#and this level of piracy is accepted by most people
natadachoco · 2 years
sorry, same permission anon, is there really no other way to ask? their DMs are shut, but can't you tweet at them? comment on the original posting? are you checking their descriptions to see if they have anything resembling "do not reupload my works"?
they may not use tumblr, but someone who knows them might and they may still find out. these are independent artists, not shueisha. they're not completely out of reach in any sense.
... honestly I'm just scared to tweet them directly. Idk why it feels more stressful than DMing them? I do check for any "do not reuploads" on their twitter or pixiv in their bios and the post itself and make sure they don't have anything like that (note: this is at time of posting. I source everything I translate and you can click to get linked directly to the op's account, and if you notice that it ever changes, please tell me and I'll remove it immediately!). I also do not upload comics from sites like privatter or poipiku because they are specifically meant to limit the audience to the poster's twitter followers/lists, and that would be extra bad.
This doesn't absolve me completely in any sense, but apart from straight up asking for permission (which is... admittedly the most important part) I do my best to make sure I'm being respectful of the original artist's wishes.
edit: do you think I should remove the original version from my posts and only link it? Somehow it only just came to me (stupid, I know) that this might impact traffic to the original, though I originally put it there so that people could correct me translations in case I fucked up lol
edit edit: check the tags on the newest translation :D
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avelera · 1 year
OFMD S2 Meta - Stede's Garbage Self-Worth with regards to Ed is still unresolved
(And I'm so hyped for this plotline)
H'ok! So of all the scenes in episodes 1-3 of OFMD S2, this is the one I've been most hyped to discuss but I've been putting it off a few days so people had at least a little time to watch the new eps.
Gifs are courtesy of @ratchet from this gifset:
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Hoooo BOY this is such an interesting scene to unpack! Because to me there's at least 3 levels going on here.
What Lucius hears
What the audience "hears"
What Stede literally said
Thing is, I believe when Stede says, "I'm not ready to believe that," the tone that Lucius hears and that the audience is at least 50/50 expected to hear based on the sort of cadence of the scene is, "I'm not ready to believe that Ed's best days are behind him. I'm going to change that."
But I'm not convinced that's what Stede is saying, what Rhys Darby is portraying, or what is literally on the page.
Literally, on the page, Stede says he's not ready to believe that. And given that Stede is very neurodivergent coded, Rhys is self-confessed autistic, and I believe Rhys is bringing that to his portrayal of Stede, I think we really should look at literal words as written and not just run with they're implied to say. This could be read as a declaration that Stede refuses to accept a reality where Ed's best days are behind him or the literal reading: he still can't process that Ed Teach's time with Stede Bonnet was the best Ed's life is ever going to get.
I believe this is for multiple reasons:
Stede isn't going to throw off a lifetime of low self-esteem and bullying overnight just because he's realized he's in love. Especially when the manner of realizing it (end of S1) was hurting the person he loves pretty badly by abandoning him without a word. He's determined to fix his mistakes but each step of the journey is revealing just how big of a mistake it actually was. Not exactly the stuff of sudden self-confidence and positive self-image change.
It requires a full re-write in Stede's brain of every single assumption he had about his relationship with Ed before their separation. Stede in S1, to my eyes, very much saw himself as the junior partner in the relationship. He saw Ed as taking pity on him, to some extent. He felt blessed to have Ed there. It informed so much of their relationship and it especially informed him taking off when he thought his presence was an active burden on Ed. Basically, what Lucius is saying here attacks the very foundations of Stede's understanding of the happiest part of his life so far. To learn that Ed wasn't just the happiest part of his life, but that he, Stede Bonnet, was the happiest part of Ed's life? Whew. Fuck. Not good. Very not good.
Because it's really not good if he was the happiest part of Ed's life, that he so fundamentally misunderstood their dynamic because of his low self-esteem, that he ended the happiest period of Ed's life without warning, without a note, prematurely, and left Ed with the inescapable conclusion that Stede doesn't care about him.
I think worse, even worse, is that Stede has evidence that Lucius is right that he was the best part of Ed's life. But in S1, we're heavily in Stede's POV and Stede's POV of himself is that he's a joke, pathetic, garbage, lucky to have someone like Ed in his life. But Ed's literal actions, louder than words, are that he chose Stede. He gave up piracy for him. He stayed by him. He offered his life for Stede's. Stede wasn't ready to hear that then, he couldn't hear it over the sound of his own low self-esteem whispering poison in his ear, externalized by the Badmintons (both real and imagined). He took their words as fact, rather than Ed's actions as fact. Reexamining Ed's actions shows just how wrong they were. Just how wrong Stede was. And just how badly he hurt Ed because he didn't listen to Ed, the person he loves, over the voices of his own trauma, self-doubt, or of the Badmintons, people who literally hated Stede.
It's a lot. It's a lot for Stede to take in. He's not there yet. But I love that we've had it said aloud: this is a major plot point still. Stede's end-of-S1 glow-up didn't signal that he's self-confident now enough to realize he might be as good for Ed as Ed is for him. He's still grappling with that. It shatters him to even begin to realize this. They have to work through that still. Stede is ready to start listening but he still doesn't, can't literally can't, believe it just yet. It's just too big.
And I am absolutely salivating to see how the rest of the season deals with this thread.
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One thing I love about OFMD is how good the narrative is at turning endings into beginnings.
Endings are written into the story on a lot of levels. Our story begins with Stede leaving his old life behind, and Ed desperate to find his way out of the life he feels trapped in. We're told that the "only retirement we get is death," but the narrative refuses to accept that line of thinking. Characters are rewarded for carving new paths for themselves when everyone else says it's time to stop trying and just accept what you've got. The endings of those chapters of their lives are what prompt Ed and Stede forward to learn more about themselves and who they really want to be. What really matters in OFMD isn't what you did yesterday, it's what you're choosing to do today.
And OFMD is set at a transitional time. Historians debate when the European Golden Age of Piracy ended, but most consider the end to be a gradual thing, lasting between about 1710-1730. There's something there, about how Ed has devoted his life to piracy, became the best in the business, and now that way of life is ending. There's something about Stede finding his stride in it as it's dying.
And it would be so easy to think about how we left Ed and Stede as an end. They've got each other, they both know they're committed to each other, they've decided to retire together. In a lot of stories, that would be it. Curtains, no more to say. But this isn't an end! Not at all! It's framed as a beginning. Ed and Stede are beginning their lives together, and they'll have setbacks along the way, but it's the start of a new chapter in their lives.
There's just something about how this is a story about finding queer love and community and joy later in life, at a time when many people are sure there's nothing new left, not for them. And OFMD looks us in the eyes and it says "no, actually. It's never too late to start again."
