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Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse Retrospective: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: See Sam's Crotch Bulge in HD! (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
Hello all you happy people and welcome to the penultimate chapter of Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse. It's been a long road filled with delays and demonic toys, as this one got pushed back.. and as a result you lucky people are getting BOTH final chapters this week with some muppets in the middle to make one heck of a sandwich. While I waxed a bit about how close the end felt last time, it's hitting me harder and harder as we approach the finale. For those who just joined for this part of the retrospective, i've spent two years of my life covering these games: all of last year covering them each month, most of this year hovering around Skunkape's Twitter to see when the remaster was coming eager to start but patient to let them cook, and this year finally reviewing it. This has been a massive project and so before we hang a closed sign on the abandoned freelance police office, i'd like to thank all of you past , present and probably future for reading this. Thank you. This has been a quiet hit for me and I appricate it. I'd like to thank Kevin for sponsoring this: buying me all three games in the trilogy, getting me to do this and letting me experince one of the most wonderful game trilogys ever. This pudgy question loving dog and rabid lagomorph are part of me now. I should probably get that checked but I won't. I've had a wonderful time.
But I can save some more mushyness for next time. For now let's talk about Beyond the Alley of the Dolls. Beyond the Alley of the Dolls is my faviorite sam and max chapter thus far. It's funny, has great atmosphere, killer reveals to the building plot and is genuinely unesettling in places. This chapter is a pure horror comedy and while being sam and max it's mostly comedy, there's some damn good horror in here, a heartbreaking ending, and a truly unsettling and entertaning hidden villian behind it all. The Puzzles are pretty great with only a few spots of frustration, and usually you can figure it out through inuition and your massive toy chest. This game gives you access to a full wheel of toys of power and it feels every bit as fun and glorious as that sounds. The game's done a good job slowly building up your toys of power, letting you get used to having each one so by this point it's easy to use. And when it wasn't, eh that was what guides were for. I'd like to point out this paticular guide from the gamer for anyone looking to the play the games
It's a nice step by step guide and it's been great for this game, much more neatly organized than the older ones I used for the previous two games.
Beyond is back to basics which makes sense: we just had two format benders in a row and given the harrowing ending, I won't be suprised if The City That Dares Not Sleep also breaks formula a bit. It's easily the biggest expression of the standard sam and max formula, and the only real changeup is you don't go back to your street, instead teleporting between locations and using tunnels. It's a nice return to form that still feels fresh with all the toys you can play with and the settings shaken up by the army of golden spedoed samulcra roaming the streets. It has a real sense of urgency, each chapter having escalated and given what's in store for the finale I keep ominously hinting at, that dosen't seem to ease up. This game has great momentum, each chapter flowing into the next and the story hooking you along. Were I not contracually obligated to play this month by month (And if I didn't have the memory of a well.. max), i'd of sped through this thing as it's good fun and the story, despite knowing a twist or two ahead of time thanks to reading spoilers over a decade ago, is really engaging and funny, a perfect sam and max spin on a cosmic horror story. So let's stop jaw jacking and get to what could be Sam and Max's finest hour and go BEYOND THE ALLEY OF THE DOLLS!
For a change of pace we DON'T start right where we left off, with a ton of sam clones in tight leather speedo's swarming our heroes. Some men dream of being swarmed by furries but not like this. NOT LIKE THIS.
Anyways we open instead on the stinkie's whose fued has gotten to the ineveitble plate throwing phase as Girl Stinky is piiiiisssseeed Grandpa Stinky fired sal. Before they can get into the fight to the death whoever looses we win, Sam, Max and Skunkape run up.
Our heroes run inside and the Stinky's can only impotently tell them "We're closed" before seeing WHY. The Army of Samulcra or as Max calls them dogglegangers. Which is hilarious but Samulcra seems to have stuck so we're going with that.
So our first puzzle is escaping Stinky's as it's now surrounded by spedoed sams, complete with noticable crotch bulges something that was in the original release but like everything has been enhanced so fans all over can really see sam's dong.
