#but I see nothing but 911 content on tumblr
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periru3 · 11 months ago
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pragmatic-optimist · 2 years ago
Reflecting on how our love of [insert fav piece of media source] is crafted— in every sense of the word—by the talented people we find in fandom.
Content creators (fic writers, gif makers, artists, meta writers, and so many others) are a fandom's heartbeat.
Thank you for all you do (or have done) to keep a fandom alive, even and especially when the source content has disappointed. Words cannot express how much you are valued and appreciated. 💕🙏🏽💐
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eddiediazismyhusband · 6 months ago
hey everyone
just getting on here to have a conversation about some things that i need to clear up.
so for starters, i’m going to come right out and say that i’m taking a break from tumblr… lately i have been subjected to seeing multiple thinly veiled posts about me floating around and i cannot sit by and allow myself to be treated like that
that being said, i am taking this break to focus on my mental health; 911 used to be a comfort show to me- somewhere i could just go to and watch whenever i needed to be picked up, because even if the show was still forcing certain storylines/arcs, they at least made some sense for the characters and didn’t rely on completely rewriting and ignoring their history within the narrative.
911 is no longer that for me anymore. tim minear and the writing team have ruined any and all enjoyment i got from earlier seasons due to continuing KR’s trend of completely retconning the narrative while simultaneously blatantly dragging us along by dangling buddie canon over our heads with a stick only to immediately snatch it away at the last second.
today’s “first look” article only further confirmed my suspicions that tim had no intentions of leading to buddie canon.
i see the takes/theories about what the article could mean, but we have made theories such as this every year only for it to not go anywhere; nothing had indicated that s8 will be any different.
for starters, tim is bringing back a known problematic actor to play a problematic character that tim continues to retcon, despite the fandom being outspoken about how insane this is. instead of listening to the fandom, instead he has them continuing to develop their chemistry-less relationship saying that they are going strong.
secondarily, tim wrote out a beloved poc character in order to keep this problematic character around- something that i think the fandom has moved on from a little too quickly
thirdly, we continue to be told that eddie will be making progress each season, yet we never actually see that progress happen, and if we do, never in a way that is actually in character; on top of that, we have fans begging for his character to be ruined simply so that his character arc will be sexualized due to it involving two conventionally attractive men.
this fandom no longer feels like a safe space for me mentally and i hate that… i am devastated at the thought of no longer interacting with my mutuals, but i cannot engage with content that showcases the real-time decline of a show i used to adore before the creators decided to ruin that enjoyment.
so i am taking a bit of my break; i dont know how long nor how permanent of a break this is, but i need to put my mental health first.
until next time (whenever that may be)
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buddiebeginz · 5 months ago
Please properly tag your posts. It's not fair to force Buddie fans to see B / T posts (even anti ones) just because you want people to see your edits.
Your 911/Heartstopper post had nothing to do with Buddie, but you chose to tag Buddie anyway, and didn't even tag T-mmy or B / T so we could filter it out?
(Or Ben / Charlie, for that matter which is unfair to the Heartstopper fans. Don't drag them into this nonsense, please.)
Hate what you want, but please tag properly so the blacklists can do their job.
First of all the post you're referring to this one is tagged properly. It is tagged with the shows it's from and it is tagged as Buddie because the majority of Buddie fans do not like T*mmy. Therefore I made this post for Buddie fans to see it. The Buddie tag isn't just for posts that contain Buck and Eddie but also for posts that are relevant to the Buddie fandom. Not sure if you're new around here but fandom tags have always worked this way on tumblr.
Also my post is not tagged with anything in relation to T*mmy or B/T because even if you tag a post "anti b*ckt*mmy" (minus the censors) it will still show up in the B/T tags. I didn't make that post to attack B/T shippers or to cause drama with them. I made that post to get across some of my feelings about the ship and express them on my blog and to share them with other Buddie shippers.
The post is tagged as Heartstopper because it is a parallel between a scene in Heartstopper and some scenes in 911. Frankly I find your comment about "don't drag them into this nonsense" really rude. Everyone on this site makes parallels from one show to another all the time. You are free to disagree with the one I made but I'm still allowed to make it and have my opinion.
I make it a point to try and only tag my posts with tags that are relevant to the content. I also try and keep my anti stuff out of the tags of people who like certain ships or characters.
I see B*mmy posts constantly where people are down right hating on Buddie and Eddie and that's right in the Buddie and Eddie tags. So maybe start with telling those people how to tag first before attacking me over a gifset with some scenes from the actual show that was literally put in my own fandoms tag.
Also I'm positive you're a T*mmy defender and your real issue isn't the tags it's that you didn't like my gifset which again you're 100% entitled to but maybe just block me next time.
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bekolxeram · 6 months ago
If you see this untagged post, you may be wondering, why I've been posting if I'm struggling with this fandom?
Well, I've indeed slept it off, and realized I do have speculations I want to post before the show airs. There's nothing to be speculated afterwards right?
So I'm just having a one sided relationship with Tumblr for the next week or two. I want you to know there's never any direct hate sent to me, it's just me going to the BuckTommy tag and seeing posts having problems with my overly analytic posts that discouraged me. I've been avoiding any 911 content except direct interactions with my posts, I think it may work for me in the near future.
Just know that I love you all, and I appreciate all your contribution to the fandom, even though I've not been liking or reblogging as much as I should.
