#but I feel like she would fall asleep at her desk studying and stay at the gym until closing hours trying to hone her skills
saplingofspunk · 13 days
I miss Togachako..... :c
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sixosix · 9 months
desc you were afraid that aether would break your heart, but that all flew out the window the moment he got sick and demanded only you take care of him
notes wc 2.8k, FLUFF FLUFF bit of angst with reader’s mindset but happy ending i swear on my asia server genshin acc + this draft had been in my docs since 10/15/2023. its a miracle that i decided to pick up on it again and actually finish it !!!!!!! enjoy fellow aether kissers
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Evenings were always eerily silent; because of that, your thoughts were loud. Not in the way that screamed—no, it was much worse. It was his voice that whispered, that made you shiver and reach out for something that never existed. 
You didn’t know if you were dreaming or if you were awake and letting your mind wander away to a familiar face. Your mind always ended up back to him, no matter how much you tried to stray away. No matter who you talked to, he haunted you. Who you kissed, his face flashed in your mind. You wanted to curse his name out—it was his fault you were like this. It was his fault for deciding to come into this world and rid yourself of your defenses, left helpless to his whims.
“Um, Y/N?” A hand moved to your shoulder.
You jumped out of your seat, heart racing as his grinning face dissipated from your mind. You turned and breathed a sigh of relief. “What are you doing here, Sucrose?”
“It’s past midnight,” Sucrose murmured, her expression nervous, but apparently, she was too worried to leave you be. “I saw light from your window and thought you fell asleep…”
You didn’t even know if you were—everything before felt like a distant blur. Your eyes darted back to your desk, and then your face paled at the sight of a grinning face staring back at you. How long had you been mindlessly doodling Aether’s face? You quickly snatched them away from Sucrose’s view.
“I—I’m fine. Sorry, I did fall asleep.”
Sucrose’s bottom lip jutted out. “This has been happening for too long now. You’re not fine.”
What were you supposed to say to that? You were so hopelessly infatuated with someone who was ruining your life and possibly your job with Mr. Albedo. That would be a fast way to get yourself fired.
Sucrose sat on the chair beside you, her expression determined. “We’re friends, aren’t we? Can you at least tell me what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing that serious, Sucrose,” you stammered. Hopefully, the candles were dim enough to hide how flustered you were. It was more embarrassing than serious, really.
“Is it the Traveler?” She knew how to strike hard for someone with such an innocent face.
When had it not been the Traveler, honestly?
“Ugh…” That was a yes for her, apparently.
Sucrose smiled in relief. Her eyes darted around your face, studying you. “What’s wrong? Was he affecting you that much?”
“Yes. Disturbingly so. Like, seriously, it’s disturbing me.”
Sucrose’s eyes sparkled with wonder. “How?”
“It feels like swallowing a crystalfly whole and feeling it flutter around my stomach whenever I even think of him.”
Sucrose’s face turned serious. “What have you been doing to the crystalfies we’ve been collecting?”
“Never mind,” you muttered. “I’m fine, Sucrose. I promise, okay?”
You weren’t. Sucrose must’ve thought the same, too, because Lisa barged into your office the next day.
“What else are you expecting? For him to notice your wallowing and say something about it?”
Lisa’s sweet, melodious voice sounded torturous now when she was poking at all the things you were desperately trying to keep hidden. You sink against your seat, feeling a lot like a scolded kid, caught red-handed skipping chores—skipping responsibilities, hoping to stay oblivious for a bit longer.
“He already said something,” you grumbled, finding it difficult to meet the mage’s sharp eyes.
For someone who sounded as gentle as a mother to her only child, Lisa’s disappointment made you feel a lot more shameful than if she were to chide you in the middle of Mondstadt’s streets.
“A week after we met. He told me he likes me,” you continued.
Lisa’s jaw dropped, a funny expression you’ve never seen on her before. “A week after you met? Let me get this right—”
You groaned, “Lisa, trust me, I know—”
“—Our dear Traveler confessed to you ages ago. When was it when Aether helped us with Stormterror? He’s in Fontaine now!” Lisa looked a little frazzled, her eyes wild. You were expecting her to chide you some more until you saw how her entire expression was sparkling. This felt foreboding, somehow. “He keeps visiting to see you! After all these years of you foolishly rejecting him—”
“I didn’t reject him!”
Lisa hummed thoughtfully. “Oh, but isn’t that exactly what you’re doing?”
You were not rejecting Aether. You didn’t outright tell him you’re not interested because you are. He had been haunting your thoughts since you first laid eyes on him, returning from battle, cold breath billowing from his mouth, a pixie by his side, his hair aglow gold, Festering Desire in hand—and, oh, you desired him. It reached a point where Albedo himself had to ask if you wanted a check-up from how much you were burning with want.
Aether had grinned at you so brightly, and you damn near melted on the spot, even in the unrelentingly bitter weather of Dragonspine.
You found yourself liking him for more than his quite literally alien nature, his out-of-this-world body, and his abilities that had your hands itching to reach for a pen and paper to write down everything about him and figure out what the hell he was. Instead, you started falling for him as just Aether. His boyish smile, his witty jabs, his glimpses of personality.
And then he confessed to you—you, no one but one of Albedo’s assistants—and said he likes you, and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say anything at the time. You thought of him leaving one day, and then you just couldn’t say the yes that was chanting in your brain.
To no one’s surprise, he did leave. Not to that extent yet, but away from Mondsadt. Even in Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, and Fontaine, he invaded your thoughts as if cursing you for not saying what you were thinking. You could only wish he thought of you just as much as you did to him. Maybe he’d end up hating you, and not loving him would be easier.
“Are you kidding?” If it were so easy, you would’ve already jumped in his arms and kissed him breathlessly. “He’s—he’s not like us. He doesn’t belong here. He’d leave, eventually. Just like he always does with the other worlds.”
“Is that what’s stopping you?”
“That’s reason enough to be stopping me,” you said sharply. “He’s got millions of worlds to flirt with as he pleases, and this is my only one. Who knows if Aether is the type to even visit?”
Lisa crossed her arms. “Maybe you should ask. Communication is key.”
“Even if that was the case, I can’t handle it. I already miss him enough while he’s still in Teyvat—I don’t know how I could live with myself if I let him into my heart, and he’s a world away.”
“You’ve already let him in your heart,” Lisa said softly. “Just talk to him, alright? I’m not the only one worried about you when you drive yourself to a corner like this—especially over a boy!”
“I’m perfectly alright,” you said, ignoring Lisa’s amused smile. “I’m not losing my mind. Especially over a boy.”
You definitely were losing your mind. That boy was Aether; how could you not?
“I think it’s adorable,” Lisa cooed, cupping her cheeks and sighing dreamily. “He’s still waiting patiently. Who knew the Traveler would be so willing to wait for love?”
You wished that it wasn’t like that.
“Y/N! Are you here?”
Crap. Did you fall asleep in your office again? Might as well stop paying rent if this was going to be a recurring thing.
Once again, by routine at this point, you threw your notes that had Aether’s face inked by the edges. Memory be damned, You couldn’t let anyone see how detailed your drawings of Aether are.
“Y/N?” The voice rang out again, and it sounded more familiar now.
You went to open the door and frowned. “Lisa? It’s so early—did something happen?”
Lisa smiled in greeting, so beautifully devious with what she was about to say: “Our Honorary Knight is back in town!”
“Did you come all the way here just to tell me that?” Were people just seeing you as one of Aether’s admirers?
“Of course not,” Lisa chuckled, patting your head. How did she look so good this early in the morning? “He’s sick and needs someone to look after him.”
You wanted to close the door. You wanted to crawl back to your desk and go to sleep, but she had that look in her eye—one that told you that you had something to do with where she was going. And you did not like where this was going.
“So?” Dammit. You really wanted to see Aether again.
“Why, who else better to take care than his dearest alchemist?”
“Albedo is everyone’s alchemist. Sucrose is everyone’s dearest alchemist.”
Lisa shushed you. Why was she so invested in this? “No, no, his. Not everyone’s.”
You felt your face burn at the thought of being his dearest alchemist. Or anything his. “Absolutely not! Wasn’t he in Fontaine just yesterday?”
“Why don’t you go ask him that yourself?”
You scowled. You weren’t agreeable in the mornings. “How did you even know about this?”
Lisa smirked, poking your nose. “Because he asked for you, specifically.”
You laughed dryly—good one.
“I won’t let you do anything you wouldn’t want,” Lisa said seriously, “but would you change your mind if I told you that it’s Aether that wants you?”
And so you ended up in Aether’s teapot, which was hanging around Jean’s office for safety. Jean only smiled knowingly when you knocked on the door and zipped straight to the teapot. You were only doing this on the off-chance that Lisa was telling the truth and that Aether demanded he didn’t want anyone else but you checking up on him.
His teapot was familiar. You had been here a few times, but you didn’t have your own room. That was too embarrassing to ask, no matter how much Aether suggested it.
“Y/N!” Aether lit up the moment you entered the room.
“Aether,” you greeted, and as much as you wanted to hide it, a smile bloomed on your lips. It was hard not to smile when Aether was looking at you like that.
He looked like a mess, with strands of hair spread all over his pillows. His blanket was only up to his hips, showing that he was out of his usual look, and wore a simple white shirt. You were grateful for that shirt; you didn’t want to end up helping Aether strip because he definitely would have suggested that.
“I’m sick,” Aether whined. “Tend to me.”
You would’ve doubted his fever, but it was worryingly hot when you reached out to check his forehead’s temperature.
Immediately, your suspicions fly out the window. Aether was burning, and you were the only one in the same room (teapot?) who should take care of him. The Honorary Knight was reduced to a fever.
You cupped his cheek and watched as Aether pressed his face closer. “Does your head hurt?”
You tore your hand off. “I’ll make something to ease the pain.”
“You can ease it right now. By kissing it away.”
“Aether,” you sighed. Unbelievable. How did he still have enough energy for this while positively rotting on his bed? “Take this seriously. I haven’t seen you this sick— Actually, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you sick. How did this even happen?”
“Stayed too long underwater,” he said.
Aether? Getting sick from swimming? You made a face, which Aether laughed softly at.
“No, seriously. It was an emergency commission. Even when I had to resurface, it was pouring. Someone was making the Hydro Dragon cry hard yesterday.” Aether’s face scrunched as he looked up at you with round eyes. “I was so cold.”
Although it sounded absurd that Aether would get a fever from that, you suppose that having to stay drenched for a long time would affect even someone like him. You couldn’t even imagine having to shiver your way back to Mondstadt after being thoroughly drenched the whole day.
You pulled the blanket further up Aether’s chest. Even if you suspected he was lying, he was trembling underneath the covers.
“Alright.” You’ll believe him because right now, it is a fact that Aether is undoubtedly sick.
You were well aware that he was and sounded like he was dying, but he looked cute, flushed, and staring at you expectantly. It felt nice to be needed by someone like him—made him feel less like a faraway dream.
You cleared your throat and looked away; you knew you looked flustered. “Have you eaten yet?”
“Why? Will you cook for me?” he asked.
You knew how to cook, but for someone who had traveled regions and tasted all kinds of foods, you would probably disappoint. Still, it wasn’t time for a competition with other chefs in Liyue or Fontaine. Aether needed food to fill his stomach.
“Any suggestions?” You hoped for nothing unfamiliar and crazy. You loved Aether, but having to fetch ingredients from oceans away was too much.
“Make it with love,” Aether said cheekily because he was a bastard who didn’t have any mercy on your heart.
And so you left the room and ignored Aether, laughing and coughing as he called after you. You had to leave either way—your chest was almost as warm as Aether’s forehead.
You decided to make a Radish Veggie Soup. You hoped Aether wasn’t too picky about his vegetables. The water was comfortably cold, enough to make you search around his cupboards for towels to soak it into. As you waited for the water to boil, you decided to check up on Aether again.
He was still lying there, but with his eyes closed now. You felt terrible seeing someone you witnessed defeat dragons battling a fever. You drew closer and placed the towel on his head. He didn’t flinch at the stark change of temperature, but he did react instantly, his warm hand clasping your wrist.
“Stay,” Aether rasped.
You bit your lip, your heart sinking. Was he dreaming about his sister? You always worried when he was feeling down because of their separation.
But then his eyes opened, and he stared right at you. “Y/N,” he said, “please stay.”
“I can’t.”
“Just this once.” Aether’s voice sounded so quiet, so unsure of himself.
You really couldn’t. You had a Radish Veggie Soup to attend to.
“I’m staying,” Aether said, and you had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the bed. “I’m staying here for you.”
You frowned. “Don’t lie to make me feel better right now. That would hurt more when you have to leave.”
Aether’s face softened impossibly. “I’m not lying. I’m telling you the truth—I’m not leaving Teyvat. Even if I find my sister, I’m staying.”
Seriously? Just like that? “What made you change your mind?”
You couldn’t tell if Aether was blushing or if it was his fever. “How could I leave Teyvat when I see how cute you look taking care of me?”
You threw a pillow to his face.
He swerved away and laughed brightly. “I’m joking! I’m joking—drop that pillow, please. I’m kidding. Well, sort of.”
His face was once again attempted to get assaulted by another pillow. Aether grinned as he blocked it off with an arm.
“For someone so sick, you seem awfully lively,” you said, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“You breathe life into me; what can I say?”
You groaned. You couldn’t deal with this today—you needed at least three business days to process this and find another reason to reject him. Yet, as you moved to get some fresh air (anything to get Aether’s stupid face out of your view), a hand abruptly reached for your wrist.
Aether’s face was close to yours in a blink of an eye. His breath was hot on your face. “I’m serious,” he said, “so if— if you feel the same way, the least you can do is stay, too.”
“I— You—” You gaped at him. That sounded like it could be a proposal. Who would’ve thought—the Outlander, the Traveler, begging for you to stay?
Aether’s gaze flicked to your lips.
“Don’t kiss me,” you said in warning. “Are you an idiot? You’re sick!”
“That’s fine. I get to take care of you when you do,” Aether said.
Your face paled. “No! I have a job, Aether—”
Aether frowned. “And I have a world to save, but that can wait. We’re busy.”
You pushed his face away, his laugh smothered by your palm. “No, we are not. I’m busy making food for your sorry ass, away from you.”
Aether’s face crumpled. “Do you actually not want to kiss?”
Not when he’s sick and snotty, yeah.
Instead, you leaned in to kiss his forehead to make up for it. It was brief and faint, but Aether looked satisfied, smiling softly when you pulled away. It would do for now.
“I’m staying,” you said. “So long as you do, too. I’ll stay with you.”
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THE SOUP TURNED OUT OKAY STILL. this is just how my mom takes care of me when im sick LOL but the idea of doing it to a sick aether was too good i had to write a fic about it. also i love angst about aether being the traveler aaghgh
thank u sm for reading. as always, lmk what u think and i hope u liked it!! <3
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mandarinmoons · 2 months
hi! could I maybe request a spencer x reader where reader is a college student (she's like 20 something) and her exams are coming up and she's really struggling with stress and anxiety and low self esteem and no motivation and in the process shuts spencer off but spencer is a very stubborn and caring boyfriend and tries to help her?
have a great day love! 🫶🏻
Countless papers and empty cups of coffee littered your desk as you were sitting, slouched in your chair. You’d lost count of what time it was, the last thing you remember was that it was around 8:30 in the morning when you woke up, had some toast for breakfast and dove into your studies. Now, the sun was setting and your stomach was aching because of how empty it was and yet you still stayed in the exact same position, scanning your notes and trying to memorize every detail.
You were so deep in your studies that you didn’t hear your boyfriend Spencer let himself in. Spencer looked over your apartment and saw how unlived it looked. Usually your TV would be on with a random show playing in the background and the smell of your favorite candle filling the air, but it was dead silent and no hint of magnolia was sensed anywhere.
As he walked into the kitchen he barely saw any dishes in the sink which made him concerned. Spencer knew that you were working hard on preparing for your final exams, but seeing you not taking the time to take care of yourself worried him deeply.
Spencer walked to your bedroom and sighed when he saw you resting your head on your desk, head nestled between your arms.
He made his way to you and rested his hand on your head, his thumb caressing over your hair. The act of affection awoke you and you stayed put as you let Spencer comfort you.
“I think you’ve been working too much.”
“I’m okay.”
Spencer crouched down to your level and brushed the hair out of your face, “Your face says otherwise.”
You rolled your eyes at his words and a light chuckle left his lips. Spencer was always worried about your well being and especially for the past few weeks. You had a habit of throwing yourself into your work and giving it your all, but in the process you’d forget to take care of your basic everyday needs and Spencer was adamant about reminding you of the smallest of tasks, from brushing your teeth to drinking enough water.
“Spencer, I’m alright. You don’t have to keep checking up on me.”
Spencer wanted to believe you, but the tears in the corners of your eyes told a different story.
“I’m fine Spence, really,” the tears poured down your face before you had a chance to hide them, your throat burning as you tried to hold back a cry.
Feeling ashamed, you wiped at your cheeks harshly and Spencer pulled you tight into his chest, one hand still caressing your head while the other one rested on your back.
Sobs racked through your body as all the pent up stress finally had a chance to be let out, shaking from anxiety and hiccups being choked out.
After some time, your cries calmed down and you felt your body go limp in Spencer’s arms, as the crying had exhausted you to the point where you thought you would fall asleep right then and there.
Before you had a chance to let the exhaustion consume you, you felt Spencer pick you up and lay you down on your bed. He crawled down next to you and brushed his thumb over the red streaks across your cheeks. He looked so sad, seeing how your state of being affected him so much made you feel guilty. Why couldn’t you have taken more breaks? Spencer was probably scolding you inside his head for skipping lunch so many times.
“I’m not mad at you, you know.”
“You’re not?”
Spencer shook his head and rubbed his thumb over your temple, “I could never be mad at you.”
Another set of tears were burning your eyes as you took in his words. Before they had a chance to spill over, Spencer nuzzled closer and kissed your cheek a few times causing you to giggle.
“I hope you know you’re not getting rid of me so easily.”
“I know.”
“Good, now,” Spencer pulled you close into his chest, the smell of his cologne instantly putting you at ease. It's as if the anxiety attack you experienced not too long ago never even happened.
“I want you to stay put for the next hour or so, just rest and then later we’re going to take a bath and have a nice dinner, how does that sound?”
“That sounds amazing,” your face was already tucked into the crook of his neck, feeling Spencer squirm lightly as your breath tickled his neck.
It always amused you how sensitive he was and you were trying your best not to place a kiss to the skin of his neck as you knew he’d erupt into laughter, a sound that easily made even the worst days brighter, but you decided not to tease him, for now at least.
What was supposed to be an hour of cuddling, turned into both of you waking up at 9 PM, dazed and not knowing what planet either of you were on.
Seeing that it was a little too late to prepare dinner at this time at night, you both settled on frying some eggs & bacon and Spencer cut up some fruit for the side, as well as telling you some fun facts about them.
“Did you know that bananas are full of several types of antioxidants that are linked to reduced risk of heart disease and macular degeneration?”
“I do now.”
As you finished eating, Spencer wouldn’t let you go back to sleep until you had a shower. You huffed and got in the shower, letting the warm water run down your body as you lathered your loofah in soap.
Walking out of the bathroom clean & fresh, you walked to your bedroom and a gasp left your lips as you took in the sight in front of you.
The room was lit up with candles, the signature scent of magnolia in the air. The bed was covered in multiple pillows and blankets, making it the coziest spot you’ve seen in a while, while the papers on your desk were organized into neat stacks.
“How’re you feeling?”
Turning your head, Spencer walked in and held two mugs, the smell of peppermint emanating from them. Peppermint tea, once again, one of your favorites.
“A lot better now, thanks,” Spencer handed you the mug as the both of you sat on the edge of the bed.
“Y/N, you can’t keep going on like this.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
Your eyes settled on the mug in your hands as Spencer’s hand found its spot on your lower back again.
“Don’t be sorry, just try to tell me when you need some help, okay?”
“I will.”
Spencer pressed his lips to your forehead in a kiss before resting his own forehead against yours, as a simple act of intimacy that meant the whole world.
“Now c’mon, let’s have our tea before it gets cold.”
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @reidstheyfriend @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @cynbx @kimm4710 @niktwazny303 @reidsdaisies @mindfullycriminal @cumulo-stratus @themarauderseraslut @gayfor-rosadiaz @gubsbuubs @multifandomsimp69 @chyozai @deppfanatic @potatovoyager @indyvelazquez @nini123 @justlivinginadaydream
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Good day Tangerine, I hope you're doing well. Sorry if I have many requests for you, I hope it isn't too much of a bother. But I really love your writing and I was hoping you'd be fine with writing fluff?
With a reader who's struggling with her classes to the point that she's going to flunk because that subject is weighing her grades down. Still, she hides this and tries to study harder with her own but can't understand it. When Bi-Han catches her staying up late one night, crying, he offers to teach her.
