#but I showed my sibling and finally having someone else understand my story got me so excited
kappysunflower · 2 years
I’m terminally online but I’ve never actually used AO3 or anything because I’ve just never been into fanfiction surprisingly. I’ve got a good amount of an original story with my OCs that I sometimes wanna share but publication feels like too much work and I don’t do it for the money. I’m wondering if anyone reads original stories on AO3 or if it’s just for fanfiction??
You can reblog and tell me more in tags or responses if you have any thoughts but please be nice to me lol
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phr0gg13 · 8 months
Do Not Wait.
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Luke Castellan x Reader
Synopsis: You and Luke have always been close, and so when the guy you trust most in the world decide to backstab the people you call family, you are torn in two. Warnings: Spoilers for the series! Angst, I dont think pronouns were used for the reader! (Please let me know if they were!) this story could be read as platonic or romantic feelings, I was inspired by the song Do Not wait by the Wallows!
It was a cold night when Luke came to see you, almost as if the gods knew what was in store. He had came up to you at dinner and asked to speak in private. You followed him to a secluded spot in the woods of Camp Half-Blood, there was an opening that showed the sun setting. It was like a painting, almost as if Apollo had painstakingly taken the time to think about each stroke of sunlight and how it would hit just right on Lukes face. How the clouds would form to be the most beautiful colors and how it would feel like a movie scene. Your heart was racing as you looked around. It was so pretty here, you and Luke were secluded and you wondered what he wanted to tell you. You were nervous and also excited to hear what the Hermes boy had to say.
"Please don't think I'm crazy when I ask you this (Y/N)...." His hands found your cheeks and he caressed them gently. Almost as if you were made of porcelain. Your heart was racing, thinking of every possible thing he could want to ask you. "Luke, I wont think you are crazy.... What's up?" You replied sweetly. Luke felt a small twinge of regret hit him, but he was already to far gone with his plan.
"Come leave camp with me." The words were like a slap in the face. You let out a small breath of air, the same way you would when someone says a terrible joke. "You're joking right? Why would we leave camp?" You were confused, it didnt make sense. Luke was happy at camp, he had you and Annabeth. He had all his siblings. Why would he want to leave? "Because, (Y/N)," his grip on your face got tighter, it was like he was afraid you would leave, "The gods... They don't care about us. They never have and they never will.".
"Thats why you want to leave camp? Because the gods are selfish and act like gods?" You were in disbelief, "Luke where would we even go? What would we do?". He sighed and looked deep into your eyes "There are people who want to take the gods down, who can provide us with the means to show the gods not to forget us. We can finally speak out against them, do something to stop their childish ways!.". You shook your head, "Who...?"
"Kronos has been visiting me in my dreams, he wants to build an army to fight against the gods. He wants me to help." Luke smiled at you when he said that. It made you sick, you took his hands off your face and looked at him with a hurt expression. "Luke, you can't be serious? We need to tell Chiron and Mr.D about this! If Kronos wants a war... Who knows who else will follow him? How many titans will rise up against the gods? It could be catastrophic, Luke. World ending!!".
Luke shook his head, "We can't tell Chiron, we can't tell anyone. Not yet, Kronos isn't strong enough to fight." You shook your head and looked away, why was this happening. You noticed the sun was almost set, everything was dark and you felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest. "What about Annabeth?" Your voice broke as tears threatened to leave your eyes. "What about your siblings, your friends?!". Luke sighed, this wasn't how he had planned it going, "They will understand once we tell them. Once we show how strong the army is!." Luke kept going on about how everyone would join him and Kronos. He just kept talking, trying to make you join him. "Luke!".
You looked at him as your tears flowed down your face. "I am not joining you. I can't, this place is my home! These people are my family! I don't care about the gods, I don't need anything from them. I am happy and content with staying at camp.". Lukes expression dropped, it switched from heartbroken to numb in seconds flat. "Fine... But you can't tell anyone my plan. Not yet...". You turned your head and rolled your eyes, about to object to his demand. Yet he had pulled out a sword from a nearby bush, he had planned it all out. Your reflexes kicked in immediately. Quickly you pulled off your bracelet that turned into your sword. A gift from your godly parent. Ready to fight against Luke.
The two of you often trained together and so you both knew how the other fought. Though Luke was still faster and stronger. He also studied your flaws when fighting, he knew how to abuse them. This resulted in him tripping you on the ground. Your sword fell out of your hand and you tried to crawl to grab it, but Luke stepped on your wrist. You cried out in pain, "I'm so sorry (Y/N), but you made me do this..". Luke raised his sword, and for a moment you thought he was going to hit you with his blade. You thought your best friend was going to kill you, yet he maneuvered his sword to where the hilt was pointed at you. He landed a blow to your head and you were out cold. Luke set you up on your back and put his jacket he was wearing over you. He cried, but not because of the choice he made. He cried because of the choice you made. He walked off to go find Percy....
You had woke up with an insane headache, you were warm and in a bed instead of on the cold ground of the forest. You looked around weakly and saw Annabeth and Grover sitting in chairs nearby. You were in the infirmary. You noticed that they were talking to someone else, another person in a bed. One of the campers who was working in the infirmary noticed you were up. They quickly got you some water and asked how you were feeling. You told them about your head and they nodded. You had a concusion... Eventually Chiron and Mr.D came into the infirmary. They started to ask you questions of what happened to you. You told them all you remember and they both looked at eachother. Chiron shook his head, he had a remorseful look on his face.
"Chiron, where is Luke?" You asked as you noticed his jacket on a nearby chair.
"Luke is missing. We assume he is now working with Kronos..."
Your already broken heart was crushed as you heard those words. You are left wondering how long your best friend had truly been gone for.
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ughmyreality · 4 months
Thoughts on S3 E4
(SPOILERS ahead)
There might be positives, there will be negatives, so please be forewarned that I am not going to solely praise the show. Also, it needs not be mentioned, I am but a single negative person on the internet talking about a fictional story. We are all not going to agree.
On another note, this episode in particular left me with a lot of feelings so I might make another post talking about the dynamic of Polin entirely. Anyway... With that said, let’s move on.
Episode 4-
I’m all for Lord Debling. He’s shown to have not only more personality than Colin but also have a genuine interest in Penelope. I like that they’ve tried their hand at showing an unconventional man.
I miss Brimsley and Reynolds together. They could be a cutesy old couple together. Sigh… but at least Brimsley hasn’t lost his wit.
Oh my gosh, the introduction of John! I’m all for it. Finally Francesca looks genuinely happy. I like the fact that neither of them quite know what to say. This is how you do “awkward wallflower”.
Who cares about the “give up the club” storyline? Honestly, I’m just going to start skipping it and if I miss something important I’ll just read some spoilers. 
I particularly like the hairstyle of Penelope in the scene with Lord Debling. Although I have been enjoying their outfits, I feel like a lot of them look way too modern. I understand that Bridgerton is not an accurate historical show, but I feel like the issue is more glaring this season.
I’m glad someone else said it. Colin was not the only one holding that balloon down but everyone swoons for him. 
Staring like a creep doesn’t convey romance, at least not to me. I’m sure if anyone were dedicated enough to count the line between Penelope vs Colin, you’d find that Colin has barely said anything in comparison. Out of the 4 episodes so far, I’ve taken from them that Colin is popular with the ladies, likes to travel, and doesn’t care for LW. Ok? Where is the suave main male lead? He has not an ounce of charm. I can’t see how even Polin fans can be satisfied with the way things are going. Colin is barely in it, Penelope plays the victim and finds herself in more trouble, and the rest is watered down filler. 
Honestly, I’m keeping my hopes up for the future. I surprisingly enjoyed Anthony’s season, even though he previously got on my nerves, so I thought maybe they’d surprise me again. I don’t know why they would go out of the book order. They could have had a more subtle opportunity to establish Polin, for better or worse, while also moving on to the fan favorite, Benedict.
Here we go again. At this point these bland sex scenes are nothing more than a hindrance to the show. They’re lifeless and add nothing to the plot.
Girl, “and I should like to call on Miss Cowper a moment”! My head is already filled with ships with no hope of being cannon and it appears I have found another one. 
I’m not understanding why Cressida’s father doesn’t want her to be around Eloise. Because of the scandal? Like it or not the Bridgerton name has shown to still hold quite significant power. If anything he should be happy they’re friends.
How in any way has Colin been aware of others' needs? All they do is tell us about Colin’s character rather than show us. I have seen not one instance of Colin caring for someone else. If we’re talking about caring for other people, we should be talking about Anthony. The one who cared and helped all his younger siblings after the death of their father. The person who despite his sometimes harsh ways, wants the best for them all. Colin is hardly ever home so when would he have the opportunity to be caring. He can waste money freely on his travels without thinking of anyone else. He can see the clear feud between Eloise and Penelope but still somehow make it about himself. It’s pretty obvious that Eloise has a closer relationship to Benedict and if Colin was so concerned he would have asked him what’s wrong. He seemingly doesn’t care that Penelope might have found a genuine man but is thinking instead of how seeing them together makes him feel. He has no consideration for his friends if you can even call them that. They inlist in idol chatter about women. He comes to a sudden realization and tries to confide in his friends only to find that they don’t care and why should they. It seems as though they have never had a decent conversation beyond their own sexual adventures so why should they suddenly care about how he’s feeling. He doesn’t spend enough time with the people he supposedly cares so much about, barely interacting with the rest of his siblings. So tell me again Violet how Colin is so caring and sensitive.
Colin has in no way been living to please others. He just returned after months away. I would think that Violet wouldn’t want him traveling for so long, she surely wasn’t pleased. He didn’t put his feelings aside and court Penelope to please her. He didn’t drop the subject or try to offer advice to Eloise about her friendship downfall which didn’t please her. Nothing he has done has been out of unselfishness. Unless you consider that poor attempt to help Penelope, which steamed out of pity rather than him truly wanting to help her.
Yes! Cressida is showing where her loyalties lie. Sticking by Eloise’s side, much more than someone can say.
Colin has no right to try and tell Penelope what to do. He had his chance more times than I can count. It’s too little too late.
I’m actually kind of sad for Lord Debling. He seems like an actual nice person and he thought he had a chance with Penelope. At least he ended the conversation nicely because I would have been more angry. 
Why is Colin’s main point against Lord Debling that he will leave. It’s almost like he’s talking about himself, he is notorious for his travels.
Penelope should have slapped Colin. Have some confidence girl! This guy literally was on the brink of marrying your cousin, publicly stated he’d never court you, and dispises your alter ego. Now for what appears to be nothing but physical lust, he barges in your carriage claiming to be entranced with you. Level up! Stop this same song and dance.
Sigh, I hate to say it, but I don’t think Luke’s acting is very good in comparison to everyone else. He hardly moves his face. It’s like those clichés of people with Botox not being able to make facial expressions. Note, how I feel they intentionally barely showed his face in this part because of this. This is supposed to be the start of a steamy interaction but Colin looks as though he couldn’t care less.
Wow… another useless sex scene. This came from nowhere. Penelope are we supposed to ignore the fact that this man rejected you multiple times but now only wants you for sex? Also, Penelope never seemed too enthralled with the idea of anything sexual but she’ll become some sexual fiend with Colin at the drop of a hat.