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spicyrottingbrains · 8 months ago
I need ppl to pls tag their posts. Have your own fun but pls for the love of God tag your ship in the post instead of using only the character tags. Tumblr doesn't care that the content isn't for me it just knows that I interact with most of the 911 character tags so unless you tag your ship it won't actively filter out for me. I'm not into the bucktommy ship so I've filtered it out so that I can have a good online experience. This post is because of a few specific posts I've seen but it applies to everyone. And I know I've complained about this before but the problem hasn't stopped so here I am again. And this has nothing to do with the discourse. The posts were fine and I'd probably enjoy them if it was about my ship. But it wasn't and I specifically had content about this particular one filtered out so PLEASE tag your posts properly so it can reach the right audience and those who dont want to see it wont see it and then everyone can be happy.
(Also I'm tagging all relevant tags here because again this has nothing to do with the discourse and is just a general reminder for ppl to tag properly so it reaches the right audience)
(And before anyone says block them, yeha the accounts I really don't wanna see I do block, but there are ppl whose content I otherwise enjoy and if they just tagged properly then I wouldn't have to see the post I wouldn't like while I do see the ones I do enjoy. It's not that hard to (again) TAG PROPERLY. Not to say i havent blocked ppl because of their horrendous tagging but again I'm just so tired of it.)
and I say one last time on this post LEARN TO TAG.
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bluemagi · 10 months ago
Re. Jumping ship and multishipping
I've been thinking a lot about this these past few weeks, since a certain hot pilot swooped in and stole my heart. I've seen people giving other people shit for "giving up" and jumping ship, for multishipping or even just for liking and enjoying a character. And it's just weird to me how people are so obsessed with controlling other people's behaviors. Just the other day I saw a TikTok where the creator was saying that people who "jumped ship" to Bucktommy were just fetishising because they want to see two guys kissing. Which is just... a terrible take on so many levels.
I was a Buddie shipper too. I enjoyed their on-screen relationship, I saw the signs that there might be more than friendship, and I hoped that something might happen. But I have also been in fandoms for at least 20 years by now. I've been through queerbaiting, I have been through shipbaiting, I have been through relationships I previously loved being destroyed by what happens on screen. I know that nothing is promised and that we have to have realistic expectations. Our interpretations of things are usually not what the writers/actors/directors/editors intend, and so we can always hope, but we have to know that we probably won't get what we want.
I think I grew a bit bored with the Buddie ship around season 5. I was watching queer representation in other shows, like Tarlos in Lone Star, and I couldn't see 911 ever go there, especially as time went on and nothing happened, there were no obvious signs. I didn't think they would ever make Buck or Eddie queer. I still enjoyed the show for what it was and would watch when I had the time, but I wasn't obsessing over it anymore. I would watch the show and hope that either one of them would get an interesting love interest (I actually sort of liked Natalia at the end of season 6), and until that happened, I would just enjoy Buddie outside of that, in fan fictions and Tumblr discourse.
So imagine my surprise when they finally did it, when they actually made Bi Buck canon. Since Tommy had been on the show before, we already knew a lot about him, and we could also read into the difference between s2 Tommy and s7 Tommy and see that there had been a lot of development there. So yeah, I was immediately interested. The more I saw, the more interested I became. So while I can still love and appreciate Buddie, it is far more interesting to me to have actual substance with an on-screen relationship, rather than having to try to interpret and read into every interaction to see if it can relate to Buddie.
But, back to jumping ship and multishipping. I've been thinking back through my fandom history, and I realized that this is something I have gone through several times before, in one way or another. I started out with soap operas, and in those, everyone cheats and nobody is ever happy for long, so jumping ship back and forth happens. Suddenly a character is killed, only to come back to life several years later. They completely change personalities, they change faces (new actors), so things change a lot. I suppose that might be why multishipping and jumping ship is not really an issue for me. It just make sense that you can change your mind about something when more content comes out. It's sort of like a relationship. You can be happy and in love for a while, or for a long time, but things change, people grow, and suddenly that relationship is not right for you anymore.
So I was thinking back on my previous experiences with jumping ship and multishipping, and I just scribbled down some thoughts on them. Starting with....
As The World Turns - Nuke vs. LuRe
I think one of the first times I jumped ship, was from Noah/Luke to Luke/Reid in As The World Turns. An American soap that ended in like 2011. Nuke were one of the first gay male couples on American day time TV, and if you have the time, please go read about them on Wikipedia, because their story is absolutely ridiculous and overdramatic, as most soap couples are. And since this was in the 00s / early 10s, they barely shared any kisses or intimacy. At certain points we were counting the days between their on-screen kisses, and I think we went 200 days without an on-screen kiss while they were in a romantic relationship on the show, and the first time they had sex, I think they just kissed and fucking jumped on the bed or something. It was just ridiculous. But it was representation, which there was not a lot of back in those days.
Then, my beloved Reid Oliver came into the picture. He was out and proud, he was confident, successful, unapologetic, he was just very interesting. Luke/Noah was young love, riddled with insecurity and drama. Luke/Reid was more confident, more adult. And also, it was an option! Back in those days, there were barely any queer characters on TV, and now there were three guys in one show. At the point when Reid came on to the show, I was already finding myself growing tired and annoyed with Nuke, and Noah specifically. So when he showed an interest in Luke and they began their relationship, I happily jumped over.
I was then punished by the show's cancellation and that fucking train, but that's beside the point.... Moving on!
Days of Our Lives - Will, Sonny and Paul
Now this was a fun one! I remember watching Days back when I was in elementary school. My friend and I would go home together from school and watch it before doing home work. I was better in English and in reading than her, so I would be reading the subtitles out loud to her so she could keep up with what was happening. I think Days actually helped me to learn English much better. So I remembered all the drama with Sami, Carrie, Lucas and Austin, and with baby Will. And it was a bit shocking to me when suddenly baby Will was an adult (or I guess in his late teens) and was coming out of the closet. This was around the same time as ATWT, I believe, around 2010, so again, there wasn't a lot of representation on TV.