At first, he's like your typical strict Asian mother who would snap when you don't understand, but when you begin to tear up, he realizes that being rough won't help you and tries to teach you softly. Turns out all you need is practice and patience.
just need some patience
a/n: i'm imagining like a teenager bi han who's still training to be grandmaster rn
pairing: bi han x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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Bi Han usually isn’t up at this hour, late at night and wandering the compound
for some odd reason, he can’t fall asleep and had tried to stay as still as possible to try and trick his body into going to sleep
but it hadn’t worked and so now he was heading to the training rooms to try and work out some of the energy when he passes by the library
no one else should be awake at this hour, and yet the light was on
Bi Han stalls for a moment, wondering if he should go in and see who’s there or just worry about himself
his curiosity wins out, and he finds you at a desk, back bent and feverishly scribbling something onto a scroll
you’re in one of his classes with one of the masters, usually sitting in the front and furiously taking notes as they go over the lesson for the day
he walks over to you silent, and you don’t even notice, too absorbed with what you’re trying to learn, and he recognizes it as the homework one of the masters at the Lin Kuei had assigned today
you write feverishly and have no idea he stands right in front of you until Bi Han squints at something you wrote and says that you got it wrong
the chair nearly tips over with how you jump out of your seat, but you place a hand over your chest and let out a wheeze as you say that he had scared you
he scoffs at you ready to give you a quick retort, but then you press him further about what you got wrong, nearly jumping out of your seat and over the table
Bi Han raises an eyebrow at you, wasn’t it obvious?
pointing at where you made the error, he explains that you should’ve done this instead and takes the pencil from your hand and writes it down
your eyes narrow in confusion, and in a meek voice, you ask him to explain why what you had done was wrong
this was stupid, and he didn’t really want to be here right now
stepping back toward the exit of the library, Bi Han tells you it’s self-explanatory and goes to blow off some steam in the gym, but then you grip onto his arm tightly
he has to fight all instincts to flip you onto your back and crush your bones, but you fall to your knees with a loud thump as you continue holding his hand and start to beg for him to teach you
you’re failing this class, and at this rate, you’re pretty sure that master at the Lin Kuei hates you because of how close you are to flunking
you need to pass this class to continue on with your training at the Lin Kuei, so could you please please please teach you
your eyes are wet and sad, and Bi Han feels like he’s looking at a kicked cat that was sitting in the rain all day as your lower lip starts to tremble as you try not to cry
letting out a frustrated breath, Bi Han rolls his eyes and agrees, and you start to thank him profusely
he just picks you up the scruff of your neck and drags you over back to your seat and sits down in the chair and starts to explain to you what you were doing wrong
you’re slow, so much slower than him, and he doesn’t understand why you just don’t get it
his voice grows shorter, snappier, as you get the following problems wrong over and over again, and his patience snaps, hissing at you and asking why you can’t figure this out like everyone else
you flinch backwards, and your voice wobbles as you try to explain that it just didn’t make sense, that you just can’t figure it out
Bi Han sees how tears start to well up in the corner of your eyes, and he realizes how he’s completely distracted you from learning
he takes a deep breath, collecting his mind for a few moments, and mutters out a quick apology to you before going back to the problems
maybe explaining the problem and method in a different way would help you better, and so he formulates a plan, tapping the pencil against the table as he thinks
he writes a few practice problems for you off the top of his head and hopes they make sense, and he walks through them with you
your wipe your tears away and go through them slowly and thoroughly, learning each step and going through the problems quicker and more confident with every solved question
a few hours later, you had finished the homework with flying colors, and Bi Han felt a sense of pride well up in his stomach
was this what it felt like to lead others? perhaps training to become grandmaster wasn’t so bad after all
the sun barely peeks over the horizon,and Bi Han realizes that the both of you have stayed up all night in the library
but you give him a big grin, and you wrap your arms around him tightly, hugging him before scurrying off with your schoolwork back to your quarters to wash up and squeeze in a quick nap
he sits in the library in silence, trying to process the action, and his cheeks heat up as he thinks of how your chest pressed against his
shaking away the thought, Bi Han goes off to his quarters to freshen up and get ready for the day, but he goes through the rest of the day with a smile on his face, thinking of how you had smiled at him
perhaps he would have to continue your late-night tutoring sessions
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andreaheartscats · 8 months
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Ellie Willams
->stressed out reader about school work. -> fluff i guess? no smut. ->roommate Ellie
a/n: helloo there beautiful people! i hope you like this little fic i came up with, please dont mind any bad grammer (if there is any..i hope theres not) english isnt my first laungage so yea. love u all!
Five hours. Youve been studying for five hours now, the tiredness and sleepeness was carching up to you at this point. But the stress was like no other.
It was the last semester and you had so many tests coming up from every possible direction. You were sure that your eyebags had eyebags now, if thats even possible.
The dask was filled with random papers, books from diffrent subjects and many of your mostly filled notebooks. While looking through the papers you had laid messily around your desk, a gentle knock was heard from your bedroom door.
"come in." as you said those words the door opend slowly and there stood Ellie, your roommate and your best friend....and the person you had feelings for.
For a momment Ellie just stood there leaning on the doorframe as she looked at you for some time and finally spoke up. "havent seen you much today." she seemd a bit upset as she said those words.
"sorry Els, im really busy with studying.." saying that, you let out little sigh as you take your reading glasses off to rub your temples in frustration. Ellie takes a notice of your messy desk. Your tired eyes and the empty cans of many diffrent energy drinks laying around your bedroom floor.
Her face frowns a bit as she sees you in this state, honestly feeling bad for you. She noticed how much work you put in school and how much you try.
She walks towards you and crouchs down infront of you while you sat comfortably in your chair. The sight of her this close to you set shivers up and down your spine.
"how 'bout you take a little break yea?"she said with a soft smile forming on her face. The idea didnt sound too bad.. i mean you were pretty tired and a little break couldnt hurt.
Without saying much you just nodded your head at her while giving her a tired smile. You both laugh a little and decide to go to your shared living room and watch some TV.
"alright, you just sit there and ill get you somethin' to snack on babe"
you plop yourself onto the comfortable couch you two bought. Babe. those words triggerd the butterflys in your stomach. Even if you two were just friends, you melted every time she used some kind of pet names.
After sometime, Ellie came back with a bowl of popcorns and some other snacks. She sat them on the table carefully and looked at you with a proud smile. As if a kid would look at their parents when they do something good.
You couldnt help but smile at her. She sat next to you and threw her hand over your shoulder which caught you off guard a bit but you didnt mind.
As Ellie scrolled through the list of series and movies, she looked at you from thr corner of her eye. "you know..i just wanna help you a bit to relax. Youve been working so hard lately."
Her words were so calming. You snuggle into her, your head falling on her shoulder as she traced a little circles on your upper arm. "thanks Els"
you mutter quietly but making sure she knew you were greatful for her and for the things she did. In response Ellie just hummed as she choose a movie.
For the first hour of the movie you enjoyed it. Ellies arm around you as she held you close to her while your head was comfortably laying on her shoulder.. But for the next hour of the movie Ellie heard little snors coming from below her.
She glanced down and noticed you fast asleep. Not daring to move even a inch, not wanting to wake you up from your peacful sleep, she just stayed there watching the rest of the movie untill she finally feel asleep too.
Honestly this might be the best sleep you ever had. Literally cuddling Ellie, "your best friend" , roommate and most importantly your fucking crush!
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bubbleebubz · 10 months
Save me Professor- part 1
Word count: 2,006.
~warnings- eventual smutt! pantie stealing (consentual), pet names (is that a warning?), suggestive content, w3t dreams, mental health issues, bad dreams (fire and death)
Y/N had just been kicked out of her mother's house after her mom has a schizophrenic break and moves to Flordia leaving her to fend for herself. Her professor can't bare seeing Y/N in such a state, and offers her to stay in his guest bedroom, can they be roomates without his dark desires taking control?
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"P-please don't stop sir" his hands hot on her body. His large hands getting closer and closer to where she needs them most.
"What do you want, baby? Tell me" His breath hot on her neck.
"Please professor Reid" she moans out in need.
"Y/N... Y/N... Y/N wake up"
My eyes snap open, being awoken back into the cruel reality of my life.
I sit up at my desk and look around.
The class is empty.
I look up, "oh my God, I'm so sorry professor Reid, I must have fallen asleep." I say hastily gathering all my things causing my pencil case to fall off my desk.
I lean over to pick it up, as does he. "Y/N, it's ok, but are you alright?" He asks, crouching down next to me.
I look into his eyes anxiously. Nodding. "Why would you think otherwise Sir?" I ask shyly, trying to avoid his intimidating eye contact.
"Look at me sweetheart" He says, making my thighs clench and insides throb.
I follow his orders and look into his eyes.
My mouth going dry.
"What's the matter?" He asks. "Your the best in this class and never lose focus like this, let alone fall asleep." He explains his worry.
"I. I uhm, my mom kicked me out last night. She has schizophrenia and she now decided to move to Flordia. So I have no where to stay. So I was up all night, studying to keep my mind off of things." I say, my eyes beginning to water.
I blink them away and look over to the window, not being able to look him in the eyes.
"Oh sweet girl" He says, and hugs me.
I hug him back as tight as I can. The comforting feeling unusual to me.
"I'm sorry, I know this isn't your problem and there are other students who have much bigger more important issues, i really didn't mean to fall asleep." I say into his chest.
"Don't apologise Y/N" He says sternly.
"You didn't do anything wrong, did you know that the average female needs atleast 7 hours of sleep, and if they don't get that, their stress and anxiety levels increase and the lack of sleep reduces your physical and cognitive performance." He says pulling away. I smile at his rambling and nod while wiping my tears away.
"Where are you staying now?" He asks, standing up and looking down at me.
I look up at him anxiously to respond.
"I don't know." I whisper out, looking away, feeling the tears starting again.
"How would you like to stay with me? Until you figure things out ofcourse." He asks cautiously.
I look up at him shocked.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
He nods.
"Ofcourse, you are my favorite student after all." He chuckles out.
He Whips the falling tears as they spill down my cheek as I look up at him. I lean into his touch.
"Is that alright, love?" He asks, I nod.
"Use your words" He says.
"Yes sir, I'd love to." I say shyly.
"Excellent, let's get going now shall we? Do you have your things or?" He asks, as he walks to his desk, gathering his belongings.
"I was only able to grab my school uniform, school books, laptop, chargers and bathroom stuff, that's all I could fit in my backpack." I say.
He nods.
He signals me to follow him, I get up and walk behind him to his black sports car.
I get into the front seat and place my bag infront of me on the floor.
"Seat belt" He says, starting the car.
I put the seat belt on and shiver from the cool fall air.
"Good girl" I blush hard.
I lean my head against the cold window, watching the passing trees go by. My eyes begin to get heavy as I doze off.
I'm awoken this time ruthlessly.
"Y/N are you ok?" He groans, shaking me awake. There was fire everywhere.
"What happened?" I ask, beginning to hyperventilate.
I look back at him but his eyes are shut, his face bloody and chard.
I scream and scream and scream.
"Y/N wake up, it's ok wake up, we are here" he says lightly shaking me awake once again.
I wake up sobbing and lean to cling to him in a tight hug.
"Shh s'okay, I'm here, it's ok" He says holding the back of my head and rubbing my back.
"What was the nightmare about baby?" He asks soothingly.
"We got into a car accident, and you died." I whimper out, my voice hoarse from all the crying.
"Oh honey, it's ok, I'm alright see. I'm alive." He says placing my hand over his heart. I calm down and look around seeing we are at a nice sized house, with vines down the front and sides of it, it looked like a cottage from a fairytale. My eyes light up at the sight.
"Woah" I say amazed.
He chuckles.
"Follow me" He says, taking my bag for me.
"Thanks" I say shyly, realizing this is my professor and not some high-school crush.
He was just being nice and caring. That's all.
I follow him into his house and smile at the decor, it matched him perfectly, the furniture old and dark, and the scent of his house was exquisite, like a pumpkin vanilla.
"You can stay in the guest bedroom over here" he says, guiding me down the hall way. "My room is next door here" he says pointing to another door. "And the bathroom is over here" he says.
I nod a thank you.
"I'll let you get settled, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" He says giving me a caring smile putting his hand on my lower back while leaving down the hall.
I enter the room, observing my surroundings, there was a double bed with an beatiful oak bed frame, on the left side of the room in the middle of the wall, and a window straight ahead, to the right there was a desk, and to the left of the desk was an old white chair.
It was very basic, not in a bad way.
I unpack my bag, putting my limited clothes (being only my school uniforms) in the dresser. And placing the singular Grumpy Care Bear on my bed for comfort.
I exit my new bedroom and go to the kitchen.
"Hey Professor" I say shyly. Sitting down on one of the chairs set at the island.
"Please call me Spencer" He chuckles out.
I blush lightly, enough for him to notice and smirk.
"Ok Spenerrr" I say goofily out of anxiety.
Causing him to smile again.
"Whatcha doing?" I ask boredly.
"Cooking dinner, I hope you like chicken vermicelli noodles" He says with a chuckle.
"I have no clue what that is but it smells good so I probably will!" I say giggling.
"Why are you still in your school clothes its-" He pauses checking his watch "8 PM on a Friday" He asks.
"I didn't manage to fit any of my actual clothes in my bag, so I just have my school uniforms." I say with a sad chuckle. "But it's ok, they aren't that unc-" "nuh uh, I'll be right back" He says cutting me off before leaving the kitchen and stove unattended. "Uh Spence you kinda forgot about the fooood" I call out and walk around the island to the stove, stirring the food in the frying pan. Still having no idea what I'm doing, causing me to burn myself slightly.
"Ow" I say blankly, running my finger under cool water.
I look over to see him leaning against the wall chuckling while holding a t-shirt and sweatpants.
"It's not funny, I don't know how to cook" I whine out in a giggle.
He shakes his head in a laugh.
"Here, wear these" He says handing me his clothes. I reluctantly take them. "Thank you very much sir, you have no idea how much I appreciate you doing all this for me" I say sadly. "Don't mention it, your not that unbearable" He says, causing me to roll my eyes and playfully punch his shoulder.
His eyes widen, "oh yeah?" He says jokingly and picks me up as if I weigh nothing (I most definitely don't weigh nothing) and carries me over his shoulder.
"HEY SPENCER PUT ME DOWN" I giggle out and hit his back, causing him to slap my ass making me yelp "ah ah ah" He says placing me down in the bathroom. "Change your clothes then give them to me so I can wash them" He says smiling before shutting the door.
I sigh out with a smile before undressing, taking everything off.
My smile drops when I realize I have to go commando in my professors sweatpants and braless in his t-shirt.
I put the clothing on, it fitting loosely.
I fold my dirty clothes, making sure my bra and panties were hidden to the best of my abilities.
I exit the bathroom and begin to go to the kitchen, but he isn't there, the food is plated and set on the island but he is missing, "Spence?" I call out.
"BOO" He says, grabbing my waist causing me to scream and drop my clothes. "GODDAMIT" I say absolutely terrified making him laugh even harder. " s'not funny" i whine out.
Both of us bending over to pick up my clothes, I freeze when I see him picking up my panties.
"Hmm, lacey blue, so innocent yet so naughty Y/N" I blush really hard, I go to grab my underwear from his hand but he snatches them away, putting them into his pocket and picks up the rest of my clothes.
I stand in the middle of the kitchen, my jaw on the floor. "Spe-" "ah. I'm confiscating those. For reasons I don't need to say!" He says. "But those are my only-" "we can buy you new ones, any ones you'd like." He says, before walking into the laundry room to place my dirty clothes into the washing machine.
"Common, let's eat." He says, walking over to the island and pulling out a chair for me, before sitting next to me.
I take a bite out of the food and moan out in happiness.
"Do you like it?" He asks with a chuckle.
"Mhmm" I say, taking another bite.
I look over awkwardly.
"I-i like food.." I say shyly.
"I can see that, it's cute" He says, making me blush.
After dinner I help clean up.
"I'll do the dishes, you put the leftovers away?" I say. And he nods.
I wash the dishes by hand, but after washing only 2 cups I get ancy and put some music on the TV, Reflections by The Neighborhood starts playing and I start to sing along while doing the dishes.
Swaying my hips to the music.
I hear footsteps behind me and freeze the music pausing too.
"Y'know. You look really good in my clothes sweetheart." He whispers in my ear, causing me to shudder. His hands around my waist.
"Wanna know what you'd look even better in?" He asks seductively.
"W-what?" I whisper out, not daring to turn around.
"In bed! Because it's bedtime!" He says picking me up again.
"But the dishes! There is only one left!" I whine out, kicking my feet, as he holds me bridal style.
"I can do it, sweets" He says sweetly causing me to smile at the pet name.
God he was going to be the death of me.
NO HE IS YOUR PROFESSOR, but he doesn't seem to mind.
He places me in my bed.
Grabbing my care bear and chuckling.
"What.." I say embarrassed.
"Nothing, just pictured you as a hello kitty girl" He chuckles.
"I love hello kitty too, but I had to chose, and Grumpy was the softest one so.." I say realizing I'm rambling.
He hands me the bear and nods.
"Goodnight Y/N" He says, putting the blankets over me and kissing my forehead. I blush.
"Goodnight Spence" I say kissing his cheek.
I fall asleep easily.
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antoncyng · 3 months
౨ৎ. SUFFERED - h.sh
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synopsis - dreaming about his presence started to hurt again, so it was time to finally watch the VHS.
genre / warning(s) - angst, mentions of death, somewhat based off of 20th century girl, vhs tape is different tho, flashbacks based in 1999
word count - 1.0k (first fic to hit 1k???)
author’s note - this fic is for @cupidhoons because this woman wanted her heartbroken so what better way than to make it about seunghan :33 love u liz! want to read m0re . . ? cl1ck here !
24 years was the length you’ve had to suffer without the love of your life by your side.
waking up from this dream was a nightmare, the more you tried to reach out and save him, the farther you would get. it was so hard to accept the fact he was gone, no matter how long it’s been.
the words spilling out of his bestfriend’s mouth still and always will break your heart, deny deny deny was all your mind could comprehend.
7.18.00 6:45 PM
“what do you mean? seunghan isn’t dead.. he’s on a family trip!” all the excuses you could think of spewed out of your mouth with tears running down your face.
“no.. no yn. he isn’t on a family trip, he never went on a family trip. just accept it, he isn’t with us anymore, how would it make sense to go on a family trip if his family came home? he died yn, he died after his surgery. it was guaranteed he would’t live for more than a month, so he did it himself. he left this for you.” sohee did the best he could keeping himself together as well, not wanting to make your situation worse.
he kept quiet and gave you a VHS tape, only to walk away soon after, it looked like he wanted to say something to you(?).
HOW could this be? it only felt like a few weeks ago that seunghan was by your side, holding your hand as you two walked along the beach together, laughing the night away together as the world blurred around the two of you. when you were together, everything just felt right.
now, it feels like nothing would feel right ever again.
6.11.24 4:37 AM
it felt so real. sweat coated your forehead and parts of your body, your breathing grew heavy by the minute, your eyes shot open with water growing in them.
you tried so so hard to reach out for seunghan, but it just looked like the more you stepped closer to him, the further he would walk away. your fingertips touched, and his body slowly started to fade away. all you could do was cry, trying to scream but nothing would come out as you watched seunghan step further into the distance with an emotional smile on his lips, you swore he had a tear running down his face. why did it feel so real?
it hurt, it hurt like someone had just ripped your heart out of your chest and walked away so emotionless. what was so scary or hard that he couldn’t tell you?
you got out of bed, walking towards your desk and opened the drawer, pulling out the VHS tape sohee gave you 24 years ago, you never pulled yourself enough to throw it away. slipping it into the player, the video started to play.
sitting back in your chair, you didn’t know what to expect. a song started playing, it rang in your ears like a shooting star of nostalgia.
“are you alright? how are you doing these days? are you crying again..”
you heard his singing voice call out to you, it brought you to tears.
“because i’m not there? we used to chat a lot, now i don’t see your fine face..”
he appeared on the screen, guitar in his hands as his face focused on the strings, the tears slipped out of your eyes. he’s still the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen, the most beautiful person you’ll ever meet.
the song stopped. a few clips of the beach you two always walked on together showed, there were clips of the places you loved to bring him to. you were shown clips of yourself falling asleep in an empty classroom, seunghan’s voice in the back.
“look at this girl, she told me she would stay behind during lunch to study..”
more clips were shown, memories were flooding your mind. then it cut to a scene on the beach, it seemed like the phone was set up.
and there he was again, your beautiful boy. just the sight of him on the old tv had your heart melting, he was just so pretty.
“hi yn. if you’re seeing this, you must be very angry with me.” he started off, chuckling dryly. “i recorded this before i went to the u.s. for my surgery, and you must already know the result. i’m sorry i can’t tell you, i would if i really could, but everything is too much for the both of us and i figured it would be better for your life in the future to figure out like this.”
he read off of a piece of paper like a script, clearing his throat as he was already getting emotional just from reading the next words. tears were already flowing out of your eyes, but you couldn’t stop watching the tape.
“i know living without each other is hard after sticking together for so long, i want you to know i truly love you so much, but there’s a reason that i could not tell you about the guaranteed result of my surgery. i don’t think i’ll tell you that now, maybe in another century?” he dryly laughs again, before looking back at the sunset behind him.
“its nice seeing this view again before i leave, i wish i could see it with you. you’re busy a lot but i understand that, i just wish i could spend just a few more hours with you.” his voice makes it obvious he’s starting to tear up, before turning back to the camera with teary eyes like he’s about to end the video.
“but don’t worry too much, i’ll make a pretty sunset and sunrise for you so you don’t have to suffer too much without me, how does that sound? i hope you’re saying good behind this screen..” he tries to cheer himself up with a smile, distracting you from the tears rolling down his face.
“i love you so much, i’ll see you again soon. don’t suffer too much, okay?” he says, waving with his sweet smile before the video ends and the old tv audio starts buzzing again.
but what seunghan will always know, is how much you already suffered without his presence.