Where is the SLOW BURN FRIENDS TO LOVERS! I’m on the verge of madness! Tell me how Colin can profess his supposed feeling for Penelope, nearly take her virginity, and propose all in one night? This is repulsive. If Penelope had any sense of respect she’d turn down his proposal seeing as she’s Lady Whistledown, but of course that would be expecting her to take accountability so she more than likely will not. Colin has some nerve proposing too. What does he even know about her? He doesn’t like her personality but rather her new physical appearance. I feel like one of the appeals of Penelope is the fact that she’s a plus sized woman, which is great. However, what message is this sending to people? That ‘Oh well, you know that plus sized girl that has a crush on you? Maybe if you ignore all the things you don’t like about her you’ll realize she’s just another woman after all. Just another person to have sex with.’ I wanted this to be a situation where Colin ends up liking Penelope for her, albeit awful, personality. Because any random guy can like you for your looks but not anyone will love you for your flaws and all.
This carriage scene doesn’t hold a candle to even the scene between Daphne and Simon in the FIRST season. This was nothing special and honestly I could have done without.
I’ve said it in the last part, but this only further solidified my beliefs. There is absolutely no reason this needed to drop in two parts. There is no surprise, we all know that Colin x Penelope will be endgame so what’s the point? We know that Penelope will more than likely say yes to the proposal and even if she says no, she’ll say yes eventually. There’s no suspense.
I guess for my ending thoughts I will say, I’m just glad this is over with and we can move on to some other characters in the later seasons. It will be a breath of fresh air. My only hope is that they don’t rush them like they did Polin.
Now, word on the street is that Colin is going to end up going to a brothel after he finds out Penelope is lady whistledown. I haven't dug too deep into this so take it with a grain of salt. However, if true, I have so many problems with this. 
Why does he think mindless sex is going to solve his problems? That’s just a red flag that anytime the going gets tough he might resort to cheating.
If Penelope had true intentions of marrying Colin she should have told him the truth and been ready for a negative reaction.
I thought Colin was supposed to always think of others. How is fucking anything that moves while he’s engaged “thinking of other’s needs”?
Penelope still stays with him. Why are we feeding into the narrative that it’s perfectly ok for your partner to cheat on you? They haven’t even been together that long and he’s already cheating. It’s already a stereotype of plus sized women having “low self confidence” and they are doing nothing to stop that. 
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rudystree · 2 years
ok how are we feeling?
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my heart is so full. i am satisfied. i am overwhelmed with feels but in a good way. and i’m sucked right back into the boat show. i love remembering why i love these characters and their story and their relationships. i watch the show mostly for jj tbh, and boy was he carrying this season.
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of course i had minor disappointments, that’s kind of a given. like most ppl i was not a fan of the big john x john b storyline. it was boring and frustrating to watch them. way too much screen time given to that which could’ve explored other things…i thought this season they’d really give us some answers to big questions (kie’s kook year? jj and sarah’s moms? how did the pogues even meet?) but alas. can’t have everything.
here’s some of what i DID get:
JIARA. do i have to elaborate on how fucking amazing they were? how they were the most precious and also badass duo ever? how their slow burn was perfectly executed? the way they were so damn protective of each other? kie helping jj understand that he’s loved and cared for? jj going absolutely ballistic whenever he thinks kie is in danger? the angst? the way he admits that he thinks he’s just a loser and she can do better than him? the way she understands that he’s sensitive and doesn’t let people close easily? the way pope gives his (semi) blessing? the way john b teases him? the absolute fucking heart eyes they carry the whole season? because they’re the two most endearing characters of all time? this season was about a treasure hunt and they were each others treasure and they fucking found it and i am so damn emo.
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CAMBANK SIBLING ENGERY. i’ve been craving more jj x sarah interaction and i finally got it. the way sarah was searching for jj to stay with because both of them have no where else to go (as john b is off with his idiot father)? the way she calls him jayj like the others now? the way she was so freaking worried about him getting hurt? making topper turn the whole truck around to help jj?the way she angrily pushed and then hugged him so tight when they found him alive? john b and sarah sometimes feel like the parents of the group and sarah really stepped up when he was gone. she’s so much more than john b’s gf, she really made the group feel like the family jj needs.
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JJ x JOHN B going on their little adventure together was one of my favourite things. i adore watching them together. the way jj was waiting for john b at the chateau? john b confiding in him because that’s his best friend in the world and they need each other? the heads on each others shoulders and “we’re gonna figure this out”? the typical funny crazy moronic stupidity from these two (pls someone gif them crawling under the table or jb catching jj eating from that guys fridge)? the badass fight scenes they have together? not to mention jj’s reaction when they had to leave john b on the island??? “we’re not splitting up again” “we’re not leaving him” kill me now? their little scuffle / wrestling that was really pathetic because they’d never seriously hurt each other? jj going to the ends of the world for him? yeah.
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CLEO. she was everything. carlacia killed it. she was exactly what the group needed, especially pope. they pulled off their relationship so well. also her and jj being a badass duo and holding knives to peoples throats together? yeah that’s the energy i needed this season.
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The pure SATISFACTION of watching kie deceive rafe and push his whiny ass into the water. ward getting killed. big john getting killed (sorry). it was all very satisfying to watch. as much as they made topper slightly likeable this season, it was also nice to watch him lose after his psycho ass burned down the chateau.
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JJ MAYBANK. hello!?? did y’all see this man? because i have never felt this straight before. the outfits (red tank top hello????). the smirks. the body. the water scenes. the everything. this man could do absolutely anything to me. he could run me over with a truck and i would thank him. john b in ep10 also made my lady parts tingle. but jj truly did not give me a break. he could’ve just stood there for 10 hours it would still be great.
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THE FOUND FAMILY. my babies. they love each other so much and this season did a great job showing it. i would’ve liked to see more, but what we did get was nice. all the poguelandia scenes. the way jj just wanted to stay there and provide for his family? the angst when they return and jj realises the others all have their own families to go to? the flashbacks to jj being close to john b and his dad? him play fighting with big john who is like his own second dad? jj ready to have dinner with the heywards (him and cleo’s adoptive parents basically)? i’m so emo.
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overall i feel like this season was just a lot darker and more serious / mature than the ones before. where S2 was kind of an exciting mess of random, funny, weird craziness and stupid decisions, S3 felt way more grounded and realistic but at the same time a lot more sincere. i loved watching the new dynamics and see cleo complete the group. madison and rudy killed it. it was amazing and i cannot wait to rewatch it (and reblog all the amazing gifs and content).
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kayetra-spade-queen · 19 days
Knowing how really shitty Arjun and Sankat's relationship is during the entire series until Sankat finally trying to be more caring, I think I'm gonna start another ramble on how their story could be and how will it progress.
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As a story writer, I have the power to make the most angstiest shit known to mankind, yet it will be sweet also.
Like I said; "Peace is temporary, angst is forever."
Keep in mind, these are purely fanfiction in my part, and I have a lot of speculations regarding Sankat's personal story. There are also some aspects of their characters that never happened in the show, but it appears here because they give me vibes that they have a lot more underneath.
Learning the Foundation of Sankat's Feelings
Learning to one's feelings and how did they form is important.
From my previous ramble, I concluded that Sankat might've acted the way he is due to probably not being treated fairly at home (we never really got any info about him and his own family).
Arjun might've learned this somehow, whether it was just suddenly brought up, or purely coincidental. Or it came randomly during a conversation with his parents. Either way, Arjun will know about it sooner or later, and it'll give him a bigger picture on why Sankat always acts the way he is, especially on him.
Learning How to Start A Process of Healing Slowly
In classic Arjun-fashion, Arjun would definitely will somehow manage the situation effortlessly without anyone knowing or even realizing there was an issue in the first place. Arjun is truly a caring person, especially when it comes to family, and treated friends as such also. The big brother aura is immense.
Let's put it like this; the siblings are out and about to find some entertainment. They found something, and rushed towards that place. Sankat slows down to let the siblings have their fun, but Arjun realized Sankat isn't following their pace. Then without thinking twice, he pulled Sankat, and dragged him with them to the place they wanted. This will give Sankat a sense of inclusion.
Keep in mind actually, the fact that both Arjun and Sankat isn't the most expressive people when it comes to their real emotions, different from Tanya who's easily carried away by her emotions. However, their reasons in keeping their emotions in a bottle was for completely different reasons;
Arjun: he hides his emotions so people don't get worried about him. Many people relied on him, so most likely in Little Singham-style, Arjun was putting aside his own feelings for the favor of someone else. He gaslit himself thinking he can do what people asked him if he just put his feelings away. It's kinda like how Arjun is during TOB; he was hiding under a façade to hide what he really feels, because to him, he can't save his home if he's too driven by his emotions instead of his senses.
Sankat: unlike Arjun however, Sankat was more about keeping an image. He was perceived as "strong" and "intimidating". Those kinds of things gave Sankat a sense of worth and confidence, and that in turn became his source of ego and arrogance. In Sankat's eyes, being emotional means he's being weak, he's losing the views people see him, so he avoided showing other emotions as much as possible.
That said, Arjun is definitely more emotional between them. But Arjun had quite the understanding on the whole "hiding under a façade" thing, so understanding Sankat was an easy task.
Arjun being the more emotional one between the two of them definitely played a part here. He had that sense of understanding that is hard to put into words.
The smallest things, like being included into something, feeling that his presence actually mattered is a good way of a healing process.
Letting In on Each Other's Perspectives
Communication between the two of them is an absolute must. The thing that will be very tricky is that Sankat is the type of person who will misunderstood something, and just ran with it until he was told otherwise by force.
What I think how this'll work without any hiccups is that, they have to be in a peaceful environment; no one around, just them both surrounded by peaceful nature. I believe the environment your in affects of how you will react or feel in certain situations. So I believe if they're in somewhere peaceful without any disturbances, the reactions will not be so... Explosive, per se.
Arjun is definitely gonna be the first person who's gonna open up first. I'm more than positive that Arjun had some sort of savior complex, so he opens up how it's difficult to put up with the expectations as a crown prince and as a warrior, a sense of duty, and the guilt if he feel like he didn't do enough. Arjun will gonna be the person who cries that he himself won't even realized, but the tears rolls away anyways while he still smiles like he still put up another façade, but his eyes betrayed him.
Then that would be cue for Sankat to be open. Sankat had better control on his emotions, for better or for worse. So his responses are more calm and collected with nothing spilling too much to the point he won't notice.
I think another reason why they differs in their levels of secrecy is that Sankat doesn't have anyone to prove like how Arjun is. Arjun always have eyes on him, and although it had been the source of his characteristics of being an enjoyer of limelight, it's like the "a blessing and a curse" situation for him. Sankat doesn't experience that (although he does crave for attention).
This will be a good lesson for Sankat that not everything he sees is all glamour and glory. Arjun had constantly been under pressure, something that Sankat never experienced before because he never received that kind of attention, especially he won't be trying to prove to something to the point that it creates expectations that'll crush him mentally.
This also became a good chance for him to learn that there are other people who will actually care for him and love him just the way he is without trying to desperately to get attention from people who wouldn't even look at him.
"Your home is more than the place you're born at", is probably what Arjun's words are gonna be for Sankat.
