#but I get to do calc and algebra too
femslashspuffy · 1 month
What do you do with a math degree? I've never met anyone who has one 😯
You can do a lot of different jobs. The people at my university in the program (I think there's like 40 of us max) all seem to have different interests. I know some people who want to focus more on the math side of computer science. I have a friend who's doing it because she enjoys math and is applying to law school (math is a very good degree to get for that because they do like to diversify the types of people and math is very vigourous and about problem solving) I know plenty of people who are going to go into teaching or research
I find that a lot of people have misconceptions about math degree math classes too. My school makes me do some of the engineering math curriculum (math is also one of the main degrees engineers switch into) but our major specific classes that they only have a few of a semester are much more abstract. I just took my first junior level class which was all about how to read higher level math and the actual problems we did and numbers we worked with were easy, its more about learning the concepts and the basis for what math is. Im taking advanced calculus this semester and the first thing the teacher told us is that this is not a calculus class
Its super different from what engineering students do but once you get the degree you can do anything that requires specialized or difficult math. My grandpa got the same degree from the same college and he was a rocket scientist. I'll probably end up doing some scientific math but sadly most engineering jobs in the U.S are less than ethical so I wont follow in my grandpa's footsteps
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3-aem · 2 years
Women in stem thingz ♥️💗💝💗💘💓💖💞💖💕💖💓💘💗💘💞💝💓💘✨✨✨✨: trying all day not to burst into tears at werk and failing at it so you gotta go into the restroom every 5 minutes
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I finally saw the mean girls musical (the movie one) I have so many fucking thoughts oh my god
#thoughts#oni talks#mean girls 2024#I think I may be the only person to kind of like it? like don’t get me wrong it is kinda ROUGH but it has so much potential and there’s bits#and pieces that I actually really enjoy or wish they had more of or just aahh#I’ve been nonstop thinking about the ideal version in my head like there’s so much potential obviously I’m biased by like a lot#since for one I know I tend to like stuff other people hate or don’t like but for two this sequel was weirdly way more relatable so maybe#I’m just projecting from my own personal experiences but Idc the POTENTIAL THERES SO MUCH ID WANNA DO INSTEAD#like there’s so many little details and characterizations that I wish was expanded on or fleshed out and it’s just like it feels like either#half baked or that it’s gone through too many edits it’s like it’s scared to exist?? like there’s some differences I love and wish they lol#leaned into but it’s like it was terrified to be too different? or like they were rushing the end especially#like in my ideal form it’s a tv show coz I think they honestly have enough that could be genuinely expanded in a way more interesting way#via that format probably not like a super extended series like you COULD but you’d definitely need more expansion but I could see the potent#but like idk one SOLID musical season with expanded character story and not like one of those rush cram shows like a good solid one#like Regina’s characterization is so fascinating but also feels like slightly off and like they could’ve leaned way more into things?#like I think keeping Regina as a closeted lesbian gives the greatest potential and interest for an expanded story#like I loved maybe the first half of the movie the most like that one song she sang to manipulate Aaron would work so much more perfectly if#she’s singing it about/to Cady? I also think in my ideal brain an cool flashback episode for Janis and Regina would be so cool coz there’s#so much you could flesh out in a flashback than you could in a retelling which while I do like the retelling since it lets you imagine thing#I just! potential! I also want more of them interacting and I do think changing Janis to be a lesbian works if they leaned more into it?#I also think in my ideal form janis would have more comeuppance or acknowledgement of her shit? I also think an arc of Regina coming out#like one thing they missed from the original is Regina playing soccer at the end & I think they could hint more towards that and maybe lean#more into her at home life in an expanded story way coz her mom is clearly like… yikes. granted maybe some of my views on the movie are too#biased by personal experience but like the way she snaps at her mom usually in my experience isn’t out of nowhere? like parents behind#closed doors. or frustrations with what her mom has clearly been putting on her the way she tells her mom not to talk about her body is very#like idk a lot of the characters in this version feel more real to me bc they act really similar to people I know irl so the expanded story#could be cool. another one that in my ideal brain would have more is Gretchen and especially her relationships with Regina as well as with#that one guy and her parents I wanna see more of how that works and her arc to feel more meaningful when she dumps him & mentions family#also as much as I didn’t care much for the straight plot stuff there’s 100% missed potential there that I could see in the differences like#iirc in the original it’s regular algebra not AP calc which I think could’ve been used as an interesting characterization opportunity for
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mirrorsmp3 · 2 years
chat how do i get good at math . where do i start . what i want to major in requires a lot of math so How what do u do…
(flopping math-wise right now but i will still answer) the fact that math builds on things you learn when you’re like 12 means that to be able to do things later with relative fluidity you have to review the basics if you’re not already comfortable with them and the way to do this is to do as many practice problems as you can bc that way when you go over solutions you can see which errors or misconceptions or faulty definitions you have in your mind. horrible answer that no one wants to hear but it is sadly true
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cosmowes · 7 months
Planning Ahead
this is something i'm still working on, actually. keeping a visual log of everything i need to do has been really useful, but it's still a pretty new habit for me.