I appricate the detail and the upgrade given to the speedos. Originaly they looked like this
Still sparkly but a bit flatter in the texture, more like togas than proper speedos. It's something I have noticed on a model or two for this game: When they CAN jazz up the art to look better they do and boy do they here
Not only is there the little outline, just a scoch to show you yes sam has dick, but the belly button is even redrawn to fit purcell's style better. They didn't have to do that but bless em for it. I also like how the speedos here, as i've joked about , are similar to Rocky Horrors
Sam's has a tad more glitter but it fits him better. He's also packing less but hey these clones were built to find eldritch toys not performance.
In Stinky's Grandpa and Max are eagerly killing tons of Sam. For Max it saves them a ton in couple's therapy, for Grandpa ... eh he's kinda earned it. I feel no guilt for the horrors' we've inflicted on him, but we have done more than enough for him to enjoy the mass sam slaughter. Still there's too many of em so we need to escape. Girl Stinky as usual is no help, and her old tunnel is backed up.
Of all people it's Skunkape whose helpful.. eventually. At first he's near catatonic as it turns out loosing to sam broke him and being surrounded by sams dosen't help. And given he has well established psychic powers himeslf, it makes sense why he didn't forget the other timeline like everyone else. Which.. good as Grandpa might turn his gun on our heroes if he did. Lot easier to ruin lives when reality reset all consequences of our actions you know.
Thankfully a radio message wakes Skunkape up.. and he shows his hand: his last toy of power, the mind reading playing cards. He's quickly taken by the Dogglegangers. So that's one problem down and about two thousand in speedos to go.
Thankfully we can now read minds and it's easy enough to play stinky. Read it once, confront her on the tunnel, then read it twice to find out how to open it.. in this case under the jukebox using the toaster. To get to the toaster we have to distract a sam hand popping out. Thankfully they share all his weaknesses... and while we don't have a spare rabbit we do have a case of fudgie pops, something i'm glad we can finally use after being hinted at last time.
I do love the problem here too: Sam cannot stop eating them, can relate. So instead we have to use stinky's peanutbutter balls to jam sam's mouth closed so he won't stick fudge in there
We give the fudge stick to the doggleganger and he loves it and we can get the hell out of there while the Stinky's bicker.
What we find.. genuinely suprised me. I've been upfront about how I knew some spoilers this time, read some on tv tropes over a decade ago back when playing this was a pipe dream. So while I knew the ultimate mastermind behind the clones, I had ZERO idea Stinky had a massive cloning lair underneath the restraunt, with thousands upon thousands of cells. We can't get near the machine as an eldtrich tentacle sprouts up.. which apparently also sprouted up if you approached Paperwhite's office from the outside last time, but I didn't done do that as I didn't know you even could.
There's two tunnels before you and I take the left one, leading us to Boscotech Labs. And we get to see superball again! And also Harry Moleman, whose pissed at us for trying to kill him, which was months ago for me but is the same night for everyone else. In my defense harry..... you suck.
Case in point our hero and guest are trying to do a seance, but Harry is doubtful and obnoxious. It's on us to do it which we will do later... for now let's look at that other tunnel, which leads to paperwhite's office. He isn't willing to let us in because Dr Norrington and him are having a private meeting about the shit going down, so we'll have to break in later using his key pad. For now we dig through the trash, least of our crimes and find Sal's resignation letter. He's gone and we can follow him.
And using the phone we do. Honestly this power to follow anyone by phone number would be terrifying now a days, especailly since it's in the wrong hands. Thank god more than one Cell Phone would break game flow. We see Sal but he's surrounded by sams who chase us what good if we do anything as they have pulled the power to track toys out of their tightly bound asses. So to beat them.. we're gonna need more toys.. and oh look just outside their field of vision is good old Charlie Ho-Tep.
Shockingly Max is the one with forsight.. not that one of the toys is out in the open and strangely none of the dogglegangers noticed, but that Charlie looks creepy and he dosen't want to touch him. Sam forces him to put his hand inside the puppet head and we can use him to easily distract the dogglegangers to talk to Sal. There's one other guest on the docks, but we'll talk to him later.
Turns out Sal left his cushy job due to too many ape beatings and the docks WERE safer... till you know the clone swarm.
