#bunny eating strawberries
piecrust432 · 2 years
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skunkes · 2 years
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nuzzle · 1 year
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yippeee! beep bop beep bop ! anon bunny 🍓’s reporting!
OMG, the harbinger reader x dragon!FL? mwah, masterpiece >__<
iam severely doused in the idea that is not a Harbinger, bur rather a wandering dragon, and reader take's Childe's place as the 11th (or any other, really!) Could you imagine, dragon!FL being the
"bodyguard" of Harbinger reader in a Harbinger meetings, or even in general? Like, strong, fierce Harbinger!reader being protected by our overgrown lizard? cutie
(i am TOTALLY not writing a fanfic about this,, hehe)
also, i lowkey wanna change my anon name to anon bunny 🍓 instead of just anon bunny,, yippee!
~ hehe ><
hey psst pssssstttt if you do write that fanfic if you're comfortable with showing people i would LOVE to read it!!!!
you as the strong, firm, but kind Eleventh Harbinger, known for both your mercy and brutality. to those who show genuine remorse, you send them away with a stern talking to and reasonable punishment, but to those who lie or mock, you're entirely unforgiving. it creates an odd dissonance in opinions of you at first, before your reputation settles into someone understanding, but not to be crossed... until it abruptly changes once you happen to acquire a dragon friend. see, the other Fatui believe that you beat the beast into submission, but really you just freed him from a trap- you hate to see an innocent creature in pain. you had expected him to run, perhaps snap at your hand before flying away, but instead the dragon- Foul Legacy, he carved into the ground- shook out his wings and sat up, tilting his head at you curiously before leaning in and giving your cheek a tentative lick
he never leaves you alone after that, proudly trailing after you on every mission until you reluctantly allow him to officially accompany you, your agents sworn to secrecy. they don't mind- they think it's funny, essentially being the only sane sector of the Fatui, and Foul Legacy is always happy to make new friends. he does not, however, consider most of the other Harbingers friends, with their sly eyes and words dripping with thinly veiled contempt. he curls around you during the meetings, regarding each of them with a narrowed gaze, lingering on those he dislikes the most. if any of them raises a single hand towards you, Legacy growls viciously, especially at Il Dottore, who he seems to hate most of all. yet despite his protective malice, after everyone leaves and the meeting is over Legacy's tail begins thumping against the floor, nudging into your hand as if he's asking for praise, didn't he do such a wonderful job? and you always sigh and give him a few pats before you leave, as is routine
most of the Fatui know you now as intimidating and ruthless, strong enough to control a dragon. but to the people under you, you're simply their levelheaded superior with an odd, scaly friend
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kathegoose · 11 months
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scary fact: i really like the cupcake and everyone who disses his kill should explode (it is genuinely a cool scene and adds to the retro horror movie shtick, think gremlins or something idk i forgot what happened in those movies)
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mifithemuffin · 8 months
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dango Cathy does something inexplicable to my brain chemistry
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sopekooks · 9 months
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happy 3rd birthday little guy. you are my entire life. 💚
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hearty-an0n · 3 months
soooo much rain. no dragging the hose around to water the garden who cheered
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tommy-stimit · 2 years
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roseate-felidae · 1 year
Amber eating strawberry 🍓
Ps. She was cleaned out today, just messy again.
And that's a cooling pad that she destroyed and temporarily on large woodchip because all I could get. Will get new cooling mat soon as summer sucks and parents won't let me keep them inside.
@themarginalthinker already sent you this on discord.
Sorry for my voice I just love my bunnies.
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cygnus-is-tired · 2 years
Birthday dessert (before dinner!)
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anawkwardlady · 2 years
Alois would vent post on tumblr like "haha maybe the day my adoptive dad rolled his eyes and told me to stop crying when I was having a breakdown influenced some shit in my life because I just got irrationally angry when my bf told me "Oh no don't cry" and ran away opsie <3"
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must i do everything myself .
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justabouttocombust · 1 year
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I love how some bunnies eating strawberries look like they’re all dolled up in their new lipstick ready to kiss their secret boyfriend. But some. Some. Look like they’ve just come back from committing murder
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astro-inthestars · 2 years
Oh god, I'm getting obsessed with Chloe Moriondo's Blood Bunny album. how coincidental
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technicolorxsn · 1 month
ive eaten so much fucking fruit today
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