#anyway you should all go watch and appreciate the trailer
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actuallylorelaigilmore · 2 years ago
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH schmigadoon s2 is CHICAGO THEMED with a healthy dash of sweeney todd and they got back ALL my faves not just ariana debose and kristin chenoweth but alan cumming and aaron tveit too!!!! and it’ll drop in early april!!! that’s so soon i’m SO thrilled...that’s a show i’ll watch immediately
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asimpforthe80s · 1 year ago
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Happy Late Valentines
Starring: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: slight angst. Smut!! Cunnulingus. P in V (unprotected). Breeding kink? Daddy kink?
Valentines Day. A day Eddie had despised for years. He never got anything, which is obvious knowing what his most known title is in the town. But you, on the other hand. You were quite popular despite hanging out with Eddie 'the freak' Munson, almost daily.
It was conveniently HellFire night on Valentines, and right before the campaign started, you were all showing off everything you had gotten. Everything from cards to chocolates.
Everyone was smiling and showing off expet the man himself, sitting on his throne almost frowning.
"So, what'd you get, Eddie?" You giggled, not noticing how saddened and frustrated he looked. "What do you think?!" He scowled, arms crossed on his chest.
"I didn't get shit. I'm just sitting my ass here, like always watching you get everything."
He said, leaning back in his throne and looking at you a bit, expecting sympathy. Everyone went silent, and as he expected, you looked at him with sympathy and shame. Ashamed of how you had shown off your cards and chocolates.
"God damn. I hate this stupid day." He muttered, turning his head to the other side, feeling pretty upset.
He didn't talk again for a bit, just sitting with a cold stare at the wall. "Sorry, Eddie.." you muttered. Dustin swallowed and decided to say something. "Should we get on with the campaign now?" He asked.
"Yeah-yeah- sure. We have nothing else to do, anyways." He said, sounding a bit annoyed with himself.
"God, sorry. Yeah. We should start. We got a lot to do today. Just- nevermind. I'm okay. Let's just do this campaign."
The eight of you nodded and waited for Eddie to start the new D&D campaign he had praised himself for the entire week. Eddie took a deep breath and looked at all of you, nodding.
"So, everyone's ready? All here?"
He asked, sounding enthusiastic, a way to distract himself from Valentines Day. "Yeah." You said, after counting all of Eddie's so-called 'sheep'.
"Okay, cool, cool. So." He rubbed his hands together, a large grin on his face, though his mood from before still kind of lingered.
"As you finally got out from the cave, you were all standing in a green field-..."
You were up all night crafting something for Eddie. It had to be good. It had to be perfect. You told yourself as you sat up by your desk gluing and painting.
You made a homemade heart-shaped box and painted the logo for HellFire in the middle of it. Then, filled it with chocolates and a small jar. Inside the jar there were small, midevial looking letters where you had written all the things you like about him. After hours of painting and writing, you put the last thing inside the box. A love letter.
All the while, you'd have a big smile on your face thinking of how happy Eddie will be. You were sure that he'd love your present, who knows? Maybe he might finally look at you as more than a friend. You couldn't wait to give it to him. You thought he'd probably appreciate some sweet gesture like that in the morning.
After a few more last touches, you called it done. You sat the box on your nightstand so you knew you wouldn't forget it tomorrow morning.
After a little bit of insomnia, you finally fell asleep, excited for the next morning, and finally getting to give Eddie the present you've worked on for hours.
You wake up with the biggest smile on your face, remembering the present right away. You quickly get dressed, wanting to go and hand him the box as soon as possible.
You grab some breakfast on the way, hoping you get to him fast enough. You barely finished eating before rushing out to your car and driving across the town to get to Eddie's trailer. When you got there and knocked on the door, your anxiety kicked in. What if he didn't like the box? What if he thought you did it because no one else did? What if he didn't like you like that?
Those thoughts and more kept rushing through your head, heart beating fast in anticipation for what might happen.
After a while, you heard some shuffling through the trailer. The door opened after a bit, and Eddie stood on the other side. He looked exhausted. You hadn't even thought about how early it was. All the thoughts disappeared from your head, however, as the look on his face turned to surprise as he saw you.
"Hey, Eddie.." You chuckled nervously, holding the box out to him. He looked down at the box curiously. A smile then crept onto his face and he took it from you.
"For me?" He said, a bit curious and surprised. "For- for you, yeah.." you said nervously, scared of how he'd react to your love letter. "Thank you." He said a bit stunned, and then he looked down at the box again before back at you.
"It's early, um, mind if I open it later?" He said, looking tired and a little bit out of it still.
Your heart ached with anxiety and slight pain. "Y-yeah, sure." You mumbled. "Thanks." He said before yawning wide, and his eyes began to flutter shut.
After a quick goodbye, he closed the door, leaving you to walk to your car and drive home upset. A small bit of hope still lingering, hoping that he'll actually look at it later. But Eddie was forgetful when it came to things like this. You probably wasted an entire night on making that box just for Eddie to never open it.
When it got to evening, that last bit of hope that he'd open the box began to disappear. You felt bad that you wasted all that time on it, wishing that he would actually look at it. But he didn't, and he probably didn't care much anyway.
You sighed and decided to call him.The phone rang a bit before Eddie picked up.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked after you said hello. "I know you've forgotten and this is kinda fucking important, so go open that box I gave you.. if you get surprised or something, live with that, I've got too much anxiety right now to deal with that." You said before hurriedly hanging up.
Eddie looked down at his phone, quite surprised at your sudden aggression. He didn't expect that at all.
Feeling a but hesitant, he walked into his room and over to the nightstand. He picked up the box and looked over at it for a moment before he finally opened it, careful and slow, expecting what the surprise might be.
He stared at the contents of the box as his eyes widened and he froze, not really sure what to feel.
The love letter, the chocolates, and the little surprises caught him by surprise, and he didn't really know what to do in the moment.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything, he took a deep breath and closed the box, stilThe emotions just hit him like a truck.
He suddenly looked overwhelmed by everything, all the things you went through just for him.
Eddie just stood frozen, thinking at how much you really do love him, even with all the crap he puts you through.
As tears welled up in his eyes, a feeling of guilt washed over him. He couldn't believe that you had gone this far for someone like him, for him.
Eddie couldn't hold back, and the tears began to fall. The sudden rush of realization that you truly love him hit him hard, and he just bawled his eyes out, unable to control the emotions.
In that moment of weakness as he cried into his hands, he couldn't help but wonder, "Why me?"
After a bit, Eddie managed to calm himself. He still had tears on his face as he wiped with them with his sleeve.
Finally, he pulled himself together and looked at the open box again.
He picked up the jar and pulled out the love letter to finally read it.The love letter really struck him in the heart.
He could actually feel that love pouring out of it, like there was nothing else on earth that mattered more than you felt for him.
Eddie felt his eyes well up yet again, it was a bit embarrassing.
"To: Eddie.
For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, it just happens. Your Lips? I kiss that. Your body? I hug that. My smile? You cause that. Your heart? I want that. In a sea of people, my eyes will always be searching for you. I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do. All I know is I wanna be with you. You make me smile whenever you're around. I could just sit and watch you without making a sound. I could talk to you for hours about nothing at all. You make me feel so comfortable into your arms, I wish I could crawl. I miss you when you’re gone. I miss you when you’re near. If we are together, we will have nothing to fear. So I guess I’m finally telling you I’m being real and true. Not only do I like you, I’m completely head over heels in love with you."
The love letter just overwhelmed him more and more.
He couldn't believe that after all this time thinking he was just a freak and that no one could like him, that this was his reality.
He could hardly hold back his tears of joy as he read the entire thing.
"God damn, this is it. She finally said it. She really likes me." He thought, happy tears flowing down his cheeks. As he finished the letter, he finally looked at all the contents in the box, his emotions still overflowing.
"Damn..." He muttered to himself, just overwhelmed with joy now that he really knew how she felt. He really couldn't believe that she could like him like this, he almost felt like he didn't deserve it.
His tears of joy started to dry up and he wiped all the tears with his sleeve, finally starting to calm down as he looked at the box again.
"She really went through all this for me..." He thought to himself, staring at the jar and the chocolates. He looked back over at the love letter again, feeling his heart flutter.
This was the happiest he felt in so long.
Finally, after this long time, someone really likes him.
"And- and here I thought being a freak, I'd just be alone for the rest of my life... She really... She really likes me..." He whispered to himself, smiling wide and his heart beating so fast. He set the box down and leaned against the nightstand and just took a moment to breathe.
This was the best he'd felt in years. Someone really liked him! What a feeling! He never thought that would happen, he really didn't think he was good enough for that.
But now, things seemed possible... The feeling was so overwhelming for him, he couldn't think straight. All these emotions just rushed the moment he saw the letter.
He felt like crying all over again, but he didn't wanna cry anymore.
He grabbed his phone, thinking about finally texting you and telling you all the things you mean to him. Just to thank you, or at least try. As he finally opened the text box and typed up the message, he stared at the screen.
He didn't know how to fully put it into words, but he had to try right?
He typed up the message slowly and sent it off to you.
He set the phone down and waited in anticipation to see how you'd react once you got it. After just a few minutes, his phone started ringing.
"Hm?" He said, looking at his phone.
He picked it up and checked the caller id, noticing it was you.
"Hey, um, what's up?" He said, his heart beating fast all over again, nervous of how you'd react. "Hey.. so, uh... my gift wasn't a bad idea, huh?" You chuckled nervously.
"Bad idea?" His voice sounded shocked for a moment as he laughed lightly too.
"It's literally the best thing I've ever received in my life." He said, truly meaning it.
"There's just so much to say to you, I don't even think you will fully understand just how much you mean to me." He added, still looking at the texts he sent you.
"Can I come over?" You asked nervously. In your head, you'd go to his place, and you'd cuddle all night while watching movies on the thick TV in his living room.
Eddie went silent for a moment, thinking about everything and what you asked.
He took a deep breath, thinking, "Oh God, oh God, OH GOD! She wants to come over! What do I do?!"
"Uhm... Yeah, I..." He stuttered, not sure how to finish his sentence. "Thanks." You giggled and hung up once more, immediately putting on some comfy but pretty clothes and rushing to your car, again.