Sal comes in handy soon as he has knowledge of cakes, and we're gonna need one. To explain why we head back to stinky's where it turns out Grandpa hired Flint to investigate Girl Stinky. Flint is about to get the axe though... thankfully not literally this time, as Old Stinky's at his wit's end after the whole "you didn't find either of her hidden passages" snafu.
So we need to go back into noir mode pressing Stinky on why the fuck she lying, why's she lying, oh my god stop fucking lying, but she dosen't stop fucking lying and instead spins a tale about the mysterous S she's talking to being sam and it being a suprise birthday party for stinky.
I miss the mariachis.
So to prove it we have to bake a cake, and the way looks Hazy. Thankfully Sal can help us, and our cards allow us to find out what kind Grandpa Likes. Unfortunately said kind takes a day and given the swarm outside, we don't have that time. We do still have the rhinoplasty putty and Sal can draw what pretty. And everything I learn about sal makes me love him more: his kind nature, his thorugh knowedge of food, and his impressive artistic skills.
What follows is ... it's.... Grandpa Stinky eats part of max, he just dives right in there and buys the cake and eats a bunch> He also grabs a knife from said cake to go murder some more dogglegangers. No one knows how to take it and somehow it's topped only moments later when Stinky to maintain the lie forcably kisses poor Sam. Everyone's been violated today!
And that includes you audience as now Stinky's free we can tail her.. and what we find will haunt you for years to come... so Stinky meets S.. and i'ts Sal! Sal noooooo, noooo, sal noooo. You can do so much bette rnow. And then they make out and I just.. i'll spare you the actual image but the mental image will haunt you all as it haunts me. Just thinking about it
I'll try to move on. So our heroes confront them, and it's clear they don't... actually know anything about the cloning. They were just using the lair to.. make out...
And plot Grandpa Stinky's death. A noble and worhty cause. They quickly go all blank eyed though as it's clear someone else is doing the actual heavy lifting and using them for cheap labor.
So to find out who we need to get Mama Bosco back, so it's seance time and thankfully we have all the tools we need to bs our way through one. The mind reading cards make Harry an open book, so we get a fun sequence as we grift him, making him think his uncle is back. Ther'es some real standout gags... Max needling harry in rhyme for being dateless, and when Harry is curious why his uncle sounds weird, Max says he has a cold and when questioned why there ar ecolds in heaven "What makes you think i'm in heaven?"
Max uses Charlie to get Harry to go to the statue of liberty to find hidden money... which given the climax hopefully means he dead.
This brings back mama bosco and with Superball leaving to report to his superiors who are just pleased as punch
We can't do much here for now, but we can go get some more info. So it's back to the office, where we pick Paperwhite's brain and get the code. We enter and while he tries to hide... we finally see his dark master... behold dr norrington!
Now norrington being Yog Sogoth I was spoiled on and even if I hadn't.. it's pretty obvious. There's a whole temple, no idea how exactly paperwhite escaped the box when Soggoth was apparently inside, and norrington is apparently powerful enough to contact max AND not be affected by the new reality.
To the game's credit I DIDN'T see the fact he's doing a total recall on Paperwhite coming. I just assumed he gave Paperwhite an immortality donut or something. But nope he's alive.. and deeply charming. Norrington, as he prefers to be called, is a totally nice guy. He's stuck in paperwhite and their shenanigans last episode wasn't conquering earth but getting Yog Sogoth home. He actually wants the toys destroyed and warns whoever is doing this could destroy reality: turns out not only are their 1600 toys of power but almost all of them being gathered was simply a prelude. The mysterious mastermind gathering them all could destroy all of reality.
He does have a plan though and also helpfully gives us the origin of the toys. Honestly this whole convo is a LOT of dialouge options leading to exposition but a nice smattering of jokes, Norrington's smooth personality and the sheer number of questions answered really helps this one. So long ago on a young earth the elder gods roamed free and did bad stuff. Eating people making them scream etc. Luckily a hybrid between them and humanity rose: the mole people who back then were way more powerful before genetics kicked them in the shin, and one banished them using the chtonic destroyer, a powerful device that banishes anything from the dark dimension back where it came.