the issue is that i really, really hate taking the time to have those things be nice- because then i get unmotivated when the load gets heavy and i can't keep it that way. no cute advice, this is my planner for solely function.
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SHORTHAND. i use shorthand for everything. a list of my favorites:
ESP - spanish, or FR - french (really works for any foreign language class)
ENG/ELA - english language arts
MT (math) - CALC (calculus) - PCLC (precalc) - STAT (statistics) - ALG (algebra) etc
GEO/HIS (geography or history)
SCI (science) - BIO (biology) - CHEM (chemistry) - FNS (forensics) - PHYS (physics)
GFX (graphic design) - DRM (drama) - HLC (healthcare) - BSN (business) etc... for whatever electives you have, lol
PJ (project)
HW (homework)
CFA/QZ (common formative assessment/quiz)
SD/SG (study/study guide)
PKT (packet)
SM (submit)
UG (ungraded)
SUM (summative)
FORM (formative)
PG _ (page _)
NSR/EC (not school related/extra curricular)
DNO (due night of)
DIC (due in class)
DEOC (due end of class)
i combine these for little nicknames like ESPPJ, MTPK, GFXPJ, etc. or DRM (info) NSR, GFXPKT EC
DESCRIPTION. i add a quick description of the item, just so i know what it is. usually just the actual assignment name or what it entails. if it's at home reading for english, it'll say "ENGHW Reading PG __-__". a drama script might say "DRM Script DEOC"
DATE. i always add the due date. i write it as a fraction so that it takes up a tiny bit less space. if i know, this is where the time it's due is added too.
URGENCY. i had another post about how i decide an assignment's urgency here, so i throw one of these numbers on the end.
DON'T CARE ABOUT CUTE! the point of this is to keep info. build the habit for a while, and once you have logging things as a habit, you can make it cute. but if you're already having trouble building the habit, adding more work will make it more difficult in my experience. always add onto your habits that already exist.
USE IT! i've also seen people have full planners that are so so cute and then just. never use them??? you're making this so that you have a way to keep track. making it, and then just throwing it in your bag to not be seen until tomorrow is defeating the point. use what you made.
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images from pin 📌 - search white study aesthetic
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I plan to go back to school next fall, so I have a little ovet fourteen months to master all seven subjects. I won't need two full months for algebra 1; cracking open the first chapter, it's all stuff like "here's what a plus sign means" and "variables look like letters, but they really stand for numbers!"
It won't hurt to brush up on factorization, but I think I can bang this one out in a week or two. All the better, because calculus kicked my ass in high school and it's not gonna be any easier now that I'm my own teacher. I passed it once (by the skin of my teeth), but have forgotten almost everything about it in the last decade, so I'll need the extra time to really get it down pat. I have to be able to derive and integrate in my sleep if I'm to stand half a chance at earning an astrophysics major. Astronomy would be slightly easier, but not by much, so I may as well go for gusto. The very first class astrophysics requires is calc 2, so I can't enroll until I'm 100% sure I know calc 1 forwards and backwards. Physics too, but physics and calc feel like two sides of the same coin, so I'll try to work on them at the same time (again, I managed to pull it off once, I'm sure I can do it again).