Eddie quickly sat there in his bed staring at the phone, processing everything.
"Oh god, she's coming over. She- she wants to come over! Oh God, oh God!!"
He got himself out of the bed quickly, frantically putting on some clothes to look presentable when she gets here. He took some breath mints and sprayed himself with cologne a few times.
"Oh god, what should I do when she gets here?! How do I act?" He paced around the room now, just waiting nervously for her. He would check his phone every few seconds, thinking about her on the way over and how he's going to act when she gets here.
"Should I be calm? Should I be excited? What does one even do in this situation!? What do I talk about? I have to be so goddamn careful." He berated himself as he paced around the room, his anxiety kicking in.
He took yet another deep breath, checking the time. She should be here soon. He was sweating profusely now from his nervousness, and he was getting annoyed with himself.
Okay, Eddie. Calm, calm, calm...
After a few minutes, the doorbell rang.
He froze immediately from his pacing, thinking of nothing but the fact she was actually here.
He walked to the door and opened it with shaky hands and a big smile.
"Hey, uhm, h-hi." He said, not sure how to handle this, but he was glad you were actually here. "Hi.." you answered, just as nervous. His heart was racing, not knowing what to say. Should he invite you in, or should he just talk to you here?
"W-wanna come inside?" He asked, not wanting to sound rude by not inviting you in.
"Y-yeah.." you chuckled and stepped inside. Eddie immediately shut the door behind you.
"Oh um- follow me." He said as he began to walk towards the living room, letting you follow. She was actually here, and the thought is still a bit surreal to him. You followed him, sitting down very close to him.
"So- uhm, I just wanted to say..." His voice was shaky, it felt like he didn't have full control over the things he wanted to say to you.
"Thank you, for everything. For coming here and... And liking me like this, and for actually being here." He stuttered, feeling his emotions getting the better of him. You built up some confidence and decided that this was enough awkwardness. So you kissed him.
The kiss took him completely off guard and he froze with wide eyes for a second, but he quickly relaxed when the kiss continued.
His breath caught, and he held his hands to the side of you, gently caressing the back of your neck.
He was still very much surprised, but he couldn't resist your lips. You smiled against his lips. But the way his hands were moving over you made you feel sensitive to his touch. His hands began to move up and down your back. He couldn't help but caress your body as his lips stayed tightly pressed to yours. The kiss lasted long enough that he could really get lost in the emotion, and the feeling that someone really liked him like this was almost unreal to him.
When you pulled away, there was a string of saliva connecting you and heavy breaths filling the room. His breath was shaky and his face red from the kiss.
"That was..." He said softly, but he didn't finish the sentence.
He leaned back a bit and stared into your eyes, not breaking eye contact. And then he leaned forward again a bit for another kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed you again. You moaned softly against his lips as they connected once more. His lips pressed to yours with a bit more force as he moved forward into you.
His hands moved to your waist now as he pulled you in closer. His breathing got heavy, and he kept kissing you as he took over.
You laid down against the sofa, and Eddie followed. Putting almost all his weight on you as he kept your lips on his. He did lay his entire weight onto you as he kissed you, you being pinned beneath him as he couldn't stop. The kiss felt like it went on forever, but he still wanted more.
His lips and his tongue moved in unison with each other, the heat rising between the two of you as his hands moved back to your neck.
You moaned softly against his lips as the intensity of the kiss grew. Your clothes were on the floor within just five minutes of making out.
Eddie leaned down and pressed a few kisses to your neck, causing you to shudder and let out a delightful purr. One that stirs not just the pit of his guts but in his boxers, too.
He presses two more kisses to your neck, open-mouthed, wet, and claiming he sucks hickeys into two sensitive spots. The hickeys made your eyes slightly roll back, and you let out not only another purr but a gasp of his name.
He has a feeling he knows what you want, but he's not ready to give it to you yet.
He moves from your neck, trilingual kisses down your right shoulder, tongue lathing against your skin before peppering more kisses. Kisses in paths down your brests until it's time to give both of them individual attention. A tweak of a nipple to the right one, a scrape of the teeth to the left one. He loves the way you respond. The way you gasp and moan his name like a chant.
Eddie continues his path downwards with one last kiss against each of your tits. His path leaves you breathless.
You grow inpatient as he takes his time, pressing kisses down your stomach and to the place you need him the most. "Eddie," you whispered. Voice full of need.
"What's the word, sweetheart? You know what to say if you want it.." Eddie groaned.
You sigh and bite your bottom lip gently. You don't want to give in to him so easily. Your eyes meet his brown ones, and you breathe out the one word he wants to hear. "Please."
The word "please" sent him over the edge.
Every muscle in his body was tense and his breath was still shaken. The sound of that single word was enough to make him lose the last bit of composure he had.
He looked down at you, his eyes full of desire and want for all of you. Eddie dipped down to your soaking cunt, first gathering your slick on his fingers and sucking them clean. Then he started eating you out like a starved man. His tongue lapping up all your slick and swirling your sensitive bud. You had heard that Eddie was good at this, but not that he had sex skills of a God.
You moaned and writhed under him, eyes rolled back and mouth slightly agape. Gasping, whimpering, and moaning as he ate you out. His tongue dipped into your entrance and started lapping up everything he could get to before pulling out and pushing two fingers inside instead.
As his fingers pumped in and out of your cunt, he sucked and toyed with your clit until you were gasping that you were gonna cum. "That's it.. fucking soak my face, baby." Eddie groaned and went back to sucking your bud.
Doing exactly as he said, you came all over his face with a breathless moan. He pulled his fingers out and sucked off your nectar like it was a necessity.
Eddie ridded himself of his boxers. Saying he was big was an understatement. He was *huge*. The biggest you'd seen.
He inspected your pussy for just a few seconds before deciding to gently slide into you. Bottoming out with a groan.
"This what you wanted, princess?" He grabbed your jaw and squeezed slightly. "Already too fucked out to answer? That's okay, I got you."
You barely nodded as he dipped his head down and caught one of your nipples in your mouth, biting a little harshly on the bud. "Ngh, Eddie.." Arching your back, pushing your chest further into his face, he pulled off with a pop.
"What, too much?" He said in a mocking tone. "Jus' want you.." Your hands grabbed at his chest and shoulders. "But I'm right here, sweetheart?" He looked confused.
You shook your head and wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing him impossibly deeper into your cunt. "Fuck.. just need me, hm? I can do that.."
He began to roll his hips, your pussy sucking him in with each push. His face hovered over yours, studying your pinched brows and puffy, kiss bitten lips parting softly. He kissed your cheek and then the other. Any other teasing comments died on his tongue once his eyes roved over you, halting his movements momentarily so he could speak clearly. "Love you, sweets."
You smiled at that. “I love you too, Eds.” You giggled as he held your cheek and began peppering kisses across your face. “Valentine's day got you all mushy, huh baby?” Eddie grinned and kept his hips moving ever so slightly. "Mmmh.. guess so.." you muttered.
He started picking up his thrusts, hitting that perfect spot inside you every time, making both of you moan out. "You close, baby? You gonna cum f'me?" He asked with a few grunts.
“More…” you whined out.“Oh, now she wants more.” He chuckled, gaze turning a little more dark as he said it. “Mmhmmm… need more.” You choked out as he moved out of you just for a moment to get a better angle.
He quickly sat up, pushing both of your knees to your chest, his thick cock pushed back into your tight cunt. In one swift motion, giving you no time to think. “That's it… mmm… she's gripping now. C’mon baby. Soak my cock.”
With the new angle, he set a brutal pace, as broken moans rang out with the sounds of your soaked pussy being pounded into oblivion. He reached up, placing his thumb between your lips, as you quickly sucked it into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the digit. "That's it.. get it nice 'n wet for Daddy." He groaned.
“Be a good girl. Come for daddy and I'll fill this pussy full. Let everyone know you let the freak wreck your tight little cunt.” He growled into your ear.
You hummed as he brought his thumb down to your clit. Immediately pushing harsh circles to your swollen nub.
“Oh fuck, Eddie!” His words straight to your aching core.Your orgasm hits with a blinding force, those fireworks burst behind your eyes as your pussy strangles his cock.
He lets out a low growl as his balls tighten for his impending release. His cock twitches as it paints your walls with thick, white ropes.
He put your legs down and laid his full weight on top of you once more. The both of you were catching your breath as you laid there in awe of what had just happened.
"Happy late Valentine's.." you breathed, stroking his long, brown curls.
"Happy late Valentine's Day..." He smiled at you, looking at you from his head laying on your chest, feeling the heat in his face fade just a little bit and his breathing finally slowing down.
He felt his muscles relax as he lay his ear on your chest, his hand moving down to touch your thigh. He finally felt happy that he could be like this with you now.
"I love you." He said softly, his hand moving closer to your hips, but you never really felt it as you were still laying there after the intense session you just had.
"Love you too.." you said, kissing his cheek. He smiled, his eyes closed now as he felt his body relax.
He thought to himself for a moment, now the feeling of happiness and love kicking in with the dopamine running in his brain.
He sighed happily and nuzzled a bit into your chest, the feeling of just laying here with you was more than enough to make him feel content and loved.
Tag list: @reidsbtch @rogueddie
Thanks for helping me.
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 8 months ago
All the MTC song trailer snippets are out? What are your opinions? :D I think Rio's is surprisingly chill and I'm still torn on Samatoki's, the lyrics might decide that one!
Heyy did you listen to the mtc album snippets ?
Nope. Let's check them out!
Title note: Presumably from 気骨, which has a slightly stronger-- almost noble-- connotation than English "backbone." Someone with 気骨 never lets anything stop them from doing what they believe is right, and not necessarily in the personal sense like in the English phrases "Grow a backbone." or "They have a strong backbone." As some people in this comments section are noting, it's also possible to interpret the title literally. The back is a recurring image in Japanese fiction; in this case, it represents Samatoki single-handedly shouldering various burdens for those he cares about. People are also drawing connections to the Aohitsugi's death motifs and Samatoki's skeleton speaker.
