#but I am not a total idiot with acrylic
skyrim-forever · 1 year
not skyrim related but does anyone want to see the painting im working on???
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
Silly question but what is by far the stupidest thing you headcanon for the ninja?
HII ALIZIB!! TY FOR THE ASK!! <3333 (staring at every pixel of ur art rn)
hoo boy you're in for a ride, i have alot of them lmao
here we go:
lloyd has road rage, i am forever standing by this headcanon 😎 he also has his '3 am' days where he randomly goes out of his room at midnight to the kitchen just to eat some dry cereal, lord knows how many times he's scared someone from his glowing eyes
kai steals nya's eyeliner, also has road rage, takes long ass showers (and sings in em) and 100% wears those long acrylic nails for fun (he has so many scars on his hand bc of the amount of times he'd scratch on it)
yknow that annoying beeping noise for censoring swear words? zane has a switch entirely for that, it makes the team laugh their asses off especially when he goes into a fit (purposely just to make them laugh), like it's just constant "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" while theyre all already dead on the floor from laughter 😭
jay BARGES into lloyd's room whenever there's ANY update about starferer, and they go batshit when they rant about it, he's (canoncially atp) the MASTER of videogames and loves trolling random people, and he totally plays tomodachi life on his switch
nya's hoodies? theyre all stolen from everyone and she NEVER returns them (only under special circumstances), and she calls kai's stubble ugly while she goes crazy over jay's
cole dances at the most random of times, like he could be walking normally and then all of a sudden he just. V i b e s. one time he stood infront of jay's room and just started dancing out of boredom
pixal playfully fights with zane over what they should make for breakfast, only for her to lecture the ninja over how her blueberry pancakes are much better than zane's chocolate waffles
wu just. glows. at the randomest of times, and cringes at that moment he sang 'shake what ur mama gave you'
YEEAAHH i dont know if these count as stupid but AUGAHSHA I LOVE THESE IDIOTS SO MUCH <33 (i really should make a hc post bc i have alot of em)
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mrkgrl · 3 years
Sorry for the repost but I saw a mistake that none of you would have seen but it just drove me crazy. God have mercy on me, but I also knew that my last order would arrive soon so I decided to wait and make a whole new post with all things. Except for my limited blond!Stiles gold charms. They are stuck due to covid. Or because blond!Stiles acts like white trash, who knows. _(:'3
Anyway! Here's some Sterek merch I made--- mostly for myself tbh because I can and I want Sterek merch. And I sell these at HeroFest (Oct 1-3) and Fantasy Basel (Oct 8-10). Please drop by if you are there, I offer to you:
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A heart-shaped button set. I also decided to make more heart-shaped merch and call it the "Sterek loves" line. (I ask again for god's mercy here, for I am a simple idiot who loves ridiculous names... and heart-shaped things). Sadly you can't really see the hearts in the orange bg but orange is a stupid color to work with because it looks great on screen but then you print it and orange says "HAHA, FOOL!!!" and does a totally different thing. You just wait, orange, I'll get you next time.
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Matching wolf and fox charms with little treats. My twitter followers voted for me adding the paw on the lemon, hehe.
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A double-sided "Alpha & Spark" charm with a little silver triskelion.
Sadly I couldn't get my acrylic standees in time because I ran into some issues. Overall I like how everything turned out for my first orders, even though I need to make some adjustments the next time. I also still have two of these bad boys lol.
Not planning on reprinting them because they are... dumb. But look at how sparkly my Sterek hamsters are. I put one on my keys. (uwu There will definitely be sparkly Sterek merch in the future.
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cinnaminsvga · 3 years
by the way | jungkook
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→ summary: there are only two weeks left until graduation—which means you only have two weeks left until you’ll be nothing more than a facebook birthday notification on his phone (unless you do something about it, of course.) → genre: high school!au, humor, slight angst → warnings: none unless you’re terrified of two idiots mutually pining for e/o → words: 1.2K → a/n: ain’t it kinda weird that there were some people you met in high school that you considered your “friend” but never kept in touch with them after graduation? like ships that have sailed past each other, only being left with some hope of crossing someday. idk, high school was weird. anyway, enjoy!
—part of the bgw drabble marathon (Tropes #5)—
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“So, have you asked anyone out to the graduation ball yet?” Hoseok asks you suddenly, his words muffled by the disgusting amount of pasta in his mouth. 
From the corner of your eye, Jungkook’s shoulders tense. You don’t mean to notice—you weren’t even supposed to be looking at him. He has his gaze trained downwards, shooting lasers at his rice with enough intensity to cook it twice over. 
“No, I haven’t,” you respond eventually. 
“Time is running out you know! It wouldn’t look good if the class valedictorian arrived at the party without some good ol’ eye candy,” Hoseok says. 
You scoff, taking a sip of your lukewarm apple juice. “Who says I need a man to make me look good?”
“Or woman, for that matter!” Chaeyoung pipes up. She wiggles her eyebrows, leaning across the lunch table until her chest almost gets a platter full of greasy cafeteria pizza. “You know, the offer is still open. I guarantee that if we went together, we’d be the prettiest bitches in the entire ballroom!”
You laugh, shaking your head. “You’re right, we would be… minus the fact that you’ve been pining over Eunbi for God knows how long, and it would be seriously shitty of me to deny you your last chance of getting together with her.”
Chaeyoung leans back, acquiesced. “Alright, you got me there,” she sighs, crossing her arms. “Still, you know I would drop everything and anything if you asked.”
“Not me though, I’m a selfish whore,” Jimin interrupts, reaching his minimum quota of giving his unsolicited opinion. He points finger guns at you. “I’m bringing my hot and sexy college boyfriend to the ball.”
“Oh right, how could we ever forget your mysterious ‘college’ boyfriend,” Hoseok scoffs, the quotation marks audible in his voice. “The one that we’ve never seen or heard of before, and also conveniently lives in a different city that is miles from here? That boyfriend?”
“Shut up!” Jimin glares, pointing his sharpened acrylic nail at him. “You’ll eat your words once you see how fucking gorgeous and hot and REAL my boyfriend is!” He turns to you, brows still quirked in irritation. “Anyway, as I was saying. Even though I’m going to the ball with my snookywookums, I’m willing to scout a date for you if you want.”
“I don’t think snookywookums is a Scrabble-verified word,” Hoseok says under his breath, nearly causing you to snort your pasta up your nose. 
“T-Thank you, Jimin,” you say, coughing through your laughter. Lucky for Hoseok, Jimin’s massive ego doubles as a noise-cancelling material. “But I’m fine, really. I’m more than happy just hanging out with my best friends over some random guy.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Chaeyoung coos, pinching your cheeks. 
“–and also improbable,” Hoseok snorts. “These two whores are definitely gonna spend that entire night fucking their dates,” Hoseok says, jabbing his thumb at your resident bimbo-himbo combo, “while I will be busy with DJ-ing at the event, so you’re pretty much outta luck, chief.”
“What the fuck? You’re gonna DJ at our fucking graduation ball?” you squawk. “Why the hell would you volunteer to do that?”
“For… experience?”
Hoseok raises his hands in surrender with a pout. “Okay, fine. Maybe I wanted to impress Namjoon. Fucking sue me for being a hypocrite!” 
“Ahah! The ogre has fallen in love with the prince!” Jimin hollers, earning himself a pinch in the tit from Hoseok.
You huff, annoyed. “Am I really being abandoned by all my friends? On one of our final days together as classmates before we inevitably part ways towards adulthood?”
A beat of guilty silence. Then:
“You guys suck!”
You groan in defeat, rolling your eyes. “Fine then! I guess Jungkook and I will have to entertain each other, right Kook?”
The boy in question, who had been eerily quiet this entire lunch period, jolts in his seat after suddenly being addressed. His elbow hits the table with a bang, causing an impressive string of expletives to spill from his mouth. 
Jimin snorts, amused. “Damn, you good? What’s got loverboy all jumpy?” 
“Don’t call me loverboy,” Jungkook says through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched as he cradles his injured elbow. 
“Well someone clearly pissed in your Cheerios. What’s up? Why are you being all broody and sulky?” Hoseok asks.
“I’m not being broody,” Jungkook says broodily. For a brief moment, your gaze catches his, but he quickly averts his eyes before you can get a good glimpse at the unknown emotion that tints them. “I just… got a bad grade in Chemistry. That’s all.”
“First time? I guess senioritis doesn’t hit all of us the same,” Jimin sniffs. “By the way, Kook. Do you have a date for the ball? If you do, then we can all shame Y/N into looking for a date and not feel guilty about it.”
“Hey!” you whine, but your attention is focused on Jungkook. You hold your breath, a looming sense of dread rising up your stomach like bile. A desperate plea rings through your head, crying out, “Please say you’ll go with me.”
As friends, you remind yourself.
Sure Jan, your inner voice replies.
Jungkook barks out a laugh, but it sounds hollow. “I, umm…” he trails off, fidgeting in his seat awkwardly. He puts down his chopsticks, wiping his clammy hands on his jeans. “I’m still, uh, working up the courage to ask her…”
“HER?! YOU LIKE GIRLS?” Chaeyoung screams, horrified. “Then why the FUCK have you been rejecting all those poor girls for the past four years?”
“I just wasn’t interested, I guess,” he shrugs. He pauses. “Wait, did you not know I was straight?”
“Kookie, I don’t know if you haven’t noticed, but you recoil like a raccoon being spritzed with water every time a woman so much as looks at you,” Hoseok points out.
“I’m just shy,” he grumbles. 
To your left, Jimin nudges you gently. “Did you know?” he whispers, brows arched.
“Of course I did,” you snap. “That boy uses five-in-one shampoo and soap.”
Jimin leans back into his seat, a mystified expression on his face. “Damn, you’re right. And here I thought you just liked pining over him because you were a masochist.”
You choke on your own spit, feeling as though a large stone has just been dropped on your esophagus. You whirl towards Jimin with a death glare, but the shithead barely flinches in response. “What the fuck did you just say?” you seethe, panic clear in your voice.
“What did you say?” Jungkook repeats after you, jaw agape. You both make eye contact, and you notice the way Jungkook’s cheeks have flushed a deep red. You have no doubt in your mind that you aren’t faring any better. Shit!
“Now, we don’t have time to unpack all of that,” Hoseok interrupts. He gestures to the clock by the wall, which shows that your lunch period is about to end. He slams his lunch container shut, a large smirk on his face. “But this will definitely be a fun conversation for later, and I want front row seats.”
“Ditto! Text me once you’re out of your last class, okay?” Chaeyoung says, standing up with Hoseok. She blows a kiss your way and pats Jungkook endearingly on the head. “You guys have English together, right? Should be fun!”
“Gotta blast,” Jimin says, scrambling out of his seat before you can snap out of your daze long enough to twist his balls into a ponytail. He throws a mock salute at you, toothy grin on full display. “Have fun!”
Now left alone (i.e. abandoned) by your friends, you tentatively turn to look at Jungkook. You swallow thickly, cheeks flamin’ hot. “So, by the way…. About that date?”
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nixelspixels1225 · 4 years
I should be working on college work but here I am. Okay but...
FE3H College/University AU: Blue Lions Part 1
Side note: I have a headcanon that Lambert and Rodrigue had a side relationship going on, which applies to this a little bit,,,
Maintains a 3.5 GPA, is an over-achiever, and isn’t ever late to class.
He has therapy dog that’s a boy :) I imagine it’s a White Terrier who kind of has the same personality as him.
He’s apart of the debate team with Felix; is considered the best on the debate team, rivaling with Edelgard’s team.
plays on the baseball team with Sylvain and Felix (more on that in Felix and Sylvain’s portions). Every time he goes to bat, though, he ends up either hitting it out of the park or he breaks a bat somehow. He’s the reason they have to keep buying extra bats. 💀
He commutes from his home and Lambert is/was a well-known big time politician, but Dima inherits it. His uncle Rufus (who he doesn’t like as stated in the game) comes and checks in him every once in a while, but he’s basically a drunken bank owner and doesn’t really care for Dima.
On days he’s at his lowest he brings his dog with him to class. Everyone wants to pet his dog, but the dog is pretty picky with people touching him. When Dimitri raises his hand in class, the dog copies him and raises his paw. 🥺
Everyone assumes he’s gay, but doesn’t make any inclinations on if he actually is or not. He usually sticks to not talking another himself at all. The college/uni has days where students can bring their pets for an outdoor event and Dima almost doesn’t wanna bring his dog because he stubbornly considers his dog a friend over a “pet”
He's definitely a teacher's pet, no doubt.