"Your burden shouldn't be yours alone to carry", and this will probably be the words Sankat is gonna give for Arjun.
Overall Character Analysis and What They Needed as A Person
Arjun is a person who tries to answer all the expectations to the point he became a mess. He is too scared to let anyone down, too scared to not do his job perfectly. What Arjun needed is knowing that he doesn't have to do everything alone and do everything perfectly, and knowing that people are more than willing to lend him a hand whenever he needed.
Sankat is a person who is desperate for any kind of recognition from the people around him, to no avail. He was too focused on a certain area, that he completely ignored the other areas that are willing to welcome him with open arms. What Sankat needed is the understanding that he doesn't need to put all of his attention in a specific place, as there are other places that are willing, or even wanting him to be around.
That's all for now. If there's anything more, I'll probably add later.
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crispywizardtale · 1 year
La Pluie ep 11
My lovely Tien
At this point I am Tien solo stan and I watch it mostly for him. He is the only innocent one in this story yet he is the one who suffered the most. I will share my thoughts about this episode below.
I loved how Tien finally did something for himself and that was to ignore Lomfon and pair up with someone else. I loved how he escaped the suffocating classroom that he still has to share with his crush who broke his heart. I also love how he didn't hide the fact that he was hurting for anyone in the classroom. Yes they might not have understood why he was like that but he didn't hide the fact that he was upset to himself. He has always hidden his true feelings deep inside and never let them come out so I was really happy to see that he didn't hide them now but I just wish he had better friends...
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Even if his friends saw Tien leave like that they just shared confused glances, I haven't seen anyone getting up to check on him. I understand why Lomfon didn't do it but his 3 friends had no excuse. If I saw my friend upset i would be interested in how to help them but nobody went after him or maybe they just didn't show it which i think is a mistake because they could have expanded the story of everyone with that one small scene! And what is even worse his brother isn't interested in his life either...
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Tien was zoning out om the couch because of Lomfon and ANYONE could see he wasn't okay just from that and everyone would know that he needed to talk about it and Tai did ask.. He asked 1 question... Are you okay? And that is all... He barley talked to Tien about TIEN'S problems but he could talk about his own..
Tien did respond to his question by confessing that he likes Lomfon. (Mind you this is younger brother opening up to older brother.) What does Tai do? He looks uninterested as well as surprised that Tien likes Lomfon which by the way I find surprising because Tai was the one that Tien has fallen in love with someone! What kind of brother are you?!?! I would want to know if my YOUNGER sibling had someone!
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Tien then once again starts his good brother behavior by looking out for his older brother. Tai has no problem changing the subject and talking about himself AGAIN. Because everything is about him and him alone. I will not talk about the fact that HE who messed up is waiting for Patts to contact him.
That conversation on your left hurt me because I have never seen Tai be there for Tien.. The one thing I noticed that could be Tai interested in Tien was in earlier episodes was Tai said that Tien is in love which was also short loved because he left Tien there to process it on his own because he apparently had better things to in his bedroom... Oh and talking about Tai not being interested in Tien's live I have proof for it.. He gave Lomfon his full attention when they met at the cafe, he really did listen to him so I am struggling to understand why can't he pay attention to his own younger brother.....
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While I am talking about Tai I also want to mention how incredibly IMMATURE he is. His parents got a divorce but he never tried to understand them he only blamed them, especially his mother for it. I just don't understand how can you be a bad son and a bad brother in the same time. How can't he understand that there are some other people OTHER than him in this universe and that the world does not revolve around him! At this point I hope he ends up alone, miserable and I hope that Patts moves on and finds someone better for himself.
And since I mentioned all of them I shall mention Lomfon as well. I like him I really do, I have liked him since the beginning of the series and I don't really blame him for much except for unintentionally hurting Tien but he was just trying to understand himself and his own feelings and I am very glad that he did finally understand himself after that night. I do wish he kissed Tien instead of Tai and figured out his feelings that way but I can't really blame him either way. I really felt bad for him in the classroom. He kept looking at Tien while the teacher talked about their assignment and tge way he looked at Tien when he left... He really knows he messed up, he regrets that night so much and I know he will apologize to Tien I just hope he will do it correctly and sincerely. I am really rooting for them.
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shipcestuous · 11 months
The Fall of the House of Usher
Anon #1: I first read Poe's 'The Fall of the House of Usher' 15 years ago as a teen and I have been in love with it ever since. When I saw the promo stills and read the synopsis last month for the show that just came out, I was a bit weirded out by the modernized vibe in the stills, but seeing it called an 'anthology' and that it would explore multiple stories by Poe, I thought that we might just get the actually story of the House of Usher in one or two eps, just a bit quirky and... well, modernized. So I was still excited. It took me 5 min in the tag last week to realize they had completely screwed up the story. I didn't even doubt my assessment to go 'oh look, I was right after all' now that I've read on this blog that people who watched it were hugely disappointed.
I am still baffled that they could mess this up. It's literally one short story involving a mansion, the owner, his dead sister, the first-person POV guest, and the irrefutable incest in the owner and his not-so-dead-after-all sister's family tree. I'm sure someone served the owner and the guest dinner. I don't even remember their existence for them to be an important presence in the story. Seriously how can you screw this up?
Anon #2: When it comes to House of Usher, I’ve only seen the Vincent Price one. They don’t have the incest be canon (made in 60s and all), but it did seem to be implied. Also, wow, I didn’t realize how many adaptations there were of that story!
@leopard-skin-pillbox-hat-ok: I was watching House of Usher thinking about the future ship (Madeleine x Roderick) that I would be obsessive about it… imagine my surprise when there’s absolutely nothing there! 💀
@winterborn-muse: Netflix's "Fall of the House of Usher" may not be canon but in my opinion it's definitely shippable. Especially in their younger years/flashback scenes. One in particular... phew.
Previous discussion here.
I finished watching The Fall of the House Usher so I can finally answer these asks.
It's crazy how different it is from the original story. I almost wonder if Flanagan came up with the story and then added in the Poe elements later, maybe even after it was already written. I think it's only called "The Fall of the House of Usher" because that's such an awesome title and everyone knows it. And also because Hollywood is scared no one will watch something original. There was obviously no attempt made to adapt the story itself (or the other Poe stories), except superficially.
I didn't mean that to sound too negative, because although I am disappointed this wasn't what it might have been, I thought it was fairly entertaining and well written. It just wasn't what I was hoping for, and what I made the mistake of expecting. The premise of solid, I just wish it hadn't masqueraded as something else. Also, the "House of Usher" title just doesn't have the same power or vibe when Roderick and Madeline are really the first generation, and then there's Roderick's kids and 1 grandchild and that's all.
The Vincent Price version being coy about the incest is understandable. Why Mike Flanagan didn't take the opportunity to include incest here is baffling. I can only think that he didn't want anyone to accuse him of copying Game of Thrones. But even leaving the original story aside, in which incest was implied, look at the potential here: rich, decadent family with lots of siblings? Sibling matriarch and patriarch bonded by a traumatic childhood and murder?
Roderick and Madeline are definitely not canon at all in this version (if it can be called that?), but I completely agree that they were shippable. They were very close, life partners really, and seemed to love each other more than they loved anyone else.
I love the gift of the jewels that Roderick got for Madeline because it was so thoughtful and showed how well he knew her, on top of how expensive and difficult it was to get. He basically called her a goddess.
But the flashbacks were agreeably the best stuff. Obviously when Roderick and Madeline were sharing a bed:
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Not that that's the craziest thing in the world after what they had just been through.
Then you've got Madeline not liking Roderick's wife, and Roderick's wife not liking Madeline.
I think they were also called "king and queen" once and Roderick is referred to as Gatsby and Madeline as Daisy.
Plus just the whole deal, the way Carla Gugino's character makes a deal with them together, and treats them as a single unit, and says they'll die together just like they came into the world together.
So at least there was some very shippy stuff.
But man oh man, the wasted opportunities here. smh
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coffeestainedcamera · 4 months
Continuing to play through the new Penacony patch, maybe I'll finish up tomorrow after CPA exam cramming. The minibosses en route to the final boss are so annoying. Anyways, spoilers follow and I'll put translations into alt text. The Sunday vs Robin debate is just so interesting to me.
Also, I'm on team "would rather buy merch than in-app purchases" but got Robin! Idk how to actually play her yet but that's an issue for later! Anyways.
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Yeah, so her elder brother is my favorite antagonist in this game so far. He's proposing something utterly disgusting, out of his savior's complex that imo kicked into overdrive after she almost died. But it was probably showing blatantly enough to her for a while before that, hence mail that was described as "pleasantries".
On its face, I understand the impulse of obsessively wanting to protect your sibling. They're your whole world, but at some point, they start to make their own choices. You might not understand them (like my little bro's interest in compsci) but if they're not hurting anyone, I think you should respect them.
So I get the horror of finding out little sis went out to a warzone to provide humanitarian aid and caught a stray. But this was ultimately her decision.
My personal take is that repressing free will is dictatorial behavior. I don't care about the "strong protecting the weak" excuse. And it was particularly dirty to start the dilemma game with the "hatchling" story, as that one really panders to this line of thinking imo.
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In this case, I really do think that taking the wildlife to a rehabber is fine. And I suppose the Family would have enough resources to get the bird consistent veterinary care and everything else it needs. But this is still an animal, and we are talking about dilemmas involving free will of those who can talk and explain their thoughts to others. It's like one of those "appeal to emotion" arguments my history teacher warned about.
The man in the second dilemma deserved to get turned in right away. He's a monster.
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I never considered anything but the "support" option for Robin's choice, but still had the lead speak with the party members, as to decide without consulting is some Sunday behavior.
And with that, we get the monologue.
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Yeah, he went full Social Darwinist. There is no other description for a rhetoric that assumes that the strong should decide the happy life for the weak, particularly when he fails to provide a definition for his two categories. It comes off particularly heinously because this is a planet inspired by 1920's US, I suppose.
The party would need to track down Welt to answer his questions because I mean, some of the anti-equal suffrage comics we saw in history class sure were following that "women and ethnic and racial minorities don't know what's good for them" thinking. Also, man really bandied about this ideology in front of someone who would be stuck in a sanatorium back then.
For your consideration:
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And so, it makes sense for Firefly in particular to tear this unholy lovechild of Social Darwinism and Messiah Complex a new one. Because ultimately, escaping from the flaws of free will is not going to address any of the issues. Yeah, sure, stay awake to power the Matrix where no one is terrible, but what happens when you croak due to sleep deprivation? Everyone goes back to failing in the same, or new and horrible ways! Or dies if the unplugging goes badly!
So yeah, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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lenteur · 10 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode five (pt. 1)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
Now i'm sure of it kang bo geol is jung ki ho. No one can change my mind. The way he's expressing anger because mok ha came to seoul station just because of a note. The way he's told her and ran joo time and time again not to share personal information on national television. The fact that he literally ran to seoul station without woo hak telling him what was written on the card. All details leading to him being ki ho. He was scared of his father finding out about mok ha, and subsequently about him. He's releasing all of his pent up fear and anger because he knows that his father is after him. All his efforts of hiding his identity have gone down the drain. It's understandable to see him so stressed and angry.