Also, side note, this was before streaming was a thing, and I lived in Norway, so we didn't even have access to everything. I had to buy DVDs to watch stuff like Queer as Folk and The L Word.
Anyways, Will and Sonny became a couple, and with that, the first male same sex couple on the show. It was the only real option, so of course I shipped it. I am again reading the Wikipedia page for this couple, and their story is quite insane. They recast the role of Will at one point, and I didn't love how the character changed after the actor was changed. So when Paul came on the show, I was immediately drawn to him. His back story was interesting and the actor had amazing chemistry with everyone. So I shipped him with both Will and Sonny (and both versions of Will, tbh). And again, you simply must read the Wikipedia article about this. It was just pure insanity.
Supernatural – Dean, Cas, Benny
We cannot talk about shipping without talking about Destiel. It is simply not possible. I'm not even going to explain anything, because we're on Tumblr, everyone knows Destiel. So unsurprisingly, I am a Destiel shipper. I can't remember when I first started shipping them, but it must have been quite early. Probably not in season 4 when Cas first arrived, but probably in season 5.
So Destiel is an example where I haven't jumped ship, but instead, I have multishipped. Cas has unfortunately not really had any real love interest outside of Dean. I honestly can't even think of any, apart from that random woman he married when he had amnesia, which... just no, dude. But Dean however, he has had some options, and I haven't hated them.
Lisa, I loved her back in the early seasons. And when he went to live with her after season 5, I didn't hate it. I knew the chances of Destiel ever happening were slim to none, so I could enjoy Dean and Lisa together on screen while enjoying Dean and Cas in fan fictions.
Later, we met Benny. And I immediately loved him. He was so interesting, he had such an interesting relationship with Dean, and I was so mad when he died. Again, Dean was never shown to be anything but straight, so again, chances of anything happening here was also slim to none. But I could happily enjoy fan fictions and content on them, alongside with Destiel.
Other honorable mentions:
I was considering writing a whole section about Robron from Emmerdale, but I realized that I am still so pissed off about that whole thing, so I don't think I'd be able to articulate anything good from that. So instead I will just use this as an example of an on-screen couple that I absolutely loved, but that I ended up hating and abandoning due to what happened on screen. I jumped that ship straight into the ocean, and swam far far far away.
Klaine! The couple that got me into Tumblr in the first place! I loved Kurt from the first season, and I was so intrigued when Blaine came into the show (I was also a huge AVPM fan, so that just made it all the better). And I really enjoyed them together for the first couple of seasons. But thinking back, I think I fell out of love with them quite early on. Their stories didn't hit the same, it got boring. I was actually more interested in Karofsky by the time I stopped watching the show, which was probably part of the reason why I stopped watching. It was quite the unpopular opinion back then. Maybe still? I have no idea.
Gallavich! I loved Shameless back in the day, and Mickey and Ian were among my favorites. But at a certain point, I got fed up with it all and stopped watching. The on-and-off stuff got boring, important things got swept under the rug, and I didn't like the treatment of Mickey. Anyway, I gave up and stopped watching. It was only years later when the show was ending that I caught up and found out they actually ended up together. Which was amazing, but still left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
Anyways, my point is that there seems to be this opinion now that if you ship a couple, you are stuck with them for life. Jumping ship, or even multishipping, is seen as a betrayal, as something horrible. Shipping Buck and Tommy apparantly means that we hate Eddie, and that we don't care about the beautiful friendship and relationship Buck and Eddie have. But that is simply not the truth. At least not for me, or for most people I have seen discussing this.
At this point in time, I am going to enjoy the beautiful on-screen relationship that is Buck and Tommy, and I am excited to see where it goes. If that relationship ends, and somewhere down the line, Buck and Eddie finally end up together, I will probably be happy (as long as it is done right, like Oliver Stark himself has said).
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lovecolibri · 2 years ago
Being upset is so valid, I know it’s just a show but WHATEVER, you should allow yourself to feel what you feel! And you should also be allowed to have opinions and share them on your blog lmao I’ll be honest, I have several friends irl who watch 911 and ship buddie and we aallll cannot stand this show anymore lmao and it’s very liberating to be able to speak your mind. Sadly fandom, especially Tumblr for some reason, seems to be hellbent on making passive aggressive comments on people who don’t like what they like? I totally agree with you, if people enjoy it good for them, I’m not gonna make posts about how you have to be stupid to like it cause I don’t think that’s the case?? We are just looking for different things in a show and that’s okay! However I am a blocking machine cause I don’t see the point in reading takes that are so different from mine 😂 but it is very frustrating that any negative comment needs to be censured or you become the devil and also you are not capable of understanding long form of media and also you should stop watching the show hskshdk I have stopped watching the show and I still like to check what happened and I still like to complain, what can you do about it 😂 anyway I hope you’re okay, and take care of yourself! I remember when Roswell made me soooo mad and I had to deal with it alone and it sucked 😔 and you don’t have to publish this if you don’t want to, I don’t mean to create drama or anything, just wanted to be supportive 😂
Hey, thanks Nonnie! I think for a lot of people (I'm for sure one of them, yay neurodivergency), when you find something that's a source of serotonin, it can be QUITE the crash when it stops, and no matter how low your expectations, if you struggle with emotional regulation, the rollercoaster can be rough. Curating your experience is a MUST, and knowing how to manage when your brain tries to get the best of you is also a must! Sometimes that means commiserating with others who are also unhappy (NOT going into the inboxes of people who clearly disagree with you. stop that), sometimes it means logging off and doing something else, sometimes it means reading or writing fic or making content that makes you happy about the thing, sometimes it means not looking at ANYTHING about the thing. At the end of the day, we're all just trying to do what works for us.