Chances are these Dummies books will be insufficient for me to grok all this math in one year, so I'll end up buying more textbooks, workbooks, study guides, SAT and AP prep, etc. I had plenty of cram sessions in my first go around at college, but nothing quite like this. This will be a herculean undertaking compared to the easy-A humanities program I coasted through originally. I had no motivation back then, no drive, no goal for "the real world" upon graduating. I went to college because it was expected of me, and I was told I needed it to get a good job. What I wasn't told is that not all majors are created equal; there's not a lot you can do with an English degree besides, well, teaching English. I just hope 14 months is enough time, because I would really prefer not to take another year off; 2024 is the ten year anniversary of when I started college the first time, so it would mean so much more to me if I started again that August rather than put it off until 2025.
I guess it doesn't matter in the end. If I'm not ready, I'm not ready. I can't force myself to start an extremely advanced program before I've mastered the pre-reqs. If I need to start later, so be it. As long as I'm consistently working towards my goal, it shouldn't matter how long it takes.
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study-with-aura · 3 months
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Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Today was packed with so much music study! I am going slow with theory, but I am mostly caught up with where I should be on the course. I am about to finish up studying Haydn tomorrow. I'll be looking at sonata form and Emperor Quartet. Thursday, I should be ready to start on Mozart.
I also got some school supplies today because there was a huge sale going on in the store. It was only notebooks, but when I find notebooks that will work for only $0.45/each, I buy them. I went ahead and ordered my erasable gel pens too. I looked at different reviews and I found some for cheaper where the reviews said they were even better than Frixion by Pilot. I also ordered a scientific calculator. I've always used the one on the computer because it was easy enough to do what I needed to as it can be placed in scientific mode, but going into Algebra 2 and eventually pre-calc and calc, I probably need a physical scientific calculator that can do a bit more. By the way, it's pink! It won't be here until sometime next week because I did no-rush delivery, but I am excited! I always get excited when shopping for school supplies!
It's almost Independence Day here (July 4th), and fireworks have been going off like crazy, even though they are illegal where I live. Thankfully in our gated community, we don't worry about them too much, but our house is close to one of the main roads near the park, so I can still hear them every now and then. I also hear the police when they come by to issue fines. Seriously, the fine here for fireworks is nearly $1000. Only professionals are allowed to set them off at pre-determined times because there have been many fires from them and they cause a huge disturbance to people, especially veterans, and animals in the area. I am looking forward to the fireworks in our part of the city that the city sponsors every year. They're set off over the lake, and they are so beautiful!
Tasks Completed:
History 9 - Learned about classical music style + studied the life of Haydn + learned about Haydn's contributions to classical music style
Theory - Studied melodic writing + completed self-assessment + quiz
KA GRF Algebra 2 - Completed Unit 1: Lesson 6 (review of factoring quadratics)
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese) + completed daily quests
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Reading - Read pages 122-157 of Lumara by Melissa Landers
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Mark 11)
Morning Yoga
Youth Group at church
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juvia-is-beast · 6 months
Hey Y'all I rarely post stuff of my own but I'm in need of help. I've always had a hard time asking for help but I've become desperate. I just moved out of my toxic Indian household at 27 with no savings because my mom would take all of my SSI checks and huge chunks of my paycheck that I worked for. I'm having a lot of health issues and chronic pain flare ups. I work at a college but I've been put in an administrative role until I can get my health in order. I don't have as many hours but now I can actually see doctors. My family was preventing me from getting help, from seeing doctors or getting my meds on time. I have PTSD and I can't drive because of it. I need financial help. I've been approved for SNAP but I'm waiting on my EBT card. I'll be going to a food bank tomorrow to get some food but that still leaves me with no funds to buy medical marijuana. I've been experiencing nerve pain the last 2 months and hormonal migraines for a straight month. I live in FL and it's super heavily taxed and I'm having trouble getting my muscle relaxers re-prescribed because I need a specialist to prescribe them for my insurance to keep paying for them. I have no other proper pain management rn. Please help me. I know the global climate is at its worst right now and I feel guilty making this post with everything going on in Palestine but that doesn't change the fact that I NEED HELP.