Attends a small therapy session through the college every two weeks.
You cannot get him to drink alcohol or smoke pot honestly. Maybe unless a certain professor were there and did it first, he may be convinced.
Get ready for Sylvix vibes.
Maintains about a 3.1–3.4 GPA. Sometimes ends up being late to class, but only if he is just perpetually exhausted.
Is apart of the debate team. He has to be on it because his excuse is that he has to keep an eye on Dimitri (this kinda goes along with my Lambert/Rodrigue headcanon post)
Is also apart of the baseball team but that's because he likes being active. It helps him with his anger issues. He's probably the best player on the team to be completely honest. Short? Runs fast? Well-balanced and strong? Yes.
oh yeah he has anger issues. People have told him to go to therapy but it only pisses him off. His therapist is basically Sylvain. dhebjbhjbhcjjbh
A good majority of people legitimately cannot tell whether or not Felix is aromantic, asexual, straight, or what the hell he is. Sylvain would say he's sexually attracted to anything metal but that's an inside joke between them.
Felix commutes to college/uni. Actually, he doesn't live too far from Dimtiri.
Owns a black cat, originally out of irony, but he ended up growing to be extremely fond of cats. Especially black cats. It has bright green-yellow eyes and is actually very sweet.
Often finds himself in Sylvain's dorm, sometimes sneaking in his cat since they don't allow pets in the dorms due to other students possibly having allergies. He likes to sometimes bring over Mexican food, guacamole and tortilla chips.
When staying up late to study with Sylvain, he'll put his hair in a messy white girl bun. Sylvain teases him that he needs a starbucks coffee, acrylic nails, and a shit ton of makeup and he'll be as good of a white girl as Dorothea or Hilda.
is very oblivious to Sylvain crushing on him, but also is unaware he likes Sylvain a lot. Also. Yes, they will die together. Totally doesn't click that he likes Sylvain.
Calls Sylvain "Idiot" in the streets, but "Syl" in the sheets DJHDEHVEVHJHVJJVH--no they don't actually bang until they get together.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
The Birthday Party (Diamond Chaney) - Ortega
fic summary: Ellie spends the night of her birthday crying over a girl that doesn’t like her back. Lawrence will consider the evening a success if she can comfort her without her own heart shattering in the process.
a/n: this one goes out to the anon on my blog that asked me “after rereading freshers au about 3 million times I must ask… are we getting a chapter about Ellie’s 18th birthday party? I’m just thinking about the unrequited crushing/diamond Chaney potential”. apparently i am unable to say no to any anon that comes to me asking for more diamond chaney content, nor am i able to name any of these fics after anything other than 1975 song titles. hope u all enjoy!
It’s an image that could hang in the Louvre but it’s one that breaks her heart.
Ellie is sitting on a red brick wall with her legs dangling off it, pale and bare except from a couple of bruises where she’s banged them off the flat’s furniture. The grass on the raised ground behind her is wet and cold, shining under the streetlamps in the damp of that hazy timezone between midnight and morning. She’s right in the middle of the yellow spotlight from above, and Lawrence thinks it’s weird how a colour that’s the same as the sun can all at once seem so cold. The mist, though light, hangs suffocating and stagnant in the air. It casts its moisture over the cars parked on the road opposite, and there’s an urge Lawrence has to push down to draw a little heart on a car bonnet, then zig-zag a line down the middle to break it.
Lawrence thinks she looks like some sort of Disney Channel character come to life; pink and white checked gingham skirt, white, long-sleeved crop top. The pink Filas with the hearts that she’d spent way too much of her student loan on and the matching pink bow that sits squint in her curly, rain-frizzy hair. There’s a crumpled, sad ball of a tissue clutched tight in her white-knuckled hands, and her pink acrylics are outlined with black smudges. Her head hangs towards her lap and as she tilts it to the sky Lawrence can see her face; her makeup, still completely perfect, but with two long, unbroken tear tracks of black mascara and eyeliner that stream down her cheeks like some sort of poison.
Lawrence feels like crying herself, almost had done when Ellie had broken down to them all in the club toilets. When she’d sobbed and her chest had risen and fallen so rapidly, illustrating the pieces of her heart that were shattering inside her ribcage as if Tia was blowing them up with dynamite. When A’whora had shushed her comfortingly and rubbed her back and Bimini had fed her tissue after tissue from the loo roll dispenser. When Ellie had whispered with all the hope and life gone out of her voice,
“I like her so much, and she doesn’t even know, and she’ll never see me like that.”
And Lawrence couldn’t say a word because she couldn’t trust herself to. Because she didn’t even know what to say. Really what could she say when Ellie had said it all already?  
She recalls the way the bass from the songs that were playing out in the main room of the club had seemed so much like a sinister heartbeat; the soundtrack to the dread that Lawrence was feeling, that feeling of something slipping away.
Well, not something. Ellie.
Tayce hadn’t had much time for the whole situation. Lawrence knew she cared, of course, it would be harsh to say she didn’t, but she had been drunk and not particularly tactful. She’d hoisted Ellie to her feet, smudged away her tears from beneath her lashes with her thumbs and cupped her face as she gave a speech about how Ellie didn’t need anyone to make her feel happy, and how if Tia wasn’t going to notice her then there were a million other girls and guys out there that would, and how Ellie couldn’t let anyone spoil her night and Tayce wasn’t going to let that happen either. The song’s transition into Be Faithful had prompted Tayce to take charge, gripping Ellie’s hand and leading them all out of the toilets and onto the dancefloor with a battle cry about how this was her song, and how there was no way in hell she was missing the opportunity to get to dance to it with her best bitches.
Lawrence had known that Ellie hadn’t really felt better, though. The smile on her face was fake and she’d disappeared when the others were all too distracted bickering about whose round it was next. Lawrence had seen her disappear through the main doors and towards the exit- really the idea of Ellie being able to sneak off anywhere was laughable given her height- and so she’d dashed off without thinking, following her while a sinking feeling rose in her gut.
And now she’s here, a little way along the street outside the club, looking at Ellie and her broken heart and trying to figure out how to clean up the mess without a dustpan and brush.
So she awkwardly approaches her, forcing a smile as Ellie lifts her head to look at her through sapphires filled with tears. She decides to go with what’s always served her well though life and injects some fake cheer into her voice as she opens the joke.
“Did I ever tell you about the time the police chapped my door an’ told me my dogs were chasin’ people on bikes?” she opens limply, the joke already the verbal equivalent of a racehorse about to be made into glue. “My dogs didny even have bikes.”
Ellie gives an empty shell of a laugh in return. Lawrence supposes it’s the joke equivalent of “ask a stupid question, recieve a stupid answer”- tell a shite joke, recieve a shite laugh in reply. She’s rendered silent again, left to awkwardly scuff her foot over the glistening, frosty ground until Ellie gives a shuddery breath in.
“Y'should be back inside with the others,” she starts quietly, paws at her sniffly nose with the back of her hand, the tissue being long since rendered useless. “Having fun and getting drunk instead of listening to my shit.”
“I’m already drunk,” Lawrence shrugs at her. It’s half true. She feels too exposed as she follows it up with, “And it’s not fun if I know you’re upset.”
The tiny smile that appears on Ellie’s face and the way her eyes gain just a tiny bit of life makes coming out here in the freezing cold worth it.
“Ellie,” Lawrence gives a small sigh of sympathy, moves to stand in front of her and lets the crumpled tissue fall into Ellie’s lap before she takes her friend’s hands. She’s thrown before she can say anything. “Fucking Christ, your hands are baltic.”
“It’s December in Scotland. Everything’s baltic,” Ellie gives the tiniest roll of her eyes, but her expression is mostly one of affection, the gesture clearly appreciated. The way Lawrence’s heart is sparked by it is way too embarrassing and ridiculous, and she feels like a total idiot for being in this deep.
She covers it up with a sarcastic barb, a raised eyebrow used as a capital letter. “Do you want a pep talk or don’t you?”
“Please,” Ellie replies flatly.
Lawrence has about a second to collect her thoughts, try to arrange them into something coherent and supportive like a child making a model out of junk and PVA glue. She knows it’s going to come at the expense of her own heart but really, when has she ever put her own feelings first when Ellie’s been involved? She wishes they both had the same aspect to their friendship as A’whora and Tayce: that undercurrent of flirting and tension, the fact that A’whora’s huge crush on Tayce is the equivalent of a present wrapped in cellophane, and if they’ve not already done something about that whole aspect of their relationship then they surely will soon. But with Ellie it’s different. Lawrence is bound by the ties of the purely platonic nature of their friendship and, while she’d love nothing more than to break them, there’s still that part of her that’s content to stay in the chains they created together because even though they’re tight, they’re comfortable. They’re safe.
Ellie is Lawrence’s friend, so Lawrence puts her own feelings to one side and acts like it.
“I know it hurts,” Lawrence says, unable to meet her friend’s eyes as she strokes her thumb over her knuckles. “I know it feels like the worst heartache in the world, and it’s terrible. You feel like the pain’s not going to go away or…like your heart’s been smashed. It’s that way where…you’re too far gone as friends now, and it’s that feeling of not being able to change that path you’ve both gone down and…it’s too late, and you’re sat torturing yourself with the what-ifs and wondering if…y’know, maybe if you’d done something differently, maybe this, maybe that…”
Lawrence trails off to allow herself to gain back some composure, because all she’s succeeded in doing is making her own heart hurt with the truth. It’s the fact she’s telling Ellie everything: every feeling she goes through when it’s just the two of them bickering affectionately together, or the pair of them spooning when they’re hungover and emotional, or bonding over the Scottish Twitter references that the rest of their flatmates don’t get. It’s the way that with every moment they grow closer it only feels as if Ellie grows more and more distant.
“But you can’t hurt yourself like that, you know?” Lawrence says firmly, snapping her gaze up bravely to look Ellie in the eyes. “You can’t go through every day wondering why you’re not good enough, because the truth is that…you are. You fucking…are good enough, Ellie, you don’t need to change anything about yourself. Just keep being you, because…there’s someone out there who’ll appreciate it. And love you for it.”
Ellie’s gaze turns warm and soft, and she blinks a few tears away before looking into her lap, squeezing Lawrence’s hands. “Thank you, babe. That’s really nice.”
Lawrence can’t bask in the appreciation for long though because Ellie then narrows her eyes at her and gives her an inquisitive look.
“You know. You know what it feels like. How come you know?”
It would be so easy just to let something slip out; a confession, an admission, the secret she’s been holding in for two years now. The way she could bat it all away and cover it up with the amount of Jaeger she’s consumed over the past two hour period if it didn’t go down well on Ellie’s end. The thing is, though, that a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts, and it’s so cold in the street that she’s starting to sober up anyway. There wouldn’t really be anything to hide behind.
So she gives a snort of self-derision. “I know I might just seem like a joke book in a flesh suit, but I actually have a heart underneath it all.”
“Yeah,” Ellie agrees softly, her smile growing a little bigger. “You do.”
Lawrence’s heart soars into the sky like a bubble or a ridiculous novelty helium balloon. Ellie’s being sincere; she’s not layering Lawrence’s joke with another joke, a playing card on top of another. She’s just being honest. She sees Lawrence’s heart underneath all the sarcasm and the comedy and the way she can’t ever lay a single one of her feelings bare. Sometimes Lawrence dares to hope, dares to dream. Maybe everything she feels is reciprocated even a little bit. This- with Ellie’s gentle smile and the way the streetlamp is giving her a halo and the mist that’s wrapping around the two of them- is one of those moments.
Ellie sighs heavily, cuts through her thoughts. “It’s not even like Veronica’s someone I can justifiably hate, y’know? She has to be fucking…nice, and sweet, and pretty and lovely and Little Miss Perfect. Of course Tia’s mad for her.”
“Well, you’re nice as well,” Lawrence frowns insistently. She finds herself rambling a little, clearly not as sober as she supposes the cold is rendering her. “And sweet and pretty and lovely. And perfect. Actually, not quite. C’mere.”
Lawrence beckons for Ellie to lean down, and as she does she fleetingly thinks about how easy it would be to kiss her. Too easy but too overwhelmingly difficult all at once.