🤍. ————————————
PLEASE DO NOT STEAL | antoncyng 061624
thank u for reading !! i hope u didn’t get too sad :pp ending is kinda bad because i’m bad at ending stories but whatever ><
perm taglist - @lcvclywon @jlheon @jwsdoll @ohmydollie @cupidhoons @junislqve @hyeinism @copyhanni @onlyjjong @seoktized (?)
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bvidzsoo · 9 months
Love Me Like A Rockstar (3)
ー☆ Chapter 3: Itch
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
ー☆ Warning: use of the word "fuck" ー☆ Word count: 4.2k ー☆ Genre: university!au, enemies to lovers!au, rockstar!au ー☆ Rating: sfw ー☆ Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone, here's my present for you all. Excuse me if this chapter is a little confusing, although I hope it isn't, I tried hard to put her feelings into words and describe it accordingly. The taglist is open, so let me know if you're interested. Please listen to the song in the playlist (Itch) before or while reading! Thank you and I hope you enjoy! Your feedback is always very much appreciated!
Taglist: @orshii @or5i @lovely-red2 @juicy-red @scarfac3 @sunaswifes-blog @voicesinmyhead-rc @teez-the-time
⟨Series M.list ↭ Previous Chapter⟩
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『There's a rumbling
In my head
It's getting louder
The weather hasn’t drastically improved nor gotten better even a little bit as the sky was grey and the wind blew harshly. Before my mother left for work she warned me to have an umbrella with myself today as it could start pouring at any given moment, and I listened to her. I swear to God that woman has some sort of supranatural sense as her predictions are always right. I didn’t have classes today, but I had to work on one of my assignment’s, and after realizing that if I were to stay at home I’d be laying in my bed all day, I dressed up in comfortable clothes and packed what I had to bring with myself before I headed to my university’s library.
The bus ride was quick as traffic has dispersed since the early hours of the morning, making it easier to get to my destination. After getting off the bus I headed to the closest coffee shop, knowing I would need some caffeine if I planned on not falling asleep at the library. It wouldn’t be the first time. Sometimes the quiet and warm ambience gets to me, and without meaning to, I fall asleep at the table instead of studying diligently. I didn’t plan on doing that today as I was nearing the deadline. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but I didn’t deal well with stress and it was currently eating me up as I ran over on my phone of the assignment’s requirements while I entered the main building of my university. It was buzzing with life as everyone was busy doing something and I nodded at the familiar faces before beelining it for the stairs, headed to the top floor. The main building was an old one and it was rather cold inside at all times, the library being the only one actually heated up enough that you wouldn’t freeze during the winter. I sighed in content as I pushed open the big doors, warmth seeping into my bones instantly. It wasn’t too cold outside, but I forgot to wear a jacket today, and the tank top and hoodie I was wearing over it wasn’t keeping me warm enough. The library was quiet and the ceiling lights were dim inside, desk lamps turned on by the students having to study. I walked past the front desk and greeted the librarian quietly, trying to ignore the disapproving look she threw at my coffee in hand. I wouldn’t be using any books; I just needed a desk and chair to be able to do my homework. So, before she could ask me to leave or throw away my coffee, I turned around and speedwalked down the main lobby, headed towards the next room where the large tables were placed in four rows. It was the study room, basically.
I sighed and took a sip of my coffee, looking around for a secluded spot, away from prying eyes, as I slowly walked down the middle aisle, appreciating the sweet taste of my Caramel Macchiato. Nobody really paid me any mind and I was glad as I didn’t feel like striking up a conversation with anyone. I spotted an empty seat to the left at a table where not many sat, and decided to claim it as mine as I turned left, going down another row of table and chairs. One student threw me a nasty look as my tote bag accidentally crashed against their arm and I gave them a cheeky smile before continuing to walk, not exactly sorry for disturbing them. I took another sip of my coffee as with my other hand I placed my phone back inside my back pocket, and noticed someone kind of familiar. My eyes narrowed as I continued walking towards them as they sat in the way of my claimed spot. I didn’t mean to stare, but I couldn’t tell straight away who it was as their head hung low and shoulders were slouched as they were writing in a notebook. He had headphones over his ears and was bobbing his head to the rhythm of the music, and as I got closer, my steps slightly faltered. I stopped mid-sip as I realized who it was. Mingi remained oblivious to my surprised face as I quickly snapped out of it and quickly took off, whizzing past him and the long table he sat at, adamant on ignoring him and finally reaching my own seat. He hadn’t noticed me, after all, so I didn’t think he was aware that I was here too. My mouth pulled into a grimace as the thought of being at the same place as Mingi was rather inconvenient right now, I wasn’t in the mood to face him today. I didn’t feel like arguing or bickering, and if he were to approach me, I knew it was inevitable. I sighed as I reached my seat and allowed my bag to fall onto the table, creating a light bang. Someone from the other end of the table glanced at me, but quickly went back to their work.
I placed my coffee on the table and sat in my chair, opening my tote bag. I quickly emptied the bag of its contents, grateful that I haven’t forgotten anything at home. I placed my big sketchbook in front of me as I organized the rest of my things on the table. My smaller pencil case was placed next to my coffee, where my right hand was. Then, the bigger pencil case which contained all sorts of pens and pencils, was placed in the middle, just above my sketchbook. I placed the hard cover sketchbook, my personal one in which I always draw and consider my journal, to my left where it wouldn’t bother me as I worked. I placed the book on color theory I have brought with myself on top of my sketchbook and opened it, flipping through the pages, searching for the one I was supposed to read before starting my assignment. We were supposed to make an abstract drawing using acrylics. I sighed as I found the page and realized I had to read five before starting to draw. Five weren’t many pages, but it felt like I didn’t have the mental capacity to read. Seems like the coffee hadn’t kicked in yet. But I had to do it, so, after taking another sip of my coffee, I placed my elbow on the table and after placing my cheek in my palm, I started reading with a loud sigh. My eyes ran over the words lazily only half paying attention to them as I felt my phone buzz in my jean’s back pocket. I was itching to check the message, but I knew I wouldn’t do any studying if I was to check my phone right now.
As I was reading the third page, I heard firm footsteps stomping in my direction, but I didn’t look up. I have finally somehow found the power to concentrate on my task, and besides, I was in a library, it was probably another student headed to sit at the table I was sat at. After all, I have chosen this table because it had few people who could bother me. However, I soon became aware that the approaching person stopped right across me, and as I looked up confused, my mouth involuntarily dropped a little. The chair was already pulled back and before I could even complain, Mingi’s lean body dropped into the chair as he pulled it closer to the table. His things were gathered in his arms and he very loudly dropped them onto the table, creating the other student at the table to glare in his direction. For a second, I found myself speechless as I stared at a very casual looking Mingi. His black hair was pushed back, his forehead on display for the first time, and his eyes had no makeup as he blinked at me through his black glasses. I had no idea Mingi wears glasses? It was resting rather low on his tall nose and I snapped out of my staring as a lazy smirk appeared on his cherry-red lips.
“What are you doing?!” I whispered furiously, eyebrows furrowing as I placed my book on the table. Mingi’s smirk turned into a small smile.
“Catching up on some homework, and you?” Mingi’s answer made my eyebrows furrow even more. Did he seriously think I was interested in whatever he was here for?
“No!” My voice almost raised, but I was able to control it, “Here. With me—why did you come sit here?! The other table seemed perfectly fine to me—”
“Ah, so you have seen me.” Mingi seemed pleased with himself as he fished his phone out from underneath the three notebooks he had dumped on the table, “I just didn’t feel like sitting alone. Is that a problem?”
I opened my mouth to fire back a ‘yes’ at him, but found myself hesitating instead. I didn’t exactly understand his motives. He was sitting by himself up until now, who knows since when, so what changed now? Why did he want to sit with me all of a sudden? He was definitely only here to bother me.
“We’re not friends.” I raised my eyebrows at Mingi, voice sharp, “And you seemed pretty fine by yourself.”
Mingi just sighed and organized his notebooks, pushing two away from himself as he opened the other one. He grabbed his headphones from around his neck, but he didn’t lift them to his ear yet.
“Is it such a crime that I want to sit at the same table with you?” The defeat in Mingi’s voice took me off guard, and I gulped, jaw clenching as I avoided his disappointed gaze. What was he disappointed about? It’s not like we were friends. Did I say something wrong? And why should I care if I have hurt his feelings? I was only voicing the truth.
“I sat here because I want to be alone.” I threw him a sharp glare and Mingi’s lips turned into a thin line as he slid down in his chair. He wore a loose black t-shirt which reached below his elbows, jacket discarded on the chair next to his. He wore grey sweatpants too; it was the most casual I have seen him. Compared to how he would usually dress, this look gave him an aura of someone who you are safe with and radiates comfort. It was unusual compared to the always cocky, witty, and smirking Mingi. I didn’t know where to put him, it felt like he was vulnerable right now, almost showing a side of his I haven’t met yet. Could this be the real Mingi? Before I could start dwelling on such thing, I shook my head and the thought out of my mind.
“I won’t bother you.” Mingi tried to coerce me and I just sighed loudly and long, letting him know he was an inconvenience to me right now as I aggressively closed my book and pushed it aside. I knew enough about colors already, and I wasn’t in the mood to read anymore thanks to Mingi, who threw me off my sudden burst of motivation. I threw Mingi one last disapproving look before looking down and opening my sketchbook. I pulled my smaller pencil case closer to myself and opened that as well as I fished around for the black acrylic.
『There's a shaking
In my bones
It's getting stronger
I willed myself to ignore Mingi as I started tracing lines with the acrylic, shutting out every noise which could bother me as I sucked my lower lip between my teeth, wondering what I was drawing. Usually when I had an assignment, I had an idea of what the drawing would be about, but right now, I had no idea what I was doing and it didn’t feel nice. It made me feel like I was losing control, like I wasn’t myself. I grabbed the burgundy acrylic and darkened the right corner of the paper, fingers feeling oily from the tool I was using. I tried finding something in the lines, a vision, something which could give me guidance, but it was simply a mess and it caused me to feel defeated as I grabbed another color mindlessly, having stopped paying attention to the color combination. The one and only thing I should have paid attention to. But the drawing looked like nothing and my hand was moving faster as I traced lines and made circles on the paper, creating an amalgam of colors. The top of the drawing was dark and heavy, it made me feel mad and desperate the longer I looked at it. Then, the lower half of the drawing had the lighter colors, colors which felt like there was something good in the world, something worth living for. But the middle of the drawing remained blank and my hand halted as I became stuck. What was I supposed to do? Was I to connect the two worlds of whirling emotions? Was I to leave it blank because there were no existent roads leading the two together?
『There's a hunger
In my heart
It's full of promise
And then I looked up, eyebrows drawn together as I felt numbness creep up into my chest, not finding a way out. I have forgotten Mingi was here, with me. And as our eyes connected, I realized he was here. And he was watching me. Lips slightly parted, his eyes seemed to hold a sincerity I have never seen in anyone else before, his eyebrows slightly raised. Suddenly, I felt breathless as his deep gaze kept me locked in, as he silenced my thoughts. I didn’t understand the look on his face, or what his eyes were trying to tell me, but suddenly my heart started beating so fast that I dropped the acrylic I had in my hand and gasped. Why was Mingi here? What did he want? Eyes turning into a glare, I looked down and furiously dug around in my pencil case, looking for the grey acrylic. I didn’t mean to do it, many times I don’t mean to do what I do, but my hand came crashing down against the table and then I was scrabbling at the blank space, creating a big nothing. A void. I paused for a second thinking that I have ruined the drawing and now I would have to start over, which was the smartest thing to do, probably. But for some reason, in the mess of scribble, I saw lines. Lines looking like paths, which were made to connect the top half and the bottom half of the drawing. I grabbed the yellow and purple acrylic and started tracing those lines, shading over the grey void, everything blending together seamlessly. My lips parted as an incredulous breath left my lips, confused at everything I was feeling at the moment. I did usually let my emotions pour into my drawings, but this was new. This was intense and it hasn’t happened before. I didn’t even understand it myself as I felt myself smile a little bit, almost as if my body felt relief, almost as if my heart became less heavy.
『There's an itch
Under my skin
It's under my skin
Under my skin』
The flipping of a page snapped me back to reality and I was once again aware that I was in the library and—Mingi was sitting right across me. And as I looked up, all previous feelings disappeared as my eyes fell on what held Mingi’s attention. My sketchbook. The one which was like my journal. I gasped, loudly,
“Stop.” I didn’t mean for my voice to be so loud, but several students turned our way as Mingi’s hand froze midair. The page he was about to flip fell back, and he looked up slowly, “I never gave you permission to look through that.”
Mingi held my fierce gaze for a second before he hummed, acting nonchalant, acting as if he hadn’t looked through something which was personal, something which contained my feelings and thoughts as I always doodle a few words in the right bottom of the page.
“My bad, I didn’t think it was personal,” My jaw clenched and before I could say anything, Mingi continued, “You’re quite good, did you know? You’re talented.”
I scoffed and looked around in disbelief before my eyes fell back on Mingi. He was smirking, looking way too amused at my annoyance, “Of course I’m good, Mingi. I’m more than just good. I’m the founder of the Fine Arts club at our university, I’m supposed to be the best student.”
“And are you?” Mingi raised an eyebrow and it made my blood boil even more. He was able to make my mood change way too easily, it pissed me off.
“I am.” I whisper-snapped and Mingi hummed again, acting as if it wasn’t a big deal. It was. I could never lack. I always had to deliver, and constantly had to prove myself that I was the best. Everyone had high expectations of me, but perhaps, it was myself who set the bar so high that I sometimes felt like I was crumbling, “Give it back.”
I swiftly leaned over the table and went to snatch the sketchbook back from Mingi, but he clumsily grabbed it and pulled it towards himself, out of my reach. The page he wanted to flip when I caught him was accidentally flipped and we looked down at it at the same time. My eyes widened in mortification and my heart dropped to my stomach as Mingi stared at his own eyes in my sketchbook. It was the first drawing I have made of them, it was somewhat scribbled over, but it was painfully obvious whose eyes it was. Hoping that he hadn’t recognized his own eyes, I quickly snatched the sketchbook back and slammed it shut, feeling a slight burn in my cheeks. That wasn’t good, I shouldn’t be blushing. And my heart also needs to calm down, I can feel my pulse in my neck. I looked up at Mingi through my lashes only to see him already staring at me. He looked incredibly surprised and confused at the same time, it was as if I was looking at a puppy, before his expression formed into something more detestable.
“Who’s eyes are those?” He whisper-asked with a glint in his sharp eyes, resting his chin in his palm as his ring-clad fingers tapped against his cheek rhythmically. His reaction was better than the one I was expecting, I thought he had figured it out, I could lie my way out of this.
“Someone’s.” I answered as I closed my other sketchbook too, needing to flee. There goes my strong and convincing answer. I was crying on the inside, emotionless on the outside.
“Mine?” My body froze and I slowly raised my gaze to look at Mingi, who was smirking and slowly pushing up his glass on the bridge of his nose. My jaw clenched as my heart started beating faster.
『'Cause I just wanna feel something real
'Cause I just wanna feel something』
“No, Yunho’s.” The words were out of my mouth before I could think. My jaw clenched as I mentally cursed myself. What are the chances Mingi knows Yunho, though? And I haven’t said his family name, it could be anyone. I didn’t wait to see Mingi’s reaction as I quickly started packing away everything, cursing myself for leaving my acrylics laying around on the table everywhere. My muscles were tense under Mingi’s watchful eyes and I bit my lower lip as I was finally able to shove everything inside my tote bag, I had zero intentions of organizing them nicely inside. I was just about to stand up when Mingi’s quiet, deep, voice reached my ears.
“By any chance—are you talking about Jeong Yunho?” The breath was knocked out of my chest as I gaped at Mingi with wide eyes, thoughts whirling fast in my mind. Mingi knows Yunho? How does he know him? What were the chances? I’m fucked.
“Uh, yeah.” I answered quietly before clearing my throat, not expecting Mingi’s eyes to suddenly light up and mouth to pull into the biggest smile I have ever seen on him.
“How do you know him?” He whispered in excitement, leaning forward in his seat. I cleared my throat in discomfort, stalling my answer as I scoffed quietly, trying to look nonchalant with my answer.
“We were sort of friends during highschool.” I answered, my voice void of any emotion as Mingi looked surprised.
“Really?” Mingi muttered before his confused expression morphed into that of an excited one once again, “He’s my best friend. We’ve been friends since childhood, it’s a bit surprising he never mentioned you—or have I forgotten? Yunho was always popular, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he mentioned you and I forgot, because I always had to keep up with all the new names and people. He was quite the charmer during highschool, wasn’t he? Did you know he’s gone to a different city to study?”
“Uh,” I blinked, trying to digest all the new information and Mingi’s change of character. I’ve never seen him so alive before, so excited, and happy like right now. It made me want to blame it on Yunho. He made people feel like this. Whoever had the luck of knowing him would be forever charmed, webbed up by his bright and warm personality. He could make you feel like you were the most special person on Earth, like you were the center of his life. Yunho was a very rare to find person, one you had the luck to meet only once in your lifetime. And if you were lucky enough, perhaps he’d keep you around long enough. Mingi seemed to be that lucky guy as he continued beaming at me, waiting for my answer. But all I could do was focus on the bitter feeling swirling inside my stomach and the quiver of my lips. I wasn’t good enough to keep Yunho around. I lacked what Yunho liked in a person, and yet, here Mingi was, being the epitome of everything Yunho liked. My throat closed in on me at a very sudden realization, I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore, “Yeah, I did—I didn’t. I—I have to go.”
I didn’t wait to see Mingi’s reaction as I jumped out of my seat and grabbed the coffee mug, gripping it so hard I could’ve broken the carton. I had tunnel vision as I raced out of the library and down the marble stairs, breathing hard with tears in my eyes. I burst through the heavy doors of the main building and ran off, trying to find a somewhat secluded spot on the path as I doubled over, heaving for air.
Song Mingi. Jeong Yunho. I should have known. I should have realized so much sooner, I was such a fucking idiot. My lips quivered as all the memories came back: Yunho’s dashing smile and warm hand as we lay in each other’s arms, his voice low as he whispered about his day. Song Mingi’s name rolling off his tongue effortlessly, face content and eyes glazed over as he recounted everything about their day, about Mingi. He loved the warm breeze; he hated rainy days. He loved going out for walks, he hated staying cooped up in his room all day. He hated playing video games, yet he learned a few just for Yunho. He was allergic to pollen, but he bought his mother a bouquet of flower every Sunday. He was tall and lanky and insecure, so he started working out with Yunho. He hated his glasses because people thought he was a nerd, so he never wore them and his eyesight worsened. Song Mingi, who’s laughter was either silent or too loud, head always thrown back as his eyes turned into slits when he laughed. Song Mingi, who was insecure about his blemishes until Yunho called him the handsomest gal he’d ever seen. Song Mingi, who stopped painting his nails after he was bullied for it. And Mingi, who despite looking intimidating and cold was the sweetest and nicest person Yunho has ever met. There wasn’t a day when Yunho wouldn’t mention Mingi while we were dating, and the fact that Mingi couldn’t even remember if Yunho mentioned me or not, said a lot. It hurt. It felt like a knife was plunged deep inside my chest, twisting and ripping everything apart with its sharp blade. I am over Yunho; everything happened a long time ago. But it was proof, once again, that I have never been someone important in his life. He would never talk about me like he talked about Mingi. I would never mean the world to him…like Mingi meant to him.
『I just wanna love
I just wanna touch
I just wanna see
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iznsfw · 2 years
Eunbi and Taeyeon threesome where Taeyeon unnie teaches Eunbi how to properly please her man 👀
In Absentia Lucis, Tenebrae Vincunt
Part two of Dulce Periculum | Previous Part | Next Chapter
Girls Generation's Kim Taeyeon x IZ*ONE's Eunbi x Male Reader Smut
10,144 words
Categories | sex-ed_professor!Taeyeon x valedictorian!Eunbi x student!Reader, mommy kink, lesbian sex, squirting, breeding
Content warning | teacher/student relationship, age gap (all legal, needless to say), slapping, degradation
mobile masterlist | masterlist
This piece is edited by and dedicated to @midnightdancingsol and @capslocked, two of my favorite writers. Thank you so much, I appreciate it! Originally had a different plot, but ideas hit, and I've been working on this ever since. There wasn't supposed to be mommy kink here, but then I realized that no one has written Eunbi calling someone mommy here before, so I wanted to try that but with my top two, Taengoo ;) IZ's best girls coming your way... now!
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The clock says 10 AM sharp, and the skies are a warm sight of lively blue. Morning has long been here, yet for Kwon Eunbi, it’s an hour she can view as nighttime. With the school uniform keeping her warm from the wind of the powerful air-conditioner, she feels right at home. For once, she cares not for paying attention to lectures or reprimanding her classmates’ buzzing conversations. For once, she puts herself first—not her schoolwork, not her classmates, but her.
It’s not like she can continue her usual routine of studying  even if she wanted to. Her body’s worn from endless days of studying and playing. Her forearms, formerly milky white, are now peppered with purple bruises. With the number of textbooks she’s flipped through under a flickering lamplight, it’s likely that she'll need to replace the lens of her round prescription glasses. 
Still, she’s Sleeping Beauty herself. Chocolate hair falls messily but prettily over the pillow she rests on (AKA your arm) as she finds solace in slumber. The softest of snores barely make it past her full lips pressed together. 