Mok ha's reaction is also natural. She's been alone for such a long time. She's having a hard time adjusting to the world. Her main goal is to reunite with the only person who was there for her during high school. She has no idea if he's safe or not and it's driving her crazy. Because, as much as ki ho saved and protected her, she wants to do the same now for him. She never got the chance to because he hid the ab*se pretty well. It's only on the ferry/boat that she knew ki ho was also a victim of parental ab*se. It tore her heart to know someone else was going through the same things as her. Mok ha had time to dwell on that when on the deserted island. Now that she's finally "back with the civilization" (if i can call it that), she wants to thank him and know how he's doing. She wants to help him in return. So it's only natural for her to be so adamant on finding ki ho.
I just find it weird that woo hak keeps having flashbacks that seem to involve ki ho's father. It doesn't make any sense because ki ho doesn't have a brother. Not that I know of? Did they mention any siblings in the first episode? I'm certain they talked about ki ho's mother, but I don't think the show mentioned any sibling. Anyway, I am very confused about the flashbacks.
Mok ha feeling relieved that ki ho's father hasn't found him.
It's interesting how both woo hak and bo geol keep questioning mok ha about ki ho but mok ha never stops believing in him. After all, he's the only person she could fully trust. He (ki ho) is the only one who helped her when she was on the brink of giving up completely. It goes to show how powerful kindness and empathy are. Ki ho pushed her towards her dream. He was the glimmer of hope mok ha needed in these dark times. Mok ha will never forget him. I don't know if there will be a love story in this drama but the only thing mok ha wants is to find ki ho alive and safe. She doesn't want anything else. She just needs to know he's doing okay. It's a beautiful thing to see their bond never broke (at least on mok ha's side) even after all these years. Mok ha and ki ho are each other's emotional support.
On a side note, I can't help but wonder why bo geol (who i think is ki ho) is so distant towards mok ha. I mean with all the longing gazes he throws her way and the little details that show he is ki ho (if i'm wrong i'm not it's the show being hashtag hateful towards me), I expect a bit more enthusiasm from him. I have a theory but I'm not sure about it. I believe he is distant because he's spent a really long time building his new identity. He has finally succeeded in escaping from his father so when he found mok ha, he was torn between being happy that she's alive and fearing for his own safety. Being the smart kid that he is, he knew that when his father found out mok ha was alive, he (the father) wouldn't stopped until he found his son. This could explain his cold behavior. I still wonder why he didn't reveal his identity to mok ha.
You can NOT tell me bo geol isn't ki ho. Did you see how fast he was to oppose to reporting his father to the police? The fear in his eyes reminds me of young ki ho hiding from his father and not wanting to cause a scene. The one time he tried to report his own father to the police, things turned sour. Plus add the fact he knows his father is after him. He doesn't want to face him ever again.
The emergency contact scene was wholesome 🥺
I've never wanted to swear at someone so bad. I'm talking about lee seo jun. After taking advantage of ran joo, he slowly distanced himself and the company away from her just so he could be the only ceo. He's so scared of ran joo's success because he knows she'll focus more on the talent aspect, and not so much on the marketing strategy. After becoming a household name, lee seo jun got hungry for more money and fame and it's absolutely disgusting to see. I really hope ran joo can find a loophole and reach the 20 million album sales 🤞
i like that both ran joo and mok ha are trying to find a solution to solve the album sale problem.
It's interesting to note how mok ha seems to be way more accepting towards people she loves and admires. Ran joo took out her frustration on mok ha and blamed her situation on her (mok ha) and mok ha was already apologizing when she did nothing wrong. She's had this fantasy of ran joo for a while and now she's afraid of damaging their friendship. I'm thankful bo geol is there to open her eyes, or else mok ha would still be apologizing.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
(Two things, 1. This is my first time requesting so I'm sorry if this is not the thing to do it, and 2. Sorry if somethings is misspelled or grammatically incorrect, eng is not my first language:p)
May I request some of the bros, specially Mammon, Luci and Satan, with a MC who's similar to Lucifer in some aspects (like, some of their manners are the same as his and sometimes they're little bit too strict) and after a while they discover that its bc MC is also an older sibling. And (only if you want) meeting their younger sibling, please 🙏
Btw love your works ♡♡♡
Lucifer Number 2~
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
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It doesn't occur to Lucifer how similar the two of you are, but the first thing he realizes is how pleasant conversations with you can be. You both share common interests, your tastes suit his own, and you seem to be the only competent person in this house.
You're the responsible type, and he likes it. He'll sometimes find you scolding his brothers for their behavior too, and as amusing of a sight as that may be, he doesn't want you to be burdened with their idiocy.
AND you're the eldest sibling in your household? Cheers to that. You too know the weight of being the responsible oldest, and the role one must take to ensure their siblings grow up well. You too know that you'd rather your siblings have things easier than you did.
But there's one thing he finds annoying... You can NEVER speak your feelings, and act as if it’d kill you to do so. He can respect secrecy when it's appropriate, but Lucifer would like to know what's on your mind. Not only that, but you can be HORRIBLY headstrong. There's nothing that can stray you away from what you've already decided.
"MC, I request that you take a few days off from school to do as you please. I've already spoken with Diavolo and your professors, and you've been given an excuse. I know you'll study anyway, so I've dropped off your assignments in your room. But... you should rest. It isn't good for you to be pushing yourself so hard. Hm? You're calling me a hypocrite?"
As if one Lucifer wasn't enough. Now there's TWO of em?! Why's his luck gotta be so lousy!
Definitely the first to realize how much like Lucifer you are, and was SHOOK. Seriously, what gives?! What horrors exist in the human world that could've made you like THAT..?
Ever since you showed up, it's been impossible to get away with anything! He can't sneak out of the house because you're always there somehow, you tattle on him when you catch him leaving anyone's room, and you won't even let him copy your homework! What gives?!
Avoids you like the plague. You're no fun! There's only rare moments when you're kinda okay, and he likes those the best. The times when you're kinda sensitive and you'll drop the high and mighty act. But then you're back to being a pest!
"For the billionth time, I ain't got time to study! There's money to be made, and a guy like me ain't gonna waste a second lookin' at a dumb book when I could be- H-Huh?! You're gonna call Lucifer?! N-now, there's no need to be so hasty, right? Oi!! I'm sorry, damn it-!"
What's the deal with Lucifer number two? As comedic of a trope as that may be, Levi doesn't really care for having two nagging types in the house. Especially a human...
When you're in his room, all you do is nitpick about how he should tidy up and open a window! Don't you know that an otaku's room is his pride and joy?! It's a sacred space not to be trampled on by the opinions of a normie!!!
But still... he has to admit that even if you don't get all the stuff he's talking about, you at least try to understand it. And there are even some of his interests that you're genuinely invested in!
You might be a pain in the neck and harass him about annoying things, but he guesses he can deal with it if you'll actually sit through a TSL marathon with him...
"I-I'll lend you this manga, so make sure you read it! And when you're finished with that, I'll lend you the spin-off series by the author's brother! I know you'll like it, since you're interested in gritty stuff. Oh, and- Huh? My laundry? Y-yeah.... I'll do that.."
You are... surprisingly good company. Satan enjoys talking to you over afternoon tea, and the two of you share stories between one another.
But still, he can't shake the feeling that there's something... unpleasantly familiar about your personality. It isn't until you say something that sounds suspiciously similar to what Lucifer would say that he realizes who you remind him of. And oh, he hates it.
Tries playing pranks on you, but somehow they never go to plan. How that is is beyond him, but you never fall for anything! No matter how sweet his smile, you're always rightfully suspicious. You're annoyingly meticulous about checking your surroundings, and you're so aware of yourself that it's troublesome! Be more gullible!!
The king of petty has decided that its now his life goal to make you fall for at least one of his pranks. He doesn't care how elaborate he has to make it, or how unrewarding the payoff may be. He'll make you pay for seeing his brother in two places at once.
"MC, would you like to join me this afternoon for a book reading? Though, I'd love it if you could read this book in particular. I think you'll find it very-.... Hm? 'Isn't this the cursed book that makes you grow hair all over your body', you ask? Ahaha.... tch."
Come now, there can't be TWO killjoys in the house! That's way too depressing!! It was funny at first to see that there's someone who can match the scary Lucifer's energy, but now it's becoming a nuisance!
You won't even go to the countless parties he's invited you to! Hell, you barely even give yourself room to mess around a little? Isn't it boring being so tightly wound? You're in luck, because the adorable Asmo-chan knows the PERFECT way to let loose~
You'll RARELY let him close to you, and that's usually when you're tired of him harassing you. Then he gets the honor of playing with your hair while you've got no energy to fight back! He'll style it wonderfully for you!
Also nags you to take better care of yourself. You're not a demon, so you have to care for your health! These late night study sessions are giving you bags under your eyes! And stop taking on so many extracurricular activities!
"Geez, MC! I didn't think you'd die from overworking, but that's the path you're headed on! You really are like Lucifer, you know? That being said, I'll do my best to make sure you relax! Shall we begin~?"
Beel may not be too bothered by Lucifer's strictness, but that doesn't mean he's immune to it. To think that even a human can be like that...
It's nice to see that you can take care of yourself, but aren't you working too hard? Your grades are good and you've got many interesting talents, but you also have to properly rest.
Has started bringing you snacks on the regular. And don't even think about skipping meals, because he won't allow it. He'll literally pick you up and bring you to the table if he has to. And if you're staying up late to study? He'll carry you to bed. Don't try to protest.
Beel is your babysitter now and there's nothing you can do about it. It's good to be responsible, but don't think about trying to take care of everyone else if you can't care for yourself. Now eat these twelve meat buns he bought for you.
"MC, let's eat lunch together. I know you were going to skip because I heard you talking to Solomon earlier, and I won't let you. Ah, don't worry about not having money, because I've already bought you some lunch. Let's eat in the courtyard."
You're such a drag. You harass him to attend student council meetings, but him about his studies, and won't let him avoid a single obligation he has. What are you, his mother?
Has 100% joined forces with Satan to try to make you fall for many, many unsuccessful pranks. Are you curse proof or something? When he tried a '10 hour bed-head' spell on you, it just rebounded right to him! Then he found out that you'd borrowed a spell repelling amulet from Solomon and realized just how prepared you are...
When you aren't bothering his entire soul by trying to make him do things, you're actually nice to talk to. You're knowledgeable, you pay attention to the people around you, and you can always read a room. He likes to ask you for advice sometimes.
"Aren't you tired of being like that all the time? So... attentive, I mean. You should just take a nap some time. Or better yet, take the week off. Maybe I'll teach you how to properly relax? Then you might finally be able to take that stick out of your- ow... What're you hitting me for?"
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Graveyard Siblings (4)
I am sorry for not posting in a while. School is a total bitch. Here is part 4 of a fic that is not a fic.
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)
Tall Marinette.(I admit I might be projecting a little here.)
One day, she took out something from someplace high and the whole family realized that ‘holy shit when did you get so tall?’
Bonus if Jason comes back from a long mission and had a wtf moment because she was wearing 6-inch-heels and met his eyes with them on.
You know how Bruce has the identity of Matches Malone to infiltrate the Gotham Underground.
