#but ​it’s important to watch the trailer
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psychedelic-charm · 3 days ago
I watched a video essay on the Brony dating sim scam by Izzzyzzz, and they mentioned a game trailer starring Sam "Psychoactive Charm" (an appropriate handle seeing as how the visuals were trippy as hell!). It was the most insane "game" trailer I had ever seen.
When I downloaded PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator, I repurposed the handle from the trailer as the name of my in-game YouTube channel. However, I switched the word "psychoactive" with "psychedelic" because the latter invokes the psychedelic subculture that originated in the mid sixties. Surreal images, bright colors, animation, rock music inspired by mind-altering drugs. It was a lot!
Anyway, I eventually used the name for my real YouTube handle (up until that point I have used my actual name). I'm not sure why I spelled it with a hyphen when I started this account; maybe it was to separate the two words because I couldn't use spaces, but that's not important.
Tags (no pressure): @emo-gals-4life @scenecore-vampire-zip @rotten-milk-and-honey @youtry2replaceurself @bebe-benzenheimer
@happinessismagicc @sweethoneyrose83 @melissaduck (and her side blog @blood-and-pizza) @miljandeerus-06 + anyone who sees this and wants to join!
Tag game🎉
Tag your moots and ask them where they got the idea for their tumblr accounts name!
For my name it was a nickname I was giving back in middleschool! One of our teacher had a system where we worked with 'wifi' eachtime we talked in class we lost a bar of the "wifi" (was a weird joke and we never held count on that) All the kids usually joked if they needed 'wifi' , they would borrow mine if they wanted to talk more. (I was incredibly shy in middle school, I only talked to like 3 people at school;^;)
They called me Ms. Wifi because of that. I just thought it would be funny if I put 'miss' instead of 'ms' because of my terrible actual wifi connection I have at home lol.
That's my story! Now moots, only if you guys want to, tell us your story.
Tags-> @slipping-lately @firequeenofficial @noagskryf @twinklstarrrr @halfbakedspuds @polterwasteist @rokushi-san @mygedagtes +anyone that sees this and wants to do this as well
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dreamingpichu · 1 day ago
I'm noticing a consistent problem cropping up related to Legends Z-A and that's the fact that people don't seem to realize that the rivals and player characters are in fact the same person.
I keep seeing people begging to play as the female protagonist and have Taunie as their rival not realizing that the female protagonist IS Taunie. Same thing goes for the male protagonist being Urbain.
This has been done before as well, it's just different this time because the rival character does look different from their player character counterpart. This has never happened before.
In X&Y the Calem you play as vs the Calem that acts as your rival look identical. Same hairstyle, same outfit. His rival appearance perfectly matches one of the three appearance options you pick at the start of the game if you were to pick him as the player character.
But Urbain and Taunie do look very different from their playable counterparts. It's a pretty noticeable difference too, so much so that the details that clue us in that they're the same as the protagonists are barely noticeable when you're watching a speedy trailer during a livestream.
Now, I am totally on board with AU selfcest shenanigans, but I feel like this is important for us to realize because I'm betting that GameFreak thinks we already know when in fact a majority of us do not. I've seen plenty of Rival Taunie x Player Taunie shippers that don't realize that they're shipping selfcest.
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If you look closely you notice it:
Same eye shape, same brows, same haircut (that one is easily missed because Player Taunie is wearing a hat which covers up her bun and ahoge)
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It's a lot more noticeable on Urbain. The swoop in his hair is so recognizable that even though Player Urbain is wearing a hat it's still visible.
I'm going to assume this is a Brendan and May situation. Where if you pick May as the player her father is Norman and Brendan's is Birch. But if you pick Brendan, his father is Norman and Birch is May's father.
It's a weird AU thingy where the characters are born to completely different parents depending on who you choose to play as. Only this time GameFreak gave their rival counterpart a different appearance to better match their parents so it doesn't feel as weird as the Brendan and May situation.
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lulu2992 · 2 years ago
Today marks the tenth anniversary of Tomb Raider, the first game in the Survivor Trilogy!
The Reborn Trailer is still one of my favorite video game trailers of all time...
...and here is what it inspired me to create back in 2013:
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Happy 10th Anniversary, Tomb Raider!
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aster-aspera · 3 months ago
Penelope's weaving
aka I, an archeologist, am here to review the accuracy Penelope's loom in the 2024 movie 'The Return' because I want to avoid thinking about all my papers due next week. For context, I am currently writing my bachelor paper on Minoan textiles, and while I am definitely not an expert, I do know a thing or two about bronze age textile technology
So first point of pedantry: that is not at all a bronze ago loom.