Instead, Lawrence reaches her hands up to do what she’d intended, and fixes Ellie’s bow as if she’s adjusting a crown for a princess.
“There. Perfect now.”
Ellie smiles sadly at her as she straightens up, whispers a soft, resigned “thank you”. She sighs, looks plaintively up at the sky, the yellow of the streetlamp and the inky black of the vast space hanging above their heads. She pouts, deflated and defeated.
“What do I do now?”
Lawrence looks down the street, back in the direction of the flat. She could tell Ellie to give up and get over Tia. She could tell Ellie there’s someone that she knows- that they both know- that actually has a huge crush on her, she just needs to open her bloody eyes because all that fucking eyeliner’s clearly making her blind. She could tell Ellie that even the blind man’s fucking guide dog can see that Tia is hopelessly infatuated with the tiny blonde children’s storybook character she’s been making heart-eyes at for the past three months.
But Ellie’s already heartbroken enough and Lawrence is trying to make her feel better, and the antidote of heartbreak is hope. So she gives Ellie two options.
“Well. You could just carry on pinning your hopes on a girl who you’re not sure’s ever going to like you back, if you think you’ve got enough hope and optimism left in you. Or you could move on. Find the someone else out there who’ll love you for everything you are, because there is one. I know there is,” Lawrence says, omitting the fact that said person is her best friend, standing right in front of her. She smiles tightly before adding, “Your choice.”
When Lawrence realises she’s holding her breath waiting on her friend’s decision she feels even more of an idiot than she already does.
Ellie’s smile turns a little more genuine and she doesn’t even have to say anything to tell Lawrence what she’s chosen. “Well I’ve never been one to go down without a fight, you know? So…let’s just say Veronica better watch out. I’m gonna come up behind her and knock her kneecaps in to win my girl over. No matter how lovely she is.”
Lawrence shares Ellie’s giggle with a heart made of lead. She’ll keep pining, then. Keep on keeping on, keep on sharing moments with Ellie that make her day and ruin it all at once, the cause and the cure of all her mixed-up emotions. She’d rather keep her friendship with Ellie and have her heart crack just a little tiny bit every day than not have the girl in her life at all.
“Right, c’mon you. I’m freezing my not inconsiderable tits off out here,” Lawrence says decisively, if a little quietly. She wants nothing more than to drag herself back into the club and fill herself with artificial happiness, drink and listen to dance tracks about breakups with a too-fast BPM for the subject matter.
As Ellie takes her hand the split-second before she turns around, though, Lawrence’s priorities change. Her friend’s face is pleading and a little shy as she meets her eyes for a second and then snaps them to the ground.
“Can we just stay out here for a couple more minutes? Sorry,” Ellie explains. Lawrence can tell she feels silly. “I’m starting to feel better just being out here with you, so…I don’t want to go back in just yet.”
Like a complete fool, Lawrence just smiles and nods. “Of course we can.”
There’s a small silence in which Lawrence hugs herself tightly and rubs both her arms, because, well. She is freezing. She’s freezing and she wishes she had a cigarette. Ellie clearly isn’t as wrapped up in her own thoughts as she had been before because she notices her friend’s discomfort, gives a roll of her eyes which is affectionate rather than exasperated and pats the wall beside her.
“Hop up and I’ll warm you up,” she says. The jolt her words give Lawrence’s heart is what can only be described as pathetic, jump leads to a dying car.
Lawrence tries to join her on the wall, placing her palms on the bricks and making to hoist herself up. Her short stature, though, is rendering this difficult, and with each new unsuccessful attempt Ellie starts to laugh more and more until she’s doubled over, unable to breathe at Lawrence’s various attempts to sit beside her.
(Lawrence always loves making Ellie laugh whether she’s intended to or not, because it’s a way of guaranteeing that her attention is on her. The more she can make her laugh, the more of her attention she gets, so sometimes Lawrence will act up as if she’s on an episode of Live at the Apollo with an audience of one, in the world’s first romantically driven stand-up set.)
Ellie continues to laugh, finally holding a hand out for Lawrence to grab with a humoured “c’mere” to accompany it. As Lawrence grasps her hand and feels sparks fly through her bloodstream, she also clearly underestimates Ellie’s strength as she’s tugged suddenly forwards and they’re both flying onto the grass behind the wall. All at once the pair of them are reduced to bundles of giggles; legs scraping against the bricks and bodies flush against the wet grass, both of them breathless with their hands still entwined.
As their laughter dies down, there’s nothing left but their faces close together and the rise and fall of their chests and the small, dippy smile that’s still there on Ellie’s lips as she looks at her. The black of the sky and the green of the grass and the blue of her eyes, colour in absolutes. Simple, like Lawrence’s feelings are anything but.
It’s ethereal and it’s sad and Ellie will never know what it all means to her.
“I love you,” Lawrence says quietly. It’s too real and too painful and too raw to leave it like that, a plaster ripped off a cut too early. She elects to follow it up with, “Ya big bow-legged freak.”
Ellie giggles again, drunk and appeased. This is good. This is what Lawrence had wanted; to cheer her up and put that starry smile on her face on a night that’s meant to be all about her, meant to be special and magical and not the bad dream it had turned into. Lawrence has filled her head with drunk platitudes and compliments that’ve hurt too much to give. Lawrence has done the duties of a friend. She is her friend. And Ellie is happy. Lawrence can’t be sad when she’s happy.
Ellie lets go of her hand, pulls her in and hugs her. In an instant, the dewey grass seems instantly warmer. The moment is nicotine and Lawrence fills her lungs.
“I love you too, babe.”
She pretends she means it like she wants her to, and the bittersweet feeling it gives her fills her heart like tar.
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evolutionsvoid · 4 years
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I have wanted to try and draw landscapes for some time, because those are really cool but I am totally clueless of how to do so. My brilliant idea was to try and follow Bob Ross videos and paint along with him. Surely painting landscapes would help teach me the skills of how to set up such a scene and learn how to create mountains, trees and what not!
From this two hour session I learned:
- Mountains, trees, reflections and pretty much everything in a painting is made in three brush (or knife) strokes and the details appear through pure magic. (Bob, you made a photo realistic mountain range in five seconds, what the hell?!) 
- Landscape painting knowledge will not translate well into traditional drawing landscape knowledge, because you can’t drag a colored pencil down a sheet of paper and create amazing reflections (like dang those turned out great! Even with my incompetence!)
- People use oil paints for a reason (Blending is a huge component for this, and my moronic self only has acrylic)
- Bob Ross has the ability to make any idiot like myself create a passable piece of scenery (You are a legend for a reason, dear Bob!) 
It was my first time, so I am trying to not be too hard on myself for it. I want to learn so that hopefully one day I can make something that isn’t always floating in a white void. Tomorrow I will try again!
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kitty-cross · 3 years
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GISH hunt 2021 | Item #55 ↳ Car Jewelry
I was puttering way too much with these jewelries, it is a good lesson to further gishes that I should not put 2+ days into painting every each gemstone in an item like this. I mean I am proud that this is all hand painted on cardboard, but looking at other’s works it could be way easier if I don’t want to be a perfectionist idiot... and the most details can’t seen on photo, like the glitter pasta, bruh. (Okay, I know gish said no more glitter, but these all are saved paints, from the time I was working in the craft store and you can’t sell paints after their expiration date and would needed to throw away, but our boss allowed for us to get whatever we want from that pack. I had a big cardboard of “spoiled” acryl paint from there and most of those are spoiled in 2016. So literally painted from trash! XD) But my Stella is really pretty with those (she totally hates me now). *w* (Team ThePiePosse)
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Once Upon An Us - Prologue
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Name: Bella Swan
Age: 22
Nationality: British
Occupation: Website design, University degree in media
Hair: Ice blonde, thick, touches bottom of breasts, has a slight side fringe 
Skin: Pale, wears fake tan for subtle glow
Eyes: Sky-blue
Lips: Plump and naturally pouty
Body: Roughly 5”7, long legs, slim but curvy
Breasts: Perky and more than a handful but not too big
Bum: Curve in spine gives illusion there's more than there is, firm and round
Hands: Petite, long fingers, always acrylic extensions on them
Clothes: Often off the shoulder tops with a bralette underneath with a black pencil skirt with heels
Makeup: Always a cat-flick eyeliner, often gold and brown eyeshadow with nude lips, light foundation and concealer. 
Doesn’t take shit from anyone
Stands up for herself 
Argues back when feels she the need too
Not afraid of risks
Doesn’t realise her power of men
Extremely friendly and bubbly
Not great with conflict unless she's angry
Hobbies and work:
Freelance designer
Loves dogs
Loves tv-programs to distract emptiness of her apartment
Music is a huge pleasure
Taking a big bubble bath with a good book
Hoping to find love or ‘the one’
Someone who makes her laugh and smile
A pleasure to wake up too
Someone easy on the eyes, however personality trumps over appearance
Successful career, not a lay about
No preference over age, as long as they treat her right
Not a virgin
Not heavily experienced
Never been brought to an orgasm by a partner
Not embarrassed by masturbating, uses vibrators to reach a climax
‘Welcome to Pods, the new dating experience to help you find the perfect partner. We have collected your data and produced your profile, we cross match it with the others in our system to produce suitable matches for you. We take your compatibility and produce a time frame for you to spend time together. You will both reside in a pod, adjusted and adapted for your shared comfort for your time frame. The experience gives you time to see how you are compatible as a couple, facing the everyday life of living and being together. Nothing is off limits when it's come to your relationship as long as everything is consensual. When your time limit is up, you may leave the pods together or carry on with your next experience/interest. If you feel the comparability is wrong and we have made an error you are able to end the pod experience with your partner at any point. Now, go and enjoy your pod experience in finding love,”. 
Taking a deep breath you entered into your welcome pod after being debriefed by the robotic message that played on the screen. You sat nervously tapping your fingers together, waiting, knowing in a few moments time you would be greeting your first partner in your shared pod. 
You remembered the day you signed up for this experience, after seeing the successful stories of others finding their real loves with the catchphrase, “Thank you Pod, because of you we found love!”. It was something you craved for, to be loved, to be in love. Yes you were only the ripe age of 22, but seeing all your friends in absolute divine heaven with their significant others made you feel in a world of loneliness. You had never been in love or been loved, you thought you had been once but it wasn’t, it was someone being controlling and manipulating you. Breaking you down future and future until you no longer recognised the person you saw in the mirror. Being lied to about their feelings, determined to use this to get you into bed which you being so naive and young fell into, only to be dropped after like a rock into the ocean, sinking and forgotten about. That was the day you then decided your worth, not anyone else, you and only you. 
You tried dating, it wasn’t a great experience, you often found a lot of men looking for one-night stands or an affair. Something you weren't interested in, no you wanted to find a partner, someone who you would get excited to wake up to every morning and see their face. You were beginning to feel slightly hopeless until you saw the advert for Pods and that was the day you changed your love life completely. Applying online, it stated every clearly the process, that you would live with a person for a dedicated time frame based on your compatibility to give you the experience of seeing how you lived with a ‘perfect match’. Since you worked for yourself this would be easy for you as you could take your work with you and not have to worry about taking time off. It was quite an exciting feeling, thinking you might be living with a total stranger who may become your future partner, if you get a match that even is. The reviews were amazing, with over a 95% success of people finding love and pursuing a relationship with them afterwards. 
It was only a few days after applying you got a phone call saying they had found you a match and that you could begin your journey together tomorrow. They gave you a checklist of what you needed: anything for work, any hobbies and leisure activities you had, clothes for all occasions, any birth control and protection you wished to bring (although they did provide) and any personal items that you wished. The place you would be living was a ‘Pod’ which was a shared apartment, one bedroom and bathroom, an office, kitchen and living room with everything provided and customised to your lifestyles. 
You were nervous! In a day’s time you would be meeting someone with a high match to your personality and persona! Throwing everything from your wardrobe into a suitcase, you didn’t know how long you would be there for or what you might get up so best to be prepared. All your makeup went with you, this was essential. Taking your laptop and putting on top of your case, you needed this along with your client books for work. 
“Um…” You sigh and think of anything else. You throw in your favourite blanket for home comfort, along with a photo of you and your best friends to keep them with you whilst you was there. The only last thing you needed to pack was your birth control and period essentials, due to how unpredictable your period could be, you went onto the birth control pill to help you regulate and monitor them properly. With everything packed you take a final scan but nothing screamed out to you. 