You gently rock her side to side, admiring how pretty she is even when she’s resting. 
Too bad she's sleeping due to stress.
During class. 
For a girl like her, classes are a lifeline. School in general is. She would never dare fall asleep in class. However, here’s the deal: she’s been put through stress harsher than the healthy amount (stress can be healthy, you’d argue, because if someone has nothing to stress about, then surely they aren’t alive?), and she’s starting to give out. Her grades start to stagger as time goes by. She almost passed out during volleyball training and could barely button her uniform right for school because of how tired she is. Eunbi’s leading the volleyball team for your senior year after all; it should be expected, but it just isn’t fair for her, and especially not for you, the one you’d argue cares for her the most. 
Seeing her tired and battered makes you refuse to rouse her. She deserves the rest, more than anyone. 
Jo Yuri, the annoying kid in class sitting at the desk beside you, thinks otherwise. She raises her hand high in the air mid-discussion of the importance of condoms, attracting the attention of your teacher. 
“Professor Kim!” says Yuri; she stands up proudly. Roll your eyes at her, warning her to stay in her lane, but when has Jo Yuri ever done that? She quirks her brows back at you mockingly.
Kim Taeyeon glances at the girl's direction. Shit. Wait, she might have missed her—she’s looking back at Yuri with an inquisitive look. “Yes, miss Jo?” she asks. 
“Eunbi is sleeping.”
“I see that,” says Taeyeon simply. She looks at Yuri from behind her gray-framed glasses with a slightly squinted look. “Anything else less of the obvious I should be informed of?”
A few small chuckles pass around the room. Although people won’t say it directly to Yuri, they all revel in her humiliation. Yuri’s the definition of a brat, and not the good kind. Her parents have funded the school's activities for decades, and because of that, she thinks she’s got a one-way ticket out of anything.
Unfortunately, you aren’t the train conductor. You can’t usher her away for every passenger’s convenience.
“W-well,” Yuri answers, a little unsurely now, “isn’t it basic class etiquette to be alert for discussions? You can’t make an exception for her.”
Taeyeon’s lips create a small, sarcastic smile. 
“Kwon Eunbi works hard, Miss Jo,” Taeyeon says. “If anyone deserves a cut of slack, I’d say that it's her, someone who’s been truly conscientious, and not one who doesn’t put in effort even from a place where most of it has been done for her.”
Yuri’s cheeks transform into two red roses. “B-but, but you scolded me when I fell asleep during class.”
“That’s because you’re not an honor student, Miss Jo.”
The quietness is almost death-like. If it went on any longer, the classroom could become a graveyard. Everyone’s thinking the same thing. You can see it from the looks in their undead eyes. 
“Now, Yuri,” continues Taeyeon, smiling, “would you like to say anything else?”
“No, Professor.” 
“I thought so. Please take your seat.” 
Taeyeon lifts her gaze from Yuri. She then addresses all of you, the calm yet piercing look in her eyes never fading. 
“It would do us well if the only interruptions my class will have from now on are insightful questions and answers. 
“Shall we continue?” 
The class murmurs in response, their words echoing in the room. Yuri glowers in her seat, suddenly taking particular interest in her manicured nails. Even from afar, you can see her red ears.
The combined choir of young voices responding to Taeyeon rouses Eunbi from her sleep. Her eyelids flutter, and she gazes at you with sleepy eyes. She still hasn’t registered everything. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” you say with a grin. 
Eunbi looks at her surroundings, then at Taeyeon, who’s continuing to teach. 
“Oh God, oh fucking fuck.” 
Suddenly, her notebook and pen are all on her table, clicked and open. She glances at you with panic in her beautiful face. “What did I miss?” she asks frantically. 
You don’t know how to tell her that you’ve witnessed a once-in-a-lifetime sighting: the annoying kid getting a taste of their own medicine. 
But you smile instead. 
“Nothing, babe.” You kiss her forehead. “A whole lot of nothing.” 
“Class dismissed,” Taeyeon announces. “Have fun at the intramurals, everyone!” 
The class files out rather slowly. Some are caught up in conversation about her earlier scolding of Yuri, and others are still arranging their books into their backpacks. Whoever’s already taking their exits are yelling their goodbyes, waving at her cheerfully; she waves at them, too, with a kind smile of her own. Despite her strict upholding of rules in class and her no-bullshit approach to discipline, she wants to show her students that she’s still a good teacher. She remains the same: someone who wishes to make a healthy connection with her students. 
The last to leave are the boy and his little valedictorian of a girlfriend. It’s been a year since they two had gotten closer. Although they never officially announced it, Taeyeon can see the status of their relationship in the little things: their joined hands that draw envious looks, Eunbi's head on his arm, and the playful touches. It’s sweet seeing connections grow between her pupils, but she can’t help feeling a little... 
Is that what it is? Taeyeon contemplates as she sits back down. 
Yes, she is jealous, but not because she misses the proud, youthful feeling of being an adult nearly out of high school. She misses those days, that’s for sure, but it isn’t the root of her feelings. (She’s certain—not entirely yet—that it’s because of their relationship. 
She’s only been teaching for a year, so she makes it a habit to catch a pretty face among the masses. For example, Kim Minju is pretty, but the honor student has a different kind of prettiness in her possession. It... attracts her. 
And so does the boy.)
Said boy looks at Eunbi expectantly whilst he waits at the doorway. He’s the delinquent, isn’t he? His wrinkled uniform is enough indication—the punks always dress like that no matter the dress code or situation. They could be at their grandfather’s funeral and they’d still dress like a missing kid who’s learned to adapt to the streets. 
“You coming, Eunbi-ya?” he asks her.
Does he ask her that privately? When he’s fucking her? When he’s pinning her down to the bed while her parents are out of town, as he gives her a hard and well-deserved pounding? He’d look so good doing that; he's far more attractive than he likes to make it to be. He’s nineteen, after all—boys are still like that at that age, even though they’re barely teenagers anymore. 
Taeyeon can’t take her eyes off him. She doesn’t know how to; it’s like they're permanently glued to his movements, like she's only capable of looking at him and nothing and no one else.
What do her moans sound like when he’s fucking her? 
Turns out she can, but only for the girl. She’s saying something to her boyfriend, but with how much she’s absorbing her—her body, her face, her cute little smile—she doesn’t quite hear everything.
Her moans would sound so pretty; she speaks so prettily that she’d sound good even when she’s below him. She’s a screamer, I bet, she looks like the type of girl who’d cry when— 
“Professor? Excuse me, professor?”
Speak of the fucking devil (... angel?). 
It was unusual of her to be caught by her students without her guard up. She has to remain focused. When those large, bouncy things are directly under her nose only restrained by a school blouse a tad too small, it’s difficult to. 
“Yes, Miss Kwon?” asks Taeyeon, brought back to Earth. 
Eunbi has her hands behind her back. Her eyelashes flutter beautifully as she guiltily fails to meet her eyes, leaving much to Taeyeon’s imagination about a fictive good little Eunbi, who’d sit on her teacher’s plaid-skirted lap and say soft, innocent things like that and—and—
“I’m sorry for falling asleep in class,” Eunbi says in a small voice. “I didn’t mean to. I was just so tired, I… I couldn’t help it. And I know that’s not a good excuse—”
I swear, if you put your tits in my face one more fucking time, rambles the voice in Taeyeon’s head—(it’s been there for a while now, and comes to life whenever she sees the wind blow Eunbi’s skirt up just right, or when the school collar fails to hide the forbidden view when she bends down to pick up a fallen pencil); it’s not my fault anymore if I do anything.
It’s such a raw, wrong thought, because it isn’t Eunbi’s fault either that she’s so tempting. It’s not her fault that those lips of hers curl downwards in the cutest, most pitiable angle or that her body is naturally carved to fit more than a handful. However, when one knows what they feel is morally repulsive, they tend to put the blame on anyone else but themselves.
 “Water under the bridge, miss Kwon. We all have our moments.”
Eunbi looks surprised. “Really?”
“Really,” Taeyeon repeats. 
Eunbi smiles widely. Even the way she grins is pretty. “Thank you, professor,” she says gratefully, bowing ninety degrees. 
Taeyeon chuckles amusedly. “No need to bow like I’m an emperor, of course. Just do your best in the intramurals. I believe in you.”
“(,) but I don’t think I can do this. Please, oppa.”
“Eunbi, that’s nonsense. You’re a great player, you’re gonna be fine.” 
Star player and top student Kwon Eunbi squirms fearfully. That many achievements to her name and she still has doubts about her own abilities. 
“I'm... I'm really not,” she says in a small voice. 
She looks around the covered court with fear dancing in her large brown eyes. All these students—her classmates, anyway—are rooting for her. Thirty-six and more have all laid their eyes and expectations on her. She figures that’s probably what scares her more rather than the game itself. 
“I don't want to do this,” she whines.
“But you can’t do anything about it now, can you, baby?” you ask her. Your hands frame her nervous face, rubbing your thumbs over her cheeks. 
“I can, actually,” she says. “I can just go up there, say ‘oh, fuck this, fuck you all; I’m not doing it,’ watch them go bananas over it.”
Her lips have a sarcastic side to the smile it holds, but you know her. You know that she’s actually considering it. For the first time in her school life, she’s contemplating ditching it all for something, anything that isn’t this game.
She’s looking down at her rubber shoes again, but you raise her face to look you in the eyes. “You signed up to play. You’re a varsity player now. So you have to go do it whether you like it or not.”
Eunbi presses her forehead to yours and closes her eyes with a sigh. “I know,” she whispers. “I know.”
Considering your first intimate encounter was rough lustful sex, the two of you actually really care about each other. It made you realize that your crush on her isn’t purely from lust. You care about her, and you’re not happy about the amount of stress she's been under. To be fair, the whole school is suffering, including you, but you’re a known failure. You couldn’t give less of a fuck if your future transformed into a person, went on its knees, and begged you to take it seriously. Exam season is another Tuesday to you: nothing to care about, nothing new.
But for Eunbi? Exams and games mean everything. She has her reputation of being an honor student and overachiever to maintain. She has her parents, who are constantly pressuring her to join every extracurricular activity under the sun, to please. Additionally, due to a particular school board teacher’s brilliant idea to schedule the intramurals a week before the exam season, she has to juggle hours of eternal volleyball practice and studying and tutoring students to make it through the year. She barely has time in her packed schedule to breathe. 
While the students on the bleachers are roaring and cheering excitedly in their color-coded shirts, she's in a tight sleeveless white shirt stressed to death. 
There’s only a few minutes until the most important volleyball match of her life. What could go wrong? 
“Baby,” you say softly. “Baby, listen to me.”
Near tears, Eunbi looks up at you. “Yeah?” she asks. 
You kiss her sore fingers, the insides of her thin wrists, and the bruises from the volleyball that mark her forearms. Kiss her where it validates her pain. Kiss her where it hurts. Kiss her where it means something.
“Whatever happens in the game,” you tell her truthfully, “I’ll still love you. I’ll still be proud of you. So just do your best for me, okay? I’ll be there all the way.” 
“You promise?” Eunbi raises two fingers wrapped in medical tape.
“I promise.” Make your promise by gently grasping the digits she holds up. “Hell, I bet Professor Kim would be holding up a ‘Kwon Eunbi 4 The National Team’ tarpaulin.”
Eunbi giggles. You both know who you’re referring to: your sex ed professor, Kim Taeyeon. She started teaching at your high school just this senior year, and looks young for her age. Many students adore her, but she only really has one favorite, Eunbi. Always particularly sweet with her, just like earlier, and always attentive to her intelligent questions. If it weren’t for Eunbi being eighteen going on nineteen and in high school and Taeyeon a teacher, anyone would have thought the latter had a crush on her. 
Her defense of Eunbi earlier just adds to your suspicions. 
If Eunbi reciprocates those alleged feelings, you’d see why. Taeyeon is a charmer. She’s watching the basketball game with crossed arms and a stern look behind her round spectacles. Without saying anything, she attracts people. Anyone can see how beautiful Taeyeon is. She gave a short welcoming speech earlier and you could hear the oohs and ahhs of both parents and students alike. 
“Oh, hush,” Eunbi says, waving it off, but she’s visibly more cheered up. “She likes me, but not that much.”
“If she liked you less, she wouldn’t have let you off the hook for napping.”
“It’s called empathy, dear oppa,” says Eunbi, flicking your forehead. “Don’t s’pose you know what that means.”
“Someone’s got a crush on their sex ed teacher.”
“And if I do, so what? She’s really beautiful.”
Take your biased eyes off Eunbi and you’d see that she’s beyond the statement of just “really beautiful.” Taeyeon has the look and aura of an older friend who’s blunt but loving, and would help you out of sticky situations, but not without tough-love advice. Her hair and minimal makeup always look perfect and natural, besides the fact that she looks quite young for her age. 
But you won’t see that until later. 
“See? If you need anyone to do your best besides me, do it for professor,” you add to make her laugh. “Okay?”
Eunbi wipes the last of her tears. She’s chuckling as she shakes her head at her current emotions. She’s Kwon Eunbi, for fuck’s sake, why is she like this? “Okay,” she says. She sounds a little more assured now. “I will. Thank you, oppa. I love you.”
“Same here.” You kiss her cheek. Comb your fingers through tangled strands of her side fringes left unrestrained by her high ponytail and pat her shoulder. “Ready?”
“Yep. Never been more ready.”
Eunbi’s team lost the game.
It wasn’t her fault. A lot of her volleyball teammates kept missing whenever the white ball was plunged back over the net. And by “a lot,” you mean fucking every one of them. She basically hardcarried the team. More bruises started to appear on her beautiful arms, and she looked more and more discouraged as the game time quickly passed. 
The first thing she did was rush in your arms after the game.
“Oppa,” she muttered softly. She’s all sweaty and wet, but you didn’t mind. She needed you, and even if she needed you while covered head to toe with acid, you’d still hug her.
“I’m here.” 
The second thing she did was weep.
“I fucked up,” Eunbi moaned, burying her head further in your shoulder. Now tears replaced the sweat that coated your skin. “I… I couldn’t catch the ball, and—”
“That’s not your fault, Eunbi. Your teammates were shit.” 
Even as she continued to cry, she went to their defense. “Don’t talk about them like that. They did their best.”
If the situation wasn’t pulling her self-esteem down this much, you’d laugh in her face. “You call that best?” you asked.
Her incompetent teammates made you infuriated. They caused your girlfriend’s wane of confidence and more tears right after. It only made your anger grow from a flame to a fucking house fire. 
“I… I just need a break,” she murmured. “But I never get it. It’s all just stupid fucking games, stupid fucking quiz bees. I’m just some toy to be passed around whenever there’s a competition that needs winning.” She chuckled sarcastically. “Nothing more.”
“I’m gonna take a shower,” she said firmly, putting a full stop to the conversation. She was done here. She didn’t want to go back.
Eunbi took to the school showers after that like she said, and dressed back into her little school uniform for the resumption of classes later. What you didn’t know is, after everything that happened, she still intended to get dirty. 
The program is still going on. Lee Chaeyeon and the rest of the dance club are performing a dance number as an intermission. As the trendy pop beat resounded through the school grounds,  Eunbi dragged you back to an empty classroom and sat you down. 
Her knees land on the tiled, classroom floor. “Mmm, just... oppa, let me do this.” Eunbi frustratedly pulls down your jeans. She wipes the back of her hand on her lips. “I saw oppa staring at my chest earlier. He was more focused on them than the game.” 
She’s wrong for that. Well, partly wrong but— 
“Eunbi, aren’t there—” Tap her gently on the cheek when she keeps pulling your pants down. “Eunbi, oppa’s talking.” 
Eunbi looks up. “Yes, oppa?” she asks. 
“Aren’t there other ways to de-stress? I—I can buy you some ice cream. Baskin Robbins, just how you like it. We can even cuddle later if you want to. It doesn’t have to always be like this.” 
She’s licking your cock sloppily now, as if she needed to do it or she’d have to repeat a whole game again. Your cock is her source of serotonin and dopamine—even chemistry can’t teach her that. (Sorry, professor Myoui, you’d say; but it’s the truth.) 
Eunbi, with her pouty lips and ponytail coincidentally perfect for what’s about to happen, shakes her head. “No,” she says firmly. “I want oppa’s cock right now. I don’t want anything else.” 
She sucks on your cockhead severely, treating it like her own candy. The pleasure hits, even though it only affects the tip of your length. You moan softly. She moans, too, and it goes on even without touching herself. She loves being a good girl for your cock. That alone gets her off. 
If the school knew of the little tutoring incident that sparked your relationship, they’d be scandalized. That part is something you know secretly makes her wetter than you can imagine. The cliché, teen love story-ness of it all—you, a guy who wouldn't give two fucks about school even if you were paid to do it, and her, someone who’d die rather than put off a day of studying but would get on her plaid skirt coated knees for you—is something she’d like to roll her eyes at, but it's kind of destiny, isn’t it? Just like the stories. 
What if they know? The teachers could suspend you. Better yet, expel you and put it on your permanent record. 
Oh, but they don’t need to know about how fucking pretty Eunbi can look like when she’s being good for you. You can submit the squirms of her thick yet toned thighs, the passiveness evident in her eyes, and the eagerness her voluptuous body holds to pleasure you and herself as evidence. Nothing more is needed to prove it. 
They don’t need to know. 
Eunbi pauses her effortless bobs of her head to moan. “I love your cock, oppa,” she confesses, though it isn't really a confession when one thinks about how evident it is. Her tender licks already hold adoration in them.
Chuckle. You can get used to this. “More than me?” you ask. 
“Nooo... oppa, I love you, too. You know that. But, hmm,” she licks your cock worshipfully, “this is number two. Mwah.”
“Good girl. You can touch yourself, you know.”
Eunbi gives you a clever grin. “I don’t have to. I have you.” 
She resumes sucking you off, letting out soft “Mmph”s of pleasure and satisfaction as she goes. Over time, she’s gotten better at giving you head. Her sloppiness begins to feel fulfilling, and she learns to make good use of her sweet, full lips as she wraps them on the sides of your cock and around it. Occasionally, she pushes up her glasses so that they don't slide off her nose while she goes about her pleasurable blowjob, which adds a more wholesome and cuter side to the daring fiasco the two of you are engaging in. 
“Mmm, love this cock.” Eunbi gives loving kisses to your length. Her tongue erotically stimulates it with languid licks and sets fire to your emotions. “I can’t live without it. Hmph. All I'm ever good for.”
“Eunbi,” you say, concerned, “don't—” 
“Please, oppa,” she says. Her eyes make contact with your own, and she pouts prettily. “Let me do this. I need you.”
Your cock rubs the inside of her cheek. It makes a visible imprint, making her look like she’s munching on ice. She ensures to devote soft laps of her tongue on the sides of your length. When she takes it all in, you gasp. You’re too wrapped up at her tongue also licking your heavy balls to be distracted by her whimpering. The deeper your cock goes inside her pretty mouth, the tighter her throat becomes. Her hands squeeze your thighs powerfully. 
“There’s more where that came from,” she says cheekily. 
“Oh yeah?”
She nods. 
“Show me, then.”
Her lips part, as if going for an open-mouthed kiss, but it simply takes a couple inches of your length, caressing them with the softness of her balmed tiers and wetness of her mouth. She withdraws, then repeats, but now with more of your cock in her mouth. She looks up at you expectantly for approving reactions, but you give them, and would have given them without her expecting you to. 
“Yes, fuck, yes, Eunbi.” Her hair tangles in your hand. She whines a little when your tip reaches further places down her throat. The jeers and yells of school spirit outside you’d love to join in, but you'd choose Eunbi's cute moans any day of the week, weekdays through weekends. “Take my cock. That’s a good girl. My good girl.”
Although she finds it difficult to deepthroat you, you can see her shiver at being called that. She likes it, oh, yes she does: being told she’s under your ownership, and being treated as such. With your cock fucking her tight throat and your hand pulling on her hair like you hate her rather than love her, it's all true. True and clear. 
“Love you, oppa,” she says in between suckles of worship on your dick. Her eyes are watery, but now from the pleasure of having her mouth used. Oh well, it’s better than negative. 
“Love you, too, sweet girl.” That’s another thing you like to call her: good girl, good sweet little thing, which sounds so corny but fits so well with her. And she likes it—and you can’t deny a good girl of being exactly that. Besides, she looks so sweet with her lips parted to fit your cock like that, and her eyes full of tears. She’d— 
The door creaks open. Oh, curse interruption. Goddamned interruption. 
You look up. Oh, fuck— 
“Professor!” you and Eunbi yell out in surprise. 
A stuttering Eunbi withdraws her mouth from your cock, looking at her teacher with bewildered, brown eyes. You aren’t sure what exactly she’s thinking, but you can place fear in that face of hers. You’re pretty sure you look red as hell, too. 
Kim Taeyeon is standing at the door. She’s watching the two of you closely. How long has she been watching? Or... or perhaps she just caught the two of you in the act? Her face holds an expression of nonchalance, like she’s been expecting this to happen.
All the earlier thoughts come back. You were so turned on by the thought of getting caught, but now that it’s happened, you realize you just put Eunbi’s future at stake. You might not care about your own, but you care about Eunbi. She has a whole, long and successful life in front of her, and you might have just ruined it. 