While Jason does the drug deals more street crime stuff, Maria uses an excuse of being the representative for Red Hood excuse to mingle with the rich people who does crime on the side (Penguin), she uses it to go to black market auctions and buy some of the lost miraculouses which got into the hands of black market dealers.
Jason knows about it and acts as her ‘bodyguard’ anytime he can or sends one of his henchmen to be one with a death threat if she gets a single scratch on her.
Bruce is unaware of this. Or is he?
Mari helps with running WE since she is a little less busy with the vigilante side of things.
It started with Tim panicking about deadlines and Mari offering to help, to Bruce and Tim bullying the board to have her as co-CEO.
She has to be that and head of Afterlife. So she is very busy. Doesn’t know about what comes next….
Somehow the class comes to Gotham for a trip. It has been 3 years since her death.
Mari has changed her appearance since the day she left Paris. She has highlights in her hair after a ‘sibling bonding day’ with Jason. Her hair is kept short for convenience and not in pigtails. Along with her tall height and more confident aura, she is almost unrecognizable.
She rides a motorcycle too.
The class waits in the lobby for the tour and in walks this badass woman with aviator sunglasses, leather jacket and designer clothes which was all MT brand, making a lot of people swoon.
She takes off her glasses and walks past the class. Checking stuff on her phone and sipping coffee in her other hand.
She seems familiar but they couldn’t figure out why. (All except Chloe, Alix and Felix who are snickering in the background.)
Lila sees her and comments on how she must be a criminal with the way she dresses. (Lila internally freaks out because were her eyes messing with her? Because she looked a little like Marinette. Also jealous of the new arrival for stealing all the attention.) Alya takes the bait and calls security to ‘arrest’ her.
They just laugh. The class doesn’t understand, speaking in confused French.
“I am Maria Todd-Wayne, also known as designer MT. CEO of Afterlife and co-CEO of the very company you are in. I am allowed in here. Don’t judge a book by its cover.” she said in perfect French.
“But Lila told us you can’t speak French.”
“Lila Rossi, your friend. She told us that you and MT were dating.”
“Me dating myself. Okay I love myself because self-love is a thing but that is a whole other level. MT are my initials. Anyone who has a brain could have figured that out or at the very least do a Google search. I am not sure where your friend got that notion.”
“Hey, Bean, come on. We have a long day ahead of us.” Tim reminded her.
“Goodbye but cease the rumours or you would be escorted off the premises.”
As they rode up the elevator, “Tim, why are they here?”
“They are the lucky winners of the Wayne Enterprise Young Prodigies Contest. Why, Maria?”
“Lucky, huh.” She muttered under her breath. She might as well tell him. They are the Bats and they will find out anyway. “They are from my old class, the one you know…”
“Oh. Want me to send them back? I can do that if they are making you uncomfortable.”
“Nah. Too much to deal with. And it is unfair to send them back over a petty grudge. Besides, I could have some fun.”
“Anything that Bruce and I should be worried about?”
“I swear no killing. Just because Jason came back from the dead, hell-bent on killing. Doesn’t mean I am too.”
“Cool, just don’t do any property damage or traumatize our employees.”
“I might need you to erase some footage later and tell Bruce about this.”
“Some brownies, my favourite coffee cake, the ‘special’ brew and you have yourself a deal.”
So basically she just showed up around where the class was ‘by coincidence’.
Talk to a few people and take them out of earshot of the rest of the class.
End the conversation by saying a few things only they and her would know. Insides jokes and secrets. (I pick her old childhood friends like, Nino, Kim and maybe Sabrina)
Uses Trixx to turn into a walking dead version of her 15-year old self and disappears as they freak out about how she knew that secret/story.
Freaks them out further by appearing again in front of the whole class and pretending not to know their previous conversation.
Mari manages to get Lila alone.
I should also say that Lila thought that her curse was making her see MT as Marinette.
It terrifies Lila when she finds out that MT is actually Marinette, not dead but alive after all this time and apparently living the high life she wanted. This fact made the Italian swell up with jealousy.
“I hope you are not lying about me again, Lila Rossi. Like you always do.”
“What do you want with me? I swear I didn’t say anything else about you.”
“Aw, Lila. Don’t recognize me?”
Maria flickers and Ladybug is in her place and later, the Marinette that appeared in her bedroom and back to normal.
“You! How? Why are you here? Why can’t you leave me alone?”
“Why not? I mean you did take away nearly all my friends, my parents and made my life a living hell. If you think about it, I am just repaying you the same favor. How are the others? Treating you well?”
“What did you do to me, you bitch?”
“I just put a curse on you. The ghosts of your past will haunt you until you stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop Lying, Liar. They all feed and grow in power from your lies. I wonder what would happen in a few years if you kept this up.”
“You think you can get away with this. This is war and I have already beaten you once.”
“Oh Rossi. This isn’t a war. It’s a death sentence.” With that she disappears.
Lila tries to tell her class that MT is actually Marinette. She is met with crazy looks. Some of them look like they want to believe her but don't because they don’t want to look crazy too.
Oh. Adrien wasn’t on the trip because his mother didn’t want him to go to the crime capital of America although the crime rate has gone down a little due to Hellbat curing some of the city’s bad energy..
Right after Lila told the class about MT, Scarecrow came to steal some Wayne tech and the class got caught in the crossfire. So later, it was brushed off as Lila seeing things due to the fear toxins.
Joker made the mistake of kidnapping her. Once was enough to never try that again.
(It involved the use of nearly all of the Miraculouses, old and new. He was thoroughly humiliated at the end of it and his picture by the time Hellbat was done with him was on the Batfam’s Christmas Card. Like I said she doesn’t kill but making them beg for death was okay.)
It coincided with Jason’s Birthday and the video of the incident was ‘the best birthday present ever.’ The uncensored version was watched at the next undead siblings bonding day. Damian included.
After hearing a few rumours about what happened, most criminals were glad for Hellbat’s rare appearances. (which happens once a month and during really busy time of the year)
There was a time where Penguin was carrying out one of their plans and when Hellbat showed up, all of their thugs surrendered instantly. (No Batman did not pout at the fact that this French girl was more imitating than him.)
Scarecrow used his newest batch of fear toxin on her during the first year after she died.
He was astounded to see her still standing and she later proceeded to beat the crap out of him while being under the toxin’s influences.
He has tried to stay out of her way since then.
She saw Scarecrow as Hawkmoth and said a lot of things in French which scared everyone because she said it with so much hate, anger and in a very menacing tone that everyone is like ‘I am not touching this.’
It took Red Hood and Nightwing to restrain her from further beating Scarecrow up.
He was one of the people who sympathised with the Joker after the Incident.
The next was Riddler being so arrogant in his plans and managed to get Hellbat and Spoiler into a death trap.
“You know I have a few regrets in life. And my final one is that I got captured and am now going to get killed by a walking fashion disaster.”
“Hey! I made this myself. I will have, you know.”
“You have a brilliant mind but no sense of fashion at all. When I get out of here, I am going to burn that thing with you in it, for your crimes against fashion.”
“What is wrong with it?”
Cue a lot of roasting of Riddler’s costume and Spoiler adding more fuel to the fire.
They manage to escape while Riddler is crying on the floor, having an existential crisis.
The thing was no one knows why Riddler was silent the entire week after encountering Hellbat and crying when anyone mentions it.
They now think Hellbat is the scariest one in the Batfamily, second to Batman and tied with Black Bat/Orphan.
The few who find out what really happened in the warehouse that night. Blackmail material on the Riddler.
Three ( four if you count Penguin) of Gotham’s biggest villains of the Rogues Gallery scared of Bats’ newest addition. Hellbat was not someone they wanted to mess with.
Magic crisis stuff. Like a world ending event thing. Dr. Fate says they need the Miraculous jewels but the last mention of them had been in Paris a few years ago and had vanished since then.
Costantine looked at Batman. “You know who you have to call.”
Batman calls Hellbat. Who hasn’t been introduced yet to the JL.
“Ah. Bats. Not that I question your authority or anything but how can your newest ‘ward’ help us?”
She takes off her helmet and reveals her face and more importantly, her earrings.
Tikki comes out of her hiding place.
“I am the current Guardian of the Miracle Box and wielder of the Ladybug miraculous during Hawkmoth’s reign in Paris a few years ago. Any other Questions?”
“Oh great Guardian. Tikki. It is an honour to meet you.”-Wonder Woman, who else.
“You too, Princess Diana. Pass on my regards to your mother.”-Tikki
A huge face-off and the big evil is defeated.
WW asks abt HM and gives a horrified face at the end of her story. Nearly everyone who eavesdropped on the conversation was.
"Forgive me, Guardian for not aiding you in your hour of need.”
“It’s okay. I understand that there are other crises, world-ending ones that JL have to take care of. I am better now. Mostly.”
“I doubt it with those revenge schemes I found lying around. But she is getting there with her therapist.”-Batman
“I hate you, Dad.”
“Did you just call him Dad?”
“Do you see me as a father figure?”
“I see you as a nuisance with how nosy you are with my personal business. So you are more of a bother figure.”
“I see you as part of the family too, Daughter.” (Got that reference anyone?)
“Jason was the one who adopted me.”
“Legally you are adopted by me.”
Maria with Pikachu surprised face because nobody told her that. “My life is a lie.”
(Part 5)
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tobesolonely · 3 years
queen anne’s coffee
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A/N: hello everyone! I am not D/deaf or Hard of Hearing. However, this was requested more than once I wanted to do my best to provide. In this story, Y/N is a part of the Deaf community. if I have misrepresented the Deaf community in any way or wrote something inaccurate or offensive, then please DO NOT hesitate to let me know (respectfully, of course!) i wanted to fulfill this person’s request and be as inclusive as i could, as i don’t typically see stories with a Deaf!reader. shes short and sweet but i hope you all enjoy anyway! as always, feedback is very much welcomed and appreciated! :)
Summary: Y/N visits Harry’s coffee shop every Tuesday and Thursday and always orders the same thing. Harry HAS to get to know her!!!
word count: ~1.7k
my ko-fi! thank you :)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Every Tuesday and Thursday at exactly 3:50 PM, Y/N placed an online order that consisted of an iced chai tea latte with oat milk and a butter croissant from Harry’s coffee shop, Queen Anne’s Coffee.
Y/N never forgot to add, “warmed up pls! thank you :)” in the section for comments, and she always tipped. She would then come into Harry’s shop approximately ten minutes later, walk up to the ‘pickup’ counter, grab her items, smile at Harry, and promptly leave. Harry never even so much as said hello to her, but he was irrevocably captivated––even if she was a complete stranger.
Harry decided that when Y/N came in today for her usual, he’d finally talk to her.
Business had been unusually slow for a Thursday afternoon but Harry didn’t mind–when Y/N came in, he’d be able to have a proper chat with her without having to rush the conversation along to help other customers. His gaze kept floating up to the cat-shaped clock hanging above the door, anxiously awaiting 3:50 PM when Y/N’s order would come through on the iPad and he got to read the words, “warmed up pls! thank you :)”
Harry didn’t know why he was so nervous to speak to her. As the owner of his very own coffee shop (and it’s only employee), he got to know the people who came in regularly well, even developing genuine friendships with some. It bothered Harry that this beautiful person gave him business two days a week and the only thing he knew about her was her name, which is only because he can see it when she places her order online.