20 seconds in: Okay he literally just says the shouldering burdens bit haha. I guess that part is canon authorial intent
24 seconds in: "Nobody can break my 'backbone.'" If we assume this should be interpreted figuratively, that's like "Nobody can make me do anything I don't believe in." / "Nobody can break my spirit."
35 seconds in: "My 'backbone' is my true strength." This + the traditional Japanese-reminiscent instrumentals remind me of the Katen-gumi. Iirc they have a scroll hanging in their main office proclaiming their dauntlessness, an attribute Samatoki embodies well imo.
53 seconds in: This is a mean-spirited thought, but I always find it funny when Samatoki's like "This god damn city is broken and filthy... *takes a drag from a cigarette*" when the god damn city in question is one of the most affluent in the world.
64 seconds in: With that said, it's nice to see him acknowledging the positive presence he has in Yokohama and vowing to rid it of... whatever ills are plaguing it... taxation and ne'er-do-wells with illegal mics, no doubt. An Ichirou-esque sentiment.
71 seconds in: Props to Asanuma for rhyming jinsei and shinsen so well. "My life is always fresh; this is still just the prologue." Samatoki being receptive to growth? You love to see it. With that said, it's interesting to see the discrepancy between the two ideas of "It's time to change." and "My core values will never change." as we see in this song. I'm not sure how that'll actually play out in canon, so we'll have to wait and see.
Overall: That was fun! It had a nice beat. I look forward to hearing the full song when it drops.
Title note: ??? 目覚めた? Like, "I'm woke af now"? Haha let me see what this song is actually about and then come back to this...
Side note: I was staying with a friend-- a buddy from the old scanlation team-- when this song preview dropped, and she was keeping me up to date with this song's delayed release drama. When it finally dropped, she was like "YOOO SLUG, LISTEN TO THIS" and turned her phone waaaay up, blasting the sonorous tones of Mr. Komada into our not at all soundproof hotel room, immediately alerting me to two things: 1. I was not awake enough for this. 2. The illumatic Iruma Jyuto was IN the building and, at that volume, probably in every floor of the building. Anyway, I'm still not awake enough for this, but let's go.
5 seconds in: Love the horns. Very MTC and very Gen III Pokemon. Yokohama 8/10 too much water
20 seconds in: hey hey heeey
30 seconds in: I appreciate the technical skill involved, but I am not comprehending one word of this. I'm going to have to look up the lyrics when I'm done fr.
Overall: Seems fun to rap! Once again, looking forward to the full song.
Top YT comment at the time of writing: Juuto: Y'all never seen me like this before! Me: Yeah, no shit.
Scrolling through the comments: Spare lyrics, ma'am? Spare lyrics for the poor? Jesus, there are some thirsty-ass mofos in this comment section...
Well, I didn't find any lyrics, so here goes watch 2 with a lot of pausing, I guess. Hmm the gist of the chorus seems to be "I'm not fucking around anymore" which-- like someone else has pointed out in the comments-- is kind of how Juuto's been since day one...? I'm not sure what's changed. I suppose the biggest difference would be it's no longer "I'll solve this problem" but "we'll solve this problem." I do like the opening of this first verse: When someone makes bad choices, who's left smiling? Who's left grieving? What is right, and what is wrong? Can that be something for every person to figure out for themselves? Here's another interesting bit: I used to think I didn't have any interest in colluding with other people-- it was more like mutual exploitation. But then I joined hands with a couple of like-minded people, and now we share the goal of victory. Yeah, it seems like the biggest changes here are Juuto embracing teamwork, which hell yeah. Opening up and trusting other people with his mission, in turn taking on their missions and incorporating it into one singular goal? That's baller.
Title note revisited: yeah I guess deadass this is "awake" in terms of "I'm woke now" haha. Or like, "I've come around to [the power of friendship]"
5 seconds in: Oh, now I get why someone on the Samatoki video called this "Riou's baby-ass song"
22 seconds in: I was NOT prepared for the autotune. I think I'm a little too tired because I found this really, really funny.
30 seconds in: "Conflict isn't entertainment; it's not a show." YOU TELL 'EM, RIOU.
44 seconds in: I always really, really appreciate Riou's unwavering distaste for warfare and conflict even as he considers it something worth devoting his life to. I would sincerely love it if the authors were to ever dive into why Riou has such dedication towards serving in the [whatever] army and whatever cause they were fighting for, but I don't think that's the story the authors want to tell. We probably just have to assume it's for whatever Riou considers to be a morally good cause.
49 seconds in: Ignoring the rhyme-induced silliness of "my buddies are my turret," I like the thematic consistency of each MTC member stressing that they're not alone anymore--that is, that they've given up on their self-imposed solitude--and they have each other to rely on and trust with their backs.
53 seconds in: "Practically brainwashed puppet soldiers" Oh?? Mind expanding on this a little, Hypmic? Again, I doubt the writers are keen to delve into the causes of WWIII or why Riou joined up at all, but the suggestion of propaganda or coercion being involved is tantalizing.
65 seconds in: I like the bit that goes (paraphrased): "What can you see when you look out of your binoculars at base camp? Rifles, revolvers--is that it? Instead of obsessing over who's strong and who's weak, why not be soldier who prays for peace?"
Overall: The lyrics are vaguer and more platitudinous than is my preference, but I fully recognize that my interests in this topic are outside of the scope of the story the writers want to tell. Which is fine! The music is pretty chill; I think I'll like this song when it comes out in full.
My favorite YT comment by a landslide: Thank god he's not making us work out again.
Thank you very much for the asks! :D It's fun to check this stuff out, and I probably wouldn't have done so otherwise.
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just-orbiting-you · 7 months ago
I find it interesting how frequently JK says something to/about jimin that could be used against jimin by antis and then jkkrs scramble to explain and try to find a different meaning to what he said. Why does everything he says need a lengthy explanation to clarify he didn't mean this or that? As soon as i saw the trailer i knew antis were going to latch on to the " i miss the members" part and Jimin saying he's a member too. And this is the beginning, Jk is going to say a lot more vague things on the show that could be used against jm. It's a pattern and I'm prepared lol. Reminds me of when he said he wanted to go to special forces in that live and jkkrs had to search up every military department to find minor differences bw his and tae's. I'm not a jkkr but I admit i enjoy watching their interactions, until JK says something like that and the haters are given new material to harass jm then I'm like yeah I can't be on board with this ship. I'm fully expecting a lot more when the episodes are released.
I personally believe you have the target on the wrong back. last week my blog was full of a discussion on whether the members act in ways to get fan attention. posting publicly to social media i think could be open for more debate but largely, i think bts have a solid few of army that isn't broken down into quadrants like fans view it (ot7s vs. solos. vs. shippers, etc.). it is hard to make a conclusive decision, since we don't know them personally, but.
i really don't think jungkook is conniving enough to plan out ways in which he can draw jimin antis out on twitter. i don't believe jungkook trying to plot the downfall of jimin. in my view, jungkook has demonstrated that him and jimin are very close and care for each other very deeply. i don't see him as someone would do such a thing.
point blank. it is the stans. not jungkook.
with all due respect, in this ask you are following the agenda pushed forward by these solos, looking for anyway to make jungkook the enemy. in the name of protecting jimin from these antis, you are doing the same to jungkook.
of course, there are stans that say things that are a lot worse. but throwing the blame on jungkook here, saying he starts the hate is just incorrect.
realistically, a comment about how he misses the members, wishing they could be here to experience this with jikook, (which EVERY SINGLE MEMBER has said in behind the scenes from solo era by the way) should not cause this much of a stir. but tkkrs will find a way to say jungkook wasn't happy while shooting this show, he was forced to do this, and he's not happy with jimin ever. do you see how the stans are projecting this narrative??
i think stan twitter and stan spaces in general have a way of poisoning the fan experience. realistically we should all just be happy that we got this show and that jikook worked hard in preparation for its release. but instead minds get plagued by how jikook's actions will have stan repercussions.
there needs to be a reframing of shipping at large, because i think it does more harm than good as we can see from your ask and anti behavior. i've largely disengaged with trying to prove ships are real and just began to appreciate jikook as a duo. and that's enough for me. yeah i'll make gay jokes and ponder it sometimes, but it isn't worth the inevitable disappointment when you realize they probably can never tell us about their relationship.
Why does everything he says need a lengthy explanation to clarify he didn't mean this or that?
you're calling direct attention to the problems that arise when you focus on the details to try and find the truth. again, i engage with this myself sometimes, i've done it on this blog. but do it enough with the wrong motivations and you drive yourself crazy. that is the space in which stans operate in.
while it's brought up, if anyone has the clip or the timestamp where jungkook said he wanted to go to special forces please let me know. because i looked it up recently and could only find an tkkr edited video where it doesn't even look like jungkook said a word.
i personally believe there's a lot more in jikook that can't be twisted in a way that doesn't look ridiculous than stuff that can be used against them in a tkkr sense. i hope you're able to find enjoyment in the show beyond the stan narratives, because i really think it will be such a comforting show to watch.
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 1 year ago
Rose Recaps 2023 - Thailand
Ok. Let me just get this out of the way. If there were awards for "started of great but forgot what it was about by the end" Thailand would win them all. No other country can touch them. So when I was going through my list of watched Thai Bls there weren't all that many to choose as favourites. but I'll try to be kind.
The one about family
Moonlight Chicken
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First and foremost this show is stunning. This really cannot be overstated. I really enjoyed all the different relationships represented here and that the idea of family is what you want it to be. I love all of them, and Wen did absolutely nothing wrong.
Favourite Moment This conversation left me in tears.
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The one hated by so many but not me
Dangerous Romance
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This was me whenever there was a new episode.
I'm not gonna say people were wrong. Everybody has the right to their own opinions. But I never expected anything else.
This show gave me exactly what I expected of it. They made a romantic version of the trailer for christ sake. The ost video that came out the day before the premiere was a love fest with the softest song sang by Chimon. I agree that the first 2 episodes were different and for some, misleading about the direction of the show.
Not for me though. I got what I wanted. Chimon and Perth on my screen being boyfriends with some drama sprinkled in for good measure. And with the amazing bonus that was Marc and Pawin together again and the character of Auto that I just adored. I actually enjoyed all the characters in this one.