Sitting on your bed you take out your phone and ring your best friend, Rose. She knew all about your application and demanded as soon as you heard back you told her.
“Hey, Rose, no girl guess what!” You smile down the phone.
“You finally got some?” You knew she had a smug grin on her face.
“No you perv! I have a match!” You squeal and so does she.
“Tell me everything!”.
“I leave tomorrow,”.
“No way, how long for?”.
“I don’t know…”.
“Oh okay, so the guy, come on!”.
“I don’t know anything,” You chuckle, “They keep everything secret until your in the pod with them, I guess it’s to stop anyone searching and find anything out maybe?”.
“But, I want to know who you're going to be with,” You can tell she's pouting, “What if he’s the one and your gone for like a year and I never seen you again”. 
You can’t help but snort with laughter.
“Rose, no, it doesn’t work like that. I can still leave the pod and do my normal life, I just live their with him instead, I can still see you, you silly sod,”.
“Well I wish you the ultimate happiness on your road to love and hope you don’t forget me, I’ll be over to visit you, we can have a girls night maybe?”.
“I would love to have you over! Maybe wait and let me see what he’s like first? I mean it goes bad. I am able to leave at any time so,” You let out a light sigh, “But let's hope it’s all good”.
“Any man would be an idiot not to want you, especially living with your sexy ass,”.
“I love you, you know if you and Brad ever break up I’m first in line to get in your bed right,” You tease, flirty banter with your best friend, is anything better?
“Yeah, well watch it you! Don’t be-coming back pregnant you hear me, I’m too young to be called Aunty Rose,” She laughs, making your face go red.
“I’m not going to get pregnant, don’t be so stupid!”.
“Babe I’m being serious for a moment, don’t hold yourself back with this guy, if it feels right and you know you want some good slap and tickle, go for it,” You can't help but burst out laughing at her words, “Bella I’m serious!”.
“God I’m sorry but slap and tickle, you sound like my grandparents, please never say that phrase again,”.
“Okay, okay, it was kind of awful wasn’t it, but I’m serious, don’t hold back and let you enjoy yourself,”. 
“I know, I’m just going to roll with it all, but look I need to go, I got to prep for tomorrow!”.
“Keep me update, I love you!”.
“I love you too!”.
“Oh and Bella!” You were just about to press to end the call, “If he’s fit send me some pics yeah”. You end the call, unable to contain your laughter, knowing she was serious. 
You spent that night prepping, doing your hair, nails, shaving and tanning, you wanted to look your best for tomorrow. It was a pleasant sleep until you woke up in the morning, nerves and anxiety riddled you as you began to realise this is the last night you would wake up in your apartment until who knows when. What would he be like? Who even is he? Thousands of questions flood your head as you prepared to get to leave, on the way to find one of ‘your perfect matches’. 
“Miss.Swan?” A friendly voice asks and you look up to a woman in a white lab coat, “Hi, I’m Daisy, your partner is just being briefed as you had moments go, so if you’ll follow me,”. You nervously find your feet, feeling the bubble of anxiety begin to rise in your stomach. You follow her silently as she leads you down a corridor and to an outdoor area. It’s a huge field, with pods dotted about all over it, a road connecting them all together.
“So this is you, number 35,” She smiles after leading you up a pathway to a wooden log pod, it was beautiful.
“Thank you, is… is my partner?” You ask, accepting the key off her.
“No, your partner will be with you briefly, we wanted to give you a moment to settle in and explore, read over his portfolio before you meet,” She smiles sweetly, “Right, so that's all now, remember anything you need just press the pod app on your phone,”. With that she turns on her heel and you take a deep, nervous breath before unlocking the door. Inside it was stunning, it was nothing like you expedited. An open plan living room with kitchen area, sophisticated but also homely furniture filled the room with a corridor which you presumed led to the bedroom, bathroom and office area. You kick off your shoes and walk barefooted across the wooden floor exploring, you open the bedroom to see one double bed, a slight blush hinting over your face. You see your suitcase at the foot of bed along with a sleek black one, the realisation of this happening starting to kick and made you feel more nervous than before. Walking back to the living room and sitting on the sofa you see the folder on the table.
Taking a deep breath, you pull the folder onto your lap to review your match.
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brokendevilwrites · 6 years
How would Lexa and Costia react if some hot chick ahem Luna? Hits on Clarke?
That ask about Luna hitting on Clarke was about Popular Lexa Nerd Clarke fic
I think I’ve had an ask like this before and I’ve mentioned being reluctant to write anything because of how people react to second person. However, I’ve just been given a full week leave from work (fully-paid) so I’ma do a thing. 
Probably not what you meant when you asked for this but...
“Did you hear about your girlfriend?”
The question seems to come out of nowhere and Lexa tenses her jaw, not particularly in the mood to throw Costia across the computer lab when she’s so close to finishing this lesson. Detention isn’t exactly something that scares her; having to explain getting a detention to Clarke is a whole other story though and she breathes deeply in an attempt to stay calm.
“Costia, I’m going to suggest you think about your words before you say them. I know it’s a difficult concept for your tiny brain to understand but thinking before you speak is really important to a functioning society.” 
“Yeah, and so is free speech,” Costia dismisses, her long hair drifting around her shoulders as she takes a seat next to Lexa. “Luna Murray is making moves on your girl. From what I’ve seen she’s kind of into it.” 
The obsession Costia seems to have with Clarke is unnerving but Lexa ignores it, determined to not get into trouble this week because of one girl and her gaping mouth. Part of her misses Costia sometimes; a small part that longs from the friendship she once had with her at the start of high school. When she was actually relatable. 
“Okay. Why are you telling me this?” 
“Because you seem to have forgotten, in this desperate attempt at a relationship, that we’re friends Lexa,” she breathes softly and Lexa stops typing to stare at the screen in front of her, annoyance on her face palpable to anyone walking past. “I thought you should know. Your girl might be an utter mistake to humanity but she seems to be a target for anything sapphic. You might want to keep an eye on that.” 
“Why? Do you want her or something?” Her jaw clicks at the end of her question but all it seems to do is make Costia chuckle to herself. 
The girl puts her hands on the chair arms, lifting herself up, before she pauses and looks down for a long second. “Or something,” she says dryly. By the time Lexa reacts she’s gone. 
Images play in her head all day. Clarke talking to this Luna girl, a girl that Lexa doesn’t particularly know but, it seems, the entire school does. Stories range from her being an heiress to her being a model follow her around all day and Lexa racks her brain trying to work out how she doesn’t know this girl, how she’s managed to pass by her. 
“She started last week,” Lincoln provides unhelpfully, the ball in his protein shake making an irritating clicking noise as he shakes it during lunch. “Don’t really know much about her. She’s awesome at art though; her realism sketches are beyond talented.”
Lexa hums and watches the room for a few minutes. One of the downfalls of being so insanely focused on Clarke is that her attention to detail has waned, she doesn’t know her people as well. “What does she look like?”
“Octavia, chill,” Lincoln laughs but he doesn’t deny that which only annoys Lexa further. “She’s nice. Why are you asking?”
With timing as great as hers, Lexa isn’t surprised that Costia works her way into her line of view at the same time that Lincoln asks. There’s a smirk on her face but for the first time in a while it isn’t directed at Lexa though that doesn’t help her irritation. 
“Ah,” Octavia hums at as Lexa turns to look at her she only looks smug. “Jealous Bitch of the West has reared her perma-dyed head then?”
“Costia. She’s trying to get under your skin and it’s clearly working,” the girl explains, her words slow like Lexa is an idiot. “We all figured she’d be over you by now but you must be one hell of a lay.” 
Green eyes narrow in annoyance but she doesn’t reply because there’s no point really. Clarke has mentioned a few times about Costia being jealous but the conversation never leads anywhere because there’s no point in in; Costia being jealous of their relationship puts zero strain on it so they give it zero attention. 
Lexa can see how easy it is to be a jealous person. Even if she claims she isn’t. 
Clarke looks ridiculous and Lexa is no help at all, amusement coating her features as Clarke waddles from the art building with supplies in either hand. She’d help but there’s a girl next to her holding some of her belongings and Lexa takes a few seconds to scope out the newcomer, eyes taking in full hips and her wide smile. 
She’s hot.
Damn it. 
“Why did I ever want to be an artist?” Clarke moans as she reaches Lexa, her bottom lip protruding dramatically and Lexa can do nothing but gather the girl into her arms. There’s a wet sensation on her bicep that she just knows is acrylic paint but that disappears as soon as she presses her lips to the crown of Clarke’s head. 
“Because you’re a bohemian at heart,” Lexa shrugs, her attention turning to the girl next to her. She already knows who she is but that doesn’t stop her from remaining as close to Clarke as she can, despite the shuffling of the blonde as she works to put her supplies in the car. “I’m Lexa. Clarke’s girlfriend.” 
“Luna. It’s good to finally put a face to the numerous texts blowing up Clarke’s phone,” she says with a smile and Lexa almost scowls at the way even her voice is attractive. “You certainly live up to everything she’s said about you.” 
She doesn’t know what that means but there’s a cute blush on Clarke’s cheeks that kind of gives her away. “Nothing compared to her,” she shrugs and Luna raises an eyebrow like she doesn’t quite believe her. “Are you ready to go?”
Clarke nods as she links her arm through Lexa’s, a little shiver running through them both at the first real contact all day, and she smiles at Luna. “Will I see you tomorrow?” 
“Oh, I hope so,” Luna drawls and a red heat flashes inside of Lexa, surprising her at it’s intensity. She’s never been jealous before, not really. She’s been salty when it’s come to Bellamy and she’s aware of how people look at Clarke sometimes, but she’s never been possessive, and the attitude shocks her enough that she doesn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Luna as she leaves. 
It’s not until they’re in the car that they speak again. “I like her,” Clarke tells her softly, hair falling into her eyes as she buckles her seat belt. “She’s nice.”
“She’s into you.”
That stops Lexa’s rampage in it’s tracks. A soft little ‘so?’ that completely calms her down almost immediately. “You don’t care? How did you even know?”
“She asked me if I was single,” Clarke shrugs, her tone kissed with amusement. “She didn’t make a song and dance about it unlike someone else that I know.” 
“I told her I was in a relationship with you. You trust me, don’t you?”
At that, Lexa shrinks. She trusts Clarke more than anyone that’s ever laid a foot on the Earth. But still...
“Lexa, you can’t stop people finding me attractive or wanting to date me. Just like I can’t stop the football team staring at you or Costia constantly tripping over her tongue when you walk by,” she continues and Lexa kind of hates how good Clarke is at this. Freaking debate team champion. “You just have to trust that I’ll make good choices in the friends I choose to hang around with and that I’d never do anything to hurt you.”
“Okay but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Aren’t you the one who constantly states how hot I am?”
Damn logic queen. “I mean, yeah.”
“Baby, I only want you. I can’t believe this is a conversation I have to have with you.” 
She’s right. Lexa knows she’s right. But she’s never been in a position before where she can lose something, someone, and it’s scary. She knows girls like Luna--she was a girl like Luna. 
“I’m sorry,” she shrugs, her eyes casting down to the wheel. “You make me feel things I’m not totally used to.”
“Don’t say sorry for feeling the things you feel,” Clarke replies easily. “I get jealous too. And scared. Nervous. You make me feel every emotion, isn’t that the point?” 
It kind of is, Lexa thinks as their lips meet in a gentle kiss she’s been craving all day.
Desire. Love. Excitement. Nerves. 
It overflows her from one small kiss and God she wouldn’t have it any other way. Luna can flirt and smile and come from the Royal Family for all Lexa cares, she’ll never have what she has right now and that’s all she really cares about.
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davidsilvercloud · 7 years
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Terry David “Butch/Butch Naked” Silvercloud
“Step aside!  I shall perform the necessary heroics”  Comic Book Guy/The Simpsons
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T. S. Eliot
13 Million photo views, to date at http://ButchNaked.com.  Thank you.  At this time I’m getting about 200,000 photo views a week these days.
Again… thanks for the visits.
TELL EVERYONE.  Free photo downloads at http://BUTCHNAKED.COM
ButchNaked.com is hosted at: http://Flickr.com/David_Silvercloud
“That’s a great title.  It jumps out at you like a rat in your underwear drawer”   Moe Sizlack/The Simpsons
My homepage is http://ButchBoard.com ButchBoard will be maintained while I'm still above ground.  I'm 73 now. I’m not your average blade of grass.
