#but I hope this clarifies my point anon
sebsrainbowbicycle · 2 months
Are you saying Temu isn’t worse than google?
No. What I’m saying is that people do not understand how companies and governments use, and have access to, their data. The difficulty when talking about this is that data protection is different depending where you live. In the EU and UK, GDPR applies which is my specific area of professional knowledge. GDPR applies to companies operating within those countries, as well as anyone professing the data of people who live in those countries. This affords a level of protection that other countries do not.
Since I was specifically talking about the US in the post I am assuming you are responding to, let me give you an overview. Unlike the countries that fall under GDPR, the US has many different federal and state laws that concern certain aspects of data protection, (some states do have comprehensive data privacy laws), but in a lot of states data collection by companies is unregulated. What this means is that they can buy, sell or share your data without telling you. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/04/21/us-data-privacy-protection-laws-a-comprehensive-guide/)
In their Congressional Testimony, Caitlin Chin-Rothmann explains that although “the Fourth Amendment protects individuals from “unreasonable searches and seizures,” and requires government entities to obtain a warrant with “probable cause” to infringe upon their “persons, houses, papers, and effects”” that the government is increasingly using compelled and voluntary methods of obtaining an individuals personal data, without the need to obtain a warrant, or legally justify why they require that data.
In essence, the US government can (and will) approach any company based in the US (and other countries if their headquarters are in the US) and either buy your data, or compel the company to provide the data. There is a reason why a lot of EU companies will avoid using data centres based in the US, and why google opened data centres in the UK and EU.
Now. Let’s look specifically at the two examples here: Google and Temu. They are processing the data of people all over the world, and have to comply with the various data protection laws for every country they do business in. Does that mean they are fully adhering to it? No! But it does mean that should they fail to comply, there are financial penalties, and in some cases complete restrictions on processing data.
In googles privacy policy they detail the data they collect, and clearly state they use that data for targeted advertising. They also state: “We also collect the content you create, upload, or receive from others when using our services. This includes things like email you write and receive, photos and videos you save, docs and spreadsheets you create, and comments you make on YouTube videos”
Anything you do, share, receive or make using a google product is collected by them. This includes contacts, calendars etc.
They go on to detail what information they share, either via consent from the individual, with domain administrators, with affiliates or trusted business partners, and for legal reasons (including enforceable government requests).
Now in Temu’s privacy policy which is less detailed than googles, they advise their activity is very similar to google. They don’t state they process data from anyone’s device automatically with the exception of the below:
Tumblr media
To conclude, I am not saying that there aren’t companies who are nefariously collecting, processing and sharing your data. But with big corporations, it’s naive at best to assume they are safer than any other one. Your level of protection is directly linked to what country you are in, and what country the business is based in. GDPR countries are, in my opinion, offered some of the best protections there is, but it is by no means perfect. Data is big money, so working under the assumption that every company you engage with, is trying to use your data to make them money. My opinion is that both Google and Temu are collecting and selling data, probably unlawfully, but almost every other big corporation is too. My advice is to read the privacy policies, and do everything you can to protect your data being collected.
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"Administratively, too, [...] queens were considered the legal lords of their landholdings. [...] Grants noted that the queen's officials had administrative autonomy without being subject to the king or anyone else, and evidence of the same assumption can be gleaned from court rolls that were recorded with headings indicating the lord of the manor whose court proceedings were being enrolled. As an example, some court rolls for the manor of Haveringatte-Bower specified that it was the court of [Margaret of Anjou] that was in session, while later rolls recorded Elizabeth Woodville as the lord of the manor court."
-Michele Seah, 'My Lady Queen, the Lord of the Manor': The Economic Roles of Late Medieval Queens", Parergon, Volume 37, Number 2, 2020.
#queenship tag#margaret of anjou#elizabeth woodville#I really appreciated how Seah acknowledged the uneven surviving evidence for her subjects and how that affects her analysis.#It was very brief but it was more than what most historians do so it was very refreshing :)#my post#english history#this is for @ anon who asked if its true that Margaret mostly hosted her own courts while EW mostly stayed with her husband#I'm not sure which (if any) historian has said something like this* but I highly doubt it's true !#We don't really have solid itineraries in place for either queen to make any kind of firm conclusions of the sort#(ie: about their residences or anything else) though I'm sure it would have varied depending on the situation#But either way it's explicitly clear that both Margaret and Elizabeth held their own courts in their own lands on multiple occasions#And we also have evidence of both of them residing with their husbands in regular circumstances#*tbh this is too long to get into right now but this assumption does fit into the few 'revisionist' interpretations of both Margaret and EW#(which imo is just as degrading as her traditional interpretation for the latter) so I wouldn't be surprised if some#historians may have framed their situations in such a way and relied entirely on their own assumptions to do so#Either way as far as I know there is no evidence of any such contrast existing - at least not on a consistent basis.#and the evidence we do have contradicts the assumption#Hope this helps! I figured a proper excerpt from this article would clarify the point better than any direct answer from me <3#also in case anyone was wondering I *think* the title ('My Lady Queen the Lord of the Manor') was referring to administrative accounts#of EW based on what Seah wrote here - though ofc I'm not sure#queue
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neolxzr · 1 year
imo there’s a difference between “queer coding” and very specifically playing to both sides whether or not the writers/artists/directors intended to make a character queer or not. I think that for enstars specifically, with the new valkyrie event, while people are happy that some characters such as shu and mika in the new event are being shown expressing their love for each other and their views on their sexuality and expression, people are frustrated that it is not explicitly said because of the company’s need to not confirm a character as queer in order to not alienate (homophobic!) fans. Because at the end of the day in happyele’s eyes, if that homophobic fan spends a lot of money on the game then they’re worth pandering to (shrug emoji) And I mean some people also just don’t like shumika
anon i understand where you're coming from but i think you are wildly missing the point in my original post
my point is EXACTLY that if you need the characters to walk up to the screen and say "i'm gay" or "i'm [insert some 21st century-friendly label]" or "this is my boyfriend" for it to count as queer media in your eyes than i think you need to do some reexamining about what exactly your views on queer media as a whole are
plus, they DO do this. they explicitly talk about queer themes out loud many many times in enstars. shu says to mika that they should, together, create the happiness that his grandfather was never allowed to have, after they spent the entire story detailing shu's grandfather's queer romance story. they probably kissed in hermitage, and the lyrics to acanthe talk about them kissing. rinne proposes to niki in every other story they appear in together. he told him to do a striptease during nightclub. tori has very explicitly gay feelings for eichi. arashi narukami exists. eichi, while talking to arashi in pretty mission, says "people like us," confirming himself to also be some form of queer. kuro calls keito an old word for spouse or husband. and SO many more examples. this is not "queer coding" or subtext, its just text.
in any case, authorial intent is generally of no interest when it comes to examining media. the conversation of what the author could have meant by something is wildly less interesting than the conversation about the ways in which the audience can interpret it. what the writers intended should have little to no place in the discussion. what we should be talking about is what the thing itself is saying, both implicitly and explicitly.
expanding your view on what exactly can be seen as "queer media" can only do you good. and it would do so much good to not give a shit about the possibility that homophobic people will also like the thing and interpret it as not queer. that is literally not my problem whatsoever, and it shouldn't be yours either.
what it seems like to me is that no matter what pieces of queer media will always be criticized in some capacity. if they're not explicitly queer enough, they're just bait and have no merit. if they are explicit, then they're promoting stereotypes, or its rainbow capitalism, or it's fetishization. there is no winning. the standards for queer media are absolutely absurd, but they don't HAVE to be. you don't have to look at a piece of media through this kind of silly cynical lens if you don't want to.
the discussion about a work loses so much interesting and important nuance when you try to shove it into a box of "good representation" or "bad evil queerbait." thats just really really boring way to view stories
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damnation-if · 1 year
Hi! ok so i was thinking about fanart and stuff and it made me think a bunch of thangs: Seeing as this is a game where gender, pronouns, and genitals are chosen separately i wondered on whether any of the ROs, excluding nonbinary options, were trans. I've seen other games make a characetr trans regardless of gender choice (in Moonless, Silas is either a trans man or a trans woman) or have the same sex characteristics regardless of gender (like maybe being cis as a woman but trans as a man). I was curious so i thought i'd ask! Maybe it doesn't really matter much seeing as they're demons and their bits might be just too weird to really mean anything and gender is more for aesthetics? Also, how explicit will the sex scenes be? I have no problem with smut but i guess that just because the story is about sex doesn't necessarily mean that it'll be super explicit. Will the scenes for the nonbinary ro's be written neutrally without mentioning sex characteristics or do they have a set bodytypes? Thank you for your attention!(also i am curious about your angel game idea, would you tell us more about that some time? :0)
hi, thank you for your ask! there's a bunch of good questions in this one, so i'm going to answer them under a cut just because it might get long while i Discuss my answers :)
Seeing as this is a game where gender, pronouns, and genitals are chosen separately i wondered on whether any of the ROs, excluding nonbinary options, were trans.
the answer to this one is Yes And Also Sort Of Yes, albeit with some technicalities tacked on... to start with, Arianis falls into the category of having the same sex characteristics regardless of gender: f!Arianis is a trans woman, though m!Arianis is a cis man. some aspects of f!Arianis's transition have been magical in nature, while others have been more mundane, like taking hormones - this is to clarify that despite this being a setting with transformation magic, she didn't simply magically transform perfectly into her preferred body. some people might prefer that kind of transition, but it wasn't a priority in particular for f!Arianis.
next, you're right of course that though that when it comes to the demons that it does make the concept of cis/transness a bit weird to navigate, particularly for the older ones. Heluur and Twilit were both alive before physical forms were a thing at all, so it's kind of a metaphysical conundrum establishing what kind of agab that gives them lmfao. however, they did both personally have Some level of control over how their physical forms turned out once they were moving into physical space (and then later being forced to stay there), so if you want to consider their agab the ones that they took when they first settled on a physical form, then that's at least a place to start from.
but to be honest, i don't personally think that Twilit in particular would consider that to be their agab, since they still both had concepts of gender and identity back when they were noncorporeal. i guess it's up to you as a reader whether you agree or not and how you'd feel about it if it was your own situation, but i feel it's important to at least explain where each character sits on the spectrum of that decision haha
Heluur would consider himself cis despite the. wibbly-wobblyness of Choosing a physical form, but Twilit, in each of the selectable gender options, would be more inclined to choose trans. not just because as far as they're concerned their agab is "chaos" but also because they regularly change their physical form (including their sex) using magic and reinvent themself when they feel like it. however, i've never quite made a big announcement talking about this mostly because i'm aware that some trans people understandably feel uncomfortable with the casting of characters who are shapeshifters and etc. as good trans representation when it's essentially bypassing a lot of the struggles that real trans people face (though i'm also of course aware that there are other trans people who are fine with it and even like it a lot, as no marginalised group is some kind of monolith lmao).
basically i've been choosing to treat it as a fact about Twilit as a character, without necessarily assigning a label applicable to regular irl humans to them, since the regular irl humans to whom the label applies may have different and conflicting opinions about whether it also applies to Twilit. whether people consider them to be trans or not, the facts about their actions and thoughts aren't going to change. they would personally lean towards calling themself trans whatever gender is selected for them, but more because they absolutely wouldn't consider themself cis than because of personally believing that their experiences with sex and gender are congruent with those of trans humans.
hopefully that's a helpful answer lmfao... sorry it's a bit long but i do feel like it's a topic worth giving the respect of a thorough explanation. the other binary-gendered ROs all consider themselves cis.