Favourite Moment
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The one that is beautiful
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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The amount of screenshots I took while watching this would fill a hard drive. It's just gorgeous. The way they played with the spaces was just such a treat.
This show was almost perfect. I had a couple of issues with it midway through and I felt that they dragged the goodbye a tiny bit much but overall I really liked it. These two are very special but overall there were a lot of characters to root for and enough of them to hate, which I appreciate.
But also WHERE IS THE SPECIAL??? I need to watch it!
Favourite Moment
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The one that was I was ready to hate and then didn't
Be My Favourite
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Confession time. I didn't like Krist. Watching SOTUS was something I endured but didn't enjoy for the most part. I know I'm not alone in this. But also. I didn't like Fluke. In anything. He was the only thing I didn't like in Not Me, and I skipped most scenes of his couple during Dark Blue Kiss. No particular reason tho. I just didn't enjoy watching him. So the bar was set pretty low on this one for me.
And then what happened? I loved Kawi. Like immediately. And surprise surprise, I liked Fluke. Immediately. It's like I was on an alternate universe and I couldn't believe my eyes.
With that said, it was not even close to a perfect show. It started off really strong, I enjoy the way the relationship grew, I loved that the characters were being honest with each other and being mostly kind to one another. Some moments felt really grounded. And then it kinda fell apart for me. But this is a positive post so I'm not going there.
Favourite Moment: The whole montage.
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The one with the redemption of Mame
Wedding Plan
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I already explained what I went through with this show here prompted by this episode of @the-conversation-pod. You should all go listen to this and all the other episodes because both @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup are brilliant and funny in convenient audio format.
Anyway, in the end I loved this show so much and took me a minute to come to terms that it was actually that good. The characters are actually multidimensional and the woman have depth. Groundbreaking stuff.
Favourite Moment
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The one with all the cuteness
My School President
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Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of singing in my bl. But this was great. From the beginning the fact that it made constantly remember my beloved Love Sick was an unexpected and delightfull bonus. I was living for Tinn's expressions, Tiw just being delightfully loyal and the epitome of sharing one brain cell group of friends. Not to forget the parental relationships that were some of the best of the year. I even liked the singing.
Favourite Moment
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The extra one
Our Skyy 2 - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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This happened. It was perfect. That's it.
I watched more than 40 thai shows that came out this year, I'm not counting the ones that are still on, and these were my favourites. Mostly because some of them were the ones that I had the least to complain about.
That's it for my recaps. I still wanna gif some stuff today and it's late so I can't review this post again so if there are mistakes, don't tell me. It'll haunt me.
Have a good night💜
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applestorms · 2 months ago
i was gonna write a more extensive post about this, but. fuck that i have too many points to write proper sentences rn, here's a bullet point list of my review of sonic 3. spoilers, obviously. tl;dr: i'm a hater
maria is fridged to hell and back, she is such a nothing character i have secondhand embarrassment for the writers every time she shows up. maria exists only to smile in flashbacks and lie in the flowers and go, "noooooooooooooooo, shadow :(( you can totally be whatever you want, dude," and then die on the floor. we don't even get to see her getting shot. fucking rip off.
to clarify-- maria absolutely does NOT have to be a fucking dead wife trope incarnate, imo. she can very easily be used that way, yes, but i think doing so also misses the core of her character and what she means for shadow. part of the appeal of the conversations that maria & shadow have on the arc in SA2 comes from the fact that they are characters coming from a very similar position, both being incredibly alienated from the rest of the world/humanity, daydreaming about it more than they are able to interact with it directly. like, come ON, they literally live on a fucking space station, the symbolism does not get that much more obvious?? it is the fact that maria CHOOSES to love humanity anyways, despite being unable to interact with it/live within it, that makes her words meaningful. jesus fucking christ.
anyways, speaking of. shadow has NO arc in this movie (literally and figuratively. did you seriously put the spaceship in Ohio) and it drives me up the wall. perhaps i'm just out of the loop on the Current Shit, but it feels like Nobody knows how to write that guy nowadays :((
not that i could fucking tell anyways in this particular movie from how little he shows up or SPEAKS. LET HIM SPEAAAAAK. i swear to GOD, he interacts w/ the main cast like three (3) fucking times in this entire movie and two of those interactions are fights. if you want those cute, quirky, somewhat cringe sonic/shadow interactions, you're better off watching the trailer plus whatever clips of the final fight inevitably end up on youtube, since that's basically their only real conversations in the entire movie.
the ending falls incredibly flat because of this. in the last movie, we at least had some decent character interactions between sonic & knux which made their fight and eventual team up at the end that much more satisfying. there was something to dig your teeth into, a back-and-forth that was entertaining (by sonic movie standards) but also established who they were, not only why they didn't like each other but how they could eventually bond. you had reason to care about knux, and reason to root for them to fight together!!
instead, here we got a whole lotta nothing. sonic and shadow fight, and it's cool, and it does all the Sick References and wowie yay clapping my hands live & learn blue/red lights cool. epic. yet i'm still left sitting here like WHO IS THIS BITCH??? WHO IS HE?????
fundamentally, the problem with this movie is that it Does Not Know what it's primary storyline is, or even who the main character is, and it falls flat on its fucking face because of it. there is no focus. sonic maybe barely kind of squeezes out an arc about teamwork and believing in your friends (a repetition of the last movie, i would argue, but whatever). eggman gets a much more hefty plotline about coming to terms with family, which i would be able to appreciate a whole lot more if it didn't feel like the only meaningful story arc in the entire fucking movie. robotnik bullshittery should be the B plot guys, come the fuck on. and shadow, of fucking course, gets NOTHING. he stands around looking grumpy and cool (and very cute, the animators did alright, i'll give them that), and emotes jack fucking shit. i know he's not a certified yapper like some people, but come the fuck on, he can still like. say words. right. RIGHT
is this review even comprehensible even more? i don't care, this is driving me insane. are you guys seeing this shit. are you.
this isn't even just me being a shipper and going wahh wahh no sonadow moments. you put those bitches on the poster why are they not talkinggg. even just an argument would be Great. it was like the one thing sonic prime figured out, why is it so empty here.
this also leads to the fundamental issue where i have NO fucking idea why either of them are so chill with each other by the ending. not only do i not know why shadow is so chill with sonic, considering he was just dead set on ending the fucking world to get revenge and one conversation is not enuf to convince me that he would get over it (even the lowkey suicidal tendencies fall somewhat flat for me since AGAIN. NOTHING), but i ALSO don't know why SONIC gives a shit about shadow!! or why he's so happy go lucky about all this!!! dawg he just killed the closest thing you have to a father. as much as i hate the humans in this series, even i have to sit for a minute and go uhh what? there is absolutely NOTHING to make their team up at the end of this emotionally meaningful other than the bland, surface level reaction of Yay Shadow And Sonic On Screen :) like the movie itself simply does not build up their rivalry in a meaningful enough way to make it feel worth it. one conversation can do a lot, but only if you have the build up to MAKE it mean a lot. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh
the ending being almost exactly the same as the beginning thus doesn't surprise me in the slightest cuz like. what else do you do. sonic Does Not have any reason to care about that bitch and neither does anyone else. his actual enemy eggman is presumably dead, so. who cares. a couple good fights then nice knowin' ya man o7 thanks for sacrificing yourself to save the world or whatever
the scene where shadow stalks the individual team members through the remains of their old military base/Ohio Arc stand in or whatever is cool, yes. one single hand clap for that. i like them making him ominous as fuck. but i just-- i need everybody to shut the fuck up for like two seconds so sonic and shadow can talk directly and have a proper fucking conversation before the literal end of the movie, like please just argue or SOMETHING. DO. SOMETHING. MEANING. LIKE A CHARACTER THING. WHO R U
also the eggman/stone shit drives me up the wall. another set of bitch ass writers too scared to make their characters canonically queer, so they bury their gays instead. idfc that they're inevitably going to revive him again, it's still stupid as shit. stone also does nothing in this movie so his internal "conflict" is dumb anyways aaaaskjdflksdjfl smacking my head on the keyboard
there comes a point in this movie where it really does feel like Everything is just about eggman and gerald. tails and knux stop being meaningful characters with personalities outside of quips by approximately the chao garden. sonic's weird human parents aren't even given a meaningful storyline outside of the one time that shadow punches him when they try to set up some miscommunication bullshit or whatever at the end. sonic and shadow fight but even that gets interrupted by... whatever the hell they were doing??? again, all of this would be way less aggravating if those scenes were able to fulfill their actual purpose: side bullshit funnie stuff to break up the serious scenes of the main plotline. unfortunately, this movie thinks a flashback to the traveling wilburys is sufficient to make its main character a complex, nuanced person. face in hands
seriously. why is that scene of eggman & gerald telling stone & shads to get back in the crab a microcosm of this entire film. orz
also also, before someone bitches at me for not paying close enough attention to [x] specific detail or whatever-- anything that you can easily miss on a first watch through should Not be integral to the plot of a movie. istg, i write scripts, i know how this shit works. if your audience can't figure out the emotional arc of a character after one watch, you have fundamentally failed your job as a writer. a flashback is not sufficient character writing, jfc.
and really, that's what it all comes down to, isn't it? the writing. it's always the Fucking writing with these movies. the animation here is, for the most part, fantastic, the voice acting is decent at worst, even the awkwardness of a half-human cast is somewhat smoothed over. yet the writing for these movies never fucking improves-- the jokes are still cringe at best, the references are blunt and unnatural, and the characters. have. no. arc.
perhaps it was somewhat inevitable that we end up at this point. this movie series has already been building up an entire universe of Other Bullshit, and it is here that we feel a lot of that crashing back down. the shelf could only stand up for so long.
i suppose in conclusion, my main takeaway from this movie is that it is an adaptation that fails. it does not understand who its characters are or what they want, it does not know why people connected to the characters it attempts to introduce on an emotional level, and it does not know how to make its own confusing lore work with all of the new details.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 8 months ago
I remember when 2014 Annie came out and I LOVED IT. But all of the youtube critics at the time HATED IT. Called it shallow, ”Annie doesn’t work in the modern world”, ”the songs have too much autotone, back THEN the kids could actually sing!!”
