#but Hank? you can’t just make him a literal Superman and then just leave it at that
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Wrt your tags: CR-S01 does have a name! I can’t remember where it was specifically (I wanna say the official TT artbook) but his real name is Erhard Muller. Not sure if he ever remembered it when he regained his memories in-game but it’s there.
And… yeah, he was only around 16 and couldn’t even remember who the fuck he was as a person when authorities decided to lock him in solitary confinement (classified as psychological torture by the UN, btw) for two and a half centuries. Give me ten minutes alone with the judge who oversaw his case… and a lead pipe.
No idea why he wasn’t exonerated the moment the outbreak was under control, but since ATLUS hasn’t really acknowledged Trauma Center’s existence since 2014 I guess it’s all up to speculation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spoilers for the game Trauma Team on Wii
I'm looking up image refs for a character of mine in a TTRPG, and because he's the team medic I've been looking up a lot of BlackJack and Trauma center for poses.
And I am once more falling into the hole of 'Why didn't anyone ever save CR-S01?'
Like, by the end of the game it's known that he's innocent and that his adoptive father was the one behind the atrocity he was blamed for.
And yet. And yet in the epilogue bit we see he's still imprisioned in that refrigerator room (and I feel like there are so many international treaties that must be in violation of) but his life is better because he's allowed to consult on procedures and occasionally leave to help the hospital.
No. Not acceptable. You have a literal superhero on staff (and boy would I like to hear the story behind that). Get the kid out of there
#trauma team#WHY WAS HE NOT EXONERATED???#FREE MY BOY!!!#also I would like to know how tf Hank has actual superpowers#like the healing touch had its own lore wrt descendants of Asclepius#but Hank? you can’t just make him a literal Superman and then just leave it at that#anyway sorry for being autistic on your random post trauma team lives in my brain rent free
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The Titans are almost back, bitches. aka 3x06
Guys, literally every time the titans are together-or even paired up-the episode gets ten times better, but in 6 episodes there is simply not enough Kory and Gar. I can easily forget that when I’m basking in the episode they are in, especially when they’re giving us family dynamics.
“You’re not mad that I left. You’re mad I came back.” Kory’s face tells us Blackfire is right on the money, and who would know her better than her sister?
So, Kory, oh boy. Our girl is on edge. She is slowly unraveling and is super vulnerable and raw with Kom around and little sister is going to exploit it and her guilt, which I think she’s carrying a lot of. So far their dynamic has been fascinating because there’s so much to read between them and so many accusations being flung back and forth, from both. From Kory; you sense guilt and even contempt and from Kom there’s envy and resentment, but also there’s a sense of idealization for her older sister, too, which of course, with younger siblings, there always is an element of that. And as an older sibling, there is always an unspoken and sometimes spoken responsibility placed on them for their younger siblings. Parents often don’t realize it, but they can create a lot of tension within siblingships by assigning roles.
They remember home and family very differently, which is often the case, too. Kom was often thrown in the pit and to that, Kory attributes her sister’s constant rebellion as the reason, and yet, Kory herself was a bit of a rule breaker, sleeping with her guard, Fiddei.
Kory was being suffocated by the laws and customs of her home planet; one could say she rebelled by going on a mission, to escape her duties. Home did neither of them any favors because while one rebelled because she did not fit in, the one who did fit in was dying inside, surrounded by little robots and becoming one herself. Being told what to eat, wear and who to love or be friends with is yikes.
I was thinking Kom began her game of manipulation in the bunker, but she really started before that when she sent Fiddei to bring Kory home when she probably intended to kill him all along. After all she would’ve castrated him if she’d had the chance to for sleeping with Kory in the first place. Shortly after Fiddei’s death, Kory flamed out. No powers. Emotionally wrung out from the news her family was dead and now the culprit is here. These two know each other very well and know exactly how to get underneath each other’s skin. Right now Kom is getting underneath Kory’s and our girl is losing patience fast.
I’m wondering when exactly Dick will tune into Kory’s anxiety-ridden state and step in to support.
Ultimately, I just want to see what truly happened to the girls on their planet and how we have the versions we have now. Like, Kory said to Rachel, “No one is born good or bad, we are defined by our choices.” I get the feeling Kory has given Kom so many chances to make a different choice and has become disillusioned, meanwhile Kom believes nothing she does will give her the respect she feels she deserves anyway, so she may as well blow shit up, figuratively and literally. At least then she’ll have Kory’s attention.
Gar losing it on Dick was so cathartic and yet he could’ve gone much further, considering Dick abandoned him last season to go jail and hallucinate Bruce. It ultimately led to Gar (and Conner) being kidnapped and experimented on by Mercy. It’s actually all the adults fault this happened, but as the leader promoting his family everywhere he goes, he needs to keep his eye on the ball. He would know if he spent five minutes at home with them that Gar is struggling. Last season Gar was #OperationSaveTitans and this season he’s #ThisFamilyIsDying. He’s doing what the adults should be doing, or at least leading the charge on it. He’s the glue, but who will hold him together?
He’s carrying too much emotional responsibility and Dick’s dismissal, because he is fully locked into Gotham and being Batman, makes me mad. Get your head in the game, Grayson. Gotham is going to eat your family while you retread the nostalgic steps of your past.
We all know Dick’s not good at expressing himself emotionally, though he’s usually forced to express something when talking to or being confronted by Kory, so I was proud of him for giving Gar the floor to speak. I just wish Gar spoke about himself, but then again, he needs more time and consistent offers to be heard. I’m happy Dick followed up the conversation up with a bonding/training session. There was definitely pride in Dick’s face because Gar really has come a long way in this group, but he needs MORE SCREEN TIME. I’d like to see the two of them out in the field together the way we’ve seen Kory this season with Gar and Conner.
I wonder if Gar losing control is the start of all his trauma bubbling up to the surface, will being in Gotham, hunting down a friend be too much?
As a side, has the CGI tiger face gotten worse?
Kom (and Conner):
First thing’s first, what music are we thinking Kom listens to? Probably the kind of music she can break your tailbone to, like, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole and Jay Z, or Prince, Jimmy Hendrix, Stevie Nicks and Led Zeppelin? Rihanna?
Kom is absolutely a villain this season and if she isn’t, what a waste that’ll be. A mastermind at mind games (see, her picking up the chess piece), who is going to drum up Kory’s paranoia and anxiety around her being there. Trying to kill her suspicion by guilt tripping her while simultaneously being a do good-er to the group, feigning interest in helping the Titans to earn her way in, a tip from our boy, Conner.
She says she wants acceptance and I believe that’s absolutely true, but she doesn’t know how to get that without using power, so she’ll continue to covet acceptance through and with power because according to Kory, she’s always been a climber. Add to that, being born the cursed child and the only royal member born without the gift of fire, something that differentiates them from the common folk, being too frail to participate in the same games as Kory, having a speech therapist be her only friend while being the object of ridicule and you have a villain origin story nicely set up.
I really enjoyed Conner and Kom’s exchange. The boy lit up when he spoke about seeing his family happy and it made me light up. He’s so genuine and has a big heart and Kom is going to take advantage of it, that’s not to say she won’t develop real feelings for him, but she can like him and still use him.
Conner’s “you have to earn your way into the family,” is perhaps an internal and personal struggle he has from sharing blood with Luthor. I think it may come from an insecure place because he was made a titan as soon as he woke up and no one questioned it, but as he’s only half of superman, he’s constantly trying to prove his usefulness for good, which losing Hank has rocked, leaving him vulnerable to Kom’s recognition for his otherness. Their otherness.
She gave us insight into her mind, but also she has likely seized an opportunity to use the vulnerability against Conner and to her favor by making him her kindred. Outcasts. Will she gain influence over him? He’s still young and learning, and trusting, too.
Her interest in him felt layered, ignoring the ugly customs of sex servants, she was also observing Kory’s relationships and ranking them in her sister’s life. Her being able to determine who may have Kory’s interest (which Kory gave away with her vulnerable display of worry over Dick’s welfare in front of Kom) will surely come into play at some point, right? After all, Kom did kill Kory’s last lover/royal guard. This may be me projecting. LOL.
Romantically, I’m waiting to see how they play it before I decide if I like it or not, but so far, they have a nice chemistry. Friendly.
Dick (and Barbara) :
What a lovable dumb ass.
I was so happy Kory lost it on him and called him on his lone ranger shit, at least when it’s her, even when he’s being an idiot, he’s still listening. “Let’s go.” and I thought it was hilarious that he tried explaining himself, but when Gar called him out, he got all huffy with, “Excuse me, young man.”
Gar asking Kory not to have words with Barbara over Dick getting shot was so funny because Dick’s face seemed to ask the same when she asked how it happened. We love a protective Kory. I’ll be looking at him when it’s his turn to reciprocate.
I don’t like him dismissing their concerns about his personal safety and how it affects them, it’s like he’s learned nothing after running off alone to battle Trigon, or rather has unlearned his lessons of S2. I’d like to see some more permanent emotional growth from him by this season’s end. In his current state, he’s not an exuding leader. He can’t be when he’s still wrapped up in Bruce and all things Gotham. He’s not tuned into Kory’s anxiety, or Conner’s grief and insecurity, or Gar’s emotional burden.