If you can help in any way please, even suggestions on what to do better with e-begging would be greatly appreciated.
My Cash@pp: $ButtPirate27
I can also tutor you online in Algebra if you need a math tutor I can help with Pre-Calc and Trig too but I'm far too rusty on Calculus to tutor but I would gladly tutor for any financial help.
If you want more info on my situation I don't mind sharing. I've been on Tumblr for 11 years and barely ever posted about my own life. I know that there are definitely people here willing to help but there have also been a fair share of scammers so I understand the hesitation. Here's my cat Ares, something cute to look at. I want to get him a cat tree too and a bin to make a housed litter box for him.
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Physics anon here. To the anon taking Physics I, then you should be fine. I hope you get in! Fingers crossed! 🤞🏻🤞🏻
To the math peeps, I am choosing to be Sanji for our duel, bcs even Sanji's flaming kicks are also physics based (/j). I love you all. Your love for math scares me but I also admire you guys because I had 2 breakdowns in my high school years over math (so fun). The only math I like is the "how much percentage in a tax is there" cus that has words and normal numbers. Get algebra away from me.
To the linguistics anon, I love you, be my best friend, I love humanities, I love linguistics, I love psychology, I love sociology, I can talk about them for days! I love humanities, in fact I would argue humanities and literature are sth I ADORE.
DO WE HAVE PSYCHOLOGY ANONS HERE BECAUSE EPISODE 723 DOFFY'S LAUGHING FIT I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT I NEED TO STUDY IT FROM A PSYCHOLOGY POV like my brain is like needy for that like the ideas are there but I cannot put them into words. It sounded like an emotional breakdown and he sounded so sad but also angry so I was not sure whether he wanted a hug or not.
Also, Snail, I do not blame you for that nsfw thought of "how fucked would you be" bcs I had the same thought but was then "oh well 😏"
Okay, so G4 Luffy's speed calc? I'll try to find my notes but if anyone wants to play around it, here are the formulas you'll need & way of solving it all, it's really pretty simple, we are using Hooke's Law of elastic force to calculate Luffy's speed. We're gonna already give the spring constant cus it's easier and it's easier to show just how MUCH force Luffy needs for such speed.
Jet Speed of a commercial plane is 252 m/s. We'll go with this being G2 speed. Okay, easy. We will need a LOT of spring constant to counteract G4 Luffy's weight which is 300kg. Like, a LOT of spring constant. That means Luffy is also using a lot of elastic energy & kinetic force. And I mean above 10 million joules. Then again, joules represent a small amount of energy. It takes 100,000 joules to heat up water in standard conditions, so it isn't that much of a stretch. (Ha, rubber pun.)
Basic thing for this...
Elastic potential energy:
Ep = 1/2 • k • x²
k = spring constant (make it 40 million)
x = compression of the spring (make it 1 meter)
No need to calculate the Ep cus that isn't what we really need, though you can if you want to make the process quicker but this is so everyone understands.
Turn that into kinetic energy:
Ek= 1/2 • m • v²
m = mass of the object, G4 Luffy's weight, 300 kg since he is 4 meters tall in G4.
Equalize them:
1/2 kx²=1/2mv²
v²= kx²/m
v= √kx²/m (under the entire square root)
I got 365 m/s. That's 1314 km/h. That exceeds commercial jet-speed.
I can go into details in another post but this is the basics of it, unless you want to start from the actual scratch which I do not recommend bcs that means you have to put more big numbers to get the k that big. Better to already decide what the k is so we can get the big force and therefore big speed. We know the force needs to be big, as Doflamingo said it himself.
