zeloinator · 10 months
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__ The Doomed Protector__
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idalenn · 1 month
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bunnies enjoy exploring tiny holes... right?
Faren belongs to @zoroarkthief.
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fourfoldfires · 1 year
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i think about this he/him big titty sin eater a completely reasonable and normal amount
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Round 3B Wave 2:
Team Rippled Mirrors (Dark Meta Knight [Kirby & the Amazing Mirror] and The Fairy Queen [Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards]) vs. Dyna Blade (Kirby Super Star/Super Star Ultra) and Tiff/Fumu and Tuff/Bun (Kirby: Right Back at Ya'!)
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Team Rippled Mirrors: Dark Meta Knight and The Fairy Queen
Dyna Blade and Tiff/Fumu and Tuff/Bun
The winner will move on to the next round! If they tie, or one of them wins by 5% or less, they’ll both continue on as a team!
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djdjdjmk · 1 year
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so iv been working on something origin. this was originally a all Lego shows (plus other shows) but after much messing around... is become is own thing. but here is the mane cast and spam dump. more stuff to come~
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hawkeyetrained · 6 months
All Over Him
Dean Winchester x reader (established relationship)
Other Characters: Sam Winchester
Warnings: language (like 1 i think), mention of blood and cuts, stitches
Summary: The boys come back from a hunt injured. Dean gets a little jealous when Sam gets the attention first.
Word Count: 853
Sam, Dean, and I were working a small salt and burn case in a town about three hours from the bunker. “Something easy.” Dean had said when we packed up to go. I was in charge of research this time, needing more time off from hunting due to a messed-up shoulder I got on the last case. Long story short, the witch was stronger than we thought, and I was thrown through a wall, my shoulder taking the entire hit. Dean instantly benched me until I could work without wincing from pain, leading to my curled-up position on the motel bed with the TV on and some random movie playing, even though I was reading my own book, relaxing in my pajamas with one of Dean’s flannels wrapped around me and rolled up to my elbows.
So, when the front door slammed open and two mountains of men came barreling in, both bleeding but one far worse than the other, I was on my feet. “The hell happened?” I half yelled, shutting the door, and throwing my hair into a bun in order to help my boys.
“Damn ghost got the jump on Sam. Took a shard of glass to the shoulder, got hit a few times.” Dean dropped his baby brother onto his bed as I grabbed the first aid kit from my bag.
“Go take a shower so I can see your cuts, De.” I told him, already starting to work on helping Sam. I sat myself beside Sam, pulling his shirt down in order to see the cut on his shoulder from the glass. “Damn Sammy. You’re gonna need stitches.” I quickly grabbed the needle and thread before handing Sam the whisky bottle from the bedside table. “Gonna need it.” Sam took a large swig from the bottle then handed it back, allowing me to pour a little on the wound to clean it.
Sam hissed in pain and his fingers twisted into the back of Dean’s shirt I was wearing. I started the stitching and made sure to be as careful and gentle as possible, keeping the stitches straight and even like my mother had taught me years ago. Dean had come out of the bathroom around the time I had moved to cleaning the cuts on Sam’s face. The older Winchester got dressed in a pair of sleep pants and a simple grey shirt. He had a glare in his eyes that was directed to his little brother and that he didn’t have when they came in.
“Ok.” I finished cleaning the last cut and picked up my trash, being careful to keep all the little pieces of glass in the tissues. “You’re good to go. Be careful with those stitches so you don’t rip one.”
“Thanks.” Sam released his hold on my shirt before he stood and took off for the bathroom to shower. I tossed my trash away then moved over to the other bed with the oldest Winchester laying across from it, favoring one side of his body.
“Dean? Can I look you over?” I asked as I sat down with my supplies.
“Why? You and Sammy looked pretty comfy over there. Sure, you don’t wanna go check on him again?” Dean had a venomous tone to his voice.
“The hell his wrong with you?” I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. “You never let me check you first. It’s always Sam so I’m used to going to him first. He had glass in his wounds.”
“You didn’t have to be so close to him.” My eyes widened at his words. He was jealous of his little brother. “He didn’t need to be holding you.”
I took this time to gently toss a leg over his hips and sit in his lap. “Dean, baby? Sammy is like the big brother I never had. He was hurting and needed something to ground him.” My hands slid up his chest as I spoke, drawing a sigh from his lips. “Can I check your wounds now?” Dean nodded ever so slightly.
I repeated the process with Dean, getting him to sit and take a drink of whiskey to mask some of the pain that will come from cleaning his wounds. He didn’t let me move more than a few inches in order to get supplies, keeping me in his lap as I cleaned his cuts along his face and then checked the ribs he had been holding. “So, what’s the diagnosis doc? Will I live?” Dean asked as I finally packed away my things.
A smile crossed my lips. “Eh, there’s a possibility, but that all depends.”
“On what?” Dean played along.
“On if you take me out to breakfast tomorrow morning, just you and me.” Dean pulled me down to lay with my head on his chest and his arms around my hips, the blanket resting just above our legs.
“Of course.” He placed a long kiss to my head as Sam re-entered and flicked the lights off for bed. “Love you.”
“Love you too, De.” I snuggled into his side further as sleep engulfed me.