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the Rothko anon is an obviously absurd example because it’s Rothko, but also, most living artists aren’t on tumblr either! (even among artists who were at one point on tumblr, most of them have not been on tumblr for years)
as a more general point: there’s a rough consensus that’s developed around online artist circles and their fans that goes: “if you upload a piece of artwork made by someone else—even if the artist isn’t on this website (so you can’t Retweet/Reblog/etc. their own upload) and you include the name and a link to the artist—you’re Stealing from the artist and depriving them of pageviews etc. etc. (unless that artist has explicitly permitted reposts)”
a natural objection to this is that sharing a piece of art can lead people who see it to look up more artwork by that artist and begin following them, which is usually dismissed with eyerolls and rejoinders of “stop telling artists you’re doing us a favor by reposting our art!!”
and to be fair, these attitudes are understandable as a reaction (in part) to accounts that mass-upload someone else’s artwork without any kind of attribution, or this or that instance of a particular artwork going viral with the vast majority of the people who see it not being aware of who made it
but it’s also, like, completely untenable on a basic level. the premise that any such repost is a Lost Pageview/Follower the artist would have had otherwise isn’t so different from the notion that piracy is impoverishing musicians/authors/game devs/etc., and the associated mentality of needing to tightly control access to their work even when that is not remotely practical (or even beneficial for the artist)
(pop quiz: if I bring up a piece of artwork on my phone or laptop screen, and then show it to a friend who is physically beside me, is that also stealing from the artist?)
I guess this impulse can also be viewed as an attempt to preserve the Aura of an artwork in the context of art images being reproduced by electronic transmission of image data, creating a copy of the file, and viewed on a device that receives such a copy through the internet and then displays it on a screen. So even when looking at an artist’s work on their personal website’s gallery/portfolio, in a sense it’s copies that are being viewed, and depending on the kind of work, copies without an original (unless the images are of a physical painting / drawing / sculpture / etc. that’s been photographed or scanned). I think as an attempt to preserve that aura, though, it is misguided and counterproductive
ultimately, on a practical level: if someone is unwilling to accept that they don’t control when people will post their artwork to tumblr/reddit to show other people (or send it to their friends on discord, or show people on their phone, or....) then honestly. maybe they should consider just not putting their artwork online TBH
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naranjapetrificada · 2 months
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Astrology is fake but in honor of the beginning of Leo Season, I want to revist this "Stede Bonnet is a Leo king" meta I wrote a year ago almost to the day. Because of course it was written before season 2, but season 2 only underlined my previous points.
Season 2 Stede doesn't have any of the trappings of his old life that would make his Leo status seem obvious anymore. His fancy clothes are at the bottom of the sea, his hair is still great but clearly not as sculpted as it was before, and his beautiful, luxurious, good vibes ship has been stripped of its finery (and its freedom). But he's still a fucking Leo, dammit, and he still acts like it.
I should start with a reminder that I'm a Leo, and anything that associates Stede Bonnet's positive traits feels a little self-aggrandizing, but also as a Leo I'm comfortable practicing radical acceptance about it. Which is all to preface the first season 2 Stede trait I wanted to bring up: Leos can be some of the most romantic fuckers alive.
In the old meta I talk about Stede's generosity of spirit and desire for the people around him to be happy. That coupled with his sunny optimism and the irrepressible way that he loves what he loves (once he figures out that it's love) was always gonna put him at DEFCON 1 levels of romantic hero behavior.
Ed fell in love with him when he wasn't even trying, so of course a Stede who is trying is gonna be writing love letters in bottles and throwing them into the sea DAILY. Of course he was gonna fill the maps he drew on the back of Ed's wanted posters with sketches of his beloved's face and little lines of poetry and manifest good energy by circling "alive" and crossing out "dead". Of course he was gonna say "I love your chin" and "I love everything about you", two of the most heartstoppingly romantic statements I've ever heard (and objectively what Ed needed to hear at the time).
His leadership skills also develop further, and in ways that seem relevant to that Leo meta. He's radically kind, even to the people who it looks like killed the only man he's ever loved, including a certain angry little nightmare creature who tried to get him killed multiple times. In that unimaginable moment he said no, I'm going to save these people because they're my crew, and then plans and leads them through a truly effective escape strategy.
(His other plan, the one in the finale, goes off without a hitch except for Izzy getting shot. But. Izzy should have searched the hostage right? Just trying to get ahead of that argument against Stede's leadership skills.)
Thankfully Ed survives, and they have that "be the captain" scene which is at its heart about performance, another thing theatrically inclined Leos excel at. Stede goes on to perform the role of acolyte to make Izzy feel included and like a mentor. And I will die on this hill but it is a performance, something Stede knows going into it. Stede never needs to learn the old way of piracy and specifically thrives in the absence of it.
(I also 100% believe both that Stede was telling a truth when he told Izzy he had no memory of their duel and also that he knew that saying he didn't remember was the bitchiest thing to do, and so did it for his own amusement. It's like how light can be measured as both a particle and a wave, okay?)
I won't rehash everything I said in the old meta about his generosity as a Leo trait, but I did want to point out something that occurred to me. Unless I'm misremembering, the crew has gotten new outfits by the first time we see them in s2e4, but we don't see Stede in something new until he finds the red suit (which of course he adores and absolutely slays in). Costume changes are always heavily symbolic on this show, but I feel like the simple fact of the crew getting improved clothes before Stede does (the red suit that he discards for their sake, and his slutty look for Calypso's Birthday) also means something.
The things we adore about Stede Bonnet have a lot of overlap with traits and behaviors that are associated with Leos, and I continue to suspect that despite astrology being fake, there was at least one Astrology Gay in the writers room who was at least aware of the vibes. And in honor of Leo Season, may we all go out there and try to be kinder, braver, and more loving. May we all think about the spaces we're in and try to make them a little freer. May we all try our best to go out and spread a little sunshine in the world that so desperately needs it.
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Smee my beloved
I want to talk about perhaps the most under appreciated character of the Peter Pan franchise—Mr. Smee. Other than Captain Hook, he is the most fleshed out pirate, and honestly does not get enough love for the brilliance of his character because he’s often dulled down to a bumbling sidekick, when he is truly much more.
In the original Peter Pan 1904 play (and 1911 novel) :
Smee is described as the only non-conformist and Irishman aboard the Jolly Roger.
Though in most adaptations he takes the role of the first mate, originally he was the boatswain, but his relationship to Hook nonetheless remained quite strong, implying that it was each other they sought companionship in rather than a relationship based purely around their stations.
Instead of wiping his sword clean of blood after a battle, he is said to clean his spectacles.
Described as oddly genial for a pirate, but make no mistake that he DOES kill people. In fact, he has a curved sword which he nicknamed ‘Johnny Corkscrew’ for the way he twists it into his enemies guts. Pretty gruesome.
Despite being described as ‘stupid’ and ‘pathetic’, he’s often the only one Hook can have intelligent conversation with. In fact, it is Smee who points out that when the clock in the crocodile runs out, Hook will no longer hear it coming and thus be at risk of death.
He sows, dances, and even sings! He also evidently collects trinkets and gives silly little names to things.
He is the only pirate other than Starkey to survive the end battle, and whereas Starkey is captured by the Natives, Smee goes on to explore the world and sell the trinkets he gathered from piracy. He even claims that he was the ‘only man Hook ever feared.’
He is the only person Hook expresses admiration for, and too is one of the few pirates who is not berated or harmed by him.
Hook sees him as the only man with legitimately good form, which is peak levels of respect from Hook.
In Hook 1991
Smee takes on a more domestic role in caring for his Captain, and evidently Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins both agreed to play Hook and Smee as a married couple!
Shown to be the only pirate other than Hook capable of reading, writing, and understanding more complex language (he makes a joke to the pirates in the first scene he’s in, in which he refers to Hook as ‘unfathomable’, and when the pirates don’t react, he realizes he has to dumb down his vocabulary for them.)
Jovial and quite silly, always knows what is best for Hook, and it is evident they’ve been with each other so long that they know each ones quirks.
