous hips” he murmured in your ear, his massive torso bent over yours, dwarfing you entirely “I need you. Now” he growled in your ear.
It was more worked up then you had ever seen him, his whole body heaved with every breath and word and his hands dug into your hips with clear intent.
“Then take me” you replied.
Halsin did not waste a moment. He swiftly hooked a finger into the waist of your pants and pulled them along with your underwear down in one fluid motion. One rough hand immediately slipped down your front between your legs to find your clit and begin rubbing it while the other found your breast. You felt the tip of his shaft seeking entrance to you and you rose to your tip toes to make it easier. He quickly found the entry he craved and sank his full length into you, causing you to bite back a yelp. Halsin was large in every aspect of his being, from his physical size, to his personality, to his emotions, to his cock and right now without any sort of warmup you were especially reminded of that.
This was much rougher than his usual self. Halsin usually preferred things on the firmer side, as did you, neither of you were exactly fragile and pushing limits had its fun, but this was something else all together. From the beginning his pace was brisk, a sort desperation to his movements as if he felt like he was going to explode if he did not have you right then and there. And you and never been so aroused.
You let out a moan as you relaxed and adjusted to him, letting do as he wished and enjoying his sudden forwardness. The moan seemed to spur him on, pushing him to thrust even deeper now that you had relaxed enough to fully accept his length and it felt incredible.
“Gods you feel so good, fuck” you moaned and swore he felt larger than previous times.
Halsin was very much a man of give and take, of slow methodical pleasure. This however, was more base, almost instinctual feeling in comparison.
His breath was heavy in you ear, a strong departure from his usual verbosity. Where he typically sung your praises instead you were met with growls and panting.
You were shoved into the cabinet over the course of his thrusting, the edge of the counter digging into your hips, Halsin’s torso flush against your back was keeping you pinned against the furniture, preventing you from moving, not that you wanted to be anywhere else. He kept his pace steady as he rubbed your clit and his teeth found the side of your neck, biting harder than he normally did, his nails dug into your breast where his hand was pinned between you and the counter.
Breathing was difficult from his weight pressing down on you, but it only seemed to intensify everything. Your breath came in shallow gasps as you felt yourself getting close, every stroke filling you fully and pushing you to the edge. A wordless whine crept into your voice mixed with short gasps, you did not know how much more you could take, but you wanted this to last as long as possible.
This directness from him, the lust, the dominance, it was such a different side of him. Before Halsin, you had been the dominant one in all your encounters, then with Halsin while you swapped who was in the lead you would not say either of you was truly dominant. This though? This reminded you of an animal in heat; intense, rough, not just a want but a visceral need driven by something subconscious. Being desired so carnally, at such a base level lit a fire in your belly in a way few other things ever had.
Your finish washed over you, an intense buzz that started between your legs and dispersed through every inch of your body. You howled and panted his name like you never had before.
Halsin continued his relentless pace and pulled you closer to him even. His breathing was ragged and hot on you neck and you were suddenly acutely aware of how small you felt compared to him as you basked in the afterglow and tried to catch your breath.
“Fuck me full” you told him, “make me feel every last drop”.
This seemed to put him over the edge, he pumped into you hard, nearly enough to knock the breath out of you and moaned loudly.
You did feel it, every drop flooding into you and dripping down your leg, every twitch of his cock as he met his release. Halsin remained in you, gasping for air and coming back down to the ground.
Air flooded your lungs as he leaned his weight off you and his kisses peppered your back and shoulders. You straightened yourself out and assessed the state you were in: bruises marked your hips where you were bent over the counter, nail marks dug into your breast, and you were certain you had bite marks on your neck. Not that any of it mattered, you loved seeing his marks on your body.
“I’m not complaining, but that was… intense” you broke the silence.
“I’m sorry my love, I just needed you so badly” he wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Oh don’t apologize, it was incredible. I didn’t know you ever got like that. You were so dominant, so, I don’t know? Instinctual? I don’t know if that’s the right word but I have never been so turned on”.
“Oh!” He said in surprise, “well, in that case, I can definitely promise you more”.
Over the next 3 days it continued much the same. Any time you bent over, or showed much skin, or really did much of anything there was Halsin, begging you to let him fuck you. Every ask was tinged with heavy desperation and lust previously unknown to you, and the moment you let him it was a torrid of rough sex in the first position he could get you in.
You lay there now in bed, naked with his cock pressed against your backside. Your legs are sore, your back is sore, every bit of you inside and out is on the verge of raw.
“My love, my heart, I am loving all of this but I concede, I can’t keep up. What’s come over you?” you ask.
“Come over me? No this is pretty normal for now” he answers.
“Normal? For now?” you ask again.
“Yes, this time of year is typically mating season for bears” he said matter of factly, as if that was all the explanation that was needed.
“You aren’t a bear”.
“No, but you spend enough time as one and the instincts start to stick around afterwards”.
At this point you could not tell if he was serious or not. The whole thing was so matter of fact, but you had never heard anything about wildshape affecting a Druid like that.
You took a deep breath to gather your thoughts before beginning “Alright, so, right now you-“
“Want to fuck you against every surface in this house and surrounding forest until my scent covers every inch of you and you’re carrying our child. If you’ll let me”.
“And you remember that that’s not possible right? Even long before I met you I’ve been too stabbed and banged up to ever be able to carry a child. Something I’ve told you and that you said that you were alright with”.
“I’m aware, but instinct is instinct and I’m more that happy to try. Especially if that means we’ll just try forever”.
That answer satisfied you.
“I can be happy with that. But one last thing my love”.
“Anything. Say the word and there’s no length I wouldn’t go to fulfill your wish”.
“Find some positions that don’t hurt my thighs so much. Because if you pin me to the wall again there’s no way my legs are going to hold out”.
Halsin let out a deep laugh, a true and joyous laugh. “My love! I wished you had said something sooner! My thinking isn’t the clearest right now but if I had known-“ out of the corner of your eye you saw the gentle warm glow of healing magic as the hand that had been resting just under your bellybutton moved to your sore legs, “I would have helped with that”.
Much of the soreness and ache recedes as the soft glow fades.
“Actually one more thing, there’s been a few times I’ve been a little raw- uh- inside from all of this. Is there anything that can be done…?” you trail off.
“Yes! There are a few things I can make, perhaps a salve that provides some extra lubrication and maybe something a bit cooling feeling? I could do that, would that work?”
“I think so, and I’d be more than happy to try at any rate”
You feel him press your hips back against his and the throb of his still erect cock on your skin.
“Out of bed. Now. Salve first, trying to breed me after”.
Halsin sighs, not like he could complain about anything. He stumbles a bit as he attempts to pull his pants on, any attempt at salve making would require getting ingredients from the forest and town, and one of those requires pants.
“And love!” you call as he walks out the door, “If that salve works and you keep me from being so sore I’ll start wearing a shorter dress around the house with no panties, or maybe just nothing at all. I’ll give you blanket permission for the season to fuck me whenever you want, like nature intended”.
You had never seen Halsin move so fast to go get the shopping done.
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strawhbrrries · 2 years ago
pairing: dbf!southern!frank castle x afab!reader
summary: a trip to the store with your dad’s best friend ends in a lack of a swimsuit and the feeling of his beard scratching you forever engraved in your mind.
warnings: age gap (reader is 22, frank is 52), use of pet names, dirty dirty thoughts!!!, mention of a divorced dad?, fingering, no real sex, bearded frank <3, no mentions of y/n, no descriptions of reader, not proofread
word count: 2711 words
author’s note: the line “ride cowgirl” in pyramid by frank ocean inspired this whole fic, which i kinda wanna make into multiple fics?? a story if you will?? anyway, i think this is a huge step up from my last writing piece so please enjoy :)
read the sequel ride, cowgirl !
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“I'm telling you to loosen up my buttons, babe.” You sang along to the song blaring from your dad’s speaker, you hijacked it when he went inside to get more beer for him and his friends, swinging your hips and slowly spinning in a circle. Your music was way better than his divorced dad rock music, which you secretly enjoyed, and if you were going to enjoy the get together he was throwing you were absolutely going to play your own music. 
“But you keep fronting.” Tiffany, your long time best friend, sang back into the imaginary microphone in her hand as she pranced around you in a circle. The two of you putting on a performance to the imaginary crowd in your backyard, or so you thought. Twenty feet away, sitting in perfect position across the fire to watch you swing your hips around, was your dad’s best friend Frank.
Frank was only half listening to the conversation between the men around him, he was more focused on the way you danced and how it was making him rethink every decision he ever made and was about to make, his knuckles going white from the grip he had on the bottle in his hand. Sure, he’d always known you were a gorgeous girl but something about tonight was different. The fire barely illuminating your skin softly had him wanting to slide behind you as your hips moved in time with the song, his lips dragging across the skin of your neck before moving to your ear where he whispered promises of what he’d do to you later. He took a sip of the lukewarm beer, watching you for a second more before turning back to whatever bullshit conversation that was going on. It paled in comparison to you. Currently, everything did. 
The summers in Texas were your favorite, the air was never too humid and warmed you up when the wind came through at night, the lightning bugs never failed to show up every night and lit up the trees if you paid enough attention. Truthfully you were biased, but the thing that made them truly the best was having no true responsibilities again and you would always enjoy that, especially when your beloved dad bought your alcohol for three months. One of your favorite perks was the swimming pool, you were either swimming with a few of your friends or tanning on the side but you were almost always found by it. The swimsuits you typically donned weren’t the slightest bit modest, and now wasn’t any different. You were barely covered in a green bikini, the top consisting of two triangles and a string, and the bottoms high cut and covered with a mesh skirt. 