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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cal-flakes · 1 year
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╰┈➤ “accidents happen angel”
warnings: light swearing, just fluff.
summary: rafe comes home to a tearful y/n and stained rug. (this was an anonymous request, but i accidentally deleted it instead of answering it.)
her feet jumped around the room as she twirled in another bout of pent up energy. the playlist she’d put on echoed through the house as she sang along breathlessly.
she’d had quite a boring day, rafe was out doing business with barry, so she used the time alone to clean his house. having gutted every single room, putting things in new places, moving furniture, she finally decided to take a breather. which in her eyes, was dancing around the living room until she was completely out of breath.
smooth operator blared through the expensive sound system as she gesticulated furiously, mindlessly acting out a music video as she whirled around the coffee table.
just as the chorus was coming up, she let out a yelp as she knocked into the coffee table, knocking her coffee off in turn. “shit! shit!” she froze in place for a split second, unsure of what to do before running the the kitchen.
grabbing armfuls of cleaning products, she rushed back through to the living room. sucking in a harsh breath, her and the now coffee stained, white rug had a minor face off, the costly material taunting her.
she fell into a cross legged position beside the stain, half-arsedly reading the instructions on the backs of the various bottles now scattered around her.
she began scrubbing furiously, attempting to lift the stain before it dried, but she only seemed to be making it worse.
some time had passed before her arms began to quiver, worn out from the frantic cleaning.
she didn’t know what to do, her heart pounded in her chest as she repeatedly checked the time on her phone, nearing the time rafe usually came home.
tears brimmed along her waterline as a suffocating panic washed over her. it felt as though the room was closing in on her, and the music still blaring didn’t help at all.
her fingers brushed against the once-soft fur rug, grabbing at it in an attempt to ground herself.
her chest only tightened further when she heard the front door open and close, his footsteps getting dauntingly closer.
she could hardly see through the hot tears as they cascaded down her flushed cheeks. she must’ve looked a mess, curled up on the floor against the couch, her hands covered in cleaning products.
his footsteps came to a halt in the doorway, his eyes widening at the sight. “y/n?”
her heavy breaths and sniffles gave her away immediately. rounding the couch, he looked between her and the stain, furrowing his brows in confusion. “y/n, what happened?” he asked, concern laced in his voice.
struggling to string a sentence together, incoherent babbles fell from her lips as she looked up at him, the skin around her eyes red raw from rubbing.
he placed a gentle hand on her cheek, cupping it as he knelt beside her, not caring for the brown liquid seeping through the leg of his suit pants. “angel, i can’t help if i don’t know what’s wrong..” he muttered, guiding her to look at him.
unsuccessful in his attempt to calm the sobbing girl, her blubbering only continued, her hair now falling from the bun she’d carefully crafted earlier. “i-i..”
“shh, baby. deep breaths m’kay? can you do that for me?” he cooed. she nodded slightly, mimicking the deep breaths he also began to take.
after a couple minutes, she reached a hand up to wipe her nose as she avoided his gaze. “i..i spi-stained the rug..i kno-knocked my coffee..” she sighed, her thoughts still slightly jumbled.
“i can see that angel. are you hurt? where’s the glass?” he questioned, his attention now drawn to the rug, scanning it for loose shards. “i had to put it in the trash, it-it smashed..”
“that’s okay princess, as long as you’re okay..” he mumbled, pulling her head into his chest. twisting her face, she met his eyes. “b-but the rug..i ruined it..” she whimpered, tears threatening to spill once again. “i don’t care about the rug baby, i didn’t like it anyways”
“pinky promise?” she whispered, tilting her head at him. chuckling to himself, he withdrew his hand from her cheek, reaching his little finger out to interlock it with her. “i pinky promise angel, we can go into town to buy a new one tomorrow, m’kay?”
shaking her head in agreement, she leaned into his touch, inhaling his scent, allowing it to invade her senses. “come on, why don’t we have a shower?” he suggested, pulling her to her feet.
“are you saying i smell?” she frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.
“like bleach” he joked, poking fun at her misuse of the surface cleaner.
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iwaasfairy · 7 months
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tw. noncon, unreliable narrator, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, yandere wordcount. 1k
read part 1 here or see the valentine's masterlist
kozume kenma x reader
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You’ve started counting the spots on the walls in the dark. You’re no longer all that sure if the spots are actually there, but because you don’t have the chance to walk up and check— this is the next best thing. Your eyes have gotten used to the dim light of the semi-basement, and the dry air, and the lack of heat. It would have made you cry a few days, or weeks ago. Maybe- it’s been a month. Might be two. When you got so ill even Kenma couldn’t hide his concern, you stopped counting. And that only started feeling like a critical mistake when you had no choice but to admit.
You have no fucking clue how long it’s been.
Your ears perk up when they make something out over the static. Maybe not exactly a familiar voice, but a voice, ever so faintly sounds from the ceiling above you. Where you know Kenma does his work. Where you know he misses you from up there. You only saw it once before you were led down here, the big room with bright, open windows, much unlike how you know Kenma to be now. He’s guarded and protective and keeps his feelings close. You can’t imagine Kenma to long for freedom like you do…
But still, you want to believe it.
Instead he’s here with you, cherishing you, staying with you. Feeding and caring for you when he has the time. You shouldn’t think back to those windows, with the easy latch and flowy curtains. That’s what tempted you to fight and escape a few times, even when you only ended up worse. You weren’t chained to the wall until you ran. Weren’t tied up until you tried to slice his face open with the shard of the mirror you kicked, and now you don’t even really remember what you look like.