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I can't say exactly say what kind of loom this is, as I've only studied bronze ago looms. Whatever kind of horizontal/draw/treadle loom this is, I can confidently state that this would not have been used in Mycenaean times. I'd say that we only see these kinds of looms in Europe from the medieval period, somewhere around the 11th century.
In the bronze age, there are three types of looms in use (as far as we know). The horizontal ground loom, the two beam loom, and the warp-weighted loom. Most traditionally, we see iconography depict Penelope weaving on a warp-weighted loom, like this beautiful vase does.
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We can clearly recognize this as a warp weighted loom, because we can see the weights: they're the little triangles at the ends of the vertical threads (the warp). The warp-weighted loom is also the only loom we can find archeological remains of, as the loom weights were often made of clay (sometimes pebbles), while the other types of looms were purely wooden.
Furthermore, I have genuinely no clue what she is supposed to be doing with her weaving in this short clip. There is no visible shed, which is the separation between the warp yarns, through which you pull the weft, so that you can actually weave something.
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Here's a picture of the shed, as you can see, every other thread is pulled up, and the shed can then be switched around to create a woven pattern.
In the short clip we see, she seems to just be drawing some threads through the warp, which is more than a little nonsensical. If one was weaving a smaller fabric or a tapestry, one could perhaps use a pin or sword beater to pick up individual threads of the warp to pass your horizontal thread (the weft) under, and create patterns that way. That is still not what she is doing here. Additionally, she is weaving a solid red fabric, which would not make it a very interesting tapestry.
Perhaps she's undoing her weaving in this scene? It would make a little more sense if that was what she was doing, as no one would ever be actively weaving at night! It required a lot of light to be able to see what you were doing. Candle light just did not suffice. It still looks a little strange to me, as I don't actually see any woven fabric on the loom that she could be undoing. It's all just loose warp threads.
Honestly, it kind of looks like they picked up a loom from the nearest interactive history museum and plunked it into their movie without doing any research. I think it's a little sad that when adapting a work that centers weaving as much as the Odyssey does, the filmmakers did not do any research into bronze age weaving. You really don't need to be writing a paper on this stuff to find sources for this!
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I'll just leave you all with this: a beautiful reconstruction of a warp-weighted loom, with the beginnings of a tapestry as Penelope would have woven it. You can see the loom weights at the bottom, and the sticks in the middle called the heddles, which were used to create the shed I discussed earlier. This is part of the Penelope project.
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nyoclosmom · 4 months ago
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my brain belongs to her only
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respectthepetty · 7 days ago
Petty!!!!!!!!!!!! The Fourever You Part 2 pilot trailers have been released!
Anon, I need you to know that I was at a work event when you sent this, and I immediately shimmied off to my office, so I could sneak in a trailer, and guess which one I, a slut, picked?
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This is what my triflin' ass gets!
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But now, I'm home, and I've watched all of them, so as much as I don't eff with los espookys, I'm about to for this fine ass man!
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I already figured out Arthit was a Black Brooder during the first season, so I'm hoping Dao is a Blue Boy which will make the ghosts worth it.
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They're already my favorite pair of the entire series! Dao himself could knock out Johan and Hill and Arthit could easily steal their men. They're my fighters!
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I'm also interested in these two's story since they were thrown into the first season with no conclusion and minimal backstory!
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I thought Tiger was just on Johan's tax bracket of crazy in the first season, but now I realize the boy's got buried secrets.
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Like actual bodies!
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Which brings me to the last couple.
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I was not expecting the telenovela to come from Typhoon!!!!
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Sister? Dead. Dad? Abusive? Mom? Mistress! Time? Limited. Life? RUINED!
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So good for Fah showing up to the plot or whatever . . .
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But I'm solely showing up to their story for this babygirl who deserves the world.
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Basically, I'm ready for another season of questionable editing while I lose my mind trying to figure out everyone's colors.
However, I will *not* be watching it at work.
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the-hustle-is-real-hermano · 8 months ago
Weirdly Specific Question
Are there any other fans of both Doctor Who and the Kane Chronicles who thought that maybe-probably-not-but-maybe she was going to be Nephthys?
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Just me? Cool.