“P-professor,” Eunbi stutters. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Her eyes grow wider as Taeyeon approaches her. With each step Taeyeon takes, she grows more scared. “It’s, it’s not what it looks like! I was just—” 
Taeyeon pushes the side of her finger to Eunbi’s lips. There’s little distance between them. Eunbi’s knees would have knocked severely into Taeyeon's if not for the shushing index. 
Eunbi’s flustered by their closeness. Her voice, normally so confident when stating answers in class, is broken in pathetic stutters. “P-professor,” she tries to say, weakly, her hands waving about, “it’s really not what it looks like. I was just—we were j-just…” 
“Resting!” you pipe up, getting to your feet. It’s stupid, but it’s the only thing you can think of as an excuse. 
Eunbi nods. “Yes! Resting! I was lying on his lap!” she adds helpfully. 
Taeyeon stares at you two coldly for a few, long seconds, then chuckles softly. “Resting?” she repeats, and tilts her head to the side. 
“Y-yes. And, and I was drooling, and it was—”
“Miss Kwon.”
“—really hot so I kind of, kind of fell to the—” 
“Miss Kwon.” Taeyeon's eyes flare dangerously. “I told you to keep that mouth shut, didn’t I? Or do you just not listen to your teachers anymore?”
Eunbi’s eyes water. That’s the biggest insult anyone could ever tell her. School life means everything. If she couldn’t listen to her teachers, what good can she be? 
You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder and step forward. “It was my fault, professor,” you say. How to get balls big enough to admit to that? Just ask Kwon Eunbi for a fucking blowjob, that's how. “I wanted a quick, uh, blow,” you wince, “so I asked her to do it for me. It wasn't her fault.”
“I knew what the two of you were doing, sweetheart. I wasn’t born yesterday. My only problem is that Eunbi doesn’t know what she’s doing, nor is she doing it properly.”
“Professor—” Eunbi tries to defend herself. 
“Sit down, boy,” says Taeyeon to you. You do, hesitantly. You have no idea what’s about to happen. She gestures to Eunbi. “Miss Kwon, come here.” 
Eunbi follows blindly, getting on her knees again. She’s still looking at her teacher with disoriented eyes. 
“Look here, sweetheart,” Taeyeon says. She grabs Eunbi’s chin to direct her gaze to your cock. Then, she wraps her hand around your member and jerks upward. ‘Have you blown your boyfriend much?” 
“S-sometimes,” says Eunbi, looking up at you unsurely. But you’re too busy gasping at your teacher's strong, firm hand to return her gaze. 
“Don’t you know that the first thing you have to do is to give him a few pumps? It’s not necessary, but it’s good to get him going. Just like this.” Taeyeon slowly jerks your cock up and down, keeping a grip that’s tight but not too much that it’s uncomfortable. Her thumb rests on your cockhead to rub its sensitive surface, making you tense up. 
Eunbi watches with hesitant yet curious eyes. 
“Don’t go too fast now,” advises Taeyeon. “The whole point is your mouth. That’s where you want to hold nothing back. Do you understand me?” 
Even as she teaches Eunbi how to pleasure you, something that's a little dangerous even for a sex ed subject, her voice remains the same as her teaching one: calm, no-nonsense, and nurturing. You’re a little turned on by it, you’re not gonna lie. Additionally, there’s Eunbi sitting there with her hands on her lap, looking like an obedient puppy as she listens to Taeyeon, ever the valedictorian. 
“Yes, professor,” says Eunbi. She looks at you closely. “Oppa, are you okay?” 
“Never been better,” you rasp out. 
Taeyeon sifts through Eunbi's hair with her gentle fingers. “See?” she assures her. “He’s alright. He’ll feel even better when you learn how to put that pretty mouth to good use.” 
Scarlet creeps onto Eunbi’s ears and face. Her thighs squirm again. “But it’s wrong,” she whispers. Uncertainty is written all over her face. “We could get in trouble for this, professor. I’m, oh, I’m so wet, b-but my grades—”
Taeyeon has had enough of her talking. She leans forward and shuts her up with a firm kiss. 
Your mouth falls open. 
Eunbi's pupils grow large like a cat’s in the dark. Her hands are suspended mid-air, seemingly unaware of what they should do. Meanwhile, Taeyeon has already grabbed Eunbi's tiny waist, insistent on keeping her close to her. 
But then, like ice, Eunbi melts. She melts into the sin, she melts into Taeyeon. Her lips find themselves locked tighter with the older woman’s. She becomes the one who pushes forward, looking for more of that sweet taste. 
Should you feel hurt? Scandalized, perhaps? Angry? You attempt to find the morally correct emotion to have in this situation, and you come to realize that you feel none of them. Instead, as you watch your teacher dominate your girlfriend in a French kiss, you’re painfully turned on.
Taeyeon lets her go after a few seconds. She cups a hand around Eunbi's full breast. Gently, she parts the buttoned lapels of the uniform and helps the girl undo her bra. Eunbi's expression remains one of disbelief and arousal. It switches to pure horniness when Taeyeon starts to suck and bite at her big, beautiful breasts. She begins to squirm, but Taeyeon holds her in place. 
“Professor…” Eunbi whimpers. “Please, they’re so sensitive.” 
“Shhh, let mommy do the work.” The professor squeezes the two round breasts at the same time, licking one’s nipple lovingly. “You like your teacher sucking your tits like these, Eunbi-ya?” 
“Hnnn, yes,” squeaks out Eunbi, closing her eyes. “Professor, I—”
“It’s mommy,” corrects Taeyeon, kissing her student on the lips. “I thought you’d pick up on that, darling. You’re my top student, right?”
“I’m sorry, mommy. P-please suck my tits again. I’ll be a good girl.” 
Never did you think that hearing your girlfriend call an older woman mommy would make you so hard. “Fuck,” you curse. You rise from the chair to join them. You’ve never heard of morality; its meaning evaporated the moment their lips joined.
“No, boy, stay there,” Taeyeon orders. “I’m going to show your girlfriend how to really ride dick.”
All of a sudden, not one article of clothing lies on Taeyeon’s body. The sweatshirt and jeans no longer hide her beautiful figure. Now, you can behold the glory of her body completely. Her form is toned and small. Her pilates, which she talks about when asked during classes, really helped carve her perfect belly. Her pink nipples, hard from the air-conditioner wind, sit on top of her handful-sized breasts, begging to be touched. 
Eunbi looks like she’s just seen a goddess. Her worshipful gaze runs up and down the professor’s buttocks and breasts. Most importantly, there’s Taeyeon’s small, shaved pussy to marvel at. “Mommy,” your girlfriend says, “mommy, you’re so beautiful.”
“Thank you, baby,” says Taeyeon, bearing a confident smile. “Watch and learn, okay? And you,” she looks over at you, and leans down so only you can hear as she whispers: “Try not to cum so fast.”
You’d defend yourself if she didn’t slam her beautiful ass so quickly on your lap. That’s when your cock slips inside her, causing the both of you to moan and, additionally, for you to figure out exactly why she told you that. Your teacher is so fucking tight. Your cock immediately is covered by her juices, from base to tip.
“Oh, fuck!” Taeyeon cries out. Both her eyes and mouth become round at the pleasure she takes in. She looks at Eunbi in disbelief. “You really take this dick everyday?”
Eunbi doesn’t know how to respond. All that comes out of her mouth are moans. You suppose she’s a bit lost about what to feel right now as well. Perhaps she’s rejecting what she feels, which is turned on. But that can’t be it: her fingers are already under her skirt, trying to replicate the pleasure Taeyeon must feel about your dick. 
“D-does it feel good, mommy?” she can’t help but ask. A small part of her young heart is mortified at the scene of her boyfriend fucking another woman, but another part is curious. She’s never seen her teacher in this state, and probably never will again. Eunbi’s mind is voracious on any hints of pleasure Taeyeon feels.
“Y-yes, oh my god,” says Taeyeon. She tries to maintain a neutral expression, but fails. “See what I’m doing? Circle, fuck, your hips a bit, just like this, s-so it feels good for you, too.”
Taeyeon lifts her hips a little, letting the rest of your length breathe for a little while. “Then take a few of it inside to get ready. You just have to get used to the size. After you’re used to it, you can start riding him.”
You’re left breathless in the wooden school chair as your sex ed teacher does exactly that. After riding only the first couple inches of your dick, she starts violently slamming herself up and down. You have to hold on to her muscular thighs to subconsciously direct her to slow down. And she does, but still not at a pace you can take. Her breasts keep bouncing in front of your face, as if they were asking you to devour them or choose death. And, with Taeyeon’s slick, tight cunt around you, you really don’t want to die yet. 
Capture her breast in your mouth. Her sharp fingernails press down on your scalp. Her pitched moans beat on your eardrums. You can barely even hear Eunbi’s soft cries of pleasure anymore, nor can you place the sound of skin slapping and touching. Even the outside sounds of students cheering and referees narrating sound inaudible when Taeyeon’s obscene moans fill too much of the atmosphere.
“Good boy, bounce me on that big fucking cock,” growls Taeyeon. Her pussy grows impossibly tight, and you’re forced to perform your own upward thrusts to continue penetrating your painfully hot teacher. “Give our girl a show, you know you want to.”
You’re not a submissive guy, but you can live with Taeyeon praising you and calling you a good boy. You can live with her sweet, delectable vagina fucking itself on your cock. Fine, you admit you can live with Taeyeon basically confirming her ownership over your girlfriend Eunbi. But more than anything, you want to please her, to please your mommy. So it’s inevitable that you fuck her faster and rougher, summoning all the might you have in your body to make her scream.
Eunbi’s definitely been given a show, one that’s good enough for her to get off to. “Fuck, oppa,” whines Eunbi, ecstatic. The gleam in her eyes exhibits slight jealousy and more bliss. “It looks like it feels so good. I…” Her eyes shut, and her lips purse. “I’m so close.” Her fingers pump faster. Her hole struggles to catch up with the almost brutal pace of her digits. 
“I’m close, too, fuck!” Taeyeon says. It’s almost like she’s angry when she throws her hips up and down, back and forth. She has more strength than your phys-ed teacher, that’s for sure. It’s like the gyrating of her body holds no self-control, and her mind is just on you and your cock, and nothing else. “Yes, yes, make me cum! Make mommy a slut for your cock!”
And you’d say you succeeded—Taeyeon’s voice reaches volumes a human being should be incapable of making. Her legs curl around your waist and behind the school chair to keep you as deep as possible as she cums on you. By then, you’ve sucked her breasts to redness and soreness.  By then, Eunbi had reached her climax. You’ve managed to stave off your own. Some other time, you’d look back and wonder how you did it.
“Good boy,” Taeyeon gasps. She lifts your face up and kisses you on the mouth. “Such a good boy.”
“I want a turn, too, mommy,” says Eunbi. She’s pouting; there’s a whine tied around her tone. “Please? Please?”
Your professor removes herself from your lap. Her body has lost some of its former strength, but her actions still possess womanly confidence. She takes a slow walk over to Eunbi, kneels to her level, and lifts her chin upwards. 
“Only if you promise to show what mommy taught you and clean off your oppa’s cock.”
“I will.” Eunbi nods furiously and repeatedly. She’s more than happy to do that just to have a turn of your cock. “I will, please, please let me!”
She crawls over between your legs. She forgoes the jerking part of Taeyeon’s hands-on lesson and goes for your cock with her lips immediately. Eunbi’s pink tongue glides on the coat of slick Taeyeon left on your length, delicately cleaning it up. The juices are replaced with her saliva. Carefully, inch by inch, she bobs her head on your dick, collecting the delicious taste of her teacher and the musky scent of your cock.
Her throat still isn’t used to your size. So, when she tries to take you in like she did earlier, she gags. You’re careful not to thrust in her mouth too much. You don’t want to hurt her, or block her from creating those adorable sounds of determination and arousal.
“Good girl,” coos Taeyeon, softly encouraging the girl to go on. “Just breathe through your nose, sweetheart. Take deep breaths. That’s my girl.”
When Eunbi comes back up for air, she’s breathless. Her shoulders ascend and fall with difficult pants. “Did I do good?” she asks expectantly. 
“You did better than earlier,” Taeyeon says. “Did he taste good?”
“Yes, he did. But you were delicious, too, mommy.”
“You’ve always been a sweet girl, Eunbi,” Taeyeon remarks. She plants a kiss on Eunbi’s neck. “Just for that, you can have your oppa’s dick and taste mommy at the same time.”
Eunbi draws in a little excited breath. She practically drags you to the teacher’s desk that Taeyeon directs the two of you at, and lies down almost immediately when asked. Taeyeon pulls down your girlfriend’s schoolgirl skirt and volleyball shorts, which boasts a prominent cameltoe. But you and Taeyeon are able to see the real thing after just a few tugs of her clothes downwards.
There’s a genuine smile on Taeyeon’s face. “What a pretty little pussy.” She turns to you. “Tell me, is she tight?”
“See for yourself, professor,” you say without realizing it.
Even Eunbi is surprised. She lifts her back off the table. “Oppa— ah!” 
Taeyeon’s finger finds shelter in Eunbi’s grippy pussy. Eunbi struggles and moans. You can see her little hole clasp onto the singular finger that intrudes its space, and how her enclosed walls part. 
“Oh, ,” says Taeyeon with an evil grin on her goddess-like face. “She is.”
She moves her finger in and out, watching Eunbi’s blissful reactions to it. 
“How can she take your cock if she’s this tight?”
“I’ll—ah!” Eunbi winces. Her legs close together, but that doesn’t stop the greedy Taeyeon. “I’ll do my best, mommy, I promise! I just want oppa’s cock!”
“Very well. Open your mouth and legs, Miss Kwon. Take those glasses off, too, and get ready. We’re not going to be gentle with you.”
Eunbi does as told. The honor student in her is still there behind the sex toy she’s become for you and Taeyeon. Her immediate obedience says it all. While Taeyeon throws one leg over the side of the table and her face, you part her legs. Eunbi’s legs never failed to amaze you. Her thighs, though muscular from running around the covered court all day, are full and jiggly enough to hold and use. Maybe one day you’ll give in and fuck her thighs. Cream them with semen milkier than her skin itself.
But her pussy will do just fine today, you think, if not better.
You and Taeyeon go to town in your respective parts at the same time. You fill Eunbi up with one, hard thrust, causing her to moan into Taeyeon’s pussy. Taeyeon sighs happily, too; Eunbi’s warm, wet tongue feels insanely good inside her pussy. Although inexpert and untried, just the steady thrusts of her tongue inside her can do. 
“G-good girl, Eunbi,” she sighs. “Good girl.”
Eunbi’s whine of happiness turns into a groan after you form a steady rhythm. The teacher’s desk creaks back and forth along with your hips. You and Taeyeon squeeze and play with Eunbi’s huge tits, sometimes slapping them to draw a muffled, helpless reaction from her. But one look into each other’s eyes confirms this: you need to have each other, too.
Blinded by pleasure to be afraid, you lean forward and kiss Taeyeon. She’s hardly surprised, as if she expected that to happen. She earnestly kisses back. She’s sighing against your mouth. She tastes sweet; you understand now why Eunbi kissed her back like a greedy animal earlier. Your tongue navigates every sweet spot in her mouth, curling ‘round Taeyeon’s own tongue, as she fucks Eunbi’s mouth and you fuck her cunt.
Taeyeon bites your lower lip, licks it, then smirks. “Good boy,” she whispers sultrily. She kisses you again, ignoring the look of utter passiveness in your face caused by her tone and words. Gripping onto Eunbi’s bouncing boob in one hand and the other grasping the back of your head, she pulls you in for a deeper kiss. It’s something you’re glad to reciprocate; you don’t want to hear how pathetic you sound moaning because of Eunbi’s little pussy.
Eunbi has never eaten pussy before, but she knows what feels good. She tests it out by keeping a firm, hard pressure on Taeyeon’s clit. It elicits a positive response: a slightly louder moan from the other woman, and the rougher gyrate of her hips. She can’t see anything besides Taeyeon’s back and round ass. Her legs are numb from the consistent pounding, and she truly can’t feel anything besides breathlessness and pleasure. Her mind goes back to what Taeyeon taught, and finds that what makes her hornier is that Taeyeon is forgoing all that she taught—going against her own teachings, being a hypocrite—and fucking her mouth like she’s just a toy. It makes her so incredibly turned on.
“Fuck! Keep fucking me like that, Eunbi! Fuck yes, fill her up, fill our good girl up like that!”
Your thrusts get rougher, and Taeyeon feels Eunbi’s mouth give their all in eating her. The short, blunt flicks to her clitoris become full-on sucklings alternated with tongue-fucking. Unable to handle it, she lets out a guttural cry, slapping one of Eunbi’s breasts roughly, then wrapping her hands around her pretty neck. 
“Come on, toy.” She slams her ass down on Eunbi’s face angrily. Her hands squeeze tighter around the girl’s throat. “Do what you’re good at. Eat my fucking cunt, make me cum.”
Eunbi begins to cry. Her squeal vibrates on Taeyeon’s pussy as her tongue plays with and fucks Taeyeon’s pussy. It’s so messed up, but Eunbi being used impulsively makes you fuck her harder. Her pussy traps your coming-and-leaving shaft as a steady spray of clear squirt goes your way. Eunbi’s screaming, trying to vent her pleasure by eating Taeyeon out more, which causes another orgasm from the teacher. The two pairs of bouncing mounds tempt you, and you have to pull out to blow a heavy load on Eunbi’s breasts. 
All three of you are moaning and sighing together, creating an unholy choir of sin that the school choir would find repugnant. Eunbi shivers as Taeyeon lifts herself off her used mouth. Your legs feel like sticks against a heavy wind. You have to grab on the desk for support.
“Did she just squirt?”
Look down at your wet polo shirt and shrug, finding humor at the obvious question and its obvious answer. “I guess so,” you reply.
Taeyeon’s eyes glint with menace. “Make her do it again,” she says.
“What?” you ask, just to make sure you’re hearing her correctly. Now all the humor is gone. She can’t be serious. You don’t know how you’ll make it work. You’re barely coming down from your high, and Eunbi is at the brink of passing out. You can’t give her another orgasm; the two of you are way too spent.
Taeyeon, however, can go for days.
“I said,” Taeyeon grabs Eunbi by the hair and pulls her up, “make her squirt again.”
Eunbi’s tired frame relies on Taeyeon’s to maintain her position of sitting, but she doesn’t need a hand in her hair again to shake her head. She whines in protest when Taeyeon’s fingers play with her pussy again. 
“Mommy, no! I’m too sensitive! You can’t!”
“Fuck her pretty cunt, toy,” Taeyeon whispers in your ear. Her finger, which slides back and forth on Eunbi’s clit, grows stronger and faster. “Teach her to take a good cock. Don’t mind her whimpering. She wants it.”
You’re automatically inclined to follow your teacher’s instructions. So, when you slide into Eunbi’s snug pussy again, she screams in pleasure. She grabs for anything—your hand, a chair—but Taeyeon pins her hands behind her back. They’re messily making out again. Eunbi lets out her moans in the form of greedy, wanton liplocks. Meanwhile, you cry out feral groans watching the two beautiful women kissing. 
Eunbi’s wrists have fought themselves out from Taeyeon’s hand and have led themselves towards the valleys of her teacher’s tits. You're pretty sure she’s done so to finger her, which is proven when Taeyeon gasps and pins her down even more roughly to the table. They touch each other just the way they like it: roughly and unforgivingly. 
Whenever Taeyeon twists Eunbi's nipples, your girlfriend’s cunt clamps protectively around your cock. It’s delicious—it’s difficult to drag it out when all the pleasure from your hands and Taeyeon’s makes her so tight and wet. Taeyeon’s harsh flicks send wet sloppy fluid leaking on the desk. Eunbi’s inexperienced yet somehow skilled fingers drive Taeyeon to hiss and bite down on Eunbi's full lower lip. 
“Oppa, mommy’s too good,” Eunbi mumbles weakly. Her legs shake. “And mommy, oppa’s cock is so big. It fills me so well.” 
“I know, baby. You’re taking him like a good girl.” 
Giving Eunbi one last kiss, Taeyeon scoots over to you. She’s unimpressed; her arms cross, one over the other, below her killer breasts. “How are you going to make her squirt if you can’t fuck her fast?” she asks.
“I’m sorry, professor.”
“And from the boyfriend of a top student, too. You’d think she at least taught you something. Pull out. Now. Somebody needs to teach your girl a lesson.”
You’re actually glad to be able to stop. Eunbi moans at your hard cock leaving her hole, but she screams again—this time because of Taeyeon spanking her cunt.
“Mommy! Mommy, no—mommy!”
“Dumb little girl,” snarls Taeyeon. Her hand makes several rough landings on Eunbi's cunt over and over with little time to recover. You're horrified. “Aren’t you a valedictorian, Kwon Eunbi? You should know better and teach this no-good delinquent to fuck you properly. Do you even remember your classes?”
“Mommy!” Eunbi sobs. Her hips flinch and retract from Taeyeon's hand. “Hurts!”
The girl yelps and whines, but you can see her biting her lip as she watches the teacher punish her. It took your teacher risking her job and literally slapping your girlfriend's vagina for you to realize this: your girlfriend is a freak. 
“You like how it makes you cry, don’t you?” asks Taeyeon. She slaps the wet folds until the skin around it is red. “Fucking pain slut.”
“Hurts, hurts, hurts! G-gonna cum again, mommy, please stop, you’re going to make me cum, haaah!”