Kenma does, and he seems to like what he sees. When he’s rubbing his thumb along your brows and down the bridge of your nose - it matters a little less that you don’t know. When he helps you untangle your hair, or lets you into the bath. You weren’t even stripped of your clothes until you tried to strangle yourself with your shirt after struggling to adapt for weeks. Oh, it must’ve been at least two months then.
The sound of Kenma talking is so muffled that it’s hard to imagine he’s talking to anyone in the room. Maybe a phone call? After a while, you start getting restless. Start rocking the bed until it bangs against the wall twice and the door to the stairs trembles. Then you try to turn onto your side to get a little comfortable, arms still tied to the bed. Still numb.
Until you hear the familiar sound of soft feet walking down, and the key clicks against the metal of the lock. Kenma thought you important enough to hang up. You can’t help but feel warm at that thought, but you try not to focus on that. You shouldn’t be jealous when he’s trying his best. That’s what he says, and when you don’t hear anyone’s voice except for his for long enough, your internal monologue starts to sound like him too. “You’re being noisy again…” he sighs as he opens the door, hair pulled back from his face into a messy bun. “What’s wrong?”
Your entire body seems to perk up at the sound. He drags himself closer, and sits down on the edge of the bed just out of reach. A slight breeze goes along your bare thighs and bare tits and makes you shiver, and Kenma’s long fingers reach out to brush circles at your ankle. “What? You just lonely?”
“M-missed you,” your voice rasps, painful and tight. “Just wanna see you.” You sound like you haven’t had a drink all day, and after racking your mind, that’s probably true. It aches to swallow; almost as much as the dryness in the air. Instead of shying away from his touch, you lean into it as much as possible, and let him run his fingers up your shin to your thigh.
An almost imperceptible smile comes onto his lips, before he scoots closer and makes you bounce with the movement, starting to grin. “You’re much more lovey dovey nowadays.” His cat-like eyes focus on your face then, as he seems to gather what you’re thinking just from the furrow in your brow. “It’s not a bad thing… I think it’s cute. I didn’t like it when I had to constantly chase you around or fight you.”
His long fingers cup your cheek with a binding intensity, as he just seems to indulge in the sight of you. Splayed, submissive beneath him. You know him well enough now to say it’s how he likes you best. You like it too when you don’t have to fight. “‘M cold,” you sigh then, watching as Kenma’s eyes start glittering with a special kind of joy. One reserved for only you. You used to find it frightening, when you first got here.
“You’re always cold, huh?” The hand slides down your neck, brushing along your collarbones to make you shiver. “Want me to warm you up?” Without hesitating, he slips his hands under your dull, crinkled shirt and traces it up your ribs to your tits. The touch is enough to have you tremble into his hands, enjoying the interaction maybe too much. You’re mewling like it’s your job, and his name is the only thing on your lips. It took a while to feel okay about letting him slip his hands down to pull off the boxers, his— your panties got taken the first day you got here.
Kenma had been overeager, curious - he’d scared you. Now you just get scared when you wake up and Kenma isn’t in the house. Your body curls into the searching touches of his skillful fingers when they brush over the beginning wetness of your lips, and push a knuckle to grind against your clit. “When I first found you, I didn’t know you’d be so difficult, y’know,” he sighs into your mouth before kissing you, “you’re lucky you’re so cute. Make me wanna put up with you.” His fingers turn to rub you open, and your legs spread for him too eager.
“Kenma, pl-please, more.”
Whining. Pleading. You’ve become something you no longer recognize— Kenma takes the loneliness away for a few hours. He chuckles as you clamp your legs around his hand like you’re scared he’ll pull away, and your chest desperately moves up and down. “Hmh,” he smiles, “does that feel good? What a pretty, little pet, whining for me to fill her up.”
It makes the slight grin on his pretty mouth grow, until he is brushing your cheek with a distant look. His tongue brushes past his lips to taste you on him, before dipping closer to you and grinding his hand deeper into your clenching pussy. “What do you think about a trip to Brazil?”
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All Rights Reserved © IWAASFAIRY 2024. Works are exclusive to this Tumblr.
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storm-angel989 · 2 months
Yo I love your work.. anyway can I request Val x Fem Reader when Reader is on their period and the rest is up to you (I’ll cry if you actually notice)
Hi Friend,
Thank you for sending in your request! I always notice and read a request- sometimes it just takes time for my brain to buzz.
Now I have written this before. The link is here:
Valentino x Reader (Period Pains)
That being said….
Here is another version! Think OTO reader and Val after they’re married. 
<3 Mandy
The bright red stains on my favorite pajama pants began the start of that cursed day. It was going to be one of those mornings that lasted all day. 
It didn’t help that I woke up alone, my husband off to do whatever it was he did in his studio. Vox and Velvette were working and me? I was by myself. Which, as I poured myself a cup of coffee and stirred in my creamer, I figured was better that way. 
I lifted the mug to my lips and took the first sip of what should have been a heavenly experience. Instead, I was met with the bitter taste of peppermint.  I spat it into the sink and went to set my mug down. Somehow I missed the counter and shards of ceramic splatted the floor. 
“Fuck!” I yelled across the empty flat. I grabbed a roll of paper towels and cleaned up the mess as quickly as I could, tossing the shards into the garbage. Housekeeping would be up later, but with how the day was already turning out, I didn’t want to risk stepping on a rouge shard. 