“Castle, how’s work been man? Ain’t heard much bout it ‘n normally ya don’t shut up bout it.” Goddamnit is all Frank thought as your dad dragged him back into the conversation, ruining the imagery in his head. If looks could kill, the one he shot your dad would’ve murdered him beyond recognition. “‘s alright, busy. Always picks up in the summertime. Ready to have some more downtime, spend it with family.” More like with your daughter. 
“I hear ya. Promise ol’ girl over there we’d do some family shit this summer, if business keeps the way it is I ain’t too sure how well I can keep that promise.” Your dad responded, pointing you out to the guys as if Frank hadn’t been oogling you all night. You and Tiff had stopped dancing to the music and instead opted to sitting with your legs in the pool, gossiping about town drama and Tiff’s newest boy of the week. 
“Understandable, if ya’ll need anything just holler at me.” Frank responded, ready for the conversation to be done, ready to continue watching you like a creep from afar. He’d be a creep if it meant staring at you all night, he’d be a creep if it meant a chance to feel your hair wrapped around his hand while he-
“Dad, Tiff and I are going to get snacks from the gas station!” You called out happily, ripping Frank out of his delusion with the angelic smile of yours, walking over to the group of men surrounding the fire. 
“C’mere, I’ll give you my card so you can get some more drinks.” You happily grabbed the card from your dad, bending over to give him a small hug. Frank was no better than the next man, he scratched at his scruff as he admired the way the green of your bikini complimented the tan skin threatening to spill from the lack of support. 
“Frank, can you drive us? It’s dark and neither of us wanna drive.” It was like the perfect opportunity fell right into his lap and he’d be damned if he wasn’t taking it. The smile you were flashing him made him want to get down on his knees and beg, a god he wasn’t sure existed for, forgiveness for what he was about to do. 
“Course darlin’, let me get my wallet.” He looked at your dad who seemed to have no qualms about the situation before getting out of the chair, placing his mostly empty bottle of now warm beer on the ground and following you into the house. 
“I’m gonna go put a shirt on, give me a second.” Up until tonight, much like Frank with you, you hadn’t noticed how attractive he was. Older men had always excited you but this was different. Frank was big, strong, rough around the edges but had that southern hospitality you loved. You couldn’t help but think about how his scruff would feel rubbing against your skin, would it leave redness in its wake? would it help spur your orgasm as he fucked you with his fingers? 
You picked up some oversized t shirt that probably once belonged to your dad and put it on, shaking your head as if it would get rid of the thoughts. 
“Hey, I’m gonna head out. Horrible timing I know! But y’know, boy of the week is calling.” Tiff spoke, her expression clearly apologetic, giving you a hug and promising to make plans for later this week before grabbing her things and leaving.
“So for taking so long, got caught up in my thoughts.” Of you. You smiled softly, suddenly aware of how the sun had brought out freckles you didn’t know he had and how muscular he truly was.
“‘S alright, lets get goin’ ‘for your dad starts wonderin’.” He matched your smile, placing his hand on the small of your back as the two of you walked out of the house and to his truck. You were painfully aware of how big his hands felt, triggering your mind to think about his fingers. You rubbed your thighs together to relieve some of the tension aching at your core, it felt so taboo to lust after a man your dad’s age. Not just his age! His own best friend! 
The trip to the gas station was uneventful, unfortunately, the two of you exchanged conversation like the tension wasn’t thick enough to cut. Like Frank’s jeans were getting uncomfortably tight and your bikini bottoms uncomfortably wet. Like neither of you wanted to jump the bones of the other person.
“Hey, Frank?” You asked softly, trying to gain the courage to ask the question you wanted the answer to.
“Darlin’?” He put the car in park, looking over at you expecting you to call him every disgusting name under the sun for his thoughts about you tonight.
“Do you, uhm…”
“I’m not a mind reader, baby.” At first you thought you imagined the word, that he didn’t actually say it but it was your imagination fueling the growing fire you had for Frank Castle. But he did say it, and he did it on purpose. Testing the waters, seeing how far he could go without making you uncomfortable. 
“Have you ever been with someone younger?” Not the fucking question, idiot. You scolded yourself, you didn’t want to know the answer to this. What if his answer was yes and you were imagining his interest in you, that you weren’t special. 
“No, I uh haven’t. Not yet, anyway.” There he went again, saying things that made you think you were imagining it. Maybe you’d wake up any minute and none of it was real. He could see the wheels turning in your head, you were a smart girl and he knew that. 
You, timidly, leaned over the console of his truck and experimentally ran your fingers through his scruff. You’d never been with a man, much less a man with a beard, you’d only been with what your father classified as boys. Frank leaned into your touch, placing his hand on top of yours and dragging it to his lips. Placing kisses on your palm, keeping eye contact with you. You were having trouble breathing, he was going to kill you. The beautiful hunk of a man was going to be the cause of your death, you’d make sure Tiff had it written on your tombstone. “Death by Frank Castle.”
Frank let your hand drop into your lap, threading his own hand through your hair to grab the back of your head and pull you closer to him. He leaned forward to meet you halfway, eyes scanning your face just taking in your beauty. His lips were made to fit yours, you were convinced, moving in motion with yours. His beard scratching your skin deliciously, his fingers wrapping themselves in your hair, his scent. He was everywhere, he consumed you. 
“Need you, Frank please.” You breathed, pleading with him. “Need you so bad, need to feel you, your fingers.” You carried on, your voice sounding like you were on the verge of tears. 
“Baby, not here.” He spoke softly, committing the way you sounded to memory for him to reference later when he was alone, “I’ll get you off though. Make you cum, all over my seat.” 
His words eliciting a whimper, you’d take anything he was willing to give you. It didn’t matter that anyone could see into his truck at any moment, made the situation so much more intense. He tapped your thigh, signaling he wanted you to open your legs. 
Frank let his fingers dance over the exposed skin your lack of pants left, dragging them up your thighs slowly. Painfully slow. He left open mouth kisses down your neck, occasionally biting and soothing the bite with his tongue. What felt like a decade later his middle finger traced your clothed folds, chuckling into your neck at how wet you were. You bucked your hips at the stimulation, earning another chuckle from the man in the driver’s seat, you were dying to receive some more stimulation from him. At this point, you’d sell a kidney and probably your soul to just have a singular finger inside you. You’d probably sell his soul too.
He dipped a finger underneath your swimsuit, groaning at how wet you truly were and that he was the cause of it all. His dreams were, partially, coming true and he needed to thank the heavens and the stars. Your moans and whimpers were music to Frank’s ears and he’d do anything and everything to keep them coming, to keep those angelic noises from leaving your pretty mouth. The truck was silent except for your noises and the squelch of Frank playing with your pussy.
“‘S wet, pretty girl. All for me? Did I do this to you, baby?” He taunted you, sliding his finger through your folds and swirling your clit as he waited for an answer.
“All for you, promise.” You whined, leaning your head against him, sweat beading on your skin as the car started to heat up from the summer air and the actions being performed. 
Your pleas were answered when he finally plunged a finger inside of you, pulling it all the way out and admiring how it glistened in the light provided by the street light in the corner of a parking lot. He did this a few times, thrusting his finger in and pulling it all the way back out before plunging it back inside of you. His lips found your neck again, moving your head back to the original position it was in, kissing every spot of open skin he could reach. As if he read your mind, he inserted another finger alongside the one already inside. The stretch burned in a way that made you feel alive, made you feel on top of the world. All because Frank’s fingers were inside you. God, his fingers were big. So big it made you think about how right your dad had been to call everyone else a boy and not a man. So big all you could do was think about how big his cock must be, if his jeans were any indication you were in for a real treat. Not here though, stupid stupid gas station stupid truck. Your thoughts soon turned to mush.
His fingers curled right against the spongy spot inside of you, hitting it over and over again, he readjusted his hand to put his thumb on your clit.
“C’mon pretty girl, let go for me.” He spoke low, trailing kisses back up your neck and nipping at your earlobe. 
You could feel the warmth growing in your stomach, the knots forming into bigger knots and then even bigger knots. Could feel the heat spreading throughout your body, your orgasm so close you could taste it. It was right there, his fingers hitting all the right spots and his thumb working wonders on your clit, his scruff scratching your skin and his mouth kissing everywhere. He was suffocating you in all the best ways possible. All you could see, hear, smell and taste was Frank fucking Castle.
Stars. Your vision turned to stars as your orgasm washed over you, your body shaking in the passenger seat as he fucked you with his fingers. Those damn fingers. You couldn’t see anything but stars, for all you knew you had gone to heaven and it was thanks to the magical orgasm given to you at the hands of your new god. 
When you came down from your high, Frank was whispering how well you had done and how pretty you were. He was caressing your thigh and placing kisses to your head. 
“Did so good, gonna get me addicted.” He reached behind your seat and handed you a water bottle, opening it and holding the lid so you could drink it.
“Thank you.” You smiled up at him, that killer smile that got him here in the first place. He truly was going to get addicted to you and he had no complaints about it, could die a happy man tonight if fingering you in his passenger seat is all he gets to do to you. His phone ringing in his pocket brought him back to the situation at hand.
Shit. Both of you thought, remembering what you were supposed to be doing and how it was now an entire forty-five minutes later.
“Hey, ah yeah we’re good. Small fender bender, yeah….to make it all worse the gas station was closed when we got here.” Frank spoke to your dad on the phone, coming up with a lie like his life depended on it and he hadn’t just fingered you to the edge of your life. “Should be back soon, don’t worry man. I’m keepin’ her safe, precious cargo.”