He’s started making it up to him, but he has much to do in taking Gar’s concerns and emotional needs seriously.
I’m not even going to try and work out the timeline between Barbara and Dick and Dick and old Titans in San Fran and S1. But it doesn’t bode well that Dick’s dream with Barbara ended in a nightmare.
I wish they’d never did the whole Dick and Dawn relationship in S2 because they’re basically repeating some of the beats in showing us how they don’t work as a couple, only his relationship with Babs makes a lot more sense even though I don't care. Dick has unfinished business with that relationship, Bruce and Gotham and I can only hope he’s wrapped it up for good by this season’s end. I want to see relaxed, smiling and happy Dick in THE PRESENT. I still Babs will be the one to notice and point out Dick's feelings for Kory.
Barbara (outside of Dick) is being downplayed a little, no? Dismissing Dick’s suspicions about Jason when he arrived, showing no knowledge of Jason’s visits to Crane and then taking the bait and moving Crane after he got a light beat down. A commissioner who was also a very capable vigilante is tricked by a recording and goes to meet “Bruce” on her own. I really enjoyed that she could hold her own and the fight scene was really good, but it was a bit baffling that she fell for that ruse. So far, she’s not entirely good at her job.
Dick’s a distraction in his own right and her feelings clearly get in the way, which is why she keeps asking him to leave the precinct and Gotham; because she’s pining a fantasy and he’s ruining it. Lastly, I really like the way Savannah plays Barbara.
Why’d they do that to Tim?? :(
Overall, it was a better episode and I enjoyed it more than latter episodes, but they’re not quite there yet for me. I’m still waiting for Team Titans.
#dc titans#kory anders#koriand'r#stafire#gar logan#beast boy#dick grayson#nightwing#conner kent#superboy#noa posts
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Welcome to the Family
So yesterday was Tim’s birthday and I had planned out a fic for it BUT I’ve been working a lot and just hadn’t had the time to sit down and write it out. I had kinda forgotten about it and when yesterday came around I was annoyed BUT I was given this idea after going out for the day with my niece.
We had drove by a Red Robin after eating somewhere else and I was mad salty, cause yesterday would’ve been the perfect time to go. Then for dinner we ordered take out and I kind you not, our delivery driver was named Timothy. Like what the hell? lol, I was dude I need to write something now.
So today after work I sat down and wrote this. It’ll be three parts, taking place after my mother’s day story. I’ll post up part one and two tonight, and once I finish three I’ll post it tomorrow hopefully :)
Tell ‘Em That It’s My Birthday pt. 1
“What day is it?!”
Halley’s voice seemed to shriek through the room, causing her now startled teammate, Kori Anders, to jerk her head up from her laptop. The girl’s off guard silence caused Halley to go bug eyed, repeating herself but more frantically. “The day! What day is it?”
The alien princess stared up at the wide eyed brunette unsure as to why the younger girl was so frantic suddenly. The coffee mug she held paused as it touched her lips and now was being held still. Cocking an eyebrow up, Kori gave her a soft and hesitant response,
“Yes, I know its Monday. The date, I mean the date!” Halley shouted back, using one hand to run it through her hair as the other reached for her phone that she had tossed across the couch only seconds ago.
It was only minutes ago that the device was being held in her hands. She had been ordering herself and her team dinner from their favorite Thai place via Door Dash, it being her turn as Kori treated them to an array of Sushi the a few nights ago. She had found herself chuckling at the realization of the name of their Dasher. His name was Timothy and she couldn’t help but think back to yesterday when she and Kori were out on one of their many shopping trips. They had drove past a Red Robin and she had joked about how if they hadn’t already eaten lunch that they should’ve gone there and taken a picture outside the sign and send it to her Tim.
Why hadn’t it clicked then, she cursed to herself once her phone was in her hands. She let out the loudest groan she felt like she ever had when the date haunted her vision. It was July 20th; fucking July fucking 20th, she cursed to herself again, furiously rubbing her face with her hands as the phone dropped back down onto the couch. She was literally the worst sister in the entire universe.
She had been so consumed with her own life that she had completely spaced that Tim’s birthday was yesterday. She’d never done so before. She had never forgotten a birthday or any day of importance; she’d always made sure to leave herself reminders and be on top of stuff like that. Of course there were times where she would let certain things sneak up on her but she usually had a pretty solid excuse for days like those. But now that she was officially graduated from college she had no other big obligations to keep her truly and utterly distracted.
Sure, she was offered a job at the Gazette, but she didn’t have to start until the fall when they had a spot for her open. One of their tenor reporters was moving to Metropolis around then and Halley was more than okay with being able to take the summer off until then. Kori had asked for her help with getting the new Tower back up and running so it was ready for their new team of recruits.
The team of Titans she knew were mostly disbanded, having gone off to do their own things or another, a new team, a team Tim was a part of, taking over their Tower. Now Dick was in Bludhaven, Hank and Dawn giving up the hero life, Victor now joining the Justice League and Wally and Roy off somewhere no one really knew. Kori had reached out to Halley, asking her to help train her new recruits; Halley agreed and had been here for the last two and a half months.
But this was Tim. How could she just up and forget his birthday?
“Fuck, fuck, I need to call Tim,” She let her hands drop and grabbed her phone once more.
Going to her favorites, she clicked on the second name, dialing his number within seconds. She tapped her fingers against her thigh nervously waiting for the other line to be picked up. Her heart dropped when it had only been brought to voicemail. She didn’t wait to leave a message, hanging up and calling again. The phone brought her straight to voicemail.
He was ignoring her, she gulped.
She held the bridge of her nose, pinching it as she listened through his voicemail, waiting for the beep before opening her mouth to speak. When the beep rang she found herself unsure of what to say. She couldn’t just wish him happy birthday a day late through a voicemail. Biting the inside of her cheek she quickly composed herself, saying, “Hee-hey Tim. Uh it’s me, Halley er-. Look, can you call me? Please? Okay, love you, bye-,” Stupid, she hissed to herself as she hung up.
“Well that was almost as hard to listen to as Garfield when he flirts.” Kori chuckled, watching the girl hang up the phone and let her head drop into her hands.
“Shut up.” Halley spat but was muffled by her hands. She took her head out of her hands, leaning back into the couch and looking up at the ceiling.
Maybe he wasn’t actually in Gotham. Maybe he was with his own team of Titans. Yeah, maybe he was. And maybe he was on a mission and that’s why he couldn’t answer the phone. No, she frowned. She knew that he was in Gotham. Steph had sent her a snap a few days ago of the two of them out at Bat Burger. Wait, she though, bringing the phone back up to her ear. She dialed the blonde’s number but was met the same fate as with Tim’s.
“Ugh they hate me!” She cried out, finally meeting Kori’s eye. “I forgot about Tim’s birthday, Kori. He’s hates me now.”
“Tim would never hate you.” Kori rolled her eyes, waving the girl off and turning back to her laptop and work. “He looks up to you. He’ll understand that it just slipped your mind.”
“Yea but it shouldn’t have slipped my mind. And he’s clearly mad since he’s ignoring me!” Halley yelled, standing up. “Let Gar or Jaime have my plate; I need to catch a flight to Gotham.”
“Halley, wait a bit for him to call you back, don’t just jump on a plane.” Kori squinted at her, noting how similar to Dick she had gotten over the years. He had done the exact thing to her once, way back when she hadn’t answered her phone.
“No, you don’t get it, Kor, we always remember and I can’t believe I forgot.” She frowned, grabbing her phone and heading out of the common room as quickly as she could.
She was so mad at herself. She knew that Tim wasn’t one to just ignore people and send them right to voicemail. She knew he was mad and she was worried that if she waited for him to call her back it would take a couple of days. Halley wouldn’t wait that long, already trying to think of an apology as she looked up flights on her phone as she power walked to her room.
As her head was buried in her phone she found herself walking into a hard chest, instantly looking up with narrowed eyes. In front of her stood one of the last members to join the Titans before the newest kids and Halley showed up. The firm chest of the Atlantean sidekick stared her straight in the face as she slowly craned her head up to make eye contact with his purple eyes.
“Hey Garth, sorry” she said offhandedly, side stepping and moving to walk around him. She frowned when she felt his hand reach out and grip her upper arm, making her stop. “Come on, I gotta go. I have to go to Gotham; it’s an emergency.”
The Atlantean frowned his playful smirk now showing concern as he let go of his grip. He began to follow her to her room, walking a few steps behind. “Is everything okay? Do you need me to go with you?”
“I don’t think the Batclan will want an Atlantean in Gotham. No offense,” She smirked at him, looking him up and down. She pressed down the hall further, “But no, it’s not that kind of emergency. I’m an asshole and forgot Tim’s birthday.”
“You are an asshole.” He teased, stopping behind her when they reached her door. He laughed, raising his hands up in surrender and protection when she turned around to smack him. “Hey, I’m not the one who eats their boyfriend’s kind.”
“I said I was sorry about that!” Halley snapped, giving him a playful push before opening her door. She didn’t bother to close it, knowing he’d just follow her in anyway. “I told you I would be more mindful; I ordered Thai food tonight, no fish.” She pointed out, laughing at the incident that happened when Kori bought them all home sushi a few nights ago. The Aqualad was less than thrilled about her choice and even less than thrilled when Halley openly dug into roll after roll in front of him. “Also, you aren’t my boyfriend last time I checked.”