“I’ve come to hate my own creation.  Now I know how God feels.”  Homer Simpson
Now keep reading.
Be Prepared... Naloxone Training and Kits, British Columbia.  Free. Free is a very good price.
Wednesday 27 Dec. 2017  The days are becoming longer, again.  Hooray.  I really dislike the very short days of winter.  Grey, cool and damp with light raindrops and snow flurries.  I got a lot of painting done, taking it light on exercises... my hips are hurting so I'm taking a sit up break and doing toe touching.
The end of another year.  Time to reflect and make plans for the coming year.  I've been doing the nude selfies for 3 years, now.  It was meant to be a one year project but I've been exercising more since I began pain management and hormone replacement.  I was feeling pretty crappy back in 2012 but, finally, found some good doctors and a good family doctor who had a hunch what my problem was and, now, I'm in hormone replacement therapy.
I hurt a lot but have learned to live with my aches.  They are under control about 2/3 of the time and the rest I've had to adjust to as part of my life.  Being old sucks.
So... still not sure what the coming year will be.  I am a year behind on my painting projects.  They were supposed to have been completed a year ago.  Oh well.  The good part is I've gotten a lot better at the painting thing and have developed a style quite my own.  Woohoo... or something.
As for the naked selfies?  Who knew so many people would want to see a naked old man?  Well, I have no shame and, if you wish to see my balls, it's OK with me.  I am, however, getting close to finishing the landscape painting project... over 25 landscapes in acrylic paint.  I have a large number of oil painting not completed and a large acrylic male nude to complete.  I want to put my energy into my paintings and making more podcast style videos.  I have an excellent theory about the cause of the Speed of Light that I want to spread around. (http://ElectronSpeed.Tumblr.com)
I'm trying, as best I can, to stay in shape so I'll continue to record my naked body but will, likely, not attempt to make it a daily thing.  I'm already OCD and changing my habits is hard once I get into something.  It takes time to upload photos and videos, so I plan to keep doing it but, more likely, every several days, or weekly.  Weekly would be best, I think.  I'll work it out over the next few days.  I want to do more video stuff... it's time consuming.
Anyhow, it's the end of 2017.  Can't believe I'm still alive.
FREE SPEECH is becoming an endangered subject.  It's becoming like a Henry Ford Model T.  You can have any colour you want so long as it's black.
Universities, those cash gouging institutions of poor learning try, not only, to crank more and more idiots through a course of meaningless shit for a meaningless degree taught by teachers who know little, they have become forces against progress and learning.  If you don't have a PhD, your degree didn't teach you very much and you likely forgot most of what you learned.  
If you have a Bachelor's degree, and nothing more, you blew your cash to bribe your way into a job you are likely not qualified for, anyway.  I have zero respect for a Bachelor of Arts degree... none.  You're not qualified for anything, at all.  You, likely, would fail a good grammar exam because your command of English is so poor.  I expect you know nothing much about anything.  You, likely, have poor math skills and know nothing of history, at all.  NADA.  Our educational system is in need of a complete overhaul.
There is no reason, at all, why every grade of school should not be online, 24 hours a day... every course, every subject, available to everyone, 24 hours a day... at home.  It would be constantly updated and improved with new knowledge.  Teachers who don't know much of their subject would become obsolete, rather quickly.  The only requirement to get a degree would be to pass a set of exams set by government.  Prove your identity, do the exams, and you're in.  Anyone, anywhere, could have an education in every grade and subject.  Schools, as we know them would become obsolete.
Now, if anyone has an opinion outside of the common thought, one is a heretic likely to lose one's job and position.  Universities bar speakers with opinions not shared by the common idiots.  We live in a world with no child left behind, everyone is as qualified as everyone else and everyone is a hero.  I so hate this world I, quite truly, look forward to being dead.  Seriously... I hate this planet and wish I had never been born into it.  I'm trying, my best, to save your idiot asses from a horrific future that is coming to this sick, sick, sick, sick planet.
I don't have the answers as to how to save the planet.  I expect nature to take its course and the bulk of the planet to die off, very soon.  We have terrible leaders and a hopeless population.  A benevolent dictatorship is the only way to rule this barbaric rock of a planet.
The problem is finding leaders who are qualified to rule.  The Chinese seem to be evolving into the future power on the planet.  I expect the Chinese will take over the planet.  They are totally ruthless and have no morals of any kind.
I said it, I mean it.  Oh?  You don't like my opinion?  Well, fuck you asshole.  I've tried 'nice'.  Nice does not work.  Have you ever noticed how con artists are all buddy buddy when they meet you?  All smiles and acting like your long lost friend?  It all goes well until you don't play along then it's "fuck you".  I try to be  nice to everyone and am not likely to make friends with anyone.  I don't trust humans one little bit.  You will have to prove yourself to me and I don't wait up.
"My little Eric can be, sometimes, a bit dramatic"  Eric Cartman's Mother/South Park
“it’s time to go home.  The insurance company said you’re as well as they’re going to pay for” Doctor Hibbert/The Simpsons
"He who controls the stuffing, controls the Universe."  Alien Pilgrim transported through a worm hole to Earth/South Park.
"People who have never seen a movie say it's a great movie"  Apu/The Simpsons
"There is no God, Ned.  It's just an empty meaningless void"  Maude Flanders' ghost/The Simpsons
I repeat myself, a lot, because I know humans are really bad at paying attention, and understanding much of anything they read.  Quite, bluntly, I consider most humans to be walking, talking idiots.  I'm doing as best I know how to save you from your stupidity.
I’m a bit OCD and ADHD and go on, and on, like a dripping tap.  Think Sheldon Cooper, if that rings some kind of bell.  I gather it’s some kind of need I have to be, constantly, in complete control of everything.  I quite simply assume everyone around me is a complete idiot.  The humans aren’t doing a very good job of convincing me otherwise.  You must prove yourself to me.  Seriously, I mean it.  I expect to be disappointed.   Show me what you’ve got and back it up with proof.
http://DavidSilvercloud.com (Blog)    (http://David_Silvercloud.Tumblr.com)
http://ButchNews.com (Video)     (http://YouTube.com/ButchNews)
http://ButchNaked.com (Photo Stream)    (http://Flickr.com/David_Silvercloud)
http://SeriousThunder.com (Art)
http://ElectronSpeed.Tumblr.com     The Electron sets the speed of light… yup.  Physics… The Speed of Light, Grand Unified Theory, Gravity, Dark Matter, Dark Energy… how the physical size of the Electron is the clock that sets the speed of light.  Gravity is motion and a product of the fact that nothing ever sits still, combined with the magnetic properties of Dark Matter/Energy.  Nothing can ever move in an absolute circle and rest is a relativity illusion.
The ENTIRE universe is based upon a simple fact... it must have TWO parts.  It can not be otherwise and is impossible to be otherwise.  This is because of what a physicist calls "spin".
If you had only one substance to make the universe with and it could be broken down to as small as it needed to be at any time... i.e. it could be so small it barely exists, at all, there will STILL be TWO different types... that is because one can choose to spin LEFT or RIGHT in space.  Even turning yourself upside down will not change that fact because there is no up, nor down, in space.
The fact that everything SOLID must have spin, either left or right, introduces opposite forces.  Things which spin the SAME way repel each other, those that spin the OPPOSITE way attract each other... clumping begins and so does a universe.  Another thing comes into being... what we term magnetism.  There MUST be opposite POLES... magnetism comes into being with spin.  Spin creates opposites, including North/South polarity.  In Atoms, any atom that isn't in balance... has an equal number of left and right spinning Electrons, will be affected by magnetism... and radio waves.
Absolute rest is not possible… ever.  For instance, the Sun and planets are moving around the Milky Way at about 230Km/S and the Milky way is moving through space about 400-600 Kilometres per second.  Nothing ever goes backwards, nothing ever travels in a circle.
The universe can not end.  Time is change and is an illusion.  Time is entirely relative to how large/small something is.  If you are an Electron of less than 1/1,000,000,000,000,000th of a metre, in size, one second is a VERY, VERY, VERY, long time.  One foot is a VERY, VERY, VERY long distance to an Electron.  Light travel just less than ONE FOOT in a billionth of a second.  Time awareness is entirely dependent on how large something is.  The Milky Way requires over 150 million light years to exist... it is HERE and THERE, at the same time... a single entity that requires over 150 million light years to cross... or how an Electron views a distance of several feet.
It is always now, everywhere, all at once, all of the time. Proof of that is that ANY object MUST be HERE and THERE at the SAME time, no matter how large… even a Galaxy.  It is always NOW on both sides… here and there, in space,  of the Galaxy… all galaxies, everywhere.  Waves can be either physical or electronic.  The duality of the universe keeps it ongoing.  DNA is the battery of life.  When the chains can no longer co-operate, life ceases in the body.  Life, itself, is a duality.  Time measurement is a relativity convenience.)  Time travel is impossible because time is not a place and nothing stays where it was.  One year from now the Solar System will have moved about seven BILLION kilometres through space and will NEVER return to where it was… ever.
Earth travels through space like a long wave… it has NEVER, ever made an actual circle, nor ellipse, in space.  The circle/ellipse is an illusion of relativity.  Nothing can ever travel in an actual circle in space… NOTHING.  Nothing can ever go backward.  Backwards motion is an illusion of relativity.  Time is a repercussion of change and has no fixed rate… things explode or move like a glacier.  At best we can only compare rates of change.  Our rate of change is called the second/minute/hour/day/month/year system.
Earth moves about 7 billion kilometers through space, each year… in a long wave.  Earth NEVER returns to where it was before.  Earth is NOT an island in space… one of the reasons why time travel is impossible.  If you take a trip through space, outside the Solar System, Earth will NOT be there when you return… it will be far, far away.  You will have to return to where it will BE when you arrive… remember, it’s moving very, very, very fast through space in a long wave… never a circle, or ellipse.
http://The-Shape-Of-God.Tumbler.com   Manuscript of my book… The Shape of God.
Butch, himself.  Visual Artist, Photographer, Physicist (Particle, Sub/Atomic Physics/Relativity)
Inhibitions are just so inhibiting, I avoid them.
I’m a friendly, but pretty blunt, kind of guy.  No time for beating around the bush.  I like to say what I mean and mean what I say.  I’m 73 years old.  Time is not on my side.  You don’t have to like me.  I’m a social recluse, anyway.  I share my life, in photos, video, and words, to let you into my life and hope to inspire you to be a productive and useful human.  I have old age issues but will continue to post, here, while I’m well and able.  I talk a lot… I’m told it’s part of my OCD and ADHD.  Come direct at http://ButchNaked.com  Sign in if you wish to see me naked.
If you don’t know me, the following might help you get to know what kind of person I am.  I don’t expect you to understand me.  I can be a bit OCD and ADHD.
“They’ve already got more blowjobs than we’ll ever get”  Steve Smith (American Dad), talking about college jocks.
“Now let us touch testicles and mate for life”  Alien on The Simpsons
“It never hurts to have a second set of prints on a gun”  Nelson Muntz, The Simpsons.
I’m here to teach you things.  While I appreciate other people’s opinions, I really don’t much give a crap what anyone thinks.  Until you prove your worth, I will be nice but you have to earn my respect. The moment you say a word, I’ll be figuring you out really, really fast.  You should assume that I don’t trust anyone.  I’ve not met a single trustworthy person in my entire life.  I’ve met lots of nice people who aren’t too bright… well-intentioned folk who know little about anything, people who are nice, most of the time until you say something that offends them.  Honourable people agree to disagree.
Look up the phrase “CRITICAL THINKING” then learn to practice it.  Most people leap before they look and judge before they listen to the facts.  Most don’t have enough knowledge, nor experience, to be experts in much of anything.  You don’t know what you don’t know.  I like to remind you of that, often.
The only other REALLY IMPORTANT thing to know about me is that I, totally, despise all religions, the teaching of religion, and religious institutions… I despise them as the evilest things on the planet.  If you follow a religion, you CAN NOT BE MY FRIEND.   THAT’S THAT.  You are an ignorant idiot who is an ever-present danger to yourself and everyone and everything around you.  Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, is eviler than religion.  I don’t stand for, nor sing, our National Anthem because it praises a fictitious and superstitious being called ‘God’.  Only a brain dead moron bonehead ignorant idiot would believe such a thing.