Also, how explicit will the sex scenes be? I have no problem with smut but i guess that just because the story is about sex doesn't necessarily mean that it'll be super explicit.
the sex scenes will be explicit lmfao. i understand if some readers are uncomfortable with/don't want that, which is why i've always tried to put "put yourself first! don't play something you're uncomfortable with!!!" all over my posts and so on, but that is how it is. i have no problem with people choosing not to read - in fact i'd rather they do that than force themselves - so i do try to be as upfront as possible with this sort of information.
Will the scenes for the nonbinary ro's be written neutrally without mentioning sex characteristics or do they have a set bodytypes?
this may be somewhat contentious (as again, no marginalised groups are a monolith), but to me personally, as a nonbinary person, i often feel uncomfortable with explicit sex scenes that make a point to gloss over sex characteristics for nonbinary characters... it makes me feel. de-sexed, for lack of a better term. purposefully excluded to a certain extent. like, despite being nonbinary, i do Have genitalia, as do basically all other people, nonbinary or not. however, i do understand the reasons for people feeling the opposite, and i don't think they're invalid or that people Shouldn't feel that way.
again, i understand if people choose not to read the game based on how they feel about this decision, but due to my own personal perspective as a nonbinary person, i will be writing the nonbinary versions of Arianis, Malkorath and Twilit with set sex characteristics... n!Arianis has male sex characteristics (as you can probably guess from the earlier explanation regarding them), and n!Malkorath has female sex characteristics. in Twilit's case, it's going to be decided using a random selection variable lmfao.
i wouldn't ordinarily make such a blatant Announcement of these kinds of facts (in general i'd probably prefer to let it just come up in the game) but due to the nature of this game, it's going to come up sooner rather than later anyway lmao.
also i am curious about your angel game idea, would you tell us more about that some time? :0
i've already talked A Lot in this post, but to give a brief kind of outline, it's a game that is very much about being an older sibling on a number of levels.
a god whose favourite child is humanity and who expects the elder sibling of angels to shoulder a bunch of the responsibility for caring for and protecting humanity essentially casts a bunch of angels out of heaven to come down to earth and kill an evil god who is trying to destroy all humans, and the group of angels that the mc is a part of has to deal with the trauma and travails of trying to get through the horrors of the war on top of dealing with how they're treated by their god. mc also has a younger sibling angel with them that they're trying to protect; i had the idea to use choices to subtly relate the way that the mc feels about humanity and the younger sibling to reflect each other lmao.
it's in a fantasy medieval-adjacent setting where the evil god has brought about eternal winter and roughly half of the ROs are humans that the angels end up having to work with (though the other half are from among the mc's angel comrades). it lives rent free in my head still i'm afraid XD i hope this is okay as a short brief on it!
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pichlive · 9 months
Your reaction to the Narrator and what he says is really funny. You’ve basically gone:
I don’t trust you!
Okay, I think you believe what you’re saying. However, I think you’re wrong so I’m going to ignore you.
Wait, where did everyone go… SHIT, was the Narrator right!? Did the world end!?
The Narrator, the Hero and the Smitten are all gone. Are they dead? Did the apocalypse happen!?
Oh, never mind, the Princess is here. The world might still have ended though…
Meh, sometime things need to end for new things to start AKA I don’t care that my choices may have led to the premature and possibly painful death of every man, woman, child, animal and possible the universe itself. The Princess is here and that’s all I care about. Plus, maybe something else with come after this.
Oh good. Things have reset… and the Narrator’s back warning me about the end of the world again yawn
Wait, maybe the Princess made him like this
God, I hate this guy and how he’s – checks notes – doing the thing that the Princess might be making him do. Anyway, I love the Princess and she can do no wrong!
Don’t get me wrong, your reactions are completely understandable. It’s hard to believe a random voice that goes ‘go murder this person or you’ll condemn everyone else to die.’ Anyone would find that sus. Not to mention, while you are being told the Princess will end the world, the only person you’ve actually seen is the Princess and she asks you not to kill her. I do wonder if you’d have been so blasé about the possible end of the world if you’d seen some of the people you may or may not have damned.
It’s just funny that you simultaneous believe the Princess might be the one making him like that and that she’s worth saving but he isn’t. If you’re right and the Princess made him like this, he’s very much a victim but you don’t care because you’ve choice her side.
You’ve said that you’re going to try to save everyone, with the possible exception of the Narrator who you think might be a lost cause. It sucks for the Narrator. You think he believes what he says, that he might even be right, that the Princess might have made him like this and he’s still the only person you aren’t bothered about saving.
oh boy-- outside of the game content! Looks like i've unlocked the voice of The Anon!
so this little dumpster fire of an ask has been waiting in my inbox for… quite some time.
my initial hesitation to answer, more than anything else, was because, sincerely-- the tone of this anon made me think they might pipebomb me with spoilers to prove whatever little weird point they're making here-- if, in hindsight, there even is one worth making.
and also not give you the immediate satisfaction either-- if you even are still here (hi i guess?)
but now that i've finished the game…
well okay for one all i'm going to say is i can tell you haven't even finished the game. maybe even barely watched the demo.
Or by this point, might have gotten beyond that-- given that one ask i also believe you also sent me (from the way you... apparently think my reactions are so '''funny'''), you'd probably have tried to spoil me even more... because i wasn't getting to the points you thought i should???? what is your fucking damage?
but the first reason i wanted to 'answer' this was to show off how completely fucking bonkers you are.
the fact that i KNOW on some level you had to have based all this JUST on my playthrough-- and opinions-- of the game.
my very… incomplete perspective and playthrough of the game at the time you sent this in, btw.
the very… condescending way you word… all of this. because i have a spine i find this more cute than anything, if very annoying and weird.
the fact you seem to make judgement calls… on my morality? from how i play a game? with very Not Real Characters? I mean yeah it wants to draw you in and my choices/opinions for the most part have been genuine but i think ya'll get what i mean here
also i can further tell you have Not Played The Game because of assumptions even I haven't made? or at the time hadn't made? or if you have, uh… well. um. hm. alright then.
but again like-- your assessment of me based on… what was at the time a very incomplete playthrough with what information i had-- and if anything now that i have completed the game, uh, yeah, i'm pretty firm on my perspective.
but also other than shaming me for… beyond siding with, sympathizing with a character… the game wants you to sympathize with and bond with and not getting along as much with a character who, at every corner… listen i don't think he's technically a liar but gaslighting and condescension isn't that great of a look either. but also shaming me for liking her so much when the game is stated outright TO BE A LOVE STORY. DO YOU ALSO GET WEIRD AT PEOPLE WHO PLAY FUCKING DATING SIMS AND LIKE THE CHARACTERS, ANONTHY?
also your weird judgement of my impressions in general. like. it's almost that's what a liveblog is?
'the only person you aren't bothered about saving' is. also interesting. all i'm gonna say is um. anon. genuinely. what the fuck am i supposed to do here to even SAVE the narrator?
but also the insistence i'm playing a game 'wrong' that…… outright says there ARE no wrong choices, just different perspectives (which, i suppose also technically applies to me here-- but my point here being this anon is kind of weirdly fucking judgmental).
hell, even the creators have stated they won't answer any lore questions outright BECAUSE they want it to be interpreted in a variety of ways!
which, speaking of the creators.
i don't know them obviously, but, uh. anon?
i don't… think they'd want you acting like this. like thank god this game is so popular.
i say this because…
let's imagine, for a moment:
i have a weaker spine, and this game is far less popular, and still by an indie studio (granted if it was less popular i might not be playing it but that's beside the point).
let's say i recieve this and decide, at 'best', to modify my playthrough… not according to what i want. but because of some random guy on the internet who's being weird.
suddenly it's incredibly ingenuine for a game that wants you to make YOUR own choices.
or, a step further: i just stop live blogging it. if people think i'm making the 'wrong' choices, why show that, after all?
maybe, at worst, i even stop playing.
anon, if this game HADN'T of gotten the reach it had… how do you think this kind of attitude would affect it? or, hell-- even as popular as it is… this is still… pretty fucking rude to do to other people, and by proxxy the creators to a point.
like, there is the 'don't be a fucking dick in the fandom' part, obviously. shaming other people for their perspective on a game that WANTS you to do so is, uh. pretty boggling.
but there's also the other point that doing this DOES hurt indie creations. not that oh you have to treat them like glass and never debate with each other no no-- but treating people like this when they're publically helping talk about an indie game… is kind of shit, actually!
and to clarify-- i'm not holding myself up as some like, single beacon of the slay the princess fandom, like, god no-- there's a lot more influential people here who have done that way better than me in terms of hyping up this game.
more so that-- well, this isn't for anon. i know i'm not gonna convince them, whoever they are. and, hopefully, since the ask you sent after this, that I can tell is you because you use that cute little condescending indicator of thinking ways i'm playing you don't like/think is 'right' is ''''funny''''-- i've finally been able to block your ass. good riddance to someone who bafflingly was apparently following someone's content they don't really like all that much and don't know how a fucking block button works on their end.
like. are you like this with any friends you have? do you look at them and also like, similarly act like god's rudest little asshole about however they play a game? interpret a media? if you're allowed to determine my apparent entire morality from a short view of my play session i think i'm allowed to determine from this short (unfortunate) window into you that you sound pretty fucking insufferable.
no, this is moreso me-- other than making fun of anon and gawking at them-- going don't fucking do this. not JUST because it's rude-- but it can actually be VERY detrimental to other indie projects, even this one to a point, that's SUPPOSED to have discussion and different interpretation.
don't be this weird asshole.
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jellicle-chants · 2 years
hey girly! i saw your reblog about writing fanfic and quitting because you aren’t getting comments and attention, and if that’s the reason you’re writing fanfic, you may need to take a step back and think about why you’re writing. you’re bound to hate the act of writing fanfic and feel burnt out way faster than those who write for the joy of it by writing in this fashion (speaking as someone who also writes fanfic, and has amassed a bit of a following) and writing for praise misses the point of fanfic entirely. fanfic is fun!! you should be writing for your own enjoyment, not to get the attention of others. also, readers don’t owe you anything, they’re just there to love your work and interact with you (and sometimes they’re not! and that’s okay too). peace and love <3
Hello anon!
Before I start to deconstruct your statement, I'd just like to state the obvious: this ask is very condescending and inappropriate to send to someone you're not willing to reveal yourself to. Don't presume you know anything about me, or why I write, or how much experience I have. If this came from someone I knew, I would have serious concerns about how they felt about me -- this does not read like genuine advice, but more a putdown disguised as such.
First: I'm not quitting writing in any capacity, fanfic or otherwise. Actually, I was considering sitting down over the next few days and putting down on paper (or in various Word docs, actually) every fic idea I have, for as long as I'm interested in each one, just to start them all.
This is because, secondly, my reason for writing isn't to garner attention; it's something I actually really enjoy and want to improve however I can. I literally minored in English in college because I knew I would fill up all of my electives with creative writing classes anyway and wanted that to reflect in my degree. I love writing fanfic especially because it lets me practice writing in different voices, which is something I absolutely love to do (and I hope that comes across in my writing as well). I also have literally dozens of stories, letters, poems, etc. about my D&D characters sitting in my Google drive that maybe one or two other people have ever read. I wrote those for myself, because I love those characters and I love putting them down on paper.
But another thing -- if there is someone out there who only writes fanfiction for praise, then I'm happy for them! At the end of the day, the fics written by writers with "good intentions" will be indistinguishable from those who you would say don't. (We don't ignore the artistry of the Sistine Chapel paintings because Michelangelo did it as a paid job!) Obviously, having an unhealthy relationship with the internet isn't a good thing, and burning yourself out is never desired, but you can burn yourself out just as easily doing something you like as something you don't. The "point of fanfic" is to write fiction of other people's characters/worlds, simple as. No need to bring moral judgements into it.
