#LS 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼 Arjun cant express their emotions properly and savior complex
kayetra-spade-queen · 19 days
Knowing how really shitty Arjun and Sankat's relationship is during the entire series until Sankat finally trying to be more caring, I think I'm gonna start another ramble on how their story could be and how will it progress.
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As a story writer, I have the power to make the most angstiest shit known to mankind, yet it will be sweet also.
Like I said; "Peace is temporary, angst is forever."
Keep in mind, these are purely fanfiction in my part, and I have a lot of speculations regarding Sankat's personal story. There are also some aspects of their characters that never happened in the show, but it appears here because they give me vibes that they have a lot more underneath.
Learning the Foundation of Sankat's Feelings
Learning to one's feelings and how did they form is important.
From my previous ramble, I concluded that Sankat might've acted the way he is due to probably not being treated fairly at home (we never really got any info about him and his own family).
Arjun might've learned this somehow, whether it was just suddenly brought up, or purely coincidental. Or it came randomly during a conversation with his parents. Either way, Arjun will know about it sooner or later, and it'll give him a bigger picture on why Sankat always acts the way he is, especially on him.
Learning How to Start A Process of Healing Slowly
In classic Arjun-fashion, Arjun would definitely will somehow manage the situation effortlessly without anyone knowing or even realizing there was an issue in the first place. Arjun is truly a caring person, especially when it comes to family, and treated friends as such also. The big brother aura is immense.
Let's put it like this; the siblings are out and about to find some entertainment. They found something, and rushed towards that place. Sankat slows down to let the siblings have their fun, but Arjun realized Sankat isn't following their pace. Then without thinking twice, he pulled Sankat, and dragged him with them to the place they wanted. This will give Sankat a sense of inclusion.
Keep in mind actually, the fact that both Arjun and Sankat isn't the most expressive people when it comes to their real emotions, different from Tanya who's easily carried away by her emotions. However, their reasons in keeping their emotions in a bottle was for completely different reasons;
Arjun: he hides his emotions so people don't get worried about him. Many people relied on him, so most likely in Little Singham-style, Arjun was putting aside his own feelings for the favor of someone else. He gaslit himself thinking he can do what people asked him if he just put his feelings away. It's kinda like how Arjun is during TOB; he was hiding under a façade to hide what he really feels, because to him, he can't save his home if he's too driven by his emotions instead of his senses.
Sankat: unlike Arjun however, Sankat was more about keeping an image. He was perceived as "strong" and "intimidating". Those kinds of things gave Sankat a sense of worth and confidence, and that in turn became his source of ego and arrogance. In Sankat's eyes, being emotional means he's being weak, he's losing the views people see him, so he avoided showing other emotions as much as possible.
That said, Arjun is definitely more emotional between them. But Arjun had quite the understanding on the whole "hiding under a façade" thing, so understanding Sankat was an easy task.
Arjun being the more emotional one between the two of them definitely played a part here. He had that sense of understanding that is hard to put into words.
The smallest things, like being included into something, feeling that his presence actually mattered is a good way of a healing process.
Letting In on Each Other's Perspectives
Communication between the two of them is an absolute must. The thing that will be very tricky is that Sankat is the type of person who will misunderstood something, and just ran with it until he was told otherwise by force.
What I think how this'll work without any hiccups is that, they have to be in a peaceful environment; no one around, just them both surrounded by peaceful nature. I believe the environment your in affects of how you will react or feel in certain situations. So I believe if they're in somewhere peaceful without any disturbances, the reactions will not be so... Explosive, per se.
Arjun is definitely gonna be the first person who's gonna open up first. I'm more than positive that Arjun had some sort of savior complex, so he opens up how it's difficult to put up with the expectations as a crown prince and as a warrior, a sense of duty, and the guilt if he feel like he didn't do enough. Arjun will gonna be the person who cries that he himself won't even realized, but the tears rolls away anyways while he still smiles like he still put up another façade, but his eyes betrayed him.
Then that would be cue for Sankat to be open. Sankat had better control on his emotions, for better or for worse. So his responses are more calm and collected with nothing spilling too much to the point he won't notice.
I think another reason why they differs in their levels of secrecy is that Sankat doesn't have anyone to prove like how Arjun is. Arjun always have eyes on him, and although it had been the source of his characteristics of being an enjoyer of limelight, it's like the "a blessing and a curse" situation for him. Sankat doesn't experience that (although he does crave for attention).
This will be a good lesson for Sankat that not everything he sees is all glamour and glory. Arjun had constantly been under pressure, something that Sankat never experienced before because he never received that kind of attention, especially he won't be trying to prove to something to the point that it creates expectations that'll crush him mentally.
This also became a good chance for him to learn that there are other people who will actually care for him and love him just the way he is without trying to desperately to get attention from people who wouldn't even look at him.
"Your home is more than the place you're born at", is probably what Arjun's words are gonna be for Sankat.
"Your burden shouldn't be yours alone to carry", and this will probably be the words Sankat is gonna give for Arjun.
Overall Character Analysis and What They Needed as A Person
Arjun is a person who tries to answer all the expectations to the point he became a mess. He is too scared to let anyone down, too scared to not do his job perfectly. What Arjun needed is knowing that he doesn't have to do everything alone and do everything perfectly, and knowing that people are more than willing to lend him a hand whenever he needed.
Sankat is a person who is desperate for any kind of recognition from the people around him, to no avail. He was too focused on a certain area, that he completely ignored the other areas that are willing to welcome him with open arms. What Sankat needed is the understanding that he doesn't need to put all of his attention in a specific place, as there are other places that are willing, or even wanting him to be around.
That's all for now. If there's anything more, I'll probably add later.
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