But… which ”Hard knock life” version do you hear the most often played? Their original song for the movie, ”Opportunity”, was also trending song for a while on social media not that long ago.
I feel like a lot of people’s criticism was boiled down to ”it’s not the version I grew up with and therefore it sucks”. And for me, I did see the 1982 version first. But seeing the trailer for the 2014 version, I didn’t think ”ugh they’re making a new one”, I rather thought ”omg they’re making a new one! I can hear the songs again!” - ok, I was 12 and not an adult when it came out, but still.
I tbh LOVE all the songs in the 2014 version. I was super pumped for especially hard knock life, as it was the only song I really liked in the og movie. All the other ones were ok, but only Hard knock life really got me. But in the 2014 version, ALL songs got me. I remember especially being surprised by little girls. I like the og one fine, but I also think it’s better to watch it than listen to it. But the new one I love to listen to, and the scene in the movie is amazing. Idk, 2014’s Little Girls’s chorus is just… chef’s kiss. I just remember sitting in the cinema and seeing this and being like ”wow they made it better”
And songs aside, sure, it can be a little ”cringe” when they do modern updates, but I wasn’t that bothered by it in this. It told a modern version of Annie, and you can always go watch the old one. You can go watch the musical on stage. And I like the original musical too.
Annie in 1982 was made in a time where you essentially just did the musical exactly how it was on Broadway, but just in film. So they kept all the smaller songs that were under a minute, and sure, works on stage (I’ve seen Annie performed on stage too), but I think in film it can also be a bit tedious. BUT, you can argue, a musical film should be like that, and, of course! It’s just that I personally thought many of the smaller songs in Annie were a little boring, so I didn’t miss them being cut in the 2014 version. It’s different in like, Mean Girls the Musical movie, where it felt like they cut too many songs that they could have had and weren’t sure if they wanted to be a full musical sometimes.
Probably a lot of the criticism of Annie 2014 was due to racism, too. I remember hearing so many ”I hate the new Annie, NOT BECAUSE SHE’S BLACK!! But because-” that it started feeling like… hmm… I’ve seen some people just wanting her to have red curly hair, but did anyone complain when that 90s Annie came out and she was a brunette with straight hair? (I genuinely don’t know because 90s Annie I feel is the version all people forget about)
Anyway. Maybe it was because I was 12 when Annie 2014 came out that I liked it more. But I can appreciate it and the 80s version, AND the og Broadway version without feeling like one is superior. It’s the same story with different takes on it.
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gaywatch · 1 month ago
What are some ships/pairings/otps that have buried themselves so deep in your heart that you won’t ever be able to be anything but absolutely insane about them?
Like they are either constantly on your mind and you can’t shake them or you don’t think about them as often but when you do (or something reminds you of them) it’s like a punch to the gut and all the feelings come rushing back to you at once in an overwhelming way… I’m so curious because you obviously watch so many things and see a lot of connections between characters so I’m just wondering which ones have dug their claws in just a little too deep?
Okay, first of all, this is a banger question and a banger way to phrase it so good on you. <3
Any of the first five ships I ever had can make me feral at a moment's notice, and I could write an essay about any of them with zero prep time. My peak shipping period for all of them was high school and college, when my obsessive capacity was... particularly impressive. I made fanvids for four out of five (in one case I made 10+), fake trailers for a couple, and at least began writing a fanfic for four out of five of these as well:
Phantom/Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
David/Maddie (Moonlighting)
Jack/Elizabeth (Pirates of the Carribean)
House/Cameron (House MD)
Jareth/Sarah (Labyrinth)
This list alone tells you a lot about me, tbh.
Every single one of these come with the warning that you should never bring them up to me unless you're prepared for a highly intense and opinionated lecture.
And it's always difficult to compete with the formative stuff, right? They hit you hard at a hard-hitting age, that's a lot to surpass.
I got into queer ships when I was 22, just out of college but still in the vital Young Adult stage, and long story short the rest of my life is quite literally all Star Trek 2009's fault. I saw the movie and (hilariously) got enough of a Kirk/Spock vibe that I wondered if anyone and the WiLd AnD cRaZy IdEa that they should be together or maybe that was just me and this was a Brand New Idea.
That gives you a good idea of how ignorant of queer fandom I was.
Anyway, fifteen-going-on-sixteen years later I'm drowning in queer ships but these ten in particular have some kind of cryptic Lovecraftian hold on my being despite the fact that as I've gotten older my appreciation for the fictional gays has grown wider, meaning it's usually less concentrated. So instead of having a list a mile long to answer your question, it still ultimately boils down to a top ten (in no order, don't do that to me):
Kirk/Spock (Star Trek: TOS)
Eliot/Quentin (The Magicians)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
Kang Yohan/Kim Gaon (The Devil Judge)
Thor/Loki (MCU)
Holmes/Watson (Sherlock Holmes, Guy Ritchie films)
Lestat/Louis (Interview with the Vampire)
Shiro/Keith (Voltron)
[redacted] (redacted)*
Arthur/Merlin (Merlin)
Nowadays the big indicator that I don't just love a ship, I love a ship, is if I'm so compelled that I feel the urge to Make Something (huge mega ADHD bonus points if I actually do it), usually a fanvid or a fic. And that holds true for...yeah, 9/10 of these.
Every now and then I'll remember one of these and feel that obsessive urge to think about nothing else for like a month and fully re-immerse. But Gaywatch, writing, and DMing for my D&D group make that really difficult. They're always there, though, and if I can ever think of way to shove them into Gaywatch for the excuse to obsess I totally do. (Merlin, for example, came in a really strong second for a Patreon poll last year but didn't win. And I was like 'fuck it this is my house and I'll watch Merlin after the winner' because I'd been waiting actual years to watch it for the channel.)
So yeah, if any of these--even the First Five because I'm obnoxious--make it into Gaywatch content somehow, that is not an accident. (If you were looking for details about each one I'm legit not capable of that. It'd be paragraphs per ship at least and we'd never get out of here.)
*Redacted because purity culture froths at the mouth whenever this ship is so much as mentioned. If anyone ever asked me point-blank if I shipped this I'd tell the truth, but Tumblr specifically can make talking about the ship insufferable/impossible.
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ayjaydraws · 2 months ago
i kinda looked up the sonic movie universe and you were the first to pop up, i hope this isn't weird but the sonic movies seem interesting
is there like, any previous knowledge or shows or games i should know about/look into before watching the movies or is it okay to go into them blind
thank u for ur time i hope u have a wonderful day!!
Hiiiii! I can’t believe I’m the first result when looking up Sonic movieverse lol
Anyway, I can tell you that I personally got into the Sonic Movies because I saw Jim Carrey in the trailer of the first movie and was obsessed the exact second he appeared on my screen for the first time. (And yes also a lot of „haha let’s watch how awful this video game movie will be, haha creepy ass looking hedgehog let’s dunk on him loooool roflcopter and all that jazz)
My previous experience with Sonic was a few 2D Sonic games on the DS and also Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Games. Sonic’s lore always and still seemed so confusing to me so I never ever really tried to get into it but like, as an artist, I enjoyed a few characters simply for their character design.
The Sonic Movies also take place in their own contained universe that just takes elements from the games and reimagines them and they do a pretty good job of slowly introducing a more general audience to these elements.
If you have no experience with Sonic before you can enjoy them as their own thing and if you do you’ll appreciate a few nods and elements from the games.
Hope that was helpful, sorry for rambling lol
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yuurivoice · 10 months ago
Not to tell you how to do your job or anything, and I don't think it's the audience's place to give suggestions when this is YOUR profession, it's just a small idea that occured to me.
But maybe in the upcoming Auron audio you could add a little note on the screen saying that new Auron content is coming soon, and then like do the same with future compilation videos, since they tend to do so well!! Like to let people know that if they like the characters, this is not where the story ends at all and they should stick around. I say this mainly cause I remember you once talked about how the major numbers on the Finn compilation didn't translate to a major increase in subscribers. Really hope this didn't come off as rude, I just think maybe if people think the compilations are the ENTIRE story it might not occur to them to subscribe!
It also might yield no results at all, idk. I just remember I didn't subscribe until multipleeee videos had been recommended to me over MONTHS, mainly because I had no idea that there was a story to be followed.
I've written like three different responses to this but as I yap on I get new conclusions and ideas. This is v3 of my answer lmfao.
Preface: People don't pay attention to shit and unless you are clever or use a hammer, they do not care. They want the content. ESPECIALLY if they aren't familiar with you. This makes any deliberate Calls to Action run the risk of annoyance rather than making a meaningful impact on conversions.
Bonus note: If a video is scheduled to premiere, there's nothing I can add to it at this point without doing a whole reupload, giving Thoo a bunch of extra work, and all that shit. So that wasn't ever an option anyway.
My approach in this current iteration of how I do things is that rather than slob on somebody's knob begging for a sub, they're encouraged to either watch more videos or go to the homepage. My working hypothesis is that you're actually MORE likely to get a curious viewer to drop by your homepage before they subscribe, because they want to see what else is available.
The most recent changes I made to the channel homepage should make it abundantly clear that there are multiple stories, characters, and styles of content to jump into. Making sure that the homepage is great has probably made a massive difference in that regard, without impacting the videos themselves.
Playlists are horribly underutilized in this niche in particular, and on lots of YouTube channels really. So I made sure to try and nail that down. Still need to get the channel trailer locked in but tbh I don't know how effective those really are in 2024.
All of that being said, a ~15 second welcome intro at the start that explains what the compilation is and invites viewers to sub/explore the playlists would probably be the easiest way to accomplish that without intruding on the listening/viewing experience in a way that feels desperate or pander-y. That in conjunction with the end screen prompt would probably be the easiest way to do it.
I don't feel like that immediately turns massive hit videos into untapped wells of subscribers that I missed out on, it could help contextualize things a little more and who knows, maybe it WOULD be a big deal. Hard to say!
