#bully and tomboy
gaiabamman · 10 months
More than a pretty face: chapter 2 is out!
Margherita witnesses Re's brutal rejection of a love declaration: what a dick! When, on a different instance, the bully denigrates the same girl, Margherita cannot keep quiet anymore; who is this meek girl she's become?
She gives Re a piece of her mind and gets herself in a load of trouble. Now the king wants to destroy her. Meanwhile, the unexpected kindness of Re's best friend does not go unnoticed....
The plot thickens!
Please follow, share, and comment <3
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samusaransimp · 4 months
My thing with Eris in Hades 2 is that I want to keep giving her things because I want her and Melionoe to fuck nasty but I also don't want her to stop being mean to me
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baphometsgirlcock · 1 year
I love bullying masc sapphics 🥰 when butches and tomboys melt at my touch, at my breath, at my words, it makes me feel so so hot and powerful. I’m legit addicted to it
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lord-pigeon · 1 month
Nothing is more tragic than playing gachas and being a battle hungry/rough woman enjoyer frfr
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ASSA AÏCHA SYLLA as imane bakhellal in SKAM FRANCE (2018-2022)
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rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
Listen, everyone and their dog has already talked about what an awful parent Chicken Little’s Buck Cluck was, but why does no one talk about the fact that the second worst part of the movie is that Foxy Loxy, formerly a sporty tomboy, had her personality completely rewritten to be more traditionally feminine, and this was treated as a good thing in-universe?!!?!?
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swallowtail-ageha · 2 years
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Same vibes
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queers4years · 1 year
It kinda bothers me how people are so hyped up about the Barbie Movie™ that they keep framing it like the dolls were the best thing to ever happen to little girls. Like the creator's 'original intent' for her daughter or whatever doesn't stop it from being a capitalist venture that sculpted the toys isle from being for kids in favor of strict delineations between toys for boys and toys for girls. Believe it or not, but toys are more gendered now than they used to be, and that wall of pink in the toy isle is at least like 70% Barbie stuff. And like does anyone else remember when Barbie was like the antithesis of feminism? feminists used to rally against Barbie for being a toy forced upon girls that chipped away at their self esteem. GOD the damage Barbie has done to kid's body image over the decades. The amount of eating disorders that have come about bc girls were told to idolize Barbie's impossible proportions. And like Barbie in the 90's that said 'math class is tough', like THAT is Barbie history, and if you gloss over it with stuff made in the last 10 years of Barbie's woke facelift you're ignoring what Barbie MEANT for most of its existence.
like I'm not saying don't have fun watching the movie, but don't rewrite history about the doll
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princeof-flowers · 2 months
Coming up with the kids in this story and how they interact with each other already as if they've even been born yet hfjdkddjjddjdk
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catcatb0y · 8 months
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This is the same op. The same post. Just edited.
I entered the notes expecting a TERF block list, but I was instead greeted with thousands of accepting and understanding queer people echoing the initial statement. Butch lesbians loving being called 'boyfriends', casual women enjoying "dude," or "bro," or "man," people embracing he/him lesbians, an abundance of love for drag kings, and people being incredibly supportive of gnc and genderfluid people.
But the edited post. Is TERF bait.
Like, taking it at the value that it's at (we should hate men because they can fuck with gender but we can't) is outrageously hypocritical??
Misandry (a predjudice/hatred of men and masculinity mirroring that of misogny) is not going to solve the demonization of masculinity within the queer community- which is a large part of WHERE the issue originates. The queer community and the non-queer community have two vastly different divides (which is important when considering the 'legitimacy' around discussions concerning misandry)
The reason [non queers] push or accept femininity in gay men is because of misogny, because it allows them to push a homophobic stereotype of gay men being 'basically women' and therefore [basically (lower than) men]. Gay men reclaim this stereotype by embracing said femininity, but that does not exempt them from the misogyny that they face as gay or gnc men*.
Because of that misogyny outside of the queer community, the people who use femininity to demonize gay men are appalled by the idea of using masculinity to empower queer women.
If this were the standard case within the LGBT community, it would already be rectified by the very people who have claimed to create a community haven.
But it's not.
Because the LGBT community has created a reactionary space based on the same principals that demonized them, but in reverse.