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coldshrugs · 5 months ago
okay it's time to block more da4 tags lmao
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yuttikkele · 5 months ago
oh my gosh it’s Minecraft story mode BRRRRRRR(internal screaming) time
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larphis · 2 years ago
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istherewifiinhell · 13 days ago
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actuallylorelaigilmore · 2 years ago
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH schmigadoon s2 is CHICAGO THEMED with a healthy dash of sweeney todd and they got back ALL my faves not just ariana debose and kristin chenoweth but alan cumming and aaron tveit too!!!! and it’ll drop in early april!!! that’s so soon i’m SO thrilled...that’s a show i’ll watch immediately
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tariah23 · 1 year ago
Grateful for the flop 🍾
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tronlightcyclerun · 5 months ago
new installment really stupid wish it wasnt real but unfortunately the more i think about it the more it gives me vibes i think it did happen
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r0semultiverse · 3 months ago
Should have posted this sooner but Netflix leaked the date of The Amazing Digital Circus episode 4 back in October
Back when episode 3 had just launched on Netflix like a whole minute before the Youtube premier (since it had a count down), Netflix showed this on the mobile app.
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A placeholder image for Episode 4 of Pomni in front of the digital turkey from episode 1 and text that says "Coming in December."
I screenshotted it because surely there's no way this was true given the spacing between release dates of the last 2 episodes (two & three) and sent it to my partners and a server I'm in dismissing it as just Netflix being Netflix and putting out misinformation as streaming services are known to do quite often. Seeing as Netflix just acquired the rights to have it also shown on their platform, it was even more likely it was just total misinformation as GLITCH hasn't been that transparent with us before about this series and there was no word on episode 4 in any official capacity.
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Editing this after having written the initial post: Apparently it was also supposedly leaked on the Netflix website too with a more specific date given.
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Cut to yesterday when we got this image of seemingly promotional material for the next episode from GLITCH. I was shocked, it's coming soon then? Maybe this is just to tide us over for a few months, the Netflix leak was probably not even a leak. (This is the best quality I got, I don't have a twitter and I'm sure the instagram image compression is as bad as the Youtube community post.)
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Ah yes, this man is super charitable with his 57 cents. 😂 (inb4 North America public service job moments with the two gunmen NPCs on the loose.)
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AND THEN TODAY THE TRAILER DROPPED TELLING US THAT EPISODE 4 WILL DROP ON DECEMBER 13TH! I am shocked, I am in awe, and fuck Netflix for leaking the general date (even if it's just the month) that the next episode would come out as that wasn't official information that we were probably supposed to know. Also here's a banner showing something new going on with Gangle.
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Having said that though I enjoy little leaks like this personally, whether it was coincidental and misinformation on the streaming service's part or not. CHECK THE NETFLIX PAGE AND APP RIGHT AS EPISODE 4 DROPS OR WITHIN THOSE 24-48 HOURS I GUESS! MAYBE THEY'LL DO IT AGAIN! 🤯 Netflix just can't stop leaking things I guess, from entire shows to release dates of shows.
Another edit: Apparently Gangle's VA said somewhere in this live stream that it was coming out in December, but I haven't watched all of it; so, I can't confirm if that's true.
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#couldn't find the screenshot in the partner group chat so the discord server one a whole day later will have to do#just goes to show that netflix is terrible at managing things that weren't supposed to be released yet and leaking them to the public#though as digital circus fans that also gives us something to look forward to; let's see if they do it a second time lmao#I'll absolutely be keeping my eye out for that episode 5 leaked vague release date in the near future#they still don't show it on the app btw so someone probably got in trouble with glitch productions and had to take it down#wonder what pomni jax gangle and ragatha are gonna get up to as I haven't watched the trailer yet but given the newspaper article#I think it'll be America customer service simulator and Jax will be held at gun point or something by the robbers and taunt them daring the#to do it to pull the trigger cmon coward just shoot already then it'll blast out confetti or something because age rating game censorship#I think Orbsman will be like the super important customer role or something too and will probably give the fast food place a star rating#I'm sure people who follow gooseworx more actively on tumblr and other social media might have seen this coming but I wanted to point it ou#mine#op#the amazing digital circus#tadc#the amazing digital circus episode 4#tadc 4#tadc 4 spoilers#tadc spoilers#tagging just to be safe as I'm probably right about some parts of the plot; also calling it now Gangle gets a power trip#after she becomes or is appointed as manager and that's gonna be such an interesting dynamic to see with the rest of the cast
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x31043 · 1 year ago
Im not black but every time I see a big budget movie or smth with a white man in charge of a lil black girl I get on edge like
I don’t trust u to take care of her sir nor the narrative. I fear her getting harmed/fridged
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