The context for me not immediately being like OH IT'S A SLAM DUNK HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS is because I run a very lucrative business converting viewers to patrons and I have very minimal in-video notes about hearing the spicy bits on Patreon. People often figure things out for themselves if they're motivated enough, and you run the risk of chasing them off if you come across like a desperate ass hoe. lmfao
I appreciate the ask, but also can assure you that I've spent several hours mulling over these very specific issues and I've considered just about every angle. If I had included every little detail and wrinkle of information I was cooking up in the various iterations of this answer it would be a mile long. So trust me. I've thought about it in great detail, have worked with people on it, workshopped things and much more!
Y'all got me yappin' up a storm on here lately. lmfao
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gyllenhaalstories · 9 months ago
Laurie!! 💛 (sorry, I just live in your inbox now 💖)
I'm back on duty and I'm here to tickle the collective fandom brain.
With Presumed Innocent coming out soon (aaaah), I would just like to hear all your thoughts on Rusty. 
Is he guilty? If so, would we still do unholy things with him (duh, obviously)? Or is he just an innocent little guy and only guilty of cheating and murdering pussy? He obviously likes being choked and I'm not complaining. What else might he like? Is he a pancakes or bacon/scrambled egg breakfast kinda guy? He does need his protein tho, for several reasons... 👀
Please let me/us know all your thoughts and hopes for the new show and the character we're blessed with this summer, thank youuuu.
Paying my Rusty tax for inspiration ✨ (again)
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 💖 it's so good to see you in my asks again, daphne! thank you for the rusty tax (and the painful reminder that i wish this was ME) and the great questions! i've thought about that man A LOT but the majority of those thoughts are just about how badly i need him so... they're not too constructive... let's see what my -1 brain cell comes up with pretty much on the spot! 🤭
i don't think he's guilty. since the first teaser, i just had the feeling that he's innocent and his wife killed carolyn. clearly he has a talent for lying and manipulating facts (isn't it essentially his job?), he even lied to his therapist in one of the recent clips i saw! trying to lie to the human equivalent of a lie detector is both bold and dumb. he's clearly not completely innocent. cheating on your wife is bad but when your wife is ruth negga it's DOUBLE bad! i watched a quick interview of the woman who plays carolyn and oof. renate has something special. so i kind of get it <3 but i am better than a man and i would not ruin my marriage! the text messages and calls he's sending her are also very bold and dumb. he should know better than anyone how to avoid looking guilty. the dna, the messages, the stalking, the affair that was not so hidden since they were going out together and everything, this is just so stupid! he'd probably be so mad if he defended a client who basically did everything he shouldn't do and now tries to plead for innocence. i'm interested to see if we get an insight on how an attorney of his prestige and of his rank can turn into the most stupid person you've ever met. i mean, we know how, he's desperate to get his dick wet. but still, maybe there's more to it. maybe carolyn isn't that sweet, smart, picture perfect girl either. i'm giving her the side eye too.
i'm soooo excited for the show!!! my only point of reference is defending jacob so i like to compare both series. defending jacob had some really good twists so i expect the same from presumed innocent. in my opinion, one of the most powerful plot twists in defending jacob included the mother, laurie (i can still hear chris evans saying i love you laurie it was an amazing moment <3). so maybe that's why i focused on barbara sabich right away. i don't know, i'm so curious to see. i want to watch the original movie after the series, just to compare as well. i might never do it but at least i'm planning on it! anyway. can we just take a moment to appreciate how crazy it is to have this kind of show as your first television project? jake really popped off with this and his acting is absolutely insane in what we've seen so far! everyone in the cast seems solid. i'm guessing they showed most of the freaky sexy scenes in the trailers already to tease the audience, but i'm curious to know if there is more of that good stuff that they're hiding! i'm also looking forward to watch jake and peter saarsgard on screen again! and the glasses. i can't word vomit all of this and not bring up the glasses. now that we know jake is practically legally blind, i proclaim myself the protector of his corneas and i demand that he wears glasses more often. my motivation is purely selfless and it's not because i fold like a folding chair at the sight of jake with glasses (vision pun intended).
i saved the best stuff for last apparently! but mmm. what is that man into? i can't cook to save my life so he's eating cereals for breakfast. i'm kidding! (well not really but still). we know he's into choking, finger sucking, doggy style, public sex/sneaking away in a public setting, he loves the thrill of forbidden things and we see how touchy he is with carolyn so i'm guessing he's into marking because it's like a proof of something that is happening in secret of others? idk, just thinking. i don't know if his stalking habits fall into kinky or just regular obsession over the one thing he can't have under his total control, but i'd lowkey like it if he extended his stalking with some spicy elements. the way he holds on to carolyn, touches her everywhere, it's giving possessive and i love it. the ring though. oh the ring. why doesn't he take it off? does carolyn like it, does she get off knowing she has a taken man under her spell, that this greek god of a man prefers her to his wife? does rusty like the reminder of his cheating? does he like the self-inflicted guilt and pain of being reminded of his horrible and immoral actions? i think there's definitely some masochist tendencies in him. he's so quick to apologize for everything like oh no i might have killed a woman but i'm sorry tho </3 he might loooove the fake pity and fake apologies. whether he uses this tactic or if it's used on him does not really matter. to put it briefly: rusty is a FREAK and i want to be the somebody who matches his freak!
thank you for doing this, daphne! it was so fun to ramble pure nonsense fuelled by the sad 2 hours of sleep i've gotten last night 😭 i can't wait to read this tomorrow and be weirded out by how little sense it makes. i especially can't wait to read this after watching the entire series and seeing how wrongggg i was. it will be just as much fun as writing all of this! mwah mwah ily! 💖💖💖
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un-pearable · 1 year ago
okay post sonic symphony post recap :D
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1st mezzanine sweep (could see both the orchestra + the singers excluding when they went in the audience at one point) + we were right next to the projector (cool!!!!) and some of the speakers (ouch)
setlist (as best i remember, i wasn’t writing it down, PLEASE correct me):
sonic 1
sonic cd
sonic 2
sky sanctuary
sonic mania
“welcome to 3D”
believe in myself/it doesn’t matter medley
chao garden
“three new ones”
rooftop run
aquarium park/planet wisp
frontiers medley w/ stuff from third DLC
i was so excitedly surprised to see the new visuals!!! they did a really great job combining the new origins cutscenes with gameplay and the timing was INCREDIBLE esp for a live show. infinite kudos and honestly i can appreciate them waiting two years to actually do this since the cutscenes really tied to first few medleys together
conductor absolutely CRUSHED IT dude was very understanding that the audience was going to be Losing It consistently and he made it work. so much love to that orchestra they did a stellar job and im so sad they’ll get overshadowed by the vocal parts (which. yeah obviously. but they did SUCH great work and the conductor did a great job directing the audiences applause to them)
felt bad they had to stop between every single medley for applause but such is life . also experiencing live audience reactions for stuff like the chemical plant zone drowning trap and amy being playable in the metal sonic race was amazing
enjoyed the sky sanctuary medley even though it took the place of the sonic 3k music overall, so much kudos to the video team that was SO cool (AND IT HAD THE FRONTIERS ANIMATED SPECIAL!!!!! YEAHHHH WIN FOR KNUCKLES FANS EVERYWHERE)
the believe in myself/it doesn’t matter one’s are always so sweet to me i love how they frame them using the cutscenes from each of their respective stories + the end card 🥺 now do that for everyone else’s themes!!!!!!!!!!
i’m definitely forgetting at least one bit in there but it was so delightful all around, the new arrangements were so fun, unleashed sweeps as always but one guy near me was SUPER passionate about aquarium park im glad he was happy. the frontiers medley ended w/ the new supersonic form and having not watched that trailer this was the BEST possible way to see that new content holy SHIT!!!!!!!!