"Your punches lack heaviness." aka "Put a billion Newtons in it and then you'll have a shot against me."
To put it in irl perspective, billion joules is the equivalent of about 239 kilograms (527 pounds) of TNT blowing up.
Honestly I'm thinking the force of Luffy's final punch against Doflamingo was at least 8 billion Newtons. It's... A lot, but at this point, there are no limits. It's about 1.8 billion pounds force 👍🏻
Yeah. 😄
Cheers. Don't fight in Snail's inbox, you all from all fields are amazing ❤️
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Physics anon. Physics anon. Oh my gosh, I am simply blown away by this calculation. Oh my gosh, the work you've done. I can't wait til chef-husband comes home to share with him this amazing calculation, you have no idea. He's gonna go:
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The anon love for one another in my ask box lately is absolutely superb. I love the friendly fire and witty retorts you've all got. Always respect and humour, and I love you all.
The calculations of the hands Doffy caught from our short king of the pirates has me rolling. I'm legit howling.
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Keep your equations coming, I love them. Learning through the power of sums and passions of the anons. Superb work 🥰🖤
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docholligay · 8 months
Consider a setting where graduating from a certain school gives you the right to wield political power on a national level, depriving everyone who doesn’t attend of the right to vote, but the bottom third students of every year get transformed into magical slaves. How terribly would the Senshi or Overwatch crew handle that?
Okay, so, let's get this out of the way first: WHAT THE FUCK.
Now that we've taken that important break, let's think about this.
Do we know what they teach at this school? Because I think that would be a large part of my decision for this. Some of the cannier players in the game would enter if they thought they stood a chance, but by the very nature of the thing they ALSO know that the best of the best are going to go here. Do you think you're in the top 66% of 1000 driven and probably proven intelligent people? I mean, I probably would be like, "I guess I am a voteless worker bee."
So, for the purposes of this question, we'll assume it's a standard high school type setup, with, fuck, I'm just doing this for the purposes of answering. We'll use what was the AP track for each at my high school, because, well, I'm familiar with it.
Math : Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Calc
Science: Earth, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
English: Four years of upper level Literature courses focusing on analysis and knowledge of the canon.
History: (Insert country of origin here), Government, World i, World ii
Language: Four years of a language, I took Spanish.
And then we can make space for other shit. We had 6 periods a day, but not every day had to be the same. Whatever, we'll go with the guideline.
Rei goes because Rei has never been humble for even one moment in her life, and also she wants to boss the entire country around. She knows that she is going to be in the top 66%, and also probably graduate first in the class, she's just that smart. Is she though???? We don't see one way or the other, and I think of her as a sort high-middling student, and in an environment like this one, I could see her maybe ending up on bottom.
Minako would never do it unless she was sure she could find a good way to cheat on everything. Minako's not stupid, but I do think she can be a little intellectually lazy. Sitting down and actually doing the work would take her aback a little bit, but I also think she knows that and also isn't too proud to admit, to herself at least, that she might be in danger there.
Michiru's family has so much money and influence that even if she can't vote, she can vote, so I don't see her willingly putting herself through that.
Haruka would not attend, but it would only be because Minako stopped her from some desperate and quasi-suicidal jaunt to prove herself worthy or some shit. She knows its dumb, Mina knows its dumb, but here she is, signing up for it! It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Lena has laughed herself out of the building already. Thanks but no thanks. Voting isn't worth the entirety of a physics class and having to do well in it on top of everything else. She'll go wash glasses in a pub if she has to, goodbye.
Fareeha acknowledges that it is a difficult task, and it will encourage a high level of competition, but luckily, rigorous testing of her abilities is a boon in her eyes. She spends long nights studying and sharpening her acumen. Literature is never her strongest class, and she does worry about it, but she gets it together just fine, and is strong enough in everything else.