Also, I'm not really that disappointed in my reach/feedback at all: of the two works I've posted on AO3, my Cats fic has 9 kudos and my Star Wars fic has 20(!!!). There's also plenty of people who reblog my stuff on Tumblr and leave very nice comments and tags, which I also love (y'all know who you are 💕). I write so that someone will enjoy what I've written -- whether that's me, or one of my friends, or someone I'll never meet, it doesn't matter to me.
What does matter, in my opinion, is just knowing that that someone exists. Most of my writing I've read over and over again, so I know that I enjoy it, but if I send out a piece, it's because I want people to see it. Maybe because I think they'll like it, maybe because I think I did a good job and am showing it off, maybe because I want feedback, whatever. But there's something about seeing that other people liked what I did, that it made them feel something, that I do like. And I don't think it's wrong to hope for that, as long as you're doing it healthily.
Of course readers don't "owe" me reactions, but I don't owe them writing either -- I'm perfectly happy to write what I like and just keep it on my computer for posterity. So if you like what I write, and you want me to keep bringing you more, I am going to ask for something back from that exchange. I don't think it's too much to ask for reblogs, when what that small gesture really says is, "I liked this, and I think the people who follow me will like it too." Leaving a comment is even better, but even stuff like people's queue or bookmark tags make me smile, because it still shows interest.
I'm sure all creatives know the feeling of having a work bomb. It sucks. You put a lot of time and effort into something to make it presentable, and then nobody even really pays attention. Obviously, kudos doesn't pay the bills, but you never know whose day you'll make by leaving a nice comment on someone's fic. Maybe they were considering quitting. Maybe they got told they should be grateful for people reading their stuff at all and that they weren't owed anything for their hard work. Maybe they just had a bad day. You can make it just a little bit better.
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hells1nfern0 · 9 months
"the situation last night" me when brbra vr fune ha g mod. fune weayne stramer brba walte whit emeth blue mehte coke. fune br abgusatvo fring.
yeah i agree 100% honestly
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natadachoco · 2 years
sorry, same permission anon, is there really no other way to ask? their DMs are shut, but can't you tweet at them? comment on the original posting? are you checking their descriptions to see if they have anything resembling "do not reupload my works"?
they may not use tumblr, but someone who knows them might and they may still find out. these are independent artists, not shueisha. they're not completely out of reach in any sense.
... honestly I'm just scared to tweet them directly. Idk why it feels more stressful than DMing them? I do check for any "do not reuploads" on their twitter or pixiv in their bios and the post itself and make sure they don't have anything like that (note: this is at time of posting. I source everything I translate and you can click to get linked directly to the op's account, and if you notice that it ever changes, please tell me and I'll remove it immediately!). I also do not upload comics from sites like privatter or poipiku because they are specifically meant to limit the audience to the poster's twitter followers/lists, and that would be extra bad.
This doesn't absolve me completely in any sense, but apart from straight up asking for permission (which is... admittedly the most important part) I do my best to make sure I'm being respectful of the original artist's wishes.
edit: do you think I should remove the original version from my posts and only link it? Somehow it only just came to me (stupid, I know) that this might impact traffic to the original, though I originally put it there so that people could correct me translations in case I fucked up lol
edit edit: check the tags on the newest translation :D
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avis-writeshq · 7 months
heyyy omg I love your writings so much! congrats on your latest milestone, it's DESERVED 👏 can I pls request track one with spencer reid where he gets an epiphany and decides that he wants to propose to his girlfriend? just superrrr cute and fluffy 😍 thanks a lot!!
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glue song – spencer reid
summary: “but you’re here, and so i love you.” in which spencer realises that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. pairing: s5!spencer reid x fem!reader genre: established relationship, fluff warnings: spencer in a knee brace (tell me why that’s attractive. why does he look good at his worst. face card never declines), he’s genuinely obsessed with you, not proof read oops a/n: thank you so much anon !!!! i’m so sorry it took so long to post; i kept changing and editing it hahaha i hope you enjoy it !! wc: 1.05k
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“Careful watch your– no, pivot a little, pivot–” 
“I am pivoting! There’s nowhere to pivot to! Why is it so messy?”
You suppress a grimace as you manage to somehow squeeze your way through Spencer’s tiny doorway and into his apartment, the shoe rack on the side dangerously close to his damaged knee. You stumble a little as Spencer grips your shoulders tightly for support, his other hand holding onto a crutch. 
“Maybe we should move into a bigger apartment,” you muse, helping him to the couch. Your gaze shifts to his injured knee, your face falling. “Does it hurt?”
“Only when I think about it. Which is pretty much all the time,” Spencer says, wincing as he finally collapses against the cool leather cushions. “Thank you for doing this.”
You look almost offended at his words as you brush his hair out of his face and into a makeshift ponytail. “Did you think that I wouldn’t?”
He hums as he feels the way your fingers pull lightly at his hair, your nails scraping against his scalp. “Thought you’d get tired of me. After, you know, everything.”
“None of that was your fault,” you remind him swiftly. “This–” you gesture to his knee– “isn’t either.”
He softens, leaning his cheek on your shoulder. You’ve been there for him through everything and he knows what specifically it is you’re referring to. He could see it from the moment his doctors informed you that he wouldn’t take the vicodin they had prescribed to him to soothe his discomfort. His thought process makes sense; he didn’t want to risk it. Regardless, he was left with a growing pain in his leg that didn’t shake even after taking toradol. 
“I’d never get tired of you,” you clarify, squeezing his hands. “You’re too pretty to get tired of.”
He lets out a proper laugh as he squeezes back. “You’re funny.”
“I’m being serious!”
He laughs again, shaking his head adamantly. “Liar.”
“When have I ever lied to you?”
Spencer beams in your direction, pressing kisses against the soft of your jaw. “You’re right.”
A triumphant smile spreads across your face at his words. “Exactly.”
From his spot on the couch, Spencer watches guiltily as you hustle and bustle about in the kitchen, grabbing plates and filling them to the brim with the food you ordered from the Chinese place he loves. He feels bad seeing you work so hard looking after him; especially when you have your own workload to take care of. He doesn’t even notice that you’ve already placed his portion of food in front of him until you whack him lightly on his head with some napkins. 
“Stop it. I know what you’re thinking.” You shoot him a half-hearted glare as you snap open your chopsticks. “I want to do this. I truly don’t mind.”
“You’re already doing so much,” he insists, “I’m okay, angel, I swear.”
You are not easily convinced and you point to the list of things the doctor suggested you to do in order to ensure Spencer’s speedy recovery. “I have a responsibility, Walter. What will your team do without you?”
“They’ll live,” he assures, reaching a hand out to massage the muscles by your shoulders. “I think you’ve seen me naked more the past two weeks than you have our entire relationship.”
“Well it’s not my fault that you need to bathe,” you argue, stabbing at your noodles. “You love it really.”
His cheeks burn with embarrassment at the accusation. “I do not! It’s humiliating.”
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” you soothe, smiling at him. “Besides, it’ll only be like this for a little while longer.”
“If you consider five months to be ‘a little while longer’,” he quips as he shovels food into his mouth.
You let out a laugh, not finding offence is his sarcastic blow. He thinks you’re a blessing and he figures that you definitely are. Who else can deal with the problems of him being, well, him aside from you? Spencer doesn’t know what he would do without you. How could he when you manage to push all the darkness and negativity away?
“I’m lucky to have you,” he says finally, his gaze on your face. “You’re so good to me.”
You hum in response, wiping your mouth and curling into his good side, draping an arm over his middle. “That’s true. You’re good to me, too.”
He brings his hand over your waist and kisses the side of your face in an act of reciprocation. “You’re beautiful.”
Heat crawls up your neck to your ears at the sudden compliment and you can’t help the silly bashful smile that pulls at your lips. Your mouth opens and closes, deciding on what to respond with before you settle with a simple, “Thank you.”
It’s the honest truth. There’s a look about you that tells him that you don’t believe it, but he doesn’t say anything more to try and convince you. He tells it to you everyday; he’s sure that you’ll end up accepting the compliments more readily. Your being beautiful might have been what had drawn him to you in the first place. Although he isn’t entirely sure. He recalls a certain folktale about invisible stings and how it was tying him to you. There’s something pretty about that thought, the mere idea that you were made for him and he was lucky enough to actually hold you in his arms. 
You’ve turned the television on now, a romance movie playing on the screen with familiar actors. It’s supposed to be a comedy, at least that was what the description on the DVD said, about the main male lead reminiscing about his year that he spent with some manic pixie dream girl. Spencer doesn’t understand how that could be comedic but you seem to enjoy it. 
Spencer has tuned out the movie now, finding entertainment in the reactions you have. Your face morphs into different emotions with each dramatic scene and in that moment Spencer realises one very important thing. 
“I’m gonna marry you one day,” he whispers, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. 
“What was that?” you ask obliviously and you lift your eyes to look up at him. 
“Nothing,” he dismisses, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Just keep watching the movie, angel.”
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imonanotherlebel · 1 month
Okay let me clarify my request. You, who is a friend of the group, accidentally texted the wrong member about horny and thirsty thought. ( Bonus points if there are pictures of the member. )
Example:texting Felix that Chan is so hot and you would let him do dirty things to u only to find out you where texting Chan the whole time.
It's up to you if the reader and member are in an established relationship, just friends, friends with benefits, or awkward friends because we like him but don't know how to act around him.
Texting the wrong member, your dirty thoughts - Ateez hyung line
I had so much fun making this, anon. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Hyung line / Maknae line
Warnings: Mature themes ahead, Minors DNI, Swearing, dirty talk.
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Wanted to post all in one, but there is a 10 image limit. So I'll post a part two...
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majinbangus · 10 days
Some angst about soap getting a one night stand pregnant and only finding out when he sees her in public again🥺 -🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️
imma be honest, i don't think im good at writing angst, but i'll try for you anon
"You're pregnant?" He's stuck gawping at your rounded belly, fingertips twitching like he wants to place his hand on it and feel the little kicks in there.
"Astute observation, MacTavish. Are sergeants of your caliber always pointing out the obvious?" You snidely drawl, rolling your eyes and turning away to hide your belly from him, but he follows your movement so you can't buffer his burning gaze.
"You're pregnant with my child?" He clarifies his assessment, hitting the nail on the head. He's always been sharp. Something you've always loved about him. He must have done the math in his head the moment he saw you.
"Children," you admit, looking down at your belly to avoid looking at him. You rub your stomach in a comforting gesture. It'd be a lie to say it was for the babies. "Twins."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He sounds eerily calm. Almost emotionless. But you can hear the underlying discontent in his timbre.
A dissonant twang tugs at your chest. At the memories. "You were the one who ran back to your ex after she called. The night you came to me."
The night you got me pregnant.
"How is she, by the way?" You force yourself to look at him.
He meets you head on. "Okay... We're working through some stuff."
"Ah." You're not surprised. They've always had a rocky relationship. "I hope you can work it out."
Soap opens his mouth then closes it, thinking, then opens it again. "Hen, listen, I-"
"I need to get going," you interrupt before the twang in your chest snaps, and pointedly rub your belly. It flutters. "Gotta get to a checkup."
"Ah." He echoes your earlier sound, clenching his fists. "I hope everything is alright."
Nothing about this feels alright.