As a survivor of RNM, I thought I could handle this but I think RNM got SO bad SO fast that it was always a lot of "here are 3 good things that people will make AMAZING fics/metas/content about and 85 things you will need to ignore or you will start seething with rage". Where as 911 was so consistent for so long that watching it struggle so hard (across the board, not just with Buddie, though that seems to get the brunt of it on the "nearly unwatchable" scale whereas other stuff is more "meh. they could have done this better") has been really rough because there is already so much love for the show built up and we have SEEN what it can be when it's at it's very best. And disliking certain arcs or story choices doesn't necessarily mean throwing the whole show out! There are LOTS of things I love about this show, and I'm not at the point for me where I'm ready to let the show go and I've never really understood the "don't like, don't watch" attitude every time anyone brings up a single complaint. It seems very "you HAVE to love every single thing and choice or you can't watch the show" when most people have things they both like and dislike about pretty much everything! It's okay to not like every single choice! (though if you legit find nothing to enjoy about a thing then it's maybe not for you and that's okay!)
Thanks for checking in! I have a lot of other stuff going on right now so it's very much like "why is this the thing we are focusing on, brain? Why are we allowing ourselves to feel like this? It's a show??" but hey! Sometimes our brains do whatever TF they want and we just gotta manage as best we can. At on the bright side, tumblr has filters! You can block tags! You can block content within posts! this will let you remove certain stuff from your experience without necessarily having to unfollow people. BUT! You can also unfollow people! You can block people! Make your experience what you want! And learn what works FOR YOU to manage your disappointment. Some people are "gotta get the anger out to let it go" people, and some are "gotta find the positive spin" people and some are both or neither. Find what works. Do that. Don't be dicks in people's inboxes, and don't drag the cast/crew into the drama on public sm platforms, they don't plan out the storylines.
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nicholasnelsons · 3 years ago
well the end of season five is here and it definitely has been a rollercoaster. from eddie having a panic attack in the premiere and the 118 fighting off a bunch of animals (with that weird blackout plot lurking somewhere in the background). to whatever 5x03 was, you should go home first, kenneth choi giving us the performance of a lifetime, maddie leaving, and the iconic balcony scene. to fox just accidentally dropping an episode on hulu in the morning, buck intimidating ravi with a chainsaw, hen and eddie partner era, and all of us losing our collective minds over buck and eddie screaming for each other in the hostage bts. to the mavid engagement, that taylor episode no one wanted, and eddie leaving the 118.
to the longest hiatus i’ve ever experienced (but survived thanks to all of a stock giving us content). to the 5b premiere and the lucy discourse that came with it, all of us clocking jonah as a murderer, one of the best 911 episodes to exist aka boston, buck being in the room, bobby saving his daughter, albert’s weird mustache, and the heart of the 118 returning followed by hen and chim shenanigans. to karen and hen trying to catch a thief, the theme revolving around hearts, may having big moments at the call center, and athena and eddie processing their trauma. and most of all to the ethical conflict fake synopsis. may she rest in piece.
it’s been nothing short of interesting these past few months— throwback to ethical conflict day, wrench day, eddie’s house is burning down day, bird eddie day, and whatever the heck all of that was— but we have been So Normal about this show and i wouldn’t want to spend it anywhere else but here. i know i’m forgetting stuff but it has just been such a long season with the weirdest and best takes i have ever seen, and i’m definitely going to need this hiatus to recover because it’s been a lot to process. just a lot. thank you guys so much for such a wonderful season. it wouldn’t be as enjoyable without all of you and this little corner of tumblr and i am so so grateful to come here every day and see all of your posts and silly little thoughts. buck may have been in the room, but we’ve all been in the metaphorical room holding each other’s hand throughout all of this. if you ever miss these characters over hiatus then just remember what timothy told you to do: go write fanfiction.
it’s been fun ! see you all for season six <3
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empressmcblondie · 3 years ago
Depp vs. Heard clarification
Who are you, people of Tumblr, who go around saying things like “Amber Heard won the counterclaim, it means she was abused but cannot talk about it”? Have you actually listened to the verdict? Let me give you a quick rundown since obviously some of you have really questionable logical deduction skills.  These are the Waldman statements which the jury was supposed to consider: 1. “Amber Heard and her friends in the media used fake sexual violence allegations as both a sword and shield depending on their needs. They have selected some of her sexual violence hoax facts as the sword, inflicting them on the public and Mr. Depp.”  To this statement, the jury’s answer was that Ms. Heard did not prove all of the elements of defamation, meaning that this statement is, according to their views and given the evidence, indeed true.  2. "Quite simply this was an ambush, a hoax, they set Mr. Depp up by calling the cops, but the first attempt did not do the trick. The officers came to the penthouses, thoroughly searched and interviewed and left after seeing no damage to face or property, so Amber and her friends spilled a little wine and roughed the place up, got their stories straight under the direction of a lawyer and publicist and then placed a second call to 911.”  To this statement, the jury’s answer was that Ms. Heard did indeed prove all of the elements of defamation. If you look at the content of this statement, what the jury essentially finds to be untrue (or rather, not sufficiently proven by Mr. Depp), is that Ms. Heard and her friends roughed up the place in order to set up Mr. Depp. This has absolutely nothing to do with abuse. I, for the life of me, cannot fathom how the inference you get from treating this statement as true is that Ms. Heard was abused but cannot talk about it? The mental gymnastics some people on here do in order to justify supporting her are mind boggling.  3. “We’ve reached the beginning of the end of Ms. Heard’s abuse hoax against Johnny Depp.”  To this statement, the jury’s answer was that Ms. Heard did not prove all of the elements of defamation, meaning that this statement is, according to their views and given the evidence, indeed true. So, the jury quite explicitly did not believe Amber Heard brought enough evidence to prove that she was both sexually and physically abused by Mr. Depp. The only statement they found to be malicious and defamatory was the statement accusing her and her friends of setting Mr. Depp up. I really am not a fan of the extremity to which supporters of both sides have taken this thing to. However, I definitely am a fan of the truth and of justice. Twisting the narrative to fit your views of reality is precisely going down the path that led Ms. Heard to be in the position in which she is now. Don’t be that person.  