Mercy is the sort that is more than smart enough for this sort of thing, but I don't know that she would want to sign up for it because it just seems cruel. It seems wrong. She will, of course, be talked into taking a spot, because better someone with her scruples than someone chomping at the bit to have the power.
Dva is following Lena out the door but she's posting the whole reel to TikTok, including she and Lena popping babychams in the parking lot.
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theclearblue · 3 months
EVEN MORE QUESTIONS because we're both having a great time
Favourite location to visit repeatedly
Least favourite subject to study/learn
Who's a character/person you admire and would like to learn from/emulate
What's your favourite thing about yourself
Tea or coffee or something else
Favourite time of day
Most recently played video game/most recently bought game/game that's new on your wishlist
Fave location to visit repeatedly?
Ohhh I'm such a hermit tbh aadjfkgl but every once in awhile I go and drive to a park close ish by that has really nice views on the city skyline and I like to walk around and sit there.
Least fave subject to study/learn?
Math. Always math. Geometry is okay but I suck so badly at Algebra/Calc I just do not get it when it goes beyond like simple/quick math lmao. My ranking of subjects would be 1. History 2. English 3. Science 4. Math </3
Character/person u admire and want to emulate?
Hmm One Piece brainworms are alive and well still so I'm going to say Luffy lol. I just think he's very mentally strong even though he's been through so much shit, I love his outlook on life and his ambitions and how he truly does grow he's very admirable to me <3
Fave thing sbout yourself?
Hmm I do think I have a good sense of humor lol. Love to make people/my friends/family laugh with the stupid shit I say, I live by the bit I'd die for the bit etc etc.
Big coffee person, to the point thst I'm a little obnoxious and particular about like. Good tasting espresso and cold brew lol
Fave time of day?
I do like night a lot! Don't get wrong big fan of the sun and being outside during the day too but I like the quiet of the night and I get to recharge or I also think nighttime leads to super pretty sights like stars/the moon/lit up skylines
Most recently bought/played video game/game on wishlist?
Tried out a game that was free for the weekend called GTFO a couple of days ago, it was pretty fun but I don't think we're gonna buy it lol. Essentially horror fps co-op game, a lil like phasmophobia and it had good atmosphere but each mission is like. Minimum two hours and it seemed there were like no checkpoints too? Otherwise last played was Hades 2, and hoping to pick up some games for the steam summer sale thst will probsbly drop next week (taking any and all suggestions 👀)
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balletandbow · 1 month
Never in my life will I tell anyone else that their feelings or experience with homeschooling are incorrect or invalid or wrong. What I will say is that homeschooling can be and is done right, and that I think I was lucky enough to experience it myself.
My mother was a kindergarten teacher before she had kids, and worked as a nanny once I was born so she could stay with me more. By the time I was ready for kindergarten (my birthday is in August, I was barely 5) we were living in the middle of nowhere and I would have had an hour round trip bus ride every day. Our state had few laws prohibiting homeschooling, and this was literally what my mom's degree was in, so she just taught me.
We moved a couple years later, and by the time we hit the upper years of my mom's ed degree we had enrolled in the local school district's homeschooling supervision program. Every year my mother made a list of the curriculum she had chosen for me (and eventually my two brothers) and turned it in to a certified teacher who was assigned to supervise us. We did pretty much anything you can think of. English was separated into reading and writing (so many different books and so many essays oh my god), math (with a textbook fear not), history (my mom pulled out weird Manifest Destiny books out and added extra books from indigenous authors), science (I got my iPod taken away for pretending to do my work when I didn't lmao), and so many field trips and fun things that are so much easier to do when most kids are in school.
We participated in the weekly class that the supervision program offered starting when I was in 5th grade. Every Wednesday afternoon we would spend 3 hours with other homeschooled kids, doing theatre, art, or some kind of history or science project depending on the time of year. The middle and high school groups put on a full play in a semester every year. A few other kids and I who were supervised by the same teacher formed a little club and made our parents let us meet up a second time a week and we got to help make the play sets and generally were little nerds.