As for who the toys owner was that would be Junior... and max spends the entire conversation reacting in disbelief that the archeticht of these whole games, the most dangerous being in existnace... is named Junior. It sounds better in their original tounge. The toys were made to keep Junior busy and not destroy earth, and were left behind when he was sent back... and if reality shifts.. Junior could come back destroying it all.
So to prevent that we need the greatest of the toys, the chthonic destroyer, a cool toy robot that was stranded in a horrifyign dimension. luckily we just so happen to have a friend who has a dimensional phase distorter.
This puzzle is... eh. You have to turn knobs till youf ind the right one, to match how the mole person got it in the sacred scroll our cool new friend coming out of someone's stomach tells us. The good news is the game tells you when you find one and not to touch it, it's just an annoying bit of trial and error with not enoguh gags to really justify it. It feels tedious and i'm glad when it's over.
With the destroyer we can now access the cloning machine but don't have any dna to give it. I honestly didn't know what to do with the clone cooker till looking at the guide. We see that it's made by bosco tech and a mind read confirms mama bosco made it... and she regrets it. She gave the tech to a mystery person who agreed to give her millions of dollars to do whatever. She offers to help and CAN shut the thing off.. but she needs a body. She does have some of her dna ready to go but needs it to be at 100% instead of 99. We CAN paper over it with a realitve.. but with Bosco missing we seemingly have no way to get his dna.
Thankfully we have that guest I mentioned. ladies, gentlemen, nbs and everything else, BUSTER BLASTER IS FUCKING BACK
Yes after a tragic absence he's back. And Kev actually gave me some insight into WHY he was gone: the voice was a lot on his voice actor. That simple, but I understand it and i'm greatful he gave us one last performance as the character. I do hope he comes back, but woudlnt' mind if someone else did the voice or they found a way around destroying a man's vocal cords. Maybe a voice modulator or something.
Still he's back and hilarious as ever, shouting a fantastic "THAT WAS REAL?!" when asked about the dogglegangers. He's back because he and Bosco bottomed out: turns out counting cards dosen't work when one of you screams everything so Buster is just hanging out and shouting a lot. He gives you a letter for bosco telling his mama he's fine but needs money and totally isn't, as buster puts it "A MALE STRIPPER" and wishes you well, having no desire to rejoin the COPS. This is apparently the last we'll see of him unless he returns in future media. You did god's work buster, we'll miss you.
The letter gives us the last pint of dna we need and with that MAMA BOSCO is back.. and despite some tense lead up.. .she's fine. Her only change is she's
Which looks good on her. With that we can enter the first part of the finale. And that requires using the gun for once. It's why I had to look it up: you use Sam's gun so rarely i'm geninely shocked any time we actually need it. We shoot things to get Stinky and Sal to repair them, then teleport up with mama basco. The cloner is deactivated... but the clones are still a comin. Thankfully throwing your voice still works and we go to confront them
It's then we get a really well done twist that again, I was spoilered on.. but man it works. There's a lot of good foreshadowing for this one: how Charlie tended to be uneffected by other toy events but still counted, how he just happened to show up where needed, how the voice that's been controlling the clones and his minons has the same color as charlie.... Charlie Hotep was behind it all, creepily turning his head around. And while Max foolishly assumes an evil doll can't move on it' sown charlie disproves that
So we cut to the actual climax and this... is my faviorite ending to any chapter and will probably be my faviorite overall. I heard this one was good from tv tropes and I was not disapointed. This is a big , cinematic, suprisingly creepy climax that gives the actual finale to this game some big shoes to fill.
So max wakes up at the statue of liberty which Charlie has stolen, along with the rest of the toys. So Max is left with no toys, sam stuck as Charlie's meat puppet and Dr Norrington trapped in a cage. And paperwhite's there too I guess.
Thankfully we're not harmless as Max is still free.. and Sam is kinda, as he still has SOME free will. he can't talk but he can muble. Either the anti mind control hat is working or he just has strong will power. I"d say
Either way he gets Charlie talking and his motive is as engaging as it is deranged: he misses Junior and wants to be played with again so he's summoning him to this reality. So to recap we have a deranged evil puppet playing the piano to summon an elder god, another elder god jammed in someone's mid section locked in a cage, and max on the ground surrounded by an army of sams.