Eunbi squirms and wails, jutting her legs out while she cums again. In the end, Taeyeon gets what she wanted: a spray of fluids from Eunbi’s pussy. She rubs her nub to prompt more of her squirting. The younger girl’s lower body jerks and moves away, but Taeyeon’s hand always finds her clit again.
“It took spanking to get you to squirt?” the teacher asks, slightly amused.
Eunbi can do nothing but sob and nod. What else is she supposed to do? She looks more tired now than she was post-game. Her naked, beautiful body’s wet and used beyond limit. “Mommy… I’m tired,” she says. “Please.”
“Take your time, angel.” Taeyeon slides Eunbi’s glasses back on her face. Behind the lens, her eyelids barely make it past her brown irises. “You were such a good girl for mommy today.” 
Eunbi nods appreciatively. She nuzzles into Taeyeon’s hand. Her whole body feels like it’s going to break anytime soon. 
Taeyeon turns to you with a dangerous look in her eyes. That’s how you know she’s not done, at least with you. She still hasn’t had her load, and she’s not leaving without it.
“Now let’s see,” she says, slowly, walking over to you with her shapely hips swaying, “if your little boyfriend can be a good boy.”
You gulp. You’re in for a long ride.
“You sure you can handle me, professor?” you ask. You’re being a hotshot again, you know that, but it’s the only way you know how to deal with nervousness. 
You’re gliding her hand across her thighs, taking pleasure in this stalling that benefits you in more ways than one. In doing this, you get to touch Taeyeon’s slim, sensitive thighs, and toy with her prepared pussy.
Taeyeon’s shivering breath is the only indication of her pleasure. Her face remains stoic, almost offending, as she sits on the desk. Her clothes are anywhere but on her body. It’s not like you mind.
“I’d ask you that same question,” she says. She knows how to keep her guard up enough to make you red with humiliation. “But it seems like I know the answer already.”
Pinch her pink nipples. You’re copying Taeyeon’s way of letting her feelings manifest in her little actions and ways, hence the harsh squeeze of your fingers on the nubs. Eunbi watches on with anticipation, searching for the right scene to repeat in her mind to reach her climax. She’s whimpering quietly.
Taeyeon’s slandering you, you know it. It just so happens she does so incredibly sexily. Finding her deserving of a good fucking, line up your cock with her entrance and rub yourself on her lips. Your tip rubs her clit repeatedly. 
“Which is?” you ask innocently.
Taeyeon’s breaths are short. “You’re too scared to fuck me,” she says, with no less confidence. In a way, she’s correct, but not for long. “Mmm, you’re scared of what would happen if you get to it and breed me. Your life would be over, you know that, and you’d ruin your girlfriend’s potential to excel.”
Sarcastically: “Am I?” 
“Ohh, oh, yes, you are.” It’s a nice save from her. “And that’s not all there is to it, isn’t it? You’re scared of me. What’s promising I won’t tell anyone of what we did? That’s right: nothing, and that’s what scares you. It scares your delinquent ass more than you’d like.”
The table creaks backwards. Taeyeon moans.
You steadily thrust in her, reminding yourself not to be gentle as you would to Eunbi in lighter situations. No, your slut of a teacher deserves to be pounded. If she had to resort to her students to get a good fuck, she might as well get it.
“Am I still scared, professor?” you ask.
Taeyeon’s pussy is as good as the first time you entered her. But now it’s obvious she’s so much more turned on; her pussy grips your cock in any way but gently. Her tits start to bounce again. 
“M-maybe,” she weakly gasps out. “With how small your dick is, I’d see why you are.”
Although her lie is clear, it sends a blow to your ego. You force her folds to welcome and swallow more frequent thrusts. Taeyeon is whining; or is that Eunbi you’re hearing?
Take a look at Eunbi and see that her legs, just like her teacher’s, are wide open. She’s rubbing herself while squeezing one boob in her hand. Her moans mix in with Taeyeon’s as she watches the two of you go at it. Needless to day, she’s enjoying the view.
Minutes later, you’ve got Taeyeon sprawled out even more on the table (if that were possible), with a tired Eunbi still kneeling at her side, as you fuck your teacher’s cunt to the point of oblivion. Your cock still drips with semen and precum from the previous sessions, but your desire to keep fucking Taeyeon’s tight, perfect pussy keeps you going. It’s the defiance, the sheer fucking will to go on that prevents you from passing out.
“I think it’s your thing, professor," you whisper in her ear, shedding the honorifics for just this time. “Fucking a pretty little high school student because you know she's curious, and being railed to shit by some delinquent. This cock—”
—Taeyeon gasps when you sharply thrust inside her— 
“—and this pretty face—” 
—Grasp Eunbi’s face in between careless, rough fingers; she whines pitifully— 
“That’s what gets you off, right?” you ask. “Because you know it’s messed up: how good it feels being ruined by some boy who should be a nightmare but is instead the guy who can give you a good dicking-down. It just isn’t right, is it, Kim Taeyeon?” 
“Oh, oh my god,” Taeyeon rasps. Her eyes are wide. You've just stripped her feelings out for her, one by one, while you rail away at her mercilessly. Her face is red; she's humiliated, nonetheless, but she's turned on. So fucking turned on. 
“So cum for me, mommy.” Speed up your thrusts, grab her bouncing tits before dragging your hand up to her throat. There, you squeeze. “Cum like you want me.” 
And cum she does. Taeyeon lets out a feral scream, squirming and struggling on the table. Eunbi, who was touching herself to you and Taeyeon fucking, crawls over and seals her lips around Taeyeon's clit, catching the squirt she expels. Taeyeon propels herself forward, causing your cock to bury itself deeper inside her and Eunbi's mouth to take more and more of her pussy. 
“Yes, yes, yes, good boy! Fuck me, fuck me like I’m a whore!” Taeyeon cries. Her beautiful face is stretched and scrunched into an expression of pleasure. Her hips never stop going crazy at the doubled pleasure. “Keep sucking my clit like that, Eunbi-ya; yes, that’s a good girl, yes yes yes please—!”
Eunbi squeezes Taeyeon’s breasts and thighs while you release inside her. It goes against what she taught in multiple classes: safe sex, use of condoms, all that, but you want to continue feeling the beautiful wet walls close in on your cock, like it doesn’t want you to leave her hole. 
And if you could, you won’t. But the human body has limits, and it can’t take non-stop sex unless your stamina’s like one of the school athletes. So, you can do nothing but welcome the  darkness that covers your line of vision.
In the absence of light, darkness prevails.
The classroom is a mess. White fluid that’s definitely not Elmer’s glue coats the wooden teacher’s desk. You think you’ve broken one of the table’s legs. The floor needs to be mopped with how much of Eunbi’s squirt has sprayed on its tiles.
But you don’t worry about that. Not now, when Taeyeon lovingly takes care of your tired post-sex bodies. She’s dressed now, and although her messy hair and pants indicate a recent frisky session, you don’t suppose anyone would think that. 
 Through it all, you’re still students Taeyeon cares for.
“My good girl, and my good boy,” she says softly. She might be harsh, but her love is real. She buttons Eunbi’s uniform, kisses her, then kisses your forehead. She’s still trying to find her lost breath, but she’s smiling. She’s smiling despite the messed up morality of the situation as a whole, despite your body looking ragged after multiple climaxes and Eunbi’s body and breasts being marked with her own slaps. If she were asked, she’d do it all again. 
“You’ll still be around to please mommy later, won’t you?” 
Just like that, she’s put a mark on the two of you. You’re hers and no one else’s from this day forward, and you can’t decide what to feel about it. You had no idea how to react during this whole sex frenzy, but you think that vulnerable, helpless feeling is exactly what makes you smile. The feeling of having someone dominate you, claim you, own you, especially from someone who shouldn’t be. 
God, you’re a mess. You’re fucked up. Taeyeon is fucked up. And, in her own little way, Eunbi herself is fucked up, too, but that’s exactly why you have each other.
Someday you’ll look back at all this. You’ll go over everything—meeting Eunbi, being her boyfriend, the whole fiasco with Taeyeon, all of it—and perhaps you'll laugh a little too. All of it is absurd, and is that of a plot straight out of a pornography video. To think it might happen to you, a guy who’s barely above average, would be the main cause of your reminiscent laughter.
They say high school days are wild. You find that to be true; you just bred your sex ed professor, called her mommy and made out with her while she rode your girlfriend’s face. To add to that, your first intimate encounter with Eunbi was raunchy, wild sex. And you sit in the classroom, with her leaning against your shoulder, attending another class as if nothing happened. Halfway through a biology quiz, Taeyeon enters. You don’t know if your eyes were just teasing you, but she winks at you as she leaves. It’s a wink that says don’t get too carried away, toy; we’re not done yet.
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dylan-hart · 2 years
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⸻stressed out
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summary: Exams are coming up and you are stressed out. Luckily, your girlfriends are there to make sure you take care of yourself.
pairing: Enid Sinclair x GN!reader x Wednesday Addams
warning(s): reader not taking care of themself properly, mentions of not eating
word count: 611
Exams were coming up and that meant you were stressed, twenty four seven, every day of the week. Your sleep schedule suffered and so did your health but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, the only thought of “just one more day” ringing on loop in your head as your eyes stung and burned for sleep, even when you found your hands shaking as you practiced problem after problem to study for your exams.
Your perfectionist tendencies were kicked into high drive, causing you to lose track of time but you payed no mind to it, even when you started your work when you got back from your classes and you blinked, finding yourself having to pack up for the morning that suddenly came again.
Dark bags were under your eyes and your clothes were slightly too big than normal and your hands were constantly shaking, a can of energy drink or a coffee cup always with you whereever you went.
You weren’t aware of this, weren’t aware of the effect it had on you.
But Wednesday and Enid knew. They saw your feet drag against the ground, saw the way you would almost fall asleep in classes, saw the way you lost more and more weight as the time went by.
They finally decided to confront you on it as it didn’t get better within a week.
They found you in your dorm room, hovered over your desk after classes, a text book open in front of you and multiple papers scattered around and empty energy drink cans and coffee cups littering the place.
“(Y/n)…” Enid trailed off, taking in the disaster of your room.
You jolted, whipping around to stare at them. “Hey, guys.”
Wednesday crossed the floor to you, taking in your raggedly appearance, at the dark circles under your eyes and the way you would blink slowly at her, forcing yourself to stay awake. “You look awful, mi amor.”
Enid came up to her side, reaching out and grabbing your shoulder as you slumped slightly, wavering in place. “What she means is that you look like you need a good nap.”
Wednesday scoffed but didn’t deny it.
You shook your head. “I can’t.” You glanced over at the papers on your desk. “I need to study for these exams.”
“You’ve been studying for the whole week,” Wednesday said, grabbing your chin and tilting your head back towards her and Enid. “You will excel your exams, mi amor. What you need right now is rest.”
“And some food,” Enid added.
“I’ve ate,” you countered.
“Really?” Wednesday drawled. “When?”
You opened your mouth but paused. Your jaw clacked shut as you found yourself unable to remember when you had anything other than coffee or energy drinks.
“(Y/n), baby,” Enid whispered, running her fingers through your hair. “Please take care of yourself.”
Your throat tightened but you nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“We know,” Wednesday said, thumb tracing under your eye. “But you’re taking a break so you can eat and then rest.” You slumped into her hold and she caught you easily. “Enid—”
“Already calling Yoko to bring us food,” Enid interrupted, shooting her a smile.
“Thank you, mon chiot,” Wednesday said. She shifted and suddenly picked you up, bringing you over to your bed, setting you down gently. “We will wake you when the food arrives. Sleep for now, mi amor.”
Your eyes finally fluttered shut just as the feeling of your girlfriends climbing in the bed on either side of you registered in your mind.
Safe to say you would never forget to take care of yourself, not with Enid and Wednesday by your side.
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weebxqueen · 2 months
Anything for You My Love
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A/N: Enjoy some comfy cute fluff for these two!! (first fic too so fluff seemed appropriate)
The sunlight peeking through the curtains was what woke Alicent from her sleep. Though as she stretched and rolled over to greet her lovely wife... she noticed she was alone in bed, which wasn't uncommon given the fact her wife was ever the overworking sovereign of the realm. But given the fact the bed next to her was still cold and still made, she knew her wife had not come to bed last night.
She got up from their bed and crossed the room grabbed her wife's robe off the chair. As she wrapped it around herself the enchanting smell and comfort of her wife’s scent set her more at ease. She knew there was only one place Rhaenyra would be if she wasn't in bed snoring beside her. Slipping on her slippers, Alicent made her way through the halls till she arrived at an old study door. The door she knew all too well. It was behind this door they shared their secrets as children, the same place they'd later share their first kiss, first I love yous, first everything. The flashbacks of those moments bringing a creeping blush onto Alicent's cheeks.
She could see the light from the fireplace slowly flickering from under the study door. The low glow was a sign that the fire was going out and had been burning for quite some time. The telling sign Alicent knew all too well. That her wife had fallen asleep in the study again. So, with a shake of her head and a lighthearted sigh she slowly pushed open the door. The sight she was greeted with warmed her chest. Her wife, the fierce dragon queen, asleep at her desk quill in hand and the crown still adorning her radiant silver hair. Though Alicent was not unaccustomed to her wife's late-night hours, the sight of her peacefully sleeping wife was something she knew no matter how many times she saw, she would never get used. The bold, passionate, stubborn queen that wore the crown and sat on the iron thrown while awake was quite the contrast to the sleeping angel Alicent got to look upon as Rhaenyra slept. Alicent smiled warmly as she walked over to her wife's sleeping form. Studying the delicate and gorgeous features she missed so much during her long days at court or (if Rhaenyra was off with their children on dragon back). From the way her nose sometimes scrunched up in her slumber, the steady rise and fall of her chest, the way her hair fell and hid parts of her face, to the intricate designs embroidered into the black and red dress she had worn. Moments like this, Alicent always treasured.
Alicent shook her head and let out a small chuckle as she gently touched the side of her wife's face. She reached for the very crown that would someday be placed on their son Aegon the Seconds’ head. The feeling of relief and sadness settled onto her. One day where there would be no more late nights of running a kingdom, no battles to prepare for, no council to meet with. A day where it could just be them two, and Syrax. As she started to remove the crown on top of her wife’s head, Rhaenyra stirred. Alicent paused for a second thinking she had woken her wife up, but the soft snores told her otherwise. She finished removing the crown and kissing her forehead. "Wake up my love let's get you to our bed so you can get some proper sleep before you have to be ready for the council meeting "she whispered soft enough to wake Rhaenyra up. And as Rhaenyra’s eyes fluttered open revealing the deep blue hues Alicent had fallen so deeply in love with. She was caught of guard as her wife grabbed her by the hips and pulled her into her lap. With a grumble and soft snort Alicent settled into her wife's lap. Rhaenyra buried her face into her wife's neck, inhaling her smell, "I'm sorry I fell asleep in the study again. Please let's just stay here like this for a little" Rhaenyra mumbled and questioned her wife. A low chuckle left Alicent's lips. As she pulled away, she leaned in as she kissed her wife. "Anything you want my love" and as the two settled into the others embrace, they let the crackle of the fire and sound each other’s heart beats lull them both back to sleep.
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pjshermann · 5 months
It took me a couple days to compile them but here is my first round of head canons:
- so many charity shops while in college! basically everything they all wear is bought second hand (Jude always feels too bad to haggle with the sellers and tries to donate anything he doesnt use enough back)
- Jb gets light freckles in the summer
- Like Harold, julia never expected to be a mother
- Harold started cutting Julias hair for her when they began dating: just small trims before he got better at it and is now able to do it consistently decent job
- The first book Jude read in his dorm was the brothers karamazov
- in boston, malcom and jude would stay up late doing puzzles which they spread out onto the already tiny floor
- Jude and malcom are the two who read the most out of the group and jude gets a lot of his book recommendations from malcom
- malcom had a phase of trying to smoke cigarettes in college but let it go after 3 months
- in college. Jb pierced willems ear with a safety pin but it was soonly taken out after getting infected
- malcom sends out an elaborate christmas card from the group. harold keeps it in his desk drawer
- all the way through undergrad to law school, harold kept birds as pets
- harolds new york accent is subtle and mainly comes out when hes laughing
- malcom and willem can always fall asleep on airplanes, jb and jude never can
- jude attentive when it came to taking care of the others if they were sick, making them meals and fussing over their temperature
- one year in college, jb gets really into sewing and tries (and partially succeeds) to make a couple sweaters for willem
- I love the bit about Julia (and willem) loving the outdoors and I like to think that she grew up spending a lot of time in rural areas: maybe staying on her aunts farm and fishing and tending to the animals
- Harold keeps jude’s graduation photo in his home study, his work office, and his wallet
- Both Harold and Judes hair started graying decently early
- Once harold adopted him, Jude tried to learn a bit of yiddish
I also saw that someone asked for domestic jude/willem HCs so here are a few of mine:
- when touching, jude always like to have a hand on willems neck or face— he likes feeling the warmth and having the sense of comfort that its because of him
- I love the line about willem touching judes eyebrow and I think he sometimes will repeatedly do that when jude is tired but can’t fall asleep
- Once sex is established as not part of their relationship, jude can relax more into light hearted physical affection: willem scattering kisses on his collar bones until he gives into the ticklish feeling and laughs, mindlessly leaving a gentle hand on willems stomach in the morning, willem sleepily nuzzling into his neck
- jude mumbling to himself while he reads and willem feeling drunk on the sound
- Willem and Jude like to go see community theatre shows when they have time to support the young actors
OooHHHHH I love these headcanons and I have some Things To Say about them
Harold cutting Julia’s hair
- oh man. Oh MAN. that is too adorable. I love that so much. Cutting his wife’s hair for her STOPPP. Imagine Jude watching them, amused at his parents antics. Maybe you should quit professorhood and become a hairstylist Harold. he just tells Jude quiet you.
Jude and malcom are the two who read the most out of the group and jude gets a lot of his book recommendations from malcom
- now this is the one headcanon I can’t see at first. It’s said in the book that Jude and JB are the novel readers of the group. Malcolm on the other hand, actively refused to engage with literature as a rebellion against his mother (who I think is a literary agent?) and as a result, is more behind than the others when it comes to literature (i.e. discovering post-modernism much later than they did). However, that being said, this could be such a cute concept of Jude (being the one who loves literature and novels the most) helping introduce Malcolm to a love of literature and then Malcolm discovers his own favourite genres and authors and series and recommends them to Jude. Malcolm could be the one who’s more into contemporary literature, while Jude is very much a classics lover
malcom had a phase of trying to smoke cigarettes in college but let it go after 3 months
- MALCOLM AND HIS PHASES !!! The poor boy desperately trying to figure out who he is. I have not forgotten his college attempt of trying to grow out an Afro but it ending up stringy and flat. Malcolm going through every phase imaginable in college and his friends watching and trying to be supportive (well. not JB. He’s fully mocking him every chance)
Harold keeping birds as pets
- gonna be an angsty little shit about this. Brother Luke also kept a bird as a pet. ;) parallels in Jude’s father (“father”) figures oh man
Harold’s New York accent is subtle
- HAROLD AND HIS NEW YORK ACCENT. I absolutely see Harold having a noticeable NY accent, seeing as he’s an older generation too and I think older NYers usually have thicker accents. Im walkin’ ‘ere! >:(
malcom and willem can always fall asleep on airplanes, jb and jude never can
- NEITHER CAN I !!! I’ve slept on planes on rare occasions, mostly when I was younger. But now? The seats are just too uncomfortable and I don’t want to sleep anyways. I could see Jude finding a lot of difficulty with plane seats because of his back. JB, I imagine, is like me; just too excited on the plane to fall asleep (I love air travel it’s so fun). Willem’s probably that guy who as soon as he sits down, puts on an sleep mask and takes a sleeping pill and just. Knocks right out. Malcolm just ends up falling asleep after watching some movies.
Harold keeps Jude’s graduation photo on his desk
- YES YES YES. I wrote a fic about this hehe
Both Harold and Judes hair started graying decently early
- From the stress they both endured in their lives :(. I’d imagine Harold’s hair started greying when Jacob fell ill. It’s said he would get so upset with grief and anger that he’d become sick, so greying prematurely is very much possible. Jude, we already know why he’d be greying. His body just carries stress constantly
jude mumbling to himself while he reads
- Jude being a mumbler reader……..oh my gaush. I love. His voice would probably sound so comforting
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stirthewaters · 1 year
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Summary: After staying up to study for finals, your immune system fails horribly and you find yourself awake at night, alone, and in need of some serious assistance. Guess who comes to help?
Warnings: Minor angst
Word Count: About 1k?
(This was originally going to be named Stay but I changed the name due to context. Send in requests besties <3)
Wednesday was never one for comfort. Or reassurance. When it had come to that it always repulsed her and she was not one to give in to foolish coddling. But...when it came to you...well...it was somehow different. Though she'd impale her heart on a rusty nail before admitting it aloud, when it came to comforting you it made her feel like there were spiders in her stomach, which, normally would be a sensation she'd welcome, but this time it was unpleasant. And not in the good way.
This week had been an especially rough week for you. Not that you had said it aloud, but she had noticed. Finals were approaching and you had done the foolish thing you did almost every time something important came up; you procrastinated. Hard.
It made Wednesday want to chain you to your desk to actually make you study whenever she saw you goofing off with Enid and Yoko in the quad instead of being in the library like you knew you should've been. You were always laughing or smiling, and the sight made those dreaded spiders return without fail every time.
It was during a hazy fall afternoon, about two or three days before finals that she finally decided to take matters into her own hands.