You give your best smile. "It always is."
do i get points for trying? also i imagine this to be like a sad au of my soaps twins au
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jolapeno · 9 months
Just read your Soft!Frankie. How do you think Joel would be? I love your work. Thanks.
omg anon, okay, so I did quickly converse with my pal, @swiftispunk to clarify my thoughts. but here goes (hope this is okay)—for this you’re ill/have a cold.
soft!joel miller x reader (pre-outbreak)
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the house is quiet. the sound of the pipes coming to life groaning in the walls is the first thing which stirs you.
your head is still full, heavy, as your eyes flutter open. then, you’re aware of how your throat still burns, worse than yesterday. more or less like you’d swallowed glass.
the rest follows suit, the sniff returning, the ache in your cheeks. the cold not improving but rather worsening overnight. it proves your point when you move, dizziness adding itself to your list of ailments—blurring your vision, making you even more thankful for declining the overtime, happy to be home and not behind a desk.
you reach out, greeted by cool sheets as the fan on the dresser groans as it performs another rotation.
and you don’t want to rise, but you also do. you want to see him, curl into him. but, you take your time in rising, all slow in your movements, using the bathroom and dressing in nothing but him when you’re done. you hope he won’t mind, maybe even like it as you pull on some of his sweats, grabbing a pair of his work-boot socks before heading downstairs.
he only murmurs your name softly at the sight of you—likely spotting your glassy eyes, and puffy cheeks from the cold making a home in you. you look at him, watching his lips tug up into one cheek when he spots the clothing, brows furrowing before they flatten, and you step closer, palm flat to his cheek as you wipe the crumbs.
and it’s soft, tender. him kissing your wrist before he mumbles about making you a drink. something warm. even adding honey—sarah’s orders before tommy took her to soccer practice. and you smile, hovering, shifting from side to side before he motions for you to get comfy under a blanket, keep warm, grunting: y’shouldn’t even be up.
your feet shuffle into the next room, seating yourself in your usual spot, tugging the blanket up and over—glancing at the coffee table, the magazine you’d grabbed Sarah and the array of coins from Joel emptying his pocket last night, all upon letters and papers—a mess, but a welcomed one. it’s home, a place you’d trade everything to be in.
when he joins you he’s clutching a mug, steam swirling up from it as he briefly places it down, a thud in the quiet before he settles down next to you. you watch as he wipes his hand on his jeans, before he places the back of his hand to your forehead. eyes narrowed, knitted in concern—
“still burnin’ up.”
you know. the sweat peppering your spine tells you as much, but you just lean into him. resting your head, finding no protest, only him moving to get more comfortable as he picks up and rests the mug on his knee—occasionally handing it to you, telling you to take a sip f’me.
and you do.
because it’s simple, easy. both the act and this thing with him. a thing he wasn’t sure he could give you if you remember correctly, yet he does it without trying.
“don’t fall asleep on me.”
he says it, even knowing you will. your head nodding, a sniff punctuating it, and the deep sigh you hear echo through him tells you he knows you’re minutes from doing so—and you’re sure he doesn’t care. most likely even likes it.
your eyes growing heavy, the television sounds slowly lowering in volume as your illness tries to beckon you to sleep. your legs come up, curling more so into him and the couch. feeling his arm move, just ever so slightly come around you, the mug going, finding a home on the table.
it’s only in the place between sleep and awake do you feel it, the slight touch of his fingers on yours. brushing over the tips, calloused palm flattening over your fingertips, trying to remove the chill from them.
and you smile, ever so slightly—and then you sniff before you briefly catch the scent of him. the last thing you needed to be lulled back to sleep.
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lxvemaze · 1 month
anon who request roommate to fwb ateez here! lol i would love it to be headcanons please. sorry for not being clear on my request.
hope you have a lovely day!
dw about it, i got you!! thank you sm for clarifying! hope this is okay :))) (i'm so sorry that sone of these are WAYYYYY longer than the others, i kinda had no ideas for some of them 😭)
roommates to fwb with ateez
pairing' ot8 x reader
genre' i have no idea??? fluffy and angsty at parts
warnings' obviously very very suggestive. no smut, but pls do not read if under 18, mentions of a bad breakup
a/n' i just wanted to say on this post before anyone requests it, i do not write actual smut, and this is probably the farthest i would go in terms of writing nsfw. not just bc i have a lot of mutuals who are minors, but bc im just not comfortable with doing that ❤️ (also, im so sorry that some of these are much longer than the others)
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you and hongjoong hadn't known each other for very long; you were looking for a roommate while in grad school, and one of your friends told you that his friend was also looking for a roommate
you were hesitant about moving in with a stranger- especially a man. but after you met him at a café before deciding to move in together, you decided that he seemed harmless enough.
given that you two had almost opposite schedules, you hardly ever saw each other, but on the occasions you did, it was mostly in the evening, when you both were too tired to really function.
you two mostly stayed out of each other's way, but on one occasion, when you were passing by each other while getting ready in the morning, and he suggested the idea of having dinner together at home since you were both free that night.
it was awkward at first, making dinner with hongjoong. even though you'd been roommates for a few months at that point, you really didn't know much about each other.
as soon as dinner was finished, you suggested that the two of you crack open a bottle of wine, which quickly turned into two, which turned into three.
the next morning, you woke up mortified in hongjoong's bed. you had definitely not intended to sleep with your roommate. with him still sleeping, you hastily grabbed your clothes and tiptoed back to your own room to get ready for your first class.
when you came back home that evening, he was lounging on the couch, scrolling through netflix. with the bottle of aspirin and large glass of water on the table in front of him, you could tell he was still recovering from the previous nights several bottles of wine.
when he saw you awkwardly standing in the doorway, he invited you over to sit down on the couch. you two watched a show you didn't recognize for maybe a half an hour.
you woke up in his bed again the next morning.
there wasn't much discussion about what you two had going on. you two still hardly saw each other, and it was mutually decided that this would be a strictly casual thing. with you going to school and working part time, and him being in the studio almost 24/7, it wasn't like there was much room for it to turn into a serious thing.
you and seonghwa had been friends for years and years when you mentioned to him in passing that you were looking for a new roommate after your previous one had moved out. he immediately offered to move in, and you, slightly desperate and knowing that he would be a respectful roommate, agreed immediately.
it was comfortable living with seonghwa- he often made his own food and cleaned his own dishes, except for on Fridays when you had "roomie night" where you two made dinner and watched a movie together.
you and seonghwa had been friends for so long, and now that you two were roommates, you might have gotten a little bit too comfortable with each other. having only one bathroom, you two quickly had gotten comfortable using the bathroom while the other was in the shower.
at first it was just a joke that you had made in passing- the idea that you and seonghwa could shower together in the mornings to save time. but one morning when you were running late, you pounded on the bathroom door while seonghwa was in the shower. begging him to hurry up so you could take one.
instead, seonghwa told you to just hop in, and you being desperate to get to work on time, closed your eyes and agreed. nothing happened, seonghwa was respectful, keeping his eyes above your shoulders, and he even helped you wash your hair.
every now and again, whenever one of you was running late, you would just hop in the shower with the other, but of course it was just casual. as casual as showering together could be. it had started to become comfortable, even.
one night, while seonghwa was in the shower, and you had just gotten home from a ten hour work day. all your muscles were sore, your hair was greasy, and all you wanted was to take a hot shower. you heard the water running from the bathroom, and without much thought, you knocked on the door and asked seonghwa if you could hop in.
it was casual at first- as everything between you two was. you mentioned your sore muscles, and he offered to wash your back. one thing led to another, and before you knew it, he was in your bed with his arms around you.
the next morning, you two had a long discussion about it, and decided to keep it casual. both of you were focused on your careers, and didn't have much time to put into anything romantic.
one thing i know for certain is that yunho would not be able to keep up being friends with benefits for long. he's too soft and romantic for that life. you two had been friends for a couple years, and decided to move in together after you graduated college and were looking for a job.
at first, he thought he could do it. you two had slept together the first time the night you had moved in together. you took shots in celebration, and got a little tipsy. you two had always gotten a little handsy with each other when you drank together.
the next morning, you told him that while you enjoyed yourself, you didn't want anything serious, but wouldn't be opposed to doing it again if you were both feeling it. he quietly agreed. although he was maybe a little heartbroken, he understood that you wanted to focus on your career before getting into anything serious.
with every time you two slept together, he fell a little bit more in love. he felt bad for not telling you, but he figured that you were both enjoying yourselves, so why ruin it?
one morning, he woke up before you, and while he gazed at you in your sleep, his arms still wrapped around you, he decided to tell you that he couldn't do it anymore.
he told you that night when you had come home from work, and to his surprise, you told him the same.
yay, you're in love!
yeosang had moved into your apartment after you had broken up with your boyfriend. you had been together for four years, and after he moved out, you needed someone else to help split the rent.
you and yeosang hadn't known each other for a very long time, but you were comfortable enough with each other.
you mostly stayed out of each other's way, but still hung out from time to time.
one night, you and yeosang were hanging out in your room while you were lamenting about your breakup and how long it's been since you were intimate with anyone, and before you knew it, you were on top of yeosang with his hands gripping your thighs
it was a mutual decision to keep it a friends with benefits type relationship, neither of you were really emotionally available for a real relationship at the time.
the single most respectful man in the world.
when you two first moved in together, bro was so scared that he would accidentally walk in on you nakey or smth. he would knock on literally every door he entered, even if there would be no reason for him to??? like, why are you knocking on the pantry door???
you actually thought he was a little weird for it at first, but after time you started finding it cute
like, really cute.
like, "ooh i want him so bad" type cute
one day you were doing your skincare in your shared bathroom with the door cracked open, and san, as he always did, knocked before entering, startling you and causing you to accidentally rub your face wash in your eye (this actually happened to me istg i can still feel it stinging)
when he came in you were just like, "bro idec if you see me naked atp, just stop knocking on every damn door"
he did relax and stop knocking incessantly after that. which was all well and good until HE DID walk in on you changing
you didn't really care tbh, you took it as an opportunity to be like, "alright, tension's too high. let's smash 🙏"
after that, he was much more comfortable just walking in 🤞
you and mingi had actually been fwb at one point before you moved in together, but he decided it was too messy and a little weird for the rest of your friend group
but after he moved in with you after your old roommate got married, you two just kinda fell back into it
istg, mingi is a lot more romantic than yall think he is 😞🤞 he acts all freaky, but he's a loverboy at heart
one day about three months into you two living together, you guys got a little drunk and while you were making out on the couch, he was like "i love you :3"
which left you like 🤨⁉️ like, huhhh????
when you brought it up to him the next day, he tried to pretend like he didn't remember saying anything like that, but you can see right through that silly boy ☝️
after a bit of picking at it, he finally told you that the reason he broke off your old situation was bc he was falling in love with you. omg 😞❤️
obviously you love him too, bc who wouldn't?
you and wooyoung didn't know each other at all before he moved in. one day, your old roommate moved out, and he was just kinda there??? apparently, your old roommate had made the arrangement for him to be the replacement without you knowing
you didn't mind, really. wooyoung seemed harmless enough. maybe a little weird?
you didn't see him much at the start, he was pretty much always working. you work from home, so you were always there when he was- but when he was home, he kind of just immediately went to bed.
one morning, you walked into the kitchen while he was making breakfast, and he was just like, "hi :]" and gave you a plate of eggs and toast.
he didn't have work that day, so you two kinda just like, hung out??? you didn't have much work to do, so when you were done, you came back out to the main room and he was just watching tv, so you sat down next to him
the tension was PALPABLE, he was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants and you were STARING
he kinda just turned to you and was like, "i'm hot, you're hot, let's smash."
you were taken aback, but like, he's so right.
yes, he's freaky
honestly, you and jongho were roommates for a few years before your fwb thing started
you had a boyfriend for a while, and then even after you broke up, it was probably about six months before you and jongho slept together for the first time
your breakup with your boyfriend was messy. your relationship had been deteriorating for a long time, but neither of you wanted to admit it. so one night, he kind of just exploded at you and left and didn't come back. until about half a year later
he showed up to yours and jongho's apartment unannounced and said he wanted his stuff back. once you said that you threw it all out months ago, he started screaming and yelling at you, and jongho had to physically drag him out
when jongho came back in, he was heaving and sweating, and looked reeeeally good. and when you two made eye contact, it was all over. you kinda just like, pounced on each other.
you decided to sleep with jongho mainly bc you knew it would've pissed your ex off so bad if he knew. he always hated the fact that your roommate was a guy. you did like jongho a lot, you'd been friends and roommates for years, you just never realized how attractive he was until he kicked that dickhead to the curb
after that, you two rarely slept together tbh. it only ever really happened when one or both of you had a shitty day and needed to take your frustration out on something.