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marjansmarwani · 3 years ago
you know what, i just wanna thank you for being such a nice, positive presence in the 911 ls fandom. i only started watching the show like two weeks ago, but i already feel exhausted from all the negativity. i'm struggling to even be excited for new episodes tbh. all the wank i see (especially toward tk, and you know more is coming with the upcoming drama for tarlos) is zapping so much enjoyment out of the show for me, which i know is silly. you're a bright spot tho, so thanks for that. do you have any recommendations for more nice, non-wanky ppl to follow?
My no. 1 piece of tumblr fandom advice, Anon? Use the block function liberally.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with curating your fandom experience. I don’t want to speak for you Anon but I know that personally I have more than enough stress in my day to day life, I don’t need to come to tumblr to talk about I show love only to find more stress. I’m consistently baffled but the amount of energy people put into hating and complaining about a show they’re supposedly enjoy (and you’re spot on with your observation but that’s another topic entirely) and I do my best to stay out of it. I can’t tell you how pleased it makes me to hear that you think my blog is a place free of that, because that’s exactly what I want it to be.
One of the things that really does help with that is following some lovely people who feel the same way. This serves the additional benefit of saving me from ever having to go into the main tag to find anything, which means I get to miss out on so much of that questionable discourse. I will absolutely rec some blogs that I love and I hope you enjoy them too, Anon! A lot of them are fellow fic writers (we like to travel in packs) or gif makers, so hopefully it’ll help you to find some of the amazing content this fandom turns out too!
In no particular order and with the disclaimer that this is not by any means an exhaustive list, I’m guaranteed to forget someone and there are so many great people in the fandom I haven’t interacted with:
@morganaspendragonss @kiras-sunshine @doublel27 @reyesstrand @actuallysara @dangermagnetstrand @carlosreyess @moviegeek03 @rafael-silva @sunshinestrand @typicaltk @pragmatic-optimist @howtosingit @iboatedhere @reyeslonestar @strandnreyes @tkstrandreyes @tkstrrand
Welcome to the fandom Anon! I hope you enjoy your stay.
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raviposting · 2 years ago
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I posted 9,446 times in 2022
312 posts created (3%)
9,134 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,444 of my posts in 2022
#y yo a queue - 5,470 posts
#911 fox - 1,001 posts
#tagged 💜 - 619 posts
#tv: moon knight - 584 posts
#stranger things - 580 posts
#succession - 436 posts
#flashing gif tw - 329 posts
#the umbrella academy - 293 posts
#shadow and bone - 270 posts
#wwdits - 231 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#(and we never saw chris’s crush so there’s no confirmation there’s no statement and that’s just! idk i don’t have the words but i like it bc
My Top Posts in 2022:
Someone: Hey, you okay? 
Me: Noir had his face and his voice stolen from Soldier Boy both metaphorically with the movie deals and literally with their fight. Soldier Boy not only put him down at every turn, but Noir went from Earving, a clearly outspoken man who wanted to visibly be a Black hero to a masked silent supe who is now labeled as Homelander as “representing all races” because nobody cares enough to know who’s under the mask. Noir dedicated his entire life to Vought out of principle and then because he had to, and partly because of Homelander, only for him to find out it was all a lie. He imagines feeling comforted like he felt comforted as a child, probably one of his last few safe spaces he remembers. The mascots are his way of having friends because nobody actually cares to know him as a person, Homelander is content with having a brick wall to project his emotions onto with no thought on Noir’s emotions, and Noir is just scared and sad and lonely and wants comfort, and he just needs a friend, a real genuine friend. 
Me: Haha nothing hbu :) 
4,439 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Arthur: Hey bro, what do you want to eat?
Khonshu: KILL HIM
Steven: A bagel
Steven: Two bagels
5,799 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Absolutely love the thought that Marc spent two days LITERALLY killing people and then went back to Steven’s apartment to find Gus the fish dead and presumably went “oh fuck” and started running around town trying to find a goldfish that only has one fin for Steven. I know that man was wishing he could just murder someone instead because it would be easier.
6,141 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
I see our “Colin is draining Laszlo to make him more boring” theories and I see them respect them understand them but counterpoint: Laszlo has always been deeply boring, we’re just realizing it more now as he hangs out with Colin.
He has the horrible band with Nadja that nobody likes, he’s the one with actual human friends where they do? Normal behavior? He runs off and lives a regular human life, Nadja watches his porn and thinks it’s painfully boring, he stops an orgy and ruins the mood by talking about how much he loves her.
Love Laszlo. Dude has been boring since season 1.