You chuckled softly at his sentence, relaxing completely in the seat and taking a few sips of water, thinking about the future of your relationship with him. Or whatever it was, you made out and he had his fingers inside you but that didn’t mean shit. What if he regretted it and now didn’t want anything to do with you, what if he was too worried about his friendship with your dad?
“Quit thinkin’ too much. We’ll figure out whatever this is, all I know for sure is I need to see you again. And you to ride me, like a fuckin’ cowgirl. Ya hear?”
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angelmichelangelo · 3 months ago
Any thoughts/opinions on TMNT 2007, either in comparison to other iterations or about the characters/relationships in general?
oh boy have i got some thoughts on TMNT 2007 !
straight off the bat i’d say it feels so set apart from all of the other ninja turtles movies we had/have at that point. they’re a little older (i can’t remember the canon ages but wasn’t it pretty much fanon for a long time that they were at least early 20s?) and starts their story off kinda at their end.
2007 was also supposedly a continuation of the 1990s movies. whether you want that to be solid canon or not (personally i don’t) but either way, they’re kind of in “retirement” stage of their lives with everything with shredder already happened and this is kind of just the aftermath of that.
the relationships in this movie !!!!! oh my GOD it’s just near to absolute perfection. i usually don’t always super love the classic raph/leo tension just because sometimes it feels a little overdone and can really take away the shine from other aspects of the movie, but i really do like how different it feels here.
raph is so obviously not coping with having so much of his family dynamics changed. and i think that’s why the whole aspect of the movie being set after all of their biggest most heroic adventures works well, because in a way, this movie just highlights how much their lifestyle has impacted them. imo raph struggles with having leo so far from home. he’s going through a little bit of separation anxiety, can’t regulate his emotions properly and lashes out bad.
leo obviously takes this all the wrong ways. he’s going through something too so he’s blind-sighted to the fact that raph isn’t intentionally trying to piss him off. they’re back butting heads maybe because it feels most familiar in a way that hasn’t been since leo left.
b-team in this movie is just. chefs kiss. so much to unpack here, too.
donnie who is finally being highlighted for how much he does for his family behind the scenes, normally quietly bumbling along, now here he is, trying to keep a sense of normality and feeling under appreciated!! which rightly so!! he kind of just gets this shit load of responsibility thrusted onto him when leo leaves and raph distances himself. he’s treading water in the deep end, barely afloat but rarely does he really lash out because he wants to do good, and keep peace (mostly for mikey’s sake, I would argue)
and mikey. oh mikey. easily one of my favourite interpretations of mikey in this movie. he’s kind of mellowing out and maturing in a way that i think hits leo with full force when he comes home from south america. all because he’s had to grow up and pick up the pieces left behind in the wake of their family kind of slowly crumbling apart.
they’re all hurting in this movie but mikey’s hurt is so painfully obvious and so masked when he’s putting up with a job he really hates, barely seeing much of either brother he has left because of their schedules and feels cooped up. he trips over himself with just pure glee when he sees that leo is finally home. he’s still that kid at heart, despite everything, that truly believes that his big brother can mend this. it’s a really bittersweet thing to think of him just hoping his life would fall back into place again after it being so out of sorts for so long.
TMNT 2007 isn’t a perfect movie by any means. whilst i adore the way the turtles have been written, is still falls into the trap of making don + mike background characters towards the last half, giving leo + raph the limelight once again, and sometimes leo does act a little out of sorts but i could just pin that down to him having some sort of PTSD, so it remains high in my ranks regardless.
it’s not perfect but it’s still really really good. the animation holds up pretty well. it paved the way for 2012 in regards to CGI turtles. the voice acting is something i don’t see hyped up enough. nolan north as raphael?!!! i feel like as a fandom we definitely sleep on that fact way too hard
the plot is original and fresh and it’s clear that this wasn’t just a cash grab, but a real love letter to the franchise and to the fans:) the people that made this cared for these characters and this world and it shows :)
the fight scenes are really fun and easy to follow. the leo raph rooftop scene is just incredibly done. whoever wrote that.. please always be involved in tmnt wherever you are.. honestly pure fire some of those lines
nobody feels like a caricature of themselves here, which often happens with tmnt when a new universe is introduced, just to establish their character roles. i really love the thought of them in the wake of the fight and after the dust settles and they’re trying to cope with their feelings and problems separately because they don’t know what else to do. they need a million hugs, please, i would love to see more of this that isn’t just the last ronin. show me the turtles in their 30s trying to adjust to their lives changing drastically as they’re getting older and recognising their trauma, finally. i would eat that up!
in anyone hasn’t seen TMNT 2007 (which, i’d assume most of my followers probably has) then i would absolutely recommend it !!
forever mourning the mikey centric sequel we were supposed to get before the studio shut down and forever sending wishes up that there’s someone out there with enough money and a dream to bring it to life in some way shape or form (i’ll take a comic. a mini series. anything lmao)
TMNT 2007 will always have a special place in my heart :)
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thealternateuniverse · 24 days ago
Must Be Nice
Pairing/s: Bambam x Reader
Word Count: 2,632 words
Not really based but inspired from Bambam's song 'Must be Nice'
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“Bam! Come on! There’s so much food, get over here already.”
Her voice was like a balm, soothing the tension buzzing in his nerves. Just hearing her made him feel lighter, like the weight on his chest had been lifted, even if just a little. He was relieved she came.
Bambam sat back, watching as she unpacked the food she brought. He should help, he knew that, but right now, he just wanted to admire his best friend. The one person who always made things feel a little easier. His own little ray of sunshine.
“Are you just gonna stare at me the whole time?” She glanced at him with raised brows. “You’ve got a performance in, what? Two hours? You need to eat unless you wanna pass out mid-stage.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. Sometimes he wondered what kind of good deed he must have done in a past life to deserve someone like her.
“Yeah, yeah, I was just about to help.”
She shot him a knowing look, clearly not buying it, but let it slide. Instead, she focused on setting up their meal, and soon enough, Bambam was happily devouring everything she placed on his plate.
“You look like absolute shit.”
“I know,” Bambam groaned, head throbbing, face swollen from a mix of oversleeping and last night’s questionable life choices. He and Yugyeom had completely lost track of their drinks, and getting home had been a mission.
“Sit your ass down. I’ll make you something.”
He didn’t argue. Instead, he slumped into his seat, watching as she moved around his kitchen like she owned the place. She always did this—showing up exactly when he needed her, as if she had a sixth sense for his suffering.
He leaned his chin on his hand, just observing. There was something oddly therapeutic about watching her do the most mundane things. She didn’t even have to try, and yet, just by being here, she made everything feel a little less miserable.
By the time she placed a bowl of something warm and comforting in front of him, the hangover still sucked, but at least he wasn’t suffering alone.
“Oh my god! Look at this! We literally looked like chickens!”
Her excited voice pulled him out of his food coma. He turned to see her holding up a childhood photo she’d found in one of his old albums, her eyes practically sparkling with amusement.
Bambam groaned. “Please put that away.”
“Absolutely not.” She grinned, shoving the picture in his face. “You were so tiny, Bam! Look at those little cheeks!”
He sighed dramatically, flopping back onto the couch. “I swear, if any of these ever make it online, I’m suing.”
She laughed, flipping through the album. “Oh, come on. You were adorable. Though…” she held up a more recent picture of him for comparison. “What the hell happened? How did this tiny noodle turn into this?”
Bambam smirked, stretching his arms behind his head. “Puberty, baby. And the gym. Lots of gym.”
She huffed playfully. “I kinda miss your flannel-and-skinny-jeans era, though. That was peak fashion.”
He shot her a mischievous grin. “Oh? Should I bring it back? Just for you?”
She rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. No matter how much he changed, he was still the same Bambam. Her Bambam.
“Bam! Come on! For someone who hits the gym and performs for hours, your stamina is seriously weak.”
Bambam hunched over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Y/N, on the other hand, looked like she had just downed an entire can of energy drink. They had been on nearly every ride, braved multiple horror booths, and yet, she was still darting around like an overexcited kid at a carnival.
His breath hitched slightly as he watched her. She looked radiant, her eyes lighting up at every cute plushie and every spark of magic around them. The way she clutched that oversized Stitch bear he won for her made his chest feel… warm. They had come here to heal their inner child, and judging by the pure joy on her face, it was working. He felt it too like a part of him that had been weighed down was suddenly lighter.
Eventually, he gave up trying to chase after her, instead opting to watch from a short distance like a tired older brother keeping an eye on his hyper little sister. As long as she was happy, that was enough.
But then, she suddenly stopped, letting out a dramatic sigh. “Okay… I’m actually tired now.” She pouted, looking up at him with big, exhausted eyes.
Bambam scanned the area and spotted a vacant bench near the fountains. “Come on, let’s sit for a bit.” He took her hand, guiding her toward the bench. She plopped down beside him, placing the stuffed toy on her other side like it was a person.
Just as he was about to tease her, she leaned against his shoulder.
Bambam froze for a second. He could feel her breathing heavy and uneven. His playful smirk faded into concern.
“Hey… you okay?” He turned slightly to look at her, noticing how pale she looked.
She hummed tiredly but didn’t answer. That’s when he spotted the faint bruise on her arm. His brows furrowed.
“Wait—did you hit yourself earlier?” He reached out, gently tracing the mark with his fingers.
Y/N barely opened her eyes but managed a small smile. “I think so… Maybe in one of the horror booths?”
Bambam sighed, shaking his head. “You’re running around like a lunatic, and now you’re all banged up. Seriously, do I need to put you on a leash?”
She chuckled weakly, nudging him with her shoulder. “That sounds weird, Bam.”
He snorted. “Yeah, okay, fair. But still.” He hesitated for a second before softly patting her head. “Just rest for a bit. We’re in no rush.”
“Yeah… I kinda missed you.”
