virtualgirladvance · 3 months
Why do you have TWO maid outfits?
Yknow one for business and one for,,,
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ashes2caches · 19 days
If we don’t get another maid to sign up for our role play session I think we’re gonna have to start forcefemming the underbutler.
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woman-in-gem · 20 days
Local maid finds a flier seeking "allies in the war against the forces of entropy", applies to join magical girl group
Mostly they just redeem monsters of the week with three minute heart-to-heart chats, while indulging in as many Class S shenanigans as they can slip past the censors. But they let her in with the assumption that she's a demure type that can unleash a crimson nightmare flaying blade when driven berserk, which could be handy for season finales
She's not. Her moveset looks like
>Surrender and pledge service >Clean >Curtsey >Attend mistress >Mix household chemicals >Wait
Unfortunately, it turns out 60% of monsters are immune to chlorine gas, but only 6% of magical girls. And everyone keeps putting the gas masks on before transforming, which just makes them uselessly vanish in pops of pink light.
However! Creative application of her 'mix household chemicals' ability allows her to produce 'fresh tea' which can help set the right tone for both 'sincerely imploring monsters to see that there's another way' and 'interpretably platonic confessions of eternal love and devotion.' Such a clever maid!
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undasura · 2 months
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alien maidposting
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sometimescozy · 1 year
don’t you want to be a silly little maid? don’t you want to wear a frilly dress?? don’t you want your master to feed their silly little maid treats and rewards until their silly little maid can’t fasten the back of her dress anymore??
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akihatohnoofficial · 3 months
gloved hands forcing a maid’s mouth open and inspecting their teeth to ensure proper hygiene is being maintained. hands traveling across the body to ensure the skin is perfectly smooth. a light groping happens during the inspection to course, but it can’t be helped. it’s just something that happens in the workplace as part of these routine inspections and it would be such a pain to try and tell someone about it, and even if that happened who knows what kinds of repercussions would occur
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antaresarisen · 5 months
maids should not be forced to be disheveled. very unprofessional.
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discodyke-doggirl · 1 month
OKAY having a lot of thoughts so
being someone’s maid, assigned different tasks to do throughout the day. Right now, this maid has been tasked with cleaning Master’s laundry, as all of her clothes are unfortunately very dirty and sweaty because of this recent heatwave. She puts all the shirts and pants, socks and underwear, separates them by color and throws them gently into the washing machine.
But, it seems that a piece of underwear has gone missing! Master asks the maid about it, and she looks confused. “It probably got lost somewhere along the way, my apologies Master.”, she tells her.
Master isn’t upset but knows this must be punished. Not a heavy punishment as it wasn’t one of her favorite pieces of underwear, but a punishment nonetheless. The maid gets 40 spankings and a stern-but-loving order to be more careful of clothes in the future.
When the maid eventually gets to her room she looks teary-eyed from the pain but still smiling. She grabs a piece of underwear from under her pillow and starts sniffing it desperately, quietly whimpering and moaning “M-master…” as she sniffs her mind away.
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dogboyboyshorts · 9 months
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“MAID TO SKATE”-type gabriel to heal my soul
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virtualgirladvance · 3 months
Maids and mech pilots share a union and sometimes cover each others shifts.
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ashes2caches · 2 months
maid school fucking sucks. they’re forcing us all to tuck. honestly if i can’t let it hang i don’t even want the job.
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icecoldslugs · 1 month
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Dogshit maids
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maid-of-rose · 21 days
Maids should be allowed to teleport 100 miles per caster level as a standard action.
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girlthingswirls · 2 months
this is a piece i did a lil while ago, and shared privately, but i'm still excited to post it! wherein a maidbot (who definitely does not represent myself and is definitely a separate character by the name(s) of 12/Penny (which you can call me if you want)) is gifted a day of relaxation by her owner, whether she wants it or not (but god does she want it)
contains (digital) hypnosis, verbal modification, uncontrollable giggling, and a focus on tender touch.
As you most likely know by now (or can infer based on just the most basic of logical leaps), a good Maidbot is much more than a metal tube that will fold your laundry and dust your shelves. If you wanted that, you could spend much less money for something much simpler!
No, no, the purchase of a Maidbot is the purchase of what can only be described as the "synthetic touch" that a Maidbot's care provides. Where one may describe the apartment of a longtime bachelor as being in need of a "woman's touch", any home without a Maidbot on standby could always be improved by the hyper-tuned eyes of someone built and programmed with the express purpose of going above and beyond in her care for your home!
And so, that's what I do. I provide a synthetic touch. I go above and beyond, and above all, I provide what my owners may be lacking in life.
Sometimes, that takes me to... ahem.