(this is one of the cases where you two would most definitely end up dating)
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thrumbolt · 25 days
I originally wanted to do this event mainly because me and Copy have a bunch of Nyxlin art planned anyway and that way we could also encourage some more content out of a few other peers.
I expected SOME people to get miffed, maybe some angry anons, some hate posts, because we all know this fandom has lost all its hinges somewhere long ago (if it ever had them) and people are absolutely incapable to just ignore something they don't like. At first we thought a super silly banner might help against that, but clearly that was a big lapse of judgment on my part lol Either way, I wasn't too worried because there's nothing people can really do that bothers me and once the event would roll around everyone would realize there's nothing actually sinister about it, so I figured it would be fine.
What I did not expect, however, was the absolute insane behavior that ended up taking place, where people got targeted and their posts mass reported to take advantage of tumblrs shitty report system over absolutely fucking nothing. People who were not even involved in the event, just happened to write for the same pairing. So let me ask this very plainly: What the fuck is wrong with you? Because something definitely is and I hope you all are getting it checked out.
So I decided to call it quits because people getting hurt over it is obviously not worth it. And again, no wonder this fandom lacks a nice variety of artists who participate in events. What's the point? You canon obsessed pea-brained pearl-clutchers don't understand fan spaces or creativity. All you seem to be here for is virtual signalling, hate, bullying and demonstrating a severe lack of reading comprehension. I've had months of this high school bullshit now and I've really had enough.
I'm still gonna post my art (oh and all that Nyxlin stuff is not going anywhere, don't worry), but I am taking a step back from participating in fandom weeks and fandom discourse and whatnot. You guys can rip each other apart on your own.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 10 months
Hiii☺It's my first time asking for a fic!I LOVE your fics so much so i thought i would ask you. I really hope you'll like the idea🤞It's a bit long tho.(smut fic🙊)
Larissa and Reader are best friends, they know everything about each other, they flirt and challenge each other, talk about sex and everything but never had sex. They're close.
Larissa invites R to spend the evening with her in her quarter, have a drink and watch a movie (that they'll never pay attantion to as usual).They talk, laugh and get a bit tipsy and R ask Larissa why she choosed not to have tattoos or piercing and then at some point, Larissa ask "how many piercing do you have? You never told me." So R gets up and show her the one on her nose, her lip, cheeks, a sternum piercing , maybe 3-4 each ear and maybe a lower back dimple piercings (those are ideas, you can add or change the piercing's places) and then she could sit back down and say "and i have my nipples pierced and a Christina's piercing. Would you like too see them too?" (half) joking because she thought Larissa would never say yes (not that she really minded showing her, she trusts her enough) but Larissa sensed the challenge there and decided to take R offguard and say yes, thinking that reader were going to back down, but then R gets up again and Larissa realised that she was REALLY going to show her and her eyes went wide at the idea but she didn't back down.....and then smut smut smut😅
You can add any kinks, toys or both,i'm fine with that!You can also add things about the beginning of the story if you think about something!I hope you want to write it and if not,it's ok too!Thank you xxxx
The Way You Adore Me (Like No Other) ~Larissa Weems xFem BestFriend!Reader
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Summary— Larissa and Reader are best friends. They have been for as long as they can remember, the kind of friends who do all together and talk about it all. But what happens when you have a little too much to drink, and you find out that Larissa has a thing for your tattoos and piercings…?
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Anon response— Hi hi anon!! Thank you for your kind words, I greatly appreciate them 🥰 and I love your request! I hope I did your idea justice. Thank you for the request, and welcome to my anons!! (if you’d do me a favor and clarify what emoji you’d like, I’d appreciate that, thank you!) Hope you Enjoy! ♥️
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smutty smut, drinking, little angst, little fluff, oral sex (both f receiving), fingering, face sitting, body adoration, tattoos and piercings adoration, teasing, light begging, implied overstimulation, confession of feelings, etc.
Enjoy (;
You sighed in relief as you enter Larissa’s private quarters. Being with your best friend always made everything better. You two just clicked perfectly.
Literally. You were such a good match. You talked about all kinds of shit. You have fun toying with one another, neither of you being one to back down from a challenge. Nothing was off the table when it came to you two.
You dropped your bags by the door, closing it behind you.
“Hey ‘Ris!!”
You called out your close friends name to indicate to her that you had arrived. Larissa had invited you to a sleepover this particular Friday night. She had mentioned something about a terribly stressful week, and being the good friend you were, you immediately took up the opportunity to care for and be with your friend.
“Oh Darling, Hello, Come in!” Larissa exclaimed, coming into the main entrance which connected to her living room, and greeting you.
The tall woman came up to you, giving you side kisses on each of your cheeks and then pulling you into a friendly hug. You sighed into Larissa’s embrace. Her hugs always made you lose all worry in your life.
You then properly came into her quarters, and the two of you ended up sitting comfortably on her couch. Larissa had brought a bottle of red wine and some glasses for you two to share. And like most sleepovers, the two of you planned to put on a movie. Although you both knew you wouldn’t pay much attention to it…
Tonight, you both decided on Three Thousand Years of Longing, a movie with Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton apparently about genies. Neither of you had a particular interest in genie movies, so it was a perfect pick to play in the background and just forget about.
As the movie began, Larissa popped the cork of the wine bottle and poured two glasses out for the two of you. She handed you your glass and you thanked the blonde. You then sat in each others company and just talked.
Larissa spilled all the details about her stress at work, and you as well. You talked and talked, the only thing visibly affecting the atmosphere was the every now and then sex scenes that came up from the movie. It caused a good deal of blushes, breath hitches, and clearing throats…
A couple of hours later the movie was almost over. And you had to confess that your knickers were damp from all the sex sounds that had been coming from the television… You didn’t know, but Larissa had admitted a similar thing to herself.
Your conversations could go in any and all directions. Especially when you were both tipsy. And that you were. By now, your conversation had shifted to talk about tattoos and piercings.
“I know you’ve probably told me this, but why don’t you have any tattoos again?” You tipsily asked.
Larissa took a moment to muse and think about her answer.
“Well, If I ever do get a tattoo, I think it’s important that it matters to me and will matter for the rest of my life… And I have never found something that fits that requirement.”
You hummed and nodded your head in response, going for another swig of wine quickly afterward.
“How many piercings do you now have?” The blonde asked curiously, her eyes lightly roaming up and down your frame.
You pursed your lips and smiled.
“Well… the nose ring, bottom lip, dimples, sternum, nipples, and a Christina piercing.”
You explained each piercing, indicating where each one was as you said it. Larissa’s eyes widened and darkened after every piercing location was revealed to her.
“And tattoos…?” She said, almost sounding breathless.
Larissa had put her wine done at this point. And she had scooted close to you.
“Ooh, I’ve got a lot of those… Wanna see them?”
You had responded in a particularly teasing and playful manner, half-way joking, and not expecting the blonde to take to up on your offer.
Larissa’s eyes sparkle and her pupils dilated at your words. She could never refuse a challenge, especially not from you…
“Yes. And the nipples piercings too…”
You nearly chocked on your own air, as your eyes widened at record speed. It’s not that you minded, you didn’t, you truly trusted Larissa. You just hadn’t expected that from here.
“I—Ok…!” You chocked out, standing up in front of Larissa to give her a better view.
Larissa leaned forward in anticipation, bring her lips and clasping her hands together over her legs. You then started to show the blonde each of your tattoos, one by one. Eventually you finished your tour, leaving your last two piercings.
You had to admit that you were a little nervous. But you were also tipsy. And those two things kind of cancelled each other out in your case.
So you lifted your shirt with ease, showing the woman your piercings on your exposed breasts. Larissa damn near chocked on her wine at the realization that you weren’t wearing a bra. Her eyes widened and she fought to keep her mouth from dropping.
Larissa, almost dumbfounded, stood up and walked a few steps forward, where she was right in front of you. She reached out delicately, running a finger around your left nipple piercing. Your breath hitched lightly.
“And then I have my Christina piercing…!” You quickly said, redirecting the focus of the conversation.
Larissa’s eyes popped back up from your tits to your eye level.
“What’s that?” She innocently asked.
“It’s… I…” you stammered, your words lost on you.
“It’s— a piercing above my lower lips…”
Larissa’s eyes widened.
The wine was affecting you both by this point…
“Show me.”
You sensed the woman’s challenge and you decided to just show the woman.
You pulled your skirt down to pool storing your feet, and you carefully moved your underwear to the side, enough where Larissa could see the silver piercing near your sex.
Larissa had no words, and for a moment she just stood there. But you blinked once, and all of a sudden Larissa was on her knees, her mouth attacking your cunt.
Your knees threatened to buckle and your groaned loudly, your hand desperately grasping Larissa for stability.
“Jesus Fuck—!!”
Larissa pulled away after one simple lick, staring up at you with wide eyes. Your breath hitched and you stared back.
“You taste so good…” she whispered.
You wanted to combust right there. Your hips instinctually bucked towards the woman’s face.
“Don’t stop on my accord” you whispered back, your words turning into a groan as Larissa immediately dove in face first.
One of your hands flew to her free locks, which she had unpinned throughout the night. Your other hand desperately cling to Larissa’s shoulder.
Larissa’s tongue expertly lapped through your folds, but only after a swipe around your Christina piercing each time. It was teasing torture.
You groaned out in a whiny and breathy tone after ten minutes of this teasing.
“Oh for fucks sake Larissa— just fuck me already!!”
Larissa didn’t need to be told twice, simply humming in delight into your cunt, and then sliding her tongue into your core. You both moaned out in delight, your grasp at her head tightening.
The woman had you seeing stars minutes after this. Larissa stopped for a moment, coming up to your face and smashing her lips into yours. You moaned at your own taste on her lips. As you did so, Larissa was swift in undressing you.
“Want to see all of you… all of your piercings… all of your tattoos…” she breathlessly pled.
After all of your clothes had been discarded, Larissa playfully pushed you onto the couch. She went to straddle you, her dress still adorning her body.
“Is this okay…?” Larissa asked, a little concerned about her weight on you.
“More than…” you groaned with a post-orgasmic smile.
Larissa smirked and nodded, slipping to kneel right in front of the couch. Her hand grabbed your legs and hooked them up and above her shoulder for her easy access.
You gasped. Larissa then took a second to let her eyes wander at all of your piercings and tattoos. She licked her lips.
You were still buzzing from your previous orgasm when Larissa began swirling a finger around your slick folds. She continued to tease you clit and the entrance to your sex on and off while she sucked and licked and marked your skin. She eagerly focused her efforts on your tatted and pierced area of exposed skin.
Your head rolled back and you let out a breathy groan. Your one hand landed back in Larissa’s platinum locks, while your other was stabilizing yourself against eh couch.
“ ‘Rissa… please…” you breathily moaned, begging the woman to take you and stop all the teasing.