When the iPad Harry keeps plugged up atop the counter chimes, he doesn’t even have to glance at it to know it was Y/N but he does anyway, feelings of excitement bubbling in the pit of his stomach. He was finally going to talk to her! Harry contemplates scribbling his number on the side of her cup as he’s writing her name but decides against it, not wanting to be too forward before they even formally meet.
When Y/N comes in ten minutes later, Harry can immediately sense something is wrong. She hardly looks up once as she shuffles from the door to the counter, hoodie pulled up and drawn tight over her head.
“Are you okay?”
Y/N doesn’t look up or even acknowledge the fact that Harry spoke. Even though there’s only two other people in the shop besides them, Harry figures she might think he was talking to someone else and addresses her by name.
She still doesn’t address Harry as she gives him a small smile before hurriedly exiting the shop, the bell above the door signaling her exit.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
When Tuesday comes, Harry’s out of bed before his alarm jolts him from his dreams.
He thought about Y/N all weekend as he impatiently awaited Tuesday’s arrival, excited over the prospect of finally seeing her again. He hoped she was doing better today than she was last week, and he really hoped she was in the mood to chat with him today.
Harry’s grateful the shop is busy today. It helps to keep his mind off of Y/N, and his eyes off the clock. When the iPad chimes at 3:50 on the dot, Harry decides he’ll wait until she comes in to prepare her order. It didn’t take him over two minutes, anyway. He figures this will give him a bit more time to chat with her, at least say hello and see if she’s doing better.
Much to his pleasure, Y/N has a big smile on her face when she bursts through the door ten minutes later. She floats to the pickup counter, then furrows her eyebrows in confusion as she looks up at Harry.
“Sorry, I’m working on your order right now,” Harry grabs a purple marker off the counter, scribbling Y/N’s name on the cup used for iced drinks. “How’s your day so far?”
Harry watches as Y/N cocks her head to the side in confusion, then pulls her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans. She quickly types something before holding her phone out for Harry to take.
“I can’t hear you! I’m Deaf.”
A look of realization floods Harry’s face as he reads what she said. He now understood why Y/N didn’t answer him when he tried speaking to her last week, and he’s secretly relieved that she wasn’t ignoring him because she hated him or anything like that.
“I know a bit of sign!” Harry types before handing Y/N back her phone. He watches as her eyes skim his words and she looks up, a toothy grin plastered on her face.
“Great! This is much faster.” Her hands move quickly as she signs. “Did my order work or not? Wi-Fi is bad at home today.”
Harry realizes he doesn’t know as much sign language as he thought he did.
“OK. I am rusty.”
Y/N smiles at this and pulls her phone back out, typing what she just signed to him before passing it back to him. A look of realization floods Harry’s face as he learns she was just asking if her order came through alright, seeing as it was not yet ready. Too embarrassed to tell her he intentionally waited until she arrived to prepare her order, he just nods.
“I’ll have it ready in no more than two minutes… and refund you, too. I’m sorry for the wait.” Harry looks up at Y/N as he passes the phone to her, eyes not leaving her face as he tries to gauge her reaction.
“No!” Her head shakes as she signs. “Happy to pay. Thank you.”
Harry understands Y/N but refunds her, anyway.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“Why do you always come Tuesday and Thursday? Same time?”
“Exams every Tuesday and Thursday.” The look of obvious dissatisfaction on Y/N’s face makes Harry laugh. “Your chai and pastries cheer me up after.”
Harry’s face turns red at Y/N’s admittance, so he instead looks down, pretending he’s distracted by something on the iPad. He decides at that moment that he will no longer charge Y/N for her oat milk latte and croissant. She was a college student after all––if her financial situation was like Harry’s in any way when he was in college earning his business degree, it would probably be beneficial for her to save her money, anyhow.
Ever since Harry and Y/N’s first real interaction, Y/N had been coming into Queen Anne’s nearly every day, school supplies and laptop in tow. She always sat at the table closest to the front counter, directly in Harry’s line of vision so they could sign to each other.
Y/N provided Harry with some much needed (and enjoyed) company when business was slow, and she was helping him brush up on his sign language. Harry learned that Y/N is Deaf; her hearing is completely gone in her left ear and almost completely gone in the right. She’s the only person in her family who is Deaf. She also hated eggs, is lactose intolerant (hence the oat milk), has two older siblings, is a master’s student, and a plethora of other things that Harry had committed to memory.
“Thank you. I’m glad you enjoy.”  
“Who is A-N-N-E?”
Harry grins. “My mother. Back in London.”
Y/N’s eyes widen. “London? Amazing! You must have an accent.”
It dawns on Harry that Y/N has never heard his voice before. “Yes. Are you from here?” Y/N nods in response.
“Whole life. Small town, but it’s home.” Her pinched hand moves quickly from her mouth up to her ear.
“Sorry. What?”
A look of realization floods Harry’s face as he nods in response, signaling for Y/N to give him a moment as the bell above the entrance jingles. It seems as if the few people who walk through the door act as a catalyst for others to enter, and soon Queen Anne’s is at maximum occupancy and Harry is trying to make several drinks at once while taking orders. He locks eyes with Y/N a few times and she gives him a sympathetic look, not able to do much to help him out.
Harry decides that once business dies back down, he’ll find out if Y/N is interested in a part-time job.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Y/N was interested in a part-time job.
She was a fast learner and a hard worker. Harry was more than delighted to show her how to make every drink on the menu, and consume her failed attempts. It was nice having someone else behind the counter with him––he wished he’d gone about hiring someone to help him much sooner, but he was glad to now have Y/N by his side.
“So much chai! I thought only I drank this stuff.”
Harry’s gaze lingers on Y/N for a beat too long, causing her to shift slightly. Harry’s hand moves to scratch the back of his neck. “Yes. I like chai. With milk.” His hand forms a ‘C’ then closes to form an ‘S’ twice for the word “milk”.
“Regular?” One of Y/N’s eyebrows raises as she asks her question, setting a hot chai latte atop the “pickup” counter.
Y/N lets out a quiet snort of laughter as she shakes her head. It was the first time Harry ever made her laugh out loud. After hearing her laugh once, he never wanted to stop––it was music to his ears. “Not surprised!”
Harry’s eyes crinkle at the corners. “Why?” His eyes remain on Y/N as she walks around the small area, cleaning up a small coffee spill she had earlier.
“You just are a S-O-Y boy, H. My S-O-Y boy!”
Harry’s cheeks immediately turn pink as they did the first time Y/N said something that flustered him, but he doesn’t look away.
“You’re my O-A-T girl.”
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Thank you everyone for reading!!! This is only the beginning of Y/N and Harry I think <33
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I'm Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 5
Batfamily x Batsis Story!
Word Count: 2.5K Warnings: Explicit Language, ALL THE ANGST. AND MORE TO COME! Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @edlothia-baby @soul-end @willieoo @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy
Author's Note: I have nothing to say for any of the emotions y'all are about to get from this. Enjoy!-Thorne
She wasn’t sure what she expected when she sat down, but the stretching silence growing between her and her estranged family wasn’t it. She tried to look anywhere but them, not because she was ashamed—far from it. But it was more than awkward sitting across from three brothers and a father she’d not spoken to in three years, let alone tell them she was even alive.
Her eyes found Wally’s as he sat down beside her eldest brother and if looks could’ve killed, he’d been dead and buried.
“Glare at me all you want, but I’m not going to apologize,” he shrugged.
Scowling, she turned her attention to the skyline. “Fuck you,” she spat, crossing her arms.
“At least talk to them, (Y/N).”
“And why should I, Wally?” she questioned, glaring at him. “I don’t have anything to say. If I did, I wouldn’t be here in Central.”
“You’re not leaving until you talk to them,” he finalized with a firm look and she growled low in her throat and resigned herself to her fate.
Her eyes darted to her father’s and she couldn’t for the life of her decipher what was in them. “I’ll talk for an hour,” she told him. “I’m not talking about what I’ve been doing in Central City, so don’t ask. I’m not talking about the life I’ve been living, so don’t ask. You’re only allowed to ask me about my departure and that’s it. But after one hour is up, I’m leaving.”
“Who said you get to leave,” Wally questioned, and she shot him the darkest glower she could muster.
“So help me God, Wally West you’ll either take me home or you’ll fix that fucking elevator and I’ll walk myself home. Because if you don’t, I’ll tell the world who every vigilante is at this table.”
For once she managed to stump him because his eyes went wide—so did her family’s but she didn’t care—and he finally nodded.
“Alright. One hour.”
Seemingly satisfied with his answer, she turned back to her family, more specifically her father. “Why are you here? What do you want from me?”
“Maybe for you to come home, (Y/N),” Jason answered, and she glanced to him.
“Not a chance. Next?”
“(Y/N), you don’t have to be hostile. We’re not going to force you here,” Dick said, and she looked at him now, eyes narrowing.
“The manipulation tactic isn’t going to work on me, Dick. I’m not here for to be tricked into coming back. I’m never coming back.” She cocked her leg over the side of the table and reclined, biting out, “Give me your anger. I’d prefer that instead of whatever this pitiful bullshit you’ve got going on.”
In the eighteen years they’d known their sister they’d never heard her say such a callous thing, but her words had practically slapped Dick across the face because hurt etched onto his expression, then immediately turned into anger.
“You want my anger? Fine.” He stood and pointed at her. “What the hell is wrong with you! Why would just up and disappear like you did! Do you have any idea how scared we were for you! How distraught!”
(Y/N) blinked at him. “Knowing how you like to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders because you can’t help but be a hero? Probably a lot.” She made a dramatic show of looking at her watch. “You’ve got forty minutes. Keep it up.”
Her eyes shifted to Bruce’s. “Did you let them read the letter? Or did you just throw it away after you read it?”
Dick, Jason, and Tim all turned to Bruce at that.
“Letter?” Tim repeated. “What letter?”
(Y/N)’s mouth made an ‘o’ shape and then she smiled knowingly. “Oh, you never showed them the letter, did you?” She looked to her brothers. “I wrote dad a letter the night I left to explain why I was leaving. It’s sugarcoated bullshit but it is the truth.”
Dick’s face contorted in anger. “(Y/N) left a reason behind and you didn’t tell us about it? Three years and not a single word?”
Bruce merely stared at her as he pulled the letter out of his coat pocket. “I was going to burn it when I found her again. Talk to her before anyone else could.”
Jason snatched the letter from his hands. It had faded a bit, softened around the hard edges, like someone had opened it and read it every day for three years.
His eyes scanned the paper, and he met her gaze, voice chock-full of hurt and she had to fight tooth and nail to keep herself from externally reacting. “You left because you thought we didn’t care about you?”
Dick reached over and took the letter. With furrowed brows and a frown, he started to read aloud, and Bruce gazed at (Y/N) as the memory came back to him.
Mornings at the manor were unusually quiet in comparison with the evenings. Everyone was typically too tired to argue so it accounted for a peaceful breakfast of soft words and chewing. Everyone had an assigned seat and every child had learned early on not to take the seat that belonged to another brother or their sister because there would be a fight about it.