The reason that LGBT people aren't accepting of he/him butches or drag kings or masculine gnc women is because a large part of them has pushed out that masculinity and created a stereotype of femininity being the epitome of comfort and queerness. Gay women who attempt to co-opt any sort of masculinity are demonized by the (fear) of [the patriarchy] in the form of men, and their femaleness does not exempt them from the bioexistentialist misandry that has been birthed of TERF ideology*.
Because of, what's boiled down to radical reverse misogyny (which leads to reactionary misandry), the people who use femininity to (humble) and claim gay men as "safe" via are appalled by their very own Peak Of Goodness (women who are Pure and Good, who Only Love women who are Good and Pure) co-opting the very thing they have claimed to build a haven from.
(*It's the same principle in reverse. Feminine gay men still experience misogny, and masculine gay women still experience misandry. There is no predjudice that ONLY harms it's attempted target. Ergo: misandry would NOT help gay women who want to act masculine or to be a man.)
Misandry and butch lesbians cannot coexist. Misandry is the thing that gets trans women assaulted in women's bathrooms. Misandry is the thing that gets transmasc nonbinary people turned away at the door to queer spaces. Misandry is the thing teaching young lesbians to parrot "All men suck," like 'Polly wants a cracker'- because wild concept. Women- espeically wlw- who don't like men. Won't be welcoming and accepting of people like them (women (who love women)) co-opting the language of the people they hate.
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9 random OCs! (plus names~!) (left to right!)
Tatsuo Namida
Shimaro Fujiwara
Miyuki Asuka
Hanako Wakanara (twins with Kohana)
Kohana Wakanara (twins with Hanako)
Minako Konami
Reika Yotsuba
Saki Mai
Taiyo Torayoshi
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gabrielapazlima · 24 days
Why do i ship Cuddlejump⚡️❤️
(Hoppy hopscotch x Bobby bearhug)
And how i see their dynamic being like!
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if you guys follow me for a while you guys may already noticed my very normal adimiration for the ship between hoppy hopscotch and bobby bearhug from the smiling critters...its not like they are 90% of my art gallery and that i cannot shut the fuck up about this ship hahaha right?
well,yea,i really,really,REALLY like them- its a ship that i pratically came up with first than anyone and somehow other ppl ended up found of them....but why? Why does Gabriela da paz lima is so normally obcessed with the ideia of a green tomboy rabbit n a red carebear being a couple?
At fist you may think "Uhh it is probally because of the classic tomboy tough girl x soft girly girl archetype right?" and yea,i can see why ppl think that is a very famous lesbian ship dynamic i respect ppl that are solid into them bc of it.... but its deeper to me than that...first i want to talk abt hoppy n bobby's solo characters first!
Hoppy Hopscotch⚡️🐰
ngl when i entered this fandom she was like,my favorite...i still love her tho
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she is basically the energetic tomboy of the group acording w her official descreptions,she is also know as THE big motivation force of the critters,always pushing them out their comfort and have a very adventuous n positive spirit-
BUT she have very noticeble characters flaws as well,not only she is quite loud but she tends to be bossy n really impatient,being described as someone that can be "handful to deal with",and before the book release she is literaly the only critters with her character flaws listed-
i always liked how her personality is kinda complexish in comparassion to other critters,she is clealy have a good heart,very loyal n likes to help the others (which we can see in her cardboard line) but she can come up as rough n "overwhelming" in the way that she does it,she doesnt have the intention of hurt or being mean but she still comes as rude due her lack of patience n understanding( cof cof autism) of ppl's limits-
i really like her i feel like she is SO underrated:( you guys have to STOP make her a bully,she is NOT like that.)
Bobby bearhug🐻❤️
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i love bobby so much that is not even funny,she is my kin baby-
she seems to be the typical shallow love girl at first sight but...theres so much more abt this carebear....
in her descreptions she is basically the mom friend of the group,she is here to keep her friends together not matter what,she is very phisically affecionate,she is emotional inteligent being very patient n understanding ( which is kinda of what hoppy lacks 👀) n her compassion don't limits itself to only hed friends but to things,places n basically any living thing-
she seems to be pretty much the perfect girl right?...well yea almost....and then theres her voice lines that give a very tonal shift to her character....