Larissa chuckled, and while she didn’t stop caressing and loving on your exposed skin, she did slip one of her fingers inside your wet heat. You hummed out in delight, her one finger providing your walls something to clench around, while you didn’t feel quite full or stretched yet.
While Larissa pulled and pushed her one digit in and out of you, her mouth was latched onto one of your perky, pierced buds. Strings of more breathy groans and pleading followed out of your mouth.
“M-more please ‘Rissa…!”
Larissa chuckled, pulling her one digit out, and then slipping two fingers inside you. Now this started to stretch you out. You hissed in response, your eyes rolling back.
“Taking me so well, Darling…” the woman cooed, biting your ear lobe where you had your lobe piercing.
“God F-faster—!!” You cried out breathily.
Larissa happily obliged, fucking into you with her fingers at a faster pace. The combination of her two digits and her sultry tone had you cumming a second time for the woman that night.
This time you screamed for Larissa as she made you see stars, and your legs were wobbly and shaking even more than last time.
“That’s it, doing so good…” she encouraged you, helping you over your high.
But she didn’t stop afterwards. No, she showed no signs of stopping. Her lips quickly attached to your clit, and she slid a third finger into your aching and sensitive core. You groaned and hissed, and your hand was pushing Larissa’s head further into your cunt.
Larissa’s hot mouth put the perfect amount of suction against your puffy clit and her three finger combo made you crash over into third, smaller, but still substantial orgasm.
You fell into the couch cushions, going limp, and Larissa finally pulled away, licking her fingers with wild eyes and a wicked smirk.
“W-wearing too many clothes ‘Rissa…” you huffed, completely out of breath, raising your hand lazily and indicating to her attire.
Larissa chuckled and immediately went to unzip her dress. It pooled at her feet, and she was quick to get rid of her silky undergarment set as well. In a second, the woman had you laid back along the couch, as she hovered on top of you.
She licked her lips.
“I was right by the way… you taste insatiably delicious.” Larissa purred, staring down at you.
You gulped and took the moment to admire the woman’s frame above you. Before Larissa could do anything, you raised yourself up and latched your tongue around one of her nipples. Larissa shuddered and let out a yelp.
“I think…” you hummed, letting go of her perky bud with a pop, “It’s your turn.”
Larissa’s eyes widened at your words and she nodded lightly.
“Alright…” she breathlessly spoke.
You looked the woman up and down before deciding.
“Sit on my face.”
Her eyes widened and her expression changed to one of concern.
“Oh. No, I don’t think—”
Larissa was stopped mid-sentence, gasping and groaning, by your lips trailing from her breasts and down her stomache, as you shimmied down the couch and towards her core.
“Trust me ‘Rissa…” you purred, licking through her folds only once.
Larissa’s hips immediately jerked towards your mouth for more. And she let out the hottest moan. She seemed convinced… Larissa carefully positioned herself above your face, you eagerly grabbed her hips and stuffed your face full of her needy sex.
Larissa’s hands landed on the couch to stabilize herself, as her head was thrown back and strings of leud groans and whimpers escaped her pristine lips.
Larissa looked lake a goddess above you, as you lapped away at her folds and into her core. Her hair and tits swayed in tandem, and the moment slowed perfectly for you to just revel and delight in the other woman.
When you woke up, you weren’t in your own bed… and you weren’t alone… Twisted in what you assumed to be expensive, silk sheets, you found yourself to be naked and with a strong enough headache.
You knew that you should have laid back on the alcohol…
You looked around and realized that you were in Larissa’s bedroom. And then you looked next to you in the bed, and sure enough, there lay a sleeping Larissa, just as nude as you.
You gasped lightly, sitting up, as all the events from last night came back to you. Part of you felt guilty that you both had been drunk enough, but a bigger part of you was so happy that it had finally happened.
But what if Larissa didn’t feel the same…?
“What’s on your mind, Love…?” A croaky, sleepy, yet still sultry British accent spoke out, bringing you out of your thoughts.
You looked towards Larissa who was still turned towards you, but this time her eyes were lightly opened and her sapphire gaze was upon you. You blushed lightly and sunk back into the bed.
“I… I feel like I may have taken advantage of our drunken state last night…” you whispered, not being able to look the woman in the eye as you spoke.
Larissa’s hand emerged from the covers, lightly directing your face by the chin to meet her gaze.
“Darling. If anything, I took advantage of you. I practically attacked you.” She breathed out.
“No no…” you shook your head, “I loved it.”
Your words came out before you could check them, making you blush even more intensely. At this Larissa chuckled lightly.
“I did too…”
You both smiled at each other, enjoying the newfound silence and love.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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Could I ask for some yandere alucard post season 3 with a s/o that isn't human or only part human? Like being half fae, nymph or siren. I just think the dynamics of that relationship would be quite different then say if the object of his obsession was human given his lack of faith in humanity in season 3s aftermath
A/N: I LOVE this question! It was so interesting to think about all the different ways the MC could be half-human and have that connection with Alucard. I did end up going with a mermaid/siren sort of creature as the original asker did send in an additional ask clarifying how they could picture this abused mermaid girl feeling kinship with Alucard because of his current distrust of humans, and I liked that element. I also chose a siren / mer create as they have abilities to manipulate/hypnotize their prey, an ability Alucard probably has as well with him being half-vampire. I ended up writing a very long outline in bullet points but felt that it didn't quite flow for HC, so I instead broke it up into smaller scenes below. I hope that’s ok. Sorry, it took so long. I was sick with some weird virus for weeks (lowkey feel like it’s mono or something), and could only handle work and family crap, like I barely had any motivation to live. And then when I started writing this, it sort of took on a life of its own lol. (What can I say? I love me some Alucard.) 
Anon also suggested I check out this manga- it’s called Becoming the Villain's Family and it’s about a siren who goes back in time and makes a marriage pact with a devil to prevent their untimely fates. I’m not a huge manga reader, but my sister is, so I’m going to recommend it to her and maybe we can read it together. 
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Yandere! Alucard (Post-S3) w/ A Half-Siren S/O 
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The fair creature did not see quite how it happened, for it had all transpired too fast. A deep guttural growl echoed from past the tree line, well beyond the corners of her vision as the very ground beneath the wagon’s feet began to shake violently. As swiftly and silently as a flash of lightning, the wagon she resided in was sliced in half, the metal cage that kept her prisoner acting as her only guard against an elongated talon from some sort of monster. The cage was tossed sideways, skittering along the dirt ground as the poor mer creature inside flipped over violently, her dehydrated human form and lack of clothing sending her soft, nearly translucent skin into the square welds hard enough to form bruises. 
“Retrieve the asset!” 
“Don’t let her escape!” 
“Are you crazy?! Fuck the asset!” 
Around her, a flurry of mixed male voices shouted out contradictory directions. With only the setting sun for light, it was difficult to make out who had yelled what. 
Then came more growls in addition to all the shouting. Then the shouting turned into screaming. And a handful of those screams turned into cut-off cries followed by loud squelching. A flurry of slices and swings from blades and swords interrupted what must have been the creature's onslaught, but it would certainly not last long. There would be more torn flesh, and more final yells- a final symphony of bloodshed to follow. 
Kneeling into an upright position, the fair mer creature pushed and pulled frantically against the metal door of her cage. The hinges had warped in the fall, bending just so, that if enough force was applied…
With a metallic screech, the young water maiden could kick her cage door from its battered hinges. Fortunately enough for her, none of her captors seemed to notice her imminent freedom, the lot of them busy battling hideous creatures beyond any comprehensible amalgam or imagination. 
Unfortunately for her, her sudden movement did not go unnoticed by one such creature. 
A smaller, fiendish-looking thing, with the body of a lizard, but the head of a vulture, and the tail of a scorpion mawed loudly at her, its stinger striking warningly at the ground. 
Not needing to be told twice, the young maiden leaped up and made a mad dash for the treeline on the other side of the clearing, opposite the line of creatures. 
As she made it past the treeline she watched as one of her imprisoners struck successfully at the rear of the small fiendish creature with the sharp end of a spear. It cut roughly into the monster’s backside, turning the horrid thing’s attention away from her back onto her captors. 
Pausing for a mere second, she took one last look at the few men still alive, fighting for their lives against the horrible creatures. Even if they were to win the fight, she swore it would be the last time she saw them. Beasts or no beasts, she was never losing her freedom again. 
✧ ✧ ✧
The bottoms of her feet stung with every step, and her calves burned worse every time she jumped over branches, landing on uneven ground. Her thighs were practically numb from the midseason cold, and her time forced to rest on the cold metal bars of her prison certainly did not help. But she refused to stop running. Even if she was unfamiliar with the practice of traveling upright on two extremities, she perished the thought that her inexperience might slow her down. She could not fail. She could not yet rest. Whoever won the fight between her captors and the creatures was certain to follow after her once the battle was done. She could not waste precious time. So despite pain and exhaustion, she pushed onward. 
After what felt like an eternity, although, if she were to judge by the moon, it must have only been a few hours, she found her legs could no longer support her weight, as her knees buckled beneath her, slipping on the soft embankment ground. 
‘Embankment?’ The maiden, feeling a final surge of hope, strained her neck to get a better look. It did appear that she had made it to a river bank, although it was a rather small one at that. Still, the sight felt like a miracle. It had been too long since her body was submerged, snug, within her element’s embrace. And given the choice between breathing her last breaths on the cold dry forest ground, or under a river’s soft current, she’d choose the river, any day. 
Using her arms to pull herself into the cold water, she breathed one final breath of chilled night air before slinking into the river water. Closing her eyes, the young maiden had but one thought: 
‘If this is to be my final resting place, then so be it.’ 
✧ ✧ ✧
The next morning started the same way all mornings do: the sun rose in the sky, the birds and bugs began their daily chirps, and a very forlorn-looking Adrian Tepes, known currently as Alucard, son of Dracula exited his castle in search for food, his usual basket in hand. Unusual however were the two corpses that greeted him as he passed the castle steps. 
Alucard paid the bodies no mind, he didn’t once glance in either of their directions. He kept his eyes forward, locked onto the foliage and wildlife hidden within the forest line choosing to pretend the bodies were no longer there. Yes, he knew they were there. Of course, he knew. He was the one to string them up after all. But if he were to acknowledge the corpses' presence, then he would also be required to acknowledge the circumstances that led them to be staked there, and that was something not even the great slayer of Dracula could do. So instead Alucard did what he could: he adjusted the basket in his arms and began mentally preparing the meal he would make. 
Coming to the river bank, Alucard felt something was off. He sensed another presence nearby. Kneeling down to the water, he kept his ears open for any movement within the trees but did not hear any. 
‘Odd.’ The dhampir waited for a spell before resuming his usual activities. He methodically removed his boots, before rolling up the ends of his pants, as he prepared to wade into the river. He had found a comfortable position, balanced on the river rocks below his feet when he noticed another oddity. 
“Where have all the fish gone?” 
The river, once teeming with fish, ones even brave enough to stick around as he waded into the water, were nowhere to be seen. Besides the rushing of water over the river bank, Alucard could not hear them swimming around within the water below. 
Turning his head, he found a single glint of scales reflecting the morning’s rays a few meters from where he had been standing. But just one fish? Or perhaps, a damn of some kind was preventing them from moving freely. Alucard made a move to investigate closer. But then, just as he turned to do so, what appeared to be an incredibly large fish leaped out of the river, and flopped onto the bank. It writhed around, flopping this way and that before rolling over to face him. It was at that moment Alucard realized why all the other fish had disappeared. There was no damn, no net. It was because of this… this creature. 