She approached you; you were in the dining hall, goofing off as usual. Not that that was important. You were eating a yogurt parfait while currently challenging Ajax to see who could eat the most blueberries in one sitting. She rolled her eyes. Typical.
"Y/N," Wednesday folded her arms over her chest.
"Oh, hey Wednesday," you responded automatically, eyes currently fixed on Ajax who was literally stuffing himself with blueberries. She stifled an impatient sigh. "Why aren't you studying?" she raised an eyebrow.
"I've got plenty of time."
This made Wednesday frown just slightly, and she had to stifle the urge to grab your chin and make you look at her.
"You have two days, Y/N. Do you have any care at all for your academics?"
This made you pause your redundant laughing and turn and look at her. Though your eyes still sparkled with laughter, you looked a tad more serious, which, she had to admit, was much appreciated. Her look softened almost imperceptibly, but her expression remained deadpan and firm. "I'll just cram," you responded with a little bit of a shrug. The spiders came back again; she wanted to smack you for making her feel this way.
"You'll overwork yourself. Go study. I'm sure Ajax has better things to do with his time then stuff himself," she said, not taking her eyes off of you. She wanted to smirk when she saw Ajax nearly choke on the blueberries.
And with a meaningful and stern glance at you, she turned on her heel and left.
You were panicking. You were such an idiot. You knew that you should've been studying, but finals are tomorrow and you haven't so much as looked at a textbook up until now. It was about 10:45 and now that most of the students were already asleep in their dorms, you were in yours, pacing and fretting.
You couldn't say you hadn't been warned. Hell, even Enid had scolded you when she was finally a little fed up with your procrastinating. But still, you wanted to literally punch a wall for the amount of negligence you had shown.
Gritting your teeth, you got off your small bed in your dorm and pulled out the textbooks that you should've been looking over, placing them on your desk and putting some tunes on your phone to help the motivation. Things were off to a good start.
For about the first five minutes. You were the type to be easily distracted. You didn't have ADHD, but if you weren't having a good time or enjoying yourself it was often hard for you to actually focus. And, to be fair, you had tried hard to actually understand the words on the textbook but it was getting harder when you were so tired and bored that you almost wished you'd just pass out right then and there.
Hours passed. You realized with a small grimace that you were going to have to pull an all-nighter. Sighing, you returned to the textbooks, really only actually focusing for a span of five minutes at a time. In between you'd just browse on your phone and watch Youtube Shorts or something.
Wednesday took one look at you the next morning and she knew. She knew. You hadn't taken her advice and you had stayed up all night. Though not a lot of people would be able to notice, she knew all your tells and she could see by the lack of anxious fidgeting, the tired look in your eyes, and your slow movements that you were exhausted. And she decided to test this theory; she knew it was a bit sadistic but she was never one to shy away from a scientific experiment.
"Y/N." She greeted you in the dining hall; it was midday and you had a break between classes before heading back in for more. She smirked only faintly when you raised your head with a sleepy nod. "Hey." "Did you do well?" She was never one to dance around with meaningless small chat.
"Ummm...maybe? I dunno," came the sleepy and unsatisfying response.
"Y/N. Focus. Did. You. Do. Well?"
When your eyes narrowed in actual concentration, she had to hand it to you that it was somewhat...cute...to see you struggling to answer correctly. It made her want to drive nails into her skull until the sweet release of losing her eardrums came upon her.
"I think so," you responded. Your voice was actually a little slurred, and your head dropped back down onto your forearms as you dozed a little. She gave a small impatient sigh, before sitting down next to you on the bench. "Show me." In response you pulled out the exams you had finished so far, placing the papers in front of you. She raised an eyebrow in surprise when she saw that you actually had decent marks. An A+ here, the occasional C+, mostly B's. She couldn't help but feel a little bit impressed that despite your foolish procrastination you had actually pulled through an all-nighter and come out of it with tolerable scores. Not that she would ever approve of it.
And those damn spiders came crawling back when she saw your sleepy and proud smile when you saw her reaction to the scores. God, she wanted to stab something until it stopped moving, those spiders. They made her miserable.
So technically it wasn't too bad.
Your health was on the downhill. Unfortunately. You knew that taking an all-nighter would have a negative effect on your health but you didn't expect it to happen this fast. You considered it an 80/20 situation in the case of you getting sick.
The first day you had a sore throat. Nothing bad. You considered it to be just a coincidence.
But tonight, damnit, everything was going hard and you wanted to literally take the whole bottle of melatonin and down it. It wasn't that you hadn't already tried taking meds. You had taken the required dosage of benadryl and melatonin, but they were not having the required effect.
Your throat was aching, and there was this awful bile in your throat that was causing blockage and making you so damn nauseous that you were scared half out of your mind that you were going to throw up.
You stumbled to your feet, sighing with a bit of relief at the release from the stifling blankets as you walked to your window, opening it all the way. You let out a hoarse exhale of even more relief when you felt the bitter cold draft envelope your body and the heat being driven out a little bit.
With that taken care of, you grabbed the bottles of sleep meds and took more than the required dosage. Normally you had been known to do stupid things; hell, you'd once taken a sip of the ChikFilA drink you found in the fishing section of a Walmart, but when you were sleep-deprived and most likely feverous, it was even worse.
After taking the pills, you let out a soft groan as you crawled back into bed. Or, tried to. The once heavenly draft had turned too cold for your comfort, and your bones ached with every fiber of your being and this wave of tiredness washed over you. Sinking to the floor, you rested on the cold floorboards against the frame of your bed, eyes half closed with the mixed effect of the meds and the overall exhaustion.
And so the night wore on. ______________________________________________________________
Wednesday was, admittedly, asleep in her and Enid's shared dorm when she was awoken to a frantic tapping on her shoulder. Instantly her wrist whipped out and grabbed the disembodied hand. Thing.
"Speak now or I'll cut off your fingers one at a time. Slowly."
She frowned as she watched Thing tap out a mess of signals in a blur. "Slow down," she hissed, her voice low so as not to wake Enid.
Thing slowed down his tapping but the signals were still fast paced.
"Y/N? What's wrong with her?"
Thing continued signing.
She let out a frustrated sigh through her nose, taking a deep breath to stifle the utterly disgusting emotion of concern she had momentarily experienced.
Without a word, she stood up from her bed, pulled on her jacket, and crept out of the dorm, onto the balcony.
You barely registered that someone was speaking to you when you heard a muffled voice above you. Opening your eyes that wished to remain glued shut, your eyes widened when you saw Wednesday crouching on the floor next to you and you almost reared backward with visible surprise. You were almost grateful for the fact that your cheeks were already flushed with heat, because if they weren't then you'd be blushing like an idiot.
"In bed. Now."
"Wednesday? What are you-?" You struggled to understand why she was here, when you felt a gentle but firm cold hand enclose with yours as she dragged you onto your feet and then gently pushed you onto the bed.
Almost instantly you let out a soft whine, trying to push yourself out of the hot blankets, mumbling soft protests about the temperature. Without even a word, Wednesday knelt by her black backpack, pulling out a small icepack. With a cold and gentle hand, she lifted your head just slightly by the back of your neck and placed it underneath. You let out a soft inhale at the cool shiver that trembled down your spine before your stiff posture relaxed slightly and you leaned into it.
"Wednesday, I'm sorry-" you started, voice a little shaky despite the fever. She responded by simply giving you a look that told you to shut up and said quietly. "I know."
She took one look at the bottles of sleep meds on your bedstand and frowned just slightly before turning back to you.
"How many did you take?"
You sleepily let out a small mumble of "three", which made no sense to her but she couldn't blame you; you were exhausted and feverish and could barely comprehend anything right now. It made her cold heart twist a little.
She opened her backpack again and retrieved the bottle of ibuprofen and another of Tylenol. Her gaze shifted to the already half-drunken bottle of water accompanying the sleep meds and took it as well, emptying some of the pills onto her palm which she then offered to you. "Take them. Now." You sleepily obliged, reaching for the pills with a shaky hand. She frowned a little at the shakiness of it, and instead cupped your chin, tilting you head up just slightly. "Open your mouth." She quickly and easily slipped the pills inside and without hesitation brought the bottle to your lips, ignoring your flustered and half-awake protests.
"Drink." She watched carefully as you washed the pills down, and once done she took her hands away, noticing the faint spark of disappointment in your eyes when she did so.
Placing the water bottle and bottles of pills on your nightstand, she let out a faint sigh and gave a nod of approval to see that now you were in a much stabler condition. You were already drifting off. She turned to leave but stopped when she heard a soft whine come from you.
Turning slowly, she looked at you, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you want?"
She watched as you simply held out your arms a little bit, as if asking to be held. Her gaze softened; it was imperceptible and subtle, and you surely hadn't noticed due to the state you were in as she stepped a little closer to the bed. "Use your words."
She couldn't ignore the spiders in her chest that were getting worse when she saw your blush as she spoke.
"Please stay," you mumbled sleepily, eyes half-open. "Sleep with me?" She couldn't not admire your boldness at just coming out and asking, and her gaze softened again, damnit. She slipped off her jacket, throwing it over the chair in the corner of the small dorm as she responded. "Just this once."
She felt the spiders get worse when she saw the obvious relief and bit of happiness on your face as she sat down on the bed next to you and knelt over, taking off her shoes and sliding them under the bed before pulling the covers under both of you.
She stiffened momentarily when she felt you sleepily and automatically start to nestle yourself into her, and she oh so slowly put her arms around you, pulling your flushed body against her cold one. She let out a soft sigh when she saw your body relax greatly and you almost instantly started to drift off.
And those damn spiders didn't leave for the whole night. (
Comment y'alls feedback I like the thoughts on my work :>)
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narrans · 6 months
My Borrowed Son | 11 | First Day of School
Chapter Eleven | First Day of School
Parker wasn’t sure why he was so jittery. Well… he did, and yet he didn’t. There were a million things going on in his mind, and yet he couldn’t summon the right words.
His mom had done it. He was going to school.
Well… kind of.
He was in virtual school, which was the next best thing. Parker knew he couldn’t attend normal school because of his condition, but that didn’t matter. Now, he would get to see other kids and hear all sorts of new things from his teachers. There would be homework and reading assignments and, if he was lucky, he would make some friends.
Parker had on his best shirt and made sure everything was tucked in and that his hair was combed out thoroughly. He had been waiting for this moment all summer and he was not about to leave a bad impression or get off on the wrong foot.
Something in the little boy was making him shiver and shake with both excitement and nerves.
What if the other kids didn’t like him?
What if he wasn’t smart enough to keep up with the work?
What happened if he was too smart?
Would he be bullied?
Or would he be welcomed with open arms like any other kid?
Was his condition going to make the others uncomfortable?
What if they asked too many questions about why he got to stay at home and go to school virtually?
Parker took a breath to calm down his mind. It was something his mom taught him. To reinforce the calm he was trying to bring over himself, Parker remembered his conversation with his mom.
“Now, Parker, remember what I said about your condition?” Amanda had asked him earlier that day and every day for the past two weeks.
“It is a rare condition that the doctors are still figuring out. I’m just like you, just a bit fragile,” recited Parker at the drop of a hat.
“If there are other questions about how you’re fragile?” prompted Amanda.
“It’s hard to explain, but it’s basically what it sounds like. My body is delicate. I can break bones easier and stuff like that and being outside makes my body react poorly. It also means I grow differently, so I’m a bit small for my age,” explained Parker. At that moment, Dr. Melissa Hargrove’s words also rang in his ears about how Parker’s body was just like any other kid’s body, just a bit smaller.
For whatever reason, Parker wondered why Dr. Hargrove, his pediatrician, knew about his condition, but he couldn’t find a lot of information about it online.
It’s not like it mattered in the long run.
What mattered was that Parker was getting what he wanted – a chance to be a normal kid.
His entire setup was a bit unorthodox, but it was necessary. Parker had a webcam perched on top of a few wooden blocks so that he was front and center, just like some kind of CEO in a company. His mom had purchased a nice desk for him as well as some bookshelves for him to put his notebooks.
Not only had his mom purchased a nice desk and bookshelves for him, but she also made an expansion to his room so he could have a study space. Everything was set up nicely, making Parker feel like he was in an office room like his mom’s office. It made him feel very grown up.
A computer was nearby so Parker could watch the screen and feel like he was part of the class. If he had a question, he had a few buttons he could press to raise his hand virtually. If he was having some tech issues, his mom was permitted to assist. If he misbehaved, his special permission to be virtual could be revoked.
But Parker was determined to make sure he never lost these privileges.
He intended to be the best student that ever was at this school.
As he readjusted his camera and his desk with his paper and pencils arranged just so, his mom paced not so quietly nearby. Her footsteps sounded like small earthquakes to him. It made the table tremble rhythmically. His mom’s pacing was usually soothing. The miniscule child had fond memories of falling asleep to his mother’s pacing. This time, however, it was making him feel anxious.
It wasn’t until he heard his mother’s signature tongue click that he knew she wanted to say something. He suspected she had a few things on her mind, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to hear.
“Parker, sweetie, do you need anything else before class starts?” she asked.
“No, momma. I have everything,” said Parker. Something about the apprehension in his mother’s eyes made Parker feel uncomfortable. There was a part of him that was afraid she would change her mind at any moment about him going to school, not that she had done anything like that in the past.
“You sure? You don’t want any water or a snack?” asked his mom. Parker shook his head and smiled up at her.
“I’m sure, but thank you,” said Parker. “Momma? Don’t worry. I’ll be good. I’ve got all my supplies and I’ll be fine. I promise.” He pushed himself away from his desk, glancing at the computer screen to make sure he was still on time, and walked over to the edge of the desk.
“I know, and I’m trying not to worry. I just want you to have a great first day.” His mom approached and knelt, her eyes lingering on his eyes. A child’s intuition and innocents are unparalleled, and now was one of those moments. Parker didn’t understand all of the emotions his mother was going through, but what he did know was that she needed reassurance. The moment felt right, so Parker reached out and rested his hand against his mother’s cheek.
“I’ll make you proud, momma.” His words immediately brought tears to his mom’s eyes, and it took everything in her willpower to not scoop him up and pull him away from the world. He was too sweet – too pure – to be exposed to the outside world.
If a mother’s worries were astronomical, Amanda’s were incomprehensible. The terror of Parker being revealed as a miniscule child that could fit in a human hand was almost crippling. The fear of him doubting himself or not succeeding in everything he deserved to succeed in made Amanda want to cry. The desire for Parker to be accepted and to make lasting friendships was stronger than adamantium.
She knew parenthood was going to be a challenge, especially with a small child like Parker, but she didn’t think emotions this intense would possess her.
Amanda wanted to say so much more, but the flicker of the computer screen revealing a classroom caught both her and Parker’s attention. He looked back at her and beamed, a smile spread from ear to ear, as he hurried back to his desk and pressed the “on” switch to his camera.
There he was on screen. The image flicked on and revealed the classroom on the big screen. It made Parker feel like he was watching a movie with his mom, except this one was interactive – real.
The camera picked up all of the sound of the buzzing classroom, which made Parker’s hair raise. It was an odd sensation, but something in the back of his mind begged him to flee and hide away from the camera. The other part of him that ended up winning out had him stay put on the camera and sit patiently as he waited for class to begin.
Where did that sensation come from?
Why was it always nagging him in the back of his mind?
Parker pushed it from his mind as he focused on the other kids in the classroom, absorbing every detail of the classroom. There were at least twenty other kids, all of them around Parker’s age, and they were walking around the room and talking to one another. Based on his position in the room, Parker suspected he was at the front of the room by the teacher’s desk since he couldn’t see it in the picture of the class on his screen.
The desks were arranged in groups of five, making Parker think that his area was set up at one of these five desks since he could only see four other desks around his screen but five desks at all of the other spots in the room. It made him wonder who he was going to be with and if they would get along. His palms felt sweaty and his insides flipped and churned nervously.
The clock at the front of the room was counting down to 9:00 a.m. Each second, Parker felt a fluttering nervousness swirling inside him. He spotted a few of the kids looking and pointing at the camera, many of them covering their mouths and leaning toward one another as they whispered.
It made Parker squirm uncomfortably. Were they talking about him? And, if so, why not just come over and talk? He recited the questions and answers in his head that he and his mother rehearsed, the anticipation of talking to someone new for the first time starting to make him antsy.
Still, he wanted to put his best foot forward. He smiled and waved at some of the nearby groups, but that only made the other kids look away.
The miniscule boy wondered why.
He was just like them, just not there in person.
Perhaps they just know one another from the other grades? Friends gravitate to one another from grade to grade. Maybe they’re just as scared as me?
Parker smiled again and waved as a group of three girls walked past his screen. All of them had this weird look on their face, like it was a mixture of confusion and disgust.
Were all girls like this? Parker wondered.  
It felt like a punch in the gut, but Parker was determined; at least, he started off determined.
When the bell rang and no one approached, Parker was feeling defeated. Could the other kids see him? Did he look like some kind of screen robot? Or was this just how things were going to be?
Oh well… I wanted to go to learn too… Parker thought. I guess making friends is harder than I…
“Hey, are you new here?”
Parker was pulled from his thoughts to see a massive face of a girl about his age leaning forward toward the camera. She had charcoal black eyes and black hair that was spun in tight, curly spirals. She had a little gap in between her front teeth, and it was clear she had lost a tooth recently at the bottom left of her jaw.
Again, that instinct to flee and hide welled up inside of him, but Parker choked it down as he fidgeted with his penicils.
“Um… uh… yeah. Hi! Sorry. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Parker. What’s your name?” asked the anxious ten year old. The girl leaned away and stared at the screen, her penetrating eyes making Parker feel like she was actually looking at him, before she looked directly into the camera.
“I’m Bailey. Bailey Johnson. Don’t you have a last name? Daddy always taught me to say your first and last name when you meet someone new,” said Bailey as she folded her arms across her chest and leaned forward on her desk.
“R-right,” stammered Parker, feeling like he was starting to flounder already. He wasn’t going to shy away from this though. He cleared his throat and straightened up. “I’m Parker Silverstein. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” beamed Bailey as she shimmied in her seat. “Um… why are you on a screen? It’s the first day. You sick or somethin’?”
Parker didn’t have a chance to answer, not that he was eager to do so. It was the first time he was going to put his question answering to the test, but it was cut short by someone striking a triangle that hung over the whiteboard.
“Alright, everyone sit down and get ready. We’ve got a lot to cover today and, if you were in my class last year, you know the drill,” said a tall man at the front of the class. He wore black rimmed glasses that reminded Parker of the ones Clark Kent would wear in the comics to disguise himself from being Superman. The man had sandy blond-brown hair, much like Parker’s hair, but he had pale blue eyes that reminded Parker of glacier ice that he had seen in his science books. The man looked young, but he held himself with the confidence of someone older than him. The man began to pace back and forth at the front of the room and continued to speak, which quieted the room.
“For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mr. William Tamplin. You may call me Mr. Tamplin unless you’re my mother, which I don’t think any of you are, and I’m your homeroom teacher. I’m also you English instructor, math tutor, and I sometimes hold kickball tournaments for your grade range. I play the French horn and give piano lessons on weekends. Tracking?
“Good. Now, today is very simple despite all we have to do today. First and foremost, let’s get up from our chairs and give ourselves a little shake. First day jitters always keep me moving, and I can see some of you squirming in your seats already. So, let’s stand and shake.”
It was an unorthodox method to begin with, but a little more coaxing had the students standing and shimmying and shaking. Some of the kids started laughing, and even Parker stood and found himself laughing a bit at watching everyone get out their first day jitters.
Already, this was making him feel comfortable.
“Alright! Everyone back in your seats. We’re going to be doing a lot of these things throughout the day, so stay still until I ring this bell. As soon as you hear it, stand and get out those jitters. Okay?
“Good! Now, first and foremost we need to introduce ourselves. We’ll take turns, but let’s start small. Look at your classmates and shake everyone’s hand and introduce yourselves. You have thirty seconds. Go!” instructed Mr. Tamplin.
Parker had to admit that his teacher had a special way of conducting the room, and soon he had the names of the other five kids at his table. There was Bailey, of course, but also Davis, Lyanna, and Billie.
All of them asked, almost in unison, why Parker was on a screen and not at the table. Lyanna seemed less interested like Davis, who was currently drawing on his desk, but Bailey and Billie seemed genuinely curious as to why Parker wasn’t there with them.
“Well, it’s a bit complicated, but I have a medical condition. It just makes me a bit fragile, so I have to have school at home,” replied Parker.
“Lucky,” mumbled Davis as he continued drawing on the desk.
“Davis, you shouldn’t be doing that. It’s disrespectful,” scolded Bailey as she turned her charcoal eyes back to Parker.
“So, you’re sick a lot? That’s gross,” said Billie. “But you look fine to me. When I’m sick, I have snot, like, dripping down my face like the nasty monster. Like this. Blleehhh!” Billie proceeded to pretend snot was coming out of his face as he dragged his fingers down his nose.
“Ew! You’re disgusting,” Lyanna said as she rolled her eyes.
“You’re disgusting,” Billie shot back.
Parker was about to interrupt, but Mr. Tamplin rang the bell again and everyone stood and got out their jitters, something Parker was enjoying. It made him feel relaxed and connected to a class he could only see on a screen. It also distracted his table from the current argument they were about to engage in.