If you have a religion, I will not associate with you… period.  You are a danger to be around.  Yes, I insult religions… they are extraordinarily evil.  I said it, I mean it.  You have a right to be an idiot, but not around me.  I have a right to defend myself against the horrors of religion and I will.  Religion is evil.  People who are into religion are, either, brainwashed or extraordinarily ignorant, not very intelligent, a danger to themselves and everyone around them, and must be avoided.  I can’t say it enough times.  If you have a religion you are brainwashed or too fucking stupid to associate with.  Brainwashed, or stupid… either way you are too dangerous to be around.  Religion is the number one problem in the world.
I keep a homepage at http://ButchBoard.com
My main video page is http://YouTube.com/ButchNews   go direct at http://ButchNews.com
You may come directly to my photostream at http://ButchNaked.com You may download and share nude photos of me… go nuts.
I have zero inhibitions about nudity and sex.  You must sign in to see me naked.  I talk, openly, about sex.  You may download and share nude photos of me… go nuts.
"Wow!  THAT had what I really like in a story... an ending."  Homer Simpson.
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slythmyth · 6 years
Expect The unexpected
Chapter 2 Expect the unexpected
Warning: Fluff, Strong language but just sometimes.
Reader x Taehyung
Picture is not mine!*
Once you’ve met someone you never really forget them
It was the 1st January 2019, 11 am to be exactly. You’ve never had such an hangover before. Your head is aching and you have a strange feeling in your stomach.„ wait what happened at the party? “ you asked yourself. It didn’t matter how much effort you put into remember what happened you just simply couldn’t remember except a beautiful boxy smile.
You stood up and tried to walk to your guests room where your bestie was sleeping. You stepped inside and watched her slowly waking up.„Did you sleep well (Y/bfs/N)?” „yeah kinda i had a strange dream, don’t ask me what about.” you sat right next to her and wondered if she could remember what happened.
„do you remember what happened yesterday i cant remember a single thing!” „well” said you bestie with eyes wide glued at the ceiling„ I danced with the hottest guy in the whole club!, we talked for kinda 10 min about his career and hobbies, we had shots, danced like wild and you-“„Me what?” you said with curious voice. „nothing I thought i could remember something but i just can remember what i was doing but not 100%.” your eyes saddened and your head looked on the floor. You thought that your bestie could help you remember that guy from the party but without any success. Your bestie looked at you and saw your disappointment. „But “ she started„ I think i can remember something, yeah i think my hook up and your mystery man know each-other, ergo they must be friends you know what that means noona?” „ That you will never learn that you cant call me noona?” you said with a sarcastic smile. „No stupid, it means if i can remember the name of my hook up we surly are going to find out the name of your mystery man!” she said with a proud smile. You first looked ar her with a disbelief in your expression but after thinking about it you start to believe that idea. it’s just logical but you know your best friend that if she wants something unconditionally, she gets it, but wait she cant even remember what she said 10 mins ago? how is she going to try remember a name, while she was drunk? „sweetie dont worry i got this” said (Y/Bfs/N) with a confident smile. 30 min after talking you walked to the bathroom, took your clothes off and started to pour water in the bathtub. You took your favorite scent vanilla and pour it in. You set in and put on some music. Moments after you relaxed, your best friend ran into the bathroom with her hands on her head grabbing her hair.„NOONA omg I remember something!” „CANT THAT WAIT PLS? FOR GODS SAKE!” you said while trying to cover yourself.„No cause I remember some names and i will forget them if i don’t tell you now!”you knew it was important so u said:„alright turn around cover your eyes and give me the towel and tell me.” „alright, so what I can remember is someone’s name was sugar i guess? and then Cookie, hope, jimmy, tea, worldwide something and something with monster. I’m 100% sure that my hook up was the monster but he told me his real name but i kinda stuck with Moon and joon something in between but i lend him my phone, i dont even know why!”You looked at her with a confused glance and said: "wait he used ur phone??? GO AND GET IT HURRY! “ „why whats the matter?” asked your now confused friend. „idiot he could’ve gave you his number or he took a picture now go and get that damn thing already !” your best friend rushed to her room and searched for her phone after finally getting it she couldn’t believe her eyes when she unlocked her phone. She found a blurry picture of herself with her hook up but she couldn’t recognize him. You run with your towel around yourself towards her.„And??? did u find something suspicious?” „well yeah this strange picture and well a unknown number on whatsapp wait a sec the initials are RM" Said (Y/bfs/N) with shocked face.„ I guess we found your hook up, write him something” you said nervous cause it was the only way to find that mysterious man from last night. So (Y/bfs/N) wrote a simply : Hey are you that guy from the new years eve party?”You both waited and waited for so long that you couldn’t wait any longer. „You now what crazy is when you have a simply 1 % chance to find maybe the love of your life with the help of a total stranger who maybe don’t even know him...” you said with all lost of hope. „wait noona he will write back i know it! HE WILL”
You put on your black ripped jeans, with your black low vans, and oversized wine red hoodie and walked to your closet where your black jeans jacked was hanging. „ I will never find him, sooner or later i’m going to forget him anyway so who cares.” „where you going?” asked your bestie while starring at her phone. „I’ll need some fresh air that’s all, be right back bye.”
You walked out of your house heading to the city. It was cold and yet the sun was shining. You needed something to eat and get yourself some coffee, so you decided to enter the Starbucks coffee shop. You ordered a english breakfast with a latte macchiato for on the way. You sat down on a settle and ate your little breakfast as soon as you finished you stood up and walked along the streets. You saw a Shop for Artists, they sell utensils for paintings you didn’t know what it was but you had a strange feeling that you needed to enter this shop, as your life would depend on it. Your heart started to race as you would know that something or someone was in there.„Strange maybe i see something i need too finish my drawing at home.” you said yourself. As you entered the shop a familiar smell of paint got into your nose, kinda feels like home. You walked up to the acrylic colors and crash into someone who was taller then you. „oh i’m sorry my bad, here let me help you!” said the stranger lending you his hand. „this voice wait it sounds familiar to me.” You thought yourself right after that you looked up to him he had a kind smile on his face and honey tanned skin with a black headband, black jeans and black long sleeved shirt.
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„No it was my fault, should’ve watched my steps.” He disagreed and helped you to grab all your stuff that fell on the ground.„Thank you..-“ „V” he replied fast.„V? wait that actually can’t be your full name.” you said with a suspicious look. „yeah you right it’s not my real name but you could not pronounce it.” he replied with a smirk.„ oh yeah let me try it then.” He took a piece of paper and wrote his name down so you could pronounce it.„Kim Taehyung, what a beautiful name.” He looked at you with a very surprised face and said:„ well thank you but wow you could pronounce it perfectly, what’s your name?” „Y/N Y/L but I know that’s going to sound a bit weird but did we’ve met before?”„ actually we did at the party you remember?” „well now as you mentioned it yeah the only thing i could truly remember was that beautiful boxy smile.” As soon as you said those words you started to realize what you’ve just said and started to blush but you weren’t the only one. Taehyung touched his neck and looked on the floor while blushing like a little shy boy. You both talked for hours and drank hot chocolate in the Artist shop. You talked about so much that you didn’t realize it was almost 4 o’clock, you’ve spend almost 4 hours just talking with him. You phone buzzed multiple times so you looked at it and saw the 20 missed calls of your best friend it must be very important if she calls so much times. „Is everything okey?” Tae asked. „yeah it’s just my best friend called me multiple times and i’m worrying right know that something might happened.” he put his hand on yours and told you that you should go home and look after her. as soons as you agreed you both stood up put on your jackets and walked to the exit as Tae paid both hot chocolates. You both stared at each other like it could last forever and walked to the bus station. „It was very fun to see you again i wouldn’t mind if we can meet each-other like that again what do you think?” You couldn’t believe what you just have heard you felt a strange but familiar feeling in your stomach. „Of course we can i would love to” shortly after that he gave u a hug and before you could even react to it you noticed the bus that was waiting for you to enter. „I need to goo, thank you Taehyung for this amazing day I’ve never had so much fun in a long time!” Before he could even respond and ask your number you got pushed in by other passengers that almost missed the bus. He waved goodbye and said to himself:„No Y/N i thank you that we’ve met each other.”
You just have arrived at home and as soon you opened your door (Y/Bfs/N) stood in-front of you with wide eyes. „Noona omg you finally here RM wrote me back and thats not his real name btw its Rap Monster well actually its Namjoon but anyway you never going to believe me what i’m going to say to you.”
You rushed upstairs with your bestie put on some comfy clothes and sat on your bed.
„It doesn’t matter what it is I have something better so-“ „NO NOONA YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!” you looked at her tried to calm her down. “Look Y/N remember yesterday at the bus station we saw the 7 handsome men dancing on the tv?” you nodded.„well guess Rm is that guy from that BTS video, the one with the greenish hair and he knows the name of your mystery man it is V-“ „Taehyung” you said sharply after her. „Taehyung?” you bestie said with confused look. „Yeah V is just a nickname and Guess what i met him at the artist store today! we talked and drank Chocolate, wow why didn’t I recognize him when I saw him at the party?”
„Anyway he send me that picture just 5 min ago and look its your boy V.” You took your besties phone and couldn’t believe what you saw. It’s him.„Okey Namjoon invited me to a concert of them and he said I could bring someone with me that means you could see V again! isn’t that nice?! “ „Thats great cause I don’t have his number and its better if you wouldn’t ask RM cause i think its better that way.” you said with a smirk on your face.
RM continued to write the date of the concert and all the infos. You were laying on your bed an thought about the amazing day, You knew from the beginning that you would see him again even if you weren’t 100% sure. „Maybe we really never forget someone after we’ve met once.” Afterwards you fall in a deep sleep and dreamed about V.
That was Chapter 2 Hope you liked it!
Chapter 3 Idol
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doktorcrimson · 7 years
I still can’t believe I fucking got into med school
In my previous post I mentioned I got accepted into medical school, and damn I still can’t believe that happened (  ゚Д゚)
I was looking at American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) data sheets earlier and HOLY COW I can’t believe how lucky I am to even be offered an acceptance! Not to mention that I got into one of my top choices, a wonderful school with excellent academic programs and diverse patient populations. I am truly grateful to be in this position and so proud of myself...
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Keep reading if you don’t mind me rambling.
Just to give a rough idea how competitive MD programs are in the US. There are roughly 150 accredited MD schools total. Usually a school receives a few thousand applications per year. Some schools may receive 10k+. Schools only accept enough to fill a class of about 100 students (some schools accept more, some schools accept less). That means the average acceptance rate for med school is about 5%. If you compare this to applying to college, you are literally applying to Harvard everywhere.... Out of 53042 applicants total in the US, only 21030 get accepted somewhere. That means 60% of applicants don’t get in anywhere every year, and that’s quite scary.
I had no fucking idea if I would get in or not. Like many have said, this process is literally a crapshoot (;o;)
The school I will be attending this fall had about 8k+ applications total. They only accept enough to fill a class of roughly less than 200 students. That’s a little more than 2% of all applicants for this school....
HOW THE FUCK DID I BECOME THE 2%??? Like I checked the facebook page for my class and I saw people who went to college at Harvard, UPenn, Princeton etc.?
I guess hard work does pay off and I’m not too dumb haha (゚∀゚ノ)ノ
So lemme talk about my application process last year. There’s a forum called Student Doctor Network (SDN) that I usually go to for resources applying to med school. People who post there are typically higher achievers compared to average applicants. When I was on the waitlist, seeing people getting multiple acceptances and even having the luxury to decide between school A vs. B really got me at the low point. 
I submitted 26-27 primaries back in July but ended up only being complete at 23 schools due to budget. Unlike some superstar applicants I didn’t get an early interview in August/September nor did I get an outright acceptance mid-October. My first interview came from my state school in October and I got my second interview in November. Normally my state school would be my best bet in getting into medical school since they have an in-state preference. However, my state school interview resulted in a rejection right before my second interview (like the decision was made literally a week before). 
I cried like an idiot that day and the following day. I didn’t want to tell anyone and I thought getting into med school was over for me. I got rejected by my state school, the school with the highest probability of being accepted at all. How am I supposed to get in a school that is ranked much better and more competitive than my state school? Honestly, I fucked up that interview myself and I knew what I did wrong (I regretted it right after I did it). I walked out of that interview feeling rather miserable and uncertain. Also part of it was because I was inexperienced and probably should’ve prepared more for my first interview. But still, it hurt, and it hurt a lot. Even today whenever I think about it, it’ll always an opportunity I missed. If I did get accepted to my state school, things would be very different right now.