In middle school I started taking classes at our public middle school. I was there for math because my supervising teacher had me take a placement test when my mom decided to change math curriculums and they had decided I was ready for Algebra a little early. I also went for choir, because I liked to sing. I ended up taking math at the public school all the way through high school because our district had an advanced math track that let me take Algebra 2, Pre calc, and Calc AB in 3 years and I liked math too much to say no to that. I also took 4 years of Spanish, AP Lang, chemistry, art, theater, and lots of choir.
I had friends at school and I had friends at my homeschool stuff. I got to do a year of history curriculum learning about the early day of the Christian church. My freshman year of high school the writing part of my English curriculum was literally to write a novel. It sounds crazy looking back on it but it was so much fun, and I learned literally so much, which was indeed the point.
When the pandemic hit in the spring of my junior year our public schools all closed for the year. We kept homeschooling. I took all my senior year public school classes from our basement. It was hard, but not all that different than what I did with my other subjects. I started college in the fall of 2021 and discovered that it's really very similar to what I had already been doing. Go learn from the professor. Do your work on your own time. Come back, get feedback, and do it again.
I move in for my senior year of college in a week. There's a lot of discussions about pretty much every aspect of education happening in the world, from the pandemic to asynchronous classes to homeschooling and indoctrination to free lunches. There's a lot of bad homeschoolers out there, and there's a lot of kids who were never taught what they needed to learn to be successful adults. This is just what me and my family did. It definitely shaped me as a person, but as I'm getting older it's becoming less important to my life, which to me signals that my parents and various teachers did a good job.
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taohun · 1 year
im like why am i so stressed why do i have no time for myself like i used to. well. 18 credit hour load. 4 techs that are like 15 hours on their own. notoriously hard classes too (data structures (where i have a lab weekly, mp and exam biweekly). linear algebra (lab and discussion and homework and midterms that are 75% of my grade). probability and statistics (homework and midterm soon. but she's my baby i love her). calc 3 (homework thrice a week and discussion worksheets get uploaded. but it's easy. but that makes it a bit boring. woof.)) cooking and managing a house alone (w/ roommate but you know) for the first time. applying to a fuckton of scholarships to keep my situation going. grief and terror. other bad stuff also happened recently. life is a fuck.
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charlieslowartsies · 9 months
For the writers block/burnout thing, I have a few tips that I personally use, so I hope they help!
1) Caffeine. I usually have an energy drink when I know I’m going to be doing lots of work or writing, and that usually gets me in a writing mood for a couple of hours. Tea or coffee, while good sources of “clean” caffeine, make me feel a bit too cozy/homely and it makes it harder for me to do writing specifically. The energy drink (I prefer rockstars or monster, but watch those mg’s cuz they’re not the best for you) usually keeps me productive and on-task, and if it doesn’t? I switch to another task. In your case, it could just be a wip you have, or even some entirely new little blurb that doesn’t necessarily have to be posted.
2) Music, the kind that I’m into right now, something older, or even music that’s new to me/that I’ve never heard before. It’s good for the soul and good for the brain for inspiration. Relating to the last bit of #1, it can inspire you to write parts of a wip or a little oneshot or even a scene that you were inspired to write. Any writing is good writing, and if that little drabble gets the brain juices flowing, so be it!
3) Environment change! See, I have this fun little habit of sitting in my car post-class and chugging the rest of an a energy drink with a little snack while writing in a doc for a couple of hours. I typically don’t even realize how much time has passed, and I’ve written upwards of 3k words in one sitting over the span of like two hours. It’s a change of scenery of what I used to do when I write stuff, and it’s made me more productive! If you normally write on your phone in your room, try a different device in a different room! For example, use a laptop in the living room, a tablet on the kitchen floor, an old iPod touch in the bathroom, literally any combo that you can think of is worth trying! Sometimes your brain just needs that little bit of freshness to get the creativity flowing.