What also helps is that the atmosphere is geninely creepy: the sams all say whatever charlie wants which is unsettling enough but charlie nicely straddles the perfect killer doll line ala chucky or megan: entertaining as hell but still deeply creepy when he wants to be. He's a great antagonist and really steals the show
Thankfully he's thin skinned so Norrington just has to keep pissing him off with the one big button the doll has: that juinor didn't actually love him or even like him. This pisses him off to start waving the destroyer around and allows sam to change the music, slowly warping the statue of liberty.. and allowing max to scale it, usign the dogglegangers to launch himself up, and getting to the top. Tired of Noringtons shit, Charlie finishes him.
He gets in one last act though... he unlocks Max's full power.. turns out the toys were simply a conduit. The power was inside him all along. And thus Max becomes an outer god... which would normally be terrifying but we're in a bad spot.
So the finale of the chapter comes down to an all out brawl between two users of the toys of power and it's awesome to see. Samun Mak simply took them last time but this time Max has full access as does charlie. The toys dont' affect charlie but we can use the environment around him, creating a mental image of charlie, because we can do that now with the full power of the cards inside us, and then copying it
Charlie becomes the chythonic destroyer to counter.. and this is his last mistake as in a perfect fit of irony sam uses the throwing your voice ability on the devil's toybox... and casues charlie to destroy it in a rage. In one awesome move that shows how far he's come.. max wins. Reality is saved, Max fakes sam out with his death because he's a little scamp and the day is saved> it came at too high a cost.. but at least everything's fine.. why do I smell burning?
It's.. max. Max's head is on fire as foreshadowed back in episode 1... and it's not going out. Max speaks gibberish.. and he transforms... max.. is seemingly gone. And him being an outer god sure is scary NOW.
And in a cruel symbol of what's been lost a doggleganger who picked up a toy rabbit is crushed and our sam can only look on as his little buddy rampages off into the distance. A chilling end from such a goofy series.. and one that made me determined more than ever to get to the last chapter
So later this week join me as we finish what we started. and from what I do know.. this one's going to hurt. Thanks for reading, i'm pulling for ya, we're all in this together.
#sam and max#the devil's playhouse#telltale games#skunkape games#sam#max#sam x max#flint paper#grandpa stinky#girl stinky#general skunkape#sal#mama bosco#buster blaster#video games#nintendo switch
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the real reason why whisper sucks at driving
#yokai watch#yokai watch whisper#art#whisper#comic#jibanyan#yokai watch blasters#yokai watch busters#“Nyugh… Whispence!! Can your comic layouts get any more erratic?!”#the answer is yes#i have spared you from the absolute atrocity that was the original layout#…this time >:)#yokai watch comic#whisper yokai watch#youkai watch#yo kai watch#cars are not my strong point in drawing#plus the busters/blasters car has the layout of an american car so it was even harder#yo-kai watch
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You should totally draw Blaster ( sona ) as a mole
there is in fact a mole version of Blaster named Buster, designed by my wonderful partner skeline <3
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#Transformers#Scatman Crothers#Buster Jones#Black representation#Black History#Jazz#Blaster#Transformers G1#Youtube
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Source: Space Pirate Mito [1999]
#space pirate mito#stellar buster mito#uchuu kaizoku mito no daibouken#mito mitsukuni#business casual#business woman#raising skirt#garter#gun#blaster#look what I have under my skirt
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random question
I made a post about Dandory Bundory from Busters 2 and briefly mentioned how the bundory family has spanish translations for each member. I was looking at the wiki and noticed that other yo kai from that game have spanish name translations, with some having either french or italian translations. Does anyone know if this is true or if someone on the wiki is just trolling out of boredom?
#yo kai watch#yo kai watch blasters#yo kai watch 3#yo kai watch busters 2#yo kai watch 2#yo kai watch busters
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Armored Assault Tank
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:46:12
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Naboo#Great Grass Plains#Gallo Mountains#primary laser cannon#AAT#Armored Assault Tank Mk I#control command receiver antennas#top hatch#main cannon elevator#anti-personnel laser cannon#rangefinder#battlefield sensor#power converter#“Bunker Buster” high explosive#armor-piercing shell#standard high-energy shell#short range blaster#nose ram#front hatch#Battle of the Great Grass Plains#Battle of Naboo
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Kool-aid Isn’t the Only Thing I’m Thirsty For
Happy 4th of July everyone!