✧ ✧ ✧
The young mermaid awoke with a start, the deep echo of footsteps underwater had vibrated her awake. From where she lay, her vision was obscured, but she could make it out that the being was human in nature, standing on two legs, with only two arms to boot. It did not possess any claws or animal characteristics like any of the night creatures from the night before, nor did it appear to resemble any of the men who had taken her. 
The maiden stayed as still as stone, hoping this new strange human would grow bored of waiting for a meal to catch, turn around, and go home. But luck, as it had proven time and time again as of late, was not on her side. 
The man made a move towards her position, and she found she could not help the fear that bubbled up from inside her chest. The river was too small for her to swim through. More so, moving within the water would only create splashes to further catch this stranger’s attention. If she wanted to get away, she’d need to shift back to her human form and make yet another run for it on foot. 
Using the strength her long waterlogged rest had given her, she propelled her body out of the water, onto the river bank. As soon as her full body was on land, she writhed and wriggled, doing all she could to shake the excess water from her body. 
Her earlier set of legs had once again merged into a fishtail, strong and thick, with grooved fins to match. Her abdomen and chest were plated with scales all up the sides. And as she shook herself dry, several of those scales slid off her body into the dirt. Her ears, previously flesh and pointed more like an elf’s, had pulled back, with loose tentacle-like fins spouting out around their outer shell. In the daylight, she knew there was no mistaking what she was. But if she was to change her form quickly, it was a risk she needed to take. 
Despite the morning's warm sun, her body did not dry as fast as she had hoped. The maiden used her arms, and her now-clawed fingers to pull herself up further, finally gaining purchase on one bark of a tree, as she did her best to twist around and face this stranger head-on. 
Letting out a hiss, she bore her fangs at the strange blonde man standing before her. Only the man did not seem intimidated, nor shocked to see a creature such as herself. If anything, he appeared, at ease. Was this perhaps a trap? She hissed again but found herself on the side of surprise when the seemingly human man bared his own set of fangs and hissed back. 
✧ ✧ ✧
‘A mermaid?’ Alucard watched, amused, as the young creature did her best to appear menacing to him. If only she knew, how instead of fear, Alucard felt a rush of reassurance at the sight of her inhuman features. 
‘Humans,’ he thought bitterly. It was two humans who had hurt him most of all. Not even his own father’s war on humanity had harmed him the way those two did. His father left him for dead paled in comparison to the shame and torment he carried with him from that one night.  
Had a human shown their face on his property, he’d… Well, Alucard was not certain what he would do should they refuse his order to leave. But whatever he decided, it would not be a fate any would enjoy, that’s for certain. 
Thankfully, with the very distinct mer-features of this individual, that point was moot. He did not need to threaten disembowelment or an eternity of torture as a spawn, Alucard felt no such need to. 
He took a step closer, taking in her unique features. Her eyes were large and dark, almost pure pools of black. He could feel the pull luring him in closer the longer he looked into them. Her skin was almost opaque, despite its color. At certain angles, rays of the morning sun seemed to shine through her body, as opposed to around it. And her tail, no doubt the most impressive of her peculiarities, glinted impressively, making her an almost otherworldly mirage against the browns and greens of the surrounding greenery. 
Of course, no sooner than Alucard could admire such an ethereal sight, her tail began to lose some of its luminescence, growing duller by the second. The previously shiny scales that overlapped each other began to flake off, one by one. Down the middle of her tail, from where her belly button would have been on her abdomen had she been a human, what scaled skin remained began to crack, viscously, like a deep fissure that would not heal. The fissure continued to grow in depth and width as Alucard came within feet of her. 
She hissed for a second time at his forward movement, but Alucurd was undeterred. Smiling a sort of melancholy smile, he paused before opening up his maw, revealing his impressive fangs with a hiss of his own.
At his revelation, the creature’s demeanor changed abruptly. Gone was the fear and hatred in her eyes, instead replaced by a much more benevolent wonder. 
She opened her mouth, the tentacles around her ears shriveling into themselves, her ears changing to a more elven point as they came to rest flatter against her head. Alucard watched as her fangs dissipated too, the sharp canine points rounding themselves down into very simple humanoid-looking teeth. The back of her throat opened and closed, but very little sound came out. If she was trying to communicate, it seemed a verbal conversation was currently off the table. 
“I am Alucard Tepes, son of Dracula and Lisa Tepes.” Alucard spoke, taking the lead for her. “And I am not human.” 
The mermaid closed her eyes as she leaned back against the tree bark, wincing once or twice as a very slime-covered, human-looking bottom half cracked free from the dried shell of her former tail. She used her hands to pull the husks away from her body, leaving every bit of her person on display. 
Alucard cleared his throat before deciding to remove his shirt and give it to her. He tossed the white shirt to the maiden who caught it in one hand. Bringing it in to smell, she sniffed it before looking back at him curiously. 
“If you wish to spend the walk back to my castle naked, I won’t stop you. But as I’m sure you’ve learned, people up here spend most of their life clothed.” 
She turned her head in the opposite direction as if to say, ‘So?’ before ultimately relenting, pulling the white top over her head. 
Making a move to stand, her legs wobbled, giving out underneath her. But before she could fall, by the grace of his vampiric speed, Alucard managed to catch her, one of his arms looping under hers around her shoulder. Upon noticing the sudden conflict, the mermaiden hissed again but made no move to shove him off. Making another choked-off sound, from the back of her throat, she tried speaking again. 
“Ghhank hou.” Frowning, she cleared her throat before trying again. “Thgank cou,” her voice was quiet, and yet deep and guttural at the same time as if she was holding back. 
“So you can speak,” Alucard commented as he helped her walk a distance, finding her balance. 
The young maiden nodded, before shaking her head. “Youg may naught want mee too.” She blinked her large, dark eyes at him, pointing to them, them down to her throat as she did so. “Sssighh-rhen.” 
Alucard paused his walking, staring his golden orbs back at her. In the light, the mermaid watched as they glittered and shined, an almost metallic color, reminiscent of pirates’ gold, lulling her into a sense of security. She gave off a warning growl, having caught on to the fact that she was not the only one with influential abilities. Alucard blinked twice, breaking off the trance. 
“As I said before,” he reiterated, leading the way back to his castle, “I am not human.” 
The mermaiden watched him, as an almost smirk graced her inhumanely beautiful face. “Gooodd,” she hissed out. 
✧ ✧ ✧
“That is how the castle came to be in my possession.” 
Alucard led the young mermaiden down the many hallways and corridors of the castle, telling her the story of how he, along with Belmont and Sypha, were tasked with defeating Dracula. He stopped to point out various rooms along the way, the ones he was the most familiar with, anyway. There was still much of the castle that felt foreign to him. It was as if he walked the rows of a graveyard, rarely stopping to notice yet another name on a tombstone. How many hands had helped build this place? How much of their blood was shed to gather all the infinite knowledge and wealth that was kept here? Alucard did not know. Nor was he certain he wanted to know. 
Walking past the various debris and carnage still left from their battle with Dracula, Alucard ushered her into his father’s former study, now his study. In the middle of the room sat one large rather ornate chair, placed before a cracked fireplace. In the chair was a crumbled blanket and pillow. On the small table next to it, a cold long-forgotten cup of tea. The items together suggested this chair was used in recent days for sleeping, not for sitting and reading or studying of any sort. 
The mermaiden narrowed her eyes at that. Surely, even with this battle, Alucard claimed had taken place within his home, there were bedrooms and living quarters left unbothered. Why would someone in possession of such a grand and luxurious home sleep sitting up in a chair? Or perhaps, was it a question of biology, not psychology? Did a being like Alucard require sleep at all? 
As the mermaiden contemplated, Alucard kneeled down to start a fire, but not before vaguely gesturing at the crack that ran up the front brick of the fireplace. “As you can see, the fight was not limited to one area or room.” 
“Bprokeghn,” the mermaid nodded before gesturing herself to the chair and blanket set-up. “Behd?” 
Alucard cleared his throat, as he stoked the beginning flames of the fire. “My room was… damaged, yes.” 
Seemingly content with that answer, the mermaiden turned her attention to other parts of the room. 
Off to the right there were various bookshelves and texts. And on the left? A modest oak desk sat under a large painting of a beautiful woman. Her hair was golden, almost appearing to glow under the warm hue of the fire’s dancing light. Her eyes were large and hopeful, and her size petite but strong. In her hand, she held a white flower, although its beauty paled in comparison to hers, it was a lovely touch against the dark maroon dress she was wearing. 
“Prehty,” she said, stopping to admire the woman in the painting. 
Upon hearing her words, Alucard looked up, a soft smile having formed on his face. “Yes,” he said. “She was beautiful.” 
Glancing back at the man, the mer creature noticed his hair was blonde and rather lovely as well. Not as gorgeous as her own siren’s locks of course, but that was understandable. She pointed to the hair of the woman in the painting before pointing to her own, and then finally, to his. “Prehty too.” 
✧ ✧ ✧
From where he stood in the kitchen, Alucard watched amusedly as the young woman tried taking a bite of her grossly undercooked fish using a knife and fork, stifling a laugh every time she would manage to grip one utensil only to drop the other. Her less-than-human approach to everyday things made Alucard feel at ease. She was not a lying, conniving human he had to watch out for, she was not biding her time waiting to stab him in the back. Quite the contrary: she was blunt and rather oblivious to human social conventions. 
She had very little reservations when it came to nudity, Alucard had come to discover. If it wasn’t for his polite, insistence, she would have continued to roam the castle naked. Dwelling deep underwater made her rather immune to things like catching a chill. Alucard was similar, he did not feel the cold the way humans did, although he was not entirely immune to it. He would surely suffer frostbite should he choose to venture outside in the dead of winter without any clothes on his back. However, unlike a human, and more like a vampire, it would take more than freezing exposure to do him in. 
It was almost comforting in a way, to share the castle with someone who’s biology was surprisingly close to his. She was more unhuman than human most days, her residual scales and sharp claw-like nails coming back once her body had returned to full-health. Her teeth had also increased in length, although Alucard suspected she could control their sharpness at will to some degree, her opting to keep her incisors short and squared, more human-like, whenever the two would talk walks around outside the castle. 
The mermaiden also had an interesting diet. She preferred her food cold, if not raw. Even things like fish and other meats, she refused to eat properly cooked. Alucard briefly recalled the first time he had tried to offer her dinner. He steamed her fish the same way he steamed his, and presented it to her, expecting gratitude. It was humourous now, but back then he recalled being rather dissatisfied with her indignant reaction. She hissed, and berated him for serving her something ‘burnt’, or ‘burrrnt’ as she had called it. 
Alucard discovered it was less of a preference and more of a requirement when he found her eagerly licking the blood from a freshly killed and skinned hare he had fetched for dinner. It seemed that she, like him, and like the many other supernatural creatures, had a penchant for blood that was born out of a necessity, and not mere cruelty. With her diet of raw and bloody food, her skin appeared healthier- still as shiny and translucent, but less gray. Her human form’s skin was less cakey and dry, and when she did change back into her tailed form, which was rather often given how much she enjoyed lounging in one of the castle’s large communal baths, her scales shed much less than they had when they first met. Upon her initial arrival at the castle, Alucard found she’d leave scales behind her wherever she walked, the same way a lover might lay out a trail of rose petals. Of course in this case, there was no intimate surprise waiting for him behind closed doors (not that he’d want one given his past circumstances, anyway), but a very brash and temperamental half-siren, usually impatiently awaiting yet another “useless” lesson in human conventions. 
“Naught fun-ie,” she hissed, under her breath, well aware of Alucard’s amusement. “No need for toools underwater.” She dropped both her knife and fork unceremoniously onto her plate before crossing her arms, looking like a wilful toddler. 