4) Other sources of inspiration! I mentioned music earlier, but reading other things (be it fanfiction, published books, or your own writing) can be a way to get your brain working again! Comping up with what-ifs can be useful, because if you get bored of that, then you can redirect the energy into writing something else! You can also look at art, like old museum type stuff, and make up a little story about the piece, then you can try and fit and mould that into something relevant to a current wip! Will it work in a planned story? Probably not, but it got you thinking and that’s what matters! Movies can also be good for this too.
5) Skipping scenes can be really helpful when writing in a lengthy wip that has a preplanned outline. You can always jump around in the story and write segments of dialogue that won’t be used yet, create some description for a future scene that might not be perfect or even good right now, but it’ll get you thinking about the wip. Me personally, if I have a chapter that I think needs more scenes or a scene rewritten, I make a whole new doc for it and just start spewing ideas and actual writing into it; that includes sentence changes in wording or structure, alternate scenes, bonus characters, dialogue thag I KNOW I’ll never use but it’s good except side anyway, etc. I can always go back to it, but it gives me some peace of mind. I also have docs separated by fandoms that’re filled with dialogue blurbs, mini-schemes, random descriptions, and the like. They might not lead to much in the separate doc, but when the time comes when you need inspo or to pull some content from it, you’ll have it on hand!
6) Math. Do some math. I’m dead serious. Some easy algebra or calc equations will either get your brain thinking or frustrated, and either way you can turn that around and put the energy into a wip. Been there, done that (usually when procrastinating lol), but it helps me redirect!
That’s about all I’ve got! I especially want to emphasize the caffeine, music, and environment change part of the list. A combo of that stuff has really helped me productivity, and I hope it can help you too! Remember that no matter how much or how little you write, it’s enough and YOU are enough. Hope your day is well!
I appreciate all this advice. The math might be something I try, at the very least I might try doing a Nancy Drew game on Master mode bc those typically help my creative side relax and my logical side get the reins.
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hehe for the maths ask
7, and 38
For 38- no, unfortunately. I am not nearly disciplined enough to do any meaningful self-teaching in math (or any other academic discipline)- it takes a lot to get me to do a hobby consistently, and I don’t get enough enjoyment out of self-studying for that. Really wish I could though- there’s a lot of interesting stuff I’ve just scratched the surface of in my studies that I know I could dive deeper into on my own, and I would earnestly like to do so- my brain just refuses to cooperate.
For 7- as a physics person who is sort of tangential to mathblr, I like math for how it lets us understand physical phenomena. In my experience, my physics coursework has gotten easier to understand across the board now that I know multi-variable calc and differential equations, and I can only guess how much more intuitive quantum mechanics will be now that I have linear algebra under my belt. It’s really nice to be able to look at a physical system and not only understand the physics at play, but also have a sense of what’s going on mathematically underneath.
I used to not really like the theoretical aspects of math all that much- proofs and such aren’t really intuitive to me, and feel like too much formalism sometimes. I don’t really ascribe to “prove it to use it” and 90% of the time I’m perfectly happy just taking an interesting/useful result and working with it without really delving into the why. That said, I am slowly developing more of an appetite for proofs throughout my undergraduate career so, who knows. Maybe I’ll change my tune in a few years time.
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All the textbooks I ordered last week were delivered today, so I can start my year-long refresher course as soon as I get off work. My plan is to reapply for college next fall. Instead of going to grad school, I want to earn a second undergrad degree, a BS in astrophysics. I need to go back over all the math I've forgotten since high school. I'm pretty sure I have algebra 1 and geometry down pat, but I got both of those just to be on the safe side. The real work will be relearning algebra 2, trig, pre-calc, and calc 1. For reasons too complicated to explain here, I took calculus before trigonometry, so I knew next to nothing going in and spent my senior year of high school playing catchup in the same class as the valedictorian and the gifted kids. I passed my AP calc exam by the skin of my teeth and promptly forgot everything because I was burned out. If I could do it then, I can do it now. It'll all come back to me in bits and pieces as I work through the courses (in order this time).
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