intermission: that was the single most positive bathroom i’ve ever been in and i mean that in the least weird way possible. everyone was so so so excited and complimentary (ty to the person who liked my pins and whose fiancé liked the tails one. i like it a lot too :]) also kudos to the stunning wave cosplayer i saw she was killing it!!!!! molly whoever you were i hope you enjoyed the second half as much as i did
vocal tracks:
setlist (i actually did write this one down):
i am all of me
what i’m made of
open your heart
knight of the wind
escape from the city
(new!!) superstars intro theme
his world
reach for the stars
fist bump
endless possibility
(fake out ending)
break through it all
live and learn
the fake out of having only the orchestra on stage and then l having i am all of me just START even before johnny + jun got on stage. incredible. we were all so distracted i have to find a clip of the audible chaos when the music started going and everyone clocked it was SHADOW FIRST. anyway so so so funny they only showed cutscenes from shth . no gameplay. gee wonder why
interesting structure too, compared to the order of the OG one in 2021 (which focused more on ramping up to the classics + live n learn at the end) this order bookended some of the less popular songs (reach for the stars and the new superstars theme particularly) with the BIG names
you should have heard how much people lost it when johnny said “you are… what i’m made of” i’m so proud of you sonic symphony audience. we are all sonic heroes appreciators
oh also johnny + everyone’s clumsy attempts to name drop/imply song names in their inbetweens. hilarious. astounding. i’m glad we’re your knight johnny
^ re: prev i NEED a recording of that it was glorious. if anyone has one hmu
literally two minutes before the second half started i was telling my beloved friend i dragged along that all i needed to be happy was for them to have kept knight of the wind and it was the FOURTH SONG . WIN FOR JAY. 3 of my top fives within the first twenty mins of act 2. incredible
obviously escape from the city floored everyone. i think that got the most people singing but we were all already exhausted vocally it was very funny hearing what lines people mumbled. but it DID have the most call and response, with the biggest songs they would really just shut off the mics and let the audience sing a lot of lines it was so so fun
johnny took his leave from the stage (and complimented + thanked dave vives and also the fandom), said goodnight, and sometime around now tomoya ohtani was brought on (he deserved more applause and did eventually get it)
superstars theme was cool!!!! but right after city escape was funny bc . no one knows it. you go from most singable theme imaginable to everyone sitting as upright as possible and the half that wasn’t already recording to whip out their phones to capture it especially as they introduce it as “the first time this song has EVER played on this side of the ocean” lmao. hope you liked it london i’m glad you took us down a peg
his worrrrrrlddddd we all love it. we were all so tired. also we kept fumbling the lines bc we all like the zebra head version and rappings hard. i get it. video team did a fun job remixing the visuals for sonic + shadow + silver focus sections though it was really cool
reach for the stars really had people peetering out over the length partly bc we were all exhausted vocally and partly bc it’s sadly less iconic
i could not take fistbump seriously bc they had our beloved ian jr front and center for the whole video. it was glorious. they started w gadget for the opening bit and then bam ian jr everywhere. amazing . got a whole games worth of cutscenes with his beautiful face you did your creator (who was IN THE AUDIENCE) proud
good break before endless possibility though
possibilities are endless. ‘nuff said
jk the video was STUNNING and a lot of it was the opening cutscene which remains some of the best sonic animation ever to this day. and this song REALLY showcased how well the orchestra worked simultaneously with the band it was glorious . the use of the werehog transformation scene in time with:
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mwa. stunning choice. and once again damn the band’s vocalist (dave vives) CRUSHED IT. johnny gave him a shout out for being a worthy successor at the shows he can’t attend and it was so so so deserved y’all are in for a treat
around here my ears + voice started genuinely feeling weird. the sacrifices we make for an absolutely wild experience (it’s all fine now though dw <3)
at this point they thanked everyone for coming + the band walked off stage and they turned all the lights off for a joke. me knowing they wouldn’t leave w/o live and learn was skeptical <- totally forgot they had a whole other guest star who hadn’t done his signature contribution yet
“one more” chanting ensued and my bro says he thinks they definitely had someone planted to say that but like. they did way more than one more. no way that was an intentional phrase
the band returned!!!! KELLIN QUINN KILLED IT
it’s dead. it’s dead and gone . my hearing and also the ability to play sonic music it’s been forever changed . hearing those incredible songs from frontiers + a full live orchestra backing up the astounding vocals (HOW) was incredible. this is when i could feel the literal balcony shaking . my vocal chords are going to kill me tomorrow
obligatory “just one more” was undefeatable and ngl im so glad they did it second, the hype up with break through it all made it even better despite them going the opposite in the game . should have used the cooler going supersonic clip from the trailers rather in game though . no one is immune to undefeatable + the extending music video was crazy good
ANOTHER “one last one” in which johnny was called back on stage, pretended to not know what people were asking for/what he was supposed to sing, got the ENTIRE crowd yelling the name of the song, and then and he + kellin absolutely crushed live and learn
it’s live and learn. it’s the perfect end note ft. quinn’s unparalleled vocals. what more do you need
they showed the really funny still shot of shadow overlaid on the moon for the last shot of the video and i know it’s the actual ending but it lingered for like 15 seconds and i couldn’t stop laughing . they showed all the dialogue captions leading up to him dying so i though they were going to show him falling to earth but nah. stock render brain store ass pose
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still COOL AS HELL!!!!!!! they had us congratulate EVERYONE and all the individual band members and the orchestra and im so so so happy with how it went . one million thanks to these wonderful people they did a great job
a couple literally got engaged in the lobby. one group started belting sonic underground on like the third floor of the stairway. it was incredible. the oscar’s could never top this ty dolby theaterrr
absolutely incredible all around . special shout out to: the people lowkey cosplaying while still in formalwear (woman in a beautiful white dress wearing a rouge hairpiece i salute you. guy in blue suit and guy in orange suit you’re amazing. woman in the fanciest amy rose dress i’ve ever seen im in love). the people with awesome t-shirts i am among your ranks we love a fandom with cool shirt designs. people in full on cosplay i am so so happy for all the diversity in characters i saw. the line for merch that stretched all the way back into the theater at the end: what was the theater staff doing that was bonkers. the people handing out stickers that i missed i Will be stalking your online stores. all the people in normal formal wear carrying their plushies? amazing. the world is beautiful. goodnight everyone
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lazarus-harp · 1 year ago
okay, so. escape the night : the movie ... watched the video a little while ago and it's only fitting i share my brutally honest thoughts! they'll be put under a read more.
first thing's first, i did kinda see this coming. considering how tight lipped joey's been about calling it s5, i had a feeling it would be called something else which. viola! while it might not be a season whatsoever, i do think chronologically it'll take place after the events of all stars, which makes it the closest we're probably gonna get to a s5. there wasn't any talk of this being a 'spin-off' which is also worth noting.
ah okay so ... not gonna lie, i don't think it was a good move to lead fans on. maybe joey didn't see it like that! but that's kinda how it feels like. all those promos and teasers and everything etn twitter has said was entirely false -- since none of those clips are from the movie and was more so filmed for hype. i truly think joey should've just been honest from the jump instead of building anticipation, and letting people straight up believe we were getting a trailer or an episode today when there's not anything concrete filmed. i don't see how this was a good idea whatsoever! fans would've been eager to contribute even without all the false hype. if we've been around for more content despite the four year hiatus, we'd be willing to help out with a movie. honestly, this news would be way more exciting if fans hadn't been led into expecting something else. i just don't see why they thought this was the best course of action?
this might sound mean but i don't like the idea of fans having a say in the movie, like at all. i get it! it'd be fun, it'd show the community he cares and appreciates them, but to me fans getting involved in projects never ends well. it'd be one thing to have them appear on set, have their names be in the credits, but to actually have a hand in the casting and parts of the script? this does not bode well to me. while i talk obsessively about who i'd love for etn to bring back and how they should let me in the writer's room, this is usually a joke. i like seeing authentic projects! to see what the creators themselves come up with! and i've mostly loved what joey's done for the show so far. it just feels like this is such a dangerous position to give fans, who would've paid 350 dollars for this, because it can so quickly turn into a mess. on one hand, imagine you pay so much money to have a say in these things only to not get a single person in your dream cast into the final project? and on the other hand, imagine having someone who's paid you so much and then having them demand a pick that you're not really into but say yes to anyway. i would hope there's some clear boundaries in place and a mutual understanding, however i simply think this is better off not being a thing entirely. though i'll acknowledge this is partly due to my own distaste for a majority of old etn fan opinions and behavior. if i was gonna have anyone work on the movie there'd only be a select few i'd trust! i don't know, this feels like it's going to be such a wild card and not in the best way.
at least joey looks hot and handsome in his 1950s attire ... and him having a whole studious side to him was fun to see. but also? this man doesn't have a single thought in his head. he really was like “what's that mean? a box inside a box?” and kept acting confused when the obviously not human waitress turned out to be evil and weird. what did he expect?? he makes it seem like he knows he's in pandora's box ( says something like, “i'm trying to get home.” in the promo ) only to be shocked when evil things happen. i love you joey you stupid bitch <3
when the waitress asked if he was waiting for someone i was like MAT???? sorry i couldn't help myself i miss him so bad and i'm sure joey does too.
kinda got my hopes up thinking the new building he was in was the s1 estate but no ... it's the crimson manor apparently? which, also, might not be apart of the movie? so why are they selling merch of it? i digress, but um, i cannot believe we'd go back to another small location for this glance into what a movie could be like. this is pandora's box and you're telling me that all that's there is some manor and a diner? there better be more locations because we need to go big or go home. personally, i'm still attached to the idea of pandora's box opening for real and causing havoc in the real world -- forcing areas to be trapped in different time periods and such. it'd be a bigger scale thing while staying true to the foundations but what would i know? i'm not in the producer's circle ( thank god for us all ).
did enjoy joey's hand getting stabbed. i wasn't expecting it! and i would enjoy a movie purely because we'd see more of a maiming element rather than threat = instant death. we could get scars! i am quite fond of this idea to be honest. plus it's fun to see joey just react, instinctively, and be allowed to fight back. him picking up glass with his bare hands to attack the waitress? i like the idea ... it reminds me of when alex in s4 just started swinging on the egyptian men. give me more guests fighting back! give me more of them crawling across the floor and showing off their raw, survival instincts that are now so ingrained into them as people that they don't know who they are without it. it's fun!
i'll end it there for now, but full disclosure : i haven't eaten yet! so if this is a little everywhere i'm sorry. i knew if i didn't get my thoughts down asap i'd forget entirely and change my mind later, which is fine, but i wanted everyone to see my initial feelings. please note that none of this is said with malice! i love joey and etn and i'll still watch this movie when it comes out, maybe even donate to some degree, however all that love and respect doesn't negate my criticism or weariness. a movie could be really good! this could be exactly the newness the series needs. but my emotions are a little everywhere regardless.
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karizard-ao3 · 10 months ago
Evangelion college au?
Okay, let me think about this. I feel like I haven't gotten myself fully immersed enough in NGE to be really confident in my answer here (gotta watch it again), but I'm going to say:
Shinji goes to college on a music scholarship for his cello playing. He is not passionate about playing the cello but he couldn't have paid for college without it, so that's what he does.
Kaworu is either studying philosophy or poetry, I feel like, and he would be the first person Shinji meets. Will they hook up? Probably. But there will have to be some kind of a moment where Kaworu gets removed from the equation, like in the anime. Maybe he and Shinji do something that can get them expelled and Kaworu is like, "place all the blame on me," and even though Shinji does not want to, he still does it because of his sense of self preservation. Also, I feel like Kaworu makes him feel like a prince at first, but then he starts getting skeeved out by his love/devotion. Shinji hates himself and can't accept Kaworu's unconditional adoration. Also, I feel like Kaworu is somewhat insincere and manipulative. They'd have a very toxically codependent sexual friendship, I think. Maybe Shinji starts getting romantically interested in Asuka and Kaworu starts sabotaging him. I don't know!