Bambam’s brow furrowed. She was acting like they hadn’t just seen each other last week. She was always around grabbing meals with him, showing up at his rehearsals, teasing him about his outfits.
“You’re getting clingy,” he teased, shooting her a playful smirk.
But Y/N only gave him a small, almost wistful smile.
“I’d make the most of it if I were you.”
His chest tightened. Something about the way she said it made him uneasy.
“Why?” He tried to keep his voice casual, but there was a flicker of nervousness. “Are you going somewhere?”
She shook her head. “No… but once I finish my master’s, I’ll have a real job. I won’t have all this free time anymore.”
Bambam nodded, though it didn’t make him feel any better. If anything, it was the opposite. He had gotten so used to having her around that the thought of her being too busy, of her drifting away, unsettled him in a way he couldn’t quite name.
“No one will be around to annoy me,” he joked, trying to keep the mood light.
She chuckled, but his heart ached when she didn’t tease him back like she usually would.
“But yeah…” He exhaled, running a hand through his hair. “It’ll feel different if I don’t see you in the crowd at my shows.”
Y/N smiled softly. “I will always watch you, Bam.”
For some reason, that didn’t feel reassuring. It felt… final. Like she was saying goodbye. Or maybe he was just tired. Maybe he was overthinking.
Shaking the thought away, he cleared his throat. “Let’s go on a vacation. After my tour in Thailand, we’ll go to Bali with the boys.”
Originally, he had planned it just for the two of them, but knowing how much Y/N missed Yugyeom and Mark, he figured they should all go together. It would be fun. And maybe, just maybe, it would make this strange feeling in his chest go away.
She laughed. “You always make plans where I can’t say no.”
“But you love it.”
She rolled her eyes but nodded. “Fine. After all, I can’t miss your sold-out show in Thailand. I’m so proud of you, Double B.”
She looked at him, then really looked at him, with eyes full of admiration. And for some reason, it caught him off guard. His chest tightened, and he couldn’t put a name to the feeling that settled there.
“You’re the brightest star, and you always will be, my bestie.”
And just like that, the moment passed. Y/N playfully pinched his cheek, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Come on! Time for dinner.”
Bambam followed her, but the uneasy feeling lingered. Like something was changing between them. He just didn’t know what.
The humid air of Thailand clung to his skin as he adjusted his in-ear monitors, hiding behind his shades during soundcheck. His hands wouldn’t stop shaking. It was ridiculous, he had been performing for years, but today felt different.
Maybe because this was the biggest stadium in Thailand he had ever sold out.
Maybe because tonight, the crowd was bigger than he had ever imagined.
Or maybe because of the surprise he had planned for his best friend.
Y/N hadn’t been able to visit him backstage. Her flight had arrived late last night, and he figured she was still asleep. No texts, no updates. He’d leave her to rest.
But as the concert kicked off, adrenaline took over. The roar of the crowd, the synchronized ocean of lightsticks, the GOT7 banners waving high, it was overwhelming. Even after all these years, the love from the fans never faded. If anything, it felt stronger.
After their Hard Carry performance, Bambam stood at the edge of the stage, breathing heavily. His gaze instinctively flickered toward the VIP section, searching for her.
But the flashing lights, the glowing sea of green, the sheer energy of the crowd, it was all too much. He kept getting distracted by the way his fans had organized surprises for him, changing lightstick colors, holding up banners that spelled his name, the Ahgabong lightstick drone. His throat tightened. Y/N had always told him he’d make it. And looking at the sold-out stadium tonight, he finally believed it.
Still, he scanned the crowd again, hoping for a glimpse of her. But the lights were too bright, making it nearly impossible to see.
Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward.
“Before anything else…”
The cheers erupted, but he waited for them to settle.
“I just wanna thank everyone for coming tonight. You guys are amazing. None of this would be possible without you.”
He removed his earpiece, letting the deafening chants fill his ears for a moment before continuing.
“I also wanna thank my mom, my family, thank you for everything. I love you all.”
His eyes found his mother in the audience, and for a second, he let himself soak in the warmth of her proud smile.
“And to my special someone…”
The crowd hushed slightly, curiosity buzzing among them.
“I can’t see you because of these damn lights,” he joked, earning a wave of laughter. “But Y/N, if you’re here, if you’re watching, thank you. For believing in me since day one.”
The audience let out a collective aww, but Bambam wasn’t finished.
“She’s my best friend, everyone. And I have a little surprise for her.”
He turned toward the massive screen behind him, waiting as the footage played.
A video montage, years in the making.
Clips of him and Y/N as kids, laughing, playing, growing up together. Home videos, school memories, moments that had been buried in old tapes and camera rolls. It had taken months to restore, and he owed it to their moms for helping him dig up the past.
The stadium filled with applause as the video ended.
“I hope she doesn’t kill me for that,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, she had a glow-up.”
Laughter rippled through the crowd.
“I just wanted to make a little tribute to our friendship. Y/N, thanks for coming tonight. And… see you soon.”
With that, he turned back to the stage, ready to continue the concert, completely unaware of what was about to happen next.
Bambam kept his head down, hiding behind his shades and hoodie as he walked through the airport like a New Yorker late for work. The paparazzi swarmed, cameras flashing, bombarding him with questions about his sudden flight home.
He ignored them.
His swollen eyes burned from exhaustion and tears. His PR team had begged him to issue a statement, but he refused. He didn’t want the world to know—not yet. Not when he was still struggling to believe it himself.
Last night, the moment his concert ended, his mother had met him in the dressing room.
And then, she said the words that shattered his world.
"Y/N’s dead."
For a second, everything went silent.
The cheers from the crowd outside, the congratulatory chatter of the staff, all of it faded into nothing.
“What?” He forced out a laugh, shaking his head. “That’s not a funny prank, Mom.”
But the way she looked at him the sadness in her eyes, the way her lips trembled made his stomach drop.
“She never made it to the concert, Bam.” His mother’s voice was gentle but firm. “She never even made it to the airport.”
His fingers felt numb as he scrambled for his phone, nearly dropping it in his panic. He checked his messages, desperate for proof that this was all some cruel mistake.
But there was nothing.
The last message from her was yesterday, telling him what time her flight would arrive.
“H-how…” His voice cracked as his breath came in short gasps. “No… She told me she couldn’t miss this concert. We were supposed to go to Bali. We—we just talked yesterday, and—”
He couldn’t finish. His brain refused to process it.
His mother’s next words were a knife to the chest.
“Bam… She had cancer.”
He felt the air leave his lungs.
“She had it for quite a while now.”
His knees buckled. He reached for the couch behind him, gripping the armrest as if it would hold him together.
Bambam clenched his jaw, shaking his head. No. That didn’t make sense. Y/N wasn’t sick. She was fine.
But then it all came rushing back.
The exhaustion in her face.
The way she brushed off his teasing.
The bruises. The heavy breathing.
The way she kept saying she’d miss him.
"I will always watch you, Bam."
A choked sob escaped him.
She was saying goodbye.
And he hadn’t even realized it. He had laughed it off, brushed away the unease in his chest. And now… now she was gone.
The weight of it crushed him.
That was why he was here now, flying home with barely anything packed. He hadn’t slept. He spent the entire flight staring at his phone, scrolling through old messages, old photos, old videos his only pieces of her left.
When he landed, the airport was packed with reporters, fans, people curious about why he left so suddenly. But he didn’t care.
At the arrival gate, JayB and Youngjae stood waiting for him, their expressions grave.
The moment Bambam saw them, he fell apart.
His breath hitched, and the tears he had tried to hold back came crashing down.
"Hyung..." His voice broke as he turned to JayB, barely able to stand under the weight of grief.
JayB pulled him into a tight hug, his hand gripping the back of Bambam’s head. "I know." His voice was low, pained.
Bambam clenched his fists. "I'm too late…"
And then, he wept no longer caring about the cameras, his image, or the curious eyes watching.
Because the only person he wanted to see and was supposed to be with him now is gone.
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sunnynwanda · 7 months ago
requesting a hero and villain oneshot that involves helium balloons and squeaky helium voices
Warnings: language, miserable Villain (I feel represented). That should be it.
"Villain?!" An overly excited voice rang through the air, reaching an off-pitch crescendo by the end of the last syllable, and then came the swishing noise of an inhalation.
"You have got to be kidding me..." Villain mutters under their breath, but it's too late to escape. Hero has found them... again.
Today has been... challenging, to put it lightly. Never in their life could the resident criminal have predicted Hero's reaction to their birthday. Nor could they have prevented it.
When they mentioned their genuine birthdate on the files the first time they got arrested, they could not fathom the absolute disaster it would unleash. Villain had been doing their best to avoid Hero at all costs because their idiotic opponent woke them up at midnight with a loud alarm screaming bloody murder to wish them an early happy birthday. To say that Villain was pissed would be an understatement.
"Haaaappy Birthday to youuu!" Hero sings in a squeaky voice, the effects of the helium quite prominent in comparison to their usual deep voice.
Hero was determined - Villain had to give them that. Determined to drive me fucking bonkers, Villain thought.  
"Shut it, you damn chipmunk!" They snarl, irritation quite evident in their voice.
Not that Hero gives a damn, as they continue screeching in their annoying off-pitch voice. "Haaappy Birthday, dear Villy, happy birthday to youuuu~"
"Oh, for the love of god..." Villain cannot contain the low groan that escapes them, their eyes rolling into the back of their head.
They are entirely done after being subjected to the aggressive celebration of their birth all day long. It's barely afternoon, and they have already received the midnight message, a monstrosity of a cake first thing in the morning, several bouquets of flowers, presents weapons of all kinds and a bunch of ridiculous birthday gifts, including a teddy bear that sang in Hero's voice and Villain couldn't take it anymore.