I was lost. I finally decided to tell only one person, my good senpai and friend, who also happened to be an MD-PhD student. He told me to do a mock interview if possible. So I did it, got some feedback. Didn’t feel like I’ve improved much but more practice is always better. I went to my second interview with a much-relaxed attitude. My second interview was at the school that eventually accepted me and was the 2nd or 3rd school I wanted to go to out of my top choices (my #1 choice rejected me pre-interview haha). It felt really different than my first interview. I actually liked the school better despite I didn’t know anyone in the area nor did I have many ties to the school. I could tell my conversation between me and my interviewer was much better than my first interview. He even asked me about my art and con experiences, which probably had some influence in getting me an acceptance. I drew him a little sketch doodle with a person sitting in a coffee mug at the end of my interview. I walked out feeling confident, and the rest of the interviews I attended never gave me that same feeling.  
It then became a long wait until February when I finally received more interviews. But then again it was late in the cycle, I didn’t have much hope getting into those schools. I was placed on the supposedly high priority waitlist from the 2nd school I interviewed at the same month. After attending those other interviews, I knew the 2nd school, one of my top choices out of all schools, would be my best bet getting in at that point. With the help of a friend editing, I submitted an update letter within the same day I received the wait list status.
It was then another long wait. After May 1st med school traffic day, I was anxiously waiting for waitlist movements. A batch of waitlist acceptances had gone out the first week for the 2nd school I interviewed at. If I couldn’t get in somewhere during May, I would have to prepare for another application cycle. I was also looking for a new job at the same time since my current job didn’t pay much, let alone the fact I needed more money if I had to go through this application process again. I was extremely stressed. Other schools I interviewed at also threw me on their waitlists. My relationship with my family wasn’t great at that point either. I wanted to give up so much. I kept thinking: what did I do wrong this cycle? My GPA and MCAT definitely weren’t the factors keeping me out of med school. I had a good amount of clinical experience and research. My other extracurriculars weren’t extraordinary, but it did have some uniqueness. I guess it was it my interview? I mean, I’m not the most talkative person but I think I’m alright in small conversations. I admit I’m rather low energy compared to even a lot of other introverts, but how would I improve that next time? Should I just give up?
I was ready to meet with my pre-med advisor that Saturday morning for a new committee letter. I decided to check my email once more before I left the door.
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And that’s my med school application year in a summary.
Big hugs and gross smooches to @theathelier~ I literally would’ve never made it to med school without your essay edits and emotional support! You know how upset I was those months before May. I tend to not show it in front of others but deep inside I was struggling very hard. I had some really negative thoughts at some point (really negative thoughts) but I keep thinking about you and other friends who have shown me support (yes, thank you @phoodledoodles for starting a med school specifically for me with a 1:1 student to faculty ratio and guaranteed nap time every day if I didn’t get in). I would’ve felt so guilty if I didn’t get in this cycle because all the effort you put in reading my essays QAQ Love you and I will make my best attempt to visit! *we still need to go to that pho place together*
@phoodledoodles @aeryecho I love you both, too <3
I’d like to mention @shinionlydrawsfreestyle for being my secret role model during my application cycle haha *senpai plz notice me face* I actually remember you on SDN from last application cycle (along with bananafish haha), I never expected to find your tumblr page. At first I felt yeah I’m probably the only weeb trash artist that does cons and digital art as a hobby while pursuing a main career that’s not even remotely related. And then I was searching “reviews for acrylic charms” and I found your blog and I read your bio that you said you were a med student and I went HOLY CRAP I WASN’T THE ONLY ONE. 
Congrats on finishing MS1 and good luck next year studying step 1, senpai!
Ah if my secondaries were like this post I would’ve never gotten in med school :P Thanks for reading if you got this far.
Love and Peace~
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artificialqueens · 5 years
don't play the fool now (multi) — chapter five - Roza
[ summary ] : detox is feeling the pressure setting in as she completes the first day of her new mission though a distraction is paving her progress and bianca simply can't catch a break between a cute detective, katya and her own issues.
[ author's note ] : literally it's been so long I CANNOT, I am so so so so sorry omg... most of this was written about november so I am sorry if it's not up to par ): — lily xx
(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) / AO3 / My Tumblr
— *.✧
"Welcome to the place you'll be spending the next few months!"
Detox dropped the two boxes she was carrying in from the minute she had stepped into the elevator with Tatianna who had been showing her around the offices and police force building: this was by far the most idiotic and yet stressful mission the blonde had to deal with thus far.
Become an entirely different person
Pretend you're a transfer from another department
Get close to the captain of the unit
Murder or get information. Or both.
The details hadn't been worked out yet but Bianca had made it clear that Detox was not there to play around and flirt, she would be doing all the undercover work.
It was nothing but peachy keen to Detox. A frustration building in her bones. She had to spend the next few days, weeks, months acting like she was up to date with whatever the detectives and police force would make her out to be. Thank god she knew her narcotics, weapons and the basics: murder, how to get rid of fingerprints, stains, bruises, the stench off a dead body, all the things that being a professional had taught her.
She couldn't possibly be that useless.
Changing her hair was the worst part. No question.
Going from royal blue to a blonde bombshell wasn't exactly her style even if it definitely would cover up the overstated hair color and make her seem at least a tiny bit less suspicious with her long, flowing hair now blonde and curled thanks to Aquaria's whimsical hairstyling techniques.
"Welcome to me…" the words leaving her lips in an immensely hushed tone as she stared right back at the detective who gave a smile, eager to see another new worker around in their new and improved NYPD unit.
"You're gonna do great Heather, no doubt's honey."
She decided last minute to use her sister's name as her own for the time being, knowing Detox was a bit of a rough risk and besides: what better way to pay respects to the person and lawyer she had been closest to before going off to prison for substance abuse, smuggling of illegal substances and all the other things she had managed to hide from her transcript.
Bianca I fucking hate you, I really have to pull strings here and by myself.
The older girl butt in to her as the blonde had begun to set up her laptop and trinkets around, praying no more people would bombarde her for today. "You should totally get settled in but I know for a fact that Trinity wants to meet any of our new recruits! She's the unit's captain and I promise you, she's a bit hard hitting but super closested sweetheart."
Trinity .
So this was the person she had to play guessing games with the next few months and woe over in one way or another, to follow and pry her fingernails under.
"I'll definitely check her out."
"Thank you!"
She pulled out first a picture frame that held a sepia filtered photo of Detox, Alaska and Roxxy at their senior graduation together: all dolled up even from the beginning, it was odd to keep such sentiments from the pure and clean days before rotting in crime but what could she say? They were all still together, still best friends even if Alaska sometimes worried more for herself than anyone else, a bit colder than she used to be.
Once she had organized her things she stepped out of the door and made her way around the office, her acrylics hugging the file she had to give to one of her new co-workers for examination. They had spent hours working over the loophole with paperwork but luckily after careful examination and some strings pulled with Katya, they had come up with a solution and now she was Heather Sanderson, born in Maryland and a former employee of the local police department.
"Are you Heather?" A voice spoke behind her gently yet firm as Detox stared at the empty chair confused before wincing and turning quickly seeing a tall blonde with about her hair length and piercing eyes staring at her with intent for a reply back, her ID placed around lanyard which was littered with Canadian flags and text that reads Toronto across the fabric.
"Yes! Are you Brooke?" Nervously extending her hand she was met with a curious recluctentance before the Canadian smiled sweetly, sitting back in her seat once she parked her iced tea on the coaster she had sitting on her desk.
"I am, I know you have the files Tatianna was telling me about if I can look at them. Just the usual medical and background things I have to handle."
Detox looked over Brooke's shoulder, ignoring whatever the detective had to say towards her even though she was sure it was the usual welcome she had become so accustomed to since this morning. She had stepped through the doors starting her new mission, angry that Bianca had to assign her to such a damn cup out: go undercover and pretend you're a decent human being for a few months so we can get a deeper insight and information on the police and detective department.
Peering over her shoulders, she noticed a police officer of average height. Sporting the signature uniform as well as long brunette hair that curled at the ends—lighter highlights cascading from her roots: she had a great upkeep and hairstylist clearly though her dark brown eyes and perfect made over face was the focal point.
Fuck, she's gorgeous.
The same girl had taken off her jacket and threw it on her chair, continuing to chat with the person right near her point of vision, blinking as her makeup shined under the dimly lit up computer screen she was staring at meticulously. Her body hugging her tight fitting blouse and her badge shining.
Brooke tapped the older woman's shoulder with a laugh, "Stop staring with your mouth open, you'll catch flies." Detox rolled her eyes, not about to take shit from her new "peers" as if she were to become close to anyone she had to work within the next few months of the missions allocation.
"That's Trinity Taylor, she's our police unit's captain."
The sirens flared off in her head instantaneously once she fit the last piece of the puzzle: this was the girl, thegirl she had to woe and become close to and get information out of for Bianca, for the team.
Trinity was why she was getting paid and doing this entire mission.
"She's very pretty."
Brooke laughed, rolling her eyes at how dense the new rookie was being. "Yes, she's also got really thick skin, a cold hearted exterior and is surprisingly hilarious as ironic as that may sound." The Canadian shook her head, "She's single but I wouldn't try it, especially since she's your squadron leader and will absolutely give you the beat down no matter the call."
This mission definitely just got interesting.
"Oh don't worry about that, just seeing what I'll have to work with is all."
The brunette caught the eye of the gaggling stares, Detox immediately snapping from it and looking away completely embarrassed though she heard a slight snicker under Brooke's breathe, wanting to slap her. Hearing the thud of the boots under the tiles she simply stood her ground and was prepared to act as casual as possible.
"Morning Trinity." The Canadian hummed aloud, typing across her floral tape covered keyboard pretending to analyze the files while not so secretly deciding to eavesdrop and see where this conversation goes.
"Good morning Brooke Lynn." Trinity crossed her arms and took a look up and down Detox who stood with a permanent paralyzed fear in her eyes, she felt so damn fearless all the time and yet one glimpse of this girl had completely tore her down piece by piece and left her distraught. It was pathetically hilarious.  
"Jesus, I'm not gonna kill you for staring, not like I can blame you." She flipped her hair as Brooke coughed to hide the obvious smirk across her lips as she took a long sip of her iced tea that Adore had brought her from Starbucks. Going vigorously through the files she had managed to find her medical records and began her less than exciting examination.
"Hey, you're the one member of our unit, right?"
Finally feeling enough willpower to respond she bit her lip and nodded, "Yeah, Heather." Trinity gave a broad handshake, firmly holding her hand as the blonde licked her lips feeling a bit out of place already and obviously.
"Trinity Taylor."
"It's nice to meet the person everyone told me to go and scout out in the first place."
Trinity tilted her head to the side and chuckled. She was definitely amused that Detox was so reluctant to smile, to breathe since it was her first day: the atmosphere was always tense but that was just the job. The Floridian could only hope she wasn't threatening in her status and by her looks alone or else the training and all that came after would be a complete and utter disaster.
Detox wanted to slap herself, every time she glanced over or they made basic, polite eye contact her entire body jolted awake and she could tell by her change in expressions that she was utterly terrified. Which was extremely odd considering how calm she felt at her actual profession which was twice was horrifying and awful in danger, stress, you name it.
"Well, your first assignment with me is just a refresher, I'm sure you know basic training coming from another unit?"
She ran her nails through her blonde hair as Trinity handed back her files with her eyes gleaming and a smile slipping through, "See you soon, my office is down the hall." A flush crept up on Detox's face as she turned and gave a goodbye to Brooke Lynn who waved back and turned with an immediate sigh, taking one more sip from her iced tea.
"You're hopeless."
— *.✧
Bianca sat aimlessly in her chair, scrolling through the constant masses of emails she had to sort and help with, the requests and the actual patrons and then those who simply knew her as their boss. She had never given most of her own girl's and team her personal phone number to the fact she knew it be taken advantage off. Only three people had her number on this damn circuit: Sharon, Jinkx & Bob.
However, despite this there was still an influx of text messages that read off requests from the other girls to which Bianca would bitterly reply with them to email her and not have Sharon, Jinkx or Bob become the scapegoat for their needs and wants or better yet: just don't bother Bianca!