He watched her as she moved to her closet, pulling out a Superman backpack and throwing random articles of clothing into it. His face flashed from frisky to almost jealous, her words throwing him off as he had already assumed they were a thing. They’d met years ago when they were teenagers and Garth would be lying if he said he hadn’t gotten a crush on her back then. But he had only been with the Titans for one mission back then and quickly went back to Atlantis. When he was offered a full time spot on their roster he was excited when he found out Halley would be joining them for a few months.
It took some time but the pair hit it off, Halley at first reluctantly agreeing to go on a date with him but eventually growing to like the Atlantean. She had only just started dating a few months prior and it was all so new to her but it was somewhat comfortable with Garth. She wouldn’t say that she was falling in love, she was far from it. But she did feel something towards him unlike other’s she dated; she wasn’t bored. It wasn’t as awkward as it was with civilians who knew nothing about her nightlife and it was nice to talk to someone outside of the family who had shared life experiences. She also found herself not constantly comparing everything about him to Jason or holding him to the unreasonably high standards she had to match him.
“Well I haven’t gotten around to asking you yet.” He shrugged but kept a firm face, wanting to show that he was seriously thinking about asking her.
“Oh,” Halley said, placing the last thing she needed in her bag. She zipped it up, trying to shove away her sudden nervousness. She hadn’t thought about getting that committed to someone yet. But as she bit her lip, she looked up at him unable to stop herself from speaking. Giving him a sly look, she spoke “Well, when I get back maybe you can get around to it if you want.”
“I’ll have to make a note of it,” Garth smirked at her, crossing his arms against his chest. “For now let me at least bring you to the airport,” He offered, his eyes followed her as she walked around him and grabbed her phone charger of the plug in the wall and a book from her nightstand.
“Do mermaids know how to drive?” She teased him before heading out the door.
“Wow, you really are an asshole.” He teased right back as he followed her back into the hallway, leading the way down to the garage.
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Titans Season 2
So I wouldn't exactly say that Titans season 2 was bad, exactly. But I felt like it kind of meandered through a bunch of different plot points without actually seeming to go anywhere?
And I was thinking about the constant “five years ago” backstory episodes, and I was like “But they make sense”. So it's not like things felt... unnecessary, by any means. However, I felt like the plot kind of zig-zagged around a lot different points, zipped back to a couple different backstory episodes, rerouted back to the present for something completely different, and then... somehow managed to wind up at episode thirteen (the last of the season).
We left off in season one with Rachel's demon father literally being brought to the human world, and all hope seemingly lost.
However, the entire subplot of resolving this barely lasted for five minutes, when all way said and done. Most of the first episode was just these darker timelines in which every one of Rachel's new-found friends and adoptive family sunk into evil ways. But not to worry, because Rachel was able to just talk to them and remind them of how much she means to them.
And then she stopped her father. Somehow. I can't swear that Princess Celestia didn't show up and preach about the power of friendship.
It was such a huge build-up in the first season, and the fact that it was resolved so quickly in the first episode of season two is honestly the first of many let-downs, I felt.
Following this, Dick is adamant that he take the new kids to San Francisco, where, with Bruce's permission, he's going to start up the Titans again.
Back in the day, it was Robin, Hawk and Dove, Wondergirl, and Aqualad. You might remember that we've met all of these characters from the first season... except for Aqualad.
And if you're wondering if he died... bingo. You win a prize of a depressing episode in which we're introduced to his character and his budding romance with Donna Troy... only to have him be murdered by a man named Slade Wilson.
This asshole was the entire reason why the original Titans broke up. See, following Aqualad's murder, Dick got it into his head that he could befriend Slade's son, Jericho. And the others were on board with this, because their friend was killed. But when they actually got to know Jericho, they all felt bad.
Until they find out that Jericho has “body snatching” powers, and can “possess” other people so long as he has initial eye-contact with them. And then suddenly, they tell him everything and even make him an official member of the team.
And that's all fine and dandy, but Slade is upset over this and murders his son. Because reasons.
And all of these memories suddenly being brought to the surface because of Slade's reappearance cause a break in Dick's already fragile psyche and he starts to have intense hallucinations in which Bruce Wayne follows him around and offers advice. It got old after a while.
Eventually, it reached a point with Dick this season that he went out and punched a security guard at the airport just so that he could be locked in jail. And this subplot dragged on forever, and never seemed to actually go anywhere.
But eventually, Dick made nice with the suit maker who seems to supply all of the suits for all of the heroes. Bruce had already designed the Nightwing costume for Dick, although this didn't make an appearance until the final episode.
Kori does have a lot of interesting developments this season, but a lot of them are seemingly being put on the backburner for the next season. She goes off for a while to help Donna do crime-stopping stuff, and ends up getting “kidnapped” by a guard from her homeplanet... Who also is a former lover of hers. He tells her that it's time to go home and rule, but Kori decides to go to California and help Rachel instead.
Eventually, her lover is taken over by her sister, Blackfire's mind-controlling jelly-thing, and Kori ends up needing to kill him in order to help stop her sister.
And then... that's it. Kori's duties are literally never brought up again for the rest of the season. Or the fact that Blackfire killed her entire family and seemingly started some sort of war on the planet. Kori can't even be bothered to tell Blackfire that she would prefer to stay on earth. Just... okay, this is a thing that's happening. BUT TITANS. Ugh.
There is a little teaser of Blackfire taking over some random lady at the very end of the last episode. But, as I said. Season three material.
Hank and Dawn... exist. That's pretty much the only thing that I can say about their characters this season. They simultaniously don't want to do crime-fighting anymore, yet refuse to actually walk away. Hank eventually pushes Dawn away to the point where he suggests that they should break up. And then he goes off the deep-end and starts doing hard-core drugs.
Anything that happened with them this entire season could have literally been cut out, and I doubt that the overall plot would have changed much.
I feel like the same could probably go for Donna as well. Although she had two exciting parts. One with her lover dying. Which... felt weird and forced and I honestly couldn't care either way about Aqualad's relationship with Wondergirl.
And then Donna herself died. Which was just so random and seemingly out of the blue. Especially because they'd just gone done taking down a mind-controlled Superboy (I will get to him in a second), and she had a full-powered fight with him. And then she'd killed by a ferris wheel falling on her.
And then Rachel says that she's going to go with the other ladies and probably learn how to better control her powers for next season. I don't know, and at that point, it all just seemed like characters moving around without having any actual motive.
And then there's Jason Todd. His plot basically revolves around Slade giving Jason PTSD, and then Jason fucking Slade's daughter, Rose.
When the season started, and it became clear that Jason was going to be on the team as the official Robin (leaving Dick to take over the role as Nightwing), I had really hoped for some decent character development from him. But instead, all we get is thirsty asshole with daddy and authority issues. Moving on.
And speaking of Rose... I felt like her character was given the proverbial shaft. She has an interesting character of being the daughter of a villain, but wanting to break away from her father after coming to understand a few things about found family.
She realized that she had healing powers, and told her father. He then trained her, and used her to further his own goals. Meaning to get vengeance on the Titans for using Jericho to get to him. But after having spent some time with Jason, Rose decides not to have anything to do with her father at all.
In the end, Rose and Nightwing team up and take down Slade. Which is something that the original Titans said that they'd struggled with “the first time around”. So how is it that “circus boy” and “girl who can heal herself” can do what actual super-powered Wondergirl, with the help of Robin, Hawk, and Dove failed to do?
All in all, the take down of Slade coupled with the destruction of Rachel's father is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. Don't get all excited over things like the build-up of villains, because the show will probably let you down in this regard.
And then there's Rachel. So much time in the first season was devoted to building up her character and everything, that it was honestly kind of disappointing that she seemed to take a back-seat in the second season. There was too much going on.
On top of a pointless side story where Rachel ran away from Donna and beat up some girl's father. It went nowhere, none of this was explained, and it was almost like the development of Donna, Dawn, and Hank.
Finally, the introduction of Superboy. For those not familiar with DC lore, Superboy is a science experiment to basically make an mpreg baby between Lex Luthor and Superman. He's got all of Superman's powers, and all of Lex's intelligence. However, the thing that comes out from the CADMUS lab is as innocent as a newborn baby... which makes him insanely dangerous.
There was a really long and honestly kind of tedious episode where he escaped from the lab with Krypto the Superdog, and how the project lead came to find him.
And then he went off and saved Jason from falling to his death, thanks to Slade. Only to be shot with kryptonite bullets for his trouble.
When Connor wakes up from this shooting, it's to find that Gar is the only one remaining at Titan's Tower, the others having taken off because of REASONS. However, Gar is certain that teaching Connor how to do proper hero stuff, that it'll make the other Titans want to come back. But circles around to Connor's innocence, he goes off and attacks a bunch of police officers.
This results in CADMUS breaking into Titan's Tower. Once the leader sees what Gar can do, they take him, too.
They then brainwash both of them to follow orders without objection. For Gar, this means transforming into a tiger whenever classical music is played, and killing anybody who is nearby.
This comes to a head after the others have taken down Slade. Gar attacks a street carnival, and Superboy is sent in to “stop” him. However, all of this was a ploy of CADMUS in order to convince people to buy Superboy for millions of dollars.