Dick and Jason sat next to each other and (Y/N) took the seat at the end of that side; Tim and Damian took the other side—oldest to youngest, just the neat and even way Bruce liked it.
It was rare for any of the boys to be awake before him or Alfred and (Y/N) was usually the first kid to the table, the boys wandering in just minutes after her. Oddly enough, that morning she hadn’t come down for breakfast—which she always came to.
Bruce looked at Alfred. “Is (Y/N) coming down?”
Alfred hummed and gently maneuvered Tim’s arm to the side to he could set down the plate. “When I went to her door, it was locked, and I received no conversation from inside.”
Jason snorted and sipped his coffee. “Probably had a long night with her friends and is still out. I know I would be.”
“How would you know?” Tim interrupted. “You died before you got to the eleventh grade.”
“You’re one to talk, dropout,” Dick countered, and Damian sighed.
“Richard, you dropped out of college. The only son of Batman who has actually completed an entire bout of schooling is me.”
The three boys turned on him with scowls and retorted, “No one asked you, pipsqueak.” Damian glared back at them.
Bruce rolled his eyes, using the side of his fork to cut into his omelet. “Let’s try not to start a free-for-all here in the breakfast room, please.” He glanced at Alfred. “She’s probably tired from all the ceremonies. Let her sleep.”
Alfred nodded. “Of course, Master Bruce. She should be well rested this evening.”
But when the evening came, Alfred still hadn’t been able to get (Y/N) to unlock her bedroom nor speak to him. He certainly wasn’t worried, but it was off for her to be so reclusive. When Bruce and the boys came back from patrol, he mentioned it to him.
“Miss (Y/N) hasn’t come out from her bedroom, Master Bruce. Nor has she said a single word all day.”
Bruce’s brows furrowed and he tugged the cowl off, rising from the seat at the Batcomputer. “I’ll go check on her,” he replied. “You deal with…” his steel eyes drifted to Dick who had Tim in a headlock and Jason who was giving Damian a noogie. “Them,” he finalized, leaving the poor butler behind.
He knocked on the door to her room and pressed his ear to it. “(Y/N)? You haven’t come out all day. Is everything alright?”
Nothing. Not even a breath.
“(Y/N), are you in there?” he asked again and when he didn’t receive a confirmation, he raised his arm, running his fingers along the doorframe until he touched a small metal piece. He pulled it down and stuck it in the door, wiggling the knob for a second before it clicked, and he opened the door.
“Sweetheart, we’ve been trying to—” Bruce went silent when he saw the kempt room. Bed neatly made, everything organized and put away. Even her clothes hamper was empty.
He blinked and walked into the room, quickly heading to the bathroom to check for her there. It was empty as well, and just as clean, leaving him stunned as he exited the bath.
Wandering over to her desk, he saw an elegant envelope sitting on top of her laptop, his name written in beautiful penmanship. He picked it up and unfolded it, pulling out the multi-page letter. He drew his eyes along the golden lines, reading her words.
I don’t really know how to start this letter. Truth be told I’ve written at least six before this one, and even then, I’m not entirely happy with it. But if you’re reading this, I’m not here anymore. I haven’t hurt myself in anyway, you don’t need to worry about Vicki Vale or Jack Ryder reporting the discovery of my body. I mean it in a literal sense—I’m not in Gotham anymore. Neither am I ever coming back.
Don’t think this is your fault. You’re a good father, the best I could’ve been given, and my brothers are good siblings. But the truth is that I’m not fit for this family of heroes. And I never have been. My best when trying to be what all of you are, was never good enough and I’ve spent eighteen years staring at your backs, waiting for you all to realize that I’m still here, that I still matter even if I’m not like you. And I don’t want to feel like a stranger in my own home any longer.
I don’t want you to look for me. I know you will, but I wish you wouldn’t. This isn’t some spur of the moment thing I decided to do the night after graduation. If you look at my bank records, I’ve been withdrawing cash from my savings since freshman year—this is four years of planning, so please understand that I’m doing this because I don’t want to be found—ever.
I’ll leave the story for the media up for you, though I doubt that they’ll care long enough to make a deal of it. It’ll pass like winter does spring and they’ll move on to the next bigger story.
Thank you for everything dad, and good luck with Gotham—keep it safe like you always have. And I hope that one day when you think of me, you won’t feel disappointment. I’ve only ever tried to be something that when you looked down on me, you’d only be proud, and I hope one day I’ll achieve what I always dreamed about. Eighteen is young to be on your own and I’m scared. But I’ll be okay—I always have been.
So do me a favor and don’t spend too much time over this. There are plenty more younger kids that need a parent’s hand on their backs to steady them like you once did for me. Find one and fill my spot. Let them shine brighter than I ever could. Let them be the one worthy to be a Wayne—I know I never was.
Bruce barely had time to grasp the back of her chair to keep himself from falling to his knees in shock. The letter was clenched in his hand and his lungs wouldn’t take in air like he wanted them to, his heart aching with each palpitation. He looked around the room to her dresser drawers, willing the strength into his legs to moved over to it. He opened every drawer and to his astonishment, they were empty. Hurrying to the bathroom, he noticed the drawers in there were empty as well. She was really gone. And he had no idea what to do.
Tears were in Dick’s eyes when he finished the letter and he looked up at her. “How could you ever think we didn’t care about you, (Y/N)?”
She didn’t want to have this conversation. She didn’t want to sit there and explain every time she asked her brothers if they wanted to do something with her and they conveniently had something else to do. Didn’t want to explain every school and extracurricular performance that went unattended and left a little girl standing in front of a crowd barely managing to stave off the tears as she bowed and thanked them for coming. She didn’t want to remember all the memories that chipped away at her heart with every disappointment that occurred. All she wanted to do was leave.
(Y/N) had earlier returned to her original position, hands in her lap and she clenched her fists until her nails bit into the skin of her palms, eyes directed anywhere but Dick’s.
“I think it’s time we call this little reunion done,” she said, standing to her feet. “We’re not going to get anywhere.”
“Not if you run again,” Jason muttered, unconsciously wiping a tear from his eye.
She pointed at him, hissing, “I didn’t run the first time, Jason. I left. On my own accord.”
“You ran instead of coming to us, (Y/N),” Tim said, and she threw her hands above her head in disbelief.
“What the fuck did you want me to do! Wander down into the cave and beg at your feet for someone to pay attention to me! To at least pretend like I was a sister! I did! Every day!”
(Y/N) picked up her purse and yanked it up her arm. “Cassandra seems to be fitting in better than I did. So go and dote on her as the younger sibling. I’m not interested in the position anymore.”
“It’s not a competition,” Dick explained. “We love you just as much as we love Cass.”
She paused and gazed at him, voice laced with disappointment as she disagreed, “Then you should make sure she’s content in the manor, because if you love her with any semblance of how you loved me? It’s not at all.”
Her eyes shifted to Wally’s. “Fix the elevator. Now.”
He stayed seated for a moment, the two of them staring each other down, then he nodded wordlessly and moved to the elevator, starting it again. Her family stayed seated, and she gave them one final look before she followed Wally, silently waiting for the doors to open.
When they did, she stepped inside and turned around, hitting the button. Just before the doors closed, Wally stopped them and murmured, “You’re making a mistake.”
“My worst mistake was becoming friends with you.” (Y/N) blinked at him, then reached up and shoved his hand away from the door and as it closed, she remarked coldly, “And you can go to hell for all I care.”
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charliedawn · 3 years
What would being in a relationship with the Slashers look like?
I said I would do the requests I couldn't add to the story. Here. Hope you like it.
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" Do you think I have a shot ?"
" Klaus. He/She's my girlfriend/boyfriend."
" And..?"
Five would cherish you, but would still be scared of you leaving him for someone else. He is very careful and nervous around you. His temper softens when you're with him and even his siblings think that he is calmer when you're around. He will be sure to protect you at all costs and never let anything happen to you. However, he tends to be jealous. A lot. Especially since Klaus makes sure to mess with him every chance he gets. This is why Five would be apprehensive of you actually meeting his family, wondering if you would be able to handle them. He also values their opinion. He is close to his family, and it shows. But, once you've got the approval of the family and you've proved that you get along great ? You'll be part of the family forever. Five can act tough, but that's because he's been taught to be. Also, he can be very blunt in his actions, like the first time he told you he loved you. It wasn't anything special, you were just sitting next to each other and he suddenly realized and told you on the spot.
" I think I love you."
"..What ?"
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Nervous talking and presents. Kevin is a guy that tends to talk a lot when stressed or nervous. And you certainly make him nervous. He can't help but smile every time he sees you and talk about everything and nothing with you.
" And yeah, that's how I ended up on the couch with a lot of empty ice cream buckets around me. I can assure you that that was the last time I've let Hedwig choose dinner.."
He would also give you presents: flowers, chocolates, clothes..He would also ask his other personalities their opinions on what to buy and have little debates in his head.
" No, Patricia. I don't think a red turtleneck would do. I need something else. No. Not a toy car either, Hedwig. Flowers ? You're right Dennis, nothing can go wrong with classics.."
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Jason is a cuddler, a touch-starved man with mommy issues. Once you have his heart ? You have it for life. He is also very clumsy and is often lost in his thoughts. His thoughts mainly revolving around what makes him happy. In this case ? You. So, it is your responsibility to make sure he doesn't wander off too far or he has problems because of his clumsiness. It took a while for him to let go of his mask, as many called him ugly when he was younger and he was scared you would leave him for that. You'll have to build up his confidence and reassure him that you love him as he is. But, once you've done that ? Jason will never leave your side. Also, one more thing, Jason doesn't like talking, he can speak but will only talk to you. (plus, it annoys Freddy to no point. His way of getting back at him.) Jason can also be pretty stubborn, like following you around with his arms wide open until you finally give in and hug him.
" You're very needy, you know that ?"
*happy grunt*
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He is very careful and scared. Everyone that he cared about is gone. He killed them. You can understand his hesitation in having a second chance. He loves you and knows that this relationship may end up in disaster, or him ending up alone again. There's a reason why he chose to remain silent: he is scared that if he was to talk and bond with you, he may trigger his curse and kill you. This is also why he didn't want you to see his face. He doesn't know how the curse works. He may look cold at first, but it's because he wants you safe. But, that doesn't mean you have to give up. Michael will come around eventually. He just needs some time and you to tell him that it's okay, that you want him more than anything. Michael is patient, but he is only just a man.
" Do you want me to leave ?"
" Okay.."
You're about turn around and leave when he grabs your hand and, to your surprise, gets his mask off before yanking you in his arms.
" Guess not ?"
You ask jokingly and his only answer is a slight grunt of approval.
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You're the light of his life. Forget the stars, the sun, the moon..You're the only light he sees. Brahms will carry you around in his arms and whisper things in your ear, things that you only are allowed to hear. He is very sweet and protective. He is still a doll fanatic, but not so much since he has someone else to obsess about, he even asked some relationship advice from Michael (who was already married). His love language is acts of services: he will follow you around and ask if you need help with anything. He will always make time to see if you're alright and give a hand. Unfortunately.. It's not always a success. He burned pasta once. It is since that day that the kitchen is a no zone for Brahms. But, you still love him. He is sweet and eager to please. He would do anything for you, and I mean anything.