Reminder that SMEE is the person to suggest the plan of turning Peter’s kids against Pan by making them like Hook, meaning he is the one who came up with the evil plot, once again proving that he’s not some bumbling idiot.
Actually so sweet I love him I heart him did you see the scene where he plays baseball? Husband.
In Peter and the Starcatcher (the play by Rick Elice)
Shown to be a really good actor, good enough to fool Aster into believing he’s a legitimate navy Lieutenant.
Once again surprisingly literate, having quite a few boasting lines for Stache before the Captain comes on board. He even is shown to correct Stache every now and again when his Captain mixes up words.
Seems to speak a tiny bit of French, as he refers to Stache’s style as ‘comme il faut’, though he could also just be using the phrase itself.
Frequently comes up with the plans Stache uses in his plots, even suggests the idea that the trunks were swapped. He doubts himself on his own ideas, frequently referring to his ideas as ‘stupid’, but nonetheless Stache accepts them wholeheartedly.
Is the only character other than Stache to break the fourth wall.
Pretty much the only reason Stache is still alive.
He’s also a ukulele player and a decent singer—and apparently, like all of the pirates, a drag Queen!
I don’t have much to say on the Disney version because they really butchered his character there, but I think it’s important to note that once again, he often suggests the plots that Hook later uses for his evil schemes, such as when he mentioned the drama between Wendy and Tinkerbell. This could be just him gossiping, but it might be more interesting to imagine that he came up with the plot, but wanted to quietly suggest it to Hook in a way that would make Hook think that he himself came up with the idea, so as to save his Captain’s already tainted pride. He’s the ultimate hypeman/husband.
TLDR; Mr. Smee is awesome and I love him and media should do him better. Here’s my version of him as well. Toodle-oo!
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slowpiracy · 11 months
Ricky is such a good foil for Stede. He actually IS all of the things Stede was called in Season 1. He's this bored aristocrat who is "slumming it" in the Republic of Pirates because he wants excitement and to be cool and famous, but he doesn't care for the pirates. 🧵 #OFMDS2
Ricky is such a good foil for Stede. He actually IS all of the things Stede was called in Season 1. He's this bored aristocrat who is "slumming it" in the Republic of Pirates because he wants excitement and to be cool and famous, but he doesn't care for the pirates. 
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Stede does also want excitement and to be cool and famous, but that's just surface level. He desires something about the Pirate's Life from a deeper place, which I would argue he's still figuring out. But he does know from the very beginning that the community aspect is important. When he becomes a pirate captain he focuses on taking good care of the crew, he pays them well, he gives them leisure time and activities, etc. It's not necessarily what they want, but, importantly, Stede takes their feedback and understands he has a lot to learn from the crew. And by listening to them and accepting them, as well as bringing his own self into piracy (being a gentleman pirate who 'kills with kindness', but doesn't stop them from pirating as they like), the crew and Stede all grow together to make a life that works better for all of them. 
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But Ricky isn't in it for the community. He's just trying on the lifestyle for a laugh. The key issue with Ricky - and difference from Stede -is he ultimately thinks he's better than everyone else. Ricky doesn't respect pirates like Zheng; the most deference we see is to Stede. It's kind of sad, though, because I think there are signs that he - like Stede - not very popular among his own people. 
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He *could* have found community among the pirates if he wasn't a dick. But he'll always be lonely, and he'll always be a dick, because he was so easily willing to destroy the pirate community - that actually welcomed him in - in favour of a bit of notoriety among his fellow colonial buddies. 
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In contrast, we see Stede give up his wealth so he can be a true member of the community. I always think back to Stede first arriving at the Republic of Pirates and saying "I've never felt so at home!" It could have been taken as him posturing, but I've always felt it was true. I think Stede has truly always loved the pirate community, not just on a whim, not just because it's more exciting that his provincial life, but because he understands it's *a community* in a way that his colonial aristocratic life never could be*. 
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Using Ricky as a foil this season has helped to highlight and clarify all these aspects of Stede's character.
Footnote: *Mary does find community in that colonial landscape, but only by living her own version of a radical life - one that is primarily built around homosocial, female relationships, and her own interests (very radical for European and colonial societies at the time).
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transmorphobots · 1 year
Burning Bridges on Mount Olympus
two ex-athletes talk about losing their way and ending up on a pirate ship far from home. Featuring a younger Lane One and introducing Shellmire. Honestly also can't go without saying that it's inspired by @combaticon's HAL series. It's been a huge pleasure to beta read it and the way she writes the bar as a center of community has been a treat, which is inspired some of this set up too.
The Cage was a much scarier name for the place than it actually was. It used to be a storage bay but it hardly looked like that anymore. Thick iron bars and the chain link fence decorated the outside. Complete with signs lifted from raids or remade faithfully in memory of street signs on the various worlds the varied crew called home. The largest and brightest sign in neon hangs above the door, buzzing threateningly which was part of its charm. The lights on the inside were orange and red to drive its industrial novelty and the rest of the furniture was recycled junk. 
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It boasted a threat, a rough time, that all things were unwelcoming...  It followed the theme of the ship. They had Dread Captains, The Dirge, and also the owner of The Cage themself. 
Heavy set and nearly as wide as the Rust River, Shellmire was maybe the most intimidating piece in the bar. They didn’t hide any weapons on their frame which also helped keep the rowdiness of the bar at a controllable and acceptable level. Though, like the theme, it was mostly a cover for people too tired or broken to do anything but start something new. 
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A few favors had been pulled when Shellmire made their home on the Dirge. Doing some jobs for people and making a few promises to others who could help them get it made. People didn’t really expect the gladiator with such financial savvy but they did love the idea of a place where they could catch up on all the things they left behind. Broadcasts from Velocitron, Cybertron, New Cybertronia, the local sectors, and even picking up Junkion broadcasts of whatever NASCAR was. 
Lane One liked NASCAR. It wasn’t as exciting as Velocitron’s races but there was a certain meditative quality to it… and it helped she didn’t think she was missing out on much. Watching races from Velocitron was like watching your ex-lover with a new flame. Bitterness coupled with regret for missing something great. She passed by the wasted Transformers, stopping them with one hand to tell them to take the trams home to avoid a crash. The two suppliers, a kind word for the mechs who actually went out and did the piracy, assured her they would do just that before they laughed and stumbled off. 
“If I find you parked in the crops I’ll make sure you don’t drink here again.” and that threat sobered them up a bit. Though they whined as they tried to collect themselves and walk upright instead of leaning on each other. 
The ex-gladiator’s joints creaked as they stood behind the counter, wiping down a glass and watching the last few patrons leave. The pale yellow optic staring blankly while the glass squeaked under the rag. They didn’t look at Lane One directly, instead, staring into the empty bar. It was kept, mostly clean because everyone had still had an ounce of respect (or fear) for Shellmire. House rules were welded prominently on a wall, cut by a laser and back lit by red bulbs so every word glowed like fresh slag. 
The last one always got a little smile out of her, the Kaon Cube team could always use the support even if they couldn’t be at the stadium. Her optics swept the bar, realizing it was too empty…
“Where’s your crew?” she asks and goes to the messiest table first, starting to clean up the glasses and scraps. The gladiator behind her lets out a heavy sigh, the glass is set on the counter, and another chorus of squeaks starts as Shellmire works down the line.
“Called out. Wasn’t a big night of sports for us anyway… Most everyone was just here for the company. Brought their stuff back.” Shellmire’s shoulders rolled towards the stacks of glasses and plates at the bar. They creaked as they did. 