“Who the fuck puts peppermint into their coffee without mocha?” I growled aloud as I shoved the creamer back in the fridge. 
Of course, I knew the answer was Vox. As much as he pretended he only drank black coffee, those of us who lived with him knew his guilty pleasure. Random flavored coffee creamers that appeared in the fridge each time it was restocked. It was just my bad luck that I had grabbed the wrong one this morning. 
Shoving the thought of making another cup of coffee to the side, I jumped into the shower, willing the hot water to take away the cramps that slowly awakened with each movement of the day. Fuck, there were some days I hated being a girl. 
But, like all women, being on our period wasn’t an excuse to miss work. Going to see Velvette in her studio was always an option, but just the thought of being touched by another being made me annoyed. I gingerly dressed myself and pulled my hair up into a bun. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I grumbled as I tried to hide the tiny whiteheads that appeared overnight with a strong dose of foundation. 
“Okay, I can do this,” I said to my reflection as I swallowed down several advil. “I got this.” 
Ten hours, eighteen phone calls and one ruined pair of underpants later, I stormed back upstairs to our apartment. 
“Babygirl, you’re home late,” Valentino’s voice rang out.
“I know, fuck,” I snapped without thought. The cramps, masked by the Advil I had taken this morning, left me both nauseous and crabby.  Every part of my body ached, and I could feel a headache starting to brew. I slammed the door behind me as I stripped off my outfit for the day. 
The bright red bloodstain on the back of my dress. I stared at it and without really knowing why, I burst into tears in the middle of my room. 
“Bebita?” Valentino’s voice came quietly from behind me. 
I felt him tug the dress from my hand and he wrapped his arms around me. I didn’t have to say a thing and instead laid my head on his chest as I sobbed. 
“Nothing a little stain remover can’t take out,” he said soothingly. “It’s alright. Why don’t you get in the shower? I’ll get your pjs and…”
“My two favorite ones are wrecked,” I choked out softly. “I bled all over the ones this morning, and my backups have a hole in them and…”
He pressed a finger to my lip and kissed my forehead. “Just let me figure it out while you go shower, okay?” 
There was something about he way he said it that left me with a feeling of comfort. I disappeared into the shower and by the time I came out, he was leaning against the bathroom sink, waiting. He handed me a towel and watched as I wrapped it around myself. 
“I have a heating pad and a cup of tea ready for you in bed. Toast, if you’re hungry. Advil if you want it. And if you’re in the mood to cuddle, I’m here. If not, I can stay with you or give you space. Remote is yours either way.” He pointed to a pile of clothes. “Period underpants. Vel sent them up. And…wear my pjs tonight. They’ll be looser than anything you own.” 
“Thanks, Val,” I said softly. “I’m sorry I was such a bitch when I came in.”
He cracked a smile. “Mi amore, I don’t think you know the true meaning of that word. Come on out when you’re ready.” 
I watched the door close behind me and got dressed in the outfit he left for me. I settled into bed next to him and sipped the warm tea. 
“I love you Val,” I said after a few moments. 
“I love you too, bebita. Even when you’re cranky,” he replied lightly. “And I always will.”
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whalesforhands · 1 year
heave your nausea pt.9
previous masterlist next
warnings: injury mentions, blood, stabbing, angst, i feel so dramatic for this chapter
The seconds tick by, each one weighing down heavily in the tense atmosphere, the dread that fills your lungs begging you to speak, to cull this tension before it gets worse.
Lightning flashes behind you as thunder crackles down.
Geto Suguru has grown older now is what you can notice in those few seconds. Longer hair that reached and cascaded down the length of his back, a small little bun holding his bangs together to allow that familiar strand to hang over his face. He’s taller, broader—
“Panda, get back-!” Yaga’s angered shout of worry is reverberating through the room of his office, the small bear leaping off before the older man’s strong arms could wrap around and catch him.
In the blink of an eye, the small animal had made its way to the incoming attackers, growling and acting out of pure instinct to combat the fear that shivered up his body, pacifier spit out before it pounces up and just about to land a hit before a sharp punch of one of the curses threw him back.
You bubble the small bear before one of Suguru’s curses could smack it away, head turning back just in time to catch the curse that was going for Yaga before—
“You should keep your eyes on me.”
You barely have time to brace yourself before you’re thrown through the window, shards of glass and bits of rubble bouncing off of the thin shield you’ve formed around yourself that was just enough to swallow the brunt of the impact.
(You’re hardly used to the effects of being ‘dead’ for so long.)
You hurriedly bubble yourself, flying away to create distance from him and Yaga. It’s you that he wants, right? Then he’ll follow.
“Hah.” His laugh is void of humor, the look on his face scrunched into one of despaired anger and sorrow that you swore you could see seeped deep into his very soul, shoulders squared and eyebrows furrowed in despondent misery.
“You think you can run? Taking that appearance, at the very least act a little like her.”
He’s already hot on your trail, even as you do your best to fly as fast as you possibly can, cursed energy flickering as you attempt to stabilize yourself. Sweat and anxiety bleeds into your very core.
You know he won’t listen to you right now, with the way his pretty amethyst gaze had clouded over, the way the corner of his eye threatened to spill the singular tear that was building up.
His body is acting against him to not hurt you. Yet, his mind was on a pursuit of revenge, compressed emotions of guilt and regret making him go berserk, hyper focused on only getting whatever was controlling you dead.