8,439 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ben when his Sparrow siblings who he’s known for his entire life get horrifically murdered: Oh no. Anyway -
Ben when his deranged Umbrella siblings who he’s berated and known for like two days don’t invite him to the bachelor party:
Tumblr media
12,272 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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matan4il · 3 years ago
hi : ) coming for the words of my fave meta expert! So I personally watched 911 pretty late (before season 5 started) and I obviously wasn't really part of the fandom at the time but I was thinking how different it was for me seeing friendship between Eddie and Lena Vs Buck and Taylor (before 4x14), the latter making me rather uncomfortable but hey, that's maybe me biased. I'm really interested in your POV, having watched the seasons mostly weekly from I think S3, was it obvious from meta and fandom reactions that LenaEddie were going nowhere romantically and why they could have that sort of friendship when Buckt*ylor clearly couldn't. I'm sorry, I hope I made a bit sense with my rambling xd
Hi Nonnie! Awwww, that is such a sweet compliment, thank you so much, you made my day! *HUGS*
Soooo... I actually started watching 911 before I started writing the weekly meta. I was just anxious about joining the fandom actively (it's the same with most fandoms for ships/characters that I love. I just quietly ship to myself and write meta in my own head). But then 309 and 310 were SO GOOD in terms of Buddie content, that I just HAD to get the meta out of my head or I would explode. So I wrote my first round of Buddie meta for seasons 1 to 3a and thought that this was it, I was done. But then I got such lovely reactions (even though I originally posted my meta on Twitter, which is the WORST website for meta, but hey, like I said. I wasn't looking to become an active part of fandom. The fact that despite that, I got awesome reactions ended up helping me take the plunge and join more properly on Tumblr sometime during the s3 mid-season hiatus). So that's how I somehow ended up doing the weekly meta posts from 3b on.
All that to explain that during the start of 3a, when Lena was introduced, I wasn't active in the fandom, but I was vaguely aware of some reactions, meaning some stuff I'd seen posted on Twitter. IDK how different the reactions were on Tumblr, but I can say that on Twitter at least, there actually were fans who felt anxious about Bosko and feared she was possibly introduced as a Love Interest for Eddie. After all, she mostly interacted with him out of the whole team. These fans very much disliked the character, while some disliked the actress... (if anyone else wants to weigh in on this with fan reactions from Tumblr, please do!)
I think at the end of the day, whenever someone is introduced and seems to connect with one character specifically (rather than with the cast at large), and the fandom already ships that character with someone else, there will be some who will think it's a potential LI and will then dislike the newcomer. It has nothing to do with gender or sexual orientation (which is an accusation that is sometimes brought up), I have seen people disliking a male gay newcomer when he threatened the popular mlm ship just as soon as I've seen people disliking a female straight newcomer.
Whenever fandom doesn't think a newcomer is brought in to be an LI that comes in between a beloved ship, it actually is open and even very welcome to the idea of this newcomer as a friend. Just look at Ravi, for example! When he came in, he became a (weirded out) friend to the 118 as a whole, he wasn't specifically attached to either Buck or Eddie (not until 505, at least, which is about a season after he was introduced in 406, and even then, that only lasted for one ep), so fandom warmly embraced him. Some might ship him with Buck (or Eddie, IDK) but even those who do, they probably do it as a headcanon, they don't think Ravi will canonically become Buck's LI on the show.
Now to add to that, when Taylor was brought back in 408 to be Buck's LI, she also came back with baggage from s2, which is something most newcomers that are possible LIs don't have. Tons of fans did not like what she did to Bobby in 206 and have not really forgiven her for that. Nor was she ever given a proper redemption for it (911 was in a hurry to use her in 208 as a contrast to Ali, so it wasn't interested in Taylor seeking Bobby's forgiveness, and by the time they brought her back in s4, I guess they felt like touching upon that would be opening a can of worms they weren't interested in, so they just glossed over it).
Lastly, I also think it matters how the fans are treated by the show in the course of introducing a newcomer/possible LI. When Ana was introduced in 312, I remember so many people were raging over how stupid the scene was, with its forced attempt to create an "it's fate!" vibe. When the viewers’ intelligence isn’t respected then yeah, that can induce rage as a reaction! I think Lena didn't have that when she was introduced to the audience, and Taylor kinda did ("let the universe come to you," and also just the whole thing where the show acts like Taylor’s actions in s2 didn’t happen, but it’s also blurry enough that I think it really depends on the viewer whereas with Ana, the show resorting to cliches was much more obvious).
IDK if this summarized analysis helps, Nonnie, but I really hope so! Thank you again for your kindness, sorry for the length and please have a look at my ask tag if you're looking for another ask reply. xoxox
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redwhitebuddie · 3 years ago
ok one thing that i did want to touch on is something ive seen a lot in the fandom the past couple of days is watching a show for a ship aka buddie in this case.
this post was 100% inspired by an ask that I read blogged of @reallysmartladymariecurie
i’ve seen a lot of negative posts complaining about people who were either disappointed in the amount of buddie in the show or are complaining about fans who found the show through buddie fan content whether it be on tumblr twitter etc.
without the fandom of 911, alot of whom are buddie stans, the show would not be as popular as it is. having a particular ship is as popular as buddie allows for a stronger fandom and renewal of the show due to high numbers of fans who are loyal to watching a show at a certain time. there is absolutely nothing wrong with watching a show for a particular ship that you like. TV shows are made for entertainment, and if a ship is the main portion of the entertainment that you gain from the show, that’s amazing and you deserve to be happy.
this discourse is related from the fact the buddie is a non-canon gay ship. i guarantee that if people were shipping maddie and chimney the same amount that they shipped buddie before they were canon, no one would have a problem with them watching the show for that reason. but the moment it becomes gay, people start to have a problem with it.
and also you can enjoy show the disappoints you. you don’t have to be happy but 100% the decisions that writers make. thats just not realistic.
i bet that without the buddie fans who are loyal to the show who post fanfiction and fan content and make posts on tumblr and teitter every single day, the show would not be as popular as it is.
i just think that sometimes people on the internet hate to see people happy about things. and that is especially prevalent in non-canon ships.
this was a long rant post but i have just seen so much negative attitude towards buddie stans in the 911 fandom in general on twitter and tumblr lately, this is an inclusive show (for the most part) and people being bitchy toward each other is doing no one any good.
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toosicktoocare · 4 years ago
🧻❄🤗 for 911 maybe? Or whatever you'd rather do
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m going to combine this with the anon copied and pasted below! 