“Not everyone.” She said as she brought over more. She set up some chairs that had been knocked over. Above Lane One’s head she could hear voices of the smaller, organic crew members. Mostly people looking for a life away from the Empire. It was sort of… weird… They had whole families of refugees on the Dirge. Different people from all over, they brought children, because being with pirates was safer than their homes. It was more stable too. They cheered to the familiar whistles she came to recognize as part of the NFL. 
“Sounds like Football is on.” The word felt weird in her mouth but she sort of liked how it rolled. Shellmire gave a grunt in response. 
“Football’s always on except the team I want to watch.” they grumbled. Lane One put two dirty glasses on the bar, then took a rag for herself to start working on the tower Shellmire had. 
“How about hockey?” 
“Out of season.” They squeaked the glasses in unison but Lane One tried to speed up to beat Shellmire. Working to clean just as well as the careful bartender but get more done. To their credit, Shellmire tried to speed up to entertain her competitiveness. 
They did that in silence for a while. All of the broadcast screens were off except for the one upstairs that whistled and echoed with an alien language. When Shellmire found a stopping point they went around the bar to turn on a screen where they could both watch. 
“Were you hoping to catch something?” Shellmire asked while tuning the signal.
She, like the other patrons, had just come for the company. Starting on another line of glasses she shook her head. 
“Nothing in particular. What about you?” 
“Heard the Iacon Speedway is getting restored.” Shellmire flipped to the correct channel and came back around to the side that Lane One sat on. They took a seat which groaned like the rest of their form. Steam hissing out of the joints as they started to relax. 
The screen showed a broadcast from Cybertron and the familiar horizon of Iacon. She had only ever seen the Speedway once when she was running a mission for the Autobot cell who adopted her after the exile. Running some important information to the Decagon in North Iacon… or maybe it was when she had to drive West. She couldn’t really remember anymore. 
The reporter droned on about the efforts of the Cybertron Reconstructionalists to restore the planet, possibly save it. It was a long shot, especially with the Decepticons holding ground for Megatron’s return. Iacon having one of its stadiums rebuilt looked promising though.
“Think people will join them?” She asked. 
“Mhm. Hope’s being rebuilt there. Steady, with proper foundation.” It was hard to read the Transformer. Their head had been replaced by some sort of full helmet brace and nothing facial to express with. The pale yellow glass on the sides of the helm and the front didn’t have visible machinery to suggest where they looked and they couldn’t make any sort of optical gesture. Shellmire held themselves tightly too, controlled. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that Shellmire came from Vos. Their voice was a rumbling baritone and hardly pitched with emotion. Probably on purpose, maybe a side effect of whatever left their head encased. It was that control that reminded her of Vos. She worked with a few Vosians on the Dirge and back on Cybertron, they were always in control of their voices that way if something really got under their plating, you and everyone else would be aware of it. Everything in Vos was done with a iron grip and a steely gaze, carefully calculated. It was scary to see them take it to combat but more so when you were trying to share a bar space. 
Though she never missed it, there were plenty of Vosians on the Dirge, but it didn’t replace the Autobots she had known on Cybertron. Briefly she wondered where they were. Where did they scatter after that mission went so poorly? Around the Rust Sea there were a lot of options. She wouldn’t be surprised if the rivers gave them avenues of escape. She wondered if any of the Vosians took shelter on the abandoned Amusement Complex floating in the Sea. Did they disappear into the Manganese Mountains? Which she hoped not, they’d be frozen and hard for the fliers to pass over. They would have gone down in the ice, probably, and not come back. 
“Have you heard anything about Kaon?” 
Shellmire freezes mid wipe of the glass. Lane One stops too and again, can’t get anything from the hazy yellow. It takes a moment but Shellmire continues with the glass. There’s a sloppiness to it now, leaving a smudge on the lip when they set it down. Lane One picks it up to finish the job, watching them closely. 
“No.” they answer after a moment. Then, after another glass, they leave it on the counter and turn more to face Lane One, “How’d you guess?”
“Gunner in my team was from the Wharf. Recognized the hints of the accent… plus nobody roots for the Pulsars except the locals.” 
“Not true,” it was slightly defensive, “Used to be one of the most popular teams back before this scrap.” 
Lane One shrugs her shoulders,  “I was working between Iacon and Vos, so we had a few of the Kaon resistance among our team. Only people I ever heard talking about them.” 
Shellmire gives a soft grumble of dissatisfaction like those Transformers personally betrayed them. They stopped cleaning all together and faced the bar again, the giant arms creaking as they settle on the stone counter. Lane One continues to the next phase, plates. Scrubbing oils and syrups from the metal with a determination both necessary and to avoid the awkwardness growing between the two. The reporter on the screen rattled on and on. Lane One was trying to listen but failed, only catching snippets. 
“Yeah, I did the Kaon league. Nova Cronum, Praetorus Wharf, Tagan Heights… hit Polyhex a few times too. Never made it south to Iacon.” Shellmire stood from the seat and went around the bar again. Taking a freshly cleaned glass to dirty it with something hard from under the counter. Pouring some diesel into it, then some low grade energon, before stirring until the pink and black swirl together. Their pointer finger retracts  into a siphon nozzle and they stuck it into the rim of the glass. 
 “Got comfortable where I was… had a whole entrance. Usually played lakeside, walked out of the depths. Scared ‘em like I was a Rustgator. Crowd would go wild.” 
“I bet.” Lane One smiled trying to appreciate the performer in front of her but her smile was sad and she knew it. She had her own performances she had done, with others. She missed it and she tried to bring it to the Autobots and now to the pirates… but she was tired. The crowd wasn’t there. Neither was the team she was apart of. Their story made her miss them and her components ache. The components that were part of that performance and who would never be part of it again. Cut off just like she was. 
“When I was on Velocitron I used to race with a team… and because we were a combiner we technically counted as one person so we had to combine to cross the finish line. We usually made it a.. A thing, you know? We’d weave in and out of the competition then our combined form was so wide, nobody could pass.” She chuckled a bit because it was… a mean and rude thing to do. It got them plenty of boos and jeers and even a few heated comments from the enemies they made… but it was all part of the game. 
Shellmire makes a click with something in their mechanics. The targeting radar on their frame spinning condescendingly while they reach under the counter again. 
“Course you’re a Loci…” Shellmire didn’t say it with contempt but more of a sarcastic jab as they slid the cube over to her. It was full of bubbly brassy liquid and sealed with an air-tight film that she jabbed her fingers in to tear away. 
“Explains your taste.” and then Shellmire rolled the rest of the drink over. 
Lane One grinned as she caught the iron-black egg before it fell to the floor. She smashed the egg on the ledge of the counter. She lifted it so its viscous insides could ooze into the drink; the reaction between the two caused it to fizzle, the clear yellow and orange syrup turning to white foam as it broke apart. The roiling mess was falling over the sides onto her fingers and the counter. Lane One shot it back without hesitation. 
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“What happened then? Out here like this…” 
“You first.” she set the cube down, wiping her mouth with the side of her hand. She’d need more than that for the mess the drink made but she was smiling in a way that she hadn’t in a long time. It was a piece of home. A piece of a time she had been forced to leave behind. 
Shellmire balks at her behavior and her request… but after refilling their glass they decide to give in. 