Because he knows, he’s accepted it by now, 6 whole years after that incident. Despite Gojo’s denial and almost manic obsession that only further twisted Suguru’s own possessiveness of your corpse.
You can never be alive.
(Yet, why are you standing before him, breathing once more? Why does whatever parasite within you act so similar? Down to your breathing pattern, way of movement, hell, to even the way you tuck your hair behind your ear— This hurts, thishurtsthishurtsthishurts—)
You’re sending out barrages of small, knife like hardened formations of your shields towards him, acting as a deterrent to slow him down.
“Her powers are not for you to use.” His voice is deadpan, cold and absolutely heartbreaking to hear as he flies through with ease.
Your hands clasp around the one that was squeezing your throat, his grip so strong that even you could tell he was barely holding back from crushing your windpipe.
He’s caught up to you, broke through your lackluster power through sheer willpower that was fueled by rage.
You can’t stop him.
“Don’t you dare try that, you vile thing.” He clenches down harder on your neck, eyes softening just the slightest when he sees you struggle from the pain, before you see his focus, his anguish come back into light, the tears in his eyes beginning to gather the more he looks at you. “You’re lucky you look like that.”
The last sentence came out as a whisper, a silent act of mercy before his hold relents just a little, enough for you to speak. “Now tell me what you did.”
What did ‘you’ do to disturb the eternal rest of his beloved? What did ‘you’ or some sick higher up pull to try to gain an upper hand on both him and his family?
He’s blind to reason, acting on pure emotion as he looks at you again and again. As if drinking in the sight of you alive, the sight of seeing you being able to live up till this point.
Your life that he would’ve gotten to see bloom if he had been stronger that day.
(Then you would’ve never been in this situation. It hurts, tears at his heart as he looks at you.)
You’re going lax, black dotting your vision as you struggle to talk, to explain yourself.
“I don’t know…!” You’re struggling to breathe as you barely pant that sentence out. It’s the truth, you really don’t know. Your legs kick as you struggle for him to loosen his grip, your heart squeezing and clenching at the feel of your beloved Geto Suguru harming you.
You never wanted this.
“Not talking?” He suddenly drops you, letting you free fall from his grip in the sky as you blearily see him pull out a spear from his worm. “Then die.”
You can block this. You can, can’t you? No. Don’t try to risk it. Teleport instead. You look back only to catch sight of a blonde on the battlefield.
“Nanako, don’t—!” It’s too late, the picture had already been taken as the blonde girl starts focusing all her cursed energy into it, shifting the photographed items around in her panic.
A foolishly brave attempt to save you.
The background begins to shift, the trajectory of the already whirling spear rocketing towards the blonde girl now.
You’re pierced through your midsection, the weapon stopping short of your front as you feel the metal plunge deep into your guts, cold steel making contact with warm flesh as it embedded itself into your very core, your clothing seeped in your own blood as you choke from the pain.
Ah. It’s almost laughable how your teleport only ever works in situations like this.
“Geto and Gojo?” Yaga sighs, leaning back into his chair as he let a look of mock annoyance grow on his face.
You vigorously nod your head.
“Those troublesome brats married and adopted a bunch of kids together. The twins, a little boy and his sister.”
You can’t let her see her own parent in his manic state. You hold her closer, hiding her face away into your chest and pulling yourself together into her, practically smothering her face as you feel her start to cry, to tremble in your arms.
“I-I’m sor-Ry! I wanted t-to help!”
“Shh… Shh. I’m sorry, Nanako. Be good for now and trust—“ You’ve heard her call you that. “Mama… Okay?” You ignore the stabbing pain, ignore the agony of your physical body as you fight back the tears, the sheer suffering of the wound as you feel prickling burn of having a weapon shoved into you.
(Because Suguru must’ve gone through hell to be reacting like this.)
She physically relaxes, body going limp and slumping her head forward, the tension leaving her as you tighten your arms around her protectively.
“You damned fiend.” You can hear the soaring of the manta ray that closed in on the both of you, your back hiding Nanako away from plain sight.
“What?” He almost sounds like he’s in disbelief. “You think clinging onto whatever you’re holding now is going to—“
He feels it, that weak, faint, but familiar pulse of cursed energy. Nanako, one of his beloved children.
And it starts to hit him, the plunge of an arrow of realization sinking deep into his bones as he starts to gain back a sense, the smallest shred of reason that stemmed from his uncontrollable, unrelenting belief that you could still possibly be alive.
Not a single time did ‘you’ try to land a harmful hit on him.
Not a single time did ‘you’ care more about ‘your’ well-being first.
Not a single time did he allow himself to let go of his rage.
(All this time, he had still been grieving after all.)
No. Nonononononono—! It can’t be, he saw it, he saw the day that that incident happened, there is no plausible way. There is absolutely—
“You… Let Nanako go now.”
You relent, letting the little girl go as her teary gaze meets her own father’s. “Papa…” She’s crying hard, not understanding just what was happening right now. Why are you so beaten up? Why does he look so angry? There weren’t any scary curses for him to beat up… So why?
Explanations can be saved for later, Geto decides. A smaller, cuter curse is summoned. Friendlier and one of his least threatening in nature.
“Papa will— Explain later. Leave us for now, okay, sweetie?”