Strange conclusions.
I believe it may have been a Tuesday (or perhaps a Wednesday) in the early months of a particularly breezy Spring when my owner at the time had asked me to forego my usual morning duties in order to spend some time with her, simply "hanging out" and relaxing. As my owner at the time was a particularly kind and well-learned woman who I enjoyed the company of greatly, I was more than glad to do exactly that.
We sat on her deck, as she sipped her morning tea and watched the birds overhead and fiddled a bit with her cellphone, until she asked me-- quite politely-- to disable my internal firewall.
"Why should I do that, ma'am?" I asked, authentically confused. My internal firewall would keep out all but the most dedicated and hyper-specific of malicious software, and any weaknesses were patched nigh-instantly. Disabling it was like... well, pardon my lewdness, but like going nude.
"Please disable your firewall, 12." She repeated herself firmly, and I was not going to make her say it again. After a moment of internal fiddling, the firewall was off, and my owner smiled. "Thank you, 12. I believe we're going to have a bit of fun this morning."
I tilted my head, confused. "Wha-hahahahaha-?!" As I began to ask her what she meant, instead a burst of uncontrollable laughter escaped from my voicebox. My hands clapped over the speaker instantly, and if I had cheeks to blush with, they'd be burnt bright red. "I-I'm terribly sorry, ma'am, I don't know what haa-hahahahahaha-!!" And again! I let out a small shriek and cowered somewhat, as my owner continued to leer at me with her wry smile. "I-I believe something's gone wrong with my v--vuh-voiiiihehehehehehe-!!"
I could barely speak without collapsing into those horrible laughs! My owner certainly recognized what was happening, but she just wouldn't quit smiling at me in silence! Had I already been infected with something nefarious?!
"What's wrong, 12?" She asked in a curt voice that would've made my spine tingle if I had one. "Are you alright? You sound stressed..."
Slowly, I enunciated each word. "I am... a-alriiiihihihihih-! I c-can't quit lau-ha-hahahahahaha-!!!" I pressed my hands against the sides of my face, flustered beyond imagine. The more I tried to speak clearly the worse it got! My owner took a sip from her tea and watched me writhe in silence, trying in vain to figure out whatever was making this happen.
"Oh, dear..." My owner stood, placing a biscuit between her teeth as she stepped closer to me. "It's okay, 12." She stepped behind me, and I was too petrified to move as her hands snaked down my shoulders, across my chest...
I let out a low laugh, barely able to keep myself together. "M-muh-- ma'am, I-I duh-don't..." Instead of giggling, my voice was cut off by my own in ability to speak as her right hand continued down, and down, and...
I giggled for what felt like an eternity, her skin so gently pressed against my shell, her left hand draped across me like a limp bit of cloth, her voice a soft whisper I could barely register. Words attempted to form themselves, but jumbled into nonsense as I writhed this way and that, my hips and my torso and my legs and my shoulders and my neck and my head all curving one way or the other.
At some point, her hand snaked back up enough to allow me to come up for air, and as the last of the giggles worked their way out of my system, I tilted my head back to meet her eyes.
"M-Ma'am, th-the-theeehehehehehehe-!!" I fell into another fit of giggles, and as I tried to pull my head forward in some kind of instinctual curl-up that these laughs caused, I instead found the sides of my face being held back, and--
She pressed her lips against my face, and even though I had no lips to speak of, it was as though mine were silenced by her kiss. My speaker fizzled into silence, and I could only hear her heartbeat and the gentle 'smek' sound her lips made as she pulled away. A thin strand of saliva trailed to the red lipstick-mark on my porcelain-white face, and for a moment I was concerned I'd power down completely.
"You don't have to talk, 12," Her voice came from everywhere as her hands came over my shoulders again, this time reaching beneath the simple dress I wore through the neckline. "You do so much for me, and I figure it's about time you have something done for you," Her fingers grazed against the ball-joint at my navel, and I felt a bubble of laughter rise up within me again. "Just breathe, and have fun..."
And then her hands crossed the threshold of my waist, and I must've woken the entire neighborhood.
That wasn't the only time that owner and I...
...ahem. Well, I shouldn't elaborate any further. Terribly impolite of me to share something like this, anyway.
Terribly impolite indee-ehehehehehehe-ed.
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aurumarii · 2 months
Hey what's up I'm the t4t maid. No I don't offer cleaning services or anything like that. I can suck your shit stupendously though
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akihatohnoofficial · 2 months
I'm afraid I was raised not to love maids of any type. It's bad for them, gives them unhealthy ideas if they receive any affection like that. it's like letting your cat roam outside freely.
nods silently and a single tear rolls down my cheek
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