Rei would probably be in the sciences. Her dream is to develop organ cloning or something. She is suicidal and says very weird things. Kaworu is kind of obsessed with her because of it and Shinji is very worried about her. I want her and Shinji to be cousins, but in that awkward "I know we're related but I think they're hot" way. Like, they didn't grow up together and this is their first time spending any appreciable time together so they don't really think of themselves as relatives. I feel like this dynamic suits their vibe in the anime. They would not act on any attraction, it would just make Shinji feel even worse about himself because it's there (honestly, I feel like for him, at least, it would be a kind of intrusive thought situation. Like, he's noticing she's cute exactly because it makes him feel bad about himself). Also, maybe Rei is having a secret affair with Gendo, who is a professor at the college? She'd be related to Shinji through Yui, so not blood related to Gendo, and we know he loves screwing young scientists (god, this is so gross to me but I feel like it would be good for the plot. Rei reminds him of his dead wife and she is just doing all kinds of shit just to feel something, even if it's disgust). He could be juggling her and Ritsuko, who is her advisor. Why not? That could also add an extra layer to Rei's dynamic with Shinji and also create some drama down the line. Maybe that's the catalyst to Rei actually making a suicide attempt, and then Shinji finds her and encourages her to live.
I'll end with Asuka, who is probably a jock. Can you go to college on a field hockey scholarship? She probably does roller derby, too. For some reason, I feel like she grew up in a trailer park and feels like she has something to prove going to this ritzy school. Most likely she'd join a sorority for the clout but then struggle to comply with the sorority lifestyle. She fakes it okay, but she doesn't actually love the partying and social events and things. The expectation is that she'd date a frat guy but then she meets sensitive bisexual Shinji Ikari and she can't get him off her mind. She runs very hot and cold with him, because it's like, does she want him or does she want the image she's trying to build of herself? I think maybe she does get a frat boy bf (Toji, maybe???) but she sneaks around with Shinji anyway. She feels ashamed of herself but she projects that disdain onto Shinji and treats him like shit over it, but he just keeps crawling back for more.
No one should get together at the end of this, actually. They are all disasters. The happy ending is college ending and they all get to leave this terrible period of their lives behind with lessons learned and a new sense of their own value lol. They go off and form new, much healthier relationships. Or, Asuka marries a rich lawyer or doctor and keeps sneaking around with Shinji for the rest of her life and he's secretly the father of all her children. He never forms a meaningful relationship with anyone and just kind of exists, living his life as the other man.
Why is this so sad? 😭 Fuck!
Okay, trying for a fluffier option, college cheerleader Asuka and cellist Shinji. There's still the "forbidden" aspect because she feels it's below her to date anyone but a football player and his friends (twins Kaworu and Rei who are not related to him and both have crushes on him) don't like her, but they start falling in love anyway and start meeting in secret. They have some personality clashes but they learn to overcome them. Shinji gains more confidence and Asuka becomes more empathetic. Rei is not sleeping with Gendo. Everyone lives happily ever after.
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miss0atae · 11 months ago
Random thoughts about Jazz for Two the series episode 1 and 2:
I was a bit wary to watch this series. Let me explain, I really liked A Shoulder to Cry On at first and thought it was a refreshing coming-of-age little series, but ultimately I felt disappointed by the end of the series. I was invested in their love story, but the end left a sour taste which tainted my liking for this series. I believe it's not because the actors are bad because they played well and the story was convincing. I would say my problem is using Korean idols to play in QL stories. There are too many things they can't do because of their job and it usually has an impact on the QL series they play in (such as having a simple kiss, which I know doesn't always need to happen in a relationship.) So when I saw it was again idols playing and the director was the same, I wasn't sure I would like it.
I didn't even watch the trailer. I read the synopsis and decided that I should try it anyway and see how it goes. After all the saying "never judge a book by its cover" remains really true.
The first two episodes introduced us to the main fourth character and their dynamics:
▪️ Seo Heon, the child from the gifted classical musicians family who struggles to find his place for several reasons. He is not as talented as his brother or father (which I believe is not really true) and he is more interested in jazz music despite knowing his father wouldn't like it. He is cute. His love for jazz makes him interesting. I guess his complicated relationship with his father will have a big impact as he is hiding his love for jazz music and his father doesn't seem to appreciate anything that is not "classical" music and he is dismissing See Hoon's talent.
▪️ Tae Yi, the brooding tall trumpet player who seems to be sad all the time. He lost a dear person who was also a pianist and seems to struggle with the lost. In some way, he made me think of Seo Jae Won from The Eight Sense who had also trauma from losing a loved one. He seems to walk in life in zombie mode and his walls are so high it will take time to go behind them. I'm guessing he is protecting himself by acting this way. Seo Heon reminds him a lot of his lost friend/lover (still not sure about this) and it's very troubling for him.
▪️Do Yoon is a drummer. He is cheerful and easy-going. He is also friends with Tae Yi. I love his hair colour, this dark black blue shade is really good. It seems he has something going on with Joo Ha but it's so very subtle. I may be overthinking. I felt there was a tension between them when they were playing basketball but also in the first scene when we are introduced to Joo Ha. Without reading more info about the series, I imagine they are the second couple. As for now, Do Yoon is my favourite character. I like this kind of character.
▪️Finally, we get to know about Joo Ha. What we know is that he was suspended and just came back to school. He is a senior to Do Yoon and Tae Yi and also his sister fancies Tae Yi which is something he doesn't like. Joo Ha is the bad boy of the story and never misses a chance to threaten his juniors. I'm a sucker for a bad boy romance with a nice guy such as Do Yoon, so let me say that I'm on board if they make them be together. As for now, he just noticed Seo Hoon and he will probably get in the middle of Tae Yi and Seo Hoon's relationship even if nothing has really started between them, yet. It will just be a way of pissing Tae Yi off. Joo Ha has a strong animosity for Tae Yi so everything is a good reason to annoy him.
I have to admit, I liked these two first episodes. It's not too short, we got a lot of information but we still have to see how it will go in the story. It makes you want to know what will happen and the trailer for the next episode is intriguing. I will be there to watch the next episodes. It is worth watching it. Oh, and everyone knows it, but the two main actors of A Shoulder to Cry On make a cameo in the first episode.
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acescorazon · 1 year ago
Hiiii not really a question, just wanted to say that I discovered your fics recently on Ao3 and they're all my absolute favourite since then, I'm always looking forward to receiving an email saying that you posted something!!! I just joined Tumblr today and I have no idea how it works ahah but I'm so glad I can follow you there now, because you truly are one of my fav fic writers. Your Buggy is always absolutely perfect and he did not help with my obsession over his character eheh. Anyway, thank you for your good work, and know that the way you write Buggy influences me a lot on how I perceive him and how he acts in my AU (not actually writing anything, just creating little world in my head eheh). Oh and also: it's thanks to you that I now ship Buggy with Mihawk and Crocodile! Since I've only seen the live action, I didn't really know enough about Mihawk and, obviously, nothing about Crocodile; but because of your fics I now ship them SO much. Thanks to you, Buggy has 3 boyfriends in my AU and he's very glad ahah. Anyway, it's a long message for nothing but I guess the most important thing here is: thank you, keep your amazing work <3
Hiiiiiiii bbyyy :((( Thank you for writing me something so nice! I really appreciate it!!! Nice comments and asks like these really make my day and i mean that!! Thank you!!! Tumblr is shit (derogatory) but it could be worse, it could be tw- Jk it's not that bad here and i think you'll like it :) Also ofc thank you for the follow :) Thank you for everything really! I could write an essay on Buggy alone but i won't...not today at least kljlsdjksdjlakjsdasdas. nobody asked but i'm obsessed with the idea of Buggy being a brat and or just a little shit in general which is why i often write him the way i do LMAO. He's a funny little guy, and i love him in the live action as much as i love him in the anime/manga but i think he could be a little more pathetic. i do remember seeing the trailer tho and being like "lol" but two seconds later being like..."Idk...WHY'S HE KINDA..." LMAOOOOO. i don't know if you write or draw but if you do, then you should cook something up. ((We support and encourage others in this household.)) also bestie. B E S T IE. Best friend. i ain't telling you how to live your life but if you have access to the Shounen Jump app wherever you live and you got 2.99 (some of us don't, no hate here.) and if you got some time, then i recommend you read a little story called one piece LMAOOOO. I ain't one of those people who will tell you it gets good in ch/ep 80938423984023984023948 lol. i've liked it since the beginning but thats ME. You ain't gotta read or watch all of that shit to know if something's good and if you like it lmao, or at least that's how i feel. anyways it seems like it takes 80 years to get through but that's really only bc of the pacing in the anime lol, it comes out weekly and ofc the animation studio wouldn't want to catch up with the actual manga sooooo they act a lil sily in terms of pacing LMAO. it's still that bitch in my opinion though, but that's my opinion and you can see that it has 1000+ episodes and be like ..."i aint watching all that shit." LMAO FAIR. IT'S GOOD THO. BOTH THE ANIME AND MANGA ARE GOOD!!! and they both have their pros and cons when it comes to consuming them. ANYWAYYYYYYS. yeah if you have like, time, 2.99, And the shounen jump app is available wherever you are (also u can go to like Viz's official website and your shounen jump subscription will carry through there too :) ) THEN I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE PIECE!!! (btw you can read 100 chs A DAY of op or they have other mangas too bby YEEEEEE) or if you have time then i also recommend watching the anime its... it's that bitch, i don't know. If you do end up liking it then netflix can help you take a nice bite out of the series, there's also like funimation/crunchyroll... or... *whispers* there are other...ways...to watch the anime....*whispers* ...are you a cop? LMAOOOOOO.
It's really good though with a whole bunch of lovable characters that the live-action doesn't even begin to be able to get into. you didn't ask, you didn't ask, but me personally, my favorite arc is Alabasta, which is the place they should be going to next season in the live action!! it also introduces one of my favorite little villains: Crocodile!!! idk i love it and i love him LOLLLL which i shouldn't bc he's...he's not a good man but i'm 26 i'm allowed to like toxic anime men, i've earned that right. (also you can like things and criticize them/acknowledge their flaws.) ANYWAYS, ANYWAYS, I'M RAMBLING, but yeah, it's good eating, and i highly suggest you get into the actual series if you liked the live action because the series itself is more in depth. Plus, P L U S, there's more Mihawk, Crocodile, and Buggy content AND THATS A WIN TO ME. lajsldajskdajsdlasjd. it's fun and as an added bonus there's a sense of community and you can always come back here and scream your thoughts to me (and everyone else) if you like it. Like i'm honored by your compliments but nothing i write could ever compare to the actual series itself LOLLLLL.
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