Well that wasn't entirely the truth however it was close enough.
She understood the tasks she had to take on as a leader even if it meant countless requests and permissions granted.
The older woman's phone buzzed and the corner of her lips curled into a smile, hoping it be Adore whom had been quite a good company even just through the phone the past couple days. Her humour, her personality, fashion sense, job— she was everything Bianca wasn't and it made every exchange the more exciting and yet, opened twice the bigger grey area between them.
From: Katya (3 Unread Messages)
"Oh just this fucking whore."
Relieved she didn't have to think about two hours for a reply Adore sent, She slid open her phone with her fingerprint and sighed before her eyes grazed over the messages plainly.
Bianca! девушка !
I believe we should go and see Trixie since you told me you need to make some transactions...
I can tell you that I would be glad to tag along and contribute ;) xx
Her fingers slid across the keyboard as she typed up a reply.
If you're driving.
You're more than welcome to come with.
She assumed the notification she got almost immediately after her texts was an indication that Katya was already on her way and that she should get ready for her.
I'm outside whenever you're ready, you know where I park.
Blatantly staring at her phone she got up and only took a small blue clutch purse and tied her hair up feeling nothing but discontent towards wanting a development between her and a fucking detective . She could almost slap herself, she actually wanted Adore to text her back and it felt fucking disgusting to actually enjoy human interaction that wasn't the usual rundown about missions, jobs or sewing.
Though the sewing usually only applying to Aquaria who would come and see her on the rare downtime they had. The younger girl always asking about her hems, a new sewing trick or what fabric to use for what kind of silhouette.
She locked her office and gave a quick holler to Jinkx who sat in the common area, reading a book and drinking what must've been her third or fourth cup of coffee judging by the dried stains that splattered across the white cup. Bianca interrupted simply letting her know she'd be with Katya to finish some needed exchange and business.
"Have fun, tell Katya and Trixie hello from me."
Bianca didn't care too much about getting money from Trixie, she was sweet and kept a secret well enough considering her position. Though half of that underlying sweetness was probably from the paralyzing fear that if she ever told anyone she'd be blown out on the spot, no hesitation by Bianca herself.
Approaching the blue BMW Bianca's eyes wandered through her backwoods garage, undeniably pressed that she had to even go to the bank and be in public. She kept her image hidden well, no one would ever suspect Bianca Del Rio as the most known menace and wanted mafia boss in New York. All they would see is a blonde, thick Russian accent and leather jacket on with her friend; black hair, thick mascara and quite the fashionable woman.
At least that's what Bianca had hoped for as a first impression.
Katya's grin sat permanently pursed across her lips as she took the car out of park, turning out of the secluded garage and looking to Bianca for any last minute changes, any final looks of reclusiveness. The older woman cleared her throat, her fingers running through the hair that stranded from her face as she put on her sunglasses with a hard roll of the eyes.
"Let's get this shit over with."
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In my other post, The Beginning of My Collection, I talked about the state of my collection and some figures I hoped to acquire. Since then, I have received three of the ones I had ordered and am currently expecting Mukuro for next year. I still don’t know much about collecting such as the terms used, but that’ll come with time. For now I just want to grow my collection and later I’ll find a nice shelf or cabinet to put them in. I may be overthinking this…
The first one I received was my Todoroki figure. This time I did get something extra with my shipment unlike the other time with my three MHA figures. It was a small, A5 clear folder about a virtual Youtuber. Speaking of Youtube, you can find my poorly made unboxing of Todoroki here. He is currently my tallest figure and I set him up on top of my computer desk alongside a Xanxus acrylic figure. Recently, an Uraraka figure also came out but I’ll have to pass on it for now. If a best girl Momo one comes out however, you bet I’m buying it the second I see it available!
Next, I received my Hibari nendoroid. This is my first nendoroid ever, and as embarrassing as it sounds, I struggled way too much trying to figure the pieces out. Every time something popped out I felt my soul leave my body thinking I broke him. Thankfully, I’m just an idiot and managed to put him back together, with a lot of difficulty. I like how he came with Hibird, and various other pieces so I can have fun setting him up in different positions. I’m thinking of changing him every month or so and pose him with Tsuna for some extra charm. I also got another A5 clear file, but I like the first one better. I made room in a small opening by the top of my computer desk where I hope to the rest of my Hitman Reborn nendoroids.
Lastly, I got my Tsuna nendoroid a week or two after Hibari, and it came with the same clear file as Hibari’s. Seeing as he’s the Vongola’s next boss, he came with a stand showing the Vongola emblem. He was definitely easier to take apart and change around after dealing with Hibari, but I was in the middle of a boss fight in Persona 5 so I almost lost his pieces under my dresser! It didn’t help that the boss was beating me into another dimension, but I still got the last laugh! I hope with the addition of Mukuro’s nendoroid coming out next year that Hitman Reborn will continue to get more merchandise released and maybe even a reboot or spin off. Personally, I would absolutely LOVE a spin off with the Varia.
With these three new figures my collection has grown to include about 11 figures in total. Although I want to buy more and more from varying anime, I simply don’t have the funds which makes every new edition even more valuable to me. I have been collecting some giant cards from Hitman Reborn as well which look wonderful, but I’m keeping them in a drawer with my other collectables so that’s a shame. Let me know in the comments what you all think of my new additions and your collection as well.
I also post pictures of my collectables on my Instagram, so if you want to see more check it out! Sorry this one was uploaded late and with my overall lack of uploads, my life is in such chaos that I have to put everything on hold. Until next time, Dragonas out!
A small update on my anime collection! #anime #khr #mha In my other post, The Beginning of My Collection, I talked about the state of my collection and some figures I hoped to acquire.
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davidsilvercloud · 7 years
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Terry David “Butch/Butch Naked” Silvercloud
"Step aside!  I shall perform the necessary heroics"  Comic Book Guy/The Simpsons
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T. S. Eliot
11.9 Million photo views, to date at http://ButchNaked.com.  Thank you.  At this time I'm getting about 100,000 photo views a week.
Again... thanks for the visits.
TELL EVERYONE.  Free photo downloads at BUTCHNAKED.COM
"That's a great title.  It jumps out at you like a rat in your underwear drawer"   Moe Sizlack/The Simpsons
My homepage is http://ButchBoard.com
I'm not your average stone of the beach. . Now keep reading.
Cool, lots of sun, late afternoon fog.  I wuz up at 9am.  Painted, exercises, selfies, TV, coffee, smoking pot.  I made a video about Abraham, and the First Temple.  You can see me up close and personal while I talk by clicking on the video link, below.
Met a guy at the library who bought my antique Sony transistor radio.
I'm a bit OCD and ADHD and go on like a dripping tap.  Think Sheldon Cooper, if that rings some kind of bell.  I quite simply assume everyone around me is a complete idiot.
http://DavidSilvercloud.com (Blog)    (http://David_Silvercloud.Tumblr.com)
http://ButchNews.com (Video)     (http://YouTube.com/ButchNews)
http://ButchNaked.com (Photo Stream)    (http://Flickr.com/David_Silvercloud)
http://SeriousThunder.com (Art)
...(Physics... The Speed of Light, Grand Unified Theory, Gravity, Dark Matter, Dark Energy... how the physical size of the Electron is the clock that sets the speed of light.  Gravity is motion and a product of the fact that nothing ever sits still, combined with the magnetic properties of Dark Matter/Energy.  Nothing can ever move in an absolute circle and rest is a relativity illusion.
Absolute rest is not possible... ever.  The universe can not end.  Time is change and is an illusion.  It is always now, everywhere, all at once, all of the time. Proof of that is that ANY object MUST be HERE and THERE at the SAME time, no matter how large... even a Galaxy.  It is always NOW on both sides... here and there, in space,  of the Galaxy... all galaxies, everywhere.  Waves can be either physical or electronic.  The duality of the universe keeps it ongoing.  DNA is the battery of life.  When the chains can no longer co-operate, life ceases in the body.  Life, itself, is a duality.  Time measurement is a relativity convenience.)  Time travel is impossible because time is not a place and nothing stays where it was.  One year from now the Solar System will have moved about seven BILLION kilometres through space and will NEVER return to where it was... ever.
Earth travels through space like a long wave... it has NEVER, ever made an actual circle, nor ellipse, in space.  The circle/ellipse is an illusion of relativity.  Nothing can ever travel in an actual circle in space... NOTHING.  Nothing can ever go backward.  Backwards motion is an illusion of relativity.  Time is a repercussion of change and has no fixed rate... things explode or move like a glacier.  At best we can only compare rates of change.  Our rate of change is called the second/minute/hour/day/month/year system.
Earth moves about 7 billion kilometers through space, each year... in a long wave.  Earth NEVER returns to where it was before.  Earth is NOT an island in space... one of the reasons why time travel is impossible.  If you take a trip through space, outside the Solar System, Earth will NOT be there when you return... it will be far, far away.  You will have to return to where it will BE when you arrive... remember, it's moving very, very, very fast through space in a long wave... never a circle, or ellipse.
http://The-Shape-Of-God.Tumbler.com   Manuscript of my book... The Shape of God.
Butch, himself.  Visual Artist, Photographer, Physicist (Particle, Sub/Atomic Physics/Relativity)
Inhibitions are just so inhibiting, I avoid them.
I'm a friendly, but pretty blunt, kind of guy.  No time for beating around the bush.  I like to say what I mean and mean what I say.  I'm 73 years old.  Time is not on my side.  You don't have to like me.  I'm a social recluse, anyway.  I share my life, in photos, video, and words, to let you into my life and hope to inspire you to be a productive and useful human.  I have old age issues but will continue to post, here, while I'm well and able.  I talk a lot... I'm told it's part of my OCD and ADHD.  Come direct at http://ButchNaked.com  Sign in if you wish to see me naked.
If you don't know me, the following might help you get to know what kind of person I am.  I don't expect you to understand me.  I can be a bit OCD and ADHD.
"They've already got more blowjobs than we'll ever get"  Steve Smith (American Dad), talking about college jocks.
"Now let us touch testicles and mate for life"  Alien on The Simpsons
"It never hurts to have a second set of prints on a gun"  Nelson Muntz, The Simpsons.
I'm here to teach you things.  While I appreciate other people's opinions, I really don't much give a crap what anyone thinks.  Until you prove your worth, I will be nice but you have to earn my respect. The moment you say a word, I'll be figuring you out really, really fast.  You should assume that I don't trust anyone.  I've not met a single trustworthy person in my entire life.  I've met lots of nice people who aren't too bright... well-intentioned folk who know little about anything, people who are nice, most of the time until you say something that offends them.  Honourable people agree to disagree.
Look up the phrase "CRITICAL THINKING" then learn to practice it.  Most people leap before they look and judge before they listen to the facts.  Most don't have enough knowledge, nor experience, to be experts in much of anything.  You don't know what you don't know.  I like to remind you of that, often.
The only other REALLY IMPORTANT thing to know about me is that I, totally, despise all religions, the teaching of religion, and religious institutions... I despise them as the evilest things on the planet.  If you follow a religion, you CAN NOT BE MY FRIEND.   THAT'S THAT.  You are an ignorant idiot who is an ever-present danger to yourself and everyone and everything around you.  Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, is eviler than religion.  I don't stand for, nor sing, our National Anthem because it praises a fictitious and superstitious being called 'God'.  Only a brain dead moron bonehead ignorant idiot would believe such a thing.
If you have a religion, I will not associate with you... period.  You are a danger to be around.  Yes, I insult religions... they are extraordinarily evil.  I said it, I mean it.  You have a right to be an idiot, but not around me.  I have a right to defend myself against the horrors of religion and I will.  Religion is evil.  People who are into religion are, either, brainwashed or extraordinarily ignorant, not very intelligent, a danger to themselves and everyone around them, and must be avoided.  I can't say it enough times.  If you have a religion you are brainwashed or too fucking stupid to associate with.  Brainwashed, or stupid... either way you are too dangerous to be around.  Religion is the number one problem in the world.
I keep a homepage at http://ButchBoard.com
My main video page is http://YouTube.com/ButchNews  go direct at http://ButchNews.com
You may come directly to my photostream at http://ButchNaked.com
I have zero inhibitions about nudity and sex.  You must sign in to see me naked.  I talk, openly, about sex.  You may download and share nude photos of me... go nuts.
GOOGLE my name (Terry David Silvercloud or David Silvercloud) for more information.
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