Rachel is somehow able to un-brainwash Gar simply through THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP. And Dick is able to get to Connor again, using nothing but talking. AND THEN EVERYBODY SANG AND THERE WERE MAGICAL BIRDS AND A UNICORN SHOWED UP. /sarcasm
Overall, this season wasn't bad. It was trying REALLY hard to be good, I felt. But I also felt like it was trying to do too much in just thirteen episodes.
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Superman #82 (October 1993)
REIGN OF THE SUPERMEN! The climax of this 19-part storyline, the entire "Death and Return of Superman" saga, and seven years of long-ass plotlines. And it only took this blog a mere six years and six months to get here! PREVIOUSLY: After Superman’s death, five different Supermen popped up to reclaim the mantle, some more convincingly than others. The front-runner, the Cyborg Superman, kinda ruled himself out of the competition when he nuked out a whole city and replaced it with a giant engine. Now the other would-be Supermen converge in that place...
The Last Son of Krypton/Eradicator finally arrives on Engine City, having set off from the Fortress of Solitude two weeks ago. We noted back then that he suddenly looked like an old man, but he's back to Superman's age now. If this storyline had gone on any longer, he would ended up Benjamin Buttoning himself into a grumpy, ultra-violent baby.
Superboy also flies in from Metropolis. It's the fourth time he makes the Metropolis-Coast City trip in a few days (not counting the time he got a ride on a missile), so he's gotta be pretty bored of it by now.
Steel, last seen getting crushed by some giant cogs, emerges from the bowels of Engine City with his armor in tatters but his body intact. Dude’s a tough nut to crack.
Supergirl and the powerless Man in Black continue making their way through Engine City. Supergirl's like "Wanna step out and let those of us with powers handle this one, chief?" but the Man in Black ain't having it. Wow, that's pretty heroic. Maybe... maybe he's actually the real Superman?! Nah, that's crazy.
And Green Lantern Hal Jordan is also there, because this whole issue takes place on top of the ashes of his old city and childhood memories and all. We see the end of his fight with Mongul from Green Lantern #46.
The Cyborg watches as the Super-People invade his fortress from his control room, but he's a glass half full kind of guy, so he's choosing to focus on the fact that he (apparently) gets to kill Superman again.
After the Eradicator joins the party and the Cyborg reveals his true identity, the Man in Black finds himself in the awkward position of having to team up with one of Superman’s worst villains (the one who wanted to turn Earth into Krypton) to fight a good guy driven crazy by space travel (and who once looked like Johnny-5). It's only after the Eradicator goes on a two-page exposition dump about how he brought Superman back to life that the Man in Black goes "alright, guess you're cool".
The Man in Black and the Eradicator follow the Cyborg to the center of Engine City, where a giant chunk of kryptonite powers the entire fortress. The combined powers of the Eradicator's Eradicator-ness and the Man in Black's punching (OK, mostly the first thing) seem to be winning -- but then, in a desperate move, the Cyborg shoots a blast of concentrated kryptonite at the Man in Black. The Eradicator, however, heroically jumps in front of the blast...
...which has the unexpected side effect of restoring the Man in Black's Superman powers, allowing him to dispatch the Cyborg with a swift "broosh". What's a "broosh"? You know, a "broosh":
After Supergirl uses her convenient clothes-shifting powers on the Man in Black's costume, it only takes one second of him in the classic red and blue tights to convince everyone that HOLY CRAP HE'S THE REAL SUPERMAN AND HE'S BACK FROM THE DEAD! (Side note: I like how Green Lantern goes "We'll mop up here! Not like I have anything better to do, what with all my friends being dead and stuff. Haha. I-I’m okay, seriously.")
It's him! It really is him. I knew it all along. Never doubted it.
The Eradicator is this issue's real MVP. His whole arc has been about slowly turning him from an emotionless robot into a sentient being through his interactions with people (Lois, Steel, even Loose Cannon and Guy Gardner), and it pays off when he jumps in front of that kryptonite blast yelling "I WON'T LET YOU DIE [AGAIN]!".
Also, when he tells Superman "We have always been linked, you and I", that's true. While their psychic connection influenced Superman negatively for a while (the Day of the Krypton Man saga), it looks like it also worked in the other direction and some of Superman's goodness rubbed off on him. By the way, it might be a stretch but the climactic shot of the kryptonite blast always reminded me of the Day of the Krypton Man's climactic shot, with Superman finally overcoming the Eradicator’s influence with Pa Kent's help.
Anyway, sorry, Superboy and Steel. The Eradicator had the best sacrifice scene in this storyline, hands down. Of course, they eventually brought him back again and turned him into a lapdog for the Cyborg and then Zod, but let's enjoy his dignified retirement while it lasts.
I'm not kidding when I say that this issue represents the convergence of seven freaking years of storylines. Let's recap (strap on, this is gonna be long):
John Byrne's Man of Steel #1 (1986) introduced Superman's birth matrix, the flying artificial womb that took him from Krypton to Earth. When young Clark sees the matrix for the first time he feels weak, because there's some kryptonite lodged into it. In Superman #1, a few months later, we find out that a crazy scientist stole the matrix and used it to build Metallo, so Superman decides to leave it suspended in orbit to prevent it from being used against him again. Three years later, the distraught mind of a disembodied astronaut called Hank Henshaw jumped into the matrix, and he made himself a tiny little spaceship from its technology, then sped off into deep space. Eventually, he went mad, hooked up with Mongul, and used the DNA information he got from the birth matrix to make himself a half-Kryptonian body. Hence: the Cyborg Superman. (As for that kryptonite rock, it ended up in Lex Luthor's hands... soon to be "hand".)
Also during Byrne's run, Superman briefly visited a "pocket" universe inhabited by a Silver Age-type Superboy, who died by the end of that storyline. Months later, the pocket Earth had turned into a hellhole thanks to three Kryptonian criminals. They too died by the end of that storyline... by Superman's hand. Feeling guilty over killing those killers, Superman exiled himself in space, was captured by Mongul's Warworld, and found an ancient egg-shaped relic created by his ancestors: the Eradicator. Superman brought the Eradicator back to Earth and it built him a nice Fortress of Solitude, but it also took over his mind and turned him into the emotionless Krypton Man -- who became an entity of its own after Superman overcame it. After Superman's death, the Fortress' robots rebooted the Eradicator so he could follow his “preserve Kryptonian life” directive and restore Superman back to life, but he got a little confused and thought HE was Superman. Hence: the Last Son of Krypton.
Another concept introduced by Byrne was the idea that Kryptonian DNA is too complex to be duplicated by Earth scientists, which led to the creation of Bizarro. Byrne's World of Krypton miniseries also established that Kryptonians used clones as spare parts to extend their lifetimes, and the conflict over clone rights literally tore the planet apart. So when Superman learned of a cloning facility near Metropolis called Project Cadmus, he immediately felt uneasy about it. After his death, Cadmus got hold of his body so they could create a replacement, but, again, you can't clone a Kryptonian... so they simply created an approximation of Superman's powers and features using human DNA. Hence: Superboy.
As for Steel, he's just Steel. Hence: Steel. Incidentally, if you’re wondering why his armor has been reduced to just some metal shorts by the end of the issue, here’s the answer. Pretty self-explanatory.
The only major plotline left dangling after this issue (aside from Dr. Stratos, of course) is Lex's own death/return/cloning misadventure, but the Super-Squad will deal with that in a big way pretty soon. Oh, and then there's the mess they left for Green Lantern, but that's another creative team's problem. (SHAMELESS PLUG: Follow my new Green Lantern '94 to '04 blog to see how that mess turned out.)
Believe it or not, there's even MORE stuff to talk about in this issue, so don’t miss the great Don Sparrow's section after the jump:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
In the first place I have to say that this issue is an all-time favourite of mine, probably in my top three of this era of comics we’ve been so dutifully covering. The excitement at my local comic shop for this issue was incredible, and already being the Superman fan that I was, I felt like I was on the ground floor. [Max: I also remember the excitement when I first saw this issue in my cousin’s hands after he showed it to me the day he bought it... then didn’t let me touch it, so I read it years later.]
We start with the cover, and I got the deluxe edition, with the chromium cover. Back when this issue came out, I had a love/hate relationship with Image comics. I wasn’t interested in the dark & gritty characters like Spawn and the like, and generally thought the Image books favoured flash over substance and storytelling. BUT, man, did the colouring and paper they used at Image ever look cool! So I was a bit torn about DC using a “gimmicky” feature like this—it looked amazing, but I also felt it was leaning a little far in the direction of sizzle over steak. But I didn’t mind that much, since this had been such a great story to this point. Aside from the metallic 3D look of the cover, the drawing is great, too. It was the first look at the returned Superman in the full suit, and also with the long hair present. DC must have thought that the long hair was a gamble on some level (even though we’d seen it for months in the actual issues) because they hid it from the covers for so long. [Max: This was also the cover they used in both the Spanish and Mexican editions I have, so that’s what I went with for the top of this post. The “normal” cover looks like a historic oddity to me.]