"i love you to the moon and back!im CRAZY about you...im lost without you...i been lost a long time....please take me with you this time....you'won't leave,will you?!"
at first it seems some kinda yandere shit but reading more and more deep in that,it sounds so desesperate n sad tbh...i seems like she is not thay confident by herself n DEEPLY fears the abandoment...which is...very ironical for HER character...
"But these lines are about the bbis destiny" yea i know but these lines are ALSO reflected in their cartoon personalities,like kickin being scared n hoppy being impatient...it very likely that is ALSO linked to her canon personality as well...which also makes me think in what amber said about her...
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Damn thats....so relatable...i always try my best to be there for other ppl but im always so hard to myself when i know that i should not....thats a perfect irony to the "love character"...
she does not have that much of strong will for herself,she does not love herself in the same way that she loves everyone...she feels weak and defenceless n unwanted being at her own because she doesnt feel enough...
fuck,im crying...They will NEVER make me hate you,bobby bearhug.
🐰⚡️About Hoppy n Bobby's relationship🐻❤️
you see...they are both are very complex girls that love to support people on their own distinte ways,hoppy is the more of phisical support crittet while bobby is the emotional support critter- they deeply care about their friends and they want see them trying news things...i would say that they both valorize support over anything,thats their main atribute-
but they are also deeply flawed in very different ways,hoppy is impatient,bossy n can come off as rude bc of her lack of caring side....also very reckless as consequence....(kinda the reason of why she died) Bobby is very emotional dependent which causes her to panic over the ideia of being alone n doesnt like trying to push herself to do anything when she is feeling too alone( that also can be the reason of why she died)...
they flaws n qualities...weidly compliment each other well...hoppy needs more emotional inteligence n more understanding,not only of other ppl's limits but her own limits.... Bobby needs strengh will and motivation due her deep insecurities and self loath,she can be stronger than she is at her own,and hoppy can show that to her-
i feel like they dynamic is really strong and be summarized as "Besides all our differences,we value the same thing and in the end of the day,i really need you"
i just REALLY love comprimentary duos + opposite atract sorry- call me basic bitch.
💚More of their dynamic plus personal headcanons❤️
i like to think that hoppy would be sighly unconfortable with bobby's affection fowards her at first but she is slowly beggins to enjoy it and reciprocate it-
i also like to think that they would be the ones to come up with the group's activities together,hoppy tries to do batshit insane stuff but bobby tones them down to be safier-(they MIGHT go into lil fights abt it)
also hoppy really enjoys bobby's anger/tough moments because she is surprising REALLY strong but she always never show it-
hoppy also tends to be emotional but she nevr shows it util bobby find it by her own and she ended uo breaking her tough girl persona in front of her(which of course bobby accepts)
Bobby,hoppy n kickin were kinda of a trio and they basically the over loving girl,the cool "chill" guy and the hyperative dumbass...it fits them...
i have a MILLIONS of stuff to say about them but i would be here forever sooo i hope you guys have enjoyed my yapping about cuddlejump:)
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henneseyhoe · 1 month
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Jude Bellingham x BLACK!FEM!Reader
WARNINGS: SMAU, Rude(ish) comments, A bit smutty at the end but nun too serious, Jude being a velcro boyfriend, basketball player!Reader, Touch me not!Reader, Nonchalant(ish)!Reader, Clinginess, fluffy, reader is a bit of a tomboy (but it’s not really implied ig??), Readers sexual preference is questioned a few times lmao.
Ahh, a tale as old as (you*) time if you ask me! It seemed that since you were little, no one could read the sign you mentally placed on your forehead that said DO NOT TOUCH. that included Jude.
100% use to be time limit on how long he can hug you when you two first started dating and he thought he was slick going over a few seconds just to see if you’d notice. 😭
He respects you not wanting to be touched so often but sometimes he genuinely does forget and slips up.
Sometimes you let him get away with it, other times you smack his hand away like you’d do a naughty child.
He’s so touchy that sometimes you don’t even notice until he moves.
“Hm?” He hums, eyes on the computer screen resting on your stomach that was playing princess and the frog.
“Jude” You call even firmer than before.
“Yes, baby?”
“Your hand, dude…”
His eyes dart to the suspecting hand, his entire palm softly groping your boob under your shirt as if the hand was supposed to be there.