“Kaon always had a lot of problems. Ratbat squeezing people dry. Mayhem to the north, making a muck of the cities. Soon as Straxxus took over for Megatron, everyone felt the pressure. Worse than the Functionalists in some ways. Straxxus enjoyed what he did… “ The bartender leaned over towards her conspiratorially, as if Straxxus had any way of hearing them. 
“You heard of Autobots sneaking into the ranks to try and get information… but wasn’t much of them around and I was there… didn’t have a lot of use for information though. What Nova Cronum needed was some of that money to get back to the people after Straxxus robbed them of it. Plenty of ways for a freighter to spring a leak. Including someone in the crew making a hole when they weren’t paying attention.” 
Lane One choked on the last bit of her drink.. Foam spills out of her gaping  mouth and down her chin and onto the chair, though she tried to wipe it up with her hands before it got further. 
“You were embezzling from Straxxus?!” she didn’t mean to raise her voice and the people above shifted. She uttered a sorry before snatching a rag to clean herself up, leaving grease stains on her finish. 
“Not directly… but that’s why they chased me so far. Couldn’t really go to New Cybertonia for help. Wouldn’t care that the symbol was just a cover… but heard this place was out of sight and mind of most folks. Except for Straxxus’ enforcers. Don’t know what they pay them, but, seems like a good gig if you don’t have a spark.” Shellmire finished their drink and shifted into cleaning it. 
“Yeah,” her voice was a little hoarse from the foam going down the wrong way. She went slower just in case Shellmire was going to say anything else surprising. However, Shellmire went back to cleaning and staring at her. Expecting. 
They stayed in silence, except for the long forgotten broadcast, which went off about something in regards to establishing trade routes for energon. Lane One perked at the mention of Velocitron. Cybertron crawling to them to help…? Every Loci dream. She grimaced though as she thought of it. They’d never get a deal for energon from Velocitron, they’d be shut out, like every other Loci that picked a side. 
Her grip on the cube made it squeak and she let go before she crushed it. She pushed it back to Shellmire not trusting herself at the moment. 
“I… was exiled for treason.” She looked to Shellmire expecting the same sort of dramatic reaction, but all they did was stare at her. Though they didn’t clean the glass anymore, full attention was given to her. 
“Picking a side during the War was considered treason. I got too… loud about my beliefs. So, I was kicked off and barred from returning.” and it hurt, it hurt more than anything. 
“Just you?” 
She didn’t have a glass this time so instead, she clenched her fists until the metal protested. 
“Just me.” 
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Time started to blur as she held onto the sadness and the rage. It was an explosion she was willing to keep in and she wouldn’t let it out. How was it ever fair? How was it ever fair that they got to stay and she didn’t? They hadn’t disagreed with her! At least, not until it was their fame on the line. The thought that it ever could have been fake, that nothing that was them mattered… she was only worth something when her mouth was shut.
She had gone to the Autobots after that. She dove into the conflict because she needed the win but there was nothing to win on Cybertron. There was a world full of chaos and she tried to find a meaning in it, she tried to find a victory in it, but all she could think of was that if she had kept her mouth shut she would be blissfully unaware of how much there could be to lose as an Autobot. 
Lane One missed the Vosian sentinel who’d often intimidate her with its mean stare. Shot to pieces trying to protect a fuel tanker they were attempting to get into Kaon. Shield went, then the rest of its chassis. Chewed up by sentry gunfire and spat back out on the road. They did get to Kaon but they lost the sentinel. She never even knew its name. 
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Lane One remembers watching the gunner from the Wharf grow more and more disheartened until they stopped talking about the Pulsars or about Kaon and instead stared out into the Rust Sea just a little too long. They should have probably disappeared into the Sea, at least they would still be alive instead of torn to shreds by the Ultracon shock troop waiting at the Wharf. 
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Piracy was easy, actually, compared to that. She wasn’t sure if it was because they were always on the move or maybe it was because they had a better command structure… maybe she had just learned from how awful the command could be. Never had a worse manager than the pompous Autobot who led their cell to devastation. 
Shellmire finished cleaning, starting putting things away, and she held herself tight even though parts of her shook from the effort. She wasn’t sure how long it was, the broadcast was shut off, the lights were dimmed, the place was set up for the next morning. 
Sounding like a creaky old dock, Shellmire approached. They didn’t touch her nor did they offer, instead, just waiting for her to meet them on her own terms. 
“Hard to fall like that, but it's them and not you.” 
But me is what cost me everything, she thinks bitterly. Swallowing the anger or the sob, whatever was threatening to break out. Maybe Shellmire was telepathic and that's why they hid their expressions because it was like they heard her when they spoke next. 
“None of this thinking you’re a misshapen cog in a machine. Paradise is very easy to lose, cause you’re so high up. You’re away from troubles, you’re away from all the hardships. All the turbulence doesn’t feel as strong when you’re above it, and when you’re thrown from it? You fall hard… breaks you a bit but, find, it isn’t so bad on the ground now, eh?” the softness of the voice broke her out of her stupor as Shellmire offered a hand to get her off the seat.
She took it reluctantly and she reasoned that it was only to prevent Shellmire from waiting here all night for her to get over herself. 
“Everyone loses paradise and it hurts every time, worse, when someone pushes you off… I miss Kaon too. I’ll carry it with me, but, it’s not the same.” Shellmire let go of her hand to close the big industrial door on The Cage, locking it up for the night. 
“Kaon’s paradise to you?” it was mean to say it that way and she regretted it as soon as it left her mouth, she started up an apology but Shellmire beat her to it. Rare for the tortoise to beat the hare. 
“You don’t think about the flaws too much when you’re in love with the places you were made in… you’ll never forget the original, but you can make somewhere new. Like The Cage.” They gestured to the neon sign as they shut it off with a flick of a switch. 
“Like the Dirge.” she repeated but her smile was ghostly and pale. She wasn’t sure the Dirge was anything close to paradise. 
“Like wherever you go.” Shellmire offered the arm and Lane One took it as they headed off together. They’d have to split up eventually; she didn’t park in this story, but until then, she’d appreciate the company of someone who understood. 
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sugiwa · 1 year
It was so funny when Penny left the looking glass to Crocus to go with Ace “You’re running off with him?”. It sounded like they were running away to get married 😂 and then Sabo asking Ace if they’re dating😂😂
But seriously I haven’t really figured out their relationship. What do they think about each other? What do they think about how they split after their time together?
I don't think Ace and Penny really know either. How do you feel about someone you spent months trying to help with his vengeance/grief? For Penny, Ace very much is someone who needs her help. She doesn't say/think it often, but her actions are full of worry for him. He's someone who is both stunningly strong and cannot stand himself and we know Ace has so much self-hatred because of Roger. And Penny kinda realizes why Shanks asked her to intervene, because what's a writer other than someone who can read the human soul, right?
Whereas for Ace, Penny's someone he thinks deserves pure happiness and that's kinda why he splits up from her in Alabasta. She does a terrible job at hiding the fact that her heart isn't into this hunt for Blackbeard and that she's really only there for him and I don't he's comfortable at all with the level of sacrifice Penny's actually done for him. She's left most of her life behind and Sabo's off-hand comment is kinda geared toward that (also as we'll humorously learn soon, Sabo's opinion of Penny's romantic endeavors is very very low). No one really understands why Penny's gone and done this, but we kinda learn about it the very first time she meets Ace.