“Y’know my great grandfather was stationed in France?”
“No shit? My nephew was deployed there.”
“Yeah— Cant remember for the life of me what division he was in, but he was sent back to the states after he blew off most of his fingers.”
“Yeesh.. Makes me mighty glad I missed out on all o’ that! hey- make sure to keep flippin’! These need to be grilled correctly.”
“Don’t tell a man how to use his own grill…”
Sykes, Rourke, and Alameda hovered over the grill, Sykes in charge of the burgers as he shot the shit with the old commander and cow wrangler, a half-smoked cigar hanging from each of their mouths and a chilled beer bottle in hand.
It had been a while since Sykes had celebrated the 4th, but he had subtly dominated the command of the grill. And Rourke was more than happy to piss away time, puffing on his cigar as he talked about old war battles with the two other men.
The sun beat down on the men, who had stationed themselves in the old lot behind the main studio building, both Rourke and Sykes had exchanged their usually stiff outfits for their old wife-beaters. While Alameda wore a simple plaid button up. An old radio played classic yacht rock, sitting atop a splintering picnic table. And a cooler filled with drinks was placed beside the grill, a few spare wasps hovering around the yellowed plastic of the cooler.
“(Y/N)!!!” Sykes hollered, Rourke and Alameda flinching at the noise,
“How're you doing with the Kool-aid!?”
(Y/n) opened the door to the backyard, calling back, “Almost done!!!”
Closing the door, (Y/n) turned towards Medusa, who was finishing mixing the disgustingly sweet drink, limp cigarette between her lips
“Hey, don’t get any cigarette ash in it!” They whined.
“Oh please, I won't! At least the ash would cut back the sugar.” Medusa muttered, sweeping back her dangling American flag earrings.
(Y/n) nodded, pulling on the hem of their denim shorts that stuck to their sweaty skin. “Cool, Imma bring out the ketchup and shit, Facilier, do you wanna join us?”
Facilier, who was draped on the counter across from Medusa, top hat off and slightly fanning himself shrugged,
“Eh, I’m not too big on burgers Chére. And I’m pretty sure drinking even a small glass of that red monstrosity will put me in an early grave.”
“You sure? I brought some illegal fireworks that we’ll be setting off later? You could do the honors of lighting them?”
Facilier paused his fanning, “…Illegal you say? What kind?”
“Oh I’ve got; Snakes, sparklers, firecrackers, M80, black cats, Roman candles, screamin’ Mimi’s, ladyfingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, crap flappers, whistling bungholes, spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker do’s, hoosker don’ts, cherry bombs, nipsa daisers with scooter stick, and whistling kitty chasers.” (Y/n) listed off with their fingers.
“….Well, I could never pass up a good ol’ Roman candle… sure. Just let me know when you bring ‘em out.”
(Y/n) laughed, nodding excitedly as they carried out all the condiments, paper plates, and napkins to the backyard, Medusa bustling beside them with the large pitcher of iced Kool-aid.
“I haven’t had a proper July 4th cookout since I was a girl! I still remember my ol’ mother and father screaming over the undercooked hot dogs… Oh, back when this country had proper domestic violence~” Medusa cooed, a nostalgic smile making her eyes squint.
The park attendant gave Medusa the side eye, brows furrowed before shaking their head, (Y/n)’s attention quickly turned towards the large men outside.
They tried not to blatantly stare at how tight Sykes beater was stretched around his chest, or how all of the men’s chest and arm hair were slicked with sweat, OR how an old anchor tattoo made itself known on Rourkes back whenever he flexed, OR OR how good Alameda looked taking a long puff his cigar.
“…Meat's back on the menu tonight…” (Y/n) thought to themselves, hoping that the heat could excuse their flushed face.
To break out of there thoughts, (Y/n) shouted to the group,
“Alright! Who’s ready to party!?”
“What in god's name are they doing?” Hook muttered, watching through the window in morbid fascination as (Y/n) fanatically cheered on Facilier, who had begun to laugh maniacally as he shot off three Roman candles at once.