“Oh! Sorry-“
He waits till you’re asleep to cuddle you when you two are finally together again and on break; you wake up with a full grown man nearly on top of you.
You once told him to start asking for kisses instead of just kissing you and you ended up answering more than ten questions in just one evening.
He doesn’t even get jealous of you interacting with other men that may be interested in you because you kinda hate everybody??..💀
He’s also leaving multiple hickeys on your neck so they can see just in case but you had to immediately stop him from doing that before a coach or a teammate saw and bullies you for it.
Hiding the relationship from the public was difficult enough but he quite literally acted like you two were conjoined at the hip at times.
When you soft launched you two’s relationship your friends were in such shock that you even let a man get close enough to you to speak without him being pepper sprayed.
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Liked by jkeey4 and 567,086 others
do not disturb.
ᴠɪᴇᴡ ᴀʟʟ 2,758 ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ
❤︎ ʙʏ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ
ynusername You know who i’m with! 😹
❤︎ ʙʏ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ
❤︎ ʙʏ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ
USER3 could have sworn she liked girls—
USER4 Y/N plays basketball so good she got ppl thinking she a lesbian wow
USER5 Lesbian allegations in her first year of playing in the WNBA omg we made it yall!!
USER6 Girl we know who that is
USER7 right, she covering his face like we blind???
ynusername Never tried to hide him lol
USER8 Oh so this is why we aren’t winning any games lol…
USER9 Lost to the fuckin SPARKS bro…
USER10 Is it really that deep?
ynusername your whom?
judebellingham ???????
judebellingham 🤍👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽
❤︎ ʙʏ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ
judebellingham I live to breathe the same air as you.
❤︎ ʙʏ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ
USER15 okay tone it down a little jude-
USER16 He’s so- 😭😭😭
USER17 I have a hunch that she’s gonna eat him and use his football talent to gain powers
ynusername My plans have been foiled
USER18 a sports crossover i never expected to see ngl????
USER19 right? 😭
USER20 It’s a pr stunt guys lol
There’s a good bit of people that still don’t think you two are actually together, exhibit A:
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He surprisingly ignores all of these comments cause he knows what’s real.(you show em jude!)
Everybody can just tell he bagged you by being absolutely delusional and they were correct.
All those story likes, comments and convincing you that he was cool finally paid off!
Also he was very much so one of those “omg you’re so smallll” type of flirts 💀 and it took you every bone in your body not to kick the back of his knees in.
Now you probably wouldn’t have won that fight but while he was down on the floor you’d have enough time to run for your life.
He’s definitely that boyfriend that walks with his hand in your back pocket.
Has told you multiple times before that not being with you feels like he’s having withdrawals. 😭
Poor baby HATES when you tour but he still roots for you, posting pictures of your team on his story and all. 😖
Sharing location? He has yours on every single device and watches it occasionally when you’re traveling lmfao.
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You wouldn’t be surprised if he secretly has a burner account where he claps back at people who come for your game performance.
It wouldnt be the first time he’s said something to critics. 🧍🏽‍♀️
If he can’t make it to a game then best believe he’s watching it on his phone and jumping up every time you get a point of your own. 😭 (we love a supportive wag)
He definitely has one of your jerseys and you absolutely have his.
Because you didn’t like being touched so often, naturally your favorite sexual position was riding. (it was also a great leg workout) You loved that you could be in control of him and how he touched you. If he got too handsy, you weren’t a stranger to pinning his arms down to your mattress and he would practically be too weak to protest against it anyway.
When you did allow him to touch you how he wanted, his favorite position was sideways spooning. A position where he could hold you as much as he wanted, keep you still within his arms and still fuck your brains out while getting his fix of touching you without limit. He basically went feral anytime it happened, the first time he was surprised he could cum that much, all the evidence laid across the dimples of your back (i’m sorry i couldn’t help myself LMAO)
By the time you two were together for over a year, Jude could just feel you softening up for him a little more day by day and he just couldn’t wait till you were as touchy as he was
💌~ I hope yall like this, i wrote it along with this lewis fic that’s kinda the same but also not? 💀 yall will see it soon lmfao
also, give Jude his WNBA gf(me) NOW!! we got league babies to make frl
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cannibalsmayhem · 20 days
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Pt: L G B T I Q R I T P M K +
Lesbian (+)
Gay (+)
Bisexual (+)
Trans (+)
Intersexual (+)
Queer (+)
Radqueer (+)
Inclusionist (+)
Transid (+)
Paraphilic (+)
Mogai (+)
Kinky (+)
Pt: This is a comunnity label that includes all these stances (and more).