It's really all because of Luffy--she's lost her entire family to senseless violence without ever knowing why. She has no idea about Doflamingo or the Gorosei's involvement and part of her has always retained this wound regarding violence, especially around people she cares about, so when it comes to sparing Luffy of that pain, of course she'll go to great lengths to do it. Luffy's an embodiment of all that joy Penny once had about piracy and because he's her friend.
And all of this just spells tragedy 😭😭😭
But...back to the funny side of things...Penny's past romantic decisions have been...comical to say the least. No one really explained that she couldn't just accept marriage proposals because she wanted to throw a party. Crocus was too old to get involved in that. 🤣🤣
As it's the weekend, I hope you have a relaxing one!
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odd8ball · 2 years
A new chapter of uncertainty
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As the ship sailed away from the burning city, Hans couldn't believe the plan worked. He removed his mask once they were far enough away from his former home. Seeing his father's castle burn from the inside out was a feeling more satisfying than any he had ever felt. As far as they knew he was dead.
"How do you feel?" Asked a blonde man with a few white hairs in a concerned tone. "I feel more free than I have in years." Hans said a smile forming from delighted disbelief. "Stop bugging him Smee let him Soak in the moment." A well dressed man said dividing the gold amongst the crew equally.
Smee scurried away to make himself busy as Hans leaned on the side of the ship ready for a new chapter in his life. If he was a tratorus bastard he might as well take advantage of the freedom that came with it. Hans was pulled out of his daydreaming of the future by a glimmering diamond being held out to him by the well dressed captain.
"what's the catch James?" Hans asked suddenly on guard again. "It's your cut of the loot." James responded with a smug grin. Hans accepted the payment and James stole his fake captains hat. "You're quite the actor." James commented taking the mask away from Hans.
"I'm not the only one pretending." Hans responded standoffish. As much as he was grateful for the opportunity James provided he knew better than to trust people like him. James handed the disguise to smee who scurried off to put it away. "I will admit you are smarter than you look." James teased. "What's your story?" Hans asked. "What's yours?" James retorted poking Han's chest.
Hans scowled realizing they were at a stand still, he would have to ask a question less personal. "Why did you help me?" Hans questioned. "Why do we help anyone? I was bored and you seemed more on my level than most, there was one before you but...well she wasn't really cut out for piracy." James responded, his mood noticably dropping.
Hans wasn't sure if he was lying or not , he had seen James look convincingly terrified like a panicked civilian when he was fully aware he was safe just to blend in as he ran into the castle to burn it down from the inside. It could be bait or perhaps a truth told by a lair to be unconvincing on purpose?
They sat in silence for a few agonizing seconds before James spoke up once again. "What do you plan to do now? I can't force you to stay but I have no desire to kill you." He said. "I'm not sure, I suppose I'll stay with you and your crew for now." Hans answered.
"Well I'm glad to hear that, just try not to cause any infighting. Be as secretive as you like just keep the backstabbing to those outside the ship." James said holding his hand out to Hans. "What happens if I leave?" Hans asked. " Well you'd be outside our ship wouldn't you? We'll give you a warm goodbye but don't expect us to be on your side if you leave without telling us." James said casually.
Hans knew James was implying, it wasn't the best situation but it was fine for now. It wasn't as though he had anyone else, he shook James's hand and James's smile widened. "Why don't you join me for tea? Have you read Treasure island?" James asked. "I have." Hans responded. "Then that gives us something to talk about." James responded pulling Hans to a table Smee had set up while they were talking with tea, scones and a few other treats. Hans wasn't sure where his choice would lead him but one thing was clear, It was something new and something uncertain.
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amazingdrk · 5 months
I’m so confused, you’re pro-piracy but mad about poor people not paying for the bus??? pls explain, I’m dying to know your thought process behind this
Am I mad about poor people? No I was quite specific, if you are unable to, then it’s whatever. It’s when you skip out yet are specifically able to pay your way.
I could give a whole lecture on this and my crossness stems from the difference of
A. A public service vs. private companies
B. Our collective duty to uphold the social contract
C. The state of art media as an ephemeral force vs. transportation being a material product
D. The level of burden to acquisition
A: so I am unsubtle in my dislike for private companies. I believe that if, and this combines with C, they are offering you a product, that once you buy it, it’s yours. There is absolutely no reason why we should pay full retail price for something that can be torn away from us at company discretion for no compensation. If I pay 60 for Resident Smevil, then I should be able to permanently have a copy. Thus if someone bought say Mario 64 in the store back in the day, Idc if they pirate, they already paid
Flowing into
D:Generally speaking art should remain accessible as well. If you want to experience a work, let’s say Quest 64 or something that doesn’t get rereleased or ported. Well the rights holder has a duty to make sure that people can access their films, games, etc. if there is no legal way to access a product then be my guests.
I also have a much greater leniency on the concept of copyright infringement, tbh if a work is like more than 5 years old, then main bulwark of profit has been made and so the piracy does very little to make anyone worse for wear.
My acceptance of piracy is not universal, if something has just came out, and has a physical copy that you could reasonably afford and use, you should absolutely NOT pirate that, ESPECIALLY if it’s a smaller company or studio. Because then, yes you are doing harm. It’s immature, childish behavior and helps nobody but yourself. So like, it depends on context. Which segways to,
B: we live in a society, no really. And one thing about living with other humans is we all agree not to do certain actions. There are obvious ones like don’t kill, don’t rape. But there are numerous smaller ones that, especially in the west, people seem to completely disregard. Things like don’t litter, don’t play your music super loud in a public space, make sure to leave space for others on the sidewalk, etc.
Why do we do this? Because the theme is giving a fuck about the comfort of others. Dignity. This is one of my root beliefs: simply by being born, you have the right to a dignified existence. Its from this perspective that most of my socialist values stem. If a system infringes on your ability to remain dignified within reason, and you can violate that system while not straying too far from the social contract, be my guest.
We unfortunately live in the age of neoliberalism and disinvestment in public services as the default assumption. Even if fares do not go to the transit agency, we must understand that public transit is a community service. It says that people in this place need to get around. And here’s the interesting thing, Humans can only be dignified if our places are dignified as well, and respect for one another is a two way street.
I agree that it is neoliberal brainwashing that all services should cost money, but it is a social norm. And so by respecting that norm when it is reasonable to do so, we show that we value it’s service to our community, it says
“this small donation is for you, train driver, bus cleaner, etc; I respect you.”
Now if you are unable to make that donation due to inadequate funds, obviously whatever and I’m not going to go around policing people.
But especially if you’re an anarchist or socialist then you need to realize that your ideology lives or dies on social trust and that this individualist attitude is acid to the function of a healthy society, and that we must prefigure our collective behavior if we are to ever see fruits of a socialist future.
TLDR: it’s about showing respect to the workers of the service you are using.
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arranbert · 1 year
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mikimeiko · 2 years
There is something about Stede and his inability to form a bond with his crew, and the way that changes after Ed enters the picture, that I find very interesting (and btw, thanks @bookshelfdreams for letting me bounce ideas off your always insightful brain).
I mean, think about it. Up until the end of episode three the crew is very much not sold on his idea of piracy, and Jim explicitly tells him (while he is about to get hanged) "You are the worst fuckin' pirate captain in history" (which, I mean, fair, since his incompetence and naivety had a direct impact on them). But something changes enough between episode 3 and episode 9 that the entire crew comes to Stede's rescue when Badminton's tells him he is not a real pirate.