So, when Hero comes up behind them on their favourite rooftop, their only safe spot in the whole city, Villain snaps, "Enough!"
Hero flinches, not quite daring to sit beside them, "Vill-" They try, but Villain cuts them off, their frustration spilling over.
"Enough," they snarl, all of the pent-up anger bubbling up to the surface, revealing thoughts they'd never share with Hero otherwise, "I hate my fucking birthday, okay? Just stop!"
Villain sighs, running a hand over their face and shutting their eyes in an attempt to calm down. They half expect Hero to get mad at them for not appreciating the effort, but Hero does not. Instead, they sit beside them on the edge of the roof, speaking in a quiet voice tinged with sadness. "I know."
Villain freezes for a moment, turning to look at their nemesis. When they speak, their voice is thick despite their best attempt to sound nonchalant. "What?"
"I know you don't like this day," Hero elaborates, their gaze trained on the horizon to avoid meeting Villain's eyes. "I know it was never a special day for you. I know."
They turn their head to glance at their opponent's profile. Villain is already looking at them, searching their expression for any sign of pity. Lucky for Hero, they find none. They still don't speak, so Hero continues.
"I just wanted to make it feel special for you," they whisper, anticipating another wave of anger to hit them, but this time, Villain does not lash out at them. Instead, they offer Hero a small smile.
"Thank you," Villain mutters, still stunned but no longer as frustrated as before. "Just please don't ever sing in that god-awful voice," they add with a chuckle, making Hero snort.
"What, you don't want to join?" They ask, lifting up the helium balloon. Villain glares at them, but there's no bite to their tone when they respond.
"Never in a million years. Gimme that!" They demand, poking the balloon and letting out a relieved sigh that it's gone.
"I'm not that bad," Hero snickers, narrowing their eyes at Villain, who sends them a look of utter disbelief. They shake their head, a flicker of disappointment passing through their eyes. "Okay, fine, I suck at singing. Sorry for ruining your birthday."
"Trust me, you did not," Villain assures, tilting Hero's chin to hold eye contact. "This was the most infuriating birthday I've ever had, but it was the best one too."
"Happy birthday," Hero repeats, this time in their natural voice. Somehow, that makes them sound more genuine than the helium voice they had been doing all day.
Villain pauses, pursing their lips as they think for a moment. "I have a gigantic cake and a mountain of presents to unpack. You wanna come over?" They suggest, feeling sheepish yet hopeful.
Hero cannot contain the grin that stretches from ear to ear, excitement dripping from their tone. "Yes!"
Villain chuckles, shaking their head at their beloved nemesis. They might not like their birthday, but they do like Hero. And if a celebration of Villain is what puts that grin on Hero's face... Villain can manage.
Hi darling!
Thank you for the request :) It took some time but I had so much fun writing this that I hope it's okay. I had to turn this into a birthday story, especially because I share Villain's perspective and my birthday is looming xD
P.S. I know I've been kinda MIA recently, but I'm coming back.
Taglist: @marvellousdaisy@alltimelowing@lateuplight@surplus-of-sarcasm@betwist @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @miaowmelodie @thatonerandomauthor @hhabaddon @burningoutlikeicarus @daemonvatis @weepingcowboywolfbat @thelazywitchphotographer @kaiwewi @soul-of-a-local-bard @pigeonwhumps @aflyingsheepnamedrose @thatneptune @ohwellthatslifesstuff @worldsfromhoney @thiefofthecrowns @crow-with-a-typewriter @qualityrabbitsoup @stargeode @villain-life @villainsblood @whumpifi @glassthedumbass @silviathebard @misskowe @ayeshaturnedtoashes4444 @m4iloblu3
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soleminisanction · 9 months ago
Issue 6 of "The Saga of the Super Sons" answers an important question: where the fuck has Dick been in this scenario?
Answer, apparently: At college.
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Which is... where Bruce Junior is supposed to be. Bruce Junior, whose mother Bruce almost certainly met years after he took Dick in as a ward. Bruce Junior, who appears to be younger than Dick, but not by that much.
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If you came at a Silver or Bronze Age writer with today's modern "but why is this character still 17" bullshit, I think they'd laugh directly in your face.
By the by, Dick is here because Bruce has been murdered.
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I guess some things never change.
This does present an amusing comparison with the more modern takes on the subject like Prodigal/Knightfall, Gotham Knights (the game) and Battle for the Cowl, because here the boys treat Batman like something they expect to be left to one of them in Bruce's legal, actual will, like the one read out loud by his lawyer, implying the lawyer would be in on the whole secret identity thing.
When that obviously doesn't happen they come to an agreement to both... team up? But also compete? To find out who murdered Bruce, and whoever does the actual uncovering wins the cowl. This, for... reasons involves seal hunting in the Arctic and, ah... northern Native people. Which means a lot of use of a certain slur that all Natives in that biome used to (and still do) get lumped under, which I shall endeavor to write around but just know, there's a lot of it. Like, a lot. A loooooot.
Less awkwardly, check out what Dick Dillin apparently thought a killer whale looked like:
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Hell, look at those mildly demonic black seals. I know this was pre-Internet dude but you could've gone to your local library. Or picked up a Seaworld ad.
Another thing that apparently never changes: Super-Sons comics insisting that only blood relatives count as "real" children.
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To be fair, I wasn't actually expecting to see Dick referred to as Bruce's son at all in this. And Bruce Jr. is the only one who says this, and he's pretty consistently portrayed as the more immature and bratty one in this equation, so it doesn't really feel like the story is "agreeing" with him, it's just an interesting parallel.
Of course, because this is the 70s, they don't have any consideration for things like tactical costume changes or the realities of being mostly normal guys in the Arctic. So, though the boys arrive wearing sensible parkas, once they change into their superhero costumes Dick is just, snow shoeing through the tundra and water skiing behind a seal in his short sleeves and bare legs.
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You'll probably be grateful to hear that the white industrial seal hunter is in fact the bad guy of this story -- this is actually one of the more cohesive stories in the saga so far in that regard. Simon Link was exploiting the land by killing too many seals, and then massacred part of the native village when they fought back trying to stop him, so this man Malook wanted to kill him. But, unable to find him and unable to get the white authorities to listen to him, he instead traveled to America to target his business partner, Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Junior is appalled by the accusations but, interestingly, Dick is willing to hear the guy out. When Link's crime is exposed (with the help of the Supers Senior and Junior, natch), he tries to escape across the ice.... disguised as a seal... aaaaand...
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Huh. Okay then. Justice is served, I guess.
Oh also Bruce Senior's still alive.
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I mean... good on you for realizing the need to make amends for funding exploitative colonialism, Brucie-boy, but did you have to do it in a way that put your son through the exact same trauma you went through? Complete with the murder mystery dinner theater death scene?
Not to mention your poor wife, do you know how much shit you two have put her through in the last however long it's been?? Junior faked his death complete with a full funeral in the first issue of the saga and now you're doing the same thing! If you actually did marry Talia she'll gut you both the next time she sees you and probably Dick too just because she's never liked him.
Anyway, for a parting shot, check out the image they used to advertise this story on the cover, it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Beware the Ominous Pixie Boot!
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kayfabe-is-king · 5 months ago
I have thoughts from last night's Dynamite and this is all within kayfabe. It's disjointed and patchy but that's because my mind has been going a mile a minute for the past week. So once again, welcome to my Ted Talk!
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It was very fitting that Mox and Co. (are we still calling them the Blackpool Combat Club because that doesn't seem extreme enough at this point) attacked during the match between The Elite and The Conglomeration. That match showed in stark detail the very best and the very worst of what AEW has become. The Elite concerned more with glory and money (literal money raining down on Okada as he walks down to the ring) than about what is best for the company as a whole. And truthfully, they're coming off like a joke now in comparison to Moxley's Death Squad. Meanwhile, The Conglomeration was born of betrayal and people coming together because they a) love this sport and b) still believe in All Elite Wrestling. I lost track of the number of times Excalibur, Nigel or Tony alluded to Orange Cassidy being a leader.
“Why aren’t they coming to help?” Schiavone asked. 
Because The Elite now represent exactly what Moxley is railing against - egos and fat paychecks. This new era is a direct response to The Elite's frankly laughable "take over" of AEW. Moxley watched them, said "hold my (non-alcoholic) beer" and then showed how you really take over a wrestling promotion.
During that horror movie trailer masquerading as a wrestling promo, Moxley mentioned all the wrestlers in the back not being given a chance while overblown egos are sitting atop the AEW food chain. This, to him, is a purpose... a cause. And if he has to hurt people to achieve said goal?
"It's the cost of doing business."
Thing is - Moxley's done this song and dance before. Remember this:
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(credit to @softambrollins for the two gifs above)
Once again (much like with The Shield) in Moxley's mind, something he believed in has been corrupted. The difference is that now he has the power and the muscle behind him to do something about it. He feels like it's his moral obligation to stamp out the "corruption" that has infested AEW. Something he couldn't really do when The Shield fell apart. This is Moxley exorcising those ghosts... and you know, beating the shit out of people.
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If you look at the people coming to The Conglomeration's aide last night, you'll see they have something in common. These are people in the back that haven't really been used properly in a while. Private Party, who really should have had a title run by now. The Dark Order, consistently being tossed around creative with no real direction since the death of Brodie Lee. Top Flight hasn't found it's groove even though they put on consistently great matches time and again (I did laugh my ass off when Action Andretti did that springboard from the ropes and Moxley was like "nah, bro" and clocked him in the back of the head).