Inside the issue, we jump in with another splash page—there are a lot of these, and it really calls back Superman #75, as most of the pages have one main image, with a few small panels laid overtop. This one features another interpretation of the Eradicator, with short, non-spiky hair—it’s interesting to see these characters reinterpreted week to week. This opening page also commits the unpardonable sin of demanding that we stop reading the issue until AFTER we read Green Lantern #46. Being a naïve 13 year old when I read this issue, I of course complied with the demands of DC editorial, and read Green Lantern first, not realizing it has a near identical plot (albeit from a different point of view), right down to the “broosh” at the end, very much spoiling what is about to come in Superman #82. I remember being pretty steamed that my first glimpse of a returned Superman didn’t come in a Superman book. While I appreciate the coordination, I do find the caption misleading.
Also similar to Superman #75—it’s very hard for me not to talk about every panel or page, because this whole book is just gorgeous. The badassery from the last issue continues into this one, as Superman with his tough-guy attitude and giant gun is pretty cool. One quibble I have with this team is that when they bury Superman’s eye’s in shadow, it can have a sinister or tired look, which I don’t think is the intention. Some panels it’s more prominent than others, but in one panel on page 6 where it makes Superman look pretty rough, and a lot less handsome. We get more big gun Superman later when he starts taking it to Engine City in general, knowing it is connected to the Cyborg.
The Cyborg taking different shapes is done pretty effectively here, particularly when he forms himself out of what must be a lead-like metal to accuse Superman of a bunch of nutty stuff. The reveal of the Kryptonite heart of engine city is very well done, in part because of Eradicator’s bulging red eyes. It is a bit weird to imagine a lipless robot saying “mmm, hmm” though.
We get another great full-page splash as the Eradicator goes all-out in his effort to defeat the Cyborg. The captions here always confused me though, where it says “(The Eradicator) was built to kill…the other (the rocket that brought Superman to Earth, which the Cyborg used to create his new body) to bear new life. The victor would be obvious.” But to me, it’s not obvious. I would think that in a Superman comic, a vessel of LIFE would be the big winner over ancient weaponry, but I think the caption intends the inverse. I guess it’s saying a gun would beat a baby crib? It’s one of those passages that sounds cool, until you think about it. Or think about it excessively, as I clearly have. [Max: To be fair, a gun WOULD beat a baby crib. It would kick that baby crib’s ass.]
Superman’s haymaker knocking off the Cyborg’s jaw is an incredible visual, and there’s a subtle set-up for the great cape visual call-back that comes later.
The entire sequence of the Eradicator taking the blast of Kryptonite is well done, in particular the panel when we see Superman through the vanishing Eradicator. I’m a bit confused as to just how the Kryptonite suction thing works here—the Kryptonite meteor is shrinking and shrinking, but nothing is attached to it except for that one hose.
Jurgens and Breeding do a great job of showing the physical cost of Green Lantern going toe to toe with Mongul. It also sets up for my all-time favourite Superboy quote, one I think might be seen on this site from time to time in meme form, “Check it out! The Lantern looks so totaled it makes me want to hurl!”. This entire saga has been worth it, to get to that line. Just magnificent. [Max: I think Hal went evil because of that one comment.]
The glimpse of the burnt-out husk of the Eradicator is also incredibly well drawn—and painful looking—but even by the end of this story he seems a lot more recovered.
The scene of the returned-to-full-power Superman decking the Cyborg is a stand-up-and-cheer moment, and I love the detail that Superman is holding the cape for this whole scene. It’s interesting that as the Cyborg starts to get damaged in the fight, we see how little organic material there is. Metal seems to poke through the skin on his face, as if only a thin sheet were laid over the metal. and when Superman punches right through him, there’s really no blood or anything, just a dry, cracked crater. I had thought, up until this issue that the cybernetic parts were beside real skin and bones (as if to replace the damaged parts of Superman’s body from his fight with Doomsday), but this issue seems to posit that he’s all robot, with only a veneer of Kryptonian flesh overtop.
The normally merciful Superman is pretty blood-thirsty here, vibrating his arm fully in the knowledge it might kill Henshaw (who helpfully reminds us, he’s survived before). [Max: That moment kind of rubbed me the wrong way, and I think Jurgens himself felt uneasy with it too. One of the highlights of his recent “Rebirth” run was that Superman deliberately decides to jail Hank instead of killing him to at least give him a chance to be rehabilitated, which would be cool to see happen one day.] I love the little glimpse we get of the restored, and re-costumed Superman before the full reveal, and as a character moment, I love that he would think to show gratitude for the heroes who filled in when Superman was dead.
The next few pages are pure joy, as it’s such a treat to see our Superman soaring around in the sunshine, even with the new Tarzan haircut. It’s such a show of restraint that they didn’t pack a reunion with Lois into this issue, instead allowing a different superteam to tell that story, which very much deserves its own issue. Overall, though, I just remember feeling such a sense of joy, and relief that Superman was back, and back to full power. [Max: SPOILERS: And then some...]
I do love this era of comics before swearing (or even censored swearing) was a thing, because they have the weirdest phrases. John Byrne would always have characters saying “blast” instead of “damn” to an absolutely ridiculous degree. In this issue, I don’t know for sure if “crud” is a stand-in for another word, but it does strike me as downright odd for Green Lantern to use it as a noun against Mongul. The concept of “a crud” just amuses me, though I suppose it could be meant in the same vein as “scum” or something.
Is it me, or does Jeb look like Ricardo Montalbon here? [Max: Oh crud, I forgot Jeb was in this issue! Jeb was in this issue, everyone.]
I love they don’t even give the Cyborg a moment to be cool. Just as he’s about to reveal his true identity in a villainous speech he gets clocked by Superboy, in one of my favourite moments with the character (but not my very favourite, as we’ve seen.) I also like the low-level burn that Henshaw assumes that Superman must already know who he is, but Superman’s like, nope.
I do like that this issue goes to great lengths to explain that Superman can’t just keep returning from the dead, even going so far as to say it would never work again. My pet theory is that the Eradicator’s Resurrection Matrix only worked because Pa Kent’s spiritual journey in Adventures of Superman #500 really did happen. [Max: I might be misremembering, but I think the upcoming issue of Action pretty much confirms that.]
I’m glad to see him recovered, but I kinda think Eradicator spoiled the moment a little with his observation about Green Lantern.

[Max: Blast it, Sparrow! You’ve done it again!]
#superman#dan jurgens#brett breeding#eradicator#superboy#coast city#green lantern#hal jordan#mongul#steel#supergirl#hank henshaw#jeb friedman#metal shorts#dc give me baby eradicator you cowards#reign of the supermen
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ANYWAY, I just wanna screech about young kara for a few minutes. she was twelve when krypton “died”. she was twelve when she had to say goodbye to her parents, old enough to know something was very, very wrong but young enough to not comprehend it completely, to not understand that she would never see her parents ever again...
SHE WITNESSES THE DEATH OF HER ENTIRE PLANET —— home would only ever be a memory now. every person she had met? dead. her friends? dead. family? dead. every place she had ever been? gone. turned to dust. every place she’d ever read about? gone. everything was gone, and then there was nothing but darkness and silence. the only escape from it was sleep, though it didn’t take very long for kara to become aware of her dreams; she could lucid dream, though to control a dream one must be aware they are dreaming, and when she woke she was always alone, and the only happiness she knew was a dream.
cut to earth, and kara was alone on a new planet... or she feels like it. she has kal, but she doesn’t know him and he doesn’t know her. kal isn’t even kal, he’s clark and superman, and doesn’t have enough time for her. he can help the whole world, but he won’t help her. he abandons her, not literally, but it feels that way ( she wants to hate him for it... but he’s all she has left, and she can’t hate him ).
kara zor-el? she was dead too. instead, she had to be kara danvers, pretend to be human, never talk about the last twelve years of her life to anyone except for a literal handful of people.
she acts fine, but she was not fine. at all. kara was severely traumatized, regardless of how hard she tried to hide it from everyone around her, she had ptsd, and dealt with it for years; she would try not to sleep, because of the nightmares, especially after a particularly bad one she gave her and alex’s room a new window... in the ceiling, with her heat vision. after that, for a solid month she slept outside in a tent because she didn’t want to damage the house or hurt anyone by accident. she dealt with severe claustrophobia for a good amount of time. loud noises put her in a panic. earth’s weather was frightening. kids at school made fun of her, and the only friend she had was murdered. then, jeremiah disappeared. everything that went wrong, kara blamed herself. she felt as if she was helpless, hopeless...
she couldn’t save herself from any of it, but she could save other people, only no one would let her. wanting to save people, it was the one good thing she could do, the one good that could come from what happened. she had every power that superman had, yet was told to have a normal life, that no one needed her to use her powers.
j’onn helped her the most, though she never knew it was him — after jeremiah went missing and j’onn took the place of hank, he would come and visit, saying he was a therapist that jeremiah had arranged prior to his disappearance, who was informed of kara and all she had been through. slowly, though surely, the nightmares became less and less frequent, her panic attacks disappeared, the claustrophobia gone, she no longer hated herself for surviving or hated clark for not being able to give her the stability that she really needed.
though she was still forced to hide who she truly was, be kara danvers while kara zor-el was nothing more than a memory. becoming supergirl was so important to kara because it was the first time in more than a decade that kara zor-el could just be herself, saving people who couldn’t save themselves, sparing them from even just a shred of the pain and brokenness she had been through, be the hope for people who had none, be the light in the darkness... like she wished that someone could have been for her when she needed it the most.