And the thing is… Stede has this idea that he wants to be a pirate, but he doesn't really like pirate "activities"? I'm not just talking about the very violent aspects of raiding and pillaging, but also like the idea that the pirates have of "vacation" in the second episode (like when Wee John and the Swede are play-fighting on the beach, and he gets very upset because "that was not what he was talking about" when he said that there was no way of messing up a vacation). I know we often compare the way he acts with the crew as acting like a father to them, but I actually think Stede is more teacher than parent (might be professional bias, might be the sheer number of "children"): a teacher that is trying to change the way pirating works but he's doing it on his ideals, not taking enough into consideration what his "students" are actually like. His heart is mostly in the right place but his head still has a lot of work to do.
Of course this role he takes on has to do with his being part of the aristocracy, the self-appointed civilized and morally superior (though I find interesting that he didn't even consider that most of the crew would probably be illiterate: it both shows his disconnect from reality AND a disposition to see this weird group of people as fundamentally the same as himself). But I also think he has received enough pain from the aristocratic environment to understand, at least at a subconscious level, that it has a violent way of suppressing anything that is different from itself. And that's why he's so ambivalent in this "teacher" role: he really wants to foster the gentler side (the side of him that got bullied and ridiculed and squashed by his society) but keeps getting very annoyed when he finds out that being different doesn't always mean being different in the same way as he is.
Enter Blackbeard. On one hand you have this like… powerful cool vibe that he just emits, and makes everything he's interested in cool. It's not just the Blackbeard legend, it's just… him. And he finds Stede's weirdness compelling, so the crew probably would have to reconsider? But he also brings some piracy to the crew's life. Life on the Revenge is different when Blackbeard's there, and the crew gets to live in this "best of both worlds" scenario, where they can be real pirates while also experiencing that emotionally open and accepting space that Stede was so willing (but pretty much unable on his own) to offer them.
But also! Stede getting to know Ed, learning piracy from him, helps him to get a little more grounded and open to the things that his crew enjoys. His attitude towards them changes, and of course their attitude towards him AND his bizarre ways changes too.
So on one hand there's the very stong message that the show is explicitly going for which is "you don't have to change who you are to be loved"; both Ed and Stede fall in love with the current version of each other, but then they DO change each other organically and this has this beautiful ripple effect on everyone around them (to the point that I would almost like to say that the muppet-world magic/liminal space of the Revenge properly starts existing when they are both on it... but I haven't thought about this enough, so I'll just leave it here for future thought).
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 years
Look not to put too fine a point on it BUT
Given how hard OFMD goes on the crew = family metaphor (Stede saying “my family is here at sea now” in the pilot episode, the fact that he built the ship intending to live on it with his literal biological family, the “your two dads captains are getting divorced but we still love you very much” speech, the oodles of found family vibes that we all picked up on)...
And given how both Izzy and Calico Jack (and Ed when he’s around Jack) talk and act, where we see that they’ve been completely steeped in a level of casual violence toward anyone who’s weaker or subordinate to them (see: Ed and Jack talking about how Hornigold, the guy who taught them how to be pirates, would grind people down and treat them worse than dogs, and then the story immediately flipping to violence they did to others)...
then I think it’s logical to conclude that in the world Izzy and Jack and Ed come from, if a ship is a family, then a proper pirate ship is supposed to run like an abusive family. And a proper captain is supposed to behave like an abusive father.
(Definitely do not pause here to think about young Ed Teach, who killed his abusive father, running straight into the domain of another one.)
That is the behavior that Izzy is trying to get out of Ed the whole time, and by the end of episode 10, he’s succeeded.
(My personal headcanon is that Izzy knows exactly what he’s doing, goading and provoking until he finds exactly the right nerve that makes Ed lash out. I think he knows this is a thing he can do and has done it before.)
The thing that makes Izzy grin and say there he is is not Ed leading a successful raid or outsmarting an imperialist navy--it’s Ed hurting him. And regardless of whatever weird psychosexual stuff is going on with all that (I mean look, I definitely think that stuff is there, but it’s not the only thing there) the reason this makes Izzy happy is that he thinks this is the right and proper order of things.
The thing I keep coming back to is that in the whole “Blackbeard is back” sequence...we don’t see him do any actual piracy. Every act of violence and intimidation is directed at the crew. That’s what makes it so disturbing, because we have very recently seen him interact with these people in a completely different manner.
Which makes you wonder, what actually triggers the abrupt flip in behavior? Here’s how I think the logic could go.
Whatever you think about his various “I haven’t killed anyone since” rationalizations, Ed is clearly a person who is capable of violence. And Izzy successfully provoking Ed into hurting him is his way of saying See? You’ll always have that in you, and you’re a fool to think you could be anything else. Which hits directly on Ed’s core fear about being too monstrous for someone like Stede to love. The thing that scares Ed in this scene isn’t Izzy’s threats; it’s his own capacity for violence. (What’s that line about fear being the most powerful emotion?)
And of course the unspoken corollary to this, the creepy little face touch, is But don’t worry, because I understand and accept you, the monstrous you, which is the real you.
I could write a whole separate meta about the “there he is” scene being the parallel to Badminton’s “you ruin everything you touch” speech to Stede and how both of these moments reinforce their worst fears and insecurities about themselves. Stede’s just a little bit ahead of Ed in digging himself out of that by this point in the narrative.
Meanwhile, you get the sense that Ed immediately isolates himself (not responding to the crew calling out for him, literally hiding from them until some time that night). So he has hours to stew in his own mess of self-loathing and negative thought patterns, and when the exact person who would be most likely to talk some reason into him appears, he make sure to chuck him overboard before he gets the chance.
The really fucked-up thing is that I do think Izzy sees what he’s doing as a form of caring for Ed, a way of protecting him. He’s saying Wake up. You don’t live in a rom-com anymore. You live in a world of monsters, and the only defense against a monster is to be a bigger monster.
(If you think that’s the kind of world you live in, then it’s not only right but responsible to reinforce those patterns of behavior in your loved ones and pass them on, through example, to your children subordinates, because you’re teaching them how to survive.)
And by leaving the threat there (“Edward better watch his fucking step”) Izzy is leaving an invitation. Show me you can protect yourself by being a monster. Make me respect you again with violence, which is the only currency that matters. And Ed promptly takes him up on the invitation. To which the response is: There we go. See how good you are at that? Now go do it to everyone else.
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
I've been trying to put my finger on something and I might be getting close.
I think a number of posts about Edward's character and his social relationships have - perhaps inadvertently - gotten a bit caught up in the negative space of what Edward isn't. It's not uncommon to see people start from the premise that Edward has an extremely limited set of traits that actually count as "personal" - like enjoying fashion, being silly... The stuff he bonds with Stede over, pretty much. Plus a dash of childhood trauma and racial / class struggles. Those become both the only truly Edward things that other characters can genuinely like, appreciate, or empathize with about him, and the only meaningful things worth engaging in with others to Edward himself. Everything else is just persona, or work stuff, or keeping up appearances, or otherwise false and shallow.
From that premise, it does logically follow that Stede is his closest person (the system is built off of his standard), and several Revenge crew have had bonding moments (Frenchie at the party, and Lucius helping with the breakup), but overwhelmingly Edward has wholly disappeared behind Blackbeard to nearly everyone who knows him. Izzy and the rest of his crew before Stede obviously didn't know he would enjoying wearing a silk robe in the evenings, and therefore they didn't know the real Edward at all.