“Oh it’s that silly American holiday, today. The one where they dress up is garish clothing and raise their cholesterol.” Cruella hisses, already feeling a headache coming on. “I tell you those Americans eat like they have free healthcare..”
“Ugh, a wretched holiday for a wretched country, the traitors..” Governor Ratcliffe sneered.
“Oh, now look at that—” Hook pointed out,
From the backyard, Rourke hands (Y/n) what seems to be a small, multicolored bazooka, a wicked grin on his face as he helps them light the rocket's fuse.
Rourke ruffled their hair, stepping back a few paces to join Sykes and Slim’s side, watching proudly as (Y/n) braces and aimed the rocket towards the sky, shooting a fiery ball high up into the night air, which promptly exploded into a burning flower of sparkles. The firework joking one of many across the dark sky.
“…I bet 30 dollars one of them is losing a finger tonight.” Clayton speaks up amongst the crowd of villains watching from inside.
“Aye, make that 50.”
Just wanted to write a little blurb celebrating the 4th of July! I realized just how little American villains the Disney cannon has, and I wanted an excuse to thirst over Rourke and Sykes in old wife- beaters grilling me a burger🤤.
(ALSO DISCLAIMER!! This was merely written for fun. I love America and I love the beautiful nature it has, but I don’t love the American government.
This was not written with any political intention, only thirst for old men and Kool—aid.)
#disney villains#self insert#disney imagine#disney x reader#lyle rourke#disney atlantis#bill sykes#medusa#dr facilier#alameda slim#4th of july#america ya
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The Legendary Hero's RAPID FIRE weapon, the BN Blaster.
The tie-in to Battle Network in SF1 was neat already, but upon seeing the buster you unlock in action, I could only think if how Omega-Xis would've handled it-- here's that exact imagery.
#it's such a fond memory of mine for whatever reason#when my brother first got it and equipped the buster the super-fast shooting was so ridiculous to me#hub why you have such crazy-fast blast shot?#like it didn't matter how effective it was that speed tho#doodle-daas#comics#megaman star force#ryuusei no rockman#megaman exe#megaman.exe#rockman exe#hub hikari#saito hikari#geo stelar#subaru hoshikawa#omega-xis#warrock
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what was the storu fo Rumblr blasters?
The plot was that sometime in 2020, a solar flare caused humanity to make concepts they called spirits that are born out of an idea or desire. They can be huge pests! So 17 years later Rumble Busters is about two siblings in a rural area in Washington doing odd jobs in the summer vanquishing them. Caroline, the pink haired one, is a psychic, so she can vanquish them on a budget and doesn't need equipment, so they get a lot of local hires since it's cheaper than calling a proper disposal company. it was all about taking the woes of being a high schooler in the middle of nowhere with no idea of where to go and magnifying that through the lens of the supernatural. I'd still love to make it someday!
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they bring me joy
(based off my sci blog @bounded-hologram and my lovely bf @simply-windy's buster blog @smoke-and-blasters :3c)
#phighting swocket#phighting#phighting sword#phighting rocket#swocket#sci fi sword phighting#buster rocket phighting#ketch art
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Uncle do you have any movie and tv recommendations for the strike?
absolutely! I am very tired but off the top of my head here's some ancient Western-centric goodies for you most of which you can find on youtube completely free!
Buster Keaton. I recommend starting with the shorts (two reelers) which are usually 20 mins. If you want a wild ride complete with 4th wall breaks my favourite movie of his is Sherlock Jr.
Laurel and Hardy. Them goobers had some magical chemistry with comedy, best just to dive in and start laughing.
the Marx Brothers. Fast paced american patter and absurdity, Duck Soup was groundbreaking in its day.
Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle. Gave Keaton many of his first roles. Incredibly talented man, make yourself cry and be angry forever by reading what happened to him irl...
Harold Lloyd. The third of the three greats. I personally recommend Safety Last!
Charlie Chaplin. Y'all know. City Lights, Modern Times and the Great Dictator should be viewed by everyone wanting to get into movies imho.
the Twilight Zone (1959). You like weird? Let's get weird. Get ready to buy as many extra pairs of glasses as you can afford. You'll understand if you watch That episode.