I wrote this all listening to uneven odds by sleeping at last, so I’ll leave you with this, because it perfectly describes kara: darkness exists to make light truly count.
#long post /////#✧ —— ⟨ character study; ⟩ ✕ darkness exists to make light truly count.#hey everyone thanks for comin to my ted talk. please help yourself to a tissue on your way out
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Things i did not like and i am still on the fence about:
Why do they keep trying to put Kori with straight hair!!!! KEEP THE GORGEOUS CURLS OR GO FULL NATURAL HAIR!!!
Dove is such a weird character cause i don’t wanna hate her but the decisions she takes don’t fucking help. And like I’m glad Hank and her are done cause those two were kinda the worst together? Like they made a good team but like i hated that btwn the too of them always put everything bad on Dick. Like he was wrong about a lot of ish, but he didn’t do everything wrong…
Is anyone ever planing on introducing superboy to superman?
And like now every fucking cop and Crane cop knows about the batcave, like how do you even unfuck that? Someone is going to talk! What’s going to be next fucking season about, that one time Nightwing got unmasked?
Also Jason Todd kept throwing the name Dick Grayson around while in public and unmasked! Bruce taught u better!
Are they going to arrest all cops even if we’re all still denying that GRAYSON IS A WANTED MAN?
And like are you kidding this blind idiot hasn’t realized that Mary is his child with starfire! Like dude!
Also I’m no programmer but every decent human being knows that a touchscreen is everyone’s nightmare to code in. Wtf Barbs
Is all of Gotham just going to pretend that they never tried to kill the titans? Like sorry we messed up, here’s sum crackers.
Is the roges gallery gonna be a lil bit more afraid of Batman… since u know, he did bash the Joker’s skull?
WHERE DID GRAYSON GET ANOTHER NIGHTWING SUIT IF HE CANT LEAVE GOTHAM??!!!! The pit literally dissolved it and gave him a tux?
Did the Drakes just went like, let’s send our untrained son with a bunch of super-powered ppl and hope he makes it cause he landed a few kicks. Yep a+ parenting.
U can’t throw me that bone and not show me Selina Kyle well, alive and thriving !!
Are we all going to forget that technically both Bruce and Jason have killed? Like is everyone going to be like oh cool champs, let’s move on.
However things i do like and made it worth it:
Direction of the first ep was lit and that one shot were nightwing tases the goons while on the rail 😩👌
Jason hearing that Bruce killed the Joker for him. LIKE FUCK the comics! This is what we needed! Nature is healing
Tim drake had his Iñigo Montoya moment, and i live for it 👌👌👌🥰🥰
That last “sweet dreams” u go rae girl!! U go!

I am finally watching s3 and I HAVE UNRESOLVED ISSUES from S2!!!
#titans season 3#titans series#titans season 2#dick grayson#jason todd#jonathan crane#kori anders#superboy#the oracle
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YOU SHP GENERAL DANVERS? fic rec for that... maybe...? :)
Of course I ship general danvers, my dude! I’m so excited about getting all of these fic recs… but ask and you shall receive!
By Anonymississippi -
Between the Lines - The letters come without warning. It’s a weird, formal vernacular, but it seems sincere. Hank is going to kill her if he ever finds out she’s responded. Kara will kill her, then apologize for killing her, and then treat any of the wounds she’s inflicted in the killing.Really, the last thing Alex Danvers needs is an alien pen-pal, especially one who’s working for the enemy. But Alex writes, and she reads, and falls deeply into something that she just can’t seem to capture with paper and pen alone.
I Have Loved the Stars Too Fondly to be Fearful of the Night - After weeks of reconnaissance, Alex and the rest of the DEO agents are finally ready to make their move against the aliens of Rozz. There’s only one problem: the hostiles are in the midst of negotiations with the Circuit, an international arms smuggling ring whose members prefer to shoot before they talk. While the Circuit schmoozes the unidentified Rozz leaders, Vasquez, Lucy, and Alex make attempts at infiltrating the negotiations. But those negotiations are being celebrated at Club Jaguar, the hottest gentleman’s club in National City. Alex’s night is overrun with shot glasses, stripteases and lap dances, and an interlude with a Kryptonian General that she never could’ve expected.
Dearly Departed (wip) - Alex’s apartment is haunted. So is she.
Brigadier’s Brewers (wip) - When Astra crash landed eight years ago with the rest of the Fort Rozz prisoners, she was in no condition to fight another war. Her planet was gone, her loved ones dead, and any hope for a future… nonexistent. It wasn’t until she overheard a conversation in the heart of National City that she found hope again. Someone had mentioned a crest, the House of El, and an excursion undertaken to find a pumpkin latte. So, in a last-ditch effort to reconnect with any surviving family members, Astra opens Brigadier’s Brewers, a coffee shop on the outskirts of the UCNC campus. With the help of her White Martian friend M'gann M'orzz, Astra finds hope, family, and a love brewing stronger than her strongest cup of coffee.ORThe General Danvers CoffeeShop!AU. Set approximately two years before season one.
(literally everything this person writes is amazing, read it all; these are just my personal faves)
By littlelamplight -
stardust (wip)- ‘And then my soul saw you, and it kind of went, ‘oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you’. When your daemon meets your soulmate’s daemon, it knows. That doesn’t always make it easy. Astra and Alex meet in a warehouse, on opposite sides of a war, and their souls know each other.
flung out of space - The silence from the Kryptonians ends when Astra crashes through Alex’s window.
(also just in general a great author)
By uisceB-
Sword of Damocles -
Canon divergent from 1x13: When Hank shows up on the rooftop to stop Astra from activating Myriad, Astra manages to outmaneuver him, taking Alex hostage as a means of escape. Now, Alex finds herself a prisoner at the hostile Fort Rozz base, but as time goes by, she and Astra begin to form an unexpected bond, challenging each of their beliefs, and loyalties.
By alittlelesspain -
she’s beauty, she’s grace, she looks like your graphical user interface - “Alex groans, downs another gulp, and thinks she should have known from that alone. Only a supervillain from Kara’s family would be an eco-terrorist, anti-capitalist hippie.“Metropolis has Superman. Gotham has Batman. National City has…a supervillain. And Alex Danvers is perfectly fine with that, until the day her sister decides to fight said supervillain.
By beaglesinbowties -
(Un)Happy Surprises - Alex comes home from college to work for the summer. She’s not upset that she’s alone for the summer, nope - in fact she wishes she could be alone when she discovers an unanticipated house guest.Why does she have the worst luck?
By abatnoir -
got a piece of my mind (to tell you who’s mine) - destiny brings them together. it takes its sweet time, but eventually it brings them together. [canon-divergent soulmate au]
By writerstealth -
In the Service of Secrets - American President Astra Isaacs has a lot of secrets, not the least of which the torrid affair that she’s having with the head of her Secret Service detail, Special Agent Alex Danvers.
By fangirlinit -
Anatomy of a Stoic - Professors are assumed to practice what they preach. Astra would hold to this principle were it not for the new professor of bioengineering who is young, beautiful, and annoyingly quarrelsome. Being masters of separate fields, they are pleasurably antagonistic toward each other… until secrets get the best of them.
I Saw Mommy Kissing Astra - It’s Christmas Eve at Miss Grant’s lavish penthouse and everyone’s invited. Alex’s adopted daughter is a snoop and more than she can handle. When the girl sees something quite out of the ordinary, she seeks out her Aunt Kara. Gossip ensues. To make a long summary short: Astra is confused, Kara is in a pickle, and Alex wants to crawl into a hole and die. But, hey, that’s the holidays for you.
By fictorium -
Crayons to Perfume - Teacher AU (Alex teaches at a community college; Kryptonian Astra takes her class)
By astradanvers -
Finding Happiness - Alex has always believed she’d never find happiness, but maybe she was wrong. And maybe it takes a Kryptonian to prove it.
By xreyskywalkersolo -
Fragile - For Alex, bronchitis is just extremely annoying. For Astra, it’s a bit more than that. It’s downright terrifying.
By supercatandfriends -
The Bravest Human - Ever since Kara became Supergirl, she’s been in near-constant danger. Alex hates to admit it, but she isn’t coping very well with her new responsibilities to keep her sister safe. Astra knows how that feels.
By TheOnlySPL -
Yours - "Not only did you call me Alex – something I have been trying to get you to do for months” – if smugness had a smell, Astra was sure it would be coming off of the agent in waves – “but you called me yours.”
Engagements - “Do you ever think we should just stop this?” her voice is almost alien in its huskiness, and considering the warm body next to her, somehow it seems appropriate.
By ObsessionsOfMine -
The The Rescue - Lord kidnaped Alex in hopes of luring Kara in, so he could capture her. But, boy, was he in for a surprise.
Flirting Is An Art - “At first, she’d stuck to simply sitting at the one of the tables and watching as the people went by, most of them taking their drinks and leaving right after. But one day, probably out of sheer boredom, Astra had decided to sketch something on one of the napkins.”
By RenaM -
Not Jealous - Astra was jealous. Alex was confused at first, but quickly finds it amusing… and adorable, really.Small spoilers for 2x02
Not A Crush at all - Alex comes out of the lake, angry and soaked. She���s not in the mood to talk, but Professor Inze always had a way with her.