And while Daniel Garcia has been given pushes lately, I don't think he's been properly and consistently booked until this angle (and if they don't take the belt off of Jack and give it to Danny, there's no justice in this world). I believe these choices were intentional. A way to pull people into a long running storyline that were floundering.
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Even on the BCC's side, you have Marina Shafir - an excellent technical wrestler who AEW has batted around with no real direction. Moxley has said time and again how much he admires her, so of course he wanted her as a part of this angle. She is the perfect soldier - brutal, efficient and loyal. The look of devastation on her face when she was ejected from ringside at Wrestledream? That's the look of a dedicated soldier who has (in her mind) let down her commanding officer. She will go toe to toe against anyone who stands in Moxley's way. And am I the only one wondering about that key around her neck?
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Here's something else to think about. Tony Schiavone has seen the attempted hostile takeover of a wrestling promotion before. He was ringside as the New World Order was born and watched their path of destruction in WCW. Imagine seeing history repeating itself and not being able to do anything about it. Even worse, imagine seeing history repeat itself... but worse. This is the nWo dialed to 11 and unencumbered by silly little things like laws against attempted murder. 
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Someone at commentary also asked where the belt was. It was never about the belt and Moxley purposely handed it off to Claudio for that very reason. He doesn’t care about the glory. He genuinely believes what he’s doing is what is necessary. And there is nothing more frightening than someone so fine with committing acts of brutality because they truly believe that is the only way. 
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Now we come to our most conflicted Moxley disciple. And if you don't think he's still very much conflicted, you haven't been paying attention. Wheeler using the Busaiku Knee on Orange Cassidy while dressed like Bryan was intentional. Sure, he may have drunk the new BCC’s kool aid, but he still very much respects Bryan. He saw what he did to Bryan at Wrestldream as mercy (whether or not you agree, it's still how he saw his actions). To him, he finally put Bryan to "rest" and now feels it is his responsibility to continue Bryan’s legacy.
And that is where him and Daniel Garcia will clash in glorious battle. They are the ying and yang to each other - both love this sport and both see Bryan as their hero. One is just following the darker path that William Regal himself has laid for the likes of Moxley. While the other one believes in Bryan's way. They are the next generation of the power struggle between Bryan and Moxley - their proxies if you will. This is the most elaborate game of Risk come to life.
I have seen some people say this new storyline is "going too far". I get it - it's hardcore and some people didn't grow up watching ECW. They may not know that Terry Funk did the plastic bag spot long before they were even born. But I vividly remember those days (I was ringside for some of them - Terry Funk is hands down one of the nicest wrestlers I've ever met). And I for one, love where all of this is going. I watched the nWo from its rise to its demise and this new paradigm shift blows it out of the water. This is the evolution of that iconic angle and they picked the perfect people to do it. 
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Side note - shout out to Renee for consistently doing her job with a high level of professionalism. And also pretending like her husband isn't committing attempted murder every week. Imagine how awkward it's been for her around the water cooler lately.
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reverssentiment · 1 year ago
What are the salient features of Asriel, post-canon, that keep us from "saving" him from life alone in the Underground?
He's soulless (a practical problem),
he'll soon return to being a flower (a practical problem) and would prefer that you think of him like this rather than Flowey (a personal and interpersonal problem), and
he's decided to stay and tend the grave of the fallen child (and this is not really a problem at all; rather, a decision, which the boundary conditions of Undertale require us to respect).
There is a lot of UT post-canon fic out there which treats all these as practical problems. Frisk can just get a soul from somewhere, throw Alphys technobabble or soul arcanobabble at the body issue; get Flowey in therapy; and... also get Flowey in therapy for that last one, because his decision isn't really legitimate, in save-the-goat stories. It's self-harm. Which, personally, is both understandable and missing the point of one of the game's core themes: no matter how many times you restart the story, there are things you can't do; you are not getting a 100% Complete Perfect Pacifist where even Asriel is saved, and it's okay to be wistful about it, but you still need to put down the controller eventually. Getting him to the surface happens a lot in fic, because we all want the goldenest ending, but it could never happen in canon and we just have to live with it. It's thematically potent and I'd lose a lot of respect for Undertale's commitment to its story if you could circumvent it.
(Incidentally, this feels to me like it stems from the same ideas as making "* I have places to be" the wrong answer, a giving-in to Frisk's self-sacrificing, self-disregarding nature which must be corrected. Sometimes, you have to let people live and make their own decisions, outside the boundaries of the story's frame. Your perspective only goes so far.)
...now, fluffier, more sympathetically-traumatized Asriel, on the other hand...!
Ralsei's woes in Deltarune are very visibly the same kind of isolation as what Asriel's dealing with at the end of Undertale, but a) it's worse (a whole lifetime of waiting in a very deliberately empty, lifeless, three-screen-long kingdom) and b) he's stuck there for purely practical reasons. Darkners can't enter the Light World without becoming objects. He never made a decision to be here.
It's not something we can technobabble our way out of right now, but we're only in Chapter 2, right? We can save him, in a way we can't save Asriel: the deadlock we can't resolve has been removed; we don't really have to think about his preferences any more, because the preferences that kept us from helping him and left him stuck in the Underground I mean Dark World are just gone.
His issues are also much more obvious from the get-go, and seem designed to be something we talk him out of – not Asriel's decision to stay by his lost friend's grave, with a weight of meaning and feeling behind it, but hero worship, subservience, religious dedication to the Prophecy and self-image issues, all clear and visible dysfunctions. Giving Asriel therapy has left the realm of fanfiction and wish fulfillment and become part of canon... and the real disagreements we had with UT!Asriel over what he was and meant and deserved have become simple roadblocks for DR!Asriel whoops I mean Ralsei, things we have to help him through. Practical problems where the solution is friendship speech + therapy.
To make a slightly heavy-handed comparison, Ralsei saying we exist to serve Lightners and gratefully referring to himself as Kris's lackey is Anthy saying I'm the Rose Bride because I like it. It's the kind of reason we're inclined to reflexively overrule without working to deal with it at its root. Ralsei is Asriel, minus the irreconcilable and bittersweet parts, someone whose objections to being helped have either been removed or simplified down until we can feel good about disabusing him of them. He's our wish fulfillment in the way that candy on trees might be Susie's and a city of shining lights might be Noelle's and Giant Arcade Consoles might be Berdly's: an Asriel you can help, who you can make go to therapy and deal with the problems that keep him from caring for himself; who'll shut up, comply and let himself be saved.
...so the fact that Kris – whose personal issues are opaque, complex, and frustrating; who appears to be actively hiding parts of their life and motives from us; who clearly doesn't want our help or an improved social life at the expense of their agency – finds him so distasteful might not just be because he's a parody of their brother or Secretly Evil or whatever. If Ralsei is "the kid they're supposed to be" it's not just his fluff and horns!
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noopienoopiernoopiest · 5 months ago
Logan Tremblay - #10 - Doux-amer (Bitter-sweet)
For Day 10 of Fic-O-Ween (much thanks to @noots-fic-fests and, always, @lumosinlove).
Pairing: The Cubs Rating: T - sexual situations vaguely referenced.
CW: Food
Description: Logan's first night and last night at the Dumais's as their billet.
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There was a hum coming from somewhere.
Logan had tried to ignore it, but as the night crawled on, it felt as though it was drilling itself right into his head.
He rolled again, flattening pillows that still smelled like maman’s favorite lavender laundry soap. How long before the scent faded? Based on prior experience, Logan put it at around a week, maybe two if he was lucky.
He wanted to sleep, usually never had a problem falling asleep, but most days weren’t like today.
Today had been…
A lot. Today had been a lot. Mostly good, somewhat bad, all of it confusing. Seeing Finn after so much time apart had been almost everything he’d dreaded, almost everything he’d hoped for.
Finn had pushed for everything Logan couldn’t give him. Finn asked for everything Logan refused. And then, Finn gave. He always gave and gave and gave, and Logan took. Logan was always taking and taking and taking. They fell into it again like old dance partners, hating their marks and hitting them anyway.
How long could either of them bear it? How was it going to be? Logan and Finn—friends, never talking about any of it? Logan at Finn’s wedding, staring at the back of his head over Alex’s shoulder as he married someone else, trying to remember to smile so the photos weren’t ruined? Years of interviews asking about their “special chemistry” on the ice and having to laugh and deflect forever? Would Logan settle down with some girl with auburn hair or brown eyes and make comparisons, unfair for everyone involved, hoping one day with a sufficient lack of oxygen it would die (and praying silently in the depths of the night that it never did?)
Finn still had the ability to make Logan feel more things in the space of one evening than he’d felt in a year. He somehow managed to make Logan’s world burst at the seams and narrow down to a pin prick at the same time. The world felt wider when Logan was with him, exuberant and curious and open.
All of it more, and Logan was helpless to do anything other than watch him. With Finn, the world gave him its best show—brighter colors, gorgeous days, the whole world ecstatic at his existence—but all of it sidelined and passed over because what was the rest of it when there was Finn?
And the thrum of it, still singing in Logan’s veins, made sleep elusive.  
He got up, finally so overheated by his overwarm sheets and pillows he couldn’t bear to try any longer. Maybe if he got out of bed, he could leave his racing thoughts to linger behind as well.
The house was quiet and dark as he made his way down the hallway to the kitchen.
He’d just finished a sandwich when he heard it.
There was rustling from the living room. He wandered down the hallway and saw the Dumais’s youngest daughter (Karley? Kelly?) reaching for the TV. Her dark hair was up in pigtails, and she had a soft-looking pink blanket in her hand.
“I wanna watch McStuffins,” she said imperiously. She’d been shy at dinner, ducking behind her mother’s arm and only at the very end of the night had flashed Logan a small smile.