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Arthur thought it was a joke at first, maybe a prank from the clown brothers ? He refused to look you in the eyes and seemed to always wait for the day that you would tell him that everything is over, that it wasn't real. He already managed to convince himself of a false relationship with his neighbor, he doesn't want to make the same mistake twice. However, once he knows that it's real, he will be the happiest man on earth. He will take you on long strokes and you will make his grey days far brighter. However, it is hard to quit being a gangster. He is always on the run and Joker can sometimes act impulsively when he has a gun in hand. You are here to remind him that there are other ways to getting what he wants.
" I can't ! I can't !"
He once told you as he had just shot a policeman that was about to shoot him. You told him that he had no choice and that he could still change, but he started sobbing.
" I can't stop !"
" Yes ! You can ! We'll find out somewhere where we belong. You'll see."
You reassured him, and since then, you're both inseparable. You make him a better man. And he is happier with you than he ever remembers being.
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Freddy doesn't believe you. He believes in one night stands and spicy short relationships. But love ?
"Nah. You can't be serious..Are you ?"
He would look at you with pleading eyes, you even wonder if it'd be easier for him for you to deny or confirm ?
" Then, prove it ! Kiss me !"
He would then show you his heavily burnt face and wait for you to be repulsed and pull away, or at least look away. But, he is surprised when you take his face firmly between your hands and kiss him with no hesitancy whatsoever. He would be shocked at first, but would soon give in. You're the only person that ever said that you loved him. He wants to give it a shot. But, he has to warn you.
" Aren't you afraid ? About what I did when I was still human ?"
You seem to think about it for a second before asking in all seriousness.
" Did you do it ?"
His mouth opens and closes repeatedly in shock at your blunt question, but he finally confesses with his head hanging low.
" No."
You smile and nod before forcing him to look up at you again.
" Then, that's all I care about."
You then kiss him passionately again and his eyes widen significantly. Freddy then chuckles before asking teasingly.
" Eager, aren't we ?"
You smile mischievously before pulling Freddy by the collar towards you so you can stare right at him, so he can see the truth in your eyes. You are not scared of him, you'll never scared of him. Also, it's kind of satisfying to be the one shutting Freddy's mouth for once.
" You have no idea.."
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Traffic lights. Just look at his eyes and see if you can cross or not. In Penny's case: blue means safe, orange means advance with care and red...run. If you go abide that rule, Pennywise will be a sweetheart with you. Also, make sure to buy some raw meat, as for Penny not to give in to his old habits or munch on your leg by accident. Also, give him lots of attention. If you don't ? He will sit on your lap like a cat until you give him the attention he deserves ! Sometimes, he acts like a cat, sometimes like a child, and sometimes like a man. Up to you to see when is when. Penny is complicated, but he can also be very simple. He will accept everything from you. A pet ? Nice. A hug ? Fine. A kiss ? Yay ! He is not picky, as long as you give him your attention. However, he will also be very protective of you. Very very protective.
" Penny ! Stop ! He was asking for directions !"
*low growl* " He was looking bad at you..He's not allowed to look at you like that ! You're mine, aren't you ?"
The way he asks that last part with teary eyes makes your heart shatter and you'll have to hug him a long time to reassure him.
" Of course ! Of course I am, Penny!"
*pleased purr*
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" Just so you know, I don't like you."
I don't know if there is another way to explain Pennywise's way of showing affection than : He's a tsundere. Many anime fans will understand what I mean, but for the others : a character with a personality who is initially cold, temperamental, hotheaded (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time. Pennywise will seem uninterested at first, pretend to not appreciate anything you do or say, only to agree with you a few seconds later. But, stop showing him affection ? And he will start to worry.
" Hey, what's up ? You've been awfully quiet lately. Hey ! Is it because I said I didn't like you ? Come on ! It was a joke ! I love you, idiot ! Here, happy ?! *sigh* Please..Smile for me, sweetheart ? I'm sorry. I'm the idiot."
He will do anything to cheer you up. Gifts ? Words of appreciation ? Hugs ? You can have it all, as long as you don't leave him.
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
I admit that i enjoyed act 3 but it feels like really rushed i have so much complain with that.
The build up until act 2 was so good it give us so much premise but the final blow si meh. Sorry that i want to share thing long rant with you
1. Why the final talk is with yae, no offense to her but we need ei to explain not to mention she witness khaenriah downfall so she can give us more information, i feel like they do it for the plot armor so they can just keep dragging this
2. So many things that quite inconsistant, the shogun is show no mercy to anyone that even did a little thing outside what she think its right, how come she can still have a talk with signora, when sara is falling like that, and also there is no clarification about sara right now.
The traveler was so done at first they refuse to help thoma and ayaka at the beginning. But they seem so happy and forget everything how come they are not RAGE ( okay maybe this is to bias and personal) when this nation provide nothing about our siblings information and also why they are not mention anything about their problem in ei stroy quest. Its nonsense! She is right in front of youu, ask about your siblings, ask about khaenriah, ask about ukmown god!!. How come they can just forget like that. Also mihoyo really waste the potential about twin things i thing ei will give us so much help bcs of the sympathy that we both rn lost our twin but noooo.
3. Kokomi seem lost some brain cell, she make a very succesfull grand intro but she become meh in act 3, how come a great strategist like her let the sus sponsorship slip just bcs they are desperate, not to mention her screen time is really small and her role seem so unsignificant and it feels lile she is a plain npc.
4. The awesome world quest that we have done doesnt get any mention at all! Inazuma owe us so much with cleansing sakura, thunder sakura, tatarigami, obarashi quest. It has so much potential that yae or ei or anyone else aknowledge what traveler has been done but nooo.
cracks knuckles... i suppose it's time for my promised dissertation. interestingly enough, you touched on a lot of the main issues i had with chapter III.
i think that if i had to pin the main issue, it's a lack of overall cohesiveness? we were jumping all over the place without the chance to ever flesh things out. inazuma is a smaller cast, but i feel like we didn't get to see any of them shine. since i'm most interested in the genshin characters, i'll break down my problems by going over everyone and their (lack) of impact on the story.
was ayaka not questioned or placed under suspicion for being close to thoma before his escape? i wanted to see her broken up over her duties as they relate to the yashiro commission, paired with having someone she genuinely cares about in danger. it would've been an interesting struggle if she was forced to choose one or the other. instead she just kinda took a back seat.
speaking of thoma, i don't even have anything to say, because he just... was there? for .0001 seconds. said "lol this sucks ig" and that's about it. i know we're going to get a story for him in the future since he's a 5* but i'm not getting my hopes up 😭 then in the raiden shogun's character story, man is peachy keen! be upset with the raiden shogun! have some inner conflict! even if it's just using loaded language because he's under surveillance for going against the raiden shogun, that'd be so cool. saying something like,
"Traveler, what's with that expression? Oh please, there's nothing to worry about. We're under the Statue of the Omnipresent God's protection. Nothing bad has ever happened here." *wink*
i also don't know what to say about gorou. he was... there....... i think. what is he fighting for? what are the stakes for him? what makes him place so much trust into kokomi? i'm out of things to say about him because i don't remember anything he did or said.
kokomi... oh kokomi... i was so hyped. so excited. i thought that maybe we could see a foil to the raiden shogun. that she'd have a moment where she's forced to realize, just like her opponent, sacrifices must be made that will hurt people who will never understand why she made them. or maybe something to show her military prowess. but instead she just accepts a mysterious patron's help (?), sees her people aging like the grateful dead from JJBA, and goes oh well. that sucks. what can ya do. oh bye traveler i guess, good luck with that. ????????????? HUH... similar case to thoma where she's gonna get a character story but like. she won't be the leader of the resistance anymore. that was her whole shtick. they took her shtick away. also she forced me to interact with more NPCs whose names i've already forgotten so i'm tilted about that still.
KUJOU SARA... AN INJUSTICE. A DISGRACE. a slap to my woman loving face. the build up was there. yae miko's comments about sara probably knowing the tenryou commission is involved in shady dealings, but is choosing not to think about it. sara being forced to confront reality and challenge her adopted father with the truth. being able to blaze a new path for herself in the process. when she started running to the raiden shogun i was ultra hyped up. sara, a devotee to the shogun for so long, was about to see her god interacting with the same people who led inazuma to this awful state. how would she react? would she stay ignorant, like yae miko so coyly said, choosing to look away in favor of following her god's footsteps? or would she be forced to recognize the raiden shogun isn't as divine as she once thought, and challenge her belief system?
we open the door to see the raiden shogun. the loading screen ensues. the camera pans to the ominous room, clouded in darkness, hinting at the ominous confrontation that is to come. the music takes a serious timbre. and then...
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well fuck that potential character arc i guess. (we still don't know what sara made of any of this since she poofed out of existence from the story at this point)
kazuha also was handed a similar treatment. we've been with him for a while longer now. he is our introduction into inazuma, the one who first gets us emotionally involved by regaling us with the bittersweet tale of friendship that led him to becoming a wanted criminal. a kind soul who loves nature yet was dealt a cruel hand by fate, forced to watch his home nation turn into a hostile place, where his dear friend ultimately perished as a result. we get the scene with his friend's vision lighting back up. he parries a block from the raiden shogun, in the same area where his friend was killed by her. the parallels. the drama. except this time, he wasn't too late. he protected the traveler where he "failed" to protect his friend in the past. did he feel redemption at this? or was it a bittersweet reminder of what could've been?
WELL i guess we'll never know because we didn't get to talk to him again 😭 idk who got a bait and switch worse, him or sara. jesus christ mihoyo.
then we have signora. why is the raiden shogun talking to her? does she know about the gnosis being taken, and if she doesn't, what was her plan to get it from the archon? what does she think about scaramouche? and oh, okay, we're fighting here now. good fight + god tier music. pog pog. okay, now we've beaten her up, and raiden shogun wyd— wait no not signora her lore is still on CUPS not YET raiden shogun and— ah she's dead. okay. non nerds who didn't read artifact lore are going to know nothing about her. signora has such an interesting story, and yet... well. ok.
then we get raiden shogun redemption (?) arc. i was hype for this as well, though at that point, idk why i bothered being hype. i knew they were gonna do a cute power of friendship something or another, and i'm good with that, so long as it's executed well. what i was envisioning was like seven different buffs to correspond with the seven different visions, the dreams of those whose ambitions were stolen serving as the spear to penetrate the raiden shogun's heart of stone. maybe a hydro vision giving us extra healing for a time, with the voice acting over it being like,
"Even if the rest of the world forgets us, let our will carry you through this one final time. Succeed where we couldn't, Traveler."
so on and so forth.
but instead we got— you get the idea at this point. why bother spelling it out anymore.
at that point i was surprised the raiden shogun didn't go "oopsie woopsie!! we made a fucky wucky!!!" because that was the vibe i was getting. i love ei, don't get me wrong, but i wanted to see her challenged with what she had done to inazuma in the past year. maybe meeting NPC #2345259 who lost her sister to the vision decree or something, reminding ei of the love she held for her sister... being forced to come to terms with the extent of what she's done in pursuit of eternity.
anyway. please for the love of god mihoyo hire better writers for the main story. that is all i ask. thank you.
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