By pastalover -
this house is falling apart - Astra was going to tear apart the alien who decided that kidnapping Alex was a smart choice.
the universe won’t wait for you - Alex’s compass had been pointing up as soon as it appeared on her skin.
i truly could waste my entire life reading fanfic and never tire of it tbh
anyway… i hope you enjoy them!

#general danvers#alex danvers#astra in-ze#i stg i could ship alex with so many people#the CHEMISTRY#fic recs
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One of the first short stories I’ve written...
Does The Coyote Ever Win?
You are like the Sun
With your smile being its rays
Beaming brightly and like a
Thompson Submachine Gun
It rips through my dark clouds
Of sadness and
Makes all my days.
I hope this isn't cheesy
Like a Packer fan at Lambeau field
But I really like you
And I’d like to be your boyfriend.
I gave this poem to my high school crush. The paper, once crisp and fresh from the binder, was crinkled and stained from age. The message however, was still fresh from the heart.
“Hey man, I think I like like a girl,” I confessed to my buddy, Tico, the day before I gave it to her. The lunch bell had rung and people squeezed out of classrooms towards the cafeteria or little food carts that were stationed just outside the cafeteria. People were with their cliques. Jocks in their lettermans howling in laughter over some penis joke, preppy girls covering their mouths in shock over some gossip, and geeks having a debate over whether Batman or Superman was better. We were under a shade of a tree, waiting for the rest of our friends to meet us there. He was tall, yet lanky. He carried a constant look of ogle on his face, as he checked out every female that walked by him. I was a little shorter than him, lean and handsome, although at the time nobody could convince me of this.
He dropped that look and his eyes widened.
“Really?! Who is it,” he demanded to know.
Having never shown much interest in women, he constantly made jokes about my sexual orientation. I was not surprised he was surprised.
“Well,” I slowly started to sputter, “I-I kinda like Lyd-Lydia.”
“Her!?” he squawked with his jaw agape in confusion. “You’re joking, right?”
“What wrong with her?”
“Everything bro. She doesn’t have an ass or tits.”
“That’s not all a woman is.”
“Yeah it is.”
“Ok, maybe to you, but there’s more to a woman than that. There’s their personality, their character, and how they really make you feel.”
A voluptuous girl passed by and Tico gave her an eyeful. I did too.
“Well, I’m pretty sure I know how she makes me feel and it isn’t hard to figure out even though it’s literally hard.”
“Really? Is that all you think about, asses? Have you ever seen Forrest Gump?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Well, what Forrest and Jenny had, I want that. That bond they had together. Did you not see the beautiful moments they had together?”
“No, I fell asleep halfway through. It was a hella long movie.”
I gave up. Nobody seemed to be interested in deeper connections to each other. Especially him. The only connection he was concerned about was the one that happens between genitals of the opposite sex.
“Then what’s so special about her? Is she easy?”
“I don’t want her for that. She’s an amazing person, always smiling and bringing cheer to everyone when she high-fives everyone. I just want her to be with me like Jenny was to Forrest.”
“Hey, didn’t the Jenny girl avoid him for most of the movie?”
“I thought you fell asleep through the movie!”
“Well, it’s true, isn’t it?”
“Nevermind that. I have been trying to figure out how to get her to like me.”
“Just ask her out.”
I was stunned. It had been on my mind for awhile.
“I can’t just ask her out. I haven't even talked to her besides saying hi and goodbye. I gotta talk to her first, right?”
“Just ask her out.”
“That’s it? That’s all I have to do? She’ll be my girlfriend if I just ask her?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“I don’t know, don’t I have to do something cool, like be good at some sport or be really smart that I can teach the class, or if ninjas came to kidnap her, I’d use some hidden kung fu ability in me to kick their asses, save her and ride off into the sunset?”
“You don’t even have a car.”
“That’s not the point, but still. All I have to do is ask her?”
“Hmm, if you don’t believe me then why don’t you write her a love letter.”
“Really? That works?”
“Yeah, I think it will. Girls like honesty or some shit like that.”
It started to make sense. It was perfect. I was a pretty good writer, even though I had never written any kind of poem before. If I could masterfully use my words to show her my feelings, then she’ll be by my side the moment she finished reading my passionate and romantic poem.
Later that evening I immediately went to my room. At my desk, littered with old papers and doodles, I searched my bag for a pen and some binder paper. The old stuff on my desk was cleared and expecting to start pumping out my amorous epic, I stared into the paper.
My little brother then knocked on the door.
“Hey, that movie you like is on TNT!” he informed me.
“Which one?” I responded still staring at the paper.
‘The one about a guy named Harry and how he met Sally.” He answered.
“Oh, I think I’m gonna skip it for tonight.”
“Really?” he voiced with an air of bewilderment, “You always watch those cheesy movies! Are you ok?”
“Yes, I’m ok. Leave me alone.”
“Can I play the PS3 then?”
“Go for it.”
Suddenly animated, he ran to the living room.
Finally I convinced myself that whatever comes from my mind will be honest and true so without fear, I wrote nonstop for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, I told myself: She is gonna love it.
“Bro, she is gonna hate it .” I said the next day.
“Nah, man she’ll like it.” He was reading it and giggling.
“Then why are you laughing bro?”
“Nah man, you’re good. It’s fine. Make sure you give it to her.”
Lydia hasn't come in yet and I had to make a move. I made up my mind.
“Bro I don't think I can do this.” I said as I started to put the letter away in my backpack. Tico then abruptly reached in and snatched it.
“ I’ll do it.” he said as he rushed to Lydia’s desk.
“No! Wait!”
He left it on her her desk and when he got back to his respective seat, he gave me a double thumbs up.
“Hey!!!!” a shrill and feminine voice squealed out. Lydia had walked in. My face suddenly filled with the cold air of anxiety.
With black hair that she kept in a bun, she had soft hazel eyes, with a tranquil look. But her mouth was brimming with a smile as she greeted everyone joyfully. Her petite skinny frame walked around the class, making her rounds to say hi to everyone. She approached me and with that clarion voice, semi screamed out, “Wiley!!! What’s up!!!?”
“Um…. hi.” I managed to mumble out as I timidly smiled back. She smiled back and walked on to her desk while saluting the classmates on her way there.
As Lydia walked over to her desk, my face went from cold to hot as it sweltered up. I foresaw all the scnenarios that could occur. Maybe she will read it and smile at me across the room. Maybe she’ll read it and look at it in disgust. Maybe some sweet savior was gonna pull the fire alarm as a prank and as everyone would leave the room, I would snatch the letter and rip it up.
Lydia spotted the letter when she got to her desk. She put down her bags, picked up the letter and started reading it as she sat down with a serious look on her face. I could not bear to look at her reaction, so I just scoped on the teacher for the rest of class, never looking at Lydia’s direction.
When class finally ended, I was already out the door and free from a blundering disaster.
“Hey, Wiley!” a shrill voice resonated in the hall before students started to fill it. .
I stopped and looked back. Lydia stood there with the poem in her hand. She had a stoic stare.
“Hey, uh, Lydia.” I stammered out. I slowly walked towards her. I briefly looked at her eyes then away in angst towards the floor. Then I looked at her again.
“I read your letter,” she told me, looking at my eyes. Her face was not enthusiastic nor was it disgusted.
“Oh yeah? Um,....what… what did y-y-you think?” My heart was beating as if it was trying to get out of my chest like some Alien creature. That would have been preferable.
She took her time to find her words and with a fresh smile, she chimed, “Well, Wiley it was very nice!”
I saw hope.
“But I don’t really think of you that way. I really appreciate the letter, though.”
The hope was stomped on.. I was done. I had to transfer to another school. Another county. Another state. Mars was a possibility.
“Oh yeah, I mean,” I jittered, “that’s fine. I-I-I….,” Words could not leave my mouth. Visibly trembling, I looked up and took a breath.
“ ...had to try, you know,” I blabbered off as I turned and ran away. I could never face her again.
I spent the next 3 years in self-imposed exile. I spent my lunches in the band room where it was desolate of people, save for a few people practicing their instruments. I never talked to Tico again, since he was responsible suggesting and giving that poem to Lydia. I didn’t hang out with anyone. My evenings were filled with homework and early 90’s Tom Hanks romcoms. I still yearned for my Jenny, my someone to meet on top of the Empire State Building. But the fear of bungling another attempt to talk to a girl crippled me, until prom season came around.
Everywhere I went on campus, someone was asking someone else to prom. Some guy was able to get an extra large pizza with PROM? written on it with pepperoni. Another guy wrote it on his car. One guy simply got on top of the roof and screamed it out. I admired all these efforts in envy. I had to get a prom date. So as I went through one school day, I scouted for a girl I can like.
In one of my classes, I was sitting in my desk, browsing at all the females in my class. I was too afraid to make any move.
Suddenly a tap on the shoulder broke my concentration, and I turned around.
“Can I like, borrow a piece of paper?” said Liz, my classmate behind me. She had black hair with streaks of blonde. Chubby yet buxom, I found her sexually attractive, but she put on an overkill of make up. Her lips were bright red and her blush made her skin look like pastel. She also had a reputation of being easy, as I remember Tico telling me three years ago. But I decided to take the plunge.