Nanako nods, quickly glancing at you and waving goodbye as you try your best to return, doing your utmost best to hide the fact you’ve been stabbed through your torso as she gets on the doglike curse that swiftly carried her away.
You’re both alone now. Rain pelting down onto the both of you as you’re slumped over on the ground, knelt down and defeated, the dress that you had awakened and found yourself wearing dirtied and stained in mud and debris, ripped and torn at the skirt from the battle. Bruises marked your neck and exposed skin as your blood flowed from the many cuts you had sustained.
It’s over. You lost.
“S-Suguru…” You manage to croak out as your fingers dig into the dirt below you. “I’m sorry.”
You close your eyes as tears spill down. “I-I don’t know.”
Don’t know how you’re here. Don’t know why you’re alive once more. Don’t know what’s happening anymore.
You’re ready to be executed by him if that was what he intends to do. You’re just happy you get to see most of them again after so long.
“Thank— You. For letting me see you all- again.” You’re trembling as you try to smile through it. To let him see at least that you won’t, don’t fault him for his actions.
You will forgive him no matter what. Simply because that was who you were.
In that moment, Geto Suguru realized he had made yet another mistake. The way your voice tenderly, softly enunciated each syllable of his name. Your manner of speech, your words. It’s irreplaceable, impossible for anyone else to imitate.
It is you. There is no mistake this time.
(Even if this was a lie, he’ll happily live in its beauty.)
He’s down on his knees before you now. Hand shaking reaching out and gingerly pressing your head into his chest. Right onto his heartbeat.
(Trusting. Unguarded. He’ll let himself be deceived just this time around.)
His forehead pressed against your own as you feel a tear hit your cheek, his now grown black hair cascading down around the both of you, acting as a curtain that barely shielded you both from the pouring rain.
“I missed you.” It’s your voice that echos in his ears first, like a broken melody that was overplayed a time or two, it shrouded him in his long awaited relieve. The night that ran low, leaving him alone all these years had him running, chasing after the long shadow the lone lamp extended to him. He held on and on and on, and yet— It dissolves away to hear you talking to him once more.
The guilt that riddled him for years dissipates with your flickering life.
“Shoko— I’ll bring you to Shoko, okay?! Don’t close your eyes!” He’s picking you up bridal style as he carefully, skillfully avoids pressing against your wound to keep your blood within you.
You’re barely responsive, starting to lose your consciousness again as you nod.
“If I get another chance…” Your hand trails up to his cold, rain ridden cheek. “I’d love to— Spend it with you all again.”
“Stop talking!” He’s crying now, shouting and ignoring you in favour of speeding towards the school with you in his arms, pushing his curse to fly faster and faster as he cradles you close.
He will make it this time around. He will save you and fix what he couldn’t. For if he doesn’t, he won’t be able to endure the pain anymore.
previous masterlist next
Suguru gave up because he heard you call his name. That was enough for him.
Suguru has seen Panda before. He went easy on it and was careful not to hurt it too much even in his rage.
Much like Panda, he went gentle with you too. He still wants to preserve the body, after all.
Suguru has reversed cursed technique in this au. Much like Gojo, he can only use it on himself and not others.
Healing bubbles take a LOT and I mean a LOT of cursed energy. You don’t have RCT but you do have that aha.
Gojo’s still picking up Megumi and Tsumiki. Legends say that Ijichi’s just pulled the car up to the school.
You couldn’t really talk during your midair chase with him, it would slow your cursed technique because of how little cursed energy you could muster up. You were basically breaking into your reserves with how much you had left.
nvy’s aftertalk:
i have an obsession with u getting in deadly situations hahah
get it? cause pt.6 was called endure ur pain so that last sentence narrows back to it cause geto never fully stopped enduring it hahaha
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zeloinator · 10 months
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So I made a shard of my Azem~ I haven't named her but shes a tank <3
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anachronismstellar · 11 days
Another day another scene from >Airplane vs The System< fic.
Should I post this on Ao3? Maybe, but that sounds like a Commitment(tm), and I'm pretending this is not a full fic lol so I'm posting here like is just a silly thing
There is a reference to another fun robot from a very good game released in 2007, if you get it I'll love you forever ❤️ fjsjskdjsk
Also, if you squint you can catch my fav mxtx baby showing up as a guest :D
TW: The System being a bully and uh torture? Nothing like canon tho
Hope you like it~!
Mobei-Jun became aware of himself slowly, like the first snow of the season. He wasn't able to feel his body, but his mind was there, commanding his fingers to bend, his head to turn left and right. Not that he had much to see, encased on an infinite white that made his eyes water.
Another thing that took too long to remember was how he ended up in such a situation. It was like trying to catch a slippery fish, the memory swimming away from him in the middle of a river of pain.
The only thing that kept him grounded was the memory of warm brown eyes and ink stained fingers. Shang Qinghua's face was a constant flash on Mobei-Jun's mind, but something kept making him flinch, there was something wrong with their last encounter, something that he couldn't-
“Oh, you're awake. Welcome Character_s201,” the Thing that looked like Shang Qinghua appeared in front of him, wearing something that seemed to be An Ding Peak robes, but didn't layer properly, as if the fabric kept melting against itself when the Thing moved.
Not that It moved much, it was like watching the shadow version of Qinghua, the Thing so still It looked like a doll. Mobei-Jun had faced many monsters throughout his life, none that actually chilled him to the bones such as the creature in front of him.