🤚🏻 with Eddie and Buck, please? (Also, Tumblr wasn't letting me send you asks for a solid month or so despite having the option up when I clicked on your profile and I have no idea why. Also, sorry if this is too early or I wasn't meant to do this)
So, we’ve got Tissues, Cuddles, and Back Rubs for 911 (Buddie!)
Public. Eddie works the word around his mind, spelling it out slowly, deliberately, honing in on the faint echo of Buck’s voice still ringing in his ears. 
“You want to go public?”
Eddie can still perfectly visualize the faint, rosy blush that colored Buck’s cheeks when he asked just behind a ladder truck after a tasking call almost two weeks ago. Seeing Buck was one thing, but others seeing him with Buck? The question caught Eddie off guard, and while he was hesitant, Buck’s eyes had been so bright and eager. Eddie couldn’t help but nod, and they walked hand-in-hand to the changing rooms, both prominently blushing more at the catcalls that rang out across the station. 
It’s been different since then, Eddie thinks, but he doesn’t mind it one bit. He smooths his hands down his black button up, his eyes dragging up and down his being through a floor-length mirror. It’s his first date publicly with Buck, and it’s also Valentine’s Day. Buck’s handled the reservations, not uttering a single peep, insisting he take care of all the details, and Eddie would be lying if he said he wasn’t just a tiny bit nervous. 
Giddy more so, but there’s an underlining hint of nerves that cradle just beneath his heart. What if he’s not dressed nice enough compared to Buck? What if he hates the restaurant Buck chooses and has trouble keeping his distaste from his face? 
The knock on his front door interrupts his thoughts and kicks his heart into overdrive. He sucks in a measured breath, calming himself with the deep swell of his lungs, and abandons his reflection, deciding that his black button down and gray slacks are going to have to be good enough. 
When he opens the door, he’s greeted with a face full of flowers, all deep red roses that he inhales deeply. He cups his hand over Buck’s, frowning faintly at the cold skin underneath his, and pulls the flowers down until he can see Buck fully. 
Eddie should be focused on the warm, bashful grin played across Buck’s lips. He should be distracted by how Buck’s maroon button down stretches tightly against his arms, lining his biceps. He should be berating himself for zeroing in on Buck’s navy slacks, and on how much he’d rather be crouching down to undo Buck’s belt. But, he’s not.
Instead, he’s studying the splash of red colored to each of Buck’s cheeks. He’d easily blame it on the cold, considering the chill just from Buck’s hand, but the single bead of sweat slipping down Buck’s temple tells Eddie otherwise. And he’s still working around the single “hey” greeting that came off a tone that’s a few notes deeper than normal and a tad raspy. 
“Are you okay?” Eddie asks, and Buck opens his mouth to speak, but then his nose scrunches up, and Eddie snags the bouquet of flowers just in time for Buck to turn away and sneeze sharply into the crook of his arm.
“I’ll take that as a no?” Eddie tries, eyebrows raising as Buck shakes his head, sniffling. 
“It’s just cold outside.” 
Eddie reaches forward and cups his hand to Buck’s cheek. There’s an unnatural warmth that screams fever, but it’s not high, probably low-grade. Buck drops his guard and leans into Eddie’s touch, and Eddie clears his throat. 
“I think you’re running a fever.” 
“Eddie,” Buck tries, and Eddie knows this tone far too well. It’s one Buck reserves in situations where he’s persistently adamant. 
“I... I may have a small cold,” Buck admits, shoulders slumping. “But it’s Valentine’s Day!” He whines that last part, the words falling away to a few more sneezes that leave Eddie wincing. 
“Okay, get in here,” Eddie urges, latching onto Buck’s arm and guiding him into the house, shutting the door behind them. He slides a hand to the small of Buck’s back, ushering him out of the kitchen and into the living room, where Buck flops against the couch, the dramatics never ceasing, even with a fever. 
Eddie slips away to the bathroom in search of a thermometer, tissues, and aspirin, eyes rolling as Buck’s voice somehow carries across his entire house despite being weighed down by congestion. 
“I ruin everything.” 
“No,” Eddie calls back, rifling through his medicine cabinet. “You don’t.” 
“I do, though. I think I’m literally cursed. I’ve been looking forward to this day all week, and the second it’s go time, my immune system rebels.”
There’s a pause, a fit of sneezing, and Eddie steps back into the room to a long, loud groan. Buck’s hunched over, sniffling loudly, and he’s digging his palms into his eyes. 
“Headache?” Eddie asks, dropping down onto the couch beside Buck. He traces one hand up and down Buck’s back when Buck falls into another, harsher fit of sneezing that shakes his shoulders, his back tensing. 
“Ugh, no,” Buck groans, snagging the tissue Eddie holds out to him. “I mean, yes. But no.” He swipes at his nose, and Eddie smiles softly, hand cupping the back of Buck’s neck. 
“You’re definitely giving me a lot to work with here.” Eddie reaches for the thermometer, stopping only when Buck clasps a weak hand to his arm. 
“Don’t bother. I checked it before I left. 100.2. I already took medicine.” 
Eddie swallows back the burning urge to scold Buck for not just informing him that he’s ill and staying home. He wants to lecture, but Buck looks the mere definition of pitiful: his blue eyes dull and mutely glassy, his cheeks an unhealthy blush, and he’s shaking and sniffling, a tissue pressed to his nose. 
The breath Eddie lets out instead is low and calculated, and he can feel Buck’s eyes on him as he leaves the couch and crouches down to undo the laces of Buck’s shoes. He helps Buck slip his feet out of his shoes. 
“You’re mad.” 
“I’m not,” Eddie says lightly. “I’m just worried.” 