“Um… yeah… sure, hold on, let me get it,” I suddenly said, “So… how’s your day going?”
“OK.” she guilelessly replied.
“That’s good.” I responded. “It’s pretty hot out there, huh.”
“I'm actually cold.”
“Oh really?” I nodded my head in search of a different topic, “You know… I’m wondering if you would… you know, like come with me….. um I mean…. if you would like to…. you know… get…. some… coffee?”
“Yeah, sure.”
I was astonished. I had finally gotten a girl to go get coffee with me!
“Ok, great…. um let’s go to that one Starbucks near the grocery store?” I asked.
“Yeah, it’s cool.” she answered back.
“Alright then, see you then.” and turned back around. The class was barely starting.
Later that evening, I was waiting at a table outside the Starbucks with two frappucinos. I had asked her if she liked frappucinos, and she simply replied with “yea”. A car pulled up and Liz exited it. She saw me and walked towards me.
“Hi” she said.
“Uh, hey,” I replied awkwardly at first, then quickly flashing the smile I had practiced in front of a mirror the night before. She smiled back and sat down. On a roll here.
“So I got you a caramel frappucino,” I told her, pushing the beverage towards her on the table, “I didn’t know if you liked whipped cream or not, but I thought that if you didn’t want whipped cream you could have mine which I ordered without whipped cream. Is that cool?”
“I don’t care.” she quaintly said.
“Oh ok, then I’ll take the whipped cream one. Unless you want it I mean, it’s totally cool if you want it.”
“It’s ok”
“Ok, then it’s settled.” and I took a sip of the beverage, while looking away from Liz.
“So what are you doing after you graduate?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, I see. Do you like, want to go somewhere?”
“Not really.”
“Mmm, that’s cool. Say have you got a prom date?”
“Oh that’s interesting.”
I took another sip of my drink, and kept sipping for 10 minutes in silence.
“So I have to go,” Liz then said, “My mom only brought me here so she can shop and she’s done.”
“Oh that’s cool,” I said, then as she was about to get off from her seat, I hurriedly added in, “but-but hey maybe we could a movie on Friday?”
“Great, I’ll see you then.”
Friday finally came, and I had decided to ask Liz to prom. Originally, I was going to get the movie theater to print out a ticket that said, Will you be my prom date? Unfortunately the employees could not figure out how to work the machine so I decided to draw my own ticket and have her find it somehow.
With the fake movie ticket on hand, I waited for Liz outside the theater. A drove up and Liz exited it. Said our hi’s and went to the box office to get our tickets.
Once inside the auditorium, we sat on the right side with all the lover seats of two. We were armed with popcorn and drinks. I was still trying to figure out how to indirectly give her the ticket. She was constantly grabbing and eating her popcorn. So when she was not looking, I slipped the ticket in the popcorn bucket and stared at the movie screen. I surveilled her from the side of my vision, waiting for her to find the ticket, smile and say yes.
Thirty minutes have passed and she was still munching away at her popcorn, but she was starting to slow down. I was starting to get restless.
Suddenly, I hear a gasp and then a puking sound. I looked over and she was choking. I got up and I tried to stand her up. She stood up but fell to the littered ground, gasping for any air. I tried to do what I thought was CPR. I put my hands on her chest and she looked at me like a pervert. I pushed down and she moved my hands away in suffering anger. Finally someone else jumped in and did it correctly. She coughed out a piece of paper. It was my movie ticket.
At the beginning of the last week of school, for some reason I decided to get there really early. At five in the morning I set off to school, with the sun barely beginning to rise. This caused the sky to look purplish, as if night and day were mixed together. I walked through the chill suburb, and crossed the main streets that were starting to grow alive with people going to their jobs, truckers leaving after shipping in the night and bums starting to wake up from the bus benches.
The school was empty at this hour. The sun faced the bench and glimmers of it were slowly hit it. I took off my glasses and put them on my lap. A pretty girl then approached me, and asked me for directions to a classroom. I promptly got up and showed her where it was. She thanked me and I went back to the bench, proud of the good deed.
I sat down and took a book from my backpack. Then realized that I did not have my glasses. I inspected the bench and they were not there. I figured that I must have accidently put them in my locker, so I went over to my locker and tossed it around in search of my glasses. I gave up and went back to the bench blind.
I noticed a person sitting on the bench as I walked over. It appeared to be a girl. I could not recognize her because of my Velma vision. Part of me wanted to go get my stuff and go somewhere else. But determined to learn how to talk to girls once and for all, I decided to engage her. I will make friends with this girl. It was my mission and I was going to accomplish it. It was Lydia.
“Lydia?” I astoundedly asked. Oh shit. Abort! Abort!!!! My mind rang out.
“Wiley!” she shrilled in delight.
“What are you doing here so early?” I asked.
“Well, my mom has work early in the morning and she’s using my car so I have to come to school at this hour.”
I chuckled, “This is funny. I never expected to see you at this hour.I never expected to see you at all!”
“Yeah, me neither!” she said. “Where are your glasses?”
“Oh, yeah, funny story. I think I lost them helping out a cute girl.” I said with a sly grin on my face.
Immediately she burst out laughing.
“That’s so funny. You are so clumsy Wiley.”
“I guess I am,” I chuckled.
As the sun began to rise and fully beam the bench as we engaged in deep conversation about what we had been up to.
We went to a Starbucks later that day. It was close to a supermarket, and the shoppers coming out were interesting looking characters. We made up stories about them. Middle aged guy with a shaggy beard was probably in Vietnam and if he talked to you, he would show you all his gun permits, tell you what he thought about Woodstock and go on a profanity laced rant about it even though you did not ask for it. A big lady wearing a nightgown with a cart full of cat litter. Most likely a crazy cat lady. Dude wearing a tight dress shirt, untucked, with slim jeans and dark shades even though it wasn’t even sunny, so he was most likely a axe spraying, womanizing douche. It beat looking at clouds.
She talked about how she loved golf, how she loved being a babysitter, and how close she was to her former middle school teachers. She was going to attend the same college as one of them.
I told her about my desires to help people too. How I wanted to be a lawyer and hopefully run for office. I admitted that I had my anxiety but I was willing to work on it.
For lunch the next day, we went to McDonalds. Lydia had her car so we would go through the drive thru. I’d order two McChickens and she would order a Happy Meal.
But we would also order twenty piece McNuggets for us both and eat them while she drove. I was the sauce man, holding the sauce for us both, while she, with one hand on the wheel, recklessly drove as she dipped and ate her nuggets. We were the fast food Bonnie and Clyde.
On a different night, we were eating at Panera Bread and I was enjoying my cheddar broccoli soup so much that I took the unfinished bowl with me without thinking when we left.
“Oh my god, Wiley!” She told me when we got in the car. “Did you just steal a bowl?”
“Oh Jesus, I did,” I said finally realizing what I did. “But it was so good!”
She stared at me with serious look, “Oh Wiley! You are going to get me in trouble! I am your accomplice!”
Oh no, not again. This can’t be happening again.
She then broke her stare and busted out in laughter, “Oh, Wiley you are so clumsy and badass!”
Oh thank you, sweet baby Jesus.
“Yeah, so that means you are just as bad ass as me since you are my accomplice!” I responded back, with a brimming smile.
“ Um, excuse me? I was already badass, ok?” he mockingly said, “Have you seen Pulp Fiction?”
“Yeah, it’s a pretty awesome movie!”
“Well, you know what Samuel Jackson has inscribed on his wallet?”
“Yeah, bad ass motherfucker,” I laughed.
“That is what we are! Bad ass motherfuckers! We are BAMFs!”
I burst out laughing because I could not believe that such words would come out of someone so nice and respectful.
High school ended and we were both shipping out of town for college. I was bound for UCLA, while she was heading off to an all girl school in Missouri. On the last day before she was to leave, we hung out at the Starbucks.
When she drove into my driveway to drop me off, I looked at her with a serious look.
“You know, this last week with you was awesome, especially because of you.” I said. “You are really the best friend anyone can have. You cheer me up with that smile, and make me laugh.”
She looked at me, and then smiled with tears starting to develop.
“Wiley, I want you to know that you are an awesome guy, and you have been so important in my life, but I am just not about dating or things like that. And also we are young, and heading off in different directions. We have to expand our horizons and meet new people.”
I looked her and smiled, with tears starting to develop in my own eyes. “Ok, I understand. I really appreciate you being my BAMF.”
And with that we hugged tightly in the car.
“I gotta give it to you though,” she said after letting go of me. “That was better than that letter.”
“Hey, now, you told me you liked it!” I joked. And with that, we said our goodbyes and off she was to Missouri.
I found the poem in her belongings up in the attic. She had the Panera bowl. Pictures of us that she took. A wave of reminiscence washed through me. After sixty years of being together, 50 of those years married and with four kids, I realized I didn’t find my Jenny. Jenny was hardly together with Forrest. I found my Lydia. I may not have had the smoothest record with women, but nobody ever takes the same exact path to get to where they are going or to get what they want. Every path is unique, just like my Lydia.
I left the poem next to her when she was buried. Although I may be sad now, I know I’ll see her again. She came back into my life that last week of school. She came back after college to be with me and get married. By now, I know it’s not a coincidence.
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