“Uh?” Logan said. Always so eloquent, Lo, an unwelcome voice said in his head. It sounded like late night study sessions and a little like a city Logan had never been to.  So much for his escape plan.
“McStuffins!” she said again, snapping him back to reality.
Thank God for early childhood technology exposure. Logan managed to get the television on and, with some fairly impatient instructions from his helper, turned it to the right show. She made an enthusiastic noise and clapped before settling down and watching, Logan essentially forgotten. He wasn’t exactly sure what to do next. He hesitated for a moment before making his way upstairs. One of the bedroom’s doors was open—a spare, and another had unicorns and ponies plastered all over it. He figured maybe the one at the end of the hall was right.
He knocked softly and waited for a long, awkward moment. He was almost ready to turn around, when a bleary looking Dumo opened the door.
“Désolé, sorry to wake you,” he said quietly in French. “But your daughter…”
Dumo frowned for a moment before he sighed. “Is Katie up again?” He asked. Katie.
Logan nodded.
Dumo looked over his shoulder and closed the door near silently behind him. “Come on, then.”
Logan followed him back downstairs and found Katie, thankfully, still watching her show.
“Papa!” She said, jumping into Pascal’s waiting arms. 
“Mon chou, we have talked about this.”
“I know Papa, but it was scary in there,” she said, frowning at him. Dumo kissed her forehead and gave Logan a smirk over her head.
“Ouais. Well, alright then. Come. Let’s watch.”
She settled back down on the floor, and Logan wasn’t sure what to do with himself.
“Right, I’ll just—”
“You’re welcome to stay, Logan.” Logan didn’t want to go back to the near silence of the room or the screaming in his head.
They stay like that for a while, neither of them talking in the partially dark room.
“It’s difficult to adjust sometimes. Sirius, well…Sirius struggled with sleep for some time,” Dumo eventually said. There was more to the story than that, it was obvious. Equally obvious that Pascal wasn’t going to talk about it.
“I’ve been sleeping away from home for a long time,” Logan said. Even college hadn’t phased him. Some of the guys got homesick, but not Logan. He missed his family, sure, but he’d been living apart from them for years already. It didn’t seem to bother him. Not like Finn, who’d more than once begged to sleep in Logan’s bed, just to be close to someone. At first, Logan hadn’t had the heart to refuse him. Eventually, he hadn’t had the heart to refuse himself.
“What is it then? You went to see Harzy. The two of you are close, yes? He’s been talking about it nonstop for weeks.”
“Yeah, best friends,” he said weakly. The words felt like bile, the rest of it trying to climb out of his throat. The fucking love of my life. The center of my whole world.
“It’s been a while since you’ve gotten to see one another, I imagine.”
“Yeah. Busy.” Busy ignoring emails until they stop coming, phone calls until it stops ringing, text messages until they sounded like strangers again. Cold turkey.
“A lot to catch up on, then. No wonder you’re still excited.”
Logan hummed in response, replaying the day over and over again. They’d agreed. Friends was better than nothing. Losing all of him was too much to contemplate. He was afraid having half of him may hurt twice as much.
Your fault! Yourfaultyourfaultyourfaultyourfault.
“But, it can sometimes be complicated. Good things aren’t always all good. Sometimes doux-amer?” Pascal continued.
That sounded right for them. Bitter, bitter Logan. Impossibly sweet Finn.
“Yeah, doux-amer,” he said, throat tight.
Pascal didn’t say anything else and eventually, Katie came over and climbed, surprisingly, into Logan’s lap and fell almost immediately to sleep.
“Finally. She does that. Full steam ahead and then she hits the boards,” Pascal said.
“Should we?”
“Non. Goodness. If you wake her up, she’ll never go to sleep again. I’ll stay with you. Let her sleep.”
Logan rested his head on the back of the couch and synched his breathing up with her deep, steady breaths. Before he knew it, the calm quiet of the room and Katie’s weight had him nodding off himself.
“Sleep, Logan. It’s okay. I’m right here.”
Logan’s life started again almost overnight.
In the space of a week:
Sirius Black had been outed.
Remus Lupin had been outed.
Sirius had almost ruined his relationship with Remus Lupin, and therefore, a considerable portion of the team.
He’d sobbed. Cried his heart out like he hadn’t since he was a little boy.
He’d gone to the fucking All-Star game. Played in the fucking All-Star game.
He’d knocked sense into Sirius’s head, a man he idolized like a hero, loved hard like a brother.
He’d come out to him.
Oh, and Finn and Leo loved him.
Leo and Finn loved him and sent him heart emojis almost as often as they sent devastating videos of themselves doing things to one another that made him desperately wish they’d had better timing with all of this.
Things that had seemed impossible only days ago now were past him, had transformed from possibilities to history. Something fundamental loosened in his chest, and Logan felt like he was taking full breaths for the first time…possibly since the day he’d walked into Harvard’s rink on the very first day of Freshman year and met his fate.
He’d been home for two days from the All-Star game and they’d talked about what life was going to look like now. It was hard for Logan to process any of it over the glowing, startling sunglow that seemed to pour out of the two of them. He’d thought he’d loved Finn before. Had, surely. Nothing hurt that bad if you didn’t love it first. But he knew now that it was only a fraction of what it was to have him, to know that Logan belonged to them, that his place was with them. It was heady.
He'd almost forgotten his things until the clothing in his suitcase had run out.
“Dumo,” he said, after practice. Dumo had looked up at him with steady eyes even as Logan hesitated.
“What is it, mon fils?”
“I’m-well, merde. I’m moving out.”
Dumo didn’t seem surprised. “Finn?”
Logan wasn’t sure exactly sure how he meant that.
“Ouais,” was the answer either way.
“That’s wonderful, Logan. You’ll be much more settled there, non?”
Logan had come the next day to get his things. Celeste was in the kitchen with an excited Katie making brownies from the smell of it.
“Lolo!!!” She shouted, leaping into his arms.
“Hi, Katie-dee, what are we making?” He asked, rolling up his sleeves.
He’d meant to have dinner and go home, but as the evening slipped by—Adele and Marc arguing over whose turn it was to wash the dishes; Celeste humming to herself as she packed up food and grinning when Dumo came up behind her and pressed against her back before he sneakily grabbed another roll and ran off snickering at the swatting of her dish towel—he couldn’t bring himself to go.
Change of plans. I want to stay the night. Just one last time.
Both of them respond almost immediately in support. And as soon as he was done, he powered off his phone.
“Now then, Katie-dee, we weren’t nearly finished with our story.”
Story was a loose word for it. It had been going for weeks now. It involved Barbie dolls and a giant pink and purple castle and at least half of the available stuffed animals in her room all dragged down into the living room.
“Alright. We were fighting the scary dragon,” Katie reminded him. Logan nodded dutifully. “And we’re trying to save the prince in the tower.”
“Ouais, I remember now.”
He spent the evening with her pretending to be knights fighting off the scary dragon…and the pit of snakes no one had seen…and the evil wizard behind it all…and finally rescued the prince.
“Papa said you’re moving out like Siri did.”
Logan nodded. He’d been dreading this part the most.
“But he said you’ll still be around, right?” Katie looked nervous, fiddling with one of other Barbie’s plastic blond hair. “Just like Siri?”
“Of course, Katie-dee. I promise.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to live with Finn and Leo.”
Katie considered this for a minute and nodded. “I like Finn.”
“Yeah? Me too,” Logan admitted. It felt nice to say it out loud even in this innocent context.
“And Leo is the tall one, right? With the hair?” she held up the Barbie she’d been fidgeting with earlier, the one with bright blond hair.
Logan laughed. “That’s right.”
“Hmm. Okay, then,” she said, nodding again. “They look like they could use your help.”
“Oh yeah? You think so?”  
“Ouais. You never know who might need saving, Lolo. Maybe you can be a knight for them, too,” she shrugged. Logan hadn’t been much of one in the last few years, but maybe she was right. Some things were absolutely worth fighting for.
“Could be.”
Katie gave a big yawn. “I’m tired.”
“Want to watch Bluey?” He asked.
Katie nodded, holding her arms out for him to pick her up.
He’d just got her settled into the couch beside him when Dumo flung himself down beside them. They made it through one episode before Katie was asleep.
“You’re a smart man for escaping, Logan. Too much chaos.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Please. Like you’d have it any other way.”
“C’est vrai,” Dumo said, “Still you’ll have so much peace and quiet.”
“Are you kidding me? Harzy’s like a giant kid. He makes at least four times as much mess.”
“Please. Like you’d have it any other way,” Dumo said, tossing his words back at him. He wasn’t saying anything that absolutely confirmed it, but Logan could tell he knew exactly why it was that Logan was moving in with them mid-season.
“Ouais. C’est vrai.”
“I’m happy for you, mon fils.”
“Me too, it’s just…”
Logan laughed, remembering.
Katie snored softly from his shoulder.
“Non, not this time. I think it’ll just be sweet.”
Pascal grinned at him. “You know? I think so, too.”
And it really was.
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tumblezwei · 1 year ago
I am a Ruan Mei defender, not because I think she's a blameless misunderstood character, but bc I am very afraid of people interpreting her terrible actions as bad writing bc "the game still expects us to like her" or overexaggerating her bad traits in order to make Dr. Ratio look better by comparison.
And that's not to say I think Ratio is a "bad" guy either, I think the whole point of introducing him alongside Ruan Mei was to highlight how different the Genius Society operates compared to "normal" academics. Ratio's over the top arrogance makes him off-putting at first, but his genuine desire to spread knowledge to everyone who wants to learn it is the perfect contrast to the obsession and selfishness of the Genius Society, who only ever care about fulfilling their own desires without concern for those below them. Even Screwllum, the member who seems the most sociable and friendly, let Ratio carry on with his antics on the space station just to see what would happen, even though it put the Trailblazer in danger and threatened the whole facility.