“Alright, now everyone needs to introduce themselves to the class, okay? One at a time so we can get to know your face. Just like I did, stand and tell us your name and a little something about yourself. It can be something you like doing. It can be your favorite television show or book. Ready? You have ten seconds and then the first student is whoever I point to. Go!”
One by one, the students stood up and introduced themselves, willing to participate in this game-like activity set forth by Mr. Tamplin. Parker was having a great time until, finally, he saw Mr. Tamplin’s eyes focus on him and his finger point directly at the screen.
“Okay. You. Who are you?” asked Mr. Tamplin. Parker suspected Mr. Tamplin already knew who he was, but it was part of the activity. Suddenly, Parker’s heart was in his throat and every thought was wiped from his mind.
Who was he?
What was his name?
What was he supposed to say?
Parker felt a mixture of nausea and excitement as he stood up from his at-home desk and cleared his throat. His heart was pounding a hole through his ribs. The edges of his vision seemed to blur and refocus.
Then, somehow, the words just came to him.
“Hello, my name is Parker Silverstein. My favorite book is The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, and I like inventing and making things,” said Parker. He took a breath of relief as he waited for Mr. Tamplin to instruct him to sit back down.
“Well, Parker, nice to meet you. Everyone say ‘Hi Parker’.”
“Hi Parker!” Everyone echoed back. It was the same thing everyone had done to one another the entire class.
“Now, Parker, would you like to explain why you’re on a screen? Or do you want to save that for another day?” asked Mr. Tamplin. The ten year old child felt a pit form inside him. It made him feel a bit awkward to be called out in front of everyone, but he kind of wanted to get it over with all at once.
Plus, Mr. Tamplin had given him an option of now or later.
“Um… I can tell them now. Um… so… I have a… um… medical condition. It’s a bit rare and it basically just makes me a bit fragile, so I have school at home,” explained Parker.
“Wonderful. Thank you for sharing Parker. Now, onto the next!”
Just like that, without any extra hassle, Parker had explained to over twenty other kids that he was just a little bit different, and no one had any other questions.
Though it was bound to happen, Parker was grateful that Mr. Tamplin didn’t open up the floor for discussion. He didn’t like all of that attention on him if he was being completely honest. It made his skin crawl and he felt like he needed to duck away and hide under the desk away from the camera.
At the same time, it was exhilarating. Parker had just made so many new friends, and some of them were right there at his table.
The day continued, for the most part, without incident. There were a few teachers that came into the room and had additional questions for Parker who emphasized to the class that he was going to get all of the same homework, additional lessons, and supplementary material like everyone else, but no one seemed interested in the particulars.
There was one teacher, Ms. Kendall Kain, who pulled Parker’s monitor to the side to ask, as she said, some “follow up questions.” Many of them were about specifics of his condition followed by a somewhat implying statement about Parker not looking sick. At some point, Parker called in his mom to answer some of Ms. Kain’s questions, which quieted Ms. Kain for the rest of the day.
Parker loved all of his teachers, except for Ms. Kain with her wrinkly brow and thick rimmed glasses held on by a gaudy beaded chain, and he was more than ready to tackle the literal stack of homework he was given.
After that incident with Ms. Kain, Parker’s mom peered in from time to time to give him a little thumbs-up, to which Parker always returned the gesture.
The rest of the day ran smoothly, ending once again with Mr. Tamplin.
Parker logged off from class and, with excitement, rushed out to his ladder to run to his mom to tell her all about the day he had at school. This was a promising start to his educational journey, and a tart to even greater things to come.
Parker was sure of it.
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theroyalthrones · 7 months
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Behind the Scenes | Various Locations | Rosiers, Toulon, Orillia
beginning | previous | next
script below↓↓
The leaves are falling as Francesca walks. The air is crisp in a way that Francesca had never been used to. Having grown up in the more so humid and warm weather of Castellon. Her little sister is chirping at her on the phone. She will miss these times, Just as she misses the times before the present.
Leandra] Yeah, and my friend’s having a birthday party this weekend. I wanted to go but I don’t no if Papa will let me.
F] chuckles Don’t worry Lea, I’lll convince him.
L] I don’t think you can, he’s already asleep. He’s been sleepy a lot!
F] I’ve got my ways…
As she walks, she can feel people staring at her. They are afar, but they are whispering. As she walks up toward the steps of the building, someone bumps into her. Her things clatter to the ground, but the assailant does not help her pick things up.
Person] watch were you’re going, you gold digging leech.
She feels her cheeks burning, but does nothing instead of walking forward toward her counselors office.
C] Ms. Ortega, there really isn’t anything to complain about. You are on track with a high gpa, and a possibility of early graduation if you keep up the good work.
F]Thank you mr.-
C] but your grades currently… I notice a slip since the semester began.
C] Whoever you might be associating yourself with, might not be in your best interests academically. People like you need to work harder. If things keep going in this direction, Post Graduate options might dwindle.
F] Y-Yes I understand.
C] I hope you do.
The sky is dark, it’s been raining all evening. Lucian and Francesca have been sitting in the library, studying for exams. it’s Finals week, of their sophomore year in school. They’re sectioned off a corner of the busy library. They’ve been there since the morning, and the cluttered desk makes that evident.
Francesca phone rings, it echos in the quiet space. She picks it up and whispers.
F] Lea, I can’t-
L] crying Cesca, it’s dad.
She barely registers the words, she’s up before she can even think. Lucian looks up at her puzzled. She’s hyperventilating, she’s crying.
L] Francesca, what?-
F] My dad- cries harder I-
L] Can you walk?
He carts her over to the door.
L] you need to be there.
F] mmhmm she barely makes out
he cups her face in his hand. he forces her to look at him, to focus on what he’s going to say.
L] Listen, Everything’s going to be ok- you’ll be ok. I’m going to make sure of that, ok Francesca?
F]cries harder
They are now at the airport. They rush in to the check-in area. Things are chaotic in the airport like they always are. Lucian pulls her hand, and spins her around to face him.
L] Are you sure I can’t come?
F] Yes, Stay. It’s finals, you must take them.
L] But yours-
F] I’ll figure it out, Luc.
L]… I love you, Cesca.
They kiss, and he watches her go. It’s 2093, and little does he know that this will be the last time he sees her in person since that fateful day in the news room, 6 years from then (2099).
Weeks pass as she is in Castellon.
She waits for hours in hospitals that feel like asylums. She is anxious always, she feels the clock ticking. This is a waiting game, her father, in a condition neither thought would be possible.
She is with her sister at times too. Eating dinners in hospital cafeterias after picking her up from school. This is just as hard for Leandra as it is for Cesca. Leandra being the one to find him collapsed.
She has also been feeling increasing sick. She looks and feels terrible in fact. She is fighting symptoms of pregnancy, but of course she does not know that yet. She is also throwing up, and showing signs of pregnancy(and in the details of the post. Show bottles of medicines and stiff)
The doctors come in to announce what had already been in the back of her mind for days now.
D] It’s lung Cancer.
F] shocked gasp C-Cancer?
D] He’s in the fourth stage, Ms. Ortega. It’d be best to get his affairs in order, as he might…
The sentence blurrs out because, No, she isn’t listening. An overwhelming piercing sound overwhelms her. She is in shock, the last parent she has in the world is dying. And it’s too late to save him. In the room full of doctors, Francesca Ortega Collapses.
She wakes up, she herself is in a hospital bed of her own. A nurse who happens to be in the room, rushes to her side. She tries to speak.
F]Wh- What am I?
N] There’s no need to worry. You collapsed due to dehydration and fatigue. Ms. Ortega, were you aware of the pregnancy?
F] Pregn-?
N] Pregnancy—Yes, you are going to have a child, Ms. Ortega.
This shocks Francesca of course, on top of everything, she is also pregnant. Of course things start clicking into place.
“I’m pregnant” she thinks.
Of course, she has been feeling nasceous, sick, fatigued,etc. all of the normal ailments that something like this could cause. She thought it was because of the stress of her father. Of course she understands now, And this understand makes her panic. How is her life going to be even more fucked up than it already has become? How will she go to graduate school with a mortage to pay for? How will she become what she wants with two children to raise(her little sister)? Her life is forever messed up, and how could she wreck his?
She decides she wont, she won’t say a thing. A few months later she begins to show, she’s on the phone with Lucian, who is none the wiser. (in the shot, show her with a close up on the phone, and then a wide show with her huge belly)
L] Nick is on my ass about trying out for the team next year. I don’t think I will.
L] My parents are forcing me to figure out my degree. It’s not like I haven’t thought about it, It’s just that…
(fade off, next slide is the next part)
F] Are you excited for the semester?
L] I can’t be, not if you’re not there.
F] she laughs I can’t promise you that.
L] Are you alright, Cesca?
F] couldn’t be better. fake gleefulness
Standing in the hall of the hospital (another day). A Leandra rushed up to her, saying her father is awake.
She runs to his room, Leandra snuggles up to him. he’s laying in the bed, he’s laying with his eyes open, but he can’t speak. He doesn’t move as she gets close to him, and Cesca knows. She walks up to the bed, and lays her head on his chest. She cries.
F] crying Papa
P] Oh, La luz de mis ojos [The light of my eyes]
F] crying somore
P] I’m sorry for all the trouble i’ve caused, You’ll see. This will be behind all of us.
The scene changes, it’s nighttime. Leandra is sleeping in the bed with her father still. Francesca is sitting in a chair close to the bed. She is also dozing but is quickly awaken by the sound of a loud, singular screech. It’s the heart monitor, he’s dying.
F]waking up Papa?
Nurses rush into the room, it’s chaos after that. Cesca scoops her sister into her arms, as the nurses rush around (***use the motion filter on ps). ****The girls stand apart from the chaos. Francesca is shaking, she is scared. Her world has forever changed.
Fully pregnant now, in her second trimester, the girls are in a small church, they are alone in the pews. The only sign of a funeral is the large wreaths and image of their father smiling happily. And the Casket at the front. She is staring blankly, nothing is quite feeling. She feels a buzzing in her bag, it’s a call from Lucian. She see’s this as she stares at her phone.
She goes outside of the place, she stands alone outside in a dark atmosphere of rain and cloudiness.
L] Francesca! You haven’t answered any of my calls!
F] I’m sorry… things have been busy.
L] You’re voice sounds rough… Is everything ok, Cesca?
F] hoarse laugh I love you, Lucian. You know I do?
L] chuckling Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?
F] I am.
L] laughing now Sure, I love you too.
She stands in the hallway, the atmosphere darker than ever. She knows that’s the last time they will speak.
Time goes on like it always does. We see shots of her kissing her sister on their way to school. She runs off excitedly.
We see Cesca working at multiple jobs, A barista, a cashier.
We see them surviving, we see them laughing. We see her even more pregnant than the last time. (*maybe in a shot with her being in her third trimester with that skin detail. And in a crop top)
In one of the last scenes, she is at work. Fully pregnant and doing her job. She hunches over in pain, clutching her stomach. Possibly show a bit of blood trickling down her legs. Francesca yells in pain.
She is rushed in an ambulance, the lights are flashing. At the hospital nurses are rushing in and out. All she can do is cry, all she can do is scream.
F] NO! No-nooo
The screams fade to black, They are now back in the present. This clip will be brief. They are now in Francesca’s apartment. sitting on the floor or something. They are both crying, Francesca and Lucian.
F] through the tears Are you happy now? 6 whole years later.
L]also crying…
F] I’ve tried, Luc. To protect— I- there is no amount of words to describe this pain… I feel. How did you not notice, Luc?
L] I didn’t—…I-
F] He is- Was yours, Lucian.
L] crying intensified Mine? My?… (clearly in shock)
L] sobbing…
F] leave. GET OUT LUCIAN, LEAVE! Please. crying
he gets up, and leaves. this is it, they’re done.
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gt-abby · 3 months
Mar and Jake- Chapter 9
oooh boy here we go
tag list: @soakedmilkgt
chapter eight chapter nine (you're here) chapter ten
----- 2200~ words
The weekend quickly came, with no new powers that were granted to the tiny host or any new dreams about the cruel god. Her new friends kept her company as much as they could, and whenever they couldn’t she’d be able to keep herself entertained with various electronics around the house. She would try to do everything she could to keep herself from being alone with her thoughts. She would also do her best to look cheerful around the giants, showing no signs of anxiety or depression about what might come or what has happened before with her parents. She didn’t want them to worry about her too much.
“Watcha doing?” Mar flew into Jake’s room, seeing him hunched over something on his desk. This time there was no sign of cleanliness or organization in his room, as if he adopted Mar’s role as the messy one. She arrived at his desk and stood down on it with one foot, the broken one in the air as she used her flight ability to stay upright, looking around at all the books and notebooks scattered around. He didn’t respond to her, seemingly in too deep in his work. She saw his eyes, too tired to focus properly, with eye bags so deep it was a wonder he was still awake.
“Hey, earth to Jake!” She waved a small arm in front of his face and smiled when he refocused his eyes and finally looked at her.
“Oh, hey, sorry I didn’t see you.”
“You look exhausted.”
“Yes, well this project is due very soon and I really need to finish it so,” he waved his hand to shoo her away. Mar was stunned. Was she some kind of mosquito to wave away? No, she wasn’t going to let that slide, nor was she going to let him become a study-zombie. So she stood on top of the notebook he was working on and looked up at him, her hands on her hips and her face pouty.
“Go to sleep, you can’t study like this.” She said as he looked at her, haziness in his eyes. He sighed.
“Mar, I know you are worried about me, and I appreciate that, but I really can’t allow myself to do anything until I make some progress.”
“I’m serious, your grades will suffer if you work on it half asleep.”
Jake sighed again, and wordlessly picked her up by the back of her shirt and placed her off of his notebook.
“H-hey! Rude much?” Mar exclaimed, almost falling on her bottom.
He continued ignoring her, writing down something. She floated back to where she was before, insistent on getting her way.
“Ugh, Mar,” Jake pressed two fingers on the bridge of his nose. “Please, just… go away.”
“No! You’re rude and emotionless when you’re tired. Just take a rest a little bit and I’ll leave you alone to your work.”
“Yeah, you think I’m ‘rude and emotionless?’ I’ll show you emotionless.”
Before she could react, he grabbed her, grasping her in his fist, stood up and walked over to the kitchen.
“What the hell?!” Mar’s heart dropped, as she felt him squeeze her like a stress toy. Her broken leg began hurting, too, but any attempt at talking to the giant or squirming was left ignored. She couldn’t even see where he was taking her as she was with her front facing backwards.
“Jake…” she began pleading, but looking up she only saw his eyebrows pressed together as he looked forward, as if she weren’t even there. She began feeling dread fill her, for the first time in days feeling small, so small…
Jake arrived at the kitchen, took a glass from the drying rack, and held Mar in place on the counter as he slid her under the flipped-upside-down cup.
“Jake, you’re not serious?!”
“Dead serious.” He responded coldly, closing the gap quickly and holding it down so Mar would be fully caged in. “I’ll let you out when I’m done.” And with that, he left.
“Jake!” Mar shouted, tears filling her eyes, “Jake please! Let me out this isn’t funny!“ she banged her tiny fists on the glass, but it was too heavy for her to even move. He’d already left the room. There was no way he was thinking straight. He would never do something like this… right? Well, he did, and he won’t be coming back any time soon. He won’t be able to hear her pleas, see her struggling, or in any way was he going to help her out of the cage he made for her.
Mar began hyperventilating. She hadn’t felt so scared of Jake ever since the first night, and her thoughts spiraled into oblivion, making her anxiety worse. She tried pushing the glass again but failed once more. She was truly stuck. And no one was going to help her this time.
“Ugh..” Jake sat up and stretched out his arms. He was so hyper focused on the project that he’d lost sense of time. It was pitch black outside, and the clock on his phone indicted it was also incredibly early in the morning. He looked over to the nightstand, expecting to see Mar sleeping there, but when he saw she wasn’t there, he quickly remembered where she was. He stood up so fast the chair fell over and sprinted to the kitchen to find her where he had left her- in the glass prison.
“Shit…. shit shit shit shit shit!” He lifted the cup as quickly as he could and with shaking hands he was about to pick his little friend up, but he saw her flinch, raising her tiny arms to cover her head protectively when he lifted the cup, and when he brought his palms closer to her she cowered away, her eyes big and her pupils like dots darting around to try and find a place to hide.
“Shit, Mar, I’m so so so sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I’m so sorry please,” he lowered his body and pressed his chin on the countertop. “Don’t be afraid, I’m sorry…” He pleaded.
She didn’t reply. She was looking everywhere else but at him. She looked absolutely exhausted and rightfully terrified and angry. He placed his face in his palms, his heart dropping to the floor. His worst fear has come true. All the trust she put in him was gone, just like that, and it’s all his fault. It’s all his fault.
Mar took the opportunity of him not looking at her with his giant examining eyes and darted off, like a scared animal, into her room. The door was open, and she wasn’t going to be able to close it, but she could definitely hide in one of her piles of clothes. He wouldn’t find her there.
These have been the most tormenting hours she has experienced. There was not enough space for her to lie down and fall asleep- not that she was able to with how fast her heart was pounding. She could either stand on one foot or sit with her knees to her chest, spiraling into the deepest and longest anxiety attacks she’s ever had. The time seemed to be stretched into infinity.
Then, when she was hiding in her pile of clothes, she grasped at her shirt where her heart was, her lungs aching, and tried focusing on the comforting embrace of the weight of the blanket she surrounded herself with. It was grounding, physical, warm. Nothing bad could happen to her there.
“Mar?” The muffled voice reached her ears and they twitched. He was looking for her. He repeated her name as he walked around the apartment, checking every crevice and corner for any sign of her.
“Just leave me alone…” she sighed, mumbling to herself. After the panic subsided, she began feeling anger rise in her heart. How could he subject her to something so cruel? Not only did he imprison her in a humiliating cage, but he left her there for hours, alone with her thoughts. He also grabbed her so viscously she could still feel his phantom fingers wrapped around her body, locking her in place, sucking the air out of her breath. She remembered how the fire deity held her in the dream and couldn’t care less about her wellbeing. Jake didn’t even hesitate when he treated her like an object to be thrown away when it gets in his way. But she also knew he didn’t really mean it. She knew he wasn’t thinking when he did that, and she knew his apologies were genuine. She couldn’t help the feeling of betrayal she felt, though. It was too soon to face him.
Jake didn’t know where she flew off to, but he did know he’d no way of finding out. He royally screwed up this time, and no matter how bad it made him feel, he knew there was no going back. No apology could be enough to get the trust she had in him back- he had to earn it all over again.
His head was cupped in his hands hopelessly when he heard a knock on the door, and he quickly got up to open it for the only other friend he had left.
“What happened? Why did you need me to come so badly?” Emily walked through the doorway and crossed her arms. “And where’s Mar?”
After a brief explanation later, Emily sighed.
“You did it, you finally gave me a reason to slap you!” She said coldly, anger rising in her voice as she finished the sentence in a shout.
“And believe me, I’d have slapped myself if I could.”
“Oh, you still can, and I’d love to see that, but it won’t help in any way.”
Jake breathed out loudly as he fell back down on the couch. “What do I do now…? She’ll never forgive me.”
“Yes, you’re right, and rightfully so, but right now we have to focus on finding her or something might happen to her. Maybe she can fly but she’s still injured. And I think I have an idea as to how.”
Mar heard a familiar voice come from the direction of the entrance to the room. She’d only noticed that she fell asleep when she was woken up by the sound of the door closing. She peaked out of the clothes pile to see jake’s giant shadow from behind the door and a tiny figure walking forward and standing in the middle of the room, looking around. It was Emily, shrunken to Mar’s size, looking for her. She glanced back to the door to see Jake leave, and only then did she emerge out of her hiding place.
“Em… what are you doing here?” Mar asked as she stood on one foot in front of her.
“I’m here for you, I heard what happened… I’m so sorry.”
Mar sighed, “it’s not your fault so don’t apologize. But…” She suddenly felt her tears come back up again and flood her vision. Her lower lip quivered. “I-I hated it so much, Em… He looked so scary..” She fell into Emily’s arms and the latter hugged her back, stroking the back of her head.
“Shh… it’s okay Mar, he isn’t here right now. And, you know, he does really regret it.”
“I know that, but I still can’t help but shiver when he comes near. I can’t help but feel threatened. He.. he held me so tight I felt like I was about to pop, and he just left so coldly after he put the glass over my head… I can’t help but be scared of him now.”
“I understand you… y’know, when my ability to shift came up the first time, I was also shrunk to this size and when my parents found me, they were so clumsy, they didn’t know how to act with me.. They also held me too tight, talked too loudly, were careless when dealing with me, and I was too afraid to explain to them how that made me feel. It took a long time for me to return to normal, and an even longer time for me to be able to feel comfortable around them again, even in a normal human size. But I did know deep down they cared about me deeply and never meant me any harm.”
Mar kept silent. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see Jake any time soon, but after calming down, after it was over, she couldn’t imagine the amount of guilt from which he was suffering. She had to at least let him see her. She then remembered the night he held her close to his chest, and how comforting it was for her. His warmth, and the faint beating of his heart. She wanted to experience that again.
Emily looked at Mar, knowing what she was thinking about. She wasn’t exactly ready to forgive him but, it was getting there. Mar hugged Emily again, and tearfully thanked her. Emily returned the embrace, then nodded at her as she held out her hand.
“I’m here with you.”
As Emily slowly returned to her normal size, she and Mar held hands, with Mar floating up slowly to stay at eye level with Emily. Then Emily opened the door for them, Mar gulping as they walked out.
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