“There's no need to be scared, I won't hurt you,” It said as if It wasn't keeping Mobei-Jun bound to the wall, holding him so tight he could barely breathe. “You are here to complete a set of experiments to gather data. After the experiment, food will be provided, and you will be released.”
He said nothing back, focusing on keeping his eyes wide open. Could it be a shapeshifter? It would make sense, although no shapeshifter he had met behaved like that, they usually did their best to imitate their original forms to not attract suspicion. And a shapeshifter capable of knocking him out would be able to copy Qinghua's eyes.
A beat of silence passed between them, neither of them blinking. Then, as if It was seeing something to the side, it nodded, waving Its hand before changing forms right in front of Mobei-Jun.
Again, Mobei was an experienced demon. He had seen shit, as Qinghua would say, before even becoming Junshang's right hand. And after getting his title of Junshang's right hand, his encounter with weird creatures increased by leaps and bounds. He had seen shape-shifting done by different creatures and by magic, but nothing that could compare to what the Thing did.
It was like watching Junshang create a portal with Xin Mo, but instead of a tear in space and reality, it exploded in tiny multi-colored shards of glass, regrouping itself in a glimpse, the outfit now a neutral green and gray with accents of gold. Its face kept Qinghua's rounded shape, but the hair was mostly down, a small bun on top of Its head being held by a golden crown. The only thing it had kept the same were the eyes, still poison green that made Mobei's skin tingle as if a thousand fire ants were crawling over his body.
“Apologies for creating discomfort. Is this avatar more comfortable for interacting, Character_s201?”
Again Mobei kept his mouth shut. Whatever that thing was, it didn't want Mobei's comfort. He didn't believe in Its honeyed words either, what experiments? Was It going to torture him? What did It actually want?
“Character_s201 experience cannot be improved without proper feedback. Should I undo the avatar change?”
It was like he was listening to the words but couldn't grasp the meaning behind them. The most terrifying part was that the Thing sounded like Qinghua and Consort Shen when they thought no one could hear them. Was that the connection? Was this thing after Consort Shen? Or-
“Wh-” He tried to ask, the metallic taste on his mouth making him cough. The Thing approached, offering a ceramic cup with what seemed to be water, but Mobei wasn't stupid. He turned his face sideways, the movement bringing a searing pain to his neck, nausea and dizziness forcing him to close his eyes.
“There's no need for Character_s201 discomfort. Character_s201 health is important to not skew data results.” It insisted, grabbing Mobei-Jun's face, pressing the cup against his lips until he drank the liquid. He felt feverish, doing his best to spit on the Thing's face, but It did something to his tongue, as if it could control Mobei's body. He swallowed, the water healing his scratchy throat, but at what cost? It could have given him poison, or a truth serum, or-
“Water is important for Character_s201 maintenance. Now, Character_s201 experience cannot be improved without proper feedback. Should I undo the avatar change?”
Mobei-Jun felt himself sag, his wrists and legs burning as they held his weight. He was falling right into Its trap, spending his energy faster, becoming weaker.
“What's… An avatar?” He asked instead of physically fighting, but keeping his glare on the Thing. Which was good, because as soon as he asked, the Thing blinked, possibly for the first time since they had started talking, as if It had been caught by surprise by Mobei-Jun's question.
“An avatar is a graphical representation of a user, the user's character, or persona.” It explained after Its eyes flashed, blinking a couple of more times. “It's what Character_s201 would call my appearance.”
“It's fine,” Mobei-Jun grunted, agreeing with whatever nonsense the Thing was asking. Better a stranger than Qinghua's face, for sure.
“Understood. Avatar preferences updated. Now, shall we proceed?”
For the second time, the Thing pressed Its thumb against Mobei-Jun's demon mark, making the world around him plumb into darkness.
OK off I go to sleep now lol byeeeeee
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monstersandmaw · 4 months
Hello lovely friends and supporters! Thank you for your patience while I finish off this absolute behemoth of a story for you! You voted in the poll for a deep sea merman and a gn reader, so that is what I wrote for you.
All 13k words of it!
It's a new corner of my fantasy realms, with new characters I'm excited to introduce to you!
Content: gender neutral human reader becomes a part of a bandit gang made up of non-humans and struggles a little to find their place. On a new venture for the gang, the human becomes essential to the plan to smuggle a product from the Absolute Deep all the way to the capital, and in the process, they forge an unlikely relationship with a certain Deepfolk merman. Featuring some minor violence and threat to life, a near drowning, and mention of biting and very mild blood during nsfw, messy hand jobs and some oral, as well as some self-worth and self-deprecating humor on the human's part.
Wordcount: 13,324
The storm had mostly blown itself into quiescence overnight, though the air was still thick with salt and the wind carried gusts of seawater thinned with errant raindrops that spattered onto your cheeks and dribbled down your collar until you shivered with almost every step.
There wasn’t another soul out on the main Cliff Road that stretched the length of the Saraghin Coast and then dipped inland to become other roads that headed towards the capital. After close to three miles of walking in the pre-dawn gloom, you'd begun to think this ‘Arnak’ wasn’t going to show. You’d also completely forgotten about Nil trailing you until you saw the faintest flicker of a shape out of the corner of your eye and your hand went to the blade snugged in against your hip on reflex.
A lanky figure emerged from behind a gnarled rowan tree on your right and stood regarding you, motionless, for three pounding heartbeats before sliding back behind it, and you exhaled shakily. 