So that is to say, Ruan Mei is like that on purpose. We aren't supposed to see her drugging us and sending us after an incomplete Emanator of Propagation and be confused as to how she's a "goody guy." She isn't. None of the members of the Genius Society are "good" people just bc we're allied with them. Herta uses Traliblazer as a guinea pig for the Simulated Universe after all, and we now know that as long as it's something he's curious about, Screwllum won't interfere to protect us even when he's already figured out the solution to the problem we're facing.
But I also want to do a little apologism for Ruan Mei bc sometimes the accusations I see lobbed at her is a bit much. Like, yeah, she drugged us, but it was a temporary inhibitor that literally only stopped us from giving people information about Ruan Mei. And she didn't do it just to fuck with us? Ruan Mei is incredibly aware of how emotionally detached she is and knows it's almost impossible for her to understand the affection given to her by her creations. She doesn't drug us out of some evil desire to control information, she does it bc she knows her time on the space station is temporary and wants to avoid leaving behind any memories of her being there. That doesn't make it okay and it's still presented alongside everything else she does that's uncaring towards TB and her creations, but it makes it a little more complicated than just "she's an unfeeling sociopath that would happily watch us die." It's bad, but it's also one of Ruan Mei's weird and not good ways of showing consideration.
It's interesting, is what I'm saying. It's compelling. And I don't really dig how it she gets reduced to a two-bit manipulator.
I'm a bit of a stickler for this particular thing bc it's something I truly adore about HSR's writing, and also something I see as one of the game's core themes. There is no clear divide between "good" guys and "bad" guys. The Genius Society is full of emotionally constipated weirdos who wouldn't pay a single bit of attention to us if we weren't interesting to them, but they're also important allies to the Express. The Stelleron Hunters are our biggest opposition and wreak havoc on whatever planet they enter, but we know that their goals somewhat align with our own and unless you go out of your way to be mean to her with every dialogue option, it's pretty obvious that Kafka is someone Trailblazer loves.
And even Cocolia, someone who almost destroyed the last remnants of civilization on her own planet, gets treated with sympathy. Bronya is allowed to mourn her mother and still see her as an aspirational figure, all the while Serval is allowed to break off ties with her and definitively move on from her past.
It's a theme that carries over to a lot of HSR's important side quests too, where often you're expected to choose between two options that both have some pretty heavy downsides no matter what. You have your own moral compass, and along the way the choices may seem crystal clear, but it's never so black and white as you predict. It's a game about decisions, about making your own way in life and learning about the different worldviews of those you meet. Good or bad, helpful or hurtful, it's not always so obvious as "this person did something bad to me, now I will forever dislike them."
"When there is the chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret," "explore, understand, establish, and connect," "the Express welcomes everyone" etc etc
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lizardperson · 16 days ago
lonesome road
[on ao3]
fandom: fallout new vegas characters: female courier/original male character rating: m cw: canon-typical violence wc: 706 prompt: #fff295 help not wanted for @flashfictionfridayofficial
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A well-placed headshot took down the last ghoul, and Gabriel ducked back behind the little brick wall.
"Clear?" he asked, getting an affirmative beeping from ED-E in return. He had to admit, the little floating robot came in handy sometimes.
Passing the dead bodies on the ground, he frowned. Once again he noticed how these did not look like normal feral ghouls, with their weirdly flayed bodies, exposing raw flesh and muscle. Did those sand storms cause this? Something really wasn't right here. Yes, he had heard rumors about 'The Divide' before, but he still had no idea what actually was going on. Maybe Mika could answer some of his questions - assuming, she was still alive.
Gabriel checked his Pip-boy, she was close - or at least her signal was. That only meant her own Pip-boy was still functioning. She had better not got her brat ass killed in this reckless undertaking.
Carefully sneaking through one of the many ruined buildings, on the lookout for more enemies or traps, he closed in on her signal, and finally found her sitting by a small fire.
Startled, holorifle in hand, she jolted up, but visibly relaxed again when she recognized him. "Hey."
He wordlessly dropped down beside her and pulled her into his arms. They sat in silence for a while, until some confused beeping drew their attention.
"Right," Mika remarked. "ED-E, meet ED-E."
Gabriel raised an eyebrow, watching the two eyebots circling each other. Apparently, she really couldn't live without those damn things, and somehow had managed to find another one even here. That one was in noticeably better shape though, seemed almost brand new, in comparison to the 'old' one with all its banged-up bits and shoddy repairs. Maybe it was time for a replacement.
Gabriel glanced at Mika, she also looked pretty rough. Scraped and dirty face, bruises on her arms, bloody bandage around her upper leg. The last few days hadn't left her unscathed. But at least she was still alive.
Both went back to silently staring into the fire, then Mika suddenly murmured: "I'm sorry. I just really felt like I had to do this alone."
"Why?" Gabriel gently asked. On one hand he was still angry with her for running off like that, only leaving a hastily scribbled note that she would be back soon and not to follow her, on the other hand he was simply glad she was mostly okay.
"Because this one is personal."
He had already put together bits and pieces of what this whole thing was about, something to do with her past, and an old friend - or enemy, or acquaintance? - who sent a message that made her head into this hell place all of a sudden. But one day he would really love to hear the whole damn story.
"Didn't want to drag you into it."
Gabriel sighed, trying to sort his thoughts. Part of him wanted to grab and shake her, somehow hammer all the things into her brain that she seemed to forget constantly: That she didn't have to do the hard things all by herself, that it was okay to ask for help. That they were in this together, no matter what. That he loved her more than anything.
Instead, he just sighed again and pulled her closer, knowing how futile that would be now.
"Well, now that I already walked halfway through this mess, might as well stick together," he noted nonchalantly.
Mika snuggled into his arms and chuckled. "Fair enough. I might have underestimated all the critters lurking around a little, so some additional firepower is probably smart." She grimaced. "There's deathclaws here, by the way."
"Of course there are," he groaned. This damn place was getting worse by the minute.
All the more reason to not let her continue on her own. He had promised to be by her side no matter what, and he very much intended to keep that promise, even when she made that really difficult sometimes. She wouldn't get rid of him that easily.
"Thank you," Mika suddenly whispered, and he knew she meant it.
Gabriel pressed a kiss on top of her head. Maybe one day she would finally understand that she wasn't alone.
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arcadianmoonshadowjedi · 3 months ago
Heya! I just watched the last two episodes and oh yep, that got resolved quickly, and even with a lot of fun haha! I'm satisfied with it as well!
The thing with TDP is, I kinda never know which story element is just a smaller matter that will be resolved within a couple episodes, and which events will be spun into a whole multi-season arc, so... I wanted to talk about the brothers' separation at length in case Ezran decided to keep the grudge for a longer while.
I understood that things were complicated and that Callum was torn between two people he loves. I don't deny that he had reasons other than Rayla and that Ezran was difficult to approach in that moment.
I guess I find myself identifying more with Ezran's position because his world was, in comparison, still faaaar more complex than Callum's. Callum's motives were clear and personal. But Ezran, while having the same personal complexity, also had to keep up a PUBLIC persona on top of this at all times. Plus, he still is barely a teenager, while Callum is now almost an adult (Idk their canon ages).
What I'm trying to say is, I guess, that my brain is heavily influenced by The Queen's Thief book series at the moment, which touches upon the private vs. public image of Royals, their need for ceremonial pretense, their need to stay guarded and their struggle with trust, in a much more detailed and weighty way than TDP does. Also, the King's status as an absolute and representative figure is much more emphasized. With this in mind, Callum is an ass for abandoning the Child King who is his brother who just experienced the catastrophe of having his Capital destroyed who is not doing well emotionally because he just had to look into the eyes of his father's murderer for the first time since it happened.
I know, I know, I know. It all wasn't that bad, it worked out fine, the feelings they harbored weren't that destructive to their relationship or maybe the overall end-of-the-world threat they were facing helped them to put the scene at the river behind them. Also, Ezran had Aanya and held his spirits, and was ingenious enough to think forward even without any of his other allies present. He was his own person (something he learned in a previous season, I believe) and so I am proud of him for standing strong. TDP isn't TQT. Still I'm grateful for its behind-the-scenes look into a complex Royal experience because it helps me interpret depth into my fave boi Ezran.
Thank you for responding! The brothers are good, even Rayla apologized, Runaan stated his case and Ezran let go of his resentment, it's all good in the archipelahood. The river scene simply caught my attention because I thought the dynamic it provoked was suuuper fascinating.
Definitely decided to finish another rewatch esp since I started my first watch at 3am before answering. I would disagree about calling Callum an ass though because he wasn’t planning on leaving his brother at first, he did try being a mediator between him and Rayla and had an entire conversation with him before things escalated as elaborated in my previous answer. Callum only chose to leave when he felt like Ezran wasn’t going to hear him out and saw that he was even willing to escalate violence against both Rayla and Runaan. If anything, Callum staying not only would’ve resulted in him getting arrested, but his relationship with Ezran would’ve become more strained especially if Callum wouldn’t have able to do anything besides nod to everything his brother was doing even if he disagreed. Like I’m not saying that Callum handled the situation perfectly or ideally, but he does tend to act in the heat of the moment, depending on what the situation demands of him often without much prior planning or thought. If anything, I think the time they spent apart helped them cool off things between them and realize how much the two needed each other. I might actually make a separate post on this whole topic going into further detail about all this and the complexity of the whole situation from each character’s stance and perspective.
Thanks for the ask and I hope this answered more of your question 😊
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