The Three Stooges. Good exercise for the chuckle muscle. Curly's grandson has even been recreating some of their skits on Tiktok!
Vincent Price. Just. Vincent Price.
The Third Man. It's a good movie. Just watch it okay it's a good movie holy shit the finale. Cinematography mind blaster.
basically just go look up good old tv there's so much of it I haven't even listed the cartoons I could rec bc that would need AN ENTIRE NEW LIST OF ITS OWN which I might make when I have time
As always with old movies and media there are going to be some dated jokes, and even more dated language, so be aware of that going in.
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hey armor ideas !!!
jake shambling slime drake armor its mostly just an exoskeleton EXCEPT its still got the slime around it so slime suit it also has MEGA BUSTERS but there the beasts head (IF ONE OF YOU SAYS "GASTER BLASTER HAHA" YOUR GETTING SENT TO BACKCELLS)
Ana gets a mech armor and a deagle (BEACAUSE YES) as for other weapons rockets that CAN PHASE and mines that do the same ,thrusters that look like boat moaters and thats it folks.
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Parody Blog List!!!
Stargazer Rocket: @stargazers-paradise Rocket: @crossroadstroublemaker Buster Rocket: @smoke-and-blasters PJ Rocket - @sea-bunny-lullaby
Darkheart: @darkness-sees-all Medkit: @the-deer-doctor Eggbox: @dove-conductor Zuka: @shark-cartin-phighters
Banhammer: @the-all-mighty-warden Valk: @microphone-idol Firebrand: @peaceful-inpherno Koistaff: @koi-pond-queen
Ghostwalker: @the-silent-graveyard Sword: @ultimate-swordsman Hyperlaser: @blackrockian-mercenary Broker: @red-rotary
Traffic: @traffic-light-dude Windforce: @aethereal-mother 7MK0/Goldkit: @gold-plated-deer Rainbox: @raindrop-melodies
Jesterspace: @carnival-beetle Slingshot: @chatty-cat-cafe Icedagger: @snowflake-sweetheart Frankenhammer: @the-undead-warden
Coil: @crystal-criminal Pirate Valk: @oceanic-superstar Captain Rocket: @captain-lotl
Hellhound: @full-moon-curse Follower: @angels-blade The Inphinity: @the-inphinity Ego: @prideful-knight
Coil 2.0: @metallic-claws Steampunk: @bovine-brawler Cooler: @blue-raspberry-rapper Cozy: @winter-confections
Boombox: @indie-idol AU Parody: G. Zuka: @death-within-stardust C. Zuka/Traffic: @seaside-merchants Sharkbite Rocket: @young-sharkling Dovord: @heartfelt-warrior
Blaster Rocket: @aquatic-robotic Alien AU: @blessed-stardust
Regreg: Pest: @rotten-pesticide Mach: @thorned-gladiolus
Other: Hacksaw: @hacksaw-maniac Griefer: @bloodied-gardens Phighting beans: @inpherno-of-beans
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Despite being built on the human side of the war, he is a bloodthirsty war machine.
His buster is equipped with 5 separate gun tips.
The guns attached to his back are reminiscent of the war days, their are 4 rows, each row has 3 separate cannons that all may blast out the same energy the main blaster.
During the memory erase, all was not lost as he lived on In the mind of Aki, when the brain bleeds happen, the war machine reminisces of his past.
After the memory erase, the war machine took on the form we see here, It is allmost exactly like the fully charged form, but more powerful. His crack on his right cheek formed slowly, every robot power aki took, the more broken the war machines face became.
It is said that he has another form, but that form was akis normal megaman form, something that was stolen from the war machine once more!
What is this all mighty war machines name?
[¿Kuroi Ao?]
[I swear it was just Blue]
His armour will change, this is not a final desgin as I am not happy with it.
#megaman au#art#megaman fully charged#mmfc au#for the japanese it probbaly isnt grammatically correct but i do not care.#mmfc#mega man fully charged#mega man#aki light#青
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Source: Space Pirate Mito [1999]
#space pirate mito#stellar buster mito#uchuu kaizoku mito no daibouken#masatsuki nenga#shut up kid#hero speech#blaster#gun
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