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This flag supports all kind of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, pansexuals, omnisexuals, polysexuals (etc) // MSPEC, contradictory labels, lesbians / gays that doesn't like woman / men ( etc ) // Also supports contradictory identidies // Transfem AFAB / Transmasc AMAB , lesboys , gaygirls , femboys , tomboys ( etc ) // .
This flag DOESN'T support "transmeds" but supports the freedom of trans people in all their decisions // Body modifications ( being a minor or not ) , trans feminine boys / trans masculine girls , to take testosterone ( being a minor or not ) , who do not want to modify their body or take testosterone ( etc ) // .
This flag supports the free choices of intersex people // genital operations ONLY WITH THEIR CONSENT , anti - mutilation with no choice , anti regender assigment without consent ( etc ) // .
This flag supports all kinds of good - faith queers , but does not support those who are pro - harassment or pro - bullying .
This flags supports all good - faith blankqueers , including radqueer , doesnt support those blankqueers who are harmful towards other people .
This flag its entirely inclusionist , It doesn't matter if you don't like the other person's way of life , it's their life , not yours .
Anti - antis who are pro - harrasment .
This flag supports all kinds of transids and supports non - harmful transition .
This flag supports all kinds of paraphilias and all kinds of stances ( but does not support non - consensual acts ) .
This flag supports ANY mogai labels .
This flag supports all consensual kinks .
This flag supports all good - faith identidies !
Pt: If you don't like us please just block!
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
I just wish white trans men would realize that masculinity isn't empowering for ALL transmascs or even enbies.I'm black afab and multigender so i identify as a trans man and genuinely enjoy the label but i didn't have femininity forced onto me,i was masculinized against my will to humiliate and dehumanize and abuse me ever since i was little kid by boys AND girls AND grown ass people and yes,i'm part of the 'tomboy to femme tboy' pipeline but it was never about validation,it was about INvalidating me as a girl because i was a black girl and the misogynoir that comes with it made me not be seen as a 'real' girl.I wasn't one of the guys or one of the girls even though i've always been both male and female and i now see it's because i was 'the gender freak' instead and that combined with my autism made nobody want to be friends with me even though i was always super nice to everyone and even a bully beater that stood up for kids who didn't even like me because i thought it was the right to do because my abuela raised me right
This is exactly why i hate the lack of intersectionality and inclusivity to nonstandard transmasculine experiences in the white transmasc community.I'm a black woman and i know for a fact if i'd been born amab,i would've been a transfem one because i'll always BE a black woman.You can't take that away from me for your own comfort and then get mad when i'm rude over it because you're literally misgendering me.I'm a black man too but a FEMME black man-All this pink and fem terms and soft aesthetics and kiddy interests are my personality and by extension my gender and it's antiblackness too to masculinize me for that since black males are also masculinized against their will even if black women have it worse.When i say i'm a boygirl and a faggot,i mean that shit and f*mboy is a transmisogynistic slur so i ain't using it and neither should any coward ass tmes on here.'Bigender','Genderfluid' and 'Black femme' are the correct terms for me.Keep your whiteness to yourself
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exhaslo · 10 months
Miguel Masterlist Updated.2
Here is all the stories I have written so far, request and non!
Kinktober Masterlist
Ghostface!Miguel x Reader: PT1, PT2
Puzzle Pieces (Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader) Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
1000 Follower Special
Miguel x Reader (Rekindled Love)
Bully!Miguel x Bullied!Ghost!Reader PT1, PT2, PT3
ALT Ending to Villain!Miguel x Hero!Reader
Bully!Miguel x Shy!Bullied!Reader
Popular!Miguel x Popular!Reader
Feral Miguel
Professor!Miguel x Shy!Reader
Pornstar!Miguel x PornStar!Reader PT1
Miguel x SmutLoving!Reader
Miguel x Thick!Reader
Annoyed!Miguel x Brat!Reader
Shy!Inexperienced!Miguel x Teasing!Reader
Miguel x Inexperieced!Reader
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