Only... That's not really how people work???
Sticking with completely surface level readings for an example, Izzy basically says to Edward's face that he likes and respects him for being brilliant. Point this out, and you get chided that he only likes Blackbeard for being brilliant, not Edward. But... Edward is brilliant? Izzy isn't basing this belief on legends. He's on the human side of the fuckery. He knows that Edward reads weather patterns out of the clouds and uses powder and harnesses to descend out of smoke. Hell, he even sees Edward fuck up more than once. He's not talking about some inhuman power there. He's acknowledging what Edward - purely Edward! - has actually done that Izzy has seen with his own two eyes. And he thinks it was brilliant!
There you go. One actual thing about the real Edward that Izzy likes, and that Edward definitely seems to appreciate getting recognition for. (Stede, btw, likes his brilliance in much the same way.) Just because it's a part of him that he also uses for being Blackbeard doesn't make it a lesser or shallower aspect of Edward.
Edward is so charismatic. I bet his crew thinks he's super funny. He's likely a decent sparring partner and pretty fun and creative with that too. Excellent storyteller. Do we think he cheats at cards or is he just naturally lucky? Or maybe he loses every hand, lol. He's got that "car keys in the fridge" ADHD which can totally be endearing to people who know you, and no way in hell does a man who puts 7 sugars in his tea like a psychopath hide a hell of a sweet tooth for 20 years, ship life or no. I bet he always got so excited about fresh fruit.
There are So Many Things that could have been part of knowing Edward during his decades of piracy that are also authentic 100% Edward things. Some of them he probably worked into his Blackbeard mask, and some of them are the dumb little shit that makes a person themselves. Most probably come up in sailing / piracy stuff because piracy is his life.
Like, the stuff Edward has been repressing is also authentic Edward stuff, and it is clearly meaningful for him to finally be expressing it, but I don't think it makes sense to conflate "being surprised by new facets of Edward (that are coming seemingly out of nowhere during a mid-life crisis)" with "never having known the real Edward and discovering just now you do / don't like him." It's obviously not healthy for him to re-repress, so at some level these traits are not going anywhere, and anyone who likes him will have to accept that (and learn to like all of him) long term. However, learning someone has a side you didn't know about and being a bit thrown by it is not unusual. Especially not when his repression was rooted in childhood trauma, so all that stuff was locked up long before piracy culture.
People will act like you are making bold and unsubstantiated claims if you say Izzy likes Edward as a person not just as Blackbeard, but I find the notion that "Blackbeard" as a human guy you live down the hall from is somehow substantially different / distant enough from the real Edward 24/7 that only liking Blackbeard is plausible to be a very bold claim.
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rachelillustrates · 2 years
So I'm rewatching "The Best Revenge is Dressing Well" (surprise! Said no one) and one thing I've noticed that first struck me kinda weird, but I wanna talk through, is the slight level of competition/personal jealousy between our co-captains before the party goes to shit and they come together at the end.
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(Image from The Verge.)
We go into the episode from Ed's perspective, mostly - this is the first time we get any solid, personally emotional backstory on him, focused specifically around racism and class difference (done SO WELL, as has already been mentioned) so we know he's already hyperfocused on "winning" this situation, getting the approval of who he was taught by his mother to be his "betters," even though he knows - logically, as an adult, as we saw in what he said to the captain they took down - that that's not necessarily true, it just still feels like it is, to him. So, he's very invested in impressing them, already.
Stede - who doesn't even want to be there - should, theoretically, not care so much about that approval himself - but as we see, he starts acting a little jealous when Ed takes attention away from him, which makes the partygoers a) ignore him or b) antagonize him outright whenever he tries to get a word in. From there, he scoffs - at first - at Ed's continued attempts to impress them (the piano playing, the minor shenanigans) and then removes himself from the situation entirely - looking for Frenchie and Olu, and then taking refuge in the quiet on deck.
I think its important to note that in the opening of the episode, as he and his crew are supposed to be learning from Ed's crew in the raid, he's not exactly on the most confident of footing - he identifies several bad habits, as he points out, one of which we see Ed correct (the swap-looting) as well as needing Ed's help with interrogation tactics (as much as Ed's behavior there interested him in.... other ways). So to him, being among the gentry again, I think he expects to be at least on equal or equalish footing with them, and to hopefully impress Ed in the process since these are "his people."
But the point is - they're not. They abandon him for Ed the moment Ed proves more interesting, insulting him, even - which Ed plays into, out of his own desire to be approved of - which is probably very triggering for Stede, because of his history of being bullied. AND because of wanting to be accepted, himself, and once again failing to reach that. And what's more comfortable than feeling powerless in the face of all that, as always? A little jealousy, especially since - with their approval on (what seems, at first to be) his own terms - Ed doesn't "need" Stede's guidance here after all. That, of course, enmeshed with genuine concern that these people will drop Ed, like they dropped him, which we do see him express - only to be ignored, again. So not only is he not popular with them, but his expertise of what happens with these types of people after they tire of you is discarded, as well. Leaving Stede in a very powerless situation, once again.
I think its also interesting to note, that considering that Stede's trying to win in Ed's world (piracy) and Ed's trying to win in Stede's (aristocracy) - especially with the excuse of the "plan" to take Stede's place - the idea of competition is already subconsciously there, in a sense. On top of the fact that in friendships of the same (perceived) gender, competition can often be encouraged by society at large, too - which pops up a LOT in the kind of "buddy comedy" stories that more mainstream folks seem to have assumed this story was, at first.
So I think the writers were trying to address all that and nip it in the bud.
Because, of course, that all goes to hell - Ed makes a mistake with the spoons, and they turn on him too, which sends him right back to Stede. At first, with intentions to take care of the situation himself, violently. But here Stede steps up for real - facing the situation for what it is, jealousy and fears of inadequacy be damned - and showing up for the person he was supposed to be there for in the first place. That, as always, is where his true power is found - being true to himself, AND to the people in his care. Even telling Ed to stand down, and let him handle it. Ed may not be capable of meeting them where they're at, when it turns verbally-cruel (except to turn deserved physical violence on them), but Stede can. And does, with the use of Frenchie and Abshir's knowledge - hysterically, taking them all down - getting them to take themselves down - in a manner that ends in violence after all (which they, again, technically visit upon themselves - just like the demise of both Badmintons).
And that - having to step up and be there for Ed and let go of the idea of giving any fucks about what these folk expect of him, approve of, etc. - gets them back on track (and is kind of great foreshadowing for what happens in the last episode, and what will come next, I hope I hope). There is no note of individual jealousy or competition, really, at all between them from then on - even the banter during the swordfighting lessons is charged with just flirting and affection, no any real sense of trying to win one over the other, and the jealousy over Calico Jack's appearance later is about that relationship, not about Ed being better than Stede or vice versa. Any trace of that is done with - they've moved past it.
Leaving wide, open space for Stede to catch Ed at his softest, most vulnerable so far, looking at the red silk again after the party's rejection. And to offer him praise - calling him sophisticated after all, and meaning it, because what he's seen of Ed so far - already - is truer than any of the bullshit pandering and passive aggression the upper crust displayed to either of them.
Sophisticated means: "having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture."
So what Ed's shown him, both in his own experience as a pirate and his own willingness to learn about new things and deal with people who - Stede knows - are less than both of them after all, THAT fits the word much better than any idea of high society.
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