“There’s no one to impress here,” Alucard assured her. “Besides, even without a fork and knife I’m sure you eat like a magistrate compared to Belmont. The rodents outside have more manners.” 
“Belmonnt,” the fair maiden repeated, picking up her fish with her bare hands. “Frrend.” 
“Yes. Although, I haven’t seen him or Sypha for quite some time.” Alucard answered, just a hint of loneliness creeping into his voice. 
“Hadd frend wonss.” Biting into her fish, she tore a chunk of flesh off with her teeth, a satisfied groan leaving her body as some of the excess moisture dribbled down her chin. “Huumann too.” She swallowed her bite of fish down, not bothering to chew much at all. “Dyed.” She licked her lips in satisfaction. “Beectraaid.” 
“Wherever humans are concerned, such possibilities are never in short supply.” Alucard agreed, handing her a cloth napkin to wipe her chin. “It is their nature.” 
Choking down the rest of her fish, the mermaiden swallowed harshly again before asking, “Owtsighed?” Of course, the two giant stakes housing decayed corpses had not escaped her notice on their way inside. 
Alucard retrieved her empty plate, moving to place it in the sink. Closing his eyes, he desperately tried not to remember the feel of the silver cords burning his skin, the way he suffocating under Taka and Sumi’s gaze, how if it were not for his sword and the magical component of it, it’d be his body flayed and strung up outside instead of theirs. Despite not having had anything to chew or eat, Alucard swallowed hard as well. 
“Yes,” he finally said.  
✧ ✧ ✧
“Where are wee going?” The mermaiden asked, her vocabulary and annunciation having improved much over the last couple of weeks. 
Dressed in a relatively sheer nightgown and robe, the young woman begrudgingly followed Alucard, already dressed for the day, as he led her over to the remains of the Belmont hold. Upon reaching the cleverly designed pulley system, Alucard lifted the safety bar of the lift and gestured for her to get in. 
The young mer woman bared her teeth but did not hiss, a vast improvement of manners and trust on her part. 
“You may recall in the past, I’ve mentioned a man named Belmont, Trevor Belmont.” Alucard set the bar back down, clicking it into place, before pulling one of the levers to begin their descent. 
She nodded. “Friend. Miss him.” 
Alucard furrowed his brow. “I do not believe I’ve once said I missed his company.” 
The young woman shrugged her shoulders, a form of nonverbal human communication she had recently picked up on. “Still,” she wagged a finger, disapprovingly. “Can tell. No want to be alone.” 
Having reached the bottom of the lift, Alucard secured the platform before exiting, seemingly eager to remove himself from their current conversation. “I speak his name frequently because he has gifted me a rather large piece of his family’s inheritance for safekeeping. Without my permission, I might add.” 
Flicking a large switch on the wall, the mermaiden watched in awe as hundreds of blue flames suddenly sparked alight, illuminating an expansive cavern of towered rows and rows of books and other meticulously organized collections. 
“This,” Alucard extended his arm out, showcasing the vastness of the space before them, “Is the Belmont Hold. It possesses all the knowledge the Belmonts learned on creatures of the night, the collection starting generations ago. Everything any Belmont learned has been recorded onto paper, and stored somewhere within these tomes.” 
Temporarily blindsided by excitement, the mermaiden found herself quickly making her way down several sets of stairs, her balance thankfully having improved tenfold, as she ignored the darker implications of Alucard’s words. 
“So much boooks!” She cried out, settling on entering a random upper row of tomes, pulling one out of the shelf. “So much papper!” 
Alucard nodded, coming to join her. “I take it your people do not have much use for such records underwater?” 
The young mer woman nodded, running her clawed fingers delicately over the inked pages. “Runes. Maghik. No paper.” 
Carefully, Alucard took the book from her hands and placed it back onto the shelf where it belonged. Before the mermaiden could bare her teeth or hiss at him in irritation he had already begun climbing down a nearby ladder, calling for her to follow. “Come. The books are impressive, but they are not what I wish to show you.” 
Reaching the lowest level before her, Alucard smiled softly as his eyes were met with the familiar scene of a magic mirror, and open chest. How strange to think he and his friends stood on this very ground when Sypha successfully managed to summon the castle. How strange to think right there, under his feet, was where Adrian Tepes died and Alucard of Wallachia truly began. 
There was a time when Alucard believed he and he alone would be the one to ever stand upon this, practically hallowed ground. Belmont was not yet sure if he wished to resume the responsibilities of his namesake. And Sypha, well, Sypha had chosen to follow Belmont in whatever trouble he managed to get himself into. Who knows if they would be back, if they ever intended on coming back? At the end of their journey, there was Alucard, left alone to shoulder the burden of both their families’ legacies. 
Trevor had told him not to make the castle his grave, but to use it and the hold to… help people. Such a task seemed near impossible when you were one dhampir, isolated far away from the rest of the world. But then, Alucard reflected, along came Taka and Sumi, and perhaps, he had once thought, he would no longer have to be alone. 
They were so eager to learn, but they were also so eager to leave. They did not come intending to stay, Alucard knew this, and yet, he could not help the way he drew their lessons out, making sure to be as detailed as possible. If they must go, he supposed, he could make it so they did not leave for a while. It was foolish to think his desires would go unnoticed by the two humans. More foolish perhaps, to expect them to understand. Alucard had been wrong. 
They sensed he was less than forthcoming, Alucard could not deny that was true. But he never lied, not once to them. But in their humanity, in their hurt and in their pain and guilt and anger they felt they were deceived. Perhaps deception was so readily on their mind because they had arrived with a plan to play him for a fool all along. 
Either way, it was fatal on their part. Alucard may have wanted them to stay, but he did not need them. They alleviated his loneliness, but they were not necessary companions, not like Trevor or Sypha. They were far too different, far too divested from the line of existence Alucard walked to ever truly understand him. Being human, they ignorantly believed themselves to possess so many options of their own, but as fate had proven: they too were wrong. 
But this young woman, this siren, this mermaid, she was different. She did not come seeking him, rather their meeting was entirely accidental. And this time, the playing field was even: she needed him just as much, if not more, than Alucard wanted her. It was different this time. Here, within the Belmont hold and his castle, she was the outsider. And no matter how long she stayed with him, no matter how hard she tried, she would remain less human than Alucard. Next to her, he was not a monster or a beast, no. 
At her side, he appeared solely as Wallachia’s savior, Alucard, and he was neither human nor monster. 
Coming back to the present moment, Alucard watched silently as the mermaiden approached the glass display case of vampire skulls. He watched as her eyes widened, and her fists clenched, before she spun around, her fangs bared. “Exsplain, now!” 
“The Belmonts hunted creatures of the night for centuries. They came to Wallachia hunting Dracula and his army of vampires.” 
“You said Belmont friend!” 
“He is- was. As I have said to you before, he aided me in my journey to defeat my Father Dracula, to prevent him from securing the extinction of the human race.” 
The mermaiden tilted her head to the side. “Buut why? You vampire.” 
“Not entirely,” Alucard countered. 
The mermaiden’s eyes squinted. “What?”
“The woman in portraits you’ve so admired within the castle, she was my mother, Lisa Tepes, and she was human.” 
Enraged, the mermaiden’s face contorted into an expression of anger, her nostrils flaring with every huff of air she took. “Liar!” She accused him, making her way around the side of the cabinet, trying to move past the dhampir without encountering him directly. “You said humans betrayed! You said not like them! You lie!” 
“I did not lie. I never told you I was wholly vampire, nor did I once say I was not part human.” Alucard mirrored her movement, cutting her off before she could reach the stairs. “I aided humanity only to be betrayed by humans. I do not belong in their world, nor do they belong in mine.” 
“Nor in minesss!” She snarled. “You human. Not friend. Not anymoresss.” Shoving past Alucard she began up the stairs before she felt a hand on her wrist yank her back. Whipping around, she found herself face to face with Alucard, his expression angry, his fangs elongated and on clear display. 
“And where will you go? Your human charade may not disturb me but it is bound to alert others. There is no city, no town where you could travel that they would believe you to be one of their own.” His voice was deep, dark, and full of disdain. 
“Then I go home,” she retorted. “With othersss like mee.” 
“Do you think they will accept you now you’ve lived with a human, lain with a human?” 
“Half,” she spit into his face before sneering: “Half huumannn.” 
Alucard did not even flinch, entirely unphased by her vulgar action. “Human nonetheless,” he said, the ice in his veins offset only by the golden fire in his eyes. “Not even they would welcome you back now. There is nowhere you can go, no one who would welcome you. I,” he spoke, baring his fangs, “am all you have left. I am the only one who understands.” 
The mermaiden opened her mouth to speak, but could not find the words. She closed her mouth before opening it again, still hesitant on how to respond. If it was not as serious of a moment, Alucard would have laughed: she truly looked like a fish out of water. 
Careful as not to spook her, he slowly raised one hand, using it to wipe away a stray tear that had fallen from her eyes. How strange a sight to see a siren crying, awful yet beautiful at the same time. Like him, Alucard thought. 
“You are the only one who could possibly understand me. You need not ever leave.” Alucard used his other hand to take one of her own, and guide it, resting it atop his chest. “I do not wish to be alone anymore.” 
The maiden choked back more tears, shocked she was shedding them in the first place in Alucard’s presence. 
Prior to those horrible humans taking her, tears were not something the mermaiden had ever experienced. Living underwater, she was surrounded by saltwater. Even on the occasions she was consumed by great emotion, her eyes behaved no different, felt no different than they did being in their usual full-contact with water as they were everyday. But after she was taken, she found the ability to cry, something she despised. It burned the skin of her cheeks with hot shame, her throat felt too tight for air: the process of crying was foreign, and undeniably painful. She prayed it would not become a normal occurrence for her. She swore the moment she was free of her captors, she would never shed a tear again. And then she met Alucard. And he was…
Sweet. He was kind. He was not an ignorant, vengeful human. Surely, he would not give her reason to cry. They were of the same kind, she and him. He would harbor no hate for her in his heart. 
How foolish of the girl to think hatred was the only feeling capable of creating pain, of making remorse. Afterall, ‘love’ was just as powerful. ‘Love’ was just as dangerous. 
Deep down, the young siren knew the dhampir’s words were true: there was nowhere else she could go, there was no one else who would understand her, and care for her the way he did. 
In fairness, he was not fully human, he was half vampire, and his father was the great Lord Dracula to boot. He was not simple in the way other humans were. He was not stupid in the way people were. He was educated and well-aware of the fragility of egos, the slow passing of time… He did not look at the world through a mortal lens. The mermaiden knew she could do worse, in choosing someone to trust, in picking someone to rely on. 
Then again, he was half-human. She was wise to fear him, to doubt him. He may have meant what he said, when he told her she need not leave, but that did not mean she needn’t want to. But she was so far from home, so far from more of her own kind. Who else left in this region ravaged by night creatures and monsters would open their home to her the way he had? Perhaps it was wiser to stay. 
Did she even possess a choice in the matter?
Even withIn the arms of that former stranger, she felt more forsaken than she had when those evil traders first captured her. She felt so alone… Gods… 
She, too, wished not to be alone anymore. 
“What?” Alucard’s head snapped up at the sound of her words. “Truly?” He could not help the hope that seeped into his voice. “You wish to stay with me?” 
Before him, the mermaiden nodded, yet another human expression she had come to love over the past few weeks. “Yessss,” she hissed out, her voice still nasally from her earlier tears. “I ssstay.” 
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A/N: Holy shit! Almost 8,000 words here. And to think I did it all while fighting the worst virus of my life! (See, THAT just goes to show you how strong my love for Alucard is. 
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