“Bloody hell,” you hissed, not sure if they could hear you or not, but you suspected they weren’t human and probably had really good hearing. “You scared the shit out of me, Nil.”
Something like shards of glass scraping together sounded on the wind, and you shuddered again.
Another half a mile or so down the road had you certain the selkie was going to be a no-show, but just when you’d begun to entertain the idea of turning around and heading for a warming drink, and maybe a tumble in the sheets with that minotaur barkeep to warm you up even more, you caught sight of a figure sitting hunched on a rock ahead of you, with the spotted sealskin of a leopard seal selkie shimmering in the grey light of the waxing dawn.
“Took your fuckin’ time,” the huge man growled as he got to his feet at your approach. “Avis said ‘before dawn’.”
“You didn’t give her a point to meet me. I’ve been on the road since well before dawn, friend. Shall we go?” you said with a firm but not unfriendly smile.
He just rolled his dark eyes and turned away without a word.
The man was massive, and built like the boulder he’d been sitting on, with colossal shoulders and a soft middle that belied the strength underneath. His iron grey hair was tied back in a low bun, and sections of it drifted across his eyes in the wind. He could have been anywhere from his late twenties to his early sixties for all you knew. 
Your companion said nothing whatsoever to you until you reached a tiny, switchback path in the cliff a couple of miles later, where he abruptly stopped, gestured with one salt-tanned hand, and said, “Good luck, human. If you survive this and I ever see you again, I might buy you a drink at the Three Eyed Rat myself,” and walked off in the direction of Saltwater Bite without another word.
For a long moment, you stared after him with your heart thudding in your throat, but with a deep breath for courage, and the knowledge that there was probably a shadow-less creature within earshot to help out if you got into trouble, you turned your attention to the cove below.
The slate grey sea still churned with the remnants of the storm, waves shouldering their way up the beach and raking their foaming wake down the gritty shingle shore in a relentless rhythm, but there was no sign of anyone down there. The whole thing felt horribly like a setup, but you tried to tell yourself that Avis and her crew liked you by now, and you had your uses too. You filled a niche in the group that no one else could. She wouldn’t give you up to the authorities or to a spy or even a rival crew so easily.
You hoped.
The switchback path took a while to navigate safely, and by the time you had made it to the bottom, the sun had just started to rise above the horizon, way out to sea. It cast a weak, silvered-bronze look to the water and to the wet, dark rocks, and made each of the pebbles beneath your boots glint like lost diamonds from a shipwreck. You picked one up and turned the ordinary stone over in your hand before lobbing it as far as you could out into the water.
The flat, bottom half of an empty oyster shell caught the light and you stooped to pick that up next, fitting it into the curve of your index finger and flicking your wrist so that it skimmed the waves. Well, it skipped twice, and then chopped into the waves and flipped over, disappearing out of sight beneath the water.
“Are you Avis’ human?”
The grinding, scraping voice came from the rocks somewhere to your left and you all but screeched in surprise. Your whole body jolted and you whipped your head around to stare at the rocks, but there was no one there.
“I’m not anyone’s human,” you fired back, defensive mostly out of surprise rather than any real outrage. “Where are you?”
A coarse, slightly wheezy laugh was your only reply for a moment, then, making a small bow-wave ahead of them in the water, a hand appeared around the rock.
The skin was grey and speckled, but it looked almost chitinous, and it reminded you of the kind of fancy gauntlets the armoured knights wore at jousting tourneys. As more of it appeared, you followed the line of that muscular arm, up its body to a shoulder that was equally armoured, with spiked protrusions like a fantastical pauldron, until the figure pulled itself around the boulder in the water and regarded you from pale, almost blind-looking eyes. 
The creature before you was like nothing you’d ever seen. If a sea dragon had mated with a shark, its offspring might have come close to this, but there was something of the monstrous merrow in their clearly bipedal body, and behind them in the water, like the spined tail of a sahaugin, floated a thick tail.
Your jaw must have been hanging open because the creature laughed that shattered glass laugh again and you blinked yourself back to the moment.
They had no real lips, only a slightly pinkish mouth that showed a double row of teeth, again like a shark’s, and they cocked their wedge-shaped head curiously at you. “Shark got your tongue, little human?” the creature snickered. “You weren’t expecting one of the Deepfolk in person then, eh?”
“I…” you faltered. “Forgive me,” you croaked, forcing yourself to speak. “It’s not often I find myself completely lost for words. And you’re right. I thought perhaps another selkie, or one of the shallower-dwelling merfolk would be here to deliver Avis’ shipment.”
“I’ve brought it personally for you,” the Deepfolk grinned, showing off all those teeth. It shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was to have a predator leer at you like that from the water, but it was what it was, and you hid it as best you could. “Are you going to come in and get it?”
Read all 13k words of it over on Patreon right now!
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Round 1A Wave 2:
Team Friendly Faces (Tiff and Tuff/Fumu and Bun [Kirby: Right Back at Ya'!] and The Animal Friends [Kirby's Dream Land 2/3]) vs Adeleine and Ribbon (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
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Team Friendly Faces: Tiff/Fumu and Tuff/Bun, The Animal Friends
Adeleine and Ribbon
The winner will move on to the next round! If they tie, or one of them wins by 5% or less, they’ll both continue on as a team!
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djdjdjmk · 2 years
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