“No,” Buck argues, “You’re mad, and you should be because I ruin everything.” 
Frowning, Eddie kicks his own shoes off, and he slides back down onto the couch, shifting until his back is pressed against the arm. “Come here,” he says, arms opening, and Buck reluctantly crawls toward him, flopping down against him, his chest flush to Eddie’s. 
Eddie wraps both arms around Buck, frowning at the faint shivering that vibrates against him, and he brings his hands back to Buck’s back, rubbing small, warm circles. 
“You don’t ruin everything,” Eddie repeats, tilting his head when Buck nuzzles his too-warm nose to Eddie’s neck. What Eddie wants to say is that Buck can somehow make even the worst situations okay, that Buck’s smile can brighten a dark room, that Buck’s determination and eagerness are far too endearing, that he’s falling for Buck so fast it’s scary. “You do the opposite actually,” he opts for, and Buck huffs out a weak laugh, his breath hot against Eddie’s neck. 
“You’re truly a man of many words, Edmundo.” 
The sarcasm is heavy in Buck’s tone, and Eddie rolls his eyes. “And you’re really about to get your ass kicked off my couch, Evan.” 
“You wouldn’t,” Buck drags out, lifting his head and batting lashes that should not be allowed at Eddie’s face. “You can’t. I’m too sick.” 
“Stop talking,” Eddie grumbles, cupping the back of Buck’s neck and pushing Buck’s head back down until his cheek is resting atop Eddie’s shoulder. “If you’re so sick, there should be less talking and more resting.” 
Buck shivers against Eddie again, and Eddie reaches over the back of his couch and drags a blanket over the two of them. 
“Eddie,” Buck whispers after a few moments with only his congested, loud breathing filling their space. “I’m-”
“-what? Sorry?” Eddie interrupts flatly, and Buck twists his neck, peering up at Eddie’s face. “You have nothing to be sorry for. People get sick, and I have a feeling you’re only sick because you stayed up to watch over my sick kid when I was still finishing my shift, so I should be the one apologizing.” 
Buck hums, dragging his gaze back down. “I’ll watch over Christopher whenever. I love that little guy.” 
“I love you.” Eddie meant to say ‘and he loves you,’ and yet... His lips snap shut, and he goes rigid, the weight of his words slamming against his heart. He’s sure Buck’s going to leave any second now, but Buck only nuzzles impossibly closer to him, humming absently, content.
“Love you, too.”
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wanderingwomanwondering · 3 years ago
Buddie Fandom - A Modest Request
This is my friendly request that Buddie shippers ease up on Destiel shippers who have found their way to the Buddie fandom. Please. I ask as someone who watched SPN from the very beginning AND who has been watching 911 since the very beginning too! I’ve been aboard both the USS Destiel and the USS Buddie from day one. I was there on that fateful day in November 2020 when the USS Destiel sank into the ocean of They Were Almost Fully Reciprocated Canon just off the coast of All My Hopes and Dreams. I am currently sailing three sheets to the wind on the USS Buddie feeling like there’s nothing this ship can’t be, destined for the safe harbor of Dreams Made Real. I get what everyone is feeling!
The Buddie fandom has been overwhelmingly kind and positive, but honest about our ever-shrinking fears, during my time stalking the wilds of Tumblr for fan content, so it made me really sad when I scrolled across several posts from Buddie shippers slamming Destiel shippers’ “negativity”. The negativity can be a buzzkill AND the negativity is also quite understandable. WE HAVE ALL BEEN BURNED BEFORE. So fear that another queer ship will burn and sink is valid. The LGBTQIA-phobic complex of corporate entertainment giants is real. Although the industry has come a long way, it still has a ways to go. Recognizing that and fearing becoming yet another shipper irrevocably lost at sea is just plain old reasonable, especially if your ships include mlm, trans, bi/pan, poly, or aro/ace characters.
I’m asking for empathy and compassion toward Destiel shippers who have found their way to the Buddie fandom because many Destiel shippers had hope that the ship would become fully reciprocal canon but honestly had no real expectations until 15x18 at which point many of us had our queer hearts viciously and  unceremoniously ripped out of our chests and eaten by the homophobic corporate kraken.
Many Destiel shippers are now sailing aimlessly in the shallow, hostile waters of mainstream queer/mlm media searching for a corrective emotional experience. New ships to help heal the hurt brought down on all of us by an industry that’s still struggling to see us as fully human and tell our complex stories. Buddie has become a lighthouse for so many, even as they struggle to accept it as such. Because of the pain of the Destiel ship half sinking and the way it all went down, those mlm/queer ship refugees do not have a ton of hope for Buddie right out the gate, at least not that they are willing to admit to themselves or talk about here on Tumblr because they are trying to protect themselves from being hurt again. That is 100% understandable.
Please remember that we are all human which means that we are all carrying baggage in real life and in fandom. It is totally normal to see what happened in one experience in our lives and carry the memory of that into other experiences. That natural tendency can protect us, but it can also block the very corrective emotional experience that we’re seeking. Separating the old painful experience from the new (potentially) healing experience is incredibly difficult, but Destiel shippers are working hard to do just that. That’s why they are at the Buddie harbor seeking safety but also bracing themselves for the possibility that they are boarding another sinking ship. There will be some understandable negativity while Destiel shippers turned Buddie shippers work through all of that. Please be patient.
I ask this of my fellow Buddie shippers as someone who has been a part of both fandoms and as someone who truly believes that Buddie is going to go canon for real. May our collective hope for canon Buddie be the life raft that carries home all lost and beleaguered Destiel shippers. This amazing ship will sail and what beautiful shores she’ll discover!
P.S. Thank you for reading this and for tolerating my flowery/over the top language, LOL!
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